#bc one of them was about to say i was a poet and didn't even know it but then there my bag was. possibly identifying me as a poet.
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
but in less panicky news about my day, i was at a flea market this morning, good classic american fun, looking at a collection of vintage books that one vendor carefully sorted by category. i bought several of his art books. 
while i was flipping through them deciding on what to buy i overheard a conversation between a couple of older men (we’re talkin... 60s to 70s) and i think the vendor asked one of them “where do you live?” and the guy just went “huh... uhhh... idk, where do i live?” and they were laughing a bit about that, because it’s a ridiculous statement. apparently the guy goes back and forth between the year but that’s still funny how it came out.
while they were having their rounds, i was only a few feet away from them, and though i wasn’t part of the conversation i thought i may as well make the joke aloud: “well, you live. i simply exist.”
and they all liked it quite a bit. it got them chuckling; they thought it was quite profound. i also don’t think they expected a young lady to add her own witty remark to the conversation so they were pretty excited. 
but within a minute i went back to looking at the art books, and then one of them said: “wait a minute, are you a poet?”
and i was like... “yes, but, how did you know that?” (i am not in any way locally known to the degree that i would expect to ever be recognized by a complete stranger)
and then immediately i noticed that i was wearing my academy of american poets tote bag. it just says “poets” in a big blue circle on the side that was visible to them. i was like, oh, that’s silly of me.
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starcrime · 4 months
dead poets and random shit i did or that has happened in my life that i think they would do as well
long ass title but whatever
neil - giving a late presentation to save my grade in history, half-dressed in my theatre costume, in between two "shows", and then immediately running back to change, bc i only had a total of like 45 minutes in between shows
todd - faking an illness on a monday to not go to school, then "forgetting" to set my alarm for an entire week, therefore skipping an entire week of school bc i didn't feel like going. also just faking/exaggerating stomach issues to skip school (bc school was really stressing me out) so much my mom took me to multiple doctors (which is how we found a barely developed cyst in my stomach)
charlie - spending new years eve with a random group of people in which i only really knew one person, drinking straight vodka with them from the one single glass we had, then, after midnight, going to a random someone's kind-of relative's house, and drinking and chatting with them for another hour b4 going home bc i felt bad (there were children in the house)
knox - comforting a very obviously anxious girl, that was trying to ask me out, saying yes (SOMEHOW not realising she meant it romantically, even though there was literally no other way to read that interaction), then panicking and cancelling the day before bc i'm not into girls
meeks - refusing to smoke throughout basically all of highschool and then taking up smoking after i felt awkward and overstimulated at a party ONCE and went out with my friends for a smoke break, even though they made it clear they did not mind me not smoking
pitts - playing "random word roulette" during creative writing class, where you get random words generated and have to find a way to use them during the lecture (mostly by asking a question), without raising suspicion from the lecturer and have her "take the bait" (resulting in people saying shit like "but is there way to make a art a food? like a poem i could eat like beet soup?" (also it worked and we got another 30 mins of her showing us food-related avant-garde art (sadly no edible art though)))
cameron - befriending my school's librarian and spending 80% of my school breaks in the little school library, chatting with her, despite having a consistent and close group of friends, reading at least two books a week, and getting roped by the librarian to participate in a 'reading comprehension competition' and getting 3rd place bc the book was boring asf (also being really upset about it even though i didn't even want to compete in the first place)
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
Poly pavitr and gayatri with a reader who loves their yandere antics bc I honestly would’ve stayed with them. Have you seen them omg
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚
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Cw: poly!gn!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh, unhealthy attachment, slightly sadistic reader
Notes: my honest reaction if Ms Gayatri Singh and Pavitr freaking Prabhakar wanted to hold me captive
"You don't go near that door" Gayatri's voice was dark, rich, it tingled your ears like plum velour
You tilted your head with genuine intrigue, "Why wouldn't I?"
"Please" Pavitr whined as he came near you
"Will it hurt you if I leave?" You're fixated on Pavitr's eyes, warm chocolate brown now shadowed with desperation, need.
"Yes, you have no idea" he answers, reaching for your waist, you don't let him grab you, rather close the distance yourself and throw your arms around his shoulders, nuzzling in his neck, you break partially loose and beckon Gayatri to come to you, she follows, docile, nothing left of her previous attitude.
You're enveloped by their warmth, some might say it was suffocating, they were probably right.
"Then I won't, I won't hurt you, I won't leave." You're know what that phrase entails, what you've promised, to who you've promised yourself, but you're choosing to do it this way, to embrace them entirely, at their lowest, and their worst. You trusted them with your life, your heart, your mind, they will never forsaken you, they will never be uninterested, they will never get bored of you, as far as you're concerned, that's true love. The one the poets sing about and people fawn over, the kind of true love that makes humans scared, scared of the intensity of their feeling, afraid of love in its purest form, at its rawest.
This promise made them feel secure to unleash all of them, all the things they hid.
Pavitr would only ever leave to perform as spiderman, always coming back needy for affection, that you of course always provided. Pavitr needed to be close to you or Gayatri at all times, and you always indulged him, he held your hand while you ate lunch, cuddled you when you were busy on the computer, sat on the middle of the bathroom while you were showering, he no longer needed to hide his overwhelming hunger for you. You found it endearing, nothing was enough for him, no matter how much you gave to him, he would never find it "too much", he would never think of you as anything but a blessing, a gift.
Unlike other situations where you would resist, they were both lenient with your "out-passes", letting you have a semi-normal life, of course you could never go alone, but it wasn't because they didn't trust you, it was because they missed you. They distrust the world.
