#best custom neck knives
hollideon · 8 months
3rd place — pilots, sisters?, bullying, reminding her of her place, knives and blood are so intimate when you're used to mech combat
lightly armed and spindly limbed, your opponent's warsuit is designed for killing speed and little else. headhunters, they're called. assassins purpose-built for taking down other warsuits. tricky opponents, but you know the type. pilots that are impulsive and reckless at best, feral and bloodthirsty at the worst. you happen to know this pilot in particular — your 'sister,' as your squad's handler so often puts it. hellion 3. warsuit: coiled serpent. javelin-class, ganymede-pattern, further customized for speed and cqc. yours, on the other hand, is a more balanced frame bristling with explosives and loaded barrels. your warsuit, winter wolf, may not be as cutting edge as coiled serpent, but the jupiter-pattern II marauders shouldn't be underestimated. you'll show her why.
though it can outpace your gatling gun's hail of fire easily, the barrage corrals coiled serpent right where you want it. you jetison the heavy gatling gun — load lightened, you push your thrusters to their limits in a sudden burst of speed and, clearing a hundred meters in a near instant. grabbinf coiled serpent by its throat, you clamp the enormous fist of your warsuit down on that fragile neck joint. watching a 30-foot steel titan with a price tag in the billions flail desperately for freedom, claw uselessly at your warsuit's armored forearm... it's a sight that never fails to turn you on. the metal groans and buckles in your warsuit's fist. your fist. you bite your lip, your mind filling with the urge to simply bear down with all winter wolf's strength and tear coiled serpent's head off its frame. if only a warsuit could bleed.
"gotcha," you growl over the radio, unable to contain the sadism dripping from your voice.
"fuckfuckfuck okay, i give, i give!"
you can hear the warning sirens in coiled serpent's cockpit, and the panic in hellion 3's voice. fear. you give coiled serpent's neck a parting squeeze before letting go.
"match to hellion 2. nice maneuver, kid." a wave of warmth flows over you at your handler's praise. you can't help but feel even more superior.
"and hellion 3? don't get caught like that again."
you sit there silently, taking pleasure in your sister's admonishing and imagining her squirming with embarrassment in coiled serpent's cockpit. you'll have your chance to gloat later.
the time it takes to get unplugged from your suit only serves to build your urge to a fever-pitch. you practically rip the last slithering nerve splice out of your spine yourself; you'll deal with the migraine later. hellion 3 is exactly where you'd expect to find her — lurking in the rafters above coiled serpent's bay. your bootfalls echo in the wide open space; hard to hide your approach, not that you're trying to. she sits there, legs dangling over the side, looking spent and dejected, smoking a cigarette. you can tell she gave her all.
"the fuck do you want? come to rub it in?"
you sidle up to hellion 3 — your sister — hands in your coat pockets, and grip the concealed knife.
"actually, i think i'll finish the job."
before hellion 3 can react, the sole of your boot connects with her chest, roughly shoving the frail form to the ground, clanging against the metal platform.
"hey, what the fuck do you think you're–"
the appearance of the knife from its hidden place in your pocket cuts her voice off. her eyes are locked on the knife. fear to supplant the brattiness. you lean in, right down to her face, the tip of your knife pressing ever so lightly into her chin, drawing her eyes up to meet yours.
"what's the matter little sister? you talk such a big game in the cockpit. where'd your fight go?"
fear and anger. resentment. fury. she wants nothing more than to take that knife and gut you, but she knows you have her. she has such telling eyes.
"what the fuck are you talking about? that's a knife, you psycho! what do you even want?" you push the knife a little harder. grind your boot into her chest. she winces and the fear in her eyes grows.
"to remind you what your place is. beneath me. you're mine." you pull your boot and the knife away and she gasps for breath; short-lived before your boot comes down again, on her neck this time. "say it."
her hands wrap around your ankle, fighting uselessly against the weight. "i'm yours," she manages to gurgle under your boot.
you let the weight off, boot still against her throat but no longer crushing her airway. "again," you order, letting the knife dangle in her periphery. "
she gasps for air, coughing a little. "i-i'm yours."
"good girl." you drop to your knees, straddling her waist. the knife slips under her tanktop, slowly cutting it away. "we don't need this anymore, do we? keep still or i might cut something important."
she shudders under the knife, watching the knife make its long cut up the length of her shirt. finally cut apart, you brush the halves to the side. she can't help but let out a breathy moan. you've seen hellion 3 naked before of course, that's life in the barracks, but not like this before. she lays there naked, pinned beneath you, shaking and shuddering with abject fear in her eyes — eyes that are locked on yours. you can feel the arousal, the hardness in her pants pressing against you. you could just drink it up. your eyes trace along all the scars left behind by cybernetic implantation, and you find yourself tracing the knifetip along them too. you want to press harder, to cut her open at the old seams, to reach inside and prod that cornered animal, just to see what she'll do. you press the knife against a scar just below her ribs. you really just can't help yourself. the red wells up and she cries out and — fuck, she's just so pretty like this. you toss the knife away, fingers of one hand stroking that wound, other hand grabbing her wrists and pinning them to the floor above your head. face to face again, you lick her blood from your fingertips and — god it tastes good — push them into her mouth. you don't need to say anything for her to start licking and sucking like her life depends on it.
"good girl," you growl. she whimpers around your fingers. "you taste so good, right?" you finger that cut again. she cries out in pain and you wipe the blood across her lips. "i'm gonna eat you alive."
she barely has time to whimper before you dive down to meet her lips. you kiss her messily, smearing blood and spit across her mouth, tongue pushing into her throat. each time you pull back you can't help but bite her lips, bite her neck, bite her shoulders, before greedily kissing her more. a mess of blood on her face, you feel it on yours too. you break the kiss, leaning back up. she's a mess, breathing hard, twitching, eyes staring off in the distance, wet spot on the crotch of her pants.
"hey, you still with me, kid?"
"y-yes big sister," she half-moans. "never kissed anyone before... is all." of course she hadn't. loser.
you push yourself off of her trembling form and stand, wiping the blood from your face, letting her stew in that confession for a moment.
"want more? you know where to find me, pup." you pick your bloodied knife up from where you'd tossed it and walk off, leaving her to lay there a whimpering, bleeding mess. she'll come running as soon as she recovers.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Can you please make more Marco's headcanons like I bet he has a weapon collection
S'more Marcos Hc's
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Absolutely has a weapons collection and he names every single one he gets his grubby little hands on.
His guns are all custom made and he has this set of neon throwing knives, razor sharp and deadly.
His creepy little warehouse is a lot less creepy on the inside, posters of his favorite movies and bands litter the walls, sure their spattered with blood but I digress, the training dummies have spray painted smiley faces and when he gets bored he likes to see just how many knives can fit in one face.
He's the best at killing and it shows, has gotten paid to kill twice now and loved it.
And with both of those phat checks he was able to spend time doing his favorite thing, doting on you.
Once bought one of those really cool looking swords from this sketchy shop downtown and tried to decapitate a guy with it but when he brought the weapon down on the poor dudes neck it breaks like a Lego set and they just stand there in this painfully awkward silence.
He of course has to shoot him so no one ever hears of his embarrassment.
Has a few gnarly scars on his legs from his early skateboarding days, if Manny bet him he couldn't grind down their highschools 25ft stair railing he absolutely does it, even though he'd only just got the board that morning.
Had a kill bill phase where he kept trynna pluck people's eyes out like Uma Thurman did the blonde shawty in the trailer.
He the type to silently sway with you in the kitchen at some ungodly hour, his hand on your hips, humming a song he doesn't know the lyrics to.
Stops mid sentence a lot just cuz he can't wrap his head around someone as incredible as you being his.
The biggest, goofiest smile on his face let's you know he's lost in lala land and hasn't heard the last 30 seconds of your conversation
But you find it hard to be mad when he's drawing hearts into your skin and staring into your eyes with so much love it catches you off guard.
Wants matching tattoos but the idea of someone getting that close to you makes his skin itch so that won't happen until he can do it himself.
Him and Manny have weekly hang outs where they each dish and gossip about their individual darlings.
His twin is the only other man he'd trust you to be alone with, and it's not a lack of faith in you, so much as it is a lack of faith in the rest of the world.
His older brothers are no exception to this rule, the rare times you do meet with them Marcos keeps it short and sweet, and he never leaves your side.
If you're a morbid little gremlin like he is, he will absolutely gift you the bones of his latest kill (after a deep cleaning ofc) he tells you they're just super realistic replicas 👀 and you have no idea it's the scumbag who hit on you a few weeks ago, nothing too serious just a finger bone or piece of skull.
Wants to get married yesterday, likes dropping subtle hints like,
"hm our ring fingers looks kinda empty👀" or
"Just hypothetically - like totally not serious but between these two venues which one screams happily ever after? 👀"
As much as his playboy past would lead you to believe he's the noncommittal type, you are his heart and soul, and he'd rather gut himself in a dirty street gutter then be with anyone but you.
The second he realizes he loves you he's got it in his mind that you're endgame, he will be your loving husband and you will be buried together.
Sends you those deep-fried semi scary memes and TikTok's when it's 3AM and he knows you aren't sleep.
He knows because he cloned your phone and can constantly see what you're doing.
Reads romance novels for ideas on how to well, romance you, because he heard you mention once that you loved how they portray love in the stories.
Sprays your perfume in the room when you're at school/work/away from him long enough and it helps to quell his possessiveness
Just barely though because you mention lunch and whoop look who's showing up, food in hand and mentally manifesting you say fuck it and just go home with him.
Sometimes he has these night terrors where you're just gone and he wakes up crying, chest heaving from the heavy pit that had formed, and god forbid you're not in bed when he wakes up because he needs to be held, needs to lay his ear on your chest and hear you're still there, still with him.
Tries to make you breakfast in bed once and gives you both food poisoning but on the bright side you stay in bed beside him all day and he finds all the running back and forth to the bathroom totally worth it.
You throw on one of his shirts in a hurry one morning and he is transfixed, talking absolutely gobsmacked by how tantalizing you look when you're completely surrounded by him.
Low-key sabotages your wardrobe by hiding your shirts when he knows you're in a rush just so have to wear something of his.
"Sorry baby, no clue where that pesky shirt ran off to buuut I just so happen to have this here wonderfully made Versace button up of mine that really makes your eyes pop :) how lucky is that huh?"
Sprays it with cologne the night before so if any mf gets too close they smell him.
Can't say no to you, like at all.
Type of mf to throw his stupidly expensive jacket on the floor so you don't have to step in a puddle because he seen it in a movie once. (You could have just avoided the puddle but he looked so proud of himself as he held your hand to jump over it you had to indulge him)
Horny drunk but also a super lovey dovey drunk.
Loves taking you to concert's, especially when his favorite metal bands are playing, being surrounded by the music he loves is only enhanced when he looks down and sees you enjoying it too.
Talks in his sleep, 50% of the time its terrifying, nonsensical, ramblings but the other half is all about you, even when he's unconscious, you're on his mind.
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angelswing236 · 8 months
"Give me that, before anything happens."
Fictober 2023
Category: Fanfiction
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Mrs Hughes could hear the commotion in the kitchen long before she saw it.
‘What do think you’re doing, Mr Molesley?’ came Mrs Patmore’s strident voice. ‘Have you taken leave of your senses?’
‘I have not! I am showing these good people, demononstrating if you will, Mrs Patermore, Mrs Matpore, Mrs Patmore, the proper way to de-cork a bottle of champagne,’ Mr Molesley replied with a certain level of inebriated yet dignified decorum. ‘You do it… with a sword!’
‘Aye, well, that’s all well and good, but that’s a bottle of ginger beer you’re holding, not champagne, and that’s one of my de-boning knives you’re waving about, not a sword!’ Mrs Patmore pointed out, all no-nonsense, long-suffering, unimpressed Yorkshire woman. ‘And the only thing you’re demonstrating is how to cut your hand off in one swift move, you silly man!’
Mrs Hughes descended the last step and paused for a moment, girding her loins to deal with this situation. With Mr Carson, Miss Swire and her ladyship all coming down with the Spanish flu tonight, this was the last thing she needed.
‘What in heaven’s name is going on in here?’ she asked in her best authoritative voice as she swept into the kitchen.
A gaggle of maids, footmen and hall boys stood giggling and smirking around the servants’ hall as Mr Molesley held court near the head of the table, a bottle of ginger beer in one hand, the de-boning knife in his other, the razor-sharp blade resting against the cork in the bottle.
His face lit up at the sight of her. ‘Mrs Hughes! Ah, now, you are a woman of the world! I know you’ve been around a fair bit -‘
‘I beg your pardon!’ Mrs Hughes barked, shooting a quelling glare at a tittering hall boy.
‘I mean that in an entirely respectabubble way, of course,’ Mr Molesley said anxiously, his face falling as he belatedly realised he may have inadvertently caused offence.
Mrs Hughes fixed him with a look and held out her hand. ‘Give me that knife, please. Now.’
‘He won’t listen,’ Thomas said, sitting on the other side of Molesley, calmly smoking a cigarette, tapping the ash off. ‘Me and Mrs Patmore have both tried to reason with him.’
