#all in one layer 💪💪
boneinator · 2 months
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Photo redraws of the bots in paint bc that thing has no business being so fun
(reblogs > likes !!)
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michuyox · 1 year
hi there!! i love your art so so much!! saw your post about looking for requests, I get big cryde or crenny vibes from number two if either of those are your jam :)
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runningwithscizzorz · 3 months
Q: how do you draw torsos and legs? Some people say the hands are more difficult but for me it's those things, what tips would you give for those?
I also struggle with legs, way more than I ever struggled with hands. But, every problem has a solution. In this case: skeletons and naked people.
You can trace directly off of real life bodies, but a better practice is to draw your best copy of what you see, making your measuring and line confidence stronger💪
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Yeah muscle anatomy is cool, but that’s a factor AFTER learning basic skeleton structuring. Having a 3D model of a skeleton that you can manipulate helps with figuring out how the skeleton moves with muscles, but you can typically see someone’s skeleton straight through their body depending on their weight and position. Below, you can see my simplified version of what I think his skeleton is doing. You need to understand how to build a strong base to create a proper body over it.
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With enough studying of how the skeleton manipulates through the muscles, you can add your own skeleton to your drawing. Knowing each layer of biological anatomy, not just simple limb by limb drawing anatomy, brings much more weight and mass to your characters.
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Lots of simple studies to figure out how the bone fits into the muscle so that you don’t have any limbs anatomically clipping over eachother and breaking form
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For muscles, first off, just draw lots of naked people, second, use this lemon slice shape to show the weight of flesh, along with the tension of movement along the straight line of the shape. Watch all of this dudes video but specifically this one to understand more
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midheavenastrology · 1 year
Random Astrology Observations # 3
~hey y’all back with some rando astrovations 😇 these ones are pretty personal placements 🍀
Thank u so much 444 reading 💜💜💜
❁❁❁Is it because I have Chiron in Gemini that I’m always cold around my arms and shoulders 💪 when it’s cold 🥶 outside, like I’ll legit be wearing a short skirt with no tights but have three layers on top with a thick ass coat but I’ll only be cold around my arms and shoulders+hands !!! what is this sorcery ? 🤨
✾✾✾Having both Venus AND mars in the 11th house is both beneficial and unfortunate because 11th house is the internet, it’s ur hopes+dreams and friends. This means when you achieve ur dream life, u might have tons of people loving it for you (Venus) while the other half will give you the evil eye (mars) 🧿. This also brings in haters/rivals (mars) but also huge fans/besties (Venus) on the internet.
✿✿✿Gemini and Virgo placements (honorary mention Sagittarius placements) how many tabs u got open on safari rn ? I’m a Virgo moon and I got 153 rn lol 😆
❀❀❀Someone said being a life path number 8 isn’t about obtaining power but it’s about EMPOWERING others and that really hit. My personal fave thing to do is gas peeps up. It’s like that weeknd song ♬star girl♬ “I just wanna see u shine cus I know u are a star girl~” ✨🥹✨
✯✯✯Taurus placements are just as “gothic” and dark as Scorpio placements - remember they’re sister signs so they’re similar yet different. Taurus tends to express it more in how they dress/how it manifests in their physical realm. Like my Taurus sun ex was covered in tattoos and wore all black all the time. For Scorpio its def more internal. I know tons of Scorpio suns who wear bright colors and floral patterns lol. They actually tend to have more of an aversion to scary things- like horror movies and death metal etc. I think it’s because they feel it internally already so they don’t need the outer world to affirm it for them.
★★★ Mutable signs are actual legit crazy tho- lol, if you have a ton of mutable placements, you’re probs a little coo coo bananas and that’s ok. I’m mutable dominant and I get called out for changing my mind every two seconds ! Probs broke some hearts because I’d be obsessed with someone one minute and next my pisces venus will be like ..hmm maybe not..Oops 😬😅
✦✦✦Did u know most serial killers are mutable signs ? It’s because our mood are changeable, as are our personalities. One minute they think they’re doin a sin and the next they’re like “oh I’m eating this man’s heart and it’s cool” 😂
✩✩✩ Speaking of which did u know ur mood changes from day to night ? I think u embody ur sun sign in the daytime and moon sign at night. They say that you also embody ur moon sign when ur inebriated. Lol
✦✦✦ I’m so tired of the stereotype that Virgos are all clean, anal neatfreaks- I actually find virgo placements to be some of the most interesting people I’ve ever met. True freaks (not neat freaks thank u- although that stereotype is actual truth lol) They get this rep for being these bookish, boring germaphobes but if u dive rly deep they’re visionaries- they notice everything, every little detail of ur stupid life. They probably know u better than u know yourself.
★★★Also they have the BEST style- probs because again they notice all the details-they study every fabric, every style icon, touch all the different textures and come to a style that is completely their own.
❏❏❏I’m sorry but if u have Taurus + Libra placements prominently in ur chart, u really DO care about how ur partner looks- physically. Like it’s rly hard 4 u to date someone who isn’t ur type physically. It’s because of the Venusian influence. Again, the low vibration of Venus is vanity. We are attracted to beauty like moths to a flame 🔥
☾☾☾ having lots of oppositions in ur chart can make you feel one way but act completely different. For ex: moon opposition Venus manifests as someone who wants to be a quite pleasant and charming, in fact you probs are naturally a charmer and really lovely to be around, yet you don’t allow yourself to express it emotionally.
✪︎︎✪︎︎✪︎︎Libra placements are such devils advocates lol. 😈 It’s def because you see two sides to everything, just like Gemini (also devils advocates) you can empathize with the other, so when ur friend is bitching to u about someone, u see the opposing sides view as well and try to “justify” their perspective. Hence the scales of balance ⚖️ that’s why a lot of y’all are lawyers lol
✡︎✡︎✡︎ 8th house placements are ur secret superpower 🦸‍♀️ 8th house is power, 8th house is dying and coming back stronger, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes 🔥 for ex: I have Uranus in Sagittarius in the 8th house: my power:shared resource that I gift is the awakening of ur higher mind. (Sagittarius is the sign of the higher mind and Uranus is the great awakener) I basically open ur third eye 👁 wide open lol (legit tho, my friends who have become closer to me have progressively become more spiritual and witchy since meeting me lol) tell me what ur 8th house placement is in the comments ✨✨✨⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️💪😉⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
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makriiii · 7 months
Caught XIII (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 3.7k
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Authors note: My car broke down today so I wrote this while I waited for my friend to save me 💪
Warnings: 18+, angst, cursing.
Caught XIII
The thin layer of cloth from your shirt created a small barrier between you and the rough bark of the tree you sat up against.
You weren't sure what time of the morning it was, though it seemed certainly not too late yet.
The light morning fog reflected like specs of luster in the rays of early sun that cast down through the leaves and branches hanging above you. It caught you in a trance as you stared at its transformation from fog to a dewy blanket over the mostly packed up camp.
No one else was awake yet, not even Hosea. The silence being broken by the conversations of birds and distant snores from around camp.
The distractions slowly waned as your mind fully adjusted, the events of the past few days surfacing.
It'd been a week or so since you'd gone fishing - a day of two catches and two new opportunities for Arthur to give you a hard time for. Said Arthur suddenly making himself known from your left side as he slid over, his head slumping onto your shoulder and startling you with a light gasp.
With his sudden contact to your side, and your jerking under him apon shock, his eyes flew open as he pulled upright suddenly.
You were taken aback while giving him a startled and confused look, his eyes in the sun the same like that of the sky as they stared into you with a mix of drowsiness and annoyance. A result of the realization that it was you infront of him.
The silence between you two stayed as such, but your facial expressions and eyes spoke lengths.
His face was clear with the means of irritation that you woke him. As for you, a look of 'what did I do?'.
It wasn't your fault he scared you after all.
He continued to stare at you. You continued to stare back while being utterly impressed he could hold such a stare, not having even woken a minute ago.
"What?" You finally blurted the question.
"Why'd you do that?" Arthurs tone was heavy and slow, his morning voice very clear.
You were too tired to contort your face into anything that'd give him a strong reaction, but even then, you still didn't understand what he was thinking.
"Do what?"
He grumbles something under his breath, his one hand reaching up to his eyes, rubbing away the sleepiness. "Move like that."
