#I intended on doing both but then it got long. XD
factual-fantasy · 1 month
9 asks! Thank you!! :}}
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Awe! Thank you! I'm so glad you like all the stuff I make! :DD
And thank you again, that means a lot to me 🥹 things are starting to look up, I have hopes that this is all over soon!
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I'm very uncomfortable with fanart/fan works being made for me.. So I tend to be rather strict about it not being made! <:/
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Well? Why not go for it? :0 You've got nothing to lose! :}
Yeah, since I've been dealing with all these health problems I've had a lot of time to lay around and feel down. :( So I used that time to finally pick up pokemon Scarlet! Which is where this sudden pokemon phase is coming from XD
As for what happened, we still don't know for certain. :( I've got some doctors appointments ahead of me that will hopefully figure out what's wrong and get me all fixed up. <:')
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I'm doing everything I can to battle/deal with these health problems I've got going on. All Tumblr is doing is giving me a bit of a mental break/distraction from it all. <:}
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Nothing in particular, other than a grumpy member of the fam! <XD
I know that I've played up the quilts power and importance, but the truth is the quilts have no real power- they're nothing more than a sentimental accessory <:}}
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Thank you! My days going fairly well so far! :}}
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Thank you so much for all the kind words!! :DD Man could you imagine if I reached 50,000 by the end of the year?? That would sure be something! XDD
So! Onto your questions. The whale encounter with barnacles and the ship wreck encounter with Tweak were both intended to be exclusive to the sea dwellers AU. Though those creatures are intended to exist in my main au, those specific encounters might not happen..
The point of the main AU is that these monsters exist, but the crew have never encountered them. Which casts doubt on Kwaziis stories..
As for the gups, that's a mostly joke-y idea that's not connected to any main AU. :0
As for Bash, it's hard to say what color he'd be all fixed up. The original car was red or purple I think, but that doesn't seem like a color he would want.. maybe red or green instead. Maybe both! XD
As for where'd he'd go post war, I can see him wanting to go back to Cybertron. As long as his friends are there that is :}}
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janumun · 11 months
Being the brand new omega roommate for alpha Alhaitham and alpha Kaveh, who were both carefully looking for a needed extra to fill in the space in their housing near Port Ormos, purely for important research purposes Alhaitham claims.
And conveniently, they were also looking for another proper lover (Preferably an omega) for their alphan pod for their upcoming ruts, both of which just so happen to be right around the corner.
Poor sensitive alpha Kaveh, and absolute buster alpha Alhaitham, are both equally slick and suave in pursuing what they desire. Once they put their mind to something none can ever stop them from achieving their appointed goal.
Kaveh is more romantically obvious than Alhaitham, but that doesn't mean Alhaitham won't have his fair share of aces up his sleeve to properly convince you to join them in their pack. And with their ruts coming up alongside the brand new omega moving in, time is short and ever increasingly fragile.
Surely you will be so kind as to aid their little predicament?
Before we dive pussy first into this, I’ll have you know that your Ask was what took me out of commission for this long, Nonny. I had to sink back into the sofa and just stare into space for the next several weeks. 🤣
While I would’ve really loved to write something more cohesive for this (I am so, so insane for the ABO AU), the ideas I had would’ve ended up spanning a multi chapter fic, which I simply could not afford to work on, at the moment xD You are so ✨big-brained✨ for this, though!
If you’ve read a couple of my stories, you might’ve noticed I prefer romance dashed spice over hot, sweaty, sexy spice (very good on you if you prefer the latter!).
I’m currently working on a story where Traveler (/my MC) lives with the Akademiya duo and part of their dynamic might be reflected in these few headcanons I’ve got for Alpha Hai/Ω Reader/Alpha Kaveh.
I cannot believe this is nearly 1k words of ABO thirst because I simply hold no control over myself.
Al-Haitham’s fond of you. It isn’t quite what he intended — nor the direction he intended it in — when he divulged the fact that he was interested in you.
Perhaps, it is your unconventional ideologies, only on par with Kaveh’s naivety, or perhaps the way you seem to have Kaveh so domesticated (he was at Al-Haitham’s ear for weeks for daring to point out how the two of you seemed to get on like a house on fire, worded perhaps in less kinder terms) it’s an amusing sight to witness.
Or your unwitting genius, when you come across Al-Haitham on days he’s going through new texts, and strike up a debate regarding the contents of the author’s mindset and the degree and quality of said research.
He isn’t quite as obvious as Kaveh; ready with his smiles and clear affections worn across his sleeve.
…Nor is he quite as lacking as his former friend in self-discipline, when it comes to reigning in his instincts as an Alpha. Finding himself against you at the weakest callings of an approaching rut, or the siren call of your heats. Al- Haitham supposes you too are to blame, for spoiling Kaveh as you do; you never turn the man down and try as Kaveh might, to be a gentleman and spare you, it is always you giving him the go-ahead to fuck you as he pleases, wherever…
And later on, whenever—
His ruts are close at hand, Kaveh finds it physically intolerable to have you close and not bury his entire body into yours, threading his limbs about your body and sinking his face into the soft heat of your breasts.
He started off gentle and slow at the beginning of your arrangement, and he remained determined to follow through his resolve to relieve himself on your scent alone. The idea of tackling you down like some sort of… beast every time a rut hit, seeking you out for mere physical relief — despite your arrangement — didn’t sit right in his heart.
But you are a curious and fascinating creature, and Kaveh did not quite bet on being as infatuated with you as he is; you seem almost crafted to complete a whole of him. And you are… unfortunately, incredibly persistent.
Incredibly tight, he gasps. When Kaveh finds himself buried up to the hilt within you, he’s blind to all sense except the feeling of your wet heat, the burn of pleasure streaking up his length and knotting into his abdomen with the force and desperation of his thrusts. Close, the need to have you closer burning at the back of his throat and gnawing with the bite of bitter teeth into the swell of his lip.
“K-Kaveh.” Before you scold, and he complies, immediate; love-stricken, lust-driven, clenching his teeth into a bite at your shoulder and moans deep and long, mirroring the intensity of his release into you.
Nosing at that spot against your neck in post coital euphoria and overwhelming protection. Uncharacteristic burst of an intolerable instinct to bite into you and mark you his.
When Kaveh and Al-Haitham have their ruts coincide on the rare occasion—
The Scribe does not shy away from availing his privilege of several days of paid leave, off his roster of scarcely used holidays, when his ruts are near carnal, and certainly not when they happen to fall upon the same cycles as Kaveh’s (perhaps a natural result of bonding with the same omega). He needs the entirety of a 24/7 workday and more, when he is forced to share your body, pleasure and time with Kaveh. The latter not ceasing to whine and huff, even as he moans at Al-Haitham about positioning her right, going slower so she can concentrate on us both.
Taunts usually he answers with silence, or on occasion, when Kaveh is unbearably loud,
“Perhaps you aren’t pleasing her as well as you seem to think yourself able, if you believe she cannot concentrate simply because I am “harsh” on her.” Punctuating his statement with a particularly firm thrust, your quivering moan breaking along with Kaveh’s fumed sputtering.
Your tightening, at the punishing pace Al-Haitham sets for you both, dragging their orgasms from the Alphas at the same time, flooding you to the brim with their hot seed. Their knots traveling up and lodging into your pussy undoing your own vehement release from how large the stretch is, all of a sudden, and you see stars as you collapse against Al-Haitham, his low grunt burning at your ears from how incredibly hot you find him, so undone inside you.
Squeezing around them on instinct, pulling a collective groan from the two men. Al-Haitham raises his head, his gaze inspiring a fresh wave of nervous anticipation inside you, from how he looks at you as if he has no intentions of stopping until he has you well and truly bred. A man of spare words but the intensity of his lust and emotions once unstoppered, is enough to have your legs aching for days after.
A shudder creeping up your body from where he treks a gentle thumb against your cheek and just before he kisses you, a whisper of one, “Well done,” has your heart soaring within your chest.
And if Kaveh’s soft brushes of kisses against the crown of your shoulders, venturing just shy of your glands, is anything to go by, you know he too, is far from done yet.
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yandere-sins · 11 months
So I have probably a bit peculiar of a request so feel free to decline writing this if it’s not to your liking! I know everyone likes to be the center of a yandere’s attention but I CRACK under large amounts of attention so I always like to picture a polyam trio. Me, a Yandere, and Yandere’s darling. Usually with some major connection to Darling like a best friend or something and I’m just such a crybaby and soft and submissive (and so stupid that I probably don’t even realize something wrong is going on) that Yandere can’t help but take a liking to me too, whether as a less intense obsession or as like a pet or something, I just like Yanderes thinking of me as cute and liking me (but not being the full center of their attention like Darling) and Darling being protective of me cause they’re scared I’ll get their treatment or get hurt.
