#Active Citizenship Skills
giorgio52fan · 10 months
Nurturing 21st Century Skills
Preparing Students for Success in the Modern World / Pregătirea elevilor pentru succes în lumea modernă In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, education must adapt to equip students with the skills they need to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world. The traditional model of education, centered on rote memorization and content delivery, is no longer sufficient. Instead,…
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momentsllc · 3 months
The Polite Ransacker and the Boy with the Rocktopus
Hey there! Well, look who’s back after a little rendezvous with life’s chaotic rollercoaster! It’s been a whirlwind, let me tell you. I’ve survived some questionable culinary adventures (failed homemade mac’n’cheese), played detective when my car turned into a crime scene, and worn the “bad cop” hat with my kids more times than I care to admit. But amidst the madness, there was a shining moment…
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nightmarist · 1 year
Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme
I made Askbox Questions out of one of my psych text books to help develop characters for workable storytelling. Send some Virtues and a Character !
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
GROWTH – What would it take for them to change their mind or perspective? Do they recognize when new paths open for them, or stick to their preferred paths?
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
CURIOSITY– How thoroughly do they explore new places, things, or ideas? Do they go out of their way to learn new things?
OPEN-MINDEDNESS– How do they deal with disagreement? How do they balance different perspectives?
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
CREATIVITY– How do they go about solving problems? What is something they enjoy doing so much that they can lose themselves for hours doing it? Pick an object in your space: would they know what it is, and if not how would they go about figuring it out?
BRAVERY– What kinds of risks do they take? What are they willing to risk to help a stranger? Do they consider the cost-benefit of a risk?
PERSEVERANCE– Do they believe success is based on innate ability, or learning to overcome the obstacle? Do they know when to quit? What are ways they identify their weaknesses and strength?
VITALITY– Are they introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? Are they more active or passive? What do they do to stay energetic? (NOTE: introvert does NOT mean they don’t like people, it means they need time alone to regain their energy for social situations).
INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?  
HONESTY– What kinds of small lies do they tell others? What lies do they tell themselves? What is the biggest lie they’ve told?
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE– Do they experience emotional empathy (innate ability to feel emotions for other people's feelings, i.e. happiness at success, grief at loss, etc), or cognitive empathy (may not feel grief but has a logical understanding that loss is painful, may not feel happy but has an innate understanding that someone’s success is a celebrated thing)? Are they aware of their own emotions and reactions? How well are they able to manage their emotions?
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
KINDNESS– Do they go out of their way to do favorable acts for other people? Do they treat themselves?
FAIRNESS– How do they determine what is right? Do they care about what is right?
CITIZENSHIP– Do they prefer to look out for themselves or be part of a community? Are they willing to work with others fairly to reach a shared goal?
LEADERSHIP– Do they have clear, set goals? Do they take the consideration of others, or do what they will? Would they go out of their way to meet the individual needs of people around them, or create a more standardized all-in-one solution?  
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
HUMILITY– Are they open to seeing their own faults when others point them out? Are they realistic about themselves, or do they inflate negative or positive values? What is something they are genuinely proud of?
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
HOPE– Do they look at their past accomplishments as evidence or inspiration for success? What inspires them to move forward?
HUMOR– Do they know how to diffuse tension appropriately, or do they make things worse? Do they let themselves have fun?
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
GRATITUDE– Do they thank people out of obligation, or because they are actually thankful? What is something they are most grateful for in their life? What sorts of things should they be more grateful for?
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
PURPOSE– What kinds of goals do they have to look forward to? What are their internal goals (having a good relationship, being a certain kind of person, etc)? What are their external goals (making money, being admired)?
SPIRITUALITY– Do they connect with things greater than themselves, or do they find it daunting? Do they want to have an impact on the world around them (for better or worse)?
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
Modern “alpha males” like to think they’d be the brave warriors of ancient Sparta but statistically they’d be far more likely to be part of a slave class running all the farms for and being hunted for sport by said warriors. And even if they were a Spartan citizen they likely wouldn’t last one day what with all the singing, dancing, vinegar drinking, and gay sex. If you wanted to have sex with your wife before the age of 40 you’d be expected to sneak out to her in the middle of the night and not get caught. Also Ancient Greek men were far more willing to weep openly than modern western alpha males.
A lot of Spartan life was centered around being afraid of their large slave class because they depended on them so heavily that they had no skills of their own aside from politics and exercising and singing and dancing. One or two large scale slave revolts would cripple their entire society. They didn’t know how to farm or weave or blacksmith or have a real job and they certainly didn’t have intricate rituals that allowed them to touch the skin of other men. They just did it. If anything they had intricate rituals that allowed them to touch women.
The fragile masculinity of ancient Sparta doesn’t scale one to one with the fragile masculinity of today. In fact, a lot of the aspects of one would shatter the other. A lot of far right alpha male bros who worship ancient Sparta would explode when they realized that Spartan leadership was more interested in being a neutral third party to negotiate terms between other Greek city states and touching each other’s butts than actually going out and going military stuff.
So many masculine manly men think they understand Sparta. That they all fought naked and never lost a battle and were the only ones who fought back against Persia. When a bunch of other Greeks were there at Thermopylae, the Spartans did wear armor, and the 300 odd soldiers accounted for the number of Spartan citizens there. Not the number of free men who didn’t qualify for citizenship or the enslaved soldiers who were forced to stay whether they wanted to or not or the thousands of other soldiers from other Greek cities that were there.
Unless you hunt poor people for sport and like having sex with your bros as a bonding activity and enjoy being politically like Switzerland and don’t have a real job, don’t compare yourself to Sparta. If anything a modern day Spartan would be a corrupt easily bribed bisexual trust fund baby running for a conservative political office.
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fatehbaz · 4 months
[T]he political philosophy underlying Westphalian, modern sovereignty [...], foundations of the modern state, [...] [formed] in relation to plantations. [...] [P]lantations [are] [...] laboratories to bring together environmental and labor dimensions [...], through racialized and coerced labor. [...] [T]he planters and managers who engineered the ordering and disciplining of these [...] [ecological] worlds also sustained [...] [p]lantations [by] [...] disciplining (and policing the boundaries of) humans and “nature” [...]. The durability and extensibility of plantations, as the central locus of antiblack violence and death, have been tracked most especially in the contemporary United States’ prison archipelago and segregated urban areas [...], [including] “skewed life chances, limited access to health [...], premature death, incarceration [...]”. [...]
