everlastlady · 9 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎 '𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
✰ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! My little heroes, villains, and civilians. The first Miguel O 'Hara post. Hopefully it's good, I'm not really good with Spanish so I'm using a translation thing to help me with the language. I do plan on learning Spanish after I finish learning Italian on duo, anyway if you enjoyed this story then my request box is open. You can support me by blazing, commenting, hearts, or reblogging. Don't forget to eat, drink water, and take your medicine. Also support your local fan fiction writers.
✰ 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬: kidnapping, drugging, manipulation, violence, lies, and stockholm syndrome.
✰ Part 2
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• You are an absolute sweetheart to everyone at the society. Always making lunches for those who you were friends with or patching them up from missions. You always put others first, your smile could lit up a room. At first Miguel didn't think much of you, he honestly found you annoying and sometimes would have to tell you and Peter to be quiet whenever you both were trying to make Mayday laugh. " cierra el pico both of you, go do that somewhere else. " so when you and Peter left. Miguel sat there for a while wanting to hear your laugh again but not with Peter around, not with anyone around.
• He loved your cooking, he would tell you that he's only accepting your food out of respect. But he would ever last drop as if he was starving. He wondered what meals you would cook if you two were married, what dishes would you make whenever he came home from working. What lunches would you pack him. Would the kids help you with dinner. Miguel started asking you to bring him lunch everyday saying that he didn't have time to make his own and didn't want to spend money on take out. " Gracias cariño " he likes how your fingers brush against his whenever you hand him the bento box.
• Recently he stopped sending you on missions and is having you help him in the lab or having you in the medical wing to patch up other spiders. You didn't mind but you missed going on missions, and Miguel could tell but he knew soon that you wouldn't miss missions. And he was right, you started to distract yourself by stopping crime in your own universe and hanging out with the other spiders. Miguel didn't like this, what if get hurt in your own universe or worst fall in love. Miguel swore that he heard you talking to Noir and Peter B about this guy from your favorite coffee shop called Steven Grant. How you almost got hurt trying to stop a robbery in your neighborhood. He needed to plan something, it might be painful and hurt him emotionally but he needed to teach you a lesson.
• Boredom was killing you as you sat in the lab and started playing with paper clips but you jumped when Lyla flashes on your watch. " Woah, don't fall over and die (name), I'm blessing you with my presences to tell you that Miguel is sending you out on a mission since everyone else is busy or Miguel thinks they aren't capable. He thinks you can handle it so chop chop get to it! ". With that Lyla vanished. You let out a gleeful noise and put on your mask as you open the portal and jump through. You thought this was going to be fun and easy especially since you been training but you thought wrong. Everything in this universe was wrong; it was all dark and gloomy. Here you are running away like a scared child while bleeding. You suit in had claw marks and tears slide down your face. Crying into your watch for help. You were covered in claw marks, bruises, and your wrist broken.
• No one seemed to be answering their watches when you had Lyla contact Jess, Peter, Gwen Noir, Miles, and Hobie. No one picked up but Miguel did when you screamed for Lyla to call him. And when Miguel showed up he took care of the threat. " ¿Estás bien querida? You had me worried when you didn't return, come on let's get you to the medical wing. " Miguel picked you up, your injuries made you pass out but you could have swore that Miguel was smirking before you shut your eyes.
• You eventually woke up but you weren't in the medical wing, you were in a bedroom and it didn't belong to you. A delicious smell entered your noise and you looked down to see your wrist bandaged. You carefully got out of the bed groaning. Still sore from your injures. You left the bedroom and walk down the hallway and into the kitchen where Miguel stood cooking a delicious meal. He eas wearing a tight black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Miguel turned around and saw your confused look. " Ah! corazon your awake! I brought you here because your injuries were so bad that I decided to treat you, also I didn't want the others to feel bad for not answering you. Good thing I answered you or else you would have been dead, now you know why I don't want to send you on anymore missions, you aren't strong enough which is fine, you were made for better things. " Miguel turned around and went back to cooking. You stood there and looked down, was Miguel right are you weak?
• Miguel had you sit down at table which you did still looking upset. " Now don't pout, until your injuries heal you can stay with me. I'll tell the others that you are on vacation a well deserved vacation. You do so much for everyone and take care of everyone. It's time for someone to take care of you~ " Miguel lifted up the fork to feed you some of the food. A break did sound nice and you could try to mentally recover from what had happened on the mission. So you agreed to stay at Miguel's place until your injuries healed. It wouldn't take that long for you to get better right?
• Wrong..... you always felt so weak and sleepy after every meal, Miguel made for you from breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even small snacks. You body always ached, you threw up, felt dizzy, and tired. Miguel ran some test and told you that you were sick but didn't know what you were suffering from. When you wanted to leave because you didn't want to be a burden. Miguel shook his head telling you that you weren't a burden that he would take care of you and that he didn't mind the company especially after all he lost. That made you feel sad so you stayed. Miguel bought you anything you wanted to make you feel at home, he even brought your clothes and other items from your apartment which felt weird at first because you didn't give anyone your address.
• While Miguel was gone and didn't come home the usual time he did. You were hungry and Miguel always cooked for you. So you wanted to surprise him and cook a meal for him and you. As you were going through the cabinets. You find a strange green bottle with some purple liquid inside. You ask Lyla about it, as she was painting her nails and not looking at you, she said the ingredients along with the side effects. " Not safe for human consumption, why do you ask? " She called out. Your whole body froze, was Miguel drugging you? Did he plan this whole thing to trap you here. You ran towards the bedroom to look for your watch but couldn't find it.
• " Looking for this corazon, it's rude to leave without saying goodbye or even a thank you mi amor for taking care of me... " You turned to see Miguel holding up your watch. Before you could react, Miguel threw it down and stepped on it. The watch broke into pieces. " oops... " Miguel quickly walked towards you and caged you with his body as your back was pressed against the wall. Tears stream down your face, this had to be a nghtmare. " D-Did you drug me, why did you drug me!? Did you send me on that mission knowing what would happen to me!? " You screamed at Miguel. Who stared at you with those red eyes. " Yes... because I needed to teach you a lesson that you are weak and only I can protect you because..... (Name), I love you~ " you flinch when Miguel strokes your cheek and wipes your tears away. " You are sick... " You said in between panic breathes. " I'm not sick, I was doing what was best for you... for us and you'll understand that soon but let's get you calmed down wouldn't want you to pass out again... " Miguel leans foward as you struggled. Miguel bit down sinking his fangs into your soft skin as you scream. But soon your body froze. " Shhh, te quiero. " Miguel laid you on the bed and left the room.
• You stayed trapped in Miguel's home for weeks. He told the others at the society that you quit and didn't want anyone to contact you since you wanted to retire from being a hero and didn't want any reminders or memories of the society. Of course everyone was upset but respected your wishes, if only they knew that truth. Just because you were kind that didn't mean you don't have a fighting spirit. You always fought to escape and tried taking Miguel's watch but he always overpowered you and knocked you got, always yelling his lungs out at you. " 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙋 fighting me, I'm trying to care for us for you! I don't want to keep fighting you. But you leave me no choice but to do this..... " Those last words from Miguel made your stomach drop. He locked you in a room and only left you a blanket and a mattress. The room had a bathroom but no windows. " I'll let you out when you learn to be a loving partner. " And he left you alone in that dark room. The only time he came back in was to bring you food but said nothing and left.
• Being in that room was driving you crazy and the food wasn't good it was just microwave meals that weren't cooked all the way and the room was cold. You sat there on the mattress crying all day and all night. Screaming for Lyla but she didn't respond because Miguel instructed her not to. After a month you sat there feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally drained. The door opened as the hallway lights burns your eyes. Miguel stood there with his arms out while staring at you, he stood there waiting and you got up. Walking over you hug him tightly. Miguel smirked and hugged back as he planted a kiss on your head. " Have you learned your lesson, do you love me? " He asked while rubbing your back. You nod your head. " Then say it, say you are sorry and that you love me. " Miguel said while hugging you tightly so tight that he could snap you in half. " I'm sorry for being selfish for not appreciating what you do for me, I love you Miguel, please don't send me back into that room, I'll behave, I love you, I love, I love you. " You said in between sobs.
• Miguel smiles and kissed you. " Good, let's go get you properly cleaned up and a good meal~ " Miguel picked you up and did as promised, he gave you a bath, fresh pajamas, and cooked your favourite meal. The two of you even sat on the couch watching your favorite movie. What made Miguel happy was how you cling to him. How whenever he went to the bathroom you would panic and try to follow him. " Don't worry cariño, I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be back watch your movie and be good and I won't put you in the punishment room. " Miguel kissed you and left. That night you laid in bed with him and quickly fell asleep since you were in an actual nice bed. Miguel watched you sleep and was finally happy that you had you.
Part 2 coming soon comment if you wanna be tagged in part 2
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Dancing With Your Ghost: Unexpected Reunion
Miguel O’Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
(Btw credits to whoever drew that spider-man character)
Warnings: angst, spoilers for SpiderMan: Across the Spider-verse, and memory loss-ish
Summary: Miguel was in love with his version of y/n from his universe but that y/n dies bc that’s his cannon, and he meets an alternate version of y/n who is the Spider-Man of his universe, but isn’t in love with Miguel
Quote: “I'm sorry, but you're not ringing any bells"
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Miguel is what some people what call “cold hearted” but he wasn’t always like this. He was happy once. He was in love with y/n l/n. He loved y/n so much. But because he was a Spider-Man, y/n died. He died when that universes’s goblin blew up a building, while y/n was inside of it. It hurts Miguel to think about it. The way he held y/n in his arms while he begged for y/n to stay with him. But Miguel couldn’t undo the inevitable, and y/n died in his arms while he cried for hours.
"Miguel" Jess said, snapping Miguel out of his thoughts.
"Are you okay?" she said.
"Yeah, yeah, just a little tired, what did you want to talk to me about?" Miguel said.
"I found a case where an alternate version of the goblin from another universe got transported to another universe, and is now having a tantrum"
Miguel's blood ran cold at the mention of 'The goblin', the bastard took one of the only people making him happy away from him.
"I know you have some issues with the goblin, but you need to remember that he isn't our goblin-"
"Yeah, whatever let's go" Miguel said, completely ignoring what Jess had to say.
skip to when Miguel is fighting the goblin b/c i'm lazy af
Miguel spent what felt like hours trying to land a single punch on the goblin, each attempt getting him more riled up. All of a sudden another spider-man swooped in and kicked the goblin in the face dead-on.
"I'll take it from here" The masked hero said cockily.
That voice... it sounded familiar, but Miguel couldn't quite put his finger on it. But Miguel had no time to play the guessing game, so he immediately swung over to help fight the goblin.
When Miguel finally caught up to the other spider-man, the goblin had already been defeated.
"it's easy when you're as good as me" said the cocky super-hero, as he cut off Miguel.
"Oh great another narcissistic one" Miguel said as he rolled his eye under his mask.
"I wouldn't call it narcissistic, more like- wait- what do you mean another- oh whatever, who are you and what are you doing here" said that universe's spider-man.
skip to Miguel explaining the whole spider organization
"Does you telling me this mean that I'm apart of this organization now, or are you gonna pull a 'men in black' and erase this from my memory?"
"Yes, you can join" Miguel said in annoyance as he opened the portal.
"Holy shit, very cool.." The masked hero said before walking inside of it.
"Hey, scary boss guy, can i take off my mask, that portal thing is making me feel sick" said the hero.
"Yes" Miguel said as he turned to see what the cocky hero looked like under his mask.
When the spider-man unmasked himself, he was revealed to be y/n.
Miguel couldn't speak, his once dead lover was in front of him.
"Oh I didn't tell you my name did I? My name's-"
"Y/n" Miguel cut him off.
"How did you-"
Y/n was cut off by Miguel hugging the life out of him.
"I missed you so much" Miguel croaked.
"Woah, woah dude I don't even know you" y/n said pulling Miguel away.
Miguel took off his mask, hoping that universe's y/n would notice him.
"I'm sorry, but you're not ringing any bells" y/n said.
"Y/n please, we have to at least been acquainted in your universe" Miguel said with tears in his eyes.
"Uh- you're starting to creep me out" y/n said
"Oh, uh, sorry about him, you just look like someone he used to know" Jess interrupted
"Okay then..." y/n said as he walked past them to explore the place.
"Listen Miguel, I know you loved y/n and he loved you, but that's a different y/n, I don't want to sound harsh, but he probably didn't know you until now, okay? Just know that our y/n loved you." Jess said as the other y/n was out of eye-sight.
Miguel just broke down. The fact that, that y/n will probably never love him like his y/n, He felt like he was re-living the grief he felt when y/n died in his arms.
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spider999sposts · 11 months
...while I kept you like an oath. —Miguel O'Hara
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🕸previous writings: part 1
🕸synopsis: miguel is done keeping you his secret
🕸tags: fem!reader × Miguel O'Hara
🕸warning: suggestive dancing, but that's about it.
🕸authors note: wanted to make up for the asshole miguel in part 1!
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It's been a full week. 7 days, 9 hours, and 10 minutes ever since what had unfolded at his birthday.
And not a single day passed without Miguel watching you.
He had his eyes glued to the monitors every night. Watching you in your own universe. You stopped being a superhero, and surprisingly that did not break the canon, everyone was allowed to take breaks after all.
Everyday he watched you. He watched you go back to your boring job as a photographer in that horrid journalism job some of your variants' kind share. He watched you grab your coffee in the afternoon, and he watched you interact with your co-workers. It made his blood boil whenever he saw one of them flirting or trying to make a move on you, and yet he could do nothing about it.
Events of the last day he saw you played in his head. The words 'I don't want to be with a man who is so horrified to be with me.' played in his head over and over, like it was some broken record. You just didn't get it, did you? Perhaps he was being too rough too. He might be standoffish and harsh, but he was self aware. Once he got over his pride, guilt washed over his senses. He spent two days of the seven trying to convince himself that nothing would happen to him if you never saw each other again.
And now here he was. At 2 AM. Staring at his monitors with blood red eyes. You'd realised early on that he would be watching you through your gizmo, so you turned it off. When you did, he asked Jess to go and set up a small device to make him be able to see you. Jess told him to just talk to you, but he somehow thought this was the better idea.
He rubbed his eyes. In your universe, the time was the same. It was the weekend tommrow, you were watching that god-awful hispanic soap opera you used to watch with him. You had dozed off on the couch, while the TV was still on.
"Um, boss, this isn't healthy.." LYLA chirped. Miguel rolled his eyes and got up, waving her away. She zipped to his other side to avoid having her hologram glitch. "You should speak for once."
"I am just saying. You can't keep watching through monitors like a creeper! Do you know what we do with creepers? We gouge out their peepers—"
"Spare me." He moved away from her, getting off his platform. He knew his little assistant was right though. How come a man who is so obsessed with fixing things in the whole wide multiverse, cannot even muster up the courage to love you as loudly and proudly as he could? And to admit that he's wrong?
He needed to do something. And he needed to come up with it, quick.
Hobie visited you queit often after what transpired. You cried on his shoulder for a while, and he did everything he knew to do to comfort you. In his odd little ways.
Today was no different. You were sitting on your couch, eating some ice cream, when Hobie portalled in. It was an odd way to enter but you've gotten used to his antics.
"Hey, Hobie. Come sit, the show is about to start—"
"Oi, listen.." He sits next to you, his colours changing then finally setting on yellow. "Let's get ya out today, huh? I have a little something planned for you."
"I don't want to go to your punk concerts, Hobie, I get too overstimulated by all the—"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't worry, it ain't that," He couldn't believe he was doing this. Following orders. But he wouldn't do it if he knew it wouldn't help. "Just a little something. Some people in HQ miss you, ya know? We planned a little get together, thats all." That was half the truth at least.
You were a bit suspicious of him, but you put your ice cream aside. "Are there gonna be drinks?"
"Lots of em."
"The Unnamed?"
" 'M starting to think I got you addicted." He laughed, "Come on, get off your bum."
You 'got off your bum' and walked over to your room, changing the oversized shorts and tee to something a little more presentable. You returned after making sure your hair looked well and your face looked okay, noticing Hobie had already opened the portal.
He moved before you both could enter it, putting a blindfold around your eyes. "What's this for?"
"A kink of mine." He joked.
"I am older than you, y'know?"
"Age is a conceptual idea...unless you're a child, or something, then age is good...—I'm saying that children cannot mingle with adults even if age is—"
You laughed at his stumbling, and you patted...his chest? His shoulder? You couldn't really see. "I've got it, Hobie."
You heard him murmur under his breath, then he led you through the portal. You haven't felt this nauseous before, and it wasn't the universe-jumping.
When Hobie said some people in HQ miss you..he couldn't possibly mean him, right?
Your thoughts were intruppted when you felt the cold summer breeze on your bare skin. Hobie's hand left your shoulder, and you felt him move behind you. "Pretty chilly." And queit. A little too much.
When he removed the cloth from around your eyes, you got ingulfed in a tight embrace. By multiple people.
You could see tufts of blonde hair at your shoulder, and a pregnancy bump pressed against your side. There was also something..crawling.
When everyone loosened their grip, Mayday slid right into your arms. "Ah, that's where the crawling was coming from." You chuckled, giving her a little hug. "God, It's been a week and we already miss you." says Jess. She looked glowing. As she has the whole period of her pregnancy. A hand slung around your shoulder, "Yeah, Mayday and I missed you! Mayday especially. You know how she never eats her vegetable puree except when you feed it to her." You chuckled at Peter's comment. "I've missed you too, guys." You reached over and messed up Gwen's hair. After you caught up with your friends, a few other people came over and talked to you.
