#College is kickin my ass right now
sorry-moots · 4 months
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
i'm sorry this is late and short but college is really kickin my ass that's a lie i just procrastinated writing this and now i'm procrastinating my assignments too WHOOHOO character featured: scaramouche, haypasia, lumine, mention of tighnari cws: none :) wc: 1,016
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Chapter Nine
“You’re just in time,” Scaramouche says as you walk in. You had left to grab lunch and had been dragging your feet but the harbinger managed to pique your interest.
“Just in time for what?” you ask, eager to know what had your superior so excited. It’s not every day he’s this cheery and you were planning to enjoy his good humor.
“Take my hand and close your eyes,” he commands, and you do so without hesitation.
“Behold, my first follower.”
You open your eyes again and you’re no longer in the office. You’re now surrounded by trees and flowers and green glass. As you take everything in, you become aware of a young woman sleeping on a small bed in the arboretum. It takes a minute for you to process everything and reply.
“Your first follower? What about me?” you ask, faux offended.
“You’re not my follower,” he shoots back. “You're my right hand.”
“Oh really?” you tease. “And just what are my benefits as your right hand?”
He smirks as he answers, “Front row tickets to my neverending awesomeness.”
For once, you’re the one rolling your eyes. “I was hoping for PTO but that works, too, I guess.”
The banter eventually stops, but the atmosphere remains amiable and light. The two of you are content to watch the sleeping woman in the comfortable silence, until she receives a guest.
“Oh, this day just keeps getting better!” the harbinger exclaims. “Watch this, I’m gonna start talking to her– it’s gonna freak her out.”
You watch as the traveler looks around, searching for your boss, not realizing he is only there in spirit. Her little companion is flying around erratically like an anxious gnat.
“...I know you must be curious. I might as well tell you that I entered Haypasia’s consciousness the moment I sensed your touch.”
As they talk, you finally entertain the thoughts nagging at the back of your head.
If he was able to project himself to the traveler through Haypasia hundreds of miles away, how come he needs to hold my hand?
Clearly, he can maintain a telepathic connection without physical contact— how else would he be talking to the traveler? And she can definitely see him, too; she’s staring right at him. There’s no reason for Scaramouche to be holding your hand. He just is.
Just as that train of thought began to consume you, the harbinger’s voice took on a hint of ire, detectable only because you spend so much time with him. He doesn’t look mad, per se, but whatever the traveler said has soured his good mood.
“Both good and bad things can be considered gifts. After all, gods are not expected to abide by reason.”
Thunder rumbles, simultaneously distant and in your ears. Through your connection with Scaramouche, you can see the sky darkening above Pardis Dhyai. A lightning storm of his own creation. Screams quickly follow.
The greenhouse blinks out of view and you’re disoriented until you move and feel Scaramouche’s fingers tighten reflexively around yours. Realizing what he had done, he drops your hand like a squirming beetle.
A heavy silence hung in the air. Not wanting to further upset your boss, you went back to your desk to sort through the correspondence.
Hours pass and you're finally about to leave the office when you notice Scaramouche lost in thought. As wont to avoid irritating him as you are, your curiosity– or worry?– gets the best of you.
“Lord Scaramouche…?” you call out. He raises his head and you continue. “Did the traveler say something to trouble you?”
“That little twerp tried to talk me out of ascending to godhood,” he growled. “She said that my allies plan to infuse my consciousness with divine knowledge capsules. She said that I’ll change, that I won’t be the same.
“That they’re essentially turning me into a new person,” he finished.”
You contemplated his words with a concentrated look. No words would reassure him, so you took a different approach.
“Well, are you sure you even want to ascend to godhood?”
The harbinger looks positively scandalized but you keep going. “I mean, think of all you’ve accomplished!
“You command an army of soldiers. You answer directly to Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa. You’re already really powerful on your own and, I dunno, I kinda like you the way you are now…” You trail off at the end, cracking your knuckles nervously. “Well whatever you decide, I’ll support you.”
He’s still staring at you with his mouth agape, so you turn to walk back to your desk before a question comes to mind.
“By the way, sir… Why did you electrocute that one guy? Your accuracy is usually perfect, but just now you hit someone who was protecting Haypasia.”
Broken from his reverie, his lip curls. “I’m not a fan of foxes.”
Before you parted ways at the hotel last, Scaramouche told you he didn’t need you to come, essentially giving you the day off.
Unfortunately for him, you hadn’t taken a day off since before you started working for him. With your overabundance of time, you found yourself itching to bake. Three hours later, you stood in the hotel’s kitchen with a perfect custard pudding. And no one to share it with.
You know he’s not a fan of sweets, but you ultimately decide that your boss should be your judge. In a blink, the pudding is packed into a basket and ready to go.
The walk to the base is most pleasant. A gentle breeze softens the sun's intensity and plays with your hair, caressing your face like a fond mother. The cheerful sun, the billowing clouds, and the song of the dusk birds made for the perfect ambience. Such tranquility could not, however, mask the banging coming from underground.
Without much thought, you pick up the pace. Scaramouche is probably getting rough with the soldiers again…
A moment later, you arrive at the mecha suit lab and push the doors open. To your horror, it is not a Fatuus that Scaramouche has engaged.
It’s the Traveler.
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tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting a/n: this would've been longer but then it would've turned into a 2-for-1 chapter and that would really irk me
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1145: Skull and Noir's Metal Filled Halloween Night (Persona 5 x SSBU)
7:45 p.m. at the Okamura's Residence's Living Room.........
TV Screen: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! (Heavy Metal Playing in the Background)
Haru: (Happily Raises her Fist Up in the Air While Next to Ryuji on the Sofa Together) WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!~ ROCK THE PIIIIITZ!!
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Damn, Haru! I knew there's a lot to more to ya than meets the eye, but I didn't know you had a thing for Heavy Metal music.
Haru: (Turns to Ryuji With a Bright Smile on her Face) Why, of course!~ I've been a fan of the genre for a long while now. It helped me out through so much in life that I doubt I would be the same nowadays without it.
Ryuji: Niiiice. I'm more of a Hip-Hop kind of guy myself- (Suddenly Let's Out a Loud Yawn While Stretching his Arm Up) But I'm always down to listen any rock related music sometimes....
Haru: (Giggles Softly) Aww~ Don't tell me you're getting sleepy on me already, Ryuji-Kun~
Ryuji: Nah, just feelin' yawny if anything. College been kickin' my ass with assignments lately. Haven't got that much sleep as I used to even.....
Haru: How come you never come to me fpr assistance? I'd be happy to help out.
Ryuji: (Sighs While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, but I figured you were already busy with your own thing that I didn't want to be all that much of a bother in the scheme of things.
Haru: (Frowns a Bit) Oh Ryuji, you could never be a bother to me. ('Sigh') But I do get what you're saying though. Things have been a lot more challenging since we've both enrolled to our respective curriculums.
Ryuji: Yeah, but we can worry about that some other time. Right now, I wanna sit back and watch more of this sick Metalocalypse show you've been telling me all about.
Haru: (Rapidly Clapping her Hands in Glee) Ohh I'm so glad you're lliking it so far!~ There's so many more spectacular scenes and moments later down the line that I cannot WAIT to show you!~
'Doorbell Ring'
Haru: Ooh!~ That might be the Trick-or-Treaters outsides!~ (Got Up and Make her Way to the Dpor)
Ryuji: (Follows Behind Haru) You know, you might be the only person I know who's excited to give out candy.
Haru: It always makes me happy seeing everyone enjoying Halloween, nostalgic even.
Ryuji: Yeah, I missed the good ol' days when you dressed in costumes, getting all the treats and candies you've dreamed of having, and egging and tee-peeing on the houses that don't give you any at all.
Haru: (Smirks at Ryuji While Picking Up a Bpwl of Candy From a Nearby Counter) A troublemaker I see~ Ever got caught doing those pranks?~
Ryuji: ('Scoffs') As if. You're talking to the fastest guy on the block here. I never got caught by anyone growing up!....Except for my mom.....and one of the neighbors' dogs......and Ann......and Shiho.......and Ren that one I pranked him- I am not impressing you one bit, aren't I?
Haru: (Giggles Softly) Oh no, I'm impressed alright~ By how cute you are, of course!~
Ryuji: (Glares at Haru) Hey, watch it, sista' Your son fits in the "cute" category, not me.
Haru: (Pouts at Ryuji) Oh hush! There's nothing wrong with having two of my boys as cuties~ (Playfully Pinches Ryuji's Cheek)
Ryuji: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Haru's Antics) C-Cut it out, will ya!?~ You're just as bad as my ma!
Haru giggles some more as she opens the door to see Futuba and the kids standing in front of her doorstep.
Kids: Trick-or-Treat!~ Trick-or-Treat!~ Give us something good to eat!~
Ness: (Bows His Upper Body Down at the Duo) Please and thank you.
Haru: (Gasps Loudly as She Place Both her Hands onto her Cheeks) Oh my gossssssh!~ You all look and sounded so adorable!~
Lavenza: (Happily Bows Down While Lifting the Lower Part of her Princess Dress Slightly Up) Why, thank you!~ We do our best to look our best for the spooky occasion as they say.
Morgana: (Points at Futuba Besides Him While Wearing his Musketeer Costume) Plus, Ms. Nerdy Featherwoman here kept making us sing that sing at almost EVERY place we've visited so far.
Futuba: (Glares at Morgana) Okay, first of all, I'm the Green Neo Featherwoman, thank you. Amd second, would you quit having little faith in me already? Our singing method's working like a charm so far. Mostly.
Ness: (Sighs While Dressed as a Dracula) Here's hoping we can keep it that way without getting into any trouble. (Slowly Turns his Jead at the Potential Culprit) And by "we", I mean you. JUNIOR!
Jr: (Was About to Sneak in Front of the House While Holding a Roll of Toilet Paper Before Stopping at his Tracks Once his Name was Heard) What happen?
Futuba: (Sighs While Pinching the Bridge of her Nose) Dangit, Junior. I thought I told you no tee-peeing anyone's house tonight!?
Jr: Oh come on, I only got one roll with to use! And besides, didn't you say to trick 'em at some point?
Futuba: Yeah, when they DON'T give you candy, which Haru-san was about to do right now by the way!
Ryuji: Yeah, and you're not even doing it right. You have to step a few inches back from the house, get into your perfect throwing position, and-
Haru: Ryuji! (Turns to the Youngest Koopa) Now, Junior, don't you think it's a bit mean to try and throw paper at someone who's giving out treats?
Jr: ('Sighs in Defeat') It is....Sorry for almost doing so, Ms. Haru.....
Haru: (Smiles Softly) It's quite alright, dear, no harm done. (Place a Few Candy Down on Jr's Bag) I love your costume.
Jr: (Smiles Brightly) Thanks! Sage told me it's suppose to be this Freddy guy from that Elm St. Movie or whatever.
Haru: (Continues Giving Out Candy to Everyone Else) Sage?
Ryuji: Who's that?
Ness: A new friend we met not too long ago.
Morgana: We're about to meet her and the others at Smash Tpwn to try out that new Haunted Mansion place everyone beem talking about. Wanna come with?
Futuba: (Puts on a Grin) I got plenty of spare Feathermen suits for you guys to wear~
Ryuji: Cool, but no can do, you guys. Haru and I already booked to watch a night marathon here.
Futuba: Really? Since when did you guys started hanging out with each other?
Ryuji: (Casually Shrugs) For a while now. Gotta start the dat- I-I mean, the....Friendship Train going! (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly There) Am I....right?
Futuba: (Squints her Eyes at Ryuji a bit Suspiciously) Hmmmmmmmm- Hrm? (Suddenly Felt her Phone Viberating From her Costume's Pocket as She Takes her Phone Out and Check the Message Sent to Her)
Morgana: Anyways, Ryuji.....(Takes a Regular Size Chocolate Bar From Put of his Bag and Tosses it Towards Ryuji) Catch.
Ryuji: (Catches the Bar Mona Gave him With a Surprised Look on his Face) Ah dude, you're actually giving me your chocolate bar right now?
Morgana: (Happily Nodded) Yep! I already got a few more in the bag and I figured you would want one right about you, you know?
Ryuji: (Forms a Cheeky Grin on his Face) Well, ain't this a surprise!? Thanks, bud!
Haru: (Smiles Proudly at her Son) That is so sweet of you, honey!~
Jr: (Gives Haru the Roll of Toilet he Was Holding) You can have the toilet paper too. You'll probably have more use for it than I ever will.
Haru: (Smiles Softly at Jr) Thank you, sweetie.
Futuba: Holy macaroni! The attraction's about to start in a few minutes! We gotta get a move on, people!
Kids: (Cheers in Rejoice)
Haru: (Giggles Softly) Well, don't let us keep you waiting then.
Ryuji: Yeah, uh....Mona?
Morgana: (Turns Back to Ryuji) Yeah?
Ryuji: Uhh......Listen to what Futuba says and.....Have a good time out there, yeah?
Morgana: Oh uh....(Smiles a Little) Yeah, sure thing. You guys have a good time too. We'll miss you.
Haru: We'll miss you too, baby~
Ryuji: Yeah, and don't worry about your ma, kiddo. (Points at Himself with a Cocky Grin on his Face) She's in good hands by yours truly after all!
Morgana: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, I'll hold you to it, Mr. Bodyguard.
Futuba: (Happily Waves Goodbye to the Duo as She and the Others Take Their Leave) Later guys! Have a Spooooooooky Halloween Night!~
Kids: Byeee!~\ See ya!\ Have a good night!
Haru: (Happily Waves Back at Everyone) Have a spooky Halloween Night yourselves, everyone!~ Enjoy your candy!~ (Watches Futuba and the Kids Leave as She Behins to Let Out a Sigh) I miss them already. (Turns to Ryuji) You okay, Ryuji-san?
Ryuji: ('Sigh') Yeah, a little....(Turns Back to Haru) Sorry for chickening out there, Haru. I don't know what came over me at that moment.....
Haru: That was your nerves showing and it's okay, truly. If anything, I would've done the same in your position.
Ryuji: Yeah, but....I don't wanna make it seem like I'm ashamed of dating you or anything, cuz I'm not.
Haru: (Gently Grabs Ryuji's Hand While Giving him a Sincere, Reassuring Look in her Eyes) I know you aren't, dear. I can tell by the look in your eyes alone that you love, just as much as I love you too. (Kiss the Top of Ryuji's Hand)
Ryuji: (Starta Blushing by Haru's Simple, Yet Effective Display of Affection) ......Damn, Haru. Since when did you became more romantic than I am?~
Haru: (Giggles Softly) When you get arranged to forced marriages as much as I have, you tend to get more romantic knowledge and experiences out of it, for better or for worse.
Ryuji: (Gently Grabs Haru's Hand) I'll make sure to I do everything I can make you happy.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) Silly~ You've already made me plenty happy just by being here and loving me~ (Gives Ryuji a Kiss on the Cheek) Now, come. I believe we still got ourselves Metal show to watch and our very own cuddle session to proceed going forward~
Ryuji: (Smiles Brightly) Lead the way, ma'am!~
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leafsgarbage · 3 years
lack of love | s.r.
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A/N: This one been in the drafts for a while.
Synopsis: You and Suna have an agreement, but you overstep, and he doesn’t like that.
Genre: Angst, fluff, fwb!AU
Warnings: N/A
Pairings: timeskip!Suna x f!reader, fb!Suna x f!reader, 
Word count: 4.7k
Main Masterlist
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You lay in bed, your head on his bare chest while a loose sheet is draped over you, feet intertwined and his hand twirling your hair. This seems completely normal and something anyone would swoon over, especially with the way you think Suna is looking at you.
But it’s not.
“You think that if I do that to Atsumu he’d be upset with me?”
“Uh, Rin, I think he’s absolutely loathe you.” You shake your head at him. “He would not like it if you play a prank to sabotage his relationship with her.”
Suna ponders for a moment before looking back down at you. “I think I could get Osamu in on it.”
You punch his chest and sit up to look down on him now. “No, Rin. You have work in an hour, it’s time to go.” The two of you get dressed quickly.
He kisses your forehead and grabs your hand. “Come on, I have leftovers from last night in the fridge.” He heats up the spaghetti from last night’s dinner and places it in front of you on the kitchen island. “There you go.”
“Spaghetti in the morning again?” You smile digging into your food.
Rin shrugs and sits down next to you. “Spaghetti is good at any time of day.” He continues to eat before sipping on his water and looking at his phone. “Shit, I’ve got a date tonight.”
You perk up and question him. “For what?”
“My mom is trying to get me to settle, she’s... concerned. I dunno, it gives her peace of mind or something.” He shrugs.
You can’t say it doesn’t bug you, but you don’t have the right to voice your opinions out loud. “Have fun then.”
He snorts before shaking his head. “I doubt it, the girl is the daughter of a reverend.” 
You wonder how that will turn out. Rin is anything but holy, you can only imagine how boring the reverends daughter would be. “Don’t be so mean, Rin.”
“You’re the only girl in my life right now anyway, so.” You blush and he pokes your sides chuckling. “You’re so easy to tease.” He kisses the top of your head before heading out. “Gotta go, love you, don’t wait up.”
You hated when he said that to you. “Love you, too.” You know he doesn’t mean it the way you want him to. That’s just how he is. A natural flirt, and that’s how he reeled you in, in the first place. 
Regardless of affectionate Suna may be, he is completely emotionally unavailable. You met him through Osamu, who went to school with you, he was getting his associates so he could know how to run a business. In your mind, you swear it was love at first sight. 
“My friend from high school is pickin’ me up today, ya need a ride?” Osamu asks you. He knows the train sucks to get to your apartment. You nod and wait for ‘Samu’s friend in a cafe near the school. “This business calculus class is kickin’ my ass.”
“Lemme see.” You hover over ‘Samu’s homework trying to get through the first question.
Once you do, a figure hovers over the two of you. “Yo.” He says startling you. 
