#I’m so funny <-idiot
belovedfromnature · 5 months
good evening, trying to show up every day here.
[for any] | i have commanded your f/o [whichever one comes to mind first] to bake a cake for you, be scared. /lh
what do you think they're making you? have they memorized your preferences and followed a recipe with care, or are they nefarious enough to serve you something dubiously edible on purpose? can they be trusted in the kitchen, or not? would they just buy one? if so, would they lie, and said they made it? there's many possibilities, indeed!
💫- Oh man you’re so lucky I’m in a Lunar mood today…. (If it was Bloodmoon I’d spend 20 minutes typing out how he cannot cook)……. So if Lunar was to bake the cake, HE WOULD VERY MUCH REMEMBER (mine? Me? S/I? Idk uhhh) MY S/I’S PREFERENCES AND ATTEMPT TO MAKE IT! In this case, it’s yellow sponge cake, now Lunar can cook very well! I think he’d do a great job, but I think at the very last minute the cake would go very wrong and he’d present my s/I with the scraps of the cake and be very miserable and guilty about it…. FEAR NOT, THIS ALLOWS FOR BOTH OF THEM TO TEAM UP AND MAKE ANOTHER CAKE!!! BOOM BONDING MOMENT!!! Hahaha I’m so normal
🦋- I don’t physically trust any of my f/o’s to cook except Anshine. DT would purposely put some foul thing inside mine, Candyman is a sweetheart but also a bit out of his mind so I doubt he has any coherent idea on how to make a cake but he’ll buy a pack of cupcakes, Leshy probably has no concept of food whatsoever and even if he does it is a mud cake and as much as I love him I’m not eating that, Dex would probably buy a cake and I’ll appreciate that sentiment but I’m unsure how much I should trust a guy like him in the kitchen. Anshine may be some sort of celestial deity but he is very loving and fatherly so I feel like maybe he’ll use some of his human memories and attempt to make something . If not I’ll appreciate him just letting me know he tried.
tldr; absolutely none of them can cook without something going wrong
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bleue-flora · 2 months
Ok, I recently wrote an essay [here] talking about the definition and duties of civil engineering as well as the ethics because of the brain rot @swordfright gave me with calling Dream Sam’s ultimate engineering project. So, because I actually am a civil engineer I took it upon myself to design the title and summary of quantities sheets just like I do at work for roads but with Dream as the project instead. And in honor of angst day sponsored by @sixteenth-day-event, I figured I’d share it because I feel like it kinda works for the prison of the mind prompt.
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“Sam’s “ultimate engineering project” he deemed too damaged like a bumpy road or crumbling building that wasn’t worthy of patching and filling in the cracks or reinforcing, that’s too eroded to be fixed and preserved. So, Sam strived to tear him down to the bedrock so he could remake, remold, and reengineer Dream according to his design for the common safety, public health and well-fair.”
{These are very similar to the actual sheets I make day to day, which I shall not share for the sake of doxing my location, but yea pretty much everything has a significance. Some of it doesn’t necessarily make sense but that was because I was more so taking inventory of what we see in lore (so you know I counted ;) lol)}
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tariah23 · 4 months
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fantasykiri5 · 10 months
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BEHOLD! Smallidarity
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ao3-crack · 2 years
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sirazaroff · 5 months
How do you think Velvet flirts with Coco?
This is one of the funniest asks I ever got and im glad cause this is just gold. Like how does the Bun™️ woo her stupid bozo??

I have my biased takes on what Coco and Velvet are like as characters, but to start off I wanna focus on what Vel brings to the table.

I think a lot of people have moe’d her down to a nervous/scaredy bunny girl and…that’s not her at all. She’s a real multilayered character who can and will kick your ass flat. She’s also…
- very very attentive to people
- excellent at memorizing things she sees and hears, and quickly at that
- very emotionally in tune with people, herself included
- insanely kind and helpful
- honest about her feelings and will voice her thoughts when ready
Also she’s a bunny like come on. Is baby. It’s impossible to not find her likable.
I can go on forever, but I think these are enough likable traits to work with.

Time to shift. Now we focus on what I think Coco likes in a person:
- Hot girls
- Complexity
- Someone true to their nature
- Some sense of honor
- Someone striving to learn and to better themselves
Hopefully it’s not lost here, but there’s some compatibility don’t you think? Velvet’s got some of those traits that Coco likes.

So where’s the flirting? It’s coming I swear, I just needed the background info to help support the answers.
Bun bun flirts two ways: intentionally and unintentionally. The latter is usually what’s happening most often.

