#I wanna make a note on the OG post but it won’t let me put text under the poll?
doriansbutt · 1 month
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
Hey! Saw your post and saw you said you were upsettie spaghetti so I wanted to cheer you up!
Slashers who stop everything they’re doing because their “My S/O needs me” senses are tingling and go to their rescue to comfort their angry s/o?
I was hoping to come up with A way for you to get your emotions out through your writing- 😅
Hope you feel better! 🖤
I've never done a post in this style before so hopefully I do okay! I think I covered pretty much all the slashers I write for so far (I didn't do Billy Lenz because I still need to read the novelization). I may have gone way overboard, so if I do these in the future, I'll probably just pick a few instead of doing the whole roster 😅 (or you can pick for me). But doing this much work did distract me!
Above the cut:
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Included below the cut:
Michael Myers (OG)
Jason Voorhees
Leslie Vernon
Thomas Hewitt
Bubba Sawyer
Brahms Heelshire
Erik ("The Phantom")
Deacon Billings (OC Ghostface)
Courtney Dwayne Delmont (OC slasher)
Kathleen Montgomery (OC slasher)
Bo Sinclair
Despite being autistic, Bo is very in tune with peoples auras and body language. He has to be to manipulate and deceive people with any modicum of success. He's trained himself when it comes to these things; even besides masking or manipulation, he needed to be keenly aware of when his parents were in Bad Moods so he could either avoid them or prepare himself.
The mood he's probably best at when it comes to this, for those reasons, is anger. He can smell anger a mile away. So if you're fuming, you better believe he notices.
At first he's annoyed and will demand to know what your problem is. He's not a very tolerant person, and he can be a bit of a hypocrite. He's allowed to have big, messy feelings, but when it comes to others having big, messy feelings ... he's not so comfortable with that. He gets overwhelmed.
Once he realizes that this is more than an attitude problem, he'll take it much more seriously. And assuming you're not mad at him, he'll want the rundown on the whole situation from beginning to end. He wants all the dirt.
He'll let you rant, and honestly, he'd think you being this angry (when it's not directed at him, but even still sometimes) is kind of sexy. And don't expect him to shut his mouth, either; he'll be ranting right along with you, affirming you and insulting whomever/whatever you're angry about.
He doesn't wanna cuddle. He genuinely thinks you can't cuddle anger away. He'll put on some loud-ass music and let you vent your frustration however you prefer. Maybe suggest a long drive down to the lake or into town or just ... picking a direction and going. He has fantasies of running away from his anger sometimes. He knows how it is.
Depending on what you're angry about, it could definitely get to the point where he's angrier about the situation than you are. And if it really hurt you, he will not let it go as long as he lives. The best he will ever do is maintain a grudging neutrality or distance from the person/situation that made you angry.
He's very protective. If you're angry at someone you need to maintain a relationship with, you're going to have to keep an eye on Bo to make sure he doesn't deliver revenge for you behind your back. If it's something he can solve, he'll do it, so if you don't want him running his mouth, watch him.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent is in the same boat as Bo when it comes to sensing auras, though his handle on body language and facial expressions is not as keenly honed. While Vincent was not physically abused as brutally or as often as Bo, this wasn't because of some sterling quality he had that Bo lacked. He was always The Good One because he saw what his parents did to The Bad One and knew he needed to protect himself. He tried not to do anything that might provoke his parents.
You can feel anger before a fight like you smell ozone before a storm. Vincent is attuned to the feeling not just because of his parents but because of Bo's temper, too. Because of this, like Bo, he can very accurately sense anger in particular.
His initial reaction is to observe you, gauging if you need time to cool off. If you need space, Vincent is the Sinclair for you. He's used to being quiet and deflecting and riding out anger.
However, once he realizes that your anger is not directed at him or isn't explosive enough to become a problem for him, he's concerned. Rather than asking what happened, he will ask if you're okay, and leave it up to you whether you'll tell him about it or not.
If you vent, he'll sit and listen patiently, maybe even thoughtfully working on a sculpture while you rant. He's not judgemental and he can be very emotional himself, so you could say the most ridiculous, dramatic things and he wouldn't even bat an eye. Let out all your messy, destructive thoughts and feelings. Just try not to throw or punch anything; that's when he shuts down.
If you decide you just want comfort, or decide you need comfort after ranting, art is his first suggestion. It may seem cold to you at first, that his instinct isn't to hold you or kiss you but rather to redirect you to a project - once you got to know him, however, you'd know that's his most genuine way to show he cares. Redirecting to something creative calms him down more than platitudes ever could, and he wants that for you. He's nonjudgmental about the art you create as well, even if it's objectively terrible. It's not about the quality.
He won't turn you down if you need physical affection, however. His twin is extremely tactile, so it wouldn't be the first time he held someone after a breakdown. He prefers to do this if he's certain you won't lash out physically, but if you were in a really bad way and needed to be touched, he'd do it regardless.
Lester Sinclair
Lester witnessed his parents' anger, but it was usually indirectly; if Bo was the Bad One and Vincent was the Good One, he was the Overlooked One. He's not a perfect person, probably not even a good person, but of the three brothers, he's the most normally socialized. He isn't trained to be tuned into everyone's every shifting mood in order to survive.
It takes Lester a little longer to pick up on your anger than his brothers, but not too much longer. It takes him a couple tries at trying to talk to you or get your attention before he realizes something is really wrong.
His first reaction is to get upset. He soaks up emotions like a little sponge, so he's suddenly cranky, too. He also jumps to conclusions and assumes that you're angry with him, and he does not take rejection well. He might be bitter and passive aggressive. You being angry just makes him want to go in another room and not be around you, and yet at the same time, he wants your reassurances. It's messy and sad.
Once he realizes - either through observing you or through you communicating with him - that you're mad at another person or situation, then he'll feel comfortable enough to approach you and ask you about it. You'll definitely need to reassure him that you're not mad at him though.
If you wanna rant, he'll take you on a long drive and let you vent your heart out to him. He won't be quite as aggressive as Bo, but he'll be on your side, frowning with disapproval, telling you "Ya can't fix stupid." If you want only comfort or need comfort after venting, he feels much more equipped for that. He'll put something relaxing in the VHS or let you play his old Super Nintendo, get you a beer, just let you chill out. And he'll let you win at Doctor Mario.
If the situation is something really serious, you best believe he'll be talking to his brothers about it the second he gets a chance. He may be a sweet guy, but he can be real nasty, and he doesn't fuck around when it comes to you. You might have to keep an eye out to make sure he doesn't tell someone off or punch out someone's lights.
Michael Myers (OG)
In 1978, Michael is not very in tune with any emotions besides fear, and even then he only really understands it in an abstract way, as his condition and upbringing haven't really been conducive to him learning about emotions. Unless you're screaming in terror, have tears running down your face, or are shouting angrily, he really can't read your moods. Without any obvious change to how you normally act or look, there's a huge chance he might just not notice if you're angry. He spends a lot of time in his own little world.
In 2018, even though he's spent over 50 years institutionalized, Michael has had time to take in the world, and he's seen a lot more. He understands fear much more than he did when he was 21, but what he understands most of all is anger. His anger fuels him. He would pick up on yours right away and be curious, though he wouldn't verbalize it.
If you tell him how you feel, he'll take note of it. If he witnesses you doing something destructive because of your anger, he'll simply observe. He would be fascinated with this thing you're doing, because it's not something you normally do, and though he might not notice emotions, he certainly notices routine and pattern. Either way, you'll have to tell him how you feel, because he'll simply watch you otherwise.
One thing that can be said for Michael is that he's a good listener. He may not internalize everything you say, but he will remember what he thinks is important. You may be surprised; he may remember tiny little details that seem inconsequential to you but loom large in his mind.
Unless you were caused serious physical or mental harm, he would not be angry on your behalf. He would, however, do nothing to assuage your anger. He thinks it would be kinda neat and interesting to see you snap. He's not 100% sure why you don't just do it.
In 1978, he won't be much help beyond listening to you, but he would be curious to see what you do to vent your anger. You may find him by your side more often, observing you. He may also want to find and observe the object of your anger, especially if it's a person. In 2018, he would, in his own way, suggest you solve the problem by murdering someone/something. He's insatiable, but killing is the closest he's ever come to satisfaction. You should try it.
Jason Voorhees
Out of all of the slashers, Jason is the most likely to actually literally sense your anger, especially if you're psychically sensitive/powerful like Tina Shepard. I'm talkin'—assuming you have a pre-established relationship—he'll be doing something else and just get this itch that tells him you're out there somewhere, pissed off.
Obviously this is untenable. As long as he's not super busy or Pamela has other plans, Jason will stomp his way through the woods to get back to you, regardless of the urgency of your anger. If Pamela doesn't approve, well, he'll let a little anger go and assume you're okay. If he suspects you may be in danger, though, he's sprinting regardless of what Mom says. There's time for both things, Ma!
The first thing he'll do when he returns to you is scan your dwelling, then you, making sure nothing is broken. At that point, you'd probably be able to sense his confusion even without him signing. Jason doesn't experience emotions quite like a human anymore, and he's quite tactile besides, so a lack of tangible or visible clues as to why you're upset would trip him up for a second.
He doesn't want to comfort you at first, he wants to know what's wrong. He'll listen to you vent only long enough to understand the situation and identify his target. His immediate next move would be to eliminate the problem. You'll definitely have to hold him back, and it may take a bit of convincing. Earthly consequences don't really apply to him.
Before comfort comes blowing off steam, for you and for him. His first choices would be mangling some trees (you can pretend it's for firewood) or skipping/throwing stones into the lake. You're welcome to join him if those things calm you down; watching him get his stone to skip like 11 times on Crystal Lake may make you feel better, at least.
You might hang out there for hours before he suddenly decides it's time to go home. He'll do what he can to make your comfortable or stay out of your way while you make yourself comfortable, then comfort you as you please. His go-to choice is always foot or hand massages.
Leslie Vernon
Leslie is extremely observant and surprisingly analytical given how silly he is in the day to day. His intuition makes it pretty easy for him to read people, but especially you, since you two are so close. Especially-especially if you're his Survivor Girl (gender neutral term of course). You two are in sync, so he knows if something's up. Maybe even before you fully figure it out.
God, you're so hot when you're angry, you really are. He almost wants to let you scream and holler and go nuts. But he prefers you only get angry like that at him, especially if you're his Survivor Girl, so his first move is to comfort you or talk you down to a place where you can be comforted. He'll speak to you calmly and rationally, reassuring you and touching you if you wanna be touched—on your upper arms or shoulders or face, or with one arm around your back.
He doesn't just want to comfort you, though, he wants to calm you down enough that you can tell him what happened. Even if you claim you don't want to talk about it, he will coax it out of you eventually. He's gotta know what got you so upset. It's his business to know everything about you!
Assuming you're angry at someone/something that isn't him, he'll talk it through with you. If you're upset about an argument with someone, he has the capacity to see it from the other side, but ultimately, he's there for you. He'll let you bitch as much as you want, still touching you, and he'll be disgusted and/or disappointed with the situation.
Above all, though, what he wants is to see you smile again. The only worries on your mind should be the ones he comes up with, and man, he's not even halfway done grooming the next batch of unlucky teenagers. He'd pat your face or touch your hair and tell you to cheer up, and probably defuse the situation with a stupid quip or joke. Take you out somewhere fun, maybe.
Once you were cheered up, he'd humbly suggest you solve your problem with a little murder. "I mean, I know killing's not really your thing—you're really good at it, though, a talent! You know that..." Pause, considering you. "You want me to do it? 'Cause I can clear my schedule for the rest of the night." If you decline, he'd be like "Suit yourself" but may or may not still murder whoever upset you. If you agree, he'd be super excited to make a romantic night of it. His mind would be going a million miles an hour planning everything out.
