#because being kind with lots of ideas and a unique work method gets you further than some inherent talent or whatever
shazleen · 6 months
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flamingplay · 3 months
Interview: Everything Everything’s Jonathan Higgs on AI, Education, & New LP ‘Mountainhead’
by Eric Schuster
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Atwood Magazine: Each album you all release has a unique style and theme. I read that Mountainhead draws from an allegory regarding “an alternate society whose existence is dedicated to endlessly growing a mountain by digging deeper at its foot — all in pursuit of a mythical mirror that sits atop its peak while avoiding a massive golden snake that lives in the pit below.” What are some of your favorite sci-fi films or novels?
Jonathan Higgs: Definitely Predator. Definitely Terminator. I like any sort of sci-fi slasher genre like that, like Alien where there’s people being picked off by a monster. It’s not very close to what I’ve written though, for this album. Yeah, I think I was looking for something that was simple enough to say in one sentence, but that could have a huge amount of different meanings if you wanted it to. I guess it would be something like, I don’t even know. It’s way too simple for a film. I think it would have to develop a hell of a lot more, but I think in terms of music, it’s sort of enough to hang everything off without it getting too complex and too bogged down with these rules of the world. It was more like, no, there’s just this big one, big idea and everything is sort of under the shadow of that rather than getting too conceptual kind of puts me off if particularly if albums get too wrapped up in detail and all that stuff. It’s fine for films or novels, it’s essential. But I think when you are making something like an album, it needs to be, the songs need to live without that knowledge. They need to be able to be good by themselves
That’s why it has such a simple setup, because I think anything, I think you can go a bit further, but I want you to keep it really monolithic and simple.
You tackle some big issues in Mountainhead, like the unsustainability of unlimited growth and income inequality and Raw Data Feel tackled the problems associated with AI. Do you see AI helping or exacerbating these issues?
Jonathan Higgs: I think it’ll help a little bit. I don’t see why it would make things worse. It’ll probably be some big tech advances that it’ll help speed up things like sustainability is the big one that everyone’s trying to do, so I don’t see how that could make things worse, but it does, of course, rely on some kind of thing. They keep mining for chips, right? I can’t remember. But there is quite a big environmental impact of making the brains of AI and obviously we’ve seen with crypto what sort of length people will go to improve their computing power and how much energy that uses, et cetera, et cetera. But no, I think it’s probably going to help bring about some of the stuff that we need to happen a bit more quickly, like renewable, wherever that may be. Some kind of advancement will probably occur thanks to ai, but it’s not just a one solution type thing. It’s more like it just looks through the options much more quickly. That’s kind of how I feel about it.
You all are very academic and methodical in your approach to writing music and creating art. Do you have any artists that you are currently listening to that are also pushing the boundaries of music?
Jonathan Higgs: I’m more in touch with what some visual people are doing. There’s this guy called Umami who makes these amazing short videos and he’s made this big long series of them and he does do music in it as well, but it’s primarily like an animation project, and I follow a lot of 3D horror guys. I mean, that’s not music either, really. And I guess musically, oh man, this year has been thin on the ground. It’s only a month in, it’s only a few weeks in. I don’t know. I’m not really tuned into anything new at the moment. I guess it’s because I’m working on other projects, I’m just trying to clear my head of musical stuff at the moment, so I can’t suggest anything.
Your website Edexhell mocked the exam quality that you were issued in school, what do you think of the current state of education?
Jonathan Higgs: I have no idea, is the truth. I don’t have any connection to people of that age. Well, my brother’s kids I guess are teenagers, but it’s Scotland and things tend to be better up there anyway. I don’t actually know. Actually, just about an hour ago I read a report saying that girls are doing better than boys at every age from primary up to uni. And that made me ponder for a moment. I dunno if that’s a problem with education, but there’s definitely something going on there, which is pretty odd. But also my mom, she’s retired now, but she was a teacher and teachers used to get it in the neck so much when I was growing up that I kind of made a soft promise to myself never to diss the education. Well, teachers in particular, I think it’s generally the same as it was. I don’t know, is the truth. I’m not involved.
Did you all see the movie Everything Everything and if so what did you think? How do you feel that they co-opted your name?
Jonathan Higgs: No, we didn’t see it. We were not very pleased with that, to be honest. It meant that 99% of Google searches for us just end up with that. Nothing against the film, but it can fuck off.
What job do you think you would have if you were not a musician?
Jonathan Higgs: I’d be in movies. I think I’d be making them, not in them. I’d be somewhere along the creative line, hopefully directing, but who knows? I could happily do that now. I do that now. I’ve directed, most of our music videos have been by me, so yeah, I enjoy that hugely.
Do you have any favorite directors?
Jonathan Higgs: Yeah, well, there’s a lot of good ones at the moment, aren’t there? I really liked Robert Eggers. I thought The Northman was brilliant. I know it was a bit silly, but I absolutely loved it. I just saw Poor Things. I thought that was pretty good. I think it’s actually a pretty great time for film at the moment. This year’s last year’s Oscar bait sort of, well, not Oscar bait, but just the things that are about to get awards in about a month and lots of really great stuff. I thought Anatomy of a Fall was amazing. I’ll always watch whatever Ridley s Scott’s up to. Yeah, I prefer, I get more excited, not prefer, but I get more excited about movies than albums recently just because I’m not, I feel like I’m so in bed with music that it’s a bit like work sometimes and movies is a bit more like I can be a fan rather than somebody who’s involved.
You mentioned that the mirror at the top of Mountainhead represents the fact that even if “you’ve got it all, what have you really got?” What is your favorite material item that you own and why?
Jonathan Higgs: Oh, my PC, no question. I’ve had a PC since I was in middle school, and then there was a long period where I didn’t have one and then I got one again and I was like, fuck, why did I have that period in my life without one? It’s the best tool a human has ever created, easily outside of the stick. It’s brilliant. I absolutely love it for creating. The power I have as one person now compared to when I was a kid on a computer is just extraordinary. The things I can make, the level of quality that you can make now the consumer can make is astounding.
This album deals with what it means to be a “human,” which is something that has been explored for centuries but has gotten harder to define as technology has infiltrated our everyday lives. What do you think are the best ways to connect with other people?
Jonathan Higgs: Sitting round a fire, the oldest one, it’s always being the best one, but if you can’t do that, then face-to-Face Place with breathable air is probably the next best thing. And obviously you can’t always do that, but doing what we’re doing now is okay.
A lot of songwriters seem to slow down as their careers progress, but you all are as prolific as ever, perhaps even more so now. Where do you find the creative energy (and literal energy) to keep creating such thought-provoking and high-intensity albums?
Jonathan Higgs: Well, I don’t have kids, so I’ve got all the energy I ever had, and a lot of my job is sitting down, so to be honest, I could use up more of my energy. In fact, a lot of my songs are about the fact that I don’t use my energy, don’t use my body. So I’ve never had a problem with that. We don’t really get, well, I don’t really get drained of juice because I don’t think making an album is very difficult. Really. We’ve done it seven times and making another one doesn’t sound difficult either. Making a good album is quite hard though.
You said it's not very physical, but that music video for Cold Reactor, you guys are out there in the cold and that looked pretty physical.
Jonathan Higgs: Well, that was a big day. We actually made five music videos that day.
Oh my god.
Jonathan Higgs: Yeah, we did all the whole album’s worth in one day, and there was a big storm that was coming into the Slate Mine, where we were. So that had a bit of a hard limit on it in terms of when we could be there. We were about to die, so that made it kind of fun.
Manchester is a modestly sized city in comparison to many other major cities in the world, yet some of the biggest and best bands of the last half-century have formed there. What do you think it is about Manchester that makes it such a hot-spot for artists?
Jonathan Higgs: It rains all the time. There’s lots and lots of venues that are good, and I think there’s good unis, so there’s good students starting bands, but there’s also this culture of music that’s already, what, forty years old, and I think people go there with the intention of being involved in music, whereas you wouldn’t get that in a lot of cities. I mean, I’m one of those people. I’m not really from Manchester, and I went there to start a band. I knew that was a place where bands could exist. It’s not like a fantastical idea that you might start a band, whereas there’s plenty of places you can go and no one will join your band. Manchester’s always been good for that. I think it self perpetuates really. Now we’ve got this culture and we’ve got this history. Then it generates more good bands.
You all have accomplished a ton in your Manchester is a modestly sized city in comparison to many other major cities in the world, yet some of the biggest and best bands of the last half-century have formed there. What do you think it is about Manchester that makes it such a hot-spot for artists?
Jonathan Higgins: It rains all the time. There’s lots and lots of venues that are good, and I think there’s good unis, so there’s good students starting bands, but there’s also this culture of music that’s already, what, forty years old, and I think people go there with the intention of being involved in music, whereas you wouldn’t get that in a lot of cities. I mean, I’m one of those people. I’m not really from Manchester, and I went there to start a band. I knew that was a place where bands could exist. It’s not like a fantastical idea that you might start a band, whereas there’s plenty of places you can go and no one will join your band. Manchester’s always been good for that. I think it self perpetuates really. Now we’ve got this culture and we’ve got this history. Then it generates more good bands.
You all have accomplished a ton in your tenure as a group. Is there anything you still hope to accomplish in your musical career?
Jonathan Higgs: Career? Oh yeah, definitely. We want a number one album. We want to headline Glastonbury Asbury, all the things that a band could ever want. I feel like we’ve achieved 1% of it, 8% of it. So yeah, you name it. I’d love to have a whole new chapter of the band.
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krowjet · 1 year
Okay completely random but now I can’t stop thinking about it because I have classmates/friends who vehemently disagree with me on this, but I don’t think AI art is a good thing, and shouldn’t be accepted as something real or of equal value to human made art.
Point one- copyright and Creative Commons rules. A lot of the time, these AI art programs either ignore or don’t properly follow these rules and regulations.
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Very often, these kinds of programs don’t pay attention to these and violate these agreements, and often don’t credit the artists who’s work they’re using in their databases.
Another is something I kind of got an idea of from working with HTML and CSS. You can make it so that your pages and websites pop up if you search certain key terms. If you search for the listed topics on your page, you can probably scroll through enough of google’s search results to find said page. These programs kind of use this same method to organize their art to pull up to mesh together the final products they present.
So not only is it just theft most times, like using art uncredited on a YouTube thumbnail without permission (which is a huge issue and artists constantly deal with and have to report for theft and lack of credit), but also it’s not an original idea. Just because you search something doesn’t mean it’s an original idea or your search is unique. You’re search a database and get a mix of the results they pulled together, often mashed together poorly which is why faces, close details, and hands, or just anatomy in general, is such a struggle for these programs.
It’s not original work in the slightest, just a cesspit of uncredited art slapped together by an emotionless computer. There’s no thought, creativity, time, labor, anything.
It’s just a google search page crumpled up in different ways. Doesn’t mean anything is new, just cut up and glued together.
And then people will take credit for it and call it original, when it’s far from that. Just because I search in google ‘birds’ and I see a screen of links doesn’t mean this is anything new or it’s my work. No, it’s someone else’s and they just happen to have tiny pieces of the page displayed.
It’s not original that you put words into a search bar. It’s not your art. It’s other people’s art.
I’d have less issues with it if it wasn’t such a blatant theft or violation of copyright laws. It would still morally be wrong because it’s not human made and thus not really something considered art.
I’d be way more fine with it if it was used solely as a reference, with a page devoted to crediting all the artists, the individual pieces, and links to their pages to further explore their artwork. I’d have more acceptance of it if it was clearly something meant to give you ideas and cool prompts.
If you upload a piece of your own art and you have an AI change it up, that’s cool because the base is your own with your consent, and thus doesn’t steal anything (as long as the art it’s referencing to create that version is credited properly), and you can do what you want with it.
Using AI has a like a reference image isn’t my problem. It’s treating it like it’s something cool and new and something to make profit off of.
But it’s like having an AI make essentially a rip off of Harry Potter, publishing it, and taking full credit for what’s essentially Harry Potter if Harry Potter was in 2020 and he had a cool fourth friend. Just because it’s got some bits of new details doesn’t mean you didn’t blatantly plagiarize. The original author is still gonna come after you and sue you for copyright infringement and plagiarism.
This is exactly why fanfic is not exactly marketable unless you change the story details to make it your own (ie 50 Shades of Gray being a Twilight fanfic being sellable because it’s so different and changes things to such an extent it’s not Twilight and clearly something new). The difference is when copyright is up and it’s now public domain and anyone can do anything with the source material. This is something else.
But with AI, it’s just someone putting this stuff on a database (or making a program take things from the web and upload it to the site to work with, which is equally just as bad), and then essentially shoving it in a blender. Why do you think there’s watermarks, clearly an attempt to prevent stuff like AI or human theft.
AI art is just plagiarism. You essentially keep stealing from the same articles to make something fit your little idea over and over and while yes, certain info or images with repeat because humans tend to have similar ideas sometimes, you aren’t going to get the same results every time.
AI art isn’t original, new, or something you made. You put no effort into it, no thought, time, labor, or even any care. No part of the work is yours, except that search bar’s search history, and just like google just because you searched it doesn’t mean the pages popping up are yours. It’s just plagiarism you made excuses for.
In summary, fuck AI art, you suck ass.
Sorry for repeating the same stuff over and over again, I’m tired and honestly this is just my impulsive reaction to a small realization. Have a good whatever time it is? I’m going to bed.
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whosesideareyouon · 2 years
Everything You Should Be Aware Of Online Game Boosting
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It is crucial to develop your game-playing skills. Professional guidance is vital to assist you on your climb to reach the next level.
Online games are easy to master initially. It could take months of effort to advance in the ranks and gain access to the most powerful bosses.
Online games are a distinctive form of entertainment. Participants can compete for certain game-related content, such as outfits, ratings, outfits as well as other items that are unique. This is an essential element in the success of a game, as is image, and the ability to remain at the top. It takes a lot of time to attain these results. Sometimes it's impossible to do everything due to work, family or other commitments.
It is now easy to reach the level you want or complete a difficult task or upgrade your account making use of elo boosting lol. You can purchase any character boost or certain specific items that are guaranteed as an add-on player.
