#attitude de leader
ouipay · 11 months
Comment prendre la meilleure décision pour son business ? - L’édito de Ouipay.fr
Quelle couleur choisir pour mon logo ? À quel moment dois-je lancer mon offre ? Est-ce que je peux faire confiance à cette personne ? Est-ce que je travaille de chez moi ou d’un espace de coworking ? Quel tapis de souris est le plus ergonomique ? Bref, vous le savez autant que moi, quand on monte son business, une foule de questions nous traversent la tête. Pourtant, elles n’ont pas toutes la même urgence.
Pour vous aider à y voir plus clair et à avoir une prise de décision efficace, Ouipay.fr l’expert anti-crash de votre business vous invite à lire la suite de cet article. Les prochaines lignes vous aideront à prendre des décisions rationnelles et à éviter les pièges et pensées qui peuvent avoir une influence dans votre processus décisionnel.
Attitude de leader :  prendre les bonnes décisions !
Prise de décision : comment être sûr d’avoir raison ?
Avant même de vous donner la liste des questions à se poser pour monter un business en ligne rentable et surtout durable, il est essentiel de faire le point sur une chose : votre capacité à prendre de bonnes décisions stratégiques.
Se poser les bonnes questions, c’est important. Encore faut-il être capable d’avoir le sens des affaires pour trouver la réponse adéquate, celle qui vous permettra de mettre en place un plan d’action clair et percutant, en lien direct avec vos objectifs professionnels.
Pour faciliter la prise de décision éclairée et pertinente : 
d’avoir un objectif clair ;
d’avoir pesé le pour et le contre ;
d’avoir toutes les informations possibles en votre possession ;
d’agir comme un professionnel. 
Si vous n’avez pas d’objectif, comment pouvez-vous savoir si votre réponse va dans le sens de votre réussite professionnelle comme de votre réussite financière ou l’inverse ? Soyons clairs, pour prendre de bonnes décisions et développer la croissance de votre activité, prenez le temps de vous construire des bases solides.
S’émanciper des biais cognitifs qui biaisent la situation
Au-delà de vos compétences techniques et opérationnelles, vous aurez également besoin de travailler sur vous pour prendre les bonnes décisions et trancher sur les opportunités stratégiques de votre business. Le tout, de façon rationnelle en connectant à votre leadership et vos capacités de décideur.
Le développement personnel est un excellent moyen de prendre du recul sur son fonctionnement et donc de s’observer. En apprenant à déceler vos comportements, pensées automatiques et schémas de pensée, vous aurez plus de facilité à vous libérer des biais cognitifs. 
Si ces mécanismes de pensée sont initialement créés par votre mental pour vous faciliter la vie (= vous assurer d’être apprécié de tous et donc de survivre dans cette jungle qu’est le monde), ils peuvent freiner votre évolution professionnelle et être la cause du crash de votre business en ligne.
Les 6 biais cognitifs dont vous devrez vous libérer pour réussir dans le business 
Il est grand temps de vous présenter la team des biais cognitifs. Sachez que nous avons tous notre mode de fonctionnement. Toutefois, nous nous retrouvons plus ou moins dans les différents biais cognitifs suivants : 
le biais de confirmation ;
le biais d’ancrage mental ;
le biais de négativité ;
le biais de statu quo ;
le biais de l’aversion à la perte ;
le biais de faux consensus.
En fonction de notre éducation et de nos expériences passées, certains biais seront plus marqués que d’autres dans notre comportement. Un article détaillé sur les 6 biais cognitifs qui causeront votre perte, vous aidera à mieux comprendre ce qui se joue mentalement et émotionnellement dans ces schémas de pensée.
Comment développer un business en ligne rentable ?
Les questions à se poser pour prendre une décision importante, liée à l’évolution de son entreprise
Maintenant que vous savez sur quoi focaliser votre attention, lors du processus de décision et que vous avez conscience des différents biais cognitifs qui peuvent influencer vos choix, voilà la liste des bonnes questions à se poser pour éviter le crash de votre business.
Question 1 : Est-ce que ce choix me permet d’avancer ?
Question 2 : En prenant cette décision, suis-je conforme à mes valeurs ?
Question 3 : Si je fais ça, est-ce que je vais dans le sens de mon ambition initiale ?
Question 4 :  Quelles sont les conséquences de cette décision ?
Question 5  : Est-ce que cette décision entraîne des conséquences réversibles ?
Question 6 : Mon choix peut-il minimiser le coût d’une perte d’opportunité ?
Question 7 : Aurais-je pris cette direction si je n’avais pas parlé avec untel ?
Je vous vois venir ! Ce n’est pas la liste de questions à laquelle vous vous attendiez. Vous pensiez davantage à ce genre de liste : 
Quel est le meilleur réseau social pour développer ma notoriété ?
Comment puis-je attirer les clients ?
Quelles sont les tendances qui feront grimper les ventes ?
Comment créer une identité visuelle qui attire ?
Site web ou réseaux sociaux : quel choix faire pour gagner de l’argent rapidement ?
Les cinq questions ci-dessus sont effectivement des questions importantes. Cependant, si vous y répondez sans avoir en tête les sept interrogations énoncées plus haut, vous n’irez pas bien loin. Pourquoi ? Parce que vous ne pourrez pas vous assurer d’avoir pris la bonne décision pour votre business.
Et après ? Comment mettre en place des actions percutantes ?
Une fois la phase théorique terminée, il ne vous reste qu’à agir. Attention, pas n'importe comment ! Vous avez fixé vos objectifs, vous avez la réponse à vos questions… Pensez à intégrer des KPI (indicateurs clés de performance) pertinents à votre stratégie afin de mesurer l’efficacité de vos actions. 
Cette étape est essentielle puisqu’elle vous permet de vous rendre compte de manière factuelle du résultat de vos actions.
Exemple concret :  Vous décidez de créer un compte TikTok et Instagram pour faire évoluer la notoriété de vos business en ligne en prenant en compte votre cœur de cible comme votre cible secondaire.
Les KPI à utiliser dans cette situation peuvent-être les suivants : 
nombre de vues par publication sur les 3 prochains mois ;
nombre d’abonnés sur les 3 prochains mois ;
type d’audience touchée sur les 3 prochains mois.
De cette manière vous pourriez vérifier si Instagram et TikTok vous permettent réellement de gagner en visibilité, tout en vous assurant que vous gagnez en notoriété auprès du public cible visé. 
Ouipay.fr, l’expert anti-crash de votre business !
Pour vous accompagner dans la création de votre business et surtout éviter le crash de votre activité en ligne, retrouvez les conseils de Ouipay.fr sur son blog et sur sa chaîne YouTube.
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theoutcastrogue · 7 months
Cartoon depictions of the homeless increasingly reflect the hostility of today’s political leaders toward people on the streets. We’ve gone from images of charming hobos with bindles to zombies taking over cities. If you consume any news at all, you’ve probably noticed that the United States is pathologically cruel to its homeless citizens. This May, the brutal killing of Jordan Neely—who was strangled to death, at the age of 30, simply because he was unhoused and shouting on the Manhattan subway—captured the national spotlight, but it was just one of many such cases of unprovoked violence. In January, two cops reportedly kidnapped a homeless man in Hialeah, Florida, drove him to an “isolated and dark location,” and beat him unconscious. That same month, art dealer Shannon Collier Gwin faced battery charges after he sprayed a homeless woman with a hose outside his San Francisco gallery, barking “Move! Move!” at her. (Predictably, Gwin got a lenient plea deal of just 35 hours of community service.) Elsewhere in the city, homeless San Franciscans have been attacked with chemical bear spray on at least eight occasions. Other assaults have been more impersonal but no less vicious. On July 14, the city of Houston abruptly closed its only public cooling center in the downtown area, potentially condemning anyone without shelter to suffer heatstroke in 90-degree weather. Among the property-owning class, the phenomenon of hostile architecture—sidewalks with spikes that stab anyone who tries to sleep, benches with iron bars, and the like—has become de rigueur. The widespread callousness and lack of compassion are both infuriating and hard to comprehend. How on Earth, we might ask, did things get this bad? [...]
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Looking back at older cartoons, one of the things that stands out immediately is the absence of negative attitudes toward the homeless. In fact, during the Golden Age of animation, creators seemed to have had a real affinity for the poor and unhoused, often placing their most iconic characters in that role. There’s a wonderful 1948 Warner Bros. short called “Riff Raffy Daffy,” in which Daffy Duck is looking for a place to sleep—first on a park bench, then a trash can, and finally a furniture display in a shop window—and has to dodge the harassment of the police, as represented by Porky Pig in a little blue uniform. (Literally, the cop is a pig!) Or, in the 1950 cartoon “Homeless Hare,” Bugs Bunny’s rabbit hole is destroyed by a new construction project, leading him to unleash his usual slapstick mayhem against the developers until they put it back. In these cartoons, homelessness is something inflicted on people by outside forces—gentrification and the real estate business, in Bugs’ case—and something which can be successfully resisted. Even Disney cast a homeless dog as a romantic lead in 1955’s Lady and the Tramp, contrasting Lady’s sheltered naivety with Tramp’s superior knowledge of the world. The title invokes the memory of Charlie Chaplin’s “Tramp” films, which similarly brought dignity and humanity to the role of a homeless man. (Bugs Bunny, too, takes inspiration from Chaplin, and multiple Warner animators have drawn him as the Tramp.) In 1961, Hanna-Barbera’s profoundly underrated Top Cat followed the adventures of a gang of wisecracking Manhattan alley cats, who, like Daffy, are always outwitting a meddling policeman. At worst, classic cartoons may trivialize the suffering and danger associated with homelessness—there’s a certain recurring image of the carefree hobo carrying a bindle, which paints the whole subject in a romanticized light—but the homeless themselves are rarely disparaged or made the butt of the joke. Quite the opposite. 
