#Homeschool Oregon
icelynodette · 7 months
First Day Of Homeschool 2023 2024
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thesmolgoblingf · 1 month
One of the main arguments of the pushback I’m getting on deciding to homeschool my children just reminds me of this tweet:
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There are so many people telling me that my children won’t know how to read, write, or do math. It’s like they forget that I know how to read, write, and do math.
Teachers aren’t super humans who are blessed by the gods to impart knowledge. Anyone can teach, it’s not something you need a degree and a license to do.
Think about how many jobs you’ve had where someone had to train you how to do something but they weren’t a teacher.
Think of all the times you had to tinker and figure something out for yourself with little to no guidance, you were literally teaching yourself.
And wasn’t there a news story that broke about how students won’t need to demonstrate proficiency in math, reading, and writing to graduate? Oh, that’s right, there was.
What’s the point of sending my children to school then, if they won’t have to display these three vital skills to get a diploma? Where’s the basis of your argument if this is the direction schools are heading?
Public and private schools serve as 13-15 years of indoctrination to sell college burnout, deprive students of critical thinking, training obedient worker drones, and creating mindless consumers. My children will have no part in that.
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beastkeeper91 · 1 year
🔥Helluva House AU🔥
(Owl House x Hazbin Verse)
Instead of Luz stumbling upon The Boiling Isles, she ends up in Vivziepop's version of Hell.
[Background Info]
•Luz is the only human within this AU while the others are Demons.
•Known Sinners:
Eda Clawthorne
Age: 17.
Species: Owl Demon.
Died: 1990s.
Cause of Death: Poisoned.
Sins: Gluttony.
Story: Eda was the most rebellious, yet troublesome teenager in all of Oregon from random pranks to Arson, though despite her delinquency she was a child prodigy getting A+ in all of her classes, but sadly all of that ended when she died during a soccer match due to cyanide poisoning. *cough* Lilith.
Lilith Clawthorne
Age: 18.
Species: Raven Demon.
Died: 1990s
Cause of Death: Suicide.
Sins: Envy.
Story: Lilith is the oldest sister of Eda Clawthorne who was always trying to get attention or praise from her peers and parents, but yet she never did due to her younger sister being "better than her" and so one day she slipped poison into Eda's water bottle and instantly regretted after Eda told her that she was the best sister in the world. After Eda's death, Lilith had suffered a great ammount of guilt and despair to the point where she ended her own life.
Philip "Belos" Whitebane
Age: 50.
Species: Deer Demon.
Died: 1600s.
Cause of Death: Hanged.
Sins: Pride.
Story: Belos, one of the most powerful and fearful overlord hell has ever witnessed. In his life he was known as a Witch Hunter General during the witch trials similar to Salem, but what the pilgrims didn't know, until later on, that he was actually an Occultist and was later hanged for his crimes.
Raine Whispers.
Age: 17.
Species: Bat Demon.
Died: 1967.
Cause of Death: Shot during Flower Power.
Sins: Hersey *Witchcraft*.
Story: Raine was born and raised by pagans in a commune so throughout their whole life they were homeschooled by their parents, learning herbology along with other pagan traditions. During their high school years they would participate in protests and the last one they attended was Flower Power".
•Other Sinners:
Adrian Graye Vernworth.
Yiyi The Bat Queen.
Darius Deamonne.
Flora D'splora.
Hettie Cutburn.
Terra Snapdragon.
Scooter Crane.
•Known Hellhounds:
•Known Imps:
Amity Blight.
Edric Blight.
Emira Blight.
Alador Blight.
Odalia Blight.
Willow Park.
Gilbert and Harvey Park.
Gus Porter.
Perry Porter.
Roselle and Dottie.
Matt Tholomule.
Steve Tholomule.
Hieronymus Bump.
Moon girl.
•Known Succubi:
Boscha (Hybrid).
•Other Known Hellborns:
Bill (Baphomet).
Warden Wrath (Greed Shark).
Braxus (Greed Shark).
Morton (Baphomet).
Salty (Greed Shark).
Vee (Possessor).
Hooty (Unknown).
•Known Ars Goetia:
•Blight Industries along with The Blight Family themselves are mostly within the Greed Ring along with Blight Manor. Like in canon, the company provides itself with accessories with home security and weaponry along with some robotics. Blight Industries is considered to be one of the most popular companies in hell. Supplying not just for Sinners and Hellborns, but also the Overlords and Demonic Loyalty of Hell.
•King is a Hellhound, Eda and Raine found him in a cardboard box in an alley when he was only a pup and they both decided upon themselves to take him ate their place and raise him. Basically the same way in "Echoes of the Past" but different.
•Perry Porter, Gus's dad, is still a field reporter in this and he works for 666 News. Though the only work associate he has is Tom, because Katie Killjoy is a total bitch to him due to being an Imp.
•In this AU Amity and Willow are still friends, but after confronting her bitch of a mother Amity decided to runaway to the Pride Ring with Willow, also Gilbert and Harvey fostered Amity.
•All the palisman in this AU are Hell-Fauna, which are Demonic versions of animals.
•The Collector in this AU is renamed Collie Morningstar and they are the youngest child of Lucifer and Lilith Morningstar along with the baby sibling of Charlie Morningstar and the archivists who are also in this AU as the children of Morningstar, but unlike the archivists Charlie is the only sibling that cares for Collie. *Also since the archivists didn't have any names in "Fort the Future" or "Watching and Dreaming" so the names I gave them are Salem, Basil, Aaren, Draco.
•The Nine Coven Leaders in this AU are Overlords.
•When humans, like Luz, are stuck in Hell for long periods of time that they begin to turn into a demon.
•After Lilith died she bumped into Eda and tried to apologize for what she did to her which of course didn't end well. For about several years Lilith has been jumping from job to job until she met Flora D'splora, also a Sinner, who hired Lilith as her assistant at the Museum of History of Demonic.
•Hunter is one of the many Imps Belos took in (for bad reasons of course, Because it's belos after all).
