#Fallout history
atombonniebaby · 8 months
Treated myself and omg it's so beautiful 🤧🤧🤧
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But also... I had no idea Sturges and Mac we're side by side... See I was totally onto something here 🤣... I also really hope that is to scale 🤣🤣🤣
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Also... My Scottish heart sings at the unicorn still being on the old state house in the concept art... Because it's in my fic! Little connections back to Scotland.
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Hancock addressing his flock on the balcony... Well I can imagine a Scottish equivalent doing the very same from a mercat cross.
Maybe I should do some art of Nate and his little sister back when they lived in Edinburgh... 🤔
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dykedvonte · 18 days
This art of Hancock does something crazy to my brain, draw him more like this:
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omkdear · 7 months
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I'm just totally normal about Pre-War lawyer sole survivor. This is mine, Georgia Ambrose (Georgia Eugene Ernest) she goes by George. Working on a design for a Ms. Nanny called Ms. Juris who is the court stenographer Getting back into the groove of drawing again. Hahaha I have two art degrees can't you tell. Please don't upload or use anywhere without my explicit permission, thanks.
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carthonasi · 1 month
It’s been like a week now but I can’t stop thinking about what could have been going through Moldaver’s head when she saw Lucy and Norm for the first time in years when infiltrating Vault 33
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riivetcity · 9 months
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thapunqueen · 5 months
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twt trend except i did it with my highest kins insteaddd
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viperra1 · 16 days
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— despite everything, it's still you.
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doortotomorrow · 20 days
YouTube: You've watched dozens of Walton Goggins interviews in the past two weeks, haven't you had enough? Me: I'll damn well tell you when I've had enough, now keep those recommendations coming!
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Lonesome Road spoilers
So I decided to fight Ulysses with my bare hands.
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holy shit.
His spear glitched.
It looks like a fucking impaled him on his own staff.
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Look at this.
god I wish I could animate full fight scenes
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rad-roche · 1 year
happy valentines!
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atombonniebaby · 11 months
The procrastinationary info dump you didn't ask for 🤣
I'm big into dark history, folklore and a good ghost story. So naturally one of my OCs occasionally rattles off a spooky story and loves to mess with Mac 😂
Try to weave my favorite topics in where I can and draw connections between Scotland (where my OCs are from) and the world of Fallout 4! (or just general Scotland/America parallels)
I used to do tours wearing my samulet (Supernatural fans will know 😉) and my Fallout 4 pocket watch 🤫
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Plague was one of my favorite topics of choice to delve into (made someone faint once talking about that 🤭) I did my research. (I'm talking autistic hyperfocus level research 😂)
That is why I am 100% sure Duncan MacCready has a mutated strain of the Bubonic Plague (the blue flu and Dunc's disease are simply the bubonic and pneumonic/septicemic variants of the black death...)
The nightingales, brought in by Sim Settelments 2, has given me a whole story arc for MacBeth down the line ❤️
The other time I got too descriptive was talking about thumb-screws and Witchcraft trials... I had a bracelet that clacked and if I demonstrated the technique just right it added a good sound effect describing what happens when those things got tightened around yer digits (🤢)
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I still find it hilarious that being a redhead was a signifier that someone might be a witch in Scotland and Ireland.
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(being left handed, talking to yourself, having moles or birth marks are a few more...basically of you were different to the 'norm' you wanted to keep a low profile...superstition, rivalry and misunderstanding could often lead to someone being accused)
One thing I loved finding out, is the real Old State House has the Unicorn and Lion sitting on its exterior, proclamations being read from the balcony. It's a lot like the Mercat Cross I used to start my tours from. (Unicorn is Scotland's national animal FYI 🤫)
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We've also got a statue of Abraham Lincoln in one of our graveyards to commemorate the Scots who fought in the American Civil War
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And of course MacCready is very likely a Scottish name (Mac being 'son of')
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stoat-party · 4 months
The Gang visits Rivet City
Deacon immediately disappears to go bother Pinkerton. Possibly comes back with a nose job.
Curie is next door checking out Project Purity, pour la science!
Danse is having multiple overlapping existential crises.
Piper is investigating the class warfare between the upper and lower decks.
MacCready alternates between buying drinks for former Lamplighters and hiding from people he owes money.
Preston is geeking out at the Capital Preservation Society. Hancock is with him, making increasingly ridiculous offers to buy the Declaration of Independence.
Danse HATES Harkness’s vibe and can’t figure out why.
Deacon knows why. He says nothing because he thinks it’s funny.
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sacersanguis · 2 years
Tim: ....wait a goddamn minute you're telling me, they were not--- they were never together in the first place?
Bruce: Yes, Clark and I were never involved in such a relationship. How is that relevant to this---
Tim: Alright, whoever thought Clark and Bruce secretly eloped and then got divorced during Jason's-- *coughs* disAppearance, raise your hands!
*Bruce seeing the hands that have been raised*
Bruce: ... Alfred, why the fuck are you raising your hand-
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joelchaimholtzman · 3 months
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Happy to share art for the upcoming project by Monte Cook Games, Knights of Dust and Neon.
Western + Knights + Bikes + High Fantasy; This was a very exciting project to work on! Vehicles are probably one of the subjects I paint the least, so it took some effort to find the right balance between believability and unique design for the bikes (which was a must for the setting).
Hope you like it! Please let me know what you think,
All the best,
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infestedguest · 11 months
On a whim I went on a quest to find out how many crossover crackfics of Fallout New Vegas and Friends (1994) exist, and was devastated to come up completely empty handed. Are you seriously telling me that in the 13 years both pieces of media have been in the public consciousness nobody wrote a crossover crackfic?
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amarithecat · 1 year
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They're the same picture.
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