"Oh, I'm sorry -" You started, but he already detected the sarcasm in your voice, waving his hand to try to get you to stop. It made you crack a smile at how fast he was already trying to shut you down.
"Too early." He mumbled angrily, stretching his arms while giving you a deep sigh.
"Oh no, please princess, rest your head on my shoulder so you can sleep alright." You feigned a pitied voice while using his typical insult intended for you, patting your shoulder for him.
He didn't even hesitate. His head landed softly on your shoulder, his eyes already shut.
You watched him from where he was on your shoulder, shocked that he actually accepted your not so genuine offer.
"I wasn't being serious." You groan, giving him a pat on the head. One that maybe wasn't so gentle, but one that wasn't too mean, at least.
He takes a deep breath, getting ready for a full day of you as he removes himself from your shoulder. "Cant you let me sleep?"
"When it's not on me." With that, you gave him a shrug and a shake of your head. You put your entire hand over his face and pushed him away so you had space to depart.
In your upright position came the slight headache you got from last night's drinks that Arthur finally obliged to. You remembered most everything, so clearly you didn't get your money's worth, but at least it saved you the hangover.
Due to your bounties, you had just never gotten around to it till much later, spending your time helping around camp and committing various acts that don't align with that of the law.
It wasn't a step away you got with your thoughts before Arthur's hand grabbed yours, stopping you from starting your day with the rest of the now arising camp.
Looking down at him, he finally started to get on your nerves. It was already too early for this - just like he already mentioned - for whatever he was going to pull now.
Standing there with tired eyes, you looked him over with your hand in his grasp, questioning him with a held brow.
He ushered you with a motion to help him up, groaning with the exertion he was putting into holding onto you.
Grasping his wrist with your other hand, you leaned back with a lazy pull, barely lifting him off the ground.
"Put your back into it." Arthur quipped from below you.
Immediately, you stopped, landing him harsh into a sit again and, in turn, thankfully, making him let go of your wrist.
He chuckled with a twinge of pain, his free hand reaching for that dark and worn hat of his on the ground an arms length away.
"Hope you enjoyed those drinks last night, Morgan." You teased, knowing full well he drank more than you had only to make your wallet hurt.
"Yeah. Last night." He returned, emphasizing the past tense, which made you snicker at him.
With the near passing of a full two months together with Arthur and his pack of outlaws, and despite your hate for another, you both weren't afraid to express how comfortable you had gotten with each other. Even though, only in a way that was with the pure intention of making life more difficult for each other.
It was easy to let your mouth slip with any insult around him. He wouldn't do anything to you. He knew this too. Unfortunate for him, but you weren't free of him curtailing it by doing the same back.
As the day started and the rest of camp got ready for the day of traveling, Arthur ushered you along so that, for some reason, you two would leave first on your horses.
He was leading the way, as he and Charles were the ones who had found this place after all.
You kept giving him looks. Confused looks. You didn't know why he decided to make you ride with him up front and then remain entirely silent.
He caught your eye after checking the distance between you both and the rest of the caravan behind you.
"Y/n?" He makes sure your attention was on him, though still keeping his voice low. It was with the usual gruff and commanding tone he used with you.
"What is it?" You respond, clicking your horse on as to keep pace with Arthurs.
"I'm glad you tagged along with us on the fishing trip with Jack." Arthur commented with an unusual sincerity that was infected with a slight inability to admit such a thing.
"Is that so?" You reply with a shocked and sarcastic look. "Whatever would make you say that?"
"Well, I now know what a terrible fisher lady you are."
"'Fisher lady.'" You repeat with a roll of your eyes and a scoff. Again; there was no way you had been that terrible at it. After all, you had caught two fish. "I cant believe youre still on about that."
"Don't worry," he snickers lowly from beside you, glancing up ahead. "I just didn't want Jack to hear what they had to say. No business of his."
You nodded slowly in agreement. You didn't really know how to take this, as you and Arthur's conversations only consisted of bickering or silly conversations. "Are you trying to say thank you?"
He turned to observe you for a second before he gave himself away with a slight blush. "Yeah. I suppose so."
"That's why you got me to come all the way up here with you? So others wouldn't hear?" You start laughing at him with the disbelief that he was that shy.
He ignored you, not allowing you another look at his face from underneath his hat. "Don't make me regret this."
"You're welcome, Arthur. Jack didn't need to hear it, I agree." You finally granted so he didn't feel too regretful over it. But you still had questions. "So, what did they say? I assume they're why we're leaving."
He stayed silent for a few moments, thinking about it before he started telling you about it.
The area got warmer and more humid the further down south your little caravan got.
New Hanover was inundate with your former gang members, ones who took kind with a reunion, though not one that left you alive.
It was a relief to stray further away from such circumstances, watching the land you got so familiar with, become less familiar. Yet, with the removal of one threat came another. One you've heard of before.
The Leymone raiders.
They won't enjoy another gang on their turf, but hopefully, you wouldn't be meeting with them anytime soon.
Arthur and Charles had gone through to Dewberry Creek, the spot Micah had recommended. And in a crazy chain of events, found German immigrants - one of which was a hostage, that then led to the point you lot were to be camping in.
It confused you, not helped by the fact Arthur wasn't all that clear with the rundown.
The land around you was a mix of low hills and open grassy areas, old stone fences reclaimed by the Earth and sparse trees. It was only up ahead that you saw a bushy area well with forest, which was where the head of the caravan turned into.
There was a dingy pathway just large enough for a carriage to fit, leading to a meadow-like spot.
Once you caught up to the front, you resisted eye contact with Arthur, who you could feel staring at you. You weren't excited, by ANY means to help set up camp. It hadn't been too terribly long since you got shot. Still hurt like hell.
For once, you minded your own business, hopping off your horse and checking the place out.
It was right by the water, which was perfect. Plus the forest around gave a decent cover, much like the one at Horseshoe Overlook.
You couldn't keep yourself busy with these thoughts. Arthur was shooting you a stare about as strong as what he shot you with upon your first meeting. It was difficult avoiding a returned glare.
Finally, you accidentally slipped up. So slight was your movement before he hooked your eye contact.
He caught your discreet glance and, with near perfect mimicry, put a hand on his hip and posed like he'd taken a lesson on it by Ms. Grimshaw.
Arthur waved his stinky little finger at you, causing a grimace to form on your face with defiance.
He wasted no moments to nod his head slowly with confirmation that he was going to get you over here. He knew you were trying to slip out of it.
You pointed to your arm as a silent retort and to no surprise of your own, he met with a shrug and pointed to his shoulder in comparison.
A conceded sigh blew out of your lips. You dragged your feet over to him, his eyes never leaving you the entire time.
"Don't think I don't see you, Y/n." He sneers while handing you a box, and not until it reached your hands did you realize how heavy it was.
Arthur snickers at you as you correct your posture to hold it. "Well?" You question impatiently, your fingers already aching under the weight.
"What?" He replies just as impatient.
"You want me to just stand here and look at you? Where do I put this?"
He met your eye, studying you when you said that. His brow slowly rose like an on switch for the cogs in his head to turn.
You set the box down, what else was he doing this for than to annoy you?
"I mean, you can look at me, you just have to work for it." Your eyes squinted together at his words, giving him a look so unimpressed he started to chuckle, waving you off and pointing you in a direction. "Over there, Y/n."
Every Time you went to get another various item, Arthur was walking the opposite direction, making sure no doubt that you were staying in line.
Everyone did that. Shooting you stares on occasion to make sure the O'Driscoll was behaving. It comforted you knowing Keiran was in the same boat as you, but he didn't talk too much. Arthur, of course, is the main perpetrator.
You had no idea why he had kept on your ass so hard, he was nowhere near as stuck up with Keiran.
It felt like hours passed when you finally finished helping everyone else, now it was just this last one that Arthur was at.
He wanted you to help him, so you did. Though with much reluctance and not much choice.
As you bent over, fiddling with some boxes, Arthurs hip bumped against yours. It shook you pretty good and almost made you fall over.
"Watch yourself." Came the words from Arthurs mouth. Arthurs mouth?
"What on earth do you mean?" You stood up swiftly and hissed at him in a retort.
There was a slight smirk on his face when his eyes looked down at you with your reaction.
