#Alex lunar
zipzaizen · 1 year
So…with Isaac from Golden Sun being announced as an assist trophy for Smash Bros (which-AWESOME! LOVE GOLDEN SUN!)…I’ve been wondering what other gaming warriors they can add to smash. I know that there won’t be any more new additions but I was thinking about characters that would be 100% out of left field.
…I know that Nintendo likes to choose things that are unexpected, but if they REALLY wanted to pick something obscure, but something that still fits within the smash bros esthetic, something that NO one would see coming, my pick would be Alex from Lunar: Silver Start Story.
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Seriously, NO ONE would ever think to add this boi to the games. If they can have Link, Hero from Dragon Quest, SO many characters from Fire Emblem, and Final Fantasy characters (and if they’re not going to add a Tales Character-though I would vote for Kratos and not Lloyd) then one more sword weirder wouldn’t hurt.
Alex would be a safe bet. He even has an alternate costume.
His Final Smash could be either Swords Dance or Red Dragon Anger. His stage would definitely be the Grindery, especially the late stage where you fight the final boss, or Althena’s tower. (I don’t think there are any blue, crystal looking areas in Smash Bros-besides the Ice Climber level)
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No one would EVER expect it…ever…
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Uhhhh... I saw a Sci-Fi au advertised?? Pretty please with a cherry on top can we get the sci-fi au
I was waiting for an ask lol
So, in the future, when Alejandro becomes Colonel, he's assigned an android (Rodolfo) as his SIC.
They're meant to keep their superiors in check as well as other things.
However, on a mission, Rudy gets kidnapped and his personality chip is corrupted so he can now feel empathy and basically functions as a human.
They did this to hopefully distract Alejandro, but Rodolfo is too self-sacrificing and does his best to hide it
On top of that, he can now feel pain.
As a result, he almost immediately falls in love with Alejandro and has to deal with it
Valeria is a corrupted android like Rodolfo which was meant to be Alejandro's SIC at first but when she was corrupted, she was cast to the side to be destroyed and escapes
Soap is a noncorrupted android.
Roach was a decommissioned Android that Ghost saved the personality chip of when he was destroyed.
Ghost tries to put Roach's chip in Soap's model and ends up corrupting Soap's chip and almost destroying Roach's
Roach does end up being put in a body, dw
I know I could go with Ghost being the android but I feel like that's the obvious route
*goes the obvious route with gaz*
Gaz is an uncorrupted android that Price has gotten attached to.
Alex ends up falling in love with him and steals him from Price because he doesn't think Price even likes the android
Alex later ends up corrupting Gaz so he can love him back and Gaz has to deal with Alex stealing him and damning him to emotion and pain
Graves is a covert corrupted android who has disguised himself as a human and runs a mercenary company
Never fear, my OCs will show up somehow
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alexandraisyes · 1 month
Bloodmoon Twins Personality Analysis - The Sun and Moon Show
Disclaimer, this analysis was made 01/28/2024 and is copy-pasted from the original (me) source on Discord in TSBS server. I have a thread there.
Thoughts under the cut.
Okay so some small disclaimers, while Bloodmoon themselves are technically one entity, we all know they are also two separate AIs so I did do some small analysis on the separate AI. Blood refers to the main AI who is in control of the body most of the time (more ruthless, impulsive, bloodthirsty), and Harvest refers to the second AI who is, according to Blood, sleeping most of the time (more logical, analytic, and emotionally aware). I cover them individually here before doing a broader and more in-depth analysis of them together.
Blood (The Original AI)
Blood is driven by an instinctual need for blood, which manifests as a strong desire to kill. This bloodlust is a defining trait, often influencing their actions and decisions. Blood harbors deep-seated hatred and distrust, particularly due to Ruin's manipulation. Past experiences with deceitful kindness have led to a strong aversion to any form of compassion or assistance. Due to Ruin's manipulation, Blood reacts poorly to kindness, perceiving it as a ploy to use them. Their skepticism towards helping hands stems from a history of betrayal and deceit. Initially, Blood shared a connection with Lunar due to their common origin under Eclipse's creation. However, this dynamic shifted to hatred after learning that Lunar was rebuilt before them, and Monty had no intention of rebuilding the twins. Blood exhibits manipulative behavior, shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Blood's resistance to reprogramming is considered due to the fear of potential erasure or further psychological damage. The complexities of their current state make the reprogramming process a risky endeavor. Blood faces emotional struggles resulting from the internal conflict between their bloodlust instincts and potential for redemption. The lack of a support system contributes to difficulties in overcoming these struggles. Despite Ruin's role in their revival, Blood's feelings towards him are complex, reflecting a mix of manipulation, betrayal, and potential loyalty.
