#I feel like this meme is appropriate for him because he can be shipped with...literally anyone in this game
pixelatedraindrops · 23 days
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Yuma Month: Day 9: Love
I think that he forgot his love identity too… 💓💦
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bunnymajo · 1 year
For the headcanon meme someone asked me about Surge & Kit on discord so here they are just so I can have it one place/future reference :P (some of these are repeat answers but)
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi. Like disaster bi, has feelings and doesn’t understand them or have any context for what to do so she just lashes out or says stupid things that after she says them will just run away. 
 Gender Headcanon: Even she doesn’t really know, again doesn’t really have any context on gender norms. “Starline said I’m a girl & Kit calls me ma’am so I guess I’m a girl ok. Sure. whatever.” I also feel like since her being a girl is one thing that’s different about her from Sonic she would hold on to that, she’d experiment on being GNC because “where’s the fun in being like everyone else” she thinks, but if you asked her she’d be like “I’m a girl obviously.” 
A ship: ok, so like, my crackship that I’m holding onto for dear life is of an AU-Elias (where he’s a teen and Megan’s not here) & Surge because I think if anyone is going to be into a free spirited girl who could break his neck & also tries to fix problems way over his head it would be Elias. Also I think he would be too nice to her that it would eventually wear on her and she’d be kinda friends with him. But I’m literally ok with any Surge ship that’s age appropriate - hug the mean out of her, she’ll hate it. 
BROTP: Her & Kit. Glitch Sibs for life. I think after the events of Imposter Syndrome and realizing that Kit came back for her in 54 she genuinely sees him as someone she can trust and rely on. 
NOTP: I’ve seen some things that I won’t mention here…but aside from all of that I can’t think of anything I outright dislike. SonSurge(?) is still a little weird to me I guess but it’s not that bad 
A random headcanon: she hates sweets unless it’s sour or dry like a bitter dark chocolate or a lemon tart. Will still eat them if offered, but will complain about it.
Sexuality Headcanon: “Surge says that’s not anyone’s business and what does that have to do with getting me a burger from across the street” - Kit 
Gender Headcanon: I think Kit wouldn't know or really even think about his own identity. If Surge decided one day "Hey Drippy you're a girl" he would probably just have to be okay with that, but I also don't think Surge would be cruel enough to warp with his identity more than it already is. Changing his personality and sense of self would make her just like Starline and she'd rather eat paste before she does that. So he just does what he wants in that regard.
A ship: I like KitTails in a “aw these two puppies are playing with each other that’s so cute” way. I think there’s potential in there being an interesting friendship if nothing else
BROTP: Him & Surge. Part of it’s the programming, sure, but I think there’s parts about Surge that Kit genuinely thinks is cool and admires. 
NOTP: Kit & Marine. Like if they were working on a group project together it would get sour pretty quickly "What do you mean you don't have any blueprints for your submarine??" "Idk, I just kinda wing it you know?" "No I Don’t??" 
A random headcanon: If he’s having any kind of anxiety or has trouble sleeping, thunderstorm sounds calm him down
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borreloadsavagedragon · 11 months
11, 16, and 20
oh god, I’ll do my best!!!
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
3! And they are all names for the same one ship bc this community loves to make new names out of nowhere for everything omg
I’ve mentioned this one in particular before vaguely in character ask games but I don’t wanna always bring it up, the tag and filtering system does all it has to for me and ygo is one of the few communities that actually does tag accordingly usually, Twitter is the raging exception but Twitter rewards witty captions versus tags and I love obstacle courses 
I’ve gotten vagued about and subtweeted enough for sharing the ships I do like, I’d hate to be someone who bashes something of value to someone else and make them feel insecure about their favorite things by subtweeting them because I do know many who do love the pair 
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I had to think on this one bc the only things I could honest to god think of were a handful of ships and I really don’t wanna go that route dbshhsjs
I will literally read anything that isn’t like… too much into dead dove territory 
Some Fanon inside jokes can be annoying once they’re super overdone, ygo jokes I come across aren’t too bad outside of the TCG (ygo players reading jokes and draw good card memes are so bad, stop making them 733627472738 times) but like… even in our small franchise corner, some of them are overplayed
Like Yusei drank milk once and now his figure has to have a glass of milk, we did that
NSFW for literally ten seconds but
(also stop making the stereotypical rival characters into domineering or nasty tops, it’s weird)
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
oh my god ok, here it is, the one question I can go full hater on
Ok so I LOVE protags usually, I'm rarely a protag hater, but I hate when shows go out of their way to make protags solve EVERYTHING even when it’s really not appropriately theirs, like shows that need to find reasons to keep protagonists in the episode or in the frame, or to remind us that it’s the protag’s world and the cast is just all living in it
Like it’s definitely my fault being so involved with Shonen shows that I don’t get to see the latter happen a lot since Shonen is like the BIGGEST offender of this trope but I still wanna complain!!!!!!
God I lowkey wanna talk abt Arc V for this but we’re just gonna… *brushes show off of desk into a lock drawer* 
That’s a can I cannot open
So let's talk Zexal II, aka the part where I get to talk about the worst duel in the entire franchise because I can’t even rewatch these episodes for my analysis without wanting to slap my computer shut, it makes me that angry 
Some Spoilers since I know you're still watching
Like this comes from a place of someone who fights off Yuma hate in the TCG community regularly
But in my whole ass I feel like Heartland and Kaito’s duel is an actual disaster
It's also honestly a little bit of character assassination as a treat for no reason but we'll touch that in detail in the paper
And letting Yuma and Astral take this duel over is just an egregious slap in the face lmfao
Especially how the show chooses to handle Kaito passing out and everything following when he finally returns to consciousness that just makes him essentially a step up from background character
Yet people deadass have the nerve to say Kaito has the most favoritism, bitch where lol
Extremely unsatisfying to watch someone who's been an established threat for the ENTIRE show not be able to dismantle the last standing figure in their life who’s been a source of great pain to them and someone who has never dueled up until this point at that! And not only does he NOT get to take the dub, it's literally his second last duel in the entire show and while the last duel is INCREDIBLE, making this a moment of glory for the protags is weird!
Idk, I stand firmly that this part is unwatchable, just a very badly done way to backseat Kaito to shift the focus onto the original duo, and that in theory is cool, but there are so many better ways to do it
But shonen isn't shonen without some dramatic hero comeback
Shonen is such a love/hate relationship
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kurokoros · 1 year
Infantilizing, that's the word I was searching for when thinking of s3 Steve. You're so correct because it's literally true. The sailor costume only makes it so much worse as well. (I mean if you think about it little boys get dressed in such costumes for family photoshoots.) Steve literally hates it so much but the fandom makes it out as if it's his awakening to dress feminine from this point forward. I side eye everyone who says s3 Steve is peak Steve.
I literally get so mad thinking about what they did to his character and especially how the fandom just makes it so much worse. I refuse to read any Steddie fics because Steve is not recognizable in those, he's even more ooc than in the show.
Not to be a bitch but yesterday when the Barbie posters dropped and the fandom ofc made edits with Steve only being referred as the babygirl I wanted to barf. Actual Steve (even s3 one) would hate it so much that people reduce him to only this, as if he doesn't have anything else. Literally every other character got a cool tagline in those posters.
Also what I hate in the fandom is how much trauma porn they project onto Steve for some angst fueled fics. They infantilize him even more by giving him disabilities and have other characters come save him because too dumb do anything. I mean you can give him some repercussions from his injuries but at least do a little bit of research and not use it for some angst so some other character (Eddie) can swoop in and save him from himself. It's extremely disrespectful towards people with actual disabilities. Like I have to wear glasses and it's so popular to give Steve glasses as well but 80% of those fics are him being so insecure about it that he needs others to constantly reassure him and force him to wear it. Like thanks so much. Or characters painting his hearing aids because they are too ugly for him (literally I saw this exact take and that person in the tags said "idk anything about hearing aids I just thought it was cute", like just say you only care about the angst aspect). I have nothing against people who have disabilities projecting those onto Steve because they usually know what they are talking about and handle it with care, but most of the fandom just uses those disabilities to make Steve even more submissive and pathetic for his partners.
