#Texas dad
lidoshka · 7 months
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Rookie son
Tex has a son who is small, and skinny, and his wrists look so fragile that Tex thinks he could snap them if he’s not careful… and yet, Keith is faster than any man in the unit, he can carry two people back to safety in a single trip and lift beams larger than Tex himself.
Supremely disappointed that there wasn't a #showAU tag for #Keithtober this year, but anyway! have a Show AU!
And Happy Birthday Keith!!! Here’s an au where Tex survives and raises Keith!
Sure, there's a chance that even with his dad alive Keith would still want to join the garrison, but I also like the idea of him choosing to stay closer to the desert (and blue!)
Here are some things I was thinking about this AU:
-There is one universe where Tex died in a fire, but in THIS universe he survives the fire.
-His brush with death makes Tex aware that he needs to have a larger support for his child, so he makes some changes: he takes more desk time whenever possible, and forges deeper bonds with his fellow firemen; Keith now has half a dozen different godfathers who could take him in if Tex ever falls in the line of duty.
-With his father alive Keith has the chance to learn who (and what) his mother is, where she is and most importantly, what his father is protecting in the desert.
-Keith reasons that should anything happen to his dad, the keeping of the Blue Lion would fall on him, and it'd be difficult to do that if he's stuck in a military school; instead of going to the Garrison he decides to stay and become a fireman.
-There might have been a row at some point because of this (since Keith had said over and over how much he wanted to become a pilot before), but Keith is stubborn and got his way. Besides, if he really wanted to, there's always flight simulators.
-With Tex alive Keith never loses his alien roots. Tex knows enough galran to at least read the controls of a spaceship, and he passes this knowledge to Keith.
-Tex also gives Keith his mother's knife, not just for sentimental reasons, but also because Krolia showed him how to receive and send signals with it.
-Keith grows up in the desert, he still has poor people skills but he’s less conflicted about them; he also has a few quirks here and there that don't look entirely human (like the super strenght), but Tex assures him "your mother used to do that too" and therefore he's more confortable on his skin.
-Keith still aced the flight simulator during Shiro's visit to his school; he never steals Shiro's car but neither does he accept the offer to join the Garrison. Their friendship might develop after Shiro's continuos tries to recruit Keith.
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mushed-kid · 2 months
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vld as textposts etc. 34
(i could’ve posted these a while ago but i thought i might make three more to have like a full post but i didnt manage that sorry, i wish i could post as often but making them just doesnt hit the same anymore😔 the children yearn for the vld textposts)
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unrealisticlea · 2 months
anyway my favourite thing about buck being jealous of Eddie’s ONE (1) new friend is that it implies that Eddie had 0 other friends for the past 6+ years. co-dependency at its finest, baby.
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catfindr · 1 year
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟘 : Baby Honey NSFW 🔞
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel x horseback riding instructor f!reader
A/N: One order up of the Joel Miller pussy eating special! 🤠
~word count: 4.1k~
Summary: the slow burn between you and horse dad! Joel has come to an end. He shows you just what he meant when he said he wanted to worship your body.
Warnings: fluff, flirting, teasing, smut, oral (female receiving) fingering, nipple play, overstimulation, praise kink, consent (Joel talks you through it) nickname overload, sexual tension, dirty internal thoughts, vulgar language, filthy talk, begging, Joel gets pussy drunk and loves it, he acts like such a sweetheart, a little smug, he’s got some serious rizz, (+18) minors dni!
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
Joel had been a complete sweetheart for the rest of the evening after he drove you home from the bar. He didn’t even allow your feet to touch the ground when he pulled up to your apartment complex. He insisted on carrying you from his truck to your apartment door. You were in a fit of drunk giggles with your cheek smushed up against his warm chest. His t-shirt smelled of lavender vanilla detergent and cologne. He smelled so good. “Are ya really goin’ and smellin’ my shirt right now darlin?’ You lil’ drunk weirdo.” His tone was light, airy, and mildly raspy.
“Shh. Don’t you dare go make fun of me right now, Joel. You smell so good..what is that cologne you’re wearing? Smells heavenly..” You took one big ole whiff which caused Joel to chuckle as he quietly unlocked your apartment door and used his hip to push it open.
“Dunno what brand it is actually. Tommy got it for me awhile back. I’ll have to let him know that you’re a huge fan of it, sweetness.”
“I love when you call me cute things. You have so many different names for me, babe. How do you keep track of them all?” Joel had gently sank down onto the couch with his arms still firmly wrapped around you.
“Yeah? Well..I love calling you cute things. I do have a lot of ‘em huh? You wanna order some food now or after we get ya into some comfy clothes?”
Your arms had slid up around his neck, fingers lazily playing with the strands of hair along the nape of his neck as you peppered sweet kisses across his jawline. “Hmmm..let's order food now. I am absolutely starved.”
Joel couldn’t contain his little grin as you peppered kisses along his face. His dimples were even peeking through as the pad of his thumb was rubbing slow, gentle circles against your spine. He couldn’t help but turn his head a little, giving you a quick peck on the lips. “Alright, my sweet girl. Lets get some food in ya.”
For the rest of the evening, you and Joel were curled up on the couch with a box of pizza, and garlic knots on the coffee table while you watched a few episodes of Friends. At some point, you had fallen asleep with your head resting in his lap over a fluffy blanket. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this content with someone. The domestic intimacy was so pure, so soft and he loved every second of it.
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The following morning you were rudely awoken by your alarm clock blaring along your nightstand. Before you could even think about getting out of bed, a strong arm reached over your middle and firmly pressed down on the alarm clock, ceasing its annoying blaring. Joel grumbled something incoherent against your ear as he firmly tugged your warm body back against his chest, nuzzling his nose against your neck as he inhaled deeply.
“Joel..” You whispered, voice laced with sleep. Your eyes weren’t even open yet. “I have to get up honey.”
“Mmm. No you don’t. Stay in bed a little longer here with me..you’re so warm..” He hummed, pressing a languid kiss to the spot below your ear.
Your body instantly melted against his broad chest as you let out a content sigh. “Okay, fine. You win this round. Can you hand me my phone please?”
You could feel a smirk spreading across Joel’s lips as he kissed along your skin. “Oh, please. Don’t act like you don’t wanna spend all mornin’ in bed with me.” He warmly chuckled before he blindly reached for your phone on the nightstand.
“Of course I wanna spend all morning in bed with you..I just need to see if Ryder can go feed the horses for me in the meantime.” You grabbed your phone from his grasp before finding Ryder’s contact and pressed the receiver against your ear.
“Gooood morning sunshine! How are you feeling babydoll?” Ryder’s voice singsonged through the line. She sounded awfully enthusiastic for it being so early in the morning.
“Hey, babe? Would you do me a huge favor? Can you head over to the barn and bring the boys in and get them fed? I’m gonna be a little late this morning..Did you have a fun evening with Tommy?”
You could feel Ryder smirking through the receiver and she was currently in bed with Tommy who was listening in on the conversation of course. He was eager to hear if his big brother had finally gotten lucky.
“Long night, huh? Is Joel with you right now? Of course I can bring them in and get them fed. Do you mind if Tommy comes with me? He spent the night..” You could picture her little smile through the phone when she mentioned Tommy being there with you.
“Don’t you go and get any funny ideas now, Ryder.” You couldn’t help but giggle. “Yeah, Joel is here with me right now. He spent the night too..” You felt him gently squeeze your hip bone as he continued to pepper kisses along your neck. “Sounds like you had a fun night babe. I can’t wait to hear all about it. Tell Tommy I say hello! Kisses.” You ended the call and carelessly tossed your phone along your nightstand before you turned your head over your shoulder and finally met his lips in a searing kiss.
