#I collect rubber ducks
stuffy-just-doodles · 4 months
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friendsplushies · 4 months
SO Episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel Dropped Recently and
Lucifer with his collection of ducks is just like me for real
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This is literally my setup btw pls don't steal.
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xx-magmafly-xx · 4 months
Okay, I'll ask. What's with demons and ducks?
Like seriously. First, it was Crowly from Good Omens:
"Ducks have ears. Do ducks have ears? Must do. That's how they hear other ducks."
"DUCKS!" [What about ducks?] "They're what water slided off of."
"Don't give them bread, you idiot!" (Conversation) "Frozen peas." [...What?] "That's what you feed ducks, frozen peas. They love them, and its good for them too."
And then we have Lucifer in Hazbin Hotel:
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They're all around his room as well, and his introduction was literally him finishing making a duck!
Not even to mention that I have an obsession with ducks as well. I am not shitting you. I have: duck pillow case, duck comforter, duck drawings, duck pens, duck notebook, duck keychain, 3D puzzle duck, giant rubber duck, two duck ordiments, duck slippers, and not to mention the 111 rubber ducks I have and the 6 plush ducks I have. (I might be missing something).
And this was BEFORE I found out about these two! I think I've been obsessed for about a little more than a year and a half by now.
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emergency-boba · 1 month
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Trying to summon lucifer with my duck collection, I'll update y'all if it works
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spheroz · 1 month
What's your favourite batfam headcanon
hi hi I totally answered this in a timely manner and like directly after you sent this (I’m lying. I’m a liar 😔)
so I wouldn’t say I have a favorite but I mean I’m just gonna say that I head cannon Tim as Korean-French-American and that Bruce collects rubber ducks and then names them after his kids based on looks :>
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 4 months
we need a TD character who's a VA and can do (mostly) accurate impressions of other characters, and exclusively use it for silly jokes. sometimes, things that characters actually said get pinned onto them, and things they said get pinned onto other characters. chris loves it at first... until they do an impression of him professing his love to a tub of hairgel. they know that their ability could put them at a huge advantage. but do they reallly wanna? bonus points if whoever the main antagonist of that season is desperately tries to lure them into an alliance in order to use the impressions to antagonist's advantage.
they respond by purposefully letting another character hear "antagonist" ramble about their extensive collection of rubber ducks. it spreads like wildfire. everyone knows it wasn't antagonist, but they make rubber duck references around them anyway, leaving antagonist very confused as to why someone just asked if they brought any ducks with them.
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ducktracy · 2 months
Do you own any Looney Tunes production art?
i’m incredibly fortunate enough to say that I DO!! i own this wonderful photostat model sheet from Porky the Wrestler!
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a photostat is essentially the ‘30s equivalent of a photocopy, so it’s not THE actual model sheet drawing, but it was still in the hands of at least one of the animators who worked on the short! if you hold it at a certain angle and get the light to reflect off of it, there are actually some indentations of writing, as if someone was writing on a piece of paper on top of it… and of course the hooves and side snout drawn in marker which aren’t meant to be there (maybe it was a slow work day?)
i actually still haven’t gotten it framed, i need to… but i also just really enjoy being able to hold it in my hands and try and make out the writing indentations on top and also lose my mind at Oh My God Someone In The Tex Avery Unit Touched This At One Point. plus, the material is glossy/has a cardboard sort of feel to it (like a more sturdy printed photograph) so it’s not as delicate as animation paper and gets along fine sitting on my shelf as is HAHA. still, definitely want to find a proper means of displaying it sometime!
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ask-thearchivists · 3 months
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Here are the blue prints and the Curator duck!
what do you thing archivists? Did I do a good job?
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The Curator: Oh my stars! That's soooo cute!
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The Charmer: You even got the little wings to match our hand markings!
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The Cartographer: You even gave mine and the Curator's our freckles, how adorable.
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The Coordinator: What a wonderful craft project. I like that you gave the little ducky me eye shadow and wing tips that match my nail polish.
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pinetreeartz · 4 months
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I have hazbin hotel brain rot. Specifically for this short King. He’s just like me fr.
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cissa-calls · 1 year
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 412
Agatha: “I hate to ask you this and risk coming across as needy…I hate being a burden”
Wanda: “Liar, no you don’t. You love being our burden and being as needy as possible every single day. Y/N, back me up?
Y/N, just trying to enjoy their book in peace: “Agatha - you asked for our help a minimum of fifties times yesterday…including making us catch the most minute jumping spider in the bathroom”
Agatha: “I know” *shit eating smile* “I just wanted to say it so I sounded sweet when I asked you to both expel the demon from the basement.”
Wanda: “ Again?!”
Y/N: “You better not have let it get near my rubber duck collection!” *storms off to deal with a powerful supernatural entity all while still reading*
Wanda, to Agatha: “Salem help your poor soul if it did, even I can’t stop a hurricane of that magnitude”
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I'm proud to present:
Duck Atsushi!! Similar to what Ranpo had during that one Wan episode but absolutely not watersafe!
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He was just a small project, but I think my next bsd related thing will be an actual Atsushi Amigurumi for my Akutagawa. Or even make another Ranpo but smaller! In the meantime I need to finish making an unrelated cat hat for myself...
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scribe-of-monsters · 2 years
I have some time before bed who wants to meet my rubber duck collection 👀
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leaffiii · 10 months
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they barely tolerate each other
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i've been suddenly struck with the intense belief that alice is the sort of person who would collect novelty rubber ducks
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officiallyalbino · 1 month
According to webMD I’m dying of cancer but other than that I’m doing great
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mugenloopdalove · 2 months
Me asking for a cocktail for our noon lunch and then busting out my melody wallet from my cutesy ita bag
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