#and then is bailey our old golden retriever
marshmallow-narwhal-14 · 11 months
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Thought I'd post all the pet portraits I've done over the years cause my garn and grandpa have recently had to put down their Newfoundland and I'm gonna make them a picture of him.
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fivemonthseason · 1 year
This isn't going to be for anyone else. But I'm 35, and I'm becoming aware that if I don't begin living for - and taking care of - myself, the people that have found or might again find their way into my life are hosted poorly. And increasingly hurt. I suppose another way to say this is that if I can't keep a table set for myself, I can't welcome others to join it.
I expect to use a fair amount of furniture analogies in this blog, because I work with and think about furniture a lot as a household mover. And as a household mover, today really is the start of the season (the five months between mid-May and October). By all accounts, it's going to be a slow year for the industry. Which frightens me, because since 2014 I've relied on the reactive nature of the business - to force me to be physically active and show up for clients - to carry me through the last decade of my life. It's the five months that excuse the other seven when my compulsions (around alcohol, lack of exercise, overspending and over-criticizing others) have won out. The first third of 2023 has looked similarly, except for just how much time I've spent alone. More than I ever have before in my life.
My hope with the blog is to just record my days, and explore some of what's wrong with my life when I have enough energy to face it. My hope is writing something - even if it can't be called 'doing the work' - will gradually help me to build up the discipline to confront myself in a more channeled way. I say this because I did try therapy again this spring, but couldn't find the words at 3PM every Thursday. And at $250 for the hour, it just wasn't returning me enough value.
So far as today, I'm not sure what to do with the rest of it. I stayed at my parents house last night (Mother's Day) and woke up at 12:30PM. I came downstairs and pet their dog, Bonnie, for awhile. She hasn't been herself in a long time; she got Lyme disease this winter. And we both lost our best dog friend, Bailey, last month. I wish there was a way to help her. There's a gift shop down the street, the blessing barn, and I'd like the store to hire her. She could lay on their pine floors during the day and wag her tail at people. She has bookstore dog energy these days - sweet and old and kind. That might actually make a lovely children's book - an old golden retriever who loses her partner but then finds a new purpose. In the book she walks herself to work every day: out beyond the limits of the oak trees that she used to explore with Bailey. On the other side of the woods, she stops to greet the kids on the soccer pitch and playground of the elementary school, before nosing her way through the hayfield and to the barn.
I am grateful for the occasional charities of my imagination. But it hurts knowing I can do none what I can dream. Hopefully I can at least keep a record of this season.
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ohyeahitzkata · 2 years
Blog entry
Hi guys!
This is my first post on my blog and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kata and I am 19 years old. I live with my family in Hungary in a small town, Mohács. I attend to University of Pécs at the Faculty of Humanities, and I learn English there. At grammar school I have already taken a B2 level english language exam, and now, I would like to improve my language skills into a C1 level. It won’t be easy for me, but as everybody know „practice makes the master”. Besides this, I am a huge animal fan, especially, I adore dogs and cats. If you would like to contact me, you can write me a message here or send me an email to [email protected]. I will try to answer as fast as possible.
After this short introduction let me write about my Cutie Pie, which is my dog, Bailey. Bailey is a 5 years old golden retriever boy. I named him after a movie, which is A Dog’s Purpose. If I say “My dog is called Bailey '', many people think at first about the alcoholic drink the Baileys. I do not mind that I gave my dog an english name because it really fits him. One of his friends is our orange cat, Garfield. Bailey often gets jealous if I pet Garfield near to him, but besides that, they sleep and play together every day. He is truly a friendly dog, he always would like to be near our company. Weekly 3 times we go for a walk, which is his favorite program. During a regular walk, he meet with other dogs and on our secret spot I lend him free and throw him tennis balls, which he retrieves immediately. Bailey can do several tricks, he is such a smarty boy. 
This was all for today, I hope you enjoyed my first post!
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griddlebandits · 2 years
A New Puppy
Meet Punky. She’s a 9 week old golden retriever. We adopted her last Friday and she very quickly stole our hearts. It took us several days to agree on a name. Dad wanted Biggie. Daughter wanted Bailey, so we called her that for awhile, until we learned how common that name already was. I wanted Stevie (Fleetwood Mac, Schitt’s Creek) but noone seemed to like that one. We remembered the golden…
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celestialdr · 3 years
My Script
So I’m posting up my script here if anyone's interested. This is for my main DR in the D:BH Universe.
It’s kinda long.
*WARNING: very self indulgent.*
My DR is set in the D:BH universe. In Detroit, 2039. I am a young Detective at the DPD.
All events that happened in my play trough of DBH happen in this reality. EG. Markus = Peaceful Revolution. Kara= Her, Alice and Luther all escape to Canada together. Connor = Becomes Deviant.
Hank and Connor become like father and son. Connor moved in with Hank after the events of DBH.
I have been working at the DPD as a detective for about a year now, I was very excited to be working alongside my dear friend Trey Greene (OC), who actually ended up being my partner. We do almost every investigation together.
During my time at the DPD I have become fast friends with Hank and Chris. Gavin is okay, we joke and banter but I wouldn’t say we are buds. I disliked his attitude towards Hank and his dislike of androids. But if he changes, who knows, maybe we can be friends. Idk.
I always supported android rights, even before there where deviants. I always treated androids with kindness and compassion.
I first met Connor on the 6th of November 2038, back before he was deviant. I was always kind to him and had a fondness for him. When Connor first saw me he stopped for a minute in a miniature awe, the stereotypical love at first sight motif. Although he did not know it at the time - him not being deviant yet. A software instability entered his program upon seeing me. In fact, anytime we made eye contact or talked he got a software instability. It baffled him.
The first time he saw me after deviating he was hit with butterflies, it didn’t take too long to realize what it was, he had a huge crush on me. He kept it to himself but Hank knew immediately.
It is now January the 8th 2039, Connor and I have become quite good friends but his feelings for me only continue to grow. We've only known each other for 2- 3 months but Connor is falling in love fast and now he's decided to finally pluck up the courage and admit his feelings to me and ask me out. How will he do this? I don’t know yet.
 After the events of DBH, Androids start getting rights, relatively quickly.
Laws are implemented to protect androids. Androids are free. They can own property, get paid for working and all of the things Markus was advocating for.
As time goes on Androids fully integrate into our society and we mostly live in peace. Hate crime of any kind is rare.
Android politicians start to pop up. Android Pride day exists. Androids can marry each other and humans. Android/Human relationships are normalised. Androids can adopt. Etc.
 1 hour - 1 day
. While I am in my DR my clone is sleeping in my CR.
. I have a Healthy attachment to my DR and I recognise the importance of my CR.
. I remember everything from both realities vividly while I'm in the other unless I script otherwise.
· I can fully trust my clone. My clone acts identical to me.
· When I shift back to my current reality time stops in my DR. The next time I go to my DR everything continues where I left off.
 · I can use the LIFA app in my DR to see what my clone is doing in CR.
· I only shift back to my CR when I want to, I can’t go back on accident.
· My safe phrase for coming back to my CR is “I want to go back to my Current Reality.” or even as simply as I make it my intention, then I can go back.
·  Nothing traumatic happens to me in my DR.
· When I come back to my CR, I will remember everything that happened in my DR.
· When I shift, I wake up in my DR bedroom.
 · When I am shifted I smell cinnamon and my eyes automatically open.
· I cannot die or get very hurt in my DR.
. I am able to fully Integrate Into my DR self’s life. e.g. Rembering my DR self’s past, feeling comfortable and normal talking to and interacting with people in my DR selfs life. Having all the skills and knowledge my DR self has.
. No one from my CR or other realities can enter my DR without my permission.
.My guardian Angel or one of my angels or guides from my DR has decided to help me shift. Whenever I try to shift in this reality the Angel assits me and pulls my CR self into My DR.
About Me
I have the same name, b-day etc but I am 25 Years old.
Childhood and teen years, pretty similar to CR.
Everything is pretty much the same except added skills talents or whatever else I script.
·  I Look like myself but 10x prettier.
·  I have my dream body, which always stays perfect and in shape. Similar to my body type only toned and fitter.
·  I have perfect, white straight teeth.
. I always have good breath.
· I always smell great - My sweat doesn’t smell.
· Low, silent gas that doesn’t smell.
· I usually smell like ‘Soap and Glory’ products.
· I have Beautiful hair that is easily maintained. My hair is also a slightly lighter blonde.
· I have my Ideal, natural eyebrows.
·  I have soft, clear skin and I am slightly tanner than in my CR. 
· I am beautiful from all angles.
· I have long eyelashes.
·  I have a straight, cute nose.
·  I always have good hygiene.
·  I never gain weight when I don’t want to, my body is always slim and never bloated.
·  If I ever get pregnant, after having my baby, my body goes quickly back to the way it looked before.
· I don’t have to shave too often.
· If I ever decide have a baby, my pregnancy will be safe and my child will be safe. It will be born happy and healthy.
· I have perfect senses.
·  I can be fully functional with little sleep.
· I have good stamina and am physically fit.
· I still have my accent. 
· I have a naturally beautiful face with and without make up.
· My make-up sits perfectly on my face and stays all day until I take it off.
· My make-up never runs.
· I always have nicely manicured nails.
·  I always look well groomed. 
 · I have high pain tolerance.
· My period only lasts two days and doesn’t hurt too bad.
· I can only get pregnant if actually wanting too.
· I am always safe.
·  I am divinely protected at all times.
· I am well rested and perfectly healthy.
· I can think clearly.
· I have good mental health - maybe went through similar mental health issues when I was younger but now am perfectly healthy and able to cope.
· I do not scar.
· I heal fast.
· 𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖻𝖾 too overly 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖺𝖼𝗁𝖾𝖽 to my DR and I will not get any trauma.
·  I eat healthy, and enjoy healthy foods.
· I drink plenty of water
·  I have balanced chakras, Good intuition and I radiate love and light.
·  I can easily communicate with angels.
·  I am a skilled detective. I know exactly what to do and I have all required skills.
·  I am an excellent shot.
·  I have excellent fighting and self-defence skills.
· I have high intelligence.
· I'm never badly hurt in the line of duty. Extremely lucky (like domino in dp2.) If I ever get hurt in DR its only minor. No one is suspicious about it.
·  I'm a good writer.
· My art skills are always better in my DR than in CR.
· I have a good memory and deduction skills. Good reasoning skills.
· I am socially confident and charismatic.
· I am an excellent speaker.
· I am good at reading people.
· I give good advice.
· I am a good friend.
· I am a great kisser and fantastic in bed.
· I am hard working and have lots of patience.
· I'm a great singer and can play piano, guitar.  
·  I know French and Irish.
·  I know how to drive.
· I'm really good at make-up.
·  I'm really funny.
·  People easily trust me.
· I have all knowledge my CR self has.
· I had a relatively easy life.
· I come from a wealthy family.
· I am always full of motivation and energy.
·  I have an amazing closet full of clothes, including both new clothes and my CR self's clothes.
· I have all of my current realities belongings. (Well, the stuff that I want with me.)
· I have a ton of art supplies.
· I live in my own house which I can afford with ease.
· I have a cute golden retriever called Bailey who is okay alone in the house while I'm at work.
· Bailey is a year old and is fully trained.
· I have a nice car that is self-driving.
· I have a good phone with the LIFA app
·  I get to travel to cool places on holidays/vacation.
· While I'm in my DR I don’t confuse my CR's past with my DR's.
· All my fave shows, music, movies are also in my DR.
· I have lots of friends and make friends easily.
· I remember my past in the DR and can reference it with ease.
· I never have to kill as a detective, I can always disarm or find another solution.
· I won't get fired from my job.
· I'm good at my job and I know how to do my job well.
· Trey is my partner and our desks are beside each other.
·  I'm also friends with Chris and Hank.
·  My friends are always there for me. My friends care about me.
·  Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
·  I am a really great at manifesting what I want in my DR.
·  People I don’t want to, won’t die or get very hurt.
·  People from my DR never notice if I'm not there because when I’m not there, my clone takes my place. (Although I probably won't use my clone too often because I plan to pick up where I left off most of the time.)
·  I know all passcodes and important numbers of my DR self's life. E.g. Passwords, phone numbers, etc.