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It took a few years, but cartoons caught up to the Reaganite turn. In episodes from the ’90s and early 2000s, there’s a palpable shift in the way homeless characters appear compared to earlier decades. The perspective is different: we’re now seeing them through the eyes of comfortably housed characters, rather than their own. Often they don’t even get proper names. [...] This trajectory leads us, perhaps inevitably, to SpongeBob SquarePants. [..] Squidward gets accused of stealing a dime by his comically greedy boss, Mr. Krabs, and quits his job in a fit of outrage. We then flash forward to see Squidward, now bedraggled and unshaven, living in a cardboard box on the street and begging for change. [...] Mercifully, the ever-cheerful SpongeBob gives Squidward a place to stay—but the moment he’s safely off the street, Squidward turns from a sympathetic victim of circumstance into a lazy, entitled freeloader, straight out of a Reagan speech. He makes no effort to find work and loafs around SpongeBob’s house for ages. [...] Eventually, an exasperated SpongeBob writes “GET A JOB” in his alphabet soup, before shoving him (bed and all) back to work at the Krusty Krab. [...] Worst of all, though, the episode suggests that homelessness can be solved on an individual basis if the people in question simply stop being lazy and “GET A JOB.” This is the biggest myth of all. In 2021, a statistical analysis by the University of Chicago found that 53 percent of people in homeless shelters, and 40.4 percent of unsheltered people, do have jobs. The problem is that their wages are too low, and rents are too high. According to statistics from the same year, it’s impossible for someone working a full-time, minimum-wage job to afford a single-bedroom apartment in 93 percent of U.S. counties, and there are no states in which someone can rent a two-bedroom space on the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. In other words, homelessness has little or nothing to do with personal responsibility, or lack thereof. It’s a consequence of large-scale economic decisions made by landlords and bosses. [...]
— Alex Skopic
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modernelites-if · 1 year
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Modern Elites is a 18+ raunchy slice-of-life IF that follows you, a young royal, navigating the world of the obscenely rich and immensely famous while trying to keep your elite, royal family together in the midst of drama and tabloids.
Setting: modern times, fictional tiny country of Selusa, New York, Paris and more.
Genre: slice-of-life, drama, romance
Celebrity. Pop Culture Icon. Heir.
As the heir to the Selusan throne, you're known by many names. Growing under the spotlight hasn't been easy, especially since it seems the vultures all want a piece of your elusive family. Country clubs, yachts, parties, private jets, elite schools, you've had it all.
But is there something missing?
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Customize your heir from appearance to gender identity to personality. Dictate what kind of person they are: rebellious, dutiful. Do they care about the royal line or are parties more on their mind? Will you keep a squeaky clean rep or ruin the family name?
Customize Salusa and cater the country to your taste.
Dictate what kind of leader you want to be, and how others percieve you.
Experience the life of the hidden .01% and the drama of the ultra wealthy.
Engage in fiery, dramatic romances that could either uplift or ruin you and your family.
and more to come.
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Imogen/Ian Lancaster [f/m]- your family's advisor and publicist. I has cleaned up every mess, every leak, every scandal and at this point, there are no secrets between your family and them. Coming from a well-off family themselves, they know exactly how this world works...and they navigate it with a steel will and a cold, detached demeanor. I has you handled like an adult with a child, trying (and probably failing) to keep you in line. Anything you do will go through them, so it's better to think twice.
Everett/Eva St. Clare [m/f] - the eldest of one of the most influential businessmen on your side of the world, black sheep, and a source of gossip in polite society, there have been talks of a betrothal between you two since the partnership started. Because of that, you two are forced into a fake romance for the cameras. E is an arrogant and brash casanova, sex-obsessed, and is proudly noncommital with string of rumors that follow them like their own entourage. Unfortunately for you, E's exploits can damage the carefully constructed facade you two have built. Of course, E doesn't give a damn.
Vince/Vivian De Grasso [m/f] - (secretly) fresh out of jail and newly reformed (not) V's politician of a mother has asked in a favor from your family: to reform them and stifle their rebellious ways by adding them to your security detail. Your father having a soft spot for the kid, brings them in as one of your guards. Hopefully V keeps in line...or not.
Cordelia/Corden Bowen [f/m]- an employee at the country club you frequent, someone less polite would call them a 'nobody.' C has a bit of an attitude, but that's expected from someone who is used to getting berated by rich people all day. There's not much else to say about them...or maybe there is?
Romi Marshall [m/f]- a famed journalist with contempt for royalty and elitism. Their newsletters frequently slam you and your family's every move, and they don't like you one bit. You can confidently say they're your biggest hater.
Oliver/Olivia Ames-Astor [m/f]- a fellow prince/princess from another country and your best friend, who is still hung up on their ex. Forced to betroth someone else, O has so many problems you can hardly sort through them. Still, they're kind and as polite as you'd expect from a person who has had etiquette lessons drilled into them since childhood. They're also your best friend, so there's that.
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dianagj-art · 1 year
What kind of dialogue exchange would take place between Separated!Leo from your AU, and Canon!Leo post Rise movie?
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S!Leo would think the other talks too much (el burro hablando de orejas) and I don't think he would like him that much at first, One is more disciplined and serious when is needed and would find Leo's constant demeanior annoying af, not realizing he acts the exact same way sometimes.
I think he would aslo find his brothers and the way Leo acts with them annoying but that is more on the fact that One is an only child at heart who doesn't want to have brothers.
They both will eventually get along just fine
At first One would seem more mature than Leo, to everyone's surprise, but One snaps easly and has a constant "father I carve violence" attitude that would have him launching himself into battle without much thinking and with a high succes rate. ("battles" here being big battles against other mutants or petty fights with the brothers of Leo himself)
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At the end Leo is gonna have to be doing a lot of babysitting, wich is hilarious to me considering he just took the responsabily of being the group leader and now the universe is throwing him a murderous 14 yo version of himself
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louthestarspeaker · 5 days
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[ID: A collection of six images of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory promo material. The images are in the style of a magazine, with a cover and interviews from each of the Nublar Six, minus Brooklynn.
The cover has all of the Nublar Six lined up on the docks in Costa Rica, just after they made it back to the mainland. Yaz and Sammy are holding hands, Kenji has a hand on Brooklynn's shoulder. All the kids are smiling nicely, with the exception of Darius whose smile is kind of awkward and looks a little uncomfortable on camera. The title of the magazine, The Dino Times, is splashed across the top of the page. Just below it is the subtitle "Who are the Nublar Six?". Below the photo of the campers is text that reads, "Meet the miraculous survivors of the Jurassic World catastrophe in this exclusive, celebrating the anniversary of their return."
Each of the interviews has a picture of each of the Nublar Six as a young adult, their name printed large, and a little logo for The Dino Times in the corner. A transcript of the text of each interview reads as folllows:
Darius: Dino Nerd Turned Hero
Darius Bowman never would've expected a shy, nerdy kid from Oakland could become the leader of the Nublar survivors.
"Back at Camp Cretaceous I had to learn to trust myself and my friends to make it through. It was a terrifying experience, but what they were doing to those dinosaurs at that facility just wasn't right. Somebody had to do something."
Since his return, Bowman has traveled all over the country giving talks about dinosaur conservation, and has worked with the Department of Prehistoric Wildlife.
Ben: Brave Soul Against All Odds
Ben Pincus had perhaps the most dramatic metamorphosis as a result of his experiences at Nublar.
"I was terrified of pretty much everything," he said. "Germs. The dark. Non-organic snacks. And then all of a sudden we were up against actual dinosaurs."
Luckily, Pincus found an unlikely ally in a baby Ankylosaurus he named Bumpy.
"Bumpy is my best friend. She helped me face my fears and see how much I had to contribute to the group."
We'll have to see if the campus office can make an exception for Bumpy as Ben gets ready for college in the fall.
Sammy: Cattle Rancher, Dino Wrangler
Sammy Gutierrez lived with her parents on a Texas ranch before Camp Cretaceous. Ever the optimist she remarked, "At least I was already used to big animals before that whole fiasco! There;s really not much difference between a longhorn and a Triceratops if you think about it."
Back at home, Gutierrez maintained that positive attitude by staying busy.
"I have my own ranch, now. And my girlfriend, Yaz. And tons of pies to bake! We don't have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff!"
Yaz: A Track Star and Her Team
Yasmina Fadoula went from national track star to Nublar Six survivor in the span of months, and the aftermath hit her particularly hard.
"I wasn't used to feeling helpless. Before, I would just push through to the finish line no matter what. Nublar made me realize you can't win all your races alone."
She credits her relationship with fellow survivor Sammy Gutierrez as a major source of support.
"I've been going through a lot of anxiety since coming back, and Sammy's been there constantly. I want to show her I can be the strong person she sees in me."
Kenji: Cool Kid Finds New Family
Kenji Kon has declined to comment on his father's incarceration.
"All that matters is my new family. They're the ones who always had my back."
The Nublar Six have been instrumental in Kenji's return to normal life, from his relationship with Brooklynn, to his best friend Darius.
"All I wanna do is chill, you know? I've moved out somewhere peaceful. Started my climbing school. All is good in Casa de Kenji."
End Transcript. The page of Kenji's interview has a ragged edge, like the page next to it has been torn out. There is no interview for Brooklynn. End ID]
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slavghoul · 1 year
First musical emotion?
TF: I grew up in an environment full of music, with a very open-minded mother who listened to a lot of pop and rock music and, above all, an older brother who was 13 years older than me. That's how much I was immersed in teenage culture as a child. I was 3 years old in 1984 when the glam metal wave invaded the airwaves and TV screens. These bands, like Kiss, WASP or Mötley Crüe, very strong visually for a child, attracted me irresistibly. And let's not forget Twisted Sister. I Wanna Rock is the track that remains the basis, the trigger for everything for me. A song that, at 3, 13, 23 or 43 years old, still has the same effect on me as soon as I hear it: to jump in the air like a madman.
