newwavesylviaplath · 19 days
found an ancient artifact today
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dmumt · 6 months
junmyeon coming to london looking like THAT the day i'm travelling back up north is my villain origin story
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
i found ur post because im desperately trying to get to the bottom of whether 5'3 is or isnt short. im 5'3 and ive always been called short my entire life and made fun of for it and attracted attention because of it until recently. now if i say im short bc ive been told that my whole life at least one person jumps down my throat that im actually just average? but if i say im average someone else gets upset because they think its short? its incredibly confusing! also its interesting that you dont have trouble reaching things but i do even though we're the same height. i feel like its probably location and framing. like everyone i know is taller than me so of course i feel short compared to others and maybe houses in my area are built to accommodate a larger height than houses in your area? im starting to think being tall or short is more to do with the vibe you give off than it is the actual numbers and statistics. sorry for the random rant i just thought it was neat we have different perspectives despite being equal height. (i also just want to add that i dont care if im short average or tall. height really doesnt matter to me its just tiring when any label i apply to myself gets argued.)
wow that's so funny! nobody jumps down my throat if i say it but i feel like they're silently rolling their eyes lol. i do occasionally have trouble reaching stuff but it's not a constant thing lol. i think we're really just on the shorter side of average!
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lizard-jane · 2 years
robot shenanigans outside a tescos near you!!!
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nctjpeg · 7 months
i may have finally cured my desire for a nose job by realizing i don’t want to have “iphone face”
0 notes
roosterforme · 8 months
Do You Wanna Touch Me? | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You had been working at the bar for six months. And you'd been crushing on Rooster since the first night he handed you his credit card, called you Babydoll, and asked you to start a tab for him. And it only got worse from there, until one night you asked him about more than just his drink order.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, age gap, and smut
Length: 5800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written for my Top Gun Rocktober playlist! Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Oh, my god," you whined softly, drying and polishing the rack of pint glasses in front of you as Rooster Bradshaw came strolling into the bar. "Fuck me," you sighed, barely able to keep your eyes off him as you fumbled one of the glasses.
"Yeah, you'd like that," Lizzy said with a laugh as she cut up some lemons before the Friday evening rush.
You didn't even know you spoke out loud. That's how much of a ridiculous crush you had on that big, sexy man. But he strolled right past you on his way to the pool table, barely even sparing a smile in your direction. 
"I really would," you told her, watching the flex of his bicep as he high fived Hangman. It wasn't like your coworkers didn't know you had a thing for Rooster. You'd been working here for six months, and you'd been crushing on him since the first night he handed you his credit card, called you Babydoll, and asked you to start a tab for him. And it only got worse from there.
He still occasionally called you Babydoll. He never called Lizzy or Jasmine by a pet name. Just you. And you held onto that little glimmer of hope that it meant something. That maybe one day, he'd look at you as more than just one of the bartenders.
"What's wrong with you?" Jas asked, waving a hand in front of your face. But then she looked where you were staring, and she asked no further questions. "Oh. Rooster's here."
"He sure is," you added, forcing yourself to focus on the customer in front of you who looked impatient for a drink. As you finished pouring him some tequila shots, you looked up eagerly, and Rooster met your eyes. It had been a solid week since you'd seen him, and he just always looked so good.
You pushed the shot glasses across the bar and collected payment, trying to stay as cool as you could. Because Rooster was heading your way now in his snug vintage wash jeans and bright tropical shirt. 
"Hey, Babydoll," he rasped, and your whole body clenched with need as your eyes fluttered closed. When you met his gaze again, he was leaning on the bar, closing in on your personal space. 
"Hey, Rooster," you replied, sounding a lot calmer than you felt. When he smirked and looked down at your shirt, your heart pounded even harder. Your name was embroidered on your Hard Deck top, just above your breast. He knew your name, but he always called you Babydoll anyway. So was he just simply staring at your tits?
He cleared his throat and asked, "Get me a beer? Please?" 
"Am I starting a tab?" you asked, reaching for one of the pint glasses you'd just finished cleaning. He responded by humming and sliding his credit card across the bar. He held eye contact with you while you expertly pulled the perfect pint of his preferred beer. The way his lips parted in a soft smile that matched yours, the twitch of his mustache...it all felt like foreplay that had been going on for months.
"Thanks," he muttered when your fingers brushed against his. He winked at you before turning back to the pool table, leaving you with his credit card and a desperate need inside of you.
As you set up his tab, Jasmine ran her hand along your lower back so you wouldn't bump her as she walked behind you. "Why don't you just invite him to join you in the bathroom and fuck him out of your system?" she joked. 
"Because," you sighed, "that would only make me pine harder. Getting a small taste of him would be worse than nothing at all."
"Oof," Lizzy replied. "You're a mess over Bradshaw."
"I wonder how old he is?" Jas asked.
You hummed and shrugged, watching him drink his beer across the room while you shook a vodka martini. "Gotta be at least thirty five."
"Ask him," Lizzy said. "Next time he comes over, ask him how old he is."
Your cheeks were warming up. He was bending at the waist, playing pool, and you were taking way too long to serve this martini. "No. What if he thinks I'm being rude? Or worse...what if he catches on that I like him, and he shuts it all down."
"Fine," Jas said, uncapping some ciders. "Next time Rooster comes up, I'll wait on him."
But that really didn't sit well with you. Rooster always came to you for his drinks, anytime he could. You liked that about him. You liked his attention. Jas wouldn't pour his pints quite as well as you could. You knew so well how much foam to let spill and how close to the top of the glass you could get. You loved pulling those pints of lager for him. And you loved pouring him bourbon when he asked for that instead. You knew which brand and that he liked it neat. You didn't have to ask. He didn't have to tell you.
No, you should always be the one to wait on him. And when he finished his pint and strolled back up to the bar after Phoenix beat him at pool, you stepped in front of Jasmine. "I got it," you said confidently, and Jas walked away chuckling. This time Rooster eased himself down onto an empty stool between two women who looked at him like they'd just won the lottery. But his eyes were on you. 
"Lager or bourbon?" you asked, and you were rewarded with those perfect, white teeth and his deep laughter. 
"You got everyone's regular drinks memorized?" he asked as you reached for his empty glass. But he didn't let you take it. He kept one hand on the glass for a few beats while your fingers met his. 
He was making you feel bold tonight. He was even more gorgeous up close like this, with a few gray hairs at his temples and some laugh lines around his eyes. His eyebrows shot up, and his smile faltered when you said, "No, Rooster. Not everybody's regular drinks. Only the hottest guys. Lager or bourbon?"
He grunted and swallowed hard. "Dealer's choice." Then he finally let you take the empty glass, and it was a good thing, too, because you needed to turn away from him. You took a few extra seconds to reach for the bottle of Wild Turkey. Your nipples were hard, your skin felt like it was on fire, and you were turned on just talking to him.
When you turned back to face him, his gaze was neutral again. You uncapped the bourbon and poured it for him, neat. 
"Thanks," he murmured, moving like he was standing to leave. 
And then your mouth worked before your brain, and you said, "Anytime, Sexy."
You watched him pause halfway out of his seat, his eyes dipping down to watch you nervously lick your lips. If he left for the pool table, you really were going to have to let Jasmine wait on him next time. Embarrassment flooded your veins, leaving you uncomfortable with a sheen of cold sweat on your neck. But he eased himself back down onto the stool and kept his eyes on you. "Alright. Babydoll."
You laughed softly, pulling out some glasses for the woman who wanted two cosmos. Rooster sipped his bourbon and kept his focus on your face and your body. He grunted as you took a shaker in each hand, and as you poured them out at the same time, he asked, "What's your favorite drink?"
He was hyper focused on you now, leaning in just the slightest bit further as you served both pink drinks. "To have or to make?" you asked, taking more orders.
"Both. I want you to tell me both."
You smiled at him, and he matched it right away. "Nothing is more fun to make than an expertly crafted Bloody Mary, but those are best as breakfast cocktails."
He nodded, accepting your answer, and then he asked, "And what do you order when you go out?"
You shrugged. "I don't often get to have someone make my drinks for me, but when I do, I usually order a Manhattan."
"A Manhattan?" he asked, balking at your answer. "How fuckin' old are you, Babydoll? People in their seventies drink those things!"
"I'm twenty three," you told him, laughing so hard you were doubled over. He looked delighted when you were finally able to stand up straight again. Your smile was still bright as you leaned on the bar until you were only two feet from his face and softly asked, "How old are you?"
The song on the jukebox changed as Rooster rubbed his mustache and said, "I'm a lot older than you are." His little self deprecating laugh just made you want to get closer to him. He looked amused by you and also resigned to the fact that he thought his age was something you wouldn't like about him.
"How old?" you asked again, biting your lip. 
His brown eyes found your mouth, and you thought for a moment that he was going to kiss you. Oh god, you wanted him to, so badly. "I'm thirty eight."
You hummed softly as Phoenix came to stand next to him, and you started to get her favorite kind of beer ready. 
"You coming back to the pool table?" she asked Rooster, but he just grunted something about needing to finish his bourbon first. When you handed Phoenix her drink, Rooster told you to put it on his tab, and he looked relieved when she walked away.
"Thirty eight," you said, watching him down the remainder of the drink in his glass. "That's why you're so good at flirting? You've had time to practice?"
He coughed a little bit as he set his empty glass down on the bar top. "Babydoll, I'm fifteen years older than you."
"So?" you asked, pulling another perfect pint for him. "You don't want to flirt with me?"
"Now wait, that's not what I'm saying at all. Just surprised you don't want to flirt with someone your own age."
"I don't like boys my age," you told him fearlessly. "I like men."
"Oh, hell," he groaned, taking a long sip of his fresh beer. "Just look at you. You're gonna get yourself in trouble if you don't find a nice guy."
He looked flustered now. You were making Lieutenant Bradshaw flustered. His cheeks were pink, and he kept sipping his beer, avoiding your gaze. He looked adorable and boyish, and you didn't know quite what to do about this. Or about the fact that talking to him was making you wet. 
"Hmmm," you hummed, and his eyes met yours immediately. "Are you a nice guy?"
"Fuck," he groaned, adjusting himself in his seat. "Sometimes."
"You're always pretty sweet to me," you whispered. "What's it like when you're not a nice guy, Rooster?"
You wanted to touch him for more than a few fleeting seconds. After six months, you thought you were going to. His long, thick fingers were just resting there in front of you. But then Fanboy came to the bar and asked you to close out his tab. And then you had to help Lizzy pour a massive round of shots. And then when Rooster asked you to close out his tab as well, you did it with a pout on your lips. 
As you slid his credit card, the slip he needed to sign, and a pen across the bar, he smiled at you. "Aww, come on. Don't give me that look. You know how it is."
"I don't, actually," you replied, watching him sign the credit card receipt for you. "How is it?"
He looked up and studied your face. "You're too perfect to mess with, Babydoll. Too young. Too pretty to touch."
You chewed on your lip and squeezed your thighs together. You had to know. Your voice was soft and unsure as you asked him, "Do you wanna touch me?"
He didn't meet your eyes again as he scribbled on the receipt and then left it and the pen for you to collect. He stood up from his stool, gave a quick salute to his friends and then headed for the door. 
You moaned helplessly. You blew it. He thought you were just a kid, and you never stood a chance. And now he'd probably never even look at you again. 
But when you picked up the receipt, you read one word written there under his name. YES.
When you strolled into the bar the next evening, you got right to work. You had no idea if Rooster would show up, and you weren't sure if you even wanted to see him or not. You'd torn off the bottom of his credit card slip and taken it home with you. That little scrap of paper on which he'd admitted he wanted to touch you was hanging on your bedroom mirror. But it was the fact that he was probably never going to touch you, even though he was more than welcome to, that was making you frustrated. 
"What's wrong with you?" Lizzy asked as she arrived a minute later. "You look hot."
You glanced down at your Hard Deck top, denim skirt and beat up sneakers. "I look the same as I always do," you told her, continuing to dump buckets of ice into the cooler behind the bar. 
"Maybe it's your makeup," she replied. "I think you're hoping Rooster comes in tonight."
You rolled your eyes. "I always hope he's going to be here. He's pretty. I like looking at him."
"I'm not going to dispute that," Lizzy said as she cut up the lemons again tonight. "But I think you actually like him. Not just the way he looks."
You didn't respond, because it didn't matter. You'd keep the flirtation to a minimum the next time you saw him. The last thing you wanted to do was make him think you were desperate. He wanted to touch you? He could go right ahead. But you weren't about to beg him to.
