uhohitsdorian · 1 year
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Mistah Gray and his big babygirl eyes
[Image: a doodled headshot of Dorian Gray with comically large, sweet eyes. End ID.]
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frozaru · 1 year
𝑴𝒆 𝑰𝒏 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆! 💙🐶
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(Drawn by @atlantisportal2)
Okay, so I've watched a couple of episodes of this show so far and to my surprise as a adult...I loved it! The humour, the characters, and even scenery...Bluey has become a comfort show for me and is truly better than a lot of what's releasing these days for children. So much in fact, that I recently bought an all-in-one package of season 1 + 2 (which has the Australian originals and bonus bits also so like a suuuper good package ngl). I don't have a fav character atm but I'll find that one at some point. :3 well, time to for me to watch more! Catch ya later~ 😊
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This is a good song for real life. ▶️
🎴My Carrd
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seenthisepisode · 5 months
i just booked a hotel in the mountains for new years eve. yes it's 1 am yes the price is. high. but omg i am so excited and also alive!!!!!
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My friend came over to hang out, it was nice.
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dailytomlinson · 4 months
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Louis in California back in July with friends and crew - posted 30.12
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oneleggedflamingo · 2 months
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A little shed by the forest.
- Vivera Rossi
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30.12.’23. 🫶
Ugodi sebi.Živi.
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hansa-lao · 2 months
zodiac signs for bots? (Based on character and is not an insult to anyone)
The Cybertronians do not have zodiac signs, they consider it useless. But there is astrology, but not like that of humans
Smokescreen 31.03 and Wheeljack 16.04 aries (ambitious, independent, impatient)
Ratchet 13.05 taurus (can work long and hard, the most hardworking sign of the zodiac, if he finds a suitable way of self-expression)
Arcee 4.06 and Optimus 9.07 cancer (understands the feelings and moods of others instantly, but is rarely outspoken, the leader)
Ultra Magnus 30.12 Capricorn (meticulous, smart, active)
Cliffjumper 25.01 Aquarius (likes to experiment, stand out, take risks and find the latest)
Bumblebee 12.03 pisces (acting skills and a desire for risk, often excellent athletes, they love to help other people, are ready for selfless service for the sake of their ideals)
Bulkhead 27.02 pisces (undeservedly called soft-bodied, although, in fact, he is far from defenseless and simple)
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carolldesign · 4 months
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❄️Fantasy winter makeup and genetics ❄️
This set contains:
❄️ A 9-swatch soft and straight brows in different tones light of blonde, white, blue, gray, green and purple. 
❄️ A 4-swatch mini set of multicoloured fantasy, snow globe eyes in shades of blue, green, pink, purple and grey. The texture comes with frozen ice and mini snowflakes as catchlights.
❄️ A 8-swatch very soft, snowflake nose blush in the shades of pink, purple and blue and green. The texture comes in options - plain blush and blush with nose tip highlight. 
❄️A 9-swatch soft, frosty lip gloss in the shades of blue, pink and purple, green.
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All files are available for download exclusively on The Sims Resource for Winter Holidays collection.
