#Eddie thinks that Buck won't ever speak to him again
about buddie, I think we're heading for divorce arc 2.0 turbo mode - where it's Buck's time to ask Eddie if he ever stopped to think about Christopher. and it will be ugly and heartbreaking to watch them fight. and they may not even be on speaking terms when this season ends. maybe Eddie feels such shame for having failed as a father and for disappointing Buck, that he just shuts down and isolates himself, feeling unworthy of forgiveness.
so, I'd love it if in this season (maybe even in the finale) we'd have a parallel with 5x13. Eddie would be sitting on the floor, cell phone in hand, browsing through hundreds of photos he has accumulated of Buck with Chris, and Buck with himself, at work and outside of it. one after the other, happy and funny memories of their time together over the years. maybe in between shots of him looking and the pictures with a terribly sad expression (and Ryan would nail this so hard), we could have little montages of the moments from those photos, a buddie best off, so to speak. and then Eddie just breaks down. he cries and cries and cries, but this time?... this time, he's all alone.
roll credits, enter hiatus.
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Buck & Eddie: They're Soulmates!
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Buck and Eddie share a once in a lifetime love of each other's lives type of love that transcends space and time.
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The love they share is not platonic, it's romantic and the natural chemistry they have is OFF THE CHARTS.
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There are people who wish they could have one tenth of the love they share with each other and that's why over the years, the show has made it a point to highlight and compare their love interests against the other one as a way to prove Buck and Eddie are meant for each other.
Therefore, can it once and for all be acknowledged that the possible reason why NONE of Buck’s previous relationships with AC, AM, TK and ND never worked was because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO?
The same goes for Eddie because NONE of his relationships ever worked either including the one he had with Chris' mother. SD, AF and now M (who the show still hasn't given a last name and that speaks volumes as to how long she'll possibly be around) didn’t or won't work for Eddie because THEY WEREN'T/AREN'T SUPPOSED TOO EITHER?
It's interesting to see all these takes on how some people view their previous relationships with those women through rose colored glasses and saying things like they could have been great if... (_______ fill in the blank with whatever randomness you'd like). The point is they weren't meant to be anything but a placeholder until Buddie goes CANON.
There have been so many takes on Buck and TK being perfect because they were cute together but did everyone who thinks that forget she was willing to throw the 118 and their captain under the bus in 2x6? Don't even try to rebutt it with logic from that fake redemption arc that was included in 5x7 for her because in 5x17 she ultimately accomplished her goal by doing exactly what she intended four years earlier when she broke a promise she made to Buck and ran with the Jonah story then wrote a raggedy book about it exactly one year later in 6x17. It's true that Buck knew who she was but he still dated her (which speaks more to his poor decision making than hers) but they both knew it was wrong from the start. They were never going to work and they were never FRIENDS. Friends don't treat each other like $hit so they can get their way then expect for you to just be ok with it and follow it up with a half @ssed apology like, "I'm sorry you're still upset about the story" 🙄. With friends like that, Buck doesn't need enemies.
AC literally ABANDONED him but there are still people who think she would have been good for him. It appears they forgot she FOUND a man with two kids in another country and in 3x18 she came back two years later to rub Buck’s face in it. She didn't even have the decency to apologize to him.
AM was the worst of all because SHE WAS NEVER THERE WHEN BUCK NEEDED HER. Was she nice, yes but she didn't know him at all and when his leg got crushed by the ladder truck in 2x18, she dipped and ABANDONED him too. But for some reason, she's being heralded as his best relationship ever which is so far from the truth it's funny sad not funny haha. She left him in his loft with a cast on his leg because she didn't know what she wanted.
ND was/is only interested in Buck because he DIED! THAT'S IT! There's nothing else to the story. She clearly COULDN'T SEE HIM because they only knew each other for two seconds so please stop romanticizing their hookup like it was some "Gone with the Wind" love story because that's a bunch of BS since they didn't and still don't know each other.
SD was NOT the perfect wife and mother people who wanted her to stick around and coparent Chris with Eddie have made her out to be. The show clearly retconned her character in 6x15 like she was so young and she didn't deserve to die but be clear, the relationship she had with Eddie was toxic as F%ck! All they did was argue and instead of talking, they had sex. They didn't communicate and when she was ready to leave again, she thought she would have time to come back and be "someone's wife and someone's mother" (her words but notice she didn't say Chris' mother or Eddie's wife, she said someone's) but her time ran out and she didn't get the chance, hence the title of the episode she died in, "Careful what you wish for". Trust and believe she had a lot of faults and Eddie did too but her being young wasn't an excuse for her leaving Chris and not contacting him for almost 2 years. If Eddie wouldn't have contacted her about her interviewing at Durand, would she have ever come back? Who knows but probably not since she was out there living her best life like she didn't have a kid.
AF was nice but just because her and Eddie were cute together, it doesn't mean they were soulmates. Did the people rooting for them to stay together even realize that she was Chris' schoolteacher in 3x12 but she DIDN'T OFFER EDDIE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO HELP CHRIS SKATEBOARD? That was literally her job but she was career driven which isn't a bad thing but it seemed like she was in love with the idea of being in love just like Eddie was. She was trying to avoid dealing with the issues that were prevalent in their relationship and she didn't even ask Eddie about his panic attacks to try and find out what was causing them. But she did throw them in his face when he broke up with her.
M is IN LOVE WITH HER BROTHER! It was clear she was in 6x5 when she almost kissed him on the mouth while they were in the ambulance. Also, she's a loner, hence the meaning of her name, Marisol, it literally means solitude. When Eddie met her, she was doing upgrades on her home by herself until her brother showed up and made a complete mess of things. If Eddie does try to pursue something formidable with her in season 7, everyone knows how it will end because EDDIE TOLD THE AUDIENCE IN 6X14... he'll be performing and trying not to panic and his performance anxiety will be at a level 100.
Who's never left Buck? EDDIE!
Who loves both Eddie and Chris? BUCK!
Who takes care of Buck? EDDIE!
Who listens to Eddie? BUCK!
The list can go on and on but the point of this post is for those who chose to see what they want to see instead of what 9-1-1 has CLEARLY been depicting for Buck and Eddie over the past six years. None of Buck’s or Eddie’s love interests were written to work because they weren't/aren't supposed to.
No one has natural chemistry with them like they have with each other and it's written that way on PURPOSE!
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loserdiaz · 1 year
16. someone's pulling a gun and you're jumping in the middle of it
If it sparks joy ☺️❤️
so i was in an angsty mood, hope you like it <3
They weren't at a call, they weren't supposed to face danger that day.
It's all Buck can think about as he stares down the barrel of a gun.
It's their day off and Buck had plans, alright? This was supposed to be the perfect day.
The perfect first date.
The restaurant is really fancy, with the most expensive wine that Buck has ever seen and all the tables looked like straight out of a historical movie or some shit like that. The menu is full of weird names, half of which Buck can't even pronounce.
But it's his first date with Eddie and he wants it to be just perfect. A night neither of them would ever forget.
He wants to show Eddie he made the right choice when he gave Buck a chance.
