#alta salt
ellakomskaikru · 2 years
How do you feel about the ATLA comics erasure of Zuko/Katara's relationship? I feel it's the second most petty thing Bryke could've done after their relationship ends with no closure after Zuko is fried alive saving Katara's life
Hello anon!
I absolutely hated it. The writers clearly felt threatened by Zutara, and because of that, felt the need to limit the time that Zuko and Katara spent together as friends as much as possible. Zuko and Katara definitely should have had a scene together after the Final Agni Kai, discussing how grateful they are to each other and solidifying their friendship, but Bryke couldn’t even do that because he was upset that so many people preferred Zutara over their nice guy fantasy ship.
(As I have said before, I don’t hate Aang, I am critical of some of his behavior but I think that he is a good person with flaws who simply isn’t compatible with Katara.) Bryke also felt the need to make fun of a bunch of Zutara shippers fanarts and that was just so immature and petty. If they didn’t feel threatened by Zutara they wouldn’t have felt the need to do that either. Not to be pessimistic, but I’m just preparing myself for the worst for this upcoming Zuko movie. I feel that Bryke will contrive any reason to keep Zuko and Katara apart.
Thanks for the ask!
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Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, by Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker, narrated by Richard and Tuppence Middleton, is on the shortlist for the 2024 Audie Awards.
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theweeklydiscourse · 2 months
ATLA fans are really giving Star Wars fans a run for their money with this new live action aren’t they? I’m getting flashbacks as we speak
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Chloe vs Azula Part 4
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thechembow · 1 year
Utah ski resort reports whopping 75 feet of snow that breaks season records
Apr. 25, 2023 - Fox Weather
A popular ski area outside of Salt Lake City continues to add to a record-breaking snowfall season, with the latest spring storm system helping the accumulation tally reach at least 901 inches of snow for 2022-23.
Alta Ski Area usually averages about 403 inches in a season...
"We’ve never had a season like it," said Andria Huskinson, Communications Manager for Alta Ski Area. "It was a historic season that we’ll be talking about for years."
Winter weather enthusiasts were not able to take advantage of the slopes at the independently-owned ski area during the most recent storm because the site officially closed on Sunday and will not reopen until November.
The historic season tops the second-snowiest year by more than 150 inches and is more than double the yearly average...
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dirigibleplumbing · 1 year
when I write Dean and Sam driving out on cases, I map their route, and look up roadside attractions and restaurant reviews to figure out where would be fun for them to stop.
and there is nothing quite like searching “dive” and “hole in the wall” for finding clean, well-lit, apple-store-decorated, hipster-ass places in strip malls where Dean Winchester would never be caught dead
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nymfaia · 2 years
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    One of Magnai’s most prized features happens to be the looping tattoo curled around his upper arm. Formed out of circles and unfinished, the art is updated with every Nadaam win he adds to his streak.
     Much like military officers may display pins or patches on their uniforms to flaunt their station, those who win the Nadaam often find a way to flaunt their victory. Some tribes add embroidery into the winner’s robes, or add ornamentation to their tent.
     The Oronir tattoo one another, as one man’s win encompasses the tribe as a whole. While they are not the only to do so, they are the only family to approach it in such a way that leads the art unfinished should they ever lose.
     The tribe they quarrel with the most, the Dotharl, view each win as an accomplishment on it’s own, and any artwork they put into their flesh reflects the same: a pattern that fully wraps around the winner’s forearm, upper arm, or part of their leg. Most commonly seen among them is the hammer, a motif intending to signify power and eternal life. This goes along with their belief that the strongest among them will return to the Steppe.
     The hammer pattern can be seen among many Dotharl:
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     The Oronor do not see one win to be fully encompassing. Strength is made of multiple victories, even if such a victory is not one they personally obtained. Combined with their belief of being descendants of Azim and the sun, their tattoos are derived from the King’s Bracelet pattern:
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     (In the real world, the symbol is often seen as a sign of peace or tranquility. While I’m not sure this is something that would jive with the Oronir tribe, who pride themselves on their competition and thirst for victory, I do see a similarity in it to the astrological symbol for the sun: ☉.