People who enjoy S3!Steve most are wrong. S2!Steve is best Steve, but I'll give S4!Steve a pass purely because I find him deeply attractive (especially during the unhinged moment with the bat). S3!Steve had to wear an awful outfit and the show played him being tortured in a more humorous light than what was appropriate. 0/10
I don't read st/ddie fics because I think the ship sucks. like. I fail to see anything appealing about it other than the fandom wanting two decently attractive (subjectively speaking because I do not find Eddie attractive, sorry stans) white boys to fuck.
I won't comment on the Barbie memes except to say that literally every one I've seen has annoyed me deeply.
As for the trauma porn I will be honest and say that sometimes I do enjoy a good trauma porn fic where everyone is just incredibly miserable, but those are mostly reserved for those days where I just need/want to cry for several uninterrupted hours, but even then I still have standards. My issue with Steve angst/wump fics is that often they feel less about Steve dealing with his trauma than they do about other characters needing to explain to Steve that he has trauma, and the only character I find this to be acceptable from is Hopper in a pseudo father/son familial bond moment. There's something raw about Hopper and Steve interacting and talking about trauma, whereas with other characters it feels more for show. Regardless, there are a lot of people who write Steve trauma fics in a way that just isn't done well.
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4, 12, 39
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
My family and I like to do voices for my dog, we imagine he has a squeaky voice and he says “I don’t care for that” when we poke at him and pick him up sometimes and also that “but it could be for doggies” meme that probably everyone does with their dog when he wants something that is not for him.
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Bring a portable charger with you when you’re going out for more than a few hours. It’s better to have it and not need it than to run out of battery on your phone or whatever device you have and be stuck. Also, don’t listen to people who judge you about your style or expression, they’re boring. Dye your hair, get that piercing or tattoo, wear whatever you want (for the most part), if it will make you happy, do it. You can always redo your hair or take a piercing out or change your clothes, nothing is permanent (except for tattoos but they’re fun and also who cares).
39. youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
Oh gosh, ok so I was a major phannie. I was REALLY into Dan and Phil. Like really really into them. I started watching their videos in 2011 and they were pretty much the only thing that kept me alive in 9th grade when I was in a really bad place mentally. I had most of their merch (I still have it, most of it’s in my basement), I wrote fanfiction (most of which never saw the light of day and never will), I even got my mom into watching their videos. I was one of those obnoxious kids who shipped them really hard and was very annoying about it, I have since learned from my mistakes and now I feel like if you do ship real people, that’s ok to an extent but keep all your talk about it somewhere where they aren’t going to see it. Online fandoms are so tricky because you have to know what is appropriate to talk about in different spaces. I saw both of their stage shows when they toured the US and I spent a bonkers amount of money on VIP tickets to meet them on their second tour and totally cried all over them and I got them to draw me a little doodle each and got them tattooed on my arm to remind me of how much they helped me. I remember where I was when they came out, I was at work and I briefly checked my phone for the time and saw a Youtube notification from Dan called Basically I’m Gay and I lost my shit because I had like 5 or something hours left of my shift and had to wait until I got home to watch it. I still love them both, I literally wouldn’t be here without them, but I kinda feel like I’ve grown out of them a little bit. I still watch their new videos and I’ll never forget how much they mean to me, but people change and I’m not so completely obsessed with them now as I used to be.
Thanks for the questions!
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denisovadenisova · 2 years
It's time it's time to write about how much I love my life:
it's time to write my weekly newsletter
I didn't want to lie to everyone so instead I was hiding from everyone
I didn't think they would like my truth so. I omitted it entirely and maybe that is a form of lying which is what I wanted to avoid in the first place.. now it is true..I do not OWE to others, but to myself and my own lineage...yes I decide to believe that I do because I am not alone. To challenge the creeping notion that I am I must act like it. Act like you know what's good for you 2022. Act right. Notice that it's an act...I need to insert the picture of the gohead get in since you wanna act meme where it's just a picture of a stage/theater and doesn't say anything after act.
If you think you are alone and feel alone then you will act like it, like It's meaningless and you will be acting. Going out to take care of plants reminds me I am not alone. They need my care. Why am I doing that because I need my care and someone else does too. And how do I know how to do that. Because someone taught me and someone else taught who taught me and before that too many times. And if acting like you are not alone is an act too, when you drop it you are alone, but you cannot ever really be but this truth gets lost in the background of the deafening solitude...which is like..you're on a roadtrip in the back seat of the car sticking your head out the window the wind is roaring and you can yell and have the air and sound whipped out of your mouth like you didn't even make any effort even though you did put all your might into it..and you think I'm alone and someone else is in the car saying get back in here we can use your input you are on this trip with us too you know and you yell I'm ALONE ...but someone else is driving the car and you didn't even think about that since you are too busy acting. And who is in the car and who is driving the car? Many. On the literal material level: the hands that manufactured the car, the ore extracted to smelt the metal (see how far away I am from that, I do not even really know the words to use to describe this process and yet I was just in the car an hour or so ago)
-is it alienating to not know how the things you touch and use every day were made and how the function? I loved this book that had many illustrated diagrams and detailed "HOW IT'S MADE" something like that it was called and the only things I can remember from it now are xerox machine and cruise ship...And I have never been on a cruise ship and my mom when I said I am autistic and I am learning why I have had such a hard time I just want to understand-she said well you fell down the stairs when you were a baby it was a big fall and I used the xerox machine at work every day when I was pregnant with you I didn't know it was harmful at the time.
anyway isn't it? I find it to be so we don;t even think about it but like...living in a city and not knowing how anything works or came to be...I was accompanying a child I was working with to the bathroom and he was crawling under the sink examining the pipes and another teacher said to get him out of there immediately but he said I need to see where it goes I need to know how it works and I understood that need so well, I did my best to explain, incompletely but enough to sate his curiosity for the time being. Teacher, you didn't want the student to learn, you wanted him to return to the classroom, sit down and consume your appropriate instruction and then repeat it back to you without straying from within the strict boundary .
Back to the car- who else is driving it- your ancestors and their heavy trunks and suitcases or little knapsacks and pouches full of terrible heavy secrets and magic charms and talismans that now you carry and are influenced by unknowingly.
It's ok to leave that as it is for now, if I want to I can return to refine, or not. Just needed to exercise a bit.
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fairy-serigala · 2 years
003 + Gray and Lucy💜
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gray fullbuster
how i feel about this character | gray is, without exaggeration, my favourite and the most important character i have ever come across. i don't know how to express the fact that i literally don't know who i would be, as a person if i had never found gray. i love him with all my heart.
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character | the easy answer is "anyone but juvia who is an appropriate age", but specifically: natsu, lucy, erza, loke, hibiki, cana, jellal, mirajane, lisanna, yukino, gajeel, laxus, sting, rogue, erik, levy, laki, rufus, freed
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character | gray, ultear and lyon, i just prefer them as siblings~
my unpopular opinion about this character | you know those memes where tired people are taking care of gremlins, and how they usually put lucy as the tired person? i think gray is the tired person and lucy is the gremlin.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon | i wish gray was actually characterised as natsu's equal, instead of just... implying that he is, and leaving it up to fan-interpretation which more often than not instead sees him as natsu's inferior.
favourite friendship for this character | ( isn't this the same question as favourite non-romantic relationship? ) anyway, gray and lucy, or gray and natsu in which both parties are ace/aro. in gray and lucy's case, they're also both trans and gray helps lucy really come into herself and become the woman that she always knew she was.
my crossover ship | i don't really do crossover ships, but i can tell you the one that i will FOREVER stamp against, which is gray and edens zero's weisz!
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lucy heartfilia
how i feel about this character | a really cute character with a lot of potential, especially earlier in the series when she was more angry and hot-headed, but as of recent i've been struggling to remember what her personality is which... i'm a creative writing student and i'm studying characterisation, so ( from my perspective ) if i can't describe her personality, then that really isn't great...