There's classic music playing in the background, the sound of piano and violins floating through the air and making Buck relax in his seat.
And then— there's a loud crash, one of the windows at the front of the restaurant breaking and pieces of glass flying everywhere.
For a second, Buck doesn't know what's going on. For a second he's just confused.
And then—
"Nobody move! I said nobody fucking move! A man in a mask is carrying a gun. His movements are erratic and fast, almost maniac.
Buck's heart clenches inside his heart.
Eddie makes a sound and then he's standing up. Because of course he is, Buck thinks— remembers the way Eddie didn't even flinch that time they were taken hostages by the prison guy.
"Eddie." He mutters, as low as he can as to not catch any unwanted attention.
It doesn't work.
"I said nobody fucking move!" The man yells and Buck— Buck watches as the gun is pointed towards Eddie.
The sense of deja vu pooling in his stomach is sickening and he wants to throw up.
Not again.
Buck moves before he can think twice about it, jumping over the table and placing his body in front of Eddie's, like some kind of human armor.
There's a loud gunshot, but the choked desperate sound that Eddie makes on the back of his throat might be even louder.
Buck feels himself falling to the ground and then Eddie's face is above his.
"Evan! What did you do? What have you—" Eddie is frantic, his hands shaking and hovering above Buck's body.
He frowns.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Buck asks.
Was Eddie shot?
Please God, not again. Buck can't go through that again.
"W-what?" Eddie laughs, but it's sharp and bitter and there's not a trace of humor in it. It's hysterical if anything. "No, I wasn't shot. You got in the way of the bullet, you idiot." He choked out and he's— He's crying.
Eddie never cries.
The last time Eddie cried he was broken and on the floor, hugging a baseball bat.
That was two years ago.
And oh.
Eddie presses down on his abdomen and Buck feels it.
"Shh, it's okay, baby. Just— Don't talk. Don't— Hold on for me." Eddie says, his voice trembling and his tears falling down his cheeks and into Buck's face.
Buck mouths something with trembling lips but no sound comes out— just a garbled noise.
Buck can taste the blood. His own blood.
Well, that's not good.
There's a lot of background noise, screams and orders being yelled but none of that matters.
If Buck dies right there, he'll do it as he stares at Eddie.
"Hold on for me, baby. Please. Please." Eddie is begging above him and Buck wants to listen to him.
But he's so tired.
A weak hand comes up and reaches for Eddie, his thumb caressing that beauty mark under his eye that Buck loves so much.
He leaves a trace of blood in its wake and that's—
He tainted Eddie.
Buck wants to apologize but he can't speak. He can't breathe.
"You have to stay awake, baby, okay?" Eddie is saying above him. "You have to hold on for me. So then you can take me on another first date— no offense but this one really fucking sucked." Eddie lets out a wet chuckle. "So we won't count this one. We'll go on another one and that one will be our first, alright? And then you'll have to take me on a second one. And a third one." Eddie says and Buck thinks that sounds like a good plan.
He likes the way Eddie thinks.
"Stay awake, Buck! Don't close your eyes." Eddie pats his cheeks a couple times and Buck's eyes flutter but he fights against uncociousness.
"W-what else?" He asks weakly, his words slurring and dragging and he's not sure if Eddie understood any of that.
But of course he did.
"W-what else?" Eddie's voice breaks but he has this small smile etched ln his face, fond and quiet and just a little sad at the edges. "Well, we'll have to let the team know about us... eventually. They all will be happy, of course. Hen will order a cake and they'll throw a ridiculous party but it'll be fun." Eddie's hand keep pressing against Buck's wound but he can barely feel it.
It doesn't really hurt.
That's really bad, isn't it?
"And then you'll move in. In a couple of months." Eddie keeps talking. "Is it too soon to talk about that? I don't think it is. We've known each other for years and this— this was inevitable, right? At least for me." Eddie's lower lip trembles. "Since the moment you shook my hand in the back of an ambulance and promised to have my back? It was a fone deal for me. I knew I would love you. I knew you would ruin me for anyone else."
Buck smiles, or at least he tries to. He's not sure if he pulls it off.
"Ditto." He rasps out, low and weak but he thinks Eddie hears it anyway by the way his eyes soften.
And then the darkness wins and Buck closes his eyes.
He wakes up in the back of an ambulance with his hand in between Eddie's. There's paramedics working around him but Buck doesn't care.
He keeps his eyes on Eddie.
His hair is a mess and his brown warm eyes are puffy and red around the edges. His clothes are stained red with blood and there's a trace of it on his cheek.
He looks—
Awful, Buck thinks. Eddie's skin is pale and ashen and the fluorescent lights of the ambulance aren't doing him any favors either.
And yet— it's the most beautiful thing that Buck has ever seen.
"Hey." He chokes out, the oxygen mask resting uncomfortably against his face and making forming words a little difficult.
Eddie grins, relieved and so soft, tender and adoring. "Hey."
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i feel like the prophecy is so evan buckley coded
(read below for the rant)
and it was written
i got cursed like eve got bitten
oh, was it punishment?
can anyone actually tell me evan buckley doesn't go through all of this shit: the bombing, the tsunami, the embolism, the lightning strike, the therapist, the shooting and genuinely doesn't stay up at night thinking that he deserves this.
he deserves it for letting his brother die.
he deserves it for failing maddie and leaving her in an abusive marriage.
he deserves it for not being the son his parents wanted.
he deserves it for never being a good enough replacement.
he deserves it for turning suing the department.
he deserves it for not trying hard enough to find christopher.
he deserves it for not being enough for eddie when he went to his fight club.
he deserves it for not helping chimney more when maddie left.
he deserves it for not being there for hen when she had so much going on.
he deserves it for disappointing the only parental figure he has ever had again and again and again.
i guess a lesser woman would've lost hope
a greater woman wouldn't beg
he doesn't think he deserves the happiness he gets and constantly over thinks whether or not it'll last.
when will they give up on him?
when will they remember how awful he's been?
when will they realize they liked a different version of buck more?
when will they realize he's nothing more than a failure of a friend, a son, a lover, a brother, a person?
please, i've been on my knees
change the prophecy
there's no way he hasn't broken down to bobby or eddie or athena. maybe he did it by himself.
all those nights where he lays awake after nightmares wake him up screaming. the nights where he can still taste eddie's blood. the nights where he smells the ocean and confuses his sweat with saltwater. the nights where he lays there with pain shooting up his leg, desperately trying to feel like the sheets don't weigh 60,000 pounds.
there is no one on earth that can convince me buck hasn't begged the universe for an intervention at least once.
don't want money
just someone who wants my company
how much did he turn down for the lawsuit again? (millions)
what did he choose instead of millions of dollars? (his family)
all he has ever wanted was a family. he had it briefly with his sister before she left with doug. he never had it with his parents. but he had it with bobby. he had it with chim and hen. later, he had it with eddie and chris.
he has never cared for anything as much as he cared for his family. for the 118.
he is nothing without them.
he doesn't remember how to function without being driven by his family.
let it once be me
who do i have to speak to
about if they can redo
the prophecy?
tell me he hasn't begged the universe time after time to let him redo everything.
he just wants to do something right. he wants to save someone. he wants to make a difference. he wants someone to love him the way he loves others. he wants to love someone who will stay. he wants to stop self sabotaging. he wants to find a way to love someone that won't strangle them. he wants to trust people without wondering when they'll lie. he wants to love and be loved without thorns. he wants to go a single fucking day without his heart feeling like it's going to fall out of his chest. he wants to be understood without words. he wants to go a single night without tears soaking his pillows. he wants to say i'm fine and mean it.
he wants. he wants. he wants.