This article will examine the idea of boosting and the role of boosters. The article will also address whether or not it is useful to take advantage of these services.
What is online game boosting exactly?
The importance of rating and level is in multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft. These allow players to play against more experienced players, as well as allowing players to experience new worlds in virtual reality. However, some players aren't able to manage their character, and someone just doesn't wish to.
It was evident right from the start of this article that gamers are using cheap csgo boosting. Online game boosting can be described as a kind of gaming support by a professional (character growth, upgrading). In this situation, an experienced expert will be able to complete the required levels for you when you achieve a high rating and can play with top players in the near future.
What's the procedure?
The method used to identify boosters is quite basic. The majority of experts and top players don't seek clients. Clients contact them through forums, friendships, websites and various forums. Further, they discuss all the details prior to the client makes a payment.
Once the user has provided their login credentials The booster will start processing the order at the date set for the order.
The customer can follow the progress through private streams like Twitch. There are a variety of options. Sometimes, the client collaborates with a team of experts to complete the work however, they aren't able to login to the account.
If you are interested in purchasing a product, it is best to only contact established teams or players. They keep track of the online gaming market and offer affordable rates to their customers. They will complete your orders promptly, and will make sure that your account is secure and safe. The risk is losing your account and being banned by the developers.
What is the cost?
It is possible to boost your character's abilities to gain advantage in games and benefit from the options only available to a select number of players. Your character could outperform other characters in the same class.
The services for boosting rank in Overwatch cost a lot because it takes time and effort to create and update an assessment. Pricing is determined by the degree of difficulty of the job as well as the amount of time the booster will need to complete the task. The cost can be as high as a thousands of dollars. It is difficult to establish the exact value.
If you are restricted by financial means You can utilize partial leveling in order to obtain the currency that you need or buy it on-game.
Do You Really Have the Need for These Services?
We aren't able to say with certainty whether or not we'll buy this service. It's all dependent on your goals and your desire to increase the amount of money you have in your account.
If we think about the benefits, we can observe the performance speed and quality and also the guarantee of a goal getting achieved. Gamer's who aren't able to or do not have the desire to win prizes but are too busy finish missions or quests are able to utilize boosters. The boosters are also available to those who are unable to complete the level.
There are risks of getting blocked, but that doesn't apply to proven individuals and companies who are experts in this field. They are knowledgeable and will do all they can to protect your account. Be aware that novices may overuse these services and spend a lot of money to learn to play. Because there isn’t any knowledge of the game mechanics, it's difficult to take on bosses and other major enemies in the future.
Wrapping up
We've explained the advantages of video game boosters and who the boosters are, and how boosting works in general. The services are available to you or not. It is always better to network with professional and business associates. They can assist you with getting what you need , and also ensure your profile is secure. Enjoy yourself.
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mbti-notes · 3 years
hi i’m an istj. i fear the problem im going to describe is resolved by being more Te proactive and taking on more leader responsibilities and failing. just typing that out makes me feel burned out and miserable. anyway i get involved with groups that align with my values to get things done but it always feels like i somehow join things that aren’t as efficient as i’d want them to be or stagnate. at the same time that i have strong opinions about what to do i resent having to take on more responsibility to enact it. i want to be part of an established, moral, process/group but it seems like everything is in flux all the time. just making sure: is this Te-Ne dysfunction ?
Your question is about type development. An important aspect of type development is understanding the weaknesses and flaws of your type, in terms of the ways that your type tends to misuse functions. You seem to believe that your problem boils down to a simple lack of desire to lead in group situations (weak Te?), but it probably goes far deeper than that.
Si-Ne problems often manifest as a general aversion to change, specifically, unwillingness to change how one looks at a situation, which would then significantly alter one's approach to it. Imbalance between Si and Ne becomes a very unhealthy stubbornness when one is also prone to Si-Fi loop that thinks in terms of pure absolutes. In essence, you believe what you believe and you want what you want, and nothing and nobody can break through that mental wall. Perhaps not even you.
Auxiliary development is meant to help with Si extremes and Si-Fi loop stubbornness by making you care more about empirical facts (Te) than your frustration (Fi). It isn't always easy to develop the auxiliary function when you come to believe that it interferes with what makes Si feel most comfortable (e.g. "just typing that out makes me feel burned out and miserable"). If using the auxiliary function feels so "tiring", it doesn't mean that you should avoid using it. Quite the contrary. It's an indication that you haven't yet learned to use it properly, which means further development is necessary.
Te wants efficiency, that much is true. However, what separates immature Te from mature Te is how exactly one conceptualizes "efficiency". When Te is immature, one has a very rudimentary understanding of how to be efficient. For example, one is likely to believe that efficiency is achieved through assertiveness or even brute force, i.e., "making" things happen despite all the obstacles in the way. Is it any wonder that using Te feels tiring, then? You're essentially forcing yourself to swim against the current. Si doms are painfully aware that their energy is finite, so they quickly run out of steam.
However, Te isn't really about mustering up energy. This is not what makes TJs smart, strong, and formidable. Mature Te conceptualizes efficiency as reducing the amount of energy required whenever possible, which is why they have a lot of energy to take on very heavy workloads - some people call it "working smart". This is done through facing the empirical facts of a situation head on and learning to work closely with them, which makes it far easier to make them work in your favor.
Your problem requires a two pronged attack:
Are you able to change how you look at situations in order to improve your approach (to address Si-Ne imbalance)?
Are you able to face the empirical facts of the situation and work with them rather than against them (to develop better use of Te)?
Wanting to be part of a process/group that aligns with your values in order to enact some good in the world is an admirable thing to strive for. Presumably, the other people involved in the group have the same sense of mission, otherwise, they wouldn't have joined. However, what you fail to take into account is that people aren't generally single-minded.
Human beings are complex because they are motivated by a multitude of factors, whether they realize it or not. They are full of psychological conflicts, contradictory desires, irrational impulses, old baggage, and unconscious bad habits. And when you bring people together, all that stuff comes out and creates complicated entanglements. A "group" only becomes a "team" when it is able to overcome those psychological obstacles together, and it can be a very long process of learning how to maximize strengths and mitigate weaknesses in every individual member. That's why a lot of groups simply fall apart. While your intention to join the group seems simple and straightforward (because Si-Te is admirable in its ability to keep things simple and straightforward), other people's intentions might not be so simple. If you fail to take into account the irrational aspects of human nature, you will cause yourself needless suffering.
Your frustration with people is likely a manifestation of your unrealistic expectations of them. Perhaps you aren't able to understand people who don't resemble you, let alone work with them. And you will certainly be doomed to fail if the only way Te knows to deal with individual differences is to force everyone to become more like you. That's an impossible task, not because it requires the energy of a thousand suns as you assume, but because you're choosing to fight against reality. Mature Te would advise that you should first face down the empirical facts of how people operate if you hope to discover the most effective way to influence them. Your repeated experience of feeling disenchanted with groups tells you that you're missing an important piece of knowledge about groups and how they operate.
I'll give you a very simple example from my own life. I used to gather with a group of 30-50 people once a week to conduct planned discussions. The discussions never really started on time despite everyone being in their seats because people weren't focused enough at the start of the session. There was often whispering and sidetalking and such that would go on for about half an hour before the room felt settled and focused.
One method of addressing the problem arose organically. Whoever was the main speaker simply started shushing people and it became a thing. Sometimes, it would even escalate to calling people out, like a teacher scolding a student in a classroom. This definitely made the social atmosphere less inviting and more tense. Sure, people would shut up after being called out, but they became less focused due to seething with resentment. Power struggles aren't great for group morale, especially if it's supposed to be a group of equals coming together for a common cause.
It all sounds quite childish, but these kinds of judgments are useless. You can call people childish, inefficient, incompetent, etc etc, but it doesn't solve the problem. And, worse, being judgmental blocks you from understanding people better and working with them. Perhaps an ISTJ would see this as a "mess", an "inefficiency" that wastes time, and evidence of bad character when people break the rules.
However, if you change the way you look at the situation, you might not be so quick to make such judgments. Actually, it's kind of weird for a bunch of people who know each other well to enter a room and immediately sit down quietly. Humans have a natural tendency to socialize as a way to strengthen interpersonal bonds. Isn't group cohesiveness a good thing, since it encourages better cooperation? If you are able to see the benefits of their chatty behavior and how it contributes to group cohesiveness, then instead of fighting against it, you would think of ways to harness it.
The real problem wasn't inefficiency; inefficiency was merely the symptom. The more primary problem was that a lot of people joined the group not just to "get things done", but also to make friends. The structure of the event denied them from fulfilling that important need and then they were more likely to act out. This problem was discovered when people had a chance to talk about what was frustrating them, which meant that the group had to make space to conduct some uncomfortable conversations.
To address the problem, the group eventually decided that the first 15 minutes would be devoted to socializing and allowing people to catch up, with the explicit promise to get down to business when the time was up. Some people brought drinks, others brought snacks. Some even showed up early to have more time to socialize. It enlivened people and enriched their relationships. Being "officially" allowed to get the chattiness out of their system, they were better able to sit down and focus on the planned agenda. The meeting felt like fun rather than a chore. And if you're interested in a cause, don't you want to recruit more people to support it? Making things more fun is one good way to attract support. You can look at it as wasting 15 minutes OR you can look at it as a 15 minute investment.
Solutions to human problems require:
cognitive empathy: figuring out what's really going on inside people's heads (in Te terms it means working only with the empirical facts of the situation, rather than indulging negative Fi judgments)
strategy: taking the time to work with people and figuring out the best way to help them get over obstacles (in Te terms it means investing energy early and wisely to maximize your returns later, rather than putting effort into the wrong places or only stepping in to tackle mere symptoms of the problem)
creativity: harnessing natural human tendencies to produce something useful or worthwhile (in Te terms in means taking what's already there and transforming it into a NET positive, rather than getting too fixated on every little negative detail and losing sight of the bigger picture)
Te can be a great function for dealing with human problems as long as you overcome the immature aspects of it, such as impatience, bluntness, or inflexibility. Every person is unique, so every group is different. Let go of the idea that there is only one way to approach a problem/conflict and you will start to be more creative in your approach. By accepting the fact that things are always in flux and using empirical evidence to understand and predict how change works, TJs become much more effective and efficient at everything they do. When it comes to people, meeting someone different from you is an opportunity to learn how to deal with that kind of person. The more knowledge you have of human psychology under your belt, the better you get at dealing with people's weird or negative tendencies. If a strategy works, use it again. If it doesn't work, adjust it to fit their psychology better.
In your situation, you see the problem as people being inefficient, so your inclination is to step forward and do something to "make" them more efficient. Humans aren't built with the prime directive to be efficient. They're not machines. Their psychology is messy, so trying to force them to behave like a machine is to force them to go against their psychology. In other words, you're choosing the least efficient approach. The more efficient approach, though it requires more intelligent thinking on your part (you want to become more intelligent, right?), is to properly understand the more primary problem of what's really causing them to be so inefficient in the first place. That is the way to discover the right strategy. If you are able to target those obstacles at the very root, efficiency improves more naturally.
Oftentimes, working smart doesn't require you to step up and be THE leader for everyone. As an introvert, it's probably more comfortable for you to work behind the scenes to talk to people, get a better idea of what they need and/or what problems they're experiencing, and incrementally remove the obstacles that are preventing them from focusing on what they should be focused on. You can't fix everything all at once, so just do what you can to fix what you are able to fix at any given point in time. It's a process and some progress is better than no progress.
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x0401x · 3 years
Given Movie: Animate Times Interview
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Interviewing Nakazawa Masatomo-san, Eguchi Takuya-san and Asanuma Shintarou-san | What is this “being in love with someone irreplaceable” thing that the three of them talk about?
“I used to think that love was something softer, sweeter, gentler.”
“I like him so, so much that I can’t help myself – I want to stay close to him... but it’s painful.”
There is no mistaking that such bitter and heated love will make your chest tighten in “Given the Movie”, which was finally released on August 22nd (Saturday). The TV anime that aired from July to September 2019 was about the romance of the high school members of the band, Uemoyama Ritsuka and Satou Mafuyu, but this time, the one being depicted is the heartrending love between the adult members, Nakayama Haruki and Kaji Akihiko, plus Murata Ugetsu.
Thus, we have carried out an interview with the voice of Nakayama Haruki, Nakazawa Masatomo-san, the voice of Kaji Akihiko, Eguchi Takuya-san, and the voice of Murata Ugetsu, Asanuma Shintarou-san. What did these three people from the casting feel in regards to this “adult romance” of falling in love with someone irreplaceable...?
The character named Ugetsu, whom he made sure not to play too theatrically.
——Firstly, tell us your impressions when you read the script and the new appeal of the characters.
Voice of Murata Ugetsu, Asanuma Shintarou (henceforth “Asanuma”): Ugetsu didn’t show up much in the TV series, but despite having few appearances, there were key scenes where one could get a glimpse at what kind of person he is.
It’s because Ugetsu is a genius that he’s indifferent to anything other than music and people presume upon him, like, “If this person says so, then I guess it can’t be helped”. Sometimes, although he says harsh things aloud, he actually really appreciates the other person deep down.
The TV anime portrayed him as feeling sympathy towards Mafuyu and having interest in him, but when I read the script of this movie, I sensed that Ugetsu was pulled in even further by Mafuyu’s charm. As Ugetsu met Mafuyu, I feel that, during the parts where he had a frank talk with Mafuyu and spilled onto him the honest feelings that he absolutely could never tell Akihiko, the two geniuses took one more step forward at being drawn to each other.
It’s exactly because they’re similar that a side of Ugetsu that he doesn’t show to other people incidentally ends up coming to light. I felt once again that Mafuyu has a mysterious power, which enables others to be sincere.
——This one is about a painful romance between three people, including Ugetsu, but what was your impression of this work in regards to “Given”?
Asanuma: Ever since the TV series, I felt it was a show that portrayed the most detailed parts of human emotions very sensibly. There’s also the fact that it’s my first time taking part in a BL work, so I thought a lot about how to perform.
