#also more money for us means more money we can donate to folks who need it
oh my gods y’all send best vibes possible
husbeast has a friend who thinks he can get husbeast a WFH job on his team making 60-65K or at least re-vamp his résumé and cover letter and help him find work in a similar role/salary and also maybe me too
please Hermes my man i need you now more than ever
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faelapis · 26 days
Don't Vote in Eurovision.
the 2nd semi is about to happen. israel is competing. i want to start by acknowledging something: i hope my fellow eurovision boycotters, protesters and general #BanIsraelfromEurovision people know it's not like. impossible for israel to win this year.
at eurovision, you only need a minority of televote to "win" televote, when there are 26 entries in the final. nobody wins with outright majority, they win by being the biggest minority.
if there's 10% dedicated zionist viewers who will vote for israel just because it's israel, that probably outweighs the points that a lot of other countries will get. if you divide 100/26, you get an average of 3.8%. if there's 10% dedicated zionists, i hope you see how that's suddenly a HUGE percentage. (of course, eurovision votes are not even. some songs get 0.2% of a country's vote, some songs get 20%. but the point stands. you don't need majority support to win.)
yes, this means that, theoretically, a country that supports palestine 90% could still give israel televote points - because of the united 10% voting for israel, while the 90% votes divided among the other entries. and you can't vote against songs in televote.
i side with the bookies that it's not LIKELY. we are very unlikely to see "ukraine 2022" level televote numbers for israel. europeans are much more divided on the apartheid colonial state. and many will vote just for "whichever song they like best."
i'm only saying that, IF israel were to get a huge televote score, it doesn't mean the "majority" of europe supports them. quite the opposite. it just means you can't vote against entries. you can be deeply unpopular and win.
i'm also saying this because, in the likely event that israel gets at least top 10, please dont let the zionists spread it as "proof" that europe is behind them. their apartheid colonial regime is bleeding support every day. most pro-palestine folks are boycotting.
this is a silly song contest. do not feel hopeless because of it.
instead, focus your attention on helping palestine and boycotting the contest. do NOT vote. that's giving the EBU money, which is a zionist organization willing to disgrace the contest to let israel use it as a propaganda platform. they don't deserve your money.
boycott eurovision. no watching, no voting.
donate to the world central kitchen, whose aid workers were murdered by israel while attempting to help palestinians.
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year
Lughnasadh Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Lughnasadh, this holiday typically lands on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Lughnasadh celebrates the arrival of the late summer season and the abundance of the first harvest.
Usually it a harvest of grain and corn, but in other areas it’s a fruit and vegetables for harvest. You’ll see the days begin to shorten from here.
This is a holiday that is more easy to feel disconnect from as most aren’t out there Stardew Valley style on their grandfathers farm. We either have a small garden of our own or everything is store bought. Or those who are gluten intolerant they also may find it harder to connect.
Celebrating and honoring the harvest is important. Even if we are not personally gardening we are offering thanks for natures prosperity in keeping us fed and healthy with each bountiful harvest.
But after this correspondence list I will give you a list of ideas of how everyone can celebrate.
Light Brown
Dark Purple
Apple tree
(Anything within season)
Wheat, grains, bread
Squash & zucchini
Lamb/ Sheep
Tiger’s Eye
The Sun
Wine & mead
Spiritual meanings & intentions
Gathering, harvesting
Giving, donating, sharing, charity
Thankful & grateful
Ancestors & heritage
The folk
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Demeter – (Greek)
Ceres – (Roman)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Luna – (Roman)
Dana – (Celtic)
Tailtiu – (Celtic) 
Cerridwen – (Celtic)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pomona (Roman)
Lugh – (Celtic)
Taranis – (Celtic)
Adonis (Assyrian/Greek)
Attis (Phrygian)
Mercury (Roman)
Osiris (Egyptian)
And many other harvest Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations
Abundance rituals
Visit a harvest festival
Harvest your garden
Bake bread
Baking pastries
Make jam or preserves 
Visit a farmer’s market
Create a large meal for the folk
Deity offerings
Create a money bowl (try rice in it just trust me)
Low energy celebrations
Healing bath ritual
Light a candle in honor
Prayer to Gods/Goddesses
Eat some fresh vegetables 
No spoons celebrations
Create a digital manifestation board (Try Pinterest) 
Eating fall themed pastries
Drinking apple juice or cider
Thank the harvest when you are able to fuel your body for taking care of you
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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lokavisi · 10 days
Alrighty, folks. We're re-sharing fundraising links again because I keep get various advice on how to best go about this. So let's fucking go.
Ok. So. For anyone that's not in the loop already: my beautiful darling wife is undergoing bottom surgery this November (2024). She has been absolutely blessed to be able to pay for the surgery itself. However, the recovery period for this surgery is 3 months long, which means she will not be working for 3 whole months. That's 3 months without her income. My personal employment situation is in a perpetual state of flux and confusion, so I can't guarantee that I'll be able to provide for us during that time. (Even if I did find more stable employment before then, I would most likely need to take the better part of the first month of recovery off so that I can help her. Which is also not helpful in regards to income.) We're not making enough right now to be able to save up money for her recovery period on our own, so here I am asking for help. We are hoping to meet our $4000 goal by the beginning of November so we know exactly what we're working with as we head into the recovery period. (This gives us about $1300/month which is the bare minimum we need to get by right now.)
I have two places you can go to help us out: our GoFundMe and my Ko-fi. In both places I am offering readings for donations, but there are some difference, which may be useful to keep in mind when donating and/or sharing the links around. I'll include that information below the line. Either way, all of the money is going towards our savings for her bottom surgery recovery. If everyone donates $1 and gets one other person to do the same and keep that chain going, I'm hopeful that we'll meet our goal. We appreciate whatever support you are able to give, even if it's just sharing the links around. Thank you. <3
- The GoFundMe is much more "generic" in appearance and good for sharing with folks who aren't necessarily into divination kind of things. There is a link on the page to fill out a Google Form specifically for rune readings if you'd like to donate here and still receive a reading. -The Ko-Fi has the readings much more on display, but still has the option for just simple donations and also has the goal number on display. I also offer oracle card and tarot readings here, in addition to runes, because it is easier to organize and take requests for readings on this platform. This is obviously better for sharing with folks you know are interested in readings.
On both pages just $1 gets you a single rune/card draw, so you can get a reading no matter how much you give!
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
i want to do everything i can to support palestine, but im unable to give money (im a minor and my parents refuse to get me a credit/debit card). i do my daily clicks on arab.org and spread information, but is there anything else i can do? sorry, i know its not your job to educate me, im just struggling to find anything i dont need a card to do
Hi! Thank you for reaching out! This is a post I stumbled upon a while ago below and I still reference here for those who haven't seen it. I'm not sure how young you are, but I just wanted to state this before you read this list of ways we can support -that no one is going to fault you for not being able to do everything. There are many things we can do that can cause a positive impact -especially boycotting, joining local actions if they are accessible to us, boosting reliable gofundme and donation links here, and staying informed/educated -they are all equally important as well.
There are also a lot of people who are still very apathetic and frustratingly so -do not care, so please know that everything you're doing -especially by not turning away from what is happening in Palestine and being silent on what is going on, and instead are looking for ways to make change -matters a lot.
I'm always here for questions, so I don't mind sharing resources and educational sources. I am also by no means perfect or an expert on everything -which is why I will reference platforms/pages of folks when I am talking about various interconnecting issues, systemically so, because that is their lived experience, not mine, and I do no speak on behalf of them.
