#I don’t know what to do and I’m kind of scared
cobrakaisb · 2 days
call me, beep me, if you want to reach me
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summary: percy, annabeth, and grover have some great news about their quest, but something is off about their hypothesis  
word count: 2.8k
featuring: reader and annabeth’s relationship, slightly steamy reader and luke scene, more percabeth crumbs, fluff and angst  
author's note: IM BACKKKKK...this one took me forever, and i am so sorry about that! between finals, coming home from college, and just dealing with life in general it has been a real struggle BUT we are finally back on the luke train 🤩 and trust, these next few parts are about to get real...anyways, enjoy 💗
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you run to the top of the hill, calling out to the three kids before they can cross the protective barrier surrounding camp half-blood.
“i just wanted to wish you guys good luck before you leave, although i’m sure you won’t need it,” you explain, walking up to the trio. 
annabeth smiles at you. there’s an excited gleam in her eyes, and you remember how she’s been waiting for this for years -- her chance at glory.
“thanks,” percy mumbles, not really knowing what to say. 
“i just…be safe okay?” you whisper, hands gripping tightly at annabeth’s shoulders while you look directly at her. 
she nods, “i will. i promise.” 
you nod in agreement, lips pursed in a tight line as you struggle to keep your emotions at bay. over the course of your years at camp, the bond between you and annabeth has grown exponentially. you love her like a little sister, one you’d do anything to protect. it scares you to think about her, a twelve year old kid, in the real world with no one looking out for her this time. 
she senses your anguish, and pulls you into a tight hug. you freeze at first, not used to the affection from her, but ultimately wrap your arms around her small frame. the two of you stand there for a minute, embracing each other, but break apart when luke calls out to you from the bottom of the hill. 
“it’s time to go,” he yells, and you imagine his pointed look and crossed arms. luke was just as worried as you, but he found it necessary to hide those feelings, claiming it was best for annabeth’s sake. you disagreed. 
you nod, stepping away from the kids, back towards the chaos of camp, “i’ll see you at the solstice.”
you watch, with your stomach in knots from nerves and a mouth full of anxiety, as the kids step past thalia’s tree and into the world of monsters.      
that was almost four days ago, and still no word from the trio. percy, annabeth, and grover were on their quest to find and return zeus’s master bolt, but the radio silence worries you. while you didn’t expect them to call every day to say good night — they needed to save their dracmas — you at least expected some type of update by now. the lack thereof leaves a nervous feeling in your stomach; something isn’t right, you know it, but you can’t quite determine what. 
“those are called feelings sweetie,” katrina replies when you explain your current predicament to her.
you suck your teeth at her words, shoving her shoulder as you mumble, “shut up.”
“i’m being serious! since when do you care about three twelve year olds? no scratch that, since when do you care about anybody?” she shouts, throwing her hands up. 
you look down at your converse, arms crossing over your bent knees as you sit and look at the rippling water. i care about luke, you think, and all those kids who will never experience a true family thanks to our parents. i care about you, and our friendship. i care about grover, who’s too kind for his own good. the list goes on and on, but you don’t say any of those names out loud. 
instead you respond with, “i care about annabeth.”
katrina openly scoffs at your words, leaning back on her palms. “oh please, i’m talking about that little blonde.” 
you sigh, looking at her over your shoulder. her short hair rustles in the breeze, and the unruly curls from spending the day in the water makes her possess a childlike innocence. if you didn’t know katrina, you’d think she was a sweet girl who’d chew you out for swearing, but you do know her; she’s anything but, and the constant taunting and teasing proves that. 
“there’s something different about percy,” you explain with a shrug. 
“yeah, it’s called your need to play mommy,” she mumbles. 
“oh shut up,” you gripe, getting up from your spot on the dock. you make sure to kick her calf, not too hard, on your way back to hera’s cabin. 
“harder,” luke commands, despite the sweat dripping down both of their faces. 
percy groans, throwing his head back in frustration. they’ve been going at it for hours, practicing various techniques and maneuvers with wooden swords. while percy’s claiming was still new, and his slaying of the minotaur with no experience was still the talk of the camp, it was obvious to everyone that he needed to train. there’s an impending war coming, and the blonde boy has found himself right in the middle of it. 
but he doesn’t even know what it is, you think, stepping into the dirt of the practice arena. 
“give him a break, luke. he needs some hydration,” you exclaim, holding up two refillable water bottles. 
they’re dripping in condensation, the ice from the pavilion already melting in the sweltering heat courtesy of long island summers. luke grumbles something under his breath, probably about how he doesn’t need a break, but takes the bottle from you with a squeeze of your hip. he stays close to your side as he drinks the water, and instead of giving him your attention, you’re busy looking over percy. 
“there’s a cut on your forehead,” you say, pushing back some of his curls to get a better look. 
“yeah, your boyfriend nicked me,” he replies, gesturing to luke with his chin. 
“it was an accident! how many times do i have to tell you?” luke defends.
“a lot more. i’m great at holding grudges,” percy announces, and you roll your eyes. 
“and that’s why you’re becoming friendly with annabeth?” you tease.
luke raises his eyebrows at your statement, looking over at the smaller boy, whose cheeks are suddenly a very dark shade of red. 
“that’s different,” he grumbles, pouring the remaining water on his head. 
“uh huh, right. whatever floats your boat i guess,” you reply, patting his cheek in a motherly fashion. percy swerves with an eye roll fit for a teenager. 
“anyways, i’ll let you guys get back to it,” you announce, turning to face luke. 
you kiss his cheek, and his palm splays across your waist. he gives it a gentle squeeze, a small sign of affection in a hasty moment. you smile at him, leaning into his chest to whisper, “go easy on him.” 
“he’s training with the best swordsman in camp, he knows what to expect,” luke replies, cocky as ever, as you pat his sweaty chest three times before walking away. 
the training arena is packed when you arrive, brimming with younger kids and blaring noisy chatter. they’re all clad in some sort of battle armor: shields, bronze chest plates, and celestial bronze swords. it takes a minute for them to notice your presence, but when they do they part like the red sea. most of them have the sense to keep quiet, watching you with nervous eyes and wary glances, fueled by the words of their older siblings no doubt. others, the more gutsy of the bunch, have the courage to whisper the exact words they heard from their siblings, warning their friends about you and your anger. you, however, are focused on finding the tallest head amongst the group; the one housing messy, onyx curls. 
“he’s up front, helping jimmy with his armor,” a young girl whispers shyly, drawing designs in the dirt with the tip of her sword.
you stop walking, turning to face her. she’s young, no older than eight, and you feel the edges of your hard exterior soften from the sight of her pigtails and pink twinkle toes. you smile softly at her, hoping that it doesn’t scare her off. 
“thank you,” you say, “i love your shoes.” she smiles at your words, giggling quietly to herself as a small blush coats her cheeks. 
just as she goes to answer, luke appears at your side with, who you can only assume, is jimmy. you smile softly at him, ready to explain why you’re here in the first place, but luke beats you to it:
“let me just give them some instructions, then we can talk, okay?” he whispers, his free hand taking its place on the small of your back.
you hum in agreement, watching fondly as he takes charge of the large group of young demigods. he instructs them to practice the methods he just demonstrated in pairs, explaining that he’ll be walking around to give feedback once he’s done talking to you. as the kids partner up, he leads you to the side of the arena, where he finally meets your gaze with a raised brow. 
“what?” you ask, crossing your arms at his confused stare. 
“you never come here while i’m teaching lessons,” he answers.
“well, maybe i’m starting to,” you reply. 
luke scoffs at your words, “no shot. what’s really going on?” 
“i could be!” 
“but you’re not. you hate their judgy, beady, little eyes. so, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours to make you seek me out while i’m in the middle of lessons?” he continues, his fingers playing with the waistband of your shorts. 
you take a deep breath, meeting his chocolate brown eyes on the exhale, and state your concerns: “i’m worried. why haven’t we heard from them yet? it’s been days, and it’s not like annabeth to keep us completely in the dark.” 
luke sighs at your words, “i’m sure they’re fine.” 
you raise your eyebrows at his unexpected answer. this is luke, the same guy who refused to let you and annabeth out of his sight during capture the flag, talking? not a chance. 
“so you’re not worried, at all?” you ask, searching for the true reason behind his lack of worry. 
luke clenches his jaw at your words, looking away from you as he stares off into the distance. his eyebrows furrow, and you can see something flicker across his face. you don’t know what it is, but you know he’s battling something within himself. 
“luke?” you ask softly, resting your hand on his bicep. 
he shakes his head, a carefree smile taking over his face as he says, “it’s annabeth. she’s the smartest, most careful person i know. nothing’s wrong.” 
you eye him warily, and nod your head slowly, “right. i guess i’m just overthinking.” 
luke smiles, a teasing look in his eyes as he nudges your foot with his own. you look up at him, a breathy laugh escaping your lips as you meet his playful gaze. 
“you always are,” he mumbles, followed by a loud laugh as you shove his shoulder. 
he plants a quick kiss on your temple, hands rubbing up and down your sides before whispering, “i’ll stop by your cabin tonight. once they’re all tucked in.” 
you hum in agreement, watching as he departs from your side and heads to the closest duo to provide feedback.  
the door creaks open, and luke slips inside before the harpies register the noise. you’re already awake, patiently waiting for him on the singular cot in the cabin. the eternal flames of the fire pit burn brightly, leaving dangerous shadows on your face, illuminating the storm brewing inside. 
“you’re late,” you quip, not even bothering to look up from your book. 
you’re laying on your stomach, propped up on your forearms with a paperback book in your hands. you’re in your usual sleep attire, shorts and a tank top, and luke has to physically hold back a groan. he’s never wanted you so badly in his life, but instead of expressing that desire, he apologizes for his actions.
“some of the younger campers were arguing, you know i had to settle that,” he whispers, burying his face between your neck and left shoulder. 
luke kisses your bare skin, slightly warmed from all the sun you’ve been getting recently. your head tilts, giving him access to more skin, and he doesn’t deny that. his lips move to your neck, leaving more than a few marks. 
“careful. hera’s watching,” you tease, closing the cover of your book. 
“let her,” he mumbles, practically moaning when you thread your fingers through his hair. 
“oh you’d love that,” you taunt, tugging on his curls. 
luke’s right arm wraps around your waist, flipping you onto your back, while his left pushes your book to the floor. your mouth falls open in shock, and you gasp quietly. he smirks at your expression, feeling satisfied to have you speechless. before you can ruin the moment, he captures your mouth with his. 
the kiss is rough, all tongue and teeth. his left hand settles next to your head, while his right tugs your hips closer to his. your fingers are still lodged into his curls, and you use them to keep his face pressed against yours. he pulls back, gasping for air, but keeps his forehead planted against your skin. before he can reconnect your lips, you’re kissing all over his face.
“missed you,” you murmur in between kisses. 
luke sighs, relaxing into your arms as the tension from camp counselor duties and other activities leaves his body. he knows eventually he’s going to have to tell you. he thinks it will be something like ripping off a band aid. but, for now, when he has you so eagerly in his arms, and he’s content with baring the brunt of the burden. besides, the kids aren’t even close to figuring out the truth, he’s sure of it. 
“we know who stole the bolt,” percy announces, nothing but confidence in his voice. 
luke falters, but only for a second, before asking, “how do you know?”
immediately, annabeth starts rambling. she mentions an encounter with ares, how he knows who the thief is, but was clearly covering for them. as she talks, luke realize that their suspicions are anything but correct, in fact, they’re so far into leftfield it’d be considered a homerun. yet, he runs with it, not willing to give himself up.
“so who would ares cover for?” annabeth finishes, waiting for luke to answer. 
“his favorite daughter. clarisse is the lightning thief,” he answers, making sure to sound shocked by their groundbreaking discovery. 
“chrion’s got to arrest her, find out what she knows. there’s more to this than just the bolt, something bigger,” percy explains.
luke and annabeth share a look of uncertainty, one that percy picks up on because he quickly adds, “don't ask me how i know, you’ve just got to trust me.” 
as luke is about to assure the kids that he’ll get to it straight away, you walk into the office. 
“talking to yourself again, castellan? i knew you were crazy but not this off the rocker,” you tease, stepping closer to his side. 
as you approach, you see the faces of annabeth and percy in the mist. you smile at the sight of them. while they look tired, they seem pretty intact and much better off than you expected.
“how’s your quest going?” you ask, hoping to hear some positive news. 
“not too bad. between ares, the chimera and medusa, i’d say we’re doing pretty good,” percy exclaims.
your eyes widen at his words, and you look to luke to see what his reaction is, but he’s not even looking at you. instead he’s watching the two demigods arguing about which monster occurred each day. he smirks at the sight of them, gently bumping his hip with yours before saying, “what is this?”
“what?” annabeth answers, confusion written all over her face. 
“since when did you guys turn into an old married couple?” luke continues to tease, and you smile at the kids’ shocked faces. percy blushes at luke’s comment, and annabeth makes a point to avoid your gaze.
“not to change the subject, but we need your advice luke. we’re going to vegas and…” before percy can say another word, the iris message cuts out, the connective screen dissipating along with the rainbow that brought it here.
“well that was entertaining,” you joke, turning to face your boyfriend. 
you expect him to laugh at your words, but his face is set into a hard line. his arms are crossed and jaw clenched as he stares at the spot where annabeth and percy’s faces were previously occupying. his thoughts are clearly running a mile a minute, and you step into his line of sight, calling out to him. 
“they think they know who the lightning thief is,” he grumbles, gaze still distant and cold. 
“what? who?” you ask, stepping closer to him. while it’s only the two of you in the room, you don’t want to risk anyone else hearing; this isn’t the sort of thing that should be spread around camp, even if you hate the majority of the people here. 
“clarisse,” he starts, “but they’re wrong.” 
“how do you know?” you ask, nothing but confusion plastered all over your face. 
“because it’s actually me,” luke replies, finally meeting your gaze.
taglist: @percabethlvr @iwantahockeyhimbo @hottiewifeyyyy @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @maraschinocherry3 @used2beee @harrysnovia @cami-is-reading @mxtokko @cxcilla @obxstiles @dracoslovergirl @vanessa-rafesgirl @l1a-pjosversion
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Hiya! I think I found the "ask" button! :D I'm dropping my favourite suggestion here, hehe...
You could write about a bad cop/good cop Han/Minho (Han being the good cop and Minho de bad?) And of course, ending in an endless make out session and "fuck-time" in the interrogation room.
Have a bood day/night/afternoon! ♥
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This scenario is a fucking dream!!! Thank you for putting this idea to me. I love it. I love it so much. I hope my take on it is to your liking 😘😘😘
I’ve had a few police officer!skz asks and I’m having so much fun imagining all the filthy things that are being sent my way.
I’ve already written sub police officer Han here.
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CW: detective/interrogation role play (not established or clarified, but as the writer I’ve decided that is what’s happening), CNC (established off-screen and not referenced in the story). Implied established safeword (not used). Unprotected rough sex, oral sex, orgasms.
"TELL US!" Detective Lee practically spits in your face. "You know where they're hiding, and you're going to tell us right now." He leans in close to your ear. "Or else." he adds venomously, then stands back against the cinder blocks of the interrogation room, arms crossed.
"Look, Miss." The other man, Detective Han, sighs. "Just tell us and your sentence will be reduced."
"I'm scared." You say desperately. "What they'll do if they find out I-"
Lee scoffs and you pout, turning back at Han.
"We'll protect you." Han almost reaches across to hold your hands, but the weight of Minho's stare makes him think twice. “All you have to do is give us a location.” He says softly.
You shake your head and wring your hands together.
“I think she’s going to need a special kind of convincing.” Lee raises an eyebrow.
Han slowly turns his head towards Minho. “Detective. I’m not sure that’s style of interrogation is appropriate.”
“Well where has being nice got you?” He retorts, storming over to you and pulling you up roughly by your flimsy satin top.
"Now, little Miss," he growls slamming you against the one way glass, holding your arms behind your back and pressing himself against you. You can feel his erection against the top of your ass. "Just tell us the location, and all this stops.”
You turn to look over your shoulder, giving him doe eyes. “I’m never gonna tell you the location.” You say firmly.
The corner of Detective Lee’s mouth twitches slightly. “So that’s how you’re really gonna play, huh?”
He drags you back, bending over the cold, metal interrogation table. “Han. Handcuff her.” He demands, tossing his handcuffs to his partner.
Han looks down at the cuffs in his hands, hesitating momentarily before cuffing your arm to the table leg. He moves around and cuffs your other hand to the opposite leg. You pull and tug, but it’s no use.
“Now check she’s not hiding anything she shouldn’t.” Lee adds tugging your jeans and underwear down your thighs, exposing your ass and pussy.
Han gulps and moves behind you. He strokes your back gently, and leans over you. He’s fucking hard too. “Just be good and do everything he says. Try to relax, baby. Okay. Don’t be a brat.” He soothes as his hand cups your pussy. “You’re doing great. So wet already.”
You suck in a breath. You’re turned on. No doubt about it. You close your eyes as Han slides a finger into your cunt. “Have to check you aren’t hiding anything you shouldn’t. Shhh…. Stay calm. It’s all going to be okay.”
He inserts another finger, sliding them in and out of you. Wet sounds immediately fill the interrogation room.
“I’m gonna check your pretty little mouth.” Minho forces your mouth open with his hand and shoves two fingers inside. “Suck on them.” He hisses. You do as you’re told, sucking on the detective’s digits. He removes them before sitting back down to enjoy the show.
Behind you you hear Han unbuckling his belt, then the sound of a zipper. “Shhh… you need to stay quiet, okay. So you don’t get yourself into more trouble.” Han whispers, but his voice is strained. The tip of his cock slides through your dripping folds several times, before he pushes it deep into your pussy.
“Ngh…fuck!” You gasp.
“Now, what did Detective Han say, hmm?” Lee leans forward in his seat and pulls the hair off your face. “If you can’t be quiet I’ll have to put something in your mouth to make you quiet.”
But you can’t stay quiet. Han is fucking into you hard. Each thrust pressing you into the cold, hard table. He’s hitting you deep too. The kind, sweet Detective Han isn’t holding back. His fingers dig into your hips, and his body slaps against yours loudly.
“Has she hidden anything in her cunt?” Lee asks Han.
“I’m not hiding anything, I promise!” You cry. Minho raises an eyebrow, unamused. “I wasn’t asking you.” He snaps and looks towards Han.
“She is.” Han grunts.
“What?!” You lift your head in protest. “No!”
“Tsk tsk. Now you’ve made me very angry.” Lee says low. He stands and undoes his trousers too, revealing his thick, hard cock. You swallow hard. You’re nervous. But you’re also excited.
Lee steps towards you and tilts your head in such a way that he can rub the tip of his cock along your lips. “You’ve got such a filthy, lying mouth.” He whispers. “It’s gonna feel good around my dick.” He holds your head steady as he fucks your mouth. He’s surprisingly gentle and smooth as Han continues to fuck you rough from behind.
“Han, what’s she hiding from us?” He moans as his cock hits the back of your throat.
“She’s hiding an orgasm.” Han responds. “And, she’s keeping all this cream inside her. Look!” He exclaims pulling his dick out and showing Lee.
The mean detective looks down at you like you’re pathetic and smirks. “Show her.” He snarls, withdrawing his cock from your mouth.
Han comes to stand in front of you, and you see how creamy and wet you are. His cock is covered in it.
“You have to clean it. It’s all gonna be ok. Just do as we ask. You’ll be fine.” Han looks at you with soft eyes. “Now…all you need to do is clean it up. Okay?” He pushes his cock into your mouth. He pushes in further and you gag. “Shhh…That’s it. That’s it.” He encourages you.
