#bruno gets angry at him whenever it happens
cremadolce · 6 months
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Someone stop me- the Jojo brain rot is strong in this one..
(onslaught of Jojo tickle thoughts below the cut) (possible spoiler warning for all parts anime)
-Mista getting hurt but not wanting to experience Golden Experience's painful "healing again" so Giorno has to tickle him while he heals as a distraction
-Joseph having the brain blast of using Harmon during tickle fights to see what would happen.
-Caesar also learning what happens when Harmon is introduced to tickle fights aka said tickles being even MORE effective and now he's getting wrecked even more so by said Dork-star
-Jonathan being really ticklish but the type to just curl up in a ball and give up whenever Erina decides to get him. He's a big guy and could probably win if he tried but he's far too giggly and way to nervous of accidentally hurting her so he just kinda takes it
-Okuyasu, Koichi and Josuke making a bet among themselves to see if Jotaro's ticklish only to unlock the deadly tickle monster that is Star Platinum upon themselves
-Fugo losing all steam in his anger whenever someone (Giorno) squeezes his hips from behind. Immediately disarmed, he's already forgotten what got him so angry and now he's soft and giggly
-Weather Forecast forgetting what tickling is and point blank asking Jolyne to tickle him much to Anasui's jealousy.
-Weather Forecast regretting his decision almost immediately when Jolyne finds all his tickle spots in ten seconds flat. Even more so when he tries tickling her back but she's not ticklish (her only spot is her birthmark/neck but he doesn't know that)
-Polnareff growing bored and deciding to start a poke war with Kakyoin. Onlookers can't help but laugh at these two grown men giggling like children as they jab at one another. They try to get Jotaro but stop when he threatens to beat them to a pulp.
-Narancia wanting to have a dance party but no one's really moving so he starts tickling everyone to encourage them only to immediately get wrecked in return.
-Abbacchio distracted by his music so much he doesn't feel Bruno near him until it's too late and he's getting wrecked by zipper man. Cuts to Giorno, Mista and Narancia all: !!!!! Cause they never knew the purple haired man was ticklish
-Fugo encouraged to find new ways to take out his anger so he uses tickles which works out cause Narancia loves tickle fights and he can safely work through his immediate feelings of rage without the use of a fork to the face
-Giorno turning random objects into feathery creatures and stashing them in the gang's pockets/down their shirts for maximum tickling antics.
-Hermest trying to do Jolyne's hair but she keeps giggling cause said woman's nails keep brushing her neck and shoulders. She starts doing it intentionally until Jolyne uses her Jostar(tm) strength to pull her down and have a proper tickle fight. F.F. joins in pretty quickly.
-Anasui who'll cut your head off if you even try tickling him but lets Jolyne get away with it cause he's got a crush on her. He's only ticklish if she's doing it- everyone else gets no reaction (mostly. W.F might get one if he's lucky)
-Dio and Pucchi having tickle fights when Pucchi was younger cause he reminds Dio of Jonathan sometimes and he strangely misses the rare times they did get along like brothers before he utterly ruined it once more
-Trish trying to give Mista a facial but he's so giggly cause his face is ticklish he ends up getting the mask in his eye and has a red eye for a good few hours (worth it- his face never felt more smooth)
-Jolyne gathering up Emporio in her arms and tickling him cause she can and he's cute when he's laughing and giggling. She's a real mean tickle monster when she wants to be
-Joseph attempting to tickle Speedwagon cause he can. He usually wins as Speedwagon is still as ticklish as he was when he was Jonathan's age and also Joseph has the advantages of youth and size on his side.
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theexaltedbride · 1 year
Dead Island 2 Slayers x Reader Headcanons (Part Three!)
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(Still having a fun time, and people wanted more, so here you go! Have fun and happy Slaying!)
-Amy has a competitive streak to her that tends to leave her very huffy whenever she loses at anything. But all it takes is a couple of kisses from you on her neck, cheek, or lips to brighten her back up. To the point the others joke about deploying you as a secret weapon whenever Amy gets actually angry about something.
-Sometimes she just likes to be held by you in the shower when you are both easing down and soothing your muscles from a long day of slaying monsters.
-It took some doing, but you managed to get Amy talking more about her personal life, and focusing on things besides winning the Paralympics, she actually works as a part time as a teacher for children with special needs, and has several fun stories, including how she met the actress for Space Fox 2250, and only really knew her because one of the kids in her 6th Grade class had an SF:2250 lunchbox with the actress on it. She misses her kids, and hopes they are okay. But you reassure her that they are, and to just keep thinking about the good times, because when you all make it through this, they are going to want to see their favorite teacher.
-Amy has mentioned offhandedly that she enjoys going shopping from time to time, not so much because she likes to buy things, but because she loves the experience of not knowing what you might find at a brick and mortar store. It just feels good getting to move around and see other people going about their day. So one time you cleared out a section of a mall of some zombies, and told Amy it was going to be a shopping day, just you and her. While you can’t bring in other people to walk around, you can at least give her part of that experience again.
-Hates having to clean zombie splatter out of her hair buns, but refuses to wear a hat or hairnet to stop it from happening, no matter how many times you suggest it to her. If you didn’t know any better you’d think that she was doing it so you would always be on hand to help her wash her hair.
-His old life as a hustler helps him to sometimes haggle other survivor groups out of some goods and services, but he also uses it to get things he knows you would like and plays it off as just being part of the deal.
-Bruno hated corruption back in the day, and some of his hustles were meant to expose that. If you offer to help him get some dirt on shitty politicians and other rich people who abandoned all the civilians to die in Hell-A, then he will never forget it.
-He might have ‘borrowed’ some leftover filming equipment from Monarch studios to start recording the best moments between you and him in high definition. He wants to be able to remember your smile in perfect clarity and better quality than just his phone.
-He gets all fussy when he loses his beanie and you can see that his hair is actually a total mess. He wears the beanie to cover up a ruined patch of hair that he had to shave off early in the outbreak when a zombie grabbed some of his dreadlocks and pulled hard enough to rip some hair out. But you assure him he would look good regardless of how he has his hair, or even no hair at all. He’s the one making the style look good, not the other way around.
-Bruno isn’t always the best about sharing his emotions and feelings, but you’ve started to pick up a general vibe that he gets a smart mouth when he’s upset, angry, or annoyed. He’s constantly in this mode when dealing with Rikky, and you tend to tag in when Bruno gets like this so that the group doesn’t start anything with other survivors.
-She absolutely hates anything creepy or crawly, be it regular insects or infected who are covered in bugs. So she hung close to you when the group had to clear out the Monarch Studios set for the Rise of the God Spider, since tons of actual spiders were crawling across the floor and spreading real web everywhere. 
-Loves when you bring her any nice looking bikes scavenged from the city, even if she needs to fix them. She was a mechanic before and so is always working on something to stave off boredom. You bringing her things to fix (especially if they go fast) really puts a smile on her face. 
-Carla is as tough as they come. She’s made her peace with the idea of dying at the hands of the infected, but she can’t stand the idea of losing you. The thought of living in a world without you, after having finally found you haunts her nightmares. You know she’s had one of those nightmares when the following day she seems to constantly be checking up on you and making sure she knows you’re there and not hurt.
-She tends to lose her earrings in the middle of more intense fights, especially when forced to fist fight with Crushers, so she really appreciates it when you pick up her earrings again or find new ones to replace them.
-If you ask very nicely, Carla might decide to bench press you in the gym, lifting you up like you weigh nothing.
-Always wants to hear about your family and what they were like, especially any happy and fun memories you have, because she does not have a good relationship with her own family. Maybe she will tell you the full story someday. 
-If you let her, she can absolutely cut and style your hair. Though be prepared for her to experiment with it to see what works best for you, results may vary wildly. 
-At first you might have found Dani’s constant swearing off putting, but after a while it grew on you and you’ve started to swear casually just like her. She finds it cute but states you will never be able to swear to the same level as her.