•Originally Willow and her dad's were from the Wrath Ring, then they moved to Greed due to Harvey having a job at Blight Industries which lasted for a little while until Odalia fired him after due to Amity not cutting ties with Willow which made them move to Pride.
•This AU mostly takes place in the Pride Ring, within a town called Malum which is just outside of Pentagram City just a few minutes away.
•Belo's true demonic form would be his kaiju form from "Watching and Dreaming" and his normal form would be a mix between his regular emperor self and his cursed self.
•Eda has trouble controlling her true demonic form every now and then just like how she had trouble controlling her curse in canon. Her true demonic form is the same as her Owl Beast form.
•Hooty is still hooty. (🦉 Hooty Hoot 🦉)
•Hexisde is also in this AU, but it's renamed "Hexside School District." Which is surprisingly one of the best schools in hell for Hellborns, better than Glandus and St Epidermis.
•Even though there's no coven system, each character has their own set of different demonic abilities and powers.
•Luz's Demon form is that same as her titan form, but instead of her witch outfit she's in her default clothes which are a bit torn due to her transformation.
•Eda and Raine own a store called "The Owl Nest" that sells trinkets, crystals, charms, herbs *including cannabis*, and other types of goods.
Art by AnnDevil88, though the last one with Sinner!Eda is unknown but still amazing.
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autism-purgatory · 19 days
Hooray WIP introduction
Shirleston Academy of Mystery and Intrigue
“Everyone in that place is stuck in endless dreams and living nightmares, all while it watches.”
Takes place in a private school in Portland, Oregon where three students are wrapped in an ever-growing mystery surrounding the history of their esteemed school. Its inspirations are The Magnus Archives and K-12 by Melanie Martinez (and my own shitty experiences with private schools but this isn’t a vent post). It’s a cosmic horror mystery with hints of dark academia. Students at Shirleston are ranked by the color of their ties. Freshman have blue, Sophomore have yellow, Juniors have Red, and Seniors have green. (If I see a hogwarts joke I’m deleting this blog)
Our characters:
Ashley Yuan: 18, A senior at Shirleston Academy and trying to get the hell out of there as soon as possible. She is generally snarky but clever. She also has OCD and is demi-sexual. She’s been living on her own for about a month after her aging mother passed. She gets wrapped up in this mess of a mystery after discovering a fellow student burned alive in a ritual circle in the library. She pieces the school’s mysterious history alongside…
Erin Reyes: 15, the youngest one of the protagonists. He’s quiet but very blunt and honest when he does talk, and is internally screaming 24/7. He has been homeschooled for most of his life due to severe bullying until his father put him in Shirleston. He is autistic and is having a bit of an identity crisis due to his slow and painful process of unmasking after years. Hes terrified of Shirleston not just because he has to talk to people frequently, but also because there’s just something so off about the place. This only gets worse when he’s roped into the plot. He’s also pan but extremely closeted.
James Lyon: 17 and a junior. He’s playful, energetic, kinda stupid, but means well for the most part. His dad is the CEO of Glacé, a banking company and a major investor in Shirleston. He likes being at shirleston due to how horribly his parents treat him, it’s sort of an escape for him. So that obviously goes to shit when a friend of his ends up dead in the library. Now he doesn’t feel safe anywhere, but finds at least a little comfort in his new friends. He’s gay, but like Erin, he’s extremely closeted.
There’s body horror, found family I guess??? Chase scenes, dream symbolism, body horror monsters, the works.
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ynda44-blog · 7 months
Centricide family headcanons
(I personally see the ideologies starting as real people before ascending to ideologyland by either death or brain death, where they target more people to kill and absorb into themselves, so these are the most recently deceased persons)
Born to hippie parents in Portland, Oregon (and yes, they do smoke weed)
His grandparents lived in a commune
iPad kid
Had a younger sister, like 8 years younger- she had undiagnosed ADHD
Their parents tried to treat it with essential oils
Went his mom’s twitter one day and it changed his life
His parents thought structural inequality was made up
His name was Neroli Wolfsong and he had curly blond hair and a punchable face
Born in a Haitian tourist town to parents whose livelihoods would be subsequently destroyed by the island’s earthquake
Their grandmother, uncle, and first cousins all lived in the house with them
Well it was really more of a tent
Yeah they grew up very poor
Only child
They saw their cousins manipulated into drug addictions and soul-draining hard labor
The cops arrested them all for squatting several times
Their friends and them all shared a windows 2 that they would look at the internet on
As they all grew up they started learning the history behind their country’s shitty situation and systemic racial oppression
And how to make their own drugs
Also spent a lot of time on the lgbtq wiki
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wickedsrest-rp · 4 months
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Name: Mahuika Adelaide Thompson Species: Spellcaster Occupation: Receptionist & Maid at Bearcliff Motel Age: 25 Years Old Played By: Emily Face Claim: Courtney Eaton
"Have you ever considered that maybe my perspective might be valuable?"
Vancouver was a beautiful city.
So were the outskirts, which was more where Mahuika spent the first few years of her life. Her family’s coven had formed as a convergence of her mother’s from New Zealand and her father’s from Portland, Oregon. It just so happened that the two of her parents met, fell in love, and some number of years later, had her older sister. Then she came, not two years later. Had her brother five years after that.
The forest was full of light.
Which made it extra perfect to perfect her skills in. She’d taken to mental magic with incredible ease, much to the pride of her family and the rest of her coven. Mental magic was useful, she’d been told for as long as she could remember. You could use it to help those in need, and it connected you to the universe in an untold number of ways. At least, that was what her mother told her – and she was inclined to believe her, because what reason on earth would her mother have to lie?
Her parents were in love. They showed the world nothing but love.
Her family was perfect.
Her siblings were all good and skilled and it meant that she was never alone. Which she liked, even if she didn’t like being the middle child. Though her parents liked to at least attempt to prove that she wasn’t overlooked.
When she was five, the coven had moved to just outside of a small town in Maine – Wicked’s Rest – it was different and she hadn’t wanted to move, but her parents said that it was the best choice for everyone. Something about the energies being right, and Mahuika readily accepted that reasoning.