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character | gray, loke, erza, levy, lisanna, cana, yukino, minerva, and pretty much any other female character you can think of.
my favourite non-romantic relationship for this character | natsu and lucy, they just work better as friends.
my unpopular opinion about this character | i really don't like the idea of lucy's star dresses. firstly, they step on erza's toes more than i'm comfortable with. but also, they make lucy into a brawler which she was never meant to be, she's much more of a support unit, and that's where a lot of "lucy's useless" arguments come from. but showing different types of fighting and characters with different capabilities isn't a bad thing, even if the fandom at large disagrees. lucy should've been allowed to stay a character who relied on support and supported fighting styles, because it also helps vary the action up with the rest of the main cast already taking the brawler role, themselves.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon | i want to see lucy in a suit, she's look incredible!
favourite friendship for this character | same answer as gray's, i just really like that idea~
my crossover ship | still don't do them, but lucy and one piece's nami would be cool, i think
ask game link
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thesassiestcolor · 4 years
Do you think what Qrow said in the episode makes the Clover situation better?
Uuuuuhhhhhh short answer: no. Definitely not. There's not really anything they can do to make the situation better. Imo they made a cheap writing decision that has major consequences and cannot be undone that I feel will ultimately amount to nothing.
So, no.
Long answer: still no, but I'll give you an explanation that probably is really long winded lol
So, nothing is going to "make it better" because crwby creating a character and making him pretty likeable, in an interesting position, and centered around a big fan favorite character - just to kill him off for shock value, is cheap.
Its my opinion that if crwby wanted to have a cool Qrow vs Clover, there are a million better ways to have that. And if they wanted Clover to die for whatever reason, there are a lot better, more respectful, and thematically appropriate ways to do that too. (And I think his loyalty to Ironwood should have been established much much better and earlier on to start that whole shitshow off to begin with). 
Even if crwby somehow thought that what they made wasn’t really really gay; they knew people would latch on to Fairgame no matter what. People ship everything, especially in this fandom. Clover and Qrow could have hated each other (which would also be interesting for characters and plot, and make more sense to how V7 ended) and people still would have shipped them. I was losing my shit at the beginning of V7 because they were adults! That I could ship with Qrow! Crwby literally made a perfect foil to a fan favorite and didn’t think the fandom would go WILD??? 
Also I think Clover as a character was wasted. There's a lot of potential in a character with a passive semblance in an interesting position within Atlas' military and his relationships and all that stuff I'm that the good fic writers can run wild with (because crwby isn't. Because Clover was wasted). 
All in all, they cannot reverse the decision to kill off this character so they cannot fic it. 
BUT to get BACK TO THE POINT: the conversation in ep4 shows most of all that Clover's death and character is completely meaningless and just overkill for what we already knew about Qrow/what he thinks of himself. I don’t want to repeat what has been said but this post pretty much explains it. 
Qrow already had his “lowest moment / change of life” arc in V6 (and i get, from personal experience, realizing your addiction is hurting you is different from healing from depression/trauma/etc. But it is a BIG factor). Ruby also made a point to show Qrow is his self doubt and guilt is also more harmful than helpful. They both got addressed (which in this show, is a lot lmao, I was ready to accept that)
V7 was set up to show that Qrow was getting better. And the Clover thing just seems like they want to recycle his arc again? I mean, regression is great to show for a well rounded character, but this is literally back to square one. Probably even worse than that. And it’s for Qrow to learn....what he learned in V6? I guess? 
And I have to say: I really like the idea of Qrow just going off the fucking rails and causing chaos. Good for him, it’s gonna be fun to see. I like the friendship they’re building with him and Robyn. I think she’s the first female character in this show (besides Ruby) who didn’t Despise Qrow on Sight. That’s fun (and I’m just loving “Robyn is my Sibling now” meme. I can’t help it, dunk on Raven please) 
But Christ, again, there are so many other, better ways to get that story going. I would have accepted having James arrest him for no real reason be the cause of animosity. I would have accepted Qrow being furious that James would threaten his kids. Or James attempting to manipulate the maiden power to be under his control. Or the big one, that James is literally leaving million of people to die so “people who are worth it” can live. Plenty of people in this fandom who didn’t give a shit about Clover want James to die, this just proves that Clover was literally nothing but shock value. 
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queenmercurys · 4 years
My thoughts on The Swan Princess (1994)
So, like, The Swan Princess is probably my favorite cartoon ever. Large part of this is simply nostalgia. I grew up with this film and will probably forever hold it in high regard because of that. But even to this day, it holds up for me, and I enjoy rewatching it every now and then. I don’t usually watch it from an analytical point of view, because, well, why should I? But having seen a video essay on the film - a video essay that shared some views that I aggressively disagree with - I felt like I wanted to do another one of those quick ramblings. Not on the entire film, but a few aspects.
I think everyone knows that one scene in the film. Derek tells his family to arrange the marriage between him and Odette, Odette asks what he sees in her expect her beauty, and he responds with the iconic “what else is there?” Yeah, I get it. That is pretty bad, at least on a surface level. But, at the risk of getting attacked for being anti-feminist or something like that (I’m really, really not, and everyone who knows me knows this), I’m gonna explain why I never saw that scene as a reason to not ship Odette/Derek, or to not like Derek as a character. 
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1) The obvious. Derek certainly redeems himself by the end of the film, by not only playing a major part in saving Odette’s life, but also by stating, in so many words (like Odette wanted), what he loves about her. So, to me, the film is a lot about Derek growing as a person and learning what is really important, and learning to appreciate Odette and his relationship with her. I think he took her for granted a lot of the time, this being a combination of the arranged marriage and him just being a bit of a jerk as a teenager. Also, this newfound appreciation coming from her getting abducted seems perfectly natural. People never realize what they had until they lose it. Not every romance is gonna be perfect, and not every guy (or girl) is gonna love their love interest “the right way” from the get-go. But for me, I never thought that Derek didn’t love Odette, or that he didn’t love her for “appropriate” reasons. But maybe that’s just me. 
2) This could come off as a bit of an excuse, but speaking as someone who also has a bit of a hard time expressing feelings (particularly with words, even more so than with actions), it can sometimes be difficult to put your feelings into words. Derek was clearly caught off guard by the entire situation, and probably couldn’t find the right words. He never struck me as one of those incredibly charming, suave male characters who always knew what to say. Derek’s a bit of an awkward guy sometimes, and clearly doesn’t know how to talk to Odette when it comes to anything sensitive or emotional. This is even clear in the sequels. I don’t think this makes Derek a bad guy, just a flawed one. 
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3) Something that no one else has ever brought up (but I swear I read somewhere, I just can’t remember where) is the fact that Odette never showed any interest in Derek’s personality, either. Everyone likes to crucify Derek for only liking Odette for her looks, but what about Odette herself? To me, it seems like she’s the one who shows less appreciation for Derek as a person (in the first film - the sequels are a different beast). It is never made clear why she loves him, or if she even does. I’m, again, sure that she does, but why is she given the benefit of the doubt when Derek is not? I think this has a lot to do with the whole “guy has to do the courtship and win the woman’s affection”, which is a plotline and a trope that I absolutely loathe. I want the ships that I like to feel equal, to feel like both parties love each other equally, and that both parties make an effort towards each other. Again, not saying that Odette doesn’t love Derek. She very, very clearly does. But at that moment in time, in the ballroom, she was just as superficial as he was.
4) Odette and Derek literally knew each other their entire lives, and that is like a revolutionary thing when comparing to most Disney princess films of the same period. I found it so refreshing to have a ship where they actually got proper development, actually knew each other for longer than a week before falling in love. In the first song montage, we see them growing up together and kind of hating each other, but only in the way kids hate each other. And towards their teenage years, there is even some evidence of them having feelings for each other (ex. Derek being jealous of Odette flirting with a guard, and Odette flirting with the guard specifically to make Derek jealous). So, it never even crossed my mind that Derek actually only loved Odette for her looks. How could he, after all of those years? That development shown to us at the beginning wasn’t for nothing, but I feel like a lot of people gloss over it or forget it entirely. 
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5) The dynamic between Odette and Derek in the rest of the film is legit. Like, they seem to be in love, and to be supportive of each other. They seem genuinely happy to see each other again, and both risk their lives for the other. So, what does it really matter if Derek slipped up and said what he said? It doesn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things. They’re very clearly in love, and if Odette can forgive Derek, maybe the audience should, too.
