#a fucked up parent even from the first scenes of the pilot
lottieurl · 1 year
me realizing some people were emotionally hit by the twist that it's a dream sequence while i was watching it the whole time absolutely sure it wasn't real but still worried it might be and thinking about how the true horror was shauna being all touchy feely towards the baby
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branzinos · 5 months
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screaming crying throwing up @littlebitgarbage got me THE most ridiculously good Christmas gift what the fuck. it's the PILOT it's not even the final version of the first ep! there's soooo many changes!!! Lisa stapling Tessa to the table is still there as one of the very few parts that remain from this script, but nearly everything else is different and nearly all the dialogue in the whole script was scrapped. the core of "Kevin struggles to accept he's gonna have to shoulder more of the parenting so she can live her dream career" is the same as the final version of the episode but so much of the rest of it is completely unused scenes and jokes. incredibly interesting.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
miscellaneous haikyuu hcs that are scattered to the four winds bc i need to de-stress and i haven't done them in a while
tendou uses hair gel but tells goshiki that every morning he sticks a fork in an electrical outlet and that's how he gets his hair to stand up
goshiki, bless his soul, believes him
tsukishima freaks the fuck out when he learns that tenma asked out akiteru not because he's an overprotective brother or has misplaced resentment for the former little giant but because he's the biggest fucking fanboy of tenma's works
"what do you MEAN udai tenma asked you out what do you MEAN you've never read any of his works have you been living under a ROCK - "
this goes on for a whole hour and akiteru basically gets a free lecture of how amazing his little bro thinks his boyfriend is
when kageyama is really missing his grandfather he goes to the park where they used to play volleyball together and that's where he asks kunimi and kindaichi to meet him so they can finally have the proper conversation they needed in middle school
(i think about this hypothetical scene SO MUCH)
shibayama's parents own a cafe/bakery and the team converges there sometimes to hang out and will occasionally lend a hand
they help decorate it for the holidays!!
atsumu: "hey kita-san, i'm really sorry but i think i've caught updog" kita: "are you okay? do you need soup? tea? medicine? you should go home and take a break, i'll have gin send the notes to you, i'll let coach know - " atsumu, crying to the other second years later: "i can't fuckibg do this to him i feel like a momster"
kita DOES know the joke btw akagi did it to him back when they first met
inarizaki vbc is at war with inarizaki student council btw. inarizaki student council has been trying to steal kita for AGES ever since kita saved their asses in his first year from looking like total fools
kawanishi doesn't look like it but he is absolutely willing to fight for shirabu's right to be a snarky piece of shit
semi, exhausted, after stopping the third person that day from curbstomping shirabu: "kawanishi, why" kawanishi: "i like him like that"
sakunami is the most well-adjusted out of all the first years
at least every single one of them has broken some minor trespassing or breaking and entering law to play pokemon go
terushima is the type to try and show off in front of his crush and whenever this happens every single member of johzenji is determined to make him look like as much of a fool as possible
one day he's talking to komaki yuzuru and humble bragging about how oh so brave he was for his piercings and didn't even feel any pain or whatever and all his friends are walking by like
"hey yuuji thanks for singlehandedly lifting my parents' car out of that ditch they crashed into!!" "hey yuuji i heard you rescued twelve orphans from a burning house the other day!!" "wow yuuji i can't believe you steered an airplane after the pilot lost control and saved thousands of people!!" "hey yuuji remember that time you took on a whole gang of robbers and knocked out all of them??"
they are so fucking stupid i love them so much
reon is one of those early risers and tendou WILL throw a pillow at him if he doesn't shut off his alarm within five seconds of it going off
if it's winter and tendou has kicked all his blankets off then reon will carefully tuck him back in before leaving the room, flareon plushy included
reon has the BEST sweatshirt collection btw. they're comfy and have neat designs and everyone ends up wearing one at some point or another.
i love reon guys he deserves so much more love
kogane is a hopeless romantic and has a list titled "dream date spots" in his phone's notes app. there is an addendum at the end of the list in parantheses that says "must actually ask out sakunami first in order to go to dream date spots". kogane hopes to erase that addendum soon.
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Dick & Rachel and the Invisible String theory (part 1)
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Well, I finally gave in and decided to write it all down. How can I not when the show is basically slapping me in the face with it? It's all right there, if you're only willing to look. I've been dropping the phrase invisible string in relation to these two here and there for a while now and it's time to give it some more sense.
And yes, I am well aware this might be a stretch - it's Titans, nothing is ever intentionally that deep. But if there's one thing that show ever did right, it's this relationship, from the pilot to the end. So it's worth looking into it for me even if it's only my delusion speaking and it's not officially a thing.
So what is the Invisible String in this case? It's a connection, most likely supernatural, linking these two characters together and tethering them to each other in a way that is unexplainable by either logic or feelings. It plays into the definition of soulmates, though in this particular case other things like fate or magical powers might be connected. It's a bond made of love, fueled by love, but not responsible for it - the characters' feelings feed into it and strengthen it but they are their own and aren't affected by the existence nor strength of the bond. After all, even with the connection already in place, Dick and Rachel could have met and ended up hating each other.
Which means that not every scene they share will end up on this list I've put up here. Most of the time, the characters' actions are driven by their feelings, and the circumstances surrounding the scene are easily explainable. But sometimes, something strange happens and no matter how you look at it, you can't figure out how it happened without the so-called "higher power" at play.
(the higher power in question is most likely my delusion but fuck it we ball)
So where does it start? Obviously, in the pilot episode.
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The dream that had started it all. The show is opened by it, it sucks you right in. This is where the String is born. Rachel walks right into Dick's memory of his parents' death and lives through it with him, even though she has no idea about it at the time. The dream we see in the pilot is also not the first time she has it; when she wakes up screaming and her mother comes in to comfort her, Rachel tells her what happened in half-sentences and broken words, not bothering to explain further and Melissa's look of understanding tells us that she already knows the story. The most important detail proving the connection's existence here is in Rachel's words.
"He was so scared. I felt it."
Somehow, thanks to her still developing powers, she was able to feel what he was feeling in that moment, proving that she is indeed inside his memory. Rachel didn't sense Mary's or John's emotions - only Dick's. Because they are gone and he's still alive so the memory is still alive as well.
