#My inner sins
florencetypemaniacs · 1 month
Ros walking into the kitchen and seeing mc in just their undies/boxers and just making coffee while still being half asleep. How would they react?
(Dating stage also maybe a lil ✨️spice✨️if comfortable with it)
⚠️ Mild NSFW
💛 Marcel
Marcel would stop when he saw you it felt so right....he didn't know how else to explain it but you standing there in the soft kitchen light made his heart flutter
Your boyfriend didn't waste anytime before kissing the back of your head.
"I love you," Marcel whispered in your ear making you smile as you turned around, now wide awake even without the coffee.
"I love you too." You said back, a soft blush on your cheeks which only made you more beautiful in Marcel's eyes.
"I want to wake up beside you every day," Marcel said, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your fingertips.
Your face felt like it was about to split open with how big you were grinning. "I'm sure we can arrange that."
🧡 Margaret
You almost dropped your cup of coffee when you heard a squeal, you twirled your to find Margaret with a hand over her mouth but her eyes gleeful. "You're radiant."
You tried to get your head around Margaret's outburst as she put her arms around you, giving you a peck on the nose.
You were still wearing your sleepwear, your hair not brushed, and your face not washed you shook your head. "I look like a hot mess."
Margaret gasped as if you offended her. "You look amazing! I always think you look amazing even when you're not half naked." Margaret said, rambling a little. "And you making coffee that means you feel comfortable with me which is so good."
You blushed a little at Margaret's confession. "Of course, I feel comfortable with you Margaret. How could I not?"
Margaret grinned from ear to ear, a blush coating her cheeks as he bounced a little on her toes. "How about some breakfast?"
You mentally winced at the burnt smell that was yet to fill the room but your heart melted at Margaret's need to want to make you feel loved.
"How about I help you make breakfast?"
❤️ Owen
Owen watched you from the doorway, his eyes trained on your body.
"If this pretty picture is going to be in my kitchen every time I wake up I don't think I would be able to sleep."
You whirled around, the sleep leaving your eyes as you looked down at yourself, seeing that you had fewer clothes than usual when you left Owen's bedroom. "I'm sorry I was just making some coffee but I can go get dressed."
Owen stepped closer, his hands on both sides of your body, making you feel like a trapped animal but the look in Owen's eye didn't make you shiver in fear but something else.
"Bloody hell, Lass/Duck/lad...all I want to do is kiss you," Owen said in a gruff voice.
When you leaned forward and opened your mouth only slightly that was all Owen needed before he was kissing you roughly, his hands finding the inside of your underwear making you moan and Owen's started sucking your neck.
"I could get used to this, lass/duck/lad," Owen said as he started to get on his knees.
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary watched you, her body still and tense. You were making coffee it was so domestic and a small part of her that she thought was dead wanted to dance around the room.
But the majority of her wanted to bolt out the door because she knew what came after the soft touches and sweet words especially when they felt at home enough to make coffee in such a radiant state. She knew that the pain would quickly follow and the soft touches would start to bruise her body.
Rosemary shook her head. No you weren't like that. You were better. You were hers. She was yours. You loved her.
But didn't he say the same thing?
You turned around and Rosemary stayed still, watching you.
A lazy smile spread across your face. "You want me to make you some coffee?"
All the fear that Rosemary was having washed away. This was you. You would never hurt or force her to do anything.
Rosemary walked towards you, catching you by surprise when she kissed you deep and soft, letting a sly smile cross her face when she pulled back and you had a far-off look in your eye.
"What was that for?" You asked, still in a daze.
"For being you."
🩵 Tai
Tai was a creature of habit. He usually started the morning by Getting up or in his case leaving his office and making a healthy breakfast before heading to the clinic. So when things were out of order it made him irritated and itching to make everything the way it was supposed to be.
But when he left for his office, thinking you were still sound asleep in his bed, this morning to see you standing in the kitchen, looking so at home in his own house he couldn't help but this to be a habit. To make this perfect picture part of his routine.
