#and trained ninja techniques into him (I believe?)
millidew · 28 days
maizuru and milsiril are my favorite fucked up dungeon meshi mother figures
#dungeon meshi#maizuru#milsiril#my post#both were involved in some kind of highly skilled group (espionage/ninja work and the canaries)#maizuru and milsiril both have some aspect that makes their relationship with their sort of son innately complicated.\#maizuru has been having and affair and milsiril has biases towards short lived races#both dote heavily on them but milsiril does it more clearly in an overprotective way#their sons have complicated emotions towards them. and they’re right for that#lets see… toshiro always eats the food maizuru makes due to the love in its preparation. he doesn’t seem to have a relationship with his mok#*mom#so he was very close to maizuru#but after finding out she and his dad was having an affair he closed off from her. maizuru still heavily dotes on him however#maizuru also invented a spell to scare his child self into returning to her#and trained ninja techniques into him (I believe?)#and milsiril (though she did train him) didn’t like the idea of kabru going into dangerous dungeons#she ended up coddling him in that regard. he doesn’t know how to do household chores (but I doubt toshiro knows either LMAO)#(he probably has servants or maizuru who do it for him)#but in fighting specifically:#milsiril also trained kabru in sword fighting but unlike maizuru’s training it’s not very useful in the dungeon#now back to food:#unlike maizuru’s food the elven foods milsiril gave kabru weren’t as well received#that has to do with the different culture he’s from though#he thinks of his birth mom’s food more and had a stringer relationship with her#*stronger#despite some issues kabru says that he’s grateful for her as his foster mom (iirc)#I imagine toshiro’s probably the same way even if he wouldn’t admit it (BECAUSE MAIZURU IS FUCKING HIS DAD???)#toshiro doesn’t feel close to any of his family so his biggest connections as a kid probably would’ve been maizuru and hien.#kabru has milsiril and rin and all anyone could ever want but would never want to return to#anyways. end of essay. tldr: milfs are messy
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izumi-uchiha-rp · 2 months
Fallen for a Common Villager
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Shisui Uchiha: Falling for someone who isn’t a Ninja isn’t a big deal for Shisui Uchiha. Sure, the Clan would rather he date a person who isn’t ‘weak’ or ‘fragile’, but, it’s really not up to them at the end of the day. The only thing that matters to Shisui is you. The way you watch him train for hours on end nearly every single day, the way you cook him a delicious meal when he returns home from a mission and the way you run your fingers through his hair to help him fall asleep.
He would be super protective of you, too. (I think all of the Uchiha men would be super protective of their wives tbh) Making sure that you hold his hand when you cross the road together, immediately jumps in to help you if something goes wrong in the kitchen (that Body Flicker Technique is hella useful) and when you’re reaching for your dropped cutlery on the floor, he will place his hand on the edge of the table where your head is so that you don’t hit it on the way back up.
Speaking of being protective, he will definitely keep you sheltered from his job as a Ninja as much as he can. He absolutely loves watching your eyes sparkle when he shows you a new jutsu or technique that he’s learned, but he will hardly ever talk about his missions. Someone as precious as you does NOT need to know about any blood he himself or his teammates had spilled whilst they were gone, and don’t even get him started on enemies infiltrating the Leaf Village. When he’s called into action, he’ll tell you that he needs to help protect the Village and the people in it, but that he loves you so much and needs you to stay as far away from the fighting as you can. Then, he will pick you up bridal style and teleport the two of you out of harms way. Before he leaves, he will place a tender kiss to your forehead and snake his arms around you in a quick embrace, letting you know that you are his top priority. And you always will be.
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Itachi Uchiha: Itachi never intended to fall in love, period, especially not with a woman who wasn’t a Ninja. After that fateful night of the Uchiha Clan slaughter and joining the Rogue Ninja group, the Akatsuki, he had plenty of time to contemplate every single choice he had made in his life. He played them constantly, on repeat, every single night. Furthermore, he had come to the conclusion that, 1) In order for his plan to come to fruition, he needed to die at the hands of his little brother, and 2) He was irrevocably in love with you.
How could this have happened? He had worked so damn hard for the sake of the Leaf Village, never once thinking about selfish things such as love and romance. But now… It’s all he could think about. Did you know what he had done? Do you believe that he was a monster? If both answers were yes, could you ever possibly return his feelings? All of these rhetorical questions were irritating him to the brink of insanity. He knew what he had to do.
He snuck out of the Akatsuki hideout when Pein and Konan were away and made the strenuous journey to the village hidden in the leaves. There, he discovered you in your apartment, reading a light novel in your living room. He took a deep breath, hesitated, but politely knocked on your front door. You were shocked to see who your midnight visitor was, but you trusted him just enough to step outside and allow him to speak. He was one of your childhood friends, after all. Once Itachi had confessed his feelings and explained his situation to you, you were gobsmacked. Understatement of the year. After taking a few seconds to breathe and fully understand Itachi’s words, you smiled and took his hand in yours. In that moment, Itachi’s mental load subsided and he stayed with you until you fell asleep. Before he left back to the Akatsuki hideout, he found a pen and paper in your kitchen and wrote a note for you, placing it directly on top of the novel you were reading previously. ‘Sweet dreams, my dear. I will be back before you know it. - Itachi’.
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Sasuke Uchiha: If there is one of the Uchiha boys who never believed in love, it’s this guy. He had one goal in life and one goal only: Become stronger so that he can kill a certain someone. He believed that nothing could detour him from his path of revenge… Until he witnessed you in an argument with one of your family members. You had stormed out of the house in a fit of rage and angrily kicked your trash can over, the contents spilling onto the freshly trimmed lawn. You groaned in frustration and tears sparkled in your eyes thanks to the full moon. He watched you for a few moments, trying to talk himself out of his out-of-the-blue curiosity towards you.
Unfortunately, it could not be done. He stepped out of the shadows and looked pitifully down at you as you sobbed into your hands. He caught your attention with a cough and told you to stop crying. That there are worse things in this world to cry about. To his surprise, your sadness became anger once more and you stood to confront him. You told him exactly where he could shove his opinion and where he could go. He merely smirked, mildly entertained by your little outburst. This angered you even more and you raised your hand to slap him, unaware of who or what he actually was. He gripped your wrist and locked eyes with you, his midnight orbs made you audibly gasp. Sasuke tilted his head slightly to the side and his infamous smirk reappeared. Maybe he should take a different approach with this pretty one, just this once? The young Uchiha sighed and dropped your arm back to your side and introduced himself. Your tears dried and the conversation continued… It felt as if you had known this young man your whole life. Although his aura was spine-chilling, there was something in his eyes that attracted him to you. Ashamedly, Sasuke could say the same thing.
Eventually, Sasuke insisted that he should go, but neither of you wanted that to happen. You asked him whether you would ever see him again, and Sasuke’s breath hitched in his throat. The realisation that he actually wanted to see you again caught him by surprise. He could only nod and look away from you, not wanting you to catch him off-guard and lose his cool (he has his reputation to uphold, duh). After that night, Sasuke made it a side-mission to visit the Leaf Village more often than he would have liked to take moonlit strolls with you through the empty streets and talk about anything and everything that came to mind. It was usually you doing all the talking and the Uchiha would listen intently and hum when appropriate. It’s safe to say that Sasuke Uchiha was becoming more open to the idea of love thanks to you.
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{ Hi there, dear reader! It’s your girl back with another post about these insanely handsome Uchiha boys~ I really hope you enjoyed it because I put a lot of thought and love into this one! Well, that’s all for now. Thank you for reading! }
- Itami 🌸
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skylarmoon71 · 6 months
Raphael (TMNT 2014/2016)- Oneshot
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No one told you that crushing on someone would hit this hard. 
When it started it was purely because of your love for the arts. You always wanted to learn to fight. But your parents were protective. To them you were a delicate flower. You grew up a pretty sickly child. So when you were finally deemed a healthy individual, it was a life changer. You no longer had to limit activity or watch all the other kids run around as you stared from the sidelines. 
But they were still constantly worried. 
That’s why when you met the turtles, of course you never said a word to them. If your parents knew that there were large mutant ninja turtles out there, surely they would never let you leave home. 
New York was messed up enough. 
The second you realized that these crime fighters were experts in self defense and awesome butt kicking, you basically begged them to help you learn. After your constant pestering, Leo finally gave in. Splinter was sort of happy to have a new little apprentice. It had been a while since he was able to really teach. His sons have grown into incredible fighters. 
So for your first day of training, you were decked down in shorts and a t- shirt, ready for anything. 
“Remember Raph she’s a beginner so you have to-” 
Raph kicked your feet from under you, and you tumbled with a grunt. He just smirked. 
“Gotta be ready for anything.” 
“Raph!!” Leo protested. 
He should have known better than to expect Raph of all people to be a patient teacher. You pulled yourself to your feet, this time ready for anything he was about to dish out. 
Since today was Raph’s to teach you, the others were told to look on and give pointers where needed. By the end of the session, you were sore in places you didn’t even think possible. You had a test to study for this week that you had an inkling feeling you would need to cram for because there was no way you would be able to even pick up a book when you got home. 
Leo had given you pointers on improvements, Mikey flashed a grin giving you a pat on the back. Donnie slipped you some books to study on to help with technique and form. They’d all pretty much dispersed to enjoy the rest of the day until patrol. As you were packing, Raph was at the side removing his gloves. He caught the slight wince you made as you bent to lift your bag. You caught his stare from the side, and you played it off, straightening the best you could without looking like you were in pain. 
“Today was a piece of cake.” You boasted. 
Raph grinned. 
“I knew ya were tough.” 
You turn to him. This was possibly the first time someone had said that to you. 
“Leo’s big on taking it easy but sometimes ya need a push. Guess ya aint that weak for a girl.” 
He was still wearing that overconfident smile. You knew he was teasing. But it was flattering. Although he was basically taunting you, he believed that you had the ability to handle it. He wasn’t overly harsh today either. He’d applied just enough force that you had to put in effort to retaliate every attack. 
“Don’t get ya butt kicked tomorrow.” 
He tossed you an ice pack that you caught clumsily, looking at his retreating figure. 
Maybe that was the first time that you knew you had a crush on the hot tempered male. 
Your sessions continued. 
The first few months were brutal. Because of all the inactivity as a child, it felt like you had to fight even harder to catch up physically. But you made it. In the span of eight months, you were just as skilled as the boys. Of course lacking the inhumane strength and crazy awesome build. But you were there.
You were strong. It was a bit comical that your parents had not caught on. When your mother noticed the tone in your biceps, you’d merely told her you were in the gym to stay fit to prevent any issues for the future. She ate it up, so you were in the clear. 
Meeting the boys was quite honestly the best thing to happen in your life. You were also very happy to see a certain muscular mutant on a daily basis. 
Later that afternoon you were expecting Raph. 
You were always happy that your parents finally agreed to let you live on your own. You loved that they cared so much, but you spent too much of your life being treated like a glass that would break at any moment. You sat at the window, waiting for Raph to just swing in. You were honestly a bit happy he hadn’t caught on to your feelings. 
If he did, you were scared that these days would somehow just vanish. 
“Daydreaming again.” 
You lifted your head, and he was just casually standing on your fire escape. 
“How do you keep doing that? I didn’t even hear you jump down.” 
“Of course.” 
You stood to raise the window a bit higher so he could climb in, but there was a knock on your door and you stumbled. You grabbed the curtains.
“Don't make a sound.” You said to Raph, shutting the curtains hurriedly. 
You raced to the door. Not even surprised when your mother was on the other side. 
“Hi sweetheart.”
She didn’t even wait for you to invite her in and you closed the door with a sigh. 
“Are you eating well, taking your vitamins? You know how important that is.” 
“I am mom.” 
“Don’t give me that look. You know how hard it was for us when you were younger. Being that sick all the time, it was terrifying. I just want to make sure you’re alright.” 
“I know, I know. I promise you I’m okay. I’m as fit as a horse.” You flexed for good measure and she laughed. 
“Well that’s good. I just came by to drop some things. Your father has been doing a bit of spring cleaning. “ She placed the bag down, giving your apartment one more look. “ 
“If you ever get lonely just let me know. Ms. Laine has two handsome boys that would love to-” 
“Bye mom!!” 
“Okay, okay, I can tell when I’m not wanted.” 
Leaving a kiss on your forehead, she waved, shuffling out the door. You placed your head on the door with a heavy sigh. At this point you shouldn’t even be surprised that she’s playing matchmaker. 
“Ya mom sounds fun.” 
You jumped at his voice, turning and sending him a glare. 
“Don’t do that! 
He just grinned, moving back to the window, fixing the curtains that had gotten blown around when he stepped in. 
“Ya used to be sick?” 
It’s a question that lacks the typical Raph teasing tone.
Of course he heard. 
Now that the cat was out of the bag, you had no choice but to tell him. 
“I had a heart condition. Doctors said I wouldn’t live to see fifteen. My parents were scared every time they looked at me. When I finally got the transplant I thought I would feel normal but they are just more overprotective. When I started college last fall I had a little more freedom. I wanted a chance to prove that I wasn’t weak. Then I met you guys.” 
You smile as you both stare out at the sunset from your spot next to the window. You climb up, sitting there comfortably. Raph moves to your side, doing the same. 
“You were the first person who ever told me that I wasn’t weak. Who never looked at me like I was some kind of fragile glass. You believed in me.” Your eyes shift to Raph’s and he takes in the way your eyes sort of sparkle.
“Thank you for believing in me.” 
He looked down after a few heated seconds.
“Don’t go getting soft.” He grumbled. 
It was cute how bashful he was being. 
As you both sat on the window sill, your eyes shifted to his hand. This was possibly the closest you’d been to him with just the two of you outside of training. Swallowing your doubt, you reached over slowly, placing your hand over his. You could feel yourself blushing, and Raph became tense at the touch. Your heart was hammering against your chest. If you could take a million harsh tumble for eight months, you could tell the person you were crushing on how you felt. 
“I..like you Raph..” 
It was barely above a whisper. 
Raph just stared for a while.  
He shook it off. 
“What, like ya got a crush on me.” 
He let out a laugh as if he didn’t really believe you and your face scrunched up in irritation. 
“D-Don’t laugh, I'm being serious!!” 
He shook his head.
“Come on, quit messing with me.” 
He pulled his hand away and nudged your shoulder. Your frown deepened, and you turned, jumping back into your bedroom. When you were safely inside, you shoved Raph out the window. He let out a yell, grabbing the edge just in time before he took a tumble. It wasn’t that bad a fall. You knew that. 
“What's the big idea!!” 
He pulled himself up the ledge with one hand, climbing inside. 
“G-Get out I don’t want to see your stupid face!!” 
“What the hell are you so mad about!” 
“I poured out my feelings and you sat there and laughed at me!!” 
He had to admit, your pouty face was cute.
“Stupid jerk.” You grumbled. 
From your expression, he knows you’re upset. So he decides against teasing again and he just asks this time. 
“Ya really mean it.” 
“Of course I did, do you think I would just say something like that?” 
You were mad, but when you look at his expression, that seems to deflate. His expression added to a steady increase of your heart rate. He took one step, and you could have sworn you almost stopped breathing. 
“Ya sure ya know what you’re getting yourself into.” 
You swallow. 
It appears you did not. 
“I-I’m not scared of you, remember. We’re equals.” 
You’re far from equal. 
Raph has crazy mutagen running through his veins. 
“We are.” His words surprise you. 
“I know I got a clear advantage, but ya strong. Don’t forget that.” 
You can’t believe it. He’s actually praising someone other than himself. 
���Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” 
“Just take the compliment!!” 
You smile. 
“Thanks Raph.” 
He turns with a grumble.
This crush might be a work in progress.
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pagesfromthevoid · 9 months
Glitch | k.h. | Prologue
I think there's been a glitch.
Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: None at the moment
Read on AO3
Author’s Note: And now, something literally nobody fucking asked for...
Cress, what the fuck? | Series Masterlist
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One Week Following the Genin Graduation Exams
She stood at the edge of the training field, her eyes fixed on the three young ninja in front of her. They were her new genin team, fresh from the academy and full of dreams and aspirations. Or at least, they should have been. Instead, they were currently engaged in what could only be described as a chaotic display of ineptitude.
Her brow furrowed as she watched them stumble through their "training" exercises. It was almost painful to witness. One of them, a boy with unruly hair and a look of sheer determination, attempted to perform a basic kunai throw. The result was a spectacular miss that sent the kunai sailing into a nearby tree. His teammates burst into laughter, and he turned bright red.
She sighed, feeling a growing sense of frustration. She had heard rumors that this particular batch of genin was a bit lacking in skill, but she had hoped they would at least possess a basic understanding of ninja techniques. As she continued to observe, it became increasingly clear that sending them back to the academy might be the most merciful option.
Just as she was contemplating how to break the news to them, a familiar figure appeared on the scene. Kakashi Hatake, the enigmatic and highly skilled jōnin, stepped out from the shadows, his ever-present mask of indifference firmly in place. In one hand, he held his favorite orange-covered book, Icha Icha Paradise . The other rested in his pocket. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Of course, Kakashi would choose this moment to make an appearance.
Kakashi glanced at her and gave her a casual nod of acknowledgement. Then, without another word, he settled against a tree, leaning against it, and cracked open his book. It was as if he couldn't care less about the disaster unfolding in front of him. She  watched in disbelief as her genin continued their pitiful attempts at training, all the while completely oblivious to Kakashi's presence. She couldn't decide whether to be annoyed at his indifference or grateful that he had spared her the task of dealing with this mess alone.
As the minutes passed, her irritation grew, but Kakashi remained engrossed in his book, seemingly content to let her handle the situation. She sighed once more, realizing that if she wanted to salvage anything from this training session, she would have to take matters into her own hands. She ordered them next to focus their energy on their chakra; to practice handling it. She didn’t look up from her team, instead narrowing her eyes as the kids started arguing over how to best channel their chakra.
“What do you need?” She finally asked, eyes remaining trained on her students. However, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. 
“I heard Lord Third finally convinced you to take a team.”