I don’t know why I felt the need to write this. Maybe because when discussing The Swan Princess, this is literally all I ever see. And it sucks seeing one of the best cartoons of my childhood to be reduced to just that one meme. A funny meme, and a funny scene, but there’s a lot more to this film. At least in my opinion. 
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Obi Wan for the character ask meme! 💓 i love this blog
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Thank you :)
How I feel about this character
I don’t think I’ve made any secret of it, but Obi-Wan is absolutely my favorite character in all of Star Wars. He is such an inspiring character, someone who loves so deeply and suffers and loses so much, but never gives into bitterness or despair over it - he keeps going, commits himself to a new purpose, keeps strong to his faith. He is disciplined and clever and charming and resilient and just so good. He’s always striving to do the right thing, to live by the values of his people whom he loves so much, to uphold his duty even when it is so, so difficult and the universe seems to ask the impossible of him.
And I love him even more because he’s such a reserved character, who isn’t made to seem unfriendly or unkind or cold or weird for it, that it’s just part of who he is.
And he’s such a fun character, too - taking “flirting with death” entirely too literally, insisting on being ‘civilized’ but also being far more comfortable in sketchy bars than in high-society and befriending almost exclusively people crazier than himself, being sarcastic or cracking jokes at entirely inappropriate times, and occasionally jumping out windows. Obi-Wan really dumped all his stats into Charisma and Constitution and somehow made it work.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I like Obitine as it is in canon, where they both prioritize other aspects of their life. I also mentioned in previous asks that I have a soft spot for him and Bail, and that while I prefer it as a BrOTP I can appreciate him and Anakin too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Him and Anakin, definitely. Also him and Padmé, even though we don’t see that much and I’m pretty sure their friendship mostly consists of alternating between lovingly making fun of and praising Anakin. Him and Luke, of course.
My unpopular opinion about this character
That he’s not a dysfunctional repressed mess. I know a lot of people like that characterization...but I just don’t see that. He shows emotion just fine, just in reserved ways, and I don’t see how he could’ve gotten through all the stuff he goes through, especially the genocide of his entire culture, without having a strong and stable mental/emotional foundation.
Of course he struggles, of course he has temptations, of course he’s fallible and makes mistakes or falls short - but to me a large part of the appeal of his character is that he overcomes these things. That he’s an example of fortitude to look to, a role-model in how to approach life. That he shows the appropriate way to handle things, that he keeps going, that he faces temptation and rejects it, that he has the strength to do that, to refuse to give into the dark side and all it entails - not that he locks it all down and never works through it. That’s just not consistent with how I see his character or what his character is meant to be - again, a role-model and a mentor.
That’s also the reason I’m not really interested in Sith/Dark Obi-Wan AUs, beyond the base sensual appeal of the fanart, because it takes away from the most appealing and admirable aspects of his character for me personally, which is his resilience to resist all that in spite of everything he goes through. (Also because hasn’t he suffered enough? The dark side would only make him miserable on top of all of that he’s gone through).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really would’ve liked to see more of him interacting with Padmé - we know they’re supposed to be friends (and I want to watch them make fun of Anakin), Ahsoka - she’s his padawan too, and the men under his command - honestly sometimes it seems like he interacts more with Anakin’s men than his own.
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 4, 2021: First Blood (1982) (Part II)
Quick Recap before we go on. Oh, and SPOILERS right up top!
John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone) is a Vietnam vet wandering through Washington State, until coming upon the town of Hope, run by the Sheriff Will Teasle (Brian Dennehy).
Sheriff Will Teasle is an absolute dick who arrests Rambo for no real reason; just for being a “drifter.” His police force, which includes the sadistic Galt (Jack Starrett) and sympathetic Mitch (David Caruso, AKA Horatio Caine from CSI: Miami), beats John Rambo, and post-2020 me is UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!!
Rambo has Vietnam flashbacks (like you do) and escapes the prison, pursued by the obsessive and dickish Sheriff and his equally dickish men (except for Horatio, maybe).
Galt tries to shoot Rambo, and karma bitch-slaps him RIGHT in the face, holy shit. He dies, and Rambo is blamed and shot at, escaping into the forest.
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OK. On with the recap!
At this point, all of Rambo’s actions are in self-defense. In truth, it’s been self-defense since the beginning. However, he does kill two dogs, so...yeah, can’t really justify that. That sucks. The dog’s handler gets shot by Rambo, who now has a gun, and we also see that Galt’s certified sociopathy has leaked into everybody else but Horatio upon his death, including the dog guy, who tells his dogs to straight up kill Rambo. But, as previously stated...that’s not what happens.
At this point, I should introduce the amemedala.
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The amemedala is a portion of the mesencephalon (or midbrain) discovered in the brains of millennials and younger individuals, recently discovered, named, and made up by yours truly. This area, attached to the thalamus, acts as a relay center between the cerebrum and the various sensory receptors of the body, similar to the function of the thalamus. However, while the thalamus governs the broad relay of senses to the appropriate areas of the brain for analysis, the amemedala relays appropriate sensory signals to the frontal lobes, where catalogs of shared sociological trends, or memes, are housed. This relay and association generates connections between extrenal stimuli, and entries in the meme catalog of the frontal lobes. While this is technically an autonomic process, it can be suppressed with enough willpower.
Why am I ringing this up in the middle of First Blood? Because EVERY. SINGLE. CELL of my brain is working to suppress the amemedala right now. Why? BECAUSE OF THE LORAX, AND FOR WHOM HE SPEAKS.
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OK. That is now out of my system. Anyway, Rambo continues to speak for the trees, which is understandably starting to spook the smalltown cops. This leads to the VERY surprising moment where a camouflaged Rambo appears OUT OF NOWHERE and stabs Horatio in the goddamn leg! Like, wow, he was invisible! I had to rewind the film to see where he was. This is tense...and awesome, not gonna lie. This is awesome.
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And then, he gets another cop by JUMPING FROM A TREE. Well, a tree stump, BUT STILL. After he takes him out, he stands in plain sight in front of an approaching cop. That cop, subscribing once again to the shoot-first-ask-questions-later policy, fires. And I SWEAR, Rambo is FASTER THAN THOSE SPEEDING BULLETS, as he dodges out of the way, and the bullets HIT THE COP HE JUST TOOK OUT!
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And then, when I didn’t think this could get any more intense, that cop triggers a booby trap, and A STICK WITH WOODEN SPIKES GOES THROUGH THIS MAN’S LEGS, AND HE’S SPEARED LIKE A KEBAB OH MY GOD
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The asshole sheriff runs to the NEW set of panicked screams, and his compatriot is just Batman-ed away by Rambo. It’s just the sheriff, now. The storm is building, and the forest is getting darker. The sheriff frees leg-spike cop, and goes to find the other cop, who’s been PINNED TO A TREE LIKE A BUTTERFLY IN A DISPLAY CASE. See, look!
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HOLY SHIT IT’S RAMBO WITH A KNIFE IN THE FOREST. He pins the sheriff up to a tree, then with some legitimately badass lines, threatens with the sheriff with “a war [he] wouldn’t believe,” and telling him to make like Elsa and…
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I love this sequence. It is the most intense, crazy, holy shit sequence I’ve seen so far this month. Wow. I understand why people talk about this movie. Man, that was a hell of a ride! Good movie, though. All right, so, time for the final sco-
Oh. Oh, my God. I’m only HALFWAY INTO THE MOVIE?
...Wow. OK, then.
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We now meet Colonel Sam Trautman, Rambo’s commander in the Green Berets. He’s come to “get his boy.” He says that he came to rescue the Sheriff’s dumb ass from Rambo, rather than the other way around. And the Sheriff is...an idiot. He’s an ass, he’s a maniac, and he’s a stubborn idiot. Even after learning that Rambo is the best, he’s unwilling to back down, the dummkopf.
Rambo kills a wild boar in the woods, which makes no sense for Washington State, but whatever, sure. Anyway, they try to get the colonel to lure Rambo out, even though that’s obviously gonna make his PTSD, just...SO much worse. Especially as he starts using Vietnam parlance in contacting him. Not gonna end well, guys. But it’s then that we learn that Rambo is now the last surviving member of his unit, contributing to his trauma. Rambo’s also been trying to get in contact with the Colonel, winding up here because he has no place to go. He says that there are no friendly civilians, and the trouble’s been caused by that “king-shit” cop. I will be using this term from now on.