The only thing the show had never bothered to explain here is the why. Why him? Why this? It feels a little random at the surface level, dreaming about a memory of some stranger you've never met. Even if we're talking about fate, about destiny bringing them together, the question still stands. Why Dick? Why didn't Rachel dream about the moment Gar became a metahuman? Or the moment Kory came to Earth? That one would have made sense, since Kory had been sent with the mission to kill The Raven. Guess we'll never know.
The connection is the most visible from Rachel's end, because her powers come into play. They might even be the reason the String exists in the first place. After her mother is killed, Rachel runs to her hometown's bus station and seemingly randomly picks Detroit as her destination, unaware that this is exactly where Dick is. The String is leading her to him without her even knowing.
But we can see it working through him as well, even though he's human and doesn't have any magical abilities.
We're introduced to a detective/vigilante, who's known in his day job for helping kids. The very first scene we see him in, he's looking through a file of a physically abused child. So the situation in the pilot is not his first rodeo. He's been dealing with kids in his line of work before, troubled kids more often than not. Rescued them from sticky situations (either with or without the Robin suit), and most definitely signed off some papers and handed the kids over to social services. And he never got attached. No matter how bad the situation was. His job required him to not get involved.
But then this kid shows up, a kid who recognizes him somehow (she can sense something familiar about him the second he walks in but doesn't clock it until he tells her his name) and she knows things about him she's not supposed to know. She tells him her mom was killed and his demeanor changes from slightly hostile to compassionate immediately because it's something he can relate to. She's begging for help with eyes full of tears, so blindly trusting despite just meeting him, talking like he's her only hope and his resolve is already starting to break.
And then she takes his hand. Whether intentionally or not, she dives into his head, and her dream and his memory become one. They expand, giving Rachel further glimpses into his past. And they both feel it.
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And boy, does it spook him. The weird and very conscious feeling of getting sucked into his own head, the unexplainable connection to this kid in front of him who for some reason is able to dig in his brain, a connection that only seems to be fueled by his growing concern for her and her situation. It clearly freaks him out. He's a lone wolf, he doesn't get attached. Neither his day or night job allow it. So what does he do about it? He runs.
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"I can't give you the kind of help you need." But he wants to. And it scares the shit out of him because this shouldn't be happening. This should be easy. Get her statement, check it, call social workers. Sign off a few papers and be done with it. Just another kid, another file, another day at the office.
And yet he has to force himself to leave the room and not give in to her desperate begging. He goes to do what he's supposed to do, turns it into just another case.
He tries to leave it. Makes some calls, grabs his coat and heads out. Dude is already out of the building, ready to call it a day and let someone else take over but something stops him in the middle of the parking lot. A sense of duty? Strange worry twisting his gut? Instinct telling him that something isn't right? Something is pulling him back to this girl and no matter how hard he's trying, Dick can't walk away.
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Because you see, the moment Rachel took his hand and they both experienced the memory at the same time, the String solidified. I visualize it in my head as two opposite ends slowly reaching toward each other and when this happens–
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–the ends meet. They snap together and two separate pieces of the String become one. Only the thing is, right now it's just a thin thread. Now it's up to them to either break it or make it stronger.
(if somehow you're still reading, I assume you know what happens)
As we dive further into Season 1, there are plenty of moments along the way that show how the String strengthens with Dick and Rachel growing closer. 1x04 especially has a moment that is a definite milestone in their relationship — Dick making a conscious decision to stay and take care of Rachel, no longer afraid of the connection and responsibility. But we don't see the String at work again until episode 1x07, "Asylum".
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Now, as a singular event, this next scene doesn't necessarily qualify, because it can be logically, scientifically even, explained. But it's here because it's the first of the several instances creating a pattern across all seasons: a pattern of Rachel bringing Dick back to reality from the confines of his own mind.
She seems to be the only one to have this ability to such an extent as she does, and as the seasons go, we even watch it grow in its effectiveness.
When she finds him, he's been pumped with drugs and kept trapped inside his head for an unspecified amount of time, we can assume more than an hour. He's limp, completely unresponsive and it takes her several tries to wake him up. And what does it? A reminder of what connects them, of the promise he made her, the promise that he will never leave her.
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It's not that easy to notice unless you look closely but his eyes gain focus and snap to hers the second she says "You promised!" Unknowingly, Rachel tugs at the String and yanks him back with those two words — she needs him to remember, she needs him back because she's scared, and even though her own mother is standing right behind her, none of it matters because Rachel won't feel truly safe unless he's there to keep her safe — and it works because keeping that promise is a priority to him, it's what keeps him going. "Yeah, I guess I did," he says as he comes to his senses and gives a tiny reassuring smile to let her know that he remembers. And we all breathe with relief (well, I did).
Then we move to the very end of episode 1x10 "Koriand'r".
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Why is Dick the only one able to cross the cloaking barrier around Angela's house? Why did he run at it at full speed, determined and so sure he'll break through even though he risked literally crashing into a wall, and went right through it with no problem, while neither Kory nor Donna couldn't? It's simple: Trigon allowed it because he knew about the String. Having similar powers to Rachel, he could sense it in his daughter and decided to use it against her. He even knew when Dick and the girls appeared in front of the barrier. Trigon recognized how important all these people are to Rachel, but there was something about this particular bond that caught his attention and made him realize Dick is the perfect pawn. If he wants to break his daughter, he first needs to break the one person she loves the most.
What deserves a special mention here is a little moment at the end of episode 1x11 "Dick Grayson" because this is the first time in the show that the word "love" is used to describe Dick and Rachel's relationship. And it comes from none other than Trigon himself.
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Because you do. He knows. Despite never having met either of them before. Trigon has been back on Earth for what, an hour? And he sensed it right away.
That's it for season 1. I was originally planning to put all seasons in one post but obviously didn't consider that there is a 10 image limit and that I talk too much lol
So if you're curious for more, read part 2 and part 3 here. They will dive into how the Invisible String manifests itself in season 2, and check out part 4 for seasons 3 & 4!