Your eyes water because he pushes in so deep, and he takes his time to pull out, making it hard to breath. “Yes, you’re doing really well.” He praises.
Lee’s behind you now, slapping your ass. The sound resounds around the room. He slaps you again and you sob around Han’s cock.
“That’s for not cooperating with an interrogation.”
Another slap. “That’s for hiding your arousal.”
One more slap. “Now you’re gonna come for us.”
He slides into your heat and your eyes roll back into your head. He pulls out almost to the tip and pauses. You clench in anticipation, then he slams back in.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come. Let me come in your mouth and I’ll promise I’ll put in a good word for you.” Han’s breath is shaky, and his thrusts stutter. “Catch it all for me…ngh… I’m coming.” Han throws his head back and moans as his thick cum coats your throat.
He plonks down on the chair, panting.
“Finally some cooperation.” Scoffs Lee, pounding into your pussy. “Han. Release her arms.” He orders his partner.
You’re swiftly uncuffed and your flipped onto your back. Lee pushes your legs up and squeezes his dick back inside you. Han’s at your side kissing and sucking your nipples. “You’re doing good. I’m proud of you.” He nibbles your breasts as his hands explore your body.
Lee brings his thumb to your clit, rubbing firm, rough circles on it. You close your eyes savouring every sensation that the detectives are making you feel.
You’re not on a cold metal table in a dingy little room. You’re floating, soaring higher and higher. You’re going to fall apart any second now. The tension inside you is about to snap.
Han’s lips find yours. Soft, gentle, kind. “I love it when you’re a bad girl.” He whispers and slips his tongue into your mouth.
It’s your undoing and you whimper as you clamp down around Lee’s cock.
“Fuck!” Growls Lee, pulling out and spurting ropes of cum on your stomach. He steadies himself, staying buried inside you until his cock softens.
“Now. The location. Give it to us.” Minho presses as he pulls his trousers back up.
“Please?” Han looks down at you.
“I said never.” You whisper defiantly.
Lee sighs. “Fine. We’ll be back in an hour to interrogate your further.” He says flatly, and he and Han leave the room, locking the door behind them.
Read unrelated sub police officer Han ask here
Read unrelated ot8 free use jail cell
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gretavangroupie · 3 days
The Ripe and The Ruin (Chapter 7)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, OC x Reader
Word Count: 10.2k
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smoking, Angst, Anxiety, Allusions to Cheating, Lying, Jealousy, Sexual Themes, Crying.
Find the Playlist Here: Apple Music | Spotify
A new series in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
A/N: Thanks so much for waiting for us while we took our little break. We had the absolute best time at our shows. We plotted and schemed most of the week and there really is quite a bit of exciting new things on the horizon, so keep your eyes peeled.
"Like all good fruit, the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin."
“There,” you whispered, putting the final touches on the food display. You gathered up the empty boxes and trash and made your way out the back door of the venue to dispose of them. You hoped you wouldn’t see anyone along the way, keeping your AirPods in as a public declaration to leave you alone.
You’d thrown yourself into work the last week, doing things that didn’t even fall under your scope of work just to fill the time. Your phone was on mute, but that didn't stop the calls. The texts. The songs. They all still came, but you paid them no mind. You couldn’t. You couldn’t be that girl. You couldn’t be the one to ruin a relationship. 
You hadn’t spoken to Jake since the friend request came through. You still hadn’t even accepted it. You didn’t know if you even should. She obviously knew who you were, and that alone scared you more than anything. How did she know?
You hadn’t spoken to Josh either. He had done his best to avoid you since that night in the bar, his look more than disappointed as he walked away. You felt a twinge of regret that you’d let him down, but you and Jake were nothing, and he has a girlfriend. He should be more mad at Jake than you. 
A call rings through your AirPods, the robotic voice alerting you to Ruth’s Facetime call. You make the split second decision to accept it, pulling your phone from your pocket and tapping the green button. 
“Hello,” you answer, shielding your face from the sun. 
“God, it’s so weird that it’s sunset there and I’m just now eating breakfast,” she says, taking a bite of a bagel. 
“Babes it’s literally what, noon there? Why are you just now eating breakfast?”
“Ugh, this isn’t about me, quit changing the subject,” she gripes.
“What?! I just–”
“Did you accept it yet?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“No! Are you insane! Why would I do that! Then she would know that I know who she is, and then she would know that I know she knows who I am!” you shout. 
“Yeah, I…am not even gonna try to decipher what you just said,” she says, shaking the ice in her coffee. 
“Ruth! Ugh!”
“What!? I’d accept it, you have nothing to hide. It’s not like you’re posting about him.”
“But what? Show her you’re a hot bitch and she should be scared!” she laughs, tilting her head side to side. 
“You are actually a terrible influence,” you scoff. 
“Fine, what about McSexy,” she says, slurping up the last bits of coffee through her straw.
“Are you done with that yet? GOD.”
“You’re so dramatic,” she laughs, tossing it into the trash. “Spill about Beefy McGuns before I throw myself off a cliff.”
“Yeah I am the dramatic one,” you sigh, rolling your eyes. “Murph is…well, he’s good I guess. We have been hanging out a little bit since… ya know. We snuck into the hotel pool a few days ago, got Gelato night before last and last night we went to Temple Bar because the guys had an outing thing.”
“Okay, so you and McDouble are like kinda hot and heavy courting,” she asks. 
“Please don’t call him McDouble, that is gross. I mean, courting sounds kinda…more serious than it is. We are just hanging out.”
“A lot.”
“Yeah, kind of a lot,” you admit. 
“Do you like him more than Mr. Pene-Traitor?”
“RUTH ANNE!” you shout, trying to stifle back laughter. 
“Answer the question,” she snaps. 
“No! I don’t know! I mean, I like them equally for different reasons,” you answer.
“Well who is better in the sack?”
“Oh my god, you haven't slept with McSexy yet?” she asks, mouth gaping open.
“No! It hasn’t…gone there yet,” you reply. 
“Yet…So you intend for it to…” she smirks. 
“Well, I wouldn’t hate it,” you laugh. “I’m kinda like not planning to sleep with Jake again after all this shit. Murph seems less…complicated. He’s fun, and respectful, and we just mesh so well when we hangout. We have a lot in common and it’s just so easy. It’s not serious or anything but I’m trying to see where this thing goes.”
“So guitar daddy is out, officially…”
“Jesus Christ, Ruth.” you sigh, “I mean I haven't spoken to him in almost a week now. I’ve been ignoring every attempt and conveniently finding myself in the opposite room as him. I don't know what to even say to him without exploding so I have just been saying nothing.”
“Has he added any songs or anything?” she asks, quirking a brow. 
“A few but I haven’t replied,” you answer. 
“Oh I bet it’s eating him up, too.”
You shrug your shoulders as you see the back door open, Sam stepping out to light up a cigarette. 
“Hey, I gotta go, the family unit is present,” you say quietly nodding your head to the side. 
“Okay, well, personally I think you should accept her request. I’d think it's more suspicious that you haven’t if I were her. Maybe she just wants to talk.”
“I will think about it,” you say, pursing your lips. “I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Alright alright, and don’t forget my souvenir. I want one with sandy brown hair, blue eyes and an Irish accent.”
“You are actually so annoying.”
Your phone dings in your ear as a text flashes across the screen. 
“Oh shit,” you gasp. “It’s Murph.”
“What's up McBeefy?!” Ruth shouts. 
You open the text, reading it over quickly as a smile crosses your face. 
“Oh okay, why are you blushing Y/N? Huh, huh? Why you smiling like that?”
“So, he just said that The Black Keys are going to be in Glasgow on our day off next week,” you say, a little shocked. 
“As in The Black Keys that you’ve loved your whole life Black Keys?”
“Those would be the ones…”
6:02PM: How did you know I love them?
6:03PM: Just had a feeling 😉
6:04PM: I’m gonna tell the guys, I’m sure they will want to go. 
6:05PM: I definitely want to go.
6:06PM: Well good thing I just bought us tickets
“Hello?! Earth to Y/N!” Ruth shouts, and truthfully you forgot she was on the line. 
“Fuck, sorry,” you say, reopening Facetime.
“What did you say?!”
“I told him I want to go and he said he already bought us tickets,” you smile. 
“Mmhm, yeah it’s not serious at all though,” she mocks. 
“Gotta go! Love you bye!” you smile, ending the call and shoving your phone into your pocket.
You nod to Sam as you walk back into the building, making your way back into the greenroom to finish up. Your music begins to play through your AirPods again, and you feel a sense of calmness now that you’ve gotten a little reassurance from Ruth. You tidy up the room a bit, grabbing a few empty cans and chip bags and banishing them to the trash can that is seemingly invisible to these four men.
Just as you turn around you see Jake stepping into the room with his eyes on you. 
You jump back a bit in shock, watching as he throws his hands up in innocence.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, a guilty look on his face. 
You pull your earbuds from your ears and place them in their case as you lean against the wall behind you. “It’s fine. What’s up?” you ask, trying to seem casual. 
“You think we can talk for a second?” he asks, rubbing his fingers over his chin. 
“Um, right now? I’m just finishing this up?” you counter, not really feeling like this is the best time for, well, this. 
He walks over to the small couch, tapping the spot next to him, “Please, just for a second.”
His brown eyes lock with yours and you know there is no way you can deny him. He had that effect on you. You nod and walk over to him, sitting next to him. Maybe this is it. 
You watch as he pulls in a deep breath as if trying to organize the thoughts in his head. He swallows nervously and turns his gaze to you. 
“You know, this last week has been…well, to be honest, it’s been complete shit,” he starts, locking his fingers together. “We went from seeing each other nearly every day and texting and everything to…whatever this is. Not speaking…”
You nod your head, wanting to hear his piece before giving your own. 
“I miss you. I’ve missed you a lot. I have hated every second of this silence and I would very much like to get things back to how they were before… all of this.”
Did Josh not tell him about Murph? Surely he had…
His hand reaches for yours, grabbing it in his own as he continues and you are praying he is ready to come clean. 
“I know I’ve been a total and complete asshole, Y/N, and you don’t deserve that. That’s not me,” you go on, squeezing her hands in yours. Your voice continues to crack, and the emotion you feel while telling her all this actually surprises you. It’s hard to talk to her, hard to get things out. But you only know that it is because you’re positive that it all means something bigger. Your internal alarm clock is ticking, you can feel the time to get on stage is drawing closer and closer. “I just want you to know how sorry I am.”
“Jake, listen. I appreciate your apology, but I'm still not even sure what you’re sorry for? I mean, I know shit went sideways but, you never even told me why…” she goes on, pure confusion painting her expression. “I know that I was and am being left in the dark about something, and I don’t want to end up looking like the idiot.”
“Fuck, I know,” you say, rubbing a hand over your face. You can feel the bile swirling in your stomach as you prepare to speak again. “If you… I want to talk to you some more, and explain myself, but…”
“...You go on in like fifteen minutes and you aren’t even dressed yet,” she answers.
You nod, sucking in your bottom lip. Her eyes are glazed over, not with tears, but with some other overwhelming sentiment. Your voice shakes as you go on. “If you’re willing to hear me out, I have a long story I want to tell you.”
She takes a second to consider, and you know that she could just as easily tell you to fuck off, get away from her, and to never speak to her again. But instead she nods, meeting your eyes with pity. “It’s hard saying yes to this Jake, I’m not gonna lie…”
“I know it is. I know it, I’m so sorry, I’m just. You deserve to hear it all. From me,” you beg. The anxiety of it all is making you dizzy, and you hadn’t even told her anything yet. But you’re positive that when the time comes, it will all be worth it. She’s worth it. 
“Please trust me.”
She nods again. “Just…come to my room after the show?”
“I’ll be there,” you agree with a smile, and you feel the faintest hint of positivity, a tiny flame burning at the end of the tunnel. 
After an electric show, you dab the towel across your forehead and neck, wiping away the heavy sweat beads that continue to pour down. 
“Just keeps getting better and better, guys!” Paul compliments you as you pass by, making your way down the hall to the green room. 
“Thanks, man. Appreciate you,” you reply with a pat to his shoulder.
“Daniel, you hitting the shower?” you ask as you watch him take a seat on a red leather chair.
“Mm, here in a few, gonna have a drink first.” He pulls Mia over by the hand to sit on his lap, playfully wiping his sweat-covered arm across her face. “Where are Josh and Sam?”
You quietly walk over to the craft table, giving Y/N a sweet glance as you grab a mini bag of chips from the box, watching as she and Ty fiddle around with whatever random food is displayed across the table. “I dunno, they seemed like they were bickering all night, did you notice that?”
“Mmmhm,” Danny says through a long drink of a seltzer. “I could literally see the fuckin’ blurry tension between them, who the hell knows. He say anything to you, Ly?”
“Mmm, nope. Didn’t say anything to me…” Lyla avoids his gaze. You glance to Ty, and he offers you the same answer.
Just then, Josh and Sam burst through the door in a huffed mess of antics, yelling obscenities at one another as Josh’s hands fly up in the air around him. These two rarely fight, but every once in a while, one of them will get under the other’s skin. And sometimes it’s even worse, when they both manage to piss the other off so profusely, things can sometimes get physical. 
Josh’s voice is raised, and Sam’s face and neck are blotched red. You know that whatever it is, it isn’t good. 
“How about you stay the hell out of my face and sit the fuck down somewhere, huh?” Sam yells, grabbing a White Claw from the mini fridge and chugging it all almost in one drink. Your eyes dart directly to Danny who is just as stunned as you are, and equally as confused. 
“I’ll sit the fuck down when you stop running your fucking mouth, Sam,” Josh barks.
“Whoa, whoa, what the hell is going on?” you ask, moving toward them.
“Oh nothing, nothing, brother. Nothing at all,” Sam huffs, fury raging from him. You watch his eyeliner-covered eyes skitter across the room and finally land on Y/N, glaring at her from his peripheral. What the fuck?
For some reason, just his look pisses you off. 
“Not nothing, the fuck is your problem?” you ask him again, shooting your eyes between him and Josh. You see Mia rise up from Danny’s lap, joining Lyla on the couch. They sit closely together, and you swear they’re both biting back laughs. 
You finally move your eyes to Josh, giving him a stern look only the two of you can understand. ‘You got something to say?’ you ask him in your mind. 
He replies with an eye roll, shrugging his shoulders as he slips his stage jacket off. Josh is biting his tongue, you can tell, and the look in his eye is one you’ve seen often. With whatever rage he’s harboring mixed with the however many fireball shots he’s taken tonight, this could get bad. 
You look at Danny, as he knows the heavy feeling in the room all too well, too. You mentally ask him for backup.
Danny stands and clears his throat. “Uh, so… we going out tonight? We’re wasting moonlight if so…”
You jump in and agree. “Yeah, yeah let’s go grab a Guinness or something.” The room stays quiet as you and Danny make moves to get going, but the heaviness is still there. You decide to turn the attention elsewhere. “Y/N, Ty, you coming out with us?”
You can tell that Y/N feels like she’s invading the awkward encounter that’s currently happening in the room, just from her body language. 
“Yeah, um, sure… I suppose…” she says meekly. You offer her a little grin of reassurance.
“Oh, you mean you’re not hanging out with Murph tonight? Shocking!” Josh interjects, the tone of his voice menacing. Your head shoots to him. 
Y/N shakes her head, her entire demeanor falling. “Uh, no? No, why would I…” she stammers. 
“Just figured,” Josh continues, “You guys seemed pretty cozy the other night when I caught you making out at the bar in Paris, just thought you’d be continuing the festivities!”
“Josh!” Ty yells.
Hold…the fuck…on…
Your ears go deaf as you process Josh’s words, all the blood draining from your body, your extremities numb, your throat instantly dry. What the fuck. What the fuck??? He’s lying… That’s not true… she wouldn’t…
You hear a collective snicker from Mia and Lyla, both of them obviously loving whatever fucking show is happening right now. 
You somehow find the courage to look at Y/N, her face bloodshot and dripping with embarrassment as she turns away.
You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. Making out? With Murph? Paris… a week ago? And Josh didn’t bother to…
You can’t find the will to move, or speak, or breathe or anything. Your mind is wracked with confusion and stress, wondering what in the hell is going to happen next.
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you turn to look at Josh. 
Why? Why did he say that?
Your eyes scan the room as everyone stares at you, but all you can focus on is the look on Jake's face. It was a look similar to the one you received from Josh that night, but Jake’s hurt worse. Hit you deeper. You feel the knife twisting in your chest. 
You can see his neck growing red, the color creeping up into his cheeks as his anger starts to bubble up. Your eyes flash over to Mia and Lyla who are snickering in the corner like two highschool bullies. 
You shake your head and press your tongue to your cheek as you try to figure out an appropriate response. You decide at that moment that you owe none of them a single word. You silently grab your things and head to the door, brushing Jake’s shoulder as you pass. 
“Guess you’re not the only one with secrets, are you?”
You cut your eyes to Josh, completely shocked at his audacity to speak about something that didn’t involve him so publicly. It seemed out of character for him and you can tell by the way everyone is reacting to his outburst. 
You barely make it through the back door as the tears start to fall against your will. You feel so embarrassed. Everything has gotten so out of hand and now Josh hates you and you know Jake isn’t too far behind him. 
You just need to go back to your hotel room. Go back and be alone and cry in peace. You pull your phone from your purse and find the address for the hotel, and much to your displeasure, you see that it is a brisk three mile walk. Not to mention it is 42 degrees. You lock your phone in frustration knowing you have to go back inside and wait for the van to take you all back. 
You sneak back inside and head straight for the bathroom, locking yourself in one of the stalls and sitting down on the toilet bowl. You know the van isn’t going to leave for at least another thirty minutes, if not more. You let the tears flow freely in the confines of the bathroom stall, until you physically can’t anymore. You dry up your cheeks with the sleeve of your shirt as a notification from Ruth pushes through. 
11:43PM: You do it yet?
You decide to bite the bullet. Who even cares anymore at this point?
You open Instagram and tap on her request, hitting the little blue ‘accept’ button and watching as her page populates with photos. Right off the bat you see how pretty she is, every picture perfectly effortless and aesthetically pleasing. Then, you see Jake. Happy, smiling, and holding her. Recently.
You're surprised by the feelings swirling through you, as you’d convinced yourself that your feelings for him were much smaller than they apparently were. You look at every single photo, and with each swipe you feel your own guilt start to grow larger and larger. 
Had you ruined this?
You hear noise in the hallway and know that they are leaving, heading to the bar or wherever they decided. You wait until you hear them leave, letting yourself out of the stall and into the empty hallway. As you approach the green room you know you want to get in, finish cleaning up, and leave, avoiding as many people as humanly possible. You press your ear to the door to listen for voices, but you hear nothing and know that the coast is clear. 
Though, when you open the door, you are met with someone, and thankfully it’s a friendly face. You see Ty grabbing the canned drinks from the fridge and throwing them into a cooler. He spots you, looking relieved and stops what he’s doing. 
“There you are,” he sighs in relief. 
“Wha– What are you doing here, I thought everyone left?”
He walks towards you, taking you into a hug before you can even process what he’s doing. It’s as if he already knows how you’re feeling and you fall into it, letting him wrap you up in his arms. 
“I’ve been around long enough to know how shit tends to go down in this family. I knew that Josh was in one of his moods tonight and Sam pushed him over the edge. Unfortunately, you were on the receiving end of things. I don’t blame you for walking out, but I am glad you came back.”
“Why are you always looking out for me?” you ask, feeling like you might cry all over again. 
