#Feyre archeron x reader
thehighladywrites · 2 days
I worry everyone is sleeping on the Feyre x Reader that you have on your wip page, so I just wanted to say I am v excited to imagine being topped by my High Lady (especially in an enemies to lovers way), pls and ty
i lowkey forgot about that💀😭 but it’s all ready im posting in tonight i think👀
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throneofsapphics · 6 months
Hi I was wondering if I could request either a feysand or rowaelin x reader? About how the reader is insecure and a really nice person and is like friends with everyone. And theres this one toxic friend of hers that like makes her believe that Rowaelin or feysand don't care about her because they don't spend eough time with her. Because feysand or rowaelin are really busy with their duties they don't have time for the reader and are really stresses about something so when the reader asks if they could take a bit of time off to spend time with the reader they snap at her? And you could maybe continue of from their if that okay? Could it have like a fluffy ending?
Sorry if thats too long and I really love your writing by the way !
how long will I bleed
Feysand x Reader 
Summary: Tired of being ignored, reader finally reaches her limit. 
Warnings: anxiety 
A/N: ahh thank you! and please don't be sorry! I haven’t written feysand in a while so I apologize if it's a bit off, thank you for the request :)
“How often do you actually see them?” 
“Every day,” you frowned, not sure where she was going with this. 
“I know, I know. You sleep in their bed.” Their bed? As far as you were concerned, it belonged to all three of you. “How often do they spend time with you, besides what they’re obligated to?” 
Obligated. That didn’t sit right with you, and whether she meant it or not - your friend was striking a deep insecurity, tucked away in your subconscious. 
“I don’t mean it in a bad way,” she patted a hand on your shoulder, you fought the urge to flinch. Absolutely she meant it that way. “Just something to think about.” Right now, it’s the very last thing you want to think about now. Thankfully, she prattled on about something else. 
For a while, you only watched. Observed. After some time passed, you subtly tried to nudge towards spending more time together. But, they were always busy, always tired, always had an obligation. 
Obligations that ranged from formal events in hewn city, to gatherings with some of their friends either here or from other courts. Gatherings you didn’t attend, mainly because you couldn’t tell if you were invited. There was never an explicit, come with us, or we want you there. It started to feel like they didn’t care. 
Actually see them. Obligated. Their bed. The words from your friend echoed like an ugly melody. Each week, she’d bring it up again. Each time, you brushed it off or shut it down. Reducing the time you spent with her would be the smart thing to do, but you couldn’t find it in you to cut her off like that. Even with the subtle digs and harsh comments, she’d been with you since before your relationship with the High Lord and Lady, and ending your friendship felt like breaking away from the past too much. 
It took you a few months to accept that if you wanted it to change, you needed to tell them.
“Do you think we could spend some time together?” you asked over breakfast, pointedly keeping your eyes on your plate. 
“That’s what we’re doing, isn’t it?” Rhys sounded vaguely amused. Briefly flicking your eyes to him, the angle of his head told you he was already glancing at the clock. 
“Maybe … maybe we could take a day off together?” You couldn’t remember the last time you spent an entire day together, just the three of you. 
Feyre’s mouth pressed into a tight line, “I don’t think we’ll be able to.” 
“I can work around your schedule,” it would be easy enough for you to get time off from work. 
“We don’t have time to spare,” she snapped. Spare. Feyre didn’t mean it, but it felt like she was calling you a spare. Their second choice, always coming behind compared to the two of them. A small tear welled in the corner of your eye. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she said, a tad more gently. Rhys glanced at the clock again, then back to Feyre, eyes glazing. 
Lost enough in your own spiral, you didn’t care that they were having a silent conversation in front of you. After a few minutes, they finally deigned to speak aloud. 
“We have to leave for Court business. We’ll be back in a week.” 
“Oh.” How long have they known about this trip? You didn’t want to ask. “Alright,” you finally said, throat bobbing. “When do you go?” 
“In the next few minutes,” Rhys looked distracted. 
Fine, that was fine. At least they told you before they left. 
“I’ll miss you,” you tried. It was like your words floated right over them, only getting a gentle smile from Feyre, your words echoed with little sincerity. Rhys offered you a half-smile, and a gentle caress against your mind. They each kissed you before they left, winnowing on the spot to … they hadn’t even told you where they were going. Maybe your friend was right. If they cared, they would’ve made time for you. 
Nice, you were always nice. That’s how everyone described you - kind, nice, gentle, a variety of synonyms. At this point, nice started to feel another word for pushover. You threw your heart out, only from them to stomp over it, not recognizing the trail of blood in their wake. The worst is, they weren’t doing it on purpose. Crushing you was an unintentional, careless, and passive habit. It was their default. 
This time, they’d pushed you right to the edge, to a place they’d actually have to try to drag you back from. 
A week was more than enough time to move out and crash with your cousin. She didn’t ask too many prying questions, only offered up her home and spare room. 
Rhys was excited to see you. He did feel a bit guilty at how they shot down your idea, how they had to leave you with such little notice. Time, that’s all you’d asked for, and they could manage that. If not this month, then the next. Stress had gotten the best of both of them recently, what felt like a thousand different negotiations to go through, a plethora of contracts and trade negotiations to review, left little time to spend with you, beyond the brief moment over breakfast occasionally, or before bed. Until you’d mentioned it, until he had some spare moments to reflect, Rhys didn’t realize just how bad it had gotten. 
He knew something was wrong as soon as they entered the Riverhouse. Your scent was … stale, and faint. Like you hadn’t been here in a week. Maybe you’d gone to stay with your cousin or a friend, a big house can be lonely by yourself. That’s what he probably would’ve done. Rhys tried to extend a mental bridge, to reach your mind, but was greeted with a wall of stone. A wall he’d taught you, designed to keep him out. 
“Can you reach her?” He asked Feyre. 
A few seconds pause. She shook her head. 
Walking through the house, he carefully looked for any signs of distress. Could someone have broken in here and taken you? His mind went to the worst case scenario, heart beginning to race. 
A note, pinned under the salt shaker on their breakfast table. 
I’m tired of being pushed aside.
Sorry to leave like this, but it’s for the best. 
Two lines, not even your name signed at the bottom. A small spot smudged the last word, like a tear had dropped onto it. Hurt, anger, betrayal, fear, and regret flooded him at once. 
It was the worst and best week of your life. Worst, because you missed them more than you wanted to, and they kept showing up in your dreams - uninvited. Best, because you finally felt free. With the pressure of a falling relationship gone, you could breathe again. 
Anticipation filled you as the week came to the end. Would they try to find you? Would they care enough to? The question you really needed to ask yourself, is if you’d take them back. After their return, you’d learn just how much you meant to them. You’d learn if you truly were the spare. 
Eight days after you left, you dragged yourself out of bed for an early shift, regretting the extra glass of wine you indulged in last night. 
Slipping through the alley, around the back door, you didn’t notice him at first. Fumbling with your keys, you finally managed to slide it into the lock when you heard your name. The voice that had haunted your dreams for the last week.  
A squeak, and keys clattered down on the cobblestone, the sound echoing. Bracing your hand on the door, you took deep breaths to slow your heart, before turning to face him. 
Rhys stood there, looking like he hadn’t slept at all, blue-purple half moons under his eyes, messy hair like he’d been running his hands through it. He raised one hand, a small piece of paper balanced between two fingers. Your note. It was quite brief, but you’d been angry at the time and couldn’t find it in yourself to come up with flowery words. 
“For the best,” he quoted. “Do you really believe that?” 
Oh, that put you right on the defensive. “I said it, didn’t I?” 
The paper vanished, and he tucked his hands into his pockets. “I don’t want it to end like this.” 
It. One tiny word to sum up three years. “But you want it to end?” your voice came out small. 
“No,” he said harshly, closing the space between the two of you. “I don’t.” You didn’t reply. You didn’t know what to say. “When do you get off?” He finally asked. Gentle claws poked at your mind, but you slammed your shields back up. 
“Two,” then your coworker would come take over. 
“We’ll be here,” he reached out, running his thumb over your cheek. It took all of your self control not to lean into the touch. Taking a step back, he winnowed. 
That entire morning and afternoon, you were … off, to say the least. But, work helped relieve some of your anxiety, falling into the monotonous tasks you’d done for years. 
We’ll be here. What did he expect to happen? What did you want to happen? 
By the time two came around, your coworker arrived a few minutes early, you were a ball of anxiety, your entire body tense, heart beating fast, mind swirling. 
“There’s two someones waiting out there for you,” she nudged your shoulder, tilting her chin towards the alley. Giving her a tight smile, you gathered up the rest of your things, to take a few breaths. In and out. You could do this. 
Feyre’s eyes lit up as you swung the door open, excitement tinged with a bit of melancholy. You chose to focus on the excitement. 
The rest of the afternoon passed quickly, and even with the lingering hint of resentment you felt more loved than you had in months. Part of you recognized that might be a red flag, that even a few hours of attention could have that effect on you, but it was easily brushed aside. 
You were nestled between the two of them, on a bench overlooking the Sidra. Rhys’s hand ran lazy strokes up and down your thigh, Feyre’s arm curled over your shoulders as you leaned into her. Gentle currents rolled back and forth, bouncing off of the stone walls caging in the river, music floating through the streets. Loud enough to hear clearly, but not so loud that it could drown out any conversation. 
“Come home with us,” she said softly. 
A moment of hesitation, but you knew you couldn’t resist. 
“I will.”
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sapphicmsmarvel · 3 months
feysand: getting together
feyre and rhysand discover the beauty of triad-bonds. no smut, all fluff, a sprinkle of angst.
buckle in we got a long ride (3K but hey this is long for me)
- It was interesting how you three got together. 
- Of course Rhysand initially thought that he and Feyre got together first out of the three of you.  
- No. You and Feyre lost your virginities together, and had your first kisses together. 
- She calls you her first love, always has. 
-Rhysand has always found you interesting, you were an angel compared to Nesta and Elain. When Feyre had come back to the mortal lands, you were the only one to look at her with relief. He could practically taste it as you brought her into your arms and cried into her hair. 
“Oh, my love. Whose ass am I kicking?” 
He didn’t miss the nickname, nor the way Feyre glowed after you called her that. Or how you never left her side. 
It was the first time he had heard Feyre giggle. 
So he knew right then and there he was going to protect you no matter what. That opinion was solidified when you welcomed them in with open arms, no questions. Then, you snapped at Nesta on their behalf. 
He remembers when he asked you why you let them in so easily. You had shrugged and said, “Feyre trusts you. I trust you.”
It was…interesting to say the least. If he wasn’t so smitten with Feyre he’ll admit that he could fall for you. 
-One night, after the war, after Cassian and Nestas' mating ceremony and baby Nyx’s birth; the two of them laid in bed with the babe cuddled into Feyre’s chest. He asked the question he had been dying to ask. “Were you and Y/N ever….?” 
She looked at him as if she was nervous, “yes.” She whispered, her voice small. “Is that a problem?”
“No!” Rhysand whispered fervently. Quietly enough to not wake Nyx, but loud enough that it showed how much he meant it. “I’ve always had a feeling.” 
She sighed, tears brimming her eyes, “gods these stupid hormones.” 
He wiped her tears. “I’m not mad.” 
“I know. But…” she shook her head. “It’s really scary.” 
“We don’t have to talk about it.” 
“No, I want to. But I also want to show memories, so you can….understand why I don’t ever want her to leave my life.” 
“I mean, I don’t know her nearly as well, yet I don’t want her to leave my life either. She’s….” He didn’t know how to finish that sentence, and if Feyre didn’t feel the exact same way, she might’ve nailed his dick to the wall.  
“Yeah.” She sighed. “She has a way of captivating people.” 
He felt her brush against his shields, and he opened up to her. 
“We met when we were five years old. Around age six, I declared I was going to marry her. Everyone laughed at me, but when I told her that she just smiled and said, ‘I want to marry you too’. Of course, we were six years old, we didn’t know any better. All throughout our childhood we shared a bond, I thought my entire life she was my soulmate.” 