Thomas Hewitt
Tommy knows anger when he sees it. Not only does he have loads of internalized anger, he's been on the receiving end of it plenty. He's far too large to be scared of anyone in a physical sense anymore, but he's been shouted at countless times. To know when to shut up and do as he's told versus arguing back, he's learned to gauge intensity and direction of anger, and he well knows that anger can be redirected to him.
So, he instantly recognizes your mood, but it might be a while before he approaches you. When he does approach, he'll let you decide what to do, whether that's throwing your arms around him or banging your fists on his chest to vent your anger. You won't hurt him.
Eventually, once you're all hugged or cried or screamed out, he'll wrap his arms around you and give you a reassuring squeeze. There's no need to tell Tommy what's wrong—he won't ask unless you're obviously in serious distress or injured—but if you decide to speak, he'll listen, brows drawn tightly the whole time. He's thoughtful about the situation.
If you're mad at someone in his family, there isn't much he can do for you besides comfort you and assure you that whoever upset you—Hoyt, probably—didn't mean what they said. If you were hurt physically, it would be another story, but his family gets in shouting matches all the time.
Rather than offering help, he'd wait for you to request it of him. Whatever you ask, shy of hurting his family, he will do. Murder someone? No problem. Make you some food? You got it. Bring you a blanket? Sure. Give you some quiet alone time? That's fine, too.
If you need to vent, he's got plenty of ways to get out your frustration. Plenty of farm work to do, or you could work on something around the house with him. He might suggest knitting or sewing or some other handicraft you enjoy. It always makes him feel better to buckle down and use his hands for something.
If you're still preoccupied/upset by the time you two bed down, or heaven forbid the next morning, then he starts taking it more seriously. Something that disturbs you for that long is bad news. He'll watch you carefully the next couple days to see how you're doing, waiting for you to need him for something.
Bubba Sawyer
Like Tommy, Bubba has been on the receiving end of anger many, many times, so he's familiar with what it looks and feels like. Despite his size, he's still susceptible to physical violence at the hands of his loved ones, so he's very wary of anger.
However, he doesn't have a female presence in his life like Luda Mae, who expresses her anger through passive aggression—so, he's more used to shouting and screaming. If you aren't prone to screaming and shouting, it might take a little bit for him to realize you're not just sad or upset, you're angry.
Bubba will be over you. He'd give anyone else their space because he'd be afraid of retaliation, but you're his special person, and he's pretty sure you're not going to hurt him. He'll touch your hair, your arms, your wrists; he'll babble as he tries to figure out what's wrong. He just wants to comfort you and let you know everything is all right.
If it's too much or you're overwhelmed and you snap at him, he'll ease back. He'll blubber like a kicked puppy, but he won't give up. He'll still try to comfort you, just in other ways, such as getting you a comfort item or article of clothing, or maybe some food. And boy will he helicopter.
There's no need to tell Bubba what's wrong. In fact, it might be better if you didn't; if it's something he can't fix, it would do nothing but majorly stress him out. If it was one of his family members who upset you, as with Tommy, he wouldn't be able to do much. Even if you were hurt, he's just not in a position to stand up for you. That fact would absolutely kill him, though. He'd end up getting even more upset than you.
He doesn't know what help to offer you beyond comfort, but like Tommy, if you requested something specific, he'd try to carry out your wishes. He'll also try to cheer you up with some music and dancing, or just being silly like you like.
Need to blow off steam? He's got plenty of coping mechanisms! Bubba's idea of a perfect de-stress session is turning up the radio and getting lost in crafts. He's got lots of supplies, mostly to create clothing and accessories, and you're special, so you can have your pick. A drive and the radio might be nice, too. If neither of those appeal to you, he'll try cooking or baking with you. He loves sharing the kitchen with someone.
If none of that works and you're still upset, be prepared, because he's gonna be an anxious mess until you're better.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is somewhat familiar with other people's anger. He certainly has a whole fountain of internalized anger brewing just beneath the surface, but that's different. He knows that when Mummy is angry, she yells and cries, and when Daddy is angry, he seethes and stews. The former would be obvious to him, but the latter would take him a few minutes to be quite sure about. You're not acting how you usually do. Are you being stern or are you angry? Are you cross with him?
He does not have a lot of empathy for other people, so if your anger gets in the way of his routine or the attention he wants, he'll be irked, cranky, sad. Not necessarily at you—though that is possible—but the situation in which you find yourselves.
Much like Bo, he's allowed to have big, messy feelings, but it makes him uncomfortable and scared when other people have those feelings. He might even hide from you for a while, especially if you screamed and cried.
Once he realizes something is really wrong and you're not mad at him, however, he'll start thinking of ways to cheer you up so things can go back to normal. He hates having his routine interrupted; he's very particular. And he cares for you, so seeing you in distress is very scary and uncomfortable for him.
He'll start by fetching you something you like—something manageable for him like your favorite juice or a sandwich, or if you have a special item or article of clothing, that. He's quite shy, though, and like I said, he'll probably be hiding, so he'll leave it somewhere he knows you'll find it (on the bed, outside your door, on your desk, etc.)
If that doesn't calm you down and your anger is really getting in the way of his routine, or otherwise making him uncomfortable, he'll finally make an appearance. Very bashful and timid at first, using his little boy voice. "What's wrong, Y/N? Did something bad happen?"
If it's something that can't be helped, he'll suggest you do something together to take your mind off it (most likely something he likes to do). He may even be coaxed into taking a walk around the grounds, though he doesn't like to leave the manor at all, so you'd have to convince him. He prefers quiet playtime, maybe some coloring books or loud music to vent your emotions. It would intrigue him to see someone else use his toys to calm down. As long as you recognized he was being very nice, sharing them.
If it was an argument you had with someone, he would want more information. Are they likely to leave you alone, or will they come to the manor? Will he have to deal with them? Because it's scary, but he'll do it for you.
If, for some reason, none of those things work, he may cry or throw a fit. Either way, he'll be frustrated. Adult Brahms may make an appearance and try to help you in more Adult ways.
Though he lives five cellars beneath an opera house now, Erik hasn't always been entirely reclusive. Even these days, when he can stomach it, he sometimes goes out to see the world. As a younger man, he observed people's lives and moods with a hungry fascination (that has now mostly been replaced by melancholy and longing and bitter anger). Like several of the other slashers here, he's had to train himself to sense fury to protect himself. He's also incredibly wrathful, so you could call him an expert!
He has a very keenly honed sense when it comes to you specifically, since he's watched you so much. He notices the change in your demeanor immediately.
If you know him as the "Angel of Music," his voice will appear to you once you're alone, asking you what's wrong and assuring you you can confide in him—he will insist you tell him, though. "There are to be no secrets between us, Y/N." He will listen without interjection as you vent your heart out, and when you're done, soothe you. Don't let his calming voice deceive you, though; behind that mirror, he's seething, planning to take matters into his own hands.
If you know him as Erik, he will go to you the second he recognizes the shift in your mood and take you from what you're doing, regardless of your wishes. He'll sit you down, kneeling before you with your hands in his, and gaze into your eyes, imploring you to tell him what's wrong. He'll absolutely allow you physical comfort, but he will also absolutely insist you tell. He'll need reassurance that you're not angry at him, because that thought would break his heart.
He will let you vent however you wish. You could have the most dramatic breakdown ever—throwing things, beating your fists on his chest, wailing—and he wouldn't judge you. He would be awfully concerned, though.
Will be 110% on your side. You are his poor little meow meow. "My poor love, my poor Y/N!" He is beside himself with sympathy for you and you only, and is very offended on your behalf.
He will always suggest music as an outlet for your anger, but he will have taken note of your other hobbies and interests as well. He'll fetch your things for you without being asked, as long as it won't separate him from you for very long. If you'd rather just have comfort, that's fine, too. He could hold your hand and caress your face for hours on end under normal circumstances, so no problem there. He may also suggest a little time on the surface, if you normally live in his home. Fresh air will do you both good, he reasons, and he enjoys spending time with you where others can witness it. It fills him with pride and love.
Otherwise, he's at your service for any other soothing activities you need. A calming bath, some sweets, shopping, anything. Perhaps avoid asking for any sexual contact, however. First of all, being asked directly makes him very skittish and nervous; second of all, his method of love-making (when you can coax him) is very intimate and tender, which may be tedious if you're in an angry mood.
Unless the situation is extremely serious or dire, his first priority is making sure you're soothed. Once that duty is fulfilled, however, he is absolutely angrier about it than you are. If it's not that serious, he won't skip straight to killing, if only because he knows it upsets you. He will definitely be writing an extremely strongly worded letter, however. If someone slighted you seriously, they're getting threatened. If someone hurt you physically, they're meeting the Punjab lasso.
Deacon Billings (OC Ghostface)
Deacon definitely knows when people are angry. His step-mom was a passive-aggressive laundry-folder and his dad was a storming out of the house kinda guy; when the two of them were together, they were all hushed but heated arguments at night when they thought he couldn't hear them, or else extremely embarrassing passive-aggressive arguments in public. Growing up, he found himself around a lot of angry people. And there's no shortage of anger in him, either.
So yeah, Deacon knows when people are pissed, and he knows when people are pissed at him. The thing is, he just thinks it's fucking hilarious. He was that kid that would goad peers and teachers just to be an asshole and had virtually no friends as a result. He's a menace on the internet, too: a horrible troll for no reason, stirring the pot even when he doesn't have a stake in the argument. He's trained himself to find people's weak spots so he can strike at them. He does it to make himself feel more in control of his life and his own anger.
So when you're ticked off, he's gonna notice the change immediately. If you made a vent post on social media, he probably knows you're angry before you even see him. He follows all your social media (even if you don't realize it) and checks it constantly. He'd call you out of curiosity to ask what happened. He's open about his stalking tendencies: "I saw your post, babe, who do I need to stab?"
If you otherwise come home angry, he'll be up on his feet, following you around the house and pestering you, trying to get you to tell him what's wrong. If you try to hug him, he won't push you away, but he'll be distracted, trying to needle answers out of you the whole time.
There's no question in his mind as to whether or not you're angry at him. He just assumes you're not; he has a pretty good handle on how you act when you're angry at him specifically.
He'll let you rant all day if you want. You could talk about the shit that's pissed you off for hours and he'd still listen. Outwardly, he might poke you a bit and play devil's advocate for the other side of the argument, if there is one. This is purely for the purposes of being a little shit.
Internally, he's already going down his pre-murder checklist. If it was someone at work, they're dead. Someone in the neighborhood, dead. Online? It'll take a couple days, but they're dead. Even if you're not angry at anyone in particular, just a situation, he'll find someone to menace. He'd walk through fire for your approval.
He's not good with soft, emotional comfort, so instead he'll try to think of something to help you let off steam. His go-to is something competitive, especially if it involves you chasing each other. A Nerf or water gun war, a PVP game with you on opposite sides. He'll put up a good fight, but you always kick his ass.
Once the immediate situation is addressed and you've ranted your heart out to him, he can't keep his hands off you. "Seeing you all pissed off drives me crazyyyyyy." He's grinning, brown eyes sparkling. "Come onnnnn ... I'll get it off your mind!"
Courtney Dwayne Delmont (OC)
Courtney is a hunter of all manner of game, so he's used to interpreting non-verbal cues and body language—when an animal is in distress, when an animal is about to attack, etc. His grandfather was a very angry man, as well, in a simmering sort of way. He would seethe about something before suddenly delivering one decisive strike. Courtney himself is not a particularly angry man, unless some prey is really giving him a hard time, but he can read your body.
