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I honestly just want to frame this and stare at it always. It will be a tapestry I hang over my mantlepiece so I can gaze at it adoringly.
We’ve already talked about it so much but the MEANING they layer into this one moment.
How it concludes and wraps up everything between them. 
Everything that went unsaid in Seresu - everything that was conveyed instead with their choices, their actions, their feelings. 
But also back to Infinity, where the punch first happened. With the choices Fai was making there and the ones Kurogane made instead. With what that meant - with how Kurogane was choosing to save him - and how he HAS saved him, and now it’s coming full circle, and now they’ve saved each other. 
But BEFORE THAT TOO, into Acid Tokyo, where they divorced. Where Fai stopped calling him by his nicknames and retracted all affection between them. How Fai became clinical, building distance between them, keeping Kurogane away from him because Kurogane put his entire life goal in jeopardy and stole his choices from him - how, just like in the other arcs, Kurogane was CHOOSING to SAVE him AGAIN. How in three arcs in a row Kurogane had to stop Fai in order to save his life, and how Fai was so hurt and scared by this that he emotionally retreated. But now here he is, bringing it all back around and reconnecting them both once again. He breathes life back into their interactions - he returns Kurogane’s nicknames to him. He fucking decks him, in a way that only Kurogane would find as romantic as it’s truly meant to be. 
And just how much that means for Fai’s entire life. Fai, who was always just a mask of emotion he didn’t feel, who was always hiding his past and his mission and his feeling - Fai now has nothing left to hide. There are no lies left, no hidden trauma, no backstory that would ruin things. The only thing left is his future, and what he chooses to do with it. 
So he chooses THIS. He chooses KUROGANE. Time has passed since their arrival here, he’s had time to think, he’s made his decisions, and he’s been able to chose who Fai is now. Where he will be. What he wants to do. And who he wants to be with. 
And THIS is the Fai that Fai wants to be. Happy and playful and not actually lying about it, or doing it as escapism. He’s choosing to be happy and affectionate with the man he loves, with the man who’s already chosen over and over again to save his life when Fai was unable to do it himself. 
Here in the present Fai finally gets to make decisions about his life, for the first time completely free, and the first thing he chooses to do is come back to Kurogane and just wreck him. Which is hilarious, naturally, but also the JOY that he’s choosing is absolutely unmissable. The open emotion they both show on their faces, neither one of them guarded at all anymore. 
They’re together, and they’ve chosen each other, and they’re both here on purpose. 
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moechies · 6 months
sukuna nii <3
cw view at your own discretion . . . use of nii chan, suggestive, reader is naked, physical abuse, coercion/manipulation, heavy degradation
punishments with sukuna nii were the worst. they were relentless, and never left you conscious. when you see the glint in his eyes in the mirror as he drives you guys home, it makes you wish you had never looked into a direction of another man.
“kuna m-m sorry… please i-it hurts..” you cry out desperately and naked below him, you know your pleads are useless.
“no. you haven’t learned your lesson yet,” he bends down besides you and grips hardly onto your burning damp cheeks.
“ya know how this is gonna end, so why don’t ya just take it?”
his hand slaps across your face, letting out a pained cry as you looked below you. not daring to look up at your fuming big brother.
“come up here.” he sits down on the living room sofa, patting his thigh signaling for you to sit on his lap. you wobble your way over to your brother, wiping the streaming tears off your face.
“bend over.” and when you do, you feel a harsh press on your back to keep you still, and in place. you grip onto his pants for a sense of safety, and shut your eyes tight to try and bare the pain. before you could let out another cry, a burning slap came down on your soft ass.
“this is what ya get. you don’t get to be my good little sister anymore, just a worthless cummy bitch.“ another slap lands on your ass, and you know better than to talk back right now. your heart clenches with the mean words from your brother, muffling your cries into his thigh.
another slap falls on your ass, but this time he makes his way to keep his hand on and fondles you. you feel his hand begin to get warmer and warmer, until it’s burning your asscheek,
“n-nii chan..! s-stop..! it-it hurts, nii chan please, please..!” your squirms are worthless with his heavy hand on your back, the burning beginning to become more and more intense.
“n-nii c-chan please… i-i love you.. p-please st-stop… m only gonna love you please… “
his sweet sisters voice is so soft, and so pained, he can’t help but show a bit of compassion before pulling his hand off of you. but his words speak otherwise,
“don’t fuckin call me that. ain’t your nii chan anymore, since ya wanna get drugged and get fucked out on the street. maybe i should jus let you.”
“n-no..! no! please..! ni-nii, give me another c-chance please! i-i’ll only be f’you! w-wont ever disappoint y-you again.. please.. d-dont le-leave me i don’t want you to go..”
with sobs escaping you, you raise your body up to him, hugging him tightly with your bruised arms around his neck. and even though you can’t see, you can feel the smirk crawl onto his previously stern face.
your big mean brother knows what he does to you, and he loves it.
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lehguru · 1 year
characters: luffy, zoro, sanji, nami, usopp, robin, franky, brook + jinbei
warnings: not proofread + commissions are open !
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monkey d.luffy doesn't even care about pet names. you try to call him out by using "my love", but he doesn't even look at you; he only notices you're calling him when you use his name or a nickname. "oh, what's up?" he simply answers, his wide eyes staring at you with obvious happiness and joy – simply out of seeing you there. everyone in the crew smiles at the obliviousness of their captain and the situation just becomes a joke. (nami asks if you need her to punch him till he acknowledges the pet names)
roronoa zoro almost growls at you when those two words leave your lips if you two aren't alone. it's not that he hated those cute names, he likes them, but in private; he knows that if you two use any pet name, sanji and the others won't stop bothering him, so he prefers to keep everything behind closed doors. if you call him 'my love' before bed, he will softly smirk at you and kiss your forehead, holding you close to his body.
sanji feels like doing backflips when you call him by any cute name. "my love, do you need any help?", he didn't need it, but as his body hits the floor, his eyes having hearts on them, he ends up needing help. he begs you to call him like that again, saying that it makes him feel all warm and nice that his sweetie is giving him such cute nicknames.
nami scoffs anytime you come up with a new nickname. "i'm not going to give you more money", she always says, her arms crossed in front of her chest. when she notices you're just being soft and adorable, she will press light kisses all over your face and woo at you. "you're s' lovely, baby! c'mon, les' have a date!"
usopp waves between being embarrassed by the pet name and being cocky about it. he can and will go "heh, obviously 'm your love! 'm usopp, after all!"; but if you do it in private, he will bury his face on your neck and quietly ask "do ya really think that?". no matter what, he will hug you and spin you around, laughing with joy at your own giggles. usopp will want to be next to you the rest of the day, doing his silly little jokes and telling you more stories to hear you laugh at him.
robin tears up softly after hearing you call her 'my love' for the first time. she never felt like that before; the straw hats make her feel like she belongs somewhere, but you... you make her feel something greater than that. the tall woman will grab your hand and softly kiss your knuckles, bringing you closer to her body so her other hand can rest on your hips. "you are my love, too." she will softly whisper against the skin of your hand, her lips forming the softest smile.
franky will immediately pick you up so you can sit on his metallic shoulder. "aren't you proud that your love is super strong?", he would say with a wide smirk. he would make sure to tell everyone that pass you two that you're the best partner ever and that he's so lucky to have someone like you – even if all crew members know about that.
brook laughs loudly. looming over you, he would start giggling and tease you a little; "yohoho? 'm your love! oh, my dear! i am truly your love!" he would pull his violin out and start serenading you, singing all the songs that he wrote about you. if you sit and applaud him every single timehe finishes a song, he will fall even harder for you.
jinbei simply smiles and puts his hand on the top of your head, cautiously so he doesn't end up hurting you. he resumes on doing whatever he was doing before, but your words would ring in his ears and he would remain with a smile on his face the rest of the day. at night, before you went to sleep, he would kiss your forehead and murmur, "goodnight, my love."
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used on them belong to their respective creators!!
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maxillness · 7 days
FU In My Head || MV1 x Perez!twin!Reader
Warnings: 18+, age gap, Google translated Spanish, yearning, oral (m)
Wordcount: 1.4k
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He knew it was wrong. He knew he had to stop, but god did it feel so good
Imagining her body while her jerks off, was the worst sin he’s done to date
Imagining it was her hands on his cock on his own
Imagining her mouth on his cock as he comes
Imagine getting fucked by her as he laid in his bed, coming down from his orgasm
It didn’t help she showed up at the garage or motorhome, he couldn’t exactly tell her to leave, he couldn’t actually tell her anything, as he would stutter rapidly every time he caught her scent in his nose
“Good job, Max” She said, coming up behind him, touching his waist softly, making him turn his head towards her
“Thank you” Even just the two words he couldn’t get out, stuttering too much
“You seen my brother?” She leaned her head closer to his ear, the talk of engineers and mechanics filling the motorhome
“He’s in his drivers room” Surprisingly he could get his words out in an understandable voice
“Thank you” She let go of his waist, walking towards Checo’s drivers room
“¿Alguna vez vas a hacer un movimiento?” Are you ever going to make a move?. She slid down the wall of the drivers room as Checo spoke to her in that loving brother tone
“No pienso” I don’t think so. She said taking a sip of the water bottle he had given her
“¿Por qué no? Obviamente le gustas” Why not? He obviously likes you. He sat down on the couch opposite to her, leaning back
“Lo sé, pero quiero ver cuánto tiempo le toma a él mismo hacer el movimiento” I know, but I want to see how long it takes for him to make the move himself. She sighed, putting her head against the wall
“Eso nunca va a pasar y lo sabes” That’s never going to happen, and you know it. He said, chuckling, almost laughing
“Si quiere meteres en mis pantalones, tiene que decirlo él mismo” If he wants to get in my pants, he has to say it himself. She said smiling, sliding her legs up to her chest
“Eres algo tuya” You’re something of yours. She didn’t listen to his comment when she heard small whines from the other side of the door
She knitted her eyebrows together as she listen “Please. Fuck, yes” Followed by a small moan
“¿Qué?” What?. He asked, seeing at her confused eyes
“Nada” Nothing. She looked back up at him, picking another subject to talk about than the previous
She tried focusing on the conversation with her brother, but she could still hear into the room behind her
“Please, fuck. Yes, just like that. Y/N…” The moan that came from his lips indicated he came with her name rolling off his tongue
“¿Quieres que te lleve de regreso al hotel?” Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?. He asked standing up from the couch
“No gracias, primero necesito hacer algo” No thank you, I need to do something first. She said, standing up as well, groaning slightly at the pain in her lower back
She waited until Checo had left before she knocked on Max’ door to his drivers room
He opened the door, his face turning all shades of pink as he saw her standing there with a slight smirk on her lips
“Can I come in?” She asked, thickening her accent purposely, watching the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he sank
“S-sure” He said, opening the door wider for her to enter
“Did you have a good wank?” She asked, sitting on the small table in the room, watching the way the blush turned deeper
“Did you hear that?” He asked, almost impossible to hear his words
“All of it, darling” She smiled, crossing her ankles, pushing her chest out, looking at him with eyes filled with filth
“All of it?” His eyes looked into his shoes, hands into his pockets of his jeans
“Get over here, amar” She said, spreading her legs, giving him space to stand in between them
She slowly walked over to her, never once looking up at her. She hooked her finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at her
“If you wanna get in my pants, tell me” His hands was placed on either sides of her thighs, too close for him to think straight
“What?” His words were stuck in his throat, hurting to get out
“Tell me. Tell what you’re thinking about when you’re alone” Her hands was placed on his waist, pulling him closer, lips almost making contact
“I won’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what you need” She said when he didn’t speak
She leaned in, lips so close of any of them spoke, their lips would graze each other
“Please… I want you so bad. Thinking about you every time I’m alone” He almost let out a whimper when their lips touched
“Good boy” She leaned in, their lips colliding.
He kissed back immediately. Her hands went to his jaw, pulling him into a rougher kiss, his own hands coming to rest on her waist
She forced his lips apart with her tongue, making him gasp slightly. He whimpered at the feeling of her tongue against the walls of his cheeks
Her hands traveled from his jaw, down his torso and landed under his shirt, making him shiver at her cold fingers
They only parted when she pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it at the ground
She went back to kissing him, but this time at his neck, drawing on low moans from him
“I-i can’t keep- Shit… Quiet” He let out a quite louder moan when she started sucking at his skin softly, making him cover his mouth with his hand
“You fucking better” She got off the table, grabbing his wrist, taking his hand away from his mouth “I don’t know how many people are left” She smiled, guiding him back towards the couch
“Sit” She forced him down on the couch, drawing out a huff from him “Buen chico” Good boy. She said, going down on her knees in front of him
He held his breath as she unbuckled his belt, looking up at him through hooded eyes, pure lust in her eyes
He lifted his hips so she could pull down his jeans, his boxers as well, helping him step out of them, throwing them with his shirt
“Tan bonito” So pretty. She said, kissing his inner thighs, making him spread his legs apart, giving her access to scoot in between them
“Please” He pleaded as she grabbed his hips, pulled him closer to the edge, her face just in front his rock hard cock
“Patience, chico” He whined, but it was soon replaced with a moan when she softly licked the tip of his cock “Quiet” She said, voice stern
“Jus’ feels so good” He grabbed the edge of the couch, knuckles turning white from the force as she drove back to lick softly at him
Her nails was digging hardly into his skin, surly making marks for him to see tomorrow, for him to feel tomorrow
He tried keeping his hips still, but he felt the need to buck them once her tongue started swirling around his tip
“Please… Stop teasing” His eyes was shut closed, mouth hanging silently open, head thrown into the back of the couch
She gave in, hollowing her cheeks, taking all of him in, making him hit the back of her throat, gaging around him
He shivered at the vibrations, feeling the pleasure in all of his body. The moan he tried to hold in, came out as a whimper instead
“Please… Feels s’ good” His thighs shook, almost trapping her body between them
She sped up, holding her hair away from her face with one of her hands, the other still roughly around his hip
“Fuck, please… Y/N, please” His words were breathless as he started twitching in her mouth
“‘M close” He managed to keep his sounds at bay, only letting out small whines
Her tongue dragged up his vain as she went up, which pulled him over the edge, whole body shaking as he shot his cum down her throat, barely able to contain his moans
She helped him down from his orgasm before popping off him, swallowing his cum and standing up
“Are you okay, cariño?” She asked, kissing his forehead, the sweat covering her lips
“Mhm. Fine” He opened his eyes, taking her hands and kissing the back of them “Thank you”
“Anytime, bebé” She smiled, helping him getting his clothes back on
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alhaithamtit · 4 months
dr. ratio honkai star rail
cw: male!reader, sub veritas
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
usually draws a bath for you two and helps you clean up.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
his favorite body part on himself are his arms and chest. he relishes on seeing your bite marks on them. on you, it's probably your face. the expressions you make as you cum are delectable for him.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
he avoids not wearing a condom, but if you cum on him, or make him taste himself, he secretly loves it.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
enjoys being dominated, although he would never admit to it.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
he read some books, and that's it. he never felt the need to do it with someone on a whim. masturbating felt enough for ratio.