‘He will if he knows what’s good for him,’ Mrs Hughes replied, ominously. ‘Mr Molesley, I really must insist.’
‘What I mean is you know about different customs; you’ll appreciate this,’ Mr Molesley continued, oblivious to the warning in Mrs Hughes’ voice.
‘Give me that, before anything happens,’ Mrs Hughes repeated, holding out her hand.
Instead, Mr Molesley addressed the room, ready to perform for his audience. ‘I am about to execute a trick of the high-hic-highest calibre! Behold the champagne and sword de-corking!’
With that, he slashed the knife quickly up the neck of the bottle, yelping and dropping the bottle as he succeeded only in slicing open the top of his middle finger.
Ginger beer foamed from the sturdy but cracked glass bottle as blood gushed from Mr Molesley’s finger, the two mixing together in an unholy reddish mess.
He stared at the blood as if puzzled by what it was and how it got there and then turned sheet white, his eyes rolling around towards the housekeeper.
‘Do you know, I don’t feel terribly well, Mrs Hughes,’ he mumbled, the knife tumbling from his hand as he closed his eyes and crumpled towards the floor, caught at the last minute by Thomas springing from his chair and Stephen, one of the taller hall boys.
Another hall boy gingerly picked up the bloodied de-boning knife and put it on the table as Mr Molesley lolled unconscious between Thomas and Stephen, bleeding everywhere.
‘I told him that knife were sharp,’ Mrs Patmore observed, coming up beside Mrs Hughes, looking at the tableau in front of her in disdain. ‘Is the doctor still here? Happen we’ll need him to bandage up D’Artagnan over there.’
Mrs Hughes sighed. ‘God save me from men who can’t hold their liquor and their ideas of grandeur.’
Next to her, Mrs Patmore snorted. ‘Like that will ever happen. Even the Almighty hasn’t got that kind of time on his hands.’
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millionsnife · 3 months
Repetition does nothing to reinforce the idea that having him personally deliver donuts to Ship Five’s front door is prohibitively expensive. Mostly because he’s pretty sure he knows who’s responsible for placing the order despite the ominous choice of name.
Nothing wrong with continuing business as usual, even if this feels like rubbing salt in the wound.
Wolfwood scratches at the side of his neck, keeping himself busy with stray thoughts and not the growing nervousness bubbling at the bottom of his stomach.
What the hell kind of alias is Knives anyway? Maybe Vash thought it’d be funny, maybe this is a sign he’s about to be cut up into a million pieces for having spoken to one of the most rare, amazing creatures in the universe. 
Twice, even.
While he’s standing there on the stern ramp, twiddling his thumbs (if he had thumbs to twiddle, because his hands are currently occupied holding a box of donuts) and waiting for the access doors to part, the back of his neck prickles.
He isn’t sure what to expect when the doors finally unseal. The teeny, tiny part of him hoping that Vash would be there to greet him dies immediately. 
That’s okay, he’d been prepared for this possibility. He had not, however, anticipated meeting Vash’s twin. Twin, he assumes, because they share the same face and height and just about nothing else that he can discern through a first impression alone. He knows a man not to be trifled with when he sees one. 
Wolfwood does his best not to stare.
“Got your donuts right here,” he announces without a great deal of confidence. Wolfwood extends the pink box and all its custom oil stains up and out for Knives to accept. The man’s face seems indecipherably placid, and Wolfwood wonders if that’s just his eyes adjusting from the bright light of the twin suns to looking inside past the doorway. 
“For, uh…Knives, right? I’ll just be givin’ you this and I’ll be on my merry way.” 
Wolfwood looks ready to speed walk down the ramp as soon as he makes the handoff. 
"Ah, bakery man." Right, he's ordered donuts hasn't he. For Vash, obviously since he doesn't eat them himself, but mainly as an excuse to properly meet the baker since Vash had refused to actually introduce them properly for him to assess the man.
His eyes flick over him slowly, though nothing about his expression changes as they do. "Hm, yes I see why he thought yours breasts were exemplary. I suppose he can keep you. This way, then." He turns on his heel, gesturing impatiently for Wolfwood to follow him inside.
"My brother is busy at the moment but he'll want his donuts soon enough, I'm sure." And isn't Knives a great brother, getting both them and his bakery man here for him before he even ordered them? "You can wait with me." That will at least give him permission to be waiting around, and hopefully prevent anyone bothering him at the same time. Vash would be inconsolable if someone chased the bakery man off before he got to see him.
He's halfway down the hall before he stops, a thought coming to him. "You did get your clothing when I returned it, yes?" Leaving it in a bag looped over one of his knives stabbed into the bakery door might be a bit more accurate, but close enough. "They should have been undamaged."
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Hi there lovely! Here’s my information for the Sons of Anarchy Ship/Match-up
Features: I’m a female, standing at 5’6, I possess long light brown hair with a tint of redness in the sunlight. My hazel eyes change each day from green/brown to brown/gold. I have the sun and moon tattoos on my thighs, a shark up my side torso on my ribs, half an arm sleeve and a neck tattoo revealing my zodiac sign – Gemini (which I often hide) I’m slender with curves.
Hobbies: I am a workaholic; it becomes my hobby at times. I work in the funeral home, removing the deceased from the POD. I enjoy my free time spent with my dogs, my fierce Doberman and my lovable, motivating exercise collie partner. I enjoy reading all things Stephen King and James Patterson and playing any horror related video games. You guessed it, I’m a strong advocate for the horror genre, and Freddy Krueger will always have my heart. I watch SOA and SPN religiously whenever I tilly tally around the house.
Personality: Often seen as an outgoing, happy go lucky, eccentric lady (This is from first judgement from people I know) When really, I’m rather introverted and possess way too dark humour. I collect knives, different types ranging from a replica of the SPN demon blade, to a jungle machete. These are all encases in a glass shelf, only used for display. I love to make others laugh, and I’m incredibly loyal to those I care for. I don’t practice religion (I support others who do) as the only thing I believe in, is the reaper.
Aesthetics: Not sure if this is a term but my house is very much cabin like. Wooden beams, brown features, brown clocks with black accents. I love this kind of theme, heavily decorated with green plants and fish tanks.  
Likes: Lover of being at home, with my man and the dogs. Also a lover of all things spooky. I enjoy long hot showers with my candles lit in the shower itself, It’s so peaceful. I love to read, whether it be books in my hand or online. Sadly, I am a smoker, so my time alone on my patio having a cig is therapeutic to me. I adore time spent with my little family or my close friends whether it be going to the pub for a beer or shopping at Walmart for new bedding 😊 Coffee is my best friend.
Dislikes: My biggest dislike in this world, is seeing animals mistreated. I am that person that buys the near dead betta fish at the pet store and brings it home to treat and watch thrive. I dislike SNAKES. They just scare me, but don’t wish any ill will on them. Hypocrites are my triggers, can’t stand someone who preaches to the choir about wrong doings when they’re actively just as guilty. Own your shit is my motto.             
Brief fun facts about me!
Used to train canines for search work, in areas such as narcotics and explosives. My closest friend is my grandma. I love to wear black. My go to perfume is good girl. I play COD often – I’m competitive in nature. I wear the SONS rings as I got them custom made, and it’s my favourite accessory!
I put way too much into this post, but hopefully it’ll help lots with finding my best ship! Thanks for taking the time to do this 😊  
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
You LITERALLY sound like a character from Supernatural?!?! Are you sure you aren't Bobby's long-lost daughter or something?
Also being a canine trainer?! Um... are you the coolest person in the goddamn world? I think so.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑶𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏! I think you guys would be such a perfect match. In a way, you remind me of a cool-ass version of Donna? You seem very strong - emotionally, mentally and physically. Opie is a quiet guy, very loyal and genuine. You don't have to worry about him being manipulative or having underlying motives. He practically wears his heart on his sleeve but does his best not to show it.
・You’d both be very level-headed and know you can trust the other. Opie is incredibly loyal, and if you showed to him the same loyalty, then nothing could come between you. 
・I think Opie would put on a brave face to watch horror movies, and he finds some scenes funny. Although he gets tight-lipped when there’s a lot of gore (feels a bit guilty?)
・He’d actually like one of your favourite horror movies, and love getting themed gifts from you
・Opie would love staying at home with you - you two would move in together and make your home a paradise. You both have a similar aesthetic. Cabin, rustic, and cosy, Opie would absolutely adore your dogs. 
・I think you would fit in with the club very easily. Gemma would be wary of you at first, but realise you aren't someone that's easily pushed around. You would definitely grow on her without realising it.
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prepper-in-the-woods · 10 months
ESEE knives are some of the best in the business, offering a huge assortment of tools for everything from hunting to personal defence.
If you're looking to customize your ESEE knife, the TKC Knife Builder is a great place to start. With the ESEE-6 Knife Builder, you can easily create the knife of your dreams by selecting the blade and building up from there with your choice of handle colour, sheath, and other accessories like firesteels and loops.
The ESEE-4 Knife Builder offers similar customization options.
If you're looking for a compact ESEE knife for everyday carry, the ESEE Izula Fixed Blade Survival EDC Neck Knife is a great choice. Its reinforced tip makes it sturdier than other knives in its class.
To see these ESEE knife accessories in action, check out our YouTube channel, where we have a playlist dedicated to ESEE knives. And if you're interested in purchasing any of these accessories, we've included affiliate Amazon links below:
ESEE-6 Knife Builder:
ESEE-4 Knife Builder:
ESEE Izula Fixed Blade Survival EDC Neck Knife:  https://youtu.be/z1OjDvzj45M
Thanks for reading!
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Devil's Food - Chapter 8
MasterList /Ayami’s Profile/Previous
Chapter 8- Chance
His first target was lying on the floor, his neck twisted at an unconventional angle, facing upwards as he lay on his stomach. Now it was just a game of waiting.
The Assassin sat in the plush office's comfortable swivel chair, sniffing a Cuban cigar the idiot had on his desk. Nice smell, it had a hint of mint in the rolled tobacco. He decided to take the box, not because he smoked, but because it would be a nice thing to have as a souvenir.
Apparently those pigs were from a smuggling gang, one of those that supplied weapons from various places to a few criminals here and there, the kind that the police even refused to investigate because of the influences among the big ones... really, what police was for? Ah yes, to whistle in traffic and make the donut and coffee trade run. Important.
Anyway, they were even smuggling weapons unique to the Kure, as far as he knew, and, well, if you mess with the clan, you mess with him too. The best part was, this kind of bullshit provided limitless fun for Raian, and now here he was, lounging in a fully comfortable chair at a table piled high with interesting papers, and he read as he was waiting for the next target to arrive. Firearms, knives, some melee weapons, even a pair of Yamanoito swords…
He stopped when he read about the swords. Heck, these Katanas were, and still are unique, hella expensive, and serialized via registration. Apparently someone was messing around more than they should, because the only way to get one of these would be to kill a Kure or steal from the Yamagami family… But he couldn't remember any of the clan that owned one of these and had died since Grandpa Erioh, the Patriarch…
Ohhh… Yamagami, eh? He knew that name… He ended up putting two and two together. So the Mousie was there in the village to retrieve these swords? Or perhaps she had been sold to the clan to finish off the idiots who had stolen the swords?
Maybe the fact that she was so “popular” wasn't because she was interesting after all, or because she had something special. It was because she had no other use there. And well, the Yamagami were from a good lineage. Legendary swordsmen, both in skill and craftsmanship… hmm…
 But, legends were legends, and the Kure kept the legend, but the Yamagami… pffff… all that was left of them apparently was a fat Mouse whose only sharp thing was her tongue.
Pathetic. But it was funny, at least.
He heard the sound of footsteps approaching the room, and smiled.
Finally some action.
"Miss, you've been called," a Kure girl said from the door.
“Me? Who called?” She turns around, taking her eyes from the desk, where she was studying.
“Mr. Hollis, he asked me to take you to the office.”
“Oh yes, I will in a moment.” She closes the books marked with hundreds of colored sticky notes, and stands up, wiping her long skirt. She follows the girl next.
Ayami noticed that her hair was very short, except for a section of hair that fell over her forehead, leaving an air of elegance on her oval face. She had long eyelashes over her eyes, thin eyebrows, and a body almost as statuesque as Fusui's. She again felt a little self-conscious, but she was used to it. It wasn't something she envied others, it was just a stupid habit of comparing herself. The girl walked confidently, with her head held high, almost as if she were catwalking, and one hand on the bar of her belt that Ayami immediately recognized as the custom of someone who walks around with a Katana. She found this amusing, because it was something she had when she did Kenjutsu, before correcting her posture in her teens.
They walked through the village, and soon she realized that they were heading towards a large typical Japanese mansion, the largest of all in the place.
“Ah, it makes sense, the office being in the patriarch’s mansion…”
“Yes, it was from Master Erioh, before he passed away” the girl nodded, a little more cheerful “He ordered Hollis to stay in charge until the new leader is able to take over.”
“I never got to ask who it was…”
“It's Karla. She's in med residency, so the big guys decided to let her focus and finish everything first.”
“Got it” Ayami looks at the girl, she was wearing a slightly formal outfit, like her “I have seen you a few times in the cafeteria, but I never asked your name…”
“Ah, I'm Kure Youko, nice to meet you.”