On that note, (for people who are interested in learning more about Palestine), please do not ask any Palestinian person to 'explain' the systemic oppression they face. There are lots of resources online, and I have shared many -palipunk has a master list on their page for folks interested in starting to learn; Let's Talk Palestine on Instagram has mountains of educational posts, and there's also a quick beginner's course (which is free) on The Palestine Academy's website. Of course this is not extensive, but it is a start.
Thank you again, and wishing you all the best. And as always, free Palestine.
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killian-whump · 2 months
Okay, so yesterday I was tempted to post something along the lines of "Colin! Come out and plaaaaay with us!" because I was missing him and wishing he'd do/post something or appear somewhere for us to enjoy his delightfulness... but I dunno, I just wasn't feeling it. Like, my vibes were telling me it wasn't the right time to summon Colin and doing so would be fruitless.
Turns out it wasn't time to summon Colin himself, it was just time to summon Dream Colin - who thankfully appeared without me needing to summon him, anyway.
And what a lovely dream it was!
To remind everyone who might not be following KW's Little Dream World, I have a tendency to have continuing dreams based in several different little worlds, where the premises are different and sometimes the cast of characters are different. This dream took place in a world where I'm part of a travel club that regularly goes on outings and adventures together, traveling to different countries and events together for a discounted price and the companionship of fellow friendly folks. Colin is a part of this group - but being famous, he basically has the "skybox" equivalent of a membership where he gets his own private room/transportation and most of us never actually see him (or his family when they join him) because he's very private and a bit reclusive.
So! Today's dream was about a little gala even being thrown to honor a couple members of the club who chartered a new deal going forward with an investor who would help fund our trips AND donate money to charity on our behalf in exchange for - okay dreams aren't very specific on the business end of deals, okay, but it seemed like a great deal for everyone and we were all happy.
The gala was fun, and the next day, we were making a cute little animated video to document the event. I was adding my parts to the video, and my animated self was re-living them in the dream as I went, when Animated Me suddenly spotted Animated Dream Colin arrive at the gala.
This isn't right, I thought. He wasn't there last night.
So Animated Me went over to investigate the situation as Real Me questioned the others around me to find out what was going on.
"Colin wasn't there. I would've noticed if he'd been there! What's going on?"
"No, he was totally there. Don't you remember?"
"What?! No! I couldn't have missed him!!"
"Oh, you definitely didn't miss him..."
And then the animated sequence took center stage again. I didn't know what to draw/do because I didn't remember whatever my friends were claiming had happened the night before, so I just... did what I would've done (well, what Dream Me would've done - Real Life Me would've just died on the spot) in the moment. I went over and introduced myself to Colin and said it was an honor to meet him and I was so glad he'd come to our event.
He was gracious and lovely, of course, and then extended his hand like a gentleman and said, "Shall we dance?"
And then there was a record scratch and the Real replaced the Animated once again.
"Okay, guys... I KNOW this didn't happen. I would not have forgotten this if it had happened. What the hell are you guys up to?"
"Are you SURE you'd remember it? Maybe the shock of it was so much you completely blocked it from your memory."
"I don't think that's how that works. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's not AT ALL how that works."
"Well, whatever... We all seem to remember it, so the problem's with you, not us."
And then the Animated resumed, but post-dance (which was a shame, but I suppose my mind can only be so creative and coming up with an actual "dancing with Colin" scene would've been a bit too much for it. I mean, was it a slow dance? A fast dance? The Robot? I guess we shall never truly know). Me and Colin chatted a little bit more, and then he left.
However, it was winter time and very snowy out, so we were all a bit concerned about him driving in the snow. He'd also expressed something about his tires going flat sometimes in the snow, so we were also worried about that. And it turned out he returned about 5 minutes after he left, saying his tires had gone flat and he'd had to call for a ride and it would be about 20 minutes until the car arrived.
Of course, I took this opportunity to chat with him some more, and when the car arrived, I offered to walk him out to it. He said that would be lovely, and we headed out into the snow and ice.
After a few moments of walking (I guess the car couldn't get into the parking lot because it was snowed in, so we had to walk across it to get to the car), I revealed to him that this was all a little strange, because it was supposed to be a recollection thing, a documentary about what had happened the night before, but that this was all new to me.
"Hmm," he said cryptically.
I side-eyed him majorly at that. "You're not going to say anything, because you're in on whatever this is they're doing, aren't you?"
And all he said back was, "Hmm."
At this point, I was pretty sure that this was Real Colin working with my Real Friends to create this little Animated Adventure for Real Me to enjoy as a thank you for brokering such a nice deal for us all. I was super touched and pleased by it all, and gave Colin a bit of a sideways "while we're walking" hug.
I then realized Colin wasn't walking, he was gliding, because he was wearing Flip Flop Skates. Like, Flip Flops on the top, but Ice Skates underneath. And I just started laughing and he seemed a bit concerned I was laughing at him, so I patted his hand reassuringly and said, "Never change, Colin. Never, ever change - because there's no one else quite like you and you're absolutely wonderful just as you are."
He got a bit embarrassed at that, in that adorable "quit saying nice things to me, but also please keep saying nice things to me" way he has that is so charming and delightful, and then he said, "Can you eat?"
I couldn't help but tease him a little when I answered, "Yes, I have been known to consume food on occasion." But I knew what he meant, so I added, "And I could go for some now, yeah."
Then he said his ride had mentioned stopping for dinner on the way home, and would I like to join and-
My alarm went off.
Another lovely Dream Colin Adventure ruined by Real Life 😭
But it was so much fun while it lasted!!! Thanks for coming out to play with me, Dream Colin!
Now let's hope the real thing pokes his head out and says "Hi!" to us sometime soon. I miss that lovely man.
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stevishabitat · 12 days
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wodneswynn Hey, listen: We're not gonna get anywhere with this "socialism" stuff unless we can establish solidarity networks that provide. real, tangible aid. And I do mean "tangible" in the sense of "you can fill up a box with it."
Back in the old-timey days, when we didn't have things like a minimum wage or gov- ernment assistance, folks didn't think twice about paying union dues every month out of their meager paychecks. And in those days, when it was a regular, everyday occurrence for union people to get beat up or outright murdered for their union-ing, the unions still managed to win a lot of their fights. Reason for all that? The bigger part of them union dues I mentioned "went into a strike fund",
Time on a picket line means time off the clock. And as for me, in this economy, if I go a week without a check, my family don't eat. I go two weeks without a check, and we're homeless. And them's the brakes.
Rjenroses: In my community we started a co-op in order to, in part, purchase things with mass buying power (i.e, we can get things at wholesale if we order enough of them, so we can, for example, eat organic food for about what conventional costs a lot of the time.)
But we also set aside a little money each time we order, and that money helps pay for donation boxes... and the social network we created when we created the co-op means that if someone has a crisis, someone else probably has the answer. "This family just lost their job and can't afford to buy presents for their kids" may get a response of "Here are presents for every single family member" or it might end up with finding a job for the people looking for work, or both, because the co-op membership is diverse and represents a lot of people who are otherwise. very connected in the community.
When a part of town is out of power, it's usually possible to find a co-op member who can run for ice or bring a meal, or offer use of a washer/dryer for the evening.
We had one year where we were making donation meal boxes for a holiday, found out on the last delivery about a family in severe need, talked about it in the co-op group and ended up showing up at their house with not only a meal, but enough dry goods, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. for a month, plus a credit with the co-op for fresh fruits andveggies.
I cannot overstate the power of networking. in your community. This one started out. in a natural parenting group, but quickly spread beyond that, from college students to retirees. It's like a small town, only more open-minded. We started with about 20-30 families. There are now hundreds of people involved.