After all, what reason would her parents have to lie?
She and her siblings were homeschooled, taught magic and science hand in hand, as well as whatever else it was that people were learning in schools not meant for spellcasters. It was easier on the coven if all of the children just learned at home. It meant there was less to worry about, and that the adults could put more time into training the children in their craft.
According to her parents, Mahuika had been a natural at mental magic from the first time she ever tried. She’d helped control one of the adults to acknowledge their love for another one of the coven, and she’d been able to cast illusions from the time she was only six. They were always little ones, but that didn’t matter: it was her birthright, having this magic. 
It was her coven’s job to help.
To help each other, but also to help those around them. Those in town, and without letting anyone know. Because true altruism meant not getting credit, meant doing things for others simply because you could. Because they’d been given extra powers, and that meant helping others more than themselves.
It made sense, at first. It made sense until Mahuika turned fourteen.
She’d been taught that what she did made her safe, and so maybe she’d gotten occasionally lax. Never to an excessive level, but still. She had been an occasionally distractible child and she’d grown into an occasionally distractible teenager.
One day, she’d gone out with a couple friends from her coven to go skinny dipping. It wasn’t anything uncommon, especially in the summer. It was a way to connect with nature, or something (Mahuika figured it was also an excuse to get away from the adults in the coven). One of the older girls – though older was relative — she was only just eighteen — had come out of the water, wrapped herself in a dress, and called out that she was going to go and get them all popsicles, potato chips, and other homemade snacks.
Except she never got to, because Mahuika saw someone grab her, pull her away and she kicked and screamed for help. The stranger wasn’t someone from their coven, wasn’t someone Mahuika had ever seen before. There was no way they were magic.
She didn’t do anything, she just watched her go. Watched her go even though she had the ability to control whoever’d grabbed her. But instead she stayed afloat in the water, mouth agape, eyes wide. 
She hadn’t done anything, and she ran back to where her coven was staying, the other friend trailing behind (they couldn’t have done anything, they didn’t do mental magic. They were something more elemental.) So it was all on Mahuika. 
It was her fault, and it was just proof that those outside of the coven were lesser than those inside of it.
Her coven was supposed to help those outside of it, but her parents had lied about that. All the adults had.
Mahuika felt a deep, deep sense of distrust, and as she lay in bed that night, she made a promise to herself. She’d be the best at her branch of magic that anybody had ever been. That way she’d make sure idiots like the one who’d grabbed her friend never did anything like that again. That way, she’d be in control. That way, she’d be strong. That way, she’d be remarkable, and nothing short of it.
So she worked at it, for years, dove headfirst, spent her days and nights practicing.
Except, in order to truly perfect all that she was, Mahuika knew that she couldn’t stay with her coven forever, and the tiny little town nearby seemed just as good a place as any to get her start. She went there for college, first, if nothing else, just to save face. Physics was an easy major, and sure, she’d managed to get a few A’s with her particular skill set that had nothing to do with academics, but what was the harm in that?
She liked how it felt. How safe she felt with all of that.
It was right, and it was gray, and it was beautiful.
Character Facts:
Personality: Self-important, generous, deceptive, enigmatic, personable, bitter, jealous, calm, self-assured, intelligent
She is fluent in a few languages and has significant knowledge of a smattering of other ones. It’s important for her craft, and she also just likes knowing things. Not all of the languages are fully “useful” in Mahuika’s daily life, but she enjoys them nonetheless.
Mahuika is actually extremely terrified of drowning, though she won’t admit that. She doesn’t like how out of control the water can be. Again, chances of her admitting that? Slim to none.
She writes letters to her siblings in a notebook that she keeps under her mattress. There’s a lot of anger in those notes, but also a great deal of love and sadness.
Has a few tattoos – on her wrist, ribcage, and upper arm, to name a few. They are mostly meaningful, except for one of a duck with a small hat. That one was Just Because.
Mahuika has a deep passion for physics.
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luciferlaughs · 2 years
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On March 26th, 2018, an SUV containing a family of eight veered off a cliff in Mendocino County, California, plunging 100 feet into the Pacific ocean and killing everybody inside. The victims of this horrific accident were identified as Jennifer Hart, the driver, along with her wife, Sarah, and their six adopted children: Ciera (aged 12), Abigail (aged 14), Jeremiah (aged 14), Devonte (aged 15), Hannah (aged 16), and Markis (19). To all those who knew the Hart family, whether directly or indirectly, this was a tragic accident. Jennifer and Sarah, who were very public with their children on social media, often sharing their views on politics and social injustice, were the poster women for a modern-day progressive family. After years of being in the closet, the two finally came out in 2004 and got married in 2009. Just before they got married, they adopted six African American children from Texas. In 2014, a photo went viral of Devonte tearfully embracing a police officer during a BLM protest being held in Portland, Oregon, following the police shooting of Michael Brown. The photo was nationally dubbed ''the hug felt 'round the world''.
After most of the Harts’ bodies were recovered, the coroner discovered that Jennifer was drunk at the wheel, and Sarah and three of the children had a toxic amounts of diphenhydramine in their systems. The police also found incriminating google searches made from Sarah's phone just before the family began their trip, such as, How easily can I overdose on over the counter medications? and Can 500mg of Benadryl kill a 125lb woman?, and How long does it take to die from hypothermia while drowning in a car? It became very clear to police that this was not, in fact, an accident. Their deaths were ruled a murder--suicide. Police and the public began peering picking apart the façade of this supposedly perfect, happy, progressive family to find out what events led to the tragedy. It was soon discovered that the Harts had a history of child abuse and neglect documented by CPS, dating all the way back to 2008. The children were reportedly beaten with belts and starved on a regular basis. They were also not allowed to wish each other a happy birthday, laugh at the dinner table, or speak without raising their hand first. When school officials would catch on to the abuse, the Harts began homeschooling their children and relocating to new states to distance themselves from the abuse allegations. In 2017, Hannah escaped from her house and ran to her next-door neighbours, pleading for them to help. Around this time, Devonte began begging these same neighbours for food, revealing that their parents abuse them and withhold food. The neighbours reported the Harts to the authorities and CPS. CPS attempted to contact the Harts but nobody answered the door. The following morning, on what would be the last day of their lives, the Harts loaded all of their children into their SUV and drove off with them. They did not bring luggage, toothbrushes, or even lock their doors. Cruising down California State Route 1, they eventually parked at the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean and milled about for four hours before driving over the cliff, ending all their lives.