·I have a Spotify/ (or whatever the equivalent to it is in this reality) filled with music that I like. Maybe some of the playlists that I have in CR.
· I'm quick at picking up skills.
· If I ever decide to change career in my DR, I can do so with ease and get whatever job I want.
·   I have nice, tidy handwriting.
I come from a wealthy family. We moved from N.I. to America - Detroit in 2025. (Moved Because dad was offered a great job.) *family all have our green cards.*
Family is friends with Carl Manfred.
A very loving, healthy and supportive family.
* In my actual script I go into more detail about my family. but i’ll give you a brief rundown. I chose to shift to a reality with a different family from my CR family because I thought if I had a different family and friends it will give me more of a reason to come back to my CR. So I can have balance? idk...*  
My DR dads name is Patrick, DR mums name is Mary and my DR brothers name is Lucas.
Family support and are okay with my relationship with Connor because they recognise androids as living beings.
Last but Not least! Bailey!
Bailey is my one year old Golden retriever. She is very well trained and is an absolute angel. She also really loves Connor.
I live in a 1 bedroom, 1 bath house with Bailey. *In my actual script I stuck in a bunch of pictures of a house I built in the sims 4.*
So, I'm not going to go through all the friends I scripted on here but I’ll tell you about my best friend from my DR. My partner from work, Trey Greene. He’s 27, a leo (like me) and gay. (I honestly made my entire friend group LGBTQ+ LOL)
I may have also scripted that jenna marbles is there and shes my friend lol.
*Okay now to the real reason I'm shifting, the love of my life.*
Connor falls in love with me the moment he sees me. Although he may not understand what it is at first because he hasn’t deviated yet. When he fully deviates he realises his feelings. He's a little shy about it at first but eventually asks me out. We date and fall in love and end up in a loving healthy relationship. We respect each other's boundaries and are completely in love. Like stereotypical soulmates.
 Connor is very romantic and affectionate. Literally like a prince charming.
 When we get together we are in a healthy relationship and both of us are completely faithful. I can trust Connor fully because I know he is trust worthy and always has my best intentions at heart.
 . We have similar love languages.
.  Connor is super-duper romantic and calls me sweet names like "My love."
. Much Like me in this DR, Connor is completely protected and safe with extremely good luck.
After the events of DBH and Connor is deviant. Amanda and cyberlife no longer have any control over him.
 NSFW warning - Skip to Lifa if your not comfy.
Connor's model was created fully equipped with regular male genitalia (which is about 7 inches.)
He is very vocal in bed and is great at dirty talk. He can do loving romantic sex and also kinky rough sex too.
Lifa is an app on my smart phone that only I have access to. Others don’t notice it. (like hidden in plain sight.)
 It can only be noticed by others if I decide I want to show it to someone.
 Lifa allows me to script while in my WR. It also allows me to see myself in CR.
Lifa updates me when its nearly time for me to wake up or reminds me when. As if it's like a timer.
 Lifa doesn’t require internet. It has maps on it. I can look at my money and add to my money if I so wish. (if I add money it doesn’t ruin the economy.) idk magic lol
 I can also access in online on a computer or tablet or any device that carries the internet.
 No one else can use it unless I specifically allow it.
 I will be alerted by this app if my clone wakes up.
 I always have my phone near me. I can never lose it. Its also always fully charged.
 If I get a new phone. Lifa automatically downloads on it and deletes off the old phone.
· When androids deviate they are able to feel pleasure, touch, etc.
· Androids actually do have souls and are actually a new life form.
· After revolution CyberLife starts to create things for androids like upgrades. E.G. Taste, ability to do almost everything humans can.
 · Most people are environmentally conscious.
· The earth is healing and people are taking better care of the planet. A lot more environmentally conscious options.
·  The ocean, air, atmosphere and earth are all 70% cleaner than in CR.
·  Racism, homophobia, sexism are quite rare. Ultimately society frowns upon such things.
·   Humans and Androids live in peace
· Shortly after the revolution, Kamski got repointed as CEO of Cyberlife. Cyberlife now focusing on the needs of Androids and helping them adjust into the world.
·  Youtube still exists and is relevant.
·   Bagel Bean and Boojum exist in Detroit and aren't too far from my home. (These are food places back at where I'm from that are bomb.)
·  No crisis with bees.
. The Police and justice system are reformed.
·   No threats of ww3.
·  I don’t live too far from work.
·  All the videogames I like still exist, (except for dbh obvs.)
· We can buy Cadburys and Pujana tea in America. (Things I like in the UK.)
• Food in US is similar to food in UK. e.g. same food laws and food that is actual tasty / healthy. LOL 
(sorry, I've been to America and the food there tastes weird, man.)
Now that the androids have rights, Cyberlife has to free all active Androids. Eventually they get around to RK900. Cyberlife only created one RK900 as a prototype before the revolution.
The RK900 goes by the name Nines. He ends up working in the DPD. (Months later.)  It takes a while for Nines to deviate but he eventually does. Nines is rather stoic but he is nice. Him and Connor have a brotherly bond. Nines becomes friends with me, Connor, Hank and Trey. (Part of our little found family.)
 In the future, when Connor and I are both ready we get married and have kids (either through adoption or sperm donation or maybe they find a way for androids to have kids in the future, idk?)
 In the future me and Connor buy our dream house together.
So, Yeah that's what I've scripted so far. I keep one script on my PC and one in a notebook under my bed. 
Feel free to use any ideas or concepts from my script 
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meg91596 · 3 years
Life, and Love is Not Simple
Chapter 1: Scared and Proud.
Being a single mother to my nine year old son and one year old son was never a thought of mine. I was just scared I didn’t want to hurt him but I guess I did. I’m worried that Scout might not love us if we have another child right away because he’s still a baby. I haven’t told Atticus this but I probably should. I want to have another in the future but right now isn’t good timing. I love Scout and I love Link. I just don’t think my heart is ready for marriage or even another baby just yet after all we already have a 9 year old and a 1 year old to worry about. I don’t even know how to talk to him about this just yet.
“You have reached Dr. Atticus Lincoln, please leave me a message and I will get back to you.” “Link I know you are scanning your phone to see who is calling but I know you're mad and probably leaving me with Scout or want a custody battle but if we could just talk I think you would understand or maybe I would anyways give me a call back.” I said. “Amelia?” Link said from behind her. “I tried calling you a second ago.” I said. “Yes you did, I’m never going to do a custody battle with our son. He needs both of us and Christopher needs us too and if both of us are not on the same page then we can’t make things work out.” Link said. “Link, are you sure you want marriage and another baby?” I asked. “All I want is you I love you. It doesn't matter if Scout is the only child we have, I want you.” Link said. “Okay where are the rings?” I asked. “REALLY?” Link asked. “Yes I want the middle ring.” Amelia said.
4 Months Later:
“Dr. Shepherd you come in.” Dr. Jo said. “Hi Jo, is Link around?” I asked. “Yes he was just here then got a page.” Jo said. “Well I can’t get this scan done without him.” I said before reading a 911 page. “I guess I got to go when I come back we can do this.” I said.
When I got to the emergency room there was Scout crying with his babysitter in handcuffs. I thought it was strange until I found out that 19 year old Vanessa, who we trusted to take care of our 9 year old and 16 month old, hurt Scout and neglected him while we were at work. Scout had a bloody nose, black eye, and what looked like a broken arm. Link and I were concerned for our baby boy that we forgot about the appointment that we were just about to go in which is for Chris, and Scout’s sibling.
“What do we do? Scout is our baby and he is hurt. He needs his parents with him.” I said to Hayes. “Yes but you have other issues going on.” Hayes said. “What do you mean?” I asked, then it dawned on me. “CHRIS where is Chris?” I said. “Christopher is missing where he could be. He was home with Vanessa and Scout.” Link said. “Auntie Amelia, is little Scout okay?” asked Bailey, Ellis, and Zola. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked. “Sis I thought you would want your brave 9 year old who came running for help when Scout got hurt because Vanessa told Chris if he called 911 she would hurt him as well so he snuck out of the back door and ran to our house to get help.” Derek said. “I'm sorry mommy I was scared for baby Scout, and I didn’t want to get hurt in the process.” Christopher said.
Chris was our brave boy who would do anything to protect his brother. I’m glad Link fell in love with my boy who had his struggles as a baby and still does as he has some developmental delays that cause him to have problems at school. I know this has to do with Ryan and I doing whatever crazy stuff we were doing. When Hayes returned he said he was surprised with Scout’s results. Scout has a broken wrist but his arm isn’t completely broken which Link and I were afraid would be the case and we would have to call New York to get Callie to come. Our boy was going to be just fine.
“Mommy I’m sorry if Scout got hurt.” Chris said. “Why are you sorry baby?” I asked. “Because I was playing with Scout and Vanessa said it was naptime when he had just woken up I took him out of his crib to play with him and she got mad at me.” Chris said. “Chris you saved your baby brother from a bad situation Mommy and Daddy are proud of you.” I said. “Daddy you mean Link?” Chris asked. “Yes honey Link is going to be your daddy soon.” I said. “Thats good hey did you find out the gender of the baby?” Chris asked. “No we were worried about you and Scout so we didn’t get the ultrasound done.” Link and I said. “Well I hope you find out soon and that we can go back into the daycare at the hospital and not with mean people like Vanessa i’m so scared that I think I might have to go to therapy again.” Chris said.
Link and I knew that this was not going to be a choice except Chris is too old for Daycare so he will have to hangout in either my office or Link’s office after school or he can spend time with Zola, Bailey, and Ellis who also come after school to see both Meredith and Derek. I’m so glad that we live not far from them that Chris was able to escape and help his brother. Later that night Link and I decided that we would finally get Chris that puppy he fell in love with a few weeks ago for taking good care of his brother when his brother couldn’t vouch for himself. “Mommy, where are we going?” Chris asked. “It’s a surprise.” I said. “Why am I getting rewarded? I didn’t get a report card, or anything, I just saved Scout’s life like a good big brother should.” Chris said. “That’s why you are getting rewards Chris because you saved your brother's life and I know you will do that with your brother or sister.” Link said. “Exactly, Now we just got to find out what we are having.” I said. “I hope its a sister but I wouldn’t mind another brother.” Chris said. “We don’t really care as long as the baby is healthy.” Both Link and I said. “Babba I ungry.” Scout said. “Well I guess Scout is hungry Chris can you get your brother his goldfish in the diaper bag?” I said as I continued to drive.
We finally got to the mall where the puppy was. However the one puppy that Chris wanted was sold but there was a beautiful Chocolate Lab puppy that he could get. She was so beautiful I loved that puppy right away it didn’t matter if Chris didn’t like her or not she was going to come home. Chris and Scout fell in love with a golden retriever puppy, I was disappointed because I loved that little Chocolate Lab. Link thought we should get both and with that the dogs were ours. I was happy for the kids and for Link and I as we expanded our family not by just a baby but with pets as well. The cat won’t be happy with the puppies but we will make it work.
“So Chris, what are you going to name the puppy.” I asked. “I don’t know yet I’m thinking.” Chris said. “Nuggie.” Scout said. “NUGGIE?” Chris asked. “Nuggie silly.” Scout said. “How about Nugget?” Chris said. “Yes Nuggie.” Scout kept saying. “Well is Nugget the Golden or the Chocolate lab because I’m thinking of calling her Stella.” I said. “Stella and Nuggie it is.” Chris said.
Sharing these moments were the best especially with a son who has no friends but his 16 month old brother. He is going to be a great helper when the new baby comes as well. Link and I have some names for the new baby unlike when Scout was born. For a girl we like Charlotte Elizabeth or Ariel Grace. For a boy we like Cooper James, Austin Jacob, and Parker David. My boys are everything in this world and I’m glad I get to share them with my family including my brother who was given the odds of death when Bailey was 1 he is now 8 years old and Chris is 9 almost 10 years old.