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911-on-abc · 2 months
"Albert" Buck pokes his other brother in law's? (he needs to check the proper title) cheek with his surprisingly pointy finger. "Albert" Pokes his nose. "Albert" Pokes his cheek again. "Albert Albert Albert Albert" Albert inhales deeply. "Buck Buck Buck Buck" "Albert!" Buck grins. Maybe he's tipsy again. Bad idea. "How can I help you?" "You're my friend right? My favorite Han brother but only because Chimney is a Buckley-Han now." Albert rolls his eyes. "Yes?" "And you were with us the entire night last night and stayed sober?" Albert had drawn the short straw. "Yes? Where is this going?" Buck nods, solemnly. "So, you don't have any memory gaps and if I ask you a very serious and very secret question you won't lie to me or tell anybody about it?" "That depends on the question." "Albert!" Buck isn't above whining. Or begging. "Okay fine. But you owe me. Favorite uncle title for a month. At least." Albert is driving a hard bargain. Buck considers. "Okay fine." "Deal." They shake hands. "So. Did Eddie and I hook up last night?" Albert looks at him. Stares. Blinks slowly. Blinks again. Slowly. And then starts laughing. Bends over, slaps his thighs, tears in his eyes. Cackles. Catches his breath, looks at Buck again and loses it immediately again. "Did you and Eddie," Albert wheezes, "hook up last night?" Buck nods. "Are you serious? Like, really, are you serious? Why?" Buck blushes. "I don't remember much from last night but.." He pauses. "Can you just tell me yes or no before I explain more?" Albert shrugs. "Sure." "So? Did we?" "No." "Oh. Okay." Buck's face does something funny. Like he's confused but sad but happy? "Okay, now why would you think that?"
Buck hides his face in his hands and groans. Looks back at Albert. "We held hand in the elevator and he was standing really close?" "For balance." "He hid his face in my neck and whined when I guided him from the elevator to the suite?" "He got nauseous and needed a moment to recalibrate." "I remember plastering myself over his backside when he tried to open the door?" "He tried to use his credit card to open it instead of the keycard you were trying to show him you had but he was hogging the door." "I took his Blazer off?" "He lost his coordination way worse than you and it apparently was a two person job." "He took my shirt off?" "Your head got stuck. Two person job with your alcohol blood level." Buck pauses and blushes again. Deeper. "He held up my bottle of lube in the bathroom and smirked at me?" "He was looking for toothpaste and found it and then joked about you being a boy scout." "Ah." They both sit in silence on the bench, listening to the party going on inside. "We will never ever speak of this again." "Obviously." "Thanks, favorite uncle Albert." "You're welcome. But also, if you want to give Howie his favorite wedding gift, you know what to do." "Abso-fucking-lutely not."
This was so fucking hilarious!! the lube part had me crying laughing LMAOOO
Thank you anon!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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missmagooglie · 9 months
Fuck It Friday
Always fun when writing inspo comes out of order 🙄. Started messing around with some scenes from later on in Therapy Baby! Here's a little bit of Buddie "they almost kissed but then they didn't" action:
"Buck, wait," Eddie whispers. He dips his chin and turns his face away, but makes no move to step out of Buck's grip. "We can't." "I thought–" Buck is confused for a moment, then mortified. He drops his hands from Eddie's waist and steps sharply back. "Fuck. Eddie, I'm so sorry. I thought you wanted this." "I do," Eddie says quickly. He reaches out for Buck's hand, tangling their fingers together and stopping Buck from moving further away. "Jesus, Buck. You have no idea how much, but –" Eddie pauses for a moment, chewing nervously at his lower lip. "I should have told you sooner. Christopher's mother and I… we're still married." He winces a little, and adds, "Technically." Buck frowns. He remembers being in the firetruck, learning about Christopher the same day he learned that Danny was his. He remembers Eddie saying, "I'm all he's got. His mother's not in the picture." He's never thought to push Eddie on what exactly that meant, and he wonders now if maybe he should have.
"I thought you said she wasn't part of his life anymore," he says. "She's not," Eddie confirms. His shoulders slump and he won't look at Buck as he speaks. "She left when Chris was six. It was… there was a lot going on, and I wasn't ready to be the kind of husband she needed me to be. She said she needed time."
Christopher is eight now. Buck knows because he'd nearly passed out helping Eddie blow up all the balloons for the party -- an event where there had been no mention of Christopher's mother from Chris, Eddie, or any of Eddie's LA based relatives who had descended on the party with more food than an army of second graders could ever hope to finish.
"That's what, two years ago now?"  Buck says. "It sounds like you've given her plenty of time." "That's not," Eddie exhales harshly, and for a moment Buck is afraid he's crossed a line, that Eddie is annoyed with him. When Eddie speaks again, his words are deliberate and careful, but his tone is gentle. "I'm not waiting for Shannon to come back to me. I don't know that there's enough left of that relationship for us to repair it, even if we wanted to. I want to wait because you are important to me, and you deserve better than a relationship with a married man who never officially ended things with his estranged wife." "So," Buck says, the hopeful anticipation he felt before Eddie asked him to stop slowly fluttering back to life, "what I'm hearing is less of a 'no' and more of a 'not yet', then?" Finally Eddie looks at him, his deep brown eyes so wide and earnest that Buck feels like he's drowning in them. He squeezes Buck's hand and pulls slightly, drawing Buck toward him. "Is that ok?" He asks, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah," Buck breathes. "Eddie, I would wait forever for you." It may be a blatant hypocrisy, but Buck doesn't care. This is Eddie. However long he needs to wait, it will be worth it. Eddie groans, and it turns into a chuckle as he rests his forehead against Buck's shoulder. "God, I wanna kiss you so bad right now," he bemoans. "I'm not stopping you," Buck replies lightly, but there's no expectation behind it. Instead, he focuses on how it feels to have Eddie this close, every lingering touch carving itself into his memory. Eddie shakes his head, like Buck knew he would, but doesn't pull away. "If I started kissing you, I don't think I could stop," he admits. "And I need to sort my shit out first."