➡️ Download brows
➡️ Download eyes (EA until 30.12)
➡️ Download blush
➡️ Download lip gloss
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TSR was kind enough to share a discount code for their VIP subscription:
❤️ SHOP_Caroll9112 ❤️
For $6 off (20% off ) your annual subscription including cool perks like no ads and waiting time to download your fav things and download basket! More instructions how to redeem it are on my linktree and in my highlight stories on IG❤️
Choosing my code allows me to continue creating for you - thanks for supporting me and TSR ❤️
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I use an array of CC from different sources. For my list of creators I use - refer to my WCIF page:
✨ click here✨
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angellyoon · 1 year
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Happy birthday joshua ♡
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iryda · 4 months
30.12 🥀
Chciałam spisać swoje postanowienia noworoczne, ale nie potrafię. Napisałam niemal cały post, jednak w momencie tworzenia samych celów na 2024 dostałam blokady. Chyba nie do końca wierzę, że coś się zmieni. Że ja coś zmienię. Zawsze miałam problem ze stawianiem sobie celów, ja to raczej tak sobie egzystuję. Tak o, z dnia na dzień, od rana do wieczora. Staram się po prostu przetrwać, więc wizja tworzenia ambitnego planu działania jest dla mnie tak… abstrakcyjna XD
Sesja coraz mocniej mnie stresuje, ale nie na tyle, bym np. się pouczyła. Bardziej w ten sposób, że powinnam sobie zarzucić wódkę, na to jointa, a na dokończenie pigułę, by zapomnieć o nieuniknionym. Boże! Ale z pozytywów…dzisiaj 16 dzień odkąd nie piję alkoholu! To najdłuższy streak od 6? 7? miesięcy. Może się to wydawać żenujące, ale uwierzcie mi - to dla mnie bardzo, bardzo duży progress. Niestety obawiam się, że w sylwestra zostanie złamany…
Omijam ostatnio lustra. W domu rodzinnym liczenie kalorii jest znacznie utrudnione, całe święta chodziłam zjarana żeby nie myśleć tyle o rozmiarach mojego cielska. Boję się, co zobaczę na wadze po powrocie na studia…
Panicznie unikam wagi. Za mocno wpływa na moje samopoczucie. Ale muszę się do niej w końcu przekonać, bo uciekanie od problemu go nigdy nie rozwiązuje.
Plany noworoczne nie, ale lista zakupów na powrót do akademika nie jest złym pomysłem 🤪 Jak ja kocham mieszkanie samej, pełna kontrola i zero przejmowania się o to, ze ktoś coś we mnie wepchnie.
Zatem tak:
12 litrów coli zero
7 puszek energetyków zero
wafle ryżowe - 2 paczki
banany/jabłka - ok. 1kg
gumy do żucia
mleko 2%
jeśli dojdę do apteki jakiejs, to sudafed i dulcobis
herbata miętowa i zielona
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Hej, są tu jacyś owsianko-żercy?
Przyznam wam szczerze, że miałam setki podejść do tego gluta, ale nie przebrnęłam. No nie wiem, zupełnie mi nie siada. Niezaleznie od dodatków, smakuje jak, no właśnie, jak nic XD i mdli mnie po paru łyżkach. Macie jakieś fajne przepisy na to? Najlepiej do 250-300 kcal? Dajcie znać, bo znów chcę się pokatować i przełamać ten wstręt.
Wasza Irydka 🥀
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celsolimas12 · 29 days
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*Devocional Diário.*
Sábado 30/03/24
*Tema:* Santificação ou Impureza
Josué 3:5
Disse Josué também ae povo: Santificai-vos, porque amanhã o Senhor fará maravilhas no meio de vós.
🙏🏻 *Frases do Dia.*
Nunca estamos tão vivos como no instante em que nos relacionamos com Deus.
*Eugene Peterson*
🌅 *Provérbios do Dia.*
Pv 30.12
Há gente que é pura aos seus próprios olhos, e que nunca foi lavada da sua imundícia.
📖 *Leitura Biblíca Diária.*
Romanos 16.20
Em breve o Deus da paz esmagará maligno debaixo dos pés de vocês. A graça de nosso Senhor Jesus seja com vocês.
" *Deus é Fiel e abençoará a sua Vida hoje* "
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
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Nozel after hours 💙
30.12 Happy B-day Nozel Silva
Helena appreciates the view 😏
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loveme2deathana · 1 month
Weight loss is still slow.
This week, I lost weight again, but less than last week. I only lost 600 g, which is most likely because of St Patrick's Day. Still, I expected to lose more than 600 g!
Long term plan accountability chart.
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Figure 1, my long term plan with 800 cals max per day except festival days.
This slow pace has made me worry about Easter at the weekend. I want to have a drink and some fun foods, but not if it is going to ruin my progress. I can take measures to ensure my success by treating this plan like any other project where I plan and risk assess.
