dayurno · 7 months
kevin day is like. he's a child star. he's experienced an incomprehensible amount of labor abuse and inhumane working conditions. he was taken from his home country by a close relative with bad intentions. he's a cult baby. he grew up in captivity underground. every bad thing that could happen to a human being has happened to him at some point. he is happier than most of us when he can kick a ball for a living.
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thedovesaredying · 3 months
Monsters in the Dark | Nikto x Reader | Part 1
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First "official" part of Nikto x Reader fic set in the cowboy AU originally created by @ghouljams once again staring our darling Sputnik. Makes a lot more sense if you read the prologue which can be found linked below.
A/N: Did I spend several hours watching Kevin Richardson videos with him hanging out with his hyenas while writing this? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. This also ended up a lot longer than I was expecting lmao.
Warnings: Depictions of Minor Medical Procedures.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
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When working as a rural vet there’s a surprising amount of driving involved. Travelling from the clinic to farms and huge properties miles and miles away for in-person appointments and consultations can understandably take several hours out of your day. Most of the time you don’t even have working cell service to help guide you to your destination and you’re forced to either memorise the route beforehand or turn to your old reliable map.  
You’re new to the area, having decided to spend some time travelling across the US for the potential experience it could offer you. You’ve done plenty of work on stations in the north of Australia, helping jackaroos to manage any illness within their herds, always moving from place to place, and so Texas seemed like the perfect place to start your travels.  
While training, however, you had been given an offer to travel to South Africa to work with the numerous wildlife there both on reserves and in zoos. It was the best year of your life and ignited a passion for working with exotic animals.  
Travelling the US for work was an exciting opportunity to help rural communities with their livestock and to work with the numerous native species you’ve never had the chance to encounter in your everyday life. This little town was just another step on your travels and, so far, hadn’t really stood out to you more than any other small town.  
So, it isn’t out of place for you to be driving down a lengthy driveway through the woods and pulling up to a rundown old house. What is strange, is the huge creature sitting at the top of the porch.  
The hyena is massive. It’s powerfully built with pure muscle, and no doubt would be able to tear you to pieces if it chose to. It’s so distracting that for a long time you don’t even notice the huge man standing beside your car. He looks just as strong as the hyena sitting behind him and you’re not sure how you missed his approach.  
When the lady at the front desk informed you that there was a gentleman asking for a veterinarian with experience handling exotics, you were thinking perhaps a rare lizard, or an uncommon species of parrot. What you weren’t expecting was to see an adult hyena staring you down.  
You’re more than a little reluctant to leave the safety of the vehicle, but upon receiving a jerk of the head from the man, you cautiously exit the car. Not once do you take your eyes off the predator while you quickly grab your bag from the backseat.  
Having dealt with hyenas before, you know better than to show any kind of fear, forcing your shoulders down from your ears and starting to take calm, deep breaths. You offer your name to who you presume is the animal’s owner and hold out a hand for him to shake.  
The man, “Nikto,” as he grunts to you, takes your hand after a moment and gives it a firm shake. You’re used to farmers having a strong grip, so you simply offer the man a bright grin. “I take it this is the patient?” you ask, nodding your head toward the hyena in question.  
The man is clad head to toe in all-black clothing. Typical cowboy hat, black denim jeans, and a shirt that has a high collar and sleeves that reach all the way down to his wrists where they meet with a pair of leather gloves. All regular clothing, albeit a little dark for such a hot climate, but what really sets him apart is the dark neck gaiter covering most of his features.  
You would think it odd for him to be hiding his face on his own property, but you’ve heard that there’s several other ex-military men in the town that also prefer bandanas or masks to showing their bare faces. It looks intimidating, especially given just how huge the guy is, but at the end of the day he’s your client and it isn’t your place to judge.  
“да,” Nikto nods, “this is Sputnik.” He looks you up and down, before asking, “you are comfortable with her, yes?”  
“Uh, yeah, I’ve worked with hyenas before,” you confirm. That, unfortunately, doesn’t make it any easier or less nerve-wracking to be so close to an unrestrained predator. Normally, there’s at least a fence between you and any of the wildlife you’re treating, but hopefully the animal is somewhat friendly given it’s allowed to roam free.  
At your confirmation, he lets out a sharp whistle and snaps out a harsh, “КО МНЕ!” Causing the animal to leap to her feet and sprint across the grass to her owner’s side.  
You try not to jump when Sputnik runs directly toward you but manage to keep a handle on your reactions. Much to your relief, however, rather than tackling you to the floor and tearing your throat out, the hyena starts laughing excitedly and running circles around you. She’s clearly very curious, stopping every few seconds to try and sniff at you from a distance.  
You can imagine it would be an intimidating sight for anyone who has never encountered a hyena before, but she’s clearly just excited to meet someone new. “Is she normally this excited to meet new people?” you ask, unable to resist the smile that grows on your face as Sputnik starts to playfully nip at Nikto’s legs.  
The man huffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “no.” 
You’re beginning to understand that Nikto is not one for making conversation.  
As Sputnik calms again, you watch her wander around the area. The issue becomes clear to you quite quickly in the form of a slight limp on one of her hind legs. She seems to otherwise be bright, alert and responsive, only the sore leg causing her problems.  
You run through the basic questions about the problem, how long it’s being going on, and how her behaviour has been recently. You quickly take notes on her previous medical history while keeping an eye on Sputnik. After taking down her information, you ask Nikto to bring her to one of the old sheds so you can begin the exam.  
She’s a beautiful hyena, and despite not having the behaviour of a domesticated dog, she can somewhat follow her owner’s commands. After seeing Nikto tapping the top of one of the tables, she hops up into a bench for you to more easily inspect her body.  
With Sputnik firmly restrained by her owner, you gently reach out for her hind paw. You softly palpate the area, taking note of the large amount of swelling, particularly in the area between two of her toes. After glancing up to ensure she isn’t getting too stressed, you pull apart the toes, spotting a nasty yellow lump of what is presumably infection.  
As you check over the area, you notice something black sticking out of the wound. With your trusty pair of tweezers you take hold of the object and begin to gently tease it out of the swollen mass. Sputnik’s leg twitches slightly, clearly not happy about someone touching her sore paw, but after a few soft words of encouragement she settles once again.  
Your grip on the object slips a few times, but eventually you’re able to pull it free. It’s a nasty thorn, a whole inch in length that was buried in the poor animal’s foot. Just removing it causes a flood of pus to begin squirting from the wound and you’re thankful for the medical gloves you’re wearing, because it is far from a pleasant smell.  
Sputnik whines, trying to pull her paw away again, but with your client still holding her head in place you can continue to express the rest of the fluid without causing her much more distress. With a small syringe of saline, you quickly flush out the remaining chunks of hardened infection until the liquid runs clear.  
It’s a small enough opening that she won’t need the wound packed or any stitches to keep it closed. Instead, you spray the area with a thick layer of Blu-Kote to prevent any further infection.  
“I'll need to give her a quick antibiotic injection to make sure it won’t come back, just make sure she’s restrained, okay?” You receive a grunt of acknowledgement, then provide the needed shot. Sputnik tries to turn and snap at you, but with Nikto in the way she ends up biting at thin air and growling in frustration.  
You gently rub at the hyena’s back with a loving coo, “what a brave girl, you did so well!” 
After being released she turns to regard you for a moment, before squealing happily and trying to lick at your face. It seems you’re already forgiven for your cruel transgressions against the poor girl. “Looks like this was the cause of the trouble,” you explain, briefly showing Nikto the old thorn you’d removed.  
Nikto turns his gaze to Sputnik, rolling his eyes before gently cuffing her around the back of the head. “Долбоеб,” he mutters, ignoring the way she starts to playfully bite at one of his gloved hands.  
You’re not entirely sure what he said, but no doubt it’s some sort of insult. Not that Sputnik seems to care, hopping down from the table and trotting around the barn as if the last ten minutes didn’t occur.  
“I gave her a strong antibiotic, but spotted hyenas are pretty notorious for their infections being resistant to treatment, so if she starts getting worse or isn’t improving then be sure to give me a call and we’ll look at if there’s anything we need to do,” you explain, keeping an eye on how Sputnik moves on her feet now. 
“Understood,” the man nods, standing ramrod straight with his arms crossed over his chest.  
Clearly this man still isn’t very interested in a conversation, given he has nothing further to add and almost seems to be pointedly ignoring you. It’s a little uncomfortable, but he’s certainly not the first... interesting character you’ve dealt with in your career and he won’t be the last. “Do you have any other questions about the treatment?” you ask.  
“нет,” he grunts, before quickly adding, “no.”  
You nod, offering the man a genuine smile, “well, I’m glad I could help out.” You remove your gloves and quickly start packing away the tools you’d been using, “the office will send through an invoice to your email, so you can pay online or head down to the clinic to pay in person.”  
He just nods, watching you silently as you finish up collecting your tools and placing them back away into your bag. His eyes seem to burn into you, his icy gaze piercing through your body and directly into your very soul. You’re not sure how comfortable you are having your innermost self so openly exposed to someone you’ve only just met, but quickly shake off the feeling.  
As soon as you’re finished packing, you pull out one of your personal cards, handing it to Nikto. He stares at the piece of cardboard for a long moment, and you quickly explain, “my card, it’s got my number on it in case you ever need help.” You can’t imagine how difficult it must be for him to find someone with genuine experience treating large predatory animals and you’re more than happy to offer as much of your expertise as he wants.  
Nikto awkwardly goes to reach for the card with one of his hands, only to pause midway and reach for it with the other one. He fleetingly glances over the card, then tucks it into one of his shirt pockets.  
While you make your way back to your car, Nikto calls Sputnik back over and ensures the animal walks at his heels. She doesn’t seem happy with this command, whining and laughing as she looks between her master and you. She very obviously wants to run after you and play but knows better than to ignore her owner.  
Sputnik sits next to Nikto as the man watches you quickly pack everything back into your car. She keeps looking between you and Nikto, as if silently begging him to allow her to go back to you for more attention, but he stands strong against her sad eyes. It’s cute, really, since it likely means that weaponized puppy dog eyes are an effective tool in getting the stoic man to crumble if she’s still attempting to use them against him.  
Before you hop into the car you give Sputnik a wave, laughing when she cries at you. “Bye, sweetheart!” you coo again, before offering her owner a wave and a smile.  
Looking into the rear-view mirror on your way back toward the main road, you can see both Nikto and Sputnik watching you leave. They’re an odd pair, but it’s been a while since you had the chance to work with such a beautiful animal and you can’t help looking forward to seeing both her and her strange human again sometime soon.  
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otdiaftg · 8 months
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The Foxhole Court - Chapter Thirteen
Day: Saturday, August 26th Time: 5:55 PM EST
"Give him a couple days and Riko will know everything about you," Andrew said. "How long do you think it'll take someone with his connections to figure out the truth?" Neil was lightheaded with nausea. "Shut up." "What will you do when he finds out? Run?" "You know I will." "I know," Andrew agreed. "I can see it. You've got that look in your eye that says you know where every exit to this dormitory is." Neil turned away, but Andrew was faster. He rocked forward and grabbed Neil's collar, dragging him to a halt before he could leave. He left sticky blood on the back of Neil's neck from his messy fingers. Neil reached back and tried to pry him off, but Andrew refused to let go. "Hey, Neil. Neil, listen. Running won't save you this time."
"I have to try," Neil said. Andrew hummed a little in mock disapproval. "Have to nothing. There you go again, thinking there's only one choice. I thought you didn't want to leave." "I don't want to," Neil said. "What would it take to make you stay?" The question was so unexpected Neil had to turn back. "What?" Andrew laughed quietly at his shock and leaned forward. "Name it and it's yours. It doesn't matter what it is so long as you stand your ground here with us." "I can't." "You can. You have everything you need to survive. You're just too afraid to see it." "I don't understand." "Kevin wants to make you a star, so let him. It's hard to kill a man when everyone's eyes are on him. Make them love you, make them hate you, I don't care. Just make them look at you. You have one year to figure it out," Andrew said, putting a finger in Neil's face. "For one year, I'll stand between you and the Moriyama's if you stand at Kevin's side. Next year your life is your problem again, understand?"
Art used with permission by Aymmidumps. Thank you @aymmidumps !
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beigehearts · 1 year
This is a random smut post I was thinking about… was debating posting this on my main since I haven’t been on in so long or on my private account… but anyway.
Two heroes unlikely to be friends, find a shared interest that brings them to work closely together. Had you only noticed the signs sooner, you wouldn’t be in this position. Aren’t you supposed to be a great villain?
Yan!Hawks/Reader/Yan!All Might
CW: violence, murder, animal death, blood, PTSD, gore, drugging, stalking, noncon, breeding, double penetration, size kink, knotting, forced pregnancy (mentioned)
The quirk to pull things from thin air, something not many have inherited. But it’s not like you’re magically creating things, you’re simply pulling items from different points in time and space for whenever and whatever you need. You imagine it as your backpack sort of, it took a long time to expand the size of your magical backpack but you managed to turn it almost into an endless void.
“The villain is here!” A cop yells out and is followed by the pounding of armored footsteps. You have about twenty seconds before they reach you. Todays mission? Freeing a high security prisoner for a high price. Why? You don’t know, and you don’t care. You do a job and get paid.
You touch your pointer and thumb together and feel out the timeline to see who has a thumb print for the lock. No typical guards have it but… the warden does. You pull a pair of bolt cutters from your backpack and find the wardens location, which is in the downstairs office. With a quick snip and a yell that you can hear through the floors, you now have the key to the lock.
You pull the thumb from your backpack and press it against the lock, blood and all. It beeps and turns green, and the door opens up. A monster lays in the corner with a collar and shackles, staring up at you with a blood thirsty grin. You toss the thumb to the monster and it gobbles up the flesh in one bite. You pry off the locks with the jaws of life you have in your backpack and lean down low to the furry ear to whisper,
“Go get ‘em’ Fido.”
With no hesitation the monster jumps to attention, and sprints from the dark cell. Men and women scream as they’re mauled and ripped apart limb by limb. Bullets ricochet off of the creatures fur and fires back at the officers, turning the prison into a giant blood bath.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pick it up, “He’s headed your way. Just having a snack first.” You answer with.
There’s a small chuckle on the other side of the phone, “Very well. I’m depositing the other half of your pay into your account now. Exactly fifty million dollars, and fifty cents.”
“Pleasure doing with business with you.” The line clicks and you drop the phone on the ground, standing up and crushing it beneath your boot heel. There can be no evidence.
You lean down once more and grab the SIM card, pulling out a pair of scissors and snipping it up into pieces.
After your long day you headed home to your luxury apartment and your favorite being in the world, your dog. He’s a big Doberman who always greets you at the door and always wants to cuddle. And on cue, you hear him whimpering before you even enter your apartment. The moment you open the door he starts wagging his butt in the air and drooling everywhere. He follows you around the apartment as you decompress and get ready for bed.
He waits outside of the bathroom door as you shower and brush your teeth, watches you obediently as you pour food in his bowl, and lays down next to you once you settle in bed. The same routine you do every single night. You wrap an arm around him after setting your phone on the nightstand and let out a sigh. You know you’ll never get a peaceful sleep with the horrors that replay in your head every time you close your eyes… but at least you know you’ll get a safe sleep with your beloved Doberman, Kevin.
Your eyes shut, and it begins again, the never ending nightmare. Faces that have been torn apart, blown apart, and pounded in stare back at you. All of the people you’ve murdered with your bare hands. Their eyes judge you in a seething way. When you shut your eyes it’s like where ring another labyrinth with more and more of them. Each time they get closer and closer. If you try to hold your eyes open they force themselves shut as if you have no control. Each time their gazes grow closer.
Until finally, one stands face to face with you. He bends his neck down so that he can get a better look, his eyelids have been burned off and no longer shut, making his gaze that much more intense. His hair has been ripped out at the roots and you remember the man you first murdered. The man who killed your baby sister. While looking at his battered remains of a face strikes terror in you, it also reignites the rage you had once felt.
He leans in closer and the stench of blood assaults your senses. It’s so heavy, the smell of so much iron makes you nauseous. No wait… this isn’t a smell you’re imaging. It’s real.
You jolt up in your bed and sweat trickles down your barely clothed body. Glancing down you notice that your tank top and panties are drenched in sweat. But that smell is what’s worse than this feeling of being on fire. Quickly you move to rest a hand on Kevin but your hand meets the comforters instead. Where did he go?
The bedroom door is wide open, and you never leave that door open. In the doorway is Kevin’s chain collar, only visible by the moonlight between the curtains. It’s as if the collar has been placed there purposefully, to taunt you. The smell was so overwhelming you hadn’t realized that its eerily quiet, so much so that you can hear your own heartbeat. You reach for your phone on the nightstand but that doesn’t seem to be in its place either.
Fuck, you’re going to have to go out there. All you can do is find something to protect yourself. You’re a well trained and skilled fighter so why are you so scared right now? You stand from your bed quietly and reach into your backpack, grabbing a pistol with a silencer on it, already loaded. You’d be an idiot if you weren’t prepared while being in the line of work you are.
You hold it straight out, arm slightly bent, finger on the trigger and ready to fire. You approach the door and peek around the corner to look in the hall. No one’s in the hall and all of the bedroom doors are shut. As you tip toe through the hall and out the stairs that overlook your living room, the stench of blood gets stronger.
Taking your first step down the stairs you make sure to disperse your wait as evenly as possible to avoid making noise. But your efforts are futile when your toes step in something thick, wet, and warm. You slip down the stairs and tumble all the way to the bottom until your back collided with the wall and knocks all of the air from your lungs.
Still holding the gun tightly you gasp for air and try to focus your gaze through the haze and dizziness. The back of your head and your entire spine screams in pain but you can’t just lay here. You try to stand up, slipping in the process but managing to get to your feet. Why is there so much of this liquid in the floor? You bring your hand to your face to examine the liquid… why is there so much blood in your home?
You reposition so you can shoot on sight now and walk more carefully. There’s nobody here, and not a single sound to guid you… only a blood trail leading you to the dining room. Turning the corner you see something worse than any nightmare you’ve ever had.
Laying on the table, is Kevin. But you don’t even need to check if he’s alive, because he’s been disemboweled. His intestines trails from his stomach and onto the ground, organs slowly slipping out on a blood trail. What absolute monster would touch your dog? What fucking monster? You’re going to have their head on a pla-
There’s only the sound of a tiny gust of wind from behind you, but you’re far too slow to turn around and face it. Two large arms wrap around you, joined by a pair of large red wings. In less than the blink of an eye, you’re sitting on the couch, held against your assailant. One of your assailants.
Before you can even try to lift your hand with the pistol, the man’s hand grips yours tightly until you hear something crack. But you’d never give the satisfaction of screaming, and instead, drop the gun. It’s not like you don’t have more.
You begin moving your fingers to press your thumb and pointer together but he’s still faster. His large hand grips your thumb, tugging on it loud with a loud popping sound. In less than thirty second he had effectively dislocated the thumb that controls your quirk in its entirety. Not even police had figured that out yet… these assailants have done their research.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when a large shadow envelops you. You look up, feeling your heart pound when you see who has taken part in the ambush of your home. “You are mighty intelligent. I have to give it you.” His voice is deep with a bass that resonates in your chest.
Voice trembling, you manage, “Why are you here All Might?”
He chuckles and leans down on one knee, still managing to be a good half a foot taller than you and he whispers, “Did you not hear me on the news? I said I’d be coming for you, the shadow of the night.”
He stands back up and your gaze follows, he sighs and crosses his arms, “I never thought I’d have such a hard time just finding a villain. You take a lot of precaution in hiding your identity. And your operations are so fast, that you’re just a shadow in the night…”
The man holding you who had been so quiet you’d almost forgotten he was, leans in close and whispers, “You underestimated how fast a hawk can be.”
The pounding in your chest starts up again and finally your fight or flight response kicks in. Adrenaline rushes through your veins and you quickly try to find a solution. With adrenaline pumping you won’t feel pain, so you’ll just force yourself to touch your thumb to your finger.