-Sometimes she can get very sassy with you, but as time goes on you’ve learned to differentiate her playful sassiness with her being actually angry, annoyed, or teasing.
-Dani won’t admit it, but she loved that you brought her a whole pack of her favorite lipstick. It took some work to find it, but it was worth it, and Dani makes sure to test it out on you frequently by leaving lipstick imprint on your mouth for all to see.
-His time as a Stuntman has helped him survive getting hit by tougher infected as he just relaxes his body and takes the hit, the first time you saw this it shocked you and you thought Jacob had been seriously injured, you only calmed down after seeing him get back up, but that reaction told Jacob you had genuine feelings for him.
-Jacob invited you to a late night party with Rikky and Roxanne. You honestly can’t remember what happened, you partied way too hard and woke up with Jacob on several pink flamingo floaties all taped together, on the roof of Rikky and Roxanne’s place. 
-When Jacob found out that there were still chefs surviving at the Blue Crab over on Venice Beach, he went the extra mile to help secure it and bring them supplies so that they could prepare something nice for you and the others (but mostly so you and Jacob could have a date night together and pretend things were back to normal). 
-If you are open to smoking with Jacob, he will start you off small and get you used to it (and only the best brands he can scavenge) before you two will be smoking like pros. Given the state of things you might not even live long enough to get lung cancer, or might be immune to it thanks to being a Numen. Either way, Jacob wants you to live it up with him.
-You might have gotten a contact high from Trent’s special blend, but to Jacob its weaksauce, though he does keep some of it handy in case you would like to smoke some, and will keep an eye on you so that you don’t get into any trouble or get hurt with your initial high.
-Ryan absolutely has his Himbo moments, but he’s not as dumb as others might think. He’s better at coming up with quick plans on the fly rather than long projects, so you pick up the slack for him in that regard.
-When you sleep together, Ryan tends to roll over on top of you protectively and you’ve come to appreciate the feeling of him on top of you, almost like a big warm, weighted blanket.
-Ryan actually hates needles and tends to flinch each time he needs to use an autoinjector, needs stitches from an injury, or has to help Dr. Reed with his vaccine stuff. But if you can distract him by holding his hand or keeping his attention things will go much easier.
-Ryan loved seeing the giant spider animatronic over at Monarch Studios because he’s actually a big fan of giant monster movies. So if you happen to surprise him with some while out scavenging its gonna be a fun night of seeing your man geeking out over his hyperfixation.
-Ryan is actually very particular about how he has his coffee made and would rather go to the nearest coffee shop and fix it himself than let someone else do it wrong. The only exception to that rule is when you are the one making the coffee for him. When you do it its always perfect, because its made with love.
All Purpose Headcanons:
-When your lover was thrown into that pit in the sewers by the Eschaton group, full of infected which forced them to go berserk, you jumped in after them without a moment’s hesitation. Your Slayer Lover was rabid, wild, tearing apart infected with their bare hands. For a moment it looked like they might do the same to you, but when their eyes stared into your own, they recognized you, and it started to calm them down, bringing them back to normality.
-Luciana set up some scavenged videogame consoles down in the game room. Your Slayer lover always likes to have you as their player 2 and sits right next to you as you play. 
-Curtis likes to hang out there too and while he doesn’t play any games (hands have far too much arthritis and games move too fast for him) he’s grown to enjoy watching the others play them and watching the stories sometimes or even talking about them. During Tabletop RPG nights in the gameroom, he also likes to sit nearby and watch, while commenting on how to properly roll dice like he did back in his younger days as a star when he went to Vegas, or adding random bits of commentary.
-Amanda has been trying to set up a better internet connection in the living room so that she can upload her videos. She’s had no luck so far, but she’s also shown her softer side by asking everyone to write an email to someone they care for on the outside, and saving it on her tablet, so that if she does get a signal, she can send it out as soon as possible before they lose the signal again.
-Everytime you have to go into the sewers you end up needing like a three hour bath to scrub yourself clean, but your lover is always there to help you out, even if they too smell bad from being in the sewers with you.
-Emma doesn’t like it, but you all love using her jacuzzi in the back of the mansion. You all just sit back, take in the sun, relax in the water, and ignore the sound of the Zeds outside. Nothing like taking a break with some good friends.
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miramilocamimira · 4 months
{A Butterly and a Cub Series}
Antonio never really had to share Mirabel’s attention before.
Antonio was a little… upset, if he was to be honest. It felt like everyone wanted Mirabel’s attention these days. She was almost always being called away by someone.
And it’s fine, y’know, cause it happened before too. With the townspeople or when they were playing with the kids that weren’t surrounding Camilo to see his gift in action. But…
Now the entire family is doing it too. Whenever Mirabel goes to play with him, “Mirabel, Mirabel!” Camilo and Luisa shout and drag her away.
“Mirabel, Mirabel,” can be heard from Abuela and Tío Bruno as she and Antonio are about to get to the best part of the story.
Mirabel, mirabel, miraaaaabbbbeeeeeeellll. From her parents to his to Dolores to Isabella and she’s right there but not!
All he wants is to play with his Mira again. Mama and Papa try but they don’t do the voices right or follow all the rules and it’s not fair! He thought that they were super close, so close that they’d always be together!
But it’s okay! Really! Mirabel always wanted everyone to be together and talk and it’s okay cause it’s all fine-
‘What’s wrong, Cub?’ Hiro spoke up. Okay, so maybe it’s not and he’s upset.
”Nothing! I just… I want Mirabel to spend as much time with me as she used to.” The other animals crowd around. “And… and I love that our familia is spending more time with her…”
“Where were they before?” He cries out. “Where were they before Casita fell and everyone other then Tío and Tía and I were ignoring her? When my Mira was angry or sad or hurt? What about the stories she told me when Mama forgot she promised because she had to do sooooo much!”
“What about when I’d fall and get hurt how Mirabel would calm me down and get me an arepa? She's been there for so much! And…” He can't remember when he started crying but he was now. “And what if she leaves me all alone? What if she decides she likes spending her time with them 'cause they’re older!”
“Tonito.” Arms wrap around him. It's a familiar voice and weight. He calls out ‘Mira.’ She hugs him until his crying stops and the animals join in.
Once he's no longer sobbing, she asks if he can look at her. He doesn't want to and she waits until he's ready.
“Antonio.” She’s calm as she states his name. Her voice is soothing and he almost immediately relaxes into her arms. “I would never leave you. Hey hey hey,” She quickly gets out when he starts looking away. “I'm not lying. I swear it to you.”
Mira never breaks her promises. She never has. At least, not as far as he knows.
“Things have been different now, I know, but we need to work with it. We've all got a lot on our plates.” He knows. He does! Antonio just can't help the bad feelings about it. “But that doesn't mean I shouldn't have spent some more time with you?”
“What? Mirabel no! You keep getting called off and have so much to do-” He doesn't even know what he says next but Mirabel lets him continue on.
“Thats still not an excuse Tonito. I should have said no and spent some time with you.” She smiles gently at him, looking up Antonio can still sense she’s hiding something. “We spent a lot of time together and to have it suddenly stop? It must have been jarring. To see me spend it all that time with others must have hurt. I'm sorry.” Tears start coming out again.
She holds him until he's done. The animals have all gathered around and some even started nuzzling them.
“How about, the rest of today we spend playing together, huh?” Mirabel asks and he nods. He’d really like that. “Well then, I know this fantastic tree house bedroom we can play in?” He giggles.
They play lots of games and Mirabel reads him three stories, THREE, when she tucks him in that night.
After she leaves Antonio, Dolores corners her. It's fine. Mirabel knew it was coming.
“Is that how you felt?” Her cousin asks.
“Yes.” There isn't anything else she can say. Not yet at least. But her ceremony still haunts her. Her sisters, her cousins all went from spending every day playing with her or taking her with them to avoiding her like a plague did hurt.
It hurt a lot.
It made her feel horrible. As if she had done something wrong. Seeing them with the villagers or each other and laughing but pushing her away? She couldn't help it. She spent so much time trying to be better- to fix herself.