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matan4il · 3 years
Not me looking at gifs from Treasure Hunt and asking WHAT WAS THE REASON to have Eddie in the middle of the shot with Buck and Taylor. WHAT WAS THE REASON
lol Nonnie, I think we all know what the reason was! Visually, that shot tells a story. That, and Eddie's face and the way you can practically hear him rolling his eyes. There was tension that and that shot basically summarized it visually. Now I just need the show to follow through on it, because I live for jealous!Eddie. We all know that he's the kind of guy who doesn't speak until he can tell that he won't get Buck to believe in himself unless Eddie uses his words (Mr. Diaz I still cannot BELIEVE you sat on that bit of news for a whole fucking year). So this would be yet another way that conveys his feelings for Buck. But I wanna take a sec to emphasize that while we have seen Eddie jealous, we have never seen him try to sabotage Buck because of this. He has always reacted by wanting to be there, wanting to be reassured of his place as Buck's partner, but he's never crossed the boundary of working against what Buck himself wants, we've only ever seen Eddie act with Buck's best interest in mind. And that's the difference between possessive, unhealthy jealousy and the kind of jealousy that stems from, is an expression of and remains fully based on love, and therefore still places the other person's well being first. Basically, real love. That's the kind of jealousy we've seen so far between Eddie and Buck, and it's a part of why, if they become a canon couple, they would be no less than epic. Hell, they're pretty epic already, if they go canon, they'll be... epic-er. Or we'll need a whole new word for them. And possibly therapy. XD Thank you for this ask, Nonnie. Sorry for the length, I got all caught up in my feels over how pure their love is. Hope you have a great day! xoxox
(thank you again to everyone who's still bearing with me as I slowly get through my asks. I hope you are enjoying the replies! xoxox)
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evanoracronwell · 3 years
You've got us.
Read on ao3
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Buck took a deep breath as soon as Athena had left with Bobby. He tried to suppress the avalanche of feelings that had been trying to escape him since the moment Maddie had told him about Daniel. Twenty-nine years living in a giant, cruel lie. Now, at least he knew why his parents had never been able to love him. At least now, he understood why he had never felt good enough. It's because he never had been.
A few steps away, he saw Eddie approaching him while he removed his helmet and gloves and threw them in the back of the ambulance right next to Buck.
"I know what you're going to say. I was reckless, stupid, and could have died. I know that I just..."
Any other word died on his lips because Eddie held his face with both hands with such care and affection that Buck felt his throat close; no one had ever looked at him that way, as if he were hanging the moon, as if Eddie was afraid that he was going to disappear before his eyes.
"Never again, did you hear me? Never again do you dare to pull something like that on me. Damn it, Buck, I almost died thinking something might have happened to you."
His voice was hoarse and choked as if he was trying very hard not to burst into tears right there, and Buck wanted to say something, claim that he was fine and that nothing had happened, but then Eddie came closer, standing between Buck's legs, his body so close to Buck's, that he could feel his heartbeat through his uniform.  As if that weren't enough, Eddie touched his forehead to Buck's, mixing their breath. There was nothing Buck could do but raise his hands to Eddie's waist, pulling him even closer.
"I'm truly sorry,” he murmured, watching as Eddie closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Buck followed in his footsteps, closing his eyes and concentrating only on Eddie's breathing, on the feeling of their bodies so close together, on how Eddie slid one of his hands up to the nape of his neck, pulling his hair so softly that Buck could barely feel it, but strong enough to give him the feeling of being terrified.
"Just promise me you will never do something like that again."
"Eddie, you know I can't..."
"No!” He looked away and opened his eyes, staring at Buck with determination. "I don't care that this is the job. You can't put yourself in danger like that, do you understand me? What the hell am I going to say to Christopher if something happens to you? That boy loves you, Buck; you're too important to him."
"I know, but Eddie I..."
"What about me? Damn Buck, what the fuck am I supposed to do if something happens to you? Have you ever stopped to think about that? I know you always put other people above yourself, that you always want to save everyone and you don't care to put your life on the line to do it, but... think of me, okay? If you want to put others above yourself so badly, then put me and Chris first. Every time you decide to risk yourself like this, think first about what it would do to us. "
"Eddie, I'm so sorry... you're right. I didn't think what it would do to you and Chris. Honestly, I didn't think it could affect you so much."
"How could you not know, Buck? How can you not know how important you are to us? Buck, I...” he took a deep breath again and then took Buck's face in his hands one more, making the blonde look at him directly in the eyes. "If anything happened to you, I would completely lose my mind; do you understand that? I would die, Buck, okay? You are everything and... you can't... never... okay? You can't leave me."
"I won't,” he says as firmly as he can, his blue eyes are already wet with tears and his voice breaking slightly. But he holds Eddie around the waist again and pulls him even closer than before, hugging him tightly as he sinks his face against his neck, breathing in the smell that is so unmistakably Eddie even under the smell of all the smoke.
"Please Buck, I know there's something going on inside your head. Please talk to me; it kills me to see you like this."
"I wasn’t enough, Eddie,” he grumbles against Eddie's neck, feeling like he just wants to hug him even tighter, and stroking the back of his neck. "They had me as a baby savior, but I couldn't save Daniel... I wasn't enough, and they hated me for it."
"Hey, no. Buck, you can't blame yourself for that, do you hear me? Your parents had no right to put that weight on you, much less the right to walk away from you after Daniel died. That's on them, Buck, not you. "
"Maybe. But they were also right, weren't they? I always do everything wrong, Eddie; I was a handful to Bobby when I walked into the fire department, always being irresponsible and reckless. I wasn't there when Maddie needed me, I... Eddie, I lost Christopher; you trusted me, and I... I lost him. "
"No, Buck!”Eddie moved away again, just enough to look into Buck's eyes, but close enough to still keep him in his arms. "You are an excellent firefighter, and Bobby couldn't have anyone better than you at 118. You took care of Maddie and protected her ever since she came to LA; you were there, Buck, every step of the way you stood beside her. And Chris... Jesus, Buck, you need to stop blaming yourself for this. You never lost him, Buck, a tsunami happened and you did everything to make sure he was safe, nothing that happened was your fault. "
"Yeah maybe, but I..."
"God, you have no idea how much I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Maybe that way you would see the wonderful man you are. You care about everyone, you are loving and caring, you are always willing to help and reach out to anyone who needs it. "
Eddie smiled tenderly and ran his fingertips over Buck's face, wiping away the tears that were starting to trickle down the blonde's cheek.
"You are the man who spends his nights off playing video games with my son or watching cartoon movies; you help him with his homework and read about the subjects he’s interested in so you can talk to him about them later. You play lego with him on my living room floor, read bedtime stories to him, and make pancakes for breakfast because you know he loves them and that I can’t keep from burning them. You’re the man who assures me that I’m an excellent father every time I doubt myself, the guy who helped me build a skateboard so my son can feel like any other child. You are... something, Buck. You are unique. You are special. "
"And above it all, Buck, you are enough. You are more than enough for Christopher, and you are more than enough for me. Maybe your parents can't see it, but then, it's their fault, it's their loss. I just need you to know that you're not alone, Chris and I are here; you've got us, ‘cause we're not going anywhere, but I need you to stay too, okay? I need you to promise me you won't go anywhere either, Buck, because I wouldn't know how to survive if you did. "
"I promise."
"Do you mean that?"
"Yes, I promise, Eddie. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
"Good, because I love you, Buck; I'm completely in love with you and I can't lose you, do you understand?"