First record bought?
If not Kiss, probably a Rolling Stones album. It didn't make much of an impression on me because my brother used to buy so many of them, so my money was mostly spent on Star Wars stuff. There are tons of bands I love, but I think the Stones are my favourite. Because they embody everything I love about rock, even though they weren't as sophisticated as the Beatles or Pink Floyd. Between 1967 and 1972, in their darkest period, nobody did it better than them: they had the look, the attitude, the style and, on top of that, the songs! Let It Bleed is incredible, with songs like Midnight Rambler and Live With Me. As much as I admire technical singers, virtuosos of harmony, Jagger remains unique. I've never tried to imitate him, but as a performer he is the absolute model.
First concert of note?
My brother used to take me to see local punk bands at a very early age, but I remember B.B. King most of all, when I was about 5 or 6, with my mother. It was a jazz festival, outside in the courtyard of a castle, a very cool atmosphere. As soon as B.B. King started playing, there was electricity in the air. Everyone got up and started dancing, I was blown away. And as I was the only one of my age, I could move around freely, so much so that I found myself in the backstage, in front of B.B. King himself! He invited me into his dressing room: "Do you play the guitar?" - Yes! - so don't stop!" And I took his advice. Even though I sing on stage, the guitar is still my favourite instrument, the one I play and master the most.
The band that best managed to avoid the pitfall of the image taking precedence over the music?
Kiss, unfortunately, was far from being up to the task musically. Alice Cooper, after two minor first albums, went on to make four incredible albums with the original Alice Cooper Group. Above all, he made a phenomenal comeback with Welcome to My Nightmare in 1975. After that, the show took over... The band that managed to stay straight and dignified, without compromising the artistic quality of their work, is undoubtedly Iron Maiden. All of their 80's production is impeccable, and if they had a slump in the 90's, they came back even stronger with the return of Bruce Dickinson, and have been going strong for twenty years! Their work ethic is exemplary. With Ghost, we take up Phantom of the Opera, one of my favourite tracks from their early period, and one of the few where I felt we could add a little something to it.
Best punk song in the world?
There are so many, because I was also brought up on the sounds of the Pistols, the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys... But as a kid, I never got tired of listening to The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle again, especially the sequence where Sid Vicious sings My Way. His version is one of my favourite songs of all time. What could be more awesome than to see a guy slaughtering this standard while doing the same, shooting the shit, with the audience that came to see him! It was like the ultimate middle finger, and it made me happy, and it showed me the way.
The band that remains the grail for you?
Queen, because the show side, the big show, is the ultimate for me. In the early 70s, my favourite musical period, there were no big shows yet, like the Stones started doing afterwards. Queen is the same. Of course, their best albums are from the 70s, but the peak of their career for me is the Wembley concert in 1986. Magic wasn't a great record, but the show was breathtaking, dantesque, with a repertoire as vast as it was delirious. If Ghost could ever come close to the 1986 Queen, I would be delighted.
The greatest Swedish band?
ABBA, of course. No one will ever be able to stand in their way. The Beatles are the monarchs of English rock, ABBA the monarchs of Swedish pop. Björn and Benny are national heroes. I found myself at a huge, formal party when Benny suddenly sat down at the piano and started Thank You For the Music. There was silence in a second. This guy is a monument. You can't imagine what ABBA has done, not only for pop music, but also for Sweden and the Swedes. This band proved that you can move mountains.
Which Ghost song are you most proud of?
Cirice, probably. I often write my songs by singing into my phone a melody that is in my head. We were about to finish the album Meliora. And the co-producer tells me that a really heavy and powerful track is missing. I tell him I have this heavy, heavy, macabre sounding tune with a long intro and a crushing riff. He suggests I tweak it while he goes for a run. When he came back, I had written a chorus, lyrical, catchy. It wasn't the leaden track he was hoping for. But it won us a Grammy!
The most evil band?
Certainly not Mercyful Fate, as one might imagine. They, like most Norwegian death metal bands, more or less satanic, are the most charming guys I've ever met. They seem more like nice teachers than evil creatures. The scariest band is probably Von, a mythical American black metal band from Hawaii. These guys were really scary, with their terrifying size, they looked really dangerous. But I think the evil is mostly on the side of those who pretend to defend the good. For me, the most evil and unattractive musician is Ted Nugent. He's pro-life, pro-hunting, and claims he's only fighting for freedom. But the world he defends is about as free and tolerant as Vladimir Putin's. I refuse to listen to him.
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
i have a trouble characterizing furlan in my head i cant seem to understand what he is like
Well, Furlan's a very interesting character, and complex, I think, so I can see why it would be hard to fit him into any, one box.
Just the fact he's Levi's first, real friend says a lot though. I imagine most people probably never gave Levi a chance, really, to become their friend. They would have taken one look at him, at his seemingly surely, unfriendly attitude, his unsociable demeanor, and probably been turned off. And doubtless Levi's reputation proceeded him. Most people probably thought he was too dangerous to get near. But Furlan wasn't really afraid of Levi, which is very interesting. He knew Levi was strong, as evidenced by the fact that he tried to force Levi into joining his gang. But the fact he even took that chance tells us Furlan wasn't scared enough of Levi and his strength to steer clear of him, like I imagine most people were.
It's important to understand too that Furlan's initial interaction with Levi was an attempt to manipulate and use him. He essentially saw Levi as a mark, as someone he could press into his own service to bolster his gang's standing Underground. Of course, his plan failed miserably, and I think the fact that Levi didn't fall for it was probably a bit of a shock to Furlan. Furlan strikes me as the sort of person who was maybe a little cocky, a little arrogant, because he was used to being able to get people to do what he wanted with words alone. He was used to being able to manipulate others. But Levi saw right through him, and I think that probably forced Furlan to start respecting Levi a little more, and to start regarding him more as a person than as simply a weapon he could utilize. Maybe he initially thought Levi was just a dumb thug that he could easily control. But of course we know Levi is anything but stupid.
We also know that Levi saved Furlan's life at some point. We don't have any real detail on it, other than Furlan mentioning that his own gang turned against him, and Levi rescued him. I kind of imagine, from that one line, that, after trying to lay a trap for him, Levi had been paying attention to Furlan and his movements, keeping an eye on him, and that's how he was able to intervene and save Furlan's life. Maybe Levi was impressed by this kid's guts, by his willingness to engage with Levi at all. Like I said, I doubt many other people, if any at all, had been willing to even give Levi the time of day. Furlan, whether he realized it or not, was probably the first person to ever, really treat Levi like he wasn't some kind of unapproachable monster. And by doing so, he was maybe the first person since Kuchel died to ever treat Levi like a person. All Levi needed was a chance to be someone's friend, and we see where that lead. Furlan became like family to Levi. He became someone Levi was willing to do just about anything for, including going along with his wild plans.
What I get from the dynamic between Levi and Furlan is that Levi, essentially, lets Furlan use him. He acts as the muscle to Furlan's plans. He lets Furlan make the decisions, etc... Even as Furlan and Isabel sort of see Levi as their de facto leader, and Levi indeed leads them when it comes to immediate action, like what to do and where to go in the midst of a heist, for example, we never actually see Levi give out any sort of dictates or put his foot down and tell Furlan no. He seems to leave all of the scheming up to Furlan, and whatever those plans are that he comes up with, Levi is just there to execute them. When Erwin makes his offer to Levi to join the SC, we see Levi look over at Furlan, as if for confirmation of what his answer should be. He leaves the decision to him.
We see this same dynamic develop between Levi and Erwin later on, of course. And this isn't a statement on Levi's submissiveness as a character, as I'm sure some people like to frame it. What it is, I think, is a testament to Levi's selflessness and his commitment to others. He puts his own wants and needs aside for the sake of other people's wants and needs. Levi isn't interested in telling people what to do, or in controlling them. He isn't interested in power. He just wants to help people, and he does that by letting people use him for whatever it is they need him for.
Levi doesn't want to accept Lovof's offer of going to the surface, for example. He's got a bad feeling about it, and doesn't trust Lovof or the situation. But Furlan wants to go to the surface. We know it's something he's been trying to accomplish for a long time. It's his dream. And Levi has always been somebody who, while having no real dream of his own, supports the dreams of others. So Levi goes along with his plan of accepting Lovof's offer and joining the Survey Corps. He agrees to help, even as it's something he himself doesn't particularly want.
I also tend to think Furlan is a bit reckless, and Levi kind of serves as the person who gets him out of binds when things go south. That Furlan's own gang turned on him and he needed to be rescued is part of what makes me think that about him. And the fact he wants to go along with Lovof's offer, despite the obvious risks, is another reason. Levi strikes me as the practical one in their relationship, while Furlan strikes me as the one who might go off half-cocked on a hope and prayer, lol. I think, oddly, he's maybe the wild one of the group. Not that he's stupid. Far from it. Furlan is obviously quite intelligent. But like I said, maybe a little reckless and a risk taker. I think Levi would have been much more content to just keep his little family safe in an environment that he knew and understood, one he could keep them protected from, awful as that environment was, rather than take the risk of going some place he knew nothing about, with threats he couldn't predict or anticipate.
Basically, I think Furlan was the dreamer of their little group, and Levi was there to protect him, as well as Isabel, and to protect those dreams.
Once someone gave Levi the chance to be that for them, to be a protector, he took it. Because that's what Levi naturally is. That's who he's always been. Someone who helps and supports others. And I think Furlan was probably the first real person to allow Levi to be that, the first person that let Levi be who he actually is.