“My Pleasure. I don't think I need to introduce myself…”
“No, you don't” she smiles “you are Ayami, the swordsman lawyer and Raian's Candidate…”
Ayami laughs softly “No… I'm not a swordsman…”
“No? You're a Yamagami, aren't you?”
“It doesn't mean anything, in my case…” Ayami blushes “I practiced Kenjutsu but…”
“It's a pity” Youko shrugs “we have dojos around here, if you were still a practitioner, then you could train with us.”
“I'll think about the case, at least to watch. I still like the sport, I just didn't have the patience to train anymore.”
“Perfect, I'll show you later, if you want! I live very close to where you are, so we go together!” she smiles more. Ayami couldn't help but smile along.
“Are all the Kure that friendly?”
“We try, especially to the girls who will join our clan... It's a pity you ended up with the black sheep…” she stops when the other one stares at her expressionlessly “b-but we hope it works out! We give full support!”
“Of course, of course” Ayami rolls her eyes. Apparently, no one believed it could work. Understandable.
“Oh, by the way, I heard that you used to play Fruit Ninja with real Katanas… is this true?”
“What…?” Ayami blinked, surprised “No, I don’t…”
“Aw… Fusui was pleading to her brother to lend his sword, but I know that he won’t give. But I have one. Shall we play someday?”
“You really liked this Idea, didn’t you?”
“Yea! It’s awesome! But without the bombs, of course… you’re such a savage…”
“What?! You really thought that I played this? I was just joking…”
“Oh… I think it was a misunderstanding, then…” Youko shrugs “But with only the fruits it’s a pretty nice game, I have a katana, so we should really play. I’ll call you when we are ready! Aaaaand, it's here” Youko announces, pointing to a room. 
“I think I don’t have a choice anymore, then… I’m not that good at that, just warning you”
“That just makes things more fun!” Youko waved when Ayami thanked her and the two parted ways.
The lawyer entered, and saw the room. The structure was like the rest of the entire mansion, but the furniture was typical of a luxurious office. Hollis, who was sitting at the desk, stuck his head over the paperwork.
“Ah, hello miss” said the Kure “come closer.”
She obeyed “I was told you called me…”
“Yes, I called. Fusui told me you're good with bureaucracy and paperwork.”
“Well, I do what I can” she sees the pile of accumulated papers “Do you need help?”
‘Precisely. Reichii doesn't do well with this sort of thing, and Grandpa's aides are scattered around doing other outside jobs. We have other attorneys who also cover a portion, but I leave to them the services of assassination contracts and mission registration, which are a part of our larger work.”
“So… what are all these papers…?” she observes one on top of the pile.
“Certificates, Records, Property Contracts, that notary stuff” Hollis sighs “this village is independent from the rest of the other prefectures, so we have our own in-house office. Do you work with this kind of thing?”
“Well, I was majoring in criminal and civil law, but I understand the other types. Business is no stranger to me either.
“Excellent. I know you were an intern at a firm, so as soon as possible, I'll transfer you here” Hollis gets up “Fusui got her property with advantages thanks to you, so I think he deserved this position. Do not waste.”
His tone was friendly, she nodded, smiling a little.
“Thank you sir… I am honored.” then she pauses a little “I… can I ask you something…?”
“Ask two.”
She cleared her throat before starting.
“My father and my brother… how are they?” Her voice came out cautious.
“Behaved,” the assassin summed up, “we've been keeping an eye out, and apparently things are going well. Soon we will notify them of your condition.”
“Condition…” she reflected a little “so they don't know that I'm engaged…”
“Well no. But I also don't think they're in a position to complain” the Assassin folds his arms “and you understand that.”
“Honestly, sir, I just think this is extremely at odds with human rights, even more so today. But apparently we can't think about human rights when it comes to a secular contract... or women's rights…”
“No, we can't, especially since you came willingly to save them and free them from this contract, don't forget that.”
“I'm not a lawyer for nothing, sir. I don't forget my promises, and I certainly don't respect anyone who breaks them. But above that, I still love my family, and that's non-negotiable. Even if I am now at your mercy, I still want to know about them, and I don't want them to worry about me” she sighs, calming down “but it's ok, you answered my question, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that…”  takes a deep breath “when do I start…?”
“Next week, it's time for us to transfer your legal status and, in fact, work for us. You may have this debt of honor transferred to you, but it is not a financial debt. And for sure if you are useful to us, we will not ask for free.”
“And considering that I will soon be a Kure…”
“You have every reason to work if you want to. Even more so because it's promised to someone of the main bloodline.”
“M-Main lineage?” She widens her eyes, flustered “So the… my…”
“Yes, Raian is not the strongest just by effort. It's for everything together. Insanity too, but that's debatable…”
“Oh…” suddenly she felt the weight on her back thirty times greater. But at the same time her cheeks flushed, her ego a little graced. Until that prison really wasn't that confined… “I… I think I owe you a thank you, so… Thanks for the treatment you're giving me.”
“As we said, you had nothing to do with your father's mistake. It wouldn't be fair of us at all. And, as you may have noticed, joining the two clans together is better than keeping them separate. This should have been resolved centuries ago, but anyway…” he shrugs ‘you are dismissed for today, Miss.”
“Yes, sorry to interrupt your work” she bows “that was enlightening.”
“Yeah, now have a nice day.” He motions her to the door, and she leaves without delay.
She starts to reflect as she leaves the main mansion. So not only they weren’t angry with her per se, they found her relevant and “noble” enough to place her as a fiancée not just for a Kure, but one of the most relevant men in the family… She blushed, smiling. This would surely be too good to be true if the guy in question weren't a complete nasty, irritant... and that if she irritated him too much he could plead insanity and negligence on their part if they tried him for murdering his fiancée...
She shivered all over at the thought of it. Focus, Ayami... you're not on death row if you don't make it, but for you to be free and be able to save everyone in your family, you have this best chance... just conquer this guy somehow...
… Just it...
The problem… is that this was the hardest part.
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Next Chapter Here
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bullet-rebuttle · 3 months
Executions part..3 I think idk. Now I just know I have made one for everyone.
Mizumi Akemi’s execution: Lost at Sea
Mizumis hands are tied to a pirate ships wheel. She is forced to steer throughout large groups of water. Monokuma soon appears dressed as a siren singing..poorly. Despite that; Mizumi is forced to follow it and the ship pounds against the rock Monokuma is on. The ship carries TNT and explodes with Mizumi still on it. Soon a Monokuma pirate in a scuba diver outfit goes under the water finding below her skeleton below with Monokuma raising her skull in celebration for finding the ‘treasure’.
Sumiko Honda’s execution: Those you can’t save.
Sumiko is on top of a large building. She turns around to see a line of patients she has helped in a line behind her. One by one the patients walk beginning to jump off the building, Sumiko tries to talk them out of it and stop them however is unable to. The final person on the building before jumping grabs her wrists, someone who looks like her former friends, drags her down with her. Sumiko falls dying from the great height.
Shigure Futaba: Red String of Fate.
Shigure’s hands are tied by simple red strings by his wrists. His body is forced to be hung up still by the wrists. He is shown what he loves most, he gets shown love in all forms. Love between a parent and child, love between siblings, love between friends, all of it. However it ends with showing him a mirror of his reflection to taunt him showing how he has never truly had or even understood true love despite his talent. A new red string ties around his neck and the ones on his wrists are cut leading him to be hung. Finally, Monokuma dressing as Cupid shoots a large arrow through his heart.
Rika Ikari’s execution: “Hey waiter!”
Rika is given plates of food along a long hallway and is told to give the food to the customer. As she skates over to the customer something is revealed behind her. Her entire group of siblings are there, Monokuma next to them holding a massive meat slicer. This causes Rika to stop and rush back to her sibling in terror as the customer yells at her. Despite that, she is too late as she watches her entire group of siblings get slashed and die. Rika falls to her knees in broken defeat ignoring the customers anger. It ends with her being quickly sliced as well in defeat no longer trying to get away at all.
Yamane’s execution: “Ick, so last season!”
Yamane is laid down on a large piece of fabric. Above her is a massive sewing machine and Monokuma designing a dress of some kind. He starts the sewing machine stitching her to the fabric below her starting with her arms and legs before ending with her stomach. It ends with Monokuma looking at his outfit in disgust and throwing it away, dooming it and Yamane herself to be forgotten.
Hayato’s execution: Follow the assignment
Hayato is surrounded by skilled fighters and is tasked with protecting someone in a Monokuma suit. He despite his fear of the execution does exactly that fighting off the best he can, but soon gets overwhelmed and is surprised to see the one in the Monokuma suit trying to stop the attackers as well despite Hayato telling it to stop. Soon a attack hits the suit and the mask comes off to reveal Giichi. Hayato runs to protect him losing focus and is soon killed by the fighters.
Akihito’s execution. ‘Words like Knives.”
Akihito sits down at his desk, A bunch of eyes surround him watching him work. He is forced to draw a next manga but each decision he makes gets the audience angry as they slash him with knives demanding him to make it the way they want. Determined to make everyone happy, Akihito keeps trying despite all the slashes even as he begins to grow dizzy from bloodloss. The manga is soon finished and it goes out to the audience, a group of Monokumas who angrily rip it up unsatisfied. It ends with them all stabbing him until he dies from bloodloss, the last thing he hears is hatred to him.
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bananawired · 2 years
Eastman acoustic guitars specs
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#Eastman acoustic guitars specs professional#
Eastman builds woodwind and brass instruments and has continued the tradition of high quality at a low cost. In addition to fine violins, stringed instruments, guitars and mandolins, Eastman has become a major name in the band instrument business. The story of Eastman does not stop with stringed instruments. All products have been highly regarded by players and used everywhere from homes to major concert stages internationally. It was only logical that Eastman continued to branch out into the mandolin family of instruments, various electric guitars and flat top acoustic guitars. Rapidly Eastman was established as an extremely high quality- high value, affordable arch top guitar manufacturer. The results exceeded expectations and became an immediate hit among players of all levels. Numerous vintage models were studied and the first guitars were built by the most gifted staff of the shop. Following the same good practices established by the violin shop, a studied approach was applied to the arch top guitar. Ni identified the need for hand crafted arch top guitars at an affordable price. Thanks to Eastman Strings, string players today have advantages unknown to earlier generations: quality instruments, bows, and cases available world-wide at affordable prices.Įastman Strings had been accepted as high quality handcrafted instruments, so Mr. Chisels, knives, gouges, and scrapers, in the hands of outstandingly gifted craftspeople, are the primary tools used to create these modern instruments and bows, using methods centuries old. They have virtually no power tools aside from the band saws used to cut out the necks and the outlines of the tops and backs of instruments. Today, the instrument and bow making workshops of Eastman Strings operate in precisely the same manner as late 19th century European workshops.
#Eastman acoustic guitars specs professional#
In both workshops, master makers train and oversee talented woodworkers to create some of the world’s finest student, step-up, and professional instruments and bows. In the short time since this workshop was founded, the reputation of Eastman Strings’ instruments for tonal quality and craftsmanship excellence has become a worldwide standard.Īfter establishing the instrument making workshop, Qian Ni went on to found a bow making workshop based on the same principals. Ni hired a group of established master violinmakers, and with their help, he established a large master violin workshop devoted to the handcrafting of instruments-one of the first the world had known since the first half of the 20th century. In the beginning, he and his two musician colleagues bought instruments from Western-trained violin makers from their home town in China, but before long, they saw that a different approach was needed. In 1992, Qian Ni, who had come to the United States from China to study music, founded Eastman Strings. With over 500 archtops in stock you can be assured that we have unbelievable guitars to fit any budget. Since our inventory changes so frequently it’s best to call us to find all of your available options. Since many of our guitars come standard with upgraded woods and tone controls shopping by price alone won’t tell the whole story. And if you happen to find a lower price please let us know.Īnd please keep in mind that it’s difficult comparing various instruments on the Internet. We routinely have demos, closeouts, blemishes, and used instruments available for purchase. We encourage you to call us for the best price possible. And all instruments are sold with our 72 hour satisfaction guarantee. And as a guitarist myself I would never sell an instrument that didn’t live up to my own high standards and expectations.Īll of our instruments are thoroughly inspected, tested, professionally set up, and carefully packed for shipment. We strive to price our instruments as competitively as possible in order to give our customers the best possible value for their dollar. Our goal at Guitars ‘n Jazz is to find you the best possible instrument that not only matches your personal requirements and play-style, but is also a guitar that you enjoy playing and look forward to picking up.
