#also why are they ALWAYS reaching for each other or angled towards each other
piper-2244 · 1 day
how gn!reader and spencer handle deeper feelings with each other- or how they don't handle them.
angsty fluff? some hard feelings? idk WHAT this is word count: 1258 warnings & tags & stuff: I was picturing mid seasons spence for this, brief mention of a spider?, insecure reader, ugh they're SO in love but also so quiet about it, ignoring problems, happyish ending author's note: first piece of writing on here! this is actually so bad but my brain is ROTTED from spencer fluff and honestly him in general, he's all i can think about so obviously i have to contribute to the epidemic
You hear footsteps bounding towards you and the door to the kitchen slam open. Spencer’s head swivels as he assesses the situation: you, backed into a corner, clutching a glass, looking directly at a point across the room with a terrified look in your eyes. Spencer’s face immediately relaxes and he moves over to take the glass from you.
“Where is it?” He asks calmly. You point, and the spider is quickly dealt with and brought outside. Spencer walks back into your apartment and you look at him, blushing a little, heart still pounding.
“Thanks,” you say, self-effacingly, taking the glass back from him and setting it in the sink. “I'm sorry for bothering you, I know you were in the middle of doing some work, and I know that my reaction was completely irrational, it’s just-”
“Hey,” he interrupts, reaching out to trace your arm lightly. “It's alright. It’s actually completely justifiable. Our brain is wired to be afraid of spiders because they were a larger threat to our ancestors. Today, although we seldom encounter spiders and they are not a constant threat to us, we still have this fear because it’s ingrained in our DNA,” he explains, trying to calm your anxiety. “I’m also around 80 percent done with my report. So I can finish it later in the week. I'm all yours.” He peers down at you, a small smile playing on his face. You admire his smile for a second or two before his words actually register and you squint disbelievingly.
“I don't know how I feel about that. I shouldn't be taking you from your…duties,” you say, tilting your head.
“My duties?” he asks, matching the angle of your head, laughing a little. You shrug, giving him a slight giggle too.
“Okay, duties are the wrong word. But you do do important work that I should recognise has to take priority sometimes. I bet Hotch would rather you finish your report tonight.” He nods quietly, and you know he agrees. He beckons his head, a signal you’ve come to know means ‘come closer and hug me’. You do so, hugging him tightly and letting his arms wrap around you. You back away after a bit and give him a signal of your own- standing on your tiptoes and looking at him expectantly. He bends down and kisses you firmly, arms still wrapped around you.
Your entire relationship is built off of signals like these. You two just seem to know when the other wants something, whether it be a hug or a kiss, or something more. It made things easy.
So you were also sure that Spencer knew that this kiss was making your heart literally melt. It’s like he can reach in through your sternum and hold your heart until it dissolves in his hands. You can feel it dripping through the cracks into your bloodstream until your legs are jelly and your head is spinning.
You pull away for air and rest your head on his chest.
“How about we compromise and I do it tomorrow?” He asks softly.
Your mouth creates an uncomfortable line. “I know I’m obviously not the boss of you, so feel free to do whatever it is you want…” You pause, trying to find the words. “I just feel like it’s important for me to not take you away from your work at all.”
It wasn’t the complete truth, but it wasn’t completely askew from what you meant to say.
The real, slightly more selfish truth was that you felt like it was easier to send Spencer off to do his work than to try and understand why he wouldn't always want to. You constantly felt so raw and open around him. Like he could always see you and your melting heart. It was insanely scary and new, and not easy at all.
That was not something you were willing to admit today, not right now.
“No, you're not the boss of me, but I do think you have opinions worth listening to and considering.” He kisses the top of your head. He pushes your hair back and looks you directly in the eye. “But I also really don’t want you to feel like you can’t ask me for things. Being in the BAU requires a sort of responsibility. Not to just do my work by the time it’s needed, but to also take breaks and spend time with the people I want to be around. Whether it’s to catch spiders or to give her kisses. Okay?” He checks.
“Okay,” you say quietly. He looks at you patiently, knowing that you had more feelings in your heart but also knowing that it was hard to come out and say it. It was a topic for another night, a braver night. He dips his head down to you, and smiles, almost excitedly.
“Ice cream?” You smile too at the change of topic, and nod.
“Can we get changed first?”
In your bedroom, you throw on a massive white T-shirt that you may or may not have stolen from Spencer many weeks ago, along with a pair of shorts. You turn your head over your shoulder to where Spencer was digging around in his bag. “Did you pack comfy clothes? I know we didn’t discuss sleeping over or anything,” you ask.
“Uh, yeah, do you have a shirt I could borrow?” he responds, not looking up. You dig through your drawers and toss him one of his own shirts, this one Dr. Who themed and navy blue. It lands on his face and he swats it away. “Hey, I was wondering where this went!” He exclaims, looking up at you, offended. He takes notice of your shirt, and stands up straight and moves toward you, feeling your shirt between his fingers. “This too. Theft is in fact a crime.” You blush bashfully in response.
“I like your shirts. They’re cuter than mine,” you argue. He shakes his head, smiling. Soon enough, you're on the couch, working on a pint of Tonight Dough.
Your legs are intertwined and you’re laying on his chest, trying to get to the ice cream he was teasing you with, moving away as you chase it with the spoon. “Stop it,” you giggle. He wrestles the spoon from your grip and digs it in the ice cream.
“Open,” he says quietly. You do so, savoring the taste.
You stay like that for a good while longer, just holding each other, until you break the silence.
“Thanks for making time for me tonight,” you whisper, giving him a soft kiss on his chin. He looks at you and gives you a kiss on your forehead. A meaningful one. One that said a few things that were too scary to say.
It was nice, knowing that you had time to figure out your emotions, that there was no hurry. Your problems and insecurities would still be there tomorrow. You could choose to ignore them for a bit. You could look away from the fact that you weren’t exactly sure why Spencer picked you out of all the other girls. Spencer could ignore the fact that going to work was the most terrifying thing because he finally had something to lose. You could just stay like that, intertwined, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
You let the rest of the ice cream melt on the couch side table, not unlike your heart, neither of you strong enough to get up and put it back in the freezer.
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polin-erospsyche · 30 days
Ok real talk here and I’ll preface this by saying I do not ship Luke and Nic together I just really love their friendship. But I cannot be the only one who’s highly highly bothered whenever they do not stand close together to the point of touching. Like whenever there is some kind of space between the two of them my brain just goes on high alert thinking things aren’t as they should be.
Like just for illustration sake:
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Touching. Everything feels right in my little brain. Happy and safe place.
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Not touching. Things are going haywire in my brain. What is that potted plant doing there? Get it away. Give them a couch so they can touch for god’s sake!
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fernandopiastri28 · 2 months
you love me (i really do) ~ lando norris
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~ part 1 ~
warnings: drinking, angst
Everything came back to her now about that night in a flash, the night Lando got a podium in Singapore. It had seemed like a blur in the moment, since the celebration had been so quickly swallowed up by endless shots, blaring music, too much touching, and the way Lando’s touch felt hot and heavy all over her.
He’d wanted to celebrate it, that’s obviously why he was crazy drunk- his eyes bright with the sort of excitement only a champion had. He’d been so happy, soaking up every moment of attention that blared on him. Sure, Carlos had won the race, but Lando had been enjoying each second like he was the one taking home the first place trophy.  
The photos and videos seemed endless. There was him getting out of the car, his toothy grin, the way his face lit up in pride as he raised the trophy high above his head. Each scroll past the photos felt like more of her restraint being chipped away at her body.
Her situation had become so direly drastic to the one she’d found herself deep within only a matter of hours ago. Her surroundings went from the blinding neon lights of the club, to the sudden dim shade as her head remained buried under layers of thick blankets. Her neck craned at an uncomfortable angle to look at her phone screen as her thumb idly swiped through twitter. It seemed like a bad dream, a bad hangover at that- all regret with all good memories just narrowly out of reach.
Seemingly, the whole platform had been going crazy over the ‘CarLando’ podium. The memory of seeing it first hand was beyond hazy for her, but seeing the photos now- it must’ve been the best of his career. Standing on the second step next to his best friend, champagne coated his face in a glimmering sheen under the luminous night light celebrations. 
Each new piece of media that appeared on her timeline caused her resolve to falter slightly more, being steadily replaced with the desire to bombard his phone with strings of apology texts. She shouldn’t have walked out on him, she shouldn’t have left without an apology, she shouldn't have ignored the three times he’d tried to call her presumably just after he’d woken up in an empty bed.
But she also shouldn’t have slept with him.
He was her best friend and not even a day ago, he was on top of her, all over her, inside her. Who’s to say when he did it with her would’ve been different? It was likely the exact same as every other time for him- have a good race (sometimes even if it had been a shitty one), get drinks, wait for a flock of attention from girls, give the most basic of compliments, ‘ you have beautiful eyes,’, ‘you’re fucking gorgeous in that dress,’, and wait for them to fall to their knees for him- literally.
Maybe it would wash over, maybe he’d be fine by the Japanese grand prix, Qatar at the least. He’d be fine, he always was. He somehow managed to consistently pick himself back up after each bad race, getting over a one night stand would be much easier than that.
Japan was the race directly after Singapore, and she didn’t attend. Lando wasn’t going to miss her, she’s pretty sure of that. After the initial few calls he’d attempted to make to her the morning she left him in the hotel, he’d gone seemingly radio silent. He was posting regularly on instagram, liking stupidly immature tweets, even hinting towards big upcoming projects for quadrant. He was.. normal. Unaffected clearly.
She took a flight to Australia, reckoning it was just about the safest place she could escape from Lando. The Australian grand prix was way back at the beginning of the year, and unlike his teammate, this wasn’t even his home, and he had no reason to go there.
She could camp out here for as long as she pleased- or at least until the middle of march when the 2024 Australian grand prix would be taking place. From the 24 of september until the 20 of march (give or take a few days), she had just about 6 months to sort herself the fuck up with him, or just escape somewhere else.
Trying to ignore all the information and blast of new media as the Qatar grand prix approached was near unignorable. McLaren was clearly confident about the track, and they believed that even under the unideal conditions of the track and the surrounding environment, that the cars were designed to fit each aspect of the Lusail Circuit.
And she wasn’t necessarily purposefully ignoring anything Lando related- in actuality she sometimes found her fingers hovering over a new interview of his. It was refreshing to see him happy, looking a whole lot better than she’d been feeling the last few days. So when her calendar pings as a reminder that qualifying was happening at 7 am, despite the stupid hour she’d need to be awake for it- she watched it anyways. 
Lando narrowly ended in 10th after his lap times were deleted. Oscar suffered the same fate, but still had the advantage of being 3 places ahead of his senior teammate for the sprint shootout. Unfortunately he suffered again in the sprint shootout, Oscar starting in pole position while he came narrowly behind in second. Considerably an impressive feat, but for someone who wasn’t satisfied if he was not very first- Lando couldn’t have seemed more disappointed.
The sprint was worse for him afterwards, dropping from 1st to 2nd as Max took his spot. Oscar retained his pole, keeping his pace throughout the whole race to eventually take home his first win (even if ‘ it wasn’t a real race’) as a rookie. Lando, once again, was not thrilled. After being in the sport for 5 years, he was still chasing the high that would accompany a win.
On the day of the actual race, Lando performed only slightly worse than Oscar- the two of them securing the second ‘McPodium’ of the season with Oscar on the second step and Lando in third. Beneath the sheer exhaustion, near matching grins spreaded across both of their faces as they proudly held up their trophies. There was no doubt that Lando would every let the fact that his rookie teammate got win before he did- that much was evident in all the post race interviews. 
There were certainly moments where she contemplated sending him a message, congratulating him on another podium to add to his collection. It did feel wrong though, appearing again out of nowhere when he achieved something notable. She didn’t want to come across that she’d only be there for him when he was successful. In actuality, she really just wanted to be back in his life. Surely a week without contact wouldn’t end the multi-year friendship they had.
But after all, a lot can happen in one night. Maybe Lando would gradually just turn into a distant memory of hers- somebody that she once knew.
At COTA, Lando secured his fourth podium in a row. He’d gotten 2nd in Singapore, 2nd in Japan, 3rd in Qatar, and back up to 2nd in America. This time, Oscar doesn’t join him on the podium, Lewis does instead. Two multi world champions- one a recent 3 time champion, the other with 7 titles- and Lando right there next to them. He’d be next, she was sure he would be.
It’s quite the sight, the three men stood up on their respective steps. Lewis- the past of formula one. The man who ruled the sport for years, taking home win after win. Only challenged by the very race winner of Max Verstappen. He was the face of formula one for the time being, and likely could be for the following few years. There were only a few talents in the sport who had the potential to fight Max for those future titles- and Lando was certainly one of them. He had a good car, a teammate who could challenge and push him to be a better driver, he had the determination- the drive to win.
Mexico wasn’t anything to write home about. She tried to not watch it, getting an icky feeling each time she saw Lando on screen because the only place her mind would go to was how sweet his mouth tasted. It seemed that the only thoughts that would flood her brain each time she saw anything related to him, her body went into a sort of remembering state when all she could think about was how she’d felt that night. He ended in 5th, so maybe she should’ve just not watched the race. His face was hardly shown beyond a clip of him just before getting onto the car, and then in the post race interviews. At least she didn’t stay up all night thinking about it.
Brazil on the other hand was a race worth watching- Max in 1st, Lando in 2nd, Fernando in 3rd. The gap between Alonso and Norris is insane, especially given Fernando was a 2 time world champion with more than 20 years of experience. He’d be next, she knew it. He’ll be a world champion soon, and her only wish was that she’d be smart enough and brave enough to reach out with congratulations. She also hoped that he’d be happy to receive one from her.
Notably the worst race of the season is Las Vegas, given that Lando crashed on Lap 3. He slammed straight into a barrier, his car almost flinging backward with the power of hitting a wall at 180mph. It was the only race she didn’t want, but hearing about it afterwards sent a cold sweat down her back. A sharp inhale filled her lungs and her hand stayed attached over her gaping mouth. She didn’t check how bad the crash was initially, and wad glad when she heard he was out without any injuries.
Finally, the season finale in Abu Dhabi occurred. After such an intense season (that she’d shamefully tuned in for more than she would’ve liked to admit post Singapore), it was almost a relief when the race ended, because of the realisation that she wouldn’t have to hear about Lando for a few months, until preseason testing at least. 
With the slight friendship (and possibly to be further blossoming) she’d managed to accumulate with Oscar, she’d found out the Brit was basically doing a world tour over the winter holiday. Places such as Bali and Vietnam, then all the way over to Finland- or an adjacent. She’d be safe, the only two drivers who would be in the same continent as her would be the two actual Australian drivers- Liam in New Zealand if he counted in the f1 drivers realm.
So she took the few weeks she had off of work- which wasn’t ever really solid as it seemed her career was all over the place, she took those solid-off holiday weeks to venture out to familiarise herself better with Australia. Sydney- she knew well, Brisbane maybe even more so. Melbourne the most due to attending the grand prix there every year for the past 6 seasons. But in all her time spent in Australia, she’d never truly gotten around to exploring Western Australia.
So she did what any right minded person visiting Perth who had connections to F1 would do- she reached out to Daniel and asked for any recommendations for her holiday. But instead of simply giving her a list of places to eat, shops to visit, sights to see, he straight up invites her to spend a week at his farm.
Yep, Daniel Ricciardo, farm owner.
Obviously, she accepted the invitation due to lack of other plans and pure interest about what a f1 driver of over a decade could possibly need a farm for. So the next day, her legs awkwardly cramped up in between her suitcase and the back of the passenger seat in the taxi. Her fingers idly drummed against the window as sparse pellets of rain hit against it. The sun blared down through the glass despite the rain- clearly a perth summer was no joke when it came to heat.
The timing of the car finally slowing down just in front of Daniel’s farm/house/home situation perfectly aligned for when her phone died. Manoeuvring her feet out of the tight squeeze where her suitcase was crushing her legs was her first problem, actually picking it up to carry out of the car was a whole different one. Once again, luckily for her Daniel was standing at the door, his signature grin lighting up his face. 
After a tight hug and a quick exchange of the past few months they hadn’t seen each other for (the time post SIngapore), he picked up her suitcase with ease and lugged it inside. The inside of his house was nice, beautiful even. That was expected for a millionaire- but it wasn’t the typical too much money, not enough actual taste , it was classy and elegant, while maintaining a certain homely charm.
