#I love that website hahaha I need more people to follow in there
jonahsimms · 4 months
Hello! Coming back to this account because I would like to follow more accounts in letterboxd 😁 so if you have an account and would like me to follow it send me your username!
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basilone · 3 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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kwillow · 1 year
Also kinda funny thing, my oc is also kinda girl crazy like Ambroy lmao she likes girlies as she grows up (dragons kidnapping maidens much you need a tower to hold a pretty woman in?) but she's respectful never bothers his staff she knows he'd kick off but absolutely would check out other woman with him at events he's like ooh she's not bad. And she's like oh yea that dress compliments all the right places. And he's what. Harlot wench whore cease. And she'd laugh and assure him oh what chance does she have against such a gorgeous refined man such as himself so dazzling everyone in the room keeps looking at him they know they can't rival him.
Slightly NSFW following up on devoted anons whore daughter lmao I'm gonna do a few spaces then put it so hopefully you don't have to see if you don't want to
But also sometimes has girls in her room and Ambroy probably gets jealous lmao. She is a thot affectionately likes girls will love on girls likes one little bastard unicorn man. Would tease if he's getting huffy like aw my golden treasure don't be so jealous, you can come sit on my face too if you want. Cause she's a whore she's nasty she knows vulgarity and it's probably a bit flustering tbh like ma'am I do not wanna know what you're doing to those girls! I can imagine him shoving her face away lightly smacking at her lmao or who knows maybe he's into it just a little
Oh that's fun, hahaha!
I mean, she's better than he is for keeping her hands off his staff - er, at least when he was younger, he would get frisky with the female servants at times, to the point where his father refused to let him have personal female attendants. When he's older, though, he learns to maintain more professional boundaries... though not so professional that he would think better of having his maids wear ludicrously low-cut dresses, it seems.
He's enough of a lad that he'd enjoy having someone to check out ladies with, but you're right that too many compliments towards others would make him flip to "okay shut up about her what about how pretty I am"
Such language direct at him would fluster him for sure. He's certainly no angel (haha) or prude; he can be shockingly vulgar himself, but he's more used to being the pursuer than the pursued. There's also the matter of her being physically larger than him - he's used to being much taller than most people and especially women, so having someone who can look down at him and say such things, well, it's not a power dynamic he's used to. Is that to say he wouldn't secretly be kind of into it? Well... his aasimar version has a secret shameful attraction to the monstrous feminine, so, one could extrapolate certain things from that. What things - perhaps I shouldn't say on a good wholesome website like Tumblr.
(Oh and no worries about salacious stuff when it comes to my characters, I don’t bring such things up on my accounts often just because I prefer to write and draw my guys to be amusing and terrible rather than arousing, but it is a factor in their lives, and it doesn’t bother me.)
A lot of mythological creatures seem to have a particular fixation on girls, don't they? (Pardon the meme, couldn't help myself.)
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Oh also completely forgot but important she has a forked tongue not immune to wiggly forked tongue which she has superb control over so she will stick her tongue out at him and move the forks to make a <3 shape at him with her tongue cause I think it's funny
That's super cute. I'm sure he'd be jealous that his tongue is weird but can't do anything cool like that.
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sometimes-surveys · 1 year
Did you ever pretend you were someone else as a favor for a friend? - Yes, several times in my life. One time that really sticks out, is the time I was at a party and these two guys were trying to take this girl I knew home, even though she was really shitfaced. We weren't really friends, but we had seen each other at parties and talked a bit. She was more of an acquaintance. But anyway, there were these two guys, towards the end of the night, trying to get her to go home with them. I witnessed the back and forth for about five minutes until finally I went over to talk to her. I was like, "Bestie, where you going? Remember, we have a shopping date tomorrow?" She obviously had no clue what I was talking about and the guys were like, "No, she's coming with us" and I was like, "Lydia, do you know these guys?" And she said no, and that's all I needed to know. I turn to the guys and say, "Sorry guys, she has a date with me tomorrow." Literally like ten seconds after that, she runs into the kitchen and pukes in the sink. I was like, "Yeah, she needs to sleep that off, we have shit to do tomorrow." And they finally let up and left. We both ended up sleeping over, which the hostess didn't mind. My ex (who worked an overnight job) picked me up in the morning, and we made sure she got home safe. So, even though she didn't ask for the favor, I didn't know the guys' intentions, and I pretended to be her best friend at the time for her sake.
Do you think men prefer curvy women or skinny women? - I think a lot of men will say "it doesn't matter" but really, I think they like skinny women more. We've (at least my age group) been taught from a young age that skinny is prettier and better health wise. I'm glad that most of my own generation and younger generations are changing the narrative about what's attractive and what isn't.
Do you own a water gun? - No.
What item most embarrasses you to purchase? - Pregnancy tests! Hahaha, I'm a 34 year old, married woman, but it still embarrasses me to buy one. My husband and I don't want kids, and I'm pretty sure we can't have kids, so I think that's why it's such a negative experience to go buy one in person. I usually only do because I get paranoid about being pregnant when my period is super late, knowing full and well that my uterus hates me and will do whatever it likes and when.
Do you know any actual dances or do you just move to the music? - I just move to the music.
Do you eat pork and beans? - No. I'll eat vegetarian baked beans a few times a year, though.
What is the last thing you referred to as legit? - A website I was talking to my husband about.
Or do you think that term is lame? lol - No? It's a word that has a meaning...?
Do you give cards to people for holidays or events? - Yes. Certain people I won't, like someone I know will throw out the card, I won't waste my time or money buying one and filling it out. But people like close family, I'll buy a card for. Always my grandmother. She loves getting cards; she keeps them and displays them the following year for her birthday, Mother's Day, and Xmas.
Do you have anything hanging from the ceiling of your room? - The ceiling fan/light.
The rear view mirror of your car? - I don't drive, and my husband's car will sometimes have an air freshener tree on it.
Which do you prefer, dr or dentist? - The dentist.
Do you know which side your appendix is on? - Yes, it's your right side.
Do you have the fixins in your fridge to make a sandwich? What kind? - Fixins?! Haha, what a word. But yes. There's bread, lettuce, mayonnaise, mustard, turkey, ham, an assortment of cheeses, and bacon.
Are any walls of your room blank? - The room I'm in? Yes, there's one wall without stuff on it in the living room. In the bedroom, there's nothing on the walls. I like a clean look for the bedroom.
When was the last time you ate fruit? - Does a fruit pouch count? I had an apple and butternut squash puree pouch yesterday, haha. It was actually quite tasty.
What color are your favorite shoes? - Black and white.
If someone was willing to tell your crush you liked them would you let them? - I'm married, so no actual crushes here. But even when I did have crushes, I never did the "he said she said" shit. If I liked you, I'd tell you.
Do you know the zodiac signs of your friends? - I have no friends, haha. Just my husband and my brother. My husband is a cancer and my brother is a capricorn.
Favorite dog ever, real life and cartoon. - Our dog is my favorite dog in real life. Cartoon wise: Charlie and Itchy from All Dogs Go To Heaven! That's one of my favorite animated movies of all time.
Do you own anything with fur on it? What? - I own a pair of Uggs (they were gift!) and they’re made of sheep's wool, so I guess yes. ):
Do you choose surveys based on their titles? - Most of the time there aren't titles. Only a number indicating which survey it is for the person answering it.
What would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? - Hmm. Both could kill me. Both are expensive to deal with. Both have tons of side effects. I'll go with cancer, though. *knocks on wood*
What was the last thing you made from scratch? - I guess...dinner the other night?
Do you drink any hot beverages? What? - I've been drinking a shit ton of hot tea lately. I'm getting over covid, and I like to drink tea when I don't feel well. I know it's probably just psychological, me thinking the tea is helping me feel better, but it's comforting. My brother gifted my husband and me a huge goodie bag filled with stuff, including a bunch of tea. I had some orange spice tea this morning. It was really good!
Do you put Q-tips in your ear or just round the outside? - I know you're not supposed to, but I put them in my ear.
Have you ever popped another person's zit? - I'm sure I have popped one of my husband's before.
When was the last time you listened to a radio, NOT online? - Sometimes my husband will put on the radio in the car and listen to a sports game if we're out doing errands and he can't be home to watch it. So I'm guessing sometime within this past year.
Do you have any odious chores hanging over your head? - No.
What is the last thing you confessed to someone? - Hahaha, it's nothing big but I laughed just now thinking about it. So, I told my husband recently that I'm not that fond of his mother's "corn pie." It's this corn stuff she makes for Thanksgiving, it's like a creamed corn casserole and cornbread had a baby. She always makes it because I told her that I liked it one time, yeeeeears ago. So, she makes it for me and is always excited to tell me she's making it. I mean, it's okay. It's not nasty or anything. But like, I'm not going stir crazy when November hits and wanting the corn pie, haha.
Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? - I subtly hinted at it. I know it wasn't my place, but the guy was a total asshole and rude as all hell.
Name two things you put whipped cream on? - Pie and hot cocoa.
Who is the last person who saw you with bare feet? - My husband.
What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? - I love dimple piercings. They're so adorable. I've always wanted them but too scared because I hear the healing process is a bitch. I'm done getting piercings as I've had over twenty, but man I would love to know what I look like with them.
Colored tattoos or plain? - I prefer color, but some tattoos just look really nice in black and white.
Do you ever eat peanut butter straight from the jar? - Like if I wanted one spoonful or something, yes. I would never sit there, put the spoon in my mouth, then back into the jar of peanut butter.
Do you know how to ride a bike? Do you own one? - I think so, haha. It's been so long. My husband has one.
What was the last pill you took for? - The last pill I took was a vitamin. I did have some liquid medicine sometime last week when I was feeling really ill.
How many devices do you own that hook up to internet? - A lot.
Any best friends you only know online? - Once upon a time, yes. I hope everyone is doing okay.
Do you ever talk to your next door neighbor? - Never. But we do wave to the ones across the street.
Do most of your friends live in houses, apartments or mobiles? - No friends.
Did anything shock you today? - Nope.
What is the thing you last stubbed your toe on? - The space heater/fake fireplace.
Favorite faux curse word. - Freaking.
Who do you tease most often and what about? - I guess my husband. I'll just mock things he says because he has a pretty strong country accent with certain words. He doesn't believe he does, but that's just because he's used to hearing country sounding voices; his whole family is from down south. My family, with the exception of my dad (he's from the Virgin Islands), are all from New York. So, I grew up around that "Yankee" accent.
Slip on or lace up shoes? - Slip on.
Thing you stress over most about the holidays. - Money. I tell myself every year that I won't go broke, but I always do the most. We're mostly all adults now, with the exception of my husband's step-sisters (16 and 19), and I wish that we could just spend the time together instead of doing a fucking gift exchange every year. It's annoying.
Food you take a second helping of on Thanksgiving? - Stuffing. My mom made some vegetarian stuffing this year, and omg it was so good.