“Real recognizes real, baby,” he winks, releasing you from the hug and returning back to the cooler. 
“Ty,” you whine, knowing you don't deserve his kindness. 
“Look, I know I shouldn’t, because he needs to do this himself, but I am really sorry about Josh. I’m gonna make him apologize to you as soon as I see him, I swear.”
“No, no, no. It’s okay. He is right. This whole thing is a mess and he and Jake and shit, even Sam, have the right to be mad at me. I fucked up.”
He shrugs his shoulders, “It’s a little bit of a mess but, it will get cleaned up. And as for Sam, I don’t think Sam is mad at you, per say, but more of just the situation and how he learned of it. There’s been some other shit going on with him lately, but don’t you worry I’m on your team, here.”
“You don’t need to be on my team, Ty. You have dealt with enough of my shit,” you laugh, hoping he doesn’t actually take your advice. 
He closes the cooler up and takes one last look around the room, both of you finding it spotless. “Oh, just let me. This is my shit and I am used to corralling these rowdy motherfuckers, I do it in my sleep.”
You laugh and shake your head, “Alright, alright, fine.”
He nods in victory before turning to you again, “You’re coming to the bar, right?”
“No, I’m probably gonna go back to the hotel and cry some more.”
“Actually, you’re not. You’re gonna go back to the hotel, pretty yourself up and come meet me.” He flits his hand to his chest as he points to himself. “I’ll text you the address when I get there.”
“Ty I can’t! I can’t even face Jake right now! And Mia and Lyla… I don’t know…” you stammer. 
“No, hang out with me all night. You don’t even have to talk to those bitches, I don’t half the time.”
You laugh at his honesty, and realize maybe you could go tonight.
“I don’t know…”
“Listen, it will look a lot worse if you don’t go darling,” he says, tilting his head to the side. You know he’s right. 
“Alright, fuck it.”
Involving yourself in other people’s business wasn’t always your forte. In fact, it was something you tried to stray far, far away from. The thought of adding unnecessary stress into your life seemed daunting and pointless, especially when the outcome ended up being opposite of the one you desired, but, nonetheless… You find yourself here, completely involved in whatever drama is transpiring between Jake and Y/N. 
It’s none of your business in the least. It never was. But you could tell from the get-go that if no one else was going to step in and try to help each of them realize what was happening in front of them, you would have to be the one to do it. Who better, honestly?
You told Jake from the beginning that Isla seemed shady… though at first the two of them seemed like the happiest of two human beings, just like all new relationships do. She was good for him, and he treated her well. The day he told you and Josh that he told her he loved her, you were happy for him. Happy for them both. Things were good and they were taking Jake’s career changes in stride together. That was until you started to see straight through that bitch. 
That’s right, you’re not uncomfortable saying it anymore. She turned into a true-blue, cold hearted bitch. 
What started off as snide little remarks to Jake, in public, grew into full-blown insults that had you left with your mouth hanging open in disbelief. He let it slide off his back, though, and you swore it was like no one else even noticed it. How her behavior had changed almost overnight. You could see the respect she once held for Jake morphing into resentment right before your eyes, but everyone else seemed to think it was normal. 
It didn’t take long, though, for Josh’s twin-sense to be set off when he felt Jake’s normally low-key temper burning into fury; he was quite literally like a pot that was going to boil over anytime. Josh realized, but you don’t think he ever really realized, though to you, it was plain as fucking day. 
You and Josh welcomed him into your home, let him crash on the couch or in the guest room after he’d run away from her. It almost started to drive you insane that everyone else was just watching on as he let her walk all over him, all in the name of what everyone thought was love.
No. Fuck that. She may have loved him, but your senses absolutely buzzed with the feeling that all she was there for anymore was his status and fame. It made you sick how she took advantage of his popularity and his talent, only wanting to go out with him if it meant she’d be seen attached to his arm, only wanting to support him when it meant she’d reap the benefits. Made you fucking sick. 
But, like a good brother in law, you kept your mouth shut for the most part, until one day things got so bad you realized that Jake had seen the light, fully disconnecting himself from her right before you all left for this tour. 
And the minute you realized he was taking interest in Y/N, you felt like your heart could explode with relief for him. Finally, a distraction. The day you let him know how you felt about Isla in the bar was the first time you really said anything at all to him, hoping that your words of honesty would help to further the situation. 
But now… Now. Fuck, it seems like things have gotten messier than you anticipated. Y/N is the first person you’ve met in a while who matches your energy, who connects with you without any effort to do so. You like her a lot, and you are fighting to be on her team. But damn, if it doesn’t seem like she just dug herself into a hole…
So after what the fuck ever just happened in the green room, you know it’s time to strap your boots on and fix things, or at least try to. You’re no stranger to mediating arguments within this family, so you feel no shame in waltzing into this bar with a new flame lit under you. You’ve gotta fix this. For Y/N, and for Jake. 
You blow warm air into your hands as you walk into the bar, finding everyone gathered around a large table together. Good, they haven’t ripped each others’ heads off yet.
You take an empty seat next to Josh, greeting him with a quipped ‘Hey’ as you’re still a little bit pissed at his behavior earlier. His hand lands on your thigh, but you quickly pull it away, knowing that if you’re going to be the middleman here, everyone has to be on a level playing field. 
“The hell is wrong with you?” Josh slurs into your ear. 
You shoot a look his way, letting him know that now is not the fucking time. A quick glance around at everyone tells you that they’re all already fairly intoxicated, still sneering at one another overtop of their half-empty glasses. Great. Perfect. 
You take notice that Murph isn’t here, which is a good thing right now. He might need to stay behind and let the others have it tonight. You cross your arms over your chest as you make yourself comfortable in your seat. You clear your throat dramatically, effectively getting the attention of the table.
“Alright motherfuckers, who wants to tell me exactly what just happened in the green room?” you demand, taking a second to look Sam and Josh in the eyes first. The entire table groans and waves you off, except Sam, who gives you a look that says ‘Can’t tell you right now, but I will explain later…” He then does a quick glance to Lyla. You take mental note of that. 
Of course, Josh speaks first. “There’s not much to say, Ty… I caught our runner making out with our head of security last week, I don’t know what else you want me to say…”
“I want you to tell the table why you are so pissed off about that, Josh. Why are you so concerned with something that isn’t your business?” you quip back.
Josh mirrors your stance, crossing his own arms as he motions to Jake. “Hm, I don’t know, why don’t you ask my fucking twin, huh?” Everyone then turns all their attention to Jake, putting him directly in the spotlight. Your stomach turns over with nerves as you feel the tension in the room thickening with every passing second. You don’t want to do things this way. But, you’ve learned from experience, getting it all out on the table is the best way for them to do things like this. 
Jake is standing, running his tongue across his teeth, his face already glimmering with a nervous sweat. “Okay, fuck it,” he sets his beer down on the table, yanking a free chair out from underneath it and harshly taking a seat. “Y/N and I have been hooking up since tour started. Pretty regularly. Thought things were good. But I guess it doesn’t fucking matter anymore since apparently I was dumb to the fact that she’s more into our beloved Murphy.” You can tell he is seething. 
You hear Mia and Lyla gasp like the news was brand new to them. “So it’s fucking true, then, huh Jacob?!” Lyla practically yells, leaning over the table at him. “Ohhh, we fucking knew it, you sorry ass bitch.”
“It’s actually none of your fucking business, Lyla, so why don’t you lay the fuck off,” he retaliates.
You watch Mia put her hand on Lyla’s chest as she leans across her toward Jake, her words spitting with venom to him. “Actually it is my fucking business, Jake, Isla is my best friend you absolute dick! And she’s your fucking girlfriend!”
Jake almost stands from his chair completely, leaning over to her now. “She’s not my girlfriend anymore, Lyla! She hasn’t been for a long time! She just won’t admit it to anyone or even herself! Don’t speak on things you have absolutely no fucking idea about, Lyla. It’s not a good fucking look.” Jake is visibly vibrating with rage. You feel Josh doing the same.
Next thing you know you hear Sam bellowing toward Jake. “Hey, don’t fucking speak to her like that, man, or I swear to god–”
“Oh, I’d be fucking careful, Sam, given I know all the dirty details about our little conversation in my room the other night…” Jake defends himself with a finger pointed directly to Sam. His jaw is clenched so tightly you think he might break his teeth. 
Sam gives Jake a death glare that you know all too well, as Lyla turns in her seat to face him. “What the fuck is he talking about, Samuel? Is that why you disappeared drunk off your ass the other night? To go to Jake’s room? What did you talk about?”
Sam closes his eyes as he tries to diffuse his rage. “What the fuck ever, I’m just pissed everyone knew about Y/N and Jake besides me,” he slurs. “Always failing to let me in on the fuckin’ secrets.” You roll your eyes at Sam, suddenly confused and intrigued about what kind of conversation he had with Jake, anyway. 
“This is why, Sam! Right here! Shit blows up!” Jake yells. 
Josh groans, leaning his elbows on the table to Jake. “Yeah, just like I fucking told you it would.”
Jake scoffs hard. “Don’t talk to me about shit blowing up when you didn’t tell me for a god damn week that she was fucking around with Murph behind my back, Josh!”
“Ohhhhhoho, don’t try and pull that, I told you this shit wasn’t going to work anyway,” Josh responds with a sneer. 
“Wasn’t going to work?!” Mia yells. “What do you mean, wasn’t going to fucking work?! You have a girlfriend Jacob, are you a fucking idiot?!”
You watch as Danny physically lets his face fall into his hands, shaking his curls side to side.
“Alright, alright, everybody calm the fuck down,” Josh says loudly, actually qualming a situation for once in his life. “Let’s take a break, let’s talk this out.”
You dart your head to the side to give him a sharp look. “No, Josh, you’re the one who opened your big mouth in the green room and set everybody off, let’s hash this shit out right now. Everyone’s doing an excellent job of letting it all fly. Let’s not stop now,” you argue, putting your foot down. You motion with your hand to everyone at the table. “Keep going, let’s go…”
You hear a wholehearted laugh come from Jake at Josh’s expense.
Sam looks at Lyla, raising his voice a little. “Is this why you’ve been so fucking irritable lately?”
Oop, shouldn’t have gone there, kid.
She shoots back in her chair, looking as if she’s ready to pounce on him. “Whoa, whoa, irritable? Excuse me? Actually ya know what, yeah, I guess it fucking is!” She yells. “You’d be fucking pissed too, wouldn’t you?!”
“I guess I don’t know, since nobody ever fucking tells me anything!” Sam retaliates with his hands in the air.
“Sam you have got to be fucking kidding me… Do you not remember me sleeping on your couch for days at a time? Do you think I just did that because I missed you? Be serious…” Jake says with a little sincerity in his tone. 
“I don’t know! Shit, I guess I just thought you were…”
“Thought I was what?! Bored? Lonely? Hated my own home? Well, I guess that last one kinda makes fucking sense, now, huh?” Jake goes on, running a hand over his mouth.
Lyla speaks up. “All those nights you spent at our house Jake… you know Isla cried herself to sleep each and every one. Talked to me on the phone until 3AM until she couldn’t cry anymore because you fucking left her, over and over again–”
Jake leans his elbows on the table, hiding his face behind his folded hands. You can tell by the redness in his face that he is holding himself back from absolutely laying into Lyla. 
“Oh, you don’t even want to start with me, Lyla…” he grits his teeth, the vein in his head pulsing with rage again. 
“Chill out, Jake…” you hear Josh warn under his breath. 
“Do you know why I left, Lyla? Over and over again?!” His tone calms. “Yeah, I bet you don’t because all you care about is her fucking side of the story… did it not occur to you that I have one, too? What about my fucking feelings, huh? How do you know she’s not purposefully making me out to look like the bad guy? I bet nothing was her fault, was it? Hm?” He asks, looking around the table. Everyone stays silent, avoiding his glare. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. No one bothered to come and ask me what was wrong, hear my side of the story. Fucking figures, she always gets what she fucking wants, anyway,” he goes on, suddenly able to breathe through his words. “None of you cared to realize I’ve been fucking miserable for months? Tried ending things for months? I bet not, huh. You only got lies and a sob story from Isla.” He takes a deep breath. Keep going Jake…
“So yeah, I tried to end things with Isla. Multiple times. Now I know I have royally fucked up with making my life messier than it needs to be–”
“She still fucking lives with you, Jake–” Lyla cuts. 
“Yeah, I fucking know that, genius,” he eyes her sideways. “You think this has been easy for either of us? I asked her to move out way before we started packing for this fucking tour… So yes. I did start hooking up with someone else. And you know what? I don’t regret a goddamn second of it. I finally found something that makes me fucking happy, and not miserable every single second of my life. And if you want to know why I think my actions are justified, you can speak to me directly about it. I’m a grown fucking adult, and I don’t owe you a goddamn thing if you don’t even have the decency to speak to me about my own fucking business…” Jake cuts his eyes directly to Mia and Lyla, making them sink back in their seats a little. 
Fuck yes, Jacob. Fuck. Yes. 
Just then, like a sitcom hitting its dramatic peak, Murph enters the bar, leaving everyone gathered around the table even more speechless than they were before. You feel a collective breath be taken by everyone before Jake shoots up from his seat. “Another round?”
Hell yes. Success. 
Well, kind of. Progress. 
You look at your phone, seeing that Y/N had texted you a ‘?’ about fifteen minutes ago. 
“Perfect timing, Y/N is on her way here, too!” you announce, your voice full of pep. 
“You’re shitting me, right,” Josh murmurs under his breath to you. 
“Good, great. Grand. A big family reunion, huh?” Jake says sarcastically in his faux-accent. “I’m over the fucking moon.” Jake darts his eyes to Murph for a split second before making his way back to the bar. 
You take a second to hide your phone under the table, texting Y/N back.
12:32AM: Come. Sit with me. I’ll have a drink waiting for you. 
Your palms are sweating with nervous energy, despite the freezing cold weather. You almost didn’t go. You talked yourself out of it three times before you ever left the room, but knowing that Ty was waiting for you was enough of a reason to go. He liked you, looked out for you and treated you like a friend even though he didn’t have to. You could suck it up for one night. 
As you push the door open you’re immediately met with warm air and the smell of stale beer. It’s loud in the small bar and terribly lit, making it hard to find the group. You see a hand wave you in its direction, and at the end of it, Ty. The table he is sitting at is fairly empty, most of the group dispersed throughout the bar, playing pool or darts. He pulls out the barstool next to him, sliding a drink in your direction. 
“You made it!” he smiles, watching you sit down next to him. 
“I did. What’s going on, I feel kinda weird about being here,” you admit. 
“Ahhh, don’t worry about it, everything is fine. Promise.” he says, taking a sip of his beer. “Everyone is pretty drunk now, and has already forgotten about earlier.”
You glance around the smoky bar and as you look behind you, your eyes meet with Josh’s, who is giving you the most apologetic eyes you’ve ever seen. You give him a curt smile, and turn back around, knowing that a conversation with him is low on your list of priorities at the moment. 
You spend most of the next hour with Ty, laughing and discussing anything and everything that does not have to do with Greta Van Fleet. He’s a sweet guy and you can tell why Josh fell for him, with his ability to make everyone feel heard and wanted, so easily. 
You’re two drinks in when you feel a warm hand on your shoulder, pulling you from your conversation with Ty. You turn to look at the person, but you can smell that it’s Jake, his cologne at the forefront of your mind. You feel him lean down to your ear, his breath on your neck. 
“I’d still like to talk tonight,” he whispers, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. 
You take a deep breath and try to center yourself. You turn fully to look at him, seeing that he is not nearly as mad as he seemed earlier, and you know you want to hear what he has to say. You want to hear his side of the story you’ve pieced together over the last week. You nod at him as your eyes meet his, and he nods back, stepping away to return to the bar already going over what he will likely say later.
An hour later you find yourself in your hotel room, pacing as you anxiously wait to hear from Jake. He left the bar before you did, deciding to ride back with Ty and Josh after the others left. You took a shower and tidied up your room and still, you haven't heard from him, that is, until your phone buzzed on the dresser. 
1:47AM: What is your room number?
Shit! Okay. 
1:48AM: 407
You know it won't be long until he is knocking on the door, and your heart is beating hard in your chest. You try to slow your breathing and calm your heart rate before he gets here, but you know it's no use because it will spike again as soon as you see him. 
The knock echoes through the room and you make your way to the door, swallowing back your nerves. As you open the door you find him standing there with one hand in his sweats pocket, and the other gripping a CD. 
You look at it as he presents it to you, a smug smile on his face as you realize what it is. 
‘An Awesome Wave’.
“This is–”
“The album we listened to on the plane, yeah,” he finishes, smiling as he steps into your room. “Found it in a record shop the other day in London. Thought of you and that first time we talked on the plane.”
You both step further into the room, your heart already twisting at his sweet gesture. He thought of you. You sit on the edge of the bed as you stare at the CD in your hands. 
“Listen, I’m sorry you had to find out about Murph like that, I never meant for that to come out like that,” you offer, letting your eyes flick up to meet his as he stands in front of you. 
“Look, I came here to apologize to you, Y/N. Not the other way around. You said I’m not the only one with secrets, and I guess that’s true, but I am more interested in setting the story straight and finding out what secrets you seem to be privy to.”
She holds your gaze for just a second as she leans forward, grabbing her phone from the dresser behind you. She takes a shaky breath as her thumb dances across the screen, obviously looking for something. Your heart starts to beat faster and faster as she searches for what she’s looking for, a million different suspicions of what it could be flying through your mind. 
Finally she turns her phone, showing you a screenshot of when Isla requested to follow her on Instagram. You feel your eyes grow as you breathe out a surprised “Oh.” 
Fuckkkkkkk. She found her. 
“Yeah. This was a while ago. I accepted her request tonight after the show. I know everything, Jake. I know about you and her. I know you’ve been lying to me this entire time,” she says bravely, gritting her jaw as she speaks. 
“Let me stop you there, Y/N. Please…” you beg, preparing yourself to finally lay everything out on the line. The time had come. You take a deep breath as you readjust your seat. “Where do I even fucking begin?” you ask rhetorically. 
“If I were you, I’d start at the beginning,” she suggests firmly. 
“Alright, okay, yeah…” you agree, doing your best to find the courage. “Her name is Isla Whitman. And… Yes, she still lives in my home. Isla and I had been together for a long, long time. She was there when everything skyrocketed with the band, right when everything started to take off. She moved in with me, life was going good. She uh… things were great, obviously, as I’m sure you’ve seen from the photos…” you say, motioning to her phone. “We were really good for a long time, I was really happy…”
“But then uh, but then things started to go south. Like really, really badly.” You wipe a heavy hand across your face as you relive those terrible days again. “I started to realize that she wasn’t here for me anymore, that she was here for whatever status I held. Only here because of the success of the band and shit. Only wanted to be seen and be a part of things if it meant she would be photographed and noticed by our fans. It was weird shit, like the fame got to her, and she wasn’t the one even… anyways. She turned into a completely different person, almost overnight. Apparently, uh… it was a lot worse than I even realized, now that I’m kinda putting things into perspective, and Josh and Ty are agreeing with me. She used me. She used the hell out of me. Talked down to me all the time. Gaslit me. Made everything my fault. We got into terrible, horrible fights. All the time. I’m talking fights so bad that we both would throw things at the walls. There at the end, I started spending nights on Josh or Sam’s couch, I’d completely leave for days on end until she’d swindle me into coming back home, all for it to happen again. Over and over. It was…really fucking horrible, Y/N,” you recount, feeling a lump growing in your throat. 