As Feyre spoke, Rhysand saw her weave the tale of you two. 
“Then, I fell for Tamlin, and then you. I wouldn’t trade you for anyone. But she’s always stayed in my heart. When we went back to the village to see my sisters, I was more nervous to see her. Nesta and Elain rejected me my entire life, she was the one person that never did. I don't know what I would’ve done if she looked at me like that. Like I was a monster.”  
He then felt the happiness that Feyre felt that day when you took her into your arms. He could feel the tears that hit Feyres neck as you cried. Your perfume seemed to have a mind of its own and weave around her. He was in Feyre’s head, he wasn’t sure if he ever wanted to leave this embrace. 
As the night went on, she shared more memories of the two of you. He could feel his heart glowing as he saw you two laugh and grow together. 
- When Feyre was gone, you had found him in the backyard of the townhouse. He was drinking a glass of fae wine. You sat down next to him. 
“You know Feyre would call me a sap for being worried about her.” You started. 
He could almost laugh at that. It fits. “She’d also probably hit you.” 
“Oh yeah, maybe with her shoe?” He whipped his head to you. 
“She tells me everything, Rhysand.” You quirked an eyebrow. “Everything. Which is why I’m not storming into the spring court. I know what she needs to do.” 
“She told me about it. When it was happening.” You said. “When that bastard brought us in, she spoke in my head. Told me about it and that I needed to trust you guys. So I did.” “I’m sorry, that you three got brought into this.” 
You shrugged, “you would’ve seen me around anyway. Fey and I can’t stay away from each other. At least this way our friendship will last longer.” 
He huffed a laugh, amazed at your positivity. “I’m surprised you’re this positive about it.” 
You shrugged, “I just got her back, I’m not losing her again.” 
“Yeah. I can relate to that.” He said quietly. 
- After that night, he looked after you more. You helped out in the kitchen, you cleaned too even though you were requested not to. You can’t just sit around. You even talked to Rhysand about getting a job. 
- You two also hung out together, you either talked or just sat quietly. He found that you were one of those people that made it extremely easy to talk to you about anything. He felt safe with you immediately, which should’ve rang off more warning bells than it did. 
- You were accepting this life, because rejecting it would just result in a big spiral that you refused to go down. You’ve been down a depression rut before, you know when the signs are coming so you made yourself useful around the townhouse. 
- After Feyre came back from the Spring Court; you welcomed her again with open arms. Held her while her own sisters turned her away. 
Nesta had shoved you away because to her it seemed you were taking Feyre’s side. You weren’t. You loved all of them so much, you just wanted a bit of normalcy even though you knew it would never be normal again.
Him, Feyre and the entire Inner Circle heard that screaming match between you and Nesta. 
“And you’re acting like everything’s fine!”
“If I do not act, I will fall apart. This is our lives now. It sucks, the change fucking sucks but you know what could suck more? Feyre being dead. I know you like to act all cold and heartless because it’s some fucking defense mechanism-“
“Do not psychoanalyze me Y/N.” 
“My defense mechanism is trying to make the most out of things! I’m sorry I'm not like you Nesta; I always wish I would be. It would be a lot less painful than feeling every-fucking-thing.” 
Nesta was silent and you continued. “I love you, I would do anything to protect you, to help you. But I cannot be pulled between the three of you.”
“So you’re choosing Feyre? Acting like this is normal?”
“I am choosing me.” You said. “I am choosing to deal with things. This is my life now and I will be damned if I waste one more second on hating myself ever again.” 
Nesta had left the room, storming past the inner circle and walking out. Feyre quickly ran upstairs, her mate hot on her trail. Everyone else remained downstairs in case you didn’t want an audience. Hell, Cassian tried to pull Rhysand away from checking on you. But Rhysand had shrugged him off. 
You’d grown on Rhys quite a bit. 
When they got upstairs, Feyre crept in, “Sometimes.” You breathed, “I want to punch that bitch in the face.” 
“Y/N-” Feyre started. 
“I love her, so much, Fey. But my Gods-” You choked out. “I am just trying to keep it all together.” 
“I know.” Feyre nodded, “that’s what you do. You make sure we’re all okay, but you don’t prioritize yourself. That’s what you’ve always done, but please do not put us before you this time.” Feyre’s voice was wobbly as she turned you into her shoulder. 
That’s where you broke down, and Rhysand made himself scarce. But not before seeing that look in his mates eyes. The same look she had when she found him during his nightmare. 
The face of someone watching the love of their life break down. 
-Eventually things between you and Nesta got better, “they always do” you had reassured Rhysand when he was talking to you about it. Feyre even agreed, “things always work out with Y/N. She doesn’t let stuff be unsaid.” 
- That’s why when he started fumbling around you like a schoolgirl, he realized pretty quickly what was going on. He knew that if you got a whiff about it, it would be endless misery. Not only would he lose Feyre, his entire family would turn on him. He knew what he was feeling too. It was the same thing he felt about Feyre when he first met her, intrigue. And then, it became so much more. 
The mating bond was beginning to snap. But a trio bond? Cause he still very much was bonded to Feyre. He had never heard of a trio bond in his particular area of the world. He knew couples took on consorts or occasional thirds. He even joked about that with Fey. 
Hell, this entire inner turmoil he’s had to keep from shouting down the bond. He wants to talk to her because she’s his best friend but how do you tell your wife you think you’re also fated to be with her best friend? 
So he began countless research methods. Just wondering if it was a thing at all. Or if they were about to rewrite history. However, he found that while it wasn’t common, it did happen. So, he began a folder compiling research, putting things together to show Feyre everything he’s found. 
- Pretty soon he was able to grow a pair and tell her. He walked into their home, first he checked on his beloved son to see him sleeping in his crib. Then found Feyre in their bedroom. He walked up to Feyre too, ready to confess, when she looked at him extremely nervous. “I wanna try something.” She started. “I…I love you. So fucking much Rhys. But….I was wondering if we could add Y/N to the mix. I’ve felt this pull and I can’t explain it. And it’s really scaring me right now.” 
He felt like he was going to collapse. He then realized he didn’t say anything when Feyre started crying, “please say something.” 
“I…I’ve felt the pull too.” He held out the folder, “that’s actually what I want to talk to you about.” 
So they stayed up quite late, going over the logistics, how they still felt about each other (spoiler: disgustingly in love still), and how they would feel adding you. 
- They wanted you more than anything. 
- So, despite Feyre telling Rhysand “no my love, she’s not going to like subtle ways here. She needs direct.” He still went subtle. 
- She just let him do whatever. Even though she knew damn well you don’t like gray areas, you need point blank black and white. 
- She knew not intervening sooner would bite her in the ass, especially when you stormed into the art studio fuming. But she did enjoy the beautiful blush on your cheeks. She also found your angry eyes disgustingly attractive like she always has. 
You threw your bag over in a chair. “You need to tell your husband to stop flirting with me.” You hissed to her. 
Feyre raised a brow, “tell him yourself.” 
You looked shocked. Feyre quickly realized that this wasn’t the time for a blunt best friend role. Especially when she knew her husband had feelings for her best friend. “Fey! You can’t be okay with this!” 
She sighed, “can you just stay here, please? I’m going to get him here and we’re going to get this figured out.” 
You sighed and waited. When Rhysand came strolling in all breezy, he froze like he was terrified. “Uh, hello my two favorite beautiful ladies-”
“See!” You yelled. “He doesn’t stop.” 
“And he’s not going to.” Feyre sighed, “we have something to talk to you about.” 
She was glad she could read your face so well after all these years still. Let’s just hope there were more years of friendship, and possibly more. 
She also didn't know how to be around the bush with you. “You know the mating bond?” 
You nodded, so she continued. “Since a few months ago, both Rhys and I-” she looked at her husband. “We’ve felt…a pull to you.” 
You just stared. Rhysand continued. “The pull is the beginning of the mating bond.” Then he noticed that you weren’t reacting. 
“Why aren’t you surprised?” Rhysand asked. 
“She already knows.” Feyre said. 
You said nothing, and Feyre continued. “You knew and didn’t say anything?” 
“You didn’t say anything for a few months.” You said weakly. “When did you know?” 
“The second I came out of that cauldron. I felt it then.” 
Rhysand felt his own heart shatter, Feyre could feel her own shatter then as well. You waited years. Rhysand didn’t even wait that long knowing that it was Feyre. He waited a good six months but not years. Feyre didn’t wait at all, she jumped his bones. 
Feyre jumped back, shocked. “You knew for years? Why didn’t you-”
“What could I have said, Fey?!” You yelled. “That I’m 90 percent sure that I’m meant to be with you and your husband? Doesn’t help the fact that-” You cut yourself off, you were bordering on hysterics. 
“The fact that what?” Rhysand said softly. “You two make it horrifically easy to fall in love with you.” You said, your tears finally cresting over your waterline and flowing down your cheeks. “I tried. I tried not to. Because I didn’t know if the cauldron was just cruel and gave me two mates I could never have. I knew it was possible for people to reject their mates so I accepted I was destined for that.” 
You sniffed, “my gods, why don’t you just put me out of my misery and reject it right now. I’ll leave Velaris, I’ll leave you alone.”
Feyre was crying. “You don’t deserve to be rejected.” “Well, you wouldn't think that if you knew the thoughts I had about your literal husband but okay Fey.” 
“If you were a random woman, that’s when I’d care. But you’re you-”
“And your best friend. It’s a cliche ass trope.” You wiped your face. 
“And you are my mate!” She shouted. “You are destined to be mine, to be Rhysand’s, to be ours!” 
You looked at Rhysand, “you’ve been silent. What are you thinking?” 
“How lucky I am to have two beautiful women be mine. If you’ll have me.” He said, his voice was quiet and hoarse, as if he was terrified that if he spoke too loud, he’d spook you and you’d run. 
You let out a broken sob, Feyre and Rhysand ran to hold you. 
“We would be honored if you became our mate.” Feyre said, her forehead pressed against your temple. 
“When I first met you,” Rhys began, his chin resting on your head. His hands clasped around Feyre’s back on your left side, he was on your right. “I saw how happy you made Feyre. But then when she was gone, you kept me from losing it on…well everyone.” He admitted. 
“We had only had a few conversations.” You said. 
“Shhh, I’m confessing.” He teased, then he heard you snort a laugh. “When Feyre and you first reunited. I saw how happy she was, how she felt so safe. I vowed right then that I would protect you to keep that smile on her face. But once I got to know you, I realized I would protect you in general. You made me feel so at ease. I felt the peace that I knew Feyre must feel when she talks to you. You are strong, you are sweet, you are the most welcoming person I have met in my lifetime. You had every right to react poorly to us, instead, you took us in simply because we were with Feyre. You never looked at us like you were superior, or that we were your superior. Just equals sharing a space.” He held you two tighter. 
“You could’ve ignored us completely, or been rude. But instead, you unabashedly asked Azriel and Cassian to help you cook because if we were going to stay we had to do work.” His shoulders shook with restrained laughter. He heard Feyre giggling and even you let out a wet laugh. “I realized you were a gem too many times to count. Especially when I fell asleep on the couch and not only did I have my guard up, but you covered me with a blanket so I wouldn’t get cold. Most would’ve ignored me. Then at the meeting with the other High Lords, you snapped at Tamlin and told him to ‘shut the fuck up’ and to ‘fuck off and die’. It was a magnificent thing to witness. You didn't care that he could’ve killed you with a single strike. Which, not going to lie, kind of worries me for your health in the future.” 
All three of you laughed at that. 
“You say we are easy to fall in love with, but you have no idea how magnetic you are.” He said. “I always wanted you and Feyre closest to me, at first I thought it was because you were her best friend, and you were becoming mine. But then…then I started to fall for you. Before I felt the tug. I fell for you because of this kindness, this bravery, the strength. It’s everything to me and if you give me the chance I will spend the rest of our lives proving how I am worthy of you and Feyre. The mating bond was just a bonus.” 
