darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Luke and Percy are soul mates.
Excuse me as I cry about the different versions of Luke and Percy from all their adoptions in media and listen to All to well by Taylor Swift on repeat.
The show now added to that because they were friends. The care was there on both sides. And now they're doomed by the narrative no matter what. Percy will fail to save what matters most in the end.
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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sparklingjustforyou · 8 months
things faded so quickly that it feels like I made you up inside of my head. how are we back to being strangers in each other’s phones.
I think that’s why All Too Well holds so much power and means so much to me, as being proof that this thing was real, of saying: “I was there and I remember and I felt everything I know you did too, even if you’re acting like you didn’t”
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snapbackslide · 2 years
Imagine me not using All Too Well for every single thing that goes wrong with my life
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
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rodlaveraryna · 2 months
this is really basic but all too well ten minute version is soooo rafole coded
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godofsmallthings · 1 year
thinking about "we were something, don't you think so?" as it's literal meaning...asking the other person to confirm that something did happen between you, because you're left to sit with this love of a lifetime and they won't even acknowledge it happened...
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all too well as a desperate plea: "I remember it all too well, do you do, too? if yes, it must mean our relationship meant as much to you as it did to me, please tell me it did"
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carpe-noctem-bitchess · 3 months
I like to know that I've maimed you. Is it sadistic of me to like the thought of you wondering where I am every time you cross a road? I like to know that I've maimed you, ever since you told me anything related to books reminds you of me. I like to know that every time there are scribbles in the margin of an old book, It'll remind you of my handwriting you called unreadable. If you visit The Louvre, my blood remains spilt there too, for the countless number of times I've told you about running away to France. Every time you look at paintings hung up in museums, you'll think of how I painted you our bleeding hearts. Is it sadistic to know you'll think of how I am doing on your thirty second birthday because I jokingly told you how I felt like I wouldn't make it to blow the candles on my thirtieth? Is it sadistic of me to cherish how you'll think of me every time you pick up a book, even when you're covered with sun spots and gray? tell me, would it make you wonder what could've been, if you wrote us just a bit differently? for I know that I've maimed you darling, but is it sadistic of me to not regret it at all?
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
person making edits of sylvie and loki fighting to the ten minute version of all too well: you are going straight to Valhalla
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leomssis · 6 months
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the art of leaving
sylvia plath // phoebe bridgers // jenny slate // mitski // rauf faik // john green
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chaossmagic · 9 months
I need stucky au from post-endgame where Steve left Bucky. There is not enough angst from the scene. Bucky had been in love with Steve since they were very young, however, Steve was naïve to notice his best friend’s feelings. After Steve left, Bucky needed to go to therapy since he was under government supervision. I love the quote from that one scene “If he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.” We do not discuss enough the passage from Bucky in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Maybe you can add a little plot between the lines? Basically a story about Bucky’s situation after Steve left
Bucky can count on one hand the times he's outright, deliberately lied to Steve.
Once, when he was fourteen and he told Steve he'd kissed Maria Gracewski behind the grocery store one day, when it was the middle of summer and all the kids they knew were stepping out with each other. He hadn't; in fact, they'd done nothing more than hold hands and pass a bottle of ice-cold soda between them, each taking in turns to sip from the straw to quench their thirst, each feeling too awkward to make an actual move.
He wasn't sure, at the time, why he'd bothered lying; it was only later he realized it was because he had been trying to make Steve jealous, thinking about Bucky kissing someone who wasn't him.
The second time was when his draft card came and he told everyone he enlisted instead. It was easy to pretend to be the dutiful son doing the brave thing, the right thing, going where he was needed to serve his country, a true honour to his family. That's what people told his parents on the street, in the store, in the bread queue that ran around the block twice at nine in the morning. That's what he told himself when he spent the entire journey from New York to Portsmouth, England cooped up in his cabin, nauseous not with seasickness, but fear, knowing it was impossible to admit he never wanted to go to war in the first place.
The third time was after Kreichsberg, after - that. He didn't really like to think about it. Tried to actively avoid it, in fact, would be more willing to open up about plenty of other things that had happened to him in the last seventy years except where it had all started. No way was his mind ever going back there, to the cold, dank cell and the sizzling of burning hair and flesh, syringes full of substances he had no idea what they were and - screams. The screams were the worst.
