#(but sometimes derogatory)
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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nunalastor · 3 months
Rosie saying that Charlie is too young for Alastor implies that she is indeed younger than him. Why wouldn't she know how old the princess is?
Anyway, Susan probably thinks Alastor is a cradle robber and he should've just stuck with the TV boy, and maybe shouldn't play around with the blonde whore's daughter.
Susan thinks Alastor is a flaky bop.
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petricorah · 1 year
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for @lesmiserablol​ and their great fic now that i see you 
so i was going to do what you suggested but this expression reminded me of the smolderTM and i just decided to uhhh tangled au instead
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brother-emperors · 3 days
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lmao the rival dynasts are fighting and they're fucking it up for everyone else at a record pace
this tweet made me laugh, and I frequently make political comparisons between these specific groups of people, so now it's finally a comic
regarding the OctavianOctaviaAntony Uniteam Alliance
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Octavia Minor and the Transition from Republic to Empire, Katrina Moore
in the red panel, which is an obvious anachronistic soup of events happening all at once: we have on the left: messalla corvinus
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Alternative Memoirs: Tales from the ‘Other Side’ of the Civil War, Kathryn Welch
and then octavia (in despair & weaponizing that sacrosanctity to turn rome against antony), some kids (the two closest to antony are the twins, but tbh you can just kind of. pick whoever from the soccer team of kids antony had)
octavian and antony's back and forth is referencing suetonius augustus 68 and 69 (specifically: Antony also writes to Augustus [...] "What has made such a change in you? Because I lie with the queen? She is my wife. Am I just beginning this, or was it nine years ago? What then of you — do you lie only with Drusilla? Good luck to you if when you read this letter you have not been with Tertulla or Terentilla or Rufilla or Salvia Titisenia, or all of them. Does it matter where or with whom you take your pleasure?") and also the whole. thing. about antony's will. that sure was something.
the herod comment from kleopatra is referencing all of this
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Mark Antony: A Biography, Eleanor Huzar
AND FINALLY. the art in the inset panels are from The Roses of Heliogabalus, Lawrence Alma-Tadema
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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inviisiiblelee · 2 months
Alastor & Rosie in a tea party setting, gossiping about anything really up to you, please!
Rosie was always an incredibly gracious hostess, as far as Alastor was concerned. Before his disappearance, they'd often meet up just like this, Rosie having put together a little table by a window for people watching, tea glasses and pot ready and happy to share. It had been so long, and after the events of recent times, he really wanted to feel a sense of normality again. He arrived right on time, as always, and Rosie welcomed him with a big smile and open arms. They shared a brief hug, before the both of them settled themselves.
“Alastor, it feels like it's been ages!”
“Believe me, Rosie, I feel exactly the same. It's good to have real company for once.”
“Oh, you. Please, help yourself before we really dig in!” And he was happy to, finger foods galore and with the most pleasant of crunches. Nothing quite like a little bone marrow for lunch, indeed. She poured him a nice cup of tea, and he added a dash of cream to it before leaning back. 
“So, tell me, honey, how are things?”
“Insufferable, as usual,” came Alastor’s response, with a widening smile. 
“Oh, do tell, darling!”
“Things at the Hotel are just as miserable as you'd imagine! Charlie is just as fervent as ever, trying to get new patrons, and now that Lucifer is there—”
“So that really was him?”
“Yes, yes, he's chosen to stay there for the time being while he helps. Not that he's doing that much, anyway.” 
“He does seem a little empty-headed, doesn't he?” Her comment earned a laugh from Alastor, and some of the tenseness in his shoulders slipped away. 
“I am so glad you agree, Rosie. I've been doing my best to curb them all, and they're all terribly intrusive. Even Husker has been acting quite clingy."
“Really? He's always been a little protective, but clingy?”
“Exactly! After the end of the battle, he insisted on following after me and staying far too close. Even striking out didn't really deter him.” 
“You poor thing, you deserved plenty of space and rest on your own time!”
“Precisely my thoughts. I am fine, but he even sent Charlie checking up on me. It's been such a nuisance! So it's much nicer to be able to come out here.”
“Well, I am always happy to have you, you know that, Alastor! We all love you around here.”