You quickly caught onto his antics. You'd dealt with them too often by now.
"Why out of the two O'Driscolls, do you harass me the most?"
He chuckled something sinister as he shoved a few random things in your hands. "Because I enjoy harassing you the most."
Aside this little caravan no longer complete with horses, he set up random things to make it more comfy, having given you a few items to put around the slowly coming along area.
It was two picture frames along with a few loose pictures. You took it upon yourself to look at them. Who else would?
"Next time you need me to come save you, don't count on it..." you trail off distracted by the prints in front of you.
The first one was a lady in an oval frame that accentuated her soft features. You weren't sure who she was, though she looked not dissimilar to Arthur.
"As long as I avoid riding with you in the first place, I'll be fine."
You ignored the jab at you, mostly because you were distracted by the photos.
He was now turned away from you fiddling with something, so you couldn't compare his face to hers or he'd see you and most likely decide to retrieve these pictures.
The next frame was square and held and an equally beautiful woman. One who didn't share Arthurs features at all. A lady properly acclimated to society by the looks of it.
A pit formed in your stomach at the notion that she wasn't a possible relative to him, but you didn't allow it residency for long. You ignored it instead, quickly moving onto the other ones.
The mugshot of a skinny man with a massive handlebar mustache met your eyes, who also seemingly shared some qualities with Arthur. Who was to say they weren't his parents? You wanted to know.
The second to last one showed Dutch, Hosea and Arthur and the final with Arthur and that lady again. Though he looked a lot younger in both of these, as well as Dutch and Hosea.
You ignored it and immediately went to thinking up ways to tease him about some of the pictures instead.
As you set them down, it finally dawned on you that you had been helping him to set up his area unknowingly all along and that only fuelled your desire to give him a hard time - again.
"Let me see your face." You request in more of a demanding tone than you had intended.
His brows squeeze together while giving you a momentary glance of puzzlement. Ultimately denying your request by turning his face away and keeping it hidden under his hat. "What kind of random question is that?"
"You shy?" You question with a snark. Motioning your hand for him to look up.
He slowly turned his head to you with hesitation, straightening his back out from his bent over position.
Comparing the picture of him and his mom with an obvious back and forth of your eyes, came Arthurs grumpy face forming.
"You weren't supposed to look at them. Just set them down." He was sure to mention as he stood there awkwardly.
You nod slowly with a mischievous grin growing on your face. He noticed it almost immediately, of course. He had gotten way used to your gestures.
Picking up the one where he was younger, his face dimmed when he saw you coming up with words. Words he wouldn't like
He lunged forward trying to grasp it out of your hands but you kept it just out of his reach.
"Give me that." He rasps, his hand flying around trying to grab yours. His other grasping your forearm, pulling it closer to him. Both of you stumbled around until you bumped into the back of his open carriage.
"I don't want to rip it." You declare with a breath. "Plus you gave it to me in the first place.
"And now I want it back." His body was close to yours. His arm still held yours near with a firm grip.
He stared down at you, which gave you a decent look of his face under his hat.
"If I had met you when you were younger, I reckon I wouldn't have taken you serious at all." You giggle, slightly out of breath with the small scuffle that just transpired.
"You've taken me seriously before?" He questions with a raised brow, still grumpy.
You made a face, full of fake contemplation and while you did, you got your forearm free from Arthur's hand with a quick pull.
"Not really, I suppose. You won't do anything to me." You admit, pulling out the card to get a closer look in front of him. "See? You look fresh from the womb here." Pointing down at his face. Young and free of the blemishes, marks, scars and light wrinkles that now painted his face.
He stood over you. Exceptionally close still, looming over you. His eyes made strong contact with yours as you looked back up to him with a smirk. "I wont do anything to you, huh?" He asks with a dark tone that let a small upturn at the corner of his lips slip.
"No." You replied simply with a shake of your head, completely confident in your answer.
He snatched the photo quickly and then pressed your hat down over your eyes before returning to his duties. "We'll see about that, y/n."
You stood there and fixed your hat before giving him a dirty look. "You won't do anything, I've figured that much so far."
Now he set up a bed of sorts. The one he always got to sleep on that did not meet the ground like nearly everyone else's here. It had to be more comfortable than yours.
"I've let you get too comfortable then." He sassed, yet he didnt maintain eye contact. He fiddled with the bed and then got out the mattress.
"I haven't been comfortable at all." You correct with gusto, walking around to where he was with the bed.
"Then I plan to make it worse." He announces plain as day, finalizing some adjustments to his bed.
You thought about it. It was a no brainer.
"How about we make it more comfortable for me instead." You suggest as you inch closer to him.
He turned his head to give you a glance. Arthur's eyes widened in frustration as you crashed down onto his bed and made yourself comfortable.
You gave him a quick peek and kicked off your boots to show him you weren't going anywhere.
"Y/n." His voice carried the usual demanding tone he always reverted to. "If you don't remove yourself, I'll move you myself."
"Ah ah." You correct with a side to side of your pointer finger. "You never paid me that five dollars for when I let you sleep with me."
He whipped his head around when you reminded him of that, eyes as wide as saucers. You knew what you said. You knew you could've articulated it better, but his reaction was well worth it.
"Be quiet with that, woman." He scolded with a harsh whisper. "I still think that's a scam." He moves closer to you and suddenly slides you over with his bum on the bed.
You tried pushing him off with a grunt but the man was too heavy. "What are you doing? We can't both fit." You groan in between breaths of struggling to get him off.
He tossed his hat off to the side as to avoid it getting crushed and then proceeded to lay right on top of you.
"Arthur -" you hiss out like a deflating balloon. It took everything you had to try to get this big man off of you. "What the hell?"
"You said I could sleep as long as it wasnt on you," Arthur references while trying to make himself comfortable over you. "What are you gonna do about it if it is on you?"
Grumbling something under him, you give up on trying to bench press him off. You aim for his side and start jabbing at him which made him jerk in reaction with a sharp gasp.
You start chuckling as you tickle him. This big brute of a man unable to catch your hands that poked his sides. "How, out of all the nastiest outlaws, are you ticklish?"
"I'm not." He growls as he flips over and finally pins your hands above your head on the mattress, bringing an end to your madness.
His face was close to yours as he held your wrists in one hand. "Five for sleeping with you, hm?"
Your brows shot up and your initial confident playfulness turned into nervous butterflies that fluttered in your stomach.
Hi guys.. 😭😭 quick note
I apologize, seeing as I havent uploaded for almost two months! I started school & just havent had as much time anymore to write.
With that being said; I dont really feel like this story is going anywhere - BUT DONT FRET. I'm not discontinuing it or anything.
Most of these chapters revolve around random scenarios with a little sprinkle of plot line 😬 and so, Im not sure what you guys would prefer..
I know its my fanfic & Im suppose to do what I want with it, but at the same time I dont want ya'll feeling like its just dragging on or taking a turn for the worse. At this point its just y/n's miscellaneous adventures with Arthur until it leads to some stinky ass smutt. (😼)
Basically, if you want it more plot based chapters, it'll take a bit longer for the next chapter as it takes more time for me to think of a good way to put y/n into the actual plot and change things up a bit.
Whereas scenario based with plot here & there I can deliver faster since I usually come up with random scenarios all the time anyway.
Would love to hear what you guys think :)
-M ♡
P.S. I started this before I actually had the game, so I WROTE ABOUT THE LEMOYNE RAIDERS IN VALENTINE?!??! Im going to rewrite that just pretend it didnt happen pls 🥰
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tinydefector · 14 days
Aww you're sick, hope you get well soon! Drink water and rest properly, dove. I saw a drawing of tfp Starcream wrapped with a blanket, turning him into an angry burrito
To think if First Contact Au would do that to their human is kinda funny. Being all stubborn and chirping aggressively due to the language barrier so their bot just wrap em in a blanket to calm them down
Also, bought a pink Monster drink the other day and I legit open Tumblr just to check your page bout your au on the bots transfluids taste like to see who's cum im about to drink HAHAHA sadly can't find anyone on your drawing that matches my drink so i pretend it was Rodimus's. Tasted so good it got me lifting logs at the river and my body aches the next day💪💪 worth it
Hahaha trying to keep myself hydrated, eating alot of chicken noodle soup at. And I'm curled up in three layers of blankets (getting close to winter for me)
I'd be the foulest ass human they have ever dealt with. I'd get so snarly if they even came near me while I'm trying to sleep while sick. And they would find it adorable while trying to help me feel better. Gods the light sensitivity is hell and their optics would hurt so much to look at.