So uh, 👉👈, could I maybe request something like that with Ghost or König? I think it would work better with Ghost since you said he shares in your nsfw with him (and I REALLY like the Darling you described in your fic, the mental image of them trying to stab Ghost with a fork keeps making me giggle). If it’s not too much to ask and if you like it! Of course you’re always free to decline and I’m sorry that this dragged on way too long (I’m screaming while typing this cause I get so shy when trying to request something)
To be honest, I feel bad throwing you under the bus here, but you kinda laid it out for me xD Enjoy! No hard feelings personally, oki? Also I kept the reader GN in this version, but the friend is AFAB.
Warning: Yandere, Heavy Sexual Content
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"Do the honors then."
The hard slap to your bum made you tumble, feet giving way until your knees hit the ground. You yelped as you fell in front of your friend, her arms shooting out to steady you, helping you. Just like she always did. Your hands landed on her thighs, legs spread with your body caught between them. And you jerked your hands away just as quickly as you realized the position you were in. The whole situation had been one big, confusing mess, but you still got surprised by some actions your captor took, never able to read his next move.
Ghost, he forced your best friend to call him in case she needed to address him. And she did—a lot. Courageously fighting him and his ill-willed actions toward you two as best as she could with someone so much superior, both in strength and skills, as her opponent. However, Sir was the more appropriate option for you. It created a certain distance between you and him, a distance you liked. But at the same time, it made the lack of distance between him and your friend all the more apparent. You were a small toy to consider; she was the prize he wanted. You knew he had plans to kill you, but that was the only time she pleaded with him, shielding you while you cowered behind her, sobbing in terror.
If only you two hadn't visited the bar full of mercenaries and soldiers that night. Then you'd never have to go through this demeaning, horrific experience. You banished the thought of "If only your friend hadn't insisted you come with her when she hooked up with some random dude," as it only brought more sorrow than it helped. Pushing the blame onto her wouldn't solve the problem you were facing. It wasn't her fault she met a straight-up psycho who intended to take advantage of her drunkenness, forcing himself on her with a knife to her throat as you had to watch on helplessly, only to be 'rescued' by an even bigger madman. Maybe guys in the army were just sick by nature. Otherwise, you couldn't explain the bad luck of you two.
And the last spark of luck you two had also seemed to have run out.
"Go on, prepare her. You wouldn't want your friend to hurt, would you?"
Dragging a chair close, Ghost sat down with a small groan, rolling his shoulder as he focused his eyes on you. Immediately, you felt the shivers run down your spine like a knife dragging down your skin, goosebumps spreading all over your body, with his gaze crawling over you. Like always, you were the one to avert your eyes first, your sight falling to his hands hanging in his lap, the gun dangling from his fingers. He'd shoot you faster than you'd ever manage to lunge for it. You knew that. Besides, you didn't even have the courage to face him, much less defy him.
"I- I can't!" you complained meekly, your voice barely loud enough for him to hear. You and your friend weren't in that kind of relationship. You couldn't just go down on her on a whim!
For the longest time after he kidnapped you from that bar—under the guise of 'helping' you two intoxicated strangers—you two managed to avoid that. Sex. He had forced himself on your friend more than once, pulling her into his lap and grinding her over his cock, kissing her when she refused to give him attention, making her suck his fingers and swear to be his possession to protect you. But until now, Ghost never demanded her body like he did that night.
The first night you tried to stand up for her.
It was a spur-of-the-moment decision to tell him she wasn't ready for this. That she wouldn't enjoy it if he forced her to. That she needed to prepare—mentally and physically. It was the first time you held his glare for more than a few seconds as he stilled, mustering you. Only for you to submit to his stare with a pleading, "Please..." ending in him pushing you toward her instead.
"We're not like that! We don't--"
Heaving a deep sigh, Ghost gripped the top of his gun, cocking it. Lifting it lazily, he pointed it at your friend's head, putting her at the receiving end of his threats for the first time. Usually, it was you who he used to persuade her, but this time, he made it clear who the next bullet would go to. Dread and despair mixed in your stomach, weighing down as your breath hitched. Your best friend gulped as she stared at the barrel of the gun, only to avoid her gaze as well, looking down at you nervously.
She didn't want this either. But what choice did you have?
"Prepare her. I won't repeat myself."
Gulping, you faced forward, right between her legs. You didn't know where to start when you reached up to the waistband of her skirt when her hand suddenly clasped around yours. "Don't--" she stopped you, only to hesitate. She didn't have a choice either. You two had to do this. Whatever this was, it wasn't an existence worth living. Kidnapped and enslaved, forced to do things you didn't want to do. But you couldn't think about throwing away your lives either and letting this bastard win.
"It's okay," you quaked, just as uncomfortable and nervous, devastated to be the one who had to do this to her. But she just nodded, squeezing your hand before helping you tug off her skirt and panties, shame overcoming her as the fabric slipped off her legs, which she quickly closed.
You heard the cracking of the chair as Ghost leaned back, letting out a heavy breath. The gun sunk back to his lap as he watched you two with keen eyes, like a hawk focusing on his prey. You forced your hand between her thighs, gently pushing while you kept reassuring her, "It's okay. I'll be gentle. Everything will be alright."
But maybe you were saying these words more to yourself than her.
Tears were brimming in her eyes, embarrassment mixing with the unwillingness to do this. But she averted her face completely before spreading her legs again, letting you inch closer.
Her pussy was, for the lack of a better word, fucking beautiful. She shaved for the night out, though you couldn't find any fault with the sweet little curls cleanly shaved into a triangle. Her lips parted beautifully, even though she flinched from your cold, shivering fingers, revealing the entrance and the sweet little nub on top of it completely to you.
Behind you, the chair screeched as Ghost dragged it closer to the show, his chest pressing into your back with how close he suddenly was, peering over your head.
"Look at that sweet, little cunt," he mumbled appreciatively, his gruff and deep voice deliciously licking up your spine from behind you, setting off all the alarms inside you. You wanted to scoot away and hide, but you were trapped between the soldier and your best friend, giving you no chance to flee. You didn't just imagine his presence either, as one hand crawled to the back of your neck, making you squeak as he pushed you forward, mere inches from your friend's pussy.
You made the mistake of glancing up, meeting her horrified, embarrassed gaze. But what freaked you out was the small spark of excitement anyone would probably feel, knowing what was going to happen.
Ghost shook you like an unruly dog by the scruff, directing your focus ahead again as he reached out to spread her labia in your stead. "That's the right place, Newbie," he instructed, and you gulped, knowing there was no getting out of this anymore. You had to do it.
Tentatively, you slipped your tongue from between your lips, stiff and unmoving. But even with just the tip out, Ghost slammed you forward, burying your face in your friend's cunt. You struggled with panic, your tongue licking over her entrance for the first time, your nose brushing over her clit, and to your horror, you heard her gasp, only confirming the shit job you were doing...
Or not.
"Lick," Ghost ordered, keeping you in place while you put your hands back on her thighs, holding on to them for dear life as you forced yourself to obey. It made her flinch, but you gave your first stroke with your tongue, and her breath hitched curtly, a noise that didn't go unnoticed.
"You'll come to like it soon enough," Ghost chuckled, a strange sound from under his mask. You had no idea who he said it to, but his hand finally released its death grip on your neck, giving you two encouraging pats between your shoulder blades, urging you on.
And you got to work.
The faster you'd get this over with, the better, you were sure. Your friend didn't want you to, you didn't want to, and Ghost probably didn't want you to please her like this either, using the opportunity as a sort of torture or punishment rather than his own enjoyment.
Prying her entrance open with your tongue was so easy, you were almost unsure if you were doing it right. You never went down on someone before, so every sensation was new and strange. Even with her taste dancing on your tongue—and you thanked the gods for the shower you two were allowed to take just hours prior—you felt little to no arousal, the fear keeping it at bay. But it seemed to be quite different for your friend.
Her walls greeted you eagerly, insides quivering as you plunged in, twisting and churning through her hole. Your hands moved further up, taking back her lips from Ghost, who released them for you to handle. A small curiosity spread through your mind as you prepared your friend for the horror yet to come, and you raised your chin, slipping out of her to find the little knob of nerves on top, sliding your tongue over it completely before pressing your lips around it.
Your friend let out a muffled gasp, clasping her hand over her mouth as your eyes met. More and more arousal clouded her gaze, replacing the horror. You tested suckling on her clit, and her head rolled back as she moaned, a new sweet spot unlocked on her body that you found.
The chair banged loudly against the ground as Ghost pushed away from it, caging your friend between the bed she was sitting on and his body, and using one hand to grab her hair, forcing her to look up at him. "You like that, Darlin'? Having your cunt licked by your friend? They're doing a good job, yeah?"