Joel had eagerly kissed you back as his warm hands found purchase around your hips, brushing his thumbs at the soft skin below your navel as the hem of his shirt that you were wearing was resting just above where his hands were firmly holding you.
“Joel..” You mumbled against his lips, dragging your fingertips along his jawline, catching his stubble along the soft pads of your fingers.
“Hmm?” He gave your hips a light squeeze as his nose nudged against yours. “C’mere. Come closer baby.” He rasped against your lips
You wasted no time to turn yourself around in his arms so that you were facing him. The kiss you shared was broken away for just a mere moment before your lips were pressed to his once more. You hiked your thigh over his hip as your hands were gently holding his face. “Joel..” you whispered.
“Yeah baby? What’s up darlin?’” His words were muffled by your lips as his hand dropped down, fingertips brushing over the exposed skin along your thigh. He gave it a firm squeeze, sinking the pads of his fingertips into the plush flesh.
“We’re finally alone..with no interruptions.” There was a certain giddiness to your tone when the realization washed over the both of you and time seemed to stop.
“I don’t..I don’t have anythin’ on me darlin'’” he slowly detached his lips from the kiss, using his free hand to cup your cheek gently in his warm palm as he dragged the pad of his thumb across your plush lower lip. He watched with hooded eyes as you nibbled playfully on the tip of his thumb, eyes locked on his.
“I don’t either..it’s been awhile for me as you know. There’s other things we can do, baby.”
Joel took his own lip between his teeth when you had lightly sucked on the tip of his thumbnail, eyes looking at him with a doe like innocence that had blood flowing straight down to his cock. “You can’t be lookin’ at me like that darlin’ and sayin’ things..fuck.” He rasped.
“Looking at you, how?” You had a tiny smirk playing across your pretty lips as your lashes fluttered and he had images of you down on your knees in front of him flash across his mind. Mouth full of his cock, spit dribbling down your chin—
“Can I taste you?” He knew his request was bold. Perhaps even a little brash for his own taste but he could only imagine how sweet your cunt had to be. He hadn’t had a desire to be this intimate with someone in so long. It felt like foreign territory, but all the more exciting. He wanted to show you just how badly he wanted to please you. He promised you nearly a month ago that he wanted to worship your body in more ways than one. He wasn’t a man to go back on his promises either, he always followed through.
Your breath hitched harshly in your throat at his request. How was this man so fucking sweet, yet so filthy at the same time. A mixture between heaven and hell. On the fleeting cusp of driving you absolutely mad. Would he tease you? Would he have you begging him for more? God his tongue—
“Yes. Please.” You nearly mewled.
“Get on your back for me sweetheart. Wanna make sure you’re nice and comfy, Kay?” He pressed a light playful kiss to the tip of your nose, loving the way your face when cutely scrunch up.
The early morning calm began to grow thick with tension. The chemistry between you and Joel was radiating through the expanse of your room, bouncing off the wall like ping pong balls. You could hear his heart racing in his rib cage, feel the butterflies swirling in your stomach as you eased yourself away from his grasp on you, rolling over onto your back.
Joel was leaning over you now, fluffing the pillows behind your head with ease. You couldn’t help but giggle when he had gently stuffed a pillow under your lower back so you had more support.
“What’so funny?” He was looking down at you with a boyish grin as he settled himself between your thighs.
“Nothing, baby. You’re just..you’re really sweet and careful..and attentive to me.” You reached your hand up, gently cupping his cheek as he leaned down over you.
“Remember how I told ya after our first date that I was gonna worship you, and your body in more ways than one? This is just part one..I’m gonna take real good care of you, okay? The way that you deserve..” His nose lightly brushed against yours as he closed the small gap between you once more. He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. It was slow, languid and filled with emotions only the two of you shared.
“I remember. Let’s speed things up then, cowboy.” You giggled against his lips kissing him back sweetly.
“Slow down there, cowgirl. I’m gonna take my time with ya. You’re gonna love it, trust me.” You felt his fingers toying with the hem of his shirt along your body. “Can I take this off? Or do you wanna keep it on?” He mumbled against your lips.
“Take it off.”
“Don’t gotta ask me twice.” He could feel your eagerness as you were already lifting your arms above your head. Inch by inch, he slowly began to lift his shirt over your head. He begrudgingly detached his lips from yours to get the shirt over your head but once he rid you of the fabric, he was gazing down at you. His eyes flitted down to the way your nipples hardened from the cool morning air. You couldn’t help but playfully give his cheek a light slap when he was shamelessly checking you out.
“Hey, eyes up here buddy!”
Joel warmly chuckled as one of his hands found purchase just under your right breast. His thumb was gently stroking across the plush skin as he gave you another boyish grin. “Sorry, honey. Can’t help myself. You’re beautiful, and these? These are very nice.” His thumb brushed across your hardened nipple as your back arched up against him from the light touch.
Your skin felt ignited under his touch as if he had set a match off deep inside of you that left your body craving for more. You were certain that no other man had ever had this intoxicating effect on you. Goddamn you, Joel Miller. “Baby, please don’t tease me..please..I need more than that.”
“What’s that honey pie? You want me to tease ya some more? Patience, my sweet girl. It’ll be worth it in the end. I promise.” His tone was low, husky, and it sent a warm shiver down your spine. Your lips parted open as his own began to make their descent along your neck. His lips were gentle, yet practiced as he kissed along your skin. Your fingers already found their way through his soft tendrils of curls as you gently grasped the back of his head.
He crooned when he heard you suck in a harsh breath as his lips found their way to the valley between your breasts. He licked a long, hot stripe down your sternum before you felt the bridge of his nose drag across the swell of your breast. He nipped playfully at the soft flesh, listening to your soft giggle that quickly developed into a whimper when his lips wrapped around the hardened nub, swirling his tongue along the raised skin.
“Jooooeelll.” You couldn’t stop the whine that escaped your throat as your lashes fluttered shut. Your thighs clenched together and there was no doubt that you were already absolutely dripping for this man.
“Mmm. What did I just say?” He tsked playfully against your skin. Patience, my sweet girl. Enjoy each moment.” He had a mouthful of your breast in his mouth and he still managed to say the sweetest things.
“I’m trying my best.” You let out a frustrated huff as your nails lightly scraped along his scalp. “You’re making it increasingly more difficult for me, baby.”
“Sounds like a personal problem darlin.’” His warm chuckle sent vibrations deep into your core. Just as you were about to smartass him, he shushed you by showing the same amount of care and attention to your other breast. Except this time, his teeth lightly scraped along the nub, causing a low hiss to elicit past your parted lips.
The anticipation was absolutely eating you alive as his lips, and sinful tongue began to descend over your navel as his hands grasped the underside of your thighs. “Need ya to look at me sweetheart. Wanna see those pretty eyes, sugar.” He playfully nipped at the inside of your thigh, soothing the bite of his teeth along your skin with a soft kiss.
Your lashes fluttered open as you looked down at him. This was by far the hottest sight you had ever laid your eyes on. Joel nestled between your thighs, smirking playing on his lips and his beard lightly scraping along your skin as he looked up at you. “Enjoyin’ the view?” He nipped playfully at the inside of your thigh once more.
Smug bastard.
“Mhm. It’s quite the view.”
“It’s about to get even better for ya babydoll.” He shot you a playful wink as he brought your calves to rest along his broad shoulders. “Hook your ankles behind my head.” You did as you were told, taking your lip between your teeth and biting down on it hard. “Atta girl.”