Relations of dependence between planters and their laborers, sustained by a moral tie that indefinitely indebts the laborers to their master, are the main mechanisms reproducing the plantation system long after the abolition of slavery, and even after the cessation of monocrop cultivation.
The estate hierarchy survives in post-plantation subjectivities, being a major blueprint of socialization into work for generations and up to the present. [...] [Contemporary labor still involves] the policing of [...] activities, mobility and access to citizenship [...].
[There is] persistence - until the 1970s in most Caribbean and Indian-Ocean plantation societies, and even until today in Indian tea plantations [...] - of a system of remuneration based on subsistence wages [...]. Plantations have been viewed as displaying sovereign-like features of control and violence monopoly over land and subjects, through force as much as ideology [...]. [W]itness the plethora of references to “plantocracies” [...] ([...] sometimes re-christened “saccharocracies” in the Cuban and wider Caribbean context [...] [or] “sovereign sugar” in Hawai’i). [...]
[T]race the genealogy of contemporary sovereign institutions of terror, discipline and segregation starting from early modern plantation systems - just as genealogies of labor management and the broader organization of production [...] have been traced [...] linking different features of plantations to later economic enterprises, such as factories [...] or diamond mines [...] [,] chartered companies, free ports, dependencies, trusteeships - understood as "quasi-sovereign" forms [...].
[I]n fact, the relationships and arrangements obtaining in the space of the plantation may be analogous to, mirrors or pre-figurations of, or substitutes for the power and grip of the modern state as the locus of legitimate sovereignty. [...] [T]he paternalistic and violent relations obtaining in the heyday of different plantations (in the United States and Brazil [...]) appear as the building block and the mirror of national-imperial sovereignties. [...]
[I]n the eighteenth-century [United States] context [...], the founding fathers of the nascent liberal democracy were at the same time prominent planters [...]. Planters’ preoccupations with their reputation, as a mirror of their overseers’ alleged skills and moral virtue, can thus be read as a metonymy or index of their alleged qualities as state leaders. Across public and private management, paternalism in this context appears as a core feature of statehood [...]. Similarly, [...] in the nineteenth century plantations were the foundation of the newly independent Brazilian empire. [...] [I]n the case of Hawai’i [...], the mid-nineteenth-century institution of fee-title property and contract labor, facilitated by the concomitant establishment of common-law courts (later administered by the planter elite), paved the way to the establishment of sugar plantations on the archipelago [...].
[T]he control of movement, foundational to modern sovereign claims, has in the plantation one of its original experimental grounds: [...] the demand for plantation labor in the wake of slavery abolition in the British colonies (1834) occasion[ed] the birth of the indenture system as the origin of sovereign control on mobility, pointing to the colonial genealogy of the modern state [...].
The regulation of slaves’ mobility also represented a laboratory for the generalization of [refugee, immigrant, labor] migration regulation in subsequent epochs [up to and including today] [...] [subjugating] generally racialized and criminalized subjects [...]. [P]lantations appear as a sovereign-making machine, a workshop in (or against) which tools of both domination and resistance are forged [...].
All text above by: Irene Peano, Marta Macedo, and Colette Le Petitcorps. "Introduction: Viewing Plantations at the Intersection of Political Ecologies and Multiple Space-Times". Global Plantations in the Modern World: Sovereignties, Ecologies, Afterlives (edited by Petitcrops, Macedo, and Peano). Published 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for criticism, teaching, commentary purposes.]
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sketchfanda · 3 months
Kirishima’s Mystique:Ayanami’s Riot
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It’s a known fact for some that the man called All for One was an absolute bastard. A generally vile, heinous piece of shit who seemed to go out his way to think the world and life was a comic book that existed to cater to his grand design as some Demon King. So of course his array of petty and vile actions often involved atrocities such as illegal scientific experiments whose very purposes and intentions were nothing short of basically spitting in God's face and pissing in his garden. Among those being the art of cloning with the intent to craft spare bodies, now you might be asking what does this have to do in terms of context?
Allow me to introduce you all to one such clone, a pretty little thing to say the least, known as Rei Ayanami. That was the name she'd been designated with from her particular test tube conception, as well as that of her fellow clones or sisters who'd been discarded as AfO didn't see any rhyme or reason to needing a female body, nevermind how and why they all developed female. Far as the so called demon king of villainy was concerned, they were just Nomu who'd be good for little more than well.....whatever any of his cannon fodder underlings could think of to do with them. Not that they got far enough to do that when naturally in came some pros busting in on their lab with a raid!!
It had all gone by in a blur but for the peculiar hivemind of clone girls, they seemed to now no longer find themselves as disposable assets but rather recognized as sapient beings with sentience, will and citizenship. Seems having an array of identical young girls made for great spaces to fill in the work force, for every office building a pretty face for a secretary or personal assistant, a waitress in a diner, any and every need possible. It helped that each Rei was pretty adaptable but some of their caretakers wondered a few things about them. That being why in the hell were they so goddamn sexy?!
Researchers had yet to determine the exact cause to how and why but the Reis all seemed to have a habit for physically developing into bombshells with looks that put pornstars to shame. I'm talking more curves than a freeway, thick and I mean THICC sexy cuties with voluptuous booties, the flexibility of Cirque de Soleil contortionist acrobats and legs that truly brought a classic ZZ top song to mind. Tits just ideal in firmness and softness that those meatbuns just called to have a skilled hand touch them, the muscle tone of an olympic swimmer and the exotic albino-esque appearance. All this and more made for a package that could only be called a walking sex bomb.
Yet just as much a mystery was that not one of the Ayanami swarm had yet to report or experience any encounter in terms of sexual activity, could be that maybe their quiet, often cold stoic looking personalities were off putting. Or that some were worried about whether or not they'd be willing to consent or if they were risking sexual harassment but all things considered, these girls were about as chaste as nuns. That was until a recent development of course occurred at UA University. According to a field report from one of the key handlers, Nemuri Kayama, aka the Rated R heroine Ms.Midnight who was shall we say quite explicitly graphic and detailed in regards to this development she witnessed by chance first hand.