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rowanxmoreau · 10 months
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[cisfemale and she/her] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [ROWAN MOREAU]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [NATALIA DYER]. You must be the [TWENTY-EIGHT] year old [NANNY]. Word is you’re [WITTY] but can also be a bit [GULLIBLE] and your favorite song is [UPTOWN GIRL by BILLY JOEL]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [CRYSTAL COVE CONDOS].
Full name: Rowan Rosalyn Moreau
Nickname: Ro
Age: 28
Birthdate: August 17th
Sun,Moon,Rising: Leo, Libra, Aries
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Occupation: Nanny/Freelance writer
Neighborhood: Crystal Cove Condos
Been in Aurora Bay: 4 years
Rowan is the love child of a more than uptight businessman and a free-spirited catalog model. Her mother was beautiful and her dad was shallow. There was not much love involved and their affair was very short-lived.
For the first seven years of her life, Rowan had no idea who her father was.
Rowan and her mother moved around the west coast a lot. From Washington, to Oregon, to Nevada, to California, and back to Washington and that was just within her first six years.
Eventually, her father went out looking for her, and he insisted that it was out of the goodness of his heart. He just had to find his daughter, the moment he knew she existed...Truth is, he always knew she was out there, but didn't claim her until he had a failed political run and a journalist was threatening to out his "dirty secret."
So there she was at seven years old, meeting her father for the first time and it completely changed her life.
While Rowan and her mother lived a very simplistic lifestyle, her father had an opulent one. She went from homeschooling to private school. One-bedroom apartments to mansions.
The switch also came with a stepmother that didn't care for her and two half-siblings that were way too close to her age.
She always felt like she didn't fit in with her dad's family but she enjoyed the comfort that his money brought her.
Rowan never felt particularly great in any area of her life, except for writing. She loved writing so much that she was convinced she could write scripts for film and television.
Right after high school, she left to Los Angeles. It wasn't as though she was a complete failure, she made a few indie projects that had little viewership and she probably would have kept going if it wasn't for her meeting her ex-husband.
At 24 she fell in love with a guy from Aurora Bay, in two months they were married and moved back to his hometown and within a year they were divorced and he ran back off to Los Angeles.
Despite the fact that her marriage didn't work, Rowan enjoyed the simplicity of living in Aurora Bay, so she ended up staying.
Rowan has always been an impulsive mess. Which leads to problems in her relationships a lot.
While she still has access to her father's money, she rarely ask him for it. Much like her mother, she wants to feel self-sufficient.
She is currently a nanny but her hope is to one day return to her love and write scripts again.
Update: Rowan was away for a few months, helping her father with campaigning. She may act like she hates him, but she has daddy issues and still wants his approval. Anyways, now she's back and with a little more money in her bank account.
She's still a nanny but does a lot of freelance writing gigs.
Her job as a nanny has helped her realize that she has a gift in writing children's book. Pete the cat and Junie B. Jones kind of books.
She loves early 2000s rom coms and movies that are so bad that it's hard to watch (ex. Sharknado).
Will start a fight with someone, if they hurt her friends. Weirdly not afraid to fight considering how tiny she is.
Fluent in three languages. French, Spanish, and English.
She has sworn off relationships until she is 30, but that doesn't stop her from becoming infatuated with others, even if it is short-lived.
Important Relationships:
Family; Parents: Lyla Burkhart and Ethan Moreau Siblings: Cassidy Moreau (27), Amelie Moreau (25),
Platonic; Plots wanted: Best buds in Aurora Bay, neighbors, sibling-like relationships, drinking buddies
Romantic; Plots wanted: Unrequited crush. Hookups (past and present).
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gooeyden · 5 months
Forrester B. Foot [Son of Bigfoot]
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Post inspo by @tasiisfolder
The rest is Moi!
I figured my Monster High OCs would do better on here than IG. I love tumblr and figured this would have a better community on here.
This is Forrester B. Foot. One of the many siblings and sons of Bigfoot. Standing at a lovely 6"8 like many family before him. He is a very shy and timid fellow. Preferring to be a loner, just like many others at Monster High.
Now upon reaching the age of 163. Mr. Bigfoot decided, homeschooling wasn't gonna cut it so he enrolled one of his sons (and other children into other schooling) into Monster High. Deciding Forrester needed a "change of scenerie" Now Forrester has a small group of friends and an (evergrowing) crush on Mr. Popular, Urian!
Before arriving at Monster High and Salem, Oregon. His family traveled all up and down the Northwest line. From Oregon to Scarifornia to Eye-daho and many more. Living in Motels and the like, while his family was growing.
Adding a sister or brother or 2 of each or both, here and there. NOW, finally settling down in Salem. Mr Bigfoot, deciding he needed to be close to his nature roots. Building a large house in the forrests close to the outskirts of Salem.