——Ugetsu in particular has a delicate heart and spirit unique of a genius, so I believe you must have had to be very cautious in terms of acting.
Asanuma: That’s right. I was very careful not to be too theatrical. It’s exactly because he’s portrayed so sensibly that, if I wound up being too theatrical, this meticulousness might have turned out purposeful.
——Next, Nakazawa-san, please.
Voice of Nakayama Haruki, Nakazawa Masatomo-san (henceforth, “Nakazawa”): In the TV series, the character I played, Haruki, had been thinking, together with Akihiko as the supporters of the high school duo, about what to do for the band to succeed, from a point of view that was different from Akihiko’s. It felt like Akihiko would cause the action to happen by using a detonator and make good things out of it, but in Haruki’s case, he would conduct himself calmly, making sure that everyone would be able to do things as freely as possible.
The dealing methods and ways of thinking unique of these two were present in the TV anime, but I think that after experiencing the live concert of “Fuyu no Hanashi”, everyone in the adult group was influenced by it and a change happened, as Haruki began to feel his own loneliness very keenly. Moreover, he watched Mafuyu, who at first had no idea how to play a guitar at all, blossoming his musical talent and steadily learning the ropes, so he started having a complex about being an extremely ordinary and average person.
The things that were under the surface until then began to appear on his face, and there was a part where one can get a glimpse that Haruki also feels these kinds of things. Until now, Haruki had been doing his best to conceal his feelings for Akihiko so that they wouldn’t show... still, they were clear as day (laughs).
All: (Laugh).
Nakazawa: In that sense, there are also feelings that end up being conveyed without words, and I think this can be said not just for Haruki and Akihiko’s relationship but also Akihiko and Ugetsu’s.
There are things that get conveyed even if you don’t put them into words, and also things that are conveyed for the very first time when you use words. I felt this part of it a lot in the script when I read it.
——Eguchi-san, what did you think when you read the script?
Voice of Kaji Akihiko, Eguchi Takuya (henceforth, “Eguchi”): This is a part of the story where the feelings of the adult members speed up and their hearts start moving, so I myself was looking forward to it as well. When I read the script, of course, I found that there was a big number of lines for each of us.
In Akihiko’s case, you can see parts of himself that weren’t shown in the TV series, so I began from destroying the sculpture of him that the TV anime had cemented. There were the usual monologues and narrations in the script, and at the recordings, I discussed with the direction the balance of up to what point they would be monologues and what point they would be narrations. In that sense, I was able to have all sorts of fun and do all sorts of tricks, so it felt worth it.
——About the point of breaking the sculpture of Akihiko in order to show a new side of him, was there any “fear” in that?
Eguchi: In the end, when I was told that I shouldn’t throw in the things I had thought out, I could only accept it with a “yes” (laughs).
Nakazawa & Asanuma: (Laugh).
Eguchi: But this team drew out the wish to give it a try and made me want to create good things together with them, so I trusted the people around me and managed to take on challenge with a “guess I’ll tackle that one”.
——Was there anything about Akihiko’s appeal that you were able to feel anew?
Eguchi: There were parts where I thought, “He was that compassionate!?”. Akihiko gives off quite the cool vibes, so I was wondering, “Where would the things that move his heart be?”. I thought he just couldn’t take a step forward because he was scared of changing the “now”.
But the movie did the work of making him properly face many things and rethink over something that seems to be his true intentions, so in a way, it put an end to them. A realistic part of him came to light. Until now, we were able to get glimpses of childishness in his adult side, but in the movie, this childishness appears in a realistic manner.
The romance of the adult trio, in which countless types of “like” are mixed up in complicated ways.
——The TV anime portrayed the light romance of the high schoolers, but this movie is about the painful love of the adult trio. Regarding the point of “falling for someone that can’t be replaced”, what did you feel that the adult trio’s romance was?
Eguchi: I think “falling for someone irreplaceable” is the same for any kind of romantic love.
Asanuma: Indeed.
Eguchi: I believe it’s exactly because no one can be replaced that there are things we won’t understand unless we try to face them. I think, if your love was requited and you became lovers, dating each other isn’t the goal and that life is about discussing it with each other so that it will become something certain.
I feel like the adult trio took this decision too. They muster out their true feelings after they start facing each other, but in contrast, it’s exactly because those are their true feelings that they didn’t come out before. There were things about this conflict that I felt empathy for.
Asanuma: There are things you end up realizing through your accumulated experiences precisely because you’re an adult. This is linked, for example, to inferiority complexes and to the feeling of not wanting to get in the other person’s way.
Nakazawa: It’s also something slightly different from kindness.
Asanuma: You might just be scared of what you’ve come to know, but things such as withdrawing yourself due to loving the other person too much aren’t something that you’d even think about when you were a grade schooler (laughs).
Nakazawa: True (laughs).
Asanuma: There are many sorts of “like” out there, which surge in complicated ways.
Nakazawa: I also think that being able to break up properly is one of the final forms of adult love. That not clashing each other’s opinions by going, “I can’t deal with you anymore” and breaking up, but instead putting each other’s circumstances side-by-side and concluding that “it might be better for us not to be together anymore” is a form of love.
I believe that if you arrive to a different answer, such as, “Then, how about we live together this way?” after learning about each other’s situation, that in itself is also adult love. Unlike the kind of romance where you simply convey the feeling of liking someone, the things you have to rethink about in order to realize the thought that “we can’t live together”, which lies beyond being in love with each other, are what adult love is.
Asanuma: Haruki, Akihiko and Ugetsu are called the “adult trio” but they’re not adults at all.
Nakazawa: That’s right. There’s a part of them that finally grows up after the movie.
Asanuma: Additionally, there’s the “unconditional love”, which you don’t learn unless you grow up. Even I, who am in my 40’s, haven’t found my way to an unconditional love yet.
Eguchi: Unconditional love is difficult...
Asanuma: It might be a form of love that won’t happen unless it’s between parent and children or towards pets.
Eguchi: We actually have no idea what our pets are thinking, but we’re like, “I’m taking care of them so I guess that’s okay”.
Nakazawa: We might get really sad if we knew what pets truly think (laughs). Maybe they wouldn’t say anything other than “Food! Food!” (laughs).
Asanuma: If it were just that, it’d still be okay! They might think it would’ve been better if a different family had bought them (laughs).
Eguchi: Ahahahaha.
Nakazawa: That would be so painful~ (laughs). In Akihiko and Ugetsu’s case, supposing there was nothing left undone between them, both of them had music, which might have become the reason why things turned sour, I think. Even when you take the other person’s wellbeing into consideration, you can’t bring yourself to step back at all.
Asanuma: We often hear that “rather than thinking, ‘This person is my inspiration!’, the feeling of being able to respect the person’s essence is more important”, but Akihiko and Ugetsu weren’t doing well at all even though they respect each other.
Eguchi: That’s the difficult part. There might be something like... “the more you respect each other, the worse it gets”.
Asanuma: There’s that too, which is why I think no one can give the correct answer regarding the right way to begin a romantic relationship.
Eguchi: At the end of the day, there are things we can’t say exactly because we are close to the other person, even though we like them. There are also words that people don’t or can’t say when there’s distance between them.
Maybe it would have turned into a different relationship if said words had been conveyed, but... I guess the real deal is when there are words that don’t come out exactly because of that. Thinking this way, I believe that human beings are truly complicated.
Asanuma: We’re indeed complicated, so I’ve decided that I’ll definitely be a dog if I ever reincarnate (laughs).
All: (Laugh).
Asanuma-san, who clads himself in the air of a genius, Nakazawa-san, who is tolerance incarnate, and Eguchi-san, who gives off a sense of security.
——Please tell us what each of you felt through this movie, in terms of acting and whatnot, as part of the cast.
Nakazawa: (Looking at Asanuma-san) He has a silent intensity.
Asanuma: Eh!? I don’t~!
Nakazawa: When he’s playing Ugetsu, he has a sense of presence and I feel a quiet pressure from him.
Eguchi: Asanuma-san is far too skilled at putting on the air of a genius.
Asanuma: It’s just “putting on”, though, right? I can quickly take it off (laughs).
All: (Laugh).
Eguchi: That’s what being a pro is. “The way he clads himself in the air of a genius is genius!” is what I thought. Your splendid push-and-pull acting is just wonderful.
Asanuma: Really!? I have this thing where I try to explain everything with my voice no matter what. Before, in a different recording, the sound director told me, “The animation is already doing the explanations, so you don’t have to try to explain it with your voice so much”.
That’s exactly why I make sure not to be too theatrical with characters such as Ugetsu, for the subtleties of their emotions are extremely detailed, and was all the more conscious of not trying to make it seem special, since this is a love pattern that can be found anywhere.
——In your eyes, Asanuma-san, what is Nakazawa-san’s appeal?
Asanuma: Nakazawa-san is tolerance incarnate.
Nakazawa: Thank you very much (laughs).
Asanuma: This tolerance of his is Haruki entirely.
Eguchi: He gives of a superb mom vibe. Same in the recordings.
——Even in the short time span of this interview, Nakazawa-san has been transmitting an air of calmness.
Eguchi: Nakazawa-san himself is soft, like, you can feel the tolerance from him.
Asanuma: Nakazawa-san might disagree with this, but “looking troubled” suits him.
Nakazawa: I disagree~! (Laughs).
Eguchi: Ahahahaha.
Asanuma: So it feels like there are people around him who want to try and give him trouble (laughs).
Nakazawa: This rings a bell with one person. Someone named Tamaru Atsushi (laughs).
All: (Laugh).
——Then, Haruki is the perfect role for Nakazawa-san!
Nakazawa: That’s right. I myself basically accept any one and any kind of comment.
Asanuma: But you have to let it out every now and then, y’know?
Nakazawa: Yes. I vent every so often.
——From Nakazawa-san’s viewpoint, what is Eguchi-san’s appeal as the voice of Akihiko?
Nakazawa: (Looking at Eguchi-san) He has a fine sharpness.
Asanuma: That’s like the appeal of a beer (laugh).
All: (Laugh).
Nakazawa: His low-pitched voice gives off an imposing impression, but his acting is extremely sharp. There’s a decisive fineness to him as he gives birth to a detonator within Given and tries to set a little fire to anything that seems inflammable. He also firmly takes ahold of the essential points while performing as-is, so it draws out our motivation and gives off a sense of trust.
——Asanuma-san, what about you?
Asanuma: He (Eguchi-san) gives me a sense of security. Ah, not because his body is big, okay?
Eguchi: (Laughs).
Asanuma: He feels like a spiritual bodyguard. “Given” was my first participation in a BL series, but when I was told that “the other party is Eguchi-kun”, I thought, “Ah, it’s going to be okay.”
Nakazawa: In contrast, I thought, “Is it really okay to be me?” (laughs).
Eguchi: Ahahahaha.
Asanuma: To me, Nakazawa-san is tolerance and Eguchi-kun is security.
121 notes · View notes
microbiologynerdd · 4 years
Notion - BASIC and EASY Note taking system FOR STUDENTS
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Hello everyone!
I hope you are well!
For this weeks #Microbiologynerddweeklytips post, I shall be sharing my university note taking and organisation system using Notion.
I have been using Notion for roughly 1 year, and have used it to organise my second year university studies, in addition to my voluntary position as the VP of my society.
So below is a very BASIC and EASY to use format you could adapt for yourselves! Enjoy😊
As a directory to everything I need at university, I have a contents page. Here I have each of my modules, as though they were chapters of a book. Each leading to a separate page of their own.
After this I have the required ‘modules’ for my placement year. I have arranged this slightly differently to my regular university notes - more details on this later.
Below this you can find pages for my summer microtalks hosted by SFAM. I attend these weekly and make notes in that subsection.
And finally I have a section for Taekwondo, to organise tasks I have to complete as the VP of Taekwondo.
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Module pages:
So i have tested 2 different methods for module layout, each only having a slight twist.
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- Please click the photos to enlarge -
In the photos above, I visualise the 2 different systems. Each of the systems involves having a new cell per lecture. However, in the first 2 photos (from left to right) I have separate pages for my lectures vs my lab notes. Whereas on the right, I have my lectures, labs, extra reading and questions all formulated into one table. Clicking the See All button at the top left of the table, above the search bar, you can choose to view classes by type i.e. just see my lectures or just see my lab notes for example.
The second system I have found works best, otherwise you are just clicking too many buttons to get to the area you need. However, in future I shall implement the ‘breadcrumb’ at the top the page, like i did with the first and second photos. (Breadcrumb = univeristy/ BMS2037:cellu../lecture below the page titles). Breadcrumbs make it easier to shift between pages instead of clicking the back button all the time. They are essientally hyperlinks to other pages.
Tip: to insert a breadcrumb simply put /breadcrumb and a breadcrumb will appear. This works for anything you are trying to insert e.g. a table
You can also choose to insert materials e.g. any lecture slides or resources you used within that lecture. Personally I dont find this helpful, as our VLE is clearly laid out with our lectures. But it might be something worth trying, as you can also insert pictures or any sort of media you require.
I also use the tick box function to keep track of whether I have written the lecture into Anki cards (flashcards)/ attended the lecture.
Side note: Please ignore my spelling/ how I label lectures, they make sense to me, they dont need to be 100% correct - right?
Internship/Placement Page:
I have recently been dabbling in the layout I would like to use for my internship year, however, I shall update you at a later date with any additional details, as due to COVID-19 the formate of the year and my assessments has changed. I also will find out more when I start my internship... which is soon - yay!
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I’ve decided to have reminders at the top, which I inserted using /callout - you can change the emoji to anything you would like. This is for me to know instantly any important documents or tasks that I need to complete.
The external work to that provided by my internship is included in the table. This is essientally the coursework I have to complete on the side of the placement. Here i decided to note the deadlines and percentage of the year that it is worth. This is just to help me grasp the format of this year, since as mentioned above, it is slightly different.
Underneath this I have a selection of details to do with the company. This includes my acceptance letter and any insurance forms I need to send off. I just wanted to have them at hand so i can reference them at any time.
