#and even that seems to be more of a 'stay off our territory and we'll stay off yours' kind of thing
adobe-outdesign · 1 month
"why don't super-intelligent Pokemon like Metagross and Alakazam just take over humanity if they're smarter than us" imagine that a random primate gave you free housing, food, and medical care for the rest of your life for literally no reason other than they want to be friends with you and I think you'll understand
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DP x DC or Marvel: The Help of The Dead
I won't lie this could work for either
When Phantom joined the team almost everybody had the same thought; "He's just a kid, how could he help?"
They insist on protecting him in fights, especially when he makes it clear more than once that he wont fight living humans. So when it comes to armies of people they have to deal without the child on the battlefield, which is fine by them. One lest child on the front lines is one less ass to save when shit hits the fan.
But then one day that suddenly changes.
An evasion with scales unlike anything they had ever seen before which is saying something. Together the teams had fought countless battles but in that moment things seemed truly like they were too much.
Until Phantom finally clapped, jumped off the table. "These aren't living humans right?"
They weren't human, far from it. The team had mentioned this more than once but it was hard to tell if he was just double checking or if he hadn't been paying attention to anything.
"Great. Pull the team back, I got it."
"You really don't expect us for you to fight this alone, do you?" Superman or Captain America would ask as Phantom just laughed.
"Don't be ridiculous, who said I would be doing it alone. Now pull them back. I won't say it again." Then Phantom simply vanishes.
The orders are given, timidly but their given. Moral of the people left in the 'danger zone' drops and things seem to drastically change when a massive green cloud begins to swirl in the sky before ripping open into a portal that sends chills down the spines who see it.
The heroes fear it's a second wave or some kind of superweapon going off, but then a figure flies out, does a flip and strums a guitar.
The team is confused until the portal explodes, a large mass of things fly out filling the sky blocking out the sun to the city. The heroes panic, the heroes don't know what to do. But the mass isn't attacking, in fact there's a wave of movement until who shows up at the front of the lines, a regal cape, a flaming crown and a glowing ice covered ring.
"Phantom." Nobody knows who breathes the name when they all realized what was happening.
Phantom simply waves his hand, a green megaphone forming out of thin air as he speaks into it.
"Attention invading forces. You have trespassed on territory claimed by the King of the Dead. You were given your chances to leave, and since you chose to stay then this must mean you have enjoyed your visit and wish to make your stay permanent. Don't worry, we'll help you with that. If you wish to leave, now is your chance. Either evacuate or drop your weapons of we will drop you."
The invading forces refuse, hell they even go so far as to scoff at the idea. Phantom simply shrugs then gestures to the one with the guitar, as she begins to play again and Phantom bops around for a second before he holds up his hand.
"By the order of the King of Death you are here by to protect the living souls of this world and destroy any who are not human, animal, or under our protection. There will be no ransacking, no obsession chasing, and no harming of the living. This is the decree now... take out the trash."
The slaughter is over before the one with the guitar finishes her third song. Two days of fighting over in less than nine minutes with no human lives lost in the attack, more captured enemies than dead, and without Phantom having to lift a finger.
The team is surprised, not only was Phantom working for the King of the Dead but the Army of the Dead was fuckin' terrifying. When Phantom was confronted with this information later, he simply laughs, shrugs and says;
"What can I say? Sometimes you have to let the kids outside to play or they'll go stir crazy."
"Why didn't you fight?" Another one of the heroes would ask as Phantom looked at them.
"You heard the decree, didn't you. 'No obsession chasing', my obsession is 'Protection'. I stayed back because if I was involved I would have probably caused more damage then our enemies."
After what the heroes had seen... this threat was terrifying.
Suddenly they realized that Phantom did help - by staying back - and the day he was actively in the fight...
Not even the mysterious 'King of the Dead' would be able to save the souls who went against Phantom.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 6 months
(continuation from this)
Nothing the Unseelie offered ever came without strings attached. 
Every sentence was a trap spun of words, waiting to be sprung on them. So Techno decided to leave the rest of the envoy behind. He told the other guards to make camp while Techno himself would meet with Wilbur's family. One wrong move could see them in big trouble. Techno couldn't leave this task up to anybody else, much as he'd love to skip any sort of social interaction.
But man, did he hate it.
Wilbur's father was a lot like him, all sharp angles and sharper smiles. His eyes had a piercing blue color though their coldness was somewhat undercut by the long, blond hair that framed his face. Techno knew that keeping his distance would be key. That was a little hard when he was sitting on a chair drinking tea with the guy, however.
"More tea?" Phil asked sweetly.
"I would like to discuss what I came here for now," Techno answered. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, of course."
Seelie laws of politeness would limit his freedom, even when negotiating with Unseelie. It was a pain.
"Are you in a hurry?" Phil inquired.
Techno tried not to scowl. He couldn't lie. It was not something Seelie fae were capable of.
"My delivery is time-sensitive," Techno said.
"How so?"
And while they couldn't lie, they could refuse to answer. Techno took another sip of his tea.
"My son said you require directions to get through our territory. Did whoever tasked your envoy not think of that before you set out? I thought Seelie were supposed to be better strategists than this."
"Like I said, the delivery is time-sensitive," Techno answered with a shrug.
Phil nodded. Techno didn't like the way he glanced down at Techno's cup over and over again. The taste didn't seem off to him. Did he have anything to worry about?
"Well, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to guide you through our lands. It's too treacherous for a stranger to go alone, but I'm sure we could provide." Phil smiled, leaning his arm on the table. "For a price."
"Wow, I'm so incredibly surprised," Techno said.
Much to his horror, Phil's grin stretched wider. "Wilbur was right, you are fascinating."
"It's nothing," Phil said quickly. "Or nothing you need to worry about." Techno felt that telltale ache in his head, betraying the deceit of those words. "The price of our guidance is simple. Will you agree?"
"Not before I know what the price is." Techno wasn't a complete idiot.
"You." Phil leaned closer, fingers toying with the strap of Techno's pauldron and deliberately avoiding the gold that would burn him. "Your presence, that is. We guide your men, we'll let you see them off. But you stay with us for a little while."
Techno couldn't help but notice Phil avoided mentioning a specific time frame. With how important his convoy was though, he might not be in a position to refuse.
"Why me?" 
"Have you ever met a Seelie that could lie before?" Phil asked. Techno's brow furrowed in confusion. "Earlier, you said you were surprised when you weren't."
"I was being sarcastic," Techno said.
"Well, have you ever met a Seelie that knew the craft of sarcasm before," Phil joked.
Techno hadn't. It was one of the reasons he was an outcast in his own village. His blunt honesty, the way he couldn't /get along/ with people, his scathing humor.
"The handle of that teacup," Phil said softly, amusement lacing every syllable. "It is made of iron. Shouldn't it burn you?"
Dread was a detached feeling building in Techno's gut. "I'm not Unseelie," he said.
"You're not," Phil agreed. "But you're not Seelie either. How delightfully interesting, hm?"
And Wilbur's statement during their meeting echoed through Techno's brain again. 'We only take what’s interesting to us.'
"So," Phil asked, "do we have a deal?"
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links-in-time · 2 months
I'm taking this as an opportunity to continue to spread my headcanon that Warriors knits as a hobby. I think Legend also embroiders (with a preference for cross stitch). This is their bonding activity.
I loved writing this little head cannon @gryphonlover and it stopped me writing any whump for once!
I hope you like it.
Hobby Boys
It had been a long day in Twilight's Hyrule. The chain had fought a monster hoard on the edge of Kakariko village. No major injuries to report, only a few cuts and bruises. Although Time had suggested they stay in Kakariko and set off the following day, Twilight wanted to get back to Ordon and check on his neighbours as soon as possible. Not to mention he had been neglecting Epona the last few days and decided a trip to the spring outside his home town would be a nice treat for her.
Wars agreed to the plan reluctantly. He had had enough of walking for days on end, so had most of the others, though they kept their opinions to themselves. They all knew what it was like to end up back in their own eras. The desire to get home to familiar territory and all the comforts that come with it. Wars understood Twi's enthusiasm to get moving, but he didn't have to be happy about it.
While they walked the sun began to dip towards the horizon. They hadn't been to Twilight's era for a while, but Wars was fairly certain they weren't exactly close to Twi's village.
"Twi, I'm not sure we're going to reach Ordon before nightfall," Wars observed, trotting forwards to catch up with their rancher.
"It's okay, we should be there before midnight at least," Twi replied brightly.
"Come on Twi, I know you want to see home as badly as the rest of us. But," Wars lowered his voice, "Wind and Legend are putting on brave faces but that fight definitely took it out of them back there. We should really stop and make camp. Ordon will still be there in the morning, I promise."
Wars urged his friend, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. Twilight let out a long sigh as he glanced over his shoulder at the rest of the Chain. Wind and Four were walking hand in hand, but the longer Twi looked the more he could see the exhaustion in the teen's eyes. His grip on Four's hand was weak and he dragged his feet along the path. Legend was much the same and Twi had to admit he was being rather selfish.
"Hey guys, I don't think we'll reach Ordon before nightfall. Let's make camp and set out again in the morning after a good rest," Twi announced.
Twi's decision was met with more than a handful of cheers and greatful sighs from the others. Perhaps he had misjudged the distance from Kakariko to Ordon on foot, especially travelling as a large group rather than on his own.
The chain found a small grove of trees to use as shelter as they set up their camp. Wild set about cooking a quick supper for everyone while the others laid out their bed rolls and organised a watch rota. Wind wolfed down the stew Wild cooked up then instantly crashed on his bed roll. Time decided to scratch the teen off the watch rota and let him have a full night's sleep.
Wars was on first watch but not everyone had gone to sleep. Legend sat on a tree stump facing away from the circle of their camp. He seemed to be working away at something in his lap. With a frown Wars got to his feet to see what the Vet was up to.
