#Also everyone: nah actually we love you please don't ever leave us alone we don't have the authority to run the dishwasher without you
mimimariet · 3 months
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Vent art.
At least that's the truest thing my ex ever said lmao.
This is.. long. And not all of it. But just some of the important things I feel like sharing.
Being in love really does just blind you from all the red flags your partner displays. My friends hated him. They also witnessed the abuse and I was just like "oh nah this is normal he's always like this! He means well, he's such a sweetie! He loves me!" Meanwhile I'm getting emotionally abused and neglected being absolutely blinded.. I said yes to marrying this dude. I'm embarrassed.  And it's gonna take me so long to recover from the mental damage. "I talk to everyone the same way I talk to you!" and I have people saying "uh, no?"
 "I don't want to be perceived as a bad person!" and then treats me like shit behind closed doors. 
Every single time I cleaned he shat on me about it "You call this clean, Marie? This is disgusting. If you're gonna clean dishes, just don't. Stick to the easy things." He sent me voice clips to intimidate me. I told him I wanted a ukulele and he sent me like 10 minutes of voice clips saying "no you waste your money Marie you don't use the shit you ever buy for yourself!" and then at the same time "It's your money you can do as you please I don't care what you buy but I know you're not gonna use it."  I'll never be able to forget the cruel words and way he treated me. I can probably heal from it, and I could wish him dead. I would love to see him get the help he needs but that's a damn joke.  "My mom was right, we're not financially compatible. She always said "wine taste but beer money."" The end of our relationship being a "trial run, welcome to a real relationship, Marie. This is what it's like." and then taking a dig at.. my upbringing? My family?? How I was raised?? "I never once gaslit you Marie. I never once made you feel like you were crazy."
"It's not you, it's me." and then blaming me for "bad timing" anytime he wanted to do anything with me when I was in a depressive episode from something HE would always cause. He never wanted to leave the house. He promised me all these things we'd do when I'd move all the way from Florida to bumfuck Illinois. I don't hate where I live. I hate that I got lied to that things would be different. "You can heal in the environment you got sick in" and then just made me sicker. The engagement ring he got me didn't fit. It was his idea to get me a new one. Who paid for it? My credit card. It took him 2 years to pay me back the $375 that was spent on it. 2 YEARS. He made me feel so undesirable.  "Marie it really hurts ME when you say you're unattractive, cause you are. You're fucking gorgeous!" and then proceeds to never touch me. Lol. A whole year without intimacy. Only recently had it dawned on me just how manipulative he was. "I was gonna ask for sexy times but you're upset so maybe another time." It happened EVERY time I was down in the dumps. He said "I dunno if it's you or me who has bad timing." Go to hell. There's another thing I could say but that's his problem that I won't just share to the public. But even then, he never did anything he said he'd do to resolve that. More lies, anything to keep me with him. "You need to learn how to cope." he said to me when we haven't had alone time in months and I was upset about it. 
There was a segment in the H3 Podcast where they announced looking for artists for Teddy Fresh. He told me about it and said I should apply. I asked later about my resume and he said "Oh.. I didn't think you'd actually do it. I dunno." Very supportive partner he was! 
"When you're in Illinois we're gonna get you health insurance, we're gonna get you a car and your license" and then "I suck as a teacher, my dad's gonna teach you." and he handled all my medical stuff. When I transferred to Circle K up here I had to quit, cause management was super toxic.  We worked at the same store and the manager would tell him how she was going to fire me cause I was an awful employee. So I sought out a new job.. and during that.. "You're gonna get your GED Marie!" and he brings home a math book to go over fractions with me. "I don't want to get my GED." "Well how are you going to get a better job??" and when I ended things, YES I ENDED THINGS IT WAS NOT MUTUAL. "Maybe I didn't push you (for the GED) hard enough or maybe I pushed you too hard.." is what he had to say.
I owned a lot of clothes. He bitched at me when I first moved here and said "You were supposed to DOWNSIZE Marie! I just had surgery, my grandpa has a bad hip and this is too much shit!" and so I got rid of my stuff. "I never wanted you to get rid of your stuff, I know you love clothes and stuff" or whatever he said to me post breakup. Are you kidding me?! "I have so much anxiety Marie! I'm a minimalist! This is too much!"
We never went out and kept the love alive. We'd go out to dinner and I'd mostly pay and I guess to him that was emasculating? "I hate that you always have to pay. How do you think that makes me feel as a partner that can't pay for dinner for his wife??" "It's okay I don't mind paying." "I know you don't." We went out I could probably count on my fingers the times.. Cause "it hurts to drive long distances Marie. I never feel good. I don't have the spoons, Marie. My legs hurt when I drive too long. I have anxiety." 
"Why not get help for your anxiety?" "I don't like the way the medication makes me feel!!! Stop asking me. It pisses me off."
Turns out he had "emergency" anti-anxiety meds for a program at his job. No anxiety meds for Chicago, though.
"I'd take a bullet for you, but not go to Chicago. I'd go to PEORIA, but NOT Chicago." For internalized racism reasons as I learned. I get it, black people are sooOoOoOoOOoo scary. They're rare where we live. It's so fucking WHITE in this town! I was told I was going to get TRAFFICKED if I walked by myself at night time. Cause "You're rare, you're Puerto Rican. You'd go for a lot of money. Hahaha." What partner says that? Oh yeah, him. I hope he never gets into another relationship. For the sake of the girl. Try to understand, this was a once in a lifetime event. I won a spot in Kesha's listening party in Chicago. I sobbed I cried I choked on my own spit begging him to go with him. He has NO experience in Chicago so he says "well according to x who lives there, depending on the area, it's BAD. Chicago's BAD." I understood that the timing sucked, the event was on Mother's Day. Y'know, a holiday I don't believe should be a big deal if you truly love your mother every day should be Mother's Day. Also Kesha was there. I got to meet her. A photo with her. I was able to talk to her. I wanted to find out if her PO Box was still available but he rushed me to leave "Marie my blood sugar is super low I'm gonna throw up we HAVE to leave I HAVE TO EAT. Marie come on. Get the LYFT. I don't feel good." at the end of the trip, after the deep dish pizza and the nice hotel, he suggested we take time off to visit Chicago again.. to see more things.. Mind you we argued prior about even going in the first place..?  
I have him blocked, but I archived our messenger messages. That includes all the voice clips. I don't know why that was his go to. He also has a smart phone with voice to text, but as I said, he used voice messages to intimidate me. It'd be 5 minutes at a time of just voice clips that could've been a text. "It's just faster than typing, sometimes it hurts to type." I'm disabled, too.. I get it.. but he merely did it so he could raise his voice and have a shitty tone with me. All. the time. If I were a truly evil person those voice clips would see the public. I'm only a little evil with telling my story here. I guess.
I mentioned the tone issue several times and had to eventually give up cause "I talk to everyone the way I talk to you. My mom, my sister, my friends." but I never witnessed that. His mother, yes. Not his friends, though. He'd say to me anytime I'd get upset, "I'm quite literally tone deaf, Marie." "Well you don't talk to your patrons the way you talk to me??" He had to tell me that he comes home to unwind, cause he puts up that fake customer service personality. Where was the good boyfriend personality? He told me anytime that I was acting distant he was quietly sobbing in the bedroom alone. He was so worried about me and our relationship.. But proceeded to do nothing about it. I was merely his property. Someone to demean and control. He couldn't though. I'm no ones property. Sorry! 
In June we adopted Gold. She's forever a kitten at heart. Callie hated her, as expected with a new animal in the house. Callie was hostile. Isaac said he was going to give up and we'd have to return Gold cause it wasn't working out. He sobbed on Facebook asking for reassurance and then bitched at me saying how I wasn't reassuring him. Sir, you got that on Facebook. You're standing here yelling at me about the cats not getting along. Why would I want to respond to that? I was sobbing on the floor with Gold rubbing all over me. But it was my fault I wasn't comforting the man yelling at me. Meanwhile another mutual of ours prior to all this had also adopted a new cat and the original cat was doing the same shit. Everything he'd say in confidence to me, but never the people he spoke shit about by the way.  "I got you this cat to make YOU happy. I mean yeah I wanted another cat, too.." 
For my birthday all I asked for was an Icee. "I forgot."  He came home with flowers and candy, but i was coming to greet him at the door and he yelled at me "DON'T LOOK. STOP. LEAVE." to surprise me with what he got. Which I would get but that's how he usually "spoke" to me. 
"Despite my short comings, I do pretty good right?!" with candy, a ghost plushie, and flowers. "I'll get you an Icee tomorrow." It was 2 days later.  Which sounds petty but when that's all you ask for and get told "Oh I forgot." as if I'm not known for being the Icee Queen of the last 20 years of my online presence. 
"I don't want to be perceived as a bad person." The simple solution is to be a good person? He would say "your mom is nice, but she's not kind." He was also indirectly describing himself anytime he said that. 
There were a few times when he'd be in a bad mood and completely shut down, refusing to talk to me. He'd isolate, but I was never allowed to do that. Cause as he said before, word for word "you need to learn how to cope." 
"You say I need therapy but what about you!?" 
"Didn't you tell me you were doing behavioral stuff for BPD??"
Just turned back to me "but you need therapy, too, Marie!!"
It's weird to remember him saying we'd need couples therapy before we ever got married. Was he foreshadowing things? Was he actually aware of the problems? Or was it just me? I had the problems, there was nothing wrong with him. 
I rarely argued back at this man. There was one moment I was having issues with my ebay account and bank being linked together. As he's going off on me about how the bank does this weird shit all while opening my mail and reading me what was in it. I think that was the only time I snapped at him. I said "DON'T. OPEN. MY MAIL." and it stuck to him.. but not permanently. He opened mail addressed to me from my aunt. Gifts. I was in the other room and he's opening and spoiling the surprise. And then telling me "we can't use these bed sheets with the pillow topper. We'll have to donate them." Any gifts I got that are no longer in my possession was not up to me. I barely had any say in what we did as a couple.
"Our parents are gonna move to Florida and we'll get the house! But (his brother) will still be living in the basement." I wasn't okay with that. "We don't have much of a choice Marie. We can't afford that house on our own. He'd be splitting rent with us." I didn't want another person living in the basement if we were a married couple.. y'know, I'd like whatever imaginary privacy together. "He keeps to himself we won't even know he's there half the time." It was a "too bad" situation that I had no say. 
I want my own house. "With peace and love, good luck getting a house with the housing market." Going to prove him wrong while he still lives in his parents basement. "I'm gonna save up and get a studio apartment." 
"You can keep the promise ring. Cause I will always love you." I'm unsure what to do with it, as I still have it in my possession. "We'll always be best friends." I don't want to be best friends with an abuser. Emotional abuse is still abuse. It's fucked with my brain. I was mistreated so much by friends and family. I didn't deserve any of this.  "I fucked up. You deserved better." Is the truest shit he's ever said to me. I doubt he ever loved me. He just loved the idea of having someone put up with him. He knew he was unbearable. Blame it on his ADHD or whatever. I don't have the full story, but I do remember his ex girlfriend saying he was abusive, too. I only knew of what he'd tell me.  And that she hated me haha. I didn't push or question it, but now I've lived it. Almost 5 years of a "trial run" relationship. "You've never been in an actual relationship, so congrats. This was the trial run! This is what it's like to live with someone!"  
Then there was my doctors appointment. The stress had my A1C at a 6.6. My doctor said she could see the light fade from my eyes. I told Isaac what was said. He was just quiet about it. He knew he was the problem. He just had nothing to say. And the stress was the main factor. My A1C now is 6.2 5 months post breakup. So uh. Yeah. Plus probably from cutting out the amount of rice as this man only knew how to make rice dishes. 
Speaking of dishes, I'd try and learn recipes. I'd make meals and I'd offer him some food to sample. I wanted to grow as a cook as I'm just a beginner and he always makes meals. Most of the time he refused and would say "I can't force myself to eat something I don't want, Marie. I'll throw up. I will literally throw it up." Instead of anything normal like just trying a bite or saying "no thanks I'm not hungry." It had to be "If I'm not hungry for it I will get sick!" He was.. overdramatic a good chunk of our relationship. I remember being in Florida while we were still long distance, I mentioned Dominoes cause the store was closed and I was ordering food. He mentioned him having an eating disorder when I said he needed to try my favorite thing from there, the garlic parm bites. It was a voice clip as you'd expect over messenger. That "I can't eat something I don't want, I will puke it up. I have an eating disorder." I don't know how true that is. Him having an ED. A lot of the time I just got quiet and gave up. There was no point in talking to him when he would shut down like this.
The final straw was me falling in love with someone else. I wanted to attempt polyamory but "those lips are mine. And that pussy is mine." He also gave up once he realized I fell for someone else. I even told him the day I was questioning my feelings and he thanked me for being honest. But then he questioned if I cheated on him during that time. I'm sure his friends and family got a different story. His dad says polyamory is cheating. His mom scolded him for getting into a relationship with someone whos polyamorous. No fault of mine, he knew this before we got together. I was in a poly with my ex overseas and a girl of 3 months. More toxicity there! I just love red flags!
So there I am. Just vibing in a field of red flags. Cause they're just so charming. And I'm a fool. But I'll get better. I just don't know how long that'll take me. He is still haunting me in my dreams. I never want to see him or his family again. 
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danny-chase · 3 years
Me: Dick is a great leader, who’s incredibly competent, driven, capable, an expert in multiple fields, has led his teams to victory, trudged through hell and defeated the demon himself, and-
Also me: Dick is a feral cat who falls asleep in random places in Titans Tower after staying awake for 69 hrs straight, and has somehow convinced the group he must lead despite that he’s been brainwashed so many times that he only has three braincells left and they’re all running in different directions. 
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Hi love, pretty sure you're requests are open (if not just ignore this) n e ways what about Inarizaki with manager who's like intimidating (i've been told i am intimidating lol) and very sarcastic, much Tsukishima Kei vibez cuz that's basically me😃
Just like how would our boys react, very curious and take your time btw don't have to rush it, do it whenever you feel like :D
Oh my gosh Nat, it's literally my honour to write this for you. You can request anything, anytime, and you'll be a top priority (ily<3)
Inarizaki with a tsukkishima-ish manager.
Specially dedicated to @sunasthing <3
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So first of all, if you think that's gonna stop the boys from simping over you, you've got it wrong 😖🖐️
The boys would literally take it as a challenge to get your softer nature out, especially Atsumu.
I GENUINELY think he'd find it really hot whenever you snap back at him, or tell him off. (maybe he's like Nishinoya and Tanaka in that sense 🙄)
Constantly pesters you, and although you don't give him a reply often (because he's annoying as fuck), if you ever acknowledge him slightly, he WILL flirt with you.
Beware tho, even if he comes off as flirty and charismatic, he's literally just a dorky small baby and genuinely wants your attention because he thinks you're the coolest person ever.
And if you're ever nice to him, you can best bet he'll replay that moment in his mind before sleeping EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
Y/n, earlier that day: don't get hurt. I don't want to have to deal with anyone on this team being injured
Atsumu at 3 a.m: s-she cares about me 🥺🥺
I think Osamu would vibe really well with you. He's not annoying, he's really really chill, and he has a pretty sharp tongue himself.
Judges people as an attempt to make you laugh, and he sees it as a personal victory if he can get you to crack a smile or smirk. He just doesn't make a big deal about it, unlike his twin xD
Osamu: y/n look at that guy. he's totally crushing on his brother's best friend, could he not be more obvious about it??
Y/n: *cracks a smirk* yeah, it does seem so.
Osamu, internally: ✨v i c t o r y i s s w e e t✨
He also cooks for you pretty often, and even if you protest against accepting it, you'll usually find a bento hidden in your locker or bag.
He knows you might not accept it straight, so he finds other ways to get it to you. Osamu actually thinks of you as a cooler sister that he says "he'd trade Atsumu for"
In general, the twins are the life of Inarizaki and although they're sometimes annoying, they mean well and it's plain to see that they love you.
Kita loves how smart and analytical you are. I've said this before, I'll say it again— Kita thinks brains are sexy 😤
Especially when you call the team to give your insights about their opponents, or give them ideas on how to improve their play, Kita is literally there like “I'm so glad she's ours”
Because you would be a dangerous asset to other teams, and Kita is the most thankful that you're with them.
He's also a really good leader and although the two of you don't have heart-to-hearts or conversations like the twins, you know he'll ALWAYS be there for you.
Like once, it was raining and practice was cancelled, so you decided to wait in school until the rain subsided (because you didn't want to get wet), and our sweet Kita searched for you in every single classroom until the finally found you and walked you home. That's just the dynamic you had with him
He also often checks up on you, even when it's unrelated to volleyball. Have you done your homework? have you ate breakfast this morning? although you're usually sarcastic with the twins and most of the other members of the team, you can't bring yourself to do so with Kita.
The respect you guys have for each other is unmatched and that's probably why you're such a golden duo in Inarizaki. The leader and the analytical manager.
And now Suna. I think Suna would be the member you have the deepest bond with. you truly allow him to see who you are inside, and he does the same. You guys really just click.
It started with him complaining about Atsumu, and slowly progressed into you letting Suna be the only member to have physical contact with you, but only when the others aren't looking.
Sometimes, if you guys are the only two people in the gym, he'll nap on your lap or lean on your shoulder.
If you didn't already know, like everyone else in Inarizaki, he has a crush on you 😖🖐️ like damn you thought Atsumu had it bad? nah, Suna has it the worst.
He literally asks his little sister to let him practice braiding her hair, just so he'll be perfect when he someday asks to do yours.
But he always chickens out because he's scared you'll say no 😭😭 he's internally very shy, okay? 🥺🥺
He's literally your best friend. You guys have study sessions together, anime nights, literally anything, he's right there with you. The rest of the team are literally not aware of how close the two of you are.
Until one day, Atsumu tries daring you to kiss Suna on the forehead, and instead of flat-out refusing (like you've done before when he's dared you to kiss him, or Akagi) you shrug and gently kiss Suna on the forehead, causing Suna to smile and ruffle your hair.
The rest of the team is just shocked.
Atsumu: what is this FUCKERY?? is y/n literally WILLINGLY touching someone ??¿¿
Y/n and Suna: *smirks*
Atsumu, close to tears: okay
But the rest of the team soon accept you and Suna have a pretty special bond, and that you're genuinely softer when it comes to him.
You don't snap at him much, and as they've noticed, Suna has started being more brave about leaning on your shoulder or sleeping on your lap.
Of course, the rest of the team (with the exception of Kita) is jealous. But hey, they just don't have Suna's charm, okay? xD
You make Suna want to try harder, and he's way more motivated to give it his all in every single game. Mostly because he wants you to be proud of him.
He definitely has a nickname for you, but he will only use it when he's sure you guys are alone. And in return, you call him "Rin" which makes his heart flutter 🥺🥺
Now onto Aran !! Aran is a softie who (like Kita) respects you a great deal. He'll fend Atsumu and Osamu off if he senses you aren't having a great day.
He's also pretty good at giving you your space but he checks up on you every once in a while if anyone is bothering you.
Although he's shy about it, Aran actually comes to you when he doesn't understand a homework question. You're super smart and he knows you won't make him feel bad about not knowing.
And it makes you feel happy to know he trusts you, so you help him as best as you can. It's a little secret of yours that the other members don't know about.
It especially lights your day up when he gets a good grade and whispers a silent "thank you" to you in class.
In return, will help you with anything you ask for. No questions asked.
And now, last but not least, sunshine Akagi!! I think he's a total Hinata Shoyo, so he might annoy you a bit at first because of his bright personality.
But deep down inside, you love how easily he gets people to smile and slowly find yourself warming up to him.
And Akagi is really determined to get you to smile (at least once a day) so he cracks the corniest jokes or makes puns.
It has become a thing between the two of you, where Akagi tells you a joke a day, and you rate it out of ten.
Gone are the days when you found him annoying. And now, even if you won't tell him outright— you really do think he's one of the brightest people in your life.
Additional headcanons
CHEERING YOU UP— whenever you feel quieter than usual, or a bit more sarcastic, the boys immediately know something is wrong and rush over to make you feel okay. Literally, it's almost like they've abandoned practice. And eventhough you tell them to get back to it, they refuse to leave until you're feeling better. Suna usually gives you a hug and kisses your forehead, whilst Akagi cracks jokes. Then, (and eventhough you protest) Atsumu lists off all the things you should love about yourself, whilst Osamu buys you ice cream (food is, after all, the best cure for anything). Aran is literally ready to HUNT the person who affected your mood down, and kill them, whilst Kita is literally just holding him back and making sure things don't go overboard. Even if you aren't fully cheered up by then, you'd have laughed a whole lot and know how much they care for you, so honestly... how could you stay sad?
REACTING TO YOU TELLING THEM OFF— Suna is literally just meh about it. He can't take you seriously because he's a dork who thinks he's not included in the list of "idiots" (but no Suna, u mf, you ARE included -_-). Atsumu thinks it's hot 👀 (as I mentioned above), Akagi is genuinely upset/ready to sob and vows to do better. Kita is proud of you for telling them off before he could do it (Kita is not included in the "idiots". How could he? he's PERFECT 🖐️). Osamu and Aran have similar reactions, because they end up apologizing and try to change tactics and do better.
HOW THEY'D ACT WHEN YOU START DATING SUNA— (because this is honestly inevitable, wbk 😭❤️). Atsumu would be jealous. Petty and would call Suna "pretty boy" every chance he gets. Leave him, im sure he'll get over it 🥺🥺 Osamu is pretty jealous too, but he'll never show it and focuses instead on your happiness. Kita approves, and honestly thinks you're a good influence on Suna. Aran is protective of you, and would literally gun Suna down if he ever hurt you (but he won't. Suna loves you, he'd literally jump down a cliff before ever hurting you 😤🖐️) and Akagi is cheerful as before, but extra glad because you seem to smile a bit more often (and Akagi loves your smile).
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I took a lot of effort on this <3 hope you like it, bae !! Taglist— @dai-tsukki-desu @sunasthing @k-sakusa-old @tilli-san
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Hi I'm so sorry I'm just too shy to ask this on ao3 but I was wondering: how is Slade's relationship with Dick? I don't mind them as a ship in general but in the story sometimes I feel like Slade gets too close to Dick and I thought if there was something platonic on his side? I'm sure you wouldn't do that in the story that's why I'm asking if it's only on Slade's side. Sorry if this is a stupid question lol. Maybe it's just because I've read sl/adedick fics before. ^^D
Nah, I’ve actually been waiting for someone to ask about that. So....it’s complicated and will take awhile to explain so I’m putting it under a Read More before I get too long winded with my character headcanons:
This is going to get soooooo long, lol, so feel free to skim. Warning for Gotham in general and Gotham being naturally a bad place for kid vigilantes to grow up in. Also because this explanation gets somewhat dark in character interpretation....
Bonus short story at the end after a really long post.
Alright, so first, I feel like I should mention again that I never watched the Teen Titans animated show past maybe the first two episodes and the movie my friends wanted me to watch that I don’t really remember. (I meant to watch that show, just never got around to it). I say this because I heard that the Teen Titans TV show portrayed the Dick and Deathstroke relationship much differently in a way that’s cool and fine but not something I can see myself really wanting to write about. I know their relationship more from comics where Dick was already an adult (albeit a young adult) when he first met Slade. 
So. Back to my After the Fall of Olympus universe and yeah, I’m slowly getting to my answer. The thing is....the story is entirely in Dick’s POV right now.
And Dick’s absolutely terrible at reading and picking up any form of affection others have for him. He understands it abstractly (he knows people care) but when assessing, he critically underestimates it if he remembers to account for it at all. This goes even worse with people he’s closer to--which is why it took him forever to realize why Jason actually did want to stay with him at the manor and why he still has no idea Barbara is in love with him. Even Kory who was really, really direct about liking him, it took him years to fully emotionally process and respond to that. He’s getting better...but remembering his own value (in others eyes) isn’t something he’s overwhelming good at doing.
My headcanon, he is abnormally good at reading people and picking up basic sexual attraction. He’s good at telling when he’s being flirted with or when people are attracted to him and, honestly, Dick’s charismatic and instinctively a flirt, too.With that, partly from growing up in Gotham with its weird and supremely dark villains, I think Dick very much divorces the two concepts of romantic attraction and sexual flirting in his mind--he’s aware they can go together, obviously with Kory--but he doesn’t naturally pair them as other people probably would. It’s also part of why he just doesn’t get the level of concern Tim has about Catalina.
Okay, back to my point.
The way I write Slade and Dick’s relationship is actually mostly done off screen. But, I think Slade started with approval of Dick’s skills and potential in a clinical/objective view, growing respect and interest (personal but not at all romantic) in him as a person, and much more recently in the story (as in that last conversation he had in Ch. 18), I think Slade realized he has some legitimate attraction and cares a lot about Dick in a way that’s probably romantic.
Slade also is very, very aware immediately that he’s not going to do anything with that and, in a way, doesn’t want to because Dick ever responding to that would be jeopardizing his relationship with his family, his team, his view of his morals (which are so integral to Dick) in a way that would be exceptionally out of character and concerning coming from Dick. In other words, something happening would be a lot more terrifying than nothing happening and Slade cares.
For Dick, it’s a lot more simple. He does not have any romantic feelings there. He does in a somewhat analytical, unconscious way recognize that Slade’s probably attracted to him (probably before Slade noticed honestly) but he’s....well, kind of used to that at some level. More so, Dick doesn’t connect it to emotional care and--like with everyone else--vastly underestimates that Slade does care about him in a way that’s actually pretty selfless for a mercenary. For a romance, your guess is absolutely right, it’s not going to go anywhere in this series but I wanted the undertones and implications to be there in the final third of the story
....But, that’s also more of a later/recent development in that relationship. For most of the story that’s posted so far, Slade sees his relationship with Dick as a lot of respect and even care but not as romantic in any way. I can promise no romantic undertones at all until Dick was already in his 20s because I really, really am not interested in writing underage. (for those curious about Slade’s age in the story, I think of him as mid-20s in his introduction in Year 3 and pretty early 30s here to Dick’s early 20s)
Above everything, they respect each other and would be almost friends if that were possible.
The team and his family doesn’t know any of this.
Anyway, that was long, so here’s a bonus short story from Slade’s view. I write a lot of After the Fall of Olympus short stories in other charcter’s views that I’m not planning on posting until After the Fall of Olympus.
This one’s between Year 5 and 6 and is titled “October 7th”:
It’s October 7th, almost two in the morning, and Slade’s camped out in a somehow still standing bombed out apartment in a no-name village in the middle of a war-torn country.
He’s not exactly expecting visitors.
There’s a knock on the apartment door.
Slade cocks his gun and puts two rounds in the door before, for good measure, adding matching ones on either side of the frame.
He has two seconds to let himself pretend that’s the end of it before the door knob turns to the unmistakable sound of a skilled lock pick. 
Fuck, he’s too tired for this shit today. 
“Geeze, Slade, what if I’d been an innocent civilian?”
Slade’s hand stills on the gun in surprise then consideration before slowly slipping it back into the holster. 
“Kid,” he greets. “There’s no innocent civilians left around here. ‘Specially ones that can make it to my door without me hearing any footsteps.”
“I’ve been working on that.” Dick says, walking into the apartment. He isn’t even wearing his uniform, just plain black military style clothes with the lower half of his face covered by a piece of cloth. He pushes it down and smiles as he presses the door shut behind him. “You did tell me to get better, after all.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” he mutters without much heat. “You getting better almost left me out of a job.”
Dick rolls his eyes. “Please, as if both of us don’t know Luthor could’ve gotten out of those charges in months. If the Light didn’t erase them for him, anyway.”
Slade shrugs. Maybe another time, he’d find the energy to banter back. But not today. Never today.
“Why are you here, Dick? How’d you find me?”
The smile slides off of Dick’s face, leaving behind those far too heavy eyes to belong to an eighteen year old.
“You know I have your file, Slade.” Dick clears his throat. “I know what day it is.”
It’s not like he expected anything else. Not since the moment he saw the kid. But, still...he doesn’t want to deal with this. Doesn’t want to deal with anything. Today, he just wants to crawl back into the worst, most deserted corner of the world he can find until the hours creep passed and he can find the energy to move.
Instead, he glares. “Good for you. Now get the fuck out, kid.”
Dick grimaces but shakes his head. “Not until you answer a question for me.”
Slade groans and, for a handful of seconds, honestly contemplates just killing him, considers it in a way that he hasn’t since before he even met the kid, back when he was first handed a file by a practically no name organization called H.I.V.E.