It was after a few moments that you realised that you were, once again, on the roof of the Spider Society HQ. It was a casual party it seems, like the ones you had every weekend. You looked over at Hobie and raised your brows. He grinned at you, and even though he was trying to play it cool, he knew you had him figured out. His colour changed from the usual grey to a pinkish hue.
"Hobie Brown, did you lure me here just to bring me back to the HQ?"
"A man never tells his secrets."
You chuckled, but took a long pause after. Your eyes met his for a moment.
"Did he tell you to bring me here?"
Hobie's colours went a deeper shade of pink, but he still had that stoic look on his face.
Before he could answer you, Gwen and Pavitir pushed him into the dance floor. He looked at you, almost remorseful. Just almost.
You did not see Miguel anywhere, so you just retreated to the bar, seeing that Lego Spiderman was bartending. You asked for Hobie's drink but he looked clueless to what you just ordered, so you just told him to grab you a soda. When he asked for what kind, you just set your head on the counter.
You could hear him trotting away.
You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to see him, and you knew Hobie probably has good intentions but you didn't want to return. At least this soon.
You sighed, but as soon as you raised your head, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. Your senses were going off. Someone was watching you, and you had a pretty good idea on who it might be. Yet when you looked behind you, you saw nothing but the dancing crowd.
Unknown to you that Miguel was just a few steps away. Dodging your gaze as much as he could.
"Breath unregulated. Heartbeat rate is getting higher—"
"Give it a rest, LYLA."
"Maybe I will, but you need to go before you experience a stroke."
Bothered, he shooed her away, but she just appeared on his other side.
"Rude." She mumbled, adjusting her crooked glasses. "Come onnnn, the hard part was getting this whole thing planned right? And it's going so smoothly."
For an AI built by one of the multiverse's greatest geniuses, she had no idea how hard it was. For a man as prideful as him, admitting he is wrong is the hard part.
He just cleared his throat, and held his head up high as he made his way towards the counter.
He noticed the soda can you were sipping on, and a hum came out of him.
"No odd drinks today, It seems."
You chuckled. Sarcastically. And you didn't look at him.
'Comienzo brillante.' He thought.
He leaned on the counter, trying to get a look at you. You weren't even paying any attention to him. It bothered him, there was a feeling in his chest, clawing at him. He knows he deserves this, every action has its equal opposite reaction.
"You came back to my little club-house." That came out meaner than he meant it to be, but it was not his intention. It got you to go at him though. His features softened. Your eyes had a red hue around them, from all the crying, he presumed.
"I didn't. Hobie dragged me here."
For once in his life, Hobie listened to him. Maybe only because he realised how truly misrable Miguel was when he walked in on him watching you through the monitors.
"But you still came."
"I did not know where he was taking me." You replied shortly, putting down your soda. Miguel hummed, "I told him to bring you here."
That made you shoot a glare at him. Thank god, any reaction to his words was enough for him. It showed him that you still cared.
"Yeah, I guessed."
He raised his leg on the foot of your bar chair, and he leaned closer. This was odd. He was at a very close proximity to you, infront of everyone.
"We need to speak." He said firmly, tilting his head at you. "Do we only need to speak when you decide? What if I don't want to speak with you?" Oh, you were trying to get back at him. He couldn't lie, it irritated him. He was a patient man once, but that was long ago.
"But you do." His red irsis glanced at your lips. He was so close that you could smell his musky cologne. It took every muscle in your body not to react to him. You were furious with him, but you could not help it. Your body gave in naturally to him. Put both of you in the same room, and no matter how much you feel like you hate him, no matter how much he upset you, your attraction to Miguel was almost animalistic. Resisting him was like resisting the tides when the moon was closest to the earth.
Almost impossible.
"I–I don't." You didn't like faltering infront of him. You didn't want to show him how he has this hold on you.
Miguel reached up to your face, pushing a few strands of stray hair behind your ear. It was a gentle gesture, and a very obvious one. You pulled away, "What are you doing–"
"For God's sake–" He sighed when you pulled away. "–I...I'm trying to. I'm trying to do something."
"Do something? Miguel, it's been a week since you saw me and—and—" You stood up, your head at level with his chest. "You tell Hobie to bring me here just to play these mind games—"
"¡Dìos Mìo!, I am trying to apologise!"
That was a little too loud. He slammed his hand on the counter and the clap sound it made made some people turn their heads towards the both of you. But their stares didn't last long, Gwen had quickly moved to change the song as to distract them.
You were both staring at each other now. You were panting. His chest was heaving, you could feel his hot breath on the top of your head.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, a habit he only did when he was so stressed he couldn't think straight. He took in a deep breath, calming himself down. You could see it. How his face contorted and how the veins in his forehead stopped protruding.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled, his fingers brushing against yours. "I'm sorry I called you childish, and made you feel naïve when that is not the case." He looked geniune, as geniune as the night he told you he loved you. "You were pretty reasonable. I was the one who.." He struggled a bit to spit it out, but when he did, a smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. "...who was wrong."
You weighed his words for a moment.
"Okay." is all that came out of your mouth. Miguel felt like that was not enough.
"Yes, okay."
"¿Quieres volverme loco?"
[Do you want to drive me mad?]
You laughed at his question. His harsh features softened at the sound.
"I accept your apology. Is there anything else you wanted to say?" He did not acknowledge your biggest concern. If you were to return to him, you were going to do it on your terms now, not his. And so far, putting aside the face–touching and the finger–brushing, he had not came front with how your relationship was to resume.
Miguel looked across the dance floor, and Hobie gave him a small nod. A song, very familiar to the both of you began playing.
Your eyes widened but you said nothing. Miguel, though, extending his hand to you.
"I owe you a dance,."
"Ah, no, sorry, I can't. You know we can't."
"Aye, Deja de ser terca, hermosa."
[Stop being stubborn, beautiful]
His eyes were practically pleading you. And maybe, just maybe, you couldn't keep up with this tension anymore.
You let him lead you to the dance floor. You felt the eyes of everyone on the both of you. The music got louder.
Miguel's strong arms wrapped around your waist, securing you near him. You both swayed to the beat. His head was lowered enough, you could hear him mumble the lyrics, "Y hemos de darnos un beso...Encerrados en la luna"  He twirled you, then brought you back to his chest. "You're a good dancer." You mumbled to him, and he chuckled. "Thank you."
"And a good singer. Didn't know you liked to sing."
"I don't." His arms tightened around your waist, as his lips brushed against your ear. You gasped, your hand holding onto his bicep. "You can just say, I really like this song."
"Andale, eres secreto de amor..." He twirled you again, his hands seemed to get lower and lower by the minute. First they found the small of your back, then, you felt them around your hips. The beat of the song seemed to have changed completely. It was much more sensual now.
Miguel picked up on that, and he turned you around, hips grinding against yours. The friction made your legs wobble. You set your back against his hard chest, and when you did, he bucked forwards, still very much grinding against you. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, you could see how they were staring. Whispering.
"Miguel, they're watching u—" You felt his lips on your neck. He left a tender kiss under your ear, "I know." He whispered. "I thought—"
"You speak too much." He rasped out, his voice strained. You felt his hands roam around your hips again, and before you could register, he turned you around and set his forehead against yours. "I can't control myself around you. I don't like that." He began, closing his eyes. "I don't like not being in control."
"I know."
"But," His eyes opened, and this time, that look in his eyes that you couldn't decipher from last time was present. But you know what it was now.
Desire. Utter and pure desire.
"I'd rather not lose you over my pride."
That was it for you. You cupped his face, and he instantly knew what to do. With one hand pulling you in by the waist, and the other on your cheek. Your lips collided, and when they did, you forgot about space and time. He kissed you dizzy, like his only mission was to make you forget what he'd done, or at least, to make up for being such an asshole, and by the time he was done, you had already forgiven him.
"Swear on my mother, you need to get a room." came a sound from behind you. You laughed at Hobie's comment, but Miguel did not. However, he flashed you a playful, boyish grin. "For once, he is right."
"Scientifically, it would make us feel better." His large palms squeezed your hips, and you squealed a little. "And you know, we should do it to make sure there are no negative underlying feelings."
"It would break the multiverse if we don't do it."
"And of course, the.." You imitated his voice, making it sound deeper than it actually is. "..'fate of the multiverse' is more important than everything, no?"
He cupped both your cheeks again, this tenderness was new. You could get used to this. "Not everything." He whispered.
There was a cold metal against your warm skin, you took a glance at his hand and smiled.
"You kept it."
"Ah, yes, my 'fucking' birthday gift." You shared a laugh, continuing to sway. He pulled a similar box to the one you gave him from his pocket, and handed it to you. You furrowed your brows, "What for?"
"Consider it an apology."
When you opened it, there was a ring similar to his. A promise ring just like the one you gave him.
Engraved inside was today's date. There were words engraved inside of it as well.
'Till the multiverse do us part.'
"You don't like it?"
"Very corny for a man like you."
"You're the one who gave me a promise ring first. We are not 17."
"And yet, you still wear it."
He chuckled at your remark.
"And yet, I still wear it."
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Question: Why doesn't Peter use his watch to go get Gwen?
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We see Miguel basically dismiss Peter, leaving Peter to his own devices. The scene cuts to Miles for a while - and look at the next time we see Peter:
He uses a portal to get home.
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Okaayyy...... So, your watch is working?
Cause I know you ain't get in the Go-Home Machine. So... Your watch is working??
That's how he got home, no? Typing his universe into his watch and going home.
I mean.. surely.. couldn't he just.. go see Gwen? Like how he could've gone and saw Miles?
Surely, he - one of the only people who knows Miles address - should be looking for Miles. Or Gwen, who was just assaulted in front of him.
We have no indication there's anything wrong with Peter's watch, nor that it's disabled.
As far as we know how watch is fine. There's nothing to imply it isn't.
But he uses his functioning watch to go home - and then he does nothing.
And look, MJ even asks:
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And Peter tries to play it off??? And also 'ANOTHER FIGHT'. He's done this before.
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Why didn't he tell MJ the fight he took MayDay to was AGAINST MILES?
Not only has he 1) brought MayDay in fights MULTIPLE times but he's 2) refused to acknowledge his involvement in what just happened.
He claims Miles saved his marriage and influenced him having a child - but he sees Miles get hunted - most likely goes home with technology that could help Miles, and then fails to even show concern or at least let MJ know what was happening.
Peter has no reason to lie or downplay the situation to MJ. He just wants to for some very odd reason.
Because he doesn't want to look like a bad mentor. Seriously, that's all he cares about.
Seriously, Peter B isn't a good guy.
He made no attempt to help Gwen, he's pretty fine with endangering MayDay, he basically avoids the question when MJ asks - AND his watch seems to be completely fine.
Why didn't he just... Go to Gwen's universe. From what we know Lyla isn't watching ALL the time, because Lyla didn't know how close Gwen got to Miles until Gwen admitted it to Jess.
So we can assume that if that watch can just go places when it's not specifically locked -
Because Hobie randomly turns turn in Mumbattan wearing a Miguel-issued watch, not his own. So that implies that when they travel, Lyla isn't directly monitoring them at every moment/authorizing every jump.
Why not go and see Gwen? Why not try to find Miles? Or at the very very very least -
Why not just tell MJ?
I feel like him lying to MJ - a person with no stake in this race - indicates that for Peter, this whole mentorship is about ego and proving he's competent enough to be a mentor or a dad - rather than actually DOING the things that requires, like keeping MayDay safe or going after Gwen.
It seems every time I think about it I have more of a reason to question Peter B.
So you can take your watch and go home, but you won't use it to go find Gwen AND you lie to MJ about taking your daughter to a fight AGAIN and fail to mention that fight was against a CHILD you personally know.
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That's not very heroic sir.
But no. He's just worried about whether or not he's 'good at this mentor thing' - his words, not mine.
And y'all want me to clap for him. No sir. No no no.
All my Hobies hate Peter B (not a typo).
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thelivingautomaton · 7 months
alright, since the Remedy brainworms got me I've been replaying Control, got to the AWE expansion last night and picking up on all the echoes/foreshadowing for Alan Wake 2 is making me go utterly bonkers, but like. has anyone picked up on or talked about how in all of Alan's Hotline messages to Jesse, when he's writing about her POV, he exclusively calls her 'Faden'
like, maybe it didn't poke my brain the first time I played it since he does the same thing when talking about Hartman, but coming from AW2 it's pretty jarring as a stylistic oddity...almost like there's a reason (in-universe and/or out-of-universe) that he doesn't call her 'Jesse'...almost like there's only one Faden in his story...
and given how in AW2 we also get some (quasi-) clarification regarding the limits of Alan's ability to "make stuff up" vs alter and rewrite "real-world" events that he sees in clairvoyant flashes...given the Night Springs screenplay pages you can find in AWE that parallels the FBC and the events of Control (i.e. a Director and a Scientist opening a portal to another dimension, finding an eldritch Entity, the Director trying to take its power for himself and then getting taken over before shooting himself)...given how literally all of the "dreams" Dylan tells Jesse about are descriptions/viewings of stuff that takes place on one level of reality or another ("I was the director and you were an intern"; "we were in a game, and it was a fucking boring game but you couldn't stop playing it"; Mister Door, and "a world with a writer writing about a cop, and another world where the writer was real"; a "musical" about Jesse), except, seemingly, the dream about "Jesse Dylan Faden"...
guys. are you picking up what I'm putting down here. guys. GUYS
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tonyfier83 · 12 days
Quick little doodles I was able to gather up and my original character….boo👎
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More about Annia bc I LOVE going on rants
My headcannons and stories are flawed, but whatever
Two things:
One, I have an absolutely insane headcannon (borderline AU) that Xara is technically Lukas’ mother…not just because I love Xara.
“She’s an Admin, she’s technically everyone’s mom! 😡” …Duh. No, I mean in the sense she got to create Lukas firsthand which was a HUGE deal because Fred was prominently the creator of life. She was ecstatic about it so she tried raising him like a mother, even though she wasn’t supposed to. I imagine when Romeo geeked out and threw Xara into the institute he put Lukas with existing adults like every other kid. Lukas didn’t remember shit, there’s no way in hell he was conscious at the time.
I know if this were more realistic Romeo would’ve killed Lukas…because he’s Romeo…but I like to think he was peeved about Xara trying to raise a kid when she had ‘better things do to as an admin’; so throwing Lukas into an actual home was a huge relief; it followed ‘rules’ and pissed off Xara. Good job (?) on Romeo’s part because letting other people raise Lukas upset Xara more so than the idea of him dying.
Yes, I KNOW that doesn’t make sense, hear me out. If Xara can’t have her kid, no one can, that’s her mentality.
Two, Annia is a mirrored/Alternate Universe version of Lukas. Yeah…
Annia is what would’ve happened to Lukas if he stayed with Xara. Also she’s transfem/a transwoman because that seemed like a really neat detail to add to her character.
Imagine Zira and Kovu from Simba’s Pride. That’s basically Xara and Annia.
Despite the fact, if Annia were to actually be in MCSM, she wouldn’t play a big role at all. She’d be a one-off villain like PAMA or Cassie; basically just not as significant as the Admins. She wouldn’t be something the Order face together either. Jesse’s story finished at the end of Season 2; he’s away, Annia is everyone else’s problem. The idea is she escaped from the portal hall (by a freak accident Harper and Ivor ignited. I’m not slandering them, I adore those two🤭) and stumbled into the world we follow throughout most of the series.
She doesn’t know who she has to go after to get to this world’s Romeo, but she will do ANYTHING to bring him to justice.
…Yes, her story is basically pointless because Romeo is already dead.
Like…I know you can choose to save Romeo in the last episode of S2, but he probably got ripped to shreds while looking for Xara
Or he found Xara and got ripped to shreds by her. Regardless, he’s DEAD.
Anyway, folks start disappearing in populated areas, from Champion City, in between, and Beacontown. Annia is going through these people one by one, interrogating them for information and dismembering those who don’t tell her what she wants to hear (the dismembered bodies explode and disappear bc we’re in Minecraft…like…there isn’t anything too graphic). Eventually word goes around in Beacontown and Lukas doesn’t do shit at first. He is SET on settling down and letting someone else deal with this. Then stuff gets REAL bad.
So on so forth, Annia and Lukas fight, Lukas almost dies, Annia does die, blah, blah, blah…
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protectanattac · 10 months
Pulling Strings For You | Part 3
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Part 1 Part2
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Reader/Female OC (POC) Word count: 3070 Summary: You finally arrive at headquarters and learn a little bit about how things go. Warnings: violence (light gore), mentions of death, hints at depression, eventual smut (minors dni!!)
AN: Sorry for the VERY long wait but it's here!!
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[2:30 pm, Thursday, Chicago, Universe 4655]
“Did you drug me?” You questioned, backing up slowly. “I swear I’ll kill you.”
Your back hit the wall as you watched the portal swirl open. It illuminated the room with red, orange, and yellow hues like the sun. You couldn’t see far into the portal, just part of the twisting tunnel it led to.
“Literally, when would I have done that?” Jess asked you, clearly amused by your panicked appearance.
Her casual demeanor was doing nothing to ease your current impending panic attack. All it did was make you wonder why you were dumb enough to invite a crazy person into your home. Everything was hitting you like a freight train. You never believed in the multiverse; the thought of it even scares you a little. And now it was displayed in front of you: a portal that travels into a completely different universe. Or so she says.
“This can't be real!” You shouted, your arms coming up to hug yourself.
Jess was now full-blown laughing at you. You started to become pissed and played with the idea of kicking her towards it and hopping out of your window. 