She won't be the one to make Antonio feel that way. Not if she can help it.
“Mirabel…” Dolores whispers. “I’m sorry.” Unlike Antonio, she doesn't cry. She does however flash her cousin a grin and tell her it's okay. Her cousin leaves and Casita closes the door behind.
“Buenas noches, Casita.” She calls out and hears the tiles tap out a response.
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
HAIII so uhm questionnn or request whatever the fuck same thing. Can we get abbachio w a traditional goth gf?? Maybe also add in she also likes rock (maybe plays electric guitar too) bonus points for a personality like gyro, mista or joseph? Just a goofy dumbass most of the time :>
Abbacchio x Goth!gf Reader
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I feel like abba would have such a “you-annoy-me-so-much-but-i-seem-to-tolerate-you-alot-more-than-everyone-else” air about you because i feel like all the personalities given are very polar opposites to him sjskd but Enjoy! 🫶🏾💕
Modern AU
Contains: Strong Language
You clapped your hands together, placing them under your nose before inhaling for several seconds. 
“So, you’re not gonna believe this.” You squeaked. 
Abbacchio sighed loudly, eyes attached to the computer screen in front of him as he focusedly scrolled the excel sheet. 
“Don’t tell me it’s another fucking guitar?” 
“With your credit card this time!” You splayed your hands in front of you, undetecting of why he was against the purchase. 
Abbacchio could only shake his head. He wasn’t angry. No, he could never be angry at you but he was definitely regretting telling you his card pin. Only a little though. 
“And what makes you think I’m gonna take that any easier than the last three times?” He grumbled. 
“Because,” You stressed the first word by longing out the vowels. “You said I wasn’t allowed to buy the guitar and that I should save my money and that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t even make the purchase, I just gave the cashier your card and told her your pin.” 
Abbacchio quickly snapped his head in your direction as he gave you a bewildered look. 
“You gave the cashier my card pin?!”
“She said she wouldn’t remember it!” You said matter-of-factly, your hands on your hips in a proud stance as your face beamed. 
The man could only look you up and down, his eyes watery as if he was about to cry, but he didn’t. All he did was slowly turn back to his computer with his hand over his mouth — most probably stifling a scream.
Abbacchio loves to buy you things. If anything, he’d try get at any chance to buy you something but you happen to have this dutiful pendant to purchase every pretty electric guitar that catches your attention
It’s not that he doesn’t like guitars or you playing but mostly because you’ve got way too many. Some you haven’t touched in ages.
“I’ll literally buy you anything, anything! New makeup?! Or maybe something from that new shop you like but please, anything but a new guitar, Bella amor!”
He wouldn’t mind if it was any other item, but electric guitars are just…. really expensive 😭😭 He’s a practical man through and through
Apart from that, Abbacchio is very fond of you. He doesn’t say it much but he prefers your company over many other. And that’s saying a lot concerning Abbacchio doesn’t do too well with warming up to others in the first place
He doesn’t seem to find himself being able to get angry at you. If he does in the rare occasion, it’s still your face he wants to see
Abbacchio is so good at makeup its crazy. For someone who only really uses lipstick and a bit of kohl every now and then, his artistic execution is phenomenal.
He’d give you a few pointers every now and then when you ask but he doesn’t genuinely like to teach makeup or give lessons. he’d rather just do it and be over with it
His friends love when you play guitar!! Especially Bruno! Whenever Abbacchio is having a bit of a hermit phase they’ll come over to see him but they’d always hear you play through the wall
“She’s really good.” Bruno would faintly say, cutting between Leone and Nero’s hushed conversation.
The two men looked towards the short bobbed haired male, their eyebrows creased but unoffended.
“Chi?” Leone would say, his eyes weary from stress but still attentive.
“Chi altro? La tua ragazza, eh?” After his reply, Bruno got up from where he sat to lay his ear closer to the wall of you and Leone’s bedroom. A small smile looped on his face as he listened for several more seconds.
“Hm, è molto talentuosa. A lot like how you used to play, Leone.” Nero brooded.
Abbacchio didn’t reply.
Abbacchio is the one who taught you how to play guitar. You’ve always had a love for Rock music but it’s playing guitar that truly brought the both of you together.
He used to play in a band but life got a bit too buys, a bit too stressful and really overwhelming so he had to drop out.
Abbacchio doesn’t wish to be in a band again. It’s left too much of a sour taste in his mouth so he avoids it. So does playing the electric guitar and it’s maybe why hes a bit harsh on you for buy so many
But regardless, he treasures you too much to say no whenever your playing.
”Oh my gosh, have you seen this video?”
You shoved your phone in Abbacchio’s face, his eyes languidly changing focus from the tv to the phone screen.
It took a few seconds for him to register what was going on. You tried to conceal your laughter, his eyebrows creased whenever something alarming happened — that was until the very last few seconds where his mouth dropped in astonishment.
“No fucking way.”
“I know right?!” You couldn’t help but cackle in laughter, your head flinging backwards. Abbacchio took your phone from you, rewatching the video as his mouth continued to hang.
You watched as he replayed it a few times, still in disbelief at the situation.
“Yo, I definitely want a cat like this. I’ll train it to attack people who get on my nerves.” He said, finally handing you back your device. “Also, send that to me.”
You nodded in reply to his question as you took back your phone, drabs of laughter still falling from your lips.
“OMG, that’d be so cool. We can train it to be a secret service agent pet— Like Bond from Spy X Family!” You said.
Abbacchio had a thinking face on, his eyes squinting in thought.
“Wait, yeah. Actually, I think I’d want to train a dog instead.”
“You think so?” You pocketed your phone, cocking your head over at the man.
“I know so.” He replied. “They’re a lot easier to train. Cats tends to do what they want most of the time. If they don’t want to do something then they won’t.”
With a simple shrug, you gave Abbacchio a warm smile.
“Hm, fair enough. Although the way you describe cats … it reminds me a lot like someone I know.”
Squinting, Abbacchio gave you an annoyed look.
“You better not be insinuating what I think you’re insinuating.”
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
By no means do all of these choose one. Character Bingo: Pesci, Ghiaccio, Trish, or Abbacchio
Gonna do all of these either way. Abbachio:
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Abbachio is one of my favorites, and I do wish Araki had found ways to tweak his power into something more useful for combat, because it ultimately led to the character being sidelined big time. I think he's pretty indispensable into the gang's dynamics, with Bruno and the wonderful thing he has with Mista and Narancia. It took until the anime for people to catch on to this but Abbachio is consistently pretty funny especially with the other two idiots to bounce off of, as well as his beef with Giorno. I like that Abbachio never has any arc about coming to like Giorno or get along with him even after Man in the Mirror, but he puts his trust on him nonetheless even upon death.
I think Moody Blues is wonderful, one of my absolute favorite Stands in concept and visual and presentation. I don't have really that many Abbachio headcanons so much as I had to make up Moody Blues headcanons to write that fic from it's viewpoint and make it unique. Moody Blues is maybe my favorite part about Abbachio and one that definitely seemed like it was begging for more attention, but even besides that Abba's one of my favorites for sure
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White Album's one of the best JoJo fights and maybe the crown jewel moment of one of my favorite characters in the series (Mista), but I guess I don't have that much to say on Ghiaccio? I like him though, he's really funny. He's a pretty novel take on a character with ice powers even now, as the majority of those all tend to get played up as dispassionate and cold non-violent types, which is most definitely not Ghiaccio's thing. His voice can get grating but it's hard to fault it considering that's, the point, and it's done excellently as such. Ghiaccio is an obnoxious, tempestuous snob, but he's also an outlet for Araki to convey pet peeves and that specific feeling of being unreasonably angry about pet peeves and things others take for granted grating on you fierce, which is very appreciated on my end, and a lot of the times he isn't even outright wrong about the things he's getting murderously angry about.