I had a trans kid land with me at one point and asked if anyone had size whatever clothes and within a few hours we had a box on my porch, within a couple days we had a bunch of things he needed.
The co-op keeps a lending library of tools and weirdly specific kitchen devices like an Æbleskiver pan, a food dehydrator, a capsule maker and a carpet cleaner. The kinds of things people need once or twice a year, but might not have the room to store.
We periodically do a buy of sensory toys and sensory bin supplies, for example, because we have a lot of autistic members and parents of autistic kids,I have bought socks from the co-op that were purple with unicorns farting rainbows on them. We recently got in Black History: flashcards and we've done a lot of Black Lives Matter and Hate Has No Home lawn signs. Pretty much if people want it and we can find it at wholesale, the co-op will order it.
It even spawned a side-business (more than one, actually, but this is the relevant one) of an online app for co-op managing, called http://managemy.coop so that other communities could take advantage of our experience and start out with an easier tool than the google spreadsheets we started out with.
Anyway... if you want to network within your community, this is a really, really good way of connecting with a broad cross-section of people.
nyshadidntbreakit: All that stuff about unions still applies, too. Unions have hardship funds. If you're a union member and you're broke, or you've been fired, or whatever, you can apply to the union for a grant to help you out. The binmen in Birmingham pulled off a months-long strike. recently thanks to the union paying their living costs. Unions force employers to pay decent pension contributions and have safe sick leave policies,
If you're employed, join your damn union!
solarpunk gnomes: You might check out http://www.transitionus .org/transition-towns too. They're trying to build resilient communities by getting neighbors to talk with each other about stuff.
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Crowley Twisted Wonderland Theory:
Hi again. This is going to be my last theory for maybe the year until new year. Other then that let’s get to the theory’s opener. I believe that Crowley isn’t as evil as everyone says. Scummy? Yes, but evil? No. In this theory I will explain what I noticed about Crowley, how it might relate to him summoning Yuu/the player, and what is going on in the school as a whole that I do not see a lot of people addressing. As well as other Crowley facts that people overlook as well. Spoiler Warning: Going on facts from the game and even future chapters and events. So if you want to avoid spoilers then don’t read the post. Going to spoil things from chapters 3-6 and something that is happening this mouth, “The Halloween event” in the English version of the game. Now that that’s clear on with the post.
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Crowley and how he is with money:
In the game if you ever noticed it, but Crowley seems to want to have money. To list some examples to prove this point.
In Chapter 3 you find out the reason he wasn’t going to stop Azul from making contracts with people to work in the lounge was, because Crowley made a contract with Azul for profit reasons.
In Chapter 4 you find out the reason Jamil wasn’t made Housewarden/Dorm Leader for Scarabia, was because Kailm’s family payed Crowley to make Kailm said Housewarden/Dorm Leader. Man even has the gall to tell Jamil this. To add to this we also find out that Kailm’s family also donated to have Scarabia fixed up. We are only told how it looked rundown before the repairs. Put a pin on this.
Lastly for the Halloween event. When the students are planing there area for the school, since people from a town that lives close to the school are going to come visit the event. Crowley says he wants to show his thanks to the town folk by handing out candy, and only gave them the best he can offer. Which is then quickly followed up by the students pointing out that the candy the man got was cheep.
So what dose that have to do with anything? Just seems like he is like money or doesn’t want to waste it on anyone or something along those lines right? Well...It might be more deep then that. First lets ask our self these two questions, “Why dose Crowley need money?“ and “Why is he so focused on it?“ Well let’s think about it. Crowley goes on and on about how caring he is, and how, that is quickly shown differently once money is brought up. He cares for the students, but once you are in the school and see his true colors a lot of students see how scummy he really is and know he is, well a lair. But if you see in between the lines of the examples I brought up you can connect, that the money might be for the school. If so why? Why dose he need money for the school so badly?
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The school and why it might need money:
First let’s bring up back the explains again. Chapter 4 mostly. So we found out, that the Scarabia dorm looked not so great. This happened before the MC goes through the mirror, meaning Kailm and Jamil’s first year aka this going down last year. But we have seen the other dorms. They look lovely! So why was Scarabia in need of repairs? I honestly can not tell you. But the facts still remains. Crowley needed the money to fix it, and Kailm’s family wealth was the answer, and since they donated to Crowley and the school he used it all for the dorm and school, and extra for Kailm to be housewarden/dorm leader was just a bonus for the man. So with that one example dose that mean the school has been suffering with money reasons for a while now? Shot answer yes, Long answer it might have something to do with time, and how it effects a lot of schools. I don’t know how it’s like in other schools, but in American this is how schools are like when a school is suffering from a certain things. That being a school’s rep, student’s test scores, and how if bad over time low funding. Even schools who are trying to get out of a bed name for it self have a slow process to go through. They will pretty the outside to inside of there school one year if given the right money, then put the money to there school activities the next year, after that for things they don’t have for said school, and if this keeps up, then maybe it can go to the kid’s education, like books, and so on. If you want to know why a school dose this is so to show they are bettering there look to people to show they are improving. Rather then help improve the students. After all people are going to say, “Oh wow. The school looks so nice, and they added so much new things as well. One of them being a theater hall. They must be doing well for it self.“ When really no. Cause none of it is going to kids getting new books or learning new things, and keep repeating the same outdated things about America then things outside of it. That’s why some Americans who don’t want to learn things after highschool don’t know things about other cultures or countries other then it’s own. I bring this up cause I think that might what be happening. The school is over time losing money, which in turn causing Crowley to do what he can to not show this, failing, and the students being clueless to the whole thing. I can’t go into it fully right here, but as you play the chapters you find out some things. Mostly on how the school’s rep might not be as good as Crowley made it out to be. You also find out that Leona’s dorm has been losing in a certain sport for 100 years, along with other things. I will bring this up again, but I think with this low decline in the school’s performance, and other things they have been losing more and more money or the school getting less and less funding to donations. Which brings me to my next point.
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Why Yuu could have been summoned:
Going to use the English Official translation from the game for this example, but in the into of the game Crowley says this (You don’t see him, but we know it’s him): “Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...My proud, beautiful flower of evil. You are truly the fairest one of all. O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat...Reveal unto me the visage I seek...You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.“ then the game starts. You pick the dorm you want, take the hand of the character you want in game, and you are given there SR robe version of them. From there you are just at the school, and everyone is beyond confused by it. Now the reason I bring this up is, because I think Crowly summoned Yuu/the player for the soul reason to save the school. Mostly by helping them get funds and money. I know the three points don’t seem like a lot to prove this theory, but I have more to support this. If I forgot anything please tell me so I can know, and update this part of the list. Now then, first what happened 100 years go. Here is what we know that happened from the game:
A student with no magic came into the mirror 100 years ago.
Night Raven Collage was known for a 100 years to be the best school.
Savanaclaw was known 100 years ago to be good at a sport called, Magical Shift, but are now on a losing streak to Diasomnia.
Overblots have not been seen for 100 years.