You sniffled again, but he felt your arms pull from where they were wrapped around your own waist. And spoke. 
“I have a condition.”
“Name it.” Feyre whispered . 
“I get to have sex with you both at separate times and together. Basically, we fuck alone and together. I’m not doing this territorial fae bullshit if one of you is actually not okay with it. We are all equal and we can solo fuck each other.” 
Rhysand let out a loud, boisterous laugh, “that’s not what I was expecting, but absolutely.” All of you laughed again.
“I want dates too.” 
“Always.” Feyre said. 
“And gifts.” You said jokingly.
“Duh.” Rhysand said seriously. 
 But then you untangled yourself from the huddle and went to your bag that you had thrown down when you stormed into Feyre’s art studio. 
Rhysand couldn’t help the pout and Feyre whined at the loss of contact. 
You said nothing, but pulled out an orange and began peeling it. “Seriously? You’re snacking after that?” Rhysand exclaimed. 
“Rhys, wait.” Feyre said, tears in her eyes. Her hand on his arm. 
You offered it to them, “I don’t have time to prepare something right now, and frankly I’m not patient enough.”
They just stared at your open palms. “I accept.” 
- Thus the frenzy began.
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munsons-hellfire · 1 month
How Did It End? | Lucien Vanserra
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SUMMARY: He chose Elain over you, but your mates are there to help rebuild what he broke when the relationship ended.
PAIRINGS: Poly!Feysand x Reader, Lucien Vanserra x Reader (Past), Lucien Vanserra x Elain Archeron
CONTENT WARNING: SFW, heartbreak, poly!feysand, angst, fluff, happy ending
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by How Did It End? by Taylor Swift. This song is one of my favorites of TTPD: The Anthology. When I was listening to this on repeat, it just got me thinking about characters from ACOTAR, and I just thought this best fit Lucien. I hope you enjoy this!
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Lucien Vanserra was many things, that much you knew. Before Elain had come into your lives you’d spent such a long time with him. He made you believe things that you didn’t think you’d ever had. When he finally found his mate, the last thing you expected was to hear him say he chose her. You should’ve known this day would come.
He kept you in the Spring Court even when it was falling down. And when the war was over he kept you hidden from your friend. He kept you hidden away from Feyre. You rotted away in the Human land while your lover worked tirelessly to win his mate over. You guessed that he had done so. He stood in front of you, years after winning the war.
He looked so different from the last memory you had off him. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d kissed him, the last time he held you in his warm embrace. There were so many last memories that you just couldn’t remember when they had happened. Elain was in the room, her sister and brother in law also with them.
“Oh.” Was all you could muster up, the word breaking as it fell from your lips. That single word didn’t so much as affect the male, or his mate. But you could see the pain Feyre and Rhysand held on their faces and it confused you. “When did you work it out?” You went on to ask. Lucien stepped forward, but you stepped back. You were in a home that Lucien had found for you and you knew that he’d most likely take it away from you.
“We accepted the bond a few months ago.” Elain’s voice was soft, and you understood why Lucien had fallen madly in love with her and wanted to work it out. You shook your head not understanding why they would wait so long to tell you this important information.
“I see.” You turned around and grabbed your go bag.
Even before Lucien had shown up with the others in tow you had planned to leave. But now you have more incentive to do so.
“Where are you going?” Lucien questioned, finally he spoke.
“I’m leaving.” You looked back at the male you thought would choose you over his mate, but you were wrong, so wrong. “I don’t know when what we had ended or how it ended. But I do know when I’m not wanted anymore. I should’ve left when you said you wanted to pursue another female that is your mate. I’m not her, I never will be. So I’m making this easy for you Lucien.” You walked over to the door barely glancing at Rhysand or Feyre. “You can keep the house.”
You stepped out of the house and walked over to the horse that was waiting on the side. Climbing on you took off just as the four ran out of the home trying to call your name. You ignored them all. You needed time to process the news you already knew was true. Years with him had been wasted, they were nothing. You were nothing to him but trash to toss aside.
Tears slipped down your face blurring your vision. But it didn’t give you a reason for you to stop. You continued on until you were finally back in Prythian. You’d ride until you could make it out of the Spring Court, hopefully you could avoid Tamlin’s guards. Though it was nice to see that he had finally been able to rebuild his Court. You didn’t make it far into the Spring Court when said guards appeared surrounding you and stopping your horse in its tracks.
You released a defeated sigh, held your hands in the air and dropped your head. There was no fight left in you, not right now at least. The guards dragged you deeper into the Spring court until you were face to face with Tamlin himself, though he wasn’t alone. A female stood by his side, you didn’t know who she was.
“High Lord.” You whispered, bowing your head to him. You were afraid of what he might do considering what he’d done in the past.
“I heard what happened. I’ve alerted Feyre and Rhysand of your arrival in my Court.” Tamlin’s voice ran through your ears and that was the last thing you’d expected him to speak to you.
“W-What? Why?” You were confused, so utterly confused. The female stepped forward, a soft smile on her face.
“Your mates are worried about you. You left in such a hurry they didn’t have a chance to get to you.” She answered. Now you were even more confused.
“My love, I don’t think Y/N knows that they’re mates.” Tamlin’s green eyes were on the female you assumed was his mate or maybe his lover.
“Rhysand and Feyre aren’t my mates. It’s not possible. I can’t have more than one mate.”
You were still processing the new information when Rhys and Feyre winnowed into the room. They were here with you in the Spring court. Both High Lord and Lady kneeled in front of you. Each reaching out with one hand to caress your cheeks.
“It is possible. It’s rare, but a mated pair of three, or a triad is very possible.” The female said.
“My mate, Luna, she’s spent most of her life researching mates and how bonds truly work between the Fae. She was the first one to notice that Rhys and Feyre were missing another part of themselves.” Tamlin spoke, Luna, the female you now knew to her be, gave a nod of approval to her mate’s words.
“When?” You asked.
“We truly didn’t know until Luna talked to us.” Rhysand whispered, keeping his violet eyes gazing into your eyes. He was searching for something in them, maybe searching to see if you’d run away again.
“But you have a family.” You just wanted to call it quits, you wanted whatever pain you were feeling to just be over.
“Yes, we have a family but it never felt complete. And now we know why.” Feyre said.
“Why?” Your lips trembled, afraid of the words that either might say. Too much had happened today, it was exhausting.
“Because you weren’t in it, you weren’t a part of the little family we have. Lucien kept you hidden from us. He thought Elain would truly reject the bond and he’d come back to you. We’d spent so long trying to figure out what was missing. And when he mentioned going back to you, we felt a tug but we didn’t understand any of it.”
“Why now?”
“Because you deserve to be happy too. Lucien knew that you’d run, we asked Tamlin to keep an eye out for you. We had to talk to you, to tell you what truth we had learned.”
“I can’t. I can’t.” You cried out. You stood up and backed away from them. “It’s not possible, this…” You cut yourself of staring at Rhysand and Feyre. They were hiding the hurt, but you could feel their pain. That was new, so new and it was overwhelming. “I just want to lie down.” As you said the words you felt your legs give out beneath you. However Rhysand was clutching onto you before you hit the grass.
“Let’s go back to the Night Court. You need some rest and time to heal before we discuss this.” Feyre whispered to you. You nodded, your hand gripping onto Rhysand’s arm tightly. Almost afraid that he’d disappear. He picked you up from the ground, your head rested on his chest. Feyre nodded her head and he disappeared.
“Thank you.” Feyre whispered to Tamlin and Luna. Tamlin gave a nod of his head while Luna stepped away from him and walked closer to Feyre.
“Y/N, will need both of you. This is going to be a lot.” Luna said.
“I know. Rhys and I will do everything to make sure that Y/N is comfortable with this. It’s going to take time, I know that much is true.” Luna smiled in understanding. Then Feyre said her goodbyes winnowing back to the night court.
���──── ☾☾☾ ─────
Months had passed and you were still in the same state you’d been in since Rhys and Feyre had brought you home. They were worried about you now more than ever, not sure how to fix what Lucien had broken. You knew the bond had snapped for you but you will still try to process everything. Trying to process the fact that not only did you have one mate but you had two mates. They were High Lord and Lady and they had a son together. You didn’t understand how you could fit into their family when they had such a perfect family already.
Nyx had helped when they’d bring him in to visit you. You already had a bond with the child and sometimes it was hard to put Nyx down to sleep because he’d cry for you to be the one to put him down for a nap. But you were still so scared that you’d mess it all up, that you’d be abandoned again. Just like your parents had abandoned you, and just like Lucien had abandoned you.
You were so lost in your thoughts, stuck in your mind that never seemed to go to sleep when you needed it to, to hear the door of your room open and close. Rhys and Feyre thought it was best for you to have your own room until you were ready to take the next step. The relationship between the three of you was on your terms. A sob left your lips feeling the bed dip down on both sides. Feyre lied down in front of you while you hugged your blanket tightly. Rhys pressed his body against your back.
“We’re here for you Y/N.” Feyre whispered, a sad expression etching onto her face.
“I know.” You whispered, closing your eyes. Rhys and Feyre had been trying to get into your mind since you’d come home with them, but your shields were strong. You also weren’t letting them get into your mind, not yet anyway.
“It’ll be okay, love.” Rhys whispered into your ear.
“I just don’t understand how it ended, I mean I understand it. But there were never any signs, I never saw it coming.” You whispered, letting your tightening grip on the blanket loose. Feyre finally closed the gap between you and her, Rhys lifted a wing and covered himself, you, and Feyre with it in protection.
“Sometimes the relationships we thought were meant for just end without any signs. Sometimes there are better things out there for us.” Rhys said while Feyre nodded in agreement.
“Will it ever get better?” Rhys kept his gaze on both of his mates, though his eyes lingered on Feyre for a brief moment.
“Eventually, it will. All you can do is take it one step at a time. Rhys and I will be here through that process. When you're ready to accept the bond we’ll accept it. If you’re not ready then we’ll wait until you are.” Feyre paused, her eyes found yours and she could see the shock that was on your face. “You are worth every moment, worth every shared memory, worth waiting for.” Another sob escaped your lips.
“I don’t want to be abandoned again.” The fear of what had truly happened to you finally left your mouth. Feyre and Rhys wrapped their arms around you and huddled closer.
“You will never be abandoned, not by us. Not ever.” Rhysand said sternly.
“Promise?” You switched your gaze from Feyre to Rhys waiting for them to take back what they’d both said.
“We promise. You’re our mate, and we are yours. We’re in this together until the end of time. Until the Mother decides that our time is truly at an end.”
You gave a soft smile, though your lips were trembling and tears were slipping free. It was going to be a long journey but you knew you’d be able to come to terms with the past and move on for a better, happier future. And with Rhys and Feyre by your side it didn’t seem so scary anymore.