You smash your hand into the side of your thigh, pressing the tips of your fingers together and producing a knife. The only weapon that can get you out of a situation like this. You dig the blade deep into the hero’s thigh and he hisses out in pain, not budging. Once you manage to get your blade out you go in for another stab but you’re stopped in your tracks.
A large hand grabs your wrist and the other grips your pointer finger and thumb in one hand, you’re unable to even think about pulling out another weapon because the gaze of all might puts your body into so much panic that you freeze.
“You can pull out all the weapons you want.” His voice gets lower, “You’ll never be able to escape us.” In just a moment, he quickly pulls your thumb and finger all the way back, there’s a loud crack and with every single millimeter of those bones broken, you can’t help but let out a cry.
You’ve never felt something so painful. To have a gunshot wound is one thing, but to have every single spot in multiple bones completely shattered is something unimaginable. It’s as if they’ve been ground into a dust.
“Obviously she isn’t going to behave, she stabbed me for fucks sake.” Hawks says to the larger man as you waver in and out of consciousness.
“I guess you’re right, and she’ll probably wake up pretty quickly if she passes out like this.”
With the okay now, the man holding you quickly grabs a plastic baggy with a cloth in it, pulls it out and presses it firmly against your nose and mouth, with your one free and you try to rip his hand off of you but with your useless fingers waving around like limp sausages, it’s no use.
The drugs the cloth has been doused in kicks in not too long after, engulfing you in a warm sleep, one without nightmares.
Head is pounding… body searing in pain… and you can’t feel your fingers. You peel your eyes open that have been crusted shut and analyze your surroundings. You’re on a strangely large bed with large comforters on top of you. The large windows have tape over them so you can’t see in or out. There’s a television mounted on the wall with a small plain couch facing it. This room seems fairly nice at first glance.
Ignoring the pain in your body, you lift your arm from the sheets and look to examine your fingers. They’ve been completely bandaged along with the rest of your hand and wrist. They did take a pretty bad blow. While you could unwrap them and force yourself to press your fingers together, you’re a bit scared to see what they look like since you can’t even feel them.
Standing up right now seems unimaginable, probably the pain from falling down the stairs that you were to adrenaline filled to feel. The remote is laying next to you on the comforter and with your good hand you turn on the television. It’s set to the news and you set the remote back down to listen. It’s five days since the attack according to the corner of the screen.
While watching television seems like the dumbest thing you could be doing right now… what else are you supposed to do? You can’t walk, and you can’t use your quirk… you’re basically defenseless.
“Mr. All Might sir! There has been an incredible drop in crime for the past few days. Some say that you’ve even apprehended The Shadow! Is it true?” The reports all quiet down to hear the hero’s answer. The camera focuses on his face and you notice a dark flint in his eyes that you’ve never noticed before. While you may be a villain it doesn’t mean you didn’t admire heroes. You’ve seen All Might plenty of times on tv but never noticed this darkness behind his eyes.
The hero breaks the silence with a loud guffaw, “We have not apprehended The Shadow! The Shadow must be scared after seeing my most recent showdown!”
Another reporter chimes in, “Do you have anything to say to the infamous Shadow?”
All Might takes a moment to think, and averts his gaze straight into the camera. With the darkness you had saw in his eyes now dripping into his voice he says, “Wherever you run, wherever you hide. I will find you.”
There’s a small thud on the bed next to you and you practically jump out of your skin. Sitting there, so casually and relaxed, is the man who killed your dog, restrained you, and chloroformed you.
“Finally awake? I was starting to get worried, you’ve been out for days birdy~.” The man pulls his legs up on the bed and turns to face you, “You can’t worry us like that. Okay?” He coos in such a charming way that it almost makes you want to say okay.
“Get lost chicken.” You bite back.
He chuckles and places his finger on your lips, pushing at them as if he’s enjoying it. “I know you’re probably confused, but you’ll understand in time.”
You bite at his finger and with his lightening quick speed he grabs you by your cheeks, fingers digging into your flesh and leaving you unable to talk.
“Maybe I should have elaborated. You’ll understand your place. You’ll understand that you’re nothing more than our brainless wife.”
Wife? Did he say wife? Your eyes go wide and you stare at the winged man in horror. They aren’t going to put you in prison, you’re already in it. This is their fucked up game of house isn’t it? It’s always the men with power who have these fucked up fantasies.
“You figured it out already? You’re pretty smart… I was hoping you’d play dumb a little longer.” He sighs and his bruising grip on your face loosens. “That’s alright, soon enough you’ll be too dumb to understand anything.”
His hand drops form your face and down to your chest. Pulling at the t-shirt that they must have put on you. You ball your left hand up into a tight fist and throw the hardest punch you can muster into the side of his head. But your punch never lands, he grips your fist tightly, and you begin panicking, not wanting to repeat last night.
Hawks furrows his brows and presses your hand into the bed, “I’m going to do you a favor, and keep this hand in tact. I won’t be so kind next time.”
He lifts the pressure off of your hand and sits back on his heels. He shakes his head and another sickening smile stretches on his face, “You’re probably hungry huh? I’ll go make you some breakfast.” He jumps up from the bed and as he leaves he calls out, “Call me Keigo by the way!”
Psychopath. This man is an actual psychopath.
Two more days passed before anything eventful happened. You spent the days laying in bed, eating when given a meal, enduring small talk when he began to threaten you, and sleeping with no dreams at all.
According to the small clock on the nightstand it’s 1:03am. The front door opens and shuts quietly, as if not trying to disturb anyone. There’s some shuffling from the entrance, to the kitchen, and then to your door. You shut your eyes and listen closely as the door to your room opens.
Footsteps approach your bed, but Hawks has heavier footsteps so it can’t be him. You feel your bed sink besides you and a hand begins to pet your hair. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been home princess. I’ve been working on some hard cases lately.”
This voice is deep but so kind and gentle. You open your eyes and see a lanky but tall man with deep sunken eyes looking back at you. “Who are you?”
He chuckles and rests his hand on the side of your face, “I know I look different right now, but you’re smart.”
You analyze him closely and keep finding yourself looking at his eyes. They’re so blue, a deep beautiful blue. “All Might?” You ask, but this time you don’t feel terror gripping your body.
“See? I told you that you’re smart. Oh my smart little princess, how have you been?” He lifts your from your spot as if you weight nothing and sets you down on his lap, cradling you as if you’re a child.
“Oh uh… my body hurts.” You mutter. Still on guard, but knowing that fighting him will help nothing if it really is All Might.
He smiled weekly and places a kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry darling. I had to make sure you would be good and come home with us.”
Come home with us? Your theory of this being them playing house is confirmed. You shake your head and place your battered hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly. “All Might can I as-“
“My name is Toshinori, call me Toshi.” He interrupts, still smiling.
“Ah, okay Toshi…” you take a deep breath, “Why did you bring me here? How did you bring me here?”
He nods and pulls you back to his chest, preventing you from pushing back, “Of course Princess.”
He repositions do that he’s laying down and you’re resting on his chest, his arms holding you to him tightly but not painfully.
“Never had I ever seen any crimes committed so gracefully. It’s as if someone could teleport into these high security building or you could appear from the shadows. That’s why I gave you that nickname.” He hums and one of his hands lowers to you waist, gripping it roughly but still not painfully. “I couldn’t even find you on CCTV. So I studied your crimes and while I was in the middle of it, someone approached me. He told me that he had also been searching for you, and he was going to go crazy if he couldn’t apprehend the shadow. I’ve never seen him so riled up about something work related. And never in a million years did I expect him to come to me for help.”
He massaged circles into your waist and his other hands plays with your hair. “For months we studied you and your varying patterns. And after finally applying the pattern to the right crime, you fell right into our trap. That entire building was lined wall to wall with cameras. Not only that, Keigo was there.”
For months they had tailed you and you had no idea? I’m the many years you’ve been in this line of work, no one has ever even gotten a sniff of you before. “He took photos as you set that mutant monster free. The one that has murdered more than two thousand people. He had been waiting in the only air vent on top, with his phone camera recording, and eyes watching.”
To know that he had been there, in arms reach, terrifies you.
“It took us so long to figured out where you lived. Because after you did your job, it’s as if you turned into thin air. Keigo said you left the room, and then you were no where to be found. But of course we already knew where you lived by then. One of your exes had loose lips after we cut off his ears.” He chuckles, “Oh man he sure did sing.”
They both must be completely insane. Is it the pressure of being a hero? Or something they were born with? Regardless, these men are completely insane.
“After we finally got our first glimpse of you, we both fell in love. Though to say we already hadn’t fallen in love by the true beauty of your work would be a lie.” He moves his hand from your hair to your cheek, caressing it gently once again, “We’re just so happy you’re finally ours.”
Over time they became more and more affections with only Toshinori to tell Keigo when he’s gone too far. Over time you’ve slowly been fighting this reality that crushes you, yelling at you to just obey. Over time, you have not regained any feeling in your fingers. You have not bothered to use your quirk because the idea of looking at your fingers nauseates you. You don’t even look when they change the bandages.
While the days now seem to be routine, this one would change that monotony. You drag yourself from bed, and into the shower, as you do each and every morning. You brush your teeth and your hair and get dressed. Keigo and Toshinori bought you some makeup since they noticed you always wore it during your missions. Sometimes you wear it and sometimes you don’t. Today you just put mascara and gloss on.
You walk back to your bedroom and stop when in the doorway when you see your bed. The pillows have been rearranged and seemingly multiplied, arranged messily into something resembling a nest. What are they up to this time? They’ve given you multiple presents and surprised to try and cheer you up so this must be one of them.
You walk into the kitchen and Toshinori is standing in a t shirt and sweat pants and a pink frilly apron. He’s cooking something that smells delicious and before sitting down at the island you glance at the front door. You had tried to escape… once. For miles all that surrounds you is forest. No sign of civilization anywhere, and you always seem to end up back at the house. Neither of the heroes even chased you out, they just waited at the door until you tired yourself out and came inside. They forced you to bathe and then cuddled with you on the couch, watching Netflix.
You sit down on the stool and take a sip of the hot coffee and Toshinori had prepared. “Goodmorning Princess, how’d you sleep? Any nightmares?”
Now that you think about it, you haven’t had a single nightmare since you moved in. How would he know about that? It doesn’t matter. They already know you better than you know yourself. “No nightmares… I’m just hungry.”
The sound of wings flapping makes me turn my attention to one of the other bedrooms where Hawks comes out bleary eyes in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. He enters the kitchen and places a kiss on my forehead before sitting down.
Toshinori scoffs and pours him a cup of coffee. “Could you at least put on some pants?”
Hawks shakes his head, “Nope! You scared our wife is gonna like me more?”
Toshinori pauses but continues plating some omeletes, scones, and assorted fruits. “Not at all, no one wants to see your eggs popping out of your boxers is all.”
Keigo looks down and his face flushes red and he quickly readjusts. “Ah shut up already. I’m hungry.”
You all eat together on the couch and watch some Sunday morning cartoons, their attempt at a regular family weekend.
Out of nowhere your head begins to pound, and you curl over gripping it while moaning. Unbeknownst to you, the two men share a look before tending to you.
Toshinori rubs your back soothingly, “What’s wrong princess?”
Keigo grabs one of your hands in his and kisses the back of it, “Does your head hurt birdy?”
Toshinori nods, “It must be, go get the medicine from the bathroom.”
You groan and Toshinori picks you up and takes you to your bedroom, laying you down gently on the plush bed. Somehow the bed is more comfortable with all of these pillows, you thought it would be lumpy.
Keigo comes in and sits you up a little bit and signals you to open your mouth. You do as your told and he places two pills on your tongue. He helps you wash it down with a glass of water from your nightstand. “Alright birdy why don’t you rest for a bit.”
“If you need anything just call for us okay?” You can barely cling onto his words before passing out without even being able to put up a struggle.
Your whole body aches. It’s as if you’re burning up and your sweat drenches your body. It’s as if there’s fire stemming from your stomach, it’s unbearable. You sit up, ignoring everything in your body begging you to lay down again. You shuffle your legs and there’s a loud wet sound. Looking down you realize not only are you covered in sweat but whatever this slick was that’s pouring from your panties.
It’s the middle of the night now, you slept all day. You turn your head to the door which is slightly ajar, and even darker in the hallway. You would think living with two heroes would provide you with a sense of security especially at night. But it’s nothing like that.
You climb over the pillow mountain and stand up, legs shaking and body trembling. The sweat doesn’t let up, still pouring from your skin. You step out of the room and can hear rain pounding on the roof, followed by the sound of booming thunder. Finally after trailing your hand across the wall you find the thermostat, hoping to turn it down. It’s already at 65… why are you so damn hot?
You struggle towards the bathroom and lean on the sink for support. You open up the medicine cabinet and look through it for some fever reducing medicine. Advil… vitamin C… Heat inducer? You pull the bottle from the cabinet and examine the label.
Heat Inducer for animal morphs
Not made for consumption of beings that are more than 60% human
One drop under the tongue to induce heat for breeding sessions
Had they given you a heat inducer? You’re nowhere close to an animal morph, there’s no telling what it could do to you. You keep looking through the cabinet, desperate for anything to relieve this pain. All you find is a bottle of sleeping tranquilizer pills, making you realize this situation was even more dangerous than you thought.
“Oh Birdy, you should be in bed resting. Unless you’re ready?” He asks with a grin on his face.
“You’re a fucking psychopath.” You spit.
He chortles and shakes his head, “Oh darling, wasn’t that obvious?” He closes the gap with one step and grabs you by your waist, throwing you over his shoulder.
He marches back towards your bedroom but not before making a stop. He knocks on the door it Toshinori’s bedroom and calls out teasingly, “Our little birdy is ready!”
Fuck, you need to get out of this situation fast. You begin unwrapping your numb fingers frantically but squeal when you feel a sharp slap against your pussy.
“You’re so wet birdy! I can’t wait to fill you up.” He picks up his pace and you hurry on unwrapping your fingers. Finally you manage to get it off when you’re thrown across the room and onto the bed.
As Keigo approaches you you grab your finger and thumb with your other hand press then together. Nothing happens. You begin slamming them together, surely rebreaking the bones but you can’t help it as you feel your only hope slip away.
Keigo hovers over you and presses his lips against your ear, “He destroyed all the nerves connecting your fingers to your hand… you’ll never have a quirk again.”
Your body freezes and heart skips a beat. What? This was their plan all along? To strip you of the one thing that gave you power in this world? Every day you realize something worse and worse about them.
Keigo presses his hand flat against your pussy and you scramble to grab it and pry it off. He doesn’t budge, his finger rubbing slowly against your clit, relieving your pain momentarily.
You know the effects of heat, it overwhelms your body until the only thing to take away the feeling happens, sex, and being knotted. You arent going to let this drug take over all of your inhibitions.
You reach one hand up to the back of his head and throw your head forward, head butting him and leaving you with blood dripping down your face. You’re dizzy but still able to gather yourself. Keigo is laying on his side, rubbing his head and groaning.
With perfect timing someone else enters the room. A man you’ve seen every day but something has changed. The lanky man approaches you, and without a word he wraps a hand around your neck and press you back down into the bed. With his other hand he slaps your hard and you even feel your consciousness waver.
He grite his teeth and places a finger under the strap of your panties. “Is that any way to treat your husbands?”
In one fluid motion he rips off your panties and pulls your legs on his shoulders, burying his face in your warmth. Your hands shoot down to his head, gripping his hair, pulling at it and begging.
His long tongue prods at your hole and you buck your hips despite holding back. His tongue trails up to your clit and begins pushing it around with the slick he gathered from your hole. It’s like this burning sensation increases where he touches but soothes every pain in your body.
Two fingers punch your nipples and you squeak, bringing one hand to your mouth to stop your moans. Keigo looks bored as he pinches and pulls at your nipple, “Toshi’, I wanna fuck her already.”
Toshinori lifts his head momentarily, “All right all right, let me just prep her a little okay.”
Before you have time to process their words Toshinori’s tongue is back to torturing your clit. Two long slender finger begins prodding at your hole and you squeal out, “No! Don’t!”
Keigo laughs, “We all know that’s not what you really mean.” He leans down and his mouth latches onto one of your nipples sucking and leaving you shivering. You’ve never felt a pleasure like this before.
The two fingers you had almost forgotten about thrust inside of you without warning, scissoring and poking at your walls. Your hand can’t contain your moan and it echoes throughout the room. He continues fucking you with his fingers and licking and nipping at your clit. That mixed with the sensation of your sore nipples being played with you can’t contain yourself. Your back arches off of the bed and you let out a loud, high pitched moan.
Despite your obvious orgasm, the men don’t let up, in fact they get hungrier. Toshinori pushes Keigo off of you and flips you over with your ass in the air.
“Hey! It’s my turn! I didn’t get to taste her yet!” Keigo barks at Toshinori.
“Fine, but don’t… fuck her yet okay?” The lanky man begrudgingly agrees.
Keigo takes Toshinori’s position and you don’t have time to move with their speed. Keigo lowers his head and stretches his tongue to lick your clit from behind. Your fists grip the sheets and you bury your face in a pillow to hide the lewd sounds you’re making.
His tongue trails up and pokes at your hole, but it doesn’t stop there. It keeps going up until it makes contact with your asshole. You buck forward but two firm hands on your shoulders stop you. You look up see Toshinori on his knees in front of you, “Why don’t you suck on something to help ease the pain?”
You’re not given much of an option, Toshinori pulls out his dick and you find yourself fearful again. This time at the sheer length of his dick, “Don’t worry, just suck the tip okay?”
He presses the tip of his dick in your mouth forcefully and at the same time Keigo presses a finger into your tight add hole and another in your needy pussy.
You try to cry out but the vibrations excite Toshinori more, pressing his dick a little further into your mouth. The taste isn’t great but for some reason right now it addictive, you lick the underside of his shaft and he shivers, pressing his dick back until it presses the back of your throat. Normally you would have thrown up on the spot but with this drug in your system it’s like there’s no resistance at all.
Toshinori begins fucking your face violently while holding your head up by a fistful of hair. Behind you Keigo moves both of his fingers to your asshole, thrusting them in and out, stretching you in a new glorious way.
“Toshi finish up. She’s ready.” Keigo calls out from behind you, removing his fingers and slapping your push again.
The slap holes you forward and Toshinori begins pressing your face all the way into his pubes, leaving you unable to breathe. You thrash around but his pounding doesn’t stop and you feel yourself begin to black out.
Toshinori holds your face against his pubes and his dick twitches in your mouth, and you can feel his hot cum sliding down your throat. He pulls you off of him quickly and flips you over so you’re between his legs, head resting on his chest.
“You’re such a good girl for daddy. It’s time for your present.” He kisses the top of your head and your thoughts become hazy.
Keigo sits between your legs and you feel something heavy slap your pussy a few times. Each time you flinch but can’t find it in yourself to move. You glance down and see Toshinori smiling innocently with his hand gripping his thick dick. It’s curved and far longer than any man should be allowed to have. Putting that in someone would break them.
He slides it between your folds and it dawns on you, he’s going to put that thing in you. You jump up and cling to Toshinori, “Please don’t, please! Its- it will break me!”
They both laugh and Toshinori pets your head, “It’ll just be a tight fit at first that’s all.”
You beg Toshinori to not let Keigo impale you but instead he reassures you that you’ll be fine and holds you against his chest so Keigo can fuck you.
“P-please Kei’… Dont.” You whimper.
Keigo smiled and places a hand on your face gently, “Birdy… You’re mine now. You don’t have a choice.”
He thrusts his dick inside of your pussy, not warning you, and not caring that you’re flailing and crying. The stretch from his girth is so painful but he doesn’t even give you time to adjust, just starts fucking you like an animal.
“Keigo be gentle.” Toshinori protests.
Between heavy breaths and not stopping his thrusting he retorts, “You haven’t felt her yet. So stop talking.”