"You okay Lege?" Wars asked softly, reaching out to lay a hand on the young adventurer's shoulder.
Before Wars could reach him Lege shot to his feet and spun around, hiding whatever he was holding behind his back.
"I'm fine! Hylia! Why do you have to be so nosey Cap?!" Legend exclaimed defensively, his ears turning pinker than the streak in his hair.
"Sorry," Wars replied, taking a step back. Though he thought Legend's reaction was particularly hostile, even for him. "I thought you might be hurt, I was just checking on you. You seemed quite exhausted by our last fight."
"Well I'm not hurt and yeah I'm a bit tired, but I just wanted some alone time. Is that too much to ask?" Legend retorted, there was still venom in his voice but Wars couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
"No it's not. Forgive me for worrying about you!" Wars scoffed, turning on the spot and heading back towards the fire.
He plonked himself down on the ground and pulled his bag towards himself. Legend sat down on his tree stump once again but kept his eyes on Wars for a moment. When he saw the Captain pull out a ball of wool and what looked like a half finished scarf Legend's squinting eyes went wide.
"You knit!" He burst out.
Sky snorted a breath in his sleep and Legend was afraid he might have woken him. He and Wars both checked the others were still asleep before either of them spoke.
"Yes, why do you sound so surprised? Everyone has a hobby don't they? Most of the others play instruments, but I never learnt. So I knit instead, it helps me relax and, it reminds me of my soldiers."
Wars eyes dropped towards the fire as he explained. Legend thought his friend looked sad for a moment. Curious, he moved a little closer to the fire, stepping into its circle of light and warmth.
"Your soldiers?" Legend asked.
"Yeah, one of the guys in my first squad taught me to knit. He said it helped him relax after training. But it also kept his fingers busy when his mind would race through the more terrible aspects of soldiering. When he itched to hit something or throttle the next person to speak, he had his hands full with something that helped him relax instead. I picked up the same habit and now I do a little bit almost every night. When I finish this scarf I think I'll give it to Wind, it's in his colours after all."
Wars held up the woolen scarf for Legend to see. Though the night was dim and the orange glow of the fire obscured the colours a little, Legend could see the scarf had been knitted in pale blue and white bands. Wars had even managed to use a stitch that replicated the shapes of cresting waves which Legend thought was impressive.
"Wow, that's actually pretty neat," he admitted.
"Why haven't you shown any of us this before?" Legend probed, plopping himself down to sit cross legged in front of the fire.
"Would you have been so nice about it if the others were conscious?" Wars asked, raising an eyebrow.
"True. Sorry, I probably shouldn't admit to that," Legend replied, hanging his head a little.
"It's alright, the other soldiers used to tease me too. Even the ones I used to knit stuff for. But they never meant anything by it. I'm sure you wouldn't either," Wars shrugged, as he picked up his needles and tried to remember where he was in his pattern.
"I suppose it would make me a bit of a hypocrit anyway," Legend mumbled.
"Why?" Wars said slowly, eyeing the bundle Legend had scrunched up in his lap. "What are you trying to hide Lege? It can't be any worse than a Captain knitting scarves!" He scoffed.
Legend hesitated a moment, but Wars was right, perhaps there was no harm in sharing. If the others were awake he and Wars were usually the ones to tease each other for things. If the Captain had trusted him with his secret, perhaps he should return the favour. Legend sighed and opened out the piece of fabric in his lap.
It was a beautiful piece of purple velvet with what appeared to be gold thread woven into it. As Legend held it up for Wars to see he could clearly make out the embroidered patterns of leaves and flowers in the shining golden thread. Tiny little crosses made up the shapes and came together to make quite a beautiful image.
"Rav's favourite colours, hopefully I can finish it before the next time I get to see him," Legend explained.
"It's beautiful Lege," Wars breathed, as he studied the intricate stitches. "How long have you been working on it?"
"Few weeks. Usually takes me about a month to do a piece this big, but I'm working all the hours I can spare on it. Which is usually just when I'm on watch and I won't get distracted by you lot."
"Hmm," Wars nodded, drawing how eyes away from the embroidery and up to Legend's blushing face. "It's really good Lege, I would never have teased you for this. I'm impressed. And it's sweet you're making it for Ravio. I'm sure he'll love it."
"You mean it?" Legend asked, suspicious of how nice Wars was being towards him.
"Cross my heart," Wars replied, making a cross over his chest with his knitting needles. "Honestly Lege it's beautiful. Wish I could embroider. I've been meaning to fix my scarf for ages."
"What do you mean fix it?" Legend asked, he hadn't noticed any damage to Wars' prized blue scarf.
"Yeah, with all the travelling we do through woods and swamps the design on the end has got pretty roughed up. It's supposed to be the royal crest, but quite a lot of the stitches have come loose or disappeared completely. This scarf means a lot to me and I'm ashamed I haven't kept it in very good condition."
Wars pulled the loop of his scarf up to his chin and rubbed his skin against the soft fabric. He'd done his best to keep it clean and stitch up any tears in the fabric, but he didn't have the skill to restore the crest.
"I could fix it for you if you want?" Legend suggested with a shrug.
"You mean it?!" Wars replied brightly, the firelight dancing in his eager eyes.
"Sure. How about you knit me a scarf to give to Ravio as well in payment?"
"Alright that's a deal," Wars nodded, a bright smile spread across his face.
Legend still felt a little embarrassed about his hobby being discovered. But Wars had been so impressed by his hidden talents, Legend was starting to feel better about it. The fact that he could put it to good use helping preserve something important to one of his brothers, even one of the more annoying ones, warmed his heart.
The pair sat together by the fire for a good few hours, working on their projects and talking quietly together. Sharing stores of things they had created and the friends they had given them to. Unsurprisingly most of Legend's pieces had been given to Ravio, but he also admitted he had left secret little embroideries on some of the Chain's stuff. Little cross stitched flowers or fairies on their packs or blankets. None of them had noticed but Legend didn't do it for praise or approval. He did it because they were his brothers and each piece of work was like giving each of them a little bit of himself to carry with them.
As their journey wore on Legend and Wars often found themselves passing time together. During watch or whenever they got separated from the group, they would comfort each other by asking about their latest projects. One morning Wars had woken to find his scarf neatly folded by his bedroll, the immaculate crest staring up at him.
"How did you manage it?" Wars whispered to Legend, that afternoon while they were walking through some woods in Time's era.
"Little bit of time and a little bit of my magic touch," Legend replied with a wink.
"Thank you Link," Wars uttered, flashing Legend a warm smile.
"You're welcome Captain," Legend nodded, before skipping off to walk beside Hyrule.
Wars smiled at the back of Legend's head, thinking about how many rows of stitches he had left to do in Ravio's new scarf.
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twilightsagasworld · 22 days
Garrett x Reader part 5
Tags: @scuzmunkie
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The crisp, wintry air nipped at (Y/n)'s cheeks as she and Garrett strolled through the dimly lit streets of Forks. Flurries of snow danced around them, a stark contrast to Garrett's icy, marble-like skin.
"So, England, huh?" (Y/n) mused, her fingers intertwined with Garrett's. "I have to admit, I didn't peg you as the type to settle down in one place."
Garrett chuckled, his crimson eyes flickering with a hint of nostalgia. "It's not so much about settling down as it is about... finding solace in the familiar," he explained. "England is where I just took to after I was “killed”, guess its the thirst for revenge ." His expression darkened slightly. "During the Civil War, you see. I was turned while fighting those Red Coats."
(Y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine, and she squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I can imagine that's not exactly a pleasant memory."
Garrett nodded, his gaze distant. "No, it's not. But England is where I've always found myself drawn back to, even if I can't quite stomach the English these days." He flashed her a wry smile. "Old habits die hard, I suppose."
As they continued their stroll, (Y/n) couldn't help but notice the way Garrett's attention seemed to drift, his eyes scanning the surrounding area with a subtle alertness.
"Is everything alright?" she asked, her brow furrowed in concern. Garrett's lips curved into a faint smile. "Oh, it's nothing to worry about, my dear," he assured her. "I'm just mindful of our proximity to the Cullen territory, that's all."
(Y/n) tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "The Cullens? I thought you said you tried to avoid them." "It's not that I'm scared of them," Garrett clarified, his tone thoughtful. "We've had our fair share of... disagreements over the years. But the truth is, I'm more concerned about drawing the attention of the Volturi."
"The Volturi?" (Y/n) echoed, her brow furrowing. "Who are they?"
Garrett's expression darkened. "They're the closest thing our kind has to a ruling body," he explained. "And they have a particular interest in one of the Cullens – the psychic, Alice. I'd rather not get caught up in that kind of drama, you understand?"
(Y/n) nodded, her gaze searching his face. "So, we're staying on the outskirts of Forks to avoid the Cullens and the Volturi?"
Garrett chuckled, his fingers caressing her cheek. "Precisely. I may have a complicated history with the English, but I'd rather not add the Volturi to my list of adversaries. Especially not with you by my side."
(Y/n) leaned into his touch, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Well, then, I trust your judgment, Garrett. As long as I'm with you, that's all that matters."
Garrett's eyes burned with a fierce intensity that made (Y/n)'s heart race. "And I'll always be here, protecting you," he murmured. "No matter what."
Garrett's grip on (Y/n)'s hand tightened slightly as they walked through the snow-dusted streets of Forks. The crisp, wintry air swirled around them, a stark contrast to the vampire's icy skin.
"You know, (Y/n)," Garrett began, his crimson eyes glinting with a hint of mischief, "I've been thinking about taking a little trip. Back to England.”
(Y/n) felt a surge of excitement at his words, but she couldn't help the hesitation that crept into her voice. "England, huh? I've always wanted to visit, but..." She trailed off, her gaze wandering.