Would you rather spend Thanksgiving with friends or family? - Family. I'm always so "wah I fucking hate house hopping and doing this and that" but this year, my husband and I had Covid so I actually missed being around my family. They dropped some food off on the porch and visited for a few minutes outside, but it sucked.  
Most disgusting bug. - Cockroaches.
Nastiest thing in your fridge. - Whole milk. I got some things delivered to me yesterday, and the delivery driver also left someone else's order. Long story short, after trying to right the wrong, there was nothing I could do to get the items back to where they were supposed to go, so we kept them. And now we have two gallons of whole milk in the fridge. My mom was supposed to come pick some of the groceries up today.
Song you hate but keep singing anyway. - I can't think of one right now.
Cookies or brownies. - Cookies.
Do you own any movie soundtracks? Which? - Yes. I have vinyls of horror movies. I'm not going through the list, there's quite a few.
How many pillows do you sleep with? - Two.
Favorite outdoors smell. - Just clean fresh air.
Are you wearing a hoodie right now? - I am. It's red.
Do you ever sleep in your day clothes? - If I'm napping on the couch, yes. I always change into bed clothes before going to bed.
Do you prefer your clothes loose or close fitting? - I just like them to fit. So a little loose, a little fitted.
Are your fave pants jeans? - No.
Do you own any under things bought to impress the opposite sex? - I own lingerie, but I bought it more to help me feel sexy. My husband doesn't care. He of course hypes me up when I'm wearing it, but it all comes off anyway, so he can do without it.
Favorite thing you've ever painted? - Probably this work of art inspired by The Used's album Heartwork that I did back in 2020 when the album came out.
Do you eat applesauce? - Yeah, from time to time.
Are there any songs that remind you of your mother? - Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You." My mom used to love the movie The Bodyguard, and she always sang that song while doing things around the house. We had a karaoke night a few months ago, and she sang that song.
If you had a sister, would you prefer her older or younger? Why? - I do have a sister. She's my half sister that lives in NYC, and she's older. And I guess by marriage, I have sisters (my husband's half-sister that lives with his dad, and his step-sisters) and they're younger.
What is something you wanted to say today, but didn’t? - Nothing. I've been alone since I woke up this morning.
Where are your keys right now? - In my purse.
Is there any product you always buy at the dollar store? - Yes, I get my favorite eyeliner from there! It's the LA Colors liquid eyeliner. It's a little difficult to work with, at least for me. I have long, curly lashes that get in the way when doing my eyeliner. But I love the eyeliner. It's super dark and pigmented, and it lasts so long. It's not even marketed as waterproof (I don't think), but I've worn it while crying, sweating, etc and it doesn't go anywhere.
Can you recite any prayers by heart? - Yes, "Our Father" and "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep."
When it's your birthday, do you have the correct number of candles? - Nah, we usually just do the number candles.
Birthday cake alone, or cake and ice cream? - I can do without the ice cream.
0 notes
ritacrow-blog · 3 years
-Mari is MDC but also has a secret talent :singing and songwriting
-class! Salt, lila! Salt, coward but not evil adrien/chat noir.
-Mari vents out her sadness and anger through songwriting and singing in a secret garden she discovered somewhere in Paris.
-always has her song book with her. One day during one of Jagged's fittings. Her song book falls out of her bag without noticing. Forgetting it in Jagged's Hotel room.
-Jagged finds it and takes a look at it. Finds out that it's marinette's. Also notices how sad and angry the lyrics look. Confronts marinette about it when she comes back looking panicked and looking for her song book.
-Jagged finds out about Lila and ends up being akumatized.
-cue: Lila! Hunt. And truth being revealed to the class.
-the class tries to apologise. Mari forgives some, not all. And doesn't remain close to them anymore since they betrayed her trust. So no more free stuff/food/babysitting/etc... Just being civil with each other and avoiding persistent ones like Alya and adrien.
-Jagged comes to the bakery to check on Marinette and overhears her humming then singing. Frozen in place entranced my her lyrics, sound and emotion in the song. He listens and knocks when he hears watery sniffles.
-they talk.
-he offers an idea. To record her songs or perform for an audience.
-Mari not being ready turns down the idea of performing for an audience. But says OK to the idea of recording it.
-while in the recording studio with only penny and Jagged. After recording her songs. The asshole Bob barges in telling Jagged that he needs to create more songs that people could relate to. Tries to belittle Jagged and just being an asshole.
-Mari offers Jagged an idea. Since she felt like she had to repay Jagged somehow. To use her lyrics. Jagged refused at first. Until mari offered the idea of him acknowledging MDC being the writer while he was the singer. Since MDC is a secret and is already associated with Jagged. Jagged agreed while also attempting to write his own with mari and penny's support.
-while Mari takes a leap and desides to sell records of her singing on her website. Together with her fashion designs. 50% of the money going to animal shelters and food, shelter and education for the homeless in Paris.
-MDC gets even more famous.
-Jason and Tim being HUGE fans of both Jagged Stone and MDC. Buy a copy of each of her records. And become even bigger fans.
-Jagged offers to bring marinette on tour with him for the summer in Gotham. Mari agrees thinking it would be good for her mental health if she left Paris for a bit.
-Jason and Tim automatically book tickets to the concert. Bruce insists that they all go and think of it as sibling bonding. So Dick and Damian tag along. Jason and Tim try to convert Dick into a Fanboy. Dick becomes a fan after listening to MDCs recordings. Damian refusing to become part of their fanclub.
-Jagged who mari eventually found out was originally from Gotham was shocked. So they didn't stay in a hotel. Instead they stayed at Stone Mansion. (I like the ring of it). Which just so happens to have a beautiful Garden that just calls out to her inner Ladybug. Jagged tells her to wait till the sun's down. And refused to say more. Turns out the garden becomes lit with fireflies.
-Stone Manor and Wayne Manor are neighbours here. Jason and Tim just didn't know that the owner of the place was THE Jagged Stone. They just assumed it was called Stone Manor because it looked like a "Stone" Manor. Bruce, Alfred and Dick keeping in secret because they find it amusing. Damian doesn't know and doesn't care.
- one evening. Mari is in the garden gazebo. Feeling inspired sings one of her unreleased songs to herself.
-Damian avoiding the noise decides to go to the garden in the backyard with Titus. Titus hearing soft singing perks up and runs to the hedge dividing the 2 properties. Damian ends up listening and decides to stay and listen while trying to get Titus to keep quiet.
-entranced by the music he stays. Admitting to himself that her voice sounded like one of an angel. (if he's ever heard one) he becomes curious and climbs a tree close to the hedge to take a peek at the singer. But by the time he gets to a high branch. She's already walking away. To dark to see clearly.
-he sneaks back to the hedge the next night. Not sure if his angel would come back to sing again. But this time hides on the tree branch behind the leaves. Turns out she was already there but drawing under the faint gazebo light.
- hair soft and dark as the nightsky. Gentle facial features. Really wants to see her eyes. Beautiful.
-then she starts humming. He stays still and tries not to make a sound. Her humming builds up and eventually she starts singing to herself. Unaware that someone was listening to her up in the neighbors tree.
-her inner Ladybug leading her to dancing to her own songs with the fireflies in the garden. All while unaware that she's being watched.
-Damian entranced. Heart thumping really loud. her voice, her swaying and the general atmosphere. He stays till she gets called back in. He really wants to see her eyes.
-comes the following night as well. Trying to build up the courage to call out and is confused as to why he's feeling that way. Gives up for the night.
-Alfred waiting by the door. Amused. (nothing gets passed Alfred. Previous Peacock holder. Miraculous of emotion...i think... Let's just say it is) offers his own advice. Damian asking him to keep it secret. Alfred agreeing thinking that this would be good for Damian.
-Damian comes again the following night but this time bites the bullet. This time he isn't up in the tree. He's sitting on the grass by the hedge. Singing along softly to the song (this time a song they both know and is apparently popular and surprise surpriseee damian knows how to sing he just doesn't advertise it). Mari's voice stops for a bit and decides to play along with his idea. End up singing a popular duet for the next song. Until she gets called back.
M: will you be here tomorrow again? I had fun singing along.
D: I can
J: *calling out for mari to get back in soon*
M: I have to get going now. But I hope to see you tomorrow... I mean HEAR! I meant hear... Since I can't see you and all. Hahaha!
D: *secret smile* I'll be here, angel.
M: Angel?
D: *flustered and shouting "what the hell" in his head* you... You sound like one. *STUTTERING??!!! *
M:*flustered * thank you, Oiseau.
D: *beet red* Oiseau?
M: figured I'd give you a nickname too. Your voice reminds me of one. I like it. *WHAT THE HELL, BRAIN!!!???* A-a-anyways I've got to get going. My uncle's calling me in. See you tomorrow night!
D: you mean "hear you tomorrow" right? *amused and flushed*
M: R-right! I meant hear. *flushed* *chuckle* Good night, Oiseau
D: Good night, Angel.
Feel free to use this idea~~~
Im honestly loving this! 😖💕💕💕
So please tag me if your using it! I want to read it
This is one idea that got me squeeling SO BAD! But since I'm not gifted in the art of writing... I'll leave it to those who are.
just don't forget to tagg me and those who commented saying that they want to read it too.
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failedthetopikexam · 3 years
My Top Korean Resources [2020 edition]
I have been discussing resources with a few people on private message and have been thinking a bit about what resources were the best on my journey.... so here’s my final (maybe) compilation of resources for the year that will hopefully be helpful for anyone who is looking at resources between the beginners and upper intermediate levels.
NB. This list is based off materials I have used in the past and is not an exhaustive list of ALL the resources I have used - it is just a selection of some of my favourite. There are so many Korean resources out there so there might be some that work more for you that I haven’t even looked at.
Course Texts
In my opinion, the perfect course text isn’t going to teach you everything you need to know, but a good course text will at least give you a clear framework to chunk up and guide your studies. I have used a few but the most user friendly one is definitely:
Talk To Me In Korean - they set things out clearly so nothing feels overwhelming and provide a sensible framework to follow for self-study. Other course books tend to be better suited for in-class settings and not great for self-study.
The course texts will teach you about grammar but I think they don’t teach you how the grammar structures are related to each other. So I think it is key to look at one or more of these books:
Korean Grammar In Use: Beginners
Korean Grammar In Use: Intermediate
The above series is incredible and a serious MUST for all Korean learners. They clearly and concisely set out the grammar points and show how they are all related to each other. There is an Advanced book as well which I have yet to use and will teach quite complex structures.
Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (I have linked the forthcoming version being released in Dec 2020!)
Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook
The above Routledge series is great for its workbook feature. The layout is a little academic so it’s not super appealing but the way they explain grammar is clear and relatively detailed. The number of examples included in the workbook is fantastic, providing a lot of opportunity to practice. I haven’t used the Basic book but if it is anything like the Intermediate, it will be a winner.