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freyrmichokolatte · 11 months
Rooftop Squad headcanons because they deserve the world (plus Alive!Oboro)
Shouta is the shortest while Oboro is the tallest (Shortzawa)
Oboro's fashion style is Art Hoe, Summer, and Vintage Pilot Aethetic. Hizashi's style is Neon and Daft punk while Shouta's is soft grunge or anything with sweaters, hoodies, and other baggy clothes. You already know Nemuri's, Tensei would dress up like those responsible smart rich dads
Other than cats, Oboro would also bring other small critters in his cloud like birds and puppies (He brought a ferret with him once, where did he find it? Only God knows)
Shouta and Tensei are the most responsible, thus claimed as "The parents" by the rest (despite their protest)
Shouta and Tensei are platonic soulmates and are in a queerplatonic relationship u can't tell me otherwise
Hizashi is a youtuber and twitch streamer, they all moved into a large apartment and the first time one of the squad accidentally interrupted his streams is when Shouta came back from patrol and went face first to the couch (Hizashi had to stream on the living room because his room hasn't been properly renovated yet)
Shouta has a younger sibling the same age as (baby) Tenya. He and Tensei would schedule playdates for them
Tensei likes fruit salads
All the boys carry a menstruation bag with them incase Nemuri got her period unexpectedly
Nemuri and Oboro likes to make crotched cat clothes and gived some of them to Shouta
Hizashi drinks Monster Energy
Shouta and Tensei are hardcore book nerds and would spend hours talking about Percy Jackson and Magisterium
They're all multilingual; they use this skill to talk shit about everyone and everything in front of people just to fuck with their heads and make them go mad
Oboro has a collection of crocs and limited additon crocs in a small special room
Hizashi has hard hearing so they all learned sign language for him
Shouta is clingy when either drunk or he didn't get any sleep for days. He'll cling onto the closest person he knows like a koala. This first happened when the boys finished their final periodical test on 3rd year and he clung into Hizashi like his life depends on it
^^^The class took some pictures for memories because that is a fucking rare sight right there
They have movie nights every Wednesday and make a pillow fortress for the fun (It was Nemuri's idea)
It's normal for Nemuri to be catcalled but a guy took it too far so Shouta smashed his head with a tray
^^^The guy got concusion and almost got expelled for catcalling. Shouta didn't got into detention because that fucker is good at acting
Oboro, Tensei, and Nemuri are theater kids
Shouta doesn't look like it, but he's the most hyperactive kid alive. Bro's so talented he did parkour at a young age and knows how to shoot a gun at 11
They call eachother nicknames :) Nemuri: Nemi, Uri Shouta: Shou, Shouchan (Courtesy of Oboro and Nemuri) Hizashi: Zashi Oboro: Boro, Obi (Courtesy of Shouta) Tensei: Sei
Shouta and Tensei bought 3 dog leash for the 3 hooligans. You don't fucking know what those three might do if the other two aren't there to supervise
Hizashi came up with a dumb idea that probably got them arrested and Tensei just said what the hell let's do it. Shouta during the scene: FUCKING TRAITOR-
Nemuri planned an after graduation party for the boys by giving them free tickets to Hawaii
Even as adults, they still cause trouble. But it's very minor now
Since Tensei is paralyzed from the waist to down, most of their hangouts would be at cafes and malls just so he wouldn't feel left out
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ckerouac · 10 months
So I have to say that after the first two eps of Justified: City Primeval, I love what the inclusion of Willa brings to the story.
She's exactly who she should be - a sheltered middle class white girl who takes joy in being a little shit. Because she's 15 and every 15 year old has the spirit of a little shit. You're pushing against boundaries because that's what you do at that age. I don't know if that's Vivian's natural pitch to her voice or a choice, but I love that they're going with such a high pitch because it really emphasizes that she's a child.
And her being a child is so important to the story and what we get to learn about Raylan because this is the first time in the series that we're getting to see Raylan from the eyes of someone who cares about him but doesn't know him. Yes, he's her father and they very clearly have a relationship from the very first scene in the car (the teasing about texting, the 'we don't have to tell mom' suggested in a way that that's worked before and she's a bit of a daddy's girl, the good natured sulk of a kid that's not uncomfortable with that parent, and the lack of worry of her face when he shoots out the truck tire because she trusts her dad to take care of her). But how many of us actually knew our parents when we were teenagers? We didn’t.
Raylan, for good or for ill, and for reasons justified or not (see what I did there?) has a lot of anger inside him that gets shoved down. We know this. And everyone who we meet in Justified already knows this about him. You have folks who knew him growing up, knows his family situation, or was a direct cause of a lot of that trauma - Arlo, Helen, Boyd, Ava, the Bennets, etc. You have folks who work with him and know the man who shot Tommy Bucks at lunch for reasons justified or not - Art, Rachel, Tim, the Dixie Mafia, the Detroit Mafia, etc. And then you have Winona, who knows him well enough to be married, divorced, and then co-parenting with him. The most outside view we get of him is Loretta, who is also a child but a child who has a wildly different set of experiences than Willa and is not surprised when violence comes to her door.
Which leaves Willa as someone who very obviously loves her father, but the father who is dry humored, stubborn, a little indulgent, etc. Raylan was confronted with his past in Justified and what it did to him, and he's very obviously keeping that from Willa. When they're talking about what route to take home on their road trip, she suggests going through Harlan because 'that's where we come from, right?' And he deflects because he doesn't want to show her that part of him and his history. (This is yet another little point I love that shows that even if Raylan isn't the custodial parent, they still have a great relationship because Willa constantly uses 'we' instead of 'you' and I love that they do that here. And he's going to be blaming himself hard for not getting back to the hotel sooner, which I am here for that guilt).
We get to see Raylan as Willa sees him.
And when Raylan is absolutely beating the shit out of Clement outside the hotel, we are cheering because this asshole threatened Willa, and he needs to stay away, and we want Raylan to defend his daughter, and we want to see that anger slip through, and we want to see it, and we want him to do it, and we want...
And then we turn around and realize that Willa is seeing her father for the first time as the angry man we all already know he is, and that we enjoy him being. And it fucking hurts. Because we have to confront that this is not a good thing we want him to do and to be. Because here is the only person who never saw him as 'the angriest person I've ever met' like Winona says in the pilot, watching him beat a man on a sidewalk in what looks like to her a complete unprovoked situation.
So what happens now? How is her innocence about her dad broken? And how does Raylan deal with the one person who never knew him as that Givens boy from Harlan seeing what he’s willing to do?