Gayatri got you both jewelry that she swears are not collars, they are. You know this, Pav knows too, but you're thrilled by it, a reminder of how she owns you, how you own each other, the delicate balance that can be thrown off by any of you, yet it's kept solely because of your devotion. You understand her feelings, and even though you don't need a collar or a leash to stay by her side, you'll wear anything if she asks in such a nice way, such a sweet way.
You spend your days hearing the word "love" left and right, but it has never been spoke with such authentic, sterling meaning behind it.
"Love". Love enough to fill you up, love enough to clean you up, love enough to drown this out, love enough to drown you out.
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hibernationsuit · 3 months
5 Songs, 3 Outfits
Thanks for tagging me @spaceratprodigy aaaaa this is so fun <3
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
Tagging @vvanessaives @elvves @yrlietlanaevyss @cilantlis @quickhacked @reaperkiller @velocitic @dickytwister @katsigian @edgepunk @devilbrakers @babylon5 @ncytiri and everyone else who wants to do this 🤍 (+ no pressure to do this obviously hehe)
picked toby for this hehe :3 also switching it to be outfits first, songs later bc i added commentary for the songs and they're under read more. hehe. i also added a bonus song there.
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sources: one / two / three
Tobias likes comfortable clothes and has a high preference for oversized sweaters and shirts. He also likes wearing flannel shirts or soft warm jackets <3 He likes somewhat neutral, earthly tones, but isn't afraid to use funny patterns either :)
Firestorm - Siamés: Toby's a guy who easily goes to do something he really wants, especially when highly motivated, and has accepted the fact that this road can and will have lots of "falls" and problems for him. He's still going forward :) idk man this whole song just reminds me of him <3 also, these lyrics: "to be in the glory, you'll have to survive to your falls"
Black Mambo - Glass Animals: I think going against the higher-ups is a big part of Toby's story and personality tbh. This man has many opinions and he is not afraid to say them. Or blow a whistle or two. Also can be seen as the whole "some guy goes against the Halcyon Board" song.
So Much Love - Depeche Mode: I remember this one uquiz calling Toby sooooo much. This guy has so much love to give and does that all the time, he wants people to feel good, feel loved. Something something, also Dave Gahan saying this about the song: "It's like we have so much love here, we really do, but we're afraid to use it and access it." Based on what we know abt tow universe, I doubt it's better there, so showing vulnerability or doing something nice might indeed look "weird"/"unusual"/"not productive" and thus may even be looked down upon?? idk man.
Dying to Live - Poets of the Fall: honestly no matter what i said above?? toby doesn't like showing his true self to other people and gets, well, ashamed? scared? when forced to talk about himself or explain why he did something and all. He also tends to overthink everything so much :/ Which then has kinda lead to also kinda missing out on many things in fear sjfkkfkgnfkfn
Shine - Dave Gahan & Soulsavers: honestly just toby vibed song. also somehow relates to toby's optimism <3
BONUS SONG which is strongly related to young long hair Toby
Fear of a Blank Planet - Porcupine Tree: i was listening to songs that were in control at some point and idk why but the moment this was on i suddenly got?? so many long hair toby thoughts??? very fitting for him honestly. Obviously only some parts of the lyrics are fitting (which seems to be the case for most songs) but um. yeah. thank my obsession with control soundtrack for accidentally creating long hair toby. After leaving the family he kinda got into this very...unhealthy kind of behavior in which he basically either spent his time working A Lot (or doing some side gigs bc no matter how smart you are i doubt a junior chemist's salary in udl would let you pay for your rent and necessities properly) or spent in clubs or sitting all alone at his apartment doing something or having sex. Additionally I'd mention how his substance use got v high, specifically smoking and drugs. I'm pretty sure corporations actually encouraged their workers to use them to get better productivity and all even on Earth, and while Toby didn't really care abt the whole 'be profuctive' thing, boy did he enjoy getting rid of feelings and having more focus.
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wantbytaemin · 20 days
Top 5 Lino looks or moments (you choose) 👀
ASK GAME GRAND FINALEEE auhhh maja coming in with ANOTHER hard hitter listen now.. i chose a couple lino looks for tay's ask so let's make this abt moments mostly but a good look IS a moment to me so let's see where my train of thought takes us yes?
dancer lino! when he teaches the others the choreo when he showcases his skills when he does dance covers when he talks about modifying and choosing choreos and literally anything and everything to do with him as a dancer i alwaysss always eat up bc he's so skilful and knowledgeable and it's always a delight to me to listen to a professional talk about their thing or watch them do said thing (bonus: not suuuper related but there was like a compilation vid of his fast reflexes like catching a hat after knocking it off his head etc and it was SO fun to see and rly fascinating to me as a chronically uncoordinated individual)
MY MINHOS FOREVER. he said I LOVE YOU with the stupidest possible hat on no no this is one of the top things that have ever happened in my skzies world
THE CUTIE SONG did a true NUMBER on me so much so that i asked you (i don't want to say begged so as to leave myself some dignity) politely to make it into a gifset and you delivered sooo beautifully.. <3
'what's chicken in korean?' 'fried' had me replaying that part and cackling So many times. like it’s the LAYERS of it all poor felix trying his damnedest to explain this all in korean and just looking for the simplest answer and this dude instead of just translating the word ‘chicken’ says FRIED and it’s the no hesitation at all that does it for me. felix fully losing it too HDKSJKD it’s just so good i LOVE an organically silly moment more than anything also honestly a real display of how much i like these guys lies within the fact that i watched an ASMR vid for them.. shivers just thinking abt it but it Was worth it in the end
rather than him being a menace (which one might assume would be my top favorite moment apparently it didn't even make top 5 LMAO) i just love when he's caring esp when it's towards chan (bc of the leader/kids and hyung/dongsaeng dynamics usually being the opposite) like when he insists chan go eat while he keeps cooking their food like i read somewhere recently someone said 'loving someone is wanting to make things easier for them' and i see that in the way my friends treat me and i see it in how he treats skz and yeah let me NOT get emo abt this on a wednesday night GOD i just think. in the words of a great poet/artist. love is so nice
bonus round: PURPLINOOOO she's a star she's a diva and she IS the moment. especially the photoshoot where they curled it and he popped the bubble gum oh you know what i'm talking about. YUM!