Buck was going to answer, he really was going to say something, because, honestly, he had a million things to say in that moment. He wanted to say that he was also completely in love with Eddie, he wanted to say that he couldn't lose him either and that just the thought of something like that happening had left Buck awake for several nights. He wanted to say that when he had seen Eddie buried under all that mud, not knowing if they were going to get him back alive, that at that moment Buck had almost died, that for a few minutes he’d had to imagine his whole life without Eddie and that he would rather die than face that future. He wanted to say that he loved Christopher so deeply that it scared him sometimes, that he would give his life for that boy. There were a million things he wanted to say; but how could he say anything when Eddie pressed his lips against Buck's so firmly and so smoothly at the same time? How could he speak any words when he was being kissed by the man he loved with all his heart and soul? There he was, living a moment that he had lived countless times in his dreams, but that he had never thought he would be able to experience in reality.
And it was beautiful, it was intense, it was passionate and it tasted like a bright future. It was not the scene he had dreamed of; it didn’t have the romantic atmosphere of a candlelight dinner and music playing in the background. What they had were sirens and voices echoing everywhere, and the smell of smoke and the fumes of whatever product came from that factory.
It was messy and sloppy and perfect, and Buck wouldn't change a thing.
"Come home with me," Eddie murmured against his lips. Home. That sounded good.
When they were finally released from their shift, Eddie drove through the streets of Los Angeles holding Buck's hand against his thigh, refusing to stop touching him even for a second, as if he needed a guarantee that Buck was there, alive, beside him. And Buck would never deny Eddie's touch.
Entering Eddie's house brought a warm feeling to his chest; here he felt welcome and at home... but then again, home always seemed to be wherever Eddie and Chris were.
"We need to clean up," Eddie whispered as he took Buck's hand and led him to the bathroom. There was nothing sexual about the way they slowly undressed each other, nor the way they got under the shower, washing away any traces of soot and dirt from their skins. Eddie hugged him under the jet of hot water, his hands running down Buck's back, stroking him tenderly. He kissed Buck's hair, his forehead, his birthmark, his cheek, his nose, his lips. The second kiss was even better than the first, and the third better than the second.
They kissed without the slightest hurry, only concerned with savoring the taste of one another exploring every inch of each other's mouths, memorizing every second; because now they can.
And later, when they were both lying on the bed in nothing but their underwear, Buck curled up in Eddie's arms, feeling calm and welcomed in the warmth of Eddie's skin and the feeling of his breath against his neck. The darkness in the room seemed perfect at that moment, and Buck was lost in the rhythmic beating of Eddie's heart against his back.
"Yes, cariño?"
"I love you, too."
He was finally home.
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piningeddie · 3 years
Why I think Gay!Eddie makes sense (aka why I'm a Gay Eddie Diaz truther)
While I've been in this fandom for a very short period of time, I've been paying attention to the discourse and the metas for a while now and, while I am a buddie shipper, I'll make it clear from the start that my gay!Eddie headcanon (and my deep wish to see it become canon) is not about buddie and doesn't even necessarily involve Buck at all. I'd love to see it regardless of whether buddie ever becomes canon, so let me explain why it makes sense for me!
(ALSO, DISCLAIMER: This does not mean I think this is the only possible interpretation of his character arc and history!!!! I'm just explaining why Gay!Eddie is a possible read that fits within the canon we currently have for the character! If you don't interpret it that way, that's fine!)
My reasons (aka let me project my queer experiences on Eddie for a little while)
So, to better explain this, I'll work with some points and how it works for me within the narrative!
Eddie & Shannon: While I believe sexuality can be a fluid thing and that it's possible for a person who is gay to have a """straight""" relationship, so to speak, there are reasons within canon that make me think that Shannon & Eddie's marriage may never have really been an in-love kind of situation. At least not on Eddie's part. So let's recap their relationship for a second! Eddie is a young latino in a town in Texas, not exactly a very pro gay situation, especially not 20/15/10 years ago. Take it from me, a latina from a very conservative town: it's not fun! Repression of sexuality in that situation, even to the point of engaging into "het" romantic and sexual situations, isn't exactly uncommon today, and definitely wasn't in the past. So for Eddie, even as a gay man, to have a girlfriend then and getting her pregnant? Not unheard of. Far from it. I'd say that at that point, even if he didn't feel as others said they felt, even if there was this underlying sense of wrongness to it all, he probably hadn't even realized WHY. But then she does get pregnant, they get married in a hurry and that sense of wrongness os exacerbated. It's overwhelming and Eddie... Flees. He fucks off to what I can only assume is hell on Earth (which we won't get into here bc I don't like the US and it's army) to avoid the inevitability of his eternal unhappiness. Because he seemingly has it all, right? Only it doesn't feel that way at all.
And eventually it reaches a breaking point bc when he comes back that unhappiness has new layers, it has a whole lot of war caused PTSD added to it, and the guilt of not being a good husband, a good father, all of it. And it's rough. And now he's there and Shannon is there but neither of them is any happier than they were when they were apart, so now what?
So now Shannon leaves.
And we fast forward to when she comes back. She comes back and he doesn't want her to see Chris at first, doesn't want them to be that immediate family again, doesn't want Chris to know. And also, he doesn't want to talk to her about any of it, either, because actually talking will mean he'll have to look back and think critically about what broke them in the first place, and you know when you're a kid you just KNOW there's a monster under the bed but as long as you don't look, as long as you stay very quiet and under your blanket, it will be fine? It won't hurt you if you don't look, right? So Eddie won't look at the why because he knows it, deep down, but as long as he can avoid facing it, it can't hurt him. He can run from it forever as long as he doesn't look directly at it (oh, but that never works, Eddie. Trust me. I tried.). So Eddie avoids the talking, the real issues, by doing what is easy, what doesn't really need him to really want it in order to feel good, what feels safe, what is comfortable territory. He avoids confronting their shared past by having sex. And as long as that's all he has to do, he's fine. He can do THAT. But that's not enough and Shannon says so. She wants more than that, better than that. But can Eddie give her that?
Eventually, he decides to put Chris first, which is something we know he will then again with Ana. But it's not enough. Because to make something, to build a marriage that is solid and loving, you need to have something more than just the needs of your kid as a foundation. So Shannon decides for them. And then, she dies. And Eddie mourns because of course he does. Not only for Chris but for himself. Whether or not he was IN love with Shannon, he did love her. She was a big part of his life.
Fast forward again to Ana. Ana who was perfectly lovely! Ana who was the ideal wife. Ana who was just SO NICE! And isn't it the worst that Eddie's heart just doesn't beat faster for her? That no matter how lovely or how kind she is, no matter how nice things are between them, that's really all it ever was? It was nice. But is nice enough?