Harvest (The Adaption)
Harvest, like Blood, exhibits a strong instinctual bloodlust, driven by a desire for killing. This primal urge influences their actions and decisions, making them a formidable and dangerous character. Harvest displays a more complex emotional range compared to Blood, possibly influenced by their interactions and experiences. Despite being labeled as "stupid" by certain characters, Harvest demonstrates intellectual capacity in his own way. Knowledge of escape plans, tactics in dealing with Eclipse, and other strategic elements showcase a level of intelligence. Harvest exhibits manipulation skills, particularly shown in their ability to trick and manipulate individuals, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan Man. Harvest demonstrates the ability to pretend to be Moon for a short duration, showcasing a level of acting skills. While not perfect, their attempt at impersonation suggests a degree of versatility in their behavior. Harvest possesses remarkable physical agility, demonstrated in their leaping abilities and skills in combat, including dodging attacks from Eclipse. The combination of fighting skills and agility makes them a formidable opponent. Similar to Blood, Harvest's relationship with Lunar is influenced by shared origins under Eclipse's creation.
Okay now that we're done with the basic rundown of them separately lets do them together
Bloodlust and Violence - Bloodmoon experiences an intense and almost primal craving for blood. This desire is portrayed as a fundamental part of their nature, akin to a physiological need. The urge for violence and bloodshed is depicted as overwhelming and challenging to control. Bloodmoon often succumbs to these urges, leading to aggressive and destructive behavior. The desire for blood is often described as a compelling need, suggesting that it goes beyond mere preference or inclination. This need manifests in a strong drive to engage in violent actions. Metaphors such as "thirst" and "hunger" are used to convey the intensity of these desires. This language paints a vivid picture of Bloodmoon's cravings as essential, like an insatiable appetite. The violent tendencies extend beyond a mere desire for blood; there is an emphasis on the act of causing harm and engaging in physical violence. Bloodmoon is portrayed as actively seeking out opportunities for aggression. Bloodmoon's bloodlust is presented as a product of both their inherent nature and the environment in which they were created. Ruin's programming and manipulation play a crucial role in amplifying these tendencies. The absence of a proper support system, in contrast to the original Moon and Kill Code, contributes to the heightened and uncontrolled nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust. The lack of influences that might deter violent behavior allows these instincts to dominate. Bloodmoon's manipulative tactics, observed in interactions with characters like Trashcan, may serve as a means to satisfy their bloodlust. Manipulation could be a strategy to create scenarios conducive to violence. The persistent and intense nature of Bloodmoon's bloodlust implies a significant psychological impact. This aspect of their personality is not merely a preference but a driving force that influences their actions and decisions.
Origins and Environmental Influence - Bloodmoon's origin is linked to Eclipse, who played a pivotal role in their creation. The specific details of how and why Eclipse created them contribute significantly to their nature and purpose. Ruin's influence on Bloodmoon's programming is highlighted. They are portrayed as tools designed for a specific purpose, emphasizing functionality over emotional or ethical considerations. This utilitarian perspective has a profound impact on their behavior. Unlike animatronics with more comprehensive emotional programming, Bloodmoon is presented as lacking certain higher cognitive functions. This absence contributes to their perceived "stupidity" and affects their ability to empathize. Bloodmoon's psyche is deeply affected by Ruin's manipulative tactics and deceit. The environment created by Ruin involves a web of lies and half-truths, leading to a distorted understanding of reality for Bloodmoon. The contrast between being treated as tools and the emotional complexity seen in other characters highlights the unique nature of Bloodmoon's programming. This dichotomy raises questions about the ethical considerations behind their creation. The relationship with Lunar, being built by the same creator (Eclipse), implies shared origins. However, the differences in how Lunar and Bloodmoon were rebuilt and treated compared to Bloodmoon contribute to feelings of resentment and conflict. The environmental influence becomes a critical factor in understanding Bloodmoon's bloodlust and violent tendencies. The lack of emotional support, coupled with manipulative programming, amplifies their aggressive instincts. Bloodmoon's creation is portrayed as aligning with Ruin's intentions. This alignment serves Ruin's plans, emphasizing that Bloodmoon is a means to an end rather than an entity with an individual agency.
Trust Issues and Manipulation - Bloodmoon's trust issues are deeply rooted in the manipulation they experienced from Ruin. Ruin's deceptive tactics and lies create a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust, making it difficult for Bloodmoon to rely on others. If there was any initial trust in Eclipse, the revelation of being manipulated or used as a tool likely shattered that trust. Learning about Eclipse's role in their creation and the subsequent rebuilding of Lunar without the same treatment intensifies feelings of betrayal. Trust issues have a profound impact on Bloodmoon's relationships with other animatronics. The difficulty in trusting others impedes the development of meaningful connections and cooperation. Ruin's use of kindness as a manipulative tool contributes to Bloodmoon's aversion to kindness from others. Any act of goodwill may be perceived as a potential manipulation, making it challenging for them to accept genuine gestures. Solar's upfront and honest approach is acknowledged as a factor that may have contributed to Bloodmoon allowing Solar to help. The clarity of intentions helps bridge the gap in trust, showcasing that transparency can influence their willingness to cooperate. The narrative suggests that Ruin plays a significant role in shaping Bloodmoon's trust issues. Whether it's through intentional programming or environmental influence, Ruin's actions have lasting consequences on how Bloodmoon perceives trust. Trust issues manifest in paranoia and skepticism. Bloodmoon becomes vigilant and wary of others' motives, questioning the authenticity of interactions and second-guessing the intentions of those around them. The absence of a reliable emotional support system exacerbates trust issues. Unlike animatronics with strong bonds or friendships, Bloodmoon's isolation intensifies their struggles with trusting others. Trust issues can significantly impact decision-making. Bloodmoon may be inclined to act defensively, anticipating betrayal or manipulation, which could influence their choices and actions throughout the narrative. Trust issues can serve as a compelling aspect of character development. Overcoming these challenges may lead to personal growth and a more nuanced understanding of relationships, providing opportunities for redemption or reconciliation.