Actions that lead to failure:
Eating all the chocolate oat bars in one or to goes.
Drinking leading to binge.
Not keeping an eye on my intake.
Making too many treats.
Preventing failure.
I want to have at least some fun food to eat, and I want to have a drink. I can have the fun stuff if I cut out the planned cake and just stick to the chocolate oat bars and some chocolate.
Freeze some chocolate oat bars
When I make the bars, I will have a bout 14 bars at around 150 cals each, so I can have 2 and freeze the rest for a later date. This way, I will not be able to eat them without thawing them out first.
The chocolate, I will have to ration out with breakfast in the week. This will be fine as long as I don't drink too much. I can limit the alcohol to 2 cans of beer and 2-3 brandy per day (Easter Sun and Mon)
This gives me some fun food in the morning and some fun food in the evening with a drink.
How is my current plan working?
I have lost 2 kg since the start. This means I still have to lose 9.4 kg to reach my ugw of 50 kg. If I use Pigly, a calorie planner, to work out calorie intake per day until the first day of summer, I get 841 calories per day max, see figure 2. This means I am still on track because my current plan is to eat less than 800 calories per day. However, Some days I'm allowing more calories because they are festivals, such as Easter. The festivals could easily put me over by one or two thousand on my long term calorie budget. I have the rest of the time to make up the loss, however.
Pigly's calculation.
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Figure 2, Pigly's results
Planning the extra calories on festival days.
I have 5 festival days in my plan, so
88 - 5 = 83.
I plan to have 200 calories extra on those days, but I know I might use more.
5 × 200 = 1,000.
If I multiply that by 2.5 for failures, I get 2,500 calories to lose, but it is spread over 83 days.
2,500 / 83 = 30.12 (4 sf)
Let's call it 31 calories per day. Now, all i have to do is subtract 31 from the figure Pigly gave me, which was 841.
841 - 31 = 810 calories per day.
This is just above my standard calorie limit of 800 per day. As a result, I can see that I am still on track to achieve my ugw by the first day of summer on my current plan in figure 1.
If I add in my body fat percentage from my scale's app, I get even more of an optimistic outlook because the calorie limit rises to 867, see figure 3.
Pigly's calculation with body fat percentage.
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Figure 3, Pigly recalculated with body fat percentage included.
If I stick to my current plan, I should reach my ugw by the first day of summer, even though I have festival days with more calories allocated to them. As long as I follow the risk assessments, I should prevent bingeing and failure.
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Liam last night in Turks and Caicos - 30.12
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tiredpoet7 · 4 months
🌸 30.12
400 kcal, 12.000 kroków, 20 minut pilatesu
jaki cudowny dzień... nieironicznie jeden z lepszych w tym roku. aż żałuję że się skończył.
już wczoraj moja siostra zapytała, czy nie podrzucić mnie do mojej przyjaciółki bo jedzie się spotkać z jej również starszą siostrą. zaproponowałam naszej trzeciej przyjaciółce aby pojechała ze mną, miałyśmy spotkać się na kilka godzin, a siostra powiedziała że może po nas przyjechać wieczorem i tak wyszedł cały dzień. na początku jak wychodzimy razem to jest meeega dziwnie. spotykamy się rzadko, trudno znaleźć wspólny język. potem się rozkręciło i było świetnie.
w domu zjadłam śniadanie, przed wyjazdem jabłko i dwa wafle ryżowe. reszta dnia na fajkach i kawie, teraz uzupełniam wodę, mogłabym wypić jeszcze z dwie szklanki. będąc jeszcze u przyjaciółki tak myślałam o jedzeniu... byłam pewna że po powrocie do domu coś zjem, że będę musiała bo inaczej nie zasnę z głodu. teraz wróciłam i mam mocny jadłowstręt xd po łyku pepsi 0 mnie zemdliło, no cóż, to czekamy do śniadanka. zrobię jakieś dobre.
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