Forcing her mouth shut, defying him the answers he wanted, the only sounds she made were held-back moans as you continued to tease her. Something about what you were doing was working—that much was sure. More and more juices began dripping out of her, no small amount landing on your tongue and getting spread all over her cunt. You didn't mind the taste; it almost became comforting.
When you returned to her clit, her legs snapped shut, caging you between them like your friend was confined between Ghost and the bed. You kept roaming through her folds, working your way inside her and trying to reach her clit again, knowing that whatever you were doing was working. You were helpful. Whatever that bastard had planned for her, thanks to you, it wouldn't be so bad, for sure!
"Be honest, Darlin', you're loving this. You're getting off on your friend eating you out, yeah? You're close? Come on, Love, tell me, and I'll allow it. Tell me how good they're making you feel."
Ghost's teases from above didn't really reach your mind as you concentrated on the task at hand (or tongue). Finally, there was something you could do, and it was working. Your friend was quivering before you, juices dripping from her cunt as a strangled moan escaped her.
"Admit it, Princess, or we'll be here for another couple of hours," Ghost joked, following it up with a husky chuckle as he watched your best friend strain herself to keep control. He could have pried you off any second from her, especially with how little you were following their one-sided conversation, understanding what was happening. You were too focused on the success and being able to help for once, not being the hindrance in the way that needed protection.
"Fuck!" she suddenly yelled, spitting the word into his masked face as she glared at him. That was enough to finally tear you out of your trance, and Ghost's raspy laugh echoed through the room.
"What...?" you asked, pulling away from her, confused and unsure of what was happening. Did you hurt her? Did he hurt her?
But both of their attention snapped to you suddenly, pressure rising. Suddenly, your friend reached out, placing her hands at the sides of your head as she guided your face forward again. "Don't stop," she sighed needily, biting her lip. "It feels so fucking good, don't fucking stop."
"Atta girl," Ghost mused, and you could hear the smug grin playing on his lips even without seeing it. "Finally ready to admit it?"
"Yes! Yes, I admit it! I'm so close! Don't stop now, you hear me?!"
Suddenly it wasn't Ghost forcing you forward, but the friend you were protecting by sinking to this level. You were hesitant, but the mere waft of your breath was enough to make her shudder.
"You heard the lady, don't stop," Ghost finally decided to join the coaxing, pleased with her admitting her feelings, and you stretched out your tongue again, letting out a muffled complaint as your head was pressed tightly into her cunt. You were once again back to struggling, all while the smug bastard was laughing at your misery, and your friend moaned out loudly in pleasure. This was not the way things should be. You weren't a fucktoy for her to enjoy. But apparently, being close to an orgasm made anyone lose their reason.
A scream got caught in her throat as her thighs tightened around you, all of her limbs keeping you in place, making you suffocate on her juices and heat. Her body shivered violently as she came from your tongue, head thrown back and toes curling. It was only a few seconds, but you never felt closer to death with her vice grip on you and the very real lack of air between her legs.
At the same time, you were ashamed.
Embarrassed that you were forced to pleasure your best friend. Ashamed to be treated inhumanly and like a fucktoy, your feelings of no regard in this situation. It was one thing that Ghost didn't care about you, only keeping you alive for your friend's sake. You didn't want his attention, didn't want him to care for you. But with even your friend entering this mindset, you felt the tears burn in your eyes, sobs escaping you when she finally let go.
"My, my," Ghost chuckled, stepping up between you two.
"Thank you for your hard work," he said mockingly as you coughed and wiped your mouth. No amount of mouth water would be able to get the taste of your friend and this experience out of your head.
"No, really," he added, reaching down to grab you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you to your feet, and using his foot to push the chair up from the floor, so he could sit you down on top of it. "I'll have to reward you. You did make this so much easier for me. So if you stay right here and be quiet while I fuck your friend..."
Words trailing off, he stepped up to the bed again. Gun in hand, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up. You finally got a good look on her face, the tears streaming from her eyes as she could barely glance at you. Guilt and shame were etched into her expression, the horror of what was still awaiting her only registering when Ghost pulled her into his lap, his hand crawling between her legs as he unzipped his trousers, rummaging for his cock.
Her eyes blown wide in panic, she began to struggle, but Ghost only needed one hand to keep her in place. You bit your lip, wanting to help her, but...
Instead, you found Ghost's eyes from over her shoulder. Eyes that told you not to do anything stupid. To stay in your fucking place. Your friend was about to get impaled on his massive cock that sprung free from his briefs, thick and ready, hard from watching his object of desire be pleasured by her pathetic friend. At least, you believed that's how he saw you. She gasped, and you flinched just as hard at the length and girth he displayed confidently. Even with your preparations, you couldn't imagine this thing fitting inside the pretty, tight cunt you just licked.
"If you can be good and quiet, I'll allow you to eat my cum out of her pussy. I'm sure she'd enjoy that just as much. Can you be good and quiet?"
You gulped, nothing left but bitterness on your tongue as you forced yourself to look away, swallowing down your feelings as you had to listen to his cock slipping into her dripping cunt. You let it happen. Your friend let out a pained scream, the sound getting stuck in her throat before it turned into a moan, both of them groaning in unison. In this strange situation, you were the odd one out, the third wheel, the tolerated one. But it was still you and your friend against your captor, trying to survive this, no matter what. Even though you lifted no finger to help her this time, bitter about the way she treated you and helpless against Ghost.
And so you opened your mouth to say the only thing you knew would be allowed at that moment. The only thing he could possibly want to hear from you before the silence he demanded of his darling's pet friend.
"Yes, Sir."
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 months
it gives me hope to see someone who doesn't let themselves be swayed by the romanticism of rooting for an underdog (or more accurately, a very carefully crafted image of an underdog) and actually bothers to check facts
i see so much support for gaza among my peers and you blog makes me feel a little less alone... a little less insane
someone else sees it
Yeah, I honestly see the support for Gaza (really, Hamas, cuz really supporting Gaza would require being against what Hamas is doing and wanting Hamas to be removed from power, which is the opposite of what pro Palestine people are doing) EVERYWHERE. Making it confusing that some of them seem to think they're being censored, which I'm honestly convinced is a manipulation tactic, but anyway...
I have even seen people, some of them mutuals, who I know are good people reblog and spread the constant lies and propaganda every day. That's part of why I'm pushing so hard into it. Because the propaganda is working. It is making good people decide the terrorists are the right people to support because innocent people are dying in direct response to the terrorists' actions. It makes them ignore that Hamas openly admits that this is on purpose, that they intend for the innocent people of Gaza to suffer and die. It makes it so that Hamas, who is willing to lie about how many have suffered and even attach faces of even their own victims to propaganda pieces saying "Oh look at what Israel did," and even FORCE THEIR OWN HOSTAGES to wave and smile at them as they're released in order to paint the picture that Israel is the villain, can make people believe they are the good guys despite killing innocent people and admitting to using Gaza as a human shield.
They have MASTERED the art of propaganda. And I refuse to let it go un-called-out. I refuse to let people on the internet literally helping spread these lies by making their own up, or manipulating information (by leaving out a detail, changing a detail, straight up just lying that something like tunnels near the ocean is impossible despite it being 100% possible, etc) go un-called-out.
Tho, I will have to be honest, I may force myself to slow down a bit now. I had a bit of a stress response at work today. I doubt it was just about this stuff, but it no doubt added to it as I am very passionate about this subject. And I really don't wanna repeat this stress response. Health issues is not something I want to come about simply because I am stressed.
So I may have to back off a bit. But I am still 100% on the side of "both sides have shitty things they've done, but Hamas is literally the one who started this, killed countless innocents, and kidnapped a LOT of innocent people, including literal infants (something there is no precedent for, I might add. No one's ever really taken literal babies hostage like this before), and I will not condemn Israel for retaliating. I will, however, push for peace as regardless it is a fucking tragedy that people are dying and it NEEDS to stop. And it really can't until Hamas is removed. They keep breaking the ceasefires, all throughout the history of this region. Long-standing peace is not possible with them in power."
That got very long-winded. XD sorry.
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princeanxious · 1 year
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An introduction to my little ‘Seamster 4 Hire’ DCA au!
Pretty much this au is a mashup of the usual ‘reader meets sun & moon and platonic to romantic hijinks ensue,’ ‘sun & moon are separate animatronics’, and the ‘Sun and Moon deserve their own individuality of expression without having to settle for something they both like/tolerate every single time’ concepts. I love drawing/designing characters in new outfits and dabble with custom clothing in my limited free time, and am a trans short king, so ‘Seamster 4 Hire!’ Seems to cover all those bases pretty well!