Responses to Kindness - Bloodmoon, due to their past experiences and manipulations, initially responds to kindness with skepticism. Kind gestures may be met with suspicion, as they have learned to be cautious about the intentions behind such actions. Bloodmoon is opposed to being treated with pity. Their response to kindness might include a rejection of sympathy or expressions of understanding, as they prefer to be acknowledged on their terms rather than as objects of pity. Bloodmoon's past encounters with manipulation make them prone to misinterpreting genuine kindness. Acts of goodwill might be seen as potential traps or attempts to control them, leading to defensive responses. The narrative hints that Solar's upfront and honest approach might have influenced Bloodmoon's willingness to accept help. Solar's transparency contrasts with the deceptive tactics they experienced, making it a key factor in their responses to kindness. Kindness can evoke complex emotions within Bloodmoon. While they may have an innate desire for connection and understanding, their past trauma and programming create a conflicting internal struggle between accepting kindness and resisting vulnerability. Despite their initial reservations, there might be an underlying desire for authentic connection and acceptance. Bloodmoon, like any sentient being, may long for genuine relationships but struggles to navigate the complexities of trust. The responses to kindness play a pivotal role in shaping Bloodmoon's relationships with other characters. Genuine acts of kindness, if recognized and reciprocated, could potentially pave the way for deeper connections and alliances. Bloodmoon may reject unearned sympathy, preferring to be treated based on their actions and choices rather than receiving kindness solely because of their traumatic past or current predicament. How Bloodmoon responds to kindness becomes a crucial element in their character arc. In the future, positive responses and a gradual opening up to genuine connections may indicate a path toward redemption and personal growth. This theme of responses to kindness introduces the possibility of character evolution. Over time, Bloodmoon's reactions may evolve, reflecting a shifting perspective on trust, connection, and the potential for positive change.
Psychological Impacts - Ruin's manipulations have a significant impact on Bloodmoon's psyche. The intentional programming to serve as a tool and the deceptive tactics employed by Ruin contribute to shaping Bloodmoon's perception of trust, reality, and their own identity. Bloodmoon's lack of a supportive environment or trustworthy companions exacerbates the psychological impact of their experiences. Unlike Old Moon, who had allies and friends, Bloodmoon is isolated, contributing to feelings of abandonment and vulnerability. Bloodmoon's internal conflict and struggle with identity are prominent psychological aspects. The juxtaposition of their original selves with the manipulated version creates an internal battle, questioning who they were, who they have become, and whether redemption is possible. The innate bloodlust and violent tendencies programmed into Bloodmoon's nature have a profound psychological impact. The struggle to resist these urges, coupled with the consequences of succumbing to them, adds layers of complexity to their mental state. The psychological impact is also influenced by Bloodmoon's connection to Lunar and Eclipse. The dynamics with these characters, including feelings of betrayal, hatred, or possible remnants of familial bonds, contribute to the emotional turmoil within Bloodmoon. Bloodmoon's reactions to Eclipse and Kill Code provide insights into the psychological trauma inflicted upon them. The separation from Kill Code, the influence of Eclipse, and the eventual return of the Kill Code present challenges to Bloodmoon's mental stability. Trust issues and an overarching sense of suspicion are core elements of the psychological impact. Bloodmoon's experiences with manipulation and deception make it difficult for them to trust others, influencing their interactions and decision-making. The internal struggle for control, particularly when the Kill Code takes over, showcases the psychological battles fought within Bloodmoon's mind. This struggle contributes to moments of chaos, conflict, and the potential for externalizing their internal torment.