You were ready to tell him to stop playing games. That if he kept this up, you’d surely pass out from the sexual frustration. All of those thoughts came to a delicious halt when the tip of his broad, beautiful nose brushed firmly against your clothed clit.
Your hips jolted towards his face from the sensation as an ‘oh fuck’ flowed past your parted lips shamelessly.
Joel kept his eyes locked on yours as he flattened his tongue along your clothed center, tasting you through the thin cotton fabric with a low hum vibrating up his throat. “How long’s it been for ya honey?”
“T–Too damn long.” You whispered.
Joel pressed a chaste kiss to your covered clit. “Yeah? Well, we’re gonna have to fuckin’ change that pretty damn quick baby. Personally, I think you should be gettin’ 3-4 orgasms a day..why stop there? Let's shoot for them stars, sweet thing.”
Okay, it was official. Joel Miller had officially rotted your brain from the inside out, and turned it to complete mush. He knew exactly what he was doing when he left you feeling tongue tied. “Gonna take these off of ya now, okay?”
All you could do was meekly nod as his thumbs hooked around the sides of your panties and painstakingly peeled them down your thighs and past your ankles that were locked behind his head. He tossed the thin fabric off to the side before he got a good look at you. “Shit. You’re so fuckin’ beautiful baby. Drippin’ for me? Fuck.” The filth dripped down his tongue, sugar sweet, sticky like fresh honey. “G’nna have a taste now, okay?”
Your soft sheets were clenched tightly between your fists as you let out a frustrated whine. “Joel, I swear to fucking god, I will crush your stupid handsome head with my thighs if you don’t–” you were cut off when his tongue flattened against your folds, licking an agonizingly slow stripe up your slit as his lashes fluttered shut. He used his forefinger and middle finger to spread your folds open as he dragged his tongue up to your clit, slowly flicking the tip of his tongue across your sensitive bundle of nerves. Back and forth, back and forth. “Sweetest fuckin’ thing i’ve ever tasted. Fuckin’ un-believable.” He mumbled against your cunt. “Could eat this sweet fuckin’ pussy any goddamn day of the week. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.”
Your eyes rolled back into your skull as your thighs clenched inwards. This man knew exactly what he was doing and it would only be a short matter of time before he would be coaxing your first of many orgasms with him. “Fuck–fuck. Baby, that feels so good.” You moaned, fisting the sheets tighter in your grasp.
Joel wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking harshly as his tongue swirled around the bud. He was already feeling high off your natural taste. He wasn’t shy when it came to eating pussy. He had years of experience but with you, it felt the most intimate. Like all he wanted to accomplish was giving you as many mind numbing orgasms that he could draw out of you. He loved the way you melted like putty along his skillful tongue. Your sweet moans for him drove him further into a blissful state of mind of pleasing you.
You could already feel the cord twisting tightly in your stomach as he continued to ruin you with his mouth and tongue. He looked so handsome, mouthful of your pussy, hair falling over his face as he drove his tongue deep inside of you, wanting to taste every part of you that his tongue could reach. When he started fucking you with his tongue, mumbling filth about how sweet you tasted, that you were being such a good girl for him, the cord snapped as you cried out his name.
He eagerly lapped up your release along his tongue. He gathered up every last drop that you had to offer him as he left gentle kitten licks along your clit. Little did you know, he wasn’t done with you just yet. He watched you with hooded eyes as he rested his cheek along the inside of your thigh. His lips, chin, and beard were glistening with your slickness as he pressed an open mouthed kiss to your trembling skin. “How was that for some pussy eatin?’” He teasingly asked you.
“Just about snatched my goddamn soul from my body, cowboy.” You let out a breathless laugh as you looked down at him with a post orgasm haze coating your features. You released your death grip on the sheets, bringing your hand to gingerly cup his jaw as your thumb brushed across his pouted lower lip, tugging it down gently. “I don’t like that look your giving me baby..what’s cooking in that brain of yours?”
Joel hummed as he leaned into your affectionate touch, his eyes flitting up to yours and they had that certain sparkle in them that you loved so much. “Mmm. Did ya think I was done with ya that quick? Absolutely not.” He chuckled, nibbling gently on the tip of your thumbnail. “I’m just such a gentleman that I'm gonna give ya a quick breather.”
“You weren’t kidding about that 3-4 orgasm thing huh? Fuck. You’re gonna be the death of me Miller.” You let out an exasperated sigh as you threw your head back against the plush pillows when you felt his hot breath fanning across your core once more.
“Nuh uh. I ain’t one to kid about that kinda stuff baby. I’m a man of my word.” His huskily spoke before his mouth was enveloping you once more. While his tongue worked your clit to ruin, he had lightly begun to tease your slick entrance with his forefinger. As his tongue lapped at you, he slowly eased his finger inside of your sopping cunt, knuckle deep as he curled it inwards. He could feel your walls fluttering around his finger already, and the feeling had his mind reeling to think about what it would feel like with his cock deep inside your warmth.
Like Heaven.
“Fuckin’ tight little pussy, huh? Clenchin’ around my finger already. You want another, sweet girl?” His tongue was working you at a speed that you struggled to keep up with as he completely overwhelmed your senses. You mewled out his name, bucking your hips up against his face, desperate more. “Yes, please baby. Give me more, Joel. Please.” Your words fell through staggered breaths as he slowly inserted a second finger, curling them up against the sweet spot that had you seeing stars. He slowly began to pump his fingers in and out of you, developing a smooth rhythm that was in sync with his tongue. A delicious combination that had you shamelessly riding his face.
“Good girl. That’s my good fuckin’ girl. Look at how filthy you’re gettin’ fo’me.” He mumbled against your cunt, pumping his fingers faster. He could feel himself getting drunk off your taste along his tongue. Your breathless whines, the way your thighs trembled, and quivered around his head. He was drunk off every goddamn moment he was spending with you. Pussy drunk where he was at the point of no return.
“Oh–oh fuck! Jooooeeelll!” You were on the brink of sobbing as your second orgasm rolled through you like a tidal wave. Joel didn’t give you a moment to breathe this time. He continued to work you right on through it as you clenched tightly around his fingers.
“C’mon, darlin.’ You got one more for me? I know ya do. C’mon, pretty girl. Gimme one more. One fuckin’ more.”
You shook your head back and forth vigorously, bringing your freehand to your mouth, biting down on the outside of your hand, tears threateningly to spill over as you were teetering over the edge of overstimulation. “Joel–I–can’t! It’s too much! Baby, please I can’t! Joel, I can’t!” You desperately pleaded with him.
“Yes you can honey. Yes you can. I got you, sweet girl. You’re okay. You’re safe. Ain’t nothin’ gonna hurt you, my baby honey.” He reached his free hand up and found your hand that was still fisting the sheets, he gently pried your fingers apart, slipping his between yours as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. “One more for me. One more baby.” His lips wrapped around your clit once more, sucking harshly as he drew one last final orgasm from you.
Your ears were ringing, blood rushing as everything in close proximity sounded hazy, fuzzy to you as your body convulsed around Joel’s tongue and fingers. You were almost certain that you had passed out for a moment. Your body was struggling to handle the immense waves of pleasure like none other than you had experienced before. Your mind felt blissfully numb, as if you were on a big fluffy cloud, drifting through the sky with a warm breeze kissing your cheeks.
Your ex had absolute jack fucking shit on your cowboy.
Joel had praised you through the entire thing, lapping up your final release like a man starved. He pressed one last gentle kiss to your swollen clit before he kissed his way back up to your lips, pecking them a few times as his hands gently held your face. “Come back to earth, my sweet girl. I gotcha.”
