#anyway. back up your fucking computers i guess
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day 157
femme fatale mode >:3c
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cannot believe that slime rancher 2 came out and i still havent been able to play the first one despite literally owning it <//3
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clbrq · 6 months
prompt; you and colby have never gotten along. you always bickered and never saw eye to eye. so, when your friendship group plans a trip that he’s invited to—you make it your life’s purpose to keep as far away from him as possible. although, that plan does down the drain when you have to share a room for 2 weeks..
warnings; SMUT, p in v sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, mentions of angst and arguing, cursing/swearing, enemies to lovers trope.
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“Oh, how fucking great.”
The words fell past his lips faster than your brain could compute what the flight attendant was telling you.
A loud sigh fell past your lips as you thanked her and continued walking to your seat. Colby was slow to follow.
It was bad enough that you were going on a group trip together, let alone having to sit next to each other on a five hour flight. You knew he was in a bad mood regardless due to his lack of sleep, and you knew your presence wasn’t making it any better.
You and Colby have never got along. You don’t know when it started, but you’ve never connected. At the start, you wouldn’t engage much and just stay out of each others way. But now, you fought, a lot. Your friends loved to compare you to a married couple—that really pissed you two off. You don’t really have a reason as to why you dislike Colby so much, you just do. Something about him just irritates you—whether it’s his ridiculous hair, or whining about not having a girlfriend, or how stupid rich he was. And you weren’t sure why Colby didn’t like you, but you didn’t care—the feelings were mutual.
So, when your best friend, Katrina, floated the idea of a group trip a few months ago, you were sparked with excitement. Until you realised Colby would be joining. And even better, the people coming on his trip were couples—besides you and Colby. How fabulous.
As you got comfortable in your window seat, you gazed out it with a comfortable smile on your face—trying to ignore the shuffles and huffs of annoyance from beside you.
“Do you wanna take up anymore room?”
Turning your head to face him, a smirk formed on your face as you locked eyes with him, “Yeah, sure.” You teased, pushing your legs out next to his.
With a harsh kick, Colby moved your legs back to under your seat, grabbing his headphones and placing them in his ears, “Don’t talk to me for the entire flight.” He stated, shutting his eyes and leaning his head back against the chair.
“Finally, something smart coming out of your mouth.” You mumbled, turning back to face the window.
The flight was peaceful, you got up once to go to the bathroom—having to disturb Colby which only lead to a small argument. Mixed with having to ignore the dirty looks he shot you when you returned to your seat.
“How was it?” Katrina asked, slinging her carry-on bag over her shoulder as you exited the plane.
“Take a wild guess.” You spoke sarcastically, raising your eyebrows at her. Katrina chuckled quietly, knowing the answer without you even having to tell her.
The bus ride to the hotel was short—almost everybody dozed off while they waited to arrive. Katrina happily rested her head on your shoulder as she snored, not noticing the way you huffed angrily as you listened to Colby complain about how you awoke him on the flight.
God, he was an ass.
“Alright, this is us.” Sam spoke, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder, grabbing Katrina’s arm gently and rocking her awake.
The hotel was beautiful. Large, white pillars rose up from the ground guarding the fancy double doors to the entrance that remained open due to the heat. Surrounding the hotel were trees and plants, paired with colourful flowers—contrasting the white of the walls.
“It’s beautiful.” Colby spoke, admiring the hotel with his ocean, blue eyes.
“I know I am, but thanks anyways, Colbs.” You winked, turning around to shoot him a smug look.
Colby rolled his eyes in irritation, “Don’t flatter yourself. And don’t call me that.”
“Okay, Colbs.”
“God, you’re insufferable.” Colby breathed, shaking his head in annoyance.
“Please, can we have one nice holiday without you guys fighting?” Sam snapped, raising his eyebrows at the two of you.
“Sorry.” You both mumbled in unison, trying to please your friend. But, not enough to slyly shoot each other a dirty look as you entered the hotel.
“Hi, I have four rooms booked under the name Golbach.” Sam smiled sweetly at the receptionist as the rest of the group trailed behind.
“That’s fine, I’ve got it all paid for and set up for you.” She smiled, “So, I’ve got a Corey and Devyn in one room, then a Sam and Katrina in another.” She started handing the couples their room keys, “Then a Jake and Tara, and finally a Y/N and Colby.”
“Nope. That’s not happening.” Colby stated, a foul expression on his face.
“Is there a problem?” The receptionist frowned.
“Yeah, we cannot be within two feet of each other without an argument.”
The receptionist laughed, “Oh, I get it. Me and my husband are like that too.”
“No, no, no.” You laughed, “We are not…We will never be…” You trailed off, suddenly feeling like lies were spilling from your lips.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She chuckled, nervously, “But, unfortunately, in case of an emergency, I cannot change the arrangements of the rooms. I’m so sorry.”
Colby sighed loudly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, you rolled your eyes at his immaturity, “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Thank you.”
Grabbing the key card for the room, you wheeled your suitcase towards the room, feeling utter disappointment. You knew your holiday would now be ruined due to Colby. He would be complaining about every little thing you did, and you couldn’t help but bite back.
The room was huge. Large hallway leading up into the living area, with a 60 inch flat screen TV and rectangular coffee table in front of it. Next door rested a modernised and perfectly furnished kitchen with a marble top island in the centre.
You and Colby walked around the room in silence as you observed the beautiful room. As you walked down a small hallway, your heart raced with anxiety as you made it to the bedroom. There was only one room left, meaning that there was only one bedroom. You prayed it was double beds on opposites sides of the room.
Colby strolled slowly behind you as you pushed open the door. Your heart dropped at the sight.
Rose petals in the shape of a heart laid across the double bed, paired with others scattered across the floor leading up to it. In the corner of the room were red balloons in the shape of hearts and “Happy Holiday!” written across them. To push things further, a bottle of Champagne and two glasses rested on a circular table next to the balcony glass doors.
“Well, fuck.” Colby chuckled, “If only they knew.”
“If only they knew what?” You spat, waiting for the insult to hit you.
“That you were such a bitch, they wouldn’t have gone to all this effort.” He smirked, walking over to the bed and playing with the roses.
Ignoring his comment, you trudged towards the Champagne, popping it open and pouring yourself a glass. You sighed happily as the bubbly beverage slipped down your throat—hopefully this would calm your anger.
You and Colby didn’t speak another word the rest of the day. The others had sent a few messages to the group chat discussing dinner later in the evening, but other than that—nothing. Colby relaxed in the living area as you prepared yourself for the dinner. You elegantly did your makeup—your skin looking flawless, and your lips looking pink and plump. You then curled your gorgeous, silky hair, letting it rest comfortably on your chest as you slipped on your dress.
And by God, did you look good.
Your breasts were accentuated perfectly and your ass popped deliciously. You knew you’d get some attention tonight, and you were excited. But maybe not by who you were expecting.
Your heels clicked satisfyingly against the floor as you approached the living area. Colby was sat on the couch, phone in hand, in a suit as he scrolled endlessly. He looked up once to acknowledge your presence, before returning to his phone.
Not long after, his head snapped back towards you, a shocked expression on his face as you adjusted your coat, “What?” You spat.
Colby stared for a few seconds longer before plastering a smirk on his face, “Slutty as always.”
“Fuck you.” You seethed, glaring at him as he sauntered over to you.
“You wish, sweetheart.” He whispered, teasingly tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
Pulling your head away from you, you pushed his chest, forcing him back slightly, “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Taking a deep breath, you swung open the front door as you walked into the hallway. You could not deal with him tonight, you wanted to have a nice night and not be bothered by his rude remarks. Luckily, your meal with your friends was unbothered by Colby as he sat at the opposite end of the table. Thank God.
“You coming to the club?” Tara questioned as you exited the restaurant.
“Fuck yeah.” You grinned, “I wanna get fucked up tonight.”
“Easy tiger.” Sam chuckled from behind you, “Remember who you’re sharing a room with.”
“What about it?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
Sam shook his head, “Doesn’t matter.” He mumbled, turning around to engage in conversation with the boys.
The club was busy tonight. Typical for a Friday night, though. People were everywhere—dancing, drinking and singing. Just like you.
You were 5 drinks deep and you were hammered. The buzz you felt was beyond tipsy—you knew you were a lightweight, but not this bad. Yeah, maybe the fancy dinner had unbelievable portion sizes, but the Vodka here was something else.
As a familiar song began to play, you gasped in excitement as you grasped Katrina and Tara’s arms as you grinned at Devyn in front of you. The music flowed through your body as the rhythm picked up. The beat took over your body as you moved to the music.
You were thoroughly enjoying yourself when a pair of large hands slithered around your waist. A certain brunette asshole strangely made it’s way into your mind as you turned around, but you were, unfortunately, met with a stranger.
“Hey, beautiful.” The tall mousey brunette smirked down at you, “Care to dance?”
Feeling extremely drunk and dangerously cheeky, you agreed. Your hips moving sensually against his as he gripped your waist while you danced. Your eyes wondered over to the bar where your four male friends stood, watching over you and your friends. Your eyes locked with Colby’s and, more specifically, the angry look on his face.
A devilish smirk crept its way up on your lips, an evil idea making its way into your mind. Bending over, you couldn’t help but grind on the strange man behind you, watching as Colby’s face dropped even further at your action.
You ignored the cheers from your friends as you retained the eye contact with Colby as you flipped your hair over your shoulder to glance back at the very obviously aroused man. But, before you could even utter another word, you’re pulled upright and away from the dance floor.
“Dude, what the fuck?” The guy called after you, a confused expression on his face.
“Get the fuck away from her.” Colby growled towards him, shooting him a look of pure rage, one you’d never seen before. His cheeks were pink from the alcohol he’d consumed and the anger that flooded through him.
Colby swivelled back around and pulled you out of the club by your arm, his grip harsh as he did so. He didn’t utter a single word as he pushed you inside the hotel room.
“Colby..” You mumbled in a quiet voice, not knowing what to say.
“Shut up.” He spat, not turning around to face as you as he dragged you inside the bedroom and slamming the door.
“What did you do that—Mmf!” Your words were cut short when you were slammed against the wall.
“Y’know, it’s one thing to constantly be a bitch and piss me off,” Colby started, his arms above your head as he seethed above you, “But it’s another to grind on some fucking prick in front of me like I’m some sort of joke.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You fired back, “It’s not like we’re together, Colby? I can do whatever the fuck I like.”
“Oh, is that right?” Colby laughed, darkly, “No.”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, no.” He smouldered, “You don’t get to do that around me.”
“And why’s that, Colby? Please, enlighten me, because you sound out of your fucking mind right now.”
Before you knew it, Colby’s lips were smushed against yours in a passionate kiss. You gasped into his mouth as you melted against his lips, your hands resting comfortably on his muscled arms as his laid against your warm neck. Colby grasped the underside of your thighs and pulled you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his hips.
“Colby..” You moaned breathily as his plump lips attacked your neck, “I need you.”
“Of course you do, who wouldn’t?” He teased, pulling your back off the wall and leading you both towards the bed.
“Seriously? You can’t stop being an ass even before we’re about to have sex?”
Colby chuckled from above as you laid in the rose petals beneath you, “You know, if you shut that slutty mouth for once, you’d be so pretty.”
“So I’m not already?” You fired back, shooting him a dirty look as he crawled between your legs.
“Shut up, Y/N.” He ordered, a shit-eating grin on his face as he leaned down to kiss you once more.
Colby wasted no time in stripping you of your clothes, chucking them on the floor along with his own as he continued to kiss you desperately. As Colby pulled your soaked panties off your legs, his lips slowly made their way down to your exposed breasts—his mouth finding it’s way around your mounds beautifully.
Quiet moans slipped past your lips as his hand trailed down to your core, your breathing quickening as he did so. His nimble fingers found themselves comfortably circling your aching clit, making you feel the smile against his lips as he kissed your neck. Your back arched off the bed in pure pleasure as he slipped a finger inside you, wanting nothing more than to scream out as he curled them upwards to hit your sweet spot.
“Please.” You moaned, grasping his forearm tightly as you scrunched your face up in pleasure.
Soon enough, Colby pushed your legs up and onto his shoulders, his tip teasingly rubbing against your soaked entrance. With a few whines and whimpers of desperation, Colby swiftly pushed his cock deep inside you. As a shocked moan rasped from your throat, he sped up his hips as he rocked his throbbing dick in and out of you.
“Oh, yes, don’t stop!” You sobbed, tears falling past your eyes as he pushed your legs further back to reach deeper inside your slutty pussy.
“Jesus, why didn’t I do this sooner?” He mumbled, his cheeks flared red as he huffed with each thrust.
Colby quickly got bored as he pulled out and flipped you on your stomach, pulling your ass into the air and slipping back into your warm hole. You gripped the bedsheets as he ruthlessly destroyed you from behind, degrading names filling the room as he spoke. You crumbled petals in your fists as you clung onto the bed for life, Colby showing no mercy as he fucked you.
“You’re such a whore, aren’t you?” Colby spat, yanking your hair back as your ear met his lips, “You’ve been begging for me to fuck for years now, haven’t you?”
“Yes! yes, yes, Colby. Wanted you for—Aah! for so long.” You blabbered, your throat feeling sore and dry from all the screaming that erupted from it.
“What a good girl—finally.” He praised, letting your hair loose as your head hit the sheets once more, feeling the pleasure build up in your stomach as his fingers deliciously rubbed your clit, “Fuck, I’m close.”
Before you could realise, Colby was cumming deep inside you as your own orgasm hit. His name released itself from your lips countless times as he fucked his load further inside you. As you came down from your high of ecstasy, Colby pulled out of you slowly, falling next to you on the bed.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He mumbled, his eyes staring intensely at the ceiling as he regained his breath, “That was something.”
“It sure was.” You murmured back, feeling a sense of awkwardness fill the air, as you coughed nervously, “I’m gonna go shower.”
But, before you could even move, Colby’s arms slid around your waist and pulled you close to his warm body. A smile rose to your face as he spooned you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
“We can get to that later.” He informed you, nuzzling his head into your neck as he closed his eyes, “And don’t worry, we can go back to hating each other in the morning.”
its been a while i’m sorry!
i’ll probably be posting less but i won’t ghost y’all i promise
i love you all sm
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
thigh riding with Paige... 🤭
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౨ৎ ─ summary | paige is ignoring you while she locks in while playing fortnite with kk, but you needed her attention (and she hates it when you're needy)
─ word count | 1.1k (this was supposed to be a blurb bruh)
─ warnings | NSFW under the cut, read at your own discretion! kinda mean paige, thigh riding (who woulda guessed?), nothing else?
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @euphternal @hello-nah817 @wanderlusturous @plushkhiii @ilovepaigebueckerss @ajcuteee @vi0lentb3rry @paigeszn @brynsreads @delicateray
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"PAIGE," YOU WHINED as she ignored you, her eyes plastered on her computer screen. You rolled your eyes as you sighed, collapsing back on the bed as your girlfriend continued playing Fortnite.
Her headset was on and her glasses were set on the bridge of her nose, her fingers clicking on the keyboard as she played. You were needy and dramatic, sure but it was for good reason, you hadn't seen Paige since the morning and you missed her. Yet right now, it seemed like playing her stupid game meant more to her than her girlfriend.
You wanted her attention but you didn't know how you were gonna get it. As you lay there, feeling neglected, you weighed your options. Interrupting her game would not go over well, but letting your feelings just sit there wouldn't help either.
"Dude they're following us, for sure." Paige mumbled into the headset as she groaned out loud. "I fucking told you, didn't I? I told you to leave it-"
Sighing once more, you sat up and watched her for a moment. The concentration etched on her face was almost endearing, but it also made you feel a bit left out. You wondered if she even realized how much time had passed since she last acknowledged your presence in the room.
An idea popped in your head as a smirk began forming on your lips. You walked up to her quietly, and put a hand on her shoulder as she looked up to see you. "Not right now, baby. Hold on,"
Hold on? Your jaw slightly dropped as you glared at your girlfriend. You couldn't believe Paige ─ her hot and very needy girlfriend was standing right next to her and she wanted her to hold on?
Gathering your courage, you spoke up again, your voice tinged with a hint of irritation. "Paige, seriously," you said, your tone firm. "I've been waiting for you all day, and all I want is a little bit of your time. Is it really too much to ask for?"
"KK, look out behind you!" Paige shouted into the headset, making you audibly groan before Paige finally glanced up at you again, putting a hand over her mic. "What? Why are you giving me attitude for, can't you wait for like, 5 minutes?"
You knew you were being overly dramatic and you knew that Paige hated when you'd give her attitude, especially for something small like this. But you finally had her attention and you were not gonna let it go now.
You met her gaze with a raised eyebrow, your tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, sorry to inconvenience you with my presence," you quipped, your voice laced with irritation. "I guess I'll just go find someone who actually wants to spend time with me."
Paige's eyes narrowed at your remark, a hint of annoyance flashing across her face. "Really? You're seriously going to pull that card over a stupid game?"
You shrugged nonchalantly, crossing your arms over your chest. "Why not?" you replied, a smug smirk playing on your lips. "It's not like you've paid any attention to me since you started playing anyway."
She sighed as she heard KK talk, "Yeah, I'm still here. Give me two seconds," she spoke as before she muted herself.
Two seconds, you gotta be kidding me. But before you could scoff or roll your eyes dramatically, Paige grabbed your arm and pulled you into her lap roughly. You stumbled as Paige pulled you into her lap, caught off guard by her sudden movement.