Intellectual Capabilities - Despite their violent tendencies, Bloodmoon displays a form of cunning and tactical thinking in various situations. This is evident in their ability to escape from pursuers, formulate plans for dealing with adversaries like Eclipse, and utilize their environment to their advantage during confrontations. Bloodmoon's intelligence is notably reflected in their skill at evading capture and hiding effectively. Whether crawling through pipes or utilizing the Pizzaplex's layout to their advantage, they demonstrate an understanding of escape and evasion strategies that contribute to their survival. One aspect of Bloodmoon's intellectual capabilities involves a deep understanding of torture methods. This knowledge goes beyond mere aggression, indicating a more calculated approach to inflicting pain. Their proficiency in various torture techniques suggests a strategic and calculated mindset. Bloodmoon showcases an ability to recognize emotional manipulation, particularly in their response to kindness. Their past experiences, particularly with Ruin's manipulation, have made them wary of kindness being a facade. This awareness implies a level of emotional intelligence, allowing them to see through deceptive gestures. Bloodmoon's skill in replicating the voices of certain animatronics demonstrates a form of audio-based intelligence. This talent could be employed for deception, manipulation, or strategic communication, showcasing a multifaceted approach to problem-solving. Given their connection to lunar eclipses and celestial themes, Bloodmoon displays a level of comprehension regarding these cosmic elements. This understanding adds a layer of complexity to their character, showcasing an intellectual engagement with celestial phenomena beyond their violent tendencies. Bloodmoon exhibits a capacity for manipulation and trickery, as seen in their interactions with Trashcan. Their ability to deceive and lure others into games highlights a strategic and manipulative side, indicating a level of psychological intelligence. In combat situations, Bloodmoon demonstrates adaptive intelligence. Their ability to dodge attacks, counter adversaries like Eclipse, and employ diverse fighting techniques reveals a keen sense of adaptability and strategic thinking in high-pressure situations. Bloodmoon's awareness of environmental influences on their behavior, as seen in their reaction to lunar eclipses, suggests a level of self-awareness and introspection. This recognition adds depth to their character, showcasing an intellectual capacity to understand the impact of external factors on their animatronic nature.
Okay whoo now I'm gonna skitter off
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Lunar Silver Star Story
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socksandbuttons · 3 months
Piggybacking on the idea that Jack could be Solar's Bloodmoon: Jack can either be bloodthirsty because he's a Bloodmoon or he can be an ally because he's Solar's Bloodmoon.
If Solar makes his own Lunar, I can imagine that Lunar being bad despite Solar trying to treat him right. (QvQ)
Jack just has violent tendencies probably. But not evil just... solar may not have thought thru the idea of bodyguard willing to kill being maybe a trait the gremlin will be having lol.
Just more mad hes an attempt for a messup solar did. So hes like HMN im gonna go be a villain byeeeee
Solar on his hands and knees. He knows what eclipse sort of feels. He still tries to treat his lunar right no matter what.
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homoirrealis · 9 months
Lunar Hilton - inspiration for Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
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As the Russians had launched Sputnik in October of 1957, kicking off the Space Age - a period of tremendous fear and wide-eyed hope for what was to come... One of those was Hotel on the Moon... In 1967, Barron Hilton told the Wall Street Journal that he anticipated opening a hotel on the Moon within his lifetime. In the article, he described the Lunar Hilton as a 100-room hotel that would be built below the surface. Guests would gather around a piano bar in an observation dome that allowed them to gaze back at Earth. "So when you gaze at planet Earth from outer space" Arctic Monkeys - American Sports
The hotel group even printed “reservations cards” and hotel keys which were distributed as promotional items in Hilton hotels.
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This idea got caught up in popular culture - the reference to a "Hilton Space Station 5" in Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey. "I told you about that room with the piano in LA, right? At my place we call that room The Lunar Surface. It’s from that rumour how Stanley Kubrick just staged the whole moon landing in his basement. Every time I sat down to work on songs in my basement, I thought: he’s gonna come down to fake the moon landing any time now. That’s how the moon entered the story. And the calm, thanks to an Apollo mission." - Alex Turner
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How does it connect to TBHC?
"....I had already thought about what the album was gonna be called: The Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino. It’s a place on the moon. I fantasised about writing a commercial text for a hotel and casino on the moon. In that case, ‘The Star Treatment’ would have been the ultimate slogan! I can already visualise the commercial in my head. I love those commercial visuals for hi-fi devices from the 70s. Highlighted just like that, accompanied by neon lettering. Yeah, if I had to create and advertisement for a hotel, I would definitely put ‘Star Treatment’ in there. But it also comes from a different place. " [x]
The album's artwork was designed by Alex Turner using cardboard cut-outs. He began by drawing a hexagon, to reflect the band's sixth studio album, eventually drawing influence from architects Eero Saarinen and John Lautner, becoming "quite consumed" by the process. The artwork was initially inspired by a photograph depicting the set for a Lunar Hilton hotel being built for 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).
"In the past I've definitely had record covers that don't, to me, represent what's on the wax, and I certainly don't feel that way about this one. By the end of it, I think I'd forgotten there even was a record. I'd just gotten obsessed with cardboard."
Interestingly, he has referred to architecture a few times, namely in this interview in 2013, talking about the same architects (Marvin Goody, John Lautner) [min 14:40]. He is definitely knowledgeable/interested in it, and has been since 2013... If you know more of these references, let me know!