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Wow. Damn. Hell of a reason for that title. And I think I love this movie. Seriously, I’m having a good time.
King-Shit Cop keeps going ahead with his absolute idiocy, despite all warnings to the contrary. So, a bunch of troops now converge upon Rambo’s place, but he naturally opens fire on them, without killing a single person. In fact, he hasn’t killed anyone this whole movie, and they make a point of saying that he’s been holding back the whole time. So, they decide to use the next, most logical course of action. They FIRE A ROCKET AT HIM.
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Afterwards, the Colonel and King Shit Cop catch up at a bar, where the latter exposes his full sociopathy, commenting that he just wanted to kill Rambo. This is opposed to the Colonel, who doesn’t really know what he’d do if Rambo survived.
Which, of course, he did. C’mon, you think a little military-grade propelled explosive is gonna kill John Rambo? Nah. He’s the best there ever was, and he’s gonna prove it now. He jumps into a military vehicle holding an M-60, and hijacks it. Doesn’t take long for the news to break that Rambo’s still kicking, and he’s quickly intercepted by King Shit Cop, who JUST. DOESN’T. KNOW. WHEN. TO QUIT. And I’d admire his tenacity if he wasn’t SUCH AN ASSHOLE.
The cops try to run Rambo and the truck of the road, and he plays the UNO Reverse Card on them instead. And I’m pretty sure at this point…
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...that old Johnny boy’s just killed some cops. So, yeah, now there’s a bigger problem. He powers through the State Police blockade like it was a banner blocking a football team, stops at a gas station, grabs the gun from the car, and LIGHTS ALL OF THAT SHIT ON FIRE! Destroying the livelihood of an individual who had nothing to do with this.
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Yeah, Rambo’s starting to turn from innocent acting in self-defense to public menace REAL quick. And yeah, it’s King Shit Cop’s fault entirely...but, yeah, Johnny needs some help, because he’s losing the train at this point. But, not to be outdone, King Shit Cop is also beginning to lose it, and it’s definitely beginning to seem like only one of them is going to come out of this alive. And the Colonel tries to give him an out, but King Shit Cop’s prepared to go down with the ship that he blew a hole in in the first place. Like an asshole.
But here we go, the finale. John Rambo vs. King Shit Cop (whose name, by the way, is Will Teasle. I just like Rambo’s name for him better). KSC’s on the roof, Rambo’s on the street. Rambo causes more property damage, possibly because banks also give him PTSD (I joke, but PTSD is no laughing matter, John clearly needs help), and then finds his way to a store that has just all of the ammo a psychologically-damaged Vietnam War veteran on a revenge quest could ever need.
And then he BLOWS. THAT. SHIT. UP.
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And he does this...ALL of this...just to lure KSC out of hiding. This man DESTROYS A TOWN because this idiot, sociopathic, unhinged, King Shit Cop, won’t just STAND. THE FUCK. DOWN ALREADY.
Rambo enters the police station, where KSC is on the roof. And, like the Colonel and the rest of us guessed, KSC gets shot in the process. And as Rambo stands over KSC, the Colonel finally shows up and does what literally everybody else should have done.
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Talk. He just...talks to Rambo. He talks to this mentally ill man, and that mentally ill man responds, espousing his pure anger at the war, the public, protesters, work, the country, the town, himself...everyone. And goddamn, is that shit palpable.
This man can no longer fit in the world that he was forced to leave, and forced to return to. This poor, poor, poor man. It hurts. And it sucks. And he pours his heart out to the Colonel, and to us, and...you feel it. You feel his trauma, you feel his pain. You feel the aftermath of war. And it’s been seven years at this point for the Colonel, but no time for John. Not Rambo. John. And it’s just...never over.
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Damn. Goddamn.
This...this is one hell of a good movie. And not just a good action movie, either. A damn good movie.
And that’s it. That’s First Blood.
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soulmatesinanimpala · 4 years
My thoughts on the SPN series finale
First off let me preface this by saying I devoted YEARS and years of my life, I poured every ounce of my love and devotion, every shred of my inspiration and every fibre of my being into this show, many years ago. I wasn’t just a “fan.” I have this show tattooed on my body for a reason. It literally changed my life. It saved me. These two brothers, road tripping across America hunting down creepy things that go bump in the night. And their love for one another. The amount of love I have/had for this show is boundless. I carry it with me every day and I will for the rest of my life. It is a part of who I am. I’ve never connected with another show quite the same way as I did with Supernatural, and I know I never will again. The universe aligned to produce magic that day that I decided to watch the pilot. For me, it was never “just a show.” It was something tangible, like a life I was getting to live outside of my own. It was quite literally everything to me.
But, somewhere along the way, with the loss of the original creator Eric Kripke, and different writing teams coming and going, the show lost itself, and it turned into something unrecognizable. It turned into a mockery of itself, a joke. With writing so bad it was physically PAINFUL for me to watch. I held on for years, hoping it would eventually pick back up, or by some miracle I would start to see the original show I fell in love with come back. But it never did. So I stopped watching about four seasons ago, after a long, long journey with the show.
I see so many people torn up about the finale and shit-talking the writers when in reality, for me, the show actually died LONG AGO. The fact that so many are only angry with the writers NOW is what I truly find astounding.
I’ve had to sit back and listen to “fans” bitch and moan about how their fantasy ships aren’t being respected in canon, and it INFURIATED me. So many have lost sight about what the show is actually about, and the writers just play into their delusions. Everybody always talks about the SPN fandom being such a respectful, caring fandom and it couldn’t be further from the truth. The fandom ruined the show. It’s literally the worst fandom I’ve ever been a part of and ever will be a part of. So many so-called “fans” want their fantasies to be a reality that it POISONED the show and swallowed it up it until it became this dark, soulless entity. A shell, if you will, of what it once was. It could not be farther away from the show I originally fell in love with, back when the fandom was pretty much just growing. It was this tight-knit community, and I was so proud to be part of it. The fandom was older, wiser, and had respect for the writers and the characters. That fandom that I once held dear is LONG, long gone.
ALL THIS TO SAY. Was I satisfied with the ending? Honestly? Sure.
I already gave up on the show LONG AGO, so this ending isn’t as significant to me as others are making it out to be. I’m seeing memes going around about the rusty nail thing and honestly, while it is true that it’s drastically anti-climactic, I think that’s kind of what I ... didn’t mind about it..? Yes, there was a blatant disregard for 15 years of character development and everything he’d been through to just go and do something extremely CHEAP and insulting like that. But it honestly didn’t even surprise me, with this writing team. They’ve been pulling shit like this for YEARS and no one seemed to care, so. Why all of a sudden do people care about SPN’s shit writing?
The plot of the last, what- ten seasons? has been this crazy over-arching end of the world heaven/hell apocalypse bullshit, which got so tiring after a while that nothing the characters did even mattered anymore. Someone dies? Oh don’t worry, they’re going to come right back unscathed next episode! You sacrifice yourself! and YOU sacrifice yourself! That it was just one redundant mess. Like SPN just became this too-big ocean filled to the brim with trash. So.... honestly? Dean Winchester going out ON A HUNT with Sammy, wasn’t so bad to me. If they wanted him to die, there was really nothing else they had left to do? He’d already sacrificed himself for the planet MANY TIMES lol. Dean’s died so many fucking times like I can’t even count. So who cares that this is his final death? It’s kind of appropriate, if you think about it. Death doesn’t mean as much to the Winchesters as it does to you and me. Sam knew he wasn’t saying goodbye to him forever. Were there a hell of a lot more ways he could have gone out that would have been more respectful? Obviously. But that’s Dabb for you.
I guess the fact that Sam knew he was going to see Dean as soon as he died almost made it OKAY for him to live out his life. (I’m just grasping at straws here because I really hate that Sam lived out an entire life with wife and kid without Dean like it makes me feel like puking lol)
The writing was obviously garbage, but I wasn’t expecting anything different than the drab, heartless, half-assed surface-level writing of the past several years. So, GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES, I’m honestly not that mad at it. I’m just kind of shrugging tbh.