“I uh, I tried to get her to move out multiple times, told her I was finished, I couldn’t do it anymore. Mentally, I was done months ago. Over it. Then the night before we left for Europe, we fought and cried until 4:00 in the morning, and our flight left at six. The only way I could get out the door was if I agreed to go on a “break”. Which I know now was a stupid fucking idea,” you go on. 
“My idea of a break was no contact, cut off completely, do our own things while she found another place to live, then when I got home, we could discuss things like rational adults and get things figured out maturely, but. Ever since we’ve been here, she’s done nothing but try to involve herself in my life even more so than she did when I was home,” you bite your cheeks in as your eyes glaze over, feeling that same gut sensation that keeps haunting you at the worst times. That guilt creeping back up again and again. 
“My intention was never to hurt you, or harm you in any way at all, Y/N. Please know that. I left Nashville thinking I was practically a free man, finally. Ready to relax and disconnect while we worked. And I never intended to find you. And I never intended to… fall for you…like I did,” you explain, looking up to her with cautious eyes. “You completely blindsided me. Made me feel emotions that I hadn’t felt in years, Y/N. I should have told you from the beginning. I know I should have. That is the one thing that I regret completely and totally. I should have been upfront with you about it all. But, I was scared of fucking it up, you know? Scared you knowing about her would push you away. And now… I guess it blew up in my face even more than I thought it would…backfired completely.” You shake your head as you exhale a deep breath, letting a silence fall between the two of you. 
“I understand, Jake,” she finally whispers. “I really do…”
“Really? You do?”
“Mhmm. I get how hard that must have been. Especially since you had no idea it was even happening for so long,” she explains. You nod your head in agreement. “Feels fucking stupid now, I should have picked up on it.” 
“But she still lives with you. Still thinks you’re hers…” she reiterates. 
“Yes. Well, I guess? She still calls constantly, still texts me incessantly–”
“Was that who was calling the night we… ya know…”
You face reddens at the memory of that first night you hooked up, when you couldn’t even fucking perform for her. You nod. “Yeah. Well, her and my techs. It was a whole thing.”
“God…” she says, standing from the bed and shaking her hands out by her sides. She starts pacing the room and running her hands through her hair. “I feel so stupid…”
“You feel stupid?! Y/N, I am the idiot, here, not you…” you argue, standing from the bed as well. “I’m the one that fucked everything up and probably lost you completely.”
She stops and rolls her eyes at you, tears poking from the corners of them. “I should have… I should have asked you if you had someone, Jake. I should have gotten to know you better…” she starts to cry. “That’s like, girl rule #1.”
“Noooo no no, please don’t cry, Y/N…” you rush to her, gently placing your hands on the undersides of her elbows as she crosses them protectively across her chest. 
She runs a hand under her eye as she wipes a falling tear away. She scoffs at herself.
“No, Y/N. That was my fault. We kinda just…happened, you know? Our lust got the best of us,” you laugh a little at the memory of sneaking her into the bathroom that night at the bar.
“My suspicions kinda drove me away, ya know? I knew something was up the night Sam came to your room, talking all that…” she says. “You hiding me in the fucking bathroom.”
“Yeah, yeah I figured as much. I should have told you right then and there, I’m so sorry,” you plead. 
“I’m not gonna lie, Jake, my trust is…”
“Probably fucking shattered, isn’t it?” you ask, feeling a bottomless feeling in your chest. Like the whole situation has no happy ending, because how could it? Everything is fucked. 
She shrugs, looking past you at nothing. “I don’t know.” She walks slowly and sits back on the bed. “And Mia and Lyla? They–”
“Lyla is Isla’s best friend, yes. So of course Mia is pulled into that, as well. And, of course they are praying on my downfall. They don’t know my side of the story,” you explain, suddenly realizing that at the same time, Y/N doesn’t know Isla’s side of this story. You hope that she takes your’s in stride. 
“Great, great. Cool,” she complains. “Now they hate me, too.”
“No, I’m not gonna let that happen. I told Lyla to come and speak with me directly if she wanted the full, true story. We’ll get that sorted out, don’t worry,” you explain. “No one hates you.”
“You aren’t mad at me for… with Murph?” she asks. 
Ah, fuck. 
“Shit, I mean… I’m not mad, I don’t guess. I’m… I guess I’m blindsided with that, too,” you know you can’t explain how you feel, because you truly haven’t had time to even process it yet. “I pushed you away, I get that. Fuck, we hardly spoke for a week. Of course you wanted nothing to do with me. Then Isla goes and adds you on social media…? I mean. Fuck, I get it. Murph is… a cool guy…” you have trouble admitting it. 
“It’s not that serious, Jake,” she says, almost a whimper. “He and I, we just… clicked.”
Her words almost cut you in half. You thought she clicked with you. 
“I get that,” you choke, as much as you hate to say it, you have hardly any dog left in this fight. “Listen, the bottom line is, I know I fucked up. Royally. I wouldn’t blame you if you never want to speak to me again. I don’t blame you for running away from me. But… I swear to god, Y/N, I would fight for you to the end of my days… You gave me something that I haven’t had in so long, I hardly remembered how it felt to be happy. You gave me excitement, and energy, and… you showed me that even though my life was absolute shit, it didn’t have to be that way. You showed me happiness, Y/N. I can’t ask for more than that. And if you ever give me another chance, I know I’d spend all my time repaying you for just that little bit of happiness you gave me, because it was one of the best times of my entire life.” You let out another shaky, huffed breath, fighting back tears, yourself.
Her eyes begin to well again, and you even work the tiniest smile from her. She licks her lips, rubbing them together. “Might take me some time, Jake. I don’t–”
“I don’t expect you to forgive me overnight. I just don’t want you to hate me.”
She shakes her head. “Don’t hate you…”
She relaxes back against the fluffy pillows on her bed, her eyes obviously becoming heavy. 
“Can we agree to start fresh? As friends? Forget about all the stupid shit?” you extend your hand out for her to shake, praying that if she could just give you this….
She takes it gently, clicking her tongue. “My intuition is telling me not to, but. I don’t see anything wrong with starting fresh… Honesty. From here on out.” She shakes it with a little firmness at the conclusion of her sentence. 
“Good. Yes. Perfect, even. I promise,” you say with a little added sugar in your words. “Please just understand that my… relationship at home is anything but. She’s… so far gone from my mind I can’t even explain it to you. My number one priority is finding her somewhere else to live when we get home.”
She nods again. “That’s really none of my business, Jake.”
“Yes it is, Y/N. We’re friends now, remember?” you give her a sexy side smile, knowing that just having her in your life again would be enough, for now. “Thank you… for hearing me out.”
“Thank you for explaining. If only you’d have done that weeks ago…” she rolls her eyes playfully. 
“I know, I know, shit,” you taunt, rising from the bed again. As she walks you to the door, you find yourself fighting off the urge to pull her in, still sobbing a little from earlier. You want to feel her touch again, feel her body against yours and kiss away the saltiness of her tears. But you can’t do that anymore. 
When she opens the door and you approach the threshold, you turn back to her, letting your hand push a strand of fallen hair from her eye. “I still want you in my life, Y/N. You’re too good to let go, I don’t wanna let you go…You’ve still got me…” you say through a whisper, feeling boldness rising in your chest.
She smiles and leans her head into the touch of your hand, but she brushes it away quickly. “Go to bed, Jake.” 
You give her one last knowing look, holding her stare for just a second too long, hoping that one last ditch effort to keep you on her mind would be enough to truly start things fresh. 
Lord knows you’d do anything to get her back again.
When morning comes it feels different. A weight has been lifted from your shoulders and the day doesn’t seem so daunting. You are glad that you and Jake finally talked things through, though you wish it would have happened weeks ago when you could have stopped all this from happening in the first place. 
You quickly dress and pack your suitcase, knowing that van call is approaching quickly and that everyone will be assembling down in the lobby before you know it. You feel happy with your appearance as you make your way to the elevator, pushing the button and waiting as it climbs to your floor. As the doors spring open, you see none other than Murph waiting inside with his suitcase. 
“Well good morning,” he smiles, motioning for you to join him inside. 
“Good morning,” you answer, rolling your suitcase in behind you.
“Did you have a good evening?” he asks, adjusting his hat. 
“It was alright,” you answer truthfully. “You excited to head to Manchester?” 
“Think I’m more excited for Glasgow if I’m honest with you,” he smirks, pressing the button to close the doors. 
“Can’t imagine why,” you wink, feeling the elevator start to move toward the lobby, singing the ‘Da da da da da’s’ of ‘Howlin’ For You’.
The doors spring open and you step out onto the cobblestone lobby floor, your suitcase bumping along behind you. As you turn the corner you see your group huddled up together talking quietly. They’re standing awkwardly, seeming more out of sorts than normal. It’s then you lay eyes on the auburn haired girl you studied in great detail just last night, as she stands hand in hand with Jake.
In a tizzy of nerves, you turn to talk to Murph, only to find that he has walked away to meet with Dean and his own group. You’re alone and you have to face this. You swallow back your nerve and decide that you will walk over to the group with your head held high, ready to meet the girl Jake swore up and down he was done with. 
As she stands beside him. 
Holding his fucking hand. 
“Y/N!” Paul shouts, grabbing your attention as he stands next to Ty. Everyone's heads turn to look at you, including Jake’s and you feel frozen in place. His face is solemn, with a hint of guilt hiding in his brown eyes. 
You step up to the small circle of people, pretending that nothing is wrong, smiling and greeting everyone with a bright and bubbly smile. If you’re going to do anything, you’re going to make your first impression on Isla one that she won’t soon forget. Your eyes flick over to Ty who is silently telling you that you will definitely be talking later. Josh’s eyes meet yours next, sad and defeated as he stands next to her, showing his obvious feelings towards the situation you've found yourselves in. 
Jake looks clearly burdened, like a lifeless shell standing there as his face is vacant of any loving emotion whatsoever. His movements are aimless, his posture slouched. And for a split second, you actually feel sorry for him. 
Until you regain your clarity, opting to stay on the clueless side of this very obviously two-sided party. 
The lying fucking son of a bitch. 
“Oh hey, Y/N!” Lyla says cheerfully, “So glad we caught you, I just wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Isla, Jake’s girlfriend!”
Isla extends her hand to you, dropping Jake’s at his side. You can feel her laser sharp eyes digging through your skull, her glare almost enough to knock you over. Your eyes meet Jake’s, looking sad and withdrawn before you look back at Isla, and grasp her hand. “Hi, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
She shakes your hand weakly before dropping hers to her side, falling into Jake’s shoulder to stake her claim. His face goes stark white. 
“I’m so glad to finally meet you,” she coos. “I have heard all about you.”
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novacorpsrecruit · 2 days
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Hi a quick lil read: I did a poll the other day because I was thinking of creating Steddie fic recs and so I decided I’m gonna do 5-10 fic recs a post based on some sort of theme and here’s the first installment! Please feel free to ask for themes, I can’t promise I’ll fulfill them but I’ll do my best.
Theme: my favorite fucking idiots
single / taken / pining by 96tears (Ao3) @pizzaqueen (tumblr)
T | wc 4,435 | no cw
Summary: When a girl Steve’s trying to flirt with starts flirting with Eddie, Steve says the only thing that comes to mind: he tells her Eddie’s married. It’s not his smoothest moment, but it works, and Eddie goes along with it. It's not like Eddie was interested, anyway, and he figures Steve wanted the ladies to himself. So, Steve figures that must be it, too.
But a little later it hits him: he doesn’t want to keep the ladies to himself. He wants to keep Eddie to himself.
Ugh!!! I love it when the dumbasses don’t understand why they’re jealous, or that they’re jealous in the first place. Post season 4, Steve and Eddie work at Family Video and the Arcade respectfully, and come and bug each other during slow times. Steve gets a little jealous when a girl starts hitting on Eddie.
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‘cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run by stellapoint (pettifogger) (ao3) @heybluechild (tumblr)
T | wc 9,308 | no cw
Summary: Realization #1: Steve is wearing a costume. He’s dressed as Springsteen on the cover of Born In The U.S.A. The album cover is staring at Eddie from the stack of records by the speakers, and he flicks his eyes between the cover and Steve, almost laughing at how obvious the resemblance is.
Immediately after that, revelations two and three slam into him like an eighteen-wheeler.
#2: Bruce Springsteen is kind of hot.
#3: Steve Harrington is really hot.
A fourth and much louder thought echoes through Eddie’s brain: oh, shit.
(Many months ago, I wrote a tumblr post about Steve Harrington being a Bruce Springsteen enjoyer. This fic is about that.)
Takes place after season 4, Eddie and Steve are friend. Eddie’s love language is music. He’s a bit of a music snob, and doesn’t understand why Steve wants him to like his music. It takes a moment for it to click to Eddie what’s really going on. I love Eddie but sometimes you want to shake him like a snowglobe and oh my god, I’m shaking him so hard.
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wasted crying by MixAddams (Ao3) @mixsethaddams (tumblr)
T | wc 6,471 | cw ow (light angst)
Summary: Steve just wants a buddy.
So why does it hurt so much when Eddie introduces everyone to his new girlfriend?
There’s a happy ending I swear! You’ll just want to bundle Steve up in a few blankets first. Post season 4, Eddie gets a girlfriend, and Steve is not jealous. Not at all. He just … misses being in the honeymoon phase of dating? No that can’t be right… is it? There’s a lot of good heartaches in this fic. I do want to share one of my favorite lines:
“I think so. Stuff like this is supposed to scare you, I think,” said Eddie. “It’s supposed to feel….”
Eddie took a breath and Steve watched his eyes move around as he searched for the words. Steve thought he might wait forever for him to find them.
“It’s supposed to feel like a leap, right?”
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I can be pretty (why don’t you think I’m pretty?) by starsdontsleep (ao3)
T | wc 8,942 | no cw
Summary: When Eddie comes out as gay, he assures Steve that he doesn’t find him hot. Steve tells him it’s fine, he even teasingly asks what he should do to change that. It becomes a thing. A way to always make Eddie laugh, blush and relax around him—but as the days and weeks pass, Steve begins to realise that maybe there’s another reason why he cares so much that Eddie Munson finds him pretty.
Remember when I said I’m shaking Eddie like a snowglobe? I’m shaking Steve now. Steve, please tell me why you think you want Eddie to think you’re pretty? Why do you need to know what Eddie’s type? Steve’s only worried that Eddie doesn’t fully trust him with his sexuality. So Steve works to be the best ally… and definitely does not fall in love with his friend along the way.
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clown music at the disco by fragilecapricorn (ao3) @fragilecapric0rnn (tumblr)
M | wc 3,717 | no cw
Summary: “What the fuck are you doing here?” He nearly squawked, meaning for it to come out anyway other than that. The man turned around, and here he was. In a stare down with ghostly pale Steve Harrington, who was not only supposed to be straight, but was also in a MESH TANK TOP at Frankie’s on a Wednesday night.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He pauses, glancing around the room, small voice. “It’s disco night.”
Post Season 4, Eddie, Robin and Steve move to the Chicago. Eddie has a new habit of going to the bar on gay disco night, finding another brunette ex-jock to fill the Steve shaped hole in his heart. Until he runs into said brunette ex-jock at the same gay bar on disco night. 10/10 no notes I’ve read this like 5 times.
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of all the gin joints by genesisofrhythm (Ao3)
e | wc 4,016 | cw: they fuck | spice level: I read this at my work desk in between meetings
Summary: “So, do you come here often?”
Steve choked at the familiar voice, turning abruptly. “Munson?”
“What’re you doing here?” Eddie asked, his mouth gaping open as he looked over at Steve.
Steve was surprised to see Eddie here as well. What were the odds of them both driving out of Hawkins to come to the same gay bar?
Or: Steve goes to a gay bar to support Robin, when he sees Eddie Munson. He can't tell Eddie the real reason he's there without outing Robin so he tells him he's bisexual. But Steve's totally straight... right?
Steve [Evan Buckley voice]: “I’m an ally ✊”
This is a fun fic, definitely Steve Harrington speed running a sexuality crisis. Good for him. (also I have a soft spot for fics that use fob lyrics as a title, forehead kisses for that)
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Exactly What It Looks Like - BilbosMom (Ao3) @bilbosmom-belladonna (tumblr)
E | wc 31,517 | cw | spice level: I should not have read this at my desk 😳🥵
Summary: Steve makes a face at Eddie. “You've imagined doing stuff with a guy?”
“Yeah, man,” Eddie replies, spreading his hands wide. “Doesn't everyone?”
Steve tilts his head to the side as he thinks. Maybe not very often, but his freshman year when Davey Riggs had been swim team captain? Yeah, he had definitely imagined some stuff that had made trips to the locker room kinda awkward.
“Yeah, that's true,” Steve answers, nodding. “I wonder why everybody acts like it's so gross, though.”
In the summer of 1986, Steve and Eddie have some perfectly normal fun between a couple of perfectly normal dudes.
I’m honestly insane over this. Like, I’m going to be thinking about this for a long time. Post-Season 4, Eddie and Steve find themselves watching porn together. And it’s not weird at all if you jerk off next to your new best friend. And maybe it becomes a habit. And helping them out every once in a while isn’t weird. And maybe sucking his cock isn’t weird. Or fucking his thighs —
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Please remember to leave kudos and comments on the fics you read/enjoyed! Support your writers 🖤
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klttn · 23 hours
Hi!! I love your writing a lot, especially how you write Vox <3 Can you write something where the reader works for Val and is about to have her first time with Vox, but she's scared about stealing him from Val :(
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⁺˳✧༚ ˚ 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 。⋆୨୧˚
— 𝜗𝜚 vox x val x f!reader
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 summary : val shares his little bunny with vox for the first time but she’s scared it might make them jealous. nsfw. sensitive reader. daddy kink. sir kink. soft dom!vox / hard dom!val. slapping. slight dumbification. bunny!reader. val is kind of a cuck.
“daddy, i’m scared,” your voice timid as you and val approached the gargantuan doors to vox’s penthouse, “what if he doesn’t like me?”
you’d met the man so many times, loved him even, so much time spent with him just by being valentino’s little girl. he’d always watch movies with you n look after you when valentino couldn’t.
but today was different, you didn’t think val would agree to sharing you with vox, he saw how you looked at him, yearned for him. so when val told you vox wanted that to, even for a night, it made you ecstatic. it’s just what if he doesn’t like me?
valentino purred, “look at you cosita, such a pretty thing, what’s not to love?” you blushed at his statement, twirling your hair a little and letting his long tongue lick a stripe up your neck. “mis dos amores, you will love eachother.” he slapped your ass, “even more than i know you already do.”
with confidence, valentino pulled away from his licking endeavours and pushed open the doors in front of you. your eyes widened in awe, the room revealing a sight so alluring, you were trying not to drool.
vox was man spread, softly trailing his own hand up his thigh, drawing all the attention to the slacks outlining his perfect bulge, hard and wanting. you didn’t miss the way it twitched when you both strolled through the door. tucked into those, was a button up shirt, barely there, exposing his collarbones, all the way down to his chest, slightly transparent from a thin layer of sweat, his forearms, veiny and fully exposed with the sleeves rolled up.
“voxxy, look who i brought for you!” val sang, your eyes still fixated on the man in front of you, glued to his groin. “am i the best boyfriend or what, mi vida?” in a way that question could be aimed at both of you.
vox let out a little chuckle, “and that’s why they pay you the big bucks, isn’t that right?” he was stroking vals ego like he was made to, smug smirk forming across the moth man’s face. vox’s gaze shifted, “and what do we have here?” his voice broke your gaze on his thighs. “the needy little bunny, i can’t wait to get my hands on you,” he sighed, “i can’t lie, pretty girl, ive wanted this for so long.” you felt the drag of his eyes on you, searching every inch of your body before you could even show him.
