#arkham county
jtownraindancer · 10 months
arkham county vaguely incoherent ramblings because I am FREAKING OUT-
The Marsh family???? Sound like they're rivals to the Whateleys???? And now they're trying to use Herbert's help??? But for what????
I'm hoping that Morrigan, Walter, Herbert, Violet, and Wilb-
All of the scenes with Carter are so fucking unhinged I love him
The audio choices are so weird sometimes but I am absolutely digging it
They didn't mention it on the cast list- only just "Wilbur" and Violet being a triplet who was adopted and listed under a different name is what threw me off
I love intentional misdirects thank y'all ♡
They buried it for like EIGHT CHAPTWRS!!!!
Almost a whole chapter of narration so far gods bless
His American accent has definitely improved
This series is playing so fast and loose with Lovecraftian canon
I love it
a much younger me watched the 70s Dunwich Horror and now thats all I can picture
RIP to the wolfman-esque imagery I had before ✌🏻😔
I have no idea how the finale is gonna go but I'm fjcki g here for it
Also p. Sure Randolph was dating that dude in Venice he was launching grenades with. Marcello???
Randolph Carter is either actually clinically insane because of his treatment the past... decades? Or h3s the wisest guy in town
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momachan · 1 month
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"Several months of proving myself as Bruce's partner meant getting what I guess was supposed to be the ultimate prize. Gotham County allowed Bruce Wayne to take me in as a ward of the state. Wayne Manor became my home. Me. A kid from the street. Crazy. Wayne Manor was a thick, labyrinthine honey trap. Full of history and heartbreak. And for a while... full of exactly what I needed."
Batman: Arkham Knight - Genesis (2015 - 2016).
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disillusioneddanny · 5 months
You Are in Love Jazz/Cass
Jasmine Fenton let out a sigh as she followed behind her boss as they made their way across the large ballroom. It was the annual Wayne Charity Gala for Criminal Justice Reform and as a public defender at Gotham County Courthouse, Jazz was unfortunately obligated to be there rubbing elbows with rich, pretentious assholes. It was for a wonderful cause, and all of the money went to local nonprofit organizations that helped give people the life-saving resources that would keep them from reoffending or resorting to working for the Goonion as Jazz had heard it called.
When she had first graduated from Harvard Law, she hadn’t known what exactly she wanted to do. What kind of law she wanted to practice, who she wanted to help. And then Danny had told her about how bad Gotham was. After he had started working with Constantine and the rest of the Justice League Dark on the more magical problems, he had started to tell Jazz about all of the horrors of Gotham from when the bats called him there for assistance.
It was then that Jazz finally realized what it was that she was wanting to do. She wanted to help reform the horrible justice system that was the Gotham City justice system and help with the major crime that was going on there. So she had put in an application to be a public defender in Gotham County to help the most disenfranchised people of Gotham and she found her way to New Jersey of all places.
Four years later and the public defender’s office had been completely redone under the watchful eye of Jasmine Fenton and she had managed to make it work like a well oiled machine. She had helped partner with a few nonprofits who helped them work on their basic needs while the PD’s office focused more on helping them keep from going to prison or worse–Arkham.
It wasn’t a perfect system but it was getting better. So here she was, prepared to schmooze with the best of them to get more funding for all of the different organizations that were helping them reduce Gotham recidivism. For the first time in her life, Jazz found herself thankful for the lessons that she had received from Vlad when it came to trying to get people to give her money. Not that she would ever admit that to her godfather.
She plastered her most pleasant smile on her face as she floated through the ballroom, trying to not be self conscious of the fact that she was in a long, green ball gown that had already caused a few people to make comments about the fact that combined with her red hair was reminiscent of Poison Ivy. It was a little embarrassing but her girlfriend had told her multiple times that she looked good in it and that had her feeling a bit better. If her girlfriend thought it looked good, then it had to be.
She would never lie to Jazz.
Jazz was slightly suspicious that her girlfriend didn’t even know how to lie.
Teal eyes roved through the city as she eyed the other gala guests, looking for her next target. She really needed to find someone to chat with or else she was going to start looking a bit too awkward.
Then, her eyes landed on the most beautiful woman in the room and Jazz felt her stomach flutter a bit in anticipation as she made her way to Jazz.
Jasmine Fenton was a ruthless, cutthroat defense attorney. She scared Harvey Dent. Yet her girlfriend seemed to make her weak at the knees every time she so much as looked Jazz’s way.
Cassandra Wayne was the only daughter of Brucie Wayne, the playboy billionaire and host of their lovely gala for the night. Jazz had met her for the first time just two years prior when she had been forced to attend her first gala. The woman had been following Brucie around like a shadow, a pleasant, if not forced smile plastered onto her face as she followed the man around the room, sneaking glasses of champagne from her overly intoxicated father’s hand whenever she thought he had been drinking too much, or glaring menacingly at women who tried to approach the older man in attempts to get him to bring them home.