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I think part of why Ghiaccio works has to do with the fact that, despite what you'd assume, he actually isn't a big raging dummy 100% of the time, he's only a big raging and extremely dangerous dummy whenever he gets going about extremely specific pet peeves that piss him off. He's one of those characters who benefits a lot from Araki incorporating weird nonsense thought patterns into dialogue, because it makes his rage believable. He's not getting pissed off for nothing, it's because of THIS and THIS and THAT, and he goes through the trouble of explaining exactly why is it that this and that piss him off so badly, to the point that you the reader may find yourself agreeing with him. He's basically an AVGN rant on ice skates, he just happens to be doing that while shouting his lungs off and bashing cars into scrap and trying to kill people.
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I don't have anything to say on Trish, I kinda forget she exists most of the time even revisiting Part 5. It's not that she doesn't have her moments (even if half of those cool moments were done by Mista while they bodyswapped), it's not that the concept doesn't work, I just, I don't think Trish ever fully coalesces into the interesting character they could have been?
Trish kinda feels like a transitional mark more than anything, in the sense that she feels like Araki attempting to overcome his hang-ups about writing female characters and trying to give us the first female hero in the series who actually like, participates in the fights to any degree at all (a cool design and build-up doesn't make up for Lisa Lisa being completely useless you guys, I'm sorry, you all know she was done dirty). And Trish gets that a bit, she makes a great impression at The Grateful Dead and later gets Notorious BIG all to herself and then....that's kinda it?
There was an attempt here still and later we'd get Stone Ocean, which rules obviously and was Araki course-correcting as hard as possible on that front, and we probably wouldn't get Stone Ocean's badass leading ladies if Araki hadn't tested the waters with Trish so, she gets some points for that if nothing else.
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I think Pesci (and Prosciutto, as they're a package deal) does a lot of the hard work in legitimatizing the Squadra as more than just your average assassin squad but instead a full-on rival anti-hero group opposite the protagonists, and honestly, Pesci's kinda wonderful a concept. Everything about their dynamic and set-up is made for you to think of Prosciutto first and Pesci second, and most people take the first half of The Grateful Dead fight as the frame of reference for Pesci which is why he tends to get perceived as a big baby, and of course this is a ploy to hide how Pesci is the real threat and the one who's gonna come unbelievably close to killing all of the characters on the spot. Bruno has to do an even riskier version of Jotaro's most desperate gambit against DIO just to survive, and even that wouldn't have worked if not for Pesci second-guessing.
I really love Pesci's design because everything about him screams that he's an easily disposable sympathetic grunt, he's ugly and cartoonish in that way Araki reserves for one-off gag characters or oddballs like Shigechi, which goes a long way to getting us to ignore Pesci compared to the more proper Prosciutto. People joke about how the "Stand users look like anybody else" concept is patently untrue but, Pesci looks and acts like the kind of jerk that Kenshiro would explode without looking, or a dumb goon that Naruto or the MHA kids would beat up and dismiss on their way to whatever bigger bad they had to tackle.
Instead, he gets applied the exact same kind of dramatic last-minute cunning and resolve that usually makes JoJo protagonists win at the last second. He gets his world turned upside down and loses the person he cares about the most and responds by dramatically turning the tides against his enemies, and he only loses because he gets desperate and makes one false move, and still continues to fight with a broken neck and winds up getting a final victory still by informing the others about Coco Jumbo. Pesci rules, plain and simple, and The Grateful Dead's viewed as a series highlight for good reason.
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Night Light  TW: small angst
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Mi Familia au - Mini Drabble
AU: https://alloutdisneyfan.tumblr.com/post/680104457184411648/mi-familia-au 
summary: Bruno takes care of his daughter angel(character of mine)
Angel is a 5 yr old girl that bruno adopted when he actually left encanto instead of living in the walls. she has light straight blond hair with tan skin and green eyes
Angelica like every little kid is afraid of the dark, she doesn’t want to say anything because she didn’t want to be a bother but tonight she just couldn’t take it anymore. It was a very stormy night or should I say many nights(about 2 weeks) at casa Feliz, the dark clouds made her room more dark than than it usually is, At least the stars kept her room light enough for her too see sometimes but not now and the tree branch tapping on her window didn’t help one bit so she was practically have a panic attack so before anything else happened Angel ran to her fathers room and knocked on the door
Bruno was already awake before she knocked. Bruno liked staring at the storms because it reminded him of Pepa, sure she was annoying at times but he still did love her so whenever a storm was coming he would make some coffee for himself and just look at the rain and sometimes question if it was Pepa’s rain or not that question usually would make him chuckle thinking she was angry yet again. Bruno was about to take a sip of coffee but there was a small knock on the door and than a little voice
“papa, are you awake?”
It took him a second to realize what was happening because it was about 11 or 12 o’ clock at night
So Bruno got out of his chair, walked towards the door and opened it before he could do anything Angel hugged his legs tightly babbling about how the monsters in her room and how dark it is, Bruno kneeled down to his daughter and tried to soothe her by a hug and tell her that she’s ok 
“papa I don’t want my room anymore I’m scared” she says hugging her father with tears in her eyes
Bruno couldn’t help but remember the same thing happening with him and his mother when he was five, he remembered how Alma would rub his back and make hot cocoa for him...when times were simple. So he got an idea
“hey how about some hot coca eh?” he asked with a unsure smile
Angel looked at him and nodded but clung to him letting him know that she wanted to be carried. After that Angel and Bruno went down stairs for some hot cocoa and maybe an early breakfast, around 2 or 3 am when angel finally went to bed. Thereafter Bruno got an idea, he started thinking of how he could make his daughters room more livable at night so he thought on what glows and that’s when it him, Bruno has tons of visions in plenty of boxes under his bed he can use those! 
So he got to work and in the meantime he let angel stay in his room when it came to dark stormy nights. He first thought that he could shape the glass shards into starts and hang them over her....yeah he skipped that and though that they could make good glitter paint so he began mashing them up, the only problem is that angel is a smart girl so it was hard to hide this from her but he managed. 
Succeeding in his project(after a few failed tries)his plan worked and thankfully it was another stormy night. thus right before Angel went to bed Bruno asked her to close her eyes and she complied excitingly. 
“ok open them”
Angel opened her eyes and saw painted green stars above her head, glistening in the darkness and in the middle there was a small half moon but with a smile and sharp nose. Angel was so happy she got off her bed and hugged him tightly.
“that’s not all” he said grabbing a pink box but this wasn’t any pink box it was-
“a lullaby box” angel grabbed the box with joy and turned the handle 5 times once it opened it made a beautiful sound
“Dos Oruguitas” Bruno says kneeling near his daughter
“two caterpillars?”
“yep my mama used to sing it to me all the time when I was your age”
“that used to be a long time ago huh?”
“yeah long time ago....anyway let’s get you to bed” Bruno tried his hardest not to dwell on the past but he’s reminded by everything of his family but he tries not to be sad or cry
“I love you papa” she says being tucked in
“I love you too princessa” Bruno leans down to kiss angel on the forehead and one last hug before he leaves. He closes the door to her room and lets out a sigh with a smile and goes to his room to stare into the stormy night once again. 
Night light Idea by @lunamadrigal​
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tcthinecwnself-a · 2 years
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Whenever I dream now it is the most intense, freakish fever dream in the world so here is my weird Coco/Encanto dream I had last night.
bullet points below. Obvious tw for child abuse
to set the stage. Miguel is Julieta & Augustín’s son. 
Alma remarried Papá Julio, who was pretty much the bad guy in this dream. a very abusive kind of step-father
Miguel was with Julieta at the beginning, hanging around. Very carefully, he tried to put forward the idea that he wanted to be a musician rather than receive his Gift.
Julio burst in, seemingly listening into the situation. he’s outraged at Miguel’s request and even more so at Julieta for even thinking of indulging him.
something weird happened, I’m not super sure, but Julio pulled out. a boxcutter, threatening Miguel with it. it was more to scare Julieta, but when she declared that Miguel could do whatever he wanted to with his life, Julio sliced down the back of Miguel’s hairline into his neck, drawing blood.
