#and now I'm going to start season 6 onward
gyroshrike · 1 year
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If I need to the sole person who ships Morgan and Rick then so be it
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buckleyreid · 9 days
So here are my unpopular (?) thoughts on season 7
Personally I think this may have been one of my least favourite seasons of the show so far, only higher than season 5.
I feel like there was way too much going on for a 10 episode season, where the first 3 episodes were spent on a giant emergency that really only involved 2 of the characters (I'm still disappointed that we didn't even see the actual rescue from the cruise, but alas).
I have this sense that there was a whole lot going on but at the same time we spent barely any time with these characters. For example, besides the wedding episode I feel like Chim was barely there this season, same thing for Maddie. Eddie only got a decent plot from episode 7 onwards and Buck stopped having a plot after episode 6.
It's pretty obvious from my account that I love Buck and Tommy together, but I really dislike how they seemingly have been dating for a couple months now, yet we didn't get to see any of that on screen. With this being Buck's first queer relationship, it would be important to show how he's navigating everything and I wonder how they'll go about it in season 8. If we're just supposed to pretend the relationship is still new, or if we're acknowledging the relationship as something that's already an established part of both of their lives.
Moving on to the finale, I thought it was extremely underwhelming exactly because there was too much going on. We didn't even have time to see the 118 sit with the news of Bobby's heart attack, no talks in the hospital room between them, nothing. The most we got was seeing Eddie pray for Bobby but that was from an outside perspective. Instead, we moved right along to Athena playing vigilante and terrorising Amir and I think it's a shame such a good scene between amazing actors had to be shoved into a cluster fuck of an episode.
The pacing issues really boil down to how disorganised this writers' room seems to be, and as a showrunner I feel like Tim should really get ahold of that going into season 8. It shouldn't be hard to brainstorm the season as a whole before starting the writing process so you know where your characters will start and where they will end. That way you can write accordingly while not having a whole bunch of storylines going on at the same time and underutilising an amazing cast of characters or scramble to cut scenes because there's not enough time to air them. I could see how maybe the strikes impacted that process, but still... hopefully it's better next season.
Also, season 8 please bring on the emergencies!! The lack of calls the 118 responded to this season only showed me how incredibly crucial they are to showcase the characters' relationships with each other. I miss the 118 banter, the teasing and the funny one liners while they sit together in the engine. I miss when the episodes started with "911 what's your emergency?"
The only real winners of this season were Hen and Karen and, while I wish the other characters had had more fleshed out storylines, I also think they very much deserved to have their moment to shine.
All in all, besides some stand out moments, this season fell really flat to me and I'm kinda sad about it. If anyone has any other thoughts I’d love to hear it.
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archenarrow · 19 days
Meta Shaped Thoughts
So the Meta remains one of my favorite things in fiction and my brain is full of it again, as it does periodically. I'm just gonna ramble an amount and try not to spin off on too many tangents but still probably will go off on several.
Basically, started with the transition from Agent Maine, to the Meta, to that third thing that happens post AI fragments. Y'know, that thing where it's still just what's left of Maine under that helmet, but it seems to still identify as the Meta. The Councilor refers to it as Agent Maine again, but he is still distinct from who Maine was before Sigma got into his head. Also its pronouns shift around with these, Agent Maine is he/him, the Meta is it/its, post AI the pronouns sometimes go either way (I think, I will admit that I haven't checked recently).
Anyway, though, starting with Agent Maine: he is on the Freelancer leaderboard for the scenes we see, but he is consistently low on it. In fact, every time we see him fight a Freelancer level foe in season 9, he loses. This is very much in contrast with how we saw the Meta in seasons 6-8. The Meta had been portrayed as an unstoppable death machine in pretty much every appearance it had. It wasn't impossible to drive it off, but it always came back stronger. Agent Maine on his own wasn't this dangerous, however he was indestructible. It reminds me of the old Sgt Rock comics. For those who didn't read them, the Sgt Rock comics are about Sgt Rock, a U.S. army sergeant during World War 2. Sgt Rock was a boxer before being a soldier, and while he wasn't a great fighter, it was impossible to keep him down. Having to beat the immovable object became a rite of passage in order to fight the actually good boxers. Anyway, I feel like Maine might have served a similar role with the Project Freelancer leaderboard, you need to be able to beat him in order to really make it into the big leagues of the Freelancers. Like, Maine just doesn't stop. He can't beat Tex in sparring, but he's the only person who is able to keep fighting past the point where his armor is supposed to be locking him in place. He seems at a stalemate with the Charon/Insurrectionist ODST up to the point where the other guy gets a gun, but being center massed with a sniper rifle, having a magnum mag dumped into his throat, shooting him with a magnum again, hitting him with a truck, then hurling him down and off an overpass all fails to kill him. Another thing is that he seems friendly with a few other Freelancers, I see people bring up his relationship with Wash, but he also seems like one of the folks who is closer to Carolina based on their banter during the heist. She jokes with him about being a baby, his lack of subtlety, and shows way more concern for Maine's injuries during the heist than she did with say North's injuries at the oil platform.
And that leads into Maine being paired with Sigma, Carolina giving up her AI so that Maine can communicate more easily (there's probably another tangent in here about ableism in Project Freelancer). Carolina later feels responsible for what Sigma would do to Maine. but we immediately see Maine becoming thematically more the Meta, even if the transformation takes time. There's the very obvious stuff, like the sequence of Maine gearing up before the assault on the Insurrectionist base, how it shows that we are very much entering Meta territory now. And the switch is immediate, from this point onwards, Maine doesn't lose a fight. In fact, Maine/The Meta begin getting back at everything that had previously bested Maine. Maybe some of this is just showcasing how much of a difference having an AI and being able to use his equipment (I forget if it's canon that Maine's equipment was strength enhancement or if that was a fan idea) makes in a fight, but there's a feeling of vindictiveness to it when Maine holds the soldier who'd shot him before helpless for a prolonged period before finishing him off. How he gives the other soldier from the freeway a moment of relief and then realization before throwing her into the sea. And also that friendliness with the other Freelancers seems to dry up, there is no more banter with Wash or Carolina, even when fighting alongside each other. The most we get is other Freelancers looking on Maine from a distance with concern about these changes. Maine's transformation into the Meta, the parts of it we see onscreen at least, is fast. His characterization changes rapidly once he is paired with Sigma, of course culminating after the crash of the Mother of Invention, the additions of Eta and Iota making the Meta fully into what it was when we first saw it in Recovery One and season 6.
But then Maine's body outlives the AI fragments, even if it still seems to identify as the Meta rather than Maine. And we see some personality changes, reverting more towards what Maine was like beforehand. It jokes with allies, heck the fact that he can work with allies again is notable. But ultimately, he still has that need to acquire AI again. I do feel like there's a few different reads on what that need to reacquire an AI. I think some of the things in the show itself blame it on Maine himself and some desire for power on his part, especially that bit at the end of Restoration. But the more interesting read to me is that it's more akin to an addiction. The Meta has been the Meta and can't go back, he can't just be a human brain working on its own now, it needs something to guide him. It literally can't function like it used to without another mind to run its equipment.
Anyway, that's a pile of thoughts on the Meta. I think that's most of the coherent stuff so I'm going to post this while my brain just kinda keeps chewing on it.
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sunyot · 3 months
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Must See T.V. Moments - Invincible 2024
*****SPOILERS for SEASON 2: EPISODE 6*****
I'm in my T.V. Phase now...
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The 'parasitic alien' remains a classic Super Hero villain. My personal first introduction to this villain came from watching Batman Beyond. In a two-episode Saga, Terry gets the opportunity to fight alongside The Justice League of his era. Naturally, he finds discord only to discover... well you get the idea.
This concept plays on one of our fears as people: being controlled. As gamers, we're so used to being puppetiers. Yet imagine Being the puppet. Imagine further maintaining a small hint of consciousness; an out of body experience where you watch your every action taking place. We might wonder if we'd still feel pain? Would we feel anything at all? The parasite would probably have a total lack of self-preservation, and that scares us.