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missglaskin · 1 month
Hi I had a question have you ever considered writing for ACOTAR and what do you think about the series and who would be the worst? Yandere to have if you could do a ranking this is not a request. I just wanna know your opinion. I hope you have a good day or night. 😊🥰❤️
I didn’t make a ranking but I did rate them (1 least worst, 10 being pretty bad) hope you don’t mind
Feyre only wants what's best for you, at least that's what she thinks. She feels a great deal of guilt when her mind wanders to dark places. Feyre doesn't like lying or deceiving you, but she always tries to justify herself. She is extremely protective and fiercely loyal, going to great lengths to keep you safe; the end always justifies the means. Everything goes well with Feyre as long you don't struggle against her and just let her take care of you. 6/10
Elain seems harmless at first, lost in her own world, spending hours daydreaming about you rather than approaching you directly. She's shy in approaching you, but her infatuation with you grows steadily and soon enough you start seeing her more often. She does not resort to violence like the others but pretends to be your friend while subtly isolating you from everyone else. You realize a little too late that Elain is scheming to keep you all to herself, not when she gives you that sweet girl. 4/10
Nesta appears cold and distant at first, often trying to push or avoid you altogether. Unaware it’s Nesta’s realization of her intense feelings and maybe it was her way of trying to protect you. But in moments of jealousy or danger, Nesta’s possessiveness becomes glaringly apparent. She does not want to chain you down, but she fiercely wants you all to herself. Desiring to have you solely for her own gaze and touch. You should just trust her and let her make all your decisions on your behalf. 6/10
Mor's danger lies in her manipulative nature and her relentless desire to get what she wants. The second she set her eyes on you; she wanted you. Mor takes the role of your friend, gaining your trust and coaxing you to confide in her. Letting you reveal your deepest secrets and positing herself as your savior to ensure you feel indebted to her. You can never point the finger of blame to Mor, she’s always one step ahead even when you find yourself isolated and powerless to make your own choices. 7/10
Amren is not someone who immediately raises suspicion, but there's an air of uneasiness. Not interacting all that much with her at first. But you'll feel eyes watching your every move yet when you turn to look, nothing is there. She in a way positions herself as an ally, subtly guiding you in the way she wants, all to assert control over you. As time passes, her tendencies begin to surface and she can no longer conceal her possessiveness. Finding yourself isolated and confined to a little place all alone with her. 8/10 
Rhysand is charismatic and not even you are immune to his charms, despite your better judgement. He's so good at pulling the strings, steering situations to his advantage. You could accuse him of an act that you know he has done, but he'll turn it around, making you feel guilty for doubting him. When Rhysand senses you're slipping away from his gasp, he won't hesitate to resort to extreme measures. You're trapped with no allies and no means of escape leaving you no choice but to depend on him. 9/10 
Cassian's intense loyalty and protective nature may seem his best traits, but it's a means of suffocation to you. Cassian is convinced he knows what's best for you, stubbornly insisting on his ways even if you push him away or outright reject him. His impulsivness guides his actions, causing him to raise his voice or grip you too tightly, but Cassian always apologizes afterward, you must forgive him right? Cassian is nice to have if you never resist and simply allow him to do as he pleases. 7/10
Azriel doesn't approach at first, preferring to watch you from a distance, meaning all the time. His shadows are tasked at keeping him informed and ready to protect you from any impending danger. When Azriel involves himself in your life, he becomes the center of it. Bid farewells to your past connections as he demands your full attention, confined under his very control. You may be allowed some freedom if you comply, but resist or fight back, it won't bode well for you. 8/10 
Tamlin is a storm that's looming, ready to engulf you. His protectiveness and possessiveness are like a chain around your neck; suffocating. He's controlling and has a desire to keep you by his side at all times. No matter how much you fight back, Tamlin believes you'll come around eventually, time is all he has. Sometimes, his temper flares and he lashes out, destroying things in his path, and seeing your fear brings him back to his senses where he apologizes profusely, promising it won’t happen again. 9/10 
Eris is intensely jealous and controlling, viewing you as his and his alone. There's a high likelihood he'll keep you trapped, unwilling to let you go. But beneath all his possessiveness, Eris is somewhat desperate. He long for you to just open yourself up to him, to surrender to his touches. With everything he went through, Eris doesn't wish to inflict harm on you. Why must you force him to restrain you, to him it's so simple, why not just give into him, a life where he shows you devoted love and loyalty. 7/10 
Lucien is aware of his tendencies and has tried to avoid you, but keeps finding himself drawn back to you, unable to resist gazing at you from a corner. He's consumed by his obsession, devoting himself to you completely, and Lucien finds himself unable to fight against it. He never wishes to harm or trap you; he has seen the damage it caused. He hopes his charms and time will be enough to win you over, and become so entwined in your life that you can't take him out of it. 5/10 
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k-daydreams · 1 year
The Pursuit of Feeling Alive: II. Acting Coy
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Pairing: Azriel x fem!reader
Synopsis: cousin to Rhysand and Morrigan, y/n was once her family’s golden child. Faced with trials and tribulations her whole life, she needed reprieve— a distraction. Until a surprise homecoming opens Pandora’s box, and gives y/n a reality check. Especially facing her once close friend Azriel. Friends to Enemies to lovers trope.
Word count: 3.6k
Warnings: swearing, angst, angst, angst!! Ooc Azriel being a dick?, flashbacks, mentions of trauma
Author’s note: wow wow, thank you everyone for the support! Kinda strayed from my original idea of this fic, but I’m loving it more. As always like, reblog, and please give feedback if ya can! I love all the messages I’ve been getting! It makes me so excited for this! Anyways enjoy and lmk if you want to be added to taglist?!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
You stood on the corner of the balcony attached to your bedroom in the House of Wind, gazing up at the remarkable Night Court sky. The stars twinkled above, painting the velvet canvas, while a gentle breeze enveloped you, carrying with it the faint scent of jasmine, a delicate reminder of Velaris' beauty. Aware that this might be your final stay in the city for a while, you cherished every precious moment, savoring the sights and sensations that had become familiar and comforting.
Tomorrow morning marked the beginning of a new chapter in your life—a journey to the Spring Court with your parents and the rest of the night court, where you would wed and live with your soon-to-be husband, the eldest son of the High Lord. Leaving the House of Wind was no easy task, for it had become your sanctuary, but it was your duty to follow the path laid before you. The weight of tradition and family expectations had been ingrained in you since childhood, shaping you into the dutiful daughter you strived to be, hoping to bring honor to your family's name. Sacrificing your own hopes, dreams, and aspirations was not in vain, or so you convinced yourself, fearful of the consequences of pursuing a different path.
As you basked in the soft glow of the moonlight, you allowed its radiant embrace to caress your bare arms, feeling a connection with the celestial bodies above. The gentle luminescence seemed to emanate from your own skin, illuminating the periphery of your vision. Tonight, you felt too numb to dim that light, to suppress the thoughts that consumed you. You had just embraced it all. It had been almost a year since your dormant abilities had awakened, making every fire and faelight burn tenfold, announcing your extraordinary powers. Since then, you have dedicated yourself to honing those powers, training relentlessly while also still excelling in your studies and various skill sets. It had also been almost a year since you were promised to a man in whom you held no interest.
The weariness had settled deep within you, amplified in recent weeks by the wedding preparations and the intense mental shield training by Rhysand. The purpose behind this training was to safeguard Velaris and the secrets of the Night Court from the prying minds of daemati, ensuring no slip of information would jeopardize your mission. Rhysand didn’t hold back with training, pushing you, and when you thought he couldn’t push anymore he found away to break you past the point. No amount of tonics and headache powders could help the pain that raged in your head, even making your body ache. You wished to snap, to surrender to the madness— senility seemed like a preferable alternative to the path laid out before you. You knew better than that.
A rustling sound behind you alerted your senses, accompanied by sturdy footsteps that landed with certainty. Without needing to guess, you knew who had joined you on the balcony, and for the moment, you wished for the company of only your own thoughts. That's why you had taken dinner in your room, denying even your handmaiden's presence. You didn't want your family or the court to witness the turmoil brewing within you. How vulnerable you actually were.
"You've been avoiding everyone," Azriel stated, his voice carrying from the opposite side of the balcony. His massive wings were relaxed hung over the railing, his elbows propped on the ornate material. Though he stood a step away, his shadow slid across the tiled floor, subtly wrapping itself around your ankle in a comforting greeting—a gesture you were too stubborn to admit brought solace.
"I've been preoccupied with making sure everything is ready for tomorrow and the wedding," you replied coolly, feigning detachment.
"You have people for that," he countered, a sliver of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Azriel possessed the uncanny ability to read you like an open book—it was, after all, his skill as the Spymaster. It was more than the skill he had as he has been your friend for almost a century already, and he just knew by this point. He could sense whenever you were distressed, angry, happy, or on the verge of breaking apart.
"I'd like to ensure that all my belongings reach the Spring Court safely," you retorted with a nonchalant tone, your hands resting on your hips. Even if he was right, he was the last person who should be visiting you without a chaperone. The high lord was very strict with orders on who could visit you. Azriel was not one of them.
"Bullshit," he coughed, crossing his arms. You turned to face him, glaring, carefully observing his appearance. Dressed in his customary Illyrian fighting leathers, black and glazed, black gloves concealing his scarred hands, his blue siphons shining bright against your own radiant glow, his onyx hair neatly pushed back, not a strand out of place, and his jawline clean-shaven, he looked as fresh as a daisy, despite his busy schedule.
"Have you considered the possibility that I simply don't want company?" you queried, your tone laced with defiance. He chuckled at your stubbornness in a humorless way, rubbing his hand over his face.
"Your affairs are encroaching on mine at this point," he sighed, his frustration not directed at you, but rather at the fact that you had become a pawn in the grand scheme orchestrated by the High Lord, Kier, and your father. Another piece sacrificed in this intricate game of war, and it was unfair to you. While you remained oblivious to what lay ahead, Azriel had an inkling of the ordeal awaiting you. His spies had informed him about your soon-to-be husband and the nature of his family. He had known the court was everything you despised despite having everything you loved. He knew you were about to become the Spring Court's most prized olive branch and trophy once the night court handed you off, and he couldn’t do nothing about it.
"Sorry if my call to duty is so bothersome for you, Spymaster," your blood began to boil, indignation rising within you. He was upset? You were the one marching toward your sole purpose in life, or so you had been led to believe. It felt like you were going to your own funeral. Yet he wanted huff and puff in annoyance?
Azriel raised his hands in defense as your anger escalated. "I say this out of genuine concern for you, dear dove," he said, his voice gentle. Your heart fluttered at the nickname your friend had used for you—an endearing term that had started as teasing but had evolved into something deeper for you. "I know this isn't easy for you. Morrigan sends her wishes as well."
You scowled, your heart aching for what your family had put Morrigan through when she refused a preordained fate. You wished you possessed even a fraction of her bravery. But you were not her; you were yourself—the Night Court's shining jewel, the rare black diamond that they had painstakingly cultivated and finally gotten right.
"Azriel, what if I can't do this? What if I make a mistake?" Your throat tightened, your body trembling as you fought back the anguish welling up inside you. "I'm so fucking scared," you whispered, a tear escaping and trickling down your cheek. Azriel approached, closing the distance between you, and pulled you into his strong arms. He cradled your head with his gloved hand, the other rubbing soothing circles on your back, while his shadows gently played with the ends of your hair. The dam burst, and sobs wracked your body as you silently cried in his embrace, finally succumbing to the weight of it all. You could smell the mist and cedar on him, and it sent waves of solace through your body. It was one of your favorite smells, if not the top favorite on your list.
"You're going to do more than great," he whispered, his voice a gentle reassurance amidst the storm. "You're going to be the most intelligent, talented, and powerful woman to ever grace the Spring Court with your presence." He gently pulled away, cupping your tear-streaked face, wiping away the evidence of your pain. His hazel irises bore into yours, and a sincere look on his face as he continued. "Did I mention the prettiest as well?" A faint smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you rolled your eyes, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood. You pulled him back to you, just needing to savor his warmth and presence for a little while longer. He didn’t protest, just rubbing your back as his shadows still continued to play with your hair.
After a while, you pulled away feeling your eyes were getting heavy. "I suppose I should get some sleep. Thank you, Az," you sniffled, your voice still shaky. He nodded, offering you a closed-lip smile.
"Of course, dear dove," he nodded, the moonlight still casting its ethereal glow upon you, making even your stray tears appear crystalline. Retrieving a small box from his pocket, he handed it to you—a black box adorned with a deep purple ribbon. "From all of us. You don't have to open it right now."
You took the box from his hand, your fingers lingering for a moment on his gloved one. He seized the opportunity and pulled you into another embrace, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head. Your heart swelled at the gesture. Azriel may have been aloof most of the time, but when it mattered, he was compassionate. You could only hope your husband would possess a fraction of his considerate nature. He pulled away, and you wiped the remaining tears from your face.
"Goodnight, Y/n," he murmured.
"Goodnight, Az," you nodded, watching him as he moved away. His wings rustled before taking flight into the shimmering night sky of Velaris. You allowed him several meters of distance before entering your room. Sitting on your bed, you toyed with the small box, anticipation building within you. Unable to resist any longer, you opened the gift.