If only he could convince you.....
Tai grabbed your hand, making you jump a little only to relax when you saw Tai looking a little flustered.
"Sit down," Tai ordered making you frown in confusion.
"What? I was just putting a pot of coffee on sorry if I have overstepped"
Tai shook his head and got two cups out. "While it is deeply unhealthy to drink caffeine. I to indulge in the beverage, and you are allowed to help yourself to anything in the kitchen."
You sat down, watching as Tai started to pull out silverware and food from the fridge.
"What are you doing?"
Tai flipped through his cookbook. "Making breakfast I thought you would recognize the action of someone cooking, Oleander."
You rolled your eyes. "I see that you are cooking but why? Don't you have work?"
"I am my boss and I thought breakfast would be nice to share this morning and a thank you for putting a pot of coffee on."
You smiled and saw the little fidget in Tai's brow. He was nervous. He wanted you to stay.
With a soft smile, you got up. "Fine but I'm setting the table."
💚 Zane
It was weird. No, it was downright odd. When Zane started dating you, a lot changed for him and what he thought was normal was wrong. He knew that his childhood wasn't a happy or healthy one but he still was mind blown by situations like this.
For you to be naked wasn't something Zane was opposed to and kind of suspected when you two got moments alone together but to be making coffee like you were in a gleeful bliss. That this was normal made Zane's chest feel funny. Although it always felt funny being near you.
You were making coffee which meant you might drink it here, near Zane. Which meant you wanted to stay longer maybe even eat breakfast together like those couples on TV did.
It was all so.....nice.
"Zane?" You called pulling Zane out of his own thoughts as you looked at him a little concerned. "You alight? I called your name twice with no answer."
Zane tried to shake off your concern however the worry for him made his chest become tight. "Fine. What are you doing?"
You yawned and looked around the kitchen. "I was going to make us some breakfast but the fridge is empty."
Zane walked over to the cabinet and pulled out some cereal written on it in big letters "DO NOT EAT! ZANE'S PROPERTY" and threw it at you. "Here. Have some of this."
You glanced between the cereal and Zane. "You're letting me have some of your cereal?"
Zane got some chocolate milk out of the fridge and fixed him a glass. "You are going to need your energy for what I want to do with you."
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runawaymun · 6 days
I think truly one of the best parts about y2k fashion being back in is being able, as an adult, to wear the clothes my parents told me I couldn’t bc of evangelical purity culture.
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seductive-suffering · 1 month
You drop your gaze so innocently;
You eyes pay no mind to my penetrating stare.
Your lip quivers;
Your chest heaves.
I could count the seconds until your eyes reconnect with mine but I’m taking in all the ways I find myself wanting you.
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honey-olive · 7 months
Words don’t begin to describe how much I love this image
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Literally waited for years 🥺😭😭
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katyspersonal · 7 months
Tumblr sorta needs a 'Mute' feature in my opinion. Like what if I don't want to block this user, what if I don't want to become enemies and in some days I'd like to interact. But also most of the time seeing how they avidly encourage everyone else whereas I get the passive-aggressive 'oh yeah very uhh... interesting... (please leave me alone I don't like your art lol)' makes me want to unfollow every single fan of these characters and never draw them again.
I remember two years ago the exact same thing happened when someone liked the same character and the same ship and I swear I was the only person in the fandom they bluntly left out and could not spare a single good word for. I can't even blame this on my art being "ugly" because this type of user always aggressively praises all art styles and all levels of skill, it feels more like 'a personal thing except we never fought a single time'. And now my toxic trait of needing approval from [cool person name] is back to haunt me years later! Add the unability to "abandon" this character/ship/whatever despite wanting to after facing so much unspoken passive spite, because I am a contrarian and the best way to trap me into doing something is to try to exclude me from it. I didn't face attempts to very aggressively bully me out of the yard/class/community/etc, sometimes with physical violence included, only to let something mid like passive aggression online finally do it.