Garrett's lips curved into a warm smile as he gently cupped her face in his hands. "Ah, my dear (Y/n), that's the beauty of it. This won't be a short trip – I'd love for you to come with me, for as long as you'd like."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened, a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling within her. "You mean it? You really want me to go with you?"
"Of course," Garrett murmured, his thumb caressing her cheek. "I can't imagine exploring my old hunting grounds without you by my side. And who knows, maybe we'll even stumble upon a few new adventures along the way."
(Y/n) couldn't help the smile that spread across her face, her apprehension slowly dissipating. "Okay, Garrett. Let's do it. When do we leave?"
"How about in a week?" Garrett suggested, his fingers gently tracing the curve of her cheek. "I've been itching to get back, and I'd much rather have you with me."
(Y/n) nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with excitement. "A week from now it is, then. I can't wait!"
* * *
Weeks later, as (Y/n) and Garrett explored the bustling streets of London, their peaceful getaway took an unexpected turn.
The entrance door to the backpacker's lodge suddenly opened, and three figures stepped inside, their movements graceful and deliberate. (Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat as she recognized Garrett, flanked by two strangers – a man and a woman, both with the same striking golden eyes and pale, marble-like skin.
"Carlisle, Esme," Garrett greeted them, his tone polite but reserved. "I appreciate you meeting me here."
The woman, Esme, offered him a warm smile. "Of course, Garrett. We're always happy to see you."
(Y/n) watched, transfixed, as the trio made their way towards her, Garrett's gaze meeting hers with a reassuring nod.
"(Y/n)," he said, his voice soft, "there are some people I'd like you to meet. This is Carlisle and Esme Cullen – they're old friends of mine.”
Carlisle's gaze shifted from Garrett to (Y/n), his expression one of mild surprise. "Garrett, I must say, I didn't expect to see you with a human companion."
Garrett placed a protective hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder, offering Carlisle a slight nod. "Ah, yes. Carlisle, Esme, this is (Y/n), my... mate."
(Y/n) furrowed her brow, the unfamiliar term catching her off guard. "Your mate? What does that mean?"
Carlisle's expression softened, and he offered (Y/n) a reassuring smile. "In the vampire world, a mate is a lifelong companion, someone with whom a vampire forms an unbreakable bond." He glanced at Garrett, his tone turning more serious. "I must admit, I'm surprised to see you've taken a human as your mate, Garrett. That's quite... unconventional.”
Garrett's jaw tightened slightly, but his grip on (Y/n)'s shoulder remained gentle. "You should understand, given your circumstances… (Y/n) is special to me. And I intend to protect her, no matter what."
Esme stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Carlisle's arm. "We're not here to judge, Carlisle. We're simply glad to see Garrett has found someone he cares for so deeply."
Carlisle nodded, his gaze shifting back to (Y/n). "Of course, my dear. And I'm afraid the reason we've come to see Garrett is a rather serious one. The Volturi are gathering witnesses against my family, because of our... unique circumstances."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened, her heart racing. "The Volturi? What's happening?"
Garrett pulled (Y/n) closer, his crimson eyes filled with determination. "It's a long story, but the Volturi believe that Bella and Edward's daughter, is an immortal child. They're gathering witnesses to go against the Cullens… likewise Carlisle is doing the same, he’s asked me to be one of them."
(Y/n) looked up at Garrett, her own resolve hardening. "Whatever you need, I'm here to help."
Carlisle and Esme exchanged a relieved glance, and Carlisle reached out to gently squeeze (Y/n)'s hand. "Thank you, my dear. Your support means more than you know."
As the four of them sat down to discuss the impending confrontation with the Volturi, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and determination. She may not fully understand the intricacies of the vampire world, but she knew that she would stand by Garrett's side, no matter what challenges lay ahead.
… 3 days later….
As (Y/n) and Garrett settled into her small house on the edge of town, the weight of the impending confrontation with the Volturi hung heavy in the air. Garrett could sense the underlying tension in his beloved's demeanor, and he pulled her into a tender embrace, his lips pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Don't worry, (Y/n)," he murmured, his crimson eyes filled with unwavering devotion. "I'll keep you safe, no matter what."
(Y/n) nodded, though a part of her couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness. Garrett seemed to understand, and he tightened his hold on her, determined to provide the comfort and reassurance she needed.
They spent the evening in quiet contemplation, both lost in their own thoughts about the challenges that lay ahead. Garrett's mind raced with strategies and contingency plans, he couldn’t hide that he was semi excited for a fight again.
As the night wore on, (Y/n) eventually drifted off to sleep, her head resting on Garrett's shoulder. He watched over her with a mixture of adoration and protectiveness, his gaze never wavering.
In the silence of the cottage, Garrett made a silent vow – he would do whatever it took to ensure (Y/n)'s safety, even if it meant facing the fearsome Volturi head-on. She was his world, his everything, and he would never let any harm come to her, no matter the cost.
With a renewed sense of determination, Garrett gently scooped (Y/n) into his arms and carried her to her bed, where he lay beside her, his keen eyes vigilantly scanning the darkness for any sign of danger.
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thebeanofdoom · 1 year
SoapGaz Headcanon
Headcanons for some tired 141 Sergeants bc I'm abt to go snore mimimi myself. Enjoy
The 141 had just gotten back from a very long and tiring mission, it was taking their all not to fall asleep in their seats as they flew back home. Even the ever stoic Lieutenant was starting to nodd off, doing that litte head falling forward slightly then startling upright again thing. Price was relaxed against his seat and had his hat pulled down into his face so one couldn't be sure if he was still awake or not. The two sergeants sat next to each other, opposite Price and Ghost. They were leaning against each other, trying to stay awake by talking about random stuff like weird posters they'd see in the building they'd just infiltrated. They were nearing "I'm pretty sure I'm so tired I can see the hat man" territory when the pilot finally announced that'd they were going to land in five. Price moved for the first time in 30 minutes and sat up straight again, while Ghost also snapped back into a more alert state (even though he still looked like death warmed over).
"Alright lads, we'll debrief tomorrow. We all need a fucking nap," Price said as he got up with the typical knee slap thing that old men (especially dads) liked to do.
Ghost followed after him like a lost puppy, seemingly still half asleep but knowing he could follow Price and end up in his own room for a well deserved nap. That left Soap and Gaz in the aircraft, both looking forward to nap time too but also dreading the walk to their rooms. Soap got his shit together first and got up and out of reflex put his hand on the back of Gaz' head to pull him forward a little so he could plant a smooch onto his forehead.
"Sleep well, wee yin." He murmured and turned to walk away, freezing after a step as he realized what he'd one.
Gaz was sitting there, absolutely flabbergasted. Not only had Soap kissed him on the forehead, he had also called him "little one", a term he knew meant that since he'd heard the man call his nieces and nephews that. Soap turned back Gaz and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Sorry about that, its a reflex. I always do that to my nieces and nephews when I'm home, guess I must be more tired than I thought if my brain thinks you qualify for that treatment." Soap explained, chuckling awkwardly.
"Its fine," Gaz said with a tired smile, getting up too and stepping up to Soap. "I liked it. You know what they say, you gotta kiss the homies good night."
"I'm not gonna kiss Price. Or Ghost for that matter. Pretty sure the mad lad would stab me if I tried." Soap grimaced.
"Oh? So you're saying I get special treatment? That's favoritism, Sergeant McTavish." Gaz hummed amusedly.
"So what? Yer gonna punish me for it, Sergeant Garrick?" Soap teased right back with a grin.
Gaz' eyes dropped to the scotsman's lips for a second, then back up to his eyes.
"No, but I think I'm going to return the favor." He almost purred, then leaned in and connected their lips in a short and sweet kiss. He had to chuckle at the noise of surprise that came from Soap and had a short moment of panic as the man seemed to freeze up, before his anxiety was washed away by the feeling of the other man's hands on his hips. They pulled back slowly, small smiles on both of their faces.
"That was unexpected, but very welcome." Soap whispered.
Gaz hummed in agreement, wrapping his arms around Soap's neck and leaning into him. They stayed that way for a few seconds, enjoying the closeness and comfort of the other.
"Alright, as much as I'd love to stay here and cuddle you all day - well, night, by now - but I think I'm about to fall asleep standing up. So, if you wanna keep cuddling me, we best get back to one of our rooms." Gaz said with a yawn.
"Inviting me back to your room already? Damn, buy me dinner first." Soap teased, receiving a weak slap to the shoulder for his joke.
"Oh shut up, you. That's not what I meant and you know it. Now, do you want cuddles or not?" Gaz huffed with a pout.
"How could I ever say no to that face?" Soap smiled and lead Gaz to his room by their entertwined hands for some well deserved rest and cuddles.
And if they stopped a few times along the way to trade a soft kiss or two, well, who was there to judge?
A/N: Alright, that's it from me, Imma hit the sack (sadly no cuddles for me). Also, if anyone is wondering why Soap has 0 Scottish speech mannerisms, well, that's cuz I know jack shit abt the accent and I don't wanna fuck it up. That one nickname I used I had to google :'D so unless any of you wanna Scot-ify his speech for me, he shall remain unseasoned
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biggerbetterbat · 3 months
Daryl Dixon x oc!charlie reed
Summary: The group is led by new hope, just to understand that it was all an illusion. The group faces one more tragedy.
Warnings: death, dead bodies
Words: 2,564
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Mom, dad, Finn, Luke, Will, Pete...
Living is strange.
...Amy, Jim, Jacquie, Sophia, Dale, Shane, Patricia...
Every step taken in this world is shadowed with danger, every decision weighed against the backdrop of uncertainty. There are moments when the weight of it all threatened to crush us, when the pain of loss becomes unbearable and the future seems bleak. In those moments, we are forced to confront our own mortality, to question whether the struggle is worth it.
...Jimmy, Lori, T-Dog, Oscar, Axel, Merle...