As the bar got crowded, Jasmine showed up as well. The three of you got into a nice rhythm. A lot of the aviators were back again tonight, and you were serving them drink after drink. And then it was like you knew he was there before you saw him. After you handed a couple their drinks, your eyes automatically shifted toward the doorway, finding it filled with Rooster's big body. And he was already looking at you. 
"You want me to wait on him?" Lizzy asked you softly as Rooster approached the bar. 
But you just shook your head and reached for two different glasses, holding them up as he took a seat in front of you. When he pointed to the pint glass, he said, "Lager. Please."
"Sure," you replied, setting the smaller glass aside and pulling a perfect pint of beer for him. "Start a tab?"
"Nah, I'm not staying long tonight," he told you as you placed the beer in front of him without meeting his gaze. "Just wanted to see you and get one drink."
"Mmkay," you said. But when you pulled your hand away, he reached for it. 
Stunned, you let him take your hand in his large one, and then he asked, "Does this mean you're done flirting with the old man now? You got it all out of your system yesterday?" His eyes were guarded, cautious, and he held onto your hand, expecting an answer. 
You shook your head slowly, running your fingertips along his rough calluses. "I was just getting started."
A crooked little smile danced across his lips. "I am too old for you, Babydoll. And it's a shame."
Your heart jumped in your chest, hand still tangled up with his on the bar top. You could hear Lizzy and Jasmine working extra hard to take all the orders, trying to give you a moment here. So you smiled back. "You think you're old. So what? You expect me to call you Daddy?"
"Shit," he grunted, squirming a bit in his seat but keeping your hand in his.
When he didn't respond right away, you leaned a little closer, one eyebrow raised. "I asked you a question."
His eyes were wide, and that little grin was back. "I could be a... Daddy. Maybe for the right girl."
You pulled your hand free of his and planted both palms on the bar top and leaned closer to him. "And just how is a girl supposed to know if she's the right one?"
But his cheeks were tinged with pink once again, and he looked flustered. It was flattering, such an ego boost. You were the one who made him like this. But he wasn't responding now, and you needed to help Jas pour some chardonnay for the impatient ladies at the end of the bar. You sighed and said, "Well, I work until eleven. So just think on it."
But he wouldn't let you leave. Rooster reached for your hand again, but this time he was the one leaning closer. "The right girl would be one that I can't seem to stay away from. You said you work until eleven?"
"Yes," you replied softly, his large hand completely covering yours on the bar top.
"Right. Then ask me again if I want to start a tab."
You pressed your lips together, trying not to giggle. "Would you like to start a tab, Rooster?"
"You're damn right I would, Babydoll. I can't get enough of you. Think I'll just hang here until eleven. If that's okay with you."
This time you did giggle. "Yeah. That's okay with me." As he pulled his wallet out and handed you his credit card, you asked, "Bourbon or lager?"
"Make it a Manhattan."
"I've been told these drinks are for people in their seventies," you said with a straight face as you reached for the vermouth, secretly pleased he wanted your favorite. "You're only thirty eight."
"Listen," he said, watching you fix his drink. "You said you don't like boys your own age. And maybe I'm a little older than you, but all the parts are still in working order."
You felt giddy. When you set the glass down in front of him, you couldn't help but ask, "Does that mean you'll let me take you for a test drive?" 
You had to work to keep an innocent expression on your face as Bradley's blush deepened. He took a sip of his Manhattan, licked his lips and said, "I don't do test drives anymore."
"Oh," you said with a little pout. "You don't?"
"No," he replied a bit cautiously, taking another sip of his cocktail. "I'm getting too old for that. I like at least a little bit of commitment from the driver. Don't wanna feel like I'll get dinged up."
You shivered at his words, mesmerized by his voice and his demeanor as he looked down into his glass. Could you do more than a test drive? Of course you'd thought about it. You were crushing so hard, you'd imagined what it would be like if he was your boyfriend. But you'd barely even let yourself hope for a one night stand. Even that much seemed too good to be true.
"Oh," you said again in a softer tone. When he glanced up, his dark eyes were no longer guarded, and he was looking at you warily. Without giving it much thought, you pushed up onto the bar and leaned until he met you halfway in a kiss. It was just the softest brush of your lips against his. But the sound he made and the prickle of his mustache on your skin left you wide eyed and out of breath as you eased yourself back down. "No. You're too handsome to get all dinged up. I'm a great driver."
"Yeah," he said with a little laugh. "I can already tell. And that's what I was afraid of last night. There's just something about you, isn't there?"
"You have a thing for me?" you asked him, gripping the edge of the bar top. "Because I definitely have a thing for you." You had stopped breathing now, and your heart was pounding in your ears. 
With a little grin, he said, "Yeah, I do, Babydoll."
"Well, what are we going to do about it, Daddy?" you asked with another giggle as Jasmine thrust a bottle of prosecco into your hands. 
"We're going to go out my Bronco the minute your shift is over. We'll figure it out there." 
You nearly dropped the bottle when you met his eyes. "A quickie?" you asked softly, but you were sure he heard you.
"No," he groaned, running his big palm along his mouth and shaking his head at you. Then he finished the rest of his Manhattan in one gulp and pushed the glass your way. "Nothing about this is gonna be quick. I'd like to take my time, especially with someone as perfect as you."
You sounded like a feral animal, thighs clenched together and gripping the bottle of prosecco with both hands. 
"Shit," Rooster grunted. "You're making it hard to just sit here, Babydoll."
"Hard?" you asked with a grin. 
"You'll find out."
After another embarrassing noise, you had to excuse yourself to the other end of the bar for a few minutes. Jesus, you needed to keep your job, after all. But his eyes followed you everywhere. Any time you looked his way, he was transfixed on you. When you pulled a pint of lager and set it down for him, he whispered, "Thanks, Babydoll," sending shivers along your skin again. 
"Anything else you want, Rooster?" you asked him sweetly. 
His gaze dipped down to your chest before returning to your face. "Nothing I'm allowed to have inside the bar."
"At least not when we're open to the public, sir," you replied, giving him a little salute that had him reaching for you across the bar. But you managed to skirt away from his grasp with another laugh. 
"You coming back over here?" he asked between sips of his beer. "I didn't get a chance to ask you if you'll make me a Bloody Mary for breakfast tomorrow morning."
"Yeah. Breakfast," he confirmed with a smile. "At my place?"
You pressed your lips together to keep from screaming. "So since this isn't a test drive, what are my options, exactly? Am I looking at a lease? A financing package?"
"I'm sure you'll know what you want to do when the time comes. And I'm going to need you to stop saying package right now."
"Just go," Jasmine told you suddenly. "It's after ten, and you're useless. You and he have had hours of foreplay already. Go."
"Are you sure?" you asked, already reaching for your bag and Rooster's credit card.
"Yes," Lizzy confirmed. Then she looked at Rooster who was already standing up and told him, "Pay your tab next week. And get her out of here."
"My pleasure," he rasped, and you practically ran for the opening in the bar, ducking underneath the counter. And when you stood up again, he was right there. He was so tall and broad, and with a coy smile, you slipped his credit card into the pocket of his jeans. When your fingers trailed closer to his zipper, he grabbed your wrist gently. 
"Just checking for myself to make sure all the parts are working," you mused as he raised your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles gently. In the middle of the crowded bar. Then he wrapped your fingers around the back of his neck, and you pulled him down for a kiss. 
He kept it pretty clean as he promised, "Wait until we get outside."
"Now," you demanded, pulling him along behind you by his shirt collar. As soon as the cool, night air met your hot skin, he had your bare thighs in his hands, and your back was pressed against the side of the building. "Oh my god," you gasped. Your body was pinned between the siding and Rooster, and the rough denim of his jeans was rubbing you deliciously through your underwear. 
"I told you I'm not going to rush," he whispered, pressing into you as you held onto his shoulders. He teased you with that delicious mustache and his lips on your neck before he kissed your ear and said, "Now, I'm gonna need verbal confirmation, Babydoll."
"Yes!" you nearly shouted. "Everything!"
He chuckled next to your ear and asked, "You wanna fuck in my Bronco?"
"Yes," you moaned so loudly, you were sure Jasmine and Lizzy could hear you. 
"I don't have any condoms with me," he said, looking you in the eye. "Do we need them?"
"No, I'm clean, and I take the pill," you said, leaning in to kiss his lips. He tasted you, running the tip of his tongue along yours before pulling his lips away. 
You whined for him, but he was undeterred. "I need you to tell me that you'll come home with me and make me that Bloody Mary in the morning while I make you breakfast."
He already wanted you to sleep over with him. He wanted to make you breakfast. He didn't want to have a one night stand. He was waiting for an answer. "You'll have to let me know if you want it traditional or extra spicy."
"Fuck," he grunted before his lips came crashing against yours. His big hands held your thighs wide as he rolled his hips gently against you. 
"Rooster," you moaned against his lips as he let you gently slide down his body until your feet hit the ground. 
"Please call me Bradley," he whispered as he wrapped his hand around your waist and quickly guided you across the dark parking lot. 
When you saw the Bronco, you ran the last little bit hand in hand. His laughter mixed with yours as he unlocked the door. "Come on, Bradley," you sang, looking up at him over your shoulder before climbing up onto the driver's seat on your hands and knees. "Do you wanna touch me?"
"Babydoll," he moaned, keeping you still as he guided your skirt up over your butt and around your waist. You cried out as he kissed the backs of your thighs. He slipped his fingers inside the thin strips of lace fabric that made up your thong, and you couldn't ever remember being this turned on before. 
"Bradley!" you gasped loudly when his lips and tongue met the globe of your rear end. He slid the lace to one side and kissed your slit from behind until you were panting. You might cum. You might actually have an orgasm on your hands and knees with your ass in his face. Boys your own age couldn't get you like this no matter what they did.
He gently swatted at you before palming your ass and saying, "Get in the backseat."
Oh yes. He was about to show you what else his age and experience had to offer, and you were already shaking with need. "Yes, sir," you whispered, and you heard him mutter a string of obscenities as you scrambled onto the backseat. As he slid the driver's seat forward and climbed in the back, you carefully pulled your underwear down your thighs. He helped you and then pressed the lace to his nose before pulling you onto his lap. 
"I've thought about this so many times when I touched myself," you blurted out as he teased your clit with his thumb. "Bronco sex," you whined, head tipped back, enjoying the perfect pressure he applied to your body. "Bronco sex with Bradley Bradshaw."
"Forgive me, Babydoll," he whispered, voice harsh. "But last night was the first time I jerked off thinking about you. Too afraid to go there before that, thinking there was no way in hell you'd want me."
"I want you," you swore, meeting his eyes in the near darkness. If anyone else was out in the parking lot, you couldn't see them. And you didn't care if they could see you, because he was slipping one thick finger inside you. "Wanted you for so long. Months and months."
"Jesus, you're tight," he groaned, sliding your snug top up to your chest as you rode his hand. "And you skipped a bra tonight like a good girl."
"Bradley," you gasped as he cupped your bare breast in his big hand. He lazily swirled his thumb around your nipple before bending to take you into his mouth. "Oh my god!" 
Your orgasm was already building. You had only been in the backseat with him for a few minutes, and he was still fully clothed. But now you were riding two fingers, and his thumb was delicious against your clit. As he licked and sucked on your breast, you started to clench. 
"Damn," he muttered against your body. "Already?"
You just nodded before guiding his lips up to yours, and you came as you moaned loudly against his mouth. "Bradley." You raked your fingers up into his hair and kissed him. He was hard through his jeans, and when he withdrew his fingers, you felt them trail up your body. 
"You're so pretty," he whispered, pulling your top over your head. "You'll look even better in my bed."
You wanted him to fuck you here first, but you'd be lying if you said you hadn't already thought about his place and what he might make you for breakfast. And as you sat straddled his hips in nothing but your skirt up around your waist and your sneakers on your feet, you felt adored by him. He was kissing a trail down between your breasts and rubbing his thumbs along your thighs. 
"Bradley," you whined, rubbing your pussy against his jeans, already feeling a little wrung out. "Please."
The street light at the corner reflected in his eyes, letting you know he was looking at your face as he raised his hips and unzipped his jeans. And a few seconds later, they were down around his knees along with his underwear. Your lips met his as you felt the velvety soft tip of his cock resting against your core. As you kissed him and tugged on his hair, he throbbed for you. And suddenly you weren't in such a hurry either. 