If you come home angry, he'll stop in the middle of what he's doing and watch you, still and quiet, just confirming his suspicions. If you leave the room he's in to go collapse on the sofa or something, he'll follow you, looming over you and waiting for you to tell him what's wrong. He's patient.
If you want to vent, he'll sit and listen thoughtfully, doing something with his hands while you speak—probably cleaning his gun or some other weapon. He doesn't look at you. He wouldn't demand greater context to the situation but he would ask "Why?" and "Who?" until he understood Enough.
If you want comfort, he'll sprawl on the couch and let you lay on top of him. He'll probably pull a blanket on top of you to try and encourage a nap. If the nap doesn't make you feel better, he's feeding you protein. Do you like homemade jerky?
Sex is also on the table (not literally ... unless). He's found it's a great way to blow off steam, and he's more than happy to make all worries, troubles, and other thoughts go away for a little bit. Expect that to be the rest of your night, though, because he doesn't do quickies.
Generally, he trusts you to handle your own shit, so he would be more focused on you than whatever made you feel the way you do. However, if days passed and you were still angry/upset/sad, or if it plunged you into a breakdown or was an otherwise extremely serious situation ... just give him a target. It's up to you, but if you tell him to take the shot, it'll be quick and clean. If you're unable to make the decision, he'll decide for you without hesitation.
Kathleen Montgomery (OC)
I'm still developing her so this one won't be as in-depth and is subject to change.
Kath makes it her business to know everything about you. Chances are she's seen you explode screaming while stalking you ... chances are, if you've been in a relationship for a while, she's made you explode screaming. She knows what you look like when you're angry. Besides, she's strong for her size, but she often has to take down people who are much bigger and stronger than her; she uses manipulation and trickery to help ease that divide, so she's good at reading people.
Like Deacon, she also monitors all your social media, so if you made a vent post, she already knows you're in a shitty mood before you come home. Unlike Deacon, she doesn't tell you how she knows, so you're left to assume she's just all knowing. Considering her god complex, that works for her.
She'd probably text you to come home, and she expects you to answer. If you're unable to come home, she'll call you to ask what's wrong.
Once you're together, she wants to know everything about the situation. Even as you're speaking, she's already on her phone or laptop, looking up the people involved. Instead of getting mad on your behalf, she laughs. She's a fan of emphasizing how pathetic or weak the opposition is.
She takes your feelings on the subject seriously, but everyone else in the situation? Insects. Not even worthy of your time or concern, let alone hers. You're obviously in the right here (even if you're not). She'll tell you as much, and say some pretty intense, over-the-line things about whomever/whatever you're angry at.
Overall, however, she's calm and collected about the situation. Your bout of anger is a chance to get you to be reckless with her. She'll do your hair and makeup and dress you up nice, then take you out. Fast driving, drinking, baiting people at bars, menacing neighborhoods ... maybe a little killing, if you'd like.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
so…now that we all know what you DISLIKE about star wars (and 400% fairly so, you have my full support here)…
what drew you into the universe, what keeps you around?
favorite characters, ships (OTPs or actual spaceships lol), overall themes, do you have a favorite random weird creature or robot that you adore? whatever you wanna talk about!
go off honey (again, but supportively 💖💖💖)
tax paid: the very nerdy star wars punk vest i made and the even nerdier matching vest i made for starsky
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Lmaooo, entirely valid. You were like "star wars?" and I was like the drunk person at the bar who can't stop shouting about how much their ex sucks. But now that I have gotten all that off my chest, let's talk about why I love it (since if I didn't love it, I wouldn't have such strong opinions). Basically my feelings on the OG SW trilogy are similar to my feelings on the OG LOTR trilogy, as that tumblr post floating around somewhere put it: sure, they have flaws, but also, they're perfect. I have a complicated relationship with the prequels, as do we all, since George Lucas cannot write dialogue or direct actors to save his life (stick to what you're good at, George, hire other people to do the rest), but even they have their moments. Like. Hit me with that "Across the Stars" love theme, John Williams. Gahh. Just like that.
Because... Star Wars wasn't actually this omnipresent corporate global entertainment monolith when it started out. It was a dorky low-budget indie sci-fi film in the 1970s which everyone thought was going to bomb. But it told a simple and compelling story in an interesting way, everyone agrees that ESB is one of the best films/sequels ever made, and then ROTJ gave it a happy ending while it was still okay to do that. My main thematic gripe with the Disney trilogy (I will try to keep those to a minimum, lol, but I have to bring it up to compare) is that it very clearly fell into the "actual happy endings are naive and unrealistic and a cynical postmodern audience won't accept anything less than things being Bad" trap that, yet again, we have GOT to thank for. It obviously existed to some degree before that, but GOT blew it up to huge levels, where the only valid situation or character is that which is Grimdark and Depressing. Which, in my view, misses the heart and soul of what SW is all about??
Like. ESB is genuinely dark. ANH was this fun plucky little sci-fi film where the scrappy good guys won the day against the Nazi stand-ins, as they were supposed to, and then ESB comes along (speaking of John Williams, let us all chant together, DUH DUH DUH DUHDUHDUH DUHDUHDUH, DUH DUH DUH DUHHHH DUHHH DUHHH DUHHHH) and things go... wrong. Leia and Han are on the run for most of the movie, then get captured and tortured by the Empire and and betrayed (however unwillingly) by Lando. The Rebellion is attacked on Hoth (I tell you, those fuckin AT-AT walkers were SCARY when you see it as a young kid for the first time), and forced into hiding. Luke loses his hand, doubts Obi-Wan and Yoda and realizes that his mentors are fallible, makes dumb mistakes, and of course gets hit with The Most Famous Line In Movie History. But it's also just adrenaline and excitement. THE ASTEROID FIELD! THE HAN-LEIA BANTER! THE FIRST LUKE-VADER DUEL! THE FACT THAT YOU HEAR TWO FRICKING NOTES OF THE IMPERIAL MARCH AND YOU'RE JUST LIKE OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAHHHH!
But also then... Return of the Jedi. It gets shat upon for the Ewoks and reusing the Death Star as the Big Bad and being supposedly cheesy and not as Thematically Dark as ESB. Which is all kinda silly, in my opinion, but also, can we talk about Luke Skywalker's character arc and how he chooses possibly the most radical compassion ever demonstrated by a hero in an action movie, let alone a space opera. He insists that Anakin Skywalker is still in there somewhere and puts his own neck on the line to prove it. Luke doesn't save the galaxy by being a Badass Jedi. He saves it by throwing away his lightsaber and saying "I will not fight you, Father." He saves it by trusting that even in the depths of darkness, Anakin can come back from the charred ruins of Darth Vader and finally do what he was supposed to do all along. He can end Palpatine for good and all (we don't talk about "Somehow Palpatine has returned" because it's nonsense, obviously). Anakin can avenge the Jedi and what was done to him and all the lies he believed and the pain he wreaked on the galaxy, even then. It's not too late. It's not too late. Like. I don't care if this is Lightweight or Childish or whatever. It makes me CRY every time I watch it. Especially the moment where Luke takes off Anakin’s helmet and sees how ruined he actually is under there, and yet the downfall and death of the trilogy’s chief villain is not triumphant at all but instead utterly heartbreaking. “You were right about me Luke... tell your sister... you were right.”
Excuse me, I need to just /CRIES INTENSELY/
Luke won't be tempted to the dark side for his own sake, but Leia's ("If you will not join me, then perhaps she will"). I likewise hold firmly that Anakin/Vader is one of the best movie villains/antiheroes of all time and likewise have many feelings and Strong Opinions about his arc, prequel writing clumsiness and eye-rollingly tepid love story aside. (See: he and Obi-Wan were deeply in love and in a way they still are, don't @ me. I have no problems with Padme and obviously stan Natalie Portman at all times, but Anakin and Obi-Wan’s relationship is the real love story, the heart of the prequels, and in some ways even the subsequent movies, the end.) And “so this is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause” is... raw af as a line. For being in a Star Wars prequel movie. What?? (Also, the Revenge of the Sith novelization had no business being as good as it was. If only that dude had also written the movie.)
Anyway, my point is: the OG trilogy had plenty of moments of staggering emotional weight and where things genuinely sucked for the good guys and the outcome wasn’t entirely clear. The difference is that it didn’t choose to dwell on them, and it allowed for a transformative fictional space where a happy ending, fiercely fought for and squarely earned, was the right outcome. We didn’t need to go back thirty years later and make everything suck for fear that a cynical modern audience couldn’t connect with it otherwise. (Like I said, we didn’t need the new movies at all, but Disney heard that Cha-Ching of the Almighty Dollar). Star Wars was sci-fi, sure, but it also had the fantasy elements that allowed a happy ending to be the right choice for what we saw the characters go through and the philosophy that carried us through the original trilogy.
Likewise it’s just... Peak as far as dynamics go. C-3PO the fussy metal butler who worries about Everything and R2-D2 who is the droid embodiment of YOLO? Flawless. Sassy scruffy space pirate and badass politician warrior princess bicker constantly, butt heads, drive each other crazy, and then fall in love? Iconic. (And has shaped my ship tastes for... all of eternity, oops.) The above-discussed transformation of Luke Skywalker, whiny ordinary teenage kid, to the truly great man who fulfills what Obi-Wan, Yoda, AND the rest of the entire Jedi order couldn’t manage to do, because of their own flaws and blind spots and black-and-white moral views that didn’t know what to do with a man who loved as passionately as Anakin Skywalker, for better or for worse? The guy who managed to save the galaxy with love? STAN.
So... what? The Disney trilogy decides to retcon all that, throw everything that they’ve fought for out the window, make Han, Leia, and Luke miserable and rejecting the roles they grew into in the original trilogy, and die without ever really reuniting or seeing each other again as a trio? The underlying message was that “these happy endings aren’t satisfactory/realistic/sophisticated enough” and idk, maybe it’s just the shitshow of the last few years, but I’d like to see some entertainment that had the cojones to tell me that despite all the darkness and despair, maybe there’s a chance for hope. (”Rebellions are built on hope,” thank you Only Valid New Star Wars Movie Rogue One.) And Rogue One worked so well, despite being utterly GUTTING as all the heroes died one by one, because we knew what was coming next (A New Hope) and that their sacrifice was going to be worth it. I don’t care if that’s “realistic” or not. As I’ve said before, that’s what stories are for, and if I only wanted things that were Real Life, I would only read the news. Besides, the idea that happy endings never happen in reality is equally bullshit. We as a culture need to accept that more, instead of finding reasons to tear everything down.
So just... yes. The original trilogy might have flaws, but also, it’s perfect. And do I want to rewatch it all now? Kinda.
(Anyway. I warned you this was gonna be long. Oh look, it’s long, and I’m sure there is even more I could say, but still. Ahem.)
sleepover weekend asks
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fregget-frou · 3 years
I saw someone else share piccrews of some redacted characters, so I wanted to share what I thought they looked like and some small headcannons to go with the photos :)
I only did the freelancer audio characters, but I might do more characters in the future!
💕💞💗💖💓💝💘 let’s get to it then!
First, I wanna start with my character, Ben!
