#I love evil men
xoxochb · 3 months
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he’s so boyfriend!! 🤭🤭
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heuimagines · 2 months
i like to think that they survive after the fall and live together, they cant survive separation after all . but Will still has his strong moral compass and Hannibal is still well , Hannibal . they spend most of their time either trying to kill each other or holding each other so tightly it seems like they r trying to crawl into each others skin . knifes and guns hidden everywhere around their houses , pulled out over the smallest arguments , they fight like rabid dogs at least 2 times a week , biting and tearing skin until one of them is too weak . the other stops to gloat , devotion in both their eye's because they cant just Kill their other half .
- 🐶
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rab1darachn1d · 6 months
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me dids a thing
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seekerposting · 4 months
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Finally decided to post my Humanformers Overlord!!!! Ive been on the texan/cowboy overlord train since day one and im happy to see more of it eeee
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averageludwig · 1 year
Art dump 3 but with newer stuff ooo
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Silly black frieza redesign (barely) ft Cell art I made for funsies... I love them so much it's actually kinda unhealthy tbh
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ozziesjester · 7 months
For the headcanons thing;;; I’m shy but
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Petyr Baelish from Game of Thrones? 👀 <3
hihi!!! i don't know a whole lot about GOT, but i'll do my best for you!
yknow that trope where the Big Bad doesn't give a single solitary fuck about anyone but their own desires, but their soft spot is their significant other? yeah, he fits inside that little box real nicely. if anything happened to you he would kill anyone in his path in your honor. perhaps he already has? he'll never tell!
everything he does, no matter how big or small, has You at the forefront of his mind. you become his top priority once you catch his attention, and catch his attention you certainly have!
behind closed doors he can become incredibly doting and loving, a side that nobody but you gets to see. he considers you special enough to see him vulnerable, and precious enough to be worth his time and attention.
obsessive and possessive of you to a fault - again, if anything happened to you it would absolutely break him. he wants to keep you to himself and never let you out of his sight.
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inkykeiji · 6 months
MAHITO! A lot of people don't like him because he's a big villain, but I'll stand by it; MAHITO IS SEXY! PLEASE check him out
OKAAAAY LIKE I AM ON THE FENCE WITH HIM because his whole regeneration thing kinda freaks me the heck out but i LOVE his voice izana and i LOVE how fucking crazy he is so maaaybe throwing him into a cureless AU could be pretty fun,,, hmmmm,,,,,
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sydsaint · 6 months
Heel Santos 😩😩😩😩😩
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raidenkiyoshi · 1 month
be right back gang, I gotta go evily tuck my son into bed and evily sing him a lullaby. hold on a minute.
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part one...!
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somnicordia · 11 months
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feeling very soft after death island... among other things...
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llmsos · 10 months
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Happy yaoi day w some old men in love🔥🔥🔥
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jewelianism · 10 months
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you want me to be a tragic backdrop so that you can appear to be illuminated, so that people can say ‘wow, isnt he so terribly brave to love a girl who is so obviously sad?’ you think ill be the dark sky so you can be the star? ill swallow you whole.
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bloodydrew · 11 months
Love the hc of Jonah Magnus being trans ftm and just body hopping into cis male bodies bc like yeah what do you do when you are trans in the 19th century and there’s no hormonal treatment nor top surgery available at your time ? You become a fucking fear god avatar and start body hopping ofc
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine somehow finding yourself in the arms of Leon and Luis in the most inopportune times.
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“Yeah, no. I don’t know about this, guys.”
“It’s not that big of a drop. You can do this.”
“Easy for you to say, Leon!”
“Calma, my fine friend. Just close your eyes and remember not to lock your knees.”
“Luis, you are not helping.”
You turn your head at the sound of shouting. Further in the distance, a mob of plaga-infected cultists are sprinting towards you three with torches and pitchforks.
Luis walks forward, waving at you to move. “Go! I’ll take care of them.” Not giving you a chance to protest against this reckless idea, the Spaniard bravely rushes straight at the mob with a stack of dynamite in hand.