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scarlettaagni · 8 months
Original Zs’skayr
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The original Zs’skayr was a cruel High Ecto Lord on Anur Phaetos. Enforcing his need for total control across its globe, handsomely rewarding his sycophants, and siccing his thralls onto dissenters.
At least until his tyrannical influence had begun intruding onto other planets, which caused the disparate populaces, collectively outnumbering his loyalists, to rise up and depose him. In a show of mercy he would never have afforded them if the roles were reversed, they banished a notably un-dismantled Zs’skayr instead of destroying him.
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His own homeworld had forsaken him, and no place in Anur proper would have him. Few citizens of Anur had left the system, him included. The safest place he knew was remaining adrift in the vast expanse between planets and moons.
With no one to abuse or deflect to, having nothing left to his name, the cold vacuum of space gave him no choice but to begin introspection.
Zs’skayr lost the will to fight for his throne, as well as his hunger for power. There was little left to feel but shame.
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With a new purpose in mind, he would explore the galaxy outside of his native system. In the face of his narrow-mindedness, Zs’skayr replaced his thirst for power with one for knowledge, and broaden his horizons.
To learn about the people and worlds outside Anur as well as he did the ones inside, he possessed various beings to explore.
A not insignificant amount took it poorly, such as on Vrykola—
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They could’ve used their tools right then or come back with a mob holding pitchforks and torches, so he just counted his lucky stars and more discreetly picked a different host.
Most worlds were just confused, though.
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A precious few took it well, like Aldabra—
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The Geochelone Aerios were pleasantly surprised to meet an outsider who wished to learn and understand as much as they did, and they had a lot to discuss with him on autonomy and free will, as well as pacifism and de-escalation. Zs’skayr had much impromptu therapy there.
Some were even receptive to him outside of a more familiar host, or even outside of his (what he would come to recognize as appearing “less-threatening”) sun shade. In fact, the royal elect of the Chimeran Empire insisted on it.
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That was mainly so it was easier for them and the snipers stationed around the capital to destroy Zs’skayr if he made a move they didn’t like.
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Aside from the dawning realization he had just unintentionally threatened an imperialistic military state in front of its leader, the tour he received was enjoyable. They did not make mention of Vilgax.
It was strange, because he had heard developing stories of Vilgax’s conquests and reigns of terror upon other worlds. Maybe it wasn’t so strange the Chimerans didn’t acknowledge this sensitive, worsening stain on their history.
Considering what he and Vilgax had in common, Zs’skayr thought that his kind may have adopted a similar attitude about him. He ultimately would prefer for truth to prevail above all, including information embargos/taboos for the sake of his or anyone’s comfort.
Tales of the Omnitrix’s development similarly spread throughout the galaxy, in hushed whispers, and on his travels, Zs’skayr heard nothing but its prospects as the ultimate weapon.
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He was none too pleased, already being surrounded with violence and advancing weapons. It seemed to be all talk and no bite, however. Equal in frequency of stories about the Omnitrix were the ones debunking its existence. It never turned up within Zs’skayr’s vicinity, anyways.
He helped others,
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and he was helped by others.
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Eventually, Zs’skayr had learned all he wished to, talked to more people than most do in their lifetimes. He was homesick, but knew no good would come from trying to return to Phaetos.
Still wishing to be close, he found a habitable rock on the outskirts of the Anur system, far from Phaetos and made a home.
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Since then, Zs’skayr had lived a quiet, humble life in isolation. Built up a cottage, sewed furniture, cultivated a garden in the gnarled wilds that managed to sprout on this rock.
He didn’t feel he deserved to live with his people again, and he didn’t deserve an update on how they were doing, however they decided to govern themselves in his absence. Whether it was good or bad, it wasn’t his business anymore, and they wouldn’t want to be bothered. He respects their wish.
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He writes (working on a journal of his travels), he gardens, he goes out for walks and floats, he sleeps, he’s become a tea-fiend, even leaving his rock to the nearest nebula to collect stardust for flavoring. Just a place to wait out his days in peace, hurting no one, retired from social interaction.
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At least until an outsider entering the Anur system noticed the clearly inhabited rock and landed to explore. Though painfully shy, Zs’skayr politely greeted her and asked what she wanted, balking at the mention of contributing to the Omnitrix’s creation. As far as he was concerned, it was some superweapon that probably didn’t actually exist, and if it did, he wanted no part in it.
Myaxx gave Zs’skayr the boilerplate explanation of the Omnitrix project her boss Azmuth wrote out for her to read out to all potential donors.
The Omnitrix is a device, not a weapon, that allows its user to become another species. The wielder would become a symbol of galactic unity among its denizens, and to help them grow closer together. It pulls from a catalogue of DNA samples volunteered by willing members of their species. Would Zs’skayr do the favor and, on their behalf, volunteer for the Ectonurites?
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The idea of someone who could step into another being’s shoes, or rather, assume the guise of another species to bridge the gap was personal to him. It was a radical, ethical, almost impossibly ideal version of what he had done across the galaxy to understand others better.
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Zs’skayr could somehow contribute to the healing of entire worlds and systems. It was something he would have declined earlier in his life, and even doubted he could do now.
Moved by this, he agreed to be the Ectonurite donor for the Omnitrix and tore off a shred of his tentacle for her.
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Unfortunately, a grave miscommunication neither realized had occurred. Zs’skayr knew that the sample had a copy of his consciousness on it, but believed that an Ectonurite was only being asked for a DNA sample because the Omnitrix project knew and had a way of correcting it.
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Anur’s species are quite insular, rarely leaving or allowing outsiders, and as such, details of their anatomy are not common knowledge to them. Simply put, Myaxx didn’t know to ask, and Zs’skayr didn’t think to tell her.
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The now original Zs’skayr then continued his isolation on the edge of Anur, secure in the knowledge that he, at last, could make a net positive impact.
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He’d be proud to know of the difference Ben made with him, for the short while he could.
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Anything But Love Part 2
AN: Hello my loves! First, I’m gonna apologize for disrespecting the sanctity of democracy, I hope you all can forgive me maybe. Love for Duties Sake Part 5 is still 150% coming, I’m just trying to be a good person, and A. Not make it a book. And B. Actually give them some peace for once in their lives (spoiler alert it’s not going well)  SO yeah here's this gem of a story while I work on that, Shuri is once again a brat but maybe just maybe she doesn't actually mean to be a brat? Idk crazy idea. Y’all asked for Y/N to have a little bit of bite to her, I hope I did that lol. Blame two of your favorites on here for this coming out this morning instead of last night-
As always this is dedicated to the lovely @pinkwright, I simply exist to write fake dating for them.
Summary: Being the head of PR for the Udaku family came with its challenges. But staying on top of public perception and answering to elders paled in comparison to your most formidable challenge, dealing with the princess.
Pairing: Shuri x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cussing, like BREIF mentions of sexual elements. that’s it I think.
Word count: 4,658
Masterlist.  Taglist.  Part 1.
Suggested listening: Bitches Broken Hearts - Billie Ellish 
“You can pretend you don't miss me (me) You can pretend you don't care All you wanna do is kiss me (me) Oh, what a shame I'm not there.”
“And again! One, two, three, four dip! One, two, three, four, turn!”
The feeling of Shuri’s foot coming down on yours had you pulling your hand from hers, a loud “Ow!” spewing from your lips. 
“I wouldn’t have stepped on your foot if you had it in the right place.” Shuri looked down at you smugly as you rubbed your foot. 
“Well maybe if you hadn’t skipped the first step, I wouldn’t be confused as to where we were at.” You glared up at her, wanting nothing more than to shoot up from your position on the floor and wipe that smug look off her face.
“Are you two really not over your issues, seriously? Mama gave you both a week, I thought you would have settled this by now.” T’Challa’s voice, while slightly annoying at this exact moment, was still right. 
Queen Ramonda had given both you and Shuri a week to come to some sort of acceptance of the deal you both agreed to. Banning Shuri from entering her lab and you from your office, she hoped the time away from work would give you both some clarity about the situation, leading to you putting your childish bickering to the side and finally working together again.
While this all sounded good on paper, the time away from your safe spaces seemed to leave the two of you more irritable than before. Shuri’s attitude is on full display and your patience running dangerously low. Luckily, once she noticed this the Queen called in the one favor she had left, hoping maybe she could talk sense into the two of you before it was too late. But until she showed up under the Queen’s strict orders T’Challa was to teach you and Shuri the waltz. 
“The only issue I have is that she cannot follow directions! I am supposed to be leading her in this dance yet every move she makes is contradictory to the one I have made. I step left, and she goes right. I take two steps forward, and she takes two backward. How am I to lead someone as stubborn as Y/N?” Shuri folded her arms over her chest, no longer giving you the satisfaction of looking in your direction once she finished her array of insults. Classy. 
You rose from where you had been sitting checking your foot. Where Shuri may have beaten you in height, you had her in pure intimidation. Shuri was all bark and no bite and the minute you really mouthed off back to her, she faltered. “Maybe if I had a good leader, someone who I trust to lead, maybe then I’d have no problem following them. But when she can’t even remember the order of simple steps to a waltz, how am I supposed to want to follow her mkhuluwe? (brother)” 
T’Challa tried to answer and de-escalate the situation but his sister's fiery attitude stopped him. 
“I find your continual suggesting that I am an unfit leader to be disrespectful Y/N.” Shuri took a step closer to you, looking down at you through the curls that had fallen into her face. “Some would even say what you’re suggesting is treason. Are you committing treason against the Princess?” The tone in her voice was cocky, like a cat playing with her food. What you said was not treason, you knew it, she knew it, T’Challa knew it, and everyone else in the room knew it. But still, she chose to pull rank on you, a subtle reminder that you two were not acting off of an even playing field. Another low blow. 