"Let me make you feel good," he whispered, and as you slid down around him, Bradley guided you with his hands on your hips. "You're so wet, my god."
"You always make me wet, even when you just talk to me at the bar," you admitted softly, your voice shaking as he kept pushing deeper inside you. "Oh. You're huge."
"Am I hurting you?" he asked, pausing where he was. But you just shook your head and rolled your hips slowly until he was completely inside you. He kissed you softly as you gasped and got used to him. "I don't wanna hurt this sweet pussy," he whispered next to your ear. "Perfect."
And then he brushed his knuckles along your clit and leaned his head back, watching as you rode him. "Take it off," you gasped, and he let you push his shirt down his arms and pull his tank over his head. You explored his broad chest with your hands and his shoulders with your lips. He was warm and rough and oh so sweet. His chest hairs brushed against your nipples as he guided your hips with his hands.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed his lips. "Fuck. So good." He felt delicious, his big hands everywhere, sliding up to span your back and keep you close. He fucked you in long, fluid movements that just got faster and faster. His pubes were coarse against your clit. His little grunts and words of praise kept you going as you started squeezing around his cock.
"Don't stop, Babydoll," he coaxed as you got closer. When his lips met your sweat slick chest again, and he pulled your nipple between his teeth, you came for him.
As your legs shook and your fingers went loose in his hair, Bradley fucked up into you until you were screaming his name. 
"Good girl," he grunted, and suddenly you were on your back along the seat with your legs spread wide. He fucked you with long, hard strokes that made your tits bounce and prolonged your orgasm. His lips were everywhere, and you were surrounded by his voice in the dark, holding onto his biceps as he came inside you.
You scrambled to get your mouth on his as you both caught your breath together, and as your heartbeat started to return to normal, you pressed a dozen soft kisses to his lips, one after the next. "Will you take me home?"
His hands stilled on your thigh and your neck. "Yeah," he said with a tone of sadness. "I can drop you off at home."
When he started pulling away without so much as another kiss, you reached for him, keeping him firmly inside you. "No, no. Take me home with you, Bradley."
"My place?" His voice was still soft, but it sounded hopeful now.
"Of course," you reassured him, and his kisses returned. "I'll spend the whole morning tomorrow making you Bloody Marys with little heart shaped garnishes."
He smiled against your lips before he said, "I'd like that, Babydoll."
The Hard Deck was pretty busy the following evening, and you were so physically exhausted from your night with Bradley, you could barely keep up. The Sunday crowd was keeping you on your toes, and Jasmine wouldn't stop asking you how your night ended. 
"Did you go home with him? You did. I can tell," she said as you just shrugged at all of her questions. "Are you going to see him again? Come on! Tell me!"
When you saw movement on the other side of the bar top, Jasmine's eyes went wide. "Hey, babydoll." The deep rumble of his voice was so distinct, you didn't need to look at him to know it was Bradley. He had whispered dirty, sweet things in your ears all night and all morning. You knew the sound of his voice by heart now.
When your eyes met his, you reached for a pint glass and filled it with his favorite beer. "Hey, Bradley. Wanna start a tab?" you asked with a soft smile.
You giggled as he reached for your hand and tugged you closer. Then he leaned across the bar and kissed you as his nose brushed against yours. "For you? Always. And don't close the tab until your shift ends."
No more test drives. I'm sure she's already considering her options to make him hers permanently. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32. Also, the pretty banner was made by Mak!
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ma1dita · 1 month
now that we're older
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.5k
summary: (established relationship) The one where he asks if you can stay the night even if all of cabin 11 makes fun of him. Luke is tired of the routine. He just needs his girl. (Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader)
a/n: its really something about me always posting at 4am.... listened to three songs on a loop while writing and they were all called ‘older’. 5sos-> gracie abrams-> lizzy mcalpine—this works for the trajectory of trouble & luke if you give it a listen; anyways you guys deserve the fluff. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS HAPPY (ignore the...tinge of angst) BUT THIS IS HAPPY RIGHT? RIGHT? scream at me in the comments & enjoy <3
(posted 3/26/24, semi-edited)
Luke lets you love him in the nighttime. 
It’s not to say that you don’t love him every second of the day and then some, but he’s much softer at night, weathered down and stripped of the many roles he carries. Maybe it’s the weight from the responsibility of being an all-star cabin counselor or the bone-deep ache of being camp’s best swordsman, perhaps even the ailment of being Hermes’ favorite forgotten son—but he endures until the night where he can lay it all down and be nothing but yours. 
And you let him. 
The mask usually starts to fall apart during dinner when he comes to sit at your table— besides the extra space, Luke likes intentionally knocking his knees against yours, the hand not holding his fork squeezing the inside of your thigh. He’s more open and receptive to your doting by the time the sun sets, fiddling with the hem of your camp shirt on the walks to the bonfire, letting you hang off his arm as you sidestep each other’s feet, hip to hip in hushed giggles. Whether it be chatty campers running through attempts at kisses, Chiron and Mr. D accidentally interrupting your loving glances, or occasional interference from the gods above, there’s only so many ways to be together in the in-between.
Tonight he’s yawning as he places his head on yours from behind, the both of you watching all your campers file out towards the amphitheater. A gentle smile graces your face and he’s warm all over, arms caging around your chest as you lightly sway against the summer breeze.
“You okay, angelface?”
Humming in response, he lowers his cheek to yours and whispers a proposition.
“Wanna skip the bonfire? Like how we used to…”
Turning to face him, your nose bumps against the scar on his cheek, and he feels the teeth of your smile on his skin as you mumble, “That was before cabin 7 needed an understudy for special requests, babe.”
“You could still sing for me. I’ll even clap if you want,” he muses before warbling out a few off-key notes to your favorite song until you’re a mess of giggles under him, fingers reaching up to cover his lips.
“That’s terrible,” you say between fits of laughter, until your eyes meet Percy and Grover’s wandering ones, “Hey! You two ready for your quest tomorrow?” Luke’s hold on you falters into an afterthought, fingers playing with your belt loops as the boys walk to the center of the clearing to meet you two.
He thinks about his little sister going on a quest to prove herself to her mother, even if it’s not her own cross to bear. He thinks about the satyr risking his life to protect another demigod who follows in his footsteps, and finally his dark eyes land on the sandy-haired boy destined to get caught in the crossfire. Luke’s feet feel heavy as if they’re cemented to the ground, and when you step away to greet the boys, he stays where he is. You misinterpret it for his fatigue, which is only part of what’s weighing on his mind.
“Luke? Go on ahead, I’ll cover for you. Get some rest.” But he can’t sleep without you; the times he’s tried are met with a touch of darkness only you can will away. He wants to hold on to you for as long as he can— Luke’s always been more vulnerable in the nighttime, with or without you.
Later he finds himself staring at the ceiling of his cabin, thrashing in the twin bed against the back wall as he rests his eyes and tries to get comfortable. There are reminders of you wherever he looks, gauzy white curtains strung up around his bed like swirling clouds, pictures of the both of you pinned to the worn walls of Hermes’ refuge for the unclaimed, and though he’s always known his heritage—the way he can pick out your voice through the sound of all the others that file in reminds him who his heart belongs to. Luke shuts his eyes until he feels your lips on his forehead, balmy from your berry chapstick with a hint of your smile. He murmurs your name sleepily, but your hands tickle his torso as you lift the hem of his shirt up.
“Woah there, keep it PG. There are children here!” Travis says mockingly, and the sound of giggles and shuffling sheets fills the room as everyone gets ready for bed. There’s a resounding thud that follows and that makes him open his eyes.
“Mind out of the gutter, Stoll! You know your brother overheats at night,” you mutter, and his hands are already ghosting your hip in silent confirmation. Tearing your lavender gaze from Travis who’s spitting out feathers from across the way, you look down at him and mumble, “Sleepy, angelface? They’ll do cabin checks soon and then it’s lights out.” 
“Don’t wanna sleep without you. I can wait,” he slurs, saying your name slowly like he’s writing  it out. Luke looks at you blearily when he sits up, rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes as he pulls his shirt off from the nape of his neck. When the orange fibers lift from his vision, he sees you in sleepwear (all stolen from his closet, just the way he likes it) and your face shiny with skincare. 
“Was gonna get you ready for bed, babe. Got Lee to cover for me tonight and Beck and Katie are on morning shift. Wanna go to mine?”
He knows he should. The both of you never play hooky, not since taking up your counselor positions 3 years ago. Luke doesn’t remember the last time either of you were in bed before midnight and up before 6 the next morning. Never on purpose at least—the surprise jolts him awake a little as he cocks his head at you curiously. 
“Got off the hook, trouble?”
The question makes you bite your lip, “You’re acting surprised. Something told me you needed it.” He flops back down on the worn mattress, far too soft with age that his back tweaks a little when he moves over for you and pats the space you’ll take up. It’s his though—even if it doesn’t have his name on it, and for once he just wants to sleep in here with his girl like everything is right in the world (and ignore that he’s about to tear it all up). He thinks he might actually miss this cabin, the sound of his scuffling siblings, the way things quickly disappear and reappear at the change of hands in this community of outcasts, but most of all, he’s going to miss you and how you can settle them down with a single hush.
“Can we stay here tonight? Too comfy. Never get to admire the little setup you made for me here since we’re in 12 so often.”
“M’not going anywhere, my love,” you whisper as you push back the curtains, climbing into his bed to cuddle against him, but he shifts so that his head is on your chest. Luke’s hugging you like he’s a weighted blanket, and he strings a garland of kisses along your collarbone leading up to the space over your heart. Running your hands through his hair, you sing to him quietly until lights out, not even noticing the change while you’re looking at each other eye to eye. No one laughs at your lullaby, the sound of your voice tucking the rest of the cabin to sleep.
Almost losing consciousness again, his cheek shakes with the giggle that rises from your chest as you whisper, “Didn’t know you put our camp prom photo up on your wall. We look like we hate each other.”
“You were so mad because I kept stepping on the bottom of your dress. Had to get your attention somehow,” he chuckles, before tightening his hold on you, “I knew I liked you already by then, too. Wasted too much time trying to get Chiron in a prom dress with the boys that I didn’t get the chance to ask you to dance.”
“Ended up on a bead though. Is that what that memory tells you, angelface?”
“You’re my favorite memory, trouble,” he sighs, muscles relaxing at the feeling of your fingertips tracing stars into the planes of his back. Then hearts. A squiggle of something you tell him is obviously a centaur, which makes his brows furrow, before he kisses your chin when you spell out your name. Slowly, like you want him to remember it. He does.
“I’m still here, silly—pretty sure to be a memory, time has to take me away first. Not letting that happen. Me and you forever if I can help it,” you say breathily, voice tinged with sleep and so much love for him that feels like it chokes you, but that might just be the angle of your neck as you try to look down at him again. Dopamine lines your system at his words, and you let out a strained sigh—lovesick and heady with the feeling.
“I know but you’re in all my favorite ones too. When I think of you, everything’s better. Like I didn’t eternally fuck up my fate before I even turned 20,” he jokes, and like a lot of them, they fall flat. You hope that by wrapping your legs around him Luke will know how much you want to crawl into his skin and hold his heart to protect it. That with you, he won’t ever have to be alone. Words are never enough, after all. Even if you have nothing you need to prove, it won’t stop you from trying to show him.
“Still a few weeks off, so don’t try your luck. There are worse fates than falling in love with you, Luke Castellan.”
He turns from the wall at the sound of that, wanting to disagree, but you kiss him before he can protest.
“I’m the lucky one. Sometimes I think loving you was the only thing I did right,” he murmurs, before drifting off. You’re the last thing he looks at before he goes to sleep, the way he likes it—like a longstanding memory he gets to keep before he’s vulnerable again in his dreamstate. He’s the strongest when you’re with him, and his brain goes quiet. No one dares to break him when he’s with you like this. 
Not a dream, nor a titan.
You can't imagine sleeping another night without this crick in your neck with his name on it, the shape of him pressed into your body. With only the moon as your witness, you whisper words of devotion, sneak featherlight kisses wherever you can reach, and hope that they get to your love, wherever his mind is right now.
“I love you, I love you, I love you…”
You let him love you in the mornings.
Even unknowingly, it seems. On a normal day, your alarm would ring and you’d sleepily pat Luke (his face, chest, whatever part of him you could reach with your eyes closed) so he could shut it off. He’d let you sleep in a couple extra minutes (somewhere between 5-10) before pulling you from unconsciousness with a hug. 