Eddie wants to have a family for Chris. He wants Chris to have all that a kid could want. Including a perfect little family unit, even if the actual reality of it makes Eddie panic. Even if the idea of being cornered yet again into a promise of forever with someone so nicely and perfectly and kindly WRONG for him makes his heart bleed in protest. This time, the reality of his feelings just can't be ignored as they could when he was younger, and it was a rushed marriage in his texan town, under the watchful eyes of his parents. Now, he can almost taste freedom, even if he still represses it. Now, his brain and his heart will not have it. So they rebel. They rebel and he panics and panics until he just has to end it. He has to. Even if it might make Chris sad. Even if it ruins the fantasy of being able to have what he grew up believing he should want. Because he didn't panic when he almost died in war. He didn't panic when multiple members of his lil makeshift 118 family almost died. He didn't panic when his kid was threatened by a convicted murderer. He didn't panic when his own life was threatened by said murderer so quickly after being shot and almost dying! Because those are all real things and as much as he represses EVERYTHING, there's only this one thing he won't even admit to being affected by, only this one thing he won't even ACKNOWLEDGE as real. Because if you don't look directly at the monster under your bed, it can't hurt you, right? Because if you don't look at it you can pretend it isn't there because hey, monster aren't real, right?
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doublecheekedkinard · 2 years
If you're taking prompts #13 for the physical one liners? please
Thank you so much!
If you think you're abut to read about someone getting thier hair washed... I apologise.
Please let me introduce the grouchiest Eddie I could possibly muster.
I hope you like it!
"Let me wash your hair for you."
The path to healing is not a straight line. People say that a lot to other people who are healing. It's up and down, it's fowards and backwards. It's justification for the bad days, or bad weeks. It gets worse before it gets better is another one. Because pain is a sign of healing. Because feeling the pain and pushing through it is a sign of healing. And that's supposed to be a soothing balm, not only for the skin, the soul too, the reassurance that pain is a healer.
The problem is, on the bad days - on the Wednesday afternoon, after a paticularly gruelling PT session that seemed to last forever and a day, and the ring of the receptionists telephone on the other side of the door sets his teeth on edge - those words were not, in any way, shape or form, soothing. Or justifying. They were too much. They landed on his skin like hot oil from a screaming hot skillet and burned thier way through, seething.
Maybe it was him. Maybe he didn't want pity. Or kindness. Or an affinity with everyone else who'd ever been through some kind of trauma. He wanted to be better. He wanted to get through a simple daily task without wincing, or getting tired or taking painkillers. He wanted his son to hug him without fear of hurting him. He wanted people to stop understanding; to make like his dad and tell him to suck it up and walk it off.
Not even Buck is safe on those days. Buck - who makes it even worse. Of all the people who understand, it's Buck who sees straight through. He doesn't often verbally remind Eddie that he did the exact same thing, felt the same way after the ladder truck, he has once, possibly twice, but Eddie hears it in the looks Buck gives him when he's hissing like a wildcat at the mere implication of pushing through pain. He can hear it in the touches that Eddie allows with gritted teeth when Buck helps him with the things he can't do on his own yet. Buck doesn't need to say it. Bucks brand of understanding is a cold, sharp knife slipped between his ribs at the perfect angle to go straight through his heart.
The drive home is quiet. Eddie is tense and exhausted, every muscle wound tight when all he wants to do is relax. His shoulder is throbbing, overworked and sore, seeming to radiate down into his chest and back and right through his arm. He looks over at Buck twice, deciding against doing that again for probably the rest of the day, since his eyes speak a thousand words. They're soft and doe-y. That's enough.
Eddie waits for Buck to let them in, heads straight for the bathroom, mumbling vague words about showering and Buck lets him know he'll be making dinner. It's a routine that Eddie takes for granted on these days, the nagging in the back of his head telling him to 'at least be grateful', only adding a few more thunderstrikes to the dark cloud over his head.
Showering is easy. It helps, most of the time. Hot water and steam are a heaven-sent gift, even on bad days. It doesn't exert any energy at all, not even washing. It's an easy slide of his useful hand over his body and he can reach most places with relative ease. He lets himself come face to face with the fact that he really is like every other healing person out there, as he pokes and presses at the wound. For fun. To feel something.
At least that makes him laugh. Grim as it may be.
But it's the shampoo bottle that tips him over the edge. The stupid fucking cap that only needs flipping up so that he can turn the bottle over onto his head, but it won't co-operate. He won't co-operate. The throbbing is in his fingertips and trying to pull the cap sends shockwaves through the whole of him. He puts the bottle between his knees and tries again. It doesn't work. It just slips and skitters around the small floor. Bending over sends blood rushing to the wound and his head, everything hurts.
He doesn't restister the sound that comes out of his mouth when he throws the bottle at the wall with a force only anger could draw out of him at this point. Or the yelp when the only place the bottle has to go, as it bounces off the wall, is right back into his chest.
It's seconds before Buck is bursting into the bathroom and Eddie is on the floor of the shower, eyes and throat burning, adding insult to - quite literally - injury.
"Eddie?" Buck seems to judge pretty quickly that Eddie is 'okay', in the loosest possible sense of the word. At the very least, he's not bleeding out on the floor of his shower.
"I lost a fight with the shampoo bottle." Eddie looks up, and tries to relax his throat.
Buck looks relieved to the point where he wants to laugh but he doesn't let it slip. He looks at Eddie with those soft eyes again as he opens the door to the shower and holds out a hand for the bottle that has come to rest under Eddies knee. Eddie blinks.
"Let me wash your hair for you." Buck clarifies.
Eddies first reaction is to snap. To let the shutters come down even though Buck is already there, in the shower with him. Again.
"I can wash my own hair, Buck." Actually, it shocks him because it's not as forceful as he expected it to be, as he wanted it to be. He just sounds miserable, and a little pathetic.
Buck blinks, his hand still open waiting for the bottle.
"Let me wash your hair for you." There's no change in his tone. No air of a question. No lilt of backing down.
Eddie huffs and picks up the bottle.
Buck could have stood right there at his side and opened the bottle in front of him. Made it look easy with his two stupidly large, perfectly functioning arms. Instead he presses himself to the back of the shower first, stepping in behind Eddie still clothed. If he does that on purpose, Eddie doesn't know, but when he hears the snick of that bottle top; he thanks god for small mercies and pushes his head into Bucks fingers.
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diazevans · 4 years
wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted (cause we'll never know when we'll run out of time)
It's not the first time Eddie has been hurt on the job, and it's not going to be the last, but this time it was so close. One second he was just behind Buck and the next, the building was collapsing and Eddie was just not there. He doesn't remember much after it, only that Bobby and Chimney had hold him back from running straight back there and that an eternity later, they had pulled Eddie from the ground, with just a few scratches here and there.
Buck had not being able to calm himself down for a long while, not even with Eddie's reassuring words against his head, not even with his arms around him.
Eddie is in danger and it puts a lot of things on perspective for Buck.
Today has not been easy.
Buck is used to being the one running straight to the fire, to doing things first and asking later, because that's just the person he is. No natural disaster or bombs would ever take that away from him, not ever. It doesn't mean he is not careful, he is, especially now that he has Christopher and Eddie to come back home to, but it's just part of his job. He knows that his boyfriend understands that, so it's logical that Buck would also rationalize that sometimes, Eddie has to behave the same way.
His brain, apparently, did not get the memo.
It's not the first time Eddie has been hurt on the job, and it's not going to be the last, but this time it was so close. One second he was just behind Buck and the next, the building was collapsing and Eddie was just not there. He doesn't remember much after it, only that Bobby and Chimney had hold him back from running straight back there and that an eternity later, they had pulled Eddie from the ground, with just a few scratches here and there.