“I heard uncle Hiru finally gave you a team you passed,” she countered, finally turning her attention to him. “Maybe we should trade.” She motioned to the genin on the training field, frowning deeply. 
Kakashi glanced up from his book to her genin, who had finally given up their argument and taken to trying to prove each other wrong on the best method of chakra control. “I have my hands full already, but you seem to have this under control.”
“Have I ever mentioned that I hate kids?” She mused, tapping her chin with her finger in thought. Her students finally noticed their guest, their attention now on both their sensei and the Copy Ninja. 
“I believe you mentioned it once or twice when we were kids.”
“The sentiment still stands.”
“Sensei!” One of the students –Irito Sori, the one with the unruly hair and lack of kunai skills –shouted. “How was that?”
She glanced at the genin, brow furrowed for a moment, before she looked back at Kakashi. “What do you think, Hatake? How did they do?”
Kakashi simply shrugged, pocketing his book as he pushed off the tree and made his way to stand beside her. “I’d send them back to the Academy, personally.”
“You heard Kakashi-sensei,” she announced, pointing at the team. “None of you are cut out to be ninja –let alone a team. You failed.”
The three genin stared at the two jonin with wide eyes, horror-stricken as she turned on her heel and strolled away. Kakashi watched her for a moment before he followed suit, half waving at the three students as he caught up to her.
“If I had said they were fine, would you have still failed them?” Kakashi asked as they walked back through the streets of Konoha.
“Yes,” she replied simply, slipping her hands into her pockets as she walked. “They couldn’t hit a single mark, they showed no capability to work as a team, and they had little to no control over their chakra. Iruka is going to get an earful tomorrow.”
“From them, or from you?”
“Both, I’m sure.”
As they continued their walk through the bustling streets of Konoha, she couldn't help but reflect on her current predicament. She had never aspired to be a sensei and had no desire to prove herself in that role. There were other things she wanted to do with her life; aspirations she wanted to meet that would only be hindered by a handful of twelve year olds following her around. However, her uncle must have had his reasons for assigning her this genin team, and she couldn't ignore her responsibilities. No matter how genuinely annoying they were. 
Her thoughts weighed heavily on her as they walked, her steps falling in rhythm with Kakashi's. An unspoken tension lingered between them, a feeling that had been present in their interactions for some time. It was something they had never directly addressed, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of it. She couldn't deny that she appreciated Kakashi's company during these chance meetings, but she also couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their encounters than mere coincidence.
The bustling streets of Konoha gradually led them to a familiar destination: Ichiraku Ramen. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as they found themselves there once again, as if the universe itself conspired to bring them together for a meal.
Kakashi seemed entirely unfazed by their unintended visit, his nonchalant demeanor intact. "Well, I suppose we could use a break," he remarked casually, as if he had planned this all along.
She agreed, albeit begrudgingly. She was both intrigued and perplexed by their recurring rendezvous, and she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Each time their paths crossed, it left her with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions that she struggled to untangle.
On one hand, there was an undeniable attraction that she couldn't deny. Kakashi possessed an air of mystery and charisma that drew her in, like a moth to a flame. His skills as a shinobi were awe-inspiring, and she couldn't help but admire the effortless grace with which he moved through the world. His intelligence and quick wit added layers to his character that intrigued her. But on the other hand, there was frustration. Kakashi's laid-back attitude and apparent indifference grated on her nerves. His tendency to tease and challenge her at every turn often left her feeling exasperated. It was as though he reveled in getting under her skin, pushing her buttons with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Their interactions were a constant push and pull, a dance of wit and wills. They debated training philosophies, dissected battle strategies, and shared stories of their past missions. In those moments, she couldn't deny the intellectual stimulation and camaraderie that their rivalry provided.
Yet, amidst the banter and rivalry, there was something unspoken between them. A tension that hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged. It was like a glitch in their systems; something that short circuited when they were near one another and made them ignore both their lack of desire to socialize with anyone else. And so, she agreed to their recurring rendezvous, if only to unravel the enigma that was Kakashi Hatake, and to explore the complex tapestry of emotions that their rivalry had woven between them.
Today was no different as they settled into their seats at the ramen counter, placing their orders. And when their food arrived, she noticed that Kakashi was unusually quick at removing his mask to eat, though she didn't catch a glimpse of his face. It was a well-practiced routine on his part; one that she had never managed to sneak a peek of.
Their meal passed in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder what Kakashi had originally intended when he had come to the training ground. Was it purely coincidental that he had shown up just as she was assessing her genin team? Or had he, in his own enigmatic way, wanted to offer her guidance or simply keep her company? 
Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she decided to broach the subject. "Kakashi, why did you come to the training ground today?" she asked, her tone tinged with genuine curiosity.
Kakashi looked at her for a moment, his lone visible eye giving away nothing. Then, he simply shrugged, a smile that reached his eye being his only response. It was a gesture that both infuriated and intrigued her, leaving her with more questions than answers.
Huffing in frustration, she blew a piece of her hair out of her face before pushing her bowl away from her. As she opened her mouth to speak again, however, a shuriken flew past her head and into the wood beside her head. 
“See!” Sori. She groaned, plucking the weapon from the wall and standing. “I told you I could —,”
“Are you insane ?” She snapped at him, turning to face the three genin who stood trembling before her now. “Why on earth were you trying to hit me while I was eating ?”
“A shinobi should always be prepared to be attacked!” Yumaro Ayato, the only girl on her team, reminded the senseis. 
Kakashi chuckled though he did not turn around to interact. 
“You can’t fail us and send us back to the Academy,” Mowara Tashiro announced, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a pointed look. “You have to give us another chance.”
She glared at the three children, having half a mind to fail them regardless of her responsibilities now. Kakashi, however, elbowed her side. She glanced down at him and heaved a sigh. “Meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow at 5 AM. Then I’ll consider not failing you.”
The three genin whooped in excitement, thanking her profusely for the chance. Then, they took off back towards the center of the village. 
“Sorry for interrupting your date, senseis!” Ayato called back as she caught up to the boys. 
She blanched briefly, staring after her team as she felt her cheeks heat up. “This wasn’t a date!”
Kakashi chuckled again, turning in his seat to face her. She groaned and sat back down, burying her face in her arms as she did so. Beside her, the Copy Ninja patted her back awkwardly –trying to be reassuring. “You’ll be fine. You can still fail them if they mess up tomorrow.”
“I don’t even know what to do,” she admitted, placing her chin on her arms and glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. Rivalry or not, Kakashi was a better shinobi than she’d ever be –it would be stupid not to recognize that about him. And if he was sitting here, giving her his company willingly… “What do you recommend I do?”
Kakashi hummed some in response, scratching at his chin. She wondered if he was exaggerating the thought process, or if he genuinely was thinking about advice to give. “You could always do what I do —tell them to meet you somewhere early on, then make them wait several hours for you to show up.”
For a moment, she processed what he was saying. Then she turned to look up at him with exasperation. “Kakashi, that’s awful.”
“But effective.”
“It’s a waste of both my and their time.”
“It’s only a waste if you don’t do anything with those few hours you make them wait.”
“And what do you do in those hours that you make your team wait?”
He hummed again, leaning back in his chair for a moment as he considered his answer. “Usually I run errands. Groceries and all. Or maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. Sometimes I just nap.”
She rolled her eyes at his response, hiding her face in her arms again. But then she shot up, pointing at him. “You ass! You’ve done that to me when we’ve had missions!”
“Have I?” He mused, looking away as he thought back on their work together. “Hm, I guess I have.”
She mumbled under her breath, annoyed by the realization that he had made her wait around for him several times before.
“How about this,” Kakashi offered, standing up now as he set a handful of ryo on the counter for their food. She peeked up at him before standing as well, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ll tell my team to meet me at the edge of the village tomorrow too.”
“And what will we do, Kakashi?”
“Get breakfast then watch them throw a tantrum when they realize we’re late.”
“I think that’s the first time you’ve asked me to get a meal with you,” she pointed out, ducking out of the ramen shop with a playful smile on her face. “Usually we just end up somewhere.”
Kakashi simply shrugged in response, slipping his hands back into his pockets as he followed her out. “First time for everything, I suppose.”
Both jonin followed the yelling, eyes landing on a blur of bright blonde with pink and black following close behind. Naruto skid to a stop in front of the two, huffing out a breath as he caught his breath. Sakura and Sasuke stopped a few feet back, trying to look indifferent and annoyed, but curiosity was clear in their eyes. 
She eyed Naruto closely for a moment, taking in the close resemblance to the 4th Hokage. Of course, she knew well enough to know that Namikaze Minato was Naruto’s real father; anyone with eyes could see that. But even if everyone else was oblivious or refused to recognize him as such –she knew because her sensei was his mother. Uzumaki Kushina, full of fiery spirit and a determination that was both terrifying and admirable, had been so excited to reveal her pregnancy to her team when it was confirmed.
It killed her that Kushina never got to see her son grow up; more so that her son was treated so poorly by the village.
Her sentiment of, “I hate kids” did not extend to Naruto. While she never actively sought out the boy, she made sure to keep track of him as he caused trouble throughout the village. They had spoken a handful of times; usually it was her scolding him playfully –never reprimanding properly, only reminding him to be sneakier if he was going to be stupid. Naruto didn’t actively seek her out either, but occasionally he’d find her in the grocery store and would say hi –and she would end up buying whatever he had. And if he managed to find his fridge stocked or his clothes cleaned while he was in class –well, no one needed to know it was her who did it. 
“Sori said you were on a date !” Naruto exclaimed, pointing at her now accusingly, a sneaky grin on his face.
“Is that so?” Kakashi asked, looking between his three genin with his brow raised. Then he turned to her. “Was this a date?”
She felt her cheeks heat up once again, and she stammered, suddenly flustered by Naruto's comment and Kakashi's question. Her attempt to maintain her composure had backfired spectacularly.
“What! No!” She exclaimed, shaking her head. “ Absolutely not. We were just having a meal together!”
“Isn’t that what a date is?” Sakura pointed out, looking up at her thoughtfully. “Sharing meals together when out?”
“Does that mean you go on a date with Naruto every time you guys get lunch together after training?” She countered, giving the young girl a pointed look. Sakura turned red, shaking her head profusely. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
“Alright, alright –enough of this,” Kakashi finally said, motioning for his genin to step away. “You three need to meet me tomorrow morning –5 AM, at the edge of the village. Don’t be late.”
“Are you gonna be late, sensei?” Naruto demanded, eyes narrowed up at his teacher.
“I have nothing planned,” Kakashi reassured, and she rolled her eyes at his lie.
“Then I’ll be there! Believe it!”
Sakura and Sasuke nodded in agreement, though gave their sensei a weary look –as if they knew he was lying –before they parted for the evening. Rolling her eyes again –something she did a lot when she was Kakashi –she half waved as she walked the opposite direction.
“See you in the morning, Hatake. Don’t keep me waiting, either.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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hozukitofu · 1 month
not a ship post but how funny would it be for people to mix shino and kiba's names up? at some point people give up and call them by 'shiba' just because it's guaranteed to send both kids running (we are talking genin-age).
tsume at some point: shi - ki - argh whatever SHIBA!
shino and kiba tuning into a very old summoning technique - call your kids the wrong name jutsu: THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!
bonus fun facts
tsume and hana had genuinely mixed up shino, kiba and akamaru. shino by virtue of his association with kiba had been called akamaru more times than his name. he's used to it
kakashi has a ninken named shiba that runs loose and he doesn't genuinely want to summon kibashino but somehow they've been trained to react to the name so kakashi is walking the street calling for shiba (the dog) and two teenagers (shiba - shino and kiba - unholy duo) turn up like 'you called?'
people who haven't met shino or kiba before think shiba is their name
shino and kiba have called each other shiba completely on instincts and now they just sigh and move on
it was funny when they were 12 but now naruto can't tease kiba anymore because kiba hypes up shino like you wouldn't believe. every team needs a cool guy and kiba nominates shino for this title (he literally told everyone but shino and hinata)
actually convenient to summon all three of them (akamaru is now part of the shiba bundle). imagine you're out in a field then suddenly there's a dog, a dog ninja and a bug ninja summoned from thin air. i'd retire
easier to shift blame. kiba played this card well into adulthood. he's perfected 'did you mean to call for shino or kiba?' and when people try to deliberate this he would disappear
shino's kids at the academy call him 'shiba sensei' and it stuck. they think shino's legal name is shiba aburame
kakashi somehow worked out a deal with akamaru and occasionally takes the massive dog out for a walk with all his 8 dogs (sometimes even without kiba knowing). when asked, he makes sure to introduce akamaru as shiba 2.0 and akamaru would nod and shake (why does he have two dogs name shiba? why not?)
it's listed in bingo books under aliases and as someone who have to endure bureaucracy weekly, making changes is akin to hell so people leave 'shiba' where it is. the trouble is that both shibas get in a rotten mood if they hear 'are you shiba?' from an enemy because that should really never leave village gossip
kiba very seriously said one day that if they get married it would be mr shiba aburame or shiba inuzuka x2 (think mr and mrs taylor lautner) and shino gave him fleas
mirai doesn't know who is who but she does know shiba. shino will let her have that one up until the age of 3
a lot of people just assumed they got married somewhere along the way? anbu delivering messages for kiba sometimes would find shino who's dead on his feet and would receive the message like it's for him. ANBU: are you mr inuzuka? shino who is too tired to correct the joke at this point: yes i am. people call kiba mr aburame in the same vein except kiba takes it with more fanfare
tsume wasn't that happy they eloped without her knowledge but shibi also genuinely doesn't know what's going on and he's not going to ask shino, so they roll with it and have family dinners between the two clans every fortnight and the shiba trio don't register this as anything unusual
im southeast asian and my aunt was a teacher so the spouse of a teacher is also a teacher by association. what this means is that kids also call kiba sensei. inuzuka sensei. shiba sensei. kiba who had never taught in his life after a child incorrectly identified him as married to his best friend and also his first name: yes sensei is here. how can i help you my child
when they do get married they were threatened by the clan elders to actually say kiba (shiba) aburame (he is a second son and the aburames love akamaru) and shino likewise dutifully put (shiba) on his actual legal marriage certificate
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99liners · 1 year
So i have this lame drabble kinda idea for nodus tollens. As u have mentioned before that jimin's mom n brother treat rei as their own daughter n sister respectively so imagine one day jimins brother was hugging rei Or kissing her forehead (uk brotherly affection) n jimin saw these n literally went ballistic n started punching his own brother then jimins family would see what n Douchebag their son is😂
opus nodus tollens, drabble number 1 / tatemae series 建前:
pairing: choreographer!park jimin x trophy!wife reader extra character(s): min shiza (liberosis) genre: fluff, smut, angst, marriage!au, age-gap!au (9 years). words: 1.863 warnings: jealousy, over possessive!pjm, unhealthy behaviour, toxic relationships, heated argument, manipulative behaviour, smexy times, missionary position, unprotected sex, mentions of orgasm (m). original one-shot: nodus tollens part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series a/n: i don't think i will be adding the punching thingy, i get that jimin is supposed to be this obsessive guy but that level of obsession that he punches his own brother would take away from his character. i hope you understand and enjoy the drabble!
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"i know what you want."
"what do you mean?"
"i know you want her like you have always wanted all my toys back when we were kids."
jimin had pulled aside his younger brother to the latter's room one fine evening.
it has been six days since jimin and you flew down to busan to visit jimin's parents. they had been asking you both to come over ever since the wedding. back then, you had been busy with finishing college and jimin has always been one of the in-demand choreographers of the industry, so naturally there was no time to make the trip happen.
last month when you got laid off from the min-specter firm, it hit you badly. it had shaken you up in the worst way possible; you had stopped eating, you stopped talking to jimin, you did not reply to any of your ex-upperclassman-turned-ex-boss'-wife shiza's messages, you had not even stepped out of the house for weeks on end. most of the days, you did not even bother leaving the bed. you would be wearing the same house clothes and be slumped on the bed or at most, at the floor with your back supported by the bed. you still cannot believe that you were fired from your job; the job you had worked your ass off for. the internships, the training, the late-night studying — all of it turned to dust and swept away. and shiza? she was supposed to be like your older sister, she should have changed your boss' mind but all you get are empty apologies and how she is sad for you. nothing seemed to cheer you up and your husband was at his wit's end on exploring new to get you to even smile at him.
one day when he came back from work, he was surprised to see your ex-upperclassman, shiza. she was standing near the chair in the dining hall where you were sat. you looked like you had been crying.
"um, what's this? doll, is everything okay?"
you gave a curt nod, not meeting his eyes.
jimin turned to shiza, "mrs min i think it's best you lea-"
you cut him off, "no. she's okay."
jimin sighed, so she gets an okay but all he gets are nods and hums? he just wants his rei of sunshine (pun intended) back.
"jimin-ssi, if it's possible maybe you should take a trip with y/n, she needs some fresh air."
"ahha, only if this madam wants to go anywhere."
biting the inside of your cheeks, you mumbled, "i want to go out."
jimin's eyes flickered. wait so when he suggested going out for a vacation, you threw pillows at his face while proceeding to bury your face in the mattress and bellowing out noises like a dying whale but shiza eonnie mentions going on a trip once and you want to go now? what is this sorcery? jimin needs to learn this ninja technique.
a while later, shiza left when a black luxury car (jimin guesses it was a vintage rolls royce wraith) came around to pick her up.
your husband started collecting the dirty dishes and putting them in the sink when he heard your feeble voice.
"take me away before i lose myself," you mentioned, your eyes trained pointlessly at the floor while your arms came to wrap around themselves in a hug.
jimin almost dropped the porcelain plate to make his way to you, dropping to his knees as his hands brought down your hands in his, to rest on your lap.