Now that I have the facts I want to finally lead to Yuu/the player, and why they are there. From how he summons Yuu/The Player from his dialog, then what if the student from 100 years ago made the school great, and Crowley needing that greatness again to summon a magicless person to help the school with it’s money troubles? He wanted wealth along with luck to help the school’s low funding, and to win in more competitions to add to a better school rep? I say the last part, because it seems that from later chapters the school is losing to Royal sword academy for years now. Not only that but lets face the facts. Royal Sword Academy uniforms are WAY better in look and design, then Night Raven Collage in how new they look. Crowley thought by doing the summon will help the school. But since Yuu/the player came the way they did, meaning unnatural. I don’t think the summon worked the way he wanted it to. Cause if you think about it. We are helping the school. By helping the students who overbloted, as well as just helping out students other then the Perfects from other dorms out as a whole. Heck even Crowley was crying over our team work at the start of the game. He points out how the students and the school in a ‘blink and you miss it moment’, that are not as good as they once was in the past. He says this when he makes Yuu/The player, and Grim official members of the school, and gives them the ghost camera. And as bold as this is to say we could connect to how Yuu being summoned is really, “YUU/The Player“ causing the overblots. Not them making them, but by them being there is causing this to happen. Not Crowley making them behind the scenes as everyone believes it might be heading. I don’t think Crowley even knew that’s how overblots happened. After all in chapter 6 we are told in that chapter, that no one knows how they happened or the origin of them. Sure you can say Crowley dose know, since why else did Idia get Crowley from the school to ask questions, and even when putting Idia in the History lesson mini game he doesn’t hide how he is not happy to see him. As well as Idia looking into overblots during a different lesson in the lesson mini game, which could connect to the info he has from his family’s history of working on finding them and destroying them. Plus going back to the first point of Crowley, we never see what Idia asked him or even what the game is planning. And you know what? Good point. I will give you that. Still I just think Crowley just summoned, Yuu/The player to try to make the school great as it once was, but not in the way he expected, and how Yuu/The Player being there is causing all this jam to spill, which Crowley didn’t expect to happen at all.
Last thing I want to bring up is this. I have no idea where to put this, but the game has a mirror theme behind it. With Yuu dreaming from the mirror, which connects to the future of overblots. Meeting Mickey in the mirror after a certain point in the chapters, and heck even the game makes you pull summons from the mirror in game. But the theme song “Piece of my world” For the animated opening. You see Crowley in the mirror room, with the lyrics, “Will you look beyond the door. I'm waiting for you Let's go to wonderland!“ and you then see a crow flying. We can say Mirrors connect to doors in some way, and Crowley has keys on him. Seven for all the dorms. Which is neat since you find out in one of the chapters that he help make one of the dorms. That dorm being Pomefiore. Which could have been many years ago, and Crowley might be a full or half fea with that info, how he has pointed ears, a fea physical trait (Lilia and Mal has pointed ears after all), and lastly with how he knows so much about things almost in a sense like he was there. Kinda like another fea we know. (Lilia) Seems old feas like to talk about things they know like the old men they are. Speaking about Crowley’s design. Another thing I want to bring up is who he can be. People like to connect him to Maleficent’s raven, Diablo. But with him making Pomefiore, The shirt he wore in part two of chapter 4, and oddly in some cases where he praises Vil in certain moments in some events. The halloween event mostly comes to mind. I think it’s safe to say he is more the Raven in Snow white and the seven dwarfs. Want more proof? There was a part where the game’s animated opening at the end it shows us different things. One of them being Crowley’s face. One year ago I saw so many people talk about how creepy it is, and I was like, “...Isn’t that the queen’s throne from the movie? *Googles it* Holy shit it is!“ Then we got Chapter 5 and Vil’s card showed us, and Yes! Same chair.
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The last extra thing I want to bring up is why Crowley could be wearing the mask. A lot of people like to say he might be hiding that he is in fact overbloted, and the mask protects seals that from coming out. Now we have had no info on anything that can do that or even the full information about overblots, but I feel that is wrong? Mostly because Crowley is just a odd ball with how he acts. So he could be just wearing it just cause he likes to wear it. Plus people are focusing on the wrong thing. Mostly because...WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE MIRROR IN THE MIRROR CHAMBER? HE IS WEARING A MASK THAT LOOKS LIKE THE OVERBLOT MASK THAT WE HAVE BEEN SEEING IN GAME! A full one at that too! Not a half one. A full mask. Dose this mean the mirror in the mirror chamber is connected to this? After all we know at the start of our first tutorial fight it’s destroyed. Could this mean something bigger as a whole? I have no idea! But I just wanted to share this overlooked fact.
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So in conclusion. Crowley is not the mastermind. Just a scummy oddball  headmaster, who tried to save the school, and have no idea that by Summoning Yuu/The player caused the overblots to happen. As well as extra facts about him as well. (Updated: I didn’t know about the camping event and the fire accident info, and it makes me wonder if that little fact connects to the first overblot we see in game, and if the series might do something with the past pains taking forms for overblots to also happen. But we will see.)
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omgcatboi · 2 years
This post is for the poor / disabled fat trans folk out there who don't get surgeries be it by choice or not !
Pre/ no op fat transmen, pre/ no op fat transwomen, and pre/ no op nonbinary folk are the only three things keeping this world spinning.
There's something about growing into your transitioned body without surgeries that is so powerful and daring. Honestly, we need to see more trans people who embrace their bodies. Because surgeries are not something we can all get. We don't have the privilage. And it's soul crushing, until we see that one person who transitioned without those surgeries that are out of bounds for us. And we see how beautiful they are, how handsome they are, how attractive they are. And it gives us hope.
We need more no op fat transmen like me to post topless pics to show progress in our chest as it takes the form of moobs ! More no op fat transwomen who upload progress shots in cute bras ! More no op fat nonbinary folk with androgynous tubby bodies !!
And no! I don't mean ' surgery is bad ' I mean it's only something you can get if you're privilaged with the means, money, donations, support, and health that the rest of us DON'T HAVE AND NEVER WILL HAVE ! If you can get surgeries, and you are sure that's what you want 100% then sure, get them !! But this post is about those of us who can't.
We NEED more no OP fat trans representation! Because it saves lives, it gives hope to those of us who can't get surgery !
If you're no OP, post whatever you want! Don't let the stigma stop you ! If you are uncomfortable with posting, then don't ! You don't have to! Just know there are many out there like you ! In a world glamorizing procedures and pressuring everyone to get surgeries done it's easy for us to feel left behind , I know, but that doesn't mean we don't exist ! There's plenty of us out there and the world should know it ! Reach out and find others like you, others who either pass or don't on HRT or off it, those like us who also can't afford operations, reach out to us because knowing people like you exsist will help you feel seen!
Us No OP / Pre OP trans folk are always pushed aside to watch as celebrities glamorize to cis peoples standards. It's perfectly ok to get those operations, but it's just not something everyone has access to. And that's ok !! Don't beat yourself up over it! Remember that these are standards set up by gender construct! It's built to appeal to cis people.
You will get there eventually, one way or another, you can still be a MAN with big breasts, you can still be NONBINARY with or without lots of curves , you can still be a WOMAN with a flat chest !
Love your body for what you can make it, don't beat yourself up because of what you can't make it. You are still valid, and I love you for the person you are, and the person you can be !
We may not chose to be this way, but that doesn't mean we have to be miserable about it !!
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horce-divorce · 3 months
I think that anon belied a common misconception among many well-meaning people, too, that is actually worth addressing, wrt my donation posts: I DONT usually get money from strangers, and I DONT put those posts up with any expectations at all! Sometimes they don't work! Sometimes we get nothing for weeks on end, or just $5 here and there, and we go a month without everything that we need, and we make do with what we can find anyway.
But the thing is, when I do put up a post and I ask for money, I'm NOT asking strangers. I have a TON of connections near & far that I talk to online. I'm putting out a call to all of my friends, giving them an update, and saying, "hey if any of you is better off right now, we could use a hand!" often my friends are no better off than me, and they can't help. that's fine! Its hard times for everyone! that's why I know they don't begrudge me for asking.