Inside, nestled on a bed of purple velvet, was a stunning jewelry set adorned with black diamonds. They were the most exquisite pieces you had ever laid eyes upon. A note was tucked beside them, signed by Rhysand, Morrigan, Cassian, and Azriel:
For our little star.
You had been heavy in thought all morning, memories haunting you, filling your heart with a weird sense of deja-vu. Preparing to leave for the Night Court proved to be a daunting task while nursing a hangover. At least you were staying for another few days, only gathering some belongings to leave with Morrigan when the inner circle left this morning. You wanted to tie up loose ends before leaving the Day Court and returning to the city of Velaris. You couldn't bear to leave Helion clueless on what stood in your affairs at his court; you had left too many loose ends in your life already. This time you were determined to at least end this chapter of your life closed and on a better note than all the others in your life.
The faint smell of the wildflowers and honey from the colorful gardens below breezed through the windows, and light from the morning sun glittered your skin where it was exposed as you moved around your room. You savored the feeling on you as it absorbed through your thin night clothes and robes as you packed. The light was hard to ignore as it buzzed in your veins, the frequency low compared to what it felt like when you weren’t hungover. Your head was already spinning, a whirlwind of emotions and nerves churning about. It was hard to tell whether the flutter in your stomach came from nerves or the remnants of the wine you had indulged in the night into the early morning. A big thanks to Mor, who never allowed your glass to be empty.
You had packed a decent size sack of clothes, but glamoured it into a small coin purse so Mor could easily bring it to Velaris without straining herself too much. Her room was further down at the end of the hall from yours, where she had always stayed in the Day Court (when she had not occupied Helion’s room). Not feeling the need to change out your night clothes yet, you left your room with the coin purse to go visit your cousin.
The day court palace was ethereal and heavenly. Everything from the statues, the molding around the high domed ceilings, the pillars that lined the halls of the palace, to the tiles of the floor were made of marble and quartz. The dome ceilings had murals painted of past day court rulers, great battle scenes from the Great War, and even some of Helion’s closest friends and court members. The halls had endless windows to let the sunlight in with balconies and verandas attached that held sitting areas of gold and champagne colored silk chairs and tables scattered about facing the best views of the grounds.
As you strolled down the hallway, the sunlight embraced your skin, leaving a warm sensation lingering upon you. The rings adorning your fingers glimmered, casting reflections on the polished floor. It was these little details that you would surely miss once you departed—the comforting warmth of the Day Court and the ability to harness your power so effortlessly. In the Night Court, where the moon and stars reigned supreme, the sun’s brilliance was muted, and manipulating light consistently proved more challenging. Lost in your own world and lost in thought, you failed to notice who was walking your way.
You looked over and saw Cassian, Nesta, Elain, and Azriel walking towards you. You mustered up a brave face, offering a meek smile. Azriel’s shadows came out of nowhere, swirling and circling up his arms. Almost like they were chirping to him. He subtly shook his arm to rid them, not looking impressed.
“Good morning,” you greeted, tucking your robe closer to your body, trying to cover up a bit more. You couldn’t help but notice the awe in Elain’s and Nesta’s faces as they looked at you. You didn’t think it was because you were in your night clothes either.
“You're glowing,” Nesta said with inquisition, ignoring your greeting. Your skin even through the mesh of your robe shined lightly emanating a soft glow.
Your cheeks reddened and you willed the light down into your being, not doing a great job as it seemed to shine brighter. Cassian smiled broadly, his wings rustling in amusement. Azriel had remained stoic close behind Elain. His facial expression was unreadable, a big contrast to the wonder in the young woman’s face.
“Didn’t I tell you she did that?” Cassian wrapped his arm around his mate, and her eyebrows furrowed together looking at him. She reminded you of a black apothecary cat that hated almost everyone, and Cassian was the stray golden long haired dog that roamed around the streets of Velaris begging for pets and food. It was odd, but sweet.
“I thought you meant figuratively.” She pushed him away slightly, fixing her hair.
“No, no it’s actually literal.” You tried to add a playful tone to your voice in an attempt to diffuse your unease. You felt naked and improper in front of them in just your night clothes. It didn’t help, they were already dressed for the day, all in their traveling attire.
“Intriguing,” Nesta hummed in curiosity.
“I think it’s beautiful,” Elain spoke up. “You’re truly the star they say you are.” You looked at the middle Archeron sister, her features soft and dainty. Her brown eyes are warm like toffee and her hair matched. She had reminded you of yourself many many centuries ago. “I had a lot of time to read in the libraries.”
“I’m in books, I didn’t realize I was of significance.” The statement came out harsher than intended. The feeling of indifference was powerful towards your biological family.
“You are one of the most important court members to exist. Of course you're in the Night Court texts.” Azriel muttered. “No need to act coy.” Though his voice was calm and level, you knew that had been intended as snark.
Your softened gaze hardened as you glared at him, “I’m not being coy, just genuinely surprised because I was also one of the most shunned members.” The air was now heavy with an unsaid tension as Cassian and the sisters looked between Azriel and you. This was the first time you’ve talked to him in over fifty years, of course it was meant to be an argument. Cassian should’ve expected this, knowing his brother's feelings and how your temper got. Knowing how you ended things and the complex history between you two.
“Surprised you’re always put on a pedestal, no matter what your status is?” He jeered. Your could feel your inner rage ignite in your veins. You weren’t some pretty prize or trophy. Not anymore at least.
“Nesta, Elain let me show you the gardens.” Cassian suggested casually. Nesta looked entertained that she got to see the shadowsinger break his mask of cool, but quickly got annoyed at her mate who was pulling her away. Whereas Elain looked hesitant, bracing a hand on Azriel’s muscular bicep, showing her concern before trailing behind her sister.
“We’ll see you back at Velaris, Y/n.” Cassian put his hand on your shoulder walking past you and shooting Azriel a pointed look, escorting the women to the gardens; leaving the other Illyrian male and you alone. You watched as Elain walked away, Azriel’s shadows came out once again alerting the male in front of you.
Your narrowed eyes and the lurch in your stomach betrayed the surge of emotions you felt as you observed him staring after her. That look, the same one he used to give Mor when he thought no one else was watching, the one you used to yearn for—now it made you sick. An insatiable, jealous feeling clawed at you.
“Moved on, I see.” You chided, not being able to filter your mouth. You knew it was a low blow, knowing what you did know, but at this moment you didn’t care. Any warmth you felt from the past night had dissipated and you let your heart iced over once more.
“That’s none of your concern.” He uttered. His eyes a dark hazel as he took you in finally, without the stares of others following. You wanted to shudder under his dark gaze, but you held your composure standing taller, chin jutted out. He stalked towards you until his face dangerously close to yours, his frame towering over you. His steady breath hit your face as he spoke lowly. “Nor are matters in the Night Court.”
You could feel the flames building and intensifying inside you. “Is my appearance not wanted by you Spymaster?” Rhysand said he wouldn’t admit that missed you, but surely this couldn’t be the same Azriel that your cousin had spoken about last night.
He scoffed, “you ran away from us after you were freed. You didn’t even send a letter. I-we had to find out from Rhys once he came back from the cabin!” His smooth voice now gruff from his raising it. Azriel hardly raised his voice at anyone, but when it came to you, he would raise his voice until no words came out.
Your blood was boiling at assumptions he made. “You don’t know what I went through! You won’t ever know!” You exclaimed, feeling your eyes burn tears ready to spill.
“Your right, I won’t ever know.” He said with a scary calmness. “I don’t want to know either. You’re selfish for running away, leaving us. When you don’t want to deal with shit that’s what you do— run. Then what happens? We rescue you from whatever shit show you’re in. If it wasn’t an order from my high lady, I wouldn’t have come last night to your pity party.”
You were speechless, you could feel your stomach drop. Those were choice words he made, and each one was a stab to the stomach. He knew you hadn’t had a choice when you were married off to that monster. Azriel knew it wasn’t your fault that he went off and murdered your cousins. It wasn’t your fault his family was so scared of you for being too powerful so they had done terrible things to you. But he still threw it in your face as if it was your choice. You never had a choice. His face was expressionless again, “but anyways welcome home, Y/n.” His tone was void of any kindness as he brushed your shoulder passing you.
You could feel a couple tears finally slip down your flushed cheeks as you stood alone in the hall. Unsure of what had gone so wrong between Azriel and you for him to act so out of character. What made you want to get under his skin so bad that it only ended up with you hurting more. He had acted the same way before you followed Rhysand under the mountain, when he had tried to convince you not to go. He screamed, shouted, cried, and almost had his shadows restrain you, just so you wouldn’t leave. Now he wanted nothing to do with you.
You choked on the lump stuck in your throat, turning back to go to your room. When Mor was ready she knew where to find you. For now, you had decided it round two of your pity party.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
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Taglist: @rachelnicolee @tcris2020
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
hi love!! can i request a professor!au with feyre where she gives reader a lesson on nude drawing?? she would enlighten her on the female anatomy… 👀
omg art professor Feyre has me in a chokehold. I'm obsessed with this, truly😅💜
The Study of Movement
professor!Feyre x f!Reader smut (modern AU)
Warnings: smut, oral f!receiving, minors dni
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Rubbing your sweaty palms against the fabric of your dress, you peered through the doorway to the art classroom. You’d been failing in your class, Drawing the Human Figure, and Professor Archeron specifically requested that you come in during office hours for one-on-one discussion.
The blush that dusted your cheeks was immediate as you took in the stunning woman sitting at her desk, golden brown hair pinned back revealing her low-cut shirt as she scoured over paperwork. Shuffling forward into the room, you adjusted the strap of your art satchel, heart pounding nervously.
“Professor?” you managed to ask meekly, breath hitching in your throat as grey-blue eyes glanced up, their focus on you. It was no wonder why you were failing in this course - every time Professor Archeron looked at you, your mind emptied, unable to focus on your work.
She hit you with a disarming smile as she stood gracefully from her desk, long legs striding towards the center of the room. The space was set up as usual for class, with students’ easels in a semi-circle around the velvet couch where the reference models posed. 
“You can call me Feyre while it’s just us, sweetheart,” she spoke, prowling around the back of the sofa, her hands grazing the velvet fabric along the furniture. She sat on the arm of the couch, legs crossed as she silently assessed you. 
“You may take a seat,” she nodded towards the easel in the center of the room. “I asked you to meet me here for office hours to discuss your movement. Your drawings are stiff, they lack the fluidity of human motion. Do you understand?”
Biting your lip, you sat on the stool, sliding your satchel off your shoulder as you pulled your drawing pad out to set on the easel in front of you. “I think so. You’re saying my drawings look lifeless, more like mannequins? I try to capture movement, but I just feel like I struggle to actually see the flow of it - how muscles move, hair... I don’t know.”
Feyre gave you an approving nod, a small smile gracing her face as she studied you. “I think you need more practice with observing movement. Maybe you feel too rushed during class. Do you have time now to practice?”
You nodded, settling into your seat as you anticipated whatever she had planned for you. Or so you thought. 
A gleam shone in her blue eyes, Feyre smirking at you as she whispered a “good girl,” undoing her hair and standing up to unbutton her blouse. 
“Profess- Feyre,” you stuttered, cheeks turning red. You couldn’t bring yourself to look away, her full breasts strained against the silvery lace of her bra. Your breaths grew shallow as she continued to strip in front of you, tongue flicking out absentmindedly over your lower lip as you took in her form, bared to you save her bra and underwear.
With a smirk, Feyre laid against the sofa, back arched dramatically as her long hair splayed out beneath her. “You are here to watch and learn, pet,” she murmured, stretching out along the sofa, a soft sigh leaving her lips as her head tipped back against the cushions. 
“Watch my muscles, the way that my body moves. Tell me how my hair flows, my legs, my breasts,” she whispered, hands sliding up and down her form as she twisted around in the cushions to face you.