"doll, i will take you anywhere you want. i just want you back as you were."
you sniffled down your tears and leaned over to hug him tightly, which your husband happily reciprocated.
it was like you were born anew when jimin brought you to his childhood home. you have never known a family and now to have a father, a mother and a brother to call your own — it truly felt like a new life. every day you woke up, you got to have a mother's handmade breakfast made with love, you helped her out with the household chores, while in the evening the neighbourhood aunties would invite you over for cheesecake and coffee while they doted on you, mentioning how their jiminie got lucky to have you in his life.
it felt nice to be wanted, to be included in the mundane things in life and the days passed by normally, they didn't feel too long nor too short. it was all perfect. jiwon, jimin's younger brother would even take you on his motorcycle to mr park's cafe where mr park would proudly introduce you to his regular customers as his 'lawyer daughter-in-law'.
at first it started when mrs park forced you to go out and see the town around but then every evening you would leave with jiwon on his motorcycle while he showed you around. likewise, at first jimin did not much think about it, he usually was in charge of looking after the family business when he was home, so accounting took most of his time. plus, he was happy that you were exploring the places where he once grew up. it made him feel even closer to you when at night you would tell him about the places you saw, the sparkle in your eyes. you were just too adorable for his heart to take.
"don't make a noise," jimin whispered near your ear before putting his hand over your mouth, stilling his lower body to a lull before hitting it home in an intense thrust, his pelvic area slapping against your cunny. the bedpost hit the wall with a thud while a groan died down in your throat.
jimin and jiwon's rooms are adjacent to each other and obviously, like two responsible adults, neither of you would ever want for the poor thing to have to hear anything inappropriate.
"fuuuck," you sighed against his palm while jimin continued his thrusts — bringing you over the edge while his length rummaged through your gummy walls, feeling every ridge, every bump in the hot cavern.
one particular hard thrust had you moaning loudly, a muffled one owing to jimin's hand but still the muffled noise was out in the air.
jimin brought his movements to a halt, "i don't think he heard it," he whispered, slowly moving his hips in a circular motion.
"i think he's asleep," you whispered back, the sentence broken in two parts owing to his slow actions. you winced at the leisurely pace.
"i can hear you jerks. loud and clear." jiwon's booming voice came through the walls.
jimin was really close to his release, he has been holding back all this time to not cause a commotion, "mm, might as well," his hips took up pace, creating a symphony of sinful noises.
you tried to stop him, your eyes going wide at the sudden pace. you were both in a state of pleasure and fear because your brother-in-law just said that he could already hear you guys even when you were whispering.
"he can hear us!" you reminded jimin, biting your lip hard to not let out moans, your legs closing around his waist.
his dominant hand got a hold of the headpost, wrapping around the wood to anchor himself for the thrusts as they grew sloppy; indicating his oncoming orgasm, "he already has."
"y'all are fucking disgusting! i am going to put bleach in my ears," jiwon yelled again before you both heard his bedroom door opening and closing, followed by footsteps hurrying downstairs.
"forget him, look at me," jimin's free hand came to hold your gaze at him, the edge of his palm supporting your chin while his fingers grazed your cheek. his thrusts slowed down again as he angled his hips to reach deeper angles.
later the next day, you absolutely avoided jiwon, you were too embarrassed to even look in his direction.
in the evening while jimin and you were sat in the living room watching tv, jiwon walked over, "ahem, if you guys are not busy copulating like bunnies, do you want to go to our old high school? there is an annual sports festival going on," he offered. mind you, he was loving this because he gets to tease you at every sentence, every accidental eye contact.
you winced at the first sentence, "stop mentioning it. we are sorry."
jimin was sat beside you looking over some papers his father had just handed him, "speak for yourself, i am not sorry."
"of course," jiwon shook his head before turning to you, "for your information, you are so bad at trying to suppress any sound."
jimin raised an eyebrow at that, since when did you two become so close to talk about sex (of all topics) so openly. he understands that you two are closer in age, jiwon is a year older and doing his masters but it did not sound as innocent to him, "hey, be respectful."
"let's go," ignoring the teasing, you stood up, "i would love to see where this one used to go to school," you touched jimin's hair, giving it a slight ruffle.
he caught your hand and placed a kiss on it, "be safe and be back before 8, the streets get empty. i don't know what takes you both so long every night."
"yes yes, don't worry," jiwon exhaled casually before leaving with you.
by the time jiwon and you came back, jiwon had his arm wrapped around you, hanging by your shoulder as you two laughed at some joke.
after dinner when mrs park took you away to show you old pictures, jimin pulled jiwon to the side.
"whoa whoa, wait a second. di-did did you just compare your wife to toys?" jiwon's eyes went wide.
"well of course she is not a toy, that's the point i am trying to make. she is my wife."
"you just compared her to a toy! always knew you needed therapy."
"listen just keep your hands off her, i don't like this newfound intimacy between you two," jimin's hand was on jiwon's shoulder, his grip tightening with every word.
"are you joking right now? you are joking right? she's like my fucking sister. i have always wanted a sister because you are such an asshole and now i finally have someone whom i can call a sister so of course you have to ruin it."
jimin went quiet, maybe he took it all wrong. suddenly he was reminded that this was his brother, his blood. he knows his little brother, he believes in the values his parents taught them.
"hey, look it's you from when you were in your nappies," you had walked in jiwon's room looking for him. a photo album in your hand, you walked to the duo.
jiwon gave you a small smile as he turned his gaze to what you were pointing at.
jimin let a sigh, maybe his family is complete finally and there is nothing to worry about as he found himself smiling at you two.
feedback is deeply appreciated. ✨
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- jaimie
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blooming-water-roses · 11 months
Stars by the Pocketful
Tobirama Senju x Kagami Uchiha oneshot
Word count: ~10k
Rating: Explicit (contains smut)
Tags: Canon-compliant, Founding-era, Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt-Comfort, Mutual Pining
Synopsis: The story of how Kagami Uchiha and Tobirama Senju fell in love and had a son (Shisui’s future father) together with the help of a new jutsu. This oneshot fills in the blanks of the founding-era and follows canon events.
A/N: this took me like…14 hours. Two days on a road trip, this is all I did in the car literally. This is a masterpiece. Prepare for the best TobiKaga fic you have ever read.
(begins below cut)
Kagami thinks that Tobirama is by far the most talented shinobi on Earth. Even more so than the first Hokage, his brother Hashirama. Tobirama possesses not only incredible taijutsu and ninjutsu prowess, but a mind as sharp as a master-crafted blade. He hears so many great things about him from Hiruzen and Danzo, and even some from Homura, and from what he’s seen of him himself, no one matches Tobirama’s caliber.
He knows that as an Uchiha, he is gifted with natural talent. However, he also is aware that one can always improve and expand no matter what. And the village he was born into is young but it’s home and his heart is sore whenever he thinks about his determination to protect it.
So, he resolves to be trained by Tobirama.
He sees his opening when Hiruzen, Danzo, and Homura start getting sent on missions without Tobirama. He himself is already a Chunin, but he wants to be close to the Hokage’s brother, so he approaches him one day when he finds him at the training ground.
“Master Tobirama,” He greets with a bright smile and bow.
“Kagami, hello,” greets the silver-haired man, taking a drink from his flask. “Early-morning training?”
“Yes. I also came to ask a favor of you, very humbly.”
Tobirama quirks an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Please, sir, I would like to become your disciple. Please train me.”
The older man hums, folding his arms across his chest. “Why? You are already an exceptional shinobi, and on top of that, wield the formidable Sharingan prowess. What would I have to teach you?”
“I possess an unwavering desire to protect Konoha,” He elaborates, “and to do this, I believe that I should master any and everything that I can to help me be powerful enough. You are a great sensory ninja, and you have taijutsu techniques unfamiliar to my own. You also have Water-style I believe I can learn. I also desire to sharpen my mind and become smarter under your guidance.”
Tobirama gives him a thoughtful frown. Kagami flushes slightly under the scrutiny, only relaxing when the older man hums.
“All right, then. I must be honest, Kagami, I am still weary of the Uchiha, but your determination and passion is admirable. I won’t go easy on you. Do you accept?”
Warmth blooms inside of Kagami’s chest as he beams. It even puts a faint smile on Tobirama’s face. “Yes, sir! Thank you! I will work very hard and continue to push myself under your guidance.”
He bows, and Tobirama nods to himself. “Very well. Have you any obligations for the day?”
“No sir, I do not.”
“Then we will begin at once.”
“Yes sir!”
For the next seven years, Kagami and Tobirama become somewhat of a package deal. As the village grows, so do Tobirama’s responsibilities as the Hokage’s right-hand, so Kagami takes on part of his work to lessen his load. When they aren’t doing administrative work, they train together. Tobirama passes all of his sensory, taijutsu, and Water-style techniques to Kagami, who devours the knowledge and makes it his own. Being around Tobirama allows him to see how his mind works, some of his intellect rubbing off on him as well.
The village is flourishing until Hashirama falls ill due to overuse of his mitotic cell regeneration, and when he succumbs to the weakness of his body, their daily routine of train-work-train comes to an abrupt halt.
Tobirama falls into a high-functioning depression wherein he dutifully becomes the second Hokage, per his brother’s dying wish, but operates on auto-pilot. Kagami decides that as his responsible kouhai, now a twenty year-old special Jounin and a member of his personal guard, he will take care of him and function where he can’t.
So, he ends up staying with him in his home. For lack of a better term, he works much like a traditional housewife—he keeps the house clean, cooks, and makes sure Tobirama is taken care of. The man is silent most of the days, only speaking to thank Kagami for making his meal, or for doing the laundry, or for completing paperwork he didn’t get to.
About two months after Hashirama’s passing, Mito has their last son she had been pregnant with before he died, and Tobirama and Kagami go for a visit. The boy looks so much like his father that when they get back home, it all hits Tobirama, who’d been compartmentalizing his feelings, and he has a breakdown.
He cries and cries and cries, lamenting the loss of Hashirama, the hole he left in Konoha, the pressure of having to fill that void and be better, to carry on, and Kagami is there for him.
They sit on his couch as he sobs, Kagami supplying handkerchiefs silently as Tobirama lets it out. It breaks Kagami’s heart to see him like this, but knows that finally releasing his bottled up feelings will be good in the long run. He pats Tobirama’s shoulder and remains by his side the entire night.
The next day, neither mention it, and Kagami makes him breakfast as usual, only Tobirama helps him clean up this time.
After that, he starts to live again. He shares Kagami’s household duties, works harder and late into the night as Hokage, and starts bettering the village as he had been doing before.
A year later, the council of clan leaders begin pressuring Tobirama to marry. There are a few clans that want allyship with the Leaf, and marrying into one of them would do the trick.
So he courts a woman from the Hatake clan. She’s disinterested and aloof, never paying attention whenever Tobirama tries to establish conversation. Kagami witnesses this a few times and feels annoyance prickle at his chest whenever he sees her.
Master Tobirama always has such interesting things to say. If it were me, I’d listen with undivided attention. I’d ask questions. I’d care. Who does she think she is?
One night over dinner, when it’s just the two of them at Tobirama’s house, the Hokage sighs.
“Kagami, be honest with me,” he begins, “What do you think of the Hatake? Should I take her as my wife?”
The Uchiha is surprised. He places his chopsticks down and scratches his head. “Well, Master, I want to hear your thoughts on the matter.”
Tobirama frowns. “The woman has the personality of a boulder.”
Kagami can’t help but snort, and Tobirama finally cracks a smile.
“I was afraid to say it, sir, but I am not fond of her either.”
“No? Why is that?”
Kagami gets a strange nervousness in his stomach, heart rate picking up. He suppresses it. “I just believe you deserve better, Master.”
Tobirama considers him, a glint in his eye that looks akin to amusement.
“I see. I will kindly decline the offer for her hand, then,” Tobirama decides. Instantly, a weight lifts off of his shoulders.
“I support your decision, Master.”
Tobirama smiles. “Call me Tobirama, Kagami. You’ve long surpassed being my student. You and I are equals.”
Pride and bashfulness swell inside of Kagami, and he blushes rosily. “O-oh, thank you…Tobirama.”
The older man nods approvingly, and with that, they continue dinner.
After that, Tobirama courts a woman from the Aburame. She’s even weirder than the Hatake—vague and condescending. If the Hatake was a boulder, she’s a wall of steel.
One morning, while she’s visiting with Tobirama at a tea shop and Kagami is along as an unofficial chaperone, he finds a beetle in his tea.
He jumps and alerts Tobirama, who grimaces and plucks the insect from the cup with his chopsticks.
“They get out of hand sometimes,” the Aburame says in a cool, unbothered tone. “Surely as an Uchiha you wouldn’t let such a simple occurrence take you by surprise.”
Tobirama frowns at her as if he himself had been insulted. “We are in a tea shop away from battle, and you are courting me. He has no reason to look out for attacks from you. Am I to take this as a threat from the Aburame, then?”
She turns her nose up. “No. I was just testing your guard. Do not take it as a slight.”
“Kagami is my most trusted man. Do not undermine my decision to constantly entrust my very livelihood to him—he is very capable and to slight him is to slight me.”
Kagami’s heart squeezes warmly in his ribcage, and his veins feel tingly all over. Her eyebrows furrow.
“Very well. I do not believe this courtship will work out.”
“I agree. However, the Aburame are a very formidable clan and as the Hokage, I am still inclined to make a pact with it to strengthen Konoha as well as share our resources with it. If you are willing, we can still make an allyship agreement.”
“Fine by me.”
And when she leaves, Kagami turns to Tobirama, cheeks dusted pink.
“You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“I did not like the woman. She undermined you, and you’ve defended my honor for years now. I would be a lesser man if I did not return the favor.”
Kagami’s eyes shine. His pulse quickens, and as he gazes upon Tobirama’s face, taking in the moonlight-esque shine of his silver hair, the striking fire-opal embers of his eyes, matching the marks on his face, his strong, majestic bone-structure.
His blood-pressure drops.
Do I…have feelings for him?
“You are worthy of unwavering defense, Kagami.”
Did my name always sound so good in his voice?
Did his lips always look so soft? Did he always smell this good? Like pine and lavender?
He’s snapped from his musings. “O-oh, forgive me. Thank you. I will try hard to continue to be worthy.”
Tobirama gives him a smile, patting his shoulder.
His arm feels hot where the older man was touching.
The next and last courtship is Kagami’s breaking point.
A Yamanaka woman. She is absolutely inserted in Tobirama’s business to the point where she suffocates him. Clingy, fast, and overly jealous, Kagami finds himself cursing her internally whenever she’s around.
“Does he have to be around all the time?” She asks Tobirama when they’re in his living room, having evening tea, looking at Kagami with disdain.
“He is my guard, so yes,” replies Tobirama dryly. Kagami can tell from the look on his face that he has a killer migraine. A common occurrence around this insufferable woman.
“But I want to be alone with you, Tobira,” she cooes, touching his bicep and leaning into him. The obvious bedroom eyes she’s giving him has bile rising in Kagami’s throat. Tobira? What an awful nickname.
“We are merely in a courtship, so that is not necessary.”
“But I want to get to know you better,” desire drips from her tone. Kagami feels his eyes burning with the threat of Sharingan activation.
That strong emotional response is enough to confirm that he does indeed have feelings for Tobirama.
Damn it all to hell, he curses internally.
“If you are implying any sort of physical intimacy, I’m afraid that isn’t part of a courtship agreement. Such impropriety is not necessary.”
Impropriety. Sage, if he only knew my improper feelings. He’d strip me of my titles.
She huffs. “You are the most boring man I’ve ever met. Aren’t you all supposed to just want to get in bed with a woman? I’m offering myself to you, how dare you reject me?”
“I believe that intimacy is to be shared only when a deep emotional bond has been forged between both parties. We have no such bond.”
The woman scoffs, standing up. “Well you haven’t given me much to work with! The only one you seem to have let in is this infuriating Uchiha who’s attached to you at the hip! Why don’t you just fuck him?!”
Kagami’s heart jumps in his chest not unlike a Lightning-style attack, Tobirama’s frown deepening.
“Lady Yamanaka, I don’t believe our courtship will work. I regard the Yamanaka to the highest degree, and would like to align amicably regardless of our failed courtship to ensure that your clan will continue to thrive.”
She scowls. “Any further conversations will have to be discussed with my uncle.”
With that, she stands and makes quick work of leaving through the front door, slamming it behind herself.
Tobirama remains still for a moment before letting out a sigh.
“She was the worst one yet.”
Kagami nods in agreement. “How can you tolerate any more of this?”
“I won’t. I’m not cut out for this, not like my brother was. His marriage to Mito was successful in integrating the Uzumaki, but I am not him, and I will find alternative ways to induct the clans to the village.”
The Uchiha’s blood sings hopefully. “You won’t marry?”
“No. I am devoted to the village,” Tobirama states, “Besides, until you find a partner, I have you by my side. That is more than enough.”
Oh, Sage, what is he saying? Despite being in a sitting position currently, Kagami’s knees feel weak.
“I don’t plan on marrying any time soon. I’m content with this as well.”
He surprises himself with how level he sounds.
Tobirama smiles with a chuckle. “Then we’ll remain companions and that will suffice.”
Companions. The two of us.
Kagami grins and nods, insides completely melting.
Great Sage, I am doomed to love this man.
The next few months are spent with the two companions growing even closer. The Yamanaka incident somehow made them bond even more, and Tobirama has loosened up considerably around Kagami.
The Uchiha notices it when he is hard at work assigning missions on paper one morning when Tobirama pokes his arm with the end of his brush.
Kagami raises his head. “Yes?”
Tobirama grins, teeth and all. It grips Kagami by the heart tightly.
“Just felt like it.”
I could die contently right now looking at his happy face.
He just laughs and pokes the older man back with his own brush.
Tobirama’s smile grows, and merciful Sage, it’s crooked, the left side higher than the right, it’s beautiful.
“I’ve never seen you smile like that,” is what he says, and then immediately regrets it. Why would I point that out? Tobirama will be self-conscious, I’m an idiot—
“Huh,” muses the Hokage, shrugging. “I am at ease around you, Kagami. I suppose it’s quite easy to smile around you.”
Kagami feels close to death in the most blissful way possible. He could choke on the influx of endorphins that flood his system.
“I feel the same.”
It feels sort of like a quarter of a confession.
He doesn’t dare push it. He knows they can’t be together. Two men in a relationship would never be accepted, especially not in the Uchiha. He can’t afford to let himself daydream about an impossible illusion.