Sam got to live out the life he always wanted, and when he finally did die, he returned to Dean. Now the brothers can be together with their loved ones for eternity. That doesn’t sound too bad to me? The show has ALWAYS been about SAM AND DEAN. To end with the two of them is the way it SHOULD be.
Would I have written it differently? Well, I would have written the past TEN seasons differently, so. To me, this was just... fine. I liked the nods to the return to the pilot. That hit me RIGHT in the feels. From Bobby at the Roadhouse, to the original licence plate on the Impala, to some of the lines that were exchanged. Those little nuggets were just lovely, and being a strictly OG-series fan, l felt appreciated in some small way. I also liked how time barely passed for Dean, but a whole lifetime passed for Sam. Him driving the car to Carry on My Wayward Son as Sam lived out his life was as well done as it could be, and them finally reuniting on the bridge where it all began was symbolic AF and I really liked that. So, in conclusion. I’m not mad. (Well, I’m not MADDER than I already was lmao). And for me to not be madder than I already was, is a feat. So I’ll take what I can get. Because if it would have ended with the brothers not being together, I think I would have had to drop everything to fly to California just to flip the writers’ table over and give them a piece of my mind.
Jared and Jensen gave not only that finale but this entire series their all, and regardless of how you feel about the finale, the least we can do is give them our respect. These two actors carried the series for all 15 seasons, baring their souls on screen for us all to watch. And that is a beautiful thing, that even after all these years and all these fluctuating emotions I had about the show, I can still shed tears for the Winchesters and their tragic but beautiful story.
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the writing ask- I AM SO SORRY I COULDNT STOP!!! xoxo
aaaah these questions look SO GOOD thank you so much <3 <3 for this ask meme, which will be open all weekend!
1. tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
i pulled open all of my WIP google docs for this and my laptop started whirring ominously, lmao. this is going to be a Little Long but i love talking about my wips so who cares!! (under the cut because EXCERPTS)
guys and dolls but gay - very, very casual rewrite of guys and dolls if sky masterson was a woman. i’m loving how chill i’m being about this one because it’s so much fun to not have to worry how i’m going to write lyrics in a not-weird way and just focus on the story. this one’s first because it’s theoretically closest to being finished.
sky, laughing: “oh? people. all the people you turn down every day. well, i imagine there’s someone out there that’ll catch your eye.”
sarah, stiffening: “...yes, there will be.”
sky: “and what might this person be like?”
sarah: “he will not be a gambler, for one.”
sky does not miss the pointed pronoun. “i’m not interested in what he won’t be, i’m interested in what he will be.” she sits down on the desk, in a pointedly masculine pose, and sets her fedora next to her - at her most Hot Queer, basically. “how will you know when he gets to you?”
my fic for the aos rarepair fic exchange - i can’t give any plot or ship details, for obvious reasons, but it’s 1.3k and i’m having fun with it!
steven roadtrip of destiny - canon divergent fic set at the end of steven universe future where steven goes on a roadtrip instead of... canon. it deals with some heavy emotions and it’s also a character study so it’s tentatively shelved until i get around to rewatching suf. but i am projecting on steven like crazy and it’s really, really cathartic. it’s taught me a lot about myself too lmao.
He’s never been anonymous before. He kind of likes it. It means he can fold his arms on the table and put his head down without Pearl worrying about his posture, or someone asking him if something’s okay.
In the last few months, he’s grown to hate people asking him how he’s doing, or if he’s okay. He always ends up lying, because he doesn’t want to worry them, and he ends up feeling worse.
Probably because it’s more of him supporting other people without supporting himself.
He should have told someone how he was feeling. He should have reached out. Sadie could’ve helped him. Lars would’ve listened. Connie would have hugged him and then found him the appropriate mental health professional.
(God, Steven wants a hug. Also the appropriate mental health professional? Whoever that would be.)
untitled aos fic - i don’t want to give a lot of details because :eye emoji: and also i don’t know much about what the plot of this is going to be anyway, lmao. but here’s an excerpt:
daisy “that actor who doesn’t shut up about data harvesting” johnson (@daisyquake) tweeted: two weeks :eyes emoji:
Elena Rodriguez | Seven Cents S2 Streaming On Netflix Now! (@yoyorodriguez) retweeted and added: the problem with being friends with daisy is that you SHOULD have some insight into what her tweets mean but you still have no idea
Fitz (@justfitz) retweeted and added: Try being married to her
untitled star wars twins fic - because i am a total and massive nerd. i’m just kind of stuffing everything i have feels about from the post-anh era into this and planning on figuring it out later? i’m really loving talking about the culture of alderaan (and the culture of the survivors) and also i just love writing luke and leia’s relationship... so much......
(no excerpt for that one because i’ve basically posted all of it in various posts lmao)
aos ds9 au - i’ve posted a LOT about this already and i want to keep the plot a surprise but fsk is in this and married and half the cast is aliens, what else do you need in life.
“Good morning,” says Jemma, coming into the room with her hair wet and her uniform crooked. “Hello, darling.”
“Hi,” says Daisy, turning her face up for a kiss. Jemma obliges absently as she walks past, looking around the room.
“Has anyone seen my hair clip?”
“No,” say Fitz and Daisy in unison.
and of course, last but never least in my heart, chapter 3 of the magnum opus - writing this is on hold until my brain decides to stop hitting me over the head at every possible moment, but there’s like... 2k written so far? it’s. it’s going.
“Yeah, yeah,” says Coulson, and makes quick work of the right gauntlet. It’s only halfway through the left one that his fingers slow and he says, quietly, “Simmons designed these, didn’t she?”
She lets out a quick breath. “Yeah.”
He stays quiet for a few more seconds, finishing up the last of the straps, making sure they’re tight enough. Finally, he says, “She should be helping you with these.”
Daisy pulls her arms back and swallows down some words, or maybe a couple of feelings, or maybe a sob. “Yeah, well.”
2. tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
the last sentence of the magnum opus!!!!!!!!!!
no, lmao, i’m gonna try to be serious. i really, really want to write some librarians fic in the near future? also MORE OF THE SENSE8 AU. i’m DYING to write some stuff about that. especially sam’s cluster, for some reason? Let’s Make Him Suffer (Comedically)! one day i’m gonna finish that list of what cluster/situation each song is about and then it’ll be over for all of us!
3. what is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
i spent about eight months imagining a scene where riza hawkeye was really injured and mustang was holding her in his arms (basically the promised day scene but with more privacy) so does that count?
hmm, just for some other possibilities: glinda telling dorothy about elphaba, laura somehow seeing or speaking to natasha during catws, a good omens au of the good place (specifically the ”i don’t even like you!” / “you doooooooo” scene), kencyrath au of star wars (ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, except setting up the first scene alone would take 7k, but i want to talk about leia and luke and their MESSED UP TRUST ISSUES in this au).
oh, also, something about star trek tng where jean-luc and beverly and jack were in love and then jack died and picard left. more specifically a scene set during the pilot episode where jean-luc very cordially offers beverly the option to transfer off the enterprise, that he wouldn’t dream of holding it against her, and beverly very cordially telling jean-luc to go fuck himself. i want to write 30k of that broken triad. i want it so bad. i dream of that fic. maybe one day when i find myself with a completely empty month or two, i’ll binge all of tng and Write Some Stuff.
4. share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
since you and i have tww in common, i’m gonna do a tww fic! otherwise i’d have to reread literally every fic i’ve ever written, lmao.
(this is long but i put this post under the cut so i have RIGHTS. also consider this a sneak peek for the j/d fic in the sense8 au?)
“It’s okay,” says Helen. She sits for a moment in silence, seeming thoughtful. “The Congressman and I are in the same cluster,” she says eventually. “I’d- I supposed that’s easier on the Secret Service?”
“Yes,” says Donna. “The-”
She stops herself from saying anything further. President Bartlet and the First Lady aren’t exactly quiet about who’s in their cluster, especially with senior staff, but that doesn’t mean she should go talking about it in an unsecured room in LA, of all places.
