#Observational Humor
melinoelabs · 1 month
The Fandom Life Cycle
Excerpt from 'Applications of Synthetic Mythology in Simulacric Physics", Originally Published in the Melinoë Foundation Pricesaver & Journal of Applied Sciences, Humbert, Yokaitaro, et-al, 2018
Thanks to our valiant strategic withdrawal in the recent legal unpleasantness with certain ungrateful "orphans," we have been given the rare opportunity to declassify certain documents for public consumption on an almost entirely voluntary basis. This is one of them!
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This chart shows the mean trajectory of fandom involvement over a sliding scale. The trajectory is typically within a 15% variance with 1% outlier rate, but minus the five year calibration peak the scale varies person to person.
Feel free to use the graphic as needed to win whatever argument it could possibly be used for.
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beatnikchick · 1 year
Monsieur Legrandin from Swann’s Way by Marcel Proust is tantamount to George Katsimbalis in the Colossus of Maroussi by Henry Miller. Both characters are delightful in an ironizing way that both paints a caricature but also has you longing for the eccentricity they lend if indeed not hyperbolized by the writers. Just as I did with almost all discourse Miller experienced with Katsimbalis, I too laughed at every experience Proust had with M Legrandin. My literary cup runneth over tonight, and I feel spoiled by my delight 😂.
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ennuihaver · 1 year
using tas on a post kinda seems like using steroids in professional sports. it cheapens ur posts and makes me question ur integrity
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I've noticed this funny thing lately where folks will blog something, then like four hours later reblog the same post, nothing added.
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penisaswordus · 9 months
The Stand Up Comedy Hour
A handful of m&ms seem like enough until you’re done with them. Candy fucks with your brain. You want to do as much candy as you can all the time. Chocoholism is real. It’s a sugar high.
I like the concept of having sex until I think about the effort it takes me to talk to people. The sex part is easy, but making it seem like I know what I’m doing isn’t. There isn’t a shirt you can wear to declare your sexual capability, despite some questionable attempts I’ve seen. There’s no secret code.
Waking up early is such a scam. No one who isn’t a farmer needs to be up before sunrise, and even then, wait a bit. We’re actually a lot happier and more productive if we start the day with leisure time instead of stress.
I spend most of my day thinking about my first meal. That’s the joy of intermittent fasting. I don’t feel super hungry all day or anything, I just have nothing else going for me.
What happened to TV? Didn’t there use to be blocks of shows to look forward to? And that went on for decades? And now we have on demand and it’s too much. Anything good I just watch in one sitting and then have to wait months for something new.
There needs to be more hypemen for fiction books. I have no idea what books are coming out and I don’t know where to look. I’m not going to pop into book stores to check, so they should really have influencers or someone talking about books. Self help books are the only ones that get sold like a commodity, when fantasy and fiction are just as valuable to our minds.
Why am I constantly in a fight with my own mind about what to do with my body? I want to lose weight because I’ve done it before and it felt good, but I also want to get high and eat m&ms and gummies while playing Skyrim on godmode and somehow the latter option makes a very convincing argument nightly. Like, I’m not happy about it, even in the midst of it usually, but it’s like that charismatic sociopath that talks people into going along with his crimes. This won’t end well! No, but we’re having fun aren’t we!? I guess.
I don’t think it’s fair to try to date someone else when you hate yourself or your life. What can you bring to a conversation? I really hated getting up today. Work was miserable. I have no passion for anything I used to enjoy, and I look at my body with disgust. So how are you doing? Oh that sounds like the actions of a functional person. Can’t relate. Can we have sex now?
I let little things ruin my life instead of just dealing with them. My car is coming due for an oil change and instead of just getting it over with, I spend night and day dreading doing it. Doctors appointments are the same thing. I can’t enjoy myself because I know I have to talk to someone, take some time out of my day to ask them to do a service, and then pay them. Just a normal interaction that everyone has to do, and I want to give up on life instead.
Gum is tricky. I like it, and I like the flavor, but I can’t chew it without wanting to eat something for real. It’s a tease. I wanted to use it in place of snacking, but I think it just upped my urge to snack by reminding me how good sweets taste. It can also turn into a bad flavor after a while, which again, only pushes me toward putting something better in my mouth. So there’s no good situation for me to chew gum.
