#First time draw him plus doing more shading lol
zipora666 · 2 months
well I heared it’s going to be your birthday @yunsed
And I try to think what gift art to give you then I remember you like “that’s not my neighbor” game! And ngl milkman look cool lol
So I try to give you this art I made today and try now shading lol so..
(Btw if any of you say this TikTok thing with “save the cow milk the man I’ll punch someone in the face 💀)
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DAY 14 - «On Thin Ice» Good Omens AU - Triptych Tribute for @blairamok  
Part 2/3: "Fallen Serpent" Crowley
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Please, listen to this
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Life's a race
And I am gonna win
Yes, I am gonna win
And I'll light the fuse
And I'll never lose
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And I choose to survive
Whatever it takes
You won't pull ahead
I'll keep up the pace
And I'll reveal my strength
To the whole human race
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Yes, I am prepared
To stay alive
I won't forgive, the vengeance is mine
And I won't give in
Because I choose to thrive
Yeah, I'm gonna win!
It's a race
And I'm gonna win!
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Tomorrow, they will be together for the Grand Finale... See you there! ;-)
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↓Come on, check the behind-the-scenes!↓
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours, as usual for my Daily Challenges.
Tribute Time, so I threw the timer away, lol :-p. As for my Fallen Angel Aziraphale (link), I spent more or less 3 hours on the lineart, plus 1h30 on the colouring/shading.
Crowley, as my « Fallen Serpent ».
“On Thin Ice”'s author Blairamok describes the Cantilevers figure as « one of the biggest fuck yous to physics », and so one of Crowley’s signature moves. As I was searching drawing references about this amazing figure, I found a lot of ways to perform it, all beautiful and impressive. I finally chose this particular one (I am sorry I don’t know the original performer’s name on the picture I used, but to me he seemed so powerful, yet relaxed and happy on the picture, so I couldn’t resist). Though I had to slightly re-adapt the figure to Crowley who is taller, thinner and maybe even more flexible (ssssnaky, duh).
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I had so much fun re-thinking his clothes for my sketch. I used the scrumptious💕 black and red « Serpent » clothing that Blairamok created, and I added my own « signature move » : wings – or, well, feathers. As Crowley is THE Fallen Angel here, the feathers are slightly burnt, some of them almost torn apart. They cover his shoulder blades, then spread out as a unique short and damaged wing at the back of his right shoulder, go down on his right flank, then cross his back as they slightly go embracing his left hip. The Red Serpent Pattern is quite the same as Blair’s clothing, but it still continues on his leg and circles his right ankle like a leg shackle.
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I am particularly proud of Crowley’s eye and expression. Remember? I dearly wanted Crowley sharing a glance with Aziraphale while he was doing his Cantilevers, and Aziraphale was supposed to glance back to him. I had to give up on this idea later – because the figure I chose for Aziraphale definitely couldn’t allow such a shared glance. (but wait for the third part of this triptyque, it will be posted tomorrow!)
So, my Crowley still has this ethereal, strangely happy, almost enthralled expression. It kind of represents my own interpretation of the Cantilevers figure : it’s a proof of complete trust, in yourself, in your skills, in your art and your environment. And I like to imagine that if Crowley is able to have such confidence in himself, then maybe he can and will trust his partner Aziraphale with quite the same strength.
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Thanks for reading! See you tomorrow for the third part - our Ineffable Partners will be toghether, finally! (aaaand they will be not talking but whatever the acting will speak for them)
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sraksha · 1 year
I've said this before, but i struggle with inconsistency, and it was only last year when i started to figure out how to draw humans. So i thought it'd be fun to compile my fave drawings of the LU boys faces, as i feel that is the biggest thing i struggle with.
Let's begin!
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THIS IS PERFECTION. It's from an angst piece, but this is the best man face i have ever drawn. I have mainly drawn girls, and like, boys are easy enough to draw, but i struggle so bad with more masculine men. But this, to me, is just so so good. Honestly i really like how i drew Time in this one. With the shading and highlights he just looks so good.
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This is from the same angst piece and i really like this one. Twi is one of the oldest Links, but in my eyes he still has a bit of a boyish look to him. There were other drawings that looked similar enough, and that im happy with, but this one still speaks to me the most.
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Whenever i draw Wars, this is the one i pull up as reference, and i say to myself "This is what you're aiming for. Please, for the love of god, try to do this again." Idk, i just REALLY like this one. And he is very pretty, even with his hair a bit messed up.
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Ah, Wild from the Links in dresses series. Overall, probably one of my fave drawings lol. In this one his chin is smaller than i usually try to draw it, but come one, he is gorgeous. And he knows it.
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To my shock, i haven't drawn Sky that many times to have a lot of variety. He is mostly calm and/or happy in my drawings. But i like this one. Plus he is talking about Sun!
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Hyrule is another one i don't have too many drawings of, but this is just so cute. Little fae on a mischievous mood. I just like it so much. With Hyrule, his hair is what i struggle with the most. It's pretty easy to sketch, but i ALWAYS have problems lining it?? I don't get it. But in this one it turned out good.
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This is a one-off that i've never been able to draw again. He somehow looks more mature in this?? Idk i just really REALLY like this one. My precious wet rag covered in glitter is processing so hard.
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This is in my more relaxed, not-so-fleshed-out style. It's just really cute. The shock! The disbelief! Adorable!
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WIMDY. This just feels pretty on brand for him, being a toon Link and all. This is actually the first time i drew Wind! He's adorable and i love it.
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This is from my learing curve, and first time drawing Ravio. Im not too happy with the hair, but i really like how his face turner out. He just looks so soft and happy.
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Shadow just has cat vibes imo. Line art and eyeliner on point. I just vibe with this whole drawing. Gosh i need to draw Shadow more often.
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yoinkschief · 7 months
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Me when I men
Dog Teeth AU Tom Character Reference Sheet
WARNING: Slight NSFW - Mild, Non-Explicit Nudity under the cut
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My other husband I love him so much let me kiss you on the lips volatile ball of angst and anger
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My poor boy was cursed with his father's hairline and sress he cannot carry,,, to be fair that last bit was his own doing
I sure hope he looks nautical enough,, I mean I want him to nautical INSPIRED, not a member of the marine court, y'know?