In fact, a lot of my friends send me money WITHOUT me asking!! one of my IRL friends has learned to recognize when I need more help and I'm playing it down. They gave me $60 just recently, after I waffled for hours about taking their money, and finally told them I could get by the rest of the week on $30-50. Another friend, someone I've known since we were toddlers, sent me $80 out of the blue several months ago just bc she missed us and was thinking of us, and she had a little extra. Last time we talked to her, I mentioned how our food stamps got cut, & we'd be out for another week. She venmo'd me $30 labeled "pizza tears" before we even got off the phone (which I think was hilarious fwiw). A different friend recently heard that Bel and I wanted to go on a date to taco bell, and when I said we could do it for under $20, she gave me $50 and said "make sure you get the cinnabons!!!" Another friend bought me winter boots and socks this year as soon as i said i didnt have any- THE best, warmest, cosiest socks I've ever owned. Last year, one (1) of my tumblr mutuals covered my ENTIRE cost of post-op care for top surgery. I said "I'll probably need $$$" and they covered all of it! That same person has bought me groceries, meds, and gas on many other occasions, too. All of these people are folks I've known for years either thru tumblr or IRL.
Very occasionally, it's a newer mutual or even a stranger. One time, when I was still on Twitter and very early in my transition, I said something about how gender affirming my old high school Chuck Taylor's were and how I missed them so. My mutual from another COUNTRY immediately sent me $60 for gender affirming Chuck Taylor's. I haven't spoken to that person since Twitter went south, sadly. If youre still out there, I named my shoes after you, Bergamot & Jones, and I think of you every time I step outside. Another time, a guy who wasn't even my mutual sent me a bunch of binders and boxers for free. Sometimes even my old coworkers from my mall days pop up out of the woodwork and send me 20 bucks or something.
I have more stories like this. Not even just about money. Like that guy who saw me pop a flat tire in the mall parking lot and insisted on changing it for me.
I actually also never feel guilty about asking for what I need, or accepting it, and you shouldn't either. I don't like this idea that you need to grovel and be exactly This self-flagellating and full of hatred and remorse to ride and earn one (1) morsel of kindness. What do I look like, a Catholic? You dont have to apologize for wanting to stay alive. You didn't ask to be born, and you weren't the one that put a price on living!
You know what I do instead? Pay it forward. Yes, I ebeg often, yet I, too, will sometimes send $5, $10, $30 to people I care about whenever we wind up with a little extra. You can't save money as a poor person anyway, it doesn't work, so why cling to my last few pennies when someone else could use it right now? I've watched Bel give away his last $5 to a different homeless person twice since we've been living in the car. One time we stayed and had dinner with the guy and his dog. He was a hitchhiker named Ray and he was SO interesting to talk to.
There are studies that show that the most generous people when it comes to donating are NOT the people with the most money. It's the poorest ppl in the community who have been or are in your shoes, and who know how you feel, who pitch in when you need it most. Hence the community $20. The idea that panhandlers are expecting something from well-off strangers who can't empathize with us is like... kinda silly lmao, we know most of those ppl hate our fucking guts and want us dead, actually. (Are rich ppl really just that threatened by the idea of sharing that they see someone going "help please (generally speaking)!" And they immediately go "ugh, ME????? How dare you ask ME specifically for MY hard earned money?????" Idk it kinda tracks.)
I also use a jovial tone in a lot of my posts because I have to ask for help a lot, and it gets tiring to everyone to constantly hear "I'm soooo sorry for being such a needy piece of GARBAGE, AGAIN, I really hate that i have to do this, but..." because that's just The Friend Who Is Apogizing For Breathing. That doesn't feel good to hear any more than it does to say, no one likes that. And yes SOME people DO want you to feel that way about needing help- but its not going to be the people who will help you, I promise you that. Also, think about what you're saying when you talk about yourself like that. Why are you garbage? Because the cost of living is too high? Because your boss doesn't pay you a living wage? Because your landlord wrings you dry? Because you can't afford your meds or food? How is any of that actually about you at all? How does being hungry and wanting to live make you garbage???
Deeply unfortunately, you also tend to get more attention with a chipper tone and a preemtive "thank you" instead of an "oh God oh God oh God I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry, fuck!!!!" I also won't imply urgency where there isn't any. Sometimes we DO need money asap and it's like, we'll literally be stranded in the woods with no food if we don't get it. But other times, we need money, but like, we have time to figure it out. I save the urgency for the times I really need it.
Instead I focus on the positive: I DO have a lot of friends who care about me, all over, and even strangers who care about me, too! Those people have been keeping my ass alive for YEARS! They shouldn't have to do that! I shoudlnt have to beg to continue to use my own organs! But also, how cool are my friends for being the realest commies I know??? They're not going to just let me die out here. Why would I be sad about that? Why would I feel bad about people caring about me and wanting to see me pull through? Why would I apologize for proving that the human loving spirit is in fact alive and well? In the times when there IS less urgency, I think it's just nicer to my friends to make a lighter hearted post once in a while- you know, for the ones constantly seeing this stuff and helping me out. I think it's nice to acknowledge them in a positive way, instead of always being like "god im do sorry that im STILL BREATHING, i know you guys HATE that!!!"
Like. Idk if this is making sense. Remember that post where the person was telling their partner, "I'm just so worried that you'll think I'm stupid and want me to shut up," and their partner said, "Thats kind of mean, I wish you wouldn't think of me that way"? It's like that. If your friends and mutuals wanted you to shut up and die and feel guilty for living, they wouldn't be sharing your posts or donating to you, and it's kind of... mean? To get off on that foot. It's like we expect people to only help us begrudgingly. Thats not true at all! Donation posts are optional. Most people who reply to them do so because they're in a position to help and they WANT to, because it makes them feel good.
It's thanks to my friends that I am still alive to make all these delightful posts for them to read. They want me to stay alive because they like having me around. So i try to continue to be that presence in exchange for their love and suppport, and yes, i will incorporate that into my posts asking for help, especially if its a less time-sensitive ask. Idk like, re-framing a situation and focusing on the positive is a basic coping skill from many types of therapy and I hate to say this but it really is good for you. (Also fwiw I try to always say "thank you" to every individual who sends me money, each and every time. Sometimes they don't let me send messages back thru the pay apps, and sometimes I forget, but I try to every time.)
Plus, damn near EVERYONE needs help right now! Poverty and income inequality and chronic houslessness and chronic ILLNESS are all at ALL TIME HIGHS. Pre-covid 25% of the population was disabled. I wonder what it will look like next time we get a handle on those numbers?
So just to be clear, again: I don't expect donations to pull us out of poverty! If that were realistic, it would have already happened, ive been doing this for a decade. I don't expect strangers to have a stake in our situation, either. All either of us want is to be able to keep living our lives as best as we can for as long as we can- and a lot of our friends, and other people, DO sympathize with that. That's a point of pride for the community I've chosen for myself. I refuse to feel guilty about surrounding myself with caring, wonderful people who actually read my posts. That sounds like a pretty big win for me actually lmao.
AND I refuse to feel guilty and self-deprecating over circumstances that are out of my control and don't actually weigh on my character whatsoever. Being disabled isn't a character flaw. Being unemployable bc of my symptoms isn't something that's "wrong" with ME. Being homeless during an ALL TIME RECORD HIGH of homelessness ISNT something thats "wrong" with "me," and it's not something I would want anyone else to feel guilty over, either! These things don't determine who I am as a person or the impact I have on the people around me. Clearly I continue to have a positive impact and be a good friend, or asking my friends for help wouldnt be keeping me alive. I simply don't have enough followers to get that much money from strangers lol. And I have more followers than a lot of people (around 1500 currently).