Jess walked up to the portal and pointed. "Here it is," she said. "You said you were coming, so here I am." She shrugged and leaned in, sticking one of her hands into the portal.
You expected it to burst into flames or fall off, but Jess just pulled her hand out of the portal and gave you a thumbs-up, giggling. Jess calmed her giggles to assure you that you wouldn't spontaneously combust.
“See, look, all five fingers too! Now let's go.” She paused before walking in. “Or are you scared?” Jess teased and crossed her arms over her chest.
Reluctantly, you shook your head and lifted your body off the wall you clung to, and stood tall. You were a scientist. A damn good one too, and you weren’t going to let your fear hold you back from experiencing this. You owed it to Joy. 
You took a cautionary step forward and felt the surge of energy emanating from the portal like it was sucking you in. A nervous look flashed over your face. Jess put her arm over your shoulders and locked eyes with you. 
“It was hard for me, too, the first time. Don't worry, though. We are going to take everything slow,” Jess said and winked.
“Oh, fuck you,” You said and pushed her out of the way.
You attempted to walk into the portal. In your brain, you expected to walk through and you’d be at the Spider-HQ in no time. This wasn’t the case though. You found yourself falling forward. It felt like you were falling endlessly through space, or at least that's what it seemed until you’d finally opened your eyes.
The portal stretched into a long tunnel that you were being pulled through. Once you adjusted to the flow of the current, you positioned yourself in a bullet position. You pinned your arms to your sides as you allowed the current to flow around you aerodynamically. Seeing much more now that you weren't uncontrollably spinning was a relief.
There was an entire network of portals; you could see other Spider-People darting through them. It was an extraordinary sight. The emotions it evoked were a confusing mix of happiness and melancholy. Tears began to pool in your eyes at the thought of Joy not being able to experience something so extravagant. At the sound of Jess’ voice, you’re forced to blink those tears away and refresh your thoughts.
“Hey, you're a natural. I told you it would be fine.”
You turned to look at her, and she flew next to you. Jess looked down at her watch and then turned back towards you. You were too busy trying to take in the entire situation to process her compliment, too busy making a mental note to take pictures on the way back.
A sudden bend in the portal knocks you off balance, and you start to wobble in the air. Jess gripped your shoulder, helping guide you through, the two of you now moving in sync. You could see yourself nearing the end of the portal and felt a bit of panic settle in your chest.
“It's fine. I got ya.” Jess gave you a warm smile.
You dove through the end of the portal with Jess’s guidance and closed your eyes when you made it to the endpoint, still nervous about allowing yourself to experience everything fully. It was a quick movement the way you dropped into the other universe. One second, you were flying confidently; the next, you were shooting a web to the ceiling of some room in the headquarters so you could drop down on the floor smoothly.
[12:30pm, Saturday, Nueva York, Universe 928B]
You peered down to see Jess already standing below you, waving you down. Your hands still gripped the thin web you stuck on the ceiling when you crossed the portal's threshold. Before dropping down, you looked around and then allowed yourself to lower, landing perfectly and standing back up.
The room was vast and empty, your footsteps echoing off the walls as you explored. It was both meeting and failing your expectations. You’d half-anticipated a load of guards, mad scientists, or at least a place buzzing with activity. But instead, it was just this one large, expensive-looking room filled with expensive-looking equipment. Even the floor felt like it was made of money.
The place had an eerie calmness to it. It was a lab, you suspected. There was a few desks, all carrying different equipment, sprawled throughout the area. Further into the room, you could see a platform with equipment larger than all the others. You could hear someone or something shuffling on the platform and squinted, trying to get a better look.
“Are you going to come down?” Jess called out to the person on the platform.
You watched as the shadowed figure stood tall from their desk and shifted past an array of monitors. When the figure came fully into view, standing at the edge of the floating platform that towered over the room, you immediately recognized who it was, your eyebrows raising. Miguel. He was still in his mask. You got lost in thought as you wondered if he’d ever take it off and fully reveal himself. The platform lowered slowly; it startled you out of your head, and you crossed your arms in front of yourself.
Jess looked over at you and smiled at your body language. People always had mixed reactions to Miguel's work methods and always had differing opinions on everything he did. Jess could tell that Miguel's dramatics weren’t impressing you, and she liked that. Quietly, you waited for Miguel's long descent to end, a bored display of emotion on your face.
The platform locked into place with a soft click as it stopped. Miguel stepped down from the platform and walked towards you and Jess. You watched Miguel’s hand extending toward you and took it, shaking it gently. A soft breath escaped your lips as you noted the strength of his grip. His hand was large and warm, and it enveloped yours almost completely. He had a firm handshake, but it wasn’t too firm. It was just right. 
Internally, Miguel had been a bit worried that you wouldn’t shake his hand and he would be stuck trying to get you to listen to him. But so far, that hadn’t been an issue. You shook his hand and listened to him start his speech.
There was something different about Miguel this time. It was as if his entire energy had been recalibrated, and he had suddenly remembered that he was Spider-Man. He moved and spoke confidently, so smoothly and precisely that you wondered if he had rehearsed the speech or if he had been on drugs the first time you met. This was definitely not the same man that you'd seen get thrown down a flight of stairs.
“There are infinite universes where we all exist. Infinite ones where we don't. We work together here to do what we can to help our worlds,” Miguel stated with a tone of righteousness and determination.
You followed him through the corridors, entering a smaller hallway. Jess followed closely behind, tapping and swiping at the holographic her watch projected. Occasionally you glanced back at her, noticing her eyes shifting between you and Miguel and the watch. It seemed like she was keeping an eye on the two of you to make sure Miguel hadn’t said anything to piss you off. 
As you walked and listened to Miguel, you noted how sequestered his area was. As you entered the highly lit, white-walled hallway, it felt like you were entering a different universe. The contrast between the hallway and Miguel's room (or what you’d call it– a dungeon) made your eyes sore from the sudden piercing light.
“Infinite worlds?” You asked. It came out quicker than you thought it would.
Miguel turned and stole a curious glance at you, continuing through the hall.
“Yes. Infinite worlds,” Miguel answered matter-of-factly.
If you were shocked or astonished by all of this, you did a damn good job hiding it. He had seen that before, so that wasn’t shocking. He wasn’t the only genius spider-person; the multiverse constantly reminded him of that. So if you weren't impressed with the fact the multiverse was real, that made sense.
Miguel couldn't tell whether you were amazed or not. He wasn’t surprised if you already knew about the existence of the multiverse. Miguel wasn't the only genius spider person; the multiverse constantly reminded him of such. So if you weren't impressed– which you were– with the fact the multiverse was real, that made sense. 
“Seems like quite the workload,” You said and shrugged your shoulders, squinting at the light. 
Miguel didn’t give your comment much of a reaction besides a slight nod.
“Yes. It’s– that’s not the point right now.’ After what seemed like a never-ending walk, you finally stopped at two large, double doors. “This might be a bit overwhelming, but I assure you this a calm day,” Miguel warned.
Jess met at your right side, a small smile displayed on her lips. With Lyla’s help, the grand doors opened. A flood of chatter and shuffling filled your ears, and your eyes widened, breath catching in your throat. The noise was overwhelming, but you quickly adjusted to the levels.
“Holy fuck,” You whispered under your breath.
This area was completely different from Miguel’s. It was even more significant, scattered with many different people, animals, robots, etc. Various walkways spanned from one end of the building to the other, all in different directions and heights. It was incredible. The lobby was just like the highways in your universe. The walkways were gray and highly populated. But thankfully, without the cars.
You watched Miguel enter the traffic, people parting and making their way around him. You, on the other hand, remained in your spot next to Jess. The sheer amount of people was mind-boggling. Jess couldn’t help but smile at your appalled expression. The existence of the multiverse was already a lot to take in, but seeing so many spider-people gathered in one place and united in their mission was truly impressive.
You turned your head to the side slightly, keeping your eyes focused on Miguel and the crowd. “All these are members?” You asked quietly, realizing you must walk through the sea of people.
“Well, yeah, but this is just our Saturday crew mostly. Others are just passing by, doing upgrades, using and trading resources,” Jess explained, gesturing to the room.
Miguel patiently waited for you to move. He didn’t seem rushed or annoyed with you at all. In fact, he found it somewhat entertaining that he could see through your tough, sarcastic exterior. It gave him a glimmer of hope.
You took a slow, tentative step into the lobby, hoping no one would notice your labored breathing. With Jess following behind, Miguel gave you a slight nod and began moving again. As you walked past the members of the society, he noted little important things about them to you (mainly just names and where they stand in his little gang). Some spider people waved as you walked by, and some even walked up to you, introducing themself. Everyone was unique, making you feel like a kid in a candy store– excited and curious about what was to come.
As Miguel and Jess discussed potential tech upgrades and a training area, a robot suddenly materialized in front of you in a swirl of purple and pink. You stopped in your tracks and turned to Jess for an explanation. Before you could get a word out, the girl spoke.
“Hey, I’m Margo. It's nice to meet you!” The girl extended her hand toward you.
You turned back toward her, eyes squinting slightly. You didn't make a move at first, trying to decide if she was a threat. Settling on the fact she probably meant no harm, you shrugged and extended your hand to meet hers. 
“Nice to meet you.” You shook her hand and froze when a thought popped into your head.
You turned towards your left to look at Miguel.
“Why do you have two different A.I’s?” you asked, dropping Margo’s hand.
There was a small laugh that came from the right of you. Margo rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. You didn’t see the humor in the situation.
“Girl, what?” Margo asked, partially annoyed with your assumption.
“She’s n–” Miguel began to explain but got cut off.
“–not an AI,” Margo finished.
Margo gave a look that read, ‘Who the fuck is this?’. Jess returned her gaze with a small smile and tapped on her not-shoulder.
“Did you make her say that?” You asked and looked Margo up and down. You weren’t too sure, and to be fair, you had seen a lot of technological advances you never thought you’d live to see.
“I’m not even gonna get into this– here, you need this.” Margo huffed and handed you a blue wristband.
“What is this?” You took the wristband from her and inspected it.
“A wristband we give to guests to identify them… And make them feel more at home.” Margo had a smile for the first time since the convo started.
“Oh, wow. Thank you so much,” You said, not making an effort to sound sincere. Discretely, you tucked the bracelet into the top of your suit and gave her a slight nod.
Margo rolled her eyes before a half-mask covered her face. She waved to Jess and gave Miguel a 
small salute.
“Bye, Jess,” Margo said, her voice still wearing the sound of leftover irritation.
“Bye, hun. Be safe,” Jess said, smiling at her.
Margo looked toward Miguel and gave him a small salute. Miguel didn’t return the action. He opted to give her a nod.
“For sure, Miguel,” Margo said.
“Goodbye. I’ll see you later in the lab,” Miguel said.
Margo disappeared without a trace, leaving you bewildered and wondering if she was some sort of advanced hologram. However, you couldn't dwell on it for too long as Miguel swiftly advanced with a clear goal.
[2:00pm, Saturday, Nueva York, Universe 928B]
“We don’t have anything like that here,” You said, leaning into the machine.
Just as you decided to reach out to touch the instrument, your body seemed to crumple. Your hands held your abdomen, and you looked at your feet. They began to flicker, each time flashing a new color. You could've sworn they even left you briefly because you felt like you were suddenly falling. Instinctively, your hands hit the ground first to protect your face from the impact.
Jess immediately came to your aid, and you heard Miguel let out a slight chuckle behind her. You shot him a serious glare and coughed a bit. 
“What the hell was that?” You asked angrily, staring up at him from the floor.
“I’m not sure why that’s happening. You're wearing the wristband Margo gave you, right?”
“I have it,” You replied.
You reached into your suit, pulled out the wristband, and showed it to him. Miguel rolled his eyes and took a step closer to you. For a second, you thought about scooting away but decided against it. He took the wristband from you and held it for you to slide on.
“No, no, tsk. You have to wear it. It stops you from glitching,” He explained.
“Well, why didn’t she just say that? Is there any other freaky shit I should know about?” You asked and slipped on the wristband.
Miguel shook his head as he grabbed your hand and helped you to your feet. He was careful with you, but it felt like he was lifting a feather. The feeling of Miguel's warm hand and his strength as he lifted you with ease left a strange warm feeling in your stomach.
“Sometimes it gets a bit violent at the cafe when they run out of burgers,” Miguel joked.
You could hear a smile in his voice as he spoke, but you couldn’t see it. You wished you could.
“Ooo, we should get those after this,” Jess suggested.
“Sure. Is my body going to make it down the hallway?” You sassed Jess and crossed your arms.
Jess knew you didn't mean to back-talk her and were just joking about the awkward situation. Miguel, on the other hand, didn’t fully understand the fact you were kidding and felt a bit offended by the question.
“Your body is perfect,” Miguel replied plainly.
He regretted it as soon as it left his mouth. The words hung awkwardly in the air, and Jess did everything she could not to burst into a fit of laughter, but once you started giggling softly, there was no going back.
“Ay Coño,” He mumbled to himself.
Miguel flushed immediately and was grateful for his mask. Jess gave him two pats on the shoulder as he tried to regain his typical temper.
“As long as you keep this on, it will keep your body from trying to erase itself from our universe,” Miguel continued, keeping his flat tone.
“Jeez, that’s not frightening at all,” You said, nodding slowly. 
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 9, "Run Away Little Boy"
You can read my previous reviews here.
You know what we haven't had the joy of experiencing in a couple of eps? Dean Forrester acting like a jealous, irrational fucklehead. This episode will deliver him in spades. Welcome back, Fucklehead. Welcome back. This episode is a real doozy.
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It's Henry! Yay! We stan Henry/ship Henry & Lane here at TWWGG. We learn Tristan has just returned from school after he was suspended. He fell in with some bad apples who aided him in taking apart and re-assembling a teacher's car inside of the school hallway. Huh? But actually, they just paid some mechanics to do it? Double huh? So he literally OUTSOURCED a prank? Jess Mariano would NEVER.
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While attempting to enjoy a burrito in peace at the Business School vending machines, Lorelai encounters a time traveling bro from the distant 2010's who entertains her with unsolicited conspiracy theories about how one day we're all going to be slaves to machines, cut off from human contact. Hey, wait a minute... Lorelai brushes his off his totally inaccurate prediction.
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Nothing I'd love to experience more than going on a date with a 24 year old dudebro who will unload conspiracy theories on me for 2 hours while I try to eat. Let's delve into the Rory portion of this episode. English teacher gives the class an assignment to form groups and act out a scene from Romeo & Juliet. Predictably, Rory ends up with Paris, Louise, and Madelyn (and eventually, Brad), with Paris at the helm of the group, being her usual godawful nightmare self, and they eventually end up at Rory's house to work on the project.
Why does this feel familiar? Oh, yes. It's because in the not so distant past, Paris, Rory, Louise and Madelyn were forced to work together on a school project where they had to form a government with Paris at the helm, being her godawful nightmare self and ended up at Rory's house to work on the project. Diet Logan (aka Tristan) barges into the first planning session of the play at school and through the art of some manipulative mental gymnastics (MMG) he hijacks the part of Romeo away from Brad, leaving Rory to end up as Juliet to Diet Logan's Romeo, much to Rory's displeasure. "Diet Logan & Juliet" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Louise: I can be Juliet. Paris: You can't be Juliet. Juliet is supposed to be chaste. OUCH. Sookie to Michel after presenting him with a plate of blueberry pancakes: "Raise your right hand and say, "May Destiny's child break up if I count these blueberries." It took another 6 years for Destiny's Child to break up, but still. I guess he counted the blueberries.
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Wow, this shirt is the most gorgeous color. It's true, she does name everything, including Luke's toolbox. Speaking of. We interrupt this squeaky clean WB Network show for another extended conversation involving penis metaphors. Lorelai is talking to Sookie about moving on from Max to going out to dinner with the Time Traveler.
Lorelai: We have this bit going about me stealing his burrito. Sookie: "Stealing his burrito"? Oh, you kids! Lorelai: No, a real burrito. Sookie: You've stolen his burrito! Rory is telling Lorelai that the theater group has decided to meet at her house (again), which means Diet Logan will be coming to town, so, sadly and predictably, Rory is now fretting over Diet Logan running into Dean and telling him that they kissed at that party and that Dean will be upset that Rory was hiding it from him, so she has to get ahead of DL and tell Dean first. Run, Rory, run...ahhh. Fuck it. I give up. You're on your own girl. Lorelai: Try it out on me first. Pretend I'm Dean.
The only person who'd ever dare to utter such cursed words. I'm surprised she didn't open up some portal to the Underworld by saying that out loud.
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No, that won't do it. Try to sound more constipated.
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But it's always a good time for Dean to yell at Rory, right Mom?
Lorelai: I know you are Miss Honesty, I've seen the banner. But this is going to screw up this really good thing you have going right now! I swear for someone who is all up in every inch of Rory's business it feels like Lorelai lives on another planet from her daughter and not the same house. Lorelai then proceeds to do the worst Dean/ JarPad impression in the history of ever, turning him into some deep voiced narcissist obsssed with his hair who says "cool" over and over? I'll cut her some slack. It is pretty hard to do an impression of someone with no personality whatsoever. Let me try: *deep voice* I built you a car! I wear the same stupid leather jacket every day that probably smells! Saying I love you doesn't get you pregnant! My mom cooks dinner for us every night! Hur hur hur. Better.
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Coping tactics while watching episodes with both Dean and Diet Logan. Rory: Where's Tristan? Louise: He went to the market for cigarettes. As if we didn't already know he was bad. Sooo bad he has to outsource his pranks. Can anyone else actually picture Taylor Doose selling cigarettes? He sells pregnancy tests and that already feels too scandalous for Taylor and Stars Hollow. No less "illicit substances" like tobacco.