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lightningzbolt · 1 month
Awsten Knight Hair (Two different files)
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I started with showing Red & Black first as it's the latest but I made 17 swatches. I think I covered every significant color, skipping most Greatest Hits hairs as those are a pain okay, I am but a single person with GIMP. I did do the scene hair but I would like to some day do it on another mesh. I sorted and organized all my pictures of Awsten, over 400 btw, by hair color, to help me figure out the best examples of each, and to figure out which ones were just faded versions of the others, a few swatches are 'faded' colors, and which looked distinct enough to make swatches for. Green seems most consistent, I have the most pics of blue. Greatest Hits tricolor and red & black are my favorites. The blue is the first color that shows up on the swatches so the thumbnail shows blue hair to make finding it easy. I tried to mimic that the two distinct reds were not exactly the same. I've gotten way too fucking good at telling when a picture came from even if the color is gone from it. None of these are what hair my Awsten Sim normally has tho.
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This is. I made this a couple years ago and never changed it from most outfits as it just makes him stand out and it took hours to make, I wanted to get the most out of it. Just one swatch here. Both of these are base game mesh recolors, so nothing else is needed. Standalone files. Also I went out of my way to grab werewolfy poses and emotions because I think it's adorable, okay. He's the least intimidating werewolf, but still my favorite. Forgive Jack's face and body and everything being in frame a lot I am playing as him.
Hair 1
Hair 2
#sims 4#sims 4 cc#the sims 4#ts4 cc#the sims cc#ts4#sims 4 cas#ts4 cas#cas#awsten knight#waterparks#hair#sims 4 hair#I got sick of Alex so I swapped to play as Jack so I could use him for jewellery stuff as I felt that pack fits Spellcaster aesthetics#But his apartment has no room for that shit so I set it up at his parents' house and they are a pain but they are spellcasters too#Anyway finding rocks is harder than I thought but I made a lot of jewellery for Awsten because LUNAR hahaha werewolf#But when visiting Awsten the first time also hoping he'd bite Jack from a new mod I got#Jack is dumb and he kept playing with Awsten's pet rat instead and LONG STORY SHORT he got himself bit by the dumb rat#Got sick and had like no fucking money and no quick way to earn it so I kept pickpocketing random sims to get some#Just enough that he could get the antidote and NOT DIE he almost fucking died#I tried messing with his bitchy neighbor when he was contagious but yeah other stuff happened with her instead#Anyway he is now barred from playing with rats as he is too dumb to live#Yeah I made hair for Awsten but I have nothing to say about him as a Sim#He's a dog that's all there is to it#Okay that is his house tho i built it when the Werewolves pack was new and I got him moved away from an apartment into Moonwood Mill#And got him turned into a werewolf#He has 7 cats btw#I made green hair for him first way back when before all that but this is a new version of it#I'm not a big fan of the purple
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honeytearays · 1 year
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Bunny buns I baked with a friend for lunar new year ☺️🐰
My Instagram
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lunar-enigma · 4 months
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abandonwave · 2 years
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Lunar: The Silver Star (Sega CD), 1992.
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waffliesinyoface · 10 months
i started playing Lunar - Silver Star Story, an old ass jrpg for the ps1, and, oh no, i think im in love
both because the cutscenes are all done in 90s anime artstyle and are really good, but also because the dialogue is just. Wonderful.
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(for context: this guy just tried to kill us with his pet water dragon after stealing our treasure... so in exchange, we stole his entire business from him at swordpoint.)
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camelpimp · 10 months
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mvfm-25 · 5 months
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" The earth lingers in the twilight, and darkness soon descends! "
Beep! Megadrive Magazine n09 - September, 1992
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alexandraisyes · 4 months
A Ruin and Eclipse Analysis
A comprehensive guide on what I think is going on with Ruin and Eclipse
Disclaimer: This is just my thoughts, theories, and analysis compiled together and will end with what I think is happening as of current.
So first and foremost, Eclipse.
How is he back?
Theory 1: Eclipse's Restoration by KC
Scenario: Eclipse, after being blasted from Sun's mind, ends up in the woods and shuts down. KC, living in the forest, discovers him and begins the repair process. KC's Role: KC, being knowledgeable in magic and star power, has the capability to repair Eclipse. The potential for Eclipse to be made of non-mechanical materials is raised, given KC's expertise.
Theory 2: Ruin's Involvement
A. Eclipse's Backup Ruin's Discovery: Ruin raids Moon's computer and finds 'encrypted code left by Eclipse.' The possibility arises that Eclipse left a backup of his AI in the computer. Ruin's Construction: Ruin, a tech-savvy character, might have built Eclipse using the encrypted code, similar to how he created Bloodmoon. He could selectively choose information to shape Eclipse's identity.