Osamu gives the man a handshake and a pat on the back before introducing the two of you. “This is y/n l/n, we met in our english class freshmen year. Y/n, this is my friend Suna Rintaro.”
Suna picks his head up to look at you and you freeze in your spot. You were enamored with every aspect of him. The way he dressed, how he looked, and even how he carried himself. You scramble out of your thoughts and wave. “It’s nice to meet you.” You blush.
Suna grins in your direction, and you weren’t sure if he was feeling the way you were too. “Pleasures all mine.”
There was no way there wasn’t any connection between the two of you. You clicked instantly and got along better as time went on. You’re not sure when you fell in love with him, but you realized pretty quickly that he’s who you wanted to be with.
When you were graduating college, you asked him, “Hey Rin?” He hums at you. “Do you think you’d ever want more than just being friends... with me I mean.” 
He turns to look at you with a big smile on his face, and you thought your dreams were coming true right before your eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Turns out, Suna thought you wanted a friends with benefits arrangement, and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say no. You had to be pretty fucking in love to agree to a loveless relationship just to keep him around you.
You groan just thinking about it. It’s been a year now and you’ve made no progress. You’ve asked him about being in a relationship in general, and his answer was always the same. “I don’t really want one.” 
So, overtime, you gave up asking. Still very much in love with him after all this time. Some days you just want to scream at him to stop being so oblivious to your feelings, but Suna loves to play house, he just hates the realness that comes with it. And that’s unfair to you.
He never cared so much about the affection you gave him. He always seemed fine regardless if you were clingy or so far away. It was hard to let him know how you felt because you just wanted to be with him, however he wanted with you, but it’s starting to hurt.
When Suna comes back home, it’s late. It’s midnight, and you’re there, waiting for him with some onigiri you picked up at ‘Samu’s shop. “Hey, you’re back pretty late. How’d your date go?”
He turns to look at you with a sort of shyness that you haven’t witnessed before. “It actually... was pretty good.”
“Oh?” You perk up. He takes a seat on the couch next to you.
“She kinda caught me off guard... dunno, we have another date tomorrow.” Your heart clenches and you can feel yourself screaming on the inside. “So I really won’t see you tomorrow.”
He doesn’t ask you to stay the night, but doesn’t tell you to leave. You don’t want to stay if you feel unwanted so you go home, and that was the first time you ever felt that way with Suna. “Goodnight, Rin.”
“Goodnight y/n. Get home safe.” There was no I love you, but you just wanted to believe it was because he really just wasn’t thinking of it. 
As the days passed, Suna called for you less, he told you things were going for him and this girl so he wanted to pause what you guys had. You were grateful that he didn’t say stop. 
You two continue to text as usual, but sometimes he slips this girl into conversation. Lea. And it bothers you to no end and sometimes you want to rip your hair out.
You go to Osamu’s shop to vent because you can no longer keep this to yourself. "He told me about her.” You groan and bury your head into your hands and he rubs your back for support. “Maybe you should just tell him how you feel.”
“You’re right ‘Samu. I’m gonna do that today.” You leave with some newfound confidence and head out of his shop. Right as you leave you get a call from your boss. “Hello?”
“Hi y/n! How are you?” You have small talk for a while before he gets to the point of the call. “I just would like to remind you that we need an answer for London by this coming Monday.”
You nod your head. “Yes, I just need to tie up some loose ends before making the decision.”
You go to the grocery store and get all the ingredients you need to make the spaghetti. You go to his apartment because he gave you a spare key, and you make spaghetti for dinner, making sure to have made enough for breakfast in the morning.
There’s a little letter you wrote that contains all the nitty gritty of your feelings, things you don’t think you could say out loud to him without getting embarrassed.
When he finally gets home all the plans you have just crumble when he walks in with Lea hand in hand laughing at something she might have said. He stops when he sees you and just waves. “Hi y/n.” He looks back at her and smiles. “Lea this is y/n, my best friend.” 
She walks up to you with the biggest smile on her face taking your hand. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” You were afraid of this. Her genuine nature and kindness, just how good she is in comparison to you.
You try to muster a sincere smile to her. “I could say the same thing about you.” She blushes and turns to the culprit, and Suna just shrugs with a grin on his face. You walk up to him. “Could we talk outside?” He nods and follows you out before telling Lea to make herself at home.
“What’s wrong?” He asks.
You fiddle with your hands and scratch the back of your head. “Are you two serious?”
He shrugs. “I like her a lot, so I think we’re getting somewhere. Why do you ask-”
“I love you.” His expression is stoic so you continue despite the fear consuming you. “I’ve been in love with you since junior year of college, maybe even the day I met you.” He sighs as you continue. “I tried telling you on my graduation, but you mistook my words and-”
“Why are you telling me this now- I- fuck, y/n.” He runs a hand through his hair and you put a hand on his shoulder to console but he shrugs you away. “You had all the time in the world- I told you what this was and what I wanted from you, I was fucking clear.”
You laugh, just as upset with him and sad that he’s pinning all the blame on you. “You can’t tell me that you’ve been clear with your boundaries Rintaro. Not when you kiss my forehead in the morning, make me breakfast, kiss me before you leave for work and tell me you love me. That’s not fair to me.”
“Well you’re too fucking late, y/n. I don’t want you that way, I never fucking have, is that what you wanted to hear?” Your heart breaks completely and you don’t know what to do anymore.
“You could have said that a little nicer and not acted like an asshole.” You spit.
He hits the wall, enraged. “You could have chosen a better fucking time-”
“There was never going to be a good time with you!” You yell, the tears finally spilling down your face. “It’s nice to know this is how you really are. I tell you I love you and you just blow up in my face. Have a goodnight, Rintaro. She’s a sweet girl, I don’t know what she’s doing with you.” 
“Go home, y/n.”
Your voice breaks, “Gladly.”
You run to Atsumu and Aria’s house, not wanting to be alone. They let you in seeing how distraught you were about the whole situation. Once you calmed down enough, they let you explain what happened. “I’m sorry sweetie,” Aria tells you and she brushes through your hair.
“Suna’s always been an ass y/n, dunno how you just noticed.” Atsumu comments which earns him a glare from Aria. “Sorry.”
You shake your head. “No, Atsumu’s right.” You wipe your face and sit up. “I think I’m going to take that job offer.”
Aria’s eyes widen and puts her hands on your shoulders. “The London one?” You nod. “Are you sure you want to make that decision in this state?”
“Rin was the only thing really holding me back, and I’m not going to let him do that to me anymore.” You email him telling him that you accept. You receive information about your move the next morning. You’re due to move on Wednesday and you agree, wanting to get out of Japan as fast as possible.
Osamu, Atsumu and Aria all help you pack up your apartment. Rin left some of his clothes and you just give them to Osamu to give back to him after you leave. They agreed and helped you with everything. 
You appreciated their help so you treated them to dinner. Only to see Lea walk in with some of her friends. You tried to look away before she could see you, but she spotted you pretty quickly.
She walks up to you and smiles. “Hi y/n.”
You smile back because hers was just so infectious. “Hi Lea.”
“I’m sorry about the other night, I didn’t mean to overhear-”
You shake your head. “Don’t worry about it, we weren’t exactly discrete. You don’t have to worry about me being around, I’m sorry if I ruined your night.”
She smiles sadly. “He does care about you, he was upset, but he really does-”
“I don’t want to be rude Lea, because you haven’t done anything wrong, I honestly think you’re a great person, but I don’t want to hear anything about him.” You feel like the lump in your throat and try to force it back down. “Have a great night, Lea.”You lost your appetite but continue to have one last good night with your friends. 
They all take you to the airport the next morning. “I’m gonna miss you.” Aria pouts giving you the tightest hug she possibly can. The twins join in and Atsumu even sniffles. “You big baby.” She swats.
You guys break apart and Osamu kisses the top of your forehead. “Take care of yourself, ok?” You nod and give him one last hug before you head to the security checkpoint. You wave one last time before going through and head to your gate.
All of them leave together, but Osamu heads to Suna’s house in order to drop off the things he left at your house. He knocks once but he doesn’t answer, only to realize he’s at work.
He gets there and sees Suna practicing his spikes with EJP Raijan. Suna sees Osamu walk in and grabs a towel to wipe himself off. “Hey.” He calls out.
Osamu holds the clothes out to him. “Y/n asked me to give em t’ya.” Suna nods and takes them, placing them on the bench.
“She’s got some stuff at mine so you can just tell her to stop by.” He takes a long drink from his water bottle and Osamu looks at him with a sour expression. “What?” The middle blocker asks.
“She’s gone.” 
Suna stands up, imagining the worst. “What do you mean she’s gone? Is she ok, what?”
Osamu nods. “She’s fine, didn’t she tell ya about the London offer?”
“What London offer?” He presses. 
“Her firm offered her a better position in London. Said she was unsure whether to go because of you, but after whatever happened, she decide ta go. She left this mornin’ did she really not tell ya?” Osamu aks.
Suna shakes his head. He takes his clothes from Osamu, biting the inside of his cheek. “Thanks, I’ll see you later.” Osamu leaves and Suna could not focus for one second on his practice.
When he gets home he’s not sure what to do. He decides to call you, unsure of what the time is in England. “Hello?” You murmur half-awake.
“Yn?” You hum into the phone, still unaware who’s on the other line. “How are you?”
You finally register the voice through the phone and you sit up. “Hi. I’m good. What’s up?”
“When were you going to tell me you left.” He asks.
You sigh and rub your forehead. “I would have told you if you asked.” It’s 5:30am and you have to be up in an hour anyway. “What would you like from me Rintaro?”
He swallows, unsure of what he wants from the conversation. “Why didn’t you tell me about your job offer?”
“I was still making up my mind about it. Why would I tell you if I had decided stay.” You say.
Suna sits on the couch, tired from work, but even more so by your lack of engagement in the conversation. “What would have made you stay.”
You get up from your bed turning on the light. “You really want the truth?” He hums. “You.” Suna stays silent, he had a feeling that was going to be the answer but it feels different hearing it out loud. “Anyway, I have to start getting ready, talk later. Bye.” The line ends and Suna is sitting there with all sorts of thoughts in his head.
He feels bad for everything he said to you that day, but you just frustrated him because how could he not realize that you felt that way. There’s a knock on his door and he opens it to find Lea there with some pastries. “Hey, I hope this isn’t bad timing.” He shakes his head and lets her in. “I saw y/n at a restaurant the other day, she seemed sad.” Suna perks up and looks over to her. “I told her that you still cared a lot about her, but she seemed very hurt and dismissive about it.”
“Yea, I don’t think she’ll forgive me anytime soon.” He says pulling out a chair for her to sit in and he sits next to her at the table. The one that you and him would sit at for breakfast every morning. 
She takes out a scone and passes it to him. “You weren’t very considerate of her feelings. She was obviously holding them in for a long time.”
“I don’t understand why she didn’t say anything before.” He sighs taking a bite of the scone.
Lea shrugs and smiles at him. “People do weird things when they’re in love.” It feels weird to hear that, that you’re in love with him. Why would you want to be? “Everyone deserves forgiveness, I’m sure she’ll forgive you eventually.”
Suna snorts, taking another bite out of his scone. “Not when she moved to a different continent.” Lea looks at him bewildered, as if she heard him wrong. “Yep,” he pops the P. “Apparently she had a job offer lined up for a while, and just recently decided to take it.” 
She eats her dessert quietly. Thinking about if she should ask. “Do you love her too?”
Lea likes Suna. A lot more than she’s willing to admit. She thought the date would end up nowhere and that he’d be expecting more from her, but she’s happy to say that was far from the truth. He was a gentlemen and very respecting of her space. “No, I don’t think so. Never really thought about it that way. She was just kind of always there.”
She pats Suna’s hands. “We tend to realize we need people when they’re no longer there.” Lea’s terribly sad, but she doesn’t let it show because she was always a selfless person. “I can’t say I’m not disappointed, but I want you to be sure before we are anything else. Until then, I can’t be with a man who has one foot out the door.”
He nods and squeezes her hand before leading her out. “Y/n was right, you shouldn’t be with someone like me.”
She shakes her head before giving him a hug. “You deserve to be loved Rin, she was just hurt and sad.” Lea sighs, and lets him go, for maybe the last time. “Take care Rin.” She leaves and Suna slumps on his couch, upset with himself. He’s lost the both of you, but he’s unsure of which hurt more. 
As the weeks passed, you never called him back and he didn’t expect you to. He realized he missed a lot of things about you. He missed your attentiveness. He missed how you never failed to make him laugh. He missed your presence, he missed your laugh, your smile, how easily embarrassed you were. He missed your cooking. 
His spaghetti never tasted the way that yours did, it was such a simple recipe too. He decided to make it today after practice for the first time in a while. 
When he was at practice Komori asked him what was wrong during their stretches. “You’ve been pretty upset lately, what’s going on?”
“I think... I’m in love... with y/n.” He admits for the first time out loud.
Komori laughs in his split at him. “You’re probably the last person to notice.” Suna blanks at Komori’s statement. “We’ve all assumed you were in love with her, what with the way you always used to talk about her.”
Komori rolls his eyes. “Yes, really. Come on practice is starting.” They practiced for their upcoming match against the Jackals, one that Atsumu has not stopped mentioning. ‘A fight to the death,’ he says.
Suna heads home by himself ready to make the spaghetti he loves so much. He never told you, but he told you that was his favorite food because you cooked it for him one time when there was nothing else in the house.
“I’m starving, y/n.” He complained, rolling around the bed like a child.
You chuckled and brushed his hair. “You want me to make you something?”
He nods excitedly. “Yes.”
The two of you played music and danced around in the kitchen while you cooked. Suna couldn’t help himself though so he stole kisses from you every once in a while. 
You placed the spaghetti on the table and you both ate it at three in the morning. It also served as your morning meals and became tradition soon after.
He sighs opening his utensils drawer only to find an envelope with his name on it. He’s never seen it before so he opens it.
Hi Rin,
Hopefully everything turned out well and we’re dating or something. That sounds so weird ahhh. I find it hard to express myself verbally so I thought writing this down might make it easier for you to understand exactly how I feel.
When I met you there was this inescapable desire I felt to be next to you. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I’ve come to realize how long I’ve really been so taken with you. You’ve treated me well and cared for me in a way that no one else has.
I hope that you now realized how much I’ve tried loving you through all these years. Whether it be secretly or pretty fucking obvious I don’t know how you didn’t notice. I thought that with everything you do for me that you feel something for me too. 
So I decided to give this a shot before it’s too late anyway. I hope that we’ll come to eat spaghetti in the morning together for many more years to come.
Suna banged his head on his kitchen counter. “Fuck!” He yells out. “I fucking suck.” He moves fast, because he misses you and he just wants you.
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You had finally finished gathering all the needed research for the case you had been working on and you were slumped. You’ve been working to the brim for the past week, but you assume that’s just how it is now that you’re in a higher position than you were when you started. 
Your co-worker knocks on your open door and comes in. “I brought some empanadas from the Colombian restaurant next door.” You thank her for the food and she leaves because she still has about 30 minutes left.
As for you, you finished are ready to head home and take a well deserved slumber. You take the bus back home. The public transportation in England was pretty good and it was easy to get from place to place. 
You make it home and walk up the stairs to your apartment since the elevator was out of service. When you round the corner you spot someone sitting on the ground at your door sleeping with a jacket covering their face and upper body.
You walk up to them, crouch down on your heels, and tap them on the shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, are you ok?” You ask in English. The man is startled awake and causes you to fall on your butt from the surprise. 
“What did you say?” They ask in Japanese. You look just to see Suna rubbing his eyes and sitting up right. “Shit, y/n I’m sorry. I was waiting for you and-”
“What are you doing here Rintaro?” You ask switching to Japanese, annoyed that your comfortable night was ruined.
He gets up and holds out a hand to help you up. You take it, reluctantly and dust yourself off. “I came to see you.”
You click your tongue and open the door to your apartment. “Come in.” He walks inside and sees you’ve decorated quite a lot of the place already. There’s a few plants here in there, along with photos you keep up of your family and friends. Even a blanket on the couch. You cross your arms and motion for him to come. “Out with it, what are you here for?”
He rubs his hands together, feeling nervous around you for the first time ever. “I wanted to apologize-”
“You could have just called-”
“Could you give me like five minutes uninterrupted please.” You give in and decide to sit on the couch, letting Suna have his stage. “I wanted to apologize for how I reacted to your confession. It was real childish of me. Even if I didn’t feel that way, I didn’t need to blow up on you like that.
“I also just wanted to tell you that I love you.” Your eyes shoot up to me his, questioning, taunting even. “I know it didn’t seem like I did, but- God y/n- I’m just pretty sorry excuse of a friend, but truly, I love you. More than I did when I met you, more than I did last month, and much more than I did ten seconds ago.” He kneels in front of you placing his hands on your knees. You remain still and don’t even flinch. “I found your letter in my drawer.” You gasp, not realizing you forgot it. “I’m glad I did. I’m happy you left it because it made me realize we’ve been doing this in and out thing with our relationship like you said, and you don’t deserve that.
“I’ve loved you all this time, I’m sorry it took me so long to realize, but I’m pretty fucking stupid, so you’ll have to forgive me.”
You don’t say anything, still processing and thinking. When you finally do recover from that, you put a hand on top of his. “You’re not stupid, Rin.” He’s ecstatic just by hearing you say his nickname. “You’re just a little slow.” He chuckles and places his head on your lap. “You really hurt me, Rin.” You admit.\
He nods and looks up at you, pleadingly. “I know, and I can’t tell you how sorry I am, but I want you. I want to be with you and I want you in my life till I’m old and grey and can’t wipe my own ass anymore.”
“Ew, you’re so crude.” You laugh.
He smiles. “That’s me, take it or leave it baby.”
“I guess I’ll take it.” You playfully roll your eyes.
Suna gasps, scooping you up from the couch and into his arms. “What do you mean ‘I guess’?”
You shrug. “Maybe I need a bit more convincing.”