I love that we get to see that. I can't wait to get that answered.
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firefromthegodspro · 4 months
NGL I know its a controversial scene, but I genuinely love the "Adult Kiss" scene from End of Eva.
Like I know some people say it's "Out of Character" for Misato but I ask you how???? Like half the entire series is hammering into you that this woman, despite having at least some form of familial love for Shinji, is entirely willing to toss both it and her morals aside to get him to pilot. Like this woman, multiple times, explicitly ignores the severe trauma piloting inflicts onto Shinji to guilt him into it because "he has to". So no, I do not think its OOC for her to offer an "Adult Kiss" to him on her deathbed if he gets into the Eva. She knows he's desperate for any sort of affection at this point and that it will get him to pilot so of course she'll toss aside morals and decency to do it.
And yes its disgusting, its awful, and that the point. You are supposed to look at this scene in horror and go "what the fuck is going on???" You're supposed to despise her for it, to thinks she's an awful human being, because she's explicitly offering a 14 year old the promise of sex (that she knows she will never be able to fulfill) if he will just get in the fucking robot again and this is a bad thing.
I won't speak to directorial intent because I A: am not in contact with Hideki Anno (despite fervently desiring to pick his brain about Shin Kamen Rider) B: do not speak Japanese so cannot read his interviews unless its through the lens of a (potentially flawed) translator and C: Am too fucking lazy to look up said interviews anyways. But I will say that, whether retroactively or not, Eva is a genuinely good commentary on the "Relatable Angsty Teenage Protagonist" because Shinji is incredibly relatable when he first shows up. Poor self-esteem, absent parents, issues connecting with people, etc. But as the series goes on and Shinji descends further and further to start to relate less and less and start to wonder "Why aren't any of these adults seeing. Why do they seem to miss or ignore the obvious traumas Shinji and Asuka have and why do they continue to push them to do something that only hurts them. Why don't they question the narrative, of why the teens are the only ones who can Pilot or whether its even true or not?"
TL;DR yes Misato is an awful human being, and yes just about everything she does in EoE is entirely in character for her
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floatinginzerogravity · 2 months
I did an Analysis of the Murder Drones Pilot for my friends and am deciding to post it: Pt.1
Okie, It's Murder Drones explanation time
okay, first of all, I've waited LITERAL MONTHS to do this, and WILL be pointing out every tiny detail, and would very much love to do this with every episode. (I am happy stimming so much right now)
If you don't feel like reading all this, I can provide a condensed version. I will just send a wall of text, I will fill it with my theories and goofy bg details, I will send excessive screenshots of the characters, and I will not feel shame. Be warned
so, The year is 3000 something, and humanity has been colonizing other planets, using half-sentient worker drone robots to mine them. Humanity then blows up the planet by accident (oops)
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Just for clarity, this is not earth, it's a completely separate planet around 70 light years away called Copper 9 (Side note, it's technically impossible for a moon to have rings. oops, the show is scientifically inaccurate, it's ruined now/j) Anyway, the core collapse killed all humans and turned the atmosphere into a "toxic death storm" (description lovingly borrowed from N) The Worker drones, now free from human control, discovered their sentience. They build a society based on the human one before it, with families, schools, and all the other stuff
The Robot Sentience side tangent: Liam Vickers, show creator, when asked about the Drone's sentience- "It was kind of a basic, limited version... the disaster that happened on their planet that kind of left them kind of stranded, kind of played into their adaptive AI abilities.... You need a sort of intelligence to not fall over... it expands to keeping them alive in various circumstances" Basically, they were programmed to do certain tasks, and when humanity was wiped out, their goals changed and they were given the space to find their own sentience. Sentience can also occur if they're in an environment that promotes sentience or if their damaged/corrupted in some way
JCJenson (in Spaaaaccce) (aka the company that created the drones and runs colonization. The name of the company is also, apparently, based on a cleaning company. BCBoston or something) Decides they don't like sentient AI running around and sends Disassembly Drones to Copper 9 to wipe them out
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The implication here is that the blue guy threw his child when the attacks started. (I think the fandom named him Bob or something similar) This is the first example of the A+ parenting of Murder Drones characters.
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V's just perched on a lampost lol. Very Creature™️ of her
Bg text #3 I guess
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[Text: Photo cred: some dead dude lol] [Text: "dying is stupid and also dumb" -me, idk]
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[Text: How do we fix this in a complicated Sci-fi way] So, Uzi wants to fight, and everyone else wants to hide, basic plot stuff, moving on
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Her railgun has stickers lol
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[Text: "Violently opposed to biological life" The rest is readable]
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Khan (Uzi's dad) being the worst™️, an image collection
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Something that will forever irk me until the day I die is why a robot has Testosterone????? Don't they not even have biological genders, or biology, like, at all???? I don't think robots need hormones, bud
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I once saw someone point out that this is probably one of the first times someone has been nice to Uzi, as she has no friends, is bullied, and her father is a bit neglectful <- Understatement (I do want to say that Khan isn't as bad as most of the fandom seems to think he is. Doesn't mean he's good either, though)
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Baby's first "Bite me", I'm so proud. (Fun fact, in Spanish she says "Jodete", which translates to "Fuck you!" )
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HSDHJDSFNJKDSHJDFHGJFGBKJDFDKJG WHY DO YOU HAVE HORMONES?????? YOUR FREAKING ROBOTS???!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYY (Plot: Uzi says that she plans to sneak out to find the last part for her railgun, and in the next scene she is waking up at 3:00am to do just that) Now time for deciphering Uzi's sticky notes
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[Text: To do: >Talk to source
>(I can't read the rest)] [Text: RESEARCH: How to turn "REALLY sad all the time" into "Look really cool"]
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[Text: LIMAL NO 4EYA!!!!!] <- I have no clue what this means [Text:Murder ??? Matter ???? really at c?????] <- Again, no clue what this means
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[Text: Uzi Dos-] [Text: Yeaahhhh, I'm not reading that]
Location: Khan's closet where Uzi steals the "Door Master" key from
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"Yeah, everyone has a picture of their family where one member is mysteriously ripped out in their closet."/s -Liam Vickers, paraphrased from a reddit AMA
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[Text: WDF of outpost 9 [Having faithfully made a slab of metal that can be a wall but also not a wall, on the 11th day of December, three thousand and ???]