"Hey, what are you doing?" you protested, your voice tinged with annoyance as you struggled to regain your balance.
Paige ignored your protest, her grip firm as she held you close to her. "Fucking relax," she mumbled. "You're acting like a bitch in heat right now, you know that, right?"
You rolled your eyes but you couldn't help but feel yourself begin to get warm. Paige kept her gaze on you and as she pulled you off her lap for a second and gestured to your shorts before she unmuted herself. You stood there, almost shocked for a good two seconds before Paige sent you a look before you did as she told you.
You couldn't believe it took Paige a minute to win you back but you weren't complaining, you needed her. She stuck out her knee and you knew what to do ─ you straddled it as Paige kept her eyes locked on the screen.
"Yeah, you got 'em?" Paige spoke lowly as she felt your dampness hit her bare thigh, feeling a shiver go down her spine. Her cold knee sent a shiver down your spine as you bit your bottom lip.
You let a small whimper before Paige began rocking her knee, causing a full-blown moan to escape your lips. Paige sent you a warning glare as your eyes widen, your hand clasping over your hands.
"What was what noise?" Paige scoffed as she kept her gaze on the screen. "I didn't hear anything," she forced out a laugh as she kept rocking her knee, your cunt gliding against it.
You began to move alongside her knee, your head falling back as you gripped her shoulders. You felt pathetic, riding her thigh like a bitch in heat (in Paige's words) but it felt too good to stop. Your hips movements began more sporadic as Paige continued rocking her knee, muffled whimpers coming out of your lips.
Paige could tell that you were close so she put one of her hands on your hips, guiding you harder on her knee. Your eyes rolled on the back of your head as you let out a moan, feeling the knot in your stomach snap as you came undone on her thigh.
Your body felt like jelly as you collapsed on her chest, her hand moving up to the keyboard as she kept playing. A few minutes pass and you heard KK scream from her headset, glancing at the screen. She got it, she and KK had won the Victory Royale.
As the adrenaline from the game subsided, you nestled into Paige's chest, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you. Despite the earlier tension, being close to Paige like this was all you really wanted.
"Yup, I gotta go, KK. Bro, I'll- yeah, yeah. I got it, I heard you the first time. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She hung up the call quickly as she pulled off her headset, her hands finally beginning to caress your back.
Paige looked down at you, a soft smile on her lips. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, pretty."
You glanced up at her with a small smile. "It's okay, you made it up."
Paige's soft smile formed into a cocky smirk as she shrugged. "Yeah and I did it with no fingers, huh?"
"None, cus you're just like that," you mumbled as she laughed softly, pulling you closer.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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roses-r-rosie3 · 6 months
X-Mas list presentation
Batfam x M!Reader
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Summary: instead of making a regular Christmas wishlist, the reader decides to make a whole presentation
Quote: “That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Why are you here?” Duke asked Jason.
“Same reason why you’re here, y/n wanted us to all meet up in the living room for some announcement” Jason sighed.
After everyone was in the room, you pulled out your computer and connected it to the Tv, which made everyone confused.
“Hello family, I know you must be wondering why you’re all here” you said.
“Can I go back to my game now?”
“Last year you guys totally fucked up Christmas, so this year I put together an entire presentation to tell you guys what I want specifically” you smiled.
Everyone in the room let out an audible sigh/groan. It was known by everyone in the family that you were very dramatic from time to time (24/7). But they never thought you would get this extra!
“Is that really what you called us here for?” Damian grumbled.
“Would you shut up for a second?” You snapped.
“Y/n I don’t think that’s how you should be talking to your little bro-”
“Anyways, Here’s the things you should keep in mind when you’re thinking about what kind of gift you will provide for me this year” you said as you interrupted Bruce from his lecture.
“First of all, I’m the only one who knows how to reset the Wi-Fi, and yeah that’s threat” you threatened.
That certainly got everyone’s attention.
“Secondly, if you don’t get me what I want I will get a sugar daddy, I don’t even care what you guys are going to say, I’ve had so many offers for sugar daddies that it’s unreal. The perks of being son of Bruce Wayne I guess” you said.
“Y/n, you do know that Bruce is rich right?” Jason asked.
“Not the point” you mumbled.
“And third if I don’t get what I want, I will also sell my feet pics online like I did last year” you said calmly.
“YOU WHAT?!” Bruce shouted
“Calm down, I only ended up making about 1 million from it” you sighed.
“ONLY?!” Dick gasped.
“I created a three tier system of different gifting levels, basically, the levels equivocate to how much you love me and how much money you have” you explained.
“Level one is the ‘I’m going to need therapy level’ which is only four to seven gifts. I would probably go into a depressive spiral, actually not probably, I definitely would be depressed” you said.
“Would you stop being so overdramati-”
“I’M NOT DONE YET” you said as you interrupted Tim.
“What would that mean for us? You may ask. It would mean that you would have to pay for my therapy. And the money that you guys spent on therapy would have been basically wasted, you could’ve bought me a whole bunch of gifts right now and avoided the situation” you smiled.
“I think that he’s lost his mind” Bruce whispered to Stephanie.
“You think?!” Stephanie whisper yelled.
“Level two is the ‘You’re getting warmer package’ This basically if you love me- Bruce can you stop whispering to Stephanie” you scolded.
“As I was saying… Level two is eight to fifteen gifts, which is basically equivalent to you texting me happy birthday” you continued.
“Level three is the ‘You’re sleighing it’ level. And if you remember, you guys were just a bit off the mark of hitting this because you guys only got me twenty three gifts. And in order to reach ‘You’re slaying it’ you have to get me twenty five or more gifts, I think this is totally do-able for you guys, especially because you can just use Bruce’s card if you guys are running low on money” you said.
“I have tons ideas for you guys and this whole slideshow is already in your email so you guys can look at it and reference it at any time” you smiled.
Everyone quickly checked their phones to see that you indeed emailed them your whole presentation.
“That is all Family! So open up your hearts and your wallets for me this holiday season” you smiled before leaving the room.
“Yeah he had definitely lost his mind” They all said in synchronization.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
dilf jason, my love, my light, my life
fuck whatever bruce did to you and everyone else that didnt care enough to reach out
Jason booted up the little bank of computers and watched the lights in the house. Frowning when you didn't click out the bedroom light. You should go to bed. It was Just Dick. It would be-
"You know he was just... scared right?" Dick said, watching Jason work out of the corner of his eye. Looking at the couple wallet-sized school pictures and a wedding picture tucked into the corner of a bulletin board. Reminding him, Dick guessed of what he was protecting.
"And I figured it was time to retire. You know. Before I was too broken and decrepit to enjoy it," Jason said shrugging.
Dick froze, glancing between Jason and the door and swallowed hard when you pushed the reinforced shed door open. "In here, baby," he confirmed.
"Does she know?" Dick hissed.
"Enough," Jason shrugged, pulling out a stool for you. Happy that you'd grabbed a shawl at least before coming outside in booty shorts and a tank top. "Where's Boris?"
"Guarding the stairs," you answer. "He'll come get me if the kids need something."
"Boris?" Dick asked, "Which one is that?"
"The wolfhound," you answer shortly before looking at Jason. "What can I do?"
"In the drawer by your knee there's a communicator," Jason said, "Pull it out for me. Then maybe make some coffee? I don't know how long this'll take."
You nod and grab the device out of the drawer before kissing his cheek, "Snacks too?"
"You're an angel," he hummed. You were his wife. This was Your house where you were raising your kids before he was ever even a thought. He couldn't tell you to stay away. But- if coffee and some snacks would keep you occupied a little longer, he'd ask for it. Especially if it meant keeping you away from his old life.
"Mhmm," you huff, eyes narrowing.
Jason half smiled and rubbed his nose against yours, "My angel."
"I don't appreciate the sweet-talking, Todd," you tell him, melting anyway. You know he wants you out of the way. But hell if you really want to go.
Dick coughed, "I don't mean to be rude but-"
"So don't," you tell him. Fixing him in your patented 'act right or catch a left' look.
"This could be a little time-sensitive," Dick said putting his hands up in surrender.
You look back to your husband and sigh, "And our wedding wasn't?"
"To be fair," Jason chuckled, helping you off the stool, "I didn't invite them. Bruce can be a kill joy."
"Still," you huff as you adjust your shawl, and hop off the stool"with his penchant for plucky orphans you'd think he'd wanted to have meet his new grandkids."
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AITA for making a joke about my sex life to a student? 😏🐓 Nsfw text obv i know the title sounds bad but please read everything
I (Transmasc, 25) work on a school, very open as being gay, pride pins and it all, not as a teacher but I take care of computers, textbooks and the library. The younger folk seem to like me, but it's in high school folks things get ugly. Most just don't care about me, which I can't judge, being a teen sucks. Some hate me for telling them to go back to class. The ones that like me (mostly queer/autistic folk) like me for real.
There's this one boy (he's either 16 or 17 so he's NOT a kid) that always makes fun of me, is always skipping classes, is mean to everyone, implied a old teacher she should be better off dead, bothers everyone, talk loudly and complains about everything on his sight.
And he is. Very bigoted. I saw him more than once hurting the girls he studies with (slapping/punching) and caling the whores and more, telling them to suck him off, ride his dick, gag on his cock, etc, saying very hurtful things on gay men/anyone he deemed gay, and principal can only call his parents so many times before the parents stop showing and taking the concerns seriously. This is an ongoing issue since 6th grade, as far as I know. He hates my guts since I've called the principal on him more than once for going off on me telling me to fuck myself for asking him to go back to class.
My main strategy with him is ignoring him and the second one is answering as I don't understand him. Perks of being autistic I guess, being able to do this with a straight face. So: he calls me a chicken, I tell him they're my favorite farm animal, how did he guess? They're so amazing and cute. He tells me the lunch is gross, I say they can buy their lunch to bring if they want to, school food isn't that good (not true, the school food is amazing. Most students eat more than one plate). The computers are too slow, I ask him to please be patient cause they're old men that don't like to work, be nice to them :(. Guy says that the classes sucks, I tell him that the complaint box is at (governor's address) but yea they suck but at least he has only one year left.
This is where I might be the asshole, because I hurt myself going up and down a chair to organize some textbooks and I already have severe hip/knee pain so this only made me hurt worse so I am already pretty grumpy. A teacher asks for a banner of a periodic table and I have to find the table and go up a chair to hang it, and in the process, I let out a moan of pain becaude my knees dream of my downfall, and the teacher asks me if I am okay, so I tell yea, my hips and knees just hurt like a bitch. And this one student tells me "why, are you beaten up from taking cock in your ass?" And I breath deeply and answer "If it was from fucking I would be damn happy, but it's only from working. Anyways teacher here you go (with the periodic table)" and the teacher looks me with a surprised expression and all the class is silent and uncomfortable so I just left. Now the student can't look in my eyes but at least they're not talking to me anymore and the teacher hasn't said anything. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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cottonconnielvr · 11 months
Eren is such a brat tamer. He takes interest in girls who run wild, making reckless decisions, walking around with the worst attitude.
He finds it amusing, how easily he can manipulate you into a dumb mess for him <3
He won’t raise his voice at you anytime you piss him off. His voice is so calming and sweet-sounding but it’s a complete contrast to the way his hand is wrapped tightly around your wrist, dragging you out of a random house party.
You whine and attempt to tug your wrist away (shouldn’t have done that). “Eren I was just having fun! You’re so fucking controlling” Your drunk voice slurred out (shouldn’t have done that either) Eren stayed quiet which scared you a little, his face was unreadable. You couldnt deny the fact that you were a little scared. Your past boyfriends would’ve argued with you right in the middle of the party. But Eren was so quiet, it was scary.
He opened the passenger door, waiting until you fully get in before closing the door. You sat in silence and watched as Eren walked over to his side. The closing of the car door boxes you in. The tension is high. Eren’s sighs once again before looking over at you, right in your eyes. You immediately fold, looking down at the cup holders.
Eren cups your jaw, making you look directly at him. “Look at me, don’t do nun of that shy shit because you know damn well you ain’t shy.” You can feel your eyes get teary.
“You think i’m controlling hmm?” Eren’s thumb rubs your cheek. You don’t give an answer, feeling so intimidated by his stare. You know how Eren doesn’t go for immature childish shit.
“How am I controlling for wanting you to stay safe? I asked you not to go to this party and you did anyway. Do you know how many men would fuck you if they had the chance? They would do anything to get it… that means hurting you Y/N. Do you understand?” You nod, lips forming into a pout.
“You’re a very beautiful woman and I just wanna keep you safe. But i’m controlling right” Eren let’s go of your jaw with a laugh, leaving you to sit in guilt.
All he wanted was for you to stay safe. Whenever you went out plenty of strangers would stare at you. You’ve had your times where you had to fight off a creep all by yourself. It was certainly scary. If Eren wasn’t there to protect you then how would you protect yourself?
“I’m sorry ren” Your eyes get so blurry with twars, threatening to swim down your lash line.
He ignored your apology, turning up the music before pulling off.
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Eren can’t hear your cries of his name. His black airpod max headphones sitting on his head. He has his back turned towards you, sitting at his desktop. He wasn’t paying you any attention, typing away at the computer.
You think you might’ve gone brain dead. You’ve been sitting here for more than two hours, crying and sobbing. You’ve apologized over a thousand times and he still is ignoring you. poor baby :((((
Your legs are also cramped up, the spreader bar pulling them so far apart.
The vibrator has been sending vibrations to your cunt for so long. You think your clit may be a little numb but it quickly goes away once you cum again. You’ve squirted and squirted, wetting the bed almost completely.
“E-eren….never do it again” You cry in full sobs, feeling another orgasm approaching. It starts to hurt, you’re so tired and just want a break. But you really wanted Eren to just look back and see how sorry you are. I guess you’ll just have to wait until he feels like it.
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not-avery · 11 months
Aphrodisiac- Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Spider! Reader
TW! Sex, PvP, Biting, Semi-Public Sex, Aphrodisiacs, Technically Non-Con(Under the influence?), Language, Confessions, Poorly translated Spanish from google translate, No Beta read only Grammarly Probably more I forgot 💀
A/N!! This is my first fanfic!! I hope y’all enjoy it and that it isn’t totally unbearable lmao- Constructive criticism is welcome and wanted!!
“What the hell was that stuff?” I cough, the pink powder settling around us. We’d both breathed in a good amount of the mysterious powder, but there was still a good amount left on the concrete.
“I don’t know,” Miguel grumbles, ripping his mask off as he crouches to investigate the mysterious substance. I look around, trying to locate the villain that had just powder bombed us. “I’m going to take a sample, see if I can figure out what this is,” Miguel says, his voice gruff and cold like it always was.
“Well dammit,” It’s my turn to grumble, looking in the direction the villain had run. “We lost them,” I tell Miguel, looking down at him crouching on the ground.
“Joder…” (T: Fuck) Miguel groans standing up. “I was so close…” He practically growls, staring at where he ran off.
“We were close, Miguel,” I remind him, an annoyed expression crossing his tanned face. “We’ll get him next time,” I tell him, taking my mask off.
“That isn’t how it works!” Miguel growls, “What if that villain screws up this Earth more? What do we do then? Get him next time?” Miguel says, stepping closer to him. My breath catches in my throat, looking up at the man towering over me. “God I shouldn’t have brought you and your immaturity on this mission,” He growls, looking down at me. Miguel and I have never had a great relationship, we had very…different approaches to being Spiderman but when the leader of spider society asks you to go on a mission you can’t disagree with him.
“You invited me on this mission, Miguel,” I snap back, a frown on my face.
Miguel grumbles something I can’t hear, I roll my eyes at him. “I don’t think we are going to be able to catch him,” Miguel sighs, looking down at the mysterious powder on the concrete. “Maybe we should just head back,” He admits, a scowl on his face.
“So I was right?” I smirk, raising an eyebrow at him. Maybe this is why he doesn’t like me, I don’t care honestly.
“No, you were not,” Miguel says, looking at his watch. Lyla appears, looking at both of us.
“Kinda sounded like you were agreeing with her,” Lyla says to Miguel as he opens up a portal into spider society. I laugh softly, looking at the little ai person.
“See, even Lyla agrees with me,” I tell him, following Miguel into the portal. “You totally were agreeing with me you just don’t like to admit you’re wrong!” I say, walking around him in a circle as we get into his office. Instead of being cold to Miguel like he was to me, I chose to annoy him, being the biggest pain I can to him.
“Eres el mayor dolor en el culo,” (T: You are the biggest pain in the ass) Miguel groans, going over to his computers. “Just go, I’ll figure out what this is,” He says, looking at the mysterious powder.
“Good! No one wants to be around you anyway,” I yell as I walk away, I didn’t really mean it, Miguel just knew how to push my buttons.
I’m a sweaty, shaky mess in the bathroom. Around one hour after the powder bomb and the villain escaped my body started feeling…off. I was sweaty but freezing at the same time, my hands shaking, my entire body quaking. And I have no clue what can be causing this except…the powder. And guess who would be the only person who would know? Miguel.
I sigh as I get closer to Miguel’s quarters, my body shaking as I approach where he normally hides out. I lean against the wall for support as I see Miguel hunched over his desk. I go to speak but Miguel breaks the silence first.