>>>Playlist INSPIRED by OC
>>Songs for INSPO:
🌲 Salvia Palth - I was All over Her
🍃 Alex G - Treehouse
🌳 The Paper Kites - Willow Tree March
🍁 Ralph Stanley - Gloryland
👤 Duster - Stars Will Fall
🍂 Tia Blake - Plastic Jesus
👣 Lisa Hannigan - Safe Travels Don't Die
🌿 Count me out x Zelda
❄️Winter coat❄️/Hibernation coat should be coming soon! *nervous laughter*
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monsterslament · 1 year
tell me abt your fake indie film guys ok?
ok soi don't have like. full plot for them yet it's mainly vibes but I do have some background info for the characters and things but I'll start with vibes to keep it simple 👍 read more bc I want to ramble <33
a lot of the story relates back to relationships (both platonic and romantic) and themes of loneliness. it's about three kids who are on summer break after their junior year in high school. the trio travel away from home for a few weeks together. it turns into learning more about themselves and the people around them than just a vacation. they end up staying in the area around wallowa lake, oregon.
there's three main characters, starting with trent. a lot of the focus is on him for the exposition. his mom died when he was nine and his dad left him with babysitters and weekly deposits until he was 13 and deemed well enough to be on his own with his dad vacationing full time. he doesn't come back for the summer anymore, so Trent decides to use some of the money he's saved from his dad to go to wallowa with cassidy and ricky. he's always been interested in the arts and videography. he was given a video camera when he was little and has never let go of it since.
cassidy, or cass/cassy, is the first person asked to go on the trip with trent. at first they wanted to go alone but felt it would be wrong not to include ricky. cassy is on her school's cheer team and is raised by a mother who wants to live a better life through her only daughter. her father is also out of the picture. cassy is the most outgoing of the group, but still needs time to slow down and see the world around her. the pressure her mother put on her catches up to her as she goes low contact over the break. she wants to go into prop design or anything behind the scenes for theater.
ricky is our last little guy. him and trent were friends since middle school and trent was ricky's only friend for a while. he met cassidy through trent, though trent was introduced to cassidy through a mutual friend named teresa (who sadly isn't that important to the story because i really like her. she's chill.) ricky was isolated since he was little, only interacting with other people in the house and occasionally other kids on the block. he was homeschooled until 7th grade where he had to completely relearn how he makes friends. trent introduced him to some bands he likes during one of their art classes together and bonded over that. he's thinking of dropping out of high school before his senior year.
the story starts in winnemucca, nevada, but most of it takes place either on the drive to or in wallowa city and its lake. trent realizes how lonely he's become since his mom passed and him and ricky bond over it. cassy's issues with her self worth resurface and she tries to come to terms with not being what her mom wants. ricky struggles to connect with the world around him and tries to find ways to make the loneliness more bearable.
and finally after three days, here's the art to go with it. from left to right we have ricky, trent and cassy.
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icelynodette · 7 months
Homeschool Day Oregon Gardens 2023
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zeldarowe · 1 year
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margaret qualley & she/her/cis woman ‷ watch out , zelda rowe has crash-landed into roswell !! they look twenty-seven years old and celebrate their birthday on december 15th. they are from roswell, new mexico, reside in greystone complex and are currently working as a cashier and stocker at starlight supermarket. one thing you should know about them is she basically lives off of caffeine and instant noodles. ‷ 
NAME: Zelda Rowe AGE: 27 BIRTH DATE: December 15 ZODIAC: Sagittarius OCCUPATION: Cashier and Stocker at Starlight Supermarket SEXUALITY: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
her parents named her after the character from legend of zelda, a game that she has never actually played herself. she’s at least grateful that her parents didn’t name her after one of their other obscure interests.
she was born in roswell, but spent most of her young life traveling with her parents to different conventions until they finally decided to settle down when she was six so she could start school
her parents actually tried to homeschool her for a year beforehand while they were out on the open road, but they were ultimately too distracted by their own chosen career paths and their teaching methods weren't exactly conventional
her parents are bigtime conspiracy theorists. you might have read their books (or you probably haven't because they were all self-published on amazon). they originally started as nonfiction, everything from the roswell incident to the majestic 12 and the montauk project, but have eventually started to expand their library to include dramatized fictional novels of those events as well.
despite being an only child, she never gave into the hype. she was bored from going to convention to convention to spending family holidays in oregon trying to find bigfoot. she became a cynic and someone who preferred the facts and evidence as opposed to conspiracy theories. though she did get a kick out of debating with the various people she would meet at said conventions.
after she graduated from high school, she spent one semester at college before dropping out and moving back home. she tells everyone that it wasn’t all that interesting and didn’t want to waste the rest of her youth in debt, but really she just panicked over the idea of trying to figure out what she wanted to do for the rest of her life
she’s something of a failure to launch. after skipping out on college, she has been working odd / part-time jobs ever since. her longest and current job is working as a cashier and stocker at the supermarket
in the last few years, she finally moved out of her parents place but still has to have a roommate because she cannot afford to live on her own. granted, her parents had been back on the road since she turned eighteen and was able to fend for herself, so she had essentially been living on her own since then. the only difference now is that she gets a say in the decor (as one can only imagine what the home of two conspiracy theorists/self-proclaimed nerds would look like). too bad she doesn’t have any sense of interior design
unfortunately, she’s still working at the supermarket, and while it would be nice to one day after her shit together, she has little hope that the day will ever come
it’s not unusual for zelda to be perceived as cold and distant; she’s been told more than once that she has resting bitch face at work, but she likes to think that she’s perfected the art of a fake smile
because of that perception and her penchant for sarcasm and bluntness, it hasn’t always been the easiest for her to make friends, but the friendships that she has made are very important to her (even if she is bad at showing it)
she’s incredibly stubborn, so in the event that a relationship ends, she’s very quick to burn bridges, cut ties, and never look back
quick connections:
childhood friends
former friends
hook-ups / fwbs
plotting or having a general idea is fun but i’m always down for natural chem as well
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wildcraftedwoman · 1 year
Taking a spontaneous trip to the desert in southern California was exactly what my soul needed to heal. The night was cold, and I drove like a mad woman, determined to see the Cholla cactus garden in Joshua Tree's sunrise. I slept in a casino parking lot midway. Cursed and cried as I drove and drove through the Los Angeles hills and listened to country oldies. But I made it and the sun set me aglow. I wandered out on my feet alone through the desert to be lonesome and sat on the dirt with the early morning sun to catch my breath. My marriage had ended with a real bang back home and rapidly began to fade away from view. I felt part of me was dying along with it and awaiting to be born again. Or truly die.
I had no idea who I was without him. Just some tired shell of a woman who thought she was going to be taken care of by a man who let her down each and every time. He'd cross so many lines and there was no going back, despite my begging. But it was time to go. Like Tallest Man's Dark Bird is Home, "I thought that this would last for a million years. But now I need to go, oh, fuck." I took my anger out in the desert with beer and archery, and I wasn't half bad. That night, I spent in a cowboy pioneer-themed camper and under the stars in a rooftop hot tub and stared at that ancient force among them. I declared my trust in this Being and felt a new fire kindling within.
