wisterianwoman · 9 months
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don't ever forget that. you are strong enough, capable enough, smart enough, and powerful enough to create the life of your dreams. dream it, plan it, then go out there and make it happen, babe.
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yogadaily · 2 years
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(via don’t make your happiness dependant on achieving perfection. 🕊 in 2022 | Yoga lessons, Yoga photography, Yoga inspiration  || Curated with love by yogadaily)   
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sappy-witch · 11 months
Sound Healing 🎶✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Today, let's immerse ourselves in the captivating realm of sound healing and discover the profound effects it can have on our well-being and spiritual growth. Sound has been used as a powerful tool for healing and transformation across cultures and throughout history. From soothing melodies to rhythmic vibrations, sound has the ability to harmonize our body, mind, and spirit. So, let's embark on a sonic journey together and explore the wonders of sound healing!
🎶 The Healing Power of Frequencies
Sound consists of different frequencies and vibrations that can impact us on a cellular level. Each part of our body, including organs, tissues, and cells, has its own vibrational frequency. Through the use of sound, we can restore balance and harmony by entraining our body to the frequencies that promote healing and well-being.
🎧 Sound Bath and Meditation 
Immerse yourself in the therapeutic embrace of a sound bath or sound meditation. Relax in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and allow the soothing sounds of instruments like singing bowls, gongs, or chimes to wash over you. Let the vibrations resonate within you, releasing tension, calming the mind, and promoting a deep sense of relaxation and inner peace.
🎵 Chanting and Mantras
Tap into the power of your own voice through chanting and mantra repetition. Explore sacred chants from various spiritual traditions or create your own affirmations. The rhythmic repetition of sounds and words can help shift your energetic vibration, promote focus, and connect you to a higher state of consciousness.
🌬️ Breathwork and Vocal Toning
Explore the profound connection between sound and breath. Engage in intentional breathwork practices like pranayama, and combine it with vocal toning. As you inhale deeply, allow the sound to emerge on the exhale, using your voice to create sustained tones or harmonious melodies. This practice can help release stagnant energy, activate the chakras, and promote a sense of vitality and inner balance.
🔊 Tuning Forks and Singing Bowls
Experiment with the therapeutic vibrations of tuning forks and singing bowls. The precise frequencies produced by tuning forks can be applied to specific parts of the body, helping to restore balance and promote healing. Singing bowls, when played, emit a rich tapestry of harmonics that can induce deep relaxation and energetic alignment.
🎶 Sound and Movement
Combine sound with movement to amplify its healing effects. Engage in practices like sound yoga, where specific sounds or mantras are paired with yoga postures and breathwork. Dance and free movement can also be accompanied by intentional sound to facilitate emotional release, self-expression, and energetic flow.
🌌 Sound and Energy Healing 
Explore the connection between sound and energy healing modalities like Reiki or acupuncture. Sound can enhance these practices by facilitating the flow of energy, clearing energetic blockages, and promoting balance and harmony within the subtle energy systems of the body.
🎵 Creating Soundscapes
Tap into your creativity by creating your own soundscapes. Use musical instruments, voice, or digital tools to compose or improvise sounds that resonate with your intentions and desired energetic atmosphere. Allow your intuition to guide you as you explore the vast palette of sounds available to you.
🔮 Sound as a Catalyst for Transformation
Embrace the transformative power of sound as a catalyst for personal growth and spiritual awakening. As you engage in sound healing practices, set clear intentions for your journey. Allow the vibrations to penetrate deep within, facilitating release, healing, and the expansion of consciousness.
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Sound healing is a profound and accessible modality that can be integrated into your daily life, allowing you to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, promote overall well-being, and harmonize your body, mind, and spirit. 
Whether through a few minutes of intentional listening, chanting affirmations during your morning routine, or attending sound healing workshops and retreats, the transformative power of sound is always within reach, offering you a pathway to inner balance, self-discovery, and a greater sense of harmony with the world around you. 
Embrace the enchanting melodies and resonant vibrations, and let the healing power of sound be a constant companion on your journey of personal growth and spiritual expansion.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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🌐 Happy Internet Self-Care Day! 🌐
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Today, let's take a moment to shift the spotlight onto the most important person in our lives – YOU! 💕 It's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, tending to the needs of others. But remember, your well-being matters just as much. Today, we celebrate the power of the internet to help us discover resources that can guide us on the journey of self-care.
Self-care isn't just a buzzword – it's a crucial practice that nurtures your mind, body, and soul. It's about embracing routines that promote health, and being proactive in managing life's challenges. Here are a few ideas to kickstart your self-care journey:
1️⃣ Meditation and Mindfulness: Find soothing meditation apps, mindfulness exercises, and calming playlists that help you unwind and connect with your inner peace.
2️⃣ Online Workshops and Courses: Feed your curiosity by enrolling in online courses that align with your passions or delve into new skills you've always wanted to master.
