sangeethatecno · 7 months
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Busting the PCOS myth wide open! 🚫🌟 PCOS affects women of all shapes and sizes. Let's shed light on the truth and empower everyone to understand this complex condition. Knowledge is our key to breaking barriers. 💪
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onepinkline · 1 year
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Picked up some exciting things from the pharmacy today…
I’ve lost a ton of weight, and I’m seeing a lot of improvement in PCOS symptoms (hell yeah!) so we just want to see where my body is right now.
Fingers crossed, trust, and baby dust!
(images cropped for privacy, if you know me IRL we aren’t announcing this and I want it to be as low-key as possible so please don’t bring it up ♥️)
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iamphatvenus · 3 months
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Page from my PCOS Survival Guide
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bcospcos · 9 months
"Why on earth did they name this blog 'bcos PCOS'? What's the deal with that?”
Picture this: It's a sunny afternoon, and I'm sitting there, trying to make sense of why my hormones are staging a never-ending Broadway show. And then, it hits me: every time I try to explain why I do what I do or feel what I feel, the answer is always... "Because... PCOS."
Why did I devour that chocolate cake at 2 AM? Because... PCOS. Why do I suddenly need a nap after five minutes of adulting? Because... PCOS. Why is my hair having a dance party on the bathroom floor? You guessed it, because... PCOS!
But here's the twist, my fellow PCOS adventurers: Instead of letting our hormonal misadventures get us down, we're turning the tables. We're embracing the quirks, the curves, and the mysterious ways of PCOS with open arms (and maybe a glass of red wine).
So, whether you're here for the PCOS hacks, the hilarious anecdotes, or simply a safe space to say, "Hey, me too!" – "bcos PCOS" is where we celebrate the everyday craziness that comes with this syndrome, one blog post at a time.
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jeevanshaktihospital · 7 months
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PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
अनियमित पीरियड्स
चेहरे पर मुंहासे चेहरे पर अत्यधिक बाल
अंडाशय का बढ़ जाना
पीरियड्स के दौरान हैवी ब्लीडिंग
वजन बढ़ना
त्वचा पर काले धब्बे For more information, 🤙🤙Call 📞 : +91 87089 16596, +91 82220 29985 Visit : Jeevan Shakti Hospital, In front of Guru Nanak Sr. Sec. School, Rishi Nagar, Hisar, India, Haryana
PCOD के लक्षण👇👇
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ingridhodel · 1 year
Some days are harder than others. I can be so critical of myself when body doesn’t do what it’s “supposed to do “. Learning to love my body for how hard it’s working to keep me going ❤️
I have a long journey ahead of lifestyle changes to figure out how I can best help my body/hormones. Taking care of yourself is a life-long journey, and it will look different at every stage!
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sincrly1 · 10 months
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Kailani Selena.. you defined an entirely new meaning of love for me. That day changed my life forever. Te amo chiquita!!
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livelaugheatfit · 11 months
Day 23
So we are on day 23, so far I've lost 1kg and then put some of it back on so i am only about 0.7kg down. Which to be honest I am not completely happy about but its a loss.
I have been eating pretty good, had a few treats, like today I had a subway but not what I would normally have. Thats pretty big for me. I have been eating overnight oats from the body coach for some of my breakfasts and then rest of the time I have been eating a lot of eggs, asparagus, mushrooms etc.
On the exercise front, so far I haven't done much as I have been ill with a horrific cold and cough but me and husband are starting this soon. I want to go swimming instead of the gym. I feel this might be the best exercise to ease me in to working out on a regular basis.
Anyway, I will update again later. I don't like doing this all the time as I feel reviewing my progress everyday can be bad for my metal health.
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thatpcoslossmama · 1 year
Hello Friends 💙
I'm Shay and I'm 20 ❤️
I made this blog to help me talk about my struggles whilst trying to conceive my second child with PCOS.
I was diagnosed when I was 16 and was warned I would have trouble conceiving children in the future, this devistated me because all I have ever wanted to be in with world is a mother.