“don’t make him wait any longer, little bunny,” valentino’s hand pushed against your back inching you closer to vox. “show him why you’re my prized possession.”
you took a big gulp before seductively strutting over to the tv headed man, swaying your hips just so, only pausing when you found yourself stood inbetween vox’s thighs.
you tried to be as confident as valentino liked you to be with others but you found yourself shrinking under vox’s gaze, just like you did when val looked at you the very same way.
you turned to glance at val, he could tell how nervous you were by your trembling lips. “it’s okay, conejita,” his voice smooth as silk as he stalked over to you, standing behind you, vox intently watching everything. “he likes you just like i do,” val was now flush against your back, his hands finding their way to your tits, stroking them and freeing them for the other man to see. vox growled. “dumb, ditzy and obedient.”
vals hands were still stroking your body, lifting up the small amount of clothing you had on, flashing more of your soft skin, eliciting soft whimpers from you and horny groans from vox. “val, come on, fuck, i need her.” he reached forward, placing his whiskey on the coffee table and moving his hands to your thighs, caressing and wanting, you could feel the desperation in his touch.
“you gonna be a good little girl for him, cosita?” a pleasing whine left your lips as you nodded your head. “words.” vals grip on your tits harshened causing you to yelp.
“yes, daddy,” you felt vox stiffen, “gonna be so good for him, i promise.” you caught a glimpse of his cock twitch at that, which only went straight to your pussy. he must like that.
you felt the hands on your thighs wrap to your ass, playing with the flesh there, toying and teasing. “come here, little girl,” it was said as a command but vox did all the work, pulling you in by your ass, forcing you to straddle his lap. “good girl.”
a thought plagued you for a moment and vox caught on before you could hide it, his eyes narrowing, he always did know if anything was ever wrong with you. “you don’t have to do this, baby, you know that right?”
“i know it’s just-“ you huffed, struggling to find the words.
“just what pretty girl? tell me.” pause. “tell us.”
“don’t want daddy to think i’m trying to take him from you or- or that you’re trying to take me from him,” weak voice shaking as you spoke, turning to val. “cause i love you n i will always want you n i promise but i just i want this too, n i feel bad cause i want you n i want vox n i just- i want so much but i just don’t wanna make you jealous or mad at me” the men already taking action to comfort you, speaking a million words to eachother through their eyes as you spoke. “please don’t be mad at me.”
valentino laughed. “oh baby, of course not, if i was mad at you or didn’t want this do you really think i’d be this hard,” a subtle thrust gave you the answer. no. “such a sensitive thing.” he found this so cutely amusing, loving how pathetic you were right now. “and maybe, conejita, if that’s how you feel, you can be our little bunny, not just mine, we could share you, love you, cherish you just like i already do.”
your nose twitched cutely, a soft coo from vox going unnoticed. “be together? all of us? you n vox, me n vox, you n me?” your silly head was getting overwhelmed.
“that’s right baby,” val praised. “if he’d like that,” he added, “would you like that conejita?” your eyes went doe like with hope, idea immediately flooding you with excitement, “yeah?” you nodded slowly, looking back to vox expectantly, “we could both own your pretty little body as much as we own eachothers, do you like the sound of that baby?”
“please!” you begged, “vox please,” your begging making vox’s heart pound. both of the men’s hands rubbing soothing circles on you.
“you wanna be our little bunny? yeah, baby?” vox mused, clearly loving the thought of you being his.
“mhm,” you needed them both so close, forcing them to press into you more, your strength pathetic compared to theirs but them allowing the subtle pull non the less. “i wanna be yours, please.”
“i’ll tell you a little secret, bunny,” vox begun, nuzzling himself into your neck, taking in your scent like never before, “that’s partly why you’re here today. when daddy told me you wanted, this,” he gestured to himself, “we both knew us dating wouldn’t be far behind, we planned for this baby.”
“really.” vox squeezed where his hands rested, pausing before adding on, “that means you’re mine now too.” you smiled and nodded giddily.
valentino could tell the moment had eased, letting out a chuckle that broke your soft moment with vox, “if she misbehaves, just scare her a little, her pussy will be dripping and she’ll be back to being this pathetic in no time.” valentino winked, his grip loosened as he slipped away, feeling a kiss on one of your lop ears before his touch was gone completely, instigating the sex you knew was gonna happen. but you were too focused on the doting man in front of you to care.
vox pulled his head back, attention now fully onto you, he lifted a hand under your chin, index finger and claw pulling your face closer to his. lips parted and soft, eyes pretty and excited. truly noticing just how beautiful you were up close. it was as if valentino’s absence caused something to shift in vox, dominant nature coming more to the forefront than it already was, “i don’t think you’re capable of being anything but pliant, are you bunny?” vox mused, using his thumb to rub over your bottom lip. “daddy thinks you might misbehave but i think i’ll have you too dumb to even think about doing such a thing.”
vox’s touch was nothing like vals. his was rough and demanding, a constant reminder of power and abuse, control over everything you did. it was poisonous and addicting. but this, this was anything but. his words like honey, so sweet. his touch so soft and intoxicating, it had you drunk on all the ways he could take care of you. the force so gentle you found yourself doing everything he wanted just to see what other compelling words would slip from his mouth and touch from his actions. they were two sides of a coin and you wanted, no, needed it all.
you were pulled from your thoughts as vox’s hand tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “i’m gonna take care of you, little one,” he whispered, deep and guttural, his hips softly grinding into you, “all you need to do is look cute and let me.” his hands now on your hips, guiding you to grind in rhythm with him. “no need for any thoughts in that pretty head of yours, just whimpers and letting me mold your body how i please.” a soft hold on your throat now had you looking at him with glazed eyes, “do you think you can do that, yeah baby?”
“yes, sir,” it was soft in the way that you said it, barely audible but crystal clear to vox, your cheeks were tinting pink and cunt becoming messier the more he spoke.
“sir?” he asked, “god, are you trying to kill me?” you bit your lip, hips still bucking with vox’s, pushing yourself into vox’s touch on your neck. “so adorable,” he started, “barely even put my hands on you and you’re already messy and pliable in my lap,” he cooed, “you’re just begging me to take care of you at this point,” you nodded gingerly, “need a little break from doing all the work with daddy, sweetie, is that it? need sir to get you cock drunk and helpless in his touch, yeah?”
vox words had you hanging off them and you couldn’t get enough of it, his grip moved to your hair, stroking the soft locks and playing with the fluffy ears nestled within it. “please,” your voice was hollow and desperate, your ears were so sensitive and his voice had you feeling dizzy. you felt like you could cry with the softness of his actions, it was everything you didn’t know you were missing with val.
“awh you’re so pretty when you beg, baby, cute little voice so soft i can barely hear you,” he preened, “don’t worry little girl, i’ll look after you.” his hands skated their way to your thighs to stand you back up, much to your dismay. he did it with ease, your face now eye level with him eventhough he was still seated. “but first, i need to get a good look at my new little bunny.”
you did a little spin between his thighs, your hair and floppy ears twirling, tits bouncing cutely as you did so earning a little chuckle from vox. “so, cute,” he muttered. his hands made their way over your body, wordlessly letting them drag over every inch of you, bit by bit sending shivers through you. his touch so alluring it had you melting in its wake, it was like nothing you’d ever felt before. he’d go extra slow over the peaks of your nipples, swirling his fingers and rubbing his thumbs over the buds just to hear you mewl for him. right now, you were just as much a drug to him as he was to you.
his hands finally stilled at the hem of your waistband, his head leaning forward to kiss the soft skin before it, “can i see the pretty pussy that’s hiding from me under these?” you nodded. he was asking? for some reason that made your heart flutter.
his hands slid the fabric down your thighs allowing you to step out of them at the end, now left in a little strappy top with your tits spilling out and frilly socks donning your feet, the same colour of your bunny ears. in some way the slight bit of clothing only made the situation hotter.
“just look at you,” it was as if he was talking to himself now, standing up to truly take you in. his touch never left as he admired you, leaving a kiss on your twitching nose as spun you. your thighs now plush against where he himself had been sat, knees touching closed and and arms flailing either side of you. his warmth and smell invading your senses, you could only think of him.
vox’s hands made their way to your knees, rubbing gently, easing your nerves and placing kisses their, “can you spread these for me bun? let me see you?” you looked away in shyness as you parted your legs, slight pressure of vox’s hands forcing them open too, so eager for you. “fuck me,” vox droned out.
“am i pretty enough for you, sir?” you whispered, not daring to make eye contact. beginning to try and close your thighs before vox’s hands could stop you.
“baby, baby, baby, you are the most beautiful thing i’ve ever set my eyes on, don’t you dare go covering up from me, this sight is the only thing i wanna see for the rest of my life.”
your head snapped to look at him, blush creeping up your neck, submitting and letting your legs fall back open
vox was eager, kneeling inbetween your thighs and loitering kisses all along them, eyes never straying from your pussy. “such a cute cunt,” he groaned, reiterating his words with his kisses, “matches those soft tits of yours.” you whined loudly, his words affecting you to the point of desperation.
“keep whining, bunny, it’s not gonna make me go any faster, all it does it’s gets my dick harder.” the way vox said it had you pulling your knees up and spreading further for him, showing him how bad you needed him. “how cute! spreading for me even more, what a good girl, already learning that’s how you should be for me.”
his head inched closer n closer to your cunt, watching the way you’d hump into him, so hopeful for his tongue.
“voxxyyy, are you gonna fuck our little bunny with your tongue or not, even im being teased here, mi vida.” vals voice made you both turn, your gaze now locking onto the man. he was in the corner, in nothing, his wings down, legs spread, hand stroking his cock, precum covering its tip, other hands groping himself, from his balls to his chest. “daddy needs to see their little girl in ruins.”
vox shot a wink to valentino and thrust his tongue inside of you, thumb immediately coming to glide over your clit at the same pace. the action elicited such a pretty high pitched whimper to spill from your lips. the sudden intrusion causing your head to lol back, eyes now glazed with bliss. it was heaven in hell. the long appendage, messy and stretching your tight cunt in a way you’d never experienced, had you fucking yourself back into it, moaning and writhing.
“good giiiirl.”
valentino was about to get the show of a lifetime from his lovers and you were gonna be the main star.
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A/N : i love this concept way way way too much hehe <3
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jennifer-jeong · 22 hours
can we get a headcanon of the lads boys' (raf, Zayne & Xavier) reaction when MC bought her little sister that resembles a lot to her (MC) I'm dying for some fluffs here where the boys interact with a kid 😂🥰
HI ANON SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG JFDKLA;JFDLSA; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ASKK it’s so fluffy and funny heheh I had fun with this one
NOTE that reader’s sister is around 12 years old in this
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[Fluff + Crack] [F!Reader] Little Sister?
CONTENT Fluff, crack, shitposting LOL, implied feminine reader
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Your sister definitely bullies him at first just like you do (LMAO) and he will pout and turn away in annoyance and she’ll do the same but then you’ll look away for 2 seconds and they’ll be best friends.
At first when you invite Rafayel over, your sister is probably a bit scared, hiding behind you holding onto you. He probably comments on how she’s kind of your “mini-me” and your sister hits him with the “I’m not mini!” and he’ll reply “well you look pretty mini to me.” Then she’ll kick him in the shins (not too hard just a warning kick). He’ll gasp and then dramatically cross his arms, turning away while pouting, she’ll do the same. Of course you’re just giggling at the antics not helping because you know they’ll get along quickly.
“Okay okay you two, go play some games while I finish making dinner for everyone,” you mediate before heading off to the kitchen. So the two stand there for a second before side eyeing each other and scrambling to the TV to see who is the champion at Mario Kart because that is extremely important information. Of course you can hear their screaming and laughter from the kitchen: “WHY DID YOU THROW THAT BANANA AT ME” you hear Rafayel scream, “IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR BEING THERE” you hear your sister reply.
Rafayel definitely yells as if he’s actually driving a car so if he crashes he’ll actually act like he crashed and it makes your sister laugh until her cheeks hurt.
Later on you find out Rafayel placed 6th out of 12 and your sister smoked him for 1st place LMAOOO. They tell you some of the funny moments and it’s all filled with laughter and a bit of banter but they’re practically best friends at this point. You even join them for a few games after dinner and it’s hilarious.
From then on, there isn’t a single moment where your sister isn’t braiding his hair/putting it in pigtails, putting clips on his bangs, play fighting with him, or just having fun with him.
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Basically your sister is dead terrified of him when she first sees him but since Zayne is surprisingly good with all patients, kids included, he’s actually very good with your sister as well.
When you bring your sister to your shared apartment with Zayne, her eyes are literally wide open with fear upon seeing him and when you tell her to come inside, she shakes her head. So you tell her “aw are you scared of him?? He’s harmless, look he’ll even do a dance.” So Zayne looks at you, still deadpan, looks back at your sister, and shimmy’s his arms back and forth a bit. That man is STIFF doing this move but at least he tried.
Her fear hasn’t quite gone away at this point but now it’s just confused fear?? But she agrees to come inside. You walk off to go make dinner and tell them to start a puzzle together and you’ll all finish it after dinner, comforting your sister and reassuring her that Zayne is very sweet. She sits down in the living room with him and they dump the pieces out.
Zayne pauses, staring at the puzzle pieces before asking your sister “what do you call a dancing puzzle?” and she is mildly mortified before actually thinking about the question. She responds “I don’t know, what is it called?” and he, fully deadpan, replies “a jiggy-saw.” Something about the way this stoic man said “jiggy” was just absolutely hilarious despite the awful pun and your sister lets out a snort and Zayne gives a short chuckle. He suggests they begin on the puzzle and they start chatting to get to know each other, occasionally stopping to make fun of some of the funny looking puzzle pieces.
When you call them over for dinner, Zayne holds out his hand for a high five and your sister excitedly obliges before “racing” him to the table, to which he of course loses. They then continue their yapping into dinner as your sister opens up more.
At the end of dinner Zayne has to offer your sister a classic doctor’s office candy and her face lights up, accepting it and running off. You all work on the puzzle and chat, your sister occasionally going over to you and Zayne to tie your hair into matching ponytails that make you look like unicorns with her pink scrunchies.
When it came time for your sister to leave however, she definitely clings onto Zayne’s leg telling him to not let them take her away. But Zayne of course knows how to handle this and says “hey, there will always be next time, and if you promise to be good, you can have two candies, one now, and one the next time we hangout, okay? I’ll even hold on to this scrunchie to remember,” and she agrees to the deal. Needless to say, they were besties now.
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Your sister is probably very confused and kind of intimidated when she meets him and Xavier has no clue what to do but he’ll do something cool with his sword or light evol and she’ll never stop being amazed.
When you call Xavier to your apartment for dinner and to meet your sister, he did not expect you to have a tiny doppelganger. What YOU expected even less was for him to literally shake her hand and say “nice to meet you.” Like he fully pulled out the businessman handshake to greet her but she followed along and also hit him with the “nice to meet you too.” Then he walks in as if nothing happened while you and your sister just stand there, watching him walk away before looking at each other and giggling.
You tell them you’re going to finish making dinner and for them to watch a short movie or an episode of a show which they wait. Your sister, being your sister, of course suggests that they watch the new episode of Demon Slayer. Xavier is caught up because you suggested it to him and he agrees, saying he finds the fighting really cool. They watch a bit until the first fight scene and Xavier is like “yoooo check this out” and pulls out his wooden sword LMAO.
He does the same slashing move the character in the scene does and he even uses his light evol to make it look like he has the same powers. He looks back and your sister’s jaw is on the actual floor while he just stands there like the standing person emoji, not sure what to do next.
2 seconds later and he’s teaching her how to hold the sword properly and how to do some basic movements. Her eyes are full of sparkles and she finds him so freaking cool !!! He’s literally a demon slayer character!!!
Xavier of course sees another fight scene and copies a few of the movements. However, he’s too busy watching the screen to see what’s in front of him… Your vase of flowers now sits on the floor. Xavier and your sister literally get on the ground praising the heavens for the vase being plastic and not glass before laughing. Quickly they hear a “WHAT DID YOU KNOCK OVER” from the kitchen and they simultaneously yell “NOTHING” while both hitting the standing person emoji pose.
You put them in timeout together as a joke (you left them there for like 10 seconds and then you all laughed).
During dinner they caught you up on the episode and after eating you finished it together. You all talk about how good it was until you joke that you’ve become a demon yourself and they need to slay you !!! So Xavier and your sister tackle you while you all giggle.
From that day on, your sister never stops talking about how cool her bestie Xavier is and how she wants to train her “demon slaying skills” with him again.
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Thank you for reading!
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Not really spoilers, but if you’re tryna avoid speculation of any kind, this is your warning to skip:
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But okay, so this little bit makes me feel a bit hopeful for Cressida’s redemption in the long run?
Jessica Madsen sorta speaking about her as if she’s a scared creature with no other options, no sense of what she should do with no prospects and an unsupportive family.
I’m seeing some folks not really wanting to budge on her character. Kind of refusing to believe that she could be anything other than cruel for cruelty’s sake (cuz what was the point of showing her being receptive to Eloise calling her out then??). Idk I’m inclined to believe her when she opens up to Eloise about why she is the way she is. I also think it’s unrealistic for her to take a sharp shift into being a totally changed character after 1 season. Like, haven’t we all as humans, to an extent, doubled down on our less than amiable traits because we don’t know of any other way to be, and the alternative feels terrifying to venture toward? We all have to unlearn our own bullshit in order to become better people, and that don’t just happen over the course of one summer, baby. And now seriously, put yourself in 19th century regency era society, as a woman, considered old news by your third year after reaching marrying age? In a family that connects your only worth to finding a husband? If Bridgerton is anything, it is about characters learning to love and grow in an unforgiving and overbearing society, filled with ideas and strict rules governing what it means to be a man or a woman.
Idk, like the same way I don’t hold it against Penelope for escaping into her Whistledown alias and causing discourse throughout London (and amongst her close friends no less), all because she otherwise feels rather pathetic and overlooked in her actual life. Nor do I blame Eloise for sitting on her high horse and often being inconsiderate of anything beyond her own nose.
Like, at the end of the day, I most enjoy consuming media with dimensional characters. Characters with flaws that humanize them when examined and analyzed. I’m literally rooting for just about everyone on this show. Even Portia, and the wellbeing of the Featheringtons in general.
So yeah, if we have to see Cressida really get herself into some sticky shit one last time for her to truly learn some kind of lesson on her road to redemption, then I’ll sit with it. Like fr, maybe all of this, her friendship with Eloise as a positive influence, is all to really make her consider what she truly values in life? Even if it’s not resolved by the end of this season, and bleeds over to the next. I just can’t imagine them putting her in the forefront, just to be a negative plot device? Because in the end, what would be the point?? Truly when you think about it, what would the show gain from getting people to root for her, only to shift her back into a 2 dimensional mean girl after letting us into her home and showing us how her parent’s put her marriage potential over even finding a genuine friend for the first time in her adult life? Idk it would just feel like poor writing to me. It just doesn’t hold any value imo, but maybe that’s just me. Who knows, maybe the writers really just gonna be on some fuckshit stuff.
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mrsmarinara · 2 days
Ollie Turns Two || Chaos With Quinn
Part of The Hockey Babies au & Chaos With Quinn Au
A/N: as always this is an interactive au. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions and ideas! (This takes place Aug. 18, 2023)
mamaqhughes posted
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_quinnhughes, jackhughes and 15,709 more liked this post
mamaqhughes: Oliver Quintin Hughes, my sweet, gentle, and kind little boy, you made me a mother two years ago and I’ve been spoiled with love ever since.