The part that people often miss out when learning Korean is vocabulary, because it can be so easy to just follow course texts and grammar books, but those will never teach enough words. To learn more vocab, it is really important to read around. There are so many Korean language books that you can pick up, but here are some books and resources that are catered specifically for language learners that I have loved:
Korean Culture in 100 Keywords - they give a paragraph on different cultural aspects of Korea in both Korean and English and highlight all the new vocabulary for you. The texts are graded from easy to more difficult.
News in Korean - lots of short news stories with translations in English and comprehension questions. Might be targeted more at intermediate learners
Mind Map TOPIK VOCA 2300 - this book sorts vocabulary into categories and shows them as mindmaps. It also gives readers sentences in context and has mini quizzes, HOWEVER it is written in 98% Korean so this is a book that is definitely more pitched at upper intermediate levels and above and teaches vocabulary that is a little less common 
Anki - my most used resource. Everyone has their own favourite for flashcards and this is mine. Anki do spaced repetition meaning that it will constantly test your knowledge on vocabulary, spacing the quizzes/tests depending on how difficult you find the word. It is more efficient than other flashcard platforms, but it is a little tricky to get started and create your own cards. If you want to download pre-made decks, you can, but this works best when you add the words you have learned yourself so that you get decks that are full of vocab that is relevant for you
Beelinguapp - This is an app that has some story books written in both Korean and English. It also has an audio function so you can listen to someone reading the stories in Korean. This is neat for pronunciation and listening, and also identifying new words, however the range of stories are limited.
Gloss - Gloss have a set of online lessons pitched at different levels which takes you through articles or texts (or audio and video), then asks a lot of comprehension questions. It follows a lesson format so it is far more engaging than your regular book, however it is a little on the difficult side.
[EXTRA] Your First Hanja Guide - you might not want to learn vocabulary this way and it is absolutely NOT an essential, but for me it is helpful to visualise the Hanja character when seeing the relationship between words, so if you like learning words like that, then this is the book for you
Listening / Watching
Like with reading, there are multiple resources that you can use to listen to native Korean, but here are some that are specifically targeted at learners
여보세요 - this app/website has a few short video clips and goes through slowly to examine the meaning and new words, then has a number of test quizzes through multiple choice or through speaking (via microphone). There are different clips graded by levels and the app tracks your progress and gives progress reports.
Real Life Korean Conversations: Beginners / Intermediate - this IS a book, but it is best used in conjunction with the audio files. The book gives the script, as well as the vocabulary, and also looks at key grammar points and structures used in the conversations
There aren’t many resources that I find great for self-studying speaking - generally you need someone else to do that with you, but here is one that I thought was quite neat:
Teuida - I just did a very quick run through this app as it is definitely pitched at beginners, but I thought that it was a smart way of learning some basic conversational Korean. It teaches you phrases and you have to repeat them back through the microphone feedback function. Then to test your retention, they take you through a mock situation and you have to speak your answers - there is quite a strong focus on getting pronunciation correct. My biggest downsides of this app are that the free sections are really limited, AND they seem to have geared the lessons towards the idea of dating, which I just find so awkward and embarrassing hahaha!
I’m in the market to buy some writing books and have my eye on some but am waiting until I have the time to work on them, but this book is quite neat for learning different sentence structures and how to construct meaningful answers:
Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns - this book poses a question and looks at different ways of answering it. It also shows variations of the question, then examines form. It gives an example long answer and prompts you to think about how to construct your own response using the grammar and vocabulary given
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cryingcow · 3 years
Katsuya & Watase - Osaka Talent Disaster [RGGO]
Last January’s 2-part scratch card mini-event featured Katsuya and Watase. Originally I saved the event because I loved Watase and his meme-y pose here (plus a lot of people in the FB group rave about him), but after the experience that is seeing Katsuya’s unnecessarily bare ass on the tv screen last week, I have to say that Katsuya has won me over XD
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Warning for slight Y5 spoilers (mostly Akiyama’s chapter)!
|Before news of the 7th Omi Alliance Chairman’s grave illness reached the ears of every yakuza organization all over Japan . . . when the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance exchanged equal cups and peace in the eastern part of the yakuza society in Japan was still maintained----|
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Osaka Talent Employee: “Chairman, the information you want to urgently hear . . .”
Katsuya: “I told you to call me ‘President’ while working here, didn’t I?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “I apologize, President . . .”
Katsuya: “Good . . . what is this urgent information?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes, well actually, last night someone stole a large number of scratch card tickets prepared for the event the day after tomorrow.”
Katsuya: “Scratch card tickets? The ones we were planning to distribute on the event the day after tomorrow?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes, it is said that all 1000 scratch card tickets we prepared has been stolen.”
Katsuya: “Where and when on earth did they steal such things . . . ?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “It is currently under investigation. What should we do, President?”
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Katsuya: “There is no choice but to take measures against such an occurrence . . . Rescheduling the event to minimize damage . . . The inclusion of scratch cards on KALEN’s 1st anniversary album has already been advertised on commercials . . . Be prepared to notify the record company and other related parties that the scratch cards are no longer sealed. Tell the Promotion Department about preparing a contact point for this matter. It is also necessary to prepare an apology announcement to be posted on the official website . . . For the customers who have made multiple reservations for scratch cards, get ready to process refunds right away . . . If necessary, we’ll film an apology comment from me. Contact the studio and the staff . . . If despite all the investigations today the scratch cards don’t show up, be prepared to do everything I said tomorrow.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Then, will we still distribute scratch cards the day after tomorrow?”
Katsuya: “At this point, preparing new scratch cards is out of the question. There is no choice but to prepare to face cancellation . . .”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Understood. The various preparation will be made . . .”
Katsuya: “Oh, and contact Kanai . . . I want him to search for the criminal thoroughly and settle things to make sure this never happens again . . . Leave a mark on the criminal to show where we draw the line on these kinds of incidents . . .”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Y-Yes! Understood!!”
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Watase: “What did you say?! They’ve really made a move?!”
Watase Family Executive: “Ye-Yeah . . . the members who saw them also confirmed the crest. It’s definitely the ones from Sakai Family who are wandering around Sotenbori.”
Watase: “Sakai Family, the veteran yakuza organization in Kobe that has been refusing to fall under our umbrella for a long time . . . What the hell are they doing in Sotenbori?”
Watase Family Executive: “According to the footsoldiers I ordered to follow the footsteps of the Sakai Family, it seems they are screaming about Osaka Talent . . .”
Watase: “Osaka Talent? Why are they bothering Ka-chan’s front business . . . ?”
Watase Family Executive: “I don’t know . . . but there seems to be no doubt about it.”
Watase: “What is Sakai Family, who has been silent for a decade, planning . . . I have no idea at all, but I’ll have to inform Ka-chan about this. I’m going to go talk with Ka-chan over this. Keep tracking their movements. Yeah?”
Watase Family Executive: “Yes! Understood!!”
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Osaka Talent Employee: “President, Watase-sama said he has an important matter to discuss with you. Should I let him through?”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki? Alright, let him in.”
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Watase: “Oh, Ka-chan. Sorry to barge in all of a sudden . . . is now a good time?”
Katsuya: “Yeah, of course I don’t mind . . . Did something happen for Aniki to come here directly?”
Watase: “No, it’s just that a very rare guest has arrived in Sotenbori. But I can’t read the guest’s thoughts . . . So I’m thinking of listening to Ka-chan’s opinion . . .”
Katsuya: “A rare guest?”
Watase: “It seems that the people of Sakai Family have been spotted in Sotenbori . . .”
Katsuya: “Sakai Family? The hostile Kobe-based veteran organization?”
Watase: “Right. Sakai Family has been quiet for a long time. They’re searching for Ka-chan’s Osaka Talent for some reason.”
Katsuya: “. . . Is that true?”
Watase: “Yeah, no doubt. My underlings confirmed that they are yelling around about Osaka Talent.”
Katsuya: “Sakai Family is after us . . . Then is it Sakai Family who stole that . . . ?”
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Watase: “What, Ka-chan. Did they steal anything?”
Katsuya: “Actually, a lot of scratch card tickets we were planning to use at an event got stolen last night . . . We were just looking for the criminal . . . but now I wonder if they were looking for us.”
Watase: “Well, sure, Sakai Family is suspicious in terms of timing. But why scratch cards?”
Katsuya: “I can’t think of any reason why Sakai Family would steal it. Those scratch cards are my idol’s, for exchanging with prizes at the event . . . It’s not something that a veteran yakuza organization would need . . .”
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Osaka Talent Employee: “Excuse me for coming in!! An urgent report for the President . . .”
Katsuya: “I’m in the middle of talking with an important guest----"
Watase: “It’s fine, Ka-chan. He said it was an important report.”
Katsuya: “Apologies, Watase-no-aniki . . . I’m sorry for the trouble.”
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Katsuya: “What is the urgent report?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “I received a report that included information on the thief . . . Just before the scratch cards were stolen, there were sightings of Kobe’s yakuza organization Sakai Family near the scene . . .”
Katsuya: “. . . Sakai Family? There’s no mistake?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes . . . Mikawa, the young head of the Sakai Family, was the one witnessed. I’m sure he’s a very well-known person . . .”
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Watase: “Haw . . . in that case, there’s no doubt the scratch card thief is Mikawa of the Sakai Family or his subordinates?”
Katsuya: “There isn’t enough evidence to conclude that . . . but we can’t say they have nothing to do with it. We’ll need to hear more from that person named Mikawa . . .”
Katsuya: “Contact Kanai. Tell him to look for the Sakai Family that has slipped into Sotenbori.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Y-Yes! Understood.”
Katsuya: “If the offender is an officer, I will move too. Call your aides and tell them to bring in the car.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “U-Understood! Right away!!”
{The employee runs out.}
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Katsuya: “This is quite the incident, Aniki. I’ll deal with this immediately----”
Watase: “Ka-chan, I’ll collaborate this time too!”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki? But . . . there is no reason for Aniki to deal with problems with my front business----"
Watase: “We don’t know what their aim is. This incident might be trouble . . . Yeah, Ka-chan! It ain’t hard!! For the time being, why don’t we look for Mikawa of Sakai Family and catch him?!”
Katsuya: “Understood. Thank you for your cooperation, Watase-no-aniki.”
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Mikawa: “Why is the Osaka Enterprises President and Watase Family Chairman showing up together and chasing me?! This is ridiculous?!”
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Watase: “You think the Sakai Family can just have their way in Sotenbori without the Omi Alliance noticing? Making off with another family’s possession on our own turf, that’s the height of stupidity . . .”
Katsuya: “Besides, the scratch cards you stole are my property. I can’t let you go after you did that.”
Mikawa: “O-Osaka Talent is Osaka Enterprises’ front company?!”
Watase: “You knew that, and you stole from Osaka Talent?”
Mikawa: “I didn’t know!! If I knew, I wouldn’t do something like this!! Who-Who would think that the yakuza would advance into the entertainment industry?!”