My lover said "very Garp of him" and I think that's that One Piece Marine DILF guy so that's a plus :)
I also wanted his outfit to be a direct contrast to Tord's - I mean red and blue are already contrasts on the color wheel but kinda so is green so I wanted a little more driving force: white against Tord's blacker color palette
While white is supposed to represent purity, I assure you, Tom is anything but
It's more a reflection of how the characters see themselves: Tord KNOWS he's a piece of shit and happily flaunts it because no one can do anything about, he holds it with pride even
But Tom doesn't believe he's being an ass, he thinks he's genuinely doing the right thing or at the very least the lesser of the two evils he was forced into, and than on it's own has some merit but this is just to say Tom isn't exactly the "savior" of the story despite what the white palette may suggest
It certainly is what he wants to portray to the public, however
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Mmmmm mann
I'm apparently really into sharp contrasts or something cause I keep shading with very bright colors against very dark shadows,,,, it's really fun actually so whateva
Also that cape thing Tom wears ? Worst thing ever, it's like a texture issues but instead of the texture bothering him it's the uneven amount of weight, like he's painfully aware it's on his left shoulder and not his right and it irks him so badly but "it carries his rebellion's symbol so he has to wear it in public" or whatever
He's really only seen wearing it during important or public matters, when it counts
Otherwise that thing's in the bin
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Back in his OG style but with the horrible hairline and salt in his hair
He got a day off
He snuck out of the lime light
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"Ohh I drew him naked to show off his tattoos and to talk about them"
No I didn't
I'm a liar
I drew him naked cause I wanted to draw his tits so I did, simple
But I will talk about his tattoos some more :)
First of all: That scar on his left shoulder is from the house rubble, that cut we see on his arm at the end of The End pt. 2, yeah that's where that comes from
As for his tattoos,,
I know I've explained these somewhere but I'm explaining them again cause I dunno if I explained it someone's DMs or not lol
The Harpoon tattoos are pretty self explanatory, and I also just wanted to show off colored tattoos on darker skin complexions cause that's the stupidest argument I've ever heard and black/dark skinned people should be able to get colored tattoos
The rest are kind of important to Tom and the story line,,,ish?:
the Shark Teeth tattoo comes from the time he visited Hawaii to find out more about his father and his Father's side of the family and their customs, traditions, his heritage, etc. etc.
To make a long story short: there's a reason his father doesn't talk about his side of the family often, but it didn't ruin his experience while visiting some lesser hostile family members in Hawaii like his cousins, and he even got to surf with them - which was when they decided to convince him to get the Shark Teeth tattoo
On top of Tom just being really obsessed with sharks and having infinite knowledge on all things shark related, it's supposed to represent strength, guidance and protection which I think is very fitting for Tom
The "Wolf" tattoo kinda stands out because Tom's Irish, not Scottish or any sort of Norse. So why the Nordic rune?
Well :)
Back when Tom and Tord lived together, they weren't always at each other's throats
I think I mentioned this in my Strip Mafia AU reference sheet for Tord ignore how I forgot to flesh out Tom's,,, I have it I just haven't cleaned it up yet but I'm gonna rehash it here really quick:
Tord gave everyone in the house a tattoo he thought best represented them, including himself (which was the Ouroboros tattoo seen on his character sheet) and Tom's was the rune for "wolf" and I think there are very obvious reasons behind it
Tom stays around his friends a lot, he's got more bite than bark, very unfriendly to outsiders, the list goes on really
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It's so odd seeing Tom in so much white if I'm being honest
I'm so used to him being in like angst blacks and greys and I don't think he's adjusting any better himself LOL
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solunstell · 6 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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i-never-forgot · 2 months
I wanted to ask for curiosity sake BUT!!! What does Lu wear/look like when he’s evolved into a fully fledged Lucario? We’ve seen Eliana but I don’t think we’ve seen him yet, and I’m SUPER interested :O
I’m not great at drawing Pokes besides Eevee (especially from memory) so the one other time I’ve drawn a Lucario recently I decided…not to post it🥲
But! I don’t give Lu enough attention (plus I’ve been meaning to post some more refined sketches of this duo), so…here you go!😊
Team Relic!
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I’ve previously shied away from giving them any specific identifying features because I am frankly terrified of unique character design (I’ve never been particularly good at it tbh…I always draw a blank on what I could include that wouldn’t be terribly cliche…all my OCs weep bc of this lol), but I decided to try my hand at it.
Eliana as an Eevee is taller than average, perhaps the greatest indicator of her physical age despite being a first form Pokémon (still tiny tho). Her paws are a darker shade of brown, similar to the tone in the inside of her ears, and instead of having a somewhat coarse, stiff, straight fur like most Eevee, hers is smoother, silkier, and almost curly (to reflect the texture of her hair as a human more closely). Her fur is also a tad longer, so some of these errant cowlicks are visible. She wears the knot of her scarf in the front sometimes because she does (thankfully) have enough dexterity to tie it on her own, but it takes her a while. Most of the time Lu does it for her.
[Lu develops a habit of either smoothing down said curls with his paws or introducing her to the concept of mutual grooming as a response to either of their occasional insomniac episodes or when one of them is anxious, but only in the privacy of their room. Otherwise, he keeps a paw between her shoulder blades under her ruff and strokes the fur under his pads as a self-soothing tactic, such as when running into Team Skull.]
As a Leafeon she grows extra lithe and lanky, so she has a bit of fawn clumsiness at first because she’d gotten so used to her shorter legs. Her nose scar from Grovyle is fully healed by this point, so it’s faded a bit, but she hadn’t been able to see the dead patch of skin where Dusknoir’s Ice Punch frostbit the flesh around her throat and rendered it hairless before, so she wears something over it almost all the time bc she hates the reminder.
[Later on she continues to wear it bc it distresses Dusknoir to see it a whole lot—it’s hard to coax him back from his guilty spirals, so she only goes “naked” when her things need to be washed after exploring.]
[She doesn’t even realize she has to allow herself time to photosynthesize a certain amount of time per day so the first week she couldn’t figure out why she felt so awful until Sunflora pointed out that her ears and tail looked a bit wilted. Sun baths and afternoon naps become a main stay after that point, although Lu does have to occasionally remind her when she starts to feel down without realizing she’d forgotten to do so.]
[She feels a little naked without her ruff because she’d grown the habit of tucking her chin/mouth into it when stressed out, so when she swaps her Guild scarf for a Virid Collar, she’s grateful to have the extra fabric to nuzzle into when she’s overwhelmed.]
[She can also contort into the oddest shapes to sleep. Lu can’t understand it, but it’s because she and Treecko would often have to wedge themselves into crevices and cracks to rest.]
Lu is pretty much your run-of-the-mill Riolu, although he’s a little slimmer and taller with a bit of a longer narrower snout.
However, when he evolves into Lucario, he fleshes out and gets a bit bulkier after all the exploring they’ve done. His chest spike is broken in an accident, and he develops early gray hair along his muzzle (losing your best friend prematurely to sudden vaporization will certainly affect your stress toleration in the long run huh).
[His fur thickens up in the winter and he’s the best to snuggle with, but given the fact that Treasure Town is coastal it rarely actually gets cold enough to last the whole night without having to peel yourself away for a chance to breathe.]