F= Favorite position
cowgirl, if you're riding him or doggy when you're railing him.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
serious, the most he can do is laugh a little when you struggle with taking off his clothes.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
has a bit of a trail but overall pretty well groomed.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
enjoys it the most when you're rough with him, but he won't say no to slow romantic sex.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
not very often, usually when he's frustrated and wants to take the stress
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
overstimulation, dacryphillia, and degrading. yes, tell him what a slut he is while he's falling apart on your cock, overstimulated and crying.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
the bed. possibly the bathtub, but you would need to persuade him to do it there.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
kissing his chest and hands, and whispering inappropriate things in his ear while he's doing something. he will scold you but he quickly melts into your touch.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
dirty talk as foreplay is a turnoff for him. he'll tell you to shut up and get down to business.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
bad at giving head, but if you teach him how, or facefuck him it's surprisingly pleasant. cumming on his face is worth it.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
lasts pretty long, you can make him cum three times and he's still holding up well, likes it rough but not necessarily fast.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
isn't up for quickies, sucking his dick in his office is fine, but going all out unprepared and in a different environment than your/his house is a no.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
he chases knowledge, and trying out new things with you is a must. you will try out various positions with him until he chooses his preferred ones.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
can go a long time until he's satisfied.
he cums the quickest if play with his nipples which are quite sensitive.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
would never admit it, but he's very fond of you using various vibrators, cock rings, and legs spreaders on him.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
please tease him, flick his nipples and blow cold air on them, jack him off slowly as you rail into him roughly, rub your thumb over his slit as he orgasms. he lives for it.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
not very loud. he mainly talks, even about work (please shut him up). If he's near an orgasm he whimpers
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
wants you to titfuck him, but he'll never ever tell you.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
average size, and grows slightly when he's hard. circumsized, not very veiny, but has a cute mole near his tip, which goes from pink to red on the top. his cum is pretty thick, and has a slightly bitter taste to it
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
his sexdrive isn't very high. likes having sex when he's frustrated with work or after finishing a good book.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
doesn't fall asleep quickly. he needs to clean himself and relax with a book before going to bed.
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vampyrgoff · 9 months
Hewos! How would the Sinclair Brothers act when they give their s/o her first kiss?
First kiss W/ The Sinclairs HC's!
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sinclair brothers x fem!reader
contains— fluufffffff, minor violence in Bo's other than that its cute and its late while i write this so apologies for bad writing
requests— open!!! ill write for any slasher atp
vampyr's note— school is bustin' my girl balls fr, Sorry if the guys are a lil ooc, im delusional so I be just writing how I feel the situation would go frrrr, also its not gonna be good lol i just wanted to write something b4 bed because this is like my hobby
word count— 756 words and 3.8k characters
gifs aren't mine! credit for the dividers :D: @mmadeinheavenn thank you for your service 🤍
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Bo Sinclair:
Your first kiss with Bo is rather.... gruesome :D (if you are a bo girly you gotta at least be a lil violent js)
He gives you your first kiss in his shop.
He has you talking it up with some visitors and keeping them distracted so he can strike a good kill with them
As you're talking with the visitors you notice one of the girls getting a lil too handsy with Bo. Shes touching his chest, biting her lips, and he's entertaining her too (cause he just would)
So while the other visitors leave, you ask the girl to stay back and to chit chat with you.
Once she turns her head, you blackout...
All of a sudden she's on the floor and you have a wrench in your hand thats bloody.
As she screams for help on the floor, Bo rushes up and this lil fucker has the biggest smile on his face.
"I knew you'd do somethin' about it" he coos at you.
"I-I dont know what came over me.." you say dropping the wrench on the floor with a loud bang.
"Darlin' its fine. Didn't think you'd go all out for your man like that." he'd say playfully.
He grabs you and smashes his lips against yours, dominating the kiss in seconds, while the girl basically watches and is bleeding out.
He has his hands on your cheeks and is kissing you like you just did something so amazing and wonderful.
"That's my girl." he says low and husky in your ear.
"Make sure she's the first one Vinnie does." You say as you pull away, completely flustered.
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Lester Sinclair:
Your first kiss with Les is really sweet and rather innocent.
He kisses you in the forest (no not by the roadkill pile lol)
I feel like you and him just go exploring ALL the time
If you're not a nature person, he will beg you with PUPPY DOG EYES to go out with him constantly (you better give in, he deserves the world)
but I feel like he'd have a little area in the forest for you that has a fairy lights and a pretty stone path to a swinging bench that he built, just for you and him to have convos and talks.
I feel like you'd guys have this deep convo thst has to do with trauma and childhood trauma.
While you're pouring your heart out to him, he very lovingly places a small kiss on your lips as tears fall from your eyes while you remember your past and remember the things youve pushed past.
The kiss is soft, and quick.
He pulls away and is a bit starstruck at the random boost of confidence he just gained,
""m sorry. I- should've asked..." he says with the rosiest cheeks everrrr
he'll hold your hand and bow his head in shame, thinking hes gone too far.
but his heart starts to flutter once he feels your head rest on his shoulder as you guys talk some more.
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Vincent Sinclair:
Your first kiss with Vinnie is adorable
It's in his basement ofc
You were in his bed, watching him work on some new sketches
Your eyes felt heavy and your breath was slowly starting to even out
Vincent hears your steady breaths after a while and rolls his chair over to you quietly, sketchbook and pencil in hand already.
This cutie straight up starts sketching your closed eyes, your nose, and your messy hair that's sprawled all over his pillow
as he adds more detail to his drawing he finally gets to the part of your face that leads to your lips.
he looks up from his sketch book and truly stares at your lips for awhile, really eyeing the depth of them and the softness of them.
he tilts his head to get a better view of them and he finally takes his mask off.
(he tends to wait for you to be asleep to finally take it off in the first few months of you guys dating)
he gets into bed with you and looks at your sleeping face and just simply admires it. the sound of your soft snores coming from your parted lips relaxes him.
eventually he very timidly places his lips onto yours, careful not to wake you up.
he places a few more pecks on your lips before pulling the duvet over your body.
after that night, it becomes a routine of his to watch you sleep and to sneak in some maskless pecks to your sleeping figure
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scoonsalicious · 3 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 8, Unexpected - Pt. 3*
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Bad jokes, Explicit Sexual Content Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here. (oral (m receiving), PIV), Bucky hating on himself :(
Word Count: 4k
Previously On...: Leading Jade to her new room turned a little bit awkward when she and Bucky started bonding over their shared Hydra experience. You had to put a stop to tit.
A/N: Pun most definitely intended. Here's the final part of Chapter 8! Yay-- more smut! And the answer to the long asked question of "Why has Steve been so fucking weird?" is revealed!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows
"Sorry to take you away from your tit-ilating conversation, Barnes," you giggled as he carried you inside and deposited you on your sofa. He draped his massive frame over you, peppering kisses along your jaw bone.
"Mm, someone's got jokes," he hummed as he began working open the buttons of your silk blouse. "Only one pair of tits I'm interested in, and they are right..." he undid the final button, exposing your lace bra to his hungry gaze, "here. Hello, ladies." He brought his mouth to the curve of your breasts, planting open-mouthed kisses on your heated skin. "I missed them."
You reached up to card your hands through his hair while he continued his loving attention. "Pretty sure you saw them both this morning, Buck," you laughed.
“But that was hours ago, sweetheart.” Bucky ran his tongue lazily down the valley between your breasts, taking his time to lap and suck at the flesh, his stubble tickling at your skin. "Remember the first time I saw these beauties. You had your tac-suit down around your waist, were wearing that purple bra. God, I love that bra. Couldn't get them outta my head for days after that."
"Ugh." You threw your head back against the couch pillow with a laugh. "That was right after you asked me if I slept with Steve in Latvia." You felt Bucky hesitate in his ministrations. The pause was brief, barely noticeable, but you were so attuned to each other by this point in your relationship it may as well have been a neon sign blazing at you. "Hey," you said, putting a hand on his cheek and turning him to face you, "what's up?" He avoided your gaze. "Buck," you said, more forcefully, "talk to me."
Bucky sighed and rested his head on the swell of your breasts. "'s nothing," he murmured. "Just lemme love on you like you deserve, okay?" He started running the finger of his metallic hand in circles around the clothed nipple of your right breast, the bud tightening and hardening beneath his touch.
"Stop trying to distract me, Barnes," you admonished, swatting gently at his hand. "Tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours."
Bucky flicked his eyes up to yours, the sparkling blue reflecting back an emotion you'd never seen in them before: fear.
"Hey," you said, your voice turning serious as you sat up, taking his hands in yours as you positioned yourself to face him on the couch, "now you're freaking me out. Honesty, remember?"
Releasing one of your hands, Bucky ran his through his hair. He looked down at his feet. "I'm worried..." he mumbled, not meeting your gaze. "I'm worried if I tell you, you're gonna wanna leave me."
Your breath hitched with concern as you pulled your shoulders back, your mind wandering to all the possible worst-case scenarios of what he could possibly have to tell you that would make you want to leave him. Most of them involved Jade Carthage.
"It's Steve," Bucky said eventually, his voice so low you had to strain to hear him.
You released the breath you'd been holding. "Sweetheart," you said, climbing to your knees and pressing yourself against him, "why on Earth would you think anything having to do with Steve would make me want to leave you?"
Bucky turned to you, a look of complete devastation on his face. "Because he's in love with you, Pocket," he said, his voice so broken it hurt your heart. "He's been in love with you for years."
You couldn’t help it– you threw your head back and laughed. You weren't laughing at Bucky, or the pain he was obviously in, but the idea of Steve Rogers being in love with you, of all people, was absolutely hilarious.
"Steve is not in love with me, Buck. That's... that's ridiculous."
"'s not funny, doll," Bucky said, an adorable pout forming on his lips. "Right before I started going on missions, I told him-- I told him I thought I was fallin' for you. He told me he understood, because he'd fallen for you ages ago, but he was pretty sure he'd lost any chance he had with you after Berlin."
A memory hit you then, of the words Bucky had spoken to you that night at Gino's, when he was drunk on Asgardian liquor. "Don'tcha dare tell Stevie, though, doll," he'd said, "'cause he'd be real put out if he found out I was your fav'rite. Don't want 'im feelin' bad, but 'm not sorry. 'S not my fault, either. He had ages and he didn't do nuthin'. That's on 'im. Not on me, not on you. On 'im." And your argument in the elevator the night you'd finally gotten together: "Promise me: no matter how angry you are with me, don't sleep with Steve. You wanna fuck someone else to piss me off? ... I'll hate it, but if it's Steve, it'll fucking kill me."
You sat back on your heels. "Well, shit," you murmured, completely taken aback in shock.
"I won't get in the way of it," Bucky's voice was small, and when your eyes snapped to him, you saw his were full with unshed tears.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," you said, crawling onto him to straddle his lap and cupping his face with your hands to ensure he was looking at you. "'Get in the way of it'? James Buchanan Barnes, do you honestly think I'm going to break up with you so I can go run off and be with Steve fucking Rogers?"
Bucky rolled his eyes and scoffed at you. "Why not? He's a God damned legend, for fucks’ sake! The kind of man you deserve. You don't think I know that you're too good for me? That it's just a matter of time before you realize I'm not worth it? I’m just an executioner with all his screws loose. You and Steve make more sense than you and I ever would."
You put a hand to your chest, his words causing your heart physical pain. He had made so much progress, but to know that he still held so much self-doubt as to think that he didn't deserve you? "Bucky," you began, tears coming to your eyes as you choked out the words, "I don't want Steve. I want you. I love you. You are everything to me."
"I don't deserve you, doll. I keep waiting for you to realize I'm no good for you and--"
You put your fingers to his lips, cutting him off before he could finish. "I decide what I deserve, Buck," you told him. "I decide what's good for me, and it breaks my fucking heart that you think you're not it, that you've been carrying this around inside all this time, on your own. You are the only man I have ever loved, the only man I ever want to love. How can I make you see that?"
Bucky's arms wrapped around you and he pulled you close, tucking his head into the crook of your neck. You hugged him to you, rubbing your fingers along the back of his head.
"I do see it, sweetheart," he murmured into your skin, "in my heart, I know it. I just... I'm just so fucked up I can't always make my head believe it."
"Baby, have you talked to Dr. Raynor about this?" you asked. You knew Bucky's relationship with his court-appointed therapist was... rocky, at best, but she had done a lot of good for him in the time they'd been working together.
Bucky shook his head. "She, uh, she doesn't know about you," he admitted, embarrassed.
"Oh," you whispered. You were surprised to find that the admission hurt you. Even before becoming his girlfriend, you'd still been Bucky's best friend, and he'd never thought to mention you to his therapist?