Katsuya: “. . . So what was your purpose in stealing the scratch cards?”
Mikawa: “Th-That’s . . .”
Watase: “You don’t have a problem with confessing . . . right?”
{Watase grabs Mikawa’s arm and twists it behind his back.}
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Mikawa: “I-I understand!! I’ll talk, so please forgive me!!”
{Watase lets go and steps back.}
Watase: “Yeah keep that in mind. Now from the beginning.”
Mikawa: “My boss got hooked on this idol KALEN . . . He really wanted an autographed body pillow, which is the special limited-edition prize for the 1st anniversary event . . .”
Watase: “No way, you stole all the scratch cards because you wanted to win the lottery?!”
Mikawa: “Yes! It can’t be helped!! There’s only one of the limited-edition prize. The only way to get the winning ticket is to steal all the scratch card tickets and search for it!!”
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Watase: “Hahaha! Ka-chan and this idol are very popular!”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki, don’t hit me on my back . . .”
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Katsuya: “However, to steal the scratch cards for that . . . Didn’t it occur to you that the idol would be in trouble?”
Mikawa: “As underlings, our job is to get what our boss wants and give it to him. I don’t know what happens to the idols.”
Katsuya: “If Boss Sakai is really a fan of our KALEN, I’m sure he would be sad to hear what you did.”
Mikawa: “What did you say?! I did this for Boss----”
Katsuya: “If all the scratch cards do not return in their original form, we have no choice but to cancel the 1st anniversary event. If that happens, wouldn’t Boss Sakai be upset?”
Mikawa: “Th-That is . . .”
Katsuya: “This incident that you caused for the sake of your boss invites such consequences . . . Thank you for supporting KALEN. However, due compensation for this shall properly follow.  . . . Please inform Boss Sakai.”
Mikawa: “You-You’ll let me go?!”
Katsuya: “Yeah, but you must convey these words to Boss Sakai.”
Mikawa: “Th-Thank you . . . I’ll definitely tell my boss. Well then, please excuse me . . .”
{Mikawa runs off.}
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Watase: “Was it okay to let him escape, Ka-chan?”
Katsuya: “I just got in touch with my subordinates . . . It seems all the stolen scratch cards can be recovered. I was considering cancelling the event the day after tomorrow, but it seems it can be held safely. There’s no problem . . . I didn’t miss anything. You heard what I said to him, didn’t you? ‘Due compensation for this shall properly follow’ . . .”
Watase: “. . . Ka-chan’s nasty expression, I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen that in a while. For underestimating the Omi Alliance, I figured the Watase Family can properly rake the Sakai Family over the coals. Seeing Ka-chan’s face, I changed my mind. Can I leave the disposal of Sakai Family to Ka-chan?”
Katsuya: “Yes, I intended to do that from the beginning.”
Watase: “Isn’t this unusual for Ka-chan, who hates fighting, to do?”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki, I am also a yakuza. Lately, I’ve been devoted to doing honest work, but I can’t just allow myself to be underestimated and keep silent, can I?”
Watase: “Then I’ll leave this to Osaka Enterprises! Go wild with all your might, Ka-chan!!”
Katsuya: “Please leave it to me. I’ll clean it up in one night . . .”
|That night, Katsuya attacked the Sakai Family office with the full force of Osaka Enterprises. After the attack by Osaka Enterprises, Sakai Family was demolished overnight.|
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immortalled · 2 years
Get to Know the Mun!
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———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME  :    spark
PRONOUNS  :    she / her
ZODIAC SIGN  :    gemini
TAKEN OR SINGLE  :    single 
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
i once won a pig calling contest when i was like 5 or 6 years old. this is my one crowning achievement and (un?)fortunately somehow the thing people know me for in town. so, uhhh, call me if you need to find your pigs, i guess?
i saw a ufo once and in a separate event experienced something that some people might call “supernatural”. i’m certain there’s a logical explanation for both that don’t involve aliens or ghosts, but i’ve never seen or heard anything like them since.
i’m not sure i have any more interesting facts lmao so have a boring one: i’m terrible at whistling. i’m a one note wonder, and even then the stars have to be aligned just so hahaha
mannnnn. i guess i’ve been roleplaying on various websites since i was maybe 9 or 10? it started on neopets, then expanded to 4kids forums, proboards, email, deviantart, and eventually here on tumblr. my first muse here was molly hooper from bbc sherlock, then i wrote the tenth doctor from doctor who for aaaages, several animated muses, a single edwardian era oc, a stupid number of vintage film/tv characters, a few characters from the mentalist, and now i seem to have entered my “robert sheehan era” in which i mostly write (yuh) robert sheehan characters pft. my condolences and endless gratitude to the mutuals who have followed me from blog to blog no matter what my heart decides to obsess over. y’all are the real mvps.
i dunno if i have a muse type, but i do really love the misunderstood or tragic muses. i’m a sucker for angst, but i also just really love “rescuing” them. give me the pain, but also let me help them find their place in the world, y’know? and even if i can’t save them or give them a better life, writing them is still cathartic. the more damaged they are, the more solace i find in them. there’s just something about writing a traumatized character and seeing them through to the end that feels really empowering and encouraging regardless of whether or not that end is positive. i prefer it to be, but... yeah, it’s definitely the journey itself that i find the most comforting.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF  :  i loooooove fluff. sometimes i can get a wee bit bored of it if it’s fluff without real emotional substance, or character development, but i do love it. sometimes you just want that tooth rotting sugary goodness.
ANGST  :  like i said, i love tragic characters, and angst is a very easy, good way to develop any muse. i think this is probably my favorite rp genre, provided that the characters involved get some small chance at comfort, too.
SMUT  :  i'll admit that i have grown to really love writing smut with the right partner lol. i don’t think i’m very good at it, and i’ll really only write it on discord, but for muses that are very sexual or who have a lot tied to sex or sexuality like nathan, it can be a good way to develop character. and that’s really what i’m after when i write smut; the emotion, or what could be learned about them or that relationship through sex. it’s pretty rare when i wanna write smut for the sake of writing smut... and usually only with partners i’ve been writing with for a very long time.
PLOT / MEMES  :   i suck at plotting. i don’t mind brainstorming, but i’m just as happy flying by the seat of my pants. throw stuff at me, man. memes are the way to go.
tagging  :  @caterva, @detectiveconnor, @idcnticxl, @conduitandconjurer, @mostincrediblechange, @lilxmcrtes​, @thehorsefrom​,  aaaand  anyone else who’d like to tagged  by  : @itsybitsyparker (thank you, my dear!!)
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I've probably said this before, but every time I'm consistently amazed by your linguistic skills in both english and japanese. to take the context, meaning, and cultural significance of a japanese text and turn it into something in english that's similar with its own identity.... that really is amazing work.
Thank you. To me, that’s exactly the purpose of a good media translation - ie, a localization - and the way that I want to translate. I’ve been thinking quite a bit over the past couple of weeks about different approaches to translation depending on the audience, and I’m saddened at the amount of hostility that can so easily arise on either side when the translator’s goals and the audience’s goals don’t align.
Translation isn’t remotely the same process as reading and understanding. Reading is one of the fundamental skills required, but a strong reader isn’t necessarily a strong translator in the same sense that a person good at arithmetic is automatically good at algebra. Sure, it’s almost impossible to do algebra if you can’t add or subtract, but being the fastest mental multiplier in the world doesn’t mean you know how to factor polynomials. Translation is first and foremost an interpretation, because a person needs to go in and determine what is important and how best to convey this important information. What one person chooses to highlight and how they do it can end up being very different than how another person does so, and those differences should be celebrated, not discouraged.
Yet I also see a lot of comments while out and about which indicate that some readers do not like the interpretative aspect or want something very different than what I want to put into translations. This is upsetting to me, because I don’t want to follow standards that run counter to almost everything I value in this work, but I’m also unsure how to balance my wants or needs with the audience’s wants or needs.
Localization is almost a taboo word within the anime/manga/Japanese video game community, but localization is not simply censorship and heavy-handed 4kids dubbing practices. Localization is the concept of taking something marketed towards one audience and appropriately tailoring it to fit a different audience, and translation is a subset of localization. Localization takes into account cultural differences, language differences, tiny unconscious biases, design choices, color choices, etc etc. It affects so much more than the media world. Take a look right now at the Toyota websites for both the US and Japan. At the time of writing this, the US website prominently features a campaign showing a little girl making holiday crafts, sending letters to (presumably) a family member, and a Toyota car driving off to connect the little girl with her family. This is because it’s December, and the US heavily favors Christmas promotional materials around this time. The arts and crafts aspect creates nostalgia among many Americans because this is a very common thing to do in December, and the emphasis on family and connections ties into both a core American value and the general social climate of worrying about loved ones during the coronavirus pandemic. Notice also the large amounts of red text and images right at the top of the page. Red is generally a popular color for US marketing, and it’s especially good to use in December because it’s considered to be a Christmas color. By way of comparison, the top of the Japanese front page is mostly black with only a few red accents. Instead of a video laden with family images, the top of the page has images showing off many sleek, shiny, futuristic cars. While the family minivan does exist in Japan, it’s not as prominent as in the US, so the marketing doesn’t take that approach. Instead, it shows off how powerful and cool all the cars are since those values are more highly appreciated in Japan.
That’s localization. It’s understanding that even if the core product is the same, different presentations affect different territories and different people in different ways. Even if I’m not largely responsible for the entire presentation, I try to bring as much of that into my work as I can for a “localized translation”. Good localizations require a lot of work and unfortunately go unnoticed (which is by design. An aspect of localizing is to remove elements of the “other” which stick out and disrupt readers), whereas bad localization is easy to see and all too easy to comment on. I have a long way to go before I can say that the majority of what I do is any good or worth selling, but I’m also still thinking about other approaches to translation that largely reject this in favor of other goals. I don’t think I’m comfortable pursuing those goals for now.
Sorry for rambling, hahaha. Once again, thank you.
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
Hi, sweetie😊❤ Could you do "dating with demetri volturi" headcanon, please?
I would be delighted! Congratulations on being the first person in my inbox EVER hahaha :D Anywho...
Part 2 can be found here
Dating Demetri Volturi Would Include: 
It doesn’t matter if you’re human or vampire upon first meeting, Demetri won’t really change the way he is with you all that much minus the few obvious physical impedements your mortality brings with it
            + He just wants cuddles but your too fragile and he’s too cold so you best believe once you turn he’s wrapped around you like a koala bear forever
The moment he meets you he is besotted with you and begins a relentless pursuit for your affections 
Demetri has had a string of lovers over the centuries and is perceived by most to be one of the most charming, suave casanova’s on the guard - you, Felix and Heidi know otherwise
There is NOTHING suave about this man, he is a goofball through and through
Uses the corniest pick up lines he found on a random website when the internet was first introduced to them and has just...never bothered to update them
         + “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” 
                     “Baby please don’t do this again...”