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-goes by they/he pronouns and is ace but sex positive(registers Gavins relationship as platonic)
-they’re tall and skinny (tallest out of everyone, around 6’7; yes I made my oc tall I like it >:[ )
-love language is gift giving and tiny acts of affections. He likes to use his friends as taste tester when cooking new things. His favorite is mushroom risotto :)
-they have the matching friendship necklace but he usually wears his og gold necklace over their clothes(also this picrew didn’t let me choose both :[)
-they’re 24, took 1.5 years of college before needing to move across state and that’s where they eventually found D.A.M.N a year after moving
-their hair is super poofy and hates humidity, it makes them look like a Pomeranian. It’s like eternal 80s hair cut for them lol (this picrew also didn’t have a fluffy enough hair choice.)
-uses y’alld’ve unironically, Damien cringes whenever he does
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-goes by he/him pronouns
-he’s 23
-his love language is physical touch, so hugs and handholding are a norm with his friends
-has a matching friendship bracelet and necklace with Ben(also with Gavin but they haven’t met yet; Ben tells him Gavins cool so he doesn’t mind)
-can bake like no one’s business, seriously his cakes and sweets are phenomenal!!
- he’s tall (6’5)and has huge shoulders, can most definitely lift about everyone up off the ground.
-he’s from a small town in California, eternal accent that is adorable
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-goes by he/they pronouns and is ftm, also 23
-third shortest (5’7)
-he likes to make small post-it note origami when they’re talking to students, very nimble fingers they always turn out so cute! He made a jumping frog for Ben once and Ben still has it
-sweater vests for days, he loves light academia
-he’s more of a tea person, coffee only adds to their jittery nature and when he does get coffee it’s decaf
-huge imagination, listening to them talk about their characters for DnD, fandoms and original stories is so fun because he fleshes out characters and worlds so well. You could seriously listen to him for hours it’s so interesting!
- Gavin and him talk sometimes, usually about work but sometimes Lasko, Gavin and Ben go out for hotdogs and talk about stuff. Still a nervous reck around Gavin but he’s getting better :)
-the only thing this man knows how to make well is an omelette, everything else is either from a box or he’s strictly following a recipe like their life depends on it
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-goes by he/him pronouns and is 22
-blind as a bat without his glasses, they are so thick I swear he would bump into a wall without them.
-incredibly competitive, everything will turn into a competition with y’all I swear putting away pens faster is not something we should be testing right now Damien
-can use his hands to heat up drinks
-avid tea drinker, if he hears you say coffee or god forbid, energy drinks are better than tea it’s an immediate argument
-for some reason he shows his care with arguments, but like, he also does it with people he dislikes?? Maybe for his friends it’s a debate.
-also can’t cook, main person Ben gives new recipes to because one, he’s good at constructive criticism and two, it’s really his only decent meal this week
The second shortest in this batch (5’4) he’s our short king tho dw
-uses 5 in 1 shampoo
-hates y’alld’ve. Gets visibly angry whenever Ben says it. Ben still does it
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-this is his human form, still won’t change his eyes to a normal color
-his demon form is similar to a teifling? His skin is bright pink, his horns are similar to rams horns with ridges. He’s like really tall is his demon form (almost 7 feet damn) and has hooves and a traditional spear shaped demon tail. His eyes are a bright orange
-usually uses He/him pronouns but he’s to sexc for gender
-dresses in strictly unbuttoned Hawaiian shirts with enough jewelry to make him jingle every time he moves. If he wants to be heard that is.
-has toe beans on his hands in demon form. Yes Ben likes to squish them when they chill together.
-has movie nights with Ben often, his favorites are treasure planet and wall E.
-have you ever been hugged by him?? Amazing beautiful gorgeous this man his is built for hugs.
-flamboyant as shit, but it’s endearing so we put up with it.
-he’s 5’10 in human form, it does not stop him from being hella strong and being able to lift furniture easily.
-always chooses walugi in mariokart
-made friendship necklaces with Ben and Caelum once, still wears it with his jewelry.
-heard about how Ben made an extra for one of his friends Huxley, also wants to meet him but for different reasons. You better not do anything weird man |:[
And last but not least, Caelum!
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-goes by all pronouns, also does not care about gender whatsoever
-so smol,, 4’11 so teeny we love to see it
-also wears lots of Hawaiian shirts but has a amazing collection of super soft sweaters and hoodies.
-in his demon form he is lavender, with smaller smooth/glossier horns on his forehead and soft dark purple eyes. Most demons have no pupils or irises in their demon form :]
-he. Has. Paws!! His toe beans are so cute ugh <3
-loves to accessorize with beads and hair clips. Also makes manny loom bracelets and bead bracelets.
-yknow those crazy loom bracelet makers? These ones? Yeah he’s an expert at those he can make little mini people with them seriously.
-also likes to give gifts to his friends, he knits super soft sweaters
-he’s so fast on his tiny legs, chill out man!!
-he likes to join Ben and Gavin on their movie nights, his favorite movies to watch is the toy story franchise and the ice age franchise
-he has a blanket in Bens room that he specifically sleeps with when they have sleepovers.
-fluffy hair, braid it while his chills and talks about stuff it’s so calming
-bonus: his usual facial expressions can be summed up to; :O, :D , :3, >:]. If he has a phone he’d use those.
I might draw them if I have time but anyways have a nice week!
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sugarcomatosed · 3 years
i love your stories so much!! and was wondering if you can give some writing tips perhaps? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Breaking this up into sections for you + putting it under a cut cause I went overboard. 😅
General Writing Tips
These work for both academic and creative writing.
Make an outline.
It doesn't have to be a formal one, but having at least a general idea of the scenes you want to include is helpful. If I know my fic is going to be a longer one (like Don't Hesitate was and my current WIP is), I break down the larger story beats i want to hit on a piece of paper or my iPad.
It's good to know what you're planning to do, in a any piece I usually have a single specific scene I want to do and depending on what it is, I might either just do the scene I want to or turn into something longer.
Draft, draft, draft.
I cannot stress the importance of going through and reviewing your work. This is a big part of any sort of writing.
Your first idea isn't always your best idea. As you work on a piece you might find your original idea is holding you back, focus shifts! Don't be afraid to let your work change as you go. It's not always easy to let go of your original idea but if you find it's not working, you have to let it change. Sections will need to be rewritten, things have to be readjusted to fit with later sections. Reread for clarity while you're drafting and look to see if this makes sense to you, or reads well to you. If you can't follow it and you wrote it, chances are your reader can't either. Did you use the same phrase again and again? Find and search it on your doc to double check.
Sometimes you have to cut things you really like because they just don't contribute to the fic anymore. Save those bits and use them somewhere else!In a lot of my longer pieces I will write a paragraph, realize that's not where it should go and cut/paste it into another part of the doc because the pacing/scene doesn't make sense where I had it originally, but it works somewhere else.
If you're stuck, skip around, come back and then stitch the bits you have written together.
Don't Focus on a Word Count
This might be controversial, but I'm of the opinion just because something is longer does not make it better. Some works are short, and that's okay! I very rarely try to aim for a specific count of words unless it's for a prompt exchange or a personal challenge. I write till I feel the piece is done. Some stories require more words, some require less.
Don't Hesitate is a great example of this again, because all I wanted to do was a bittersweet first kiss fic, but jumping write into the kiss wouldn't get the full effect I wanted. Meanwhile, with Old Habits all I wanted to do was write dumb comedic kisses, we didn't need a 2k preamble.
Get Someone You Trust to Edit
My go to editor for the past six years or so is one of my good friends. She has edited everything from college papers to my fics for me before I post them to read for clarity, find any funky phrases or misspelled words I missed, and I do the same for her when she asks! A fresh set of eyes makes a world of a difference. Find someone to trade fics with or ask a friend! They might have good suggestions you never thought of, or be able to tell what you were going for when you don't even know yourself.
I also rely on my friends a lot to brainstorm and talk my ideas out before I start because it helps me think and figure out what I need. It's super common for me to text someone and say "im gonna spitball at you, that okay?" and then spend twenty minutes chatting through my ideas.
Have Reference Material
For my 13sar fics, I regularly go back and review/screenshot videos of the dialogue to make sure I am staying consistent with story events, character nuance and small details. You don't have to go crazy, but it is really helpful to have your source material to go back to and check yourself against. In non creative writing I always had a pile of papers highlighted with my own notes on the margins.
Take Breaks/Pace Yourself
Know your own limits, and if you are working and working on something and it's not coming out leave it alone and come back to it. I'm really bad at this personally because when I get an idea in my head I want to see it through but sometimes you gotta step back! It's not healthy to keep working on things and overwork yourself. Stretch, get up go for a walk.
Write What You Want to Write
Don't focus on what people want to read. Focus on what you like. Find a topic, a scene, anything that you are passionate about and the rest will follow. The only time I write fic for other people is when I am writing for a friend. Even prompt requests I only take open ended ones, if I am not interested in writing it it's not gonna happen. I know it's super hard and I get really anxious sometimes about letting people down now, or worrying people won't like something but then I step back and remind myself this is a hobby and I'm doing it for fun.
Play to Your Strengths
You shouldn't try to write like me, you should try to write like yourself. Find what skills you have and use them to your advantage!
I can't give you a step by step list to write like me, because nobody in the world has my background! We're all unique. Everything I've listed so far I know because I'm not a beginner anymore! I'm in my twenties and have come from a strong academic writing background.
I took on an intensive course load in high school, and then went onto college for a sociology degree. I very rarely had test based finals and at the end of each semester would have five 10-15 page papers to submit. Straight up some of my skills come from having read and studied the works of anthropologist Clifford Geertz. I am not saying you should read anthropology/sociology texts. Unless you like that sort of thing lol
I also have 6+ years of theater experience (acting & directing), I use this all the time for my writing. When I think about a scene, I think about how I would work through it as an actor, how the character would move, and how would things read to an audience. The GOTE ("Goal, Obstacle, Tactics, and Expectation") method of acting by Robert Cohen is really useful hear if you want a more technical breakdown of what I mean by that.
This leads to a lot of what we called "business" in acting, doing small tiny things while you talk or move around on stage to give the sense you're a real human. I don't have to think or try on these sort of things because they're in my skill set already!
Things I do Personally
As in, these are not transferable skills this is just the stuff I do while working on projects.
Find a Vibe™️
I come into any fic with usually a goal I want to hit, a line of dialogue or something I want to capture. Just like, the general idea of a feeling a song even if the lyrics don't match up. Make a mood-board, a playlist, just find something you wanna do. It's less about the actual words on the page and what you're aiming to do.
Look to things that inspire you
Don't Hesitate got written because I wanted to write a fic that captured the same vibe as a scene in Macross Frontier, where two characters have a bittersweet kiss before the final battle and that scene still has me fucked up six years after watching it.
My current WIP is doing the same thing but with the song All I've Ever Known from Hadestown. Two characters working through loneliness, the sudden feeling of falling in love and the frustration that feeling can bring on sometime.
I don't plagiarize them word for word, but these are scenes that inspire me! I also patchwork quilt ideas together. Using Don't Hesitate again, I also ended up pulling from a bunch of shoujo anime, Toradora, Sailor Moon, Yona of the Dawn, Princess Tutu...specific scenes I enjoy to blend and create something new.
Goof Off While You Write
I name my documents stupid things, I write dumb placeholder dialogue or vague sentiments like "insert better word here", I make memes when I'm struggling and roast myself and my predictable tastes.
I spent twenty minutes texting a friend Juro's name with different letters spelt out and then the "fuck your chickenstrips" vine saying it was Juro during destruction. Just have fun with it!
Listen to J-POP On Loop for Hours at a Time
i am not kidding I do this all the time. Perfume, AKB48, anime idol osts, Sailor Moon's OPs/ED, vocaloid songs. I like technopop and Japanese is good because it usually doesn't distract my brain since I only know random phrases, but still know what the meaning og the song is.
I love music, it helps me vibe out.