“Alright, fine by me.” He carries you to your room and you giggle the whole way there. He hovers over with you, a big smile stretched across his face. “You’re it for me y/n.”
“Just me?”
“Yea,” he says tracing over your whole body. “Every single part of you.”
And you can’t help your heart from swelling, all put back together with the help of the man you love and can’t seem to stop loving.
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A/N: I actually really like how this came out, ahhhh enjoy
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jiminsfault · 4 years
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Pull-out | knj
⚙️ pairing: Trucker!Namjoon x reader
⚙️ genre: 18+ / smut
⚙️ word count: 2.7k
⚙️ summary: you needed a tire changed and Namjoon was more than ready to help you with it.
⚙️ warnings: sex with a stranger, striptease, protected sex, but also unprotected sex, Namjoon slaps your ass a lot, face slapping, pussy slapping, rough sex, tit slapping, nipple play?, fingering, pwp, this is shameless porn, watersports, creampie, swearing
⚙️ thank you so much @meowxyoong​ for making this great header for me!!
⚙️ this fic is my birthday present to the lovely crackhead Tay @interludemoonchild​! I hope you had the bestest birthday!! Enjoy my sins, love ya uwu
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“Fucking great!” you exclaimed, seething full of anger and annoyance. Your tire got trashed, lucky for you, you were still able to roll onto the next pull-in. It was 11 pm, the parking lot was full of trucks and no help was near. “How am I supposed to get home now?”
There was no other outlet for your anger than that damn tire, so you kicked it. Regretting it immediately after, you hissed in pain and jumped around for a moment. You were trying to drive back home for the weekend, college sucked the soul out of you with the many exams and assignments and now you needed to rest.
That rest was currently escaping your vision, it looked like an uncomfortable night in your car seat and a long wait for a tow, taking you back to college again. Goodbye homemade food and goodbye wonderful crackers that only your mom knew how to excel perfectly.
A heavy sigh escaped your throat when you sat down on your engine hood. It was either that or finding someone who was able to help you change the tires. But no one seemed to be awake, all the trucks stood there, no light inside and no soul cared to walk around this place at nearly midnight.
You needed a drink. Water, of course, in case someone suddenly would be sent by god to help you fix this shit and you could continue to drive back home. Leaning over your front seat to grab the water bottle you put in the back, you suddenly stilled. Steps that seemed to get closer to you were clear to hear and you didn’t know if you should be glad or cry out for help.
“I saw you kickin’ that tire back there, seemed like you’d need a hand,” a dark timbre voice muttered from behind you, sounding beautifully raspy and broken down. “My truck’s back there, come along and I’ll get you that new tire on, yeah?”
Slowly turning, you held a tight lipped smile until you saw the tall man in front of you. He had a mullet, silver hair, very country. Wide eyes but a gorgeous smile with dimples, broad frame and handsome overall.
“And who are you?” You asked dismissively, not showing how much he intrigued you. 
“Name’s Namjoon, but I could ask you the same, beautiful.” He carried himself like he clearly knew how attractive he was, seeming like the hero with a cape with the way he suddenly appeared and offered his help.
Coming back to his truck seemed risky, but you never once were the type to think situations like these over. Nodding slowly, you gave him your name, held out your hand for him to shake and muttered, “then show me that truck of yours, Namjoon.”
He smirked, shook your hand with a confident grip on it and your skin tingled when he pulled away.
He led the way, walking across the parking lot to a truck, color not visible because of the dark that was enveloping you. “What do I get for helping the Lady, anyway?” He suddenly asked, glint in his eyes when he turned to you, hand still holding onto the door handle to the front of his truck. 
You curled a strand of your hair around your finger, bit your lip and licked across it right after. Your eyes traveled up his figure and he didn’t miss it. “Being on the road must be lonely?” You asked, seemingly off topic but you knew where you were headed with this. 
Namjoon stepped closer, nodded to your question. “I’m sure I could do you a favor, too,” you purred, seductive with the way you put your hand on his shoulder, letting it glide down to his wrist. You held your hand there for a bit, moving it only when he chuckled and invaded your space even more.
“Yeah? I think so too, pretty.” He pulled you into his frame with a hold on your waist and leaned down, breath fanning across your lips. “Let’s get up in there and you can show me that favor of yours.”
Anticipation shook your body, watching Namjoon open the door and when he held his hand out to help you up the steps, he smacked your ass and jumped in right after you. The space was quite roomie, a mattress behind the two front seats that was decorated just like any normal bed would be. You couldn’t dwell on it longer, Namjoon turned you around and held your face close.
“You sure about this?” He murmured, lips moved only a hair’s width away from your own. There was almost a ghost of his lips on yours, stealing a gasp from you when he walked towards his bed with you still firm in his hold.
You hummed, raising your arms to hold onto his shirt on his sides. “Yeah, you got condoms?” He groaned, pushing his lips the final space and kissing you. It took you by surprise, but you moved your lips with his, holding his plump bottom lip between yours and humming into the kiss.
Just for a second to speak, Namjoon retreated, “yeah, got ‘em right there,” before he kissed you again, moved his head to deepen the connection and pushed you forward until your knees hit the bed and you fell onto it. He had to hold himself up, standing and quickly he rummaged through the glove box, showing you the foil packet.
Like a predator he stalked towards you, wicked grin on his face and he crooked his finger, “take those clothes off, pretty. Show me what I’m working with.”
You stood up, taking his face in between your hands and kissing him, before you pushed Namjoon on the bed and slowly touched your body. From your breasts to your hips, you slowly skimmed across your figure, stood between his spread legs and tested his patience. He growled, slapping your ass again and with the movement, you stepped a bit closer.
With a giggle, you started to raise your shirt, showing the first sliver of skin to him and immediately, his big hands touched your stomach, holding your hips. He watched close as you raised the fabric more, slowly your bra started to show and without much more patience yourself, you threw the top off. He blew a kiss right over your belly button and hovered his hands over your sides.
“Beautiful, more,” he urged, eyes hungry. You obliged, moved your hands down to your Jeans. Unbuttoning them was easy, but to get out of them proved a bit harder, especially when you tried to make it sexy. Nevertheless, Namjoon soaked up all the skin he got to see, helping you stand stable when you stepped out of the pants.
He slid his hands across your thighs and didn’t notice when you moved up to unclasp your bra, removing the thin straps. It dropped into Namjoon’s lap and he looked into your eyes with lust, reached up to kiss your breast. He held one in his hand, sucking your nipple into his mouth and playing with it until you whimpered, put your hand on his shoulders and slowly drove them up towards his hair.
Just when you were about to continue with your underwear, he grabbed your hands, held them together with one of his own before he looked up at you. “I’ll do the honor,” he said, lazy in his tone and you let him, willingly removing your hands and holding them back.
He didn’t tease them down your legs like you would’ve done. He ripped them down the length of your thighs, pulled you closer to his face with his hands on your ass and made you fall across his lap. “Can’t wait to fuck that pretty pussy. Did you plan to get fucked tonight? Why else would you wear this skimpy shit, hm?” He referred to your undergarments, laughing at your pathetic mewl as he spanked you again, taking a hold of your bottom lip with his teeth.
He pressed your lips together for another kiss, opening his mouth and you got the hint, doing the same and letting your tongues twist around each other.
The cabin of his truck was quiet other than the wet noises your lips made and the small moans you let out, high in pitch and shaky with anticipation.
Namjoon suddenly threw you off of him, to the side and stood up himself. His pants were off much quicker than yours were, just as his buttoned shirt. Your eyes were fixed onto his face, the sinful expression he carried when he hooked his thumbs into the boxershorts he was lastly wearing. Only now, you noticed that he took off his shoes already when you were stripping down in front of his eyes.
He removed the last fabric and stroked his shaft up and down, already erect and you couldn’t help but gaze down and watch him work himself up.
“Must admit, I didn’t think I’d be fucking tonight. But with the way you’re basically throwing your little cunt at me, how could I not give in, huh?” He murmured, climbing onto the mattress and letting go of his penis. You gasped at his foul words, pushing yourself up on your elbows to reach towards Namjoon. He was almost on top of you, letting you connect your lips with his for only a short moment before he sat back on his knees.
You whined at the loss of contact, looked back down onto his erection and watched Namjoon as he unpacked the condom and rolled it onto himself. With another few glides across his shaft, he made sure the condom was on and looked back up at you, biting his lip. “You look so ready to get fucked by a stranger, what a fucking slut you are,” he groaned taking your hips and raising them, pulling you close by your thighs and spreading you over his lap.
Full view of your glistening cunt, he licked over his lips and slid his hand up your inner thigh. Without you asking, he rubbed across your clit before he pushed a single finger in, up to the last knuckle. You keened with the feeling, breath hitching but you were greedy. “More, please,” you asked with a breathy voice.
He curled his finger up before he removed it, pushing back with not two but three of his fingers and smirking up at your face. You moaned loudly, without shame and looked at Namjoon with pleading eyes. He cursed when he saw and felt you clenching around his fingers and he pumped into you a few times, before he deemed you prepped enough.
“Gonna split this tiny pussy open,” Namjoon growled, looking into your eyes. He leaned down to your face and kissed you, sloppily and trailed down to your chin, your jaw and finally your neck. He bit into your skin, sucking and you gasped his name. His distractions helped ebb the pain of his head finally entering but the more he pushed in, the bigger he seemed to get.
After half of his length sat inside of you, he paused, checking in on you and kissing you with his mouth open, tongue across yours. You moaned when you were ready, pushing against him to make him move. Without much hesitation, he first pulled back before he pumped into you with his full length. You threw your head back, clawing at his shoulders and his back, taking what he was giving you.
Namjoon pushed himself up after he thrusted into you with strong hips, taking your ankles into his hands and placing them onto his shoulders. The new winkle pushed him deeper and he came closer, pushing your legs up against you and plowing into you, ankles tight in his grip.
“Ah, Namjoon,” you moaned. “You’re so big, I’m so full!” He moaned at your hurried words, slamming his hips even harder against you. “Mmm, you’re fucking me so good.”
“Yeah? Can’t get enough of this cock? Your tiny fucking cunt can’t even take me,” he grunted, sweat gliding down his temple. His words were breathless, just like yours and he put your ankles back onto his shoulders to grip your thighs, slapping your ass and making the sensitive skin swell red. “I’m gonna fuck you so full of my cum, you’ll think of me for days.”
“I want all of you, fuck, give it to me! Give me all you got,” you held your legs close to your chest to keep yourself open, breathing heavy. “Fill this pussy, make me feel even fuller!”
Your bodies grew sweaty, loud smacking sounds filled the truck and Namjoon’s thrust grew sloppy.
“You’re such a whore, bet I could piss inside of you and you’d love it,” he seethed, gabbing one of your breasts and smacking it. “You like being slapped, slut? Want me to hit you here, too?” He asked, tapping your cheek.
“Yes! Yes, fuck, Namjoon! All of it! I want all of it!” You cursed, raising your head to look into his face as you gave him your consent.
“Fuck,” he stuttered, slowing down his thrusts to give himself a break. He gave slow but hard slams into your hips and you gasped with every single one of them. He gripped your jaw, making you look at him and closing your mouth. “Whore,” he spat, slapping your cheek and you bowed your back with pleasure.
“You have no self respect, huh? Such a dumb fucking slut. Hold still and let me piss inside of you, that’s all you’re useful for. Fuck.” His words came out slurred, pleasure taking up his features and he retreated and removed his condom, looking back at you once more, before he plowed back into you. After a few thrusts,he stilled and warmth filled you.
Your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled back from the soft feeling of his piss filling your pussy. It wasn’t much, but you felt so full and so good being used by this man.
“God, such a good brainless bitch. Letting me ruin you like this.” Both of you didn’t need much more than this, he twisted your nipple with two fingers and reached between your legs to slap your cunt, harshly rubbing your clit and pinching it. He was rough in all ways and it made pleasure zap through all your nerves before your body started shaking. Namjoon pushed into you only once more before you clamped tightly around him, cumming as hard as you never did before.
You moaned his name loudly when you came, losing the hold on your thighs and letting them droop down. Namjoon moved slowly to heighten your orgasm, letting you come down before he quickened his movements once more, pulling out and jerking off with a rushed hand. He positioned his head on your clit and let his cum spurt onto your cunt, across your lower belly. He milked out the last drop of his sperm before he slumped down onto the mattress next to you.
Both of you needed to catch your breaths, chests raising with big intakes of air and a tear slipped down your cheek. “Fuck, that was so good.” You murmured into the air.
Namjoon groaned, “your cunt is a gift.”
At his comment you chuckled a bit, starting to get up and looking around the truck. You cringed at the feeling of his urine slowly dripping out of you. “Do you have tissues or something? Need to wipe your cum off.”
He sat up himself and moved your face to look at him. “No,” he said. Before you could retaliate, he scooted across the mattress and picked your slip up, “sluts like you don’t get to clean up. Get dressed,” Namjoon smirked, but you knew he was serious. Your stomach swirled with arousal at his assertiveness and you nodded, gulping.
He helped you get dressed when he noticed you legs shaking, laughing once you were done and laying flat on his bed. Namjoon got dressed himself and then opened the door, all the cold air immediately rushing into the stuffy room.
He jumped down onto the floor and looked up at where you still sat on his bed. “Gotta change a tire now,” Namjoon said with a wink.
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© 2020 @jiminsfault. All rights reserved.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
⚠️ Warning gross things and grooming from a teacher to a student and a long ass post⚠️
So this was before a fucking virus destroyed the world, i was sitting with my friends and i decided to go to the bathroom ( i'm girl and identify a such) i went to open the door and see this tiny ass thing with withe liquid inside.
Now here in the Dominican republic we have a candy called tizón that when it gets wet it dissolves in a white passte, so a thought that probably someone eat it, but i went to the other bathroom and when i came back my friend asked me why i went to the other bathroom i told them that i think i found a condom.
Now at the same time they were rumors about a teacher having a relationship with a 16 year old student and the only thing that everyone knew is was they both stayed long after the school day ended, we have clubs so the student said that they're in the sports club.
Now word got around and the school administrators found out about it even the father of the school ( in a catholic school is like the person that is also the director).
They did a investigation, ans they found that it was an actual condom and also found that the student and the teacher were both the same day and around the same are, how did they found out who the condom was the teachers? Idk maybe they called the police.
But they fired the teacher and the student was kicked out of the school.
I also have the story of the girl that apparently aborted 5 times in 2 years.
Oh god alright, my college instincts to skip over this are kickin in
I- well that’s just down right sad
I mean, thank fuck the teacher was fired fr but imagine actually findin the rank condom. Nasty 😭
Let’s not listen to that last story tho. That’s so grim man wtaf 😭😭
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thewritepages · 3 years
The Diary of the Older Collegiate (#TheFreshman Series) (1)
Synopsis : Annabelle Green is somewhat in a situation no thirty year woman would want to find herself in : (Un) Happily divorced, childless and with a job worth peanuts and migraine. The downward spiral of her life doesn't seem to end anytime soon until her sister reminds her of her most cherished dream.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
MAY 3, 2019
3.30 A.M.
I hate myself.
No, really. I may have called it once or twice in the past due to mild anger or frustration, but this.
This is real.
I mean, I may be the only person who would:
A) Cry over a failed marriage during an interview
B) Scratch that, cry over a failed marriage in midst of the most IMPORTANT interview in my entire career!
C) Go straight to the pub later to drown my sorrows when I know perfectly well what would happen if I do get drunk.
D) Do what would be obvious to a broken-hearted, career destroyed, thirty year old drunk woman: Leave a string of carefully selected profanities on the voice mail of my beloved ex-husband.
E) Waking up several hours later on the side of god-knows-what street staring in horror at the drunken messages I've sent to everyone in my cell's contact list- which would also include my parents.
And to think of it, I managed it all in little less than 12 hours last night.
I think I'll just dig a burrow in my apartment and never come out of it. Wait a minute...
That's it! I'm never leaving my apartment again. It'll be perfect- I'll take up one of those work-at-home jobs they always advertise on the internet, eat ramen noodles for sustenance and stay protected from the world outside throughout my life.
In fact, I'll tip off my doorman to tell my family that I've left to pursue my inner self and I may never come back again. As many years pass by, my family would mourn over my presumed death while I get a plastic surgery done and change my name to something untraceable like Ronal Wallis.
Oh, jolly good! A brilliant idea. Why didn't I ever think of this before?
MAY 3, 2019.
13.30 P.M.
Err; maybe the whole change-my-identity-and-live-happily plan didn't exactly work.
Don't get me wrong, it didn't totally blow up or anything. My doorman, Steve did his job perfectly, informing my sister that I have indeed joined Deepak Chopra on a journey to find myself in a tiny village in the Himalayan Valleys. He narrated the story in such a sober tone that even I found myself believing him for a moment.
But Steve and I didn't realize that in order to leave the country, I would actually need my passport- The passport which is still in my ex-husband's apartment along with the rest of the stuff I was going to pick up this week.
Unfortunately, my sister was very much aware of this piece of information.
"Anna, it's been two months. You've got to get your shit together. You cannot stay dep-" I gave my sister a warning glance.
Not the D-word. Definitely not the D-word.
"I'm completely fine."I mumbled, looking down at the dregs of my empty coffee mug.
"No, you're not completely fine Annabelle Green. You've stopped calling, stop visiting all of us. Hell, nowadays you don't even get your ass out of the bed. Now, I know what Luc-"she stopped short, taking in my pained expression.
Another word I do not want to hear – Luc- Lucas.
Lucas .Lucas. Lucas.
"I'm sorry," Kat, my sister, bowed her head down low. "I shouldn't have brought him up."
"Yeah, you shouldn't have." My eyes closed from exhaustion. "Kat, why are you here?"
"Well, last night you-"
"I KNOW. It was a mistake. And I think I sent an explanatory text earlier this morning."
"That won't stop me from checking up on you, Anna. I'm bloody worried about you."