The pain slowly melts into an overwhelming pleasure. Your screams turn into moans of ecstasy and you can feel drool drip from your lips as you bob around on Keigo’s dick like nothing but a tiny doll. Toshinori reached his hand between the two of you and rubs your clit, not needing lube as your slick has gotten everywhere by now. He rubs tantalizingly slow circles, bringing you close to orgasm but ripping it away when he stops suddenly.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Keigo mutters.
Toshinori begins rubbing circles more vigorously on your clit and you begin to spasm, every muscle in your body freaking out. Keigo grips your waist, nails digging into your sides and wings shivering. Your walls tighten and contract around him, forcing the cum out of him.
His cock literally expands inside of you, sending you into another mini orgasm while being completely overly sensitive. Toshinori keeps rubbing circles and with his other hand he tugs at your nipple.
You can feel it forming. The knot. He keeps trying to thrust but as the knot gets bigger he can only manage small ruts. Then it happens, it all releases inside of you, your walls squeezing and sucking the cum from his dick. He groans as his dick goes back to normal size, and your belly expands, showing just how much cum he fucked into you.
He falls backwards and wipes some sweat off of his forehead, “Give me a few minutes Toshi.”
Toshi nods and you assume it’s over. There’s no way they expect your body to handle anything else. But at the same time, the moment he pulled his dick out of you this burning painful feeling returned. Toshinori lifts you carefully and turns you so that you’re facing him.
“Alright princess, I’ll try to be gentle.” He holds your limp body over his dick, slowly sitting you on top of it.
“Too much… too much- Toshi.” You mumble.
“Oh I know princess but you’re being so good!” He coos.
He lowers you on his dick and just the tip stretches you more than Keigo did. He moves slowly but each time you recover from the pain of the last inch, the pain of the next inch creeps in. About half way down his dick he sighs, “This is never going to work, I’m sorry princess.”
Expecting him to lift you off you sigh in relief, but you couldn’t be anymore wrong. He pulls you down forcefully onto the rest of his dick and you find yourself screaming again with a sore throat.
“Hah, and you told me to go easy on her.” Keigo laughs from behind you.
“At least I’m giving her time to get used to it.” Toshinori holds you down on him firmly, your squirming will never get you out of this position.
Gently he lifts you up by two inches, and cruelly he slams you back down. He does it over and over and no words can escape you, only animalistic sounds of ecstasy and desperation.
From behind you Keigo had gathered himself together, dick already painfully hard from seeing his fellow husband fuck the shit out of you. He lined himself up from behind you and takes on the role Toshinori did before.
He begins playing with your clit and sucking on your neck, leaving you with bruises and bloody bite marks. But right now, everything feels like ecstasy, even teeth sinking into your skin. You’re too busy trying not to cum to feel Keigo lining his dick up against your asshole. It’s sopping wet with the slick from your pussy.
He places it perfectly so that when Toshinori brought you back down his length again, you’d have his dick in your ass too. Electrifying pain shoots you your spin and you fall limp against Toshinori’s chest. Neither of them spare you any kindness, thrusting deep inside of you, Toshinori fucking Keigo’s cum even deeper in your pussy.
But just as it happened with the rest of your pain, the pain of having your asshole and pussy stretched at the same time becomes pleasurable. The men bounce you on their dicks in sync, fucking you fast and hard, gripping different parts of your body and leaving you bruised.
You can feel another tidal wave of an orgasm coming over your body and Toshinori grunts out, “Fuck I’m so sorry princess I can’t help myself.”
Before you can interpret his words, there’s a poof sound and a cloud of smoke. Instantly your pussy walls begin to stretch, until you’re sure you’re going to tear in half. It stays stagnant inside of you, his dick now too big to even move if he didn’t want to pull Keigo out of you. You can feel the veins in his dick pulsating and pressing against your walls, a new kind of pleasure that no person should ever be exposed to.
“Fuck Toshi. Warning please! You’re practically crushing my dick!” Keigo yells out.
“Sorry Keigo, I couldn’t help it.” Toshinori says somewhat ashamed.
“Fuck I’m cumming again.” Keigo’s hands falls to your waist and he sits up more so he can thrust you on his dick and Toshinori’s dick.
Your head falls back onto Keigo’s shoulder, unable to catch your breath as your fucked so violently in a way that satisfies you endlessly.
It happens again, the knot starts forming. Toshinori groans as the knot presses against his dick through your walls. His dick stretches inside of you, heating up and releasing.
Suddenly, Toshinori reaches over you and grabs Keigo by his face, “Get the fuck off of her. It’s my turn.”
Hearing the hunger In Toshinori’s voice, Keigo pulls himself from inside of you and stands up to put his sweatpants back on. Toshinori pulls his pulsating length from inside of you, and grabs your by your hair. He throws you down on your stomach but you can’t even sit up before he pushes his hand on the back of your neck and lifts your ass up with his other.
“Try and lift your head and fuck you until you break.” His words scare you, because you know he’s not bluffing.
He lifts his hand from the back of your neck and presses his thumb into the whole of your pussy, managing to hold in the cum. His dick lines up with your asshole and you know you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.
He presses in the tip, forcing your legs to quiver. It’s one thing to have his dick stretch inside of you, but another to have it penetrate you at this size, he presses it in slowly, ignoring your whimpers until he’s all the way down to the base. It’s instant, his hips snap forward and he begins fucking your asshole, stretching you until you finally notice the bulge in your stomach. You don’t even have to look, you can feel it.
Somehow the idea that you’re being penetrated by this huge man turns you on more. And you start moaning as he claims your ass. It doesn’t take long for his violent thrusts to slow down and his dick to start twitching erratically. His cum is just as hot as before, filling you up even more than he had before. He pulls his dick out of you but still doesn’t give you the chance to rest.
He grabs your ankles and lifts you up by them, “Sorry princess, gotta plug you up and we don’t want to leak anything.”
Your head is so numb that nothing he says registers with you. Keigo walks back into the room with two plugs in hand. Toshinori pulls your legs apart and Keigo pushes the plugs inside of you, earning one last moan from your abused body.
Toshinori sets you down in the bed and pulls your back against him. “Oh you were so good princess. You did so well today.”
Keigo lays down next to the both of you and rests a hand on your hip, “And tomorrow birdy, we’re gonna tie your legs up in the air, and fill you with our seed whenever we feel like it.”
“You don’t have to be so crass.” Toshinori grumbled at Keigo.
Keigo chuckles, “Why? She’s gonna love it. Our beautiful little birdy is going to be pregnant with our child, all nice and chubby with big swollen tits. Doesn’t that sound great?”
You’re drifting to sleep but you can feel Toshinori’s boner forming once again, “Yeah, it will be great.”
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the most famous restaurant supply store in manhattan
restaurant supply store au. natasha romanoff* x reader meet-cute. featuring clint, kate, and steve.
i love each and every coffee shop/florist/bookstore au on this website, but why does no one ever write a reader au set in that little restaurant supply store you walk past but never enter???
*nat doesnt come in until the end of the fic but it still counts.
Writing a resume is hard, you admit to yourself, when your current employer could only name his restaurant supply store, located on Canal Street, “Canal Street Restaurant Supply”. Not even a “the” for even an ounce of distinction. Take, for example, “The Ohio State”, “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, or “The Way You Will Never Pay Off Your Student Loans”. Something with a bit of je ne sais quoi. 
Anyways, the dingy pseudo-warehouse you work in has little to offer beyond minimum wage. You can’t even use your very generous five-percent employee discount because, well, if you owned your own restaurant, why would you be working here? On the bright side, though, the shop rarely gets customers. At least, not during the afternoon shift. Most customers pick up their goods in the morning before their restaurants open. The shelves of pots, pans, and teapots collect dust as you surreptitiously mark up your latest resume draft with a red pen. 
“Oi, shouldn’t you be dusting the shelves, English?” calls out a voice from the basement. The basement is where they store the big crates of pots of pans that aren’t in the big crates on the shop floor. The basement also houses your boss’s office. 
Jimmy, your boss, calls you English because 1) you severely overpaid for a bachelor’s degree in English at NYU and 2) unlike your Chinese-American coworkers, you can only speak your native English.
“I just dusted yesterday!” you shout back. Capping your pen, you slide your redlined resume under a stack of handwritten invoices next to the cash register.
“You should dust every day,” he responds. His neatly brushed black-grey hair pokes its way out of the stacks of bowls lining the shelves. “This place attracts dust like my son attracts unsuitable boyfriends.”
“I think Kevin’s suitors are quite nice,” you say, in defense of your friend.
“Tsk,” Jimmy replies, “Nice to look at maybe. Why can’t he choose someone with a job? Or a nice family?”
You grab the Swiffer from under the desk and get to dusting the teapots, “I don’t know, Mr. Jimmy. Jobs are overrated, I think. Look, I’m dusting a teapot.”
He pauses and straightens the collar of his shirt. “And you dust the teapot very well.”
You nod.
Jimmy clears his throat, “I have to go deliver this shipment of dining plates to a customer this afternoon. Will you be okay here for a few hours while I’m gone?”
You make a point of turning your head and surveying the empty store. You nod.
“Good. Good,” Jimmy says. “Kevin will be by after his shift at the office.”
“Sounds good, Mr. Jimmy.”
“Call me if you need anything!”
You shake your head gently as Jimmy leaves with a heaving crate of plates in his arms. Ever since the Battle of New York, Jimmy has had an irrational fear of the Hulk tearing up his humble restaurant supply store. But things have been calm in this part of the city for years. You think your boss is a bit silly.
You yelp as a spatula nearly misses your head by a few inches. Eyes wide, you look behind you at the metal spatula, vibrating with the impact of impaling your favorite lucky cat statue. Its waving arm had dislocated from its cat-body.
Well, at least it isn’t the Hulk?
Let’s rewind a bit. Not even five minutes after Jimmy left with his delivery, the front door slammed open again. Thinking it was your boss, you poked your head out to look and immediately regretted it. A group of guys, wearing peculiar red tracksuits sped towards you, yelling indecipherable commands. You didn’t even have time to scream before they grabbed you and snarled in your face.
“Where are they?!” one demanded.
“Yeah, bro,” another echoed, “We know that brat is here somewhere.”
“Who the fuck are you talking about?” you yelped, kicking your legs futilely at them.
“The Bishop bitch!” one unhelpfully clarified.
 You continued to wriggle helplessly in their grip.
"Wait, bro," one grunted, "Are we on Catherine Street right now?"
You stopped struggling. 
The other tracksuit let you go.
"No, bro. The sign says Canal Street," said the first guy.
"Yeah. How do you not know what street you're on, bro? Not very New York of you…"
"Lay off, bro!" exclaimed the confused one, "...I'm from Michigan, bro."
What the fu-
"Hands in air, tracksuits!" yelled a different, younger voice. A girl?
All three bad guys turned towards the new faces. It was a young woman, wearing a lot of purple, and holding… a bow? Next to her, an older blonde man sighed deeply and reached for his utility belt. 
From the purple tights and do-gooder attitude of the girl, you clocked the duo as good guys. Avengers? Whatever, you took the moment of distraction to run out of the grasp of the tracksuits. 
Luckily for you, they didn't pay you any attention. You managed to escape behind the counter and cower in the space under the register. Unluckily for Jimmy and Canal Street Restaurant Supply, you could hear all of the inventory crashing to the ground and shattering into tiny pieces. You heard the sound of the bad guys grunting in pain and the thwp thwp of arrows finding their marks. 
Now, there's a spatula embedded in a poor plastic cat statue. You feel yourself shaking. You duck your head down again and dissociate, probably, while the fighting continues. 
Eventually though, sirens come blaring towards you. The only other sound you hear is whispering between the heroes and the pained groans of the, presumably, incapacitated bad guys.
"Hey…" comes the voice of the purple girl, "are you okay? You can come out now."
You warily grab the edge of the counter and pull yourself up. The shop is completely fucked. Porcelain shattered into glitter on the ground. Pans pelleted with arrows. A guy holding his thigh, a puddle of red… Fuck-
The last thing you hear before you black out is a gruff, "Aw no!"
You come to with a jerk. The first thing you hear is your pounding heartbeat echoing in your head. Wait. No, it's coming from around you. A heartbeat monitor. You snap your eyes open and a blinding light glares at you. Your eyes snap shut. You're in a hospital?
"Hey, hey," soothes a raspy voice. It's familiar. "You're okay." 
You open your eyes, slowly this time. The light above your bed has been dimmed. You hear your heartbeat slow down. 
You turn your head towards the voice, ignoring the throbbing in your skull. A pretty redhead smiles at you. 
What the hell is Natasha Romanoff doing in your room?
"Oh, so you do recognize the Avengers," the spy muses, "Clint will be livid. I love it."
Whoops, were you talking out loud??
Natasha Romanoff - The Black Widow - grins at you.
Your hands fly to cover your traitorous mouth. You shut your eyes again in embarrassment. The heartbeat monitor audibly speeds up. You groan loudly, in pain. And in mortification.
"Kill me now," you mutter into your palms.
Warm hands take your hands in hers. You freeze, but Natasha gently peels your palms from your mouth.
"Can't do that, darling. Steve would not approve." 
She's teasing you. You nearly pass out, again, at the thought of Steve Rogers knowing who you are anyways.
You slowly sit up, and the other woman helpfully places a pillow behind your back. You thank her and ask, "Is Captain America here?" 
"Oh, she knows about Captain America, too."
Despite your hospitalized, traumatized, and increasingly flustered state, you manage to roll your eyes, "Of course I know about Captain America. You can tell Clint Barton he just needs a better marketer, if he wants more attention."
Natasha laughs, looking at you with a fond smile. "I can't say we go looking for attention in this line of work."
You shake your head dumbly. She laughs again and you feel your breath catch. Actually wait-
The infamous Black Widow barely has time to shove a pan under your chin before you lose the contents of your stomach. And the last of your dignity.
At that moment, Steve Rogers sticks his head into the room, but immediately backs away at the scene. "I'll, uh, give you two ladies another few minutes then…"
You groan. What a terrible day. 
Natasha Romanoff pats your back and hands you a tissue. 
Well, you suppose, it could be worse.
Your phone lights up with a call. It's Jimmy. 
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charliedawn · 1 year
Caught under the mistletoe
Hannibal family x Reader
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Peter was caught off guard when he noticed the mistletoe above the threshold.
He looked behind you and saw his two brothers looking at him with big mischievous smiles. He instantly knew it was their doing.
Hannibal Jr. had decided to go and retrieve Hannibal Sr. for the day, leaving plenty of time for Morgan and Kevin to plot his embarrassment.
He quickly understood Kevin had set up the whole house and Morgan was holding a camera in his hands.
They probably expected you to just reject him on the spot or tell him you didn't want to kiss him.
He tried not to roll his eyes.
However, he was agreeably surprised when you didn't reject or refuse the kiss, you were even the one to engage first.
He thought it would be a simple peck on the lips, something innocent enough that his two brothers would quickly get bored of..But boy, was he wrong.
You grabbed him by the collar and in an instant, you were kissing him with fire.
He wasn't one to deny an early Christmas gift and decided to indulge in the tradition before kissing you back with just as much passion or even more.
Problem was, he got so caught up in the moment, he completely forgot about his two witnesses.
It was finally Kevin who had to step in.
Kevin *laughs awkwardly* : "Hum..Not to be an a** or anything but, the food is gonna get cold."
Morgan *keeps filming*
You addressed Kevin a mischievous smirk before closing the door behind you.
Kevin instantly tried to look for his keys, but realized he had left them inside and so had Morgan.
They had tried to set Peter up, a few minutes outside would make them think twice.
Peter would have normally opened the door for them in the following minute..
But, when you kissed him again, he completely lost it.
At this point, nothing could have snapped Peter out of it and at the end, the two other boys had to wait 10 minutes outside before they were allowed back in.
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Kevin was surprised. He was usually the one pranking people, but he got trapped under the mistletoe anyway.
No doubt Morgan was behind this..
Kevin *nervously scratching the back of his head and looking at everything but you* : "Hey. We don't gotta..You know..No worries."
He tried to tell you you didn't need to kiss him, but when you admitted you wanted to, his eyes widened in shock.
"You want to...okay ? Sure. No problem."
He tried to shrug it off as casual, but was literally panicking inside.
Intense mental self-doubt activated.
Kevin is a very nervous boy in general and even though it doesn't show often because of his constant teasing and verbal overconfidence..He would be stunned and excited.
But, he would also be afraid of messing things up and wonder if he shouldn't be the one to just call things off and call it a day.
But, if he really thought you wanted to and felt confident enough ?
He would give it a shot. But, be careful that he doesn't get lost too far into his own thoughts, or it would definitely ruin the experience.
Example: his brain during a kiss.
How does someone kiss someone else ?
Eww. Eww. Ewww...Let's do it again.
Wait. Am I actually enjoying this ?
Okay. Maybe. A little.
It would end up with Kevin, making a bunch of random weird facial expressions the whole time, to the point where it would seem like he isn't enjoying himself.
So, verbal praise is always a plus.
You : "...Stop overthinking things and just kiss me."
Him *smiles and nods before indulging* : "Alright, ma'am."
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Morgan expected it. Kevin did the same thing every year. It made family reunions awkward and most of the time some family friend would try to set him up with his niece/nephew/cousin..
It wasn't a pleasant tradition for Morgan, but he did enjoy it on rare occasions when Kevin or Peter would embarrass themselves by trying to kiss the most "good-looking" person of the night.
Only to end up with a wet kiss on the cheek from great aunt Jane.
He usually didn't participate in their childish games..However, when he saw you—he immediately called dibs.
Morgan *sighs* : "Alright. Then, shall I speak to father about that time when you both broke uncle Hannibal Jr.' favorite vase and I took the blame ?"
Peter and Kevin : "...."
No need to say. They didn't win that argument and Morgan got full monopoly.
He then approached you and first talked to you before smoothly leading you to the mistletoe he knew was hanging above the fire place.
Morgan *smiles/pretends not to have known it was there* : "Would you look at that ? It seems like a trap was set.."
You *smile back/not buying it* : "A very sweet trap indeed.."
Morgan is very simple and direct when it comes to physical signs of attachment.
If he likes it ? He'll ask again.
If he doesn't ? Friends it is.
But, as he is a man who prefers to rely on what he knows than what he feels, the kiss will be enjoyable depending on how your previous discussion went.
Morgan *stays still for a second or two after the kiss before smiling* : "~Not bad. Not bad at all.."
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Hannibal Jr. was set up by his three very very nosy nephews who decided it was their job to find their uncle a good person to kiss on Christmas.
Morgan organized multiple files on each of the guests until they found the ideal candidate: you.
Kevin hung mistletoe over various strategic places he knew would make it impossible for his uncle to miss or deny.
Peter talked to the both of you separately during the event and made sure the two of you would end up alone at the end.
Kevin even slashed your tires so you won't leave too early. Dedication right there.
However, their uncle wasn't a fool and even though he didn't really know what the three of them were plotting, he eventually realized when both of your backs collided.
You turned around and suddenly, he seemed to understand.
He looked up and as he expected, the mistletoe was there.
You looked up as well and your eyes widened for a second before you let out a small knowing chuckle.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention."
He studied you carefully. He had never seen you before..
"Who are you ?"
"I am one of Morgan's co-workers. He invited me. I hope it is no bother ?", you answered and Hannibal Jr. sighed. Of course the boy was behind it all..
"No. Of course not, love."
You blushed slightly at the nickname before looking up once more at the mistletoe.
"Do you want us to kiss ?", you asked and Hannibal Jr. chuckled softly.
"That is how the tradition goes..."
You laughed too and before you knew it, your lips were connected and Hannibal Jr. heard vivid clapping behind him. He didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Besides, he was enjoying what he was doing far too much to stop.
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Finally, to trap Hannibal Sr. under the mistletoe would take incredible time and effort. The man barely leaves his office and to catch him off guard is as rare and unlikely as spotting Santa Claus in July.