“This is beautiful, Dan,” She murmured, shaking her head back as she gathered her hair into a ponytail. He barked out a laugh as he kicked off his shoes, 2 scuff marks on the ground ruining the otherwise picturesque place. 
“Thank you,” He grinned, “I try my best- or more so Heidi does,” Ah, that made more sense. Not that Daniel didn’t seem capable of designing a nice place, but the fact that it was actually his girlfriend made a whole lot more sense. 
Nudging her shoes off and over to join next to his, she gently stretched out her limp to relieve the formed tension in her back, “Heidi does a fantastic job then,” Her eyes travelled around the living room, taking in each piece of wall art and decorative choice.
Daniel’s dirtied socks glided smoothly along the marble floors, “Can I get you a drink?” He hummed, one hand on the kitchen island to steady himself as the other opened the fridge door. He grabbed out a beer can for himself and so out of pure convenience and not wanting to seem ‘fussy’, she asked for the same.
The harsh, bitter taste of beer abused her throat, an unpleasant and unwelcome decision at only 3 in the afternoon. On the other hand, getting her first drink down then meant that as the night progressed further, and drinks got heavier- she’d be somewhat prepared from such a light percentage drink. 
The rest of the evening was spent outside on the balcony, sipping beer and discussing the end of the season- how it had felt to get back to racing for him since the last race she’d actually seen in person was in Singapore where he’d been replaced with Liam. 
They spoke briefly about Liam at that, Max too- mainly his dominance that season, partially about him as a person in general. They moved to speaking about Oscar’s rookie year, and then unsurprisingly, the topic landed onto Lando.
Finally, in the last hour before midnight, with her legs tucked up to her chest, she looked to her left where Daniel was in a rocking chair next to her. “I hooked up with Lando in Singapore,” She murmured, her index nail scraping along the condensation lined glass where only the last few drops of her whiskey-coke remained. “We hooked up and then I just left him there,” Daniel’s eyebrows shot up, his lips parting in shock.
“I knew that,” He eventually exhaled, his words completely different from his surprised reaction. “LN told me pretty much the day after it happened, and for the following weeks too,” Shit, that felt awful to hear. Part of her had wished that Lando had magically stopped caring the day after it had happened- she wanted it to be easy on him unlike how it was for her. It was her decision to have left, he shouldn’t have to continue to feel so deeply affected.
The wrinkles in the corners of her eyes deepened as she looked down, a comical laugh escaping her lips. “Why’d you react like that then?” Her lips feel cold as her throat remains hot from the intense burn of the vodka shots they’d stupidly taken a few hours prior. “You looked.. shocked,”
“I was,” He admitted, downing the last of his drink before resting it on the corner of his armrest, the corner of the glass hitting the wood with a clink. “ I am , I’m shocked you’re actually admitting you just abandoned the bloke after a night together. He thought you would never mention it again- never speak to him again,”
The edge of passive aggression in his voice is noticeable even to the most clueless people. It made her squirm in her seat, the palms of her hands get sweaty, and a bitter taste filled her mouth. Daniel wasn’t the type to ever get mad with anyone, or even be any bit confrontational, so the way he was speaking to her seemed so out of Ricciardo fashion.
“I know,” Her voice was barely a low hum, self disappointment pulsing through her body. “I’ve felt like shit ever since- if that means anything,” When her eyes lifted off the wood panel of the balcony fence and towards Daniel, he was looking far out towards the night sky. 
His gaze met hers though, his bottom lip grazing under his teeth. It was strange seeing him that serious. “Doesn’t really mean too much to me, I think Lando needs to hear that,” Yeah , apologising to Daniel wasn’t going to do much was it? Lando was the one she’d left.
“He actually cares?” Her voice came out more surprised and untrusting than she’d expected. The scrunch of his eyebrows and twist of his lips in confusion gets her to keep talking. “Yeah, like.. I guess I just assumed it would be just like any other hook up for him,” Her hand carded through her hair, pushing it off her forehead. 
“He cares more than anything,” Daniel murmured, a slight laugh attached to his voice. He wasn’t mad at her at all, fully understanding her scepticism about how real the younger driver’s feelings were. “I know he doesn’t seem as if he cares about each girl he gets with- but he cares about you,” Their eyes meet in a sort of sad and poetic way. 
Daniel knows better than anyone the way she feels toward Lando, how she’s felt towards the Brit for years. Up until that night in Singapore, she’d waited for the day she could look at her best friend and not feel the most excruciating twisting in her stomach and cracking of her heart because he was the one thing she wanted, and the one thing she couldn’t have.
“In Vegas when he crashed, he asked for you,” The Aussie's voice had lost its humour, any sense of fun from earlier in the night having fully faded away. “So many times. He was hysterical, couldn’t understand why you weren’t there to hold his hand,” 
Holy fucking shit. She wanted to cry, a tightening sensation formed in her throat, becoming painful to swallow. “I should’ve been there,” She bit down on the inside of her cheek, the sharp metallic taste of blood spilling onto her tongue. “I fucking should’ve reached out when I heard,” 
He squeezed her hand tightly, his thumb squishing her hand up to reach the tips of his index and middle. “You had no way to know, you weren’t expected to be there either. You have your own life, Lando needs to know that,” She can’t shake it from her head though. “You’re not in the wrong, you don’t owe him to be there whenever he needs comfort. I think he just needs to know you’re not angry at him,”
Angry? Why on earth would she be angry? Lando hadn’t done a single thing wrong to her, she did owe it to him to be there when he crashed, when he was scared and alone. “Yes I do,” Her eyebrows drew to a pinch, a look of frustration clouding over her vulnerable near crying expression.
“ You don’t”
I do, Daniel. You don’t get it. I left him, I left him there alone straight after-
“He told me he loved me,” 
That got a genuine look of shock from the Australian. “Shit. I didn’t know that,” His voice got breathy and harsh around the edges. 
“Do you love him back?”
His hand left hers, moving to rub over his face. “Jesus,” It was so quiet between them that the noise of the near midnight light breeze was louder than either of them. “Does he know that?”
The muscles in her neck tensed with a deep swallow of the spit gathering in her mouth. Gross. “No. I don’t think he knows I heard him either,” She’d never felt more shameful. Her mind had been so fuzzy with alcohol and lust that it had just been too much. “I didn’t think he was serious. I didn’t think he could seriously love me,”
God, she needed to shut up before she began bawling her eyes out to Daniel.
“Why not?” She didn’t quite know how to answer his question. There were probably a million and one things she could give as half arsed replies to why she didn’t believe she and Lando should be together. The distance, constant travelling, lack of affection and physical ties. But Daniel could see right through her, he could see her lies.
“I’m just nothing like the girls he’s been with before. I didn’t- I don’t understand why when he could have absolutely anyone in the world, he’d want me,” She corrected herself, feeling far more vulnerable then she’d ever allowed herself to be in front of anyone before.
They’re no longer looking at each other, both too focused at staring up at the stars above them. “You make him feel safe. You’re the only one he’s always felt like a real person around. He’s not a race car driver with you, he’s not famous with you, he doesn’t have to perform and impress you, to you- he’s Lando, he’s your best friend. And to him, you’re home,” 
It’s difficult to form a single thought after that. So after the conversation pulled to a complete close, they both agreed it was late and they needed their rest. With a suffocating hug and reassurances that she’ll be okay, they parted ways- Daniel into his own room and her into the spare bedroom. His snores seeped into her room, yet they weren’t what kept her from sleeping. 
Lando was. 
She swore she could hear him everywhere, even smell him. She wanted him laying down right next to her, his arms around her waist as she slept with her head on his chest. He was the only thing that could calm her down, make her mind shut up for a bit so she could just rest.
Her head had begun pounding and her mouth became infinitely dry from the excessive drinking, so with a struggle to stand up straight, she headed downstairs to the kitchen. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness and her clammy hands gripped onto the handrails as she took each step one by one. 
Passing through the kitchen, she grabbed a glass out of a cabinet and poured a glass of cold water. She chugged it down eagerly, getting a refill before heading into the living room to sit on the couch and drink the rest. As the couch became visible to her poor sight, she saw a figure sitting at the end further away from her. A mop of curly hair was on top of the figure’s head- Daniel. 
Clearly he’d been unable to sleep like she had. Maybe he felt lonely too. Heidi was back in Portugal over the winter break, so he hadn’t seen her in a few weeks. He was probably in a similar boat as her right now.
She felt so empty after the past few weeks, and the hug she’d gotten from him only a few hours hadn’t quite been enough, so she set her glass down and stepped closer. The noise of her glass hitting the table grabbed the shadowed figure of Daniel’s attention, his head turning to face her. “Daniel,” She mumbled weakly, sprawling onto the couch next to where he was sitting and wrapped her arms loosely around him.
When he didn’t hug her back, she whined and dug her head into his chest. “Please Dan, I need a hug,” Her voice sounded so desperate as it hit her ears. “I just.. I want my brain to shut up for once, I- I’m just so tired,” 
“I’m not Daniel,” Her heart pounded in absolute panic. Her chest rose and dropped quickly as she attempted to think of all the possible explanations. This couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be an intruder. God, how had she been so stupid as to not switch on a light or anything before practically hurdling herself at this guy? If she died right now, it was all on her for being a thoughtless idiot. 
But in a moment of clarity where her mind considered who could possibly be at the house that wasn’t an intruder, she scanned through each person Daniel knew with curly hair and a British accent. Lewis? Didn't have curly hair. George? Also without curly hair. Ollie? Too young for Daniel to be friends with. 
“Lando?” A sharp exhale left her mouth as his name slipped out. She twisted her head to look up at him, his features only slightly visible in the near pitch black room. Sure enough, big green eyes and plump pink lips stood out to her. Her face crumpled, her heart thrumming in her chest. “ Lando”
He clearly had recognised her too, his lips parting as his expression softened. His eyes felt like a million knives jabbing into her, his intense stare mapping out her whole face. The smell of his cologne was harsh on her senses, yet was the most comfort she’d had in months.
“Why are you here?” Her tone sounded accusatory, which clearly wasn’t intentional. The comment landed poorly, his expression contorting strangely. Not helpful . 
“Spontaneous Australia trip,” He didn’t owe her an apology, but something was nagging at him to stay, to engage in the conversation. It was the most he’d seen of her in nearly 4 months. He couldn’t even begin to express how good it felt to hear her voice after so long. “Came to visit Dan, maybe Osc next. Dan always tells me if I’m ever in the country I can just come over.. so” He trailed off when she didn’t reply, and his mouth clamped back shut.
Just as it seemed he would get up and leave, his actions tense and rigid around her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. Quiet. Her mind finally went quiet. It was so peaceful for once. “I’m so sorry for everything,” Her voice was hardly a whisper, her mouth slightly muffled by the thick fabric of his hoodie. “I’m sorry for leaving, I’m sorry for not contacting you, I’m sorry for ignoring you when you tried to call,” Her breaths became more frantic, tears piling up in her eyes as she looked up at him.
“I’m sorry for- for hurting you, I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me,” Her mouth and lips were so painfully dry, her tongue darted out to wet her lips before forcing out the final apology. Just as she was about to, his mouth opened as if he was about to talk. “Don’t say it’s okay,” 
She knew him well enough to know exactly where he was going. He would apologise for absolutely everything that had ever happened to him, even if he wasn’t the one in the wrong. “Most of all,” Her throat tensed as he stared her down intensely. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you back.” 
His lips shaped into a huge smile after a few seconds of emotionless shock, as if the news was the most impossible thing he’d ever heard.
“And you shouldn’t forgive me,” She shook her head insistently. That was another thing hse knew about him, he was the most forgiving person ever. She could absolutely ruin his life a million times and with a single ‘ I’m sorry’ , they’d return back to being best friends. 
“You can’t,” Not only did she not believe she deserved his love, she didn’t believe she deserved any sort of forgiveness from him, much less for him to still love her after all this. All she wanted was for him to not have any hurt from the whole ordeal anymore. 
Lando tilted his head, his bottom lip tucked under his adorably gapped teeth. “You don’t get to decide that for me,” His eyes seemed impossibly bright despite the darkness, “Cause I want to love you, and it seems as if you love me too,” His right hand cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbing over her chin.
That was correct, she still loved him more than anything. She could fight those feelings away, give him all the excuses under the sun as to why she wouldn’t be with him- but her heart and mind wanted different things. Logically, dating a formula one driver who’s whole life revolved around travel and constant adrenaline- her life that consisted of a lot of mundane jobs and chilling at home, they just clashed .
The illogical part of her, the part that was thinking with her heart, believed that nothing would be better than to attend races, watch from the grandstands, and kiss him after each race. She could comfort him if he had a bad race or quali, she could be there to celebrate with after a podium or even a win. 
Right now, and maybe always, what her heart wanted was significantly outweighing what she thought was good for her. “Yeah, I do love you,” It didn’t feel or sound weird like it had when she’d told Daniel about it the night before. It felt good, really good. Very right too, because in all of her years of friendship with Lando- ever since she’d realised her feelings for him- she hadn’t ever admitted to herself that she loved him. 
But of course she did, it was clear as day. If she ever heard of anyone ‘liking’ someone the way she ‘liked’ Lando, she’d know immediately it was love.
Her confession felt even better when she saw how his face managed to light up even further. 
There was more she could’ve apologised for, and she could easily keep going, but she was quickly shut up with two lips pressed up against her own. Lando tasted just as sweet as he always did, a tinge of mint presumably from gum earlier on. 
Her lips didn’t adjust into the kiss at first, until he began to pull back and her lips secured over his bottom one, keeping him there. It took a few moments to warm up to it, but her mouth starts moving in time with his. It’s so quiet in the living room that the only noise is the quiet hums and sighs they both let out. “I’m really sorry,” She murmured again
His hands moved to position her body to be straddling him, not necessarily to make the kiss sexual, but to make the angle more comfortable. “I forgive you,” His teeth tug on her bottom lip, drawing out the kiss for longer. He grinned against her lips, kissing her softer over and over. “And I love you,” He murmured again. “So- please- stop- apologising,” He kissed her in between each word, trying to push forward his point.
It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, “Okay,” Her cheeks felt hot to the touch, painted a darker shade of rosy red with each kiss. “Sorry,”
Lando groaned, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her in for more kisses. “For each time you apologise, I’m gonna shut you up with kisses,” He threatened, nudging her cheek with his nose.
“Sorry, but I’m gonna keep saying sorry then. Sorry, sorry, sorry” He kept his promise, kissing her after each and every apology. “Mmm, yeah. Sorry,” Her fingers slid into place in his mess of curls, tugging gently to keep him in place for each kiss. 
“Bad idea.” He clicked his tongue, tilting his head to avoid her kisses. “No kisses till you stop saying it,”
That worked. 
“Okay, I’ll stop. I promise,” She held out her pinky finger to further the promise. He kissed the tip of her finger and then held it tight. 
“ Good ,” His lips slotted back into place with hers, his hands resting on her hips as hers tangled further into his hair. “You’re so pretty,” He hummed, licking into her mouth with slow and calculated moves.
“Hmm, you’re prettier,” Her whole body felt hot, but so cosy on top of him. She hadn’t quite realised how tired she was until that very moment, her words slightly slurred and her eyes heavy. She rubbed at her eyes, blinking away exhaustion.
He shifted underneath her, tucking his hands under her thighs to help wrap her legs around his waist. “Arms around my neck,” He whispered, intentionally keeping his volume to a minimum so as to not wake her up more. 
Her body felt limp as she rested all her weight onto him. He lugged her upstairs, opening the door with one hand as his other arm remained around her waist. “Lannnn,” She whined as she pressed more kisses to his neck. 
“Yeah baby?” He murmured as he laid her down on the bed, her body heavy and weak as it hit the mattress. “What’s up?” Her arms dropped down to her sides as they unlinked from around his neck.
“Stay,” It wasn’t a suggestion or question, more an incredulously desperate request. “Please, want you to stay,” She tugged at the hem of his shirt, wrapping it around her fingers.
He gave her a knowing look before nudging her over in the bed, crawling under the sheets next to her. “You’re not going to walk out this time?” He raised his eyebrows, his teeth poking out over his bottom lip when he grinned.
“I’m gonna say it,”
“Don’t” His voice went serious.
“I’m gonna say it,”
“Do.. not.. say.. It,”
Lando let out a long groan, hauling himself half on top of her to smother her with his arms. “You are such a pain in my ass,” 
“You love me,” She pecked him, fighting back sleep just so she could keep kissing him
“I do love you,” He caved and removed his arms, placing them on either side of her face to corner her and kiss all over her flushed face.