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This show still reigns as one of the best-written shows on television. Robert Kirkman handles tension so well. I'm avoiding reading the comics, but when I see an episode as good as this one it's very tempting. The series integrates so many layers, adding a density to the storytelling. Amazing story craft like this, in my opinion, is the cause of fiction withdrawal. I know the feeling well.
Sometimes, a series feels like it's speaking to you personally. It becomes a drug that taps directly into your veins. I keep a list of shows on my phone that give me this feeling. Maybe one day I'll share them. Really, I keep them to remind myself which shows give me the true feeling I'm searching for. I do this in the hopes of limiting my sometimes lengthy searches for new entertainment.
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Let's start with the obvious.
Do you Ship 'Mark X Amber' or 'Invincible X Atom Eve'?
Fans of the series remain vocal about their preferences. And I get it. They prefer for Mark to spend the majority of his time as Invincible, the superhero. They want to see him at his most powerful, going on adventures, fighting alongside a crew, and receiving the admiration of beautiful potential partners. Seeing Mark in a more ordinary human life could feel less fun. And Amber is, in a way, a representation of that. Her groundedness reminds Mark, and the audience, that he's still just a guy. This can cause conflict between the audience and certain characters. Protagonists often serve a cathartic outlets for viewers. Fans of Twilight want to see the quiet, studious, normal young lady swept up into an extraordinary series of events. Seeing someone like themselves, allows them to live vicariously through the plot.
Likewise, superheroes serve as one of our culture's best self-insert fantasies...
This is good. This is healthy, I'd argue. Being able to explore yourself in an idealized fashion can help people create fragments of identity which can sometimes become the sparks of our moral centers. All that said, writers like Kirkman, understand that stitching these fantasies to universal human experiences are what make them memorable. It's the filtering of the wild through the boring that make our stories sing.
In real life, we have relationship problems. We screw up. We do poorly in school. We fail at our obligations time and time again, while the world forces us to push onward because our obligations are always with us. As Mark continues to try and do the right thing, his humanity outshines his Viltrumite heritage.
*****SPOILERS for SEASON 2: EPISODE 6*****
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Rexsplosion reads Home Decor Magazines - Invincible 2024
"I actually thought Rex died..."
This series plays with tension brilliantly. It also avoids having too many moments of relief. When the immediate danger fades, the characters still live in a state of worry. They're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. We learn something quirky about Rex, but only because he almost died. This semi-sweet moment humanizes him, yet emphasizes the ominous nature of the series. Our heroes have to take their happy moments when they can get them. The Team, now scattered, became a question mark. This world cannot afford uncertainty surrounding its heroes. We saw their near demise in Mark's absence.
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And with a few quick scenes of Mark's loved ones, we're of where he's most vulnerable.
This brings me to my favorite aspect of the episode:
- The Fiction inside the fiction -
This will always be one of my favorite methods of storytelling. Seeing characters in fiction read or watch their own fiction lets us see how they relate to their world. Sometimes it's done through myths and legends. Sometimes in other clever ways...
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When Mark receives a box of science fiction stories (stories written by his father) we are able to more directly relate to the character.
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This look of wonder and skepticism on his face. This is all of us...
My father introduced me to Star Wars. He had the original trilogy on VHS tapes. He recorded the movies when one of the major networks aired them without commercials. I wore those tapes out, watching until my imagination expanded to the vastness of any epic tale; spilling over into my daily life sunshine I could carry in my pockets.
At this moment in the show, I am Mark. I'm sitting on my bed, hearing my father's voice as the story plays out on the pages and in my mind. And I'd wager, I'm not the only one.
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In dramatic fashion, we now get to go on the journey inside this new universe. This fiction within a fiction is crucial as it becomes the notion of creation from the perspective of beings we know to be created. How funny is that. Funnier still, to Mark this tale plays as cinema. Whereas to us, it's still animated; which is a wild concept when thinking of sentience.
Even the title 'The Man with the Invincible Gun' ...feels like foreshadowing to me.
*****SPOILERS for SEASON 2: EPISODE 6*****
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I'm sure most of you caught on quick, realizing that these stories are based on Mark's Father's real adventures. I think it's funny seeing a character like Mark, superhero, space traveler, one of the strongest beings in the Universe, forget all that, and lose himself in the story. Again, this character trait displays Mark's humanity. Of course, he eventually realizes that these stories are far from lore.
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Knowing his father, it's probably safe to assume these were not heroic journeys of an idealistic space explorer. More than likely they were unsuccessful Viltrumite invasions of unsuspecting alien inhabitants. I also think we'll at some point get to meet some of these aliens and learn the truth of these encounters. But still, it's fun to dream.
This episode makes me want to read a good book...
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It also makes me want to write. It's been a while since I've done that either.
A few more things. Seeing the Seth Rogan alien makes me wonder when I'm going to be able to hear him as his own character because every time he talks, all I hear is Seth Rogan. His is the only character that does that to me. I'm hoping my brain eventually adjusts.
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Also, let's readdress the title screen.
What does it mean this season? In Season 1, the answer felt obvious. The blood splattered across the title showed the surprising violence of the heroes world, which slowly dragged Mark deeper into its depths. In this season, the classic 'Invincible' logo cracks away to reveal a red one.
What's the meaning, I wonder. Mark might be one bad event away from turning into Omniman, a true Viltrumite warrior, like the Mark of the other Universe. And speaking of other Universes...
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Our friend Giant-Brain-Outside-My-Body-Man returns to get a bespoke suit from a tailor with four arms.
This tells me that no matter the universe, timeline, or year, nothing feels better than wearing a fresh new suit. We also get to see him do a little multi-dimensional hopping.
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I wonder which Universe this could be...
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chelledoggo · 4 months
my Hazbin Hotel first watchthrough
(DISCLAIMER: this post is being typed as i'm watching. there may be inconsistencies in my attitude as i go on.)
Ep 1: blehhhh...
Ep 2: overall: "eh." villain song was pretty good.
Ep 3: something something something plot plot plot- LOOK IT'S THE SILLY SNEK AND EGG BOYS. 💖 "I'll Be Your Armor/Keeper" was a damn good song, even if at this point in the series i couldn't fucking stand Charlie.
Ep 4: ...okay i'll admit. this one for all its heavy subject matter was... handled alright. was nice to see Charlie finally grow some goddamn balls and show some righteous anger. kinda wanted to strangle Husk here until he actually showed some empathy. "Poison" was a good song, even if Angel's VA was pretty weird and pitchy at points. "Loser Baby" was a good one though.
Ep 5: i feel conflicted as a Christian finding Lucifer so charming. /j /lh also i think Charlie's starting to grow on me. and it only took over half the series. also fuck you Mimzy. the Alastor vs. Lucifer song was a goddamn bop. and "Hell's Best Dad" was beautiful.
Ep 6: WHOA. WHOAAAAAAAAA. WHOA. I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT FOR NOT SEEING THAT COMING. this episode is hitting all the Christian Universalist and deconstructionist sweet spots for me. and God i love Emily, poor bab. ;~; ALSO YASS ANGEL STICK IT TO THE MOTH MAN.
Ep 7: all my hate for Charlie is gone. i just want her and Vaggie to be happy. i feel so bad for both of them. also "Out For Love" beats the entirety of Steven Universe's soundtrack in every category lol
Ep 8: oh gosh this... ohhh... this was phenomenal... like i started out hating this show and now i'm just itching to see what goes down next season!! i'm glad i stuck through!
misc. notes:
i hate that this series basically requires you to watch the pilot to understand the first episode. luckily i've seen it but...
i like some of the background character designs.
i like the little one-eyed gremlin girl thing.
i know we're supposed to like Charlie but GOD she's annoying. I RECANT THIS STATEMENT
Alastor best character.
i kinda like Sir Pentious. he's silly. and i love his egg boys.
Vaggie's just as done with this shit as i am but the difference is she loves Charlie where as i just want to strangle her lmao.
Velvette's kinda hot ngl.