Only for you would I walk around a petting zoo and feed animals that I’m pretty sure were giving me the evil eye (I’m looking at you Lola the goat) in the middle of Summer while heavily pregnant. Every day I get to spend with you is a day worth celebrating but today is the day we get to do it with cake! 🎂
tagged: _quinnhughes
_quinnhughes: I wouldn’t have wanted to see him grow up with anybody else. Love you, babe.❤️
↳ mamaqhughes: I couldn’t have asked for a better father for my children.
jackhughes: happy birthday Ollie 🥳
jackhughes: on a side note, Nellie is now asking for a Pony because of that petting zoo
↳ mamajhughes: istg if I come home and you’ve bought a pony for 2 year old I’m gonna kill you
↳ _quinnhughes: @.mamajhughes if you haven’t snapped by now and killed him I don’t think you ever will.
nataliemiller: Happy birthday Ollie!! 🎉
elblue6: He looks so much like Quinn!
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↳ mamaqhughes: that’s what I’ve been saying!!
lhughes_06: Happy birthday Ols! Let him know I’m calling tonight pls
↳ mamaqhughes: just a warning but he’s mad at you
↳ lhughes_06: why?!?
↳ mamaqhughes: he kept asking for “uncle moosey” and cried when Quinn said you weren’t coming
↳ lhughes_06: I think my heart just broke
↳ _quinnhughes: it should you’re his favorite.
↳ jackhughes: what about me????
↳ mamaqhughes: I think he tolerates you for Nell & his aunt
↳ jackhughes: 😐
mamajhughes: I remember when he was born. Time goes by so fast 😭
↳ mamaqhughes: who are you telling. I hid in the bathrooms after he blew out his candles so I could cry lol.
lexiedemko: happy birthday Oliver!! (P.s. how did you get Fin to come to the petting zoo in the off-season?)
↳ mamaqhughes: don’t ask me. That was all Q.
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_quinnhughes posted
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mamaqhughes, bboeser, lhughes_06, and 60,000 others liked
_quinnhughes: ♥️ 8. 18. 21 ♥️ otherwise known as the day that I have never been more scared or excited. Some people say being a parent is hard and maybe when you’re sibling is born your mom and I will find that out but since you were born you have been nothing but an angel.
Happy 2nd birthday to my oldest child, my mini partner in crime, every goat's best friend, and Fin the Orca's biggest fan.
Tagged mamaqhughes
mamaqhughes: My baby boy 🥹❤️🥹
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bboeser: you know you’ve partied hard when you pass out on the couch after.
↳ _eliaspetterson: know a lot about that huh?
_eliaspettersson: Happy birthday Oliver!
jackhughes: the first picture was when Fin came in wasn’t it?
↳ _quinnhughes: obviously
canucksfin: happy birthday to my little bestie 🐋
canucks: Happy birthday to our biggest fan! 💙💙
elblue6: my baby boy’s baby boy ❤️
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↳ _quinnhughes: Oliver was so happy to see you.
bradytkachuk: I’m surprised he fell asleep after all the cake he ate.
↳ _quinnhughes: this was just a power nap. Don’t be fooled
bradytkachuk: Happy birthday Ollie!!
j.tmiller: be honest, are your ears still ringing from all the kids screaming?
↳ _quinnhughes: I thought I was just going insane.
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pennylanefics · 22 hours
Spirit - Seth Jarvis
a/n: this one gets a little angsty for a moment bc insecure and scared jarvy hurts my heart and i need it more in my life. anyways enjoy as always <3
summary: you and seth decorate his place for halloween
word count: ~1.8k
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“Absolutely not,” Seth grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. You sigh and cross your own arms, copying him in a grumpy manner.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s one night. Why decorate the entire house and porch for one day?”
“Halloween is the entire month of October, Jarvy, for your information. Everyone knows that. Plus it’ll be a fun little bonding moment, don’t you think?”
You were trying to convince Seth to let you decorate his house for Halloween, as it is a few days into October and you were really getting into the spirit already. While you didn’t exactly officially live together just yet, you were at his place more than you were at your own, so it was pretty much like you lived there.
When he was on road trips during the season, you stayed there to take care of things and keep it clean, plus his bed was very comfortable and you loved being surrounded by the scent of him, curling up in his sheets late at night when you miss him.
After a bit more thinking and convincing from your side, he agrees, and seeing how ecstatic you were with just the thought of doing this with him, it suddenly became worth it; his main goal is to make you happy, and he was glad to be fulfilling that with this request.
“Well, let’s go shopping for decorations!” You jump up from the couch, rushing to put your shoes on. Seth laughs while shaking his head, standing with you to grab his keys and slide his shoes on.
Following a trip to Target and a restaurant for dinner, you return home with all the bags of decorations you splurged on, realizing you may have gone slightly overboard with it all.
“We’ll start working on the outside tomorrow, tonight we can put some decorations up in here,” you say, Seth dropping his share of bags on the floor next to the coffee table. “I think they’re all mixed in, so let’s separate them.”
You start removing things one by one from the bags on the dining room table, remembering things that you forgot you even put in the cart. Seth holds up a plastic skeleton of what appeared to be a bear.
“Babe, what the hell is this?” He wonders, examining it.
“I thought it was cute. It’s like a teddy bear but it’s a skeletal form. I also got a shark,” you say, pulling another skeleton out of the bag, “and a duck.” You slyly smile as you pull the third animal out of the bag. Seth stares at you blankly, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Because they’re funny. Sharks don’t have bones and I just thought the duck was cute. Plus they’re not just Halloween decorations, they can be kept up year round.”
“Yeah, if people want to think we’re weirdos.” Sighing, your hands drop to the table, pausing taking things out.
“Why are you being so sour about this? I thought you said it would be fun,” you say, your voice dropping, along with your shoulders.
Upon hearing the sadness in your tone, Seth’s eyes shoot up at you and he immediately feels bad. He steps over to you and wraps you up in a hug, kissing along your head.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “You’re right. I uh, I’m not sure why I’m acting like this, but I promise I want to do this with you. I’ve never really set up for Halloween like this, it’s always been I’ve just gone to parties to celebrate and wore a dumbass costume. I’ve never had a place of my own to decorate and think about these kinds of things, so I guess it’s just…new.”
“Is it me? Is it because it seems like I’m trying to move myself in prematurely or take over your house? Because I don’t want you to think I’d be that way. I know my boundaries, but I thought it would be fun, so-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he whispers, switching positions to cradle your face in his hands, his eyes burning into yours. “That is not what I think at all. I promise. If anything, I want you to move in officially because I love having you here.” He sighs as he chooses his words carefully.
“I think…deep down, I know things are changing and it scares me,” he continues, averting his eyes away from yours for a moment as he speaks. His tone is filled with shame and regret.
“Like…what?” You gulp nervously, staring up at him. Your hands shake ever so slightly against his wrists, where you held on to keep his hands glued to your face.
“Like, things are serious between us and…decorating for a holiday, in a home that we practically live in together, it’s…scary. I have always been terrified of settling down with someone, and now that it’s happening, I don’t…I don’t want to ruin it because…it’s perfect.” He chokes back tears as he describes his feelings. Your heart aches in your chest at his confession, not expecting the conversation to take a turn like this.
“Oh, Jarv,” you whisper, your hands trailing down to caress his forearms comfortingly. “I know it’s scary, believe me, I get it. And if this is too fast for you, we don’t have to do anything for Halloween. We can put all these decorations into storage for next year, if you’re okay with that.”
“I want to decorate, baby. I do. I guess I wasn’t expecting it and I haven’t had time to prepare.” You nod along to his words, ideas wracking your brain.
“Why don’t we wait, then? We can wait closer to Halloween to put things up or until you’re ready, or not even put anything up at all. I want you to feel safe and secure, Seth.” He nods and takes a breath, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
“Can we wait till after the season starts, and after I get back from our first road trip? That’s about a couple weeks away, I think that time will help,” he replies shyly. You nod, his hands still on your face, which at this point was a way to keep him grounded.
“Of course. I’ll keep everything in the bags in the office while you’re gone. And if you get back and don’t want to do anything, don’t be afraid to tell me, alright?”
He nods at your words and kisses you hard, full of passion and love.
“Thank you,” he breathes out against your lips, his voice dropping a few decibels. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Jarvy. You deserve to express your thoughts anf feelings just as much as I do, and I never want to rush you for something that you’re not ready for, even as simple as decorating for a holiday.”
He kisses you again and continues to hold you to his chest, your hands gently running up and down his back to soothe him.
In the coming weeks, hockey season starts with a whirlwind. You gave Seth some space while he prepared for it all, going to his first home game of the season to cheer him on. Even when he was away for their first trip to Colorado to face the Avalanche, you were watching the game on TV, watching intensely as he plays his heart out.
Once the excitement of the new season starting settled in and everyone was finding their groove, Seth felt far more relaxed and conscious to have that talk with you, now that he’s returning home from their road trip.
He flew in from Texas late at night, getting in at around three in the morning. You were already fast asleep and the last thing he wanted to do was wake you up. But seeing as he didn’t feel tired, he put his plan into action after quickly showering.
Quietly, he took all the bags from the office, filled with the decorations you bought weeks ago, and laid everything out on the dining room table, separating it between outdoor and indoor. By the time he was finished, it was nearing five in the morning, so he finally decided to try and get some sleep.
In the morning, you found yourself wrapped up in Seth’s arms, smiling as you take in the sight of his exhausted face, his long eyelashes resting against his soft cheeks that you love to kiss. Yawning, you carefully escape his grasp and walk out to the kitchen to get started on breakfast, when something catches your eye.
The dining room table was covered with all the things you and Seth bought earlier in the month. Your jaw drops in wonder, your gaze running over everything.
“Want to decorate today?” Seth suddenly appears behind you, startling you. He laughs at your reaction and whispers a soft, “sorry” to you for scaring you.
“Did you do all this?”
“Yeah. I got home early this morning and I wasn’t tired so I set everything out. I feel ready, so let’s do it.”
“Really?” You gasp, your eyes filling with excitement.
“Hell yeah. I’ll start on breakfast if you want to make a plan on what we should do with everything.”
So, that’s what you and Seth did for the remainder of the day. Inside, you hung up paper bats all over, along with some fake cobwebs and cute little pumpkin and ghost items around. It wasn’t a lot, but it did set the tone for the holiday quite well.
The weather today was crisp and cool, a perfect temperature to set things up in. Seth stands on a step stool while you hold the string of pumpkin lights to hang them up around the porch, plugging them in to the exterior electricity. Stepping back to admire your work, you smile, feeling everything coming along nicely.
You also set up a projection light to show different Halloween objects and colors onto the house, a popular item as of late. Seth hangs up a few ghost figures on either side of the porch while you place a few fake tombstones with puns on them in the yard.
When everything is done and finished, Seth stands on the sidewalk with his arm around your waist, admiring how spooky your home looks.
“Move in with me,” Seth asks, although it’s more of a light demand. You gaze up at him and smile softly. “I want you to live with me, in our home.”
“Of course I will, Jarvy,” you beam, kissing him a couple times.
“Good. So, now all we need is candy to hand out on Halloween night, which is thankfully an off day for us. I get to spend it with my girl for our first holiday together in our new home.” You giggle and hide your face in his chest, hearing that he wants to spend the night with you instead of going out with the guys.
“Just wait until we get to decorate for Christmas,” you comment, raising your head to look up at him.
“Oh baby, I truly can’t wait, it’s going to be the best.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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asoftgoth · 2 days
To ask my dream future self in case I ever escape the closet, how is weight stuff on HRT?
So much I try to read online is full of fatphobes drowning it in desperate weight loss / maintenance talk for such different body types. Would love to hear from a calmer voice what eating on E as a bigger girl is like, if it's actually that much easier to gain, whatever you've been noticing/feeling
I wanted to know this too before I started and there really isn’t a good resource at all for this kind of info, especially for truly obese people like me. From talking with other big trans girls like myself, I can honestly say is that a lot of it will depend on your genetics. I know that’s not what people like to hear, and it’s scary. A lot of transitioning seems like it’s kind of a dice roll. What I will say, though, is that if you look at your mother, if she’s a bigger woman, you will probably end up with a build similar to hers. For me, that was definitely the case. For example, when it comes to boob size people say that you take your mother’s cup size and go down a size, and that that’s what you’ll probably get.
As for my transition, when I actually started on estrogen, I lost quite a bit of weight. Although most of it was almost entirely muscle mass. I did some measurements throughout the process and so far I have lost about 25ish pounds overall but I’ve gained about 4.5 inches on my hips and lost about 4inches on my waist. I initially lost probably 40 pounds, but I’ve gained back another 10-15. So there was that aspect. I think what I’ve gained back has been fat. And definitely I’ve lost a ton of muscle. If you have a big upper body, don’t be super scared because most of the muscle that I lost was actually from my upper body. Like shoulders, upper tummy, that kind of stuff. I actually don’t think it’s much easier to gain weight on estrogen. Or at least it isn’t for me. Some people have said that it is but of all the trans woman that I know that are also feedists it doesn’t seem like it’s some super easy thing to gain weight on estrogen. It’s why I really really really hate the term “biological males”, because our bodies act like cis women’s bodies do in practically every way. 
Lastly, I’ll talk about medication’s. I didn’t see a ton of fat transfer while I was on estrogen. I saw some for sure, but it hasn’t been anything compared to what I’ve seen since being on progesterone. I’ve been on estrogen now for a year and 3 months. I’ve been on prog for about 3 and a half months of that, and I’ve seen more fat transfer while on progesterone then on only estrogen (and an anti-androgen which I still take too). What sucks the most I think about transitioning, is how long things take. Your body is going through a lot, and it’s really important for you to take care of it and help it along through this process. It’s why I haven’t really been actively gaining, and I’ve just been trying to make sure I’m eating decent enough food and drinking lots of water and getting the exercise that I need. I think that’s really the most important thing with all of this. Eventually, I probably will try gaining weight intentionally again, but I’m just kind of letting my body do its thing. It’s going through enough changes on its own.
I hope this helps!!
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idontplaytrack · 2 days
Hey lovely little gay person in my phone I’m here to make a request
Alright the holy trio that is Janis Damian and reader please
Janis and reader separately going to Damian about their gay panic for each other and Damian tells Janis to shut up and kiss her(reader) already
Janis talking to Damian over a rehearsal/jam session
Reader talking to him in theater or something
I don’t know lol
Playing Cupid
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
In which Damian literally has to bring his two best friends together because they are too scared to say the words to each other
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“Okay, Janis? Why are you bouncing your leg so much?”
Janis chuckles wryly, tossing her phone aside. Damian brings is focus completely to his friend.
“Bitch, you are lying. So spill, just tell me what’s bothering you.” Damian looks at her with raised brows.
“Um.” Janis sighs, fingers randomly picking at the strings of her bass guitar to avoid the eye contact. She could feel him staring. “I…need help with how to tell y/n I like her. I’m scared she’ll say no if I ask her out even though we’ve been kind of flirting.”
“Oh dear Lord.” Damian laughs, “I think you have nothing to worry about.”
“And how do you know that?”
“Because she’s your best friend?” Damian rolled his eyes playfully.
“Not helping.” Janis puffs out her cheeks, frustrated.
“Alright, then. You tell me— how do you want me to help?”
“I don’t know!” Janis exclaimed.
“Ughhh.” Damian grumbled, “Any ideas on how you’d want to confess to someone you like? Just hypothetically.”
Janis rolled her eyes, “What?”
“Well, how else am I supposed to help if I have no idea what you have in mind?”
“Well—” Janis says hesitantly, fiddling with her fingers, “I always imagined that I’d do it with a song. Of course in my mind, the person has always been y/n.”
“Of course it has.” Damian guffaws.
“Excuse me?” Janis glares at him.
Damian shot her a look, “You aren’t very subtle.”
Janis exhales harshly, getting up and pacing around the garage. “Oh, come on! You literally just told me that y’all have been flirting. And not just kinda.” Damian continues.
“I mean, if you say so.”
“If I say so?” Damian snorted, “Cady literally said to your face: ‘the tension between you and y/n is insane, Janis. Are you sure you guys aren’t more than friends?’ And then, y/n blushed. So please, unless you’ve suddenly gone blind, you’re just plain oblivious.”
“It’s fucking scary, dude.” Janis exhales harshly, “What if she’s just doing it for fun, the flirting? What if she doesn’t feel the same way and she gets freaked out by me and decides to stop talking to me, stops even just being my friend?”
“SHE BLUSHED.” Damian stares at her in disbelief, “y/n blushed— that’s all the confirmation you need.”
“Whatever, I can’t think about it anymore right now.” Janis says in response, grabbing her guitar and starting to play it.
The next day, Damian was in acting class with you. The second he saw how you were rushing up to him, he knew exactly what you were going to ask him. “Oh, you two really are made for each other.” He mumbles. “What?” You squinted at him, puzzled.
“Nothing, nothing. What is it?”
“Never mind.” You shrugged, taking your seat on the floor. He sits down beside you as usual.
“If you say so.” He teased. You sigh, grabbing a script that they were passing around.
After acting class, you went to get frozen yogurt with Damian. Well, he dragged you there with him. “Okay, I can’t take this. You’re obviously bothered by something.” Damian started knowingly, “Talk.”
“I think I have feelings for Janis.” You muttered, stirring the toppings of your froyo while staring intently at the cup of dessert.
Though annoyed by his friends’ cluelessness, he still listens. “Okay, so…what are you gonna do about that?”
“I don’t even know what to do with myself whenever she looks at me.” You shove a spoonful of the yogurt into your mouth. “I feel like a crazy person, heart beating out of my chest, words don’t come out of my mouth right. So I just shut up now.”
“Oh God.” Damian looks at you, “You are a lost cause.”
“Tell me about it.” You glared at him playfully.
“You’re going to the spring fling right?”
“Of course. With you and Janis.”
“Okay.” Damian shrugs. As he raised his spoon to have another mouthful of the treat, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He glances at you, looking out the window, leaning against the back of the chair fully before he fished his phone out.
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He rolled his eyes and bit back a grin. As frustrating as it seemed to him, that feeling was dying down. He was starting to like the fact that he could play cupid. Of course, you and Janis being so clueless helped because he could take full control of it and just give you two the biggest shocks of your lives. And then of course, seeing his best friends finally get together would be so satisfying to him.
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“I’m headed to Janis’ after this. You wanna come with me?”
“Janis’? Hell no.”
“Oh, why not?” He jokes.
“I told you why. I’m a fucking mess around her. Been staring at her like a creep too, so no way I’m subjecting myself to more awkwardness. She’s so—”
“Alright, fine. Go home and daydream more about a future with Janis, I suppose.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. He smirks, and ended up laughing. “I really gotta make this happen, don’t I?”
“What devious plan are you cooking up right now?” You chuckled over your words.
“Wait and see, babe. Wait and you shall see.” Damian tells you, “Rest assured, you won’t be disappointed.”
After both of you finished your desserts, you and Damian went your separate ways for the night. “See you at school tomorrow.” He gives you a hug from the side.
“Good night, Damian.” You hug him back then turn to leave, looking over your shoulder to give him one last wave.
On his way to Janis’, Damian gets them both burgers and fries for their dinner. He lets himself in, knowing that Janis would’ve left the door unlocked. Like always. “Hey.” Damian greeted.
“Hi, dude.” Janis’ face lit up briefly, “Ooh, what’d you get?”
“Burgers and fries.” He answered.
“From the usual place?” Janis peeked into the bags, “Yum.”