In this au I imagine this comic takes place a while down the line, bc it takes the reader a long time to fully gain the two daycare attendants’ friendship as they begin working on the new outfits and accessories, taking into account what sun and moon *want* and not what faz.co might dictate.
(This is for multiple reasons: 1. Since the DCAs were split in two after the fire, they needed a new costume set that was tailored to their new body specifications bc their old bodies had barely survived the fire, 2. More than one or two sets of clothing is not soundly hygenic for ones entrusted with childcare unless they got washed *every day* 3. With the uprising of animatronic rights, many parents and guests had petitioned for the DCAs(and other animatronics) to receive a more diverse wardrobe of their own choosing, specifically as the demand for their children’s daily role model be taken care of properly and respectfully rose with each passing week, and 4, if the seamster let Faz.Co management dictate the actual clothing designs, the DCAs would never have a custom fitting wardrobe of their own to wear out if, and *when*, they eventually leave/live outside of the new and improved pizzaplex. Yes, it’s that kind of au. I need happy endings on the horizon okay xD)
Like, the main rock stars outfits? Performer type things and the like? That makes sense! But for those that take care of the little ones? They don’t need to be restricted to anything flashy when comfort and safety is the number 1 priority! And whats more comfortable than a daycare attendant that happily dresses up some days and on others they may just have a cozy day, just like everyone else? If it fits within the safety limitations, whats the harm?
(Oh! And Eclipse? He gets his own body too. But considering he’s expected to be replacing moon for Security Patrol, who knows what faz.co intends to do for him. c:)
More to come eventually, I just. Really love drawing the boys. Especially them happy.
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stoukadraws · 11 months
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Happy 3rd Anniversary Chromatale, and Goodnight.
So its about time I say this: I won't be making any content about this AU anymore, so that unfortunately puts it into the discontinued undertale comics category xd
I just really lost the spark I had 2 years ago when making it, so the "little hiatus" that I thought was only going to be a few months turned into more than a year.
I'm sorry to those who were waiting and wanted to see more, but there is another reason why I'm doing this-
It's not gonna be an AU anymore, it's going to be an original story.
I really thought about it for a while and I decided that making it into an original story would give me more creative freedom and I wouldn't have to always stick to one storyline, I wanted to expand the world more as well as the characters, but since its all based on a game with a pretty much solid story, it was hard for me to insert some things that would be out of place or wouldn't make sense.
So, I hope you understand, this AU was truly a learning experience for both my art and my writing since I made it when I was really young and not very experienced, but I'm glad I was able to improve along the way.
Thank you for supporting this AU since the beginning and stuck around!
I plan to make more works surrounding this new story later on, so I look forward to it! And I hope some of you are excited for what's to come. (*^▽^*)
More in-depth explanation + some questions (near the end) :
This is gonna be a bit long so if you really wanna read this whole thing be prepared xd
This whole thing doesn't mean I'm quitting Undertale altogether, I'm still continuing the Strays Au, and I want that AU to be my main Undertale AU now since I've always intended on making it Undertale related and I'm already satisfied with it right now, so I don't intend on making it original or anything.
When I started Chromatale I was still a kid-ish, and I was at the toilet with my phone and idk how it started but I decided to doodle a Sans on my phone and thought "I can make an Undertale AU!".
And so I did. Chromatale back then was reallyyy different, it was a post-genocide story with Sans and Frisk trying to bring everyone back -yeah real original younger me
There was a comic I did on my phone but now its lost in time unfortunately, it went though like 2 rewrites until I decided to make it a full AU with my own story. And so some brainstorming later and the comic you all know today was made!
Again, I was still new to the whole comic making thing and my writing was pretty sloppy, I'm still surprised it got a lot of attention- I was full of passion and really worked my butt off to make each pages, even with school going on (it was online so it wasn't much of a hassle tho) I was determined to finish it and already had a lot of the comic planned.
That is until I felt a bit worn out, my motivation was getting lower until I could barely produce a page, so that's when I decided to put the comic on hiatus, I initially planned for it to only be a few months but then time went on and I still didn't feel motivated to continue it.
During that time I was just doing my own thing, making some OC art and different stories, making another Undertale AU, going back to school and a shit ton of projects to do- I felt like a little weight was lifted from my back, the comic had turned into labor for me and constantly doing updates wasn't very healthy, since during some updates I had to force myself to finish it.
The story was also changing in the middle of it, I had to rewrite chapter 3 since the first version was literally full of "fanservice" that I only noticed when I re-read the chapter a few months later.
I just wasn't satisfied with it, the story that my younger self had in mind didn't fit what I wanted now since I had grown more mature as time went on, the whole AU really taught me what to do and what not to do.
Initially I actually wanted to reboot Chromatale again and focus more on the concepts and solidifying the plot before engaging in a comic, but after some thinking I thought it would be better to transition it into an original story. I really wanted to expand the story more and again gain more creative freedom than being limited to a pretty much complete-ish story.
I wanted to do what I wanted instead of forcing it to fit with the fandom's liking and preference.
Although its going to be an original story some things will sorta be the same but I won't go into too much detail about it.
I won't promise a comic though, mini comics sure but not anything official. Maybe in the far distant future, but I doubt, I still got a lot of other stories I wanna make into comics >>
Now some things I would like to clarify:
"Now that you're discontinuing Chromatale can it be mine?"
-Unfortunately as much as you want to claim it, no. Chromatale still belongs to me. Even if its going to be original now there's still a lot about it during its UTAU days. I still own it, but I don't want to be heavily associated with it. I'd rather have others focus on the new version than the AU version, and I don't want all my other works to be overshadowed by it. I hope you understand.
"Can I still make fanart?"
-Feel free to still make fanart, I won't restrict anyone from still making any. But I'd still like to see fanart of the new version 👀
"Can I still dub the comic?"
-Sure, make sure to still credit me but please specify to viewers that the comic is now discontinued and its become an original story, I don't wanna give the viewers false hope. If your dubbing for fun then go ahead!
Any dub of the comic that has been published has my permission to still be up in public, I won't force anyone to take it down. But please don't use it for any profiting or income.
Now that's been settled, I'm planning on posting some concepts from the AU that I still have since I don't think I'll use some anymore and now that its ok to show now that I discontinued the comic xd
Again, thank you for following me along this journey! See you in the next post ✨
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catsandgoodbooks · 4 months
I have this random AU that I've been thinking about for a while but haven't really talked about before, so yeah. The base plot is just everyone trying to kill each other and failing, and then getting mad when someone actually succeeds, but we need some background information first.
Gods are real, and they are active participants in the world. Occasionally, they bless certain mortals with the ability to cheat death out of an honest desire for companionship, for someone that could understand. This is the traditional way to achieve immortality, the right way. This is how Phil got his immortality, and it's the way that George is heading towards.
Other gods have special chosen mortals, crusaders and champions of their names. Most are not granted the immortality that those who can charm a god are, or at least those can be killed, with extreme effort. Technoblade is the Blood God's champion, and is blessed with supernatural strength and prowess for it, as well as an extended lifetime. Still not quite immortal, but close.
Then there are those rare people who seek out gods to make deals, instead of the other way around. They offer something, and if it is enticing enough and if the god finds their courage amusing or admirable, they get the deal they want. Often, these include immortality.
DreamXD is one of the gods most open to this, as there is something material that he needs and can be offered. That is how both Punz and Foolish's pacts come from - offering to collect and feed him the souls he needs to survive, because gods can still die. Foolish ended up changing the terms of his deal as he settled down but kept his immortality - he can be killed, but XD will just bring him back. Punz still stays with the souls pact; they reap the souls they can and give them to XD, and grow stronger in exchange. For their devotion, XD has bestowed a special gift upon them - being able to suck the soul out of anyone they have skin-to-skin contact with if they have time and can concentrate enough. The proper immortals - i.e. Phil, Sam, Eret, and Foolish; George and Techno aren't quite there yet, even if they have the potiental - all know about this, but no one else does. However, most of them are not very thrilled about this ability and lead some to regard Punz with a bit more detachment and apprehensiveness, as it could cause the permanent death of a couple of them.
Not all immortality is granted by the gods. Some mortals go out and take it instead. Sam is one of these cases, having acquired his immortality through redstone and engineering and cloning. As long as the original body - the real Sam, the one version of himself he did not create - remains intact, Sam can just enter a new one whenever he dies, leaving him essentially unkillable unless someone knows where the original body is.
Not all ascensions are intended, or beautiful. Eret was once human, but their long, extended exposure to the corrupted otherworldliness through the wither cult has made them something...different. Maybe even eldritch. But either way, they can't really die, and that's enough for the others. Phil thinks they might be becoming a god. Callahan knows they're not.