But it be amazing being wrapped up in a burrito just curled up on one of the bots chassis', I'm constantly in and out of sleep due to sneezing and a runny nose so that are gonna have to suffer thinking I'm dying or malfunctioning.
Also depending on which pink monster it is there's different bots.
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theartfulv · 2 months
The Making Of My Lockwood & Co. Animatic!
Some people wanted to know about the process on Discord (and I’ve said most of this on there though I think this will be a little more coherent) but I thought maybe the lovely folks on here might be interested too!
This will probably be quite long so bare with (it was over a month of my life 😂)
maybe I’ll be cool and split this into sections
The Beginning/ Scripting Phase
Originally I’d planned for it to focus solely on George and the bone glass, so all of The Whispering Skull, and scripted as such.
(If you want to see the first rendition let me know I’ve still got it all saved 👀)
Generally when I approach lyric based projects I copy down the lyrics, separate them into sections and then write a description of what I want to happen on each line with camera angles and any general cinematography or editing notes.
(I will say though I’ve switched to writing on top of my music file so I can describe everything to the beat and see the timing of each sequence)
So after planning it all out, collecting screenshot references, making numerous Pinterest boards and the thumbnail… I scrapped it.
Peak planning on my end. 🫠 So I scripted the second rendition which was a total of…
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Yeah…. That’s it. That is all I scripted and just made sequences up as I went along! Though I did take heavy reference from my original script for the bone glass sequence.
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As you can see it was to a completely different section of the song and some of it differs from the final, i.e I didn’t end up using a canted angle in this sequence or any shallow focus.
The Boarding Process
Again I made up sequences as I went! So I started with the beginning for once?! Drawing in Sketchbook Pro and editing the frames together using HitFilm.
I planned it so I’d spend half of my time on rough boarding and the other half on finalising it, so 8 seconds per day, which is a lot of work and can range from anywhere between 2hrs and 8hrs… commitment 💪
I did the majority of it during my Christmas break but other than that I just worked on it whenever I wasn’t at college.
So this is what all of my original boards looked like!
Anyway! Onto the first dilemma… The Bone Glass.
After boarding about 20 seconds of the start and one Combe Carey frame (the outside of the hall) I decided to work on the Bone Glass section, originally I’d planned for all the 7 spirits the fly into the frame and merge together to create the bone glass that didn’t happen… but I was inspired by kaleidoscopes and thought that’d be cool too. So I attempted to create that sequence and it was so stressful 😂
Somehow I miraculously figured out how to spin all the different layers in different directions and then inverted each one every second alternating! Then I had to export the file and put it into my actual Animatic which HitFilm did not like at all…
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Eventually I managed to export it and that allowed me to zoom out/cut outwards whilst the sections were moving and inverting and then I created the second section with the spiral which HitFilm also did not appreciate so I had to make the file much smaller but I think it worked out anyway!
Then I continued to work out of order…
I did parts of Combe Carey (which is actually quite different from the final version) and then got to work on my favourite sequence!
(Or rest of the sequence) George’s section/ The Bone Glass, and just had this image mixing the original papers taped up in his room with a suspect board, I had visions of Roxanne in Megamind working out Megamind’s next plan/ superhero Titan and the intro of A Series of Unfortunate Events.
I think I’m always very heavily influenced by other media and material and thought it’d be a fun nod to some of my previous hyperfixations.
And I think this is when my plan of ‘do the rough half first then the final half later’ failed… because I finalised all of these frames before even finishing the rest of the roughs 😭
At this point it was about the 27th December and I had about a minute of footage.
After that I realised that I actually had total creative freedom and that’s when I did the first half of the Combe Carey sequence with Annabel’s shadow and the Red Room door!
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This then led me to take much more liberty with the rest of the animatic including Annabel hovering over Lucy, The Spiral Section of The Screaming Staircase and The Monks!
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Throughout this project I studied so many different pieces of concept art and different storyboards, beats and random animatics to gain insight and inspiration which led me to create a new Pinterest board!!! 🥳
Disaster struck (except it didn’t but it felt like it)
My PC decided to stop working… then… My GPU broke!?!
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Yeah… so no drawing for me!
Oh and all of my files turned blue!!!
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Somehow I managed to transfer all of my files onto another family member’s PC who thankfully let me draw on it for the foreseeable/ until it was done (absolute legend) but I’d still lost 3 days working time… which at this point was the equivalent of 24 seconds… and it was not looking good for me and the deadline.
In my head I just had to finish it for the anniversary of the show.
But life went on and so did my college work aka. I had exam week… yeah did I revise for it… (the answer is very little but I actually was only 2 marks of an A so I think that I was pretty iconic) and I also planned all of my coursework (due on the 29th… yikes). But I did it!!!
Then I had a power cut…
But it was okay!!! And I finished it (had to do 14 seconds worth of work on the day of but I finished it!!)! There were a lot of sequences that I’d had to cut or shorten which I’m not too happy about but I finished it!!!
And I guess that’s it really!
As a final thing I thought I’d share a few of my favourite frames :)
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That’s All!! If you’d have any questions or thoughts let me know!!!
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lilibrownlabonita · 1 year
I want you-Namora x reader
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Summary: The same water and land that unites them, one day separates them.
Warning: Angst, Smut and Romance
Rating: +18
Work count: 9500k 💪🥹🤌
A/n: I was inspired by the song "Diet Mountain Dew" by dear Lana del Rey.
I make it clear that the poem I used is called "Não te amo mais" by Clarice Lispector, a Brazilian woman, read the poem I used as a letter in the traditional way and then read it from the bottom up.
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I could make his eyes shine.
Baby, I want you
Being alone was never a problem, in fact it was good, no need to be always moving or communicating, where silence was a friend and solitude a companion. But why is it that now when I am alone I long to be with you, it is as if there is a part of me missing, my thoughts run to you and I feel like I am delirious when I hear your voice. It's not fair, the water that separates us is abundant, you would never leave your home for me, would never leave your cousin the king to be by my side.
Then why, why is it that whenever I am near Namora she looks at me as if she could love me, why she look at me as if you could make love to me?
You are not good for me.
Baby, you're no good for me.
Everything would be different if I had never met you, you, the blue skinned, water colored woman, who really comes from water. It's funny how cruel fate is, I never felt the need for someone, but for you I burn.
I was completely in love with Namora. Namora, the woman of my dreams and nightmares.
Namora, the woman with blue skin.
Namora, my passion.
Namora, Namora, Namora, Namora, Namora.
Just, Namora.
Namora pov
I remember when the humans came and destroyed the earth with their greed, the survivors like me had a purpose, to have a home, where no one could hurt us, where my cousin would grow strong and healthy, where attuma and I could protect our people. Since that day, I learned never to trust those on the surface, they were greedy, hateful, angry and above all they were manipulative.
She was like that, a born manipulator, I knew it from the moment I saw her, her curious and bold eyes possessed a certain innocence and ignorance but I knew it was a trap, y/n is a cheeky one, trying to fool me with smiles and sweet words, as if I were a little beta fish inside a little tank made for her to enjoy.
And even though I know she was trying to fool me, I can't deny it, I would like to make her have fun, make her smile more, hear her voice at night and feel her warmth.
She attracted me like fire attracts a butterfly.
Is she frustrating, an enigma, does she desire me, or does she just revel in my anguish, is that why she smiles whenever she sees me, does she mock me? Of course she does, humans like her are always malicious and deceitful.
Never trust a human, no matter how beautiful they are, how soft their skin looks, how sweet their lips look, and how beautiful their body looks. In another life she could be a mermaid, a charming and murderous mermaid, and I would give myself to her without fear. Not even the strong waves of the sea could buy with the strength of the desire my body feels for y/n, I need her like a fish needs water, and I could cling to her like water clings to sand.
I wish that on cold Talokan nights like today, my y/n was here, so that instead of my hand it was her hand gripping my breasts, so that it was her mouth kissing me, and that instead of my fingers it was her fingers and lips on me.