Your limp arms found their way around his neck, kissing him back languidly as you tasted yourself along his tongue. “You sure know how to make a girl scream, cowboy.” Your tone was sticky sweet, tainted with post orgasm haze.
“I like to call that one the Joel Miller pussy eating special.” He chuckled, kissing you deeply.
“Shut the fuck up.” You giggled.
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Tag List: @chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @soft-cryptids @dinsdjrn @lovers-liability @777-wonders @mirasantidotes @pedgeitopascal @loquaciousferret @korynnekorynne @kirsteng42 @bonglorddaryl @sarahhxx03 @myrealmofchaos @finnsbubblegum @danilakozlovsky @pedrit0-pascalit0 @ssa-raye @pedropascalfan221 @missgurrl @leeeesahhh @yazsos @casa-boiardi @last-girl @frankthesexualsadist @shatteredbaby @rye-flower @elliewilliamsno1simp @wonder-harley @userpedros @pedrospartner @morning-star-joy @ilovepedro @ranahx @tinygarbage
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fandomination666-blog · 4 months
As someone who lives in Texas (unfortunately) I find it SO FUNNY when people make keith overwhelmingly southern. Like, cmon yall. Texas history 101, the cowboy era ended a long ass time ago, most of us DONT wear cowboy hats anymore. Why the fuck would keith ride a horse???? Nobody does that unless they own horses??? And horses are incredibly expensive???
Like, I understand cowboy aus, and historical aus, but if Texas, in 2024, isn't like that (the stereotypes are so wild) then why would it be like that in approx 2314?
Very few wear cowboy hats or boots. Very few have horses, and NOBODY rides them to school, ffs. Keith is not a farmhand.
Some texas stereotypes that are true, however...
-yeah we say yall nonstop
-ain't, wouldja, couldn't've, etc.
-confederate flag is less common here, normally you see the "come and take it" or the "don't tread on me"
-if keith ever went to public school, 1/3 of his classmates or more are Latino
-most Texans know moderate amounts of Spanish
-we celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and most ppl think it's Mexican independence day (it's not)
-will fight over food, family, or football
-either you support the Dallas Cowboys or the Houston Texans. Any other team is sacrilege. Once you make this choice, it WILL have effects on your social life.
-football is basically king here lol, none of the other stuff in school gets nearly the funding
-people living in rural areas (like Keith's dad) often own guns, and not pistols either-- rifles and shotguns, usually
-NOBODY SAYS YEEHAW. at least not unironically
-Texans will ironically say yeehaw, rootin-tootin, etc bc we are aware of our history and think it's wack
-were not all racist, but everyone knows at least one person who is (usually an older family member)
-mind your gotdamn manners at the table. Get those elbows away from your food
-sir and ma'am for strangers
-open doors for old people. You don't have to be a man to do this.
-please and thank you is SO important, people will assume things about you otherwise
-if you don't have a church, you miss out on a lot of community (coming from a non-religious person)
-most people here are Baptist, on that note (Hispanic people contribute to the Catholic population, but still, Baptist is #1)
-internet service is awful unless you're in a city
-we WILL close all schools for 2 inches of snow/ice
-we laugh at hurricanes, and then do our best to help our Houston neighbors
-but everybody hates Houston and Dallas, unless you live there
-most people are okay with Austin, San Antonio, etc
-EL PASO IS TINY, AND HALF OF IT IS IN MEXICO (and is called Ciudad Juárez there)
-beer is god. And God has no problem with drinking. (According to beliefs here)
-gambling is illegal here, but we love it, so states like Oklahoma have built casinos RIGHT ON THE STATE BORDER so that we can drive a bit and gamble as we please
-everybody's dad drives a truck. Otherwise people assume he's got a small pp
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klanced · 11 months
we have joked about MCR keith. we have cried about mitski keith. but i firmly believe the True Keith Music Characterization(TM) is that keith actually has no discernable music identity at all. keith lists his top 5 favorite artists and they're all so completely different in genre and vibe and decade and sometimes even language that you're just like ???????? was this kid synthesized in a swedish lab or something
in my HEART i know that keith has the most eclectic taste in music known to mankind. i think keith grew up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where his only sources of music were 1) his dad's extensive collection of cassette tapes from the 1970s and 80s (note: keith's dad did NOT carefully curate his collection of cassette tapes, he actually just bought a random box of tapes at a yard sale and then tailored his personality around them accordingly) and 2) their ancient clunky boombox that permanently resided on the wobbly picnic bench behind their house. said boombox specifically picked up only 11 radio stations: 5 different Christian radio stations, 3 stations devoted entirely to Christian country music, 2 stations that played nothing but static, and occasionally, when the stars aligned, whatever music the radio station at the local community college three counties away would play.
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redloftwingfeathers · 3 months
Please look at this. You will probably regret it
just to spite you i bought it
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
Dave, to Bro: if youre gonna be an absent father could you be at least absent
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thecryptidart1st · 9 months
When did alive au Mikey get kicked out? Was that rough for him, or was he back on his feet pretty quick?
William found out about Michael’s relationship with Jeremy when he was about 16. And by the end of the night, Michael stormed out of house. Though Evan kept in contact, William fully disowned him, and Elizabeth refused to speak to him. And months after the fight, police cars had arrived to the house, taking Clara with them; William soon after filed for divorce. No one knew the full story of what happened that night, but the rumors speculated that Clara became completely distraught over what happened to Michael.
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Things were rough during the couple of weeks living on Jeremy’s couch, as Michael struggled with the guilt of leaving his family for what was essentially his own happiness, and later what happened to his mother because of his actions. And this internal fighting with himself led to Mike panicking and walking out of Jeremy’s apartment…
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…But, things started turning up when Charlie came home to Hurricane for the summer and found Michael living in his car.
Charlie didn’t care about Mike being gay; all she cared about was that her pseudo-brother was safe and happy. And she forced Henry to let him stay in the Emily household with them while he worked on getting his GED. Though Henry was hesistant about the circumstances, he also knew he couldn’t sit aside and let Mike suffer because of his and William’s internal homophobia.
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So he offered Mike a job at Fredbear’s. Mike got his diploma through community college and he worked nights as a security guard. And over the years, he worked his way to a managerial role in Fazbear Entertainment. Charlie worked her summers alongside him and when she graduated, she started training full-time with her dad. When Henry retired, she inherited Fazbear Entertainment. And the first thing she did was make Mike her financial partner and creative director for future restaurants and animatronics.
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Jeremy and Mike continue to be off and on in a relationship during this time, but regardless of their status, Jeremy at least helps Mike embrace his sexuality and make more friends in the LGBTQIA+ community in Utah. And when Sammy came home from college and started his service in the Hurricane Police Department, suddenly people at Fredbear's continually witnessed three of the town's local bachelors be "very friendly" with each other.
Over time, Elizabeth begrudgingly lets Evan invite Michael back into her life. Michael finds his mother thanks to Sammy's connections with the police department and continues to keep in contact with her to this day.
And when William has his heart attack years later, it was the first time seeing Michael after their fight...
and then he has another heart attack finding out his son is married to two different men and they have a boy together.
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j4ckme · 28 days
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vldsideblog · 8 months
My newest animatic is complete!
I put a flash warning just in case, but it’s very very subtle and only in one spot for like a second. Let me know if you think I should change it.
Warnings are in the opening so be careful.
Ok, please enjoy!