3️⃣ Healthy Recipe Discoveries: Search for nourishing recipes that fuel your body, and experiment with new ingredients to excite your taste buds.
4️⃣ Virtual Workouts: Engage in virtual fitness classes, yoga sessions, or dance workouts that make exercising a fun and invigorating experience.
5️⃣ Reading Escapes: Dive into e-books, digital magazines, or audiobooks that whisk you away on adventures, helping you temporarily escape the stresses of reality.
🌟 Your challenge: Share how you're pampering yourself today with the magic of self-care! Are you taking a long walk in nature, indulging in a spa day at home, or simply enjoying a guilt-free nap? Let's inspire each other by spreading positivity and showing that self-care isn't selfish – it's essential! Use the hashtag #InternetSelfCareDay and tag a friend to join the movement.
Remember, the journey to well-being is a personal one, and the internet is here to provide you with the tools you need. Let's make today about nurturing ourselves, just as we nurture those around us.
Happy Internet Self-Care Day! 🌈✨
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yogajeannee · 1 year
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I found some things to occupy my free time. I have been more consistent with my workouts. I finished another book. I journaled. I made the worlds best chicken noodle soup for my family yesterday. I cleaned the RV (inside) outside is not my job 😂 And I laid on my ajna well being acupressure mat! #AloYogaRetreat 1-10 December Come on a virtual yin yoga retreat with us! We will share our experience and relaxing postures with use of props to help escape from our busy daily lives. Any levels welcome to join. Hosts: @shreeyoga @eyedoc_sg @handstandidaho @uc_yoga @yogajeannee Sponsors: @aloyoga @alomoves 1. Any Seated ✔️ 2. Forward fold ✔️ 3. Standing pose ✔️ 4. Plank or Chaturanga✔️ 5. DD or Dolphin ✔️ 6. Cobra or UP Dog✔️ 7. Bridge or Wheel ✔️ 8. Pigeon or Figure 4 ✔️ 9. Any twist 10. Free choice How to play: 💚 Follow all hosts and sponsors 💛 Repost this flyer and tag a few friends to join in with you, challenges are more fun when we play together! 💙 Post daily using the hashtag #AloYogaRetreat and tag all hosts and sponsors in the caption ❤️ Make sure your profile is public so we can see your posts in the gallery. Have FUN! #wellbeingjourney #happywifelife #pigeonpose #pigeonposevariation #aloyogachallenge #aloyoga #aloyogachallenges https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl7JCzVPmyh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beamingdesign · 20 days
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Beaming (the book) is coming out soon -> https://lnk.to/beaming
A collection of my work :) filled with messages of hope, resilience, and joy incorporated into radiant art, with each image offering the reader an opportunity for deep contemplation and introspection. The imagery is paire­­­d with dozens of guided mindfulness, journaling, and breathwork exercises to deepen the interactive experience.
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prasiocompany · 28 days
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Did you know? Good mental health isn’t just the absence of mental health problems. Being mentally or emotionally healthy is much more than being free of depression, anxiety, or other psychological issues. It’s about having the resilience to bounce back from life’s challenges and enjoying life despite its ups and downs. Remember, mental wellness is a journey, not a destination. Let’s prioritize our mental health every day! 💚 . . . .
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marryrd · 1 month
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Discover the Heart of Care at ResCare! 
We're excited to present our array of services at ResCare, committed to enriching lives and promoting well-being. From tailor-made care plans to specialized support, we're with you and your loved ones at every stage.
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thecpdiary · 2 months
Mental Wellbeing: A Journey of Self-Discovery
In a world where the demands of modern living weigh heavily on our shoulders, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of nurturing our mental wellbeing. In a changed world, it has become important to check in with ourselves, to embark on our own journey of self-discovery.
Self-Discovery and cultivating self-compassion
Self-discovery is about getting to know you on a deeper level, uncovering your strengths and weaknesses, and learning to accept and love yourself unconditionally. It involves confronting your fears, doubts and insecurities, and working through them in a healthy and constructive way. exploring the depth of our inner selves, by cultivating self-compassion, embracing vulnerability, practicing mindfulness, seeking support, and embracing imperfection, we can pave the way towards a healthier, more balanced mental state.
Cultivate Mindfulness
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to get caught up in your thoughts, worries and distractions. Mindfulness offers us an anchor in the present moment, allowing us to cultivate awareness, clarity, and peace. Whether through meditation, breath work, or simply tuning in to our senses, mindfulness helps us to quiet the noise of the mind and reconnect with our inner-most selves.
Embrace Imperfection
On our journey of self-discovery, it is essential to embrace our imperfections. None of us are perfect, and that's okay. It's our flaws, quirks and vulnerabilities that make us human. By embracing our imperfections, we free ourselves from insecurities brought about through self-doubt, allowing our true selves to shine through.
Mental Wellbeing
So, take a step back, breathe and remember that your mental wellbeing is just as important as your physical health. Make a commitment to yourself to prioritise self-care, to listen to your inner voice and please remember to be kind to yourself.