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korayonat851-blog · 4 years
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dabbertcustomblades · 5 years
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Neck knives, it’s always good to have a back up! All my neck knives comes with Kydex sheath and break away chain. Available at etsy.com/shop/dabbertcustomblades
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
The Kiss
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◐ Series Masterlist ◐
◐ Part I ◐ Part II ◐ Part III ◐ Part IV ◐ Part V ◐ Part VI ◐ Part VII ◐
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Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Jimin x Omega Reader
Rating: Hard Mature 18+ (for this installment)
Warnings: this one is a little darker, descriptions of violence, ABO sexual dynamics including discussion of scenting, marking, mating, and claiming, strong sexual innuendo, discussion of violence relating to ritual combat, possessive behavior, injuries and discussion of injuries, lots of people have, use and are threatened by knives, kidnapping and drugging, its not as bad as it sounds, but it is definitely a bit darker…
Word Count: 4250
Author’s Note: I said it before but it bears repeating...You have no idea what your support has meant to me. Truly your asks and your messages and comments…they made me so happy. You made me believe that people wouldn’t forget about this story. I am so grateful you were able to wait. As many of you know I faced a medical emergency recently and you were all so lovely. The best followers on this site and I MEAN that. As always, my angels @ppersonna @xjoonchildx and  @untaemedqueen​  were (and continue to be) the best betas and the best friends anyone could ask for. My thanks to ALL of you for helping me bring this story to life! I don’t know what I would do without your daily encouragement and your daily support. You guys are the heartbeat of this story. It wouldn’t be here without you.
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Two Years Ago 
Centuries ago the moon goddess stumbled across her human soulmate while he was sleeping. Struck by his beauty, but reluctant to reveal her identity, the goddess began to visit him in his dreams where she could hide her true form and appear before him as a mortal woman. 
In the world of dreams their love flourished and from that blessed union the packs were born…
The wolf nations celebrated this sacred romance every ten years during the Festival of the Lover’s Moon…
The day of the festival was spent eating and drinking and dancing at large parties, but when the sun went down… well—
That’s when things got really interesting. 
On the night of Lover’s Moon the young unmated wolves of the pack were permitted to commemorate this legendary love story in a decidedly scandalous manner. 
The unmated men assumed the role of the goddess’s sleeping lover—they were blindfolded (to represent slumber) and led into a large sectioned off area of the dark forest to ‘wait and dream.’
Unmated she-wolves over the age of maturity (eighteen) took herbal scent suppressors and ventured out into that very same forest in order to anonymously ‘visit’ the young men ‘in their dreams’...
The rules for what exactly that meant were pretty fast and loose which was why Min Yoongi was thanking the goddess and every other deity he could think of that Yunli was still seventeen. 
“But I will be eighteen in two days! Please can’t I just—“
“No. Absolutely not under any circumstances ever.”
“But Yoonji is going!”
“Ji-ah is nearly nineteen and has never been interested in any of the snotty little man-pups of our pack.” He snorted. “She’s probably going out just so she can shove a bunch of them in the lake.”
“I wouldn’t count on it,” Yunli mumbled irritably. 
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Kim Taehyung yawned idly and snuggled into the cozy little pallet he prepared at the base of his favorite tree. The blindfold he and all the other unmated ‘lovers’  wore was made from witchcloth and could not be removed while the sun was down—so he had snuck into the forest earlier to set everything up. 
Now all he had to do was wait until—
“H-Hi Taehyung.”
Oh sh—
“Uh. Hello...Miss.”
Taehyung didn’t recognize the owner of that voice, but he knew for sure who it wasn’t. 
“I was hoping to find you tonight.”
This is not good. 
“Well I’m—I’m flattered… naturally but—”
She touched his hand and he squeaked. 
“I was thinking you and I might get to know each other a little bet—eep!”
The sharp point of a custom blade pressed directly into the unfortunate young beta girl’s pulse point. 
“Are you lost, puppy?”
A heavy cloak obscured the newcomer’s features, but there was no mistaking her meaning. 
Taehyung bit his lip to keep from snorting as the poor she-wolf scrambled away. 
“Ji-ah,” he tsked with feigned disapproval, “that wasn’t very nice.”
Min Yoonji grinned as she sheathed her wicked looking dagger and slid languidly into his arms. 
“You don’t like nice girls, Kim Taehyung.”
“I like you,” he whispered breathlessly against her lips. “Nice or not—it doesn't matter to me…” His hands slid greedily over her soft curves—pulling her closer till he felt the beat of her heart against his own. “I’ll like anything as long as it’s you.” 
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This was the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas. 
Jimin huffed as he struggled to find a comfortable position against the giant boulder he’d chosen as his perch.
Why did I let Taehyung talk me into this?
He could be at home—in bed—comfortably sleeping off the all-day feast he’d indulged in. 
Instead he was out in the middle of the forest sitting blindfolded on a rock in the off chance that one of the she-wolves was out looking for him. 
Not bloody likely. 
Not when prime targets like Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook—and countless others—were scattered throughout the woods. 
“Park Jimin?”
Every hair on Jimin’s body stood on end. 
It was a soft whisper—the speaker clearly didn’t want her voice to be recognized, yet something about the sound sent a curious frisson of interest down his spine. 
He gulped. 
“Yes… that’s me. But if you’re looking for Hoseok he’s just a little deeper in. You probably caught his scent downwind so—”
“I’m not looking for Hoseok.”
Jimin licked his lips and the sight of it sparked a odd curl of heat in the pit of your belly. 
“I don’t know where anyone else is…”
“That’s quite alright.” A muted shuffle of movement reached his ears as you settled down beside him. “I was looking for you.” 
“Oh…” He rubbed the back of his neck idly. “Are you sure?”
Laughter like fairy bells whispered through the air and Jimin felt his heart clench.
Don’t get your hopes up. 
“Who are you?”
You were silent for a long time and then—
“I am someone who owes you a debt. One I have never been able to repay.”
Jimin’s head tilted curiously as he considered your words. 
“I’m sorry, miss… you must be mistaken. There isn’t—“
“You don’t remember.” 
It was a statement—not a question. Your voice was nearer now. He could feel the warmth of your body close to his—though not quite touching. “It was your wolf that saved me. But you had not gone through the Change yet.”
Familiar shame spiked sharply in his chest.
“I’m seven years past the Change...Why have you never mentioned this before?”
“Circumstances prevented me from doing so.” 
There was a cold finality to your pronouncement—which of course did nothing but further inflame his curiosity. 
“Then why come to me now?”
“I’ve come to repay you.”
Jimin’s mouth dropped open. 
Were you trying to—?!
“Oh—no please that-that’s not necessary—I could never take advantage of—”
You giggled again.  
“I am not offering my body, Park Jimin.”
Jimin breathed a heavy sigh of relief then shook his head with a wry chuckle. 
“Well considering the circumstances I can hardly be blamed for assuming you might be. And honestly most men would jump at the chance to—”
“You...are not most men.” 
Jimin’s eyes narrowed beneath his blindfold. 
“Little she-wolf—I may not be wrestling bears for fun or bare knuckle boxing in the town square, but I am still an alpha.”
The weight of his command poured over your body as he spoke the last word. There was no order or intent—he had simply given you a taste of his power. 
Aside from your direct blood relatives, no alpha had ever dared unleash their compel in your presence—therefore you were utterly unprepared for the effect it had on you—
Utterly unprepared for the strange surge of want so potent and profound that it stole the breath from your body. 
It was primal—invigorating—
You and your wolf may not have been entirely connected yet, but she was suddenly quite vocal about her desire to fully bask in Park Jimin’s attention.
A wicked grin played over his lips as he leaned in closer and you could almost feel the soft brush of his lips against your cheek. 
“Did you think I would not desire the touch of a beautiful woman in the moonlight?” he whispered. 
Please touch me, Alpha. 
Your eyes widened. 
Dear goddess. Your inner wolf was turning out to be a shameless hussy. 
“You might desire it, but you are far too  honorable to accept it as payment for a debt.”
Jimin drew back warily. 
You were correct of course. After all he had refused you when he believed that was your intent but—
“How could you know that?”
Evade. Evade now. 
“Well... how could you know I was beautiful? You’re blindfolded.”
He shrugged and your wolf took careful note of the way it made all the pretty muscles in his back and shoulders ripple. 
He will give us such strong—
Oh boy. 
He will do no such thing. Please calm down. 
“Not everything must be seen with your eyes.”
Is that how you found me? All those years ago...
Questions churned chaotically beneath your consciousness but you dared not give voice to them. 
“I must repay this debt. Ask for what you want and—if it is in my power—I swear it will be yours.”
Jimin smiled again, but this time it was somehow softer. For a moment he looked almost…
“I’m afraid that the only thing I have ever wanted is not within your power to give...and I dare not ask you or anyone else for it.”
For her. 
He sighed and drew even farther away from you—in fact it seemed like he was preparing to leave. 
Your hand reached out almost of it's its own accord and wrapped tightly around his wrist. The contact sent a shock of searing heat through his veins and he froze. 
“Please alpha. It is not acceptable for someone like me—” a leader, a Luna, “—to owe another my life and offer nothing in return. You must let me pay my debt.”
Omega, his wolf growled, sweet perfect omega. 
Suppressors may have hidden your scent, but the siren song of an omega pleading prettily in his ear was unmistakable—irresistible…
“What if all I want is your name?”
You sighed deeply. 
“I cannot give you that. My name is… not mine to offer.”
Jimin laughed. 
“A woman I cannot remember with a name I cannot know and whose face I cannot see.” He shook his head. “Perhaps you are just a figment of my imagination.”
It was hard to explain what happened next...For whatever reason his words cut you deeply and you were overcome with the desire—no need—to refute them somehow. 
“I’m real enough,” you whispered, bringing his hand to your cheek. 
Jimin was genuinely beginning to wonder if you were a witch as well as a she-wolf. Being close to you was intoxicating and the urge to draw you in was steadily overpowering every other thought.
“Could I ask you for a kiss, then?”
“You—...You saved my life and all you want... is a kiss?”
The air grew heavier as the strange magnetic pull between you swelled to a silent inescapable crescendo. 
“In Seoul I often searched for someone who could ease my loneliness, yet each time I walked away emptier than before.” His thumb brushed gently over your lips and your eyes fluttered shut. “I have never had a kiss that meant anything to me.”
But yours might. 
It was unclear who moved first, whether he pulled you to him or you surged forward but when your bodies aligned and your lips met his for the first time it was as if you had never been separate from one another. 
As if you had always been deeply—intimately —together. 
The indescribable feel of him lit over your senses like a struck match. It was an ignition in the purest sense of the word— a fiery visceral awakening fueled by a consuming flood of desire. 
Yes, Alpha. 
He might never see your face or hear your name, but Jimin knew he would remember the taste of you for the rest of his life. It was hot and bright like liquid sunshine— a pure relentless light flowing through him where there was once only darkness. 
A soft needy moan rose up from your chest and he growled in primal satisfaction as you melted against him. 
Your fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt of their own accord, desperately trying to bring him closer until he wrapped his arms around you in a heated embrace. 
“Please,” he begged breathlessly against your mouth. “Please tell me who you are.”
The words crashed over you like a bucket of ice —dousing the hazy pleasure of his kiss with a cold bite of reality. Suddenly you were wrenching yourself away from him and your wolf whimpered in misery at the loss of his touch. 
“I can’t,” you whispered. 
And then you were gone. 
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“Did someone hurt you?”
You looked up to find Jin taking in your tears with cold fury. 
Twin knives were already gleaming dangerously in his hands and he appeared ready to filet whichever bastard was foolish enough to make you cry. 
“No,” you sniffed—well aware of how pitiful you were at the moment—crying in the corner of your cousin’s kitchen. “I got myself into this mess without any help—as usual.”
Jin sighed and slid down next to you. 
“Tell me.”
“Something happened that I…I didn’t intend.”
“Oh I knew that already. The Luna isn’t supposed to be running around on the night of Lover’s Moon in a forest full of blind horny wolves—“
You snorted and shook your head. 
“You’re absolutely right. I should have stayed away.”
Jin’s eyes narrowed and he wondered if perhaps you had caught Kim Namjoon with another omega. Nothing would be official until after the Change of course, but your bond with him was basically a foregone conclusion at this point. 
“You went looking for someone...didn’t you.”
You nodded miserably—all but confirming his fears. He made a mental note to push Namjoon in the swamp at the next available opportunity. 
“You know... the stories say that a Luna is powerfully drawn to her mate under the Lover’s Moon—that her wolf can sense him even before the Change.”  He reached over and gently began to brush the tears from your eyes. “So it’s not surprising that you sought him out, but it’s not really fair to hold whatever it is you saw against him. There is no relationship between you yet and…” he chuckled, “kisses beneath festival moonlight don’t really mean anything anyways.”
It was clear that Jin had somehow gotten the entirely wrong impression, but perhaps that was for the best. 
No one knew of your connection to Jimin and no one had seen what passed between you. 
Something about his assessment stung you. 
“You really believe that? ...That a kiss exchanged tonight means nothing?”
“I do.” Jin spoke with conviction. “There’s ancient magic at play in those woods. You can’t always trust what you see—or what you feel.”
“Oh I...I didn’t know…”
After a moment you laid your head against his shoulder and let the last of your tears run silently down your cheek. 
“Jin-ah have you ever wanted something you knew you couldn’t have?”
“Yes.” He sighed heavily and pulled you in to snuggle a bit closer. “When I was younger I dreamed of having a mate just like everyone else…”
The words were so softly spoken—almost wistful. Your heart splintered just hearing them. 
“But… she could be out there—your mate.”
Jin shook his head. 
“When is the last time you heard of a female alpha?”
Fresh tears welled up in your eyes. 
“Hey,” he whispered, “don’t waste your crying on me. I’ve long since come to terms with who and what I am.”
“You’re not sad anymore?”