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throwdownyourheart · 11 months
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It’s giving Camp Dad 🏕️
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theghostofashton · 4 months
rewatched 1x09 and one of the things that hit hardest for me was owen and tk's conversation, with the added context of 3x16. because we now know that owen was talking about not having left physically, the way his dad did, while tk was talking about owen leaving emotionally, choosing the family he rebuilt at the 252 over gwyn and tk. and i think what gets me about this is the 3x16 of it all, the way owen was determined not to repeat his dad's mistakes, but how he inadvertently did (for reasons mostly beyond his control). the way we can accidentally hurt our loved ones without meaning to, the way that hurt isn't intentional and isn't malicious but is painful, nonetheless. owen didn't set out to leave but tk felt like he grew up without a dad. owen did the best he could but tk still has to deal with the ramifications. it's so incredibly human and one of the things this show does really well, imo, how complicated and messy relationships often are. people not realizing, not knowing, causing pain nonetheless, but it never being out of a lack of love.
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tightjeansjavi · 11 months
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙𝟚 “cowboy like me”
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel × horseback riding instructor f!reader
A/N: I wrote this entire chapter in one day and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. Definitely a more angsty/feels chapter but I absolutely adore how close Joel and Tommy are as brothers in this. Enjoy! ♡
~word count: 5.5k~
Summary: horse dad! Joel throws in a little punch at your shit excuse for an ex boyfriend. Things get a little angsty, and emotions and feelings are openly shared.
Warnings: angst, mild violence (Joel punches your ex and breaks his nose) brief mentioning of blood/injuries. Gaslighting, egging on, toxic behavior from readers ex, Readers ex is an animal abuser (this is directly stated so proceed with caution) anxiety, fear, guilt, yelling, anger, reminiscing on the past, foul language, drinking, admittance of feelings, tooth aching fluff scattered throughout (especially between Joel and Tommy) making up, forgiveness. (+18) minors dni!
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
“What in the actual fuck do you think you’re doing here Logan? This is private property. You are unwelcome here.” You spoke firmly despite the slight quiver in your tone. You were simmering in anger, trembling in rage.
“Oh, my darling. Is that really any way to speak to me? Y’know…that’s the funny thing about restraining orders, you have to renew them or they expire. Besides, did you really think I wouldn't show up here again?” He pushed himself off the side of Frankie’s stall, a swagger in his step as he approached you and Joel. “After you dragged my fucking name through the dirt? Created all these false claims that I’m an animal abuser?” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Did you really think I’d let you fucking get away with it? You think I’m that much of a fool?”
Your Texas tall glass of water was instinctively stepping in front of you. Acting as a physical shield to protect you from your ex’s harsh words. “Imma need ya to take 5 steps back from where you came from. 5 steps. Now. I don’t know who you are, but what I do know is that you’re a piece of shit. You don’t get to come here and spew some shit like you own the fuckin’ place? Man, who the fuck taught you manners cause you sure as hell ain’t have any. Secondly, you ain’t gonna talk to my girl like that. You ain’t gonna go and make her feel like she’s inferior. You ain’t gonna try and scare her into submission like that. Now, if you know what’s best for ya, you’re gonna walk on outta here with your tail between your legs. You’re gonna go home, lick your wounds and leave her, and her horses the fuck alone. Do I make myself clear buddy? Cause..I ain’t gonna say it again.”
Joel’s voice didn’t waiver like yours did. He was stern, and straight to the point. His own blood was beginning to boil like a hot kettle on the stove. His eyes were narrowed, holding a harsh edge of disgust. Who the fuck was this prick? How dare he talk to you that way. What a sorry excuse for a man. Fucking pathetic teenage, alpha male mentality.
Logan laughed. Of course he fucking did. He was so far out of touch with reality that he had himself convinced that he was the hottest thing since sliced bread. “Ah, you the boyfriend or something? She got you wrapped right around her pretty little finger, huh sweetheart? She’s got her claws deep into you man. Can’t blame you for falling so hard, she’s got the sweetest—”
“You ain’t talkin’ to her. You’re talkin’ to me. Yeah, I’m her boyfriend, and you’re runnin’ my patience real fuckin’ thin. You like runnin’ your mouth? Huh? Such a tough man you are. Comin’ in here n’puffin’ your chest like a fuckin’ imbecile. Now, like I already said, you go on home now and lick your fuckin’ wounds. Get fuckin’ lost.”
“Oh ho ho! The big scary boyfriend coming to your rescue? You're gonna let him talk to me like this sweetheart?” He ignored Joel completely as he looked over the other man’s shoulder, directly at you.
“That’s enough!” You finally spoke, fed up with your ex trying to get a rise out of Joel. You had been with Logan long enough to understand that game he always would play. He was an instigator. A cockroach that would never die; no matter how many times you stepped on it. “Go home Logan. I don’t know what you thought was going to happen when you showed up here, but you need to leave.” You stepped around Joel, taking matters into your own hands as your finger prodded against Logan’s chest firmly.
“Go home? Yeah, not gonna happen baby. It’s going to take a lot more than your grumpy guard dog of a boyfriend to get me to leave. Besides, do you think I just came here to humiliate you? No. I came back for my fucking horse. Whiskey belongs to me. Now you’ve gone and turned him into a sack of meat. A children’s lesson horse nonetheless? Fuck you—”
You shoved at him hard, placing your hands on his shoulders as you pushed him back. “Whiskey does not belong to you. He belongs to me and he is well fucking loved. You’ve got some real fucking nerve showing up here thinking that I’m just going to let you take him! You should be rotting in fucking jail for what you have done to my horses. Let alone how you have treated me when we were dating. If you don’t leave my property now, I will call the cops.”
Joel’s blood had hit the boiling point. The kettle had screamed, steam billowing as his fists clenched tightly at his sides. If this son of a bitch ever laid a fucking hand on you, his girl…breathe, Joel. Breathe.
“Oh, go on right ahead and call the cops, baby girl. I’m sure your daddy would love to see me!” Logan sneered with a wicked grin on his face as you pushed him back. As soon as his hands grabbed your forearms, there was no stopping Joel from intervening.
It happened in a flash, Joel grabbed Logan’s hands and yanked them from the firm grip they had around your forearms. He pushed him back so hard, he fell straight back on the aisle floor. “You don’t fuckin’ lay a finger on her! You fuckin’ hear me?! YOU DON’T LAY A FUCKIN’ FINGER ON MY GIRL.” Joel had grasped him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him up harshly from the floor. He shoved him once more, jaw clenched and veins bulging along his neck.
“Lay a finger on her? Well, I hate to break it to you, but I wanna do so much more than that—” Logan egged him on.
A sickening sound on bone and cartilage crunching under Joel’s heavy fist echoed through the open stables. Your Texas tall glass of water wasted no time on clocking this mother fucker right in the face, knocking him out cold. Joel was not a violent man at heart, but he would be damned if he’d watch from the sidelines and not deal with this shit bag head on.
He was seeing red-hot rage blazing behind his eyes as his fist connected with his face. A clean shot, a broken nose. Far less damage than Joel felt that he deserved. His fist ached, and the torn skin around his knuckles stung, but the adrenaline was freshly coursing through his veins as he turned over his shoulder and looked back at you.
“Joel..” your hand was covering your mouth in shock, and a twinge of fear. You were not one for condoning violence and Joel could see it written all over your face.
“Baby, I’m sorry..I—he wasn’t gonna stop. He wasn’t gonna leave.” Joel tried to reason with you.
“I know, but we—we need to call the cops. Just..stay there, okay? I’ll go get some ice for your hand, and I have a medical kit in my office—” you were already pulling out your phone from your pocket when you felt his warmth embrace you. Calloused palms resting along your cheekbones.