For more inspirational, lifestyle blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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thanawalamaternity · 2 months
PCOD Center In Vashi,Navi Mumbai
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Are Irregular Periods, Acne, or Weight Gain disrupting your lifestyle? PCOD might be the culprit, but worry not! Discover solutions at Thanawala Maternity Home & IVF Center. Our compassionate team understands the challenges and is here to provide comprehensive care to help you navigate through PCOD. Embrace a life of balance and well-being with our specialized care. Don't let PCOD hold you back! Schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards reclaiming your health. 🌟 #PCODAwareness #WomenHealth #HolisticCare #ThanawalaMaternityHome #HealthWellness #EmpowerYourHealth #PCODSolution #WellBeingJourney #PCODtreatmentinVashi #PCODtreatmentinNaviMumbai
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wisterianwoman · 9 months
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Don't underestimate your potential. As you nurture yourself and orient your focus towards your vision, your potential only multiplies.
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astrovastuplus · 2 months
Cultivating Peace and Wellness: The Vastu Approach to Home Environment
In our modern, bustling lives, finding serenity and health within our living spaces is vital. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural philosophy, offers timeless wisdom for achieving this balance.
Understanding Vastu Shastra
Rooted in the belief of five fundamental elements, Vastu Shastra harmonizes spaces with natural forces. It emphasizes the layout, orientation, and arrangement of structures to optimize energy flow, promoting well-being and prosperity.
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Key Principles for a Vastu-Compliant Home
1. Optimal Orientation: Align entrances to face east or north to welcome positive energy, avoiding south or west orientations that may disrupt harmony.
2. Balanced Elements: Incorporate natural materials like wood and stone, and introduce water features and greenery to maintain balance and vitality.
3. Clutter-Free Spaces: Keep living areas tidy to allow energy to flow freely, enhancing mental clarity and relaxation.
4. Functional Rooms: Design rooms according to their intended purpose, ensuring bedrooms are conducive to rest and kitchens are well-ventilated for health and prosperity.
5. Natural Light and Ventilation: Maximize sunlight and airflow to invigorate spaces and prevent stagnation.
Implementing Vastu Remedies
1. Vastu Yantras: Use geometric diagrams to neutralize negativity and enhance positivity.
2. Crystal Healing: Place crystals strategically to promote harmony and healing.
3. Sound Therapy: Utilize mantras or singing bowls to cleanse and uplift energy.
4. Space Cleansing Rituals: Purify the atmosphere with sage or incense to dispel negative vibes.
By embracing Vastu principles, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and wellness. From optimizing layouts to incorporating natural elements and remedies, each step contributes to creating a harmonious environment that supports your holistic well-being.
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health-is-wealth-le · 2 months
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Do you want to know a great way to look much younger than you are? If so, keep reading…
I recently talked about how to keep your heart healthy. In the postscript, I mentioned Exsula's AuraMax, which is an excellent blend for physical restoration.
Today, I want to talk more about AuraMax and how it can help you appear much younger and keep your heart healthy.
AuraMax contains two main ingredients, along with other helpful substances to enhance its effectiveness.
We talked a lot about one of these main ingredients last week—Ecklonia Cava. In case you missed it, here's a quick reminder of what it does:
Grab yours here: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/auramax/
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Beyond the pill bottle, Hetero Healthcare is dedicated to making a profound impact on your quality of life. Join us on this transformative journey where our commitment extends beyond medicines, reaching into every aspect of your well-being. Together, let's shape a future where health is not just about treatment, but about elevating the overall quality of life. 
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humanbodywellness · 3 months
10 Most common vitamin d deficiency symptoms
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Unveil the secrets your body might be whispering through the 10 subtle signals of Vitamin D deficiency. From persistent fatigue to mood swings and impaired wound healing, this article sheds light on the common symptoms urging you to pay attention to your Vitamin D levels. Explore how a lack of this essential nutrient can impact your well-being, and empower yourself to take charge of your health. Discover the silent language your body speaks and learn why a little sunshine vitamin can make a big difference in keeping you at your best.read more in Link below 👇
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shris890 · 3 months
Dive into the Magic of Journaling with "Blank Pages, Full Heart"! 🌟
Amidst life's chaos, discover the extraordinary power of journaling—a timeless refuge for your mind and soul. Explore how this simple act becomes a personalized prescription for well-being:
📖 Healing Power: Uncover the profound impact of journaling on self-discovery and mental wellness.
💫 Sanctuary for the Mind: Find solace amidst life's chaos by creating your own mental haven on the pages of your journal.
🌈 Words as Medicine: Experience the therapeutic nature of words as you embark on a journey of clarity and resilience.
Join us on this extraordinary adventure at "Blank Pages, Full Heart." Let the magic of journaling illuminate your path to a more mindful and enriched life. 🖋️💖
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