When he told me he'd like to see other women and find a companion, I gave him a loving goodbye and went to Desert Springs to see an old friend. We met back in Oregon when the pandemic begun, us in our rigs having nights together roasting food over the campfire, hiking through the densely forested parts of Mount Hood. She reminded me what it was to carry love in your being. She'd been doing her own healing as she was departing from her marriage with so much damn similarities to mine. Turns out we both wanted to just live in peace, undisturbed by another. With another friend, we all sat around the pool with their homeschooled children and spoke of extraterrestrials, the psychic realm, Plato's Republic, hermetics, demonic realms, energetic healing, and Christ consciousness. For many hours we spent discussing the sublime with the growing storm in the air. And driving back home, I remembered what I was told all of those years ago; "Go south to the desert, you'll find yourself there."
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lambmotif · 1 year
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hello and welcome to my oc blog!! i have so many projects and so many characters so feel free to ask about literally anything and everything. it may take me a while to finish asks but i always see them and try to answer them as soon as i can! some of the information present on my main blog will be transferred to here so you'll see a few repeats as i actually start working on the blog.
my current projects:
shadow fields: shadow fields is a collection of different stories in the shadow fields township. from the disappearance of charles ellis to the possession of abel greene and the vivisection of eric laura vallery, many stories can be told. there is no one reason and no right answer.
the shadow fields sun bears: the township baseball team. our main character, atlas, is presented with the issue of a failing team. the sun bears start out as a good team but they quickly fall into a slump when they begin to ignore their god. this god is present to the human eye. you can see her at the edge of the stands or vanishing around the corner back into the locker room. she makes the grass hiss and sounds like wooden chimes clinking together in the wind.
this god appears most often to atlas, a newcomer who has to hold up the weight of the team by himself. after their most recent drought, the god presents herself to atlas but doesn't say anything he can understand. its up to him to interpret it and try to help the team himself.
moonlight hills: with no rhyme or reason- mayor midas drops dead. an unexplained and unfinished murder where midas only dies of blood loss. its up to adenine scott to watch over the autopsy and begin investigation into who killed mayor midas. its a cycle. each mayor for the past thirty years has dropped dead unexpectedly. adenine is the one to tie it together- to uncover how and why the town breathes.
the grey lake: three kids trying to relax before senior year leave winnemucca, nevada and travel to wallowa, oregon for summer break. the story is styled in a way to make it similar to what you think of when you think "indie film." trent realizes how lonely he's become since his mom passed. cassy's issues with her self worth resurface and she tries to come to terms with not being what her mom wants. ricky struggles to connect with the world around him after thirteen years of homeschooling and together they try to take a break and figure things out.
the house by the sea: three kids living in an orphanage on the seaside leave their home and travel by train out of the city on a journey of self discovery. their caretaker marnie has to find them while still keeping the other kids safe, though the story mostly revolves around ella, joey, and david- the three kids who ran away.
geophilomorpha: forming in 2002 and releasing their first album (self titled) the same year, geophilomorpha hit the punk rock scene hard. on lead vocals is caine butcher, one of the bands founders. on guitar is eddie mortan, floyd marilyn on the upright bass, matthew cadorna on electric bass, and on drums is jeremiah ashley, the other founder. the band has been in the queer rock scene for years, making albums about personal experiences regarding addiction, angels, transsexuality, and bloody noses.
ode to aphrodite: inspired by the poem made by sappho of the same name, ode to aphrodte formed in 2008 with the help of the members of geophilomorpha and released their first album in 2009. inspired by afro-punk voices like pure hell and fishbone, as well as classical jazz and blues, the bands vocalist and bassist thelma richard-ashley wishes to continue uplifting voices from music artists of color like herself. ode to aphrodite is a tribute to lesbianism and black joy. though their music can be on the heavier side instrumentally, their main goal is to create and share a meaningful message.
the exhibitionists: starting in 1996 and releasing their first album in the same year, the exhibitionists is an electronic and industrial band founded by seth (vocals and keyboard) and stanley davis (guitar). the twins, inspired by artists like skinny puppy, tool, ministry, and nine inch nails, welcomed jane evans (bass) and audrey kim (drums) to help make the music they loved. the band stands out from most others- making dark and ambient electronic music great for stage performances. with an almost cultish fanbase, the exhibitionists quickly got their name out in the electronic music scene.
deciding exousia: founded in 1993, deciding exousia is a nu metal band, releasing their first album, hermeneutics, in 1994. with a harsh sound and large group, exousia took local basements by storm. founded by stella jansen (rhythm guitar), sebastian dalton (lead vocals), trevor neilson (bass), liam morrison (drums), and kevin hayes (lead guitar). eventually graduating to the stage (and bigger basements), they introduced new members to the group. damon bauer on keyboard, ethan walker for orchestral accompaniment, blair hyde on woodwinds, zachary quinn on percussion, and wyatt payne on synths.
the springfield prairie dogs: the first of me and erin's two fan teams, the springfield illinois prairedogs are a collaboration between me and her. there's so much to say about them, so ask anything and everything.
the austin bats: the same goes for the bats. they're located in austin texas rather than illinois, and is the rival team to the prairie dogs.