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*long agonized groan of despair* Both of you should jump on the Tide Pod craze 15 years ahead of time.
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Wowwww. I have no words. (Diet Logan is the flour dropper).
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Uh oh, DL. Dean's doing that thin-lipped thing again. You should be scared.
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This little shit. This little bug. I want to squash him under my shoe. Gonna call this the Rinse and Repeat becasue it happens in every episode: Rory swoops in and drags Dean outside. Having heard almost none of the conversation happening between DL and Dean, she makes an assumption that they were arguing about her, and immediately starts apologizing profusely to Dean. While his lips get super thin and his face gets scowly and constipated. He blathers angrily at her for having the gall not to tell him she was in a play with a male classmate (we didn't even get to the part about the kissing yet).
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Dean's mom should have swallowed. Then Dean threatens to strangle DL to death with his apron strings because that's very a rational response to hearing that your girlfriend is in a fictional, mandatory school play with a classmate. Although I'm not gonna lie, I was mere seconds away from writing that I hoped Dean would get strangled by his stupid apron. I'm allowed to think he should drink laundry detergent. It's okay when I think it.
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Rinse and Repeat. No really. This is just so, so sad. Let me guess, Lorelai's going to hear what happens later and she'll think Dean's reaction sounded cute. I'm putting my money down on this. Let me repeat: Rory is not apologizing to Dean for for kissing DL. She still hasn't told him about that yet. She's apologizing to Dean because she was given a school project which is 50% of her grade to put on a scene from a play where Romeo was originally going to be Brad, and she never wanted Tristan in the play in the first place, he hijacked it and forced his way in. She forgot to tell Dean she would be working on a school project with a classmate Dean doesn't happen to like and who is a male. That is why she's apologizing.
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Me putting a whole two dollars on Lorelai having a completely wrong reaction to the events that are unfolding.
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Little too late, Bucko. Your mom should have a retroactive abortion. This tactic Dean always uses on Rory where he belittles her and then when he runs out of steam he suddenly does a u-turn, gets all "nah I guess it's not your fault actually" all fake-like with contempt for her in his voice gives me chills. It's manipulative, and abusive.
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Look at this pathetic puppy face after Dean treats her like dog shit and then tries to kiss her like nothing happened! This is the most pitiful thing I've ever seen. Why am I in tears for her! She's fictional! Ahhhh! Dean tells Rory he's going to take a walk and she has to kick DL out of the store herself. I hope Dean encounters a rabid mountain lion on his walk. A mountain lion with a taste for the flesh of teenage boys who treat their girlfriends like last week's garbage.
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Here it comes. *grabs a bag of vintage Doritos and waits in fevered anticipation for whatever idiotic thing is about to come out of Lorelai's mouth*
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No alarm bells whatsoever are going off in Lorelai's mind that her teenage daughter had to "pull apart" her boyfriend and her classmate to prevent them from fighting. Again, this is the second time in a short period of time that Dean and Tristan nearly killed each other. Lastly, what Rory actually says here is "I pulled them apart without any bloodshed." Allow me to summarize Lorelai's response:
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Heh heh. I win. *collects money*
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Guess the mountain lion spat him out.
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Damn too bad you didn't choke on a chicken bone.
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We're well aware of his domestic mother. Try to keep up with the rest of the class, Lorelai. Rory (like she's just learning this today as well): That's so nice. Uh?
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Dean insists on attending the play reharsals even though Rory and Lorelai repeatedly try to tell him she doesn't need him there. Lorelai just smiles at it all and says "Dean is fine" as he gets up to leave. So now not one but two people have hijacked their way into this play against Rory's will. (later): Rory to Tristan: Dean's coming to rehearsal tonight. DL: Can they spare him? I heard they're having a run on baked beans. That's such a stupid comeback but I'm heartily laughing. Just sitting here thinking about stupid Dean Forrester the stock boy stacking cans of beans, and then maybe the cans topple over and suffocate him and then they bring in those dogs that sniff for people buried under rubble and even though the dogs find him they pretend they don't and ignore him.
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Again, I'm going to miss the Rory that says "shut up" to people. Rory asks Diet Logan not to tell Dean that they kissed at Madelyn's party, but DL didn't even remember it happened, so if she had just kept her mouth shut things would be hunky dory. My girl really just dug her own grave here. DL: I won't tell Dean, he's gonna find out anyway. As soon as he sees us kiss on stage it's gonna be pretty obvious it's not the first time. I'm a good actor but I can't hide that kind of passion. I hope a wall of lockers topples on top of him, and then they bring the dogs in that sniff out bodies that are buried underneath the rubble, but they ignore him, and... etc. etc. etc. Ran out of screen shots, part 2 in another post, you know the drill.
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dailyunstableeve · 9 months
Under The Spell
Chapter (2/9)
Miguel O'Hara x My oc (Eve)
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"C'mon Miguel, sing with me!" Eve passed Miguel a mic and had the music blasting in the room.
They're having their first hang out, Miguel doesn't have any ideas on what activity they could do so he lets Eve be the one who picks. And Eve decided to go to the karaoke.
Eve loves to sing, for her, songs could let her feel closer to her family.
"Wait, I haven't even queued this song yet," Eve frowned, looking at the TV, it's playing 'American Pie'.
"You said you love that song, I wanna hear you sing the whole song," Miguel looked at Eve.
"Gosh, how can I say no to this handsome face."
The whole song lasted for eight minutes long, Miguel just watched how Eve danced along with the music, her voice. Miguel didn't know he's enchanted by Eve's voice, he found that he loved Eve's voice.
Before he finally loosened up a little, he remembered the mistake he had made, ruined a whole universe and her daughter, disappeared in his arms.
The three hour karaoke ended quicker than Eve thought, maybe it's because she was singing most of the time and lost track of time.
"Let's go grab dinner," Eve suggested, she just wanted to spend more time with Miguel.
Miguel nodded, but his phone started to ring, he had no choice but to answer it because it's 'Jess'.
"Sorry," Miguel apologized and turned around, answered the phone.
"We need your help, get your ass here right now!" Eve could hear Jess' voice through the speaker, even Miguel is not on speaker.
"Alright," Miguel turned back to Eve, "I'm sorry-"
"It's all right, your speaker is quite loud," she chuckled, "go now, I bet it's urgent."
A bitter smile appeared on Eve's face. For once, Miguel is bothered by it but he still walks away to Jess' urgent call.
Miguel showed up after two minutes Jess called. With Miguel showing up, they manage to beat down the anomaly before it gets out of hand.
As Miguel asks Lyla to scan the area to check there's no more anomaly, Jess is just staring at Miguel. Once Miguel is done, he only notices Jess was staring at him all this time.
"What?" Miguel throws the anomaly in the portal.
"Ever since that incident, you've been acting really strange, like way more strange than you normally are," Jess sighed, "and now, you are nowhere to be found in the building."
"Oh, you care about that?" Miguel looked at Jess, with his head looking down a little.
"You basically let the spider-men join the society and these days, you weren't even doing anything about it, and everyone is asking me what exactly is the society for? Miguel, if you want to keep the spider verse to go as exactly it should be, get your ass back in that office."
"Ya, you'll be an excellent mom when the baby comes out," Miguel didn't even look back and walk in the portal.
"Was that sarcasm?" Jess exclaimed and walked in the portal as well.
"You're telling me this is the reason he's not picking up calls?" Jess whispered to Lyla.
"He's been meeting up with that lady for quite some time now," Lyla said, "weirdly enough, I can't get any identity from that girl."
"Maybe she's not around here."
"Eve Ashby, family died years ago," Lyla finally was able to find some information about Eve, "she doesn't have any crime record, she even graduated from university and took extra courses for writing, language."
"So she's a smart ass."
"If you put it like that," Lyla said.
"Wait, where they go?"
Miguel and Eve disappeared from Jess and Lyla's sight, Jess hopped on the roof and started looking for Miguel and Eve.
They didn't know that, Eve pulled Miguel to a hidden alley, and they were kissing. Yeah, kissing.
Here's the recap:
It has been over five months ever since Eve and Miguel met, they started hanging out every once a week, slowly it turned to twice a week, three days, four days and five days. They basically just meet up five days out of seven, which leads to why Jess and Lyla are spying on them because Miguel rarely shows up.
"So, when can I go to your work place? I wanna see where you work," Eve asked as she's eating the cotton candy.
"Outsider can't get in," Miguel answered, knowing that if Eve saw hundreds of Spiderman in just one building, would freak her out.
"Then, sign me in," Eve begged, "my job's salary is getting less, like there's no business at all," Eve complained.
"I'll see what I can do."
Eve noticed that Miguel was looking at her cotton candy, she pulled Miguel into an alley, as she leaned on the wall, she looked up at Miguel's face, he's shocked by how Eve just easily pulled him in the alley. Eve took the cotton candy out of the stick, "eat it before it melted," then she put it on her lip, Eve didn't just eat it all, she had a bit of the cotton candy sticking out of her lip, hinting Miguel to eat it. Miguel hesitated for a bit and leaned towards Eve, eating the cotton candy slowly, and slowly, their lips connected.
Miguel could taste the sweetness on Eve's lip, must've been the cotton candy that melted on her lip just now, which makes him can't stop, he wanted to taste more of that sweet and soft lip. Miguel has his right leg between Eve's leg, allowing her to sit on his thigh, with his arm wrapped around Eve's waist and pulling her closer. Eve rested her arms on Miguel's shoulder.
"Was it too sweet to resist?" Eve smiled, looking at Miguel, "such a handsome face, and it's begging for more."
"Mi Amor," Miguel whispered, leaning forward and kissed her neck.
Miguel has fallen deep in love with Eve.
He thought that after the incident, he did not deserve any more love.
Until he met Eve.
Just because Eve looks so irresistible.
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Characters I'll play (if a charcter/series you like isn't on the list, send a PM, I may have heard of them) :
Overwatch: Every female characters, genderbent male characters as well as Jack Morrison/Soldier: 76 (either young or old) Comes with teacher AU and Vampire AU
Dragon Age Origins/Awakening/2: Every chaarcter
World of Warcraft/Heroes of the Storm: every character
Pokemon: Cynthia, May, Dawn, Hilda, Lusamine, Lillie, any Female Trainer, Jesse, Sonia, Professor Sada, any female Professor/assisstant
One Piece: Every female character, Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji
Naruto/Boruto: Naruto/Naruko (genderbent Naruto), Sasuke/Sasuki, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Hanabi, Temari, Mei Terumi, Tsunade... Any character I know/remember
Taimanin Asagi: Every character
Miraculous Ladybug: Entire cast.
RWBY: Ruby rose, Blake Belladona, Glynda Goodwitch, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long
Star Wars: Bastila Shan, Revan (male and female), Carth, Mission vao, Padme, Leia, Ashoka, Rey, Aton, The Exile, Visas Marr, Atris, the Handmaide/Brianna, twi'lek
The Witcher: Geralt, Ciri, Triss, Yennefer, Shani, the Sorceresses
Warhammer Fantasy: Everyone
Dishonored: Corvo, Emily, Jessamine
Mass Effect: Everyone
Fallout 3/New Vegas: Anyone i remember
Evenicle: Every character
Final Fantasy Series: Tifa Lockhart, Aeris Gainsborough, yuffie, Jessie, Scarlet (FF7), Lightning (FFXIII)
Metal Gear Rising: Revegeance: Mistral, Raiden, Jetsream Sam
Nekopara: Every catgirl
Life is strange: Chloe Price, Warren Graham, Victoria Chase, David Madsen, Maxine Caulfield , Kate Marsh
valkyria Chronicles 1: every character
Banner of the Maid: Every character
Half-Life/Portal: Chell, Gordon freeman, Alyx vance, Adrian Shepard
Miscancellous: Elsa (Frozen), Anna (Frozen), Samus Aran (Metroid), Gwen stacy/spider-girl (Spider-man), 2B, AS (Nier Atomata), Wii-fit trainer (Nintendo), Peach/Rosalina/Daisy/Bowsette (Mario), Wonder Woman/Poison Ivy/Harley Quinn/Super-girl/Power Girl(DC), Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Albedo (Overlord anime), Olga Discordia (Kuroinou)
My main kink is hyper, i never do m/m, not a huge fan fo futa but that can be negociated, ask me in DM for specific kinks/rp situations
I dont ask perfect writing (i myself make frequent mispells), but at least write complete sentences.
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yourkimjaejin · 2 years
AG’s First Studio Album "Time Of Day" Overview
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Album Details
NCT AG’s first studio album, Time Of Day, was released on Friday, October 14, 2022.
The album has thirteen tracks.
The title track is called B.O.Y (Basically Over You)
The tracklist includes four solo songs, two duo songs, and AG's queendom finale song.
This album brings an end of the Time Of Day series of mini albums.
The album comes in two versions: AM and PM
Each album includes A CD, a Photobook, 1 folded poster, 2 photocard (random 2 of 8), 1 Sticker Sheet, 1 Holo photocard (Random 1 of 4), 1 group photo card (random 1 out of 2) and one postcard set (4 pieces). 
Tracklist (original artist in italics)
B.O.Y (Basically Over You) (Alex Newell)
Technically Single (Taylor Buono)
Down In Flames (Ella Vos)
Headphones (Moxy solo; Pre Roll by Qveen Herby)
Let Me Get Me (Hannah solo; Selena Gomez)
Be There (Juno/Moxy duo; Krewella)
Heart 2 Break (Kim Petras)
Cannonball (Avril Lavigne)
Let me move you (Hannah/Aurora duo; Sabrina Carpenter)
History (Juno solo; Olivia Holt)
On + Off (Aurora solo; Maggie Rogers)
I’ll be there (Jess Glynne)
Coloring Outside The Lines (Misterwives)
In the teasers for the comeback, all the girls were hanging out with their members in dreams
A voice calls out to each of the girls pulling them away for their members dreams and back into the flat
In each individual teaser the girls walk past mementos they’ve taken for previous NCT music video before approaching Naevis at a computer.
In the last teaser, The girls stand before Naevis. Hannah and Aurora in white. Juno and Moxy in black. Naevis turns around and tells the girls they have another mission and gives them the coordinates. The girls bow to Naevis then leave the flat threw a grey portal.
When the portal closes around the girls; the comeback date, the title of the album and the fact that this comeback is for the groups first full length album is revealed
The teaser for Heart 2 Break saw the girls posing with the pieces of a broken heart. The colors of video were white, red and various shades of pink. The video ends with Juno singing the titles name.
Headphones Teaser: Moxy was posed with her dancers. The light turned off and on as the group did the opening choreography. The video ended with Moxy rapping the first line "Keep some headphones in my pocket for when life gets too chaotic."
Let Me Get Me Teaser: the teaser shows Hannah walking through a club with a gaggle of girls behind her. The groups makes their way to floor and make space for them in the middle. The teaser ends with Hannah smirks and flipping her hair as Hannah voice cuts in singing “I won’t let me get me.”
History Teaser: Juno walked in with cute pajamas on. A group of girls, including the other three members, were scattered around a bed of cushions and pillows doing their own thing. Suddenly, Hannah called all the girls over to crowd around her phone. Juno joins them only to see a picture of herself with a guy and it looks like their about to kiss. The girls all turn to her. Juno looks around sheepish. The beginning notes of History play as the camera pans over to bed where a notebook lays, showing a graffiti picture of the title, History.
On + Off Teaser: Aurora is sitting in a shallow pool of water as rain falls on her head. Her body is hunched over itself. Knees pulled to her chest. Aurora face is hidden by her arms. Before the camera cuts, we get a glimpse of Auroras right eyes as Aurora sings “take me to that place”
B.O.Y Teaser: The instrumental of the song played as the girls run around their apartment getting ready for a night out. Juno's phones buzzes with a incoming text message. The girls gather around to see a text from someone with a green heart as their name. The message says Miss U. The girls groan at the message. Moxy grabs the phone and throws it. the camera focuses on the phone. Another message pops up with a video. The video opens and show clips of the video. The whole teaser ends with fans hearing how the girls sound singing, "I'm basically over you!"
The sparkly and shiny pieces were in a abundance this comeback.
The club outfits were the same from the video
The older girls all wore more revealing clothing. Fans loved Juno’s look with a butterfly on the front.
Aurora was the most covered. She wore shorts but had on a cropped tank top with an oversized bedazzled crop top
All four members are wearing sequin jumpsuits. Aurora and Juno wear one piece jumpsuits. Hannah and Moxy wear two piece jumpsuits.
There is two versions of these outfits. The first is silver and gold. The other is in the individual member colors
The plaid in these outfits was lime green.
Moxy wore plaid pants and a plaid loose bow tie
Both Hannah and Juno wore pleated skirts. Juno wore a vest with a green bow and Hannah wore a blazer and a plaid tie
Aurora had on a colorblock plaid skirt that has a buckle strap across the leg with a skinny plaid tie.
The colorblock outfits links the girls together thru their signature colors. The track pants and track jackets had the colorblock pattern.
Moxy = green and blue
Hannah = blue and pink
Juno = pink and purple
Aurora = purple and green
These outfits had a black version and a white version
Music Video(s)
The video starts at an upscale apartment where the girls are getting ready for a night out.
Thought the first verse, the members enter and exit through different door and opening in the apartment. Apearing and reappering with new parts of the outfits on. At one point, we see Juno running a flat iron through her hair. Hannah applying makeup. Moxy picking between shirts. Aurora booking the car.