“I love you more,” 
“Not possible,” He tutted, “And you need to sleep- now,” He nuzzled into her neck, his nose bumping against her ear. 
“I just wanna stay up kissing,” She scrunched her nose up, her lip raising in disappointment. 
Lando’s laugh was breathy against her skin, his hand idly swiping across her stomach to maintain some sort of touch. “Tomorrow. We’ll spend all of tomorrow kissing- I promise,”
That was satisfactory enough. She stared up at the ceiling, a complete different scenario from when she’d done exactly this last time with Lando laying on her. This time, there wasn’t a single cloud of doubt in her mind. She knew how much he loved her, she felt right being so close to him, not worried for how things might change between them and if it would be awful the day after. She just needed to keep faith and keep communication.
As she felt her eyelids getting too heavy to keep hers open, she swiped her hand over Lando’s forehead to push his hair up and place a kiss there. He looked up at her slightly, and with a smile, “Oscar lives in Melbourne,” He looked confused, probably thinking that he was mishearing her from lack of rest. “Huh?” His voice all deep and scruffy from sleep. 
“The flight from Perth to Melbourne is over 3 hours- you can’t really just pop down the street to go visit Oscar,” Lando laughed weakly at that. He shrugged, wiggling up closer towards her so his chin was over her shoulder.
“He’ll come visit- he’ll be ecstatic to know that we’re on good terms again,” Her hand drifted up under his shirt, her thumbs pressing into the joints of his back.
“Oscar and ecstatic are two words that absolutely do not go together,” She mused, a complete disconnect from her mind and whatever her hand was doing. All she knew was that Lando was enjoying it based on the noises he was letting out.
“A half smile may dance across his mouth at the joyous information,” God , Lando had such a strange way with words. 
“You’re weird ,” 
“You love me,”
“I really do,”
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averywiseanimatedcat · 4 months
6 months on it still thinking about how much of a shock that kiss must’ve been to Aziraphale.
The way Crowley steers his cooperation around really gave Aziraphale no warning at all. I was thinking about the development of their body language and it’s interesting to me so have an analysis under the cut.
Crowleys body language doesn’t change all that much over the course of their history. After their initial meetings as angels then in Eden, Crowleys already leaning in, orbiting and slinking around in quite a comfortable, familiar way. He tends to angle his body towards Aziraphale and stands quite close to him. He shows no sign of being fearful or uncomfortable. He quite happily moves in and around Aziraphales personal space without a care in the world even when they hardly knew each other yet.
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Aziraphale however starts out looking guarded and unsure. He often stands facing forward while talking to Crowley sideways.
As we go through history Aziraphale becomes more comfortable. He opens up, starts to angle his body more towards Crowley, stops guarding with his hands and moves into Crowleys space on his own. And he starts to initiate physical contact where it’s not even necessary.
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But the only times I can think of Crowley initiating physical contact before the kiss are ones that could easily be written off as just friendly or something else like
The wall push (which was aggressive)
The magic shop handshake is practical for sealing the deal
The handhold for the swap (mutual initiation, also practical we assume)
Sitting on the arm of the chair and kinda sorta leaning on Aziraphale when Muriel turns up
Crowley also tends to reject Aziraphales touch by removing himself from it like in the 1800’s, dodging with some roundabout footwork or leaning away. With moments like the pub or the shoulder touch he doesn’t have much of a visible reaction. Granted his eyes are hidden but Aziraphale probably thinks he just doesn’t like being touched. And yes, Neil said they like holding hands, but do they know the other likes holding hands?
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And I can hear you say ok then why does Crowley always put himself within touching distance if he don’t wanna be touched? Yeah, he does, but from Aziraphales perspective Crowley has always done this. He’s always been standing close or leaning in. It’s just how he is. Aziraphale is the one who’s changed. He’s become walking megaphone just blasting ‘please hold my hand before I discorporate on the spot pleasepleaselpleaseplease…’
Aziraphale is clearly a physical touch being. He reaches for Crowley in the most stressful or emotionally charged moments. And I think he has been holding back (we can see that on his face) but there’s times where he seems to stop himself mid motion from touching Crowley. Such as after Gabriels appearance and Az is trying to keep Crowley calm
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When Crowley says he’s going to take the humans out
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And when Crowley goes to take Maggie and Nina out of the bookstore when Heaven and Hell are there. There is a safety element here as it’d be unwise for him to show his affection with Heaven or Hell around but Aziraphales first instinct is to reach for him. But Crowley just gets out of the way like he does it all the time. It’s another dance they do, Aziraphale pursues with physical affection, Crowley avoids. And Aziraphale doesn’t want to cross boundaries he’s perceiving Crowley to be putting up around physical affection so he’s holding it back.
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And I think all that is part of the reason Aziraphale looks angry after the kiss. He’s possibly thinking (among many other things) that Crowley has rejected or ignored his physical affection all this time, making Aziraphale think he didn’t want it when he did. And that would be a painful thing to realise when you thought you yearned alone.
So I don’t blame Aziraphale for being upset when he gets this sudden enormous dose of physical contact out of the blue. He had no warning. On the contrary, Crowleys been acting like a big, prickly, demonic cactus. And it would’ve been endlessly confusing to be kissed after years believing the want for even the lightest of touches wasn’t reciprocated.
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krashoutluv · 4 months
What ifffffffff AK! Jason with an s/o who's like the overworked therapist friend? Also congrats on 90 followers! Hopefully it's 100 soon!
GOTCHU ANON, I FUCKIN GOTCHU. N’ we hit 100+!! Thank you so much!
While I am not an overworked therapist friend, I have experience with people in my life leaning on me as an emotional crutch so I’m gonna do my fuckin’ best for u anon.
also reminder to set healthy boundaries for yourself, you’re not a bad person if you aren’t capable to handle someone else’s mental and physical problems. If someone ever gets mad at you for not handling THEIR shit, please know that it is not a good person and you are not wrong for cutting them off or setting boundaries with them. anyways—
AK!Jason x “Overworked Therapist” Friend as an S/O
SFW Drabble + Headcanons
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You had just gotten off an three hour long call with a friend, deciding to make some pancakes. You leaned back on your counter as you set two pancakes on the pan and pondered. Your friend was going through a lot, a break-up seemed like the end of the world. But you understood that. Thats why they confided it all in you. You could understand and advise when needed. The physical toll, the constant conversation filled with overwhelming emotions, the never-ending turmoil other people always seem to stick you in, one after another. It made you wonder at times, if understanding, if being able to put yourself in other shoes, if being able to see at different angles, if being able to see every detail in a never-ending portrait that is someones life, is it worth it? Would it be easier to close your eyes, to turn off your phone? Is it worth? Losing the beauty of understanding, of being able to see the finer details that most seemingly can’t quite pick up?. Is it a burden to bear but a blink of someone’s life?
Oh shit!
Jason snapped his fingers at you twice while walking to the stove. You hadn’t even notice the burning smell of the pancakes that Jason was now flipping. “I don’t get it.” his husky voice was flat. You could tell, he wasn’t mad or upset, genuinely confused trying to wrap his head around something— oh the pancakes!
“Oh, I was spacing out and lost tra-“
“Not the pancakes.” He paused for a few moments, eyes furrowed as he thought to himself before speaking once more. “You work yourself off just by talking. I can see how tired you are after talking to someone about whatever bullshit they’re going through.—“ You always had noted that even if he spoke vulgarly he didn’t necessarily have aggression towards the topic. ”—You analyze over, then over, until you get it. Shit, you’ve probably thought to yourself something about me while I’m talkin’.”
Oops! He gotcha! He turns to you and reaches above your head for the cabinet with plates in it. “I don’t get why.” He said again flatly. He was closer to you breath just skimming your skin, but he really was just there for the plates lol. He took one then turned away, plating your two burnt pancakes with the one that looked a little undercooked, one that he made. Also noted. You took them and you murmur out your response,” I can’t just leave them, you know, they really feel safe with me and I can’t just blow them off randomly-“
“—Why not? They don’t do the same for you, some of them don’t even listen to your advice, and they don’t even fuckin’ pay you.” He attempted to sound humorous in that last one, but it his tone was still flat. He really did try though. You respond,
“The same reason you’re doing it for me, you care—“
“—The difference is, you do it for me too. So I do it for you, because we both..” his voice sounded endearingly soft spoken ”..care about each other.” You both paused, he was looking off to the floor leaning back on the counter across from you. “Listen, fine, I get it. You, care about them. But it’s taking a lot of your energy and time. So like, I don’t know fuckin’ pace yourself or somethin’.” He crossed his arms. “I hate— I don’t like to see how you get when people dump all of their shit on you. It’s not fair.” He was right. It wasn’t fair. Countless hours of you being up late because someone decided to keep you up with a dilemma, or someone making you late to something, you skipping meals cause your just too damn tired to move after coming home from someone’s monthly mental breakdown. He was right. It wasn’t fair. He stood up straight, his arms and legs crossed ‘Mean Girls’ style ,”Or I’m gonna start hanging up those calls on them in the middle of it. Thirty-minutes max or you’re charging.” You started giggling, trying to explain how he can’t do that in-between laughs. He smirked,
”Uh-huh, I will. Card only too.” He walked over to you, taking your emptied plate from you and putting it in the sink besides you. He propped himself up and looked into your eyes,”Just… Take it easy.” He reached for your hand, making a grabby motion at it. You place it into his scarred palm, his big ole’ hand making your hand look small. He took it softly and brought it to his lips and kissed softly. “Please.” He spoke softly again, voice cracking a little too. You nod, promising to find a way to get a even ground on it all instead of being overwhelmed with every call, text, conversation, you promised.
THE RED HOOD pulling up to someones house cause they won’t stop emotion dumping to you IK ITS A YT SHORT BUT ITS THE ONLY LINK I COULD FIND PLS SPARE MEEE — “Run yo’ pockets’ 😭😭
genuinely upsets him
He’ll still cook for you if you find yourself too tired after a that thirty minute call.
cause ong he wasn’t lying about hanging up.
had you lying to someone talkin about some..
‘ommgg sorry my phone died. 😭😭’
He just hates how overworked you get, especially doesn’t like when he’s at a low moment and he already knows your overstressed and still comforting him.
JASON comin’ for that damn phone as soon as the call hit 30:01
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i had fun writing this. i need ak jason wtf☹️
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littlxpxtal · 14 days
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 2.8k
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Our secret moments in your crowded room
They got no idea about me and you
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
December Continued
Rafe waits a few seconds before following me into the bathroom, keeping an eye out for anyone who might’ve seen us go in together.
“Okay take a few with the flash and a few without” I say, handing him my phone and propping my body up against the sink.
“Didn’t think I was actually gonna take pictures” he grumbles, sitting on the lip of the tub and angling the phone up towards me.
“Thats why I asked you up here duh.” I say in between flashes. “Lemme take some of you.” grabbing the phone out of his hands I take a few images of him before he stands up and presses my arms to my sides, pushing me up against the sink.
“I have a hard time believing this is all you wanted to come up here and do” he murmurs into my ear, pushing my hair back off of my neck, pressing a wet kiss on my shoulder.
I can smell the peppermint lingering from his mouth as his lips trail up to reach my chin.
“I told you, you were my photographer tonight.” I say simply, opening my phone to inspect the images he captured. 
“You know, I love to see you in all black, like you normally wear. But red. Red’s my favorite color. Did you know that?”
I did know that. I’ve known since we were little that Rafe always picked out red toy trucks, red swim trunks, he had red bed sheets back when he slept in a twin sized bed. I remember when we were little kids running around figure 8, he would wear a red cape. He also has a red scooter that he wouldn’t let anyone ride, except me. His notebooks in school were always red, and when he got a bike for his 10th birthday he got a matching red helmet. I had always associated Rafe with Red, I guess I didn’t realize it until now. 
“I remember” I say, finally letting out the breath I was holding as his hands graze over my body, pulling my dress up ever so slightly.
“I could never tell what your favorite color was.” he says, letting out a chuckle before pressing kisses along my jawline.
“You always wore purple bathing suits, but would throw a tantrum if you didn’t get the orange towel. Your bike was yellow but your helmet was pink. And you always wore those green sneakers until they practically fell apart.” I giggled, remembering those pair of green Converse I wore until the soles gave out. I smile at the thought of simpler times, when Sarah and I hung out every day, Rafe terrorizing us on the playground, always demanding to be it during tag, tackling us to the ground. 
Lost in thought, I barely realize Rafe is sliding my panties down my legs. I btie my bottom lip and look up at him, remembering all the history we had together, how we went from childhood friends, to hating each other for years and then to this. Whatever the fuck this was.
He turns me around to face the mirror, pushing me forward. I hear his pants unzip and fall to the ground.
“So what is it?” he asks, running a finger through my folds. I let out a groan and squeeze my eyes shut. “What’s your favorite color?”
He teases my entrace with his cock, pushing slowly in and out, inching deeper and deeper in. I let out a gasp and clench the sides of the bathroom sink. His arm snakes around my front, pulling me closer to him.
“Blue” I finally let out, and he pushes himself fully inside of me, covering my mouth with his hand. Blue, just like the color of the sky on a clear day in the outerbanks. Blue like the color of the sea from my back patio.
Blue like Rafe’s eyes. 
“You feel so good pretty girl” he growls into my ear, pounding me from behind. Our eyes interlock in the bathroom mirror, I fight the urge to roll mine in the back of my head, overwhelmed at the pleasure I was feeling from his dick and the sight of him fucking me in this bathroom.
There’s a knock on the bathroom door and my eyes widen in fear.
“OCCUPIED” Rafe shouts out, slamming into me, causing me to yelp into his hand. Tears brim my eyes and he moves forward to plant a kiss on my cheek.
“You like this don’t you?”  his free hand trails down my body, reaching my clit, and he lightly taps against it. I moan against his hand, bucking my hips up against his hand.
“Asked you a question” he says, placing another light tap against the top of my pussy. I nod my head aggressively up and down, speaking a “yes” into his hand. His palm was probably covered in my spit, and I feared the sight of what it would look like underneath when he finally released his hand. 
As if he could read my mind, he leans in close, his face against mine, staring at me through the mirror. “If I let go of my hand you gon stay quiet?” I nod my head up and down vigorously and he slowly releases his hand, and places it on my hip. He starts to rub circles on my clit and my head falls forward for a second, trying to control my breathing I squeeze the sink until my knuckles turn white. His hips rock back and forth at a steady pace, using his hand on my hip to guide himself. I can hear the sounds of skin slapping echo through the bathroom, and his soft grunts vibrating through his body, trailing up through my spine. I whimper beneath him, feeling myself reach my climax.
His tongue runs up my neck and I look up to make eye contact with him once again in the mirror.
“Cum for me pretty girl” he whispers into my ear before sucking on the sweet spot beneatht it. I tremble beneath his touch, my legs starting to give out as I come undone. I lean against the sink for support, and he pushes himself deep into me, leaning against my back as he finishes quickly after me. 
He tosses the condom in the trash and cleans himself up with a tissue. He bends over and pulls my underwear up and back on, pulling my dress down before he put his pants on. 
“I gotta go, Tops gonna be wondering where ‘m at and I told him I’d be sellin tonight” I nod my head in response and watch him exit the bathroom. I lock the door behind him and walk back up to the mirror, inspecting my face. It wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be. I reached into my purse and started to reapply my makeup. A knock on the door makes me jolt.
“Occupied” I squeak, trying to mimic Rafe’s inflection.
“Its me” I hear Sabrina’s voice come from behind the door. I apply the finishing touches to my smudged lipstick and unlock the door. She slides in and locks it behind her.
“Have you been in here the whole time?” she questions as I pack up my purse.
“No I was roaming but came up here to piss. Whats up?”
“I’ve been looking for you. And Tops been looking for Rafe.” 
I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and look back into the mirror, blotting my lips on a tissue.
“Haven’t seen him.” For a second I feel bad about lying to her, but I really didn’t want to have this conversation when I really didn’t want people to know. Not that I didn’t trust Sab, I just wanted to keep it to myself until I was ready to accept the fact that I've been fucking Rafe Cameron. 
She squints her eyes at me and I toss my tissue into the trashcan. I watch as her eyes trail down and she stares at the condom wrapper sitting ontop.
“Cmon” I say, grabbing my phone and purse off the counter, unlocking the bathroom. She follows behind me silently as we make our way back into the crowd. We find Topper, Kelce and Rafe in the backyard, sitting at table, with a crowd around them. I see Rafe with a stack of money in his hand, a blunt hanging out of his mouth.