“Oh, I know. If I could spend more time here, I would. But, please, enough of my silly tirade, how are things in your realm?” Alastor took a long drink of his tea, a delightful chamomile. Rosie grinned back at him, taking a drink herself.
“Things are lively as ever, of course. Susan has been less of a pain, all things considered, you might even be so lucky as to avoid her on your way out. The folks here are fairly happy, although there has been some talk of visiting the hotel from some, they've taken nicely to Charlie, as expected.”
“Naturally. I'm sure she'll be happy to have them in any case.”
“There have been a few sightings, though, of Vox and Lucifer both around these parts.” Alastor raised his brows. “They're both taking to spending an odd amount of time with Susan, I think she's developed some attachments. Whether she likes either of them, I have no real idea, I avoid them all.”
“That's probably for the best. Lucifer is infuriating to share breathing space with, and Vox has become quite the nuisance.”
Rosie peered at him for a long moment, but she brushed on to a new topic. “People have been saying something interesting, though, about someone unsavory coming in!”
“Oh? That sounds interesting, who?”
“Well, you didn't hear it from me … but they're saying it's you!”
The two laughed together happily, and Rosie shared more mundane little stories for his entertainment. She had many from the last several years that he hadn't heard, and he found himself happier than he'd been in some time.
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madame-mongoose · 4 months
calling glados a bitch is insane oh my god
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pleuro · 1 year
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2-4-1 Wakabamori (insp.)
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yu-tap · 7 months
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saccharinerose · 1 year
Rhysand: I’m the Most Powerful High Lord Ever... but having the Night Court be night 24/7 is too hard 🥺
Tamlin, Tarquin, Kallias and Beron, able to eternally keep their respective courts in their season’s temperature (which is determined by the angle of the sun’s rays hitting the earth) and the plant-life in the same growth stage with their magic:
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crowley spend the entirety of season 6 trying desperately to fuck cas, who’s completely oblivious cause he’s trying desperately to fuck dean, so crowley is pissed cause he thinks cas is fucking dean, who’s pissed cause he thinks cas is fucking crowley
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
OOF. There are so many good prompts on that list, I could barely decide! But I feel like I gotta go with “They’ll find me, they always do.” Preferably as spoken by Kon?
Kon doesn't know where he is.
Well—okay, he has a vague idea. It's... a box, somewhere underground, designed for holding Kryptonians. Designed for breaking Kryptonians, if he's entirely honest; courtesy of Luthor, of course. The walls are twofold, with all the air pumped out of the gap between the layers so that he can't hear anything from outside, and the strange, uncanny silence alone would be bad enough without the darkness, away from any sun.
The only light is, of course, the fucking kryptonite.
It's getting old, he thinks woozily. How many times is Luthor gonna pull this kinda shit? Does he really think he can break Kon's spirit just with a little (okay, a lottle) physical misery? Does he really think Kon will ever give up any of Kal's secrets just 'cuz of some pain, misery, and humiliation?
Admittedly, having to hand himself over for a bunch of civilian hostages just to get slapped with a kryptonite fucking collar is pretty heavy on the humiliation front, but still. Kon's a goddamn joke. He can take being a laughingstock.
He heaves a sigh, closing his eyes. At least the floor is cold and soothing against his flushed cheeks; the hot flashes are better than the cold sweats, so he's grateful, for the moment. He just has to outlast this, that's all.
At some point, the loudspeaker in the ceiling crackles and jolts him out of his doze. "You look pathetic," Luthor informs him. Kon musters up the energy to raise a middle finger to wherever the infrared cameras in here might be. "Classy as ever, Supernova. You could end this anytime, you know. And frankly, you owe me your existence; you'd think you'd be more grateful than this."
Kon rolls onto his back just to raise a second middle finger to the ceiling, too.
Luthor sighs. "So stubborn. Why do you insist on drawing out your suffering? There is only one way this ends, and we both know that."
"Yeah," Kon mumbles. He's too tired and achy to keep his arms up any longer, so he lets them fall back down to his sides. "There is. They'll find me. They always do."
Judging by the hiss of breath, Luthor doesn't care for that answer. Kon smiles despite the burning under his skin, and closes his eyes again.
Some time passes. Kon drifts vaguely in and out of consciousness, thoughts swimming; when the pain and the nausea grow too overwhelming, he retreats into the part of his mind that never left the tube at Cadmus and lets himself float away from reality.