However dying is even more strange.
...Andrea, Zach, Patrick, Hershel, Mika, Lizzie, Bob...
Each loss leave behind a void, a silent ache that echo in the depths of the soul. Perhaps, death is simply a doorway—a passage from one existence to the next. The only way to escape the current reality with something greater waiting at the end. Or perhaps, death is the end—the final chapter in the book of life, with no sequel to follow. Perhaps there are no answers, no grand revelations waiting to be unveiled.
"It was secure. It has a wall, homes, 20 people. Beth wanted to go with him," Rick informed the group. "It's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make."
"What if nothing is there?" Charlie asked.
"Then we find another place," Rick looked into her eyes.
The world became cruel, drowning in blood and death. Amidst the ruins of civilization, nature had begun to reclaim its territory, weaving a tapestry of life amidst the chaos. As Charlie wandered through this newfound wilderness, she couldn't help but marvel at the resilience of nature. Despite the devastation brought by humanity, the earth had begun to heal itself, slowly but surely reclaiming what had been lost.
But it wasn't just the physical landscape that had changed; it was the very essence of nature itself. In the wake of the apocalypse, the boundaries between the natural world and the supernatural seemed to blur, as if the earth itself had become a living, breathing entity.
"When I was little and I was in my dad's car, there were always those stories on the radio. Something happens 1,000 miles away or down the block. Some kind of horror I couldn't even wrap my head around," Tyreese said. "But he didn't change the channel. He didn't turn it off. To face it. My dad used to all it paying the high cost of living."
"I lost my dad in Atlanta. Still got a mom and a couple of twin brother," confessed Noah. "I hope."
Charlie felt a pang of compassion as she watched Noah, recognizing the pain etched in every line of his face. She knew all too well the pain of losing someone dear, the ache that lingered long after the tears had dried. He was a good kid - still just a kid, who needed someone to rely on.
"I hope so, too," she said.
Noah turned to face her and see a bit better. Tyreese saw that, so he said: "Charlie lost her family in Atlanta, too."
Charlie felt a knot form in his stomach at the mention of his own family, a topic he had long avoided. She hopped that Noah wouldn't ask why or how, as she tried to escape the past. "I'm sorry."
"Mhm," Charlie nodded and dropped her eyes from the boy to the clock. "Two more miles," she said to Rick.
"We'll go on foot," Rick said as they left the car in the middle of nowhere. "Stay off the road."
As Charlie and her companions walked, they came upon a solemn reminder of the world they once knew—a skeleton, its bones picked clean by time and decay. But instead of a symbol of despair, it was a testament to nature's resilience, for upon the skeletal remains, vibrant flowers bloomed, their petals a vivid contrast to the stark white of bone.
Continuing on their journey, they encountered another curious sight—a network of wire spread between the trees like a spider's web, its purpose unclear. But as they came closer, they realized that it was a makeshift barrier, a feeble attempt to ward off unseen dangers lurking in the shadows.
Though the wire served as a stark reminder of the world they now inhabited—a world where survival meant constant vigilance, where danger lurked around every corner. Yet even in the face of adversity, there was a sense of solidarity, a shared determination to press onward despite the odds.
"They have spotters? Snipers?"
"We built a perch on a truck, Sometimes it's out front."
With each step, Charlie felt a sense of purpose stirring within her, a fire ignited by the trials they had overcome and the challenges that lay ahead. For though the path to Shirewilt was fraught with peril, it was also a journey of hope—a journey toward a brighter future, where life could flourish once more in the wake of devastation. As they approached the outskirts of Shirewilt, Noah's pace quickened, his footsteps echoing the rapid beating of his heart. His nerves were palpable, a potent mix of anticipation and fear as he neared the fabled gates of their destination.
Without a word, Noah broke into a run, his determination propelling him forward like a man possessed. The rest of the group exchanged glances, their own apprehension mirrored in their expressions, before following suit, their footsteps falling in line behind Noah's.
As they reached the gates, Noah skidded to a stop, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surveyed the scene before him. The gates stood tall and imposing, a barrier between the outside world and the sanctuary within.
"You hear that?"
"Just wait," she said. Charlie took off her bow and a gun and handed it to Glenn, who took it without a question.
As Charlie began to climb the wall, her muscles tensed with each upward movement, her fingers gripping the rough surface with determination. With each foothold gained, she could feel the anticipation building within her, the promise of safety.
But as she reached the top and peered over the edge, her heart sank like a stone plunging into the depths. A wave of disappointment washed over Charlie, mingled with a profound sense of sorrow for Noah. She turned to look back at him, her eyes brimming with sadness as she took in his crestfallen expression. In that moment, she felt a pang of guilt, knowing that she had destroyed hope when all along the reality may have been far bleaker.
With a heavy heart, Charlie descended from the wall, her movements slow and deliberate as if weighed down by the weight of their shattered dreams.
With heavy hearts and a sense of resignation, the group ventured to the other side of the wall, their footsteps muted by the somber silence that hung in the air. Burnt-out buildings stood silent, their remains a grim reminder of the horrors that had befallen the city. Among the ruins, they encountered bodies lying motionless in the streets, their eyes staring sightlessly at the sky. Some were burned beyond recognition. As they cautiously made their way through the streets, they encountered another threat lurking in the shadows—walkers, their decaying forms drawn to the scent of the living.
"Noah, hold up,"Rick called the boy as he started running mindlessly. "Noah!"
Charlie felt a pang of sorrow as she watched Noah dropping to his knees, sobbing. Everyone knew that his old life was gone with the ashes, and that his family was most certainly gone. She knelt beside him, torn inside about what she should do. Maybe a pat in the back would be enough, as they barely knew each other. But her heart was moving faster than the brain, her arms reaching out to envelop him in a gentle embrace. At first, Noah tensed at her touch, his body rigid with the weight of his grief. But then, slowly, hesitantly, he allowed himself to lean into her embrace, his tears flowing freely as he sought solace in her presence.
"It's okay," she whispered. "You're one of us now."
"We can make a quick sweep," said Glenn looking at her.
"Charlie?" Rick asked.
"I'll stay with him," Tyreese said and placed a hand on her shoulder.
As Charlie walked through the remnants of lives left behind in Shirewilt, a sense of unease gnawed at her conscience. Each item she gathered felt like a silent accusation, a reminder of the lives that had been lost and the pain that lingered in their wake.
She couldn't shake the feeling of intrusion as she rifled through the belongings of those who had once called this place home. Every photograph, every trinket held a story—a memory of laughter and love, now tainted by the death. Beside her, Noah's somber expression mirrored her own conflicted emotions. She could see the pain in his features, the weight of grief bearing down upon him like a heavy burden.
As Rick's words washed over Charlie, a mixture of emotions swirled within her. There was a sense of sadness, a heavy weight pressing down on her chest as she grappled with the reality of their situation. Coming to Shirewilt had been for Beth, he didn't care about Noah - making Rick's admission was a bitter pill to swallow.
Glenn's agreement resonated with Charlie, a reminder that sometimes the hardest decisions were the ones that needed to be made. Charlie felt a knot tighten in her chest—a familiar ache that she had long tried to ignore. The admission that they had come to Shirewilt for Beth's sake brought back a flood of memories, memories that she had buried deep within her mind.
With a trembling breath, Charlie stepped forward, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.
"I killed my family," Charlie confessed out of nowhere. All three of them looked at her with wide eyes. "I told people Atlanta was safe. You were there because of me...And you all almost died because of me. I let Dale die because he knew the truth. I wanted to be a better person, but then I killed Lori," she said. "And back in the woods, right after prison...I killed a little girl, because she killed her sister and she wanted to kill Judith. I did it because no one else could do that," she choked as tears filled her eyes. "And I just can't live with this in my chest, even if that will take your trust away. I can't die with this being a secret...I don't want to take it to my grave."
As Charlie's confession hung heavy in the air, Glenn stepped forward, his heart brimming with empathy for his friend. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around Charlie, pulling her into a tight embrace. In that moment, words were unnecessary—the warmth of his embrace spoke volumes, a silent gesture of solidarity and support. With a nod of acknowledgment, Rick offered Charlie a reassuring smile, a silent promise that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together. In his eyes, she saw a flicker of hope—a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness.
And then there was Michonne, her expression unreadable as she observed the scene unfolding before her. "We need to stop. You can be out there too long," she said and for a moment, Charlie felt a pang of uncertainty, wondering what judgment lay behind her eyes. But then, to her surprise, Michonne stepped forward, her usually stoic demeanor softening as she reached out to gently squeeze Charlie's hand. "In this world, trust is all we have to hold onto. It's what binds us together when everything else is falling apart," Her gaze swept over the group, lingering on each member in turn. "So let us trust each other, not just in the moments of triumph, but in the moments of doubt and darkness."
In that moment, Charlie felt a sense of unity wash over them—a shared bond forged in the adversity, a bond that would carry them through whatever trials lay ahead. And as they stood together, united in purpose and resolve, Charlie knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would face them as one.
It was as if the city had been frozen in time, its streets empty of life and its buildings standing as silent sentinels of a world long forgotten. As they moved through, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of disquiet gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. Shirewilt had been their beacon of hope, their sanctuary in a world gone mad, but now it lay silent and still, its promise of refuge shattered like glass.
"We could start taking down the trees," Michonne broke the silence. "We use them to build the walls up," she said and walked to the opening in the fence.
Michonne tried to persuade Rick to staying in the city. The group could repair what was broken and destroyed, and create a normal life in here. Charlie felt hope in her heart at the thought of abandoning the life on the road when every day was uncertain; however, her heart sank at the sight that greeted them, once they approached destroyed fence. Strewn across the ground outside the barrier lay the remains of bodies—eaten, torn apart by some unseen horror. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, a bitter reminder of the fragility of life in this unforgiving world.