[Text: You cannot be murdered by scary robots when .... a door, (unless they open it) A scientific]
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I find it interesting that the DD's are referred to as "Murder Drones," which is not their technical name. It seems to be something only the WD colonies use
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Fun fact: this line is a bit of a meme in the MD community
Plot: Uzi manages to lie her way out of the WD colony, enters the Corpse Spire, and finds the required part for her railgun. As she goes to leave, she's attacked by a DD, who she defeats with her railgun, only for it's head to regenerate.
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piglet26 · 5 months
Reylo Scenes: TROS Part 1
If there's one name I don't wanna hear about my Reylo it's Colin Trevorrow.
I will be referencing the novelization, BTS interviews, comics and visual dictionary cause how do I say this? All of that makes the movie more coherent. That's the main issue with the movie. A lot of information was left on the cutting room floor.
Side note: There is one line in the novelization "a kiss of gratitude" the way anti-Reylos clung to that shit, like, it was even in Screenrant articles. It's one line while the rest of the novel heavily supports Reylo. This is in the BTS video for the making of the film from the team.....
"What if your sort of soulmate in the force was your enemy? Circumstance pits them against each other, but the force bonds them together. They understand each other almost from a point of view of fate and yet fate has made them enemies" That's a great story! Genuinely that's a wonderful literary, cinematic and epic story.
Daisy Ridley, "The stuff with Adam always has been so emotional. Trying to find that balance of feeling the light side but also feeling the draw to the dark side."
Adam Driver "He learns that over the course of the movie that they're two halves of the same thing. I think it just, if anything, reaffirms what he knows intuitively and has known for a while but hasn't been able to articulate until he can."
Seriously Antis?!... Accept the shit, enjoy the ride and move on.
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In the visual dictionary the information provided from Ren's perspective during the interrogation is "Kylo Ren feels an innate connection to the scavenger, unaware that they form a prophesied dyad." In the time period between TLJ and TROS, Rey and Ben actually have had a run-in with one another though they haven't had a forcetime since the TLJ.
General Hux quote from the novel 'Ren had no soft spots for anyone - except maybe the scavenger' No, maybe about that. Stormtroopers stay in awe.
The movie starts with (The most chopped up opening) bad ass supreme leader Kylo Ren for literally 5 minutes before he's co-pilot to dummy Palpy. In the novelization it's revealed what exactly he saw during the hut vision with Rey. "He’d glimpsed her parents in a vision, a poor, frightened couple eking out a meagre existence, surviving on the edge of desperation. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told her they were nothing, nobodies. But Force visions were filled with tricky truths and potential realities. Maybe he had missed something." No, her story hadn't been retconned yet.
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Grandpappy Palpy offers Ren the Sith fleet if Kylo kills Rey (except he doesn't want her killed...Ren's the backup?) Kylo pursues Rey under the pretense that he agreed to kill her. Ren ain't even about that life. He's like oh sure! Get the fuck out of here.
Meanwhile Rey is training with Leia/R2D2 with the assistance of Poe and Finn. There's a moment when Kylo Ren is praying over his grandpappy Darth Vader mask and bridges his mind with Rey's (They should've done more with this in this movie).
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We don't know if she's confided in anyone about her connection to Ren. It would have served the story better if she had.
The damn mask is back. *Eye Roll*
On Pasaana we have their first forceskype. In the movie, it's like two ex's running into each other and don't know what to say.  God bless Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley, but mainly Adam Driver for all the work he put into spinning mostly exposition writing into something swallowable. Yes, the dialogue is stiff, but Ren's motivation at this point is semi-layered. He warns her that Palpatine wants her dead not only because he wants her at his side, but also to protect her from Palpatine. Ruling alongside Rey has become Ren's greatest ambition. Ren and Rey mean King and Queen after all. In the novel, 'He wanted to kill the past, yes. Rule supreme over the galaxy, certainly. And the massive fleet on Exegol would help him do that. But the ambition that cut into his being was the thought of reigning side by side with her. They were connected. They had defeated Snoke. Together they would be invincible.'
Both Rey and Ren are so desperate for that connection. Both also understand how powerful they were and could be together. Their battle together in Snoke’s throne room features some of the best visual storytelling in the entire series. This is where you see them together at their best, showing the promise of the potential they possess as a unit. Not to mention the emotional depth they bring to the others lives. Both are looking for confirmation of the others feeling.
"I offered you my hand once, you wanted to take it, why didn't it?"
"You could have killed me. Why didn't you?"
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Next scene is in the desert of Pasaana. The second Ren is on the planet she senses him through the force and he sense her. The infamous running in the desert to run you down trailer scene. Prior to the movie release people correctly presumed this was Kylo Ren, but thought it was a training exercise hahaha because it made no sense. The movie was released and it still made no sense unless you've read the novel.
Kylo Ren sensed her before he saw her. As he flew his TIE whisper along the flat desert, she was a bright presence in his mind, practically glowing with determination and ferocity. He finally understood. Han Solo was his past. But Rey was his light.
The dark side clouded his judgement and urged him to cut all the ties to light. In the end, the murderous impulses contradicted his deepest desire to have Rey for himself.
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I'm actually more interest in the scenes in the last 3/4 so moving onto those.
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theimaginatrix27 · 4 months
I need to talk about Benjamin Sisko
I have been meaning to make this post for a while now, and I have ranted about how much I love this man in the tags of so many posts, but the time has come for me to make my own. Why no, this isn't me practicing what I would say to Avery Brooks about his character and how much I love him in the unlikely event I ever get to speak to the man in question. Why would you even think that?
If you had asked me, even a year ago, which of the three Trek Renaissance captains was my favourite, I'd have told you that I'm bad at picking favourites, that I like Picard, Janeway and Sisko for different reasons, and can't choose between them.
Now, though, I've come to a decision:
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko is in a league of his fucking own.
Don't misunderstand me, I have always liked Sisko, and I have loved him for nearly a decade and a half as of writing this post, but in recent months, as I have revisited Deep Space Nine, I've found my love for him deepening, broadening, flowing more freely, shining more brightly, and gaining momentum.