Callahan is a minor god of forests and growth and all things hidden. He uses his power to try to stitch the world together again and again and again; the one thing that never changes is that it is always inches away from collapse, and Callahan doesn't know why. He wants to know why, but, until he does this is the best he can do. As is, he haunts the world like a ghost, there one moment and the next gone. He's...friendly with the once-mortals, he knows what they are and they know what he is, but that's about it.
So, with that over with, Technoblade tries to hunt Sam down post-Daedalus because he really doesn't want this guy to be alive any longer (considering the locked-Techno-in-prison thing and let-Techno's-friend-get tortured thing and the killed-Techno's-protege thing and the kidnapped-a-baby thing), and he ropes Phil into this. Phil knows that they can't actually kill Sam normally, but he's not a big fan of Sam either, so he calls Punz up to see if they can do anything about it. They can, so they show up and Techno immediately distrusts them but leaves when Phil tells him that it's fine and they can handle it.
Then Punz sucks Sam's soul out of his body, which is actually what Phil wanted them to do. After that, Punz decides to not give the millennia-old soul to XD or use it to strengthen themself, but to make a deal with XD to grant Dream that measure of immortality Punz themself has, with the soul as essentially a downpayment. When Phil finds out about this, he is not happy, primarily because he thinks that Dream is fucking evil and does not deserve that power. Punz then storms out, leaving Phil alone with his thoughts, while Punz goes to find Dream, who is, as one might assume, not doing well with his sudden, rushed ascension.
Oh, and Foolish is really really mad at Quackity because of how he's been treating Foolish, so I'm sure nothing bad will come out of that at all.
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businesscasualart · 14 days
i luv ur work, can I see a smal snippet of any fanfic ur working on👉👈 here’s a treat as payment🧁
AWWWW THANK YOU SM! I've posted so little work, I didn't expect anyone would care too much for my work, art or fanfic, as opposed to just like, my affinity for providing content for obscure characters and ships. <3 You are SO sweet, I'm crying TvT I'd love to share, it'd be an honor, treat or no treat as payment! Thank you for the treat tho XD
Okay, so, context: I've been in fandomless hell for a few months now. I can rely on the fact that I'll be bouncing back to and around the DC fandom every few months, but I'm absolutely directionless rn. The last thing I got working on is yet another Young Justice, Psimon/Devastation fic as always. I DO intend to write something else eventually, but I love Devapsimon <3
A friend requested this one RIGHT before I fell out of the YJ fandom into this period of nothingness. Now...you see...they don't watch YJ, they dislike superhero cartoons. They do know I love YJ tho.
I...don't...like...Omegaverse...BUT YOU SEE, MY FRIEND uh...got pretty big into it...in the Normalest way they could...If you don't know what it is, don't Google it.
My good, dear friend...requested of me...that the third fic I ever write...be a lil Psimon/Devastation Omegaverse fic for them and they PROMISE they'll pay me...somehow...presumably with a fic they'll write bc I KNOW they don't have money. SO FOR LIKE, three months, between fandomless hell, writing what I don't know, and KEEPING THIS THING PG-14...I've been writing that!
Maybe I'll convert it into a sickfic before posting it to Ao3! Bc I am so unsure about writing omegaverse and my abilities doing so. AND IT IS PRETTY MUCH A SICKFIC, I'm taking a very mild-hurt/comfort, mostly nesting, sickfic approach with it! I hope it's still enjoyable despite my long breaks writing it. I have to do some serious editing but rn I'm just trying to get it done! Wish me luck!
So uh
WIP Devapsimon Fic Snippet!
CW: uh, nothing really! There's not even much Omegaverse mention in this part...um...I don't know how to format a fic on Tumblr...there's an abundance of description of RV bunk beds...I can't find a good place to cut off the snippet...THIS IS ALSO VERY LONG FOR A SNIPPET, but this is my longest fic yet.... so uh...long preview! As a treat!
“D…Devastation?” He whispered hesitantly, torn between announcing his presence and not disturbing her rest.
Upon getting no response tried to gently, quietly push past the curtains but the metal curtain rings slowly drug against the metal bar making a screech that resounded in his ears and made him wince. 
He peered into the bunk section. It was darker than the rest of the RV, it took a minute for his eyes to adjust. 
It was honestly shocking how everyone could fit in here, it was a cramped ‘room’. If Baran or Tommy were to walk down the room, both of their shoulders would rub against the bunks lining either wall. Thankfully, the bunks themselves were of a decent size. 
They were built into the wall, like a shelf or cubby. They could hold a thin twin XL size ‘mattress’...well…really more so a foam pad than a mattress. However, the bottom bunk cubbies were decently tall, the larger Onslaught members still can’t really fit lying on their backs or sitting up, but they could fit just fine lying on their sides.
There were exactly six bunks, two on each side of the three-walled room. Additionally, hanging in the middle of the walkway between the two top bunks on the left and the right of the room, was a hammock. Cameron generously set it up when they got the Terror Twins on the team and claimed it for himself. He claims it was to win Tuppence’s favor but Psimon is almost certain it was just regular generosity and self-sacrifice. 
Each bunk had different privacy curtains shielding the inside of the bunks; some decorative, some blackout, some sheer; but a few were left open. 
One such bunk had its curtains open. Thankfully, it was the one with the only small window in the room, on the wall inside the top bunk across from the entrance. It didn’t provide much light, especially since the dusty blinds as well as small curtains on it were drawn. 
There were also string lights lining the room, courtesy of Selinda, to provide a gentle light but they were left off during the day. 
It was relatively clear whose bed was whose. Everyone had a relatively distinct sense of style, or lack thereof. 
Selinda’s was a simple bed with everything in some shade of black and purple. Tuppences lined her walls and ceiling with decor like photos, stickers, and posters. The other mens’ bunks generally looked like the beds had been abandoned for eight years, but Tommy decorated his similarly to Tuppence’s, only simpler; Mammoth’s bed had a king-sized comforter shoved in there and the walls were scratched up; and Cameron’s...well, he had a hammock.
Psimon’s bunk was by far the most organized one but it doesn’t stand out. All neutral colors, made up neatly. He had two pillows, but only really used one. He, like a few others, had small organizers hanging on the walls. He never had many personal, sentimental items to bring on these missions, so he mostly kept business related papers, pens, a tablet for work, and the like up there.
Each set of twins shared the bunks on two walls and Cameron...had a hammock…so Devastation slept in the bunk under Psimon’s.
Her bed was also simple and mostly neutral tones, but messier…usually. She had two or three more blankets and pillows than usual, all strewn about, along with a couple clothing items. It was notably more crowded.
Psimon had no idea how Devastation would be comfortable in that mess, and perhaps she wasn’t, because she wasn’t even in her bed. 
She sat on the filthy, old carpeted floor next to her bed, leaning halfway into the bunk, her face buried in her arms. 
“Devastation!” Psimon gasped, dropping to his knees next to her, nearly dropping the bowl in the process. He set it on the floor next to him, placing a hand on her back and the other on an arm.
Her hair was taken down but not brushed, left messy and tangled. She had also changed into her nightwear, striped shorts and a sleeveless top. They seemed to have been a lavender-type color, but they’ve lightened and grayed out over time, as well as developed a couple of small holes in seams here and there. 
“Oh, Devastation…” Psimon, voice quiet and full of concern, never finished his sentence.
He struggled to pull Devastation upright by her shoulders, pulling her to rest against him so he could see her face. Once he managed it, her weight nearly knocked him back onto the floor but she seemed to regain enough awareness to somewhat support her own weight and not throw it all on him at once.
Her eyes were glazed and distant when they fluttered open. She furrowed her brow and her eyes slowly moved to look at Psimon, in an attempt to figure out what was happening but before she could, he laid his hand over her face. 
He kept moving his hand around her face, to both of her cheeks and to her forehead as if they’d yield different results, but the results were clear. Devastation’s skin was impossibly hot, hotter than before, even in the short time that had passed. It was wet with sweat and flushed all over from her own body temperature. 
Her glassy eyes finally found Psimon’s face, despite his hand’s frantic search for a more reassuring result. Her mouth hung open slightly, as if to speak, but she only took in short, ragged breaths. 
“Oh…Oh Devastation…”
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blackjackkent · 1 month
oh my god, I want to hear all about Hec and Karlach married hahahaha
More Hec/Karlach content, you say? :D :D
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Y'all spoil me tremendously with this sort of encouragement. XD
(This is a response to my tag novel on this post about what people's Tavs/Durges would wear to their wedding.)
I really s2g I am going to write this Avernus fic at some point which I fully intend to be a longish collection of one-shots eventually leading to Karlach and Hector having a happily-ever-after which would include all this. (I have the first chapter of another Jaheira-related fic in the cooker rn and then the Avernus fic's first chapter will be up next; I'm trying to rotate my longfics a bit. XD ) So... this is all obviously subject to change based on how that fic eventually plays out.