Let me know if there are any other details or questions you wonder about :)
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so I have a headcanon for how John might look to someone actually able to see him and I, of course, had to decide on the headcanon that would make it damn near impossible to draw him (at least to draw him consistently) but I like the idea too much to let it go
I probably SHOULD put this under a read more since it got kinda long but uuuhhh... don't wanna lol
SO I feel like when John first attached to Arthur, back when he was still just "the entity", his appearance was very... malleable. At first he looks like how a lot of people depict him, a vaguely human shapped black shadow with yellow eyes pearing over Arthur's left shoulder, but as soon as they got out into the world he started seeing ✨️fashion✨️ in the wild that changed. Even though he didn't remember it, he's a piece of the King In Yellow, and I'm willing to bet that the ol banana monarch has a passion for adornment and a tendency towards vanity thats usually associated with royalty that John would unknowingly inherit (I mean, we already know this, he bitches about Arthur's clothes getting ruined often enough now that they got that nice new suit)
I think at first he sees some men wearing nice hats when him and Arthur step outside into the city for the first time and something in him just goes "ooohhh" and one just kind of appears on him, probably with a gold band or little adornments like feathers and shiny dangly bits hanging from the brim. I don't even think he'd be able to choose just one style, shifting from one to another every so often as he sees more around or mixing and morphing styles into looks he likes more (I think he'd be partial to structured hats, fedoras, homburgs, maybe even a skimmer hat but with the rim stretched out to be more of a structured sun hat for extra flare)
But of course his newfound sense of style doesn't end with men's fashion cuz he doesn't know what a gender is and I highly doubt thay anyone that can see him would care enough to try and impose gender roles on him
He sees women passing by on the street wearing makeup and suddenly he has gold lipstick and shimmering yellow eyeshadow over shining gold lashes long and full enough to make any Hollywood starlet absolutely sick with envy
He sees someone more eccentric who's absolutely decked out in gaudy costume jewelry and he can't just NOT have all that wonderful clinking, shiny treasure for himself so he's now draped in gold chains, necklaces and bracelets of huge chunks of polished stones in both simple and elaborate designs, amber, tiger's eye, citrine, anything he wants really but it will always turns some shade of yellow or gold no matter how much he would want it to be another color (I think the best he could do in way of colorful variety is turquoise with veins of gold running through it)
And the funniest thing?
He can't see any of it.
He sees through Arthur's eyes and even if he has a bit of an extra sense for being able to see supernatural shit he's still not visible to himself. All of the changes are subconscious decisions he doesn't even realize he's making, his metaphysical body altering to suit the person he's growing into. None of the other rare entities and people they've met who can see John commented on it, seeing how there's usually more pressing matters involved. Plus I highly doubt the Trader would be one to make observations on someone's fashion sense unless they were offering one of their accessories in trade, and only then if it actually had any value to him.
Tbh it would be funny if the King In Yellow, during his first in person meeting with the Jarthur unit, had stopped mid introduction just "You insolent fucking worm, you need to return what's mi- what... what the hell are you wearing??? No, I'm not talking to you, you fucking worthless mortal, silence- yes, YOU, whats- whats all... THAT??? I mean, it's not BAD but it's a bit... inelegant, don't you think?" and both John and Arthur are like "what the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT???" while the Dancers are humming and nodding their agreement while they also quietly judging John's intangible outfit
Kayne would ABSOLUTELY comment on it though but only to either taunt John while confusing the shit out of him OR to toss him the odd (equally confusing) compliment about his fashion sense and how he's branched out from the Kings personal flare. BUT he's also a Stinky Bitch (affectionate) so maybe he just wouldn't let John know that he can see him at all because he thinks it's funny that he doesn't know what he looks like
I dont think it would remain unstable as it was when he was fresh out the book, though.
After Arthur's coma, the period where John was given (and accepted) his name and the foundation of his humanity, I feel like he'd settle in his appearance as his sense of self does. He'd change to fit his different moods but it wouldn't be as much of a chaotic kaleidoscope of fashions shifting and melding with each other as he was at first. Before it was very fluid, changing as he sees different styles or as he felt different from one second to another, so unsure of exactly who and what he was.
I think he'd stick with the hat, wide brimmed and still with little golden baubles hanging around the edge and a golden band, but I think the top would remain hazy and undefined because I dont think he'd be able to decide on which style he likes best. He'd definitely keep the chains and jewelry, maybe a shodowy imitation of the shape of a suit jacket or the plunge of a low v-necklined dress, depending on the day.
I think when he gets especially angry (usually at Arthur, because he's the only one who can really get him absolutely blistering pissed without even trying) the hat billows like its caught in a fierce wind, not like fabric, but like heavy smoke. The stones of his yellow jewelry glows like miniature sun's with the force of his emotions, chains tarnishing, and even his makeup turning bright neon, toxic yellow against the void of his intangible "skin" like the warning of a poisonous animal if he's mad enough
When he's scared, him and Arthur trying to hide from whatever horror or adversary they've encountered this time, the brim of his hat melts back several inches, the baubles blinking out of existence entirely like its trying to clear his line of sight, makeup and jewelry fading in their color and shine as his borrowed animal instincts scream at him to be small, be unnoticeable, hide hide hide
And in those moments (ones that happen entirely too often for John's comfort or sanity) when the worst has come again, Arthur's hurt, worse than usual, and it seems like he's fading fast from his injuries, the things that John's draped himself with as he's learned who he is start to fade away too. As John realizes he might be losing the only person he's ever had (again) he feels like he's losing himself, the person he's become in his time with Arthur. The panic sets in and he goes through the stages he always does, shouting at Arthur to keep moving, not to give up, begs him to stay with him, not to leave him alone, to stop fucking saying goodbye and keep fighting, his cobbled together sense of identity melts off of him like dust as his world crumbles.
But there are moments, few and far between though they may be, where he and Arthur get little bit of real joy. When Arthur's finally, fucking finally freshly washed, shaved, and fed a hot meal and John can actually feel him relax into a real bed. When they've bought a nice new suit and handkerchief (that Arthur let John pick out himself) and John can tell Arthur that he looks handsome in this cut and color. When John spots something he thinks is odd and describes it to Arthur in a way that gets a real, full belly laugh out of his human, even if he doesn't understand what exactly it was he said that was so funny. The yellows of his apparel and makeup shine and swirl together, the stones of his jewelry seem to dance around each other in their configurations while the colors swim inside them like a lava lamp or glitter inside a bottle of opaque liquid. The baubles along the brim of his hat rapidly change in shape and size, the brim itself seeming to bloom, stretching out even further like a cat luxuriating in a sunbeam.
Anyway, tl;dr John's an eldritch entity and I just think he deserves to have a shifting appearance that he builds around himself over time like one of those bugs that sticks shit to its body to build a shell but in, like, a cunty way
And also I think John should be allowed to be incredibly expressive but in a metaphysical way that ties to his appearance itself
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bubblymiilk-art · 8 months
I like how I can tell which character I was really Thinking About during any given period of time. Read more under the drawings!!