"Oh, God," Charlie placed a hand over her lips not to throw up.
"Washington," Michonne said. "Eugene lied about the cure, but he thought of Washington for a reason."
"He said whatever popped into his head," Charlie said.
"What if he didn't? What if he did the math and thought that the Washington was a place where there'd be a chance," the woman said. "We're 100 miles away. What if there're people? It's a chance. Instead of making it, because right now, this is what making it looks like," she pointed at the bodies. "Don't you want one more day with a chance?"
As Charlie listened to Michonne's impassioned speech about their journey to Washington, a spark of hope ignited within her. In Michonne's words, Charlie found a glimmer of possibility—a beacon of light guiding them through the darkness of uncertainty. It was a promise of a new beginning, a chance to leave behind the trials and tribulations of the past and embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.
"We should go," said Rick looking at the forest and Walkers that were appearing from it. Charlie looked at defeated Michonne, and she also saw the loss of hope in Glenn's eyes. "It's only 100 miles away. We should go to the Washington."
"Rick! Charlie! Help!"
Some may find solace in the idea of death as a natural part of life's cycle, while others may see it as a motivation to live fully in the present moment. But sometimes, the world just stops for some. When life becomes just a moment between living and dying, and you can't really tell where you are. When living is just pain and death is less scary than living.
Living in a new world. World that belonged to the dead and not to the living anymore became too painful sometimes.
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justaduckarts · 1 year
I've finally read the most recent chapter of OWHAS and I'm heartbroken. I feel so bad for Star Holder, they're just like the rope in a tug of war with gods and people on either side, and it seems some have started pulling them in other directions too :(
Also, this is, what? The second time Eclipse has interrupted an important moment for the Star Holder? But this time I'm actually upset. I can't wait for the next chapter! You're writing is just so good, it's better than any food to ever exist or ever will exist, I'm sure.
But I've been putting off asking some questions for the sake of going through your other asks to see if anyone has asked my questions before, which has led me to forgetting my questions more than 10 times already. So I'll just do it now before I forget everything tomorrow.
You said this story has a happy ending, and I'm glad it does because my heart can't take losing anyone in this story, I've grown too attached (except for peepaw Willy and Aurelia, hate them both). Does Peepaw Willy ever get taken out of Sun? I don't know if that's the correct way to phrase the question, but that's the best I can do. And I know that that's most likely going into spoiler territory, so I understand if you can't answer that at the moment. Do we ever get to see Sun happy, like genuinely happy again? Do we ever get to experience any sweet moment with him and Star Holder? I don't like what he's become, but I know it's not him, it's the stinky rabbit. But I still want the best for him and Star Holder, I want them to get along when peepaw willy is gone. Has Pluto taught the Star Holder how to keep other gods from pulling out the star? I know she said she will while the staff is making, but I'm kinda slow, and I just wanna know if she's taught them that already.
AND LUNARRRRR! Never thought I'd simp for Lunar, given his first impression in the story and how he's been appointed by Sun to be our friend (as a distraction but still), I thought I'd only see him as a friend. But stars above, you must use magic because your writing and drawings seem to make the impossible happen. And I don't know if the burnt place Lunar showed Star Holder was their village or not, but if it wasn't, then does Star Holder ever get to see their first home again? Do they ever get to see the ocean? Do they ever get to experience childlike wonders and heal their inner child? Because I know it's broken. And do they ever get to have a familiar? And since they're a god, does that mean they get eternal life until offspring(s) happen?
Once again, your writing is amazing and this au has taken almost every part of my brain. Every time I think "Well this is already amazing, how can it get any better?" You always just come back with even more and it's so mind blowing just reading any of your works. You're doing an amazing job, I hope everything goes well for yyou, and don't forget to take breaks whenever you need, eat and stay hydrated! We'll all be here for you Duck, and thank you for blessing us with your writing. :)
WOW this was a big ask! So many questions!! <3
I'm right there with you. Our poor star is so overwhelmed and doesn't know what to think <:(
Yeeeeah Eclipse does have some poor timing. :) A shame. <3
Yes! This story will have a happy ending... eventually. Onto your questions. <3
Does Peepaw get exorcised? Hmm.. Can't say. Too spoilery. But given that it's a 50/50 chance, the odds are good, right?
Do we ever get to see Sun happy, like genuinely happy again? Yes. :)
Do we ever get to experience any sweet moment with him and Star Holder? Also yes. Eventually. :)
Has Pluto taught the Star Holder how to keep other gods from pulling out the star? No, but it's not needed. The Star will become fully merged with the star holder over time. At that point the only way it could be taken is if the Star Holder were to die. :)
And I don't know if the burnt place Lunar showed Star Holder was their village or not, but if it wasn't, then does Star Holder ever get to see their first home again? It wasn't their village. And, yes, they will get to see their village again... Eventually.
Do they ever get to see the ocean? Do they ever get to experience childlike wonders and heal their inner child? Askin' the real questions. Yes and... yes? I'd like to think so.
And do they ever get to have a familiar? Can't say for spoiler reasons. Again, odds are good.
And since they're a god, does that mean they get eternal life until offspring(s) happen? Only if they can maintain strong bonds with at least two of the other gods <3 Even then, they don't have an unending flow of magic to sustain them. If only they had worshippers...
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Thank you sm <3 <3 <3 I'm so so glad and flattered and honored and fghiopwheogeb :') <3 <3 <3
I hope these answers were fun for you and thank you for this ask! You take care, too <3
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zooophagous · 2 years
The key card cheeped at the black box in the wall, the light momentarily flicked from red to green, and the heavy steel door swung open.
"Here's where you'll be staying. It's pretty sparse right now but there's request forms you can fill out if you need something." Artemis held the door open and stood aside, and made sure to make the vampire feel right at home with a clear invitation.
"Please, come in."
Strauss wavered behind her slightly. Despite his scarecrow-like stature that put him head and shoulders above his "handlers," he seemed to shrink from the room like a cat objecting to being placed in a carrier.
Ursula goaded him from behind. "Don't try and tell me you're claustrophobic. I found you in a literal hole in the ground. This is practically palatial in comparison."
He groaned, but did as bidden and stepped into the modest space. There was a desk and chair, a bookshelf, unfortunately empty, and a metal bed frame with a thick secondhand blanket. The shrinking thing sat down on the bed with an empty expression.
"I hope you think of it more like a dorm and less like a cell, ok?" Artemis said with a strained smile. "Is there anything you need right away?"
Strauss groaned and rubbed his palms along the bedspread. "I don't like this blanket. It has a foul texture." He complained.
"So does this shirt you put me in. Am I allowed to choose my own clothing?"
"Of course! Wouldn't be very humane for me to keep you in prison scrubs." Artemis shrugged.
"Most of our stuff is second hand, and you're pretty tall and thin so it's going to be difficult to shop off the rack. I can get you some sweats easily though, and some soft undershirts to wear till you can pick something out. Will that work?"
"I suppose it will have to. I do insist on sleeping nude, however."
"That's... weird but fine. Just be dressed before coming out. You should also at least wear socks in the hall if nothing else." She folded her hands behind her back.
"Other than the new blanket, any requests? Do you want any writing utensils? A radio? A television?"
He frowned slightly. "No televisions. They're too obnoxious and always too loud." He absent-mindedly rubbed at one of his large pointed ears, as if even thinking about it was annoying. "I feel similarly about radios. Writing utensils and paper, that is good. Perhaps a jigsaw puzzle, if it pleases you. And books. I don't much care what kind."
Artemis nodded. "We can accommodate that. I think we have puzzles in the game room, I hope you like ponies."
She paused. "Any particular requests as far as... diet?" She asked haltingly. "I mean. We will feed you what you need, but you of all people know the donated supply of blood is pretty hard to get a hold of. Do you have any... you know, favorite dishes or something to fill in with?"
He tilted his head at her, much like a German shepherd dog being asked a silly question.
"Live mice. It was my usual staple in the crypt.. Two or three per serving. Red wine to fill."
"Okay... you know. You don't have to settle for mice if you don't want to, I have the budget for something else if you'd like... I don't know, a lamb or something."
"You asked what I prefer. That is what I know and what I like. Will you honor it?"
"I... yes. It's just an unexpected request."
"I have my foibles, Frau Van Helsing. But I am predictable and you will get used to them, if you truly mean to keep me alive as long as you say."
"Alive being a relative term?" She quipped. "Yes, I expect we'll learn a lot about each other. I'm counting on it. If you don't like me, though, I hope you can at least make friends with one of the other patients here."
"Other pa- wait." He stared hard at her.
"You have others here? Others like me?"
"Not EXACTLY like you, but from... similar adjacent walks of life. I hope that's ok."
"Yes... I am not a territorial beast. I admit that perhaps I am... worried. It has been a long time since I encountered another. I do not know how to act."
"Social anxiety eh? Rotten luck. Don't worry too much about it. Another patient has already insisted he wants to be your buddy for orientation. His name is Troy. You're going to like him, I promise."
"But is he going to like me?"
"Trust me Herr Strauss, Troy is... friendly like a puppy-dog. You two will get on famously."
"You're scaring me."
"Good. Gut nacht, Herr Strauss. There is an intercom on the wall there by the door. Use it to call me when you're both awake AND dressed. I'll see you tomorrow."