“Well… maybe sometimes I am… but I had to accept that people like us are not like everyone else. Our destinies were written long before we were born.”
“And you believe you’re destined to be alone?”
“Wolves in a pack are never really alone.”
“Yes...but they can be lonely,” you whispered thinking back to Jimin’s words. 
For a moment Jin’s eyes were the saddest you had ever seen them. 
“Well...I suppose they can.”  Then he chuckled and gave your nose an affectionate little tap. “But you don’t need to worry about that. When the time comes Namjoon will take his place at your side and the two of you will build a wonderful life together... Isn’t that what you want?”
Isn’t it?
Your treacherous thoughts drifted back to the boy in the moonlight—to the way your body sang when he touched you and the strange insatiable desire to know him and be known by him in return.
“Please...Tell me who you are.”
A heavy ache settled in your heart. 
You were the Luna of the mountain nations. A true born moon princess. 
You could never be the woman who kissed Park Jimin underneath the stars. 
You were not like everybody else. 
“...Yes. That is what I want.”
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Jimin’s heart pounded as he tore through the dark paths of the wood with Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook close behind. 
He had never led an attack—had never been trained to command wolves in battle. 
It was his first true test of leadership and he hadn’t even been a leader for twenty-four hours. 
Yet the fears and anxieties that might have normally clouded his mind were notably absent. 
There was only you.
Ironically Jimin owed Namjoon yet another debt—this time for explaining what exactly someone like him was capable of. 
The alpha Jin captured had given up their plan and position after being exposed to Jimin’s unique gifting, so he had a concrete target in his mind… He suspected however, that your captors had taken precautions after leaving some of their men behind. They had shifted their camp. 
But it wouldn’t be enough to save them. 
Jimin didn’t need your location to find you. 
He spent years refusing to look at you, and even then he always knew exactly where you were. He could sense you in any crowd—hear your voice in a thousand.
Once it had tormented him cruelly to be so aware of you. 
Now it was the only thing keeping him sane. 
He followed the connection between his heart and yours like a lifeline and it guided him as surely as the stars. 
The alphas followed him without question. 
If any of them harbored lingering doubts before, they were firmly laid to rest after what they saw at the cottage. No ordinary wolf could do what he had done. 
The Alpha would bring back their Luna and retribution would be swift indeed. 
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The drugs in your system kept swinging you in and out of lucidity like a nightmarish pendulum. You tried to shift after the initial nausea faded, but whatever they gave you kept your wolf caged beneath your skin. 
The longing you felt for your mate was the only thing tethering you to reality. You could almost hear him echoing in the far corners of your mind—  
I’m coming Omega—hold on. 
I’ll find you. 
Part of you recognized that his voice was likely nothing more than the wistful creation of your drug-addled mind, still you clung to it like the last shred of hope while the minutes (or hours) flew past.
Chaos clouded your thoughts even in clearer moments as many unavoidable concerns forced their way through the haze. 
Jin was at the house with you when they broke in. You had no way of knowing if he survived. 
The men who took you were crass and irreverent. Their eyes followed your form with too much interest and too little respect. 
It was starting to get cold and (due to you nearly dismembering a high council member and needing to be compelled unconscious) you were still wearing a thin white ceremonial dress which offered very little protection from the elements. 
You wondered idly if your idiot captors would let you freeze to death before they accomplished whatever it was they took you for. They clearly needed you for something or you would have been long dead by now. 
None of them struck you as particularly brilliant planners so the mastermind must be somewhere else... 
Frankly the entire situation was as puzzling as it was troubling. Iron Claw had always gotten along well with your pack. 
Technically they were (almost) what the human governments called a vassal state. The presence of a Luna determined the dominant pack in a region and the Luna of the mountain nations had been born into Silver Fang—your pack—for the last thousand years or so. 
Why would they challenge us now? 
The birth of a Luna indicated that the goddess had chosen that pack to lead. Their willingness—not only to kidnap you—but to go against the dominant pack by doing so was alarming to say the least. 
A sudden explosion of movement and sound interrupted your contemplation. Motion erupted all around you—boots pounding on the ground, men falling into their wolf forms, knives being drawn… 
You lifted your head—straining forward to see the source of the commotion—and nearly collapsed in relief when you finally did. 
Your mate stood at the edge of the camp flanked by two enormous black wolves. 
A deadly looking jingum sword gleamed dangerously in his right hand. You recognized it immediately as your great-grandfather’s combat blade—the thousand year-old weapon of the Silver Fang Alphas. 
Relief flooded your chest all over again at the sight of it. Only Jin could have given him that sword—which meant he was still alive. 
The black wolves—Yoongi and Jungkook—snarled viciously but made no move to attack. 
Your captors were still scrambling into some sort of combat formation when Jimin finally spoke. 
“You have violated our sacred laws, trespassed in sovereign pack lands, kidnapped a Luna under the protection of our goddess, abducted the mate of the Silver Fang Alpha, and risked open war between our peoples.” He took a single step forward. “Surrender now and I will be merciful.”
The biggest of your captors—a man you recognized as the de facto leader—spat viciously on the ground. 
“You are not my Alpha,” he growled.
A cold—almost cruel—smile twisted over Jimin’s lips.
“Very well.”
Then he dropped to one knee and a massive grey wolf—Taehyung—leapt over his head and tore out the defiant leader’s throat before he even hit the ground. 
Your mouth dropped open. 
Bangtan formation.
Yoongi and Jungkook lunged forward in opposite directions, tackling their targets to the forest floor in a bloody clash of teeth and claws. 
One of the larger Iron Claw alphas half-shifted and charged Jimin but his arm shot out lightning fast, catching his attacker by the throat to send him flying through the air into a tree. 
The next several minutes could only be described as terrifyingly beautiful.
It was immediately clear that Jimin had been holding back when he fought Namjoon. 
He dispatched his opponents with such elegant savagery it was almost art.
You were so mesmerized watching Jimin sensually sword dance his way through a dozen alphas nearly twice his size that you almost missed Taehyung’s wolf rushing over with a dagger clenched between his teeth. 
Luna are you okay? 
You grinned and held up your rope-bound wrists. 
“I’ll be better once you pass me that knife.”
Taehyung nodded once and dropped the blade at your feet before tackling another wolf that was tearing towards the two of you. 
You sawed through the ties around your ankle first then twisted your arms to try and slice through the restraints on your wrist. 
The Iron Claw wolves were clearly no match for Jimin and his alphas. 
Jungkook and Yoongi chased after the few who were trying to run while Taehyung half-shifted to subdue the handful of wolves left alive as prisoners. Only Jimin continued to fight as the last three of your captors still standing took turns being slammed into the dirt by his strikes. 
He was clearly capable of dispatching them, but you were fairly convinced that you would die if you had to stay away from him for another second. The ropes, however, were surprisingly thick and the angle you were cutting them at wasn’t the best. If only—
You were almost free when you saw it. 
One of your captors had pulled a hunting javelin from their supply wagon. He must have hid himself at the onset of the fight, but now he was comfortably concealed by the shadows—and taking aim at Jimin. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach. 
The attacker appeared to handle the weapon with familiarity. He was too far back—too well hidden—Jimin would never see him in time—
The last cord around your wrist snapped and you were on your feet, pushing through the combined haze of fury and sedatives to charge the wolf who dared attack your mate. 
By the time he saw you it was far too late. 
Under the effects of the drug your aim was a little skewed but you weren’t Kim Seokjin’s cousin for nothing. 
One clean flick of your wrist and the dagger shot through the air, burying itself between the brute’s shoulder blades—all the way to the hilt. 
His body fell to the ground just as Jimin sent the last of your captors careening into a pile of previously defeated foes. 
For a moment all was quiet. 
Then your eyes locked across the distance and everything around you sharpened to a single whispered word. 
He had run non-stop for miles and torn apart a dozen wolves to get to your side—no amount of space between you now was tolerable. 
The sword clattered to the forest floor as he moved toward you—desperate to feel you—to wrap himself around you and know that you were safe. 
What happened next was as natural as breathing.
You opened to him and he lifted you into his arms, taking your lips in a hot unrepentant kiss. 
Fire exploded across your senses, burning away everything but the touch and taste of him. Every part of you was at once fiercely and gloriously alive. Desperate moans passed between you as he licked into your mouth—a dark primal promise of the pleasure he would take between your thighs. 
“Alpha,” you whimpered, too delirious with want to manage anything else. 
Suddenly Jimin’s eyes shot open. His hands flew to cup your face, searching it with a mixture of realization and disbelief.
“You… It was you.”
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If you are already on the taglist, then I will automatically tag you for the next part! If you would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know.
Please tell me what you thought of this update! I am really excited to hear your thoughts! Feedback really does fuel my writing and hearing from you means a lot to me! On days that its hard to write, I go back and I read your lovely words and it makes me want to keep going! I cannot overstate its value in my heart! Seriously this story keeps going because you guys have been so supportive and wonderful. You have no idea how much just a few word can brighten my world and fire up my muse. 
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caylusromanoff · 2 years
Can I request Natahsa x male reader. The reader is just having a hard time with family and Nataha is there to help him through it.
Hope it's alright 🙂.
Huffing you throw yourself down onto the couch next to Yelena having just returned to the compound. She doesn't need to say anything to know her best friends had a tough day. She simply bends her arm but a frown takes over her face when the Cheetos are declined.
"what happened?" The Russian accent fills your ears and you let out another long sigh. "Just the usual things" your own Irish accent fills the air and you hear a playful moan behind you causing Yelena to let out a loud gag. You'd always had an inside joke about your wife loving your accent.
"what's wrong baby?" She asks you as she comes and sits on your lap. Yelena excusing herself to let you have a moment. You shake your head and lay it in her neck, hiding away. You groan and kiss her neck before pulling back and looking into her beautiful eyes.
"it's just the usual. With my mam (mum) being gone now my dad likes to reflect on everything I've ever done wrong." You take a deeper breath before letting it out again. You weren't an avenger but you were practically im charge of them. After the sokovian accords and everything it was decided that the team needed control. And fury knew you were just the right person for that.
"he thinks I'm running a gang..... Again" clenching your jaw you rub your face. You had been a gang leader before. Some even saw you as a mafia boss. Fury had known of you for years. You were of course the one who got munitions and everything the avengers needed after they were known as criminals.
Natasha kisses your forehead and plays with the hair on the back of your neck. Waiting for you to continue.
"he says I'm no use leading a group of people who save the world. Thinks I'll run you all to the ground. That I'll make you all a bunch of common criminals and that I'm just using you to sell my stuff. He doesn't understand that I haven't done it for almost five years"
This time Natasha is the one to sigh and and tilts your head up with her hand on your chin and gently brings you into a kiss. You both kiss for what felt like five minutes before she pulls away and kisses your nose, cheeks and forehead.
"your father doesn't know how amazing you really are. You were chosen for this role because of how much of an amazing leader and organiser you are. Not based off of your past or anything you've done. You know us. We've all come from rough backgrounds and we've all done things we regret. But that's what makes us who we are today. You were the one who told me that. Remember?"
You nod and smile wide at your wife. Bringing her into a soft kiss before cuddling into her. You had absolutely no idea what you would do without the woman on your lap. Marrying her two years ago was the best decision you had ever made.
"speaking of baby I have something to show you" you slowly stand up and wrap her legs around your waist. Giggling at the squeal that she lets out and carry her up to your shared room. You gently sit her down onto the drawers and open the one beside her. Grabbing a black wooden box you lay it on her lap and blush at the loud gasp she lets out.
"I uh. I know how much you love your widow's bites. And your batons. So I thought I would come up with something even more useful for you. Look" you say as you grab one of the custom knives and turn it in your hand. Pushing a button and smiling then the electric takes over the blade.
"oh baby thank you so much. I love them" she smiles and puts them back into the box before jumping into your arms and pushing you onto the bed so you can cuddle.
"I'll always be here for you. Never forget that"
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, quick mention of suicide
word count: 2,5k
summary: As y/n is leaved to close the store on her own, the last thing that she expects, happens to her
pairing: tbz x fem reader
“Y/n! You’re closing the store tonight, I have an emergency at home and I need to get going.” You hear your boss, Jiyoo yell from the back of the store as you put some new clothing items up on the racks. You sigh. “Okay!” You yell back at her and look at the time. 8:30PM. The store closes at 9 so you won’t be alone for a long time.
“The store is super quiet right now so I'm sure you can handle the last 30 minutes on your own.” Jiyoo smiles as she walks towards the entrance of the store. ‘I hope so.” You smile back.
She tells you to put the money in the safe and clean the store a bit and then quickly leaves the store, leaving you alone with 2 customers and the loud music of the speakers playing Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.
After the last customers leave, you look at the time again, 9:58. You make your way to the entrance to close the door and turn off the lights so nobody starts knocking, begging you to let them in, then you tidy some stuff up as you make your way back to the counter. As you reach the counter the radio switches to the news.
“The infamous criminal group ‘The Boyz’ have gotten away with yet another robbery just yesterday making it their 12th theft of the month. The police still have not been able to catch them due to the group's large number of members.”
You sigh. Instead of partying with your friends on this friday night you have been put in charge to close the store. “I don’t get paid enough for this.’ you murmur as you grab the money they earned today and start counting them. The sound of something falling shakes you out of your thoughts.