Camilla too.
seriously though am i supposed to like Charlie? when do i start to like her? I ALSO RECANT THIS STATEMENT.
i feel like i would like Charlie more if she wasn't essentially a ripoff of every "quirky" Disney princess from Rapunzel onwards. AND I RECANT THIS ONE TOO
okay, as of ep 5... i'm starting to not hate Charlie so much.
why do some of the denizens of heaven look like demons?
ep 6 is where this series finally really grabs me ngl. glad i stuck around. i'm on the beginning of the finale as i'm typing this point and i'm excited to see how it concludes.
the angels of heaven really do seem to be the "american evangelist/dispensationalist" archetype. they don't know why a soul can't be redeemed after death. they don't question it. they're not allowed to because... it's "breaking the rules" or whatever. as someone who grew up in that kind of environment, that really resonated with me.
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familyagrestefanblog · 7 months
Honestly, I'm kinda surprised that I (personally at least) haven't seen anyone bring this up regarding how season 5 ended and what it might mean for Marinette in the future.
Of course it's important to discuss what Gabriel wished for, concidering he rewrote all of reality to his liking and we will have to deal with that. Of course thats a priority.
But there's a very specific angle that's not to be underestimated in my opinion, and I'm just surprised that even after all these months I've yet to see anyone bring it up.
The very specific angle of: Marinette Dupain-Cheng doesn't know what Gabriel Agreste actually wished for and is a highly paranoid person who thinks herself to death.
So if Cerise as Chrysalis will from season 6 onwards be out here and manage to raise the absolute hell for Marinette she's being set up to unleash, then we can absolutely reach a point where Maribug might genuinely come to the conclusion that the reality around her is the product of Gabriel wishing for Ladybug's/ Marinette's demise since that's by itself not an unreasonable conclusion to reach.
Clarification: There is this frustrating approach going around in the Fandom about the wish. Yes, one can wish for ONE thing only. Mate, if I make the wish that the earth NEVER had land mass above the water in the first place, then reality would be rebuild with a completely different chain of evolution here on earth that led to a different "equivalent" of us humans. It would change earth as we know it entirely, and yet I still only wished for ONE thing. Guys, get tf creative please.
And that would obviously mean she'd want to undo the wish to get out of this new reality bc that would in her mind be what it needs to SAVE reality from Gabriel Agreste's legacy and get back to her family, friends, to Adrien, and Chat Noir even.
You know, similar to what Toxinelle wanted.
That would also obviously include that Marinette at some point, when everything spiraled far downwards enough around her, starts mentally distancing herself from this reality she's in - like a villain, only that she's not - and comes to think of this reality and it's people kinda as "collateral damage" because whatever happens here isn't really important since Marinette wants to get back to her actual reality anyway. Meaning she might actually push away her friends and family ect.
Honestly, it all depends on how much hell Cerise/ Chrysalis raises for her. Cause once Maribug is pushed beyond a certain line she will be out here screwing herself over further and further by being caught in a mental devil's circle, where she then WILL become a person who needs to be fought/ pushed back againt for everyone's (including her own) safety but that would reinforce Marinette's paranoia that she's trapped in a reality specifically designed to turn against her.
The original mission Ladybug and Chat Noir were once chosen for is now OVER, but in Marinette’s head the war against Monarque could go on. Even Chrysalis to some degree would then merely be an extention of Gabriel in Marinette’s head. So "getting rid of her" by using the wish would on paper not be an extreme action, but merely fighting fire with fire.
And yeah, all of this would also mean that at some point Marinette would justify in her head to turn against this reality's Chat Noir, to get his Miraculous and make the wish. In her eyes she wouldnt really be betraying Chat Noir - HER Chat is waiting back in reality for her while THIS Chat was made by Gabriel to keep her here to met her demise.
(if you want it angsty, let her find out where he was locked up and by whom in the season 5 finale, without letting her know that he's Adrien Agreste. Cause Adrien and Kagami having been locked up by Gabriel (and Tomoe) in all that global chaos still meant they were save enough because of their parents being their captors, to keep them out of everything. But give her the vague information that Gabriel Agreste held Chat Noir as civilian captive under horrible nightmares too, in a different country and in some white hell cell, and you tell ME that she wont be motivated to get through this new reality's Chat Noir to get back to hers. Especially when Chrysalis is out here turning everyone against her? Of course she would want to go back to her Chat Noir who's her anchor and who sacrificed himself to keep his Miraculous safe from where he is? Which she would in turn feel horrible about cause she then LOST. Honestly, all things concidered, Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsurugi were fine enough in Gabriel's (and Tomoe's) grasps, but what reason does Marinette have to think that Monarque would show Chat Noir the same concideration? Especially when he had just send away his Miraculous?)
Yes, this would also mean that Marinette would slowly distance herself more and more from Adrien, bc even if she thinks Gabriel made the wish in Adrien's benefit doesn't it mean Marinette agrees with the outcome. For all we know Adrien will go back to working for the Gabriel brand now so in future he can step into his "hero father's footsteps as his heir to uphold his legacy (since Adrien already HAS the needed career for it, he would just need to learn under Tomoe and Nathalie as his father's successor until he's of age)
Yes, this would mean that the friendship between Marinette and Alya would get seriously challenged since, by all means, Marinette’s dialog at the end of S5 still names Gabriel and Monarque as two seperate people. So Alya may know Gabriel Agreste made a wish, but not that Gabriel was Monarque and why Marinette is getting more and more paranoid. Add how Cerise normally tends to use Alya against Marinette, this isn't unlikely to happen again.
Alya may very likely at some point take over as team leader (the way shes set up to do) bc Ladybug doesnt trust her own team anymore and they somehow need to save her from herself.
I'm just saying. It's kinda weird for me that I saw no one ever even humoring this angle. We're talking about Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and you're trying to tell me that she's not ever going to think back to the fact that's she LOST against Hawkmoth and doesn't know what he wished for while basically being locked up in his new reality in which Lila/ Cerise will rise as the new Butterfly?
Did you WATCH the Paris special?
Come the fuck on...
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leqclerc · 9 months
I started watching this year and your tumblr was one of the first places I started looking for content, so basically I got all the sebchal lore and I remember seeing that you disliked charlos and I thought you were too harsh in some asks, because they seem friendly and carlos nice.
Now during the actual season I slowly changed my mind seeing Carlos radios trying to make people think he is faster and wanting to swap, the way he acted on some qualis, his obsession always asking charles time and saying he's doing better (monaco), his interviews and NOW finally with the way his family acted with Charles.
And the fact all of this seems to work with people ? Because it seems people believe everything he says, so now we have people claiming charles points, podiums or whatever are all because ferrari gave him preferential treatment. And claiming that if carlos wasn't "treated as second driver" he would be winning a lot more than charles.
Honestly now I can't even believe a charles fan could still like their "relationship" because their behavior is contributing a lot to the hate charles is getting this season.
I have a belief that is not just coincidental and that they are trying to get in charles head, to make him doubt himself, lose confidence etc
Hello there 👋🏻
Honestly, I tried my best to go into this new "era" at Ferrari with an open mind and just observe this new lineup and their dynamics and then form an opinion based on my feelings and reactions. At one point I even said to one of my friends in this fandom, like, "what if I like Charles/Carlos so much that they eclipse my feelings for Seb/Charles?" I watched the first C2 challenges when they started dropping, and while they seemed quite innocuous, it was already blatantly obvious to me that this was going to be a completely different dynamic to Seb and Charles (understandably, but still.)
I think the first major turning point regarding my perception of Carlos and of their relationship as a whole was Monaco 2021. Carlos never really hid the fact that he blamed Charles's crash for hindering what he thought was a shot at pole (data accessible online proved that if anything, Valtteri was closer to pole than Carlos was on that occasion, but we still kept hearing about how "I could've been on pole" for like 6 months afterwards.) Obviously then on Sunday Charles couldn't start because of the car issue, which was a huge blow for him given that it was his home race, back after a year-long absence due to the pandemic.