Thank you so much for enjoying my work ;o;
I hope this is useful to you in some way! I'm so sorry it's so long winded but I am overly thorough and love to teach people ;w;
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miru667 · 3 years
A few notes on Audrey (and the Once-ler)
I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and also a lot of words of support and kindness from so many ppl, so I first wanna say thank you, you know who you are and it all means more than i can say ♥
I’ve been asked to explain more on what I think about Audrey and the Once-ler as a ship, so I’ll use this space to talk.
And I think I’ll first talk about Audrey. When I draw Audrey nowadays I’m really only drawing my own Audrey OC or my friends’ Audrey OCs, and we’ve all made them different ages from the canon Audrey in the 2012 movie. Everyone’s Onceler ocs are different ages, so why not Audrey ocs? I’ve seen Audreys as young as 5 and as old as 60. This isn’t unusual at all for the onceler fandom; it’s this level of imagination and creativity that has kept the fandom going for over 8 years. I haven’t drawn canon Audrey in a rly long time (but maybe I could again someday, who knows).
I headcanoned my own Audrey as 15-16 during the movie, and I made a mainverse askblog for her back in 2012 which took place right after the movie’s plot had finished. In 2018 I then revisited her to rp her in a zombie apocalypse AU, BUT I wanted to start her story with her already being a seasoned zombie slayer, so I pretended some years have passed since her mainverse days and made her 18. That is the only reason I aged her up.
And true to the OG onceler fandom, my friends and I then made more AUs, so I kept my Audrey at 18 or older since I got used to it. She actually should be 24 right now if I used her mainverse askblog as a starting point and let her age in real-time (which is what a lot of onceler fandom mods have done with their characters), but I have a couple college AUs with my friends for example so I kept her younger than 24 for those.
Being passionate about your own versions of the movie’s characters, changing them a little (or a lot), putting them in AUs, letting them grow up, this is all natural onceler fandom-brand progression for any person who invests themselves in a lorax-related oc for longer than a few months.
You are free to agree or disagree with changing a character’s age. Please curate your own fandom experience by ignoring, blacklisting or blocking content you don’t want to see.
As for shipping, if you got to know me at all then you'd know that i actually very rarely ship or think about ships in any fandom, relative to everything else i engage in/share/talk about. I know you guys have seen me talk about 7212 but that was only cuz I was prompted, even tho it’s my fandom otp. Shipping just isn’t a big part of my life at all in the grand scheme. I’ll say like 2 things about a ship i think is neat and then just move on usually.
That said, I DO ship my non-canon Audrey with my friends’ characters for fun once in a blue moon, and a few of those characters ARE Once-lers, also non-canon. But we have always agreed beforehand that they are the same or similar ages, and that they’re both consenting adults. I’ll do my best to mention this detail in the tags or description of any audrey ship art i draw and post, and please let me know in private if I forget to. I’m extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a teen with an adult, and I do not condone it.
Some other odds and ends...I’ve portrayed my Audrey having a celebrity crush on the Once-ler before in mainverse, but it was obviously one-sided and never to be reciprocated. I think that’s pretty normal for a teenage girl. I also have my Audrey’s Ted crushing on her, but that won’t be reciprocated romantically either.
When I have reblogged non-oc audler before, I have always assumed that they were both consenting adults as well. Audler is a crackship, which means it can’t ever exist in canon, which means we are free to imagine space and time shenanigans for Audrey and Onceler to have met while they were similar ages. People age down Norma to ship her with a young Once-ler when they don’t even know either character’s canon ages (like who knows, what if old onceler and grammy norma are actually 10 yrs apart?), but in young normaler art we think of them as similar ages. So the same can be applied to audler art as well. We should just think they’re mostly the same age for our own mental peace.
I have tagged a few posts/reblogs with #audler even if it looked like they were just friends in the picture - this is to keep people who have blacklisted audler as safe as possible while still getting to make my blog my own personal organized space. I reblog art mostly because I like the execution/style; the content is actually of lower importance to me. If you read the tags I write in my non-onceler-fandom reblog blog, you can see i am 90% of the time gushing about how beautiful the lighting is etc and only 10% of the time saying i love the character or ship. or at least that’s how it feels like in my head. im here to look at art, not ships.
I understand if there are still people who are uncomfortable with all this and you’re of course allowed to not interact with any of it. I am not interested in engaging in drama or discourse but I think a lot of new people in the fandom must not be familiar with how the fandom has been working since the beginning and the things we had collectively agreed upon in the fandom since the beginning, so I hope this post helps clear up some confusions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far and thank you to all my followers for supporting me and sticking with me and being interested in my stuff, it really means the world to me. Please stay safe and let’s hope the new year is better.
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deathpuppies12 · 4 years
The perfect Gift
Cloud Strife x Teen! Reader
Sum: (y/n) struggles to find the best gift for Cloud. It’s especially difficult when the keep moving around to different towns. With a little help from some friends it turns out just fine.
(This is post remake, kind of OG game)
Cloud’s birthday was coming and it was coming fast. In fact it’s tomorrow and I still can find him a good enough gift. It’s not my fault Cloud only has like two interests. Buying him a sword seems very out of the question. He has plenty of materia and materia is such a lame gift. That leaves me no ideas. Everyone else already has things for him, all except Red.
We’re stopping in a near town to take a break from walking around so much. I feel very lucky to be traveling with everyone. But even I’ll admit it’s starting to take a toll on me. Everybody else is out right exploring, I opted to stay in our room. I need think up ideas before we leave or I won’t ever find anything.
“Hey (y/n) what are you still doing here”
Tifa’s back.
“Thinking of gift ideas for Cloud”. “what did you get him again”?
“Oh I’m just gonna treat him to breakfast”
Ughh, that doesn’t help me at all!
“Hey what do you say we walk around town and try to find something”. “Cloud and Aerith are out right now so I’m sure we will have plenty of time”.
Well this is the best chance I got.
We head out of the hotel in search of a great gift. Maybe some help finding stuff won’t be so bad. Especially Tifa’s help, their child hood friends. If anyone would know what Cloud likes it would be her. We stop into one of those really basic essentials stores.
“How about we look at cards first”?
“Yeah, ok”.
Stopping by the cards , I look for the birthday ones. Would he like one of the basic ones or a funny one. Or one of the ones that make sound. Nah probably not those. Is Cloud the type to like notes written inside or just a basic ‘happy birthday from’. I feel like I should know these things. I’ve been traveling with him for so long. He would know these things about me.
“How about this one”?
I turn towards Tifa and see her holding a card with a chocobo on it. As soon as I saw the Chocobo I already had great note for the inside.
“This ones perfect”!
“Alright let’s go find an actual gift now”.
Maybe this wasn’t as hard as I was making it out to be. I’m really glad Tifa is here, I don’t know what I would do without her. We stop into a another store, but this one is way bigger.
“Hey y’all what are you doing”?
“Hey Barret, I’m trying to help poor (y/n) find a gift for Cloud”.
“SOILDER-boy hard to shop for”?
I can only nod my head this, that’s an under Statement.
“Well don’t worry I’ll help to, Red went back to the hotel, so I got nothing else to do”!
I’ll take all the help I can get. Walking around looking at everything they have. I try to gauge in my mind what Clouds reaction to different things would be.
“How about this”.
In Barrets hand is a charm of a tiny sword. He picks up another one of the charms this one is of Chocobo with a moggle on its back.
“He could put them on the end of his sword”!
“That’s a great gift idea, don’t you think (y/n)”?
“Yeah it is, let’s get em”!
Now I’ve got a gift and a card. It still feels like something is missing. We start to make our way back to the hotel. On our way we run into Aerith. I thought she was with Cloud.
“Hey what are you guys doing”?
“Getting Cloud birthday gifts, speaking of Cloud where is he”?
“Oh, he went back to the hotel to get some rest”.
Good I would hate for him to see the gifts early.
“What did you get”?
I show Aerith the gifts and the card. She thinks there cute. But It still doesn’t feel right though.
“You know, I found out Cloud has a big sweet tooth”, Aerith says.
“That’s it, ill meet you guys back”!
I run off to the nearby bakery. I don’t wanna get anything to big. I looking around, I start to feel hungry myself. No (y/n), remember why your here. I get him a simple cupcake with little frosting. Now all I need to do is make sure I hide these until his actual birthday. Which is thankfully tomorrow.
I reach the hotel room to find everybody sleeping. Good, I hide my bags of stuff in one of the dressers.
Clouds pov
Waking up to sunlight slipping through the blinds. I look around to find nobody else here. Huh where did they all go. I notice (y/n) still sleeping though. Well not everybody is gone. Checking time, it’s 6:30 should I wake her up, It is still pretty early. Before I can decide Tifa walks into the room.
“Morning Cloud, come one I’m treating you to breakfast”.
“Uh, why”?
“Your birthday silly, don’t tell me you forgot”
My birthday, is it really my birthday already.
“You did forget, don’t tell (y/n) that”, she laughs a little saying that.
“Why not”, why would (y/n) care.
“She spent all day yesterday trying to find you the perfect gift”.
She did, she didn’t have to it’s not that big of deal. It’s just me slowly getting closer to my impending death.
“Well come on, we can wake her up when we get back”.
I suppose that would be better. Besides it is super early. We also don’t have to leave anywhere so what’s the harm in letting her sleep in a bit. I take one last look before heading to breakfast with Tifa.
“Do you think we should bring her something back”?
“What do you mean Cloud”?
“Well she spent all yesterday getting a gift for me the least I could do is bring her breakfast”.
“Cloud you silly, she did that cause it’s your birthday and she wanted to. But we can still bring her something back if it puts you at ease”.
Your POV
I wake up to no one in the room with me. Awesome means I can lay in bed in peace. I pull out the book I’ve been reading from bag. I need some entertainment while we travel. I have music player to but reading is more my style. Before I can get to deep in my book some body comes into the room.
“Hey your up, we brought you breakfast”, it’s Tifa and Cloud.
“Awesome thanks”!
I put my book away and sit up. I glance at Cloud, I wonder when I should give him his gifts.
“Well I gotta go meet up with Aerith so you to have fun”.
Tifa heads out leaving just me and Cloud. It’s kinda awkward, we haven’t really talked as much as of late. But that’s only cause of the circumstances. Well I guess now is the best time to give him gifts. I slip out of bed and over to the dresser. Pulling out the bags, I place them in front of him.
He gives me a questioning look before looking inside. Hopefully he likes them. He pulls out the card first and reads the note. It makes him chuckle under his breath a little. Ok it’s good so far.
“Will you relax, your so tense I can feel it in my own shoulders”.
“Ok damn, you don’t have call me out like that”.
He pulls out the charms next, he glances over them. What he does next surprises me. He walks toward his Buster Sword and place them on the handle. I take that as he likes them. He comes back over and final takes out that last gift. The cupcake.
“She told you didn’t she”?
“Of course she did, she told everybody else to huh”.
“Great, I’m never gonna live this down”.
I laugh, “so, you like them”?
Cloud doesn’t say anything which is a little worrying. I glance back up at him and notice a very small sliver of a smile. Yes, I’ll have thank Tifa and Barret later.
“We should probably join everybody”.
“Yeah I guess”.
Before I can get up Cloud drops something in front of me. Laying on the bed is one of the charms. A charm of a Carbuncle.
“Thanks, now we match”!
I think I rewrote this like 3 times. I couldn’t decide in what time and place I wanted to set it at. Not the best thing I have ever written but I wanted to something sweet and cute for Cloud’s birthday.