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     Which, obviously, given the clan’s beliefs, aligns quite nicely, and is why I ended up choosing the pattern overall.)
    With the end of Stormblood, the tattoo will remain unfinished. It only partially wraps around his upper bicep, not quite centered in a way that shows the failure wasn’t expected. His tribe could win another Nadaam, of course, and add onto their tattoo ring without a gap - and many will. But Magnai sees it as an end to his reign, and even should he win another round, a gap will be left where the win could have been.
     As for Cirina, she indulges in the tradition for the novelty. Very few in her tribe’s history have had a win, and while it is not something she would have had done for any other occasion, it is something to be proud of. However, she opted not to have a bracelet or anklet tattoo, and has instead the ulzii hee: the endless knot. It is intended to symbolize everlasting happiness, and she has it placed below her collar, in a similar area to where she would pull her bowstring taut before firing.
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     Since Alta has not returned to the Steppe as of Endwalker, she has still yet to receive her Nadaam tattoo - something I’m certain Magnai has bothered her about during their stint in Garlemald. Without much memory of her own tribe having won, nor what kind of design they might have displayed, she’s remained fairly mum on the tradition. However, I do think she would try and get something pertaining to her adventures and time spent abroad, her time in other realms and in other times.
     (Which might end up being something as simple as a black line around one of her limbs, given how difficult it would be to truly encompass everything.)
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chaddavisphotography · 2 months
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Snowpine Lodge in Alta Utah near Salt Lake City in September 2023.
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sciatu · 6 months
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Ristorante nella Valle d'Agrò
Abbiamo deciso di fare un pranzo tra noi cugini e ci siamo ritrovati in un ristorante nella valle d’Agrò. Abbiamo ordinato un metro e mezzo di frittura e una lunghezza equivalente di focaccia nei quattro gusti canonici: tradizionale (scarola, pomodoro e formaggio), Norma (Melanzane e ricotta salata), con patate e con mortadella e crema di pistacchio. Ordinavamo le birre dello stretto due alla volta per averle sempre fredde. Mio cugino Ciccio, responsabile di una riserva naturale ci raccontava degli abitanti delle fattorie sparse sui monti della riserva. Ci diceva di una furbissima vecchietta che accumulava milioni di euro litigando con tutti i fornitori e dipendenti che non pagava mai. La vecchietta, una volta morta, lasciò tutto alla chiesa del paese ed ora i suoi fornitori e dipendenti vogliono pignorare la chiesa per avere indietro i soldi. Oppure ci raccontava di pastori dall’appetito immenso che facevano colazione con le costine di maiale, pane fresco e un vasetto di peperoni in salamoia. Usavano come bicchiere le bottiglie di plastica della coca cola a cui tagliavano la parte alta e che riempivano di vino. “ma bevevano un litro e mezzo di vino?” “ a pranzo e un altro litro e mezzo a cena… in famiglia, da novembre a marzo, consumavano più di mille e quattrocento litri di vino” “e una volta che finiva?” “passavano alla birra” Oppure ci raccontava di quel conoscente comune che ubbriaco cadde di notte sui binari del treno addormentandosi, così che il treno passando gli tagliò un braccio. “di netto?” “ di netto! E lui svegliandosi vide che dove c’era il braccio gli usciva sangue” “oh matritta bedda, … e che ha fatto?” “era vicino alla spiaggia e vedendo dei pescatori, è corso da loro portandosi dietro il braccio” “e loro?” “figurati se nella notte, nel buio della spiaggia ti vedi arrivare uno dall’aspetto spiritato che urlando, con il sangue che gli zampilla da un lato, stringeva nella mano sana il braccio tagliato … il pescatore appena lo ha visto uscire dal buio, è svenuto … e gli è toccato a lui prendersi cura del pescatore” Purtroppo Tumbrl ha limitato lo spazio per i testi, se no vi avrei raccontato altre storie di quelle che Ciccio, tra frittata di pesce e focaccia, ci ha detto.