Seeing no other option, you approach the edge of the cliff. Just seeing how high up you are and how low the lower ground is was enough to make you hesitate and quake in your shoes. The fear of hurting yourself in the fall outweighing your fear of being mauled to pieces by angry villagers.
“I-I… I can’t-”
The thunderous blast along with the violent tremors beneath your feet shocks you so terribly that you practically leap off the rocky edge with a horrified scream. You realize then that you didn’t position yourself properly. You were free falling with your head facing the sky, hurdling towards the ground without any means to cushion your landing. Anticipating great pain, your eyes shut tight. An involuntary, terror-stricken yelp escapes you when you no longer felt the rush of wind, awaiting your back to harshly collide with the hard ground.
The pain doesn’t come. You didn’t feel any dirt and grovel, but still felt yourself pressed against something hard and firm. You are also suspended, to your surprise, your weight supported by a steady hold beneath your shoulders and knees.
A husky voice calls out to you. “You okay?”
You didn’t realize that you still had your eyes closed, opening them to see a familiar blond gazing down at you. The icy color in his eyes flash with genuine concern. Piecing together that Leon broke your fall by catching you in his arms, your cheeks burn a tinge of pink that does not go unnoticed.
The agent throws you a small grin at your silence, “I’ll take that as a yes. Don’t worry, not going to let anything happen to you. I got your back. Literally.”
There is an unmistakable warmth in his expression, a magnetic glint in his eyes that you couldn’t tear yourself away from. Your mouth opens, but nothing comes out. You want to thank him but found yourself at a loss for words. Leon’s gaze switches from your eyes to your mouth then, bright blues lingering. The way he is looking at you, it is like he is placed in a trance. Whether it was done purposefully or he was subconsciously driven to readjust your weight in his hands, the man tightens his hold on you, bringing your chests tightly together.
His lips open slightly, mimicking yours, and it is then did you notice just how close your faces are. You feel yourself falling under the same spell, your senses becoming dizzy from his musky scent and it is as if his entire being is enveloping you. In a way, you are completely surrounded by him. And he seems to be moving closer to you yet, his lips slowly inching forward…
“¡Oye, Yanqui!” Both of you look up in alarm to see Luis yelling, the dark-haired man still at the top of the cliff above. It seems the mob that was pursuing you three no longer posed as a danger as you didn’t hear or see any furious monsters behind him. Luis must have also been observing the interaction between you two as he had an amused expression on his rugged face. You almost swore that you can see a bit of green in his grey eyes. “What about me?”
Leon merely gives the Spaniard a deadpan look. “What about you?”
Luis rolls his eyes, gesturing with arms wide as if what he was hinting towards is obvious. “Would be nice to have a certain Prince Charming break my fall too.”
The blond scoffs. “Sucks to be you,” he retorts, promptly walking the other direction and purposefully moving further away from the cliffside.
You watch intently as Luis’ shoulders slump, the man visibly heaving a deep, defeated sigh before analyzing the height of the drop. He jumps off with a running start and a worried gasp rips from your throat when he doesn’t stick the landing, tumbling about in a not-so-graceful fashion before finally coming to a rest on his side. Your ears pick up the Spaniard groaning curses in his native tongue.
“I think Luis hurt himself,” you comment aloud.
Leon doesn’t bother looking back, his steps maintaing a brisk pace. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine.”
The desire to argue with the blond about this was strong, but was quickly dismissed when you spot Luis rising back up to a stand and dusting off his pants. He seemed none the worse for wear. You sigh, a relieved smile easing onto your lips. It drops when you finally register that you are still being carried.
“Uh… Leon?”
The stoic agent acknowledges you with a hum.
“…Think you can put me down?”
You guess that Leon didn’t realize that he was holding you longer than necessary either, the tips of his ears a deep red as he hurriedly helps you back on your feet. He utters an embarrassed apology almost too low for you to hear and you give him a shy thanks in turn, casting your eyes to the ground so that he wouldn’t see your blush blooming again. You didn’t catch the way he beheld you then.
Fortunately, the awkward moment disperses before it could permeate.
Unfortunately, it is because of a gargantuan monster bursting out from seemingly within the mountainside. Upon seeing the three of you, it releases a terrible roar that shakes the very air.