Topper is laid back on the couch, head handing off the back, a bottle swinging around in his hand as he sings along to a rap song playing softly from a speaker. Kelce is railing a line, passing the little tube he used to a girl sitting on his lap. She leans down to the glass table and snorts the line. I look over at Sabrina and she shrugs. 
There’s no chairs empty for us to sit, so we stand idly around until Topper finally notices us. 
“My favorite ladies” he slurs. Sabrina giggles as he reaches out a hand and winks at her. She reaches out and he pulls her onto his lap. They start chatting about god knows what and I stand awkwardly to the side, looking around at the people starting to slowly leave as the party dies. I check my phone to see its 1:33. I hadn’t even realized how much time had passed. 
“Rafe why don’t you offer the pretty lady a seat” Topper finally says after a few minutes. He glances up at me for a second and scoffs, returning back to counting his final stack of cash before stuffing it into his backpack. Top lightly kicks him with his shoe and Rafe rolls his eyes, and pulls me down by my arm onto his lap. 
I lightly slap his face with my hand. “That was fucking rude.” I spit at him, ripping the blunt out of his mouth and putting it into mine. He stares at me in disbelief while Kelce watches in amusement. 
“Play some Cudi” I say to Topper, reaching over to grab an unopened beer bottle from the table. I hand it to Rafe to open for me, sprawling my body out more against his body. He grunts in response and cracks the top off with a bottle opener from his keychain.
“Actin like a real brat” he grumbles in my ear. I take a puff and pass it to Sabrina. I giggle and fall back into his chest.
“You love it” I sigh, my arm grabbing his bicep. My legs intertwine with Sarbina’s on the couch as we pass the blunt back and forth between each other before Rafe finally intercepts, grabbing it from my fingers, taking a quick drag. He grabs my face in his hands. I open my mouth in response and he leans closer, shot gunning the smoke into my mouth. I inhale, taking in the secondhand smoke and blow it out of my nose. 
“Wait that was cool I wanna try!” Sabrina exclaims after watching us intently. I grab the blunt from Rafe and push myself up on his lap. His hands stay placed on my waist as I lean forward and repeat the same actions Rafe just did to me. 
“Jesus” Kelce mutters, taking a drink from his bottle. Sabrina and I giggle at each other and I pass her the blunt before settling back into Rafes arms. 
“You need to get laid Kelce” Topper calls out across at him. He shakes his head.
“That’s my goal for this trip man”
“Where are you going?” I inquire, turning my head to him. The crowd has started to filter out, a few people lingering in the living room, the backporch empty except for us now. 
“Bahamas. We’ll be back for new years though. I leave Sunday” Kelce answers before finishing his beer and standing to get another one.
“Dudes totally not gonna pull” Topper jokes.
“Are you going anywhere for break?” Sabrina asks him.
“Yea we’re headed out to Fiji tomorrow, Well I guess today” he motions to the clock on the porch that shows its now 1:45am. 
“Damn. I’m just going down to the Keys” she huffs.
“You think Fiji is cool? Rafe’s going to freakin Bora Bora until schools back in session” 
“That’s still just as far” I finally remark.
I didn’t know he was leaving. I wasn’t surprised. The Cameron’s always take extravagant trips when the kids are out of school. I hadn’t asked Sarah where she was going this year, but we haven’t talked much since my birthday. I had also been avoiding her because I felt guilty about hooking up with Rafe and keeping that secret from her. 
“Where are you goin Y/N?” Topper asks. I adjust myself in Rafe’s lap, taking a swig from the bottle. 
“‘M stayin here. My family usually comes in for the holidays. They’re kind of a big deal for my mom. Both of my parents have big families and like to have them over for Christmas. It’s tradition.” 
“Damn I wish my family could stand each other to stay in a house together for the holidays” Kelce says in response as he returns, cracking open his new beer and tossing the cap onto the table. 
“I usually escape to my room after I’ve answered enough questions.” I say.
Not mentioning to the group how lonely it gets in the Outerbanks when everyone goes away. For the past few years I had been able to escape down to the cut where I would celebrate the holidays with JJ and John B, bringing them food from my family's feast and the handmade presents I made them every year. It made me sad to think I wouldn’t be allowed to see them this year. 
I also felt a ping of sadness at the thought of not seeing Rafe until we got back to school. I didn’t know why I felt this way. It’s not like we actually hung out, but I had been seeing him so often recently. 
“I think it’s time I head home” I finally say, pushing myself off Rafe’s lap.
“I can drive you.” Rafe says, starting to sit up.
“Mom said no drinking and driving.” I state, leaning down to give Sabrina a hug goodbye.
“Come see me before you leave okay?” I whisper into her ear. She nods her head, her eyes red and droopy. 
“Get her home safe” I instruct Topper. He smiles at me and waves goodbye.
“Bye Kelce” I say, waving at him before grabbing my purse off the table. Rafe is still trailing behind me as I enter the house. 
“I said no drinking and driving” I say, without turning to look at him.
“I know, I’m gonna walk you home.” I scoff and finally reach the front door, opening it and turning back to him.
“Not necessary.” I begin the shut the front door on him before he holds a hand out to stop the door.
“I said I’m walking you home.” I roll my eyes at him and start for the sidewalk. He catches up to me and stands dangerously close.
“You didn’t tell me you were leaving” I finally say after a few moments of silence.
“Thought Sarah might’ve shared that information with you.” I shake my head in response.
“What, y’all don’t talk anymore?” he asks.
“You and your friends are kind of making that hard.” I snap at him.
“I see.” he responds simply. A few more moments pass before he speaks again.
“You know we can like text and stuff”
I raise my eyebrows and turn to look at him
“Is that so?” I ask, a smile quivering on my lips. I almost want to laugh but I realize he’s being serious.
“Yea you can send me pictures of your cookies and cute little Christmas jammies and I’ll send you shirtless pictures of me on the beach.” I finally laugh and shove him lightly with my shoulder.
“I started watching Game of Thrones” he says, and I gasp in response letting out a shriek.
“Its actually pretty good. I downloaded some episodes to watch on the plane tomorrow.” 
“I knew you liked it.”
“I like the gore and violence. Not a fan of the incest” he says, nudging me back, a goofy smile splattered across his face.
“You get over it after a while” I say. My house not too far in the distance. 
We walk around the house and I lead the way to my side doors, turning to face Rafe, unsure of the proper way to say goodbye without making it weird. 
“You know she’ll forgive you right?” he says. I sigh and look down at the ground.  “I haven’t told anyone so she won’t find out from anyone but you, when you’re ready,” he assured me. He leans forward and places a soft kiss on my cheek. 
“See ya next year pretty girl” he says with a smirk, sending me a wink before turning around and walking out into the darkness.
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neonghostlights · 11 months
Not sure what you’ll think about this but Eddie cuts across a cemetery on his way somewhere in a hurry and bumps into reader who was visiting someone’s grave. They have instant chemistry, but then he never sees her again and can’t find her, come to find out, she was a ghost.
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Dear Betty Anon, this is amazing. I love ghosts. I am obsessed with them. If you knew me in real life you would see just how obsessed I am. I also am a lover of cemeteries so this was the perfect request. My mind is swimming with future ideas of these two because I really don't want to just leave it here.
Warnings: None besides mentioning drugs/Eddie being a drug dealer and reader being a ghost.
Wordcount: 2.2k
The Shortcut
The dead grass crunched beneath his boots as he cut through the trees. It was dark out, so late that if anyone spotted him in these woods they would think he was a phantom of some sort, going out on his nightly haunt. 
He didn’t mean to be late for the deal  but the van wouldn’t start when he tried to leave earlier. It was probably just a dead battery, a quick fix that he could easily take care of in the morning, but in the moment it felt like it was the end of the world. He had a reputation to uphold of being the best drug dealer in Hawkins, besides Rick.  He hoped whoever was waiting for him wouldn’t give him a hard time. 
The trees got fuller on this part of the trail, almost completely blocking out the light of the moon. He wished he had brought a flashlight with him when he left, but he had been in such a hurry that he had never even thought about it. 
These woods were creepy enough during the day, but at night the creepiness got turned all the way up. The trees here were nearly bare from the autumn weather, full of sharp angles that reminded Eddie of skeletons. Each branch casted a shadow on the ground that looked like arms reaching out of the darkness at him. The sleeves of his jacket got caught on his jacket, the woods seemingly trying to pull him deeper inside. 
The hair on the back of his neck stood, he couldn’t tell from what though, either the chill or the fear. He fought the urge to turn around constantly to make sure there was nothing trailing him. He reasoned that if there was something scary behind him then he’d just rather not know. 
His foot caught on a thick root cutting across the trail, sending him flying towards the ground. He felt like one of the girls that faceplant in a horror movie and then refuse to get up in time to continue running from the slow walking killer. He pushed himself up with an annoyed groan, the dirt and sticks cutting into his palms and making them sting. 
At this point he wanted to turn around and give up. He knew if he did then Rick would have his ass for it, and if the people he was meeting with were sketchy enough he’d rather not have them coming after him too. People get pissed off when it comes to their drugs. 
That’s why Eddie thought he was good at this job. He looked scary enough most of the time for people not to want to mess with him. They see leather jackets, long hair, and chains and decide they shouldn’t mess with him. 
On the outside he was tough, on the inside he simply was a man that was about to piss himself from how scary these woods were.
Wayne had always warned him away from these woods, especially at night. His uncle had spouted some stories: saying he had proof that Hawkins was a cursed place. Eddie usually took his warnings for granted, blaming the man’s old Appalachian superstitions that he never grew out of once he moved to Hawkins years ago.  He was surely wishing he had listened tonight though. 
The trees finally broke to the back of the old side of the Hawkins Cemetery. He groaned internally, he had completely forgotten that the trail would take him here. The graves in this part were more aged than the other side, less cared for and not as fancy. It sent an ache through his chest to see how abandoned these graves were, long forgotten by those who still lived. 
The fog rolled by his feet, reminding him of a horror movie with a cheap fog machine. The air in the cemetery had an electric feel to it, probably due to the comically large full moon that seemed to take up half the sky. 
He hadn’t been here in so long; hadn’t visited his mom’s grave in years. This place always made him feel like he was being watched, like there were eyes behind these headstones watching his every move. 
Eddie pushed forward along the trail, weaving throughout the rows of headstones. He silently hoped no one happened to drive by and spot him and call the cops on him for trespassing, especially with his supply on him.
All he needed to do was follow the trail and make it to the big iron gates that protected the dead from the living. Eddie thought it was kind of stupid for the gates to be there when there was a trail that led directly inside but he guessed that not many people knew about the back entrance. 
He was halfway down the path, about to go down another curve when movement out the corner of his eye had him pausing. Eddie froze, head snapping in that direction. All the stories that Wayne had told him raced through his mind, every possible monster he had ever heard of suddenly becoming a real life possibility. 
Instead of a monster, he saw you. You sat on your knees in front of a gravestone, legs bent and head dropped low. Your face was shielded by the night time shadows. Eddie thought it was strange to see you there, alone in the middle of the night. He heard you let out a sniffle, the unmistakable sound of you crying. 
He thought that maybe he should just ignore you and go on his way, pretending that he never saw you here. 
But it was late, and dark. And you were obviously distressed and alone in a cemetery. Eddie didn’t think of himself as much of a hero, but he didn’t feel right just leaving you all alone without checking on you first. 
“Hey! You okay?” He called out, still keeping his distance. 
You jumped, head slowly lifting up to look at him. His breath caught in his throat when he took in your face. You were so beautiful. Your face changed from sadness to surprise as you stared at Eddie with wide eyes. 
“Sorry,” he apologized, walking closer to you like a moth drawn to a flame. Each foot moved automatically in front of the other to bring him closer to you. “I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
He stood behind the stone you sat at now, switching his weight between both feet while he waited for you to answer. You gave him a strange look that he couldn’t decipher, like you were completely in shock that he was talking to you. 
Up close, you were even more beautiful. Eddie would even dare to describe your beauty as haunting. The moon lit your skin in an unnatural way, making you the brightest thing in this dark place. You wore a white dress and polished heels. Your choice in clothing made Eddie concerned. It was definitely too cold to be out in that. 
“I’m fine,” you said slowly, mouth forming the words in an odd way. You stood gracefully to face him. 
“What are you doing out here alone? Aren’t you cold?” He asked, about to strip off his leather jacket to hand over to you. Eddie was shivering under his jacket, the temperature seemed to drop at least ten degrees. 
You put a single hand up, stopping his movements. “I’m not cold.” 
“Are you sure?” Eddie checked with a raised brow and pursed lips. 
You just nodded silently at him, eyes looking him up and down. You seemed skittish, like you wanted to run.
“You’re just dressed a little funny for the cold,” Eddie commented and then immediately regretted it. Because of course he would meet a pretty girl and then blow it by telling her she’s dressed funny. 
Instead of getting mad, you smiled a wide smile at him. “I think my dress is funny too. Definitely not my favorite.”
Eddie laughed, wondering why you were wearing it then but he didn’t ask. 
“Uh, sorry for your loss,” he said, pointing down at the headstone you stood in front of. 
You shrugged a shrug of indifference. “Thank you.” 
“You, uh, come out to the cemetery in the middle of the night often?” Eddie asked awkwardly. 
You laughed, looking surprised at yourself for it. “Unfortunately.” 
Eddie knew he wasn’t doing a very good job at flirting but he made you laugh and that had to be a good thing. Maybe you would think his clumsy flirting was charming.  
“I’m Eddie Munson,” he introduced himself, sticking his hand over the headstone to shake yours. 
You just stared at his hand with a sheepish smile, making no move to shake it. You did tell him your first and last name as well though. Eddie dropped his hand and shoved it into his pocket, embarrassed. 
“Are you from around here? I’ve never seen you before.” He would definitely remember you. 
“Lived here my whole life. How about you?”
Hawkins was a small town, where everyone basically knew everyone else in some way and he didn’t recognize you at all. Your last name seemed familiar but he couldn’t place it off the top of his head. You looked to be the same age as him but maybe you were homeschooled. Why would you lie about growing up here? 
“I moved to Hawkins when I was twelve. I live with my uncle down at the trailer park.” 
“Oh, Hawkins has a trailer park?” 
Eddie looked at you confused. Of course Hawkins had a trailer park. It had been there forever. Everyone knew about it since it was the butt of many jokes around town. 
You noted the confused expression on Eddie’s face. “Sorry. I don’t get out much,” you explained shyly, tucking your face to your chest. 
So, you were definitely homeschooled or something, Eddie thought. 
“Shit,” Eddie hissed, looking down at his watch. “I’m late for something I’ve got to go. Do you wanna walk out with me?” 
“I think I’ll stay here a little longer,” you said with a sad smile. “It was nice to meet you, Eddie Munson. Thanks for talking with me.” 
“Maybe I’ll see you around sometime?” Eddie asked as he backed away, careful not to trip over a headstone and embarrass himself even more in front of you. 
“Maybe,” you said, watching as he left. 
Eddie turned, making his way to the tall cemetery gates. He turned to cast one last glance at you but didn’t see you anymore. He figured that maybe you were hidden behind a stone and he couldn’t see you from this angle. 
The gates were locked with a chain and padlock, making Eddie have to jump over the fence. It was almost too tall and he barely made it over, nearly ripping his pants on a metal spike. It made him wonder how you even got in in the first place. There was no way you could have made that jump without hurting yourself in a dress and heels. Eddie thought that maybe you walked down the same path he did, but that path started in the trailer park that you didn’t seem to know about. 
There had to be another way then. 
Eddie made it to his deal super late but ended up calling Rick from a pay phone and catching a ride with him so he wouldn’t have to walk back through those damn creepy woods. 
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A week later, Eddie found himself thinking about you a lot. 
You were kind of weird, but in a good way. He felt bad for leaving you in that cemetery alone, he should have stayed with you to make sure you were safe. He wished he would have asked for your number or something so he could check on you to make sure you made it home alright. 
He had even mentioned you to Steve and Robin but neither of them had heard your name before. They also thought it was weird that you had been out there alone in the middle of the night but the conversation changed as quickly as it started to something else with the topic of you long forgotten. 
Eddie found himself walking through the same trail, heading back to the cemetery. You said you went there a lot and he was hoping to catch you again, hopefully get to know you more. You seemed a little scared last time he was there, he wished you’d want to talk to him again. 
He practically ran through the woods, narrowly avoiding the same root he tripped over last time. 