We decided to have lunch with us cousins and we found ourselves in a restaurant in the Agrò valley. We ordered one and a half meters of fried food and an equivalent length of focaccia in the four canonical flavours: traditional (escarole, tomato and cheese), Norma (aubergine and salted ricotta), with potatoes and with mortadella and pistachio cream. We ordered the Strait beers two at a time so they would always be cold. My cousin Ciccio, manager of a nature reserve, told us about the inhabitants of the farms scattered across the mountains of the reserve. He told us about a very clever old lady who accumulated millions of euros by arguing with all the suppliers and employees who she never paid. Once the old lady died, she left everything to the town church and now her suppliers and employees want to foreclose on the church to get their money back. Or he would tell us about shepherds with immense appetites who had breakfast with pork ribs, fresh bread and a jar of pickled peppers. They used plastic Coca Cola bottles as glasses, cutting off the top and filling them with wine. “but did they drink a liter and a half of wine?” "yes, at lunch and another liter and a half at dinner… in the family, from November to March, they consumed more than one thousand four hundred liters of wine" “and once it was over?” “they switched to beer” Or he would tell us about that mutual acquaintance who fell asleep drunk on the train tracks at night, so that the passing train cut off his arm. “clearly?” “ definitely! And when he woke up he saw that where his arm was there was blood coming out." “oh matritta bedda, … and what did he do?” “He was near the beach and seeing some fishermen, he ran to them carrying his arm with him” “And them?” “Imagine if in the night, in the darkness of the beach, you see someone arriving with a haunted appearance who, screaming, with blood gushing from one side, was clutching his cut arm in his good hand… as soon as the fisherman saw him come out of the darkness, he fainted… and it was up to him to take care of the fisherman" Unfortunately Tumbrl has limited the space for texts, otherwise I would have told you other stories than those that Ciccio told us, between fish omelette and focaccia.
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sturchling · 2 years
Could you please write a salt fic where word of Lila’s lies about knowing various people and helping with their work (like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale) reaches them and she gets sued to hell and back, which exposes her? Bonus points for Alta redemption.
Lila never thought about the long term. When she told her lies, she only cared about the here and now. She wanted attention that minute and she didn’t care how she got it, or what story she told to get it. But she should have been more careful. Maybe if she had, this wouldn’t have happened.
Alya had been a little suspicious of Lila for the last week. She didn’t want to accuse her of anything, but her stories were beginning to sound far fetched even to her. The lie that really made her start doubting Lila was from two weeks ago. Jagged Stone had just released a new single, featuring Clara Nightingale.
It was a major hit, everyone was talking about it all over the world. When the class came back from the weekend, they were all buzzing about the song. Lila should have thought before she spoke, but as usual she didn’t. All she knew is that the attention wasn’t on her right now, and she can’t stand that. “I know! The song is amazing! I actually helped write and coordinate the song”
While the class fawned over this new story, Alya hesitated. She was pretty sure she had read somewhere that Jagged had brought back his original song writer for this new song, since that writer had worked with both musicians before. Alya almost said something, but stopped herself and thought it through. If she accused Lila without proof, that wouldn’t go well at all and no one was likely to believe her. And besides, if she wasn’t remembering correctly and Lila wasn’t lying, it would be wrong to accuse her.
So Alya resolved to investigate like any good journalist would. First, she went looking for that article. She quickly found what she was looking for, and the article did specifically say that it was Jagged’s original writer who wrote this song, not Lila. Alya was sure this would be enough, but then she thought it over again. She realized she would need more proof. Lila could just say that this article was inaccurate, or some tabloid that got it wrong. Alya needed iron clad proof that couldn’t be refuted.
Deciding to go straight to the source, Alya went to the Grand Paris hotel where she knew Jagged was staying. If Jagged said so, there would be no doubt that Lila was lying. Alya arrived at the hotel and after some convincing, Penny let her into Jagged’s suite. Alya told the two everything that Lila had claimed about the new song. By the end, the two looked livid and Alya reconsidered if this was a good idea. Why if they thought she was lying? Or what if Lila was telling the truth and she had just insinuated that Lila was a liar to a close friend? But that wasn’t what happened. Instead, Penny simply told her “Thank you for bringing this to our attention, it will be handled.”
The next day, Alya was still wondering what Jagged was going to do. But she didn’t have to wait long. Just after the class came back from lunch, the door burst open and in walked Jagged and Clara. They wasted no time, walking straight to Lila and dropped a large stack of papers on her desk.