He’d regret it later. Sure. He has too much he wants to see out of the kid to kill him in a shitty, dusty apartment. But, that regret would come later. Later, once this day had finally passed.
That alone is almost enough to have him reaching for his gun. Almost
“Grayson,” he finally grounds out, “if you know what day it is, you know I’m not exactly inclined to play our game of hero and villain right now. You want information, find someone else.”
“Good, I’m not here to play either. Only problem is I can’t ask anyone else, you're the only one who knows the answer.” Dick lowers himself to sit on the floor across from him, like a particularly stupid mouse in front of a viper.
And then, he looks up and his eyes are too steady to belong to prey.
“Here’s the question: Do you really want to be alone today, Slade?”
The breath catches in Slade’s`lungs, harsher than if the kid had just punched him.
He pushes the reaction down, already knowing it’s too late, and says in the steadiest voice he can manage, “Yes.”
Dick stares at him, unmoving. “I don’t believe you.”
The air around them is too tight, too burning, and Slade’s being pushed down under it to suffocate. 
He can’t fight it, so he takes it and pushes it back into anger. “The fuck, kid! What do you know?  You said you have my file, yeah? How long have you had it? Because I’m betting you’ve had it since we first met!” He lunges forward. “So, why are you here now, Dick? What makes this year so special? What’s made you decide to pretend to care now? Because whatever it is, kid, I can promise you, I’m not worth it. So, leave!”
By the end, he’s gripping Dick’s shirt, pulling it tighter until the collar has to be digging painfully into his neck. 
Dick doesn’t look away. “No.”
Slade doesn’t look away either. “You know I really think I might kill you right now.”
“You won’t.”
 One of Slade’s hands moves until it’s pressing into the kid’s neck. A single sharp twist and he could snap it. “So sure?”
Dick nods.
“And why’s that?”
“Because I brought your favorite whiskey.”
A brown bag is pressed into Slade’s ribs and the man feels something rising in his chest that could possibly be laughter if it was some other time.
He drops the kid.
He takes the bag.
“Pretty sure heroes aren’t supposed to be contributing to alcoholism, kid.” He gestures to a half empty bottle of much cheaper stuff beside him.
Dick coughs, rubbing at his throat. “Please. With your metahuman metabolism, I bet you can barely feel it for an hour.”
“Depends how much I drink,” Slade counters, eyeing the bottle. “How’d you know my favorite?”
Dick shrugs. “Gotta keep some secrets to myself.”
He fishes out a spare shot glass from somewhere in the black folds of his outfit and pours a small glass for himself. 
Slade raises an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, you’re still 18, kid.”
Dick gives him an incredulous look in return. “Last time I checked, this place doesn’t have a drinking age...or a government, actually.”
Slade hums, amused, using a larger glass for himself. “True, but thought you’d be following the laws of your own birth city a little closer, hero. Gotham’s still at 21...on the record at least.”
“Technically, Gotham’s not my birth city.” Dick snorts and takes the shot. 
Slade tilts his head. “Where were you born?”
Dick pauses, thinking, before offering a sheepish smile. “You know….I actually have no idea. Somewhere in Europe, probably? I came early, the circus was still on tour. One of the lion tamers helped deliver me, used to be a doctor.”
“Always a surprise, kid,” Slade shakes his head, draining his glass. Tasting it in his mouth and pretending it’s enough to wash away the ash.
The next words come before he can stop them.  “...Adeline always wanted two kids.”
Dick goes quiet.
“Of course,” Slade says to his glass and fuck it, just fuck it,  “turns out we didn’t even get the one. Turns out I didn’t get either my wife or my son.”
Fuck, he hates October 7th.
He reaches for the whiskey, ignoring how his hand shakes. “Addy was a soldier, you know? A good one. Of all the stupid fucking ways she could go, I never thought it’d be childbirth. Maybe I should have. Always knew I’d kill her somehow.”
“You didn’t kill her, Slade,” Dick says softly.
“Sure. Whatever,” he agrees, too tired to argue. It’s not as if he hasn’t heard every variation sometime or another. It’s just right now, he can’t quite bring himself to debate about the cause when the end of it’s always going to be the same.
Dick drops the subject and the relief that Slade feels  is immense enough that it’s close to gratitude.
“What was your son’s name?”
“Grant. We were going to name him Grant.” He takes another sip. “If we had another one, we were going to name him Joseph. Or Rose for a girl.”
“Those are good names.”
He shrugs. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does.”
Slade doesn’t answer, looking up to eye the kid over his drink. Dick sees it, holding up his own glass in acknowledgement before knocking it back.
“Why are you here, kid,” Slade asks again. “We’re not friends, pretty far fucking from it last time I checked.”
“I’ve got my reasons,” he answers calmly.
“If you’re here to make your usual sales pitch about the virtues of heroism, I really will kill you. Whiskey or not.”
Dick shakes his head. “....is it so hard to believe I just didn’t think you should be alone?”
Slade thinks his skepticism is loud enough without him needing the words.
The look Dick gives him is steady in return. “Think what you want to, Slade, I know what grief feels like. It’s a poison. It’ll kill you unless you find a way to drain it.” 
Dick looks down at his own glass and Slade gets the feeling the kid’s no longer talking about just Slade. It’s still a tossup whether he means himself or the Bat.
Either way, Slade makes sure his next smirk is particularly pointed. “And, look at you. Tracking me all the way down here to try and save my tortured soul. Such a hero.”
“Oh, shut up,” Dick says with an eye roll, pouring himself another drink
Slade cocks his head. “Speaking of, don’t all the good little heroes have school right about now.”
Dick looks up, almost sheepish. “I’m ditching my classes. Don’t tell my brothers, I’m still trying to be a good influence.”
Slade snorts and takes a particularly long swig.
A good influence. As if a single one of his stupid, fucking team doesn’t think the fricking sun shines out of the kid’s ass.
Fuck. What is Slade even doing? Sitting in a run down apartment in the middle of a warzone drinking whiskey with a too trusting kid a decade younger and that he probably should have killed years ago.
But, then, it’s always been exceedingly difficult for him to do what he should---what’s the sane and logical thing--when it comes to Dick Grayson. And, one day--when he doesn’t have the burn of booze sitting in his gut and his chest doesn’t ache like he’s been shot--Slade’s going to take a hard look at why that is.
For now, he’ll just leave it like he usually does. The kid’s too interesting to die yet. 
Dick eyes his shot glass, contemplatively. “This whiskey’s way too overpriced, Slade. It’s practically aged vodka.”
Slade finishes his off steadily. “Shows you have little taste, Grayson.”
Dick laughs and slides the bottle over. “I brought another one anyway.”
....Far, far too interesting.
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newtsies · 3 years
Great Outdoors || Ch. 1 {{ Kid Blink x Mayors Daughter OC}}
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A/N: hiya! so here's somethings you might wanna know about the story!
1. it's a kid blink x oc story, the oc is the mayors daughter. based off of his line in King Of New York (92sies version) where he says 'a saturday night with the mayors daughter'
2. i included their accents, but not like too much? let me know if you think i should write it with less of an accent or more of an accent.
3. this is based off of the 1992 version but includes some characters from the Broadway version. any character in both versions are based off the 1992 version. for example: racetrack, david, jack, les, mush, ect. are all based off of the 1992 version
4. i won't be writing any of the songs, because it's harder to do that. if you think i should include songs, let me know!
5. i swear the other a/n after this will be way shorter-
word count: 4375
read on wattpad
Heat stuck to her skin as she slipped out the window of her room. In New York, the middle of summer scorched everyone who dare leave their fanned homes. It also scorched those who worked outdoors, or burned those who didn't have homes. But Juliet was willing to take the chances of getting sun burned, she needed to get out of her room.
She had been reading for hours, there was really nothing else to do. Reading for 6 hours tends to get boring, especially when all the books you can read are about wars. Most of the war books were historically incorrect anyways. She swore to one day rewrite every historical book she read, but make it accurate.
She ran down the fire escape and took in the scene of the hot Manhattan streets. She had no idea what to do, Juliet rarely left her house and when she did, it was with her father in a carriage. Without a map or guide to help her, she let her feet lead her through the streets.
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Oh, well, sure! Is a quarter alright?" Juliet asks, pulling out a quarter from her pocket.
"Ma'am, a pape is only 1 penny!" He smiled at her as he took his cap off and wiped his forehead, "Please, I really couldn't take any more than a penny from a sweet girl like you."
She flushed with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I've never been out in the city on my own before. I promise you, loosing a quarter sure doesn't affect me much."
"Thank ya, ma'am," The boy grinned, trading the paper for her coin, "Ya said ya'd neva been on da streets?" Juliet nodded, scratching her arm as the feeling of embarrassment bubbled inside her. "Care ta wander with me?"
"Well- I'm sure you're busy, right? I'd hate to intrude," She rambled.
"Ma'am! I'm free all day, honestly. I'd love ta show ya around, if you're up for it o' course!" He admitted with an honest smile, "Come carry da banner with me for a few more minutes and I'll show you good 'ol Manhattan!"
"Thank you-" She started, pausing to silently ask him for his name.
"Kid Blink," He smiled, "Wanna try sellin' a pape, ma'am?" He offered a newspaper to her, which she hesitantly took and turned to look at people walking by.
Juliet raised the paper and called out, "Daily news!"
A chuckle came from behind her, "All due respect, ma'am. You gotta yell out a headline or a story!" Her cheeks went red with embarrassment but she nodded, flipping through the paper quickly.
"Baby born with 2 heads! ... Medical anomaly!" She added, someone rushed towards her and handed her a penny for the paper. "I did it!"
"Great job, miss! Oh, keep the penny, ma'am!" Kid Blink stated sincerely as Juliet attempted to give him the penny, "Da quarter ya gave me has got me set for longer den a week!"
Juliet admired the boy, for he had great talent when it came to selling newspapers. When she had bumped into him, he had been carrying a whole stack of papers. A stack that looked plenty heavy. However, not once did he complain nor even look for a second as if he might drop them. He just kept carrying them and calling out headlines. Within 10 minutes of meeting him, his stack of papers were all sold.
"Honestly, ma'am, the streets of Manhattan ain't got much to see," Kid Blink explained earnestly, "Oh! I gotta place that's got some good wadda, want to go there?"
She grinned, "I'll admit, I'm a little hungry. I don't know any other restaurants, so if you say the place is good, all I can do is believe you! Lead the way, Kid Blink."
"Please, ma'am, call me Blink!" He stated, starting to walk away. She walked close behind him, nervous from stories her father had told her about the streets, "You alright, miss?"
"Peachy," She lied, "So, you, uh, do this everyday?"
Blink nodded, "Everyday! Carry the banner, eat if I'se got the money, sleep, den do it all again!"
"That's gotta be rough, how old are you?" Juliet asked.
"14, ma'am," Kid Blink replied before turning to her, "How old are you?"
"14," Juliet answered, "It's insane you're doing this everyday, living like this."
He smiled at her and tipped his cap, "Jus' life, ma'am!"
They stood together in front of a restaurant, the sign above it read Tibby's. Kid Blink turned to Juliet with a grin then moved to hold open the door for her. She nodded at him before cautiously stepping in, feeling the boy press against her as he closed the door behind him.
"Blink!" A boy called from a table, waving him over. Kid Blink looked at Juliet and nodded at the table full of boys then started walking over to them. She let her head fall down as she walked close behind him.
"Hiya, boys!" Blink grinned, sliding into the seats and shoving another boy into the wall so Juliet could sit down too, "This is, uh-"
"Juliet," she stated nervously, "Juliet Adams."
One boy joked, "Say, Adams is da mayors last name. You his daughter?"
"Yeah," She laughed, obviously very scared.
They all gaped at her. Kid Blink laughed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I woulda neva guessed. Anyways, Ms. Adams, this here is Racetrack, Elmer, Mush, and Skittery." The named boys grinned and waved at her as their names were called.
"Nice to meet you all," Juliet said, "Do you all work as newsies?"
Racetrack nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Now, I've gotta ask. What did 'ol Blink here say ta get ya ta come all da way over here wit 'im?" Blink rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair before placing his cap on his head again.
"Well, you see, I've never really left my house, not on my own at least. Kid Blink offered to show me around the city!" Juliet explained before looking at a menu above the register, "What do you boys usually get?"
"Wadda," Elmer states, then adds with a shrug, " 'Ts free."
She glanced around the table, assuming it was a joke, but was met with honest faces. She shook her head, "Why don't you all get some food. I'll pay, don't worry."
Kid Blink interfered, "Ms. Adams, we couldn't possibly let you pay for us-"
"Call me, Juliet, or Julie, all of you. Honestly, you've helped me a lot today, Kid Blink. It's the least I can do to make sure you all have full stomachs for at least a day. Let me pay, please," She pleaded. He looked at her and sighed and nodded before looking over the menu.
"She's a gift from the gods!" Elmer exclaimed, leaning over the table excitedly and giving her a hug. She laughed and pat the golden-retriever-like boy on the cheek.
Skittery nodded in agreement and Albert joked, "An angel me thinks. Think Big Man'll miss her if we keep her?"
"The mayor or God?" Racetrack asked before drinking his water.
Elmer looked at her with a look of fear, "Think he'll try to chop off our heads?" She laughed and shook her head.
"If anything, I'll be the headless one. He'll kill me once I get home. It's already getting dark," Juliet stressed, "I should be heading back after you all eat."
And so the boys and the girl, who had been isolated her whole life, joked and laughed together over plates of food. They begged and begged to help her and chip in for the bill, but she stubbornly refused. Eventually they were forced out of the building due to the 'dinner rush.'
Racetrack had joked, "By dinner rush, he means 5 customers who actually buy da food instead of drink all his wadda!'
They talked for a while longer before reaching the lodging house where 4 out of the 5 boys retreated into the building after waving goodbye to Juliet. Kid Blink lingered behind, hesitant to let her go alone through Manhattan at night. She insisted she would be fine, but Blink knew better than to not trust his gut instinct.
"I'm walking ya home, I cant let you walk alone during da night. 'Specially cuz ya don't know da streets all too well," He explained earnestly.
"I'm sure I'll be fine! Honestly, how dangerous can it be? Besides, won't it be dangerous for you to walk back alone?" She asked.
"Nah! I know dese streets like da back of my hand!" Blink reassured her as he lead her through the streets, "What's it like being da mayors daughter?"
Juliet sighed, "It's not horrible, but he never lets me leave the house. The only time I get to leave is to go with him in a car to some meeting he has. All I do is study. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm lucky. I have a consistent roof over my head, a consistent food source, and I'll never run out of money or new clothes. But what's the point if I don't ever get to talk to anyone?"
"I see," He nodded, "Hey, me an' da boys may not be rich or have any of dat food stuff often, but we sure as hell is a family! Life is worth the living as long as you got good friends to live it with. You ain't neva had no friends ever?"
She chuckled a little and shook her head, "Sure, I've had friends. They were all quite rude and stuck up, though. I sure hope I don't come off that way to you-"
"No, ma'am. You ain't stuck up, don't worry 'bout it!" Kid Blink told her, stopping at the house that towered over them. "Nice place ya got here."
"Thank you," She grinned, "Oh, and thanks for showing me around, Kid Blink."
He tipped his hat and nodded, "My pleasure, Ms. Adams."
"Juliet," She corrected.
"How 'bout Jules?"
"That works too, Blink."
She ran up the fire escape and waved at him from the top. He gave a short wave before turning back around to head back to the lodging house. Juliet tapped on the railing, deciding on what to say to the boy. She groaned and cupped her hands around her mouth.
"Kid Blink!" She shouted, "Think I could help you sell some more papers tomorrow?"
"It would be an honor to spend another day with you! I'll be here tomorrow with some papes, all right?" Blink yelled back, a grin playing on his lips.
"All right! Thank you, Blink!" She waved again before smiling widely and running back into her room.
"Julie?" A voice boomed from downstairs, Juliet cringed.
"Coming Father!" She called, going through her door and down to his office.
He continued to work on the papers laid out in front of him as he talked to her, "I'm sorry about our argument today. Thank you for keeping quiet. I've decided that you can go outside tomorrow, on your own. I trust you, for the most part. Just stay away from those newsboys, got it?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head at him, "What's wrong with the newsboys?"
"Flirts! All of them," He explained angrily, "Dirty and aggressive too!"
"All right, Father. I'll steer clear of the newsboys," She sighed. As she walked back to her room, she laughed to herself. Of course she wouldn't stay away from the newsboys, not like she listened today, right? Kept quiet, She thought, more like wasn't here to make noise.
Juliet woke up the next morning, already feeling the heat from outside, and rushed to her window in hopes to see the newsboy from the day before. Much to her dismay, he was not there. She decided not to stress, maybe he slept in or sold all of his papers already.
"Morning, Father!" She called as she walked into the kitchen, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I'm heading out now!"
"Stay safe, Juliet! And remember," He stated firmly, "Stay away from the newsboys!"
She rolled her eyes, "Yes, Father!" Then she was out the door, a wave of heat pushing against her. Juliet smiled before running off towards The World building.
Boys crowded around the town square, shouting and pushing into each other. She looked around and tried to push through the crowd, the kids all backing away from where she was. Juliet looked for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone.
"Ma'am! Ms. Adams! Juliet!" Elmer called out happily, pushing past everyone and bouncing over to her, "Watcha doing in these parts?"
She had to shout over the chaos to be heard, "Kid Blink said he would meet me at my house with papers, but he didn't! Did something happen? Do you know where he is?"
He grinned goofily at her, "Oh, boy, are you in fah a treat! We'se newsboys is on strike! Pulitzah raised the pape prices, so we'se don't sell till he puts it back! C'mon, Blink is over here!" Elmer grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd to the very front.
"- Gotta be ambastards and go tell the others that we're on strike!" A boy who stood in front the building shouted. Juliet was dragged by Elmer to stand next to Kid Blink, who turned to her and smiled.
"Say, Jack, we'll take Harlem!" Blink called out to the boy, Jack, and grabbed Juliet's arm.
"Good- Who's dat?" Jack asked the other newsies, Blink and Juliet were already gone.
"Da mayors daughter! Anyways, I got Midtown!" Race shouted before running off.
"Mayors daughter?" He shouted in confusion, but they ignored him and people continued to call out turfs they would go to.
"Sorry, Jules. Honest ta God, I'se was gonna go get ya! But, the price raise was ridiculous! Anyways, we'se goin' ta Harlem, tell dem about da strike! Dat alright with you?" Kid Blink asked after rambling.
She grinned, "Sure! Oh, guess what? My Father finally decided to let me go out freely, so I don't have to sneak away anymore."
"Nice! How'd ya manage ta convince 'im?" He questioned. They walked together through the streets, Kid Blink pulling his shirt to try and give himself some cool air.
"I don't know! Said he was happy that I didn't make any noise after the conversation yesterday! So, he's letting me out freely and he said..." She paused hesitantly.
Blink looked at her and tilted his head curiously, "What? What did he say?"
Juliet groaned and looked at him, "He told me to stay away from the newsboys. I won't, of course! But it's just- I don't get him. It's hard work, isn't it? I think you should all be admired, working this hard at such a young age with no one treating you fairly."
He laughed, "Thanks, miss! Sure is hard work, but we'se don't complain! Now, when we get ta Harlem, just ignore everything dey say. If dey make you uncomfortable, let me know, alright? I'll soak 'em! Or we can just leave. Whatever's easiest!"
"Thanks, Blink. Let's go," She said hesitantly, walking with him into the new borough.
A young boy ran towards them, "Hiya, Kid! And- pretty goil! Hi! Watcha here for?"
"Gotta talk ta Stitch," He explained, "He here, Scram?"
"Well, I reckon he's out by our circulation building! Trying ta calm down all da boys n' stuff! Hear bout the prices?" The boy, Scram, asked them.
" 'Course we did, Scram. That's what we're here to talk 'bout, 'Hattan newsies is on strike," He explained.
"Strike? Ya crazy! Ya know dat means makin' no money, right?" Scram questioned them, absolutely baffled by the idea of loosing a days pay.
"We know, Scram," Blink sighed, "But listen, if we don't work, they'se don't make money either. They need us! They gotta put the price back up soona o' later!"
Scram gave them a look, "I dunno, Blink! Think da World, Journal, and da Sun, and all of dem can go longer then we can without making money!"
"If we get all of da newsies togedda, they can't ignore us!" He explained, hoping to get through to Scram.
"Whateva ya say, Blink! C'mon, I'll take ya two ta Stitch. See what he gotta say 'bout it!" Scram nodded to the side before walking off. Juliet shrugged at Blink and they both started following him. There was havoc everywhere around the circulation building. People were shouting at each other and pushing each other into the floor. She walked close to Blink and Scram, trying to stay away from the fists people were throwing.
"Stitch!" Scram called out, tugging on the shirt of a boy about a foot taller than him. The boys shirt was tight on his arms and completely unbuttoned. His brown suspenders tugged at his shoulder, probably chaffing him. He had multiple scars all over his chest.
"What Scram? What?" Stitch groaned, shaking the boy off his arm.
"Kid Blink and a goil is here to talk to you about somethin'!" Scram explained.
The boy tipped his hat at Juliet, "Ma'am," Then spit in his hand and shook hands with Blink, "Kid Blink. What's up?"
"Well- We- 'Hattan-" Blink attempted to speak but couldn't talk over the yelling. Stitch looked to Scram and nodded at him.
Scram grinned widely and screeched, "Scram! Da bulls!" Everyone froze, stopped yelling and fighting, and bolted away. Scram waved to them, tipped his hat at Juliet, and ran off with everyone else.
"We'se on strike over in 'Hattan. We want you to join too!" Kid Blink explained.
Stitch hesitated, "Oh, I dunno, Blink! We won't make any money at all! We don't like da price either, but it's hard ta make no money at all. All dem newspaper big shots could go months without making money!"
"Yeah, but they can't ignore us if we get all da newsies in New York!" Blink tried to convince him.
"What's Brooklyn doin'? What'd they say?" Stitch asked.
Blink sighed, "I dunno yet."
"Look, when ya get the nod from Brooklyn, come back. Alright? Get the nod from Brooklyn and you can count on Harlem," Stitch promised. Kid Blink sighed again but nodded.
Juliet tilted her head, "So, Harlem is just a bunch of followers? Can't make your own decisions? Seems like Brooklyn is more the leader of Harlem than you are, Stitch." Both boys looked taken aback by her statement.
"No way, ma'am! It's just- We ain't gonna win dis thing if we ain't got Brooklyn!" Stitch explained.
"Oh! You guys aren't strong enough to help us, right?" She instigated.
"Yeah we are!" Stitch groaned, "Fine. Count us in, alright? The second you guys give up, or show any sign of giving up, Harlem is out. Got it?"
"Got it! Thanks, Stitch," Blink smiled, spitting in his hand and sticking it out for Stitch. He spit in his own hand and shook hands with Kid Blink.
"No problem, Blink. Now, as Scram would say, scram! I got to prepare me boys for a strike," He chuckled. Juliet started off, but Stitch grabbed Blinks arm and whispered to him, "Great gal, pretty too. If we get all da newsboys in one place with her, she's gonna be snatched up quick. Beat 'em to it, Blink. Or someone else will." Kid Blink rolled his eyes at Stitch and tugged his arm away, running to catch up with Juliet.
"Jack! What did Spot say?" Race asked as soon as he saw the leader.
"He was concerned 'bout us being serious, you believe that?" Jack scoffed.
The boys looked amongst themselves before Race spoke up, "I dunno Jack. None of da burrows will join us without the O.K. from Brooklyn."
"Wrong! None of da burrows except for Harlem. Harlem'll be here," Blink shouted as he ran over to them with Juliet.
"Awesome! Nice job, Blink," Jack praised.
He shook his head, "Not me. All thanks ta Juliet!"
"I knew she was an angel!" Elmer gushed, grabbing the girls hands and grinning at her.
One newsboy nudged another, "Looks like one too!" Blink shoved the boy who made the comment with his elbow.
"Shut up, Romeo."
The boy who had been nudged the first time laughed, "He told you!"
Said boy, Romeo, rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Henry."
"So what? We got Harlem, how does that help us? Gives us maybe 50 more kids? We should call it off, Jack. We need Brooklyn," A boy stated glumly. Jack looked at Davey, who Juliet had learned was the co-leader of the strike, with desperation evident in his eyes. David nodded and started to sing.
Juliet honestly didn't know how she ended up on the floor. Before, she was listening to the boys singing and watching them dance. At one point, Kid Blink pulled her up to dance with him and the others. She danced with them, but not for long due to the circulation bell ringing. The newsies charged and shouted at what they called 'scabs.'
Then, she was getting shoved all around. She was on the floor and looking to get out. Harlem came running in to help Manhattan, fighting scabs right along with them. Stitch noticed Juliet's struggles and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet. He shoved her to Scram, who took her and lead her out of the crowd.
"Hey, Scram!" Julie said breathlessly, smiling down at the young boy as she caught her breath.
"Hiya, ma'am. Ya alright?" Scram asked her.
She nodded, "No need for the formality, Scram. Call me Juliet, or Ms. Adams if you really insist to be formal."
"Okay, Ms. Adams! We gotta run, da bulls is comin'!" He shouted at her, noticing the police running into the circulation building. Scram grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
"Ms. Adams, please take some wadda," Scram begged her, but she refused. She didn't want them to waste any water on her.
"I'm all right, Scram. I promise. Do you think Kid Blink and all the others are all right?" She asked him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, Ms. Adams, but I can check fa ya!" He grinned and bounced excitedly.
"No! It's fine! Relax, Scram, take a running break. I'll check in with them tomorrow," Juliet assured. Stitch walked up to them and sat down behind her on a crate.
"You alright.. Uh.. Wat's ya name?" He asked.
"Juliet Adams," She replied.
Stitch nodded, "Ya alright, Ms. Adams?"
"Yeah," She reassured, "What happened after the police came?"
"Dey only got one guy, 'Hattan guy. The gimp," Stitch reported, "Dey didn't back down though. Still won't quit. We'll be there 'gain tomorrow." Juliet nodded. "Stitch, introduce her to the boys. Have Charles walk her home, got it?"
"Yessir!" Scram called and walked over to a group of boys. "Hiya, guys! This here is Juliet Adams! Ms. Adams, this is Charles, John, Skippy-"  Juliet swore he kept talking for a hour. There was about 25 boys she was being introduced to, maybe one day she'd actually keep track of them all. She just nodded as he kept listing off names and pointing at boys.
Juliet just kept nodding, "It's very nice to meet you all. I really must be heading home now, though. Thank you for everything, Scram. Tell Stitch I said thanks too, okay?" Scram nodded excitedly and waved at her as she walked off.
"Wait up!" A boy called, running up next to her, "C'mon, I'll walk ya home. I'm Charles."
"Thanks, Charles. Hey, were you at the circulation building in Manhattan, today?" She asked him.
"Yes, ma'am," He nodded, "Wherever Stitch is, I'm there too."
"I see. Gotta follow the leader, right?" Juliet joked.
Charles blushed and adjusted his cap, "Something like dat. Think we can win?"
"The strike? From what I know, Brooklyn basically leads most of the burrows, right? After today, Spot Conlon, whoever that is, will know we won't back down," She started, "Hopefully, he'll join us after seeing what happened today. Then we'll have all the other turfs. We'll be unstoppable with all of them. We're bound to win."
"Well, I guess you're right. Unstoppable, huh? I like the sound a' dat," He grinned.
"Me too," She smiled, "This is my house. Thank you for walking me here, Charles. I really appreciate it. I'll see you at the circulation building tomorrow."
He tipped his hat at her before walking away, "Bye, miss!"
Juliet walked through the doors of her home, "I'm back, Father."
"Dear! How was your day?" He called back to her.
"Good. I really just walked around, I sat by the Brooklyn bridge and just looked over the scenery," She lied.
He huffed in acknowledgement, "Hear about the newsie strike? I think the streets are gonna be too dangerous. I want you to stay inside again-"
"Father!" Juliet sighed, "You can't do that! I've finally had a taste of freedom. Let me stay out, please? I promise you, I'll be extremely careful."
"Fine. Just," He paused, "Stay away from them, okay? They're already getting violent. Don't get hurt, if you do, you'll be stuck inside until you're an adult, got it?"