In the morning a thin layer of sweat covers my body, between my legs is a wet spot, a testament to my weakness for y/n. I let the water wash the sins from my body, and clean clothes cover the shame I carry. As soon as I leave my room I am again Namora, the cousin of the king, the warrior of Talokan and protector of my people.
"Good morning, attuma"
"Namora, good morning, k'uk'ulkan asked me to let you know that we will be leaving for Wakanda today, he wants to negotiate an alliance between the nations."
"We shouldn't trust them, they might attack us, we don't know what they really want from us."
"We will trust K'uk'ulkan, he would not put us in danger, you know that, Namora."
"I never doubted our king, I just don't trust them."
Your pov
Today I would see Namora again thanks to the meeting between Shuri and kukulkan, I would attend this meeting and the next ones since my purpose in wakanda is to gather information about Talokan, as a researcher and student of cultures and peoples I was recommended by my friend Bucky who owed some favors to Wakanda.
Of course I wore my best outfit, an orange dress with shiny stones. My excitement could explode in my body if I let it, it has been days without seeing her, I missed her, even though she doesn't even look at me and seems to avoid me like a plague.
When the sunlight and water touch my skin I see her slowly coming out of the water, her skin quickly turns blue in contact with the fresh air, the mask covers the lips I dream of every night, drops of water are all over her body and I think about how I envy them for being able to touch what I desire.
As Shuri and k'uk'ulkan talk I can't help but look at Namora, admire her silhouette and muster the courage to say something.
"It's a good day isn't it, Namora?"
"I mean, Shuri is excited about the possible alliance, and I think Talokan can benefit from this union" I smile, I would do anything to please her.
"You must not think anything, you are just a curious researcher, Talokan is none of your business"
A stab would hurt less, Namora leaves my side and walks to a small hut far away from all of us.
hit me and tell "you are mine".
I don't know why, but I like it.
My god you are divine.
Namora pov
Even though my body desires her, I repulse her, it's not fair, the way she tries to be nice to me, I don't understand why when it's clear that she only wants to mock me. Anger fills my mind and poisons my heart, she can't play with me.
"I didn't mean to offend you, I'm sorry if I said something wrong"
Y/n said as she walked into the cabin, it's funny the way she tries to fool me with her sweet voice.
"You shouldn't be here, I don't understand why you think you can have fun with me, I'm not a toy, girl."
"Namora, you got it wrong, I never meant to make fun of you or have fun with you"
"That's enough!", You're a cheeky one, coming here after me to lie to my face as if I'm going to believe you. You better get away from me or I'm going to make you regret trying to seduce me."
"I don't understand why you hate me so much, I just want to meet you."
There has never been a girl so beautiful.
"What for?, To use whatever you know against me?, To use me?, You people on earth are all the same."
Your pov
Now I realize why Namora hates me, she is afraid. When she tries to leave I stand in front of the exit preventing her from leaving, I look into her eyes and take courage to confess.
"Namora, I would never hurt you, I want you."
There has never been a girl so beautiful.
Do you think we'll ever be in love?
My dress is lying on the floor along with her outfit. I try to satisfy my hunger by touching her body as much as I can, smelling her black hair and even though I can't taste her mouth I settle for kissing her salty blue skin.
My hand grabs her breast while my mouth sucks the other one, my other hand slowly goes down her belly to her wet pussy, I start to touch it slowly moving my fingers in a circular fashion over her clit. The moans smothered by the mask drive me crazy, who would have thought that the Talokan warrior could be so needy.
"Are you okay, Namora?" I smile wickedly.
My fingers enter her pussy and I focus on her blushing face and frowning eyebrows, she was beautiful.
Namora's moans got louder as I thrust my fingers into her, hungry I started licking her sweet pussy until I made her cum, I licked every drop of her wetness as I felt her squirm beneath me.
Without any shame I start rubbing myself against her shapely thigh wetting her with my arousal.
"Na-namora, I love you, you understand, I love you"
My eyes are half open, my eyebrows frown and my moans get louder. As I cum Namora looks at me, she seems to be enjoying the sight.
"Clean me off"
"Use your tongue to clean my thigh, little girl"
Slowly my tongue slides down her thigh, licking every drop present. A grunt breaks from the Talokan warrior and I feel her placing me beneath her, at her mercy.
Namora pov
Looking at y/n's mouth I see some saliva, she was drooling, I wish I could taste her flavor but the mask prevents me, a cruel reminder of who we are, I belong to Talokan and she belongs to the land, not to me.
"If I'm too harsh let me know"
Without waiting for an answer I run my hand all over her body, I squeeze and slap her pretty breasts while my other hand touches her round ass until I reach her thighs, with strength I use my body weight to keep her legs open, I slap her thigh a little and start playing with her pretty pussy.
"Yes, pretty girl?"
Two fingers of mine enter her pussy, seeing her desperation I add two more, I see her arousal covering my hand, if she asked me to stop, I couldn't.
Her crying and needy image on the small bed of the cabin will stay in my mind forever, I allow myself one enjoyment, as soon as she cums in my hand, I remove my mask and clean her pussy with my tongue.
The difficulty of breathing fills me, but before I go back to my mask, I look at y/n, kiss her desperately, the first and last kiss.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I do.
I've been waiting up all night.
It has been a few days since my meeting with y/n, when everything was over I left the cabin without saying anything, it may sound cruel, but I had nothing to say, we could never be together. Despite this, I made sure to say goodbye afterwards, I wrote a letter and left it in the sand for her to find.
I don't love you anymore.
I'll be lying saying that
I still want you like I always wanted.
I am sure that
nothing was in vain.
I feel inside me that
You mean nothing.
I could never say
I nourish a great love.
I feel more and more that
I'm over you!
And I'll never use the phrase
I love you!
I'm sorry, but I have to tell you the truth
It's too late
By Namora
Autora: Clarice Lispector "Não te amo mais"
(Read from Bottom to top now!)
I wonder, if I asked y/n to come with me, would she come, would she leave everything for me, could she love me even though I took her from her home?
Do you think we will be in love forever?
Ready for another lie?
She says it'll be alright.
One last encounter occurred, not in the way I expected, the war between Wakanda and Talokan had come, I would have to fight my y/n.
"Namora, please listen to me, I don't want it to end like this."
"There is no or way my sweet" Tears slowly fall from my eyes.
"Are you crying Namora?"
"Of course, I don't want to hurt you, but it is necessary, Talokan is my home, if you were from Talokan everything would be easier"
"Then take me with you"
We both know exactly what we are here for.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I want you.
K'uk'ulkan and Shuri in the end gave up fighting and decided to unite, it's a relief, but it's not the solution to everything. Y/n asked me to take her to Talokan, but how could I ask my cousin the king of our people to allow me to bring someone from the surface to Talokan, how would I say that she was my lover, how would the people of Talokan react to this?
How would I Namora the warrior of Talokan tell my king and people that I fell in love with someone I should hate?
There is no happy ending, I should know by now, there is never a happy ending with the surface.
But I would like to try with my y/n, maybe in another life, where she would be a little mermaid and I would be a loyal little fish who would follow her to the end of the world.
Ready for another lie?
"We can find a solution, Namora"
"No, we can't, you belong to the land and I belong to the water"
There has never been a more beautiful girl.
You're no good for me.
But, baby, I want you, I want you.
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
It hurts to remember the sad and anguish face of my beloved y/n, my girl, my temptation, just mine.
"Please, Namora"
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cardinaldust · 8 months
RAHHH NEW AU DROPPED💪💪 The Seven Deadly Saints au!! Here's the list for it!
Lust: Ricky
Greed: Connie
Gluttony: Mischa
Wrath: Noel
Envy: jane
Pride: ocean
Sloth: karnak, penny, or N/A
If yall need elaborating, I will! :D
Anywho, enjoy some writing and art from the au :3
Tw: violence, choking, meanie and angry Noel
The tiny subtle bits of rage within Noel bubbled up every time someone opened their mouth.
Being a ghost that haunts a fairground is such a sucky way to live his afterlife. Noel wanted to give back and be a tragic fucker, not the person who he used to be. Well, if Mischa was right, then maybe that's why he went out with a bang. He lived a tragic life and died a tragic death? The latter is true, but the former?