With a shaky exhale, you dared yourself to focus on each part of her body - the way her hair draped like silk over her shoulder, the folds of her stomach as her hips shifted, the toned muscles of her legs. Her breasts were pressed together, covered by her bra. Your gaze lingered there for a moment, mind working to understand how her flesh would move and appear if it were free from the confines of her undergarments.
A silky soft laugh left your professor’s lips, pure amusement glittering in her eyes. “You are enjoying this, aren’t you?” she teased.
Panicking, you tried to alleviate the awkwardness you felt from the situation - being so inappropriately attracted to your professor. “N-no, ma’am. I mean, yes, but not like that. I just...”
“You just...?” Feyre teased, biting her lip as she flipped onto her stomach, her perfect ass on display as she laid her head against the pillows.
“I... see the movement, of your legs, your hair. But, um- I’m stuck on your breasts. Oh my god, I mean I don’t know how to draw them! Like, how they’d fall in that position. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
You broke off mid-sentence as Feyre leaned up slightly, her eyes never leaving yours as she unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the ground. “Is that better, pet?” she purred.
Your pussy clenched around nothing as you found it impossible to hide your arousal by this point. “Yes, ma’am,” you breathed, hand shaking too much to hold your pencil properly. 
“You are still so stiff,” Feyre taunted you, her gaze roving over your tense form. “I think it would help if you loosened up as well. Come here, pet,” she cooed, crooking a finger at you. 
You couldn’t think straight, so overcome by the image of her splayed out on the couch, bare before you. Your feet led you to stand near her, hands woven in front of you as you awaited her next direction. 
“Loosen up,” she reminded you, her hands taking yours, sliding her fingers up your arms as she opened your body to her, and hers to you. “Good girl,” she praised, releasing her hold on you to lean back against the sofa, lounging like a queen before you. 
“Would you like to join me?” she whispered, eyes darkening as she gestured to the couch. “You can take off your clothes. Feel the freedom, the movement of your body. Unrestricted.”
You swallowed thickly, not allowing yourself to overthink as you pulled your dress over your head. A smug grin settled on her full lips, her tongue flicking out as she noticed your lack of bra.
“Beautiful,” she whispered. “Come, sit.”
You sat down on the couch, self conscious as you glanced to where she lay slumped, so comfortable in her own skin. “You are stiff again. What feels natural for you now? Follow your instincts,” she guided, eyes earnest as she gently nudged you.
“I- I want to touch you,” you whispered, eyes raking over her body. You craved her soft skin, her warmth, her wet mouth on you. “Please,” you practically begged, the wetness pooling in your underwear uncomfortable at this point.
Like a spider who caught you in her web, Feyre nodded, leaning flat against the velvet in invitation. “Touch me however you please, pet,” she purred.
Quickly pulling her panties down, you kneeled over her for a moment, simply allowing yourself the indulgence of seeing her laid bare underneath you. Sliding your hands up her smooth thighs, you hooked her legs over each edge of the couch, tracing lightly along her skin. You smirked at the hitch in her breath as your fingertips as you skated around her core, sliding your body along hers as you lowered yourself to her.
“You are so beautiful, I can’t focus in class because of you,” you admitted, hand brushing through her long hair, trailing down her jawline. 
Feyre gasped underneath you, rolling her hips against your own. “Then we will have to see each other outside of class more,” she breathed.
You nodded, biting your lip. “I think that might work,” you murmured, lowering your lips to where your fingers had just brushed her jaw, trailing wet kisses down her throat, in between her perfect breasts. Sitting up slightly, you cupped each of her breasts in your hands, running your thumbs over her nipples as you ground your hips against hers.
“God, I need to taste you,” you murmured, lowered your mouth to her left breast as you flicked your tongue over the peaked bud. She moaned, writhing underneath you as her hand wrapped around the back of your head.
“Take what you need, pet,” she whimpered, hand subtly pushing your head down. You chuckled against her, taking the hint as you moved to the other breast, making quick work of licking and tugging the nipple, blowing cold air over the skin as you enjoying her squirming at the sensation.
Kissing your way down the soft skin of her stomach, you paused above her pussy, pried open and dripping for you. Drawing one finger up her core, you felt your own arousal grow against your underwear as you sucked on the digit, moaning at the taste of her. 
“Please, love I-“ Feyre began to beg, but you didn’t allow her to finish before licking a broad stripe up her center, hand pinning her hips to the sofa as you thrusted your tongue inside of her. Gathering her slick, you moved to her clit, spitting on the bud before wrapping your lips around it. You sucked in a pulsating rhythm, flicking your tongue out as she moaned lewdly under you. Pushing in one finger, you swirled against her walls, stretching her out before adding the second. Curling your fingers, you found the spot that had her head tipped back, perky breasts arched, chest heaving as she came undone under your touch.
Pulling your fingers to your mouth, you grinned around them as you envisioned the drawing you could create of this moment. Catching her breath, Feyre looked up at you from where she lay, a knowing smile playing on her lips. Her hand reached out, tugging the waistband of your underwear as she pulled you up towards her.
“Hurry up and sit on my face already,” she murmured, impatiently tugging as she helped you shimmy the fabric off quickly. Hands found your hips, pulling you down where you could feel her warmth breath against your core.
A small mewl escaped you, clenching as you dripped onto her face. “Oh my god, you are perfect,” she muttered, tongue flicking out as she lapped at your pussy. Moaning loudly, you gripped the sofa as she pulled you further down, her nose pressed against your clit as her tongue thrust inside of you, back and forth.
Head thrown back in ecstasy, you felt the muscles in your body tighten as her tongue found your clit, fingers plunging into your core as she urged you to ride her face. With a shuddering breath, you moaned her name, reaching your high before collapsing next to her with shaky legs. Blue eyes locked on yours, shy laughs leaving both of you as you remembered where you were. 
“So, do you have a better understanding of movement, or would you like to come back for office hours in the future?” Feyre questioned softly, almost nervously.
You dared to reach a hand out, brushing her golden hair behind her ear. “I think that I understand movement, and that I would like to come back in the future. Maybe outside of office hours.”
Her answering smile sent butterflies through you, and you pulled her close for a lingering kiss, committing this moment to memory, for you would draw, paint, sculpt it for years to come.
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Being poly mates with Feyre and Rhysand HC
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Warnings: afab!reader (could be read as gn if you ignore the use of 'girl'), throuple mates, protective mates, fluffy, slight nsfw
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boy was everyone surprised when their eyes fell upon you and how fast you just became their's. It wasn't unheard of to have more than one mate but it was such a rare occurrence that many just thought it impossible. Of course the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court did have a habit of surprising everyone.
you'd find it incredibly intimidating in the beginning. who wouldn't?? Feyre Cursebreaker and the Lord of Night, those were the two that the Cauldron deemed your fated mates. Weren't you a lucky girl. You totally didn't feel overwhelmed at all
Outside of the public eye though, they were the warmest beings you would ever have the honor of knowing. They eased you in as smoothly as possible, always checking in on you
Congratulations, you've just obtained two (honestly lets face it, Az and Cass were part of Rhysand's package) sexy and powerful guard dogs. If you had problems with anyone before, you definitely didn't once it was announced that you were their mate.
Cue special treatment everywhere in Velaris.
If you weren't accustomed to finery before, you were certainly familiar with it now. They lavish you with gifts that ranged from books to priceless jewels. Rhys had even bought you a custom made bed frame that was large enough to accommodate all three of you. Your wardrobe was also freshened up with pieces that Rhys' mother had made. Feyre figured it was only proper for you to share in the wardrobe she'd made before her passing. She had half of them tailored to your size
They never make you feel like the odd man out. This is a relationship of equal love. Neither love you any less, jealousy was not an issue with the three of you.
When it came to the physical act of love, everyone took things slowly. Rhys and Feyre took turns each night until you were comfortable enough around both of them. The first night ALL three of you have sex, no one lasted very long with the roaming hands, tongues and sounds that were swirling around the room.
You're always squished between the two of them during public outings. In the Hewn City, Rhys has Feyre on one knee and you on the other to really throw out a power move
Helion is definitely jealous that Rhys has not one, but two beautiful mates to call his own.
When you can't be with them, they leave you in the safety of Cassian and Azriel.
It does something to Rhys when he prepares to hop into bed to sleep and finds you and Feyre already curled up together. Your foreheads pressed together with hands clasped together.
You're Feyre's new painting muse. You're embarrassed by how many paintings of you there are throughout the house. Cassian teased you relentlessly
The question of titling you as a High Lady as well was discussed. You chose to go with High Consort instead. Less responsibilities but you still garnered respect and less important duties that would not jeopardize the country. You didn't want that level of responsibility on your shoulders. Rhys and Feyre were handling matters of the realm perfectly fine themselves.
Rhys loved playing with your hair when he's absentmindedly doing work.You liked the quiet of when Rhysand was working. The perfect time to curl up next to him as he looks over papers, your own book or article in your hand. He'd also cast little glances at your cute face. He takes in the line of your nose and the subtle curve of the corner of your mouth. He can't resist startling you with a kiss to your cheek.
For once, they had the Cauldron to thank for this extra blessing that came in the form of you.
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danikamariewrites · 1 month
sooo for that feyfey request.
everyone is living back in that cottage. fey is fucking that guy. but theres this woman, who is like a neighbour. she always sees fey and has a crush on her, but isaac (i think thats what his name is?) is keeping fey busy
one day, reader gathers the courage to flirt with fey
then slowly, the become friends and some time later, when fey is eating dinner with reader, reader crawls up onto the desk sensually and is being all hot and sexy
fey realises for the first time she likes this woman. its soo taboo but fey wants this
so she lets reader show her all the good stuff 😏
and then in the end its a lil fluff but they both know this wont progress further most probably 😔
(absolute filth plis im so thirsty for mommy feyre 😩😩😩(i also dont mind if its porn without plot i just need som filth 🥲))
When She Loved Me
Feyre x reader
A/n: This was the best Feyre ask I think I’ve ever received and I had to write it. I also added an epilogue-esqu ending and it’s kinda sad so I’m sorry for that but I couldn’t resist.
Warnings: oral, fingering, tribbing, angst at the end (also not fully proof read)
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You rushed around the house making sure everything was perfect for when Feyre arrives. Dinner was in the oven, the living room was fully of cozy blankets, and you had turned the lights down to achieve the perfect ambiance.
The two of you met in town months ago. At first you had just waved and passed each other while you were running errands and she was trading pelts from animals she hunted. One wintery afternoon you got up the courage to finally introduce yourself.
The blue of her eyes had taken your breath away. When her rough exterior melted away and she gave you a genuine smile you couldn’t help but get lost in dreams of a future with her. Where that smile was never dulled by her hunting or family.
Tonight was the first time Feyre was coming over to hang out. You had only ever hung around in town together but you wanted one on one time away from prying, judgmental eyes. The nature of your relationship had been a little more than friendly. Sure you flirted, not thinking anything of it. Feyre had told you about her and Isaac. How he was just someone to relieve stress and blow off steam with.
The relief you felt when Feyre had said that was like a weight lifting off your chest. Since she had said that you had turned your flirtatious advances up hoping she would reciprocate. When Feyre did you were rendered speechless. The giggle that sounded from her was angelic.
A light knock on the front door had you squealing with excitement. Rushing through the house you skid to a stop, careful not to fling yourself into the door. Opening the door you’ve never seen Feyre look so happy. “Hi,” you breathed. “Hi.” Her voice light and happy. Stepping to the side you wave her in.
She looks around curiously. Her eyes wide as she shrugged her jacket off. “Your home is lovely.” You take her jacket to hang up. Gosh, how did this thing keep her warm out in the woods? The fabric was barely held together by the leather straps Elain had sewed in for her.
“Thank you. My mother has quite the eye for interior design. You should see her and my father’s room.” You joke. Feyre gives you a sad smile. As if she was remembering her old house. Guilt had your face heating. Feyre grabbed your hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Dinner smells wonderful.” She says, that happiness back in her voice.