"Hey, it's not like that," Bucky began, having read correctly into your silence. "You know everything I talk about with the doc goes in my court record, yeah? I-I couldn't stand the idea of other people reading it, reading about you, how I felt about you. Because, what if someone used it against you one day? Or came at you to hurt me? I’d never forgive myself. So I kept quiet about you. I'm sorry."
"Oh, Buck." You brushed your lips to the top of his head. "That's not something you need to be sorry for, I promise, but, baby, I'm worried about you. It scares me that you still think so little of yourself that you don't think you deserve to be loved when you deserve everything good. Promise me you'll talk to Dr. Raynor about it, please? For me?"
Bucky raised his head from your neck and rested his forehead against yours. "Yeah," he conceded, letting out a breath. "I promise. I'll talk to Raynor."
You kissed his forehead. "Thank you." You moved down to kiss his eyes. "Thank you." His nose. "Thank you." You brought your lips to his, running your tongue gently across the seam of his lips until he parted them for you, deepening the kiss.
"'m sorry I ruined our afternoon, darlin'," Bucky murmured against your lips, his voice heavy with regret. "Shouldn’t have brought it up like that." His fingers traced soft patterns along the smooth skin of your exposed sides.
"Hey, nothing's ruined," you told him. "I'm just glad you finally said something. I hate the idea of you dealing with things alone, when you don't have to." You rubbed your nose against his before trying to lighten the mood a little. "So Captain America's really in love with me, huh?" you teased.
"Pocket," Bucky growled, nipping at the soft skin at the base of your neck.
"What?" Your voice was the epitome of innocence. "It's very flattering. Going to do wonders for my ego, having two Avengers in love with me."
"I've created a monster," Bucky moaned with a laugh. "I should have never told you."
You shrugged your shoulders. "Too late now; cat's outta the bag. No offense to Cap, though-- I'm only in love with one Avenger, so his feelings are irrelevant."
Bucky gave you a teasing smirk. "That so?"
You nodded, a mischievous grin sweeping across your face. "That's right. Think Thor would ever give me a second look?"
"Oh, you've got jokes, huh?" Bucky's fingers moved from gently caressing the skin of your sides to a full on onslaught of tickling.
"Barnes," you cried through your laughter as you struggled to get away from him, "you knock that off this instant!" Bucky just held you closer to him, his fingers dancing along your skin until you were writhing in his grasp.
"You gonna take it back?" he asked, grinning as you struggled.
"Yes, yes! I take it back," you managed to get out. Bucky ceased his assault and brought his hands to rest on your hips while you caught your breath. "You do not play fair, Barnes," you chastised once you could get a full sentence out again.
Bucky's blue eyes twinkled with laughter, the sight of it such a contrast to his earlier dismay that it made your heart soar. You'd give your life in this very moment if it meant that look would never leave his eyes (though, you were pretty sure that, if you died, he’d never laugh again). "You fired the first shot, doll," he said, pressing a kiss to your nose. "Though by this point, shouldn't find it that surprising."
"I love you," you said, all traces of levity suddenly leaving your expression.
He cocked his head, eyes questioning as he took in your sudden change in demeanor. "What brought that on?"
You shrugged, your silk shirt falling back slightly off your shoulders. "Just want you to know it," you told him. "Really, really know it. Trying to be serious, for once in my fucking life." Bucky chuffed, but you went on: "I don't ever want you to doubt it, or wonder if it's real, if you deserve it. I love you. With everything I have. Everything I am." You bit your lip, and though you'd told him countless times now that you loved him, something about this particular declaration left you feeling self-conscious.
Bucky reached a hand up and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen into your face behind your ear. "Sometimes," he said, voice low and husky, "I think I dreamed you up, that you're just a figment of my imagination. I'm terrified I'm going to wake up in some Hydra base, and the last year and a half's been a dream my broken mind invented to keep me from losing my shit, because how could someone so perfect possibly be real?"
Your breath hitched as he traced his index and middle finger of his human hand along your jawline and down your neck, across your collarbone, sending you into a full-body shiver.
"I promise, it's real, Buck," you whispered. "Tell me: Does this..." you rolled your hips to press your heated core against the semi-hard length of him "feel like a dream to you?"
The rakish, smug smirk that Bucky unleashed on you then was seduction personified. "That always feels like a fucking dream, sweetheart," he drawled, pushing his own hips up against you and stealing a soft gasp from your lips. He began pressing soft kisses to your neck and chest.
"Weren't we supposed to spend this afternoon fucking?" you breathed. Bucky huffed a laugh and began nipping tiny marks into your neck.
"That was the implied, yet unspecified arrangement, yup."
"Then why are we still wearing so many fucking clothes?"
Instead of a response, you felt Bucky's hands reach up under your ass, lifting you up as he stood. You wrapped your legs around his waist and let him carry you to your bed. Letting you down with the utmost gentleness, he slid your shirt all the way off your arms before he nestled himself beside you, lips never leaving your skin.
Your hands made their way under the fabric of his tight tee, fingers running along the lines of the taut muscles of his chest. Gently scratching your nails down his skin, you elicited a low moan from Bucky's lips.
"Fuck, doll," he murmured into your lips, "do that again." You did, only slightly harder this time around, and Bucky moaned even louder.
You reached for the hem of his shirt and tugged it, needing him to sit up so you could pull it over his head. Emboldened now, you took his hands and placed them on the button of your waistband.
"Too many clothes, Barnes," you warned him. Bucky didn't need to be told again before he started unbuttoning your pants, helping you pull them down and off. He made to reach for your covered heat, but you gently pushed his hand away. "Not yet," you told him before bringing your lips to kiss him again.
While your tongues gently swept across one another, you reached down and began unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly. Once that was done, you broke the kiss and crawled down the bed, Bucky trying to chase your lips.
"Lie back," you ordered, eyes wicked. When he complied, you reached for his waistband, pulling his pants and boxer briefs down and off his muscled legs. His raging erection sprang free from the confines of its cloth prison. You pushed his legs apart as you positioned yourself between them on your knees.
"Well, isn't this a pretty sight?" you hummed, brushing your hair back from your face. Leaning down, you licked a long, slow stripe along the underside of his cock, letting your tongue twirl around the aching red tip that was already dripping with pre-cum.
"Fuck, Pocket," Bucky moaned. You felt his hands reach for your hair, but you pulled back.
"Nuh-huh, Sergeant," you admonished with a wagging finger. "No touching. You'll get your turn." Three things happened at once in conjunction with your words: first, you noticed Bucky's pupils dilate with lust; second, a blush began to spread up his neck; and third, and perhaps most revealing of all, his cock twitched beneath your hand.
"Well, well, well," you mused, realization suddenly dawning on you, "it seems like somebody has a Sergeant kink. Good to know."
Bucky chuffed and put his vibranium arm behind his head, propping himself up so he could watch you, and rested his flesh arm across his abdomen. Bless him; you knew he'd try to keep his hands to himself, but would ultimately end up failing. "I don't know what you're talking 'bout, sweets."
You just smiled at him before returning to the task at hand, you proceeding to devour his cock as though it were your last meal, bringing him deep into your throat and hollowing out your cheeks as you sucked before pulling back off.
"So fucking heavy, Sarge," you murmured as you rolled his balls in your hands. "Bet you're getting real close, huh?" You looked up to see Bucky's eyes screwed shut as he nodded, his human hand now fisting the sheet next to him as a dark red flush spread across his cheeks. "Hey," you said, tapping him on the thigh, "eyes on me, soldier."
When his beautiful blue orbs had returned to yours, you smiled at him, then proceeded to move from your position, crawling yourself up until you were straddling him. Moving the gusset of your panties to the side, you slowly eased yourself down on him, relishing in the stretch until you were fully seated, your clit rubbing against his public bone as you leaned forward.
"Jesus," Bucky groaned when you began moving yourself up and down on his length, riding him at a slow, steady pace. "You're so fucking perfect, doll. I love you. Love you so fucking much."
With a smile you leaned back, letting your spine arch as you moved. Without warning, you felt Bucky sit up to meet you. You knew he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"Think you can throw these in my face and expect me to keep my hands off?" he asked with a grin, pulling the cups of your lace bra down to expose your breasts. He brought his mouth to your nipple, teasing and sucking at the supple flesh as his hands found your waist. He began fucking up into you, the sensation combined with his attention to your breasts building your high.
"Oh, God. Right there, Buck," you moaned when his cock hit the right spot inside of you. "Just like that; don't stop!" You moved your hands to his back, fingernails leaving long, red marks in his skin. 
"Fuck," he growled. He increased the pace and intensity of his thrusting, working himself in and out of you like a piston. "God, you feel so fucking good. So tight. I wanna stay inside you for the rest of my damned life."
"I'd let you," you gasped, your thoughts becoming hazy as the tension inside you continued to build. "Always want you inside me."
Bucky's metal hand left your hip and made its way to your clit. The sudden, cold sensation as he began rubbing tight circles across the sensitive bundle of nerves sent you over the edge, and soon you were coming undone. You could feel your inner walls clenching around Bucky's cock, squeezing and begging it for his own release.
"Fuck, you're gripping me so tight. I'm gonna--" With a guttural moan that was practically a howl, Bucky reached his own peak, sending rope after rope of cum into your waiting channel. You draped your body across him in your spent state, resting your head on his shoulder as he collapsed back onto the bed.
"Was that real enough for you?" you asked him with a smirk as you worked to catch your breath. Bucky hummed, working both hands along the line of your spine.
"Mmm, I dunno, sweets. Felt like the best kinda dream to me." You nipped playfully at his jaw. "Thank you for being so good to me."
"My pleasure," you giggled, "truly."
"My girl and her jokes," he laughed, planting a kiss to the top of your head. "How 'bout I run us a bath, get you all cleaned up?"
You turned your head to look up at him, batting your lashes. "Bubbles, too?" you asked sweetly.
Bucky rolled his eyes. "Fine, bubbles, too." You tried to suppress your snort; though he would never admit it out loud, you knew Bucky secretly loved bubble baths, possibly more than you did. A simple indulgence of the comfort he'd so long been denied.
While he was in the bathroom, running the water, his phone buzzed from the pocket of his discarded jeans.
"Baby, you got a text message," you called.
"Can you check it for me, doll?" he called back. "Got bubbles on my hands."
You laughed to yourself as you crawled to the edge of the bed, picking his jeans up from the floor and searching the pockets for his phone. You stole a quick glance at the screen.
"It's Steve," you told him as you walked his phone back to him in the bathroom. You held it out to him, but he had his hand under the tap, checking the temperature of the water.
"What's he want?" Bucky asked. You didn't know; you hadn't wanted to invade his privacy by looking at his messages, and now his phone had locked itself. "Can you read it to me? Passcode's your birthday."
You held the phone to your chest, cheeks heating with affection. "Bucky Barnes," you said softly. "That..." You had trouble putting the emotions into words. First, that he trusted you with his passcode, and second, that he'd chosen your birthday.
He turned from the tub to look at you, shit-eating grin on his face. "What?"
"That is incredibly fucking sweet, thank you." You entered the numbers into the phone and checked the message from Steve.
"Oh," you pouted, the sweetness in your chest deflating somewhat. "Steve wants you to take point on Jade's training." You stuck out your tongue. "Ew."
Bucky laughed, running a wet hand through his hair, causing it to stick up adorably in all directions. "Tell him I'll think about it and let him know," he said. "I need to discuss it with my girl first."
You smiled as you thumbed the reply back to Steve. "Thank you, Buck."
"Of course, doll." He beckoned you over. "Now come here, time to get you all cleaned up."
"Aw, but Buck," you whined as you walked over, unclasping your bra and stepping out of your panties, "I thought you liked me dirty."
Bucky paused in his removal of his boxer briefs. "You keep that kind of talk up, I have half a mind to keep you dirty."
You tapped his chest as you stepped into the blissfully warm water of the sunken tub. "Promises, promises." He quickly followed you, and you soon settled, him with his back against the wall of the tub, and you against his chest. "57038," you said to him, once you both were submerged in bubbles.
"What now?" he asked in surprise.
"My phone," you told him. "The passcode's 57038. I want you to have it."
He leaned down to kiss the side of your neck. "Thank you, sweets, but you didn't have to tell me just because I told you mine." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Why does that number sound so familiar?"
You chuckled and turned to pull on the chain that held his dog tags around his neck. Holding it out in front of him, you pointed to the last five digits of his military service number. You watched him swallow thickly as he made the realization.
"You..." he paused to clear his throat, "you use my numbers for your passcode?" You shrugged your shoulders.
"Is that too much?" you asked hesitantly, feeling suddenly shy.
"No! God, no!" Bucky wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your shoulder. "I honestly don't know how you're even real," he murmured into your skin. "Keep thinking I'll close my eyes and you'll disappear." Reaching around, you ran your fingers through his hair.
"I'm real," you promised him, leaning back into his chest, "I'm real, this is real. And I'm not going anywhere."
He nuzzled into you, as if he could burrow into your skin in order to be closer to you. "I know I said I'd get you all cleaned up but, fuck, doll, you keep saying stuff like that..."
You wiggled around in his arms until you were facing him, legs wrapped back around his waist and arms draped around his neck; your favorite place to be. "Tub sex?" you asked, voice full of hope and excitement.
Bucky threw his head back and laughed before coming back down to kiss you. "Tub sex," he agreed with a smile.
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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optimistic-violinist · 2 months
Hot Take: Magnifico learning magic and learning how to protect the wishes would've been a better plot for Wish.
Think of it. We start with a town on fire and see Magnifico running away. Maybe he gets caught by the villain. "Any last wishes?" Maybe we see his parents or siblings tackle the villain and tell him to run only for him to watch them be killed (off screen of course).
We get a shot of our villain. I'm thinking a very Shan Yu-like from Mulan. Just, evil. Pillager. Bad Guy.
Magnifico escapes. Since he's gonna be voiced by Chris Pine still (of course), we get the ROTG voice over. "I never saw them again. I never saw my home again. And I vowed that that would never happen again. But that was a long time ago." Cue musical sting, pan up to the night sky and wishing star, title.