The lack of public space to just exist in is a bit jarring. If you don’t drink regularly, or want to just stand around at a park, what else is there? It’s all businesses now, and no loitering. When did living become loitering? This has been going on a long time, because as a kid I remember big box stores were the most interesting place I could go to hang out. Once the internet came along to show me all the new stuff that was being sold, even those stores lost my interest. What’s left? A sectioned off piece of land with some trees and grass. It’s not just the lack of social spaces, the urgency I feel anytime I’m around crowds is also a big deterrent. I don’t want to hang out and meet people, I want to get in and out like a spy on a secret mission behind enemy lines.
Garfield started in the 70s. He was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid because he was grumpy and that’s my favorite type of character. But I read his 90s strips. Going back to the beginning, you learn some new stuff. It’s bizarre. Garfield loves mondays. Odie belongs to some guy named Lyman. Jon sexually assaults Liz by forcefully kissing her against her will at a vet appointment. Ah, humor. Yes.
Having kids is weird. Like, they're such a pain in the ass, but occasionally, they also cost a lot of money. I don’t want to make them feel unloved, but it’s so much easier to complain about them then to brag about how they made clean cuts when they used the scissors to cut grapes in half and toss them all over the floor. I don’t have unreasonable expectations of them, and I’m proud of them for doing just about anything, but where they really excel is at being loud and inconsiderate. Also now I have to keep living or else they get raised by their mother.
I’m tired of hearing about how the government is failing and the country is going to collapse. I’m not going to be the person who fixes it. Beyond voting, I don’t have any actual power at all. I’m just along for the ride. It’s too much negativity for my brain. I don’t want to be judged for blocking it out, but I need to in order to feel happy. I’m not living a charmed life here, I eat rice or pasta or hot dogs for most meals. Let me feel good about eating broccoli and spinach. The civil war is going to happen the same either way.
I wish private security had a better face than Paul Blart. Mall cops are better than real cops precisely because they don’t have power to abuse. We shouldn’t be associated with cops at all. Observe and report is what journalists do. We’re story tellers. We watch crazy shit go down and then we write the tale. It’s true, some of us are tasked with stupid jobs, like stopping skateboarders and booting homeless people, but no one likes that part of the job. The bourgeoisie hate the poor and make the rules. We’d rather help the homeless and give props to skaters for nailing tricks. Then there’s the other side of the spectrum, like blackwater; killers for hire. Somehow more respected than mall security.
I’ve realized I have a lot of internalized shame about what I have and haven’t accomplished in my life. It’s crazy, because if I were an objective observer, I wouldn’t think anything of it; I wouldn’t look at my life and say “that guy really fucked up somewhere.” I graduated from a good school, I have a decent job, I have a car and an apartment and two healthy kids. It’s honestly just the pay. I don’t get paid enough to relax, and that in itself feels like failure. I also consider myself an artist, and I have very little in the way of art to back that up, so on that level, I can’t feel successful. I blame myself for not getting stuff done, and the world is happy to reinforce that belief for me. It feeds the depression that keeps me from getting more done. It sucks.
Some weekends seem to go off the rails for no reason at all. Like, I’m just staying in and watching movies and eating leftover pizza, but now I’m stoned at 6 pm eating chips in bed and my sleep schedule is all fucked, and my stomach hurts, and my throat is sore and I did fucking nothing. It’s like a no effort bender. Somehow completing the thieves guild quest line and having a sandwich was all it took. Now it’s 2 am and I slept but I have to be up at 5:30 for work and that’s stressful somehow, even though I’m not tired, but I will be before I get off work because I woke up so early and couldn’t fall asleep again. Why do I feel so bloated?
I think more time needs to be granted to people to just do nothing. Stare at a lake. Watch squirrels. Responsibilities are shit and taking a break from it is harder and harder. Unless you’re rich. But the rest of us need our moments to just exist with no stress, ticking clocks, duties, goals, etcetera. Maybe it’s just me, but sitting in silence and zoning out is the best thing I can do to clear my head. It’s what siddartha did, right? Nirvana comes from rejecting active thought and just vibing with the universe. But I like art and entertainment too.
I still get excited to have a little bit of spending cash. It’s a holdover from being a kid, I guess. But back then, I would buy something and it would become my world for a period of time. I could spend hours looking at it, thinking about it, getting lost in it. Now, I take a look at what I can afford, and I feel empty. Nothing I see is going to make much of a difference to my life. I’m not going to get sucked in to a product and enjoy it like I used to. I’m lucky if I can find something that I even feel strongly about. Being broke feels terrible, but having some cash and knowing there’s nothing I can do with it that’s going to make me happy is almost just as bad. Sometimes I get desperate to find something and end up spending the money just hoping that the rush will come, but it doesn’t.