However, with this minute bit of prompting I will indulge myself in some weapons-grade Hector/Karlach Fluff anyway. :D This is less a full fic and more some random snippets/headcanons about them getting married and afterwards.
They have a first official "commitment" to each other, sometime after arriving in Avernus. Once they're safely installed in the House of Hope as their headquarters and start settling in for the long-haul war against Zariel, they take some time to themselves in an abandoned wing of the building and make private vows to each other. (Think something like this scene from Aerie's romance in ToB.) Neither of them calls it a marriage, but deep down they both know they mean it just as strongly.
It's kind of a tossup that they will leave Avernus until right before they do; their several years of guerilla warfare in the Hells culminates in a massive multipart raid on Zariels' main headquarters; Zariel is killed along with a number of her main lieutenants, and the group gets away with a defecting infernal blacksmith and blueprints for upgrades to Karlach's heart that will allow her to finally return home.
(It's Cespenar. The infernal blacksmith is Cespenar. @rhysintherain generously donated this idea and I'm not letting go of it. XD )
Their first few weeks back in the Material Plane are spent reconnecting with friends, finding a place to live in the city, and generally being a bit shell-shocked that they actually made it out, but eventually they start trying to make real plans for the future.
They're both huge saps, and Karlach has been denied so many traditional life events because of her time in the Hells, so even though they're basically already married, Hector definitely makes a big deal out of the proposal. He STUDIES the subject deeply to try and do it right, combing through all of Baldur's Gates libraries for examples of romantic gestures, and enlists Wyll's help.
(Wyll has shipped them aggressively this whole time and is super excited about the romance of it all. I haven't decided on the details of who, but he also got involved with someone during their time in the Hells so he's not alone either, bc Wyll deserves nice things to happen to him also. <3)
With Wyll's help, Hector arranges a trip outside the city to an inn that sits on a very tall hilltop. He does his "official" proposal while they're having a picnic at a spot that has a beautiful view of the entire city, from the Outer City on in. It's super romantic and they're both giant saps about it. They both cry. (And then have sex behind some nearby bushes in a lovestruck haze.)
They don't really plan a huge ceremony. Mostly it's about having all their friends there (even dragging Lae'zel back from the Astral), and making the same commitment publicly that they made privately years earlier.
Karlach becomes oddly nervous about it as the event draws closer. She has a very slight superstitious streak and is still after all these years gunshy of how her life went so fast to shit all at once, and part of her feels like making it "official" is asking for something bad to happen. Hector spends a lot of time being comforting and reassuring her.
They have a night wedding. This is Karlach's idea - she knows Hector has missed the moonlight and its associated connection with Selune in all the time they've spent in the Hells, even though he'd never complain about it, so she ensures that their wedding will be under the night sky on a night when the moon will be full or near so.
He insists, as a counterpoint, that she picks the location - she decides on a place in the Outer City near where she grew up, against the water.
Father Enric, the Abbot from Hector's monastery, travels to the city to officiate. There's no best man/maid of honor concept, but all of their companions from the Absolute adventure are lined up as part of the ceremony, as well as a few friends made during the campaign in Avernus.
The ringbearer is Buddy the owlbear, bearing the rings very carefully on a pillow resting on his head.
Wyll and Shadowheart take the lead on dressing the couple, neither of whom have the faintest clue how to put together an ensemble. (I spent way too long getting these screenshots so please appreciate how pretty my babies look. XD )
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Karlach, contrary to all expectations, really enjoys getting gussied up in a dress and looking pretty; it's not an everyday thing for her but she enjoys it. Hector, conversely, feels INCREDIBLY out of his element in the fancy jacket Wyll arranges for him. Wyll teases him quite a bit about it while they're waiting for the ceremony to start.
The absolute cutest part of the whole ceremony, by unanimous vote from everyone present, is that they do the whole thing where the bride and groom aren't supposed to see each other before the ceremony. Jaheira and Shadowheart hang out with Karlach helping her get ready, and Wyll and Halsin hang out with Hector, and both groups report back later that their charges repeatedly tried to escape custody to go find each other early.
When Hector does finally see her as the ceremony is starting, he goes completely slackjawed and just stares at her like he cannot believe his luck.
Karlach forgets her lines halfway through the vows and just kisses him anyway. Hector remembers them all perfectly (of course) - he just forgets to speak when it's his turn because he's so busy looking at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes. He keeps trying to go for his usual super-composed vibe and just failing utterly.
All in all it's just a massive sap-fest. Both of them feel like they've earned it, though, after everything they've been through. (Hector does feel a little embarrassed that Enric sees him acting like such a dope and not showing any of his usual self-discipline. Enric thinks it's sweet though.)
They have a big party at a local tavern afterwards, one Karlach hung out at as a teenager all the time. The innkeeper still remembers her and gives them drinks on the house and everyone gets sloshed off their asses. Hector and Karlach try to dance and both of them are pretty not great at it but neither seems to much care.
They get back home at about four in the morning, still trashed. Both of them are exhausted and ready to fall asleep at a moment's notice, but Karlach mumbles something jokingly about not wanting to miss out on her wedding night. So they end up kind of curling up together and having drowsy, tipsy, super-soft sex, drifting in and out of sleep, extremely happy.
Neither of them really can think of anywhere they'd rather be, nor do they have a day job to take a vacation from, so they don't really have a honeymoon. But nobody sees hide nor hair of them after the ceremony for a good week. XD
Bonus nose squish kiss:
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drill-teeth-art · 1 year
Summary of My Transformers Fan Continuity
So this is mainly for the new followers who saw my gender comic, and don’t know much about Transformers or what I’m writing with it. But also a handy summary of what I have so far for this fan continuity. Putting it under a cut because it got long. Sorry in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors XD
First, a bit of background about Transformers as a franchise. It started with a cartoon released back in 1984 commonly referred to as G1 (generation one). There was also a Marvel comics run of Transformers that ran around the same time, but I don’t know that much about it. But anyway, since the G1 cartoon and comic run and the success of both, Transformers has seen many retellings and reboots. Transformers Animated (commonly shortened to TFA), Transformers Prime, Transformers Cyberverse, the IDW comics (which I have not read beyond one issue so far), and more. Genuinely there’s plenty more than that. And world details and lore and the story varies from series to series usually following the same premise where two factions from the planet Cybertron, a home to alien robots who can think and feel and transform from a few different modes, end up on Earth and at war with each other on Earth. The factions are the Autobots and Decepticons. With the Autobots characterized mostly as righteous and good and the Decepticons mostly characterized as evil and cruel. Of course there’s different levels of nuance exploration in different tellings, but that’s the basic set up G1 used and has been reflected in most subsequent series.
When I was growing up, my dad had a few DVDs of G1 episodes, and it was the first “boy” thing I loved. Transformers was and still is commonly marketed as “toys for boys”. But I fell in love with the G1 series when I was little and my family was honestly supportive of that interest. I had Transformers toys, and it was awesome. It genuinely still means a lot to me. And I would love to do my own retelling of the series since in my opinion, many of the subsequent series still lack nuance. And I want to do a telling of Transformers not as a marketable show for kids. But something exploring things that are deeply important to me like gender, body image, learning to self love, healing from past trauma, finding peace with others, and being okay with not being forgiven while trying to be better still.
So anyway, without further ado, here’s the summary so far. The story is still being heavily workshopped, and honestly I don’t have the means right now to write it in full yet. But hopefully someday. And hopefully until then, people still enjoy seeing my tinkering process.
Cybertron is in the middle of an energy crisis due to numerous factors. The Autobots and Decepticons are two, small squads dedicated to researching short term and long term solutions to the crisis. The problem is that they hate each other. Personal grudges run deep between the sides, and they disagree with the other’s methods anyway. So they often end up brawling with each other over resources instead of getting anything done. The squads depart their home of Cybertron in desperate pursuit of energy rich asteroids just to provide some immediate relief to their struggling home. However, they get into a scuffle further from home than was safe, and their two ships both crash on Earth. Roughly 20 years passes, and their ships both boot back up. The main computers of their ships powers on their emergency repair systems and quickly researches to find compatible alt modes of Earth machines for the damaged Cybertronians to repair themselves easier while stranded on the alien planet. After an awkward altercation at a power plant that neither squad intended to raid, the Autobots got a chance to talk to humans first, and the Decepticons were quickly shut out of the telling of their story to humanity. Three human college students make contact with the Cybertronians after a while. One meets the Autobots. One meets the Decepticons. And one meets the mysterious Insecticons who had been on Earth long before either squad. The humans decide to encourage the Autobots and Decepticons to make amends on Earth before going home. A few members of both sides are committed to the plan, seeing all the good it can do. But plenty are still resistant, and the story follows the struggle of healing that divide, so they can work together to go home.