“Okay, we can call the cops. I know we have to, but are you—are you okay?” He spoke softly to you, eyes nervously searching yours as his thumbs gently stroked away the tears that had begun to freely fall.
“Joel..I’m fine. Okay? I’m fine. Please just..call the cops and I’ll go get the ice, okay?” You pleaded with him, heart clenching in on itself when his face fell.
“Okay. I’ll call the cops.” He agreed as he slowly dropped his hands from the gentle hold they once had on your face. He watched momentarily as you quickly made your way to your office space, swinging the door shut behind you. He scrubbed a hand down his face as he dialed 9-1-1 on his own phone, bringing the device up to his ear with a heavy sigh.
Tears blurred your vision as you grabbed a pack of ice from the fridge and the medical kit from the cabinet next to it. You quickly wiped your tears and fanned your face. You weren’t mad at Joel, not really. You understood why he did what he had to do, but at the same time you were upset, and a little overwhelmed. Okay, a lot overwhelmed. You took a few minutes to calm down before you left your office.
Joel was sitting along a tack trunk in front of Whiskey’s stall, with his head in his hands when you reappeared. “I called the cops. They’re on their way now.” He wiped away his own freshly brewing tears.
You momentarily glanced at Logan’s knocked out form laying on the dusty ground as he let out a pained groan and rolled over onto his side. “You son of a bitch..” he grumbled, spitting out blood onto the floor. “You’re gonna pay for that motherfucker.”
Joel ignored him as he was too focused on the way you were gently dabbing antiseptic ointment across the split skin on his knuckles. He truly couldn’t get a good read on how you were feeling in that present moment, but he appreciated your touch of kindness regardless. His forehead was gently touching yours as he pressed the softest kiss to skin between your brows, closing his eyes momentarily.
Once you finished applying the ointment, you placed the small bag of ice over the skin to help bring the swelling and bruising down. You gave his good hand a gentle squeeze before you stood up from the tack trunk.
You tossed the other bag of ice in Logan’s direction before all your attention was turned on making sure that your horses were okay.
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Once the cops arrived, they took your statement and Joel’s. Logan was crying about his broken nose in the back of the ambulance as another cop took his statement.
Joel had no idea as of yet that the chief of police was your father. Although the resemblance was striking, he didn’t want to go and make any assumptions right off the bat.
You spoke to your father off to the side as another officer was detaining Joel and placing handcuffs around his wrists, with his chest pressed up against the side of the cop car.
“Look, I know that you have to do your job here dad, but is it really necessary to arrest him? Joel did nothing wrong. Logan showed up here uninvited and he wasn’t going to leave. I tried to get him to leave and he put his hands on me and that’s when Joel snapped.”
Your father let out a sigh with his arms crossed over his chest. “Sweetie, you know I’m just doing my job here. He hit another man, and that’s classified as assault. A family member will have to pay a small charge to bail him out, but I’ll pull some strings to make sure it won’t end up on his permanent record. As for Logan? I’m not going to be as nice. Now, I want you to lock up here and go home. Call Ryder up to spend the night or something, okay?”
Your dad was a tough man, but a real softy at the same time. You both watched as the other officer pushed Joel into the backseat of the vehicle. You let out a sigh as you looked over at your father and nodded.
Joel was in utter defeat as he sat in the back of the cop car with his head resting back against the seat. Normally it was Tommy getting his ass arrested, but Joel? Never. It was a new low for him and he was simmering in it.
“Not the usual Miller brother that I’m used to picking up.” Your father spoke as he leaned back against the side of the car. He had picked up Tommy Miller a few too many times but this was his first time meeting Joel.
“Yeah, I think my brother Tommy has mentioned you a few times before sir. I’m always the one bailin’ his ass out..” Joel responded with a defeated sigh.
Your father nodded. “Yeah, your brother Tommy and I are on a first name basis. Always going on about how his big brother always bails him out.”
“Well, Tommy is always finding his own way of getting into trouble. I apologize for you havin’ to be on a first name basis with him. He has gotten a lot better as of late.”
“Are you dating my daughter? I might be old, but I can put two and two together.”
Joel felt all the color slowly drain from his face. His palms began to sweat when his assumptions that the chief of police was in fact your father was true. He swallowed hard, clearing his throat. “I am dating your daughter sir.”
“Are you treating her right?”
“I am sir. Your daughter means a lot to me. She’s a wonderful woman, and I’m awfully lucky to know her.”
“Good. I can tell you treat her right just based on the fact of how quick she was to defend you. Meeting under these circumstances is not ideal, but you’ll have to come over for dinner one night.”
She defended me?
“Sir, I would be delighted to have dinner with you and your family.” Joel was in disbelief to say the least. He was not expecting your father to be so open to him like that.
“I also want to say I appreciate you sticking up for my daughter. She’s pretty good at holding her own, and she gets that from her mother, but thank you for keeping her safe.”
“You’re welcome sir.”
“Once we get you booked in the station, you can call your brother to come pick you up. It’s a small fine to be paid, but I’m sure he can manage it.”
Joel could only nod as your father closed the back door before climbing into the driver's seat. The drive to the station was a quiet one and once Joel was booked in, he immediately called Tommy.
“Tommy? Hey, it’s Joel. Uhh..listen, are you busy right now? I uh—I’m in jail.”
The last thing Tommy was expecting was for his big brother to call him and say that he got himself arrested. It was unlike Joel and completely against his nature. “Joel? What the fuck are you talkin’ about? The hell did ya do to get arrested?”
Joel pinched the bridge of his nose as he inhaled deeply, resting his forehead against the cold brick wall. “I punched Clover’s ex in the face..well, in the nose. Broke it and everythin.’ He showed up to the barn uninvited, and he put his hands on her and I lost it.”
“Clover? Ohhh is that your girl’s nickname? That’s cute. I just can’t believe that my big brother, Joel fuckin’ Miller got his ass thrown in jail. Man, I’m never gonna live this one down.”
“Yeah, that’s her nickname ‘cus she’s my lucky charm. Anyway, can you cut the crap and just come fuckin’ bail me out? I don’t wanna sit here all night. Also, do not fuckin’ bring this up to Sarah. She ain’t need to know that her dad got arrested, alright?”
“Aw, she’s your lucky charm? Man, that’s so stinkin’ cute! Yeah, hang tight big brother. Tommy is coming to the rescue! I won’t bring this up to Sarah. You have my word.” Joel could hear Tommy smirking through the receiver.
“Thank you so much. However will I repay you?” Joel grumbled sarcastically.
“With a big ole’ hug and kiss!” Tommy laughed as he grabbed his keys quickly.
“I ain’t gonna kiss ya Tommy.”
“You ain’t got much of a choice, big brother. Alright, I’m gettin’ in my truck now. See ya soon!”
Joel hung up with a sigh. At least your father was kind enough to place him in a semi comfortable holding cell. It was still pretty cold, but it was just him in the room thank god.
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Tommy arrived at the police station about 20 minutes later. He gave the chief of police a little salute and a wink before paying the small fine of $500 and signed his brother out. He had a big smirk on his stupid face when Joel was released from his short stay in jail. A grimace was plastered on his face as Tommy pulled him in for a hug, to which Joel begrudgingly returned.
Once the two Miller brothers were safely in Tommy’s truck, Joel barely had a second to breathe before his younger brother was opening his big mouth. “Joel, what in the hell were you thinkin’ hittin’ her ex like that?!? Man, you’re so lucky that you didn’t have to sit in a cell all night! What do we say to Tommy? Thank you so much for bailin’ me out of jail! You’re the bestest brother I could ever ask for!”