“¡Gigante! Run, amigos!” Luis shouts, catching up to you and Leon. Without warning, he grabs you by the hand and pulls you close behind him as he sprints away.
The giant plaga chases you all through the area for what seems like an eternity. After some time, you feel your lungs and legs start to give out, your feet staggering with each step. Sensing you struggle to keep up the pace, the Spaniard stops abruptly.
You heave with ragged breath, “Luis, we can’t stop-”
He wordlessly sweeps you into his arms with a strength that astounds you. At your surprised expression, the dark-haired man flashes you a toothy grin before running off again with the same quickness he had before. Not once did he stumble or falter.
If the situation wasn’t so dire, you would have berated Luis for his arrogance and him taking on the burden of literally carrying your weight without so much as giving you a say in the matter. However, you were too exhausted to argue. This moment of respite was not relished for very long, though, as the two of you come to a sudden stop once again. The two of you are overlooking yet another high cliff.
You groan in tired exasperation. “You have got to be kidding me!”
Panic grips at your heart, you glance over Luis’ broad shoulder with fearful eyes to see if the monster is still in pursuit. To your astonishment, you see the large beast distracted in one spot several paces away. Distracted by a certain blond who was firing at it relentlessly. Leon was unleashing hell upon the plaga without fear, but the shells seem to only bounce off its hard skin. Despite how ineffective the attacks appear, it is apparently enough to hold the giant’s attention. For how long, you were loathe to find out.
Catching you staring, Leon yells over the gunfire. “What are you two waiting for? Jump!”
You peek back over the edge. There’s a body of water below and terror-filled thoughts ran frantically in your hyperactive mind.
Are the waters shallow? Are they deep? You swear that you can see sharp rocks too. There’s no way any of you can do this and live to tell the tale.
A firm squeeze on your side pulls you from the depths of your increasing panic. You turn your head to see Luis smiling patiently. It is not the playful smirk he often wears but rather it is one that offered nothing but sincere reassurance.
Luis speaks up softly, the seriousness in his thick accent even and irrefutable, “My friend, do you trust me?”
His question didn’t need an answer. You knew what he was implying. And although you were scared out of your wits, you found comfort in Luis’ confidence. There is an unwavering determination is his grey gaze, a silent promise that your safety is assured with him.
His bright smile widens at the sight of your nod and he returns it with one of his own. “Hold onto me.”
You follow his order, wrapping your arms tight around his neck. For the second time, you shut your eyes, bracing for another long fall.
A moment passes.
You don’t hear yourself being carried further away from the sound of Leon’s gunshots. You don’t feel the rush of wind against your face or your body and clothes submerged in water. Overwhelmed with curiosity, you open your eyes and discover Luis still staring down at you. There is an intense emotion in his silver gaze that you couldn’t place.
“Luis, what’s happening? What’s wrong?”
He tilts his head. “Nada. Was just thinking that at a time like this,” he begins to say slowly, the tone of his voice dropping to depths that sent flutters into your heart, “we could use a bit of good luck. A favor shared between a knight and his intended. What do you say?”
You were going to ask what he was going on about, but the question becomes stuck in your throat when you see his face dip down to yours. Your noses bump at the tips and he inches closer still. You didn’t realize you stopped breathing until your lungs forced you to suck in much needed air, the taste of his breath warm upon your tongue.
Your heart was pounding loudly against your chest, blood pumping through your veins so fiercely that you thought you would faint right then and there. Your mind becomes totally blank and all you can process is the faint brush of Luis’ lips…
The sudden jolt of your body rushing forward brings you back to awareness. You’re falling. Again! But it isn’t you that is screaming now. It’s Luis. He’s falling next to you. In the corner of your eye, you catch a pair of gloved hands grasping on both of your forearms.
Three bodies plunge into the chilly waters. You were flailing about, unable to regain equilibrium, and you thought for certain that you were going to drown. But luck was on your side yet again as you’re pulled to the open surface by strong hands on your person. Sweet air then returns to your lungs.
“¡Loco hijo de puta! Were you trying to kill us?!”
“Don’t give me that, I told you two to jump.”