The concept of emotional capacity is something that I wish I had considered earlier. The limits I have on my emotional capacity make it a challenge to take care of even just myself. The more stress there is on it, the harder it gets and the worse I perform. We’re not all unlimited. I can’t spread myself that thin. I’m exhausted and the only way to recover is to not have to care for a while. How do I do that when I’m a single father? When can I stop expending my emotional energy on my kids? They're hardly self sufficient. Their mother isn’t going to let me relax.
I like to pretend life is a video game and break it down into stats and quests. It’s fun to micromanage that stuff in videogames, but kind of dreadful to do it in real life. Counting my money, grinding, trying to buy upgrades; it’s somehow less tedious if I imagine I’m building a character. If I don’t, then it doesn’t feel like I make any movement at all, and it’s easy to start wasting my time and money on things that seem amusing for a moment but ultimate just hurt me. It kinda falls down when I have to do “multiplayer” though. I’ve never been good at that part even in videogames.
It feels selfish to care so much about myself, but I’m the only person I have to please, and I still let myself down constantly. I’m hard on myself, but apparently not ready to change. I guess if it only matters to me, that’s not much different than it not mattering at all, and that’s what screws me up. Holding myself accountable, letting myself fuck up; they both feel like punishment.
Why did my chicken wings come out so dry? Is it me? Did I not love them enough? There was sauce, but it was clear about not putting the sauce on top. Even in pictures, it’s in a cup on the side. But that’s not good enough. I dipped every bite, and it still felt too dry. Covered in sauce. I think it must have been the quality of the meat, or quantity. Following the time on the instructions fucked me, or they were always going to be bad. Either way, it’s a bummer.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Hey! A quick engagement post for you all. I've been wanting to have wide discussions on these topics lately and wanted anyone who felt called to answer to express their feelings on any of the questions i have below! Please dont feel the need to hesitate, its all fun and just exploring each others minds lol.
Neptune 12th housers - Do you ever feel silenced in your voice? Like the words you speak, the dreams you carry, people dont bother to listen? They just feel like its noise and dont participate in exploring who you are as an individual. It just feels lonesome.
Venus in the 1st - Do people have high standards and expectations on you? Especially on what you should be like in their own minds view? Ever had to deal with petty arguments that came from out of the blue, just to find out its cause they were secretly envious or had a crush on you?
Mars/Pluto Conjunction - Feel rageful often? How do you use this energy to bring attention to your emotions? Do you have a special outlet for this rage you carry?
Lilith in the 1st - Tired of people looking at you strange? Do you ever feel that you're 'odd looking'? Have others made you feel gross in your own skin? How often do you go to lakes and forests to clear your head?
Moon in Cancer in the 4th - Do you feel alluded or subjected to family issues more often than you should? Does family ever come around and make you feel lonesome, tiresome, and exhausting? like i mean all that you do for them is lovely, they just find it overbearing?
Moon in Taurus - Ever feel like your wants and desires are but a dream? People close the door on you when you express yourself, and only ever do they listen when your mad, bored, or tired? They only feel wanted when your not yourself, is that right?
Scorpio Venus - Is your love life boring? Like.. i got ask this lol. or was it boring BEFORE? At some point did you ever just do something so taboo and adventurous , it almost cost you your life? your past life.
did you get up one day and just figured you make the most of it? so it doesn't matter how much you express your 'lovin' (wink ;) lmao) to others as long as you got it out...?
Mercury in Aries - Does your blunt mouth get you in trouble? Do you ever just go off the dome and speak your ideas, feelings, and desires out loud it makes others think your crazy? Do people ever feel like telling you to have more 'tact' or grace in your speech? How often do you tell someone to fuck off? serious question.
Last one!!
Sun in Gemini - How many masks do you honestly keep up with? Do you ever show your true self to people? And i dont mean just one version just the whole spectrum of being a complex human.
How many secrets have you gotten out of others just by sitting quiet and observing? The spoken and unspoken ones i mean. People dont believe me when i say this, but i always say geminis are just scorpios who are very talkative lol.