I am really stupid and naive person despite my age, but in like 5% of the cases I will still understand the hint and understand what is going on. Yet I have to pretend to be clueless even in rare situations when I know someone hates me, because since they never admitted it, quitting will be perceived as me being "paranoid". But dear goooood, it hurts sometimes. I hope that one day I will be numbed to being treated as a tumor on an otherwise healthy body of society that someone is dying to amputate- and always a person whose approval I want, of all people. Knowing that this day will come is one of the things that keep me going as both a person and a creator. Things like viruses and diseases still try their best to persist, so even if I am actually one, I should persist. It doesn't matter whether I actually rot everything around me or this is just my self-depreciating delusion upon focusing on people that mistreated me and not people that loved me. What matters is persisting, I just still feel angry that it hurts. I can't respond spite with spite or passive aggression with passive aggression, I can't do the 'smug asshole' when I become aware that someone tries to starve me until I "die". I can just fall over and cry about it like a kicked dog, despite being so old, especially when it is a person I didn't have anything against.
And really.. It is as simple as turning the internet off, so I don't see The Person and can focus on doing stuff that I like, as if they never existed and can't crash my self-esteem. It is just annoying to keep doing this, a feature to not see them unless I am in the mood would be better. Like.. blocking is not an option. Not only it implies being enemies which is not my intention, but also it will be like an "evidence" that I was "crazy". They didn't do anything, right? Well, they know what they did, but it was never verbal, so it is my fault I "imagined things", right?
#/vent#/negative#/HEAVILY negative#fandomry rambles#like I started crying typing this do not read it unless you already know#it is just stupid how I don't even need any sort of drama to *just* annoy people to THIS severe point#like I said even before everything there was a very similar situation#I just evoke some primal hatred in specific type of people#it is probably what happened with maasanox but they apologized and moreover felt bad vibes from the stalker bully idiot#it is more like that meme from Lilo and Stitch#'ah yeah all artists and other creative fans deserve knowing they are liked and talented and supported...'#*katya walks in* 'EXCEPT THAT ONE!!!!!!!'#the punchline is that the two years ago guy and todays guy are fans of the same character#I swear the fictional bastard has abnormal ability to reveal the ugliest truths and bring out the worst in people#like the last time someone kinned the twink every single person here showed their true face and that was painful#not a single person got spared of showing what they were made of and me lacking spine was the LEAST of the sins brought up for judgement#you see this is why truth hurts. because people are terrible. truth is always ugly because WE are always ugly#I kinda love him for that but seriously can he stop making the worst things surface for FIVE minutes lol#in my excuse I am TRYING to kill my 'inner child' because these problems are too stupid but it seems impossible#I am a kicked dog with rabies in the past today and always
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thatlittledandere · 3 months
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when moth work was just a baby seed in my mind back in 2019, I often daydreamed about scenes while listening to nothing but thieves, and from the beginning of time I always imagined harrison running away from something a la "excuse me" AND 4 YEARS LATER I'VE FINALLY DONE IT:
He’s not sure where he’s going or what he’s looking for until he finds it. He parts glittering people with his elbows, his heart a pendulum ticking. He needs a way out, an exit sign bleeding in neon letters. He needs to cab back to Brooklyn—not to find his father, but to hide. He needs to go back to Eliza’s apartment and sit in the parking lot for hours until someone—anyone, a shadow of a man with cold hands, a phantom who sins as much as he prays—comes out.
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visjules · 2 years
Miraculous is such a frustrating show.
The concept is fucking great, it’s something I’d definitely get into, but the only real produced media that adapts this concept is garbage, why haven’t any of the characters or villains progressed in the span of 5 seasons? I’ve watched 12 episode anime with more development.