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mirclealignr · 4 years
(Perspective of cecilia)
My Novel - Chapter 2
Any and all feed back welcome <3
A/N: I’d love to know what you think (theories and feedback) about this and whether I should continue with it <3 likes, comments or reblogs or anything really are super appreciated 🤍
Word Count: 1899
My train arrived in the city at around midday. I wasn’t hungry, I’d eaten a little on the journey. And besides, I was so nervous to see Daisy and Albert again that I couldn’t have eaten anything. I barely ate what I bought for myself. I had half of my sandwich and picked at the crisps, the remnants of which were on the seat next to me which hadn’t been booked. I was glad for that, I was very fidgety, and anyone next to me would have become very frustrated with me. After everyone in my coach had stood up and retrieved their luggage, I too did the same. I collected my sandwich and crisps and put them neatly into my bag, careful not to spill any of it. I stood up and walked to the end of the carriage and pulled my two suitcases from the second shelf of the rack. I rolled each of them to the door and set them down on the platform in front of me before stepping onto it myself.
I looked around for Daisy and Albert but I couldn’t find them. No doubt they had managed to get themselves lost. They were both terrible with directions. Nearly five years ago when they were taking me to the train station instead of away from it, we got so lost that I nearly missed my train. I walked to one of the benches lined upon the platform and sat down, pulling my possessions close into me.
I turn to look at the clock, ten minutes has gone by. Perhaps they got the time wrong. I reach into my bag, and pull out my book. I attempt to read it, but none of the words are going in. I’m so nervous. I glance up from my book and see a woman, frantically looking around on the platform. She has shoulder length, golden brown hair, and it’s swaying behind her as she moves. She’s wearing a wonderful dress, it’s vintage, yellow, with a brown belt wrapped around her waist, and a blue denim jacket about her shoulders. It’s Daisy.
I stand up, anxious at what she might think of me. When I was younger, and living with her, my hair was very long and a dark brown, almost black. I had very pale skin and I was very skinny. Now, I had very short, light brown hair. Where I lived in Germany was always very sunny, so I was naturally tanned. I had grown into myself, my hips had broadened and I wasn’t so skinny anymore. I was slender, I had a fit physique. I was wearing a corduroy pink skirt with tights and a white Tee-shirt underneath my oversized leather jacket. We locked eyes, she saw me. She knew it was me. I looked a lot like her now. I looked a lot like my mother.
She rushed over to me, and crashed into my body, wrapping her arms around me. Oh how I have missed daisy. Her embrace was so intense, I thought I might cry, but I held it in. She was crying. She pulled away and took a good long look at me.
“You look so beautiful. You look exactly like your mother,” she says, tears in her eyes.
“Thank you. You look wonderful as well, you haven’t changed,” I say. I’m glad she hasn't changed. She’s still my Daisy. The Daisy I always remembered.
She doesn’t know what to say, I can see it. I don’t know what to do either. But it doesn’t last long, Albert comes running in after her and as soon as he sees me, his eyes widen. He walks over to me, he’s not running but he’s walking at a pace. He stops in front of me and takes me in, and then leans forward with his arms out. I lean into his embrace. Albert has been Daisy’s partner since she was nineteen. They married shortly after I turned eleven, putting them at twenty-one. And here we all are, nearly six years later.
“Hello Albert,” I say, smiling.
“Hello, Cecilia. You look great,” he says to me, patting my shoulder. I nod my head. Daisy begins to babble, all about my old room, the house, the village. I love her voice, I love hearing her talk. I almost forgot how it sounded. The voice in her letters gradually faded into my own. I’ve missed Daisy.
I don’t look out the window much in the car journey. I want to see it all for myself when I walk. I walk a lot, it’s one of my favourite things to do. The scenery in Germany where I lived was wonderful, but it held no memories for me. Walking here, back home, that would be different. Daisy asked me lots of questions about how I had been, what Germany was like and all sorts of extras. I had talked about a lot of it in my letters but I knew it wasn’t the same. So I answered them all. When we arrive at the house, I step out of the car and look at it. It’s the same. Made from stone, it stands tall and proud, the large windows allowing you to see into the wonderful interior. The garden was lovely as well, Daisy must have kept it up. It was a wild garden, tamed to her liking. There were dozens of buttercups and forget-me-nots and little bluebells. It was quite a sight to see. Towards the back she was growing three sunflowers. I always remembered telling her that I wanted sunflowers. I suppose she eventually got around to it. The bay windows were lined with fairy lights and the shutters had been repainted a lovely pale green. My bedroom was in the back of the house, so I couldn’t see whether any of it looked the same. I’m sure it did.
Albert took my suitcases from the back of the car.
“Bloody hell, what have you got in here?” He says, straining to lift them up.
“About the last five years of my life. I couldn’t leave anything behind,” I say. Daisy rushes over in front of me to unlock the door. She opens it and beckons me in. I was right, nothing had changed. It was still all very modern looking. All very sleek. There were photos and paintings on the wall in the landing and the living room. The cream sofa had been kept very clean over the years, as well as their cream chair. The kitchen was bigger than I remembered. The countertops matched the sofas, but the cupboards were a dark brown, contrasting very nicely.
“Are you hungry? No I suppose not. Would you like to see your room? Well I mean nothing has changed,” she gushes.
“Yes, actually I’d love to see my room,” I say. I can remember it as clear as day, but that’s not the same as seeing it. She leads me up the stairs, the wall beside them is filled with photos of her and Albert, me and her friends. And my mother and father. I hesitate next to their photo, but quickly regain my composure and continue up the stairs behind Daisy. She opens the door to my room and waits in the landing.
“I’ll leave you alone for a while, Albert will bring you your things,” she says smiling, and leaves. Just like that. I would imagine that she doesn’t know how to talk to me anymore. Talking to an eleven year old is very different to talking to someone who is nearly seventeen. I’ll admit, I’m not sure how to talk to her either. So, we don’t.
I look at my room. The walls are painted white and filled with posters, art and photos from my eleven year old life. The bed is barely two feet from the ground. I sit on it and it creeks under my body weight. I think a new one is in order. I gaze at my room, all the stickers on the furniture, all the childish books scattered across the room and and on the white bookcase. The little TV with a curved screen. I was not getting rid of that, it looked amazing. My vanity desk, made to look vintage. That would stay too.
Though it was my first day here, and I had only been back in the country a few hours, (including the train journeys) I wanted to clear it out and make it new. I wouldn’t be able to sleep with all these memories starring me in the face and suffocating me. It had to go. I start by ripping the posters of Olly Murs and JLS off of the walls. I hadn’t listened to them in a long time. I much preferred older music, or very unpopular modern music that no one had heard of. The wall stickers had to go too, and all the old art. I leave the pictures of me and my family up, they were staying exactly where they were. I walk up to a chest of drawers and open it. It’s full of all my old clothes. I pick out a few items I want to keep for sentimental reasons, and put the rest of them in a pile. A charity shop could make very good use of them. I walk over to the vanity and get rid of some of the brick-o-brack I had on top of it. In the drawer were old brushes and combs and hair ties. They would probably all go, I had all of that in my suitcase. I gather all my books and go through them. I decide to keep the Harry Potter series and The Lord Of The Rings. The rest would go. I should probably get The Hobbit as well, I’ve never read it.
I’d managed to keep much of my feelings in check since I arrived back at the house. But all that came crumbling down. I sit on my bed looking at old photos of me and my friends. Tears are streaming down my face, remembering them, remembering us and how happy we were. Who would’ve known that it would all come to end, and so soon after many of these photos were taken. There’s one picture of all of us down by the river that we used to go to all the time. It’s heartbreaking. There we all are, Alex, me, David, Evan and Bailey. I run my fingers across the print and linger on the figure of David. Poor poor David.
It was the summer of 2015 when David died. It was right before his twelfth birthday. They said he’d ‘had an accident’, and fallen into the river, banged his head and drowned. But we never went to the river alone. We never did that. We agreed never to do that, it was our place. We would never go alone, especially at night. And we were eleven, the thought of going to the river alone at night scared the living daylights out of us. We tried one summer to sneak out and go, but we got too scared and ended up turning around. We were all grounded for nearly a month. He would never have gone alone. They said the time of death was around midnight. He definitely wasn’t alone.
I wanted to go back. I wanted to see it.
Tag list: @chaotic-fae-queen @teenagereadersciencenerd @reallyreading
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despairdiseases · 4 years
When you walk away (Nothing more to say)
chapter 2 -  #Pattonisleftoutonceagain
trigger warnings: sympathetic Remus and Deceit, mention of human taxidermy (just one sentence), grave-robbing (no active grave robbing), swearing, dogs, mentions of death but no one actually dies
summary: Just the boyos bonding in an old haunted church (I am sorry Patton stans Patton just would not allow of This Behavior™)
author’s note: uploaded another one! yay! the trigger warnings on this one are wild, I didn’t even realize that haha. Anyways, enjoy!
There was something wet on his face. Virgil scrunched up his eyebrows. The wet seemed to move, it felt kind of harsh on his skin. It was shaped...like a tongue. Virgil shot up, eyes wide. He looked at the spot next to him on the couch, staring at the golden retriever who was still trying to lick him. He moved away from the couch.
He heard someone chuckle behind him, "Good morning, Sunshine," he turned around to be faced with Roman, who was eating eggs at the table.
Virgil opened his mouth to say something, but found himself stuck, as if there was a hand around his throat, but inside.
"Rise and shine," Roman took another bite of his eggs.
Virgil scrambled for his phone. Uncle Emile is gonna kill him. Sure enough, there were 23 messages and missed calls in total. He was soon typing out a response: 'Hey, Em, I'm okay, sorry I scared you, I fell asleep.'
He looked at the smudged number on his forearm and decided to save it. He also texted this number 'Remus? Where did u go? u still in the house?'
He got the response almost immediately. 'no we went to starbucks lmao'
'so u finally woke up lolololololol'
He also sent a picture of Virgil sleeping on the couch.
Virgil huffed and began typing: 'ok, I get it, stop spamming me. Also, bring me a caramel latte would u??'
Virgil looked at the time, 7:23 shining on the screen. He opened Notes, typing out a question for Roman: 'is that ur dog?'
He turned the screen to face Roman, who looked at it and then at the dog eating from his bowl, "Yeah, her name's Princess Stain The Sixth" before Virgil could ask him what the fuck, Roman continued, "Remus named her, we just call her Princess."
Oh, that explains it. Virgil nodded. There was a long silence between the two of them, Virgil looking at Princess while Roman ate his eggs.
"So...you're mute?" at last Roman looked up at the other. Virgil contemplated the answer. He didn't want to explain his condition and answer Roman's questions, and there was not much of a chance that he will ever speak around him. He nodded.
"Ah, sorry about yesterday, there aren't any mute or deaf students in our school. I know that's not an excuse, but still," he took the plate and put it in the sink, "Though I do have one question..." Virgil raised his eyebrows, "Why do you hang out with Remus?"
Virgil began typing, well, actually deleting more than typing: 'I mean, yeah he can be a bit extra, but he's not that bad when you tune out most of the things he says.'
Roman quirked an eyebrow, "'A little bit extra'? I'm sorry, are we talking about the same person? He listed off more gory and effective ways to kill the main characters while we watched the movie. One of which included a detailed process of human taxidermy."
'Okay, he can be really fucking disgusting when he wants, but at least he's not a boring prude.'
Roman shook his head, "Try living with him, after a week you would be crying tears of happiness if he stopped talking."
Virgil stared at him.
"R-right, sorry."
Both looked at the front door as it practically flew open, "Hi bitches! Dee already went to school, but I just couldn't leave you here," Remus walked over to Virgil and handed him a Starbucks cup. He took a sip and scrunched up his face. Pure black coffee, "Oops, sorry, must've gotten them mixed up."
How can you even drink that? Virgil questioned. He wanted an answer to that, but the Latte was more important.
"Okay, so we have a few minutes before the school bell rings, do you need anything?" Roman looked at the clock hanging above the fridge, then at the other two. Virgil shrugged, there wasn't anything he could take. Remus went to his room for his backpack. Virgil got out his phone again, seeing there was 1 unread message from his uncle: 'Alrighty, just make sure that it will not happen again :) love you too, meet me at school <3' Virgil smiled a little at that.
"Okay, that's everything, let's go!" Remus was already out the door, and Virgil ran to catch up to him, Roman just stayed behind them.