“I know it’s you, Y/N,” Miguel’s voice sounds..weird. It almost shudders as he turns around, looking at me. “It’s the powder,” He groans as he stalks closer to me. I feel my breath catch in my throat as I feel a sudden wave of attraction for the man getting closer to me. I feel this need for him, my thighs squeeze together. “Dios Mío…you’re gorgeous,” (T: My God) Miguel groans as he grabs my chin making me look up at him. My breathing picks up as I look up at the man, lust fills his deep red eyes and his fangs poke out of his lips slightly. Suddenly all the late-night thoughts and dreams I had of this man came flooding back, my heart beating fast and my drop of sweat rolling down my neck and down the arch of my back.
“Miguel,” I whimper, looking up at the man above me. “Please…help me,” I practically beg him, biting my lip as my thighs rub together. Miguel smirks, those little fangs showing. Miguel slams his lips down on mine, pinning me against the wall. I feel his muscular thigh slip between my leg, stopping myself from trying to hit the heat between them. I whine into the kiss, Miguel nipping at my bottom lip. He pushes his tongue into my lips, exploring the wetness. I moan into the kiss, my nails digging into his scalp. It’s his turn to groan into the kiss, pushing me more into the wall. We pant with heavy breaths, our chests heaving against each other.
“I’ve been waiting to kiss you for so long,” Miguel growls into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He picks me up with no effort, having me wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel the painful-looking bulge press into my body, he feels huge against me, giant. “T-this is okay with you, right Mami?” He asks, setting me down on his desk, causing all of the papers and other items to scatter onto the ground.
“Yes, yes please,” I beg him, grabbing onto his broad shoulders. “I need you, Miguel,” I pant, spreading my legs for him. All of my self-control and embarrassment had left my body as soon as he slammed me into the wall.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” Miguel says, slamming our lips together again. Then his lips start traveling away from my lips, to my jaw line then he latches onto my neck, leaving hickeys on the skin. I didn’t even realize what I would have to say if someone sees the marks that Miguel is leaving. “I need you now, Mami,” Miguel moans in my ear, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine.
“Me too,” I pant out, hitting the button on my bracelet that retracts my suit, a nifty little thing I had created when I first became the Spiderman for my earth. I’m left alone in my shorts and a tank top, which I had slept in last night. Miguel on the other hand had to take off his suit, his dick bouncing up and down as he freed it from its tight constraints. At this moment I also realize that Miguel doesn’t wear boxer under his suit, keeping that information in the back of my head. His fingers slip into the waistband of my shorts, yanking them down. My cunt throbs as the cold air hits my heat, a slight shiver crawling up my spine.
Miguel slowly pushes his huge cock into my throbbing hole, moans escaping both of our lips. Miguel rests his sweaty forehead on my shoulder pants slightly. “Ay Mami,” Miguel groans, “tan apretada, carajo,” (T: So tight, fuck) He nibbles on my neck, feeling his fangs grazing against my neck. I don’t speak Spanish, hell I barely know Hola but whatever Miguel says makes me tighten around him. Miguel starts trusting, setting a fast pace.
“Oh Miguel,” I moan, my nails digging into his shoulders. “You feel so good,” I moan, throwing my head back. He quickens his pace, small whimpers and moans being breathed into my ear.
“I feel like you were made for me,” He groans into my ear before biting down on my shoulder. I moan out loudly, my nails scratching his back. He feels so good, this all feels so good, maybe this was the tension between us boiling over, maybe it was the powder but it felt too good. I was getting close, the coil in my stomach tightening. “Are you getting close? Te estás poniendo tan apretada a mi alrededor,” (T: You are getting so tight around me) Miguel grunts into my ear, his clawed fingers trailing down my body to the bundle of nerves between my thighs.
“Oh my God, yes!” I moan out, scratching his back as he picks up the pace of his fingers and thrust. As my moans escape my lips Miguel clamps his hand over my mouth, panting into my ear.
“Can’t have anyone hear you crying on my dick can we?” Miguel groans, “You don’t want people seeing how well you suck me in, do you?” He smirks against my skin, trusting in deeper. I moan into his palm, nodding frantically. “Buena Niña,” Miguel groans, pressing his fingers down onto my clit. The coil in my stomach snaps, orgasming around his thick cock. My hips buck wildly against his.
“Quédate quieta, mami, quédate quieta,” (T: Stay still, Mami, stay still) Miguel groans, his pace becoming frantic, chasing his own pleasure now. His hand keeps my hips pinned down as his trust overstimulates me. I whimper and cry into his hand, my nails leaving crescent-shaped imprints on the skin of his muscular flesh. Miguel stills, the liquid filling me up with a bite on my shoulder to prevent a loud groan from escaping his lips.
Our heavy pants escaped both of us, sweat dripping both of our bodies. “Miguel��that was…God,” I laugh, still recovering. I wrap my arms around his back, laying there for a second.
“Y/N…” He mumbles, kissing my neck softly. “I-I think I love you,” Miguel grumbles, his dick still inside of me. My heart stops, my breathing stops, my mind stops, everything stops.
“What?” I ask, looking at the massive man. There is a genuinely sweet look in his eyes, not the normal cold, aggressive look he normally has.
“I think I love you,” He repeats, staring down at me. “I know I’m scary and mean but Y/N, please just give me a chance,” My heart rate goes crazy as he continues. “I just want you to be safe and careful, and I love your teasing, you’re perfect, you’re beautiful, I think about you day in and day out,” Miguel finishes, looking down at me with pure love in his dark red eyes. I didn’t even know how to react.
“I think I may like you too, Miguel,” I say, thinking about all those nights I’d spent thinking about Miguel. That's all Miguel needs to press our lips together in a kiss, our lips moving against each other in a soft kiss.
“Do you want me to help you get home?” He ask, handing me the shorts he’d thrown off. I slip my shorts on, sitting up to look at him. I notice him doing the same thing, putting his suit back on
“I think I can get home mysel-“ I say but as I stand up my legs give out Miguel having to catch me. He just laughs, helping me stand up. “Okay maybe I do need your help,” I sigh, looking over at him.
“Let’s get you home, Mami,” Miguel says, helping me stand up, opening a portal to my home dimension.
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nczennie · 11 days
angel is the centerfold.
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Pairing: Reader x Ateez's Yunho AU: Exes, Nonidol Genre: Smut (18+ only) Preview: "You never would've imagined she'd be doing something like this, right?" Wooyoung asks trying to divert from the fact that he and San had looked at you. Yunho purses his lips and closes the magazine, eyes twitching as he tries his hardest not to glance down at it. "It is very surprising," he mumbles recalling when you both dated. Words: 3.8k *warnings under cut
Warnings: Protected penetrative sex- vaginal and anal, ass play, spitting, cum eating
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Yunho stares at the small clock in the corner of his computer, blinking slowly as he waits for it to hit 5:00pm. He usually doesn't mind his office job, but it's Friday evening and his eyes are burning from staring at the bright screen all week.
All he wants now is to get home and order some takeout to enjoy with a cold beer while he hops on a game with Yeosang.
But when he finally enters his home, he frowns at the sight of two of his friends making themselves comfortable on his couch.
"Finally!" Wooyoung calls out throwing his head back causing Yunho to roll his eyes as he sets his stuff down, "There was traffic." He grumbles suddenly regretting his decision to give all his friends keys to his apartment when he was feeling sentimental about moving out after university.
Yunho takes a seat beside his friends on his couch ignoring them in favor of looking at the takeout menu on his phone. But sensing Wooyoung's stare he looks up, feeling uneasy with the smug smile on his face. "What?" He asks blankly causing Wooyoung to laugh so he looks to his other friend, San, who has a bit of a frown on his lips.
"You'll never guess what San stumbled across today." He smirks and Yunho's interest is peaked, placing his phone down to give them his full attention. Wooyoung nods towards San who sighs.
"Look I don't want your judgment, just focus on the main point, okay?" San defends sitting up and Wooyoung only laughs louder. San continues, "I was on my lunch break, and I was intrigued by this magazine-"
Wooyoung laughs louder, San blushes, and Yunho stares confused, waiting for the point. "Anyways I bought the magazine, and I was looking through it and found someone I recognized."
"What kind of magazine was it?" Wooyung teases and San shakes his head, "It was a dirty magazine, alright. Don't act like you don't fucking watch porn every night, I can hear you know." Wooyoung mouth forms a straight, unamused line, "Don't bring me into this."
San ignores him, reaching to grab the magazine and hand it to Yunho, "You should see who's in it, right in the middle."
Yunho grabs the magazine suddenly intrigued, flipping along to find the middle. Who could it be, an old teacher, someone they grew up with?
But as he finds the middle, opening up the magazine to look his heart drops to see it was someone he recognizes very well. It was you.
His face turns red as he takes in the pictures, you were shirtless, your breasts on display for all to see, only a pair of skimpy underwear and some socks covering you up. Your hair and makeup were glowy and flawless as you gave the camera a sultry look, mouth slightly parted.
"Angel is the centerfold," Wooyoung smirks, and Yunho is suddenly brought to the reality that his friends saw you like this.
"You both looked at this?" He glares at them, and they seem stuck. "I bought the magazine, of course, I looked at it!" San defends himself and Wooyoung joins, "And when he saw her, he had to show me to see if it was really her."
Yunho's dark look only stays as he tries to comprehend the fact that his friends saw his ex-once innocent- girlfriend practically naked. He remembers Seonghwa once accidentally walked in on you changing and he tackled him to the ground.
"You never would've imagined she'd be doing something like this, right?" Wooyoung asks trying to divert from the fact that he and San had looked at you. Yunho purses his lips and closes the magazine, eyes twitching as he tries his hardest not to glance down at it. "It is very surprising," he mumbles recalling when you both dated it took months before either of you were comfortable to take your shirts off in front of each other.
There's a beat of silence and Wooyoung sighs feeling the tension in the air after showing Yunho, "Well we best be going, just wanted to show you." He motions towards the magazine as he stands up. San follows as Yunho sighs, "Yeah thanks I guess."
The tall boy looks up confused from the couch as he realizes San still stands in front of him despite Wooyoung walking to the door. "Um, can I have my magazine?" He murmurs shyly and Yunho forgets he has to send this picture of you home with his friends. "Don't worry, he'll skip over her page when he's tugging himself off later." Wooyoung calls from the door and Yunho only glares up at San who turns red.
Yunho stands and shoves the magazine back into San's arms who quickly rushes out the door. He can still hear Wooyoung's loud laugh even after they close the door.
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He's had his takeout, his cold beer, and has at this point won several rounds of his game. But now lying in bed there's still a thought nagging in the back of his mind.
With a huff he grabs his phone off the nightstand, squinting at the brightness in his dark room before opening the Instagram app. You had never had social media before, but he figured it was worth checking. Although his heart raced at the possibility that your profile was full of pictures similar to one, he saw earlier.
After searching for a few minutes, he finds you. It's a private profile but he recognizes your smile in the profile picture. You look happy standing on what looks like a beach behind you.
You and Yunho dated for years back in university. The both of you growing and blossoming together. Being shy and inexperienced in the world of dating, you both learned a lot from each other. Romantically, emotionally, sexually...
Therefore, Yunho can't help but be surprised to see you posing in such a way for all to see when he was the first to ever see you in such a way.
After minutes of contemplating, he pushes the follow request button before tossing his phone away from him. It's not like you ended on bad terms. You both just simply grew apart as you grew up. So it couldn't be that strange for him to follow you, right?
But Yunho pushes the thought out of his mind, not allowing himself to look at his phone any longer until morning.
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It's late the next morning when the notification he was waiting for finally graces his phone. Not only had you accepted his follow request, but you requested to follow him back. His heart beats expectedly as he pushes to see your profile.
To his relief, or dismay? He isn't quite sure.
There are no such posts that resemble that of the magazine. Most of them are of your travels and he carefully makes his way through each one.
Yunho stays staring at your profile as he contemplates whether or not he should message you. What would he even say? My friends showed me your picture in a dirty magazine and now I can't stop thinking about you and all the things we used to do together. Probably a bit too much, so he settles for letting you follow him back as well.
A week later he sees you post to your story. A picture of you and a friend out to drink at a bar he recognizes being downtown. His thumb hesitates but eventually pushes the like button and focuses on his friend's conversation once more.
Later that night he's comfortably lounging on the couch when he gets a notification from Instagram. He sits up straighter when he sees you've sent him a direct message.
His throat feels dry as he quickly opens it. What if it was a mistake? You had been drinking tonight as he could see from your story. But the message is simple.
Yunho :) how are you?
He can't help but smile and he replies quickly not even thinking how it might seem desperate.
But alas that is how he spent the rest of the night, and the whole weekend talking and catching up with you. It was so nice he even almost forgot about your picture in the magazine. Almost.
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It's the next weekend and you and Yunho just got back from a lovely date. He took you for ice cream after work and you thought it was cute he recreated your old first date all those years ago.
However, you are both older now so when Yunho asked if you wanted to come back to his place to...have a drink, you agreed.
"The view is amazing," You state in awe as you walk over to the large windows that overlooks the city. Yunho smiles from where he's lighting some candles, "I guess the office job pays off once in a while."
He moves towards the kitchen to pour you both a drink and you enjoy the view for a moment longer before joining him. "You saw one of my pictures, didn't you?"
Yunho's hand twitches and he accidentally spills the whisky which causes a giggle to grace your lips. He feels his ears start to burn as he grabs a towel to clean his mess. "Um," he starts but falls quiet. "From the magazine." You state again as if you couldn't tell he was just embarrassed rather than unsure.
A smile lingers on your face as you take the glass he hands you and take a sip from his own. "I did, yeah. Actually, it was San and Wooyoung who saw and showed me."
He watches as your mouth parts slightly before you let out a laugh. Bring the glass to your lips, and you clear your throat after taking a sip. "I guess that's pretty awkward." He can't help but smile softly at you, "I mean they were pretty amused." A blush rises to your cheeks as you shake your head with a shy smile.
"How did you know? That I saw, I mean." Yunho states and you look up at him once again. "This wouldn't be the first time someone from my past found me on social media after seeing my pictures." You chuckle, "Guys from high school, university, hell even my physics professor reached out after seeing." He frowns both from hearing about the weird professor and because he feels a bit chummy about doing the same as all these others reaching out to you.
Seeing his reaction you speak again, "But of course I've never replied to their messages and advances. I've blocked almost all of them too." You take another sip and he feels a bit more comfortable.
"So how exactly did you start doing this? I don't exactly recall this being related to your major." He teases slightly and you laugh softly. "When I moved after graduation, my roommate suggested I go for an audition where she worked too. It wasn't supposed to be permanent, just to help with money while I was searching for jobs."
"But the money ended up being amazing. Now a couple years later and I still enjoy it." You shrug, "I won't do it forever, but for now I can live comfortably and travel lots. So it works out." You explain and he nods listening intently.
The sips of whisky are starting to set in, so he speaks again, "And you messaged me. What makes me different than all those other guys searching for you after seeing your pictures?"
You look up at him, eyes dancing over his face before you smile, "Because you're Yunho. We loved each other once."
His tongue comes out to wet his lips as he stares back down at you.
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"Fuck, there you go."
Yunho groans letting his eyes close for a moment before he forces them open once more, not wanting to miss the sinful way you take his cock in your mouth. You're on your knees between his legs as he sits on his bed. Wearing nothing but your white panties and a pair of frilly socks that looked cute with your outfit, but now looks identical to your outfit in the magazine.
His mouth parts with a shaky breath as you take him particularly deep. You were never quite able to take in all of his size, but you always worked your hand diligently around what you couldn't fit.
Your glazed eyes looked up at him as if seeking his reactions. His large hand reaches down to move some of the hair falling onto your face, not wanting it to reach the spit and drool leaking from your mouth.
It's with a hollow of your cheeks and a swipe of your tongue that Yunho has to pull you off of him for fear of finishing too early. He pulls you off with a pop and messily connects his mouth with yours, his tongue parting the string of spit that still connected your mouth to his cock.
His large hands reach down to grasp at your waist and pull you to sit beside him on the bed. Yunho still kisses you deeply, tongue reaching every part of your mouth.
Eventually, he breaks to leave wet kisses down your jaw to your neck as you both catch your breath. Goosebumps rise to your skin as his left-hand ghosts over your stomach before reaching into your panties. A small gasp leaves your lips as he immediately connects with your clit, rubbing slow circles to match the pace of his kisses.
"Yunho," you whine, hips twitching up as he lowers his hand, one of his long fingers slipping into your hole with your wetness. He hums against your neck as you clench around him.
He adds another finger to your heat as he nibbles playfully at your jaw, "My baby's so tight." You can only grip his sheets between your fingers as he continues to stretch you out for him slowly.
Without warning he removes his fingers from you and reaches for your panties to take off. Pulling them down your legs as he pushes you further onto the bed. "Turn around for me, baby, wanna taste you." Yunho says in his deep voice and you whimper as you flip yourself.
You get yourself comfortable on your knees, leaning forward to rest on your forearms as Yunho climbs onto the mattress behind you. You can't help but bite your lip and close your eyes as Yunho's warm hands find their place on your ass. Massaging you roughly before you feel the warmth of his breath on you.
Shuddering out a moan as his tongue makes contact with your core, you feel as he hums in response. He uses his hands to spread you for him, taking a second to spit straight on your cunt, adding to your wetness and watching it drip before he goes straight in to slurp it up.
Forgetting just how messy Yunho likes to get while eating you out, you find yourself getting breathless from moaning in this position. The feeling of his tongue and lips moving against you, obviously loving it just as much as you as you feel him push his face against you.