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Cobalt is such a goofy character to think about. Takes his job so seriously that he's lost touch with everything else. I kinda wish I had come up with my own design, but I really liked the way Mumbles drew him so that was my main inspo
Valbalt is something that is really good in concept, but probably not something I really want Canon. It's about the Themes and Parallels. Mostly calling back to how Cobalt's first tournament was fighting for Quad's hand lol
There was a day in the discord where people were dressing up characters for prom, so I just Had to do some of my own
Buncha Vals cuz I had rewatched 11, I still think that visual of Dani's arrow purging the last of Crimson out of Val is one of the Moments Ever. I love it when cpus act in a way thats in line with their characterization
I was embarrassed to post the Tits in the server but I was really proud of how the shading turned out
Plus some other doodles-LETS GO DRIFT LOVE DA DRIFT BABEY
Joe Drift will always be such a Hilarious concept to me. Bitch with a name so great we created an entire mythos within 24 hours. The Driftos if you will.
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hestiashand · 1 year
Drop those team taka head cannons
omg i adore team taka altho i feel i don’t even have the most particularly interesting headcanons for them LOL a lot of them will be design headcanons bc thats what i normally think of as an artist hehee uhm.. i’ll start with suigetsu bc i love suigetsuuuuu
for suigetsu as shown in my drawing of him from today i like the thought of him dying the tips of his hair blue….. the way the anime shades his hair is far too cool to accept it’s shading and not act like those are dyed tips….
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[ ID: two screenshots of suigetsu. END ID. ]
like cmonnnnn the blue tips are the coolest thing in the world. it is NOT shading TO ME ☝️☝️☝️☝️ also i didn’t draw this in my recent suigetsu bc i forgot when i was drawing it 😢😢 but i do imagine he has scabs on his lips and around his mouth often from accidentally biting his lip T.T sometimes i bite too hard and draw blood i can only imagine having sharp teeth and doing that T.T also he wears smudged eyeliner. uh this ones maybe kinda obvious but to me he doesn’t have much of a sense of boundaries and doesn’t have much shame in his body so T.T being his roommate would be a constant battle to make sure he walks around the apartment in *some* clothes. like by everything holy just *something*
this one is absolutely not based at all but it’s my brain and i can do to jūgo as i please with it ☝️☝️ and i like to imagine jūgo likes to wear accessories on his head a lot. like hair clips, hats, maybe he starts growing it out a bit more and ties parts of it up. it catches little birdies attentions more too which he enjoys and is a bonus other than it just being cute to me. to me he’s also the friend that carries around a big bag to hold everyones shit in when they get tired of carrying their own stuff. like yeah man just toss it in… it adds nothing i already have anything you could imagine in here anyways. y’know y’know. most of my jūgo headcanons are not based at all ajksjsjss i’m sorry but i also like to imagine he might pick up smth like woodworking/carving maybee knitting/crotchet (but i lean most towards wood carving) to keep himself distracted and occupied. less likely to have episodes and intrusive thoughts for him. obviously doesn’t stop everything but it helps the tiniest but plus it’s fun :) i think if he were to do carvings and stuff he’d give like a few to his friends if it was smth they specifically liked but i think he kinda likes and prefers to just leave them around, to either be lost to time or be found by someone else! i think he has lots of scars on his hands and knuckles— between the wood carving and his rampages i think his hands take quite the damage. and y’all know i like scars so i ignore any jutsu that may deter scar creation so to me he defo gets scars. except suigetsu’s jutsu actually.. i dont think suigetsu gets scars at all.
i like to imagine karin with a bunch of neat kind of earrings. anything fun/funky. also she has one industrial piercing too to me.. sasuke has two of them but karin had one before she knew sasuke did 😭😭 just a coincidence she swears she swearssss. this one would like.. technically be canon anyways in the first half but bc of all the bite marks she has n stuff her skin would be suuuper bumpy… i think she probably doesn’t like people touching her cause strangers/non team taka end up commenting on how gross it is T.T she prolly wears long sleeves as much as she can. which i rlly don’t know much about boruto but i think long sleeves in that one is canon too. i like to work with out of canon clothings so even then if i end up starting a karin fashion board it would have strictly long sleeve outfits in it. also i like to imagine her with some vocal tics. i dont imagine her with tourettes but just a small tic disorder. i think she mostly does like clicking sounds and hums… not any words or anything :) also i feel like her eyesight is just constantly getting worse and worse. i imagine she’s legally blind but still it gets worse. when she’s older like maybe her 50s or 60s she goes blind and just relies on only sensing ppls chakra to know who’s around w/o asking. i mean she heavily relies on that anyways even when she does have eyesight.. i like to just think she uses it a lot instead of straining her eyes when her prescription starts changing.
uhm and for sasuke some more team taka centred headcanons instead of just some hcs in general… i mean i’ll just state the obvious here because soooo many ppl tend to ignore this but. team taka are sasukes best friends…. not the rest of the konoha 12… so jot that one down. i feel like even when they branch off and do their own thing (again idk anything about boruto none of that is canon to me akshjshsjsjs so don’t be like “uhmm well actually 🤓🤓”) they like to keep in contact. even if not often they’ll send messages. i like to think if they’re aware they’re gonna end up being somewhere near-ish the others they’ll all go out of their way to pay a visit. uh also i DONT think this actually happened like it’s not a headcanon of mine but i do think the thought of suigetsu being sasukes first (very short term) bf is a funny thought…. it does not last tho cause anytime they’re tryna talk about sweet things and their thoughts sasuke just talks about naruto T.T again i dont actually headcanon that happening but it is a funny thought to me… uhm also i don’t particularly think there’s a moment in which this would end up happening but i do think that out of all of team taka sasuke trusts jūgo the most to just… have a personal conversation with. like he doesn’t go out of his way to ever talk about personal shit with him, but i think if a situation were to come up in which he had to/felt like he needed to i think jūgo would be the one he’d go to c:
most importantly no matter how much they do argue with each other team taka does all love eachother.. and they certainly stay friends for life. even if they don’t talk much i think they will all always consider them a group of friends that they can just send messages to without the thought of it being strange after it being so long. it doesn’t even have to be some kind of important message either. just a little random message whenever they think of it.
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aceghosts · 2 years
WIP Thursday
Hey Everybody! I've been tagged by @purplehairsecretlair, @poeti-kat, @clicheantagonist, @thomrainer, @natesofrellis, and @socially-awkward-skeleton to share what I've been working on. It's more Resident Evil stuff, but I promise I'm going to be working on the final edits of Chapter 6 of the Five Years Later AU soon.
Tagging: @sstewyhosseini, @hoesephseed, @marivenah, @allthearchetypes, @bluemojave, @nuclearstorms, @indorilnerevarine, @smithandrogers, @derelictheretic, and anyone else who has anything to share!
Stuff beneath the cut!
This first snippet comes from my RE Longfic, which I continue to chug away at the first draft of. Right now, this sits at chapter 12, which is going to be a lot of Hunter/Wesker hurt/comfort. However, this part of the chapter is more lighthearted:
Tiring of laying in bed, trying to fall asleep to no avail, Hunter climbs out, deciding to find Wesker. As they step out into the hallway, Hunter hears the soft sounds of piano music. They walk down the hallway silently, following the sound of the music. Drawing closer, Hunter recognizes the music: Moonlight Sonata. Jill once played for them at a party, showing off her rusty piano skills. This player is the opposite, quite skilled to Hunter’s untrained ear. Eventually, Hunter finds Wesker at the piano, fingers deftly moving over the keys. They lean against the entryway of the room, not wanting to disturb him. Wesker looks to be in peace as he plays, eyes closed behind his dark shades. Hunter notices he’s even changed his black turtleneck to a black sweater. They feel guilty and embarrassed, knowing they should have had their breakdown in private. Hunter spent so much time shoving those awful tears down that it angers them to know they had so little self-control at that moment. “Are you going to stand there, or would you like to join me?” Wesker asks, opening his eyes as he looks over at Hunter.