It’s during the trip home from the Five-Kage Summit that they are ambushed by Hidden Waterfall ninja.
Immediately they are recognized as the same village that tried to kill Hashirama, and though prowess is outmatched in the Leaf’s favor, the Waterfall outnumber them, and protecting Tobirama from an attack, Kagami is wounded deeply in the chest.
He falls to the ground and Tobirama catches him before he can hit it, cradling him on his knees.
The Uchiha coughs forcefully, blood filling his mouth. He can’t breathe.
“Kagami,” Tobirama’s voice is full of remorse, grave and desperate. “Your lung, i-it’s…”
“Forget…me…” Kagami manages, pain so great he’s almost numb. “P-protect…them…”
Tobirama looks up, watching Hiruzen use his summons to fill in for his absence in the fight. Koharu detonates three paper bombs, taking out groups of the enemy. No one is near them.
“They’re fine,” Tobirama shakes his head, looking back down at Kagami. He’s deathly pale, his crimson life force contrasting morbidly with his skin. “Oh, Kagami, I’m so sorry.”
“My job…i-is to pro-protect you,” Kagami rasps, “I’m honored to…to die fulfilling…m-my duty.”
Tobirama’s throat tightens up and he’s shocked when a droplet hits Kagami’s reddened cheek.
He’s crying.
Once he realizes, the floodgates open and he starts sobbing.
“Kagami, don’t, don’t do this to me,” He begs, “Please, you…you’re all I have.”
Kagami reaches up weakly, soft hand finding Tobirama’s face. There’s so much he wants to say, and yet he feels dizzy, far away, like he’s being pulled somewhere very distant.
“Tobirama,” is all he says instead, gently and tenderly, and he manages a sincere smile, one he musters all of his love and affection into in the hopes that the man understands what he can’t tell him. He’s a dead man—it doesn’t matter anymore.
“Kagami,” Tobirama sobs, covering his hand with his own. The Uchiha’s big, black eyes hold his, and he watches the light fade from them. “No, nonono, no, Kagami please!”
The hand in his goes limp, and those eyes hollow out like cool glass.
He’s gone.
Tobirama feels the panic set in from the back of his head, like a pin prick. It causes his vision to short-out, entire body going numb, and he suddenly has no idea where he is or what is going on.
“Master Tobirama!”
“Kagami, he’s—” he chokes. He can’t. He doesn’t know what he was trying to do but whatever it is that he was doing he simply just cannot anymore.
He blacks out.
When he comes to, he’s leaning against a tree, sitting down. Hiruzen is force-feeding him water.
He blinks rapidly, consciousness seeping back. He coughs, sputtering as he rejects the water.
“Master!” Hiruzen exclaims, pulling the flask away and patting Tobirama’s back. “Are you all right?”
It all comes rushing back. The ambush. The battle. Kagami jumping in front of him to block the attack, getting stabbed in the chest, falling, dying—
“What of Kagami?” He asks urgently, looking around. Danzo and Homura stand watch, and on the tree next to him leans Kagami, unconscious but cleaned up to the point where there’s only faint remnants of blood on his face. Above him is Koharu, working hard with the Mystical Palm technique she learned from Hashirama to heal his wound.
Tobirama lurches up, crawling over to Kagami despite Hirzuen protesting to take it easy.
“How is he? Is he breathing?” Asks the Senju.
“He’s weak but he’s stable,” she answers, “I’m trying to heal him to the point where we can return for proper treatment—Lady Mito will need to see him. His lung was punctured through and he has two fractured ribs. I had to forcefully expel the blood from his lungs, throat, and mouth so he wouldn’t suffocate.”
Tobirama’s eyes become glossy once more. “So he’s…he’s alive, then?”
“Yes, Master, he is alive. I will save him, and we will return home as a complete unit.”
Tobirama doesn’t remember a time when he felt this happy.
Kagami is alive.
He will continue by Tobirama’s side.
Tobirama will get to experience his smile, his laughter, his jokes, his warmth again. Kagami has not been taken from him, thank the great Sage.
The green glow from Koharu’s palms dissipates, and she sits back, wiping her brow.
“All right. He’s stable enough to take home.”
Tobirama gets to his feet instantly, remembering himself now that a dire situation as been avoided. “Thank you, Koharu. Well done to the rest of you as well. I trust the enemy is dealt with?”
“Yes sir,” Homura answers. “I’ve sealed one in a scroll for questioning.”
“Excellent. How far from Konoha are we?”
“Half a day’s journey?”
I should get Kagami back immediately.
“We return at once. I will use my Flying Raijin to get Kagami to treatment. I trust you all can return home safely.”
“Yes sir, you can count on us.”
Tobirama gingerly scoops Kagami in his arms, leaning his cheek against his chest. He’s light, and still warm. His chakra signature is still very present—he’s fighting to stay. His heart beats harder.
“Hiruzen, take the lead home.”
“Yes, sir.”
They move out, and as they all take off before Tobirama, he gives into his instinct and leans down, pressing a kiss to the Uchiha’s forehead.
“I won’t let you leave me, Kagami.”
He flickers out of the clearing immediately.
Kagami is out of immediate danger within a few hours under Mito’s care.
As soon as the Uchiha is left alone in his room, Tobirama enters and pulls up a chair at his bedside, letting his eyes roam upon his frame.
His shirt had been cut off, stitches applied to his skin and covered with a heavy layer of bandages. They wrap around his chest and shoulder, and he sleeps deeply, having been put under strong sedatives.
He looks so frail and gentle, and Tobirama reaches out, taking his hand in his. Much smaller in his large, calloused palm.
He feels sparks when they touch and it’s enough to break his final wall down—he drops the act with himself.
I’m in love with him, Tobirama finally admits. His shoulders slump and he sighs deeply, letting his reverent eyes stay brushing over Kagami’s frame.
He doesn’t know when it began. Maybe when Kagami let him cry and comforted him without being overbearing, maybe one of the times he made him dinner, maybe when they agreed to be companions—somehow, the young Uchiha managed to steal his rigid heart completely.
He can’t imagine his life without Kagami. He cannot even bring himself to entertain the thought. To take him is to take his very reason to breathe.
Tobirama had almost lost him for good today, and if there’s one thing he’s learned about loss, it’s that it’s better to have no regrets when facing it.
He knows things will be hard. They’re both men. They’re from historically opposing clans. He’s fourteen years Kagami’s senior, and he was his mentor for years. By all accounts, to begin a relationship with Kagami is to defy common sense and logic.
But he almost lost Kagami today without even trying.
Tobirama won’t allow that to happen again.
So, a few hours after his team had arrived and been sent home to rest, Tobirama himself not having moved from Kagami’s side, the Uchiha wakes up.
And Tobirama confesses.
“Kagami,” he murmurs, reaching out to touch his face. “How do you feel?”
“Alive,” croaks the Uchiha beneath his breathing tube. “Sore and tired. Are you all right?”
Tobirama chuckles fondly, unbelievably enamored with the man before him.
How easy it feels now that he understands just how far he’s fallen for the Uchiha.
“You were on the brink of the Pure Lands and you ask me if I’m all right?”
“I protect you. That’s my top concern.”
Just raw honesty. Tobirama’s heart is soaring.
“I am only all right because you are,” the Hokage tells him. “Kagami, I realized when I almost lost you today how important you are to me. I know it isn’t right, and it isn’t smart, but I’ve fallen for you. And I needed to tell you that before it’s too late, like it could have been today.”
The Uchiha’s eyes widen. “W-what? You…you feel the same way I do?”
Tobirama squeezes his hand. “Kagami, I am in love with you.”
A deep rosy flush colors Kagami’s cheeks, and he takes a shaky breath. “Tobirama, I…yes, I, I am in love with you.”
The dam bursts, a deluge of emotions swarming the two of them.
Tobirama stands and leans over Kagami in the next instance, wasting no time and claiming his lips for the very first time.
The relief that washes over Kagami is stronger than any medicine.
Kagami is discharged from the hospital two days later with an order for bed rest for the next week. Tobirama sets him up in his own bedroom, insisting his bed is comfier.
The first night they sleep beside each other, they have a long talk.
“This isn’t going to be easy,” Tobirama says softly, their chests to the ceiling side-by-side. “Our clans don’t get along, and we are both men. We cannot have an official courtship.”
“I understand,” Kagami replies, “It won’t be much different from how we are now. Outside of this house, we are the same as we’ve always been. Inside, however, we can show affection. We can touch, we can kiss, we can…well, whatever else we may get up to.”
Tobirama turns to him and flashes him an amused smile. “Are you already thinking along those lines?”
“Sorry,” Kagami flushes, “We don’t ever have to if you don’t want.”
The Hokage moves a hand to cover Kagami’s, lacing their fingers together. Their eyes meet.
“Did I not say that intimacy is to be shared between two people with a deep emotional bond?”
The Uchiha feels his heart beat faster. “You did say that.”
“And did we not profess our love for each other the other day?”
“We did.”
Tobirama grins, turning on his side to face Kagami. He uses his free hand to run the tips of his fingers up the inside of his arm, then down again as sensually as possible. It makes the Uchiha’s heart flutter.
“Then intimacy is definitely in our future.”
Kagami takes a slow breath, attempting to reel himself back in.
“You haven’t done much to me, but I can already tell you have far more experience than I.”
Tobirama hums. “Not sure about far more, I’m not exactly promiscuous. I’m sure we’re about even.”
The Uchiha looks down. “I’ve never been intimate before.”
There’s a slight surprise for Tobirama. “Not at all?”
“At all.”
He blinks. “Hmm. I suppose you were always by my side. It makes sense. No matter, I’ve had three lovers in total.”
Kagami raises his brows. “Three?”
“Yes. The first was once when I was seventeen, I wanted to experiment. She was a woman, and I hadn’t really thought it was special. I never saw her again. Then, the second was a man from the Hagoromo clan. We saw each other a few times, and through him I learned my preferences laid with men. My most previous was before Konoha became a village—he was Izuna.”
Kagami’s eyes widen. “Uchiha? Madara’s brother?”
“Yes. We were enemies yet sought each other out to blow off steam a few times. It was complicated.”
“You killed him, didn’t you?”
Tobirama frowns, remorse painting his features. “Yes. It was adrenaline. I have regrets about that day.”
“Did you…love him?” Kagami’s voice is gentle, without judgment.
“I’m not sure. I don’t think so. Maybe it was akin to love, but I did hurt him in the end. I would never do that to you. Never even think of it—I’d take my own life instead,” Tobirama tells him firmly. He moves closer to him, cupping his face. He holds his eyes with his own, fiery pools of auburn staring into obsidian. “One thing that is certain, is that I indisputably love you, Kagami.”
For the millionth time that day, the Uchiha’s face blooms a pretty red. “I love you too, Tobi.”
The nickname just slips out of his mouth, and it makes his cheeks hotter.
“Oh, Sage,” breathes the Senju, his thumb moving to pad over Kagami’s lower lip. His eyes flit to it. “Call me that again.”
The way he says it makes Kagami feel needed, wanted, desired. A surge of confidence hits him.
“My Tobi.”
The Hokage doesn’t hesitate a second longer to press their lips together, slipping his tongue inside of Kagami’s pliant mouth, initiating a desire-ridden make out session that lasts until Kagami needs air.
Whilst the younger man is taking in careful breaths, Tobirama rubs their noses together tenderly in a butterfly kiss, looking into his eyes.
“My dear Uchiha,” He murmurs sweetly, as if addressing a precious gem by name. Kagami’s eyelids flutter closed, reveling in the affection. “My Kagami.”
The man in question wraps his arms around Tobirama’s neck, playing with the silver hair on his nape.
As he feels Tobirama stamp a gentle kiss to his jaw, he knows with certainty that he’s absolutely gone.
Kagami is healed up a month later, and only then one night after a spar does Tobirama finally feel that he’s ready for intimacy.
They start off slow, laying on his bed beneath the covers in their night clothes. It isn’t long before their pace increases, urgency fortified, and all articles of clothing are shed and tossed to the floor in between ravenous kisses.
Kagami ends up underneath Tobirama, his legs spread as the Senju pleasures him using his mouth.
As Tobirama had expected, Kagami turns out to be rather vocal in bed. He can’t stop moaning, mewling high in his throat at every stroke of Tobirama’s tongue over a sensitive vein, gasping with each suck, eyes shut tight as he’s completely beside himself.
While he’s sucking him off, Tobirama uses a lubricant produced by one of his self-derived jutsus to open the Uchiha up, prodding his finger inside of Kagami’s tight walls until he can fit in two, and then three.
He pushes against his prostate at the same time he suckles on his tip, causing the younger man to cry out.
He feels the twitch in Kagami’s thighs and pulls away to coat his own throbbing cock with the lubricant, lining up with the younger’s entrance.
“Are you ready?” He asks, and Kagami, half delirious already, flushed, hair messy on the pillow nods.
“Yes, please…”
Just like that, Tobirama sheathes himself inside of Kagami, forever solidifying the two of them as lovers.
“Oh!” Kagami gasps, spreading his legs wider. Tobirama is big, and he can feel all of the details of his intimacy inside of him. It makes his heart pound.
“Kagami,” breathes Tobirama, suddenly in his own very specific version of the Pure Lands on Earth, and the Uchiha never wants to forget the way his name left his lover’s mouth right then.
Luckily, he doesn’t have to. Because it turns out, contrary to his expectations, Tobirama is even more vocal than he is.
But he doesn’t make indiscriminate noises.
The only thing that tumbles from his lips is Kagami’s name, in wanton abandon, a tone Kagami has never heard before but makes his core sing with heat.
“Kagami,” Tobirama groans as he picks up the pace, their skin slapping loudly, echoing around the bedroom. Kagami bites his lip, nails digging into his lover’s biceps as he allows him inside repeatedly, feeling loved to his very core.
“Kagami,” Tobirama hisses as the Uchiha clenches around him when he hits his prostate with the tip of his cock, biting his own lip, eyebrows drawing up. Again, “K-Kagami, love.”
“Ah,” is Kagami’s incoherent response, “Tobi, Master…”
Tobirama’s soul short-circuits.
Hormones rush through his body. Carnal desire takes over, and for once, he lets control go. Their hips meet in harsh smacks, the bed rocking considerably.
“Kagami,” he moans in worship, as if delivered from the evil of the world, from all pain, cleansed of sin, “Kagami…”
“Tobirama!” Exclaims Kagami. “Ah! Ah!”
The Hokage grabs Kagami’s hand and kisses his knuckles fervently, fucking into him faster, chasing their highs as the coils wind tighter and tighter.
“Love you,” insists Tobirama, in prayer, “Kagami, love you.”
“Love you,” replies Kagami in his state of delirium, hardly able to believe the amount of pleasure Tobirama is giving him right now.
His middle and ring fingers somehow end up inside of the Senju’s mouth and Tobirama greedily sucks, tongue laving over the small digits. Kagami’s eyes roll to the back of his head and that does it, cum spilling all over his stomach untouched, Tobirama’s name on his lips in rapture.
Tobirama’s hips stutter and he fills the Uchiha up with his release, marking him on the inside, showering his face with kisses. He wants to devour his beautiful lover whole. He licks up the droplets of sweat from his neck, sucks marks into his collarbones, and ravishes the air from his lungs.
He is obsessed in the best way possible.
It’s from that moment on that he and Kagami can barely keep their hands off of each other behind closed doors.
Within the next year, the two live their lives as blissful secret lovers.
Kagami takes on his first team of Genin comprised of a Senju, an Uchiha, and a Yūhi. The Senju boy is hot-blooded much like Hashirama, the Uchiha girl stubborn yet very caring, and the Yūhi girl, whom is the best friend of the Uchiha, is quiet and polite. He trains them in sensory skills first and foremost, helping the Uchiha and Yūhi in their genjutsu prowess while the Senju spars in taijutsu with him.
They all form a very close bond as a team, and whenever Tobirama has time, he watches their training with fond eyes.
He notices the softness in Kagami’s gaze whenever one of the children calls him ‘sensei’, watches him pat them on the heads tenderly after each session, observes his Uchiha lover getting them treats and spoiling them rotten.
It clicks for him when the two of them visit Hiruzen and his new wife, Biwako at their home after they welcome their first child.
The baby boy is nestled comfortably in Kagami’s arms, and it’s then and there, Tobirama taking in the sight of his lover fawning over the baby, that he understands just how good of a parent he would be.
In fact, as Biwako helps Kagami feed the baby with a bottle, he realizes Kagami should be a parent.
Biology would constitute that the two of them cannot both conceive the same child, but Tobirama is a master of inventing powerful jutsu, Kagami is his beloved, and he vows to himself to figure out a way to make it happen.
He pours over scrolls from every clan he can get ahold of that has medical prowess. The Nara, the Uzumaki, the Senju, the Uchiha, the Yamanaka even for herbs—he devotes all of his free time to the creation of this new jutsu.
Kagami is not new to how Tobirama gets when he is working on a new jutsu, so he thinks nothing of his hermit-like behavior. He simply keeps him up later into the night if he feels particularly needy.
After three months, Tobirama’s jutsu is created. He names it the Henkei Seal, as it’s a formula that when cast, seals the desired anatomy inside of the receiver until released. For the particular modification, it requires both the receiver and castor’s blood to summon the new parts. A prick on a finger of each person will do. At its core, it is a combination of summoning, medical, transformation, and sealing jutsu.
He writes it all down in a scroll and presents it to Kagami over dinner.
The Uchiha reads it over carefully, having not been told the details beforehand. Once he finishes, he rolls the paper up and sets it down wordlessly, unnerving Tobirama.
Did I read him wrong? Does he think it’s a bad idea? Maybe it’s dangerous and I overlooked—
“Tobi,” Kagami begins in a soft voice, reaching across to cover his hands with his. He wears a tender smile. “You derived an entirely new, very complex jutsu as your way of telling me that you want a baby?”
The Senju feels his cheeks flush, a rare occurrence. He nods, squeezing his lover’s hands.