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oh HANG ON before I go to bed I NEED all of you on main to understand that that letter Patrick wrote about the response to Soul Punk? Confessions of a Pariah?? literally was what led to Fall Out Boy coming out of hiatus. after like a couple years of (according to a lot of conflicting comments bc none of them can decide how they really want us to believe the hiatus went) barely talking and hardly being friends the way they used to be, Pete Wentz, mid "you don't even know my kid, that's effed up" crisis iirc, saw that and went oh no my best friend is sad. I want to lift him up. and the only way he likes to hang out is making music. so let's make music. and that's how we got to Pete, for all of his songs about racing toward an abyss, returned to us with two kids. Patrick and Joe returned married. no one wanted out anymore. because Patrick poured his heart into a passion project that people hated and Pete saw his best friend sad on the internet. something something the poets are just kids who didn't make it, something something it's as though I've received some big cosmic sign that says I should disappear. so I've kind of disappeared. BUT. BUT. no matter how obsessed you've been with your own vanishing, there will always be someone who wants you whole. I just want you all to know that when I'm posting about Soul Punk and Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) played live in the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand And Twenty Three, this is a lot of why it makes me crazy.
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 4 months
(same anon about the zestious ship)
Ooh! I wanna learn abt her! Tell me /pos
sure thing!
-Her name is Marzanna Morde (she took Zestial's last name since neither Pentious nor Zestial are married)
-She has two middle names, first one being "Pen" (Pentious thought that since he was her daughter she would take a part of his name) and the second being "Allan" (like from Edgar Allan Poe, the poet/writer; I hc that Zestial loves to read his works and wanted to take the middle name). Though, they figured she would have the option to interchangeably use her middle names.
-She's aroace and uses she/they pronouns (I originally wanted her to be aroace and have a second orientation, like lesbian or bisexual, but I'd figured she'd mostly stay as aroace aaaand also b/c I want more aroace ocs)
-Her name comes from the Slavic Goddess, Marzanna, who is the bringer of death and symbol of winter. But people call her "Marza" for short and as a nickname. (Zestial mostly gave her that name cuz he is SUCH a gothic edgy boy imo)
-I would imagine that Marzanna and Pentious would have the same dynamic as Charlie and Lucifer - just be a spitting image of each other and just being precious like if Pent literally gave birth to her (ik snakes don't give live birth, and lay eggs, but yknow im saying it as an expression)
-Even though she's Pentious' kid, she is DEFINITELY also Zestial's kid as well. Her personality aspects of Zestial would also overlap some parts of Pentious' characteristics in her. I would imagine someone would try to pick on her (like verbal teasing or sarcastic comments on how her taste in fashion is "so good"), of course, she knows highly aware that they're trying to be bullies to her, and she would do a full-on, essay-like psychology analysis on why they're being mean to her as well as doing Shakespearen-like insults--leaving her wanna-be bullies in a state of embarrassment or some times even crying (bc most of her bullies would be entitled or snobby brats)
-Even though she can take care of herself from entitled people, Zestial is definitely protective of her. Most people are VERY aware of Marzanna being the daughter of one of Hell's most powerful overlords and rather be smart to not harm her in any way. However, there are some stupid and naïve people who didn't believe it and would try to do so--only to immediately piss their pants when they hear Zestial's voice from behind them.
-While she does have Zestial's gentleman-like patience that she inherited from him, she wouldn't tolerate on Sinners and others talking shit towards Charlie (who she considers to be her Aunt since Charlie is pretty much her dad's closest friend) and her dad, Sir Pentious, since people are always mean to him in every aspect. Plus, when she's mad, she is just as scary as Zestial himself.
-Marzanna also views Carmilla as her Aunt as well since she is also her dad's friend as well. And she considers her daughters as her own cousins as well. Carmilla is just as protective as she is as a mom on keeping Marzanna safe and away from harm--even treating her like she is her niece since she loves her friend's daughter. Carmilla's daughters also view Marzanna as their cousin and Zestial and Sir Pentious being their uncles.
-Is so aroace that whatever comes out of her mouth as a respond to relationships is 100% relatable and funny. Like, imagine a gag scene where a couple (married, engaged or in a relationship) are fighting with each other because of something stupid, and the scene goes and shows Marzanna and Carmilla's daughters on a picnic blanket snacking on a charcuterie board and Marzanna comments: "And that, my dear cousins, is a prime example as to why I'm married to my own hobbies instead of other people." And Alastor (cuz aroace king 🔶💛⚪💎💙) would appear out of nowhere sitting next to them, midway of spreading some currant jam on a cracker with brie cheese, and reply: "HA HA! Two minds think alike, my dear!" Oh, and the representation; where as someone would ask, "Do you plan on marrying/dating someone?" And she would shrug and casually answer: "No, I'm aroace." And just go on with her day.
-Just like both her dads, she also partakes in hobbies and skills they have. Since she's Pentious' daughter, she is definitely skilled in inventing machines and other stuff including making blueprints of various architect--and Pentious would be so proud. Plus I would like to think that she likes to read gothic literature and books that her father Zestial owns, including poems and centuries-old textbooks about medical science and mythology.