So yeah, this is to everyone else who's ever felt horrifically guilty for asking for help online or otherwise: even if you dont have a lot of connections and you ARE asking for help from strangers, needing one another isnt a character flaw! The people who care will WANT to help anyway, period. It makes people feel good to know they can help. And yes it does make people feel better to hear a "thank you! we are still alive and happy to be here!" Over a "fuck God I'm so sorry I'm still alive and burdening you all so with my high cost of breathing!!!!" I'm so sorry that you have to have a body! Me, too, bud. It's rough, but it's gonna be ok.
Anyway needing help is morally neutral. Now im just thinking about the way the upper class has poor people at each other's throats for the perceived "selfishness" of needing help- because in a world where you are constantly burnt out from work, and the value of a dollar is so horribly out of proportion to the effort it takes to earn, sharing that hard-won effort with anyone else does sometimes feel like too much. Im thinking about the way hoarding wealth & resources & keeping them behind paywalls is seen not only as morally superior but a sign of objective intelligence and life skills, vs how the way sharing is construed as foolishness, the way needing help to stay alive is construed as greed, while the upper class that literally stays healthy and youthful and thrives on the blood, sweat and tears of the lower class gets to pat themselves on the back for being morally superior, individualist, and "not needing anyone." Kinda makes me sick when I put it like that!
Anyway. Again, needing help is morally neutral, especially in this economy, and I refuse to hate myself for circumstances that aren't my fault and for having people in my life who are invested in me and want to see me pull through. Everyone deserves friends like that, and I hope you find them.
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
Ohhh I read too many of the comments on that last post and now I need to commit violence. So many bad takes.
Listen. I agree that many vegans have absolutist moral philosophies about what is "good" and what is "bad." Some folks (in my experience a vast minority) are way too preachy about it.
That being said. At least they're trying? We clown on stupid vegans but we can't escape the idea that the core methodology (hey let's stop supporting industries which have historically been linked to animal abuse) makes sense! And things making sense make us uncomfortable! We don't want to admit that our existence in society does in fact contribute to a system that causes harm, so we pinpoint all the ways that veganism can cause harm too, to make ourselves feel better!
The issue with this is that most people who pick apart/clown on veganism... Aren't actually doing anything themselves? I know a lot of people who get pissed when others get on a high horse, but also get pissed at vegans who don't get on a high horse, because the very existence of someone who is genuinely trying to make sustainable choices is seen as a threat.
There's a lot of guilt involved, and most people try to turn it around to cast blame on everyone, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism so we don't even have to try, watch me debunk this point so I don't have to acknowledge that other points might be correct.
Dietary activism like veganism is, at its core, the use of privilege for good. I have enough money, I lack allergies, my disabilities don't affect me too heavily and I live in the right sort of place where I can commit to a diet which will hopefully make my contribution to unethical capitalist systems less pronounced. I'm not going to get mad at people for not having privilege, and you're not going to tell me I'm stupid for trying to use my privilege to make a difference. That's the perfect world.
The issue we get to is, ultimately, that on the internet everyone will get mad at everyone for using their money/privilege in a way that isn't good enough. You donated to the wrong charity, people are starving and you're spending extra to buy organic, why would you support art classes for kids when you could support xyz other issues that are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT,
There are bad actors and bad charities (looking at you PETA) in every situation. People tend to use that to paint everything in the same genre with the same brush (thrift stores are evil, make-a-wish charities are frivolous or scams, etc), and then use those painted genres to construct some sort of overarching hierarchy of "the most important" causes to fight for. Then when someone else is making an effort to alter their habits/donate their money/use their privilege for something, it can be attacked/dismissed as a misuse of resources to alleviate guilt ("there are more important issues, your money could be used for better things, why'd you choose to volunteer there," etc). This is a subconscious defensive reaction, I think it's because of envy! Someone else gets to make a difference but you don't have the resources to do the same, and belittling their impact makes you feel less envious. We feel guilty that we've been forced into a system where there is no ethical consumption, and we are envious that someone else can alleviate their impact.
There's a lot to be said about envy. A lot of points have been made about how it relates to privilege and money, not all of which I agree with. But identifying your feelings as envy, saying "I wish I also had the resources to make my consumption under capitalism slightly more ethical," is a very important ability. People who can't identify their own envy end up giving it more say in their lives than it deserves, rather than treating it like the unconstructive brain worm it is.
Tl:dr, don't shame people who are actually trying to make a positive impact. Veganism DOES require privilege but that does not mean it is a tool of the bourgeoisie. The majority of us are all just doing their best.
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hotmouthofgod · 2 years
Advice Nobody Asked For From a Person With No Skin In The Game
If you’re a player:
Continue monetarily supporting creators via donations as best you can. Consider targeting your donations to folks with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or other barriers that may prevent them from pursuing traditional work. 
Yes, there are plenty of money hungry fucks in this community who are thoroughly showing their asses right now. There are also folks who are justifiably nervous about potentially losing vital income. I personally think monetizing hobbies is a bad fuckin idea and that doesn’t change the fact that losing income gets significantly scarier the closer to the poverty line you are. As someone who’s been hovering around that line for years, I can tell you even 50 extra bucks a month can make a huge difference. If you see someone struggling, support them. 
If we want more harmony in this community, we can’t succumb to an us vs. them mentality. Some creators make enough money for dinner at the end of the month and some make bank. Some genuinely need that money and others probably don’t. Some have mobility within the workforce and others don’t. There’s room for all of this in discussions on this policy. Absolute thinking is a quick road to conflict and division.  While some people are being shits and deleting all their CC out of spite, others who relied on this for income may be forced to take a break from creating to find other means of work. Imo it’s pretty easy to tell who has to take a break for life reasons and who’s just stomping their feet because they were only in it for the money (the feet stomping ones tend to be pretty loud lol). Prepare for the possibility that some of your faves may not have the ability to continue making content at the same rate and don’t be a dick about it. Don’t put pressure on them to meet your demand, whether you’re offering donations or not. 
If you can’t donate, make sure you show appreciation. Reblog your faves’ posts, send them words of encouragement, go easy on the personalized requests, BE PATIENT WHEN WAITING FOR UPDATES. Whether paid or not, creators are providing you with content that enhances your gameplay, and quality content deserves appreciation! 
For the love of fuck stop posting weird call-out lists like we’re 16 years old on tumblr dot com in 2012 lmao just use your brain and the report form when you need to. Some creators have relied on this money to survive and some are greedy little shits. If both names are on the same list, consider working on your discernment. The tried and true trifecta - report, block, and keep it moving. I swear it works every time. 
If you’re a creator: 
I don’t have any hard data to back this up, but my prediction is that those who can afford to continue supporting you will do so. Don’t panic yet. This isn’t the end! Again, I don’t think it’s wise to monetize hobbies if at all possible but if you’re absolutely set on it or feel it’s your only option rn, consider what you can monetize without violating the policy. Can you offer sliding scale or donation based tutorials or polls for CC? I’ve seen a lot of commission based artists run contests where they pick a random person who’s recently donated and create a quick art piece to that person’s specifications. As long as you’re offering the CC for free immediately upon release, this may be a viable option for you (but I’m not a lawyer so don’t quote me lmao). I’ve seen artists offer things like speed paint videos on their Patreons too, so that’s another idea. Get with your homies and get creative!
Be honest with your supporters. Do you need help with medical expenses? Are you worried about losing money that was helping feed you or your kids? If people can help, they will. And if anyone gives you shit after you’ve been vulnerable, remember the block button is your friend. 
Consider whether your skills may translate to other freelance work. I don’t know the first thing about 3D models, but I’ve heard it’s possible to create them for money! Check in with your friends and see what may be available to you. 