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It had all happened seemingly innocent enough as the Rei assigned to campus as her teaching assistant had seemed to, at least in her opinion, develop an interest or perhaps even a romantic if not sexual attraction towards one of her students. That being one Eijiro Kirishima, aka Red Riot, much to her delight, as the cute often seemingly mute homonculus girl would gaze at him silently with those ruby red eyes of hers. Seeming to especially take interest in whenever he was interacting with his girlfriends Mina and Maya such as holding hands or the brief little private moments they’d be making out, observing with almost voyeuristic curiosity. Or seeming to snap pictures of him on her phone when she’d catch him jogging by on a morning run or working out on the campus gym.
what follows of course in Midnight’s report could be considered overly graphic snd explicit in her descriptions and observations of her young charge and her sexual awakening. Snippets of psych profiles detailing numerous pornographic websites frequented by the albino mutant nomu, a collection of the pictures she had of Kirishima especially shirtless to which there were videos and photoes of her masturbating to them. As well as some peculiar documentation involving sexual education from the Rated R heroine herself and records of what had seemed to be a back and forth text chat with Mina and Maya, codenames Pinky and Mystique. To say that the HPS bureaucrats who had to read and check this report over had issues was an understatement .
But then of course the report went on to highlight how Rei’s behaviour had seemingly developed, wearing outfits intentionally a few sizes too small for her voluptuous frame or designed to highlight her sexiness to seeming to be more direct in approaching and socially interacting with Kirishima. Making small talk, one sided as it could seem but the hardheaded redhead was shown to do enough talking for both of them as well talk enough on the exotic girl’s body language in spite of her seemingly limited vocabulary. Then of course came the first act of sexual intimacy between the two according to a voyeuristic first hand account from Midnight as she had witnessed it in secret. Nobody wanted to ask exactly how and why she was there, quite frankly you’d be hard pressed to get an answer from her.
Apparently it had all begun playing out like an atypical scenario from a porn video, as the albino TA had the himbo stay with her after class, locking the doors as she immediately pressed herself to him, squirming in his firm embrace as they pressed their lips together in a heated, sloppy kiss. Their hands proceeding to remove one another’s clothing as their tongues danced together, Rei’s quiet but deep throated moans melodic and beautiful as she felt the object of he newly discovered sexual fantasies explore and caress her body. Her own hands relishing the firmness and heat of his muscular form as she kissed and licked her way down his torso, kneeling down to face his crotch. Looking at his cock and balls in awe as she grasped and started to stroke it, trembling with anticipation and arousal as her pussy gushed and dribbled with desire and need.
Midnight let out no detail of this illicit liaison, her vivid praise of Rei’s enthusiastic fellatio sounding like a critic praising a major award winning performance in how her charge sucked and blew on Kirishima’s cock. Let alone the himbo’s sexual experience ensuring the albino nomu girl’s world was rocked as he fucked her just about any and everywhere they could in that classroom. Rei seeming become devoted him with every orgasm he assaulted her with as if she were a bitch in heat being claimed by the alpha male she had courted with the results she had been hoping for. Her moans and gasps of pleasure often mixed in with her soft cries of his name with a tone of need and desire like she was becoming a junkie.
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That being the cas, it eas all no small wonder that the first time would lead to several more interactions and encounters of a sexual nature and variety between the two. Midnight’s report a pornographic treasure trove of texts like out of a porn book to pictures and videos enough to stock pile an onlyfans profile. From the pair rutting in a beach shower cubicle to a secret late night skinny dipping romp in the campus rooftop swimming pool. Secret blowjobs, private cosplay roleplays and that was just one on one of course. It only escalated once Mina and Maya got into the equation.
One could almost swear Midnight wasn’t exactly being subtle in hiding the fact she wasn’t secret about her acquiring her a evidence. The fact she was in some of the pictures and videos herself made that very clear to say nothing of other women involved such as the Hawaiian gaijin lifeguard at the local community swimming pool or the skater girl gaijin general course transfer student. But most peculiar was that the more Rei interacted with Kirishima sexually, the more it seemed not omly like she got more closer with him intimately but something else occured. A sort of strange synchronicity among her fellow clone sisters.
Reports from the handlers and observers of the Rei found that not long after Kirishima’s regular erotic trysts, they all began exhibiting changes in their behaviour and personality. Dressing in the same casually sexy, erotic manner, outright courting attention for erotic intimacy but most of all? They all seemed to share the same romantic lust for him, as if linked by a hive mind of raw, primal desire. Scrapbooks filled with pictures of the red riot, sketchbooks of which many anatomical artist nude drawings were among them, even journals detailing sexual fantasies!! No one was sure what to make of it to say the least.
Let alone when the Rei who started it all set up her own OnlyHeroes profile account, filled with a library of not only her sex live with Kirishima and the women in his life. But also those of her clone sisters, as if being a literal one woman harem army for the Red Riot hero. From pseudo twins performing tandem blowjobs to videos of to roleplays involving step siblings, that was just the tip of the iceberg. As if Rei was wanting to show off and highlight the stud thst she and hers had all come to think of as their sex god.
Observations continue to be reported in regards to the Reis and their adaptation to regular society but extra careful has been noted to maintain vigilance in regard to this peculiar sexual behaviour. As well as whether or not any children that may be conceived by the Rei from their constant copulation with Kirishima. Who knows what next generation army may come about. And does this hive kind behaviour also include and extend to the Reis still in their tanks…..
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welldonekhushi · 1 year
MWII Operator: Captain Arjun
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Marathi, Hindi, English
Born in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, Arjun Kumar Dhingra's aspiration to be in the military led him into one of the most elite forces of the Indian Army — the Para Special Forces.
When he was promoted to a Captain, Arjun's determination to defeat his enemies grew stronger, and he trained himself to become a skilled Para commando. Being a squad leader in the 9 PARA, Arjun's speciality comes from the unit's purpose itself — by being a Ghost Commando.
Underneath the original picture is the progress structure!