-Lastly, her appearance: she definitely has fashion tastes from both parents. She likes to dress Victorian (mostly wearing masculine-presenting attire, not a fan of dresses) but when wearing them, she often goes with a darker hue of a color palette, like Zestial. She mostly wears blacks and reds like a typical vampire (since Zestial is technically a vampire, but more so like a spider and scarecrow), and other days she'll just wear black. Like being said, she does look like Sir Pentious--appearance-wise, but not in anatomy sense; she doesn't have a snake body like him, but rather bipedal legs, and she's also inherited Zestial's height making her taller than her other father as well. Her hood and eyes would DEFINITELY be that bright lime green color Zestial has; oh, and just like Zestial, she also has a second pair of eyes, but they don't appear unless she is really pissed off (like how Mammon's eyes didn't appear until he went full demon form).
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xerith-42 · 5 months
So in your rewrite why did Araphel destroy Kulzak’s eye and why didn’t Irene heal it. Also do you have any more Kulzak crumbs I humbly beg.
In my rewrites Araphel did destroy Kul'zak's eye, it actually happened during that final fight against him as an attempt to stop Kul'zak from shattering his relic. It didn't work, but whatever fucked up and evil magic Araphel used to destroy Kul'zak's eye was something Irene couldn't heal. She tried to, but the wound always repelled her magic away and just didn't work at all.
After the failed attempts Enki whisked Kul'zak off to one of their vacation homes in Galruk and tried to heal him in a variety of different ways. The one that had the most promise and that is considered a core memory for both of them was a potion that Enki spent almost a year figuring out the components for, gathering said components, and then brewing. It was a long, arduous process, and multiple times Kul'zak told Enki that this wasn't necessary. He was perfectly content living without his eye, it was his idea after all, if this is the price to pay then it was worth it.
But Enki can't live with that. "What's the point of all this knowledge if I can't use it to help the people I love?" In the end it didn't work, but the attempt was greatly appreciated. Kul'zak did their best not to let this keep them down, instead turning to try and understand/love this new aspect of his appearance from an artistic sense. He had paintings commissioned of him that depicted him with this new eye in a beautiful way, hoping to show to his fellow wanderers and everyone who saw him that this change didn't make him any less beautiful or worthy of love than before. He and one of their muses even wrote a song about the "One Eyed Wanderer" to cement that this is who Kul'zak is now, and they can live with that.
Oh yeah Kul'zak is so nonbinary in my brain it's not even funny. Every time I think of Kul'zak I just think "You would use neopronouns". Probably star/starself would be their favorites bc Kul'zak is such an astronomer/astrology girl. It's actually how astronomy started as a science in the ancient days. Wanderers, merchants, sailors, farmers, normal people just looked at the stars a lot and noticed patterns in them, wrote those patterns down, and then theorized about them. I imagine stargazing is one of stars favorite pastimes, something they tried to do with each of the divine warriors at least once, including Xavier who wasn't even divine, just this simp who Kul'zak was fond of.
Kul'zak does have everyone's sun signs memorized and Enki is the only one who fully understands what they're saying. Menphina's in a bitchy mood one day and Kul'zak barks "Stop being such a Gemini," to which she yells back "Shove those stars up your ass!!" Irene understands it kind of because she asked Kul'zak what the hell they meant when star said she was "Being a total Sagittarius." Esmund and Araphel do not understand this weird star bull shit at all, but Kul'zak is having fun and they don't understand half of what he says anyways.
I think a lot of music in the MCD world was composed by Kul'zak. He learned how to play many instruments in his time, and possibly made a few of his own, probably some of the weirder ones that have fallen into obscurity. Some of his compositions are credited to different people, and some don't even have his name on it, but that really wouldn't bother them. As long as there is music in the places star once called home, Kul'zak is happy.
Unlike some of his peers, Kul'zak could honestly care less whether anyone remembers him in the future. His name could fall into complete obscurity, his relic could be left to rot somewhere where it will never be found, and all his findings could be attributed to someone else. As long as there are still wanderers, poets, musicians, bards, travelers, and those with free spirits who let themselves love the world they live in the way he did, they're happy. As long as there's still a world for them, he did his job right.
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cousticks · 6 months
silly little headcanon that got way too long and detailed as i typed it out alert:
basically pre-being picked up by mori, dazai, who was bored and lonely, got into the habit of reading every single dystopia/post-apocalypse book he could get his hands on, no matter the actual quality, and strategize his way through thinking how he'd survive that wasteland and/or overthrow that government in the unlikely event it happened and he didn't kill himself immediately (he accidentally invented several methods that would go straight onto the geneva convention if he told anyone about it... he was just being a little silly <3). once he got into the pm and even afterward, one of his primary Bonding Methods was just randomly throwing out the question, "if you were living in an apocalypse with an environment like x and a government like y and you had z amount of supplies, how would you survive them?". he and mori got really into this (mori was extremely kind of sad when chuuya came into the picture and dazai became more invested in playing this game with him). no abilities allowed because that makes it too easy.
anyway. very silly. dazai was pathologically unable to stop himself from laughing at chuuya's face whenever he debunked one of his ideas. he even did this with akutagawa for reasons that remain unknown, though he never failed to use this as a 'learning opportunity' and ruthlessly criticize aku's lack of strategic thinking.
to dazai's eternal resentment ango is actually one of the best people to play it with, and oda was... not that good. he's a himbo, your honor, he doesn't get this stuff.