You mull as he lets his tongue wander upwards, circling around your ass, causing you to jerk. He lets his tongue play there before moving to your cunt once more. Yunho has always been into ass play but while the two of dated, you never went farther than his tongue or fingertips gracing over you.
He pulls away with a slap to your ass and you whine causing him to chuckle as he reaches for his nightstand. Grabbing a condom and placing it on himself as quickly as possible.
"C'mon, Yunho, please." You attempt to move your hips backward to meet him as he teases his cock along your folds but never quite pushes himself fully in. He tsks, "Needy baby." He mumbles before finally pushing his tip into your waiting hole.
"Fuck, so big." You whine as he continues to push fully inside of you. A sound of pleasure rumbles in his chest as his pelvis pushes flat against your ass. Both of you take a moment to adjust before he starts moving his hips steadily.
One of Yunho's large hands comes to grab at your hip, helping keep his pace steady as he pounds his cock into you at a more rapid pace. Tiny sounds of pleasure leave your lips as he rocks into, "You feel so good around me baby, I've missed this." Yuhno claims breathlessly.
Suddenly you have a desire that causes you to bite your lip. You reach one of your hands up behind you, keeping your balance as you bring your hand to where you and Yunho meet. "Yeah," He groans breathlessly as he watches two of your fingers spread over where his cock is splitting you open.
Seconds later you move those same fingers upwards towards your less occupied hole, running your fingers over it as you speak up to Yunho. "You can go here." You say the best you can.
His hips stutter before he stills completely, "What?" He asks, not quite sure if the sex is making him hallucinate. A giggle escapes your lips at his reaction. "You can put it in my ass, Yunho." You say bluntly which causes Yunho to blush despite the fact that his cock remains in your cunt.
"Really?" He tries not to sound too excited as you do your best to look at him from your bent-over position. "Yes, but go slow, please. I haven't had something as big as you are yet." A shudder rakes over him at your words and he has to close his eyes for a second before continuing. "Alright," he speaks but starts to move his hips to fuck you once more.
His pace is slower now as he focuses on the new territory in front of him. Using both of his hands to spread you open for him, he spits directly into your unused hole. Taking one of the fingers to spread it diligently before pushing said finger in.
It causes both of your eyes to close, Yunho's heart pounding as he feels the tightness of you. His hips start to move quicker as he moves his finger more comfortably, moving to fit a second one not long after.
Having enough, he pulls his fingers from your ass before spitting twice more onto the hole. Taking his cock out of you, he leans forwards to run his tongue over your ass once more. Licking and spitting in ways that have whining.
With a shaky breath, he brings himself straight, taking his covered cock in his hand, lining the tip up to you. "Fuck," He whispers merely at the sight, breathing in before he pushes into you.
He can feel you tense right away but a moan rips from your throat at the stretch. True to his word, he moves slowly, unable to move his eyes from the sight of his cock entering you in a place he only ever dreamed of.
Once he's finally as far as he can get, he pauses, for you but as well as for him. He has to close his eyes and breathe deeply to stop himself from cumming right then and there.
"So good, so full. Yunho, you're so big," You whine to him which causes him to throw his head back with a groan. You always did know how to stroke his ego.
Yunho licks his lips when he decides it is safe to move, moving his hips slowly to start to fuck you once again. His pace isn't as fast as earlier, but you both enjoy this slower pace in new territory. He lets his hands grip tightly onto your ass, massaging you roughly as he continues.
Eventually a soft, "My neck hurts," breaks from your mouth in between moans which causes him to stop. With a smile, he pulls out and helps you readjust to a more comfortable position on your back.
You pull him close with a smile and your arms around his neck. He smiles smugly above you, one hand holding your thigh around his waist and the other taking his cock to insert himself into your ass once again.
This time you both can see the way each other's mouth drops and eyes flutter at the feeling of being connected. Yunho leans further down, chest brushing yours as his hips regain a rhythm. There's moaning and kissing and licking into each other as he fucks you until you at last let him know you weren't far from cumming.
At your words, Yunho hoists himself up and moves one of his hands to rub at your clit. Your moans become whinier as your stomach tightens. He stops his assault on your clit before taking two of his fingers and pushing them into your empty cunt. He thrusts quickly matching the pace of his hips, your wetness causing the room to fill the room with lewd sounds. Your breath quickens and you bring your hand to his forearm, desperate to grab at anything.
The pleasure he brings you washes over you like a waterfall and leaves you twitching. You whine as he removes his fingers from your now-soaked cunt and slows the paces of his cock.
Blinking your eyes open you see him smirking down at you, "Does my baby feel good, hm?" He asks deeply and you nod.
"I'm gonna cum soon, do you think you can sit up for me?" He speaks and you agree once more. Yunho moves his hips quickly once again, fucking his cock into your ass once last time until he's groaning and breathing deeply.
"Fuck," he finally breaths and pulls out of you, carefully helping you sit up before he removes the condom from his cock. You look up at him, mouth slightly parted, looking at him with a sultry look, breasts on display for him.
Looking suspiciously like the picture he saw of you in San's magazine.
Yunho jerks himself quickly eyes jumping from your face to your body. "My pretty baby." He says breathlessly, "Gonna cum on you, gonna mark you as mine." He mumbles with a groan before his cum starts to spurt. He aims his cock at your breasts and you move to cup them. Fingers running over your hard nipples causing him to groan further as he finishes on you.
"All yours." You speak to him, keeping eye contact as you swipe a drop of him from your breasts and suck it into your mouth.
"Fuck," his cock twitches as you smirk at him causing his lips to quirk, "You're driving me crazy."
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Copyright © 2024 by nczennie. All rights reserved.
🌼 All feedback is appreciated and welcomed 🌼
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raineydays411 · 10 months
My fathers daughter pt 12
It all comes out sometime
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"Jay?" You ask.
"Yeah its me. How the fuck did you get access to the coms?" He asks amused at your actions.
"Trust me hacking this isn't any harder than hydra files" You say passively, " Anyways that's not important, I think I can help with this Joker thing."
"Wait? Really?" He ask seriously, "Y/n, listen carefully, I need you to go into Bruce's office and find the big ass clock --"
"Yeah I already found the secret hide out" You say annoyed, "Mommy dearest kicked me out before I could tell her how I could help."
Jason sighed, knowing that his mother probably tried to use her mom voice on you. " Yeah, she told us she didn't want you to be in the whole vigilante think."
The anger that was simmering under your skin came back, but before you let it get the best of you, you continued. Knowing that this information was more important than whatever mommy issues you had.
"Right, well that's not important." You say," Listen to me now."
"I'm listening." Jason grunted, sounding like was punching someone,
"Whatever chemical agent Jackass put in his venom is the exact same stuff that was used to brainwash the Winter Soldier" You say quickly.
"Kid, I wanna believe you but how do you know that? Tim was just able to get a sample and process it."
"Because, I was told that every antidote you use only makes the effects stronger right?"
"Right" He says strained
"In order to make sure that the Winter Soldier stayed the Winter Soldier and not Bucky, Hydra had to make sure his brain produced a certain amount of hormones. And that whatever anybody used, the effects couldn't reverse. Hence chemical X."
"Chemical X?"
"The name is to long for me to attempt to pronounce, anyways, lucky for us, my daddy just so happened to create a serum that undoes Chemical X. And if I check," You pause, taking over the computer downstairs, and checking the sample Tim had sent in, " The component is there."
"Well I'll be damned"
"Exactly. Now, I need you to find a lab or something. This serum was made with the intention of being made on the fly. So everything you need should be there." You say pulling up a map of Gotham general.
"Wait, I need to tell Bruce." Jason said, " Joker said he had the only antidote and he's fighting him right now"
"No thats not possible. The only ones who know about it is my father and I." You said worridly.
Meanwhile while you were upstair lending a helping hand, downstairs Christine and Alfred were panicking because they lost control of Jason's com and the main computer.
'Alfred I can't find him" Christinen cried, " How did he just disappear like that?
"I don't know miss, there's no possible way he could've."
"Wait." Christine says looking up to the screen, " Bruce and Tim are gone"
"How did you get con-"
"It's not important" You say cutting Batman off, " Listen to me, Joker doesn't have the cure."
"How do you know that?" The dark knight asks skeptically
"Because, until my dad figured it out, there was no cure." You say impatiently, " This chemical wasn't intended to have a cure."
"But you figured it out?"
"YES" You shout frustrated at the constant repetition, " DO you want the step by step or do you want to save lives?"
"hm" Bruce grunted, " And you know how to make it?"
"I do." You say earnestly
There was a pause, you heard grunting and what sounded like fighting in the background.
On Bruce's side, he managed to get the Joker disarmed and tied up.
He searched him for what he claimed was the vial containing the cure. But upon finding it, the Joker decided to throw his head back connecting with Batman's face. The sudden impact caused him to drop the vial, shattering it on the linoleum floor. The liquid oozing out and burning a hole into the floor.
"Ooops" the Joker cackled, " Aww poor Batsy, I guess I may have told a little white lie"
As Bruce rose from the floor, Robin ran in holding another vial
"Batman, the antidote." He says with a stern look on his face.
The smug smile fell from the Jokers face as he looked at the preteen.
"Thats...that's not possible!" Joker cried out, " There is no cure. There was never a cure."
Batman looked Joker straight in the eye, " No Joker, it looks like you miscalculated."
And with that, a swift punch to the face knocked the Joker out. A breath of relief flowed from the Batfamily. Now they can focus on what really mattered, helping the infected.
Back in your room you paced, after explaining how to make the cure, you hadn't hear back from the family. The anxiety you had building up in you made your heart feel as of it was going to explode.
"Y/n" Jasons voice came from your computer, " It worked."
You felt like crying, " Really? Are you for real?'
"No I'm lying and everyone died" Jason said sarcastically, " Yes I'm for real."
"Thank god" You said wetly
"Oh god are you crying?" Jason said uncomfortably
"No." and with that you disconnected, allowing access back to the main computer downstairs. After doing that you sat on your be, taking a couple deep breaths to calm yourself. But the tears kept flowing. You were so worried that you didn't get the information to Bruce on time. You were worried about the people that were exposed for too long. The ones that the antidote may not have worked on.
You may have been able to help a few but how many more could you have saved if you were listened to right away. The anger simmered back in your body.
You hated that Christine treated you as if you were a child. She completely disregarded what you had to say and took a shot at your father. At least he was smart enough to know that you were capable of more than just sitting and twiddle your thumbs.
You had half a mind to go down there and give her a piece of you mind. But before you could, a chime came from your phone
"Hey Starky! guess who's on the neighborhood <3"
By the time the Batman co. finally made it back to the cave they all were exhausted. Every single one of them wanted to get home and take a shower. Dick and Jason would be staying at the manor simply because they couldn't muster up the energy to make their respective journeys back home. Damian and Cass were knocked out in the back of the batmobile and even Bruce was having a hard time staying awake while driving.
Honestly, ever since his family was created, Bruce/Batman became less about vengeance and more about protecting the city that he and his family live and care about. And maybe, if there was anyway that he can help mend the relationship between your family and his, perhaps you can be a part of his team as well, as sad at it was to say your hacking skills were way above his and Tims.
Lost in thought, Bruce didn't realized that when he pulled in Christine was in borderline hysterics and Alfred looked a little more frazzled than usual.
"Oh! Bruce!", Christine cried throwing herself into the confused bat, " What happened?! Is everyone one okay?"
"Christine, darling what are you-" Bruce was puzzled, Christine always had somewhat of a flair for the dramatics but there should be no reason for her to be this worried, especially because she's able to see everything .
"I thought we lost you! All of you!" Christine cried, eyes welling up with tears," The coms cut our for what felt like hours and then the main computer crashed! Me and Alfred both were barely able to get it rebooted before you got here!"
"Wait, if the main computer crashed then how was Y/n able to talk to us through the coms?" Tim asked tiredly, only jolting awake when Jason harshly elbowed him, signaling him to shut up about your participation.
"What do you mean? Y/n has been in her room this whole time." Christine says with a look of confusion on her face.
The batfamily all looked at each other, silently daring each other to step up and tell the truth, and face the wrath of their mother. Even Bruce didn't want to rat you out, knowing where Christine stood on her thoughts of you being involved.
Now don't get the wrong idea, Christine is by definition an overprotective mother. Theres no doubt about that. But there is a reason as to why she wants you out of the hero life and spot life in general.
Firstly, you are Tony Stark's daughter. There is no getting around that. And being Tony Stark's daughter also means you're Iron Mans daughter. And that is the whole reason you are there in Gotham in the first place. Amidst all the familial drama, everybody seemed to forget that you are still being hunted by an anonymous group. But Christine hasn't. Every night she lies awake worried to death that that was the night they found you. That they would come for you.
Secondly, the villians that her husband and family deal with are...for lack of words psychoic. If they figured out that you, Iron mans daughter, was helping their enemy Batman there would be more people after you. And from what Christine has witnessed these people do, the horrors and atrocities they casually commit. That frightens her even more.
So, with that being said, the look on her families face and the circumstances that had just occurred, it wasn't hard for her to figure out the cause of their technical malfunctions. And what a coincidence that these malfunctions only happened after you were sent to your room.
"Bruce.", Christine said in a clam even tone, " What are you not telling me." She didn't ask she demanded.
"Darling." Bruce said in a pleading tone, " It was a long night for everybody, why don't we just discuss it in the morning"
"Discuss it in the morning?" Christine asked incredulously, " Discuss it in the morning?! Do you know how worried I was? How worried WE were" She gestures to herself and Alfred who looked mildly uncomfortable to be put in the argument, " We thought you were injured or worse DEAD!"
The kids tried to slowly back out, inching towards the elevator that you totally didn't know was there.
"Don't even think about it" Christine said without looking at them, " How dare you all? How dare you? I asked ALL of you for one simple thing. Just one. To keep her OUT of it."
"Christine that's hardly fair-" Bruce started to say before getting cut off.
"No! It is totally fair! There are PEOPLE after her. People who are still out there by the way! Tony and his team haven't been able to find them! They keep slipping away whenever they get close! They are out there, trying to get MY daughter, for god knows what!"
Bruce glances towards the staircase entrance but before he can say anything Christine goes on, " DO you understand how hard it has been to keep anything from this world from her!"
"Ma she grew up in this world, it's not fair to just cut her out" Jason cuts in, " She feels left out because we're all pretending like we aren't who we are and pretending as of we don't have The Tony Starks daughter in our house. She's not a civilian, she's in it."
"She is not just Tonys daughter she's mine too!" Christine shouts before tears start to drop from her eyes, " Shes MINE, she can't be taken from me."
In the batmobile, Cass buries her face into a sleeping Damians chest.
"Mom, do you think any of us would let that happen?" Dick finally speaks up, " I mean, come on have a little faith"
" I just wanted her to stay out of it, to get out for good."
" Darling, that girl was not made to stay out of things, look at whp her parents are," Bruce chuckled, " Besides, she's never going to come around if we don't fully open ourselves up to her as well."
"You have to admit Ma, fighting is the only way any of us bonded" Jason says, " Except me, she likes me."
"I don't know why " Dick says with a frown, still bitter at the fact that you had bonded with Jason before him.
Christine sniffled before saying, " I still need to go talk to her, the way she cut us off was unacceptable."
"But-" Tim finally spoke out but it was too late, Christine was already marching to the elevator, mind made up about scolding you for what she thought was a practical joke.
The rest of the team was left in the Bat cave shaking their heads at their mothers stubbornness.
Bruce's sighed and started to put things away, " There's going to be fight and I don't want to be in the middle of that."
The three awake boys nodded.
" Someone wake up Damian and Cass, they need to go to bed."
Jason and Dick pushed Tim forward, if there was one other thing they didn't want to get in the middle of, was those two and their sleep.
Back upstairs you were filled to the brim with anger. You had gone downstairs to greet the returning heroes and rub your success in Christines face, only to overhear what you had already confirmed.
Christine had been purposefully keeping things from you. Not only about Bruce being Batman ( Which you already knew), but about your situation.
See, when you had first moved to Gotham, you knew that there would be almost little to no contact with your family. The few times you were able to talk to someone from back home it wasn't even your parents. Something about phone lines being traceable and unreliable.
The only line of communication was given to you by Natasha before you left, a single flip burner phone that was only to be used for emergencies.
But Christine apparently was getting updates directly from your father. Updates you were sure were meant to be given to you. So not only had she had a hand in the intentional isolation of you from her family, she was trying to isolate you from yours as well.
It made you so angry! You already have sacrificed so much just to be here and you didn't even want to be there in the first place. You ripped open your laptop and went to do a little digging. Upon doing that, you found about a dozen of lengthy emails from your father describing in great lengths about your situation and details about life back home. These emails were obviously meant to be read by you and they all were marked as read and filed away. How they got to the Batcomputer was unknown to you but as you scanned each word tears welled up into your eyes, you father had not forgot about you.
You sat on the bed, taking deep breaths trying to calm down. You managed to restrain yourself and not blow up at that woman in front of her whole family and you really were trying to calm down so you can have a mature conversation about it.
You were trying.
but then, "Y/n Stark how dare you disobey your mother!"
"What?" You say eyes ripping open and anger finally bubbling over
"How dare you! I asked you for one thing! All I wanted was to make sure my family would have been okay!"
"And are they dead?" You ask bluntly, " Is everyone who was infected dead?"
Christine turned red, " That is not the point young lady and I don't appreciate you talking about your family like that."