This morning, with no alarms ringing in his ears Luke finds that he wakes up a little before you anyway. Down to his circadian rhythm, you’ve affected him, and he takes it with an upwards quirk of his lip as he squints at the sunlight through the sheer curtains that brush against your arms. He watches you delicately, even with the sounds of a lively morning filling the cabin—everyone up and ready for the day while you two are wrapped in your little bubble. It’s a stupid thought that crosses his mind, but a coherent one nonetheless; jealousy fills his chest at the sight of sunlight kissing every inch of your skin that he can only try to reach. He runs his hands from where they’re tucked underneath your waistband to the expanse of your back, and over your shoulders until you’re humming under your breath, midway out of a dream. 
Luke takes an extra moment to admire the way you latch onto him and he finds it almost frustrating how everyone from the gods above to the demigods at Camp Half-Blood down to the powers that damn him to Tartarus know you’re his biggest weakness. It’s almost unfair how you’re his strength too— the sheath that reminds him not to cut, the control behind his unbridled rage that heats up the back of his neck like a brand but instead of feeling fire, he feels sunlight.
You search for him in every sunrise, light refracting through your irises until a smile settles on your cheeks like you want to say, “Yes, I’m here with you. ” 
“Good morning, pretty girl.”
The both of you shifted during the night, almost as if in a dance of limbs and dreams, and somehow you’re nestled against his side and using his bicep as a pillow. It flexes as Luke raises his arm to brush the hair away from your face, when you kiss his scar and mumble, “Did we miss breakfast?”
“Almost over, but we can just grab something from the kitchens. Surprised everyone left us alone, actually,” he says thoughtfully, “the kids might’ve already left for their quest.” He likes watching you reorient yourself into the land of the living, before you step into your boots of being head counselor, before you put on the facade of being the perfect demigod—the protector and glue of Camp Half-Blood.
“Mmhm… was gonna offer my lighter to Percy and them last night for protection, but he was wearing your shoes. You gave them to him?”
Luke wipes drool from the side of your lip, watching you kiss his thumb in thanks with no thought as it was as easy as breathing. A half smile splits through the scar on his face as he says, “He’s gonna need them. For luck.” You lift your upper body up and look at him, hair forming a halo around your face and you sniff, “But you loved those shoes. Gift from your dad aside, I know they’re one of your prized possessions.”
He coaxes you back into his arms as he shifts up and leans against the wall. Prying eyes would think you’re hugging, sitting heart to heart on the small mattress.
“Annie didn’t take your lighter?”
He knows you’re rolling your eyes against his shoulder, feeling your fingers clutch at his curls to pull him away to look at you. You look at him knowingly and say, “Stop trying to change the subject. Anyways, Annie said if we help them anymore she’ll think we don’t trust them enough to come back alive.”  
“I mean it when I say you’re all I care about. Shoes…None of it matters.”
“What I care about is how you used to love flying around in those things. Even if you pissed me off a lot with them too,” you say, and the both of you laugh. They were a consolation from his dad after his quest, probably the closest thing to an apology (or even a “hello, glad you’re alive!”) he’d ever gotten from Hermes. Though the scar on his cheek was more than enough of a reminder of that—he didn’t touch the shoes until a few months after, when you taught him how to drive. Luke propositioned you promising to take you out on a spin once, and you thought he meant the car…
“You loved them more than I did,” he grins, and you recoil and slap his chest.
“You flung me onto the roof of the dining pavilion, Luke.”
“It was an accident! Plus it did make cabin checks go faster…Once I got the hang of them,” he snorts, deciding to pull you to stand. Batting away the curtain, he’s sliding into his slippers and Luke helps you step onto his feet and you groan into his chest, “What are you doing? M’gonna break your toes, Lu—”
“Shhh…I’m the strongest guy you know. Can handle anything for ya.”
He backs the both of you up to the center of the cabin, spinning you in slow circles to an imaginary beat. One hand around your waist and the other interlaced with yours as your smile feels like sun beaming through a window as you ask, “How did I ever get so lucky to fall in love with you, Luke Castellan?” 
You’ll never tell him, but that’s the only thing you’ll be ever grateful to Hermes for.
He shakes his head in astonishment as he whispers, “I love you, you know that?” It hurts his head if he thinks too hard—how does a love so intoxicating manifest as something so gentle? How can he be powered by your love but still fueled by hate? How can he be both damned and saved by you? Luke wonders if his thoughts even break the surface of how busy the mind of a daughter of Dionysus is—to know insanity in love, and still be able to welcome it with open arms.
“Beats prom, huh? Am I a good dance partner?” 
You tilt your head, tongue in cheek as you gaze at your boy like he’s said something stupid, and though it’s been a year and change, you hope the fluttery feeling Luke gives you will never go away. With him, you never have to pretend—never needing to mince your words or soften the blow. You’ve never felt more yourself than how you feel hand in hand with him.
“We’ve always been good partners, me and you.”
He sways you in the momentary quiet of cabin 11 as you step away and hold the bottom of your (his) shirt out like the frills of a skirt, and Luke raises your arm overhead and then you’re spinning, spinning, spinning…
The front door swivels open, and Chris peeks his head in.
“Hey lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but Sword and Shield is starting soon, and Clarisse still has your names on the roster…”
You both sigh.
“You signed up for offense?”
“And you signed up for defense, so don’t look at me like that, trouble…”
Instantly the two of you harden your stances, parrying at each other’s torsos with hands as your swords until you try to make a run for it and drag Chris behind you to use him as a human shield.
“Hey! Oof—”
Moving as quick as a bullet, Luke accidentally knocks the wind out of his brother who’s now hunched over as you laugh at him like a madwoman.
“You two are going to have weirdly violent children one day,” Chris huffs, before stepping back towards the door, “See ya in 30!”
Cheeks reddening at his brother’s comment, Luke crosses his arms and takes a good look at you, bathing in the light of the open doorway and looking like the rest of his life.
“Well, back to work. Bit too good to be true, huh babe?”
“For now,” he says thoughtfully, “Summer will be over soon though. Gonna get quieter around here for sure…”
You’re already stepping off the front porch walking backwards as you grin, throwing your arms up in the air as you make your way across the path to your cabin to get ready for the day. You’d hate to leave camp—it's as true as your love for performing, caring for others, and most especially, him. He knows it because he knows you, and unlike most things, that’s never going to change.
Not if he can help it.
“Summer doesn’t last forever. But we’ll still have the fall, the winter, and whatever’s next…me and you.”
You’re yelling to him over the railing of your porch and he nods his head at you, turning away before you speak again, “Maybe one day when we’re older!”
“What was that baby?”
Looking at Luke like you already have it all planned out in your head, you say softer, “Kids. If that’s what’s in the cards for us. Though I do like practicing…”
Instantly he cracks up but nods, because there’s no future he can conceive without you being in it. There’s a serious turn in his response and it makes your heart beat out of your chest.
“Anything you want. You know I don’t leave anything up to fate. Not glory, not you.”
Everything you touch turns into gold, and he hopes somehow he would too. Two sides of the same coin, striving for a good ending, one worth remembering—one to last forever.
You get to love each other in the in-between, when time can’t get in the way. The clock is always ticking though, rattling against his brain as a reminder. 
Luke just wants to make sure there’ll come a day where there’ll be no more interruptions.
“When is a monster not a monster? Oh, when you love it. Oh, when you used to sing it to sleep.” Caitlyn Siehl
 ½ luke taglist: @kissingyourgrl @dorcas4meadowes @lorarri @andrewgarfldsgf @noodlesketchbook @10ava01@poppysrin@ashisabitgay @timhalamet @liv1104 @leeknows-wife @mxtokko @bugcuti3 @luvvfromme @midmourn @2hiigh2cry @yuminako @niktwazny303  @lukecastellandefender @intergalactic-padawan @iliketopgun @annybah @dangelnleif @thegrinningghost @alyssajunelle @obxstiles @m00ng4z3r@visndcaitswhore @b0ok-lover @elegant-face-tree @this-barbie-is-having-breakdowns @amortencjja @idonevenknow1359 @maliaaaa @targaryenluvs @sakyira @dhdjdjjdhsjdiri
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hybbart · 7 months
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Trainer Jimmy
Jimmy is a clumsy young trainer whose family are all much more succesful. He's set out on his journey to beat his older brother, Grian, who is the current champion. He travels alongside his aspiring coordinator sister, Lizzie, and a friendly ranger, Tango.
Absol is his starter, a pokemon that found him because of his immense bad luck and worries about him greatly. Absol is always on his heels watching literally every step he takes to make sure Jimmy doesn't get too badly hurt. He and Jimmy catch (almost with his face) a falling star, inside which they found Absol's megastone.
Oricorio is an energetic bird who has just as much bad luck as Jimmy himself, the two ended up at the bottom of a cave in together in their first encounter. Oricorio isn't an amazing fighter but she loves cheering on and supporting her teammates. She somehow figured out how to perform thunder punch training with Tango's Darumaka.
Feebas was an egg from Scott's Milotic, given to Jimmy as a gift. He can't do much but has big dreams of becoming powerful one day. Usually he is hanging out or training with Lizzie's Wooper, who usually carries him around outside the water. He knows dragon pulse because of his breeding but it takes all of his energy to perform. He likes to chew on Jimmy's hair.
Shuppet was a pokemon born from an abandoned toy. He still has the cowboy hat from the child who abandoned him and Jimmy found him protecting the old house he was left in in hopes the child would come back. Jimmy befriended him by promising to be his deputy. He cries if left out of activities.
Bouffalant was the aggressive leader of an unruly herd terrorizing the local farmers. Jimmy found him injured, however, and discovered his herd was being bullied and pushed out of their own field by an even more aggressive herd of Tauros. Once the situation was dealt with Bouffalant decided to go with Jimmy to become stronger. He likes to headbutt people he likes which usually knocks Jimmy to the ground.
Audino is a nurse when Jimmy met her. She was unsatiafied with sitting in a pokemon centre, though, waiting for pokemon to come to her, and has set out to become a travelling doctor. She usually is the one healing Jimmy and Oricorio's bumps and bruises. She's sweet but very determined and doesn't take backtalk form her patients.
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abbyromanoff · 2 months
Hey i have some request :))
Yn is taking care of drunk lizzie :))
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PAIRINGS: Elizabeth Olsen x reader
WARNINGS: mentions of drinking, mentions of sex and pregnancy, kinda suggestive but no actual smut, R taking care of Lizzie, Liz being drunk, breast worshipping, lactation (kinda?), pretty used like a billion times, think that’s abt it :)
“C’mon, baby, ‘m not drunk.” Your wife falsely claimed, her eyes heavy and her breath reeking of alcohol. Her smile was full and giggly, and you rolled your eyes teasingly before continuing to guide her into the house.
“Mm, where you takin’ me, sweetheart?” You noticed it became a regular for her petnames to repeat when she was so out of it, and you felt a small red tint coming to your cheeks.
“I’m taking you to our room so we can get you ready for bed.” You replied, causing a smirk to instantly cover her lips.
“I mean, ‘m a little sleepy, but I wouldn’t mind sleeping with you.” She laughed, her head falling onto your shoulder as it bumped with every step. She bit her lip as she waited for you to chuckle in return, and when you finally did, she felt a sense of pride fill her.
“You..look s’good tonight, baby.” You hummed, placing your hand on her back to help her uneven steps.
“That shirt looks so,” She dragged out. “Good on you, I could just eat’ you up.” You gave her a suspicious glance before opening the door to your room, letting her take one step in before you were back onto her holding her by the waist.
“Mhm, we should do this more often, I like how you feel.”
“Yeah, no. I’m not letting you get this drunk again, and if you do I better go with you.”
“You’ the one who decided not to go with me.” She frowned. But it was true, you had stated you weren’t feeling all the best and wished to stay home. While she supported your decision and even wished to stay with you, it was a public event she had to attend. Fans and interviewers were skeptical about your disappearance, but she brushed it off with the truth before downing shots with many of her friends, all of which was photographed by paparazzi.
“Well, I am so very sorry that I’ve been puking all week and I do not feel like doubling that with alcohol.”
“Maybe you’re pregnant.” She guessed, sitting on the edge of the bed as you stepped into the walk-in bathroom for a cloth to remove her makeup. You nearly choked on nothing when she spoke.
“Let’s hope not.” You began wiping her skin, but she pulled back at your comment.
“You don’ want my babies?” You sighed with a hint of laughter before you set both hands on the sides of her cheeks. You pulled her in close, leaving a kiss to her lips before muttering.