ANYWAY. in the ada he uses it to teach the kiddos tactics and also have fun/be nostalgic. fyodor is vaguely offended dazai never offered to play with HIM. kunikida and ranpo love it but kuni will never admit it (he's kind of bitter that he can't use doppo poet to cheat code his way through everything). fukuzawa got weirdly invested the one time he played it. yosano doesn't really like it because the idea of treating injuries in such unsanitary conditions gives her hives, but naomi is actually pretty good at it! etc etc
hey did you dig into my childhood inner psyche bc planning what i'd do in apocalypse scenarios was one of my hobbies as a child. except mine usually ended in leading a biker gang so they were rather fantastical.
anyway. i really really like this hc and your takes on how good the other characters are at dazai's game. he was exactly the right type of weird little kid for this. dazai 100% would have played this with hirotsu while they were walking into suribachi. I think gramps would have been pretty good at it, too. he's survived many mafia bosses now, i think an apocalypse goes with his morning tea.
i agree with ango being really good at it too, and oda... not as much. the man is meant to exist around other people whether he likes it or not.
funnily enough i think ranpo would be painfully bad at it. he can read other people, but as far as actual survival skills? someone help him. please.
little thought games like this kind of go in line with Dazai being based off the No Longer Human novel, as well. one of the things that stuck with me the most from that novel are some of the word games Yozo played with his acquaintances, namely the game of opposites. (If you haven't read it-essentially, it was a debate over what the true 'opposite' of a concept was. ex. what is the opposite of a flower? you could say rock, but that's still an element of nature, where metal is something man-made, and is not so delicate, so the opposite of a flower could be a metal block, etc. i've played it with friends before, its quite fun). i could see Dazai (character) himself playing that as well. Weird kid inclined towards thought experiment games. I like this a lot
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burgundykicks · 2 months
1. "I love you ,its ruining my life" WAS NOT EXPECTION THAT IN FORNIGHT ,A TRACK 1?
I absolutely love the beat tho and I'm so exited for the music vid
"This ain't the Chelsea Hotel ,we're modern idiots"
"You left your typewriter at my apartment ,straight from the Tortured Poets department"
3. "I clean up sandcastles he destroys"
"Left all these broken parts ,and told me I'm better off"
4. "For a minute I knew cosmic love ,now I'm down back crying at the gym"
Actually this whole song is giving wolfstar
"Everything comes out ,teenage petulance"
"How much sad did you ,think I had ,did I have in me?"
6. "I only know these people raise you ,to cage you"
"I'm having his baby ,no I'm not ,but you should see your faces"
Giggled bc that's rlly funny
7. "Now pretty baby I'm running back home to you ,fresh out the slammer I know who my first call will be to"
"I need to forget so take me to florida ,I got some regrets ill Bury them in florida"
9. "My boredoms bone deep"
"Am I allowed to cry"
"Someone told me ,there's no such thing as bad thoughts. Only your actions talk"
"If its make beleive ,why does it feel like a vow"
10. "You don't get to tell me about sad"
"Is it a wonder I broke let's hear one more joke ,then we could all just laugh until I cry"
"Who's afraid of little old me, well you should be"
"So tell me everything is not about me ,but what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me ,but what if they did? I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me. You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
11. "But your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger ,I can fix him (no really I can)"
"He had a halo of the highest grade ,he just hadn't met me yet"
12. "Black and white ,all those plot twists"
The noble and most ancient house of black.
"I wish I could un recall ,how we almost had it all"
"It was legendary ,it was momentary"
13. TRACK 13!
"Cuz I'm a real tough kid ,I can handle my shit"
"Lights camera bitch smile ,even when you wanna die"
"I'm so depressed I act like it's my birthday everyday"
"I cry alot but I am so productive, it's an art"
"Cuz I'm miserable ,and no one even knows"
14. "Was any of it true ,gazing at me starry eyed"
"And I don't even want you back I just want to know ,if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal"
"And I would have died for your sins ,but instead I just died inside"
15. "Honestly ,who are we to fight the alchemy"
"This happens once every few lifetimes"
16. Last track before bonuses/the doubke album omgggg
"All your life did you know, you'd be picked like a rose"
"No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of manhattan"
"You look like ,stevie nicks in 75 ,the hair and lips ,crowd goes wild at her fingertips ,a half moon shine ,a full eclipse"
"Promise to be dazzling"
"You look like taylor swift in this life were loving it ,you've got edge she never did ,the futures bright ,dazzling"
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hatchetislostpog · 2 years
A/n: Hot take, but i think stuttering in fanfic is terrible (only when the person is embarrassed/shy) it honestly is v annoying, but I'm being a hypocrite I put stuttering (bc reader is crying and I stutter when I cry so I think its a normal think)
ALSO "The moon is beutiful isnt it?" is a poet way of saying i love you from a translated phrase of Japanese
I Hear Symphony (Wilburxreader) (Angst!)
Blood drips down my head. Down my arm. Down my leg. Clothing soaked. Ears ringing. Vision blurry. Pain being an invisible phantom taunting me. My legs trip over one another.
His words sound broken; broken as if someone dropped a mirror. 
My pace picks up.
I don't know if I want to punch him for what he did, or kiss him for being alive. He's a terrible man, but he's mine, and I'm his. I wouldn't change it any other way. Although, he's not the man I fell in love with, I love him just the same. 
He needs stopped, he's hurt so many people; it feels like my fault. I could've tried harder to help him, I should've pushed, but my efforts failed. If I continued pushing, things would be different.
"Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me, Phil, kill me!  Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill me! Killza, Killza, do it! Kill me, Phil! Murder me! Look, they all want you to! Do it, Phil! Kill me! Phil, kill me!" 
My pain was numbed for a mere moment, so I ran. I got to the entrance to the room...
The image of Phil holding a sword to Wilbur's chest almost made my own heart stop. 
The scenery behind them was a hole blown in the wall; craters scattering the terrain. This used to be my home. 