None of these were to be shady, btw. I just wanted to converse and have fun with the topics lol.
Let me know in your replies babes!!!!
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plutosunshine · 2 years
Your sense of humor
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Mercury in Aries
Your sense of humor is straightforward and even edgy. You can kill people with your words. However, it makes you super funny. You like to be goofy and silly with friends. Your bold, open and honest style of communication adds charm to you. Your jokes are fast and this makes them even funnier because one of the main rules of good humor is a sudden fast joke. Everybody who has Aries Mercury!!! If you hide or suppress these talents, they will destroy you from the inside. You need to forward your sarcasm to the world, not inside yourself.
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Mercury in Taurus
Mercury in Taurus is not as fast as Aries Mercury. However, it has its advantages. This Mercury has not a fast reaction but it doesn’t destroy its sense of humor. Your humor is so practical and precise that others can’t help but laugh. You are sarcastic and you know how to say something at right time. Sometimes people don’t expect a joke from you but it comes out and kills everybody. Did I mention sarcasm? Oh yes, I need to mention it again because omg Taurus Mercury owns it! Remember George Carlin? Yes, he is the owner of Taurus Mercury.
Mercury in Gemini
Gemini Mercury knows a little bit of every topic so your humor may depend on the person you are with. You adjust your sense of humor depending on the situation. Your humor is fast, optimistic and smart. Everyone thinks that you are witty and you were born to joke. You need to be appreciated for your humor. Also, you like to play with words and meanings. These jokes are easy to create for you. Your Mercury is in Gemini so people think you are so smart and know everything and sometimes they don’t notice that you don’t go that deep.
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Mercury in Cancer
Cancer Mercury often has a very good memory so it affects the sense of humor. You can remember something nobody already does so you successfully use it to joke. Cancer Mercury natives rarely joke about their families. It is something sacred for them. You intuitively sense the mood of your surroundings and that helps you to be on the same wavelength as others. Your jokes are rarely offensive and others adore that about you. The only way you can insult somebody is when you don’t even understand that it is offensive. Usually, you don’t do that on purpose.
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Mercury in Leo
Leo Mercury natives have very special facial expressions; they are artistic and unapologetically funny. If you have this Mercury, you MUST joke. It is your nature. You are a very good storyteller. Your expressions and even gestures color the story. Everybody understands your sense of humor. It is mostly optimistic and light-hearted. If the rest of the chart allows, you are the center of the party. Even if other planets are more introverted, you still need to express your talented Mercury. Maybe only in your friend's circle!
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Mercury in Virgo
Here we go again, of course, earth = sarcasm. We can’t escape that. Your sense of humor is critical and detail-oriented. You notice little details and use them in your jokes. It impresses others because of the surprise effect. They don’t expect that somebody can notice such little things. Virgo Mercury natives are smart. They show it anytime and everywhere they go. Some people may think that you are even arrogant but it can be possible only if you don’t work with your Mercury. I advise you to read more because it will affect you so well and will improve your sense of humor.
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Mercury in Libra
Your sense of humor is logical and soft. You don’t like offensive jokes (but watch out for Mercury-Mars aspects). You are diplomatic and even your jokes have this “not to offend anyone” attitude. That is why others love your humor so much. You talk politely and choose your words carefully. Libra Mercury has all the chances to be the queen/king of the party because of the wit, intelligence and “loving everybody” attitude. Depending on the rest of your chart, you have the potential to be a social butterfly.
Mercury in Scorpio
Of course dark humor. Humor that is not understood by everybody. You have a very special sense of humor. Most of the time you are sarcastic. This Mercury has a very interesting detail: when you joke, others often can’t understand if is it a joke or an insult. Also, Scorpio Mercury is very observant. Jokes may contain some not-pleasant observations of others. You see what other people hide behind their masks and joke very painfully about that. When you are with close friends, your humor is the best, they adore you.
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Mercury in Sagittarius
Born entertainer! You tell stories like no other. With Leo Mercury of course. Your sense of humor is light-hearted, optimistic, straightforward and honest. Sometimes people laugh because of how sincerely and honestly you talk. You can talk about the topics everybody is afraid of. And you just don’t understand what is wrong. Sagittarius Mercury can be too straightforward at times and doesn’t see that someone is insulted. It is because of the careless nature of Sagittarius Mercury. And there is where your open and sincere sense of humor comes from.