She rolled her eyes but nodded, "Yes, Father. I'm going to sleep now." She ran up the stairs to her room and groaned as she sat on her bed. She wouldn't stay away from the newsboys. Maybe she wanted to rebel, maybe she like their company. Her Father was right about one thing, they were already getting violent. And although she couldn't pull herself away, she was scared of getting sucked into the angry force of the newsboys union.
a/n: uhhh sorry if this sucked i havent written in a while but i hope you enjoyed!!
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gingerwritess · 5 years
Hello, I hope you have a nice evening, morning, afternoon or whenever you read it and in whole just a good day🌸 Secondly I'd like to ask: how would Loki react, if Elliot doesn't think girls are 'bleegh' anymore? Would Loki give Elliot advice on how he courted the reader? I'm sorry if you don't take these requests and I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable in any way. Stay healthy and happy🌸
also i know i didn’t get to the actual “advice” but this was getting really long so that part will be a separate drabble h e h
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Hey, dad?”
Loki nods, biting the tip of his tongue as he carefully measures a teaspoon of olive oil. “Hm?”
“You busy right now?”
“A bit,” he murmurs, focusing on not spilling—the tiny little measuring spoons you got years ago are much to small for his fingers.
Elliot quickly nods. “Gotcha. I’ll, um, come back later.”
“No, no, I can multitask, what can I do for you?”
“It’s all good,” Elliot assures him, backing out of the kitchen. “It’s stupid anyways, I’ll just ask mom or look it up or something.”
“Elliot,” Loki laughs, setting down the olive oil and grabbing a wooden spoon, pointing it at his son, then at the fridge. “Talk to me. And get me a stick of butter, I could use the help.”
A little smile lights the kid’s face and he rushes to the fridge, grabbing the butter and tossing it to Loki. “You know I can’t cook,” he reminds him, leaning against the counter as Loki mixes. “So I don’t think I can be of much help, but I’ll try.”
“You didn’t get that from me,” Loki chuckles. “Blame your mother. What did you need?”
“That’s kinda what I wanted to ask you about.”
“Your mother?” Loki glances at the time—good, you’re not supposed to be home for another hour. “Are you wondering how she ended up with someone like me?”
“Not really, I think I get that part,” Elliot replies, rubbing the back of his neck. “Kind of. I don’t know. Um, I just was wondering if you, um…”
“If-if you could maybe, I don’t know, give me some advice?”
The wooden spoon falls to the counter with a clatter.
Oh, no big deal, Loki’s son just came to him seeking advice, trusting him to lead him in the right direction with his knowledge and guidance, trusting him not to steer him wrong, that’s all.
Easily one of the best moments in Loki’s thousands of years of life.
“O-of course, I’d be happy to help,” he stutters, quickly trying to cover his surprise. “Advice with what?”
A relieved grin breaking over his lips, Elliot shuffles a little closer to his dad at the stove. “There’s, uh, this girl.”
Loki all but chokes, dropping the spoon in his risotto and whirling around to his son.
“There’s a WHAT??”
“A girl,” Elliot laughs sheepishly, picking up the fallen spoon and handing it back to Loki. “C’mon, dad, don’t make this weird.”
“Okay, right, sure.” Loki nods, trying to control his grin. “What advice do you need?”
“Well, I, um, don’t know if she likes me back.”
“You are in love with someone who doesn’t like you?”
“No!” Elliot backtracks, eyes wide. “No, no, no, I didn’t say I’m in love with her, yikes, no—”
“Why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
“I can’t be in love, dad, that’s…not possible. I just like her.”
“Not possible,” Loki repeats slowly, going back to his cooking. “You know, your mother tried to kill me when we first met. I didn’t think loving her would be possible either, but here we are.”
“So you’re saying if Morgan tries to kill me, she might love me?” Elliot snorts and shakes his head. “Nah, thanks, dad. I think you and mom were just a little weird. Special case.”
No answer.
Loki’s frozen at the stove, knuckles turning white around the handle of his spoon—he must have misheard the name.
Not Morgan…Stark, right?
“N-no,” he tries to bring himself back, give the best advice he can—giving advice? Yeah, this is a first for Loki. “I only mean to say…love, if you, erm, believe in that sort of thing, it’s—it’s different for everyone, a-and you never know where you might find it—”
“But I know where I found it,” Elliot cuts in, confusion etching itself into his brow as Loki rambles. “I just don’t know what to do with it. What’d you do when you figured out you loved mom?”
Loki swallows thickly. Gods, he wishes you were home for this conversation. The puberty talk was fun enough on his own, but now this?
A little part of him wonders if it’s healthy to be scared to talk to your children, yet here he is, heart pounding and palms starting to sweat as Elliot waits for him to answer.
Elliot repeats the question, a little quieter, gentler this time.
Oh, gods.
“Y-you should ask your mother,” he quietly offers, keeping his gaze trained on his cooking. “She’s better at this, all these, ah…” he breathes a quiet laugh. “Emotions.”
His dish isn’t turning out well, honestly, the rice is a bit burned and the sauce seems to be about to break on him. Wonderful.
It was supposed to be a surprise for you, since you’d been gone most of the day after weeks of little sleep, a surplus of work, and Frigg deciding she “doesn’t need third grade” after all.
For the record, he’s a supporter of the little movement.
“Okay.” Elliot nods, glancing at the mess on the counter. “Do you want some time alone? You don’t look too good, I don’t want to be a bother…”
“No,” Loki snaps and his fist hits the countertop, sending measuring cups flying as he stares at his failed meal.
Elliot flinches and takes a step back.
“Mom’ll be home any minute,” he reminds him, palms up in front of him. “I’m sorry, I’m really, really sorry if I said something, dad, really—”
“Please don’t leave.” Loki’s voice cracks and Elliot gulps.
A moment passes, Loki hunched over the counter and gripping the edge in a white-knuckled hold, Elliot watching cautiously from the doorway, picking at the palm of one hand.
Laughter breaks the silence, Loki’s, Elliot realises, his dad is laughing now and sounds borderline psychotic.
“What did I do?” Loki turns to him, eyes bloodshot and swimming with unfalling tears. “Yes…what did I do when I realised I loved your mother?”
Elliot just stares, wishing you were here, too.
“You want to know—w-what I did,” Loki laughs behind a wet sniff, “when I realised I loved your mother? I denied it for months, Elliot, and I treated her like a piece of shit.”
A hollow, dull ache fills the boy’s chest and the room goes cold—Loki doesn’t cuss in front of him or Frigg; only on the rarest of occasions when he needs to really, really emphasise a point.
“I acted like I hated her,” he spits out, eyes flashing, “and many times convinced myself that I did, a-and when I finally admitted I-I loved her, she wanted nothing to do with me because I’d ruined every single chance to love her with my arrogance a-and my stupidity—”
“Dad, dad, easy,” Elliot laughs nervously, rushing to Loki’s side and laying a cautious hand on his arm. “It’s alright.”
Loki pauses, taking a deep breath and glaring at the ground, hating himself for snapping so easily in front of his son.
“Is this…something to do with your past?”
Ignorant little boy. Beautiful, ignorant, clueless, perfect little boy.
“The part you won’t tell us about,” Elliot clarifies. “‘Cause I didn’t mean to trigger anything, dad, I’m sorry, I really didn’t.”
“Don’t apologise.” Loki runs a hand over his face, exhaling heavily and trying to rub away the tears left in his eyes. “Gods, don’t ever apologise to me, I don’t deserve that.”
“Okay, but—”
“And you’d never be a bother,” he keeps whispering, an intensity in his voice to match that burning in his eyes when he grabs Elliot by the shoulders and bends down to eye level. “Thank you for coming to me, I-I’m so sorry I did this to you, put you through this—”
“We’re baaack!”
Frigg flounces through the door, slamming it behind her—right in your face, but you just sigh and trudge in after her.
“There she is,” Loki laughs, squeezing Elliot’s arm once more before bending down to swoop his little princess into his arms.
A flicker of light flashes over Loki’s face, a split second of changing energy, too quick for your tired eyes to catch or for Frigg to notice in the midst of her hug—Elliot sees it.
He glances up at his father, seeing a smiling, fresh face, full of light and nothing like the broken man he’d just encountered.
Elliot’s learning that his dad is a really good liar.
“Get expelled yet?” Loki plants a kiss on Frigg’s cheek, smiling all the while.
“Not yet,” she giggles, hugging him tight around the neck. “M’gonna need some help for that.”
“Just tell me what you need.”
“Loki,” you yawn, waving a hand at the three of them. “Don’t encourage this, she’s already gaining supporters on the playground.”
“Are you really?” Loki sets her down, grabbing her hand and guiding her in a quick twirl. “You’ll be a fearsome queen one day, Frigg. I can already see you on your throne, leading your people to prosper—”
“How about a shower for her majesty first,” you jump in with a pointed look to your husband, “and ruling kingdoms later??”
“I would listen to the current queen, if I were you.” Loki raises an eyebrow at his daughter. “Obey and you might just survive her rule.”
Frigg immediately straightens up, flinging a stiff salute at you and bolting off down the hallway to her room.
“Good lord,” you groan, sinking into a chair at the table. “She’s…she’s…your child.”
You wave a hand at Loki.
“Goddess of mischief,” he laughs, and Elliot glances at him—there’s no use hiding it anymore, right? Frigg’s gone, you’re here…
Nope. Loki walks to your side, tilts your head up to plant a kiss to your lips, brushing his thumb over your cheek as you hum happily and lean against him.
“Well, I attempted a risotto.” Loki sighs and gestures at the mess across the kitchen. “I had hoped to surprise you, but…no such luck.”
“Aw, thank you,” you mumble, reaching for him again and pulling him down for another sloppy kiss. “S’sweet of you, I bet it’s really good.”
Elliot wants to laugh, awkwardly watching the two of you, but it’s more painful than heartwarming or humorous to watch his dad act this time, knowing what he’s really hiding.
“Want me to order takeout again?” Plastering a smile on his face, Elliot walks over and gives you a quick hug.
“That…might be best,” you reply, hugging your son back and giving Loki a sheepish grin over his shoulder. “Unless you wanna eat it anyways, Loki?”
“No.” Loki shakes his head with a laugh. “I’ll cook for you tomorrow, it’ll be better, I promise.”
Elliot desperately wants to say something, warn you about what happened and suggest maybe you eat the attempted meal anyways, but Loki just smiles and laughs and ruffles a hand through his hair.
“Thanks, Elliot.”
His smile seems sad behind the facade, and he squeezes Elliot’s arm as he walks by—almost like he wants to say something more.
But he doesn’t, he takes your hand in his and follows you as you lead him out of the kitchen, apparently unbothered by what just happened.
…leaving Elliot standing in the middle of the kitchen, extremely confused.
* * * *
After a lovely dinner with thankfully only one wonton thrown across the table—you’d expected Frigg to start it, but nope, thanks, Loki, very mature—you noticed Loki’s a bit…off.
Not terribly off, no, just acting a little bit strange.
A little distant, distracted, and he doesn’t even laugh when you tell him about the “mimicking the principals voice and telling her teacher he’s fired” phone call that Frigg had managed to pull off today.
His mind is clearly elsewhere as you kiss your kids goodnight and send them off to bed, clearly elsewhere when you drag him out of his little library-office to go get ready for bed, only for him to flop onto the mattress and curl in on himself, hugging his knees to his chest.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
Climbing onto the bed and poking his turned back, you peek over his shoulder. “Seriously, Loki, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He pulls a pillow over his head.
Very. Very. Mature.
“You’re a bad liar,” you sing, yanking the pillow off his head and pressing a loud smooch to his cheek before he can protest. “How many times do I have to tell you? I can see right through you, trickster.”
“You’re just nosy,” he grumbles, but sits up and crosses his arms. “I only ruined every good idea my son may have had of me, that’s all, will you leave me alone now?”
You blink a couple times in shock, flabbergasted and more than confused.
“What are you talking about?? Elliot loves you, he thinks you’re incredible!” You scramble over the bed to wrap your arms around him, hugging him tight to your chest. “You’re his biggest role model, his hero, my hero, and we love you. And like hell I’m gonna leave you alone, nice try.”
“He came to me asking for my advice.”
“Loki, that’s amazing,” you murmur, stroking a hand through his hair. “I can only imagine how much that must mean to you, that’s wonderful, snowflake—”
“Know what I did?”
Voice gone sour, he pushes out of your hug and looks you intently in the eye.
“Yelled,” he hoarsely tells you. “I yelled and I punched the counter and I told him that I hated you, and-and I cried, I broke down and wept in front of my son like a fool, a-and—”
A sob cracks through the room.
“Fuck.” He drops his head to his hands, shoulders shaking. “Damn it, I can’t stop fucking crying.”
Heart pounding, you hurry to sit on the edge of the bed next to him, rubbing a comforting hand up and down his spine.
“Hey, Loki, honey…where’s all this coming from?”
“Like hell I know,” he spits, hiding his face in his hands, hunched over with elbows on his knees as you try to comfort him. “I had a chance. I had a fucking chance with him and I threw it away, made his ‘advice’ all about my own sick problems like the selfish, fucking idiot I am.”
“Loki! You’re not selfish, what the hell are you talking about?”
“Yes, I am, my son came to me admitting to possibly being in love with someone and by the end of the conversation, my son was comforting me, being gentle with me, reassuring me in my relationship—”
“Wait, wait, Elliot’s in love with someone?”
Loki’s mouth snaps shut—the more he thinks about it, he’d nearly forgotten the initial topic of Elliot’s asking for advice.
“That’s what he told me,” he answers quietly, staring at his hands. “Someone named Morgan. We didn’t even get to talk much about it before I ruined the moment, as you know I do so well.”
A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth as you take his hands in yours—finally, Elliot.
“Well, that’s wonderful,” you laugh, rubbing his back and tilting his head up with a finger under his chin. “But know what’s even better?”
The glare Loki shoots you could only be described as royal.
“He told you.” Your fingers curl around his jaw and you pull him closer. “Your son still told you that, he came to you and wanted to share that with you, he wanted your advice, Loki.”
“Yes, and I ruined it and pushed him away like I always do, I just told him to go talk to you.”
“He didn’t.” Resting your forehead against his, you stroke a thumb along his jaw, smiling softly at him. “He never said anything about this to me, snowflake, he wants you to help him.”
Loki falls silent, head slowly leaning into your touch.
Whenever you hold him like this, arm around his shoulders and now hugging his head in the crook of your neck, running languid fingers through his hair, Loki swears he can count the days of his life.
This seems so…mortal. This whole failure thing.
Humans are so good at failing—it’s the one thing he’s noticed since he first started watching Midgard.
You’re good at failing. It doesn’t scare you, it seems; you rush head-on into uncharted territory and look for things to try, just so you can fail and try again.
You actually like his failures, calling them opportunities and learning experiences and helping him back up, forgiving him time and time again like the clueless idiot you must be to love him—
More failure, his mind spins, just another person to disappoint.
He’s known that since the first moment he held Elliot’s tiny form in his hands.
Your fingers curl and brush through his hair, heartbeat steady under his head.
“…what do I do?”
You press your lips to his forehead, brushing some strands of hair behind his ear. “You could start by going a little easier on yourself. Have some faith that you’re not completely unlovable.”
He gives a dry laugh. “Not completely?”
“Mmm…I don’t know,” you giggle, hoping your smile can help get him back on his feet. “There’s just something about you I can’t help but love.”
Half a lopsided smile tugs at his lips.
“I’ll try.”
“Good.” You hop to your feet to stand in front of him, grabbing his face between your hands and gazing seriously into his eyes. “Know what else?”
“I’m pretty sure Elliot’s room is just a hallway away. And I’m pretty sure he’s still awake, wondering how the hell to successfully court a certain fair maiden.”
“Oh, gods, no.” Loki stands up, furiously shaking his head. “What am I supposed to tell him? Well,” he sarcastically starts, “you could always burn down her office building, asking her to kill you seemed to work well for me—”
“No, no, no,” you laugh, jumping up after him and pulling him into another hug. “Just talk to him about…doing nice things for her, things he wouldn’t normally do. Just get him to talk about his feelings about her, and report everything back to me, I’ve been waiting years for these two to get together.”
Loki frowns. “You know this girl?”
“You do, too, snowflake.” A giddy grin spreads across your face. “Morgan?”
“Wait, no.” His eyes wide, he takes a step away from you. “No, no, no, not Morgan Stark, tell me it’s not her.”
Biting back a laugh, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Do you know any other Morgans?”
“My son is in love with Tony Stark’s daughter.”
“Get used to it.”
“Do you have any idea what hell this is going to unleash?? Stark is going to wring my neck, and gods forbid Elliot ever upset her—if he even allows it—or it’s my own back taking the lashings—”
“Just go,” you laugh, pushing him towards the door. “Teach him how to be just as romantic as you are and just as adorable and absolutely, completely irresistible.”
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hope you enjoyed, please reblog and feel free to send me ideas!
loki tags: @bluediamond007 @himitoshi @drakesfiance @destiel1597 @dangertoozmanykids101 @archy3001 @jcalpha1 @yzssie @skullvieplu @forthesnakeofdragons @skulliebythesea @wegingerangelica @storiesfrommirkwood @agarwaeneth @adaliamalfoy @laurfangirl424 @paradisaicsam @fitzsimmons-is-forever @ladylokimischief @katelinwrites @tarynkauai @polaristrange @loavesofmeat @canadian-ravenpuff-multishipper @lou-makes-me-strong @holyn0vak @chocolatealmondmillk @swtnrholland @kenzieam @jessiejunebug  @catticas @the-republic-and-face-of-texas @doralupin01 @whitewitchdown @atomiccharmer @falconfeather23435 @babygirlicecream @avengrcs @vethrvolnir2 @bookgirlunicorn @wabisabigrl @myhealingstar @khaleesi-marvel @ei77777 @spacecrumbs @scarlettghost13 @rocks-are-pretty-odd @confessionsofastrugglingteen @easilydistractedwriter @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fluffyllamaswearinghats @milktearose @lcyouinhell @h0tshotholland @dontmesswithmemundane @southsidesarcasticwriter @helnik-s @lilith-akemi @fire-in-her-veinz @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mischievousbellerina @kcd15 @mellowgirl01 @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @allthingzhiddleston @scorpionchild81 @lokixme @blue-automne @galaxycharmed @devilbat @kangaroobunny @end-up-well @planetariumx @sarcsep @mrfandomtastic @amaru163 @im-way-too-many-fandoms @caswinchester2000 @kybaeza @wester-than-west @vintagesunshinebitch @adefectivedetective @poetic-nikolai @moonduhsted @kerri-masson @iamverity @innaminitus @spnbarnes @narcissxblack @woohoney
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j0ebay · 4 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 7
Warning(s): swearing,  this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3891
A/N: At long long last this chapter is hecking done!!! I’m really super duper sorry this took 5ever to come out. BUT I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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chapter 6     chapter 8
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don’t know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
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The following morning, Lindsey wakes up with arms wrapped around her. She looks down and smiles to see the same bandaged hands from last night meeting together at her hip. She lightly chuckles- Harrison was always a cuddler. Lindsey slowly pries his hands off her and makes her way down the stairs to the kitchen. Treks over to the fridge, passing a distracted Harry Holland, sitting at the kitchen table, typing away on his laptop.
“Did you eat?” She asks, breaking the brunette from his trance.
“Nah,” He mumbles, still deep in concentration.
“Well I’m gonna make some eggs ‘n toast. Should I add you to the order?” She asks in a soft tone.
Harry scoffs.
“You really are a fuckin waitress aren’t you?” He looks up from his laptop. “Sounds great, Linds. Thank you,” He adds sincerely.
Lindsey lets out a breathy chuckle.
“Gimme a break, Holland. You guys stole me from my job,” Earning another laugh from Harry.
There's a few minutes of comfortable silence before Lindsey walks over to him with another cup of tea and the plate of food.
“Am I allowed to know what you’re so diligently searching?” She asks.
Harry lets out a sigh before taking a sip of tea and shoveling eggs into his mouth.
“How long have you been up anyway?” She questions, softly.
“Too long” He responds, mouth full of food.
Harry swallows and takes another sip of tea.
“And to answer your first question, it's nothing too drastic. But, if it’s one thing Gideon Fuller made me promise him, it’s not to involve you in anything until you’re ready for it.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh and nods.
“If it's one thing my dad was, it’s stubborn.”
Harry scowls at the image on his computer. Chad Powell. He recognized the picture as the man who dropped you off last night. No criminal record, no blatant mafia affiliation, squeaky clean but still acting suspicious based on what he heard about the date the night prior.
“Lindsey?” Harry asks, closing his laptop slightly, shielding Lindsey from the screen.
The woman raises her eyebrows with a mouth full of eggs and toast, prompting Harry to go on.
“Do you think you’re going to keep seeing Chad?” He asks her, voice dropping a few octaves and decibels.
“Your tone concerns me, Mr. Holland,” She responds, “Please continue”
Harry sighs.
“I mean, what ever happened with Harrison? Last time I checked, you were, like, madly in love with him. And, granted the last time I checked was high school but it still seems like it.”
“I wouldn’t call it madly in love with him. And what? You don’t like him?” She asks, eyebrow quirked.
She wasn’t about to admit to someone she saw as her younger brother and also one of Harrison’s best friends, that seeing her old flame of sorts, especially now, ignited a fire in her that she hadn’t felt with anyone else. Now, thinking about it, that feeling seemed to fill the gap in her life she didn’t know she wanted filled. But, she wasn’t about to admit that.
Harry opens up.
“To be honest Lindsey, I don't. I don’t know what it is but something doesn’t seem right. He seemed kind of sketchy when I met him,”
Lindsey scoffs.
“Did you maybe think that he seemed sketchy when you met him because he was, I don’t know, nervous?”
Harry clenches his jaw.
“You said he checked his phone every 30 minutes or so to send updates right? Lindsey, we do that when we’re doing meetings and things with other bosses. I can’t imagine why he would do that other than that reason”
“Harry, I don’t know if it’s because he’s making me happy for the first time in a while, or because it’s not Haz. But, I like this guy a lot and it’s really shitty of you to not only dictate who I go out with but try to justify it by him being shady, WHICH HE IS NOT BY THE WAY”
Lindsey sighs and pinches her nose.
“I-I just don’t know. Everything is just too much right now”
Harry meets her gaze.
“Do you still love him?” He murmurs, barely above earshot.
“What’s too much?” Asks the gravelly, sleep ridden voice of Harrison Osterfield.
Lindsey and Harry whip their heads around. There they see the sweatshirt clad, wispy haired man, standing at the open refrigerator.
“Juice?” He turns around and asks the two at the table.
“I’m good- I thought you were still sleeping?” Lindsey deflects.
Harrison sighs, sets down his glass of orange juice to the right of Lindsey and wraps his arms around her sitting figure.
“The bed got cold” He mutters into her neck.
Harry raises his eyebrows at the girl and she rolls her eyes at him.
 “So complete 180” Lindsey starts as Harrison sits down.
Tom struts into the room already dressed and makes himself a cup of tea.
“180 from what, darling?”” He asks. 
“Okay great you’re all here cause I’ve been sitting on something ever since,” She pauses to gesticulate in the air.
“Since I found out about your, uh-”
“-Business?” Tom asks, playfully.
Lindsey stifles her laughter.
“So um, you guys are saying I’m in danger and I have no clue what the hell my dad made you promise to him for you guys to swoop back into my life and play knights in shining armor. Which I’m grateful for, don't get me wrong, thank you so much for all of this. To put it bluntly, do you guys have any idea how long I’ll be staying here?”
All the boys smiles’ drop. Harrison reaches for her hand.
“I dunno Linds,” Tom sighs.
Harry chimes in.
“We’ve started to narrow things down, but it’s just been the usual suspects in the pool” He mutters, running his fingers through his curly hair.
“Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing” Harrison chimes in.
“How?” Lindsey scoffs.
Harrison bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating if he should go on or not.
“Please someone tell me how this isn’t terrible?” She asks barely above a whisper, rubbing her thumb across his hand.
Harrison squeezes her hand in response.
“I-It’s just, we haven’t heard anything about you in our, well, work community. So it’s not a bad thing that no one’s actively targeting you. But it’s also a matter of ‘Are people keeping their plans about you under wraps? Do they really not know about you? Was whoever was following you that night just some John who liked what they saw and we’re all just being paranoid?’ Y’know?”
Lindsey nods, thoughtfully.
“So it’s going to be a while isn’t it?” Lindsey asks, feeling everything in her chest sink to her feet.
“Probably” Tom responds somberly.
He tries to find the glimmer of hope he always finds in her eyes, but he just can’t.
“W-What about my job? Do I at least get to call them and say ‘Hey something’s come up and I can’t be coming in for a while’? Do I get to say goodbye to my kids? Do I get to wish them luck on the show they’re working so diligently on? Or am I just gonna have someone from your “mob” following me constantly like a protective detail?” Lindsey questions on the brink of tears.
“We’ll take care of it, darling. Don’t worry everything will be taken care of” Harrison soothes, squeezing her hand again.
“Well can I at least go get the rest of my stuff? I only have stuff for the week that you guys got” Lindsey asks.
Maybe if she could just go home she could feel more at peace with the situation.
“That Chris guy knew exactly where you lived. It's a public record. The last thing any of us needs is some guy surprising you when you’re alone in your room” Tom exhales, rubbing his temples.
Lindsey’s heart drops as she feels tears well in her eyes.
“Linds I’ll take you shopping or something. It’ll be great. We could talk about literally anything. Plus, you always talked about the joys of retail therapy” Harry adds, trying to take her mind off of things.
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While Harry and Lindsey leave to go shopping, Harrison is tasked with making sure everyone’s paying up on time, everything is in order and that his best mob boss friend isn’t carrying too much work on his shoulders. He knocks on the door with the gold plate reading “Tom Holland” and enters.
“How’s it going man?” Harrison asks the brown eyed mobster.
Tom nods and responds.
“Pretty good, I guess. Nothing is outright troublesome other than the stuff we already know about. Everything in your field normal?”
Harrison nods.
“Good, good,” Tom mutters.
“Maybe all the douchebags and lowlifes decided to take the day off” Harrison suggests, prompting the two men to laugh.
“So,” Tom starts, breaking the silence.
“So?” Harrison asks in response.
“You’re getting pretty close with Lindsey, there” 
Harrison raises his eyebrows “And?”
Tom runs a hand through his hair.
“Is this going to be a repeat of high school?”
Harrison eyebrows snap together.
“What do you mean?” “Mate, you wouldn’t shut up about her. Both of you wouldn’t shut up about each other, in fact. And none of you would make real moves on each other” Tom chuckles. 
“Anyway,” Harrison says just a little too quickly. “Any headway on who was trying to get into your parents’ stuff?”
Tom lets out a heavy sigh and shakes his head
“Ten bucks says it’s one of Harding’s guys. But, there’s nothing to actually back that up so until then...,” he trails off and shrugs.
Harrison nods as Tom continues.
“I mean, my main concern is Lindsey. Like don’t get me wrong, my parents are fine, my dad’s still got some tricks up his sleeve and they’re the ones with the dog. But Linds on the other hand-”
“She only has us and no knowledge of protocol whatsoever” Harrison interjects.
“I mean don’t get me wrong she has all the self defense stuff she learned from Gideon. But, my main concern is, will it be enough to keep her all safe ‘n feisty if and when she gets affiliated with us?” Tom asks.
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together.
“Do you think she’ll be a long term partner?” Harrison asks, directing his gaze upwards at Tom.
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders
“I honestly don’t know. She seemed pretty horrified when she found out about us. But now, she seems to be warming up to it. She just seemed more concerned about our safety than anything else. I guess it all depends on when you get a ring on that girl’s finger” Tom chuckles at his own joke.
Harrison shoots Tom a knowing glance and flips him off.
“So, nothing else on your end you need help with?”
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Harry and Lindsey sit in the food court of the crowded mall, indulging in their lunches.
“So what kinda shit do you need anyway?” Harry yells to Lindsey, trying to speak over the loads of people surrounding them.
“It depends,” Lindsey responds following a heavy sigh.
Harry has a puzzled look written all over his face. Anyone can read that man like a book. “On what?” He questions.
“Well,” Lindsey trails off, trying to contain her laughter.
“How comfortable are you going into Victoria’s Secret?”
Harry chokes on his food.
“What could you possibly need from Victoria’s Secret?”
Lindsey finally cracks up in hysterical laughter.
“Lingerie for Harrison, duh” Lindsey jokes between laughs.
Harry covers his ears.
“TMI TMI TMI lalalalala I can’t hear you” Harry partially yells.
Lindsey laughs even harder than before.