Fast forward, Magnifico is now a teenager. Has an adopted mother, living in a cottage in the woods or something near town. He's trying to study magic in his free time, his mother is worried about him getting in over his head. He wants to apply for the magic school in the town. Cue song a la "When Will My Life Begin."
He takes the magic exam and isn't bad, but isn't good enough. Maybe they're snobs, maybe it's really that he failed fair and square.
Note: Amaya also lives in this town. They're friends.
Breakdown that night. Cue "So I Make This Wish," almost verbatim and summons... STAR!
Humanoid Boy Star from the concept art, specifically.
They get talking. Magnifico is obviously starstruck (ba dum tish).
M: "you're, you're---"
S: stupendous, extraordinary, splendiferous?
M: magnificent
Cue discussion about why he's out there wishing, the magic exam, why he wants to learn magic, and Star offers to teach him.
Not sure what happens here. Probably mini-quest to get magic books or items. Upbeat montage song. At the end, hint that the bad guy is coming to destroy this town now.
Somewhere in here, we befriend Amaya more and Magnifico starts to fall in love with her. Cue cute romantic song, something about wishing for each other. Star in the background a la Eponine from Les Mis. NOW we can either go romance or friendship route: either way, there is pining about how he is a cosmic entity, ageless, can't stay forever, and Magnifico is going to grow up and do great things without him.
Oh no!! Bad guys are suddenly a lot closer! We've got to prep and do something! Potentially an ensemble/town song. Culminates in Star asking Magnifico what his wish really is. We see his wish is founding Rosas with Amaya at his side. Star reassures him that that's exactly what he's going to do and teaches him how to take and protect wishes. We got a duet a la "For Good" between them. Star tells him that he's going to be magnificent.
Big battle against the bad guys! Magnifico with his really cool sorcery powers! He takes the Bad Guy's wish to harm people and makes him forget it. Magnifico also gets a cool "Defying Gravity" song here with some line about promising to protect people's wishes and if he should ever fail or use that power for evil, may he be cursed or something. Foreshadowing, y'know?
We get one last goodbye as Star goes to leave. Do they kiss? Maybe. Do they have A SUPER TIGHT TENDER HUG FULL OF LOVR AND CARE. ABSOLUTELY. I LIVE FOR THAT. Probably a reprise of one of the songs here.
Fast forward once more to Magnifico as a young adult with Amaya, sailing on a ship as they discover the island that will become Rosas.
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vestaignis · 11 hours
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Необычные и интересные факты о ежах:
Ежи появились на Земле раньше, чем люди – около 15 миллионов лет назад. Роднит нас с ежами также то, что у них зубов почти столько же, как у нас – их 36, и эти зубы также выпадают к старости.  У ежей не самое лучшее зрение. Правда, считается, что ежи, в отличие от всех остальных животных, у которых "черно-белое" зрение, могут различать цвета. Число игл на теле у этих животных напрямую зависит от их возраста. У молодых особей, их около 3 тысяч, а у более старых – до 5-6 тысяч.
Несмотря на свои небольшие размеры ежи достаточно шустрые животные. Они могут бежать со скоростью до 3 м/с. Для своих коротких лапок ежик очень много ходит. За день он может преодолеть расстояние до 2 км. Территория одного ежа может занимать 20 гектаров. Ежи могут передвигаться даже по болоту и хорошо плавают.
Чтобы пережить зимнюю спячку, еж набирает как минимум 500 граммов веса. За зиму еж теряет до 40 % своего веса. Поэтому, проснувшись, он сразу отправляется на поиски пищи. Ежи чуют добычу на расстоянии нескольких метров. Когда еж впадает в спячку, обменные процессы в его организме замедляются. Температура тела понижается до 0°C, а сердцебиение падает с уровня 170 ударов в минуту до 5. 
Ежи имеют иммунитет к яду гадюк. Также на ежей почти не действуют и другие яды, даже самые сильные, такие как сулема, мышьяк, цианистый калий, синильная кислота и другие.
Всего в мире существует 24 вида ежей. Некоторые из них схожи между собой так, что различить их может только опытный зоолог, а другие внешне больше похожи на крыс.
Unusual and interesting facts about hedgehogs:
Hedgehogs appeared on Earth earlier than humans – about 15 million years ago. What we have in common with hedgehogs is that they have almost as many teeth as we do – there are 36 of them, and these teeth also fall out in old age. Hedgehogs don't have the best eyesight. However, it is believed that hedgehogs, unlike all other animals that have "black and white" vision, can distinguish colors. The number of needles on the body of these animals directly depends on their age. In young individuals, there are about 3 thousand, and in older ones – up to 5-6 thousand.
Despite their small size, hedgehogs are quite nimble animals. They can run at speeds of up to 3 m/s. For his short legs, the hedgehog walks a lot. He can cover a distance of up to 2 km in a day. The territory of one hedgehog can occupy 20 hectares. Hedgehogs can move even in a swamp and swim well.
To survive hibernation, a hedgehog gains at least 500 grams of weight. During the winter, the hedgehog loses up to 40% of its weight. Therefore, when he wakes up, he immediately goes in search of food. Hedgehogs sense prey at a distance of several meters. When a hedgehog hibernates, the metabolic processes in its body slow down. The body temperature drops to 0°C, and the heartbeat drops from 170 beats per minute to 5.
Hedgehogs are immune to viper venom. Also, other poisons, even the strongest ones, such as sulema, arsenic, potassium cyanide, prussic acid and others, have almost no effect on hedgehogs.
There are 24 species of hedgehogs in the world. Some of them are similar to each other so that only an experienced zoologist can distinguish them, while others look more like rats.
Источник: //t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, //kartin.papik.pro /osen 36405-kartinki-ezhik-osennij-68-foto.html,//zooclub.ru/ wallpaper / 17598, //rtraveler.ru/photo/1316250/,https://priroda.club/les-i-derevja /749-ezhik-v-lesu-87-foto.html,vk.com/@radio_c-ezhu-ponyatno, //mixnews.lv/samoe-interesnoe/2022/12/29/30-interesnyh-faktov-o-ezhah-vy-tochno-etogo-ne-znali/,//ecokem.ru/2021/02/05/den-ezha/#:~:text=Ежи%20появились%20на%20Земле%20раньше,6%2C5%20миллиона%20лет%20назад.
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trutrustories · 7 months
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining) Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta. I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
Soooo EPISODE 1, le´t go: 1)"Mobius It´s me!" few second in and we have slowmo chasing scene with detail on Loki, and Mobius and then THIS Loki´s heartbreaking look on his face here.
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2) "Tell me, you recognize me!" (Loki trying to desperetly find Mobius, and then running towards him) Also If this Time slipping didn´t triggered anything external, but It´s just his own, unlocked power - I honestly don´t know, how they will explain that - does that mean, that he unknowingly unlocked this power, because he was send by Silvie into the past, and then he was simply desperete and Mobius couldn´t recognized him so his body reacted by time slipping to place and time, where Mobius would know who he is???
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3) this very unexpected exhibition of touches (meaning Mobius practicaly glueing himself to Loki for this entire section)
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I´m sorry, but my man here is like "no, I´m not about to let you have a personal space. NOT. AN. OPTION. let me hold you some more" xD
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4) This scene in in an elevator first of all, that was a second time, he slipped and was RIGHT back with Mobius, the very next second. secondly: Mobius being scared for Loki and insisting he needs immediate help thirdly: Loki reassuring Mobius, It´s not that bad.
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also this "we just had sex in a cabin" shot:
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and lastly...
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Big thanks to the film crew for this shot to give us an idea just HOW MUCH OF AN UNUSED SPACE was in the elevator! 👌
5) Mobius and Loki talking to OB. being perfectly coordinated team and smoothly working together, while standing on a same spot, but in a completely different time.
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poetry... just poetry!
6) Distressed God and his Happy Face just so we know: how long is it, since their reunion? Because I would swear that not even five minutes ago Loki was in state of complete panic, and look at him now:
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Look at him smiling, enjoying view at struggling mobius 💚
few minutes with this man, and HE forgets all about his trauma and just vibing.
me too, Loki. Me too 🥲
btw, this thing over here?!!!!
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7) bickering, like married couple, part 1
8) "Mobius if I don´t make it back" and "You´ll make it back". What was it, what where you about to say Loki? It sounded important! next time TALK FASTER!
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9) Mobius risking his life SKIN for loki and refusing to give up on him.
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10) Loki saves Mobius in an epic fashion and they end up in a hug: also they roll around the floor together
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I mean... this whole scene was absolute TOP! So yeah. That was a first episode. before the premiere I was litteraly hoping, that I will see our Loki and our Mobius together at least ONCE, before first end credits. I actually couldn´t believe my own eyes, holy shit!
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instarsandcrime · 3 months
Pride Is A Fickle Thing
Well...at least it's not just Lu/ci/fer this time?
@onetrickponi had some great prompts to offer and, since she said she might be writing them, I decided to change up a certain one a little so it turned out the same but also different! Can be read as Ra//dio//App//le or just platonic fluff! Enjoy! ❤️
Prompt: Lu/ci/fer heals A/la/stor, though it takes a great deal of expended effort on his part and it turns out both of them hate looking weak in front of other people.
"Hp'shhzzzt!" A sharp, staticky sneeze slipped through a crack in the shadows.
Alastor wheezed as he grabbed yet another handkerchief from his collection, attempting in vain to blow away the clinging itch that stuck to him for the entire meeting. But he couldn't help it. Every single twitch of the finger, every flick of the ear, every time he even bothered to move his holy wound its poison would snake through his ribs and up to his aching head. And when it did the reaction got worse. And when the reaction got worse he couldn't help but...c-couldn't...help but…but snehhh--
"Et'chhht! TSH'ZZZZHHEW! Nnghh..." The overlord muttered out a string of curses as another wave of pain shot through him, grasping a pillar before he could double over and collapse.
“Oof, ouch! That one sounded rough." An irritatingly cheery voice chirped from nowhere in particular.
"Oh do be qui-quieehhh...Heh! Heh’eshhh't! Het'chhhzzz't!" Pressing a well-used cloth up to reddened nostrils, Alastor hurriedly straightened himself, discreetly rubbing the swarm of feathers he felt as far back as it could go.
"Bless y-- er, no, wait. That's not appropriate for someone like you, is it?" And with a golden puff of smoke he finally appeared. The six winged thorn in his side. “Fuck off? Damn you? Curse you, maybe? Mmmn no, I think you’ve already got that handled.”
"Lucifer." Alastor's ear flicked in annoyance, "What can I do for you m-my unh-huhh-holy fellow? Off t-to find some...s-some...snff! Suhh-someone to pestehhhHET'ZSCHHHH! Ghhh..."
The fallen angel winced as shrill feedback pierced the air. "Lookin' a bit sneezy there, bud. I guess even the most powerful overlords catch colds. Just goes to show that somewhere deep, deep, deeeeep down, you still have a mortal soul."
The Radio Demon chuckled, smile splitting despite the feverish beads of sweat that rolled down his neck. "On the contrary! Why, I'm the guardian angel of the Hazbin Hotel! I'm sure Charlie would agree."
Lucifer twisted the cane in his palms. “Ohoh! That definitely sounds like my little girl!”
"Agreed! She is truly a marvel. Exiling all doubts with a cheerful smile!"
"And when the hotel gets big enough, who knows? Maybe she won’t even need you anymore! She can take your place all on her own-- without the tacky bellhop suit, of course."
"Hah! Radio never truly goes out of style. Unlike...u-unlike the...the..."
"Speechless already?"
"A trifuhhh…huh! T-trifling matter, My Liege. I'm simply allergihhh...allergic to...to your bullshhHHT’SHHHhhoo...Huh'zschhh!"
"Impressive comeback. You should really--"
"'Hup’KZSSHHHT! HT'SHHH'OOooo...guhh…snff!" Worry bloomed on Lucifer’s face when his rival flashed a sliver of a wince. And as quick as it grew, Alastor rushed to crush the blossom with the wave of a hand. “Such compassion! I was wonderihh…wondering when the sin of pride would lower himself to such a weak emotion–”
“Let me see it.” 
“Do you think I’m stupid?” His patient opened his mouth, “Nope, wait, don’t answer that. Just let me see the wound.”
“Hah! How absurd! Me? Get hurt?” The Radio Demon’s voice crackled with laughter, an unseen audience following suit. “Has our poor king gone senile in his old age?”
“I–! You–!” Lucifer took a deep breath, wisps of smoke billowing from his nose. 
Inhale. Exhale. 
Despite his eternal grin, Alastor’s feverish eyes blinked back confusion. “...O. Okay?”
“Okay.” The king deadpanned, hopping back a few steps. “You like making deals, right?”
“I do have other hobbies, you know.”
“Nice. I don’t care. Walk to me without sneezing once. I know you can hide the pain, but if you think holy poison will just go away, then you must either be the most stubborn man in the nine rings, or the biggest dumbass.” He paused. “Or both. If you lose, I heal you and you never have to think about Adam and his gaudy lute axe again. If you win, let’s just say that in a few more days, no one in Hell will hear another broadcast from The Radio Demon again.”
A suffocating silence fell over the two, with only the small ambience of old timey cigarette advertisements and Ella Fitzgerald to keep them company. Until finally obsidian claws drummed against the tip of a microphone.
 “...Fine.” Alastor said simply.
“Fine.” Lucifer spat back.
“A simple task, really.”
“Then stop stalling and do it, coward.” Satan flashed his pearly fangs.
A scarlet eye twitched. His opponent took a tentative step forward and the itch followed suit, fighting the urge to rub a knuckle against it.
“Having trouble there?”
“I can assure you I'm per…p-perfectly fihh-fide.” Another step. The growing tickle burned from the bridge to the tip.
“Fihhh-fidt as a fidd-fiddle.”
Almost halfway. Hold it in, hold it in.