Because this man is the best Trek Captain. Ever. There is no competition.
I fell in love with Sisko when I first watched Emissary. As I said, I had liked him before then, thought he was pretty cool and all, but after watching that episode, I was in love.
Because you cannot watch the scene where he really has to face his grief, acknowledge that some part of him never left the moment he lost Jennifer, and come out the other side the same person. Especially when you have your own burden of griefs, moments from your past where pieces of you have existed since that trauma first tore them away. I cried with Sisko when I first watched that scene. I've cried with him almost every time I've watched it since. And that performance is so raw, and so beautiful, and this was the fucking pilot. Avery gave it his all!
But of course, there are so many reasons to love this man, and many other DS9 fans have said it better than me, but I will do my best to lay out the big ones:
He is so very strong. Not in the sense that he physically kicks arse (though he absolutely can and does), but that he possesses strength of character. He is able to withstand so much, and still keeps going in the face of ever-increasing odds, and fucking wins.
He is also so very warm and caring and loving. Have you seen this man with his son? Because I have, and I think he beats out every fictional dad I've ever seen anywhere else. And he shares that level of love and warmth with everyone who serves under him, who has ever been his friend, the rest of his family, the world of Bajor, every baby fortunate enough to enter his orbit, the list goes on. I would accept a one-way trip to DS9 and put up with all the shit just to be able to be within the radius of that love.
He adores kids. I have to make this its own point because the man just melts around kids of all ages and it's precious. He's precious. You seen him with babies? He is so soft with them you wish you could be that baby.
He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, and is so very very passionate when he does: I have said it before in tags, but this man does not yell at you when you have fucked up or otherwise aroused his ire. He is loudly passionate, and very articulate with it. He will speak out against injustice, he will meticulously lay out the ways you fucked up, and he will annunciate every word. I have been that passionate about things I believe in. I know how powerful it is to hear it and to do it, and Sisko is a prime example of this kind of passion, for which I cannot help but love him. Sisko's disappointed parent voice would have me in tears if it were ever directed at me, because I would never want to disappoint Captain Sisko.
Man knows how to have fun! Seriously, I love Picard, but easygoing he is not. And I love Janeway, but her idea of fun is Gothic Horror Romance in the holodeck, and I'm sure some people vibe with that, but it's not what most would consider fun. Benjamin Sisko plays baseball. He was the most enthusiastic of the four who had to play the Allamaraine game in Move Along Home (I like that episode, it was fun, Quark broke down sobbing, it was great). He is a genuine delight to spend free time with. He is as far from boring as it is possible to be.
He can cook! And I wish I could just drop in to share every meal he makes! I love my food, and I would dearly love to try his, because it sounds divine. Yes I know that's sort of ironic to say about Sisko given where canon took him, but I'm not taking it back. I've never had Cajun cuisine, but I wanna, just because it's Sisko's specialty. I trust him to feed me well and make the experience an absolute pleasure.
He is so very, very progressive. This is a big part of what has deepened my appreciation for him as I have reintegrated myself into the Deep Space Nine fandom. I've always been progressive on some level, but I've grown a hell of a lot over the past decade, and coming back to a show I already loved with the perspective I have now has made me appreciate more of the nuance woven through it. And Sisko is a beacon of progressive ideals! He is always trying! Always open to understanding! Always on the side of the oppressed! And he admits when he fucks up (which isn't often but it happens). We should all strive to be more like Sisko.
I could gush on and on about him all fucking day and not run out of material, but I won't, because I would like this post to go public while some of my Trek friends are still awake.
I will say this before I close, however. I cannot in any way fathom the kind of person who looks at this character, truly one of the most multifaceted to come out of any 90s show, and reduce him to racist stereotypes. If you are one of those people and have somehow found this post, block me. I will never agree with your shortsighted views and it will be better for both of us if we never interact.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, go watch DS9 however you can and give it and its captain the love they so richly deserve.
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le-trash-prince · 7 months
OF Episode 9 Thoughts
I had to watch without my friend this week so it was a less exciting experience without the usual screaming, but this ep was so good. Honestly I don’t know why people are worried about the show not having enough episodes left to wrap up all their plot lines because they cover SO MUCH GROUND in every episode
first off I’ve been internally screaming about SandNick since the promo pics dropped AHFKFJDJDJD THE WHIPLASH THIS CREW HAS PUT MY THROUGH TODAY.
Ray peaked in his full problematic era and it was finally to the point where I could fully enjoy it. Go girl, pressure Mew into having sex. Cheat on the boy you’ve been chasing for years, give Sand that toxic romance energy!
Top spent this whole episode in a precarious balance of trying to do right by Mew but pushing things too far, and he was always one sentence away from getting punched.
Atom son, you can’t say you weren’t warned or that Boston promised anything more. Boston’s “what the fuck?” was me too LMAO he just wanted to mind his own business doing photography research 😭
I loved Nick coming in with “the logical conclusion is for us to have sex”
disappointment of my life that it didn’t click for them I WOULDN’T HAVE MINDED IF THEY WERE ENDGAME
smh at Ray crashing their roommate time tho THE MOST AWKWARD EXPERIENCE AHDJFJFJF
The SandRay convo in the river was the healthiest communication we have seen from any of these boys. Again we see the transformative effects of water 🙌
Also I was just so glad to hear Sand say so many things that needed to be said. That Ray could have gotten him arrested, that he treats Sand like a possession, that he needs to be nicer to Sand!
Mew falling asleep on his own couch is the realest sign of being Not Okay. I think he really needed some time with his parents, even if he couldn’t talk to them about what he was going through. Sometimes having an outsiders perspective that you’re not doing well can mean so much. I really think they were the catalyst for Mew sobering up. I’ll dig more into this later.
Honestly a relief that Top showed up at Mew’s to talk to him and not because he was stalking him and his moms. I can only deal with one stalker per episode thanks 😔🤚
Nick kissing two men in one ep YOU GO SON
The BostonNick bathroom scene was everything to me I need a separate post for this SHDKFJSJDBFBDBE I’M SO SAD MY FRIEND COULDN’T WITNESS THIS WITH ME WE’VE BEEN WAITING SINCE THE PILOT TRAILER 😭😭😭😭
I am begging Ray to go to therapy and to learn about ethical non-monogamy that man needs a counselor and two boyfriends
I don’t recognize the song that was playing during the SandRay sex scene but it definitely seemed like a brit rock song which is on brand and I appreciate
I’m so glad Sand didn’t do Ray’s social service for him oh my god THE BIGGEST RELIEF
I’m also glad Top decided not to show the video to Mew! So many good decisions this episode!! I hope he recognized that Mew has been through enough of that kind of drama and that there are better ways to learn about this kind of thing.