Carlos finished on the podium and instead of taking it for what it is he just kept going on about how it's the "least enjoyable podium of his career" (still clinging to the perception that he lost out on pole), and then in 2022 giving an interview in which he stated that drivers will crash deliberately if they feel it gives them an edge, but was coy about what he meant. Still, given his feelings regarding Monaco 2021, it's not that hard to guess what he might've been referring to...
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There were a few other points of contention in 2021 but because Ferrari were in the midfield at the time and the world's attention was on the Max vs Lewis title fight, those incidents kind of flew under the radar and most people still had this perception that there's this chill harmonious atmosphere at the team, and most of the cracks only started to publicly show in 2022. Even in the aftermath of Monaco 2022 (why is Monaco always so full of drama fr) I got anons about how I'm exaggerating, hating for no reason, etc. I think the public perception scales took a little while longer to fully tip, but from Silverstone onwards I think things started to shift a bit.
At some point I also stopped bothering with the C2 content because I was just not vibing with what I was seeing tbh. It's like the on-track stuff carried over to the PR content and to me Carlos came across as quite patronizing and envious. 🤷🏻‍♀️ When Charles drove him around Monaco for a video his biggest gripe was that people on the street are rooting for Charles and supporting him publicly. Like what did you expect, it's his home race, in a country that has a population of like 39,000 😭
I think one of the biggest problems is that Carlos's entire family is involved, and very closely at that, in his career and by extension in Ferrari's internal affairs. It's basically an open secret that they like to engage in a political tug-of-war and plant stories in the media to drive a certain kind of narrative that makes Carlos's optics look more favourable.
I agree that Carlos seems... a little too invested in the optics and statistics vs Charles. Yeah, your teammate is the first person you want to beat, but when you're content to finish 5th or something as long as you're ahead of your teammate then it becomes a bit of an issue. I saw a clip of a recent podcast sit-down thing Carlos did, where one of the questions was like, how do you cope with a mistake and recover from that; he brought up Charles unprompted, comparing Charles's "I am stupid" team radio after a qualy crash (from like 4 years ago) to his own approach and how he doesn't think or say that kind of thing about himself. It's like was this necessary, lol.
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yuraimi-lee-bunny · 4 months
What, to you, is the stupidest anti-rc argument.
Uffff.... … I have several points, and the last one I will mention is the best known but where I want to give details of why it doesn't make sense.
It's a boring ship
I don't know why many say that as an argument, when that isn't an argument, it's an opinion. And it's okay if you find the ship boring (as I think Caru+++ is SUPER boring, but I'm not saying that as an argument, and much less I'm going to say it to anyone who likes that ship because it's basically disrespect)
Tastes aren't arguments, they're opinions, and everyone has their own taste and if it isn't harming anyone, then there is no problem.
2.- It's a straight ship
……….Again, it's an opinion… and a very strange and illogical one. I don't want to get too into that because everyone has their headcanons (and in my case it makes me laugh because I have the headcanon that Carmen and Gray are bisexules, so in my case "straight ship where?")
Whether it's an LGBT or straight ship, it doesn't take away from how beautiful it can be (and again, if it doesn't hurt anyone, then what's the problem?)
3.- Age difference
Ok, the truth is I don't see any sense in this, because to begin with it is almost canon that Carmen was born in 99. According to the creator, he mentioned that VILE students enter the academy at the age of 20. Doing the math, Carmen was 18 years old when she met Gray and she was 20 (approximately). That's two years difference, it's not much. Also, I think, the vast majority of shipers, we started to love Red Crackle when they were both older (20 and 22).
(And sorry for mentioning this, seriously, sorry, but Julia must be at least 4 years older than Carmen, and I don't see ANYONE saying this argument to be "against" Caru***… so sorry, just please, don't be hypocrites)
4.- Gray left Carme brainwashed for 6 months.
Ok, I would love to give a lot of details about why this seems very unfair to me, but I can't because I would be giving more details about Gray's character analysis and I don't want to make this post long, so I'll get to the point:
Let's remember that Gray returned to VILE, and was basically on probation. The Faculty knows how close Gray is to Carmen. They trusted Gray above all to not let Carmen regain her true self. It's true that Gray was okay with this (until the fair scene) but understand something: Gray was between a rock and a hard place. Yes, wanting Carmen to return, but on the other hand having the eyes of the Faculty on him. He did something 6 months later because he no longer had Carmen in his sight, he could no longer take care of her, she was already in the complete hands of the Faculty, and worse still, hearing what she would do to Shadowsan, that's when he took the risk.
Gray in itself didn't really want to return to VILE (in my analysis I later show the evidence), being on probation, then taking care of Carmen, both being on the radar of the Faculty so that everything was fine… don't believe that Gray was afraid for his life?
Because let me remind you something: NO ONE leaves VILE.
Thus, I consider it a little empathetic that they don't understand why Gray didn't act quickly to make Carmen return to normal (I even bet you that if he had seen the red team at some point, he would do something to make her return. Although that is a 50/50 of probability) But again: Gray didn't do that to manipulate Carmen, he did it because he had no other choice.
Finally, the best known, the one that we have all known for 5 years and continue to use incorrectly:
5.- They treated each other like brothers/That ship is inc+++.
.... oh my....
I just can't take this argument seriously… It's so ridiculous. Look, they're not even blood brothers to begin with. They looked like brothers in their VILE academy years. Carmen only ONCE said that she saw Gray as a brother, and then said "But this time, it may be the start of something more." From season two onwards, she stopped saying that Gray was a brother to her.
Now, I understand the point that when two people have spent years treating and being educated as siblings, it basically counts as an insanity if they fall in love within the story or if the fandom makes the ship (a good example: Luther and Allison from The Umbrella Academy)
But Gray and Carmen were NEVER raised to see each other as siblings, and it was only for one year, and then everyone went their own way. Obviously that idea of "seeing each other as brothers" could change, especially with EVERYTHING that Gray and Carmen experienced.
So sorry, but that ince*** thing is one of the most illogical arguments to be against Red Crackle.
And look, to finish: If someone doesn't like Red Crackle, that's okay, that's normal. But don't use "arguments" to denigrate the ship, when in addition to being invalid, the ship itself isn't harming anyone, and above all: why do you want to say this just to make someone feel bad because like Red Crackle?
Anyway, these are just my observations, thanks for your ask. If anyone knows another argument that is used against Red Crackle, you can write it, I only know these 5 hahaha.
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unchataparis · 4 days
In Terms of Moving the Plot Forward
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It's an easy criticism to reach for: that villains are more likeable than heroes because they make plans and commit to action rather than waiting and preventing.
Take the MCU, for example, the most popular superhero franchise in the world, and all its heroes are defined by how much they waited. They never made plans on how the world could be better. They didn't do community work or planted commons gardens or contributed to NGOs. They simply showed up, fought villains, and left.
For five seasons, the heroes of Miraculous never did anything to forward the plot. For five season, Marinette and Adrien showed up on the site of Akuma battles, fought, won, called it a day and retreated to their homes.
They never tracked down where the Akumas originated from as to attempt to determine Papillon's location, they never investigated persons of interests that they suspected to be Papillon, they hardly bothered to dive deeper into Miraculous history to try and figure out where the Miraculous came from and how they could've landed in both their and Papillon's hand.
Case in point, in the episode Volpina, Adrien came across the Grimoire, realised that it contained undiscovered information about the Miraculous and – didn't do anything else with it. It was returned to his father and he stopped asking questions.
When Marinette discovered the existence of Master Fu and the Order of the Guardianship, it could've been an excellent place to move the plot forward. Marinette could be fully and wonderfully inaugurated into the position of Leader of the Miraculous Team, not just because she happened to take command, but because she trained for, studied for, and deserved the position. But nothing happened.
An argument that this is a kids' show could be made, that the plot needs to be episodic in order to attract the attention of its target young audience. But I'll bring one of the best children's animated TV show as rebuttal: Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008).
Like Miraculous, Avatar also started out with episodic, solve-it-within-twenty-minute plots, for the first season. As soon as Avatar hit the second season, they begin to go onward with the story. While there are still clip episodes and episodes dedicated to trivial plots, Avatar consistently advanced and managed to finish three seasons.