“Harry, you know I’m kidding. I just need the basic bras, panties, that kinda thing. Which, in all honesty if you’re not cool with going in there or if we get kicked out, I’m one million percent okay with going somewhere else” She explains.
Harry lets out a small chuckle. He can’t believe he forgot how conscious and caring for other people Lindsey is.
“I’m fine going in there but I can’t promise we’ll be in there for very long. But, then again, I have no idea- You alright, Linds?”
That last sentence was a blur. All Lindsey could feel was tingles in the back of her neck while only hearing the nagging of her subconscious.
“Turn around. Someone’s watching you”
“Turn over your right shoulder. There’s someone watching you. You’re in danger. Danger. Danger”
“Lindsey?” Harry asks.
Lindsey whips her head back around to face her friend.
“What?” She questioned, clearly zoned out of the conversation.
Harry sighs.
“You know he can’t hurt you anymore”
Lindsey nods, still distant.
“Linds, repeat after me. Chris Maxwell is dead. He can’t get to you anymore” Harry insists.
He hates seeing his friend like this. “Then why do I still feel eyes on me?” She mutters taking a look around the food court once more.
Harry scans the room, trying to see if anyone is being blatant about watching her. 
“I don’t see anyone, Lindsey. C’mon let's go grab some more things you need, yeah? I know Tom said no apartment but maybe I can run and grab some things for ya if you want” He encourages.
Lindsey’s eyes light up.
“Really? Cause there was this super cute silver bodycon dress that I totally left there and if this whole thing clears up or maybe if I end up going out with Chad again I could wear that”
Harry chuckles. 
“You’re really into this Chad guy huh?” 
Lindsey sighs and clears her burgundy hair out of her face.
“I dunno, Har. Like I love Haz ‘n all but there’s no real moves made y’know. It’s all sweet words and cuddles with him. But it’s hard to gauge if he actually feels, or I guess felt, things for me or if that’s just how he expresses friendship. Chad on the other hand, is actually making moves and expressing things, y’know?.”
Harry nods, understanding. She pauses and checks her phone.
“Especially now,” She adds, “Because he just asked me to dinner tonight”
Harry’s eyes widen.
He pulls out his phone and writes out a text to Harrison.
Harry Holland() Mate, I have no idea wtf is going on between you and Linds. But if you still feel things for her you gotta make real moves and fast cause she just thinks its friendly shit
“Alright. Where next m’lady?”
Harry asks, offering his hand to a giggling Lindsey.
Harry was a good distraction for her. That was obvious. But somehow somewhere, Lindsey was still hearing her subconscious whisper
“Look over your left shoulder. Someone’s got their eyes on you. Just turn, turn, turn” And once again, she obliges to her thoughts. 
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Harrison looks at his phone and sighs. Harry has just confirmed what has been nagging in the back of his mind ever since he saw her for the first time in the diner. He turns his head around when he heard the front door open and shut.
“Hello?” He hears the angelic voice of Lindsey grace the household. 
“What did you get, love?” Harrison asks, looking at the bags in her hand.
“I think I have successfully traumatized the big, scary mobster, Harry Holland” She giggles as his cheeks turn a bright crimson.
Harrison’s eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“Whadya mean?”
Lindsey says nothing and holds up the square Victoria’s Secret bag. Harrison mouth forms into a silent “Oh” 
She giggles and runs upstairs with her things.
“How is she?” Harrison asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“As expected, I guess” Harry murmurs.
“What do you mean?” Harrison asks, voice full of concern.
“She still keeps looking over her shoulder. She’s convinced that someone’s following her” Harry sighs.
“Well, this isn't necessarily cause she ‘has me in her pocket’,” Harrison starts, making air quotes.
“But, is it really that irrational of a thing to think of? I mean, need I remind you that someone tried to find information on Gideon Fuller’s whole family? Not just Gideon but Denise and Lindsey as well”
Harry’s eyebrows raise.
“You think it’s the same person?”
“It could very much be” Harrison responds, eyes wide like saucers in realization that he was onto something.
“You go take care of her, I’ll fill Tom in,” Harry says and speeds off to his brother’s office.
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The unidentified brunette man sits in his hotel room, fresh out of the shower. Hair wet, towel on his waist, he decides to get himself into some clothes. Now clad in a black v neck, fitting his muscles perfectly and some plaid pajama pants, the man haphazardly dries his hair and looks over the files sitting on the polished table. He’s pulled out of his concentrated state by the familiar sound of his ringtone.
“Yeah,” he answers, voice raspy as he hadn't had much to say.
“Yeah I have eyes on her,” He confirms, smirking at the master plan.
“No, boss, they have no idea,” The man reassures with whoever is on the other line.
“The only one posing a somewhat threat to the plan is the right hand, Osterfeld” He briefs the person as well as going through it for himself.
“Problem? No. Definitely not. I can easily neutralize him,” He boasts
“Yeah,” He confirms.
“The second he gets in my way he’s getting taken out. This information on Fuller is too good to pass up”
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As Lindsey goes on her date, Harrison is in Tom’s office, plotting. Tom glances over at his right hand man to see him gazing off into the distance. Harrison can’t stop thinking of Lindsey, his Lindsey, looking absolutely stunning on the dress Harry brought for her. Her burgundy hair was straight, her makeup was done, she looked flawless as per usual. But, she’s always flawless. Chad probably doesn’t see that. Chad doesn’t deserve a beauty like her. Who does he even think he is?
“Harrison,” Tom says, snapping him out of his trance.
Harrison trains his bright blue eyes on his best friend and right away Tom knows something’s up. “Alright, man. Spill. Where’s your head at?”
Harrison sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy she’s happy. But what did this Chad guy even do to deserve to go out with her? She’s so gorgeous and funny and perfect. And Harry texted me earlier and basically said I needed to make my move because she was teetering between me and him. Tom, what if I’m too late?” He pauses as he starts to feel himself choke up.
“W-what if this is the man she’s gonna marry and I’m left high and dry? I know there have been girls in the past and like you always say there’s women throwing themselves at us being ‘dangerous sexy mobsters’ or whatever. But I don’t want anyone else. I want her” 
In all the years of friendship and partnership between Harrison and Tom, Tom has never seen Harrison get choked up like this. Tom lets out a sigh, breaking the silence.
“I mean,” He begins, pausing to wet his lips and find the correct words to console his friend with.
“It’s clear she loves you. Whether it's seen as platonic love or more than that, that’s up to you two. However, as much as it hurts, it’s not up to you to decide who she dates and this Chad guy seems to make her pretty happy. But, then again, so do you. It’s kind of a rough process trying to decipher this, man. Try not to think about it too much,”
Harrison nods and sniffles.
“What do I do?” He inquires his best friend.
“If it were me, I would come clean to her. Tell her everything you just told me. Because, if it’s one thing I know about Lindsey Fuller’s feelings about you, it’s confusion. She doesn’t know if all the PDA you guys do is platonic or something else. But, it’s not me, it’s you. So, it’s not my place to tell you how to go about this,”
The blue eyed man nods to Tom.
“But,” Tom continues, “Right now, we can’t change that she’s on her date. So, good that we got all her feeling out but let's figure out who’s meddling in our crime family”
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Harrison makes his way up to his bedroom. He had heard Lindsey enter the house, but, he was so caught up in the work he and Tom had started. This is it. Harrison is going to confess what has been eating at him since he first saw her. As he walks up the stairs to his room, he gives himself a small pep talk.
“You got this, Osterfield,” He thinks to himself.
“Tom said she’s into you, Harry insists she’s into you. Why would she not be into you?”
He opens the door to his bedroom, the gateway of so many sweet and caring memories between the two of them, only to see Lindsey... packing her things?
“Hey” He greets her, voice unintentionally giving hints of confusion and startling her from her mind.
“Oh! Hey” Lindsey gasps.
“You scared me!” She giggles brushing stray hairs out of her face.
“How was the date?” Harrison asks gently, not wanting to startle her any more.
Lindsey smiles that sweet smile making Harrson’s knees weak every single time.
“It was really good actually,” She beams before continuing “How’s everything here?” Lindsey asks him.
“Ugh it’s full of work. But, it’s good work, y’know? We do the shit law enforcement won’t- What are you doing?” Harrison asks as she continues to pack her things.
“Oh sorry, I’m still listening, don't worry! I’m just packing up” She answers pausing to bashfully scratch the back of her neck.
“Why, darling?” Harrison queries, walking over to grab both her hands
“I’m-uh, I think I’m gonna stay in the guest room from now on, Haz” Lindsey mumbles, finding a new fascination with the floor.
“Any reason why you’re moving out of here?” Harrison questions, trying and failing to find her gaze.
“Yeah I just- I just don’t want to be weighing you down by staying in your room and um...” She trails off.
Harrison brings his index finger to her chin and lifts her head up to meet his gaze.
“And what, love?” He asks, ocean eyes full of concern.
“Haz,” She whispers, while moving away from him and shaking her head.
“We can’t do this anymore, Harrison” She murmurs, shakily.
Harrison feels a hard pang in his chest like his heart is causing him physical pain. His head feels like it’s spinning and all he wants to do is wake up with his girl next to him “W-Why?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
“Harrison, Chad and I are a thing now. And, all the PDA stuff we do, I-I just I don’t wanna piss him off or offend him y’know?” She explains.
All Harrison can do is nod as Lindsey continues.
“You know I love you, Hazza and everything we do for each other. But, that stuff can be easily misinterpreted”
Harrison nods again.
“I hope he makes you happy” He chokes out, voice cracking just a little.
And with that, the girl of his dreams leaves his bedroom, confirming his worst nightmare has become a reality.
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Hollands & Haz
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jiwonsssi · 5 years
— differences, pt. 1
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Plot: You are a dancer of his team and, as The Fanfiction's Rule prescribe, you find yourself falling in love with Jiwon. You found yourself falling for every little difference he has. You are heplessly gone. Or not?
Characters: Eun Jiwon/'You'
Warnings: swearing.
A/N: Take a note, this is important part of a story: the 'you' person is under 25-26. Someone older wouldn't probably fit entirely, but since you all are here for nsfw part, there it wouldn't matter ahah
- It's not okay to be that late, right? - you hear someone sitting down right next to you, sighing harshly. Oh how you understand that sigh, - It's already been an hour. I fed up with waiting.
- Are you going to be the one who would say that to him? - you laugh, leaning backwards and the guy near you humps something under his nose, shaking his head, - Thought so.
But the thing is, he is absolutely right. You so fed up with waiting. Eun Jiwon is hella late for dance practice and if this would be his first time doing so, it would be doubtly okay. But the fourth one is getting out of hand. Yet what can you do? Complain to his manager? Complain to Jiwon himself? Being late yourselves? Throw rocks at him, in the end? Nothing's gonna work. Because if he's late, he wanted to be late. You see it in his eyes everytime he apologizes.
Eun Jiwon is not sorry at all.
Somehow you even respect him for his honesty. Man needs to have a tremendous amount of bravery, nerves and talent to be that shameless. Must be tiring, after all.
- And, what are you doing on Friday evening? Perhaps you and Sungha might visit my birthday party. No presents, just bring alcohol and something to eat. So what?
You barely know him. For real. It must one of the first times you two even have a somewhat decent conversation? He's new to the team and in general not really a bad guy (who knows though), but there is something you just don't like about him. And his offer. If he's about to invite every one that he sees, it will be a dirty mess. It's not like you are "homegirl" kind of a person, but being stuckes in a small flat with tons of drunk people in the middle of nowhere is not quite your cup of tea.
- We'll come, - your thoughts on how to say "no" in the most polite way possible were interrupted by your boyfriend, who now stands at the other side of you, leaning to the huge mirror and nodding happily.
- Then party it is, - you answer, making it obvious for Sungha that your 'happy' smile isn't happy at all and murmur 'who likes to rest after the long week anyway' under your breath.
- What did you say?
There is no time to answer the question, because your eyes met a long awaited 'main star' who tries to pretend that everything is okay and he wasn't late for an hour, bowing slightly as part of saying hello. Indeed, shameless.
- What? Let's get to work, the sooner we start, the sooner we end, - throwing rocks at him doesn't seem like a bad idea anymore; and judging by people around' expressions, not only for you.
Actually you don't mind waiting. It's not like you need to endure cold weather, rain, snow, thirst or hunger; you just.. relax. You have everything around, you can eat and drink and chat with someone; just do whatever you want. You just love complaining, probably. And you badly afraid to miss your bus, among everything. It's all fun until you will have to go to your home in the middle of the night by your own feet.
The practice goes smoothly, as it should be. The pros of working with someone who has experience and desire to actually make a performance better are undeniable. Somehow you, dancers, yourselves, cause more problems than Eun Jiwon ever did since you started to train together. Might be because he moves as he likes to; he knows every move and you see it clearly, everybody does. Yet he brought something new in the way he works it; only for himself, in his own style. Nobody does it like him and you understood it perfectly through almost two weeks of practicing together.
Apart from being surprisingly (for you) gifted in dancing, he was the same surprisingly humble sunbae. It's not like you worked with a lot, but the amount of men who caught a star with their short lasting fame you have met amazes you every time.
So overall Eun Jiwon was someone who you never imagined to be a person that he is. Quite unusual, actually.
And the most unusual part in all this is that you were particularly staring at him for, well, more than two hours and he was absolutely aware of this fact. It's not like you were ashamed or felt an urge to blush whenever you have been catching an eye contact, it's just.. weird. Everyone will find it weird; even though you didn't really mean anything. He just happened to stay in your focus while you were occupied with thoughts and work. It's not like you need this practice anyway. As many of you, actually.
The only thing you care about now is that you are terribly missing the last bus. Maybe fifteen minutes ago you had a chance, but now when it's clear that you are going to use your feet while going home in the blistering cold after almost three hours of non-stop dancing and knowing that tomorrow you will need to wake up early, your mood is absolutely destroyed. And so when the practice is announced to be over, you try your best to put on the most pure and happy smile without making your shitty mood visible.
- Would you be able to walk me home? I missed my bus and the subway is closed at my station, please, - you can't persuade your boyfriend to do everything, it's obvious. But you know that he lives near by and doesn't really need to do anything tomorrow, so.. why not try? In the sweetest voice you could ever maintain, of course.
He is nice. He really is. You date him for a reason, in the end. He's just.. the feeling is never perfect when it comes to him.
- Uhm, I.. - Sungha touches his neck, avoiding eye contact and you sigh, letting go of his arm softly, - I'm really sorry.
- It's alright, I understand. I also have a lot to do in the morning, ugh, - he hugs you, placing soft kiss on your temple and then look you deadass in the eyes while telling the most stupid bullshit he could have ever said without any sign of shame.
- Nah, I don't actually, I just promised to go with guys to celebrate some shit and it's already late. I promised, I'm sorry, love, - he smiles and you know that he means no bad. He just.. doesn't understand. It's not his or his friends or your fault; he's just like that, no one can change that except him. And you are not here to teach him manners. Especially when you want to break at least his nose.
- Ok, have fun, - you pat on his shoulder, avoiding his lips with a frown and just turn around to leave.
The same shit was popping up for the the last few weeks and those reasons why you fell in love with him; you don't really remember any of them anymore.
You didn't turn around when he called you, just straight up to the door, trying to surpass the crushing sensation in your throat. No way you will cry because of someone who doesn't care; too many honors. It's just a very bad day. Everything at once and all this.. maybe calling an expensive as hell taxi is a great idea, after all. No money can buy you new nerves.
Shoving your belongings to the tote bag, you desperately try to calm yourself down, because God knows, it's the lowest you have ever been in months. Those days when a fall of a pen can cause a mental breakdown; you hate it. Probably everyone does. It just happened to be today. Not a big deal.
There is nothing more than a comfortable ride home and sleep you are dreaming about. Not even impenetrable ignorance of Sungha bothers you. You'll deal with it tomorrow. Now - a car and a bed.
Yet life is not that simple and we are not in a fanfiction. A taxi? In the middle of the night? Huh. Nonsense. The thing is, no one wants to take an order for such a short and therefore not so profitable ride. Nice. And here you are, standing in the middle of the street in a fucking bone breaking cold waiting for at least someone to accept your order. Thanks God you are at least under a roof of YG Ent entrance. Lights and security. If not cold, you would just sleep here. You will need to come tomorrow anyway.
- Hey, why are you still here? - you hear voice of a person with whom you doubtly want to talk. Eun Jiwon. If not his lateness, you might have been in your bed already. But here he is, standing not far away from you, looking around in the weirdest way possible, - Why aren't you going home? It's late.
- I missed my bus. Subway station where I live is closed. Taxi doesn't want me. Enough? - you didn't mean to sound rude. But you are physically can't make up needed politeness right know; not now, please.
- Yeah, - he's nodding, turning around to leave and, to be extremely honest, now it's pretty much impossible to suppress tears. His back when he has moved in the direction of parking is too much. But what can he do? He's, again, not guilty in not meeting your expectations. Thanks for asking, at least.
And you will not cry now. In your bed, alone - maybe; most probably. But here - no way.
You look at the screen of smartphone again to find absolute nothing. By feet then.
- It's not that far anyways, - you sigh, adjusting your bag on a shoulder when you see a car stopping in a distance and.. it's creepy. You are not a panicking type, but now situation smells like shit and if someone would try to pack you in their trunk, most probably, they would succeed. Even with YG's security. Even with cameras. And lightning everywhere. Not a panicking type, yeah.
But while you were occupied with thoughts on how you should attack them, you missed Eun Jiwon standing in front of the car. You notice him when he starts to speak and it's the third time you want to cry today; just the emotions right now are completely different.
- You are stuck here because of me. And I feel bad for sleeping too much, - Jiwon smiles, pursuing his lips a little and somehow you can't be angry with him. He's honest, it's written on his face, - So I want to ask you if it's okay if I drive you home? As an apology.
And now you see some parallels you never wanted to see. Because your beloved boyfriend is somewhere out there chilling with 'guys' and someone, who's not even slightly responsible for you, is here.
He knows what he did wrong; and Jiwon doesn't slip an empty 'sorry' into nowhere. He apologizes while thinking about what he actually did wrong and how to change that. Such a rare trait to witness.
- I don't think that it's..
- If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't ask, - even in his smile, you see that he's serious about it. It's hard to say 'no' right now. For many reasons.
- Okay then, - it's not like you want to decline a Mercedes ride either, let's be honest. He nods, opening the door for you and muttering small 'thank you', you hop inside, holding your breath for no apparent reason.
It's not like it was your first time sitting in this type of car costs like your approximately two year's allowance, it's just a bit...weird. Yet so extremely comfortable.
Jiwon is quick to seat beside you, driving away quickly. He puts on the heater immediately and you feel your face melting. You might as well fall in love with this car.
- Drop me your address, - you are still pressing your bag to your chest trying to relax when you hear him and you proceed what he means for a moment. What a fucked up day, you feel like a fool all of a sudden and it's not even weird at this point.
- I don't have your number, - now he's feeling himself like a fool and you laugh, glancing at his expression. He manages to look mature and hilarious at the same time. Mocking his fakely irritated 'write it then', you sign his contact as 'Eun Jiwon' and it feels.. interesting.
You send him a location of your home and then watch as he puts it into GPS, clearly not having an idea where is it.
- Does it happen often? - just the moment you manage to relax, Jiwon pushes you out of your wondering of how good it smells without cheap leather odor and disgusting sweet car condition aroma. You think for a minute then nod slowly, because it actually does.
- Not so often, but still, - you steal a glance at him again. It's not like you can stare at anyone with your boyfriend still being your boyfriend, but today is a mess. And Jiwon is certainly a nice sight to look at, - I can go on my own, but I'm tired today. Plus it's hard to grab a taxi from there, plus, - you emphasize it, watching how sights outside the window are a lot more familiar now, - Hella expensive. I don't even know why. They think I shit with money if I am taking a cab from YG? Fucking nonsense.
Jiwon laughs through all your ted talk and it's so contagious, suddenly. You lean on a seat, laughing as well, feeling your cheeks ache a little. Funny how it's light around all of a sudden. Perhaps it's because you feel yourself so distant from all that stress that got into you today? Because Jiwon was able to come and just sort it out without asking. Well, he can't fix Sungha, but the more you think about it, the more you realise that there is nothing to be fixed. Nothing you are able to fix, probably.
So, apparently, Jiwon helped you even there.
- It's not that funny, actually, - you look at him again and you meet his eyes suddenly. You don't even want to say 'watch the road', because for no reasons you are able to trust him with your life and overall you value the fact that he is looking at you more than the fact that you can die. He was holding a gaze for a second and you already imagined imaginations. Sungha, boyfriend, still alive. Stop.
- You were hilarious though, like, - he's silent for a second while he looks for a place to park, - Like Lucy. She also gets furious randomly and sounds exactly like you did.
- You just compared me to your girlfriend? She wouldn't like that, - you laugh because it's really funny. Yet no one was ever sure if he's single or not. You never expected finding out in this circumstances.
- What? No, - he laughs louder, hiding his teeth with his palm and looks at you for a few seconds with those shiny eyes, giggling like a teenager and you can't see a forty years old man in him anymore, - She's my dog.
Did he just boldly compared you to his dog?
Forty years old man, yeah.
You inhale deeply, trying to surpass a laugh and poke a finger at him, silently making your point. Jiwon makes the cutest 'what are you going to do to me, huh?' face, pursing his lips like a five year old boy and.. And you really try your best to keep 'I'll end you' look on your face (Spoiler: you failed). Anyhow, you want to forgive him for this comparison simply because he wasn't sulky about you being totally impolite with him. No fragile masculinity detected.
- This changes everything! - you turn around, opening the door because he literally had just parked and you leave, making sure he understands that you are kidding with this fake offense little perfomance and that he's smiling, when you turned around to wave him before entering the building.
The thing is, when you come home, you are not tired anymore. By any means; if not your mother sleeping peacefully you would probably be loud and hyperactive. And since you need to cosplay a ninja right now, you just lay on your bed, watching the ceiling silently. Perfect ending for a fucked up day.
You hear your phone buzzing and what you didn't expect to see is a message from Jiwon. The day couldn't be any more perfect, but it managed.
You open a short video of little and immensely cute white dog tiny barking at watches that lay on a sofa, buzzing. You even replay it, to seek for the point when he sends another text.
'she got angry with them because they were making sounds'
- Guess it shouldn't have any meaning, right? - you tap a replay with short but excited: 'she's cute!!' and feel your throat clenching suddenly at his instant reply.
'that's why I told that you are just like her'
You are not going to say that you feel like a teenager from some manga slowly falling in love with the main character but that's exactly how you feel.
After adjusting your breathing to normal again, you choose to ignore that (to not to show how fucking excited his subtle complement made you) and text him how thankful you are for his ride and wish him and his furiously cute Lucy a good night. And after some other preparations, you, again, choosing to ignore your actual boyfriend who's trying to call and text you for a good hour already.
You will need to work with him for a month. It's not going to end well.
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starker-garbage · 5 years
What about an AU where Tony can read peters mind? I don't know if he tells him or nah, but he keeps hearing Peter talk about how sexy, intelligent... Etc Tony is, and .... Or maybe thee other way around, and its Peter who reads Tony's mind(?)
i may have changed this up a bit, nonnie, but i got this idea and there isn’t anyway i couldn’t do it
soulmate au, you can read the mind of your soulmate.
Tony knew Pepper wasn’t the one. They both tried and say they had The Connection, the telepathic one someone has with their soulmate once they meet, it’s literally like the other half of you was found.
And as much as Tony wanted that to be Pepper, as much as Pepper wanted it to be Tony, it just wasn’t going to happen.
So, as he got older, he has just assumed he would never find his true soulmate. A bunch of people didn’t and they were in a similar situation, they would just conjure something up that wasn’t there.
And, that’s what Tony realized he was doing.That was until he met Peter Parker. The boy was so young, in fucking high school for God’s sake, but there was no mistaking it, Peter knew it, Tony knew it, they were connected. There were some sick fucks up in the universe that had decided this and now Tony was somehow going to have to deal with it.
Mainly, he just felt bad for the kid for getting stuck with someone like him.
It all happened when he greeted him when Peter got back home from school, Tony was waiting on the couch, only wanting to recruit him for the team, and it was an instant feeling of we’re connected, it was a way of knowing what the other was doing and thinking, without really knowing.
Tony knew that Peter wanted to go talk privately, Tony knew that Peter was confused - he could know his basic emotions like second nature - and that’s how he knew, that for some sick reason, Peter Benjamin Parker was his soulmate.
Yet, when they went in Peter’s bedroom, Tony did what he thought would be best. Pretended like he didn’t feel any different. He addressed what he came here to, speaking only of business, and then leaving, pretending nothing was different.
Tony was going to tell Pepper at first, it made sense. He had found his soulmate, it would only hurt Pepper to stay with her longer than he should. After thinking about it, he realized he wouldn’t tell Pepper and he would stay with her, and his reasoning was good enough.
Peter was too young and it would only hurt the boy more if he did give into temptation. Pete deserved better than what Tony could give him, so no matter what, Tony was going to continue on as he was, he couldn’t be with Peter no matter how bad he wanted to.
And it wasn’t really a problem. Of course everytime when they were together it hurt. Because Tony knew. Tony knew this was the person he was meant to be with. Yet he couldn’t say anything because he wanted the best for the boy, and he wasn’t the best for his soulmate.
So, they worked together, working on new suits, upgrades on the tower and so on. And everything was bittersweet, Tony knew he was falling in love with the boy, but he couldn’t stop it. He could only hide it.
“Mister Stark,” Peter said one day as they were working on suit updates, Tony looked up at him with a smile.
“Yes?” He asked, turning back to the project at hand, however he was all ears for Peter.
“Can I ask you something… kinda personal?” The boy said, obviously growing nervously.
Tony let out a laugh. “I don’t see why not kid,” The mechanic leaned back in his chair. “What’s on your mind?”
Tony wished he would have said no then. He wished he would have told the kid personal things weren’t what they discussed at work, because he could read what Peter was thinking, and while it wasn’t an exact thing, it was pretty clear to see ‘Soulmate’ Was a thought, passing through the kids mind.
Tony had to start thinking of something to say, something for every possible outcome.
“Pepper,” Peter began, standing awkwardly in the workshop. “Is she your soulmate?”
Tony gave a bittersweet smile, “No,” He said calmly. “She’s not my soulmate, I’m not her’s. We both know it, we do love each other but -”
��Can I ask you another question?”
“Actually, Kid-”
“Have you found your soulmate, or think you found your soulmate?”
The question was going to come up soon, Tony could read it on the other boys brain, but he still had no clue how to advert the topic. “I - uh-”
“Because, Mister Stark, I know this is going to sound crazy but I really think I’m your soulmate,” Peter said in one rushed breath. “I didn’t think it was true, but I feel something with you, something I’ve never felt with anyone before. I have thi feeling like I understand you I know you, I can see your thoughts. I know I can, and I also know this sounds crazy, but Tony I’m sure of it -”
“No,” Tony said quickly. “You don’t actually feel anything about this.”
“No! It’s not like that, Mister Stark, I swear! This isn’t some school boy crush! I really feel like we have a connection, an unbreakable one! I need you to believe me. I feel like I’m being pulled towards you! We have something, I just know it! You need to believe me, Mister-”
“Peter, you can’t feel anything. It takes two to be soulmates.” Tony said shortly.
“You’re trying to tell me that you don’t - you don’t feel anything between us?”
“Nope, nothing!” Tony said, a little more aggressively than he should’ve.
Peter was quiet. He didn’t know what to say. He knew there was something there, and how strongly Mister Stark was denying that, he knew that there was something. “Mister Stark,” He spoke up again after unscrambling his thoughts. “I know you don’t believe me, but just try a little, to open your mind to think that maybe, just maybe -”
“Kid-!” Tony began yelling.
“Tony! Listen to me! Please!”
“No!” Tony yelled, he was going to put an end to it. “No, I don’t feel something, you don’t feel something, no one feels anything. I’m not your soulmate. I’m not the man you’re destined to be with, I am your mentor, and only your mentor, nothing more. And most importantly, KID,” Tony made sure to put extra emphasis on that word. “I will never be nothing more to you. You’ll find your soulmate and realize you were wrong.”
“I know I won’t. We’re so-”
“Dont’ say it, Pete.”
“Tony, please.”
“Get out,” Tony said, throwing down the rag he was using to wipe his hands on the table.
“Mister St-”
“PETER! No. You don’t understand what this is yet, well of course you don’t, because there isn’t anything to feel, to understand. Nothing. So go. Tomorrow we’ll just pretend this didn’t happen. But as for now. Get. Out.”