“I would love to have your babies, but we’ve been together for eight months and I don’t think we’re exactly ready yet.” You pecked the brim of her nose and leaned back, continuing your actions before helping her remove her dress.
“I want you to be pregnant already.” She stated after a moment of silence. You hummed with a small grin, focused on the zipper on the back of her clothes.
“You’d be so pretty pregnant. Not that you’re not pretty right now, cause you’re really pretty right now, like, really pretty. But you’d be even prettier pregnant, and your stomach would get so big and your tata’s would too.”
“Did you just call my breasts ‘tata’s’?” She nodded with an exaggerated laugh, nearly falling over until you held her close by the arms.
“I love your breasts, they’re so pretty.”
“You call me pretty a lot,”
“You don’ like it?”
“Oh, I love it, baby. But I think you’re a little too drunk to be thinking about me pregnant, next thing you know I’ll actually be pregnant if you keep talking.” She now sat naked on the bed as you went through the closet to pick her pajamas for the night. She noticed the set you had on and that it was a matching pair with hers, and she quickly insisted you gave her that one. You agreed, helping her into the outfit before guiding her to the bathroom.
“Alright, last step is brushing those teeth.” She watched intently as you began the steps needed, and she made a face of disgust as she tasted the mouthwash.
“Don't swallow it,”
“I thought I told you to always swallow?” She quickly spit out the liquid to allow herself to make the dirty comment, and you bit your lip to stop the laugh that threatened to escape.
“I made you laugh!”
“You always make me laugh, Liz.” You dragged her back into the bedroom where you let her sit on the bed and begin cuddling herself under the blankets. You went to grab a glass of water and promised to be fast, coming back to the sight of Lizzie half asleep and small snores coming from her mouth. You placed the drink on her bedside table and got under the covers, letting her cuddle up to you instinctively. She rested her head on your chest, nuzzling her face against your breasts. Most of her body was on top of you by now, and you gave up on ever pleading with her to give you room when it came to sleep.
“Mm, take it off.” You unbuttoned the shirt she tugged on and smiled at her large expression. She pressed a kiss to your chest before sliding over a few and doing the same to your nipple. You sighed and ran your fingers through her soft hair. She looked up at you for permission before moving to the other, a small line of spit following her. She spent a few moments longer as she sucked soothingly, the action aiding her further into sleep. She left one last kiss to both of your breasts before your lips received the same.
“Pretty titties, I love ‘em.” You only shook your head and allowed her to attach herself back to your soft flesh.
“My pretty girl,” You exaggerated the compliment and earned a small giggle that was followed with a large blush adorning her cheeks.
“You prettier, baby.”
“How about we’re both very, very pretty, yeah? Will that make you happy?” She nodded and silence fell upon you two. You almost believed she was finally asleep as your body was close to following suit, that was until her voice came in a hushed whisper once again.
“You’re still..still prettier.” You decided it was best not to fight with her and agreed before hearing soft breaths coming from her mouth. You admired her sleepy form as you felt her open mouth slowly drooling onto you. You took a quick photo to show her the next morning before placing your arm around her back and shutting your eyes with a grateful smile.
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Semi-Final One
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Colonel Brandon (1995):
Alan Rickman has the sexiest voice. Just listen to him reading poetry to Marianne at the end to witness how hot he is.
Alan Rickman simply embodies the truth of Col. Brandon in a way that no one else every could. It's the perfect merging of actor and role. He brings the perfect combination of honor, decency, sensitivity and passion. He is the ultimate mensch.
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Brandon propaganda in which even the film's director agrees that Brandon is sexy.
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More Brandon propaganda! This photo could only be published in black and white because it would have been too powerful in color (the original color version is currently being used to provide electricity for a medium sized town in Devon. It's THAT powerful).
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The brim of the hat falling over his eye. The casual lean. The hunting rifle slung across his leg. The puppy bestie. The fact you know he could row that boat while you watch and wish you were the boat.
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From Emma Thompson's diaries which she kept while they were shooting Sense & Sensibility. Emma Thompson said vote Colonel Brandon.
Mr Darcy (1995):
Colin Firth (1995) is book Darcy brought to life. He uses tiny gestures and looks to communicate with us and Elizabeth… his struggle is so subtle but so palpable. A beautiful asshole with a creamy nougat center. Just perfect.
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GIF by sunsetboulevards
Those heart-eyes right up above☝️? Hot!
Passive-agressively drinking tea? Hot!
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GIF by jaeausten
The way he rushes over to see Elizabeth at Pemberley on those delicious long legs of his with that slutty wet curl hanging over his forehead? Hot!
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GIF by didanagy
Fencing? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
The way he is so concerned about Elizabeth crying and takes her hand even though he shouldn't? Hot!
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GIF by greengableslover
This dimple-y smile of pure joy because he knows he's married to Elizabeth freaking Bennet? Hot!
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GIF by didana
Colin Firth Darcy is simultaneously immaculately put together and entirely falling apart internally. The wet shirt scene is so iconic not (only) because ‘oooh almost-shirtless sexy man’, but because it’s a metaphor for how he’s absolutely falling apart!!! This is a private moment, when he doesn’t think anyone can see him. And then he bumps. into. Lizzie. At his house!! And the entire sequence that follows with him rushing out still doing his jacket up to catch her before he leaves. They are both on the back foot and it’s THAT moment of confusion that opens a more honest dialogue between them.
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Without Firth in a lake you wouldn’t get Macfadyen in a downpour!
There's a reason why Colin Firth is forever known as Mr. Darcy above all other roles he's had and will have! Even ignoring the wet white shirt, which has become A Thing now, he is so hot with his curly hair and his little half smiles and his intense looks of longing and his legs that go on for milessss.
This cannot be real. My fellow Jane Austen people. Without Colin Firth’s Darcy we wouldn’t have 90% of modern JA content. He opened a door and there was no turning back for modern culture. There would be no MacFadyen standing half undressed in a field at dawn without Firth jumping into a lake first. There would be no hand flex if there hadn’t been Firth doing his best impression of a man undressing Elizabeth Bennet with his eyes and hating himself for liking it. There would be no Bridgerton without Bridget Jones. Let’s face it people. We wouldn’t be here having these arguments if Colin Firth had not been Mr Darcy.
Colin Firth understood Mr. Darcy in a way no other actor ever has. He is awkward as fuck in a way that comes across as snooty and judgmental on a first watch-through, then can be read as awkward and longing on a second time. His performance had such depth while looking extremely shallow at first glance. This man WAS Mr. Darcy. (I love 2005, as well, and I love Matthew McFayden, but he was awkward for awkward sake.) Colin Firth made Darcy's awkward look snooty and aloof.
THE socially awkward Darcy is the 1995 Darcy - look at him coming and sitting in awkward silence with Elizabeth pointedly asking her if she wants to live a long way from her family (to obvious relief) and then abruptly leaving - vote for him please 😭😭😭😭
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GIF by my-little-random-world
Colin Firth served so much as Darcy that when they did Bridget Jone's diary, they brought him back.... AS DARCY. The smoulder. The angst. The man is the quintessential Darcy.
“Firthing” is an actual term that is used now to describe someone yearning intensely. It is named after Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy performance.
Colin Firth all the way. He's known in our household as Owl Eyes because in every frame he's mooning over Elizabeth Bennet. Unsurpassable, unmatched, golden television (and some of the worst dancing you've ever seen).
Colin has beautiful, touchable curls.
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My high school English teacher was very into using movies to teach alongside literature, which was a great teaching tool. When we read Pride and Prejudice, he used both 2005 and 1995 for various scenes. What stands out to me all these years later was when it got to the part when Lizzy went to help Georgiana after Caroline dropped Mr. Wickham's name and Darcy gives Lizzy this look:
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My teacher stopped the film and pointed at Darcy's face and said, "See that? That is THE look. If someone ever looks at you like that, you know they're in love." And what is hotter than that?
Also this teacher had two cats named Lizzy and Darcy. Not relevant to the poll but I wanted you all to know about them.
Colin Firth dazzles and amazes in the nuanced performance that just blows all other attempts away.
The best thing about the Colin Firth wet shirt scene is actually the scene that follows where him and Lizzie are both just dyinggg of embarrassment but Darcy pulls himself together refuses to lose his advantage and runs to get dressed and chase her down before she leaves - just the mix of cringe and hopefulness at seeing her again is so well done and so attractive!!! (this is just the bit where he's running after her but I love it all!)
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sofasoap · 8 months
Teddy Bear
Pairing: John Price x F! Reader
Summary: You bump into a handsome stranger while shopping. meet cute.
Warning: M Theme. VERY slight mention of Innuendoes. Alcohol use. assumptions.
A/N: for @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world, hope this will give you a tiny etsy warm fuzzy feeling with our dear Johnathan Price.
not beta'ed or proof read.
Master list
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“Aunty Bear! Come on!!”
Letting out a sigh, half regretting letting your adorable niece and nephew have the free rein to choose any present they want as they drag you by the pants through aisle after aisle at the local department store. 
You haven’t seen your sister’s family for over a year. You were astonished how big they have grown in the time between, especially your little niece. Seems only yesterday you were cradling her in your arm as a newborn, and now her little feet can zoom around faster than a sports car, even her six year old brother is having hard time keeping up. 
 “Alright alright, steady there, I can’t keep up with you when I can’t see where I am going!” you warned the little girl as you adjusted the oversized teddy bear in your arms, at the same time trying to navigate blindly. At the end you just give up and let her pull whichever direction she leads you. 
Suddenly you collide with an obstacle, sending you reeling. A strong muscular arm caught you in time before you fell onto the shelves.  
“Apologies, are you alright there?” A deep husky voice above your head asks as they try to steady your footing, and only to let go after they are sure both of your feet are firmly back on the ground again. 
Your face heats up as soon as you lift your head up to take a good peek at your saviour ( or victim of your blind walking ), gezez he is tall, you thought. Very handsome too. Nicely groomed beard, piercing blue eyes, slight wrinkles around his eyes and between brows. He must frown pretty often. 
“Ohh, aunty look, he’s got a furry face!” your two year old niece pointed at the stranger, as she stared at him with wonder. 
“That’s called a beard Lizzy, not fur.” your nephew corrected his sister, rolling his eyes. 
“Actually that is a mutton chop.. “ you blurted out without thinking. Seconds later  your eyes grew wide, realising what you just said.  
‘Shit um, sorry, uh, I apologise.. Sorry to run into you. And Um, commenting on your…” you dropped the large teddy bear on the floor, while one hand covering your mouth, waving around towards his beard, horrified. 
The handsome stranger chuckled. “It’s ok. It’s always been a talking point. I am used to it.” 
Embarrassed beyond words, you shake your head. You swallowed hard before you squeezed more words of apology out of your mouth.
“Really it’s Ok. I know it’s hard to chase around the kids when your hands are full.” he commented.
“From experience?” you asked, eyebrows raised, and feeling that slight ping of disappointment in your heart. He must be married. You thought. You took a quick glance at his left hand. No rings. Your heart soars again.
“ I guess chasing and yelling after three adults that behave like kids you can count as that.” He replied as he let out a short laugh. “Especially ones that don't follow your command when they are off duty.” 
Seeing your brows knitted together with confusion at his comment, “ My subordinate. Those three are like my sons.” he smiled softly. 
You swear the room spun a bit after seeing his smile. Or are you swooning? 
Get your brain straight! You mentally slap yourself. You are here shopping for presents, not ogling on eligible or dateable people!
You felt your nephew tugging at your clothes, snapping you out of your internal dialogue. “Aunty Bear, I am hungry, can we go home and have lunch please?” he pouted. 
“Ah um, ok, let’s go and pay for this and we can go home, ya?” you replied, ready to bend down to pick up the teddy bear from the floor. A shadow loomed over you. The stranger had bent over, arms out. 
“I’ll carry that for you, if you don’t mind. Also be easier to hold onto your niece as well.” he gestured. 
Gosh how nice can this man be? You ran into him, and now he is offering to help you to carry your purchase? 
You nodded your head, whispered a thanks, before you turned and picked your niece up into your arms. 
The stranger picks the teddy bear up under his arm with ease, while your nephew carries the rest of the items, as four of you walk towards the register. 
“Aunty … he’s like a real giant teddy bear..” your niece whispered into your ear. “And his arms are furry too, just like his face.” 
The stranger turned around, “My chest is quite furry too. And legs. Just like a real bear.” he added with a mischievous smile.