He's going to die. This moment I realized it. If Phil didn't do it... the rest of the SMP would do it.
Memories flashed across my mind knowing it could be my lover's death.
Our encounter.
"Darling~ I know Dream sent you, no need to play any games, give me some information I need and I'll let you go"
"I was told you were a charming man Mr. Soot--was even warned not to give in to your charm--but before I could even say anything, you tied me up and started being a jerk asking for info."
Our confession.
"Hey Will, the moon is beautiful isn't it?"
"I love you too"
Our Future.
"One day we can run off together and live without war. Live in a cottage. Maybe even get a few kids running around, Fundy's always wanted a sister."
"Ha, you wish; I'm sorry to break it to you Mr. Soot, but before we even think about children you need to put a ring on it."
It has come to an end. Our future ended before it began.
That moment was frozen in time, no one moving; only movement is tears starting to fall down my cheeks. I was trying my hardest to at least make a noise. Finally, my voice came through.
I wasn't even acknowledge before a sword went through one side of Wilbur and came out the other.
Things blurred.  
Time stopped.
His body fell to the floor.
"Phil..." he barley heard my voice. He looked me in the eyes and I looked at him in the eyes. Just looking at him makes my rage bubble up, he's gone because of him, because of Philza. "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE." I wasn't even yelling, my sob that was building up just escape me, escaped in louder than I wanted.
He pulled his hat down to cover his face, and his wings spread out behind him. Then he was gone. 
My wounds didn't matter in the moment when I jumped over to Wilbur, his eyes barley fluttering. Both of my hands lift his head and lets them rest on my thighs. One of his hands came to my cheeks.
"I'm sorry love, I'm sorry we can't live in your cottage."
Tears fell freely now, all ending up in his hand, hair, or face.
"P-ple-." I couldn't get a word out, "Wilbur pl-please don't go."
"I love you."
"W-wait for m-me"
His voice got softer, his last moments approach. His cold hand brushed my cheek.
"My love, please sing, it's my last request."
Our song.
"I used to hear a s-simple song."
He continued the song--as always--but in such a soft voice.
"that was before you came along..."
"Now in it's place is something new"
In that moment his eyes closed, and my heart broke.
He wasn't going to finish the song, it was our unfinished symphony.
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Hello, could you tell me about the asteroid Orpheus? He is in my 1st house conjunct Venus. Thank you.
orpheus, the poet and prophet (asteroid 3361)
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Orpheus was the son of the muse Calliope - and became a renowned poet and musician. Apollo (who may have been his father - some say he was fathered by a king) himself taught the boy to play the lyre during the boy's youth. It is believed that his playing was so beautiful that animals and trees would dance to the music and his music has even saved the Argonauts from sirens. Even his singing made gods weep at the sheer beauty of his melodies - when his wife died he sang such a beautiful dirge that the gods allowed him to go to the Underworld and bring her back. He was even capable of swaying Hades into allowing him to bring Eurydice, his wife, back (that’s a hardship we all know gods of the dead don’t allow on principle) with his singing. Some say all of the Underworld froze to listen to his song - Charon stopped rowing, Tantalus stopped reaching for fruit, etc. Hades said that he would allow him to guide her out of the Underworld but Orpheus was not allowed to look back to see if she was following. As the journey out of the Underworld went on, he grew paranoid that she was not behind him. Right at the entrance he peaked over his should and saw her - a look of terror crossed her face as she was yank back into the Underworld. For the rest of his days he loved no other and he only played sad music. Followers of Dionysus heard his music and tried to sleep with him to make him happy again. When he rejected them, they attempted to drown out his songs with happier ones. When that didn't work, they drowned him and threw his lyre in the lake with him. Only in death did Orpheus reunite with Eurydice. IN MY OPINION Orpheus in a chart represents a) musical talent, b) where you are heard and sympathized with, c) how/where you will go to show you love/care for someone, d) where you may catch everyone's attention, e) how your anxiety gets the better of you when in love, and/or f) your loyalty.
bruh i'm gonna take a minute to cry bc I have orpheus conjunct eurydike in my 7h - IM NOT OKAY
dddssd, you may have an in-the-spotlight personality like orpheus - he constantly made others pause so listen they could listen to his music - this may be what is reflected in the asteroid being in your 1h. i’d say that conjunct venus could be talent like his (may be more talented than you know if it aspects asteroid kalliope or apollo) or romance similar to his (check on the aspects and location to eurydike for this verification). let me know if you need anymore clarification. thank you for recommending his asteroid otherwise I may have never checked it in my own chart ^^^.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of orpheus along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of orpheus AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede orpheus!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS/PLANETS: apollo (1862), eurydike (75), tantalus (2102), dionysus (3671), cerberus (1865), persephone (399), kalliope (22), sirene (1009), and hades (h41).
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I'm gonna go slightly off track but I promise it has something to do with your question and I think it offers useful background (I also like ranting). When I was deliberating in my head when I was going to sleep yesterday what to say (yes very normal before bedtime activity) I was thinking that I'd tell you I don't really know how I got back into deadpoets from the fandom side, but I was racking my brains and I remembered, and I thought it was pretty funny. Apologies for dipping into my life but here we go. Basically I was in chemistry club and I came there and there was this boy and I immediately thought wow he's cute. This doesnt happen very often (twice a year maybe I don't find people attractive much) that's why I was like damn. And he reminded me of someone on telly and I was like hmmm, and then it hit me! That dude from Dead Poets Society!