You perked up at the mention of the meal in the oven. “You’re going to love it. Come,” you pull her along to the kitchen. As you ate the conversation went to weird childhood stories and Feyre’s hunting adventures. After dinner you switched to the living room, curling up in the blankets on the couch and enjoying the brownies you baked.
As the night went on your stares lingered on each other. Eyes wandering what could be seen of the others form. With each tick of the clock the two of you inched closer and closer until your thighs were touching. At the first touch you jumped a little. Only relaxing when Feyre holds your hand again.
When the clock struck midnight Feyre was lying on your chest. You absentmindedly twirled her sandy locks between your fingers. You fall into a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s comfort. Not thinking before moving, you lean forward pressing a kiss to the top of Feyre’s head.
Shock took over as she popped her head up, eyes wide. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know-’’ Feyre surged forward, connecting her lips to yours, effectively stopping your rambling. Your fingers go back to those sandy locks, keeping Feyre’s lips attached to yours.
The kiss was all want, need and a fight for dominance that you were determined to win. You wrap an arm around her waist, pulling Feyre up, flipping her to lay on the couch. Feyre’s breath hitches, her fingers digging into your scalp. You detach your lips from her, nudging your nose against her perfect button one.
Holding yourself back was becoming impossible. You need Feyre like you need to breathe. Every part of her is perfect and you were desperate to explore her.
You were both breathing heavily. Feyre lifts her head to peck your lips before dropping back against the couch cushion. “Do you want to keep going?” You asked, hopeful her answer would be a resounding fuck yes.
Feyre nodded vigorously. Her blue eyes glazing over with lust, “I want you, y/n.” Your lips break out into a wide smile. Climbing off of the couch you grab her delicate hand, pulling her to follow you to your bedroom. Slamming your door you turn to find Feyre laid out on your bed, only in her underthings, smirking at you seductively. In a swift motion you slip your dress off, leaving it in a puddle on the floor as you bound toward Feyre.
She lets out a giggle, the sound so sweet it almost stops you completely. It has your cheeks flushing as you straddle her hips. Feyre rests her hands on your hips, gently running them up and down your sides, reveling in the smoothness of your skin. Something flashed in her eyes, making her look anywhere but you.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing your hand to rest on her cheek. “What’s wrong, Fey?” She squeezes your hips gently before looking into your eyes. “I just…I’ve never been with a girl before and I like you, I just don’t want to, ya know,” she rambles. You tilt your head in curiosity. “Fey it’s ok. We’ll take it slow, you just relax. I got you.” You smirk at her, leaning down to place soft, open mouthed kisses down her neck.
Moving down her body you undo the band around her breasts, stopping at the top of her underwear. You look at her through your lashes, finding her face flush, eyes half closed and lips parted. You rub her clothed cunt, making her wet spot grow with each circular motion. Feyre lets out a soft moan as you kiss up her thighs. “Please y/n, I need more, need your mouth.” She begs, throwing her head back against the pillows.
Sitting up on your knees you remove the band from your own breasts, reaching to pull Feyre’s panties agonizingly slow down her legs. Wasting no time you dive into Feyre’s dripping core, lapping at her arousal. Feyre moans out your name, gripping the sheets, her hips squirming against your face.
Capturing her clit in your mouth you let out a hum. Your eyes roll back at the taste of her plus those sweet, sweet sounds falling from her lips. “More,” she begs, “please more. Your fingers p-please.” Feyre struggles to get out. Bringing your finger to her hole you slowly work her open. “Tell me, was Issac this good with his mouth?” You ask with a teasing smirk against her pussy. She shakes her head, “N-no. Fuck no, you’re so much better y/n.”
You go back to sucking her clit, slipping another finger into her pussy. You know you hit that sweet spot (one that Issac clearly never hit) by the way she clenched around your fingers as you curled them. Feyre’s screams became louder and louder with each motion. “Come on Fey, let go.” You urge her. Arching her back Feyre falls apart on your fingers, one of her thighs trembling. Removing your fingers you lap up her release, the sweet taste of her intoxicating.
Sitting up on your knees you run your hands in a soothing motion up and down her thighs. Feyre went limp against the sheets, her chest heaving as she collected herself. Spreading her legs Feyre lets out a small laugh, “Good. I wasn’t done yet.” You laugh at her breathlessness. Throwing one leg over her hips you rest your pussy against hers, lightly rocking back and forth.
Feyre throws her head back again, leaving her neck exposed to you. You picked up the pace of your hips, leaning down to suck and nip at her the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Feyre brings her hands up to your breasts. Running her thumbs over your peaked nipples you moan against her skin at the contact.
Neither of you lasted long. Feyre’s hands felt too good, too skilled. Sharing a pillow she played with your hair as your eyes fluttered at the feeling and softness. You could get used to this. The softness of Feyre, taking care of her, having her in your arms every night. But that was a dangerous way of thinking. Maybe if everything worked out with her sisters marrying, then maybe she could be yours.
After that night with Feyre there were only a few more until you stopped seeing her. You had been holding back your feelings, hoping to bring it up while holding her to your chest. It had been a while since you’d been past her family’s cottage, or into town for that matter. Feyre would usually knock on your door asking you to accompany her but hadn’t in weeks.
Donning your cloak and winter boots you head out. Passing through town you heard whispers of the Archeron family name. “His boats were found.” “No, I think a beast did that. No winter winds have ever been that strong,” “I wonder when the middle one will throw a party.” “The aunt is sick I believe.”
All of these pieces yet nothing whole. The gossip made your heart pound. Picking up the pace you start running to the Archeron cottage.
Finally stopping in front of it you feel your heart stop. Your eyes wide taking in the darkness inside and the broken front door. Stepping closer you saw claw marks in the rotting wood. You stopped breathing. What the hell happened here?
“Are you looking for the Archeron’s?” You jump at the voice behind you. You turn to face the stranger, hand over your now rapidly beating heart. Clearing your throat you answer, “Yes, do you know where they are?” “Yeah, new fancy manor-lookin’ place on the other side of town.” You nod in thanks rushing off, knowing exactly where to go.
Politely knocking on the massive front door you step back and wait, twisting your gloved fingers nervously. Elain answered with a bright smile. Her eyes lit up with recognition at seeing your face. “Y/n! What a lovely surprise.” She said cheerily. “Hi, Elain. Is Feyre around?” You ask peeking over her shoulder. Elain’s face fell a little. “Oh, no, I’m so sorry. She’s visiting our aunt. She’s very ill right now so Feyre is helping around her house for a bit. I can’t believe she didn’t tell you.” She says with an air of curiosity, tilting her head a little to the left much like Feyre did when you rambled.
Tears stung your eyes at the familiar movement. You quickly blink them away, not wanting Elain to feel pity for you. “Oh, well I’m sorry about your aunt, I hope she gets better soon. Would you mind umm…when Feyre gets back will you tell her I want to see her?” “Of course!” You nod in thanks and turn to leave. Left with an empty feeling in your heart you let your tears flow freely once you’re back on the street. Why wouldn’t she tell you?
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thehighladywrites · 5 months
“TWITTER VISUAL LINKS” - acotar characters
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warnings: nsfw, sex, toys, straight up porn tbh
summary: down right nasty visual links with your favs👀
do you have trouble seeing the posts? - in order to see the links, you have to have an account on X, former twitter, and remove safe search:
amara’s note: don’t mind me, just sharing some visuals with my favs
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⟢ getting stretched out on his thick cock !
⟢ mutual masturbation, handjob + fingering !
⟢ rhys putting his angel mate in a mating press !
⟢ rhys taking his time, eating you out !
⟢ rhys giving you a creampie !
⟢ afternath of said creampie !
⟢ laying on top of rhys while he fingers you !
⟢ showing rhys your newest lingerie set !
⟢ fucking yourself on cassian’s cock !
⟢ cassian fucking his sweetheart sideways !
⟢ struggling to take cassian’s massive cock !
⟢ getting deepstroked by him !
⟢ cassian having your legs spread, playing with your pussy !
⟢ daddy cassian holding hands and rewarding you !
⟢ topping cassian and riding hard !
⟢ cassian’s pov of fucking you in missionary !
⟢ feral cassian can’t get enough of his girl’s tits !
⟢ getting pounded from behind !
⟢ sitting on his dick and riding !
⟢ riding azriel’s face !
⟢ azriel absolutely destroying your back !
⟢ hair pulling + doggy style with azriel !
⟢ temperature play with azriel !
⟢ modern az fucking you in the backseat of his car !
⟢ azriel sucking on your tits !
⟢ daddy plays with your pussy !
⟢ bending you over and giving your pussy slaps as punishment !
⟢ holding you bridal style and fucking you mid-air !
⟢ sitting in his lap while he rubs your clit !
⟢ eris sucking on his girl’s nipples !
⟢ being obsessed with eris’s fingers and developing an oral fixation !
⟢ handcuffed and rawdogged by him !
⟢ eris eating you out !
⟢ your little brain goes crazy bc of overstimulation !
⟢ lucien showing you his headgame !
⟢ 69’ing with his mate !
⟢ getting your tits sucked while riding him in the morning !
⟢ softly making out mid sex !
⟢ giving lucien a blowjob !
⟢ getting punished with ass slaps !
⟢ lucien fucking your boobs and cumming all over them !
⟢ riding + nipple play !
⟢ french kissing feyre !
⟢ getting your clit sucked and licked by her !
⟢ eating her out while fingering !
⟢ getting topped by touchy feyre !
⟢ teasing you through your panties !
⟢ feyre’s eyes rolling into the back of her head as you rub her g spot !
⟢ feyre using a paint brush to stroke your clit !
⟢ sitting in feyre’s lap and makin out !
�� tounge play with feyre !
⟢ sharing a double ended dildo with her !
⟢ nipple play with her sweet girl !
⟢ distracted when baking a cake !
⟢ having an obsession with elain’s tits !
⟢ bouncing on elain’s strap !
⟢ sitting on top of her and making out !
⟢ morning kisses with elain !
⟢ scissoring session !
⟢ dom mommy nesta using a wand on you !
⟢ going dumb on her strap !
⟢ nesta puts her hand down your skirt !
⟢ creaming on her fingers !
⟢ getting your pussy licked by her !
⟢ “put it in my ass please” trying anal fingering with her !
⟢ riding nesta’s strap !
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throneofsapphics · 3 months
last avenues
Feysand x Reader
Summary: “Am I supposed to be impressed?” and “Is that all you have?” With Feysand 
Warnings: light sexual content, minors dni, possibly dubcon/dark-ish
A/N: for this!
A jasmine scented breeze, walls of white marble, sporadically broken by open doorways and stairwells
Moonstone Palace, what a pretentious name, you thought, although it fit. 
Maybe you were bitter, maybe inconsiderate, but after all you were a person with nowhere to go, a lost soul caught between worlds, bound here by your mates.  
Yes, the word still held meaning, the explanation behind the near-irresistible tug clenching at your, unwillingly dragging you inch by inch towards them. They knew it too, and you hated that. 
The looks they’d exchange with each other at your resistance, the small indent at the corner of their mouths, mighty and ethereal Fae amused at your attitude. 
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” You muttered, tone lacking any malice, considering you were impressed.
“We thought you could use a break,” Rhysand - who insisted you call him Rhys, replied. 
“A break?” You whirled around to face them, “from what?” 
“People. The City.” He shrugged, hands tucked into his pockets, Feyre standing to his right, her hands clasped before her. The High Lady of the Night Court seemed … nervous. A tang of regret hit you,  washed away as soon as you recognized it. 
“We’ve noticed you don’t like the crowds,” her soft voice floated over the room. 
It was quite thoughtful, and because of that you kept your mouth shut and your acid tongue reined in, and turned back around to study your new surroundings. If you’d known they noticed the small victory, maybe you would’ve snapped at them. 