Then her eyes had landed on Jazz and she had given her the most genuine, beautiful smile that the redhead had ever seen. Jazz had found herself compelled to go over and talk to both Brucie and his daughter and it was probably the best decision she had ever made in her life. Bruce had managed to convince Cass to drift off with Jazz while he got into a long conversation with one of the DA’s who was also at attendance at that gala.
Which was fine with Jazz. The two ladies had found themselves chatting the rest of the night, trading stories, people watching, commiserating over the fact that they were forced to even be at a gala in the first place. And then as the night had come to an end, Cassandra had slipped Jazz a napkin with a phone number and a smiley face before she gave Jazz another one of those breathtaking smiles that had her swooning where she stood.
And really, the rest was history. The women had found themselves talking more and more, seeking one another out whenever they had the chance. Jazz had gone to see Cass’s ballet shows and Cass started to make weekly trips to the courthouse to make sure that the red head was eating properly and taking care of herself.
Somehow they had found themselves here. In a happy, comfortable relationship, living together in a nice brownstone in Upper Gotham and attending fancy galas together. Cass still followed her father like a shadow and Jazz still had to unfortunately kiss ass to a bunch of rich billionaires but sometime during the night they would find one another and get just a little too wrapped up in one another to even notice anyone else.
“Fancy seeing you here, beautiful,” a soft, polite voice said, as strong, calloused hands twined with Jazz’s dainty soft ones. Jazz looked down at her gorgeous, amazing, beautiful girlfriend and felt her cheeks go red like it was that first night all over again.
“I know, it’s almost like your father is hosting the charity ball,” Jazz said with a soft snort. Cass gave her that soft, secretive smile that always seemed to draw the older woman in.
Her kohl lined eyes rolled once as she glanced over at where Bruce was laughing loudly, throwing his arm over Oliver Queen’s shoulder as he laughed raucously, causing others to look over at him in thinly veiled disdain.
“Yes, he does enjoy coming to these,” Cass said, her nose crinkled ever so slightly. Jazz just gave her girlfriend a small smile.
“He seems to be really hamming it up tonight,” Jazz said with a laugh as her girlfriend just let out a tired sigh and shook her head. That was one of the fun parts of getting to know Cass, Jazz started to learn a bit more about all of the family and their treasure trove of secrets. She learned that Bruce Wayne wasn’t nearly as ditzy and arrogant as he let people think and was much more level headed and open. She had gotten to know each of Cass’s siblings as well and learn a bit more of each of them.
And then she had gotten to learn the real secret about the Waynes after dating her girlfriend for a year. She had learned about their nightly activities and had been more than excited to learn as much as she could about them. Not only that but then she got to listen to them tell her fun stories about her baby brother. Apparently he worked rather closely with Cass’s younger brother, Tim and the two caused more chaos than Danny had ever let her know about.
It was fun, getting to know all of the secrets behind her girlfriend, to learn every facet of who she was and how she came to be. How there were days when words were just too much for the shorter women, when days were so hard and difficult that she couldn’t seem to get out of bed. Then there were the days when her laugh filled their apartment along with the pitter patter of her feet as she danced along the kitchen to music only she could hear.
And Jazz found herself able to talk to someone who understood what it was like to grow up with just plain insanity. She felt more comfortable telling Cass about her childhood, opening up about the fact that the reason she was interested in justice reform was because her own parents had been thrown in prison when she had been just twenty years old after what they had done to Danny. Not to mention the years of neglect that they had endured under her parents' care.
Cass never looked at her like she was insane when she mentioned times where she had to beat down turkeys with a baseball bat. They found solace in one another, a comfort that Jazz had never felt before in her life. She found acceptance in Cassandra Wayne and she was addicted to it. In love with the feeling of being in love.
Cass treated Jazz like she was fine china, a delicate thing that needed to be treasured and loved. And Jazz made sure that Cass felt the same way, that Cass knew that she was loved and valued. That the shorted, hardened woman knew that she was more than just a weapon for other’s to use. That she could be more than just Black Bat.
That she could be whatever she wanted to be. That she was Jazz’s tiny dancer that she adored endlessly.
“Would you like to dance?” Cass asked, the corners of her eyes crinkled slightly with her smile.
“You just like showing off,” Jazz said with a roll of her eyes before taking Cass’s hand, watching the way her yellow ball gown seemed to swish around her as she led the taller woman to the dance floor.
“I like showing you off, yes,” Cass said simply before she rested her hand on Jazz’s waist, the other holding Jazz’s hand carefully. “How is it?”
“It’s fine,” Jazz said with a huff as she looked around at the other party goers. “We’re raising a lot of money already and we haven’t even gotten to the silent auction yet. I just hate having to play nice with all of these people.”
“Better than me,” Cass said simply as she allowed Jazz to twirl her around a bit. Jazz gave her a small smile and shook her head in amusement.
“You just have to smile and you have everyone here vying for your attention. You’re the favorite out of Brucie’s kids, you know,” Jazz told her with a small grin.
“Whatever. Tim’s the favorite,” Cass pointed out. Jazz just shook her head and dipped Cass down before pulling her back and giving the woman a soft kiss.