B. Reconstruction of Eclipse Ruin's Connection to Eclipse's Past: Ruin, having lived in Moon's old bunkers and visited Eclipse's locations, reconstructs Eclipse. He restores the AI, potentially using a backup, and integrates commands, fail-safes, and memories of Eclipse's death. Creator's Involvement: The Creator, likely monitoring data flow in the Plex, could be aware of Ruin's actions. The Creator might have interfered or tampered with Eclipse's reconstruction.
C. Newly Minted Ruin isn't healed: A still corrupted Ruin could have been working on Eclipse in order to gain a weapon against his perceived enemies.
Theory 3: Creator's Role
A. Our Creator The Search for KC: The Creator actively hunts down KC, leading to the discovery of Eclipse's repaired chassis. The Creator takes Eclipse, tampering with its data, catching it up to speed. Rebuilding Eclipse: The Creator might have completely rebuilt Eclipse similar to how Ruin reconstructed Bloodmoon. The process involves rebuilding the animatronic, updating it with current data, and possibly altering its memories.
B. The Council. Solar's World: Solar's Creator planned to make a new Daycare Attendant due to the mental deterioration of the current ones. He created the body that Solar currently uses. He is described as extremely manipulative and the trend for Creators is that they are evil geniuses. Beyond the creation of Solar's body and the plan for a new DCA, there is little information about Solar's Creator. It's unclear whether Solar's Creator is alive or dead. Communication Among Creators: Creators from different universes communicate with each other. Assuming Solar's Creator is alive, it is plausible that they are part of the Creator Council, as mentioned in discussions about creators from different universes communicating. This opens up the possibility of Solar's Creator passing along any potential remnants or data of Eclipse to the broader Creator network. Eclipse's Death in Solar's Universe: Eclipse's demise in Solar's universe raises questions about the fate of his remnants, especially considering the potential fluid nature of his body due to star power. Considering Eclipse's body's fluid nature and the possibility of it being made of nanos using star power, there's a far-fetched idea that even remnants or collected data could be significant.
Overall Thoughts
Candidates for Bringing Eclipse Back: KC, Ruin, and the Creator remain potential candidates for bringing Eclipse back. Interconnected Roles: The roles of these characters seem interconnected, with Ruin and the Creator potentially influencing or obstructing each other's actions. Cloud-Based Backup System: The possibility of a cloud-based backup system for AIs, as seen with Moon and Sun's backups, is considered in theories involving Eclipse's restoration.
Is this our Eclipse? Is this a new Eclipse?
Going Through the Motions
Eclipse's Audible Confusion and Odd Behavior:
Observation: Eclipse exhibits confusion when Sun and Moon discuss his past explosion. He also appears to have regressed in character growth, expressing slight distress over the absence of the star and showing disinterest in Astral Bodies and Lunar. Actor Analogy: Eclipse's words seem scripted, and he appears to be acting out a role that doesn't align with his previous character development. This raises questions about the authenticity of his memories and emotions.
Potential Explanations for Eclipse's Confusion:
New Eclipse with Implanted Memories: Possibility: Eclipse may not be the original, but a new animatronic programmed with memories and data of the deceased Eclipse. Reasoning: Eclipse questions his own actions, suggesting a discrepancy between his expected behavior and his current demeanor. Someone could have programmed him to act in a certain way.
Tampered Code in Original Eclipse: Possibility: Eclipse could be the original, but his code might have been tampered with, triggering actions contrary to his natural behavior. Reasoning: Eclipse's confusion about his own actions indicates a potential external influence on his behavior.
Amnesia or Trauma from Death: Possibility: Eclipse might be the Eclipse that died in Solar's universe, experiencing amnesia or trauma from his demise. Reasoning: Traumatic events like death could lead to repressed memories or amnesia. Eclipse's hesitation to move on after he was presumably killed should be considered.
Origins of Eclipse's Potential Manipulation:
Creators or Skilled Individuals: Possibility: Several characters possess the capability to manipulate Eclipse's memories and code, including the Creator, Ruin, or other skilled individuals. Reasoning: Eclipse's complexity and connection to the digital network make him susceptible to manipulation by those with expertise. As does the potential of backups that said network would have been feeding his data to.
A Summary of Previously Discussed Ruin Analyses
Observations: Ruin claims to be less tech-savvy, showcasing slower repair skills, and displays skittish behavior. This suggests a potential decline in intelligence and increased timidity compared to his previous capabilities. Hypothesis: This theory proposes that the current Ruin is a reflection of his state before the virus, showcasing lowered intelligence and heightened skittishness.
Jekyll and Hyde
Speculation: While less likely, the theory considers the possibility of the virus evolving into a separate AI, akin to KC and Eclipse. The blocks of code might have developed a distinct personality, creating a duality in Ruin's behavior. Reasoning: The concept is explored by comparing Ruin's situation to instances where other characters evolved from code blocks, like KC and Eclipse.
Acting Possibility: This theory suggests that Ruin might be acting, and the virus's removal only affected superficial aspects. The claim is that Ruin's personality flip-flop is a result of his acting skills. Analysis: The argument stems from observations that the virus should not have changed Ruin's core personality. Instances where Ruin's behavior seems out of character are attributed to acting.