Hannah gets a message on her phone and all the girls crowd around to see the message which read, ‘I’ll be at club tonight. We should hang out, I miss you 😘’
They all cring, lookin go away disgusted. Aurora gets a notification. The girl go downstairs, get in their car and make their way to the club sing the chorus on the way. (Special cameo by their manager as their Uber driver)
The song continues as the girls arrive at the club. They don’t even have to show Id to get in. In the line, a guy is waving trying to get their attention but is ignored
In the club, the girls make their way around saying hello and taking pictures with the crowd. Further in the club, the boy from earlier pulls Hannah aside trying to convince her to get back together but Hannah rejects him by singing the pre hook. Before joining the girls to sing the chorus again
After getting rejected, the boy storms off with his friends. The members make their way to the middle of the floor, singing the bridge. Once in the middle of a circle of bodies, the girls finished the video dancing to the last chorus of the song.
At the end, over the credit roll, is clips of the girls eating pizza and wiping makeup off after arriving home
In Cannonball, the girls are in a black and white world. They walking to a school where the students turn and gawk at them. When they slam into a classroom, their colorful outfits are revealed. The teachers tries to scream at them but Aurora touches two points on her arm and makes the teacher pass out (A la Quinn Pensky)
Moxy sings the opening line and the room explodes into colors instantly lifting the student spirits. AG and the students of the school spend the rest of the video brings arts back to the school. Kids are singing, playing sports, painting, playing instruments, and dancing.
In the middle of the video, Aurora takes a math book, grimaces at it then tosses it into a portal.
The video ends with the girls dancing to the end of the song together. Ending the video all the students cheer and thank the girls for freeing them and bringing color back to their school
Track Videos
Heart 2 Break
This is more of a performance video. The girls are dressing in white, pink and red. They dance on a set with different sizes and styles of hearts. Towards the end, confetti cannons launch heart shaped confetti into the sky as the members sing the last chorus
Shots are edited in of the girls playing around with the hearts on set. One member walks behind a heart then another member walks out. The members appearing in the middle of one of the hearts doing assorted cute poses etc.
Moxy walks onto the set. as she walks, voices recites insults about her that have been posted online. The voices get louder as Moxy takes her place among the dancers. One of the them, holds out headphones for her. Moxy takes them. When she puts them on, the voice cut out.
Moxy smirks to the camera as the song begins. The rest of the video is Moxy dancing with her dancers. In some shots, Moxy sits up high on a throne while haters try to scratch and claw to reach her. During the second pre-chorus, one hater actually makes it to the top but Moxy pushes them off before they can touch her.
When the video end, Moxy takes off the headphones and the voices from the beginning are still quiet. Moxy laughs as she walks off set
Let Me Get Me
Hannah is sitting on a bed in tattered clothes, her hair a mess. She's flipping through channels in the dark when her phone rings. It's massages from her members
Moxy - It's time to stop moping, girl!
Juno - Well be at this club tonight [Club location]
Aurora - Be there in an hour or were coming over a dragging you here
Hannah rolls her eyes but gets out of bed anyway.
Hannah makes it to the club right as the girls are about to walk in. the girls make their way to the dance floor. The crowd is backing up making a circle in the middle. The girls make there way to the front. Nobody makes a move to jump in to the middle. Moxy and Juno share a look then push Hannah out onto the floor as the song begins
Throughout the song, Hannah loosens up more and more until more dancers join her in the choreography of the song. Hannah's ex arrives and their eyes meet. As Hannah sings the last chorus, Hannah freestyles just to show off that her ex won't and can't bring her down.
When the song ends, Juno, Moxy and Aurora rush to hugs Hannah, freaking out over how she just murdered the dancefloor. Hannah meets her ex's eyes again. This time she smirks and waves goodbye.
The members of AG are at a sleepover with a bunch of friends. Everyone is talking, eating and cracking jokes before someone in the room asks Juno "What going with you two?" All the conversation stops. Everyone turns to Juno who blushes at the attention.
Her phone rings and its someone with a broken heart as the name. Juno picks up the call and starts the song breaking up with this mysterious person.
During the video Juno shows the group pictures of herself and different guy hanging out. Those pictures transition to Juno and the guys actually at these places. The two dance together during the chorus.
During the dance break, Juno dances with the guests at the sleepover before her phone rings again. This time it's someone with a heart emoji as their name. Juno sings the last pre-chorus before she runs downstairs to the front door. The guests all follow her.
Juno dances to the last chorus with her new love interest as everyone looks on. The video ends with Juno kissing her guy dancer's cheek
On + Off
The song had contrasting moments in the music and the video follow this. During the mv the skies behind Aurora and her dancers flip between overcast and a stormy sky. all the dancers are performing in a shallow pool of water.
When the dance break comes, lightning strikes the sky and it beings to rain drenching Aurora and the dancers until the end of the song.
The video ends with Aurora reaching out to the camera, sorrow on her face. Her eyes roll back as her body falls into the water
The members took a stab at writing a song for this album. The end result is Heart 2 Break. Taeyong and Mark helped all the girls with the process of songwriting. From Taeyong's bubble, he said Juno picked up songwriting the quickest out of all the girls
The girls filmed a lot of behind the scene content for this comeback. The favorite had to be the recording of the girls solo songs. Moxy was there for each of the girls sessions and she helped coach for every single one. At one point, the producer jokingly offer her to sit down and take over.
Even thought the girls all have solo and duo song, the girls vocals are everywhere on the album. Moxy and Juno sang background vocals on On + Off and Let Me Get Me. Hannah sang background vocals for Let Me Move You as well.
Aurora explained that she originally wanted Juno's song but after seeing the lyrics she was glad her song was On + Off
Moxy joked about the original title of Headphones referred to an illegal substance that she has never seen in her life
The producer of Headphones dared Moxy to rap the chorus in a single breath. She rapped flawlessly but after she finished, Moxy collapsed against the wall of the studio to catch her breath.
In very Hannah fashion, she was the most excited for the choreography to Let Me Get Me rather than actually having a solo. Kun produced the beat and Hannah loved it. She brought it to one of writes on a previous WayV song. Hannah sat down with them for hours nailing down the inspiration of the lyrics.
The choreography for B.O.Y is classic AG hip hop mixed with voguing. Fans praised the simple yet fun point dance that anyone could follow
The girls promoted for two weeks. During the first week, each member got to perform their solo song. For the rest of their promo time, the lead b-side chosen was Heart 2 Break.
AG got four wins during this era. The first one legit shocked them cause they were against Stray Kids. The boys stayed back on stage to congratulate the girls on their win(kings and queens collide)
The group filmed a performance video with all the members of NCT. In the background you can see Taeyong, Doyoung and Kun filming them like a proud mom(s)
Mnet filmed a variety show with the girls. Four episodes aired during the week before their comeback show. The show centered on the girls forming two teams of two. The played games and completed challenges in order to build the "club" of their dreams.
Mnet would decorate the club according to what they won during the entire show. Then fans, staff, fellow company idols and their members would visit both clubs and vote for the best one. The members would the performance video in the winning club (mentioned above)
SM built a popup store that looked like a club. The store had albums available for purchase, a photo booth, a selfie wall, a bar with non alcoholic drinks for all fans to enjoy. Everyday, whoever was best dressed won signed album
At the countdown live, it was chaotic. the boys constantly calling in, causing disruptions. The girls spoiling until the last second, like literally singing whole parts of song. Someone pushed at the girls giggle button cause they couldn't stop laughing. Taking five minutes to sing the entirety of Circle of Life.
SM pulled idols from every group to react to the girls music video. Yeri, Eunhyuk and Leetuck, Aespa, Minho and Key, Boa, Taeyeon and Hyoyeon, Suho and Xiumin. Every single idol could agree that BOY is AG's best song so far.
Everywhere they went, idols were pulled to do the B.O.Y challenge with the girls. the best one was with Moxy and Sunmi. They filmed it when the girls were on Showterview.
The girls got really close to their dancers. One of the dancers posted about their experience, calling the girls the nicest idols they've worked with. AG always treated to snacks and drinks after long days of dance practice
During the shooting of the club shots, SM invited AGzens to fill the background of shots. The girl kept checking on the fans making sure everything wasn't too hot or they weren't tired.
To prevent spoilers, SM banned dslr's and took fans phones at the door. After the recording fans posted threads of their experience. A fan revealed that the girls preformed Heart 2 Break for them once the video shooting was over as a surprise
At the two of the music shows, AG prepared gifts and snacks for fans in attendance. Each fan received a box of food and a exclusive photocard set they could get anywhere else
The girls participated on K-909 where they performed B.O.Y, Congratulations, Heart 2 Break and Rainbow by F(x). In their interview with Boa, the girls performed a acoustic version of I'll Be There. Hannah explained that she fought for this song to be included in the album. Eventually, the song grew on all the girls. They said the song is a promise to czennies.
On every variety show they participated in the hosts introduced them as queens much to the girls joy. On weekly idol, Eunhyuk actually bowed to them. Kwanghee was quick to follow suit.
The girls loved the combo of Technically Single and Down In Flames because both song visit a relationships in the middle of two extremes. One song wants commitment while the other just wants out. Hannah said it was fun to immerse themselves in both emotions to give each song the right emotional weight.
The girls actually wanted to film videos for both of the duo songs but due to a busy schedule they couldn't
At the end of promotions, their YouTube channel released a video of the girls singing Coloring Between The Line as the girls decorated a selfie wall that was at their popup for fans to take pictures in front of. At the end of the video, it revealed that a repackage is coming but the date is pending
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virgilboy360 · 3 years
things and ideas and other ideas that I still have that I need to do or maybe do
1, my portal app universe: a universal all the port of characters are at and the uses are across the test subjects, Chell, Mel and 18 or Jess as I call her, are best friends, one day their phone started to malfunction, Wheatley the Facebook app, Nigel not sure what app is going to be but it's ok for you lot to help me out I need to know what app Nigel can be, it needs to fit in with his personality, and everyone is probably expecting for Virgil to be the repair app no he's not an app he's actually the repair man that fixes phones, and that is how Mel and Virgil is going to meet, and of course this a Portal au, we are  going to have the usual Black Mesa company in this, thinking of comic or story
  2. portal Star Wars AU: I know some people have kind of works on this but this is my version of my own portal Star Wars AU, and I'm a Virgil fan, so I'm always going to bring up Virgil, so my OC character is going to be the Luke Skywalker of this AU, If You're expecting Virgil to be dark Vader because my OC is his daughter, I am sorry to say this but no, my oc is going to be one with the force the good guys of the Star Wars people but Virgil is an outsider so he would have course as the classic orange lightsaber, because everyone says that Virgil's eye glows  orange, and because why not, and orange is in the 70s colour palette
    3. 70s portal AU: well this is going to be so much fun, no one has ever done a story or a art picture of the 70s aperture, well there has been some pictures of it damaged and broken or something about Cave Johnson, but I'm not going to do anything about that guy because I don't like him, if any of you have seen or played Portal 2 to you know what I mean, I'm not sure what's going to happen in this AU, but it's going to involve a lot of Virgil-ness
  4. writing about the characters and giving them backstories: because of course why wouldn't a fan of the portal game give a favourite character a very bad and dark and depressing backstory, that really hurts the character and makes them going to a depressive state, because we're just big fans of that character don't care, I think, but you will be warned, because here a little things about me I have a dark and depressing and psycho side, so my backstories might be a little bit too gory and depressing, and yeah, you can tell this is going to be crazy, and if you don't like the part and find it offensive what I said about us giving our favourite characters and kind of painful back story and that we don't care, that's kind of true, we're all in the same boat, don't believe me just look at the way you was about your characters backstory or anything like that that will give a hint to that backstory
    5. undertale, deltarune, portal and Half-Life crossover AU: I know they're not in the same AU but I was thinking about it, because why not, because I like undertale and deltarune too good games made by Toby Fox, also I'm not much into half-life franchise but it's a good game, “I'm still waiting for Portal 3 valve”, and if any of you tell me to give up, I'm not the type of person that will give up, because I still have hopes and dreams and determination and this is why I like undertale and deltarune
  6. MLP portal au: yes, yes, I know, I know, my little pony is a thing for kids but I still like it, you don't realise that adults that do like it shows including My Little Pony not talking about the bronies the bad ones and I’m talking about the good ones because yeah, there's also going to be references and easter eggs to the my Little Portal show, still waiting for the next episode
    7. what if portal AU: as you can tell by this portal AU, this is going to be a what if thing, so yeah, you can put your what ifs in the comments, of course we're going to have a couple of  my what if's, and they're all going to be about, the one, the only, Virgil, watch my if are going to evolve about because I love the character so much I can't stop thinking about him
  8. me telling everyone what I have done to Virgil in my head: it is not what you think and this is not AU, this is what I am done to myself, call me crazy or insane because I really have a really bad obsession of him, I know some people can be like that but I really took it to the maximum, like really really far into the unknown of Outer Space, so here we go, I have made my own religion about him, please don't be spamming in the comments about it, I know it sounds crazy, but, this is who I am, and my cousin and friends have to deal with it, if I don't talk about him or say about him I will go mad, like insane mad, ok, please don't get the wrong idea about this
    9. I am not afraid to draw pictures and just show my emotions and how I'm feeling: I know some portal artists don't do this, but I do, like it would probably be a picture of me talking to Virgil or any of the other portal characters, because well I don’t want anyone feel bad for me, it's perfectly normal, some people feel like this and they don't know how to describe the emotions in how their feeling, but the pictures would show something like be kind or to accept others or something like that, I know people already do that but, what about yourself, there is always that feeling about yourself, and yeah, so be happy, and make sure you always have someone to talk to, because why not, 😊
  10. Murder Drones portal AU: so I have watched this Prologue thing called Murder Drones on YouTube made by a channel called The Glitch channel, you can go check them out and subscribe to them. and my favourite character in Murder Drones series have to be n, he cute, he funny (not as cute as Virgil), and yeah, I'm not going to tell you what the series is about, because I don't want to spoil it, ok? Ok
    11. Virgil as Gordon Freeman: this is the last thing I'm going to say before it is too much, and don't ask why I thought of this, I just did, I know this sounds like a bad idea, just imagine your Virgil in hevc suit and with a crowbar, that would be powerful, how can that be powerful, this is a little bit of a spoiler to half-life alyx, the character Russell says Gordon Freeman escape out of Black Mesa with a crowbar, and it does sound crazy, and it does mean Virgil will be wielding guns, and Rainbow core/James will be alyx vance, instead of half-life alyx it will be half-life James, and because I ship Virgil and Rainbow core, and that it
 I don't know if there will be a part 2 to this, so have a lovely night or day or evening or wherever you are in the world, have a lovely whatever, bye, 😊😊😊😊😊😊and I give all you of a hug because I am nice and friendly
p.s I ues google translate to help me because I don't have very good spelling, so please pointed it out, I will fix it
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destinygoldenstar · 3 years
My Ranking Of Every MCSM Episode
So funny story, I wasn’t introduced to Minecraft the same way as other people were. First it started with me having a bad middle school phase in my life, and in the summer while I was recovering, my dad randomly bought me Minecraft Story Mode, a spin off series of the infamous Minecraft that didn’t seem to require knowledge of the original game to enjoy, as well as some terrible Disney license game that was, of course, terrible product placement. Maybe playing that first gave me lower expectations for Story Mode, as I thought it would just be a cute but frustrating license game with no semblance of story or good characters... at all. But then I played it, and OH MY GOSH IT WAS SO GOOD!! It had some problems, sure, but I just fell in love with the Minecraft universe through Story Mode’s depiction of it. Yeah, a few months later, I finally checked out the original Minecraft, but I still had a soft spot for Story Mode and it really shaped my personal enjoyment on media in both my middle and high school years, even after the company shut down. And... unfortunately I was the only person that seemed to know what it was. I even gained my hobby of writing essays like these, by making analysis on Story Mode, and even when I’ve moved on to other projects, including writing my own books, I still have Story Mode to thank for a lot of things. 
I’ve recently tried to get into shows my friends were in, since I zoned out of Ninjago after the awful season 11. So I spent a good chunk of the pandemic watching and trying to do the same for RWBY... and I didn’t like that show, though I might make some posts about it to explain why that is and hopefully not start a war with its fanbase. Might take awhile since Season 8 REALLY threw me over the edge and insulted me beyond instant repair, to the point where my only enjoyment of that show is just being a Mercury simp, and that’s very likely going to go over the edge as well once the writers kill him off for something stupid. That’s besides my point though, I just had to get away from the war that was going on there, and go back to something I genuinely enjoyed, and a game series that I think is WAY overhated. And I got to recheck a lot of lets plays to see if this game was actually good or not, and... it still holds up for me as a solid 7/10 game series as a whole. And yeah, judging by that number, I do have some issues with this series that I might go into detail about in the future, but for now, I wish to simply so something simple and rank all 13 episodes from worst to best based on my opinion. 
I mean I knew immediately what my favorite episode was and my least favorite episode was, but it was still a hard ranking given every episode is an hour or two long, and therefore so much to go over. And out of all these episodes of this series, I only found one episode of the thirteen I outright disliked all the way through, and lets get that out of the way.
13: A Journey's End-
I'm sorry for those who like this episode, but I just hate this one, and it's the last episode of season 1 too, not a good look. I'll be the one to say it, the Portal Arc is my least favorite story arc of the entire series, there are some things to like about it, but the lows frustrate me far more than any other lows in the Wither Storm Arc and Season 2, and that has to do with how filler this arc feels, I hate how they treated Lukas in this arc (I might explain why on a later date) I'm not the biggest fan of good guy Ivor, Jesse gets things handed to him/her and every obstacle he/she seems to mop over and gets to much praise and love whereas Season 2 took advantage of this to create the main conflict of that arc, I still don't understand why these Youtuber cameos are here, and of course, my biggest problem with this arc is that Episode 8 is an awful episode. With these other episodes, even if I may trash some parts of them, there's something I really like there that makes the episode worthwhile, but here? Nope. 