“I'b dot as weak as y-yuhhh…you thidk…”
Through irritated tears, slit pupils studied him closely. “Uh-huh. Still don’t believe you.”
Temper beginning to flare as badly as his wound, the overlord opened his mouth to retort. But his voice was completely stolen as the itch teased the rim of his nostrils. It built and built until–
Oh, fuck it.
“Heh'SHHHHZT! Ihh-hih-Hp'SCHHH! ‘TSCHHHH'hhooo…nhhh…” The ground beneath him whirled and tilted like a merry-go-round and he was falling, falling, falling– only to be caught and dragged off the ride with unnervingly gentle hands.
“I've got you.” Lucifer muttered.
“What’s goi’g od? Why are you doi’g this?” The Radio Demon demanded as he was lifted, a body barely up to his chest not acknowledging his weight.
“Because lucky for you, I used to be a saint.” Wait…when did they get to his bathroom? When was he suddenly draped against the wall?
“You hate me." For some reason Alastor couldn’t control his shaking voice, losing the strength to fight. He sounded so disgustingly fragile. He hated it. He hated this. He hated. He. Hated.
“Oh for Heaven’s sake, shut up and let me save you already!” Lucifer swore, clicking the locks in place with the snap of his fingers. Alastor flinched when freezing hands pressed against a soaked through dress shirt and– oh.
“Yeah, no shit!” A pure light became a ripple. Then a swirl. Then a bubble. It filled every space imaginable, bathing the pair in its warm blanket. Faintly, Alastor tasted a hint of jambalaya on his tongue. And like a needle and thread to a spilled over poppet, The wound began to close.
Unfortunately, despite the subsiding agony, the holy light that caught his patient's eye did not agree with him. Wait. If angelic power hurt a demon, why was he being healed with–
“H-hhh!” Alastor’s breath hitched.
“Seriously? Now? I’m trying to work here.” Lucifer growled, almost fumbling the surgery when his concentration nearly broke. Through the haze, the overlord could glimpse familiar beads of sweat that trickled down the side of the fallen angel’s neck. 
“H-hhh…c-cad’t…h-hhhhelp it…” Between hiccuping breaths and stuttering speech, somewhere along the way a finger was pressed underneath his fluttering nostrils.
“I swear to my fucking Father.” Lucifer huffed out, blinking blearily as he continued his surgery one-handed. And before the wound closed, Alastor couldn’t help but dread at the way Lucifer’s eyelids drooped further and further, teetering between exhaustion and pain.
With two hands the healing process would have taken two minutes.
With one it took two hours. Or at least, the amount of hands was Lucifer’s excuse.
Alastor would have been more impressed if not for the fact that he was not impressed, because it was a ridiculous emotion to have for Lucifer of all beings. So instead, the next day, he chose to focus on what couldn’t heal right away.
“Het’schhzz!” Alastor pitched into his handkerchief, and Charlie quickly caught his breakfast plate before she could drop it.
“Bless you!” She breathed, clutching her chest with one hand.
Well. At least it wasn’t every five seconds.
“Thank you, my dear. Ironic as it may be.” Alastor chuckled, moving to pick up his utensils. He scanned the dining table to take in the morning rush. Angel Dust was gabbing away next to Husker, silently snatching food off his plate with his lower pair of arms. Vaggie was taking a sharpening stone to her spear between bites of food, softening when her princess veered the corner to give a quick peck on the lips. Sir Pentious was waving his spindly hands about, excitedly explaining the inner workings of his ‘flying machine’ to Niffty, who was absolutely more interested in the bug crawling on his top hat.
Overall a peaceful morning. Too peaceful. It unsettled him that there was one piece missing–
Ah. Out of the corner of his eye a small, white rat slowly crawled across the carpet. One with chubby, cherub cheeks. Fur mussed. Bags under its button eyes. A golden flush dotting his face, glowing like a firefly. And then suddenly everything clicked.
The lack of a wound or poison, but still feeling a fading tickle. The shared symptoms between them. Lucifer hadn’t just been exhausted that night. He hadn’t just healed him. Oh no, the bastard just had to take the holy poison for himself knowing that a half-holy body would survive. Though it was obvious he was equally– oh, what was that saying Rosie was kind enough to teach him– ‘going through it’. The fact that he would even risk inhaling a drop for someone he hated so much…
Well, Alastor decided to himself, It would be remiss of him to not repay the favor. So with all the mercy of a heartless overlord, he kicked the stupid rat as far as it could go. With a startled squeak and a puff of smoke, the King of Hell tumbled across the floor. The dining room went silent for a moment, all eyes on the sudden appearance of Lucifer Morningstar lying on his back– disheveled, dazed, and stone still.
“Oh my gosh, dad!” Charlie yelped as her father pushed himself upright– moving stiffly, Alastor noted. “I didn’t see you come in…to…” As she helped him stand, her voice trailed off. “Are you okay?”
“I second that, fer the record.” Angel Dust waved a fork nonchalantly in the air, “Kingy’s always an early riser. What gives?”
“Worrywarts, aren’t they?” Lucifer jolted as Alastor popped up beside him with a screeching static, suddenly inches apart. His smirk widened as he tilted his head with a little, high pitched ‘hm!’ “I must say, I can’t help but feel the same. Your regal features look a bit. Oh, what’s the word?” He motions to his own face with a dramatic flourish. “Off-color.”
Lucifer’s glare broke when he put a hand up to his cheek. Then another, eyes growing wide as teacup saucers. It didn’t help when embarrassment overtook his feverish blush, brightening with the panic. “H-hah!” He chuckled nervously, summoning his top hat to tug the brim over his face. “W-wouldja look at that? Guess I fell asleep at the ol’ workshop again and I ran my power a little too– …t-too hot…” He sniffed sharply, rubbing at his nose.
“How uncouth.” Alastor circled the man like a ravenous beast. “Quite unlike yourself to be in such a state. Maybe you should be a little more honest. I can even give you a push.”
“Wh-whhhat are you–”
With a single poke of his cane Lucifer stumbled, grimacing in pain. And it only took one poke for that short-lived charade to fall apart.
“H-hehhh! No, ndo dabbit keeb idt togehh…together…”
“Your Majesty? Are you…?” Vaggie sat straighter, brow furrowed.
“Oof! That don’t look right.” Angel winced.
“Mhm.” Husk hummed into his mug of whisky.
“Oh my. The ultimate bad boy needs to be cleaned!” Niffty gasped.
“Poor thing.” Sir Pentious’s bottom lip wobbled.
“Dad?” Charlie set a hand on his shoulder. Then jumped back with a squeak as the single touch sparked the powder keg.
“Hit’schh!” Lucifer bent at the waist, merciless fit wracking an already exhausted body. “It’schh! It’shieww! Hit’SCHIEW! Hnt’SHIEW! HET’SCHH! ‘TSHH! TCHH! Hit’SCHH’HIEW! H-hihhh…hih! Hih– HITSCHHHH’HIEW!”
The room went silent. Angel Dust whistled lowly.
“My goodness, bless you!” Alastor gaped, every movement an exaggerated performance.
“Y-you did thahhh– thadt od purpose you sohd of ahhh– hah-HATSCHHHHIEW!” The fallen king pitched forward again. When he finally surfaced he was staggering, holding his aching head. “S’rry…’bout thadt.”
Before Charlie could run to catch him Alastor tutted, summoning his shadow to steady his rival, bending its lanky limb over his forehead. “My my, you sound awful! Simply dreadful! Overworked, perhaps? Or…oh, it couldn’t be! Is the King of Hell ill?”
“Oh shudt up Alasdtor– snff! I’b dot sigk! Idt’s jus’dt–”
“Allergies?” Husk deadpanned, expression completely unimpressed.
“Allergies!” Lucifer blurted, “Nodthin’ do worry your head over. So ihhh–...hih! hit’TSCHIU! HET’CHHHIEWW! Nghh, jus’dt ledt be–”
Charlie’s grip tightened, other hand reaching for a napkin. “Don’t run! Please?”
The King of Hell froze. He couldn’t help it. He was completely powerless when it came to his little girl. His flush started to hem the edges of silverware and dusted the windows, and he decided to look anywhere but at Charlie, distracting himself with a mucky nose blow into the makeshift tissue.
“I…I guess I’ll stick around a while longer. I feel a bit dizzy, anyway.” He chuckled, trying to pretend like every word didn’t painfully scrape at his chest. But Charlie smiled brightly, and she guided him to a chair Vaggie had already pulled out for him. Stepping back to wave her hands. Go on!
Lucifer blinked back shock when the room watched, silent with bated breath. “Oh– snff! Oh, well. Um. It’s not an emergency but. But I may be thirsty–”
Zipping back and forth, Niffty slid a cup of water by his side.
“Oh! Th-thank you.” Lucifer smiled bashfully. 
The silenced thickened, group looking on expectantly. 
“More.” Charlie nodded, crossing her arms. Awestruck, the hermit crumbled as his closest residents and friends fussed and fretted. All the while Alastor sat comfortably in his chair and sipped his tea, humming to the tune of a new morning.
The perfectly chaotic puzzle was complete. Just the way he liked it.
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joonggphilia · 6 months
❤️❤️Welcome Home?❤️❤️
Pairing: Top! Chenle x Bttm! Male reader Genre: Smut Cw: masturbation, underwear kink, overstim, use of toys A/n: Sorry this took me so long, I’m having major writers block ☹️ hope you like it anon!
As soon as you walked into your apartment, the energy was off. All the lights were dim and Chenle was no where to be found. “LE!? Where are you?” You shouted, peering around every corner. Strange. He wasn’t in his room. You hobbled back to your room and screeched at the sight before you. Chenle was on your bed, his erect dick peeking out of his sweats. “Welcome home, baby boy.” Chenle hummed as he pulled a pair of your boxers from behind him and brought them up to his face. Your jaw dropped. “Welcome home? Chenle, you’re on my bed, my underwear in hand, and masturbating? Welcome home!?!” You piped, not mad just shocked. All your boyfriend did in response was giggle. “Your cute when you’re flustered, come fuck.” He hummed, a huge grin spread across his innocent face. You couldn’t decline his offer, your dick was practically ripping a hole in your jeans. “Cmonnnn. I want to take you right now, M/n. I don’t have all day. I do have all night.” He teased, beckoning you with open arms. In a matter of seconds you were undressed and on top of him. You placed swift kisses on his neck, causing a mix of laughs and moans to leave your boyfriend’s lips. The moment didn’t last for long, before Chenle flipped you over. “Can we do it my way tonight?” He pleaded, eyes clouded with lust. You gave him a slight nod, mentally prepping yourself for what’s to come. As soon as you said that, he reached over to his desk to grab lube and a vibrator. Fuck. “I’ve been thinking of you all day, M/n.” He chirped, shoving his fingers into your mouth and smothering his cock in lubricant. “I couldn’t focus at practice today, either. You’re controlling my life, pretty boy!” Chenle whined and ranted as he watched you squirm and choke around his fingers. God, he loved the faces you made. “All done!” He exclaimed, removing his fingers and moving down to your hole. “Chenle, be gentle.” You rasped, bracing yourself for your horny bastard of a boyfriend. He only nodded as he shoved two fingers into your ass. Not very gentle. He curved his fingers perfectly, pulling in and out, coaxing terrible noises from your lips. “Chenle. Please. I need you inside of me.” You panted, begging for more. He always found a way to have you wrapped around his finger. He didn’t waste a second, immediately plunging deep into you. Chenle made sure you were being pleased in every way. He had a hand around your cock, one teasing your chest, and he left kissed up and down your body as he hammered into you “s-so goood!” You yelped, the overstimulation messing with your mind. You quickly snapped out of it as you felt a quick change down there, a scream escaping your lips. That fucking vibrator. Chenle managed to fit it in along with his own dick. It was too much at this point. “That’s right! Cum for me pretty boy.” Chenle mumbled in your ear, egging you on. There it goes “CUMMING!” You were shaking, you climaxed, but chenle’s actions never quit. He hadn’t cum yet, therefore he wasn’t done. “M/n, let’s go a few more rounds. I’m still horny!” He whined, quickening his pace. You two had a long night ahead of you.
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Behind The OC Name
Thank you @kaitaiga @alypink @welldonekhushi @revnah1406 for the tag! Let's do this!
OKAY. I'm gonna turn into a bachelor of yappology here so bear with me ☝️🤓
🌹 Charlotte 'Jade' Le Jardin 🌹
Initially, I wanted to name her 'Roxanne'. Some of you might know this, but Jade used to be my original story's main character called Louisa. BUT, Louisa's initial name was Roxanne. I didn't know why, but elementary school me liked Roxanne so much (I didn't even know that it's also a song title by The Police back then HAHAH). I wanted a very recognizable name, but I think it was a bit much, so I switched to Charlotte because of Charlotte Bronte, the writer. Also, it turns out that 'Charlotte' means 'free man', it's pretty cool since Jade's story is mainly about breaking free from MI6's influence and shackles along with her parents. Meanwhile, Le Jardin was the result of Jade's family's occupation as a florist. I mean, it's a fake last name anyway as they were making an entirely new identity after escaping from MI6.
Jade was literally just because she had a green eyes, but I felt it's too cliche so I made an entirely new black division of MI6 where each agent is named of a type of ore/jewel. Plus, Jade is just easy to pronounce and recognizable, perfect for communication purpose!
🐞 Eleanor 'Ladybug' Graham 🐞
Eleanor's name came up just out of the blue from my mind. I drew Lady's design first, and then decided to make a name for her, and it's either Eleanor or Claudia, and I thought Claudia doesn't suit her at all, so I stayed with Eleanor. Eleanor means 'Light-hearted' or 'shining light', kind of goes along with her 'take-it-easy' attitude and how she's a medic and becomes the light of hope for the wounded. The surname Graham is literally just my obsession with Will Graham from Hannibal. My 14-16 year old ahh was obsessed with NBC Hannibal, and Will held a special place in my heart LOL.