Whew! Finally finished with another piece of art, featuring my CoD OC, Arjun if he was an Operator in the MWII game! Like, who is not interested in adding their OC in the storyline like.. why not? 🥹
This is also an artwork I feel very proud of, for the amount of love and effort I've put in it.
Here's a bonus picture of him below masked in camouflage! It feels like he joined alliances with Ghost and König as masked men in the military ahahaha ;)
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That's all we have for Arjun! I hope you like the drawing and the idea of adding him in the game *wink wink*
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sasquach-scratches · 2 hours
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Eolan Roche
Alias: Edouard
He/Him Breton 29 (Planemeld Arc), 36 (Current)
Citizenship: Daggerfall Covenant Alliance War Rank: Corporal
Titles: Tamriel Hero, Emeric's Champion, Monster Hunter, Fighter's Guild Victor, Undaunted, Magnanimous, Kingmaker, Hero of Wrothgar, Stormproof, Numinous Aegis
Class: Templar Weapon Skills: One-Handed and Shield, Two-Handed Armor Skills: Heavy World Skills: Lycanthropy Guild Skills: Fighter's Guild, Undaunted Crafting Skills: Blacksmithing, Provisioning
A Breton warrior from Evermore, though being a man of few words, this is a detail that is rarely divulged. As terse and intimidating as he may be, he is a man of honor and virtue that only draws his blade when absolutely necessary.
His bearing suggests he is of noble birth, something that is seemingly confirmed by his admission to once being part of an illustrious knightly order in his home city. The details are sparse, but they suggest he left when his more romantic ideals of chivalry clashed with the reality of knighthood.
He once roamed High Rock as a mercenary for a good part of a decade, never staying in one place for too long and rarely showing his face. His travels came to an end when, after presumably crossing the wrong person, he was tricked and abducted by the Worm Cult and offered as a sacrifice to Molag Bal.
After his miraculous escape from Coldharbour, he took the role of the Prophet's champion without hesitation. As natural as a decision as it was for him, it was no secret that a major motivator was the apparent youth of his fellow Soul Shriven.
With the other candidates being a teenaged Argonian with anger issues and a Khajiit that didn't seem to be all there, it was clear that he was the only one qualified for a leadership role in his eyes.
Naturally, this was something that caused friction between him and his headstrong companion. Though he made his disapproval for her methods and illicit activities very vocal, he nevertheless offered unwavering protection and guidance to his young wards.
Overall, he appears to be a righteous and self-possessed man, but the reality is that it is merely a projection. Internally, he is constantly plagued by self-doubts and is often lost as a leader. He also carries the trauma of losing his soul to the King of Brutality, and often falls to existential crises regarding his Soul Shriven status and identity after death.
These issues were compounded as his wards began to come into their own. His perceived obsolescence combined with buried traumas that resurfaced as he revisited his home city led him to go as far as to infect himself with lycanthropy just to get an edge in combat.
Wracked with immense guilt over his "fall" while desperate to remain a valued protector to his companions only served to drive him further over the edge. Soon he would realize that his true self could not remain hidden away forever.
One Tamriel
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As cracks began to show, Eolan's charges would prove themselves to be the true companions he so desperately needed. He was assured that he was much more to them than a simple guardian; he was a dear friend, and how "useful" he was to them wouldn't change that. For the first time in a very long time, he felt loved.
With trust came the desire to be open. He was known, as he truly was, without fear and worry. With that weight gone, he allowed himself to be proud of his friends and how far they had come.
With that came acknowledgement that his place wasn't necessarily as their champion. When his world and the worlds of his companions merged, he was content to be a humble hero of the people, leaving the world-shaking heroics to his hot-headed companion.
With the support he needed now his, he cast aside Hircine's blessing. With his soul where it belonged, he felt whole again, even if his old body had long since rotted. No matter what, he was still here, still himself, and he wasn't going anywhere.
Yet another one that took much, much longer than I thought it would lol. I did learn some new things when working on this tho
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Some outfit notes!
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Planemeld Arc Armor (all Breton Heavy)
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Some notes on scars, cause I decided that they couldn't just Be There with no explanation lol Also cause I forgot:
-Right Arm- Grazed by trap (different from thigh)
I am once again gagged by not wanting to give away too many details about the character. I think I did an okay this time though.
Fun fact about his casual outfit post-One-Tamriel: he can't actually wear the outfit in-game because it looks weirdly big on him, but I wanted to draw him in something other than his usual ensemble so he'd stand out more from his earlier look.
I was thinking of giving him a makover for the High Isle arc but tbh I kinda gave up ESO in general after I got sick of the decline of the main quests lol
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halfbakedspuds · 29 days
Yet another Character bio for Echoes of Shadows, and as per usual, picrew has been used to compensate for my lacking artistic skill.
The creator of this template asked in its description to be credited, and since I don't want to bother him with a tag, you can find him here. (His tag is also on the image itself)
Maire Aitkin
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Full name: Maire Aitkin
Alias/es: Mother wolf
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Petrovan
Nationality: Angeheimish (The Kingdom of Angeheim)
Magic capability: Bioworker, order five.
Languages: Angeheimish, Vosch, learning Riets
Skillset: Knowledge of human anatomy, knowledge of medicine, knowledge of the criminal underworld, healing, weapon handling, scheming.
Maire was born and raised in the Ollania Duchy of Northern Angeheim, and spent most of her early life in a furnace city called Wrenhaven. (Due to Angeheim's extremely cold temperatures and the fact that most of the country is in the Arctic circle, spending half the year under the night sky, many of their cities are built around massive furnaces that pump superheated steam throughout the pipes of these cities just to keep them livable.)
At a young age, she discovered her power over organic matter when she managed to heal a cut she'd received while out and about. However, she elected to keep her newfound power a secret from her family and neighbours due to Angeheim's attitude toward mages.
Similarly to Tuitis, Angeheim follows a puritanical sect of the Bozhist religion that holds the admittedly backwards belief that although magic is a fully natural thing to possess, using it is considered an irredeemable sin. If a mage is caught using their power, the state won't even bother with the fanfare of a public execution, they'll simply send witchhunters after them. This, coupled with other stifling, discriminatory and conservative laws regarding expression and one's role in society, forced Maire to hide much of who she is. She would eventually walk away from religion in it's entirety because of this.