Buck had not being able to calm himself down for a long while, not even with Eddie's reassuring words against his head, not even with his arms around him.
When he comes back to himself, the anxiety still doesn't leave him. He feels too big for his own skin and if there is the slightest space between his body and Eddie's, he is already moving towards him. Buck needs to feel him, to know he is alive and they both know there is nothing they can do until it passes on it's own. Eddie has told them he feels the same sometimes and in that moment, Buck had trouble understanding how it felt. Now? It's crystal clear.
As soon as their shift is over, they are already on their way home when Eddie asks him if he needs to pick Christopher from Abuela's. The kid is staying with her until tomorrow, considering that they had a double shift, but he understands why he asks. They haven't been officially together for long, but they have been family for a good while; they have rituals for these kind of situations. Some times, they stay around the station or go out for drinks with their friends. Other times, when nature and accidents have taken apart families in front of they eyes, they both need to hold Christopher extra tight to their chests, to remember how lucky they are. In other occasions, what they really need is each other.
Buck is quick in shaking his head, because it's one of those times.
The rest of the ride is silent, staying in that way while they take their things inside of their home.
He is on Eddie as soon as the door is closed.
Eddie is not surprised, by the way he kisses him back with the same intensity, letting him press his body against the door. Buck needs him, needs to feel his beating heart against his hands and there is no more time to lose and his blood flowing in his veins. Eddie is alive and the only way that Buck is going to be convinced of it is when he feels him falling apart around him.
Eddie screaming his name in pleasure is the only way Buck's soul will come back to him.
Later, when they are both too tired to move and finally lying on their bed, Buck's mind still refuses to turn off. Eddie is lying content in his chest, happy to have his hair played with, but he let's him figure out his thoughts in peace. He is not sure what is taking him so long to get over and even when he knows it's different now that they are together, it's not like he didn't worry sick about Eddie when they worked. But now they have… They have so much more. They get to come back home together, to have a family together and there is still so much more they don't get yet and still, Buck could have lost everything in a second.
And that puts everything in perspective. He almost wants to punch himself for taking so long to figure it out.
And is not the fact that he almost lost the love his life today, but somehow it feels like it is . They could lose each other at any moment and Buck is tired of waiting. He wants to be with Eddie in every way he can imagine, do everything they can do, before they run out of time. It’s never going to be enough time.
He knows Eddie is awake when he presses a quick kiss to his temple, by the way that a little pleased sound comes out of his lips. If he was ever nervous about this, that little thing seems to calms absolutely every part of him.
It's so easy to say it. And mean it.
“Marry me.” It’s a whisper, but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear. He feels Eddie go rigid in his arms, but far from scaring him, it only makes him hold him tighter, preventing his boyfriend from moving. There are still things he has to say, to make him understand. “I don’t want to waste another moment where I am not your husband, when I don’t get to call you mine in every way I can." His hand continues to move his hand in the other's hair, feeling the corners of his mouth turning up already. "Marry me, Eddie."
The man he loves is strong, so it's pointless to still try to keep him from turning around. He is surprised and yeah, Buck recognizes in the way his eyes are so soft that it's talking everything on him to not move forward to kiss him.
"Evan." Eddie speaks in the same tone he did, quiet and worried to break the moment they are in. “You are scared.”
“Yeah Eddie, I’m fucking scared.” There is no point in denying it, mostly because he knows Buck probably better than he knows himself, but he is sure they are not talking about the same thing. One of his hands moves towards Eddie's cheek, brushing it with his finger. “I’m scared that if something happened to you today, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I didn’t tell how sure I am of this. Of us. ”
He has never being sure of anything more than this. That no matter how much time he has left, this is his place, beside Eddie and Christopher and any other kid that comes in their way. This is where he belongs, the love he wants to build. And he knows Eddie feels the same, by the way he is trying to collect himself by looking at the ceiling. "You are it for me, Eddie.  You and Christopher are it for me.”
There are a couple of moments filled with silence, but Buck is perfectly happy on giving him all the time he needs while he rubs his cheek. When Eddie's eyes focus on him again, they are so bright that they take his breath away.
“I was saving…”  The beginning of the sentence makes him chuckle.
“For marriage? Buddy, I think that ship has sailed…” To prove a point, he looks in between them, to where they are still clearly naked under the light sheet.
It earns him a smack on the head, what does nothing for his laugh, but it stops as soon as he hears Eddie's voice again. “For a ring, dumbass.”
It takes him a few seconds to feel anything apart from.the loud beat of his heart. Eddie had thought of marrying him and even when he knew, when there was no doubt in his mind that he was loved with the same intensity he loved Eddie, it was still something that made him blush like a schoolgirl.
Eddie must think it's amusing, because he has that cocky grin on him, the one he always uses him when he thinks he is being clever. “Really.”
It occurs to him that he is so flustered by Eddie's revelation that he still hasn't asked for an answer. “Is that a yes then?” He feels a little bit dumb, but Eddie's smile turns sincere and that is so worth it.
His boyfriend moves forward, cradling Buck's face in his hands before he kisses him, softly and lingering. Like a promise. “It’s a hell yeah.”
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loserdiaz · 11 months
fic rec friday fun! 💌
rules: share the links to your wonderful words with the most hits/most kudos/most comments/most bookmarks /most words/least words
tagged by @spotsandsocks @littlebitofdiaz @prince-buck-diaz and @bekkachaos 💗
most hits, most kudos and most bookmarks
and this is when the feeling sinks in ( i don't wanna miss you like this ) mature | 17.4k words
Buck was supposed to come home in a couple months, pretty close to Eddie's birthday. He was finishing his tour with the Navy and then they'll get their happy ending. That's how it was supposed to go.
Then two officers showed up at Eddie's door with a flag and thanking his husband for serving their country.
And everything changed.
2. most comments
believe in one thing (i won't go away) mature | 24k words
"I think— I think we should go to therapy. Together." Eddie says one night and takes Buck completely by surprise. "Therapy? Together?" "Yeah, like, couple's therapy or something. Frank told me he can recommend someone for us." "Eddie…" Buck says slowly, as if he's trying to explain the hardest math problem in the universe to a five year old. "We're not, uh— We're not a couple." "No, I know." Eddie frowns and looks down, fidgeting with the beer in between his hands. "But we're partners." He says, this time a lot lower that Buck barely hears it. "Right?"
or; the one where buck is figuring out stuff after waking up from a coma, eddie misses his best friend and they go to couple's therapy.