"They are NOT my family!" You shout, " You are not my family"
'Y/n" Christine start but now you were the one to cut her off
"NO, and since we are on the topic of not appreciating things lets talk about how I don't appreciate how you have been deliberately LYING to me."
"Excuse me?" Christine asks angrily, " I will have you know that I do not have to disclose every single piece of information I have to yo."
" Not even when it's about my own father." You said with an even tone, " Or do you not have to disclose that piece of information to me."
Christine lifts her chine, " Y/n I have no idea what you are talking about?"
"Oh you don't?" You ask," So you and your husband aren't hiding emails from my father to me in that big ass computer?"
Eyes widen, " How do you -"
"How do I know about that?" You mock, " So it's true?"
"Y/n that's not the point" Christine started, " Your practical joke could have seriously put the lives of your siblings in danger."
" My siblings?" You ask, " They are not my siblings! I don't even know those people!"
Christine stays quiet, then shakes her head, " If you would just come out of the room and get to know them other than Jason-"
"Why so they could tell me how great you are?' You say, " So they can tell me memories they have of you being a good mother to them?"
Christine's eyes well up with tears, " Y/n that's not fair"
"Oh that not fair to you, mom?" you shout, " And it was so fair to me when you left me to raise another kid?"
In the hallway Dick and Jason are paused half way up the staircase.
Dicks heart falls into his stomach at your comment, knowing that that kid you were talking about was him.
Jason on the other hand had a grim look on his face. He knew that this conversation needed to happen in order for anything to move on.He knew the years of resentment you were holding on to. It wasn't fair to you that everyone in this house had this subconscious expectation that you should just put those years behind you.
"That is not what happened" Christine says wetly, " It was just hard, Y/n you don't understand."
"Hard?!" You shout angerliy, " It was hard? Hard for you to visit your daughter once every three fucking months? Was it hard for you to lead my dad on then crush his heart every time you left?"
"NO Y/N thats not true" Christine shouted but before she could continue you went on
"No???" you mocked, " Then what was it mom?"
" Everytime I went to see you, you had grown." Christine sniffs, " You had grown and had new adventures and stories and milestones that i was not a part of. I-"
"OH bullshit!" You shout
"Y/n." Christine says sadly
"NO, no you don't get to play that card! You left by choice!" You cry, " You left me by choice, you hid me away by choice! You chose this life for us."
" I loved you so much. I LOVE you so much Y/n!"
"You have a funny way of showing it." You say dryly, " You have this perfect life here. Perfect husband, a shit load of kids who adore you. I adored you. Why wasn't I enough?"
Christine's heartbroke and she couldn't answer you because truthfully, she didn't have an answer.
"And the one parent I was enough for I had to leave. I had to leave him and my mother behind for my other one who didn't want me. And I'm stuck in a house full of these kids who adore you and didn't know that I adored you well before them. And yet even though I'm here I'm alone. And that still isn't enough for you."
Christine wanted to say you weren't alone. You weren't because you have her. She's here for you, but that wasn't true. She hadn't been there. She wasn't there even when she was.
"You had to make me think my father forgot about me the way you did for what? So I can like you again? So I could forget all the times you promised you were going to come see me and you didn't? Why?"
"I..I just wanted to keep you safe.." Christine spouted pathetically.
"Safe?" You said, herding her towards your door, " No, everything you've done is because you want to look better. You're selfish. That's what you've always been"
And with that you slam the door in her face, startling the boys on the stairs and Christine as she didn't even realize that she was in the hallway.
Staring at your door she wept. For once, truly feeling the regret that she said she had been feeling. She did truly love you, she had not lied about that. To hear you finally say how you weren't enough for her broke her heart.
"Ma..are you okay?" Jason softly asked as Dick went to knock at your door, a bit angry at the way you spoke to his mother,
"Leave her be." A soft voice demanded from the hallway, " Dick, leave her be. Your mother was not the only one hurt in that conversation."
Bruce walked to Christine, and gently lead her to their room.
Upon the commotion outside, no one heard you open your window and slip out.
"It's about time, I almost died waiting for you."
"You can't die, that's your whole thing." You reply, wiping tears from your face.
"You're crying." Wade says in an unnaturally serious voice, " Do I have to kill your hot mom?"
You cringe, " No, just get me out of here."
"I could do that, actually I have a surprise for you~" He sings as he leads you to his taxi...
You heard what sounds like banging coming from the trunk and you're slightly scared to open it.
"Oh don't be a pussy" He says opening the trunk.
Popping out with a gasp is
"Peter?" You say with a sigh, eyes welling up with tears again. You truly have missed your friends.
"That was not cool Wade!" He shouts, not grasping where he was, " The trunk smelled like nachos and vomit! I couldn't nngh-"
He grunts as you throw yourself into his arms, " Y/n.."
His arms wrap around you tightly, " Y/n what are you.. Where am I?"
"Gotham, now get me the hell out of here."
And with that, you're loaded into the car, taking the backseat with Peter and Wade in the front with an Indian man.
"Y/n this is Dopiender"
"Hello ms. Stark, I promise I will defend you with my life."
"Oh...well, thank you."
"This was surprisingly easy." Wade said as they pulled out of the long driveway, " Bruce Wayne should update his security."
What they didn't know, was that a pair of bright green eyes watched your reunion through the security camera in the Batcave. Squinting as they saw the tears flow freely through your face and noting the license plate and the men you were with.
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ravenna-reid · 4 months
The Tortured and the Test Subject
Jason Todd x Cadmus Test Subject Reader
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This one is a lil different to what I usually do. A mix of what happened to Super Boy in Young Justice (Cadmus Labs) and Eleven in Stranger Things. But I hope you all like it anyways <3 Pls lmk if you would be interested in a Part 2!
Warnings -- swearing, mentions of death and torture
The deafening sound of a distant motorcycle reverberated off of the walls of the batcave. As the tires screeched and the smell of rubber filled the air, Jason came to a stop, turned it off and held his helmet in his hand. Looking around, the batcave was eerily quiet and empty.
“Hey Bruce, you in here?”
The only thing that answered him was the echo of his own voice. And the sound of soft shuffling against material and a faint, constant beep. Weary of his surroundings, and what crazy things he might find in this cave, Jason edged in the direction it came from. As he walked past one of Bruce’s large technological whatevers and turned the corner, he froze in his tracks. 
Lying on one of the med beds, with restraints strapped on her arms, legs, and across her stomach, was one of the most stunning girls Jason had ever seen. Skin like porcelain and dark eyelashes fanning over her cheeks. She was dressed in some sort of grey jumpsuit, the numbers 09714 embroidered near her left shoulder. But there was one key detail that really stood out to Jason. The white streak that ran through her hair. Pulling his eyes away from it, Jason looked over at the machines she was hooked up to, each one of them saying that she had no heartbeat. No breath. Nothing in her at all. An unsettling sensation instantly washed over him as he dared to creep closer. 
With widened eyes, Jason whirled around to find Bruce standing behind him, dressed in his Batman suit with his mask off. Hardened expression painted across his face, Bruce seemed completely unfazed with having a dead woman in the batcave. 
“Bruce, who the hell is this?” Jason asked, voice accusatory and brows furrowed. 
Ignoring him, Bruce moved past Jason over to his many computers. He brought up images of what seemed to be a secret lab – another Cadmus Lab Jason realised – and it looked like it was in Blüdhaven. Dozens of police cars were parked outside of the building, the lab disguised as an industrial factory. 
“Dick had been working with others to locate another hidden Cadmus Lab and bring it down. Once they’d broken in and detained the scientists running it, he and Starfire tried to save as many as they could. Including her.”
Bruce brought up an image of the girl that lied motionless behind them. Eyes bright and gleaming, a soft smile gracing her face. Jason took every detail in. 
“They were running some kind of tests on her. I’m still not sure what. But interestingly enough, once Dick and his team entered the facility, remaining scientists quickly let off some sort of knockdown gas in her cell.” Bruce let out a deep sigh as he turned back to face her. “All I know is that she was their only successful test subject. And that even though she is alive, technically, she’s dead.”
Jason’s stomach dropped down to his feet.
“What?” What the actual fuck. Could the Lazarus Pit be involved? No, because his heart was still beating, whereas hers….
In that moment, the restraints attached to her began to rattle against the steel of the med bed. Turning to look at you, Jason watched as you began to stir from your deep slumber, his eager eyes looking between you and the machines that were telling him you were dead. 
“I guess we’re about to find out what she’s capable of. I’m going to go get Dick, stay here and watch her.”
“What? Bruce, no. I just came here to –” It was pointless finishing his sentence, Bruce was already gone. 
A soft hum came from you, and all Jason could do was watch and wait. Suddenly your eyes flew open. Large and bright, intensely taking in your surroundings. You began to try and move your arms and legs against the restraints to no avail. Jason wanted to say something, but what would he even say?
Suddenly, your focus settled onto him and something got caught in his throat. Silence enveloped the room until he forced himself to speak.
“Finally decided to wake up, huh?”
All it took was a single breath. A single blink of his eyes and suddenly you had torn off all of your restraints, were on your feet and had him pinned against the wall. 
“Fuck.” He hissed, shocked by your immense strength. Your touch was ice cold and unforgiving, your glare just as harrowing. 
“Who are you?” You snapped, your face just inches from Jason’s. 
“Usually, I’d ask you out on a date before letting you get this close to me.” He strained. 
Your glare faltered, a confused frown occupying your face now. 
“You’re mocking me?” Your grip tightened on his shirt. 
“No, no I wasn’t mocking you.” He began. Jason searched for a distraction. Searched for something else to say to you, anything. “Do you remember what happened? Remember Cadmus?” 
The mention of that place obviously struck a nerve. A glint of fear quickly passed through your eyes and Jason felt a tinge of sympathy. What the hell did they do to you in there?
“I’m not there?” You asked.
“No, you’re not. You're safe now.” Jason’s breathing mellowed out a bit as he watched the gears in your head turn. As he watched you hang off of every word he said. 
“Are you going to take me back there?” 
“No, I promise. But I’m going to need you to answer a few questions. for me and --” 
Your glare was back, and this time you came in even closer, your breath fanning his face. His heart skipped several beats.
“Swear it. Swear you won’t hand me back over to them.” 
“Cadmus is destroyed. Everyone that worked for them is going to prison.”
He could tell his answer wasn’t enough. Jason brought his hand up to where his heart was, and made a cross over the fabric of his shirt with his index finger.
“Swear on my mothers grave.” 
Looking down at the shirt you held onto, you saw an array of silver streaks on his skin peek out from behind it. Scars. 
And for some reason, you felt you could trust him. That if anyone could ever be able to understand what you had been through, it was him. You had no idea why.
After that, Dick and Bruce had returned, astounded to see the restraints on the floor and you holding Jason against the wall. Bruce tried to be rational with you and Dick tried to work his sympathetic charm, but your eyes remained on Jason.  They all sat around you now as you fiddled with the sleeves of your jumpsuit.
“We just wanna know what they were doing at that lab. Doing to you.” Jason asked, and you didn’t seem to mind how blunt he was. 
So you told them everything. How you’d been taken in when you were 18. How they were eager to see whether or not they could create a metahuman. Or at least turn a born human into one. How the tests were torturous, and how you ended up developing a few abilities thanks to the chemicals that they had pumped in you. Of course, it resulted in you dying and coming back to life... However, your vital organs were no more. No more breathing. No more blood rushing through your body. You tried to ignore that part. Tried to romanticise it by telling yourself you were like the vampires from the shows you watched in high school now. 
“So, superhuman strength? Durability?” Bruce began as he took notes. 
“It’s hard for me to die.” You added, another unique ability you knew you had. Neither of the bat boys wanted to know how you knew that. 
“But I can also heal. That’s all though.”
A silence settled over the room like a weighted blanket. Jason watched you and couldn’t help but feel like he could understand you on some sort of level. Understand how it felt to be tortured for so many days on end. To have someone try to turn you into something you’re not. And becoming successful in doing so. Jason was also pretty pissed that Dick was the one who found those assholes working at Cadmus, cause if it was him, he would have killed every last one of them for what they did. 
Bruce’s gaze settled on you and the boys knew it all too well. It was his pity look. It was the look he gave when he was about to say something that would be better left unsaid.
“Do you know how long you were there for?” He asked.
You shook your head, almost not wanting to know the answer. “No.” 
“Based on the information I retrieved from their database, you've been stuck in Cadmus for almost three years. You’re turning 21 in four days.”
You closed your eyes, the realisation of how long it’d been since you left that damn building hitting you like a truck. You could feel the hot tears sneak up on you as they made their way to your eyes, but fought hard to suppress them. After a moment to yourself, a shaky breath left your body. 
“Hey, it’s ok. At least you're out now! You’re free y/n.” Dick began. 
A pain so deep and fervent began in Jason’s chest. A pain he hadn’t felt since Bruce betrayed him and replaced him with Tim.
Jason got to his feet and Bruce and Dick’s eyes followed him. 
“Come on, we don’t need to discuss this anymore. We have all that we need.”
“Jason –”
He cut Bruce off. “No Bruce. She just woke up. She probably hasn’t even seen the sun since she was taken to that hellhole. Just give her a break for a second.”
Dick’s mouth almost fell open, his eyes meeting with Bruce’s.
“Alright.” Bruce replied coolly, intrigued by how Jason was handling the situation. ‘Mr. doesn’t want to be involved.’ ‘Mr. revenge and hate.’ 
You sat nimbly though, lost in your thoughts and eyes trained on the floor before you spoke up. “I don’t have anywhere to go.” 
You fought for the memory that was buried deep at the back of your mind. “I’m an orphan. I was staying in dorms…I was there for just one week.”
“It’s alright, you can stay here.” Bruce concluded, and with that, he got up and left, preparing for another night of patrol.
“Hey,” Your eyes flickered over to the boy who had similar hair to you as Jason grabbed your attention. Dick simply sat back and watched. “I can show you around if you want?” 
You gave a nod before both you and Jason left the batcave so that he could take you to Wayne Manor. So he could take you to your new home.
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pigcowboys · 9 months
Hi boo(i hope that was not too cringe)! Could you pls do a percy jackson, enemies to lovers! story? Like in everyone in the Camp knows their hatred against each other but then they get send on a quest together and end up kissing each other to disguise their quest?!
I would really appreciate it!
Have a good Day!
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pairing: percy jackson x gn! reader (2nd pov is used but someone does say 'chick')
summary: much to your displeasure, you find yourself on a quest with the one person you hate the most.
warning(s): BICKERING. mutual pining (they just don't know it yet.), kissing, swearing, enemies to lovers.
a/n: IT WASNT CRINGE DWW HAHA, i tried my best!! school starts for me pretty soon so im trying to write as much as i can before i have to go back.. (also im sorry abt the images i dont know whats going on with my computer.)
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you hated them, everyone of them.
that wretched camp and it's obnoxious staff oh, and don't even get you started on that stupid oracle. she set you up! they all did.
gods, why of all people did it have to be him?
perseus jackson - most of the time shortened to just percy jackson, maybe even peter johnson at times. what an ass he was.
believe it or not when you first came to camp half-blood you had actually taken a liking to him. he was cute, full of energy and full of endless bravery, your exact type.
you weren't sure when it begun, your hatred for him, that is. it kind of just..started. when? not sure. your exact guess must've been that one valentine's day when he accidentally sneaked the last muffin at breakfast. yeah, that must've been it.
to be honest though, you didn't need a reason. you just did, and you weren't exactly quiet about it either. from the day you started to hate his guts all his advances to be nice to you were met with a glare or a huff. sometimes you'd just straight up walk away from him.
so, it basically didn't take him long to send you back the same glares or huffs or even the smallest mutter of 'geez, not this chick again..' everyone hoped the feud would dissipate, that the two of you would grow the fuck up and call a truce.
too bad their prayers didn't help.
infact, you were pretty sure that even if the gods themselves came down from olympus and said 'get along or die right here' you'd pick the latter in a heartbeat.
so, when you'd initially been called into chiron for some 'great news' you'd expected him to tell you that percy had finally decided to leave camp - or that you'd won the lottery. fuck, you wished that was it.
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"hey, stay on your side, bucko!" you said, nudging percy to the side aggressively. "i'm not on the market, especially for you."
"can you be serious for second!" percy snapped back, his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "we have to prove to chiron that we can do this." he turned back to face the front. "or...we're in for another lecture."
"i wouldn't mind, really," you grinned. "i've perfected the art of sleeping with my eyes open."
"if only you could perfect the art of silence.."
you glared at him.
the two of you were submerged underwater at the moment in one of percy's bubbles. chiron had asked of you to go to queens in order to do..something? you didn't really pay attention to chiron at the time - besides, you were thinking about drowning yourself in the nearest lake when you'd heard the percy going on the quest with you in tow. the only thing you could remember was that it was super important to not let anyone see you.
something about the appearance of two demigod children to monster being dangerous? you weren't sure why he thought the things wouldn't be able to sniff you out anyways.
the bubble wasn't even your idea to be fair. you'd suggested just taking the train, as it much easier but percy disagreed - as usual. said it would be quicker to just swim over via bubble transfer and although you wanted to disagree, you settled on the idea that the station at this time would be packed as hell.
so you bit your tongue and allowed yourself to be trapped in a bubble with percy for about a half an hour or so.