“Whatever you say,” she murmured, lips a hair’s breadth from Cass’s. “If it’s any consolation, you’re my favorite.”
Cass let out a hum, her eyes fluttered closed for a moment as she relished in the attention from the red head. “Everyone is watching.”
“Let them,” Jazz said, running her nose along Cass’s jawline for a moment before they went back to spinning and swaying and sashaying through the dance floor. “Isn’t that what you always tell me? Let them watch?”
Cass hummed. “Makes you more interesting,” she murmured. “Sometimes you’re scary, dancing makes you more approachable. More open.”
Jazz scoffed. “I’m approachable.”
“Intimidating,” Cass told her, pinching her side lightly. “Powerful women scare people. You’re powerful. Scarry. Unapproachable.”
“It’s not my fault that people are cowards and are intimidated by me,” Jazz grumbled. Cass just smiled and shook her head.
“No, but dancing makes you seem more approachable. More,” Cass paused and thought for a moment. “More human,” she finally said.
“I’m human,” Jazz argued.
“No, liminal. Big difference,” she said with a laugh. “Sometimes you stand too still, your eyes glow too much. Too strong, a little too other,” she said, smiling up at Jazz.
Jazz rolled her eyes and just gave her girlfriend another kiss. “Well, I suppose we can prove to everyone that I’m a non intimidating, kind, fully human person.”
Cass let out an excited giggle and allowed Jazz to spin her across the ballroom. The attorney just grinned as they took over the dancefloor, her love for her girlfriend bloomed in her chest.
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beyondflashpoint · 3 months
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I’ve been bitten by the bug, and ye olde nostalgia got me thinking about Danny Phantom again, so I decided to play into that. I recently found the Show’s Pitch Bible, and it got me thinking about how I’d handle the reboot. On top of tweaking Jack and Maddie to make them less bumbling morons and more eccentric geniuses, I’d be aging up the crew, and settling Amity Park in Arkham County up New England way.
Danny, as you can probably tell from his human design, would be somewhat milquetoast, with grungy alternative leanings. Good at science, bad at math. Danny is, at his core, a good kid who loves his family. But he is still a kid.
I’ll probably go into them more as I work on the other characters, but I want to give Tucker, Sam, Jazz, and the Fenton parents more to do, even if it is just in the background. But for now, the Fenton parents definitely have only recently started Fenton Works. It’s been a lifelong dream, and between the two of them they’ve reached a point with their savings that it’s now a possibility. Maddie is a respected physicist, and Jack is… a bit of everything really. Test pilot, super spy, but mostly he’s an engineer. Maddie figures out how a thing works, and Jack can build it. The world of academia was… shocked when the most prominent scientific super couple announced they would be devoting the rest of their lives to pursuing superstitious pseudoscience, and this announcement has called their previous credibility into question, but no one can deny that Dr and Mister Fenton get results, if anyone can prove the existence of the supernatural, it’s the Fentons. Both are haunted by a supernatural experience from their youth.
Tucker Foley would probably have escaped the nerd label by his sheer programming and tech repair skills alone, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s also a total anime geek, and a self proclaimed furry. Tucker is an unabashed nerd, and not the suave tv friendly type. Cosplays, ttrpg, mmos, comic and action figure collecting, you name it, he does it. Proudly. And he’s been Danny’s best friend since they were in diapers. Inevitably some of that has rubbed off on Danny.
Sam Manson is relatively new in town. She moved in with her grandmother midway through freshman year after things finally came to a head with her super conservative parents. Falling somewhere between socialist and anarchist, classic goth and punk, Sam is a rebel, an activist, and everything your parents warned you about. She’s also the coolest person Danny and Tucker know. Sam has a borderline obsession with the occult, ghosts, demons, witches, you name it, she can’t get enough of it. Which may or may not have something to do with a family secret relating to why certain members of the Manson family have purple eyes?
Jazmine Fenton is Danny’s smarter, prettier older sister. Fascinated by psychology, and obsessed with figuring out the inner workings of the mind. In high school she was a geek. In college she is thriving. Fortunately, Fenton Works is close to the university she’s attending, and that means she’s never far from home, and more importantly never far from her family. Though her relationship with her parents is rocky, she’s been trying to mend fences after getting some perspective on the world. She and Danny were close growing up, and shared everything, so his recent trend of playing everything close to his chest is unnerving for her. She doesn’t understand when she stopped be Danny’s best friend.
That’s alls I gots for now. Maybe I’ll play around with writing a fic, or maybe a comic or something. We’ll see how this all develops.