Maire would soon meet a man named Malcolm Fahey: a criminal, thief, and charismatic conman. Similar to her, he actively worked to hide his own magic, however he had begun building a small commune of mages and other societal outcasts and directed most of his less-than-legal activities to their protection and survival.
Maire would end up working for Fahey as his people's healer, and when she began to show promise as an enforcer, that became her job as well.
One day, while she was in a pub celebrating a friend's engagement (with a few drinks behind her already) she overheard another patron boasting about having killed a 'witch' who was hiding out on a nearby farm, and providing a detailed and gory description of how it had been done.
At this point she was intoxicated, filled with burning rage and sans her usual self control. She got up, walked over, dragged him out into the alleyway, then proceeded to beat him to within an inch of his life, all the while railing at him about how she couldn't believe that creatures as weak as him were permitted to butcher their children when she didn't even need her magic to make him beg for mercy.
When morning came, she realised that the person she had hospitalized was none other than Janek Neuschäfer, the Captain-General of the Tuitish foreign division of witchhunters, and that she had revealed herself to be a mage in that brawl. Meaning, in short, that she would soon become the target of a nationwide manhunt.
Coincidentally, the Rietland Republics and Rostov went to war around this time, and the Republics were offering honorary citizenship to any foreign volunteers. So, she did just that, and schemed with Malcolm to stow their little commune onto those ships with refugee status once they reached Ost-Rietland.
She would go on to serve with the 107th volunteer regiment on the Zuurveldt Southern front, earning multiple medals for valor and bravery, and unofficially becoming her platoon's combat medic. This would be where she met Johan and his sister.
However, she could not escape the war unscathed. A stray rifle shot would take out her eye, narrowly missing her brain in the process. Although the surrounding bone and skin could be repaired, her eye was lost in its entirety. Later in the war, she would find herself running through a ruined city in an attempt to retrieve a wounded comrade, and only fifteen meters from safety with her fellow soldier still on her shoulders, an enemy mage severed her leg in an attempt to force more soldiers into the open for a sniper to take out. The Suiderkloof twins were the only people brave or stupid enough to run out to get her.
She would be outfitted with a mechanical leg, given a medal of honour for bravery and sacrifice, as well as the Zuurveldt Zelverkrijs (Silver cross) to denote her service, before being honorably discharged due to her service-related injuries. With her newly earned citizenship, she tracked down Malcolm and the rest of her commune, then moved to Zuidpunkt where she would work as a general healer in the city's hospital.
Physical Appearance
She has a rounded figure, and often jokingly refers to it as her 'body armour'.
Her skin is light and tends to burn much more easily than it tans, meaning that she usually has a slightly red glow to her thanks to the oppressive sun of the Sumeran continent. Her hair is the fiery red that is commonly found in the Northernmost duchies of Angeheim.
Maire's remaining eye is green, although a much more vibrant shade than Johan's. Her eye turns blood red when she uses her magic, which has the added effect of unnerving people more than knowing that she can hear their heartbeats and other bodily functions at work, and that she could silence those sounds forever if she wanted to.
A milky scar runs out to the side of her empty eye socket, showing where the bullet had passed through.
She walks around with a slight gait from the unwieldiness of an already heavy mechanical leg that is ever so slightly too long.
She has several tattoos running up her arm, each denoting something she's done or lived through, with the most prominent one being a sigil denoting the sun half-risen or half-set over the horizon: her mark affiliating her with Malcolm Fahey's gang.
Maire is often called 'Wulvemadhra' [Mother Wolf] by the other Angeheimish refugees in her commune and by Sasha Devin because of her almost maternally protective nature reminding them of a wolf with cubs who would rather die than let anyone come near them. Although she denies this, claiming that she's doing what anyone would do, if you were to ask anyone who got out of Angeheim because of her they'd tell you directly that none of them would've had the courage to willingly get involved in a foreign war as part of a scheme to get them out of their country.
Maire is a constant source of running commentary and rarely stops to filter her thoughts before they become words, with her commentary intensifying the more annoyed she becomes. Oftentimes, the things she says come across as humourous and the tiniest bit crass (which the people of the Rietland love), however she oftentimes says something without thinking only to realise a few seconds after the fact that she really shouldn't have said anything.
She worked hard for many years to unlearn her homeland's conditioning, to learn to not hide her personality and identity for the sake of others and as a result she lives unapologetically and loudly as herself. She is incredibly proud of how far she's come, and holds a healthy mental image of herself.
She has been described as someone who is more than willing to return a healthy dose in kind to anyone who gives her shit. This is actually her problem: She's hardheaded and doesn't know when to back down from a provocation. This makes her remarkably easy to pick a fight with.
Maire lives fast and freely, flirting with anyone that sparks her interest (Be they man, woman or other), although in reality she craves a deeper relationship that isn't built purely off of attraction and actually entails a close bond with another person.
She has an appreciation for culture, going out of her way to attend Chen, Ostian, and Somaj festivals just to appreciate their music and art. Her apartment is filled with paintings, sculptures and other such paraphernalia, and she has a collection of music records that she's assembled over the years.
Maire is also incredibly sarcastic.
Weapon of choice
Maire has a shotgun that's been purpose-made to be small enough to easily fold up and be hidden within the ankle of her mechanical leg.
However, if she ever runs out of ammo or doesn't have the time to retrieve her shotgun, she still has her magic and can simply force people's hearts to stop beating with some concentration on her part.
Relation to the rest of the team
Johan: Like Johan, she feels that there likely would've been a spark of something more than friendship between the two of them if he had any chance of living that long, and she does feel regret that she'll never get to see it happen. She also regularly scolds him for pushing his body too hard because she's the one who always has to put him back together after the fact.
Sasha: Despite there only being about a ten year difference between Maire and Sasha, many people who only barely know either of them tend to actually think that she's Maire's adopted daughter. This isn't helped by the fact that the bioworker has (at least in part) taken on the role of a maternal figure toward Sasha.