My eyes descend down to her enormous belly. She shouldn't worry about me right now- I'm not the one who is due for two bouncing baby boys in less than two months.
Did I just say bouncing? Oh, Lord.
"How're the boys kickin'?" I pat her belly gently, forcing myself to smile.
Her face instantly relaxes. "Oh, they're kickin', all right," she smiles at me, "Didn't give me a wink of sleep last week."
Well, that makes the two of us.
"I can't wait for little John and Paul to meet their ol' Aunt Anna." At least this was true. The arrival of my twin nephews is the only thing keeping me up for the past couple of months.
"Anna, we have talked about this. I'm not naming the kids after The Beatles."
"Why not? I recommend you have another set of twin boys so we'll have the entire boy band in our family."
"And have four crazy boys running around the household? No thanks. Phil and I would probably die of insanity."
Sigh. Phil and Kat. Their story is the closest you'd ever get to a fairytale- childhood sweethearts; they were two young teenagers wildly in love but were painfully separated to colleges at the opposite ends of the country. When it looked like it was truly over between them, they reconciled during the summer after college. It was literally The Notebook all over again, leaving out all the letter writing and the crazy house building. I don't think Phil is capable of fixing a broken lock, let alone build an entire house.
Suddenly, I felt someone holding my hand tightly. I look up to see Kat's eyes filled with tears. "Annie, come home. Mum and Dad miss you. I miss you. We want to stay with you in these difficult times. A few days away from Seattle will do you good. "She gets up. "Mum, Dad and Phil are waiting for us in the car downstairs. I'll help you pack up."
My heart softens, but I raise my eyebrows in sarcasm. "So, they sent you to emotionally blackmail me, right? Well, it's working, Mommy –in-waiting."
She tweaks my nose playfully. "It always does, baby sis."
A/N :
Hi there, thank you for taking the time to read my new diary styled new ChickLit series:
"The Diaries of an Older Collegiate"(#TheFreshman).
If this chapter ignited an interest for this series, please let me by reblogging or sending me a message. I'm very new to Tumblr writing so it'll really help me calm my nerves :")
Lastly, I'm tagging a few lovely authors here whose works I've been binge reading and they've really inspired me to put out my work out here. Authors, if you like this chapter, I'd be very grateful if you could share it among your network and let me know :)))))
@go1denjeon, @ladyartemesia,@noteguk,@junghelioseok
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dusksmote · 3 years
Is there any background info you can give on characters in WTSAU?
Like any cool hc you give the characters?
okay i have SO MANY 😩 but i can’t say all the best ones until later cuz they involve SPOILERS
so i’ll try to say all the ones i can with the information given:
- Kyle’s had feelings for Stan since he realized he was gay, which was in middle school. When Stan came out as bi he told Kyle first, before Wendy, even though they were dating at the time. Kyle’s insecurities prevented from acting on his feelings even after they broke up.
- Wendy has pegged Stan in the past, but Kyle is the first guy Stan’s ever been with. Wendy has come around to support their relationship since the events of ETL chapter 4.
- Stan is always the first one to say ‘I love you’.
- Kyle was the last one in their big friend group to lose his virginity, but he has one of the highest sex drives of the guys. He and Stan switch off being top almost equally, but Kyle prefers to top and Stan prefers to bottom. they fuck daily.
- When they want to have a hard, passionate fuck Kyle tops. when they want to have slow, emotional sex Stan tops. Kyle has slight sadist tendencies (inflicts pain) and Stan has masochist tendencies (receives pain). Stan is especially into breathplay (choking, face sitting, crushing, etc.) and assplay. he’s the best ass eater (so call him a bottom feeder 😂) and Kyle’s superior in the blowjob department.
- Stan has hyperhidrosis, meaning he sweats more than the average person. this is why their rooms/the truck/anywhere they fuck smells so strong. there’s a few hints for this in ETL/WTSAU, he keeps antiperspirant in his locker and in the truck, he gets really sweaty whenever they have sex. Stan also has asthma and acne, which Kyle’s been helping him treat. Kyle loves popping his zits for him.
- Conversely, Kyle is super hygienic and always tries to keep himself clean and dry. when Sharon comes into Stan’s room in chapter 1 and describes the smell, the gym locker scent is Stan, the Old Spice is Kyle, and the ‘inside of a rubber balloon’ is their latex lubricant. 
- Everyone at school considers them the obnoxious, overly romantic couple. they hold hands, cuddle, kiss, and dirty talk in front of everyone. they think they can get away with it without people noticing but they’re chronically conspicuous and not stealthy. the working title for the fanfic was actually ‘Ain’t Slick’ for a while before it changed to What They Say About Us!
- they’re fucking devoted to each other and are exclusively monogamous. Stan is especially protective of Kyle and Kyle is fiercely possessive of Stan. 
- Kyle applied as a math major in his college applications, and will eventually get a PhD for logic and set theory. Stan’s a bio major and wants to go into physical therapy.
- Stan doesn’t smoke weed out of principle (because of his dad) so Kyle also doesn’t smoke in solidarity. 
- Kyle is a type 2 diabetic, and doesn’t need to always take insulin. his weight gain began with the World of Warcraft episode and was maintained instead of lost like in the show. his weight is a cyclical feedback loop of: genetics (mom’s side of the family), too much insulin (when using insulin therapy), and diet. this led to him developing lordosis (excessive weight warps his spine) so he didn’t grow as tall as he would have, and makes his weight appear more exaggerated. short stature, weight, and body image issues led to quitting basketball which in turn contributes more to his weight. this impacts his self-worth which leads to stress eating. his biggest fear is that he’ll never stop gaining weight and will end up as big or bigger than Cartman.
- Stan has gained a few pounds since he started dating Kyle, while Kyle has lost a few.
- Kenny is straight, but has voluntarily sucked dick before. he and henrietta have hooked up a few times in the past after running into each other at poetry slam events which Kenny takes Karen to. 
- Butters and Cartman are exclusively gay, and think girls are fucking gross. they’ve only every slept with each other.
- Kenny, Cartman, and Butters are all best friends and do pretty much everything together. even though Butters and Cartman are dating, Kenny never feels like a third wheel because they rarely act romantic in front of anyone (including him). however, when Style start dating and Cutters come out about their relationship, Kenny begins feeling like a fifth wheel.
- Butters lives almost entirely at Cartman’s house. His parents actually don’t mind because they enjoy not having him around. Liane is 100% the cool mom from mean girls who asks them if they want snacks or a condom. Sometimes all three of them crash at Kenny’s house for variety (or when he has to watch Karen because his mom is drinking/out of the house).
- Kenny wants to study psychology in college and become a family therapist or social worker. he’s taking a gap year to save money then going to community college. Cartman and Butters applied to the same schools and plan to stick together long-term.
- Butters and Cartman’s relationship started as experimenting with each other as their sexualities developed, and began after Cartman confided that he had sexual feelings for Kyle. Cartman and Butters have also developed genuine feelings for each other, and overtime their relationship transformed into what it is now. because of how their relationship started, they’re very open about any sexual feelings they have for other people and have a ‘hall pass’ for friends they’re allowed to fuck if given the chance, without it considered cheating.
- Butters is a huge gossip. he will promise to keep secrets and then immediately turn around and tell Cartman--which totally happened after Kyle said he thinks Stan has a crush on him in ETL chapter 2. Butters and Cartman keep nothing from each other, and the only secrets they won’t tell are the ones about each other. 
- Kenny is the easiest of the larger friend group to confide in, and keeps every secret he’s given. he’s known Cartman and Butters have been together since the beginning, about Cartman’s crush on Kyle, and Kyle’s crush on Stan. People naturally come to him for advice and to vent. The least likely person to confide in him is Kyle, who’s more likely to curl in on himself instead of expressing his feelings.
-SO much shit about Cartman and Butters’ relationship I can’t say yet because it comes up in the fic 😩 please ask me about these two again later when i can say more!!!
- Tweek is a dom top and Craig’s his catamite. they try to get away with sex anywhere they can and have gotten very stealthy because of it. Tweek also has one of the highest sex drives of their friend group, and Craig will let him do whatever he wants anywhere, anytime. 
- Tweek is constantly high on stimulants (cocaine, meth, adderall, etc.) and Craig experiments with him in certain settings. this is what gives Tweek his boosted self-confidence and flippant attitude. 
- Pete Thelman (hair flip goth) is their coke dealer. Tweek trades him his ADHD meds for it, which Pete resells to posers. If Tweek doesn’t have enough to cover the cost he and Craig make up the rest by giving Pete sexual favors. sometimes they have threesomes for fun too.
- Tweek and Craig both think Kyle is hot and would fuck him given the chance. being open about this with each other makes them feel closer and strengthens their relationship. they have roleplayed as Stan and Kyle in bed before while high out of their minds.
- they're deeply in love and would do anything for each other. Craig could get Tweek to stop taking drugs if he wanted to but right now they enjoy experimenting with them together. in the words of everyone who know them, ‘Tweek and Craig are perfectly fucked up for each other’. 
Kyle’s family:
- Sheila’s biggest regret as a parent is letting Kyle get fat, because she was also overweight as a kid and dealt with the same issues he does now. It’s the same reason she feels obligated to help Kyle’s cousin overcome his weight dilemma (by trying to get him and Stan to hang out).
- Ike is an eboy who loves lil peep. He, Karen, Tricia, and Firkle all make tiktoks together and complain about their gay older brothers/friends.
- random fun fact: If Ike and Karen get married that would mean Kyle and Kenny are brothers-in-law, which would mean the main five all end up as extended family to one another.
Stan’s family:
- Sharon has plans to divorce Randy but is waiting until Stan leaves for college to not uproot him from school and his friends.
- Grandpa Marsh is still kickin’ in the old folks home and Shelly’s off in college.
- Randy’s a narcissist who lives vicariously through Stan’s accomplishments in sports. the easiest way to explain it is: Randy’s not as proud of Stan for being a successful athlete and attractive jock as he is proud of himself for producing one. Stan’s ability to get laid with (he presumes) hot girls makes Randy feel like he has game too. one of the reasons he’s disgusted by Stan’s relationship with Kyle is if Stan’s fucking some big fat guy it doesn’t align with his narrative. 
this is just the stuff i could think of off the top of my head, i’ll probably come back and add more to this as i remember it. ask me again in a few chapters!!! i have so much i want to say about bunnyman, cutters, the future for style, and their families that i can’t say yet!
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rizlowwritessortof · 4 years
Tired of Missing You
This is one of those times when my story yanked the wheel out of my hands and I just went along for the ride. So if you’re in the mood for a fluffy, angsty cookie with a smutty creamy middle - here ya go! 🙂
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Journey (Original Female Character)
Word Count: 3911 (told you it got away from me)
Warnings: Nothing really - smut, Dean with a beard (that needs a warning), fluffy angst and angsty fluff
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“There’s my girl.”
Journey stopped in mid-swipe, dropping the bar rag to the table and turning slowly. “Well, I’ll be damned.” She made her way over to him, the limp noticeable, but it didn’t slow her down much. He watched her approach, a crooked smirk on his lips, thumb and forefinger smoothing over the facial hair around his mouth. She looked the same, hazel eyes sparkling, smile lines at the corners just making them seem brighter.
He took a step into her as she reached him, his arms snugging her in as hers closed around him. “Hey, Journey.” She laid her head against his chest, basking in the warmth in his voice as he said her name.
She pulled back a little to look up into his face. “Dean Winchester. Damn, it’s good to see you.” She reached a hand to his face, tugging gently on the beard. “This is new, I like it.”
“Oh, yeah. Got a few greys in there, honey. God, we’re gettin’ old, huh?”
“Yeah, who would have thought I’d still be kickin’,” he grinned, and she beamed up at him, the light in her eyes going straight to his heart.
“Me. I always told you that you were the best damn hunter I’d ever seen. Speaking of, where’s the other half of the team?”
“Sam? He, uh – he’s spending some time with his um… friend.”
“Finally hooked one, huh?”
“Yeah,” Dean chuckled. “Had to bring her back from the dead, but...”
“Hunter problems, right?” She was smiling, but her eyes scanned over his face, searching. “So – what brings you all the way up to Montana?”
Dean scoffed. “Came to see you, sweetheart.”
Journey nodded, her eyes shining. “Well, lucky me.” She studied him for a second or two. “Drink?”
Dean let his head drop a little. “I was kinda hoping we could hang out, talk a while, just – you and me, y’know? It’s been a hell of a long time.”
She smiled, gesturing around the currently empty room. “Well, all these customers might not like it, but I can lock up for the day.”
He grinned. “Business is booming, huh?”
She headed for the door, flipping the closed sign around and sticking a note to the window that said, ‘Back Tomorrow.’ “It comes and goes. Never gonna be rich, but - like I didn’t know that.” She came back to his side, taking hold of his hand. “Come on, honey. Let’s go get us a drink and talk.”
She led him to her living quarters in the back, and he shrugged his jacket from his shoulders as she called out to him from the kitchen. “Beer? Or is this a whiskey visit?”
He laughed. “Beer’s good.”
“Oh, thank God, whiskey visits need a little more prep time,” she teased, coming from the kitchen with two cold long necks in one hand and package of chips and salsa in the other. “Sorry, didn’t have time to make this, you’re gonna have to settle for store-bought.”
“I’ll try to get over it.” He watched as she put the snacks on the table, taking the beer from her fingers with a smile. She sat beside him on the well-worn but comfy sofa, turning to face him with her right leg tucked beneath her and her left stretched straight, foot on the floor. “How’s the leg, Journey?” The picture of her, bloody, broken, and chained to a basement wall flashed through his mind, and he clenched his teeth for a second. The demons who had captured and tortured her were long dead, but the memory still haunted his dreams.
She shrugged. “It’s okay. They’ve done everything they can do, and I’m used to it. Fucking demons.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Wasn’t your fault. Wasn’t anybody’s fault. Just part of the job.”
“I know. But I wish...”
She reached out to put a finger on his lips. “Dean. Baby, we’ve had this talk so many times. Are you ever gonna stop feeling guilty about it? You and Sam got me out of there as soon as you could. And Bobby. Damn it, I miss him.”
“You and me, both. I still have that thought, when we run up against it, you know? We should call Bobby, see if he has anything…”
“Yeah, he’s irreplaceable, that one. Loved him like a father.”
Dean nodded, a wistful smile on his face. “Yeah.”
Journey took a long pull from her bottle and then set it on the table, reaching for Dean’s hand and clasping it between both of hers. “Okay. Small talk – check. Something’s weighing you down. Talk to me.”
“How do you always know? I never could hide shit from you.”
“Baby, your soul is in your eyes.” She tilted her head slightly, her heart smarting a little at his humorless smirk. It was so hard to see him hopeless. He looked down, his head hanging as he spoke.
“I don’t know, Journey. You know what’s been happening, right?”
“You mean the whole ‘God’s actually an asshole and he’s destroying the world’ thing? Yeah, you and Sam have kept me kind of up-to-date with your short-and-sweet phone calls. Speaking of, you know you can just call me and, you know, talk? About whatever is bothering you? Even if you can’t drive all the way to Montana.”
“I know, I do. It’s just – what is there to say?” He sighed and shifted a little in his seat. “It’s like our whole lives have been manipulated, and it feels like we didn’t really make our own choices or change a fucking thing. I feel like a damn puppet, and Chuck’s the one pulling the strings.”
“See that? Right there? That’s talking about how you feel, honey.” She squeezed his hand, and he shook his head with a sheepish grin.
“All right, all right,” he grumped, but he knew she didn’t buy it for a minute. “Just – it’s not the way I was raised, you know? We don’t whine about how we feel, we just suck it up and keep moving. Do your damn job, then move on to the next one, save as many people as we can. Sam and I, we’ve always told each other we gotta keep fighting, keep swingin’ till we can’t.” He pulled his hand away and sat up, leaning forward, elbows on knees, looking down at the floor. “But now – I don’t know, Journey, it all feels kind of pointless. I feel pointless, like I don’t fucking matter, like everything I do – everything I’ve done – it all counts for nothing.” He turned his head to look at her, the defeat and pain in his eyes making her heart ache, before he stared back down at the floor. “I haven’t made one fucking bit of difference to this world. It’s all just been fucking entertainment for a God that doesn’t give a shit. I’ve put people through hell, gotten people killed – pulled Sammy out of college, for what? Got you tortured and damn near killed, for what? The only thing I’ve given anybody unlucky enough to be around me is pain.”
“Dean Winchester.” Her voice rang out, clear and angry, and he turned his face towards her, looking for all the world like a kid who just got caught cheating by his teacher. “You listen to me, and you listen good. Your life has not been pointless. The battles you’ve fought - and won, by the way – have not been pointless. Do you have any idea how many lives you’ve touched? Fuck Chuck and whatever he did, or is doing, or will do. Fuck him. You and Sam have always written your own story. You have saved so many people, given them life and hope. Without you, they’d have been gone. There are so many people out there that wouldn’t exist if you hadn’t been around. Your priority has always been saving people, saving families from losing each other, how is that pointless?”
Dean hung his head again. “Journey...”
“Damn it, did I say I was done? You look at me, Dean Winchester.” He did as he was told, his teeth worrying at his lip. “I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t saved me. Anybody else would have just given me up for dead. You guys risked your lives for me, even though you knew I probably was dead. And I’ve seen you do it hundreds of times, for so many others. You say you haven’t made a difference, that all of that counts for nothing?” She stood up, grabbing her beer and finishing it before turning to face him, jabbing a finger in his direction. “You’re important to me, damn it! Don’t you dare take something that’s important to me and act like it doesn’t matter. Don’t you fucking dare.” Her voice wavered on the last word, her eyes brimming with angry tears. “Okay, now I’m done.” She turned on her heel, heading for the kitchen, and he heard her bottle shatter as it hit the bottom of the trash can.