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coffeewritesfiction · 5 months
When he leans in, breath hot against the skin, he smells of cigars and whiskey, a cool bitter cologne no one else in town uses. Where he walks, death is not far behind. He holds the city in his palm and sometimes, he squeezes until it bleeds. Arkham’s homegrown villain - even if he doesn’t admit it, he could only come from here. He sits in a leather chair in his fancy suits, his fedora on his desk beside his rows of expensive black pens. He sits in his office with the shades down, with maps on the walls, maps of the city, the county, the country, the world… and maps of places that don’t exist, couldn’t exist. Right? With a face made for Hollywood, a voice born for the talkies, he plans, debating the fates of his enemies, the destiny of his conquests, the birth of new enterprises in the unsteady raw stage of the world. He sees the signs that no one else does. He sees change before it arrives. Little surprises him. When something does, it never has the chance again. He is possessive over his property, most of all the two young souls who dared challenge him, most of all the ghost of the man who got away. He hates, he schemes, maybe, even loves. But he smiles for sure. He smiles and his flesh stretches, strains, as something horrible shifts to the surface. Most cannot identify it, but all can sense it. The inhumanity in this shell of a man. The ancient evil that is of his own design. No, he is not from Arkham, but he has chosen it for his own, and he will damn any who challenges him to fates horrific and unimaginable. No, he is not human, that criminal, that mobster, Nathan O’Tipp, but oh, he loves humanity. He adores them all, and their antfarm of Earth, so, so much.
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sercezgazety · 5 months
He thought about writing a letter, it’s not like he didn’t. West was his roommate, after all, and well, maybe he fucked up a lot of times and in so many ways that words can’t even begin to describe it, maybe he got what was coming to him, and Dan’s only regret is that it happened so late. True. But he was still, well. At times, it’s hard to say what he was to Dan, exactly. An abuser, Dan’s lawyer used to claim, at least while the trial lasted. Any sympathy Dan might have felt for that monster was just Stockholm syndrome. Yet another proof that Dan was a good person, capable of so much compassion, and look how West went and twisted it.
He does that. He manipulates people, takes their kindness and uses it for personal gain, the prosecutor said, and everyone was nodding, so it was probably true, Dan assumed back then. Now, he knows that for a fact; yet another sign that he got better.
But it was even more difficult to say what Herbert was to him in these first months that followed the trial. Dan had more important shit to sort out, losing his medical license, having to move to another town because Arkham’s become unlivable, then another county, then a whole different state because everyone here has seen the footage. He had to cut his hair and grow a mustache so that people wouldn’t stare. The mustache sort of turned into a beard. It’s all just as hazy as the trial itself, and that’s probably because Dan spent really little time being sober. So yeah. Not his proudest moments, though come to think about it, there were very few proud ones. Maybe getting kissed by Meg for the first time. That one homerun that let his team win for the first time in a year back when he was fourteen. Graduating from high school perhaps, because graduating from the university sure as hell wasn’t it. There was West by his side by then, he’s even in the one and only picture from that day that Dan has, and he’s scowling at the camera, pale controlling hand clasped over Dan’s shoulder as if holding him in place. Fucking West tainting every little success of Dan’s and making every failure three times worse than it could have been without him; West dragging him, kicking and screaming, wherever West goddamn pleased, and Dan’s pretty sure there indeed was some creepy pleasure involved. Shoving a hand up a living human being’s ass and turning him into a puppet, managing to control him like that for years? Must have been a way to compensate for the absolute lack of control West had over those corpses of his. Maybe Dan looking a bit like one nowadays is just West’s parting gift. That, and losing the license, along the deposit on the house, not to mention all of his friends and self-respect. Everything. Dead fiancée, cat killed, car crashed, panic attacks and a huge scar across Dan’s abdomen. Asshole was pretty generous, wasn’t he.
But Dan manages on his own pretty well, it turns out. Finds a job at a pharmaceutical company, and it’s pretty concerning how little they care about him being a disgraced doctor and all. They say he knows the market. At least now, he’s not losing patients. It pays good money, and what if he can’t look in the mirror without cringing? That’s certainly not something new. When it comes to contributing to someone’s substance abuse, he has experience, and at least this time, the stuff’s not glowing. It’s been tested, and nobody would allow for it to be sold if it were really harmful. He’s amicable, funny, and when he smiles, he still has some of the sway he used to hold over women — the middle-aged ones, at least. With the guys, he can talk about the last game, cars, or barbecue techniques, who gives a crap. Anything. They like him, and he likes the normalcy. He’s not half bad at doing what the management tells him to do, even if at times they complain he lacks initiative. He rents a house, an entire house just to himself, and after a couple years, he probably could afford buying it, but nothing really feels that permanent. There might be something better somewhere else.
His sense of humor changes slightly. He cracks jokes by the water dispenser and everyone at the office laughs most of the time, except for those moments when they fall silent or just chuckle nervously and leave in a hurry. One time, in the men’s room, he says something about dropping the soap, and he can’t stop laughing until everything hurts and there are tears streaming down his cheeks. Everyone just stares, and he can’t catch his breath for so long he ends up choking and almost hurling. Bent over the sink, and yes, he appreciates the irony. It makes him wheeze even harder.