Summer 2020/Taekwondo pages:
These pages I format the same as the ‘Module’ Pages, so I haven’t included any pictures etc.
Miscellaneous things:
- NOTION IS FREE FOR STUDENTS - if you have an educational email, you can sign up for free! If not, packages start at $4 a month, which isn’t too bad for something you use frequently!
- This service is avaliable on tablets and computers, so anyone can take advantage of this organisational software!
- You can change the cover and icon at the top of each page. They include emojis and a standard image database, but you can also upload your own unique images if you desire.
- There are also template designs for pages, with different themes for different needs. So if you don’t want to start one from scratch you have lots of options to choose from. Use those as a base and edit them from there! For example, there are calendars, habit trackers, resume trackers and whole load of other things.
- Using a device for notes, such as notion, allows you access to any notes you have made at ease. It is organised, and you are unlikely to lose your notes. Paper is great until you scrunch up that important sheet, or it rains and the paper gets wet, or you are carrying every single note you have ever made - that can become heavy. Just something to bear in mind, especially if you can afford a laptop/ note taking device of some kind.
- You can create multiple pages for different aspects of your life (photo below). For example I have 2 additional pages, 1 for personal things and another for blog post ideas - to keep you guys entertained... haha! 😆
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Conclusion :
What I have shared here is a very BASIC overview of how I use notion. If you desire a detailed in depth report of how notion works, it might be worth checking out Ali Abdaal, who can give you this information. As for me and what I require from the service, Notion has been working really well, keeping me organised with all my notes in one area. Knowing what I am doing, when, and being able to keep up with the speed of lectures - considering my writing speed is questionable. 😂
When you first download notion and look at all the templates, it can be a bit overwhelming/ exciting. Start with what you need, and then explore new ideas that you want to incorporate. There is no point setting up hundreds of pages if you aren’t going to use them, just like writing out pretty notes doesnt help you learn content - but more about that in a future post. Start small, being organised involves consistency, you can’t be consistent if you have given yourself too many things to do daily. Or at least you are unlikely to be.
One word of warning, Notion is not compatible with the Apple Pencil, so if you like writing notes on your iPad, this may not be the best software for you. As well as this, if you are a faster writer than you are typer, DO NOT USE NOTION. The whole basis of this app or at least how I use it, is to stay organised and write notes productively and efficiently. If you prefer writing, keep at it! Don’t just switch because suddenly you hear lots of tapping on keyboards in the lecture theatre.
Play to YOUR STRENGTHS , enhance what you are good at, not what everyone else is doing. As always, you’ve got this 💪
Let me know if you have any questions, or whether you’d like any further posts/details about my notion workflow. I’m happy to answer any queries you have.
Speak soon,
Lucinda x
542 notes · View notes
Real World Inspiration
for additional physical features you can add to dragons! (previous post was an edit of the D&D black dragon. Next post will be some examples of dragon designs I made.)
The classic european dragon design used in a lot of mainstream fantasy is already kind of a mashup of many different animal features. Bat wings, long swan-like neck, lizard scales and tail, feet that look like reptilian lion feet or bird of prey talons, heads that are partway between a horse and a crocodile, horns like a goat or ram. They’re chimeric and that’s fun to work with. But they do often end up being mostly just big scales, a pair of horns, and then a lot of random spikes. And that’s fine, but there are so many weird physical structures that exist on real world animals which could easily be used on dragons. Let’s look at them in a series of specific categories.
(Under a cut cuz it got so very very long sorry)
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(Description: a collage titled "spikes", showing real world animals with lots of spiky structures on their bodies. Photos of an iguana and a crocodile are labeled "osteoderms". A photo of an echidna is labeled "modified hair". And a photo of an inflated porcupine fish is labeled "modified scales". End description.)
Since dragons are usually depicted as reptilians, osteoderms and modified scales would be the most common way to add lots of spikes in a realistic manner. Iguanas have a whole crest of tall osteoderms on their spines, and the bumps all along a crocodile's back are also osteoderms.
Osteoderm means "bone skin" and they're basically just calcified skin deposits. Boney, but lightweight, not as sturdy as bones, and not at all connected to the skeleton. Armadillo armor is also a form of osteoderm.
Scales are made of a similar material to fingernails, hair, and feathers, and sometimes they get really spiky without necessarily including osteoderm structures. I used a porcupine fish for that but it turns out science is uncertain what their spines actually are. The thorny devil lizard is a good example though, that thing is nothing but spiky scales (even its big facial horns have no bone underneath)
And of course things like echidna, porcupines, and hedgehogs are covered in spikes that are just really thick sturdy hairs. Evolution is bizarre.
And those are all very effective ways to put lots of spikes on a dragon without adding extra weight from bone spikes that emerge from the skeleton.
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(Description: a photo collage titled "dangly bits" showing several animals that have extra flesh hanging from parts of their bodies. Photos of a turkey, rooster, and long wattled umbrella bird are labeled "wattles". A photo of an anole lizard showing its throat display and a photo of a moose are labeled "dewlaps". And a drawing of a catfish is labeled "barbels". End description.)
Wattles are pretty common in many bird species. Extra neck flesh that usually starts by the jaw and may be connected further along the neck but doesnt have to be. The umbrella bird here has a retractable wattle covered in feathers which it can move to make it look like it has a very long pinecone hanging off its neck. I love how weird it is.
A similar structure is the dewlap, which can be found on lizards like anoles and iguanas, but can also be found in birds and even mammals. It's a fleshy protrusion from the neck which can be small and dangly or rather large. Sometimes it's ts flat, but sometimes it's chubby, like on some rabbits.]
And of course we have catfish barbels, which are like thick fleshy whiskers. Lots of asian dragon depictions include barbels because they take inspiration from carp, like the koi fish.
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(Description: a collage titled "frills" showing animals which have various flaring body parts. Photos of a frilled lizard, a chameleon, and a photo collection of birds I couldn't identify, are labeled "crests". Photos of a betta fish, a black bass, and a lionfish, are labeled "fins". End description.)
I'm not sure the frilled lizard counts as having a crest but I had to include it somewhere. I did not look hard enough to learn exactly how it raises its frill, but I did find that the frill only has two very thin bones in it, right by the jaw. The rest is just really precise musculature I guess.
Chameleon crests are built on bone structures, like the ceratopsian dinosaurs bony neck frills. And of course, there are countless bird species that have feathery crests of all forms.
I know I said on my posts correcting official dnd dragons that I disliked the neck fins on those, but fins can look like that with sturdy points and scalloped edges. I just dont like the way they're usually drawn on dragons, with a singular lonely neck fin that has thick bones in it. It would be much more fun if it was accompanied by other fin structures to create a more cohesive creature. May as well go all the way if you're going to add any frill, right?
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(Description: a collage titled "bizarre extras" showing animals that have really weird and unique physical features. Photos of a bat, a star nosed mole, and a mandril, are labeled "noses". Photos of a sage rouse's mating display and a frog's vocal sac are labeled "ballooning". And a photo of the spider tailed viper is labeled "lures". End description.)
This is the section for the weird miscellaneous stuff I basically never see in dragon art. Which is a shame because the real world is full of the weirdest creatures. Weird noses serve purposes by interacting with scent in complex ways, or in the mandril's case, being a point of display. Noses with weird structures can also create different noises for communication.
Lots of creatures have ballooning display structures. Usually for the purposes of attracting a mate and competing for territory. Sage grouses, prairie chickens, frigate birds, and of course frogs, all have weird throat structures they can inflate for communication, attraction, and intimidation. Dragons could even use it as part of their breath weapons. Why not have an extra sac in the throat to carry a special gas or something?
And lures! Angler fish, snapping turtles with tongues that look like worms, and this absolutely bizarre snake that has evolved modified scales on the tip of its tail to resemble a spider. Many animals use specially adapted body parts to lure prey, which then allows them to hunt without expending too much energy. Being a predator is hard work, and most predators will back away from a fight because they do not want to spend the energy or risk injury when they can find an easier target.
Dragons are huge! They must need so much meat to maintain their energy stores. I think it's sensible for some dragons to live quietly, spending as little energy as possible while they use adapted body parts to lure prey. A dragon in a cave with a modified tail that resembles treasure? A green dragon disguised as a small hill in a field with a long tongue that resembles a delectable plant to lure in cattle? Dragons in dark environments with bioluminescent lures? I know big dramatic dragon battles are fun, but this is just such a good concept I'm sad I don't really see it used.
Anyway theres a lot of real world physical features that I think could be used on dragons more. My method of finding interesting and unique ideas for dragons is usually to just google "weird/cool (insert animal here)".
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Headcanons for insecure S/O
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yes yes yes you can! i suffer alot with this as well so i fully understand. sorry if i implement a bit of my experience here, as mentioned if youd like me to change anything feel free to let me know!
tw// weight, one curse word
-mod ouma
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Korekiyo Shinguji
-once you decide to tell him about your insecurity, hes absolutely baffled
-you don’t find your body beautiful??????
-it’s probably one of the main reasons he sees true beauty in you.
-of course, he doesn’t express his shock to you to avoid making you feel bad, but he immediately sits you down and listens to you calmly, taking every bit of information seriously.
-he will listen to you intently while holding your hand reassuringly, giving you any time you may need to organize your thoughts.
-once you’re done, he’d squeeze your hand and take a second to come up with words, as hes still in disbelief that you’re insecure.
- he is so so glad you had the confidence to tell him and he lets you know that anytime you feel like this, you are fully allowed to come to him for help.
-as for how he would help you out, i feel he would be really great help, not just comforting wise but in general.
-if you’re having an off day, you would come to him and let him know what’s bothering you. once you’re done, he’d tell you the sweetest reassuring words whilst holding you close and pulling down his mask to give you a kiss on the forehead.
-”I know it can get hard S/O, but every single human is different from the other and that’s no reason to beat yourself up for it. Your own unique body is absolutely beautiful and maybe it will take some time for you to realize that, but know I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
-logical but sweet comforting is Kiyo’s specialty.
-if you one day decide you want to do something about your chubbiness, he will be supportive! he will exersice with you and help cook healthy meals, he’ll also give you methods from different cultures obviously.
-overall a supportive baby who wants the best for you!!!
Nagito Komaeda
-he’s noticed you start acting a little weird for a while, things like wearing oversized shirts or keeping your arms around yourself around him and all your friends.
-once he finally decided to ask you about it, you tried to convince him there was absolutely nothing to worry about, but he’s not dense.
-the boy knows lots on insecurities and self loathing, how dare you try to fool him??????
-anyway, he wont force you to tell him but he wont dismiss it because he’s actually pretty worried.
-once you actually decide to tell him, he’ll be there in a heartbeat to comfort you, giving you advice he wished someone said to him when he was down. he’ll probably say a few wrong things at first but quickly fix it if he notices it upset you! he may be a little insensitive but it doesn’t mean he’ll pruposely hurt you.
-when you were feeling too down on yourself, he’d scoop you up in his arms and lay you on a couch or bed (whatever is closer) and began peppering your entire face in kisses.
-if you allowed him to, he’d also place little kisses on your stomach and places you disliked about yourself.
-afterwards, he’d hold you close and begin asking what he can do to help you feel better. if you decide to get thinner, he’ll help you in anyway he can but reassures you that you should only do this for yourself, not because of him or other people. he will never suggest you doing anything to change yourself though, he loves you regardless and reminds that to you a lot.
-expect him to be constantly complimenting you afterwards, very supportive and understanding boy!!
Gundham Tanaka
-he understands but hates it >:(
-his beloved is unhappy with themselves? but how?
-he’d pull you outside either to a balcony or just some type of nice place to look at the sky to talk to you about it, wants you to be relaxed and know he will be there to listen.
-quickly loses his “i am satan himself” act and listens to what you say, all while letting you hold the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. you both can’t help but chuckle at the sight of cham-p rolling around in your lap.
-once you finish venting to him a little, he’d sccop up said hamster and hold him to your face.
-”Cham-p is not the thinnest little beast in the world, it does not change his immense power and potential to rule over all mortals!”
-makes little jokes like that in attempts to cheer you up, obviously takes your concerns seriously though! after getting a few smiles out of you, he’d hesitantly wrap an arm around you and plop the little rodent back in your lap, his cheeks flushing due to the hug and looking up at the clouds while he thinks of what to say.
-”S/O, regardless of how you may think of yourself, you must realize your true power and worth. Although you might not see it now, your beloved believes in you! You will not be alone through your thoughts or journey, I will be here to encourage you whenever you might feel like this again. Nothing is wrong with the way you are, please keep that in mind.”
-anytime you’re feeling low, he’ll remind you constantly that theres absolutely nothing wrong with how you are and will spoil you for the day, won’t leave you alone to drown in your thoughts.
-genuinely just wishes he could do more for you, but tries his hardest to at least take those thoughts off your mind for a little and make you smile.
-hamster boy just wants you to be happy :(
Mondo Owada
-when you suddenly come to him for exersice advice one day, hes slightly surprised. he asks you what you need to exercise for, and when you tell him you’re wanting to lose weight he’d be kind of confused but agree.
-once you open up about why you suddenly want to lose weight, he’ll be really understanding about it yet kind of angry towards whatever is making you feel that way.
-”Insecure? You’re perfectly healthy though, why is it so bad? S/O, did someone make you feel this way? Tell me who made you feel this way and I’ll beat them to a fucking pulp!!”
-you have to reassure him it’s just an internal struggle and he has absolutely nothing to worry about before he gets too crazy, though.
-once you explain further, he’ll understand and assure you you’re damn amazing just how you are! he finds you so so so strong for being able to deal with that and admires your determination to get your head out of that bad place.
-when you’re feeling down, he’ll hold you close in his muscular arms and try to encourage you, all while pointing out little things he loved about you. he’d also suggest to take you out on a motorcycle ride to take some air.
-he might even let you work out with him for a bit if you want!
-it gets really fun after a while, while you’re doing some pushups he’ll come and randomly start tickling you, leading to you losing balance and giving him even more access to tickle you, causing a literal tickle fight on the floor.