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prsrott · 2 months
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full name. nathaniel joshua prescott ( the 3rd. )
nicknames. nate, prescott, rottie, rottweiler, little rich kid, spoilt brat — a myriad of insults.
birthday. august 29th, 1995.
age. 18 & upwards depending on verse. typically 19-25.
nationality. american ( oregon, born ) & english descent ( specifically oxford, sean’s hometown. )
gender. transgender male. covert / unknown by all except family.
orientation. closeted, & massively in denial homosexual.
pronouns. he / him.
education. private school up until blackwell academy, had periods of homeschooling in early teens due to inability to focus / slacking & bullying.
occupation. student at blackwell, takes up a job in theatre after blackwell & is far more incognito. mainly funding local shows, specifically helps with sets, props & lighting, very much out of the spotlight. figurehead for the small creative industry in outer oregon, but doesn’t participate too often.
birthplace. arcadia bay, oregon.
religion. atheist.
height. 5’6 ( he tends to lie and say he’s 5’9 )
build. relatively scrawny, but with spots of decent muscle in his arms and shoulders. slender with poor back posture, possible scoliosis, not very toned.
hair. slicked back with gel a majority of the time, with a single strand lain over his forehead. cut short but still slightly unruly. a very light chestnut color with flecks of gold in his roots. he takes a lot of pride in his hair & tends to waste a lot of time on it.
eyes. a light, sharp blue that looks grey in some lighting, icy, similar to that of a glacier. thin, almond shaped eyes that are almost always squinted to a look of disgust, intentional or not. eyebags underneath are incredibly dark but often covered with foundation.
face. square faced with smaller eyes and shaped eyebrows, jawbone somewhat pronounced. roman nose with a slight dent due to breaking it at 15. thin, cracked lips & slightly smaller forehead. prominent freckles across middle / top of nose to cheeks.
skin. pale & poorly maintained, often suffers with dry skin, a lot of freckles dotted across his body. old scars across arms up to his bicep and on his hips. fine hair across his skin that is a very light brown.
tattoos. none, but desperately wants some kind of whale / ocean piece on his back.
voice. slightly nasal, has a relatively higher pitch & is weathered by the amount of smoking he does. it’s often ‘whiny’, but can be calculated & detached in times of stress, & in anger his voice tends to crack & grow exasperated, raspy, & growling. a lot of frat bro speak & immature slang when around certain crowds or trying to maintain his image. quick to showcase emotion in his voice unless he knows not to.
style. in blackwell, it’s typically varsity, undershirts & polos, often wears brown brogues or on occasion overly-expensive trainers. always has to involve some shade of red—it’s his favourite color so it needs to be in there somewhere. outside of his more preppy wardrobe he tends to wear comfy sweaters, cover himself up with large trenchcoats or wear graphic tees with various horror icons on them. always long sleeve & always baggy trousers, with the exception of some skinny-fit jeans.
positive traits. assertive, protective, uninhibited, blunt ( pos & neg ), talkative, determined, efficient, creative, freedom-seeking, perceptive, confident, passionate.
negative traits. dismissive, insensitive, quick to anger, blunt ( pos & neg ), detached, rude, obnoxious, arrogant, gossiper, cruel sense of humour, pessimistic, sensitive.
likes. theatre. horror films. whale songs / underwater ambience. sphinx cats. late nights on the coast. drive thru cinemas. expensive alcohol. drugs. misty mornings. obscure grungy music venues. the color red. stargazing. marlboros.
dislikes. photography. blackwell. his dad and his family home. any highly wooded areas or open fields. scrapyards. small dogs. medical equipment / hospitals. storms. people who belittle him. being told what to do.
fears. jefferson.
ambitions. to become the next star photographer to get as far away from arcadia as he can. to get psychiatric help. to cut off his father. to get away from jefferson.
hobbies. partying. recording memos on his phone. sketching and writing in his notepad. staying up until early morning watching film reviews. going on long night drives. going to quiet cafes in the mornings & ordering black coffee.
vices. how he views his body. self harm. self-destructive tendencies. abusing alcohol and drugs. working for jefferson. killing rachel amber.
zodiac. virgo sun, sagittarius moon, aries rising. fire dominant.
myer-briggs type. isfp : the adventurer ( 6w7 - 683 )
moral alignment. chaotic neutral.
꩜ ETC.
parents. father, sean j. prescott & mother, marie v. prescott.
siblings. sister, kristine prescott, currently living in brazil.
pets. a russian blue cat when he was a child called nibbles.
dominant hand. right.
mental state. currently taking risperidone due to psychotic symptoms. had been diagnosed with anorexia as a teen and struggles with severe body dysmorphia. suffers under frequent delusions and paranoid episodes. has restless legs syndrome, ptsd & diagnosed with adhd ( combined type ) as a child.
visuals. broken mirrors. flickering fluorescent lights. misty seascapes. empty aquariums. vacant houses in the backstreets of cities. mansions on fire. fresh bruises on knuckles. spirals. smoking a cigarette at midnight. graveyards. luxurious expensive rooms covered with dust. out of focus camera lenses. dogs with chains as collars.
playlist. crack baby, mitski. king diamond, team sleep. stabilisers for big boys, panchiko. untitled (cont.), brave little abacus. jigsaw falling into place, radiohead. atwa, system of a down. pretty boy, tv girl. trees II, mccafferty. black hair, alex g. btstu, jai paul. death of a party, blur. high to death, car seat headrest. link.
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Fucked! By the Primordial System: Ambrose
Uwu here's a pilot chapter for somethin I'm thinkin about that isn't Average Folks for once, scroll for approx five minutes of reading uwu
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Ambrose is alone. 
He is standing directly outside of a Fred Meyer. It is nighttime enough that the after-work crowd is gone, and few cars lie in the parking lot. The store is still open. It is raining, because of course it is. It is Oregon in the late fall.
Ambrose quite frankly doesn’t like the rain.
Not because of the chill; no, he does not feel that. He doesn’t even feel the soaking effects of the rain; his sweatshirt is drenched and he would not know if he had not looked down just a moment ago to perceive the shift in fabric color. Light orange to deep red. 
He simply detests the unending sound,
Tap, tap, tap, pang, pang,
Reverberating off his scalp. 
Ambrose, with tedious effort, sweeps his hair forward-- each strand crunches unflexibly but relents-- and he puts up his hood-- 
Tap, tap, tap, pang
Ah, better. The rain soaks his hood now and the panging has seized. A door opens behind him. 
Ambrose turns as the entrance to the Supermarket slides open, revealing a mother and son who look Normal. They have tanned normal  skin and normal skin faces with noses and mouths that speak freely. The son, a stout little boy the height of her hip, beams at his mother as she hands him a toy that he had likely talked her into purchasing. His teeth are crooked. 