I'm a massive fan of The Hunger Games, and this episode immediately insulted me from how it blatantly knocks off that series without having a single atom of The Hunger Game's brilliance in world building, commentary, stakes, and everything really. What makes it worse is that right off the bat they reveal that the eliminated contestants don't actually die and they respawn, which may sound neat, but it takes away any and all stakes the games have. Maybe if they kept the idea in the players head that Lukas and Ivor (or Petra) were actually dead until like, halfway through the episode and then reveal the respawn zones, there would be the more tension, maybe, not really. But you know what frustrates me the most about this system? It's a blatant excuse to have the writers get away with X'ing out every character from the plot that isn't Jesse, leaving the rest of the Order to be left doing absolutely nothing, and forcing Jesse into the spotlight to be better than everyone else and hang out with these other side characters that are jerks from beginning to end where their redemptions feel hollow and artificial. Em fits the last sentence's description perfectly, Slab is uninteresting and I don't buy his turnaround either, and honestly, unpopular opinion, I don't like Nell, I really hate her accent and she's completely irrelevant to the plot, she's not funny either as she only has like one good line every twenty attempts. 
The whole 'Jesse was Tim all along' is as subtle as a plane crash, and why is Jesse the only one who fits Tim's description? Has no other contestant arrived in the games the same way he/she did and went against the rules without knowing them? I'll tell you why, because Jesse is just that special, and its so blatant that when I first saw this episode a couple times, I legitimately called Jesse a Mary Sue, and for this episode, I still do, even though Season 2 fixes this issue by taking full advantage of episode 8's awfulness to make its conflict and Jesse's overall arc. 
The Old Builders are the worst villains of Story Mode by a landslide (which granted is not a contest given how interesting the other villains are, I made a poll asking who people's favorite villain was, and last time I checked, Hadrian and Mevia had a 0%, so I don't think this is a controversial statement) These hateable idiots have zero motivations and no logical goal for what they do. They might succeed at making your blood boil, which is kind of what villains are supposed to do, but their unfairness is just a smoke screen on how shallow they are. 
'Oh well Harper said at the beginning of the episode that they let the spirit of competition get into their heads' Okay, but that's not a motivation for evilness. Why is nobody allowed to win these games? Why do they enjoy killing people so much and watching them suffer? Why do they want the Redstone Heart? What's even so special about the Redstone Heart in the first place compared to all the other treasure they seem to have? Do they want to make another PAMA? That's a fanfic I want to see, an alternate route where the Old Builders succeed at taking out Jesse and enslaving the Order where they revive PAMA to make so many useful for their games! (Maybe that fanfic does exist and I just don't know it) 
If they really don't want Jesse to get in the way of their games and give the competitors motivation to start an uprising, why don't they just kill Jesse then and there at the Spleef Challenge instead of making a deal with him/her? In fact, funny enough, THEY ACTUALLY END UP DOING THAT AT THE END! THERE WAS NOTHING STOPPING THEM FROM JUST KILLING JESSE ANYTIME BEFOREHAND!! 
I also get what they're going for with Jesse, and this kind of goes for the rest of the Portal Arc as well, as a Segway to season 2 that explores Jesse's newfound fame and newfound grief as a hero, the start of that being when Reuben died, and therefore Jesse feels the need to take matters into his/her own hands in order to not have the same happen to anyone else. He/she has to be perfect, or else he's/she’s back to being nothing but a hopeless loser. That's a compelling arc, and season 2 really goes into that, but here, with the exception of episode 7 and that once scene in episode 5, they don't do anything with it. In fact in this episode, Jesse's grief is only triggered when someone gets eliminated and he/she suddenly needs to go on a bloodthirsty vengeance. Which could have been meaningful to show that even the best of heroes don't always know the right solution, and they have to rely on others to pull them through their grief to point them towards hope that he/she can win. But nope, Jesse's completely in the right to slaughter old people, and all the power and praise go to him/her because he/she is just THAT special, where no one calls him/her out without being considered an enemy. Also, instead of giving Jesse one moment to process what had happened after being stabbed in the heart, and realize what he/she had done that led to this disaster, instead of giving Jesse significant development and reflection, the others break in immediately to give Jesse more power. At least episode 4 gave Jesse some time to reflect on the situation before receiving a power upgrade, even if it's a little played out too. All Jesse really learns from this is how to beat up and murder old guys, just like what they did to everyone else, which... I guess that's something we shouldn't consider because Jesse's never called out for that. (And if you want to say that Hadrian and Mevia being transported to another world to be forced to play their games themselves is a fitting end and its a taste of their own medicine, then fine, but it's still super ironic and regardless of who you are, TORTURING PEOPLE AND OUTRIGHT KILLING THEM IS NOT OKAY) 
Oh and before you say anything about the message being 'teamwork makes the dream work' No. That's not the message here. Or if it is, its portrayed horribly. Jesse wins the day completely on his/her own, and everyone else just sits on the sidelines and doesn't help at all. They're telling one message and showing another. 
The only good thing I can say about this episode is that its visuals are solid, but even at that, there are way better looking episodes than this. The effects here lack any sort of flare compared to other episodes, and I think that might add to a 'the fights are underwhelming complaint' As such, none of these challenges are interesting in the slightest, or have any unique puzzle or retrospection in them like The Hunger Games do in their arenas. Instead these challenges are made to be frustratingly unfair, and shocker, it’s frustrating! 
I'm sorry I'm starting off so negative, but THIS is the episode I feel like most haters of Story Mode point to in order to show how bad it is, which isn't fair when considering the series as a whole. Thankfully, we can only go up from here and discuss episodes that are fine at worst from here on out. And if you want my recommendation for this episode alone, just read The Hunger Games.
12: A Portal To Mystery-
This is probably the most filler an episode can get... and its fine. It's probably the best animated episode of the Portal Arc and I really like the opening with the zombie invasion, its really pretty. (Is that weird?) I like the ladder scene with Jesse and Petra (Jetra Shipper) The Murder Mystery setting is okay despite being predictable, the final battle is okay, I guess the Youtubers were okay despite being incredibly distracting in every single frame they're in, like seriously, why are these cameos here?! Nowadays, seeing how so many movies shoehorn in references to other famous stuff for the sake of advertisement and cameos for the sake of appealing to cringe, I can really appreciate Story Mode's cameos, because at least these Youtubers are legitimate side characters with personality and they play a significant part each in this episode (Except Stacy, but I like her sarcastic character so I don't really mind) But that doesn't change the fact that they are blatant YouTuber cameos, and frankly, annoying characters at that. When I watch Minecraft YouTubers, I expect something fun, lighthearted, and anything but complex so I can turn my brain off. This episode wants to be a dark fantasy, and as a result, these YouTubers are forced to act selfish, stupid, or try to be of assistance but only because the plot needs them to. I don't care about their drama with the flint and steel, and their need to be really secretive and point fingers at the others really got on my nerves, Also, someone was having a lazy day at work because no one there taught these people how to voice act. Everyone in this episode, is the dumbest person alive! "Can you guess who the murderer is? Hint: It's the only original character here." Which I could forgive if no one in universe knows that these are YouTubers, but then we get to everyone being okay with Jesse playing detective, walking into rooms with potential killers, and the actual dumbest thing in this episode. "Lukas was clearly chasing the real White Pumpkin and everybody saw that! Oh, but the White Pumpkin put the pumpkin on Lukas's head after that fact so clearly we can suspect that Lukas is the murderer even after Dan confesses that he pressed the button. And speaking of which, Lukas didn't see who the actual killer was when the mask was taken off... because I guess he's blind." In fact I can just insert Petra's line in this episode about this: "Those people think they're safe, but the White Pumpkin is still roaming around, and he could strike again at any time! Not to mention all those people have been so ungrateful! So petty! It's frustrating!" I love Petra. This episode overall is just really stupid. But I will give it this, there is one thing I really like about this episode, and that's Cassie Rose. She is arguably one of the most intriguing characters in the entire series, and she only appears in this episode, which goes to show how much she made of her screen time. If we had more of Cassie, and we just removed the YouTuber's drama, this episode would not be this low on the list because Cassie is THAT good. The origin of being abandoned and desolate to the point of losing her sanity is a very compelling narrative. And if she really is willing to murder everyone just to get back at the Old Builders after years only to find them trying to kill her, my notch, the emotional package they could impact there and even improve episode 8 by a huge margin! But that was not to be, unfortunately. (I said this before, but I really want her to be an antagonist in season three, if they're even making it) This episode is fine, it's far above the garbage that is episode 8, but I feel like I just got nothing from all this filler overall.
11: Assembly Required-
Yeah... sorry, this is just an episode for me. It really suffers from being too short, and it's probably the buggiest episodes of this entire ranking, where that's saying something. I also really dislike Ellegaard and Magnus as characters, it really doesn't help that the plot doesn't use them at all, plus they both have such annoying personalities and their rivalry with each other is never explained or resolved in any way. Magnus is incredibly loud and chaotic, where that overtakes anything logical he could do, plus his thing is apparently referencing swear words. You know what I'm talking about. Ellegaard is probably the better of the two, but she's still just as arrogant as Magnus and no one mentions that she nearly got them all killed to a far greater degree than Magnus did, and she's supposed to be the neat one. The bugginess, like I said, only adds to such underwhelming action scenes that are really hard to get into. I will say this though, its above the other to episodes I mentioned before because this one has better world building than those ones and even better character moments. Boom Town and Redstonia are very intriguing worlds that are nice to see, and it goes to show how great Story Mode's atmosphere is, and that's where some of the best gameplay of the episode is. Axel gets to be in his natural habitat where his selfishness gets questioned, Olivia's character progresses as her passion for engineering versus Ellegaard's expectations of her, and there's no such thing as enough Petra. (I don't care about Gabriel) I think these aspects are enough to keep the episode above the other two, but would I say it's good? Honestly, that's a no.
10: Order Up-
I think episode 5 has become the most infamous episode for me. On the one hand, this episode brings a lot of great ideas and has some really good scenes. On the other hand, there's some stuff here that really infuriates me that plagues the rest of the Portal Arc, and even season 2. Let's get the good stuff out of the way. I really like the gameplay for this episode, with one exception this is probably the episode of season 1 that plays with quick time events and puzzles in the most creative ways. Overall I highly enjoyed the world of Sky City, I really adore seeing both perspectives of this organized and strict world from both Isa and Milo, who are both neat side characters on their own, I especially love how they don't one side the situation and instead confess that both sides are flawed with the best intentions. Aiden makes a pretty good antagonist honestly, I wasn't a fan of Aiden at the start and thought he was just some forgettable bully character, but it's really intriguing to see him in a position where he isn't the most beloved of everything and has to grapple with his care for his passions and his friends against his resentment towards the new world Jesse was making now that people were becoming more dependent on heroes and never looking out for themselves. It's also great in the view that Aiden was kind of right at the end of the day, especially how Season 2 showcases this exact worldview, Jesse was becoming way too famous for everyone's own good, and Jesse did need to fall back and let others win and be themselves. Aiden might be my second least favorite villain, but that's not saying a lot because episode 5 really made me interested in Aiden's character. (If you want me to talk about him more, just let me know that you want me to do the 'Aiden, what matters to him?' essay on the list) Its nice to see Ivor's reaction to being an awkward social reject, and I really like the scene where Jesse talks about Reuben when they recall the framed porkchop on the wall, its so good. And that's all the good stuff that comes to mind. Half of the lore for this episode is really bad. I have never been a fan of good guy Ivor, and he never gets called out for being so greedy in this episode, which isn't even in character for him. I don't get how Sky City has never realized there was land below them the whole time, like... did nobody fall off this island? Or if someone did, why have they never stacked blocks to try and reach Sky City once more to let them know about the mainland? Jesse and the Order getting framed is pretty dumb and really cliched, and honestly as much as I like Aiden as a villain, I kind of don't get his plan. Like, what does Aiden hope to accomplish by framing Jesse? You could say it was to get the Eversource, but A) why would he want that in the first place? and B) Isa doesn't show Aiden where it is even after he frames Jesse, he's going to have to do better than that. But none of this is anything compared to the third act. The whole thing. After Lukas and Jesse fall off the island, the entire episode goes in the garbage bin. Aiden starts a monster swarm on Sky City... for some reason. Apparently its so he can rule it, but how can he rule something if its destroyed? Jesse duels Aiden on this conveniently places stone bridge, and while its nicely animated, Jesse completely mops the floor with Aiden (Again, the Mary Sue argument kind of shows here) and Aiden immediately gives up and surrenders to Jesse, which given his entire villain motivation, MAKES NO SENSE. Then at the end of the episode, they frame it as if Aiden is completely in the wrong, with Jesse outright shaming Aiden for not thinking highly of him and thinking that Jesse actively tried to hurt him, which... WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF YOUR ENTIRE RECENT DUEL WITH AIDEN, JESSE?!! Not only that, but this entire showdown is very unwarranted, it just feels like were giving Jesse more cool moments and screen time that he/she did not earn. Which brings me to my biggest problem with this episode, and that's that Lukas was RUINED. This was set up to be his episode, with Aiden, his former friend, as the antagonist, were told that he was ditched from his old friend's group, and we have the elaborate world that's all about organization and planning and synced union, gee, I wonder which Order member is related to all of these things! And I really got my hopes up from this, that it would give Lukas the moments that would make him my favorite character, just like how everyone else loves him, and he was almost there given how great his development was in the Wither Storm Arc, and how we just needed the climax and the ultimate payoff... and we never got it. Lukas doesn't interact with Aiden ONCE, and he spends most of his time locked up in Isa's prison, the only time Lukas does confront Aiden is when Aiden shoves him off the island. And I'm not going to lie, that is the most iconic moment of this episode for a reason, I was less shocked that Lukas fell off and might die, and more shocked to see that Aiden would do this to someone who used to be his friend, that Lukas tried to get through to him and failed, instead being shoved to his 'death' by Aiden in cold blood, and you can see the shock and hurt on Lukas's face. I was really intrigued on how they were going to follow that up, with Lukas finally embracing that he is a free man, and he can move on with his life beyond Aiden's influence and... he doesn't even go back up to Sky City. One word. WASTED. This is such a huge thing for me that makes my blood boil so much that I cannot go into any more detail about it here. I have an option on my post titled 'Lukas was disappointing' and you can reply down there if you want me to make that essay, we can have this discussion when that essay is made. Overall this episode barely works, because the Sky City stuff is very strong that it barely holds this episode in the air.
9: Above and Beyond-
The grand finale of the series! And don't fret that it's this low on the list and that it's my least favorite episode of season 2, because if anything that just goes to show my opinion on season 2 as a whole. Fun fact: Season 2 is actually GREAT, and its even way better than season 1. This finale as well is very good at being that, as its probably the most action packed of the season, it has a really fun elaborate fireworks plan, Axel and Olivia are back to... be there, but I just love that we get to have Jesse's eyes open at the BeaconTown that is essentially his/hers where he/she have taken over anything and stripped any other creative builds, I love the idea of the new Ocelots rebelling against Jesse, I love the scene where The Admin blows up Champion City for the sake of selling a cheap threat, I love Romeo's conversation with Jesse, I love the recording of Fred and the final battle, and the ending is easily the best thing about the episode. It's honestly a great ending for Petra and Radar as characters, and especially Jesse... if you hit the road (I don't like Jesse staying in BeaconTown because it goes against Jesse's entire arc that he/she doesn't have fame define him/her, and that he/she should follow their own choice to venture out in finding a path that truly aids the sense of freedom where the people in BeaconTown deserve to be independent once more) Yeah there are some things holding this episode back for me, I've always hated Jack's character and he's still very annoying and selfish here, Axel and Olivia despite being back are still given nothing to do, in fact most of these characters despite Jesse are given little to do, which isn't as bad as the other episodes I've mentioned, but its still there, and I really don't like how the Ocelot rebellion wraps up in just one scene and one hug before they're just okay with following Jesse now. Again, Lukas was disappointing. And honestly, this episode just isn't as emotional or even fun as the others for the first two thirds, where all of that was saved in the third act, which I guess makes it the polar opposite of season 1's episode 5. Still, its a good ending, and I think we can all agree that Romeo has the most accurate and the most hilarious impressions of Jesse.
8: A Block And A Hard Place-
One finale to another, and now we get to the great stuff. Obviously we have Reuben's death, that is both tragic and would shake up the rest of the series. Not only that but there's a lot of intensity in the episode from just the atmosphere, from the overly complicated maze, to the feeling of dread and survival issues of a swamp to the isolation of a cave to running from a literal storm, it's so good. I love the conclusion of Olivia's arc, I love the scene where Jesse comes out to Reuben as foreshadowing, I love the reveal of the Order being false and how it's both sided. Yeah that twist is predictable and really overplayed, and why else would they have erased Ivor from history? But it does fit. So yeah, the final confrontation of the Wither Storm is really good on its own. Yeah this episode has problems. The amnesia plotline is Ludacris, and there's not enough Petra in this episode as I would have liked. But I think my biggest issue with this episode is that Jesse doesn't really grow from it, or any of the situations in this episode. It definitely builds up future arcs for him/her with the scenes I already mentioned, but you'd think that he'd/she'd second guess his/her actions by learning that his/her idols, the very people they've looked up to and were the reason they wanted to be famous in the first place, are frauds, or at least he/she would question all of that by witnessing Reuben's death, but nope! He/she doesn't do that aside from being angry at Soren for like, a minute. All he/she does is get fancy new gear and a weapon that he/she will NOT shut up about on how awesome it is despite never using it again. It's kind of jarring that this is seen as character development, that's kind of how I expect RWBY to handle its character development if I'm being honest, and sure, I may not like that, but maybe its just a style of writing that show chooses to have, and if that's the case, fine, but it doesn't work in Story Mode. But that's really the only major complaint I have with this episode, it's a great finale for this arc, and probably one of the sadder episodes on this list... with one exception that I think did all of this stuff better, but we'll get to that one later.