Anastasia: Maire and Anna both have the shared experience of being refugees, of having been forced to run from a regime that wanted them dead. They are both lovers of culture, although Anna lacks Maire's enthusiasm of exotic music, preferring stories. The pair are close friends.
Hans: Maire quickly clicked what Hans' secret past was after meeting him, although she didn't say anything because she felt that it wasn't her place. She did end up encouraging him to 'just go for it' regarding a matter of importance to him, which worked out incredibly well in the end. The pair can be described as best friends.
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The executives who run companies like Nike, Anheuser-Busch, and Kate Spade, whose brand partnerships with controversial trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney have elevated her to today’s popular woke “It girl” (who is biologically male), are not just engaging in virtue signaling.
They are doing so because they have to, in order to avoid failing their all-important social credit score, which could make or break their businesses, the New York Post reported in recent days.
The Human Rights Campaign oversees the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score, which is crucial for businesses to maintain in order to avoid a negative impact on their social credit score, The Post continued. The CEI score is issued by HRC, the largest LGBTQ+ political lobbying group worldwide, and evaluates how well companies adhere to its rating criteria.
The HRC receives funding from various sources, including George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and as we all know, Soros has used his billions to systematically destroy American and Western society for decades because he obviously derives some perverse pleasure from it.
According to the latest report, more than 840 US companies have achieved high CEI scores. Companies that achieve a total of 100 points receive the highly desired title of “Best Place To Work For LGBTQ Equality.” HRC data from last year revealed that 15 of the top 20 Fortune-ranked companies received a 100 percent rating, the report continued.
The HRC was established in 1980 and created the CEI in 2002, with Kelley Robinson as its current president since 2022, who previously worked as a political organizer for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. The HRC has five main rating criteria, each with its own detailed subsets, that companies must meet to earn or lose CEI points.
The main categories are: “Workforce Protections,” “Inclusive Benefits,” “Supporting an Inclusive Culture,” “Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Citizenship.”
A company or corporation will lose CEI points if it doesn’t comply with HRC’s demand for “integration of intersectionality in professional development, skills-based or other training” or if they don’t use a “supplier diversity program with demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers.”
James Lindsay, a political podcaster who runs a site called New Discourses, compared the Human Rights Campaign to the Mafia, stating to The Post that they administer the CEI ranking “like an extortion racket.”
HRC is not a passive organization and sends representatives to corporations every year, giving them a list of demands to comply with in order to earn a high CEI score. If the corporations fail to comply, there is a threat that they will lose their CEI score, The Post continued.
The CEI is one component of the expanding ethical investing movement known as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) which is actively promoted by the top three investment firms in the country. ESG funds invest in companies that oppose the use of fossil fuels, advocate for unionization, prioritize racial and gender equity over merit in hiring and board selection, among other criteria.
Several sources have told The Post that some American CEOs are more concerned with pleasing BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street Bank, who are among the top shareholders of most publicly-traded US corporations, than with potentially angering conservatives, The Post said, noting that those firms are top shareholders in Nike, Anheuser-Busch, and Kate Spade.
This week, Dylan Mulvaney’s new ad campaigns with Bud Light and Nike have caused controversy, drawing criticism from country star Travis Tritt and Kid Rock, female Olympians, and Caitlyn Jenner, who said about Nike: “It is a shame to see such an iconic American company go so woke! … This is an outrage.”
The Post noted that Mulvaney, a 26-year-old transgender influencer who claimed to transition from male to female in March 2021 but is still biologically male, of course, has reportedly earned over a million dollars from various brand endorsements, including fashion and beauty brands such as Ulta Beauty, Haus Labs, and CeraVe, as well as Crest and InstaCart.
In addition, he has more than 10 million Instagram followers.
Experts suggest that neither Kid Rock nor Mulvaney is the primary audience that America’s top executives are trying to impress with this woke nonsense.
“The big fund managers like BlackRock all embrace this ESG orthodoxy in how they apply pressure to top corporate management teams and boards, and they determine, in many cases, executive compensation and bonuses and who gets re-elected or re-appointed to boards,” entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who is running for president as a Republican and authored “Woke Inc.: Inside America’s Social Justice Scam,” told the outlet. “They can make it very difficult for you if you don’t abide by their agendas.”
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, who manages assets worth $8.6 trillion and is recognized as the “face of ESG,” wrote a well-known letter to CEOs titled “A Sense of Purpose” in 2018. This letter advocated for a “new model of governance” that aligns with ESG principles, emphasizing the importance of a company’s social and environmental impact.
“Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,” Fink wrote. “To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.”
Fink also let it be known “that if a company doesn’t engage with the community and have a sense of purpose “it will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders.”
Our society is bifurcating into woke and non-woke factions, and that includes companies. Frankly, it’s past time that it happened.
Sources include:
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ravenkings · 1 year
Just what is reading, anyway? What is it for? Why is it something to argue and worry about? Reading isn’t synonymous with literacy, which is one of the necessary skills of contemporary existence. Nor is it identical with literature, which designates a body of written work endowed with a special if sometimes elusive prestige.
Reading is something else: an activity whose value, while broadly proclaimed, is hard to specify. Is any other common human undertaking so riddled with contradiction? Reading is supposed to teach us who we are and help us forget ourselves, to enchant and disenchant, to make us more worldly, more introspective, more empathetic and more intelligent. It’s a private, even intimate act, swathed in silence and solitude, and at the same time a social undertaking. It’s democratic and elitist, soothing and challenging, something we do for its own sake and as a means to various cultural, material and moral ends.
When I was a child, Saturday morning cartoons were sometimes interrupted by public service announcements from Reading Is Fundamental, an organization dedicated to putting books in the hands of underprivileged children. The group’s slogan was “Reading Is Fun!” Fun and fundamental: Together, those words express a familiar utilitarian, utopian promise — the faith that what we enjoy doing will turn out to be what we need to do, that our pleasures and our responsibilities will turn out to be one and the same. It’s not only good; it’s good for you.
But nothing is ever so simple. Reading is, fundamentally, both a tool and a toy. It’s essential to social progress, democratic citizenship, good government and general enlightenment. It’s also the most fantastically, sublimely, prodigiously useless pastime ever invented. Teachers, politicians, literary critics and other vested authorities labor mightily to separate the edifying wheat from the distracting chaff, to control, police, correct and corral the transgressive energies that propel the turning of pages. The crisis is what happens either when those efforts succeed or when they fail. Everyone likes reading, and everyone is afraid of it.