Draw boundaries. If you have to quit or slow your roll on creating to find other work that pays the bills, do it and don’t feel guilty about it. Nobody knows your situation but you. 
Don’t expect anyone to sympathize with your all-caps diatribe about how the entire community is full of entitled assholes who owe you their coin for all the work you decided to do of your own accord. If you don’t enjoy making CC for fun, don’t make it. If you need to find other work, do it. Just don’t subject us to an incoherent rant while you do it lmao 
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themarvelhorse · 1 year
Hi, Marvel! Hope you're doing well. Was wondering if you knew of any good causes or charities that could use more attention from folks wanting to make the world a little better.
Hello! I hope this isn't too late especially since this time of year has lots of groups and institutions asking for donations and stuff.
First off, thank you for contacting me! I appreciate you reaching out and believing that I would know a good answer to this! Bless you anon, I hope you're well too!
Second, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Admittedly I can't quite say for sure which causes or charities could use more attention. I don't like to tell people who to vote for politically even though I secretly hope they do vote for one party over another. It's satisfying enough knowing that they'll vote.
But to that point, I would like to at least provide what you may need to know!
The Small Change Fund might be what you're looking for, but its very Ontario and environmentally focused right now.
CanadaHelps is a fundraiser dedicated to streamlining the donation process, which could go a long way if you don't know where to send your support.
This can probably give a general overview of who's doing fairly well I suppose.
Charity Watch and Charity Navigator I believe are both decent places to check if you're not sure about how well said charity is spending your goodwill, they're US focused mind you.
Charity Intelligence is Canada focused version of those American charity accountability orgs, gives grades based on their need for funding and other metrics too!
It's hard to really pin down and say who to donate to, causes or charities or otherwise. The world is handling some difficult circumstances right now, and everyone seems to need help. I know a local food bank received more donations than in the past few years, but that doesn't mean stop donating. Inflation (and oligopolic grocery corporations) have made it so they really need more help.
So your local food bank could be a good place! Or maybe another organization working towards a problem you've heard about recently?
I know the American Red Cross has had its scandals in the past, but the Canadian Red Cross seems alright, as do other Red Cross organizations in countries facing challenges of their own. You could also donate to their international version, like the main ICRC one. Hard to go wrong - the Red Cross has helped in Canada with covid response (and even "post covid" with the failing provincial health system), and they support climate change action and the like. Funds are always needed before disasters to adequately respond to them when they do happen.
You could also always donate to the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite what people say about the UN and how useful it is, I truly believe its better that it exists than otherwise. Setting the SDGs is a start to making things better. The UN can be a tool for colonialism, but I'll paraphrase Romeo Dallaire - the UN can be a force for good, but how good it is depends on the member states. Its voluntary, so projects at the UN rely on member states' money, or yours. Or your vote and voice if you tell your reps that you want them to help implement the SDGs. Think Elon Musk refusing to donate $6 billion to end world hunger.
Sorry, a bit ranty there. The SDGs are good because you have your choice of goals, or can split your donation evenly among them. It covers almost every basis of improving society/life on earth for everyone.
Your home region may also have an organization dedicated to improving democracy. The Democracy Engagement Exchange, Democracy Watch, Fair Vote Canada, and Apathy is Boring are all great causes to support, you may likely have something similar wherever you are!
I mention those because at its core, I think we have a lot of undemocratic stuff going on. Which worsens or outright causes all the other problems. Did you know Canadian food banks were supposed to be temporary? The organization Food Banks Canada is trying to eliminate the need for them. Policies like those that support affordable housing are needed. So when we have a policy failure, we have a political failure, a failure of democracy when people either don't vote or feel like their vote doesn't matter, or they don't have the time to participate. You may even want to donate to a political party you believe in. They do need your money to do what they say they'll do. It's like tumblr - kinda funny that they're trying all these things to make money, but the only other ways to keep it going would be to collect and sell your data, show more and more ads, and do all kinds of dumb stuff. If parties get donations, that's less they need from rich people/corporations that have it in order to campaign and win elections and stuff. You could donate to a party that has a lot more minority representation - that'd be even more likely to get widespread support for that minority group too.
ACORN Canada is a neat organization that supports low-moderate income Canadians, there might be something there for your region!
I'd say donate to climate change orgs - 350.org, David Suzuki Foundation, Sunrise Movement, the Climate Reality Project...
Truth is, there's lots of what feels like repetition. A lot of these orgs in the same field are competing for donations. They say things like they'll run ads to advocate for change, and more money lets them spread that influence (and ofc do other things). But like, why? Why can't they just pool money for this kind of work? Wouldn't that be more effective? I don't know honestly. I haven't worked for an NGO in any such way that I'd have insight. Wish I did...
(Sorry, gotta get back on track)
Leadnow is pretty neat since they cover a lot of the things I mentioned, all in one - equity, just society, environment, democracy. They ask what their members want them to focus on, and try to facilitate advocacy campaigns around it. They're also struggling to hit their fundraising goals this year.
Also consider donating to your local marginalized group. Spend money at their businesses and the like too! It can go a long way.
Another organization that facilitates the stuff we need to address all these other issues is the Tamarack Institute. Again, Canadian, but take a look and see if your region has something similar! They work on building better communities, which means resilience, climate action, ending poverty, helping youth, and addressing equity and inclusion. In that vein, the Community Tool Box is from the University of Kansas but is freely available to use (and donate to).
Oh, also can't go wrong with the Wikipedia donations of course.
I hope this isn't overwhelming - donor fatigue is a real thing, and its hard to feel like its worth it in the end. But it really does help~
I also realize I may not have mentioned many health care orgs, which you know is a concern for me since I've added my voice in the tags enough (what're u doin in my private but publicly available tag thoughts anyway HUH?! Jkjk I never realized this may come back to me someday lol). Truth is though, I'm not well versed in those - there's a lot and even individual hospitals around here need donations to fund what they do. It fuckin sucks.
In sum: Decide what you believe is important. Everyone from their own field will say their own thing is most important. It's hard to argue for or against it since I don't quite know every field. Causes that need more attention might be more local and need community support, or they might need funds to be more impactful even if the organization is big. But that's probably because the problem is big and doesn't get the attention it needs. Or it could cover so many other issues, or it may (appear to) be the core where the problem stems from. Its hard to parse, I know, but I do hope this helped in some way.
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novumtimes · 17 days
REVOLT Reacts After Video Of Diddy Abusing Cassie Surfaces
REVOLT released a statement amid surfaced video of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs abuse against Cassie. REVOLT Reacts To Diddy’s Abuse Video REVOLT’s statement read, “We are deeply saddened and disturbed by the recent video circulation of our former chairman, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs.” “Even with his recent separation from REVOLT, it is still our duty to address this matter, and recognize the direct impact has on our staff, our audience, and the culture we represent,” the network stated.  Additionally, the platform stated they side with victims of abuse but did not explicitly name Cassie. “REVOLT stands in solidarity with all who have been a victim of abuse and remain committed to upholding the values and integrity our community expects from us. We vehemently stand against any form of domestic abuse and will always be a fearless advocate for truth and accountability.” What Else Has Happened Between The Company & Sean Combs? As previously reported, Combs parted ways with REVOLT in March, meaning he is no longer associated with the brand “in any form or fashion.” He reportedly sold his shares in the company for an undisclosed amount. His permanent separation occurred after federal agents arrested his alleged drug trafficking accomplice, per TMZ. However, Diddy had begun distancing himself from the company in Nov. 2023. He stepped down as company chairman after Cassie sued him for sexual assault, abuse, and trafficking that same month. Combs was hit with two more similar lawsuits after settling with his ex for an undisclosed amount. RELATED: REVOLT Reacts After Diddy Steps Down As Company Chairman Amid Assault Allegations Social Media Reacts To REVOLT’s Statement After REVOLT made their stance known, The Shade Room’s comment section was popping with reactions. @charlie.one.time stated, “Even with his recent separation… ‘meaning ‘let us remind these folks he ain’t with us anymore.” “It’s hard to believe he’s been doing this for decades and everyone is just now finding out….i can only imagine what Kim had to endure,’ @_simplyyyken stated. @1brotherjoshua added, “Diddy needs to just come out, admit he may have a substance abuse problem, take some classes & donate money to organizations that fight against domestic violence. Completely won anything wrong he’s done & begin his road to redemption & healing.” “Everybody know. Everyone around him know. Everyone with money tied up with him knew. Remember that” @officialsarahlaina said. @teagossipnews co-signed, “These allegations aren’t new. The companies decided to turn a blind eye just like his celebrity friends.” Meanwhile, the LA County District Attorney’s Office also recently spoke on the viral abuse video. Their statement revealed why they won’t be pursuing criminal charges against Combs at this time. Source link via The Novum Times
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mitigatingacademics · 8 months
LSAT Trainer: Lesson 27
Focus was not good tonight*, I'm not a huge fan of the Trainer's approach to Logic Games, and this took way longer than previous lessons...so we moved right on along to other things.