It would take the whole family to come up with a plan—including Hannibal Jr.
And to get him on board would already be a miracle.
At the end though, Hannibal Jr. decided it would make a good distraction and an occasion to test the younger Hannibals' skills. So, he allowed it.
He did help them set their father up with one of his co-workers he had invited for the occasion.
He knew you had been single for a while and were living alone. No attachment.
His father would approve, as you would fit better into the family and soon, they were all working on a way to
But, he let the young ones take care of the rest and only sometimes inquired on their plans and gave them some clues or advice.
When the day arrived, you soon found yourself outside with Hannibal Jr. who pretended to have forgotten his drink inside.
You waited. But, he never came back.
Instead, his father did and was surprised to find you alone outside, freezing.
He instinctively took off his coat and gave it to you.
"You poor thing..A charming young lady/man such as yourself shouldn't be waiting here in the dark all on their own."
You hadn't waited that long, but you wouldn't rectify it when the man was acting like such a gentleman.
Hannibal Sr. wasn't the one to spot the mistletoe first, you did.
You looked up and your eyes widened slightly as you noticed the branch hanging above your heads from one of the branch of an apple tree..
The silence made Hannibal Sr. look up at what you were looking at and his own eyes widened slightly before he shook his head and let out a small chuckle of disbelief.
"I swear those boys.."
His eyes then settled back on you and you involuntarily shivered. You weren't cold. But, you had this odd feeling about the man.
He mistook your silence for denial about the mistletoe and sighed.
"If you wish, we could come back inside and forget about it ? It is up to you.."
He wasn't one to push, but you shook your head. He had been nice enough to keep you company. You didn't want to appear rude.
When he leant in, you followed.
But, you were surprised when he lips didn't connect with your lips, but your cheek.
You then blushed when you realized you had expected the other alternative, without even considering this one..
He then lead you back inside and once you were back, he raised your hand to his lips and kissed it.
Your heart hammered in your chest.
It was only when he was gone that you realized he had left his jacket with you.
You were about to call him back when you felt something brush against your fingertips in his pocket.
When you pulled it out, your eyes widened as you realized it was his number..
At the end, the only one who had been trapped was you.
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sweetmisschesire · 9 months
Kevin wheezed as he ran through the woods. Normally he wouldn’t be out here, unless he was wolfed out. He has decided however to walk along a path just off the sidewalk in the forest, wanting to avoid people. It had been a long day and he just wanted to go home.
But he was really regretting it now. He had been maybe halfway home when it happened. Someone walked out on the path in front of him. Kevin didn't think much of it at first, he wouldn’t be the only one using this path. But as he got closer he could actually see the person. Or rather the red robe and hood they wore.
The hood had many eye holes, and the person also wore a golden necklace with a blue gem. The person just stared, not moving. Rustling of leaves and some branches breaking made him turn around to see more robed people behind him and on his sides. He was completely surrounded.
“Witness to the stars.”
The one who had walked in front of him suddenly spoke.
“Beast granted by the eyes.”
The group moved closer to Kevin.
“You have a place you must take.”
And now here he was running. Kevin had managed to force his way through a gap in the group. He had no idea if they were still following him but he wasn’t about to stop and look.
“Beast granted by the eyes.”
No way. No way they fucking knew right? This was bad. Really, really bad. He had no idea where he was either, given he had run off blindly but deeper into the woods.
Kevin had been so focused on his spiraling thoughts, that he wasn’t watching where he was putting his feet. His foot snagged something and next thing he knew it was yanked out from under him. Kevin grunted as his face made contact with the dirt.
He looked back to see his leg in a snare trap attached to a small tree. Panicking he began jerking his leg towards him, a bell at the top of the tree clanging loudly.
“Shit shit shit! No!”
Kevin began clawing at the snare in an attempt to untie the knot. But it was so tight around his leg all he was doing was making his fingers bleed. He didn’t even have time to react to the footsteps when his arms were grabbed and he was pinned face down. More weight was placed on his back and free leg, effectively immobilizing him.
“N-n-no! G-get off! Let go of me!”
“I’m afraid we cannot beast.”
Kevin winced and looked up to see one of the robed guys standing in front of him.
“You have a place with the Eyes of the Universe.”
Kevin watched as the man reached into his sleeve. He pulled out a golden collar with a blue gem, much like the necklaces they wore. One of the men holding down his arms used their free hand to yank his head up by his hair.
The robed figure stepped forward. “It is time for you to take your place.”
Kevin struggled to try to even squirm but the others held him firmly in place. He watched as the collar clicked open and felt the cold metal press into his neck before hearing it click in place. The weight was oddly heavy for something supposedly made of gold.
The weight disappeared from the rest of his body but before he could even think of fighting back he was bombarded with voices.
So many voices.
Talking all at once.
In his head.
It was too much, all too much.
Covering his ears didn’t help.
He knew he was crying from how overwhelming it was but he couldn’t focus on anything but the voices. Kevin’s vision swam as he collapsed into the dirt again, and knew no more.
He came to in a room he didn’t recognize. It was red and gold in color, and he lay on a bed. Kevin forced himself up, his arms shaking from the effort. His head pounded causing his vision to go all colorful. Taking a moment to close them, Kevin sat in place and waited till his head stopped hurting.
Opening his eyes once more he surveyed the room. Besides the bed the room was simple despite its colors. A dresser and wardrobe, a small vanity with a mirror, and a bookshelf full of books, all matching the room's colors. The books had writings on their bindings he couldn’t even begin to understand. There was a bathroom with no door on the same wall as the bed.
The only other item was some kind of dress mannequin with a hooded robe like-
He shook his head and looked down at himself. Kevin could see he had been stripped of his uniform. He had on a long red sleeved shirt, and black pants. He looked up and caught sight of the collar. The blue jewel seemingly glowing.
He dragged himself out of the bed and his legs wobbled beneath him. He leaned on the bed till he felt he could stand on his own. He ran to the only door only for it to be locked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, no. What do I do?”
Kevin ran around the room looking for any other exit. A window, a vent, something. But there just- there were just blank walls. He was trapped. The sounds of locks being removed from the door had him spin around.
It opened and four of the hooded figures walked in and stood on either side of the door. A fifth one walked in, but they were different. He could actually see the lower half of his face, and some purple hair sticking out on either side. His necklace was also more grand. At this point Kevin knew he had been kidnapped by a cult, and whoever this was was likely some kind of higher up, if not the leader.
The person grinned and looked at him, his eyes actually glowing blue, cold and icy. A chill ran down Kevin’s spine as he felt that gaze upon him.
“Wh-where am I?”
“Your new home beast.”
Kevin flinched, they definitely knew.
“Oh we know, and we know this gift was granted to you by the Eye of the Universe. And now the time has come for you to repay their generosity.”
“Wh-what are you talking about? That other part of me- it’s a curse.”
“Ahh, but you are wrong, you just lack guidance.”
“I-I’m not helping you.”
The man laughed. “You don’t decide that.”
He touched the jewel on his necklace and it glowed a brighter blue. Once again the voices, all those voices-
“Now, listen.”
Kevin felt his body go rigid.
“I have a test for you. And I need the beast. Do you understand?”
Kevin nodded his head. ‘No-no what’s-‘
“So give me the beast.”
The pain, the pain, the fucking pain. He could feel his bones shifting and hair sprouting from his skin. His nails bled as they grew into claws and he couldn’t help the whine that escaped his throat. Kevin’s jaw cracked as his teeth forced themselves further out of his gums.
‘No no, this can't be possible, I don’t want this, please no.’
Kevin had always either wanted to be cured of this curse or to control it. But this wasn’t control. Not for him. What would this man make him do? Would he be forced to hurt people?
To kill?
He was down on all fours now, his mind growing fuzzy like it always did right before the wolf took control. Kevin fought so hard, tried so hard to ignore those voices. But the wolf awoke, and Kevin slept.
He awoke later as he always did, the smell of copper reached his nose before his sight came back. He was coated in red, and it wasn’t his torn shirt.
So much blood.
All over him. The floor. He could taste it in his mouth. He looked up to see he was likely in some kind of cult chamber. It looked like some mockery of a church. Kevin noticed the blood trailed off behind him and managed to turn around.
He wanted to puke.
Everytime the wolf killed it was always something like rabbits, or deer, or even coyotes.
But there in a drawn circle lay a woman’s corpse. Her body had been shredded, covered in holes and gouges from claws and teeth.
His claws and teeth.
“No no no no no.”
“Well done beast, you’ve completed your test.”
He could feel hands grab his arms and force him to his feet. The man from before walked into his line of sight. His smile and eyes were cruel as he looked at him. He then gazed at the woman.
“You found us a very fresh one, she’ll make a decent gift to the Eyes of the Universe.”
He was forced to hunt and kill this woman for this man, for these fucking cultists.
“I sense you’re distressed. Don’t worry, you’ll be accustomed to your role in no time.”
The man turned back to him, and ran his finger along the edge of his necklace .
“With the proper…motivation. While human you’ll be expected to dress properly.”
He waved his hand as he turned the woman again.
“Take him to his room. Clean yourself while you’re there beast.”
More cultists walked in from the shadows as he was forced to turn around and walk.
“We must perform the ceremony while she is still warm.”
The door shut behind him, and he could hear it lock into place. Kevin felt his legs shake as dropped to his knees.
He was trapped. He was kidnapped by a bunch of cultists.
They had full control over him. They could make him transform and turn back whenever they wanted.
He just fucking killed someone.
Kevin found himself hurling in the toilet, unaware that he had even moved. The blood was drying to his skin, the scent of copper clinging to him in a cloying, foul way. The shower would help. But he didn’t want to obey that man willingly.
He honestly wasn’t sure he could move. His body trembled as he finally just
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ladylooch · 9 months
Letters in Your Last Name - Chapter 14
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A/N: Can you tell I haven't even attempted trying to figure out the queue?? LOL.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: COVID, lil angsty, medical diagnosis, swearing, implied smut,
All I want for Christmas is you. 
“Fuck off, Mariah Carey.” I think to myself on Christmas night at the words of her iconic song filtering in from the Bose speaker in the kitchen.
Silently, I’m sitting in a plush chair in the corner of the living room. The kids are playing with their presents. Alex and Felicia are cleaning up dinner in the kitchen. The fire in the living room is crackling softly, popping on occasion as the logs break down into embers. The snow is falling gently outside and I know if I go out there, the night will be as silent as I imagine it to be. All of us are wearing matching PJs. It’s their family tradition they started when Sawyer was born. They got me a set because they didn’t want me to feel left out. The good intentions were there, but the truth is it makes me feel more alone and out of place.
I wish Kevin was here. I close my eyes and imagine him in Sweden. It’s no longer Christmas there, but I know he was with Andreas and his family. Kevin is used to celebrating the holidays without his family, instead being taken in to others and their traditions. He says he doesn’t mind, but I think he does now, not being here with us. We spoke earlier in the day, but he seemed distracted and distant, which just added to the loneliness I already feel. I know he will be back soon, but my heart longs for him today.
“Sam.” Alex’s voice drifts to me from across the room. I glance in his direction. “You have a visitor.” Him and Felicia share a knowing look.
I peek towards the door, not seeing anyone in the entry way. Confused, I slowly get up, trudging across the carpet. I still don’t see anyone as I glance to the front door.
“Who is it?” I narrow my eyes suspiciously at my brother.
“You’ll see. Grab your coat and mask.” He tells me, giving me nothing more as he turns back to rinsing the dishes. I grab both from the front closet, shrugging my jacket over my pajamas. I flip my hair out of the collar and switch my slippers for my Uggs. I almost fall as I step out onto the front porch.
“Eek!” I squeak, grabbing the front door to stabilize myself.
The light snow from this evening has turned to ice on the porch. Apparently it’s gotten a bit colder as the day has gone on. As I straighten, I look to the right and see a familiar Black Audi parked in the driveway. My mouth drops open in shock and I swing around, looking for him. There, my Christmas present patiently awaits for me. Kevin Fiala’s hands are stuffed into the pockets of his Adidas sweatpants. The ends of his hair are flipping up around the edges of his black hat and he looks so damn delectable even with the white N95 mask on his face. His brown eyes twinkle back at me with the same intensity of the Christmas lights wrapped around the railing.
“Kev!” I move towards him and he holds his hands up in caution.
“Put your mask on, babe. I just got here from the airport.” Behind his mask and in his voice, I can feel the smile on his face. I quickly secure my mask and walk towards him, already forgetting about the slick surface of the porch. I can feel the tears burning my eyes as I reach him. I slip again, but his hands grasp my upper arms to steady me. He pulls me into his arms with no hesitation and I bury my face directly into his chest.
“Hi baby.” He murmurs, holding me close as we sway slightly. He smooths my hair down with his hand, keeping me flush against his chest.
“Hi! I have missed you so much.” I sob to him. Tears are streaming down my face and sinking into the mask on my face. Stupid COVID. Stupid masks. Stupid every layer of cloth keeping us from each other’s skin.
“Me too… Me too.” He lets out a heavy sigh. We stay like that for minutes, maybe even hours, I don’t know. All I know is that the feeling of being in his arms has erased every hard minute of the last few months. All the pain, sadness, and fear is gone and every fiber of my being is pulsing with love for the man in my arms.
“I really want to kiss you.” He finally murmurs to me. I tilt my chin up to look into his face. His hands come up to my cheeks and he cautiously wipes his thumbs under my eyes. “I’d like to kiss these away too.” His eyes are soft as they look into mine.
“It’s okay. You’re here now.” I tell him, snuggling back into his chest. “I thought you weren’t coming until next week?”
“I moved my flight. I told you I would be here as soon as I could. My Visa was approved two days ago and I grabbed the first flight I found.” He admits to me. “I just need to get this quarantine over and then we can really be together.”
“I guess I have to stay here?” I laugh at him, thinking about the current quarantine guidelines for the NHL. Now that he is back, we will both need to be tested for COVID several times the next few days. “I definitely didn’t bring enough clothes.”
“Yeah, at least for 7 days you’ll need to be here. I’ll bring you some clothes tomorrow.” I nod in response and grow quiet again. I close my eyes and listen to the steady beating of his heart. All the days and nights that I dreamed of this moment, don’t even come close to being as good as the real thing. He’s warm, solid, and smells as delicious as I remember.
“I don’t think I’m going to be able to let go of you.” I tell Kevin. Truthfully though, the chill is beginning to sneak into my coat. My fingers and nose are ice cold, and yet now that he’s here, I can’t let him leave.
“We have time. I brought a blanket.” He says, reaching down to the porch for the fleece blanket and wrapping it around us.
“You think of everything.” I giggle to him. “I should have brought my mittens out.” I mumble.
“Put your hands in my jacket.” He opens his jacket and I set them against his warm sides. He gives a little shiver in response. I move my hands to his chest and stare at them there, before slowly moving them up to wrap around his neck.
“I’d risk it.” I whisper, desperately wanting to pull our masks down and place our lips together. “It would be worth it.” He leans down and places his forehead against mine.
“You know I want to eat you up, babe. But I’m not going to live with that on my conscious. We are already closer than we should be.”
“I understand.” I nod, meeting his gaze with a soft look.
“Come sit with me.” He points to the swing on the porch. We walk over and wrap together under the blanket. I lay my head against his shoulder as Kevin rocks us gently. “Maybe we can sleep outside tonight?” He jokes, looking at the temperature gage that reads 19 degrees.
We sit on the porch for another hour, talking some but mostly just holding one another. A light snow has begun to fall again. I have lost feeling in my fingers and the parts of my face not protected from the chill of Winter. A hard shiver rolls through me, making me burrow tighter into Kevin’s arms.
“I think it’s time, babe.” Kevin murmurs to me, “You might actually get sick if you stay out here.”
“No.” I pout at him, even as my chattering teeth make it difficult to speak. “I-I’m not that c-cold.” Kevin gives me a sarcastic look and encourages me to stand.
“I’ll be back with your clothes tomorrow… and with extra layers for our porch date.”
“I want less layers on you.” I tell him breathlessly, thinking of just how long it’s been since I’ve had him.
Kevin’s eyes get a little darker and his voice turns dead serious.
“Soon.” He assures me. “I’ve been thinking for months about all the things I want to do to you.”
“Tell me.” I insist, grabbing at his jacket to pull him closer.
“Sam.” Kevin gives me a warning as I reach for the front of his pants.
“You suck.” I whisper out in frustration. Why can’t he just stop caring about my wellbeing and bend me over this railing to fuck me? Whew.. yeah... it’s been awhile.
“I want you to be sucking me.” He winks before grabbing the blanket and guiding me towards the front door.
“In your car?” I question with hopeful eyes. Kevin gives a genuine laugh and in his eyes I can see how large his grin is behind his mask.
“How about when I get back to our place, I call you and walk you through all the areas I want to touch you.” I purse my lips and let out a deep sigh.
“Samantha.” He wraps me tightly in his arms again and I burrow into his chest as deep as I can. He strokes my brown hair and rocks us softly back and forth. “I’ll call you in 20 minutes.”
“I love you, Kev.” I mumble to him as we gingerly pull apart.
“I love you too.” He gives me one more longing look before he walks over to the stairs. He looks back at me as he rounds the hood of his car. “Go inside.” He calls to me. I roll my eyes, but do as requested.
From the warmth of the entry way, I watch Kevin’s Audi pull away. He waves to me one last time before he begins his journey to Minneapolis where he will quarantine until all our COVID tests confirm it is safe for me to join him. I smile softly and watch until after his tail lights disappear down the snowy street. My smile follows me into the living room where everyone is snuggled together watching Elf. I unzip my jacket and throw it onto the chair beside the kitchen. Alex glances back at me and gives me a grin.
“Thank you.” I say to him, knowing he could have told Kevin to stay away but didn’t.
“COVID has taken enough from us. It didn’t need to take that too.” He gives me a brief nod.
“We are watching Elf. Want to join?” Felicia wonders as she takes a bite of popcorn.
“No.” I tell her, heading towards the stairs. “I’ve got an important phone call in twenty minutes that I can’t afford to miss.”
She gives me a knowing look then bursts out laughing as Alex puts his head in his hands.
Hey, Alex never said anything about phone sex.
_ _ _
“Auntie, I want to play hockey.” Sawyer puffs out in annoyance.
“I know, bud. I’m sorry.” I give him a frown and open my arms for a hug. All youth sports in the state are still shut down due to increasing case numbers. Sawyer is going stir crazy not being able to play the game he loves. “Come here.” He steps into my embrace and lets out a sad puff of a sigh.
“This isn’t fair.”
“No, it’s not.” I confirm to him.
The kids and I are in the living room trying to pass time while we wait for their parents to return. Alex had an MRI this morning in St. Paul and had follow up appointment immediately after. I’ve been trying to be patient and distract the kids and I with multiple activities throughout the day, but it hasn’t helped. I lay my cheek against my nephew’s head and think back to a few days after Christmas.
Everything was great. Kevin was cleared from quarantine and back to practice with the team. I moved back home with Kevin and we finally got to let out months of built up sexual frustration on each other. Make up sex is nice and all, but have you ever been fucked after missing each other for MONTHS? Cause that is the stuff that makes your body turn into literal jell-o.
Things took a drastic turn when Alex wasn’t immediately cleared to join the team after his physical. Because of having COVID earlier in the Fall, he had to undergo additional testing, including an EKG to ensure there were not lasting effects from the virus. We are still unsure how Alex ever tested positive for COVID being he was asymptomatic and the rest of us constantly tested negative. But this virus works in mysterious ways that we still don’t fully understand. This was confirmed even more when his EKG was irregular. To get a better understanding, doctors ordered an MRI. Until we have more answers, I’ve been keeping Alex’s struggles to myself. I say it’s to protect his privacy, but it’s likely more denial than anything else.
“Can we go play at the park?” Sawyer wonders, pulling back and looking hopeful.