Miguel screamed, and suddenly Bruno appeared, watching from the doorway. He grabbed Miguel’s hand and booked it. Julio screamed after him, Julieta asked him to stop, but Bruno just kept running.
After running for a minute, they took shelter in a bush. Miguel tried asking what was happening, but Bruno shushed him. 
Julieta, Augustín, and Julio were now looking for them. Julio was furious but the parents were more concerned about the safety of their son.
I think, at some point, people started to believe that Bruno had simply kidnapped Miguel on a whim. More and more people started showing up, looking for them.
Their finding spot got found, Bruno shoved over Julio before he could grab Miguel, and they kept running.
This crowd of people was now following after Bruno, who was dragging more Miguel behind him. very much like an angry mob.
Eventually they reached a wall. Bruno shouted “Miguel, hurry!” and got the boy to scramble up the latter before him. the tío twins from coco were there, trying to get up the latter behind them. one grabbed Héctor’s foot, but he kicked him in the face and they both when tumbling down.
Bruno grabbed the latter and pulled it on the other side of the wall so no one could follow them.
they left a screaming crowd behind them as they ran in the small space between this wall and the mountains.
Eventually, they came to a tiny door, it lead to an old mine shaft built long before any Madrigal arrived.
Bruno shut the door behind them, grabbed Miguel’s hand, and effortlessly led them through the dark, twisting turns of the mine.
Finally, they had a moment to rest, curled up in a small corner. 
Someone approached, Miguel was scared but Bruno simply smile said “Hello Jorge” as a very withered old man came into view. Jorge was kind, said “to stay as long as you need to, as always” and left back into the darkness.
Bruno helped Miguel with his cut, and the two stayed close together, waiting for the situation to blow over.
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For you to know something:
My account on tumblr is ship-free
Account where is no character x Y/N or account where is no ships (such as… let’s take Fnaf fandom for example, even thought my main one in here is Encanto: Ennard x Michael. Where is no ships like mennard and etc. only canon ones)
But today it’s time for headcanons!
Encanto headcanons.. :)
*Ruby trying to be original in any way*
Also! I’m going to be honest with my opinion. I will NEVER write lgbt headcanons. I hate whenever people mostly make lgbt headcanons for characters, but not just normal ones. And tbh I hate lgbt headcanons. I’m not homophobic and don’t hate lgbt, I actually do respect it. But I just hate lgbt headcanons, as some of them getting on my nerves (I mean.. almost all of them get on my nerves)
• Luisa’s eye didn’t twitched only one time, they actually twitched 3 times in her life.
• Isabela would always fall, because of her plants she grows. She just accidentally steps on them and falls.
• Mirabel is an accident-prone like her father. Because she is accident-prone, she is banned from going to the kitchen and cook something there.
• Julieta In cooking something with someone, would trust Camilo more than anyone else in the family. Yeah, Camilo did almost burned the kitchen down one time. But Julieta gave him a second chance (Julieta always gives people a second chance, but if it happens more than once, than she doesn’t really trusts them in something anymore. It exactly happened with Mirabel and Agustin, they both almost burned the kitchen down numerous times.). On Camilo’s second chance, nothing was burned down and everything went great, because Camilo tried to be more careful.
• Agustin lost the ring he wanted to give Julieta and ask if Julie will marry him 💀 it was awkward-
• Pepa was a kid you need to watch 24/7. If you will turn your head and will not watch over Pepa, than be aware what you already lost her.
• the sunshine earring Pepa wears, was a present from Felix. It was given to her on her 26th birthday.
• Dolores would always listen to bird’s singing. She would sing with them sometimes (she would sing like Snow White with birds)
• Camilo with Julieta were the ones to make cake on Dolores’ wedding.
• Antonio is vegetarian, fight me 🤺
• Agustin was a very quiet kid in the past and wasn’t getting into any trouble. But then something happened 🫡
• both Julieta and Pepa would watch telenovelas Bruno was making. They didn’t understand what was “telenovelas” unless Bruno showed them.
• Bruno found out about Telenovelas from the future.
• I don’t believe what Encanto is set in present time. I believe it’s set in 1950 or 1952. But mostly I believe it set in 1950, then 1952.
• Isabela would try dresses on, Mirabel would make them and Camilo would draw a design for dresses.
• Isabela, Camilo and Mirabel are a chaotic trio.
• Felix was only one time taller than Pepa, but then he got shorter. Felix doesn’t minds actually.
•both Mirabel and Camilo were growing slowly. They were always too short for their age. Like.. they’re too short in my au. (Mirabel is 4’9, and Camilo is 5’1, but when he slouches he is 4’11). Tbh, some people sometimes are too short for their age 🤷🏻‍♀️
• Luisa hates being that tall. (She is 6’5). She doesn’t understands how she grew that much.
• In the past Luisa would break something accidentally. It ruined some of her friendships with some of her friends :(
• Luisa was very sensitive in the past.
• she has 3 puppy toys in her room.
• her room is fully made out of stone :/
• Camilo’s mirrors cracks in his room, whenever he is sad or angry. Or nervous.
• after seeing how her family is so broken because of their gifts, Mirabel stopped wishing for a gift.
• once Antonio told Bruno what Bruno’s rats thinks what Bruno is their dad. Bruno cried.
• Mirabel starved for days, after she didn’t got her gift
• Dolores would always sleep with her parents after her ceremony.
• Dolores definitely heard her brother’s being made.
• both Dolores and Camilo would put on days where they sing freely. Since she and Camilo make very good high notes in there, Dolores wears earmuffs, so she could sing loudly and could make high loud notes.
• one time Antonio showed a f*cking big spider to Camilo. The last thing you could hear was Camilo’s screaming, because he didn’t expected that. And Camilo kinda fears spiders, especially big ones.
• Camilo is jumpy whenever he gets scared.
• Dolores and Camilo can give you a death stare out of nothing.
• Dolores was slouching in the past. It affected on her brothers. Dolores clearly regrets what she was slouching.
• Isabela was a chaotic wild child. Just like in Pepa’s situation, if you will not look over her for a second, then be aware that she destroyed something or got lost. Or worser, what she destroyed something and got lost at the same time.
• Isabela accidentally taught Mirabel how to walk.
• the first name Isabela said was actually Pepa.
• unlike Isabela and Dolores who were close, Mirabel and Camilo weren’t close and they would fight 24/7.
• Camilo was born with auburn hair, but they were getting darker by the age. It lead, to the fact they’re now dark auburn.
• Mirabel is papa’s girl actually.
• Luisa is also papa’s girl
• Isabela’s the only one who is mama’s girl
• Dolores is papa’s girl
• Antonio is Papa’s boy
• and Camilo like in Isabela’s situation is the only one who is Mama’s boy.
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imlonelyalt · 2 years
Could you give us some Bruno x reader HCs/a short fic where some aggressive guy is trying to take advantage of s/o but Bruno intervenes and it’s… hot 😳 I’d love to see this side of him!Thank you!!
꒰ ➼ ❝ they said no. ❞ ꒱
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bruno x reader
warnings : harassment
a/n :: i’m sorry whenever i read the name all i can think about is the ‘they asked for no pickles’ meme 😭 i’m very unfunny ALSO JUST KINDA ADDED IN MY OWN THING WHERE WHEN BRUNO FEELS EXTREME EMOTIONS, HIS EYES GLOW
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:: if you couldn’t stand up for yourself, bruno always manages to speak up for you and tell them to leave you alone — even though he isn’t the best at doing so, he tries for your sake.
:: someone bothering you? he just pulls you away. he doesn’t go looking for fights he knows he probably won’t win.
:: he tries to be kind to them at first, but if he finds out they didn’t something rude to you? or they underestimate him, and get pushy? he gets angry. real angry.
:: he’s that type of person to cry when he is angry — so when you guys get somewhere private like his tower? you comfort each other.
:: if you get caught in the situation and can’t leave, he will hide his face when he walks away to hide the tears forming. he would clench your hand and walk you away with him.