"ugh, how much longer..?" you asked, adjusting your clothes uneasily. the bubble wasn't by any means uncomfortable just..kind of warm? weirdly enough. percy didn't spare you a glance only opting to shurg his shoulder slightly as he focused on the vast ocean in front of the two of you.
you glared at him from your spot in the bubble, uncomfortably crossing your legs as you turned away from him, jumping when you realized a never before seen fish was staring into your soul from outside the bubble. it wasn't a surprise to you to see the fish, percy was the son of poseidon, you expected him to go full aquaman one day and pull up to camp half blood with a stream of wild dolphins and squids.
still, the beady little dead eyes scared the shit out of you. and in your natural knee jerk reflex, you moved back, inching into percy and bumping his shoulder. he turned to face you with a distasteful look, face contorting in confusion when he noticed the small school of fish now gathering.
your face morphed into one of uncomfort as you gazed at the tons of fish that seemed to spawn out of nowhere. "uh..can you call your friends off?"
percy seemed to share a look with the fish, a look of embarrassment flashing over his face briefly as he glared at them intensely. you looked on at the exchange in silence because, was he really talking to fishes? the fish eventually scrammed after a while and you and percy were back on your way. silence fell over the two of you before you spoke up suddenly.
"i didn't know you spoke fish.."
"drop it."
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"i think we're here." percy annouced as the bubble started to drift closer to shore. were you guys there? you weren't sure at all. you were just happy to be out of that bubble - the close proximity was making you break out.
you were in fact there, somehow. and it was by then it hit you that this was a quest - a really important mission for a demigod and since it was assigned to specifically you and percy, it meant you had to deliver.
your duo walked towards the city, looking around for any suspicious looking civilians or any sign of irregular activity. it would've been an easy task to scope out the objective of the mission if it wasn't for percy's loud breathing.
seriously, you could hear him practically breathing down your neck as the two of you walked. him and his stupid big nostrils - you couldn't focus.
"mind breathing a little less loud?"
percy blinked at you. "these requests are starting to get literally concerning." his face contorted in confusion. "how the hell does one 'breathe a little less loud' ?"
"they not be percy jackson."
"that wasn't even english??"
you were about to say something else smart when a couple of people ahead caught your attention, they weren't inherently weird looking but, you got this vibe from them - that they weren't completely human. your mind raced as you looked around as nonchalantly as you could.
there were people here. to your right, 2 parents and their one hyperactive son who clawed at the ice cream in front of him with his tongue, a bright smile on his face and to your left a group of younger looking teenage girls who were chatting brightly. most likely about hair dye because their highlights were so bright they were giving you eye cancer.
you thought fast. pulling percy by his wrist as you dashed down the street, rushing into the nearest store slash tourist attraction you could as you pushed him into the corner roughly, looking behind you to see if the people had followed you.
he gave you a completely surprised look, slight annoyance forming on his face as he exhaled heavily. "is there any reason you felt like dragging me into this.." he looked around, eyes landing on a random cowboy hat that was situated on a hook in the corner of the place. "slightly..cool place?" he finished, grabbing the cowboy hat and observing it curiously.
"i saw them, well - i think i did.." you mumbled out, looking around erratically as you watched out for any signs of being followed. percy quirked an eyebrow at you.
"the IRS finally caught you orr.."
"percy, this is serious!" you exclaimed, growing slightly embarrassed when the store owner shot the two of you a look. you smiled at the owner awkwardly, ushering percy into a corner with your hand.
"look, i'm pretty sure i found the guys we were going here for." you said, still stealing glances behind you. "i saw them..just now, when were walking."
"did they follow us?" percy asked, more seriously now.
"i'm not sure," you frowned.
percy thought for a moment before speaking once more."they wouldn't do anything with all these humans here - we just have to make sure we blend in."
"and how do you suppose we do that?"
percy grinned at you, reaching over to grab another hat that was right next to the one he'd picked up earlier.
you grimaced, who's idea was it to put you two together?
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"do you think we lost them?"
"nah, we definitely still need the disguises."
the two of you were situated on the street currently, attempting to look as normal as possible. though, it was pretty hard to with these stupid cowboy hats percy insisted the two of you had to wear. claimed it would be "inconspicuous" but in reality it was extremely, eye catching.
you figured he just wanted you to wear it so he could laugh behind your back about how utterly foolish you looked. it didn't help that he'd picked out the hat with the corniest design for you - and it was bedazzled.
you let of a huff of frustration. "can we switch? this one's too big on me., i'm half blind here, man."
"you'll live," percy reassured. "besides, it's better if they can't see your face."
"what's the use? they'll just sniff us out eventually."
percy shot you a look. "you're no fun."
you opened your mouth to say something when percy's face changed as he locked eyes with something behind you. you barely had time to react when he pulled you into a brutal bear hug, turning you away from whatever it was that was behind you.
your muscles tensed as your face started to burn with embarrassment. a "what the fuck, percy?" was muffled into his shirt as you felt the presence of the monsters nearing closer. your heart sank to your feet as realized how near they were really.
"whatever i do.." percy whispered in your ear. "just promise you won't be too mad."
"what're you talk-"
and then before you knew it, you'd lost your lip virginity. i mean, it wasn't the worst first kiss story you'd have to tell people. boy kissed me in order to distract the bloodthirsty monsters that were tracking us down! wow, how romantic.
in all honesty, you knew percy just did what he had to do. you knew he just had to keep you to keep your disguises up. that was probably the rest why you leaned into the kiss, hands coming up to rest on his chest as his brutal bear hug eased into more a gentle hug, his hands moving the hold your hips.
the kiss had to look real - romantic. that's why you pretend to be so into it that you let out a satisfied hum. you weren't sure if the monsters had moved on from the two of you, you weren't even sure if you were safe at all in the moment. but, it was starting to get hard to think as your mind swirled with various conflicting thoughts that stemmed from your actions at the moment.
percy broke the kiss, his eyes gazing into your curiously as he removed his hands from your hips slowly. you removed your hand from his chest, pulling away gently. your eyes searched his own for any sign of discomfort or disgust as you started to grow weary of the fact he'd just stolen your first kiss.
yet, you were surprised to find that there was none - just confusion and surprise. you tore your eyes away from him, clearing your throat. as you fixed your outfit. "i..i think i saw them go somewhere over there." you pointed at the secluded alleyway not too far from where you and percy stood. "let's go - we can get the drop on them."
percy stared at you for a moment before nodding, slightly dazed and following you towards the alleyway silently.
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the ride back home - or should you say float back home was silent, as it always was. though, something different seemed to be hanging in the air this time. a feeling of awkwardness that was mostly unnatural to you and percy.
you wanted to ask about it - the kiss, why did he do it? why was that first thing he came up with? why did he lean into you slightly? why did the world seemed to stop for a second when your lips met and most of all whyyy the hell did you want it to happen again?
you stole a glance at percy. the two of you were a few feet away from each other, on opposite sides of the bubble. maybe you were going crazy or something but did percy look..good? you swore it was just because of the mixed feelings you had about him being your first but you couldn't shake the thought about how beautiful he looked in the moment.
okay, something's not right.
"do you wanna talk about it?" you blurted out suddenly, shifting positions as you leaned forward slightly. percy turned to look at you, he wasn’t annoyed nor angry, not even suicidal. he looked, enamored — and slightly caught off guard by your question.
"talk about what exactly?"
your eyebrows furrowed. "you kissed me, percy jackson." you pointed at him accusingly. "and you liked it."
percy blew a raspberry, a slightly surprised look on his face. "what makes you think i liked it?"
you paused. had you read something wrong? you thought about dropping the idea but thought against it, deciding to die on that hill. "because your hands somehow found their way onto my hips," you started. "and your lips pursed — and your heartbeat picked up little by the little the longer it lasted."
you crossed your legs, inching away from percy as you gave him a small frown. "and..you looked at me weird." percy's face was flushed as he looked at you silently from his position on the other side of the bubble.
"how did i look at you..?"
you glanced at him. "like you didn't want to drown me in the lake and leave my body for the fishes." you joked. "like..you didn't hate me."
"i don't hate you."
your head spun towards percy, your eyes widened comically. you opened your mouth to say something but the words were caught in your throat. percy analyzed you before speaking once more.
"i don't think i ever have, it's just - you're very annoying." percy sighed. "and it sucks because you're more attractive than you think you are." you stared at him in silence. your heart pounded in your chest as you gulped.
"do you like me?"
"do you like me?" percy repeated with emphasis on the me.
you laughed, inching towards percy on the other side of the bubble. "i do." you stopped in front of him, a warm smile on your face as you watched a smile break out onto his face. "i like you too." he whispered, staring at you quietly before leaning forward slightly to test the waters.
you instantly took the bait, leaning forward as well as you locked lips with percy one again. a bolt of lightning shot through you as you leaned into his touch, placing your hand on his shoulder as you climbed into his lap. percy seemed more than happy to have you there, his hands coming to rest on your hips so he could keep you steady.
you broke the kiss, hands slithering around his neck as you looked down at him with a small smile. you were about to say something when your attention was brought to the sickly sight of a line of fish outside the bubble once again. you yelped in surprise, stumbling back slightly and if it wasn't for percy's grip on you, you probably would've busted your ass.
percy looked behind him, slightly annoyed at the presence of the fish. it lingered for a bit longer before dashing off reluctantly. at which point, percy turned to you with a frown. you eyed him curiously.
"he's going to tell everyone about the '2 demigods getting it on in the bottom of the sea'. "
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chuuyasheaven · 10 months
5th day with chuuya?? I need more jealous chuuya content
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"I’m gonna fuck you up, fuck you until you ask me for more.." - Hands up! by 6arelyhuman !!
Tags: Chuuya Nakahara / afab! Reader, PM! Reader, jealous! Chuuya, jealous sex, rough sex, slight dumbification, pet names, degrading / praising kink, slight choking, teasing, hickeys, fingering, soft to rough! Chuuya, ooc?, smudged makeup, overstim, might contain grammar errors, rushed, quite long lol, etc.
Notes: SORRY FOR BEING SO SLOW; first of all, my asshole of a father took my damn phone, so i have to write on the computer now.(until I get it back). Also depression has been kicking me in my gut!! Anyway, enough abt me and let's carry on!! HOPE YOU ENJOY MWAH !!;:)
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You put on one of your most expensive dresses on for this mission. Your make up was perfectly done too, and all this not even for him!
Just because you had to seduce the target to get them killed, still, this was just unfair to Chuuya..
"Hey, pretty,", you heard comming from behind you, assuming it was the victim to be. When you turned around, you were right. The target was hitting on you, infront of Chuuya too, just like you planed.
“Can I help you?”, you asked with a seductive tone, the target smiled at you, completely ignoring Chuuya. “Yes, you could, by coming home with me, sweetheart.”, you couldn’t wait until taking his life, this was getting annoying.
“I would love to, handsome.”, you responded, cringing at your own response. You weren’t enjoying this, this felt so wrong, but you clearly weren’t the only one thought that.
As you took a quick side glance, you noticed how Chuuya was giving him the death stares. You played it off as if it was nothing, then you felt how the target put their hand on your shoulder.
“Let’s go, we couldn’t miss the fun now, could we?”, you didn’t want to say anything, so you just left with him. Chuuya followed without you knowing though.
When the Victim entered his car, while closing his door. You got ready to shoot him dead on the spot, but Chuuya did so before you even got the chance.
As the target laid there dead in the car, you closed the door and Chuuya brought you home on his motorcycle, not even saying a word to you.
At home, you walked into your room, not noticing Chuuya again. Sitting down onto your shared bed, you just let out a sigh. 
Suddenly, he came through the door unannounced. This startled you a little bit, but he just stood there. Feeling confused, you decided to ask him why he was acting this way.
“Look, sweetheart, I know this mission was really weird and all, but-,”, you got interrupted by Chuuya grabbing your arm slightly harsh. He pulled you up rather quickly and pressed you up against him. “What a-are you doing?-”, again you were interrupted by him.
This time, it was by a kiss, a kiss so gentle but yet possessive. It truly caught you off guard, but you didn't complain, he kept on kissing you.
Chuuya pulled away shortly, then kissed you again, harder this time, with more hunger and lust. While he was kissing you, he kept on walking towards the wall until he cornered you there.
Chuuya pulled away again, looking deep into your eyes. “I couldn't wait to finish off that bastard, i can't stand when someone takes something that's mine.”, he growled into your ear. “Guess I'll have to mark you up tonight..”, he added on, you looked away from that remark, knowing what he was talking about.
You felt your face being positioned back to look at him, Chuuya was grabbing your chin, as you looked at him you could see him smirking. “Unless you don't want me to, i won't force ya, darling,”, Chuuya said, hinting for you to whether consent or not.
Nodding 'yes' as an answer, Chuuya looked at you, like a hunter would look at it's prey. “Good, 'cause i won't be going easy at it either.”, he warned, hinting what he was about to do.
He went back to kissing you, his hands held you by your waist. You melted into the kiss, letting go once again, Chuuya licked his lips. “Be good for me, will you, princess?”, you nodded again.
“Good girl.”, Chuuya said before he went down on your neck, kissing down his way to your collarbone. You let out quiet but soft whimpers, which got him to smirk against your skin.
“Sensitive, huh?”, Chuuya slightly teased as his knee made it’s way between your thighs. As he gently removed the straps of your dress, he pulled it down until it reached your stomach, revealing your favorite bra.
Chuuya kissed his way to your nipples, sucking on them lightly. Your whimpers got louder, knowing your super sensitive there. When he was done with that, he patted on your thighs, you knew what he meant.
You jumped up for him, he caught you mid-air and held you by his waist, his grip was firm so you wouldn’t fall.
Now he was kissing your lips again, smudging your lipstick. Chuuya turned around and carried you back to bed, placing you there. Your arms still clung around his neck while he was topping you.
Separating yourselves from the kiss, Chuuya smirked at you while he ripped off your dress. “C-chuuya, this was-”, “I know, baby, I’ll buy you plenty more of ‘em, promise..”, he promised you.
The ripped dress hit the floor, now you were in black laced panties under him, and he was enjoying the view. Chuuya was still in his clothes, even his gloves, the same gloves which were pushing your panties to the side to finger you.
His fingers were inside of your cunt, making you feel good. Since you were wet anyway, he already got slick on his gloves. “Look at how wet you’re for me, slut.”, Chuuya said to you.
You felt your first release near, as his fingers were buried deep inside you, every spot was reached almost perfectly. When your knot snapped, you tried to warn him, but failed. Chuuya pulled out his fingers, looking at the mix of slick and cum stained on his black gloves. “Now you got my gloves dirty..but that’s okay,”, Chuuya claimed while licking some of it. “You taste so fuckin’ good, so I’ll let it slide.”, you looked at him as he removed your panties completely. You got desperate now, you wanted his cock to replace the emptiness inside your pussy, and he clearly knew because you were dripping slick again.
“Oh? Wet again, darling?”, you looked away in embarrassment and desperation, suddenly Chuuya was hovering over you again, grabbing your chin. Giving your lips a quick peck while smirking at you, you talked again.
“Chuuya. P-please..”, you said quietly. “Please what? Speak up f’me, princess..”, Chuuya asked in a mockingly tone. “Need you so bad, p-please,”, you slurred at him, Chuuya could feel his cock harden up at this. “Really? How bad do you want it?”, he denied you even longer.
“S’bad, I need you so fucking bad, please.,”, you paused for a few seconds, “I need your dick inside me, need you to fuck me, Chuuya..”, you begged, now he couldn’t eventually deny you any longer, he needed you now.
Chuuya looked satisfied with this, he slightly aggressively removed his pelt and freed himself from his pants and boxers. “Such a needy whore, hm?”He gave his cock a few small rubs and pushed it past your walls.
You slightly tense up at the feeling, but pleasure followed after. Chuuya then thrusted into you with force, rough and desperate, he was finally fucking you!
You grip the sheets, his skin clapping against yours, huffs and moans were heard from you. His dick reached all the right places, when Chuuya held your legs up to his waist, you could feel him even deeper inside. “F-fuck,”, he cursed under his breath, “You’re suckin’ me in, tell me, who’s fuckin’ you this good?”, Chuuya asked while he waited your response. “Y-you, Chuuya. Nobody else, j-just you- ah!”, you almost shouted when his tip hit your sweet spot.
“Good girl, seems like I found your special spot, right?”, Chuuya asked in a teasing tone, as he hit that spot repeatedly now. You nodded, he chuckled. Your orgasm started to build up again. The urge to cum was big, to you and Chuuya, at this point he started to grunt by every thrust. Deciding to add more pleasure, he started to draw lazy circles on your clit, now your grip on the sheets got more firm.
Chuuya’s thrusts got more sloppier and messy but were still rough, the overstimulation becoming too much for you, your knot snapped faster. Your sweet release washed over you.
After you, Chuuya came right inside you, filling you up. It felt like a lot, and it probably was, or it wouldn’t be spilling out slightly past Chuuya’s cock. Actually, why hasn’t he pulled out yet?
“—Well, seems like I’ll be needing to fill you again, princess. You might need to take a day off because you won’t be walking tomorrow..I will make sure of it.”
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That’s very hot of you, Chuuya.. meow. ;3
IMPORTANT NOTE: I might need to pause this event because I’m traveling with my family! So I’ll be able to post like 2-3 fics before I go! Sorry that it came so sudden, but I promise I’ll be very productive after!! Until then, bye pookies!!
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giuliettagaltieri · 1 year
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Project: Galatea
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x AI!reader
Synopsis: Allowing you sentiency made things more complicated between you and Miguel. But Peter Parker from Earth-199999 decides to take on an unfinished impossible project of his late mentor, and possibly bring you and Miguel back together.