“You know I almost wish what I said was treason worthy Shuri, I’d gladly take whatever punishment that brings over having to continue this charade with you.” You chuckled softly. “Fifty years of solitary confinement, I think I’ll take my chances.” 
The young Princess’s fists balled and the next smart remark was just about to leave her lips when another voice cut in. One that wasn’t yours, hers, or T’Challa’s. 
“Bast! You both still fight like children!” You and Shuri both whipped around to see Nakia leaning up against the ballroom wall behind you. The sight of her had your feet moving faster than your brain could process, leading you right into Nakia’s arms. She let out a groan when your body connected with hers, squeezing you tightly. “Well hello to you too, usisi omncinci (little sister).” 
“I didn’t know you’d be here so early.” You still hadn’t removed yourself from Nakia’s body as you spoke. 
“Well, clearly she is,” Shuri’s slick remark rang out before Nakia could speak. “Now move, you’re not the only one who has missed her.” 
With reluctance, you peeled your body off of Nakia’s to allow Shuri to hug her. As you watched the two embrace you were brought back to your childhood, Nakia’s family being the other one that you lived with when you weren't in the palace. She had taught you everything you knew about being an adult and your eagerness at her return was no different now than it was when you were younger. 
When Shuri finally finished she stepped back next to you, leaving T’Challa as the only one who hadn’t greeted Nakia yet. 
“Hi.” He said sheepishly as he stepped up into his girlfriend's space. Nakia smiled fondly at him, holding her hands out for T’Challa to take. 
“You did not tell me you were coming back.” T’Challa’s hands rubbed idly at Nakia’s knuckles, memorizing the feeling of her skin under his. These moments between the two of them were rare, Nakia busy with her war dog duties and T’Challa with his kingly responsibilities. 
“Mm, I wasn’t supposed to be back this early but, Queen Mother called.” Nakia took her hand and cupped T’Challa’s cheek, rubbing gently on his soft skin before placing a sweet kiss on his lips. “And, I missed you mtuwam (my person).”  
The sight of the two lovers made you smile and that same smile stayed on your face as you backed away to give them some privacy. Of course however when in the presence of the Princess such a smile can only last for so long. The sight of her staring at you in disgust had you rolling your eyes at her. “What is your problem? Is your heart so cold that you can’t appreciate a couple in love?” 
Shuri let out a dry laugh. “No, I adore my brother and Nakia, she makes him significantly less lame. It is your reaction that I don’t believe.” 
“What? I am a lover of love. A certified lover girl like Drake said. Especially true love like that.” 
“Mhm if that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, but that’s not what I have heard.” Shuri dismissed herself from the ballroom, seeing no need to continue the dance lesson now that T’Challa was occupied.
You followed hot on her trail, what the hell had she “heard” about you that could make her of the opinion that you weren't a lover of love. It was blasphemy honestly, defamation of character. 
“Shuri!” You grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop in her tracks. She tried to pull out of your grasp, expecting to overpower you easily. What she didn’t account for though was your newfound muscle from training with Ayo, rendering her attempts unsuccessful. 
“Let me go.” She still hadn’t turned to face you, to you this seemed like disrespect, another time Shuri couldn’t even give you the decency to look at you. But internally, Shuri’s heart was beating a mile a minute. She hadn’t even realized how much she missed the feeling of you touching her skin. Holding hands to dance was one thing but the way you held tightly onto her now felt like a security blanket, holding her down to earth. 
“What are you talking about? What did you hear?” 
Shuri tried to pull her arm again to no avail, taking a deep breath, she turned and faced you. “When I tell you, you’ll remove your grabby hands from my wrist, yes?” 
You roll your eyes at her use of the word grabby, this was a tactic you two would use often as kids and she never had a problem with it then. “Yes, if you tell me what you’re talking about, I’ll let you go.” 
The Princess looked you up and down as she debated how to spill this information. “All I’m saying is I find it hard to believe that you are a lover girl when you so clearly have shown that you’re the opposite.” 
That got you to loosen your hold on Shuri’s wrist just enough for her to pull away, her heart finally steadying. But to your surprise, she didn’t leave, rather staying and standing in front of you almost waiting for your questions. 
“Explain what you’re talking about right now!” You demanded, your voice cracking slightly under your urgency.
“Adah.” That name was all Shuri gave you as you two stood staring at each other. “Oh don’t play dumb now, you two have been doing this thing since we were teenagers.” 
You gritted your teeth, for a second time today, an Udaku child was right about something. Adah was a year younger than you and Shuri, her grandparents sat on the council so she was frequently in the palace growing up. Shuri never cared too much for Adah, saying that she was too whiny and took up too much of your time. This dislike only increased when you and Adah started casually dating as teenagers. 
While you put the emphasis on casualness, Adah could never do the same; always trying to cling to your side and attach herself to your and Shuri’s plans. This only led to the Princess feeling more confident in her ability to voice her disdain for the young girl, consistently pointing out her shortcomings. When you finally did end things with Adah, she still seemed to pine after you, even going as far as to join the Dora Milaje to maintain proximity. 
“Adah is just a friend Shuri, the same as she was back then.” This earned you a laugh from the Princess. 
“Oh I’m sure she’s just a friend to you, but she doesn't see you the same way and she makes it abundantly clear.” Shuri looked you up and down. “And you don’t seem to have a problem with that, do you?” 
You chose to ignore the second part of Shuri’s statement, instead attacking the first part. “Why does it matter who I’m friends with Shuri?” 
She scoffed at you and attempted to walk away, done with this conversation. But you had grown tired of things always ending on her word, by her command. So you stepped in front of her, blocking her path with your body. When she stepped in another direction you followed suit, leaving her nowhere to go. “Why does it matter who I’m friends with?” 
“Get out of my way.”
“Answer my question.” 
The Princess was left with a decision, attempt to worm her way around you, success rate: twenty-five percent, or answer your question. Reluctantly she chose the ladder. 
“I do not care who you’re friends with Y/N. Truly, I don’t.” She used the closeness of your bodies that you had created to her advantage, leaning over you. “But Adah, she’s not just a friend, is she? Because I remember what it was like to be your friend and I don’t recall it involving sneaking out of your bedroom at three AM every other night.” 
Your eyes widened at her words and your breath caught in your chest. How did she know about that? Those were isolated incidents. The few times when you had permitted Adah into your bedroom late at night it was just long enough to make you feel something again, before swiftly kicking her out. 
“Oh don’t get quiet on me now Y/N, where's all that energy you just had?” Shuri teased you, cocking her head to the side with a chuckle.
Two options played out in your head at that moment. The first was to stick to what you knew worked with Shuri, logic, and reason. Walk away from the conversation and wait until you were both cooler-headed. The second option was to really give it to Shuri, and remind her why your attitude was just as feared as hers, with the hopes that she’d step off afterward. Two shit options but beggars can’t be choosers. 
“You know what Shuri, first off fuck you. We’re not friends, right? So, who I decide to spend my time with is none of your business.” Your words had Shuri straightening up, no longer towering over you. 
“Second, fuck you again. You ended this, you didn’t wanna be my friend anymore, so yeah maybe I decided to be friends with Adah again. But guess who no longer gets an opinion on it? You.” You had effectively backed the Princess into a wall, her having nowhere to go but to press her back up against it and wait for you to finish. 
“Third and finally fuck you. Fuck your bullshit ass entitled attitude that pushes everyone away that tries to help you. Fuck your inability to not be an asshole for once in your life. Fuck you for not even being able to be a decent non-friend to me Shuri. I mean shit, we didn’t have to be best friends but you don’t have to be such a dick.” 
By the time you finished speaking, you realized you had said way more than you’d originally intended to. Letting some of the anger that you’d held onto from your adolescence spew out on the princess now. You two stared at each other for a moment, not sure what to say after your honest words.
Shuri tried to speak but you stopped her with a raise of your hand. There was nothing left to say here. Backing away from the Princess you ignored her calls and made your way away from her as quickly as you could. 
Once you were clear out of sight Shuri sunk down to the floor, burying her head in her knees. How did she keep doing this? Insulting and pushing you away when all she wanted to do was recreate the relationship you guys used to have. But how could she when clearly she had hurt you so badly? 
Two shadows appeared over Shuri and she looked up to see Nakia and T’Challa, locked arm and arm, staring down at her. The last thing she wanted right now was some lecture from her brother. “What do you want?” 
“We heard everything.” T’Challa rocked on his heels slightly, his nervousness apparent. He wasn’t sure how to go about a situation like this. Being king, that was easy. But being an ubhuti omdalana? (older brother) This was much harder. 
“Okay…” Shuri buried her head back into her knees, her braids shielding her face from view.  
The King looked to Nakia, hoping his girlfriend might have something to say here to help the situation. Instead, the war dog just smiled and squeezed T’Challa’s arm. “I am going to check on Y/N.” She whispered to him quietly. “You got this.” 
T’Challa held tightly to Nakia as she tried to pull away, shooting her a “Do not leave me here.” look, which only made Nakia smile. After a few tugs, she finally got her arm out of T’Challa’s hold and she bent down to speak to Shuri. “Sisi (sister), try to at least listen to what he says hmm?” She rubbed the princess’s shoulder gently, satisfied that she could go when Shuri gave her a small nod. 
When Nakia left T’Challa sat down next to his sister, pulling his knees to his chest to mimic her. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Okay…” The siblings sat in silence for a little bit, T’Challa unsure of what to say. He tried to think what his Baba would do if he were still here or what kind words his mother would offer but he drew blanks. Just as he went to speak Shuri’s head popped up. 
“It is like she wants me to hate her or something.”
“Ingaba uthetha ukuthini? (What do you mean?)” T’Challa turned to look at his little sister confused by her words. 