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unagringagenerica · 3 years
I really want to start writing again but I’m not sure how to, so I’m thinking I’ll try to be on Tumblr again and see if shit inspires me I guess? It’s not really the same as a journal—not like the kind that Josh wants me to start for therapy, anyway—just a place where I’m gonna let myself write random thoughts. I miss having a place online that’s like “mine,” but not in the sense of like, Facebook or Instagram. My accounts there aren’t just “mine” because a bunch of other people I know can also see them, so I have to be mindful of what I’m putting on my page. I miss the internet being a place where I’m anonymous.
I miss writing, too. It feels like when I’m writing regularly I have a much more coherent sense of who I am and what I think about stuff. I don’t know what I want to write, though, which brings me back to my original problem. I think I’ll take it slow in the beginning. But I just worry about how the writing process contributes to like, forming my identity and forming my thoughts. Through the process of writing and editing—restructuring sentences, changing words, etc.—I may change the meanings of things without being aware of it. Or maybe I’m not aware of it on a conscious level, but it’s a subconscious way to present a palatable version of myself....to myself? But also at some point you’ve gotta stop and say “no this is what I think” and have that be that. Because you don’t wanna go nuts.
I’ve felt like I haven’t been able to write lately. Like I’ve lost the imagination for it or something. Maybe it was just being depressed. I also really don’t know what time period “lately” covers—probably Ashton and onward. I don’t know, Ashton eroded a lot of my confidence in myself I think. I want to talk to Alana about that more. I want to talk to her more about high school in general because that was a really weird time. Also my friends eroded my self esteem a lot. Becca and Kayla of course, but also Catherine. She really was not nice for a while, she’d always be telling me how annoying I was and how my interests were stupid. (Some of them were kinda dumb but still.) But then Becca and Kayla. Mostly Kayla. I don’t know, that’s when shit really got bad I feel like and when I started having such an issue about whether people liked me.
One thing I ask myself is why I held onto all these relationships where I was unhappy. Like Kayla and Ashton and Taylor, mostly. Like why did I keep putting so much of myself into it? Did I think that I couldn’t find better friends/partners? I mean I was so desperately lonely the first semester of freshman year of college, like Ashton was the only person I really talked to about deep shit. And the situation with him was.....the way that it was. It’s just so hard to remember things from that time period. I remember that I would text Ashton a lot, and one time we had that fight where he said he was getting bored with the relationship and we didn’t talk about anything substantial. That was true, we would just kind of send each other mushy texts and memes. But I like freaked out because I relied on it so much for reassurance—but I don’t know what it was even reassurance about. I mean, I guess reassurance that everything was ok between us. When things weren’t ok between me and Ashton it was like my whole world was falling apart. It felt like a reflection of who I was as a person.
I’m getting a little drunk now and I just have all these sad things to say. I sort of meant for this content to go in my iPhone notes app the way I used to. I meant for the Tumblr content to be more like comments on media I like or like, life in general, and the angsty personal shit to be saved for myself. I guess if I’m to talk about my relationships with media I will have to talk about some of the shitty relationships I’ve had with people, too, because reasons I don’t feel like describing. That would be interesting honestly. To talk about my relationship with media I like. Or media that I’ve seen. That would be fun, and I could just write whatever the fuck after I watched a TV episode or whatever.
(It’s funny, I can’t fathom what it would be like to not be able to put your thoughts to the page near-automatically. Well, maybe not my thoughts, exactly—is a thought a thought before you call it a thought? Does that question even mean anything?)
Josh and I are going to watch an episode of Star Trek tonight, maybe even two if I’m lucky. I don’t remember which one we’re on. [...] Ok I just checked, we’re about to watch Shore Leave which is a fucking great and hilarious episode. I can’t remember exactly what the plot is except they have a Shore Leave and everyone just goes batshit. I think there’s a K/S moment in there somewhere too. Oh my god, imagine if I got back into the K/S fandom. Oh my god, does a fandom still exist for TOS K/S? I mean it has to, right, it’s like the most famous slash pairing/non-canon pairing in existence. The OG, if you will. Maybe I will go back to whatever that website....the AAKSA! All-Ages Kirk/Spock Archive.
I was considering sharing this blog with Alana but lol.....maybe I won’t.......
I’m gonna quit writing this post now cause honestly I’m kind of lit and I want to watch Star Trek and maybe make Josh get me my vape.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Drabbles for Friends - Samantha
Pairing: Bucky x Reader Warnings: Smut, 18+ A/N: This one is for @sassy-pelican​ and I wrote it in my notes app a while back after we talked about a situation like this. I had so much fun writing it and I’m glad I have someone that’s equally as gaga as me to share it with. And with that...here’s the MASTERLIST and a server OG:
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You heard a knock at your door, not unusual in the evenings. Instead of the usual post-dinner ice cream heist you had Bucky with his Macbook on him in front of you. "Yeah?" "Can I come in?" "Sure." You closed the door behind him. "So, I have some questions about...sex nowadays." he mumbled a little shy. "Oh, yeah, sure." "Well, I don't know if you're aware but in the 40s you usually waited till you were married." he looked up. "Yeah, nothing wrong with being 100 and a virgin." you shrugged and sat down next to him. "So I've been online and..." "... watched porn?" He nodded. "Half of it is not realistic, just to take the shock away." you put your hands on his shoulder and he opened the laptop. "Do people really do this?" On the screen you saw BDSM porn, "Some people do. Definitely not from the beginning and most of them not this intense. Some people just like pain I guess. But it's not common to do it this intense." He scrolled down, "That's unrealistic." Another scroll & autoplay, "That's not how the average woman orgasms." End of the page, "Those aren't average dicks." He went silent, questioning internally if he should ask how many you've seen in your life. You took a sip from your goodnight tea before he mumbled, "Um, mine's...bigger." Resulting in you spiting out the tea you just drank, looking at him wide eyed. "Ho boy, you have to learn a lot about female anatomy and sex if you don't wanna hurt a woman then." You said, still a little surprised. "It's not as weird as I thought to talk about this with you." He sent another shy smile.
"If you need any advice or literally anything, just come to me. I won't make it weird, promise." You smiled, "The awkward facts are out of the way." "I mean, you could teach me if it's not that weird for you." He scratched his neck. "Like...friends with benefits or like a-" "-relationship. Yeah, if you don't mind, I mean this is a weird q-" He was interrupted by your sudden move onto his lap. "You've kissed before though." "Yeah." He grinned up at you before you craddled his face and kissed him. It turned a little bit more passionate than he expected, "This is usually the point where you-" Your hips were grabbed and pushed towards his center. "Lesson number one. Other than consent obviously. You can kiss me anywhere unless I tell you not to. You can undress me if I don't stop you. You're allowed to adventure my body and reactions, alright?" His left hand wandered under your shirt on your back, making you shiver. Teeth carefully biting your bottom lip. The hand wandered to the front, no bra since you were in your sleepwear, slowly massaging your boobs. Another shiver. "Good. Lesson two, you might need 10-20 minutes of this and similar things to get a woman wet enough for you. Although, I'd have to judge based on how big you are, you might have to do more." You bit your lip seductively and saw his jaw tick. "You like the talking aspect or should I shut up?" "Go on." he grumbled deep. "Hmm, your instincts kicking in, huh?" You smirked before your head was grabbed closer for a hungry kiss. "Damn." You reoriented yourself for a second, "Do you mind if I?" You tugged on his shirt, "No, darling." You uncovered a body that has been through a lot but still looked so untouched. "You don't necessarily want sex today, right? I could just tell you a bit more, show you what I can do." "You're taking the lead. Whatever you want, doll." Your hands wandered down on him, his eyes constantly looking at your amazed expression. "Give me your hand." He held out his right hand and you guided it between your legs. You pushed your shorts aside and let him brush over your damp underwear. "Darlin'!" he went wideeyed and heard you giggle. "You're doing this to me, you know? You make me wet." You said softspoken and saw him swallow. "Do I make you hard?" You whispered and watched him close his eyes in pleasure, trying to not moan. "Show me how hard I make you." You murmured, pulling on his sweatpants and hearing him groan softly. "Relax, I gotchu, honey." you whispered again as you got rid of the last layer, uncovering the true extend of 'Mine is bigger'. "Wow." You couldn't hold that comment back. "What?" he blushed a bit shy again. "I hoped you were joking but, wow. You'd need to eat a woman out before having fun with her." You thought out loud. "Eating out?" He dipped his head. "You know, put your head between her thighs and..." "I assume that's a lesson soon." He smirked with a dark undertone, oh, that man was willing to drive a woman crazy. "You bet it will be." you grinned as you reached down to put your hand around his length. "Fuck!" His head fell back. "Relax and enjoy, okay? This will feel good. I promise." you whispered as you started pumping him under hums and groans. "Lay back." You softly pushed him back before going onto your knees on the floor in front of the bed. "What are you- Fuuuck." Your mouth found its way around his cock. "Holy shit, darling." His hands grabbed onto your fitted sheets, slowly undoing them from the mattress. "Don't stop doing that." he murmured. The hand not around his base went to cup his balls and with the sound of your fitted sheet ripping you felt him shoot spurts of white into your mouth with a deep growl. "Fuck," he whispered out of breath. "Did that feel good?" you grinned climbing back on top of him. "That was...amazing. Damn, darling." He grabbed you down for a kiss. "You wanna feel how wet that made me?" You whispered and saw him shiver. "Put your hand into my panties and be very gentle, alright?" You watched him slowly do as he was told and look up at you to gauge a reaction, "You're doing good." His finger went over your clit and you hummed, "Oh, I learned that women like this a lot." "Most women can only come from this." His eyes went wide, "Only 25% of women orgasm because of a dick inside of them. Which is why porn is so misleading." "But you still want me to explore, right." He smirked and went further, closer to your wet channel. "Put two fingers inside of me." He looked up at you with a reluctant expression before doing it. "Is it supposed to be so..." "Tight?" "Yeah." "That's normal. That's why women need to be incredibly wet for men like you to...you know." "Okay, okay..." "Now curl the fingers towards you- Fuck." You closed your eyes. "Woah, women DO have an on-button." He murmured. "Well, some women won't feel shit when you do that. Others will. All women react differently. It's so important to ask them what they like." You opened your eyes again. "And what do you like?" He smirked. "A mouth on my clit and two fingers inside of me." You whispered and watched him bite his lip. "Sounds like something I should learn." "You want to watch me get off?" You asked softly as his fingers left you. "Do you have...um." "Yes, I have sex toys. Should I show you and use them?" "Oh, so that's common?" "Mostly, yeah." You opened the bedside drawer and got out a little bag. "What does this do?" "You put it over or around your clit. Feels amazing." "And this?" "Oh, that goes inside." "Do these feel better than...men?" "Mostly. But I like sex cause I'm close to someone. You know?" "Yeah." "Which one?" "That one." "Uh, that'll make me come fast. You wanna watch up close or get off too? I don't mind either." "You're not an object, darling." "I know. Answer the question, baby." "Umm." "Pull off my pants." Another jaw tick and he carefully removed what you were wearing. "Push my legs apart." You murmured and he did with a bite of his lip. "Woah, that's all from what we just did?" "What can I say, you turn me on quite a bit." A cheeky smile was interchanged. You placed the vibrator with the two ends around your clit, having it push open his view even more. "Touch yourself, for me, okay?" You bit your lip, got a distracted nod back and pushed the button. When you started to moan you saw him move his hand around his dick, when you started whimpering you saw him look you up and down before fixing his eyes onto your center. When you started to tense and shake with groans and moans he encouraged you, stroked your legs. When your chest quickly rose up and you put your free hand over your mouth he watched white cream leave your body. His too, but he didn't pay attention to that. You were still panting and shaking when he crawled over you, "That looked like it felt awesome." A dumb smirk was on his face, "God, you can't just lay over me like that." "Yes, I can. Didn't you say it might be easier to fuck you if you you already came?" He grinned and you felt his cock growing hard again. "We can try." you whispered a little surprised by his eagerness. "Guide me." "Let your instinct guide you...and maybe your softne- fuck yes." He slowly pushed into you. "God, so tight." He groaned. "So big." You whimpered back. "Gosh, darling. You feel so-" he growled into your ear. "Fuck, you hit that spot so good." The moment he bottomed out he groaned and looked down at you with a smile, "I understand the whole deal now." "You can just manhandle me however you need me. Want you to have a good time." "I'll take you up on that offer." He murmured before drawing back and pushing back into you, making you moan out. "Faster, Bucky, please!" You panted. "Alright, doll." He drove into you faster and faster, getting moan after moan after moan out of you. "Darling, want you to come with me." he whispered into your ear, your face grabbed by his other hand, driving into your body so deep. "Yesyesyes. Bucky, I'm gonna-" He felt you squeeze around his dick and felt a new level of bliss. "Fuck, darling, that feels amazing." "You like how nice I squeeze around your cock?" You bit your lip. "I like how you just say what you want and get so fucking dirty. Holy shit." he panted on top of you before falling down onto the bed next to you. "I corrupted you, huh?" You chuckled cuddling up to him. "I want you to keep corrupting me if that's what corruption feels like." he grumbled before pressing a kiss into your hair.