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Can't believe I'm out here confessing my sins (admitting I'm a ninjago stan at the age of 19)
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1roentgen · 11 months
#can't find my headphones going insane#need... music....loud...#back from that meditation retreat/course thingy btw#thank god it wasn't that bad#i think i've made peace with going girlmode essentially full time again#as they say. c'est la vie... i will never win but the idgaf war wages on#other than the whole compulsory aspect of it the mandatory white garb was not so bad : P#observing the 8 precepts for only a few days is basically nothing... v ez#a lot of the lecture/sermon content was pretty legit and imo applicable to my daily life although i had issues w/ some topics discussed#i don't fuck with thought crime/'sin' and I'm pretty resolute about this#i have ocd and if i believed every time i had a horrible thought i let myself think it was reflective of#my inner state and/or karma stats or whatever i'd probably actually shoot myself#ok the relevant#buddhist theory is actually pretty complex but i don't want to misrepresent anything and#i cannot explain. i actively interact as little as i can with this kinda thing. even if you make me to take a course lol in my head I'm#wily and u cant get me. this is my turf and i'm like a ferret#i do beleive i have said my personal philosophies are undoubtedly highly influenced by Buddhist thought#but i can't be all gung-ho about this 'ending suffering' forever business#as nice as that sounds#i don't want to be told the meaning of life like I'm not gonna perservere my entire lived existence to fulfill some grand objective pre-#determined by someone else no matter how well-regarded they are by however many people#I'm rather attached to the things that bring me comfort and joy and meaning...as shallow or illusory they may be#i don't like that i'd feel threatened into trying to escape samsara bc its 'uber rare' that i was born into the right species#in the right religion and right place and time to get chance to do that#like in that one poem#i would like to touch the world with bare hands even it burns you know what i mean?#stop trying to save me; stop telling me to let go of the world#i try to stand my ground you know but I'm aware this is really important to my parents right now#i know people get more religious as they grow older#maybe i just am not forced to reckon with mortality in the same way that they are and therefore am not at a stage in my life where i can
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▪︎ Links:
☛ {[DEMO]} | Chapters 1-3
☛ {CHARATER PORTRAITS: ["Book Club"], [Part 1]}
☛ {SHORT/SIDE STORIES: [Marcel's Past], [Trick or Treat], [Suprise Party]}
My Inner Sins is an interactive fiction game series being made with SugarCube (previously Harlow) on Twine. It has an urban supernatural theme where you will discover things about yourself, your family, and maybe even the hidden truth about your town. In this tale, you will meet new people, but beware; you don't know who you can trust or who has a knife to your back. 
☛ Content Warning: My Inner Sins is an interactive fiction game for players 16 and older that focuses mostly on NPC interactions and character growth. It will feature violent scenes, sexual themes, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and strong language and is meant for older audiences.
☛ About the Author: Hello, I go by Florence (she/her), and this is my first interactive fiction; however, this world has been in my mind since I was thirteen and watched Twilight for the first time. I plan for this to be a three-book series; however, I am a full-time college student. If you want to support me, then please send me words of encouragement via Tumblr or Itch.io. I want to make a series out of this story and the characters I created, but I want to make sure people enjoy this world and this story as much as I do. 
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Four new people end up coming into town, and while that might be a little strange for the small town of Lockwood, Massachusetts, they seem to be keeping a watchful eye on you. But why should that matter? You have other things to worry about, like the feeling that you are being watched....
But everyone is welcome in Lockwood.....
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Simple. Those were the words that once described your life, and you would’ve nodded your head in agreement. Your day was a never-ending cycle of the same thing. Wake up, go to work downstairs at your Aunt Zinnia's tea shop, try not to fall asleep at the cash register, sneak yourself a few muffins, go to sleep, have weird nightmares, and repeat for another day. So, it would be an understatement to say that you didn’t expect your life to be turned upside down by demons. 
While most normal family secrets are mediocre or maybe a bit surprising, those of your family, the Oleanders, are mind-blowing. You find out that your family is best known for being monster hunters, or were until your mom fell in love with a demon, making you not only have the most profound hunter blood through your veins but also make you a cambion, a half-human, half-demon spawn. 