With tears brimming his eyes, the other boy left, however, not without slamming the door behind him.
Tony broke down as soon as he was sure he was alone. He sat down, sighed, and cried. He knew the boy was his soulmate. And the Boy knew it too.
Peter stayed true to his word, the next day, he showed up for work and they ignored the elephant in the room. They danced around each other, they didn’t look at each other, not directly. Little touches they would usually share, little seconds where contact would be established as they worked ceased to exist, and they just worked, making shit upgrades, new weapons to protect the world, your typical things.
And so it continued all just like that. Of course Tony still had a extra motive to protect the boy, just because he wouldn’t ever be with him doesn’t mean he didn’t have the loving connection to be with him.
So, when Peter tried to do something on a boat, Tony was furious. He didn’t even need to be that informed of all the details, of how the boy literally tried to hold it back together, how dumb could one person be? Like sure, he’s a fucking teenager, but seriously? He doesn’t have enough common sense to know that his idea was a fucking DUMB one?
“Previously on ‘Peter screws the pooch’ I tell you to stay away from this,” Tony reasons. “And you HACK a multimillion dollar suit so you could sneak around my back, doing the one thing I told you NOT to do.”
“Is everyone okay?” Peter asks, dismissing whatever Tony was going on about. In all reality, Peter was mad at the guy, even after their whole ‘pretending to bury it’ ordeal, he very much had not buried it. It was a very present thought in his head. All. The. Fucking. Time. (As was it for Tony)
“No thanks to you,” Said Tony, emphasizing on the word ‘You’.
Not being able to keep a lid on his anger, Peter turns around. “No thanks to me?” HIs voice was already breaking. “Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it!” Peter got closer to Tony, who was hovering above in his suit. He probably wouldn’t have the nerve to do all of this, the yelling and mild hand gestures, if Tony was actually standing in front of him, but chances were, the actual Tony Stark was somewhere in Italy or maybe Hawaii. “But you didn’t listen! None of this wouldn’t of happened if you had just listened to me!”
There was a beat of silence. “If you even cared,” Peter felt his arms go partially limp. “You’d actually be here,”
Cue, Tony Stark, actually being there, walking out of the Iron Man suit, fucking as intimidating as ever.
“I did listen kid, who the hell do you think called the FBI? Huh?” Tony began his rant. He didn’t particularly like his soulmate (Rather he would admit that being a fact or not) thinking that he didn’t care. “Did you know, I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else thought I was crazy recruiting a 14 year old -”
“I’m 15,”
“No, this is where you zip it!” A year really didn’t make a fucking difference.
“The adult is talking! What if someone had died tonight? Hm? Different story right?” Tony asked, barely pausing to wait for Peter to respond. “Because that’s on you. And if you died,” Tony said, lifting up his palms. “I feel like that’s on me,”
Tony watched Peter’s face instantly. “I don’t need that on my conscience.”
“Yes sir, I’m sorry-” Peter apologized, losing his nerve.
“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” Tony said quickly.
“I know, I understand, I just -” Peter sighed. “I wanted to - to be like you,”
Tony sighed, looking at the younger boy. Emotions of loathing, sadness, desperation? Flooded Peter’s thoughts. “And I just wanted you to be better,”
Awkward silence and diverted eyes.
“This clearly isn’t working out, imma need the suit back,”
“What!” Peter asked, looking up to meet the mechanic’s face. “For how long?”
“No,” Peter said, he was able to do so much with the suit, the last thing he wanted was for it to be gone. It was kind of like the only thing he and Tony did together anymore. Make something for the suits. No matter what, he was down about the suit getting taken away, but everything that came with the suit was going to be missed. And, that was time with Tony.
“Yes, that’s how it works,” Tony said,
“No, No, Please,” It was like holding onto the one thing they’d shared and Peter really didn’t want that to go away.
“Let’s have it.” Tony said, not letting up on his decision.
“You don’t understand,” Peter began. “This is all I have! I’m nothing without this suit.”
Tony looked into Peter’s eyes and sighed. “If you’re nothing without the suit, you shouldn’t have it, God, I sound like my dad.”
And any hope of keeping the suit and everything it stood for was gone. It felt like Peter’s mind was racing a mile a minute. He looked away, and back, trying to focus all his thoughts. Swallowing any pride he may have had left, he looked up at his mentor. “I don’t -” He stuttered. “I don’t have any clothes,”
“We can sort that out.”
And they did. Peter always had shit at Tony’s, so they both knew there was probably the best place to go. It was originally proposed for Tony to carry Peter shamefully across New York, as he did when Peter almost drowned when Tony was on vacation and was carried out of the water with the suit, but Peter shrugged the older man off and swung all the way to Stark Tower.
Once he arrived and was sitting in the living room, he had to wait for Tony to get there. Spidey Suit - 1, Iron man Suit - 0. Peter wasn’t even sad anymore at everything. He was mad, and fed up, and ready to just be fucking done. He got screwed over my the universe. Wouldn’t be the first damn time.
His soulmate didn’t want him.
Thanks, Universe, can you fuck with someone else now?
Tony flew into the living room, his suit removing itself from his body. Ha. Ha. Apparently it couldn’t leave Peter alone. Granted, this was Tony’s house and he was awaiting Tony, but still! Did he have to home at the exact moment he was contemplating the meaning of his life? No.
“I’ll get you some new clothes, then strip from the suit.” Tony said, walking into his room, most likely going to get said clothes.
Peter sighed and just stood in the large living room, listening to every sound Tony made in the other room. It didn’t take long for the billionaire to come back into Peter’s view, holding pajama pants and a shirt that read ‘I survived my trip to NYC’.
“Ha. Ha,” Peter said very sarcastically as he held his hand out for the clothing items. “Very funny.”
“I thought so to,” Tony said, smiling with a hint of sarcasm. “Go change.” The man gestured to the general direction of the rooms. Peter did as he was told. He took the suit off, knowing this would be the last time he did it, and then slid on the other clothes, which were comfortable, but he really wasn’t looking forward to going home in them.
“Here’s the suit.” Peter says as he walks out from one of the rooms. Tony takes the suit and looks at the fabric intently.
“Thanks,” Tony says quietly. He wants to say more, but what could he really say? ‘Can’t wait to not give this back to you and ignore you, see you tomorrow, kid!’ See? Wasn’t the best conversational piece.
Peter began walking out the door in the baggy clothing, but stopped himself. “So, is this going to be it?”
“What?” Tony asked, knowing ‘what’ already. Telepathic connections, remember?
“This is it? We’re not going to talk anymore, be there anymore, we’ll just drift away from each other, right? That’s what you want?”
“Of course that isn’t what I want,” Tony said quietly.
“I say something, something true,” Peter says, ignoring the mumbling Tony had just said. “And you don’t even attempt holding a conversation with me. What’s wrong with me, Tony? Honestly? Is it because I’m a boy? Too young? Just not for you?”
Tony had two choices. Tell Peter the truth, that was the first (and wisest) choice, however, Tony decided to go with the latter, which happened to be ‘Continue to lie’. “Peter, you aren’t pointing out something true, how many times do I have to tell you that?”
“See, I know you’re lying!” Peter yelled, walking away from the door and back towards Tony. “And you know how I know that? The same way, you know already how I know, because I can see what you’re thinking! I know it and you know it! Stop lying to me and tell me the real reason.”
Once again. Two choices, two paths. “Peter,” Tony began. “Stop trying to convince me there is something when I know there isn’t anything.”
“Just tell me why, before I leave, tell me why you don’t want to love me, to accept me, we could be - Mister Stark - we could be happy together.”
“There’s nothing to tell Peter. Whatever you’re feeling,” Tony lifted his hands as if he was presenting something. “Not real,” He finished.
“I’m tired of your bullshit, Tony, tell me the fucking truth!”
Tony was growing increasingly frustrated. “No! You don’t understand!”
“Try me!” Peter yelled back, getting closer to Tony, who wasn’t having any of it.
He could have chose to fight, like he always did, but he was done harming the boy. “Peter, just get out.”
No one moved, nothing changed, not even the AI’s.
And just like that, Peter was rushing out of Stark Tower, exasperated tears strolling down his cheeks as he made his way back home to seek out comfort in his aunt’s arms.
And that was it for a long time. They barely talked after that incident. It didn’t make sense. Peter did get his suit back, it was Tony’s way of saying ‘I’m sorry I was an asshole’ (Pepper, who had found out about Tony and Peter’s situation, had told the billionaire that his little apologies would sometimes manage to work on her) However, Peter didn’t see the charm in them and while they were now on neutral terms, they no longer hung out.
Tony hated what had happened to their relationship, if anything, it gave him just another reason to hate the universe. Tony wanted Peter, but didn’t want Peter, and he needed Peter, but at the same time, he wanted Peter to have a good life with someone better than him.
However, Tony is human, and sometimes thoughts like ‘Would the Universe really fuck Peter over and give him me for any other reason than the fact we would actually be really good together?’ but he dismissed those thoughts, because Peter was perfect. Tony? He was the textbook definition of a mess.
The next time Peter and Tony hold a conversation, there’s no time for awkward ‘So, how’s your life been?’ Because there’s this big Purple Grape with a nutsack chin running around, wreaking havoc.
At the beginning, it was about keeping each other and the rest of the world safe. It wasn’t about petty arguments on rather they should be together or not. It was about keeping shit together and not letting half the world disappear.
Then, things went up, Peter couldn’t breathe, he was told to let go. It was a blur, but he knew one thing, he wasn’t going to stay on Earth while Tony risked his life (again) for the Universe. Though, when a parachute surrounds you, it’s hard to hold on.
Peter managed to get himself stuck in some part of the spaceship. He stayed hidden for awhile, but then thought sitting there wouldn’t do anything. So, he made his way out to find Tony and the Wizard guy.
Obviously, Tony was furious. He told Peter to stay back, one thing, that’s all he wanted. He wanted to know that at least Peter was safe on Earth. Having him here would make it hard, extremely hard, he couldn’t handle that. He couldn’t face the fact Peter, the one thing he had to protect, was now with him on a one-way ticket ride on a strange spaceship.
“What’s your situation here?” Stephen asked, looking as the two arguing back and forth. “Is he like your ward?”
“What are we?” Peter said, looking at Tony, then Stephen and back and Tony. “Sore subject,” he said shrugging in Stephen’s direction.
“We’re not doing this now.” Tony said, walking away from the kid.
“Fine,” Peter said, obviously not fine. “Whatever, but if I end up laying eggs in you or whatever -”
“What?” Tony asked, a little snappier than he had to.
“I’m trying to say someone’s coming.” Peter rolled his eyes.
When the two were fighting side by side, all problems were still VERY present, but they were ignored so they could get their task done, and the two fought together really well. They accomplished a lot when they worked together as a team, unfortunately, as soon as the enemy was defeated, their adrenaline was pumping and they needed someone to take it out on.
So it would insure for fights, fights that brought out feelings they had been holding in, tears were shed a few times, and in the end, nothing got resolved, they just ended up getting so mad that they couldn’t even put it in to words, so they’d stop talking until it was repeated again.
When the fight against Thanos was lost, and he took the time stone and went off to collect the others, moral was more than a little low. Sadness, despire, defeat, all emotions both boys were feeling. Everything felt so hard and impossible.
Tension was once again growing between Tony and Peter. It was hard for it to not, once again, the two were adrenaline’s bitches. “This is it,” Peter said. No one else was around, only Tony, the others were out of ear shot as long as they kept their voices at a regular level. “This is where it ends, you know that right?”
Seeing Peter give up hurt Tony, the kid seemed more than ready to just die, and that was painful to see. However, what was Tony supposed to say. “Kid! Don’t worry about it! This won’t be the end!” Yeah, no that’s not an option. Instead, Tony just looked up at the kid sadly.
Tony’s reaction made it real, so Peter swallowed and sighed. “It’s really it,” He repeated. There was a beat of silence before the boy spoke up again. “And you still won’t admit it,”
Tony sighed. “There isn’t anything to admit, Peter.” It had become routine to just say it. It didn’t even upset Tony to lie anymore.
Peter leaned his head back and sighed. “I don’t want to fight about it anymore, Tony.”
“Then stop bringing it up.” Tony said.
“It’s just a little frustrating-” Peter began.
“And we’re fighting about it.”
“That you won’t admit it! Who’s going to know now? No one can judge you now? Unless it’s a you thing, or a me thing, maybe me isn’t good enough for you,” Peter tried to reason back and forth with himself, Tony wasn’t going to say anything anymore. He. Was. Done.
“I can try and understand. There are a lot of factors as to why you might not want to be with me. There’s the obvious one, the age gap. Then maybe it’s because I’m a boy-”
Still, Tony gave no reply, letting the boy ramble on to the same points.
“It could also be the fact I’m not Pepper or that I’m not hot enough for you, or maybe not smart enough. Is that it? I’m just not on your level?”
“Peter,” Tony sighed. “Please, just drop it.”
And, he did. He didn’t talk to Tony for the rest of the wait on Titan.
Until it happened. Back on Earth, Thanos had collected all the stones and snapped his fingers. It was done. Slowly but surely, everyone began fading, dissolving away into nothing. Tony looked around, watching as Strange, Quill, and even Mantis slowly became nothing but dust.
“Mr. Stark?” Tony turned around and faced Peter, his worst nightmare coming true. “I don’t feel so good.” Peter said as he stumbled on the ground.
“Are you alright?” Tony asked hastily, watching as his young soulmate practically feel forward.
“I don’t know, I don’t know what’s happening,” Peter said, his voice breaking. He fell into Tony’s arms. Tony held onto the kid, shock washing over his body. “I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go. Sir, please. I don’t wanna go,”
Tony slowly lowered Peter down to the ground, hovering over him slightly. “I don’t wanna go.” He said one last time before making eye contact with Tony. He had nothing but sadness and regret in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” He said finally. Tony still couldn’t react, shock was overtaking every other emotion as he watched the love of his life fade away and turn into nothing but dust. He sat back, looking at the spot Peter had once been laying, and then around to see he was the only one left. He looked down at his hand, waiting for whatever had happened, to take him also.
But it didn’t.
Now he was stuck, stranded, alone.
“…I’m so sorry,” He mumbled as he brought his hand up to rest his chin against it. “So, so sorry.”
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Give me strength so I don't kill a bitch Janis: serious Jimmy: 💪🏆 Jimmy: I can't fuck you if you're in prison, remember Jimmy: unless this is you proposing Jimmy: so romantic 💕 Janis: Can't believe you won't fake marry me Janis: 💔 Jimmy: never said I wouldn't Jimmy: you haven't fake asked Janis: sure, trust you to wanna be savage about it Janis: dickhead 😏 Jimmy: I'm giving you chance to be #goals and 💍 me Janis: that's the vows is it Janis: be #goals forever and ever Jimmy: do you take this girl to be your lawfully wedded dickhead Jimmy: yeah alright Janis: 😂 Janis: such an idiot Janis: but at least you're funny Janis: teach Mia something, yeah Jimmy: no tah Jimmy: I know the kind of shit she wants me to teach her Janis: 😒 don't Janis: I'm already this close to actually smacking her without that mental image Jimmy: wait til I'm off work before you knock her out Jimmy: if you love me Janis: as bad as Grace Janis: start selling tickets Jimmy: we all wanna be there with pom poms & 🍿 Jimmy: don't be shy Janis: yeah I'm so sure Janis: you'll get your chance to wear the skirt one day, babe Janis: don't worry Jimmy: 💔💔🎻🎻🎻 Janis: mm Jimmy: I'm gonna show up & 💍 when you're about to smack her Jimmy: put you off 'cause you don't want me there Janis: you probably would Janis: love nothing more than shaming me Janis: but I ain't giving you my location so good 🍀 Jimmy: & you love the angle but fine I won't get down on my knees for you Jimmy: spoilsport Jimmy: pissed on your own parade there, girl Janis: shut up Janis: distracting me Janis: gotta be on my A game, boy Jimmy: you're too busy shutting her up to make me Jimmy: & she don't need your A game Jimmy: a breeze would turn her bones to dust Janis: you on my side or not, boy Janis: ain't a tag-team effort between you and her is it Jimmy: nah I'm dumping you for her & this is how I'm letting you know Janis: ah well Janis: your girlfriend is about to get fucked up Janis: soz about it Jimmy: she can lick her own wounds 🐍 perks Jimmy: it's alright Janis: boring Janis: but if that's what you're into these days Jimmy: once I teach her what to do with that 👅 I'm set for life Janis: disgusting Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: 😑 Janis: go away Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: how many rounds you going? Jimmy: come see me after Janis: you're rude Janis: but like you said, ain't gonna take much, is it Janis: sure Jimmy: good Jimmy: I miss you Janis: I miss you too Janis: this is all easier to ignore when you're about Jimmy: I'm going nowhere Jimmy: still smack her though 'cause neither is she Janis: 👍 Janis: long time coming Janis: but I'll try not to kill her Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll help you hide the body, don't worry about it Jimmy: #peakromance Janis: have to be good Janis: it's how her dad shows he cares, appaz Jimmy: smacking her about? Jimmy: #relatable Jimmy: or hiding the bodies of her enemies Janis: 😬😂 Janis: nah though, threatening legal action if anyone dares to talk back to her, never mind smack her one Jimmy: the bodies thing is probably true too Jimmy: I ain't seen Gracie for a while is all I'm saying Janis: 🤞 Janis: sadly, 'less Mia gave her wifi in her grave Jimmy: what's the point of 💀 if you can't liveblog it #duh Janis: turn your location on girl Janis: maybe dig you up 'fore you suffocate Jimmy: might do Jimmy: might not do Janis: obvs gotta make her promise to change her ways Jimmy: 👍🍀 Janis: you're right Janis: maybe just let her 👻 Jimmy: not an invitation for me & her to be #couplegoals though Jimmy: your 👻 lad only Janis: swear to God she better keep her ghost hands to herself Janis: or I'll kill her properly Janis: send her 😈🔥 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: she'll be waiting for me there getting more 💕😍 then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: she can wait Janis: you said you're staying Jimmy: I am Jimmy: unless you send me away Janis: not gonna send you to hell Janis: have to fuck me off a lot more than this Janis: soz to disappoint Jimmy: not to be that dickhead but Jimmy: it's hell wherever you ain't Jimmy: so not much to do Janis: baby Janis: you're so genuinely #goals sometimes it hurts Jimmy: I'm not actually trying to distract you right now Jimmy: I swear Jimmy: I'm just Janis: hot Janis: I know Janis: ain't your fault, really Jimmy: I just love you Jimmy: & that is your fault Janis: I'll own it Jimmy: alright then Janis: not just 'cos I love you too Jimmy: course not Jimmy: but it'll do me that you do love me too Janis: you know I do Janis: a lot Jimmy: gimme more though Janis: how Jimmy: I'll let you know Jimmy: other than accepting my proposal obviously Janis: alright 😏 Janis: please do Jimmy: 👌 Janis: right, this is actually happening Janis: accept the charges if I have to bell you from jail, yeah? Jimmy: I suppose Jimmy: make me feel like the tables have turned, yeah rich girl Janis: if you like Janis: roleplay, fun Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: keeping it #goals baby Janis: [fight] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 💪🏆 Jimmy: 🥇🥇🥇🥇 Janis: you know it Jimmy: start running now Jimmy: 👮🚔 Janis: way ahead of you, babe Janis: as per Jimmy: #duh Jimmy: SUCH an athlete Janis: you'd reckon so if you saw her face Janis: that felt good Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: how long you got left of your shift Jimmy: hour & a half Jimmy: come here when you're done running victory laps Jimmy: I've saved my last break Janis: Good Janis: gotta channel this energy somewhere Janis: and I want you Jimmy: just don't get her blood on me Jimmy: this ain't the CG none of the customers are thick enough to believe it's Halloween Janis: 🤞 Janis: I'll clean up Jimmy: 💔💔💔 Jimmy: I wanna do it Jimmy: but we don't have time Janis: we'll make the most of what we do still Janis: don't be sad, baby Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I know but Jimmy: I want more time Janis: after Janis: not that long to wait Jimmy: it feels like Janis: always does Janis: whenever we have to be around other people even Jimmy: you reckon it's ever getting any easier or nah Jimmy: 'cause bit rude Janis: try and be less fuckable Janis: idk Jimmy: how Janis: alright bighead Janis: true but Janis: no one likes a showoff Jimmy: you do Janis: bit Jimmy: loads Janis: maybe Janis: if you really make the most of your break, like Jimmy: no challenge but still accepted Jimmy: I want you so much Janis: you know I love you Jimmy: I love you too Janis: I'm glad you exist Janis: everyone else is shit Jimmy: you Jimmy: you're the only one I care about Jimmy: let's go somewhere when I'm done here Jimmy: I'll call in sick tomorrow Jimmy: it don't even matter Janis: okay Janis: if you're sure obviously I want to Janis: where Jimmy: let's just not come back until my next shift Jimmy: fuck school Jimmy: where do you wanna go? Janis: yeah? Janis: I don't care Janis: anywhere with you Jimmy: we can just get on a train or whatever then Jimmy: I don't give a fuck either Janis: my nan and granddad have a caravan not far away Janis: but far enough Janis: might work Jimmy: is anyone else in your massive family likely to be using it Janis: eurgh Janis: shouldn't be but Janis: how to subtly check without telling everyone where we are 🙄 Jimmy: it's alright we'll just leave if anyone else turns up Janis: it'd only be nan and granddad in term time anyway so we've got good odds of being left alone Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: let's do it then Janis: okay Janis: I'll hang around 'til you finish then Janis: no point going home Jimmy: I'll have to Jimmy: pack a bag & chat to the kids about it Jimmy: but we can go after Janis: yeah Janis: 'course Janis: they'll be alright, yeah Jimmy: you want me to pack shit for you seeing as you ain't going home Jimmy: all I can do is let 'em know I ain't just fucking off Jimmy: my dad too I'll pen him a note so he don't bell the 👮🚔 Jimmy: It ain't gonna be good but neither is this, here now Janis: if you like Janis: I don't care but you might once I start to stink Janis: probably a plan Jimmy: I'll just throw you in the shower, girl 💪 Janis: like to see you try Janis: have you know I'm undefeated, boy Jimmy: then you'll see me try Jimmy: I'm ready Janis: you've always been a very gracious 🥈babe Jimmy: oi Jimmy: come here & call me a loser Janis: come on, there's no losers babe Jimmy: easy to say when you're the winner, babe Janis: how bad does losing feel though, really Janis: you know it's still good Jimmy: I'll show you in a bit Jimmy: 🥇 me Janis: 😏 Janis: we'll see then Jimmy: just remember to tell me how it feels, alright Janis: do my best Janis: you do make it hard to speak though sometimes so Jimmy: do my best Jimmy: please be on your way Janis: I am Janis: time me if you wanna Janis: 💪 Jimmy: 👌 nerd Janis: [5 mins or w/e] Janis: come out here and say that to my face Jimmy: [does] Janis: [kisses his face] Jimmy: [kisses her neck] Janis: [noise like oh hey] Jimmy: [tells her how long she took to get there cos also a nerd] Janis: [pouty like nu-uh!] Jimmy: [pouty lip thing for life] Janis: ['I missed you' and showing him] Jimmy: [says it back & likewise cos they don't have a lot of time] Janis: [enjoy lads] Janis: do you think I should go get some stuff Jimmy: you should stay with me Janis: okay Janis: go make me a drink then, boy Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [we know the drill he's making it but looking at her like 😍] Janis: you're cute Janis: I can't wait to go Jimmy: you Jimmy: you can go to mine & pack for us & make it quicker Janis: I could Janis: still have to talk to the kids though Jimmy: just don't pack the 🐶 Jimmy: can give 'em a ring though Jimmy: might not even be there Janis: 💔 but baby Janis: cool, long as you're sure Jimmy: [shrugs at her from behind the counter] Jimmy: it ain't gonna go decent however I say it Jimmy: so whatever Janis: you still wanna though Jimmy: we're going Jimmy: if I have to listen to every dickhead talking about your #girlfight for the next week I'll 💀💀💀 Janis: 🙄 Janis: she thought Janis: got the scratches to prove it Jimmy: sexy Jimmy: but it's not gonna convince me to stay here Janis: I ain't trying to convince you Jimmy: you've already convinced me to go Jimmy: I've got the marks to prove it too Janis: 😏 Janis: trust me, you had more fun than I did Janis: even if it was pretty satisfying Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: you'll have fun with me Jimmy: if you ain't had enough just now which 💔 Janis: never enough Janis: not a diss Janis: brag if anything, your speciality Jimmy: good save, girl Jimmy: come get your smoothie Janis: okay lemme just enjoy the view for a sec longer Janis: [then does] Jimmy: lemme just enjoy that view for as long as possible Janis: knew there was a reason you were asking me to leave Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: [keeps looking back] Janis: stop looking at me like that Jimmy: [gives her an even hotter look instead cos he be like that] Jimmy: miss you already Janis: I definitely miss you more Janis: only got yourself to blame Jimmy: sounds like a challenge that Janis: challenge to behave Janis: for once Jimmy: 💔💔 Jimmy: I give you a minute before you're changing your mind & wanting me not to Janis: 💪 Janis: challenge accepted Janis: I'm tough, tah Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: I only wanna be 💕 Janis: you're rude Jimmy: if you like Janis: you know how bad I want you but we can't Janis: so very rude Janis: actually Jimmy: we can Jimmy: just Jimmy: another ⏲ going for that Janis: it's not long is it Janis: make it worth it Jimmy: when you've got to mine, packed and 🐶💕 I'll be done Jimmy: promise Janis: okay Janis: we can do this Janis: think how long we're gonna have Janis: just us Janis: and nothing to do Jimmy: just you to do Janis: not a chore, is it? Jimmy: ask me at the end of the week Janis: 😂 piss off Jimmy: just saying Jimmy: you love dickheads but do you love 'em 24/7 Janis: like we spend loads of time apart as is 😏 Janis: don't worry, there's more than one room if you're testing me Jimmy: 😂 piss off Janis: but I ain't getting in those tiny twin beds so Janis: be nice Jimmy: I am Jimmy: always nice me Janis: nah Janis: but I wouldn't like you if you were Jimmy: I reckon I could still get you to like me Janis: really? Janis: is this you admitting you are a bit of a 🤓 Jimmy: I'm admitting nowt til we're out of reach of the 👮🚔 Jimmy: life of crime starts so soon Janis: watch out Skerries Janis: 👊 Jimmy: Bonnie & Clyde 39 Janis: I'll straighten my hair so I can get my #whitepassing priviledge then 👍 Jimmy: weren't there a promise about never doing nowt like that Jimmy: except you reckoned you never would anyway Jimmy: don't 💔 me that ain't part of the crime spree Janis: well excuse me for not wanting to be shot, white boy 😂 Jimmy: if you ain't willing to die for me, Juliet we can call this off right here Janis: I thought I told you to stop being so suicide-pact-y Janis: don't want anyone to actually ring garda, like Jimmy: you say suicide pacty I say #ultiimategoals Jimmy: but FINE 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: don't Janis: actually giving out gracie vibes and terrifying me Jimmy: #whenyouvetakenthewrongtwinontherun Janis: ask her Janis: sure she's still up for it Jimmy: don't Jimmy: course she is Janis: you're such a cocky dickhead Jimmy: why you like me Janis: 😒 Janis: why she does too, obviously Jimmy: ain't my fault you two are #twinning with your tastes, girl Janis: fuck off Janis: you ain't had to misfortune of meeting any of her exes Jimmy: just the one Janis: he don't count Jimmy: my KO still does though Jimmy: & do any of 'em count as exes if she's fucking 'em still Jimmy: arguably not Janis: shut up Janis: don't be gross Jimmy: calm down Jimmy: I ain't suggesting you join in or owt Jimmy: me either Janis: why are we talking about her Jimmy: you brought her up Jimmy: & her exes Janis: well now I'm ending it Jimmy: alright Janis: take the dog for a shit whilst I'm at it Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: write my dad a note Jimmy: such a way with words you Janis: ha Janis: funny Janis: he'll say I've kidnapped you just to fuck w me Jimmy: nah he'll say I've legged it Jimmy: loves to tell the others I don't give a shit & he does Jimmy: he can't turn 'em against you with that big house & dog training 🏆🏆 Janis: can definitely buy love Jimmy: if not love then less hatred Janis: works for me Jimmy: works for Ian too Jimmy: fucked himself on respect though Jimmy: don't have enough of a wage packet for that Janis: 💔 Janis: don't know how many times I've told him we could be bezzie mates Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: you're fucking the wrong family member for that one Jimmy: even if you were doing him it'd be a stretch Janis: why you tryna hurt me rn Jimmy: save him a job Jimmy: since he don't do the ones he has Janis: too good, you Jimmy: yeah Janis: tragedy Jimmy: 🎭 Jimmy: let's say it's a comedy Janis: if you like Janis: again, works for me Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: you ain't unlocked enough 💕 or 💸 to reveal my tragic backstory, soz Janis: backatcha Jimmy: works for me Janis: she's pissed everywhere Janis: 😑 Janis: gonna need to start charging more Jimmy: send Ian the bill Jimmy: he'll love that Jimmy: also feel free to leave it for him to sort Janis: we all know she's your 💕 Jimmy: yours Janis: sure