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bruno tore his hand away from yours, touch lingering. ‘there’s someone i need to go see - you should,’ he avoided your eyes, sighing. ‘go find something you enjoy.’ raising an eyebrow, you frowned.
‘bruno, what’s going on?’ he widened his eyes, before cupping your face gently with one hand.
‘i don’t want to ruin your reputation more than i have already. i’ll come and find you when i’m done.’ he hummed, face flushing as you pecked him on the lips.
you watched him for a moment as he departed, disappearing into the busy crowd. you did notice a few watchful people eyeing you two as you walked — if he noticed it, he didn’t say anything until he left. walking around, you eyed a few stores before approaching an art store, filling with unique works that caught your eye. you were about to ask the owner before you heard a voice.
‘hey, you.’ a man called, and before you had time to turn to investigate, a hand landed on your shoulder. turning your head, you furrowed your eyebrows at the stranger. ‘you seem lonely, got anyone here with you?’ his hand lightly rubbed circles onto your shoulder, in response you started to try to wriggle out of his grasp.
‘i am, actually -‘
‘oh yeah? i don’t see anyone around right now, though.’ the man grinned, tightening his grasp.
‘mi paloma? is this guy bothering you?’ you turned, and saw bruno, finally, standing there, eyebrows creased with a mixture of anger and confusion; you couldn’t tell. it took him a few moments before he registered what was happening, grasping your other hand and making an attempt to shove the man away. ‘leave her alone, will you?’ he frowned.
‘huh? don’t tell me this guy is with you?’ bruno only faltered for a second before glaring at the man.
‘i am.’ you spoke up for bruno, taking advantage of his shock and letting his hand go and staying close beside bruno. the man took a step back before looking at you both. he let out a scoff of disapproval before disappearing into the crowd. bruno looked to you, and you took a moment to examine his face. his curly hair was out of place, lips pursed into a tight frown and his eyes…
were they glowing?
his eyes were shining a bright emerald, a colour you only ever associated with his prophecies and were searching you for any sign of bad treatment or injuries. offering a smile, you kissed him.
‘i’m fine, i promise.’ squeezing his hand, he smiled in relief. much to his surprise, you pulled him back to the art store. ‘because of that, though, i think you owe me an artwork.’
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thegamingmonk · 2 years
Encanto Headcanons #7
I got a lot of headcanons to write, man oh man...
Ever since Isabela got her gift, she's made a new flower for Agustín every morning without fail. When they lost their gifts, she still would go and find flowers for him because she was NOT breaking that tradition.
Mirabel looks like a carbon copy of her mama, but acts e x a c t l y like her abuelo.
Alma begins to notice this as she bonds with Mirabel more and more. She just knows that Pedro would've been so proud of Mirabel.
Saw this in an art, but Mirabel started the trend of laying flat on the floor to hug Casita. Everyone does it at least once.
Everybody thinks Bruno is the innocent sibling until he talks massive shit and then everyone just knows.
Pepa and Isabela were biters as a kid. Just, absolutely would bite your arm, leg, or ankle out of pure spite.
Antonio is currently a biter, more of the “out of affection” side of things than his mama and prima; The family gives credits for that to his gift.
Dolores got bitten by Isabela so often as kids that she’s completely unfazed by Antonio.
Dolores’ ears twitch when she picks up on some SPICY gossip.
Luisa will sometimes pick up her sisters and carry them under her arms out of nowhere just because she can. At this point, they don’t even fight it anymore. They could be walking to lunch and she just SWOOPS.
If a minor inconvenience happens to Bruno, he always questions why the universe has forsaken him. This now passed on to Mirabel and Camilo.
Forget an angry Alma. Forget an angry Pepa. Have you experienced an angry Casita? That's the worst situation to be in.
Morning time? Alarm clock chucked at your head. Lunch time? Chair slid out from under you. Trying to reach something? Yeah it's at the ceiling now. Simply walking? The floor opens up like a trap door.
Don't anger a house.
Bruno was Luisa's #1 guest at her tea parties when she was younger.
Bruno is wrapped around Luisa's finger. He spoils all his niblings rotten, but Luisa is ESPECIALLY spoiled.
Whenever Luisa needs to relax, tio Bruno is her go-to person.
Isabela is the heaviest sleeper in the house, she straight up sleeps like the dead. You could pour a bucket of water on her and she's still out for the count.
She has slept through so many of Pepa's natural disasters-
Dolores is the lightest sleeper, seeing as she barely gets sleep in the first place. It's a mixture of insomnia and the constant hearing of Camilo's leaf blower snoring.
Camilo and Pepa both snore loud as hell.
All the grandkids would do sleeping piles with Bruno before he left. Now that he's back, they do it MORE often (this time with Antonio :D)!
Camilo will act like they're embarrassed from their Papa's hugs, but then when Félix passes by them without so much of a side hug, they'll stare at him and let out the most dramatic "AHEM?!".
Mirabel and Mariano have BFF necklaces that they wear everyday with the most proud expressions.
Antonio got jealous so they had to make him one too; he also never takes it off.
Félix sometimes refer to Mirabel and Camilo as "Thing 1 and Thing 2" out of affection when they're up to no good. They're menaces but they're his menaces.
Agustín and Mirabel will sometimes sword fight with their brooms when doing chores; just to put a bit more fun into the mix!
Abuela and Antonio have days where they'll just sit outside and let animals come around them. Antonio chatters away with them while Abuela is most fond of the butterflies.
Anytime someone trips on themselves, pushes a pull door, or does something mildly embarrassing, Dolores is always somehow right there to see it happen.
Antonio carries his stuffed jaguar everywhere he goes in Casita. He doesn't take it outside because he lost it once and he nearly lost his mind.
Pepa and Bruno starts to develop the need for reading glasses; something that Julieta teases them for since she's the oldest and still doesn't need any.
They start giving Agustín specific "Glasses siblings hugs" just to spite her.
When Julieta and Félix are in the kitchen together, that's about to be a 5 star meal right there.
Mariano reads Pepa his poems to help sooth her on a bad day.
Isabela starts to develop her mama's overly affectionate tendency. Nobody in the family is safe from it, she'll sneak attack someone with a hug from behind.
That one Jason Momoa and Henry Cavill meme? Isabela and any of the grandkids.
The triplets are a unit: you compliment one, you compliment them all. You insult one, you insult them all (and most likely get beat up as well).
Bruno made one self-depricating joke and his sisters never looked so offended in their lives. They tackled him down into a cuddle pile and began listing off reasons on why he's wrong.
When Pepa and Julieta were pregnant with the twins, Dolores would follow them around everywhere out of interest of hearing two heartbeats.
When they wanted to keep the pregnancies a surprise, that day Dolores learned the full power of adorable blackmail.
Camilo will just shift into Agustín and mock him on his clumsiness. Pepa tells him to quit it but Agustín is just impressed at how spot on Camilo is becoming.
Isabela has days where she's just bothered and needs a hug from her parents. She'll go up and tap their shoulder, arms open for a hug. Of course they're more than happy to give her the biggest of hugs.
I heard the new Dolores song "Turn it Down" made by OR3O and best believe I'm on my 20th time of listening to it. That's all for now!
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Madrigal Headcannons if they were in 2022
I couldn’t shake the idea of them with Tiktok and social media
Isabela and Camilo do Tiktok dances together. They spend hours doing it and laugh whenever Camilo shape shifts into another family member to do a dance. Cause like… how else would they ever see Tia Juieta twerk??
Mirabel taught Julieta how to do TikToks and she blew up sharing recipes and giving advice. She has similar content to Tabitha Brown. Everyone loves her.
Bruno is always walking around mumbling Tiktok sounds. He spent weeks going “That’s a big word for Elmo”
Isabela listens to Doja Cat. She probably listens to Ariana Grande too.
Luisa’s workout playlist is the best.
Antonio only quotes Tiktoks he hears from his siblings and cousins. Mirabel sometimes posts him on her page giving animal facts.
Luisa likes to vlog. She doesn’t do it every day but she tries to put a video out every week.