They were walking too fast, so Virgil couldn't type without it looking like a bunch of gibberish. Instead, Virgil settled into listening to Remus ramble on and on about that one cute boy in Starbucks with a broken nose, how Damon got almost bit by Princess again, about what time he wants to spray the graffiti in the boy's bathroom...wait what? Virgil tried to forget about the last part. He didn't want to get in trouble on his second day, this school will be different. He's gonna be a good student...well, at least a mediocre one. Yeah, mediocre is good, none of this graffiti business. He hopes Remus won't be offended. It was nice having a friend. Were they even friends? Virgil felt a nudge on his shoulder.
"Dude, you gucci?" Virgil nodded, "So yeah, as I was saying, deodorant doesn't taste that bad."
They departed while going to their lockers. None of their lockers were close to one another, which Virgil thought was a shame, but at least Remus isn't sure which is his. He wouldn't want to open it one day only to find it filled with dead possums or whatever Remus would think of. He caught the sight of Damon talking with one of the girls in his English class. When Damon finally noticed Virgil looking at him, he wasted no time approaching him, ignoring the girl, who eventually scoffed and walked away.
"So, the sleeping beauty finally woke up, huh?" Virgil gave him an unamused look, nudging his head against the direction of the girl. Damon looked back at her, "Oh, Bailey? Don't worry about her, just gossiping," he waved his hand dismissively.
"What are we talking about?" Remus said as he leaned against Virgil's locker.
"Okay, you didn't hear it from me, but Remy was caught fucking with Nate under the social studies hallway's staircase. Again. But, like, I dunno, it's just a rumour after all..." Deceit exaggerated his hand movements for a more dramatic effect.
"Okay, we all know the last part is bullshit. Of course he would get caught, he's such an amateur," they both looked between the three, their eyes landing on Virgil, "...You don't know who Remy is, do you?" Virgil shook his head.
"Remy is the school's professional slacker. He spends all of his nights at concerts and parties, then drinks coffee to try to stay awake, which doesn't work most of the time anyway, so he sleeps a lot in class. If you offer to buy him Starbucks he will do anything for you. He's also a major slut, a cheater. He's utterly disgusting. Don't ever talk to him," the longer Damon talked the more intense his death glare got, but although it was aimed at Virgil, it wasn't aimed at Virgil.
"You're only saying that because he broke up with you," Remus smirked.
At that moment, the glare was averted to Remus and Damon looked more offended than angry, "He absolutely did not! I broke up with him. It was his fault that he was drunk and still thought we were together. I didn't even know he was drunk. It's those godforsaken glasses, he never takes them off. Why the hell does he even wear them?" Damon crossed his arms.
"Maybe he doesn't have eyes..."
Virgil squinted his eyes and let out an exaggerated cough. The couple looked up at him.
"Oooh yeah, sorry, we forgot about you," there wasn't anything malicious behind Remus' words, as far as Virgil could tell.
"Anyways," the two diverted their eyes at Damon, who pointed his finger at Virgil, "You have economics, right?" Virgil nodded, "Great, we too," Damon smirked. At the word 'economics' Remus let out a loud and exaggerated groan. Damon just rolled his eyes, "C'mon, economics isn't that bad when you actually put in effort."
Remus put his face in his hands, "I don't wanna put in effort..." he drew out the last word.
"Nevertheless, we should probably get to class," and so, the three began walking down the halls. When they did get to the classroom, Remus and Damon already sat together and shrugged at Virgil. There were two empty seats. One was next to a sleeping guy with a leather jacket whose coffee was tipped over and slowly trickled on his desk. He assumed that was Remy, no thanks, he'd rather sit next to that cafeteria kid from the other day. As soon as he sat down the stranger beamed at him and began talking. Virgil learned his name was Patton, and that Roman had already told him he was mute, so he was sorry. Virgil accepted the apology. There was just something off about him that Virgil couldn't place a finger on. It wasn't the fact that Patton was too cheery and chatty for his own good or the way he always moved his finger, wiggling them around or playing with a pencil, no, Virgil got his fair share of hyperactive friendly kids who make friends with everyone they see. Patton got quiet when the teacher walked in. Almost...too quiet, if that's a thing. Virgil assumes it is. The kid isn't even paying that much attention, much more focused on doodling flowers and cats in his notebook. Virgil decided to ignore it, he wasn't about to stick his nose up some stranger's business. The only interesting moments in the lesson were when Remy woke up and realized he doesn't even have this class, or when one of the other teenagers disrupted the lesson and Mr. Porter got all red in the face. He let out a sigh when the bell rang. As he was getting up a hand wrapped around his shoulders.
"We're thinking about skipping the rest of the day, you comin'?"
Virgil furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at Damon, "Don't act like you actually enjoy school. And before you...type anything, yes, it is only your second day, which means they will most likely let you off with a warning, so even if we get caught, you don't have to worry."
"So, you goin'?" Virgil shook his head. Remus raised his eyebrows, "You sure, emo?" Virgil shook his head again, this time slower.
"Well, skipping it is then," Damon walked out of the class as the other two followed. Virgil didn't complain, but it's not like he could anyways, "Around this time, most of the school hall monitors are at the cafeteria or the classrooms, so we can just walk out. If it's not a bad day that is, but even then it's typically just Oliver, who will let you go if you bribe him. Eight dollars usually does it," they were in the door when they heard a voice behind them and froze.
"Did you think you could just skip without me?"
They turned around to be faced with Roman with crossed arms.
"I mean, yeah, kinda," Remus said.
Roman chuckled, "Just because you are the 'Bad Twin' doesn't mean I am not getting sick of this school. So, how about you let me go with you and I won't tell anyone," he held out his hand. Remus stared at it for a while before spitting on his and shaking Roman's. Really, Roman should know better.
"Great, the twins together. Just what I needed," Damon grumbled, and Virgil couldn't help but nod his head in agreement.
"What do you think you're doing? Also, Roman, how could you?"
"Ah shit, not another one," Damon made an actual physically pained face that that.
"Logan, where's Patton?" Roman looked around.
"In the class, like you all should be," Logan pushed up his glasses.
Remus leaned over to the three, "Let's just keeps walking and pretend we didn't hear him," so, they turned around and walked to the school entrance, ignoring Logan's remarks and shouts as he followed them while the others tried to suppress their giggles, Remus especially. It was about 3 minutes after exiting the school and Logan realized there was no chance he could go back now, gave up, and tagged along. They all talked over where they should go, but Virgil's suggestion of going to the old abandoned church won by a majority vote, which meant that Damon, Remus and Virgil were all for it and Logan and Roman tried to protest but failed. The church was about eight minutes from the school. Neither of them knew why the church was abandoned, or how long it was, but nevertheless, it was pretty cool. Virgil didn't have a lot of time to explore the town, so walking around was refreshing. Well, it would be if it wasn't so damn hot.
"God fucking damn it, how can you walk in a leather jacket in this weather and not sweat?" Damon squinted his eyes at Remus.
"I don't sweat, it's disgusting."
Roman laughed, "So that's disgusting to you? Sweating? Nevermind that, how does that even work? You just don't sweat 'cause you don't want to?" he said with a mocking tone.
Remus gave him a deadpan look, "Yeah. Sweating is disgusting, so I don't do it."
Roman didn't know how to respond to that. Neither did any of them, except for Logan, "Well, there is a condition called anhidrosis, which is a reduced ability or inability to produce sweat. Is it possible that you have that?"
"No, I think I just don't like sweating," Remus shook his head.
"Can we stop talking about sweating and instead focus on the fact that the church is surrounded by a fence?" Damon gestured his hand towards the old church which came into view, "I mean, of course, we can just climb over it, but it has spikes, so..."
"Is there a hole under the fence? Or maybe in it?" Logan pushed his glasses up. Damon looked at him.
"It's iron, try again, sherlock," the group walked closer to the church. Remus was already touching the fence, trying to climb over it while Roman tried to stop him and get him back down. They all looked around when they heard a phone ringing. Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He sighed and put the phone to his ear.
"Yes, Patton?" the other four tried to be as quiet as possible, "Ah, no, I am afraid I'm not at school, I..." Logan looked between all of them, settling at Damon who was mouthing 'You're sick', if Virgil guessed correctly, "I got nauseous, so the teachers made me go home," there is a bit of silence, only a muffled quiet voice coming from the phone that neither of them could decipher, "Yes, I would appreciate. I apologize for making you anxious...Yes, of course. See you after school," he ended the call and put the phone back in his back pocket.
"You didn't mute your phone, are you fucking mental?"
"Remus, shut the fuck up, anyways, do any of you see a gate?" after Damon stopped talking Virgil pointed at Logan. The other four looked at him confused. He gestured for Logan to move, then pointed again. The four looked in the said direction, "Oh, there it is. Does anyone know how to pick locks?"
"I do," said two voices at once. Remus and Logan looked at each other, "To be honest, I am not surprised," Logan said.
"To be honest, I am pleasantly surprised. What else can you do with those hands, nerd?"
"Right, well, Remus, I am sure you have a bobby pin in that monstrosity you call hair," Damon scrunched up his nose.
Remus pulled out two bobby pins out of his bun, "You're just jelly of my long shiny locks."
"That greasy thing hasn't been washed in three years, I am not jealous. Trust me."
Remus and Logan walked over to the lock, "Padlocks are easy to picklock, this should only take a couple seconds," Logan takes on of the bobby pins out of Remus' hand and puts it in the lock. They can't really see what the two are doing, but as promised, they hear the padlock open. Remus throws the padlock away and Loga opens the gate. Remus is the first one to run in, walking to the front door. The rest followed and quickly caught up with him.
The church itself had two large towers on either side. It had a stone structure and the left tower was missing a roof on one side. It had long stained glass windows with a pointed arch, some of the lower ones were broken. The right tower and what had remained of the left had a sharply pointed spire with a cross on top.
"I am assuming this is gothic revival church since an original gothic church would be more broken than this."
"Who cares, let's go inside!" Roman was already opening the door. Surprisingly, the door was open. They stepped inside. The inside was massive. It was long with columns on either side. Instead of the ceiling was a ribbed vault, "Holy shit..." Roman's voice echoed through the church. The crunching of the leaves on the floor echoed as well. Everything echoed.
"Remus, if you scream I swear to god..." Damon glared at the said man. Remus just smiled and shrugged. Then he screamed. After everyone was done covering their ears and the echo slowly fainted, the four began yelling at him and Damon pushed him away, to which Remus just laughed.
They explored the church for a while, which involved Remus mostly hanging off the statues and drawing on the walls with pens, Logan taking pictures and analyzing the interior, Roman standing behind the podium and preaching about Beyonce and Damon and Virgil messing with the organ. After that, they went out in the back where the graveyard was.
"I bet the church was closed down because it was haunted. Do you think someone was killed here?"
Damon looked at Remus, "It's an old abandoned church, of course someone was killed here."
"Do you think there are ghosts?" Roman looked back at the angel statue covered in moss that they passed a while ago.
"Ghosts don't exist."
"Of course they do, specs," Roman spat back.
"Is that so? Do you have any physical proof to back up your statement?"
"No, that's kinda the point of ghosts."
"My dudes, I think I just found a grave robbed grave," they turned to look in Remus' direction. The said man was looming over a seemingly empty grave. When they took a closer look at it they noticed that the casket was opened and almost invisible under the dirt that fell back in the hole. The decomposed remains of the women in it looked terrifying, "That's, like, so cool. I wish that were me."
Virgil didn't think it was cool. Actually, he thought it was revolting and unnerving. The thought of him dying and someone just digging up his corpse to look for something to make money with is disturbing. He stepped away from the grave. He didn't feel safe anymore, instead, it was replaced with an eerie feeling that someone was watching them. He needed to get out of here. He pulled out his phone and began typing. He tapped on Roman's shoulder and the shorter man eventually turned around and read the message, 'u wanna go to dennys? i havent eaten anything all day and im starving'
Roman turned to the others, "Hey, wanna go to Dennys? I am starting to feel kinda hungry."
"Glad you mentioned it, my stomach acids are literally starting to eat me up from the inside," Remus turned around to face the other two.
"Yeah, sure."
"That is satisfactory."