7: Hero in Residence-
I can sense some people are going to be mad that this episode is this high. But oh well. This is probably the most underrated episode of the series, and from what I could gather, its because this is the most indie paced episode of any of the ones on this list. And a lot of people don't like it because of that, because it feels like nothings happening in the first half until suddenly the sea temple adventure starts. Honestly though, I prefer the first half over the second for this one. There's less going on to be sure, but I think its necessary to showcase the future these characters old and new ended up in and how they live their life. Jesse's the new greatest person in the entirety of the Minecraft Server, and these citizens refuse to choose for themselves at anything, so Jesse spends the day helping them out and that creates the atmosphere of BeaconTown, the slow boring tasks bore me as much as it bores Jesse, and it greatly sets up his/her arc for the rest of the season. I also find Petra's dilemma very compelling, and its also very ironic because she basically points out the same perspective Aiden had in episode 5, and you arguably understand her even more because she's been personally betrayed by Jesse and was left neglected in a cave for... 5-7 years?!! Geez Petra needs more love. Same thing can be said about Champion City and how it purposefully exists to rip off BeaconTown without understanding what made Jesse so well known, and that's kind of how I describe Stella's entire character, who while being an obvious arrogant narcissist who doesn't care about her people enough to even remember their names, I don't think she's that bad of a character. She's not on my top tier or anything, but I think Stella gets very overlooked and overhated, and there's so much more to her than people give credit for. Speaking of, this episode probably does the best at introducing characters, old and new, and yes... even Jack... but while Jack is the most interesting in this episode, he's still pretty annoying and unpleasant for me. (Sorry Jack fans.) Jesse is introduced through a story being told to him/her about how awesome and totally not arrogant he/she is, Radar is introduced literally in Jesse's background as just the cute second class intern, which sets up his arc, Petra's introduced in the shadows of isolated caves, of stone for that matter (Petra is greek for stone, so these caves kind of symbolize Petra's isolation and her desire to be seen as a hero towards everyone in her own image) Stella's city is perfected and strict, and we get to see the city before we meet Stella as a gateway that defines who Stella is. It all still holds up. Its kind of jarring that this is a more hated episode, because this indie pace really works for me. Some of my favorite scenes in Story Mode are when characters are just talking, and the atmosphere describes the complexity of their thoughts. The sea temple stuff is fine, though not nearly as interesting as the first half, the main point of this sea temple stuff was to be a gateway to Jesse's consequences for needing to be the one and only hero in the world, as well as introducing the Admin's origins, or part of it at least, and again, that's fine, though I do prefer the other Admin locations by a fair margin. Overall, this is a pretty solid episode and doesn't get nearly as much credit as I think it deserves.
6: Giant Consequences-
Out of all the episodes on this list, I think my enjoyment on this episode is impacted the most on what choices you make in the game. Unlike episode 9, this one feels like the opposite, with nonstop action, and that I enjoy the second half more than the first. Even then, the first half has some good things going for it like Lukas's moment in the titan fight, and honestly, as upsetting as it is, the Admin crushing Reuben's memorial to anger Jesse and push him/her into being more of a hero and appeal to the Admin's liking of his/her arrogance was genius. Again, Petra calls this out through her own actions of trying to escape her consequences and do her own thing, which is obviously shamed for because she should have been straight with Jesse about it, but it gives both characters to think about and how the consequences go further than just a simple argument, just like the title applies. That is, if you make Petra the Admin Champion, because otherwise this isn't really going to impact the player. Same thing with the Ice Palace itself, which is a ton of fun to explore, and I love the elimination set up on who gets to be the hero of the story. Honestly, this episode is basically everything episode 8 should have been, how did these writers make such a quality shift with this concept?! Its also brilliant on the level that this competition is so clearly bias, like the Admin wants Jesse to be the hero and no one else, to the point where he considers Stella a complete nobody, and forces Radar's elimination even after the kid proved himself, it makes Romeo both hateable while also understand his intentions and his perspective on how his story is supposed to play out. Speaking of which, I love that both Radar and Stella came along with this Ice Palace, they don't have physical purpose overall, but they're relevant in the sense of physiological worldview, seeing the perspective of second class citizens and how they each feel about their world and Jesse having all the spotlight, and later on it would lead to both of their downfalls and recoveries, and I think that's really neat. Like I said before, Stella isn't as bad as some people make her out to be and I think there's more depth to her point of view. This episode was also the one that made me really interested in Radar's character and genuinely really like this cinnamon roll, I thought I was going to hate him in the episode before and I just saw him as an annoying kid under Jesse's shadow that would never stop shutting up about how great Jesse is, but that was intentional for me to think that, wasn't it? Because this episode showed that there's so much more to this kid than just that annoying trope, that he has his own expectations he puts on himself and and how him being in the world Jesse rules all his life affected his viewpoints and his self esteem, which gets tested as he discovers himself that he genuinely IS competent at doing stuff. So AKA, the Lukas and Radar route in the Ice Palace is great. The Petra and Jack route isn't. That challenge is super uninteresting and bland, there's barely any interesting viewpoints explored in this one, and Jack is probably the most infuriating here. Why would he need to prove himself? He's a legendary explorer! Why does no one call him out for pretending he knows what he's doing but he just stands there and doesn't help out the team AT All?! And then were supposed to believe that the others are discovering that Jack IS competent, and they can trust him with things, when he places a light switch. GEE, I'M SURE NO ONE COULD DO THAT JUST AS WELL!!! Jack is honestly just a wasted character that frustrates me where all his substance is replaced by sheer annoyance. (reply on me doing the 'Jack is a Wasted Character' essay if you want more detail on this) Putting it simply, one route of the Ice Palace is great, and the other one is complete garbage, and I really don't blame anyone for picking the great route by a huge margin. Choose Wisely, or you will face Giant Consequences!
5: Jailhouse Block-
Okay... so I get why no one really likes this episode. Not much happens here, its ripping off The Walking Dead and The Office, Petra's (Jack's) confrontation is somewhat underwhelming, the ghast fight is a joke. I get it, there are some really stupid scenes here. But for me personally, I find those stupid things hilarious. I just think this episode is both really fun and really traumatizing. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TORTURE A CHILD WARDEN?!!! Other things too such as Xara's introduction, Nurm's (Lluna's) sacrifice, and the Warden going insane after failing to get his freedom back is just dreadful to watch. Honestly I just really love the NPCs of this episode, the other prisoners in the Sunshine Institute are a ton of fun, and its also neat to explore these outcasts and how they've been affected by the Admin, some stay true to themselves, while others abandon themselves altogether to toughen up as a way to give them vague hope. Radar is one of these people that falls into the ladder, and its kind of ridiculous to the point where I have conflicted feelings about that persona as a whole, but it is relevant to his arc and it makes sense that he would fall to this. Plus Radar just has a lot of memeworthy lines that its hard for me to hate him for this. "Tell me something I don't know!" Yeah, overall I don't have a great reason to like this episode, but I just do. It's intriguing to see this prison, its traumatizing, and I'm just a sucker for prison breaks.
4: The Last Place You Look-
You know what the weird part about this episode is? That its the highest rated episode on IGN and yet nobody talks about it. So let me try to, aside from one exception, this episode of the Wither Storm arc is the one that focuses on characterization the most. Especially for Lukas's development, I really love it when this character's strategies clash with Jesse's and we get a clear sense that they were, in fact, rivals, something future episodes seem to forget. Not to mention I really love how Lukas genuinely feels guilt over not being the best person and that be blames herself for Petra, and it really pushes to his development for being braver and sticking out for himself, being great build up to (WHAT I THOUGHT) the payoff. Petra is interesting as usual with her lack of trust in others and that she has an ideal on what a hero is supposed to be, and overall its super interesting to see Soren's lifestyle. I don't love Soren as a character, but its hard not to get immersed by this End setting he has where he's put his building skills to an honestly depressing advantage, so much so that his guilt over what he did in the past has granted him a lack of socialization and a lack of trust in people, which obviously makes sense given what happened to him. Soren might be the most interesting member of the Order, Ivor excluded, and this episode almost made me forgive the Order for being annoying characters overall. (I said almost) Not to mention this episode might actually have the best gameplay in any episode of season one, definitely taking the quick time events to great use and honest challenge while also doing some really neat stuff with the camera here. Also this might be the episode where Jesse actually gets to be vulnerable and make mistakes that get called out, and I love that. Plus this episode actually establishes genuine stakes and is the first sign of the downfalls of being a hero by actually killing off a character. Yeah its a character I don't care about, regardless of whose armor you take, but I appreciate that they tried to redeem themselves in the end. I honestly don't know why this episode gets ignored so much.
Okay, so as you can probably tell, my top three is basically my favorite episode of each story arc, so lets get into that.
3: The Order of the Stone-
The one that started it all. Yeah, go figure that the first episode is my favorite from the wither storm arc. And I don't think its that hard to see why. This episode is just beautiful to look at as we are eyeing this world for the first time. The world building and how it cooperates different styles of Minecraft players into this world is still really intriguing. In fact this episode feels the most like Minecraft out of any of the episodes on this list with the recipe concepts, building, nether exploration, mob attacks, shelters, its great because admittedly the other episodes either make something up playing with Minecraft materials, or they use this stuff but exaggerate it or use it briefly. Jesse Axel and Olivia feel like actual friends with disagreements and desires, which we don't get anymore from this trio, Jesse feels like an actual amateur for once, Petra and Lukas both have great character introductions, and there's actual calm and quiet scenes where characters can interact. Jesse can interact with a team without being the center of attention, and shocker, that actually works. Admittedly I can kind of say that about my top two episodes as well, but still appreciate the effort. Ivor is a compelling antagonist with a ton of mystery, and yeah, its just a great start.
2: Access Denied-
Episode 7 is shockingly a great episode. And its especially shocking because of how low the other Portal Arc episodes are on my list. The redstone concept is a great idea and the most accurate Minecraft related world that's not infuriating next to Sky City, also Petra's robot voice is hilariously terrible and I love it. Harper is an interesting side character with a neat backstory, fun exists, the opening portal sequence is a ton of fun, Jesse and Petra are adorable together as usual, and I love every frame that has to do with PAMA. Plus, this is a great character driven episode with Jesse and Petra both learning something and accepting each others point of view. I know many hate this argument scene but I personally think it was something Jesse needed to hear. The dude lost his/her pig, he/she can't lose anyone else and the idea of letting others do their thing kind of upsets him/her, so of course he/she is going to try and take charge and give no one else a say in the matter. Then PAMA shows up acting as a symbol of what Jesse could become if he/she let arrogance and that need for control consume him/her. Again, plays a part in season 2. Speaking of which, Petra doesn't get any credit in this episode and I don't know why. Yes I know she was chipped the majority and left me getting so many laughs out of her brainwashed voice, but I bought everything Petra said and did. It's in character for her to yell at Jesse like this over simple frustration, as she's never shown to have a good temper with people, and again, Petra wants to be seen as a hero, she's obviously going to want to take charge when Jesse clearly has no idea what he/she is doing. I also love that she doesn't immediately take back what she said to Jesse, which humanizes her way more and really gets her to rethink her actions and how pathetic she was after being chipped in the head. She gets to witness Jesse actually try his/her hardest and ensuring her that her feelings do matter to him/her, and that makes her respect him/her way more and it kind of makes season two even sadder when Jesse breaks the promise of being by her side. Is episode 1 a better episode? It probably is, but I enjoy this one way more.
1: Below The Bedrock-
Okay lets get this out of the way. The cabin scene is the best scene in the entire series. There's a reason everyone has talked about this scene the most. Petra finally breaks down at the sight of a peaceful time of how things used to be, and the simple life she left behind, finally blaming herself and reflecting on herself through the Admins past, with Jesse helping her see that she deserves happiness of her own, and that her place isn't to be a hero and stay locked up, but to venture out into the unknown, her own freedom, to discover herself and embrace every fiery desire that she has... and yet, she hesitates to commit to treating herself, because she just can't lose her closest friend, the one person whose looked up to her and looked out for her despite every time she's tried to push him/her away. And Jesse, finally embracing his/her vulnerable side and that freedom has so many meanings, ensures Petra that no matter how far away her venture takes her... she'll never be alone, because Jesse will always be right there with her. I've watched this scene a thousand times over, and it still touches my heart because of how much I relate to this simple discussion and this simple breakdown and reflection. But I didn't put this episode on top just because of that scene, I really do love the entire episode. This is probably the most character oriented episode, which may sound weird given it only has three characters in the main group whereas episode 1 has twice as many. But here, less is more, because it makes room for nearly every interaction and reaction of a character matter. These three are able to call out each other and support each other with nearly every interaction, and I could tell that these are three great friends that need each other more than anything... yet they have to separate to better themselves. Radar is dealing with trying to impress his boss by copying his ego and then he finds a town that he promises to save that has his exact same obsession. He succeeds with his won skills and then uses that to save hundreds of people in his own selfless way. Jesse has an actual identity crisis with being replaced and finding his/her own path and what he/she really wants to do and be, looking for that by looking deeper into Romeo's backstory. Speaking of which, this episode really doesn't have a villain, and yet it feels like an antagonist is present all throughout this atmosphere as if someone had made so many regrettable mistakes that it literally destroyed their world and drove them into insanity. The world of this place is more alive than any other episode, as an apocalypse. The way these villages portray their adaptations to life and how they worship the only good people left in their lives is gross and yet strangely endearing. It knows how to portray a serious subject of abandonment, sanity, and permanent damage with respect and yet still have sparks of positivity and hope scattered without being jarring (Except maybe for the Ninja Ivor scene, but I love that so I don't know what my point is) Also Jack is barely on screen in this episode to have any sort of relevance, which is great. And you know what? Even if this episode had really jarring problems, I think I still would have put it on top because of how much this episode has spoken to me, tugged at my heart still to this day at multiple occasions, and honestly, its really helped me with a lot of things in my life. So I have to say that an episode literally called 'Below the Bedrock' is the one that sours the highest out of any others as my favorite episode...
This took me two days to make, and now I think no one is going to read it. Oh well. Feel free to disagree with me all you want, but that's my opinion, reply down below what your ranking is, and stay alive fandom!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Star Vs Tom Luictor Retrospective Detour: Skooled!
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                                         Dedicated to Jessica Walter                                                     1941- 2021
Welcome back all you still mourning people to Prince of Wishful Thinking, my Tom Lucitor Retrospective... or at least a detour from it as I need to cover the Meteora arc to cover Divide/Conquer properly. When we last left off with Star she and Tom were going closer, but both are taking a break this time. We’ll get back to them in April... oh will we get back to them in april.  For now we’re back to Meteora who I forgot was ABSENT for a while. not forever, but while her parantege, the cover up related to her and all of that has been vitally important, Meteora herself vanished after Monster Party and hasn’t been seen till now. But i’ts a good storytelling engine.. it ratchets up tension for her inevitable return, and gives us time to find out what happened with her and let that sink in.. granted i’td also be the last time it sunk in but I can dunk on the series decline later... I still have season 4 episodes to cover after all. So join me under the cut as we get the welcomed Return of Henious, an unexpected hero.. and Ponyhead because this series clearly hasn’t hurt me enough. And as usual for my Star Vs Reviews, i’d like to thank one of my Best Friends @jess-the-vampire for her insight on this episode. It’s always welcome and she always manages to find something I didn’t think of . 
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So we open at Saint O’s with Ponyhead returning to the school, having previously run it post rebellion before leaving because.. I don’t know. She probably got tired of being a leader, and out of universe they needed her to be around star more. Look the series has far more important things it never explained and never will, not explaining why a recklessly irresponsible asshole left a position of authority and responsibility I can let slide. 
She’s come for brunch but things have changed... the school is still a warm, free environment for princesses to better themselves and party hardy, no longer an oppressive brainwashing gulag run by someone who as it turned out was horribly brainwashed herself.. it’s just now it actually has rules and structure. 
It now also has an actual leader, Princess Patty Arms who showed up in the school’s previous appearance this season here and.. that’s it. I think she showed up in the background of the original st o’s episode. And it’s a shame because she’s a really fascinating character. No really she’s calm, dosen’t take Pony’s shit, and while a brunch exam SEEMS like a waste of time... it really isn’t. A good meal can loosen up a dignitary and some rulers have sticks up their keisters about things like this, so being able to do it just right can win them over. It’s still a touch ridiculous but given the world of star is a touch ridiculous to start with, it works. 
Pony naturally leaves in a rage over this especially when no one backs her up.. but soon the School has bigger issues and we get to why we’re actually here: Meteora is back. And while she has changed, now having grown larger and stronger, easily scaling the wall, she still wants payback and we get a damn fine battle sequence as the princesses all unite against their former tormentor. It’s also sad in hindsight.. because as Jess pointed out to me almost NONE of these characters show up again. And I only added the almost because Penelope is in there. They all seem interesting, the setting of ST O’s itself is interesting, and the idea of a school for princesses of various types is a cool idea. I’ts something the show could’ve come back to to see how they bounce back from this attack.. but like most cool background elements in the show they forget about it. It was intresting to see the schools slow evolution from horrible nightmare to princess ran utopia and like many things coming up it feels like a lost opportunity. 