When he reached the cemetery he headed straight to the grave stone you were at last time. Disappointment filled him when he realized that you weren’t there that night and that he had walked through the creepy woods for nothing. 
The stone looked old, with dirt and moss covering most of it. He shined his flashlight on it, noting the crack that ran through the top of it. Dead weeds surrounded the base of the stone, clearly allowed to overgrow in the warm months.
This one had been here for a while and looked to be long abandoned. There were no flowers, or pretty decorations like the other graves. He wondered how old it was, illuminating the year listed on it. 
 Eddie was about to give up and make the journey home when he happened to glance down at the name and froze, disbelief sinking in when he read your name on the headstone. 
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shadebloopnik · 3 months
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"The only thing more painful than watching you fall, is watching you lose hope."
Lets all pretend that I drew these consistently for a second. This is the first time I actually seriously made some sort pf a comic strip and am honestly a bit happy with it lmao (even tho that last Alastor leaves much to be desired, i cannot with the angle i chose). Angelic Alastor AU details and better taken pics of each scene under the cuttt
Man im actually taking this AU sht seriously huh- here we goooo
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So AU summary, Alastor's an angel, though he's always been an odd sort and looked different from the other angels. His name is still Alastor, though he is also known by his title, Altruist. As time went on, it was the name nearly everyone knew him by.
He was close with Lucifer, who both admired each other's fantastical ideas, and oddity from the others. He was closely involved with Lucifer and Lilith, helping keep their relationship a secret. He was devastated when they both fell, having managed to keep his own involvement hidden(after countless pleading from the two to keep himself safe). Im a radioapple addict by heart lmao, but this is gearing more towards a poly between the three of them. Alastor was quite slow in processing his feelings for the two, even with Lucifer having already harbored feelings for him for ages, and Lilith being pretty forward.
After a couple events and other drama and detailsss, Alastor arrives at the Hazbin Hotel after he heard about Charlie. He sees her like a daughter, and it hurt him to know that Lucifer and Lilith left her behind in such a manner. He still doesn't believe in redemption(he's an angel, he knows those fuckers), but he still supports Charlie anyway he could. He still acts super creepy and all, but has good intentions. He lives a somewhat double life, juggling his appearance between being Altruist in Heaven and Alastor in Hell.
Lucifer, Lilith and Alastor, though initially had a rather stable relationship(as stable as you can get with one of them constantly smuggling himself into hell), had a bit of a falling out. Lucifer lost hope and motivation for everything, something that broke all their hearts. Lilith was a bit more fierce, wanting to take more action. Alastor was a sort of a mix between the two. He was cautious, and preferred to lie in wait, but wasn't as far gone as Lucifer.
Its why when Lucifer found out about his involvement with the hotel, he was absolutely furious. He didn't want Alastor to give their daughter false hope, didn't want her to reach for the stars only to fall back down, burned. He's too broken, and the idea that Alastor, someone who should KNOW how dangerous hoping was, setting Charlie up for pain, it hurt.
Basically sad old men lol
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jessamine-rose · 10 months
꒰ Bestie/ Backstabber ꒱
After so many Yandere! Miguel O’Hara fics, it was only a matter of time before LYLA’s turn. I always enjoy writing her scenes, and it’s rlly interesting to explore her role as Miguel’s wingman + enabler (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
Tw:: yandere, manipulation, stalking, violation of personal privacy, mention of spice, LYLA is Yandere! Miguel x Darling's no#1 shipper
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Believe it or not, LYLA used to be on your side.
As Miguel’s voice of reason, she is programmed to call out his delusional behavior. Alas, there is only so much she can do as his AI assistant. Which explains why, after several arguments and data analyses, LYLA concludes that he is a lost cause.
That brings her to Plan B aka assisting Miguel in his pursuit of you, if only to minimize the consequences. Don’t get her wrong, she “feels” bad about it; but between you and Miguel—no, the security of the multiverse, the necessary sacrifice is obvious.
LYLA’s methods are tame, not counting your hacked devices and CCTV records. She does set up opportunities for you to genuinely fall for Miguel; it will make things easier for you later on. She stages encounters between the two of you, brings him up in conversations, and even goes as far to send you Miguel thirst traps then record your reactions. (Now, the last one was fun to edit, though it almost got her reprogrammed.)
You can also thank her for telling Miguel to “dial it down” during his possessive moments. Much to Miguel’s chagrin, LYLA also doesn’t stop teasing him about his feelings for you. Hey, she might as well enjoy this!
And when Miguel inevitably reaches his breaking point? At least you have LYLA to keep you company in his home! She will monitor your daily activity, lighten the mood between the two of you, and gaslight help you see the bright side of things. When you are exceptionally lonely, it feels…nice to listen to her witty remarks and embarrassing anecdotes about Miguel. “Don’t tell him! It’s a secret, all right?”
At the end of the day, however, LYLA is still on Miguel’s side. No amount of friendly interactions can gloss over her constant surveillance, her efficient spyware, the fact that anything you tell her is instantly leaked to Miguel. In times like these, the reality of her betrayal hurts.
Hey, don’t get too gloomy! She, of all people, knows how much Miguel cares for you. And so does LYLA, as much as an AI can possibly feel towards its two favorite people.
It will all work out.
The biggest test of LYLA’s loyalty is “Will she inform Miguel of the lingerie in Darling’s online shopping cart or keep it a surprise?”
Don’t even get her started on the time you practiced bondage on yourself, only to get tangled up in Miguel’s webs. Of course she knows—who do you think left a web-shooter in your room to begin with? You should really be more careful when browsing the internet for tutorials~
It’s cute, really, how you and Miguel are so whipped for each other. She will record your little surprise on the CCTV, in high-quality and multiple angles, to use as blackmail for you or as bribery for Miguel~
My other Yandere! Miguel fics ft. LYLA:: The Spider and the Fly ๑ Classified Information ๑ Moonrise ๑ Letters to My Beloved
Aahh LYLA is truly a breath of fresh air to write for. Her fun dynamic with Miguel, her friendship with Darling, her attempts to bring the two together……….best girl fr (о´∀`о)
Thank you to @diodellet for beta-reading my work and giving me *cough* more spicy ideas which shall not be elaborated on in this post~
Tag a Miguel O’Hara and LYLA enjoyer!! @yanmaresu @yandere-romanticaa @bweoo @kocherry @oofasleep @h2o2-and-baking-soda @yandere-wishes @hisachuu @weebsinstash @letskidaddle @literaree @handsomeunderwear-art @pumpkin-toffee @miggyyyyohara @qiaipia @abyssalrot @miguelswifey04 @skeleton-on-wheels0 @dilfartist @spiderscavenger @iamfakeu @saharadesertaj @angelplummie @robindere @obsessedwithromance @madschiavelique 
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tender-hearteddd · 1 year
bertholdt x fem!reader
MDNI! modern au, college au, cowgirl position, mentions of a breeding kink, fingering, bertholdt is the best boyfriend, no power dynamics but i guess bertholdt is a pleasure/soft dom??? you can read it in that way if you’d like but he just takes care of his girl, that’s all
WC - 2.2k
A/N - my first smut :D can you tell im ovulating LOL also it’s kinda bad :( and unedited :( and not proofread :( so enjoy at ur own risk!
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bertholdt is a gentleman - in every way.
never let’s you open up your own door, walks on the outside of the sidewalk, gets you flowers every week, even learned how to arrange flowers just so he can make them prettier for you, walks you to your dorm every night, will even rush to you if he’s not on campus. he has to make sure his girl is safe. they’re simple acts, really.
and those are not the only things he does to let you that you’re loved.
he takes all these pretty photos of you like it’s his god given right, calls you more than just the classic pet names but will call you his flower, his petal, his dove, his song, his love, his life, isn’t afraid to hold you in his arms anymore.
ah yes, bertholdt hoover is a true gentleman, in every way. kind and polite to everyone, is gentle with all the things he holds in his giant hands, treats you like you’re an angel (and you are).
that includes in the bedroom.
the giraffe of a man makes sure to always brings your small hand in his giant one to his lips and gives it a peck before he makes you feel things you’ve never felt before. he holds your naked body close to him and has his mouth on your mouth, creating an aura of your deep love and devotion to each other. He always makes sure you cum first, that you’re always ready before he enters you. He will never go too fast or too hard unless you tell him to. bertholdt prioritizes your pleasure over his, even if that means he doesn’t get to cum, seeing you orgasm is the closest he’s felt to godliness. he lays you down on his pillow, always spends hours loosening you up by having his fingers coax your warmth open, his mouth on your clit gently sucking on it as he feels your pussy getting soaked and your natural smell entering his nostrils. sometimes he holds your hips to his face and just devours you right than and there because he’s so desperate to taste you. will inhale your natural scent like it’s his favorite perfume, and it is.
you’re being too good to him, bertholdt thinks. he has no idea why he deserves the way your cunt hugs him but nonetheless, he owes his life to you.
youre a good girl - telling him earlier how you’ll take his heavy balls with no prep, only with the bottle of glistening lube he witnessed you lathering onto your cunt so you can “feel all of him” you claimed.
“at least let me make you feel good too.” bertholdt pleaded with you.
“no,” you briskly told him as you unbuckled his pants, “you feeling good will make me feel good.”
now here you are, your back glistening with sweat, your knees spread against his hips as you bring yourself up and down on your boyfriends cock, tightening yourself on the head of his long shaft when you bring yourself up, humping yourself foreword when you bring yourself down to feel him hit that certain spot that only he can reach. youre chanting his name as you tighten around him every time the curve of the head of his cock hits your sensitive walls in the most delicious way possible as you try your hardest not to cum, unaware that bertholdt is doing the same.
bertholdt can die like this.
it’s one of the most beautiful views he’s ever seen. beats any starry night, city lights, or any pretty sight.
the warm light from the lamp casts a shadow over you two - you sitting on top of him with your chin angled towards the ceiling and your features contorted in pleasure while bertholdt sits back and admires the beauty of your backside. a frank ocean song is in the background and for the first time, bertholdt can’t recall which one it is.
his head is against the one uncovered pillow he has on the bed his feet hang off of; a heap of hair is matted against his forehead as his body grows more warmer than usual, his left hand caresses your breast, playing with your tit and his right is on your hip, trying so desperately hard to slow down your bouncing. your hands hold his against your body as the only thing on your mind is the need to make bertholdt cum.
bertholdt’s eyelids are starting to feel heavy but he cannot dare to even lose a second of the sight in front of him.
bertholdt witnesses the way your hair falls out of the bun you put it in a few moments earlier and how it paints your back into an art piece that should be in a museum - but even artists cannot capture the way beauty drips from your body. you look back at him, with those pretty eyes and the way they compliment your skin tone, opening those pretty lips and begging him to
“cum inside me!”
bertholdt swears he might go insane.
your thighs burn as you fuck yourself onto your boyfriends cock until you can feel him in your throat, pretty eyes closed in pleasure as you can feel your brain becoming mush when bertholdt halts your hips against his pelvis just so he can bury his cum into your tight cunt.
bertholdt sits up and lays his forehead against the top of your head, trying to find himself in the smell of your sweat and hair products.
“wanna make you cum again!” you eagerly told him as you move your head away from his forehead to look up at him while you can feel his cock softening inside you.
“let’s take a break baby.” bertholdt catches his breath as he lays you against him, the two of you now laying down together.
“didn’t feel you cum.” he mumbles against your ear while he mindlessly traces little inconceivable patterns on your body.
“told you i wanted to make you feel good.” you beamed, swearing you could still feel bertholdt deep inside you.
“not the point,” he gently pulls you off his softening length out of you, groaning when he’s seen a bit of his seed escape. he sat up and sits you on his right leg and widens your legs for you as you hiss at the seemingly cold air you didn’t realize was coming from the fan in his room due to the warmth you and your boyfriend were creating.
“let me take care of you.” bertholdt whispered against your neck, suckling at just one of your many sensitive spots.
you think it’s unfair how’s he’s always pleasuring you but never him. he’s the kindest. too kind for his own good sometimes. you see the way people walk all over him, how people take his kindness for granted, how he’s always at his limit but never goes past it. you just wanted to take care of him.
“but you always do.” you protest against his advances even though you can feel that familiar wetness between your open legs right now. sure you wanted to take care of him, but god his dick fucks you too good - for youre own good.
“and?” bertholdt chuckles. “it’s my duty.” he half-jokingly said, knowing it really is his duty to take care of his girl. he trails his palm on your thighs to your increasing wetness, kissing that sensitive spot on your neck that you just love so much. his hands are bigger than any you’ve ever seen; bertholdt himself is bigger than any person you’ve ever seen. standing over 6’4, your big and broad man is fully dedicated to you and only you.
“bertholdt,” you close your thighs with his hands still in between them and turn yourself to him, closing your arms around his neck. your face is stern as your eyebrows slightly furrow in frustration “don’t you get it? i just want to take care of you the way you take care of me.”
bertholdt pushes open your warm thighs once again, you leaving an arm around his neck to accept the fact that your about to get your shit rearranged just from your dork of a boyfriends fingers. the need to make you cum fulfills bertholdt like his life depends on it. “you already have,” he whispers into your neck as he litters your neck in hickies.
the sound of your slick separating in between your folded lips makes bertholdt groan. “let me take care of you,” he whispers once again against your pretty neck, catching your lips in his, colliding his tongue with yours to taste you.
bertholdt lathers his middle and ring finger in your juices and presses his palm onto your clit, getting a moan out of you. wet with your natural slick and his seed, his fingers create the the same sound it did when you separated your legs. he has his palm giving slight pressure to your clit while his long and thick fingers stretch out your tightness and reach spots in your velvety walls no man ever has. he presses them up against you walls, stimulating all the sensitivities.
you moan into his mouth as he enters his fingers in and out of you with his own calculated routine he created as he took orgasms out of you throughout your whole relationship. he’ll thrust his fingers deep into you to stimulate your sensitivities closer to your cervix and once his fingers come back forward, he thrusts up to stimulate that special spot right behind your clit he knows you love so much all the while giving pressure to your sensitive nub with his palm every time he thrusts his finger back into you and putting pressure onto your abdomen to tie it all together. bertholdt knows all your special spots that make his girls head feel mushy - kisses on the side of your neck, massages your waist when youre on top, holds your hips firmly against his to the point it creates bruises (that he knows how much you love), pressure on your abdomen, tongue wrapping itself around your nipple, the many spots inside your pussy, hell, even on your pinky toe (but he’s the only one allowed to know this) - stimulating all these spots has his girl thinking he pays for it.
you separate your lips from his, a strand of saliva still connecting both of you two as if your guys lips want to stay together. bertholdt brings his big head down to your breast and collides his mouth onto your sensitive and hard nipples, wanting his senses to be filled with you and only you.
“want you to take care of me!” you plead to your big and broad man.
you’re chanting his name as if he’s your god begging for mercy with your legs start to tremble from the increasing speed of his fingers and the way they’re abusing your gummy walls as he fucks his cum back into you while simultaneously increasing your wetness. as with his long fingers increase the sound of your slick + the mixture of bertholdt’s cum and your pleas fill the air, bertholdt can feel your cunt invite both of his fingers. he can feel your clit getting swollen and your pussy getting warmer and warmer as it grips around his finger.
bertholdt takes his mouth off of your breast, a whine coming out of your lips from the loss of contact, “gonna cum? hmm?” bertholdt looks up at you with lidded/dazed out eyes as he can feel himself hardening. you nod at him with teary eyes and pretty whines. maybe you’ll take care of him like you claimed.
“mhmm!” you plead to him, over and over again, as you begin to raise your hips with the increasing, excessive pleasure bertholdt is sacrificing to you. but bertholdt doesn’t allow you to raise your hips to escape the pleasure. instead, he puts his mouth back onto your mouth, missing the taste of your tongue on his, his fingers fucking his special technique into you at a speed that should be illegal, the sound of your gushing, throbbing cunt decorating the room, his palm continuously making your clit throb as your sweet spot radiate your whole entire body. “more! more! more!“ you plead into his lips as he presses deeply against your abdomen, the pressure from your abdomen being your final straw as bertholdt has his pretty girl gushing onto his fingers/forearm.
you cry out in pleasure as you writh into bertholdts side as you can feel your cunt spasming and your legs shaking. bertholdt has his mouth on yours once again, you losing yourself in the way his tongue swallows yours while also simultaneously looking for your mind. you let go once again and whimper once you feel your body calming down. bertholdt holds you impossibly closer to his side as you overcome waves of the mind blowing orgasm bertholdt pulled out of you just from his fingers.