            “I’m so glad you landed on me, now I’ll need your name and number for insurance purposes.” 
                     “Metri we’ve been mated for almost two decades now! You already have both of those things and you don’t need to flirt with me anymore!” 
             “We’ve only stayed mated because of my high quality shirts, feel them, they’re made of boyfriend material.” 
A very attentive man. That random trinket you stared at for 0.68 seconds in that shop window on a mission? It’ll be in your christmas stocking this year. Oh, did you mention wanting to see the La Sagrada Familia in a late night conversation once a few months ago? He’s booked you the fanciest hotel room for a romantic weekend away
Since he’s traveled all over his getaway breaks are the best
Knows all the good spots for dates even when you cannot fathom how
         + “Metri this is a random alleyway in one of the quietest parts of...wow, okay, I take it back, this market looks insane!” 
Constantly bringing you back little things he says makes him think of you when he’s away like he’s not always thinking of you anyway. To date, five of them have insulted you and been followed up with flowers, massages and more in an attempt to grovel for your forgiveness
Lots of PDA. He is keen on people knowing your his so expect lots of handholding, an arm around the waist, hugs from behind - he’ll never outwardly state it but the possessive vibes he gives off when people are too close for his liking are very clear. Santiago now walks the opposite way when he sees you coming down the corridor
The type to stare at you like a lovesick puppy from across the room until he has your attention, then give you the goofiest smile just to make you smile to 
           + It became a competition between you two to see who could pull the stupidest face to make the other laugh. The Masters have since banned you pair from being on opposite sides of the room during guard duty. You have simply taken to nudging one another in the ribs until one of your cracks instead
Makes it his mission to become your best friend and lover all in one 
He succeeds 
Honestly I could write for hours about this man, I love him a bit too much, but I don’t want this post to be too long so I’ll stop it here and hope I get more Demetri requests come in XD 
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technicallysideacc · 3 years
I was tagged by @foreverfanficaddict and @littleprincepleasdontgo a million years ago in this lovely meme💗 Thank you so much, I’ve enjoyed a lot doing this one!!🥰🌺
🍎 why did you choose your url?
At first this blog was gonna be a sort of ‘archive’ for all the 1D things I wanted to have tagged and find easily. During the beginning stages of my 1D fandom experience I investigated a lot about past events, so I realised that I needed a place to keep all the posts I found interesting, and to organise myself. So, like, no pretension of interaction with the fandom or anything, this blog was a ‘by me to me’ thing, so I chose the first url that came to mind. I already have a main account for all my other interests, so this was... technically a side account. In the end, that assumption was a bit far from reality, though, since I use it way more than my main blog😂
🍎any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
Actually, this is the one that’s supposed to be a secondary account hahaha I have another main one that I’d rather keep separate, but nothing else💕
🍎how long have you been on tumblr?
I’ve been using tumblr with my other account since December 2010, in a very casual way. I set this one in August 2018 (as I was saying, as a sort of storage-site for posts I found interesting!) but I’m sure that by mid-2019 I was already properly on tumblr🥰
🍎do you have a queue tag?
I do! I always have a queue running but I don’t have a specific tag for it, so if you see me around, it’s probably just the queue :)
🍎why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I was saying earlier, the idea was to use it to keep some 1D stuff for reference. At some point, the whole purpose of the blog started shifting and I started interacting a bit with some very lovely people from the fandom... and now here we are!🥰💗
🍎why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because it’s happy Louis! My absolute favourite thing💗
🍎 why did you choose your header?
I wanted something larry-related, and when I found this one I instantly fell in love with it. It doesn’t work that well on mobile, though, so that’s why I have a Louis one for that version (and I love the colours and the small Louis smile on that one!).
🍎 what’s your post with the most notes?
I don’t generally make a lot of posts, so I don’t keep track of that :)
🍎how many mutuals do you have?
Is there a way to easily check that?? I don’t know how to! But I have quite a few lovely ones🌺☀️✨
🍎how many followers do you have?
Not saying! Tumblr keeps this private for a reason, and I love it like that💗 But I’m a pretty small blog!
🍎how many people do you follow?
Around 350!
🍎have you ever made a shitpost?
Hahaha I don’t think so! I really don’t make a lot of posts :)
🍎 how often do you use tumblr each day?
I generally check it in the morning, and then maybe when I get back home from work if I have a little while. Now I’m on holidays, so I’m using it way more than in my normal routine!
🍎 did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Oh no aksjfhaksfhkasa I hate confrontations so the chances of that happening are very low tbh I only come to tumblr to see lovely 1D posts and have fun!💗
🍎 how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I find them very annoying, I really don’t have to do anything. My tumblr, my choice. I don’t use this website as anything else than a place to blog about 1D; anything out of that topic is still entirely my choice and ‘off topic’ for my blog. If I want to raise awareness of social issues, I use another forms of social media. But I’d sometimes reblog them if I feel like they spread important and urgent information!
🍎 do you like tag games?
Yes!! I find them pretty funny, and a lovely way to get to know more about mutuals :)
🍎 do you like ask games?
Yes, as well! I don’t often participate in them, but if I happen to be online when someone posts one, I’d normally try to send an ask✨
🍎 which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don’t really keep track of these things! But several of them may be well-known in the fandom, I imagine!
🍎 do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not really! I’ve been in a very serious relationship for years
🍎 tags? 
Tagging @cloudslou @justmybeautifulthings @justmehernthemoon and @herefortommo if they feel like doing this! 💗🌺✨ 
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thisismysketchbook · 3 years
time to be thankful
dear 2020,
you were a pain in the ass. but still, i wouldn’t delete you if i could, and that’s on the good things that happened. there were plenty of hard times, but the good ones made it all worthy. so i guess i gotta thank you after all, not only for what you gave me, but for what you took from me as well. you’ve made me realise how much friendship truly means to me, and for that i’m forever grateful. nevertheless, it’s time to let go - this is the turning page.
goodbye forever 2020,
hello 2021...
woah, what a year. i’d like to start 2021 the best way possible, and i believe that is by looking back at the good things that happened last year (it’s weird to say last year, it was literally yesterday... crazy) and thank all the people that made this year better and worth it here on tumblr. i can’t believe this is just a website after all... it’s unbelievable how much it means to me and how supportive everyone is; you had the kindest words to me when i needed them the most and that’s something that i’ll carry forever in my heart. so thank you. for everything ❤
@witchbladegirl , my dearest friend. you know everything already but i couldn’t not thank you once more. tumblr gave me one of the best friendships i have and i thank my lucky starts everyday for the opportunity to have you in my life. i feel truly blessed. i’d give you the world if i could, you deserve it all. i love you with all my heart, i always will ❤⭐
@words-left-unspoken , my greatest achievement of 2020... i still can’t believe how lucky i am to have found you. even though we’re in the beginning of our friendship i love you so much already. i feel such a special conection with you, it’s truly amazing. i think 2021 will be a great year for our frienship. can’t wait to see what’s out there for us 💕
@loohser even though we don’t talk as much now, i want you to know that i value you very much and that i love talking to you. you are such a sweet person who deserves all the happiness there is. i hope this new year brings you exactly that. and i’ll always be here for you 🥰
now for the amazing fic authors: as i’ve said before, you’ve helped me go through a lot of hard moments, either by you incredible writing or for jurst being there... and that means so much more than i’ll ever be able to thank you. each and every one of you deserves an award, so i’ll take the opportunity and give them to you as a demonstration of my appreciation hihi. can’t wait for another year with you all!!
@theweasleysredhair chloe, you’re the blog i follow for the longest time, and i don’t think you understand how thankful i am, for your fics and your sweet words. your fics are breathtaking, i won’t get tired of saying that. whenever we talk i get soo happy, you always know what to say... thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart. i’ll give you the Most Supportive Award 🏆, because whenever i’m having a bad day you always seem to brighten it up, it’s magical 💕 i hope you have an amazing 2021 full of happiness, you deserve it
@plant-flwrs my dear, your fics are just too good for their own good (what just happened here?? haha). you have the ability to amaze me every time, i am literally so jealous of how good your writing is... and you’re also incredibly sweet like?? i’m giving you the Favourite Fred Fic of the Year Award🏆 for your fic “Smiling Kisses”. i swear to god, that fic is soooo good, i still find myself re-reading it from time to time, i can’t stop thinking about it. thank you for writing it, it warms my heart everytime 🥰 i hope 2021 treats you well 
@ickle-ronniekins erica!! even though we don’t interact as much i want you to know that i absolutely adore your fics. you are incredibly kind to me, i can’t thank you enough for that. i am giving you the Favourite George Fic of the Year Award🏆 for your fic “Black & White”. listen to me, i am not a george girl but this... this has me feeling things. i freaked out when i first read it, and whenever i re-read it i get this warm feeling, like going back home, you know? it is that good.. so thank you, and i hopw you have an amazing year 😊
@wand3ringr0s3 haley, hiii!! we don’t interact that much either, but you have a-ma-zing fics that leave me speechless every time, it’s unreal how good they are... and you’re also very sweet 🥰 i’ll give you the Favourite Angst Fic of the Year Award🏆 for your “Little Bit More Time” fic. listen up, i don’t enjoy angst that much (for obvious reasons haha it’s sad), but this one, oh god this one!! it touched me deep in my heart and i still think about it and get sad but at the same it. is. so. incredibly. good. oof, anyway. your kinktober is fire as well, damn hahaha. i hope this new year brings you happiness, you deserve it <3
@harrysweasleys alexa :) i don’t interact much with you either but i’m crazy about your fics heheh they’re all sooo good, it’s crazy. i am giving you the Favourite Draco Fic of the Year Award🏆 for “A Little Sunshine Never Hurt”. i am over my draco phase but this had me question it for a while hahah it was so sweet and cute and oh god it was amazing. i loved loved loved it 💕 have an amazing year love
@starlightweasley zahra, you beautiful person!! i love your fics sooo much, from the bottom of my heart. they’re all incredibly good, i swear to god, you cannot write a single less good one hahah. i am giving you the Favourite Series of the Year Award🏆 for your series “Prophecy”. i am usually not one to be crazy over series but this one is THE series that changed it all. i’ve never been so attached to a series like this before. it is amazing, really, no words. i love it with every tiny piece of my heart💕 i hope 2021 is a great year for you
@whiz-bangs78 jess!! hello 🥰 your fics are sooo fluffy and sweet, every time i read one i get so soft, it’s a priceless feeling, really. i love love love them all. nevertheless, it’s your interactions that pop out to me. you are incredibly funny, i mean like hilarious. i go through tumblr and then i see a post of yours and i literally burst out laughing. so for that i am giving you the Makes Me Laugh the Most Award🏆! you make my day 10x better, and for that i am very thankful 💞 have a good year love
@valwritesx val, sweet sweet val :) i have to confess i have a friendcrush on you hehe, you are so kind and sweet and i really wish i had the courage to talk to you more! maybe this year i’ll be able to do it. your fics are incredible, i love them all sooo much!! but personally one thing that i admire very much about your blog is the aesthetic. god, it is perfect! i love those collages you made for the navigation links 🥺, your whole theme is incredibly well coordinated, i am sooo jealous! and for that i’ll be giving you the Most Aesthetic Award🏆, i just love the light browns and whites. i hope 2021 treats you well and brings you happiness 💕
@pansydaisy ayli!! you are literally the sweetest, most supporting, loving person out there, i admire you soo damn much! i’m giving you the Greatest Surprise Award🏆 because when i first found your blog i had a completely different image of you and talking to you, getting to know the amazing person you are was definitely the greates surprise of last year. i love your posts so so much!! i must admit that i’d love to get to know you better, i have this huge friendcrush on you 🥰 anyway, i hope this new year brings you lots of joy and love, you deserve it
@lathyrusodorxtus lee, dad. you are such an amazing person, i admire you very much, i hope you know that. i am aware that you don’t write on this blog, but i love your fics very very much. nevertheless, it is your kindness that makes you stand out the most... and it is because of that that i’ll be giving you the Most Inspiring Award🏆. you always make sure everyone feels safe, included, respected and well, i wish i had that great ability you have. you have such a good vibe, i just feel so comfortable in your blog, it is truly amazing. i hope this new year treats you as well as you treat others, because you deserve all the best in the world. you’re a beautiful soul 💕
happy new year to everyone i didn’t tag as well. hopefully it will be better than the last one. and in case you need to hear this, you are loved. you are. and you are important. there are bad things but the good ones are worth it. i’m always here. 