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Mercury in Capricorn
Of course, again it is sarcasm. However, if Virgo Mercury is more flexible, the sense of humor of Capricorn Mercury is drier. It is based on concrete facts and logic. Sometimes people don’t like the reality so it can be insulting. However, Capricorn Mercury is just no joke. It knows facts and jokes about them. Cynical and dry at times, but it is the nature of it!
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Mercury on Aquarius
This one is considered a genius or crazy. No in between. Your sense of humor is unique and unusual so not everybody understands it. Of course, your friends’ circle adores you. Your jokes sometimes come out of nowhere all of a sudden. Unpredictability and uniqueness make your sense of humor unusual. You often use very random facts in your jokes. Your humor is creative, a little bit cosmic and not from this world.
Mercury in Pisces
Your sense of humor is creative and bright! You create such beautiful and unbelievable stories! Unbelievable is the key word here because let’s be honest you like to add some inexistent details to the story. That makes the story and your jokes more colorful! Also, you are the type of person who jokes like crazy at the party and all of a sudden you disappear and become silent. When you are in your “peopley” phase, you are the best entertainer but when you don’t feel it anymore, you just leave.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Can’t sleep so have another Danny Phantom AU/fic prompt idea.
Danny having to deal with a large team up of a lot of ghosts most of the rouges and is a bit too tired and distracted as he’s telling them to ‘head back to the ghost zone cause they can’t all fit in the thermos and he’s not making like 10 trips’ and he’s just too distracted to notice Jack and Maddie line up a shot and actually hit him.
Danny getting hit right in the chest blast cutting right through him shocking him and all the ghosts, Danny’s body flickering between alive and dead as shock settles in. The ghosts collectively freaking out and trying to get Danny out of there because they don’t want the kid DEAD dead.
Clockwork showing up stopping time and taking Danny to the ghost zone, also making sure all the other ghosts get out of there.
Jack and Maddie having zero idea that they’ve attacked Danny just confused at how the ghost boy got away.
Danny being in the GZ healing as CW and other powerful ghosts start making it so humans can’t go through the ghost portals because yeah don’t trust them right now CW clearly saw some bad potential futures of how that could have gone and has decided to take no chances, the other ancients are kinda scared to ask how bad the future were because even the observants aren’t arguing with CW.
Though they’re not sure if this because the Observants agree with CW or because Danny is technically ghost king or will be when he comes of age in like a few centuries, technically CW is acting as regent but because GZ needs to actually get organized he realizes Pariah and he acts regent til Danny comes of age.
Pariah and Pandora having to actively restrained from going to human world for murder reasons....them also having to stop some of Danny usual rouges gallery who have got pretty protective over the kid.
When Danny wakes up, he is very confused…. He can’t completely remember what happened but apparently he’s been ghost adopted by CW and Pariah…and now has a horde of ghosts who are acting more like babysitters than his villains…
Bonus: Danny mentions Dani after he wakes up. The GIW who have cornered Dani are super shocked when a tear in reality opens the ancients step out Pariah picks up the girl says ‘Do not speak to me or my child ever again and then leaves through same portal that disappears.
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bitterseaproduction · 8 months
I don’t know how much this lines up with canon, but I love interpreting Joker as noticing the pancake thing and consciously suspecting Akechi from Day 1, then slowly talking himself out of confronting it as he gets to know him.
Rank 1: “Hmm, this guy’s suspicious, but also interesting. I can humor him while I feel it out.”
Rank 2: “I mean, he clearly has to be that Black Mask guy Madarame mentioned since he can hear Mona, but what does that mean? What was he doing? He’s so hard to parse.”
Rank 3-4: “…He isn’t NECESSARILY this Black Mask person. Maybe he overheard something in Momentos. It’s more likely he found that place than some random palace, right? And was Kaneshiro even talking about the same person? If there are at least 2 parties in the Metaverse, why not 3?”
Rank 5-6: “So, he ISN’T the Black Mask, right? He isn’t… Except, he has to be. BUT, even if he IS, how do I KNOW he’s out to get us? Unless he does something UNDENIABLY suspicious, there’s no reason to assume the worst—”
Akechi lies at the festival: “…Well, shit.”
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chubbychiquita · 9 months
*extremely Colombo voice*
Oh, ah, one more thing...
We did some lab tests and it turns out you've got something called 'hypermobility'. Funny- last I heard, you were intent on goin' the opposite way. But hey, what do those quacks know, huh?