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Find the Word Game XXII
tagged by: @drabbleitout!! my words: relax, risk, riot, revenge tagging: open tag!! whoever isn't too busy with NaNo/just wants to participate is more than welcome. your words: time, stop, regular, listen, scar, smile
relax (Meridian)—
That night, the stress of the impending conversation sank into Warren's muscles, and he found himself rubbing at his neck as he sat on the edge of the bed, staring into the wall across the room. He felt the mattress shift, then a pair of hands sneaking onto his shoulders, kneading with delectable pressure. "Relax," Thrive murmured. "She's not going to blame you." "How could she not?" Warren dropped his gaze to the floor, leaning into Thrive's touch. "I blame me." "She's a smart woman. Level-headed. Plus, she doesn't know everything that happened. She won't know about the temple, and she won't know about everything that happened to me. All she likely knows is the rescue mission, and the crash. She's asking for our stories. Wouldn't you want the same?" "If I were her, I'd want to know who to blame." Warren turned his head. "And I know you would, too." Thrive carefully pressed his lips to the crook of Warren's neck and spoke gently onto his skin. "I suppose you're right."
risk (Aurora)—
"...Thrive?" A flying creature overhead answered with a guttural caw. Otherwise, nothing. He folded his arms over his chest, peering over the lush grass and sturdy trees, weighing his options—risk getting hopelessly lost by wandering around by himself, go back to the capital house, or stay put until Thrive showed up. He didn't even get a chance to think about it too hard as the sound of falling rocks in the distance interrupted him, followed by a series of deafening cracks that seemed to originate from the shortest, closest mountain. He grabbed an overnight pack and slung it over his shoulder after ditching the topmost layer of his obhelian garb. The walk took twenty minutes, but the closer he got to the source of the ongoing sounds, the more confident he felt that it wasn't going to be some kind of vicious animal deeply unhappy to see him pop up in their territory. At one point the ground shook, almost enough to throw him off his feet, but he grabbed a tree for support and everything settled. He entered another clearing and stopped short. Thrive was there, near the center, performing a terribly high leap into the air, twisting his entire body around mid-jump and slamming a blast of force into the dirt. The ground quaked, sending Warren down with it. "Ah, shit," he hissed, losing his footing and hitting the ground hard.
riot protest (Meridian)—
Thrive watched him for a second. "...Go home, Atoa." "Sir?" "There may not be any active danger, but you're scared. Go home, go to your family. We can take it from here." Atoa looked as if he wanted to protest, but with a glance at Warren, who shared the sentiment, he gave a curt nod and bowed again before hurrying away. "What the fuck is happening?" Warren said loudly once Atoa was out of earshot. "I don't know," Thrive answered. "We'll find out soon enough."
revenge return (Eternal)—
Mercury's laugh was not subtle, and he threw his arms open, eagerly accepting the equally enthusiastic hug from Guetry. "Damn, it's been a quiet time without you, Sympa…!" Warren stepped aside as the hug quickly became something a little more than friendly. Guetry gripped Mercury's shoulder and Mercury rubbed his back in an affectionate circle. When they pulled away, they held each others' gazes for a moment and Guetry briefly tapped the side of Mercury's face with a palm. "Did the boys rope you into this shitshow, too?" Guetry asked warmly. "Yeah." Mercury smiled again, big and dimpled. "Guess they did." "I wasn't aware you two knew each other," Thrive said. Guetry glanced at him and Warren before returning his attention fully to Mercury. "We've got a history. He's been my favorite teammate for sure, present company absolutely included."
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
practice makes practiced and here's how it's going
sponsored by @westywrites who asked for comparisons of writing then and writing now. so here's some of mine.
Sleepy in 2011: (29 Days of October)
Cool mist on my face awakened me the next morning. I rubbed my eyes, and shifted on the bed of blankets while peering round the campsite. Ashes from last night's fire sat scattered on the ground, camouflaged in the grey dirt. Sitting up, I looked around for the others. All the rangers had gone, only Morren remained. Perching on a boulder, he regarded me with dark, piercing brown eyes.
"Morning." He got up to rummage in one of our packs. I rolled up my bedding while he pulled out bread and dried apples. "We'll eat on the way. I want to be gone from here before the sun shows."
Strapping my bundles together, I hoisted them onto my back before clipping my sword on again. "Does the sun show itself here? I thought clouds always covered the sky."
Morren gave me a lazy half-grin. "It comes up and goes down just the same as at home, princess, it just doesn't shine through those clouds. But there is a difference between night and day." His eyes rolled slightly in his head, and I wasn't sure if whether I wanted to laugh or smack him. I opted for a breathy chuckle, keeping my eyes down so he wouldn't see the sadness in them.
I accepted the food Morren held out to me and we started to walk. In front of us, dusty fog seemed to go on continuously, but my ranger stepped with purpose and sure feet, so I knew we headed in the right direction. Soon I would learn to distinguish south from north, morning from afternoon. Morren would teach me. I just hoped he wouldn't look so smug the whole time.
even back then I was aware this came off really stiff and a bit awkward. there's a little more that prefaces this part, but I didn't want this post to be too long. back then, I used to write almost entirely in first person, partially because it was easy and partially because I was using a workbook that taught it. I think you can really tell I was trying to use differently styled sentences/sentence openers and my well-developed vocabulary. I do that a little more casually now, and really don't focus on sentence variations in first drafts.
Sleepy in 2022: (Spirits and Summoners)
“You’re staying at The Copper Kettle?” Zan approached the inn warily.
Beside him, Shae nodded, unperturbed. “They lowered my room cost because I helped them contract a likal for their stores. It was entirely unexpected. I’d never done a likal summoning and was going completely off of Shraders’ and just hoping for the best. And they have a small yard. I’ve been practicing there.”
Zan placed a hand on Shae’s arm to get her to stop talking. “This place is not safe.”
“Of course it’s not safe,” Shae said irritably, tugging her arm back. “We’re right at the border of Claybeak territory. Why do you think I don’t do bounties at night? I’m not stupid.”
That was up for debate, but Zan held his tongue on the subject for the moment. “And what about your special friend? They haven’t tried anything?”
Shae actually laughed, if in a bit of a stilted way. She beckoned him to follow her around the side of the inn, through a broken gate. “Grimes doesn’t have ill intentions for any of the inn guests, as near as I can figure. She isn’t always around, either. I don’t think she needs sleep, being dead and all.”
Zan nearly tripped on nothing. “What do you mean, ‘being dead’? She’s not a possessed corpse, is she?”
“No.” Shae had a funny kind of smirk that Zan didn’t like very much. “More of a possessed skeleton? Except she’s not a spirit. I think.”
“You think?” Zan was starting to wish Wryn was here, just in case anything wrong happened. What if this not-possessed skeleton wanted to take advantage of Shae? She always seemed to forget that she was connected to a very powerful family and in a city like Sinderport, where everyone talked to everyone and secrets were rarer than clean streets, there was always a high chance of a stranger trying to screw over who they could. Shae was an easy target.
Zan jumped and nearly fell over when out of nowhere, something fell from the roof and landed in front of the two of them. He immediately placed himself in front of Shae, who sighed in frustration and elbowed him.
“Calm down,” she muttered. And then, louder, “This is Grimes.”
The something reconfigured its shape, bones aligning and smoky mass solidifying into a somewhat recognizable form underneath the long coat it wore without flesh to support it. Dark red flames like tips of candles served as eyes in the skull that stared back at him. And Zan was staring. Indeed, this was some sort of possessed skeleton, a kind of creature he’d never heard of and wouldn’t have dreamed up if he’d wanted to.
here we are! I'm still writing fantasy, even though I took a several year break from it. it's my favorite, after all. I'll always come back to magic. I write 98% of the time in third person, and 50% in past tense, 50% in present. I focus on character over plot, and plot over setting, and setting over timeline and structure. I don't often mention how characters' look, I sometimes mention where we are and mostly don't, and I write dialogue more than anything else. I'm much less worried about the quality of my writing on first passes, I don't mind sharing unedited work, and I know I'm a good writer. I know I get better with each story, each random paragraph of metaphors, each idea and each out of context scene.
I know who I'm writing for - me. I know when to drop something and when to pick it back up. I've been practicing writing for years, and I am very well-practiced. I'm gonna keep at it, because I love it, and the horizon goes on.
thanks for reading!
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
There really is not a humongous influx of McDonald's because they're stuck to the north and we don't anticipate a huge influx of them even though they're in a Rock and hard place and the Mohawk are going after their stuff and the empire is taking it and the max came with the story and people don't believe it and it's kind of lame but that's what they're doing they are up there and several groups of them came down but not that many and the more longer here and are upset because groups of them are coming down they're still in about 12% of the houses but they're losing tons of territory all the time and there are 2.5% other housing that's what it and they're crammed in the houses and they represent about 8% of Florida and it goes down to about 5% daily almost and the McDonald's are fighting up there for the lives they lost a lot they had 1.4 billion ships last week now they have one point now they have 1.0 billion ships. Now there's somebody grabbing tons of these little ships and something since the clones and we believe he's right so you can get your ass kicked again mostly the morlock. McDonald's have enough ships that they're heavy is not taken but Stan is another story he's stuck up there too Connecticut Massachusetts ri there's a bunch of them. And he goes down to New Jersey but really Long Island he doesn't have that many big ships no he's got some big ones and he has a bunch he has about 2 million class A ships and about 400 million other ships well last week between then and now he now only has 200 million ships with 1 million class A ships and the longer he's up there or the worse it gets he says and he just stays there. His wife is worried and she should be it's a nightmare. That is happening now and they are getting depleted along with Biden who did not give up the White House but changes are happening Tommy f has ships up and most people want them out and they do consider that he's holding off the empire and Tommy f doesn't want the empire in it's very uncomfortable it's causing disease it is causing discomfort and tempers to flare and it's horrible but it is what's going on there is a storm headed this way it is heading up to the north a little bit it's around 10° north of due West and it is going further north shortly used to be about 25° to make a difference and we think it will and we think that the engines are going to run through the night but if they only ran till midnight the storm would already be off course and very hard to put on course even if the wind stopped and changed direction does it changes it over a period of 4 hours there's something else going on but for real people here are disgruntled with leadership and they're upset at these people they keep yelling at them to get out of the way if you're not going to do anything and 30 households went out yesterday 20 came back and that is the time that were lost earlier and the force got decimated and it's still 50 households accounting for that 10 yes there are those that don't want to go back out but really the 20 that went out want to return shortly I'm trying to do it Trump has won and they're not using it and they're not using it because the ship has equipment in it they want to make it into a war zone and threaten our sun and they all have different perspectives. We need to back them all off and they don't seem to want to move so we are infiltrating now and they're forcing us to we are building bases below we don't have seven in we have one being built and we are building other bases around Florida shortly we'll be here in force and more shortly
Thor Freya
He's a stinker now I thought they were on sale but I don't know and that's Ken but yeah things are not so great here but we are forced to infiltrate
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fennel-snowfall · 1 year
Wolf Quest Novelization Day 2:
Snowfall is sick. Bone got excited by a butterfly and wandered away from the den, but I found them and brought them back quickly enough they didn't even realize they should be afraid. We'll have to teach the pups to be more cautious. It's hard when this is only their second day of being outside the den. They don't know what anything is, they don't know what the word 'fear' means yet. I wish they didn't, but they'll have to learn. Otherwise we might lose them. Bone certainly has learned nothing, because even after Clover carried them back to the den again, they were already wandering off again. Clover and I are both too anxious to leave Snowfall to hunt or patrol the territory, so we're going to take a nap with the pups and hope the sleep does Snowfall some good.