-it all just always ends in laughs and you fully forget about your worries, happy to have your huge and built boyfriend by your side to cheer you up and help you.
Ishimaru Kiyotaka
-first he notices the way you look at yourself in the mirror or how your excitement turns to disappointment when you try on new clothing. he doesn’t ask at first, but he begins noticing more little changes in your behavior and finally decides to come to you about it.
-a lot of worrying
-he’d frown and ask what it is making you feel like this, sitting you down for you to be comfortable as you vent. once you let everything out he understands a little more.
-does not mean he stops worrying
-”S/O, you have great potential! Do not let these dark thoughts haunt you so much, you are much more than what your mind tells you and I believe in you to see it! I’m here for you always, love. You’re the strongest person I have ever met!”
-he tells you not to tell his bro about the last part though.
-ishimaru is really protective and loving, so on your down days, he would sit you down and let you talk it out and he will give you his best advice then hug you tightly. he’ll point out all your great qualities and give you a kiss on the forehead when he’s done.
-he’ll hold you for as long as you need and provide all the comfort he can give for as long as you need it! after a few days, he’ll leave little notes around places he knows you’ll go to. all the little notes always hold cute little words such as “you look amazing today!” or “remember to drink lots of water!”
-overall just really understanding and caring, willing to do anything to help you. best boy taka!
and finish! god im so sorry for taking hours on this, i got a little blocked of ideas, so im sorry if its a little repetitive or something :( i hope you enjoy this and if youd like me to fix anything please please feel free to let me know! also, if you need anyone to talk to i’m here for you, anon <3
-mod ouma
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solangelover · 4 years
AUctober: Day 5 - Business Competitors
For @solangeloweek AUctober!
Read on AO3 or FF.Net
Ah, the sweet sound of meat hitting the frying pan would always and forever be beautiful to Will. It was lunchtime, so he didn’t have the time to stop and enjoy a moment with his creation. The lunch rush would never give him that luxury, but it was fine. It just meant he was successfully doing his job.
Will was the proud owner of Solace, his very own food truck, serving up Texas comfort foods to the weary New Yorker. Yes, it was his last name, and it sounded a bit conceited, but it was too perfect for him to pass up. He loved cooking and could always rely on his favorite recipes from home to cheer him up. His friends had casually suggested him owning a restaurant, which he immediately dismissed as too much work, but then he landed upon the idea of a food truck and took off from there. They all thought Texas home cooking was unique enough to be a cool, new thing in New York City, but not so niche that he would only have a few customers.
And they were all right, because Solace always had a steady stream of customers who were hungry for quick and hearty Texas foods. A lot of them were from Texas, and they adamantly expressed how authentic Will’s cooking was and how it made them both less and more homesick at the same time. Other customers just really loved his food, many trying it for the first time, which always made Will happy. He felt lucky to be able to share his home and childhood with others. It wasn’t easy running a food truck, but he ended up employing several of his friends and they all had a blast growing his business.
Recently, he had seen people with small trays of pasta in their hands as they walked past his truck. He didn’t want to say he was losing customers, but he did feel like there were a few less people coming than normal. On his post-lunch rush break, he took a stroll around the little plaza area he was by and came across a new truck.
Will did his level best not to get overly competitive with other food vendors. He made an effort to try food from all the trucks and be friendly with everyone. Most people responded in kind, caring more about the food than the money. He hoped this new guy was the same as he examined the truck from afar.
The truck seemed to specialize in Italian food. “Authentic Italian Cuisine” was plastered all over the front and back, but most places in New York City boasted about being the best and most authentic, so it didn’t necessarily mean much. A small awning stuck out over the service window area, bold letters spelling out the truck name: ANGELO DE ITALIA. Anyone could figure out the translation, Angel of Italy, so Will was still unsure of the authenticity of this place’s food.
Pretty elegant name for a food truck, though, Will thought to himself. Food trucks were for quick and tasty foods. Maybe it was just Will, but he always thought of Italian food as something you find in fancy restaurants, not out on the street. However, there was a sizable line for the new vendor, so the food had to be at least decent.
Will decided he would come back towards the end of the day and check out who was behind the Angel of Italy.
By late afternoon, the sky was slightly overcast, and less people were out on the street. Will decided it was a good time to stop by the Italian food truck before he went home for the day.
As he made his way over, he was glad to see there were only a few people in line. He queued up and glanced over the menu. It was a pretty large menu for a food truck, and all of the food items had the proper Italian name next to it. The dishes looked amazing in pictures, but Will was still doubtful about reproducing that in seven minutes or so.
“Next!” Will turned to see a hand wave him over to the window. He stepped up and felt his heart skip a beat at the man gazing down at him. He was handsome, to say the least. His dark brown, near black hair framed his face nicely, contrasting with his olive-toned skin and the sprinkling of freckles across his cheeks. He wore an apron and leaned heavily on the counter in front of him, probably tired from a whole day of constant serving. But his eyes were bright, the kind of bright Will recognized in himself when he was really pleased with his cooking.
That really told Will all he needed to know.
“Hi there!” Will greeted cheerily, glancing behind him to ensure he wasn’t holding up any customers. “My name’s Will. I own that food truck over there,” he pointed towards Solace, in all its golden glory.
“Oh, cool!” A head of curly brown hair and a wide smile popped out of the window next to the first guy. “Dude, I love your country-fried steak! I have no idea how you put them out so quickly.”
Will laughed. “Nice to meet a fan! Trust me, it took a lot of messing around to figure out the best method.” He gestured to their menu. “I’m sure you guys had to do the same? I don’t know a lot about Italian cooking, but I feel like those items usually take some time as well.”
“Oh, they do,” the second guy rolled his eyes as he jabbed a thumb over to the first man. “I tried to tell Nico to choose other dishes or methods, but he insisted that his food needed to be as authentic as possible.”
“It does, Leo! We can’t say ‘authentic Italian food’ if it’s not!” The first guy, Nico, said indignantly.
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Leo waved his hand dismissively as he walked back further into the food truck. “You and your integrity.”
Nico rolled his eyes, focusing back on Will. “I only keep him around because he built the kitchen so that I can make the foods that I want to. And he can cook a little.” Oh, that little smile was a little too cute for Will right now.
He blushed lightly as he responded, “I totally get it, though. My friends also argued with some of my dish choices, but we worked it out. I want my mama’s home cooking to be as real as possible. So, I respect that.”
Nico smiled fully now, in a way that crinkled his eyes and made his face look young. “Nice to find someone who understands. So,” he cocked his head in thought. “How about a food trade? I haven’t gotten to try many of the trucks around here since we’re so new. I’d love to try your stuff if you’d like to try mine?”
“That’d be great!” Will exclaimed.
“What kind of food do you serve? Hard to tell from the name.”
“Oh,” Will laughed, slightly self-conscious about explaining the truck name. “I make Texas comfort foods. The name is, uh… well it’s my last name.” He grinned sheepishly up at the man in the window.
Nico blinked down at him for a moment, then started laughing. “Oh! That’s funny.” He looked him in the eye as he admitted, “My full name is Nico di Angelo.”
Will took a moment to process that, and when he finally made the connection, he burst out laughing. Nico quickly joined him, both boys thinking about how lucky they were to find someone so similar to themselves. And also, someone so cute!
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My Six Pokemon
I decided to pick the six Pokemon that I would spend my life with if I lived in the Pokemon universe. There are over eight hundred of the little creatures and I thought this would be an excellent way to start a blog.
My own rules for the picks were simple: Only one starter Pokemon if I wanted one (I did), and only one legendary if I wanted (I didn't). The picks were made based on my sentimental attachments, experiences within gameplay (any of the main titles and Go), design or enjoyment. I have not chosen them based on battle stats or IVs. This is not how I tend to enjoy the games and I am not a competitive battler. This is not meant to disrespect anyone that does, it's just not my jam.
The honorable mentions:
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Lillipup: I am not overly familiar with Generation Five, as I was out of the loop regarding those games (I came back in around Gen Six). However, I do have a soft spot for this good boy thanks to Pokemon Go. Lillipup and its' evolutionary line are simple and adorable in design, and my Lillipup is the best buddy I've had on Go.
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Flygon: Generation Three was the last generation I played until I got a 2DS to celebrate starting my MA. Flygon is another one of my personal favourite fighters on Go. It has a lovely colour scheme and behind that cute face hides a cool dragon.
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Shinx: JUST LOOK AT IT! Shinx is another Pokemon who has a beautiful design. The blue and black are complemented so well by the yellow, particularly the ears and bands on the paws. Shinx is also another example of a classic Pokemon trend: a cute and tiny initial monster that evolves into further badass and cool looking ones. Finally, look at it's eyes and tell me you could disappoint it.
The Main Thing
The main list is in no particular order, beyond the order I thought of them. This isn't based on the ordering of my favourites or which are coolest or strongest, I love my darlings equally.
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Hawlucha: I'm a big pro-wrestling fan, so the idea of a luchador Pokemon is the kind of thing that gets me out of bed in a morning. They have a wonderful design to them and the red and green work incredibly well together. In my head, there is a Pokemon wrestling tournament and Hawlucha's tag team with Grapploct has broken up after a shocking betrayal by the heel Grapploct at the most recent event. Hawlucha must rise up and regain his honour by being the best baby face he can be. This Hawlucha's name is probably El Hijo de Lucha. They also have a rather cool shiny form.
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Umbreon: I have a great affection for all the Eeeveelutions, but my favourite is definitely Umbreon. They are a lovely reminder of my favorite region in the Pokemon games; Johto. Johto was the first region I fell in love with in the games, particularly Ecruteak City. I also greatly appreciate their method of evolution, where they can only evolve with enough friendship during a certain time of day. Umbreon and Espeon's connection to day and night have a much more interesting bit of symbolism and wider mythology than the original Eeeveelutions did. They're also the most feline out of the Eeeveelutions, which makes them the best by default.
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Golett: Here we have a Pokemon clearly designed after the golem, a Jewish folk tale. That would automatically make it an incredibly interesting idea off the (cro)bat, but Golett's real charm lies in the fact that it is so very klutzy. A clumsy golem is both sweet and very funny. I love this picture of it, because it's trying so desperately to be cool and strong, possibly like its' uncle Hawlucha. Goletts also have great typing (ghost/ground) which makes it a wonderfully unique Pokemon.
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Scorbunny: The newest Pokemon on the list, Scorbunny is a footballing fire rabbit. Some of these choices have had a lot of thought put into them, and some are just based around one that I can play Fifa with. As a big football fan, Scorbunny really appeals to me and would make me more active in running around the garden kicking a football around with one. Plus can you imagine how cute a tiny Burnley strip would be on them? It seemed like the only logical choice when I started Sword, and I named him Cruyff after the legendary Dutch maestro Johan Cruyff.
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Ledian: I think that Ledian is an underrated Pokemon, one perhaps that I came around late to myself. This might be a controversial opinion, but I do love the design for both Ledian and Ledyba. Maybe it's my Johto loving bias, but the baseball hands and the red shoes really appeal to me. Ledian also reminds me of Kamen Rider 1, which is very appealing. My Ledian would absolutely fight SHOCKER on a dirt bike and kick dudes straight in the face.
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Breloom: Speaking of things that would kick you straight in the face, Breloom is a genuine delight. A grass fighting type that is basically a mushroom dinosaur. From a design standpoint, they seem somewhat strange, with the long neck, mushroom heads and small arms, but they have a charming aesthetic to them, with the red claws and the long tails. I couldn't imagine not having one on Go and I wouldn't like to live without one in my little fantasy Pokehouse.
Johto Calling At The The Top Of The Dial
If I was moving to anywhere in the Pokemon universe, I'm probably getting property in Ecruteak City or Violet City in Johto. I adore the region of Johto so much, as although it wasn't the first Gen I played (that was Gen One with Yellow), it captured much of the joy and passion I began to develop from Pokemon and the creatures that the world inhabitated. I adore the design of the world too. Just look at this town map for Ecruteak City:
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It does fill me with a warm sense of nostalgia just looking at them. It does feel like an incredibly old world design, with the temples and grassy areas with small red flowers, which makes me happy.
So those are my choices. I'm very happy with them and I imagine that fictional Anthony with his little Pokemon farmhouse in Johto would like them very much too. I think I chose a good range of types and a mix of generations so I can appreciate the whole Pokedex. Pokemon has so much to offer and I think most people see that. I hope I've shown that here.
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The Princess Bride: A Product of the Times
The 1980s were an age of surplus in terms of just about everything.  From the music and clothes to the explosions on screen, the 1980s were a clear example of excess, of wealth of ideas and resources, and nowhere was it more obvious than in the movie industry.
From teen films to comedies to blockbuster action extravaganzas, the 1980s movie industry, led by directors like Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Richard Donner and more, brought a combination style of ‘throwback’ + innovation to many of their films.  Movies like Star Wars and Indiana Jones directly imitated and updated sci-fi and adventure serials from Spielberg and George Lucas’s youth, whereas films like Joe Dante’s Gremlins poked fun at ‘50s B-Movie horror movies. John Carpenter’s The Thing provided an updated look at a classic monster flick, and his The Fog called back to plenty older ghost stories, while making something new of his own.  Although the 1980s was a period of exploration in film, with new genres being pioneered and explored in different directions, part of that exploration included looking backward and experimenting with previously existing genres, with the up and coming generation of ‘Movie Brat’ directors choosing to play with elements they’d grown up knowing and loving themselves.
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That extended to the fantasy genre.
From the pulpy style of the Low Fantasy Conan the Barbarian films to the magical feeling of movies like Labyrinth or Willow, the 1980s theaters experienced a major boom in terms of fantasy films, experiencing varying levels of success.  From Excalibur to Legend, these new fantasy films took risks with special effects, methods of storytelling, and styles of characters (although lots of them became known as Cliche Storms).   These movies utilized unique spins on fairy-tale stories and legends, updating and modernizing aspects of them and either making them darker, or finding new ways to acknowledge the fantastical elements of the story.
Most interesting is that, in the 1980s, the fantasy genre didn’t have a whole lot of history to draw from.