He dreams about the swimming hole a little ways from the farmhouse. It's in a small copse of trees that stand out on the flat horizon; he took Tim there earlier this summer. They splashed around, swam, and made out sitting on the water's edge; right as they were about to leave, Tim stole Kon's shirt and jumped in wearing it, just to make Kon wear a wet T-shirt the whole walk home, and laughed at his own prank on and off all afternoon.
Kon likes when Tim laughs. The memory makes him smile; he can almost feel the warmth of the sunlight on his back as he reminisces. God, what he'd do for some sunlight right now...
Bang. Bang. Bang.
Light floods into the room, artificial, fluorescent light that does nothing for him. Kon squints vaguely at the silhouettes cast against it, but doesn't bother to lift his head; he'd rather dream of the swimming hole and the cool water lapping at his clammy skin.
"Is that a fucking collar?" Cassie's voice, frigid with rage. Warm hands brush against his throat as she kneels, and the sound of metal snapping reaches him from far, far away. "I'm going to kill Luthor. I'm actually gonna kill—"
"Not if I get there first," Bart says, his voice strangely taut. "Hey, Kon. Wake up!"
Someone else is at his side, too. Red, and black, and white eyes in a dark mask... oh. That's Tim, Kon realizes woozily, as a gloved hand cups his cheek.
"Kon," Tim says. His voice is low and urgent. He's not laughing. The kryptonite is gone, Kon realizes suddenly; there's a metal box next to Tim's knee. Classic Tim, he thinks. Always prepared. "Kon, can you hear me?"
Kon blinks at him. He probably should answer, but... he still feels like he's floating, and none of it can quite reach him. It's fine. It's probably fine.
Tim's lips press together in a thin, tight line. Kon doesn't like that; he shouldn't look so tense and unhappy. He likes when Tim laughs.
"Shit, that bastard really did a number on him," Cassie hisses. "Here, move. I got him."
Tim reluctantly pulls away. Kon whines a little as his hand drops from his cheek; he doesn't want Tim to go. But then Cassie is there, gathering him up into her arms, and Kon sighs, relaxing; she's warm, and he's suddenly acutely aware that he's freezing, and he knows in her arms, he's safe.
"Let's go," Cassie says, standing with Kon in her arms.
"He's shivering. Hold on." Kon watches through weary, half-lidded eyes as Tim fiddles with the clasps of his cape, pulls it off, and... oh. Drapes it over him like a blanket, then bundles him up like a baby, in Cassie's arms.
"If you guys have Kon, I can go murder Luthor real fast," Bart offers.
It's probably a sign that his friends are really, really pissed that no one immediately says no murder, Bart. Kon can't figure out what's going on, but he knows he's safe now. He closes his eyes and sinks into Cassie's arms and figures he'll just have to ask them to fill him in later.
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you-need-not-apply · 7 months
Tumblr is probably the only social media I leave feeling better about the world, the rest kinda of make me hate it
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 months
I have no problem projecting my own discomfort with negotiations and group projects onto Anakin. You know how when you're disagreeing over something, not getting your way feels bad, and getting your way feels maybe even worse, and compromises often make no one happy anyway? I think maybe Obi Wan can handle all that. I think maybe he feels smug when he gets his way. It's because of his time with Qui Gon, probably. Anakin though, I think he's more like me. I think he finds the whole thing a bit of an ordeal, just bad vibes all round. He's literally an apprentice diplomat and the whole process is causing Stress. This is why when he caught the dark side he just went ahead and started selecting option murder everytime. That also causes lots of bad feelings but like, he gets his power from them and his master tells him he's a good boy, so.
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katnissmellarkkk · 7 months
don’t ask me why but i was really surprised to hear francis say that when he came onto the films the one idea he had that jen pushed back on was developing the romances / the relationship between katniss and peeta and katniss and gale. evidently the romantic aspect of the series is what jen liked the least and what she considered the most immature ????
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bisonaari · 10 months
Yall really have sent the guy with the most finnish name ever huh
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kami-kun1003 · 8 months
Silver going by it/its pronouns because it genuinely feels happier and more comfortable being perceived as an object than a human (no im not projecting what are you talking about this is totally in character for it ahaha ha aha ah ha ha. ha)
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