I woke up before Bone, fortunately, because as soon as they were on their feet again, they were climbing up the hill again. Snowfall has only gotten worse. They're staying where they went to sleep, sitting up, but not moving around or even playing with their siblings. I lost one of my siblings to sickness, but it wasn't this fast. They went on for days before they succumbed, with our parents fretting over us the entire time. It was snowing when they finally died. I hope we haven't cursed Snowfall to the same fate because of their name.
Clover has gone off on their own, to look for food, or to patrol, I'm not sure. I hope they find food, everyone's starting to get hungry, including me.
Snowfall at least doesn't seem upset. I don't think they understand what being sick means. They are at least happy enough to roll around on the ground and howl along with us, but they still aren't really playing with their siblings. I don't know why this is happening. They're so young, this is only their second day outside of the den. How could they have gotten sick?
Bone is clearly a loner at heart. They seem impatient every time I bring them back closer to the den, and Rabbit tries to play with them. It would be fine, if only they'd stay near the den. If something happens, it'll be harder to keep them safe if they're further away.
The sun is starting to set now, and Bone seems to have finally figured out that they're supposed to stay where I can see them. Which is good, because of the three, they have the darkest coat, and would be the most difficult one to find in the dark.
We all fell asleep together, and a little while later Clover returned, excitedly waking up the pups for food. Bone and Rabbit both ate the first pile without hesitation, but Snowfall didn't seem interested. But they ate the second, so I hope that means they're going to get better. A wolf that doesn't eat is a wolf that doesn't live.
I'm still hungry, but it's nothing that can't wait a day.
<<;First - Next>
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
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midnightkirito007 · 2 years
Animorphs Book 5- The Predator
A Marco PoV. Marco is my least favourite character but it's through no fault of his own per se. He's loud and kind of a jerk but he's tempered off by Jake a lot. He's also the type of kid who makes lots of jokes and relies on humor to ease tensions, and would quickly enter insensitive joke territory before realising they were insensitive. So for me, he caused a lot of the early inter-group discomfort that the Animorphs faced (particularly Tobias). I'm super non violent, but he's definitely the one I'd have given one solid punch to as a kid, like bundled up all my feelings about him being annoying and hurting my fav characters into that one punch and gotten it all out right then and there (but again me as a kid though, I'm not gonna be an adult punching a whole child)... That being said though, I'm not trying to be a Marco hater, I'm just frustrated by him, and in the spirit of these posts being my thoughts on the books as I re-experience them/ experience them for the first time for the later books, I think that noting that early on frustration is important so we'll see if that changes or what. I also completely understand where his own frustrations would be coming from though: he's very smart but plays it off so that he can be comedic relif for everyone, saw an alien die, saw many hopeless situations, almost died several times (and this is only book 5), overwhelming situation to save the world put into the hands of 5 children, I totally get it, but I'm just not about his personality or how loud he is.
And now for the broken-record line from me: "The kiddos once again faced their death and came to terms with the fact that they might die"... But! This time Marco gave them back a sense of hope and drive to try one last ditch attempt at getting out alive, and thru that inspiration and some other help, our heroes made it out to see another day. Woot woot 💃🏽
This book had them face mortality, fear of losing themselves to the vast emptiness of certain morphs, and just trying to balance it all with being a 'regular' aged child/ teen while being unable to talk about it with anyone outside of their group of 6. The kiddos are currently not doing all right. Marco is also dealing with grief as its the upcoming anniversary since his mother's passing, so it's even more stress and pressure for him to stay alive.
Seeing Ax get to explore being a human and experiencing out loud speech and the taste of things was amazing and funny.
This reading experience was not as gripping for me as the others, but I know it's because Marco and I don't see eye to eye, so I had to stop trying to reject his PoV. The story was really good though and the breath of emotions explored in the Animorphs books continues to be so brilliant! This was the first book so far where the story and the name of the book ("The Predator") didn't seem to line up for me for a while, but it clicked into place near the ending.
These posts are getting longer and longer each post haha. I've gone from not talking at all on tumblr to these long posts about the series as I'm reading em, I love it!
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alifeofred · 3 years
Danny and Sam looks pt. 4
Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for.
The moment our ship became real.
Phantom Planet.
So say what you will about Phantom Planet, but I genuinely enjoyed it. The first half was a bit lacking, and sure Danny was being a colossal jerk. But we kinda knew where he was coming from.
More on THAT later because I have a whole other post for that analysis.
The show really kicks up after Danny's 'I don't give a fuck' montage. The moment Sam lays the smack down.
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And She. Is. Pissed.
Danny is clueless, but he does let her in on what his reasons are. Aka, he wants to protect the people closest to him...especially her.
But she isn't listening. To her, Danny's given up.
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But the show really kicks off from this point on. Not surprising considering this is one of the best bit of dialogue on the show. And it gets the point across.
Disasteroid strikes. Everyone is panicking. And Danny Fenton has a plan.
It takes all that he has to accomplish. And he nearly loses his life...again.
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The thing about this scene is that everyone leaves as soon as Danny goes into leader mode, but she stays a moment longer because she knows THIS Danny as well. The one that risks his life to save others. So at odds with the devil may care Danny of a few days ago.
Plus the fire in his eyes.
So she concedes. And trouble starts for Danny. The ghosts are out for revenge and Danny is a neat punching bag.
Fear not though, Phantom is back and stronger than ever. Notice how the ghostly wail didn't even weaken him. He really has gotten powerful now.
And the moment wouldn't be complete without...
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It's always been you.
Kinda seems like she's saying something else, amiright?
Moment interrupted, we have plans to execute. We'll have time for this later.
So when later comes. And it's time to go. He's not ready. And she is definitely not ready.
Which is why she pulls the classic...
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Promise to bring it back.
With yourself. In case that wasn't obvious.
And he's stalling, because there are words he wants to say and none of them are adequate enough to convey just how much he...feels for her.
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Notice the desperate longing on both their faces. My oh my.
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She makes the first move. And he's taken aback.
But he makes his split second decision. There may be a mountain of words left unsaid between them, but he'll be damned if he doesn't at least convey one small bit of it. Considering the imminent suicide mission that is.
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This. Shot. Ruined. Me.
He...and she...and they! Like, what? Look at him! Looking at her! Because she feels lost. And she might be thinking that maybe I pushed him away with being so forward, it is Danny she's dealing with. The king of denial, next to her highness.
But then!
The soft way he holds her chin. So in contrast with her kiss with that douchenugget Gregor/Elliot.
Danny's just...staring her and she's...still lost. But so is he. And then he just!
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The-th-the way he's framing her face with his hands. Holding her. It's just so darn tender.
And it was this moment that I realized I ain't ever getting a Danny of my own. Ever. Sad.
Ending this segment with the after moment.
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Notice the sad boy, sad girl faces just blossom into similar grins. Not to mention...he's leaning his forehead...against hers. And it's...too much!
Or not enough.
We were robbed of a season 4 where we would've seen these two be together on a more universal level and they would've worked out so perfectly and Tucker would've been sick of it, and them. The amount of jokes he would unleash on these two.
And they would've remained blissfully in love.
Is it just me or would we have seen a more territorial side to Sam had the series continued? Just imagine someone flirting with Danny and Sam just...pulls the claws out.
Not to mention, Danny himself would've had the ghostly green eyes out every time someone made a come on at Sam.
We were robbed!
And I've run out of picture limit. So onto the next and final part of looks, that will feature so many other looks from so many other episodes.
So onto part 5.
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starfall-spirit · 1 year
The Silver-Tongued Bride
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STB Masterlist
Summary: Feyre has been selected as the High Lord's next bride, destined to die at the next fortnight's dawning. However, her intriguing retelling of Rhysand's favorite tale has just saved her life.
Until the next Death Dawn, of course.
Word Count: 2202
CW: Mention of sex.
Chapter I: The Bargain
Feyre rubbed her arms against the chill of winter, cursing her own stupidity. With the sun setting, a biting wind had overtaken the forest she always staked out when it was time to report to the High Lord's spymaster face to face. Seeing as she was perched on a tree branch with thick foliage around her and she had yet to fully train her gifts, lighting Autumn's temperamental fire to warm herself didn't seem like a brilliant idea.
Though this forest was their usual meeting ground, Feyre never took up the same post twice, keeping the shadowsinger and general on their toes. Mostly the general, even as he rarely accompanied Az. The spymaster wouldn't be worth his name if he was caught off guard by a Wraith up a tree.
"Talk to me, Feyre," Azriel ordered.
She smirked as the male beside him scanned the area, still failing to spot me. Dropping down from the tree right in front of the general, I grinned. "Clever as always, Feyre."