Swallowing guilty, Hunter joins him at the piano bench, sitting beside him at the edge of the bench. “Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“You didn’t,” He still continues to play, “And you don’t have to sit so far away either.” Heeding his command, Hunter scoots closer to him, close enough while still giving him room to play. The two sit in silence, Hunter watching Wesker’s fingers. They’re entranced by his movements, never having seen someone so skillful. “Do you know how to play?”
Hunter shakes their head. “No. I wasn’t really the musically inclined one.” It wasn’t the whole truth. Truth was that Hunter didn’t know if they were musically inclined. Their family was too poor to afford something like piano lessons, especially for Hunter, first in line. “My younger sister, Fiona, was the musically gifted one. She used to play the flute.” Another half-truth. Once they could get a job, Hunter’s money went to helping to provide for their siblings. Part of their money went towards Fiona’s flute, allowing her to join the school band. Fiona had been good at it too, but she decided playing professionally wasn’t for her and gave it up after college. “So, how did you learn to play?”
So yeah, just a soft moment between Hunter and Wesker. I swear this makes more sense in the context of the chapter. And, plus there is going to be a little discussion of Wesker's and Hunter's childhoods. (I'm gonna have to do some head canoning on Wesker's end, lol.)
Although, I’m kind of having an issue with this fic, where I can’t decide if I’m straight up gonna make this a canon divergent fic from RE 5. That’s a whole separate issue for a different post.
The second snippet comes from a Hunter/Wesker prompt, involving the BSAA Agent! Hunter AU. It’s going to be a follow-up to a prompt that I wrote here. Here is a small snippet:
Wesker is quiet, strangely somber. “If someone else made you an offer, would you consider it?”
Hunter smirks. “Depends on who’s making the offer. For you, it’s an automatic no,” They tease Wesker, who shakes his head.
“I provide good benefits as an employer.”
“Only if people live long enough to see them.”
Wesker chuckles, smirking at them. “Fair enough.”
I still haven’t finished the first draft of this one, so I don’t want to give away too much.
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stormxpadme · 1 year
AO3 has been kicking me out for around 10mins bcs of pages loading too slow on wifi and data both so it wont let me post a comment on ch 7 (i think) SO HERE IT IS i will not go to sleep till i send it to you PUBLICALLY ! (gonna also paste it into ao3 tmrw but i need to send it now and then pass out for at least 3 more hrs xD):
REMYYYYYY AAAA i literally firgot everything i was gonna say when i figured out its gambjt j'fucking adoreeeee 🥰🥰🥰
one bad mutant for eric one food mutant fir charles. theyre just playing chess at this point. assholes. also with the like killing and mystiques comment abt another talk between erik and charles i had a thiught there... hmmmm.... i wish i rmbrd what kt was. OH YEAH. it hink i said this a while ago somewhere that its like. Its a draw, and impasse, and until either one of them crossed any of the arbitrary lines they drew in the sand nothing will change
Also scott is a dumbass and katja is so extremely like. Idealistic. I love that for her bcs she still has enthusiasm amd has that righteous anger that comes off as either annoying or hopeful to someone whos been fighting a war for so long such as scott. And i love that part of the convo where scott is like we cant save the whole world. It made me think of schindlers list and that quite - the man who saves a life has saved a world entire. Which is ironic given that its eriks goons doing this, which AGAIN brings me to erkis hypocrisy this time and like. Him and charles are just two sides of a same coin arent they?
The encounter with that girl yesterday had left him more confused than he had experienced in years. - side eyeing you for this 👀🤨😤😹❤️
With this weapon, we can turn all of New York into mutants in a few days and all of humanity in six months - oh i rmbrd now! (I cooy some quites to clipboard not to forget to comment on them xd) - what i wanted to say here is that i have all the love and none of the respect for cartoonish villain plans ised to attract the attention of your ex boyfriend xD "imma turn the whole new york into SHARKS and i'll be the SHARK MASTER" like dude chill ffs just text him its okay its cool xD.
It sent, actually! But yeah, everything's lagging there right now including my answers to you and I'm getting unnerved bc AO3 GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. So I will answer here :D And then I will send you to bed BECAUSE REASONS.
And hey, there's a definite advantage to posting here: You can include visuals :D.
I needed my red eyed Cajun baby in there :D. I mean obviously, since the team is what it's like in the 90s cartoon plus one additional weather-witch, but also because Remy is too fucking cute (and Taylor Kitsch was too fucking hot playing him).
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Yeep, exactly. Charles and Erik love each other far too much still for their own good. This whole thing would long have been over with everyone dead if they didn't hold their respective people back. With how it's going, there's just more and more collateral damage on the way, and those two still will just fuck it out and cry on each other's shoulder in the end, and they deserve all the shade thrown at them for it.
Uuugh now I get emotional about Schindler's list again, never managed to rewatch that, it broke me so much the first time already. I think it's really the hardest part about this job? Getting to terms that you can't be everywhere at once and that making as much of a difference as you can is what counts and not saving everyone because that simply won't work. And my girl is still at the beginning of learning that sigh. It's really chilling seeing Erik walk around killing off random people in this franchise just because they're normal people bc like. This is what happens when someone's been on the receiving end of this and then gets the power to turn the tables on the fascist assholes. The moral dilemma of the whole thing ugh.
Oh god, I'm so sorry for this storyline already LOL. Poor Ororo really needs better taste in men …
thanks, now I can never take that plan seriously again LOOOL. I mean, when Erik finally gets up to get this plan up and started, Charles will indeed be there in person, so I guess in the end the plan worked? :D
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magpierrecanarie · 1 year
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Found the design sheet! Only took me a while to sort through the mess that's my "my stuff 2" folder. I don't even know why I named it that since this laptop is literally my own.
TL;DR: I talk about my Vocaloid Oliver design, show some progress pics and talk more regarding his overall concept.
↓↓ Click here if you'd like to know more! ↓↓
So... if you've been following me for a bit, you'll probably realize that I've changed from posting everyday to posting every other day. Well, about that, it's because I realized that I'll actually run out of artworks at this rate since I'm relatively slow in making art in general.
Which brings me to today's topic! I'd like to talk about some of the process I go through whenever I design a character, or in this case: Oliver.
Like, I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not exactly good at art, sometimes I reuse poses and it ticks me off, othertimes I literally reuse identical character distinctions and it takes me a while before realizing. However, I do always try my best to not have overlapping character designs so that every one of them is unique in their own way. My personal favourite trick is to add something that's awfully big and obvious that makes them look clearly different, even when they're completely shaded over with black (Oliver's tail).