Leon and Luis already had their heads above the water by the time you regained your wits, the two of them arguing back and forth. You tuned out their squabble in favor of searching for the gigante. The monster peering down high above. With a furious roar, it retreats back from whence it came, leaving you three alone for good, and relief washes over you. Looking around, your eyes then find a stretch of land that the three of you could swim towards. You made a move to start paddling to safety, not wanting to linger in case there were more terrors treading about below. Or at least you tried to.
You couldn’t move. Your body was quite literally pressed in between the two men. Their arms circled around you, keeping you afloat and securely in place. You could feel every inch of their hard muscles pressing against your front and back. Despite the freezing chill of the water surrounding you, your body felt like it was lit aflame. The handsome agent and the dashing Spaniard cease their bickering when they hear you gasp.
Leon, who is behind you, looks at the back of your bowed head. His hardened expression softening to that of worry as he called your name. “Are you hurt? We should get you out of the water fast.”
Luis, who is in front of you, observes you with a knowing smirk. His teasing, cheeky demeanor returning tenfold. He was about to say something, but you silence him with a deathly glare.
You totally miss the look of confusion on Leon’s face when Luis starts busting out laughing. Being close to these two is a new kind of dangerous.
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lumibuns-blog · 7 months
First time with Leon S. Kennedy<3
-just to be clear it's Leon's first time but not yours-
I'm back on my whiny sub Leon soapbox because he is perfect in every way🤞
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It's not as if Leon hadn't wanted to do things with someone else, it's just his life hadn't really allowed it, between missions and saving the world, he hadn't found someone he was willing to share that moment with until he met you.
You made him feel things he hadn't felt before... a stirring heat that he at first didn't recognize but came to love. How looking at you, your curves, your face, the way his head began to spin when you bit your lips and sneaked a smirk at him, because you new how flustered it made him.
Actually you seemed to know everything about him, what made him loose his mind.
That's exactly what got him into this situation.
His hands ghosted over your ass, fingers just barely touching it through your silk dress. He was kneeling on his knees in front of you, his chin resting on your stomach so he was looking up at you, and that same devious smile that rested on your face.
He had been attempting to put his shoes on so you two could go for a night out, but seeing him in a loose button down shirt gave you other plans.
You moved your hand down to cup his cheek and stroke it the your thumb.
"What do you want" you asked simply
"Wha-what?" Leon breathed
"Do you want this?"
"I-I'm sorry I don't understand" Leon had an idea of what you were trying say and prayed to god that he was right.
"Do you want me?" You asked a final time
Leon's eyes widened and his breath hitched
"So bad" he replied breathlessly
"Good" you smirked turning away and causing him to stumble slightly
He looked up at you, eyes wide
"Well what are you waiting for?" You asked turning back around to face him
He immediately scrambled to his feet, kicking off the shoes he had been attempting to put on what felt like hours ago.
"Wait just a second" he began, standing behind you "I mean I think I know what you mean but it's just that Idon'twanttomakeyouuncomfortableor anythi-hmmpf!"
You cut his off by crashing your lips against his, locking your heels around his torso and grinding yourself against his noticeably hard cock, throwing your weight on him and causing him to stumble backwards and fall onto the couch.
"I though a special agent would be better with his balance" you teased
"I-I normally am it's just-ah! Fuuuck, y-you're hips..." he stammered
"I know handsome" you chuckled
You felt his cock twitch underneath you 'had such a light comment really turned him on?' You wonder
You slowly rolled you hips over his, grinding you bare cunt over his clothed tip, as you had forgone underwear underneath your dress.
"Ah! Mmh-" he stammered again
You began to slowly move off his lap,
"Wai-wait- n-need you- please" his choked out, unable to stand the sudden absence of pressure
"Be patient" you smiled, your voice like a song that made him loose all sense of reason
You slipped the straps of your dress off your shoulders and slowly let it fall to the floor, revealing you fully nude figure to him
There was moment of silence before
"Wow." Leon said breathlessly, his mouth wide
'This man look so serious but is acting like such a nerd' you giggled to yourself
"What's so funny" he questioned, unable to take his eyes from your tits
"Oh nothing" you sighed moving back to his lap
You hovered you hips over his not giving him the pressure he so obviously desired. You watched as he instinctively began to buck his hips upward, craving your touch.