Now, with an ancient evil coming after you, you have demons coming back to the mortal plane once again after already dying to guard you. Will you dive headfirst into this supernatural world, or will you crumble under the pressure this new world puts on your shoulders?
▪︎ Features:
☛ Play as a male, female, or nonbinary
☛ Customize your appearance
☛ Pick your MC's first name
☛ Pursue romance and/or friendship with 6 different characters.
☛ Have wholesome moments with the characters and maybe even babysit a seer.
☛ Discover lasting romances or friendships with the champions of the seven hells.
☛ Define and refine relationships with a variety of characters, including friends, family, or dream demons.
☛ Decide how you will choose a skill from stealth, knowledge, athletics, or charisma.
☛ Play matchmaker
☛ Name your cat familiar, pick their breed, and personality!
☛ Shape your MC’s future and some of their past
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💙 Lust
☛ Rosemary “Rosie” Brown | F | 5’2 | 22 years old???
Rosie is a figure of beauty, with a charming personality that could make anyone swoon and a love for all things fashion. Growing up in the "Jazz Age" has equipped her with an easygoing attitude that didn't stop after she died, taking up the position of Courtesan of Lust and later joining Hell's Champions. Now, on a mission to protect you, she starts to feel again, not just lust but love.
☛ Description: Her skin is a rich cocoa brown, with dark brown eyes and thick eyelashes. She has short, black, and curly hair that is loosely styled. Very short in stature with a slender build. 
☛ Warning: Past Abusive Relationship, Trust Issues, Talk of Receiving Racism
☛ Trope: Optional Friends With Benefits to Lovers, Sworn off relationships
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❤️ Wraith
☛ Owen O’Conner  | M | 6’4 | 32 years old???
With titles granted to Owen by King Alexander the Third, it was no secret that he was the best fighter even with his brash attitude, in the knighthood however his honor was stripped away after losing the person that mattered the most to Owen. His losses carried with him into the afterlife, becoming the Warrior of Warth and later a Hell's Champion and has sworn to his master to protect you (even with your Aunt Ziannia on his "Kill List"). Will you start to become more to him than just a job?
Description: A Scottish man with freckles, pale beige skin, light blue eyes, and faint scars all over his arms and chest. He has long ginger hair, usually styled in a man bun, so it is out of the way. Tall in stature with firm muscles and broad shoulders.
☛ Warning: Past Alcohol Abuse
☛ Trope: Emotional scars, Learning to Love again, Forbidden Love
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💛 Greed
☛ Marcellus “Marcel” De Rosa  | M | 5'9 | 20 years old???
Marcel always believed the gods left him; growing up on the streets, the death of his best friend, and the sickness that was killing his brother didn't leave much room for hope. However, through all the loss, Marcel had a golden heart that showed everyone kindness even if they might not have deserved such. In the afterlife, he earned the title of Advisor of Greed and later became the leader of Hell's Champions, which were sent to keep a watchful eye over you.
Description: He has a warm, olive skin tone and light brown eyes that complement his lithe build. He has curly, dark brown hair that seems to have never been touched by a brush. There are burns on his feet.
☛ Tropes: Widow/widower, Golden Boy
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🧡 Gluttony
☛ Marguerite “Margaret”  Badeaux | F | 5'8 | 21 years old???
Growing up in a high-class society, it was no surprise that Margaret was unaware of the revolution until it was too late. Dying at the hands of people who saw her as "scum," she carried the burden of never knowing the harm her family had caused until Margaret crossed over. Burying her sadness under the aura of sunshine, she started helping as many people as she could in the afterlife, earning the title Healer of Gluttony and later joining the ranks of Hell's Champions sent to watch over you. Will you be Margaret's first love?
Description: She has a pale skin tone and dark blue eyes that complement her slender build. She has light brown, choppy hair. There is a horizontal scar on the back of her neck
☛ Warning: Eating Disorder
☛ Trope: First Love, Sunshine RO
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🩵 Sloth
☛ Tai Huang | M | 5'6 | 20 years old???