Your face burnt with embarrassment. Is he trying to flirt with you? There is no way. NOPE. 
You speed up your pace to get to the register, even more embarrassed.   
“Daddy and mummy buying presents for you two?” the old lady at the register asked the children with a smile as she ring up the items. 
“Oh no no no we are not… “ “she’s not…I am just helping her..“ both of you shake your head, denying. Your face heated up again at the thought.  How much more embarrassment can you take today? But part of your heart is actually amused at the situation.
“Oh sorry.. Just four of you look so lovely together..” the lady apologised. “Sorry to make the assumption.” 
You took a peek at the stranger as he accepted the apology and gracefully redirected the conversation with the lady with little chit-chat.  
He was even nice enough to help you to carry everything to the car, “Need help to put it into the boot, wife?”  he joked as he flashes you a smile. 
“Ah, thanks, um uh,  you shouldn’t have.” you stuttered slightly hearing his joke. You pop the boot open, letting him stuff the large teddy bear in. “I ran into you and here you are helping me, I feel very bad. So um, Can I buy you a coffee or something as an apology and as a thanks for the help?” 
A sad apologetic smile appeared on his face. Looking at his watch he replied, “It’s Ok. I have to leave soon. Plus,” he pointed at the two children standing beside you, pouting. “I think they are getting bit.. What is the word, hangry? So I think it’s time to feed them.” 
Disappointment hits you. The one time you raise your courage to ask someone, you get turned down. 
“Maybe next time?” he suddenly asked. 
“Oh. Um. I .. I am not from around here. I am only here to visit my sister and family..” 
Now is that a look of disappointment on his face? 
“Oh. That’s fine. Well, nice to meet you. Have a safe drive home.” Giving you a final wave as you double check the children are buckled into their seats, you drive out from the car park, while the stranger is still standing at the same spot, seeing you off. 
Oh well. Not meant to be. You convinced yourself. Suppressing that sadness that is bubbling up within you. 
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Your sister was ecstatic when you told her you found a new job nearby. She often complaints about how the children misses you, how she misses you, and the job opportunity around the city is better than the one you are currently living in, plus she has a granny flat in her backyard, you save a bit on rent, get to stay with your family while still have your own private space. Tonight a group of you decided to go out and celebrate one of your workmate’s birthday. And you always wanted to check out this particular bar that always seems to be full of people. Everyone you asked raved about the good selection of drink and food. “And maybe you might meet that handsome stranger again!” your friend joked.
You rolled your eyes. You knew you shouldn’t have let that story out. It’s been nearly over a year. They might have moved on. They might have forgotten about you. Surely in such a big city, the chance of bumping into the same person is quite slim. 
“It’s your birthday! I’ll get your next drink!” you wave at your friend, declining her offer of money as you jump off the stool, ready to get your second pint of beer.  As soon as you turned around, you bumped into a wall of broad chest. The stranger caught you just in time, and pulled you into his chest to prevent you from falling. You felt his chest rumble as he chuckled. You recognise that laugh. 
“Hello teddy bear lady, we really should stop meeting like this.”
Oh deary me. Maybe luck is on your side. 
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tag list :
@a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @homicidal-slvt
@floral-force @okayyadriana @cumikering @siilvan
@random-thot-generator @random0lover @devcica @jynxmirage @nrdmssgs @glitterypirateduck @rileyslibrarian
@mistydeyes, @groguspicklejar,
@whydoilikewhump @captainpriceslover, @tapioca-marzipan
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spaceshipellie · 8 months
ellie x masc!reader
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summary: you realise you’re in love with your best friend
warnings: none, just fluff
author’s note: inspired by ceilings by lizzy mcalpine and @yazzdoodles love for silver so thank you 🩵🩵🩵
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ellie’s knee bumped yours under the warmth of the midday sun as you sat in your friend’s garden. you were engulfed by the smell of lemonade and freshly cut grass whilst your group sat around a snack covered table with some kind of queer indie playlist on in the background. every time ellie’s head went back in laughter or she slapped a hand on her leg at a joke you couldn’t help but look over at her with longing desire and a cheek-aching smile on your face.
she was wearing one of your t-shirts too, which wasn’t unusual. you and your best friend often shared clothes but for some reason this time it felt different. it seemed to cause a fluttering pit in your stomach and goosebumps appeared every time her bare arm brushed against yours.
after another couple of hours had passed you and ellie got up to leave, her car keys jangling on her carabiner. on the ride back to yours you felt a bit giddy and drunk off the feeling of being there with her. you watched her hands as she drove, wanting nothing more than to hold them. the sun, which was lower in the sky now, was glaring in through the window casting her face in a soft orange hue. it made her eyes look so bright and her freckles so soft and kissable you felt like she was hypnotising you. not wanting her to catch you staring, you whipped your head back to look out your own window, noticing how the houses at the beginning of your street were rushing past. it was weirdly saddening to think that you were nearly about to get out the car without her.
“thanks,” you smiled as she pulled up by your house.
“no problem,” she smiled back.
you wanted to think of something else to say to delay her leaving but nothing interesting enough came to mind. as you pushed the car door open an inch you felt her hand on your other one. the small touch was enough to make you feel like your skin was electrified. turning your head to her you saw how she was looking at you. questioning eyes and parted lips.
“wait,” she mumbled, barely above a whisper.
you slowly pulled the door closed and waited for her to do something. with her hand on yours in between the seats she brushed her thumb over your skin. her other hand reached out and gently cupped your face. almost subconsciously you both leaned in and without even thinking, her lips were on yours. she tasted like sweets and lemonade and everything felt perfect.
when you pulled away and opened your eyes you were met with the blurry sight of your bedroom. you blinked a few times and your eyes then focused on your bedside table and it’s messy contents. you grumbled, shoving the duvet away as you sat up, feeling too hot and smothered. what the fuck was that. your fingertips touched your lip, ghosting over a feeling that you now knew wasn’t real. ellie hadn’t kissed you, but shit, you wanted her to.
a sinking feeling mixed with excitement and anxious anticipation came over you. your body was kicking into action without you even telling it to as you raced around your room dragging on whatever clothes were closest. you nearly tripped as you grabbed your phone and house keys, backtracking to quickly spritz on some cologne. you brushed your teeth and splashed your face with water, cursing when some of it dripped onto your top. fuck it. you didn’t have time. you needed to get to her.
you hadn’t even looked at the time so you checked your phone as you ran down the street. 8:21am. you shoved your phone back in your pocket. your feet continued slamming against the concrete. you could feel your chest beginning to tighten with the sudden burst in heart rate but you didn’t care. you needed to tell ellie how you felt.
you practically threw yourself at her door before reaching for your phone to call her, deciding against ringing the bell and waking up anyone else.
a low, mumbly morning voice sounded on the other end. “hello?”
“dude, it’s 8:30 what do you want?”
“i know but i–“ you took a breath, “i needed to tell you something.”
“actually i’m outside.”
“yeah, i’m outside.”
“coming. this better be good.”
she hung up. you paced back and forth on her porch, scratching the back of your head, suddenly contemplating if you were crazy or not. you forced the thought back as you heard her open the door. she stood there in loose boxer shorts and a baggy t-shirt, rubbing her eyes.
“everything okay?”
“yeah, um…”
“you had something to tell me?” she prompted following your silence.
“right,” you shuffled on your feet, “i actually don’t know how to say it now that i’m here.”
she chuckled and folded her arms across her chest. “helpful.”
“yeah.” you laughed before biting your lip. your brain was screaming at you. well?!
“ellie, i needed to tell you that… well, i think i… i, um, fuck.”
“you’re freaking me out,” she smiled and poked your leg with her foot. you cleared your throat and nodded.
“okay, don’t hate me. but i like-“ your voice seemed to get stuck in your throat, “someone.” no!
“okay…?” she seemed confused, “and you had to run over here at 8am to tell me that?”
“you know what, this is crazy i’m just gonna go home.” you held your hands up in defence and started to spin on your heel, feeling slightly sick.
“wait.” you felt her hand grab your arm to prevent you from walking off.
you faced her again and studied her face. her lips parted as if she wanted to speak but nothing came out. you looked at her hand on your arm before meeting her gaze again and sighed.
“let me start over. i like someone, i said i like someone but actually it turns out that someone is you and now i’ll be leaving to go home and scream at the wall because i’m sure you don’t–“
“yeah, okay.”
she laughed and folded her arms over her chest again. you wanted to laugh too but you felt like a rocket that was about to take off.
“so,” she dragged the word out, a teasing glint in her eye, “you have a crush on me?”
more like i love you but “sure.”
“and you ran here to tell me that?”
“can you not make me feel like a dick?”
“i’m not!”
“kinda feels like you are.” you folded your arms also and looked down at your feet, kicking at a tiny pebble. this was a disaster. she didn’t feel the same. she never would. you should never have said anything, this was a waste of–oh?
her hands held the side of your face to force you to look at her as she tentatively leant forwards. it took your brain a moment to register when her lips connected with yours but when you started to kiss her back, you unfolded your arms and held her waist, pulling her closer to you.
your brain tried to focus on every sensation at once, checking if it was real this time. the bunched cotton underneath your hands. the warmth of her back radiating through the material. the soft pressure of her hands on your hot cheeks. the indulging taste of her mouth against yours. it was all real.
she pulled away and smirked at your slightly bewildered, hazy expression.
“i like you too.”
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gingiesworld · 8 months
Gingie's Kinktoberfest
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Hey awesome people, this is my first ever Kinktober event and I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store with a range of characters from Lizzie with appearances of Nat and Maria too. The list and dates they will be released are as below.
1st: MILF Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: It has been a while since Wanda has had an orgasm so she asks her best friend for a helping had.
3rd: Natasha Romanoff x Porn Star Avenger (Amab! R) Summary: Reader is a porn star and Natasha is a secret fan, especially when she learns that the masked crusader on the hub is indeed her fellow Avenger
5th: Therese Raquin x Fem Reader Summary: Therese is unhappily married to Camille and she has always had feelings for reader who was also part owner of the pub. So one night when Therese decides to let loose and have some fun, she finally takes what she wants.
7th: Gerri Fields x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Gerri Fields still goes to college a virgin where she meets an old school friend she used to admire before graduation. The two soon start to date and Gerri asks them to be her first.
9th: Maria Hill x Lower Level Agent Reader(Amab! R) Summary: Maria is on a mission with reader who makes one tiny mistake and she is fast enough to berate them on the way back to headquarters. But Reader stands up for themselves which soon turns into something more ;)
11th: Step sister Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda visits her step sibling in the city and they offer to take her to a club. The two soon get drunk and Wanda finds herself dancing seductively which doesn't help with the tension that was between them before ;)
13th: Jane Banner x Mob Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Jane Banner was always the one who wore the trousers but that was until she met Y/N. The mob boss who she was trying to take down. Soon finding herself tied to their bed as they used her for their pleasure.
15th: Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Readers favourite place to be is between the Infamous Black Widow's legs. Pleasing her until she squirts.
17th: Step mom Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda overheard Y/N screaming her name only to walk in on them jerking themselves off to the sinful thoughts of their step mom.
21st: Innocent Wanda x Step Parent GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda comes home after being dumped by her boyfriend since high school in search of comfort. Soon receiving more than she never knew she needed from Reader
23rd: Maria Hill x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: At one of Tony's parties, exes bump into each other and soon fall into old habits.
25th: Assistant Wanda x CEO Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Reader requests a little bit more off of their assistant and she is more than ready to comply as they bend her over the desk.
27th: Bratty Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Natasha decides to be blunt and abrupt with reader who doesn't care for it, especially when she is cocky and disrepectful in front of their friends.
29th: Wanda Maximoff x Stripper Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda hires Reader claiming it is for a Bachelorette party which turns out to be sex party for all of her friends.
31st: WandaNat x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Both Wanda and Nat are persuing reader thinking they are clueless but they are loving the attention a little too much.
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My girls (Lance Stroll)
Lance gave Juno one job: to make sure his girls were looked after while he was away at a triple header
Note: english is not my first language. My baby fever has been through the roof lately, and while I was working on this, another blurb came through for dad!Lance, so I joined them.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader is pregnant
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Have you seen Juno?", Margot asked her older sister while she did her homework, "where's mummy? She usually is where mummy is", Addalynn smiled, "I just need to finish this question and then I can go downstairs with you, wait a bit for me, please", she asked.
Margot waited for her, standing by her desk and watching curiously as her older sister wrote on her notebook until she finished, tidying her desk and storing the notebook back in her backpack, "we can go downstairs now", she smiled, holding Margot's hand and going down the stairs with her, the patter from Luna's paws and nails on the floor telling them you were in the kitchen.