Miraculous, on the other hand, took five seasons to finish the first arc of its narrative. Adrien and Marinette still hasn't figured out other's identities, Adrien still has no idea of the truth of his father, and I still have no idea what the Guardianship is meant to bring into the story. They're simply there, as a voiceless supervisor to whatever Marinette chooses to do.
Season 6 might be the start of a more interesting and relevant narrative, now that there's a new Paris, permanent holders, and a new villain.
Lila/Cerise however, will have to be quite wily to be able to match against 18 Miraculous Holders and the Guardianship.
Either way, there's so many new directions that Season 6 could take us that I'm quite excited. I simply hope for the second arc of the series can live up to expectations.
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raayllum · 1 year
What are your biggest predictions for season 5 and onwards? Plus, I love your page and have been a follower from the start!
Aww thank you so much!! It has been a very long, enjoyable journey together then! (5 years and counting <3) I always love seeing you in my notes and ask box, so thank you so much for sending this in!
See what makes TDP tricky is that they love to store things in earlier seasons that may come back like, the next season, or may only come back literally seasons later, and it's hard to tell when that'll happen. Right now I'm hoping that we can some development on the possession plot line and Aaravos' release in S5, and while I do think it's more likely Aaravos will get out in S5 still, I could see the merit in pushing that and the possession stuff into S6 for thematic stuff (destiny and stars and all that).
So I'll break it down into S5 specific plot lines / stuff maybe, versus just general S5-S6 predictions in general? AKA things that have leeway for mileage or impact to carry over for later
S5 specific episode outline estimates
Janai losing her kingdom either to her brother or to dark forces (monsters, Aaravos, etc). Mostly because of Karim's short story, Kim'Dael entering in S5 and presumably being interwoven
Terry having some doubts and Claudia becoming more desperate
More answers on where and what was happening to Rayla while she was gone, although not everything (like reserving her backstory with Stella for book 6 stars, maybe)
Viren and Claudia splintering off, with Viren and Soren beginning to not like, reconcile, but they'll be working together to try and bring Claudia home
Rayla and Callum patching things up further, with Rayla hopefully making some head way on her self worth / leaving vs staying arc (but I could see that being in S6 too, especially if her parents are getting out this season)
Soren continuing to step into a primary protector position for Ezran
Rayllum getting to have some more big talks
Zym and/or Callum destroying the pirate ship with lightning, as depicted in the 2nd promo picture
Rayla looking into how to free her fam from the coins (and possibly doing so), even if I think it'll take a big sacrifice of some kind (either needing Viren's staff and a dark magic spell, or something else we haven't quite seen before)
Aaravos gets out for his hot girl summer
Theme wise: more light-dark, drowning-water-shame motif(s), Rayla becoming more like Runaan (derogatory) and Claudia and Callum becoming more like Viren (happily & derogatory), Viren continues to parallel Callum and Soren (affectionate)
S5 / S6
Callum's being re-possessed for a second / final time and Rayla breaking him free of it
Callum connecting to the moon arcanum and/or essence of magic
Ezran tying to rally the other human kingdoms to help fight against Aaravos, either as a preventative measure before he's out, or once he is released, bringing in the new rulers of the Pentarchy as well as old ones like Ahling and Aanya
We Finally learn what the freaking cube is used for (and CHET accordingly in some manner, whether it's to free Aaravos or some kind of power-up tradeoff or whatever) so my suffering can end
Proper Leola lore drop / Aaravos (+ Orphan Queen?) backstory
Callum playing into Aaravos' hands regardless of what he does to try and stop it (bc we love a Greek Tragedy king)
Most of the other specific S5 predictions I have (Rayllum going on a solo trip to the Sunfire elves + Callum doing startouch research; Claudia's hair going nearly full white; crimson orchids relating to Janai and Amaya) are either things that have already confirmed or we'll simply just have to flat out wait and see.
Like S5 could do a lot of interesting things if certain stuff is shuffled, i.e. moon fam getting out but not quite Aaravos could work (esp given Runaan's lotus is underwater, etc) leaving more stuff for S6 - or they could all get out, and it'd still work; if the possession plot line doesn't come back in S5 (or at least not to the point of being resolved, it could easily be a cliffhanger type of thing) and we learn Rayla did kill someone during the timeskip (hence her change in attitude) or she kills someone now, thus setting up that she could very well take Callum up on his request in S6? I think it'd all really, really work. Just depends on how much setup and pay off and dread / dramatic irony they wanna do with things before we get resolutions or to next stages, the ordering of stuff, etc.
Either way it's going to be an absolutely wild ride and I cannot wait to cry
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Ooo, this look fun! Thanks for the tags, @lumosatnight (x) and @anaxandria-writes (x) ! This is going to be interesting since I've only started writing again a few years ago, so I'll do what I can to make this writing-centric. This is also probably going to be rambly AF, so you've been warned. And onwards!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
118 (39 are fics, and the rest is all art). That number will change because it's spooky season, and there are definitely some fun things being posted for that very soon.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
91,266, but if you exclude a couple of collabs where I only provided art, then it's down to 68,276. I have a few works that are hidden and haven't been "officially" released yet because these are the WIP text fics I've talked about before, and they need more TLC!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter (31)
Teen Wolf (8)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Little did I know [HP: Perciver, T, 2.5k]
There's a guiding light [HP: Perciver, G, 1.5k]
Love me like that [HP: Perciver, T, 2.5k]
Help Me Out [TW: Sterek, E, 3.3k]
It's Enough For Now [TW: Sterek, G, 300 words w/ art]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
You know what's funny? I had to take a break from answering for quite a while, and I just started replying back to comments to most recent works yesterday. So, progress! I really do want to show some appreciation to folks who have read and viewed my work, especially across multiple fandoms and ships over the last couple of months. The multi-fandom life is a tricky one to balance, but I'm hoping I can reply to a batch here or there when I have a chance to eventually get caught up with the backlog. If I haven't replied back yet, please note that I have read your lovely comment, but I just haven't had a chance to string together some words to say thank you! I cherish each and every comment I get, especially if I've made someone smile or their day a little brighter with my creations.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've actually been in a whumpy phase lately, but I posted up The Walls Came Crashing Down (TW: Sterek, T, 4,242 words) maybe a couple of weeks ago because it's a Bloody Mary fic, and there was a near-death experience included. There's also so many terrible feels, crying and trauma after that happens. It's hopeful but yeah. I've been wanting make something like this for a long time, so I'm glad I finally did because it was such a fun and challenging fic to write (while keeping it at that exact word count :P).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Navy and Gold (HP: Perciver, G, 900 words) for Cruel Summer Fic fest, because I was given a song that had a lot of fluffy family vibes, and that's usually what I don't write? But I turned it into a wedding ficlet, and I think I surprised myself because it came out really well. Especially in such few words!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some weird comments on both fic and art. More of the kind where someone wanted or expected a certain thing, or they were questioning that something was missing. Anyway, some friends have defended my honour or else tell me that those commenters weren't worth it, so I'm glad to have that kind of support!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Once upon a time I did not write PWPs. Ever since I came out of writing hibernation, PWPs have definitely slipped in. That's how I actually started writing more when I challenged myself to write drabbles for a smut workshop for Kinkuary. Now, I love writing sexy and kinky microfics and drabbles because they're short, quick and punchy. I've recently graduated to writing a couple of one shots (and heyyy, I'm actually working on a couple for Kinktober as we speak ;D). Kinkuary and Kinktober are usually my inspirations to get things written out anyway, but I'm open to other challenges too. There's a reason why A Study in Kink exists as an HP fic and art series. At this rate, I may need to make a new series for Sterek Sexy Stories. The amount of Sterek smut ideas I have kicking around in WIPs rn is kinda insane. But also, porn with feelings. <333
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not in the traditional sense. The most I've done is add in fandom references into a fic. So for Teen Wolf, I've been adding in little elements from Supernatural, especially if I want to bring a certain type of lore or big bad into the scene. But that's it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, I haven't. Then again, I've only written short things these past few years (and I'm more concerned about art theft, considering how much of my art is out in the world).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I have not!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I have! @crazybutgood and I got to know each other when we were paired up last year for the Owlery Exchange: To Days to Come and wrote I Just Want You To Know (Drarry, T, 3.5k) together. Epistolary fics are awesome btw! My Harry had a lot of fun bantering and bonding with her Draco, and I love how we didn't even know we were writing to each other until partners were revealed, and it was time for betaing and editing. That's how we became fast friends, which was totally meant to be! :D