When I was 19, I met my soulmate. And 2 months into our relationship we found out I was pregnant.
It was a complete accident but we were still over the moon and so excited to be parents. I loved being pregnant and I was very prepared to be a mum.
At 20 weeks, my waters broke. We were assured there was still a chance we could make it to viability but unfortunately 3 days later my sons cord fell through my cervix, which sealed our fate.
Our son, Aspyn, was born 3 days later at 21 weeks. He passed during birth.
TTC after losing a child is hard, but its a hell of a lot harder with PCOS. It's been 6 months since my son passed and I have only had 1 period in that time.
I'm here to lose some weight, impliment more positive changes for my body and kick PCOS's ass so my partner and I can finally give birth to a child who can cry when they're born.
Everything I do is with my son in my heart, he can never be replaced or forgotten 💙
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ttc-our-miracle · 10 months
Well Tumblr. It’s been a hot minute.
The last time I used Tumblr, I was an angsty, angry teenager. I didn’t know who I was, or how life would turn out for me. I was selfish, and scared, and alone. I was struggling in school. I was struggling with my sexuality. I was struggling with my weight. I wish 17 year old me could see me now. I wish she could see all we’ve accomplished, and all we’ve lost along the way.
But anyway…
Hello! I’m A, and I’m 26. I’m married. I’m orphaned. I have PCOS. And I’m trying to concieve my first child. If your reading this, I can only assume you and I share some kind of background, something that made the algorithm think you’d enjoy my content. And for that, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry you’re struggling with something right now. But perhaps together, we can lighten the load.
Thank you for coming along for the ride.
I’ll talk to you soon!
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mermaidatheart89 · 2 years
I’m getting back into tracking my progress of my weight loss. I’m sick of looking at myself in the mirror to see a disgusting, pathetic and ugly fat pig. My son deserves a mom who’s in shape, who can keep up with him. Enough of the excuses, enough of the laziness. I’m going to lose the weight no matter what it takes.
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onepinkline · 2 years
Me: “wow I’m so excited for this event/activity/vacation!!”
My body: *gives me a period that only lasts the duration of the event/activity/vacation for the sole purpose of making me uncomfortable*
Me: “…thanks. Do I at-least get to ovulate?”
My body: “No.”
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orbitalsockets · 1 year
Ten Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me Sooner About Reproductive Health As A Person With PCOS and Endometriosis
Periods should not hurt. You read that right - I was shocked beyond belief when my doctor told me for the first time. Periods are, for normal people, uncomfortable and slightly unpleasant. However, normal period pain is often treatable with Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Midol. If your period is causing you pain to the point that none of these things help or it debilitates your ability to do everyday tasks, THAT IS NOT NORMAL. I believed from the age of 11 (I'm 23 now) that periods were just a horrible, painful, nauseating experience for everyone and many male doctors AGREED with me. It wasn't until I met my current gynecologist that I was informed that having to miss school, wear two pads to bed and cramping so hard that I threw up were all NOT normal period experiences. This ended up being my most ignored symptom, and it took twelve years to find out that - for me - it's a combination of PCOS and Endometriosis.
Penetrarion also shouldn't hurt. Since the first time I had sex, I have had pain with penetration. Even situations like a standard gynecological visit with tons of lubricant or using tampons often leave me crampy, in pain and sometimes bleeding. This is not normal, and for me was an indicator of endometriosis that went unnoticed for four years.
Your period skipping for several months at a time is not normal. When you first start your period it can be normal to experience some abnormality with your cycle timing, but it shouldn't be a chronic issue. If you find yourself missing your period more than having it and you're not on any medication that can impact it, THAT IS NOT NORMAL. This for me wound up being a symptom of severe PCOS that went unnoticed for six years.