“It’s too cold buddy. Your little fingers would break right off your body.” I tease him, giving him a few ticklish pokes. Sawyer lets out a disappointed sigh and I have to hide my smile from him. Winters in Minnesota can be brutal, especially with kids who have already been holed up for months.
“We can watch Mighty Ducks?” I suggest to him. He immediately nods his head in agreement and jumps onto the couch. The Mighty Ducks is one of his favorite series. During the last lockdown, he kept practicing his knuckle puck on Alex in the driveway.
We are getting to the scene where the Gordon Bombay rolls onto the ice in the limo when Alex and Felicia come walking through the door. Their faces are somber and I know the news they have is not good. I swallow a gulp and wait for what to do. Felicia comes to the couch, gathering her children into her arms and snuggling them in close. I can tell how hard she is trying to keep it together and my heart aches for her.
“Sam, can you come with me?” Alex asks, motioning to his office at the front of the house. I nod and step off the couch to follow him. He shuts the door and pulls out his phone. “I’m going to call mom, dad, and Nick too.” I nod in understanding and settle into the chair on the other side of his desk.
“Hi honey.” I hear my mom answer the phone. She seemingly has been expecting this call. “Your dad and Nick are here too.”
“Good. I’ve got Sam with me.” Alex informs them before running a hand through his hair. “So, the doctor’s confirmed my heart is enlarged on the MRI today.” My mom gasps and lets out a strangled cry. My heart lurches in my chest and begins to pound in response to the curdling fear streaking through me.
“Shit.” I hear Nick say. I can imagine his head is in his hands.
“Yeah..” Alex trails off, letting his words sink in to all of us.
“What are the next steps?” My dad asks. I can hear sniffling and I know it’s my mom crying.
“A lot more appointments. They really didn’t tell me anything except that I need to keep my heart rate down completely for at least 6 weeks. This is something new they are finding in high performing athletes.. so there’s a lot of unknown at this point. They’re going to send my results out to a cardiologist in Boston who specializes in cardiovascular issues specific to professional athletes to get another opinion.”
“That’s good.” Nick says, “the more people involved the better care you will get.” At this point, my mom has begun sobbing. Alex and I share an uncomfortable look.
“That’s really all I know for now. I know this sucks, but we will get some more answers and find a way through.” My heart aches at how strong he is being. I know he is scared, but he is putting on this brave front for my parents. “Felicia and I need to chat with the kids, so I’ve gotta go.”
“You call if you need anything!” My mom blubbers between sobs. Alex insists he will.
“What can I do?” I ask Alex once he ends the call. He looks up at me and I can see the pinch of fear in his eyes. I try not to respond but can’t help the tears building in my eyes.
“Um, I don’t really know yet. Probably just help with the kids.” He shakes his head. “God damn it, this sucks.” He leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, bouncing a bit in his seat.
“I’m sorry.” I tell him truthfully. “I don’t know what else to say, but I’m here.”
“Thanks.” Alex nods at my words. “I love you, Sammy.” He calls me by my childhood nickname. “Gosh, mom really lost it there at the end. I feel bad.”
“People get sick, Al. It’s part of life.” I shrug my shoulders.
“As a parent, I get her fear, ya know? If this was one of my kids.. I’d be a mess too.”
“It’s you. And you’re everything to this family…” I trail off, not able to add in anything about what losing him would be like. Alex and I share a loaded glance before I have to turn away, looking out the window at the snowy yard.
“I have more follow ups with the doctors tomorrow, so I should hopefully know some more about my treatment plan. All they really said was nothing for 6 weeks.”
“So no training camp?” I question.
“No. I can’t even be at the rink because of COVID protocols either.” He stands, stuffing his phone into his pocket before walking around the desk to me. He gives me a hug. I’m careful not to squeeze him too hard, worried that he's become too fragile to withstand anything more. “You need to tell Kevin tonight. They’re telling the rest of the team tomorrow morning and he shouldn’t find out that way.”
“I’ll tell him.” I confirm.
When I finally get the chance to call Kevin later in the day, I’m beyond exhausted. The FaceTime jingle rings out until Kevin answers the phone, chewing on a protein bar. I wait as he places his AirPods into his ears.
“Hey babe, are you on your way?” He wonders, taking another bite of his bar and crunching on it. He walks over to the windows in our place, looking out at the skyline.
“No, I’m needed here to figure out dinner.” This is not an infrequent occurrence. When Alex and Kevin are traveling, I find myself staying here late and often to help Felicia with the kids.
“Okay, do you want me to come over?” He asks absentmindedly. My eyebrows pull down in annoyance at his inattention. If he would just look at me, he would see the utter anguish on my features. I sit quietly and wait for him to turn his attention back to me. “Sorry.” He laughs sheepishly, noticing the silence. “The sky looks really cool right now with the sunset.” His grin vanishes when he takes in my face. “What’s up?” He goes to sit on the couch and I can tell I have his full attention now.
“Something is going on with Alex.” I begin slowly. “In order to return to the ice, he had to pass a physical that included an EKG because of what happened with Marco.” Marco Rossi is an up and coming prospect with the Wild who unexpectedly was found to have the same diagnosis as Alex after having COVID. “We thought it was just a formality until the testing came back… irregular. The doctors wanted Alex to get an MRI, which he did, and today they confirmed that his heart is enlarged. He was officially diagnosed with myocarditis.”
“Yeah. So, he’s going to miss training camp and likely the beginning of the season. The doctors said he can’t do anything for at least 6 weeks while we wait for his heart to heal. It’s all really scary. The doctors keep saying this is so new that they don’t know much about it and we are all scared. I mean.. he could literally just drop dead of cardiac arrest out of nowhere.” By the end a sob escapes my lips and I drop my head into my hands to cry. I’ve been strong all day and I can’t pretend with Kevin.
“Baby.. I’m so sorry. I’m coming over.” He ends the FaceTime call as I fall back into the pillows on the bed.
When Kevin enters the room 20 minutes later, I stand and run down the bed towards him. He catches me in his arms and immediately rests his cheek against mine, smoothing my hair. He doesn’t shush me. He doesn’t make any false promises that it will be okay. He’s just present and strong. We stay quietly like that until Kevin walks us back over to the bed. He pulls the covers down and we climb in. I nuzzle my face into his chest and he places a soft kiss on my hair.
As Kevin holds me, my body begins to relax.
“This sucks.” Kevin finally says to me.
“Yeah.” I whimper out. “At this point, the unknown is the scariest part. Like.. what is too much for his heart rate to be up? What if playing with the kids is too much and he just drops dead in the living room.”
“I know it’s scary, babe. But you can’t think about those scenarios right now. He has a team of doctors that are going to ensure he gets the best care. He’s in really great hands.”
“You’re right. He’s lucky.” I murmur, rubbing slow circles into Kevin’s abs. “Did you see him when you got here?
“No Felicia let me in.” I nod in response. “How is he though?”
“Scared. Angry. Shocked. I don’t think this has fully sunk in for him yet.”
“That’s understandable. Maybe you should stay here with them for a few days.”
“No, I want to be home with you. Plus, I think they will want some time to be together as just the four of them.”
“Okay, I support whatever you need to do.”
“Thanks, Kev. And thank you for coming here. You’re everything I’ve needed all day.”
“Of course, there is nowhere else I’d rather be.” Kevin says as he plays with the edge of my sweatshirt.
“No.” I say to Kevin when his hand slides under and reaches for my breast.
“You need a distraction… and I’ve got a great dick.” I giggle at that.
“Baby. We can’t.”
“But you love my dick.”
“Yes I do. Excellent dick. 5 stars.” We both laugh.
“I haven’t had you enough since I’ve been back. It will help.” He insists, sucking lightly on my neck. I sigh and lean into his lips.
“I know it would.” I breathe out. “Later. I promise.” He pulls back begrudgingly. “I’m in charge of dinner and we need to decide what to have. At least, that’s one thing I know I can help with today.”
“Pizza?” He wonders hopefully.
“I’m sure we can convince the kiddos to eat that.” We move to get out of bed and Kevin adjusts himself in his pants. I give him a knowing smile, shaking my head. “Need a minute?”
“I’m good now.”
We step from the guest room and begin to walk up the stairs to the kitchen. I glance over at Kevin who gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. The ache in my chest has lessened to a bearable amount. The kids are in the living room and squeal excitedly when Kevin appears. Serena immediately ropes him into coloring princess pictures with her and Kevin happily obliges.
“Her hair can’t be blue!” Serena laughs, trying to take the blue crayon from Kevin.
“Ah, this is my picture, ma’am. Feedback is not being taken at this time.” Kevin hold his hand up to her as Serena looks away in judgement. Kevin and I share a laugh at the look on her face. In a non-normal day, this brings genuine joy to watch. I leisurely stroll into the kitchen, pulling the Pizza Luce menu off the fridge to pick out items for dinner.
“Kev.” I hear Alex acknowledge my boyfriend. I snap my head up and watch my older brother closely. Kevin stands up and gives my brother a hug along with a pat on the back. They share a nod and step apart. “Pizza for dinner?” Alex asks me as he walks to the fridge.
“Yeah, I figured something easy would be best.”
“Okay. Get some dessert too. I’m starving.”
“What’s new.” I roll my eye jokingly at him.
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex gives me a dismissive wave before joining Kevin and the kids on the floor. “Blue hair? Is that cool in Sweden?”
“For sure.” Kevin laughs. “You should try it. The blue would look good with our jersey colors.”
“Blue might be too much. Although fire engine red is appealing.” Alex reads off the color of the crayon.
“Daddy, no.” Sawyer says with total seriousness that makes all of us laugh loudly.
As the laughing settles into a comfortable silence, I find myself smiling despite the heaviness of the day.
For the first time since early this morning, I feel like everything is going to be okay.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
Hbtaker- Stalkers
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Obviously read with cation as you know its my take on Takers and Sara's stalker storyline
Note- I'm drunk and tired and just have not proof read this, but please enjoy. Because..I enjoyed writing it. Thank you. Bye.
Shawn was rich, famous and pretty. Of course he wasn't shocked when crew members would dump love letters at his feet. He wasn't even surprised when he gained a few stalkers. They were always harmless and the ones who got too close, well he always had Kevin or hunter there to protect him.
But things are different now. Shawns happily married and hasn't had a stalker since the 90s. But shawns never been one to have good luck.
Shawn hums to himself as he collects the mail. Poor postman nearly had a heart attack when Charlie went nuts at the door. Shawn swears the dog does it on purpose, it's almost like the dog laughs afterwards. "You would think the man who owns this town wouldn't pay bills" Shawn speaks up. No one's home but him, but he knows the house and Charlie are listening. He pauses at a envelope with his name on. No one knows he lives here...he gets his mail sent to goldusts or kevins house to avoid suspicion. There's no address which means they never sent this. Someone hand delivered it.
Maybe that wasn't the post man. Shawn looks at Charlie who's still growling and snarling at the door despite the postman being long gone. He throws the other mail onto the table and opens it quick. He tips it out onto the table. A photo and a letter. He picks the letter up.
Dear Shawn,
I've finally found you my love.
And that creep thinks he can keep you from me?
From us?
I don't think so.
I'll see you soon.
Much love.
Shawns heart jumps into his throat. Its not the creepiest or most disgusting letter he's received. But, there's something different about this. Maybe it's the fact their first interaction is in shawns secret home. Or the fact they know shawns taken. Shawns hand shakes as he grabs the photo. "Oh god" he whispers. Its a close up of Shawn and takers bedroom window. A close up of Shawn and taker in bed together, doing something Shawn would prefer the world didn't see.
He quickly shoves the items back in the envelope at the sound of takers truck. He cannot find out about this. He has enough going on. Shawns eyes scan the area before landing on his old motocross boots he used to wear in the ring. He's quick to shove the envelope in the right boot before moving back to the table. Charlie just stares at him stupidly. Shawn lowers his head and mutters a small pray to himself as the door swings open.
"You cheated and you damn well know it" Taker grunts. "He got you fair and square." Goldust laughs. Kane makes a grunting noise that is either a laugh or a curse word. Shawn never knows these days. "Hey baby, you alright?" Taker asks walking closer. 'Ask me anything else. I beg you.' Shawn thinks to himself. He turns in takers hold and sends him the biggest smile. "Yes, just wish that Charlie would quit harassing the post man" Shawn tells him. Well it isn't a lie. Taker chuckles and leans down, kissing Shawn softly. "Well, it's because he knows all that man brings is bills" Taker chuckles as Charlie trots over. "Isn't that right boy?" Taker asks. Charlie barks and accepts head pats.
"You shoulda come with us today Shawn. Everyone was there, and everyone saw Taker get his ass beat" goldust smirks. "Dont listen to him baby, he was dropped to hard" Taker tells Shawn quietly. Kane and goldust just disagree and a argument begins. Shawn just smiles which quickly drops when he notices Charlie nudging at his boots. "Charlie no" Shawn hisses moving over and grabbing the boots. Charlie barks at him, well more the boots. Shawn just stares at the barking shepherd. "What the hell has gotten into you?" Taker asks as he grabs Charlie's collar and leads him to the back door. "You can come back in when you calm down" Taker orders as he closes the door. Of course the dog would try and snitch on him. "You alright?" Taker asks. "Yeah" Shawn shrugs. "Just gonna put these upstairs out of the way" Shawn tells him as he begins walking.
The moment Shawn walks next to the pantry, the door opens and knocks the boots from his hands. And now the house is trying to snitch on him? Shawn glares at the door. "What the hell is getting into everyone?" Taker demands as shawn picks the boots up. "Maybe I do need to get out more." Shawn mutters as he purposely slams the pantry door shut and storms upstairs.
Taker looks at kane and goldust. "He seems off.." Taker states. "Yeah..maybe it's nothing though, maybe he just is being cooped up for too long. I mean no one knows where he is, it'd drive me insane." Goldust admits. Taker sighs and rubs his jaw. "Ill take him out for dinner tonight. As long as we stick to the village who cares?" Taker states. "Good. My boy toy deserves to be wined and dined. Not locked up in a tower" goldust huffs getting a chuckle off kane. Taker rolls his eyes and moves to get them drinks.
Shawn just sits on their bed, shoes discarded on the floor, letter and photo clenched in his hand as he stares out the window. He examines everything outside, trying to figure out how this photo was taken.
--A few weeks later--
Shawn had received a letter and photo everyday. He had no more inappropriate photos, just ones of him shopping or on his sofa. Shawn quickly started shutting the curtain during the day and night. And for once, luck was on his side, taker hadn't found out.
Taker lounges back in his chair, ignoring the cameras pointed at him. He can't even care to remember who he's supposed to be beating on now. Rock? Austin? Hunter? The mcmahons? Taker just wanted to get home. He had something nice and beautiful waiting for him at home. Kanes elbow brings him out of his mind. He looks at the screen to see the valley on it. "The hell" he mutters sitting up and leaning closer. The camera shifts to the community pools. Something Shawn talked Taker into fixing up. Shawn actually did most of the work when getting sober. The kids love it. Taker watches as the camera zooms in to show Shawn knelt helping put some floats on one of the kids whilst the mother did the other. Shawn shares some words with the kids before standing up and stretching.
Showing the world that beautiful skin and smile as the kids thank him before climbing into the pool. The mother kisses his cheek before walking away. Taker watches as shawn holds his arm, he's nervous. Does he know he's being watched? Shawn looks around before his eyes set dead on the camera. The camera drops and the footage goes back to commentary. "Was that Shawn michaels?" Jr asks. "Jesus, we ain't seen him in ages" King chuckles. "Holy shit" Taker gasps. He's quick to stand. "Ill be back." Taker tells the crew before makes his way to the hallway. He checks the areas empty before pulling out his phone and calling Shawn.
"Mm, hey, I thought you were on tonight?" Shawn yawns as he answers. "I am. Where are you right now?" Taker asks. "At home, why?" Shawn asks. "Wh-what are you doing?" Taker questions. "Just finished some pottery. Why? Have I missed your match? You said you were on last-" taker cuts shawn off. "No no, you haven't missed it. So you haven't seen the show yet?" He asks. "No taker. What's going on baby? Are you alright?" Shawn asks. "Im fine. I'm sorry. I just miss you..." Taker sighs. "I miss you too baby. I'll be watching your match tonight. I promise." Shawn tells him. Taker looks up as some boys walk down the hall. "I've gotta go. But I'll see you tonight. I promise" Taker promises. "You sure you're alright?" Shawn asks. Taker pauses. I should ask you that. Is all taker can think as the response leaves his mouth. "Im fine. Promise." "Good luck tonight. Love you." "Love you." Taker mutters as the phone goes.
Taker pockets his phone before walking back into the lockeroom. "Can you give us a few?" Taker asks the crew. They nod and walk out. "Shawn doesn't know. He was in the garage when it happened." Taker states. 'So, what do you want to do?' Kane signs. "We don't let him find out. He doesn't need that pressure. Me and you will find out who this scumbag is and deal with it ourselves." Taker tells him. 'What if someone tells him?' Kane signs. "Him and hunter ain't on talking terms. I'll talk to Kevin, and reassure him I have it handled and that he needs to make sure no one talks to shawn about it. Kevin will listen." Taker tells him. 'And goldust?' Kane asks. "Oh please, he's the easiest one to handle. He won't tell a soul" Taker huffs.
"So you knew you had a stalker this entire, and haven't told anyone?" Goldust asks. "Taker told you not to tell me and you did? Traitor" Shawn chuckles. "Oh please, you and I both know I'd be more of a traitor if I didn't tell you. You, you knew and never told me?" He asks. Shawn sighs and stands up. "It isn't my first stalker goldie." Shawn states as he moves to the shoe cupboard that taker never looks in. Goldust watches as shawn pulls out a box. "Yes but never this serious shawn.." goldust sighs as the box is dropped onto the table. "Just...just read them." Shawn sighs sitting back down. Goldust raises an eyebrow before reading all the different letters. Examining all the different photos. "How long has this been going on, shawn?" Goldust asks. "A letter a day." Shawn states holding up a closed envelope. "They are definitely my most dedicated stalker." Shawn admits. "Open it. I'll turn the show on" goldust mutters.
Shawn opens it, no photo, just a letter. "He needs to keep his disgusting hands off what's mine." Shawn reads. He squints. "There's no photo. Why is there no photo?" Shawn asks. "Uh..Shawn.. " goldust calls. Shawn moves to join the man at the tv. And well his heart breaks.
Shawn watches in horror as the camera zooms in on him and taker. Their walking towards takers truck holding hands. "Mm I told you a nice walk is all we needed" Taker states. Shawn chuckles. "Sure. It was your idea" Shawn teases. Taker smiles and stops them. "You know, I was thinking we do something nice for our anniversary" Taker states. "Yeah? Whatcha have in mind? Dinner and a movie and then some us time?" Shawn smirks. Taker chuckles and pulls Shawn in close by the hips. "Well, I was thinking me and my beautiful husband take a vacation to a nice sunny island. Where we can be all alone and not have to care if anyone sees us" Taker tells him. Shawns eyes widen before he smiles. "You'd take time off work?" Shawn asks. "You know I'd do anything for you baby" Taker smiles. "I'd love that" Shawn whispers leaning up to kiss Taker. Taker gladly accepts the kiss before pulling back. "Ill see what lie I can come up with to get me a week or more off. See if kane can help. Maybe goldie or kev." Taker admits. "Goldust would 100% be down for getting us off on a vacation and you already know kane and kev love the idea of lying to vince." Shawn chuckles. "Good. Because I mean it Shawn. I'll do anything for you, and if you want that vacation, I'll get you it" Taker states. Shawn looks at him and smiles. "I love you." "I love you more"
The camera cuts and shows takers horrified face. Shawn sits on the sofa, covering his mouth. "Well..now this is a big problem" goldust sighs. Shawn just stares at his husband. Kane tries to get taker to move or even talk but he can't. He just stares at the tron. Some sick freak has just outted them both to the entire world.