“Y/N, it’s like she wants me to hate her. Everything she does I’m convinced she only does it to infuriate me.” T’Challa recognized the tone of his sister's voice, it was the same one that developed when she had solved a math problem or fixed a mechanical issue by herself. A tone of finality. 
“And what has she done thus far to make you hate her?” Now that he understood where Shuri’s problem lay, her brother felt much more confident helping her work through it. 
Shuri looked up at her brother as if he was crazy. “What do you mean what has she done to make me hate her? You heard the whole argument right?” 
T’Challa nodded. 
“Then you have heard just the most recent thing she’s done to infuriate me, becoming friends with Adah.” 
“And why can she not be friends with Adah?” T’Challa posed the question simply, raising his eyebrows at the Princess. 
“Because she knows I dislike Adah, she could have chosen any girl in the palace to be friends with and yet she chooses the one she knows I do not like? What kind of a friend does that?” Shuri let out a puff of air as she spoke about your behavior, but she didn’t stop there. 
“I mean really mkhuluwe (brother), do your friends treat you like that?” 
“Shuri,” T’Challa tried to stop his sister from continuing. 
“One moment, I am just saying who gave her the right to be so annoying! Friends are not supposed to be annoying-” 
“Shuri,” T’Challa tried again to interject but was shut down. 
“You came to listen to me talk, yet you keep cutting me off. Like I was saying friends are not supposed to be annoying, petulant, life-sucking-”
T’Challa couldn’t stand it any longer and finally, he fully interrupted her. “Shuri! For Bast's sake listen to me for a moment.” 
Shuri cocked her head back in disbelief, cutting her eyes at him in the process. “Did you just yell at me?” 
The King swallowed, “Yes.” 
Shuri looked him up and down before nodding, impressed at his ability to finally stand up to her. “Go on.” 
“All of this,” He gestured around her body. “Is because you’re upset with Y/N, yes?” 
Shuri faltered for a second, “Not just because of Y/N-”
“Your heart rate increases when you are lying, try again.” 
The Princess gasped, shoving her older brother. “I told you about using your black panther powers on me, it’s weird!” 
T’Challa only laughed. “But I am right, yes? All of this is because you’re mad that Y/N has made friends with someone you do not like.” 
“Yes.” Shuri’s response was quick, almost as if she didn’t wanna agree to what T’Challa had said. 
“But sisi, were you not the one to end the friendship with Y/N in the first place? How can you be mad at the way she has chosen to move on?” T’Challa’s words struck a chord with his sister. “Even if she did deliberately choose Adah to upset you, which we both know our Y/N, and I do not think that is something she would do. Why do you get to treat her poorly because of it?” 
Shuri let out a groan and turned away from her brother, but T’Challa continued. 
“What it sounds like to me, little sister is that you are jealous that Y/N has moved on and has found someone else to spend her time with.”
Shuri sat there processing her brother's words. Jealous? She wasn’t jealous… Right? 
On the other side of the palace, Nakia had finally located you. 
“How did I know I would find you here?” The older woman looked up at you in the trees. Nakia guessed that this tree, the same one you would climb up as a child, is where you would be.
“Not too much has changed hmm.” You offered. 
“Oh but so much has.” Nakia mused with a smile as she started her ascent into the trees. 
“Be careful, your body is not as young as it used to be.” You warned her with a laugh, earning a gentle shove from her once she finally got herself situated. 
“Are you calling me old sisi (sister)?” 
“I am not calling you young.” Your laughter only increased at her shocked expression. 
“I leave for a few months and you start insulting your elders? You really are just like Shuri.” Nakia meant the comment to be funny, and a few years prior it would have been. But now the mention of the princess made the smile slowly fade from your face. 
This of course did not go unnoticed by Nakia, she brushed your shoulder with hers gently. “Talk to me about her.” 
You shook your head, “Nakia, there's nothing to say about her that I haven't already said. You heard it all.” 
“Then tell it to me again. Explain to me how two girls who I watched grow up like sisters, now cannot spend a minute together without fighting.” Nakia’s brown eyes bore into your own. She always had a way about her, this energy that encouraged you to spill what had been weighing on you. And especially up here, high above the palace looking out onto the rest of the Golden City, you felt the urge to open up for once. 
“I don’t know what I did to make her so upset with me.” The words came out of your mouth quietly. “It was like one minute she was my best friend and now she can hardly stand the sight of me. Everything I do is somehow wrong in her eyes.”
“You know that’s not how she really feels Y/N.” Nakia tried to reason with you. 
“As much as you and Mama keep saying that Nakia, I think you’re wrong.” You finally pulled your eyes away from her. “She is all upset that I’ve chosen to spend time with someone else but she was the one who decided she didn’t want to spend any time with me.” 
Nakia tucked a few stray curls behind your ear. “Do you want to know what I think sisi?” 
You made a sound of inquiry, encouraging Nakia to continue. 
“I think she regrets her decision.” 
You whipped your head to face Nakia. “Intoni (What)?” 
“I am being serious, I think Shuri regrets her decision about ending the friendship,” Nakia spoke matter of factly as if she had weighed out all the options in front of her and settled on that one. 
“Yeah, and what about her behavior is saying ‘I want Y/N back as a friend.’ to you?” The question came out more comical than you intended but you couldn’t help it, the idea Nakia was pushing was laughable. 
“You and I both know Shuri, so you and I both know the last thing she can do is admit when she’s wrong. Think back to when we were kids and she didn’t want to admit that it was her miscalculations that made the hair dye ‘semi permanent’ not ‘washable’ like she insisted it was.” The memory Nakia brought up had you laughing. 
You and Shuri couldn’t have been but thirteen when she insisted that her new project was a hundred percent safe and a hundred percent NOT permanent. That of course led to you both having matching bright purple streaks in your hair for two months. 
Seeing your smile again brought Nakia some peace, she hadn’t lost you to your mind's overthinking yet. “Shuri is just hard-headed. She does not know how to say she wants you back in her life, so she doubles down on her stance.” 
You pondered Nakia’s words, it was true that Shuri did seem to double down on her dislike of you in the past three weeks. Almost as if being in increased proximity to you was making her miss you and lash out in response. 
“Promise me something?” Nakia wrapped her arm around your shoulder bringing you into her. 
“I can’t promise something if I do not know what it is Nakia. What if you wanted me to promise that I’ll jump from this spot right now? That’s not a promise I would make.” You were only rambling to annoy Nakia at this point and she knew it. She brought her other hand to flick your forehead. 
“Hush. Just promise me that you won’t shut Shuri out completely?” The older woman looked down at you awaiting your answer. “I know this is hard for you, having to be with her constantly when she isn’t the Shuri we know. But, there will come a time when she is again and I want you two to be able to rebuild when that comes.” 
You inhaled deeply debating if this was something you could promise to. 
“I’m not asking for you to lay down and let her insult you, Shuri needs someone to keep her in check too.” That got a chuckle out of you. The Princess needed more than just someone to keep her in check, she needed a full attitude adjustment. “But I am just saying, I think the more time you two spend together the more she’ll come back around.” There was a glint in Nakia’s eyes when she spoke that you didn’t recognize. 
“Okay.” You agreed quietly. 
“Okay?” Nakia squeezed you tight. “I will take an okay, I was not even sure if you were going to let me get this far!” 
The two of you both laughed in unison, knowing that it was a rare occasion when you actually took someone's advice. Your laughter was interrupted by the chirp of Nakia’s kimoyo beads alerting her that she had an incoming call. 
“Oh it's Challa, let us see what he wants.” The call went through and a holographic picture of the prince popped out of the beads. “Molo (Hello), sthandwa sami (my love). Everything is well I assume?” 
T’Challa grinned back at Nakia. “Ewe, just like you said it would.” The two just gazed at each other through the phone for a moment before the King cleared his throat. “I was um calling to see if you’d be joining us for dinner tonight?” 
“Of course, I would not miss it for the world.” Nakia’s reply came quick and you could have sworn T’Challa’s smile doubled in size. 
The soft sound of Shuri’s voice interrupted the moment. “Is Y/N with you?” 
Nakia hesitated a moment, “Yes, she is.” 
“Is she uh- coming with us to dinner?” Shuri herself seemed unsure if she actually wanted to ask the question. Peeking out from behind her brother's shoulder, showing that they were both still sitting on the floor. 
Nakia looked over at you, trying to judge your body language. When she didn’t sense anything that seemed like you were against the idea she finally spoke. “Ewe, she will be joining us for dinner.” 
Shuri sat up from her slouched position, her tone sounding more joyus. “Really? So it will be me, you, T’Challa, Mother, and Y/N. Good.” When she finished speaking she felt the eyes of T’Challa and Nakia on her, now both bearing sickeningly wide smiles. Why were they looking at her like that? As if her response was something they could have predicted. It made the princess check her attitude, returning back to her unbothered demeanor. “It is good Y/N will be joining us, for work and everything.”
“Mhm, I think so too.” T’Challa followed up his sister, alleviating some of the attention from her to himself. “Just like old times.”
Taglist:  @shuriszn @sokkasbae25 @verachii @cuddl3s4shur1 @takeyaki @jinnie10101 @letitias-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @beautybyfire @6-noir @mocha-aya @yvxmpire @mysticalmarss @ziayamikaelson @youralphawolf72 @n7cje @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisjournal @shurisbigtoe @saintwrld @pinkwright @chatitajens @playhousedistee @motheroffae @injeolmiee @tchhairbandhere @._mrqs @msudaku @lppriceisright @bratydoll @blackqueengold @iheartsolo @cafehyunji @abenomeiiii @naomis-daydream @ilroachsworld @locoforshuri
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Kai Anderson & James Patrick March fusion
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彡 What would they look like fused?