To cover for her blunder, she gives up something else: “The same with Josh. They got really lucky with him, actually. It’s just him and me, so they won’t have to worry about anyone threatening the Chief of Staff through the barista in the local Starbucks.”
Helen looks up from the Ohio numbers she’d drifted back to, a slow smile creeping up on her face. “Josh is in your cluster?”
“Uh-” says Donna, feeling like national security wasn’t worth whatever she’s just blundered into. Oops. “Josh- Josh is my cluster, ma’am.”
She catches her mistake the second it’s out of her mouth, but Helen doesn’t call her on it, more focused on other revelations. “No wonder you two look at each other the way you do!” she says, sounding delighted. Donna shuts her eyes, praying for this to go away. It’s not that she’s ashamed of Josh - it’s just so, so complicated, and other people never think about how difficult it was. Still is.
i’m just... i really liked the idea of donna fumbling and having to reveal this to cover up for what else she was going to say? i don’t know why i’m so charmed by this. i think it’s because it would be impossible in the show - you can’t show what someone was going to say on television, not without a lot of setup and very careful scripting. it’s just a really fun situation to write about and i’m really proud of this conversation in general.
also helen santos was a dream to write and i love her a lot. i kind of want to write one of the fics in the series about her and her cluster solely because like... look at her. she’s a delight in literally every scene. i love her.
5. what character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
daisy johnson!!! i love writing daisy johnson!!!! she is the most adhd character i’ve ever written and i literally just have to transcribe my own inner monologue and it works perfectly!!!!!
Swing shift: 1600 hours to 2400 hours. Daisy always ends up getting back to her quarters at like 0030 hours, when Jemma is asleep and Fitz is reading some kind of technical journal. Then she has to eat replicated pizza, alone, and freshly replicated pizza is actually pretty hot but it feels cold at that time of night, like, spiritually.
6. what character do you have the most fun writing?
...whoops i literally just answered that lmao. uh. i also really love writing sky masterson in the guys and dolls fic? she’s just weaponized hot queerness in a suit and i love her for it. she is intentionally trying to seduce this repressed lesbian and it’s really funny and also really hot of her and it’s so much fun to write.
also, i wrote chidi for the tgp fic and it was possibly the most fun i’ve ever had with a pov, although that was also because i was purposefully trying to mimic the tone of the show. i still think that line about michael and a grenade is, like, the funniest i have ever been in my life. but chidi’s panic was surprisingly easy to write? all of tgp’s characters have such STRONG voices, it makes writing fic ridiculously easy as long as you don’t get stuck on a plot for six months.
7. what do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? would others agree?
oof, this one is ALWAYS tricky. uh? uhh?? i’m going to ruin everything by saying this but i basically alternate between the same two sentence structures and i am really frustrated about it. i also alternate between the same two styles of endings and i always use the same beginning (set scene, main character pov, thoughts-as-exposition, back to scene).
BUT ON A MORE POSITIVE NOTE i like to talk about emotions and relationships and character development!! i have my “queer subtext goggles” superglued to my face, lmao. i like to think about how characters must have felt about things in canon and how it must’ve influenced them. i like making people deal with the consequences of their actions, especially how it’s influenced they themself. i also just really, really like writing people who love each other, whether it’s romantic or platonic or anything in between. i just want them to be happy! i just want them to stick together! doesn’t matter what fandom, i stand by it.
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redemptioninterlude · 4 years
Woody could use some love okay f me
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send urls, get positivity meme! + @joc-cook
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lmao this is gonna be SO DAMN CORNY, but i swear this was like a legit instant connection. like our fucking identical musical taste aside, and the weird way we’re also mind reading and writing all the things the other person is thinking, AND THE WEIRD PERFECT CHEMISTRY, just generally?? cc is literally a fuckin’ queen. 
cook’s always been one of my favourite characters since i watched skins, i always thought he was such a funny loudmouth fuck up. but in all that is honestly such a fucking lovely character. like for real, you play him so well i’m consistently shocked. i’m out here tryina guess half the lingo you’re using AND I AM HALF BRITISH so like, right fuckin’ on cc, you’re just nailing the shit out of this. add on top that half of toronto slang is really appropriated british slang (thanks drake...) and i’m just like... how. and just the quality, there’s no words for how fucking excited i get when i write something for you or i see a notification from you, because i know as soon as it’s up we’ll be up in the ims yellin’ and for right fucking reason.
i’m literally s o o o  o excited for this ship and how it’s shaping up because i can already tell the angst is literally going to murder the shit out of my soul. and isn’t that low key the best kind? like all the lovely throes and highs and lows and shitty moments and then you know, typical fuck it and addict behaviour clashes and then BOOM PAP!!! that’s essentially what we’re crafting and i don’t know, i already feel this is one that’s gonna stick for me as something i look back on and i’m like, ahhhh, romantic sighs, wasn’t that just beautiful to write and experience? now i’m just here praying you keep up on it, don’t you ever leave!!! because i adore you, both in and out of the writing, you’re a pretty wicked friend, and i’m glad we got to meet, you know?
oh yeah and then because i promised this would happen... woody! who’s a good boy? yous a good boy! yes you are! yes you aaaaare!!! you cute sweet darling little pup! ask cc for a treat from me, okay?? yesssss, eat it up!
        ( ok i’m done bye )
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runicmagitek · 4 years
For the fandom-ship-character meme: FFX, Auron/Lulu, Tidus?
Awww thank you so much! And so appropriately timed, seeing I’m slowly replaying X :D
Favorite character: Auron has always been my fave.
Least Favorite character: Back when I first played it when it came out, I couldn't stand Tidus, but with my recent playthrough, wow do I despise Wakka.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Auron/Lulu, Auron/Lulu, Auron/Lulu, Auron/Lulu, and Auron/Lulu (it's literally my one and only ship. I don't really like any of the other ships in X)
Character I find most attractive: Lulu! Have you seen her?!
Character I would marry: Again, Lulu. Love me a lady who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say it.
Character I would be best friends with: Rikku. With my recent playthrough, I resonate with her a lot and I want nothing but the best for her.
a random thought: The mechanics of this game are really solid and it's sad/weird that it hasn't been reused in any of the other Final Fantasy games.
An unpopular opinion: X-2 never happened and chucked out a lot of important themes in X.
My Canon OTP: I don't have one.
My Non-canon OTP: Auron/Lulu
Most Badass Character: Everyone wishes they were as badass as Auron
Most Epic Villain: Yunalesca is pretty epic, but like... that's it? All the other antagonists are old, religious dudes that aren't really... epic. and I can't take Seymour seriously, so he doesn't count.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Literally all of them outside of Auron/Lulu. X isn't a prime source of shippy stuff for me, so I'm honestly baffled by almost all of the pairings.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Lulu. I have such a hard time believing that she'd settle with Wakka, of all people, and have his kid and play housewife forever. She deserved better. 
Favourite Friendship: Yuna and Rikku! I love how supportive Rikku is of her and is so determined to find a better solution to the summoner predicament. And while the game doesn't expand too much on it, I also love Yuna and Kimahri. They deserved more scenes together.
Character I most identify with: A mix between Rikku and Lulu. Lulu embodies all the salt and eyerolling I have on a daily, if not hourly basis. Also my inner goth loves her style. And Rikku just isn't afraid to challenge traditions that make no fucking sense and speak her mind. Love both of them!
Character I wish I could be: I wish I had more of Yuna's patience and general kindness.
When I started shipping them: Like fucking immediately? There was never a particular moment that I can remember that made me draw this conclusion, but I always felt like they'd get along better with each other than anyone else. 
My thoughts: Lulu's been through so much and she constantly has to explain basic ass shit to either oblivious or ignorant men. She never has to do that with Auron. And for Auron, Lulu is someone he doesn't need to babysit. They've both been through their share of hell and have grown because of it. They've always been that couple where I feel they'd be comfortable with each other in utter silence.
What makes me happy about them: Everything! They're aesthetically pleasing, their personalities align beautifully, and I'm a sucker for warrior/mage dichotomies.
What makes me sad about them: Auron dies in the end and Lulu gets fucked hard by canon :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Honestly, there's not much fic with them, so I guess the lack of fic annoys me? XD 
Things I look for in fanfic: Does it have Auron/Lulu front and center and essentially ignores whatever nonsense that happens in X-2? Sign me the hell up!