–A.O. Scott, “Everyone Likes Reading. Why Are We So Afraid of It?” The New York Times, June 21, 2023
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BIRTH NAME: Ogawa Ruda (小川ルダ)
KOREAN NAME: Oh Ruda (오루다)
DATE OF BIRTH: March 16, 2001
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kochi, Japan
HOMETOWN; Kochi, Japan
SEX AND GENDER: female woman
PRONOUNS: she/her
SOCIAL CLASS: middle class
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EYE COLOR: very dark brown
HEIGHT: 171cm (5’7”)
WEIGHT: 53kg (116lbs)
BODY BUILD: hourglass figure; small ribcage, wide hips, good posture, big hands
SKIN TONE: light medium, warm undertone
SKIN TYPE: normal
FACE SHAPE: heart/oval; big head, v-shaped jawline, big face features
EYE SHAPE: almond
NOSE SHAPE: high nose bridge, round nose tip
LIP SHAPE: full lips; big and plump, prominent cupid’s bow, upturned mouth corners
PROCEDURES: skin whitening, eye surgery, jaw surgery, chin implant, lip fillers, botox
BODY MODIFICATIONS: piercings (left ear - 1, right ear - 1)
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OCCUPATION: K-Pop Idol / J-Pop Idol
LABEL: SM Entertainment (2016–)
GROUP: NCT (2020–)
SUBUNITS: NCT U (2020–), NCT WISH (2023–)
POSITIONS: vocalist (WISH)
ROLE MODEL(S): Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation/soloist), Lisa (BLACKPINK/soloist)
being a female member of NCT
vocal skills
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Ruda was born on March 16, 2001, in Kochi, Japan, to her mother Ogawa Chiyo and father Ogawa Masahiro. She has a younger sister named Kei.
She comes from a middle-class family. Her father works at a company and her mother owns a bakery. She was raised in Kochi.
Ruda had a good childhood. She did many activities as a kid, including being a part of a music school club—that's where she developed love for music and that's where she learned about K-pop. Her friends from the music club were fans of Girls's Generation. Eventually, Ruda got interested too, and all of them decided to audition to try to become an idol.
On April 3, 2016, she attended the 2016 SM Global Audition in Osaka. She auditioned for singing and got accepted. She joined SM Entertainment as a trainee six months later, in October.
On September 23, 2020, NCT held a VLive broadcast that introduced the group's new members including Ruda.
She officially debuted in NCT on October 12, 2020, with the group's second full album "NCT Resonance Pt.1".
On May 24, 2023, SM Entertainment released a statement saying Ruda will debut in NCT's sixth and final unit, known as NCT NEW TEAM, by participating in a survival show called "NCT Universe : LASTART".
On October 19, 2023, NCT NEW TEAM released a pre-debut single "Hands Up" with Ruda as one of the members.
On January 18, 2024, SM Entertainment announced NCT NEW TEAM will debut as NCT WISH.
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She speaks Japanese and Korean.
She is sensitive to loud noises.
She walks very fast.
Her charming point is her smile.
Hobbies: listening to music, origami, reading
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lexdaily · 2 months
Exploring the Digital World: A Student's Guide to Online Ethics
with Alexis Melvy B. Paña
Hey there, fellow students!💗 Today, let's dive into the vast digital ocean and talk about something super important: online ethics. Sounds fancy, right? But don't worry, we'll keep it simple and fun!
So, where do we start? Well, I stumbled upon some cool websites that are like treasure troves of information. One of them is called Common Sense Media. It's a cool website where you can find reviews and recommendations for movies, games, apps, and more. But it's not just about entertainment; they also talk about important stuff like online safety and digital citizenship. I learned that it's essential to think before sharing anything online. Just like in real life, we should treat others with kindness and respect, even when we're behind the screen.
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Next up, Education World has this awesome lesson plan about cyber ethics. Now, don't let the fancy term scare you! Cyber ethics is basically about knowing right from wrong in the digital world. This lesson helps us understand the consequences of our online actions and teaches us how to be responsible netizens. One thing I found super interesting was learning about plagiarism and why it's a big no-no. Turns out, giving credit to others for their work is super important, whether it's in a school project or on social media.
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Lastly, Share My Lesson is a treasure trove of resources for students and teachers. They've got tons of lesson plans, activities, and presentations on all sorts of topics, including digital citizenship. I found this one activity that's like a game where you have to make decisions about online scenarios. It's a fun way to learn about internet safety while also sharpening our critical thinking skills.
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So, how can we use all this amazing information? Well, imagine you're writing a blog (like this one!). You could share tips for staying safe online, review the latest apps and games, or even create your own cyber ethics lesson plan! The possibilities are endless!
That's all for today, folks! With these awesome websites at your fingertips, you'll be a pro at navigating the internet safely in no time.
Remember, stay curious, stay safe, and keep on learning. See you next time on LEX_daily! 💗
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rishikul-123 · 3 months
Elevate Your Child's Education: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's International Board Schools in Delhi NCR
In the bustling educational landscape of Delhi NCR, parents are constantly seeking the best opportunities to provide their children with a well-rounded and globally competitive education. Rishikul Vidyapeeth emerges as a beacon of excellence, offering international board schools that combine academic rigor, cultural enrichment, and holistic development to prepare students for success in the 21st century. Here's why Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools stand out as the premier choice for parents seeking quality education in Delhi NCR:
Global Curriculum: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools follow a globally recognized curriculum that is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Our curriculum is aligned with international standards and benchmarks, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in an increasingly interconnected world.
Multicultural Environment: At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, we celebrate diversity and embrace multiculturalism. Our international board schools provide students with opportunities to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities, fostering tolerance, empathy, and global citizenship. Through cultural exchanges, international collaborations, and experiential learning opportunities, students gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world around them.