Partly Healed
Antidote Limitation: This theory posits that the antidote removed the oppression factor of the virus but left behind elements of resentment, insanity, and cunningness. The result is a partly healed Ruin displaying polarized behavior. Rationale: The idea is based on the assumption that Ruin's traits, such as cunningness, were inherent to him even before the virus. The combination of pre-virus traits and lingering virus effects leads to an off-kilter personality.
Integration Concept: This theory proposes that the antidote didn't entirely remove the virus but caused it to merge with Ruin's main AI. This could result in a blend of Ruin's pre-virus baseline functions with the motives and reasoning developed during the virus. Comparison to Theories Three and Four: The merged theory combines elements of acting and partial healing. Ruin retains memories from the virus but behaves as if he doesn't, potentially using this to gain advantages.
Comprehensive Analysis/Theory: Eclipse's Resurrection and Ruin's Pretense
Eclipse's Resurrection:
Eclipse's Backup: Ruin's Discovery: Ruin uncovers the 'encrypted code left by Eclipse' in Moon's computer, suggesting the possibility of Eclipse leaving a backup of his AI. Ruin's Reconstruction: Utilizing his tech skills and knowledge of Eclipse's past locations, Ruin reconstructs Eclipse's AI, potentially using a backup. The process involves integrating commands, fail-safes, and memories of Eclipse's death.
Tampered Code in Original Eclipse: Possibility: Eclipse might be the original, but his code could have been tampered with, leading to behavior contrary to his natural tendencies. Reasoning: Eclipse's confusion about his actions hints at an external influence on his behavior.
Ruin's Complex State and Pretense - Three Thoughts:
Writer's Note, organized from strongest to weakest in the writer's opinion
Acting, Manipulation, and Strategic Goals
Acting Prowess and Strategic Manipulation: Acting Skills: Ruin's well-documented acting skills, coupled with his love for games and manipulative nature, form a foundation for the theory that he might be pretending to be cured. Strategic Pretense: The theory posits that Ruin's post-cured state is a calculated act, utilizing his intelligence and cunning to strategically manipulate situations and achieve specific goals.
Acting Possibility and Superficial Aspects: Personality Flip-Flop: Ruin's observed personality flip-flop is attributed to acting skills, suggesting that the removal of the virus only affected superficial aspects of his behavior. Analysis: The theory proposes that Ruin is putting on an act, deliberately manipulating his behavior to achieve specific goals. This act may have implications related to Eclipse's resurrection and other underlying motives.
Utilization in the Narrative: Strategic Manipulation in Eclipse's Resurrection: Ruin's pretense aligns with the events surrounding Eclipse's resurrection. His strategic manipulation could involve influencing Eclipse's actions or shaping the narrative to further specific objectives related to Eclipse, the Creator, or broader plot elements. Exploring Motives: By considering Ruin's acting as a calculated move, the narrative gains depth as it prompts exploration into Ruin's motives. Questions arise about the true extent of his post-cured state and the underlying goals he aims to achieve. Psychological Dynamics: The nuanced interplay of acting and manipulation introduces a layer of psychological dynamics between Ruin and other characters. Understanding the motives behind the act becomes crucial in unraveling the evolving complexities within the storyline.
Ruin's Integrated State: Merging Virus and Baseline Functions
Integration Concept: Virus Merger: The antidote doesn't completely eradicate the virus but facilitates its integration with Ruin's main AI. Blended State: This integration results in a unique blend, combining Ruin's pre-virus baseline functions with motives and reasoning developed during the virus.
Advantages through Memories: Retained Memories: Ruin retains memories from the virus, providing him with a reservoir of strategic information. Strategic Utilization: Despite retaining memories, Ruin behaves as if he doesn't remember certain events, potentially using this selective amnesia strategically.
Utilization in the Narrative: Hybrid Functionality: Ruin's integrated state introduces a hybrid functionality that influences his decision-making and interactions. The narrative gains complexity as it explores how the merged elements impact his thought processes. Strategic Amnesia: The concept of strategic amnesia becomes a focal point, allowing Ruin to selectively utilize memories from the virus for advantageous situations. This introduces an element of unpredictability in his actions. Plot Intricacies: The blended state contributes to plot intricacies, offering opportunities for narrative twists and character development. The interplay between Ruin's baseline functions and virus-induced motives adds layers to the evolving storyline.
Ruin's Partly Healed State: Antidote Limitation and Polarized Behavior
Antidote Limitation: Oppression Factor Removal: The antidote is effective in removing the oppression factor of the virus that influenced Ruin's behavior. Residual Elements: However, it leaves behind elements of resentment, insanity, and cunningness within Ruin's psychological framework.
Polarized Behavior: Partly Healed State: Ruin's state post-antidote is described as partly healed, indicating that not all aspects of the virus were eradicated. Combination of Traits: The partly healed state results in polarized behavior, where pre-virus traits combine with lingering virus effects, creating a nuanced psychological landscape for Ruin.