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
That's just...I like a lot of ships, okay? I'm a multi-shipper and a multi-fandomer, so that's a tough question!! Hang on tight...this is going to be a long ass explanation. I'm not going to rank them, but I'll list three ships that have impacted my life in a huge way. I'll start with Sterek, because I've only gotten to know them for a little over a year. But Sterek was a blessing to discover at such a shitty time. Literally one year ago, I felt burnt out, like I was losing my muse, and I was recovering from COVID. Everything in RL kind of sucked. But when I got curious and started reading Sterek fics late one night, I was sold. Sterek helped me pause and get to know myself again as a creator, reader and a human. I really needed that, so the timing couldn't have been any better. I latched on to Sterek quickly and tightly because I see some of Stiles' and Derek's traits in me. They're also complicated and deserve Nice Things, and I can relate so, so much. That's why it's been easy to make art and fic for them. Their potential is endless because Sterek made my love for supernatural and spooky things deeper. Every time I write or draw for them, I can do it with ease and clarity. Everything just comes together and works. And it's so satisfying! Perciver is a rare pair I owe so much to. They're the ship that gave me the confidence to write again and they changed the way I currently draw. I think drawing Percy and Oliver helped me understand them as characters, and that translated into writing because I already had visuals. I know them in and out, and I made the fic series, Where do we go from here? because I believed in them. I wanted to share stories that haven't been told yet, but I wanted them to be real. And the fact I've figured out how to bring Perciver to life through art and fic has an amazing journey. They've given me the practice I needed to improve my crafts. It's because of Perciver that I've become a better artist and writer because I finally found my groove. And gosh, it's nice to have a well-established style. I will love these boys forever because they may be opposites but gods, do they go so well together. They get each other, they're each other's rocks, and it's beautiful. Of course, Drarry was my first ship I fell in love with. I still love them to pieces, and it's because of these two that I learned how to write and draw in the first place. I've been able to make some amazing friendships with other folks because of these two, and I cherish that a lot. Also, Drarry was why I entered fandom and the fest scene, and why I've stuck around for so long. What the creators in this community have made year after year is immaculate. And all the fics I've binged over the years got me through some of the hardest times of my life, especially when I was dealing with family issues, school and just growing up. I cannot imagine what life would have been like without Drarry, tbh. I think of Drarry as two sides of the same coin, and their banter and their snark and their complexities make it so they learn to understand each other. It's inevitable why they're drawn and will always be drawn to each other.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't want to say never, but more like when. I've mentioned way back in other posts that there are 2 text fics WIPs that have been kicking around, but since I have sooo much I need to rewrite and recode for each one, I have no idea when I'll have time? One of them is slotted to be a 50k Sterek fic with texting, IG messages and a scrolling playlist and I have half of it written out. Let me tell ya, coding alone takes more time than the writing. The other fic is a sequel to the above fic and has holidays vibes, and it still has the same coding setup, so yeah. I'll figure it out one day, I guess.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is my fav and something I write out first because it shapes how the fic will read. It's how I develop voices, snark, banter and whatever else, and then I'll fill in the gaps with narrative, description and all that jazz. That's also how I end up getting the best ideas. The dialogue ends being my prompt to move the story along. I'm also a thorough researcher and like to check my facts before writing in little details. Just so I can have some perspective and so I have an idea how I want to explain something from a character's PoV. Also, it's super helpful to drop in little Easter eggs to shape things up and give a scene some context. Facts are fun. And I'm a nerd, but we all knew that. XD I've definitely gotten way better at showing vs. telling once I started writing again. I try to go for smooth or punchy if I can. It comes down to a lot of things like dialogue, selecting certain verbs and descriptors to explain a person's narrative (like what's going on in their mind), how those thoughts are broken up in multiple sentences and how those are punctuated. Those are the things that create beats and rhythms that keep the story going. And since I'm creative who also loves music and dancing, I'm all for that. I actually think I'm wired to think this way, so that's not a bad thing!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Extensive world building and making big plots that need a lot of ends tied up. I used to write longer fics that had all of this, and while I still have copies of these (not published on AO3 for reasons), they're not strong. Rereading things now, these stories could use improvements. It's easy to try to jam everything in one go, but that needs to be done strategically. And you know, sometime less is more. I also don't have a lot of patience to go crazy with intricate outlines (since I'm more of a pantser than a planner), and I've found that writing something that's super detailed ends up boxing me into a corner or else it's like dragging teeth to finish the thing. I think this is definitely related to my writing style having changed over time, which is not a bad thing! I just can't write like that anymore.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Yessss. I've done that with Love me like that! I also happen to know Scottish Gaelic, so I was able to drop words in pretty easily. I love the cultural sense another language adds to a fic because it shows more dimensions than just describing what someone looks like, where they're from, etc. I also like using a few words vs a long sentence. Names, or little sayings that hint at traditions or history are just nice touches. So if I do know a language and I know I can add in some words in correctly, I most certainly will!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, specifically for Drarry (all of my older stuff is on LJ)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Probably Feel You Breathing [TW: Sterek, E, 8.4k] because it was my 3rd attempt in writing a text fic, which ended up being a success. It's 100% texting, something I totally made for myself, but I'm really proud of it because I had a chance to write from alternating PoVs. Also, this somehow turned into porn with plot and feelings and had some minor world building included based on texts alone. I didn't think I could accomplish that, but I did!
Tagging (no pressure, this is just for funsies): @danpuff-ao3, @phdmama, @outtoshatter, @thistlecatfics, @phoebe-delia, @nanneramma, @theheadgirl, @raisesomehale, @thotpuppy, @bleepbloopbotz, @quackquackcey and anyone who wants to do this!
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
Seven and Raffi in Picard S3: What We Know (part 2)
Original thread was getting too long, but do give it a read for the full story! I'll probably chop these into parts now that we're getting content of their interactions.
Episode 6 Round-up (now with gifs!)
When Raffi and Worf beam onto the La Sirena, Raffi immediately scans the room - and her face softens when she sees Seven. She approaches her - "hey, you. you alright?" - and Seven responds in a very Seven way - not revealing much about how she is, rather a summary of the Titan crew. Very professional. Work-focused. "We're alive, if that's what you're asking". For me, it calls back to when she calls herself "functional" in S1E5.
Worf does walk ahead of the two of them side by side in this episode, but they're not storming the bridge - whoops - just heading into the transporter room. Having had more time to process everything, Seven reaches out - "uh, it's good to see you", and Raffi says, "it's great to be seen". (I interpreted that as a reaction to her being undercover and not being seen by anyone). Then they share an exchange that, to me, showed... regret? Grief? Some poignant acknowledgement of, "we did what we had to do, but it was still hard to say goodbye"?
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Being put in a live slug reaction situation, Worf points out that he's gone into battle with lovers countless times - Seven interjects and says she's not going - and Worf says that it was a relief, and he was practicing deceit. "Breakups on my homeworld seldom end without bloodshed". That's pretty much confirmation that Seven and Raffi are broken up, or at least on a break.
Between going into battle with lovers being therapeutic, and the breakups (the phase of being broken up?) not ending without bloodshed, it's very promising foreshadowing for when Seven and Raffi storm onto the bridge. They'll spill some blood, they'll air their feelings, they'll kiss and make up.
A now taken-down review says that "there is enough sexual tension between Seven and Raffi to power a small-scale ship". We start to see hints of that tension this episode. These two clearly still have eyes for each other and are not over each other, and there was a lot repressed in the short conversation they were able to have.