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shipburner · 5 years
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The paths through the bailey were rough and twisted, and the Mechanical Knight began to have doubts about Mab Gentle’s guidance. Almost as soon as she opened her mouth to voice them, however, their route began to brighten from a light other than that of Mab’s torch. Rounding a hedge, they came upon forgelight, with a gaunt figure silhouetted against the blaze, banging out horseshoes on an anvil. As the Knight’s eyes whirred and contracted against the light, she began to make out its features – a lank mane fell over a snout not too dissimilar to her horse’s own, though if the farrier bent to all fours, he would have made little more than a wretched nag. He held no tongs, instead trusting on the horny hoof of his middle finger to anchor the blazing silver, and what appeared at first to be a ragged coat was in truth mail fashioned as feathers.
Mab Gentle addressed him. “Well met, my brother Gringolet!/ We’ve found a knight that chanced to stray.”
Gringolet flipped the shoes into a bucket of water to cool, sighing louder than the hissing of steam. “Just my luck,” he said, and obviously meant not a word of it.
Mab Gentle whispered to the Mechanical Knight, “Mind not our faithful handyman –/ he yet awaits his candyman.”
Gringolet made a clucking noise, and the Mechanical Knight’s destrier advanced. He reached within his feathered coat of mail and retrieved a vial of some balm which he applied to her horse’s wounds. “What’ll it be, dear guest?” He gestured to a rack of horseshoes, which glimmered with the hues of every ore. The Knight knew this old trap well, and her whizzing gaze could discern the magic resonance of each shoe within p>0.05 confidence. Confidently, she selected the iron-black horseshoes. “These, please.”
Gringolet raised an eyebrow. “And not these golden horseshoes that will bear your horse across water as if it were dry land?”
“Who have I to fight at sea?”
Gringolet opened his mouth, then whinnied. “Oh, to hell with asking you two more times. I’ll use the iron and go.”
Mab Gentle pouted. “Now, Gringolet, you are no fun./ What happened to make you so glum?”
“You already know and I’m not dragging it out in front of a guest.”
It’s @bogleech‘s 31 Day Horror House challenge! Day 05: the handymonster they might assign to “fix” your car is a bit late; I was busy being gay this weekend. Of course, there are no auto mechanics in this setting – but farriers exist! Gringolet was Gawain’s horse, and quite possibly the origin of the paladin’s special mount in D&D; I’ve also given him Wayland the Smith’s winged coat.
Also he’s Riff-Raff.
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Introduction: Hi!
I’m Tara, and I’m twenty-seven years old. 
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I’m going to talk about my weight loss history/introduction in my next post, so I figured I would make this post about me as a person. This will serve two purposes:
1) To help those who follow (if I have any followers?) get to know more about me. 
2) More importantly, to remind me there’s more to me than just my weight. For so many years, whenever I looked in the mirror (and even still today), all I see is my weight. I forget to look beyond my body and see the girl inside that skin.
Here are some facts about me that have nothing to do with a weight loss journey:
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I love to write. From the time I was a little girl, it has been a huge passion of mine. I’ve written stories, poems, essays on everything from paper towels, napkins, countless notebooks, word documents, and computers. It’s like a compulsion of mine, and it’s always the best way for me to express myself. I’ve been published in my college literary magazine and was vice president of the literary club, as well as published in a Brooklyn, NY newspaper at 10 years old. My biggest dream is to have published books/novels, and be on the NY Times Best-Seller list. One day!
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I moved from NY to AZ last September, so it’s been almost a year. I’m happy here, although I miss home like nothing else. I wish there was a way I could mix NY and AZ together, for the cooler weather of the east coast, with the majestic sunsets of the west coast. The delicious New York food, with the friendliness of the Arizona people. I miss the rain and thunderstorms of New York, but I know when I’m home, I miss the stillness and quiet of Arizona twilight. I think I’m becoming an okay blend of the two places, but I still wish I could be in two places at once. 
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I am in a lovely relationship with my girlfriend of four years. Crystal is beautiful inside and outside and she is amazing; I am so lucky. She tolerates my hours-long trips around Michaels and Ulta. She also shares a love of food network with me, Italian dishes (and doesn’t judge my tendency to unscrew the cap of parmesan cheese at restaurants and rain down on my food!), crafting, and cute dogs. We met in college and were long distance before I moved here for 9 months, which was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Now we have our first apartment together, and we have a small black kitten named Luna Francis Bean. My girlfriend is hilarious, kind, smart, and a total inspiration to me. My cat is also all of these things :P We have an adorable family if I do say so myself. 
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Taylor Alison Swift is my favorite human being that I don’t actually know personally. I’ve been a fan since early 2007. I have every one of her albums (some multiple copies; hello, 1989 polaroids!), and have seen her on tour 5  times. All of those are cumulatively some of the best nights of my life. I talk about her way too much and can be what some may call obsessed. I’ve been wearing red lipstick and cat-wing eyeliner like her since I discovered her, and it is part of my own signature look. I have her lyrics memorized and on a constant loop in my head. She’s been the background of me falling in love, feeling heartbreak (all kinds), picking myself up off the floor and fully embracing my own reputation. I started learning to write songs (or trying, anyway), because of her. One day, I hope to hug her tight and actually be able to look her in the eyes and tell her all of these things. 
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I love makeup! I love doing my makeup and doing other people’s makeup. I actually became a certified makeup artist back in February of this year (even though I haven’t put it to use yet). I spend way too much money on new mascaras, palettes, highlight, and foundations. Some people binge watch TV shows and movies, I binge watch makeup tutorials on youtube for hours. One of my favorite YouTubers is Bailey Sarian, who does murder mystery and makeup; where I get to watch her do gorgeous makeup on herself and she teaches us about a true-crime story that makes your skin crawl. It’s a win-win! The picture above was my rainbow makeup for pride this year! (I didn’t go to pride. But I still wanted to do the makeup, as if I went!)
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The Golden Girls is my favorite TV show. Boy Meets World is a very close second. Yes, my favorite TV show is one about old ladies. I watched it with my grandma when I was a young girl, and now I watch marathons of it. I’ve seen so many episodes and reruns but I laugh just as hard each time. I have an autograph given to me by one of my best friends from Betty White herself. I have t-shirts, books, mugs, everything. I hope one day I’ll be as confident as Blanche, as heart-warming as Rose, as wise as Dorothy, and as fearless as Sophia. 
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Laughing is one of my favorite things in the world. I love stand-up comedy and listen to comedy albums as I drive to keep myself from succumbing completely to road rage during my daily commute. I can repeat (and do often with friends from work) complete skits and dialogue from my favorite comedians. I do my best to make people laugh as much as I can. I truly believe that laughter is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given as human beings, and it can truly spread joy for everyone and anyone. 
Here I’ll include some shorter facts that are just as important, but not requiring long winded paragraphs (although I could easily write long winded paragraphs for these things too).
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I love books, and one day I hope to have a library like Belle in beauty and the beast. (No, really, I want the ladder to swing on and everything). If I’m lost or MIA, I’m probably in between stacks at Barnes and noble. I also think I’m Belle from Beauty and the Beast, since my nose is usually stuck in a book. 
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I’m obsessed with dogs. All dogs. My favorites are pit bulls, pugs, and golden retrievers. I have a dog voice and everything (that also gets used on my cat). 
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My mom is my best friend. I bother her all day long with questions about any and everything. She is one of the things I miss most about New York, if not the biggest thing.
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I’m terrible at texting back. I know it, I am aware of it, and sometimes I try to work on it. I make no promises, though. (Bonus points to you if you get where this screenshot is from!)
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I love crafting. I love the idea of creating something with my own two hands. I wish I had a job that allowed me to be more creative and work with my hands. Crafts allow me to express myself and be a kid again. (side note: sometimes when I’m anxious, I make my own notebooks from tutorials on youtube). 
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I love watching documentaries. Call me super boring, but I love to curl up with a mug of tea and a documentary that will teach me something. Whether it’s historical or just about something new, I’m usually pretty enraptured. 
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I can’t cook. While this is something I’d love to improve upon with going forward in my weight loss journey, currently I suck at it. I can make maybe 4 things without burning the house down. And 3/4 things involve pasta, so....
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Speaking of pasta, it’s my favorite food. I’ll eat it almost any way you can serve it to me. Lasagna, Macaroni and Cheese, with garlic and oil, baked ziti, in soup, literally any way you can put it on a dish. I wish I chose to write a long paragraph about pasta. While I clearly don’t discriminate between pasta dishes, I have to say,  bowties are my absolute favorite kind. 
So there are some facts about me!
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If you read through all that, I applaud you! I actually enjoyed writing it because it reminded me that underneath everything, where my heart and brain are, I’m a pretty fun person. I have wit, a sense of humor, and a heart that’s way too big for my body. So, these are things I must remember when I am trying to stay calm looking in the mirror. Look past the exterior, and remember there’s a funny, kind, sweet soul inside this body I am trying to heal. 
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omeliashepherdhunt · 6 years
Leaving Landstuhl ch. 1
Hey everyone! This is the first chapter to my newest (heavy) AU Omelia fic! Since it is AU, some doctors are in different roles than on the show and all that Jazz. Hang in there because I have so much greatness headed your way with this story. A HUGE thank you to @sheperdessamelia for all of your help and for that, I dedicate this story to you. 💜 Let me know what y’all think. All likes, reposts, and comments(!) are greatly appreciated.
With her rucksack packed as full as she could get it, Major Amelia Shepherd was officially out of the United States Army. Eight years of her life were dedicated to being the best Army neurosurgeon she could be, alongside her long time on and off again boyfriend Major Owen Hunt.
“Amelia, seriously? You’re just done?”
“I told you I was getting out. My contract is up and yours should be too. I’m going to stay at Meredith and Derek’s house. It’s vacant since she fled after the funeral. I’m taking Major with me too.”
Major was their three year old golden retriever. Amelia and Owen rescued him from an animal shelter and they fell in love with him at the same time they fell in love with each other.
“You’re not taking our dog, Amelia. Come on. Live in Landstuhl with me. We have a house together. Don’t leave, please.”
“It’s not an option anymore. I have obligations in Seattle now. I tried getting you to discharge with me. I need to go, I’m gonna miss my flight.”
Owen pulled her in for a tight hug.
“Call me whenever you get there, okay? Also take good care of our boy.”
“I will. The taxi is here. We will talk soon?”
“Definitely. Be safe.”
“Will do.”
“Bye buddy, take good car of Mom.”
Owen ruffled the golden fur on top of Major’s head then shared a chaste kiss with Amelia before she left with the dog following on his leash.
A 12 hour direct flight from Germany to Seattle and three and a half days of jet lag agony, Amelia was finally starting at Grey-Sloan Memorial. It was a very sobering moment staring at Derek’s locker next to hers in the attendings lounge. His lab coat was hanging as if he was just off of work that day. However that wasn’t the case because he died nearly 6 months prior.
“Uh, Shepherd, I’m so glad to see you are eager to start but we are still processing all the paperwork and getting your contract approved with the board. We were giving you two weeks to get settled before expecting you here.”
Amelia held back a very frustrated sigh.
“Dr. Bailey, I need to be in surgery again. You offered me the Chief of Neurosurgery position with a 1.8 million dollar salary. I accepted it so why can’t I start? I gave you all the blood you needed for tests since I’m coming from a foreign country. I have a clean bill of health, you know this.”
“Yes but you’re also pregnant, 7 weeks and 3 days at that. I’m assuming you already know though.”
Crap. It wasn’t a secret like she wanted it to be.
“You can’t tell anyone. It’s too soon.”
“I’m not telling anyone. Is this why you accepted the position? To get away from Major Hunt?”
Owen worked at Grey-Sloan whenever it was still Seattle Grace although it was brief since he reenlisted. That was the tour he met Amelia in Landstuhl where they were lucky to stay for a second tour there together.
“I’m not getting away from him. My contract was up and I chose to be honorably discharged. Owen wants to stay. With my brother being dead, I want to be close to my niece and nephew whenever their insane mother brings them home. I want my kid to grow up with cousins close by. I came here because I want to be a civilian doctor so I can be around and actually see my child grow up.”
Miranda Bailey sat down at the table and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I’ll make a deal with you. I will give you privileges BUT you have to get a full work up from Dr. Robbins. She’s learning prenatal surgery from the great Dr. Sherman. If she can show me your child is healthy and that your pregnancy is routine, then I won’t have a problem with you starting early.”
“I’m not wanting everyone knowing I’m pregnant, especially if my child’s father doesn’t know yet.”