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(You get a cookie if you understand the two pics in this post)
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aesthetixallyexo · 5 years
good vibrations ; pcy
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word count: 1.6k
genre: smut
warnings: underground rapper!au, sex toys, overstim, edging, masturbation, oral sex
‘in which loey’s got some new songs. you enjoy them differently than others.’
**see end of work for more notes
  You had a ritual everytime Loey dropped something new. You’d wait for your boyfriend’s text saying his song was live, you’d grab your handy dandy toy, and find a whole new way to appreciate his music.
  The idea was all yours, kind of. Another fan of Loey had posted something online about this fantastic new vibrator that pulsed with the beat of your music. Given his deep voice and the heavy bass in the majority of his tracks, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
  He seemed a little apprehensive about the whole thing (you suspected that he felt like this toy was gonna replace him), but you managed to convince him how much fun the two of you could have with it together.
  Neither of you were strangers to sex toys; you’d played around with cock rings and the occasional cheap local-sex-store-bargain-bin mini hitachi wand (not to mention the secret box you’d stuffed in the back of your closet with a dildo and sample lube packets), but this was different.
  Despite his uncertainty, Chanyeol never knew erotic until he walked in on the sight of you coming undone to the sound of his voice and the vibrations it provided.
  You’d even convinced him to let you try it on him.
  Putting on the softest and slowest songs you had on your phone, you teased him with it over his boxers for well over an hour until he just couldn't take it anymore.
  All music from both of your respective libraries were at your disposal, and you found that the most sultry R&B tracks were your favourite to use against him. The slow tempo and soft voices meant steady vibrations until the song reached its climax. The two of you would go at that for hours; you massaging his cock through his boxers with the vibrator while he played with your tits.
  You favoured the slow pacing and the way R&B’s tease brought him over any genre you two had experimented with.
  All that being said, your boyfriend’s favourite type of music method of torture varied. Of course, there was no shortage of his music and that of other rappers in the scene that he’d produced for. It got to a point where you couldn’t listen to any of his music in public with feeling arousal.
  His new favourite was rock n roll; fast guitar, loud drums, and piercing voices meant you came fast and hard every damn time. As good as it was to cum to Kiss or Motley Crue, nothing was hotter to you than Chanyeol’s voice.
  You’d been at home all day while Chanyeol was in the studio. He was producing and featuring on a track for an up-and-coming new artist. Sending little snippets of a song wasn't uncommon, he valued what you thought and what you could add to perfect his music.
  Today was different.
  He’d sent you audio of a few new songs and a message.  
  from: chan
  to: you
  you know what to do, baby girl (;
 Giddy smile on your face, you put down your laundry and skipped to the bedroom. The vibrator was in the top drawer of your nightstand and the batteries were fresh. You plugged the cord into the base and pulled up the first untitled track while kicking off your panties. About four minutes in length, the song had a different vibe to his normal stuff.
  A high note introduced the song and it definitely wasn’t his voice. The toy whirred to life between your thighs unexpectedly and you squealed in surprise. This was definitely the song he was featured on.
i’m starting to draw it out
just like i saw
aren’t you sick
of all of the same shapes?
  The beat still hadn’t picked up yet, leaving a very soft pulse on your clit. You yearned for anything stronger. Whoever this new singer was, his voice was amazing. As the chorus began it’s build up, you saw a message from Chanyeol came through but you didn't want to stop and check it.
going on a path someone decided for you is no fun
a special wrong answer shines more
from now on, find the path that you want
go go go go
  That was more like it.
no more thoughts that are measured with a ruler
do whatever you want instead of what’s nice
just like how you feel right now
do it, do it, throw yourself
  You bucked your hips against the vibrator as you let out a long whine. Your fingers trailed down to your folds to collect your own arousal.
no more of what you don’t wanna do
do what you want instead of what’s typical
be free, yeah, have some lawless ideas
you’re still so young
  The vibrations picked up with Loey’s verse. You whined, hips leaving the mattress completely as you rut your hips against it. What you wouldn't do to have your boyfriend there with you, teasing you with the buzzing toy between your legs while his fingers pump in and out of you.
if you did what they told you to do
you wouldn’t be able to hear
if you only used your shoulder to put on your backpack
you wouldn’t be able to dance
thin out all the decisions you made by being cautious
  Collecting the juices from your pussy, you spread it across your sensitive folds. Cries of your boyfriend’s name tumbled from your lips as his voice brought you closer and closer to cumming. Your legs were shaking from the stimulation. The snippet of the song was fading out (and so were the vibrations), causing you to let out a sob.
  You could practically see the shit-eating grin on your boyfriend’s face. Part of you knew he did this on purpose; bringing you just close enough to the edge to make you cry when it ends. Next song starting abruptly after a brief pause, the vibrations startled you.
i can’t breathe,
it’s like I’ve been split in half
cocaine won't replace
hearing your voice, sounding so sharp
  This song was more Loey’s style; heavy bass, slow spoken words, deep voice. Again, your phone went off from somewhere on your bed, but you couldn't be bothered to check. Your orgasm washed over you in long waves and you felt your toes curl.
drunken calls
you’re makin' me high
i can feel it, a mistake
i need you by my side
  Even though you came, it wasn't close to enough. Including this one, you had two songs left and you felt like it would be a disservice to your boyfriend if you stopped now. You wanted more. He would've wanted more.
baby girl
i’ve seen you with him
just can't quite reach it
  The vibrations weren't quite enough anymore. You needed Chanyeol to hurry home. He always knew had to make you come undone in record time. Though it couldn't compare to his, you fucked yourself with your fingers in attempt to seek relief. Given your position, your palm pushed the vibrator against your clit and you sobbed.
  “Please, Yeol!” You knew he wasn't there, but you desperately wished he was. Maybe crying out his name would make him come home faster. Hips bucking wildly, you just about reached you peak when you heard a familiar sound.
  It was the click of a key in the lock.
  Chanyeol was home.
  And judging by the low chuckle and footsteps leading him to you, he knew exactly what you were doing. He found you fucked out; teary eyed, soaked with sweat, and hips rutting against your fingers.
  “My poor little baby,” He cooed, stepping towards the bed and brushed your bangs away from your face. “Do you need to come?” Chanyeol grabbed your phone and paused the music. With the vibrations halted, you let out a whine.
  Pure need radiated off you. “You still have a song left, right baby?” You nodded. Chanyeol smirked, selecting the final track. The vibrator was back in your hand and he was kneeling before your pussy. He finally dove in, dragging his tongue through your folds. The vibration kicked in and you squealed.
lovin that real love, something you feel love
turning me back to the old me
ride for my realla, i die for my realla
i give you respect like the OGs
lockin' me down like the police
  You could feel the smirk on Chanyeol’s lips. He’d planned this all along and you knew it. You tugged on Chanyeol’s hair with one hand and manned the vibrator with your other. “Oh my god, more! Please!” He more than complied, fucking you with his fingers while lapping at your pussy.
i'm all yours, when you really wanna take me there
don't let me go nowhere
i’d give it all up for you, i swear
only for real love
  Everything felt so intense. You were incredibly oversensitive from your last orgasm and you knew you probably weren’t going to last very long (especially if he kept his pace up). The vibrations became more intense with his parts of the song.
love is a high, we feelin’ alive
you lovin’ the size, 이 흐름을 타
i give you more, you feelin’ the flow
you never let none of them bring down the vibe
hustle to win, we be livin’ in sin
makin’ us two of a kind
  Without any warning whatsoever, you came. In fact, you squirted a little on the sheets.  As you basked in the glow of our orgasm, you could see the strain on your boyfriend’s pants. Perhaps you ought to pick some songs and return the favour?
vibrator in the story is called OhMiBod, liked here
songs in the fic are:
1. young by baekhyun ft loco (chanyeol has loco’s parts)
2. a mix of tempo, love shot, and stuff from a rap lyric generator
3. freal luv by far east movement ft. tinashe and chanyeol (chanyeol has f.e.m.’s parts as well as his own
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survivorsunsetrodeo · 3 years
Ep 6 | I’m Trash and We’re Trash - Ari
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That was way too scary, however, I feel as if my position in the game has changed. I am a power player. I have Dan and Jacob and Ari and we are going after Timmy and Chloe. Timmy is a good player who is close with Chloe, we need to let that go ASAP. I hope we lose these challenges so we can save TSL. I LOVE YOU TSL <3 
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fun fact: i have never won a creative challenge despite being a graphic artist
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this is. without a doubt. one of the most INFURIATING tribes i have EVER been on. and i have played with jordan pines so that's saying a lot.
it is [checks notes] 11:40 am on the second day of this music video challenge and let's see, what has everyone done so far? timmy: made an absolutely horrible album cover and then edited it to make it slightly less terrible jacob: sent me a 4 second clip of a shelf of alcohol ali: just said "wait what's the song we are using LOL" chloe: ???????? has run off into the irish countryside presumably never to return
me and dan are the only people who appear to really be trying here. dan made a beautiful immunity necklace & lipsynced atop a giant stuffed llama, and i've a) made the playlist, b) rearranged the playlist, c) written liner notes to explain all our (my) song choices, d) filmed about 10 minutes worth of footage of me being a complete fool, and e) edited together what sparse clips i have from everyone else into something that could perhaps resemble a music video if anyone else is actually inclined to contribute. i don't know what more i could have done here - i literally made a whole storyboard, told them specifically what kinds of clips i wanted, and said almost immediately "hey can you please get me your footage by noon on the day it's due?" and yet here we are, minutes away from noon on the day it's due, and it's looking an absolute disaster.
i'm pressed yeah! i'm annoyed that nobody seems to care about a single challenge in this game! i'm frustrated that i have the worst headache of my life and weird body aches that might be corona while i'm trying to get all of this done and not look like an asshole control freak but also not look like someone whose tribe is completely invisible! WHY DOES NOBODY WANT TO PLAY AND ALSO WIN???
im like seriously so ashamed of this music video right now, if i had BETTER QUALITY VIDEOS this could be so good but it's trash and i'm trash and we're trash and i want it to be over with
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My acid reflux is acting up because of the wait for the challenge results. I hate it.