“Lila, we have heard from a little bird that you have been claiming to have written our latest song. That is simply untrue and you know it. So not rock’in. So considered yourself served and we will see you in court.” Lila was shocked and tried to stutter out a defense. She had never considered that her lies would get back to the celebrities she was lying about! She begged for them to reconsider, she apologized, and tried anything she could to get them to drop the case. But they wouldn’t and left her sitting at her desk, terrified and wondering what would happen when her mom found out.
The class, at this point obviously knew that Lila had been lying about this and probably a lot of other stories too. The class was glaring and yelling at Lila, furious that she had been tricking them this whole time. Meanwhile, Alya sat back, satisfied with her work. She thought things through, worked like the journalist she wanted to be, and had uncovered the truth. If only Lila had thought about the long term before she spoke, like Alya had. Maybe then, she wouldn’t be getting sued and still be happy. Maybe next time, she will think ahead.
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theghostofashton · 6 months
9 people you want to know better
thank you for the tag @reyesstrand <3
current book you’re reading: i try to do two books at a time, usually a fiction and a nonfiction - my fiction is salt houses by hala alyan (some of the most beautiful writing i've ever read tbh) and my nonfiction is blaming the victims by edward said and christopher hitchens
last song you listened to: all you had to do was stay tv (1989 tv has been on repeat since midnight on friday ngl)
currently watching: rewatching LS with a friend (we watched 2x11 and 2x12 last night which were so good), in the middle of the eternal tvd watch w another friend, and i just started a random bojack horseman rewatch the other day lol
current fic you’re reading: oh god so many. i'm really behind, this month has been so busy lol
atm: meet you after dark by @strandnreyes, to build a home by @freneticfloetry, alta by @welcometololaland, love from the other side by @lightningboltreader, and i just started the knave verse by @liminalmemories21
next on my watch list: honestly i'm not sure. i constantly want to rewatch psych, may end up doing that. also may try sex education because i've heard a lot of good things
current obsession: ls/tarlos, running, john oliver, 1989 tv
i'll tag all of the fic authors listed up there ^ (if they haven't done so already, my apologies if you already have!), @sanjuwrites @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @bonheur-cafe and leave an open tag for anyone else that wants to share!
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halesiarpg · 1 month
Estos serán los rangos del foro y solo influyen para las tramas, es decir, según como tu personaje haya llevado su vida tendrá un tipo de información y conocimientos.
Queremos dejar claro que estos no son libres ni opcionales. El rango va de la mano con como sea tu ficha, según la vida que ha llevado y lo que tenga más sentido. El Staff te puede corregir esto. Ejemplo:
Si tu personaje es un príncipe que solo se ha preocupado en su vida de las fiestas, beber y simplemente no hacer nada, no tiene sentido que sea un Erudito, entonces sería Ocioso Tampoco tiene mucha lógica que sea criminal, porque a veces cometa crímenes y se salte la justicia por abuso de su puesto de poder. Solo lo convertiría en alguien mezquino y su rango seguiría siendo Ocioso.
El personaje ha pasado grandes periodos de tiempo desarrollando tareas de investigación, erudición, desarrollo, o sencillamente se dedica a tareas que le hacen aprender muchas cosas, desde lenguajes a saberes. Esto se refleja en que suelen saber cosas y detalles, incluso de lo más pequeño o incomprensible.
El personaje ha dedicado grandes periodos de tiempo a la comprensión y estudio de la magia o los dioses. Esto le suele otorgar una gran cantidad de conocimiento sobre estas dos materias específicamente y les otorga conocimientos sobre cosas antiguas especialmente.
El personaje ha dedicado una gran cantidad de tiempo a alguna o varias artes, habiéndose ganado la vida con esto. Esto hace que los personajes sean especialmente hábiles en el arte y sean considerados algo reconocidos en esos círculos.
El personaje ha pasado gran parte de tiempo dedicándose al arte de la guerra, en especial, al servicio de un señor que le ha otorgado su bendición. Esto les otorga conocimientos de etiqueta y estrategia.
El personaje se ha ganado toda su vida de forma ilegal, trabajando como contrabandista, asesino, o algo similar. En ello, se ha instruido en el arte de la charlatanería y el callejeo.