When I created Ladybug, I knew I wanted a special and a cheeky callsign for her to pair with Gaz. I never really liked bugs, but I thought back then that a ladybug's shape and pattern is so damn cute and endearingly silly. So I just went with Ladybug. AND THEN, The NFC Championship 2023 game happened between 49ers vs Lions. Brandon Aiyuk caught a pass from Brock Purdy after the ball straight up bounced from Kindle Vildor's helmet, which resulted in a touchdown in the next play. At the interview post game, Aiyuk said "a ladybug landed on my shoe." JUST THEN I KNEW THAT LADYBUG MEANS 'GOOD LUCK'. And then the gears on my brain turned, and I can connect with how Gaz is always unfortunately hanging/falling from an aircraft, be it an airplane or a helicopter. The fact that he's always came out ALIVE after those events just tell me, there's gotta be a ladybug that's always with him 24/7!
🔥 Barandos 'Bara' Tarigan 🔥
For Bara, I just KNOW that his name's gotta be Bara because there's a celebrity chef from Indonesia called Bara Patirajawane, and it's such a sick name that I just had to make it into a name of my OC HAHAH. Bara also means 'fire embers' and it's pretty cool ngl. Tarigan is a Batak tribe surname (I'm half Batak from my name), so I just wanna have that element on my OC.
⏳ Silja Freyrsdottir ⏳
For Silja, I actually had quite a hardtime to name my OC. I didn't know what her appeareance yet, her story yet, and like what her role was in the God of War Ragnarok storyline. So I started to think of what goddess she was, and I wanted it to be close to Heimdall, so the Goddess of Memory and Remembrance it was. I then searched for that kind of god in the Norse mythology, and I didn't really find anyone that came close to what I imagined, so I just started from sratch. I sketched her character, and as I draw her I make up a story in my mind. Oh, she's an adventurer, a rogue princess, hmmm from what realm, Alfheim? Let's do that cuz I love Freyr. I wanted her name to be either 'Silja' which ironically means 'blind', or Ragnhild, which means 'battlecounsel'. QUICKLY I feel that Ragnhild sounded to professional for her adventurous character. Silja sounded so right, and her name could be like a contradiction to what her ability is, which is seeing people's pasts, but blind to the present (a flaw much like Heimdall's).
Tagging YOU 🫵 Reblog this with your OC's name lore!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
hi! i would like to req txt x older!m reader.
it’s just basically the reader surprising them during the hybe caterer game show! it could be the reader being part of a special performance? but up2u! tysm :)
⋆。°✩ txt reaction - surprising them during the hybe caterer game show
includes: established relationship, did my best to make these as different as possible, been obsessed with the idea of a vampire enha fic lately idk (pls send ideas)
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :)) feedback is always appreciated <33
older idol male reader (he/him pronouns)
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⋆。°✩ soobin
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(word count 213)
“wow,” the boys’ cheer in admiration as they walk up to the open area of the park. seven different pavilion-like structures have been set up in preparation for the games, lining the back edge of the fence. 
“oh, le sserafim is here,” taehyun comments.
yeonjun runs slightly ahead to get a better view. “do you think we can ask for a handshake?”
soobin chuckles as he jogs slightly to catch up with the others. “y/n-hyung’s here too,” kai chuckles. 
“hyung?” he repeats; immediately perking up at the mention of your name. “which tent?”
beomgyu points towards one near the edge. he chuckles as soobin begins running in its direction, ignoring the various cameras set up and questioning looks from the staff in his wake. 
you notice soobin before he reaches the edge of your tent. he watches as your lips quirk into a bright smile and you step into the sunlight to shorten the distance between you. he’s quick to wrap his arms around you in a tight hug as soon as he’s close enough, nearly pulling you down onto the ground with him in the process. you stumble over each other’s feet; laughter mixing together as you tumble to the ground. 
“i love you, hyung,” soobin whispers. 
“i love you too.”
⋆。°✩ yeonjun
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(word count 193)
the grass you’re sitting on feels scratchy against the small patches of exposed skin on your legs as you tug your knees up to your chest. the sun beams down on you from above as you watch your friends playfully dancing to various different songs that play through the loudspeakers beside you.
yeonjun slips away from the field along with jay and sunghoon before he silently moves to sit down beside you. you smile, handing him a bottle of water. “you did good,” you whisper. 
“before we move on, a great competitor was lost this round,” producer nah laughs as he turns back to face him. “yeonjun, what happened?”
you pass producer nah’s mic to your boyfriend, chuckling at how a light flush decorates his cheeks. “do you have anything to say to all of your new fans?”
“honestly, i just did my best,” he smiles. he reaches out to grab your hand when his eyes meet your own for a few seconds. “but i wouldn’t have been able to do it if y/n wasn’t here to cheer me on. so, thank you.”
“i love you,” you whisper.
“i love you too.”
⋆。°✩ beomgyu
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(word count 191)
the sun beams down on you from above as you walk along the finely cut grass until you reach a small clearing of trees. your manager coaxes you over, subtly hiding your body behind a thick tree trunk as he walks over to kneel down beside producer nah to whisper something in his ear. 
“ah,” the man smiles as he sits up a little straighter. “before we begin, we have a… surprise. beomgyu, please come to the middle.”
you chuckle when his eyes widen in shock; curiously glancing at soobin for confirmation before he hesitantly crosses over the line and steps into the middle of the field. your manager’s hand brushes against your shoulder for a second before he gently pushes you into view. 
“hyung?” beomgyu whispers in slight disbelief. 
you chuckle as you continue walking towards him. “hi gyu.”
“hyung!” your laughter mixes with his as he runs forwards to tackle you into a tight hug. you bury your face into the crook of his neck, clinging to beomgyu just as much as he clings to you. 
“i missed you,” you whisper.
“i missed you too,” he whispers in response.
⋆。°✩ taehyun
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(word count 216)
“actually, we have a special surprise for txt,” producer nah announces. the boys’ perk up at the sudden mention of their name; exchanging small glances of surprise and confusion. “there’s one more member who will be joining you today. please welcome… y/n!”
their eyes widen as you step out into the sunlight, walking across the field towards them. taehyun is the first to move, slowly walking towards you - almost as if he’s still in disbelief at your presence. it only takes a few more seconds for him to start running towards you. you laugh as he tightly wraps his arms around you, pressing a loving kiss against your neck.
“hyung!” kai calls, jogging to catch up with taehyun. you leave one arm around taehyun’s waist, keeping him tightly against your chest as the other moves to welcome kai into the hug. yeonjun comes next, quickly followed by beomgyu and soobin afterwards until you’ve been fully surrounded into a tight group hug. 
“it’s so good to see you guys,” you laugh as they slowly begin to pull away. “i missed you.”
“we missed you too,” yeonjun smiles. under the cover of your friends acting as a barricade between you and the rest of the world, you finally lean down to pull taehyun into a long-awaited kiss.
⋆。°✩ huening kai
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(word count 231)
“huening kai, congratulations on winning the challenge!” producer nah announces into his microphone; momentarily pausing to join the others in a small applause for him. kai hides his face behind his hand, flustered at the sudden attention. “as a reward, we have a… surprise for you.”
“surprise?” he repeats, perking up at the word.
“do all of the winners get a surprise reward?” beomgyu asks.
producer nah glances back at the staff before laughing. “we only prepared something for kai,” he laughs. 
beomgyu’s playful protests fall on deaf ears as producer nah reaches up to cue your arrival. 
a mixture of shock, applause, and cheers greet you as you step into view before jogging towards kai. you laugh at the way his jaw drops and eyes widen before he begins sprinting in your direction. “hyung!” you stumble when he all but jumps into your arms; tackling you down into a tight hug. 
kai leans up to press a kiss against your cheek just barely out of view of the cameras. you hope they don’t pick up how flustered the simple action makes the both of you as you stand back up on your feet. 
producer nah’s laughter alerts you to his presence as he walks over to where you’re standing. “i wasn’t expecting you to tackle him!”
kai simple shrugs with a smile before turning back to you. “i missed you.”
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Forgive Them
A little dabble of Bo being a dad and meeting his wife a new friend. This is how they met, the reader from Take Me Instead and I Promise I’ll Always Love You.
Part 2
Bo x mother fem!reader
Tw: HEAVY physical abuse, mention of death, sexual stuff mentioned, forced miscarriage, abusive parent, happy ending??
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“What’re gonna do?” Lester’s voice drawls over the phone. “They got a kid.”
“I’ll figure somethin’ out, Les,” Bo said as he was walking towards the front door of the shop. “'M not too worry.”
“But ’s a baby—“
“Les,” Bo warned, “I got it.” With that, he hung up and adjusted his hat. He walks towards the door and walked out. He went to the garage door and pulled it up to show off the car he’s been working on.
Ambrose hasn't had a family come through in a while, so it'll be perfect for Vincent to practice to make a happy family. Bo knew he would never have something like that, and it hurts to think of it. He thought he would be a good father, a better father than his own. He thought of building fences around the house, a front swing for him and his sweetheart to watch their kids run around. A dog or two. He craved for that type of life he was promised when he was a kid. If not that, he hoped that he was going to be a good uncle if his brothers married.
He pushed the thoughts away as he popped the hood of the car and started looking at the belt and spark plugs. The car came in after the last group, and he thought he might fix it up good and have Lester sell it in the town over. If not, he'll strip it for parts and sell them.
Bo wondered if his kid would want to learn how to fix cars.
He heard footsteps coming closer to his shop but pays no mind to act like he’s too busy. He was thankful the family came before his thoughts swallowed him whole.
“Excuse me?” A man asked, getting Bo’s attention. “You Bo?”
Bo looked over his shoulder and wiped his hands with the rag in his back pocket. “Yes, sir. That’s me.” He sees the mother and her holding a child’s hand. He could see a bump growing, showing she had another bun in the oven. Lester never said anything about that over the phone, but he won't pay mind to it for a while. He'll worry about that later. “What can I do for ya?”
He didn’t like how there was a fading black eye on you. Once you noticed he was looking, you gave a smile, making him look at your husband. It's better if you hide behind your man, y/n, but your child needs you more.
“The driver said you have a battery?” The man placed his hands on his hips. “Were in a hurry, too, so—“
“Come inside and I’ll show you what I got,” Bo said, cutting him off. “We can talk cars while your woman takes junior to the House of Wax.” He flashed you a smile and a quick wink. “An' the AC can help t' heat. Can’t have Mama passing out to heat, can we?”
The man’s eye twitched as he kept his fake smile. He turns to you and nodded for you to leave. “I’ll be there in a moment. Take Jasmine with you, y/n.”
Y/n... what a beautiful name, Bo thought with a smile.
Bo lifted a brow as he looked at the little girl in a bright green dress, white little sandals, and her hands clutched a stuffed pink bear. Bo smiled at her and gave a little wave. “Jasmine, huh?” He knelt down, ignoring the man for a moment. “Ain’t she pretty?”
Shyly, the little girl waved back before hiding behind her mama. He saw the banged up knee and too big bruised on her arm, fresh and bright. If Bo didn’t have restraint, he would’ve killed your husband then and there, but there was a child. He couldn’t let that side show in front of a child. She must've been an one-year-old but she was so small and tiny.
You clear your throat, holding the bump close. “We’ll be waiting, Toddy.” Then you flash a smile towards Bo. It melted his heart, just for a moment. “Thank you, mister.”
“Just call me Bo, ma’am,” he said, tipping his trucker’s hat. He took you in like a sunset over the gulf. He'll get rid of Todd; don't worry.
“Just call me y/n,” you gave a smile. As soon as the smile came, it faded as Todd glared at you, his back turning away from Bo just he doesn’t see.
“I’ll walk you up there,” Todd said suddenly. “It’s just up the road, right?”
Bo nods. “Yeah, but it’s not far—“
“Like you said, the heat’s not good for her,” he walked to your side, his hand gripping your wrist. “Won’t be long.”
Bo swallowed hard but he forces a nod. He knows you begging him to come with you, your eyes tearing up. He knows your pain, he knows you’re hurting, but he has to play up his act. He has to keep up the dumb hick mechanic. He’s sorry, y/n… he’s so sorry.
“Sounds fine," he gave a fake grin. "I'll meet ya there in a few."
"What did I tell you?" Todd hissed as soon as they were far enough from the mechanic. His grip around your arm was too tight, leaving a mark right away.
"I was being friendly, honey," you defended yourself.
Todd rolled his eyes as he pulled you along. "yeah, right. I bet you want to fuck him, too."
"Excuse me?"
"I saw the way you were looking at the driver, too," he spat as he turned to corner that the House of Wax was on. The green building stood tall over the street as its shadow casts over you and your child. "Bet you would spread your legs if they just asked."
You clinched your jaw, trying to pull away from his grip. "Can we not do this now? Jasmine--"
"That little fucker doesn't understand anything," Todd pulled your arm harder and tighter. "I'm giving you this one chance, y/n. One. Last. Chance." His words were filled with venom and blood, his dark brown eyes narrowing at you as he let go. He went up the steps and opened the door to the house. "Act up."
He didn't have the door open long enough for you to walk through. you caught the door just in time before it would close on Jasmine. You didn't have much of a choice when it came to Todd. He was your brother's best friend. He acted so nice around your family, smiling for your mother, laughing with your father, befriending everyone but you. He was nice to you though in the beginning, but he changed after moving you away from your hometown. There were thoughts of packing and leaving in the middle of the night, but he had such a short leash on your that you were scared. No matter where you went, Todd found you. So, you stayed and tried, but how long until you give up on trying, y/n? How much does that cost?
Inside, the AC unit was running at full blast as if Bo knew you were coming here this morning, and your sighed with a small grin. The place is dusty but you can see the art just fine. You used to oil paint back when you were happy and fill with life. You scooped up Jasmine and placed her on your hip. Little grabby hands reached for a waxed butterfly handing from the ceiling, and it caused you to laugh to yourself. The best thing Todd ever gave you was Jasmine, and you'll be damned if he tries to take that from you.