An odd, decrepit thing to miss.
Ambrose hastens to tighten the strings of his sweatshirt hood and shoves his hands in his pockets; they seize to reflect the dull red glow of the supermarket sign. The boy’s smile fades as he looks back and catches the glint off Ambrose’s face. And he does it; he does the thing; he stares. He stares openly, he stops what he is doing. He stop his mother in her tracks. 
Ambrose stares back, eyes wide, afraid, apologetic, he takes his hands out to--what, to explain? Perhaps? To wave them pathetically and embarrassed, in hopes that what is about to happen won’t happen again-? -- It doesn’t work. His hands glint and gleam now. You can see through them, you can see the lack of veins and all the normal things and oh, does Ambrose understand-- he is not just a resident of the uncanny valley he is it’s governor, it’s gem-infused ruler, it’s muse-- yet it still stings when this little boy opens his mouth again to S C R E A M,
She turns with maternal ferocity. The boy’s mother surveys Ambrose now. Her eyebrows knit as she studies Ambrose’s face. She seems uncomfortable. But not afraid. She kneels to her son and says, “Trent, no they -- I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, uh--” 
Her eyes search his features for distinctive markers for pronouns and find none. Trent’s face is red, “MONSTER!!!!” And he begins to cry, and tries to run. Disgruntled, his mother takes his hand firmly. He runs away in place. She lets him while she turns to Ambrose again. 
“Sorry, he’s homeschooled and none of our family was affected by, y’know. The Thing. He doesn’t really understand it but uh. My childhood best friend! Is…a mermaid now. So. I get it. Totally. We’re working on him being nicer. Isn’t that right Trenty--?” 
Ambrose tilts his head and nods, listening. 
Her eyes flit left and right. “Are you waiting for someone or are you, um--?” 
Ambrose nods. 
She immediately looks relieved by this, likely because that means he doesn’t need money and her role stops here. Her son’s crying hasn’t ceased. “Honey it’s fine--I'm sorry. That this happened to you. Sucks, right?” 
Ambrose shrugs, and nods. Please be done, he thinks. 
She isn’t done. She’s watching him very intently now. “So, she got the mermaid thing…what about you, what were you turned…into…” 
The store’s light also hits her wedding ring. She holds it up, comparing. And, as Ambrose is also accustomed to, the kindness behind her eyes is replaced by something more…
Oh, if Ambrose could, he would sigh. 
 “Wow! Didn’t know The Thing chose favorites.” She’s joking, she thinks. 
She’s half-joking, Ambrose knows. 
“You’re a diamond. Right? Like---Is it all of you? How-------? Jesus. How much do you weigh?” 
Ambrose stands very still. 
“Sorry--- I know you never discuss weight with strangers-- or anyone really I just, one pound of you is like,,,,,four million, easy.” 
Her son tugs on her arm. 
“Can we g--” 
“Mommy’s talking. Hon.” She is sharp, and harsh, with this whisper. 
A door opens behind him. 
“Ambrose! Found a new friend?” A deep, emotionally stripped voice from the sliding doors. This is a heavier man of average height, with a blossoming beard and a subsequent man bun-- for, as stated earlier, this is Oregon. This man, Mr. Hugo carries two large grocery bags, one in each elbow pit. He surpasses Ambrose, shooting the woman a glance as he steps into the road. “He’s Moissanite. You’re fresh out of luck.” 
“Oh, really? Well that’s not a problem, I’m baptist!” 
“Cool! Kid’s not for sale. Help me load the car, Ambrose.” 
Ambrose rolls his eyes. Mr. Hugo smiles at himself and how he handled that situation. The woman and child stand stunned, embarrassed maybe, in front of the grocery store still. Mr. Hugo leads Ambrose into the parking lot and unlocks the trunk of their bright red van. The bags rustle as he sets them down. 
“The cashier has a lot of issues that they, for some reason, decided to talk about. This always happens, is it because I have kind eyes?” 
Ambrose shrugs, and points to the man bun on his head. 
“Ah. Well, we all have our burden to bear.” 
Ambrose narrows his eyes. 
“Some of us-- way more than others.” 
Ambrose nods. 
“Like us with man-buns,” He winks. 
The trunk slams shut. The van unlocks. Ambrose lifts himself into the passenger seat, and Mr. Hugo drives out of the parking lot and into the night. The softer sort of rain collides with their windshield and they drive. They drive past the suburb’s shopping centers, all one-story squares with blacked out windows. They drive past stoplights until there are no stoplights, just the dark silhouettes of trees obscuring the starry sky. The drive until the road is windier and one-laned. 
Something pop-y plays on the radio. Ambrose secretly enjoys this a lot. Mr. Hugo’s stoic expression is no match for the words of the song escaping his lips. 
Oh, how Ambrose misses singing. 
A burst of fire emits far, far away in the fields. Like a controlled explosion, like a low-to-the-ground firework. The sound is so muted it may as well have been a mild gust of wind but the roaring flash of light alerts Mr. Hugo: “FUCK!” and he gutterally swerves, “Is it close?” 
Ambrose points, hastily, jamming his diamond finger to the window. It cracks under his touch, spider webbing the glass. Mr. Hugo trustingly overlooks the cracks to see the finale of that explosion. The fire dwindles, and embers spark and scatter in the night sky. His shoulders drift away from his ears, the vehicle realigns on the right side of the empty road. 
“Woo. They’re at it again, huh.” 
Boom, crack. 
“Welp. At least they held out for the rainy season. On top of everything going on right now, another west-coast fire would not be ideal.” 
Ambrose’s eyes are glued to the light, wide. Afraid, and young. 
“They know not to overstep.” Ambrose does not seem convinced. But, he nods. Mr. Hugo senses this hesitation, and shoots a glance aside. “Hey-- we’re okay. They’re not. Close. You want to type, talk it out?” 
Ambrose thinks. He raises his hand and waves it in a “so-so” manner, then shakes his head ‘no’.
He points ahead, onwards. 
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