Name: Benjamin 'Benji' Antero March
Species: Ghoul
Age: late twenties
Sex & Gender: Male & Cisgender
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Height: 5'10"
Eye color: gray
Hair color & style: blue with black roots, medium-length, half bun
Clothes: academia aesthetic— trench coats, button up shirts, dress pants, pocket watch, ascots, suits
Extra attributes: healed scar on his neck, dimples, four arms, chest tattoo of his kill count that goes up everytime he kills someone new, and vitiligo
彡 Who is dominant in the fusion?
• Equally dominant
█████ 50% Kai Anderson
█████ 50% James Patrick March
彡 Personality & Background
Canon Background:
Kai Anderson came to the Cortez after one of his ex-cult members fled to the hotel after betraying him. While killing the ex-cult member in their bed, James appeared before him. They spoke and realized they had similar ideals. James is a serial killer, and Kai is a cult leader. They have their differences when it comes to James's gentlemanly attitude. He is sincere in that fact, and with Kai, it is just a facade. The thing that rests underneath the both of them is unhinged and equally twisted.
They fused because of James manipulation. While fused, they are equally dominant, but James always has a bit of an edge against Kai while de-fused. They fused after killing the family of a wealthy governor who had crossed Kai.
Together, they are Bejamin, or Benji for short. Benji is a serial killer cultist. Kais inner circle of his cult moves into the Cortez, and the rest of his devoted followers live around them or will commit to traveling there for meetings. Benji teaches his inner circle how to kill effectively and how to use the hotel, mostly. If someone were to betray him, he still has enough tricks up his sleeve to rid them from this world.  
He has the hotel Cortez upgraded with new floors and even more intricate traps and killing places. If the Cortez was a murder hotel before, now it's a massacre hotel. Benji constantly has the authorities coming under cover and snooping in his palace of death. They all disappear without a trace of their whereabouts.
Benji rarely defuses. The large milestone he defuses for is Devil's Night. As well as whenever Kai has to do his work and give speeches. 
Kai and James have to share partners. James refuses to allow anyone to fall into Kai's— unrefined ways, and Kai just wants to show James that he is able to steal from his selection of lovers. Kai gets insecure around James, and James exploits that. Apart, they are definitely yanderes, but Benji is like yandere turned up in every single category. Any partner, hookup, or flirt is either deadmeat or his soul mate.
You fall for Benji? You are dating Kai and James as well. You fall for Kai? James and Benji. You fall for James? Well, Kai and Benji. Those are the rules. You have to abide by them, or you are just another body in the never-ending pile.
First off, Benji has Kias misogyny and James gentleman-like nature. Benji is a condescending and protective misogynist. In his mind, he doesn't hate women; they aren't below him. They just need to be protected. They just need to be explained to. He just needs to guide them in the right manner. He doesn't need a traditional wife. He just needs a man, woman, non-binary, etc. who will listen.
Definitely a Lawful Evil type. Benji is straight-up vile and evil, but he has his own code. He doesn't kill in other people's territory without their permission. He doesn't let others kill inside his territory, the Cortez, without his permission. He doesn't leave a mess. He doesn't make a sound, but his victims do. His killing style is very much inspired by art, especially religious art. He uses the blood of his enemies for paintings that he hangs in the Cortez. Of course he dilutes the blood enough so that if you test it no blood match will come of it. He loves art galas.
An ENTP, Lawful Evil, cultist, serial killer. Quite a handful. As I said, another rule of his is that you have to listen. That is his most important rule. Those who don't listen, disappear. He doesn't give anyone second chances... except maybe you (reader).
✉ Sidenote: I could also make an original character that could be his lover??? And then I could also write about him with just a reader insert??? OC lover? Yes or no.
Very yandere. Not even gonna lie— possessive, obsessive, meticulous, and manipulative. He's still oddly wholesome on a weird level. This is because of how at odds some of Kais and James characteristics are. He will pull up in a limousine to McDonald's just to order some chicken nuggets. I am talking about him having his nicest clothes on and everything. The next moment he is in the Cortez eating a five star meal with foods you are unable to pronounce the names of.
Since he is a ghoul and part James— he does have to eat human flesh to partly sustain himself. The blood is more of a mere delicacy to him. He keeps blood wines for special occasions. The first time Kai came across this while they were defused he was like... "James wtf-???"
James merely explained that it must have been Benji that did so. James is more experienced with fusing because he has lived longer and fused with a few people. However, Kai has never fused stably with anyone before. James was his first. Kai often complains that James being his first real fusion sounds so gay. He fused with Winter once on accident and they were unstable. So they were only fused for like maybe five to ten minutes. Kai declared that he would never stoop as low as to fuse with a woman again. Yeah, yeah, homophobic Reddit incel— all of the bitches want to fuse with you.
彡 Abilities & Weapons
• Knife proficiency, Gunmanship, Swordsmanship
• Wealth, Intellect, Charisma, Hacking
• Control over the supernatural entities in the Cortez, Ghostly powers (will probably be expanded upon at a future date)
• Leadership skills/Cultist, Master killer
Benji gets very creative with his killing. He only really has one specialized weapon from his fusion. His pocket watch. Ah, ah! Hold on. Do not click off just because I said pocket watch. Stay with me here.
His pocket watch has a secret compartment that he is able to keep a vial of untraceable poison in. One drop is enough to kill an entire country. One vial of it is worth half a billion dollars. So of course when he is serving intimate dinners he will tell Ms. Evers to slip a drop in— just so the dearest guest that he hates with his guts dies mysteriously. (Inspired by when Kai made them drink the kool-aid and it wasn't poisoned. tehe. except now Benji has a vial to poison the 'kool-aid'.)
彡 Dialog(s)
"Hmm? Well, this is new. I can't wait to kill in this new body." - Benji's first words; Kai and James fusing for the first time
"Darling, don't be a slut. Men don't like women that are sluts for everyone. They only like women who are sluts for them." - Benji right before killing his one night stand who was a hooker
"Who says I can't achieve world domination and kill while doing it? I am a very skilled multi-tasker." - To the Countess
"Shut the fuck up! Shut it, just shut up! Can't you do one thing right in your miserable, pathetic little life? One thing. One thing I ask of you and yet you failed!" - To Ms. Evers after she ruined his brand new suit while trying to clean the blood out of it
"Fail again and you will have a second death. Twice as long. Twice as painful. And twice the fun for me." - Benji threatening one of his dead followers after they failed to kill someone for him
"I would be terribly sorry for making you wait. Except, I see no manwich. I kill for you, I satisfy your carnal desires, I give you the greatest and most pure form of love. I provide you all you would ever need and more. Yet, when I ask for a manwich—! You cannot fucking make it. You know, dearie, I absolutely despise people who can't listen. Isn't that all I have ever asked of you? To listen." - Benji speaking to a, now ex and dead, partner of his; referenced below
"Ah, oh, yes. maniacal giggles You are fucked. In both ways." - to a freshly made ex-partner of his
"Are you done playing your little games? Holy water, a salt ring, a set of rosary beads— it's all so thrilling. Your need to resist me. Your attempts to make yourself seem more safe. You are dead, but don't accept it. I want to see the fear in your eyes as the life leaves them." - to a nun before he kills her
"Are you a homosexual? How repulsively tempting." - Benji flirting with a CEO to get his guard down so he is able to hack into his computer and steal all of the CEO's money and secrets
✉ a/n: I really tried to successfully combine both of their personalities. I'm afraid that some of Kai's discord kitten energy got drowned out by James's old timey-ness... since they are an equally dominant fusion I tried to mix both of their traits together equally. I was thinking of doing a combination of either Kit & FrankenKyle or Jimmy Darling & FrankenKyle next... or Tate & FrakenKyle. I just love Kyle sm. He's such a sweet baby. Thank you for listening to my rants. Remember that you are important and loved :) And if no one told you today, thank you for being alive 💕.
✉ tags: @bluerthanvelvet444 @lacucarachapisser
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alenaphale · 2 months
so guys a little while ago i came up with a les mis artistic au that I think would be interesting for you to acknowledge! so basically the idea of it is this:
everything takes place in modern france. les amis + cosette + eponine (basically the youngsters mentioned in the second volume (maybe even montparnasse)) are studying in the académie des beaux-arts on two different faculties, visual arts and music. i am yet to figure out who studies what, but some things are already obvious to me, so I would like to share some of them with you
• first of all the dean of the faculty of visual arts is valjean, the dean of the one of music — javert. their approaches to what is art and how one should give a proper education on it are quite different — opposite, even, because where valjean strives for freedom in self-expression and his students’ own unique understanding, javert is equally devoted to precision (which is, for every performer who I have a misfortune to be myself, is as beneficial as it is painful, sometimes even destructive to the very purpose of performing music)
of course it would be silly to expect such a confrontation would not affect their students.
• so, very vaguely: enjolras, combeferre, courfeyrac (because i couldn’t force myself to separate the great trio of The leader, The guide and The centre™), jehan, marius and cosette are all in the orchestra.
- enjolras is a conductor, of course
- combeferre is the first violin. sometimes when enjolras by some miracle is not present at the rehearsal, he fulfills his duties — and, believe me, his tolerating attitude really is a blessing to the musicians
- courfeyrac is either a timpanist or a pianist-accompaniator (both options make perfect sense in my mind and I cannot decide)
- jehan is a harpist (feel free to make your own suggestions, but I tried to express his passion for middle ages, romantism and his poetical nature with this choice)
- marius is a violinist because I thought it would be hilarious for him to play soppy melodies whenever he’s pining on cosette
- cosette herself is a cellist. at first, i was going to make her an opera singer (soprano), then i was contemplating on her being a violinist as well, but then I thought — goddamn it, i love women who play cello, and it would reflect her character so well (which i of course am planning to develop a bit from what monsieur hugo provided us with), and I just don’t want to see her as something high-pitched! the solemn and a bit sorrowful, yet so noble and beautiful timbre of cello seems to suit her image in my mind.