Experienced Faculty: Our international board schools are staffed with experienced and highly qualified faculty members who are committed to academic excellence and student success. Our teachers are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to nurturing the intellectual curiosity and talents of every student. With small class sizes and personalized attention, students receive the support and guidance they need to thrive academically.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and resources to support student learning and development. From well-equipped classrooms and laboratories to libraries, sports facilities, and technology infrastructure, we provide students with a conducive learning environment that stimulates curiosity, creativity, and innovation.
Holistic Development: At Rishikul Vidyapeeth, we believe in educating the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. In addition to academic excellence, our international board schools focus on holistic development, encompassing physical fitness, social-emotional learning, character development, and life skills education. Through a balanced and integrated approach to education, students develop into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and resilience.
Parental Involvement: We recognize the importance of parental involvement in a child's education, and we actively encourage parents to be partners in their child's learning journey. Our international board schools foster open communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, and students, creating a supportive and inclusive school community where everyone has a voice and a stake in student success.
Proven Track Record: With a legacy of academic excellence and a proven track record of success, Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools have earned a reputation for delivering outstanding educational outcomes. Our alumni have gone on to excel in diverse fields and make significant contributions to society, both nationally and internationally. In conclusion, Rishikul Vidyapeeth's international board schools in Delhi NCR offer a unique blend of academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and holistic development that prepares students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. With a commitment to nurturing global citizens and future leaders, we invite parents to join us in providing their children with the education of a lifetime.
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dwellordream · 3 months
“As the growing nation relied more on factories in the Northeast, mainly in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, to produce its goods, many women had more time for such activities. They no longer wove the cloth for their family’s apparel or made candles or soap or any of the other goods their families used. Some women, especially young, single women, worked in the factories that made these goods, while other women continued to work at home, sewing for their own families as well as for manufacturers who paid them by the price.
While enjoying the fruits of the new industrial order, such as ready-made goods, married women also played a new role--as nurturing, maternal wives and mothers. The harsh realm of business and manufacture made men and women see the home as a sanctuary, a place in which values of love, harmony, and virtue reigned--a gentle, loving refuge from the harsh world outside. Women were expected to rule over this domain of love and peace.
…Other women, both married and single, took another path toward participating in that world: They formed or joined moral reform and charitable organizations, because they wanted to make their communities as virtuous and caring as their own homes. In these organizations, mostly centered in the small towns and cities of the Northeast, they tried to instill higher moral standards among the ‘fallen,’ such as prostitutes, and dispensed charity to the needy. During the antebellum era, roughly from 1830 to the Civil War, these and other kinds of voluntary organizations flourished.
In these groups, women developed important organizational and leadership skills. They learned how to draft their own constitutions and bylaws, elected officers, organized meetings and assigned duties, managed funds, and wrote and published progress reports. They also learned how to distribute petitions and testify before courts and state legislative committees. These and other newly acquired organizational skills instilled pride and self-confidence. In 1837, a volunteer for one organization exulted, ‘I rejoice my friends that I am woman; and I never gloried more in my sex than I do now.’
…Antislavery women drew heavily on the precepts of William Lloyd Garrison. He regarded blacks and whites as equal human beings who were entitled to the same rights and privileges. Antislavery women applied this principle to men and women. They challenged a social order based on sexual inequality, claiming that women, as human beings, were the equal of men and therefore deserved equal rights. They denied that women were destined to play a submissive role.
Antislavery women were also inspired by the Quakers, who were staunch abolitionists. In addition, Quakers believed that women and men, alike, possessed an ‘inner light,’ a conscience that enabled them to grasp the deepest moral truths and live as equally moral and responsible human beings. In contrast, most Christian denominations did not believe that men and women should play an equal social or religious role; instead, they believed that women’s social and religious subservience was divinely ordained.
Finally, antislavery women drew on precepts of natural, undeniable rights. These precepts, first espoused by French philosophers in the 18th century, are embodied in the Declaration of Independence and declare that all persons are equally entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just as a black slave was a person with the inalienable rights of self-determination and citizenship, anti-slavery women argued, so was a woman a person with these same rights.”
- Harriet Sigerman, “‘Every Fibre of My Being Rebelled’: A Movement for Women’s Rights Begins.” in An Unfinished Battle: American Women, 1848-1865
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stepseduworld · 4 months
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Unlocking Doors: How Global Education Empowers You to Shape a Brighter Future
Welcome to StEPS, your premier destination for Global Education Consulting and Career Coaching. We take great pride in our ability to provide a wide array of services designed to support both students and professionals in their pursuit of academic and career success. Our team consists of highly skilled educators and industry experts who are committed to offering impartial guidance that is specifically tailored to your unique requirements and ambitions. Whether you're a student seeking guidance on higher education options or a professional aiming for career advancement, StEPS is here to support you every step of the way.
Expanding Horizons: The Gateway to a Brighter Future
Global education serves as a gateway to expanding horizons, allowing individuals to gain valuable insights into diverse perspectives and ways of life. Through immersive experiences and cross-cultural interactions, students can broaden their understanding of the world and pave the way for a brighter future. In a rapidly evolving global landscape, navigating diversity is essential for success. Global education serves as a gateway to embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and cultivating global citizenship.
Breaking Barriers: The Gateway to Boundless Opportunities
In today's interconnected world, breaking barriers is key to unlocking the full potential of global education. Whether through studying abroad programs, international internships, or virtual exchange initiatives, students can leverage the gateway to global education to access a myriad of opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Cultivating Connections: The Gateway to Lifelong Relationships
Global education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about cultivating connections that last a lifetime. As students engage with peers from around the globe, they form bonds that transcend geographical boundaries and forge friendships rooted in shared experiences and mutual respect.
Empowering Change: Harnessing the Gateway to Global Citizenship
At its core, global education is a catalyst for positive change. By empowering students to become active global citizens, it provides them with the tools and knowledge to address pressing global challenges, from climate change to social inequality. Education provides us with the means to unlock the door to building a future world that is both sustainable and fair for the generations to come.
Global Education is not just a pathway to academic success; it's a gateway to personal growth, cultural enrichment, and global citizenship. By embracing the opportunities, it offers, we can unlock a world of possibilities and pave the way for a brighter future for all. Begin an exceptional voyage that will mold your existence in inconceivable manners by initiating the first stride through the entrance to worldwide education.
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