You decided to give him what he wanted, dropping you hips down suddenly onto him.
"Oh sh-s-shit" he looked as if he was holding his breath before he let it out and his hips convulsed slightly underneath you.
"I didn't know you were so sensitive" you teased
"I'm not-it's just- it's y-you" he was so cute when he could barely get the words out
You suddenly grabbed his hand and cupped it around one of your breasts.
His breath hitched again, he seemingly froze, hand twitching and eyes locked onto your chest for several moments.
"Ya know you can-" you placed your hand back on his and guided him to gently squeeze you
His ruff hands felt nurturing yet strong, you couldn't help but slip out a small moan
His eyes immediately locked onto you face, eyes wide, as if he was in a trance, he immediately squeezed you again and moaned when you gave the same reaction.
Gaining sudden confidence he moved his mouth to your other fit and began to slowly lick around its center
"Fu-ck Leon what are you-doing" you asked, surprised he even knew what to do
He released your breast from his mouth to look up at you and breathlessly stammer "pl-please- I want to hear you- uh-moan like that a-again"
"Mmmhp" you hummed letting him get back to work and relish in all the noises you were making for a while before you shifted back removing him from his new found heaven, between you tits
"Nhmmmh" he whined at the loss of contact once again
"Be patient" you hushed once more moving your hands to fumble with the zipper of his dress pants
"Wha-what are you-?"
You cut him off "don't you want to fuck me?" You said promptly
He looked at you once more with those wide eyes "s-so soooo bad"
"Then get those pants off" you smirked
He immediately rushed to sink his pants down to his ankles taking his boxers with them and allowing his fully stiffened cock to spring free
He groaned as you looked at the precum beading from his head
You positioned yourself about him, hovering your cunt just above his tip
Leon looked up at you like you were god, at that moment, feeling you was all that mattered
You lowered yourself so his tip was barley coated in you slik
"Oh god- f- mrmpff- p- please" he cried, throwing his hands back into the top of the couch
"I'm not going to tell you again Leon, be patient" you smiled devilishly
"Y-yes- anything, I promise-just-just"
You suddenly dropped fully into him, breathing out a long moan as his size stretched you perfectly.
Leon threw his head back "ah-ah- oh fuck- you feel-" he could barely get the words out "fuck you're so w-warm- you're squeezing my cock- ah!" He yelped as you began to rock back and forth slowly
"P-please- just wait-" he breathed
"Is something wrong?" You asked concerned
"N-no it's just...you feel so, soooo good- I- I don't want to cum b-before you" he admitted, embarrassed "it's like- I mean - this is better- than ANYTHING" he grunted
"Oh Leon" you smiled leaning in close to his ear so your breath tickled at his neck "that's exactly what I want"
"Hah-ah fuck-" Leon started as you began to move your hips at an unrelenting pace
Relishing in the fact that he seemed to choke every time you arched your back.
You could feel his tip kissing your cervix every time you sunk back down onto his length, and your own release building up inside of you.
By the looks of it, Leon was lost in the pleasure, stringing together versions of your name and every curse word he could think of
"Pleasepleasepleasepleas--let me cum- ah- you feel- so fucking good- mmhh- squeezing me like that" he cried out
You leaned towards his ear once more, "I want you to cum baby, cum with me"
That's all it took,
"Ah-ah-ah cumming" he said as his hips faltered and he began to shoot rope after rope of his load into you.
Feeling his hot cum made pushed you over the edge, and you drenched his cock, causing his to lurch forward and wrap his arms around you to pull you against his bare chest.
You both sat there breathlessly, pressing against each other. After what was to Leon "not long enough" you slid yourself off of him, watching him shiver and gasp as you did.
You sat there on his lap, taking in his fucked out expression, ecstasy written all over his face.
After a moment he brought his arms up to you and pulled you into a warm embrace on your shared couch,
"D-did I do good?" He asked quietly
"Are you kidding, you were perfect" you smile at him "maybe I'll let you be on top next time" you giggle
"Really" he gaped at you, honest excitement in his eyes
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