Kagami grins brightly. “Oh, dear, yes, I love the idea! So one of us will have a womb sealed inside of us, yes? Can it be me? I want to mother your child!”
He glows with excitement. Tobirama is melting.
“Yes, my love, absolutely. I will father your child.”
The Uchiha clasps his own hands together and stands up, darting around the table and grabbing his lover’s wrist, dragging him to his feet.
“Come on, let’s start right away!”
Tobirama blinks in surprise, almost tripping over his feet to keep up with the overzealous Uchiha.
“R-right now? We haven’t even cleared the table!”
“Clean later, put a baby in me now!”
It shuts Tobirama right up.
The lovers wind up tangled in the sheets of their bed, devoid of clothing, Kagami shuddering in pleasure as Tobirama strokes him with one hand, writing the formula on his womb with the other.
The Senju expertly writes the necessary seal, forming a ‘T’ shape over Kagami’s abdomen where a womb is to go. In the center is a circle of his skin, and he takes Kagami’s left hand, kissing his palm after petting his brush and ink aside on the nightstand.
“I will need your blood now, love,” he says, “May I?”
Kagami nods, completely relaxed and trusting. “Do it, Tobi.”
The Senju presses a peck to the pad of Kagami’s thumb before biting down with his canine, drawing blood. The Uchiha just breathes out a little more forcefully, letting his lover dot the liquid into the center of the circle.
He then takes his free hand against the younger’s and a green glow emanates from it, healing Kagami’s cut with ease.
“When did you learn medical ninjutsu?” Asks Kagami, surprised.
“After I almost lost you,” replies Tobirama. “So that I may tend to you right away if anything goes wrong in the future.”
The Uchiha’s heart seizes up warmly. “Sage, Tobi, I really love you.”
The Senju smiles. “I feel the same for you.”
He then bites his own thumb, placing his own droplet in the circle with Kagami’s.
Kagami grabs his hand and suckles his finger into his mouth, cleaning away the extra blood.
“All right, my love, I will complete the jutsu now. It will feel very warm for a moment, ticklish even, while the womb binds to your cells.”
The Uchiha nods, letting his finger go.
“Do as you will, Tobi. You know I trust you.”
Tobirama focuses his chakra, forming signs and pressing his palms to Kagami’s abdomen, and concentrating deeply.
“Henkei Seal.”
His hands glow green, activating the seal. Kagami draws in a slow breath, heat coming from his lower belly. He then feels it grow, a strange bubbling sensation beneath his flesh, little muscle tugs and tiny pinches as his lover casts the seal.
Kagami smiles at Tobirama as he works, feeling the area cooling as the jutsu completes.
Tobirama releases his hands and looks upon Kagami’s abdomen, looking slightly fuller than before, the mark intact on his skin sans the blood they had used.
“There,” he says, “it’s cast. You have a womb now, Kagami.”
The Uchiha beams. “My lover is the smartest man alive.”
Tobirama just leans over him, kissing his lips passionately.
It isn’t long before, to their discovery, Kagami is producing his own lubricant, and it makes the following intercourse smoother and more intense for the Uchiha.
“I-it’s like I can feel every ridge of you,” Kagami pants, “Everywhere you’re touching—mmh—feels so good, Tobi…”
Tobirama dutifully fucks him harder, wanting Kagami to feel as amazing as possible.
When the Uchiha starts quivering around his member, Tobirama loses composure and starts moaning his name excessively, grabbing Kagami’s thighs, pushing them back, and driving in deeper. Like this, he prods at the beginning of his new womb, and it drives Kagami crazy.
The Uchiha reaches orgasm first, throbbing around Tobirama, who instantly releases his seed into his wet heat, more aroused than he thinks he’s ever been.
They end up going two more rounds, and the dinner they abandoned is cleared up the next morning.
Three months of constant coupling is what it takes to get Kagami pregnant. They christen every space in the house, even the Hokage’s office once late at night.
Kagami shows symptoms and after a visit to Mito, who is the first person they trust with the information of their plan, he is confirmed to be with child.
Tobirama instantly feels the need to keep Kagami far away from any potential threat.
He gives Kagami administrative work only, helping to cook meals, making sure he’s comfortable as he can be.
When Kagami starts to show, they make the decision to reveal their truth to their clans.
The Uchiha and Senju elders are upset, but Mito as Hashirama’s widow is able to soften the blow considerably. She argues that their main opposition for their relationship stems from the usual infertility of a male and male pair, and since that obstacle has been overcome and their coupling is fruitful, there is no reason to oppose it.
The younger generation is supportive of it. They praise the pregnancy, for in their minds it’s proof of the strong alliance between the Uchiha and Senju, and even claim that the child born from the blood of such formidable families will have exceptional prowess.
As such, the baby is accepted, and the news of their relationship spreads throughout the village quickly. Soon, everyone knows that Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage, is having a child with Kagami Uchiha, one of the strongest members of the clan alive.
Of course, it will put a target on Kagami’s back. So Tobirama triples security, and creates a faction higher than Jounin specializing in black ops and espionage designated the ANBU. He assigns his most talented ANBU to guard Kagami with their lives, having him watched twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Of course, he doesn’t leave Kagami’s side often since the Uchiha is his assistant, but Tobirama is thorough and never takes chances.
The clan elders insist that a formal marriage takes place between Tobirama and Kagami, and for once, Tobirama agrees. He would love nothing more than to marry the love of his life.
So, they hold a ceremony when Kagami is just under three months along. The Uchiha is easily the most beautiful person Tobirama has ever seen in his life as they join together as official spouses, and he is made the happiest man alive.
When Kagami is five months pregnant, the first attack to start the Shinobi World War is waged by Kumo trying to forcefully take resources from Konoha.
To protect Konoha, Tobirama sets out with his platoon to fight, leaving Kagami in Konoha alone.
He is gone for two months on the front lines, and when that first battle is won, returns home to a seven months pregnant Kagami. Their embrace lasts all night long.
“I never want to be separated from you again,” Kagami tells him after they’ve made love in attempt to make up for lost time. “If I lose you I lose my world.”
Tobirama cups his husband’s face, slightly fuller and glowing with the pregnancy.
“I am sorry to be the cause of your strife,” Tobirama murmurs gently. He admires the beauty of the Uchiha. “But my love, I am not your entire world. I share that honor with our precious child. So if anything ever happens to me, you must live for them.”
Kagami frowns deeply, his eyes filling with tears. He doesn’t remember ever being this emotional but he’s been away from battle for so long now and the hormones are making him sensitive. He can’t bear the thought of Tobirama dying. It’s unthinkable.
Seeing that his words have caused Kagami’s upset, Tobirama changes the subject.
“I won’t speak of it. I’m here now, I’m home and safe with you. Do not fret, my beloved.”
He places his hand on Kagami’s bulging belly, leaning forward to give him a butterfly kiss.
“I am here. I will not leave again without you. How is that?”
The Uchiha finally relents and nods, touching Tobirama’s face.
“We’re inseparable. Like magnets. You move, I move. Do you hear me?”
“I hear you, Kagami.”
His husband kisses him deeply then, ending the conversation.
Kagami goes into labor two months later. There are smaller conflicts going on while the war rages, but Tobirama is present and they welcome their son into the world, the baby born with Kagami’s dark, unruly hair and Tobirama’s sharp, vermillion eyes.
Joyous tears in his eyes, Kagami cradles their new baby in his arms as Tobirama undoes the jutsu on his belly. They name their son Kiseki, as he is their miracle undoubtedly, and the Second Hokage is filled with pride.
The following day, Kagami and Tobirama get visitors. Hiruzen and Biwako visit first, followed by Danzo, Homura, Koharu, and the member that has filled in for Kagami’s absence, Torifu. Once all of the visiting is over, he is allowed to return home with Tobirama and Kiseki.
Luckily, the war is far from Konoha and it is leaning in their favor, so the first four months of Kiseki’s life are full of happiness.
Tobirama gets to live a dream he never knew he would have; to father the child of the love of his life and raise that baby together everyday, waking early, feeding Kiseki, changing diapers, washing clothes, making sure Kagami gets his rest and taking night duty when their child wakes up hungry.
Kagami sings to Kiseki when it’s nap or bedtime, much to Tobirama’s enchantment. He sits beside his husband and leans on his shoulder, watching their baby sleep, beyond overjoyed that Kiseki inherited Kagami’s beautiful, droopy eye shape.
The dream unfortunately descends when they recieve word that the Kinkaku and Ginkaku unit of the Cloud is planning an assault on Konoha to kill the Hokage, having already torn through the Leaf army that had been defending the village. Tobirama’s team elected to retreat to get the information to him as soon as possible and regroup.
Having heard of their fearsome abilities, Tobirama resolves to fight once more on the front lines in order to protect the village and people he loves.
Telling Kagami this entraps Tobirama in simmering anguish.
His husband stares at him from beside his desk at the Hokage’s office, Kiseki napping in the bassinet they’d placed in the room so that they’d never be separated.
Anxiety and a deep dread crawls up his throat, eyes burning as his Sharingan threaten to activate. He knows exactly what this means.
The beautiful moments they’ve been sharing with their new son are about to come to an end—maybe only temporarily, or if things go awry…forever.
“Tobirama,” his voice is grave and the Second Hokage laments hearing its contours in anything but happiness.
He wants to tell him to stay, but that isn’t an option. Tobirama is the Hokage, and it’s his duty to protect the village. Everyone else has already been fighting, even Hiruzen, who has a son and another on the way with Biwako. They are both shinobi, and that must come first, even before personal affairs. They understood this when they began as ninja. Falling in love was not part of the plan, and they have no choice but to work around it.
Even still, his heart stings as he looks at the man he loves, his husband and father of his child. He doesn’t want him to go to war—their previous separation almost finished him. They can’t be apart.
“I’m going with you,” Kagami states, “I won’t allow you to separate from me.”
Tobirama’s face is grim. “You are to stay here.”
The Uchiha’s eyes widen. “What? No, Tobirama, I won’t. We fight together.”
“I need you away from conflict, safe with Kiseki.”
Kagami grits his teeth. “I can protect you, Tobi.”
Tobirama stands up abruptly, slamming his palms down on his desk.
“By doing what, jumping in front of me again and getting yourself killed? What good will that do anyone?! You are staying here and that is final.”
At the bang and his raised voice, Kiseki wakes and begins to cry. Kagami glares at his husband.
“I wish I’d known that having your child would cause you to lose all faith in my capabilities as a shinobi,” Kagami states icily, his eyes now red with his ocular prowess. “I am one of the most talented Uchiha there is, and yet you reduce me to a meak childrearing housewife.”
Tobirama scowls. “This has nothing to do with your abilities, I know you are exceptional, but don’t you have any idea what I went through when I had to watch you almost die? Hell on Earth, Kagami. I will not allow you to be hurt again!”
“It’s the same for me, Tobi! I-if you died, I,” Kagami cuts himself off, words catching in his throat. He can’t fathom it. He won’t. And he knows he’s being mostly irrational, but he and Tobirama are a team. They fight together.
Kiseki continues to cry, as if sensing his parents in distress.
The Uchiha moves to their son, picking him up out of the bassinet and starting to comfort him, ignoring the tears running down his cheeks. Tobirama watches them for a moment, his anger starting to fade, replaced by a deep distress.
Of course he doesn’t want to leave his family. He doesn’t want to make Kagami cry, but having him out of harm’s way will make him feel much better.
“When you came back before Kiseki’s birth,” Kagami begins in a resigned voice, grabbing his attention. The baby is now settled again in his arms, and the Sharingan has dissipated. “You told me that you wouldn’t leave without me again. We’re like magnets. You can try all you want to separate us, but if you move, I will move as well.”
Tobirama’s heart constricts. He did say that. They poured their hearts out to each other that night.
He realizes now that he’s been selfish. Leaving Kagami here will calm his own heart, but will torment Kagami’s. He can’t do that to him.
Standing up and making his way over to his husband, he wraps his arms around Kagami’s waist and draws him in, their son gently sandwiched between them.
“You’re right,” he concedes softly. “I’m sorry. I always have the final say except for when it comes to you, and as the mother of my child, that’s the way it should be. I don’t want to exert control over you, and I trust you implicitly, so Kagami, come with me if that is what is truly in your best interest.”
The Uchiha smiles gratefully at his husband. “Thank you, Tobi. Together we will fight and return. We are stronger as a team.”
Due to the urgency of the matter, they resolve to move out the next morning with Tobirama’s escort team.
That night, Kagami lays in bed in just his night pants, Kiseki nestled on his bare chest. Tobirama lays beside him, an arm tracing invisible patterns over his bare skin, bare except for his own sleep trousers.
Kiseki fusses to get more comfortable, and Kagami helps him adjust, the baby turning to face Tobirama. He opens his eyes and looks up at his father, who smiles tenderly.
He then looks up at Kagami, who has activated his Sharingan.
“I want to remember this,” Kagami explains softly, “Every last detail—my sweet little son, and my gorgeous, alluring husband, here with me.”
Tobirama’s mouth turns up at the corners. “Alluring?”
Kagami chuckles fondly, reaching out with his free hand and placing it on Tobirama’s muscular pec.
“You know I find you to be immensely attractive, Tobi. We wouldn’t have made this little one if I didn’t.”
The Senju grins, leaning in and nuzzling a butterfly kiss into Kagami’s nose, who reciprocates instinctively. His heart flutters—somehow this simple gesture is even more intimate than the lustful make out sessions they engage in.
“My love for you is boundless, my dear Kagami. There is no one I respect and cherish more than you,” he strokes over their son’s cheek gingerly with his knuckle. “And this precious boy is living proof of just that.”
Kagami stamps a kiss on Tobirama’s nose, which to his delight, has been passed down to their son.
“My feelings for you are the exact same,” Kagami replies. “This moment right now is my greatest dream, come true.”
Tobirama smiles. “Then I have done well.”
The rest of the night is spent quietly and peacefully.
Saying goodbye to Kiseki is the hardest thing that Tobirama has done since losing Hashirama.
The Second Hokage cradles his infant son in his arms for as long as he can, bestowing upon him his special butterfly kiss reserved for the ones he loves most. Kiseki giggles gleefully, touching his father’s face with his tiny hands.
Identical fire opals meet, and Tobirama’s heart feels like it’s filled with rocks.
“I am eternally, unconditionally proud of you, my son,” He murmurs, “Take great care of your mother, for he is precious to me as you are.”
He kisses the baby’s forehead before handing him off to Mito, who looks upon he and Kagami worriedly.
“Please, be careful,” she says, “Return safely.”
“Thank you for caring for our son while we are away,” Tobirama replies. “And for everything.”
She nods, and with that, he and Kagami take their leave to join the rest of the escort team.
They’d gotten separated.
Explosions rain down on them in the forest, discombobulating their formation.
Kagami uses his Sharingan to navigate himself and Torifu to their emergency rendezvous point, and soon they are joined by Danzo and Hiruzen.
“You’re alive!” Exclaims Hiruzen.
“Yeah, by some miracle,” is Torifu’s response.
He can feel Tobirama’s chakra signature up ahead, but worrisome is the number of enemy signatures he can sense closing in on them. They are greatly outnumbered. His heart begins to sink in anxiety.
“There are way too many of them. What now, Hiruzen?” The Sarutobi was always the quickest thinker besides Tobirama. Maybe he can come up with something and get them all out of there alive.
“All right then. Let’s go meet up with the Second Hokage,” comes his friend’s response.
Kagami swallows hard. He knows what that means—he’s at a loss. He’s deferring to Tobirama.
Not good at all.
When they approach the meeting point, he is relieved to see not only his husband, but Koharu and Homura as well. Everyone is all right.
Tobirama sees him and allows himself to relax the slightest bit—Kagami is safe. Good.
“Everyone, gather around,” Tobirama orders. “We have no time to waste.”
They all surround him, kneeling and focusing their chakra to keep their presence muted.
Kagami watches Tobirama close his eyes, placing two fingers against the grass to read the enemy’s signatures and pinpoint their locations. He tries his best to calm down—all is not lost yet. There has to be a way out of this. Tobirama can think of something, can’t he?
“We’ve been surrounded,” He relays, “There are…twenty enemies. From their tracking abilities, I’d say they’re Cloud ninja. The highly skilled Kinkaku unit.”
So it is as Kagami feared. Not a mere outer platoon from Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s forces, but the very unit that poses the highest threat.
Everyone here is powerful but against two ninja with Nine Tails’ chakra, and their special unit, they don’t stand a chance. Plus, much of their chakra is spent already.
Sage. They are completely outmatched.
“We’re only seven, including you, Lord Second. We’re outnumbered,” Homura states. Dread begins to fill Kagami’s core.
“Homura, stop being such a coward!” Comes Koharu’s fiery response. “All right, the enemy has not yet pinpointed our exact location. So we should wait and ambush them, then break through to escape.”
Escape to where? The village? Being chased by a specialized tracking unit with tailed beast chakra, hell-bent on attacking the Leaf?
It would be leading them right to their objective. It would result in the destruction of Konoha, where everyone they hold dear lives.
Where Kiseki, innocent and defenseless, waits.
That isn’t feasible.
Kagami gets a sick feeling in his stomach that gives him hot goosebumps, nausea prickling at his throat. He knows what has to happen.
He just hopes that Tobirama will forgive him.
“No, that’s not gonna work,” He speaks up. “The only way it would is if one of us draws their attention and misdirects them.”
Away from the Leaf, away from Kiseki.
“They’ll act as a lure,” Torifu catches on. His face is grim. “It means certain death…so who?”
Tobirama is the Second Hokage. He must live on.
Kagami is just an Uchiha, a shinobi willing to die for the greater good. Their son will have Tobirama to grow up with, so he’ll be in great hands.
He will sacrifice his life for his two beloveds.
He meets his husband’s eyes, the Senju already knowing exactly what he’s thinking. Tobirama gives him a sharp, warning, vehemently opposing glare.
Don’t you dare speak a word, his eyes say, freezing Kagami in his spot.
“I’ll go do it.”
Kagami’s eyes flit to Hiruzen, who has an intense, unbreakable determination in his eyes.
He’s prepared to die.