"I've been labeled Az's best Wraith for a reason, Cassian."
She’d been employed to the High Lord and his shadowsinger for three years now and her informality with the pair had led to certain speculation among her fellow Wraiths, females who made up the most elite legion of Azriel's spy network. The gifted, so to speak, as they shared something of likeness to the spymaster’s travel and the whispers he received.
Feyre’s sister spies weren't entirely wrong in their assumptions. Cassian flirted and I had found myself fantasizing about one or the other—sometimes both—on a few lonely nights. But professionalism was always at the forefront, especially face to face.
"What have you got?"
She huffed. "Not much this week from my scout points. Any training camps have been quiet and there's barely a whisper on where Autumn's loyalties lie, but I think we should get our own soldiers in place and be ready for them to open the doors for Hybern's armada. If you could propose reaching out to the other solar courts at least, it may give us leverage."
"I didn't expect you to get much, considering the wards and network they have running. I don't want you anywhere near Hybern's territory, you hear me?"
Because she would. Feyre had been labeled Azriel's best because she was cunning, quick, quiet, and willing to go to lengths my sister spies wouldn't even take the time to consider. That dedication was what kept Nesta and Elain in pretty dresses day after day, after all.
"Archeron," Cassian warned.
"I hear you," she bit out. "Any news for me?"
They exchanged a look that had nothing to do with her attitude. Cassian took a step closer. "The High Lord will be selecting a Night Bride from your village in the next few months. Do your best to blend in. Pardoning you should be easy enough if it comes to that, but Rhys can have... bad days."
The dark ink beneath her sleeve and glove seemed to burn as thoughts of its creator and their time in Amarantha’s court began to surface.
"We'll look into Helion and Thesan's help with Autumn," Az told her, readying himself for flight. "It will be delicate. Their views on Rhysand's... Well, there will be some awkward moments. Hopefully they'll prioritize winning the war."
There was a reason no one crossed the High Lord. Not only was he more powerful than most—all—but the Bride Killer’s practice of beheading his wife every two weeks wasn’t exactly a warm conversation opener.
“What would make him stop?” Feyre breathed, half-fearing the wind would carry her question back to him. “What would end this cycle?”
Cassian snorted. “End it? Short of finding his mate there is no ending it, Feyre. Just stay out of sight, if you can. He hasn’t picked a Wraith yet, but you’re still nameless. The whole group, I mean.”
She raised a brow, caught between skepticism and surprise. “The High Lord doesn’t know the names in his top spy network?”
“He knows I make sure intelligence is up to par,” Azriel told her. “The minor factors are irrelevant, considering his own responsibilities. As long as you girls have my trust, you have his by default. Does anything else matter?”
“I was just curious, Az.” She bit her lip, finally delivering a question she hadn’t dared ask before, afraid of the answer. “I would be pardoned by your recommendation. Would my sisters?”
This practice of the High Lord’s—if she held immunity and they were killed by it she knew the guilt would consume her faster than the lives of the fae beneath the mountain ever did.
“Are either of them married?”
“A few males have offered courtship, especially Elain.”
He gave her a look of pity and the embers of hope snuffed out. “I don’t know when he’ll select your village or if he’ll even consider your home, but if you want to protect them then you need to tell your father to marry them off to the first lord who offers.”
“The last lord who offered received a well-earned injury for forcing himself on Nesta. They will choose their own husbands, in their own time.” Feyre had spent enough time being ordered about and she wouldn’t do the same to her sisters.
“Rush them or risk them, Feyre. Play matchmaker yourself if you’re concerned about honor, but remember where his eyes will turn soon.”
Passing over a pouch of gold and silver, he gripped Cassian’s arm, leaving her alone in the freezing woods. Following their example, she folded herself into that travel pocket unique to her kind. Something between a shadowsinger’s travel and the gift of winnowing.
She kicked the snow off of her boots before entering the foyer and straight into the main living space. Even living here this long, what they had regained upon the revival of their social status could seem like a fantasy. It amused her at times, thinking back to her sister’s original assumptions. Feyre was twenty when her work for the court began, my Wraith gifts under control. A month later she had earned that month’s worth of spiced food and thicker blankets.
Later came boots. Dresses. Coats for my father, though he hardly left the house with that bad leg. Saving for a long while, they managed to move from a hovel to a home.
Nesta dared ask me once what wealthy lord in our village Feyre was whoring herself to, turning Elain’s face red at both the implication and their sister’s inappropriate vocabulary. Feyre merely said there was no lord interested in the third daughter.
They pestered her for ages for the source of the family’s new income, perhaps wondering if they should be earning their keep, rather than risk their renewed status.
The first time Feyre entered the house smelling of faerie blood rather than an animal’s, they’re tongues were held beyond a, “So you’re… employed?” from Elain.
She received a mere, “That’s classified.”
And it was. Sometimes Wraiths used their gifts for simple scouting and gathering information. Other times there were things or people they needed to… handle. Quick and quiet was the policy and if Az didn’t want them at the Court of Nightmares, well, they handled it. Feyre’s only consolation in the beginning—staring into the pained eyes of her first kill—was that he worked for Hybern. He was not innocent. She would never need to kill an innocent again.
Kicking off her winter boots, she crouched in front of the roaring hearth to warm her frozen hands. "About time."
She stiffened at Nesta's snarky welcome. "You have every creature comfort, Nesta. The only reason I could think you might be lecturing me about how long I'm away from home is that you truly worry for me."
"A bit, seeing as half the time you come home looking like you've just killed someone. A day may come when they kill you. Then where will we be?"
"Budgeting and working, perhaps?" Feyre suggested. Finally turning to face her sister, she sighed. "I did receive news today that you need to hear."
"Go get Elain." Reading Feyre’s grim expression, Nesta didn't question her further, retreating down the hall as Feyre shrugged out of her coat. She glared down at the ink revealed, particularly hating that eye in the center of her palm as she forced herself to consider Rhysand may be coming for more than a bride in these next weeks. She finally sank into a chair as her sisters took the couch beside it. "There have been proposals extended to the both of you."
They exchanged a look. "Marriage proposals, you mean?" Elain asked.
Feyre nodded. "The High Lord is moving east. It could be two weeks or two months, but he will be visiting—"
"How do you know this?" Elain interrupted her for once. “He never announces his selection ahead of his arrival.” 
She hesitated. "People hear things, within the court. Some of those people see me in passing and find their information convenient to pass along. I hear things of other sorts that tend to be equally important and pass that along. The point is, the High Lord will be visiting our village, that much is unavoidable. You two need to be married before then. Or at least engaged. It may deter him with singles present."
"Just us?" Nesta snapped. "Are you so brave as to face the Death Dawn, Feyre? Or just arrogant enough to think you'll survive it?"
Feyre sighed. "I'll be fine." Her sisters exchanged a glance that said they had no confidence in her claim. "What, he revived me just to kill me? I don't think so."
"Oh, don't get so cocky, Cursebreaker," Nesta sneered.
Oh, yes. Her sister was grateful Feyre freed her from that hell in The Middle, but she despised that it was her people had treated like a goddess when the three of them came home, whispering Feyre Cursebreaker, Savior of Prythian. It was her, wielding fire and ice and wind and water.
Above all else, she hated Feyre for the moment she slipped into her mind during an argument, no matter how many times she insisted it was an accident. Feyre knew exactly who had passed on daemati magic and she may just despise him more for that than for his long, long string of murders, Under the Mountain and above.
Three years had passed since Amarantha's downfall and Hybern was suspiciously slow in taking any war action. Then, that gave them more time to prepare. Still, she knew something big was brewing, by instinct more than any scouting and spying.
Her thoughts returned to the current conversation, seeing as Nesta looked ready to keep laying into her. Fortunately she was interrupted by an urgent knock on the front door. "I'll get it," she grumbled. A moment later, "Who the hell are you?"
"Where's Feyre Archeron?"
"Who's asking?"
"The High Lord's spymaster."
Feyre cursed. "Az, since when do you use the front door?"
"Since when do you keep vital information from me?"
"Vital information? What have I supposedly hidden, shadowsinger?"
His eyes dropped down and she pinned her left arm behind her back. The pair had been to see their High Lord, then. Azriel stalked across the room, pulling her arm towards him for inspection. Even in the height of summer, she had covered the scrawl of ink during her report meetings. "Only the Night Court uses ink like this," he remarked, back to that chilling calm he was known to keep.
"And? I'm a resident, aren't I?"
"You failed to mention you're Rhysand's little pet."
"I'm not his little anything." She grimaced, taking a step back as he released her. "We made a bargain... down there. The wyrm ruined my arm. It was infected and I was in that filthy cell. Fae healing wasn't doing anything for me in that hell pit. I had no choice."
He searched her face for a tic. A lie. Anything.
"No one was coming for me, Az. No one. I had a continent to free from that bitch, so I said yes."
"You didn't have to encourage him," Elain murmured. Feyre whipped around. "Did you see us down there? Did you see us, held by guards, watching you dance for him?"
Her cheeks suddenly burned, but she suppressed that humiliation as quickly as she could. She danced to keep breathing. When her mind was near tatters she danced to keep grounded—as grounded as she could. And remembering that, she found herself digging a deeper hole, wanting this over and done with.
"Just ask. I know you want to." Neither her sisters or the two Illyrians in the living room could bring themselves to say it. She chuckled. "I thought the bargain was for show, after leaving me be all this time. He got me in his bed after the second trial and the rest was void. Another male having his fun and leaving the rest behind."
"Rhysand doesn't just have fun and run, Feyre," Cassian told her, genuine worry in his tone. "There is always, always an agenda. He isn't anywhere close to through with you. Say your prayers tonight, sweetheart. Tomorrow you're his."
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AN: I rarely write over 1500 words so don't expect this often.
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