You had only read about it in books, and since Luna had only been in your family for a little over a year, you never experienced being pregnant while having a dog. So far, besides your two daughters, you also had a four-pawed shadow following you around, "Luna, you can't get all tangled between my ankles, okay? Mummy can't see you that well anymore, only your tail every now and again", you giggled as you looked for her snout, hearing the girls approaching you.
"I knew she'd be here", Addy whispered to Margot as she called the dog, sitting on the floor to play with the dog.
"Are you hungry, girls? I can make you something before we sit down for dinner", you offered, figuring that dinner would still take a while to be ready.
"No, we just wanted to play with Juno", Margot said, pulling on the rope material so Juno could pull back.
"I finished my homework, too, and we knew Juno would be where you were", Addalynn added as you blushed slightly, "she's following daddy's request to look after you!", both girls giggled.
"She's looking after all of us - but I think she does come to stay with me whenever she wants a rest", you winked, "she knows I won't go too far too quickly", you offered.
When you finished dinner and tidying up with the girls' help, they were quick to go to the living room, turning on the TV and finding the channel.
"Is daddy on track yet?", you asked, ushering Juno to her spot on the sofa by your left before you sat down next to the girls on your right.
"Lizzie was saying they're going to start soon", Addy added as she unfolded the blanket on top of her and Margot's legs, "do you want some of the blanket too?", she asked.
"I have mine here, love, thank you, though", you smiled, arranging it under your bump carefully as you stretched your legs on the footstool, "Oh, forgot my pillow", you mumbled, changing your position.
"I'll get it, mummy!", Margot offered, getting the pillow you needed and placing it under your feet, "is it good?", she checked.
"It is, sweetheart, thank you", you smiled at her attentiveness as she climbed back on the sofa.
"Daddy is going really fast!", Margot pointed out, "is this the one where he could win?".
"This is practice still, the one where he can go for the pole position is much later and you will be asleep by then", you stated, not wanting to bend their bedtime routine even more than you were already doing.
"Okay", they said in unison, respecting your orders. Overall, they were pretty good at following what you asked them to do, usually only throwing tantrums when they were really tired and understanding what could and couldn't be negotiated pretty well. Of course they were still kids and had their developmental needs and challenges, but you also had an inkling that Lance had spoken to them about how they needed to behave extra well since he wouldn't be coming home for three weeks.
You rolled to Lance's side of the bed, finding Luna already looking at you, "the girls are not up yet?", you mused, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
Getting up gently, allowing your back and hips to stretch properly and readying yourself to go back to spending most of the day in a standing position, "Good morning, baby girl, you're up too, at least, you can keep me and Juno company", you smiled, rubbing your bump softly as you felt her movements, little feet kicking your ribs gently for now.
The silence didn't last for too long as when you were getting yourself dressed, Juno's ears popped when she heard noise, leaving you briefly to go to the girls' bedrooms. Putting on your lounge wear set and making sure it would be stretchy enough around your bump you stepped into the corridor to find your two curly haired girls petting Juno.
"Good morning, mummy! Did you sleep well?", Addalynn asked, coming close to give you a hug.
"Good morning, my loves. I did, did you?", you kissed the top of her head before kissing Margot's as well, hugging her too, "I'm going to let Juno out in the garden so she can do her business, are you coming down now?", you wondered as you picked out comfy clothes for them.
"I'll go in a bit - I need to pee!", Margot let you know before speeding to the bathroom.
You opened the back door for Juno first and then started making breakfast.
The doorbell rang, making Juno go up to the door with you, and once you opened it, she barked loudly at the man holding a box, "Juno, it's okay!", you assured her as she took a protective stance in front of you, "she's harmless, really, but she will bark at anyone she doesn't know, I'm sorry if she scared you", you told him.
"It's fine, no worries, I used to have one just like her when my children were younger", the delivery man, "Y/N Stroll, right? These two boxes are for you, may I?", he asked, wanting to help you by at least putting the package on top of the table near the door.
"Sure, thank you! Juno, come here!", you called the brown labrador so she wouldn't get in the way.
"There you go", he said, "I hope you have a good day!", he waved as he walked back to the car.
"Thank you, you too!", you waved back before closing the door.
The girls walked down the stairs, Addalynn in the outfit you picked out and Margot holding her clothes on her hand, "who was that, mummy?".
"A delivery man - we got two packages. Do you need help getting dressed, love?", you asked Margot, who nodded as she looked at the smaller box.
"Can we see what's inside?", Addalynn quesioned.
"Sure, you girls do that one while I do this one", you encouraged, ripping the tape on the box on the table to see a beautiful bunch of flowers along with a card.
I can't wait to be back home, I miss you girls so much!
There are some flowers for you and the girls and a little treat for Juno, too - figured she wouldn't be the most gentle with a plant!
I love you!
- Lance
"Mummy, this one has flowers, too!", Margot showed you two smaller bunches of flowers and a bag with some dog treats.
"These are from daddy! This one is for me, each of those is for you and then some treats for Juno", you explained, showing them the card so Addalynn could read it out loud as you carried the flowers to the kitchen so you could put them in water.
"Let's take a photo and send it to daddy, okay? Smile big, my loves!", you cheered, snapping a cute photo of the girls, Juno and the flowers and sending it to Lance.
Even though it was late where he was, your husband still sent you a text with many heart emojis and then another one reading "these are three of my favourite girls, and I would like to see the other two 👀".
Taking a selfie in the mirrow on the hallway, perfectly showing your baby bump, you sent it back to Lance, earning the same reaction to the first one you sent.
After having breakfast, you sat on the sofa to watch the qualifying session, the girls laying out their Lego sets, "daddy didn't tell you in which position he was starting?", Addy mused.
"No, I told him we would watch it today and I stayed away from the news, too, so I have no idea what's going to happen", you offered, pressing play on the remote to start the program.
Juno was quick to recognise Lance, getting up from her spot where she rested her head on your legs, tail wagging, "yes, Juno, that's daddy!", Margot squealed.
"Does that mean daddy got P3?", Addalynn asked as the voice over as they filmed the paddock spoke about a penalty, "yes, he goes up a place", you smiled.
Later on the night, your baby girl couldn't seem to settle so sleep wasn't coming by easily, "if your sisters find out that you're keeping me up so we can watch daddy's race, we're going to be in trouble", you spoke, fluffing the pillows as Juno looked up at you, "you can't tell anyone either, okay?", you warned the dog as you set up you iPad on your bedside table.
Lance ended up in second place, the podium celebrations showing his happiness as he sprayed the champagne on the other drivers, "mummy's tired, baby girl, and daddy is flying back soon", you tried to soothe her by rubbing your bump, hoping she would slow down enough for you to sleep once you turned off the streaming channel.
Lance couldn't wait to be back home, getting his luggage from the plane as soon as he could before he walked to his car, putting all his belongings inside and driving home to his family. Triple headers were hard as it was, but now that he had his family waiting back home, they were even harder.
He closed the garage door and parked the car, taking his luggage to the laundry room before expecting to meet the girls at the corridor but finding the whole floor empty.
Lance found you napping on his side of the bed, the girls napping on your side and Juno by the feet of the bed.
Smiling at the view, he walked up gently to you, Juno alert as she sensed someone else in the room and barking before noticing it was Lance, stepping closer to him to rub her snout on his legs, "hey, Juno, you did a good job here from what I can see!", he scratched her ears.
The girls stirred in their sleep, blinking their eyes a couple of times before looking at him, "hey, girls", he whispered.
"Daddy!", they yelled, making him kneel on the floor so he could hug them closely, "I missed you princesses so so so much", he said, inhaling their scent and squeezing their bodies closer to his.
"We missed you too, daddy", Margot said, kissing his cheek while Addalynn nodded, snuggling herself closer to Lance.
You turned on your side, opening your eyes to see Lance and the girls, "you're home already?", you croaked out, a sleepy smile on your lips.
Lance climbed up on the bed so he could hug you close, "I am, love", he greeted as his arms wrapped around your body.
"Hello, my love", you whispered against his lips before kissing him, feeling his hands rub your bump
"Hey, darling", he said once he let go of the kiss, "baby girl has grown so much these past weeks, hm?", he smiled, pecking your lips, "you're so beautiful, Y/N - isn't it true, girls? Mummy looks so beautiful", he added as they nodded, "I have all of my beautiful girls with me", he pulled them into the hug, squeezing you together for a family cuddle.
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bunnyteetharry · 4 months
Baby, I love you
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summary: what was supposed to be a bachelorette party turned into y/n dancing her heart out and catching someone’s eye
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption
pairing: stranger!arry x stranger! reader {+ to lovers}
inspired by baby, i love you by ramones
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It was an eventful late night in Italy
You were here on a bachelorette trip for your friend, Dulce. After dinner, you wondered around town for bit and since it was starting to get chilly out, Lydia brought up the thought of hitting up a bar
You huddled up together as you walked into the cramp room. Everyone was laughing their heads off, taking shot after shots, living life.
“I’m gonna get us some starter drinks, grab us a table” you called out before scarring towards the bar, trying to maneuver in a crowded area is always the worst, but hey, you’re almost halfway there and as long as you don’t bump into anyone you’ll be fine
“Woah!” and there you go
“Oh! I’m so sorry” you smiled hoping the person you ran over wasn’t about to get upset , you’d be surprised, even when it’s an accident, people act like you just told them to hit the road
“You’re okay love, go ahead” the tall curly headed man motioned you in front of him so you could order first. “Thank you” you screamed over the loud music
After getting the drinks ringed up, you checked behind you to see if that green eyed man who looked like he was created by greek gods was still behind you, sadly disappointment filled up your face when you were just hit with a group of random people laughing
“And here is our savior!” Dulce cheered as she saw you with a tray of shots. With everyone grabbing one each, you raised your’s to the air “To the bride!” everyone rally with you and down their drinks
Meanwhile, a certain man was mind deep with the women he bumped into while grabbing his drink
“Oi mate! You good Harry?” Niall patted his friend’s back, bringing his out of his headspace, Harry tussled his hair before taking a sip of his drink “Yeah I’m good” he smiled. Lucas rolled his eyes and tossed back the rest of his drink “He locked eyes with a pretty bird on his way back here” everyone cooed at Harry and shook his by the shoulders “Oh fuck off” smiling slightly to himself
All his friends were joking around till he heard a familiar toon fill his ears, everyone in the bar looked confused at the song choice, some booing at the DJ. But what really caught his eyes was the girl in the middle of the room dancing on her own.
“That her?” Niall smirked and nudge Harry
‘Woah! Go Y/n!” A group of girls sitting in the corner shouted
Y/n was jumping around, dancing like it was just her alone in the room and as she twirled around, her eyes scattered the room and met Harry’s. She smiled and mouthed back the lyrics to him
“When you kiss me I just gotta, Kiss me I just gotta, Kiss me I just gotta say!” she moved her arms around her body and mindlessly pointed at him “Baby, I love you, come on baby, Baby, I love you, Baby I love, I love only you!” Harry smiled widely as he sipped on his drink, just watching the girl dance around with no care in the world
After the song finished, Harry got up from his seat, with the courage from his friends and two shots in between
Y/n was laughing as she walked back to her friends, taking one more shot before the tray was pulled away from her. “Oh you’ve had enough crazy girl” Lizzy laughed, Y/n rolled her eyes and picked up the water Dulce pushed towards her “I’m fine honestly, anyways we should do this again and-“ her friends cut her off as they pointed behind her
She turned and there he was
“Hi” he smiled down at her and gave her his hand “I’m Harry” y/n pushed back a few fly aways out of her face before smiling back “I’m y/n” her friend’s snickered quietly behind or at least they tried too “Watch them be married four years from now” she turned quickly at the glaring and shushing them before turning back to Harry who is laughing along with them
“Wanna get a drink?” He motioned to the bar across from them “I’d love that” he nodded smiling and laced his hand with her’s, guiding them to the bar stools
Little do they know, her friends were right, the pair came to Italy on their honeymoon to the exact same bar and played the same exact song from when they first met, reminiscing to the days that led them to now
a/n: this was so much fun to write, i hope you enjoy it as well! ALSO request are open
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judeswhore · 1 year
i wanna get stuck in your head; jude bellingham
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summary: lazy days with jude always include pancakes and kisses
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none this is just pure fluff
notes: you can find my masterlist here. need you all to listen to the chorus of pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine to feel the fic bc i had it on repeat while writing
jude hadn't heard your alarm go off and you scrambled to switch it off within seconds, not wanting to force him out of bed early on one of his rare days off. he didn't even shift beside you, besides the slight scrunch of his nose as he buried his face a little further into the pillow. he was on his stomach, one arm crooked beneath the pillow, his other thrown across your body and the heat from him was comforting in the winter morning air. after silencing your alarm you twisted on to your side to face him.
you shuffled in closer to him, lifted your hand to softly graze your fingers across his jaw, brush your thumb over the stubble on his chin. he looked extra peaceful, lips parted as he let out the quietest snores, the constant smirk he's always wearing, gone. his mouth still seemed kiss bitten from the night before and your eyes snagged on the marks your nails had made over his shoulders, heat flushing your body.
it was unfair how effortlessly pretty he was, even while sleeping. the smoothness of his skin, the slope of his nose and the dusting of hair across the lower half of his face making him completely irresistible. he hadn't cut his hair in a while (per your request) and it was slightly longer, the tight curls a little messy from your fingers. he had lines cut into one of his cheeks from where he'd been pressed into the pillow and you smoothed your thumb over them, following them down to trace his bottom lip. he blew out a soft sigh that tickled the palm of your hand.
pressing even closer, jude's arm wound tighter around your waist, tugged your lower half firmly against his. his eyes were still closed but his lips had tilted into a lazy half smile. your hand slid around the back of his head, nails scratching gently over his scalp and he made a low noise, bumped his nose against yours.