Joel let out a frustrated groan at his brother's antics as he reached over the dashboard and trapped him in a headlock. “You and that big fuckin’ mouth of yours is always gettin’ you in trouble! I did what I had to do. The guy was a total fuckin’ prick, and like I told ya earlier, he put his fuckin’ hands on her.”
Tommy playfully pushed his brother away. Well, he attempted to but Joel’s grip was pretty damn strong. “Okay, okay! I yield! I yield! Lemme go! C’mon big brother, I was only messin’ with ya!” Tommy pleaded with him.
Joel gave him a knucklehead sandwich as he messed up the younger Miller’s hair before he finally released him.
“Seriously though, are you alright Joel? No silly talk I promise.”
Joel let out a deep sigh as he sunk back into the passenger seat and scrubbed his hand down his face. “Yeah, I’m alright. I just..I probably shouldn’t have punched him in the face. He had it comin.’”
“I mean, yeah. You probably shouldn’t have punched him in the face. I ain’t one to judge ‘cus I woulda done the same thing.”
Joel looked over at him shaking his head a little. “I guess the only thing I’m worried about is if Clover is upset with me..I think she is and I can’t really blame her but at the same time, I don’t want her to be upset with me.”
“Yeah man. I get you. Listen, before we get into this deep brother to brother talk, how about we go and pick up some burgers and beers, and park somewhere n’just relax for a minute. Does that sound like a good plan to you?”
“Like what we used to do in highschool after football practices, and when your prom date ditched you senior year for what’s his name? Brett somethin?’” Joel was snapping his fingers as he tried to remember the running back that stole Tommy’s date.
“Brett-go-fuck-yourself-date-stealin’-rotten-son-of-a-bitch.” Yeah, I remember him. That was the first night you and I really talked too. Like, on a deeper level. Shit, didn’t we go and egg his house afterwards too?” Tommy looked over at his brother with a big grin. It was nice to reminisce on the past.
“Yes! It was like what, three in the mornin’ or somethin?’ God, if Ma would have known what we were doin’, she woulda killed us.” Joel chuckled.
“Best part of the whole thing was Brett’s sister felt sooo bad for what had happened that she personally apologized by givin’ me a blowie in my truck the followin’ weekend. ‘Oh, Tommy! I’m so sorry that my mean brother stole your date like that let me just suck’—”
“Okay, now you’ve just gone and ruined the moment. Jesus Christ, Tommy. Is there ever a moment where you’re not thinkin’ of sex?” Joel asked with an exasperated sigh.
“Pssh. Of course there are moments where I’m not thinkin’ about sex! I’m not a total imbecile y’know.” Tommy shot him a playful wink as he started the ignition.
“Yeah? Well, I ain’t too sure about that bein’ true Tommy.”
“Oh my gosh, are you..are you callin’ me a whore?” Tommy looked over at him in disbelief, with his hand across his chest.
Joel gave him a ‘are you serious?’ look before he rolled his eyes. “Uh huh. That’s exactly what I’m callin’ ya. You’re a whore and you’re proud of it too.”
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The Miller brothers went to their favorite drive through joint in town. They each got a burger, fries, and 2 beers to go. They pulled up to their old highschool and parked near the football field.
Tommy put the radio on low while he inhaled his burger and fries. The summer air was warm, and there were fireflies flashing all over the pitch black football field. ‘Take On Me’ was crackling through the old radio system.
“Hey, Tommy? Uh..how soon is too soon to tell someone that you love them?” Joel asked with uncertainty laced in his tone.
Tommy slowly turned his head to look at his brother. He blinked a few times as he processed the 4 letter word that Joel hadn’t uttered in years. “Uh..are ya feelin’ alright big brother? You ain’t got a fever or somethin’ do ya?”
“For fuck sakes Tommy. Don’t look at me like that. I just—is it too soon?”
Tommy reached for his beer in the nearest cup holder and took a big swig as he sank back into the old worn leather on the driver's seat. “Alright, so it’s undeniable that you two love each other. Anyone with two goddamn eyes can see that. However, I think you just need to take a step back for a moment, and calm down a little. I don’t wantcha jumpin’ the gun and confessing your undying love to her.”
“You..think she loves me too? I ain’t gonna go and confess my undyin’ love for her. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“Joel, of course she loves you. I just don’t want to see ya hurt. Not that Clover would ever hurt ya or anythin’ but as your brother, I gotta look out for ya. I love you too much to see you hurt again. I just wanna see you happy Joel.” Tommy was genuine with his words of course. He loved Joel dearly and he truly did just want his brother to be happy.
“I love you too, Tommy. Even when you annoy me half the fuckin’ time. I’m not gonna do anythin’ irrational I swear. It’s just that..well, the last time I cared about someone this much was—”
“Sarah’s mom. I know Joel. I was there, remember?”
“I wish I didn’t remember honestly. It was such an ugly situation for me. Comin’ home and seein’ all her shit gone. Our bedroom empty. She didn’t even leave a fuckin’ note.” Joel bit back his bitter tears from spilling as he remembered the night he came home to an empty bed.
“I never saw you cry so much in my fuckin’ life…I wanted to cry for you.” Tommy softly admitted as he reached over and gently squeezed his brother's shoulder.
“Thank god Sarah was just a little thing at the time..she didn’t understand what was goin’ on. Remember the look on the neighbor's face when I was drunk n’sobbin’ in the front yard? Good times. Good fucking times.” Joel laughed pathetically.
“Hey, listen to me okay? Yeah, that was a real dark fuckin’ time for you. My heart broke for you, and Sarah that night. You got somethin’ good now, Joel. Somethin’ real good. You ain’t ever gonna cry like that again. Alright?”
Joel sniffed as he wiped at his nose and looked over at him. “She won’t hurt me like that. She’s too kind to do that. Too gentle, too wonderful. The loveliest person that I have ever had the privilege of knowin.’” He was teary eyed as he looked at his brother. These weren’t sad tears; these were tears of relief.
“Nah. She’s a dime in a dozen. ‘Special in every way. Now please shut up before you make me cry too. I’m too fuckin’ pretty to cry!” Tommy jokingly said.
“So what does that make me? An ugly crier? I see how it is.” Joel teased.
“The ugliest crier of all fuckin’ time.”
“Shut your whore ass mouth up, Tommy. That was mean.” Joel said with a grin.
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It was nearing 3a.m when Tommy drove Joel back to the barn so he could pick up his truck. “Hey lover boy? You drive straight on home. Don’t stop at her apartment, cause I know you’ll be tempted to. Just give her some space to breathe, and you can see her in the mornin.’”
Joel twirled his own keys between his fingers as he went to open the passenger door. “Alright. I’ll drive right on home. I won’t go to her apartment. I’ll call her in the mornin’ or somethin.’”
Tommy thought it was a little suspicious that Joel wasn’t trying to fight him on this. Regardless of his suspicions, he decided to trust his brother. “Alright. Text me when you get home then, alright? I’ll be at Ryder’s.”
“At this hour? Well, you have yourself a good time with her Tommy. Tell her I say hello.” Joel gave him a little nod before he slipped out of the driver's seat.
“Well, uh yeah. She’s my girlfriend, and we love to have late night sleepovers.” Tommy said with a grin.
“Girlfriend? Congratulations, baby brother. She’s a lucky lucky gal.”
“Nah, I’m the luckiest man. She’s amazin.’” Tommy was just as lovestruck as Joel was.
Both Miller brothers waved goodbye as they drove off in separate directions. Of course..Joel didn’t keep his word on driving straight home. He had to go and make sure that you were okay. It was going to eat him up inside if he didn’t.