“Okay, so…I have an idea for you to make use of to confess.” Damian began, “The spring fling’s coming up. y/n said she’s definitely going, with us. Meaning she doesn’t have a date, and you, should sign up to perform during the dance,”
“Just me?” Janis scoffs.
“I’m not gonna be the one singing her a love song. You are, bitch.” Damian gasps.
“Well— yeah. Wait— a love song?”
“Does she have one she likes?” Damian asked, “Or what’s one you like and feel confident singing?”
“Actually…” Janis got to retrieve a composition book from her desk. “I wrote a little something.”
“Well damn!” Damian’s eyes widened in surprise, taking the book from her. He flips it open to the dog-eared page. “Fuck, it’s good. Janis, this is amazing.”
“Janis, it is beautiful.” Damian insists, “We’ll finish this up. You have to sing this for her.”
“You really think so?”
“I’m not gonna play about something like this.” Damian nods, “You two belong together. I mean it. I’m going to whatever it takes to make it happen.”
“Thanks, Damian.”
“Okay, let’s get to work!” Damian declared excitedly, grabbing a pencil from the container near him.
The both of them stayed focus for nearly a whole hour before they stopped working. Janis had to go to the bathroom, and Damian, he gets a text— from you.
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“Hey, what are you gonna wear to the dance?”
“I don’t know yet, now that I’m gonna be singing on stage in front of literally the whole school, I probably need to do better than just make changes to last year’s purple suit.” Janis grabs her composition book and pencil again, deep in thought. “You?”
“No idea, girl. We’re cutting it a bit close, don’t you think?” Damian sighs, “I’m might just wear the same suit from last year. Who can tell, anyway?”
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“So, Janis will be wearing purple suit, I’ll get one in a different shade that I like.” Damian explains, “Which means you gotta go for purple too if we wanna match.”
“Oh, yay.” You nodded eagerly, “It’ll be easier for me to think of something now that it’s narrowed down a little.”
“Great. So, how we doing today?”
“Don’t even ask. You already know.” You bit back a laugh.
“Hey!” Janis’ voice made you whip your head around so fast to look at her. “Hey.” You smiled, swallowing harshly. Damian couldn’t help but laugh, earning a squint from Janis.
“Let’s get to homeroom.” Damian ignores that, though. Damian sits behind you, and he keeps seeing Janis steal glances at you. He couldn’t resist sneaking a few pictures that he’d eventually send to you both. Of course, neither of you knew that yet until later on.
The school day went by pretty uneventfully, you’d successfully avoided any snarky shit Regina spews at students around you. As uneventful as it could. Janis was making you feel so damn flustered every time. And she wasn’t even doing anything. Well, nothing out of the ordinary.
The three of you found yourselves in Janis’ garage after class. Once she stepped inside, she immediately panicked and rushed to pick up her composition she’d left scattered on the floor with some pens and highlighters, putting it in her desk’s drawer. You found that a little weird, it wasn’t as if either of you haven’t seen the contents of the book before. But hey, you weren’t going to ask because Janis was a little weird. Though, a very cute weirdo in your eyes.
“Let’s just watch a movie and play some games. What else do we do anyway? Get high?”
Janis laughs heartily, “That is true, though. What else do we do really? Eat, watch movies, play some games, jam out, sometimes— we get a little high.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, bitches.” Damian sighs with a laugh, “Sit down. Whose turn is it to pick a movie?”
“Her.” You and Janis said in sync, pointing at each other.
“Jesus.” Damian took in a deep breath, “Ladies, only one of you is right.”
“You can pick.” Again, in sync.
“Rock, paper, scissors. Whoever wins, picks.” He decided. Janis wins, so she picks. She picks one of your favourite movies. Damian immediately notices, secretly squealing at this little gesture.
Since it was Friday night, you stayed over. Damian said goodbye and good night then, he leaves. “y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow for acting class. Then we will see you at the mall, Janis.”
“See ya, g’night.” You gave him a little smile.
“See you tomorrow, dude. Night.” With that, Janis shuts the door.
Now alone, Janis didn’t really know what she wanted to do. Even though she was the one who asked you to stay over. “So…” Janis clears her throat nervously, “What do you wanna do?”
You took the risk and sat closer to her. You haven’t been able to bring yourself to do that in the last few weeks at least without feeling like your heart might jump out of your chest. She doesn’t resist, letting you lean onto her. “I dunno.” You answered, leaning your head on her shoulder, “I’m sleepy.”
“Maybe we should just get to sleep.” She says softly and you feel her eyes on you so you don’t look up like you usually do.
“I can sleep. You can do whatever you want if you aren’t tired.” You chuckled lightly knowing that she was a night owl.
She smiles but you don’t see it, somehow, she’s guided you to lay your head on her lap without you even realising it until you had your head in her lap. “Go to sleep. I’m gonna stay up for awhile and just work on a piece I’ve been trying to complete.”
“Okay.” You said back, barely audible. “Sorry, I gotta go grab that book from my desk.” She gives you a sheepish smile. You moved and let her get up, “Get back here though.”
‘Oh, shit. Why? Why’d I say that?’ You mentally slapped yourself for your bluntness.
She laughs, turning her head away from you for a second, “I’m just gonna be a sec, y/n.” Janis grabs a pen along with the book and came back to the couch. You’d began to doze off while she started working on whatever that was. “Good night, Janis.” You say, snuggling against the couch cushion.
“Good night.” She says, looking at you. Then, she leans over and presses a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes nearly shot open at that, but you kept them close to avoid the increasing nerves. And obviously, avoid getting caught freaking the fuck out. Were you happy? Oh, fuck yes. You just…cannot believe it.
Soon, the day of the spring fling came around. The three of you showed up to school, together in matching purple outfits— Janis and Damian were wearing suits, while you, wore a dress. They slipped away to go prep for their performance, leaving you alone in the front of the crowd. You stood there, watching them get ready with a cup of fruit punch in hand and your phone in the other. You naturally snapped a few photos of them along the way, and the whole place. It was something you usually did. So it wasn’t just that you wanted to keep photos of Janis.
“Good evening, North Shore.” Mr. Duvall took the mic after some time, “Welcome to the spring fling. Seniors, this will be your last one. Make good choices, make great memories. To kick things off, we have a performance by Janis ‘Imi’ike, singing a song that she wrote herself— ‘Feels Like Home’. Accompanied by Damian Hubbard on the piano. They will also be your emcees for the evening.”
Students around you started speculating who the song was about, but a few of them knew it was for you. Cady and Gretchen specifically, who were actually standing right near you. The dead giveaway, was Janis looking at you as she sang, any chance she could.
You couldn’t fight the tears for long, eventually just giving in and weeping while you watched them perform. Having Janis sing pretty much directly to you. “Oh, my God.” You sniffled, swiping your tears away.
“This is so sweet.” Cady remarked. You nodded, tears falling from your eyes without an end or regards for other students who may have been looking at you.
A few minutes later, the song ends. She thanks the crowd and introduced the next act before getting off stage. You weaved through the crowd to locate her and immediately tackled her with a hug, still in tears. Janis breaks away, holding your face in her hands, crashing her lips onto yours. A shocked as you were, relieved and pure joy washed over you when she did it. You instinctively kissed her back, smiling into the kiss.
“Oh, finally. It’s exhausting trying to play cupid.” Damian commented when you and Janis broke away eventually. She laughs and so did you. “I guess we owe you a thank you.” Janis hugs him from the side. “Oh, yeah. Big time— but this is more than enough. Seeing you two finally realise your feelings for each other and get together. I was this close to yelling at you to just kiss her already.”
“I did.”
“I know. You just did.” Damian laughs.
“Not right now.” Janis confirms.
Damian gasps dramatically, “What? When?”
“We uh— last weekend. Got a little drunk and um, did more than that actually.” Janis revealed. Damian was damn near getting a coronary on the spot. “No wonder y’all left me on delivered for like two hours. Damn! Looks like I was wrong, y’all aren’t that clueless after all. Love that we are so past the TMI stage that you can just tell me that so casually. Nearly blacked out, but you go girl.”
You stood behind Janis and hid your face in her shoulder. She laughs, wrapping an arm around you. “Look at that, so cute.” Damian gushed, looking at Cady and Gretchen.
Gretchen squealed, walking closer, “That was such an amazing performance, Janis. We loved it.”
“Aw, thanks, Gretch.”
“You two look adorable together.” Cady says, “I’m glad you two finally are together now.”
“Yeah, we knew. It was infuriating watching you two flirt all the time and not realise the flirting.” Cady told you.
“Sorry to put you through that, but here we are now.” Janis couldn’t stop grinning, “Let’s go get some drinks, shall we?”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
It’s 2 in the morning. I need to sleep lmao🤡 my sleep schedule is so wrecked.
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I Forget Where We Were
2.3k/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Four: In Dreams
Always a thing of wonder, the way we come to be
what to expect: you experience feelings of anxiety with the sudden new relationship. Joel is patient and teaches you to embrace this. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), kinda cheesy joel, previous hurt and potential trauma for reader, emotionally intelligent baby boy, intense emotions, anxiety,angst but happy ending(i got you), parental loss, parental estrangement, Tommy being a wind up, vivid description of m/f sex and foreplay, unprotected piv (stay safe pls), 
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‘Morning baby’ Joel shouted down the phone. You winced as you answered the phone call, which wasn’t entirely welcome at 6:30am on a Saturday.
‘Hey doll, I miss you. Wish I could wake up next to you again’ you whispered. 
‘I’ll come by to pick you up later for dinner, if you want, Sarah wants to see your big girl house’ Joel chuckled.
You heard your heart beat in your ears and every pulse point in your body jumping through your skin.
‘Erh… it’s fine. I’ll make my own way. I don’t know if that’s such a good idea’ you instantly regretted your choice of words, and felt guilty for almost shunning Sarah.
‘Baby, what’s going on?’ Joel panicked, digging into the source of your sudden change of heart.
‘I just can’t deal with this first thing in the morning, I’ll speak to you later.’ you hung up, tears forming in your eyes and dread washing over you, replacing the colour in your face. You cried and eventually fell back to sleep.
30 minutes later you woke back up, remembering your outburst, you felt like the coldest bitch in the world. You checked your phone: 
Joel- ‘I’m on my way x’ 
Sent 15 minutes ago.
You sighed, partly with relief, partly with anxiety of facing up to your skewed view of love.
The intercom buzzed, and you answered Joel, and headed to the balcony to wave him in.
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He looked even more handsome than he did the day you met. Joel pulled your frame into his chest, and stroked your hair, as you breathed in his comforting scent. You stroked the side of his face, and he lifted you up and kissed you. 
‘Let’s go talk’ he held your hand, and playfully smacked your ass as you walked with him into the living room.
You grabbed the coffee mugs from the side and handed one to Joel. He patted his thigh as you sat next to him and draped your legs across his lap. He rubbed his calloused hands up and down your legs, and intently watched you as you gazed at him lovingly.
‘What’s going on baby?’ he asked. 
‘I’m scared. I can’t stop thinking that this is too good to be true and it’ll just end in broken hearts. I don’t want to let you down, I don’t want to let Sarah down. I can’t even start to believe that I’m worthy of you’ your chin wobbled as you admitted your fears.
He sighed and pulled you closer, ‘I’m not going to hurt you. From the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you would be everything to me. I know it’s overwhelming baby, I really do. I know having Sarah is scary, as it’s an extra person to take into account, but she’ll love you. You’ll love her. You’re all we’ve ever wanted.’
‘You really mean that? I’m just not used to this. Anyone else would have punished me for how I feel.’ you held his hand tightly, and he squeezed your hand back.
‘My heart is yours baby. Come tonight, come see Sarah. She’s eager to meet you. For an 8 year old, she’s too intelligent for her own good. Hasn’t stopped asking since she heard the conversation about you between me and her uncle Tommy. We’ll look after you, if it’s too much, you can go. I mean it though. I want you in my life forever.’ A weight lifted and you smiled at him, through wet lashes and the debris of the walls that started to crumble down. 
‘I’ll see you both later’ you kissed him and hugged him goodbye, and started to clean the apartment before leaving for the evening.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You spent the afternoon  sunning yourself on the balcony, taking in the texan heat.
You showered, did your hair and makeup, and went with a white summer dress and a matching white bow to clip your curled hair back,
Your sprayed yourself with your favourite perfume, grabbed the beers you bought for Joel and the basket of princess themed snacks and magazines for Sarah, and made your way to the truck where Joel and Sarah waited for you.
Joel stood leaning against his truck with a bunch of roses in hand. Sarah escaped the back seat and ran towards you, much to Joel’s surprise and to your pure delight. You kneeled down to scoop Sarah into your arms as she dived into you for a cuddle. Joel followed and gave you a hug and a kiss to your forehead.
‘She’s pretty Daddy, you and Uncle Tommy were right’ she giggled and held your face between two tiny hands.
‘Not as pretty as you, Princess Sarah’ you winked ‘should we get going, missy?’
Joel watched with pride as you juggled your gifts and Sarah, and strapped her into the car seat.
You sat in the passenger seat, your pinky finger laced around Joel’s finger. 
You all erupted into fits of laughter with Sarah mispronouncing words and asking you all sorts of questions about Disney and being a ‘big girl’ as she says.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You all made it home, and Sarah dragged you by the hand to the end of the garden to show you ‘where the fairies lived.’ Everything shone brighter with Sarah narrating the way she saw the world. All the anxiety melted away, and you felt an instinct to love and cherish this baby forever.
Joel called you after setting up to cook, and gave you a glass of merlot. You reached up on your tip toes, kissed him and whispered ‘I think I’m in love with you.’ 
His world stood still as he stared at you with his mouth open and your hand in his. You winked, smiled and waltzed off to see Sarah again. His life was complete and he felt euphoric. He knew he was in love with you.
Joel tried to get back to Earth and  cooked dinner. He went outside to find you, where he heard you and Sarah in deep conversation. 
You were sat cross legged on the sun lounger, with Sarah crouched opposite you whilst you coloured in together. Joel sat by the patio door on the step, mentally capturing every second so he’d have this memory for eternity.
‘I can’t believe you’re a real life princess’ Sarah said. ‘Is your Mommy a princess too?
‘I don’t have a Mommy, my darling. She died when I was very little’ you held your breath for Sarah’s reaction. 
‘I don’t have a Mommy either- Daddy loves and looks after me enough for two’ Sarah giggled, her innocence cracking your heart and forming a lump in your throat.
Joel had to clear his throat to stop him crying. This information was new to him, and he saw you as the most fragile china doll.
‘Dinner’s ready, girls’ Joel called, coughing as his voice cracked through tears. 
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · · 
Joel sat opposite you, and you played with his feet through his socks with your bare toes under the table. His jaw ticked as he tried to keep his composure, watching you smile with Sarah and ask them both about their days and what they loved about it.
‘I’m done Daddy, can I go and watch Moana?’ Sarah yawned.
‘30 minutes baby, then it’s bath time.’
Sarah nodded and skipped through to the living room. You picked up the plates and began to clear up the mess. 
‘Did I say you could leave the table?’ Joel teased.
You rolled your eyes and walked over to Joel and whispered in his ear, ‘Thank you for dinner, Daddy.’
Joel’s face turned to stone and a bead of sweat appeared on his forehead. He grabbed your wrist and pulled him into you, ‘I’ll deal with you later’ he growled, as he bit onto your bottom lip.
You giggled and cleaned the kitchen for Joel, after much deliberation and arguing about if this was acceptable.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Sarah was tucked up in bed, and you and Joel sat on the porch drinking wine and laughing about life. 
‘I know I love you’ Joel declared.
‘Me too’ you replied ‘Me too baby.’
‘Sarah seems to love you too.’
‘I would do anything for that girl.’
Joel held your hand, and you moved to sit on his lap.
‘You feeling okay?’he asked as he kissed across your collarbone.
‘I’ve never been happier, my love’ you smiled, as you kissed his dark lips.
‘Get a damn room,’ Tommy yelled as he walked up the drive.
You jumped out of your skin and gave him the finger, suddenly feeling like you’d known this man and his ways all your life. You got up and went to cuddle him as he picked you up and twirled him. 
‘Now I might take you home for myself’ Tommy drawled, nodding at Joel who laughed and stood up.
‘Get fucked’ Joel said, as he got Tommy in a headlock and dragged him inside.
‘Want a beer, Tom?’ Joel called from the kitchen.
‘Yeah go on then brother’ Tommy responded.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Tommy and Joel laughed til they cried, sharing stories and tales with you. You laughed til your stomach hurt,and continued to feel lighter and lighter as you realised this was where you were meant to be.
‘Well you finally made it big brother,’ Tommy slapped his thighs and stood up, getting ready to leave. 
‘I told you she’d be mine’ Joel shrugged.
‘I’ll see you out, Tommy’ you said as Joel went to grab you more wine and Tommy said his goodbyes.
You got to the front door, and hugged Tommy goodbye. ‘Don’t be a stranger.’ 
‘Joel’s pretty certain on keeping you around, don’t think you can avoid me’ Tommy winked, just like his brother, and left.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The sun had set, and the crickets were chirping. You started to yawn, and tried to tell Joel you had to make your way home.
‘Stay here, baby’ he persuaded.
‘You can wear an old shirt to bed, and I’m sure we can find some toiletries’
‘You don’t have to ask me twice’ you kissed Joel on the cheek, and he scooped you up in his arms to carry you to bed.
His bedroom was exactly how you imagined. Dark wood furniture, black bedsheets and tobacco and oud scented candles. Flannel shirts sprawled on a rocking chair, and framed pictures of Sarah on a feature wall.
He layed on his back, arms folded behind his head, and you walked to the foot of his bed and you slowly crawled between his spread legs up toward his chest and kissed the top of his head. He kissed your chest, spilling out of your dress, and unzipped the back of it. 
You sat up, knees either side of his hips. Joel traced a finger down your sternum, towards the navel piercing you had and down towards the hem of your white lace underwear.
You felt his bulge grow beneath you, as you threw your head back and grinded against his jeans.
Joel wrapped his arms round you and flipped you over onto your back. You pawed at his bulge with your toes and he stripped down to his boxers.
‘Now you see what happens when you call me Daddy’ he growled into your ear. 
You gulped and whimpered. ‘That’s okay baby, I’m going to look after you.’he cooed.
He nibbled at your earlobe, breathing in your amber perfume and vanilla scented hair.
Joel delicately placed kisses on your neck, and covered the whole of your torso with his love.
‘I need you, Joel’ you begged.
The carnal urge took over and he tore your underwear off as he savoured your the wet between your legs. He held your hands as he drew circles on your clit with his tongue before adding two fingers inside you and drew an orgasm out of you. Your body shook as you legs tensed over his shoulders. He licked his lips and sucked his fingers vulgarly. He kissed you deeply ‘There’s my good girl. Can I fuck you yet?’
Your eyes rolled back from the pure filth coming from his mouth. You nodded. His cock was now coated in the mess from your orgasm, and he thrusted deep inside you, forcing you to sit up and wrap your arms round his neck. You bit down onto his shoulder and he fucked you hard and fast, propped on his knees and your legs wrapped round his waist, suspended in the air supported by his strength. 
You moaned in his ear and he moaned back ‘I love you.’
He pressed his lips to yours and your tongues tangoed around eachother. Messy, and urgent. He laid you down and slowed his pace as he brushed some hair out of your face.
‘I’d give anything to look at you like this every day for the rest or my life’ Joel struggled to get his breath back.
‘Make me yours’ you wriggled down the bed to get Joel’s full length deep inside you.