"We need to get down to the arena. Now. Grab the box" Shawn orders. Goldust nods and moves quickly. Shawn keeps his eyes on taker before turning the tv off.
Taker climbs out of the ring. He doesn't give a damn if he's supposed to be beating the fuck out of Austin. He needs to speak to vince, now.
Shawn walks into the arena, goldust hot on his tail. He ignores the looks he gets as he makes his way to the lockerooms. "He ain't in there chico" a very familiar voice calls. Shawn pauses and looks at Scott. Scott smirks at him. "Hes in vinces office, ripping him a new one. Been there for nearly an hour. Walked out on his match and all. Austins also in there" Scott tells him. Shawn nods and begins to walk away. "Its nice to have you back chico" Scott calls. Shawn can't help but smile. He doesn't even knock before pushing the door open. Takers head snaps towards him. "The hell are you doing here?" Taker demands. "Nice to see you too darling. We need to talk. Now." Shawn states. Taker looks at goldust and frowns. "He already knew!" Goldust protests. Taker snatches the box from goldust. "Whats this?" Taker asks. "Your truck. Now. Cmon." Shawn tells him.
Goldust is left with a confused Steve and tired vince as the couple storms off. "You reckon shawns in danger?" Goldust asks. "I think takers in the most danger. They seem to be obsessed with shawn, not him" Steve states. Goldust pauses. At first he thinks takers wrong, but then it hits him. The creep would get rid of taker, to get shawn. "Oh god" he whispers.
Taker leans back in his drivers seat. "So, this has been going on for weeks now, and you didn't think to tell me?" Taker asks quietly, keeping his eyes forward. Shawn lowers his gaze. "I didnt know what to say...its not my first stalker, they tend to be harmless...but, clearly I'm wrong this time." Shawn whispers. Taker finally looks at shawn, hand clenched around a threatening letter about him. "Shawn, were married. You don't need to hide this from me, I'm here for you, I care and love you. I would do anything to protect you." Taker tells him. Shawn finally looks at him. "Anything?" Shawn asks quietly. Takers eyes darken. "Anything baby."
Hunter watches from the ring. His foot rested against the rocks chest. He watches as his old friend rests his forehead against the one of his enemy. He feels anger run through his veins. How could Shawn date the enemy and yet have ago at him about Stephanie? He pulls his boot away and growls to himself. He will deal with this.
-A month later-
The videos didn't stop. Nor did the photos or letters. Takers anger grew whilst shawns fear kept him up at night. Shawn also couldn't escape the wwe. Not anymore. They've planned his return. Which, is something he's excited about, but not when his life is in danger.
Kevin and goldust are home with shawn. He hasn't been home alone since they discovered the stalker was outside the stadium, showing their truck discussion live. It was too close for Taker and shawns comfort.
"Where is taker?" Kevin suddenly asks. "Yeah, it's his night off, ain't it?" Goldust asks. "He said Kane had something to show him. He's been so stressed lately that I didn't try and stop him" shawn admits. "Did you get a letter today?" Kevin questions as Charlie comes to sit in his lap. A German shepherd who thinks he's a lap dog. "....no actually..." Shawn answers. Kev and goldie look at him. Shawns eyes widen. "Shawn? What's wrong?" Goldust questions. "Nothing. Nothings wrong. I guess, maybe it's over" Shawn shrugs. He stands. "Drinks?" He asks. "Beer" "wine" Shawn nods and walks into the kitchen. He pulls his phone out and sends a quick text to taker.
Taker looks at his phone. 'Thank you for dealing with it. I'll have your favourites waiting for you at home. I love you.' Taker smiles at the text. 'I'll be home soon. Love you.' He texts back. Kane grunts getting taker to pocket his phone. Taker lifts his gaze to the coffin. The man in it continues to try scream from behind the tape. "Shame you picked the wrong man to be obsessed with." Taker states. The guy wiggles more. "But, oh well. It was nice meeting you. And atleast I now know my baby is safe" Taker smirks before kane shuts the lid and begins nailing it closed. "We Bury him and never talk about this. If he's lucky he will pass out and never wake up. If he's not...oh well, what could I care? Perverted fucker." Taker hisses.
"Ain't nobody going to mess with my baby. Not anymore." Taker promises.
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Cheerleader Eddie AU, You Take Me By the Heart When You Take Me By the Hand
"Cheerleading, seriously?"
"I needed the sports credit, okay? Now come on, we have to wrap up so I don't miss practice." Eddie snapped at Gareth from behind the DM board. The Hellfire club was known for their meetings going late into the night when getting carried away with their campaigns but now that he had cheer practice to go to, they had to finish up before seven o'clock.
"You sure you're going for a sports credit and not Ms. Queen of Highschool?" Kevin teased, knowing that behind the DM board Eddie's face was probably red.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Please, we know you've had a crush on her since seventh grade after the middle school talent show." Jeff laughed.
"Yeah you always make goo goo eyes at her whenever she walks by our lunch table." Gareth out his arms around himself and made loud fake kiss smacking noises. "Oh Chrissy, yes, yes-"
"Gareth, if you don't shut up, I will take my shoe and shove it so far up your ass that you'll be able to tie my laces with your teeth." Eddie threatened the other highschooler as he peered from behind the cardboard shield set in front of him. "Besides, even if I did like her, she's dating Jason Carver." As Eddie said that the alarm on his watch went off. "Shit-okay, pack up for the night. We'll resume Tuesday!"
"Come on man, we were just about to face off against the stone golem!" Their youngest member, Dustin, protested. "That's way more important than some girl."
"It's not-nevermind." Eddie grabbed his DM screen and began to fold it up with a huff. "Next meeting's Tuesday!"
"But I have band practice -"
The protests went unheard as Eddie was already out the door.
"It's kind of...itchy."
"It's the only thing the school had in your size that matched our uniforms. It's either this or a size 16 skirt." When Eddie arrived at the gym, he was greeted by one of the girls from his tryout the day before. The blonde, her name was Becca according to the patches embroidered on the back of her uniform, handed him a pile of green and yellow clothing. Apparently it was from when the school used to have a baseball team. As he exited the locker room, Eddie found himself itching at the collar. The uniform was kind of tight and smelled...mildewy.
"Where's Chrissy?" He asked noticing the redhead's absence.
"Who knows." One of the girls sat on the bleachers rolled her eyes. "She thinks just because she's team captain she can come in whenever she wants."
"She's probably busy dumping her lunch in the toilet. I don't know why she bothers eating if it's just gonna come up anyway." Eddie blinked. What the fuck was that supposed to mean? The doors to the gym opened as Chrissy walked in and the girls attitudes quickly shifted. The one who made the comment about Chrissy throwing up going over and hugging her. "Oh my God Chrissy! We were just wondering where you were!"
"I'm good Ash." The strawberry blonde grinned when she saw Eddie and waved to him. "Hey Eddie!"
"Uh, hey!" Eddie waved back stupidly, unsure what else to say when Chrissy signaled.
"Alright girls-and Eddie-time for warm up stretches!"
Stretches? Eddie looked down at his feet. He wasn't exactly what you'd call flexible, just barely being to able to touch his toes without bending. The other cheerleaders got up, clearly already knowing what to do as they began to flex their bodies. Chrissy noticed him floundering without direction and walked over, putting a hand on his shoulder as he gaped at the way some of the girls bodies contorted.
"I know it looks hard at first but it gets easier with practice." Eddie turned to the shorter girl. "Can you do the splits?"
"Er, no. Can't say I've tried cause." He looked down at pants and gestured. "Y'know."
"That's okay, I'll help you ease into it. If we start here, we can move into some of the more difficult positions." She stepped away from the boy and went into an open stance, her legs standing as far away from each other as possible. "Start with a wide stance like this." Eddie copied her position, legs pulling apart.
'Okay, easy enough...'
"Now you tuck your right front hip under." She moved her right leg into a bent position. "The next step is the most important, you have to balance equal weight on both feet before your legs move out otherwise you'll end up with a torn muscle." Chrissy's legs slid out, her palms planted on the floor in front of her until her legs were fully out in either side. Since you're a first timer, to ease into it you should plant your feet. Got it?"
Eddie nodded. Putting his hands on the ground and slowly stretching his legs outward. He only managed a few inches before his legs stopped, refusing to go further.
"I can't go any further." The highschooler tried not to look at Chrissy's face as he admitted this. "I'm kind of stuck."
"Here." The girl came over. Putting her hands on either shoulder and gently but firmly pushing down.
The proximity to Chrissy almost made it possible to ignore the pain but he still found himself wincing as he sank further and further into the floor.
"Okay, I think this is as far as I'm gonna -FUCK!" Eddie couldn't bite back the curse as his body suddenly shifted and he fell into the full splits position and he hit the ground. Hard. The young man groaning in pain as he curled up. Hands reaching for the pants crotch to try and soothe the ache between his legs. "Oh fuck me, my balls. Jesus H. Christ why?" He heard Chrissy's giggle and moaned loudly. "I'm glad my pain amuses you."
"Sorry, but I did tell you to plant your feet." She patted him on the shoulder. "I'll grab you an ice pack. You can cool off while we finish stretches. Them the real work starts."
Eddie groaned louder. Suddenly tennis didn't seem like such a bad idea.
"-see you guys later!"
"Bye everyone! Remember, there's a game on Wednesday so work your asses off! Especially you Munson!"
Cheerleaders, Eddie decided, did not get nearly enough credit for half the shit he did. They had to do twice as much work as the basketball players and didn't have any protection if something went wrong. Eddie found this out when trying to help create the support for a pyramid only for the girl climbing on his arms to lose her balance and fall back. Most people that would've gotten them out the rest of practice but she just got right back up like nothing happened. Every part of the highschooler's body ached as he walked over to his minivan when he heard a familiar voice call out.
"Eddie! Wait up!"
He turned to see Chrissy running over to him. Despite the hours of practice, she still looked as perfect as ever.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to say you did a great job today." She beamed and Eddie felt his heart skip a beat. "Injury aside, you did really good for a first timer but there's one thing."
"R-really?" Eddie found himself stuttering. Watching as Chrissy took her scrunchie out of her hair and walked behind him. Taking his hair with one hand and using the green fabric to pull it up in a ponytail. He blinked in confusion when she finished.
"This will keep your hair out of the way when you practice."
"What about you?"
"Don't worry, I have a ton at home in the same color."
"Oh. Cool." Eddie mentally kicked himself. Really? That's all he had to say? "Thanks."
"No problem. You..." She trailed off for a moment as of looking for something to say before continuing. "You look good with your hair up."
"You look good with your hair down." Damn it, why did he say that?
"You think so?"
There was an awkward pause before Chrissy spoke again.
"I ugh, I gotta head home. See you later?"
Chrissy walked away but the smell of her perfume still lingered on the fabric tied in Eddie's hair. She smelled like daisies and vanilla.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
Trust Me Bro, Let’s Have Sex — Kevin Moon
[BestFriend!Kevin x GenderNeutral!Reader]
Warnings: Smut, soft sex, Kevin and reader are definitely in love but not exclusive and don’t care about labelling themselves as a couple.
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“what’s got your panties in a twist?”
when you had decided to visit your best friend Kevin, you had not even imagined he’d be in such a bad mood. he sighs every five minutes and keeps turning on his bed. the worst part? he’s not telling you what’s bringing him down so badly.
“c’mon man, your rancid vibes are ruining my day. tell me what’s going on?
a determined “no!” is heard, muffled in Kevin’s pillow.
“god damn it Kev. do you want me to order food for you? wanna go out? we’ll go to a park or something?”
“no…” finally, he has his face turned towards you.
“then what do you wanna do?”
“i don't knowwwwww,” he whines. rolling your eyes at him, you decide to leave.
“fine then. i’m leaving, call me when you’re not being a little bitch,”
you get up to exit the room but he grabs your wrist immediately, pulling you back.
“no don’t leave me”
this time it‘s your turn to sigh as he pouts at you. why is he so adorable? you both sit there in silence for a while while you think of something to make Kevin feel better.
you’re the first one to break the silence.
“hey Kev?”
“do you wanna fuck?”
Kevin feels like his eyes are gonna fly out of their sockets-
“what the fuck-”
“why would we have sex?!”
“why not? you’re in a bad mood. sex happens to be a great mood lifter. you’ll either stop taking whatever’s bothering you so seriously or you’ll be too fucked out of your mind to think of it. win-win,” you shrug.
Kevin does not understand how and why you’re taking this proposal so lightly. he sits up in front of you on the bed. how can you two have sex? you’ve been best friends for years? how can you just have sex?? and why is Kevin actually liking the idea???? he has to say no. there's no possible way that Kevin will dare ruin your beautiful friendship over a sour mood that needs lifting-
Kevin’s agreement shocks him. but it doesn't shock you. how are you so calm again?
“great! kiss me,” you’re staring into his eyes.
Kevin can’t wrap his head around the request you’ve just made. he’s so busy digesting this interaction that he just sits there not doing anything. so you have to take matters into your own hands. you grab his shirt collar and pull him to yourself, lips connecting in a mess of teeth and tongue. both of you note that both of you are great kissers. god this feels so strange but so good.
you yank Kevin on top of you from his arms, grabbing his face to kiss him properly. once you pull apart, you make another request;
“fuck me”
this time, Kevin doesn’t seem to hesitate that much. he quickly grabs your top and takes it off. doing the same to his own before diving in to kiss the column of your throat.
by the time you’re fully naked, Kevin has already kissed every inch of your body that he could reach. he sits back for a moment, catching his breath and taking the time to look at your body properly. he’s so mesmerised, you’d think he’s gone to space and is looking directly at a galaxy. well, he’d tell you the same if you ask him. you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever had the blessing of knowing.
“what are you thinking?” you ask him, cupping his cheek. god, you’re so in love.
“nothing. just love you” he responds, making you giggle.
“i love you too, dumbass. now are you putting your dick inside me or,,???”
Kevin shakes his head at your comment. of course he’s putting his dick inside you. how can he have you laying in his bed in all your naked glory, asking to be fucked, and NOT put his dick inside you.
he slowly starts pushing his cock inside your wet cavern and almost loses his shit. he’s so fucking gone he feels like he’d bust if you moved an inch-
“why do you look constipated? damn Kevin, it’s just me.”
“shut up, my god, please shut up,”
you make a move to laugh but Kevin catches you off guard with a deep thrust that seems like it reached your uterus. and you can do nothing but let out a squeal.
your squeal soon turns into moaning and whimpering as you get fucked nice and slow by your best friend Kevin. whom you love so much that you’d do anything for him.
it feels like a year has gone by with Kevin roaming his hands all around your body, grounding himself and appreciating your dips and curves. he pinches your nipples and fondles your chest, kissing your neck, your shoulders, everything he lays his eyes on.
sex with Kevin seems less like sex and more like just body worship. you have to keep reminding him to move because he keeps getting lost in you.
eventually, his hands find their way next to your head. he positions himself so that he can thrust faster and hit deeper, break the barrier and fall into an abyss of pleasure. and he does, you both do. he feels so light weight that he just falls on top of you, losing all the strength in his body.
you hug him tightly to yourself, rubbing his back and his head. he may be fucked out of any thoughts but he’s still has the right mind to reach down and pull the sheets over you two. hugging him to your chest, you rejoice in the fact that sex actually did help. you both fall asleep thinking about how much of a genius you actually are.
A/N: I am in love with Kevin Moon.
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kermitkrqb · 2 years
Hey! Could I ask for a hunter Sylvester x male reader? Where the reader is a lot into metal like him and is new at the school and is cold and aggressive to almost everyone and one day beats skip Hoffman in a fight and hunter takes notice and it progresses from there ending in them getting together?
Beat a bitch || Hunter Sylvester x reader
A/N: I've never written from the perspective of a male reader before so sorry if this is off! I guess this can also be gender neutral if you ignore certain terminology :) @the-criminaltbc
What to expect: Violence, Hunter being in awe of the reader, swearing, male reader
Glenwood Lake Highschool was a fucking bore. It had the standard popular kids- who were almost always assholes, the quiet kids- you don't have too much against them other than the fact that some of them are psychotic, and there was you. A metal-head since birth. Superior to the rest of them? Maybe. Besides, it's not like this place had much to offer other than the select few. Your prime example: Hunter Sylvester. In your eyes he was a pretty fucking cool and hot decent dude.
You were walking down the hallway to your next class, music blasting in your eyes, deafening you from the real world. You took this time to observe your surroundings. To observe how people valued school so much, to see how from such a young age we are taught to believe that it is the only path in life. You sure as hell wanted more to life than this shit hole.
You're about to reach your next class when the asshole jock in front of you starts shoving his way through the crowd. People are getting pushed left and right yet, no one is saying anything. You immediately know who it is- Skip Hoffman. Fuck it. "Hey asshole. Are you that far up your own ass that you can't see the people around you? Or has daddy have yet to buy you glasses?"
Hoffman cocks his head, "What'd you fucking say to me huh?" What a cliché. It was all just so typical that you had to laugh, "Ohh I'm sure you heard me buddy, or does daddy need to buy you hearing aids too?" That's all it takes for him to lunge at you but, the way he's hobbling towards you makes it too easy to block his punch. A crowd is forming around the two of you- and you'd be lying if you said you weren't getting cocky. Skip's gone red at this point- his nostrils are flared. He kinda looks like a fucked up bull.
He raises his arm again and his fist is nearing your head, it brushes right against your ear and that's all it takes to piss you off further. Your muscular arms are grabbing him by the collar and he's flailing around in your grasp. Just as you're about to land a hit on his jaw- "Y/L/N, Office now!" The crowd around you bursts out into different directions, and a few stragglers are left watching at a distance.
You land the hit anyway, the Skip Hoffman goes limp in your hands. Knocked out in one hit- a new record. The previous teacher opens their mouth to yell at you again but, you beat them to it, "Save the speech. I'm dropping out of this shit hole." With your final 'fuck you', you walk past Hunter and his friend- both of which in awe, a certain metal-head more than the other.
Hunter turns to Kevin, "See, that is what it means to be fucking metal Kevin. That is one hell of a fucking guy!" The pair of them aren't exactly subtle with their remarks, and you can't help but smirk at Hunter's awe. You dig into your large pockets pushing past all the random scraps inside of them, until you lay your hands on a crumbled piece of paper with your number on it.
Before you leave, you turn to the pair and push out the flimsy piece of paper towards Hunter, "Call me...I might know a thing or two about metal. I know you do too. " The metal-head's face goes red and he takes this time to carefully consider his next words, "I guess you'll have to prove it to me. See you soon."
You may or may not have had planned giving Hunter your number for a while...
A/N: How is this from the male perspective you may ask? Pockets. The women know what I mean.
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andrewsleftknee · 3 years
i somewhat agree with the extra content that Neil and Andrew don’t say ‘i love you’ because of how their relationship is and there are other ways to show love than verbally. but, i do think there are special occasions where they do verbalize their love for each other.
so here are some moments where Neil and Andrew say ‘i love you’:
• Neil is the first to verbally express his love. it’s the one year anniversary of the events in Baltimore, and Neil found it very hard to get out of bed for his morning run. Andrew noticed immediately that it was going to be a hard day, and by the end of the day, they both just wanted to go to sleep. Neil asked if Andrew could sleep in his bed with him, and Andrew hesitantly agreed. by the time that he was ready for bed, Neil was nearly asleep. Andrew debated on going to sleep in his own bed, but Neil groaned and held his hand out for Andrew to join him. once Andrew was settled, Neil whispered a quiet “yes or no?” to which Andrew nodded. Neil intertwined his fingers with Andrew and whispered a soft “i love you” quietly enough where Andrew wasn’t completely sure if he had heard him right, but he ran his thumb over the back of Neil’s hand as the room settled back into silence. Andrew didn’t know how to feel. love was such an unknown concept to him.