Besides, what would he write, exactly? Sorry it ended this way? He’s not. Why in hell would he be. He is sorry he let West in when he came knocking at his door that night, oh, that’s for sure. Sorry he didn’t listen to Meg and didn’t stop for a second to consider that perhaps West arriving at his porch, having already brought all of his things, was something odd. What the hell was he thinking when agreeing to this? West made the decision about moving in long before consulting Dan, and Dan didn’t find it alarming at all. So yeah, Dan’s sorry, really sorry for all the deaths he contributed to, for the larceny, animal cruelty and corpse desecration, those are things that really haunt him at night. And they should. The stuff West had him do was fucking horrifying.
So no, if he were to write a bloody letter, it wouldn’t be about oh, how sorry he is for how things ended. He’s glad, actually. He’s not going to apologize for the world becoming a slightly safer place without Herbert West in it.
[continue reading about Dan being in complete denial about so many things here]
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aleylandjchar · 9 months
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batdad-to-the-rescue · 10 months
“Hello handsome. Lock up any bad guys lately?~”
Bruce glances over from the bat computer, standing infront of it instead of sitting, "Tetch stopped taking his meds again but other than that tonight's been suspiciously calm. Jason was already dropping someone off at Arkham so he's handling it... Question, does his jacket smell like cigarettes to you?" He turns around, grabbing the large, county fair style jug he'd filled with a gallon of black coffee earlier in the night and takes a sip, making a face before setting it back down. "Looks like I'm sticking to the coffee pot and making more trips upstairs, my coffees cold..."
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anarcho-occultism · 7 months
Miskatonic University
Miskatonic University is a private university based in Arkham, Massachusetts. Miskatonic University was established in 1690 by Ward Phillips. The University originally was heavily modeled on neighboring schools like Harvard, but would begin to move in a different direction early on when, in 1693, Philips gained custody of a number of rare occult books from the collection of the Sanderson sisters in the aftermath of the Salem witch trials. Thus, from an early era, Miskatonic University was heavily colored by an interest in paranormal and occult phenomena. This would in early history largely remain underground–especially in the late 1600’s still dominated by a Puritan ethos. However, the university would gain a reputation for addressing unusual incidents. It was Miskatonic University scholars who were tasked with figuring out what caused the events around Rip Van Winkle’s anomalously long sleep, investigating rumors of a so-called ‘headless horseman’ in the backwoods of New York and carrying out research into reversing the effects of ‘the Alteration’ rendering the ocean treacherous to navigate. Much of this research was carried out in secret by professors ostensibly dedicated to other subjects. In the mid-19th century, the growth of Spiritualism and interest in the occult led to the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose at the school, which quickly became a much larger esoteric order. A large archive of occult tomes and supernatural artifacts were accumulated at the school and in 1871, the American Secure Containment Initiative was founded by Artemus Gordon, Brisco County, Sr., and Jonah Hex, who set up the ASCI’s headquarters underneath the campus library.
These elements largely remained underground into the early 20th century, though plenty of cracks were present. Miskatonic University professors helped analyze the origins of the so-called ‘boomfood’ that triggered a wave of gigantism in the 1900’s, recognizing that radioactive particles played a key role. Research into weapons development sponsored by the U.S. government made it a major target during the War in the Air, with German air raids heavily damaging the campus. It has been suggested that Dr. Herbert West’s later experiments occurred because of trauma experienced when West survived a bombing raid that killed an entire class of students in the room with him. A number of Miskatonic University faculty became involved in incidents involving the supernatural or paranormal-Henry Armitage, Randolph Carter, and Seneca Lapham among others-but overall most students were more focused on traditional prestige in this era. While the occasional figure in the vein of William Fitzgerald or Trevor Bruttenholm was attracted to attend by the university’s occult underground, this was the exception rather than the rule well into the 20th century.
However, the mid-20th century saw the paranormal and occult elements of Miskatonic University creep into the open. As part of the Cold War, the US government had developed a keen interest in supernatural phenomenon and developed many agencies–Delta Green, the Unusual Incidents Unit, the Federal Bureau of Control and the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense–aimed at researching the supernatural, combating threats it posed and even perhaps weaponizing it. Miskatonic University’s familiarity with these anomalies was seen as a positive by the government. Furthermore, the prestige associated with paranormal and anomalous research was expanding. Columbia University Professor John Montague had helped make parapsychology a much more respectable field. These factors combined to allow for Miskatonic University to become the first university in the world to open up a Department of Paranormal Studies, containing such majors as Parapsychology, Occult Studies and Esoteric Archaeology. The existence of these departments would require unconventional hiring choices and so the likes of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, MACUSA member Gomez Addams, self-proclaimed ‘psychic doctor’ Miles Pennoyer and former news anchor Carl Kolchak would end up among the faculty of the school by 1980. Members of the Department would play a key role in providing information to the White Committee, which sought to determine the implications of the Black Prom incident in Chamberlain, Maine (though much of the opinions of Miskatonic faculty were discarded by the committee).