He moaned your name and began to fuck you hard again. He came and you were now bonded to him in the most intimate way.
Joel lifted your legs off his shoulders and kissed the soles of your feet as he got off the bed to grab a warm flannel, a glass of water and an old t-shirt.
You turned on your side, propped up by your elbow and faced Joel, ‘Thank you for making life so beautiful.’
He smiled ‘You’ve answered my prayers darling.’
Joel patted his chest and you rested your head upon him. ‘Sweet dreams angel baby’
For once, your world felt at peace.
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pupyr0arz · 2 days
May we have a crumb of kidnapper!Gaz cuddling with his beloved? After bringing them nice gifts just bc so ofc theyd let him love on them bc he treats them like a deity?
Ask and ye shall receive 🫡 it gets there eventually. I might write more straight fluff after this.
He watches as you flip through the glossy catalogue. He gives you new ones every other day, it feels, leaflets and cutouts and magazines. Women’s clothing, men’s clothing, food, perfume, watches for you to show any interest in any of the pictures. He still doesn’t trust you with anything electronic, even with him in the room, and gave you a tight smile when you asked. You ignore the guilt you feel for bothering him about his rules, the welling shame that he’s stressed over you when you refuse to eat. Leftover, misplaced reactions. You haven’t seen another  in months, it feels, he’s taken up the spots of your friends and family when you got particularly depressed, and you’re stupid brain is transferring that onto him.
You snap out the scented cardpaper that came with the magazine, activating it with a rub of your fingernail. It smells like flowers more than it does chemicals, hearty and thick. He doesn’t seem to have much of a budget, like some kind of cartoonish villain that spawned from somewhere. Some lonely rich man refusing to fed his dog anything but imported caviar. 
“Do you like it?” He interjects, leaning forwards with his hands on his thighs. They twitch, and you know he wants to grab you, but he doesn’t touch you. He never does. What kind of man kidnaps someone, and then respects their boundaries afterwards? “It’s a nice brand.” He encourages, like he’s asking a toddler to eat their vegetables, like when he’s bothering you about your health. “I’ve found myself a fan.”
You already know he wears perfume. You set the card down before you crush it, not wanting to dwell on that memory with him in the room. “I think it’s fine.” You say roughly, and you know you’ll wake up with it on your nightstand like everything you show the tiniest smidge of approval for. The angry tone of your train of thought sputters and stops as a smile breaks out over his face, eyes softening. 
“Thank you,” he says like you’ve just jumped into traffic to save his dog’s life, and you have to cling on to the head of resentment that he’s doing this to fuck with you. It’s the only thing in this goddamn room you can hold on to, your fingers will slip on silk sheets and his stupid outfits and nice words.
“When do I get out of the dungen?” You prod, and a flash of annoyance crosses his face. He hates what you call ‘your room’, carefully insists upon it being your home now, like some kind of refuge. You aren’t of the opinion that anything involving chloroform counts. 
“Sweetness,I want you to get settled in first, you know that.” He chides softly. He doesn’t yell, doesn’t hit you, doesn’t do a goddamn thing but treat you like some fucked up stray he picked up off the street. Your eyes dart to his hand. He doesn’t have a bandage there anymore, and you resist the impulse to reach out, open the floodgates and feel for any remaining damage. “You don’t need to be more stressed than you already are. I promise, when you’re feeling up to it I’ll take you out. Wherever you want.”
“My house?” You jab and he leans back, gives you a conflicted look like he cares and you cut him off. “What if I never get better?”
His brow furrows. “You’re improving.” He says, but you have him on the back foot now.
“It’s been months, hasn’t it? I’m still not ‘adjusted’.” The magazine crumples in your fist. “What if I don’t break like you want me to? If you can’t fuckng Stockholm syndrome me into your pet?”
Kyle doesn’t look scared, or even upset. His face had smoothed out sometime during your rant into warm, affectionate amusement. “Darling,” he says, tone indulgent, “My career gives me some insight here. We might be taking it slow, but you’ve made so much progress. We’ve made so much progress.” He gets off of the bed, raising a hand to cut off your attempt at retort. His anxiety is replaced with his calm, confident conviction. 
“I promise, everything is going to work out like I told you.” He pauses, and adds in a more condescending voice, “do you think I  don’t know what I’m doing?”
You drop the baller up magazine on the ground, bile welling up in your throat, and flop onto your bed. You bury your face into your soft pillows like some kind of stupid teenager, fear and helplessness making you clench your fists because he believes it, he absolutely believes it'll work, that he can wear you down, and he’s not going to let you go. 
He picks up the magazine before he leaves. He’ll be back in what you’ve taken to calling half an hour, give or take, ready to start prying at you again. It’s still at least eight more days of this before you have the chance for a short break, if he vanishes off to work where he studies psychological torture and kills people with the million guns in his car.
You can’t help but believe it too.
You wake up feeling uniquely reckless. You’re alone right now, which is probably better because if he was here you might lung at him, if just to soothe the unplaceable itch underneath your skin. You can’t help but think of it as a game some days, some fucked up chess where you gain some by lashing out but lose more because of the way he smiles at you while he holds an ice pack to your jaw, apologizes for holding you down while you scream and thrash at him.
You want to tear up your sheets, but you can’t muster up the energy when he’ll have them replaced without a second glance. It feels like you can’t make mistakes here, like he doesn’t want a single thing from you.
You know what he wants.
You roll out of bed, flipping off the security camera in the teddy bear on your nightstand. He coats everything he does in pastels 
and soft words and sweet things and it’s like punching a goddamn pillow. Not a speck of resistance, not a sign you’re making progress convincing him you’re a bad captive to have. 
You take a sandwich and a carton of milk out of your mini-fridge, wanting to get it out of the way before he decided to come down and needle you to stick to your meal plan. You sit down at your little dolls-table, on your little dolls-chair with your plastic utensils. Maybe if you’re lucky he’ll go out today, leave you in the quiet for a few days. Long enough to remind yourself that glass breaks and you can bleed without him there to wipe everything spotless. Short enough that you don’t start rotting inside. It’s never that lucky, you’re always left trying to keep from watching the door, pretending you don’t hope that it’s his smiling face ready to carve away your memories of times without him.
You don’t know how many more points of failure you have left in you before you have to give up the ghost. You unclench your jaw, sticking your tongue beneath your teeth so you don’t grind your teeth together. You’re developing too many stress habits. He doesn’t tell you you’re being hysterical, but as you sit on a cushioned seat in a room full of all your favorite things, while eating your favorite foods, you’re starting to forget the taste of chloroform.
You wake to the side of your bed dipping under Kyle’s weight. He smells like gunpowder and wet leather, unfamiliar and harsh in the enclosed vivarium that’s become your home. Kyle’s wearing his outside clothes, usually so careful to keep the glossy barrier separating you from his work intact. You stare into the dark, not turning over as your limbs lock. Old, bad habits. He knows you’re awake.
“Sweetness,” he mutters in the dark, “can I touch?” He doesn’t say please, but you can imagine the word hanging heavy behind his lips, his pleading eyes locked on you.
“Yeah,” you mutter back, rolling onto your back. His hands come up immediately, shoving under your shirt and you yelp at the touch of his icy fingertips. Kyle tuts, pressing his head into your cheek, shushing you like some hysterical mutt. He’s glued to you in what must be seconds, determined to tangle your limbs together like every time he touches you it’s the last. 
It doesn’t burn, but it melts something in you, angry scattered half thoughts of pushing Kyle away or denying him crumbling into inconceivable dust when he presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. Tentatively, you twine your fingers with him and his breath hitches, and then he sighs, ecstasy incarnate, relaxing on you with his full weight.
“I love you,” Kyle tells you like it’s a secret every time, like the words are something he’s stolen and fought and killed for. He has, and he’s come to present them to you like the jewels and the books and the presents. “I love you with my whole heart, every inch.”
You swallow, tucking Kyle’s head under your chin, feeling the warmth of his breath on your neck. “Okay,” you say, your voice very small and not quite there, but Kyle’s hand squeezes painfully tight for just a second. It’s the first time you’ve said a single word when he tells you, and you know it’s as good as at this point.
“So much,” Kyle says, voice wrecked like you’ve done something to him, tugging him undone with just your voice.
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novasintheroom · 17 hours
Prince!Vash AU. Thunderstorm in the dead of night means one spouse seeking out the other to feel safe.
Thank you for sending this in, anon! I appreciate it!!
“Vash, can I…?”
He doesn’t catch the end of your sentence, too drowsy from sleep. He blinks his eyes open in the gloom, registering the sound of rain and thunder booming overhead for a moment. Ah, the storm season. He’d forgotten it was coming.
Where are you?
Vash’s brain is slowly catching up. He heard your voice. Here. In his room. Had he been dreaming? He’s been having more dreams about you, lately. Perhaps that’s all it was – a waking dream. Vash sighs and rolls over, toward the door between your rooms.
It’s open.
And you’re standing next to his bed.
“Can I sleep with you?” you whisper.
That wakes him up.
Vash sits up in bed, looking at your shadowed form. You’re hunched, almost like a scolded child. He can hear you cracking your knuckles in the dark – a nervous tick you have.
You’re here. In his room.
You’ve finally crossed the line between rooms.
He says your name like a question. “What are you doing here?” Such a silly question for a husband to ask his wife, but…his heart skips beats. Is this it? Is this when you’ll…?
You clear your throat and flinch when another burst of thunder roars overhead. “The storm…it woke me, and I…I’ve always had a fear of them, so I was wondering if I could sleep. Here…Tonight.”
He pauses. Sleep? Here? The rain torrents on the roof overhead; he can hear the sheets of water even through the thick stonework. A flash of lightning bursts into the room, and for a moment, your terrified face is lit in full stark white. His mind finally catches up to what you’re asking.
Ah. That explains it.
Vash quashes any kind of disappointment that springs up from the truth and nods emphatically. “Yeah, of course!” He opens up his bed sheets like you’ll crawl in right there with him.
But you don’t. You hurry to the other side and lift the blankets, scurrying underneath. He feels the brush of your bare legs against his as you adjust yourself, and goosebumps trail all over his body. You settle. The room goes quiet but for the rain.
If he listens hard enough, he can hear your breathing. And he can’t stop the question bubbling up, now awake. “You’ve never liked storms?”
You shift your head to look at him in the gloom. “No. I hate them. It’s the thunder.” On cue, thunder breaks overhead, and you hunch further into the covers. “It always scares me awake, and I fear someone is in my room when I do. So I stay up all night looking at every shadow.”
He hums. His eyes feel heavy, but this is new information. He pursues it further. “Who would you go to when you were at home?”
“My siblings would usually come to me for comfort. I never…had to seek anyone out but for when I was a little girl.” You scooch further into bed, arm brushing his. You don’t pull away. “I’m sorry. I know I must be brave, but – “
“Who said that? I didn’t.” Vash reaches out and takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. Even now, he can feel the tremors shaking your body, the bed. “I’m scared of lots of things, and I think that’s okay.”
He feels your eyes on him again. “What are you scared of?”
Vash yawns, then clears his throat. “Don’t laugh. But I hate bananas.”
You laugh. “What?”
He shakes your arm in reprimand and continues. “I don’t know what it is, but ever since I was a kid, I’ve been terrified of them. Their shape, their texture…eugh.” He shivers. Your laughter, though, is worth it.
“I’ve never heard of such a thing!” You giggle. “I just thought you didn’t like fruit at banquets!”
“I love fruit! I’m very fruity!” He realizes his mistake and shakes your arm again when you snort. “Shut up. You know what I mean.” The thunder rolls overhead, and you go quiet. He strokes his thumb along your hand and squeezes. “Hey, it’s okay. Nothing’s gonna get you.”
“I know,” you murmur. Then, slowly, as if waiting for him to reject you, you turn to him and wrap your arms around his torso. When he in turn wraps his own arms around you, you both settle into the embrace and warmth. Vash hadn’t realized how cold it was in his room ‘til then.
Minutes pass by like this. Vash is fully awake now, heart pounding. This…this is nice. This is really nice. Even if his arm is falling asleep under your head, he isn’t going to move. Nope. This is what he’s wanted for a while, now. He rubs a hand along your back, slow and methodical. He teases the skin at the base of your neck with tickles. Your breath evens out, and, eventually, you fall asleep.
Vash stays awake longer than he intends. He just can’t get over the feel of you this near. You’re warm. Soft. Your hair smells good – a day or two from washing, but good nonetheless. He thumbs at the fabric of your nightgown. It’s well-worn; a favorite of yours.
“Would you mind if we do this more often?” He asks openly, knowing you were too far gone to answer. “I really enjoy it…”
He falls asleep.
A gold morning wakes you slowly. Its beams shine through the cracks in the shutters and window panes. The storm has passed, and with it, the night.
You feel breath on your forehead. Such a strange place to feel it. You reach a hand up to brush at your bangs, only to feel toned muscle beneath your fingers first. What…?
Your eyes creak open. You stare at a white shirt, the chest it hides rising quietly. The night comes back to you, and you look up at your husband.
His eyes are closed, and he lets out small snores.
You didn’t know he snored.
You don’t know a lot of things about him. Much less than you would like. But…you reach up and move his bed-tangled hair from his face, he is kind, and good, and unfairly handsome. And isn’t that what matters most? You could have gotten a lot less lucky being married off to someone else.
But that’s the thing isn’t it? He is more than kind and good and handsome. He is loyal, and quite funny, and sociable, and…and he’s afraid of bananas!
That startles a laugh out of you, and it stirs Vash in his sleep. You put your fingers to your mouth and watch with guilt as Vash’s blues open and blearily look at you. “Wha…” he says, clearing his throat, “Wha’s so funny…?”
Your eyes crinkle, and you can’t help but brush his face now, laughing openly. “Just…you have a bit of drool, coming out here.”
Vash groans and rolls away, wiping at his face. You continue to laugh. Today is already going to be a great day.
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our-aroace-experience · 21 hours
Hi, I love this blog tysm for running it!
I have a friend that I used to be very close to, but since I came out to her as aroace she keeps saying/doing weird things? And sometimes I think her real issue might be with me being aromantic, but she always references me being asexual? Idk she could have an issue with both, but we have other ace friends and she’s never treated them weirdly and I’m the only one who’s aroace.
Anyways she “accidentally” outed me to a girl that we were casually hanging out with. She says she didn’t even realize she’d done it, but she directly said it multiple times and worked it into multiple stories within a pretty brief timeframe. I confronted her about it later and she apologized and said she thinks she did it (again accidentally) because she was sleep deprived and defending me because this girl had previously not liked me and been rude to me the day before because I didn’t reciprocate her friend’s crush on me. My friend apparently wanted to make sure this girl knew it “wasn’t my fault I didn’t like him back”. Which is like oddly infantilizing, I think? It wouldn’t be my fault or morally wrong for me to not like him back even if I was straight. And it’s not like I was ever mean to him about it, we were friends for a bit, too. (He has a gf now and we don’t really talk anymore.)
And this isn’t the first time my friend has done something like this either. When I was first figuring it out she seemed really happy for me, but we’d be at parties or hanging out with people and she’d start telling a story and then remember that me being ace was relevant to the story and would pause and ask in front of the person if I was okay with them knowing, which kind of defeats the purpose. Like what am I going to do? Say no? They already know that something is up, at that point I’m just clarifying what.
And I complained to her about how another close friend had developed a crush on me and how things got really tense and awkward between me and him because we weren’t communicating well and when I told her I just wanted him and I to be close friends like we had been before his crush, she told me I couldn’t expect that level of emotional intimacy without having sex. Which is probably a bad sign for all of her relationships.
I like being aroace a lot and it’s not something I’m ashamed of, but it also isn’t anyone I don’t want to know’s business. I’m not out to my family because I’m scared of how they’d react to me being queer, so it makes me really nervous that my “best friend” accidentally outs me to people. And it makes me sad because she was the first person I told.
i’m sorry to hear it, i hope things improve for you! maybe try telling your friend not to bring it up if you haven’t already?
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yooglefics · 17 hours
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Intentions don’t mean much.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!partner Wordcount: 670 words Genre: Angst. Hurt / comfort. Established relationship. Song drabble. Summary: Yoongi is having some bad days and, in the end, deciding to keep it to himself to not worry his partner is not the best idea. More info under read more.
Includes: Mentions of bad mental health, implied depression. Nothing too dark but Yoongi overthinks a lot. Lack of communication. Author's note: A little drable inspired by The Craving ( Jenna's version ) because I just had to write something after listening to it. Is pretty short but I kind of like it as is, because it can be read with the song in the background uwu. Hope you like it! If you do please remember to leave a reblog, like, follow, comment or send an ask, donate on ko-fi and what not. As always, thank you for reading <3
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He is scared of putting too much weight on her shoulders, of driving her crazy because of his thoughts, and fears; the problems in his head, the ones that don't even have anything to do with her.
On bad days he tries to be reassuring. Holding her hand while sharing a cup of coffee and cuddling with her on the couch. Yes, it’s a bit selfish because it does good to him too, knowing she is with him even when his psyche reminds him of the possibility that they, too, are part of something temporary. That it could end sooner than expected, which is not much to say since he doesn't want it to end at all.
Is not that he doesn't believe she loves him, of course not. He believes everything she says, even the little conspiracy theories she rambles about at night in their bedroom. But, his brain tells him, life is unpredictable and the world goes around and around and around and…
When it gets too bad he spends most hours of the day in his studio. Even sleeps (or at least tries to) there. She brings him lunch and he kisses her cheek or forehead, sweetly and full of love. An attempt to not worry her.
Some nights, as he lays on the leather couch, he hopes she will knock on the door, looking for him and asking him to come to bed. He would say yes, even if that meant just playing with her hair as she fell asleep on his chest while he lays with his eyes open and his mind never shooting down.
But it doesn’t happen. 
Is still dark outside when he hears her socket steps against the wooden floors, the beeps and trumps of the coffee machine following close behind, and he decides to join. 
“Isn't it too early for coffee?” he asks, leaning in the doorway.
“Is six, just one hour early.”
“How did you sleep?”
He keeps quiet, a bit confused with himself as to how he didn't realize so much time passed.
“Did you sleep?” She asks instead, tone different this time and he doesn't like something in it.
“Don't worry about it.” He tries to dismiss, coming closer and wrapping his arms around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder while they wait for the melancholy sounds announcing their beverage is ready.
But a sniff comes instead.
It takes a second for his tired brain to register it, yet is quick to react when she tries to move away, hugging her firmly against his chest. “What is it?”
“Nothing. Is silly.” she murmurs back.
“Tell me anyway?”
“Is just… after so long, I don’t know a lot about you still. And I wish I did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry about it. I don’t know what just—” 
“Hey,” he softly calls out, turning her around as he looks for her gaze, “don’t apologize for it. Is on me, I’m going through some shit but I’m okay.”
She worries her lip between her teeth before asking, “Have you slept at all in the last few days?”
“A little bit.” Pretty vague, not wanting to bring concern around his insomia. But her eyes get glossy again and his open in surprise. In realization that doing that is what is upsetting her. He hates that. “I slept a couple hours yesterday after lunch, maybe that’s why I’m still awake.”
“You aren't tired then?”
A different kind, he thinks. And considers answering that while she fixes his head, but he still isn't sure. “Maybe you just need to do that for a while so I don't wake up until tomorrow.”
That makes her smile and her eyes fall to his again. But is hard to ignore the bags under them and the bigger issues. “I'm going to the store later, I'll bring you that tea we saw the other day. We can drink that before going to bed and see if it helps. Deal?”
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♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @sexytholland , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @itsmina29 , @nariee02 , @ktownshizzle .
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