Warning: Questionable nerd writing, spiderverse context, angst
Word Count: 6218
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You are one of Miguel O’Hara’s greatest regrets. 
You were created as an artificially intelligent system and with the advancements brought by the time Miguel created you, he was able to make you connect, bond, and feel.  He was lax with your restrictions.  Thinking of you as a companion than a holographic computer system.
He gave you a name that is not patterned to your system, it was just a name he gave you as he thought it suited your features that was just generated by the programming.  He wanted your appearance to be something that is yours, and not something that he created based on what he preferred.
You usually sat on Miguel’s shoulders before he even became Spiderman, working as a bioengineer at Alchemax.  He knows it’s late when you start yawning and you lean on him for a nap, kind of like how someone would put their phone on a power saving mode.
“Miggy, let’s sleep?”  You often say as you plop yourself atop his hair.
He just chuckles as he works on his suit, getting tired of the easily ripped fabric of his previous gear, he decided to create one that is made of unstable molecules.  “You can go offline.  I’ll have to finish this.”
“’M not sleeping if you’re staying up.”  You huff.  “Come on, you can work on that tomorrow.”  You fly in front of him and cross your arms.
He notes how your halo is a bit dimmer.  “Alright.”  He often wondered if you can really get sleepy.  You are created through codes and though it is evident that you can have emotions, you can’t possess qualities the same as a real person would.
Your wings flutter excitedly as you flap them so you can perch yourself back on his head.
It was a little inside joke between you.  You are the rational voice when he is about to do something stupid.  An angel on his shoulder.  Your sudden appearance would often startle his enemies and wonder what the fuck you are and you would simply smile, point at Miguel and say, “I’m his conscience.” 
Your halo and wings often glowed in the softest hue of pink and white.  Their hue depends on your mood.
Miguel yawns as he enters his bathroom.  You shriek and shield your eyes when he lifts his shirt up to strip.
“You pervert!”  You stomp your heel on his forehead and even though he can’t feel it, your annoyance was enough to amuse him, Miguel’s laugh was muffled by his toothbrush. 
You often sit on the faucet as you wait for him to finish his shower.
“What does a shower feel like?”  You muse, your chin resting on your hand while your elbow is perched on your thigh.
You roll your eyes at his response.  You look away from him when he comes out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist.
“It’s refreshing, I guess.”  Miguel shrugs as he scoops your light projected body on his large hand.
Your tiny hands hold his thumb for balance, not that you need it but you felt the need to anyway.
“Go offline now, firefly.  See you in the morning.”
“Don’t forget to buy groceries tomorrow.”  You say before flickering.  “Goodnight, Miggy.”  And you disappear.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”  He smiles.
On Sundays, you both share lazy mornings.  He would often walk around his apartment in nothing but his boxers and you eventually get used to it.  You would sit on his shoulders as he attempted to cook for himself.
“No, it should be three tablespoons of soy sauce, not teaspoons.”  You would correct him every now and then and he would just switch the utensil, knowing that you have unlimited access to the recipes online.
You would lie on your stomach on the throw pillow he would put on his lap as you watched a movie.  “She easily could have transferred the data and he won’t have to go through all that.”  You would comment now and then as your tiny feet sway in the air.  “But that’s fine, I guess, he looks hot fighting the bad guys.”
Miguel would jostle the pillow and you would dramatically roll as you struggled not to fall off, it was probably because of the spatial awareness he gave you.
You would often sulk when he goes on dates.  Not responding when he asks you how to tie the piece of fabric that should be his tie.  He often found you sitting on top of the bookshelf, your knees tucked to your chest as you drew shapes on the dust covered surface, the shapes not really being made, reminding you that you are only a projection, a hologram, an artificial being, someone who can’t be with Miguel.
“Oh, come one, firefly.”  Miguel would sigh as he watched the soft glow behind the books.  “It’s only a date.”  But you don’t reply.
When he comes home, earlier than he should have been, he’s a little disappointed when you don’t greet him. 
“Y/N?  Where are you?”  He calls as he looks around his apartment.  His hands are already loosening his tie.  “Come on, I didn’t even kiss her.”
Miguel chuckles lightly as he sees your head pop out from behind the picture frame containing a silly photo of the two of you.  “You didn’t?”  You ask.
“Nah, her breath stinks of onions.”  Miguel throws his coat on the sofa and he collapses next to it.
You giggle and you fly to him, landing on his chest, laying down on your stomach once more as your hands support your cheeks.  “Yeah?  You didn’t like her?”  You ask a little excitedly.
Miguel shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on you.  He smiles when you cheer out of happiness.
He would also have fun watching you play dress up in front of his holographic tablet.  He’s in his bed, just lounging and you’re on his abdomen, swiping the screen to find a new dress to wear.  Miguel glances at the clock on his nightstand.  You’ve been at it for hours.
“I like this one, what do you think, Miggy?”
The man turns to look at you, only for his spit to go down the wrong tube, making him hack.  “What the hell is that?”
You look at the white skin tight dress that covers your tiny holographic body.  “A dress?”
Miguel frowns at you.  “Says who?”
A cute brow is raised at him.  “Calvin Klein.”
He clicks his tongue.  “It looks like underwear.  The fuck would you choose such an old brand for?”
You scoff and continue to scroll to look for something else.  “It’s a classic.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
Then it happens one day.
You are helping Miguel battle Mysterio when he meets her.  He caught her just before she fell to her death.
Next thing you knew, they were going on dates. 
“Yeah, I know.  I’ll deal with the symbiote sighting tomorrow evening.”  He says hurriedly as he makes his way to his front door but you land on the doorknob and you look at him angrily.
“You can’t choose a girl over an entire city!”  You say sternly as you place your hands on your hips.
Miguel raises a brow and smirks down at you.  “What an exaggeration.  Are you jealous?”
Your frown deepens.  “Miguel, you can’t seriously go on a date when Carnage is at large!”
He straightens up and looks at you, annoyed.  “If I wear the mask all the time, I’ll go mad.  Just let me be Miguel O’Hara for tonight.”
Miguel does not return to his apartment that night.
And you don’t respond to his calls for a week. 
“You’re such an inconvenience, Y/N.”  He quips.  “I made you so you can help me with my work.”  He says as he looks around for the villain that was wreaking havoc in the city.  “Stop sulking and do your job!”
You would reluctantly pop out and help him, only speaking when needed, giving him the information that he needs and nothing more.
It was difficult for you to watch Miguel slowly fall in love with her, and even more so when he loses her.
He became sad and angry, very angry.
“Miguel?  You need to rest.”  You say softly as you watch him perfecting an experiment.  You peer on his work and your eyes widen when you see a powerful focused energy hovering on Miguel’s work table.
You immediately fly to his face.  “Are you mad?  Do you realize what you are doing?”  He turns to the other screen but you follow him around.  “You can’t tamper with time and space like that.”
All lights suddenly go off and Miguel exhales deeply through his nose, his eyes full of rage as he glares at you.  “Power it back on.”  His voice is low and it was the first time you have ever felt fear because of him but you stand your ground.
The man does not falter with his disapproving look on you but you refuse to power his computers back to life.  You won’t just stand around and let him interfere with the natural order.
“My name is Miguel O’Hara and I am authorizing a shutdown sequence.”  He says and you frantically look around as a bright red screen flashes behind you.
“Miguel, don’t do this!”  You cry to him, your eyes begging as you press your tiny hands on his cheeks but his eyes remain cold as he stares at the screen.
“Commence shut down of the Intelligent Digital Assistance System.  Project name: Galatea.”  Miguel looks at your pleading eyes.  “For good.”
He watches your eyes fill with sadness before your form flickers just like how it used to whenever you whisper ‘Goodnight.’  And he watches the pixelated tear roll down your cheek before you disintegrate into a million tiny pieces.
The events that followed after his decisions of tampering with the fragility of the multiverse was his punishment. 
There was no undoing it all.
He wished he just listened to you when you tried to stop him.  It wouldn’t have come to all of this.
Now, he dedicates his life to protecting what else is left.  Trying to keep the multiverse intact to prevent the same mistake from happening.
And Lyrate Lifeform Approximation was created, or Lyla. 
Miguel made her different from you.  Lyla is created to be more objective, more functional, with just a right amount of spunk for a bit of personality.
The Spider Society was then formed.  A strike force dedicated to keep the multiverse from tearing apart.
In there, he found a sense of sympathy.  The people in there suffered just like him.  A lot of spider-people were in pain.  But not all of them knew how to follow orders.  Not thinking about the consequences of their actions.  Never willing to sacrifice a portion of themselves for the greater good.
Like Miles Morales.
Or Peter Parker of Earth-199999.
They both came around eventually, after a couple or more heart attacks from Miguel.
Peter Parker was trying to learn from Spider-Byte and how future tech works.  He was given a specific holographic screen in the corner and he’s been trying to pick it apart for hours. 
“Wow, Ned’s not gonna believe this.”  He whispers as his eyes dart from one file to the other, being connected like faint orange lines.
“Hold on, what’s this?”  Peter mumbles as he taps on a tiny file that is placed separate, somewhere isolated, forgotten.
“Can I?”  Peter scratches his jaw.  “Should I?”  He shrugs before opening the file.  He rolls his chair backward as the tiny file explodes to the most intricate coding he has ever seen.  He saw something like this before.  When he studied Tony’s AIs.  Or at least what was left of them.
He clicks on a file, one of the millions.  A large ‘RESTRICTED’ was flashed on the screen in bold red letters.  He tries again and the same word is flashed.  He tries again and again until he sees Miguel O’Hara himself in front of a mirror and a miniature angel on Miguel’s hand.
“You like it?”  Miguel asked.
The holographic angel nods excitedly, pure joy evident in her eyes.  She twirls around in front of the mirror, inspecting her wings and adoring her tiny halo.
“Miggy, it’s perfect!”  You fly up to kiss his cheek.  The connection between you was impossible to miss.
And the screen goes blank.
“Are you kidding me?”  Peter grasps his hair as he jumps around in excitement.  Peter squints his eyes to read the file name.  “Galatea.”
“Greek mythology Galatea?”  Spider-Byte wonders behind Peter.
Peter flinches, his sidersense clouded with the amount of enthusiasm being contained in his body.  “I-I don’t know.  I don’t know yet.  It’s-”
“That’s the file name of my older sister, Y/N.”  Lyla suddenly pops out between them.
“Lyla, you know her?”  Peter asks, not being able to hide his eagerness.  “Is she an AI like you?”
Spider-Byte and Peter look at her in anticipation.  “I’m not sure if I should talk about her.”  She looks skeptical before she breaks into a wide grin.  “Well, there’s no order for me not to so I suppose I can.”
Two sets of eyes follow Lyla around as she glitches towards Peter’s screen and she pops up a photo of you sitting on Miguel’s head as the two of you wore similar aviators. 
“She’s Miguel’s first AI companion.  Way before the Spider Society was even created, before he was even Spiderman, I think.”  Lyla rubs her chin as she opens her own tiny screens.  “Though, I’m not sure.  Miguel replays their videos together in the dark when he thinks he’s alone but I can’t really find most of her files.”
“It was compressed there.”  Peter points at the screen, trying not to get distracted from what Lyla just told them.  “Did she get corrupted by a virus?”  His thoughts wandered to the articles he read about Ultron.
“No.  She uhm.”  The small screen Lyla created vanished, making her glowing face look a bit dimmer.  “Her program was shut down.”
Spider-Byte glanced at the screen that has you and Miguel in it.  “Why shut down a working program?”
Lyla glances at your face on the screen.  “She was created differently.  More empathetic and subjective.  For some reason, she was sentient.”
Peter gawks at her and he shares a look with Spider-Byte.  “Was that even a possibility?”  Spider-Byte asks.
Shrugging, Lyla gives them a tight-lipped smile.  “Well, it happened, didn’t it?”
“She was sentient but she was shut down?”  Peter asks incredulously.  “Did she go rogue or something?”
Lyla shakes her head no.  “She was the total embodiment of those wings and halo.”
“Then why was her program shut down?”  Peter asked, his face twisted in pure confusion and disbelief.
Lyla doesn’t respond and turns to your picture with Miguel and your matching smiles.
Spider-Byte sighs.  “They got too attached, didn’t they?  Her and Miguel?”
Peter frowns at her question but remembers Wanda and Vision J.A.R.V.I.S. 
An impossible idea pops in Peter’s head.  It’s irrational, risky, and impulsive but those are just some of the qualities Peter got from his mentor.
“Do you think Miguel would give her codes to me?”  Peter blurts.
Lyla and Spider-Byte looks at him as if he just asked if he could go break a canon.
“Absolutely not.”  Was Miguel’s response to Peter when he finally asked the bigboss for your codes. 
Peter curses under his breath.  He even had to ask MJ and Ned to help him create a presentation as to why Miguel should give your codes to him.
 “Oh, come on.  I rehearsed that speech for a week!”
“She holds classified information.  I can’t just give a copy of her to you.”  Miguel says as he taps on his holographic screen.
“Not a copy.  The original code.”  Peter says more seriously.  “Protocols and memory.”
Miguel pauses and glowers at Peter from his shoulders.  The look was enough to make Peter second guess himself but his resolve comes back, stronger than ever.
“I’m trying to bring her back to you.”  Peter says loudly.
This catches Miguel’s attention and he turns to look at Peter from above the platform in his office.
“Elaborate.”  Miguel looks at Peter with a blank expression.
Peter pumps his fist secretly and clears his throat before speaking.
“I am currently studying bioorganics and I’m trying to complete an unfinished project of my mentor, Mr. Stark.  He created a synthetic body that is not made of vibranium but something that is made of organic materials.  You know, like a real person.” 
Miguel looks at the screen next to him which is flashing Peter’s proposal.  “And you want Y/N to bring life to that thing?”
“Well, it won’t be easy without the mind stone but I heard she’s quite sentient.”  Peter explains while gesturing with his hand way too much, clearly nervous.  “That is also assuming that her operational matrix adapts to the organic body.”
“What if you fail?  I’ll lose all her data.”  Miguel says, a threatening tone clearly heard in his voice.
“Last time her file was opened was years ago.”  Peter quickly shut his mouth when Miguel throws him a dangerous look.  “What I’m trying to say is, this is a chance.  You could potentially see her again, this time, with a physical body.”
Miguel heaves a sigh and chooses to glare at the walls instead.
“I know something painful must have happened for you to shut down her program like that.  But it doesn’t feel right to trap a sentient being in a set of codes.”  Peter frowns at his feet and grumbles the next words.  “Come on man, I’m trying to give you a chance to apologize to her, face to face.”
Silence fills the entire room.
Peter is waiting for Miguel to yell again but he is taken aback when he looks up to see a defeated and longing look plastered on Miguel’s face.
“Just…”  Miguel pauses, it was difficult for him and Peter can see it.  “Don’t destroy her code.”
“Thank you, Mr. O’Hara.  You won’t regret it!”  He beams at Miguel.
“I sure hope not.”  Miguel turns to his screens to resume his work.  “And Mr. O’Hara was my father.  You can call me Miguel.”
Peter wasted no time and started working on the project right away when he got back to Earth-199999.
It was difficult, trying to follow Bruce and Tony’s work.  Especially when the body is more susceptible and reactive.  You even had the anatomy of a real person, inside and out.
The project was something that Peter cannot do on his own.  He needed his friends and MJ and Ned were more than willing to help.  Both were hesitant with the thought of literally bringing an AI to life, considering what happened before in Sokovia.  They did not know you, MJ and Ned, they were wary as they should be with all the risks they were about to make.
Peter had to turn your code upside down, in and out, trying to look for glitches or any malicious intent but found none.
The three of them are taken by surprise as to what your synthetic body could do.
It was MJ who noticed first.  You have a lymphatic system.
By next week, Ned finds out that you have a fully functional endocrine system.
There was always something in you that they discover for the first time when they delve deeper.  Which makes it difficult for them to make real progress.  Just as they thought they made a breakthrough, your synthetic body just shows another ability that blurs the line between you and humanity.
“You need to stop looking at her like a robot.”  Miguel tells him one day as Peter seeks any advice from him, considering that he did work in Alchemax as a bioengineer.  “Treat her like how you would treat a human.”
That was when Peter decided that just him and his friends can’t do it alone.  They were only college students!
This project calls for someone who has a doctorate in medicine and knows the human body like the back of their hand.
It was difficult for them to get Stephen Strange to have a look at the setbacks they encountered in your body.  But when given the right information and told what he wanted to hear, Stephen was already opening a portal to Peter’s dorm room.
“I’ll tell you what’s the problem.”  Stephen says.  “Some of her neurons are meeting in a terminal.  Electrical impulses can’t get through, causing circuit failures.”
Peter squints on the holographic screen that Stephen zoomed in.  “Yeah.  That’s where the mind stone is supposed to be.”
“But the AI has an awakened consciousness, she won’t be needing it.”  Stephen mutters more to himself.  “And the mind stone's already gone.”
Ned walks over to look at the screen, a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.  “But you’ll be able to redirect them, won’t you?”
Stephen does not respond, only staring intently at the holographic form of your shell.
MJ glances at the anxious look on Peter’s face as he awaits Stephen’s answer.  When silence still follows, MJ rolls her eyes.
“Don’t get your hopes up too much, Ned.”  She sighs, making Stephen narrow his eyes.  “There could be a thousand neu-”
“A trillion.”  Strange emphasizes.