“That’s not my fault. I won’t say anything but it’s up to you to have Dr. Robbins not say anything either. Those are my terms. Take it or leave it. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..”
“Fine! Jesus.”
Dr. Bailey stood with a rare smile on her face.
“I look forward to hearing from Arizona. She is in her office if you’d like to find her.”
“Will do.”
Amelia took a deep breath to regather herself. When she felt calmer, she set out to explore her new hospital and to find Dr. Robbins.
“So I know you know all of this but I’ll explain it like I do my other patients. This probe is just for the typical ultrasound. I know you know you’re now at 7.5 weeks.”
Amelia was statue-like while she saw her little baby on the screen. She couldn’t say anything. She was utterly speechless. Arizona pushed one of the buttons on the side of the screen and the small room filled with the sound of the baby’s heartbeat.
“There we go, Mama. Your baby looks great. Its heartbeat is strong and all other organs are forming like they should. I’ll get a few different angles printed for you to keep but there won’t be an issue letting you start work. Just know your limits and take prenatal vitamins.”
“Th-thank you. I appreciate it.”
Arizona turned around so Amelia could dress herself again then handed her the ultrasound pictures.
“Welcome aboard. It’ll be great working with you when we do. I’ve read articles about your work in Germany and you’re one of the best neurosurgeons worldwide. Thank you for your service.”
“It was my pleasure. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I’m eager to start working.”
The entire drive home Amelia could only think about how strong her baby’s heartbeat sounded. She already loved it so much and couldn’t wait to tell Owen the next time she could see him.
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closetofanxiety · 6 years
Beyond Wrestling: Americanrana 18
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I got home after 1 a.m. today and woke up at 6 a.m. Then it was a full day of home improvement stuff. I’m tired. I’ve got ice on my bad foot. But I have some thoughts and impressions about the hottest US independent wrestling show of, uh, the month of July, at least. 
Big crowd: This was Beyond’s biggest live gate of all time, and at the same time the most-watched live stream in the young life of Powerbomb TV, AND the single event responsible for more new subscribers than anything else they’ve shown so far. At the venue, a Polish-American club in Worcester with oil paintings of the Old Country on the walls, people were berserk for almost everything that happened during the night. I don’t know how it came across on TV (or whatever, screen, I’m talking about watching it on a screen), but people were loud and excitable. Dan Barry got the biggest reaction Dan Barry has possibly ever had. People reacted to the surprise appearance of Anthony Green  like he was Mike Bailey, and they reacted to the surprise appearance of Mike Quackenbush like he was Steve Austin. It’s so much fun to be with a crowd of people who are just going nuts for professional wrestling.
Final appearance: Matt Riddle had what is almost certainly his last-ever Beyond Wrestling match, getting pinned by Nick Fuckin Gage during a tag match that pitted Gage and Matt Tremont (the New H8 Club) against Riddle and Filthy Tom Lawlor. It’s wild to think that a year ago he was putting his undefeated streak on the line in the main event at Americanrana 17, and this year he was in a mid-card tag match where he ate a pin. He’s headed for big things, though. Gage is great as the fan favorite, thanking people for willing him onto victory, and looking genuinely delighted when he got the pin. Awkward moment: the crowd, excited at the announcement that the winning team was now called “the New H8 Club,” started chanting “C-Z-Dub! C-Z-Dub!” despite Gage having gone over to bitter rivals GCW and Tremont wrestling his final CZW match on Saturday night. Just chant “Nick Fuckin Gage! Nick Fuckin Gage!” Speaking of which ...
Working blue: This was the sweariest Beyond Wrestling show I can remember for some time. They had pregame interviewers with Wrestling Social Media Personality Alicia Atout in front of a fancy Beyond/Powerbomb backdrop, and Janela and ring announcer Rich Palladino, of all people, kept using the word “fuck” like a comma. Kids in the room, gentlemen! 
Unpopular Opinion #1: I like intergender wrestling a lot, but in order for it to become a normal part of pro wrestling, promotions and wrestlers have to stop loudly drawing attention to the fact that THEY AREN’T AFRAID TO HAVE INTERGENDER WRESTLING, DAMN IT. The opening match on the show was a terrifically fun four-on-four pitting Team Pazuzu against “Team WWR”: Kimber Lee, Jordynne Grace, Mia Yim, and Skylar. It was fun and crazy, as you’d expect from that cast of characters, and Skylar did a good job of keeping up with wrestlers who are much more experienced and established than she is. But then after the match, Chris Dickinson cut a promo about how HE RESPECTS THESE GIRLS SO GODDAMN MUCH AND INTERGENDER WRESTLING IS HERE TO STAY. Good! I like that! But the more you act like it’s some remarkable anomaly, the more people are going to treat it like that. It’s just another variety of match, like tag team wrestling.
Oh, also: There was a GREAT moment in the match where Dickinson was about to give Jordynne Grace a Pazuzu Bomb, but she was saved by Kimber Lee, who then stared Dickinson down. This was a callback to the spot in Beyond years ago where Dickinson waffled Lee with a chair and then hit her with a crazy Pazuzu Bomb in a clip that went viral and gave both of them some not-entirely-wanted exposure to the wider world. The crowd, happily, recognized this immediately and went APESHIT. I loved it!
Loco spotfests: There was an announced four-way tag match with Team Tremendous, the Gentlemen’s Club, the Beaver Boys, and the recently renamed Massage Force. There was also an unannounced Chikara showcase, with Solo Darling, Fire Ant, someone working a “Dasher Hatfield’s kid” gimmick, and Quack himself against a Dungeon of Doom-esque cast of characters. Also Travis Huckabee. I honestly groaned when I heard “Chikara showcase,” but they tore down the house. Quackenbush may be a guy who talks like Darril and wants to turn wrestling into TED Talk fodder, but he’s one of the most important US indie wrestlers of all time, and I had never seen him wrestle in person before. At one point, a sea creature or maybe the Gimp or someone picked Quackenbush up by his feet and heaved him backwards over the rope, and he sailed higher and farther than any person I’ve ever seen launched out of a wrestling ring. It was just a hugely fun match, and the four-way tag managed to top it. There was no “storytelling” or “psychology” in either match, and honestly, that’s fine for a big-spectacle show like Americanrana. Just have a bunch of talented people come out and do stuff they don’t normally do in a show, and go wild.
The plot thickens: The big news from the four-way tag is Dan Barry’s betrayal of beloved partner Bill Carr (there was a loud, enthusiastic chant of “Bill Carr fucks! Bill Carr fucks!” after the big man launched himself through the ropes. “Oh my God, I love it! I love it, you guys!” he yelled back. He is like a big happy golden retriever and it’s impossible to think negatively about him). Betrayals don’t always work on the indie level, and I’ve seen my share of partners turning on partners that are greeted with shrugs by the crowd, but people went NUTS after Barry screwed over Carr. A louder, more sustained negative reaction than I’ve ever heard in Beyond. Should be a hot feud! In further plot twists, MJF was injured and couldn’t wrestle Gresham in their blowoff, so Trent was drafted as a surprise Dream Team member. The match ended in a DQ and Gresham roughed up Stokely Hathaway while MFJ watched helplessly from the outside. THIS SETTLED NOTHING. Presumably. 
Unpopular Opinion #2: I think PCO’s run as the TV veteran who has inexplicably become an indie darling is nearing its conclusion. I also think that run does not sit as well on PCO’s shoulders as it would Gangrel. It should be Gangrel out there, getting the big paydays and the crazy receptions from crowds. PCO does not have a lot in his toolbox, if I’m being honest. He had a sloppy, overlong match with Brian Cage that was full of blown spots and awkward pauses. Let’s all focus on Gangrel from now on. 
A new favorite: I’ve done a total 180 on “Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams, who used to bore me to distraction. I really like him now. I think it’s because I’ve heard him on commentary a bunch, and he reminds me of friends who lived in squats and punk houses in the 1990s but who now live in Brooklyn and have respectable jobs in the low six figures, but who are still capable of smashing a bottle in the face of a Nazi skinhead. 
Mayhem: What can I say about the main event, a no-ropes barbed wire death match between David Starr and Joey Janela, to settle a feud that’s been simmering on and off for years? It was extremely violent and bloody. It lasted 22 minutes but felt like 10. Starr won, and cut an absolutely searing promo afterward, calling Janela “a glorified stuntman” who only came to prominence because someone else made goofy Internet videos about him; seriously, it’s one of the best promos I’ve heard an indie wrestler give. Bile and bitterness from a man covered in his own blood; there would be no Triple H Handshake of Respect between these two gladiators.
Grace notes: This was the most efficiently run Americanrana I’ve ever attended. The doors were supposed to open at 6:30, and they opened EARLY. An indie show! This was good, but it trapped one of my friends outside, because he had gone to a bar, assuming it would take forever to get inside the building. I mean, he made it in eventually, he just had to wait at the back of the line ... There was a nice shoutout to Dominki Dijakovicokowiczogonov, gone but not forgotten from Beyond: during his match with AR Fox, Anthony Greene did the Feast Your Eyes and hit Dijakulakovich’s poses while the crowd chanted “Feast Your Eyes! Feast Your Eyes!” ... Chuck Taylor hit a Rainmaker during the four-way tag match and screamed “This one’s for you, Little Kazu!,” which is a reference to an ongoing Twitter joke that I’m almost ashamed to have recognized ... I bought a hat from David Starr and we talked about the need for national healthcare, which is a conversation topic that wouldn’t work with most wrestlers .... I don’t know why or how they do it, but Americanrana really feels special. Everyone seems to raise their game for the show, and the fans are really in a holiday mood. It’s not a show I ever want to miss ... The crowd went from skepticism over the Chikara wrestlers - one guy grunted, “Fuckin’ Vince Russo gimmicks” when the bad guys came out - to joyous acceptance, capped when the same guy yelled at the sea monster character, “Look at this big green bastard! How’s he able to breathe on land?” ... One of my favorite parts of the day was sitting in the bar downstairs while they broke down the ring and set up the barbed wire. Just seeing a bunch of the wrestlers relaxing and enjoying themselves, having a (non-alcoholic) drink with my friend Mike, enjoying the air conditioning on a summer night: this was a good night ... after the show, we stopped at a service plaza on the Masss Pike to get some unhealthy snacks and use the bathroom, and on our way in we passed Solo Darling. “Great match tonight,” we said. “Thank you!” she said. On our way out, we passed a much less happy Solo Darling as she walked over to the counter to give the McDonald’s people hell. “I distinctly said no cheese on ...” she began, as we hurried out. 
Final thought: There was a 20 or 25 minute break before the main event, where they set up the barbed wire and all that. Mike and I went downstairs to the bar while Mark stayed up in the hall. The first person we saw in the bar, sitting by himself at one end, was David Starr. He was hunched over a glass of water and a shot glass and staring into the middle distance, at nothing in particular. In a few minutes, he was going to walk upstairs and wrestle the most violent match of his career in front of 500 people and you could see the concern on his face as he went over the possibilities: barbed wire, steel chairs, staple guns, cinder blocks, baseball bats. One spot that goes a little sideways and someone leaves the building in an ambulance. That glimpse of David Starr brooding put the whole night - put all of wrestling, really - into perspective. This wasn’t an angle, this wasn’t a promo, he wasn’t in character: this was a man working up the courage to do something reckless and potentially dangerous because he wanted to do it more than anything in the world. It was the look of a man who has willingly taken a great weight onto his shoulders, as many of us have, or will have to one day. It was a wordless rejoinder to all those snide comments about how wrestling is fake: looking at David Starr’s face, sitting alone and being left alone by his friends and peers, his staring eyes showing exactly what he was prepared to do, one thing was clear to anyone who was paying attention - nothing is more real than wrestling.
