alvivaarts · 2 months
How does mer Leon go through labor and delivery?
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Oooh! This idea got me thinking of a scene, which got me drawing for four straight days. (The page is divided, but warning for those who aren't a fan of viewing birth, blood, or 'eggs' - clear eggs? I'll get into it. They aren't actually eggs.) Anyway, full image below the break! Let's get into how it works first.
Anatomical charts/explanations and more below the cut!
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Anatomically and reproductively, most species of mer fall into the first example- the male can deposit genetic material into the female, the eggs in the female are fertilized, though females have a very long/large clitoral structure that is perfectly positioned to get into the male's 'sheath'. This locks them together fairly well and is the reason that mers tend to produce very quickly and in large numbers (though infant/childhood survival rates are another discussion altogether).
Leon, Ada, and their other pod members fall into another category: Their reproductive anatomy is very unique in that the interlock is very initially hard to get. The female also has a structure that comes out of her sheath very similar to that of a female hyena- there is a hole along the shaft that allows her eggs to be deposited elsewhere. Again, much like seahorses, this species found it more beneficial to have females deposit the eggs into a pseudo-womb in the male, which is either self fertilized by the male, or fertilized by other males. This way, the females can get right back to producing eggs and gathering enough nutrients to feed the young when they're born- which helps, because their infancy survival rate is much lower and their prime living conditions are much more particular. It also works out well, considering the social structure of most mers is already extremely matriarchal- so the eggs would be safer in the parent/guardian that's remaining in the den/home territory area. However, under extreme circumstances, females can and will carry their own eggs. They also vary in that they carry for 3 months longer than other species (ranging from 9-10 months), with fewer pups upon birth, and there's practically no 'egg stage', eggs are broken immediately after birth if it's safe to do so.
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Ada and Leon's (and Luis', though none of them knew that at the time) gestated for about 9.5 months. They were hanging out on the beach, though Leon had to stay in the shallows because it was far too much of a hassle for him to move on land. While he had experienced contractions in the months leading up to it, once the actual contractions hit, so did the new stress hormones, which tipped off Ada and Jill. They made their way down to deal with it. It should be noted that, at this time, Luis had been allowed to interact freely with the pod and was recognized as Leon and Ada's mate, however, being human, Jill wasn't thrilled on him being present for the birth or being directly in their den. (Also considering they were still being documented pretty thoroughly and it was pretty much a must for Luis to record what happened, at least for his fellow researchers). Leon had already insisted, however, so he was pretty quick to get geared up and come down. Normally births happen in a den, but the birth actually ended up happening outside the den. Though they did initially get there to hunker down in one of the bottom alcoves, the labor was taking about an hour and a half at that point, and Leon was getting restless. It actually ended up happening just outside their den while Luis kept his distance (for his own safety, considering Jill in particular was getting very territorial).
Of course Ada was present, though he was assisted by Jill (her being their matriarch and his defacto sister) and Sherry (considering she was already courting at the time and would likely have to assist her own mates in the future). Manuela and Ashley were a bit too icked and ended up cheering from the sidelines while their other pod members patrolled to keep any blood-scenting predators away from the area. Thankfully, they're already located in a very safe area, with lots of protection from the neighboring pod, so it went off without a hitch.
That didn't make it any less painful, though, and it's not like mers have access or the tools to use painkillers. The full labor was fairly quick and took about two hours, with a lot of yelling, swearing, wiggling and pushing. Ada helped a bit by pushing with her own hands, though she became pretty occupied as soon as the first pup was born. She was pretty quick to nurse all of them, though three total pups came out. Normally mers will 'wet nurse' for each other, but they weren't able to do it within their own pod, so they had to wait until Ada's cousin from the neighboring pod could come over (considering she'd recently had her own pups).
Lillie was born first, with a half hour gap between Lucia and Amaya... who were pretty obviously also Luis'. Which led to some shit for him on the surface, but hey, new babies!
Sorry for the extremely long post!
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toonie-toonz · 11 months
Part 4….but what if you took the three previous ships…..and put them all together?!
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These three have 2 hands! And they’re all for each other! They’re my favorite polyship, which I’ve been silently shipping since the original RE4 back in the 2000s 😆 but with the remake my love for this ship has once again resurfaced, and honestly they’d have sp much potential as an ot3 it’s a shame there’s not more content for them!
I call them Serennada, but some of my fellow shippers on Twitter call them Aeonis!
They’d make such a perfect bisexual polycule, and heck their signature colors even make up the flag! (Tell me Luis doesn’t have purple energy! Just look at his jacket! It’s too perfect.)
They all have that Bi4Bi4Bi energy ((and, to me anyways, T4T4T energy 👀🏳️‍⚧️))
Extras down below 👇🏼
here’s another version without the Neon colors
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Also an extra, which I actually did by accident by putting the purple overlay on the entire canvas 😂 but I think it looks cool! The whole ship collection:
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catboymccartney · 7 months
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serrawong is so morticia and gomez addams okay?
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eggo-tistical · 7 months
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…she’s everything, and he’s just luis
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ochi-does-art · 8 months
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luis in re6 ada's outfit...
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rieindiegames · 9 months
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orientalld · 11 months
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dailyflicks · 9 months
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adisrar-blog · 11 months
Perlahan tapi pasti, selalu berhati-hati dalam mengambil keputusan, salah langkah sedikit akan membuat mu jatuh ke lubang terdalam.
Perlahan tapi pasti, miliki tujuan yang akan membuatmu bahagia, bukannya yang akan menjerumuskanmu ke sisi yang salah.
Perlahan tapi pasti.
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alvivaarts · 6 months
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Oh boy, mermaid AU!!! With bonus seahorse dad Leon- because GlacierClear's mermaid design of seahorse mermaids had me thinking thoughts. When I actually finish writing 'The Bringing of the Line', I'll be sure to update it here- in the meantime, be sure to expect the whole pod here soon! I'd also love to brainstorm/process more about how my merfolks work now that I'm switching them to the 'seahorse' birthing method- idk about ya'll, but when I'm writing creature/monster AUs, I just HAVE to entirely understand how the species functions before being comfortable writing it! Especially considering I do NOT like the idea of 'magic' mermaids. I much prefer mermaids 'grounded in reality', as contradictory as that is. Everything has a function, which has a cause and effect on the body!
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toonie-toonz · 11 months
Part 3 of RE4 ships I’m obsessed with:
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Are they a crack ship? A rare pair? Maybe, but either way this ship is seriously underrated like they’d be SO iconic together!!! Adis deserves more recognition and love as a ship, and I hope we get to see them together more in Separate Ways 🩷💜✨
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filmgifs · 5 months
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ELF (2003) Dir. Jon Favreau
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amarcia · 1 year
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And May The Force 
✨🌙   𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐆 ->  @404ama
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rieindiegames · 1 year
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veny-many · 2 months
Shitpost inspired by this Fallout 4 video.
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What have i made
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greenseo95 · 1 year
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