El personaje se ha ganado la vida sobre un barco; sea por ser un pirata, un pescador, o un comerciante. Cualquiera de ellos le ha otorgado grandes conocimientos sobre la meteorología y la navegación.
El personaje se ha ganado su vida mediante la fabricación, producción o recolección de algo. En ello, se ha vuelto bueno y seguramente le ha dado conocimientos colindantes al área.
El personaje se ha ganado la vida de la naturaleza misma, a un lado de la sociedad como un salvaje, o formando parte de la misma parcialmente como guardabosques. Esto otorga conocimientos sobre la naturaleza y los caminos.
El personaje se ha dedicado a la única e inigualable tarea de tener una etiqueta tan destacable, unos modales tan apropiados, y resultar (o ser) tan interesante que el resto lo consideren reconocible normalmente y tenga conocimientos de las altas alcurnias siempre.
El personaje se ha dedicado a... ser mimado y consentido. No tiene grandes habilidades desarrolladas, más allá de la de gastar dinero y saber que él es importante. Tus conocimientos serán basados en los cotilleos, rumores, y similares de cortes.
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indecentpause · 1 year
Heads up 7-Up
@winterandwords and @kaiusvnoir both tagged me in a heads up seven up, to share seven lines! They are from The Princess and The Pirate this time :3 since I got tagged twice and many more times in last lines, here’s a bunch!
“I was born a boy,” [Aguri] finally said.
Rakhee tilted eir head. Why did she sound so sad? Why was she looking away, like she was ashamed?
“All right,” e finally said.
Aguri looked back up again. “We… we don’t really have a term for that where I’m from. It must happen, but so rarely nobody’s bothered to come up with words for it. I didn’t know you didn’t have to be one or the other until about a year ago. I thought you had to be a boy or a girl. I didn’t realize you could be both. Or neither. Can you do that? Can you be both if you were only born one?”
Savitri’s hand fell away from Rakhee’s side when e scooted closer. She was carefully looking at the fire, doing her best to give the two some privacy.
“I think you can be anything you feel like, whatever you were born into,” Rakhee said. E bumped a gentle shoulder against Aguri’s. She startled, then laughed a little at her own jumpiness.
Aguri stuffed the last bite of bread into her mouth, and spoke muffled around it. “That’s why Captain’s taking me to Jannah. So they can make my body right. So I’m a girl on the outside and the inside. But… last year I started to wonder. Maybe I might be both.”
Rakhee ‘hmm’ed softly, carefully moving eir feet a little closer to the fire. “I think you could be. What’s in Jannah?”
“The Alchemists,” Aguri said. “I don’t know if it’s Magic, or science, or both. But it fixes things. It makes them how they’re supposed to be.”
Rakhee turned back toward Savitri when she pressed a small package of dried, salted fish against eir arm. E took it and popped one of the tiny cubes into eir mouth. E chewed thoughtfully, and when e swallowed, e said, “Well, if you are, the Alchemists will fix it, right?”
Aguri’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you don’t go to the Alchemists and say, ‘make me a girl.’ You go to the Alchemists and say, ‘make me the truest, realest form of myself.’ Right? Alchemy breaks everything down into its purest form. So whatever the person, or the thing, is meant to be, deep down, that’s what happens. At least, that’s what Grandmother Alta always said.”
tagging @drippingmoon @bookish-galaxy @avocado-frog @magic-is-something-we-create and anyone else who wants to! :D
Share seven lines and tag who you like!
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fi-lo-b · 5 months
REVIEW: Married Thrice to Salted Fish
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AVISO: Tá cheio de SPOILERS, então CUIDADO!
Beleza, sobre esse aqui…
Sério! Apesar de quão trabalhado, sofrido e até mesmo angustiante a trama possa ser, MTSF é definitivamente uma novel com um plot muito, muito fofo e doce!