Unlike the B-Sci-Fi flicks from the ‘50s or the Creature Features, or even the adventure serials that would go on to spark Indiana Jones, there wasn’t a lot of previous canon in the fantasy genre.  Films like The Wizard of Oz, which were landmarks in the genre, didn’t have a whole lot of obvious influence on the sword-and-sorcery films that came afterwards.
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Now, you may be asking why all of this matters.  Or why any of it matters, in fact.
Here’s the thing: no film is an island.  Every movie, (some more than others) is directly influenced by the culture it exists in, and the pool of resources that have come before it, especially in the cases of the films directly designed to emulate genres or specific movies that have already been made.
And that certainly seems to have been the case, at least partially, as far as The Princess Bride is concerned.
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Despite being released in the 1980s, with the original book by William Goldman written in 1973, The Princess Bride doesn’t wholly read like it’s contemporaries in the fantasy genre.  If you watch it alongside the likes of Ladyhawke, Labyrinth, and Legend, you’ll find that more about the film stands out other than not following my alliterative pattern.
In many of the other fairy-tale-esque stories populating Hollywood during this decade, the characters talk and act very much like they are in a very grand story.  There is gravity to the situation and most of the characters, (exception being some of the creatures in Labyrinth) and the story is typically an epic one.
The Princess Bride, on the other hand, manages to avoid this tone and story structure, by including a very traditional fairy-tale plot: save the princess from the evil prince, but by going about it using styles more typical of a different era entirely.
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Rather than using the fantasy, action, or even adventure styles traditionally used by the 1980s, The Princess Bride utilized something a little earlier: the swashbuckling style of the 1930s.
Due to the way that the story and characters are written (with a sharp, sly, tongue-in-cheek edge), The Princess Bride cannot be played as a straight fantasy film (check out the Genre article to hear more), and while it does retain plenty of the 1980s charm about it, it also uses the fast-dialogue and witty humor found in stories like The Adventures of Robin Hood and other swashbuckler stories from that decade of adventure films.  Watching the fencing match between Inigo Montoya and Westley is eerily similar to many such fight scenes in older action-adventure movies, and listening to the dialogue during this and other sequences, the humorous tone with dry, quick wit, is also an echo of older screwball-style dialogue.
Whether this was intentional or not, the fact is, this makes The Princess Bride’s style very fresh and new in the middle of the fantasy boom of the 1980s.  It also had a very interesting side effect:
It made The Princess Bride ‘timeless’.
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The idea of something being ‘timeless’ is an interesting topic in the film world.  
The word ‘timeless’ is best defined as ‘not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion’.  It carries the implication that, applied to film, a ‘timeless’ movie would be one totally understandable and relatable years after the culture has changed.  Carried further, the ideal ‘timeless’ movie would be one with no cultural identity of its own, completely orphaned from the original context that the story originated in.  In other words, this is a story that can be enjoyed no matter how much time has passed.  Typically, this word gets applied to period stories, sci-fi films, or fantasies: stories not set in the contemporary time period.  
In direct contrast, of course, the word ‘dated’ is simply used to apply to anything created in a discernible time period.  This word typically carries the connotation of ‘old-fashioned’.  This word’s connotation is that, (applied to film) a ‘dated’ film is one that is less understandable by those looking from outside that particular culture or time period.  This would be a film that hasn’t ‘aged well’, most often describing contemporary films of the day.
So, here’s the thing.
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These definitions, while technically correct, are far more complex than this in the film world.  
By the dictionary definition, no film is truly timeless.  Every film is a product of the times they were created in, because people who lived in those times created them.  Every movie, every piece of media are products of the times they are from, but they are not defined by them.  A film is not ‘dated’ because it shows the culture, or the technology of its time, or uses that technology when trying to create the world of the movie itself.  A movie is not dated because it uses puppets instead of CGI.  
As I mentioned, a film is considered ‘dated’ in a true sense if it is less understandable or enjoyable in hindsight, from a place outside of that specific culture.  Less easily overlooked are ideas, and here’s what truly does date a movie.
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It really doesn’t matter if a film is made in the ‘70s and set in the far future, or made in the ‘50s and set in the distant past, because quite frankly, the movie is still being made in that decade.  As a result, even period films end up carrying the thumbprint of the contemporary ideas of the people who made it.  Indiana Jones is best remembered as an ‘80s style action hero because although his films are set in the 1930s and made in the style of adventure serials from that time period, the style of action and characterization was very current, in order to update the genre.
The ideas and thematic core of a film, how certain topics and characters are treated and viewed, both in universe and in the narrative, can be what truly dates a film, even if it has none of the recognizable trimmings like a tie-dye shirt, and here’s where we can tread into good vs. bad territory: because while in some cases, the ideas can be pleasantly positive, in others, the opinions presented by the filmmakers can be rather uncomfortable to modern audiences.
So, all of this is to lead us to an important question:
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Is The Princess Bride timeless, or at least, as timeless as movies can get?
Well, some would argue no.
A glaring problem with modern movie-goers is the character of Buttercup, who, as I mentioned in the ‘Characters’ article, really doesn’t do much apart from getting passed-around, fought over and protected.  Admittedly, especially to a generation used to Princess Leias, Marion Ravenwoods, and even Lilis, Buttercup seems largely useless, relegating the only woman of the film (aside from Valerie, Miracle Max’s wife) to a plot device, an object without much personality.
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To a lot of moviegoers, this is pretty blatantly bad representation: there are two named women in the movie, and one of them has less than five minutes of screen time, and the other essentially exists as nothing other than the title of the film.  The film also employs a distinctly monochrome cast, another element that can lead to people pointing to a different era of Hollywood, one that didn’t tend to focus on that kind of representation, or in the case of Buttercup, borderline problematic representation.  
There are other moments of issues: Westley’s line about ‘there are penalties when a woman lies’ and his berating her for ‘moving on’ and getting married when she’d long thought him dead might rub modern moviegoers the wrong way.
In the end, though, is this…a problem?  A detriment to enjoyment of the movie as a whole?  Do these elements actively work against the movie in a modern environment?
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Well…yes and no.
It is true that now, films are making an active step towards more diverse representation, and that is certainly a good thing.  Many movies now are also including more female characters with stronger characters than the distressed plot-devices of old.  Heck, even other movies of the 1980s were instituting more ethnic diversity and female characters with more agency in films like Aliens, Baby Boom, The Color Purple and Willow.  
Looking back, it can be easy to wince at those moments in The Princess Bride and make the assumption that the film was just being outdated because of when it was made, or due to the ‘fantasy’ period, or even because it’s deliberately utilizing story elements from 1930s films, but in the end, those elements don’t actively hurt the narrative.
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Female characters don’t have to be sword-wielders like Sorsha from Willow, or Silk-Hiding-Steel like Isabeau from Ladyhawke.  Princesses don’t have to always take over their own rescues.  In the end, there’s more support for female characters in the variety offered by the 1980s rather than the eradication of any weak female characters whatsoever, because as it turns out, some women are weak, just as some are strong.  (It would have been nice if the weak character wasn’t the only female one, though.)
Is The Princess Bride progressive?  Well, no, not really, but it’s not regressive, either.  It doesn’t actively serve as detriment to the film to notice these things, not in the same way that other movies experience backlash for outright sexist and racist content.  As it stands, The Princess Bride is an excellent movie that manages to stand the test of time because it is so ridiculously fairy-tale-esque.  As I said before, the old-fashioned story and dialogue paired with the budget and technology of a 1980s film (except for the ROUS, which is charmingly unbelievable) manages to create something similar to George Lucas’s Star Wars trilogy: a film that is as removed from its cultural context as a piece of media can be (aside from the Grandson’s bedroom decor).
It is potentially largely this element, this aspect of borderline ‘timelessness’ that has allowed The Princess Bride to stand as a forgotten, overlooked classic for over thirty years.  That, combined with the genuine warmth, humor, and passion of the film itself, will allow it to continue to stand for far longer, as long as we keep telling our children fairy-tales.
Don’t forget to leave a comment, like, or some other form of love if you enjoyed this analysis, and please, follow for more articles like this!  Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you in the next article.
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
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The Visored had this whole tortured souls, trapped between two worlds kind of thing going for them at the start that Kubo just kinda left behind and never really got back to... (you can see how this series of posts went from clearing up mistranslations to just full on spotlighting lost plot threads...)  There were parts that he sort of half-salvaged late in the arc (and I’m actually still convinced that he took the overall plot for them that he lost in the Arrancar Arc and used that as the backbone of the Fullbringer arc) but let’s look at some of the foundations of the Visored that he set up at the start of the arc...
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禁術を使って虚(ホロウ)の能力を手にしようとした元死神の無法集団 所在も思想も一切不明 厄介だぜ
A lawless group of former-Shinigami who tried to get the powers of Hollows using forbidden arts. Whereabouts and ideologies both entirely unclear. It's troublesome
This is the first real description of the Visored we get, other than the obvious visual explanation that they’ve got zanpakutou and hollow masks like Ichigo.  It sets up their basic profile as a mysterious group, known broadly to Urahara and Isshin but with no specific details.  Other bits of that scene also establish that Urahara and Isshin had expected them to show up and approach Ichigo, as well as implies that they’ve discussed it specifically.  Considering the timeline of events in which Isshin has only just seen his son again after the whole Rukia rescue arc that started with Ichigo having to train to get his powers back, the fact that Isshin knew about Ichigo’s mask means he knew what Urahara had done to Ichigo, possibly from the moment Ichigo left to go train.
What I think is interesting is that for one, they’re called “lawless” which is a little vague given how little is really being said here; the word 無法 would most commonly mean “Lawlessness”/”Injustice”/”Wrong” and such as a noun, and as an adj. it can mean the same BUT it can also mean “Disorderly” or even just “Outrageous.”  The reason being that the word 法 can mean both a formal structure of law, as well as just a general system of organization.  It might be that they’re just calling them disorderly because they aren’t part of the Gotei 13 or Soul Society at large, or don’t have formal ranks like they do; as opposed to accusing them of some distinct immoral quality.  On the other hand it’s also possible that this is just calling them “outlaws” in the sense that by being Visorsed, they have broken the law of Soul Society.
It also establishes, albeit in slightly odd terms, that no one knows what the Visored want.  This is actually a really solid mystery hook and one I’ll revisit as we go through some more scenes...
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Here’s a good line that every English translation I’ve seen totally botched!
オレは"仮面の軍勢"(ヴァイザード) オマエの同類や そっち側に居るべき 人間やない—————
I'M a VISORED. I'm the same as YOU. A human shouldn't be over there on that side—————
In particular every English translation I’ve seen goes with something like, “you don’t belong with them” and completely neglects that Kubo very specifically uses the word 人間: “Human.”  The side he’s saying Ichigo doesn’t belong with, are the Shinigami.  It was always kind of implied by the way the Visored were living in the human world, but Shinji is in fact calling the Visored more Human than Shinigami: He JUST told Ichigo they were the same, and then called Ichigo Human.  And this idea gets followed up a few scenes later when Hiyori is introduced...
Jinxed myself... I just realized I totally flubbed this translation.  I forgot I set aside bits of this line with Shinji’s dialect because I knew I’d have to work around those, but in this case I forgot to substitute the standard Japanese back in.  The phrase, 人間やない: “ningen yanai” is an accented way of saying 人間じゃない: “ningen janai.”  As in a “not-Human.”  So the translation should actually read as,
I'M a VISORED. I'm the same as YOU. You should be over on the sidewith your own kind, Not-Humans—————
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...死神も... ...キライや...
HIYORI: ...I hate humans
SHINJI: I know (said in agreement)
HIYORI: ...Shinigami too... ...I hate them...
SHINJI: I know (said in agreement)
It’s a little clunky to translate but the phrase, わかっとる: “wakaru” has some specific usage that I tried to clarify above.  Actually in looking for the grammatical term to explain this better, I just found an all around better explanation:
Usage notes: The verb “wakaru” is most often glossed as “to understand.” However, “wakaru” is intransitive, and it takes the thing that is understood as the subject, and not the object. Strictly speaking, “wakaru” is thus closer to English “to be understandable,” as the verb “wakaru“ describes the thing itself, unlike English “to understand,” which describes the action of the person doing the understanding.
So when Shinji replies to the effect of “I get it...” every time Hiyori says she hates Humans/Shinigami, he’s not just affirming that he’s listening, he’s agreeing with the sentiment.  He also hates humans.  He also hates the shinigami.  This implicitly carries over to the Visored as a whole, and it implies that they’ve had a whole history and drama of not being accepted by human society.... although we never get any elaboration on that...
But let’s back up a bit to Shinji’s encounter with Ichigo again, because the Visored have a lot of factional drama going for them at the start here...
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...もう遅いねん仮面の軍勢(ヴァイザード)は一遍発症したら二度と元には戻られへん  オマエが どう思おうが オマエはもうこっち側やねん一護
It's too late. It's all over. When VISORED symptoms appear, you can never go back.   No matter what YOU think, YOU are already on this side
Of note here, 発症: “outbreak of an illness;” “onset of an illness;” “appearance of symptoms;” “for signs of an illness to appear.”  Which is super interesting and suggests a few things about the nature of the Visored as hybrids, their own perspective on their condition, and the implied backstory they have at this juncture...
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...織姫チャンも デクいのも メガネも 他のいろんな 死神達も みんな仲間やと思てるやろオマエ? 違うで  仲間でおれんのは今だけや
Orihime-CHAN, BLOCKHEAD, GLASSES, and the other Shinigami (referred to as a collective group)  Do you think they're your friends/comrades?  That's wrong. They're friends/comrades only for now
今のまま死神でおり続けたらオマエはいずれ必ず内なる虚(ホロウ)に呑まれて正気を失う そうなったら終いや  オマエの力は全てを壊です仲間も未来も お前自身も ぜんぶ巻き込んでコナゴナのォ
As it is, if you continue to be a Shinigami, YOU will eventually lose your sanity by being swallowed by the inner HOLLOW. Then it's the end.  YOUR power will destroy everything: Friends/Comrades, future, you yourself, all involved, every little bi~t, swallowed up.