That being said the fight is awesome, with Meteora proving to be a juggernaut in strength and outplanning her enimies, having brought an overide switch for the robots (Patty reprogrammed them to work for the school) and having them throw their hearts/ power sources as bombs. It’s a damn fine sequence as she finds way after way to keep going, with a now restored rasticore helping them simply portal in.
Pony meanwhile.. is hiding , as Patty find sout when she finds her, and Pony assumes this is about her... though for once i’ts not JUST ego.. but because she was one of the two who started the uprising at the school in the first place and THE person who tossed her out. We also get a nice character moment as while Pony tells patti she still hates her.. she puts the princess behind her when Meteora approaches. She may be a selfish twit whose massively unlikeable.. but she has a good heart.. and not just the one she keeps in a jar she got from one of her boyfriends. 
But Meteora has more important buisness and finds her way to the depths of St. O’s.. where we meet the Schools namesake and her adopted mother a robot played by tress macneile.. another thing the series never bothered to care about as where did these robots come from and why? 
Turns out Meteora came to find out her own personal history, with the remote from before used to find the real dirt.. and what we find .. is heartbreaking as we slowly journey back through Meteora’s childhoods as Henious.. and it’s fucking heart breaking with Tress voicing her younger versions, hence why I didn’t use this as the jessica tribute as while walter’s good in the episode, she isn’t given much. 
We see her as a teen, forced to hide her tail and insulted over it by her mother.. and it only gets worse as when her cheeks glow as a kid St. O tries to wash them off and we get the poor child desperately begging that “she can be better”
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We do finally get the answers Meteora saught as we see Shastacan dropping off the baby meteora, calling her “Henious”.. which St. O took as her name. Proving the spiderbites minus penelope’s dickishness is indeed genetic and why I have no sympathy for the prick getting eaten later... and hopefully globgor will do an encor with penepople’s parents. Here’s hoping. 
So Meteora now knows she’s the rightful queen, and decides to go take it back.. though Pony does try to stand up for her friends... and while we don’t see it hte next episode confirms she got her horn ripped the fuck off. And this horribly traumatic injury.. is magically fixed via 3d printing next time we see her after an episode grappling iwth it instead of having pony deal with not having a horn, or her prostetic not giving her magic powers again. Because this show again really likes to leave good ideas out to rot in the sun like that  package of hamburger I left out in the sun yesterday. And I actually had a reason there: I need a lot of Racoons for an elaborate scheme involving a map to tex cruz’s house, a used apache helicopter and a bulk order of tiny parachutes. 
We do get some payoff to things though, as Henious comes on to rasticore who not so politely rejects her for being nuts.. before it’s revealed Gemini, her loyal servant is also a robot and she uses his heart to blow up rasticore and take the arm with her... which is ALSO never brought up again. Seriously this episode is so full of loose ends i’m suprised it just dosen’t end with Zuko asking his dad about his mother. Gemini’s death is genuinely tragic as his last words are “If you wanted my heart.. all you had to do.. was assssskkkkk”. God damn. So with that Meteora heads out to reclaim her birthright.. no matter the cost. 
Final Thoughts on Skooled!: This one is decent.. but like the last episode I covered, the lack of payoff off for almost anything here, excluding the Meteora plotline and the Pony thing which instead got a BAD payoff, is really starting to rear it’s ugly head as the series greatest weakness. Yes bigger than the romance plot. And given that romance plot after this season can be best discribed as...
The show just.. forgets a good chunk of things happened to keeep things chugging along. It sets UP plots, what happens to st o’s from here, buff frog and a small caravan of monsters leaving forever, the message from shastacan, who built the st o’s robots, and on and on.. but it never PAYS them off. It dosen’t care to. It just does things so the plot can move but never bothers to think about the fucking consequences. It just gets more and more irrtating to think about as other shows throughly DO: Amphibia has the fact the characters get into shenanigans become a commented on running gag and something they grow past, and everything that happens matters. Every episode of Owl House builds on the foundation of the previous episodes. OK Ko dosen’t forget one episode had the characters not be able to turn back into humans and implies their wearing human costumes for the rest of the series. Which is fucking weird, but it was their memory. My point is other shows around the same time or right after didn’t magically forget things happened for convience sake. While it’s OKAY to loose some things in the shuffle, it happens to the best of us, it’s not okay to do it SO fucking often and with no clear care for the audiences desire for payoff. The show just ignores what plot points, like the huge cliffhanger of Star telling marco how she felt at the end of season 2, it dosen’t care about till it needs them and ignores the ones it never does. You can’t just.. bring shit up like it’s important and then try and forget it ever happened. People remember stuff, we are NOT stupid. KIDS are not stupid. When I was younger I REMEMBERED things that happened on KND, Danny Phantom, Xiaolin Showdown, TMNT 2003, because those shows, which are from decades ago, knew I would and trusted even if I missed something and was thrown off i’d tune in for the quality. 
And in an age of streaming and more story based tv you can’t just.. ask kids to act like something they saw didn’t happen because your fucking lazy and frankly YOU never should have. Kids deserve better, my niblings deserve better and frankly the adults your clearly also writing for.. deserve better. This episode is eh, but the problems it represents are so fucking worse. 
Next time on tom. If you thought I got angry towards the end of this one, just you wait. Next time i’ts Booth Buddies. Yeah.. yeah that one. Stay tuned.
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maggiemaybe160 · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
You know when you’re close to the end of writing a fic and you start digging your heels in because you’ve spent so much time and emotion on this and it can’t end and it has to end at the same time? 
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 03:40:50 GMT
First Line Tag Game
Thanks to @nickelkeep for the tag <3
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
1. Life Through a Portal (Dean/OC male) The bunker is relatively quiet.
2. Fallout: Supernatural (Destiel) War. War never changes. 
3. Life at a Distance (Dean/OC male)  Motel rooms start to blur together after a while.
4. The Man in the Woods (Jesper/Klaus) The air is cold but it hardly touches him.
5. Orchid of the Black Dawn (Mulan/Shang)  “By order of the Emperor: one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army!” 
6. I Forgot to Remember (Destiel) The screams of Hell were sounds Castiel could never forget.
7. Headaches and Heartache (Boone/female courier) The new relationship is just that: new.
8. Out of Time (Destiel) The last thing Dean remembers is fighting in a warehouse.
9. Something Terrible (Destiel) The air is still/ And silent/ The birds don’t chirp/ The wind doesn’t blow/ Something terrible has happened here
10. When You’re Found (Boone/female courier) Boone blinks blearily as he sits up.
11. Don’t Bother Knocking (Dash & Destiel) Dean is covered in Cas’ kisses, his skin burning with them as he moans.
12. The Wedding (Destiel) Don’t bother asking Dean Winchester why he thought that this was a good idea.
13. Lonely Without You (Destiel) Dean wakes up on a couch.
14. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Destiel) Pain rockets through Dean’s arm, waking him up.  
15. Six Feet Deep (General) Dean is screaming.
16. His Beating Heart (Destiel) C roams.
17. Angel’s Lament (Destiel) Castiel has been walking for hours.
18. Here There Be Monsters (Destiel) The road is dark and stretches out in front of Dean.
19. Murder, Mystery & Makeup Memories (Sam/Jess) Sam has his headphones in as he slouches in his seat, his knee against the car door.
20. A Little More Human (Destiel)  “I’m gonna head,” Dean says, getting up from his seat in the library.
Patterns? I seem to start entirely mundane or right in the middle of the action. There is no in between. My favorite line has to be  12. The Wedding (Destiel) Don’t bother asking Dean Winchester why he thought that this was a good idea.
tagging anyone who wants to play really @a-insominia @kingdumbass ?
2 notes • Posted 2021-05-14 16:04:09 GMT
Okay, so I’m writing and I’m going over the timeline of the pilot episode for reasons. Whoever was in charge of writing the timeline of things for that episode (and others, let’s be honest) has never even LOOKED at the 2005 calendar.  In the pilot, Sam is at a Halloween party when he tells his people that he has an interview “on Monday.”  Alright. Interview is on Monday.  That night, Dean arrives and tells Sam they gotta go on a hunt. So they go. The hunt takes like 1.5 days and they’re heading back on November 2 in time for Jessica’s death. (RIP). While they are driving back, Sam announces that his interview is “in like 10 hours.”  What? Excuse me? in 2005, Halloween was on Monday. October 31st happened on a Monday in 2005. So he had a week until his interview.  November 2, 2005 happened on a Wednesday.  If November 2, 2005 happened on Wednesday, then “in like 10 hours” would be Thursday morning. That’s not a Monday. Not even a little.  So, I decided to give them benefit of the doubt and looked into 2004 which makes the writers dumb in 2 years because Halloween was on a Sunday that year which makes the interview on a Wednesday.  I went back one more year. 2003. 2003 is the year that Halloween happened on a Friday which would have made Jessica die on a Sunday and Sam’s law school interview on a Monday.  So now I have to think about if Supernatural was 2 years behind and we all just took it at face value that “Present Day” meant 2005 or if it meant 2003 and we are all wrong about every single date because we’re all 2 years off all because some CW writer didn’t think about looking at a goddamn calendar and wanted to ruin my Monday morning today. 
19 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 19:05:03 GMT
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nabrizoya · 4 years
TLH; theories, expectations and hopes.
Kinda want to talk about downworlder appearances here. A little more than a long post. 
» 2. Downworld Denizens.
note: to all those who haven’t yet read TDA, GOTSM etc. (because ik a few who haven’t read them yet) this post is not for you. 
TL;DR this post talks about the proportion (no math here) of downworlder appearances in each of the series and novellas we have read. The Bane Chronicles not included.
For understanding’s sake, I’ll divide the downworld as the shadow market does. Into four major segments: warlocks, faeries (with sub-divisions), vampires and werewolves. While we do see other groups of non-shadowhunters and mundanes like the irfits, the djinns, the kelpies, sprites and wights, the mermaids, witches etc. we haven’t seen much of them be a major part of the plot as the above mentioned four do. 
That being cleared, let’s start series wise. 
▸ In The Mortal Instruments, we saw all the four interact. More than interact, actually. Every one of them played a major role in turning the series around. 
Vampires, we know what Simon Lewis, Raphael and Lily did. What antagonists Camille Belcourt and Maureen did and how they shaped the series. 
Werewolf packs, there were revolutions and the emergence of newer and stronger packs.
Warlocks, Magnus Bane, of course, but Ragnor played a part in the first trilogy and we saw Catarina’s abilities in the later half. Tessa was briefly mentioned and the timeline added up by the time COHF ended. 
In TMI, the Seelie Court entirely turned the tables while TDA picked up the thread from its counterpart, the Unseelie Court. Mark was taken away by the wild hunt which sets the precedent to TDA.
And, The End. 
[It’s been two years since I’ve read TMI and I barely remember things from it. All those I do remember is from vague readings that I did from wikia or see Dani’s rereading posts. There are inaccuracies here, but the jist remains the same.]
▸ Walk over to The Infernal Devices. 
Magnus Bane was a crucial character in the series, with a random appearance from Ragnor Fell. We saw Mortmain’s parents too, the warlocks whose deaths Mortmain wanted to avenge. Tessa is not a major warlock character. She’s the protag.
The Dark Sisters, a pair of witches, who unethically and literally shaped Tessa because she possessed the ability to shape-shift. 
Vampires, Alexie deQuincy, the guy in association with the Pandemonium, the club that Mortmain ran. Camille orchestrated the attack on him besides being a side character. 
Werewolves; we saw them both attack and defend Will Herondale on his way to Cadair Idris. Woolsey Scott was the head.
And that’s pretty much where downworlder appearance subsides. No mention of faeries. 
▸ On to The Dark Artifices now. 
Faeries played a MAJOR role in the events of TDA, which makes sense because the Cold Peace greatly influenced the beginning of the series. 
Mark’s return and the eventual discovery of the alliance that Malcolm had with that dude, [for real, I actually forgot his name and I can’t remember or be bothered enough to look it up], who used Mark and Kieran as their pawns to get what they wanted. 
The Unseelie King is dead, the Seelie Queen yeed her last haw and we saw the whole business with the first heir, that took its origins from Ghosts of the Shadow Market. 
Oh, not to forget the ruthless Riders of Mannan. 
And Thule, but we don’t talk about that here. 
Vampires, well, only Nightshade and his drugs. 
Werewolves, nope. None at all. 
Warlocks, yesss, what with the warlock fever and such. The major warlocks we noted are Magnus, Shade Fell, Tessa and, of course, Malcolm Fade. 
Hypatia Vex and Barnabas Hale also were instrumental to the plot since they detailed the tensions of the market. There’s sourness that we saw between Magnus and Hypatia, which should hint towards something. 
▸ Going forth with the Novellas, in Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, we saw each one of them be mentioned to connect the dots between TMI and TDA and then draw the strings from TID. 
We noted the Uprising and the news of Lucian’s turning in the werewolf part. 
Vampires, I don’t think there was any mention of them at all. 
Warlocks, we saw our little Max Bluebell, Magnus and Alec as a family. Tessa is a warlock who has settled with her and our long lost love, Jem Carstairs. 
Faeries, now, aah, Helen’s inhumane exile, Andrew and Arthur’s torture in the Land Under the Hill, Lady Nerissa, the brief Wild Hunt stunt when Simon got imprisoned and Mark Blackthorn *sob* etc. 
▸ Ghosts of the Shadow Market:
Faeries, yet again, who, out of their spite, destroyed Matthew Fairchild’s life and we don’t how much more detrimental it is going to be ahaha pain my old fren, they harmed Jem too along with Rosemary Herondale, almost killed Tessa etc. 
Vampires, still none. But we did get to see Raphael and Lily’s interactions (The Son of Dawn) and Lily’s past (The Land I Lost). 
Warlocks, yes Tessa! Malcolm Fade and the weird book he was looking for in Every Exquisite Thing. (👀) Catarina Loss and her excellent healing prowess. Leopolda and her stains. Yeah, nothing more.
Werewolves, oh yes Mr. Scott, who helped end Leopolda Stain’s plans. And oh, the smuggling of yin-fen ofc in The Son of Dawn, and the kind werewolves who helped Alec, Lily, Tessa and Jem in The Land I Lost. 
That’s pretty much it. 
The real requirement that the post will satisfy is to see how each of them will make an appearance in The Last Hours.
Magnus will not play a major role (nor do I want him to which I will explain in a further post).
Tessa is minimally using her warlock magic. You know, for the smallest of things like some healing powers, lighting a candle with magic. The small stuff. She will, also, play a major role in defeating Belial because she is Belial’s daughter though currently, she is choosing to not use her demonic powers. 
Hypatia Vex is rumoured to be Magnus’ girlfriend? But I’d also like to see her as the authority of Hell Ruelle. Let’s not reduce her to being a simple love interest please.
Malcolm Fade.
I’d also like to see Catarina please Miss Clare, make it happen. 🥺
Land Under the Hill: 
Faeries shall certainly make an appearance. But most of all, they’ll be more inclined to destroy the Herondale lineage. The same happened with Matthew (as we found out in The Land I Lost from Auraline’s guardian): to end the Herondales.
There is a snippet in COI wikia where Cordelia freezes when a faerie tells her not to marry a man who does not love her. I’m ready to believe this is Mother Hawthorn, Auraline’s guardian.
There are also theories that Grace is Nene. Which is a possibility, and if it is true, we can see another faerie plotline.
I’m grasping at straws at this point but,,, Jesse speaking about the Land Under the Hill when he first meets Lucie will probably mean something? This is not my strongest bet, because in Chapter 3, the idea is diminished. Jesse tells Lucie that shadowhunters know about faerie traps too. But, just in case, some food for thought. 
Vampires & Werewolves: 
Vampires and Werewolves WILL play an important role in shaping the series here. With little to no involvement of theirs in TID (and TDA), it is a heavy possibility. 
The series took off with Elias’ punishment for being the person responsible for the deaths of werewolves in Idris. This will come back and bite the families, I’m sure. 
There are theories Matthew might be stripped of his marks to either become a vampire or a werewolf. Strong bets, but I hope not. (is this how werewolves will take their revenge? who knows).
Woolsey Scott and Camille Belcourt are set to make an appearance and we do not know why. 
Pandemonium is coming back too, lads and ladies and everybody else. 
Lily Chen is already present and she is set to become friends, or at least acquaintances, with Camille because they spend the 1920s together. 
Cordelia is going to save Lily and I cannot wait for it. 🥺
And, the end. 
This will also lead more towards the building up of The Wicked Powers too. 
. . .
One last warlock to talk more about is Malcolm Fade. 
Around the timeline of TLH, he has a connection with the Blackthorns and for the most part, is trusted by Magnus and Ragnor as a good and virtuous man. I should believe he was, until the truth is dug out, either in 1903/04, or sometime before 1936 when Jem inquires with Sister Emilia about Annabel Blackthorn. 
As per the information from TDA, Malcolm already was associated with the Unseelie King in the early 1800s, before the Accords that granted peace between downworlders and shadowhunters. He took the Black Volume of the Dead, though he is not possession of it. Yet.
Let me give you map of MF connections (mf connections lmao): 
Black Volume of the Dead 
Warlock Magic aka Portals and Death Magic 
Cornwall Gardens and Institute
Avenging to vengeance 
Shadow Markets 
... This will then lead us to more interesting theories. Cassie did mention in one of her asks/answers that Malcolm is going to be a major character in this series. And you bet I’m making a theory about this too. 
That concludes the post. That’s it. If you’ve managed to read this entirety, you’re either too excellent or you’re just as jobless as me. Either way, here’s your reward for bearing with me. Trust me, you won’t regret opening it.
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