• Andrew was consistently anxious whenever Aaron had to appear in court for his trial. Neil was always stuck by Andrew, staying up with him to smoke and drink on the roof of PSU until the nerves temporarily subsided. but now, Aaron’s trial was officially over, and Andrew wasn’t entirely sure how he should feel about it. Neil could tell that something was wrong, but he didn’t push Andrew to talk about it. Andrew summoned Neil to the roof, telling Kevin that their night practice wasn’t happening that night. when on the roof, they shared cigarettes and kisses before Andrew grabbed Neil by the collar, pulling him in nearly close enough to kiss him, and told him he loved him. Neil swallowed hard and nodded in response. they went back to smoking and staring off at their dark campus.
• it was a grueling game in Neil’s junior year. at half time they were down by three, and the opposing team had an entirely new line up. Neil, in a desperate attempt to close the gap, asked Andrew to shut down the goal. Andrew did, only letting one goal in in the second half, causing the Foxes to win the game. Neil turned to Andrew, ignoring his teammates, and saw him looking back at him. Neil thrusted his racquet at the Foxes sophomore striker, and ran towards Andrew. they had grown from asking ‘yes or no?’ but Neil asked because they were in public. Andrew agreed, and Neil pulled him into a hug, and said into Andrew’s ear: “i fucking love you.” Andrew slapped his back signaling Neil to back off, but he didn’t look upset when Neil met his eyes. Andrew pointed at their celebrating team behind them, silently telling him to join them.
• the second reunion between the monsters and the upperclassman they decided to play a game similar to truth or dare, but if you back out, you have to take a shot. after a few rounds most of the Foxes were drunk save for Renee, who respectfully sat out, and Andrew. Nicky looked to Andrew and asked him if he wanted a truth or a dare. Neil didn’t expect Andrew to play along, but to his surprise, Andrew asked for a dare, and Nicky’s face lit up. “tell Neil that you love him,” which elicited whoops and shouts from the Foxes. Andrew took a shot in response to which the shouts turned into boos. Nicky’s eyes went to Neil, and Neil shrugged. Nicky asked why Neil wasn’t upset by it, and Neil responded by saying “i know how i feel about him, and he can feel whatever he wants about me.” Andrew stood up, pressed a soft kiss into Neil’s hair, made eye contact with Nicky, and walked to the front door to walk to his own dorm. when Neil returned that night, Andrew said that he did love him, and Neil said it back.
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
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5.6k, blood, fangs, blood loss, vampires, shapeshifters, magic
    You stared up at the gentlemen surrounding you, trying not to completely freak out. You had vague memories as to how you wound up there, but you knew one thing for sure.
Don’t follow black cats.
    You had been heading back to the dorms after a long night of studying when you saw a black cat out of the corner of your eye. You could immediately tell it was a kitty, and it had no collar. You’ve always loved cats, and you couldn’t help but follow it, intending to take it to a shelter and make sure it was alright. You followed it into the woods, starting to worry the little thing would wind up hurting itself.
    When you finally caught up to it you snatched it up in your hands, petting it softly and cooing at it, promising not to hurt it. That’s when you finally noticed the giant church before you. It was abandoned, yet it didn’t have years of weathering, it seemed rather new. A part of you was curious to go inside and see the interior, but the kitty in your hands reminded you that you had other priorities. As you were about to head back you saw another kitty roaming around, realizing there was more than one baby out here.
“Oh no, you poor thing, come here.”
    You tried to grab the other, trying to take them both somewhere safe, but the one in your hand bit you. You screamed and immediately dropped it, the two running off out of sight. You sucked on your finger, glad it was just a nibble and didn’t actually draw blood. If you had more time you might have tried to find the kitty again but it was late, and dark, and you had classes in the morning. You promised yourself you’d come back tomorrow night with a plan and hopefully you could get the kitties then.
“Where are you going?”
“To find some kitties.”
“Is that why you have milk and a crate?”
“Yeah. When I was going home last night I saw a kitty and followed it into the woods. There was this abandoned church, and there was another kitty, but I lost them both. So I’m hoping I can find them this time.”
“But it’s getting late, shouldn’t you have gone earlier?”
“I had classes. Don’t get me wrong, I love cats and wanna help these babies but my education comes first.”
“Alright. I’d come with but I got to study, so have fun. Call me when you find the kittens, I might want one.”
“Cool, see you later Kevin.”
“See ya.”
    You made your way back into the woods, following the trail from last night. Thankfully you found the church before sun down, although finding the doors ajar did make you feel uneasy. Last night they had been close, practically sealed shut, but now they seemed eerie. You swallowed the fear, reminding yourself that there were some kitties who needed your help. When you stepped into the church you were surprised to see how clean it was. The place was abandoned, but it looks like it was left spotless like a day ago. It was weird, but empty, and in the middle of nowhere, so definitely abandoned.
    You walked up to the steps leading to the altar, sitting down and setting down a little bowl of milk. You called out for the kitties, figuring they had found the church as shelter. Luckily it wasn’t cold outside or at night, so they should be alright on their own. You started to worry maybe they didn’t hide out in the church, but then a little kitty waddled over to you, sipping at the milk. You smiled and pet it gently, letting it finish up before picking it up and putting it in the crate you had brought along. You covered it up to keep the little thing from running off, waiting for their sibling.
“I know, I know, but once I find the other kitty we can all go together.”
    The one in the crate wouldn’t stop meowing, which you didn’t mind, it would probably draw out the other. Although you knew you couldn’t stay long. You were about to start looking around the church when the other kitty came by, getting some milk as well.
“There you are. I was about to go look for you.”
    When you picked this one up it got feisty, trying to escape your grasp. You were careful not to get scratched as you uncovered the crate and tried to get the other kitty in. As soon as it was uncovered the other kitty jumped out and landed on your lap, trying to climb up your chest.
“Ya, take it easy. I’m just trying to help.”
    You don’t know how it happened, but this commotion got worse as a cat landed on your head. You screamed, dropping the one in your hand, and jumping up. The kitty on your chest held on tight, the one you had dropped jumping on your leg, and the one on your head was moving around to stay up there. You reached up to grab it only to be met with a bite.
“Get down from there!”
    You were stumbling around as these kitties kept you off balance, and ultimately caused you to run into a wall. You collapsed to the floor, unable to save yourself from a possible concussion. As you lay there barely conscious you could feel the three kittens climbing up to your chest, vaguely able to see them. They seemed to be talking, but that was probably your imagination as you fell into darkness.
    When you regained consciousness you could feel bits of sunlight on your face, and you heard some mumbling. It quiet down as you sat up, finding yourself on the floor by the altar. You found yourself surrounded by these gentlemen, trying to remain calm despite your situation and their appearance. It started to dawn on you that you weren’t attempting to rescue stray kittens, but kidnap their cats. They didn’t speak, just stared at you.
“Hi… I’m sorry to… I thought this place was abandoned and the cats were stray… I’ll just get going-”
“Who goes first?” One asked. “Can I? Since I brought them here.”
“Absolutely not, Wooyoung. You and San need to explain this.”
“What? Seonghwa, come on! She’s alive, and this is a good thing.”
“Good thing my ass, she probably has a concussion and we can’t get her medical attention right now.”
“I’m fine.” You cut in, standing up. “I feel perfectly fine, so I’ll just-”
    One of the gentlemen suddenly walked up and shoved you back until you hit the altar. You leaned back against it, staring into these inhuman eyes. You swallowed nervously, very afraid that you were about to die. They looked at you curiously before hissing, revealing their fangs, and biting into your neck. You had no time to fight back  or react before there was a sharp sting in your neck that was quickly washed away by this strange euphoric feeling. You melted down on the altar, the edges of your vision starting to go black. When they finally pulled away you slid down to the floor, dazed and barely conscious. One of the others, Seonghwa, knelt down and grabbed your face, examining your neck.
“Well she’s not dead. How do you feel, Hongjoong?”
“Rejuvenated. Take her down.”
    Seonghwa took you in his arms and carried you off. You had no idea where he went as you wound up passing out. Hours later you found yourself lying on a blanket in some sort of cell, hands and legs tied up. Your neck felt sore, but when you reached out you felt no wound, your neck was perfectly fine. For a moment you thought maybe you had hallucinated the whole thing, but this feeling of exhaustion was real, and it was the easiest way to explain why you were tied up.
    You tried to sit up, but you didn’t have the strength to get yourself up, so you stayed put. It was probably best to just rest, wait until you regained your strength so you could escape. Wherever you were, there was no window, so you had no idea what time of day it was or if it was night. Regardless you could only hope that someone would notice your absence and look for you. Although the chances of them finding you in this church was slim. As you were dozing off you heard some voices and footsteps approaching. You could vaguely see two gentlemen opening the cell door and coming in.
“She’s prettier in person.”
“Right? You still think Seonghwa is gonna yell at us?”
“He better yell at Mingi too, he helped us.”
“Who…” You mumbled. “… are you?”
“Oh, you’re awake. Hello, I’m San, and this is Wooyoung.”
“Why… am I…”
“What are you two doing here?” Seonghwa had appeared. “Go.”
    The two scurried out of the cell, Seonghwa coming to your side and sitting you up. He fed you some water.
“You seem better.”
“Apologies for those two. They’ve always been reckless. How’s your head?”
“… fine…”
“That’s good. I’d hate to have you injured.”
“How is she?”
    Another had come to visit, and you recognized him as the one who bit you, although he looked different. Before he had claw marks and inhuman eyes, now he looked normal.
“Doing well. She’s ready for another go.”
“Good. You go next, and then Yunho. We’ll go in order of age.”
“What about the troublesome duo and their accomplice?”
“You’ve scolded them enough, but let Jongho have his turn before them.”
“They’ll really be pissed about that.”
“It’s what they get for causing trouble. They shouldn’t have been going out at night.”
“What… what is going on?” You asked. “… who… who are you?”
Hongjoong chuckled. “You can talk to her if you want.”
“I will, later.”
    You were about to ask again when Seonghwa suddenly pulled you close and you felt another sting. You squirmed a bit before you relaxed in his grasp, fading to black as a soft smile crept on your face.
    When you regained consciousness again you noticed you weren’t alone, not entirely. A little black kitty was curled up on your chest, clearly sleeping as well. You were about to reach for it when the cell door opened and Hongjoong came in.
“Yeosang.” He picked up the cat. “I asked you to watch her, not sleep with her.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know she’s not going anywhere but still.”
    Hongjoong took a seat next to you, holding the cat in his lap, Yeosang, and petting it. He didn’t seem concerned in your state of consciousness, not even aware you were awake until you moved a bit.
“Oh, I didn’t think you’d be up for a while.”
“Please… let me go…”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I won’t… tell…”
“Of course not, who would believe you?”
“What… what are you?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know.”
“Not… possible…”
“Sh, just save your strength. Yunho is eager to meet you.”
    You felt a hand on your head, gently petting you. It felt nice, lulling you back to sleep. Another sting jolted you awake. You were in a strangers’ arms, going dizzy with a foreign sense of pleasure, making you involuntary rub your thighs together.
“Sorry… I couldn’t wait for my turn. I startled you didn’t I?” You didn’t answer. “I suppose you don’t mind. Goodness, I haven’t seen that look in centuries.”
    You could vaguely hear another voice, and then another person appeared next to who you believed to be Yunho, the one who was holding you. A huge smile was plastered on the face of the stranger.
“So? SO? How does she taste? Is it good? Can I have-”
“No, no you can’t have a bite. She can’t lose anymore blood right now. Just wait your turn.”
“But hyung… I helped bring her here, why do I have to wait.”
“Cause you helped the other two, and they’re already in trouble for going outside at night.”
“As if you three aren’t all excited to feel the sun and what not.”
“I’ll drag you outside with me right now if you want me to Mingi.”
“Then calm down and wait your turn.”
“Fine.” Mingi turned his attention to you, smiling. “She’s so cute.”
“Where did you find her exactly?”
“Wooyoung is the one who found her. She’s some college student I think.”
“Won’t someone be looking for her?”
“College students disappear all the time. I’m sure we’ll be done with her by the time anyone gets worried.”
“I think Seonghwa already went out to snoop around too, make sure things are quiet. Lucky him.”
“You’ll be able to step out soon enough, just be patient.”
“I know.”
“Please… let me… go…”
“Oh, she sounds so cute too.” Mingi cooed, petting you. “Sh, it’s okay, just get some sleep.”
“I don’t… wanna… die…”
“You won’t.” Yunho said. “Trust us.”
    Mingi was shooed away, and you stayed in Yunho’s arms until you dozed off again. You slipped in and out of consciousness, unable to really sleep, your head throbbing and everything just mixing together. With your head feeling like that, you were starting to believe you were dying and just hallucinating everything. Maybe when you hit your head it was actually worse than you thought, and you were just slowly bleeding out right now. You never should have followed that kitten into the woods, it was such a horrible idea in hindsight.
“Ya… wake up.”
    You felt someone shaking you, forcing you to sit up. When your eyes focused you could see two others before you, but you didn’t recognize either of them.
“You have to do it now before the sun goes down.”
“I know, but should I? She doesn’t look so good.”
“As long as you don’t kill her I’m sure it’s fine.”
“I can just wait til morning.”
“And that just drags it out for the rest of us.”
“You just want me to do it now so you can do it in the morning.”
“Yes, of course. Those three deserve to go last.”
“They don’t even know yet. San is gonna be pissed.”
“It’s his fault for attacking a human. Just do it, and she can rest all night.”
“Please… don’t…” You whimpered. “I… I…”
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s okay. You like it, don’t you? I overheard Yunho talking before, it seems you’ve been giving off an interesting scent.”
“What does that mean?”
“What do you think, Jongho?” You felt a hand trailing down your chest. “She gets so wet.”
“Really? Are you a virgin?”
“… stop… please…”
“That’s not an answer.”
“It’s not a no. So pay attention.”
    The other, the one who had woken you in the first place, leaned in close. There was no point in stopping him and without meaning to you exposed your neck, making him chuckle.
“See? One thing at a time though.”
    At this point even the initial sting didn’t hurt as much, it was just a tingle before the good feeling took over. You swear your eyes probably rolled into the back of your head, your body twitching a bit.
“I see what you mean. Her scent changed…” Jongho commented, checking what seemed to be your phone. “Fuck, the sun is going down. Don’t have fun without me, Yeosang.”
“I won’t.” Yeosang licked his lips. “She couldn’t possibly handle more pleasure right now.”
    Your vision started to blur, fading to black and then coming back. One moment there were two in the room, and then it was just Yeosang. You swear you only blinked, but if they really were vampires perhaps they were super fast.
“I know.” Yeosang picked up a kitty. “Lucky me.”
“What… what… is…”
“Sh, save your strength.”
    The kitten climbed up to Yeosang’s shoulder while the boy laid you back down, making sure you were comfortable. You tried to stay awake but it was just easier to slip into nothingness. You swear you slept for longer this time, barely able to move, it certainly felt like dying now.
“She’s so pale.” Seonghwa mumbled, stroking your cheek. “I’m honestly surprised she’s not dead.”
“Who was the last one to feed off her?”
“Yeosang. He’s on the rooftop with Jongho, enjoying the moonlight before sunrise.”
“She can’t possibly survive another bite right now.”
“No, it might be best to give her a proper day to recover.”
“Half of us have drank from her, so that’s impressive enough. After Jongho give her another day, those three can wait longer.”
“Then what do we do? About her?”
“I haven’t decided yet.” Hongjoong sighed. “Has anyone noticed her missing yet?”
“It’s only been two days, and her classes are all different. No one has really noticed.”
“Good. Have you gathered any information on her?”
“Not much, the world’s pretty different. I have a name though, y/n. I can go out tomorrow and see if I can find anything. Is there something you’re looking for in particular?”
“No. I’m just curious as to who she is.”
    You were woken on occasion by Yunho or Seonghwa, the boys making sure you drank water, feeding some warm soup as well. You still weren’t sure if you were hallucinating or not. At one point Yeosang helped you to your feet, having you walk around the cell, just making sure your legs still worked. You could only take a few steps before collapsing and winding up back in bed. He laid you down gently, petting your head.
“You’ve done so well. I don’t think I’ve had the chance to thank you yet, so thanks, for everything.”
“Hm…” You managed to grab him. “Why… why me…”
“Wooyoung brought you.”
“Ha… how… why…”
“It’s complicated, and I’m not sure you would understand right now.”
“When you’re better, I’ll tell you everything, okay?”
    You dozed off again, but at least you could tell you were getting your strength back. When you were better you were able to wake on your own, even sitting up. You were alone in the cell, or at least you thought, but you found two kittens curled up near your pillow. The two were sleeping, and you couldn’t help but glare. This was all their fault. Since you had some strength and found yourself alone, you figured it was a good time to come up with an escape plan. The way you were tied up wasn’t too complex, they probably didn’t think you’d be strong enough to free yourself.
    You focused on untying your feet first, squirming and keeping your frustrated noises to a minimum. Eventually you did it, feeling relief. As you were about to focus on your hands one of the cats pounced on your chest. It meowed in your face and you immediately pulled it off.
“No, no, no, no, this is all your fault! You should have told me you had owners.”
“Go away.”
    You set it down but it woke up it’s friend and then crawled back up on you, keeping you from untying your hands. The other scurried off which worried you, so you had to get around the kitty. You really didn’t want to throw it, but you didn’t have a choice. You held it tightly and whispered an apology before tossing the cat away from you. There was no crash, just a soft meow, and you noticed Hongjoong holding up a cat, another peeking out of his coat pocket.
“That wasn’t very nice, but it’s deserved.”
    He set down the little thing that quickly scurried back over to you, taking the other out of his pocket and letting it run to your side as well. You were caught, and you were scared what the repercussions would be. Hongjoong walked over, squatting down and grabbing your face.
“Yeosang has a point. I should thank you, but also apologize for the methods used to bring you here. These two are nothing but trouble.” He playfully shoved one of the cats off you. “Regardless, I can’t just let you leave now. I still need the little ones to regain their full power, so I’m just gonna tie up your legs, and you’re gonna sit still like a good girl.”
    You swallowed nervously, but didn’t respond, letting Hongjoong do as he said he would. You were once again going to blame the cats, the little snitches. As Hongjoong was about to leave the other three came rushing down.
“They’re people in the church.”
“How many?”
“What are they doing?”
“Looking for her.”
    You suddenly heard footsteps above, hearing voices as well. The fact that those above were looking for you gave you a reason and you actually managed to hear some voices.
“Dude… this is creepy.”
“It doesn’t even look abandoned.”
“Kevin, why are we here?”
“The last time I saw y/n she said something about finding cats in an abandoned church. I haven’t heard from her in days and I’m worried.”
“I’m sure she’s fine.”
“She hasn’t messaged me either. Finals are coming up, she wouldn’t just dip without telling me.”
“This is still crazy. It’s like the middle of the night. Do you think she got kidnapped by ghosts or something?”
“I don’t know…”
“Can we just go? She’s clearly not here.”
    Your eyes went wide when you heard Kevin. You felt a bit of relief knowing someone was looking for you, but before the idea could cross your mind Yunho had a hand over your mouth. You stared at him confused, but Seonghwa answered you.
“If you try anything, we’ll kill them.”
    You wouldn’t have screamed either way, but you couldn’t help but whimper. You were just glad to know a friend was looking for you, and you wouldn’t do anything to endanger them.
“Good girl.”
    Eventually Kevin and his friend left, letting you take a breath in relief. Yunho let you go as well, stepping away from you.
“Get her some food.” Hongjoong ordered. “And in the morning let Jongho and Mingi have their turn.”
“Both of them?” Seonghwa questioned. “That’s a lot.”
“We can’t drag this out for much longer. Someone’s already looking for her.”
“Fine, I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear.”
“Go get them. The sun should be up soon.”
    They all left, even the kittens, so you were all alone in your cell. Yeosang returned with some food, something besides soup this time, and spoon fed you.
“How are you feeling?”
“… fine…”
“Since you seem better, do you want to ask me some questions?”
“Go on.”
“You’re… you’re vampires?”
“How… how old?”
“Very, although there are a few years difference between some.”
“I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry.”