Essa história é verdadeiramente sobre amor, desenvolvimento e como uma relação deveria ser. A maneira como Jiang Xing e Lin Qingyu se apaixonaram aos poucos, e então se relacionaram, foi definitivamente um colírio, um deleite puro para qualquer um lendo! A autora conseguiu escrever de uma maneira tão sincera e tão natural. Você vê claramente o amor crescendo entre eles a cada reencarnação do Jiang Xing e é capaz de se apaixonar por cada interação, assim como se fascinar pelas mudanças em sua forma de tratar ao outro em cada uma delas. Ainda não consigo superar o modo como eles flertam! É tão doce, divertido e, definitivamente, ousado que você não consegue evitar de sorrir com cada parágrafo de narração. Eu realmente amo demais o modo como essa autora os desenvolveu. Acho que raramente encontro novels onde o relacionamento é escrito de uma maneira que passe essa sensação de realidade, onde você consegue sentir que aquele casal está verdadeiramente e intensamente apaixonado. E o pior? Nem sequer é tóxico ou algo intensamente ruim! Está na medida certa!
Também amo, ABSOLUTAMENTE AMO, Jiang Xing e seu sonho de peixe salgado! Me identifico completamente! Uma pena que eu seja uma mera mortal e verdadeiramente não consiga alcançar o cérebro do nosso preguiçoso favorito. Eu realmente queria, no entanto… mas, mesmo não podendo, gosto de poder ter o privilégio de me divertir com o fato de que ele ainda vai ter que “trabalhar duro” pelo seu Baobei por longos e longos anos! Enfim. Jiang Xing também é um personagem belamente desenvolvido, com uma personalidade e maneiras de pensar cativantes, e que atraem facilmente qualquer um. Entendo perfeitamente Qingyu e o porquê dele estar tão apaixonado por esse “mero estudante”, ainda mais com o quanto esse estudante é proficiente em apaziguar e mimar nossa grande beleza.
Além do nosso Jiang, eu obviamente amo Lin Qingyu, nossa beleza fria e venenosa, que pode facilmente acabar com a sua vida por causa de um único comentário. Mesquinho? Quem se importa! É o grande charme dele! Afinal, assim como Jiang Xing, eu não posso deixar de ficar excitada e ansiosa para ver uma pessoa tão linda assim envenenando seus ofensores até a morte e pisando neles. Sinceramente? Se eu fosse eles, ficaria até mesmo grata. Afinal, não é todo dia que alguém tão lindo e de prestígio enorme se dispõe a prestar atenção em você, mesmo que seja só para te jogar em uma cova. Mas, enfim. Nossa beleza não é apenas fria, como também é insuportavelmente fofa e meiga. Claro que, esse lado é só para o estudante Jiang e, mais tarde, um pouquinho para o filho adotivo deles, Shen Huaishi – outro que eu queria totalmente pegar no colo e mimar de todas as formas possíveis! –.
Outro ponto aqui é a narrativa. Flui muito bem, além de a escrita não te deixar em paz até que você consuma todos os capítulos! Estou sendo sincera! Terminei cento e quarenta e sete deles em dois ou três dias! Não consegui parar a não ser que terminasse de uma vez e, se não fosse o fato de eu ter obrigações e ter começado a ler no meio da semana, eu definitivamente teria acabado em um dia depois de virar a noite envolvida de maneira obsessiva e psicótica com a história desses dois. Então, acredite em mim quando digo que essa é uma novel venenosa que só vai te largar quando você não tiver mais nenhum conteúdo pendente. Bom, eu não quero falar muito porque, apesar de já ter dado um spoiler ENORME só falando “Jiang Xing”, eu ainda quero de verdade preservar algumas coisas e experiência antes que você leia. Por isso, não vou falar mais nada além de que essa novel deveria ser uma leitura obrigatória e de alta prioridade na sua lista. Principalmente se você estiver procurando um casal com verdadeira desenvolvimento, uma dinâmica atraente e uma bela história para contar.
Em resumo…
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alta langa langherino
pretty good
with crackers, black berry jam and apple(slice)
basically nothing to say about this one. the flavor was so mild as to be nearly imperceptible. a nice soft texture though, big fan of that. i figure it might be nice with like something with a lot of salt taste, so i’ll probably do it again with better equipment. was kind of expensive for how small of a cheese but whatever.
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nymfaia · 1 year
Jullus 🤝 alta
Dried fruit in baked goods
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