I'm fine, he'd kept telling the nurses who insisted on examining him. I'm fine, he'd told Steve, after he'd suggested for the fifth time that he lie down and get some real rest. Really, I'm fine, he'd said to Dum-Dum and Morita and Falsworth and everyone else who asked him when they saw the dark circles under his eyes and the way his bones stuck out from under his uniform a little too much. He was fine. Tired, hungry, and missing home just like every other soldier. Fine.
Then, a dingy and sparse apartment in Bucharest, where the fridge only worked half the time and the wallpaper was peeling off the walls, but he paid his rent each week in cash and nobody bothered him if he helped fix a few lightbulbs or carry heavy pieces of broken furniture out to the sidewalk.
Steve, standing in the middle of his damn kitchen, a photograph of his own face in his hand and one of Bucky's notebooks in the other, head-to-toe Captain America monkeysuit on but eyes wide and pleading. Looking at Bucky and wanting answers Bucky himself had been too afraid to give.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
For a fraction of a second, the real answer had been on the tip of his tongue. If he could just say it, then maybe everything would be okay. Maybe Steve could save him. Maybe Steve could help him save himself, if let him. If he stopped being so fucking afraid all the time of being dragged right back to where he'd been for the last seventy-odd years. If he didn't feel constantly sick with nerves and fear, if his entire body wasn't one screaming hunk of bone-deep pains and muscle aches and joints that didn't work properly. If he could actually fend for himself instead of living off of chocolate bars and the few types of fresh produce he could actually eat with vomiting.
Because I didn't want you to die, he'd wanted to say. Because I love you. I remembered that I love you.
But once again, he'd been too scared to tell the truth. Chickened out at the last minute. Lied, again.
I don't know, is what had actually come out of his mouth, moments before the ceiling above them exploded in the thumping feet of the SWAT team, come to make sure he didn't do anything else terrible again by shutting him up permanently.
The last time had been right before Steve left to return the Infinity Stones. He'd wanted so badly to tell him not to go, to beg if he needed to, to tell him, Stay with me. Choose me. I'm the one who's always loved you more than anyone else, and I know you love me too, so why won't you fucking STAY?
But he hadn't done that. No pleading, no begging, no last-minute confessions of love despite almost a century of it burning beneath his ribs, right where his heart was, and where he knew, if only he'd asked, the same thumping beat pounded in Steve's own chest, crying out to him. Crying out for him. He'd feel it if he put his hand there, he knew, if he'd even dared to try instead of smiling and nodding in the right places and saying all the right things that Steve wanted to hear to justify his decision to himself.
Bucky was a lot of things. He'd been called a lot of things. Charmer. Casanova. A mother's biggest dream for a son-in-law.
Asset. Winter Soldier. The Fist of Hydra.
Killer. Murderer. Monster.
Sergeant. White Wolf. Buck.
Now, though? There was one thing left that people didn't really know. Opening and closing the fridge door for a fourth, fifth, sixth bottle of beer that did absolutely nothing for him intoxication-wise and only made him want to pee, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV while a football game played that he wasn't even watching -
Simultaneously wanting to scream, cry, or throw something -
Sergeant James Barnes was a war hero, museum display and all.
The Winter Soldier was the most dangerous assassin on the face of the planet for 50 years.
But Bucky, though? Just Bucky? Plain old scared-to-death-of-his-own-shadow, walks everywhere for miles because getting on the subway makes him want to pass out and throw up at the same time, even with noise-cancelling earbuds, Bucky?
That Bucky Barnes was a fucking coward. That was the real him. And he only had himself and his messed-up, broken brain to blame.
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queercontrarian · 2 years
"all too well (500 years version) (tamsand version)"
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joysmercer · 4 months
but did the twin flame bruise. paint you blue
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jaynovz · 6 months
Cuz in this city's barren cold, I still remember the first fall of snow and how it glistened as it fell. I remember it all too well.
You know what I'm saying?
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heich0e · 1 year
i don't even care about taylor swift posting on main. the all too well 10 minute version fucks
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isaidquirky · 1 year
+ interview with the vampire
this is Claudia's world now, I don't care about the whiny gay men who are trapped in All Too Well (Too Many Years Version) (Unreliable Narrator's Version) (From The Vault)
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