The establishment of the Department helped the school draw an unorthodox array of students in the years that followed. Alongside the old-money crowd of future lawyers and businessmen came the likes of Lydia Deetz, Jack and Maddie Fenton, Tommy Jarvis, Nathan Dawkins and Nancy Thompson-all figures drawn to the school by its expertise regarding supernatural and paranormal phenomenon. However, this also drew less savory individuals to the school. The likes of Nikolai Wolf (who would resort to human sacrifice to gain fame for his band Low Shoulder), Cole Turner (a half-demon lawyer who briefly became the Source of All Evil) Edgar Zambus (the creator of a strain of zombism that combines supernatural and viral methods of reanimation that he deliberately infected himself with), Roman Armitage (inventor of the infamous Coagula procedure which hijacked the bodies of numerous African-Americans) and Amy Hughe (a serial killer and worshiper of the demon Malphas) all attended or were planning to attend the school only to make use of its occult secrets for not-so-noble ends. The near-miss awakening of Cthulhu in 1983 during World War III only further caused the school to develop a sinister reputation. Senator Bob Roberts launched a quixotic bid to bar students attending the school from receiving federal financial aid in the 1990’s over these ties to black magic, though his proposal never made it in front of the President before Roberts resigned due to being implicated in the Mattiece scandal of 1993.
The more sinister reputation enjoyed by the school was particularly ironic knowing the role of faculty, alumni and current students in preventing a number of prophesied calamities surrounding Y2K. Miskatonic University Professor Iain Gladstone was the first to take notice of multiple prophecies related to the Apocalypse being fulfilled in the lead-up to the turn of the millennium. Working with his colleagues Rayna Kazuki, Leroy Brown and Dirk Pitt, Gladstone worked to recruit a team that could identify potential Antichrists and, if possible, eliminate them. Most of the team were current students at the school-Sarah Bailey, Steve Urkel, Charlie McGee, Casey Connor and Kate Libby were selected based on a combination of desired research capabilities and known or implied paranormal prowess. Beyond the current students, the quartet of professors brought in a few university alumni-the previously mentioned Lydia Deetz, ex-football star Scott Howard and on-and-off X-Men team member Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde. Aside from Deetz, the alumni were brought in as additional muscle. Through diligent investigation, this team was able to identify Angel Caine-the son of businessman Robert Caine-as a potential Antichrist working through his father’s business empire to bring about the End Times. Caine had additionally formed an alliance with Adrian Woodhouse, another potential Antichrist who sought to co-opt remnants of older Great Old One cults for his ends. The team brought these two to the attention of the BPRD and, alongside a military forced headed by one Colonel John McNamara, were able to prevent Armageddon.
The modern Miskatonic University has enjoyed an enormous boost to prestige following the Awakening of Magic and the widespread embrace of occult and supernatural research. The school was able to greatly expand operations as a result, pursuing ideas that were fringe even amidst the ‘new normal’ of anomalies. After the Amphibian invasion of 2020, the school became a locus of research into extradimensional phenomenon, discovering the realms of Mewni, World A, Oz, and Throne among many others. Researchers from the school helped create the EVA units used to fight the so-called ‘angel’ incursions of the 2010’s and chronicling the spread of ‘quirks’ across 90% of the human population post-Awakening of Magic. Miskatonic University has also begun tracking temporal anomalies after the Warren & Warren incident of 2021, partnering with Britain’s Anomaly Research Center in the process (the ARC has indicated interest in a ‘temporal storm’ appearing to connect 2023, 1890, 1941 and 2053 in some way). Beyond this renown, however, the highs and lows of a normal prestigious school remain. Students briefly seized control of Armitage Hall in protest of the school accepting a $30 million grant from Fortunato Pharmaceuticals, right-wing pundit Lindsey Bluth-Funke has condemned the school for pushing ‘wokeness’ and allegations that rich alumni bribe there way into the school continue to dog its reputation alongside its more fantastical dimension.
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Cthulhu Mythos, The Lurker at the Threshold, Hocus Pocus, Rip Van Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, The Order, SCP Foundation, The Wild Wild West, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., Jonah Hex, The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth, The War in the Air, Herbert West: Re-Animator, The Lurker at the Threshold, The Diviners (Bray novel), Delta Green, Control, Hellboy, The Haunting of Hill House, The Conjuring, The Addams Family, Miles Pennoyer, Kolchak the Night Stalker, Carrie, Beetlejuice, Danny Phantom, Friday the 13th, Beyond: Two Souls, Nightmare on Elm Street, Jennifer’s Body, Charmed, Plants vs. Zombies, Get Out, Dead of Summer, A Colder War, Bob Roberts, The Pelican Brief, The Secret World, Explorer Woman Ray, Encyclopedia Brown, Dirk Pitt, The Craft, Family Matters, Firestarter, The Faculty, Hackers, Teen Wolf, X-Men, Holocaust 2000, Rosemary’s Baby, Hatchetfield Universe, Shadowrun, Amphibia, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, Final Fantasy, The Land of Oz, Kill Six Billion Demons, Neon Genesis Evangelion, My Hero Academia, Old (film), Primeval, Bodies (Netflix series), The Fall of the House of Usher (2023), Arrested Development, Scooby Doo, Ghostbusters
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woxeldritchcounty · 11 months
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Join us at World of Eldritch County, a queer friendly and inclusive-of-all rp site, where you can explore Arkham through our many forums, take classes at Miskatonic, join a club (or a cult to an old god), and interact with other Arkhamites in our interactive chats!