First things first, I try to come up with a doodle with some sort of concept in mind. There were actually a couple more pre-concept art doodles that I made a good 4-5 years ago that isn't included in this post, I'm considering posting it (+ another one I drew up a year ago) in a separate post since it's getting a bit late and I don't feel like digging it up.
Since I'm playing around with an Oliver from a universe where the Vocaloids are an alternate version of their original VPs (more clarification in the previous Oliver fanart), + I mentioned that his specific side-effect was borderlining on life-threatening (also in the previous Oliver post), I decided to draw him as half human, half Nessie the Loch Ness Monster.
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There were quite a number of reasons why I chose her compared to other monsters: 1) I've always had the headcannon that the PowerFX Vocaloids were like a big family, not necessarily blood-related but they're spiritually bounded to each other. Since I personally believe that Sweet Ann and Big Al are Oliver's new adoptive parents, I think it'll be nice for him to also be a monster in some way. (+ the amount of Oliver is a monster/half-monster headcannons in the fandom is uhh, hoo boy) 2) Oliver has always reminded me of a sailor. I don't know why and I'm pretty sure his entire costume is based off of a pre-existing choir's outfit, so there's literally no reason for it to have ties to the sea. Maybe it's the colour palette? Or maybe a Vocaloid fanfiction I read a long time ago that I've forgotten since then? Idk, but either way I really like the thought that he came from either a family of sailors or a family that lived close to the sea. 3) Okay, if you know anything about the Loch Ness Monster myth, you'd know that its origin is from Scotland and not you know, Britain, where Oliver's supposedly from. And to that I say, my argument as a South-east Asian is that it's CLOSE ENOUGH... Plus, I don't think there's other Sea Monster myths that are as easily recognizable as Nessie, who ironically enough doesn't even live in the sea, rather, she lives in a fucking lake. But still, the other couple of Sea Monsters/Sea Creatures myths that I think are decently popular are probably the Kraken or the Mermaids + Sirens. The Kraken is eliminated from the selection since this isn't supposed to be the Horror genre LOL, and the Mermaids + Sirens are a bit too far regionally, plus they're a bit basic (sorry to all my Mermaids + Sirens lovers out there) imo.
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There are some ugly AF doodles here but it's what you go through when you're me, sadly.
Also, if you noticed but here I finalized the design you saw in the previous Oliver fanart where he was wearing a merge of these two testing designs of his cloak:
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The former was partially inspired by the Scottish Kilt Sash, though it's not very obvious since Oli's not Scottish so I just took inspo from the way it's usually framed on one's body. The latter however was inspired by manta rays, they look STUPID as hell and I love them, so as a compromise, I merged the two cloaks together and that's what became of the current one! B)
It's actually getting a bit too long for my laptop to handle so I'll leave it here for now.💀💀
See you on Friday! B) Might be posting an original artwork then so you can look forward to it!
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bunnymajo · 1 year
Posted these OC fun facts on discord, so I'm posting them here for preservation :3
Favorite Color: (of all time)Mauve Pink and (currently) Acid Lime Green
Favorite Flower: Cactus Blossoms but uses, uh, Thistles as a signature flower. He likes them because it reminds him of him and Surge together (it's pink, green & spikey)
What they would take on a deserted island: A laptop & a classic romance novel (he's a sucker for the classics & old hollywood, he wildly misinterprets them, but he loves them)
Idea/Inspiration for them: based on a bumblekast question/description about a Glitch ver. Amy, but I liked the idea of Surge just having a rabid fanboy (different from Kit) and gave him a more eccentric flair. Design wise I wanted him to look like a punk version of a normal schoolboy, and tried to make his personality more feminine & extroverted (since Surge leans more masculine & Surge & Kit are both more introverted). I also pulled inspiration from few obsessive characters like Kish from Tokyo Mew Mew & Lum from Urusei Yatsura
Favorite Color: Coral Red, but any jewel tones she think are very pretty
Favorite Flower: Shepherd's Purse, she likes it for it's medicinal values and also thinks it's cute and simple
What they would take on a deserted island: She would think it'd be a great time for meditating so probably a sketch diary to keep track of her thoughts/draw anything neat she finds
Idea/Inspiration for them: I like powerful ladies, I'm also plus sized so any plus sized rep in my favorite media is welcomed, and noticed that Blaze doesn't have a powerhouse lady companion (aside from herself) so I just kinda took it as a challenge to see if I could make it work and I think I found the right balance.
Pop & Crackers:
Favorite Color: Navy Blue & Off-white, it reminds her of her favorite sports team
Favorite Flower: "Why would I care about lame things like flowers?" - Pop. Crackers likes Gardenias, they smell nice.
What they'd take to a deserted island: Stuff to play beach volleyball
Idea/Insp: Also based on a bumblekast question lol (glitch Cream), since Cream is sweet & supportive & brings out the best in people, I wanted Pop to just have a total bratty sibling vibe. I like baseball and thought a team sport angle would be a great way to incorporate a chao teammate. Since she's also an opponent for Kit, I thought it'd be interesting if she shared personality traits with Surge. Like it's cool when Surge acts like a braggart, but anyone else I think he'd find much more annoying & be able to show no mercy to
Mimi Mint:
Favorite Color: Mint Green XD but any shade of green she likes
Favorite Flower: Any fruit tree blossoms (Apple, Cherry, Peach, Lemon etc.) she's a farmer girl, she loves any kind of spring flower, it's a sign of good things.
What they'd take to an island: a boat to leave. she would not have a good time after the first afternoon
Idea/Insp: she's based on my Forces oc so she's basically an idealized me :'D but I like characters that are just normal people doing their best
Favorite Color: Hot Pink, the brighter and gaudier the better
Favorite Flower: Pink Peonies, anything big and explosive looking like Dahlia or huge Roses she likes too
What they'd take to a deserted island: "Oh how fabulous, is there a resort there? A spa?....not even a hotel? ...oh. you mean deserted deserted, how quaint. No thank you, I'll pass" - Opal. (She would have some giant trendy sunglasses on her though)
Idea/Insp: If I don't make a magical girl fit somewhere in my favorite media I'll die
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I’ve decided to continue talking about my “Shadow’s Kid Army” shit cause I couldn’t fit all the drawings I had in the first post soooooo
Part 2!!!!
I’m gonna start of with the image that started it all
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THIS ONE!!! ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
As you can see, 4 of them didn’t have names. Them now being Lydia, Jules, Belle, and Rowan. Also Rowan’s base sketch looked like Yugi from Yugio! At least in my opinion so that was their place-holder name until I came up with a better one lol
You also finally get to see my design for Shadow! Him and his third eye. That whole canvas actually started with that Shadow drawing too! I just wanted to draw an angy Shadow for practice and it evolved into that whole thing.
Kirra also wasn’t a thing until maybe a week later?