But what about Biwako and their children? Hiruzen has so much promise, he could even surpass Tobi.
It can’t be him.
I need to speak up!
“Hiruzen, you sure?”
The damned fool smiles.
“Heh, don’t worry about me. I don’t mean to brag, but I know I have the best chance out of all of you to pull this off. I’m not gonna die.”
Kagami can hear Biwako right now.
Hiruzen, you idiot, you know you’ll die! Stop acting like a hero!
Beside him, Danzo leans forward and grits his teeth, looking disconcerted.
Hiruzen places a hand on his shoulder. “You look after the others, Danzo, okay? I trust—”
“Shut up! I was going to volunteer, you know!” Danzo bats his hand away. “Don’t try to steal the limelight. I’ll be the lure, not you!”
Hiruzen’s face falls into genuine confusion. “Danzo, I…”
Kagami sees Tobirama’s jaw set, his back straightening. He looks like that when he’s reached a decision.
Oh no.
“My father and grandfather died in battle as a shinobi. Self-sacrifice is a shinobi’s duty!” Danzo prattles on. Kagami can feel his world shifting, Tobirama’s eyes meeting his again. His husband’s gaze is resolute, firm, and apologetic.
Kagami shakes his head. No, don’t do it, Tobirama.
You can’t.
Tobirama’s eyebrows draw in as if to say you know there isn’t another way.
I’m sorry, my love.
He wishes the ground would buckle and swallow him up whole.
Tobirama is right. They’re backed into a corner and it’s the only way. It’s what makes sense.
Fate is not on their side.
“I will go out and play the lure, of course,” Tobirama finally voices, and Kagami thinks that his stab to the lung was far less painful.
My husband is choosing to die today.
This time tomorrow he will be nothing but memories and legacies.
“You’re the ones who will carry the Will of Fire, who will defend our village in the future,” he continues.
They are all young, they will be needed. There’s no telling what will befall the Leaf in the years to come.
Damn him for being right. Curse this fate. Curse this world.
“But you can’t! I mean, you’re the Hokage! There is no greater shinobi in our village!” Danzo doesn’t understand Tobirama’s line of thinking. If only it was that simple.
“Danzo, you are always vying with Saru over one thing or another,” Tobirama’s face is stern. Kagami recalls conversations they had about his friends, who always seemed to be in some sort of competition with one another. Tobirama has always worried about Danzo’s intentions and whether or not they aligned perfectly with the ideologies of the Leaf. “But what’s necessary here is for you to work together as comrades. Don’t make this a personal fight.”
Kagami swallows the lump in his throat. Even now, Tobirama is taking the time to attempt to steer Danzo back onto the right course.
“The fact is, you took too long to reach a decision. First you must take a hard look at yourself and come to understand who you are objectively. Or else, at this rate, you’ll place all your comrades in danger.”
Tobirama has always wanted to say these words to Danzo, but hoped he’d realize on his own. Kagami now sees that he’s taking this chance to make it known before…
“In any case, Danzo and Saru, you need not be so eager at your young age.”
Kagami’s heart stings. Tobirama has always placed the welfare of children and young ones at the forefront of his priorities, having grown up around so much early death, and having lost two brothers entirely too young.
He’s full of integrity and it makes Kagami love him irrevocably.
“Your day will come eventually, and until it does, you should endeavor to stay alive,” he continues, voice becoming soft. He cares so deeply for all of them, Kagami hears it in each syllable.
Tobirama stands up, and Kagami feels tears start stinging at his eyes.
“Saru,” he addresses. “Love and treasure the village, and protect all those who believe in you. And nurture those ninja to whom you can entrust the next generation. Starting tomorrow, you’re Hokage.”
Kagami puts a hand on his knee to steady himself.
He’s named his successor. Kagami knows he could never do it himself, he’s more suited to the assistant role, and he has Kiseki which he knows Tobirama needs him to be available for. Hiruzen is the best choice.
“Saru, take care of the Leaf!” It’s a command, an entrustment, and a conclusion.
Tobirama’s reign ends here.
“Yes, sir!”
Kagami can barely think straight.
“They’re closing in,” Tobirama snaps him out of his stupor. His throat is closing, bile is rising, he wants to wither away before he has to live through this.
“Tobirama,” He says, standing up and grabbing his husband’s hand. The rest of the team turn and walk to the edge of the treeline to give them space. Hiruzen gazes upon them forlornly before turning away—he knows truly what this will do to their family. He feels their pain.
“My love,” Tobirama murmurs, cupping Kagami’s eyes and gazing into his glowing crimson eyes. “I cannot tell you how sorry I am that it has come to this.”
Kagami sniffles, sobs threatening to break through. He does his best to hold them back.
“I know there’s no choice,” He manages weakly. “I know why you’re doing this. It doesn’t make it a-any less un-unbearable…”
He breaks off and starts to cry freely.
“I know you will take care of Kiseki, and the village,” Tobirama says, brushing his hair away from his face. Kagami furiously blinks the tears away to see him better, clinging to his finite presence. “I have lived a very fulfilling life, and the best part of that is having had the honor of being your husband, and father of your child.”
Kagami trembles uncontrollably. His eyes feel hot. His head pounds, he feels dizzy and defeated, angry, crushed, undermined by fate.
“Thank you for blessing my life with your love,” Tobirama tells him gently, cupping his face. “You have made me the happiest man to have lived. May we meet again in a kinder time, where we can grow old and die together.”
“Tobi,” Kagami croaks miserably, surging forward and kissing his husband for the last time. He begs every cell in his body to commit the Tobirama to memory, his taste, his smell, his touch, sight, and voice. A splitting pain sears through the front of his head, and he pulls back, thick tears spilling over his cheeks as he grunts in agony.
Tobirama’s palms hold his face. “Oh, Kagami…”
Kagami looks up at him, eyes throbbing painfully. Six equally-distanced points stare into the Senju’s eyes, pattern not unlike a lotus, and immediately Tobirama understands what they are.
“Mangekyō,” he breathes, brushing the crimson liquid from Kagami’s tear-ducts. “I’m sorry, my love.”
“Lord Second, I’m sorry, but you must leave!” Calls Koharu.
“Yes, I know,” Tobirama nods, leaning down to give his last butterfly kiss to Kagami, rubbing their noses together. “I love you. Always.”
Kagami can’t speak. The words won’t come out.
Thank you for loving me. For taking care of me. For making the impossible possible, for giving me a son, for becoming my husband. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I love you.
He falls to his knees instead, and Tobirama squeezes his eyes shut, gritting his teeth before he flickers away.
“Tobi,” Kagami rasps, clutching his chest. He feels his husband’s presence appear far north, and soon the Kinkaku unit moves to follow.
No one remains chasing after them. Tobirama has saved them successfully.
He feels Hiruzen’s hands on his shoulders.
“Kagami,” his voice is full of patient empathy. He just lost his sensei, after all. Everyone here is hurting. Everyone in the village will hurt.
Kagami touches his ring, pressing it to his lips to stifle his sobs.
He feels for Tobirama’s signature, feeling it flare. He’s fighting.
“We must use this opening to escape,” Hiruzen tells him remorsefully. “We can’t linger.”
Tobirama’s chakra swells, and swells, and—
It cuts out.
He can no longer feel his husband’s life force.
He’s gone.
He doubles over, starting to hyperventilate. His stomach flips.
Tobirama’s smile flashes in his mind, a vision of his husband kissing their baby’s forehead.
Never again.
Kiseki will grow up without ever knowing his father.
The Kinkaku unit retreats further north, away from the Land of Fire. Their objective to assassinate the Second Hokage is a success.
Kagami vomits.
Before he moves out with his unit to fight on the frontlines in the Hidden Rain, Kagami cradles his infant grandson in his arms.
Shisui looks just like Kiseki when he was a baby, save for the big, onyx Uchiha eyes that gleam up at him, belonging to the boy’s mother.
He looks just like you, my love, is what a fifty-seven year old Tobirama would say if he were present. Now forty-three, Kagami has long outlived his late husband, but misses him every single day.
He’s done his part to raise their precious Kiseki into a fine man and shinobi. The boy grew up inheriting his parents’ fierce Will of Fire, his father’s sensory abilities and mother’s Sharingan prowess. He has a bit of a serious personality like his father, yet is still more light-hearted than his best friend, Fugaku, who Kagami swears reminds him of Tobirama, full of duty and responsibility. No doubt, that young man will become the next clan head.
“Be careful,” Kiseki frowns worriedly, the expression entirely Tobirama’s. “I love you, mother.”
Kagami touches his son’s face. “I love you too, my son. You are the pride and joy of your father and I. Instill our Will of Fire into this sweet child.”
He hands baby Shisui back to his son, who nods dutifully.
“Yes, sir.”
With that, Kagami leaves Konoha.
In the midst of battle, to tide the victory over to their side, Kagami sacrifices himself and takes the enemy unit down with him.
When he wakes, he feels no more pain, no heaviness, and no mortal coil slowly perishing around himself as he had been subconsciously aware of his entire life. He is safe and completely secure.
That voice.
Kagami turns around, eyes landing upon the sorely missed frame of his beautiful husband.
“I’ve waited patiently for you to join me,” the Senju smiles brightly, closing the distance and holding his waist. “You’ve done so well. I’ve watched over you right alongside Hashirama, and our brothers, Itama and Kawarama. Come, I will introduce you to them.”
The Pure Lands. Utmost serenity and love surrounds them.
Kagami has returned home.
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myths-tournaments · 8 months
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 2 (3/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
In the novel, he made a guy fuck an octopus. Yes. A literal octopus. He also tortured people with his great “pal” by first doing stuff like burning their bodies and then freezing them to see their faces. Also he just, plastered in bodies. He also helped with a child trafficking ring that was one of the main sources that caused little orphaned girls to become little sisters. Bro took be gay and do crime but didn’t so silly things like, rob a bank, become a mafia member. His crimes would made it so they would’ve invented a new form a punishment for him. Believe it or not, the only reason he was never punished was because he was in a city underwater the whole time. Why do I like this horrid man? I don’t know. I just do. Maybe because he has one of the best stages in bioshock.
He is a super cool and skilled fighter. I love his relationship with Haku (platonically in canon, nothing else is stated at least, Haku is like 15 years old and Zabuza is 26 y.o., fandom can be quite nasty about the Zabuza & Haku topic, no matter what one says or what ones head-canons are) He has a badass big giant sword. He has a cool design and outfits. I like that his mask is basically just bandages, and sometimes he wears cow pattern! A grown-up man who unironically wears visible cow patterns! Gotta love it! His techniques are also pretty cool. He uses water elements. I love water! He can conjure up fog and envelop the wider area around him in thick mist. He has also water attacks like water dragon bullets or waterfalls. He can conjure clones of himself from water and make prisons of water were he can keep enemies. Zabuza's academy were he trained to be a ninja made death matches to determine capable fighters. After killing hundreds of fellow students, he was, yes, the most capable fighter (after that they stopped this practice). He became known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist (Hidden Mist is the name of his village). He was against the government of his village and wanted to fight against it, unfortunately he was betrayed by his fellow fighters D: He had to flee from the village, during which he met a boy, Haku, who became parentless because of the turmoil. At first Zabuza did not want to have anything to do with him, but Haku somehow stuck to him. He then trained the boy to become a mercenary like him. After all these events, Zabuza's life spiralled downhill and he lost the focus and his big dreams. In the end, the boy Zabuza had half-raised was not only a weapon for him, but the person closest and most important to him and Zabuza was allowed to die next to him (Haku died before Zabuza to protect Zabuza).
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queennai714 · 10 months
Random hcs I have because I may be cringe but I'm free part 26 (Ninjago, again)
My Ninja singing hcs cuz I love music and singing and I think the sillies would too.
When it comes to Cole, there are only two ways the hc can go, either you think he's terrible, like in the oni trilogy, or he's a wonderful singer with a beautiful natural voice and the technique to match, who just doesn't know what to do with that stupid Gloworm song (I mean COME ON, he went to the Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts ffs). I choose to believe in the latter. Whatever you choose he is still vastly better at dancing than singing.
Kai actually has a pretty great (and fittingly, very powerful) voice and he could be amazing if he ever decided to take actual lessons, but he couldn't care less. What he's interested in, and therefore weirdly good at, is distortion. Growls, vocal fry, screams, even just regular old belting, anything that would push anybody else's voice to its limits, he can do it all and does so willingly and extremely well. (Cole is lowkey jealous)
Jay can SING omg (when he's actually trying anyway). Jay's the kind of guy who has a wonderful (and surprisingly powerful) natural voice without any kind of lessons or training but if he isn't focusing on/into the song or doesn't really care abt how he sounds then it just sounds like talking/shouting. But when he's alone, or listening to smth he really likes, or deliberately trying to impress, bro sounds ANGELIC (Cole and Kai are BOTH jealous of this one(and this one kinda feeds into my Japanese Jay hc but my brain decided that when he's doing more hardcore stuff, he sounds like mafumafu))
Once again, this one was hard because Zane only ever sings with the help of some kind of nindroid shenanigans, so I dont have a lot to go off of but I'm happy with what I came up with so 🤷‍♀️. Anyway, Zane's normal speaking voice is really clear and smooth and slightly accented and wonderful and he has perfect understanding of music theory and all the technical aspects of making a voice sound pleasant and musical, and he sounds really good when he hums, and he's got the technique DOWN, but his voice just always sounds weird somehow, so whenever he wants to sing along to smth and sound a certain way while doing it, he'll just replace his own voice with the original vocalists or another generated voice that he thinks sounds good. He still has an absolute blast though.
It is a rare and I mean RARE occurrence to hear Lloyd sing and 99% of the time someone does manage to pick up his voice, he sounds slightly below average, even if he's actually putting in some effort for once. But that ultra rare 1%, when someone manages to overhear him late at night, almost silently raiding the cupboards for candy as he quietly sings the softest, sweetest, and most comforting melodies to ever be given lyrics, then he sounds pretty wonderful. Don't let that fool you though, it's his comfort zone for a reason.
Like her brother, Nya has a pretty awesome natural voice, but, also like her brother, she doesn't really care for "normal" singing. She tends to lean more towards rapping, usually resulting in her unconsciously putting more energy into rap segments than the rest of the song, and the rest of the team. However, she absolutely ADORES hearing the others sing, especially Jay "What? He just has a nice voice. It has absolutely nothing to do with our relationship, no way". Its like she can sense whenever Cole and Jay are having another random duet and she always manages to "coincidentally" appear before the song ends.
Pixal was originally programmed by Cyrus Borg to have a lovely, gentle, mother-like singing voice, and she definitely appreciates it (its surprisingly come in handy on quite a few missions) but she finds it just a little too different from her normal speaking voice for her to get totally into it. She usually prefers to stay away from vocals anyway, finding that she has more fun tapping her fingers or toes or even just making percussive mouth sounds to the rhythm of whatever's playing (and these days, she's kinda hesitant to even do that, ever since Zane accidentally let it slip that he thinks its "positively adorable")
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wispforever · 2 years
📂 for haku if you'd like?
Haku still has lingering triggers associated with the trauma around his family. At times, he will flinch away when zabuza reaches for something, or become afraid when he and zabuza visit a village with many people. Zabuza looks for ways to mitigate haku's anxiety without drawing attention to it
when haku finds out he's a boy, he tries to validate his gender by conforming to traditionally masculine fashion. when he finds that he doesn't like it, he wonders if he's really trans or if he is "trans enough". Zabuza, having dealt with his own gender journey, helps haku learn that gnc trans men are just as valid as gc trans men
Haku understands how lonely zabuza feels being alienated by his village and fellow rogue ninjas, even though zabuza tries to hide it - so whenever they encounter someone zabuza has known in the past or when they're just around other adults for whatever reason, haku tries to subtly encourage zabuza to make friends/have fun
before zabuza caved and taught haku how to fight nonlethal battles/gave him needles as weapons, they spent time trying to get haku to master swordsmanship techniques and use his kekkei genkai offensively. at first, zabuza forced him to manifest ice spikes and such (the same moves haku used to kill his father and escape from the mob), unknowingly giving haku flashbacks. Zabuza stopped pushing and started looking for an alternative after haku had a breakdown following a sparring match in which zabuza sustained a minor injury from his kekkei genkai
related to the above hc^ it was not haku's idea to use nonlethal weapons. he would've endured a thousand retraumatizing fights if it meant it would please zabuza. Zabuza is the one who established new expectations and changed the training he and haku were doing together in order to minimize haku's pain and suffering
haku teases zabuza about stupid shit he does like how he's 30 but acts like an old ass man, his fashion sense, the tough guy act, etc. I also hc that zabuza gets crushes really easily cuz he's lonely and affection-starved, so every fucking person he has any semblance of an engaging interaction with, he's liable to develop feelings for. after the first kakashi fight, zabuza's ass is in a sling, he just laying there, quiet for hours, then is just like i can't believe the copy ninja knows who i am and HAKU LOSES HIS SHIT. rip zabuza bullied until the end of time by 15 year old son
one time when kisame came to visit zabuza and haku, he brought itachi with him. Haku noticed itachi's sharingan, and he was really quietly thrilled because he'd never met another person with a kekkei genkai. Haku hesitantly asks him about it (bc itachi is a stranger and he doesn't want to be intrusive), and itachi politely indulges him (bc he's a big soft pushover bitch for kids). they get to have a nice conversation about the discrimination against folks with kekkei genkai in the shinobi world, and haku feels a little better about himself being reminded he isn't alone in his trauma
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dangooverflowers · 11 months
How's the first impression you've got from :
Izumo and kutetsu
And how's your relationship with each now
Love uu <3
“What’s this!? A love confession!? You shouldn’t have.”
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“Guy’s got the heart of a golden-retriever. Always has. When we were kids, even I thought his high-energy was overkill, though. Can’t really blame a kid for being enthusiastic, but there’s more to life than constantly training. Don’t know how Kakashi deals with it sometimes, but I guess it helps to know that everything Guy does comes from a good-natured and well-meaning place. Once you get past his gung-ho lifestyle, he’s a lot of fun to be around, and some of his enthusiasm is pretty contagious.”