love always,
jo x 🌙
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fragile-heartt · 3 years
omg hello all. @divine-mistake tagged me in a cute lil questionnaire that I thought I might do because why not?
1. why did you choose your url?
Well. I guess I'm a super emotional person and a lot of the time I feel kinda fragile emotionally? Like I will break into tears pretty easily over a lot of stuff. So. yeah. I've got a fragile little heart. that is me. But I'm thinking of changing it having it convey how I am completely unhinged, sexy as hell, and also sleepy as a motherfucker. So if anyone has any ideas on a username that would embody all that, lmk please.
2. any side blogs?
HAHAHAHAHAHA nope. All my chaos is right here, in this wonderful little blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
ohhhhhhh boy. I was first on tumblr in 2012? I think I started this one though in 2014 though because I let a boy I dated follow me on my old one and I couldn't figure out how to block him bc I was only ever on mobile and it was just a mess. I also didn't know how to delete my blog so it's still out there. lmaooo. so I just made a new one and here we are. So I've been here for a long, long time.
4. do you have a queue tag?
#queue queue queue
but it is important that you know to say it like the star wars blasters sound effects, like a good pew pew pew
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
Tbh I don't know. I must have heard about it, seen people post tumblr posts on instagram or twitter or something, and then decided to make my own account on here? idk idk.
6. why did you choose your icon?
so it is a picture of me that one of my exes took that I think is kinda nice and doesn't have my face in it bc wooo boy I'm self conscious. and also if anyone i know in real life found my blog i think i would die. i should probably find another icon tbh this one is too obviously me lmao
7. why did you choose your header?
i am a slut for space. i love stars and shit. pluto is my main bitch tho. i love her. so maybe i'll change it to pluto? not sure.
8. what's your post with the most notes?
it is my pinned post, and coincidentally the first ever original post i ever made on this website. and i only made it two months ago! it already has a whole 7 notes so watch out world, big things will be happening here at fragile-heartt
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I actually have no idea. I only talk to a few, but I cherish each and every one of you
10. how many followers do you have?
472, but I'm pretty sure a solid amount are bots? idk
11. how many people do you follow?
591 and growing every day HAHAHA I think I've only unfollowed a few people since 2014? So this is 7 years worth of follows
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
not in the technical term, i don't think? actually maybe? but probably not. i think i've only made like... 5 posts total ever. so
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
uhhhhh anywhere from i forget about it for a week to a solid 7-10 hours in a day? I read a lot at night and I've got insomnia so sometimes I'm just reading from 11pm to 6am plus all my scrolling during the day
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I've only really started interacting with people on tumblr the past two or so months? So no. And I would never want to, anyway. I left my internet drama days behind me once I graduated high school.
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I have blocked them from my memory. When I see them, no I didn't. I seriously cannot even remember the last one I came across or what they even really are about? Like is it trying to raise awareness for a social justice issue/current event and stuff like that? I seriously don't know.
16. do you like tag games?
yes omg. please tag me in things. I love interacting with all you guys
17. do you like ask games?
again. I love any interaction. i have never played an ask game? like i've never been able to host one and have people send me asks. but i love sending people asks for ask games! always a fun time
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? bro idk. tumblr fame seems like such a strange concept to me. They all deserve to have lots of followers though, and lots of interaction on their posts and stuff bc they're all amazing and talented and I love them all
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
OMG DO I. I've got the biggest crush on all my writer mutuals. YOURE ALL SO TALENTED I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AHHHH MY HEART IS SO FULL WITH ALL OF MY LOVE FOR YOU GUYS. I would smooch each and every one of you
20. no pressure tags:
@loving-bucky-is-easier @mallowswriting @waytoomanyships @werepup-sweetwolf @steppedoffaflight and anyone else that wants to bc why not. i would tag a bunch more people but i am nervous! do all you guys like me? do you still remember you follow me? idk idk! I am an anxious mess hsdfbhsdbfhb
ANYWAY if you're reading this and you made it through all this nonsense, I love you. you're the best.
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xinasvoice · 3 years
Okay first: I listen to podfics on my way in/out of work and I absolutely LOVE yours. BARNACLES AND MERMEN hit me in places I was actively not expecting and I can’t thank you enough for how lovely it was.
Second: I have a moderately fun couple of questions for you re:podficcing (if you’re willing to answer them like this haha, if not, I can message you privately)
1) Do you still do podfics for other folks, or have you migrated to only doing your own works at this point?
2) Beyond soundcloud (that’s where I follow you haha) do you have a website/system to help you publish your things? I’ve been thinking of making podfics of a few of my own stories but I’m trying to figure out the best ways to put them online without actively attaching my real name (vs my username) to them hahaha
Look at you! Amazing person! Maybe even, dare I say it, the best person?? Who else would come to me with both compliments and questions that make me feel like a talented know-it-all?
1. Yes, I do make podfic from other authors. I have two in progress right now, actually!
I don’t often take requests just because it’s a lot of work and my tastes are fickle, but you are SO welcome to send suggestions. I also have a collection on AO3 that’s basically my bucket list. I’ve got my eye on those babies already, so feel free to make requests off that list.
2. I have websites for my Real Life Without Porn, but IMO it’s overkill for fic. This tumblr is the closest thing I've got and that is fine with me. You don't need a website just to host files, Soundcloud or Googledrive/dropbox is cheaper/free. I yearn for the day I can host files on AO3 and kiss that monthly SoundCloud fee goodbye. And, yeah, my day job is not compatible with my bad-ass off-grid porn-writing lifestyle, so I have very separate online presences. I have a Google sheet where I track each account, which username, icon, and email are used, and whether users can see my email, things like that. Having a website for fanfiction would just be another thing to keep up. AO3 owns my whole soul, anyways. For your purposes, I would get an email that matches your AO3 name, then use that to get a SoundCloud (although actually other users can’t see your SC associated email). But you could get a SC username to match. If you make audiobook files (sexy), host them on that email’s Google drive. I do recommend posting to AO3 in addition to SoundCloud, since that’s where lots of people find stuff. I looove making podfic. Feel free to ask more questions, either like this or by messaging. Happy to provide tips on sound, equipment, or whatever. And for the love of puppies, please do link me once you’ve got it up. Rock alllllll the way on.
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hetawrite · 4 years
Hello how are you to day? Good, good. If you can could you do some hetalia headcanons for the main 8 (not including America or including him if you want to) as well as Prussia, Romano, Spain, and Canada that have a American S/O that uses a lot of Meme slang (like Yeet or Salty or Shook or Mood you get the picture) and the countries are just like 'WTF are they saying?!' and because of it they have to try and explain it, Key word TRY. Sorry if this is to long, thanks for read this have a good day.
My day is good, thanks. I think I quite enjoy writing headcanons like this. And no problem for a long ask. Just means you have something more specific in mind!
"I am shooketh"
Pardon? You were drinking some hot chocolate, reading on your phone. He'd ask if you were alright. His mind would assume you’re scared, or got shivers from a ghost walking through you.
“Did you just have an Encounter?”
This man is high-strung so don’t laugh otherwise he’ll be offended and get rude. What an absolute brat. 
It’s meme slang, you tell him. “Love, I deal with enough slang on a regular basis. We don’t need any more.”
This guy is vaguely aware as he is exposed to America quite often and he himself is a London aware of changing tides, but he’s then he deems it ‘Improper’ and implores you not to use it too often.
“He is being salty.”
He doesn’t know how to take this. That man on the TV is being irritating, but he can’t comprehend what you mean. 
This man is helpless with technology. If you show him the word meme, he will say “mee-mees”. He is uncultured in the ways of the internet.
You explain, and he just nods, but he doesn’t understand. He comprehend, but doesn’t understand. Barely ever.
This man basically embodies ‘old dogs can’t learn new tricks’.
“You’re such a simp.”
“Only for you.” Awww, Canada, baby. 
Of course he knows. This boy is young in comparison to every other personification and he goes on the internet. 
He isn’t one for speaking in slang normally, only when someones being extra cringe or dissing someone. Boy is cultured but sassy.
He also has a folder of memes. Mostly saved from America, but now he knows you’ll understand them and won’t cringe at him, you will now get them when you’re apart. He wants to make you smile and if memes are the way to get deeper into your heart then so be it. America is literally supplying him with the hottest memes out there for free.
“Cash me outside, how ‘bout that?”
He recognises it. It doesn’t click in his brain, but he remembers America shouting it at some point. Just like you’re doing because he inconvenienced you. Please don’t fight him.
You can show it to him, but he isn’t all that interested. Internet culture doesn’t interest him. He doesn’t follow trends and only got Facebook because America insisted on making him an account. The dude only has a laptop for work and his phone has basically no app. His highest used is Tetris.
He’ll recognise things you say, but will mostly just give you a judging stare. Or maybe chuckle if you make a fool of yourself.
Calm down, you’re being way too energetic about throwing that into the bin. 
He deals with all of his siblings at home, and then America at Big Work Meetings. He does not want to have it from you.
This man needs chillness in his life, consistency. He hates hecticness. So you throwing shit and shouting will get on his nerves before he tells you to pack it in. 
Yeah, he’s too grouchy for this stuff.
“Is this a bird?”