Welcome to Essex County, Massachusetts, circa the early 1970s, where the cold winds bend the trees and strange eyes gaze out from the dark woods outside Arkham. You’ve just begun your tenure as a student at the prestigious but infamously unlucky Miskatonic University, a school known just as much for haunting tragedy as academic rigor. Things seem different here than they did in the main timeline…better in many ways, worse in others. How? You’ll have to explore. But be careful to not wander too closely to the shadowy woods or the coasts of Innsmouth.
You are not immune to horrors.
Welcome to World of Eldritch County, a 16+ text-based, literate horror rp, based on the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and his enduring legacy on genre fiction. At World of Eldritch County, we live for the quirky, weird, oddball, and terrifying in fiction. Do you love horror beyond just Lovecraft?
We have three class of characters on the creation screen:
➳ Townie: You were born in Arkham, and can feel its strange cosmic energy coursing through you. Where else would you go to school but Miskatonic?
➳ Prodigal: You left Arkham once, thinking you escaped your birthplace. But it called you back. It calls all of you back.
➳ Outsider: Whether through intellectual curiosity or unlucky stroke of fate, you were brought to Arkham from the Outside world…. Well. Enjoy your stay.
We are an inclusive rp site, open to all character types and all users (of the correct age). Come join one of our four Miskatonic dormitories! Are you courageous and clever? Join Dunwich! Driven by intellectual curiosity above all else? Join Innsmouth! Ambitious and confident? You’re perfect for Carcosa. Compassionate and loyal? Severn is definitely the dorm for you! Take our quiz after registering to find out which dorm will become your family, during your time at Miskatonic University.
Interested in diving a bit further into the student life? Miskatonic has plenty of interactive classes that offer homework, which allows you to earn points for rewards. Bring prestige to your dormitory by winning the dorm cup or yourself by earning the student cup!
More interested in the rp aspect? Wonderful! We have multiple forum locations for you to roleplay your time at Miskatonic, Arkham, and the other surrounding areas to your heart's content. Speaking of heart, you might want to hold onto that around here….
We have all this and more, including buyable and usable shop items, interactive notice board articles and contests, an active site blog, and multiple in-game chat rooms for short form rp! You can even fight against (or join) one of the dark cults to the old gods around town!
Tired of the normal life? Ready for something a bit more dark and wild? Join World of Eldritch County, and let us show you the cosmos!
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Both my PCC & PMQ have Chloe getting involved with Ivy & Harley, both starting with Ivy. PCC Chloe hires Ivy when she gets out of Arkham for good behavior to help make gardens for her bee farms. PMQ Chloe has her dragging a coworker to Ivy so as to talk to his plant & figure out why they're wilting (not to mention make them prize winning flowers to make that bish Laurie bawl bcuz she brags too much at the county fair). No matter the universe of mine, Chloe loves Ivy
Ivy is a plant and Chloé is a bee ofc they get along great!
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jtownraindancer · 10 months
Finished Arkham County, and-
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movietonight · 9 months
I am so normal about the concept of Derry, Maine, existing in Mash. And Castle Rock and Jerusalem's Lot. I also think Cabot Cove, Maine, should exist in Mash. And over the border in Massachusetts all of Lovecraft County should exist but especially Arkham.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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The Dunwich Horror will be released on Blu-ray on January 10 via Arrow Video. Luke Preece designed the new artwork for the 1970 H.P. Lovecraft adaptation; the original artwork is on the reverse side.
Daniel Haller (Buck Rogers in the 25th Century) directs from a script by Curtis Hanson (L.A. Confidential), Henry Rosenbaum (Lock Up), and Ronald Silkosky. Sandra Dee, Dean Stockwell, Ed Begley, Lloyd Bochner, and Sam Jaffe star. Roger Corman executive produces.
The Dunwich Horror has been newly restored in 2K from the original camera negative with original lossless mono audio. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by Guy Adams and Alexandra Benedict, creators of the audio drama Arkham County (new)
The Door into Dunwich - Film historian Stephen R. Bissette and horror author Stephen Laws discuss the film (new)
Interview with The Innsmouth Legacy author Ruthanna Emrys (new)
Interview with music historian David Huckvale
Theatrical trailer
 Image gallery
Booklet with new writing by film critics Johnny Mains and Jack Sargeant (first pressing only)
Dean Stockwell stars as Wilbur Whateley, a mysterious young man who travels from the small town of Dunwich to the library of the Miskatonic University which holds one of the only copies of the Necronomicon, a legendary book of occult lore that Wilbur hopes to borrow. Graduate student Nancy Wagner (Sandra Dee) falls under his malign influence and travels with him back to his home where Wilbur has plans to use her in a ritual to raise ‘The Old Ones’, cosmic beings from another dimension. But who, or what, is in the locked room at the top of the stairs? And what will happen if they get out?