“What the- oh it’s just the broom that fell.” Just as you are about to go back to counting you hear a faint thud in the storage room. “Ok, I'm getting really scared now.” You whisper to yourself.
You decide to shake it off and go back to counting when you suddenly feel cold metal against the back of your head.
Oh fuck.
“Put the money down,''
You hear a male voice say. You do what he says as you start praying internally. You then feel a sharp object pressed against your lower back.
“Listen up, as long you’re doing as we say, you’re not gonna get hurt.”
‘That’s what they always say.’ You think but would never dare to say out loud. You’re on the verge of tears thinking this is your last day when you hear another thud.
“OW!” You hear another voice yell.
“Dumbass.” You hear another voice say.
‘How many of these motherfuckers are there.’ You think
“Grab some stuff over there.” You hear the one holding a gun against your head say as you see another figure grabbing the money you just dropped on the counter.
“I can’t see shit in here.” One of the voices further away from you says.
“Turn the lights on hyung!” The other one says.
You flinch as the lights turn on. Not daring to look at thieves. No Y/n u need to remember their faces just in case they actually don’t kill you. As you look up you make eye contact with the one that took the money. Your eyes widen at how handsome he is. “Bring us to the safe.” The one holding the knife against your lower back says. You slowly turn around making eye contact with the one holding the gun.
Shit, he’s handsome too.
You slowly start walking to the storage room.
“Changmin! Eric! We’ll be right back, grab everything you can!” Gun guy says.
When you arrive at the storage room, you walk to the safe and kneel in front of it, the three guys still behind. As you type in the code you hear a walkie talkie go off followed by another voice.
“What is taking so long.”
“Shut up, we just got to the safe. Anybody nearby?” The one without a weapon, as far as you know then, asks.
“No, it’s dead, everyone is going out a few blocks away.”
“Give us 10 minutes.”
You take the money out and hand it to knife guy, who puts it in a bag.
“Please don’t kill me.” You plead.
“We won’t.” Gun guy says.
“Hyunjae, come with me. Juyeon, keep an eye on her.” Gun guy commands as he walks away with Hyunjae.
You took the opportunity to look at knife guy, Juyeon.
Fuck, he’s beautiful too.
You guys just stay there in silence till the two guys come back into the storage room. But this time they came back with the two other guys.
“Plan changed, we’re taking you with us.” Hyunjae says. Your eyes widen and you try to get up and escape. Just as you get up, Juyeon grabs your left arm, pulls you back and holds the knife against your neck.
“Do as we say and you will not get hurt.” Gun guy says. Your hands get tied behind your back and you decide to give in and follow the guys outside.
“Took you long enough.” You see three other guys waiting outside. One shows a bored expression, the other is very tall and the last is...very cute? They’re all handsome too. You mentally cry.
“Who’s that?” The ‘cute’ one says with a softer voice. “Our new friend.” Hyunjae smirks. You internally scoff as they walk you to the bus. When they open the bus you see three more guys.
How many of them can there be?!
“Hi, ooohh who’s that.” One of them behind a huge computer screen says.
“They brought a souvenir.” The tall guy that was waiting outside laughs.
They put you in the car and start driving. Tears are threatening to leave your eyes as you think about your friends and family. What if you get killed? Or they never let you go? or even worse… you get Stockholm syndrome?!?!
“What’s your name?” The ‘cute’ one with a soft voice asks you. You still look down refusing to talk.
“Cat caught your tongue.” Hyunjae scoffs.
“I’m jacob.” The one with a soft voice says, you look up to see him give you a soft smile.
“Y/n.” You murmur and the boys start introducing themselves to you. You nod at them and for the rest of the car ride you stay quiet.
After maybe 45 minutes the car stops and they open the door and help you get out. You look up to see a huge villa remote from the city. You guys make your way to the villa and once you're inside they guide you to the couch. They all sit across from you while Sangyeon stands.
“Y/n, do you happen to know who we are?” He asks
You slowly shake your head looking at the 11 boys. Wait. 11 boys? NO WAY! You suddenly remember the new reports for the last two months. You've been kidnapped by…
The Boyz.
You hear the boys laugh at your shocked expression.
“Listen up.” Sangyeon speaks up “It wasn’t in our plan to keep you hostage, but now that you’re here we’ve got to make the best of it haha. As you can see our house is very messy and we’re desperately in need of a cleaner. So we’ll point out your room for you to get some rest, you start tomorrow. Any questions.”
“I don't have any clothes to wear besides these.”
“Well thank God we robbed a clothing store.” Kevin laughs.
“We’ll make sure to buy all the necessities you need.”Sangyeon assures you. He tells you what time they’ll come and wake you up and commands Jacob and Kevin to bring you to your room while Changmin grabs some bed sheets and pillows.
As they open the door to your new room, you see that it’s huge and empty with only curtains and an empty bed in the middle of it.
“You can decorate as time goes by.” Kevin tells you and you nod. Changmin comes in with the pillows and bed sheet and the 3 boys help u set up the bed.
Once your bed is all made up, Younghoon comes in with two pairs of pajamas and some normal clothes for you to wear. All hail one size fits all clothes. Once you put on your pajamas, you lie in bed and think about everything that has just happened until you fall asleep.
The sun shining through your curtains wakes you up. You groan in annoyance, put a pillow over your head and close your eyes again. Right as you begin to doze off again, your door opens. “It’s time to get up.” You hear someone say. You turn around to see Chanhee standing at your door. “Be downstairs in 30 minutes” He says, closing the door again. As you get up, you get a moment of realization.
But how.
While you get dressed you think of all the ways you could escape. Jump out of the window? Suicide. Grab a knife and kill them? You would already have been killed before you stabbed one of them. Sneak out of the house while they’re sleeping? PERFECT. But you needed to stay a bit to figure out the plan in detail. You need to know your way out and their sleeping schedule, you also need to gain their trust. You needed to be super nice to them for them to trust you.
You take a deep breath and step out of your room. When you arrive downstairs you see that all of the boys are awake. “Good Morning!” Haknyeon jumps up from the couch. “Good morning.” You respond back.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Sangyeon walks into the living room. “Sit down, I'll explain what you need to do.” He starts talking about you making their meals and doing their laundry followed by cleaning the whole house. You mentally sigh. This isn’t going to be easy.
Kevin introduces you to the kitchen and offers to help with making breakfast.
“Haknyeon, stop it!” Kevin grabs the spoon that Haknyeon is about to dip in the soup.
For the third time.
“I’m just tasting it for you guys.”
“You’ve tasted enough, get out!” Haknyeon pouts as he walks out of the kitchen, making you giggle.
“So, Kevin, how many times a week do you guys go out to steal?” “Hmm, maybe five to six times a week. Why?” He looks up at you. “Oh just wondering.” You lie. “Must be tiring.”
You continue to make the soup while wondering if it was possible to escape while they’re out stealing. You decide to ask Kevin for more information and he tells you that it usually takes 30 minutes to an hour for them to finish a small mission and that bigger missions sometimes take up to three hours.
He also tells you that he, Haknyeon and sunwoo are in charge of hacking, Younghoon, Jacob and Chanhee are always on the watch and Sangyeon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Eric, and Changmin are the ones in action.
“Wow this is good!” Eric says, stuffing his mouth with the soup you and Kevin made.
I should’ve put poison in it, you think to yourself.
“So Y/n, tonight we have another mission and since we can’t trust you alone in this house we have to take you with us from now on.” Sangyeon speaks up.
“Sure” You simply say. “So what’s tonight’s mission about, hyung?” Changmin asks. “Tonight we’re robbing the new shoe store in town.”
And they all go crazy
“Finally! I needed new Jordan's.” Eric jumps up from his seat. “We should rob a Balenciaga store next.” Sunwoo sighs. After the boys finally calm down and finish their breakfast, you go wash the dishes while they prepare for tonight’s robbery.
Finally the time has broken for tonight’s mission. While in the car, Sangyeon instructs you to stay in the car with the hackers while the rest of them go to their usual position. When it’s time for the rest to leave the car, you lean back and sigh.
You have no phone, no nothing, all you can do is pray you get out of this situation soon.
“I see you’re enjoying yourself.” Sunwoo chuckles. “Leave her alone Sunwoo. Why don’t you come and look at how we work?” Kevin motions for you to sit next to him.
You sit in between him and Haknyeon and look up at the huge screen. Kevin clicks on a couple of things and all of a sudden a bunch of security camera screens pop up. In one of them you see Jacob, Younghoon and Chanhee on the lookout while the rest make their way around the back of the building.
“If I click on this, all the footage of tonight will be deleted, but I'll do that after the guys come back.” He points at a key on his keyboard. “Now we have to crack the password. Haknyeon?”
You look at your right to see Haknyeon click on a bunch of keys to reveal the password.
“1206” He says, and Sunwoo repeats it into the walkie talkie.
After 30 minutes the rest rushes back in the car with a bunch of bags full of shoes and money.
“We almost got caught.” Eric pants out of breath.
“I saw no one in the store though?” Kevin asks, while deleting the camera footage.
“There was this old lady walking in the alley and Eric started freaking out” Hyunjae huffs.
“So an old lady walking in a dark alley in the middle of the night isn’t sus?!” Eric yells, making the others laugh.
When you guys arrive ‘home’, you decide to go to sleep first because you're exhausted. When you lie in your bed, you fall asleep almost immediately.
“I’m kinda getting bored of robbing, I need more thrill.” Changmin lay’s down on the couch.
“Yeah me too, I want some adrenaline.” Eric plops down next to him. “Try jumping off a cliff.” “Not funny, Sunwoo.”
“Oh! I have an idea!” Haknyeon jumps up. “Y/n is our maid now, right?” “Maid.” Younghoon snorts. “She’s cute, right? And we steal stuff, right?”
“Get to the point.” Sangyeon sighs.
“Let’s steal her heart.”
Hyunjae burst out laughing. “Are you insane? Why would we do that? That sounds so dumb.”
“You guys said you were bored and this sounds like a fun mission to me.”
“I agree, this could be fun.” Eric jumps up from the couch.
“So you wanna make her fall in love with one of us?” Jacob sits up. “Why would she do that, we’re holding her hostage.” Sunwoo laughs.
“That’s what makes it hard and more of a fun mission!”
“And when does the winner get?” Sangyeon speaks up.
“We have to do anything for that person for two whole years.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Hyunjae scoffs.
“I like the idea, I'm with Haknyeon.” Juyeon sides with the younger one.
“Fine it’s a good distraction, we need to get off the radar for a week, the police are still on our heels.” Sangyeon gives in while Haknyeon and Eric cheer.
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shydragonrider · 3 years
Torn - Part 1
Summary: Strife had always been untouchable, arrogant, and ruthless. A vicious Supervillian. It took more than Pandora, or Glory, as she was called in public, knew she had in her to bring him down. But this sets in motion events that Hero could never have imagined.
Warnings: Detailed death threat, swearing, name calling, vomit,  extremely violent whump, vivisection, smug whumpee breaking, infection, graphic infection, fever, delirium, panic, scared whumpee, sick whumpee, begging, crying, restraints, violent torture.
Tagging @whumpwillow, because I saw the idea on her blog, and @equestrianwritingsstuff, who encouraged me to write this.
Update, changed their names
“I’ll kill you for this, you little bitch.” Strife snarled, as he was dragged towards the prison transport. “When I get my hands on you, I will break you, body and spirit.”
You already have. Pandora thought, as he was dragged into the truck. She was breathing hard, her heart racing, her body bruised and battered from the fight. She could barely stand up, and she had come so close to dying in that fight. forty-five minutes of being thrown around by that brute. She wanted to cry. She’d been so scared the whole time, so scared that one of his custom made knives would find one of her vital organs, and tear the life out of her.
“And then I’ll fucking strangle you.” Strife shouted, even as the doors slammed shut.
Pandora groaned, closing her eyes. She felt sick, and she knew she had at least three broken ribs.
But I finally beat you, you monster. She thought, clinging to the miracle that was her victory. They’ll lock you away, and I’ll never see you again.
It brought a little comfort when she thought of it that way. He’d never menace her again, never injure her again. The whole city was safe from him.
Pandora made her way home, limping down the rainy streets and back alleys, avoiding people as best she could. No one knew her real identity, and she didn’t want that to change.
When she got inside, it took all of her effort not to faint right there in the front hall. Shivering, she climbed the steps, and made it into the bathroom. She staggered over to the sink, and threw up. Exhausted, she rinsed the sink, and climbed into the shower, watching as blood from various cuts washed down the drain.
Damian growled, tugging against the restraints on his arms. If that little brat Glory hadn’t stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong, then he wouldn’t be in this situation.
Insufferable little twit. She’ll pay for this. He thought, watching as his jailer picked up one of his knives.
“Be careful, they’re sharp.” Damian sneered, feeling only the faintest flicker of alarm as the man walked towards him, and placed the tip of the blade at his solar plexus.
“Oh, I’m aware.” The man replied, pressing ever so slightly.