“About what?”
“Trying to steal your cats.”
Yeosang broke out laughing. “Really?”
“I thought they were stray and-”
“Jongho, perfect timing, come here.”
    You expected to see the person in question but instead a black cat came running into the cell and into Yeosang’s arms.
“I… I don’t…”
“This kitty right here is Jongho, he’s so big and strong.”
“That’s… Jongho? But I-”
“Seen him as a person? I know. I took some naps with you when I was a cat too.”
“Despite what you might think, this is a curse.”
“A curse?”
“Yup. A long time ago a witch saw our nest as being too dangerous and reckless, so they cursed us. They trapped us in this church. During the day we’re not allowed to leave, as direct sunlight would harm us, possibly kill us, but at night… that’s a different story.”
“What do you mean?”
“At night we turn into black cats, and we can roam outside the church.”
“But… you’re not a cat…”
“Thanks to your blood.”
“My… blood?”
“Yup. There’s always a way to break a curse. Because we can’t leave the church we can’t hunt for food, and obviously as kittens we can’t feed either.”
“But the cat I followed…”
“Yes, Wooyoung. We could try to lure people to the church, but Hongjoong and Seonghwa said that was too dangerous. As kittens the chances of being scooped up and taken away was too high, you were trying to do that after all, and if we weren’t back in the church before sunrise we’d surely die.”
“Oh… but once you have blood the curse is lifted…”
“Somewhat. That witch wasn’t going to make it so easy. Drinking blood isn’t enough, we all need to drink from the same person in order to truly lift the curse and regain our full powers.”
“That’s why I’m still here…”
“Yes. The eldest among us have greatly enjoyed feeling the sun again, and being able to walk around in the world, even at night, but unless the rest drink from you too, this won’t last.”
“If I die…”
“The curse will remain, and I’ll turn back into a kitten at night.”
“So if I help you lift this curse… you’ll let me go…”
“So… it was all planned… the kittens attacking me…”
“Wooyoung and San’s brilliant plan, they somehow convinced Mingi to help. He’s the one who got on your head.”
“They’re crazy.”
“Very. Hongjoong and Seonghwa scolded them to hell and back for that stuff. You could have seriously gotten hurt.”
“But you all… looked hurt… if you haven’t been able to drink human blood all these years, how have you survived?”
“We… we’ve drank each other’s blood. It sounds weird, but it’s how we’ve managed. Although lately our own abilities have been weakening. It’s why our wounds hadn’t been healing, we were becoming more animal than human. Hongjoong was the one to make the most sacrifices, why he looked the strangest out of all of us. I couldn’t even enjoy having a glass of his blood, knowing he was paying for it.”
“Is that why he bit me first…”
“Yes, and he’s the eldest, so he gets dibs.” Yeosang grabbed the kitten. “Go find Mingi and come back when the suns up.”
    You watched the little kitten go, pondering over their situation. There was more you wanted to ask, but you weren’t sure he’d give you a real answer. For starters vampires were real, and witches, and who knows what other supernatural forces. More importantly you couldn’t help but wonder why, why these boys had been cursed. You didn’t get a chance to ask as Yeosang grabbed the empty tray and left. Now all you had to do was wait. You didn’t have to wait long before Jongho and Mingi came down in human form.
“We really get to do this?”
“I was already next.” Jongho commented. “And you’re the least guilty party so that’s why you’re here.”
“Whatever, let’s just do this.”
    You curled up, a little nervous about both of them biting you. Just thinking about how your body was going to feel made you shiver.
“What are you two doing?” Seonghwa came down. “Just bite her already.”
“I call dibs on the neck.” Jongho called.
    You were somewhat used to the pleasure you got from their bite, but nothing could prepare you for the second one. As Jongho was on your neck, Mingi bit into your wrist. Your whole body shook with pleasure, your eyes rolling back into your head, mouth hanging open. You felt hot, an indescribable need bubbling in your stomach, but there was nothing to do about it. Seonghwa watched intently, pulling them both off you before they’d wind up killing you. For a while you didn’t register anything, just floating on cloud nine, until you slowly floated down, finding Mingi peppering your arm with kisses.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, gosh you taste so good I just want another bite.”
“You… you…”
“Ah, you’re back? How do you feel?”
“It’s okay. I know everything’s fuzzy, just get some rest.”
    You nodded slowly, closing your eyes and taking the advice. After something like that you certainly needed time for your body to heal and for your mind to recover. They left you alone for another day despite their own concerns, needing you to be more or less at full strength in order for the last two to break the curse. You didn’t see much of them before, as they weren’t allowed near you as part of their punishment. Now it was finally their turn.
“Gosh, we worked so hard to get her here and we had to wait so long.” Wooyoung whined. “Finally.”
“I know right. Can I get the neck?”
“No. I’m the one who lured her here in the first place.”
“And I’ve suffered greatly for helping. I should have gotten my turn after Yeosang!”
“Fine, how about we both get a wrist?”
    You weren’t as recovered as before, but Seonghwa had given them the all clear. So you could just shake in the corner, listening to them chat with wide smiles on their faces.
“You ready baby girl?”
    You gave San a half nod before getting lost in his bite. They weren’t really subtle, just going for it. You couldn’t understand why, given this was probably the first time they had human blood in years, maybe decades. Your world quickly faded to black, and you could only be left to wonder what they would do with their new found freedom. You didn’t know for how long you had been out for, but when you regained consciousness you were alone. The cell door was wide open, and your hands hadn’t been tied together. Those two probably eagerly left after having their turn.
    You weren’t all there but you had enough strength to move. You untied your legs and managed to stand, stumbling out of the cell. They had never bothered to change your clothes, merely wash you with a wet cloth, so you looked the same as you did a few days ago. You found the stairs, half crawling your way up and back to the familiar church setting. You were certain all your belongings were either gone or hidden somewhere but you weren’t going to bother looking for them, you just had to get back to civilization, to the people you knew. You weren’t sure how you were going to explain your absence but the truth certainly wasn’t it.
“Wow, and where do you think you’re going baby girl?”
    You froze, slowly looking back to see Yunho sitting on the altar. He was messing around with your phone before tossing it behind him, ignoring the crack. You stumbled taking a step back, finding Mingi there to hold you up, his arms wrapping around you in a hug, also keeping you trapped.
“Were you going to leave us?”
“You… your curse is broken… right?”
“Yes, thanks to you.” Yunho smiled. “You’ve helped us a lot.”
“Then I can go… I won’t… tell anyone…”
“I trust that, but why go?”
“Are you… are you going to kill me?”
“Kill you? Of course not. We’re not done with you.”
“But… but you said the curse…”
“We’ve been locked up for a long time.” Mingi said. “We could use some help getting used to the world again.”
“And don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you.”
“Ya! Are you having fun without me?” San jumped down from the second floor. “What’s she doing up here?”
“Trying to run away apparently.”
“I… I wasn’t… I just thought you didn’t need me anymore…”
“How cute, but there is still much to do. For starters…”
    Yunho walked up to you, pressing his face in the crock of your neck. You shivered at the thought of him biting you and making you feel that pleasure again. Subconsciously you rubbed your thighs together, just thinking of that feeling was enough to excite you. They all chuckled over your actions.
“See, and you were just going to run.��� Yunho chuckled. “I don’t know about you guys, but I’d like to remember what it’s like to take a pretty little girl like y/n here and fuck her brains out.”
“Are you sure?” San questioned. “Hongjoong might want to go first.”
“Then let’s go find him shall we?”
“He’s not here.” Wooyoung entered the church with Yeosang and Jongho. “He and Seonghwa went to scout around her college. See what they can do to make her recent disappearance… disappear.”
“We should probably go help them.”
“You weren’t thinking of doing something here?” Yeosang asked. “Were you?”
“Maybe. A couple of centuries has made me quite impatient.”
“Then you can wait another few hours.”
    You were suddenly pulled out of Mingi’s arms and stood before Yeosang. They all seemed so different. They looked more human, stood with more confidence, and there was just this hint of danger in their eyes. Yeosang grabbed your chin, making sure your attention was on him. You wanted to look away, but this soft glow appeared in his eyes which made you feel oddly calm.
“Hm, I wasn’t sure if that’d work right off the bat. It’s been a long time since I did this.” Yeosang scoffed. “Anyway, why don’t you take us back to your dorm?”
“Oh… okay…”
“Good girl, lead the way.”
    A smile appeared on your lips and you casually started to make your way out of the church although Jongho stopped you for a moment, pulling out a red ribbon from his pocket. He smiled, making the others laugh, as he gently wrapped it around your neck and tied it like a bow.
“There, you can be our pretty kitty, how does that sound?”
“Good girl, now let’s go.”
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heymrstargazer · 3 years
celebration time IT’S THE 100TH DAILY HC!!!! thank you for the continued support as i post these (often shitty) hcs, i appreciate it very much. with that being said, ive jammed together a few hcs ive posted, leading up to the backstory of one of of my most popular ones (neil kissing andrew’s forehead) in a little fic (also sorry if there’s spelling mistakes i had to hold this off until today despite that i had stuff to do so hopefully its alright ??)
daily aftg hc: Most would easily shove the day into a bad category because of the pouring rain and flashing lightning. Andrew would not. He easily relished in the gray sky peeking through the curtains, tucked safely under a mountain of blankets all shoved to his side after Neil grumbled that it was too hot. 
Though, that was another reason it wasn’t a bad day. Neil was still curled up next to him despite the late hour of the morning. His red curls fell over his forehead, eyes, ears, and messily around his head on the pillow. Strands stuck up in unnatural poses that made the corner of Andrew’s lip quirk up. 
“You have the worst bedhead,” he mumbled, half-hidden in the black duvet he tugged up past his shoulders. 
Neil squinted his way. “And you have a blanket addiction.” To prove his point, one scarred hand crawled out from under the sheet and pulled back the corner of one blanket. Then the next. And the one under that. And so forth until he finally found the rest of Andrew, poked him once under the ribs, then got up and padded out of the room. He would forever regret the day that Neil found out he was ticklish. 
With a sigh, Andrew trudged out of the room and into the quiet kitchen, a blanket wrapped over his shoulders. Neil was standing at the counter, blankly staring at the coffee pot with the bag of grounds in one hand.
“Space cadet,” Andrew hummed and grabbed two mugs. It was another name on the ever-growing list, one he’d been using more as the new semester approached. 
As expected, Neil slanted an unamused look his way and continued the task at hand. He watched for another second, readying an excuse if Neil caught him staring, before turning to the fridge and retrieving a package of strawberries and whipped cream. 
He laid the halves out nicely on a plate, sorting them into several different shapes before deciding on a frowny face. Each received one swirl of whipped cream, carefully placed in the center. A short huff interrupted the process, the one Andrew easily recognized to be Neil’s laugh, and was followed by an amused, “Did you forget something?”
The strawberries were good, the mugs were out, the whipped cream was open, the fridge was closed, as well as every other detail Andrew calculated. Stubbornly relenting, he glanced over to Neil with a squint. Instead of an answer, Neil’s eyes trailed down and he offered one small nod. Oh. 
“Pants are an unnecessary social construct,” he concluded, topping off the last of the strawberries with a sprinkle of sugar. Neil’s lip pinched between his teeth, the closest thing to a smile he would allow himself, before one of his hands gently reached toward Andrew. It would be rude to turn down the offer, right?
Andrew slotted himself into Neil’s arms, tugging him down for one kiss before resting his head on Neil’s shoulder. He could smell the cheap laundry detergent on Neil’s shirt, and remnants of last night’s cigarettes embedded in his collar. Neil’s fingers scratched lightly at his scalp and some part of him wished they could do this everyday. Nicky was retrieving a few things from the Columbia house, Kevin was staying with Wymack for their last free week, Robin was off with friends, and the rain meant Neil was confined to dorms instead of his morning run. Which, in turn, meant they were stuck all alone in the dorm together. Not that Andrew minded. 
He startled only slightly when Neil’s hand crept up the back of his shirt, squinting at the light after opening his eyes. 
Neil pressed his lips to his temple for a moment before handing over a steaming mug. “And I’m the space cadet.” Blearily taking his coffee, and unsettlingly unaware of the time that passed, Andrew leaned against the counter to wake up for the second time that morning. He observed Neil, watching him move around the kitchen to put things away, wipe off the counters, and take a few sips of his own coffee.
Unlike Neil, Andrew wasn’t as shameless about his staring. He calculated Neil’s reaction times, glanced away before he could be caught. Neil didn’t even have to be in his line of sight for him to remember the blue of his eyes, the scars on his hands, or the pitying, judgmental expression on his face as he sent reporters into an early grave. It didn’t even have to be Neil at all. It could be his shirt hanging over the railing of the bunk, or his fucking socks on the coffee table. Sometimes it was the half-empty water bottles strewn everywhere from the windowsill to behind the TV.
Or, like now, it was the emptiness of the dorm. It would’ve seemed dead, scarily so, if not for the steady breathing of Neil next to him. He only indulged in silence like this with Neil. With Neil on nights when the rest of the foxes were partying. With Neil on weekends at the Columbia house alone. The stillness was scarce, but desired in a way too unfamiliar to be safe at first. Too open, too easily accessible for one person to enjoy alone, but, at the same time, too untrustworthy to spend with a stranger.
That could be all the murder documentaries talking, though. So, instead, Andrew focused on Neil. Neil who, for the longest time, was a stranger. Completely unknown to anybody but himself, the dead, and people who wanted his head on a spike. Anything the general public did know was a lie, or at least half of one, piled so high that Andrew never quite knew how Neil kept track of them all. 
But, there he was, standing in the dorm’s kitchen, holding a whipped-cream topped strawberry up to Andrew’s mouth. Which he took, and regretted almost instantly as Neil happened to wipe said whipped cream all the way from the tip of his nose down to his chin.
“I hate you.”
He only shrugged back. “My hand slipped.”
Before Andrew could call out his lie, Neil busily attended to his ringing phone buried deep in his pocket. “Ah shit,” was his final declaration before hurrying to the bedroom, coffee abandoned and forgotten behind him.
Neil was supposed to be downstairs helping Matt ten minutes ago. Andrew knew that, but why should he say anything? He’d rather chalk it up to the amusement of Neil running around piecing together whatever outfit he could. Watching him gracelessly slip on his untied sneakers and nearly trip out the door because of it, casting one apologetic wave behind him. 
Andrew wasn’t a liar, though, and most certainly not to himself. For the past months he had stretched out every day, minute, second of alone time with Neil. It was another difference in shamelessness, Neil falling on the opposite side this time. Neil wasn’t always actively looking for every single opportunity to be alone together. Prioritizing was welded and stitched into his DNA, only analyzing the appropriate times for everything and shoving down any other urges. 
On the other hand, Andrew didn’t care if they were on the court or in a packed room, if he saw an out, he would take it. Nothing else mattered because Andrew knew their time was running short. His last year starting up meant the inevitable approach of his permanent departure. He hadn’t brought it up with Neil quite yet, they still had months to go, but they’d have to think about it soon. And he really didn’t want to. 
Instead, on unhurried, quiet days he’d take as much of Neil as he could get. Even if it was small, even if it was in the middle of the worst kind of days, he’d take what he could get because he was going to miss Neil. And, even though that absolutely terrified him, it was the truth. 
The truth had been a difficult thing between them, often ugly and unfortunate, but a key component to a type of trust they both desperately needed. Avoidance felt like a lie. Neil was the liar and Andrew was supposed to call him out, not the other way around. Not talking about it felt even worse than a lie. It was a nauseating truth they both knew, unspoken and untouchable out of the fear it provoked, yet it was still the fucking truth. Undeniable, terrifying truth. Soon they wouldn’t even see each other, much less have time alone. 
After numbly changing into regular clothes (pants included), brushing his teeth, and cleaning up the mess on the counter, he stood in the center of the kitchen. 
Never once had he kissed Neil in front of the foxes. That was another thing reserved for time alone. It wasn’t a regret, it was a fact. A truth, even. It didn’t go undiscussed, though. They spoke of it months ago, before Andrew worried every waking moment of leaving, and Neil said it was fine.
Weekends and one week breaks don’t always allow for alone time. The point of the question was to solve some of that issue. Widen their chances of affection to more than behind a locked door. Neither had taken advantage of it yet.
But, soon enough, the only people around to see it would be the press. The press couldn't keep their mouths shut, though. Matt could. 
And, again, the truth wasn’t a pretty thing. But, maybe instead of avoiding it, they needed to work around it. Bee always told him small steps were still important. It was beyond important that he and Neil spent more than a night together at a time. And, if that meant receiving a kiss in front of Matt Boyd, then so be it. 
He heard their voices outside, opening the door and looking once, then twice before spotting them just down the hall. Holding tightly to his courage with willpower alone, he walked their way. Neil was quick to see him, analyzing the look in his eyes and the hand Andrew gripped into his sweatshirt. Neil knew this routine, taking the clenched-jaw determination into account before wordlessly leaning forward and pressing one kiss to his forehead. Andrew wasn’t stupid enough to stick around for questions. 
He settled the panic in his chest with one of the double fudge cookies in the cupboard. Small steps were important, and he would take as many as he needed, as many as he could, to use up every possible moment with Neil. Because he was going to miss him. And, while that was sickeningly unfamiliar, they would adapt. They would last through any emotional hurricane or attempted murder, and sometimes a kiss on the forehead was enough to assure him of that.
(also can i just credit this to @archiveofourfoxes ?? like she basically came up with everything except the actual physical writing. but anyway thank you for being my one person friend group i appreciate it very much)
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Fluffy Friday - your first Valentines Day with Kevin Atwater?
this turned out wayyy softer than excepted
Kevin paced the living room, glancing at the watch on his right wrist. Half past 7, the reservation was at 8 and if you took another 15 minutes, he’d have to rush to get there in time. 
When you think about it, you and Kevin had spent at least the last 3 valentines together. The two of you ended up at Molly’s after shift for a beer which turns into shots and then Herrmann kicking you two out and telling you to go home. 
But this was your first one as an official couple and Kevin wanted everything to be perfect. 
You woke up to breakfast in bed this morning, a bouquet of your favourite flowers and a present wrapped up nice and neat in a box next to you on the bed when you got up. The rest of the day was spent with the two of you cuddled up in bed until Kevin mentioned that he had made dinner plans for the two of you. 
“Sweetheart, are you ready?!” he shouts from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Kevin, if you don't relax, you’re going to bust a blood vessel!” you shout back from the bedroom before he hears your heels clicking against the hardwood floors. 
Finally, you emerge at the top of the stairs. Kevin looks up at you in awe, watching as you make your way down the stairs. “You look-” he takes breath, smiling at you. “Beautiful.” he leans into to give you a kiss. 
You straighten his collar, smiling at him. “Not looking so bad yourself, babe.” 
Between getting on your coats and you running back up to get a different pair of heels, it was now 7:50 - 10 minutes to get to the restaurant. When you got there, the hostess looked at Kevin with a confused expression on her face. 
“Sir, your reservation says 6pm. It’s now 8:03, we don't have your table.” 
“What- no. I made a reservation for 8.” The hostess shook her head, lifting the book to show Kevin where his name was clearly marked down with 6pm written beside it. 
Kevin said nothing, instead he walked out and you followed him. He sighs before turning to you, “I’m sorry, I thought-” “is that..” you trail off, looking at something behind him. You smile, grabbing his hand before pulling him down the sidewalk with you. 
“Y/n, where are we going ?” Kevin asks, reluctantly following you. 
Stopping in front of a pizza place, you look up at the sign and over at Kevin.  Kevin looked more confused than he did before. “Don’t you remember ?” you ask him, “this is where we made our first arrest together as partners.” 
Kevin laughs, remembering the story- some kid was trying to rob the older couple that owned the shop. You and Kevin were walking down the block on your first day as partners when you noticed what was happening and Kevin ran in and tackled the guy. 
“This is better than some fancy restaurant, Kev. There’s a story here.” you kiss his cheek before pulling him in with you. 
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