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I mean, look at the way they look at each other. Eyes up here, people.
Anyway, I suspect we'll see more of this tension as they try to repress their feelings and attend to the mission at hand. But I think they'll realise that - in the words of Matalas - they will always be family.
This is significant wording! Family has been a great part of this season. From ep4 onwards, a Family Theme was introduced. This motif was reintroduced when Seven talks about her family aboard the Voyager this episode. The way she phrases it makes it seem like she doesn't have anyone to call family right now.
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I think Seven's arc will be to realise that Raffi is family to her. Not only Raffi, but people on the Titan, Picard, etc. That being in Starfleet means that other people have her backs and she can do the same for them. It'll be a continuation of her long-standing arc to learn to be more vulnerable, to learn to trust, to create a home with someone.
Notably, Seven and Raffi were left out of the significant action towards the end. The TNG crew try to revive not-Data Data, Worf vows to hunt down the Shrike and save Riker and Deanna. I'm not sure what Saffi will be doing next episode. Probably hunting down the Shrike on the Titan. But I am hoping that this means they'll have some time to catch up with each other and talk.
Predictions for Ep7:
Terry has said it's a Vadic-heavy episode, so my guess is whatever Saffi are doing is the b-plot.
Seven and Raffi collaborate on a task, and they butt heads as they learn to work with each other again. The tension builds up.
Their relationship are still on the backburner this episode.
Predictions for the rest of the season:
More tension building in ep 8. Possibly, Raffi's family is addressed again, especially her granddaughter.
Saffi's key moment comes in ep9. Much like last season's extraordinary moment. Either in the aftermath or the eve of a great battle. Or both. It will be underscored by the Family Theme.
Seven and Raffi storm onto the bridge in episode 9.
Seven commandeers the Enterprise-F and hails the fleet of retired ships to attack against the infiltrated, interconnected active fleet.
There will be a Saffi kiss in the season finale. Just a gut feeling.
Possibly Raffi (and Seven?) meeting her granddaughter and Gabe, if they're present for Frontier Day.
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imhereformr · 9 months
Can you please rank each of the Winx in terms of your favourite to least favourite ?
Also please can say what you like and dislike about each of them? Thanks
I'm like 90% sure I've already done this, but I can't seem to find the post.
Also sorry it took me 2, 3, 4, 8? months to answer this.
1. Musa:
My queen. My goddess. My beloved. Can I tell you why she's my favourite? Not really. I have a thing for hotheaded, dark haired female characters. That's it. That's my explanation.
I'm kidding. Sort of.
I do love a good hotheaded character, but I also love that Musa knows who she is and even if she has doubts (like that moment in season 2 I think where she questions what Riven would want with a tomboy like her. The logic presumably being that his last relationship was with the absolute smoke show that is Darcy and is most certainly not a tomboy, so why would he be into her), but she doesn't try change who she is (I refuse to acknowledge season 4 onwards on this regard because that woman is NOT my Musa). I also love that she knows what she wants in life (something I most certainly do not).
I have a very love/hate relationship with the pigtails. I know they're iconic but the way they're drawn annoys me. I don't know how to explain it. Otherwise, my main issue with her is actually with the writers. She has no true character development (but then, does anyone other than Stella, Tecna and Riven?) and her relationship issues are all repetitive as shit.
2. Stella
I love that Stella is a true ride or die. She will go to the ends of the universe for the people she loves.
I don't think I dislike anything about Stella as a character actually 🤷🏻‍♀️ Later season Stella annoys me, but we don't acknowledge her
3. Tecna (tied)
I love her. I don't even know how to explain it. I love how serious but completely unserious she can be. I love when she shows people up and makes them look stupid. I love when she finally starts to accept that she has emotions.
Again, more with the writers than the character... Besides her relationship with Timmy, she has nothing. No backstory, no moments of individual friendship.
3. Aisha (tied)
She's independent, loyal, kind. She has an actual backstory (always a plus with this show). She can definitely be "one of the boys" but she isn't afraid to be feminine. It's so easy to make the athletic female characters shun anything feminine and I really appreciate that they didn't go that way with Aisha.
You know, now that I think about it... I can't actually think of anything I don't like about Aisha.
5. Flora
Flora is kind-hearted, loving, gracious, and everything good. She's exactly the type of person you need when you feel like the universe is against you.
Unfortunately she's also boring as can be. She has no spice. She's just sugar and everything nice.
6. Bloom
Is it cliche af to put Bloom last? Yeah. But here we are.
Season 1-2 Bloom, fucking love her. She's awkward and nerdy and goofy. Season 3 Bloom, a little annoying but still has some of that Bloom charm.
Season 4+ Bloom can go die. Fuck that self-righteous bitch.
And you know, now that I'm looking at it. Maybe I'd switch Bloom and Flora? Or maybe they're also tied?
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charmed-and-alarmed · 9 months
AKA - Break a leg, kid! (Sanji's bad day)
AKA AKA - a blond and a red-leg walk into a bar
AKA AKA AKA - how many pirates does it take to sew up a swordsman? (answer: just one, if he's also a chef)
my episode 5 reaction
Luffy just straight up dissociating over here. A grand start to the episode
Will the trope of someone about to do surgery asking for alcohol and then drinking it ever not be funny? I don't know, but I don't want to live in a world where it isn't
Mihawk wears cowboy boots 👢
I'm so glad they don't call him Hawkeye all the time like they do in the anime. Dracule Mihawk is an objectively amazing name - why the hell would he need a nickname?
Luffy cleaning Zoro's swords + his mental spiral/rant about wanting Zoro to recover is such a gut wrenching moment.
Love me a group of grown men making fun of a child. Poor tiny Sanji has already been through enough guys (as we learn much later in the series) and then Zeff tries to add oregano to his food? The inhumanity of it all!
Just two guys, stuck on a rock, trying to not starve to death. Just a guy watching a bratty kid walk away with all their food. Just a child, laid out in the sun, waiting to die. Just a pair of survivors, dreaming of a restaurant in the middle of the ocean. Just a-
(warning for gross) but like, Zeff was planning on dying and letting Sanji eat his corpse, right? And if they were stuck there for 85 days... what did they eat? Did they finish eating his leg? Bc that seems like the only option. How am I the only one wondering this??
Ngl I don't get the fairy tale Nami reads to Zoro. Maybe that's why I don't get her perspective. Cause she's yelling at Luffy and it's clear that she's upset, but on what planet could Luffy have stopped Zoro from going after Mihawk?
Koby is over here, trying to be helpful by asking Garp to accept his grandson for who he is. Which Garp obvs takes to mean, "if he wants to be a pirate so damn badly, then I'll treat him like a pirate. And kill him"
Meanwhile Arlong slams open the door, late to the party with his Starbucks, ready to make everything worse for everyone.
Luffy trying to talk to an unconscious Zoro - so soft, so pure.
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me" must sting. Poor Nami. Everything she's running from is catching up, and here's Luffy literally running at them
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THERES AN EAR IN THE BAND OF YOUR HAT?? He was just repairing the hat last episode!!
Ok Nami I get it. I get it, right. But telling Arlong to drop him in the sea is such a fucked up thing to do. I can only think that she has faith that one of the crew would go and save him. That has to be it, right?
Nami changing into a slinkier outfit when she goes back to Arlong's crew is Noted.
And there's Sanji, diving into the water to save Luffy, a guy he literally just met. Did he realize that Luffy couldn't swim?
Garp makes his stupid little speech wearing his stupid little dog hat. What is with these ppl wearing animals on their head?
Helmeppo looking over at Koby when he hears about the new plan bc he's caught the friendship bug and it's given him a bad case of feelings
Luffy going to Zoro at his lowest moment to say 'i need you right now. I need you back' is so pure. And of course Zoro wakes up for him
Love me a man who wears a full suit to join his new pirate crew. And when he has a beautiful, emotional goodbye with his father figure? Sanji cries and I cry and we all cry about found families.