Whatever, it didn't really matter. So ironic they call it a "fairground" when all Noel could think was "How can this be fair?"
It wasn't. It really wasn't. And now, he's stuck in the afterlife. He's stuck with people who he cares about, yes, but right now… he's.. not too happy, with ANYONE. And Ocean keeps flapping her lips, yapping like a puppy.
Each choir member seemed to notice their Ouroboros on their faces. So they're one of the Seven Deadly Sins? Doesn't take a genius to figure everyone else out.
One thing Noel knew for sure is that Little Miss Satan was definitely Pride. Ocean was always so irritating with how much she flaunted her achievements. And oh man, she can't shut up for the life of her. Or.. death of her.
"God, will you shut up‽" Noel screamed in the midst of Ocean's ranting. "What did you just say?" She looked shocked and a tad angry. But Noel was angrier.
He slowly walked over to Ocean. Ocean was the shortest girl and Noel was definitely taller than her by a long shot. So with this added layer of rage turned up to 100, Noel was scary. Very scary.
He looked down at her, not even an angry stare. That was arguably worse. She felt intimidated, but didn't back down.
"I said shut your big fucking mouth before we all die a second time." Noel said in a quiet tone.
"Oh yea? Who's the boss of me? Certainly not you…" Ocean retorted. Big mistake. "The only person who can get me to shut up is K-"
He snapped. He grabbed Ocean by the neck and picked her up. Now she was genuinely afraid, and dared not to say another word.
"I told you. Shut. Up." He said in a stern and low voice. The type of anger was even scarier than being yelled at. Every single choir member felt a chill run down their spine.
"If you don't shut up, I'll make you shut up." Noel whispered. Ocean felt her whole body tremble with pure horror. She had never felt so afraid of a person before. She completely forgot she wouldn't die if he didn't let go.
When he dropped her to the floor, Ocean still trembled, looking back up at the figure now walking away.
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:3c Noel's rage just ramped up to 100
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delightfulspicygirl · 15 days
Thoughts on Kim
Kim is my favorite of the three brothers. He has several layers.
there was that one post that explains the meta of Kim wearing (or not wearing) a jacket. Interesting.
All of yall posting about Kim gave me the courage I needed to post as well. My first post.
this is an unserious headcanon fantasy, but I imagined a while ago "what if Kim had DID?".
WIK is one alter, the star. His public image. But also his front against the world. He genuinely likes music tho.
Kimhant, the mafia boy. Takes Korn expectations on his shoulders, the shady work and the trauma that comes with it. Knows how to fight, kill. Also, protects the body.
The Detective, the one gathering information (On porsche and Chay, on his father, on the whole family,on the past etc.) Digging for clues. Both to protect his brothers and to claw his way out of Korn's schemes/influence.
Finally Kim, aka the sweet guy he is when he let his guard down and is vulnerable around Chay.
It's not canon obviously. Just me rambling.
ps: No offense to those who have DID. Take care, folks.💪
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
NEW GAME ALERT 🫡 Assign a song to each of your tumblr friends?? 💪
IM SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER W THIS AOUGHGHGHHGHGH im rlly bad at answering asks on time 🤡 anyways without further ado (buckle up for mostly kpop)
@pernonix: cliche but it has to be cast me a spell by mili! perno is like The mahoyaku mutual for me so it's only natural that i associate the mhyk theme song w them AHAHAHA if i had to give a non-mhyk song, it'd be in&out by red velvet!
@pocasu: AOUGHGHGH ion my beloved 🫶 suit dance by onlyoneof is the song i'd give them! it's got the suave elegant #swag that i associate with them <3 keep serving all that cunt bestie bae we love to see it
@ai-kan1: (grips ai) i give you boy by the boyz! it's super cheerful and fun, which is genuinely the vibe u give off hehe i also think the song is super ace-core which works perfectly well for one of our resident acekissers xoxo
@anzepanpan/@venushotline: i'm giving you new by yves (loona)! this is actually my favorite loona solo and i stand by it when i say yves only makes music for hot girls <3 it's classy, it's girly, it's got the pretty girl energy dia embodies perfectly!
@senqv: your song is sunny side up by red velvet! i kinda associate you with a sweet, lackadaisical energy, and i think this is the perfect kaiserkisser enemies to lovers thing (pov im delusional) im thinking of <3 we love to see it nyehe
@tartppola: im giving you by other ace anthem, which is we must love by onf! our taste is impeccable and our shady smut peddling dms are even more tasteful. keep kissing adeuce and letting me beat u up w love &lt;3 also liar liar by oh my girl is my deuce anthem so im tacking that onto u as well
@scornelious: hello tv :] my song for you is meddle about by chase atlantic! this is what u get for being my resident aikukisser. im sorry i have to. i didnt want to assign you a machine gun kelly song, so ur getting chase atlantic instead. love u to pieces muah hehe
@pearly-elain: elain my bbg (fuckboy lipbite /j) i'd be doing u dirty if i didnt give u a girlboss anthem! so im giving you snapping by chungha <3 please dont grill kaiser too hard i still need him sort of alive if i wanna continue by whiteboykissing
@sophiethewitch1: im assigning you villain by stella jang! it's so preppy and mature, and i think that suits you very well! i love seeing u in pitlock, and i think the nuanced nature of the song is very sophiecore in my opinion :]
@takumipineapplexd: taku babe u are love o'clock by wjsn! it's the perfect teenage-girl daydream heartthrob crush song, and it fits your vibe to a T! love seeing u being delulu and love smacking u into the ground with said delulu
@spadecentral: im giving you hula hoop by loona! it's such a cute, fast-paced bubblegum song, and that's generally the vibes i always get from you when we talk! thanks for always being supportive of my interests, and keep brightening my day lovely!!
@antiv3nom: POPPET <3 you are getting wow by loona! it's another banger song, very cute very fun very dancey! i wanted to give u smth more creative than slapping on some videogame-themed kpop song, so loona it is 🫡
@yaakultt: aough anyone who has been on my blog for like . longer than 3 seconds knows that i am Not the biggest fan of newjeans but i truly mean this when u give me immaculate hype boy by newjeans vibes! it's the girlypop, chillax big sis vibes yanno? only the cool girls get assigned newjeans songs by mac :]
@katasstrophy: ur song is so what by loona (can u tell im an orbit ADKGKJSD)! it's so loud and unapologetic and layered, it's the perfect bad bitch song for none other than the baddest of them all <3 thank u for feeding me so well w kaiser thoughts always hehe
@leiqi: ur getting superhuman by nct! idk why but i keep associating nct with u 💀 and this song for some reason but its ok!! its a super fun song that fits a super fun person, and i love how u always indulge in my delulu ass tbz x bllk thoughts HAHA
@kruinka: hello kaiserkisser :) you're getting picassO by onlyoneof! it's such a beautiful sensual artsy song, which is perfect for The kaiserartist of tumblr dot com! i love seeing ur art, and i cant wait till i get to commission u again!
@torufilms: im giving u the One and Only heart attack by chuu! it's cutesy and fun and so so so huggable, which sums up everything about you so well! even ur acc theme is adorable, so i think heart attack rlly is the cherry on top <3
@gloriium: your song is to heart by fromis9! it's a super heartfelt coming-of-age song and i cant help but think abt how well it'd fit ur yumeship w sebek :] it's so pure and catchy and innocent, and it's definitely a song i associate with you!
@earthtooz: my song for you is change up by seventeen! you're like a spark of joy to see, so naturally, my song for u is something that matches that high-tension energy! you never fail to make me crack up, so i adore having u around!
@aanobrain: every time i see u, all i can think abt is the tag u left abt me almost making u like kaiser, so i just Have to give u gaslighting by onlyoneof! the enemies to lovesr arc before becoming a fullfledged kaiserkisser is a rite of passage <3 u'll become like us soon enough
@hammannii: man there's like . a bajillion songs i cld give u, but i am assigning you with begin by jungkook! i think it's a good testimonial song to our . unconventional friendship, and i hope we continue indulging (read: bullying) each other!