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keiraa-faux · 2 years
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Taken November 7, 2021 w/ Canon EOS 4000D DSLR ——————————————————————————
Same exact day for the previous animal pictures! So, you already met Maya, Misty, and the Kitten! Here is Bailey, one of the youngest members of the household, but still older than the Kitten. Bailey here we got maybe around 2 years ago? For some reason, my sister, mother, and grandmother wanted more puppies so they went out to get Golden Retrievers. Initially supposed to get one, they got two and here is one of them. Bailey is more or so the submissive sibling and definitely more affectionate and attention-seeking one. She reminds me a bit of Abby, our old dog who died of cancer a long while back, but also has a hint of Maya in her. This wasn’t the greatest photo but these dogs are scared of everything and for some reason, that included my camera. I guess she didn’t like that click that happens when it says I’ve focuses onto my subject. I’ll probably take a proper photo of all of them in the future, except Misty and Maya because those two photos are amazing in my opinion. I’m mainly doing this for fun, just photographing the animals currently in our lives just for the heck of it. Just to mention, all of these animals do live at my Grandparent’s house, so yeah. I still had to grab a photo of Maisy, Bailey’s sister, Cali, Misty’s sister, and then Braxton. I could snag one of Kayla but I think that would be hard to do since she’s getting really old and well. . .just looks worse for wear and I wouldn’t want to capture her in that state. So well, I hope you enjoy seeing photos of animals in my life!
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asthmaticjedi · 6 years
hey it's valentine's day, sort of! happy valentine's day to @dangerousvirgin, who requested old men dancing in the moonlight, jack picking up gabe and spinning him around in a lover’s embrace, and maximum cheese! event was organized by the lovely people of @r76valentines
cross posted on ao3 here!
beta’d by the amazing @principles ;3;
“First pet.”
“You already know the answer to that.”
“Even if I do know, I reiterate.” Gabriel pinned him with an unamused look. “First pet.”
Jack sighed and draped himself over the log he claimed as a bench. “Golden retriever named Bailey. And admit it, you’re running out of questions.”
Gabriel shrugged, and Jack took the moment of silence to admire the way the moon and starlight lit up his features. For once, he was glad for Gabriel’s no-artificial-light-at-camp rule. “You got anything better to ask for round six of twenty questions?”
“Fair point.” Jack fiddled with the stick he’d been trying to whittle and squinted at it. If he tilted his head a little to the right and held it juuuuust right, it sort of looked like a hedgehog. “Favorite music genre?”
“Jazz and EDM. First dance?”
“You’re asking a lot of ‘first’ questions,” Jack remarked. Gabriel gave him a smile.
“Just answer the damn question.” Jack thought for a moment and felt a smile spread across his face.
“Fifth grade, my grade school.” Jack sighed dreamily. “Lucas Rogers and I snuck out and held hands until Mrs. Adams found us and dragged us back to the gym. Best hour and a half of my life.”
“That’s not what you said last week when I let you detonate that omnium,” Gabriel accused.
Jack laughed. “Fair enough. Top five, then. And I’m not saying the order, so you can’t ask that for your next question.”
Jack squinted. “Now I’m curious. What’s your first dance?”
“Preschool. My moms wanted me to do piano lessons so I asked if we could compromise for ballet.”
“That is…” Amazing. Fantastic. Perfect, just like you. “Not what I expected from someone leading an international military operation.”
“I get that a lot,” Gabriel snickered. “Alright, next question. Is your shining dance career sufficient preparation for Ana demanding a dance from all of us at her wedding?”
“Wait, she was being serious about that?” Jack scrambled and hit his shoulder against the log.
“Yeah.” Gabriel covered his mouth with his hand and Jack glared at him. Rude. “And I don’t think she’d appreciate a farm boy stepping on her Louboutins the French Prime Minister and her wife gave her. Rumor has it the PM picked them out herself.”
“Ana’s the worst,” Jack whined.
“Ana’s pretty much the reason we’re all still alive,” Gabriel countered. “I think one dance at her own wedding isn’t much to ask.”
“Debatable,” he muttered.
Gabriel squinted. “You can dance, right?”
“Yeah, of course I can.” Not. Gabriel broke out laughing.
“Oh god, you can’t dance, can you?” he wheezed. “Don’t lie to me, dude, because I’m going to make you prove it to me if you try to give that bullshit again.”
Jack glared at him. “Fine. I can’t dance for shit. Are you happy now?”
“Kind of.” Gabriel gave him a shiteating grin. “Want me to teach you how to be a half-decent dance partner so Ana doesn’t spend her wedding night in jail or hiding your corpse?”
Jack nibbled on his bottom lip. On one hand, dancing with his commander wouldn’t be any help for his (metastasizing) crush. On the other hand, Gabriel did have a point and Jack would hate to make Ana’s wedding memorable for all the wrong reasons. Ana was terrifyingly competent at whatever the hell she wanted to do.
“Fine.” Jack heaved himself up and offered his hand to Gabriel with the best bow he could muster. “May I have this dance?”
“Slow it, farm boy.” Gabriel rummaged through his duffle bag. “You can’t expect me to dance without music.”
“Of course.” Jack rolled his eyes in (what he hoped was) an affectionate manner. “We can’t expect our prima donna to dance without his orchestra.” He peered over Gabriel’s shoulder and squinted. “Really? Ella Fitzgerald? You’re such a sap.”
“Girls love it. According to my, uh, women-attracted friends.” Gabriel tapped the screen and stood up. “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” Jack sighed. One ticket to disasterville it was, then.
“Alright then.” Gabriel’s smile glinted in the moonlight. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Jack tried not to gulp as he gingerly placed his hands on Gabriel’s hips and swayed awkwardly to the music, standing as far away from Gabriel as he possibly could. This was a terrible idea.
“You are the promised kiss of springtime that makes the lonely winter seem long…” the music player sang.
“Seriously?” Gabriel snickered. “You’re going to be dancing with Ana at her wedding, not a middle school dance.”
“You offered to teach me, not to make fun of me,” Jack pouted. “Teach me, maestro.”
Gabriel laughed again. “Okay, so your left hand goes here, and you hold onto my left hand. Got it?”
“Yeah,” Jack breathed. He privately hoped that his face wasn’t nearly as red as it felt or that Gabriel could feel how clammy his hands were.
“You are the breathless hush of evening that trembles on the brink of a lovely song…”
“Alright, you’re going to be leading me, which basically means what it sounds like,” Gabriel directed. “Use your hands to nudge me in the direction you want me to go to, and just… go with the flow.” Jack nodded and stepped back and forth, trying to follow the lilting beat of Ella’s voice.
“You are the angel glow that lights the stars…”
“Jesus Christ, dude,” Gabriel wheezed in between peals of laughter, “you have the worst moves and sense of rhythm I’ve ever seen, like, ever. And I taught toddlers beginning ballet in college.”
“I’m trying,” Jack said petulantly.
“The dearest things I know are what you are…”
“Okay, okay,” he relented. “Don’t be scared to move around your space. Or to move more than two steps in the same direction.”
“And yet we’re moving in more than one direction,” Gabriel teased. He moved his hand to the top of Jack’s shoulder. Jack tried not to blush too much. “Relax your shoulders. You’re dancing, not being interrogated. And quit looking at your feet, it’ll look like you’re looking down her dress.”
“Maybe I’m nervous that I’m being judged by my jackass commanding officer and stepping on his feet,” Jack muttered traitorously. “Or my terrifying second in command.”
“You’re a special operations military squad. Everyone is going to judge you. Also, be a little more firm with your hands when you’re leading.”
“Someday, my happy arms will hold you, and someday, I’ll know that moment divine, when all the things you are are mine!”
“Like this?” Jack winced as he practically pushed Gabriel so they were almost touching.
“Pro tip.” Gabriel grimaced. “Try to keep your fingers as flat as possible so you don’t dig your fingers into Ana’s waist. I have a feeling she’ll be less forgiving than me.”   
“Flat fingers.” Jack nodded. “Like this?”
“Yeah, that’s great.” Jack didn’t know it was possible to blush more. “Okay, I think you’re ready for twirls, girls love that shit. What you need to do is raise your right arm and twist it like this and… Nice!” Gabriel grinned and Jack temporarily forgot how to breathe. “You’ve successfully twirled me.”
“Well,” Jack stuttered, “I’m only as good as my teacher.” Smooth, Morrison.
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Dammit.
“You are the angel glow that lights the stars, the dearest things I know are what you are...”
“Okay, now lead into a twirl. Nice.” Jack ducked his head, hoping Gabriel wouldn’t notice the full body flush that was currently flooding his entire body. “Okay, do you wanna learn a move that everyone will be super impressed with?”
“Sure.” Shoot me now if it’s what I think it is.
“Someday, my happy arms will hold you, and someday, I’ll know that moment divine…”
“Alright, I’m gonna show you how to dip your partner.” Now would be a great time for a surprise omnium attack. Like, any minute now. “Alright, what you want to do is lunge to the side, but make sure you keep both feet on the ground.”
“Uh huh,” Jack said, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. “And then?”
“Okay, I’m going to pivot aaaaand… Wait, keep a good grip on me, otherwise…” Gabriel yelped and slipped onto the dirt ground, inadvertently dragging Jack down with him.  
“...when all the things you are are mine!”
Abort, abort, Jack panicked, wincing as gravel dug into his left arm. Suddenly, he found himself on top of Gabriel, their noses almost brushing. “Um. Hi.”
“Hey,” Gabriel said in a dangerously high voice, his face noticeably turning pink. “So, uh…”
“Fancy seeing you down here,” Jack laughed nervously. “You come here often?”
“I try not to, since. You know.” Gabriel gestured around himself. “It’s the ground.”
“Yeah…” Their noses were definitely touching now. Oh god, it’s happening. It’s definitely happening. Breath, Morrison, stay calm, hyperventilating isn’t attractive.
Gabriel yelped and shoved Jack off of him. Jack screeched as his head banged uncomfortably against the ground. “Ana!” Jack said hysterically. “Hey, girl, my dude, how’s it’ going? What’s up?”
“Couldn’t sleep, so I went for a stroll to double check the perimeter,” Ana said with a bright grin. “Everything’s clear, by the way. Just thought you should know.”
“Great! Excellent!” Gabriel smiled and tried to pull himself up on the log.
Ana leaned against a nearby tree and raised an eyebrow, the smirk on her face getting wider. “I wasn’t interrupting anything, was I? It looked like you two were in the middle of something, but I couldn’t tell what was going on.”
“Nope! Nothing happening at all,” Jack said in a totally normal and calm voice.
“Well then, I’m sure you’d be happy to know that I can relieve you from keeping watch now.”
Jack frowned. “We don’t change shifts until another half hour.”
“But you two look so exhausted, and I’d hate our commander to not be sharp for our op tomorrow,” Ana crooned. “Please, Gabriel, get some sleep. And you too, Jack.”
“You’re not taking no for an answer, are you?” Gabriel groaned.
“Not at all.” There was her signature shiteating grin. “Go on, time to sleep. In your separate tents. Preferably now.”   
“Demon,” Gabriel muttered under his breath.
“Sorry, Gabriel, I didn’t catch that, can you repeat what you just said?” Ana called.
“I said ‘good night,’ Ana!” Gabriel shouted over his shoulder. “G’night, Jack,” he said in a softer tone, flashing a small smile in Jack’s direction. “You owe me a dance at Ana’s wedding too, now.”
Jack laughed quietly. “Night, Gabe.”
The camp fell into the comfortable silence, save for the quiet rustling of leaves and Ana’s footsteps against the forest ground. He glanced around his empty tent, almost expecting one of his teammates to give him a knowing look and heckle him for the dopey grin on his face.
Maybe, if (when, he chastised himself) they make it to see Ana’s wedding, when the music has gone soft, Jack would hesitantly pull Gabriel in closer and search his eyes for any resistance, and if there wasn’t any, he’d softly sing the song Gabriel played for them, his voice anxious but earnest.
“Someday, my happy arms will hold you, and someday, I’ll know that moment divine,” he’d murmur, relishing in the way Gabriel melted into his arms. “when all the things you are are mine…”
The dream -- nightmare, really -- wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him, but it didn’t change the way his heart pounded or the fact that he couldn’t seem to get enough air in him, even though his chest heaved in exertion. What did the doctor tell him to do again…?
Right. It is… He checked the alarm clock on his bed stand. ...oh-three hundred forty two, I am in Overwatch Watchpoint: Gibraltar, and my name is Gabriel Reyes. A few more deep breaths, aaaaaand…
Well. That was taken care of, but he sure as hell wasn’t going back to sleep any time soon. He wasn’t exactly in the headspace to go to the practice range, so a walk around the base and some fresh air it was.