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“At first, Kakashi has this air of mystique around him that drives people wild, even more-so when you’re a teenage girl. He was kind of a kill-joy back in the day. So much so, that he came off as jerky at times, like he was too good to spend time with the less-gifted children. As you can imagine, I took great offense to this, being the student of a Sannin and all. Life has a way of making you or breaking you, and he’s definitely lightened-up since then. Maybe a lot, when I think about how he reads Master Jiraiya’s smut in the open like it’s the daily news. Outside of that little quirk, Kakashi’s cool. Oh yeah, and before you ask, I have tried sneaking a peak beneath that mask a few times, but he’s always managed to outfox me.”
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“Genma is one of those guys that I knew-of growing up but didn’t get to know until we were working on the Chuunin Exams together. He’s got a great sense of humor. Spiced up the paperwork we had to do, anyway. He’s a solid guy, even in spite of that oral fixation of his. I’d work with him again and again.”
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“The first time I met Yamato, I thought he had the dullest personality imaginable, even more than Ibiki. It wasn’t until I learned more about his. . .past that I decided that I’d be more patient with him. He’s come out of his shell in some ways. Word on the street is that he can be incredibly intimidating, but I’ll believe that when I see it. Maybe once the dust clears and we get the Village on the right track, I can sit down and get to know him better, but he likes to stay busy.”
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“Shizune’s older than me and has always acted like it. I exasperated her when we were younger, so much so that she’d try to scold me. I think she figured that since we were both students of highly-respected ninja then we ought to behave as such, but there was way too much fun to be had in learning techniques and showing them off, as far as I was concerned. I wanted people know who my teacher was and what he was showing me, even if that meant terrorizing the community with the snakes. Hahaha! After Orochimaru left the Village, Shizune tried to help me readjust. She visited me when I was being kept under strict surveillance. She even snuck in dango to me when she knew she could get away with it. We still see each other now and then and catch up when we can, you know, when Lady Tsunade isn’t keeping her on her toes.”
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“Being the son of Lord Third, I had Asuma pegged as some pampered brat born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I was convinced that he’d never have to fight for anything in his life and would be given the safest missions a ninja could ever be assigned. I thought I was right when ,sure enough, he became the Daimyo’s personal bodyguard and got to live it up in a palace, of all places. Turns out, I was wrong about him. Asuma was a cool-headed guy who wanted to make his own way in life and didn’t want his father influencing every decision he had to make. I respect that. I wish we could have talked more, but between his team, his father, and Kurenai, there wasn’t much room for li’l ol’ me. Rest in peace, Asuma.”
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“I mentioned a while back that the first time Ibiki and I met was during our Chuunin Exams. I thought I could get under his skin, but even back then, this guy had iron-clad mental fortitude. The guy’s a rock. In fact, it’s taken years and the combined efforts of many of us to get this guy to relax and kick up his feet, but we’re getting there. He’s arguably my favorite pet project right now.”
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“I don’t have any direct memories of meeting Izumo or Kotetsu. They’ve always kinda been there, in school, on missions. It’s weird thinking of them as individuals because even back when we were all kids, there they were, together. I used to joke that they used to be a two-headed kid that the ANBU found in the woods and Lady Tsunade had to separate them and reattach their heads onto new bodies. Haha! They didn’t like that too much. They’ll throw me a bone and laugh about it now that we’re all older. Anyway, anytime Ibiki needs a prank pulled on him, they’re my go-to guys.”
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misteria247 · 2 years
If all of the versions of Mikey fight who would win?
Hmmm-! Another interesting question!! Let me think here for a moment.....
Okay so as I've stated before we're gonna have to think about the Mikey's and their differences in skills and experience.
1987 Mikey is a pretty skilled ninja, though he prefers to party and eat pizza more than fighting. However that doesn't mean he's not a skilled warrior considering that he was trained by Splinter. 87 Mikey can be rather creative when it comes to his attacks and when he really puts his mind to it he's a pretty difficult opponent even with his training not being in effect for very long. He's also pretty damn strong and that would help him out quite a bit in a fight.
Now 2003 Mikey is also pretty laid back and would rather be partying or eating pizza but he too isn't someone to be taken lightly. 2003 Mikey is incredibly skilled and incredibly strong too which is an advantage in fights. Not to mention that he's also pretty clever when he needs to be so he'd definitely be unpredictable in the grand scheme. Not to mention that he's been training for a good while and he's participated in the Grand Nexus battle which only the strongest warriors can complete in and he won it.
2012 Mikey as I've stated previously in the last ask is a ninja prodigy and he's hella skilled in his own right. 2012 Mikey is pretty quick and agile and his technique is a mixture of a bunch of different fighting styles making him again an unpredictable wild card to opponents around him. Added with his experiences and training he's a pretty formidable opponent.
Bayverse Mikey is pretty skilled as well. He's not as quick as the others but what he lacks in speed and agility he makes up for in ingenuity and strength. Bayverse Mikey is a powerhouse and can adapt pretty quickly once he gets his focus on and actually puts in the effort if he really wants to. Plus his strength would take an opponent by surprise because they wouldn't be expecting Bayverse Mikey to actually move in a strong and striking way due to him not being quite as quick as the other Mikey's. Plus given that his training was from a How To book his skills may not be completely up to the ninjutsu standards however experience in fights and learning first hand gives him an edge that the others might lack in the grand scheme of things.
Rise Mikey oh boy this kid is super wild in his own way. Much like the 2012 Mikey, Rise Mikey is a wild card himself and unpredictable when it comes to fights. Added with his speed and agility and energetic movements it would make it incredibly hard for an opponent to actually get their hands on him. Not to mention his own mystical abilities which literally involve his nunchakus bursting into flames and his chains being able to hold mystic beings in place. Rise Mikey while not having a lot of training is still highly skilled in his own right and like his 2012 counterpart he's a budding prodigy in the ways of mystics and ninjutsu.
Given that they all have strong assets as well as different types of fighting styles and methods whenever they do fight I'm gonna have to go with Rise Mikey and 2012 Mikey, seeing as how they might stand more of a chance against their 87 and 2003 and Bayverse counterparts in some fights given that they're quick and agile and highly unpredictable when they're in an actual fight.
However that doesn't mean that 2003 Mikey and 87 Mikey couldn't beat them in a fight as well given their strength and own abilities of learning pretty quickly. I believe that once they'd gotten the basics of the 2012 Mikey and Rise Mikey's abilities and techniques down they'd most definitely give the two a run for their money. And Bayverse Mikey would definitely become a challenge for the two once he adapted to their quick movements and somewhat unhinged fighting styles.
At least that's how I see it, anyone else is completely welcome to put their inputs into the ring.
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wonderinc-sonic · 11 months
I support Vector and Blaze babying Espio and Silver but it definitely be a wishful thinking/sibling blindness angle.
Vector is the big brother who could be mistaken as dad figure, while he knew his bros are scrappy even little Charmy can kick ass but compared to him they are both so small and lightweights. It's very much hinted that Vector may be smarter than he's often portrayed, he does rely on his size and weight in battle instead of technique which makes it entirely possible that he'd focus more on Espios size and weight then his ninja training. I also think he doesn't know the full extent of Espios training since Espio most likely keeps it quite secret.
06 Blaze might know that Silver is feral but 06 was retconned/is non canon, Blazes first canon interaction with Silver was in the DS Sonic Colors and Silver was noticeably more chill than before due to even stating that the future was a good future. Silver definitely is just as feral as before as shown in the rivals games but it isn't really in any games that they interact in, Blaze has seen more of Silver being loveable naive sweetheart than a feral wasteland child and I doubt any of the main cast actually knows how bad the bad future is since I highly doubt Silver would willingly take anyone there with him.
That's the main 'Sibling blindness' part, think it would effect Blaze more than Vector but still a contributing factor.
The 'Wishful thinking' part is more them wanting Espio and Silver to be the young teens that they are, the two had to grow up more quickly then they had any right to and Vector and Blaze want to unpack that. If Vector and Blaze can convince themselves to see the two as kids then they are more likely going to treat them like kids, while it's probably not the best approach since they could unintentionally gloss over things like trauma they aren't doctors/therapist and are still teens/young adults themselves.
I agree in part, although if we take 06 as non-canon then Silver and Blaze have no particular connection to eachother that they know of. And that kinda sucks, and scuppers any siblingisms I might ascribe.
Instead of that, I headcanon that they both knew a version of eachother in their own time/world, but Blaze lost her life in a fire in Silver's time, and Silver went missing researching a way to undo their mistakes in Blaze's dimension. Then, when they meet up, they both immediately think it's a miracle, then realize it isn't who they thought it is, and it's really awkward but they both have an unfounded trust in eachother because of that. I appreciate this not only is foundationless, but actively counters their interaction in colors, but nevermind.
I definitely think Vector especially cannot see Espio's faults clearly, we see this in TMOSTH, although as you rightly say he could have been playing against the game to help Espio anyway, because he could be smart enough to work it out. I actually don't think Blaze is that blind to Silver's faults and nature, he seems (in 06 at least) to be someone she has quite a good read on. I think she just thinks he's justified.
With regards to 'wishful thinking', I believe this applies to many, many more of the main cast than just these: they're all pretty young and self-sacrificing, and plenty of them have a protective instinct. I could see a lot of weird interactions going on of people guessing eachother's ages wrong and trying to 'big sis/bro' eachother despite being just as young. But I firmly believe Vector is one of the most guilty, and occasionally acts like they're all under 12 because he sees them as young and in need of protecting. Blaze could absolutely be guilty of that too. God, I wish we saw her more. Curse you, alternate dimensions!
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junglekarmapippa · 7 months
F is for Family
The JF Alphabet of Fluff
RJ had arrived that morning from the fresh market with tons of ingredients.
The whole team had helped bring them from the jeep to the kitchen and then everybody had gotten ready to start cooking.
RJ had take over the turkey and stuffing, Lily had gotten to work on the pumpkin pie, a family recipe, Casey had taken over the mashed potatoes, and Theo had taken the gravy and cranberries sauce.
Dom and Fran worked on bringing tables and chairs from the restaurant to create a big family table.
The time it took to complete the preparations was fun and lighthearted. They laughed, they helped each other when necessary, they danced and told stories.
RJ told them about a year he had spent wandering all over the world, learning new cooking techniques as well as martial arts techniques. He mentioned having trained in a ninja academy for a while and being told, to his surprise, that despite having a wolf animal spirit, he had the spirit of the water. He figured it was his way to honor his father.
Nobody believed him, except for Dom, who had met his teacher, Tori, when they bought surf boards from her.
Dom had the most stories, of course. Not only had his journeys taken him far away, but he had made it all more interesting by trying to assimilate everywhere he went, which led to him knowing the basics of many languages and how to do a lot of things, one of which was selecting wine. So RJ sent him to the store to get wine for dinner.
Theo spoke about growing up with Luan and their unbridled sibling rivalry. Lily told them about her adventures as a dancer before she joined the Pai Zhua.
Casey said he had had a boring life and had nothing really interesting to talk about, which RJ understood and made sure the rest of the table did too. Telling the story of your mother leaving you and your siblings to starve because she was too high to feed you was probably not the best story to share during Thanksgiving preparations.
They pushed Fran into telling stories about her trip to Europe with Dom and they were surprised by how out of her shell she was now, most of it due to having to keep up with Dom.
When the food was done, they all took a break to take a shower and get dressed. By the time the girls came out, the boys had set the table and were waiting for them to sit down.
The door bell rang and in came Master Finn, a huge steamed stuffed fish on a plater in his hands.
"Damn, dad, thanks!" RJ had said, taking it from him.
"I also brought wine, let me go get it."
"We already have wine," RJ told him with a dismissive gesture.
"Not this wine," Finn said, winking at him before he left the loft.
Swoop and Phant joined later and last, but not least, Jarrod and Camille. Camille let everybody know the reason for their tardiness was Jarrod not being sure they really wanted him there.
This made Casey hug him saying "I don't know if they want you here, but I do."
"Of course we want you here, Jarrod!" RJ had yelled from the other side of the loft.
They sat down and started serving themselves, the conversation still animated, everybody interested in Jarrod and Camille's side of the stories. They didn't want to revisit most of it, but due to the eagerness of the others, they decided to share some of the least traumatic stories.
The evening went by, and a warm and protective mood settled over them. Nothing but smiling faces all over the table, the great wine Finn had brought starting to take effect on the elder adults.
They took a moment to say their thanks.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Thanks for bringing my son back to me.
Thanks for this safe place to hide.
Thanks for the forgiveness I have been granted.
Thanks for a reason to stay in one place.
Thanks for letting me teach one last student.
Thanks for my new friends.
Thanks for releasing me from that demon.
Thanks because we made it out alive.
For this family.
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enigma-imagines · 2 years
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So I decided that, after seeing an old redesign attempt from February in my gallery, I was going to reattempt to give this wonderful woman from the Archie comics a new look!
While I haven’t exactly gotten caught up with everything from the Archie comics, I did hyper-fixate on everything Ninja related. So, let’s go ahead and attempt a modernized rendition of
The Bride of Constant Vigil 👁
The Bride of Constant Vigil, one of the three remaining brides of the Matriarchal Dragon Kingdom, Head of the Shinobi Clan, Mother and Master to Espio the Chameleon.
After having inherited her title from a young age, she hardened herself with training and the responsibility of keeping her clan safe. Due to the clan wars being endlessly brutal, Vigil made the decision to take her people and retreat into the shadows, using their honed techniques of invisibility and espionage to keep watch over threats. Even so, the clan still kept their distance from the actual battles, turning their eyes towards other zones in the mean time…just in case. Then came the peace treaty, though none of the Brides truly believed it would last very long…
She personally trained her child, making sure that he would be prepared for any enemy or trouble, should he have to face it. Despite this, Vigil forbid him from actually leaving to go on any missions, which led to him eventually vanishing, leaving only a vague note and a single Kunai. Furious and frantic, she sent a trusted and trained guard to find him. Leading up to present day, she has heard from neither her son nor the guard she sent.
Speaking of present day, the matriarch has become cold and closed off from others, spending most of her time meditating or training on her own. She has become brash and hard from time and will not hesitate to silence you for good if you step one foot out of line. While on the side of neutrality, Vigil remains as brutal as her fellow Brides.
Might end up doing this for the other brides and stuff too. I just really like ninjas
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electrasev5nwrites · 1 year
Ninja Daily: Vapors 18
"I can't believe you," Sasuke hissed, disgust coloring his words. He valiantly resisted the urge to throttle his teammate. "I left you for two hours- two hours, and when I come back you're calling that woman 'Grandma' and have agreed to learn an S class jutsu in a week. I don't know if I think that you'll fail by blowing yourself up or that she will snap and kill you, but either way you're dead meat."
Naruto sniggered. "Wanna know something?" He ignored his teammate's eye-roll. "The technique she bet I couldn't learn… it's the one the old man started me on. I have a week head start on it." He grinned mischievously. "She's going to have to come back with us and admit that I was right about being Hokage." Sasuke looked spectacularly unimpressed.
"All I've seen you do is make a mess with water balloons," he said shortly. He smirked at his now-fuming teammate. He set down his chopsticks, more interested in baiting his teammate than choking down whatever the hell he'd been served. "The jutsu he's teaching me is much better." That arch tone always pissed his teammate off, even if he wasn't actually sure he believed his lightning technique was better than the Rasengan. 'Lightning is a better element than wind anyway.'
The blonde shoved his teammate, cheeks flushed red with anger. "Nuh-uh! Wind is way better than some stupid lightning bolt."
"You don't have to pretend you're not jealous. I know I'd be depressed if our places were switched." The brunette was back in his element, taunting Naruto. The blonde really needed to work on how easily he was provoked. He was helping the idiot. Really.
"Me too," Naruto snapped back. "Your hair is stupid!"
"Are they always like this?" Shizune sighed, chin propped up in her palm, half-heartedly watching the back-and-forth interaction. Jiraiya shrugged distractedly, one hand inching towards her rear end.
'Just… a little closer'.
Jiraiya yelped in sudden pain, falling off his stool at the bar where they had stopped for lunch. Shizune gasped, big dark eyes communicating disappointment with her mentor. "Tsunade-sama!" She really needed to reign in her impulsive violence. It was frightening the civilians, for one thing.
She stopped and wondered if scaring them just a little might get them some real food.
"Oh, lighten up." The older blonde scanned the menu, giving a lopsided smirk to the short blonde when he noticed her and scowled. The boy pushed away his empty dish and stalked off, leaving his fellow genin sitting awkwardly by himself. 'What an idiot. There's no way he'll master Minato's technique. Then I can be free and clear, and it won't even look like my fault. Shouldn't have made a bet with me, brat.' Tsunade accepted a glass of ice water and took a sip. "Where's the idiot going?"
Her old teammate gave the boy's back a distracted glance. "Who, the brat? He's doing his training outside of town. Hey, shortstuff," he barked. The Uchiha who had been staring into his soup as though it held all the answers to the universe bristled like an offended cat. "Go work with your teammate. Make sure he doesn't get carried away by wolves or something."
The other boy gave him a positively scathing look and stalked off with a prissy little hip movement. Tsunade didn't hide her snicker.
"Are you really worried about Naruto-kun?" Shizune asked, poking at her food with her chopsticks. She had thought she was used to cheap roadside food stands, but the place Jiraiya had led them to was in a league of its own. The older man shook his head, sending his ridiculous hair flying.
"Nah, he'll be fine. I just can't eat with that little stormcloud hanging around." He made a face. "I'd forgotten what a bummer Uchiha are."
Shizune sighed, pushing her food away mostly uneaten. 'I didn't think the kid was so bad. At least he has the excuse of acting his age when he picks a fight.' She eyed her two companions, who were already on the verge of coming to blows again.
The hospital room was cold, clinical, and smelled far too strongly of the bouquet that blonde Ino girl had dropped off, arranging blossoms into apparent perfection in between trading insults. Karin had no idea what the hell a 'hibiscus' was, but it sounded like fighting words to her. "This sucks." Karin gave in to her urge and threw her book across the room, letting it collide with the wall. It flopped over accusingly.