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liberty-or-death · 1 year
"The numerous gods of the Mount Jiuyi have arrived, they arrive as plentiful as the clouds as they greet Lady Xiang. " "SHL Episode 9 - Qu Yuan's Cu Ci Nine Song九歌 Series Lady Xiang 湘夫人"
I deliberated for a long time as to whether I’d translate this poem.  But this likely where Gu Xiang got her name from so I just had to do it.  I thought this would be a simple poem but it took me more than a month to do it lol. XD
When native cn speakers come across a lady with the name Xiang 湘, it immediately brings to mind the two Xiang River Goddesses.  They were said to be the concubine of the legendary Emperor Shun.  “Lady Xiang 湘夫人” is a Pre Qin poem that’s written as part of Qu Yuan's Chu Ci Jiu Ge/Nine Song series, and it’s also known as the sister poem to “Xiang Jun 湘君”.
There are many interpretations as to who the focus of the story is.  But for the sake of this translation, I’ll be working on the assumption that the poem is about Lady Xiang missing her husband (Emperor Shun).  The poem’s really long and only the last part’s quoted in SHL, so feel free to skip to the end of the translation.  
This poem's known its vibrant descriptions and there's a bunch of reference to specific plants which I've linked. If you ever intend to write a fic in the Chu dynasty, or a fic centered around the 700-200BC, you could use this as a visual reference. (yas my nerdy friends, historical accuracy is sexy)
Lady Xiang has arrived at the Northern Island, my gaze is filled with sadness and worry. 
北渚: This was likely referring to  君山岛 Junshan Island. There's a lot of historical sites if you ever want to go there!
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The autumn wind blows gently endlessly; the Dongting lake ripples, the leaves fall.
Standing amidst the reeds as I gaze into the distance, anticipating the date with the lover tonight.  
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Why do the birds gather amongst the reeds? Why are the fishnets on the tops of the trees?
This line implies that the birds should be in the trees, and the fishnets among the aquatic reeds.  But yet the situation’s the reverse.  (Ie. what should have happened has t happened.). It describes the author’s uneasy feelings.  
T/N: Just in case anyone’s as nerdy as me, this is likely a mirror of the line “采薜荔兮水中,搴芙蓉兮木末 I want to pick the scallops in the water, and to pluck the lotus from the trees” in sister poem in the same series, 湘君 Xiang Jun.
And look, more pictures of plants! (yes it's a different reed xD)
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Th flower from the ginseng plant in the River Yuan, and orchids in the Lishui River.  I can’t describe how much I miss you, Young Master (Gongzi). 
T/N: Interestingly, 公子 Gongzi (aka Young Master) could be used on both male and female in the past.  This is a very interesting point because there’s actually a huge debate as to who’s the poem is referring to.  Baidu has interpreted this to mean Miss Xiang (ie. the goddess), but on the contrary, one physical book (yes I take this seriously lmao) I’ve bought thinks this is referring to Xiang Jun (the subject in her sister poem, and possibly her husband), and another physical book refrains from nailing the subject down.  So who knows LOL.
And just how gorgeous is the ginseng flower!
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My emotions are unsettled, I gaze towards the distance with uncertainty.  However, the River Yuan and Lishui flows slowly.
Why does the deer seek food in the courtyard?  Why do the dragon (jiaolong) trapped on the river bank?
T/N: 麋: This term actually refers to the deer, but it has been described as “antlers like a deer, tail of a donkey, hooves of a cow, face of a horse” in ancient times, so it’s sometimes regarded as the mythological creature 四不像 (Si Buxiang/Four not alike).  It has made an appearance in some anime, and in one particular danmei fandom’s discourse. LOL
The mythological version is supposed to look like this. XD
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蛟: Jialong refers to the “scaled dragon” in chinese mythology. If you’ve been watching Till the End of the Moon, Mingye was a jialong whom cultivated and became an immortal.
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When morning comes, I ride my horse and race down the river bank.  I cross over to the western bank at night. 
I hear my lover summons me.   So I speed towards hastily and we head off together. 
We build our house in the water, and cover our roof with lotus leaves.
The walls are decorated with moss, and purple shells pave the floor.   The fragrant pepper and dirt we mould form the family’s prayer hall.
T/N: 芳椒 - This was a specific type of fragrant pepper.  This was mixed with mud and painted on the walls, as the ancient people enjoyed its aroma. The moss refers to this specifically!
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The wood of the Gui tree form the beams, the Magnolia forms the rafters.  The crossbeams of the door are made from wood of the Xinyi tree, the white ginseng flowers decorates the medicinal room.
T/N: 辛夷 - The Xinyi tree is also part of the magnolia family. There's clearly a theme going on!
The Gui tree's so pretty! And the white magnolias!
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And the Xinyi tree
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The climbing fig is woven into a curtains, and the partitions made of flowers have been drawn.
T/N: 薜荔: Baidu says it’s the climbing fig, but my physical book thinks it’s the another magnolia plant. And the 蕙 flower was known for its fragrance.
Baidu's interpretation!
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And my book's interpretation XD
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And look, the pretty 蕙 flower!
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The weights  are made of snowy white jade, the fragrance of orchards permeates the air.
T/N: The 镇 Weights were similar to paper weights, and were used to keep mats/clothes in their place. It originated from the Qin and Han Dynasty, whereby people used to keep the mat in place (to prevent it from moving around when they got up). Sometimes, it'll be in the shape of an animal, like a lion for example.
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芳: Another interesting point; Baidu interprets this as fragrance, but the physical book thinks it means to block off the wind from the head of the bed. 芳 is sometimes interpreted as 防 (to block in some ancient text)
The lotus form the house, and the ginseng flowers form the roof.   It’s scent intermingles with that of the wild ginger
And this is how wild ginger looks like!
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We gather various kinds of flowers and plants to fill the courtyard, and we’ve build a fragrant porch.
九嶷缤兮并迎,灵之来兮如云。 (The line that's in SHL)
The numerous gods of the Mount Jiuyi have arrived, they arrive as plentiful as the clouds as they greet Lady Xiang. 
T/N: 九嶷: Jiuyi mountain was the legendary burial place of the legendary Emperor Shun.  It’s a mountain range in Hunan Province, located at the south of the river Xiang 湘水南.
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I throw my outer garment into the river.  And I throw my inner undergarment into the Lishui.
Arriving at the island’s river bank, I pluck the flowers as I eagerly await for my lover.
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Good times won’t return once it has passed.  I’ll travel leisurely as I wander freely.
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roseartsandfics · 4 months
When The Day Comes...
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Not the best title, but oh well ^^;
Welp, been awhile since drawing some Kingdom Hearts goodies lol. And to be honest, a couple of them I had aren't the best ideas in the world :p, but here is this one with the Final Fantasy folks, Leon (a.k.a Squall :3), Cloud, Aerith and Yuffie all just chilling, or waiting till the day when their world is actually saved lol (probably during the game xD)
It's my first time drawing Yuffie and Leon, and Yuffie turned pretty well, while Leon was difficult to draw lol. I haven't actually played Final Fantasy VIII just yet, since it's a twin pack with Final Fantasy VII. I find FFVIII gorgeous and couldn't wait to play it one day! I was going to play Crisis Core Reunion today, but I took a nap after a long bus ride home, which took a long time because of a bad accident. I was also in a bad mood and decided not to play it today until tomorrow after going to the store or so. Drawing Aerith and Cloud are both as hard, but at least I got them done in this piece :3. I kinda regretted not adding Cid Highwind in this piece, but maybe in the future ^^
Been doing a lot of Kingdom Hearts, and been trying to do alot of it :3. Welp, that's for the late display and have a good night! 🌛
Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Yuffie Kisaragi and Final Fantasy VII ©Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase, Yusuke Naora, Tetsuya Nomura and SQUARE ENIX
Leon (Squall Leonhart) and Final Fantasy VIII © Tetsuya Nomura, Yusuke Naora, Yoshinori Kitase, Shinji Hashimoto and SQUARE ENIX
Kingdom Hearts ©Tetsuya Nomura, Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase, Disney and SQUARE ENIX
Artwork ©RosePrincessArts
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: Soho Studio pencils and colored pencils, Cra-Z-Art colored pencils and 48 pack colored pencils
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cadrenebula · 10 months
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What has Stefan been up to while I've been too busy this summer with rl things? Helping his cousin set up a cafe in Ishgard. (It was his excuse for being nearby when he went to Story Hall. :D)
Lothaire decided he needed a safe place his mother or anyone she hires would not likely look too closely at. As well as he wanted a safe space for people like Alexois if they have work to do in Ishgard. (Remember Alexois is an assassin known as the Jackal of Coerthas.) The door to the back safe rooms is hidden from the average person and spell locked (courtesy of Stefan) against anyone with ill intentions towards anyone written on the safe list. (Hope you like being turned into a frog if you trigger the spell.)