...ホンマはもう 気ィ付いてんのと違うか?  お前自身の内なる虚(ホロウ)がもう手ェつけろられんぐらい巨かなっとるゆうことに...
THE TRUTH, by now you re~alize it, don't you? In other words, you can't ha~ndle your own inner HOLLOW it's gotten so huge.
So part of what was really intriguing about all this, back in the day when this information was just whatever we could scrape out of one chapter at a time each week, was that Shinji talks about inner Hollows, talks about them like they’re a disease, and talks about how there’s no reversing the Hollowization.  He suggests that he can teach Ichigo how to deal with the inner Hollow in such a way that he won’t destroy everything/one around him.  But he doesn’t specify what that method really is, even vaguely.  So, when Ichigo does go to them, there’s a nebulous sense of not knowing what he’s actually signing up for..  Even when he begins undergoing his training and faces down his inner Hollow, we don’t actually know if the goal is for him to destroy the hollow, to beat it into submission, to make peace with it, etc...
This all also HIGHLY suggests that every Visored also has an inner Hollow; they’re aware of it as a concept, they have a method specifically built for dealing with it, they have the obviously parallels with Ichigo that suggest their powers work similarly, and the arc overall eventually sets up the idea that Arrancar, Shinigami, and Visored all have a kind of true self or manifested soul that defines their unique sword/mask/release form.  But here’s the fun part,
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When Ichigo is in the middle of his training, we get a matching pair of chapter covers (217 and 220) following Kubo’s formula established back during the Soul Society arc, with the cast of Shinigami, of having a bold written name of a character behind a portrait.  Ichigo’s inner Hollow’s “name” is just Ichigo’s name mirrored, which is exactly how Hirako wrote his name on the chalkboard when he showed up in Karakura High.  (Also keep in mind that Sakanade was hundreds of chapters away from being introduced at that point, and very likely not even a real idea for Hirako’s sword power yet.)  In the context of the early arc, the suggestion here was that Shinji never “conquered” his inner Hollow, he was his inner Hollow --or in the very least the two were at peace in a way that allowed Shinji to incorporate it into his own personality.
It’s a round about way to try to point it out, but really it just looks like the original concept for the whole inner Hollow conflict was just Ichigo learning to accept his negative character traits as a part of himself, rather than deny and repress them. (It’s basically what wound up being the exact dynamic of Person 4′s shadows actually...)
But this all is why I’ve always had the distinct feeling that Kubo’s original plan for the Visored wasn’t for them to be a bunch of captains and lieutenants at all; I think they were supposed to be a bunch of humans who got Shinigami powers by surviving being Hollowified, just like Ichigo did.  I think their secret motive was going to be two-fold: firstly they’d claim their goal was to gain the Hougyoku to use it’s distortion powers to mend the wall between their two forms to rid them of their Hollows, as the general descriptions of the Hollow symptoms and Ichigo’s personal motives would suggest --and for which they’d be willing to fight Aizen and the Arrancar-- but then the twist reveal would be that they really wanted to Hougyoku to further their transformations rather than revert them, and that their villainous motives would be in part facilitated by the fact that they were basically Hollows in human bodies...  And you might notice parts of that sound an awful lot like what the Fullbringer plot wound up being...
I also have a theory that there was something else going on with the Arrancar/Hollows, specifically the Vastlords, but that’ll have to wait for another post...
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An Educational/Informative Blog
In this blog, we will discuss our chosen five (5) theories on entrepreneurship. These chosen five theories are further explained and are supported with videos
Without further ado, Here are our five theories on entrepreneurship.
1. Innovation Theory
Written by:
Remigoso, Marc Antoine T.
An economic theory during the 1930s, Joseph Schumpeter an Austrian economist established a theory called “Innovation Theory” where it states that innovation plays a big role in economic development. According to the video “Schumpeter Theory on Innovation” on YouTube posted by StudyVids, Schumpeter's Innovation Theory puts great emphasis on the significance of innovation in organizations, the primary element of economic change which results to creative destruction the concept which Schumpeter is focused on.
The creative destruction states that in order to generate profit, businesses should constantly innovate. Organizations are looking for ways to make the products satisfactory to consumers. Entrepreneurs must strive to become more innovative such as creating fresh and unique products to stay on top or maintain their market position. Thus, entrepreneurs must be competitive and are always trying to innovate in order not to go out of business.
In addition, Schumpeter also defined the meaning of innovation. To him innovation is the production of new products and the different aspect of obtaining and providing raw resources and mass production. Another is that, in attempt to maintain costs inside the enterprise so that greater profits are attainable, innovative manufacturing methods is applied. In conclusion, Entrepreneurs contribute a vital part; they propel economic development, growth, and creative destruction in the creation and marketing of innovative products.
 2. Keynesian Theory
Written by:
Piner, Blake Russ
Napisa, Marianne Joy Y.
Another economic theory called the “Keynesian Theory” by John Maynard Keynes states that economy can fail if consumers and investors spend too little. In the video, “Keynesian Economics Concepts Explained with No Math!” on Youtube posted by Korczyk’s Class simplifies Keynes’ idea. As aggregate demand increases, so does the economy. Where in such aggregate demand can be measured as the amount of expenditure by families, organizations, etc.
It all started with the Great Depression where a lot of people were unemployed. According to the video, the American unemployment rate skyrocketed between 20-25% in 1933. Keynes proposed that the government should put people back to work like having new projects such as buildings roads, new infrastructures, etc., that would lead to full employment. By generating more jobs, you are putting more money into people’s hands.
This is the driving force of the demand because people have the ability to spend money on goods and services. Through this action, money would be circulating in the economy, thus maintaining economic growth. In summary, Keynesian’s Theory greatly emphasizes the relationship between the government and the economic development. Government has the curial role in maintaining economic growth by spending money to minimize or recover from the effect of extreme economic hardships.
3. Weber’s Sociological Theory
Written by:
Pescadero, Dee Jay R.
Purisima, John Louie N.
Max Weber’s Sociological Theory states that entrepreneurship is greatly influenced by social variables or factors. These social factors are religion, ethics or morals, traditions, education level and many more. Based on the video “Theories on Entrepreneurship” on YouTube posted by Ch-10 Applied Sc, Allied Physical and Chemical sc introduced a theory which was also proposed by Max Weber, the Theory of Religious Belief which can be seen at 4:22 of the video.
According to the Theory of Religious Belief, religious beliefs are one of the main factors that affect entrepreneurialism. The video also discussed the theory’s important elements. Spirit of Capitalism a strict discipline, which is main factor that drives the entrepreneur to be motivated to start a new business by the ability to make money and the attitude towards getting money.
A second factor is the Adventurous Spirit, an unrestrained energy of desire which also influences entrepreneur’s attitude towards his/her goal to make profit. In conclusion, social factors, religious beliefs and its variables the Spirit of Capitalism and the Adventurous Spirit greatly influences entrepreneurs which also aids them in continuing their entrepreneurial activities.  
4. Risk and Uncertainty-bearing Theory
Written by:
Ramirez, Sheldan Brix B.
In Risk and Uncertainty-bearing Theory by Frank Hyneman Knight an American Economist he stated that the main function of an entrepreneur is to bear risk. Production entails a variety of hazards as well as other unexpected costs. In the video, “Entreprenurial Uncertainty and Risk” on YouTube posted by Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, He explains Frank Hyneman Knight’s Theory in more depth.
It is said that risk and the rate of profit is different from industry to industry. Profit is the reward for taking risk. Based on the video, uncertainty has been categorized into two types which are the insurable risks and non-insurable risk. Insurable risk is the risk whose statistical probability can always be computed like the risk of fire, theft and accident are known as insurable risks. These kinds of risks can be insured and can be reduced
Non-insurable or uncertainty risk refers to a risk that is neither certain nor predicted and cannot be avoided. Its statistical probability also cannot be computed. Uncertainty risk emerges as a result of the overall economy, innovations, unhealthy competition among business enterprises, changes in government policies, and so on. Overall, no one will take risks only if there is a reward to look forward to. The primary motivation for taking a risk is profit and that the only way to gain profit is by taking risks.
5. Kizner’s Learning Alertness Theory
Written by:
Ocampo, Ann R.
Pasague, Van Yanni D.
Kizner's Learning Alertness Theory was discovered by Israel Kizner a British-American economist and associated with the Austrian School Of Economics. Kizner's theory of entrepreneurship is alertness that through this it can make entrepreneurs more productive and alert in changing and spreading different strategies and knowledge of their own. Also this theory gives opportunities to the entrepreneurs to exploit the ignorance of the customers about their products.
Based on the video “Israel Kizner’s Theory of Entreprenuership – Austrian Economics with Steve Horwitz” on Youtube posted by Libertarianism.org. Steve Horwitz described how Israel Kirzner's contributed to the devolopment of austrian economics in a variety ways throughout the 1960s. He also stated that Kizner is referring to our abilities to see things that others have missed, such as grasping and being alert to opportunities, and successful entrepreneurship bringing market actors' expectations into greater coordination by using resources in ways that better satisfy wants.
To sum up, I believe that Kirzner is very conservative. His approach doesn’t talk about the entrepreneurs to create new products. Even though, new products will become more valuable and catches the interest of different consumers. He doesn’t want to break away the routine of the flow of the market’s supply and demand by introducing new products but to view his arbitrage theory of profit.
Submitted By: Group 5 12 ITCP 1A PROVIDENCE
Submitted To: Ms. Steffi Jane Tadlas
Group 5 Members:
Napisa, Marianne Joy Y. -Leader/ Reviewer/ Keynesian Theory
Ocampo, Ann R. - Kizner’s Learning Alertness Theory
Pasague, Yan Vanni D.  - Kizner’s Learning Alertness Theory
Pescadero, Dee Jay R. - Weber’s Sociological Theory
Piner, Blake Russ C. - Keynesian Theory
Purisima, John Louie N. -  Weber’s Sociological Theory
Ramirez, Sheldan Brix B. - Risk and Uncertainty-bearing Theory
Remigoso, Marc Antoine T. - Innovation Theory
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selfhelpskillss · 3 years
How To Make Him Chase You? 20 Useful Tips For A Romantic Relationship
Ladies, make a pause and prompt them to chase you. We know that you get what we mean. It’s time to learn how to make him chase you.
The fun fact is that men often believe that we are chasing them. We pursue them on social media. We are also present at their favorite places. 
We even encounter his close friends. Then, here is the way of changing it and understand how to make men chase you instead.
The article by Self Help Skills will help you find the best solution for you!
Some Tips On How To Get A Man To Chase You
Making a chase has been a missing art. Many girls have been forgetting how effective this action is in causing a man to follow you and fall in love with you.
Although it is difficult to succeed, you can get him to crave you even more.
If you are considering another kind of method to achieve the best and fastest result, keep reading https://selfhelpskills.net/his-secret-obsession-review/ to have the shortest way to your crush’s heart.
Here is the list of 20 profound methods that you will need:
1. Take a busy schedule
It means that you need to show him that you are busy. In other words, when not being with him, you can enjoy your spare time and do what you want.
When being with him in some places, it is better to show that you have so many things to do.
How to get him to chase you? You cannot continuously answer the message at once. You also cannot go around with him day after day.
If he wants a 24/7 partner, it is better to get a pet. He has to find that you also have personal things to do. 
Yet, you should keep it at a moderate level. Otherwise, he can find that you are ignoring him. The worst result may be that he is not interested in you anymore.
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Take a busy schedule
2. Make him think he has responsibilities
These men have to feel like they are taking responsibility. Men regularly want to make the decision. They want to be on the active side. 
It does not mean that you are not making the decision. You simply need to do it secretly. Make him think that he is the controller.
As a result, he tends to take charge of everything about you and chase you. If you may want to make him obsess you, an OFFICIAL WEBSITE will be a great help.
Remember you also need to have your opinions. If not, he will think being with you is so time-consuming.
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How to get a guy to chase you
3. Become a confident girl
If you crave to learn how to make a man chase you, it is essential to comprehend that gentlemen love ladies who show confidence.
Regardless of gender or status, a positive individual obtains an extreme attraction to most people.
The reason is that everyone has a tendency to connect to confident girls. Men find that self-reliant ladies are much sexier and more elegant.
Furthermore, men like hunting, and love is a game of hunting. They want to chase courageous prey.
It not only increases the excitement but also creates a feeling of satisfaction. These reasons will prompt them to pursue you and want you more.
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Become a confident girl
4. Don’t allow him to perceive he is the only one
Of course, he is not the only person. Remember that there are some guys out there who try to grasp the chance to date you.
To tackle the problem: how to make him chase you again, your task is to show this man that he is not the only person who chases you.
It will remind him that it is a competition. He must compete with other guys to have you. Sound tragedy? It is not. This move just boosts his spirit and makes him pursue you.
You can do it by uploading photos on Instagram with friends and tagging them in the status. The key point is that he wants to see you. The higher the desire is, the stronger the feeling becomes to make a man chase you. 
Chasing you cannot satisfy your requirements. You even want more and go further with him. How to make a guy want you(https://selfhelpskills.net/how-to-make-a-guy-want-you/) will help you have the most romantic relationship.
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Do not allow him to think he is the only one.
5. Don’t give a man all of the things you have
There is no need for you to sleep with him or give him everything straight away. He is not your boyfriend but your crush. Therefore, you do not need to have a preference that you owe him something.
If you have ever done something wrong, how to make him chase you after you slept with him?
The thing that we cannot have is the most desirable matter. It is similar to this situation. When he cannot have you, hold you in his hand, he will think that you are so precious.
Then, you should keep your time, love, and happiness for yourself, but do not give him all of this.
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You don’t need to give him all of the things.
6. Show that you have a life
A dependent woman will make a man feel irritated because men see that you are not unique and not attractive enough to make them chase you.
So you should have your life, consisting of your close friends, your study, and your work. You must demonstrate that you achieve a happy and balanced life without a man. You must prove that you are satisfied with yourself only. 
It will make him see you more. He gradually becomes curious about you and pursues you as a consequence.