He got up slowly and walked to the kitchen, standing silently in the doorway as he watched her pour whiskey into a tumbler and throw down a swallow. “So I guess it’s a whiskey visit after all, huh?” She didn’t move, so he took a breath and approached her, putting his hands on her shoulders and trailing them down her arms, then back up to squeeze gently. “You’re important to me, too.” He could feel her shaking, and he kneaded at her shoulders again. “Hey, sweetheart… Come on. Talk to me.”
“Damn you,” she whispered, turning to face him and burying her face in his chest. He held her close, his eyes closed, his fingers combing through her hair. She finally slipped her arms around his waist, and he bent to kiss the top of her head.
“I always forget how short you are,” he rumbled, and a short laugh punched its way out of her as she slapped his shoulder.
“You’re such a dick.”
He was smiling now, an impish glint in his green eyes, and he grabbed for her whiskey, draining the glass as she shouted ‘Hey!’ in protest. “So what you’re saying is that dick is important to you.”
She giggled as she finished wiping her eyes, then grabbed her glass back and poured another shot. “Now there’s my Dean.” She took another drink, then handed it to him.
He downed it in one swallow, baring his teeth with a little hiss at the burn, then brushed her hair from her face with a gentle smile. “See, that’s why I need you. You always kick my ass back into shape.” His gaze warmed as he slipped his fingers beneath the curtain of her hair and down the slope of her neck. “And you’re sexy as hell.”
A slow smile was curving her lips as she reached up to run her fingers over his well-trimmed beard. “I gotta say, I’m kind of dying to kiss you with this scruff.”
“Not sayin’ no to that,” he said gruffly, meeting her halfway, his hand cupping the back of her head and holding her close as their lips met. He slipped his other arm around her waist, crushing her to him, his tongue sweeping over her bottom lip. She sighed, letting him in, sinking into the feel and taste and smell of him after too long an absence. She smiled a little, rubbing her face against his as they kissed, and he stopped for a moment, smiling down at her.
“It’s softer than I thought,” she whispered between his nibbles of her lips.
“Wanna feel it, you know, other places?” he mumbled, laughing soft and low at her shiver.
“Oh, yeah. That sounds… yeah.”
He grabbed her close again and kissed her, steering her backwards towards the door. They kissed their way through the living room, down the hall, giggling as they bounced off walls and missed doorways, finally finding their way to the bedroom. Dean let her go, his smile fading as he reached for the hem of her t-shirt. She raised her arms and let him pull it over her head, then drop it to the ground. “God, I’ve missed you,” he said softly, running his fingertips over the swell of her breast almost reverently.
“I’ve been right here,” she answered, her eyes drifting closed as he unhooked the front clasp of her bra and swept the lacy obstruction aside. He captured a nipple gently between his thumb and forefinger, giving it a little tug before covering her with one large hand, kneading at her with a moan. She whispered his name, her fingers working at the button and zipper of her jeans and then reaching for his.  She gave him a little push and shoved the rest of her clothing off, kicking it away and reaching to pull his shirt up. “Naked. Now.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She took his hand as he finished stripping down, pulling him towards the bed. “Come here and show me how much you missed me,” she said with a mischievous smile, laying back and scooting to the middle of the bed.
He let out a low growl, climbing over her and kissing her senseless before moving to her neck, her shoulder, and across her chest, stopping to rub his beard on her skin and making her giggle again. That stopped with a surprised little yelp as he sucked a nipple into his mouth, tweaking the other between his fingers until she was writhing beneath him. He pulled off with a soft ‘pop,’ laving over the stiff bud with his tongue one more time for good measure. “I’ll be right back, just gotta go for a little bit,” he teased, kissing his way down her body and sucking a mark on her belly, looking up at her and wiggling his eyebrows. “So I can find my way back.”
She shook her head, laughing, her fingers running through his hair. “You are the silliest, sexiest man I’ve ever met.”
“Don’t you forget it,” he said, then made her inhale sharply as he nipped at the crease of her thigh. He kissed and nibbled there until she was sighing and squirming, then kissed his way over the scars on her left leg, top to bottom and back up again. He raised his head, looking into her eyes for a long moment before bending to place a soft, lingering kiss at the top of her mound, then working his way down slowly.
He let out a satisfied hum as he settled between her thighs, wriggling a little to settle in, placing soft, sucking kisses all over before sweeping his tongue through her folds. Her fingers tightened in his hair and he moaned, licking harder and flicking the tip of his tongue over her clit, making her jump. He took his time tasting, teasing, laving at her entrance until she whined his name, then plunging his tongue in deep. When he had explored her thoroughly with his tongue, he pulled back, swiping the back of his hand across his face as he watched her gasp for breath, her head pressed back into the pillow. “So fucking beautiful, Journey,” he said softly, his hands kneading at her thighs. He moved one hand to her pussy, working one finger, then two, inside her, pumping in and out slowly. She moaned as he found her sweet spot, and he smiled, aiming his thrusts against it and bending to suck her clit into his mouth.
Dean braced his forearm across her belly as she bucked beneath him, working at her relentlessly until she shouted his name, her entire body quaking. He only let up when she gripped his hair, pushing at him to stop, struggling for the breath to speak. “Dean… I guess… you really did miss me...”
He bent to grab his shirt from the floor, scrubbing it across his face, and then moving back over her with a grin. “I really did.” He started nibbling his way back up, kissing the soft skin of her belly and taking his sweet time, until Journey’s patience gave out and she sat up, surprising him. When he looked up, she planted her lips on his and went to town, wrenching a moan from him as she fondled what she could reach of his cock.
She finally pulled her lips from his, leaving him with a little suck on the tip of his tongue. “Get up here and finish what you started, Winchester. I need you inside me, now.”
His eyes were practically glowing with heat as he watched her lay back again. “Yeah? Want me to fill you up, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” She was practically whining now, and she pouted prettily, making him laugh. “Stop teasing, Dean.”
His erection prodded at her center as he covered her with his body, kissing her hungrily. “I need to be inside you, too,” he said in a low growl, raising back up to press forward. His eyes closed as he bottomed out, his face working as she pulsed and fluttered around him, slowly adjusting to him as he held himself in deep. “Fuck, you feel so good, baby, squeezing me tight,” he groaned, and she whimpered softly at his words. He hooked an arm beneath the knee of her good leg, pulling back and then driving home, and she arched her back and cursed, begging him not to stop.
“Fuck!! Please, Dean, please, don’t stop, fuck me, Dean, please...”
“Oh, you got it, gorgeous, hold on...” he said with clenched teeth, burying his face in her neck and hammering into her fast and hard. After a few strokes, her cries melded into one long keening wail, punctuated with Dean’s grunts and groans of exertion, and the sound of their bodies colliding with each  savage thrust. One last broken cry left her lips as her muscles seized, frozen for a split second before her orgasm sent delicious fire through every nerve, her body shaking, and Dean shouted as she pulsed and clenched around him. “Fuck! Fuck, honey, fuckfuckfuck...” he gritted out, and then he was coming, fierce and hard, his teeth clamping down for a moment on the curve of her neck.
“Ow.” She whispered it, then laughed softly as he began to kiss over the bite, apologizing breathlessly.
“Sorry, baby, I didn’t mean…”
“Dean, I’m fine, it’s fine. Just stung a little when you let go.” She let her fingers trail down his back, smiling as he rolled his head enough to look into her face.
“Damn near killed me, woman.”
She giggled again, leaning over to kiss his damp forehead. “You’ve survived worse.”
He smiled a lazy, sated smile and moved in for a kiss. “Baby, you are the best. So pretty much everything is worse in comparison.” His kiss was warm, his lips caressing hers in a way that was sending her heart rate upward again, and she stared up at him, breathless, as he pulled back. His green eyes were searching hers, his hand coming up to sweep her hair back and cup the side of her face. “Come back with me, Journey.”
“What?” Her eyes widened a little in surprise, and he leaned back in for another kiss.
“I mean it. Come back with me.”
He fell into silence for a moment, then leaned in to kiss her forehead before moving away from her, dropping down beside her on the bed. “I know, that was a lot to ask. I mean, you ran all the way to Montana to get away.”
“I know what happened to you… it was bad. We almost lost you, that scared the shit out of me, and Sam, and I know it was worse for you. I don’t blame you for leaving. And I don’t blame you for wanting to make a new start. That’s why I tried to stay away as much I could.”
She turned to her side, her eyes brimming with tears. “Is that what you think? That I ran away from you?” He didn’t look at her, just gave a little shrug, a sad quirk of a smile on his face for a second before he began to gnaw at his lip. “Dean? Baby, look at me. Please?” He finally turned his head towards her, and she swiped impatiently at the tear that overflowed at the look on his face. “I didn’t… that isn’t why. I mean, yeah, I needed a break. But when my friend Mel called, asked me to run his place when he got sick, I couldn’t say no. And then he left the damn bar to me in his will, and I just – put down roots, I guess.” She sniffed, blinking the tears away determinedly as she continued. “And honestly? I thought you moved on, pretty much. I mean, I didn’t hear from you for months. I think it was over a year before you showed up here. And this time? Dean, I haven’t seen you in almost five years! And now you tell me it’s because you thought I didn’t want you around?”
“I just figured you were better off.”
“Right. I never went through weeks and months and years of listening for the sound of that Impala, or your boots walking across the porch, just wishing I could see you. Never fell into bed with you at the drop of a hat the few times you did show up, because I needed you so damn bad. Never cried myself stupid for days after you left because I knew it might have been the last time.” She stifled a quiet sob, forcing it into submission before she went on. “I’m so stupid. I should have told you how I felt.”
“I should have told you, too. I should’ve asked you to come back a long time ago. I was just afraid you’d say no. At least this way, I still had you once in a while.”
“Fine. So we’re both stupid.”
He huffed out a rueful laugh. “Yeah. I guess we are.” He turned towards her, his eyes searching her face. “Well, I’m tired of being stupid. I’m tired of missing you. I’m tired of wishing you were there every time I crash at night. I’m tired of pretending to myself that I don’t need you.” Her eyes were sparkling with tears as she let him continue, her hand reaching up to take hold of his and hug it to her chest. “Listen. I don’t know if the world’s gonna end bloody, or if we’ll figure something out and just keep grindin’ like we always do. I’ve got no idea. But, whatever way this all goes, I want to spend what time I have left – however much that is - with you.” A tear escaped, and he kissed it away before capturing her lips in his, gentle and warm. She smiled softly at him as he raised his head, and his words tumbled out in a rush. “I know, it’s a lot to ask, and if you’d rather stay miles away from this whole mess, I get it. I mean, I know it’s not...”
“Dean.” She put a finger to his lips, and they curved in a sheepish little smile before he kissed her fingertip. “Are you gonna let me talk?”
He ducked his head and looked up with an abashed smirk. “Sorry. What did you want to say?”
“How much time do I have to pack?”
   @saenalife​    @deanscarlett​    @jensensgotyoudean​    @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis​    @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​    @geeklibrarian​    @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid​    @aprofoundbondwithdean​    @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​    @mrswhozeewhatsis​    @littlegreenplasticsoldier​    @sleep-silent-angel​    @darcia22​    @winchesterprincessbride​    @cavillanche​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​    @eyes-of-a-disney-princess​      @deanslittleangel2y5​    @melanie451​    @lovin-ackles​    @spectaculacular-sammy​     @bookchic20​    @jodyri​    @selma-jean​           @savingapplepie-eatingthings​    @angelofwinchester17​    @kittenofdoomage​    @masked-maiden42​    @lean-mean-deanwinchester​    @ericuhlorain​    @undecided-garden​    @ceeceewinchester​    @typicalweirdbookworm​          @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit​    @youtoldalie​    @tanithlowisabamf​    @deandoesthingstome​    @jxackles​    @nerdwholikesword​    @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic​    @kreweofimp​  @gabavaldman​    @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog​    @darkx143​    @disassociativedogma​    @ioanashalala​    @jencharlan​    @deansthirstblog​     @dorky-and-i-know-it​    @mischief-maker1​    @hamartiamacguffin    @winchestersandwordprocessors​    @percussiongirl2017​    @bringmesomepie56​   @akshi8278​    @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​    @torn-and-frayed​    @sandlee44​  @kathaswings  @wingedcatninja​  @evansrogerskitten​   @emoryhemsworth​  @peaceinourtime82​
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infernobot · 3 years
By InfernoBot
I had just finished recording, and was carrying my dog in from the office, when my mom handed me an envelope. Once I had my sweet pupper nestled into a blanket, I joined her on the couch and slit open my mysterious delivery. Inside was no note, just a brochure to something called ‘Furnal Equinox’ and an accompanying plastic badge bearing the image of a anthropomorphic dog, (maybe it was a wolf), wearing a graduation cap and gown.
As my eyes scanned the glossy pages, my excitement grew; some lovely person had sent me a weekend pass to a furry convention! This was my big chance to make a video detailing my adventures through a mass gathering of one of the internet’s most maligned and misunderstood subcultures. Over the coming weeks, I studied the brochure, read up on the panelists online, noted every question about the furry fandom that popped into my head. My itinerary for the whole weekend was mapped out. 
Super chats and KoFi tips managed to cover the cost of a bottom-barrel airline ticket, and I got a great deal on an Air B&B from a charming indiginous woman named Semide, whose sisters had enrolled in college and left their rooms vacant. She was even kind enough to include meals as part of the deal. The weekend of the con finally rolled around; I threw my things in a bag and I was off to Toronto.
Eighteen hours and three layovers later, I was sitting at my host’s kitchen table with a warm towel draped over the back of my neck, sipping a cup of coffee. It turned out Semide was a naturopathic healer and knew some kickin’ remedies for aches, pains and jet lag. I don’t put much stock in essential oils, but damn if I didn’t wake up feeling fresh and ready to face the day the next morning. The convention was being held on the waterfront about nine blocks from Semide’s place, not too bad for a walk, and I reckoned I could make the trek each day. 
I left late in the morning, well after the con had opened. No sense waiting in line, I figured. It was three blocks from the Westin Harbor Castle, when I saw the first fursuit. 
There was no explaining the rush of exhilaration I felt. This was real. This was happening. I was gradually being surrounded by dozens of people decked out in bright, elaborate costumes. Some that couldn’t afford full suits wore just heads and gloves, giving a ghoulish Frankenstein’s monster appearance to their character. Or the wolf-man caught mid transformation after being bitten by a neon fox in a rainbow pride shirt. The less daring, or particularly destitute, settled for headbands with animal ears and strap-on tails. 
Waiting to cross the last street, I was elbow to elbow with a giant Sonic the Hedgehog and a seven-foot tall purple giraffe sporting a quadruple-XL adult diaper. Something told me before the weekend was over, that particular garment would get filled. Before I could contemplate the logistics further, the light changed and the extremely polite, if curiously dressed herd moved into the street and we sorted into a semblance of a line being steadily processed through the doors into the main convention hall. I was in.
The lead-up to the main event hadn’t prepared me for what lay inside. A teenage girl in a ‘volunteer’ shirt thrust an opaque plastic bag into my hands before Big The Cat shoved me aside and began professing his undying love for her beauty. I stumbled into the row of booths on the main floor, further progress blocked by an electric green armadillo strumming an acoustic guitar with a stuffed fish tucked in the strings. 
This was it, I weaved my way between con-goers and took it all in. Clip-on LED cat ears. A custom-fit fang booth. Stacks of comics focused on humanoid animals. Racks upon racks of faux-leather collars and leashes. The waifu pillows. I pulled my phone from my pocket and approached the nearest open booth.
Time for an interview, I thought.
Eight hours, two energy drinks and a box of granola bars later, I was dead on my feet. There was no way of knowing how many people I’d talked to as the day progressed. Or just how strange my conversations had become. I think I spoke at length with Cool Cat about the merits of various vape pens, despite the fact I don’t smoke. But it hadn’t all been nonsense. 
Before I had degenerated into a gibbering wreck, I had chanced to be standing beside a fountain near the food court and heard a familiar warbling voice behind me. To my great delight, when I turned around I found a young woman with jet black hair, a hawaiian shirt and a black & yellow long-Furby draped over her shoulders; I instantly recognized her as Teya from Strange Aeons. After she’d finished speaking to her friend, I politely tapped her on the arm and introduced myself. She turned out to be super cool, excited to meet another youtube creator, and talked to me for about ten minutes as her girlfriend went off to wait in line for the bathroom. 
While most of our conversation centered around videos and our special boy Greg, my eyes kept getting drawn back to Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge. His black and yellow checkered belly, his luxurious black fur, those piercing green eyes; it was all so captivating. I couldn’t quit looking at the charm necklace below his little yellow beak spelling out his name; Thursday. Eventually, I complimented her on her videos and her handsome long-son one last time and we parted ways. It had been a pleasant break, but even here, the persistent strains of Insane Clown Posse that permeated the space were grating on my nerves. 
When the time had come for all the furry folk to close up shop and head home, I staggered out into the street with all the lingering con-goers. Despite the initial culture shock, most of the people I’d met had been great. I could stand here, elbow to elbow with ponies, foxskies, giant pomeranians and adorable cat girl maids on the steps of Westin Harbor Castle, and just enjoy the last moments of the sun setting over Toronto. That is until the moment was shattered by an obnoxious voice that sounded more like it belonged outside a Patriots game accompanied by the echo of shattering beer bottles. 
“Now that the party’s over, we can get down to the afterparty at my place; which of you bitches wants to come home with me?”
My head swiveled like a tank turret toward the source of the voice, my face bearing the expression which must have read did this motherfucker just?
A man-child wearing a My Little Pony t-shirt that had been stretched over his prodigious girth, a pair of denim jorts hanging past his knees and sweat-stained socks encased in mandles, slid his oily bulk up behind a group of teenage girls dressed as some kind of anime cat maids. He leaned his acne-studded face in close to them and said, “Since you’re dressed as maids, how about I take you home and make you change my cumm-y bedsheets after a night of passionate love-making.” 
The overly-polite locals may have been in shock, but I knew a neckbeard when I saw one and knew immediately what to do.