"That's a butterfly, darling," you said in a song voice. "Can you 'butterfly'?"
"She's too dumb to figure that out," Todd murmurs as he looks at a waxed figure. "Jeez, these things are creepy." He looks back at you, forcing you to nod your head in agreement. You didn't want to risk another fight. "I shouldn't be long, y/n. Think you could keep your legs closed long enough?"
"Todd, stop it!" You looked down at Jasmine then found an open couch for her to sit on. "I'm not a whore--"
A loud smack echoed throughout the house. His ringed hand stung as you went to the floor of the waxed house. You held your jaw as tears fell from your eyes. You hated that you cried so easily. When you looked up at Jasmine, you watched as her nose crinkled up and she started crying. Her face turned a bright red as she wiles echoed in the house.
"Oh my god!" Todd shouted at Jasmine, stepping over you. "Shut up-!"
You shot up from the floor and pulled him away from Jasmine, taking his attention. "Don't touch her!" You pushed him away and stood between your child and him. "Don't! She's a baby, Todd! She doesn't know better!" You didn't know there was a dark figure watching from the corner, his heavy blue eye watching your every move. "Don't--!"
You were met with another blow from the man, his fist hitting your eye. You took a few steps back before you could register the hard fist hitting your stomach, right on the little bump. You fell on your knees as you held your stomach as you tried to catch your breath. When you looked up at him, you were met with a kick over your shielded stomach. You felt something inside you crush as you laid on your side crying. You could hear Jasmine screaming at the sight, her mind not registering what's going on.
You closed your eyes and wished for it to stop, for all of it to stop--
The sound of a gun clicking caught your ears and the sound of metal scratching made your head lift. Your eyes met Bo's as his shotgun aimed right at Todd. His harden blue eyes looking at him with fire, an ember that's been burning since he met you. Standing to his left, just far off, a darken figure emerged from the shadows, two knives clinching hard between his hands, his face covered by a waxed mask. You looked between them then at Jasmine, who was still crying on the couch. You tried to stand as you held your stomach, but you fell. You felt a gushing warmth between your legs, the smell of iron and bitter copper filled the air.
"Don't fuckin' touch 'er," Bo spat, his drawl heavy and laced with anger. "Touch 'at baby, I swear to God I'll kill you!"
Todd held up his hands slightly. "Let's talk--"
"Nah, we're done talkin'," Bo's voice harden as he looked at Todd. His eyes lingered over to you and his face fell; he knew he was too late. His gaze snapped back at Todd. "I'll take my time with sweet time with you, boy." He felt his heart beating in anger; he wants blood. He wants death. He wants you to get out of here. "Vincent," he snapped, his gun not moving. "Get Mama and kid outta here." He clinched his jaw as his eyes fell on Jasmine. He felt his world breaking as her little hands reached up for Vincent. "Jasmine doesn't need to see this."
Todd stood still, his hands still up. He stayed silent as he saw the dark haired man pick you up from the floor, helping you to your child.
"It's okay, sweetie," you choked out, your knees wobbling as you picked up Jasmine. "Mama's has you. You're okay... you're okay."
You felt a large hand support you as were led off to another room. It looked like a dinning room, and it looked just as dusty as the rest of the rooms. Your head was spinning as the pain from your stomach burned, blood falling. The crushing weight finally took over as you started to fall to your knees. Vincent's hands caught both you and the baby, and he lowered you to the floor. He pulled you close as your eyes became heavy. You rested Jasmine on your chest and held her. You relaxed to the sound of a gunshot from the other room.
Bo stood over Todd after tying his hands together. He'll put him in the basement under the garage. It's meant for women, the chair, but he'll make an exception for him. The scum of the earth right under his boot wasn't going to crawl away that easy.
He turned his attention to the closed dinning room and hurried towards it. His head was racing for thought's of y/n and the child. He hoped Vincent got them far away--
His stomach dropped when he saw Vincent holding Jasmine, cradling her in his arms, and your head on his knees. When he looked past you, he saw your chest rising and falling out from pain and the bright red staining your pants. He felt sick to his stomach. If only he got here in time to stop it. If he didn't have to play the part of a dumb hick. If he told Vincent just to kill right as you walked through the door...
"Vincent." Bo watched Vincent's shoulder flinching upwards. He looked back to face him, and Bo's face fell. The little girl was sleeping in his arms, her face starting to return from crying. "Give me the babe. Carry y/n to the house. I need... need to call Les." He didn't know why he felt himself shake as he looked over y/n. He didn't know why there was a hole in his chest burning. He hated this. He hated Todd. He hated himself. "They need our help. They need help."
As soon as Vincent passed Jasmine to him to pick you up, Bo's heart broke. He looked between you and the baby as if he was yours, as if the child was his. His eyes fell over Jasmine as he held her close, swaying back and forth with her in his arms. Something clicked like a switch as he looked at Jasmine starting to fuss in his arms before to to sleep again. She was so small in his large arms, and he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in a blanket and lover her until the air in his chest was gone. He would kill for her. He would die for her. Either way, what bliss will he have.
He held her head close to his chest and shielded her away from Vincent as he lifted you off the ground. He was careful with your legs as he held you close. Vincent's mind circled over and over as he looked down at you. Why did he watch that long? What made him stay back to to watch it? He wanted to find an answer, any answer to satisfy his racing thoughts, but he found thing to calm his nerves. He found nothing special to make his stop to ache in his arms as he followed Bo to the house. The baby was gone, and it's fault. All his fault.
Both shared the blame as they walk you to the house in silence.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
well it's love, make it hurt - chapter seventeen
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well it's love, make it hurt series
seventeen: it's you I can't deny
series masterlist | prev chapter | epilogue
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Words: 4.7k
Summary: You and Din learn to know each other again.
Warnings: bdsm, d/s dynamics, enthusiastic consent, preestablished safeword etc, dom!din djarin x sub!reader, soft din djarin, din djarin is a good dad, long distance relationship, vaginal sex, oral (m & f receiving), communication, angst, major life decisions, author plays god with the timelines (sorry), canon adjacent?, canon divergence?, no use of y/n
a/n: my friends, this is the end. the epilogue will be posted on December 18.
i love you, and thank you for spending time with these two. it means more to me than you'll ever know.
also um just bear with me about what I've done to the canon timeline. it's only a little wonky.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
9 ABY - Fall
Despite his intentions, you don’t talk every day. It’s just not feasible. And maybe nights pass when you’re already asleep when he calls, but if it happens, he doesn’t mention it. You think he’s still afraid to scare you.
What scares you is how much you wouldn’t mind, and even that isn’t so frightening these days. This is easy, far easier than having to be stuck in hyperspace while you learn how to know him again.
When you ask him to tell you the story of how the kid became more than a bounty, you can hear the smile in his agreement. Can hear how glad he is that you want to talk to him, that you want to know.
He tells you the whole thing, and another night, he tells you about the Purge.
You didn’t ask about that one, could never have. It’s an awful, agonizing story, and it leaves you raw. But it feels important that he shared it with you, allowed you to take on some of his pain, and bear witness to his sorrow.
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One night, after a few of radio silence, he calls to tell you he’s in a town on Tatooine. There’s a sick anger in his voice as he describes the man who was not a Mandalorian and the agreement they made.
“Should have just killed him and taken it,” you grumble.
“I think he might be a good man,” Din admits.
It’s high praise, you think, coming from him. He might be the only good man you’ve ever met.
He promises to call after, and you don’t worry, even when several days go by.
You don’t.
The way your body feels warm for the first time in days when he finally calls has nothing to do with it.
You roll your eyes at his story, of how Vanth almost ruined the whole thing by refusing the Tuskens’ drink, of how he blows off defeating a krayt dragon as something simple. It surely wouldn’t have been without him, from the sounds of it.
Later, when he tells you the full story, you take back all of the compliments you had given his strategy and competency. (But you forgive him. He wasn’t wrong, really. You weren’t ready to hear it then.)
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9 ABY - Winter
You tell him the things you held close before. The things you kept stitched up, that you thought would make you more of a person than an idea, if he knew them.
Some of them were the building blocks you knew would betray you—the day your parents died. The first time you sucked cock for food. Your first kill.
Stories you’d never shared and tried your best to forget.
Moreso, though, you try to share the little things. The things that you wouldn’t have had to share before when you lived your days side by side.
You bitch about bounties.
You gossip about your neighbor Moshi’s on-again-off-again relationship with the Rodian couple down the street (they’re on again right now—you know because you get a lot less sleep lately).
You tell him how you went to the market for new shoes and came back with a little gorg-shaped instrument that makes croaking sounds for the kid instead.
(“How loud is it?” he asks, with no small amount of apprehension. “Loud,” you tell him with a grin.)
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He sulks a little the next time he calls. He wanted to see you before moving on, but the next lead was time-sensitive and drawn out.
“That’s too bad,” you say, voice soft and low.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” He almost restrains the hope in his voice.
You’d laugh, but you’re honestly a little nervous. But it’s easier to say this than any of the other things haunting your mind during those sleepless nights. “Oh, I don’t know. Been thinking a lot about having your cock in my mouth again.”
There’s a strangled groan from the other side of the comm. “Cyar’ika,” he warns.
“You don’t want me to get on my knees for you?”
“I do, but I can’t talk about this right now.”
“You don’t have to talk,” you say. “You can just listen.”
In the end, he has to lock himself in the fresher. When he can’t help but cum, you think you might understand why he likes to have power over you.
He does promise to get you back for it, though. If it’s supposed to be a threat, it’s not a very effective one.
But Din being Din, he throws you off balance. “Don’t you dare touch yourself until I get there,” he says after. “If—if that’s still alright.”
A shudder runs through you. “Yes, sir,” you whisper. It aches in your throat on the way out, but you’re not afraid.
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He means to tease you next time. Instead, you know something’s wrong as soon as he calls.
He deflects. He’s not ready to think about it, about Bo-Katan Kryze and what she had said about his people. You let him change the subject without pushing it, but he knows you’re not happy about it.
And he knows that not knowing will be worse for you. That you’ll think he just doesn’t want to talk to you. That you’ll simply shut him back out.
So he tells you. He tells you how angry he is at them for their disrespect. “It’s got to do with why our people were so divided before,” he admits. “I can accept that they have different beliefs about what it means to be a Mandalorian. But—”
“But they didn’t have to be such bitches about it! She straight up said ‘cult’?”
He laughs. Your righteous indignance soothes his anger. “You going to fight her for me, sweetheart?”
“What, you don’t think I could take her?”
“Well, she’s got head-to-toe beskar.”
“But she takes the helmet off, so all ll I have to do is punch her in the face.”
He can’t help but laugh again, grinning foolishly in the empty hull of the Crest.
“You know, you’re being pretty rude to someone ready to fight a trained warrior for disrespecting you.”
“I’m not. I just—thank you.”
“You’ve lost it.” You roll your eyes when he just laughs again.
“I might have,” he admits when he’s settled down. It wasn’t really funny, after all. But the abrupt switch from betrayed fury to the overwhelming affection made him feel happier than he had in a long time.
“Hey,” he says, suddenly soft and serious.
“I miss you.” It was the first time he had said anything of the sort on these calls. But the danger of setting off your alarms, of causing you to run, seemed so much less these days.
You’re quiet for a moment. You let the feeling sink in and breathe through it. It’s okay, you remind yourself, it’s not a dangerous thing. He’s not asking you to run away with him.
He’s not asking you for anything.
“Yeah, I miss you, too,” you say. You’re quiet, like it’s a secret, and you guess it kind of was. A secret you’ve spilled now, and can’t just wash away.
He doesn’t know what to say. He said it because he wanted you to hear it, not because he ever imagined you’d admit it, too.
But he doesn’t have to figure it out. You surprise him again, and ask, “How far is Corvus?”
“From Batuu? I’m not sure. I’ll look it up later.”
“No, I meant from you, like how long until you get there.”
“Sweetheart, I’m not going there first. I’m coming to you.”
“Are you sure? Don’t delay your mission just because I—”
“I’m not delaying it because you miss me. I’m delaying it because there’s time and I miss you. The nav was set before I called.”
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You meet him at the docking bay. Well, you time your dinner around his estimated arrival, but it’s basically the same thing. A compromise you made with yourself.
Rather than waiting there, feeling stupid in public, or waiting in your apartment, still feeling stupid but alone, you’d just get something to eat. Still, you can’t help but watch out for the Crest on the horizon. When you spot it, the nausea you’ve been fighting in the four days since he told you he was coming returns tenfold.
It doesn’t take him long to find you, sliding into the seat beside you. It’s all very smooth, the way he wraps an arm around your waist and presses his helmet briefly to your forehead.
You flush and try to focus on your tip yip and grains.
“You know,” he says, letting you go so you can eat. “If you want to fight people for disrespecting me, start with the di’kut trying to pass that stew off as Mandalorian. It’s a joke.”
You cover your mouth when you laugh so you don’t drop rice all over. “Oh, I know. I told him there was no way it was really Mandalorian. It was edible. My face didn’t even come close to melting off.”
He shakes his head, bumping his shoulder against yours. “It’s not my fault you can’t handle it.”
“Maybe you’re just a bad cook.”
“You never complained about anything else I made.”
“Well, yeah, almost anything’s better than ration packs.”
“It’s supposed to hurt,” he insists. “That’s what makes it tiingilar. It can’t be called tiingilar if it doesn’t make your sinuses burn.”
You grin up at him, eyes bright, before the look falls abruptly off your face, and you turn back to your food.
He’s not sure what he’s done.
But you take a minute, take a breath, and swallow down the terror. “Sorry, I got a little overwhelmed. It’s still weird, you know. To see you,” is what you finally say.
“It’s okay.”
From anyone else, you’d bristle at the platitude, but from Din… well, you know he means it. It really is just okay. You set down your spork. “He asleep?” You nod at the closed pram.
“Yeah, just fell asleep before we landed. Should be out for a while.”
Another grin creeps across your face, sly and pleased. “So, we’ve got a few hours?”