Bruno has an old boom box from the 90s to perform his rat rap battles. Camilo keeps trying to tell him to just use his phone but Bruno likes the authenticity of the boom box.
Isabela wanted to shave her head for a while but they were afraid she’d kill Abuela if she did.
Mirabel has the led lights in her room. She changes the color to reflect her mood.
Mirabel sends Abuela Tiktoks just to make her laugh. Abuela only knows how to watch them if Mirabel sends them to her. She thinks it’s sweet that Mirabel only sends her stuff she’ll like.
Isabela and Camilo are both on gay Tiktok.
Everyone knows when Pepa is stuck in a Tiktok rabbit hole because she laughs so hard it rains and sometimes hard enough to stir up some wind.
Isabela and Camilo can’t drive. It’s the rules. They’re gay.
Felix never drives. He’ll ask Pepa to go somewhere with him and then toss her the keys. She complains every time but she’s always happy to be spending time with him.
Everyone loves when Abuela uses her record player. There’s one song she loves just because the record skips every time. (If you know you know)
Antonio likes to watch nature docs all the time.
Camilo and Bruno watch Cocomelon with Luisa to unwind.
Isabela is convinced she invented iced coffee when she was seven. Pepa is the only one to support this theory. It only happened because Pepa was hailing and some of the ice landed in Isabela’s mug.
Luisa and Agustin like to watch animal videos. They cry all the time.
Abuela plays coloring games on her phone. So does Bruno. They bond over sharing pictures they’ve done.
Felix has a secret SoundCloud. Pepa knows but she’s sworn to secrecy…Julieta and Bruno are also sworn to secrecy. Dolores is also sworn to secrecy.
The triplets discovered Snapchat filters and spend hours taking selfies. It’s really cute. Sometimes they get them printed to hang up in their rooms or to go in photo albums.
Isabela’s lockscreen is herself. Queen shit.
Luisa likes to watch cartoons with Antonio and the animals.
Bruno plays Minecraft.
All of the cousins love animal crossing. They trade turnips and stuff all the time.
Sometimes family game nights are on the switch or the bust out the Wii.
Antonio plays Roblox.
The whole family did a murder mystery once. Agustin and Dolores planned the whole thing. Everyone got really into it.
They like to race go karts and are extremely competitive.
Pepa likes Megan Thee Stallion.
Dolores hates that her Mami knows all the words to Wap.
When Bruno was away Julieta used to watch home videos on their birthday. It made her cry every single time. She was afraid to watch them with Pepa because she knew Pepa would get angry just from the hurt she felt.
Mirabel loves YouTube tutorials. So does Agustin.
Luisa is scared of roller coasters but she’ll go on if Mirabel holds her hand.
Isabela definitely dyed her hair with the money pieces in the front. They were pink first then eventually green.
Pepa likes to embarrass Julieta by telling her kids she had an undercut once. Julieta will always deny it.
The triplets have a group chat. It’s called
“PB&J 🥜🧈🍇”
Pepa got called a milf once and asked Isabela what it meant. Dolores was screaming the entire time. Julieta knew what it meant but she wanted to watch it all go down.
Pepa isn’t allowed to watch Titanic.
Antonio ordered a bunch of toys and treats for his animals on Amazon and got his iPad taken away.
Camilo is more of an iPad kid than Antonio.
Luisa writes fanfiction. She’s really popular online.
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myohmyimanxious · 2 years
Encanto headcanons part 4!
- All his cousins and siblings pooled together to get Antonio roller skates for his birthday since he's like "im only walking if I have to bc I'm a child and I demand to be picked up"
- He's a pro
- It makes Agustín want some, but julieta is like nope you'll die
- Félix gave Agustín flirting, dating advice and dance lessons in order to woo Julieta
- Bruno initially was like ummmmm you really want Agustín? But julieta was just so smitten and Agustín was so sweet he was like okay yeah he's a great guy and makes my sister happy
- It was the same with Félix, although he was already friends with Félix prior imo
- Camilo initially cannot stand Mariano and is just like "ew pls leave" whenever he's around
- And although he warms up to him eventually he is still very protective over his big sister
- Isabela is a fuckin pro maid of honour for Dolores, she got that shit down girl
- Luisa and Mirabel would be flower girls, and let me tell you they are just living the dream
- Antonio is the ring bearer, and insists that parce must walk with him down the aisle
- Camilo would be best man, which he's like totally not bothered about what do you mean? (He's very honoured but won't show it okay he's a teenage boy)
- Speaking of weddings! Pepa and Félix renew their vows!
- Bruno is under strict instructions not to mention the weather at all unless asked
- Since their father isn't around, Camilo walks his mama down the aisle
- Much like Bruno, camilo has other 'characters' he pretends to be when he's down or when he's helping his mama calm down they just aren't as obvious
- Bruno and Camilo have no idea how to comfort people
- They just bring tea and think "fuck I hope this works bc I got nothing"
- Mirabel songs and dances all the time under her breath
- Agustín joins in when she does in front of him bc he's a wholesome dad
- Isabela used to tease her for it but finds it sweet (though she'll never admit it)
- Luisa just smiles at how happy it makes her sister and hums the songs to herself later when she's working
- Antonio and Luisa do a lot of working together to sort out the animals in the village
- It's mostly Antonio, Luisa and the donkeys trying to come up with some kinda compromise to their wandering... and well, it's a challenge
- Despite his cool kid facade, camilo is terrified of thunder and lightning
- Because it means something bad is going to happen or he's in trouble or his mama is very upset/hurt/angry
- Mirabel is the only one who knows it freaks him out tho, and is the super comforter
- I'm talking sleepovers with blanket forts, stolen arepas, stories, games, the whole works!
- Antonio is the kinda kid who'll just sneak into other peoples rooms, set up camp either in their beds or on the floor and just fall asleep
- It's like roulette, whos room will Antonio sneak into next?
- If you want camilo to do anything just bribe him with food and you're set
- Luisa is deffo the type of kid who checks on her siblings all the time to make sure they're happy and healthy
- Luisa @ everyone: "Did you drink enough today?" "You eat enough today?" "GET SOME REST"
- Julieta and Camilo love horror movies
- Everyone else hates them
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💚⏳playtonic yandere Bruno  ⏳💚  
Part 2  
Don't read if you don't like
💚 first of all after you were captured by Bruno he would definitely have to gag you so Dolores when here he felt guilty especially since you were tied up and you can do much throughout the day so he started doing his Telenovela to bring you entertainment it really wasn't entertaining
💚 he was very sad when you would act out and try to bite him whenever she would feed you but he knew you needed time and he will force that time out of you it doesn't matter how much pain you go through as long as you're happy here
💚 eventually the family noticed you disappeared you usually explore outside of the village whenever you would given the chance so they expected you went on your little scavenger hunt but when she went missing for almost a month people started getting worried especially Camlio
💚 you were the one in the family that was always working with the village especially with their Mental Health but she knew you were on a downward spiral if you were missing for so long so Bruno clean the exactly get rid of him but he couldn't let him find out that you were in the wall
💚 eventually you stop talking entirely so you were allowed to walk around but not talkin he did miss your voice but it was better if you didn't talk so you wouldn't get caught
💚"mi dulce come with your tío" eventually he figured out when your birthday wasn't celebrated it with you
💚 he even gave you a stuffed rat plushie and stole some of Julieta's food she sang Happy Birthday to you and let you open your present
💚 you even cracked a smile which made him happy you were slowly breaking soon enough he'll be accepting that you live in the walls and you'll be a happy family with your Tío
💚 eventually Camilo found the hole in the wall a curiosity he crawled in there and started following a mysterious hooded figure you can get something and he was holding something strange
💚 when he stops you quickly hit behind a small pillar he heard a familiar voice but he didn't recognize it he turned around from the teller only seeing the hooded figure giving you something he quickly close his mouth realizing that you were here the whole time you were alive
💚 eventually the hooded figure walked away and didn't notice Camilo he quickly ran up to you and try to help you up "come on Y/N everyone will be so happy for you come on get up" he was desperate pulling on your arm he didn't understand why you were like this
💚 before he knew it and you're shocked and horrified expression as you pointed behind you it was too late Bruno had smashed a vase on to Camillo's head to knock him out
💚 he looked at you not angry but more annoyed" I knew this would happen luckily no one will believe him I'm here" you had lost your ability to speak entirely but you look at him just really questioning are you going to kill him later going to do" oh I'm not going to kill him mi dulce" she threw Camilo out of the hole that you came out of and smashed another vase making it look like it fell on him and he passed out
💚 no one did believe him whenever he would say Bruno is here and he had you they thought he was doing one of his jokes a sick joke but that's for sure no one except Dolores
💚 she could hear him in the walls so it was obvious she was there but he never heard your voice
💚 they never truly plan to let you escape but they wanted to but they knew would would be dangerous they never gave up though
💚 Bruno became more and more paranoid thinking that that they would come for him and you especially so he started planning on leaving Encanto with you you two will live happily ever after once and for all
"Mi dulce we will be a happy family once and for all come with your tío
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Would you guys like a part 3 if so please give me suggestions of what should happen
Part 3 is up
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mstrashmouthsworld · 2 years
How the slashers would react to watching Encanto.