“How ‘bout you back the fuck off bro, they’re kids.”
Maybe he wasn’t expecting resistance, but he seemed genuinely taken aback by someone speaking up. Once he got a look at me, he re-adjusted his fedora and stared me down. I admit, I might not look terribly intimidating; bulky, but not muscular, with my hair dyed bright teal and swept to one side. At least I had on a Pink Floyd t-shirt, that felt a little like a layer of protection against his fed-aura. He drew in a snot-choked breath and continued,
“They’re dressed as the maids from Painappuru No Oshiri, they’re harem girls that’re totally thirsty for the main character. Each maid is eager to bend over and present their ripe ruby star-fruit to their master. They’re, like, practically advertising how much they want it in the ass.”
“Why don’t you leave them alone, fuckmuppet?” I retorted. “You look like you're forty and they’re a bunch of teen girls.”
He was not pleased with my argument. The group of cat-maidens had shaken off their surprise and closed ranks. But they weren’t ready when he lunged forward and grabbed at the petticoat of the red cat-maid on the outside, lifting her skirts up to expose the shorts underneath.
“It’s not even a chick, it’s a dude. Chill out.”
A glance at the cosplayer’s face revealed a mask of burning red embarrassment, fear and confusion. Their friends were moving to grab at the neckbeard’s hand, but I was quicker. I swatted his arm like I was chopping down the internet itself and pushed right up in his face. Practically nose-to-nose, I couldn’t avoid the stench of fermented funyuns rolling off his breath.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off of them.”
His chins quivered slightly. 
“Oh, you wanna start something, Rainbow Brite? I bet you like it in the ass, prancy-boy.”
“For a supposedly straight guy, you sure are obsessed with getting your dick in a guy’s butt.”
The flab of his cheeks reddened to match his acne.
“You’re gonna regret that. I’m a man with a very particular set of skills…”
I cut him off; I didn’t have the patience for a real-life copy pasta.
“Is one of your skills getting punched by me? Cause if you keep talking, you’re going to be teaching a master class.”
I could feel that neckbeardy-bravado wavering. Perhaps he could sense the crowd around us had turned against him, moving to shield the cat-maids and staring daggers into his lumpy flesh. With one last snotty huff, he turned and stormed away; the sound of his mandles slapping on the concrete echoed off the face of the convention center. 
A group of several of the more adulty-er people had ringed the victims and were doing their best to calm them down. I shuffled over and started to apologize for the beardo’s behavior, when the red cat-maid began thanking me profusely and asked for a hug. Apparently, this was not the first time their group had been approached at the convention. We stood around chatting for a while, and they promised to check Evangelion when they got home. Once the cat-maids were safely in their Lyft, I waved them goodbye and turned to make my journey home for the night.
I started back up the street I'd taken this morning, but as I approached the doorway to a grimey building, I became aware of a fully-suited Yogi Bear propositioning a man dressed like Linda-Carter-era Wonder Woman. I was pretty wiped out and didn’t have it in me to process an altercation like this if they noticed me and instead took an abrupt right turn down an alley, intending to zig-zag back to my Air B&B. 
I was nearly out the other side when my ears picked up the slapping of mandles on pavement rushing up behind me. A searing pain burst into existence in my lower back, like someone put a cigarette out on my spine. 
I went down, hard. 
The mylar swag bag I’d been swinging around all day splashed into a puddle off to one side. I was barely able to heave myself over onto my back to get a look at my attacker. It was him. The Neckbeard. He stood over me, grinning, his yellowed teeth visible in the night. The little black box in his hand flickered with a blue spark as he triggered the taser again.
“Heh heh. You like that, princess? I aimed a little high so I wouldn’t damage your sweet ass.”
“Fuck….you….” I gasped out through the pain. My muscles were cramping like someone had dug a burning fork into my lower back and twisted it up like a plate of spaghetti. 
“Heh. You’re the one taking it in the ass, rainbow bitch.” He stepped over me, squatting like a linebacker, bringing the taser close to my face. “Maybe I’ll push this in your eyeball and see if I can make it boil.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of movement between his legs. Something thin and dark darted up from the shadows, toward his exposed back. He let out a cry of surprise, and shot upright, swinging his arms wildly behind him, grabbing at something. He hopped wildly from foot-to-foot across the alley, the tail hanging from the back of his pants swaying wildly with the movement. I thought it was weird I hadn’t noticed the tail before, especially with how long it was, practically sweeping the ground. The fuzzy black appendage was moving...wrong. It kept curling up and twisting out of his hands as he grasped at it, almost as if it were...alive. 
“Oh Goddamnit!” He screamed. “What the fuck, dude?!” 
He dropped the taser and got a grip on the tail with both hands, tugging on it. A ripping sound echoed through the alley as the seat of his pants tore out. The thing was, the tail wasn’t attached to his pants, it was going in through his pants, nestled between his prodigious posterior cheeks like one of those fetish plugs. As he violently jerked it side-to-side, it was ripping at the fabric of his trousers, the same went for his less-than-tidey whiteys. 
“Get this fucking thing off of me!” He howled. 
He grunted as the tail slipped his fingers and wriggled another foot inside him. Tears were welling up in his eyes and he collapsed back against a green dumpster. Like a man who had gambled on a street taco truck and lost, he bit his knuckle and gripped his abdomen through his stained t-shirt. It might have been a trick of the light, but I swear I could see his belly distend and squirm; the words ‘Friendship Is Magic’ bulging as something rolled under them. 
His mandles dug into the alley grime as he feebly kicked his legs, and I could only watch in disgust as the rest of the fuzzy, black, thing slithered up inside him, forcibly dilating his leather cheerio. It was incredible. I could actually see its progress as it wormed its way through his body. He blubbered something about God and Jesus as his hand clawed frantically at his own belly, before his voice abruptly went silent. 
There was a long, drawn-out wheezing sound, like one of those novelty rubber chickens, as the bulk of the thing moved up his throat. I don’t know how his flesh distended and deformed without bursting, but it reached his mouth and his jaw opened wide. First one small black, fuzzy ear lined with black and yellow plaid popped up, then another, followed by the crown of this thing’s head, pushing his teeth outward like flower petals blooming. 
It rose before me, straight up from his mouth, its black and yellow belly slick, but not stained by his juices. His dislodged teeth clung to its matted fur like an obscene necklace. It swayed slightly in the moonlight, a pair of luminous green eyes fixed on mine, and its beak opened. With the rising inflection of someone asking a question, it uttered one word: 
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onehellofanaskblog · 4 years
When will I learn that shitty boys grow into shitty men? A creep from my highschool that my last convo with him involved him asking for nudes somehow reached out to me and acted all nice right? So I thought hey, maybe homeboy's grown tf up since I went to college and apparently he went to the army? But nope, he played nice then told me he always had a 'crush' on me then proceeded to get more and more sexual and wouldn't stop after I told him to, hes blocked now but I feel icky and used ��
“I am absolutely baffled by the men you all seem to interact with,” Tovar says. “People such as him need to be taught manners. I’d be happy to deliver the lesson.”
“I genuinely don’t understand why people don’t understand ‘no,’“ Javi groans. “I’m sorry that happened.”
Max shakes his head. “I’ll kick his ass.”
“Some people just don’t know when to drop the subject,” Ezra says. “I hope you know that it wasn’t your fault, and if anyone should feel ‘icky’ about it, it’s him.”
“I will also join in kickin’ his ass,” Jack says.
“Unless someone gives you very compelling evidence they’ve changed, I recommend not inviting them back into your life if they’ve somehow wronged you,” Maxwell says. “Don’t be hard on yourself about it, though.”
Oberyn looks pretty angry. “You don’t deserve such treatment,” he says.
Din looks around the room for a moment. “I think we’ve well established that all of us are willing to knock some sense into these kinds of people.”
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blackbcrry · 4 years
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( 𝗠𝗜𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗘𝗩𝗔𝗡𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗛𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 , 𝗖𝗜𝗦 𝗠𝗔𝗟𝗘 , 𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗕𝗘𝗥𝗥𝗬 ) . welcome to aida&stefano , 𝘾𝘼𝙎𝙃 𝘽𝘼𝙄𝙇𝙀𝙔 ! thank you for choosing to stay here. in this form it says that you go by 𝙃𝙀 / 𝙃𝙄𝙈 pronouns , you’re 𝙏𝙒𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙔-𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀 years old , you’re originally from 𝙒𝙄𝙉𝘿𝙎𝙊𝙍 , 𝙉𝙊𝙑𝘼 𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙏𝙄𝘼 , and you’ve been staying here for 𝙏𝙒𝙊 𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙆𝙎. it also says you’re known to be + 𝙋𝙀𝙍𝘾𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙑𝙀 , but also - 𝙍𝙀𝙏𝙄𝘾𝙀𝙉𝙏. that really shouldn’t be a problem though. check in at the front , hope you enjoy your stay ! trophies collecting dust , the smell of fresh ice , looking over your shoulder for something that isn’t there , rising before the dawn , john mulaney’s dad ordering “ one black coffee ” at mcdonald’s .
listen, a bunch of this is copy pasted from my app okay KDAJF so no one clock me. i’m emily, i’m 22 years old, i use she / her pronouns, and i’m currently vibing in est ! here’s a lil rundown on my fave moody king, CASH ! yes, that is his name. no, i will not be taking constructive criticism at this time
april & jake bailey met on a warm june night, only a week after jake won his first stanley cup ring. he was well on his way to a prolific career in the NHL, and the only thing missing was someone to share it with. they married a year later, on the anniversary of their first meeting. everybody say awwww
april was #Obsessed w old time country, so ofc instead of naming her son johnny or smth she was like u know what ? CASH. so now we have mr cash money himself coming into the world 
cash was born in windsor, nova scotia aka the birthplace of ice hockey !! like okay ... we get it ... ur a jock 
as expected, he was a hockey boy from day ONE and he got his dad’s hall-of-fame genes, so he was skating circles around all the other kids by the time he was like 8 years old
from there he got wooed by like 42986032985 nhl teams throughout his teens, finally signing a contract w his dad’s former team the chicago blackhawks ! 
he had a grand old time ok he was livin large and kickin ass for a good few seasons, and in his fourth season w the team he even made it to the stanley cup finals !!! 
rip tho bc that night he walked away with a stanley cup ring and a terminated contract
he got a Bad injury that night that left him w/out eighteen degrees of peripheral sight in his right eye which ... is like just lowkey annoying in daily life but for hockey it was career ending :/
cash ended up getting a job as a commentator but it Wasn’t The Same u know he missed being in the middle of the action
so after a couple seasons he said #Yeet and booked himself a ticket to italy to go find himself ! now we’re comin at u live and in stereo from aida&stefano baby baby !
he’s only been here like two weeks so u know. vibing
a moody bitch™
doesn’t like to open up At All like… he didn’t go to college but if some orientation leader type was like okay time for icebreakers !! he’d be like no ❤️
if provoked, doesn’t give a shit about keeping the peace. he will fight you. he will fight your mother. he will fight your uncle’s dog’s brother’s cousin. he probably sported a black eye at least once a week in his heyday of playing hockey, which is like… pretty on brand for that anyway so
even though he’s moody and grumpy he doesn’t like… hide away in the corner or anything, he actually is a decent conversationalist ? but straight up will not reveal Anything about himself in the course of the conversation and you won’t realize until the conversation is over
gruff as hell with a pretty smile 😌
drinks black coffee and i hate him for it. Disgusting
used to be pretty ambitious & wanted to be captain of his team someday, but now… he’s not sure what to do, so he has a lot of pent-up drive and nowhere to put it
he always got up suuuuper early to get on the ice for practice and has never quite broken that habit so like. catch him sitting in the hostel kitchen in the DARK at like 5 am like a fucking creep with his black coffee
the embodiment of “i do not want to be perceived”
note that cash has only been here for a couple weeks so ik a lot of plots won’t be too deep yet !! these r just some ideas of vibes to get the ball rolling
future ride or die vibes — cash isn’t really a People Person but ! maybe he’s just vibed w someone really intensely since day numero uno my dude
drunk vibes — maybe one of them wouldn’t be caught dead with the other sober, maybe they simply Don’t interact sober… who knows but either way they’re only pals with a few drinks in em !
marshmallow vibes — not everyone can b angry all the time u know he has to be a lil soft for someone at some point
one night stand vibes — listen. no one @ me. NO ONE !!!!!!! don’t ❤️
bro fuck ur bad vibes — he’s annoying as hell, so… someone’s gotta hate him sdkgj. be mean to him i dare u ! do it. i’m asking u to. he will definitely be mean back but shit happens baby baby
that’s all folks ! plot w me xoxo
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dcusrclicta · 5 years
Character Bios
Parenthesis means they have a Harry Potter AU verse 
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Name: Severus Tobias Snape Year: Cute. House: Slytherin Blood Status: Befouler Antichrist Eye colour: Cobalt nowadays Age: Old enough to say no. Birthdate: 1/9 Height: 6′7 Patronus: Horned Viper Description: I still hate my job. I still hate people. I’m just immortal now. Please leave my office & don’t touch anything on your way out.
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Name: Brittnay Matthews Year: College Junior (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 21 Birthdate:  6/15 Height: 5′5 (Patronus: Pitbull) Description: Cross me & I’ll hurt you. Otherwise I’m Brittnay Matthews you’re new best friend. People think I’m arrogant but in reality they’re angry I’m better than them. I used to go to Overland Park high school. I’m glad I don’t anymore.
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Name: Rhaegar Daeron Targaryen (Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Violet Age: 34 Nameday: All I remember was being born in the high summer Height: 7’1 (Patronus: Hungarian Horntail) Description: I’m believed to be dead. Walking about when one is believed to be dead is actually quite boring no matter how much it may benefit the Realm. I do admit I made. Many mistakes however in my defence not all prophecies are interpreted in a straight forward manner. I did better than any of you would have in the situation so save your criticism for until you watch a man identical to you get his chest caved in by a war hammer.
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Name: Lilith “Lily” Sophie Evans Year: Graduated/Verse Dependant House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon/Witch Eye colour: Green/Blue/ Sometimes they go crimson. Age: Doesn’t matter. I won’t die. Birthdate: 1/30 Height: 5’3 Patronus: Bold of you to assume I have one  Description: My sister was right. I’m a freak. Even my parents saw something... Wrong in me when I was younger. They tried to pretend I was fine. ”Just a few odd occurrences here & there.” Until an older boy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself suddenly found that a hand could very easily be turned inside out. In the long run it was a good result. They found quite a bit of child pornography in his little hovel of a bedroom. My parents knew I did it but couldn’t quite figure out how until the Hogwarts letter came. They were both horrified & relieved. But to make a long story short. Once I met Severus Snape & we put our interest in the Dark Arts together... I got WORSE. & it felt good. I became addicted to the draw of dark magic, occult magic in particular & now Tom Riddle wants me to tell him what I said to Lucifer to get this new body. I might tell him if he begs in the right tone.
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Name: Brahms Hillshire Blood Status: Half-demon Eye colour: Green Age: 16 Birthdate: Don’t care Height: 5′11 Description: I’m a child serial killer. I want to play around in your innards. & blood. I want to play around in your blood too.
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Name: “Andrew” Antisepticeye McLoughlin Blood Status: Computer Virus Entity/Demon Eye colour: Lime Green Age: 29 (Existing for 3) Birthdate: 10/10 Height: N/A Description: It’s better if ya dun run. It’ll just drag et out. Plus sometimes ya lot chip my knife on one of yer stupid bones. & I dun really li’e runnin much ta be honest.
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Name: Chase Brody Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Blue Age: 29 Birthdate: 4/11 Height: 5′10 Description: Hey bros! I’m Chase! Uh, some of ya already know tha! Anti brought me here! He said it’d be fun an’ I trus’ ‘im! I swear ‘e’s actually always been kinda nice ta me! Besides the ‘ole threatenin’ the kids thin’ but we’re frien’s now! He says he’ll teach me how ta shoot a real gun someday!
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Name: Brian Griffin Blood Status: Dog(?) Eye colour: Green Age: ??? Birthdate: ??? Height: 6′4 Description: I used to be an alcoholic dog. Now I’m an alcoholic. Not much to say after something like that happens. I’m really confused to be frank. Maybe now I can actually get someone to take me seriously & publish my book.
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Name: Carlos De Vil (Year: Sixth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Half-demon/ Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 16 Birthdate: 3/20 Height: 5′7 (Patronus: Red Fox) Description: Hi, I’m Carlos & life is pain, only valid things in this world are only science & Evie Grimhilde, bye. Gemini De Vil is my midget brother who I love. Devil De Vil is my crazy ass dad. My mom is dead, thanks for asking.
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Name: Danny Flint Blood Status: Shade Eye colour: Grey Age: Old Nameday: ? Height: 5′4 Description: Being dead was less droll.  
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Name: Eileen Tabitha Prince Snape Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Pureblood Poltergeist Eye colour: Black Age: Well. I died at 35 so let’s go with that Birthdate: 12/18 Height: 6’11  (Used to be 6'6 but I had this weird growth spurt two days before I died.) Patronus: Didn’t have one apparently
Description: … I really don’t have anything to say to you. I died, I decided I wanted to come back. Er. Awkwardly enough the old castle I was haunting is now inhabited by my son and his family. They’re all really bloody loud. No wonder the rest of the ghosts make so much noise back. And no. I have not introduced myself to any of them. I mean. Sometimes I talk to ‘em but I’ve never gotten an answer. Plus unlike most of the floating assholes here I’d much rather keep to myself, thank you.
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Name: Griffin “Finn” Merterns Blood Status: Human(?) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: 3/14 Height: 6′3 Description: Hey bros! I’m Finn, a radical kid that makes it his business to help people out and kickin’ monster tail! Mostly when I’m not doin’ that I’m chillin’ it up with my bro Jake in the tree house so as long as you’re not some wacko monster that wants to eat up my face you can swing by and we can fire up BMO or something.