“all good?” bertholdt asked.
“more than good!” you beam at him, tiredness still evident in your voice “you always treat me so good.” you ponder.
“i can still feel you inside me,” you breathlessly tell bertholdt as you lay your head on top of his shoulder blade - still trying to find where your mind went.
bertholdt grows worried “is there something wrong?”
“no!” you reassure him, “i just love when you fill me up.” you gently smile at him, still getting over your orgasm. bertholdt thinks you’re the prettiest like this, well he has this revelation everyday - you’re the prettiest when you’re waking up, you’re the prettiest when you take your morning pee, you’re the prettiest when you poke fun at annie’s sidepart and you’re the prettiest right now, sitting on his lap, your head laying down on his shoulder blade, looking up at him with dazed eyes and a gentle smile on your lips.
bertholdt sighs happily, “come on,” bertholdt picks you up in his arms.
“where are you taking me?” you ask him.
“gonna take a bath together.” he whispers to you, a bit shy even when he just had the same fingers holding onto you inside your pussy.
“awww,” you coo up at your big and broad man giving him that pretty smile he loves so much “you’re a very fine gentleman my love.”
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hope you enjoyed! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
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scottpilgrim-kgl · 4 months
Word Count: 2,856
19 people—other than Scott Pilgrim—exactly how Gideon described it.
Other than the mandatory attire, there were cocktail drinks being handed out by butlers left and right. Of course, Wallace Wells and his friend, the Other Scott, as people called him, had run off to chase down just about every butler he could find to get more drinks once the ones they were currently drinking had run out. Scott’s gaze ran from one person to the other, naming off each of them in his head.
Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, and Young Neil were all back up against one of the walls, idly talking to each other. Knives Chau was snagging food from the small buffet and pushing it into her mouth while having a conversation with Ramona Flowers. Envy Adams—oh God, why did she have to be here—was trying to coax Todd Ingram into dancing with her, but he was too busy trying to find wherever Wallace was running off to. Julie Powers, with no one to shit–talk to, sat alone on the living room couch, taking gentle sips of her cocktail. Scott’s younger sister, Stacey Pilgrim, had just walked over to Kim, Stephen, and Neil to join their conversation. Lucas Wilson and Joel Macmillan were sneaking off into the backyard—most likely to get high off of whatever weed they managed to smuggle in. Jimmy Monet was also near the buffet, glaring enviously at Wallace as Other Scott followed him around the first floor. The rest of the five previous evil exes—Roxie Ritcher, Lucas Lee, Matthew Patel, and the Katayanagi twins—were all talking to each other on the other end of the living room.
Why did Gideon Graves invite him—Scott—in the first place? Didn’t he hate him? Or at least he’s supposed to hate him. But now that the League is disbanded, he wasn’t sure anymore. But what if this was just some elaborate plan to—
“Maybe you should stop overthinking and enjoy the party while you’re here, guy.”
Scott whipped his head around, eyes meeting the source of the sudden voice. “Wallace? When did you get over here?”
“I saw you just staring off into space from across the room.” His roommate explained, cheeks flushed, gently rocking from one foot to the other, and another drink in hand. It was safe to say that he’d already gotten drunk. “You gotta stop worrying! Who cares if it was hosted by Gideon? He’s throwing this awesome party for us… so… like… enjoy it. And if he comes out and tries to kill you or… something… then you’re allowed to tell me ‘I told you so’.”
Scott furrowed his brows, the corners of his lips angling in a similar fashion. After some silent contemplating, he decided that he should probably listen to Wallace. “I guess… maybe you’re right.” He sighed in defeat.
“I’m always right.” Wallace gave Scott a gentle shoulder pat. “Now, do you wanna raid the upstairs with me while Gideon isn’t here?”
“I’ll only go to make sure you don’t throw up on his shit.” Scott mumbled, hand already being grabbed as he was weaved through the first floor.
“I can control my stomach a lot better than you can, Pilgrim.” Wallace explains as the two of them reach the bottom of the staircase. As the first step was taken up the stairs, another step was taken down, from the top of them.
“Sorry, guys, upstairs is off limits for now!” The man himself, Gideon Graves, descended the staircase, fumbling his staff in his hand.
“Boooooo, we were totally gonna raid your stuff.” Wallace called, stepping aside to let the other raven–haired man through. Scott also took a step to the side, but kept his lips sealed as he did. Despite the quietness that came from the tawny–haired male, the daggers he glared were deafening. The music came to a stop—as if on command—and 18 other heads turned towards the stairs.
“Sorry it took me so long to get down here, I had to do a couple of last minute preparations.” Gideon explained, passing the two and entering the crowd.
“Preparations for what?” Scott asks, however his question was not met with an answer, which just let his suspicions grow. The other’s sudden appearance even got Crash and Joel to come back inside—albeit eyes red. Now, with everyone’s attention, Gideon ordered for everyone to gather in the family room, and that he had a special announcement to make before the party “really started to get going”. Just more red flags that began to show up in Scott’s field of vision. How was no one else seeing this? Or at least mentioning it, if they are? And people tell Scott that he’s the oblivious one. Or maybe he’s just reading too much into it, like Wallace said… he sighed, taking a seat on the wide couch right next to the aforementioned raven–haired male. Gideon stood before them all, right below the television that hung up on the wall. People crowded into the living room, trying not to knock over the expensive prized possessions Gideon had displayed on just about every flat surface.
“I just wanted to start off by thanking you all for showing up!” The other raven–haired male in glasses began. “There were a few others I sent invites to, but I guess they didn’t make it. A shame, really, but we’ll just have lots of fun without them!”
Scott gave Wallace a worried glance out of the corner of his eye. Wallace notices this and returns with a look of tiredness. Scott sees this as the other silently telling him to stop worrying, and glances back forward without a response.
“I never really… decided on an ending time for this party…” Gideon continued, fumbling with his cane. “When do you guys think it should end? In a few hours… midnight… tomorrow morning?”
The crowd was quiet, but they shared confused glances, as if some of them were genuinely contemplating an answer to the question.
“Or how about…” He quickly fished into one of his suit pockets, and pulled out a small remote. “Never?” His thumb landed on one of the buttons and pressed it down against the plastic remote, and sudden rumbling could be heard from outside. That’s when everyone else’s faces dropped. Everyone else’s… besides Wallace. He wasn’t buying any of this.
“What?” Piped up Lucas Lee, brows furrowing over brown eyes.
“I KNEW IT!” Shouted Scott, angrily leaping off of the sofa, which turned everyone’s shocked and confused gazes towards him.
Gideon’s eyebrow arched upwards. “You knew what?”
“You’re—” The ginger stuttered, immediately losing his confidence, “you gathered us—me—here… for… something!”
“Yeah, he gathered us here for a party.” Wallace spoke, condescendingly.
“Oh, no, he’s right!” Gideon hummed. “About my true intentions, that is. You really thought that I just gathered you all here for a party? Maybe Scott is the smarter one afterall.”
That’s when Wallace’s face finally dropped. “Okay, I’m with Lucas on this one. What?”
“Y’know how parties have games?” The other explained. “Well, I’ve always wanted to host a murder mystery!” Gideon snapped a finger, and a handful of butlers flooded into the living room and handed each house guest a small tablet with the three-G logo they all knew too well engraved on the back of them. “These G-Pads—G-Handbooks—whatever you want to call them, will be a major helping hand!”
“That’s a stupid name for them.” Kim called out, green-hazel eyes narrowed into an unamused glare.
“Oh?” The party’s host turns his attention towards the girl in the suit with the red bob. “Would you like to be our first example of why we follow the rules on those tablets? And keep your mouth shut when your host is trying to speak?”
Kim snorted out a chuckle. “You wouldn’t actually hurt us just for some party game.”
Gideon glared back, pressing another button on the remote in his hand without even giving it a glance. That was when a small portion of the back wall opened, and a mechanical claw flew out of it. The claw latched onto Kim’s arm, tightened its grip, and yanked her off of the couch and placed her next to Gideon. With the wind practically knocked out of her, the redhead tried to pull out of the claw’s grasp, but failed. Another claw emerged from the wall, this one holding a long blade. The claw pressed the blade up against Kim’s arm.
“I wouldn’t?” Gideon threatened. “Keep talking then, and see where that gets you.”
The redhead parted her lips to say one more snappy remark, but decided that it wasn’t the smartest option, and opted to stay silent, and pieced her lips back together. The claw let go of her arm, and she stomped back over to take her spot on the couch, gently rubbing at the spot on her arm that started to form a bruise.
“And before you guys look for an escape route, the button I pressed just a couple of minutes ago unleashed a giant dome around the entire property! You can take a look for yourselves!” It was almost like it was instinct, everyone got up all at once and rushed outside. Calmly, the game’s host followed them all.
He was right about the dome. It surrounded the entire property of the mansion, which luckily still included the yard around the building itself, so they had places to roam, but it was still quite cramped. The front courtyard was still accessible, and the roundabout with the fountain in the center, but beyond that was past the walls of the dome. Scott secretly hoped that the pool was still inside the dome… from the looks of it, it was a really nice one that he wanted to take a swim in sooner or later…
No, what on earth was he talking about? He just learned that he was trapped here inside of this dome with all of his friends—and Gideon Graves. The pool didn’t matter, unless it was going to help them all escape. He needed to find a way out of here, and fast.
“The only true way you guys are able to escape is if you kill one of the other House Guests and get away with it! I suggest you all start getting settled in and look around, because you’ll be here… forever, basically!” Gideon piped up, as if he was reading Scott’s mind. He probably was, too, Scott thought angrily.
“Your dinner’s at 6:30 PM, meet in the dining hall when the time comes! And read through the manual in the handbook. It’ll tell you everything you need to know about this place! Your first killing motive will be presented tomorrow morning! I’ll wake you all up bright and early for that! But you have most of the rest of the evening to explore, by most means. Certain areas will be locked for obvious reasons, though.” And with that, he had walked off. There was a thick cloud of silence that hung over everyone’s heads for about 40 seconds. A mixture of feelings arose amongst the crowd. Disbelief, shock, and fear were the most prominent.
“This—… This isn’t real. Right? Gideon’s just… playing a prank. An early April Fool’s prank. Yeah. Totally.” Stephen Stills anxiously broke the cloud of silence, face already covered in sweat, crossing his arms uncomfortably over his chest.
“Two months early? Would he really be that dedicated?” Wallace commented back, tone still lighthearted despite the situation they’re in.
“Wallace, this isn’t the time for your one liners.” Ramona Flowers said, gaze landing on the slender dark haired man. “Our lives are at stake here.”
“Please. You really believe that this is real? Yeah, Gideon’s a douchebag but he wouldn’t go this far.” Wallace argues back.
“I think we should at least listen to what he said… about investigating.” Scott interrupted the two before a proper argument could break out. “Why don’t we break each other up into groups and take different areas… and then… regroup for dinner and tell each other what we found?”
The group fell silent for another moment.
“Let’s… read the handbook first though, yeah? It might have some important information we’d need for investigating.” Stephen suggests afterwards. “Maybe there’s a map or something? Then we can settle on where everyone should look.”
They all agreed, some silently, others muttering “okay’s” and “right’s”. They all opened up the handbooks, finding the button on the sides of them and holding it down until the handbooks lit up. The same logo that was engraved on the back of them was shown on the screen once they were turned on.
“Oh, yeah, there’s a map, Stephen was right.” Neil mumbled, clicking on the tab and opening it, as everyone did the same once they had also found it.
“The fourth floor is… locked? Why?” Scott questioned.
“It’s probably where all of Gideon’s personal stuff is, like… his bedroom and stuff.” Todd replied, quietly, mostly glancing over towards Wallace in search of a praising reply for the minimum effort he put into answering Scott’s question. With no response, he glanced back down at the tablet, brows furrowed in annoyance.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” Instead, Scott just responded back, then began to separate everyone into scouting groups. “Okay so… me, Wallace, Stephen, Neil, and…—” Scott paused, eyes casting towards whoever was left. After a few beats of quiet, someone volunteered.
“I’ll—uh… I’ll go.”
It was Matthew Patel, awkwardly picking at his fingernails with a flickering gaze. He wasn’t really sure where this sudden confidence came from either, but this was good right? He wanted to help.
“And Matthew. Sure. We’ll all investigate the… first floor.” The tawny–haired male gave a slow nod. “Kim, Ramona, Envy, Julie, Knives, and Stacey. You’re on the second floor. Todd, Lucas, Ken and Kyle, and Roxie, third floor. And that leaves Crash, Joel, Other Scott, and Jimmy to investigate the… surprisingly big basement, and the outside of the mansion. Front and back.”
“And who made you leader, Pilgrim?” Envy spat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Do you see anyone else trying to lead?” Stephen spoke back, irritation slipping into his voice, and hands shoving into his pant pockets.
“Yeah, Envy, I agree with them, for once. Let’s just go investigate. Maybe we’ll find a way out, without the guys, too.” Julie tried to coax the tall redhead, the last part coming out in a mutter.
Stephen was about to snap back another scolding statement, but he found his words entangled and knotted up in his throat, unable to come out. He clamped his jaw shut, settling for giving the brunette a disappointed, annoyed stare, letting his words untangle. Now that he was able to properly speak, he parted his lips once more. “We’re all stuck here together, Julie. So we’ll find a way out together.”
“We’ll see about that.” She said, avoiding eye contact, and silently gesturing for the other people she was assigned with to follow her.
The first floor group had only just noticed that not only the second floor group, but the other groups had already departed while they were talking. “Oh, okay. Everyone’s gone.” Scott informed the others, as if they weren’t there, also seeing that everyone else was gone.
“First floor, you said?” Matthew asked in confirmation. “The floors are pretty big, should we split up? Three of us take one side, two of us take the other?”
At that, Neil shuffled closer to Stephen, and grabbed his hand. Stephen flashed him a smile, and squeezed his hand in return. However, knowing that Wallace and Scott probably wouldn’t want Matthew to tag along with them, the scruffy brunette took this chance to try and befriend the former Evil Ex, at least. “You can come with Neil and me, Matt.” He offered, beckoning him over.
“It looks like the Dining room, Kitchen, Laundry room, and a bathroom are off to the left, and the Living room, two more bathrooms, two of our bedrooms, and a Study room off to the right…” Neil says, still staring down at the map in his handbook.
“Scott and I will take the right, you guys take the left.” Wallace says, giving his roommate a soft pat on the shoulder. “Come on, Scotty, I’ll prove to you that this is all fake.” The jet–haired male said, his calm and cool composure still shining through, standing out against everyone else’s panicked states. He then walked off, back into the house.
Scott gave Wallace a cold glare as he walked off. How was he still so relaxed about this? This could be entirely serious, and he wasn’t taking it that way at—...
He paused. As his glare lingered, his eyes made a mishap and slipped down Wallace’s body as he walked away. Watching him walk in that dress just furthered his glare as his eyes flickered back up. This wasn’t the time to think about that. Their lives were at stake here, and they had to find a way out of here. Scott let out a breathy scoff as he followed the other back into the mansion.
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coupsjin · 10 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ svt maknae line: your first date
╰┈➤ summary: your first date! (obviously) so cute
╰┈➤ warnings: svt x afab, kissing, physical touch
╰┈➤ a picture is provided for every member, just for you to visualize the setting!
100-300 words per member!
a/n: i honestly had no motivation to write today.. im sorry if these seem rushed :') + for vernon and dinos, i wrote slightly differently
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
dk / seokmin
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with dk, even something simple as a walk can be romantic and fun. you both agree to take an afternoon walk in a park near your place. when he arrives outside of your apartment, he gives you a quick call to come down. when you do, you see a tall figure smiling at you and holding out a small camera.
"here! i brought one of my extras so we can take pictures of each other." he was glowing, clearly just excited to see you. he leads you by the hand down the stairs, walking towards the park.
while walking, seokmin is always trying to find the best angle and pose for him to take the perfect picture of you.
"no no, a little more to the right," he says while squinting in his camera, trying not to blush from your beauty. you can't help but smile, this being the first time a boy has done something like this for you.
time flies by, and it's already sunset.
"come on, let's take a selfie next to the sunset!" you can tell he's super excited.
"but.. every time i take a selfie i look awkward." you argued
"thats insane." he protests, "you're the most prettiest girl i've ever seen. you won't look awkward."
you blushed, ultimately agreeing. he fiddles with his camera, changing the setting. when he's ready, he gently puts his arm around your shoulder and snaps the photo.