Janis: whatever you say Janis: I'll keep your secret Jimmy: just 'cause you've given yours away by being so blatant Jimmy: leave it & me out tah Janis: you wish Janis: 🖕 Janis: such a mystery Jimmy: you wish, Jillian Janis: mhmm Janis: now who's blatant Jimmy: open book with a forgettable name you Janis: then forget it Jimmy: I do Jimmy: loads Jimmy: just happened then Janis: forget us going away if you're gonna be such a twat Jimmy: what are you on about Jimmy: I'm a twat everywhere & anywhere Janis: whatever Janis: go do some work Janis: ain't in the mood Jimmy: you're not serious Janis: we can still go Janis: just Jimmy: what Janis: I don't know Janis: genuinely Janis: forget it Jimmy: has that worked any time you've said it Jimmy: or made things weird Janis: so it's all my fault Janis: cool Jimmy: did I say that Jimmy: nah I said telling me to forget it ain't gonna make it happen Janis: you also said I make things weird all the time so Jimmy: you do Jimmy: so do I Janis: not what you said Jimmy: you were being weird before I said it so Jimmy: what's the problem Janis: I just don't want to think about my family Janis: let alone talk about them Janis: that's what this is about, alright Jimmy: it weren't like I wanna hear about 'em Jimmy: no begging here Janis: don't then Janis: hear enough without you adding your voice to the conversation Jimmy: a conversation you started Jimmy: but yeah whatever I'll shut up Jimmy: like you said, loads of work I could be doing Janis: if you like Janis: bye then Jimmy: if you like Jimmy: which you obviously do Janis: I'm telling you I don't Jimmy: you're also telling me to shut up Jimmy: so what the fuck do you want me to do Janis: why do I have to know Janis: work it out Jimmy: why do I have to work it out Jimmy: like this is a challenge all of a sudden Janis: it is Janis: ask anyone Janis: if you don't want to then don't Jimmy: shut up Jimmy: no it's not Jimmy: if you don't want to push me away then don't Janis: as if it's as easy as choosing Jimmy: it's trying which ain't easy but what the fuck is Jimmy: this? Jimmy: I don't think so Janis: I am trying Jimmy: good Jimmy: when you wanna try harder you know where I am Janis: fuck off Janis: you patronizing prick Jimmy: that's the easy route right there Jimmy: take it Jimmy: go on Janis: no it ain't Janis: 'cos I need to go Jimmy: then go Jimmy: like I said, easy Janis: I wanted to go with you Janis: dickhead Jimmy: I was gonna go with you dickhead Janis: well you ruined it Janis: yeah, you Jimmy: fuck you Janis: fuck you first Jimmy: whatever Jimmy: blame me Jimmy: on you go Janis: yeah whatever Janis: take what I can get Jimmy: lucky you Janis: 🍀 Janis: call me rich girl whilst you're at it Janis: hit all the  fuck you marks Jimmy: so you can blame me for what you've got & I've not Jimmy: yeah alright Janis: it's not me that brings it up Janis: constantly Jimmy: you don't wanna bring anything up Jimmy: I got that Janis: oh I'm sorry but you established we ain't ready for the tragic backstory did you not Jimmy: & that means we'll just fuck forever & never talk about anything, yeah Jimmy: that & you can run off whenever the fuck you need Janis: you said you don't want to talk about them either so why the hell does this matter even Janis: and I keep saying, I'm not going without you Janis: I did it once to you Janis: once Jimmy: I could give a fuck about them Jimmy: you're the one being a dickhead Jimmy: what matters is you could go whenever you like Jimmy: I'm the one who has to jump through a million hoops to do anything Jimmy: that I need Janis: Okay I'm sorry that you have family and obligations Janis: I already felt bad, actually Janis: I'm not forcing you to go Jimmy: nah you're just stopping me Jimmy: when I want to Jimmy: & fuck knows why even Janis: I ain't said you can't Jimmy: but I can't Janis: not because of me Jimmy: it's all my fault, you've already said Janis: no Janis: not what I meant Janis: 'cos of the kids Jimmy: it ain't their fault I ain't going Jimmy: or if I can't Jimmy: they didn't ask for this Janis: I didn't say fault Janis: it's just why Jimmy: it ain't why Jimmy: that's 'cause of my mum & dad Janis: well, yeah Janis: alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: this is stupid Jimmy: it's been stupid for ages Janis: then stop being so Janis: pedantic Jimmy: stop being a dickhead Janis: fine Jimmy: 👌 Janis: is it Janis: or nah Jimmy: gotta be Janis: it don't Jimmy: I don't wanna fight with you any more Jimmy: so yeah it does Janis: is that enough Janis: serious Jimmy: like I said, gotta be Janis: Jim Janis: come on, that's bullshit Janis: we're not doing that Jimmy: you can bring as much bollocks as you want to this convo & say that to me Jimmy: alright then Janis: I mean Janis: fucking hell Janis: let me fix it Jimmy: you can't put all the blame on me & then be the one to fix it Jimmy: that don't even make sense Janis: I didn't! Janis: you just keep saying I did but Janis: I ain't trying to Jimmy: I ruined it, you said Janis: I didn't mean it Janis: obviously I did but sorry for not wanting to own that immediately Jimmy: have it how you like Jimmy: I don't care Jimmy: I already told you, I don't wanna fight about this Janis: stop saying that Janis: that don't fix anything Janis: it's as bad as forget it Jimmy: I don't know how to fix this Janis: so fuck forever yeah Jimmy: don't say that Jimmy: I didn't Janis: not to start this up again but you definitely did say that Janis: I don't want to Janis: but I don't know how to fix it either Jimmy: I just want you Jimmy: you know that Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you Janis: I'll fix it somehow Janis: whatever Janis: whatever it takes not whatever Jimmy: tell me where to meet you Jimmy: as soon as I'm done here Jimmy: we can just Janis: I'm sorry Janis: for fucking Janis: the hassle Jimmy: I'm sorry for my bit of it Jimmy: I didn't mean to make you kick off Jimmy: or owt Janis: you don't need to Janis: it was stupid Janis: you didn't do anything Jimmy: It didn't leave it out though Jimmy: I could've Janis: you were just trying Janis: but alright, accepted, like Jimmy: give Mia another smack Jimmy: you'll feel better again Jimmy: & we can start over Janis: 'til her dad murders me or reads me my rights or some shit Jimmy: I believe in you, girl Janis: thanks Janis: don't deserve you Jimmy: yeah you do Jimmy: & if her dad kicks off I'll come knock him out Janis: hot Jimmy: you are Janis: nah Janis: I'm a pain in the arse Janis: naggy bitch Jimmy: you can be all of 'em Jimmy: it don't cancel out Janis: 😂 Janis: tah darling Jimmy: it's alright Janis: I miss you Janis: I've cleaned up and walked her though so Janis: welcome Ian Jimmy: I appreciate it Jimmy: I'll show you Jimmy: just come back Janis: you want me to Janis: I've already fucked your shift enough, I know Jimmy: I don't care Jimmy: I'm nearly done anyway Janis: okay then Janis: coming Jimmy: if you don't run I could be finished by the time you get here Jimmy: maybe Janis: be hard Janis: athlete that I am but Janis: take it slow Jimmy: do it for me baby Jimmy: when I see you I'll have to kiss you whether I'm still working or not Janis: um why are you actually being so fucking Janis: right now Janis: are you doing it on purpose Jimmy: I miss you too Jimmy: that's it Janis: thanks for not letting me ruin it Jimmy: I promised Jimmy: tah for not letting me Janis: I promised too Janis: know I make it difficult but Janis: you know Jimmy: it ain't like I make it any less Jimmy: you know I'd rather fight with you than be around anyone else Jimmy: just don't leave Janis: I ain't trying to give you anything else in your life to worry about or stress or Janis: but I won't Janis: swear on my life Jimmy: I worry about you all the time Jimmy: that's just Jimmy: giving a shit Jimmy: I'm never gonna stop doing that Janis: I'm Janis: not used to liking that Janis: or wanting it Jimmy: I know Jimmy: I'm not used to doing it 'cause I want to though so I get it Jimmy: you're not an obligation to me & that's weird but Jimmy: how I like it Janis: 'cause Janis: the way family 'cares' Janis: it does fuck all Janis: makes everything worse, usually Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: you know how my dad 'cares' so Jimmy: but you're more than family to me Janis: yeah Janis: I feel it too Jimmy: can we still go Janis: yes Janis: 'course Janis: we both still need to Janis: even if you wanna ignore me the whole time, you have to come Jimmy: that isn't what I want Jimmy: I want Jimmy: you Janis: good Janis: that's all I want too Jimmy: I'm gonna make everything better again Jimmy: we'll just leave everything behind like we planned Janis: it'll be good Janis: we're so good Janis: honest Jimmy: I love you so fucking much, alright Jimmy: forever still Janis: forever and ever and ever okay Jimmy: I swear I'm never gonna leave you Jimmy: I don't care if it's hard sometimes Jimmy: it's the easiest thing I've got Jimmy: & everything I want Janis: I love you Janis: I'm not losing this Janis: you Jimmy: me either Jimmy: I need you Janis: its mutual Janis: you know Janis: so fucking much Janis: I don't even know what I did before Janis: or how Janis: for so long Jimmy: I know Jimmy: & I need you to know too that it ain't always gonna be like this Jimmy: we can leave for real soon Jimmy: we won't have to come back Janis: you mean it Janis: 'cos don't say it otherwise I can't Jimmy: I'm serious Jimmy: you might have to wait longer than you wanna but Jimmy: if you can then we can Janis: 'course I can Jimmy: not gonna be this young forever Jimmy: 👵👴💕 Janis: that's all I've wanted since 👶 basically so Janis: and yeah, know you're buzzing for that Janis: only reason you're sticking around, yeah Jimmy: when's your birthday Jimmy: we can go after that Janis: 13th October Jimmy: 👍 Janis: you reckon they'll give less of a shit, like legally Janis: 'cos we'll be 16 Jimmy: the 👮🚔 will be if Ian gives 'em a bell Jimmy: that works for me Jimmy: he'll only bother when he figures out that we're staying away Janis: yeah Janis: exactly Janis: can't make you come home Jimmy: it don't look good your ex & your kid both doing one but we'll be long gone by then Jimmy: so he can be as fuming as he wants Janis: and give a shit about making him look good Jimmy: the kids will still have me on the end of the phone Jimmy: that's all that matters Janis: yeah Janis: we can make it work Janis: we will Jimmy: we have to Janis: promise Jimmy: trial run starts in a bit then Janis: it's easy Janis: if you can hack it being a bit rough in the beginning Jimmy: I can handle you being a massive dickhead so I reckon I've got it Janis: 😏 okay Janis: letting that slide Jimmy: 💕 Janis: you're allowed like Janis: three lowblows, I reckon Janis: then it's business as usual Jimmy: how many have I done? Janis: I'll be fair and count from that one Jimmy: alright Janis: don't waste 'em, babe Jimmy: don't sound like me that Janis: just sayin' Janis: got a week to deal with me, you know Janis: s'a long time Jimmy: not long enough Jimmy: I don't wanna come back & we ain't even left Janis: I know Janis: if we had somewhere we could be alone proper Janis: it wouldn't be as shit, still a lot but you know Jimmy: really fucked you over by making Dublin into 'something' Jimmy: no squats about now Janis: defs is, just gotta be in the right wrong postcode Jimmy: you reckon? Jimmy: sort it out then, rich girl Janis: yeah, gonna need to kill that nickname or we'll both be 👻 Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: no promises Janis: not saying you have to remember my name Janis: not going that hard Jimmy: if you find us somewhere I will Janis: hold you to that Jimmy: you can Janis: I'm outside if you can have a quick 🚬 Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: gimme a sec to finish this bollocks & then it's over with Janis: 👍 ain't going anywhere without you Jimmy: good Jimmy: don't Jimmy: [after a realistic number of minutes to get shit done, a wild Jimothy appears] Janis: [leaning on the wall like a cool bitch just like sup] Jimmy: [kisses her like he said he would as soon as he saw her & it's such a good one like use that wall boy] Janis: ['well, shit'] Jimmy: [is just looking at her like 😍] Janis: [kisses him now she knows they're good, pulling him closer always] Jimmy: [just let them have a lil make out moment cos deserved] Janis: [then taking his hand like c'mon 'cos excited to gtfo] Jimmy: [handholding & walking but he's also 🚬 cos hasn't had chance since when] Janis: ['should we go shop and get load of ready meals for the kids?] Jimmy: [is looking at her even more hearteyes cos that's why he loves you bitch that's such a good idea & so nice bye, does remember to nod though eventually] Janis: [smiles like cool 'cos she ain't gonna see it as a big thing obvs, 'yeah, they ain't all unhealthy as fuck nowadays but even Bobs could do that if he needed so'] Jimmy: [kisses her again cos so nice & also her smiling kills him always so] Jimmy: what do we need? Janis: not much Janis: we'll have a bed and water and all the shit we need in the caravan so Janis: cash for food and some clothes, if you insist, like Jimmy: easy Jimmy: no need to piss about for ages Janis: [nods] Janis: seriously, enough of that as is Jimmy: yeah Janis: [keeps looking at him 'cos can't help it] Jimmy: [more kisses cos he can't help that either] Janis: [puts her forehead to his and is just saying thank you over and over quietly like] Jimmy: [says ILY over and over & also sorry because well] Janis: ['don't be' and more desperate kisses] Jimmy: [literally the hottest make out in the middle of the street or wherever like] Janis: [tryna compose herself so they can do this shopping and go to his but damn] Jimmy: [isn't helping by being hot af excuse him everyone] Janis: can you save this at least 'til we're on the train Janis: killing me, boy Jimmy: [looks at her all innocently but he knows exactly what he's been doing] Jimmy: 😇 me Janis: [gives him a look like hmm but not actually mad so starts smiling with it] Janis: hate you Jimmy: I hate you too, baby Jimmy: so much Janis: [makes ugh! noise out loud 'cos feeling that #frustrated by you rn boy] Jimmy: [is 😏] Janis: just you wait Jimmy: I'm already waiting Jimmy: come here Janis: [does 'cos ain't too proud lbr] Jimmy: [more of the same cos no chill] Janis: ['Jesus'] Janis: are you ever gonna let me live Jimmy: not if it means I have to stop Jimmy: this Jimmy: [even more] Janis: ['Baby, please-'] Jimmy: ['say it'] Janis: [more noises 'cos dying] Jimmy: [goes as hard as he can considering where they are] Janis: ['Okay, okay, fuck! Jimmy, please take me somewhere right now so you can do more. I need it. You.'] Jimmy: [god knows where but he does lead her off somewhere cos same obviously he's made that pretty clear] Janis: [enjoy lads] Jimmy: [& now focus please thanks so much places to be] Janis: [🤤 through life 'cos blissed out can probably leave this here now]
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hopeishappinessff · 6 years
Chapter 61... Continued
By the time we got back to Ms. Joyce’s house, I was completely worn out and ready to tap out for the day. What I craved more than anything was a nice, soft bed so I could sleep for the remainder of the day. Unfortunately, I knew I’d have to wait for that though… it was now time for us to get all cleaned up and ready for the birthday dinner we had planned for Chris. Together, Ms. Joyce and I planned the dinner and made reservations for at least twenty people at a lavish restaurant downtown.  After Chris and I parted ways in my driveway, I ventured into my own house so I could get freshened up and change into my outfit for the night. The attire for the night was semi-formal and I had the perfect outfit for the occasion that would also transition well into the remainder of the night. I figured I would wait for Destani to come over to worry about my hair and makeup and I knew that wouldn’t take long, since I planned to wear my hair in its most curly and natural state for the night. After grabbing my outfit from my closet, I laid it out on my bed and headed to my bathroom for a quick shower.  A short while later, I exited the steamy retreat and headed back into my bedroom wrapped snuggly in a towel to call Destani. She answered after a few rings and I told her I was ready for her to come over so she could help with my hair and makeup. We hung up after she let me know that she was on her way and I decided to go ahead and slip on my outfit. I pulled on a matching black lace thong and bra set first then lotioned up my entire body in a shimmer creme. I moved on to my black lace OUTFIT and decided to wait for Destani to arrive before finishing up with my gold accessories and shoes.  Nearly half an hour later, Destani finally came bustling into my room hauling a dress bag and a few smaller bags. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, her face was absolutely blank and it was at that moment that I realized she hadn’t done a single thing to herself to get ready. "Destani... what are you doing?" I asked with my hands on my hips. "What are you talking about?" She asked, rushing toward my bed to place her bags down. "Why aren't you dressed?" "Um... first of all, you look fucking amazing! And second… bitch, I was not about to come running down the damn street in a dress and some heels with a full face of makeup. I figured I would just get dressed here." She huffed. I laughed at the distraught expression on her face and shook my head "Are you doing my hair in here or the bathroom?" "The bathroom... come on. I’m seriously feeling this romper though. I see you tryna cut up for yo nigga tonight… got the cheeks all out, yes honey!” She exclaimed as she playfully tapped a hand against my bottom while I moved ahead of her. I continued to laugh aloud as I reached back to swat her hand away her and bolted into the bathroom before she could touch my butt again. We finally emerged from my bathroom nearly an entire hour later and we were finally fully dressed, made up, and ready to go. I grabbed my small black quilted Channel clutch purse and quickly scurried along behind Destani who’d already stepped out of my room. We strutted downstairs to the den and I instantly grinned like a proud mother the moment I noticed Chris leaning against the wall leading into the den. He smirked when we locked eyes and the butterflies that’d been running amok in the pit of my belly returned full force. He looked as handsome as ever in the OUTFIT I picked for him for the evening, yet I found it insanely difficult to keep my eyes on him for more than a few seconds at a time.  Stepping off the last step and stopping in front of him, he reached for my chin and gripped it gently as he tilted my head back and eyed me closely "You look so fucking beautiful, you know that?" I smiled bashfully and bit down onto my bottom lip "Thank you. You look… very handsome. Do you like the outfit?" He glanced down at himself, quickly lifting his head back up to meet my gaze "Nah, I don't…" My smile dropped into a frown in a second and while I stared at him in complete and utter horror, He only chuckled and shook his head at my expense.  "I love it... you know me so well." He smirked. I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped closer to him when I felt him squeeze my waist tighter in his hand. He slid both of his hands up to cup each side of my neck and I clutched onto his sides as we stared directly into each other’s eyes.  He meshed his lips together with mine and barely gave me any time to reciprocate the action before slyly slipping his tongue into my mouth. His tongue danced about skillfully and though I missed the feeling of the piercing that’d been removed after his accident, the sensation of his twirling appendage alone left me breathless and weak in the knees. I could hear the sound of Destani clearing her throat off to the side of us and I nearly forgot about her presence altogether, until Chris hesitantly pulled back from me and glanced at her with a smirk before licking his lips and staring down at me.  "Well I have never,” She started as she dramatically pressed a hand against her chest and blinked rapidly with her mouth hanging open, “You two are something else. You just gone stand there and make out right in my face with not a single regard for me. Would you like to stay here and just take that shit to the bedroom or what, you… heathens!”  "My bad Dez,” He chuckled as he pressed a hand against my lower back and eased me forward, “We good to go now. Especially since Sy promised me a threesome later tonight. You wanna join… we’re still looking for the third person?”  I just about gave myself whiplash from turning around so quickly to smack him hard on the chest and he cackled even harder “Stop telling people that… that’s not true!” “I just can’t with you two… I swear, I cannot! This nigga done turned my best friend the fuck out… Lawd have mercy!” Destani exclaimed.  “Oh shut up Dez!” I laughed, though I could feel my cheeks heating from embarrassment. She reached back for me suddenly and latched a hand onto my wrist, pulling me forward to stand at her side. “What time is he supposed to get here?” She spoke in a hushed tone as she leaned in close. “He should be here any minute now. I made it clear that he couldn’t be a minute late.” I said as I reached to unlock the front door. Mere seconds later, I could hear a vehicle approaching outside and I glanced at Destani before cracking the door open to peer outside. The driver was indeed right on time and I couldn’t contain my grin as I turned to face Chris who’d crept up behind me and waited patiently for me to open the door. I reached back to grab ahold of his hand and pulled him outside with Destani already well ahead of us, speaking to the driver out in the driveway.  "What is this Sy?” He asked with the most priceless expression on his face as he stared out at the Cadillac Escalade limousine with a customized birthday message scribbled along the windows for him.  "It’s your ride for the night babe. Let’s go!" I said, quickly locking the front door. I grabbed his hand once more and stepped down off the porch, leading him down the driveway toward Destani who stood there giggling with the driver. Grabbing her hand as well, I turned to the driver with a pleasant smile and dragged Destani and the birthday boy to the butterfly door of the limo so we could begin our night.  -- I stared down at Jaylen with a warm smile and watched as he sucked on Chris’s finger contently. I found it quite amusing to watch him hold Jaylen in the crook of one arm while he used his other hand to eat. After directing the driver of the limo to pick up the remainder of the group, Chris was in a world of surprise the moment we arrived at the restaurant. One entire half of the building was reserved just for him and the space was filled with all of his closest friends and family. He was bombarded almost instantly by birthday greetings and several congratulatory compliments from those who didn’t know about his son.  I shifted my gaze over to the table full of gifts just for him near the end of the main table. He ended up with quite an assortment and I was surprised that people even took the time to actually go out and spoil him like it was Christmas. When I initially asked him what he wanted from me specifically, he gave one simple answer… for me to never leave his side. Though I was sure he meant exactly what he said, I already had an idea of an actual gift that would be something meaningful for the both of us. So I settled on a simple necklace COMBO that included the date he swept me right off my feet and officially claimed me as his.  The moment he laid eyes on the ‘his’ and ‘hers’ pendants, he seemed to either forget where we were or not care at all that we had a room full of spectators as he took it upon himself to swoop in and lay the most sensual kiss on my lips. Everyone around us ooh’d and aww’d as he ended that kiss with an onslaught of sweet pecks against my lips, but I was left with blushing cheeks from utter embarrassment. I finally snapped out of that daze a short while later when I felt the warmth of his body against my side. I turned to face Chris just as he leaned in close to me, whisking me right up to cloud nine from his intoxicating aroma alone. "You good babe?" He asked only loud enough for me to hear as he continued to cradle Jaylen in his arm.  I nodded quickly and furrowed my brows "I'm fine. Why?" "You just look out of it… I just wanna make sure you not gettin bored or nothing.”  With a reassuring smile, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against the side of his neck "I could never get bored with anything that has to do with you." Tilting his head back away from me, he stared down at my lips with his own bottom lip tucked into his smirking mouth and just as he moved in for yet another kiss I could hear someone clearing their throat from across the table.  "Would ya'll please quit caking over that baby's head," I snapped my head up and glanced across the table to see Destani staring right at me with a smirk on her face, “"Yes I said it, quit caking... we don't wanna see that and neither does Jaylen. And Sy can you come to the bathroom with me? Please." With a shake of my head, I laughed along with our audience and dropped my napkin onto the table, quickly excusing myself as I stood from my seat.  I trailed along behind Destani as she weaved her way through the dense restaurant toward the restrooms. The moment we set foot into the space, she made a beeline for the vanity mirror stretched across the length of one wall and whipped out a small makeup kit from her clutch. I stood a few feet behind her with my arms crossed tight over my chest and most of my weight shifted over to my right leg. "Destani... what are you doing?" I asked. "Um, touching up my makeup… what it look like?" She replied as she carefully applied another coat of nude lipstick to her lips.  "Is this what you called me in here for?" “No...” She paused as she glanced through the reflective glass at me, “Can you be a patient for like five seconds or what?”  I rolled my eyes at her and moved back to lean against the wall behind me. I figured she was prepared to take forever to finish up all because she knew I was annoyed with waiting for her and the thought alone irritated me. With a roll of my eyes and a scoff, I pushed away from the wall and made a move toward the door. Our waiters and waitresses were supposed to be bringing Chris's surprise birthday cake any minute, but with Destani standing there taking her sweet time I just knew we were gonna miss it.  I just about made it all the way to the door to exit, but Destani was quick to swing around to face me “Where you going?”  “Back to the table. I don’t wanna miss Chris’s surprise Dez and you’re being slow.” I complained with my face contorted into a frown.  Her lips twisted up into a mischievous smirk and after tossing the tube of lipstick back into her purse, she crossed her arms over her chest and eyed me from head to toe “Why are you being so impatient and snappy with me?" "Because you're being slow, I already told you! Now please come on." I demanded.  "Did the birthday boy already get some loving this morning, or were you planning to wait until later?" She asked suddenly. Her question caught me completely off guard and my head jerked back in surprise as I stared at her in shock.  "What are you talk..." "Matter of fact, when's the last time you gave him some ass, excluding today?” She probed. "Destani, what does that have to do..." "I think you're pregnant." She blurted with the most somber expression. The space around us washed over with a thick layer of silence and I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. I was so overcome with shock that I nearly failed to notice the bathroom door swinging open directly toward my face. I stepped aside just as the woman on the other side of the door pushed it completely open and walked in. She noticed me as the door closed and she immediately offered a sincere apology for almost smacking me in my face, but I could only bring myself to smile at her and lock my eyes right back on Destani.  "Why would you think that Dez?" I whispered harshly.  "Well, because… you’re just different lately. I don’t know, I can’t quite put my finger on it… not to mention, you got a serious glow and I swear your hips are getting wider.” She explained confidently as if she just knew this to be a fact.  With yet another roll of my eyes, I smacked my lips loudly and huffed "Look, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re the one who did my makeup like this to give me a glow and my hips are not getting wider… I am not pregnant!”  She dropped her gaze from my eyes and down to the front of my romper and smirked before looking back up at me with her head tilted curiously "Yeah… right. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining things or something. Maybe I just... yeah, I think I’m just imagining things." The way she turned back toward the sink with that smug smirk still on her face left me rolling my eyes, but I remained calm and quiet so I wouldn’t give her any other reasons to believe her assumption.  "But that's not all I wanted to talk about though," She said, adjusting her clutch purse so she could close it, “I see everybody joined Chris to celebrate his big day, but it’s obvious that one person is missing." It didn’t take me long to realize exactly who she was referring to. I noticed almost immediately the moment we set foot in the restaurant that Rashad was absent from the festivities, but my only concern was that Chris was happy and kept a smile on his face all night… with or without his long lost friend.  "I noticed. But it’s alright… I just wanna make sure Chris has fun tonight and I know that will happen with or without Rashad." I said.  "You’re right… you’re absolutely right. We’re all gonna have fun and I plan on choosing a nigga tonight, because you know Chris be having those fine ass friends that don’t nobody know about… I know they’ll be there tonight too! I ain’t need little lame ass there blocking my swag.”  I laughed and shook my head as we finally ventured out of the restroom and back toward the tables.  -- The bass of the music thumbed through my veins and I couldn’t help but sway from side to side as we approached the front door. Chris stuck to my backside like glue from the time we climbed out the limo to the time we stepped foot through the door. With the crowd of people surrounding us and stopping us every few steps to greet him as if he were a celebrity, I was surprised he managed to keep at least one hand at my waist as we walked. I gawked at the gorgeous house ahead of us and by the time we were inside, I’m sure I resembled a kid in Disney World as I took in the splendor of it. I knew the boys had met with Mike, the party planning master, a few times to put the whole thing together, but I had no clue they would end up with something this phenomenal.  Only a few feet into the foyer of the mini mansion, Chris was bombarded with even more people than I cared to have around me, so I managed to slip out of his grasp and I made my way to a sitting area off to the side of the front door. I claimed a seat on one of the plush chairs and eyed the immense crowd that seemed to have tripled in size around Chris. With a smirk, I shook my head at the sight of him basking in all his glory.  "Last time I checked, this nigga wasn't no damn celebrity." I could hear a distinct voice to my left and I turned to see Tameka standing with a brow raised with Nalay and Destani on either side of her. She shook her head as she glanced over at Chris and took a seat on a longer couch across from me.  "I know right... and all these damn groupies just blowing his head up even bigger than it already it is." Destani cackled and slapped hands with Tameka who laughed right along with her. I turned my attention back to him in the center of the crowd and watched as he grinned widely and tossed his hands up in the air, shouting into the crowd eagerly prompting them to cheer like he really was some big celebrity. He bounced around to the music and led them all off toward the living room where a huge dance floor was set up with two DJ booths in each corner.  Nearly an hour in, the party had livened up tremendously. There weren’t many people standing stagnant and lingering in the vast space… the dance floor was jam packed with hot and sweaty bodies. Even the girls and I had managed to squeeze into the mass and we bobbed along to the music. Chris had disappeared somewhere in the throng of people, but I wasn’t concerned with where he could be. I was actually enjoying myself with my friends and I didn’t see a need to follow his every move.  The more I danced carefree and laughed aloud with the group, the more I could feel an incessant bumping against my backside that was quickly starting to irritate me. I continued to dance along to Yo Gotti’s Act Right, but that bumping just continued on and eventually I swung around and glared at the couple who grinded against one another right against my butt like there was no one else in the room. Even as I stared right at them in utter disgust, they kept on with their freak fest so eventually I turned away from them with a roll of my eyes and attempted to maneuver away from the group.  “Wait… where you going?” I glanced back when I felt a hand gripping my arm only to find Destani staring at me.  “It’s really hot… I’m gonna go sit down for a minute.” I shouted over the music. She stared at me for a while, knitting her brows curiously as she nodded and released my arm after I grinned to assure her that I was fine.  I was well on my way to yet another sitting area not far from the dance floor, but my attention was suddenly snatched before I could even reach a seat. I spotted a group of girls dancing like a couple of strippers straight from Magic City and I swore my heart stopped as I stared right into the center of the small circle they’d created. The guy that stood there was all too familiar and though I could only see him from behind, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that he was my boyfriend. My boyfriend… surrounded by a group of wanna be strippers. I had no clue how to react as one of the girls boldly turned to face him and ran the tips of her fingers seductively along his left cheek, pulling him closer to her by the front of his shirt.  I knew I didn’t want to create a spectacle in the middle of that dance floor in front of everyone by confronting him, so I whipped around and continued on to the sitting area without looking back. I ran my hand through my hair to toss it back out of my face and leaned back in my seat with a huff. Only seconds after I made myself comfortable on the couch, I felt a hand against my right shoulder and I turned to see Dontay hovering above me, with a face drenched in sweat.  "Wassup? Why you sitting over here by yourself?" He asked, pulling the end of his shirt up to wipe away a bit of the perspiration from his face.  I shrugged my shoulders and stared off into the crowd "I got tired and hot and I didn’t wanna end up passing out in the middle of the dance floor." He chuckled and turned to look off into the crowd as well "You ain’t gotta be all sarcastic girl." I laughed, but kept quiet as my eyes scanned over the scene and unintentionally roamed right over to Chris. The girl who’d previously been in his face had now hooked her hands around the back of his neck and he stood there with his hands limp at his sides with a bored expression as her friends bounced and twerked on either side of him. He kept his head raised and hadn’t even bothered to glance down at her as his eyes roamed constantly over the crowd.  "You see your boy?" Dontay asked.  "What?"  "Your boy," He repeated, nodding his head in Chris's direction, "I think he’s looking for you." "Yeah, I beg to differ.” I muttered, rolling my eyes and turning my head. "Actually, I think he really is." He nudged me gently with his elbow and I turned to see Chris staring directly at me with a smirk. He leaned down a bit, never breaking the eye contact with me, and whispered into the girl’s ear. She rolled her eyes and jerked her head back with attitude and immediately stopped dancing. He took that as an opportunity to slip out of her grasp and without hesitation he squeezed through a few dancing bodies to make his way toward Dontay and I.  "Wassup bro?” He greeted Dontay first once he reached us and I made sure to keep my gaze everywhere but on him, "This party is fucking insane man! Ya’ll fucked it up with this one.”  "Aye nigga, you know we can only do it big for the big man himself… no less!" They both burst into a fit of laughter and dapped each other up then Dontay glanced over at me then peered at Chris with a smirk.  "Well," He cleared his throat and stood from the arm of the couch beside me "I think Imma go hit the dance floor again... gotta figure out which one of these hoes is coming home with a nigga tonight!”  They dapped once more and the moment he walked off, Chris took it upon himself to plop down in the chair beside me after pulling it up right in front of me. “Why you ain’t out there dancing babe?” He asked breathlessly.  I shrugged my shoulders and glanced at his perspiring face “It was getting really hot and I was getting tired. I was dancing but I just wanted to take a break.” He stared at me for a while with that handsome smirk and with his legs spread on either side of mine, he leaned in close to me “You still tired?” I cut my eyes at him as I crossed my arms over my chest “Yes.” He smacked his lips and tilted his head to one side, cutting his eyes at me as he did so “No you not… come dance with me.” I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him trying not to snap from the sudden irritation that surged through my veins “I really don’t want to Chris… I’m still tired and my feet hurt.” “You not tired,” He said as he maintained that stance with his eyes now squinted at me, “What’s wrong?” I shook my head adamantly and leaned back in my seat “Nothing, I’m tired… that’s all.” He leaned in even closer to me and reached out to grip my chin, forcing me to face him “That’s not all… what’s wrong?” Snatching out of his grasp and staring past him toward the dance floor… I failed to realize that my leg was quivering as I sat there with my arms crossed over my chest, but Chris noticed almost immediately and he leaned to one side so that his face was directly in my line of vision “What’s the problem babe? Why you acting like that?” “I’m not acting like anything Chris. Shouldn’t you be out there dancing … everyone’s probably waiting for you.” “Fuck everyone… I want my girlfriend to tell me what’s wrong. Better yet, tell me if I did something wrong.” He pressed on. His determined interrogation was truly getting under my skin, but I focused on keeping my demeanor calm because I had no desire to ruin his birthday over my own petty attitude. As my eyes continued to take in each and every dancing body in the near vicinity, I mistakenly glanced over at the group of girls that’d been dancing all over him before he came to me. I glared at them for a short while then rolled my eyes and dropped my gaze back on him.  He glanced over in their direction then furrowed his brows and eyed me carefully “That’s why you sitting over here? You upset ‘cause they was dancing on me earlier… right?”  I cut my eyes at him and shook my head with a sigh “I never said I was upset with you. All I said was that I’m tired… but if it would make you feel better to believe that, then whatever.”  I attempted to stand up from my seat to move away from the ensuing argument, but I wasn’t nearly quick enough for Chris who had a hand around my waist within only a second “Baby, why you acting like this? No it wouldn’t make me feel better to believe that… I just want you to talk to me… tell me what’s on your mind.” I sighed and shut my eyes as I stood there focusing on just the feeling of his hand grasping my side. I refused to start a fight with him in the middle of the party and though I was nearly just as territorial as he, my reaction was totally different than his would have ever been if I was caught dancing with someone other than him. So rather than continuing on with my harsh attitude, I turned to face him and sighed through a smile.  “I really am tired Charlie… I’m not upset with you about anything, I promise. Today is your birthday and I understand that every single person in here probably wants to spend some sort of time with you… they all wanna be near you. I’m not gonna be that bitter girlfriend to stop you from enjoying your day. So I’m telling you right now that I’m not upset or angry with you, so just get that out of your mind and stop worrying about me.” I explained.  He stared up at me with his lips twisted to one side then smirked suddenly and pulled me down by my waist into his lap "Do you understand how much I love you? You too good to me.”  I smiled and chuckled softly, wrapping my arms rightfully around the back of his neck as he cupped my face to pull me in closer to him "I don't wanna ruin your night... I just want you to have fun with no worries or stress okay." He nodded and pressed his lips against mine, pulling me in as close to him as he could, allowing me to enjoy the sensation of his plump lips before Dontay, BJ, and Mike abruptly closed in on us. I barely had time to climb down out of Chris's lap before they snatched him up from his seat to drag him off toward the dance floor. I could feel someone tugging at my wrist in the process and I failed to figure out who in the midst of the chaos.  I’d assumed that perhaps it was now time to surprise him with his birthday cake and I was surprised to see the mass of people on the dance floor parting like the Red Sea as the boys dragged Chris through and he dragged me along behind him. I hadn’t noticed it before, but the DJ had shut the music off completely and the colossal space was washed over in a sea of murmured whispers. The boys dragged him to the front of the crowd and I nearly slammed right into his back when he stopped abruptly in front of me. I could barely see over his shoulder from where I stood behind him, so I rolled onto the tips of my toes and leaned in against his left shoulder to figure out what was going on.  There, only feet away from him, stood two white men and a black man… all dressed in police uniforms.  "Are you Christopher Maurice Brown?" One of them spoke up once Chris was standing directly in front of them. "Yes… is there a problem?" He asked, looking from one officer to the other. I continued to stare over his shoulder and my heart slowly began to sink as they glanced back and forth between one another before one finally stepped forward to speak. "Mr. Brown... we have a warrant for your arrest..."
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franeridart · 7 years
i know this isn't really related to your art but how do you figure out when ship weeks are? like lol i don't know anything about them and then ur like haha kiribaku week y'all and i am confuddled please share your magic
... so you know how tumblr (the site itself, I mean) has that kind of one track mind for which once you start following one (1) blog related to Thing it’ll start suggesting you all the blogs about Thing? I’m the type of person to go “... why the heck not” and click on the follow button of every single one of those suggestions so now I kind of follow most of the blogs related to the ships I’m on, which means that the posts about the weeks are kind of bound to happen across my dash one or a hundred times in a row
👍👍👍👍 the magic is having no implulse control at all my dashboard is a magical disaster 👍👍👍👍
Anon said: Why are scorpio people important? ♏
Boi, this ask confused me for a while haha but you’re referring to that old Futakuchi doodle, right? It’s because it’s my sign, anon~ I love all my signs a lot for unknown reasons, so when I find out a character is a scorpio I’m like oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh new child haha
Anon said: Omggggg i had no idea you watched dgm!!! I tried watching since the beginning but its kinda slow. I still loved it and my faves are specially allen and lavi!!! 💖💖💖 Talk to me about them!! When does it start getting Good?
What an hard question anon, oh my god haha as far as I’m concerned dgm has always been and always will be Good™ (it is my favorite manga, after all), but I’ll give you that the anime can get boring fast - it’s slow and more filler than actual story as far as the first season goes, and for my tastes poorly adapted and too heavy for the second. If you try out the manga, though, stuff really does happen fast and arcs follow each other mostly without a break, you can’t really call it slow at all lol
Since I’ve watched the first season about a decade ago I can’t really remember at which point I decided I’d sell my soul to it, probably when Lavi first appeared lbr, but if I had to give an objective answer to when it gets properly into the story I’d say when the Noahs are introduced for the first time (with Road and the Rewinding Town arc, which is... volume 3) ((it also happens to be around when Lavi makes his first appearance a+ coincidence you might nearly say he’s the heart of the story *wiggle eyebrows* get it? nah you probably don’t ignore me))
As far as talking about Allen and Lavi goes, I have no clue where to start and I don’t know how long it’d take for me to get through it all, oh man! They’re two of the most amazing characters I’ve ever read about, deep and complex and heavily layered - the type of characters that you can easily fit into a stereotype the first time you see them, but the more you learn about them the more you realize it’s not that simple at all. Because that simple and easy facade they show is part of them, but they’re at the same time its exact opposite as well, and they have sad pasts and sad presents and probably sad futures too, but you still see them standing tall and forcing a smile and joking and laughing and being so so so so strong it makes my heart clench just thinking about it - it’s hard to talk about them when I don’t know how much you know and how much it’s spoiler, but they’re... they’re kind of everything to me. How do you even explain someone that all-encompassing in just a few words? 
Anon said:do you have any ideas/theories on who the traitor could potentially be?
I still haven’t had any reason to change my mind about it being Tsukauchi, tbh ✌️
Anon said:Idk man I did some reading just now (on Wikipedia) and it sounds like mozzarella is exactly what I think it is?? (though I did not know that it's traditionally made with water buffalo milk or the method it is made using or that it has to be vacuum sealed to keep it fresh more than a few days)
Possibly? What I meant to say is that mozzarella is white and round and has to be eaten a max of two days after you’ve made it unless you cook it and when you cut it there’s a lot of milk coming out and anything that can be called a stick or a string and can be peeled 100% for sure isn’t mozzarella, my pal
Anon said:You know, I can actually understand the childhood friend headcanon with Kiri and Mina, they both have super bubbly personalities and would probably click instantly
My favorite possibility for now is that when Mina’s quirk first manifested she couldn’t really control it and that made it impossible to be near any kid her age - any but Kirishima, that is, because his quirk protected him from her acid, and since Kiri is Kiri he couldn’t just leave her alone, which is how they became friends!! It’d be nice, wouldn’t it!!
Anon said:I just really really like you? You're so sweet and kind and your art is amazing and you take the time to answer even the smallest, most useless asks and every time I see you on my dash I get so happy and it's a flash of brightness honestly, thank you so much for existing
I’m gonna lay down forever oh my god this is the best ask I’ve ever gotten - thank you!!! So MUCH!!!!! I’m just sad to say that there are some asks I never get around to answering o
Anon said:As for the Servamp manga: faecakes has a masterpost for it and has just answered an ask about this. Maybe this week their raws may arrive :)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for letting me know!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:As a french person i too feel really weirded out by most American "cheese". But i'm pretty sure cheese sticks use one of what we call here "false cheese" or "prepared cheese" which is actually closer to some sort of cream, kinda like most string cheese if you understand what i mean ? Anyway i'm sure it's not a noble cheese and doesn't even have a name. Yes i am a cheese elitist fight me on this
I don’t think I’ll fight you on anything because being from where I am I understand being particular about cheese all too well, anon, don’t worry hahaha but yeah I had at some point guessed it’s more like all the processed melted cheeses we have in Italy too tbh
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DEAR GOD GET READY FOR THIS LONG ASS SHIT STORM OF A STORY. TLDR. Does this go in r/Relationship? If you find yourself reading this, I am a girl who is in desperate need of help so I can fucking stop thinking about this crap and move on -_- Please give me your thoughts on the fucking situation that is driving me and my friends insane.DISCLAIMER: I curse a lot, and I am up to HERE raises hand up to neptune with the stress this shit has caused me. So disregard me as I release some pent up rage.OKAY. I believe both of us are in the same looks league so I won't even comment on that.Player 1: Guy, 29, caucasian, raised in southern GA. Let's call him Bill (no his name is not Bill). A musician. Omnivert, into videogames. Pisces. Bill has been single for 3 years and basically abstinent lol. NOT RELIGIOUS AT ALL. He has also been EVER SO SLOWLY healing and coming out of a depression of sorts. He also has minor anxiety issues. He has VERY high standards for almost everything, and loves 80's things.Player 2: Me, Girl, 24, caucasian hispanic, raised in Miami, FL. We'll call me Bitch becau- no... We'll call me Bear, because why the fuck not. A filmmaker/photographer. Omnivert, into videogames. Libra. I have always hung out with people older than me because I don't get along with the millenials my age -_- the're all focusing on partying while I'm trying to move forward with my career. Also I have been abused by several men (which scars to bear [get it]) so I'm very verbally forward with dudes about how I feel, but I also have mega anxiety for physical proximity.Setting: Atlanta, GAISSUE: Does my best friend like me? It's not issue if he does, BUT I just NEED to know. We have minor history and he has said no when I've asked but THE FUCKING WORLD tells me otherwise. Also, my gut tells me otherwise (sometimes), and I have no idea if I should be trying to get my flirt on or just leaving the poor kid alone because he hates me or something.Late 2015: We meet for a film project and I have this innate magnetic feeling towards him to be his friend. JUST FRIEND. Nothing more. We work on the film project and you know, it's cool. We good. We chill. Nothing interesting, nothing to see. Player 1: Single Player 2: Married in on/off state (private)Early 2016: We start hanging out WAY more. Like WAY more. And we become besties and work together on every project ever. Its' the best female/male bromance I ever did saw. Both gamers, both omniverts, both into adventures, both low self esteem, both idiots. IT'S WONDERFUL I TELL YOU. This time period bleeds into summer time too. Player 1: Single Player 2: My marriage finally collapses and we finally have the balls to separate publicly. Bill helps me a lot through this whole process.late Spring/Summer 2016: BEST. OF. FUCKING. FRIENDS. We hang out all the time and at this point everyone asks us if we're together. We get told what a cute couple we are (we deny all claims though). He calls me after work everyday and we sometimes fall asleep talking to each other. Equal conversation. His family tells me that "he's the happiest I've seen him in a long time". His sister calls me his "girlfriend not girlfriend". And I am totally okay with that because... I'm starting to like the guy. And I have slept in this dudes bed like 3-5 times at this point and we have not cuddles once. I have major anxiety for sleeping his bed because I have no idea what I'm supposed to do if he wants me to make any moves. Also, we promise each other to be honesty buddies for life. Also also, He goes to daytona for a weekend and then says he has no one to hang out with so... I got flight benefits, you want me to come? "Sure, why not". SO I fly there and we have a blasty blast. There's also this moment that we're out drinking and we go for a walk and this homeless guy approaches him for money, Bill tells him nah, then the homeless guy starts walking towards me and Bill steps inbetween me and the homeless guy (who is not even close) and he says "No, you don't need to talk to her, you talk to me" (fucking fell so hard deeper than I already was, right then and there) Player 1: Single Player 2: SingleDRAGON CON 2016: He goes out of his way to go buy my eyelash glue, literally OUT OF HIS WAY. Then at the con he eats a tootsie roll drug thing (I am a newb when it comes to that shit) and he's tripping. We hold hands the entire time (relationship hold, not "let's cross the street" hold). At one point he jumps in bed and opens his arms out to me to invite me to cuddle, and god damnit I fucking accept. So we cuddle in front of the majority of his friends. We take an uber to a far away restaurant and just lay on each other the whole time. Then we go to my place and go to bed and don't cuddle sadness. That was saturday night into sunday morning.SEPTEMBER 2016: The week after Dragon Con we barely talked. Then I fly somewhere for something and when I'm flying back he texts me that he doesn't want to ruin our friendship because of his feelings of loneliness. And I'm like WOAH BRO, YOU WON'T RUIN ANYTHING. WANNA TALK IN PERSON? NEED HUGS? And he's like Come over and jump in bed, lets cuddle (or w.e. the fuck he said, the jump into bed part is accurate though). SO. My plane lands and I fucking take a FORTY FUCKING FUCK FACE DOLLAR uber to his house. I go to his room and jump in bed and we had the most AWKWARD cuddle in the fucking world. Why? Because part of me did not want to cuddle him because I was so fucking confused. And then because he was no longer drunk -_- (fuck you Bill... fuck. you.) Later that day he is very angry. And I mean, VERY. ANGRY. We got out and eat food, his friend ends up being our waiter and asks if I'm his girlfriend and he very aggressively says "no". And then after that day he stopped talking to me. HE JUST STOPS. Motherfucking Bill does not talk to me at all. I then get him to respond to me and he says he doesn't want to be friends anymore and he needs a break from "all this" (WHAT THE FUCKFACE IS "ALL THIS?!?!"). So I try to give him space but HOLY SHIT WE WERE JUST BEST FRIENDS AND NOW I AM SO FUCK NUGGET CONFUSED WHAT THE BITCH MADE FUCK?????? So I ask for a solid reason as to why it's happening and I could not get a solid answer. At all. To this day, I'm still not sure what the fuck that was. But anywho, he says he doesn't know if he'll ever want to be my friend BUT if there's an emergency and I ever need him, that he'd be there for me.FAST THE FUCK FORWARD to the week before my Birthday party (oct 1). It's friday, it's late, like 11pm late. I go outside for a phonecall and my phone starts dying. I walk back to my apartment door and it's locked. I call my roommates, no answer. (I later find out that my roommates had left and locked me out). So I have no keys, no wallet, a dying phone, and it's late on a friday night. WHADOIDO?!?! I start calling people to see if they can pick me up so I can crash with them. LITERALLY NO ONE CAN. I get to the point of using tinder and asking my ex. But before I go that route I'm like... you know what, Bill said he would be there for me if I really needed, I'm calling him (i knew he would not want me to have resorted to my ex so I thought this was logical). I call his beautiful ass up (and I mean beautiful) and his friend answers (oh so it IS just me that you needed a break from you dick twat). I explain the situation to his friend (lets call him Matt). Matt: "Oh yeah, we'll come get you!" "Check with Bill first, I don't think he'll be cool with it" Matt: "What? Ofcourse he'll be cool with it" "Wanna bet?" Matt: "Two dollars says he says yes" "Done. Now ask him" Matt asks Bill Bill: "Yeah, no. Not in the mood" (or w.e. his bitch ass said) Matt: "Bear, I am so sorry. I'm surprised. Good luck with your situation" "Yeah... thanks" And so I resort to tinder and ex -_- then end up sleeping at my community pool until the next day when my roommates get back. NEXT WEEK: I tell this mother fucker Bill that we need to talk. He calls me and says he doesn't want to talk to me and hes angry about it. And I tell him in the nicest way possible "fuck you". And I explain to him what an asshat he is and that I didn't do anything to deserve this treatment from him and that HOW DARE he tell me he'd be there for me and then he's just not. Fuck. You. Bill. And he fuckign apologized 0_0 and said I'm right. And then I told him he could come to my birthday party if he wanted to, and that I would like him to and he said that he didn't know but he'd try. BIRTHDAY PARTY: He showed up with his brother and sister and friends. All in one car. It was so nice seeing him again and knowing we were okay. God. what a fucking relief he was done being a dumb ass.Have you made it this far? Take a break, pat yourself on the back, go grab some hydration. Thank you and I fucking love you you stranger. Player 1: Single Player 2: SingleLATE 2016: We start hanging out slowly, I take piano lessons with him because I want to and because it's a good way to reintroduce hanging out. I then meet someone that I actually have an interest for. Cool regular dude but the fact that I kinda like this guy is like "oh, I might pursue this". SO before making any moves, I ask Bill: Bear: "Hey, do you like me?" Bill: "What! Like romantically?" Bear: Yeah Bill: laughs uh NO. Bear: Yeah I was just checking, because, people have told me you do. Bill: Yeah no. Who? ----- I felt so fucking humiliated because of how he handled saying no. It was like he thought it was embarrassing to even think that he could like someone like me :( SO lower self esteem and now a fucking challenge to get over my feelings for Bill, I get into a relationship with random guy who we'll call... Homer. Homer and I end up dating for a while, Bill is ALL FOR IT. Says I need someone Homer him right now. So i fucking go for it dude. Like, full commitment dawg. I'm talking real intimate planning homie. And BOY DID THAT BACKFIRE. Player 1: Single Player 2: Single -> begins datingEARLY 2017: I eat furbies. Just kidding, making sure that you're still awake :D So me and Homer are living together per his request (SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT). And I cannot be myself around him because I'm high energy and he's like "you're too much" (fuck your dick ass face you bitch haired mother fucker). So I go crying to Bill who is now my freindtherapist and tell him that I cannot be myself with Homer and it's fucking killing me. Now Bill is like, oh nah, that dude right here brah? He's garbage brah. Get rid of him brah. You can't be with dat brah. (more or less) But I can't break up with Homer because if I do then I have to face my feelings of wanting to be with Bill and that is just WAY TOO MUCH FOR ME TO DEAL WITH AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE. Player 1: Single Player 2: In a relationshipSUMMER 2017: Homer and I are not doing too hot, at all. It's become apparent to many folks. But anywho. SO there's this event yeah. Where I'm presenting an award yeah. And I put on an amazingly sexy gorgeous dress yeah. And I invite Bill and my newest friend Keaton to attend the event with me since Homer will be out of town. Keaton is Homer's bestest friend (key info for the test at the end guys)(...just kidding)(this wont be on the test)(...just kidding, there is no test). So I look fucking fabulous. I mean... fucking. fabulous. Like, even my low self esteem was like DAY-UM BITCH. I asked Bill and Keaton if I looked good and Keaton responds with "Yeah you look great" and Bill just nods and he's like "yeah" (YOU SON OF A BITCH). So we go on our way to the event. At the event I get Kanye'd because why not hire a drunk host :D so I'm ultra bummed out and the 3 of us go downstairs to drank my sorrows away. Then I find out that the film I produced one an award and I wasn't there. FUCK.MY.LIFE. so then i'm like LETS GO TO THE BAR BOYS. But before that I have a "cry on shoulder moment" with Bill. SO, we call uber to go to bars and WELL YOU SEE... I WAS WEARING A BEAUTIFUL WHITE DRESS... SO... THE UBER DRIVER THOUGHT I HAD JUST GOTTEN MARRIED. To who? To Bill -_- (FFUUUUUUHHHH) And what does Keaton do when the driver starts asking questions? Driver: Woah, did ya'll just get married? Keaton: YES! MY TWO BEST BUDS, BILL AND BEAR, MADE THE LEAP! At this point, Bill and I look at each other and are like N-NNO-N-N-NO-NO-NO-NO, but Keaton is SO FUCKING LOUD, he overpowers us and eventually we just go with it. SO we start giving made up details and calling each other "babe" and "sweetie" and gay ass shit like that. We get to the bars and low and behold, we find out you can drink free by having just been married... so naturally WE MILK THIS SHIT OUT OF IT. We move our rings to the married side and he has his hand on my waist, holds my hand at one point. Gives me a back massage. My god, it's fucking great. And eventually we go home. Keaton loses his phone in the uber home and so when Bill and I go back to my place, we're trying to get n contact with the uber driver. So we're just chatting and Bill is about to leave so we hug good bye. As we hug... I have no idea why... but... I grow the biggest pair of balls... and say... Bear: Want to know something weird? Bill: Suuuure Bear: I have feelings for you Bill: silent I pull away from hug Bear: But you probably already knew that Bill smiles and he nods and he's like "yeah" and so we talk about it all. And here are the key take aways from everything he said: "I'm not going to lie, I've wanted to make out with you several times" "Tonight felt... natural. It was just so easy for us to be that way. It was comfortable" "Well you have a boyfriend so...." And eventually he goes home and we decide to talk about it sober.SOBER TALK #1 He tells me he has no feelings for me, that he cares about me as a friend and nothing more. He also tells me that everytime he was interested in me is because he was lonely. (oh Bill... YOU SACK OF SHEEP SHIT) And so I take all that in and let it process over the weekend. I then write him an email. Yes. A fucking email. Because I suck at communicating on the spot. And in this email I tell him MANY THINGS, one being "fuck you for using me" and the other being "I don't believe that you don't have any ounce of feelings for me, because you could have picked any girl but you chose me. (SIDENOTE, BILL IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND CONSTANTLY HAS GIRLS WANTING HIM). So