Rhys was tired of you. Tired of trying to reach you, of trying to find a crack in that wall - no, fortress, you surrounded yourself with. Tired of your sharp retorts, of the hurt he felt flare from Feyre each time you rebuked them. Yes, he’d tried sympathy, empathy, time, but it had been months now, and he needed to try a different approach before he lost his mind and temper completely. 
Perhaps you sensed the brewing storm, because as soon as he’d strolled through the doorway, your book snapped closed, body tensed, eyes alert, aware, and cautious. Good. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” He growled, as a greeting. 
Feyre entered, and Mother above, she loved what she saw. 
You, bent over the back of the couch, hair twisted around one of Rhys’s hands, his other hand gripping your hip tight enough she knew fingertip sized bruises would paint them the next day. Your own hands clawed at the fabric, trying desperately to get a solid grip as he slammed into you, over and over. 
She sensed the moment noticed her, tilting her head to meet your pretty eyes, and blinked at the mischief greeting her.  “Is that all you have?” You taunted Rhys, voice breathless, and she wondered if you could take more.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 4 months
acotar characters loving a plus size reader
NSFW bc of descriptors. But like, actual smut? Nah. also body worship vibes but again, not Explicit.
Azriel: if he could spend eternity between your thick thighs, it would never be enough. Whether that be his head, hand, shadows, dick, anything. He lives for it. He loves you in any clothes (especially his) but seeing you in a cute little sundress while he stuffs his cock into your cunt? Heaven on earth for this man. 
Cassian: this man loves your hips oh my. He loves when you wear his shirts and your plush hips just peek out from the shirt. It’s a tantalizing mystery that he has to solve every time. Aka, whenever he sees it, he will eat you out. Either against the wall or in bed, always private because he refuses to let anyone else see you the way he does. 
Rhysand: this man loves your arms. yall know that one jessica chastain and oscar isaac clip? Rhys always does that to you! He purposefully buys you dresses that will show them off! When you made your mating/wedding bargain with him, he made sure the tattoo did not cover your beautiful skin there. He loves holding your arms above your head while he pounds your body into the mattress. 
Feyre: sit. on. her. face. She’s so in love with your size! Your thighs? She could die perfectly happy! Your tummy? Oh my Gods, the most beautiful sight to her is when she’s eating you out and can see those thighs quivering and stomach trying to catch a breath. She loves you in any type of clothes, but seeing you wear a dress? She’s floored every time. 
Morrigan: your stretch marks are everything to her. She loves kissing them and tracing them with her tongue. She loves when you wear a netted or mesh fabric that shows them off a little bit. Whenever you wear revealing clothes that show them, she always has a hand on them, tracing them delicately with her fingers just imagining the sounds you were going to make that night while she fucked you. 
Amren: She would never, in a million years, say it to your face; but she loves your cheeks. Both your ass and face. She loves how squishy and red your cheeks get when she fucks you (again, both of them). She loves the cellulite, the stretch marks. You look like a statue from her time. You’re her home. 
Nesta: Her and Cassian have a type, it’s the hips. She loves when you wear a skin tight cotton dress. She can see the outline of your perfect body, the fabric hugging every curve that she is dying to sink her teeth into. She does bite in bed, but she can’t help it. How dare you look so fucking hot that she can’t contain herself? 
Elain: elain isn’t one for vulgarity, but my gods your tits. She constantly has to catch herself from just face planting into them because she loves it there. A lot of times if you’re sitting at a counter or standing in a mirror, she’ll just walk up behind you and cup your boobs in her hands and just squeeze. She cannot help it. 
Lucien: he is an Ass man. He likes having something to grip. He loves watching your skin recoil at the force of his thrusts. You’re just so hot it makes him breathless sometimes. 
Eris: Like Morrigan, nothing, on this earth, makes him weaker than your stretch marks. Every time you have sex he is kissing and tracing, sometimes licking them. He can’t help himself. They’re just so pretty. 
Tarquin: if you ever wanna put this man into cardiac arrest, wear a bikini. Or frankly, don’t wear anything. He will not complain. He’s not really a Territorial Guy, just a smug bastard that smirks and touches you when he knows people want what’s his. If you’re in your bedroom wearing just a robe he will 100% just walk by and untie it just so you don’t have anything on.
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whisplion · 1 year
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Cloaked Hearts
Feysand x Court of Nightmares Reader
“I’ve dreamt for so long of what the warmth of the sun would feel like.”
“You know nothing High Lord of what it is we endure in that prison you forbade us from leaving.”
“You speak of equality for all of Prythian but we are not considered into that equation.”
“I love you more than I care to admit to you or myself.”
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
can I request Yandere platonic sisters Nesta Feyre and Elian from ACOTAR x gender, neutral headcons. Can I also request that later read it becomes High fae like his/her sisters, I don’t know how your decision by the cauldron, or you could write that Feyre and reader had to do the trials and died, and the high Lords resurrected reader from the dead. I feel like that would be interesting or another thing that could be interesting is what is reader was thrown in the cauldron and got a super power like rewriting reality like chaos magic like Wanda Nesta with her death magic and reader with his/her chaos magic.❤️❤️❤️❤️ good luck with you exams 😊🫂
❝ 🔥 — lady l: I kind of ended up not doing the powers part otherwise it would have been too long, at least in that part. But if you want to ask for a second part, feel free to ask! Hope you like it, anon! ❤️🥰
❝🌹tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships, jealousy, forced transformation.
❝ ⭐pairing: yandere platonic!archeron's sister's x gn!reader, yandere!nesta archeron x gn!reader, yandere!elain archeron x gn!reader and yandere!feyre archeron x gn!reader.
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From the beginning it was always you and them. Your family was close to the Archeron's when they were still rich, your parents had common interests and you grew up together with Nesta, Elain and Feyre. Always close and always attached, even after the death of the matriarch and the loss of the family's money and status.
Your parents distanced themselves, as did most of those people who called themselves friends, from the Archeron's after the loss of their fortune, but not you. You always stuck with them and even after several warnings from your family, you never abandoned them. Not even when your family kicked you out of the house, tired of your deplorable attitude by their standards.
That's how you ended up living with the Archeron's in the small cottage, that was the trigger for the beginning of their obsession.
Nesta was the closest sister to you while you were growing up, you were similar in age so you were always close. She adored you, even if she didn't always show it, but you knew she liked you. Her insults were never directed at you and she always protected you if someone said something about you.
She is very protective of you, bordering on possessive. Nesta only wants the best for you, she can't fail you, she needs it. She need's you. You are the only person she truly allows herself to be vulnerable to and the only person who truly understands her, who doesn't see her as a monster. Nesta knows she cannot lose you, not like she lost her fortune and her mother.
Elain had always been so sweet and graceful, her smiles could charm anyone and she knew how to charm you. Fragile and sometimes naive, Elain counts on you for everything. To be protected and loved. She has developed a strong emotional dependence on you and can no longer be without you.
She knows how to manipulate you in a subtle way, with a sweet smile, a soft look and full of tears. Elain always gets your attention. She wants to be the most loved by you, your favorite and she doesn't like sharing your attention. You were hers, her friend, someone she held dear, and she couldn't lose you. You wouldn't leave her, Elain would make sure of that.
Feyre became very attached to you and dependent, almost seeing you as a father/mother figure, due to the way you took care of her and her family. You and her were always together, you helped her hunt when you could to keep you and them fed, but you also helped with whatever you could. Feyre was very grateful for that.
She grew up being dependent on you, sharing a close bond with you, and always needing your affirmation. Feyre values ​​your acceptance, your love and your compliments, secretly bragging about them. She is quite possessive of your attention and would often take you with her just so you can be with her.
They were always fighting with each other for your affection and approval and you often had to break up the fight before it got worse. This continued for a long time, until the day Feyre killed the wolf in the forest and all of your lives changed. Feyre was taken by a fae to Prythian and you were left helpless, unable to help her. Feyre's heart hurt so much when she was forced to leave you, that she cried in your arms. Nesta and Elain watched everything with skepticism and concern.
The next time you met Feyre was after she was sent back to her family by Tamlin. Your condition had improved and your status had returned thanks to the High Lord, but you missed her. You and Nesta tried to cross the Wall to look for her but were unsuccessful.
As soon as Feyre returned home, you held each other for what seemed like hours. She looked healthier and more alive, just like all of you. Elain hadn't realized that Feyre had been taken to Prythian, bewitched, but you and Nesta had. You noticed and for the time you were together, it was just like old times.
Until Feyre decided to return to Prythian, in love with the High Lord and she tried to convince you to go with her. Nesta protested vehemently, accusing her sister of wanting to put you in danger. Elain didn't understand everything, but she didn't want you to go and although you didn't want to leave Feyre helpless, you were convinced to stay on Nesta and Elain's account. Feyre was hurt but understood and decided to venture out for herself. She swore she'd come back for you, though.
You, Nesta, and Elain stayed together for the next few months, just the three of you and although there were still occasional fights between the two, everything was fine. You lived well and comfortably, with plenty of food and you didn't need to freeze from the cold. You hadn't heard from Feyre until the day she came back, completely different.
She was no longer human, but a High Fae, and you were shocked when you heard her story. Your heart sank when you found out what had happened to her, for everything she had been through and you blamed yourself for not having been there to help her. Feyre hugged you and told you it wasn't your fault.
She needed help and you met the Illyrians, not being as afraid as Nesta and Elain, but you protected them anyway. Nesta didn't want them near you and Elain, while Elain was scared and clung to you as if you could protect her if they wanted to attack her. Fortunately, you reached an agreement and everything was resolved.
Until the day Hybern broke into your house and took you all there. Elain was crying and Nesta was grunting with hate and you were so scared. Feyre's heart stopped when she saw the three of you trapped, so human and so defenseless against Hybern's soldiers, and even more so when you were thrown into the Cauldron.
You and Nesta screamed in hatred as Elain was thrown in and came out as one High Fae, Nesta the next and you cried as you saw your sisters so helpless. You were next and you tried to fight, but it was in vain and all you remembered was the cold, black water of the Cauldron stealing your humanity.
When Feyre and Nesta saw you coming out of the Cauldron, now a High Fae and broken, they knew they were going to destroy the whole place. Elain clung to you, crying in your arms and you held her, your heart aching and your mind numb. Nesta and Feyre were furious.
They wouldn't let you get hurt again. Feyre swore, Nesta made a death promise, and even sweet Elain would kill the King of Hybern for it. For ruining your lives, for hurting you. No one hurt you and got away with it, not even him.
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jeannineee · 11 months
can I request P(mommy feyre 🧎🏻‍♀️) and 13? there is almost nothing from feyre x reader, and I think we deserve something from her... she is a goddess, I would do anything for her 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
One More
Feyre Archeron x Reader
a/n: I need a cold shower!! Requests are still open, prompts here.
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
P: Daddy/Mommy kink
13: “That’s it baby, go dumb for me. I’ve got you.
Your hips bucked against Feyre’s hand as she coaxed you through your third orgasm tonight. Your pretty little moans were music to her ears.
Feyre continued curling her fingers against your slick walls, using her free hand to rub slow, lazy circles on your swollen clit.
“Just relax, baby. Mommy’s gonna take care of you,” she murmured.
“‘S too much, mommy. I can’t. It’s too much.”
Feyre hummed, mock-sympathy in her voice. “You’re doing so good for me, baby. Just one more.”
Both of you knew it’d be more than that.
“Mommy, please.”
“Shhh. Just take it, baby. Let mommy play with your pretty little cunt, hm?” Feyre quickened her pace, relishing the way your cunt fluttered around her fingers.
You whimpered as she brought her mouth to your clit, alternating between kitten-licks, and gently sucking the sensitive bud.
Despite your over-sensitivity, your fourth orgasm swept through you, so strong your vision faded for a moment.
Feyre didn’t withdraw her fingers, only moving a bit slower, now. “That’s it baby. Go dumb for me. I’ve got you.”
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marvelsmylife · 2 months
I’m in a little writing slump and need inspo.
Please send in tooth rotting fluffy request please (and smut if you guys wish). You can choose from the characters I have on my list here
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