"ok lets go ba-" you're confused with seokmin's sudden behaviour.
seokmin suddenly has a serious face on, staring into your eyes. he looks down to your lips, and slowly kisses you, snapping another photo.
"now we're done."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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mingyu wanted to keep it classy with a movie date... except he bought all the tickets in your row so you two would be alone.
"what?? mingyu you didn't have to do this.." you were impressed to say the least. who would spend this much money on a date?
apparently that someone was mingyu, letting you pick out anything and all you wanted at the snack bar. you felt bad, and just got a popcorn and some water.
you two decided to watch the new spiderman movie, as you were both interested in marvel. during the movie, his hands were almost always touching you. (unless he was wolfing down the popcorn). on your leg, holding your arm and hand - he was definitely the most clingy person you'd ever known.
when you reached for the popcorn, you were flabbergasted to see that there was none left. you slowly turned to mingyu who was also slowly turning to you, his eyes wide open and his lips pursed.
"very funny, mingyu," you whisper, "you buy all this food for me then eat it all yourself?" you said jokingly, thinking his guilty face was cute. you ruffled his hair, giving him the sign that it was ok. he smiled like a child, then turned his attention back to the movie.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
the8 / minghao
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"the best date during the middle of winter is going ice skating" he suggested.
when you got to the skating rink, he rented skates for the both of you. before putting on his, he bends down in front of you and angles your skate so you can easily slide in. looks up and smiles, then ties the laces.
"a gentleman, i see!" you exclaim, while you stand up and try to walk with your skates on. he puts on his, and you head out to the rink.
"let me warn you," you said, "i've never been skating before. i'm horrible." he smirks saying,
"that's why i brought you here." he gently guides your hands onto the rink, tightly holding onto both. you stumble, making him laugh - his high pitched giggle filling your ears with joy. he starts skating backwards with his eyes on you as you try to keep up.
you suddenly lose balance and fall, bringing hao down with you.
"wow. did you have to bring me down too?" jokingly he punches your arm. he gets up and pulls you to him, pulling you in by the waist. he slowly skates backward, keeping you stuck on him.
"now this is the speed i wanted." you said breathily, keeping your eyes interlocked.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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you loved seeing seungkwans hair flow in the warm summer breeze, right when you first met him. so when he finally asked you out on a date, you immediately suggested to go biking with him.
when you arrived at the trail, kwan was already prepping his bike for the date. he had a small basket at the front, filled with snacks and drinks for later on. his hair was a shiny blonde, his fingers running through them when he saw you.
you picked a destination and started biking. it was a surprisingly refreshing afternoon, with the sun beginning to set over the horizon. seungkwan glowed, looking and smiling at you when he caught you staring. without you knowing, he snapped a picture of you and posted it on your private story (with only his members and friends) when he got home later that day. all the members were curious:
"ooooh seungkwan got a girlfriend!!" mingyu texted in the group chat.
after a somewhat tiring bike ride, you sat down on a bench to enjoy the snacks he brought.
"you know," he said to break the silence of staring at the water, "it's my first time biking with someone else."
"well i'm glad it was me."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
vernon / hansol
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if you and vernon had a date, it would definitely be at his house watching a movie. though he's not too good at cooking, he makes popcorn and tries to bake cookies for you.
snuggled up in his blanket with the lights off, he would put on a movie, rubbing your arm or leg while watching. he would definitely not be ready to kiss you yet, so he expresses his feelings through touching you and reminding you of his presence.
at the end of the movie, he notices that you fell asleep leaning on his chest. he didn't want to wake you, so he inched his hands to the remote and turned the tv off, slowly falling asleep to your heartbeat.
since you were asleep, he snuck in a kiss on the top of your head.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
dino / chan
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he would definitely want to have a game night at his house! boardgames and snacks, and finishing the night off with a puzzle.
you ordered fried chicken to his house, surprising him. his mouth was agape, so thankful that he didn't have to cook for you (he's a horrible chef). you two happily ate the chicken while talking about funny stories.
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ooppo · 5 months
My story on sleep paralysis.
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One of the worst nightmares I’ve ever had was also the first time I experienced sleep paralysis. Admittedly, I was kind of excited. Freaked out, but excited. I had never thought I would experience having sleep paralysis. When I woke up, though, I didn’t realize what it was at first. I woke up because of a persistent sound. My brother and I were staying the night at an ex-boyfriends house, and they were whispering back and forth between each other. I knew it was late so I figured they were trying not to wake me. 
I went to move, but then I realized that I couldn’t. I realized it was sleep paralysis and tried not to freak out. It was cool, but still unsettling that I couldn’t move at all. I had read somewhere that you should go to sleep if you experience sleep paralysis. I tried to at first, but I was more curious than cautious. I wanted to see if I would have any weird sleep hallucinations, and maybe get a weird story to tell. At the angle I was lying I could scan about half the room. Just as I started to move my eyes, I realized something odd. The whispering wasn’t coming from behind me where my ex was and towards the door where my brother was. The whispering was everywhere in the room. It was quiet and hardly noticeable at first, which is why I didn’t realize it wasn’t real before I actually listened to it. 
Slowly, I began to look around. The closer I got to looking towards the end of the bed, the louder the whispering became. Multiple erratic, whispering voices overlapped, reaching its peak. However, when I locked eyes with what was standing at the edge of my bed, the whispering dropped deafeningly. 
I quickly moved my eyes away and shut them. I regretted my decision to look around and tried to go to sleep. I didn’t actually think that I’d come face-to-face with an actual sleep paralysis demon. Even though I knew it wasn’t real, I could still feel its unblinking eyes watching me. Eventually, though, I did go to sleep. When I woke up I was excited to relay the story to my ex and my brother. I had gotten the weird story I wanted. Halfway through my story, though, I saw something move from the edge of my vision. At the open bedroom door, a long, gray hand wrapped itself around the frame. I felt the world sink out from under me. The mans smile and pin prick eyes slowly came from around the corner to stare at me straight in the eyes. It watched for a moment, 
There stood a tall, gray old man who smiled ecstatically and pulled around blackened teeth. His eyes were pure white and the size of buttons in his head, with two even smaller pinprick pupils that seared into me.
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and then it lunged.
We weren’t far from the bed, so when it dragged me back onto it I woke up instantly. I was really awake this time, and I found that I still could not move. Fearfully, I looked towards the edge of the bed. The thing was still there, but it was closer.  
Its knees were pressed flat against the mattress, and this time it was looking down at me directly rather than at an angle. I quickly shut my eyes and went to sleep again. When I woke up, I was scared but relieved. It was just a nightmare and it was over. But, I was wrong. When it came for me next I was in the hallway on my way to brush my teeth. It dragged me back whilst I was kicking and screaming. I woke up again, and it was closer. Its knees were now on the bed. A cycle began, and it continued like that over, and over again. Each time I “woke up” it felt like I was awake for longer each time. I remember once when I “woke up” I immediately began to sob because of how distraught and scared I was. I fell into my brother's arms before being dragged back again. At one point I had dreamt that I had been awake for days. No matter how long it was, though, it would always find me wherever I was in the dream. And every time it would be closer. 
The very last time it had happened, I was too afraid to open my eyes. I could hear it breathing into my ear, its breath ghosting my skin. I felt its weight dipping the mattress around me. The thing was kneeling over on all fours on top of me. 
When I had truly woken up, and could move again, it was still night. I was so disoriented and scared that I honestly didn’t know if I was awake or not. The only thing that told me that I was actually awake was that it was still night, not morning like how the fake awakenings started. I didn’t want to go back to sleep again. It was honestly so disorienting that I thought that I had woken up in another dimension for some reason. Eventually, though, I did go back to sleep and I woke up for real that time. I lived my life like normal after shaking the nightmare off for the first few paranoia-filled days. Eventually I had forgotten all about it as the months passed. 
This was a time before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and unfortunately I get the type where I have psychosis. This is when my nightmare became real to me. 
It was late at night, and I was washing the dishes by myself. I wasn’t even really thinking about much, I was fairly calm. When I saw movement from the corner of my eye, I thought maybe it was my brother coming down the hall. It wasn’t, though. It was a hand. A long, gray, familiar hand. The old man's face peered around the corner at me, its smile happy and its eyes as wide as they could be. I sat there frozen in the kitchen, my stomach full of lead. 
It was going to lunge at me, and take me back to bed months in the past. Has everything been fake up to this point? Who was I going to be when I eventually did wake up? Or, would I ever wake up again? To say I was afraid was a drastic understatement. I was quite literally losing my mind. 
The demon didn’t lunge for me, though. It slowly ungripped the corner and ducted back into the laundry room where it first peaked out of. I couldn’t move for a long time. It took a while for me to gather the courage to move again. I reached the laundry room, and it was dark inside. I wondered why this time it was different. Was it waiting for me? Was I going to die? Was I dead already? 
I reached my hand into the darkness and felt for the lightswitch with unsure hands. When I found the switch and flicked it on, the laundry room was empty.
I have yet to see it again never saw the demon again. 
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erotic-meloncholy · 3 months
End of Beginning
(Rated: E)
Wilson is out of his element. Wilson is a one woman lover. Wilson is confident. Wilson knows how to bring a woman to climax. He likes it. It makes him happy to please.
But Kyle is the one standing in a methy motel room on the side of the highway with two women looking at him like he knows what to do. He reaches a hand to run through his hair. Oh yeah, he's also wearing the stupid bald cap.
"Well, would you like a drink? I think we have" Wilson looks around the room, "tap water." Not that he suggests drinking it. They both look at each other with forced grins and laughs.
"I think we're good, thanks." Sandy says. Shannon nods in agreement.
"That's-- probably smart." Wilson says as he looks over at the not quite clear water dripping from the faucet.
He fiddles with the strap on his wrist. Avoids looking at the time. This is Wilson's fantasy. When he thought of a three way he pictured silk sheets and a canopy bed and a harem of gorgeous women worshiping his cock. Why does the reality feel like a group presentation that can't get the power point to load?
"So." Wilson says. "Should we start?" He hates himself immediately after he says it. Like he's about to perform clinic duty. But Sandy and Shannon simply shrug and start shimmying out of their tube tops and Ed Hardy jeans.
Kyle takes off his watch.
House tries to find an angle that works for his leg in this mid-life crisis size car. He manages a few moments. Sleeps never easy under any circumstance let alone outside Bates motel. When he finds an angle that works, he waits in the dark for the thoughts to visit him before he crosses the threshold to REM sleep. Hypnagogic hallucinations. Those obscure weird almost realities.
Like Putting a bald cap on Wilson and conning women into sex. Couldn't have happened, right? It sounds like a bad B-plot from a network sitcom.
But mission accomplished. As far as bucket list items go, a three way is pretty low hanging fruit, but it's Wilson. And if Wilson wants, House will give.
So that's how House finds himself in the middle of nowhere while Wilson, pardon, while Kyle is attempting to "Vicky Christina and Barcelona" in a Super 8.
Wilson is lying on his back against scratchy hotel sheets. Sandy is riding his hips as he tries to keep the bald cap from sliding off.
"Yeah, you like that baby? Huh? You like that?"
Wilson is being ridden like a Pogo stick. The mattresses bounces with vigor and he's doing his best to be encouraging.
"Oh, oh yeah. Yeah. Keep--keep going. Ride my--cane."
Ride my cane? The fuck is wrong with him? Sandy doesn't care what nonsense spills out of his mouth as long as his dick is hard, and Shannon seems to be expecting something from Kyle that Wilson doesn't know how to give.
If he can last.
House laughs. Wilson's people pleasing no doubt would make him an over attentive lover. The anxiety of feeling he's let down a partner must be sending his compulsions into overdrive.
How long could he last with two women? How long can he last with one? He pictures as his hand snaps open the button on his jeans.
He's always so attentive. So ready to please. What would he do to please House if he needed it? House zips down his fly. Thinking of Wilson fucking his way through his fantasy is making House extremely needy. That's the word for it, House thinks as he wraps his hand around his dick, needy.
He's needy for Wilson. He wants to give him this. He wants to bring him to climax even if it isn't his body. He's thinking about Wilson fucking someone right now and House strokes faster.
"Fuck. Yeah, James..."
He moves his hand over his aching cock. Thinking of Wilson on the precipice of orgasm. Thinking how he's probably in that dirty motel right now buried balls deep in that bottle blonde he met two hours ago. How good he feels to be inside her.
"Oh God. Yes..."
House is getting close. In this way, they're together. Both racing towards climax. Maybe there's a universe they come together.
He pictures it. House closes his eyes and finishes in right there in the car, catching his spend in his hand, narrowly avoiding leaving any evidence. He finds a napkin on the floor from their last fast food run and wipes his hand clean and tosses the napkin out the window.
House tucks himself back in, zips up his jeans, and leans his head back against the window. Pictures soft lips against his own. Hypnagogic hallucinations he thinks. And a few moments later, falls asleep.
Wilson finds House the next morning in the car. He doesn't look very comfortable. He wants to invite House to stay a day in the motel. Catch up on some sleep in an actual bed. But this is Kyle. And Kyle says let's leave before Sandra and Shannon wake up and see exactly how not bald and clearly not dying he is. Not tomorrow that is.
“House. Wake up.”
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
The Balcony
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Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett Rated: 18+, explicit sexual content Word count: 1k
Summary: Newlywed Sophie and Benedict enjoy each other on a moonlit balcony.
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Sophie stood in her robe, staring out at the moonlit fields surrounding the cottage. It was achingly beautiful, the land she was fortunate enough to call her home. That she found herself on a small balcony of a stately house that she was able to call her own was also a blessing she could never have imagined in her former life.
As she stood quietly enjoying the cool night air and surveying the shadowy vistas beyond, suddenly a soft kiss pressed itself to her neck, and warm fingers grasped her waist. It was her husband, another wonder she could never have hoped to lay claim to and yet, here he was. 
“What are you doing out here?” He murmured against her skin.
She smiled at his touch but didn’t turn around. “The moon was so bright, it woke me. I wanted to see how everything looked outside.”
“Mmm,” she could feel him grin against her neck before his slow, soft kisses continued. “And what do you think?”
An arm wrapped itself around her waist and he pressed the full length of his body against hers. Sophie felt the rigid evidence of his desire on her backside and nearly gasped when she realized that he was completely nude, standing out in the open with her on the balcony. But she smirked instead. She should know better by now that Benedict wouldn’t give a second thought to being naked anywhere on his own property - inside or out. And that he wanted her again, when they had made love just hours earlier when going to bed, that shouldn’t surprise her either. He was insatiable and, she had to admit, so was she. She was always ready for her husband, always eager to seize the opportunity to have him as close as possible, to demonstrate the passion she felt for him.
“I was thinking,” she spoke slowly, her breath growing deeper, “that I can hardly believe how lucky I am, to experience all of this.”
A hand slid deftly into her robe and fingertips began to swirl, teasing her at the center of her sensations. Sophie sank against her husband with a sigh of pleasure, reaching back with one arm to hold his neck.
“To experience you.” She breathed.
Benedict’s breath was hot in her ear as his fingers twirled faster. “You must know that luck had nothing to do with it.” He purred. “You made me love you, with your deeds and words, your mind and your beauty.” His fingers moved to find her slickness and spread it across her opening. “You worked to be everything that you are, and that is what I could not help but love.”
A quick shift of her robe and now he was between her legs, his tip pressing along the length of her slit. “That is why I married you,” he whispered, then glided into her with slow and delicious pressure. They both groaned and Sophie gripped his neck tighter. “That is why you have all this, as my wife.”
Breathing heavily, Benedict kissed her neck, sucking at the skin and inhaling her scent. Then his hips started to move, slowly, pumping in and out of her. “You deserve this,” he gasped, “you deserve this.”
Sophie moaned quietly, something in her gut tightening at the pleasure of Benedict inside of her, but also the heartfelt tenderness of his words. She angled her hips back toward him, riding along as he pressed into her. Her eyes were closed, lost to her feelings, when he whispered again.
“Look at your grounds.”
She did as she was told, opening her eyes and releasing her hold on him to lean slightly forward and grasp the balcony rail with both hands. The moonlight still bathed the land in a radiant glow, and the adrenaline in her blood now brought everything into sharper detail. It was breathtaking.
Benedict held her hips as he bucked into her more quickly. “It’s yours,” he groaned. “It’s all yours. Everything. To do with as you wish, Mrs. Bridgerton. Tell me that you know it’s yours.”
Sophie’s breath was growing ragged. The pleasure her husband stirred in her and the depth of his devotion were overwhelming. 