His fingers twitch into fists for a moment. “You, um. Are you done eating?”
You laugh, standing up and closing the lid of the takeout box. By the time he stands, you’re walking down the road. “You coming or what?”
He catches up with you easily, the pram trailing silently behind. “You first,” he promises, taking your free hand in his.
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After he parks the pram in the living room, he stops and studies you, head tilted. “We don’t have to,” he starts. “I didn’t—I want to spend time with you, it doesn’t—”
“Din,” your voice is soft as you approach him, winding your arms around his neck. “I don’t think you’ve been talking to me practically every night for months, all just to get your dick wet.”
“I don’t want to screw this up.”
You don’t know what to say, so you pull down on his neck until he leans forward. You press your forehead to his helmet.
His hands find your waist and hold tight. For a moment, you find peace in the solidity of him after only having his voice for so long.
His embrace feels like coming home.
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After several reassurances that yes, you did want this, he finally beckoned you to your bedroom without a sound. You found yourself knelt between his thighs at the end of the bed, moving on instinct with him and reading his intent in the line of his body.
“Open,” he says, voice soft but firm.
You obey. The command has you a little dizzy, and how is this so easy? So easy to slip right back into your place at his feet, so easy to just listen.
“Oh, cyar’ika,” he lifts your chin with two gloved fingers, “You want to be so good for me, don’t you?” He’s close enough like this that you can hear the way he croons, voice velvet beneath the crackle of the helmet.
You give a small nod, not wanting to knock his hand away. He rewards you by sliding it up to cup your cheek in his palm. You waver, but don’t melt completely, not yet.
“I know,” he says, running his thumb over your tongue. The glove is rough and metallic, and you whimper with the effort of keeping your jaw stretched open, aching to take whatever he’ll let you. He chuckles, shoving it further into your mouth.
“Go on then,” he says with a slight tip of his helmet. Immediately, you wrap your lips around his thumb, gently licking and sucking on the coarse tip, pushing it deeper so you can reach the leather at his knuckle.
“That’s it. You feel better already?”
You groan around your mouthful, eyes falling shut. He shifts his grip on your chin to the other hand in order to thrust the digit deeper, brushing against the roof of your mouth. It tickles in the worst way, and you attempt to choke down the cough by swallowing more of him. He pulls his thumb from your mouth.
Your heart sinks, but the whine that sneaks out is muffled by two long fingers, two long, bare fingers that are unceremoniously shoved down your throat. He curls them a little, pressing down on the back of your tongue, and lets out a soft groan when you fight the urge to gag by swallowing hard, the soft walls clenching around his fingers.
“There you go,” he whispers, bringing the other hand—now also bared—to hold the side of your face. Between the feeling of his skin against your cheek and the salty taste of his fingers on your tongue, you don’t even notice as you start to slip. Eyes fluttering shut. Drool leaking between his fingers from your stretched lips. He continues to murmur, but you hear little beyond the rumble of his voice.
He taps his hand lightly against your cheek, just firm enough to be on the sharp side. You blink, taking in the way he’s leaning back, head cocked to the side. He pulls the fingers out of your mouth and just sits there for a second.
Oh kriff. He asked you something. “Um,” and your voice creaks a little, “what?”
He shakes his head, neither cruel nor dismissive. “Cyar’ika,” the baritone is a notch lower, “I need you to stay with me for now.” His thumb rubs circles on your cheek. “I’ll help you down when we’re ready.”
“Okay,” you say, little more than a whisper.
“What do you say?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” His cock throbs a little when a shudder runs through you at the praise.
He can’t wait any longer. He doesn’t think you can, either. You're staring at the line of his cock through his flightsuit.
Despite his urgency, he moves slowly, making sure you’re following his hands as they rub over his length through the fabric. He chokes back a moan and is rewarded for his silence by hearing yours.
Your mouth is still open. Waiting. Your hands are on your knees, fingernails digging in through your trousers.
He pulls his cock out, and you whimper, but don’t falter. “Look at you,” he murmurs, holding himself in one hand and your chin in the other.
He doesn’t make you wait longer, can’t. He holds you in place, groaning as he settles himself on your tongue.
You moan at the taste, and he takes the opportunity to grab your hair and thrust in. You gag but don’t tap out, instead pushing forward to take him deeper.
“Fuck,” he moans, already panting with the effort to hold back. He tries to hold still, to let you take what you need from him. He can feel the way you’re still trying to pay penance for a sin he doesn’t think you’ve committed. He doesn’t like it, but it’s less desperate than when you begged him to hurt you for it, so he lets you offer yourself this way. It’s safer, controlled.
And he can’t say he’s not enjoying being the focus of your worship.
You think fleetingly of him asking you to stay present, and grab at his hand while you drool around his cock. With his fingers in your grasp, you tug a little and whine, throat fluttering around him.
“Go ahead, ner kar’ta,” he says, clasping your hand in his and stroking the other through your hair. “I’ve got you.”
So when you start feeling like you’ll float away, you let it happen. Your mind quiets in the way only he has ever helped you achieve, and with his hands tethering you, you give yourself to him completely.
He fucks into your mouth roughly, now. You take everything he gives, and more, still licking and sucking when he allows. When he abruptly pulls out, you whine but don’t move, swaying a little where you kneel, eyes closed.
“Up, cyar’ika,” he says, and helps you climb onto the bed. You peer up at him as he arranges you how he wants, arms above your head with your hands clasped, knees bent and spread wide at the end of the mattress.
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He turns the light off.
“Oh, fuck,” you whisper.
The hiss of his helmet follows. Your window is closed, curtains drawn, and no light sneaks into the room. His hands find your thighs and squeeze, reassuring you of his closeness, and giving you warning as he sinks to his knees and licks from your cunt to your clit with no hesitation.
His hands slide down to hold you open, and it doesn’t take long before you’re begging. You had already been soaked from sucking his cock, anyway.
He pulls back minutely. “I don’t know, cyare, you weren’t very nice, teasing me the other night.”
“Please, sir, I’m sorry,” you cry.
His thumb flicks at your clit. “I’m just teasing you, pretty girl. Cum all you want tonight. I’ve got five years' worth to collect.”
And who the fuck just says things like that? But you don’t consider it long, because the second his tongue is back on you, you cum, crying his name.
It sounds just as irresistible as he imagined. He’s already starving, but it makes him ravenous.
He pulls two more orgasms from you before he stands up and sheathes his cock in your warm cunt, swearing as you bear down around him, pulling him in.
“Such a good girl,” he bends over you, your legs around his waist, and presses his lips to every inch of your skin that he can reach. His teeth catch on the line of your neck and the curve of your breast before capturing your bottom lip, pulling you open for him to push inside your mouth. He consumes without restraint, gorging himself on your moans and cries.
When he buries himself as deep as possible and cums, you join him, enveloping him in the heat of your release. He stays rooted inside you, looming over you, as you shake and start to cry.
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It’s wrong, though.
It doesn’t feel like the way you used to crack open under his fingers and let him carve out all your distress. It’s not a burst of catharsis or a moment of blossoming under the deluge.
“Cyar’ika,” he cups your cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry,” you plead between sobs that wrack your whole body. “I’m sorry. I thought I could do this, but I can’t.”
He carefully extracts himself and lays beside you, gathering you into his chest. “It’s okay. I understand,” he says, even though he thinks maybe something inside him isn’t going to survive this.
You don’t hold him back, arms folded into the space between you. But you do bury your face into him and sob until you can breathe again.
“Din,” you whimper. “I’m so sorry.”
“Can you tell me why?” he asks. He presses a kiss into your hair, though he knows he shouldn’t, not now.
You let out a shaky sigh that threatens to crack into a new round of cries. You shouldn’t let him; you should stop him, but the sobs get stuck in your throat and fade when he kisses you.
It gives you the nerve to speak. “I love you.”
He freezes, baffled. “What?”
“I love you, Din. I thought I could ignore everything and be happy with whatever you could give me, but I can’t do it again. I can’t.” You also can’t stop talking, now that you’re finally admitting it all to him and to yourself. “There’s no place for me in your life, and I just. I’m not doing that to myself. I can’t watch you leave again.”
“So come with me,” he whispers, both your hands clasped in his. It’s still flawlessly dark, but he has his sweaty forehead against yours, and you can feel the curve of his nose with your own. He steals a kiss. “Please, cyare.”
“My whole life is here,” you tell him again, but it feels like a lie with the way your lips chase his for more. Your apartment is here. Your possessions are here. But there wasn’t anything you couldn’t walk away from. That wasn’t really the issue.
“So keep it. Keep the apartment, the connections. We’ll come back after.”
“Din, I—” you try again. The words are scrambling to leave you, only restrained by the horrible anxiety of having to hear the truth spoken aloud.
“Tell me exactly what you’re afraid of, cyare. I can help. We’ve always been stronger together.”
“What happens after?”
“After what?”
“I don’t know. After. When you go home, and I can’t go with you. I can’t do the same thing again, Din; I’m not made for it. Not for what you’re asking me to give in between.” It wouldn’t—couldn’t be casual, this time. Not with the way his love for you has survived the last five years. And if you’re really honest, not with the way your love for him has survived, too.
It’s a petrifying thought. Except it isn’t quite. Not anymore. Maybe it’s why you’re confident in these boundaries, ready to admit you aren’t capable of the same untethered companionship. You’ve loved and lost him enough to know it has to be all or nothing.
And he can’t give you all. So it has to be nothing.
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His shaky breath floods across your lips. “What if you could go with me?”
You sit back a little, but don’t pull your hands from his. His thumb is tapping against your knuckle. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t want you to think I’m putting any pressure on you. I just want to—it’s just an option, okay?”
“What’s an option, Din? You’re making me nervous.”
He takes another deep breath with a slow exhale. “I think I’ve told you before, but being a Mandalorian is a Creed. A choice. There are no rules about who can or can’t swear it, as long as they’re committed.” He pauses, and when you don’t react, he adds, “and you can walk away at any time. It doesn’t have to be until death. You just can’t come back if you leave.”
You do let go of his hands, now. Not because you’re pulling away from him, but because what you think he’s trying to say is overwhelming. You bury your face in your palms and try to parse his words.
“I’m sorry, that’s—I shouldn’t ask that much of you.”
You put a finger up and remember that he can’t really see. “Shh, just give me a second, okay?”
You mull the concept around. It seems like such a monumental thought, an idea of incredible ridiculousness.
But really, what would change about your life? You would hunt. You would carry a small arsenal of weapons.
What would you lose? The ability to show your face?
It meant nothing in comparison to what you could gain.
“What if I went through everything, and then you decide you don’t want me?”
“That won’t happen.”
“Din. I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
“No, ugh,” you grind your teeth. “I need to know, realistically.”
“Realistically? Then when you kick my ass for it, you’ll be in full beskar, and it’ll be a fair fight.”
You can’t help but laugh, even if it's a weak, shaky thing stolen from your breath.
“Cyar’ika. I have no intention of being apart from you if I can help it. But I promise that if something were to happen, there would still be a place for you with the Mandalorians. We don’t abandon our own.”
It doesn’t quite compute. He knows that. Knows the way that even before your parents died, there was no one else. Everyone always willing to cut you open and take. But, if you do this, you’ll learn.
And he wants so badly to give that to you. A family. One way or another.
He takes advantage of your silence, rolling onto his back and pulling you against him, tucked into his arm, where you should be. He kisses your hair and rubs a hand over your back, nails gliding gently over your shoulder blades. Every touch you let him steal while you think over his proposition gives him hope.
You’re not running. Not yet.
Maybe not ever.
But you don’t answer him that night. Instead, you let yourself be lulled to sleep by his warm body and soothing motions. He takes it as a good sign when you drift off.
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The kid wakes first in the morning. It’s for the best, since he forgot to put his helmet back on when he fell asleep. Din regretfully slips out of bed, tucking you in. He helps himself to your kitchen and starts a pot of caf before working up a breakfast.
He’s frying eggs when he hears you up and moving around the bedroom. He keeps to his cooking, trying to temper his expectations by reminding himself that you very well may slip out the window.
But you don’t. You come out of the bedroom and sit on one of the metal stools tucked under your countertop.
“Good morning, cutie,” you say to the baby, who is sitting in your sink with the faucet running, filling a bowl, and dumping it out over and over. The drain is open, making sure no water accumulates, and he seems fascinated by the flow. He abandons it, however, when he sees you, cooing and reaching his hands out to you.
“I don’t know, buddy; let me grab a towel first.”
Din tosses you one from your drawer without breaking away from his task.
“Look at that,” you tell the baby. “Like magic.”
Din snorts under the helmet. If only you knew.
Actually, he thinks, he should probably tell you.
But later. When he’s not struggling to keep focus, pretending like his hands aren’t shaking, like he’s not waiting while you hold his heart in your palms and decide what to do with it.
While you dry the kid off and let him climb on your shoulders and head, he plates the meal, setting his own aside.
The kid lunges for the plate, but you catch him. “No way, it’s still hot. Be patient,” you tell him.
Din catches himself staring right as you do.
“What?” you say.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head and pries the kid off you, untangling his little claws from your sleep-addled braid so you can eat in peace.
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You thank him quietly when he sets the plate in front of you, and you start to eat, though you mostly just push the food around with your fork.
“Did you mean it?” you ask finally.
“Completely.” His voice is thick and heavy with hope.
“You want me to become a Mandalorian.”
It’s not a question, but he answers it anyway. “Yes. I want you to come home with me. I want to be by your side, always, if you’ll have me.”
You hum, falling back into thought, and eat your breakfast. When you’ve finished, you push the plate away and stand up. “I’m going to get dressed. Let me know when you’re done eating.”
He knocks on your door ten minutes later, having taken an extra few minutes to wash the dishes. When you open it, you’re in one of your go-to hunting outfits, and your pack is strapped to your back.
“Okay. Let’s go.”
“Are you sure?”
“Completely. Take me home, Din.”
*title from "My Blue Heaven" by Taking Back Sunday
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