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You need to have an independent life
7. Be a little mystery
This method is very efficient when you crave him to chase you. For the first time, you have a meeting with him, you think that you desire to be with him more. In this situation, you will befriend him and make him take an interest in you.
Still, keep in mind that you need to introduce enough information about yourself. Just saying a little at one time is better for both of you. It will put him in curiosity about you, and he likes chatting with you more.
8. Flirt him
When you want him to pursue you, it does not mean that you need to become the ice queen. It just causes a cold personality that most people do not like.
In the worst situation, he may think that you are underestimating and ignoring him. We think that you do not like this consequence, right? So how to make him chase you in a relationship?
Remember that you need to be passionate about love. Put much effort into your relationship. Then, you should have jokes and flirt with him.
If you aim to make him chase you, indicate that you are keen on him. You must provide him with some reasons to chase you.
This tip will work well if you want to know how to tell if a shy guy likes you.
9. Fewer is better
Suppose you are talking and texting too much for him. Stop these actions because less is more. It will help you make him chase you again psychology. Hold yourself back to have more intelligent ideas that make him go after you.
When having many calls, do not say a lot. Similar to messages, it is more effective to keep them shortened and romantic.
These short sentences instead of long essays are likely to prompt him to read more carefully and appreciate them more.
This trick will work in how to make him chase you long distance. Of course, you do not need to always talk and text just a little. There are some cases where you can show your thoughts in direct conversations. 
10. Don’t become swooned over him
Of course, you want to understand how to make him chase you and to do it properly. Still, the ugliest thing is sitting and wrapping his arms as you give him an affectionate look. 
He is not the lord. If you want to have a romantic relationship with him, you cannot allow him to think that way. The certain thing is to give him compliments but not to stare at him. It leaves you deprived and clingy.
As a consequence, it seems that you are petitioning for love and care. You show your passiveness in relationships. In that case, you but not he is a follower.
Therefore, you should not become swooned over him. This man should be the person who has strong feelings about you. How to make a guy think about you constantly(https://selfhelpskills.net/how-to-make-him-think-about-you-all-the-time/) will always content you.
11. Become a sexy girl
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Become a sexy girl.
How to get a man to chase you? Personality is crucial, but appearance is also essential to find a partner.
Before he understands your good characteristics, he will get trapped in your elegance. It is the reason why you should improve your beauty to make him chase you.
It is not necessary to dress like some beautiful girls. Instead, you can promote your appearance by applying make-up or a new hairstyle.
It is worth investing in something like lipsticks and dresses. You become not only much sexier but also more confident. 
Every man is visual, so your sexiness and elegance will drive them crazy. If you don’t know how to improve your appearance, you should look at what makes a girl attractive to a man.(https://selfhelpskills.net/what-makes-a-woman-attractive/)
12. Be tolerant about the drama
Do you know what makes a man chase a woman? Each man does not take an interest in drama. You cannot imagine how hateful a man feels about drama.
The reason is that drama could stress them drastically. As a consequence, almost all men would theoretically run away if they see any sign of drama on you. 
There are various types of drama that men hate from women, such as Facebook drama, money stories, and jealous words. Men pay more attention to rational women who get much less involved in drama.
If a man hears you telling a drama, he can become bothered with it because he can’t emotionally deal with it. Thus, put the drama into your diary or in the chatting group with your friends.
13. Don’t look at just him
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Don’t look at just him.
It is a strange law of nature. When you do not give attention to the man you love, he will come to you despite many difficulties. When you take notice of him, he is nowhere for you to meet. 
After all, what you have to do is to overlook your crush a bit. It is quite sophisticated to explain why but believe us; this tip is very effective.
14. Keep patient to begin a relationship
A popular flaw that every woman makes is to rush to get rid of singleness. What they do not recognize is that singleness is wonderful progress in each girl’s life. 
When you are alone, you take the chance to enhance yourself without anyone forcing you to do anything. You would have enough time to realize your dreams.
You would have many opportunities to find the right partner. It is one of the most wonderful decisions that you have ever needed to make. 
When you cannot keep patient to throw singleness away, you will begin to push for a commitment right away, possibly with the first good guy that you encounter.
You will sacrifice the advantages of singleness and begin to do the chasing. Most men know that the precious things in life demand working. 
The man you are pursuing will comprehend that you are certainly valuable to chase if you can keep patient to escape from singleness.
15. Don’t spend all the time with him
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Don’t spend all the time with him.
When you give him all of the time, he will find that you are available for him 24/7. Any time he wants you, you can appear right away to stand next to him. For that reason, he will not chase you.
Instead, you can use your spare time with your friends and family. You can also be alone to do what you like. This tip can make both you and him feel more valuable about yourself. 
If you crave to make a man pursue you, he has to find that you are not always accessible for him. 
16. Don’t always send him messages
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Don’t send him messages all the time.
How to make him chase you through text? Indeed, he regularly sends you a lot of messages. But it does not mean you also need to do the same thing. Keep in mind that you want him to pursue you.  
Naturally, when you win over him, it is good for you to text him many sentences to share your emotions and love. However, until that time, maintain your messages to a minimum. 
Maybe some of you are considering the right way of sending messages; we then recommend what men want to hear in a text (https://selfhelpskills.net/what-a-guys-wants-in-a-girl/) to help you solve the issue.
You will find this tip is very useful in how to make him chase you over text. You can allow him to know you like messaging him by sending suitable stickers and flirty words, but do not answer the messages right away. 
17. Don’t be so easy to be happy
Did he give you a rose? It is so romantic, isn’t it? It is simply a flower. We claim that you can buy it for yourself. 
Never honor the small things he could buy to inspire you. Do not give your feelings to material goods he could buy for you, but give your emotions to the behaviors and the commitment he gives you.
Men understand what they have to “buy” to prevail on a girl, so never become that girl who can get “bought over”. 
Make him know that the best way he can prevail upon you is by his gestures, not the presents he could buy for you.
18. Be proactive on Facebook
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Be proactive on social media.
Update personal information, share fun experiences, post recent images of you in the best version. Let your social media like Facebook, Instagram be updated every day to show your high energy in real life.
It is a helpful tip for how to get a guy to chase you.
If you want to get him to chase you, you should always be in his thoughts. You also have to deepen his jealousy when you are not with him.
You can cause him to hope that he would be the only person spending all the time with you, rather than those friends you are going out with! 
19. Let him see that he is doing properly
If a man is pursuing you and trying to swoon over you, you have to value his efforts. Do not be the ice queen who only requires a man to do all things for her. Be grateful, be heartfelt, and let him see that you are interested in him too.
However, just never be subject to all things he tries to do for offending you.
If you know how to cause a man to chase you in your mind, you can keep patient until you make sure that he actually loves you. He is also ready to spend time and attempt into a romantic relationship he is trying to build up with you.
If you want to know how to make him chase you after a break-up, you should try this tip immediately.
20. Be yourself to make him chase you
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Be yourself to make him chase you.
In the first stage of a romantic relationship, we often try to create the best version of ourselves. Although it is not wrong to leave a positive impression, you should not miss being yourself. 
Initially, when you try to pretend to be an impressive person, he might find you interesting. The downside of this action is that you will have to keep wearing this mask. Otherwise, when you reveal the actual you out, he could lose passion. 
In some situations, when the man does not love the way of who you are, it purely means that the man might be the wrong partner for you.
In this case, you should attempt to reform yourself to be a perfect person. The reason is that it is impractical for you to change yourself forever just for a romantic relationship. 
Initially, you can adjust a few habits, but you will eventually go back to them. If he is not pleased with the actual you, it will get him to leave.
Therefore, it is not necessary to rush into a relationship with a man who does not like you the way you are. In return, if he loves who you are, he will keep his mind and chase you. 
If you want to know how to make him chase you like crazy, the best tip is to be true to yourself.
Final Words
In a modern society with advanced technology, many of us seem to forget that men are people who chase women in the first place. Until now, how to get a man to chase you still shows efficiency in building up a romantic relationship.
You have a crush in your life. You want to go further with him. These above-mentioned methods will help you to make him pursue you. He can even want you more and become pine for you.
You can try each method to see which one is more suitable for your requirements and situations. Remember, keep calm, and you will see good results. 
You want to make him chase you, but you also do not know what signs he wants you more than a friend; you can read our article to get more information.
Thank you for reading!
Credit: https://selfhelpskills.net/how-to-make-him-chase-you/
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mentalhealthsblog · 3 years
Psychological Wellness Maintenance Is Produced Basic
Your mental health is typically substantially enhanced when you use the methods Dr. Kuhn teaches in this report. When you are capable to expertise this improvement, your associations blossom, career paths open, and folks find you eye-catching and obtainable. You deserve to have enjoyable and pleasure in your daily life - and Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will aid you do that. In the traditional Frank Capra film, It really is a Wonderful Life, George Bailey's mental overall health is confused by the problems of his existence and he needs he'd never ever been born. Mental Health George's guardian angel grants his desire and normally takes him to a grim fact as it would've been with out him. George feels nothing when he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve the flower his daughter, Zuzu, put there - and that is when George understands that his want has appear accurate...he is never been born. Wishing she experienced in no way been born, Roberta grew to become my patient, looking for desperately to increase her mental well being. Like the fictional George Bailey character, Roberta's depression and nervousness had grown so powerful as to threaten her potential to lead any semblance of a typical lifestyle. Luckily for Roberta, she shortly found exactly why the organic medication of humor is one particular of the most effective adjunctive treatment options for improving mental health, because humor practically pours drinking water on the hearth of melancholy and nervousness. Roberta is not by yourself. As numerous as 35% of all Us citizens suffer from melancholy and stress, the twins that make psychological overall health elusive for hundreds of thousands. Your despair and stress is exacerbated by your seriousness - getting oneself way too significantly. As we transfer into adulthood, we regrettably acquire into the idea that accountable and productive folks must be "critical." As we make the largest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor character and enjoyable to recreational activities (if we encounter entertaining at all), we doom ourselves to all the indicators of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining overall health, climbing tension, increased discomfort, lessened power, impaired creativeness, and a lot more. The good news for your mental health, nonetheless, is that we know how to shrink your fatal seriousness to virtually nothing at all and lessen nearly entirely the sway it holds more than your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medication of humor is an incredibly potent source that you previously have you've got only forgotten how to use it to greatest effectiveness. You will before long learn that, whilst not a panacea, the natural medication of humor is a tremendous tonic for melancholy or anxiousness and will also supercharge other remedies since it is an remarkable adjunctive medicine too! I have distilled the normal medication of humor, by means of my a long time of medical follow, into an wonderful prescription I call The Entertaining Factor. Based mostly on what I realized above 20 a long time back from a terminally sick fifteen-calendar year-outdated client, I designed a unique set of principles I contact the Enjoyable Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Enjoyable Aspect prescription and have been prescribing The Enjoyable Factor with wonderful success for years. This report will show you how to use just three of my Exciting Commandments to change your psychological health all around, and acquire new pleasure, pleasure, and appreciation from your life! Enhance Your Psychological Overall health Utilizing My Enjoyable Factor Prescription Action 1: Always Go the Further Smile The 1st Exciting Commandment I advise for improved mental health is: Constantly Go the Further Smile. This Commandment is doubly helpfully for despair and nervousness due to the fact not only does it provide measurable psychological and physical aid, but it also is entirely underneath your handle - regardless of your situation. Simply because smiling stays absolutely beneath your management, it can be your greatest resource for making use of humor's normal drugs to speed up your psychological well being. Smiling makes measurable bodily rewards you can encounter quickly: your pressure decreases, your immunity improves, your pain and aggravation tolerances increase, and your creative imagination soars. And guess what? You knowledge all these positive aspects even if your smile is "phony." Which is right...forcing a smile on to your experience perks up your immune technique and lightens your temper just as readily as a real smile. Fake a smile and you are going to before long really feel properly adequate to wear a true one particular! This is fantastic information for your proactive stance on sustainable psychological wellness. You have an remarkable quantity of pre-emptive control more than your mood - you can, literally, pick more strength and joy. The important for your use of this Exciting Commandment in maximizing your psychological wellness is to start off working towards proper now, so that smiling turns into an entrenched, habitual method of accessing the natural medicine of humor. If you wait to smile until your psychological wellness has taken a turn for the worse, and despair or anxiousness has taken hold of you, it will not be as powerful. Step Two: Act and Interact Smiling qualified prospects us correct into the second Fun Commandment you will uncover instrumental in keeping your psychological well being: Act and Interact. Humor's all-natural medication functions best when we are sharing ourselves and this Commandment will instruct you how to capitalize on the manage you've got taken above your physiology and mood by smiling. Performing and interacting is now less difficult for you to do since you're smiling more. Not only is your mood improved, but your smile is also a nice invitation to other individuals. My recommendation is that you solidify the energy of this Commandment by location a affordable goal with regards to the variety of men and women you will interact with each working day. These social interactions are fantastic for your mental health, forcing you to trade details and suggestions with yet another person. Blended with your commitment to smiling, your interactions need to be enjoyable, simply because your heightened vitality, lessened ache, and decreased stress stages are really desirable to others. Over and above maintaining you out of isolation, there is another reason why acting and interacting with the people you encounter fosters improved psychological well being. It makes it possible for you to steer clear of spiritual "flat tires." Religious flat tires occur when you sidestep, or avoid, an interaction that is about to happen by natural means - you duck into an place of work to avoid encountering a person in a hallway or you never answer the mobile phone because you don't want to discuss to the person calling. This kind of avoidance drains and deletes your reservoir of effective normal energy and siphons your psychological health reserves. Business Name: O'Brien & Associates Inc Address: 1467 Siskiyou Blvd Ste 2027 Ashland, OR 97520 7052 Santa Teresa Blvd Ste 1044 San Jose, CA 95139 3157 Gentilly Blvd #2198 New Orleans, LA 70122 10673 W Lake Hazel Rd Ste 1009 Boise, ID 83709 1500 Chestnut St Ste 1784 Philadelphia, PA 19102 11816 Inwood Rd Ste 3147 Dallas, TX 75244 Email: [email protected] Working Hours: 7 days a week 8 AM to 8 PM
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