Now at this point I had watched DPS like 3 years ago and I think it must have been before I had my sort of gay awakening and also before I was in fandoms bc when I googled Todd (that's what the guy looked like-well it turns out not as much as I thought bc I have a weird memory for faces but still quite a bit) I had the bright idea of looking on the fandom on tumblr where I was introduced to anderperry and I was like. yes. I continued looking at some posts like this and I was like yes this is so gay. Now I was so sure it was before I was gay (I'm bi but you get it) bc I think if I saw that now I would be like- that's gay. Then I didn't at all. Its a nice show of what perspective can do. Anyway I click on a clip (yk the one which is like I can take care of myself-no-what do you mean no-no*said in the flirtiest way possible*)and the record screeches stop. Just for a moment bc like wow they are american.
Now finally I get to answering your question. I think I mostly just forgot about the accents and the default accent in my head is british, but on top of that, the boarding school, but more importantly- the old boarding school, now that is a trope that isn't often american. On top of that you have the scenery, that type of nature which I don't associate with america at all. (I think the reasons behind why I thought they were British is probably just- I forgot, it was a long time ago and that's my default, and maybe a bit of the rest, but there is a reason why it feels very american). So I think hearing them there accents ofc that's a reason. But even though their opinions can very much be British, I think their attitudes and they way they voice there opinions is very not british.
And I also had a thought that maybe, the very reason they seem so american is because the things they do are so british(as well as the scenery) it feels jarring they are so american about it, and that's the very thing that makes it more so. That's just a thought tho. I think its certainly a bit about the whole freedom thing being very american and all that.
That's all the thoughts I have for now, if I'll think of something I'll share, I hope it's ok to write this through asks. And sorry for the LONG ask it's very interesting to talk about.
Thanks for the splendid ask, and feel free to write in with any more thoughts! (No such thing as a too-long ask, btw. Go right ahead.)
That is another thing I think DPS has done, in that it seems to be connected to lots of people's queer awakenings in some form or another? I had an experience a little similar to yours, where I obsessed over the film a lot when I was 12, came back when I was 15 and had figured out I was a guy, and was suddenly Very Cognisant Of Things I Had Not Been Before. (Also, that particular scene... yeah. Yeah.) Not sure exactly what it is - maybe just its status as a cult classic/ a family movie I think lots of families throw on, but yeah! Very neat. (Also, another sidenote - the average fandom age here /is/ very teen! Not necessarily a bad thing - also not surprising, given general fandom trends + this being a teen movie - but pretty fun! I came straight from DMBJ fandom, which felt much older, so it was a cool change.)
That is a VERY nice point about the way they voice their opinions. Big agree! [Insert "haha repression is a core British value" joke here], but yeah. Not to play into yet more stereotypes here, but the lack of self-deprecation in the dialogue really comes across a lot in making it feel American! And linked to that, the sense of dumb teenage confidence. I'm not sure if we get much of that in British media (or maybe I'm talking out of my arse...)
I like the idea of what you said, it being a British film with British "events", inhabited by American characters! Okay, that's going down a WHOLE new spiral about metatextual tragedy. (Maybe Neil dies because he tries to play by American rules in British conventions................ goes a little. Ah. You know, it's literally called New England!)
(And adding on to that - if Neil dies because he's playing by the "wrong" cultural norms that is SUCH a goddamn tragedy, but it also adds some weight to the ending... it's sadder, because everyone else is doing the same and in a system that doesn't appear to be changing no matter the changes THEY have undergone individually. immutability of the setting etc. etc. Sometimes The Setting Shapes You!)
Not a very coherent response, sorry (it is almost 11!). tl;dr: DPS is queer, nobody is self-deprecating enough to be English, and the placement of American characters in a British narrative is making me go a little crazyinsane. Also congrats on finding real life Todd Anderson (sort of)!
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What kind of classic literature do you think your BC favs would love the most? I personally headcanon Nozel as a secret Jane Austen enthusiast, but what about others? Hm, maybe Fuegoleon would more like adventure stories à la Jules Verne... And what kind of finnish classics could they love?
Oh that is a good question
But I do also see Nozel secretly enjoying Austen novels, up to the point where he has all of them, and knows pretty much the plots by heart. (Of course he would never admit it though ^^' )
For some reason adventure/detective novels would be something that I also would put into Fue's favourite category, so Verne would definitely be up there, but as to Finnish classics, I really had to wrack my brain around. Because, and this isn't common knowledge by any means (and I'll dabble a wee bit into history, so apologies about that), Finnish literature has only been evolving for about 100 years.
As in, if you think about English classics, you can go back... what? At least 500 years and recite the poems of Shakespeare. But with Finns, we've been a country for just over 100 years, and though Finnish as a language is far older, it wasn't used in literature, because originally, due to history, only Swedish could be used in written/formal text.
Why? Because Finnish was "a peasant language", when we were a part of Sweden. It wasn't until late 1800s that we started getting our first books in Finnish, and even that was basically the works of one man. So, it wasn't until the beginning of 1900s that we started seeing works/text published in Finnish. And even then, we're talking about a country who's only 5 million people today. We didn't... have that many writers. By sheer numbers.
So: I had to think what classics even are there?
There's our national epic Kalevala The 7 brothers The stories of Ensign Stål (originally published in Swedish, but published by our national poet) The Unkown Soldier The wife of a working class man
These are some that people might be able to name, or then not. The tale of the 7 brothers is probably the most well known, and would probably be the first to be listed by many (because Kaleva can be considered as "The Epic" instead of a part of the other works).
Then we come into what these stories are about. Well, firstly most of them are poems! Or collections of poems. 'The wife of a working class man' is a play. 7 brother's is a book, but it's essentially a tale of how 7 brothers, who are peasants in late 1800s Finland, live.
The Stories of Ensign Stål and the Unknown Soldier are of course war related/war stories.