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Same goes for the little family tree thing I had made. She just didn’t exist yet, plus they had 9 kids at the time and didn’t think it would be right to add a 10th but she’s here now and they aren’t getting any more! (At least I hope…)
I just realized that Shadow has 7 kids that are biologically his… Wow he actually does have an army…
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This is when I decided to add a 10th kid. My friend had given me the idea of Metal and Amy just walking in and asking him to make them a robot kid 😆 Just to continue their “army”! This is still one of my most favorite things I made that’s just fuckin random as hell.
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Multiple drawings of just Metal Sonic, plus one where he realizes that Jules kinda looks like an organic version of him.
I really just wanted to practice expressions on him. Mostly cause of an unfinished comic where he just drowns due to a fish.
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Not the best quality but I spent like 30 minutes looking for a better up to date version cause I’m too lazy to get out of bed and charge my iPad to get a screenshot so this will have to do!
The concept is-
The whole family is on a camping trip by a lake somewhere.
All the tens have been set up, most of the kids are chilling and doing there own thing. Shadow is taking Jules and Kirra to get fire wood n shit, Alis and Eric are chilling by the water, Maria is watching Sam fail at hiding something behind his back to Amy, Lydia is also chilling by the water somewhere, and Silver is already in the lake relaxing. Sol wasn’t there and was with his mom.
Sonic and Metal are chattin’. Just havin a conversation about whatever, but then Sonic asks Metal if he’d want to race across the Lake. Ya’know just being rivals n shit. Metal agrees and they get ready. In the background we see Amy chasing Sam.
They count down “3-2-1” and they’re off! Sonic running across the waters surface while Metal is just flying over.
Silver literally has no clue about what’s happening. He had actually fallen asleep for a minute and doesn’t know that he’s in their direct pathway. Sonic and Metal also don’t realize cause they’re too focused on beating the other.
As Sonic and Metal get closer, a few of the kids realize that Silver is gonna ran-over essentially. So Lydia is yelling at Silver to swim faster while Alis is trying to tell Sonic and Metal to stop. Which doesn’t happen and Silver ends up being splashed and pushed under the water. He loses he cool shades and is upset after they pass over him.
As Sonic and Metal get to the center of the lake, a fish ends up jumping out of the water. At a pretty bad time too cause it’s directly in Metal’s way and lined up with his engine.
(Now we’re at the parts that aren’t drawn)
The fish ends up inside Metal’s torso, causing him to abruptly stop. Since he can’t speak Sonic just keeps on going until he’s back on land.
At this point everyone has been looking at their race and has noticed that Metal is fucking drowning and the only one closest to him is Sonic. They start yelling and getting his attention. When Sonic realizes this he quickly makes his way to Metal(albeit kinda scared cause he’s in the water now and not just over it). But he manages to get Metal out and back to land where he isn’t responding.
At this point Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and a few of the kids are there trying to get him to boot back up to no avail. Realizing that he had taken on too much water Sonic decides to take him to Eggman to get him fixed immediately. The rest of the family decides to pack up their shit and try again another day while Sonic running Metal to Eggman.
Sonic busts through Eggman’s door and says something along the lines of
“Yo your son kinda fuckin drowned, don’t know how but you need to fix him otherwise Amy will be pissed byeeeee~” as he justs sets Metal down and runs out.
Then it would just cut to Eggman pulling a charred wet fish out of Metal and being hella confused
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Just gonna end this post with this random drawing lol
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𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕: Have him put it inside him and enjoy the pleasure shaking, hint hint! ;)c
{in connection to this meme & ask}
{I'm not sure if this is what you had in mind when sending, anon-- and i also apologize that it's taken me this long to answer aaa-- but anyway i've finally gotten something done for this lol}
Was he seriously about to consider doing this?… That question repeated itself a good few times in his head, as gold hues once again stared toward the frankly embarrassing 'gift' he'd anonymously gotten in the mail some weeks prior. Why the hell did he even hold onto this thing anyway?-- Another question he'd mentally asked himself, for about the umpteenth time.
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Brows furrowing, with lips drawing into a thin line as he silently debated the answer to those questions… Finally, he gave a heavy sigh. While he hated admitting it to himself, Minato knew damn well what the answer to both those questions was-- Curiosity. A nagging thought he'd had since opening the damn thing… How would it feel? And would that answer be any shade of good?…
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Fuck-- why was he even debating this?-- Dragging a hand through his hair with a frustrated grumble, finally, he settled on an answer. "Guess it wouldn't be the worst thing to just try and see…" More or less murmuring this as he thought aloud, fingers once again messed with his bangs. "After all, if I hate it then I can just pack the thing away and not think about it after--" Reasoning to himself with that, and a small nod, it seemed the matter was settled.
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And so, after gathering some required supplies, plus taking the time for a good few steps of prep-- Minato was once again side-eyeing that beast of a 'toy', a slightly shaky huff passing his lips. Sure, it was a little imposing… But, still didn't seem like it would be too big to fit… Though, he wouldn't truly know till trying. Again sliding his gaze away for the moment, he swallowed a bit thickly, yet again aware of the quickened heartbeat beneath his fingers which were focused on toying with his chest. Meanwhile, another withdrawal and plunge was made with the more average sized toy currently settled within his depths. "Ahn--" Earning a soft cry and small shudder which ran along his spine.
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After a short while longer of this, however, he knew it couldn't really be delayed anymore… Otherwise, he'd probably risk tiring himself out before going through with it. So, still a touch reluctantly… He reached for the larger phallus that had been waiting on the side table, along with the lube once again. Since even if he was already well and slick down there, taking more chances with this thing didn't sound very appealing.
Lightly chewing his lower lip while gliding his hand along the length of it, he momentarily felt unneededly aware of the heat settled on his face… But, in the same moment, felt he'd commited too far to back out now-- So, the previous toy was slowly pulled out, another small shudder given thanks to the now empty feeling. Swallowing thickly again, he shifted to more properly sit up upon his knees, taking a deep breath while settling his position…
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Lowering himself down, it seemed his heart was racing a bit faster still as the head rubbed against his entrance, but that was probably just the blonde working himself up-- "Nh…" A subtle grunt did slip his lips while going further, however. The stretch was still noticeable enough to feel, but, thanks to earlier it wasn't really anything more than a bit of discomfort. Which was partly ignored via some other self stimulation, so to speak--
Upon settling at least half way down the length, his previous heavy breaths gave way to a gasp. "Hah, fuck--" A curse tumbling past his lips as well. The depth he already felt it at had his nerves prickling-- And though unsure if he could press further for now, it took but a moment before he was giving into an urge gnawing at him… Slowly raising then lowering himself at first, along with a slight rock of his hips… Motions which after a short while, gave way to a few scattered mewls.