this is my first time writing a out them so sorry if it sucks lol
Characters: Michael Meyers, Jason Vorhees, Chucky, Tiffany
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Some of them are out of character.
Michael Meyers:
-i feel like he wouldn't care in the begging and he would pretend he doesn't want to be there but really appreciate it that you want to have quality time with him.
-once he sees it's a cartoon he would huff and try to get up and walk away, you ofc wouldn't let that happen tho. bc you would nag him and whine to him about watching it.
-ofc he gives in to shut you up, once he hears the music he will lightly groan in annoyance, but would watch anyway bc he already did his duties today.
-once it gets to the best parts he will get more interested, he won't show it but internally he is at the edge of his seat bitting his lip waiting for what's next.
-he feel sympathetic for Mirabel, growing up Michael didn't have anyone and was left out a lot. and seeing it happen to Mirabel it brings back memories of it all, and it leaves him feeling somewhat better that he wasn't the only one who went through it.
^^^even if it was a cartoon.
-he HATES Abuela and is irritated by her, he thinks that she is a hypocrite bc she doesn't even have magic so she shouldn't be rude to Mirabel.
-he loves Bruno and thinks he's funny when Hernando and Jorge came up. he huffed at the jokes but tried not to show any amusement. (his heart panged a little at the plate scene)
-he thinks Antonio is adorable and loves how fluffy his hair is, he also thinks that Pepa and Felix relationship is comforting.
-over all he liked the movie and would watch it again but ofc you would never know and don't even mention him liking it bc he would walk out the house.
-9/10 just bc he is angry at Abuela but most of the part he's ok.
Jason Vorhees
-this baby boy would watch anything with you doesn't matter (as long as he's not busy)
-but knowing him he would drop everything just to watch it with you.
-he sits down on his makeshift recliner and pulls you in his lap. as you watch it he's interested in all the colors and different people.
-he loves the music he will tap his fingers on your arm and wiggle his foot to the best. (his favorite song is "Family Madrigal" in the beginning)
-he doesn't like Abuela bc it reminds him of the kids when he was younger and sympathies with Mirabel bc he was the "outcast" and Mirabel was the "outcast" as well.
-he loves Bruno, he thinks he's funny and he will giggle at Hernando and Jorge. he thinks the rats are cute. (he teard up at the plate scene)
-he wants a little kid like Antonio, he thinks he's the cutest little kid ever. Pepa and Feliz relationship is someone he wants to have with you❤️.
-in the end he loved the movie so much and 100% would watch it again and again. he loves the music too. whenever he's doing his woods duties he would hum the song. and bop his head a little bit.❤️❤️
-10/10 he loves it so much and it's his new comfort movie.
-he would throw a whole fit if you try and make him watcha cartoon. I mean curse words and f-bombs getting thrown left and right.
-he may not show it but he's a big softy for you, so when he walks out the room but sences he made you sad he will com back in and sit next to you.
-"I'm here now so hurry up and play the damn movie already." (Chucky rn 'me as an empathy sences you are sad')
-he doesn't like the music or the colors. he complains about getting a headache and won't shut up about how dumb it is.
-"ughhh doll can't we watch something else it's to childish", "I swear I'm going to get a headache" or "just stop being a bitch and blow out the candle already🙄"
-in the end he's drooling asleep, don't ask him nothing he doesn't like the movie fell asleep like 20 minutes in.
-he tried to stay awake but couldn't it wasn't his cup of tea. don't reccomend watching anything that isn't horror.
-1/10 don't reccomend, waste of time, annoying and all but he tried I mean at least he stayed in the same room as you 🙂
-she was so happy when you asked if she wanted to watch a movie with you. she sat right next to you and y'all cuddled🥰
-she loves the music and colors, she will wiggle her hips to the beat and smile. she also comments here and there about Antonio and about Julieta and Augustine's relationship.
-she HATES Abuela and I mean with a passion, Everytime she came on the tv Tiff would glare and HARD at the tv. (if looks could kill the tv would be up in flames)
-she just wants to squish Antonio's cheecks she loves him🥰. Julieta and Augustine's relationship is top tier to her. (she wants that domesticated relationship)
-she finds Bruno funny, she giggle and kinda pitys him. she feels bad that he was treated that way. Hernando and Jorge are definitely funny to her. (the plate seen had her in tears)
-10/10 really relaxing and therapeutic for you both. you guys now have movie night every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. on those days you watch Disney.❤️❤️
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Y'know, with Dolores knowing all these things about people, makes me wonder how the people would react and if those reactions would be similar to how a lot of the fandom thinks they react to Bruno's knowledge. A sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of thing. If Dolores revealed to the hypothetical wife that her husband was cheating on her for years, that wife could be quite angry that Dolores didn't tell her sooner. Letting it happen. But if Dolores came forward the very first time it happened, would that wife still get angry? For not minding her business, invading privacy? The husband would probably be angry. It's just something I think about a lot. Dolores, Bruno, and even Camilo having the burden of knowing too much and, largely, against their will. Tough situation.
I honestly think it would be entirely possible for the town to be suspicious and vary of all the Madrigals. If they react badly to Bruno's visions (about stupid mundane stuff) then I definitely think it's possible to have them be unhappy with the others as well.
Dolores, Bruno and Camilo for sure are burdened by knowing too much like you said, and that makes them an easy target for distrust and strong dislike from the townspeople. I mean Bruno is obvious, but what about the others?
They know Dolores can hear everything, every little embarrassing thing you say or do, every time you just want your privacy, every intimate moment, every secret shared between one another, everything you ever said out loud. She's probably not listening (there's too much going on at once and I think she'd be able to filter out the stuff she hears to an extent) but do they know that?? For all they know, she listens to everyone and everything that's happening.
Camilo is a prankster and a little shit, has been ever since he could walk. So he liked to pull little pranks on everyone, not just his family. After he got his gift, who says he wouldn't have pranked people by pretending to be someone they know, making them get very easily annoyed at him? Who says that whenever he shifts into someone else, and babysits or just helps around town, someone they're close to doesn't suddenly spill secrets to him, or say private information until they realize they're not talking to the right person.
And Pepa?? In real life so many people constantly complain about the weather! It's raining all the time, it's too windy, it's too foggy, it's cold, it's cloudy, it's too hot. There is literally no weather where everyone is happy with it. So now imagine that there is one person that is responsible for it. And how easily it would be to get annoyed at her because it's literally tied to her emotions. Like we gotta suffer through sudden storms and hurricanes because she's overreacting?? Someone said something mean to her and now their work gets so much harder because it's raining? Can't she just get over it? People like to complain about the weather, people like to complain about women being emotional... making Pepa a very easy target. (Yeah she probably helps the farmers with the crops and they are grateful but she could just as easily destroy the harvest with one breakdown..)
Damn I realize that it's mostly Pepa's side...
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