Finished Law Man: Memories of a Jailhouse Lawyer (🎉)
Review/Notes to follow.
How to be Sort of Happy in Law School -- Finished Section 2
I seem to be enjoying this more now that I'm reading it for what it is rather than what I hoped or expected it to be.
*The reason my focus was worse tonight than the past 3 nights is because I have much better access to social media in the accounting office than at the baggage desk.
It's not rocket science. I allowed Twitter to be a distraction.
In many ways I found the range of hot takes on the Israel situation almost impossible to look away from.
Spouted with equal confidence from those whose resumes include experience of foreign policy advising to the federal government to those Fox News informed individuals who couldn't find the areas in question on a map if their lives depended on it.
One that sticks with me is the medical doctor (sir, no one needs your opinion on this issue) who described the statement of an apparently Palestinian U.S. Congress woman as 'disgraceful' because she suggested that killing of all civilians, regardless of affiliation, is tragic.
How is that disgraceful?! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
It seems somewhat distasteful to call others out for nothing more than failing to condemn to death those you personally have decided are in the wrong even if they just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, does it not?
Do no harm?
Yikes, dude.
Then there was this...
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...which got me more riled up than I'd like to admit.
Liz never told anyone that she's anything other than exactly what she is.
These kind of 'gotcha' posts directed at liberals (this guy's base!) whom they refer to as 'Liz stans' are a perfect example of why people like me (I used to self identify as a Socialist, ffs) no longer feel completely comfortable thinking of themselves as part of the Left.
Why would you do this? What are you getting out of it?
How does shaming the folks likely to vote the way you hope people will vote actually benefit you?
Some people do manage to be surprised by unhidden reality.
I remember seeing a comment on one of Liz's Tweets, way back when she was still campaigning, from someone that 'found out about her' and wished she hadn't donated to her.
Like...do you just throw money at people that say one thing you agree with without looking any further into it? ...and if that's the case, is that not your own fault? 🤦🏻‍♀️
I say this as a registered Democrat of over 20 years that also donated to Liz, knowing that she has many questionable inclinations.
The difference is, I had a complete understanding of what I was doing...and wouldn't have complained publicly if I'd had regrets.
It's no one else's responsibility to make you consider what is right in front of your face.
I mean...
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You don't get to come for Liz for being exactly what she told you (repeatedly) that she is.
That said, you can also educate people without shaming them.
(This is especially true if you're hoping not to alienate said folks.)
I also find this Tweet offensive in how it seems to imply that the "revelation" being referred to requires a specific response.
Like, "Oh no, she's demonstrating the values she always claimed to have...guess I'll have to stop supporting her now!"
"There could be no other possible reason for continuing to support a person with **insert controversial pov.** ...would be incongruent with liberal thought." 🤨😑 🙄
This is how liberal influencers push folks away.
I don't need you to think for me, friend.
👑 is problematic as fuck. I ❤️ her anyway.
I also still vote blue on most issues.
Stop working so hard to piss me off. 😂
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saunderskusk15 · 1 year
Giving Back: How You Can Help Fight Testicular Cancer
Testicular many forms of cancer is probably the most typical varieties of cancer among guys old 15 to 34, but it has a survival level of more than 90Per cent when found early. Testicular cancer contribution is a vital part of analysis and developing new therapy for this ailment. Donation is a simple and productive approach to contribute to locating an end to testicular malignancy. In this post, we will talk about what testicular cancers is, how you can donate, the advantages of donation, and how contribution will help people who have testicular cancer support.
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For starters, it's important to understand what testicular malignancy is. Testicular many forms of cancer the type of cancer that happens in the testicles, which are responsible for producing male growth hormone and semen. The most frequent symptoms are inflammation, piles, or discomfort in the testicles. Should you expertise any one of those, it is important to talk to a medical doctor without delay. Earlier management of testicular cancers frequently involves the removing of the influenced testicle, followed by chemo and rays. However, there is certainly still much more study which needs to be done to create new and much more powerful treatment options. That's where by testicular many forms of cancer donation will come in. Next, contributing to organizations that investigation testicular cancer is a great way to help thousands of people around the world. By giving, you may support account study that will cause new and much more efficient therapies, saving many lifestyles. Agencies just like the Testicular Malignancy Basis and Movember are focused on increasing cash for testicular cancers investigation. Giving to such businesses will fund research and end result in far more approaches to detect testicular cancers very early. Thirdly, there are lots of ways to donate to testicular malignancy investigation. One of the simplest ways is usually to donate cash with an organization that works with testicular cancer research. It's essential to investigation and look for companies which can be trustworthy and obvious about how exactly charitable donations are used. Some organizations enables you to give away just once, or set up regular month to month donations, so that it is an easy task to contribute whatever volume you can pay for. An alternate way to donate is as simple as elevating awareness in your group. It is possible to manage an occasion, similar to a marathon or a make transaction, to improve consciousness and money for testicular cancers analysis. Fourthly, giving to testicular malignancy research has many benefits. Via contributions, organizations can fund study which leads to earlier diagnosis techniques, prevention steps, and new therapies. With early on recognition getting factor to a very high survival amount, these study endeavours have the potential in order to save several day-to-day lives. Donations also help study centres to learn new and impressive strategies that will not be readily available without exterior backing. In addition, testicular malignancy research can also advantage other cancers and conditions, producing charitable contributions even more impactful. Last but not least, it's vital to distribute awareness about the value of testicular malignancy donation. Social networking systems like Twitter and Facebook are excellent areas to distributed the phrase, along with through word of mouth marketing. Encourage family and friends for additional details on testicular cancer donation and how they can help. Also, confer with your medical experts or nearby cancer middle to seek further more suggestions concerning how to give away.
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Simply Speaking: Testicular many forms of cancer affects 1000s of men throughout the world. By way of testicular many forms of cancer donation, you may be area of the means to fix getting a treat and aiding folks reside their finest lifestyle. Contributing is not difficult and can be carried out in different ways, such as rearing cash for analysis or adding standard charitable donations. It's essential to understand that testicular cancers contribution has many benefits, such as funding research which leads to early detection strategies and elimination steps. By distributing consciousness and encouraging other folks to donate, you are able to support help important study and carry an end to testicular malignancy. So, let us all can come forward and help produce a optimistic impact for the treatment and heal of testicular cancer.
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