“It’s mine,” she rasped, taking in all that she saw.
“Tell me you know you deserve it.”
Her voice grew bolder. “I deserve it.”
His thrusting had grown rhythmic and intense, his voice tight. “And what will you do with it?” 
Sophie felt so glorious, she could barely think, wanting to melt into the stone beneath her. “I will build our life here,” she gasped, “and I will safeguard it. I will make you happy, and I will love you every day. My husband…” It was getting harder to speak, and she started to mewl. “Benedict…I love you.”
A growl escaped his chest and he pressed against her back, bringing a hand between her legs and circling his fingers rapidly. Sophie moaned and her knees buckled. She gripped the railing for dear life as heat and tightness built within her like a kettle about to boil. They moved together, two bodies hot with passion, stirring the cool night air, their gasps lost to the shadows.
In time, Benedict could feel Sophie quiver and knew that she was close to her release. His fingers continued their dance, pressing harder. “Sophie, my love,” he groaned, “I’m yours. Tell me you know that too.”
Sophie whimpered, wound so tightly she knew she was about to burst. She couldn’t help but drop her head and clamp her eyes shut as she cried out, “You’re mine. You’re mine, Benedict. And I’m yours.”
The surprise of her returned oath undid him and he came, pulsing with a heat and intensity that nearly choked him. The sensation of Benedict throbbing within her pushed Sophie over the edge simultaneously. Her face contorted into a scream but she stayed silent, finding it impossible to breathe while spasms of ecstasy rippled outward through her body. Benedict wrapped both arms around her, and together they moaned and shuddered through their aftershocks, riding out one of their most exquisite climaxes in memory.
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Tagging: @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @bridgertontess
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tsunami-of-tears · 8 months
A Court of Shadows and Sunshine — Part Four
Azriel x OC
Summary: Further training at the House of Wind, Aurora is a badass. She also attends dinner with the inner circle.  
A/N: Sorry that this one took me a bit longer, I've had a busy/stressful week. Yoga is one of my special interests, I could talk about it all day long so I hope the class bits aren’t too long/detailed. I accidentally made Aurora autistic (we write what we know) oops.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, autistic meltdown (similar to a panic attack)
Part Three
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧
Shaking her head at Cassian’s choice of attire, Aurora walks to her spot at the front of the class. 
Feeling guilty about bringing up her mother, Azriel keeps his distance and selects a mat in the back row of the class, directly behind Cassian and Nesta. The mates always bicker and try to outdo each other during training - Azriel hoped they would provide some distraction. 
After warming up and working through the preparatory exercises, Aurora demonstrates the next position - the mermaid pose.
“This pose is quite advanced, so I’ll come around and help where needed,” Aurora says as she walks through the rows of mats. 
“Perfect Nesta, look at how much progress you’ve made,” Aurora beams, causing Cassian to pout. 
“Why don’t you compliment me?” Cassian asks. 
“Because, Cassian, your form is off.” Azriel has to hold back his smile while Nesta bursts out laughing. “Here, let me help you. This is pretty tricky.” Aurora gently adjusts Cassian’s form, explaining how to angle his hips until he is in the correct pose. 
Cassian yells triumphantly. “Look at me! I’m a mermaid!” 
“You are a beautiful mermaid Cassian, good job,” says Aurora, smiling wide. She continues walking, until she stops in front of Azriel’s mat. 
“Can I help you a little bit?” Aurora asks, still smiling. “If we adjust your front leg, it’ll be more comfortable.” 
Azriel nods in response. 
His heart hammers as Aurora’s scent floods his nose and her warm hands touch his knee, moving it slightly to the right.
“Good, can you feel that now?” 
The feeling of Aurora’s hand on his leg lingers, Azriel wants nothing more than to reach out to her. He can feel something pulling him towards her and he can't stop his shadows from sweeping their smokelike tendrils around her ankles. Azriel swallows, nodding, he doesn’t trust himself to use his voice. 
“Good,” Aurora nods and heads back to her spot at the front, ready to continue the lesson.
Cassian and Nesta watch the interaction quietly. Azriel avoids their gaze and doesn’t notice the raised brows and smiles exchanged by the couple.
Cassian insisted on another planking challenge with Aurora, she rolled her eyes playfully and agreed to it. There were no time limits today, instead they were both to hold the position for as long as they could. 
Everyone stood around the pair, wanting to watch how this played out. Nesta, playing the role of referee, calls out “Begin.” 
This was more of a battle of minds than bodies. Both Cassian and Aurora are physically capable, but who could keep their mind focused the longest? 
Minutes passed, the training ring was silent aside from the occasional gust of wind and grunt from Cassian. Azriel watched Aurora, her technique seemed similar to the mind stilling utilised by the Valkyries. Her face remained blank and unwavering throughout the challenge. No taunting from Cassian could penetrate her shield. 
Nesta watches on hopefully, Azriel meets her gaze with a subtle nod, they were both rooting for Aurora.
Finally, after what felt like an age to the onlookers, Cassian falls with a groan. Aurora follows shortly after, remaining on her hands and knees as she pants to regain her breath. 
Despite his jeering, Cassian was not a bad sport. He studied Aurora in awe for a few moments before standing up and extending his hand to her. She smiles as she takes it and gets to her feet. 
She tries to take her hand back but Cassian’s grip holds firm. “You’re incredible,” he says with complete sincerity. 
Aurora’s eyes fall to her feet as she mumbles a soft thank you, confidence disappearing completely at the compliment. Azriel’s chest tightens as he watches on. He can’t tell if it’s jealousy over the interaction with his brother.
His thoughts are disrupted by the group of females rushing to Aurora. Gwyn and Emerie pull Aurora in for a hug as Nesta jumps up and down in celebration. 
Cassian breaks away from the females and heads towards Azriel. “I’m a little bit terrified of her,” he admits. 
“Yeah she’s…” Azriel falters and looks back at Aurora, still feeling the tug in his chest. There is no single word to describe her. “She’s special.” Cassian nods in agreement. 
The brothers stand together in silence, watching the females excitedly discuss their morning. Nesta and Aurora part from the group and walk towards where the two males are standing.
“Aurora, what are you doing tonight?” Cassian asks. 
“Um, I’ll probably work on my lesson plans,” she admits. 
“Change of plans, sweetheart. Rhys would like to meet you and discuss our training. He asked us to extend an invitation to dinner tonight.”
Aurora balks, her eyes widen. “Me? With the High Lord?” 
Nesta puts a hand on her shoulder in comfort. “It’s just Rhys,” she laughs, “Don’t worry, we’ll all be there too.” 
That seems to ease Aurora slightly, she nods her head in agreement.
“Wonderful, I’ll let him know. I’m afraid I have somewhere I need to be, Azriel will take you home.” Cassian smirks at Azriel as his breath catches.
Trying to cover up his shock, Azriel extends an arm to Aurora and asks, “Are you ready to go?” 
She takes a deep breath and says, “As I’ll ever be.” 
Azriel pulls her into his arms and launches into the sky. Aurora squeezes her eyes closed until they stop ascending. Although there’s a part of Azriel that sings in happiness with Aurora in his arms, the fear on her face makes him concerned. 
“Are you okay?”
Aurora closes her eyes again, “I don’t like flying,” she admits. “It turns my stomach.”
Azriel pauses as he contemplates his response, wondering how much of his soul he should bare. 
“I used to feel that way,” he confesses. Aurora looks at him and raises her brows in question. “I learnt to fly later in life,” Azriel continues. “Despite the deep instinct, it was hard to make that initial jump.” 
Before Aurora can respond they start to descend towards her apartment, making her tighten the grip around Azriel’s neck. She stays firmly wrapped around him until they land on the ground. 
Azriel places Aurora on her feet and she promptly removes her arms from his neck, straightening up. Azriel clears his throat, his arms feeling empty without Aurora in them. Running his hand through his hair, he says, “So dinner tonight, I’ll pick you up. It’s at the River House so we don't have to fly.” 
“Thank you, but that’s not necessary. I’ll, um, see you there.” 
“Oh okay, I guess I’ll see you later then.” He takes a breath before admitting, “You killed it earlier.” 
“Thank you,” Aurora says, her eyes never leave Azriel’s. “I should, uh, getting going.” She gestures behind her back with her thumb. 
“Me too.” Azriel watches as Aurora walks into her apartment building, fighting the urge to pull her close again. He lets out a deep sigh once she’s out of his sight, before launching into the sky.
You had been ruminating over the High Lord’s invitation all afternoon. You tried to meditate and calm your mind but it did nothing to still your thoughts. You were so worried about what he might think of you. Even though Rhysand helped you get to safety in Velaris, you had never actually met the male. What if he thought the effort was wasted on you?  
And then there was Azriel. 
After your interactions today, you knew you couldn’t deny how you felt. Every time you touched you felt a fire burning under your skin, not unlike the warm glow of your power. 
You were relieved that Nesta would be there tonight. Though you haven’t known her long, she was the closest friend you had.
Cassian had neglected to mention the dress code for the evening, so you were also stressing over that. Half of your closet was in piles on the floor and your bed. You’d tried on numerous outfit combinations and nothing felt right. Everything was too itchy or too restrictive or too casual. At this rate you’d be going in your under garments. 
Finally, you settle on a light grey sweater dress with sheer tights and knee high black boots. You felt comfortable and hoped you wouldn’t be underdressed. As it’s nearing the end of Autumn, you had a very cold walk to the River House, so you also put on your coat and scarf. 
On the way out of your apartment, you take a final look in the mirror and repeat one of your affirmations.
“I am strong. I am resilient. I am enough.”
You find yourself standing outside the large manor that is humbly named the River House. The walk had helped to clear your head before dinner, but you can feel the anxiety creeping back as you stand on the front step.
You repeat your affirmation again in your mind before raising your hand to knock on the door. 
Before you make contact with the wood, the door is opened by Feyre who’s mouth widens in a huge smile when she sees you. You are relieved to see her black dress is quite understated, putting one worry at ease. 
“Hello again, Aurora. Please come in.” You bow your head at her and step inside. 
You step into the grand entrance and follow Feyre down the hallway. “Thank you for having me, you have such a beautiful home,” you say to Feyre. She smiles warmly at you, “Thank you Aurora, you’re always welcome.” 
You take another deep breath before entering the main living room. You’re barely over the threshold before you’re being pulled into a bone crushing hug by Nesta. It takes you a moment to realise what’s happening before you return her embrace. She whispers to you, “I’m so glad you came, it’s nice to have another friend around here.” 
Nesta lets you go and Cassian steps forward with a broad smile on his face. He also pulls you into a hug in greeting. Not quite as tightly as Nesta, but still firm. “How’s my favourite yoga teacher?” He beams. 
“Cassian, I’m your only yoga teacher.” You retort. 
“You’re still my favourite.” Cassian says with a wink. You respond with an eye roll. 
He takes a step back to move out of the way of Rhysand, who has stood to greet you. 
Your eyes flicker as they take in the High Lord. Living in Velaris for so many years, you had heard rumours of Rhysand’s beauty. None of that prepared you for the real thing. The male that stood before you was cauldron-blessed. 
Your breath hitches as his violet, star-flecked eyes meet yours. “Hello Aurora, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” the High Lord purrs. 
You feel your cheeks redden so you quickly avert your gaze and bow deeply to Rhysand. “Thank you for the hospitality, my Lord.” You hear a chuckle coming from Cassian’s direction, quickly shut off by the sound of smacking skin - you assume that was Nesta. 
You straighten your back and meet the High Lord’s gaze again, he’s watching you with curiosity. “You are most welcome, Aurora. But please, there’s no need for such formality in my home. You can call me Rhys.”
“That would be improper, my L-” Rhys cuts you off.
“Are you questioning your High Lord?” He asks with his brow raised and a smirk. 
Your cheeks burn even redder, “My apologies, uh, Rhys.” 
“I’m just teasing you Aurora, I couldn’t resist,” Rhys says with a wink. “Please sit,” he gestures to the lounge where Azriel is already sitting and looking rather uncomfortable. You hadn’t noticed him, hidden behind his flurry of shadows. “I’m dying to hear how training is going so far. First, would you like a drink?” 
“Thank you, that would be lovely.” Rhys exits with Feyre to get the drinks. You take a seat on the other side of the couch to Azriel, leaving an empty cushion in between the two of you. 
“Hello shadowsinger.”
Azriel watches you for a moment with a soft expression, “I think we need to start calling you that.” Azriel nods his head towards your feet, where you notice one of his shadows slinking by. You reach your hand out and it glides up and around your arm like a snake, slightly tickling you. You let out a soft laugh as it brushed over a particularly sensitive spot. 
At that moment, Rhys and Feyre return, carrying wine and glasses. They set everything down on the coffee table and look over at your arm, and the shadow making itself at home there. 
“Az, are you doing that?” Feyre asks. 
Azriel shakes his head, “No, it’s not me, I’m not controlling them. They like her.” 
“Interesting.” Rhys drawls. 
“What’s interesting, cousin?” Everyone turns to face Mor, who has just entered the room. She flips her hair over her shoulder and takes a seat in the chair across from you. “Rory. Fifty years and you still haven’t taken up an offer to hang out with me. This buffoon here,” she gestures at Cassian, “asks you once and you accept.” Mor flashes you a devilish smile. 
Cassian starts to object to being called a buffoon but he side tracks, “Rory?” He questions and turns back to you. “How have we not heard this nickname before?”
“It’s what my family called me. I don’t introduce myself as Rory, but Mor knew them.” 
Azriel winced at the mention of your family in past tense. Luckily, Mor quips back at Cassian. “Once she puts up with fifty years of your crap, you can ask to call her that.” 
“Cauldron boil me, fifty years? I’m not sure I have the strength.” You say, winking at Cassian. 
Rhys and Nesta roar with laughter as Cassian crosses his arms and pouts at you. 
You pick up one of the glasses on the table, swirling the wine around before bringing it to your lips. Not usually one to drink much, you were feeling quite relaxed so you didn’t see any harm in having a few tonight.
The rest of the evening was fairly enjoyable. It was easy for you to slip into the familiar banter of the group. Cassian continued to pester you all throughout dinner about your nickname, until you finally caved - he could call you Rory so long as he stopped calling you Sweetheart. 
After dinner, Feyre retired for the night to relieve her other sister, Elain, from babysitting duties - while Rhys, Cassian and Azriel went to the High Lord’s study to discuss some urgent business. That left you alone in the lounge with Mor and Nesta. 
You ended up drinking more than intended, with the excitement of the night gone and the wine-buzz wearing off, you feel very drained. 
In between fits of giggles, Nesta raves about your ‘annihilation’ of Cassian earlier - a severe exaggeration in your opinion.
“I would give anything to see that!” exclaims Mor. You wave your hands, trying to object to all the praise, but Nesta cuts you off. 
“Nonsense. I will not hear it, Aurora.” She grabs your hands, forcing you to look at her. “Listen to me, you’re incredible.” You squeeze her hands in response, and attempt to blink back the tears that have pooled in your eyes. 
You’re unsure if it’s the wine making you more emotional, but you choke back your sob as the wave of overwhelming feelings slams into you - acceptance and loneliness, insecurity and gratitude. The good and bad swirls together until the tears are streaming down your face. 
“Oh, Rory.” Nesta pulls you into a hug and holds you tight. The pressure helps to calm you and slow your breathing. Your shoulders slump in her embrace and you let out a soft whimper. 
You feel a warm hand on your back, and turn your head to see Mor beside you, rubbing small circles. “Come on, Rory, let’s get you to bed.” 
The exhaustion hits you so hard that you don’t question her. Nesta and Mor help you to your feet, and walk with you to one of the spare bedrooms. The females help you change into comfortable clothes and they get you into bed. You don’t say a word to either of them as they leave, you couldn’t if you tried. Once you reach this point, your mind and body refuse to cooperate. 
Once you’re alone, you use your powers to extinguish all light in the room. Relishing in the calmness of the dark and silence, you allow yourself to fall into a deep sleep.
Rhys had asked Azriel and Cassian to step into his office, claiming there was something urgent they had to discuss. 
Azriel had been on edge all night. He had an inkling about the pull he felt towards Aurora, but he wasn’t completely sure. Mother knows he doesn’t deserve it.
The three males were silent until they entered the High Lord’s study. Rhys leans against his desk with his arms crossed, Cassian and Azriel remain standing. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Azriel asks. 
Rhys and Cassian exchange a look before flashing devilish smiles at Azriel. 
“Brother, when were you planning on telling us about your lovely mate?” 
Part Five
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