"Ohh fuck…" Okay, so this did actually feel surprisingly good… Huffing a heated breath in a mix of pleasure and subtle frustration, Minato simply began letting himself settle into a rhythm. Focus on feeling good, and thoughts won't matter…
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Slow motions soon began to gain some speed, and some added force as a result. Previous mewls gave way to more proper moans, as a few further gasps slipped in here or there. Swimming in now fuzzing thoughts, that earlier embarrassment wasn't a factor that mattered anymore… Instead, the blonde's concern was shifting to this steadily building high-- Just a little faster, just a little harder-- Small encouragements that began cycling in a loop, amidst Minato's panting breaths and the fluctuating volume of his voice.
Steadily, each move downward also began to gain him slightly more depth, a sensation that quickly brought added jolts along his spine and almost hiccupped sounds past his lips. Oh fuck, oh fuck-- at this rate-- That hazy thought was one he didn't get to finish, as the previously building heat tightening in his gut quickly spilled over, a splatter of white painting the sheets as a partly choked cry left Minato's now somewhat parched throat.
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Slumping forward while making an effort to regain his breath, a now sticky hand was wiped across the sheets. They'll just get washed later while cleaning up everything else… Once his head stops spinning, and there's more proper feeling in his legs…
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader)
tags: fem! Reader, no warnings lol, this is just the first chapter a.k.a the introduction
words: 1.1k
notes: ok so this is the first chapter of the series that I plan to write, so pls feel free to give me some feedback on this and whether you like it and should I continue :'0 💕 Thanks a lot for any kind of support ee 💗
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Chapter one
Playful footsteps scattered across the freshly-cut grass, followed by a few equally spirited barks. Whether the small chocolate-colored dog was chasing the ball or the children lay undetermined, nonetheless they all seemed amused. A mother stood next to the gleeful dog owner, both exchanging chuckles and commenting on how adorable the sight in front of them is. Above them dozens of birds filled the air with a familiar amicable tune, as if the soothing music coming from a nearby café wasn’t enough. The park was never lonely, yet so pleasant at the same time. All those chirps, chatters and noises were like an extra spark, and frankly it’d be rather uncanny if it weren’t for them and the pastel sky above, radiant with soft hues. Cases where belligerent monsters ruined the harmony were rare, although enough to cause one to succumb to unease. Be that as it may, people always push through it and find a reason to enjoy the now sunlit park.
Though, while it was interesting to observe the scenery it wasn’t quite what you were looking for. Fiddling with the pencil in your hand, you stared displeased at the blank page of your sketchbook.
“Why isn’t there anything interesting today?” you pondered, eyes impatiently shifting over the scenery.
Almost every day for the past few weeks you’ve been sitting at this very bench, looking out for something eye-catching to draw. It’s funny how you coincidentally came across your now daily go-to place, a surprisingly comfy wooden bench underneath two large oaks, their treetops creating enough shade for another twenty people. Luckily you had your own peace there without anyone bothering you.
“Hmm… Maybe I just don’t feel like drawing people?”
After a small sigh you leaned against your hand and looked up at the treetops. The sky turned golden already, painting the leaves in shades of olive and amber. Your eyes steadily trailed down to the path next to the old oaks, now noticing a small patch of lilies that with their vivid hues and delicate form drew you in almost immediately.
“Huh. Maybe I should just go for something simple and quick?”
Well, that was what you though right before something else caught your eye. Someone to be exact. A few meters away a rather peculiar-looking guy sat on a bench. He leaned against the bench leisurely while folding his arms, his tight black shirt complementing his muscular built. His gaze was relaxed, albeit alert, and his features were sharp. Sunlight peeked on his wild, silver hair, coloring it with subtle sandy hues almost matching with the golden in his eyes.
Now, if this didn’t give you inspiration then what did? And here you thought you’d be drawing those lilies. You sighed in content, stretching your arms for a few seconds before you got to work. Subtly glancing at his direction from time to time, you had already outlined the portrait. Though, truth be told, he had such a pretty face you were trying not to stare at one point.
“What are you doing?”
You didn’t even manage to let go of your pencil before an unknown voice jolted you out of your thoughts. Much to your bewilderment you looked up to see that same man now only half a meter away, glaring at you.
“Well shit.”
Should you apologize or straight up act like you weren’t just secretly drawing some random person? Or better yet, how the hell is that same person in front of you right now? You were embarrassed as much as you were confused and to make things worse the drawing wasn’t even in your sketchbook anymore.
“Are you a hero or something? I don’t remember seeing you anywhere.” the man asked, shifting his gaze from the drawing in his hand to you.
“Hey when did you take that?!” you finally spoke, an apology being far from your mind at the moment.
On one hand it could be legitimate since you didn’t ask for permission to draw him in the first place, but on the other… What kind of punk would just rip the piece out like that?
“If you’re some c-class dunce trying to gather info on me with this-“, he grinned, still analyzing the art piece “-you’re gonna be sorry pretty soon.”
“Dude I’m not a hero.”
“Wait, what?”
That threatening, cocky grin of his from a moment ago dissipated into thin air like it was nothing, but your confused expression on the other hand only grew bigger. Was he serious?
A soft shade of pink made its way to his face for a brief moment, to which you almost chuckled.
“So you’re seriously not a hero?”
“Um, no..?”
“Your luck.”
“Nothing.” He headed the opposite direction of you, drawing still in hand.
“Ahh so… can I get that back now please?” you walked behind him, surprised he’s oh so casually trying to leave the scene after such odd behavior.
“Nope, sorry.”
“Aw what, why??”
“Let’s just say it isn’t convenient for me at the moment to have that lying around wherever,” he put both hands in his pockets, “plus I didn’t say you could draw me did I?”
Now your face turned red in embarrassment again. He was right… Though, you still couldn’t help but wonder who this strange guy is. While tearing that drawing out of your valued sketchbook didn’t make for the best first impression, his demeanor wasn’t really belligerent either.
“Ah, sorry about that… However I must say it wasn't polite to take the drawing away like that either.”
His eyes slightly widened in embarrassment before turning away his face again.
"Don't worry about it though," you smiled for a moment, "I guess it was just a weird misunderstanding or something."
Your eyes shifted on the path you were walking on, already dim because of the now darker sky, “if I may ask, is someone like… searching for you or something?”
“Doesn’t matter,” he glanced back at you, “why are you still following me anyway!? Just go home it’s getting dark.”
“Well, this is the way I take in order to get back home so you can’t really complain,” you smiled to his mild annoyance.
The night sky engulfed the city by now, leaving behind a tranquil atmosphere. Nonetheless, compared to the center of the city, your street wasn’t as bustling. Light shone from the surrounding apartments and lamp posts, and the only sounds present were from the neighbors’ TV’s or the occasional car passing by, much in contrast with the city’s center and night life.
You didn’t ask many more questions as you walked, despite the faint haze in your mind. The man obviously wasn’t too chatty, yet alone keen on sharing any personal details. Be as it may, much to your surprise what you thought would be an awkward walk was actually somewhat refreshing. Hell, you even let out a laugh or two together. Who would’ve thought the on-first-glance intimidating teen is pleasant to be around? Or, well, at least you thought of it like that. In any case way better than walking through those dark alleys alone.
next chapter
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