The walk itself was peaceful. Some of the younger agents were still up, but they barely spared him a glance as he passed by. Late night wandering was pretty common anyways, considering that nearly everybody on the team came from a military background. The roof of the central command center was blissfully empty, too, so Gabriel didn’t feel nearly as bad setting up his portable record player and lighting up a cigarette.
“Thought you were telling me that those things were going to kill me if my own stupidity wasn’t going to beat me to the punch.”
“Still stand by that statement, Morrison,” Gabriel called lazily behind him. “But until Ziegler and O’Deorain figure out how to unfuck my body, I’m gonna taking advantage of my nanite smoke monster form in every way possible.”
“Didn’t think nicotine would have an effect on you.”
Gabriel shrugged. “I like the warmth.”
“If you say so,” Jack snorted and joined him on the ledge. But not too close. “You’re giving me secondhand smoke, though. Didn’t your high school health class teach you about it?”
“You’re joking, right? I got extra lessons about smoking and how tobacco companies target certain backgrounds.” Gabriel rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Jack?”
“Really? ‘What do you want?’” he snapped. “I’m not allowed to check up on my sort-of estranged husband when I see him wandering around base at almost four in the morning?”
“You forgot the part where your ‘sort-of estranged husband’ used to try to kill you and destroy this particular base,” Gabriel said dryly. “We’re not exactly on the same terms we used to be on, anyways.”  
“I guess,” Jack conceded. “But I do genuinely want to check up on you.”
Jack shrugged. “We’ve been trying to reconcile and try to rekindle our relationship for the past few months, despite everything that’s happened to us. And last time I checked, people who at least kind of like each other make sure the other is doing okay.”
“Well.” Gabriel spread his arms. “I’m not dissociating, so that counts, right?”
“Not really.” Jack swung his feet. “Wanna talk about it?”
“There’s nothing to talk about, really,” he admitted. “Same PTSD we’ve had for the past thirty or so years. Just need a distraction for a half hour or so before I can stand being in my own head.”
“Need space?”
Gabriel considered it for a moment as he tapped the ash off the cigarette with the ledge. “Nah. Being around a warm body is nice sometimes.”
Jack nodded and they fell into a companionable silence for a little while. Gabriel supposed the combination of the cigarette smoke, the fresh ocean breeze, the quiet crooning of the record player, and Jack’s easy presence was helping a little more than he’d care to admit.
“Hey.” Jack nudged Gabriel when the record player changed into something upbeat and familiar. “Remember when you taught me how to not completely make an ass out of myself at Ana’s wedding to this song?”
“You are the promised kiss of springtime that makes the lonely winter seem long…”
“You mean the night where my subordinate, whom I had a massive crush on, dropped and almost kissed me?” Gabriel said sarcastically. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Dick,” Jack muttered.
“Shut up, I’m trying to be funny.”
Jack ignored that. “Wanna go for a round two? I hear human touch and light exercise are great during times of emotional distress.”
“Does round two involve you dropping me on the ground? If so, then absolutely not.”
Jack rolled his eyes. “Believe it or not, I’ve actually improved since then. C’mon, let me take care of you for once.” Jack’s voice almost sounded like he was pleading. “Dance with me?”
“You are the breathless hush of evening that trembles on the brink of a lovely song...”
Gabriel stubbed the cigarette against the ledge and stood up. “Sure. Why the hell not?”
Jack smiled and pulled Gabriel close to him, close enough for Gabriel to smell the faint odor of whiskey. “When was the last time we had a moment like this? Just us. No politics, no wars or uprising looming over our shoulders.”
“Never.” Damn, Jack wasn’t lying about improving over the past few years. “We never had anything close to a conventional relationship.”
“You are the angel glow that lights the stars, the dearest things I know are what you are…”
“You think now would be too late to try?”
God, what I wouldn’t give to start over and have a normal relationship with Jack. “I don’t know if we ever could,” Gabriel admitted. “For starters, we’re both legally dead. Second, I’m literally a cloud of nanites in the approximate shape of a human being.”
“Someday, my happy arms will hold you, and someday, I’ll know that moment divine...”
Jack laughed as he sent Gabriel into a twirl, and Gabriel almost felt like they were in their early thirties, newly married, ready to take on the world. “As normal as we can make it, then.”
“...when all the things you are are mine!”
“I’d like that,” Gabriel admitted. “Despite everything, there’s always probably going to be a part of me that will always love you.”
“Me too,” Jack said quietly. “I know we can’t go back to what we had before, but…”
“But,” Gabriel prompted.
“I’ll take what I can get,” Jack said. “Especially when what I can get is way more than what I deserve.”
“It’s more than I deserve, too,” Gabriel insisted.
Jack shrugged. “You spent a little over twenty years emotionally supporting me when I was Strike Commander. It’s about time I stop being a shitty husband and repay the favor.”
“I was hardly the perfect husband,” Gabriel snorted.
“You are the angel glow that lights the stars, the dearest things I know are what you are…”
“Still a better husband than me,” Jack muttered.
“It’s not like you’re coming in without any baggage, either,” Gabriel pointed out.
“I didn’t spend the last few years being turned into a vape monster and thinking my own husband, estranged or otherwise, turned his back on me,” he countered. “Just. Please, Gabe, take care of me all you want, but let me take care of you too, for once.”
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we?” God, please tell me we are.
“Yeah, I think so.” Jack gave him a small, intimate smile.
“Someday, my happy arms will hold you...”
“Oh, thank god,” Gabriel muttered, not even caring that he was definitely jumping into Jack’s space.
Jack laughed, bright, free, and open, as he caught Gabriel in his arms and swung him around in circles. Gabriel settled comfortably, making a seat for himself in them. “I love you,” he whispered. Gabriel tried not to melt into Jack’s embrace. “So much.”
Gabriel winced. “I’m… not sure if I’m ready to say that out loud yet, but…”
“I’m more than happy with that,” Jack murmured, craning his head to kiss the tip of Gabriel’s nose. “You’ll get there when you get there. We’ll do this right this time.”
“...and someday, I’ll know that moment divine...”
“Thank you,” Gabriel murmured reverently.
“Anything for you.”
“Anything for you, too.”
“...when all the things you are are mine!”
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sammy-moo · 6 years
Growing Family
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean x Kate (OFC), John x Mary, Kenton (OMC)
Prompt: Opening Gifts 
Words: 1,176
Warnings: It’s the most, fluffiest time of the year
A/N: Sorry this is late. Busy and going back to a previous statement of I suck. This is day 12 for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and @like-a-bag-of-potatoes 12 days of Christmas challenge!
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December was always a crazy month with buying gifts and keeping them a secret, but it had been even harder this year with a baby on the way. You were six months swollen with your first child, which left you a nervous and excited wreck.
You and Sam were buckled in the car driving to his brothers to spend Christmas. Presents were piled in the back seat while a few small ones took the space in your lap. Stress still seemed to weigh you down as you feared everyone’s reactions to their gifts. You began feeling one of the gifts in your lap, making sure the feel of it matched the name.
Sam’s hazel eyes darted towards you upon hearing the rustling, “What are you doing?”
You looked towards your husband as he focused on the road, stealing glances every now and then while he waited for your answer. “I just hope that I put the right names on these.”
Sam chuckled, “I’m sure you did. And if you didn’t we can always correct it later.”
A sigh left you as you glanced back down to the gift with Sam’s name, “I hope so….”
Sam’s brows furrowed as he stole another glance, “Hey don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s something we can fix alright?”
You nodded and turned your attention to the window, watching as the snow covered rooftops passed by.
A snowman decorated Dean and Kathleen’s front yard. You knew their son Kenton had to have made it with the help from his dad. It brought a smile to your face as Sam pulled the car into the driveway, John and Mary’s car already parked in front of your’s.
When you unbuckled, Sam practically lept from the car and hurried to your side. He opened the door and helped you out, holding your hands gently until you were fully standing.
“Don’t worry about the gifts. Let’s just get you inside okay?”
“I can help--”
“Please? I’d rather you not slip and fall.”
You sighed, knowing that if you tried to argue with your husband it would only end in him winning.
You made your way into the house, an aroma of food hitting you in the face as you walked into the living room. Kate met you with a warm smile.
“Dean, Sam and Y/N are here!”
Dean smiled as he rounded the corner from the hallway, pulling his coat on, “I’ll go help with the gifts.”
Kenton ran after him, “I’m gonna help too!”
You laughed as the five year old hurried out.
Mary and John ventured out from the kitchen to give you a hug; Mary complimenting how beautiful you looked.
You smiled as you thanked her, hanging your coat up and finding the tree glittering with lights and ornaments. It was surrounded by a mountain of gifts.
“Man that’s a lot of gifts. And Santa already came?”
Kate laughed, “Yeah it would’ve been worse had Kenton not opened his from Santa this morning. He’s really excited for you and Sam to see what he picked out though.”
Sam smiled as he came in with Dean and Kenton, gifts in their arms as they set them down near the tree.
“It smells amazing in here.”
“That’s because Mom and Kate have been slaving away in the kitchen,” informed Dean as he came to wrap an around around Kate.
Kate’s eyes widened as hurried towards the kitchen with Mary to finish cooking and check on food.
Kenton stared at you with wide green eyes, taking notice of a small gift in your hand that they missed. “I’ll put that one under the tree for you Aunt Y/N! I know it’s hard for you to bend down since you’ve got a baby in there. At least that’s what Mommy said.”
You chuckled and handed it to him, “Why thank you sweetheart, but it’s not too difficult yet.”
Kenton snatched the gift and frowned when he saw it was to Sam, turning his excited expression back towards you, “When is she gonna be here anyways? I want someone to play with.”
Sam laughed and rustled his dark blond hair, “Well it’ll be awhile before you and your cousin can play together. She’ll be too little for that.”
Kenton whined and placed the present under the tree before falling to the couch face first, “This isn’t fair! I already have to wait a year for her to get here! Now a bajillion more!?”
“Just two,” you corrected through a small laugh.
“Two is too long! Can’t she just come out now and be my age!”
“If I deliver a five year old I’m questioning life and what drugs they gave me….”
John chuckled as he sat down with his coffee and bailey’s, “Considering how tall Sam is, you might deliver what looks like a five year old.”
“Hey,” Sam defended.
“And with all that hair too? Man you are in for a fun one,” he teased.
Sam groaned and shook his head as he took a seat, “Very funny.”
You chuckled and shuffled for the kitchen, “Want anything Sam?” He shook his head and you went into the kitchen.
“Food is almost done if you want to set the table.”
Soon everyone was done eating and piled into the living room, taking places on the chairs and couch while Kenton took the floor.
Kenton decided to pass out presents, tearing through his in a flash and screaming over some of his toys. He didn’t seem to pay any mind to everyone else as he was focused elsewhere.
You and Sam opened many gifts for the baby, and some for the two of you as well. Mary and John had gifted you with candles and gift cards, while Kate and Dean got stuff to pamper yourself with. Sam had gotten you a few decor items that you had been eying for a while.
Sam opened his to find new stuff for his office and things to relax and wind down with. Then he grabbed the gift from you. His fingers danced around the box, pulling wrapping paper away until he was left with the white, rectangular box concealing his gift. He pried the top away to find a collar sitting inside with a tag that read Milo. His brows knitted together as he looked up to you, sitting next to him.
“What’s this?”
You smiled warmly, “It’s the dog that I adopted. I know how you love dogs and I thought it was time. I know we have our daughter on the way, but he’s very well behaved.”
Sam’s eyes glistened as he pulled you into a hug, gently kissing your lips, “Thank you….”
“It’ll be our happy little family.”
“When can we get him?”
“Well, he’s currently at your parents so that’s up to them.”
John smiled, “You can get him on the way home.”
And later on that night, you and Sam drove home with a trunk full of gifts, a golden retriever in the back seat, and your hands intertwined on the middle console.
Tagging:  @sleepywinchester, @hay-yo-its-jo, @timeforsmut, @goldenangelbloodcastiel, @because-imma-lady-assface, @growningupgeek, @abbessolute, @keelzy2, @wideawakeandwriting, @super-not-naturall, @babypieandwhiskey, @wi-deangirl77, @ilsawasanacrobat, @becs-bunker, @inlovewithbja, @squirrel--moose--giraffe, @mistressofallthingsgeeky, @theoutlinez, @samwinjarpad
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