• as for the artists, here we have OBVIOUSLY my man grantaire, eponine, joly + bossuet, feuilly and bahorel. most of them are painters, with few exceptions: for example, joly is a sculptor in my mind, and feuilly does decorative art (also I am sorry he is also a student here and joly is not a medic it is all only for the sake of the composition)
i don’t want to make this post too long so I shall continue in the next ones! i hope this idea is entertaining enough for you my fellow readers. also i think it is pretty obvious that i have little to no knowledge at all about visual arts so please be free to comment your own thoughts
(also i am new to the fandom (although I’ve been into les mis for quite some time now) and I would really appreciate any sort of communication) :)
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ouipay · 1 year
Comment prendre la meilleure décision pour son business ? - L’édito de Ouipay.fr
Quelle couleur choisir pour mon logo ? À quel moment dois-je lancer mon offre ? Est-ce que je peux faire confiance à cette personne ? Est-ce que je travaille de chez moi ou d’un espace de coworking ? Quel tapis de souris est le plus ergonomique ? Bref, vous le savez autant que moi, quand on monte son business, une foule de questions nous traversent la tête. Pourtant, elles n’ont pas toutes la même urgence.
Pour vous aider à y voir plus clair et à avoir une prise de décision efficace, Ouipay.fr l’expert anti-crash de votre business vous invite à lire la suite de cet article. Les prochaines lignes vous aideront à prendre des décisions rationnelles et à éviter les pièges et pensées qui peuvent avoir une influence dans votre processus décisionnel.
En savoir plus
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andre-worlds · 4 months
So what if I tell you that I have a full au where Steve Harrington and Jason Carver are critians, and they only have love for God. They don't miss any day of the week going in the church, like they almost go every day. They even participate in the churches summer camp for boys and girls above 18 years old, for two years in a row, and this year (1985) they are leaders.
And what if I told you that Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson are sinners. Eddie loved his piercings, his painted nails, and his tattoos. Billy just have one piercing and one tattoo, and their weren't the reason he got here. But they both love kissing and fucking men all they can.
They are sick for being homosexual or that's what their parents told them, and that's why they send them to a boring cristian camp. To that same christian camp.
The camp is full of angels who only served God, and the only two devils are Billy and Eddie who hates living and being part of Satans hell. Those devil's hate everything that surrund them.
But Billy hates even more the perfect angel, the most pretty boy he has ever seen, and that's Steve Harrington. That angel is too perfect and kind for him to satnd him for at least 2 months straight. He didn't even think he can survive 2 months insde de camp.
Eddie hates everything about the arrogant angel how's so called Jason Carver. That little angel/ piece of shit is so egocentric, so prepotent, so annoying with Eddie for no fucking reason. Jason is smaller than Eddie, and the angel still thinks he's bigger than that tall devil.
All Eddie wanted was to be with his new friend Billy, but Jason didn't gave him the permission to talk to his friend because he wanted to Eddie change his attitude with him. Jason even had to stick with Eddie wherever he goes just to make sure Munson didn't escape.
But oh boy, if only the parents of this two devil's knew what they did letting does two in that holy camp...
This is my release fic called "Angel's with devil's", 18 chapters long. It's only on my wattpad and only in spanish, but I really want to translate it and publish it in my Ao3 for all my english readers.
But first I need to know, will you like to read it?
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fruitymarcy · 7 months
18 Representatives out of 435 Representatives and 100 Senators.
That's how many U.S. Congresspeople support a ceasefire in occupied Palestine. That's how few of our leaders want peace. 18 Representatives and 0 Senators. Not even Bernie Sanders, the most progressive Senator, who campaigned for President on stopping endless wars, supports a ceasefire. Likelihood is, all of your elected representatives support Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people.
It is abhorrent, and yet not surprising, that the leaders of the United States have still not learned from this country's genocidal history. In fact, the people of the United States support a ceasefire even as our elected representatives do not:
A Data for Progress national poll conducted from October 18-19 found that 66 percent of voters in the U.S. support a ceasefire and de-escalation of violence in Gaza. Specifically, 80 percent of Democratic voters support a ceasefire, 57 percent of Independent or third party voters support a ceasefire, and 56 percent of Republican voters support a ceasefire. Americans support a ceasefire.
Ask yourself, why aren't our representatives following the will of the people who voted for them?
The only Representatives who support a ceasefire are:
Cori Bush
Jonathan Jackson
Jamaal Bowman
André Carson
Jesús "Chuy" García
Summer Lee
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
Ayanna Pressley
Delia Ramirez
Rashida Tlaib
Nydia Velázquez
Bonnie Watson Coleman
Gregorio Casar
Pramila Jayapal
Barbara Lee
Alma Adams
Maxwell Frost
Those Representatives are the ones who actually care about the lives of innocent Palestinians and who are actually listening to their voters. If your Representative is not on this list, take that into account when the 2024 primaries and general election come around. Your Senators are all not on this list, so take that into account as well. "Vote blue no matter who" and attitudes like that don't make your representatives work for you, because they know they have your votes anyway.
If you want your representatives to fight for the Palestinian people's freedom, then you must push them to. Tell them to support Palestine, and if they won't, then elect people who will. The vocal support for Palestine on social media is important, but voting accordingly would do even more to push the United States to end its support of Israel. At the end of the day, the United States is Israel's most powerful ally, and without U.S. support it would be much harder for them to continue their genocide.
Free Palestine.
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fuwapower-prettycure · 5 months
The Dream Eater Army
Behold! Fuwa Power’s main villains. All are now drawn (or redrawn, in one case) so it’s finally time to properly introduce them >:)
First up is Yoru!
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A stoic girl who routinely appears in Fuwayama. She works with Nocturna as a supervisor of some sort, and uses a Cure Clock corrupted by dark Yumeki to power up the Osoroshii’s and their creators. She seems like a reluctant follower, almost as if Nocturna is holding something or someone over her.
Now presenting: the REM Trio! Nocturna’s main enforcers and deputies. They have the power to force a person into eternal sleep, stealing their Yumeki and creating an Osoroshii. Although they’re always trying to rise above the others, they have a strangely familial relationship.
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She is the coolest and most confident member of the three. Ran-Ran is full of attitude, her snarky remarks often causing arguments with her fellow general, Encoru. She prides herself on speed and efficiency when completing jobs, making her repeated defeats at the hands of the Precure a huge annoyance.
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The most dramatic member of the trio. He’s a sucker for spectacle, thriving when the spotlight is on him. Encoru hates people who try to outshine him and those who keep the pizzazz to a minimum. He is somewhat indifferent to the Pretty Cure, since he appreciates their flair, but is not a fan of how often they defeat him.
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(Pronouns are He/They/She) The oldest of Nocturna’s commanders. They’re the odd one out, considering he doesn’t quite care for grand acts of evil. Mob doesn’t care for much in general. Her glass is always half empty, and she only works with Nocturna because she loves the Dream Eaters' aesthetic. In their free time, he writes poetry and hangs out with the local crows. They couldn't care less about the Pretty Cure and fights only because his boss wants them to.
And now the big bad…Nocturna
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The leader of the Dream Eaters and de facto Queen of Sweet Dream Kingdom. At first glance, she is strict but reasonable, treating the REM and Yoru like unruly children. However, deep down she is an extremely hateful woman who excels in emotional manipulation of others. Above all else, she craves power and control. The Dreaming Candle, Late Queen Chiharu’s most powerful weapon, is said to be the only thing able to put a stop to someone of her caliber. She possesses a single piece of the broken staff, and will stop at nothing to find the other 8 before the Pretty Cure can obtain them.
Rest assured these baddies won’t make things easy for the Fuwa Power team. There is much more to them that meets the eye 🤫
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leconcombrerit · 3 months
Results so far :
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Main outtake for now : Phee is apparently this fandom's babyboo angel. Ta did a very good crying scene. Let's protect Phee together.
Por takes the lead as Non's main bully and de facto leader of the friend group. His attitude doesn't help. Seriously, we haven't seen Por do anything genuinely kind so far. I think his mom doting on him and everyone licking his boots inflated his ego beyond the point of no return. His father abuses him, which leads him to try and get his own achievements (in hope of impressing him? Make the abuse stop?) ; viewers might have been more sympathetic towards this if he didn't use people (Non) to do it. He never faces consequences, so he doesn't learn anything -until he gets impaled and realizes they did something bad. Far too little far too late to keep him from the Most Hated Position.
Tee gets the second place for now, mostly for dragging Non into real, illegal trouble. He's stuck in it himself, and I take he's been shaped by his surroundings a lot. But he's still ruthless and merciless. Unlike Por and Top, he does it for a reason, sure. But he goes way further than strictly necessary, and doesn't show remorse at all. I guess that's what gets him so high in the poll. He doesn't fucking learn either.
Top gets third place. He's an ass. I don't have much to say about him except that he seems to follow Por and Tee a lot. A bit like a leech. Seriously we don't have anything on him. He could represent gratuitous cruelty, I don't know. He's easy to hate.
Last with a significative amount of votes is Jin. His actions and betrayal are very fresh in everyone's memory, I guess timing doesn't help. I still don't think Jin is a terrible person -he's very human to me. He did something horrible in a moment of hurt, didn't seem to realize that dragging Non back was bad, and probably didn't even leak the video. Jin has a conscience. Whatever happened is eating him alive, and he's the only one to feel guilty in the OG group (Fluke is debatable). All this makes him even more easy to hate, because he was that close to being fully good. Jin's worst flaw is constantly falling short of viewers' expectations, just like he fell short of saving Non when he took the pills.
Fluke, Tan and Non have a few votes too. I'm curious about whoever voted for Tan. Seriously. What has Tan done to be worse than our main contenders. Tell me please I need to understand.
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