@notaliarr: hello kaiserkisser :) your song is the stealer by the boyz! it's such a slutty yet like . oddly yearnful song? and if that doesnt sum up kaiser–and by association, you–then i dont know what does <3 i love seeing ur art, and i always gobble it up
@hyomaluvr: my song for u is rococo by iz*one! i remember u mentioning them being ur ults, and rococo is one of my favorite songs by the group :) have fun with ur dangans and ronpas or whatever, and ill be back to smack u over the head w kuroo at some point
@chaosinanutshell: your song is dkdk by fromis9! can u tell im a sucker for cutesy pop? it's so whimsical yet endearing, and that's the sorta vibe i get from you! i love seeing u pop into my inbox and im so so sorry for being so bad at answering ur asks, but ur effort doesnt go unnoticed here!!!
@itshis: i'm assigning you get it by pristin v! it's such a good song, and it's so pussyslay just like u <3 i look up to u a lot, so im always excited to see u on my dash and to see whatever it is ur up to! im cheering u on zari!!
@by-moonflower: i salute to the backbone of kaisernation 🫡 my pick is velvet by exid! it's such a chill, sensual grown-woman-ass song (im so sorry i wish i cld be more elegant) which is genuinely the kind of vibes i always get from u. like the red-wine-rich-aunt-poetry-night sort of aesthetic, yanno?
@aiixen: your art is sOOOO cute!! i love seeing ur oc smmmmm im giving u flash by rocket punch! ur art is always so smooth n yummy n i wanna shove it into my mouth like taffy (pov i have the impulse control of a toddler)
@echarie: your assigned song is orbit by jonghyun! your bllk takes are so big brained (like u deadass predicted lorenzo being a major character before any of us did, and im excited to see what role drago might play!), and i love hearing ur input!
@daiseukiis: my pick for you is eve, psyche, and bluebeard's wife by lesserafim! it's the "it girl" song, the boss bitch song, the hot girl summer song if u will :3c keep doing ur thing and slaying, cuz we love to see it!
@00fabulous/@doki-doki-imagines: your song is love on the floor by nct! our dms are . A HOT MESS so to say, and it's uncanny how well our thoughts match up HAHAHA it's real genius to genius (read: clown to clown) communication up in this bitch
last but not least @ayushipop: my sharty bae, my babagrill, my mark to my lee <3 your song is irreplaceable by nct! it'd be illegal of me to give u any other song after ive heard u going apeshit over teehee go drown oingo boingo in a vat of water for me <3 hope u get unbanned from twt soon and have a safe trip <3
if i missed anyone, pls dont take it personally! as u can tell, this was a longass list, so im bound to accidentally let a few people fall thru the cracks 🤡
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pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
Howdy! I’ve been following you for 2 or 3 years (started on Instagram then moved here) and your art is always so crisp and clean. Have any secrets to share on how to post pieces at such high quality? I use procreate too but you’ve seemed to mastered it.
THATS SO LONG OMG HIIII ty ty for all the support 😭🙏💕💕 you must be one of the OGs!
and oh boy what a compliment haha, I’ve definitely learned a thing of two over the years but I swear I am still learning new tricks everyday 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
happy to help 😤💪✨first and foremost, I think the most important part of getting your art to look less pixelated boils down to what canvas size you’re using! I do my best to finish my canvases off at 1400x1400 at the very minimum! The larger it is, the more smooth the piece looks—but as of course the larger it is, the less layers you’re able to add :/ I do wish procreate allowed for a greater range but oh well, do your best to keep those layers organized so you can mash em down later✨
I almost always start off each piece using the built-in Screen Size canvas option when starting a new piece (I don’t even toggle with the DPI, which if I remember correctly, is just set to 150 for that canvas) and then I adjust the sizing as needed
here’s a few finishing touches I like to give my pieces to make them look more crisp!
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Another thing to note! Take advantage of the noise brush and the noise effect Procreate has! (Noise effect is found under the Magic Wand tool and I believe that the brush lives originally in the pre-set Materials brush pack) Just a bit of noise added to your background can often help the characters stand out from it as well 👍✨
Also! I’ve recently started shading things like the soft curves of muscle or rounded parts of metal using the noise brush to erase to make things look more blended/add some variation to my cel shading
There’s still tons of things I want to try out on procreate as well! I think that for as cheap of an app as it is, there’s a lot of potential to be unlocked and it’s just a matter of finding the right people to show you some tricks
I’ll link a few tiktoks as well that could help out or just add some fun tricks to the art process oml they’re sm better at explaining/showing than I ever could!!
Double Compliments coloring
Art Window Effect
Procreate Gradient Maps in Action
Procreate Perspective Grids
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rainyraisin · 5 months
It was really hard to pick winners like how the heck are y’all so incredible at art‼️‼️‼️💖💖💖🌸🌸🫂🫂🫂🫶🫶🫶🫶🥺🥺‼️‼️‼️‼️ Shaking all u Raisins around fr ILYSM!!! I’ll be freaking out over these for the rest of time YIPPEE‼️‼️‼️‼️🌸🌸🌸🫂🫂💖💖🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️
Onto the silly winners!!!
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@/saldr1dd - LEM I AM CONSTANTLY DEAD OVER YOUR ART YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE‼️‼️‼️💖💖🫂🫂🌸🌸🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️ THE SHADING IS SO AWESOME AND I LOVE THE EXPRESSIONS‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥 especially Casey’s VXKSGXKHSD the goober is focusing fr!!! Also I know it was an accident but the twins are so adorable awwww I love them. The good ending fr!!!! ALSO HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE RET!LEO LOOK CUTE WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT‼️‼️ Also also Casey’s hair is so fluffy and I will forever be dead over it/pos thank you for entering yippee!!!!
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@/gingerbreadlamp - your artstyle always KILLS ME LIKE AGHHHHH THE EXPRESSIONS AND THE LIGHTING AND THE BACKGROUND AND THE POSING THEY ARE ALL SO AMAZING AND I LOVE THE FRONT FACING SHOT IT MAKES THE PIECE LOOK CROWDED BUT IN A COZY/COMFY WAY IF U GET WHAT I MEAN :DDD I love Mikey’s expression the most dvskxvksjd bro got caught fr‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥 AND RAPHS AND DONNIES ARE BOTH SO CUTE FGSKDGWKD AWWW THEYRE SO EEPY…. AND APRIL AND CASEY ARE SO SILLY/POS they are one of my favourite duos and you captured them so well yippee!!! I wish I could’ve done a duel first place because I’m literally so obsessed with this piece dvskvxksjd I’ll prolly give you a full body commission anyway just because I love this sm- Thank you for entering!
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@/starlaindisguise - STARLA. WHAT THE FUCK. WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO COOK THIS HARD. I think I said all I could say when I rambled a shit ton in my story about this piece but like. AGH. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. LIVE LAUGH LOVE STARLA’S ART FR‼️‼️🥺🥺💖💖🌸🌸🫂🫂🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️ the way u draw Ret!April always brings me so much joy I genuinely consider asking you how to draw her sometimes despite being the one to design her BXKAGXKJS- I love how you layered her hair it looks so so cool‼️‼️‼️ALSO CASEY HAS THE FLUFFIEST HAIR IN EXISTENCE CHAKCVSLHD I LOVE HOW IT TURNED OUT LITERALLT MY FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THIS DTIYS WAS SEEING HOW PEOPLE DREW HIS SILLY HAIR CAUSE ITS ALWAYS SO FREAKING FLUFFY‼️‼️‼️💖💖💖🫂🫂🌸🌸🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️ The twins are so fucking goofy I’m never not thinking about the expression you gave Raph he’s so silly BXKAGSKAHDI I LOVE THE EXPRESSIONS IN GENERAL TBH ESPECIALLY LEO’S AND APRIL’S THEY BOTH LOOK SO PISSED DSKGDKWGD THE SILLIES EVER- I also love how you draw Donnie with all my heart like AH. LOOK AT HIM. THE LITTLEST GUY JUST THE TINIEST BOY‼️‼️🥺🥺🌸🌸🫂🫂💖💖🫶🫶🫶‼️ THANK YOU FOR ENTERING STARLA!!!
Onto Honourable mentions/ “thanks you for entering”s!