Her intentional flirting is what you would expect. Some cheeky words, being a playful tease in her actions like when she flashed her camera in After the Fall. I think she would 1000% take advantage of her physique and incredibly vast skillsets. She is totally totally showing off during training and sparring. Coco might hide her gaze under her glasses but that dumb bitch is so easy. So so easy…
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Now her unintentional flirting is basically that Velvet is just doing her thing. She’s comfortable and loved by her team. With them she’s able to be herself and have fun, and that’s what coco loves most. Seeing Velvet thrive and not feel like she has to hide herself away from the world, and with it comes moments and actions that make Coco, much to her surprise, fall for Velvet.
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I guess simply put, Velvet flirts by being her cheeky self around Coco, and her leader falls for her every time.
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starrylevi · 11 months
Levi x Accident Prone/Clumsy SO
💫 Accidentally hit myself in the face while opening my backpack and was inspired 😅
You won’t be chopping up any ingredients if Levi can help it: Don’t touch that.” “But I’m trying to helpppp.” “You can help me by staying safe, which means no touching.”
He’ll make sure you’re aware of what’s ahead of you when you’re not paying attention. “Watch out for that. I don’t want you to die.”
When the streets are busy, he’ll take it upon himself to guide you, his arm securely around your waist as he helps you navigate the people traffic.
Your apartment will already be organized because of Levi but he would try his best to organize things in a way that would make it difficult for things to be in your way.
Whenever you get packages, big or small, Levi will place them somewhere that is out of your way but that is also in your line of sight so you know where they are.
Levi’s already hyper vigilant so he’s aware of his surroundings, especially when you’re around. “There’s a step in front of you”, “Pole on your right”, “Move left”.
He’ll notice new bruises before you do. He won’t tell you directly, he’ll massage the skin near the bruise, careful not to hurt you, and ask “Now where did this one come from?”
With how often you get bruises, he’ll suggest iron supplements. If you don’t buy them, he’ll buy them for you, walking up to you and placing them in front of you. “Take them.”
Sometimes you don’t have the common sense to move out the way when Levi’s opening a cabinet or a cupboard. To prevent you from getting hurt, Levi will place one hand over your knee, thigh, or forehead (anticipated spots where you might get hit) and open what he needs to with the other hand.
When you do manage to accidentally bump into something when he’s around, letting out a yelp of surprise and/or pain, Levi can’t help but shake his head and let out a small chuckle. He doesn’t know how you manage to hurt yourself so often. It’s kind of adorable. “C’mere, are you okay?”
He does not let you try to find your way anywhere in the dark. If for some reason, after you both get in bed, you need to get a glass of water or use the bathroom Levi will make sure you have a light source. “Don’t move, let me turn on the light first.”
Again, Levi doesn’t understand how you manage to accidentally hurt yourself so often but he knows he doesn’t need to. What he does know, and do, is he does his best to mitigate it. Of course he can’t protect you from everything, but that doesn’t stop him from trying.
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gaycrittercentral · 11 months
I really liked the last sketch I posted so here’s the follow up: C O M P R E S S I O N
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zgatotoon · 1 year
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We can see how oversized that coat/jacket is on rui, you can tell how big it is for Tsukasa
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verytiredmeerkat · 10 months
Why are there only garden gnomes? I want kitchen and bathroom gnomes!
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agni-ashes · 11 months
i love how jimmy really just went and built himself holiday homes at both his boyfriends’ places, king be real you’re not gonna stay in your little igloo we all know you’re gonna end up in their house
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luciferscowgirl · 3 days
What if I scream? What if all I ask for is a necklace like this??
What if I ask for THIS EXACT NECKLACE???
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pickypickypeak · 4 months
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aprill-99 · 2 years
Number of languages in which Qui-Gon Jinn can say “May I approach your tame/half-domestic/half-wild/fully feral/man eating and actively hostile life form?”: 46
Number of languages in which Anakin Skywalker can say “can I approach your droid/spacecraft/vehicle?”: 54
Number of languages in which Obi-Wan Kenobi can say “You have my sincerest apologies for the words and/or actions of the tall being I came here with. He’s just lonely and a little dumb.”: 79 and counting
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kakushigotofanclub · 1 month
Yesterday I was able to keep myself from actually blacking out by lying on the ground before I passed out but today I couldn’t get down fast enough and just whacked my head on the wall lmao I’m so Fine and Okay and Normal
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wantbytaemin · 2 months
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happy bday to my number one guy, king of my heart and the true big boss, M @linoguy 💖🤎
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