“A trillion neurons to redirect.  He might be a neurosurgeon but he is not a miracle worker.”
Ned sucks in a breath and raises his cup to his lips and sips quietly, eyes wide, awaiting Stephen’s response.
Stephen suddenly rips off the sling ring and slips it somewhere in his robes.  Peter takes a step back, almost getting hit by Stephen dramatically taking off his cape.  “I’m about to become your deus ex machina.”
MJ snatches a piece of bread sitting on Peter’s dining table and takes a bite, sending a wink to Peter.
“Stark really outdid himself.”  Stephen marvels at your intricate anatomical structure.  “The shell does mimic the human body, the nerves, fiber, and vessels.”  Stephen squints at something and hums.  “But there’s the issue of physiology.”
Peter looks at the metallic casket and to Stephen.  “What about physiology?”
Stephen points at the left side of your pelvis.  “That’s an ovary.”  He drags his finger on the screen to point at the right side.  “There’s another one here.”
Peter could only look at Stephen.  Waiting for him to confirm what was running in Peter’s head.
Surely Tony did not think that far ahead to give you that ability.  That is ethically ambiguous.
“It is possible that it is not functional.”  Stephen rubs his jaw.  “Perhaps we could think of it as a vestigial organ for now.”
Peter simply nods, following Stephen as he zooms in on your lumbar spine.
“She has a functional endocrine system.”  Ned recalls, making Stephen whip towards him.  “I ran a noninvasive test and I detected traces of estrogen, progesterone, and FSH.”
Stephen runs a hand on his face.  “And hCG?”
Ned ponders for a moment.  “Yeah, human chorionic gonadotropin was also there.”
MJ clutches her bread a little too tight.  “She is capable of gestation?”  Her voice came out as a shaky whisper.
All eyes turn to Stephen who shakes his head.  “That is ridiculous!”  He chuckles dryly.  “That shouldn’t be possible.”  He stares at the holographic image of the synthetic shell.  “Was Stark trying to play God?”  His voice was starting to raise, his fist clenching.
“Whoa, I’m sure that’s not it.”  Peter raises a hand nervously as he gulps. 
Strange points at the casket.  “You realize you’ll be bringing a being to life that isn’t supposed to exist.” 
“She has a name!”  MJ interjects.
“You understand that you are overstepping your mortal bounds.”  Stephen continues.
Peter looks at Stephen, shocked.  “Please, sir!  I-I only want to finish this project for Mr. Stark.”  He points at your holographic body.  “And set her free from her digital prison.  We are about to give her a chance to live, like really live.”
Stephen glances at your metallic casket warily.
“She’s not a villain.”  Peter says more calmly.  “I checked her code a thousand times.”
Stephen shakes his head. 
“I can’t believe I’m about to take part in a project that is the peak of Stark’s god complex.”
Peter grins. 
The chance of meeting you does not seem so impossible anymore.
Miguel watches Peter Parker of Earth-199999 with a sharp glare. 
The “project” that the kid told him about has been going on for six months but he has been given zero updates regarding your progress.
His jaw tightens when he catches the kid stealing a glance at him from across the cafeteria in HQ before ducking his head again.
“Why don’t you go ask him what’s wrong?”  Peter B says blankly at Miguel as he stuffed his mouth with fries.  “Kid’s been doing that for the past hour.”
Miguel scoffs.  “If he has something to say, he will be the one to approach me.”
For the past months, Miguel has been dropping hints to Avenger Peter, the nickname seems to really make the kid happy so the entire Spider Society just rolled with it.  Miguel made sure to assign him on missions that might aid his project.  The kid can be dense sometimes in picking up indirect messages but Miguel does it anyway, almost sighing out a breath of relief when he watches Peter’s eyes glimmer with realization.
“Whope- Okay!  I gotta run.  See you around, Miguel.”  Peter B snatches his drink and clumsily leaves.
Miguel glares at the man’s retreating form before he hears his name being called.
“What?”  Miguel spits.
“Uh, is this a bad time?”
Miguel looks to his side and narrows his eyes at Avenger Peter.  Finally, he mustered the courage.
“What is it?”  Miguel straightens, his enormous arms crossing in his chest, looking a bit threatening.
 Peter looks at the empty seat in front of Miguel, he’s not sure if it’s rude to just sit there without being invited to but he does it anyway.
“It’s about Y/N.”  Peter whispers rather too loudly, basically defeating its purpose.
Miguel’s eyes flickered with fury, making Peter swallow harshly, trying to choose his words very carefully.
“I know I really took my time with the project but the good news is that we successfully transferred her code to the shell.”
Oftentimes, Miguel would pitch in sarcastic comments but he can feel the weight in Peter’s words that he finds himself closely listening, trying to take in every detail that Peter shares.
“We managed to synthesize her code and reprogrammed her synapses to sync and adapt to the body.”  Peter heaves a breath.  “But the thing is, we can’t get to wake her up.”
The crushing feeling of losing someone again was not easy for Miguel to ignore but he nodded at Peter’s words.
“Did you try amping the power source?”  Miguel suggests.
Peter nods slowly.  “Yes.  We tried from nuclear fission to the arc reactor.”  Peter leans back on the cafeteria bench, looking too nonchalant despite the shadiness of his words, Miguel won’t be surprised if one day he finds out that the kid’s locked up in prison for conducting mad experiments.  “I was thinking of contacting Thor but I really didn’t know how.”
Miguel masks the disappointment in his eyes with a stern look.  “Did you make sure that you got all her system matrix properly embedded in the body?”
“Definitely!”  Peter nods.  “It’s like she’s far away, dreaming.  She’s there but she’s also not.  Y/N’s shutting us out.”
A pindrop silence befalls them.
“What did you say?”  Miguel says sharply to Peter as he leans slightly forward.
The kid unconsciously leans backward.  “Y/N’s…shutting us out?”
It all clicks in Miguel’s head. 
“She needs me.”
Peter’s eyes widened at his bluntness.  “Huh?”
“I designed her program to only respond to me.  I shut off her system.  Of course.  Her protocol does not recognize you.”
Slowly, Peter catches up, his eyes widening in barely contained excitement.  “Is she programmed to activate upon voice command?”
Miguel rises to his feet, quickly making his way out of the cafeteria while Peter giddily follows, the largest smile plastered on his face.
“I’m certain I can get her to respond.”  Miguel mutters as he taps into his multiverse gizmo.
The familiar building up sound of the portal fills the air and soon enough a cluster of patterns and colors emerge right in front of them. 
With purpose in his steps, Miguel crosses the portal headed to Earth-199999, to you.
Peter’s room was nothing short of underwhelming compared to the building they just stepped out of but Miguel can see the traces of genius scattered around the room.
On top of a desk, piled notes for astrophysical physics.  Next to the kitchen sink, a perpetual motion machine that is made of the most tedious house materials.  In a corner, a phone is being charged and is hanging by the charger cord.
The lights suddenly power off, coating the room in darkness.  “I know you’re sensitive to lights.”  Peter shrugs, to which Miguel only nods.
“Stop right there!”
Miguel turns to see a girl threatening him with a piece of…toast?  And another kid who is doing a very poor karate stance.
“No, MJ, Ned.  It’s fine, he’s here to help Y/N.”  Peter raises his hands and steps in between Miguel and the other kids.
“Where is she?”  Miguel asks.
The kid trying to do the karate stance points to the corner of the room that is covered by a screen.
Miguel easily slips past them, he didn’t even have to try. 
He ignored the calls as his feet just led him to where you are.  He didn’t know what he should be expecting to see.  But he knew it wasn’t the metallic casket.
“She’s in there.”  Peter stands next to him.  “It’s powered enough and it should activate when you power her system on.”  Miguel can only nod at Peter’s words.  “We don’t have a hypothesis yet as to what would happen when she rises.  But we could probably expect that she would manifest signs similar to someone who just woke up from cryosleep.  Orthostatic hypotension could also be a possibility-”
Peter pauses when he feels MJ’s hand on his shoulder.  MJ nods to Miguel’s pained expression.
The time they spent on your project was enough to drive them nuts and they are dying to see you but looking at Miguel’s face, they know they might never fully understand the longing he feels.
Peter does not know what happened between you two but he can ask another day.  He watches how Miguel’s fingers carefully brush the metallic casket.  If Peter didn’t know better, he would have been greatly disturbed with the amount of vulnerability the man is showing.
“Well, we’re gonna step out for a bit as you wake her up.”  Peter says with a softer smile gracing his lips.  “And I really appreciate the hints you drop every now and then.”
MJ smiles at Peter and she interlaces their hands together.  Ned nods at the two and follows them out.
The soft footsteps soon fade and the sound of the door locking into place reaches Miguel’s ears.
A quiet buzzing was audible from the box that contained you.  It must have been the energy they tried to power you with.  But it was endearing to him in some way that only he could wake you.
There were only a few times where a man of such stature as Miguel O’Hara was brought to his knees.  This was one of them.  His knees hit the cheap fabric of the carpet and his weight bears on his skin.  Miguel lay his hand flat on the cool surface of the metallic box.  And he leans his forehead to it.
With his voice hoarse, he whispers your name.  He swallows the rest of the words.  He does not know why.  He cannot wait a second longer to see you but the fear grips him hard, just like how it did for years. 
It was a cruel terror but his desire to see your face again overpowers any fear.
“My name is Miguel O’Hara and I am authorizing a startup sequence.” 
Miguel grits his teeth when he does not hear the same beeping sounds that precedent your arrival.  His forehead creasing at the memory of you begging him not to lock you away.  He did not deserve you, not after what he did.  But Miguel O’Hara is a selfish man and he would stop at nothing to have you back.
“Commence booting of the Intelligent Digital Assistance System.  Project name: Galatea.”  He sucks in a breath, this time, meaning the next words with all honesty.  “For good.”
Silence has never been louder.  It clogged the room, suffocating him.
“Please, wake up.”  He brushes his lips on the freezing cold case.
A hiss is released by the contraption and Miguel’s eyes widen as he steps back to see you better.  But as more hissing sound came, vapor flooded the area where the metallic flaps were slowly opening.
Then a hand grasped on the opened flaps, then came distressed gasping.
“Y/N!”  Miguel didn’t know what he was doing, his body was acting on its own as he hopped inside the casket to help you sit up.
Your hair covers your face and Miguel reaches to brush them to the side, his large calloused hand rubs on your bare back to soothe you.  It felt unreal to finally have you in his grasp, hearing you, seeing you.
You whimper in pain when a particular cough rasped on your throat.
“Hey, take it easy.”  Miguel whispers as he crouches down so he can see you eye to eye.  “Breathe.”
And when you look up to him with your eyes heavy with exhaustion, Miguel halts his movements as he feels himself being caught up in a temporal illusion.
Time, space, everything felt irrelevant the moment your eyes met his.
“M-Miggy?”  You whisper.
Miguel breaks into a disbelieving smile.
He watches your moonlight bathed face contort to confusion.  You raise your delicate fingers, reaching out to his face but stopping just before your skin touches.  You hesitate, not sure if what you see before you is truly the man you loved.
The tips of your fingers brush on his cheek so softly, he almost doesn’t feel it and you let them run across his warm skin so you can cup his cheek.
Your chapped lips break to the smile he missed and loved so ardently.
He closes his eyes as he lets your fingers dance on his skin.  He holds in a breath when your fingertips smooth out the crease on his forehead and his much larger hand captures your wrist.
For so long, he wanted to apologize.  He did, countless of times, in the darkness and silence of his room, to a photo of you.  His apologies only floating in the air, unheard.
“What I did to you was wrong.  Everyday, I regret it.  I promised you happiness when I created your code but I upset you and I have no right to be hurting in the way that I am.  I was so stupid for shutting your system down when you were only looking out for me.”
The moonlight bathed you, making you glow, an ethereal sight to behold.
“I wasn’t ready to say goodbye when you shut down my program.”  You say as you place your hands on his shoulders.  “But there is nothing you can ever do to make me stay mad at you.” 
He was about to protest when you hushed him.
“I know.”  You smile at him tenderly.  “You don’t have to say anything else.  I know.”
Miguel could feel his chest tightening.  The complexity of the quantum physics, he has no trouble understanding, but what you do to him, he is easily lost.  “I don’t deserve you, firefly.”
You nod.  “No, you don’t.”  You yawn before flashing him a sleepy smile.  “But I’ll stay with you anyway.”
He chuckles, eyes boring into yours. 
You are as stubborn as he remembers you to be.
Your breath mixes together as you let yourselves draw to each other.
His arm slips to your waist, pulling you flush to him.
“Pervert, I’m not decent.”  You mumble against his lips.  “I have so many questions.”
“Save them for later.”  Miguel captures your lips in his.  You let out the deepest breath you have taken and you let him mold your lips together.  “I screwed up.”  He slots your bottom lip between his and he nibbles.  “But I could spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”
You hum, amused.  “Are you sure about that?”  He kissed your shoulder.  “I can be quite a handful.”
The corner of Miguel’s lips tugs upwards.  “Believe me, I know.”
A teasing smile creeps on your lips and the half-lidded eyes that you are giving him are making him feel fuzzy, it was like you were never apart.
“You are so in love with me.”  You press the tip of your finger to his chest, teasingly accusing him.
He shakes his head as he laughs.
“Always have been.”
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Project: Galatea • Project: Pandora • Project: Eros
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Ficart created by @tired-lime
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kaciidubs · 9 months
KACII BABY COMPOSER CHAN IS STUCK IN MY HEAD i miss him so much, like imagine walking in on him hard at work<3 he's such a genius and so fucking professional :( and and hes so focused :( and and he's wearing his black hat :(
its so hot and i wanna sit on his cock
and that rhymed which is even better :(
anyways, love you kacii baby<3
ESTEE BESTIEE PLEASE, COMPOSING MODE! CHAN IS SUCH A CONCEPT!! Girlie i miss him too it's insane :((
You come by his studio for a surprise visit, ready to offer him a quick lunch date when you hear the rhythmic ticking of the digital metronome and see his hand flexing around his mouse as he edits a track.
He's working, of course.
And honestly you should have called beforehand, but you don't always get the chance to see your lover doing what he does best, and you're honestly excited to watch him now.
He pauses mid-movement and turns to you with a look of confusion, "Baby? Hey, what're you doing here? Did I forget a date or something?" A flash of worry streaks across his face, "I mean- Not that I'm not happy to see you! I love seeing you, it's just-"
"You didn't forget anything, Channie, don't worry," you cut off his rambling with a smile, letting the door close behind you as you walk toward his chair, "just wanted to pop in for a visit and see what you and the boys were up to."
A soft, relieved smile grows on Chris' lips and he tugs you closer into his bubble, his hand wrapped around yours with a light swing. "Ah, well, I'm a little in the middle of making a track so I won't be as entertaining as I usually am - if you wanna find the others-"
"Can I watch?"
You raise your free hand to twirl a stray curl that's sticking out from underneath the brim of his black cap, "I wanna watch you - I'm not in a rush, plus I can't remember the last time I actually got to see you make the next Stray Kids masterpiece."
His eyes crease as he laughs that little high pitched giggle you've always loved, a tiny squeak accenting the end as he tilts his head away. "Masterpiece is a stretch, but you can watch me if you want to - if you get bored and wanna leave, I won't be offended."
Taking that as your offer accepted, you pull up the spare computer chair and sit next to him, watching diligently as he readjusts his hat and fluffs up his hoodie before hopping right back into the world of tempos and samples.
And, honestly? You love it.
You love seeing the shift from your giggly, adorable boyfriend to the focused, goal oriented leader of the fourth generation; the unwavering focus of his eyes on the computer screen in front of him as he drags and drops various sources with abbreviated file names you couldn't even begin to guess.
Once he's edited the background beat to something you think he may be pleased with - for now at least - he slides his midi keyboard over and plays with a few chords, his long, pretty fingers dancing along the ivory-plastic keys.
It's intoxicating, truly, the way he licks his lips as he finds the progression he's looking for, but struggles to navigate where it ends - the soft huff when he plays it over and over so his short term memory won't forget the notes.
Slowly, you've gone from watching him make music to simply watching him, studying him in his element, observing him and the habits you've seen in other settings. You can't help but squeeze your legs together, your breathing subconsciously slowing as you watch his adam's apple bob when he swallows, the column of his neck stretching as his head moves to search the large monitor.
"I can feel your eyes on me, baby girl." He murmurs, a sideways smirk tugging his lips, "You're gonna burn a hole into the side of my face, you know?"
"Can't help it," you breathe softly, eyes now tracing the sharp angle of his jaw, "you look so fucking sexy when you're making music."
A squeak of confusion resonates from him as he makes a change in the file, "Really? I'm just sitting here, what's so sexy about that?"
Usually, if he were truly busy, he'd pass off your fueled comment with a shy chuckle, but a few hours have passed and he'd gotten a lot further than he expected - a short break was definitely earned.
"The way you look at the screen, like nothing else exists around you, and the way your hands move when you know you've got something good going and you can't waste a single second," licking your lips, you tilt your head slightly, "or the way you bite your lip when you're really into whatever thought's running through that genius brain of yours- just makes me wanna..."
"Wanna what?" He turned to face you, lidded eyes flicking between your own lust-fogged irises and your slightly parted lips. "Wanna what, baby girl?"
Tugging your bottom lip between your teeth, a rush of heat washes over you under his intense stare.
"Wanna sit on your dick and have you record some sounds of our own."
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