painisntn33ded · 2 years
hello friends, my blog was once again taken down for no apparent reason i used to be pain-isnt-n33ded, please rb to help me find my mutuals
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missbunnydior · 2 years
༺benefícios do jejum༻
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Temos q entender a diferença entre n.f e jejum, na minha opinião. Jejum 23h ou menos, n.f 24 ou mais.
No n.f tbm é "permitido" chás, água cm limão, e bebidas 0 calorias, no jejum apenas água
Pq jejum funciona lise? Bom pra vc perder peso seu corpo precisa de déficit calórico (q é gastar mais calorias do q consome), então o jejum te ajuda a ficar em déficit
E lise pq o jejum ajuda no déficit? O jejum te ajuda em déficit pq nele vc para de fazer algumas refeições então seu corpo consome menos calorias e vc mantém um déficit, na minha opinião de um jeito mais "facil"
Vc pode fazer uma "rotina" de jejum como é bem conhecido em dietas como 'a dieta da boneca magra', além de claro ir começando aos poucos e seu corpo ir "acostumando", além de vc passar boa parte desse tempo dormindo
E pq manter uma rotina de jejum me ajudaria a perder peso mais rápido? Como eu disse antes, fazer jejum nos ajuda a nos manter em déficit calórico, por exemplo se antes vc fazia 4 refeições em um dia e agr só fizer 3 essas calorias da refeição "extra" ficam em déficit, e vc pode cortar uma refeição por mês, começando por exemplo do lanche da tarde e dps a janta e dps o café da manhã e assim vai indo, quando vc começa fazer algo aos poucos e faz essa coisa por 21 dias ela vira um hábito oq significa q vc nem sentirá falta daquele lanche ou biscoitos mega calóricos, ent vc mantendo uma rotina de jejum e fazendo 1/2 refeições por dia, principalmente sr for fazer uma dieta restritiva podem te ajudar além d td a manter o foco
Dps de começar a fazer os jejuns na minha opinião um jeito mais fácil dr monitorar eles e por apps como "fat secret" e "jejum intermitente"
esse post n tem nd d mt importante ou q a maioria n saiba mais msm assim achei legal deixar td junto e bonitinho
Lembrando q td q eu disse aq muda de realidade para realidade, ent faça oq se adaptar melhor para a sua e boa sorte♡
Beijinhos da lise
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staargrrl · 1 year
Sorry for dipping again idek how long it’s been lmfao
Anyways I just found THE BEST THING EVER PROBABLY????
You can use chat gpt for snack and meal recipes and you can put a whole bunch of specifics too! It’s so much easier than spending forever looking for low cal recipes that are dogshit.
Cuz you can specify shit like 1 serving, gluten free, low cal, vegan, high protein and all that shit. AND IT FUCKING WORKS SO DAMN WELL. YOU CAN MAKE MEAL PLANS WITH SPECIFIC CALORIE GOALS TOO. This is like the best use of ai ever istg. Y’all have gotta try it because it’s like changing my life fr
You can also list specific ingredients and limitations it’s the perfect thing. You can also use it as a therapist on the side too
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urmomsmycomfortfood · 2 years
suck it up, and one day you won't have to suck it in.
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cassieistiredd · 2 years
I’m on vacation and hardly eating, I’m low key excited to see what I weigh by the time I get back home to see my beloved scale <3
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murderous-opossum · 3 years
Okay I do not believe in weight loss spells but I reblogged like 6 million of those bitches and I have lost 5 lbs in two days. One day fasting and one day eating my normal (less than 1200)
Reblog to claim I guess
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mira-i · 3 years
I’m gonna be skinny on Christmas. I’m gonna sit with my legs crossed on the floor in cute little shorts and a big t-shirt. My high socks will look so cute and baggy around my ankles. My messy bun is gonna look cute because of the little hairs framing my face. My mug of coffee will look huge in my small pale hands. I won’t be told “maybe you should eat the salad instead of a cinnamon roll” for breakfast. I’ll be told to go ahead and eat one and will get looks of concern when I kindly refuse. I won’t be shamed for drinking a marshmallow cocoa and eating ginger biscuits at night. All my family will be amazed by how skinny I got.
The best Christmas present I will get this year is being skinny. And I get to continuously unwrap the same present over and over
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🎄 Reblog if you will also be skinny at Christmas 🎄
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nocookiesforme · 3 years
a few days ago, my appetite completely disappeared and I’ve spent some time thinking about what made that happen, so I can do it again, and maybe help some of you too. it’s literally so simple, you just need to keep it up.
first thing, water water water. you need to constantly drink water. always keep a water bottle beside you, and use water like a snack. instead of snacking on something, drink some water. it keeps your stomach full.
also, just don’t eat very often. I’ve found that starving myself completely just makes the risk of bingeing bigger, so eat something. I usually eat oatmeal without any type of fruits or other things whatsoever. I don’t even put salt in it. It makes you get used to tasteless food, and when you eat something sweet you won’t be able to stand the sweetness. I also try to eat only two times a day. breakfast/lunch at ~12 , dinner at ~6. late dinner keeps the late night snack cravings away.
when you eat small amounts of food, and keep your stomach full with water, your brain will change your perception of what “full” means for you. if you eat very little for a few days, your brain will get used to it and you will get fuller faster, and less hungry. you just need to keep it up for a few days before you notice any change.
these are some things I think helps me a lot to stay on track. I stayed binge free for a whole week (i count 1000+ kcal as a binge day lol) while staying close to these rules/tips.
I hope you got something out of this post, stay safe bbys<3
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luluciia · 3 years
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fuckingggs-world · 2 years
oii vim dar uma dica para vcs, escrevam em um caderno os motivos de vcs estarem na ana, faça um caderno com motivações. E quando estiverem a beira da compulsão ou com vontade de desistir da ana, leiam. Esse caderninho será seu melhor amigo!!
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anorexxxiccchek · 3 years
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skorpyo · 3 years
does anybody else here watch Kennedy Walsh on YouTube?
she is some of my ULTIMATE, FAVORITE thinspo EVER. ✨😩🌹😍💕
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missbunnydior · 2 years
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angelina jolie nos anos 90 é a meta
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staargrrl · 1 year
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Ik it’s not a lot at all but I think I’ve been gaining muscle while losing weight or something because I look really different despite the numbers not really reflecting it. But I’m almost at my 1 year mark of « dieting » so hopefully by then I’ll be at 120 or even 119 (it’s on February 12). I’ve been struggling quite a bit with making the numbers go down so this is super awesome to finally see!
Im hoping to work up the confidence to post a bodycheck so that’s something I’m also really working towards.
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switchfrontoo · 2 years
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Once you get past temptation…anything is possible…just have to make it to bedtime…and then…I’ll be ok…hunger pains are nothing…I’ve been through worse…I got this
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cassieistiredd · 2 years
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This entire bowl of soup is only 130 calories…
It actually tastes super good, and because of the sodium and water, it’s very filling. (Sodium has little to no calories and is a great electrolyte that is also pretty filling.)
Look for progressive soup, more specifically, look for the kind that has “light” at the top. Just search up light progresso soup and you’ll see.
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