My wishlist: I'd be game for any small moments they share together throughout the story. I'm a sucker for bittersweet moments full of dramatic irony, like Lulu dreaming of plans with him once the pilgrimage is over. Punches me right in the feels.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Absolutely no one :\ I'd rather they both be single and find happiness with themselves than be with another person.
My happily ever after for them: Either Auron doesn't die and they pave a new life together in the Eternal Calm or they die together and can exist peacefully in the Farplane. As long as they're together, it's a happy ending to me.
How I feel about this character: Ho boy. I don't like Tidus. At all. I will say that I've come to tolerate him a bit more with my recent playthrough, but not by much.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: n o p e
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I do enjoy his interactions with Rikku.
My unpopular opinion about this character: His random monologues in the actual game are a massive interruption all to point out the obvious and it drives me up a wall
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish there was more development with him and his mom. She seemed so... not important :\ 
Favorite friendship for this character: So like, I feel "fave non-romantic relationship" is more or less a friendship? Unless that was talking about a strictly sexual relationship, which... just call it that??? ANYHOW, I still love his friendship with Rikku.
My crossover ship: oh god no
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theprodigypenguin · 4 years
I’m gonna get sappy here for a bit, so feel free to pass this post.
All day today my coworkers were talking about Valentine’s Day and their significant others, one of them talked about how she set up cute goodies for her husband and kids, another talked about making dinner and getting her boyfriend of 4 years a valentine’s gift after work, and the third one talked about spending a cute dinner with her boyfriend. That was all super fine, it was cute, they were all so excited that I got excited listening to them. They looked so happy that I was only happy for them, but then one of my coworkers looks at me and goes “so do you have a love interest in town, someone you like?”
For background, yeah, I do. There’s a guy who works in the same building that I like. We don’t exactly work together, because we work in two separate businesses that just happen to be located in the same place (they’re like a grocery store and we’re a deli/bakery that sells stuff in the front of the store). So he’s like a work crush, but I’ve liked him for MONTHS. I even bought him something for Christmas, and was bold enough to give it to him in person instead of shoving it in his cubby and running away like I wanted to. 
Clearly he appreciated it because the next day he gave me a Christmas gift too (one of two gifts I got aside from a Christmas care package I got from Weasel). It was an adorable little notebook that he bound BY HAND, the cover is real leather, and he made it THAT NIGHT. Like? Why is he so sweet? And I really like him, and sometimes I get the feeling he may like me back, but there’s so much wrong with me, emotionally and mentally, that I don’t know if I can properly understand other people’s opinions or feelings towards me.
People liking me is just... absurd to me, because it doesn’t make sense, because no one has ever liked me before, because clearly there’s something wrong with me, so what makes me at twenty-two so different from me at any other age? My romantic relationships in the past have been far and few between. I’ve had exactly one person I called my boyfriend, and I fucked that up because of how intense and fucked up my self image and insecurity was (I broke it off with him because my family made me feel insecure about the relationship). I regret it every day, because breaking up with him started a domino effect in his life, and I don’t want to explain that part further cuz it still stings. The other “relationships” I had were just as messed up, and I thought it would be less painful when I had a crush on a girl, but nah, that was even worse. I confessed to her and she went and started dating my friend  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There’s more to unpack between my crushes/relationships from the past, but I don’t think Tumblr needs to know the rest of that.
Anyway, this isn’t about all that. Romantic love is all well and good, and I like to think I’m at a place in my life where I’d be ready for something romantic, but for me platonic love comes first, and is the most important thing to me. My family has warped my and my romance has damaged me, but my friends, for the most part, have healed me and helped me grow more than anything else. I’ve gotten through my darkest moments completely alone, because my irl friends just... didn’t care, but the older I get, the more I’m learning I don’t have to do that, because even if my “friends” irl don’t give a damn about me, I like to imagine I’m starting to accept that the friends I’ve made online, notably Tumblr, do genuinely care.
Internet friends are so much more treasurable than people give them credit for, and I know in this day and age it’s hard to know if you’re getting catfished or not, but these people especially I trust with my entire life. So for this Valentine’s Day I would like to send invisible Valentine’s Day love to three Tumblr friends I’ve made over the past year or two I’ve been on this site that I appreciate more than words can describe.
@cremmisius | @weasleywood True friendship is born from a meme, which is how I found this amazing sir. Intrigued because my lack of being able to read like a normal person made me think his URL said Weasel instead of Weasley, because I’m an idiot. A meme and a fun name had us starting to talk, and now I consider him to be one of my closest online friends QwQ I just wish we lived a little closer, I swear if I loved closer to you or you lived closer to me I’d be dragging you to watch The Cursed Child with me so we could cry over it together. For now we must deal with several states separating us, but I’m going to be sending you more care packages and goodies as soon as I can. Thank you for being such an amazing friend to me, and for letting me slide into your DMs with so many depressing and angsty James headcanons because I’m a lunatic. Thank you for having such amazing OCs and for just existing in general, because my man you give me strength (and really good advice considering who I’m crushing on so thank you for helping me pick out his christmas present).
@scarshavestories I think it’s been literally a year? Since we started talking? I’ll be honest, I reached out originally for a beta reader, which I’d never had before cuz I was too much of a wuss and couldn’t handle edits. A beta would say “you spelled yes with two E’s” and I’d cry cuz I’m a baby, but I think I’m better now, probably. At first you were super intimidating, idk why, beta readers are just spooky scary to me, editors have inhuman powers, and I thought I was constantly annoying you when I messaged you because i’m just like that, but you are literally so patient and kind and sweet and I did not expect that but I appreciate you so much for putting up with me (and I know you’re gonna smack me with a newspaper or something cuz I say “put up with me” a lot and you nag me about it but you know what that’s okay that’s what friends do). Anyway! I’ve grown to really consider you a friend, and I feel so beyond lucky, because wow I do not deserve you, you’re too nice and wonderful I can’t even believe it, and I want to send you goodies in a care package too but I don’t wanna send you stuff you can’t use cuz I know you don’t like having stuff with no purpose BUT I’LL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT! And one day if I ever visit the UK I hope I can meet you QwQ you are very far away, literally the other side of the world from me, am sad but still love you.
@bettercallmemalfoy I think you’re one of the first people I started talking to on Tumblr, found you through Scorbus and I think that’s very appropriate tbh. You’re not much younger than me but I consider you my smol sis and I adore you, and for the record your accent is SO CUTE I just wanted to add that. I haven’t sent out your care package yet cuz of personal stuff but it’s bad cuz I keep finding stuff I want to add to it and if I keep adding stuff it’s gonna be really heavy and then the shipping will literally kill me, but I just want to note when you get your box you are going to be so happy and I can’t wait for you to get it cuz it’s packed with all the love in the world cuz I want to spoil you cuz you deserve it. I know right now you’re probably watching TCC and I’m SO HAPPY FOR YOU cuz you deserve it so much, being able to watch the play for real, you deserve it more than most tbh (everyone deserves to see it at least once but that’s not the point). I just wanted to add you to this post and send you Valentine’s Day love so you know that someone out there adores you. Even if it’s just me, at least it’s something QwQ thank you for being my friend, and again I’m sad you’re so so far away, separated by lots of that stupid water, but we’ve been friendos for this long so maybe we can remain friendos until we can maybe meet one day.
Even if I haven’t contacted you in weeks, I think about you guys every day, when I think of true friends I think of you three, and I talk about you guys at work and to my family and talk you up and say I have pen pals/internet friends and they’re the best and I love them cuz I love you guys so much and you deserve to know. So thank you for being my friends, thank you for putting a little more light and love into my life and making me happy to have a Tumblr.
Remember to take care of yourselves, take your meds, get enough sleep, enjoy baking that cake, don’t cry too hard at TCC but if you do make sure you cry in front of James Howard (I think he’s the actor who plays Draco in the London production, right?) that way you can sneak your way into maybe getting a hug >:3 
And know I love you lots and wish all the good in the world to befall you <3 <3 <3 Happy Valentine’s Day to you and to all of my followers who have decided to put up with all my mess, I love you all!
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