The return of Buggy! Poor Sanji is standing at the back, prob wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into
I'm saving the last two episodes for tomorrow. And once I've finished season one, I'll prob go back to watching the anime. I was at episode 60 I think
Onwards and upwards
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What are some Spanish shows you would recommend to someone wanting to learn more Spanish through shows? Preferably shows that where they’re streamed at have a subtitles option
(Same anon, meant to include movies as well but forgot before sending)
Hello anon!! Let's see:
I am currently watching El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time), it's a great show to not only learn about the language but also about the history of Spain as the show is about these time travelers trying to mantain history untouched, it's pretty neat! I've done some googling and it used to be on Netflix, but I don't think it is anymore. I've seen there's some English subtitles you can download, but I don't know how you can integrate that into the original video. Here is a post about someone using like a plugin to see the subs directly through the RTVE Play page (where it's still available) so maybe try there.
I just spent fifteen minutes looking for Spanish shows that have easy access to English subtitles but I haven't found any (at least of the ones I like), so I think they might be a bit tricky to find; I'll recommend them to you nevertheless in case you manage to get a hold on them.
The quintessential Spanish TV shows are imo Los Serrano (The Serrano Family) and Aquí No Hay Quién Viva (Nobody Can Live Here); they both have very simple premises and are just lighthearted sitcoms (Los Serrano is more narrative while Aquí No Hay Quién Viva is more similar to The Office). The latter is probably the most iconic one of the two, it is quoted daily and it is really good, while the former just exemplifies the 00s in Spain (keep in mind the shows are form the 00s so some of the plots might have not aged so well).
Paquita Salas is a modern classic, this one is definitely inspired by shows like The Office and it's also incredibly iconic, memeable and quotable. Anyways, it's about this washed up talent manager and her agency, and it has tons of cameos from famous Spanish people, it's very fun. It is on Netflix but I do not know if it has English subs (I think it does tho. Maybe? There's a possibility that's for sure). Also the seasons are like 6 episodes each so it's very easy to watch.
Skam España :) It had to be here :) And I know it has English subs cause I helped translating it lol. It's basically the Spanish remake of Skam, it's very good and I really recommend it. From season 2 onwards you can watch it completely in Youtube (just search for skam españa season x in the search box and you should be fine), or you can go to the best place in the universe, where you can find all episodes in true skam fashion :)
I am kinda embarrassed cause I haven't watched many Spanish shows so I cannot really speak for myself, but here goes a list of shows that I've heard are pretty good and where you can find them (maybe subbed!): Las Chicas del Cable (Netflix), Sky Rojo (Netflix), Merlí (Amazon Prime), Vis a Vis (Netflix), Veneno (Netflix), and El Internado (Netflix).
I have watched even less Spanish movies so yeah. But I can still recommend some let's see
La Llamada (The Call, in English is called Holy Camp! for some reason) is the only Spanish musical I respect, I've seen both the movie and the original musical and I love them both so much, the movie is great (with the original actors of the stage production) and yeah I couldn't recommend it enought. It basically is about these teen girls who are at bible camp and one of them starts dreaming about God. It sounds boring now that I think about it but it's not I can assure you. It isn't really religious either don't worry. It used to be on Netflix but I don't think it is there still, I'm sorry :(
This one's a bit controversial but I'm putting it here cause it really shows the contrast between different regions in Spain; Ocho Apellidos Vascos (Eight Basque Surnames, once again, the English name for this movie is Spanish Affair for some reason???). Anyways, this one was a revolution when it came out, I don't know how many times I watched it in the span of like 2 months, it was a lot. The actors are all great, the story is pretty solid and it's generally funny I think (albeit maybe perpetuating certain stereotypes). It is a very simple premise; guy meets girl, guy falls in love with said girl and follows her from Sevilla to Euskadi. On Google it says it's on Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO so... yeah.
The most beloved Spanish filmmaker is Pedro Almodóvar, and his movies are classics (that I have yet to see). Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) and Volver (Return) are probably his best works, and I really recommend them! They are both available on Netflix :)
Last week I watched another really famous Spanish movie from a director who passed away earlier this month, ¡Ay Carmela!, a movie about this troupe of itinerant artists during the Civil War that really shows how both sides of the war were. It's on HBO Max.
As with shows, here are some rapid-fire Spanish movies I've heard are pretty good: Los Santos Inocentes (Amazon Prime), Bienvenido, Mister Marshall (HBO Max), El Laberinto del Fauno (HBO Max and Disney Plus), Celda 211 (Netflix and HBO Max), La Lengua de las Mariposas (Amazon Prime), Mar Adentro (HBO Max), and Amanece Que No es Poco (HBO Max and Amazon Prime). I have actually watched the three last ones lol, I just didn't remember them.
Hope these recommendations serve you well, and please let me know if you watch any :)
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cassiopeialake · 6 months
ok now that we have episode titles i’m going to attempt to do a plot-level prediction of each episode because that’s about all i can contribute:
1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher:
Pretty straightforward, everything up till the Minotaur attack (ends on a cliffhanger with Sally being taken). The big action setpieces are Mrs. Dodds and the Minotaur attack.
2. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom:
Percy wakes up, we get an intro to CHB and meet (/re-meet) Chiron, Mr. D, Annabeth, Luke, Clarisse. Luke starts training Percy and we get the capture the flag scene. Episode ends with Percy getting claimed.
3. We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium
Chiron introduces the setup of the quest, they get the prophecy, and the trio start off on the quest. We get the Fury attack on the bus, and then they visit Medusa. Episode ends with some sort of stinger - maybe teasing Ares, or showing what Luke's up to back at camp? 4. I Plunge to My Death
Based on the trailer it seems like Echidna is on the train as well, so I think she gets on at a certain stop and they get off at St. Louis to try and shake her off, but she ends up following them? Anyway, they have the fight and Percy jumps and talks to the Nereid, ending the ep. Also poodle scene please please please. Note: I guess it could also end with a cliffhanger with Percy jumping from the arch but I don't think they'll do that since it might be too scary for kids tbh. 5. A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers
Ares intro, tunnel of love scene, Ares sending them to Vegas and the trio heart-to-heart in the van. Ends with Percy's dream.
We know Hephaestus is in this season so if there's any time for him to make an appearance it would be in Waterland, maybe he appears as an automaton/hologram of himself that is automatically triggered by the ride? Or he's actually there in person... 6. We Take a Zebra to Vegas
Basically all of Lotus Casino lol. Not sure how Hermes will fit in but super curious. Would love if they had time for Procrustes but I doubt it. It's popularly theorized we'll get a Nico and Bianca easter egg, not sure where that'll be but definitely makes sense. Ends with the trio breaking out of the Lotus Casino.
7. We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of
Ok this is where things start to get messy, namely because there is a Lot of ground to cover in these last two episodes and I'm not sure how they'll divvy it up and what might get cut for time? I think this ep will definitely consist of the trio going to the Underworld and meeting Hades and finding out they were set up. From the trailer I know there's the Cerberus scene and the Tartarus scene, the interviews also mention a line of dead people waiting to enter so that definitely implies Charon. I thiiink the Ares fight will be the finale of this episode, but I also think what might happen is they'll leave it on a cliffhanger, with Percy figuring out Ares tricked them and preparing to fight him. 8. The Prophecy Comes True
Honestly, from the Ares fight onward I think it'll follow the ending of the book pretty closely. Hopefully we get a camp montage and some fourth of july scenes bc that would be SO CUTE. And top it all off with a Luke betrayal twist ending to close out the season and act as "cliffhanger" for season 2!
Overall, I think plot-wise there won't be much differences from the book. I have a feeling that non-book scenes/moments that the creators have mentioned will be in addition to the book canon, rather than in place of certain scenes, and will help illuminate different sides to characters that we might not get to see from Percy's POV. I am curious though, if it'll stick fully to Percy scenes or if there will be scenes he's not in and can't observe (which would be SO interesting.) I'm also so curious about what will end up on the cutting room floor just for time and pacing's sake (it better not be Procrustes or I'm showing up at Rick's door in person).
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