Well, I should get outta your hair
im a sucker for a well done extremely dated pop culture reference
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littlepawz · 26 days
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LOL, I was a patient in a teaching hospital and THIS brings back memories
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theriu · 3 months
Carnivorous Plants: (hanging out, making oxygen, eating bugs and sometimes very small animals, generally just being chill)
Every Horror-Obsessed Story Writer: Okay but what if they were HUGE, VORACIOUS, CUNNING MANEATERS???
Carnivorous Plants: Bro I am literally just sitting here.
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drama-glob · 4 months
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I serious want a company to consider labeling their original/unflavored/plain products like this. ;) XD They'd probably see higher sales if they did. ;)
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ravenousgf · 7 months
“It’s little that I know about the Skill and how it works. But sometimes . . . oh, sometimes when your father touched me with it, it seemed he knew my heart before I did, and saw things that I kept buried even from myself. ” A sudden deep blush suffused Burrich’s dark face, and almost I thought I saw tears stand in his dark eyes. He turned aside from me to the fire, and I sensed we were coming to the heart of what he needed to say. Needed, not wanted. There was a deep fear in him, one he denied himself. A lesser man, a man less stern with himself, would have trembled with it.
this 🤝 burrich saying the wit makes a man less than a man............... assassins trilogy a series abt masculinity and the kinds you emulate and the kinds you betray !!!!! their power imbalance justifies chivalry's invasion of burrich's mind; for the same reason is the wit considered especially treacherous in fitz, bastard of a farseer prince. add to this galen specifically only talking to the boys and ignoring the girls when he's trying to build a skill coterie in service of the prince and a clear thoroughline emerges. the night before fitz starts under galen he wonders if his wit, which he cannot bring himself to reject, will fade with acquisition of the skill. and it sounds silly, but there is an idea of there being a tradeoff, of exploring the sorts of masculinity a boy has to mold himself to fit in to serve the throne and seeing what he must reject in the process. of course ultimately the wit DOES end up serving fitz in his endeavours to support kettricken and co., but the way that happens is he literally turns into an animal. it's either: desert everything that draws you in, become a Man, acquire personhood in exchange for becoming what the kingdom wants of you and thus lose yourself in the process. or be exactly what you are, which is less than a man. a pup, or a hound. a royal bastard. and do what your master (king) tells you, with no choice.
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echoedastrology · 24 days
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In Hellenistic astrology, the Moon holds a significant role in a person's natal chart, representing emotions, instincts, nurturing qualities, and the innermost self. Here are some key points related to the Moon in a Hellenistic natal chart:
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Characteristics: The Moon symbolizes the emotional and subconscious aspects of the individual. It reflects one's feelings, needs, instincts, and reactions to the world around them. The Moon also represents the mother, home life, and the nurturing qualities of the person.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗House Placement: The house in which the Moon is located in the natal chart can indicate the areas of life where the individual seeks emotional security, fulfillment, and comfort. For example, the Moon in the 4th house may suggest a strong emphasis on family, home, and roots, while the Moon in the 10th house could indicate emotional fulfillment through career and public reputation.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Aspects: Aspects to the Moon from other planets can reveal how the individual's emotions and instincts are influenced and expressed. A harmonious aspect (such as a trine or sextile) to Venus may indicate a strong sense of harmony, love, and emotional balance, while a challenging aspect (such as a square or opposition) to Mars may suggest inner conflict, impulsiveness, or emotional intensity.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Rulership: The Moon rules the sign of Cancer in traditional astrology and is considered to be in its domicile in this sign. The qualities of Cancer, such as sensitivity, nurturing, and intuition, are associated with the Moon's influence. Understanding the sign in which the Moon is placed can provide additional insights into how the individual processes emotions and nurtures themselves and others.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗Intuition and Inner Self: The Moon represents intuition, inner wisdom, and the subconscious mind in the natal chart. A strong and well-placed Moon can indicate emotional intelligence, intuition, and a deep connection to one's inner self, while a challenged or afflicted Moon may suggest emotional instability, moodiness, or difficulty in expressing feelings.
Overall, the placement of the Moon in a Hellenistic natal chart is crucial for understanding an individual's emotional landscape, instincts, nurturing qualities, and innermost self, and how these aspects influence their experiences and relationships in life.
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dork-master · 2 years
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