I email his ass and he reads it and we decide to have a second talk.SOBER TALK #2 He apologizes for using me and having led me on and that he'll be more careful with our friendship. And we completely skipped over the topic of him having any slight possible feelings for me or if he might ever. What evs. I'm so done with it all at that point (or was I?) Player 1: Single Player 2: In a relationshipDRAGON CON 2017: SO Homer gets obliteratingly drunk and violently pushes me (not the first time he got aggressive). But check this out. He pushed me, in front of the crew, including Bill. According to witnesses, both my feet went in the air. There was like a 3 second pause of silence and Bill fucking pushes Homer's ass out the hotel room and slams the door in his face. He then asks me if I'm okay and he is fucking LIVID BRO. I have never seen him in such a rage before O_O Player 1: Single Player 2: In a relatonshipFALL 2017: So dragon con drama dies down and I can no longer talk to Bill about my issues with Homer (yes I stayed with him) because Bill is fucking annoyed at me for staying with him. He thinks I'm dumb for staying (he's not wrong). So I find a new friendtherapist. Anywho, we continue our vague friendship where I feel like I have to hold back because what if I flirt with him, it'll make him uncomfortable and I don't want that. So now I feel like I can't be my full self around Billy Boy. Eventually I have my business trip to California with Homer BUT I break up with him the week before -_- so I'm not stuck on a trip with my ex. WONDERFUL. But when I told Bill, he was very happy for me and was proud I hadn't done anything stupid. Eventually Homer invites me to go to a Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses tour and I'm like FUCK.YES.DAWG. and he has two extra tickets so I invite Bill and his brother. When stranger Things 2 came out, we binge watched it friday night and saturday night. And that weekend was just so great. We just netflix and actually chilled And later when we talked about the weekend he told me "that is one of the nicest weekends I've had in a long time." CUZ WE'RE GOOD TOGETHER YOU TURD DICKZELDA SMYPHONY 2017: So Homer and I get there (I still live at his place with Keaton, I just sleep on the couch) and Bill is DRUNK. He invites me to his hair cut appointment the next day (we have the same hair dresser) and He starts talking to me about his weekend plans (which include a funeral and us watching Justice league together on Monday) and then how Monday me and him have our date. My face is like huwah? And he repeats it "yeah, we have our date!" buwuh? and I'm just like OO OH-KAY, YES. YES WE DO SIR. Concert starts, we watch the show, he keeps drinking. At this point I've never seen him this drunk before (it was quite amazing). After the show, I have to use the bathroom like the basic bitch I am. Bill says he's going to go look for his brother and homer who have disappeared. When I walk out I see him waiting for me in a corner and I'm like "what are you doing??" ANd he's like " I've been waiting for you this whole time. All these dudes were waiting for their girlfriends, one at a time they start leaving, and here I am waitng for you, WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG" and all I did was laugh because he's fucking hilarious drunk. I end up going home with Bill and his bro because I don't want to sleep on the couch and now that I'm single, I can sleep in Bill's bed again. SO, we're in the car and here's the conversation. Bill: Wow, I'm surprised at how well that went. Homer was very pleasant towards me. Brother: Why wouldn't he be pleasant towards you? Bear: Well- Bill: Oh, he's jealous of me and hers relationship. Bear: O_O HOMER WAS NEVER AT ANY POINT JEALOUS OF ME AND BILL. In fact, Homer LOVED Bill and always wanted me to invite him to places and he wanted to hang out from him and learn music from him. So that was just a lie .. Anywho, we go home and I sleep in this dudes bed and LET ME TELL YOU THE ANXIETY WAS SO FUCKING REAL. He has NEVER slept that close to me EVER. I could feel his arm and knee on my shoulder and leg (no boners guys, sorry :/ ). And I had no idea if I should try cuddling him or not because what if he's just drunk and doesn't realize it OR he's sober and just DOES NOT want that weird comfortableness of cuddling someone you're not into. So I do nothing except stay awake in anxiety till he wakes up the next day. And the only thing he says about the night before is "Man, I felt like I could take over the world last night, like nothing was in my way" and that was that.Monday: He invites his brother -_-THANKSGIVING 2017 (one week later): So I'm kind of sort of co-hosting with him but not really but I promised him I'd help with cleaning up and I'd bring mega food. By this point, we have a trip to NY planned (Mid January) and paid for...for... THE FUCKING FINAL FANTASY DISTANT WORLDS SYMPHONY AT CARNEGIE HALL, OH MY FUCK. We're talking about our plans (he invited his friend [guy, we'll call him Ron] so it was no longer going to be a potentially romantic trip sadness) and Bill says "Hey, let me know if you two want to go matching!" Ron is like "uhhh... no" as any normal guy would respond to that weird ass request. And then I say "uhm... Yeah sure." BECAUSE WHY NOT BEAR! WHY THE FUCK NUGGETS NOT. Bill and I go to his room later to look at his suit and see what I'm working with. And he says "If you find something else then I can try to find a different color shirt or tie". So we're fucking matching dude. Also, he play flirted with me for the FIRST TIME ever. Like Keaton noticed it too. Bill looked me directly in the eye.And now I'm here, visiting family in Miami, writing this fucking post because I'm so gay for this dude it's stupid. And I have been dress shopping and sending him the options and he is still going with us matching. ANYWHO here's where you the reader comes in...Answer these questions please and thankses: 1) DO YOU THINK HE'S INTO ME? 2) Should I ask him if he wants to kiss... 30 seconds before new years eve? 3) Should I try anything in NY? 4) Should I shut the fuck up, calm down and just fucking stop? 5) Should I just give up in him and I? If so, HOOOOWWWW??I REALLY don't want to make him uncomfortable but damn I can't keep holding back with this mystery. It's horrible. But he also seems like he's making sure we're not alone at any point in time... which I have no idea how to interpret.KEY FACTS: - Yes I feel that he is into me, SOMETIMES. Not always. But I get that urgle gurgle feeling from him sometimes. - He still does cute things like buy me my favorite junk food at the gas station. - We have NEVER kissed - We get each other on some surreal ass level, it's weird. - Yes we are idiots - Yes this is a TLDRIf you actually read everything... YOU'RE AMAZING AND THANK YOU!! If you didn't... Then good for you for not wasting your time! via /r/dating_advice
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: I can't believe you're going along with this craziness Nancy: Oh my god, Rio Rio: I know it's fast Rio: but really, what difference does it make Nancy: It's not just fast, it's rushed Nancy: Not to sound like my mother but he should literally be at school Rio: I did tell him to go back Rio: He just wants to help with all the mess here Nancy: By leaving to jet off and get married? Yeah okay Rio: Well, obviously that's different Rio: but that's for me Nancy: My parents are gonna kill him, you do know that, right? Rio: I know Rio: but like I said, everyone knew Rio: it wasn't just empty words, we were always going to go through with it Nancy: Jesus Nancy: When he'd graduated, sure Nancy: Not now Nancy: He's not even started uni yet Rio: Give him chance to see the world and change his mind Rio: I know that's what your family wants, it's alright Nancy: If you're thinking there's a chance of it too, don't marry him Nancy: You're already engaged, everyone knows he's with you Nancy: You don't need to prove he's locked down before freshers week, like Rio: That's not why we're doing this Rio: Or how I am Nancy: Explain it to me then, 'cause lord knows he hasn't Rio: It is getting a little old, like Rio: Because we want to be married Rio: How else is there to say it Nancy: But why can't you just wait? Rio: Why should we though? Nancy: There's only a million reasons Nancy: Namely you aren't kids anymore and know how to be mature about things Nancy: Everyone would wanna be there, not tacked on as an afterthought, like Nancy: He should want to not spend all my parents money on this and wait until he's earning his own Nancy: You don't even live together Nancy: Do I actually have to go on? Rio: No you don't Rio: none of you want to be there Rio: and your parents don't specify what he's gotta do with the ridiculous amount of money they throw at him so Rio: if they wanna now it's a bit late, isn't it Nancy: That's not true Nancy: You're being unfair Nancy: Give me some credit if not them, I've been nothing but supportive Rio: I'm not saying you've not accepted that it's happening Rio: most have but no one's happy about it and that's fine Rio: can't force it but why wouldn't we want to do it alone without the pressure and background thought of all your lots bullshit, you know Nancy: No, you're just saying I wouldn't wanna be there Nancy: I love you both Rio: We'll have another one Rio: Later, with everyone Nancy: That's not the same Nancy: That's just a party Rio: What, you're really invested in the religious ceremony now or the legality of it all? Rio: It'll be the same Nancy: You're gonna be a bitch to me right now, really? Nancy: Okay fine Rio: I'm not trying to be a bitch but really Rio: it isn't an argument, stick to your former points if you like Rio: but that ain't valid Nancy: Oh my god, Buster spends all this time acting like I don't care, basically telling me I don't and now when I'm trying to show that I do neither of you want it Rio: Because it only comes up whenever y'all want us to not do something Nancy: Don't lump me in with my parents Nancy: That's so rude Rio: Sorry Rio: We told you because you are different Rio: and we weren't going to just do it and give you no warning Nancy: But not different enough that you actually want me there Nancy: Or that you don't think I need to be warned like this is the worse news ever or something Rio: It's hardly personal, come on Rio: We don't want anyone there Nancy: It's personal to me Nancy: I've only got one brother Rio: He isn't dying Rio: This doesn't need to be the thing it's becoming Rio: plenty of couples do the official wedding before the reception and all that, it's not that different Nancy: Other couples don't matter to me Nancy: And I don't know how you don't get what a big deal this is, not only that you're getting married, which is one thing Nancy: But also that you're basically doing it in secret again Rio: It's not a secret Rio: it's just for us Rio: I want to do one thing for myself Rio: all due respect this isn't about any of you Nancy: I'm not trying to make you feel bad Nancy: Or take anything away from you Nancy: Honestly Nancy: I'm just trying to get my head around this Rio: Yeah Rio: It's okay Rio: I know it's sudden, like I said Nancy: I know he really wants this Nancy: I could tell Nancy: I just Nancy: Is anything ever gonna calm down with this family, or? Rio: Probably not Rio: Looking unlikely Nancy: If you're happy that's all I want Nancy: Oversimplified maybe but Rio: I know it's not going to make you happy Rio: I'm just trying to say Rio: do you have to be unhappy about it, like Rio: it's not the worst thing, yeah Nancy: I'm not unhappy, I was just shocked Nancy: This is my brother you're marrying, you know Nancy: It's not exactly typical of him Rio: I know Rio: I know it's weird, like I am aware Rio: but it just is, you know Nancy: I understand Nancy: You want what you want Nancy: You can't unwant it 'cause someone else tells you to or isn't happy about it Nancy: You shouldn't have to Nancy: You literally don't have to, like Rio: Yeah Rio: Pretty much Rio: I'm sorry Nancy: Don't apologize Nancy: I couldn't just not be gay when I was getting bullied for it Nancy: I'm glad I don't like boys, believe me Nancy: Buster's the happiest he's ever been, you did that. So don't be sorry Rio: I didn't mean for any of this to happen Rio: to like him, I just did Rio: but I can't live an apology when I don't feel it anymore Nancy: I know Nancy: You love each other, you don't get to control that Nancy: And its a good thing, even when it doesn't feel like it Nancy: Who wants to be alone? To fight against what they want? Nancy: You're happy so be it Rio: Thanks, Nance Rio: You know we love you too Nancy: I know you do Nancy: Jury's still out on him Rio: Nah Rio: He does Nancy: Today maybe Nancy: 'Cause I'm not gonna tell mum and ruin his life Rio: Least wait 'til we're outta the country Rio: wouldn't put it past her to get us on the no-fly list Nancy: I'm gonna let her see all his bragging on the socials instead Nancy: More fun that way Nancy: "Your classroom looks suspiciously tropical, Buster" Nancy: While Dad just hits him with "Cool pic" Rio: 😂 Rio: Gonna laugh whilst I can Nancy: Me too Nancy: On the plus side, I think you've taken the heat off me at least until I graduate, so thanks Rio: Easy Rio: if I live to cause more turmoil you're very welcome Rio: what are the hated daughter-in-laws for after-all Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Oh honey, once you're married in you're gonna wish she hated you Nancy: She's gonna get so invested in your life Nancy: Can't have you ruining his, after all Rio: I'll take it Rio: Didn't stick around for career's advice and I could do worse, like Nancy: True Nancy: I'm just basking in the joy of knowing it literally doesn't matter who I bring home Nancy: Oh the freedom Rio: 😏 Rio: Charming Nancy: You know what I mean Nancy: I could be fucking my therapist and it'd be sidelined by this Rio: Well Rio: are you Nancy: Gross Nancy: No Rio: That's alright then Nancy: But she constantly says I need to be single for a while, so she clearly wants me for herself Rio: Deffo Nancy: Like, excuse you, Diane, I've been single for 18 years near enough Nancy: 1 girlfriend, honey, we've talked about it, get with the program Rio: Basically a nun Rio: out here calling you a dirty jezzie Nancy: Yeah, I know Nancy: Thank god you're giving me time to find a date for the other wedding Nancy: Clearly I'll need it, or a new therapist Rio: If you're moving Diane in, then yeah Rio: Unprofessional Nancy: Lord Nancy: She is so not the one Nancy: I think I hate her? Is that meant to be a thing? Rio: Probably Rio: You're stubborn and she's essentially telling you what to do Nancy: It's even worse Nancy: She makes me tell myself 🙄 Rio: Yeah Rio: Smug, init Nancy: It really is Nancy: Ugh enough about me Nancy: When are you going? What are you wearing? Rio: Brazil Rio: and Christ knows, oddly I don't have a wedding dress just hanging about Rio: I'll find one there, I guess Nancy: The question was when, he told me where but he hadn't got that far Nancy: I think he thinks you're gonna call it off unless you've made it to the actual plane Nancy: Just don't get married in a white bikini, yeah? Rio: Oh, my bad Rio: Head is truly all over the place Rio: Well, I am that tacky Nancy: 😲 take that back right now Nancy: You are not Nancy: This isn't the mindset Rio: Do you wanna like, moodboard my shotgun wedding for me? 😂 Rio: That's what I'm hearing here Nancy: UM YES Nancy: Get some Chanel and YSL involved, like Rio: Noted Rio: Whether that's the old or new depends how skint we're feeling once we're there, clearly Nancy: It's got to be classic or I'm disowning you Nancy: I'll allow you to save the real designer labels for the big day, bit of Vera or whoever but I can only budge so far, sorry Nancy: The silhouette is still everything even if he's the only one seeing it Rio: 😂 Rio: That's what I'm saying, stick with the bikini Rio: He'll be blown away Nancy: 🙄🙄 Nancy: That's so disgustingly true as well Nancy: Men Rio: Oh please Rio: Like you wouldn't wanna see your wifey like that Nancy: I'm not getting married ever but if I did, that woman better dress up for me Nancy: Whole 9 yards Nancy: Did you see my mother's wedding dress? Iconic Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you're right Rio: Great, now I gotta stress about that Rio: Thanks bitch 😜 Nancy: I would say sorry but I'm not Nancy: You can wear a bikini any time, you'll be going for like a week + Nancy: Besides, he's the kind of boy who actually appreciates clothes Nancy: Labels anyway Rio: I blame you entirely Nancy: Not sorry, again Rio: You can explain my sudden cold feet to him then Nancy: Gladly Nancy: Me and him haven't argued in so long Rio: 😑 Nancy: It would get something back to normal, that's all I'm saying Rio: Who wants normal? Nancy: Um Nancy: Me Rio: Nah Rio: Only 'cos you ain't had it Rio: No fun, trust Nancy: Alright, Diane 2.0 😏 Rio: Don't get ideas Rio: I know you love me but Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Are we gonna have time to do a hen before you go or are you literally flying out when you close this convo? Rio: Who? Me, you and Indie Rio: That would be interesting Nancy: Well, just me and you then Rio: I don't actually know, I'll have to check Rio: I know we were planning for asap but might've given himself a day to pack Rio: you know how it is Nancy: Tell him he can come to the spa too, he'll make time for that Rio: Yeah? Rio: Alright, prep us for the long ass flight Nancy: He loves a facial as much as I do, more probably Nancy: Not to mention a massage Rio: 😏 Rio: Know I'm meant to be mature and everything but Rio: lmao Nancy: DO NOT Nancy: So gross Rio: You said it! Rio: I can't help that Nancy: And you know exactly how I meant it 😒 Nancy: Just 'cause neither of us should be in white dresses no need to disgust me, thanks Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm not sorry Nancy: Well, please change your mind on that Nancy: 'Cause I'm too gay and too related for this, like Rio: That doesn't work getting you out of family functions, it's not gonna work now, babe Nancy: So mean Nancy: Okay fine I'm too single for this Rio: Aww Rio: I don't think we should go to that kinda spa Rio: too weird even for me Nancy: Oh god Nancy: 🙈🙉 Rio: What are hen parties for? Rio: I see why you're so keen now Nancy: I've never been to one Nancy: Thankfully Ro didn't get that far Rio: Shame Rio: I'd have loved to get her a stripper Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Librarian or something Rio: Sexy Rio: Drew probably would've done it Rio: the actual horror Nancy: I just choked on my coffee Nancy: and I'm this close to throwing up Nancy: But it's helped me think of the best stripper for her Nancy: Jesus himself Nancy: Sexily removes crown of thorns Rio: STOP Rio: Nothing hotter than blasphemy Nancy: I WISH I COULD Nancy: Help me actual Jesus Rio: He ain't gon' save you now Rio: fully looking the other way Nancy: Turning that chiseled jaw line 💔 Rio: Gutted Rio: Yeah, you gay, but you're a fellow ginge Rio: no loyalty Nancy: No way he was ginger Nancy: Or that he looked as much like a woman as he does in the art Rio: You should be living for femme Jesus Nancy: I didn't say I wasn't Nancy: Just that it's unlikely Rio: If you wanna chat theology, hit up your auntie fr Nancy: No thanks Nancy: I've done enough babysitting of them both recently Rio: Fun Rio: I just can't wait for the 2 month update when she tells us about all the things Astrid can do Rio: like, blink, cry, shit Nancy: Don't Nancy: There'll be a newsletter Nancy: Why do you think I wanna come to brazil? I'm planning to stay away until the christening is a distant memory Nancy: She's been planning it since before the baby came out, I swear Rio: Gotta get into heaven, mama Rio: the christening dress, good lord Rio: at least she's a girl, the poor baby boys Nancy: Right? Nancy: She wants to approve my outfit too Nancy: Excuse me, who am I? When have I ever made a faux pas Rio: 😂 Unlucky Rio: No showing your knees in church, bitch Nancy: 😒 Nancy: Poor Diane, it's all she's heard about 'cause I'm furious Nancy: Like, I'm not even joking I've had to send her links of what I'm going buy and she's said no to several looks Rio: The cheek Rio: you can't dress code a christening Nancy: Do you see Buster sending her pics of suits, no you do not Nancy: Golden boy could turn up topless in speedos and she wouldn't care Rio: Fresh from Ipanema Rio: She's gonna be 💔 about this wedding forreal Nancy: At least her and mum can bond over it Nancy: Break their silence Nancy: 🙄 Rio: Yeah? Rio: I knew my mum said it'd been pretty quiet Nancy: Better than them screaming at each other Nancy: Astrid doesn't need that Rio: I guess Rio: Was never going to be a joyous time was it Nancy: Not really Nancy: I don't blame you for wanting to leave Rio: Not like I'm allowed 'round that drama anyway Rio: got enough, still Nancy: Yeah Rio: Ah well Nancy: Feel free to join me in therapy Nancy: Buster won't Rio: You're good Rio: Wouldn't know where to begin, like Nancy: It's not as if I did either Nancy: I still don't Rio: Does it help? Nancy: I don't know Nancy: It doesn't, not help, if that makes sense Nancy: Like, I don't feel any worse Nancy: So maybe? Rio: It ain't hurting at least Nancy: Yeah Nancy: And I'll take that Nancy: It's weirdly nice to have someone to talk to, who's not too busy to really listen Rio: Yeah Rio: It makes sense Rio: and someone who odds on has a chance of knowing what they're chatting Nancy: It does make you feel less crazy when they don't look at you like 😲😲😲 Rio: Can't teach that poker face in Psych 101 Nancy: I thought I had a good one but she's taken it well and truly up a notch Rio: I think about the bad things too much as is though, never mind setting aside time for that shit Nancy: Me too Nancy: I could not feel more self indulgent, believe me Rio: Nah Rio: I think it's a good thing Rio: I just don't want to Nancy: I get it Nancy: Most days I don't want to, still Nancy: If she'd just let me text her I'd never go, like Rio: You just want her personal number, babe Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I told you, she's not the one Rio: Whatever you say, honey Nancy: Shush, bitch Rio: 😂 Nancy: I've text my brother about the spa, if I don't hear back I'll assume he's already got you in the air Nancy: Or, you know, he's being a prick Rio: 👍 Rio: I'll confirm either with a plane selfie Rio: or lack of, obvs Rio: Can you like Rio: just keep an eye on Indie when we are gone Rio: you don't have to do anything but she was a bit gutted so Rio: Everyone else will be too but yeah Nancy: Sure Nancy: Do you want me to text you updates spy style or do you want blissful ignorance? Rio: Put it this way Rio: Unless it's an emergency I can sort from Brazil Rio: I don't really want disturbing Rio: but you know the drill actual, keep an eye, tell the olders if she needs nagging into coming home for tea Nancy: Gross but fair Nancy: Okay Rio: Come on Rio: It's my honeymoon, what do you think gonna happen Nancy: I know what will I just don't need to think about my brother being the one doing it to you or with you Nancy: Thanks Rio: Don't be blowing up my phone then babe 😘 Nancy: You wish Rio: You know Rio: Forever holding out hope Nancy: It's fine, we don't need to make it competitive, I'm better Rio: 😂 Rio: That's the spirit Nancy: It's less of a brag more of a fact, really Nancy: Not saying you should dump him and marry me but Rio: Well if that's not what you're saying, why are you saying it at all? Nancy: I'm just saying if you did you know you wouldn't regret it, babe 😏 Rio: I would when you leave me high n dry and 💔 Nancy: Rude Nancy: I would never Rio: Sure 😏 Rio: Say that now Nancy: You're breaking my heart now! The love is real Rio: What can I say? Rio: Can't even hypothetically do him like that Nancy: So cute Rio: Yeah yeah Nancy: I better text him again to find out what he's planning to wear Nancy: Be awkward now if he didn't put the effort in, like Rio: You can bond over it Rio: you 🤓s Nancy: Like you're too cool to care, yeah? Nancy: You love to look good, too Rio: This? Rio: So effortless, naturally Nancy: You can fool him with that, but not me Rio: Rude Nancy: Now you know how the slander feels Nancy: I'm off to cry over the one that got away, obviously 😏 Nancy: Doubting my devotion Rio: Now I know why I don't go out with women Rio: fuck you knowing all my secrets, no thanks Rio: but okay then, see you getting a facial or not 😜 Nancy: Nobody knows all mine Nancy: Work on your excuses for why we can't be together before I see you next, yeah? Rio: Diane's working on it Nancy: She wishes Nancy: I'm not planning on seeing her every week for the rest of my life Rio: 💔 Nancy: That's my reputation, amongst other things so Rio: Gotta keep up appearances, babe Rio: Lord knows we're letting the side down Nancy: Anything for you, my love Rio: 💘 Nancy: You can invite Indie to the spa too, I promise not to seduce her in the sauna or anything Rio: I should hope the fuck not Rio: Not just jealousy talking Nancy: I should hope not Nancy: But I just mean, don't not invite her on my account, you know Rio: Of course Rio: I dunno what she'd make of it but I'll defs invite her Nancy: We might make a convert of her Nancy: The gay agenda Rio: Truly Rio: I just hope your brother is bringing back food she can eat Nancy: He's lived with you guys long enough Nancy: Must have a clue by now Nancy: I know he's a man but he's one with a brain Rio: And tastes that range beyond Maccas but Rio: he does his best, bless him Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I won't tell him if you don't Nancy: Big enough head, like Rio: That I can manage to keep from him, like Rio: Probably Nancy: You went from definitely to maybe so fast I didn't even get to challenge it Nancy: Disgustingly cute Rio: Progress from just plain disgusting Rio: I'll take it Nancy: I mean, you'll always be in hetero hell but Rio: 😏 Rio: I promise, it's not that bad Nancy: um okay sure Nancy: Unlikely story Rio: 😂 Rio: Not gonna make you try it, it's alright Nancy: You couldn't Nancy: We're over the age of sitting around getting dared to kiss Rio: Sure, you're saying that tonight Nancy: I'm saying that every night if you're offering me a man Rio: Suit yaself, butch Nancy: I will Nancy: Your taste is questionable, babe Nancy: Buster McKenna, of all people Rio: I've done considerably worse but that makes the bit less funny so Rio: go off Nancy: Thanks for letting me have my moment there Rio: Gotta get that best man material out somehow Nancy: Oh god Nancy: Am I gonna have to make a speech? Rio: Say what you like Rio: your brother would never hate you that much Nancy: I'll take that Rio: Though if you get pissed Rio: no stopping you Nancy: 🤐 Rio: I hope so, bitch Nancy: I'll have a date to impress/behave for, won't I? So Rio: Good luck 'cos doubt the rest will be on same orders Rio: dread to think 🙄 Nancy: Lord, don't put off the fictional lady before I've even properly thought her up Rio: My bad, my bad Rio: we're all totally sane and respectable Nancy: The numbers alone is intimidating without having to consider any of the personalities attached Nancy: Actually gonna die alone Rio: Not saying keeping it in the family is the way forward but at least I don't have to introduce him Nancy: I just loled Nancy: Won't be explaining that one to my barista Nancy: No offense Rio: Sure the town's already said it's piece on this one Nancy: Undoubtedly Nancy: School is even more fun now, like Rio: Soz Nancy: You really sound it, babe Nancy: I don't care, its not as if I have friends here anyway Nancy: Other than in the family Rio: Well, they'll find a reason to chat shit on us regardless Rio: Always have Nancy: Yeah Nancy: It's no different from my old school other than the accents they use when they slag you off Rio: Basically Rio: It's all the same shit Rio: why you think I left Nancy: I hope that wasn't the only reason Rio: Well no Rio: 'Course not Rio: There was just no reason to be there Nancy: Like Chlo Nancy: Did Buster tell you she left? Rio: Yeah Rio: I'm not secretly pregnant with a baby that's taking it's time though Rio: just FYI Nancy: Me either Nancy: I only kissed her, I swear Nancy: He must be so relieved she's gone though Rio: Yeah, seriously Nancy: I can't believe her and James haven't broken up yet Nancy: I bet he's glad he doesn't have to see as much of her too Rio: Must be a record, right? Rio: Way they all bedhop Rio: Be gladder when the baby's here and he ain't tied to it 24/7 Nancy: 100% they are both cheating Nancy: Well, if anyone will have them Rio: Probably a little hard to pull when you're clearly heavily preggo Nancy: I have no idea how far along she even is Nancy: But the morals in that friendship circle, it wouldn't surprise me if his friends were still hooking up with her Rio: I'm not totally sure myself Rio: bit over half way, I feel? Rio: It's actually gross Rio: like we've all had crossovers but never on purpose like Rio: it's like a weird badge of honour or something idk Rio: posh people love swinging, facts Nancy: But you two are the ones being incestuous, okay Nancy: Everything they do is way grosser Nancy: Buster is well out of it, so thanks Rio: If nothing else Rio: Stopped the likes of Millie Tillie being your sis in law Nancy: Yeah Nancy: He could've been the one having a baby with Chloe Nancy: Imagine Nancy: But don't, 'cause NO Rio: Easily Rio: I try not to, yeah Nancy: Making myself shudder in public Nancy: Thank god he isn't that stupid Rio: She didn't really give him a choice either way Rio: you know he was out of it Nancy: Obviously, but he would have used a condom though that's like muscle memory to him at this point the amount of girls he's been with Rio: If it were that simple no one'd be getting pregnant, babe Nancy: None of his conquests have Nancy: I'll give him that Rio: Shh Rio: Harshing my vibe, babe Nancy: Sorry Rio: S'all good Nancy: You seem happy Nancy: All things considered Rio: I am Rio: with him, like Nancy: And he is too Nancy: I know Rio: Good Rio: What more can I ask for, like Nancy: I'm sorry if I was being a judgey bitch before Nancy: I'm not trying to channel my auntie, honestly Rio: You weren't Rio: like, you were but in a valid way considering Nancy: I'm just trying to look out for you both Nancy: It's weird in the middle Nancy: I know if it was me instead of you, you would too Nancy: But I can't stand in the way, I know that Nancy: And I don't really want to if it's what you both want Nancy: Which obviously Rio: I know that, I swear Rio: You haven't done anything I wouldn't Rio: There's no way to prove this is the right thing but time so Nancy: You'd go way harder than me Nancy: But yeah Rio: Taking it as a compliment Rio: regardless of how it was intended Nancy: It was meant as one Nancy: You're a bad bitch, you know I love that about you Rio: 💘 Rio: You know how to win me 'round Nancy: I'd hope so Nancy: I've been around you long enough Rio: Yeah, no one's accusing me of being mysterious Nancy: Me either, don't worry Rio: Oh to be afforded the luxury Nancy: Let's call it overrated Rio: Seems like a suitably bad bitch thing to do Rio: I'm alright w it Nancy: Good to know Nancy: 'Cause it's a thing now Nancy: We're running with it Rio: Oh, Buster's back Nancy: Tell the prick to text me back Rio: Will do, I'll direct quote you Rio: Better go though, don't wanna let my food go cold Nancy: Thanks Nancy: Yeah sure that's the reason Nancy: I'm gay not blind Rio: You said it, sister 😍 Nancy: I'm not saying he's hot, I'm saying you think so Nancy: Before you go there Nancy: Anyway go Rio: 💋
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