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forevercloudnine · 1 year
The wikis didn't turn out any results for Bruce’s grandmother on the Kane side other than a name (Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane, no maiden name). Since you read Batwoman comics, I wanted to ask: does canon contradict my headcanon of "Betsy" being an Arkham? I just think it would be funny having Jeremiah be Bruce, Kate & Beth's third cousin once removed or something something family history of Mental IllnessTM [They apparently have another Kane cousin who is a vigilante? Jerry'd selfcombust in anguish]
Okay so my entire world was shattered as a result of attempting to pull panels to answer this ask, because for several years I have thought Martha Wayne was canonically an Arkham in the Earth One continuity that started in the 1950's. It turns out that I was misremembering Martha being an Arkham in Batman: Earth One, meaning the Geoff Johns comic from 2019.
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That being said, I think in the main continuity, the Kanes (and thus the Waynes) being intermarried with the Arkhams would add a really fascinating element to Bruce and Kate's conflict over whether Beth should be sent to Arkham Asylum or not.
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As to Martha Wayne and Jacob Kane's mother Elizabeth, which was your actual question: there's nothing I've read clarifying that her maiden name was something other than Arkham, so I think you're safe contradiction-wise. Also, interestingly, in what to my knowledge is her only comic appearance (Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5) she's depicted seeing bats in the leaves of her tea.
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The Return of Bruce Wayne was written by Grant Morrison, who of course famously also wrote Batman: Arkham Asylum, the first comic to canonize the Arkhams as a family instead of just the name of the asylum. In that comic, Amadeus Arkham and his mother Elizabeth (so many Elizabeths) are both haunted by prophetic visions of bats. Sooo, family trait, maybe?
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Of course, it should be noted that Morrison is obsessed with bat imagery in general and that The Return of Bruce Wayne especially is a comic dedicated to filling the history of Gotham with as many supernatural bat sightings as possible. But I still think it's a fun connection. And realistically speaking, given that there's only so many historical wealthy "founding families" in Gotham, it seems impossible that the Waynes, Arkhams, and Kanes haven't intermarried at some point in the past regardless. The Waynes and Arkhams have lived in the area since before the American Revolution, and the Kanes have been in Gotham proper since the 1880's when the city expanded into Kane County (through a very classically Gotham City murder scheme/business deal/gothic architectural venture with the Waynes, Elliots, and Cobblepots in Batman: Gates of Gotham).
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All of this is to say, yes, I think it would be really funny if Jeremiah was related to Bruce, Kate and Beth. Actually, since I brought up Gates of Gotham, I think Penguin and the Cobblepots should be brought into the family tree too. I feel like that would really make everyone involved maximally pissed off about their relations. Also, whenever DC decides they're bored of Bruce being a millionaire instead of a billionaire, they could make it more interesting than just having Lucius hand Bruce his money back by doing a plot that's some sort of maximally complicated legal inheritance dispute between the three families that ends with Bruce moving back into Wayne Manor (or something. Actually, has this already been resolved in Zdarsky's run? I'm super not caught up on Batman comics right now).
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
15 questions for 15 mutuals
ty for the tag @beesallhail i am sure i've done this one but it must have been long enough ago that i forgot lol
are you named after anyone? - in real life, no. my mum picked a name she thought was easy so i'd be the first kid in my class to be able to spell it lmao my username (and subsequent nickname) is after a crane in glasgow when was the last time you cried? - i cry so often it's impossible to remember when the last time was i'm just a soft egg do you have kids? - i have two horrible sons, mac and fox (both jackahuahuas!) do you use sarcasm a lot? - i think i used to, but not so much anymore! only when i'm being cheeky about myself i think what sports do you play/have you played? - fuckin NONE lol but i swear i am eventually going to take up roller skating what’s the first thing you notice about other people? - i'm a teensy bit face blind so i notice hair first!! it's easier when people wear the same style most days! eye colour? - blue/grey, it's kinda the same colour as arkham!eddie hehe u-u scary movies or happy endings? - scary movies by far, happy endings make me cry any special talents? - i can name all the countries of the world if you give me enough time lol where were you born? - same hospital as my mum, my gran, and all the other babies in my county! what are your hobbies? - writing, drawing, playing guitar, singing, rotting in my own filth do you have any pets? - my sons are my pets technically but i also bought some sea monkeys!! how tall are you? - 5'9 fave subject in school? - art and history dream job? - i don't dream of work, but i would love to get paid to write plays or to laze around and be silly
tagging with no pressure the most recent mutuals in my notifications
@worri-wort @cercandodiscrivere @eroticaplush @toshanoo @motherofrobins @it-is-i-zim @glorified-monster @just-a-girl-living-in-gotham @shawtylike @biotchesdontknowthem @mxmonsterstew @r1ddly @skye707 @faal-verotiik
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