Damian hissed as blood began to run out of the small cut. “If this is meant to scare me-”
“It’s not meant to scare you. It’s meant to break you.” His captor smiled, and dug the knife in deeper, before tugging it down. Damian gasped, trying to squirm away. The restraints made it impossible. As the knife continued its downward path, Damian screamed, again trying to thrash around. By the time his captor drew back, the cut extended from his solar plexus to below his naval.
The man walked over to a table with various metal tools, and selected something that looked like it came from a medieval torture chamber. Unfortunately, Damian could guess its purpose; to hold the wound open.
“N-no.” He stammered, overwhelmed by the terror and pain. “No, p-plea...please. Y-you c-can’t do this.”
“You don’t seem to be in any position to stop me.” The man noted, and got back to his work.
1 week later
The phone rang at three in the morning. Groaning, Pandora answered it.
“Mmmmf?” She mumbled, still half asleep. Had she not been, she would have realized that this was the untraceable phone the police sometimes called her from. That sank in the moment a quiet voice spoke.
“Glory? Is this Glory?
Pandora sighed. “Yes, this is Glory.”
“You have to get Strife out of the prison.”
Oh great, a crank call.
“Why would I do that?” She asked in a low voice, the one she used in public.
“They’re torturing him. They... Glory please, they vivisected him.”
All the edges of sleep vanished, and Pandora bolted up.
“They. Did. What?” She asked.
“Vivisected him. I saw it happen.”
“Who are you?”
“A prison nurse.” Came the hushed voice. “Please, he’s unguarded. You could get in through the window. Cell 10. Isolation. Oh, please come.”
With that, the line went dead.
Hero frowned. It could be a trap, but if it wasn’t she couldn’t leave Strife to be tortured, no matter how much she hated him.
After setting fire to an empty wing of the ward to create a distraction, she did end up climbing in the window, which, thankfully, was on the first floor, and sneaking down the hall of the isolation ward until she came to cell ten.
Carefully, she wired the code box on the door, and it slid open. As she entered the dimly lit room, she carefully covered the camera with her jacket.
Her heart dropped into her stomach as she took in the sight of the supervillain.
He was lying on his back, very thoroughly restrained. His chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, his trembling body drenched in sweat. His eyes were open, staring at nothing.
“Shit.” Pandora breathed, and crept closer, feeling nausea rise in her throat as she saw the crudely stitched wound on Strife’s abdomen. It was oozing both blood and pus.
“Hey.” Pandora murmured, gently placing her hand on his wrist.
The man whimpered, trying to pull away.
“No.” He whined, drawing the word out until it was more of a whimper.
“Ssssshhhh. Sssssshhhh, it’s alright.” Pandora soothed, and began undoing the restraints.
“Saving your nemesis dear?” A voice asked. Pandora whipped around, drawing her gun.
The man facing her looked ordinary enough, except for his eyes. They were soulless, empty.
“Saving someone who needs my help.”
“He’s a menace.”
“And you cut him open. Tore him apart.” Pandora snarled. At the words, Strife began to sob, begging incoherently.
“And you’re next.” The man said, picking up a scalpel.
“Think so?” Pandora asked sweetly, and squeezed the trigger of the tranquilizer gun. The bolt hit the man square in the neck, and he staggered backwards. Taking advantage of his shock, Pandora used the butt of the gun to hit him over the head. He fell to the floor, unconscious, and Pandora quickly returned to the delirious supervillain’s side.
Senseless with fever, he moaned and begged incoherently as she freed him from the leather straps.
Carefully, she wheeled the stretcher he was lying on over to the door, and down the empty hall. It seemed that most of the guards were still occupied with her distraction, and Pandora was able to sneak out the emergency exit with Strife.
Finally, she carefully got him into her car, and laid him on the back seat, careful not to aggravate the massive wound on his stomach any more than it was already.
With a heavy heart, she drove home.
Parking in the garage, she carefully hauled Strife inside, and tried to carry him up the stairs, in the end, she had to drag him, though his squeaks of pain made her stomach twist.
Finally, she hauled him into the guest bed, and examined his mutilated stomach.
“Plea...se.” Strife moaned. “No... more...”
“Sssshhh. It’s alright now. I’m going to fix... this.”
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bubblesuga · 3 years
Once In A Lifetime
Summary: Yoongi is a pain in your ass, but sometimes that's okay. What's a cafe job without a little drama?
genre: college!au tags: smut, fluff, mutual masturbation, cream pie, dirty talk W/C: 4,740 a/n: i have a weak spot for blond yoongi
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You seethe silently while you stare at the schedule on the pin board in the back room. You begged your boss, damn near pleaded on your knees in front of her not to schedule you with him.
Its hard enough to close with only two people but fuck, if it isn't impossible when you're with Min Yoongi.
Don't get it wrong, Yoongi has a knack for customer service and he's quite good at making coffee but for some reason-- when the two of you were completely alone-- he became unbearably annoying.
It's like the moment the open sign turns off, he forgets how to work. While you're in the back cleaning dishes, sweeping the kitchen, counting cash drawers, taking out the garbage and everything else involved with closing, Yoongi turns on his speaker and plays whatever song he's been working on recently.
Okay, sure. This job isn't the most important thing on the planet. You both are just trying to get a little extra cash while you push through college, but you'll be damned if you get paid the same while you do all the work.
"Kati!" you yell from the back, your arms crossed and your nails digging into each of your biceps. You hear footsteps behind you, causing you to turn around expecting to see Kati.
Unfortunately for you, Yoongi leans in the doorway with a smirk on his face, "Awe, we're closing together again!"
"Awe we're closing toget-" you begin to mock but end up giving up and allowing your frustration to take over, "shut up, Yoongi."
"Don't seem so glum, sugar plum. I promise I'll be a good boy and listen to you." His words were too sweet to be true, they were laced with his famous sarcasm which only made you want to yell at him more.
Before you have the chance to counteract his sarcasm, he taps your back lightly before turning around and walking back out.
If there was one thing you did enjoy about him, it was the view of him when he walked away.
As the hours pass, eventually you and Yoongi are the last ones there. When Seokjin said goodbye, you silently pleaded that he would stay for just a little while longer. He gave you a slight apologetic look, glancing at Yoongi before shaking his head and walking out.
A groan leaves your lips.
It's only 9:30, you still have half an hour until the shop closes and there's way too many pastries left over.
Yoongi stands behind you, silently wiping down the coffee machines and humming along to whatever song was playing over the loud speakers.
Leaning back against the counter, you cross your arms and watch Yoongi for a moment. In a dark denim apron and slim black shirt, it feels as though the uniform was made for Yoongi. You can tell he's been working out lately, his muscles are more defined beneath the fabric of his shirt. It's killing you that despite being as annoying as he is, he's still immensely attractive and he knows it.
The snapback rests backwards on his head, blond hair poking out subtly. He turns, meeting your eyes for a moment which causes you to turn away quickly. It's quiet for a while again.
"I don't think anyone is going to come in," Yoongi breaks the silence, "I doubt Kati would mind if we closed early."
"I think she would. She said she gets a rush in the last 15 minutes so we should be prepared for that."
"We're not going to get a rush, we're a coffee shop and it's almost 10pm on a Monday."
"I'm not disobeying Kati just so you can play your shitty music and do nothing while I close."
"Shitty," he scoffs, "my music is hardly shitty, and I do help close. Who do you think cleans the front?"
"Wiping down espresso machines isn't the hardest part of closing." Maybe you're being a bit too harsh. Maybe you're trying to cover up the fact that he caught you staring at him earlier.
Yoongi sets the yellow rag down on the counter, turning to you fully, "I also sweep and mop up here. It's kinda hard to do anything else when your coworker does everything else. Ya ever think of delegating, huh?"
You feel your eye twitch. Just as you're about to respond, the bell above the door rings and you instantly wipe away your anger and throw your best customer service face on.
"Hi, good evening! What can I get for you today?"
As you help the customer, Yoongi walks to the back.
You make her coffee, heat her Panini, and speak with her for a moment about the aromatics of the freshly ground coffee beans that you had become used to. You didn't have the heart to tell her that you didn't smell it anymore, so you talked about how that was your favorite part about working in a cafe.
When she leaves, you realize it's finally time to close.
Switching off the open sign, you open the cash drawers and begin counting. Anything extra goes into the safe, and it seems as though everything was in place tonight.
In the back, you can hear Yoongi moving around and you don't question what he's doing.
Cleaning, sweeping, and mopping... Eventually you finish the front and move to the back but you stop suddenly.
Yoongi isn't playing his music.
Raising an eyebrow, you push open the door to the back and see that the kitchen is completely spotless.
Yoongi puts the last of the dirty dishes away and turns to you, "Don't worry, princess. I did it just the way you like it."
"T- thank-" you stutter but you're not able to finish your sentence before Yoongi pushes past you and walks out the door. The bell rings and you realize that he's left. The two of you managed to close in under 20 minutes.
You can't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over you. You definitely we're being a bit too harsh, and it seems to have affected Yoongi more than you thought it would.
Sighing, you push a hand through your hair and walk out the door.
Your drive home is silent. You're not one to overthink, especially when it comes to Yoongi, but you feel the need to apologize.
After your nightly routine, you plop into bed and glance at your phone. It doesn't take much to make you open your contact list.
(Y/N) sent 10:55
hey. just wanted to apologize for calling your music shitty. for the record, it's not. you're pretty good.
Your phone dings quickly.
Yoongi received 10:56
no need to be sorry, i know i'm good.
You don't respond, rolling your eyes and tossing your phone onto the night stand.
Closing the next day was much more simple than before. Yoongi did the back again, but this time you could hear his music playing again.
The beats are much more incredible than you'd ever admit to him in person. His voice speaks melodically to the music, drowning out your thoughts. You find yourself tapping your foot to the beat as you finish cleaning up the front.
The song finishes and there's a sudden change of pace.
Instead of a strong bass line and incredible drum work, a piano plays through.
Your interest is piqued, your legs carrying you to the back where Yoongi stands. He doesn't notice you, allowing the song to continue to play.
"This is gorgeous." you murmur, and a switch flips in Yoongi.
His hands, though soaked with water and soap, reaches up and turns off the speaker. He turns to you, panicked, "N- no one is supposed to hear that one. I didn't realize it was so loud."
"So you're telling me you just...listen to your own music?"
"Well, no," for the first time, you see a blush creep across Yoongi's face, "I play certain songs for you, and there's certain songs that are just for me."
"You play songs for me?" Any resentment you had towards the man dissipated in an instant. Instead, butterflies swarmed in your tummy. Butterflies for him.
He scratches the back of his neck, "Well, I don't play them for me. I want you to see how good I am."
"Humble," you hum, giggling slightly. Yoongi seems taken aback by the sound but doesn't get a chance to dwell as you continue to speak, "why can't I listen to this song?"
Yoongi sighs, "It's embarrassing."
"Let me listen," you begin to walk towards the speaker but Yoongi puts his hands on your shoulders to hold you back, "come on, Yoongi."
Yoongi doesn't give, but you manage to slip passed his hands and fall against his chest. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist and waddling you backwards. In a last ditch effort, you attempt to reach passed him but his grip on you is surprisingly strong.
"No, no, Princess. That song is for me and me only."
The nickname has a stronger affect on you than usual.
"But..." you stick your bottom lip out in a fake pout, "I wanna hear the softer side of Min Yoongi."
Yoongi's eyes dart to your lips, licking his own. You're suddenly aware of just how close Yoongi is keeping you, his cologne filling your nose. He's cute from this angle, his nose is rounded and is tinged with red at the tip. His eyes, though dark, are brighter than usual. He smiles softly, a gentle giggle falling from his lips.
"I can't tell you how many times I've wanted you this close to me." Your heart melts at his words, and you look down to the way your chests are pressed against each other.
"Why didn't you say anything?" you question.
He smiles, "I did, you just didn't listen since you were so preoccupied with your little closing routine."
"My little closing routine makes the opener's life so much easier." you defend, trying to distract yourself from the way his hands sit at the base of your spine, playing gently with the hem of your shirt.
"I'm sure the opener is very concerned with the fact that you make sure you set the forks before the spoons and the knives right after." Yoongi whispers, his tone joking but his eyes glazing over. Even in the horrendous white lighting of the kitchen, he looks beautiful.
"Bite me, Yoongi."
Yoongi bares his teeth and scrunches his nose, "If you insist."
Without wasting a second, Yoongi's mouth latches onto your lips. You gasp into the kiss, but Yoongi's grip tightens and holds you closer.
To say your stomach exploded into butterflies would be an understatement. Your entire body lit up like a Christmas tree, heat radiating from your skin because Yoongi was everywhere. His hands were large, slipping underneath the hem of your shirt and resting on your lower back. He didn't stray any higher or lower, simply planting himself in one spot while his lips continued their attack on yours.
He smiles against your lips, taking them away only to begin his reign over your jaw line and down your neck. Then, he nips.
By the fourth, his teeth are biting at your collarbones, but his hands have not moved from your back. You mewl above him, desperately clinging to his arms. Damn your neck for being so sensitive.
"Yoongi," you breathe, "touch me, Yoongi."
"I am touching you." He murmurs stubbornly against your skin.
You whine, "Your hands, Yoongi."
"Hmm," he hums, chuckling, "I like when you say my name."