Also so glad MewRay talked things out and parted cleanly. Sometimes ppl really do gotta date a friend to figure out that it doesn’t work.
I appreciated the MewCheum convo a lot too.
Honestly this episode ended way more cleanly than I was expecting after part one. I think if Top had shown Mew that video, Mew really might have lost it and just killed someone.
Next week’s preview looks so good!!!
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anewkindofme · 5 months
omg i can just imagine mary coming back & seeing dean acting as a parent to sam & being jealous of that role. god, there’s probably so much animosity between the two of them.
Ohhhhh....I could go on for hours about this.
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I really wish we got more of this from Dean and Mary. When it was first revealed she was back, I had all these dreams of her trying so hard to fit back into their lives. Yet, it'd be difficult because Dean has been Sam's only parent for his entire life. He knows him better than anyone else. It's natural that Dean just falls into doing certain things. I imagined how much it'd hurt for Mary to see all this. Then Dean is jealous as he watches her try to do what he does. Sam feeling caught in the middle because he obviously wants Dean but wants to get to know his mom too.
I also pictured them working it out. Becoming a family. Maybe even an incident where Mary assures Dean that he doesn't have to be the only one to look out for Sam anymore...
But then we got "I want my little boys, not whatever the two of you are. I don't feel connected to you and I don't want to try". I mean...what a fucking let down. I hate how they assassinated Mary's character.
I also wondered how the "Sammy" thing would work. Because I know John called him that too, but it made sense. Growing up, it's just how it was for Sam. His brother and father called him that, it made him feel like a kid-their kid. It was safe, loving. Even when John was a bastard.
Yet...he didn't grow up with Mary. He knows that's his mom but I think it'd still feel weird for him to hear her calling him that. At the same time, from what we see in the pilot, they were all calling him "Sammy". I imagine it was his default name.
Just a scene where he just slips and says "It's Sam". The hurt and jealousy from Mary. Yet, it'd probably make Dean feel good.
I think only then would it make sense for Mary to slip into "You boys don't need me, I'm struggling to connect, etc". Even then, she wouldn't have to leave but the angst and what not would be amazing.
Add in the agere aspect of it all...
Sam naturally only trusts Dean to be his only caregiver. Mary has the opportunity to still get "Baby Sammy" but all he wants is his big brother. She would resent the hell out of Dean. And in return, Dean would just get angry because how the hell is she going to be mad at him for doing what John wouldn't.
Ohhh...the layers of it all...
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I’ve seen you post a lot about Titans, and I was wondering if you could give a premise of the plot. I need new found family stuff to watch. 😂
Thanks! 🌻
Okay I'll try my best with the summary hahaha just a few fun facts before I get to it: this was my #1 show for the past 4 years, until tlou rolled around, we are on our last stretch of episodes before saying goodbye (my heart is broken) and a word of warning: if you get into it, you will love it as much as you will hate it. This stupid beloved show of mine can be a real pain in the ass sometimes 😂
Okay, time for a summary. Or, in other words, let me paint you a picture of this found family without giving away any plot 😂
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So at the beginning we have these four lovely people who all find each other just when they need it the most when their lives are at their lowest. They are DC superheroes (some on their way to becoming them) but the most important thing the show had always put focus on (more or less sometimes but we lived through it) is that team is family. The team grows over time and they learn how to be a team and fight evil together and all that but these four are the core of it.
So, on the left you have the kids: Gar Logan and Rachel Roth. If you're familiar with DC Comics in any capacity, you might know them as Beast Boy and Raven. Gar can shift into animals and Rachel is a daughter of a demon. Fun times with these two!
Then we have the parents: Dick Grayson and Kory Anders. Known as Robin, then Nightwing and Starfire.
Dick is a master detective with some sick martial art skills (trained by Batman himself) and Kory is an alien powerhouse Queen!
Leaders of the team. Heads of the family. Father and Mother who will do absolutely everything to protect their children.
They also have an epic love story going on, just so you know. Season 4 is really taking them places.
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Now, when I started this show, I came here for some superhero fun. But I stayed because the pilot episode served me one of the best father-daughter duos I have ever seen. Think of Joel and Ellie's "if you're lost in the darkness, search for the light" but here it's almost LITERAL sometimes. Dick has metaphorical darkness in him and Rachel is the one who brings out the light for the first time. But Rachel has the literal darkness in her and Dick is the first person in her life who isn't afraid of it and helps her accept it as a part of her.
She has a dream about him before they even meet and when they do, she immediately knows. And he's scared shitless of this new attachment, he's dark, violent, has issues and he can't do family but here is this orphaned girl who knows things about him that she shouldn't and hell if his heart isn't beating a little faster.
This scene here, it has a grip on my throat since 2019 and isn't planning to let go. This is where it all begins.
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As for the plot, each season is a different thing. Season 1 is protecting Rachel from her father, season 2 is trying to settle down as a team but ghosts of the past are making it difficult, season 3 is about sibling rivalry and how that can fuck up a family and a bit of generational trauma, and season 4 is all over the place with a giant prophecy, some big and small returns, magic and shit, but season 4 is when the family is finally the strongest!
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I hope you enjoy it! You can find it on HBO MAX in the US and on Netflix everywhere else (though international Netflix is one season behind). If you get to watching it, I'd love to here your thoughts!
Come join us in Titansland! Let me welcome you to the Graysonfam!