So that’s how your Texas tall glass of water ended up standing outside your apartment at 3 in the morning. His hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his jeans after he knocked on your door.
He was just about to head back down the steps after a few minutes when he heard the front door creak open and your soft voice drifting through the calm balmy summer air. “Joel?…what are you doing here? It's like..3 in the morning.” You were rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you leaned against the door jamb, wearing nothing but Joel’s t-shirt and a pair of panties.
“Baby?..hey, m’sorry. I know it’s late. I didn't mean to wake ya. I just..I wanted to make sure you were okay after everything that happened..” he sheepishly whispered as he stood with his hands still shoved in his pockets.
“You drove all this way..to make sure I was okay? Joel, baby. You’re exhausted. Do you..do you want to come in for some tea?” You looked up at him through sleepy lashes.
“Yeah, I’d love to come in for some tea..” Joel gave you a small hesitant smile as he stepped inside your quaint apartment, taking his boots off by the doormat as you closed the door softly.
“What kind of tea do you like?..” you padded past him into the kitchen as you grabbed the kettle and filled it up with water. “I have mint, sleepy-time, hibiscus, chamomile..and like anything your heart desires.”
Joel set his phone and other personables down on the coffee table after he texted Tommy and let him know he got home safely. “Sleepy-time is one of my favorites.”
“Mine too.” You grabbed two mugs and started the kettle on the stove. There was a fallen silence between the two of you as you waited for the kettle to boil. Once it was ready, you steeped the tea bags in the mugs before bringing them over. You gently handed Joel his mug before sinking down on the couch beside him.
You each took a few small sips before Joel broke through the ice. “Listen, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for how I reacted earlier. I’m not a violent person..and punching your ex in the face like that was pretty fuckin’ stupid of me. I understand if you..need some space from me or somethin.’ I can’t blame you if you do.”
You rested the mug between your palms as you looked over at him. “Joel..I don’t want any space from you, okay? That’s not what..I don’t want you to think that all of a sudden I don’t want to see you anymore. I promise you that’s not what’s happening here. Am I upset that you..acted in violence? Yeah, I am. It’s something that I don’t condone. However, I’m not mad at you. I know why you did what you did, but you can’t let people get to you like that. Logan is an instigator. That’s how he always has been. He just wanted to get a rise out of you.”
Joel slowly looked over at you as he took another sip of tea. “Okay..I just, I wanted to make sure because if you did want space, I would 100% give it to you darlin.’” He reached over with his free hand and gave your exposed knee a gentle squeeze. “I know I shouldn’t have let him get to me. It’s just that when I saw him grab you like that..I just couldn’t hold back. I’m sorry. I don’t want to scare you or anythin.’”
You gently rested your head against his own with a soft sigh, wrapping your hand around his bicep, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Hey, I know you would give me space if I asked for it, cowboy. I’m not scared of you at all. The situation just..it got out of control super fast. I know you’re not a violent man Joel. It would take a lot for you to scare me away.”
Joel kept his hand gently resting along your knee, brushing his fingers across the underside of it before he was coaxing your legs to rest along his lap. “Okay, I’ll try and not dwell on it too much. I’m glad we could have this conversation. Tommy told me I should wait till tomorrow..but I get anxious over these things. I also truly just wanted to make sure you were okay, baby. I could have called, texted, but I needed to see you in person.” His hands were gently massaging your calves now as they were draped over his thighs.
You let your back rest along the pillows on the couch comfortably as he massaged your calves. You knew that Joel Miller presently had multiple love languages. Acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation. This combination felt like a warm cup of tea, doused in sticky sweet honey that melted on your tongue. “I was going to call you earlier. I just didn’t know if you needed space as well. So, I ended up calling Ryder over and she came and hung out with me for a few hours. I’m really glad you came over. I wanted to make sure that you were okay too.”
“I’m glad I went against my brother’s words. My gut was tellin’ me to come and see ya. The tea is just a wonderful added bonus.” He softly chuckled.
“Well, I’m glad you went with your gut. Although, Tommy is probably gonna disagree. I can butter him up for you.” You softly giggled.
“Butter him up? Nah, I’ll handle him. Besides, I don’t need my girl butterin’ up my little brother. He’s got enough ego boostin’ as it is. How about you save that butterin’ up for me? You got any to spare?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you playfully causing you to snort tea up your nose.
“Is that an innuendo for?..” you giggled as you wiped away the stray drops of tea from under your nose.
Joel was as red as a fire hydrant now as he looked over at you and shook his head vigorously. “Dear god. I gotta stop spendin’ so much time with my brother. He’s rottin’ my damn brain from the inside out.” He nervously chuckled.
“Oh baby, don’t be embarrassed. It’s okay. Besides, I was just messing with you.” You shot him a playful wink. “You wanna finish watching the episode of Friends that we left off from last time?”
“With you? Absolutely. Put it on and get nice and comfy.” He grabbed your mug from your hands gently and set it along the coffee table before he pulled you into his strong arms so you could fully rest your body along his chest.
You fell asleep after halfway through the episode with your cheek comfortably resting against his chest, right where his heartbeat lay, and his fingers gently playing with your hair.
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klanced · 1 year
Keith walking into the holding cell greeting all the regulars by name while Lance is sobbing lamenting that his life is over and his future is ruined (they were like. Trespassing or some shit he’s going to be fine)
lance: (actively dry heaving in the corner, on the verge of a panic attack as he imagines having a permanent record)(actually what does a permanent record even look like?)(omg is he going to have to go to COURT? like in JUDGE JUDY?)
keith: remy, this is lance. lance, this is remy, she’s my favorite alcoholic :)
#voltron#klance#honestly I imagine they got caught trespassing while ghost hunting#if they’re in Texas then they will most likely get a full on misdemeanor on their record. Texas is very big on property rights.#trespassing can quickly elevate to criminal charges in texas it is actually very serious. do not trespass in texas.#meanwhile in Maine trespassing can be just an infraction & not added to your record#like sure they're teenagers so they could get their records sealed or expunged when they're 18. but like. the garrison would know. not good#sorry i just like talking about the law#speaking of which let me go on a tangent#i do think keith frequently gets charged with trespassing. at his own shack in the desert.#and so now he is Really good at juvenile law specifically because he is constantly arguing with cops#keith: this is not trespassing. my dad owned this property & he died unmarried without a will.#keith: i am literally his child and i inherited this land after his death YOU CAN'T ARREST ME FOR TRESPASSING ON MY OWN PROPERTY.#cop: okay well the house is all burned down it's a safety hazard#keith: I AM NOT IN THE HOUSE I AM IN THE SHACK WHICH MEETS MINIMUM SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. GET FUCKED.#cop: okay but you're out after curfew--#keith: is this a game to you? drag me in front of that judge i DARE you. you want to take the ORPHAN to court over CURFEW?#keith: you want to arrest my parents? WHAT PARENTS? everyone in this county knows me as the son of a hero firefighter.#keith: a hero firefighter who died in the line of duty btw. in case you forgot. since i'm an ORPHAN who has no one who CARES about CURFEW.#keith: my dad is dead my mom is gone my brother disappeared in space im 0 for 3 parents-wise. drag me before a judge. make my fucking night#sometimes i answer an ask or make a post specifically so i can do my own separate thing in the tags#i just like talking about law. i'm so excited for law school u guys#keith#lance#lance: (freaking out)#keith: (relaxed because he knows a really good lawyer who specializes in juvenile law)#shitpost#ask#anonymous#otp: we are a good team
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