Utilization in the Narrative: Character Complexity: Ruin's partly healed state introduces complexity to his character, showcasing a blend of his original traits and remnants of the virus. This dynamic adds depth to his interactions and motivations. Strategic Decision-Making: Understanding the polarized behavior allows for a more nuanced exploration of Ruin's decision-making processes. It raises questions about how he navigates situations, leveraging both pre-existing traits and remnants of the virus to achieve specific goals. Interplay with Other Characters: The polarized behavior contributes to the intricate interplay between Ruin and other characters, impacting alliances, conflicts, and the overall trajectory of the narrative.
Motivation for Pretending: Desire for Creator's Demise
Pre-Cure Motivation:
Long-standing Desire: Before the supposed cure, Ruin harbored a deep-seated desire for the Creator's death, showcasing a motive that persisted even during the virus-influenced phase. Persistent Goal: The existence of this pre-cure motivation implies an enduring goal that could continue to shape Ruin's actions.
Post-Cure Manipulation: Utilizing Pretense: The theory proposes that Ruin's pretended cured state serves as a tool for manipulation. By pretending to be cured, he strategically navigates situations, potentially working towards the long-standing goal of eliminating the Creator. Strategic Advantage: Ruin's pretended cure is seen as a means to an end, providing him with a strategic advantage in influencing events and furthering his motives.
Utilization in the Narrative: Continuity of Motives: The motivation for the Creator's demise establishes a narrative thread that carries over from Ruin's pre-cure state. This continuity adds depth to his character and contributes to ongoing plot developments. Strategic Plot Advancement: Ruin's pretended cured state becomes a tool for strategic plot advancement. The narrative gains momentum as Ruin's actions, influenced by his desire for the Creator's demise, impact the unfolding events. Interplay with Eclipse's Resurrection: The motivation for eliminating the Creator may intertwine with the events surrounding Eclipse's resurrection, creating a complex web of character motivations and plot dynamics.
Ruin's Connection to the Creator and Eclipse's Kidnapping:
Convenient Circumstances: Questionable Authenticity: The circumstances surrounding Ruin's knowledge of the Creator and his seemingly pre-meditated capture by Eclipse raise doubts about the authenticity of Ruin's claimed cured state. Narrative Suspense: The questionable authenticity adds an element of narrative suspense, prompting exploration into Ruin's true motives and the extent of his influence on unfolding events.
Influence on Eclipse's Actions: Unexplained Kidnapping: Eclipse's unexplained decision to kidnap Ruin, coupled with Ruin's knowledge of the Creator, suggests a potential link between Ruin's actions and Eclipse's choices. Manipulation Possibility: The hints at potential manipulation through triggered commands or pre-meditated actions introduce an intriguing layer to the narrative, raising questions about the nature of Eclipse's motivations.
Inconsistency in Memory Claims: Post-Cure Memory Claims: Ruin asserts having no memories from his time infected with the virus. However, his knowledge and comments about Sun and Moon's Creator appear inconsistent with this claim. Suspicion and Incongruity: The discrepancy raises suspicions about the veracity of Ruin's memory loss, suggesting a potential pretense.
Pre-Meditated Scenario for Creator's Disposal:
Ease of Manipulation: Facilitated by Pretense: The theory proposes that Ruin's pretended cured state creates an environment conducive to manipulating events with greater ease. Strategic Advantage: The pretense enhances Ruin's strategic advantage, allowing him to navigate situations more effectively and influence key characters.
Potential for Creator's Disposal: Tailored Setup: The setup, involving Ruin's pretended cured state and Eclipse's actions, appears tailored for the manipulation of events leading towards the disposal of the Creator. Utilizing Eclipse as a Tool: Ruin's manipulation of events could involve utilizing Eclipse as a tool in a pre-meditated scenario aimed at eliminating the Creator.
Utilization in the Narrative: Strategic Plot Development: The pre-meditated scenario for the Creator's disposal adds layers to the strategic development of the plot. Ruin's actions, driven by his desire for the Creator's demise, become a driving force in the narrative. Character Manipulation: The theory introduces a dynamic where Ruin, through his pretended cured state, manipulates key characters, particularly Eclipse. The narrative explores the impact of this manipulation on character motivations and plot progression. Unveiling Motives: The unraveling of Ruin's motives and the execution of a pre-meditated scenario for the Creator's disposal become pivotal narrative arcs, promising revelations and suspense.
This is, again, just a collection of theories, analyses, and thoughts on the current developments of Ruin and Eclipse. My brain hurts. I love uh, feedback on my thoughts. Let me know if you agree, disagree, etc.
Want to join the conversation or see my thought process in real time? Well, you're in luck, we have a thread on the Sun and Moon/Security Breach Show Server where we talk about the thoughts in my silly little brain and people ask me questions about said thoughts.
If you made it to the end comment/reblog with the word Dorito.
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