Out of these, I'd say that he'd (Fue) woud perhaps enjoy Kalevala the most, even if it can be a bit difficult to read. Because it's a collection of epic poems, which describe an adventure story (among subplots).
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
10 on the weird writer questions? Also this poem https://poems.poetrysociety.org.uk/poems/fucking-in-cornwall/ made me think of boyish. Sort of :)
10. Has a piece of writing ever "haunted" you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
oh this question is wild but Yes and Yes. i'll answer the last bit first bc it feels important for context but to me a piece of writing that haunts me is like. i can't get it out of my head for a Long Time after being exposed to it the first time. i keep going back to it. sometimes i wish it would leave me alone. but it doesn't go away really just. anything that sticks with me to an almost uncomfortable degree
to which i say yes! i have definitely been haunted by pieces of writing and i am definitely actively being haunted by pieces of writing. first thing that comes to my mind is. my favorite poet of all time ever Michael Beard who the first time i heard his work i did literally hear it i heard him read his poems out loud and immediately knew i was never going to be normal ever again. nothing has ever ingrained itself into my brain the way his poetry did and i've heard a lot of poets read their work atp... like. bc i heard them out loud i didn't have records of them (and his stuff was really hard to find online) so just. months. Months of me being haunted by things i could not re-read until finally! i did find some of his stuff and helpfully compiled it into a gdoc for myself so i can continue the horrors at my own free will. i will drop some of the lines that haunted me/still haunt me/et cetera et cetera
"and I thought fragmentation of the self / meant easy to handle" (I have always wanted to be opaque)
"I wonder when I pull / out the poem I wrote to you / and recite its final words / I, too, blur / if they come to fruition / if they chisel away / this marbled image of you / until nothing" (I have always wanted to be opaque)
probably my favorite poem of all time it's the one that stuck with me the most after i heard it. Dead. the opening line is something about someone else's lip balm lingering in the spaces between your words and that is also. the second he read that one out loud i actually felt my brain turn over like a rotisserie chicken in my head
"dry fingers / not conditioned for such intimacy, such / lavish intimacy" (The Roots You Swear By)
"Please don’t ask me to take the cactus home / because then I will grow to witness / what these two hands can nourish, / press thumbs into spines, prove / that cactus and heart / are not so different / when it comes to where we put our love." (The Roots You Swear By)
ughhHhH. put a cactus in your heart. bye.
"Shape my body into a bowl and drink from the shallow collarbone / I leave for you." (Phiale)
"Think of the gestures that make us endless. / Speak, if you can. / Tell me how prayer is too small for this." (Phiale)
every day of my life tell me how prayer is too small for this rings somewhere in my head and every day i kill myself about it
"I wonder why you left yourself / on something rotted. / Your name, still etched into the middle post you thought / would fall into the water." (Re-parting Our Shapes)
"My heart is the moment the post finally falls. / The midpoint between the water and your name." (Re-parting Our Shapes)
yeah does that last one look familiar. Yeah. i love that poem so much the whole thing makes me insane. something about etching your name into rotted wooden posts in lakes and never being able to look at places the same in an after. fuck off my heart is the moment the post finally falls i am killing myself
and my own writing yeah. i used this metaphor both in heartstroke and in a very personal essay i wrote for a uni class but "warm the way a dead thing is in a blizzard" still haunts me. honestly that whole personal piece haunts me not even just for that metaphor but the whole essay is insane and in that i used the metaphor to describe the love i have for my father which is Wild but i stand by it. warm the way a dead thing is in a blizzard (something about by comparison and survival instincts and other crazy indescribable things)
and ohmygod thank you i read the poem and i do see what you mean... that and the idea that you read a poem and thought of something i wrote is making me a bit insane so thank you i really appreciate it <3
weird questions for writers
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
Hiiiii!! so I was just reading your poet au posts (which btw amazing work, delightful reading all around, can't wait to read a whole fic if you decide to write it-which i really hope you do bc it's soooo good) and i saw that you were kind of insecure about the poetry part and i have a few thoughts about it and i hope you don't mind me sharing them
first, i really don't think anybody is going to judge your poems -nor the fact that you put them as the work of the best poet in off brand France. also there is obviously suspension of belief so if you say the poems are the work of the best poet, people really wouldn't question it much.
also you could just get the base poems from other poets (credit them obviously) and alter it as needed.
and there is also the possibility of finding someone to beta the poems (as an avid poetry reader since I was like 9, i would gladly do it)
what I meant by this whole ask is, although i understand your concern, and i truly do, i deeply hope it doesn't stop you from creating something that had sooo much potential (if you do want to write in full), but also even if you don't further extend the work, what you already created if great
so yeah that's that hope I didn't cross any lines (sorry if I did)
Ahh thank you (and no crossed lines at all!) 🥰 You make several good points! It's true, no one is going read my porny Star Wars fanfiction, scoff to themselves and say "this isn't nearly as good as Molière!" Like, it isn't, but that's probably an impractically high bar.
And I could totally use preexisting poetry with the relevant details changed (and credited, I'm not looking to get haunted by John Donne), but also the idea of a poetry beta is so fun! I don't have any kind of beta right now for a number of reasons (one of which is that my biggest writing crime is straight up missing words and I prefer to think of that as a sort of accidental madlibs. What is Obi-Wan verbing on Anakin's noun? That's up to you and your imagination!) but I think a poetry one would be especially interesting. We could brainstorm fun metaphors together!!!
If I decide to write more it'll probably be in the new year? I've committed myself to a few other WIPs until then so poet Obi-Wan will be forever wallowing in the misery of his not-actually-unrequited love. But I ended the scene with Anakin in his lap so he'll be fine probably. Anakin is very cute.
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