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Name: Henry Harry Jameson Hook (Year: Slytherin) (House: Seventh) Blood Status: Half-demon/Sorcerer Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 10/23 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Savannah cat) Description: All it takes is one wrong look & I’ll EVISCERATE ya... Taken by Uma daughter of Ursula. Ya want me? Ya have ta ask her permission & pray she likes ya & is in a SHARIN’ mood. Jamie Hook is me mum an’ she taugh’ me all I know about bein’ scary. Me da??? He’s a dumbass.
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Name: Karl Vreski (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 (Typically) Birthdate: 10/25 Height: 6′1 (Patronus: Jackal)
Description: I’m Karl. Lacrosse. Tacos. Boxing. American football. Whatever activity that involves either Hans Gruber or hitting something? I like it. Tony’s alright. Good brother at least. Not at all annoying like the normal younger sibling M.O. Far nicer than me. I’ll likely end up being a lawyer same as my father. Boring but Hans and I are already working at the damn firm so it’s an easy job. I’m sure Hans’ll come up with a more fun idea. He always does.
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Name: Tony Vreski (House: Hufflepuff) (Year: Seventh) Blood Status: Poltergeist (Pureblood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 (Typically) Birthdate: 9/3 Height: 5′10 (Patronus: Rooster)
Description: I’m Tony… I uh. I play some football. Real football not American. I’m Karl’s younger brother and… To be honest Hans scares me a little bit even if we’re all like brothers… Uh more often than not I just go along with their crazy plans because. Well because my brother says it’ll be fun. And. It usually is. Even if some of it’s a little illegal.
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Name: Loki Friggason (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: God of Mischief & Chaos Eye colour: Green Age: Don’t be rude. Birthdate: Mind your business Height: 6′0 (Patronus: Corn snake) Description: I am Loki of Asgard. & I’m so fucking tired of all the gards.
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Name: Beverly Marsh Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/26 Height: 5′3
Description: I’m Bev. Looked into that stupid clown’s deadlights & lived. I’ll be a loser to the end & I’m honestly real proud of that. Losers have no where to go but up, after all.
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Name: Marceline Abadeer Blood Status: Vampire Demon Eye colour: Green Age: 1003, Approximately Birthdate: Unknown Height: 5′9 (Various) Description: Marceline the Vampire Queen, dude. Sure you’ve heard of me before so I wouldn’t be surprised to see you shaking in your boots right about now. Been traveling and terrorising the Land of Ooo for a while now though it’s nothing too irreversible. Mostly I’m just a radical dame that likes to play games as a very special someone once said about me.
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Name: Nathan Clarke (Year: I died in seventh) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: (Verse dependent) Poltergeist (Half-blood) Eye colour: Blue Age: 17 Birthdate: 8/13 Height: 6′2 (Patronus: Some squiggly thing I dunno) Description: Hi I’m Nathan & I wanna die... Haha gottem!
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Name: Richmond Richie Wentworth Tozier Blood Status: Human Eye colour: Caribbean Green Age: 14 Birthdate: 8/10 Height: 5′10  Description: I’m only afraid of werewolves & girls with eyes that are hard to not get lost in.
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Name: Robyn Black Robin Blood Status: Poltergeist Eye colour: Hazel Age: Hm Nameday: Some far off winter Height: 6′5 Description:  “The Gods above all knew his crimes The lord read off his lists The Gods above all knew his crimes The men's hands balled to fists His legs they kicked, they jerked, then slowed The crowd not once did cheer His legs they slowed, then finally stopped The crowd not once did jeer”
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Name: Sadie O’Connell Blood Status: ??? Eye colour: Blue Age: 19 Birthdate: I don’t remember Height: 5′6 Description: I tried to kill myself over a boy who didn’t love me back. Someone brought me back & now here I am, I guess.
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Name: Scorpio Felix Sepelio Tobias Exodus Snape Blood Status: Vampire Eye colour: One is jade one is cobalt and they swap sides frequently Age: 91 Died at 36 and it’s been a while. You do the math, mate. Birthdate: 11/10 Height: 5’3
Description: Surprise bitches. I bet you all thought I was dead…In a matter of speaking that’s still accurate. The greasy little snot did indeed best me when I was human. I respect that victory &even though I miss them.. My children don’t need me. I wasn’t good to them when they did. I doubt they’re aware I came back and I’ll keep it that way for all our sakes. There’s no point in asking me how exactly I returned to life. I don’t know and I don’t particularly care. Maybe Hell just can’t handle me yet.
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Name: Thomas Marvolo Riddle Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Blood Status: Demon Fledging Eye colour: Blue Age: Rude. Birthdate: 12/31 Height: 6′4 Patronus: Hmmm, my little secret. Description: Join my cult. Satanism is actually very beneficial if you’re respectful. No. You don’t have to slit your wrist to join... Please. Stop slitting your wrists to join.
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Name: King Aerys Targaryen Second of His Name King of the Andals & the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms & Protector of the Realm (Year: Graduated) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: Human Mine is the blood of Old Valyria (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: Hm. Nameday: High summer.  Height: 6′8 (Patronus: Gila Monster) Description: Burn them all.
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Name: Ser Jaime Lannister (Year: Graduated) (House: Hufflepuff) Blood Status: Shade (Pureblood) Eye colour: Green Age: I’m dead. Sorry. Nameday: Does it matter? Height: 5′6 (Patronus: Munchkin Cat) Description: I stayed loyal to the Targaryens & they won. But I died when Robert Baratheon caved in Rhaegar’s chest... At least I got to watch him die for it.
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Name: Daenerys Visenya Targaryen (Year: Fifth) (House: Slytherin) Blood Status: ??? (Pureblood) Eye colour: Violet Age: 15 Nameday: During a violent storm Height: 4′9 (Patronus: Blue-tongued Skink) Description: My family’s way is fire & blood... But my heart sings a softer song... & I don’t know which way is right.
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jinho-xo-blog · 6 years
Unintentionally planned | Kino
Hello love! 
Thank you @xoxobritbae for the request! and thank you for being so patient! Work has been kickin’ my a s s
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14. “Take it off”
College smut au! 
genre: smut and fluff
words: 2.2k  i am sorry lmao
WARNING: This contains sexy fun time, drinking and cursing, so, if you don't like that, please skip reading this! Thank you! 
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You really weren’t the kind to go to parties. Especially college parties. There was more drama than you liked to surround yourself in; whether it was some girl stealing a boyfriend up to a bedroom or just some drunk frat guy fighting. You usually liked to stay away, not only for drama but for yourself. You have a problem when it comes to drinking. It gets you feeling good and you can’t stop. Not that you’re an alcoholic, but you rarely drink so you like to go hard. So, to keep yourself from making a mistake or an ass of yourself, you stayed away.
“Are you ready yet!” You friend shouted at the bottom of the stairs. She had convinced you to go to one party with her.
One. And that was it. For a whole semester.
You groaned and walked to the top of the stairway, arms folded. You didn’t wear anything too flash or too comfy; just something to where it would show all the right assets but not give too much away. She whined when she saw how you were dressed.
“Really?” She questioned, shaking her head. “You’re going to wear that?”
You shrugged. “I don’t do parties and maybe this will let people know that.”
She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “You do know Kino is going to be there, right?”
Your cheeks flushed red as you started to walk down the stairs. “So?” you spoke as you pushed past her to go grab your bag. She knew you had a thing for him ever since you met him in your math class this most recent semester. You figured he only saw you as a friend or someone to study with, nothing more.
“Aren’t you trying to impress him?”
You rolled your eyes and pushed past her to go outside. Your ride was here to take you both. You didn’t want to be tempted to drive so you asked if another friend could drive you both. When you got in the car and buckled up, immediately everyone started talking about the part and which guy they were going to try to hook up with. You let out a sigh and looked out the window.
“What about you, [y/n]?” a friend from the front seat asked, smiling. “Are you going to try to flirt with anyone?”
You got nudged in the side by your friend sitting next to you and she wagged her eyebrows at you playfully. “Probably no one.”
Your answer caused the whole car to erupt in a groan. They ignored your comment and continued to talk about the party. This was one reason why you didn’t want to go. It was all petty stuff and you did not want to be caught up in drama. You only listen to them as they continued. Your mind wandered to Kino. You were curious as to if he frequented parties. Your mind then wandered to the idea of him talking and hooking up with a girl and your mood was shot.
You did care about him and liked him a lot more than you though. You realized that when you felt a pang of jealousy hit you. You hated being the jealous type but, you couldn’t help it. Maybe you should have dressed nicer? That’s all you kept thinking. You were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t realize you were at the frat house. You reluctantly got out and walked to the front door with your friends.
The boy who greeted you was already drunk and immediately let you inside. When you walked in, you scrunched your nose up at the smell. It reeked of alcohol and sex. Mix with that, there was blaring music and people yelling. You gazed over to the couch where you saw a couple making out and to the stairs where you saw to drunk people walking up the stairs to a bedroom.
You began to push your way through the crowd and that’s when you saw him. Kino. He was leaning against a door frame and observing the part with a red solo cup in his hand. You kept staring at him as you made your way through the crowd. When he looked over at you, he locked eyes with you and smiled. You felt a wave of nervousness and butterflies hit you. You panicked and decided to head towards the kitchen for some alcohol. You knew you didn’t need to be drunk to talk to him but, in this setting, you felt you needed an extra confidence boost.
You began to pour yourself a punch that reeked of hard liquor when you heard a sudden voice behind you, causing you to drop the ladle back into the punch bowl.
“You don’t strike me as the kinda girl to frequent parties, [y/n].”
It was Kino.
You turned and looked at him and noticed he was smiling. His smile was so captivating. You shook your head and took a sip of your drink. Your face scrunched up over how strong the drink was but downed it anyway. Kino laughed at your reaction and you felt a blush creep on your cheeks.
“No, no I don’t do parties”
“Why not? They’re fun!” Kino smiled and refilled his drink.
“Too much drama for my taste, really”
He leaned his back against the table and looked over at you. He nodded his head in agreement and took a sip. You copied his actions and crossed a leg, taking another sip of your drink. “I could ask you the same thing, Kino”
He stared at the crowd for a while before turning his attention back to you. He had a sly smile on his face. He leaned in closer to you and you felt his breath on your ear. It sent shivers down your spine and erupted butterflies in your stomach.
“I was told you’d be here.”
You nearly choked on your drink when he said that to you. He laughed and sat back, proud of his statement and your reaction. You stared at him, only to find yourself slowly smile at him. For a good two hours, you both stayed in the same spot and talked. You both would refill your drink and continue people watching. You were having a great time and the more you drank made it even better.
By the two-hour mark, you both were completely drunk; laughing and giggling at literally everything. Your words were slurred but you didn’t care, you felt good and had Kino’s full attention. He seemed to be enjoying himself too, laughing at everything you said.
“You know, [y/n]” he started, leaning in close. You couldn’t tell if it was because he wanted to be that close or he was too drunk to stand properly. “You look pretty good tonight.”
You looked at him and laughed. “In this?! I wore this dowdy-ass outfit to get people to realize I don’t like parties!”
He laughed hard at your comment before he stopped and stared at you. He looked you up and down, which caused you to blush. You averted your eyes from him which caused him to get extremely close to you. You felt his arms slip around your waist and pull your body into his.
“If I ask you to take it off, would you?” he questioned, whispering in your ear.
You had no idea what compelled you but, you found yourself suddenly dragging Kino through the crowd to the stairs. You hoped there would be a room available for you. You only had the alcohol to thank for being this confident.  When you got upstairs, you found all the rooms to be occupied. You weren’t really surprised, just a little disappointed and horny. Before you could say anything, you were being shoved into the bathroom.
Kino immediately shut the door and shoved you up against it. His lips found your instantly. His hand reached down and locked the door for privacy. One of his hands grabbed your waist and the other cupped your cheek, deepening the kiss. This kiss was full of lust and desire. You had no idea you wanted him this badly but you did. Kino’s lips traveled down your jawline and to your neck; he altered between butterfly kisses and leaving hickeys. He was claiming you.
You moaned out in pleasure and felt your body thrust up against his, which only caused him to be more aggressive. Quickly, he took your shirt off and his lips found yours again. he fumbled with the buttons on your jeans before he pulled them down. You quickly stepped out of them and raised an eyebrow at him.
“If I ask you to take it off, would you?” you asked him, teasingly.
He let out a quick chuckle before he cocked his head back slightly. He threw his jacket off before tossing it behind him. He took his shirt off in suite and you stared at him. This was the first time you ever saw him half naked and you were in awe. He took advantage of that and shoved you back against the door. He placed his arm roughly next to your head and leaned in closely.
“Let’s skip the foreplay and get right into it.” He licked his lips before he spun you around and shoved you face first against the door.
You felt your body get taken over with lust and desire as he grabbed your hips and pulled them out from the door. He leaned over your body as he fumbled with taking his jeans off. You quickly pulled your panties down and began rubbing your clit. You were so wet and you could only blame him for that. Within seconds of doing that, you felt his hard shaft at your entrance. You bit your lip, in anticipation before you heard him speak again.
“Beg for it, babe,” Kino smirked. “I want you to beg for it.”
“I want you to fuck me,” you whined, just ready and needy for him now “I want you to fuck me so hard, please!”
Satisfied with your plea, he shoved his cock in hard, making you slam into the door. He pounded into you as hard as he could, not giving any room for going easy. Your body continuously slammed against the door, which only egged Kino to go harder. Your moans filled the small bathroom and you felt the room get hotter. You heard him grunt the harder he pounded into you. His nails dug into your hips and it drove you crazy.
This wasn’t what you planned to happen for tonight, but you loved every second of it; you loved the way he felt inside of you and the way his skin felt on yours. Bored with this position, Kino turned you around and captured your lips in a passionate kiss. You felt your feet get lifted off the ground and he began carrying you to the counter. Once he placed you on it, he grabbed your hips and pulled you to the edge of the sink. You leaned back on your elbows and whimpered. You missed the way his cock felt inside of you.
Wasting no time, his cock was back inside you. You threw your head back in pure bliss and moaned out his name. “Fuck, Kino, yes!”
He smirked. “You like that?”
As he thrusted harder into you, you looked at him and reached out to his neck. Your hand grabbed him and pulled him closer. He gave you a chaste kiss before resting his forehead on yours. Your moans and cries only lead him to go harder. You felt your body getting jerked around but the feeling inside you felt amazing. You both were extremely sweaty but, that only added to the atmosphere. His words and moans began to get shaky and that was a good indicator that he was close.
“I-I’m gonna cum soon” He spoke, out of breath.
You were too caught up in the moment to answer him properly. You were close yourself so you only wanted him to go faster and harder. “Please, more, I’m – I’m gonna – “
You couldn’t get out your last sentence before you both climaxed in unison. You grabbed on to him tightly as you rode out your orgasm. He gave a few more pumps before he pulled out, exhausted. You leaned your head back lazily and began to pant.  He leaned forward and placed his hands on the sink counter. Kino placed a soft kiss on your chest which brought you to look at him.
He wore a soft smile that melted your heart. At this point, you both were on the ride to being sober. You smiled at him and brushed some of his hair out of his face. He chuckled and stared into your eyes.
“You know,” he started. “This wasn’t exactly how I planned to let you know I liked you.”
His words caught you off guard. You stared at him in shock and felt your cheeks heat up. You felt your body tingle with excitement and pure bliss. He smiled and let out a soft laugh. He walked over to where his jacket was lying on the floor and picked it up. He gently wrapped it around you and rested his forehead on yours.
“Let’s get dressed and ditch this party,” He spoke quietly. “I want to do things right with you.”
His words were sincere and you felt yourself become overjoyed. This wasn’t a one-sided crush, he felt the same way too. After you both got dressed, he extended his hand to you. You gladly accepted and you both made your way downstairs.
This wasn’t what you planned, but you were sure as hell happy about it.
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abelhayward · 6 years
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How were you like as a baby? As a child?
I think I was a good baby. Child, is different story because I was almost in trouble for doing the most ridiculous shit ever. I lit my grandmother’s shower curtain on fire from an incense.
Did you grow up rich or poor?
I definitely grew up rich, but Im not letting that define me because I’ve been working my ass off ever since I went to Cali for college and that growth has been something that Im proud about.
Did you have a happy childhood?
Eh, it was happy only because I got away with a ton of shit that I wont allow my daughter to get away with.
Were you well educated as a child?
Yes, yes I was.
What were the most important things that happened to you as a child?
A shit ton of things, I don’t know where to start actually.
Did you break any bone as a child?
I did, yeah. My right wrist.
Did any major world conflict or change in the world affect your life?
I would say a few, but Im choosing not to say it.
What is your greatest achievement?
Graduating from high school, college and getting my masters. Also becoming a father.
What was your first kiss like?
Man, it was short and sweet. Kinda led to something but ya know.
What were your ambitions as a child?
To take care of my parents when I get enough money and I still have that.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t give up and keep kickin’ ass on the streets Naw, just keep grounded somehow.
What smells remind you of your childhood?
Mint, peaches, homemade baked goods.
What is your best childhood memory?
Going over to my grandmother’s house, and baking with her.
What is your worst childhood memory?
Something that Im not gonna say.
What past actions are you most ashamed of?
Proposing to someone who didn’t deserve it.
Has anyone ever saved your life?
Literally no, but as a saying, my literature professor.
Strongest childhood memory?
Climbing my grandparents tree and being a child.
How old were you when you got your first broken heart?
I was about 15/16.
Is tradition/spirituality/religion an important part of your life?
Religion was big in my life but now, not so much.
Did your character do well at school?
I fuckin’ aced shit in school and got a 4.0 in high school, college and grad school.
Who was your hero/idol as a child?
I had a lot and Im tired to even think about who my hero was, but I’ll get back to you on it.
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reddietofall · 6 years
It Started Out With A Pizza (How Did It End Up Like This?)
HELLOO. Guess who decided to write some more of their pizza au rather than study for their auditions tomorrow. You’re welcome. Also sorry if there are some typos and stuff. Also, i know it’s kinda short but i wanted to get something out because i have a busy day tomorrow and won’t be able to write much, if at all. Anyways. I hope you guys like Part 2!!