"mornin', pretty girl." the rough, sleep coated tone of his voice made you shiver, tugged at something deep inside of you. his leg slipped between both of yours until you were a tangled mess of limbs, pressed so close together you were unsure where he ended and you started. you kissed a spot above his collarbone.
"did i wake you up?"
"mhm, your pervy staring creeped me out." this made you roll your eyes, teeth sinking lightly into his shoulder as a retort. he huffed, his breath tickling across your skin before he kissed the side of your head. "why're you up so early anyway?"
"forgot to turn my alarm off last night." jude gave a little grunt of disapproval, slid his palm down your thigh to hook behind your knee and pull your leg up over his hip. the action pressed you impossibly closer to him, closed the tiny gap between you and you were practically glued to his chest when you curled your arm a little further around his neck, fingers reaching up to toy with his curls. "go back to sleep."
"gimme a kiss first." he grinned sleepily at you, brushed his nose over yours and puckered his lips dramatically. with a soft giggle you pressed a single kiss to his pouted lips, pulled back far too quickly for jude's liking. he made a noise low in his throat, gripped at the back of your neck to pull you in to him as he chased your mouth. he kissed you slowly, a gentle, loving drag of his lips against yours, his thumb stroking lightly over the back of your neck.
your heart thumped unsteadily in your chest and you let him kiss you until you couldn't breathe, until your head spun and he was all you could think about. everything about it was lazy, from the way his tongue lulled over yours to how his thumb had started to massage a spot just behind your ear. as his kisses tapered off, grew slower until his mouth was simply hovering an inch from yours, you tugged the sheets up and over yours heads, kissed him one last time before burying your face into his chest.
jude settled quietly down into his pillow, his hand still against the back of your head, finger tips pushing softly into your scalp in the most soothing way. your own hand fell from his hair to instead press over his back, your nails grazing over his soft skin. it was warm and cozy, your bodies tucked as close as possible, the duvet over your heads creating a dark cocoon. your boyfriend pushed a kiss to the top of your head as sleep started to fog your senses again.
"i love you, y'know." it was a statement, a fact and he sounded so sure you simply hummed in reply, kissed the space over his heart to relay your own confession of love. he knew you loved him, he didn't need to hear you say it back.
it was almost four hours later before the two of you woke up properly and it took another thirty minutes to pry yourselves from the warm comfort of jude's sheets. the sky beyond his curtains was a dark grey, dull with clouds that dropped large sheets of rain. it fell fell so heavily it was difficult to see out of the kitchen window once you made your way downstairs, the loud sound of it against the roof lulling in a way. paired with the occasional rumble of thunder and flash of lightning it was the perfect storm day.
"pancakes." jude shook a bag of flour he'd pulled from the cupboard, the gesture a quiet question of whether you wanted the pancakes or not.
he looked adorably rumpled, eyes still a little heavy with sleep, lips extra plump from your eager kisses. the cold weather called for hoodies and while you'd matched yours with a pair of joggers for extra warmth, he'd simply gone without. his upper body was covered by an oversized brown jumper, the hood pulled up over his hair (he'd complained and said his ears were cold) but his bottom half was bare save for some unnecessarily tight black boxers and a pair of pink fluffy socks. your socks, they had definitely been yours at one point.
"if we've got eggs." you crossed to the other side of the kitchen in search of the egg box, grinning triumphantly when you found it almost full. you could hear jude riffling through the fridge and cupboards as you grabbed the whisk and mixing bowl, balancing the frying pan on top with shaky hands. "babe, will you grab the ladle from the middle drawer?" his hummed reply was soft.
you placed everything on the middle island, jude's arms reaching around your body so he could set the milk and flour down, the ladle following behind. his chest was warm against your back and he dipped his head to press a chaste kiss to your temple before stepping away again.
"y'wanna make them into shapes?"
"hm?" you were pushing yourself up onto the counter top when he asked, brows drawing together in confusion. thunder rumbled over the roof and the rain started to fall a little harder. jude was fiddling with his phone with one hand, his free hand pulling open one of the top cupboards.
"my mum got these cookie cutter things when she was in her crazy baking phase and i'm sure she has a love heart one in here." he flashed you a toothy grin that made your stomach flip. "wanna show you how much i love you." music started playing softly from his phone, dominic fike's voice making your own lips tilt into a smile, and jude finally pulled a red heart shaped cookie cutter from a box.
"we can use that and it won't melt or anything, right?"
"nah, should be fine." he padded across to you, settled himself beside your dangling legs from where you were perched on the counter top and passed you the cutter while he reached for the bowl. "y'got everything we need?"
"think so, i didn't look for anything to measure the stuff out with though."
"s'all good, we'll wing it. i know we need two eggs, we'll just guess the rest." jude set the bowl down in front of him and started on cracking the eggs, the look of concentration on his face tugging at your chest. he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and furrowed his brows, head tilted to one side and it was impossible not to lean forward and kiss him.
your fingers pushed his hood down, thumb grazing softly over the nape of his neck as you pressed forward and landed a kiss against his jaw. his lips immediately kicked into a lazy smile, an appreciative hum rumbling in his throat. your mouth brushed the curve of his jaw and then you were pressing light kisses down his neck, paying extra attention to the soft spot behind his ear.
using your pointer finger on your free hand, you gently turned his face towards yours. he complied easily even as he tried to keep his eyes on the bowl and the egg he'd just cracked. his attention wavered however when you kissed him. his lips parted instantly, tongue meeting yours in slow, lazy movements and you gripped his chin, tried to kiss him a little deeper. he let you for a few moments, his soft moan making your head spin and you were tempted to tell him to leave the pancakes and just kiss you properly. his chin suddenly dipped so he could pull away from your next kiss, head turning back to focus on the bowl.
"baby, c'mon, y'know i can't do it if you keep kissin' me like that." you huffed a soft laugh and muttered an apology into his skin, kissed his cheek one last time before sitting back. "pour the milk in for me, i'm gonna switch the hob on."
a chill swept over you when jude moved away, the space where his thigh had been glued to yours suddenly extra cold. you slid down off the counter and got to adding the milk into the bowl, making your best guess based on the past times you'd made pancakes. the rain was still pattering against the window and behind you jude was singing softly along to the music coming from his phone. his voice cracked a little and you giggled, throwing a look over your shoulder to see him glaring playfully at you.
he switched the hob on before making his way back over to you, sliding up behind you so his chest was flush to your back. he threw his arms around you and reached for the flour, started shaking it into the bowl to join the milk and eggs. holding the whisk up ready you watched the veins in his hand flex as he shook the bag a little quicker.
"that looks like enough, right?"
"i reckon so. let me.." you tugged the bowl a little closer and got to whisking the mixture, glowering at the tiny lumps that refused to break down. you pushed a little faster, arm starting to ache before tipping your head towards your boyfriend with an overdramatic pout. "why's it so lumpy?"
"y'just not whisking it properly, gimme it here." jude flashed his annoying smug smile as he took the bowl and whisk from you, holding it in the crook of his arm to mix. eyes rolling, you reached for the pan and the oil, tipped the smallest bit in before taking it over and setting it on the hob. you waved the cookie cutter over your shoulder to get jude's attention.
"so do we just put this in the pan and pour the mixture inside?"
"yeah. then leave it for a few seconds till the bottom of the pancake is cooking and just lift it off. need to be careful though, if we lift it too early the mixture won't have set and it'll just spill over." a grin tipped your lips and you turned to face him as he wandered over, arm working the whisk around the bowl. you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie to stop yourself from reaching for him.
"you're hot when you get all chef on me." his laugh was more a snort and he dropped a kiss to your forehead before setting the bowl down on the counter top beside the oven. "'kay, i'll like hold the cutter down and you pour the mixture in."
for the next few minutes you worked quietly, you carefully holding the cutter in place, jude repeatedly muttering at you to be careful not to burn yourself as he used the ladle to pour the mix inside the shape. the mix took a few seconds to set on the bottom and then you were taking the cutter away, an excited noise leaving your lips at the little heart pancake that was left behind.
"look how cute it is."
"i didn't think it would work actually."
"we could so win if we did bake off." with your hands now free, jude having insisted on being the one to flip, you moved into his space, settled against his chest with your arms around his waist. your cheek pressed against the soft fabric of his hoodie and he wrapped his own arms around your shoulders, spatula dangling from his fingers. he was warm and soft, comforting in a way you never thought possible and you wanted to be stuck in the safety of his love forever.
"we'd burn the tent down and you know it." jude kissed the top of your head, let his lips linger as he shuffled the two of you around so he could flip the pancake. you knew it was a slightly awkward position but he said nothing about you clinging to him, just settled his chin against your hair and watched the pancake cook.
"since the weathers shit we can watch a couple more episodes of criminal minds, we might finish season ten." you nodded, eyes closed as you let steady rise and fall of his chest and the patter of rain soothe you. you'd both been ridiculously busy the past few weeks, a lazy day of rest was exactly what you needed. "oi, stop falling asleep on me."
jude had clocked the way you'd gone half limp against him and shook his head, used the spatula to scoop the pancake from the pan and onto a waiting plate. he was gentle in untangling you from his body, purposely ignoring your pout and grumbled complaint as he led you to the stools at the kitchen island.
"sit here while i finish making these then we'll go cuddle on the sofa, yeah?"
"y'gonna make them all into hearts?"
"nah, just that one. here." he went over to rifle through the cupboards again and brought out a bottle of syrup, squeezed some onto your pancake in the shape of the letter j. he grinned adoringly at you. "cause i love you."
"you're ridiculous." jude only rolled his eyes at that, handed you a knife and fork from the drawer behind him but before he could go back to the oven you were stopping him. "wait, i wanna.." your fingers wrapped around the strings of his hoodie to tug him towards to you, his palms settling against the counter top on either side of your body and effectively caging you in. he eyed you curiously. "i want you to kiss me." and really he couldn't pass that up.
his mouth slotted carefully over yours, lips soft and loving as he urged yours open. he licked into your mouth with a slow kind of neediness, his movements lazy and just a little messy. you fisted at his hoodie and pulled him closer, gave a quiet whimper when one of his hands slid around the back of your neck and tipped you further into him. you’re not sure how long he kissed you, you got lost in the drag and pull of his mouth, in the way his thumb was brushing gently just behind your ear and then you were pulling apart to breathe. jude kept his forehead against yours, let your lips hover only inches apart as you fought to clear the fog in your head.
“your pancake’s gonna be cold.”
“oh.” you blinked and he laughed, kissed your forehead and pulled away from you, stepped back towards the oven. he was grinning, a glow to his skin and a sparkle in his eyes, an expression that was nothing but unfiltered adoration. he swiped his thumb across his bottom lip.
shying away from this gaze you let your own trail over the heart shaped pancake and the now soaked up j, a grin lifting your own lips. another rumble of thunder sounded outside and you wondered when it had started up so aggressively again, the rain lashing hard over the windows. it was still grey and miserable outside but for once you were more than thankful for the storm.
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