So Lothaire got both Bran and Stefan to help him with the setup of the business front. Lothaire is good with numbers and can easily run the business as he was trained since he was young to handle the family business of the Aurifore. (He just doesn't want to deal with the black market like his grandfather and father. He wants to actually earn his money in better ways.) However he wanted the help of Bran and Stefan with picking out books, furniture, and sweets for the cafe. As well as overall look of it. He intends for coffee and tea to be free but the sweets and other specialties cost money. Books can be enjoyed there or bought to be taken home.
This also gives Lothaire a safe place to spend time with his older brother, Lancefer.
Why does he allow an assassin to use this as a safe hideout? Alexois helped save his life. As well as Alexois and Lancefer used to be friends a long time ago. (Their friendship is on the mend atm.) Lancefer might not have survived his trauma without his friendship to Alexois. Plus Alexois is an assassin with morals. (He won't kill women or children. Only exception to the women is if they are abusing people or trying to kill him. Trust me he's more than tempted to kill Lady Aurifore for her crimes against her own family.) So Alexois has more than earned Lothaire's respect and trust.
The safe hideout part might eventually include Asher in time. Possibly others of my morally gray characters. He got this idea from Alexois' wife, Sanagi. An while it's main benefit is for my own characters and a couple friends, doesn't mean other can't make a connection with my own kids an consider it their safe space too. (Please note the backrooms haven't been OOCly built yet. XD Coming soon.)
The house is located on Goblin. Empyreum Ward 25 Plot 59. I doubt I'll ICly run it myself (considering it's myself and 2 friends in FC). But it is NPC staffed if people want to use it for RP things. The upstairs is setup as the reading area with the cafe itself being downstairs (cause heat rises so it will help keep the reading area warmer against the chill of Ishgard). It's ICly owned and run by Lord Lothaire of House Aurifore.
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drawloverlala · 1 year
May Status Update
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It’s May! well basically like an hour into it lol 😆, anyways I wanted to write an entry about stuff and the progress on my current commission batch! 
Commission batch work in progress:
🌸 Commissions without background: 11 in total
1 still not started
3 still on sketch phase
1 is on base colors
5 are finished! 
🌸 Commissions with background: 4 in total
still not started: 2
sketch in progress: 3
from last time I got 2 commissions more, that before I was waiting on which listing they were supposed to belong to, it was basically 1 and 1 from each one! 
and yeah, I’m hoping to keep making progress on these this new month! and I’m looking forward to try some other stuff as well!
some more ramblings under the line here
I recently finished some notebooks I was working on since the beginning of this year, and I’m hoping to be able to sell them on Facebook maybe? I don’t intend to make too much with them since, they’re still far from very professional looking notebooks 😅, but I’m also wanting to invest on more supplies, and I’m taking notes as well to keep learning how to make these better!
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I certainly learned a lot during the process of making these XD, I made a lot of mistakes as well lol 
Also, here you can see the 2 designs I did, I did another one but the printer ran out of ink and I couldn’t use it lol, (another thing I gotta invest in the future is inks or maybe a new printer lol) and you can see here my Cinch machine! 
honestly I’m super tired, I finished these today and I had to store all materials and such again... and ugh... I seriously NEED a shelf to put all these machines and supplies, every time I’m going to use them I gotta take them all out of boxes and they are all under more boxes...gotta put them on boxes again and put everything again in order next to my bed..it also doesn’t look all too nice in there, so I’m going to start seriously looking for shelves next month 😆 
Other thing I wanted to ramble about, I recently got into Inkblot!  it’s a new art site, it has like around 1 year I think?, it’s still in development but so far it’s been pretty alright, Here’s my site so far:
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I’ve been wanting to use it to put all my commission art, I’ve finally catch up to last year’s work, so I can start posting this year work! I also want to put my other works here, kinda using it as a general gallery like the one I had with Deviant art.
There’s still so much I haven’t put here, but slowly filling with art! still doesn’t feel as my old DA’s gallery and sometimes the site loads pretty slowly, but I want to give it a chance since it’s still pretty new, I look forward to see how it evolves. the community part at least seems pretty chill so far! 
also has this very cool feature, where you can make comparisons!! it has a sort of thing that you move it and you can see the difference between both pictures. 
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I’ll definitely still be using Tumblr for art gallery as well, I already have posted a lot of art here anyways lol, I’ve managed to organize a lot of my art with the tags as well, although I think I’ll also be separating commission art without background and with backgrounds, that way they are all not too mixed up! 
Oh also, I’ve learned about Neocities! recently people were talking about it on Twitter, and seems like a cool option for a personalized website! although may first have to learn more about html coding 😆
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Neocities is an open source site, you can own a site here and customize it however you want, but you gotta do it from scratch! it’s honestly pretty cool, I think customization of Tumblr themes is pretty close to this,
but even so, if you check the sites from here just for fun, THEY ARE FANTASTIC! it’s like taking a look at internet in 2008, the customization value is so cool!
I personally find very fun the customization options like this, I may want to give this a try some day 😄
Well I think that’s all, this ramble became a bit too long lol but well, thanks if you read this far! 
Hope you have a great first week of May! 
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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Cad Bane enjoying a vacation on the beaches of Scarif, pre-Empire control. @deepbluespace4 Made a fun request of Cad wearing Sunglasses, simply because of one of my previous illustrations of him suffering a migraine, squinting in the sun after losing his hat. XD It got in my brain so I ended up drawing it. Started out as just his head, but then quickly turned into a full illustration. I don't take commissions, as fanart is purely self indulgent for me. I might take trades though, if I have the time. No nips, because he's a lizard man. :p The black strip on his ribs? It's a Duros cultural taboo to expose this area in public! Yeah. That has purely to do with a personal headcanon of mine concerning Duros anatomy: oil sacs located on the ribs! According to Wookiepedia:
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NSFW headcanon: uh... these sacs have a secondary purpose. These are one of a Duros' erogenous zones! When in love, the sacs produce a perfume or musk to attract a mate. When massaged with their long *padded* fingers, it also causes arousal. For a mate to rub there, it's also acceptance of the mate's personal scent, seeing as the oil would linger on the lover afterwards. ^///^; Since it's considered a sexual area, it's covered up in a similar manner to genitalia or boobs for other species. Both male and female Duros have them. My fanfiction doesn't have smut, but I do intend on hinting about it. Bane is a bastard, sure, but Idk, he strikes me as old fashioned in a lot of ways and might keep to this cultural taboo. The black strip sticks on like sports tape. Read my FanFiction "Figment" on A03 ----------------------------------------------- xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive
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spacingstars · 2 months
WIP Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Thanks @ninjigma for the tag! Quite late but... better late than never, right? x3
I have uh, a lot, of WIPs. Both writing and art... I'll put small descriptors for characters & ships where I find it appropriate, so, without further ado...
-Long Fic/Big AU Wips-
These are all the large scale, intended to be long multi-chapter WIPs I've got in the works right now.
-Fault Lines [Working Title] -Twin Suns [Working Title] (rexwalker) -DS!Rex [Working Title, DS meaning Dark Side]
-One Shots-
-Bloodied Maw (Rexvader) -Death of Me [Working Title] (Vader) -Lying Tongues (Anakin & Kix & Rex) -Ripped Teeth (Rexvader) -Sea Monsters [Working Title] (Rexwalker) -Serenity (Rexwalker) -Sleep [Working Title] (Rexwalker, smut) -Terrible Bosses [Working Title] (Appo & Vader, Palpatine & Vader, Appo & Palpatine)
There's a couple more here but... those fall into the category of "over 2 years old and haven't been touched since" and I have completely forgotten what my brain even intended when I first wrote those so I'm leaving those off the list. These are all, at the least, one-shots I've written within the past year and still have hope of being finished.
....though given my creative track record as of late it's likely many of these (the one-shots, at least) are going to fall into the abyss of my brain. oops.
Now, as for the art WIPs... which are... much more complicated if only because I never actually give my art WIPs titles they're all just numbered because I do a lot of sketching but not a lot of... finishing. And honestly, a lot of them are.... extremely rough... but, there's a singular rexwalker WIP I'd be willing to show if anyone's interested. xD
Also, if it isn't obvious, all of these are Star Wars, sticking to one fandom for simplicity's sake. Plus, only other fandom WIPs I have are Halo fanart, and... I already explained the situation with my art x3
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