Anddd if you haven’t read it yet, here is Part 1  &  Part 3
Summary: Eddie is a pizza delivery boy. One night, on a delivery, he meets a stranger he feels immediately captivated by.
Pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak / Richie Tozier  (And the tiniest hint of benverly)
Richie’s body jolted sideways and he rolled right off the side of the bed and onto the hard floor with a thud. A phone call had jolted him awake. Jesus fucking christ. Who the hell is calling this early in the mor-fuck.
It was 12:35pm. He was supposed to start his shift at 11am. Shit Shit Shit.
Richie pushed himself off the floor with a little too much force and whacked his head on his wooden bedside table, where his phone continued to ring and vibrate. Fuck! He rubbed at the sore spot on his head, stumbled forward and reached for his phone with his other hand, answering it without looking at the caller ID.
“What?” He was having the worst start to his day. He was late for work and his head was throbbing. The last thing he cared about was a stupid phone call.
But as soon as the voice on the other end spoke, he regretting using the tone he did, “Richie, where the fuck are you?! You better be here in the next 5 minutes or you’re fired!”
“Uh, yes. Yes boss. I’ll be there.” Richie spoke into the phone as he crawled over his bedroom floor, searching for his work clothes through the mess of clothing that lay everywhere haphazardly.
“You better be. This is your last chance buddy.” And with that the line went dead.
Once Richie had found his not-too-nice smelling clothing that had probably been sitting on the floor since Tuesday, he pulled them on, spritzed a hell of a lot of deodorant on, made his way up the hall, down the elevator, grabbed his bike and pedalled his ass down the street like his life depended on it. He really couldn’t lose his job, he was already struggling for money and he was trying to prove to his parents that he could do this on his own. He didn't need them. He’d been on his own for two years now and he wasn’t going to let everything he had done for himself fall to shit because he slept through his alarm. Again.
Eddie was making his way back to his room, bagel in hand, when he saw the lanky boy. He sprinted right past him through the hallway on the fourth floor, a huge waft of cheap deodorant almost giving Eddie an asthma attack on the spot. Eddie turned back, watching the gorgeous man from last night as he pressed the elevator button impatiently over and over again, bouncing on the spot, until the doors opened. Eddie couldn’t get over that despite what a huge mess he was, he was still strikingly attractive. His hair messy and sticking up everywhere, like he had just gotten out of bed, and his clothes wrinkled in every spot, like they’d be lying on the floor for the past few days. Eddie just couldn’t help but see past all that. Not that he saw much of him, he was there and gone within a few seconds. Eddie bit into his bagel dreamily whilst he stared at the vacant spot the man had just been in. Wow.
Richie arrived just in time, tumbling loudly into the quiet coffee shop, a few customers turning their heads to look his way. Fuck Yes. He made it. He strutted through the shop, swinging his shoulders confidently, as if he hadn’t just pedalled the life out of him to get there. He even saluted to some of the customers with one finger as he passed by them. He just rode a 10 minute ride in 5 minutes. He was amazing. Incredible. Majestic. Remarkable. Awe-inspiring. Extraordinar- “RICHIE!”
Richie looked up to the girl with the short fire-coloured hair behind the counter, who directed her worried expression towards him. “Marsh! My main lady. How’s it kickin’?” he walked towards her, arms outstretched, going in for a hug. But when he had almost embraced her she stuck her palm out, pushing him back, “You’re in deep shit this time, Richie. I tried calling you loads of times. Did you really sleep in again?” Her tone reminded him of how his mother spoke to him when he had done something stupid yet again. He pulled out his phone, revealing all her missed calls and texts. “Fuck,” was all he said in return before he headed out to the back of the store, where he knew his boss would be waiting for him.
“Boss man! I made it.” Richie announced his presence whilst he moved across the room to where the aprons were hung up on the wall, putting one on, and purposely avoiding his boss’ eyes.
“Nearly two hours late! This is the last fucking time, I mean it, Richie. Or else that’s it. You’re done here.” he rose from his chair, breathing harshly, moving over to Richie to get his point across, “No more chances.”
“Don’t worry boss. Won’t happen again, promise,” Richie grinned back at the huge man before retreating to the front of the shop.
Richie would never admit it, but he almost felt scared of his boss. His sanctimonious and dominant personality reminded him of his father. Another thing Richie would never admit to was having insomnia, or the fact that his father was the cause of most of it, constant memories from the past keeping him up at night. He was always up, every night, only falling asleep in the very late hours of the morning. Hardly getting any sleep due to the fact he had full time classes at college and a part time job. Surprisingly though, he always managed to keep up with his class work despite being perpetually exhausted. That was the thing about Richie, he always covered up how he really felt with a more animated self. He wanted people to like him, he really did. So he always tried to make jokes and smile his goofy grin to cover up his miserable and unlikeable self. To cover up the hurt. To push it right down, somewhere deep inside, into the depths, so hopefully, one day, it would be lost in some sort of abyss and forgotten about.
“God. That was intense. Poor guy was practically on his knees, begging for me to stay. I felt bad for the guy, so i gave in.” Richie began, whilst he took Beverly’s place at the front counter to serve. Beverly preferred to bring people’s food and coffees to them, and Richie was always good at charming customers at the front.
“Shut up trashmouth and do your job,” she rolled her eyes at him playfully. Richie held up his hands defensively, “Just sayin’, you might have to fight me for employee of the month this month.”
She smiled and began, excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet, “Soo, guess who got a date?”
“Fuck yeah!” He strided over to her, whilst there was a break in customers. “S‘bout time you got some Marsh,” he replied with a wink and nudged her in the ribs with his boney elbow.
“We are going to a movie, thank you very much. Not everything is about sex, Tozier.” She rolled her eyes at him again, “It’s not like you’re getting any right now anyway,” she teased.
“Actually, for your information, I’m always gettin’ some,” he said whilst brushing his unruly hair out of his face.
She made a noise of disbelief, “Oh really?”
“Mhmm,” he lifted his chin high in the air and placed his hand on his hip.
“Who with then?” She challenged, placing her own hand on her hip.
Shit. He hadn’t thought this far ahead. He quickly tried to think of someone, desperate to win the light-hearted fight he had instigated with his best friend. Ah! The pizza boy. Eddie. Richie found him really fucking cute. And wouldn’t mind actually fucking him.
“A pizza boy i met last night.” Why not use Eddie in his lie? It wasn’t like he was ever going to see him again.
“I don’t believe you for a second, Tozier.” The bell on the door rang, indicating a customer had just walked in, cutting their bickering short. “Whatever.” She waved him off with a grin.
When Richie directed his attention to the door his stomach dropped so hard he thought he might drop down with it. The very person he’d just bragged about had just walked into the coffee shop. He looked up at Richie, his face instantly going red when they locked eyes and he quickly looked at the floor. Richie just stared, stunned by the irony of the whole situation. But while he was staring, he noticed details about the small man he hadn’t noticed last night. Like the freckles that danced along his cheeks and all over his nose. And how his eyes shined the colour of whiskey in the sun that beamed through the glass windows. And just how beautiful, how cute, and how perfect he looked. He looked so different when he wasn’t in his uniform and didn’t have that stupid hat hiding his features. Wow.
“Uh- hello there. What can i getcha good lookin’?” He saw Bev move to the far end of the shop to clear some plates and cutlery from a table. “It’s nice to see you again Eds.”
“My name is Eddie, in case you had forgotten.” Eddie shot back with a sudden burst of confidence. He tried to act like he wasn’t daydreaming about him a mere hour ago.
“Oh i could never forget Eddie Spaghetti, my cute pizza boy,” he looked over, making sure Bev was still out of earshot.
Eddie felt his ears start to warm. Stop it. He’s not even flirting with you that hard. He cleared his throat, ignoring the horrible nickname the man had given him, “I’ll have a large cappuccino, please.”
“Small man likes a large to fill him up, got it” he said with a wink before turning to prepare Eddie’s order.
Eddie was astounded by the dirt that had left such beautiful lips. His face heated up, and he was glad the other man couldn’t see him. He got so worked up by the littlest things, it was embarrassing. He watched as the man worked on his coffee, watching as the small, yet prominent, muscles in his arms moved. Then his eyes trailed up to his hair and he wondered how in the fuck it looked so soft despite it being so wild and obviously unbrushed. Then the man turned around to dust some chocolate powder over the coffee before putting the lid on.
Eddie was so fixed on the other man’s beauty he didn’t notice the name tag that was crookedly pinned to his shirt straight away. Richie.
When Richie had finished up he handed him his coffee with a refreshing smile, their hands grazing the same way they did the night before god. “Thanks Richie.” He said with a smile, surprising the other male before his face revealed his realisation once he looked at his name tag, mimicking Eddie’s actions from last night.
Then before Richie could say anything, Eddie quickly turned on his heel and strut out of the coffee shop, swaying his hips maybe a little too much than needed.
Part 3
Hey guys!! I hope you liked Part 2!! Please let me know if you did. Also give me some feedback too. I REALLY appreciate hearing ya thoughts on it. (Also let me know if you want to be added to the taglist) <3
@schxrbenmeer @edstozler @loser-hobbs @reddie-aim-fire @brenda-wolfy @stozi3r
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imagineredwood · 7 years
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***When I had done the first part to this imagine, some people wanted to have the second part to see the birth, some wanted them as children and how Tig would interact with them , some wanted them as teenagers. So I decided to do something different and do this one as sort of a time lapse. Showing the boys at different stages in their lives in one story. Let me know how you guys like it ❤️***
Part 1 —> https://imagineredwood.tumblr.com/post/141239331370/i-think-ill-have-up-another-one-tonight
Opening your eyes, you winced at the bright lights, bringing your hand up cover them.
“How’re you feeling baby?”
Looking to the side, you saw Tig siting right beside the hospital bed in his chair, one of your beautiful babies cradled in his arm. You immediately lit up, seeing your child that you’d longed to see for months as he lay there asleep in his father’s embrace.
“Ok. Tired. And sore.”
Tig nodded with a chuckle.
“Well I’d be worried if you weren’t after all that.”
You laughed softly too and then winced, the pressure feeling uncomfortable.
Looking back, you noticed that Tig was only holding one of the twins. He saw your eyes and could read your mind.
“He’s over there.”
You followed his finger and looked across the room to see Chibs holding your other child, his big blue eyes wide open as the older man spoke to him in what sounded like Gaelic, Juice sitting close beside him and peering down at the baby in awe while Gemma was knitting some mittens over in the corner. Lyla was at the dresser unpacking your bag, putting your clothes away while Jax was at the door, telling the nurse that you had woken up and we’re feeling the pain coming back and asking if you could have some more meds. You smiled, your eyes welling up as you continued to look around your room in the maternity ward, your family all there and providing support. Tig noticed and smiled as well, reaching over with his free hand to caress your cheek lovingly. He was sure that the fluctuations of hormones your body was going through was throwing your emotions around and he simply stayed quiet, letting you shed your happy tears and wiping them away as they fell.
“I love you baby.”
“I love you too Tig.”
He leaned over to kiss you, his lips pressing against your ever so softly. As he pulled away, the baby began to stir and whine, his mouth sucking at the air and Tig grabbed him, beginning to place him on your chest.
“Looks like someone’s hungry.”
You grinned as he clung to you, using his tiny hands to pull himself up your chest, his mouth moving along the skin of your chest, searching for your nipple. Chibs and Juice stayed focused in the corner, Jax going over with them to give you your privacy while Gemma stood and came over with a warm smile, helping you position yourself.
“Turn a little to the side and hold his bottom like this.”
“But I wanna go with Juice!”
“No I’m going with him!”
“No, me!”
“No me!”
“Both of you stop!”
The boys stopped bickering as you scolded them, pointing a finger at them. Their eyes looked up at you, ready to start pleading their case until Tig walked in. Then they immediately ran to him, hoping they’d trick him into letting them go on a ride with Juice.
“Daddy, I wanna go on Uncle Juice’s bike.”
“No I am!”
“Nu uh!”
“Boys, stop.”
They stopped again, Tig grimacing as you chuckled in the kitchen, knowing that you were waiting for him to get home so they could ambush him.
“You’re both too young, you’re not even 4 yet. You’re too small to be on a motorcycle just yet. You have to wait a couple more years.”
It didn’t take long for the water works to start, you grabbing your purse off of the counter along with your keys before you waved at Tig.
“See you boys. Be good for daddy.”
Suddenly they stopped whining and their tears dried up immediately, their heads snapping towards you before they rushed over to the door to start pulling on their shoes.“
"I’ll go with you mommy!”
“Me too!”
Now it was Tig’s turn to chuckle as you pouted. You thought you’d be able to get this weeks grocery shopping done quickly on your own but that didn’t seem to be the case. Instead, you walked back into the kitchen, grabbing a couple juice boxes and bags of chips, throwing them into a lunch box while the boys pulled on their sneakers. With their light up kicks on and ready to go, they stood back up and smiled, reaching up to grab each of your hands.
“Ready mommy.”
With your hand on the door knob, you knocked softly before slowly opening the door, Jake sleeping soundly in his bed. You smiled as you looked at your son, unable to believe that he was a teenager already. Sitting on the edge of the bed beside him, you placed your hand on his head, running your hand along his head softly as you leaned down to kiss his cheek.
“Time to wake up baby. You gotta start getting ready.”
The 14 year old grumbled, shaking his head and relaxing further into the bed.
“Five more minutes.”
“I’ve given you 20 more minutes. You gotta be at the bus stop in 30 minutes or you’re gonna miss it. And don’t you dare try to miss it on purpose again because I have no problem having dad drop you off.”
With a grunt, he nodded and began to sit up.
“Thank you baby. I’ll meet you down stairs. Hurry so you can eat some breakfast before you go.”
With that, you walked out of his room and back into the living room, Jason already dressed and half way done with his breakfast. You ran your fingers through his hair as you passed him, grabbing his cup to pour him some more orange Juice as Tig finally came out as well.
“Hairs getting long babe.”
Your son nodded, shoveling more scrambled eggs into his mouth as Tig responded.
“He’s trying to look like his old man. Get his hair as long and luscious as mine. Though his will never be as nice.”
You both laughed as Tig exaggeratedly shook his head, his curls dangling and swinging as he did. He chuckled himself as he began to pour himself a cup of coffee, leaning over to throw an arm around your waist and bring you in for a kiss.
“Gross. Get a room.”
You pulled away as you heard Jake’s voice, him walking into the living room shirtless for breakfast, smirking as his father punched his shoulder.
“Get a room my ass. You pay bills here? This whole house is my room.”
With a roll of your eyes, you pulled away from Tig and got a plate to begin serving your son breakfast as Tig poked his finger at them.
“And it ain’t gross. It’s the only reason you little shitheads exist.”
“Alright Tig, that’s enough about our sex life ok?”
The boys nodded, thankful for your intervention.“
"Thanks mom.” “Yeah really.”
You placed the plate of bacon and eggs down in front of your son.
“Hurry up and eat Jake. You got 20 minutes.”
“Do I have to go today? Chibs said he would show me how to fix and alternator today.”
“And he will, this afternoon when you come back from school.”
He said nothing, but you could still see the anger on his face and you softly took hold of his chin in your hand, pulling his face to look up at you.
“You have to go to school so you can build a skill. Something to fall back on and provide for yourself when we can’t. We won’t be here forever. Education is the one thing no one can take away from you. You don’t have to go to college and become some neuroscientist, but I do want you to have a basic education. Ok?”
His face softened and he nodded, knowing you only wanted the best for him.
“Ok mom.”
You smiled softly and squeezed his jaw gently before letting go and grabbing his brothers plate to put in the sink. As you turned around, you saw Tig staring at you, adoration in his eyes. You blushed but said nothing, starting to wash the plates and dirty pans from breakfast and get ready for work.
“Morning mom.”
“Good morning baby. And my other baby.”
The boys laughed and put out their cigarettes before they stood from the table in front of the clubhouse, taking you into their arms at the same time, the unmistakable sound of leather folding flooding your ears as their kuttes rubbed together in the group hug. You pulled away from them and placed a hand on each of their cheeks, staring up at their tall frames. They looked down at you with nothing but love, proud smiles on their faces at their new patches they’d gotten last night in church.
“How long is this lockdown for?”
“Don’t know yet. Probably a week or so. Maybe more. Three of the Croweaters that are roommates downtown were found dead this morning. Another Old Lady said she saw a car parked outside of her kids school two days in a row when she dropped them off. They sped away when they saw he trying to take down the plate. We don’t know for sure that they were related but Chibs wants everyone in here until he figures it out.”
You nodded and they moved with you, bringing you inside as they sensed your uneasiness.
“Don’t worry mom. Everything will be fine. We won’t let anything happen to you. You know that.”
You appreciated the sentiment but rolled your eyes none the less, lightening the mood.
“I used to wipe your butts and now you two are over here telling me you’ll protect me.”
The two boys, now men, smiled cockily, Jake walking further up ahead to open the door for you while Jason threw his arm around your shoulders.
“Well someone’s gotta be there to watch after you as you get old.”
“Old? I was kickin’ ass before you two were even a thought.”
“Yeah and now your sons can kick ass for you. Speaking of kicking ass, I saw how that cashier guy was looking at you yesterday at the store-”
With that, you rolled your eyes and your mom voice came out, despite their 6'3 shadows casted over you.
“Both of you get your asses inside before you father sends out a search party for us.”
They nodded reluctantly and went with you inside, Jake muttering to his brother about paying the cashier a visit later on, Jason immediately agreeing. You didn’t get a chance to scold them before they dashed off to the bar with childish smiles, Tig coming up behind you.
“Hey doll.”
“Hi baby.”
You shared a quick kiss and Tig passed you a glass of wine, you thanking him and taking a deep sip as his voice rang out.
“So I heard that cashier downtown was eyeing you…”
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