3. most words
made my way to a life i would choose | explicit | 26.1k words
In which Eddie transfers from his station to the Dispatch Center to be the LAFD Liaison, change is hard, staying away from Dispatcher Evan Buckley is even harder and not falling in love with the man is god-damned impossible. Eddie makes his way to a life he would choose and to a family who will choose him back. or affectionately called the buddie at dispatch fic <3
4. least words
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper | teen and up | 1.2k words (it has 999 kudos so if someone wanted to go and read it and leave a kudo i wouldn't complain about it 👀)
"Hey, how do you feel about an impromptu romantic date at a fancy restaurant with the love of your life?" He asks once he hears the call has been picked up. There's silence on the other line for longer than it's normal and Buck is about to check if Hen hang up on him when someone finally speaks— and Buck suddenly feels sick to his stomach. "Okay." Says the voice that is certainly not Hen's. The voice that's been haunting Buck's every dream for forever. "Eddie?" Buck chokes out, stuttering and hoping to God it's not him. "Yeah…" Of course it is..Buck looks up at his ceiling again, cursing the damn universe and its awful sense of humor. He's sure its laughing at him at this point. "Why? D-Did you mean to call someone else?"
or: Buck's date cancels but he has already made the restaurant reservation, so he decides to call Hen and ask if she'd like to take Karen there. He dials the wrong number. It all works in the end.
honorary mention to famous buck au bc it might not fit in any of this categories but it's still one of my fave fics i've written:
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) mature | 18.1k words
"I have been in love, yes." He says after the most torturous of seconds. "Would you mind expanding on that?" Buck hesitates for a few seconds and then Eddie sees the exact moment he decides 'fuck it' as he straightens in his seat. "There was this guy in high school. He was my best friend." Wait. Hold on. Eddie freezes. Is Buck— Is Buck talking about him? or: In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. They get there in the end, they just need to get their timing right. Inspired by the prompt: “you’re famous and just got asked if you were ever in love this should be good– WAIT WHAT."
tagging (no pressure): @monsterrae1 @buddierights @barbiediaz @cowboy-buddie @transbuck @transboybuckley @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @lesbianmaygrant @maygrantgf @buckitup @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @greyacebuckley @starlingbite @lovebuck @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @911onabc @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl and anyone else who wants to do it! 💗
129 notes · View notes
piningeddie · 3 years
Why I think Gay!Eddie makes sense (aka why I'm a Gay Eddie Diaz truther)
While I've been in this fandom for a very short period of time, I've been paying attention to the discourse and the metas for a while now and, while I am a buddie shipper, I'll make it clear from the start that my gay!Eddie headcanon (and my deep wish to see it become canon) is not about buddie and doesn't even necessarily involve Buck at all. I'd love to see it regardless of whether buddie ever becomes canon, so let me explain why it makes sense for me!
(ALSO, DISCLAIMER: This does not mean I think this is the only possible interpretation of his character arc and history!!!! I'm just explaining why Gay!Eddie is a possible read that fits within the canon we currently have for the character! If you don't interpret it that way, that's fine!)
My reasons (aka let me project my queer experiences on Eddie for a little while)
So, to better explain this, I'll work with some points and how it works for me within the narrative!
Eddie & Shannon: While I believe sexuality can be a fluid thing and that it's possible for a person who is gay to have a """straight""" relationship, so to speak, there are reasons within canon that make me think that Shannon & Eddie's marriage may never have really been an in-love kind of situation. At least not on Eddie's part. So let's recap their relationship for a second! Eddie is a young latino in a town in Texas, not exactly a very pro gay situation, especially not 20/15/10 years ago. Take it from me, a latina from a very conservative town: it's not fun! Repression of sexuality in that situation, even to the point of engaging into "het" romantic and sexual situations, isn't exactly uncommon today, and definitely wasn't in the past. So for Eddie, even as a gay man, to have a girlfriend then and getting her pregnant? Not unheard of. Far from it. I'd say that at that point, even if he didn't feel as others said they felt, even if there was this underlying sense of wrongness to it all, he probably hadn't even realized WHY. But then she does get pregnant, they get married in a hurry and that sense of wrongness os exacerbated. It's overwhelming and Eddie... Flees. He fucks off to what I can only assume is hell on Earth (which we won't get into here bc I don't like the US and it's army) to avoid the inevitability of his eternal unhappiness. Because he seemingly has it all, right? Only it doesn't feel that way at all.
And eventually it reaches a breaking point bc when he comes back that unhappiness has new layers, it has a whole lot of war caused PTSD added to it, and the guilt of not being a good husband, a good father, all of it. And it's rough. And now he's there and Shannon is there but neither of them is any happier than they were when they were apart, so now what?
So now Shannon leaves.
And we fast forward to when she comes back. She comes back and he doesn't want her to see Chris at first, doesn't want them to be that immediate family again, doesn't want Chris to know. And also, he doesn't want to talk to her about any of it, either, because actually talking will mean he'll have to look back and think critically about what broke them in the first place, and you know when you're a kid you just KNOW there's a monster under the bed but as long as you don't look, as long as you stay very quiet and under your blanket, it will be fine? It won't hurt you if you don't look, right? So Eddie won't look at the why because he knows it, deep down, but as long as he can avoid facing it, it can't hurt him. He can run from it forever as long as he doesn't look directly at it (oh, but that never works, Eddie. Trust me. I tried.). So Eddie avoids the talking, the real issues, by doing what is easy, what doesn't really need him to really want it in order to feel good, what feels safe, what is comfortable territory. He avoids confronting their shared past by having sex. And as long as that's all he has to do, he's fine. He can do THAT. But that's not enough and Shannon says so. She wants more than that, better than that. But can Eddie give her that?
Eventually, he decides to put Chris first, which is something we know he will then again with Ana. But it's not enough. Because to make something, to build a marriage that is solid and loving, you need to have something more than just the needs of your kid as a foundation. So Shannon decides for them. And then, she dies. And Eddie mourns because of course he does. Not only for Chris but for himself. Whether or not he was IN love with Shannon, he did love her. She was a big part of his life.
Fast forward again to Ana. Ana who was perfectly lovely! Ana who was the ideal wife. Ana who was just SO NICE! And isn't it the worst that Eddie's heart just doesn't beat faster for her? That no matter how lovely or how kind she is, no matter how nice things are between them, that's really all it ever was? It was nice. But is nice enough?
Eddie wants to have a family for Chris. He wants Chris to have all that a kid could want. Including a perfect little family unit, even if the actual reality of it makes Eddie panic. Even if the idea of being cornered yet again into a promise of forever with someone so nicely and perfectly and kindly WRONG for him makes his heart bleed in protest. This time, the reality of his feelings just can't be ignored as they could when he was younger, and it was a rushed marriage in his texan town, under the watchful eyes of his parents. Now, he can almost taste freedom, even if he still represses it. Now, his brain and his heart will not have it. So they rebel. They rebel and he panics and panics until he just has to end it. He has to. Even if it might make Chris sad. Even if it ruins the fantasy of being able to have what he grew up believing he should want. Because he didn't panic when he almost died in war. He didn't panic when multiple members of his lil makeshift 118 family almost died. He didn't panic when his kid was threatened by a convicted murderer. He didn't panic when his own life was threatened by said murderer so quickly after being shot and almost dying! Because those are all real things and as much as he represses EVERYTHING, there's only this one thing he won't even admit to being affected by, only this one thing he won't even ACKNOWLEDGE as real. Because if you don't look directly at the monster under your bed, it can't hurt you, right? Because if you don't look at it you can pretend it isn't there because hey, monster aren't real, right?
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