“That’s a butterfly...” He doesn’t get it. He has watched a few animes, that’s what happens when you’re friends with Japan. And America. And Prussia. And also Romano because it’s his guilty pleasure so he may catch on to what you’re saying.
He’ll also understand other memes you say, but he doesn’t find them themselves funny. He just actually enjoys watching your expressions to it and your enthusiasm. 
He works off other peoples happiness, so seeing that grin of yours whilst you imitate gives him the butterflies in his stomach. 
He will try though to pepper some in if you are a user of memes in your language. He wants to pick them up to make you smile. He’s such a cutie-pie UwU.
“Ah yes, stonks.”
No, these are the finances, honey. They’re not-oh... now he’s slightly disappointed as he looks at you from over his glasses.
Prussia is energetic about his memes, and Germany will often be ‘gifted’ with them. Sometimes, he’ll read through them but often he’ll scroll through them all. His brother spams. Heavily.
You may get lucky sometimes if it’s an animal meme to make him smile, or exhale sharply through his nose, but Germany doesn’t often find them funny. 
Like Italy, he’ll smile if your positively thrilled with it.
“That is a juicy boy.”
Oh, thank you, s/o. He’s happy you’re enjoying the meal he made you.
He knows memes. This man watches anime. He has every social media account on all platforms. He will smile, he will partake in some fine dining that is the dank meme section of the internet. 
They’re mostly the anime version of a meme. He doesn’t really enjoy edgy humour, and while a Danny DeVito meme about magnum dong is mildly humorous, it just isn’t his sip of tea.
He’ll say memes out-loud in the same room as you sometimes, in that deadpan voice of his, which always makes it ten times funnier. Even his commentary of anime that you’re watching a rerun of will have memes in it. And if you say you’re watching an anime and got to this specific episode, you bet he’ll pull up his neatly made folders on his phone for that anime and send it. He appreciates that you like that type of humour.
“That is a sweaty boi.”
Dat boi? Dat boi! Prussia is a people pleaser at heart and a goofball so of course he knows memes. This man has a large following on the internet, he makes a living off people enjoying his content!
As soon as you spill the proverbial bag of you liking memes, he will spam. His line of thinking is often, “Hahaha, this is hilarious. S/o may also find this funny. I will send it to them!” And if there’s one meme on that website with him scrolling hours at a time, you will get sent at least like 30 in an hour.
He will try his darnedest to make you laugh, so you will get a specific meme made about anyone you know too just to see you in tears over it.
“I have an army.” He sends you a picture of England. “We have a Germany.” Yeah, it’s that MCU meme of Loki and RDJ... Sometimes he’s not that funny, but A+ for effort!
“One does not simply--”
Yeah, he knows what you;re going to say and rolls his eyes. If it’s anything too cringe, he will laugh at you and take the piss. But he will not hesitate to make an edgy or self deprecating meme.
Romano is ‘do as I say, not as I do’ type of person, and also never call him out for his hypocrisy. He will get snooty with you.
But he does enjoy them even though it doesn’t seem like it. He enjoys seeing you happy about them so as long as you’re shameless and don’t take his elbow digging to heart it’s all fine. 
Don’t call him out for laughing at whatever meme you say or send, as he will get defensive and annoyed with you. Imagine edgy teenager ‘I’m not like everyone else!’.
“Pepe the frog.”
He partakes in a bit of memeing. He enjoys it. He’s got you.
But boy does he like the incomprehensible ones. Where the pictures highly saturated and has a couple of nonsense words put across it not lined up. He is cracking up at it.
Normal ones are fine too, but it’s either Facebook mum ones or weird incomprehensible. No in between. He doesn’t get that deep on the internet to understand the ones with context.
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graaythekwami · 4 years
A Good Actor - ML one-shot
Summary: To avoid auditioning for the role of Ladybug, Marinette finds herself trying out as Chat Noir for a school performance. It’s just her luck that she’s trying out with Adrien, who she can barely get a sentence out around. So when she’s told to improv the heroes’ patrol night she does the easiest thing– and repeats exactly what Chat Noir said to her on patrol last night.
Also read on ao3!
“Y-you want me to what?” Marinette cried, taking a step back, staring at Alya with wide eyes.
“I want you to play Ladybug for the school performance!” Alya said, holding up the poster excitedly. “Every class needs to send in a video of two students to audition for the role of Ladybug and Chat Noir, and just about everyone in our class agreed that you’d be the perfect Ladybug!”
“Hahaha, me? Perfect Ladybug? What are you talking about we’re nothing alike,” Marinette said hastily. “I’d just trip across the stage and get tangled up in the yoyo string if I tried it, you know me!”
“For once I actually agree with Dupain-Cheng,” Chloe piped up from the other side of the room, arms crossed. “I would be a much better Ladybug than she would ever be!”
Alya ignored her, pressing closer with a smile. “Yes you, girl! Who better than our ‘everyday Ladybug’? I saw you dressed up for Clara Nightingale’s video, and you pulled off Ladybug’s costume so well. And sure you can be a bit clumsy sometimes, but that doesn’t mean a thing. Remember when we were shooting that school film and you were going to step in as an actor? You were doing awesomely!”
“B-but wouldn’t you be a better Ladybug?” Marinette stuttered out. “I mean you run her blog, you probably know the most about her, you’d pull off Ladybug perfectly! You’re her number one fan!”
Alya grinned. “Also, did I mention that we’re going to have Adrien play Chat Noir? That’d mean you’d get to play a role where Adrien’s flirting with you, and even if you guys aren’t chosen as the final actors you’d get to spend some time with him...”
Marinette was mad that this made her pause for a moment– because that was not how she was supposed to act as a superhero. Rule number one was to protect her identity, and everything else comes after that. She already had put herself in a role where she had almost been fully dressed up as Ladybug before, and she was not going to do that again. Even if it meant working with Adrien.
“Ha! I knew that would change your mind!” Alya said triumphantly, taking her pause as a yes. She grabbed Marinette by her arm, dragging her away. “We got our Ladybug!”
“Wait Alya, I didn’t say–!” Marinette began, only to be cut off by Adrien on the other side of the room.
“You want me to play Chat Noir?” He asked, looking quite startled at the idea.
“Well, yeah dude,” Nino said with a grin. “I mean, you were his voice actor for the movie, right? You look kinda like him too... ‘cause you know, blond hair and all? Even the Clara Nightingale wanted you to play Chat Noir in her music video. Who would be better in the class?”
“I mean, I don’t know, you know I probably wouldn’t have time to do it, with my schedule and all–”
“But you have time today, you’re here after all, and just about everything else will be done during school hours,” Nino countered, still grinning. “So we could film the audition today and submit to the school, and if you guys make it then the rest would be during school.”
“Marinette is going to be playing Ladybug for our class audition,” Alya said happily as they pulled up near the boys. She pushed Marinette forward, who was stiff. “You guys work so well together, won’t it be perfect?”
“Alya I–”
Adrien gave a small smile. “I think Marinette is an awesome choice, but I don’t think I will be able to do this. I don’t want to disappoint, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to step down.”
“Come on dude!” Nino begged. “There’s no one else in the class that can pull off a better Chat Noir.”
Marinette crossed her arms. “I’ve seen the call for auditions– they specifically stated that looks don’t matter at all for this, it all comes down to acting skills. You don’t need me and Adrien just because we happen to have the same hair color as the heroes. There’s other people that can do it better, so choose them.”
“Adrien has the most experience with acting though!” Rose piped up.
“And I’ve run the statistics, and out of all the females in the class Marinette would be the most suitable candidate for acting,” Max remarked.
“We–” Adrien began, but he was cut off by their class.
“You would be awesome, man,” Kim said, leaning over his desk. “Both of you, just give it a try?”
“Neither of you would mess up on stage,” Mylene said softly.
Ivan nodded. “It wouldn’t hurt to at least try, right?”
“You owe me girl,” Alya reminded Marinette. “And I’m cashing in right now– you need to try out for this audition. This would be an awesome chance for you!”
Marinette swallowed, barely noticing as she bumped up against Adrien, slightly startled at how adamant her class was on it being them to audition. Of course they didn’t realize what pressure they were putting on her, if anything they were just trying to work up her courage, not realizing just what could be at stake if she were to do this. She nervously looked up at Adrien, who surprisingly looked just as worried about this as she did. He glanced at her, offering a nervous smile, but also seemed to be quietly asking for her help as well. Of course he had enough pressure on him from his family, and pushing his schedule probably never went over well for him.
“Guys,” Marinette said, trying to make herself heard over the clamor of encouragement. “I don’t want to play Ladybug in this. I’m flattered that you think I’d do such a good job... but I don’t feel the same.”
“It’s just an audition,” Alix said. “Come on, would it hurt to give it a shot?”
Marinette swallowed, they weren’t going to let this go, were they? She closed her eyes, mind racing. She could feel Tikki pressing up against her through her purse. Once again her class began reassuring her that she would do an awesome job, to at least give it a shot. That there would be so many auditions that it would be unlikely that she would be chosen anyways. Ideas raced through her mind, trying to find some solution.
“Fine!” she suddenly cried, and she felt Tikki stiffen up. “I’ll do the audition!”
“Woo!” Alya cheered, and the class was grinning. “We got our Ladybug.”
“Wait–” Marinette said hastily, holding out her hands. “I’ll do the audition– but I don’t want the role of Ladybug. I want to try out for Chat Noir.”
Everyone stared at her.
She scratched the back of her head. “He’s my favorite of the two heroes, and I think I’d be more comfortable doing all this if I was trying out for his role, you know? Besides, the flier said this was going to be more focused on talent than anything else so why not...?”
“Besides!” Adrien suddenly interrupted, throwing himself into the conversation. “I’d love to try out as Ladybug! I think I would have a lot more fun with that role anyways, she’s awesome!”
“Well, um, I don’t see anything wrong with that, you are like her biggest fan,” Nino said with a shrug. “You’re both awesome actors, I think you could pull off any role.” 
“But it would be so perfect the other way,” Alya muttered. “I still have pictures from Clara’s music video auditions, you were both so cute...” Nino nudged her, and she smiled. “But whatever you guys are most comfortable with doing– I know you two are going to be awesome!”
She winked at Marinette, who flushed slightly. She didn’t know why Adrien now seemed willing with the role swap, since he had acted like his tight schedule was the issue before– yet now he seemed much more relaxed. Maybe he was tired of always being dragged into the role as Chat Noir? It seemed to happen so often with him, so it was no wonder he wanted to play Ladybug...
That’s when it hit Marinette. Adrien was going to be auditioning for the role of Ladybug. He was going to be acting as her. And if she was going to be playing the role as flirty Chat Noir that would mean that she would be flirting with Adrien.
Suddenly the room seemed a lot warmer, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks. No one said a word as she and Adrien were dragged towards the front of the classroom. Nino had his phone out to record the audition, while Alya was looking over the requirements one last time.