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Goal of this round: get Timmy out.
Listen, I know I always vote Timmy out but he literally gives me NO GAME INFO. Like we know each other irl and he doesn’t talk to me like we do. It’s always one word answers and stuff like that.
I am praying that me telling Ari and Ali that I know Timmy doesn’t come back to bite me. I told them more that it could be used to pull in Jacob. I’m gonna check in with Ari at least and tell them that I’m with them 100% and not to worry about my relationship with Timmy. BUT ALSO THAT COULD MAKE IT WORSE???
I feel like me telling them my convo with Timmy when he said Ali’s name is enough for them to know that I’m with them 100%. As long as Ali remains calm and doesn’t freak out on Timmy we should be good. Ali throwing my name to Timmy is a good counter in my mind to avoid suspicion of us working together and to see if Timmy comes to me with said info.
I feel safer this round than most, the key swing vote is Jacob...
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Is it petty and annoying of me to say Dan and Adam had it coming because of them excluding me from the alliance on OG pearl? Maybe. But I'm a petty and annoying person.
I'm so happy New Beeho has won literally every single challenge but it's also soooo boring not going to tribal. Like I love that I'm gonna be safe until the merge but also the fact that nothing is going on makes me wanna be dramatic for the sake of adding some fun back into the game. But that way of thinking is what caused me to go home the first time. My tribe was boring, and I wasn't, so I made a move for fun, and it backfired. This time, if my tribe's boring, then I'm boring too. I might as well be a tumbleweed up in here. 
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not to get on too high of a horse right now but i feel like this vote is lining up perfectlyyyy.... i currently am in an alliance w everyone in the tribe, three of whom i trust at least 90 percent, two of whom i bought an idol with. there's six people left.
ali: will NOT vote me dan: could vote me but it'd have to be a pretty elaborate scheme on his part because in his mind i've put in work specifically to save him twice now + we've been commiserating about how godawful these challenges have been and we just get along so well i don't know what would be in it for him jacob: could vote me but i mean we just hung out on call for an hour last night talking about video games and popcorn and he could have easily left that convo if he wasn't into it and also i took all his money to buy a gun so what would be the point of washing all that money down the drain AND putting the gun back where someone else could get it
then there's chloe and timmy whom i have been wanting to take a shot at since the swap actually but i wasn't gonna make any big moves before the time was right. now the time IS right and i've got everyone all set up carefully - the me/dan/ali chat, the me/ali/jacob chat, maybe i'll even make a me/dan/jacob chat today if i get bored - to make it happen. all that really needs to be finished today is to reach a "decision" in the pickles chat with chloe/timmy as to who to vote (i'll have to give a convincing "i don't want to lose ali but i'm willing to if yall want that" speech) and then make sure dan and jacob both know the other one is down to keep ali (last night while on call with jacob i had him telling me what dan was saying and dan telling me what jacob was saying so that was chefs kiss) and then we shouldn't have to worry. there's no way timmy has an idol, and if he did i can whip out my gun i guess. im a little worried that chloe will be mad but she won't rly have any other options and i think i can get her to understand why we didn't want timmy around long term. 
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We’re really doing a coin flip on who to vote out tonight and it just landed on Dan. I kinda don’t want this though and tbh would love to find a way to vote Ari because they are good with EVERYONE. But things could change and apparently they just did bc now we did 2 out of 3 bc I spoke and it landed on Ali then which I prefer moreso. I could tell in Ari’s voice they seem discontent but I’m not caring too much tbh. I could just throw a vote on them. But also nobody has an idol so it’s not like anyone could be fun with that unless there is enough money to pool onto an idol but if it’s on Ali then I’m not invested in saving him. 
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MMMMMMM dan is so funny ugh king
last round there was the thing of him & adam both telling me the other wanted to buy an idol and now he's like "jacob said he thinks you and ali will be bigger threats at merge and that chloe/timmy would be a wash" when jacob told me he (dan) was saying that exact same thing while we were on call.............. i see u dan disbrow i see u and i'm ctfu! gotta respect it!
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Ready for a switch up!! Nothing is happening on my tribe and it stresses me out in an unfun way.
I feel like its a little too early for merge, but just thinking about it:
I love Taylor and I'm hoping to use her old Beeho ties to get into the majority. Our game styles don't perfectly align, judging from the past, but we have strong trust in general. She does give me a bit too much credit for game play and has gotten paranoid about me before. I'm hoping she doesn't get scared of me this game bc at this point I want her to be my ride or die.
Brandi is a sweetheart. She's growing on me and is a great team player. I think I can trust her pretty deep in the game. However, she's already called me out for being a strong player so I also don't want her getting scared and turning against me post merge.
Josh is also a good team player. I'm not threatened by him and he's distracted by another org he's playing so he can be a number or expendable.
Jabari is a great team player and I'd also like to see what Beeho connections I can find with her as well. She's not a great conversationalist via DMs so that's been a little tough to connect.
Emma has been absent due to personal issues in another org. I want to be understanding but sad puppies bother me and I don't need drama. I hope she's doing okay, though. She might be an easy vote for bumming people out, but things have been so busy from the Star Power challenge that from what I know, not a lot of game play has happened this round over here so that kinda works in her favor.
Nic needs to go. I don't trust him one bit. I've  been having such fake conversations with him and i know he has to sense it. He did my tarot card reading a while ago so he has some kind of  higher intuition I guess. We are in an alliance and i told him I felt best with him and Brandi to keep him close but does he buy it? Probably not. He's not a team player and he has enough cash to buy and idol so these things worry me.
Dan kinda worries me long term but if he survives the night I'd be super curious if he was able to make a pitch to save himself or if someone on original Beeho made a move. He seems smart but also seems to with hold information. I'm open to reconnecting with him for sure. Brandi said she wanted to work with me and Dan at the start of the game.
I only know what TSL told me about the original Beeho tribe.
From what she told me she thinks Ari and Ali are a pair. That makes sense why Ali didn't go last round. Chloe and Timmy seem rather chummy as well. I wouldn't be surprised if those 4 paired up.
TSL said she wasn't in an alliance before the swap but thought one more day and she'd likely form one with Ari and Ali.
Unfortunately, I know my game doesn't jive with Ali's and I'm already annoyed that he's still in. And post merge he won't be a challenge threat so it'll be hard to convince people to get him out. Especially if he's in the majority alliance. Even if I get into that alliance I'd have no social capital to campaign against him.  
Well that's about it. Lets see how things go this round!! I'm fully expecting a swap, double tribal, or other twist veryyyyy soon :)
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Darlene the Pink Revolver has been purchased. I'm assuming it was someone from the other tribe since it's $750 and there is no way someone on my tribe has that kind of money.....we're poor. It's also extremely quiet right now but I'm hoping that is because the pickles had a call earlier and we are all calm since we decided that Ali would be getting the boot tonight. If that doesn't happen I will be sus (if I stay) but I'm thinking positively because as far as I can tell, nobody has lied to me yet this game so I am feeling okay.
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Coin flip time BABYYYYYYY 
So it’s a 4 person alliance with 2 people on the outside of that. Where do we go from here? You guess it! Flip a coin!
None of us had any like preference about who should go, so we use the pancake bot to flip a coin. It landed on Dan. Then Timmy pipes up and says he was wanting Ali, so we say ok 2 out of 3. The next 2 are Ali. Poor dude.
Seems pretty simple and easy. Almost too simple and easy.
Merge is going to be a struggle.
I hope we swap again soon mayb
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slowly turning active again
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Honestly the feedback of the challenge was amazing, the tribe thinks and idol will be played tonight so that will shock me honestly if it does, but idk what to think anymore tbh.
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Power Rankings: ONE - MEGS (NC) Threat: 9 (+1) Trust: 9 (NC) Megs threat level increase this round because I got a little more insight into her plans moving forward. I can tell she’s still disclosing info from me, but I approached her by saying regardless I know our paths won’t perfectly align, but I know were good. She opened up about not wanting to work with Ali. She wants Nic out next and I know its because of his money status. I think megs is forgetting about her threat level again. With Nic gone she’s the only one with a good amount of money - Ari being second with $400. People don’t need to look at her more, but the power is getting to her head a bit. TWO - TAYLOR (+1) Threat: 7 (+1) I bumped myself up to second here because I think I finally have a good enough grasp on this tribe to say I deserve to be placed here. But with Adam going last round, it also has put me in easily the best social spot. The only person I haven’t met in this game is Dan. I’m starting to get a little more money, I have a stronger hold on my position, I have people ahead of me that are perceived bigger threats. THREE - BRANDI (-1) Threat: 6 (NC) Trust: 4 (-1) Alright Brandi lands at number three because of all the people left, she’s been the most consistent. She has a strong enough social game, she’s clearly recognizing people as threats and where her game lies within that. I knocked brandi’s trust down one because I found out she actually is good friends with Amos who played e10 - a game I help host. My rep in the endure community, not to brag, is known. I just landed a 1st place in e8 cast rankings which is public knowledge to anyone viewing. I feel like theres a slight chance Amos could have told brandi to watch out for me. I guess it could go the opposite way where he tells her no work with her, but I think its safe to assume the worst here. FOUR - JABARI (NC) Threat: 5 (NC) Trust: 8 (NC) I think Jabari did exactly what she needed to do this round, after her performance last round, she needed to fade back into the background. She’s present, she’s playing, and she’s intelligent, but she’s not on anyone’s radar. She lands at 4 solely because of the tribe dynamics, but at merge boy she’s easily one of the biggest UTR threats in my eyes. FIVE - JOSH (+2) Threat: 2 (NC) Trust: 3 (NC) Okay, I know youre probably thinking “wow josh just shot up too placements that’s an improvement!” And with that I have to tell you, no, it has nothing to do with josh and everything to do with what 6 and 7 have done to their games. Josh just… isn’t here? But the thing josh is doing right is he isn’t bothering anyone. He does his work, does what hes told, and signs off. A very yes man attitude, which is gaining favour in others eyes. I still think hes a wildcard, I have no idea what hes actually thinking which scares me in particular. SIX - EMMA (NC) Threat: 1 (NC) Trust: 3 (NC) Emma and josh had similar stories, except I think people are more fed up with Emma because she isn’t any help to the tribe. She’s got a lot going on with whatever else she’s doing, she doesn’t chat with people, has sat our of 2 challenges now, it’s just very below mediocre performance. She says she wants to be around more, then leaves me on read. Not much more I can do with that. SEVEN - NIC (-2) Threat: 6 (NC) Trust: 6 (NC) Nic finishes up this rounds power rankings for the sole reason that megs wants his head on a stick. He’s got a lot of money, hes performed well in challenges, and he’s becoming more and more on the radar. We have to remember here these are also POWER rankings, how much power or influence these people have on the tribe. Nic my friends, has none. And with Megs, #1 wanting him out, well hes pretty much a dead fish in the water. He’s brought up multiple times hes nervous about his position, yet fails to elaborate or try to include me in something. Hes done this at least 4 times now, I don’t have any mercy for him at this point.
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Regardless of what happens at this ugly ass tribal, like I’m so proud of myself for surviving this long being swap fucked lmao
I really thought I was donezo lmao this game is heating up and it’s almost 10000% necessary for Chloe to go this round. I’m thinking it’s likely we merge at 10 and it’s gonna be so obvious that me Ali and Ari are a group in the sea of new Beeho.
I’m hoping I can play somewhat of an in the middle game with OG Pearl and my New Pearl friends. We’ll see. Going into merge having only missed one tribal council will honestly be a huge resume builder for me.
All that matters is that I’m proud of the game I’m playing. 
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