Suddenly his hands drop down to your ass, kneading it through the thin fabric of your work leggings. He pulls himself back up to your face, planting his lips against yours again as you moan into his mouth.
Yoongi slips his hands between the two of you, hooking his fingers beneath the band of both your leggings and your panties.
"Are we really about to fuck in the kitchen?" You ask, your chest heaving.
Yoongi leans back, taking a second to assess the situation. "You're right, my apartment?"
"No, your car."
"Dirty girl," he grins, taking his keys out of his pocket, "I'll turn off all the lights. Go get ready for me."
You nod, grabbing his keys and walking out of the door. As you're about to reach the front door, it already swings open and Kati waltzes in completely unexpectedly.
Panicked, your eyes go wide and you halt just before leaving from behind the counter. Kati glances up from her phone, "Ah, perfect, is Yoongi still here?"
Swallowing, you nod carefully.
"Great, I need to talk to you both," she turns towards the kitchen, "Yoongi! Get your ass up here!"
Closing your eyes, you pray to god that he's composed himself a little more than you have. Sure enough, he walks from the kitchen and seems just as nonchalant as ever, "Yes, boss?"
"So, I need you two to close for the next couple weeks together. Jackson quit and Woojin can't work nights."
"...and?" Yoongi questions.
She seems slightly taken aback, "Well, I need to make sure you two won't kill each other."
Both you and Yoongi hold back laughter.
Resting his arm softly on your shoulder, Yoongi's skin is still hot against yours, "No promises, boss."
"I'm serious," she scolds, "It's only a couple weeks then I'll never schedule you two alone again."
"Yes ma'am." you put your hand up in a salute.
Working alone with Yoongi for 2 weeks? What could possibly go wrong?
Kati smiles, "Alright then. I'm gonna grab the money from the safe then I'll let you two get back to closing."
You two silently watch Kati unlock the safe beneath the register, taking out the deposits from today. Yoongi's arm hasn't left your shoulder, his fingers brushing lightly against your collarbone. When you turn over to him, his face showing no emotion but his hands doing more to you than you could ever imagine.
Kati turns back, "Okay, be here at 2 tomorrow. Thank you!"
As she walks out, Yoongi's arm falls from your neck.
You turn to him, raising an eyebrow as he wipes his brow.
"I was shitting bricks." Yoongi says, causing you to tilt your head. "Why?"
"You have hickeys all over your neck."
Your eyes widen, your hand flying to your neck, "Yoongi! Do you know how fucking bad that could have been?"
"I know, that's why I covered your neck." He explains, gesturing with just as wild eyes.
"No, no-" you shake your head, "We almost fucked in the kitchen, Yoongi. That's not okay."
"But we were gonna go to my car!" Yoongi's shoulders slump and his mouth is agape in confusion.
"Imagine if she had walked in when your tongue was down my throat."
"Well I would have asked her to join."
"I'm kidding, you know I only have eyes for you babe." He steps closer, leaning forward to press a kiss against your lips once again. You pull away, shaking your head.
Despite the fact that it was taking everything in you not to kiss him again, not to giggle at his lighthearted jokes and just follow him to his car, you knew that you had to practice self-discipline otherwise no work would ever get done with Yoongi.
"Are you upset?" Yoongi seems hurt.
"No," you sigh, "I just don't think it's a good idea for us to do anything here."
Yoongi straightens his back, clearing his throat and adjusting his clothes, "Right. Wouldn't want anyone's coffee getting out late because we're in the back fucking."
"Right." you whisper.
Yoongi smiles softly, "Doesn't mean I won't imagine it."
"Such a gentleman," you roll your eyes, bending down to grab your bag, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Can I get an Dirty Chai with oatmilk, Yoongi?"
It's the first time you had one of those late night rushes that Kati was talking about. There's a line out the door, drunk college students desperate for some sort of carbs to soak up the alcohol. Yoongi is running back and forth from the panini press to the espresso machine while you grabbed pastries and muffins for what seemed like hours.
It being busy hasn't distracted you enough from the past couple of days with Yoongi.
Yoongi has respected the boundary you set-- for the most part. Walking passed you in the small space behind the counter, his hands brush along your back, a trail of heat following his fingertips. Though it's not the most intense of touches, there's a sensuality of it that leaves you nearly a panting mess.
Your conversations have been more open, you continue to ask him about his music and he wonders aloud about your studies. He learned that you were a history major, specializing in paleontology. Ever since then, he likes to ask questions about random dinosaurs. It's certainly cute, because you can tell he's genuinely interested but he's only interested because you're the one telling him.
You still haven't been able to listen to that song that he started, and he insist its because its not good enough for the rest of the world to hear it yet. You're sure its finished, he's just not ready for you to hear what it's about. Something tells you you're getting close though.
Yoongi turns around a few moments after your request, setting a Dirty Chai on the counter. You call out the customer's name and smile as you hand it to her.
"Swap me, babe. My hands are shaking."
Oh yeah, the pet names have evolved as well.
"Shaking?" you question, but you don't have enough time to dwell as the panini press dings and you're rushing to the other side of the front.
Sure enough, as you glance back Yoongi's hands are shaking while he begins handing out pastries.
Finishing up a few more coffees, you call out customer names and the dining room begins to clear out. The line is gone and a few groups sit in the dining room, eating their food.
The second that Yoongi hands the last pastry out, he walks to the back without saying a word to you.
Glancing at the customers, you swallow and follow him.
When you enter the kitchen, Yoongi's taking deep breaths against the sink. He doesn't notice you, so you lean opposite him against the counter.
Leaning forward, you rest your hands on either side of Yoongi's face, forcing him to look you in the eye.
"That was a lot of people." Yoongi breathes.
"It was, but we kicked ass." you reassure him, but his breathing doesn't slow down.
"I think I'm having an anxiety attack," he explains, "can you hug me? P- pressure helps calm down the fight or flight response and-"
You don't allow him to finish, pulling him close to you and wrapping your arms tightly around him. His face buries itself into your neck, his breath fanning raggedly over your skin. It takes him a few moments, but his breathing slowly begins to calm, his heart rate slowing against your chest.
"If its ever getting to much for you just let me know and I'll fly solo for a little bit." you speak softly, your hand moving up to stroke the back of Yoongi's head.
"I can't do that to you," he sighs, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this."
"No, I get it," your nails begin to scratch his scalp gently, "a lot of drunk people wanting food is overwhelming, especially when their patience is non-existent. If you ever need to take a breather then I won't get mad."
"You already hate closing with me, I don't want to make it worse."
Your heart breaks.
"No, I don't hate closing with you. I think I was just trying to hide my feelings." You never expected to say this to him, but at this point you'll do anything to make him feel better.
He pulls away from your neck, a shy smile on his face. He has done a complete 180 from two nights ago.
"You have feelings for me?"
"Well, I certainly feel something." You look down, hyper aware of how close he is to you.
He grins, leaning down and pressing a soft, quick kiss to your lips. Before the conversation can go any further, the bell dings open and both of you jump apart, moving to the front to help yet another customer.
The rest of the night went by much more smoothly than earlier.
Yoongi turns on his music in the front while you do the dishes in the back. He's playing his usual mix, and you find yourself humming along to the songs as they come.
It's not until you're almost finished do you hear the familiar piano notes begin to play. Peaking your head out of the kitchen, Yoongi holds the speaker in his hands and watches you carefully. Slow melodies play out underneath his gentle voice, the lyrics portraying the man's first love.
You cross your arms, soaking in the lyrics as much as you can. His face is red as more emotion plays out. It doesn't take you long to realize that what you're listening to is the personification of Yoongi's passion. A conversation is held between him and the piano, and Yoongi sets flame to it all.
When the song comes to a close, you don't move, or breathe, or speak.
"Oh my god, say something!"
You look up, meeting Yoongi's scared eyes.
"When you become famous can I sell your autograph on ebay?"
Yoongi laughs, "Yeah, you can sell it."
You don't think of a witty response. Instead, you walk towards him and hug him once again. Resting your head on his shoulder, you two sway for a moment, almost dancing with the air. The atmosphere of the empty cafe has become much more calming than it was before.
His hands dance along your spine, "You know, I've never shown anyone that song before."
"I'm glad that my insistence made me the first." you tease, inhaling Yoongi's cologne. He certainly knows how to smell good.
"Your insistence, yes," he starts, "but also your impeccable ability to strengthen my confidence."
"Awe, does Yoongi have a soft spot for me?" you try your best to hide the way his smile is making your heart flutter.
"Always have." He murmurs, his lips kissing the tip of your nose.
"We're not very good at the whole 'not-kissing-at-work' thing." you giggle, feeling his grip tighten.
"I don't want to be good at it."
He doesn't allow you to respond before his lips are on yours once again. Against them, he smirks, "Shall we go to my car tonight?"
"God yes."
With steamy windows and Yoongi's hot body on top of yours, you both completely forget about your surroundings. His back seat is incredibly comfortable, your head resting on his shirt while he nips along your stomach and down to your hips.
It didn't take long for the two of you to move, you listening to Yoongi's every silent demand as he taps your hip to signal you to lift them.
Smiling, he murmurs a soft, "Good girl." before sliding your leggings and panties off in one go.
Now fully exposed, goosebumps raise under your skin. Yoongi is slow moving, his tongue drawing circles on your pelvic bone before biting down harshly. You gasp, your back arching into him.
"How long have you been this wet?" Yoongi asks, his fingers moving forward to collect your arousal. He slips through your folds, pushing a single finger into your aching heat.
You can't formulate a response to his question, because he begins a tormentingly slow thrust into your head, curling his finger upward.
Dipping his head down, his lips wrap around your clit, and he sucks.
Your hips jerk against him, but the pleasure doesn't play out for long before his pulling away.
"I don't want you to cum yet," he chuckles when you whine, standing and unbuckling his belt, "I just needed to make sure you were ready."
"And what?" you bite playfully, "you gonna pull out a huge snake or some shit?"
"I don't think so," Yoongi responds, sliding his pants down his legs, revealing his cock, "it's alright."
It's more than alright. Your mouth waters over the sight, twitching slightly from his arousal. It's curved upward, the tip already a hot red and leaking precum. His hand wraps around the base of it, stroking it slowly. Out of habit, you slide your middle and ring fingers into your mouth, sliding them down your body and to your clit.
You eyes don't pull themselves away from the way Yoongi is skillfully touching himself, thumb running along the tip and a string of saliva falling from his mouth to the tip of his cock.
"You like watching me touch myself?" He asks, his voice significantly deeper than it was before. You nod, not looking away from his cock.
"Answer me." he takes his hand away from his cock and brings it to your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He's willing to sacrifice his own pleasure to get an answer out of you, and for some reason that only turns you on even more. You speed the movements on your clit, moaning softly while you look into Yoongi's eyes.
He clicks his tongue once he notices your movements, grabbing your wrist and dragging it up to his mouth. Licking your fingers clean, he grabs your other hand and holds both of your wrists against your pelvic bone, just out of reach of your heat. He likes playing games, and he likes to win.
"Yes," you finally manage, "yes I like watching you jerk off."
He grins, a gummy grin that makes him seem much more innocent than he is. The words are dirty falling from your tongue but it only seems to heighten the fire in Yoongi's eyes.
"Good," he says, gripping his cock again and thrusting into his hand, "should I let you cum just from watching me?"
Your wrists twitch in his other hand, "P- please."
"Okay, whatever you want princess."
He lets go of your hands and your fingers fly to your clit, desperately rubbing harsh circles while he continues to stroke himself.
As his pace speeds up, he begins to let out soft, subtle moans. Your chest heaves at the sounds, hands shaking while you push yourself even closer to the edge.
"Louder, Yoongi," you beg, "please."
Yoongi bites his bottom lip briefly, a small whimper falling from his mouth while you arch your back, the heat in your abdomen growing stronger and stronger.
Yoongi's hand stops suddenly, "Where do you want me to cum?"
You grin mischievously, gesturing to your core.
Yoongi's eyes widen, crawling closer to you and leaning down, "You want me to cum in your pussy?"
You nod frantically.
"Who would have thought my pretty princess was such a dirty girl."
"Just fuck me, Yoongi." you whine, pushing your heat towards him. Yoongi does just that, slipping his cock into you. You instantly clamp around him, causing his hips to stutter deeper into you.
He gains his rhythm quickly, not holding back as he holds your hips into his back seat and pounds into you harshly.
A deep growl erupts from his chest at your small whimpers, an almost primal instinct taking over him as he leans down to kiss you. The second his lips touch yours, you gasp and feel yourself release. A loud moan of his name falls from your lips as you come undone, pushing his hips into yours with your heels.
Yoongi follows suit quickly, his release coating your walls and his head collapsing onto your chest.
"Holy fuck." He says after a minute, his mouth agape while he tries to catch his breath.
"Better than you imagined?" You feel proud of yourself for having such a huge affect on Yoongi. It's not often does he seem caught off guard.
"Way better," he replies, "the best I've ever had."
You run your nails over his scalp again, feeling him shiver against you, "Maybe if you take me out, you'll be able to have it again."
Yoongi pulls his head up, "When, where, what time?"
"I'll leave that up to you," you smile, "let's just cuddle for now."
"Don't have to tell me twice."
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