"I can't take it anymore!" she outright yelled. "That's it." She clenched a fist. "If you're too stupid to wake up when you should, I'm going to go home where I'm comfortable!"
That wasn't entirely true. With both of her cousins unavailable, she felt a little out of place. The Hokage had welcomed her, but he was dying. Karin's position in the village was precarious—whoever ended up in charge might not be so lenient and right now she was totally without friendly support. Maybe it was time to seek out some of the people her cousin had introduced her to, like the weird couple in the green spandex. Karin had seen enough to know that politically inconvenient people could disappear without a trace. If no one was looking out for her, she might be better off out of the village if nothing changed soon. She felt a shiver up her spine, but she ignored the fear. Her cousin was going to wake up soon.
"Karin-san," one of the attending nurses sighed, poking his head into the room. "What have we told you about volume in the hospital?"
Karin gave him a disparaging look. "She's in a coma," she said flatly. "So is her sensei in the room to the left, and the room to the right is empty."
"Yes, but I'd have to be in a coma not to hear you from the station," he mumbled sotto voice. When she frowned, he hastily added, "Please control your volume. I'm afraid you've been disturbing other patients."
"I was leaving anyway." She pretended not to see his relief, packing up, grudgingly taking even that stupid book she was starting to hate. The introductory section on poisons in her apprenticeship was boring her to tears. What was the point of memorizing the parts of hundreds of plants and their effects? She'd just have the injured party bite her. That'd solve the problem, right? When Karin had suggested that to Mito-sensei, the older woman had actually gotten a bit upset and sent her to work reading case studies. Apparently she shouldn't be letting strange people get their bodily fluids in her blood, especially if they were poisoned. Who knew, right?
"Oh! I am sorry!"
"Don't worry about it," Karin waived off the girl who had been outside the room when she opened the door. Then red eyes narrowed in recognition. "Hey, I know you."
The girl blushed, looking like a porcelain doll with those huge, unnatural looking eyes. "Ah, yes. Uzumaki-san, right? I was going to…" She trailed off, awkwardly holding up her bandaged arms as if to put up a barrier between the two. She cleared her throat. "I wanted to see how Aiko-san is doing," the girl finally managed to squeak.
'What is with this kid? I didn't think she was this much of a mouse when she was kicking the stuffing out of enemy genin.'
Actually, Karin had enjoyed a riot of a good time fending off the weak losers sent to retrieve samples of Konoha's bloodlines. Weeks of training under her cousin's supervision had paid off more than she'd realized. Plus, there was something really awesome about reminding herself that she wasn't just a useless little med nin. The little brunette girl had been cool too- at one point, she had knocked a boy out by kicking him in the throat, apologizing all the while. It was pretty amazing. Of course, the shrinking violet in front of her didn't have much resemblance to the girl in business mode.
Karin sighed, closing the door behind her. "She's still in a coma. We have no idea when she'll be up, although apparently some specialist is supposed to be coming here. Mito-sensei says that if this woman can't fix her, no one can." At the way the other girl fidgeted, something about her incredibly long convalescence finally made sense. "You too? Your hands must be bad if no one here can fix them. You busy?"
The girl looked up, surprised. "Ah, no. Not really."
"Alright then. You're coming home with me. I need someone to eat ice cream with and commiserate, and I bet you have as much to vent as I do." She started off down the hall. "Well?"
The little brunette hurried behind her, looking uncertain but reluctant to tell her no. "I don't think I'm supposed to leave the hospital, Uzumaki-san!"
"Pft." She waved a hand dismissively. "Why not? If Aiko wake up or if the specialist shows up, someone will get us. There's no reason to be miserable until then. I'll be sad if you don't come with," she threatened idly. This girl seemed like a bleeding heart. Her acquiescence implied that either Karin was right or that the girl had actually wanted to come with anyway. They traveled most of the way in silence, just enjoying the nice weather. The sunshine and healthy breeze were a marked change from the stuffy hospital.
They paused for a moment at the door, Karin struggling to pick out her key from inside her shorts pocket. The other girl seemed to be looking around, something strange in her expression. "You have a lovely home."
Karin took a second to examine Uzumaki Manor (Naruto's insistence) from an outsider's perspective. The garden out front was riotous, ignoring pretty much all conventions about tasteful decorating despite Ino's best efforts. It had been made with a little too much youth and orange in mind. The house itself looked fine, though. Relatively nondescript and clean. "Thank you. Uh, by the way." She glanced at her companion. "What's your name again?"
The girl smiled shyly up at her, slipping off her shoes in the entryway. "Hyuuga Hinata. Please, call me Hinata, Uzumaki-san."
Karin grinned in response, flipping on the lights and stuffing her feet into fluffy houseslippers. "Then you should call me Karin, Hinata-chan. Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla? Naruto made something really terrible with vanilla and packets of ramen seasoning if you feel adventurous."
Pain to the point where the questions had long since become white noise. She had enough sense to be grateful for that. If she remembered what he wanted, she probably would have told him, even though she knew she had thought it was important not to tell.
Important even though it didn't make sense. He was gone, right? He didn't know what was going on in her genjutsu couldn't wouldn't know. Not the way genjutsu work.
Never even heard of such a thing. Ridiculous.
Then again, everything is ridiculous. And why would he do this if he couldn't find out? He must. Mustmustmust. Shush. Shhhhhh.
It's so light. Never gets dark, the only shadows come from the moon. Want to just sleep or die. It wouldn't make much difference at this point. Can't die in here. Everything is backwards, only black and white and redredred, killing doesn't make you die. Does living make you dead? No, that's not the parallel. Thinking is hard but I know this. Yes. Does giving life make dead? Healing.
I should ask.
Aiko coughed up blood in the illusory world (I know it's not real, not real, but just one quick question, yes) and casually asked something she didn't hear. Maybe he didn't either. "Pretty eyes," she tried, placatingly.
And then it changed.
The moon flickered, then was white. Ridiculous, the moon is made of cheese should be yellow. It painted pale light instead of dark. The ground became pockmarked with shadow instead of smothered in a thick coat. She became aware of a whimpering sound.
Itachi left in clinical light. She didn't have time to say byebye before he was replaced with the top half of a blonde woman, frowning.
The moon was gone.
Aiko frowned, not even trying to move a muscle in her hospital bed. Something was wrong. She had just been upright.
"Where did the moon go?" is that my voice? Raspy like a smoker.
"Hush," the woman snapped, doing something she couldn't see. "Get out of here, you idiots. If I want a circus I will personally come and find you clowns." She shone a light down, and Aiko yelped, moving for the first time to escape it. "Stop that. Follow the light. Are you with me? Good."
Bewildered but willing to accept this change in the situation, Aiko obediently followed orders. Orders were good. She was used to orders.
"How are you feeling? Any unusual pains?"
That was a harder question. "Unusual?"
"Oh, never mind." The woman gave a heavy sigh. "Do you remember what happened?"
"…What happened?"
"I will take that as a no." Blonde lady picked up a clipboard and wrote something on it, a tiny crease between her eyebrows. "Ask your sensei about it later, then. I don't know what the hell happened either. I'm going to go wake him up now. Any questions?"
Aiko shook her head. "You're really pretty."
Pretty lady barked a laugh. "You've got better taste than your brother." The woman left the room without another word, which stymied Aiko for a moment. She frowned—at the light outside the window, at the door that led to the hallway, and then down at her bare feet when she swung them over the edge of the bed and tottered across the cold tile to follow the older woman like an errant puppy. She was taking orders and hadn't been told stay.
Naruto and Sasuke didn't seem to understand that, though. The old man with them tried to stop her, putting an arm in front of the door the pretty lady had gone through.
"Hey now, miss. Shouldn't you be in bed?"
Well, that wasn't right. "Shouldn't you, old guy? I'm following." Then she stopped to frown, registering his face. "You're familiar. Good job." She patted his head, and then ducked under his surprised arm and into the room.
Hey, sensei's here. Sensei was taking a nap, but the pretty lady was waking him up. Like Sleeping Beauty.
She stopped in the middle of the room. That wasn't quite right, was it? That would make Kakashi the princess. Aiko toddled over to investigate, wondering if her sensei's face was uncovered. Nope. Still. "I bet you're a pretty princess," she said loyally, watching as he blearily turned his one open eye to her instead of at the little light. Then she turned to investigate the sound of choking behind her. It was the old man. Aiko felt concerned. "Pretty lady? The old man sounds bad."
"That sounds about right," the blonde lady said distractedly, going through the same questions she had with Aiko. Then she jumped a little, turning to glare. "You should be in bed."
Aiko looked around the room. There was only one bed, but orders. " 'kay." She clambered beside her sensei, who looked downright alarmed. Then she went the fuck to sleep.
The next time she awoke was a good nine hours later, and she felt much more rational, despite the ache in her head. Her groan must have alerted someone, because the light flicked on and she discovered Karin's face uncomfortably close to hers.
"Ugh, haven't you ever heard of the Geneva convention?"
Karin frowned, sharing more of her morning breath when she asked "What are you talking about?"
"Nothing, nothing." She blinked blearily, drawing one hand up to wipe at her eyes and using the other to prop herself up to survey the room. It was relatively late in the evening—at least eight. She frowned. 'Definitely past visiting hourse.' She could understand Karin being here, but her sensei? It seemed just as strange that Naruto wasn't. Was he hurt?
"What's going on?" She flexed her muscles, feeling unusually weak. Aiko transitioned into a stretch, getting a feel for her body's deterioration. "How long was I out?"
Karin backed up to give her some space, stealing a glance at the other person in the room who had yet to speak. "Uh, a little over two weeks total. More recently, about nine hours since you first woke up."
Surprised, Aiko furrowed her brow. "I woke up before?"
"You were slightly more incoherent than usual," Sasuke drawled as he pushed open the door, closely followed by Naruto. "You helpfully informed us that Kakashi was a pretty princess."
"Neechan!" Naruto practically leapt onto the bed beside her, throwing his arms around her middle. "Are you okay? You won't believe what happened while you were out."
She absentmindedly patted his arm, snaking one of her own around his shoulders and squeezing reassuringly. "I'm fine."
"Don't tease, Sasuke," her teacher reprimanded lightly. Something about his posture seemed very serious. "Essentially, she went almost three weeks without sleep. I think she can be forgiven a little delirium."
"And you still haven't slept," a new voice said dryly. The figure it belonged to was ringed in light from the doorway, but easily identifiable as a woman. "Well boys, you did it. You dragged me back here and into four surgeries, three of which were brain operations. I hope you're happy." She sauntered in closer, revealing long blonde hair tied back in twin ponytails.
"Is Hinata-chan going to be alright, then?" Karin asked curiously, surprisingly Aiko. 'I didn't even know she knew Hinata.'
The reply was a withering glare. "Of course she is. Physical therapy is going to be a pain, but she seems to think it's a fair trade for the use of her hands."
Something connected in Aiko's brain, and she hastily sat the rest of the way up. "Tsunade-sama?"
"Yepp." Tsunade smirked at her, an expression that was all feline grace and trouble personified. "Although the last time we spoke, you called me 'Pretty Lady.' "
Instead of blushing, Aiko faked confusion, turning to Sasuke. "I thought you said I wasn't making sense when I first woke up, Sasuke-kun?"
"Don't flatter." The woman lightly hit her upside the back of the head, then took the opportunity to run a scan with fingers that glowed green. The reprimand didn't sting, light as it was. "You seem much better now. How do you feel?"
"Perfectly fine, but with a bit of a headache," she said honestly.
"Mmm." The light flickered into something a shade lighter. "This better?"
Aiko sighed contentedly. "Yes, thank you."
"Good." Then she hit her upside the back of the head, with some force this time. "That was for trying to fight an S-class criminal within village borders. Idiot. That's the most sickeningly Uzumaki thing I've ever heard of. We have plenty of Jounin and ANBU." She ignored the grumbling from Naruto and Karin's confused "Eh?" at the slur against their last name. "As your new Hokage, you are now forbidden to do anything so stupid. Clear?"
"Clear as crystal," she mumbled, feeling a little wronged. She hadn't had much of a choice.
"As for the rest of you morons… Naruto, Jiraiya was right. It's unsafe for you to be in the village. You're going to be leaving with him tomorrow, so say your goodbyes."
He stood up so abruptly that the bed moved back with a screech against the floor. "What? That's unfair!"
She grabbed him by the front of the jacket and practically snarled into his face. "Fair doesn't factor into it. Those men were looking for you, idiot! You want to lead them to your friends?" With that thoroughly unfair emotional manipulation out of the way, she added, "Besides, I'm your Hokage. Don't question my orders."
"Not Hokage yet," he mumbled a little bitterly, jerking out of her grip.
Tsunade turned her attention to her next victim. Sensing that this situation wasn't going to get any prettier, Karin gave a hasty wave, mumbled something about Hinata, and started edging towards the door. "And you, brat. What the hell were you doing, running off into ANBU the moment something went wrong? You had three students left. Clearly you aren't in your right mind. I'm putting you on light duty- no ANBU, no genin team, and no missions over B-class until you straighten out your head." Her tone changed to something more sympathetic. "You'll be meeting with Shizune to sort out the genjutsu aftereffects twice next week. If you try to skip, I'll assume you're trying to say that you don't think they're necessary for your little apprentice either."
Aiko cringed. 'Low blows,' she thought miserably while Tsunade tore her teacher apart.
"Hold on," Sasuke interrupted, looking pissed. "If Naruto is leaving with the old pervert and Kakashi can't teach genin, what am I supposed to do?"
Tsunade rolled her eyes. "That's not my problem right now. I'll figure it out. Surely there's some genin team out there who can take an extra."
"That's not good enough!" he snapped. He gave her his highest level bitch-face, the one that actually made Chuunin uncomfortable back in the Academy. Aiko had always suspected it reminded people of his father. "Weird or not, Kakashi's one of the best Jounin in the village. I won't be dumped on some idiot when I need to get stronger. You teach me."
"Like you could keep up with me," she scoffed, turning away and making for the door.
"Coward. Do you always avoid responsibility?"
Tsunade slowwwwly turned around, a shit-your-pants-terrifying smile on her face. "Fine. You can try my training for a week." She left. Sasuke smirked, and then seemed to realize what had happened. She could practically see the moment he wondered if he really had won or not. In the silence that followed, Aiko moved to squeeze her sensei's hand.
"You should get to bed. Training in the morning, sensei?" She gave him a hug around the waist. Mechanically, he fluffed her hair, already messy and floofed up in the back with bedhead.
"Well, that was pleasant." He backed away from his students and uncomfortably put his hands in his pocket. "I suppose this is goodbye for a while, Naruto."
"Yeah." The blonde hung his head and swallowed hard. When he looked up again, his expression was steel. "I'll get strong enough that it won't matter if those jackasses come around again."
"I believe it," their teacher said quietly, fondly. He didn't quite manage to look at any of them. "Well, look at the time! I should take my cat for a walk." None of them was really surprised by the shunshin that followed.
"Turns out she may have earned that title," Sasuke groaned, lethargically picking at his vegetables from the hot pot.
Aiko tried her best not to snicker, pulling out another piece of meat with her chopsticks. At her side, Karin actually managed a sympathetic look. "Medical stuff is way harder than it looks," she commiserated, looking irritatingly pristine next to her filthy and battered dining partners. They exchanged dirty looks. Karin obliviously tapped her fingers on the tabletop.
"I haven't learned a single jutsu," Sasuke said flatly, staring at the table as if he hoped it would leap up and kill him. "She beats me around for about an hour, gives me a list of exercises and then hits me with a book to read before the end of the day. Then she saunters away to drink. (Tsunade was enjoying her last days of freedom before the hat was officially hers.) The best part is that she occasionally sends a minion to attack me while I study."
'He really should have expected she would make his life hell,' Aiko thought fondly. She was cranky like that. Of course, she had been ridiculously full of herself since she had re-entered Konoha… but not without reason.
Tsunade had reason to be smug. She had managed to bring the third Hokage out of his coma the day before she had tried to help Hinata, Kakashi and Aiko. He was infirm and would likely never be able to so much as take the stairs at a decent clip again, but it was a small price to pay for his life. Granted, he was elderly and probably didn't have that much time left anyway, but better to die on his own terms than due to a former student's treachery. Once he caught up on the situation, he was actually happy enough to cry, Naruto had related solemnly. And why not? His village was saved, two of his wayward students had returned (if only for a while in Jiraiya's case), and he finally had a successor he could trust the village to. It was almost an unnecessary bonus that the near-death shock had thawed the worst of the hostilities between him and his only living family.
"What are you doing?" Ino screeched, rushing across the field of wildflowers to stop the travesty against nature she had barely caught in time. Lee blinked, confused, switching his gaze between her and the bouquet he had assembled himself.
"What do you mean, Ino-san? You told me to pick out flowers. These are the most youthful!" He gave her a thumbs-up. "I thought the colors were lovely, and I have a certain fondness for lotuses!"
"Lee… That bouquet…" She shook her head, struggling for words. When she started again, her tone was clinical. "Lotuses mean 'Love from afar', orange lilies mean 'hatred' and 'revenge'; and white carnations are for engagements," she hissed, not nearly as calm as she had been when they started. "What message, exactly, are you trying to convey? Because right now, you will terrify the person you inform that you love and hate them even though they don't know you because they wronged you, possibly by being engaged. Or possibly that you are now engaged, which may surprise them just a bit."
He examined his pretty pink, orange and white bouquet uncertainly. "Ano, Ino-san… do you think Gai-sensei's rival is familiar with flower language?"
She took a moment to process the implications of that statement, remembered how Naruto had loudly complained that the man seemed to know everything, imagined how said man would react, and gave an enormous, fake smile. "I bet you're right! When we're done here, I'll get you the perfect vase before we go over to the hospital."
'I have to remember to tell Asuma-sensei. He'll enjoy this.'
"Come on, Lee. Art and Crafts time isn't over. I still need hibiscus and spider lily. Then we can go to my house and I'll teach you how to arrange them."
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