Being the child of a Chinese immigrant during the Industrial Revolution, Tai learned to be determined and have a good work ethic. When a tragic accident left him taking his last breath, Tai used his direct and intelligent personality to earn the favor of the Princess of Sloth, giving him the title of Spy Master of Sloth. Tai is keeping a watchful eye on you as the only doctor in Lockwood. What is he hiding behind those tired eyes?
Description: He has a pale skin tone and green eyes that complement his slender build. He has chin-length black hair. Scars all over his chest and legs.
☛ Warning: Talk of receiving Racism
☛ Tropes: Grumpy RO, Lover in Denial, Honesty...he is a total tsundere
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💚 Envy
☛ Zane Blackburn | M | 6’1 | 25 years old
Forgotten. Alone. Anger. That's all Zane has ever felt; when everyone seemed to abandon him, Zane placed his loyalty in the being that wanted you dead. Through nightmares, you can communicate with him. You seem to find that behind his sarcastic and crass attitude, Zane is hiding his broken past.
Description: He has a pale skin tone and gray eyes that complement his swimmer build. He has styled, platinum blonde hair that seems to have too much hair spray. There are no scars on his body.
☛ Warning: Received emotional and physical abuse through Guardian, (Early Relationship) manipulation, suicidal tendencies
☛ Tropes: Rivals, Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers
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ANOTHER DEMON ARRIVES! fashionably late, of course.
Name: Xaviar Blanche/Ziahanao (Zihan for short) Gender: He Sexuality: Probably Straight? Species: Ostendae Vices: Pride/Greed Virtue: Temperance Magus: Light and Shadow magus Info under the cut
General: Zihan is a vain and attention-seeking peacock demon who is also the main singer of a rock band called "Four Horsemen." He's loud, cocky, and has an ego the size of Jupiter. His fashion sense is as loud as his voice, which can break windows and rupture eardrums. By the end of your encounter with this flamboyant popstar, you will never forget him. He loves getting attention and being noticed by thousands of people. However, he hates if no one notices him. He can get attention-starved to an unhealthy degree. After all, how is he supposed to express his ego without anyone to show it? Zihan's rival is (obviously) Shaeh. Both demons have a huge ego and will clash with each other to prove who's better at.... well, anything. Except singing. Zihan will always be better at that than Shaeh. Always.
A few facts: -His sonic scream is around 130-150 decibels. -He loves dressing in drag every now and then. -He has 146k followers on Joobalee (this universe's equivalent to MySpace/Instagram) -His room is soundproofed to prevent damage to the band bus.
This dude's voice claim is gonna be Will Ryan and nothing will convince me otherwise.
Meet the Demon Fam! 🐐🐍🐌🦊🦚🐷🐲👨
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
also coco & qifrey as a duo are so cool especially in the latest chapters after she told him about coustas...... like YES my emotional support morally grey brimhat-coded master and apprentice power duo <333
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setark-the-broken · 1 month
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Get out of my mind, thoughts and words i won't say
Get out of my mind wishes of warmth and support that won't come
Get out of my mind the teasing of seeing the sky
Get out of my mind while i stay shackled to the wall
Wrists and neck tight.
At least speak to me
So that the shackles can be broken
They are suffocating
They restrain me
I can't do anything without closure
All i wanted was a safe place
Now i'm shackled seeing their happiness
Am i'm selfish?
Do i deserve it?
If i deserve to be shackled, please, just end it.
A knife to the heart and the blood spilled is more humane than showing a sky unreacheable.
That's torture
(Picture Credits : Slay The Princess + Supporter Pack )
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italianexotiicbeauty · 3 months
tag drop part one.
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granonine · 4 months
Psalm 119:65-72. Thou hast dealt well with Thy servant, O LORD, according unto Thy Word. Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed Thy commandments. Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy Word. Thou art good, and doest good; teach me Thy statutes. The proud have forged a lie against me: but I will keep Thy precepts with my whole heart. Their heart is…
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