The next thing Marinette knew she was positioned across from Adrien, a plastic Chat Noir mask being pressed onto her face. It was far from comfortable– the mask the Miraculouses provided always seamlessly sat on her face, not obstructing her vision nor poking into her skin. She had to adjust this fake one several times, the elastic that held it into place digging into the sides of her head.
Adrien had a Ladybug mask on, fidgeting with it himself, shooting her a hesitant smile. She smiled back, knees feeling weak seeing him with her signature colors on him. In fact if you messed up his hair a bit he could probably pull off a Mister Bug costume– but she was sure the last thing he wanted was to be compared to Chat Noir if that had been what made him uncomfortable about all this in the first place.
“Okay!” Alya said, scrolling through the school website on her phone, holding the audition flier in the other hand. “No costumes are needed for the auditions, I just want to help you guys to be in character. Minimal props are allowed, and we just need to send in a two-to-three minute video of the two actors doing an improv performance of any scenario involving the heroes. ‘We’re looking for actors that can naturally fall into the role’, blah blah blah, ‘no script of any kind is needed to be followed for the audition’, blah blah, ‘only one video submission per class’... and I think that’s everything!”
“Here,” Juleka said, holding out two objects for them to take. “For props.”
Marinette was given a long cardboard tube, and considering the fact that Adrien was handed a yoyo it was probably supposed to represent Chat Noir’s baton. She had to stiffen a laugh, the image of a cardboard-covered Chat Noir leaping into battle popping into her mind. She didn’t know why, but it definitely seemed like something he would do.
“Okay!” Alya said excitedly, grinning at them. “Just relax, we can do as many takes as you guys want. Sure it’s supposed to be improv, but the beauty of video auditions is that we can just send in our best one.”
Adrien laughed, rubbing at the back of his neck. “So then, what scenario do you want us in then?”
He had looped the yoyo around a finger, but it was quite clear he didn’t have much experience with the toy. The yoyo only came back to his hand once before losing momentum, and he had to wind it up. Marinette tried to avoid yoyos for the most part, mostly because she had become very skilled with them both in and out of the mask. Also she found regular yoyos to be very boring– no endless string and it doesn’t function as a grappling hook? Where’s the fun in that?
“An akuma battle!” Kim said eagerly. 
“And what are we supposed to do? Have them jump around the room fighting a non-existent monster?” Alix rolled her eyes.
“They need a speaking role– something to show how amazing they are!” Rose said happily, beaming at them.
Alya grinned. “Okay, I got it– you two are meeting up for a nightly patrol, okay? Marinette, go off screen for a moment, because Ladybug would definitely be the more punctual of the two... perfect!”
“Actually–” Adrien began, before stopping.
Chat Noir was actually the more punctual one of the two– he tended to arrive early on patrol nights and on time for anything else, while she ran late as both Marinette and Ladybug. The only time Chat was late was when he was busy with his civilian life– meaning he was still being punctual in that part of his life.
“How should we start?” Marinette asked uncertainly, stepping back as Nino held up his phone to record.
“Your choice girl, just be Chat Noir,” Alya sat up. “Okay, everyone quiet... and go!”
With that Nino started recording. Adrien stiffened up for a moment, before leaning up against the desk, looking over to Marinette. Improv or not she had no idea what she should be doing, and she closed her eyes for a moment. Patrol... she went on patrol every week, this shouldn’t be a problem. She just needed to do as Chat Noir did, and no one knew him better than she did.
She had literally been on patrol with him last night, this would be easy.
So Marinette sat up, putting on her best Chat-grin, and sauntered onto the camera. She twirled her ‘baton’ the best she could with her hands, before slamming the tip onto the ground and leaning against it like she had seen Chat Noir do so many times before. Her heart was hammering, considering the fact that she was smirking slyly at Adrien, but she reminded herself to just play her part.
“Hey there Bugaboo,” she said as smoothly as she could. “Tonight is purr-fect, isn’t it? Absolutely mew-velous, just like you.”
She couldn’t help but let her grin widen– saying the exact same thing Chat Noir had said to her last night. Adrien stared at her for a moment, blinking once, and she decided that he was adorable in his little Ladybug mask. He looked surprised, probably because she wasn’t a stuttering mess, before composing himself. He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.
“Really, Kitty?” He asked in what seemed to be an attempt to mimic Ladybug’s voice. “Can’t we have just one patrol without your puns?”
Huh. That had been basically the exact same thing she had said in reply to Chat Noir last night. That made her feel warm, the fact that Adrien understood Ladybug that well. Nino had said he was a fan, but still.
“No puns, My Lady?” Marinette replied, once again echoing her and Chat’s conversation from last night, and she put her hand on her chest in mock-offense. “But that would be so claw-ful. A cat-astrophe! Purr-haps you need to reconsider just how pun-derful my puns are.”
Adrien struggled against a laugh as she rattled off her cat puns, and she hated the fact that they came to mind so easily. Thank goodness Chat Noir wasn’t here to watch her now, because she knew that he would never let her live this down. Mimicking him and making puns? He would probably think he was in heaven.
“I will not hesitate to push you off of this building,” Adrien replied with a huff, crossing his arms just a bit more dramatically than she had when she had said this last night. “Now, I’m going to patrol the east side, you take the west and–”
“Meow-ch!” She cut him off without a second thought, because that was what he had done to her last night when she had tried to divide up patrols. “Separate patrols again? I would think that you’re trying to avoid me, but considering how many messages you left me last night–”
“I was worried about you, you stupid cat!” This time Adrien cut her off. “You took several hits for me with that akuma yesterday– then left as soon as the battle was over! I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
“My Lady was worried about me!” Marinette swooned, clasping her hands together– but had to swiftly grab the cardboard tube before it fell over, because unlike Chat’s actual baton it couldn’t shrink down. “Your Miraculous Ladybugs did heal me up, but I have to say I am still a little sore...” she held out one hand, smiling slightly. “Kiss it better, Bugaboo?”
On the outside Marinette was flawlessly playing her role, but on the inside she was panicking. She was calling Adrien Bugaboo! She had just asked him to kiss her hand! Audition or not she was still freaking out... but that wasn’t the only reason. She had just used what had happened on patrol last night as a starting point for this improv shoot, yet somehow the conversation was going exactly how it had gone last night– and she had no idea what that meant.
Adrien was watching her with wide eyes for a moment– was there something on her face? Did he think she was weird? Was she making him uncomfortable? She didn’t have time to question him further as he slipped back into character, rolling his eyes and pushing her hand away. He attempted to spin her yoyo about a few times, though it didn’t go too well so he stopped.
“Such a needy kitty,” he said as he turned away. “We can patrol together if you want to so badly– but if you call me Bugaboo again I’m throwing you into the Seine.”
Alarms were going off in Marinette’s mind at this point– because that had been exactly what she had said, nearly word for word. She had given Chat Noir that same threat last night, she had turned away in the same way, she had been spinning her yoyo about– had Adrien been spying on them or something?!
“Must you wound me, My Lady? Purr-haps you should reconsider.”
Adrien let out a dramatic sigh. “You already used that one tonight, Kitty.”
Marinette had stiffened up, and was now staring at Adrien in shock. There was only so much that could be a coincidence, and this had now reached far past that. Her mouth was dry, knowing that what she said next would either confirm or deny the racing possibilities in her mind, because she could only think of one reason on why Adrien could parrot her conversation from last night so perfectly.
“W-well,” Marinette stuttered. “I think you should appreciate my puns more, even P-plagg likes them.”
This time Adrien stiffened up, having gone still. He didn’t say anything for a moment, before slowly turning around, watching her closely. He opened his mouth, about to say something, then paused. She swallowed, and then he spoke again, each word said with some hesitation.
“Well... Tikki says Plagg has no taste,” he replied slowly, and Marinette’s world came crashing down as he said her kwami’s name. She took a step back, face pale as she stared at Adrien. The audition was long forgotten, Alya’s wave at her for her to continue having gone unnoticed. She just stared at her crush and partner, mouth part way open.
“Ohmygosh!” She blurted out, hands going to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, n-no, this isn’t– you can’t– you’re not–”
Adrien was staring at her with awe, like he had never seen her before. She paid no heed to the confused looks her classmates were giving her, taking a step back from Adrien. He reached out, hesitating, looking stunned– but he had a huge smile on his face.
“Can I just say you make a fabulous Chat Noir?” Adrien said with a grin.
“Shut up!” She cried, voice muffled by her hands.
“You just pull him off so purr-fectly,” he continued. “Anyone else would have done a claw-ful job, but you just captured his essence–”
“I will throw you into the Seine!” She shouted, being fueled by nothing but panic.
“Cut!” Nino called, pausing the recording. “What happened, dudes? The first half was going perfectly.”
“Purr-fectly,” Adrien whispered under his breath, a gleeful smile on his face, and Marinette reflexively chucked the cardboard tube at him.
Adrien stepsided with ease, winking at her, and she felt herself turning red.
“Hey Nino, could you send me a copy of that take?”
“No!” Marinette yelped. “Nino, no! I will sic Alya on you! Don't you dare!”
“I'll do whatever you want, just save it!” Adrien called, arm wrapping around her waist as she sprang towards Nino’s phone, holding her back. “I need it for the memory!”
“I will sic Alya on you too, Agreste!” 
“...What is happening?” Alya whispered, and the rest of the class seemed to echo that sentiment.
Adrien seemed to gain the upper hand as he scooped Marinette up in his arms, causing her to let out a startled squeal, turning bright red. She most definitely wasn't protesting as she looked up at Adrien, but the startling thing was that Adrien was doing it in the first place. He seemed surprised by her reaction, but was grinning.
“Wipe that smirk off your stupidly handsome face!”
“Handsome face, you say?”
“I will tie you to the Eiffel Tower and leave you there all night!”
“As long as you're there~”
“Shut up, Agreste!” Marinette snarled, punching his shoulder, which only made him laugh.
He leaned in close, still cradling Marinette in his arms. He was smirking, a gleam in his eyes as he leaned in close.
“Make me, little lady.”
Marinette, who somehow had gone even redder, glared up at him. She reached up, grabbed the sides of his face, and pulled his lips down into hers. The whole class exploded as she did so, Adrien stiffening up as they kissed.
It only lasted for a moment, and then instantly Adrien melted into the kiss. He pulled her in closer, his grip on her shifting. One hand found the center of her back, the other supporting the rest of her as they kissed. Part of Marinette was panicking– because Adrien– but the rest of her now recognized him as her partner.
Chaton. Dork. Trustworthy. Safety. There was no reason to panic, but plenty to keep kissing.
They were breathing heavily as they pulled apart, resting their foreheads together. His smirks from before were gone, his gaze nothing but soft, joy pouring from him.
“Oh kwamis,” he whispered, his warm breath on her face. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she murmured, and she felt a purr building up in his throat.
“Say it again?”
She gave a small smirk. “How about you kiss me again?”
He grabbed her chin, and did just that.
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