If you are plus size, you have to advocate twice as hard for half the result when it comes to reproductive disorders. I am plus size and a large reason why I was dismissed by doctors was because of my size. Never mind the fact that my blood work indicated nothing about my weight being a factor and rather leaned into showing that my weight was a direct result of my PCOS - doctors saw fat and immediately assumed that my fatness was the problem instead of an underlying syndrome. This is one of the most gut wrenching parts of advocating for yourself, but you HAVE to keep fighting for an answer if you know something is wrong. Getting discouraged can be the path to chronic pain and worsening disorders.
Don't trust what hospitals have to say about your symptoms - If possible, go to a specialist as fast as possible. I spent months in and out of the hospital because the pain I was experiencing felt emergent (talking like an 11 on a scale of 1-10) and I was repeatedly told I was fine. I had over 20 ultrasounds in this hospital, and they claimed they didn't even see my PCOS that had been diagnosed years prior. They made me feel crazy, passive aggressively accused me of seeking out pain meds, and called me names outside of my door - It took my doctor ONE ultrasound to reconfirm that I indeed have severe PCOS. If the hospital tells you that you're fine, or even a doctor who you don't feel is taking you seriously, get a second/third/fourth/etc opinion until someone listens and checks.
If you and a doctor find that you're showing symptoms and need to move towards surgery, it's really easy to lose yourself in the limbo of finding out if something is there or not. I spent the last year in debilitating pain and for most of it didn't even know the cause - I just had my first endo surgery, and I spent the entire lead up wondering if I actually was crazy. I drowned in my own head with worry that I was actually faking it like so many people claimed. I woke up in the post op recovery room to news that I had been right, and I have endometriosis. Trust your instincts, no matter how deep the gaslighting around you tries to seep into your brain. You know your body better than anyone else.
If you have POTS or any other disorder that impacts your temperature regulation, be VERY careful if you decide to take Orilissa for endometriosis. The medication essentially puts you into medically induced menopause, which causes heat flashes. I have POTS and the heat flashes were too severe and disorienting for me to be able to continue the medication, which is why we moved onto surgery.
If you're diagnosed with insulin resistant PCOS and are given Metformin, you will most likely be asked by every medical professional you meet if you're diabetic, regardless of specifically stating that you take it for insulin resistant PCOS. This will happen even more frequently if you're plus size - it's annoying as fuck and you will have to repeat yourself, and even sometimes explain to the medical professional what PCOS is. The lack of knowkedge with medical professionals happens less with endometriosis in my experience, but you will most likely end up explaining what that is a few times as well.
Having a designated area for helpful items in whatever room you spend the most time in is legitimately one of the most helpful tools I've had through this experience. Many days prior to surgery (hoping it gets better, only four days post op so here's to hoping) I'd be in so much pain that I was exhausted and perpetually low on spoons. I made a drawer in my living room that holds snacks, drinks, medication, my heating pad, extra pads, underwear and comfort items, and it has been a legitimate godsend on my really bad days.
Even if you DON'T have symptoms, get checked anyway. Many people have endometriosis and don't find out until they're trying to conceive because they didn't have any symptoms. Endo is super weird in that regard - one strand of endometriosis can debilitate a person, but someone else can have their organs cemented together and experience no issues outside of difficulty conceiving. Even if you think there's nothing bad going on in there, checking in and making sure never hurts.
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pcos-fighter · 2 years
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theanonfirefly · 2 years
September is PCOS Awareness Month. Just making aware of what PCOS is, is not enough.
There are not just physical symptoms, it bring with it sometimes, a whirlwind of emotions and a flurry of mental health issues. Making aware of this is equally vital for holistic female health care.
Girls, we in this together, standing in solidarity. 💖
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kghospital · 3 months
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects your hormones. It causes irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne, and infertility. Treatment for PCOS depends on whether you want to get pregnant. People with PCOS may be at increased risk for certain health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Dr.Divya, DGO, DNB (OG) KG Hospital Coimbatore Explains that what are the risks and symptoms of PCOS? How is PCOS diagnosed? and how is PCOS treated?
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