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24hrfrog · 2 years
Please I must know how you rank the top gun class of 86
If you mean rank if I like ‘em/my opinion on them:
Ok but a lil lesser
Mav - Might surprise y’all with saying I wasn’t too fond of Mav. He’s like a cute chipmunk but is a bit too much, following Charlie into the women’s restroom???! Hell nah. This doesn’t mean I hate him, just how he played his cards I wasn’t very happy w/ sometimes, I prefer him more in TGM (DadMav lol), his relationship with Goose made him shine a bit more
Neutral in no real order
Wolfman - Wearing a cowboy hat in class w/ the pilot fit? Amazing. Locker room scene of him just fucking spreading it like a starfish? Mood. Classroom scene of “This gives me a hard-on”? Same. LMAO I wouldn’t be surprised if he did drag, nothing bad to say tbh and not much to say
Hollywood - Even less about him than Wolfman oof. Prob cares more for his looks than first place in the class though, 100% betting he never has helmet hair. Getting the vibe he would team with Wolfman and do a drag duo LOL! Same as before nothing bad or much to say
Sundown - Feeling bad for him for Mav’s (understandable) outburst, he was probably dumbfounded and didn’t know what to do/say, same as the two above nothing bad or much to say
Merlin - If I’m remembering this right he’s a unspoken hero, he was up there with Mav, Slider, and Ice, amazing work 👏
Loves of my life
Ice - The bite motion in the locker room has a choke hold on me, Val Kilmer is iconic. He slowly made his own path onto my top 3 list because of a fan edit by @/hyunjiwa on Tiktok using the song “Ice Ice Baby” 💀 he’s smug and sometimes does ass things, but knows when to stop, love a man who can control himself, I know people (including myself) compare Hangman to him at times, but Ice was much better, he didn’t rub salt onto wounds and had some teamwork/sympathy (Top 3)
Slider - SLEPT ON ICON. Anyone who makes dick jokes is a favorite of mine. His friendship with Ice is hilarious! People gotta give him more credit though, he’s was a pilot and then became RIO from the looks of it, he’s probably really smart like damn. Him going in for a high five to Ice but getting a handshake instead at the end of the movie stays in my head AHAHHA (Top 2)
Goose - My muse, he’s adorable, has a banger wife, is an amazing dad, took Mav into his own family, looks out for others, has done nothing wrong in my eyes, voices his emotions and concerns, gets along with everyone, is a people person, and musically talented, whats not to love?! Always number one in my books with his funny lil’ stache, Hawaiian shirt, and ofc the glasses, the Bradshaw parents are amazing (Top 1)
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hezuart · 2 years
So this isn't a question, but i watched your review on the latest helluva boss episode, i honestly agreed with your points, it was pointless to have blitzo & stolas to be old play mates. That & they shouldn't really should've sympathize stolas, at the end of the day he was using him for booty calls.
yeah, most of the fandom was delighted with the episode which shocked me. I'm relieved to know some people at least understand where I'm coming from!
Not only was it rushed, semi-retconned and unnecessary, but it still honestly destroys Stolas's character.
Blitzo and Stolas have no chemistry. The only things they had in common were their poor decisions of selfishness brought up by their own personal baggage and unhappiness (and of course, their teenage daughters that hate them for it) I was excited to witness them fall in love despite everything.
But now, Stolas has been flattened by forcing him to love Blitzo from day 1, which makes their relationship unbalanced, uninteresting, and removes whatever chemistry or kinship they might have had between each other.
Pilot Stolas was depicted as a rich, horny, manipulative asshole with a lot of connections.
Early Canon Stolas was still a rich, horny, manipulative asshole, but his connections were removed to make him more lonely, and we saw he was sympathetic because he was in a relationship that he no longer wanted.
Late Canon Stolas, the Stolas in this episode, is now just... some guy. He's just an innocent gay prince forced to marry a flat evil bitch(tm) character. He had a connection with a poor imp from day 1 which skews that "rich asshole" vibe he took with the people in the ring of wrath earlier in season 1. Him and Blitzo being estranged childhood friends for a single day and Blitzo using Stolas from day one and tricking him into poor behavior only makes Blitzo look like the bad guy, like Stolas did nothing wrong. (Which makes the scene from Ozzie's end song weird(cough, retcon, cough), because Blitzo gets all insecure about Stolas only using him for a fuck (even when Stolas tries to make it apparent he's willing to try other romantic things), but Blitzo is the one who has been using him from day one. Blitzo took advantage of Stolas's apparent crush/attraction to him for the book. Why is Blitzo mad and upset about Stolas wanting to fuck him if Blitzo instigated all this in the first place?)
The entire point of this show is sympathizing with complex characters who make mistakes and are manipulative assholes sometimes. With all this, it feels like Stolas no longer belongs in hell, or the show anymore.
I think Viv has blorbified Stolas. She doesn't want him to do anything wrong or look like a bad guy in any way despite prior episodes, which is bad writing. Viv will justify his every action regardless of how bad, simply because she's too attached. Stolas doesn't need justification. We've already seen him want more from Blitz, we've already seen him feel guilty with Octavia and Stella, and we've seen him as a multi-faceted, interesting character because he made poor decisions based off his own unhappiness. This entire episode wasn't needed.
Also, another tangent: people are trying to debunk what Octavia said because she was a "child" who probably didn't understand her parents weren't happy. But Stella has made it clear from day 1, practically yelling at everyone at every turn how much she hates Stolas. Is Octavia deaf?
Also, Viv really, rEALLY needs to focus on her world-building. Can Goetia's die of old age in Hell like imps can? Where is Paimon right now? Stolas can only die by a heaven-crafted shotgun Stella provided Striker with to kill Stolas. Otherwise, if they're immortal, (like most beings in hell are supposed to be...???) ....Then why did they need to birth Octavia as a "precautionary heir"? If Paimon has "so many" sons, why does he need an heir? And why did he force Stolas of all sons to have one? Why didn't he force all his sons to be engaged to make heirs? What is Octavia's purpose? Stolas was given a task at a young age, but Octavia doesn't seem to have one. Is her purpose just to exist? That seems lackluster. I don't think any of this was really thought through.
And the foreshadowing was Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep levels of foreshadowing. So on the nose and not really going anywhere. Stolas can predict the future? Hasn't shown him do so yet. Stolas is going to join IMP? Why? He has no qualities or personality for murder and stealing (especially if Viv wants him to be a good boy:tm:)
But yeah. Recent Helluva Boss episode? Disappointing. Changed the series' main dynamic and flattened characters. It was a poor decision. The entire thing felt like someone's Helluva Boss fanfiction. I wish Viv hadn't done this. Everything was fine until she forced this in.... :(
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