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Thank you again to everyone who entered!!! I hope to see you enter again when I next do a DTIYS‼️‼️‼️🫂🫂🫂💖💖🌸🌸🌸🫶🫶‼️‼️‼️
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pichirobi · 1 year
I absolutely adore your art, especially the asheiji painting you did. I am new to painting digitally, so if possible, I would love to learn a bit about your colouring process 🥺
ahhh thank you so much friend!! 😭💗 welcome to the digital art gang! i love getting these kinds of questions, so feel free to send another ask if you want to know anything else in particular ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
here's a speedpaint of that asheiji artwork:
my painting is nothing refined! i get a sketch going on my first layer. the sketch is semi-clean (i erase and clean up guidelines as i go), but i will also write out notes on this layer and more strongly define shapes that i want to emphasize, like those little pouch lines under ash's mouth or the crease on eiji's cheek.
underneath this layer, i lay down my flat colors, and sometimes block in accent coloring (the blue and pink i've shaded with). i eyeball all of my colors from the rgb/cmyk wheel. no hex codes or value sliders, we die like men.
what i'll often do next is something i can only explain with respect to the procreate program: i will duplicate my flats layer > clip it down onto my sketch layer > turn the duplicated flats layer to the "hard light" setting > lower its brightness, increase its saturation, and add gaussian blur > merge it with the sketch. this is just a quick way to color my sketch lines, as one would color line art.
now that i have just one layer, i paint. you can check out how i do this in the timelapse. if you'd like to know what brushes i use, i'm not entirely sure how to upload them here on tumblr, but i'll give it a shot if you'd really like me to (FREE RESOURCES WOO 💪💪🔥💯)! the liquify tool is my best friend for tweaking proportions.
finishing touches are also super important to my painting style. here's where i adjust saturation, hues, contrast, and add details like freckles, eye shine, light source, etc. this process combines a variety of techniques and brushes which i could also break down in a longer, separate post. i definitely think this is what makes or breaks my artwork. (also, never doubt your ipad's gallery effect options!!)
thanks for your time! 🥰
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phntxm · 1 year
Headcanons for Gyu and Ume in Kimetsu Academy AU
kimetsu academy or modern world same thing
okay first of all, douma's gonna their step father, he's the one who save them? then this life he gonna save them by being their parent (let's pretend they're an orphan🤚)
gyutaro would have friends, ofc people mag considering him as ugly due to where they live and many things but in present time he definitely be one of the normal people, at least people gonna treated him as more human being
idk if his work as dept collector is a good or bad thing, but it's legal right? at first he'll live normally like a student, don't have to work for anything, but when he's in college he may find a legal part time job, since he want his history to be clean
I don't think he gonna do drug, he may interest in it at first bc of curiosity but he do smoke ig
ume is pretty and in kimetsu academy many boys send her their confessions, but what about girls
idk but she's not a type of pretty girl who like to hang out with boys, she like to hang out with girls, she's a mean girl (*cough* bc gyu and douma who like to spoiled her *cough*)😭 and gyu won't let a man be near his lovely sis too
many people have crush on ume but don't have confidence to give it to her by themselves so they gave it to gyu instead (how)
this happened too many times BUT there's also have someone who have crush on gyu and give him the love confession too (and that person it's me) but he misunderstood for ume and give it to her (she give it back to him later but gyu take it's as a prank)
gyu would work as delivery guy bc he know how to ride a bike🧍‍♀️ and when he send their parcel/food he don't have to take off his helmet so they can't see his face… 😔
I forgot this one, so douma adopted him and ume and douma remarried with kotoha and inosuke live with them too (this is my hc don't take it too serious)
sometimes tanjiro and zenitsu will come to play in their house, zen really likes ume but he scared of her brother and how mean she is
gyu don't like tanjiro, he always mean to him, but tanjiro never mad at him until gyu started to talk sh!t about nezuko to provoke tan😭🤚
gyu like emo punk/rock, ume and douma like j-pop and girl group, I also hc daki as sm gg stan (which I'll do hc about demons music taste later)
from what I mentioned above, why douma and ume like girl group, douma actually enjoy various genre, I can see him enjoying britney spears and lady gaga songs, or j-pop like gardinelia
for ume, it's kinda weird reasons, she likes pretty girls, gives off sm stan vibe and sapphic vibe… I can even named her bias in each group and yk, I'm sorry to assume but I saw many sone girls come out as sapphic and this really fits ume
a lot of scenarios like to write for ume to be jealous of reader if reader pretty than her, if in original story then ume would eat them but in modern world I don't think she gonna hate them because
1.ume very confident, she knows she's charming and don't have to worry about anything, people still gonna come back to her
2.ume didn't eat them bc she's jealous of pretty people and wanna get rid of them, if that's so, she would do it at first place
3.it's confirmed she hate ugly people, and don't even wanna eat to power up
ume wanna friends with pretty girls and she's kind of protective friend💪 she knows how to fight in verbally and physically (or just call gyu, magic word : onii-chan!!!)
she may have many friends, and her close friend group, but if any of them talk bad about her brother then boom, goodbye you're not my friend now and she don't even hesitate to do so
in original story, ume original hair color is white, gyu is black, but in modern world they both would have black hair but dyed it layer, ume dye it white and gyu dye it green and wears beret hat heheh❤️
this one is canon!! gyu want his sister to have better life, and when they arguing he said about his better life without her, I see it as gyu overprotective to his sister but NOT OBSESSIVE and don't make it to be in any gross or creepy way!
if he has a chance he definitely have a lover and live his life, not following his sister everywhere, but if ume have a lover then he gonna approve them first, she's innocent and nice girl, this is why he scared
Notes: this is all I can think of now, I may write for part 2 in the future or other kimetsu academy/modern au, I'm sorry if there's any grammatical issues, english is not my native language and I know I use to many 'like' 🥲
lmk if you have any opinion about them!!
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sheepishs · 1 year
dumb question but how do you do those color studies for fictional characters (like the one you did for the dr2 cast)? i can do color/light/shading studies when i have a reference but when i try to make them up from imagination my brain has trouble checking whether the shadows and colors are accurate. any books/videos youd recommend?
there are no dumb questions when it comes to art!! its hard to figure things out on ur own :D
honestly its difficult to describe how i do them because for me its a very self-indulgent "turn my brain off and put colours wherever until it feels right" type of activity. but i will put my general advice under a cut because i talk a lot about drawing
my main advice would be to keep doing what ur doing, studies will always be more useful than anything else. for me i see the most improvement when i just chill out and observe things irl even if im not drawing them. i genuinely just stare at things and think about their colours, no need to do anything more than observe.
im the worlds #1 art tutorial hater so i don't have any cool youtube recommendations or anything but The Practice and Science Of Drawing by Harold Speed is public domain and is very good for just bringing ur brain back to the fundamentals of how drawing works if you haven't read it before.
in practical advice, my drawings improved hugely once i started paying attention to values. its easy to check this when doing digital art by having a layer thats just a flat midtone grey with the layer style set to saturation. i constantly turn that layer on/off whenever im drawing to make sure im happy with the amount of contrast between dark and light, and also to see whether im happy with the shapes of the highlights and shadows in my drawings.
to me making sure the values are correct is much more important than anything else. its always possible to go in and change the hue or saturation of a colour to make the drawing more cohesive, but much more difficult to correct the values if you've placed a bunch of colours in the same mid value range.
while im doing studies or just drawing in general i also save swatches of colours that ive used that i think look good (not sure if this is a feature on all drawing applications but i think it is in most major ones like photoshop, procreate). you can probably see similarities in colours that i use throughout the things ive posted because if i feel like i don't know where to start, i often start by placing colours that ive used before and then modifying them to whatever i want. its also fine to look at real things when you're drawing fictional characters, i'll often just take breaks to look at a bunch of photos or videos or even just go outside to refresh my brain on how things look.
last and most important thing ever is that sometimes ur colours will just look like shit. i have made so many bad drawings in my life with muddy colours and poorly done lighting but i just keep going until i make something that i like 💪 i think for me the most important thing ive ever done is just let go of the expectation for my drawings to be good. sometimes they are just complete garbage but to me thats an indicator that im doing something outside of my current skill level, which is exactly what leads to improvement. so i wouldn't worry if it feels like your brain is having trouble working through certain things at the moment, it just means your practical skills are in the process of catching up to your observational skills
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