#but if you call me senpai or some nonsense
seijorhi · 11 months
Hiii I don't really know what to call you because I don't want to be disrespectful if I got it wrong 😅 but thank u for your stories you don't know how much it I appreciate your writing and I find comfort in them so thank you I hope that ur doing ok and I wish u all the happiness un the world 🙌🙌
Well my name is rhi so you can call me that, but tbh I’ll answer to pretty much any kinda endearment, too
And thank you!!! That’s why I’m still here n kicking <33 ily!!
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sabraeal · 3 months
at home with the glass half empty, Part 1
[Read on AO3]
It’s not that Nanami expected fanfare when he returned to the realm of curses and sorcerers; they hardly have time to mourn their dead, let alone celebrate the living. It’s only…
There should be more to it than this. More than Gojo-senpai’s crooned, ‘Nanami-kun’ crackling over the speaker of his phone, rousing him before even the sun's bothered to heave itself over the horizon. More than the mission brief being a location and time couched in a stream of that idiot's nonsense, more than showing up at to the rendezvous as the sole adult not wearing his high school uniform--
More than the situation going pear-shaped at the moment of contact. At least, that's what he'd thought there'd be when he still trained under these people. Last minute texts seemed normal when he was just some shitty teenager; when he was just some student called in as an afterthought once instructors had deemed the situation safe enough to stand in for a lesson. He'd assumed that when he was an adult, when he finally became a peer rather than a pupil, he'd finally be privy to all the secret strategies the other sorcerers seemed to know down to their bones
Now he'd just settle for a plan before they turned a children’s park into a battleground.
Cursed energy drips off his knuckles, liquid in a way real fire never could be. It flickers with the same frantic rhythm as his breath, a flare of flame before it extinguishes itself on the concrete. That had been the reason he’d left, wasn’t it? That there never had been a plan. That their only way of fighting the creeping tide of humanity’s apathy was to throw more bodies at the problem until it was solved.
Even if those bodies were children.
“Threat neutralized,” he pants, quenching the cursed energy licking over his shoulders. They tense in its wake, braced for a fight long over. “…Gojo-san.”
“As expected from my reliable kouhai!” A lanky arms slings itself over his shoulders, drawing him far too close to that smug smile. “Tell me, was it fun? Is it just like old times?”
“I’ve been doing this for a year.” And Gojo-senpai— intolerable, as always— never changes his script. Unbelievable that they gave this man dominion over children. “It’s shit.”
He nods, sagely. “Just like old times.”
Isn’t that the truth. Nanami plucks his blazer off the carousel's rail, slinging it over his shoulders. “If there’s nothing else…?”
“What? You’re not going to stick around? Reminisce about old times?” Gojo’s lip juts out, wounded. “Come on, Nanami-kun—”
“I told you not to call me that.” They’re work colleagues, not classmates.
“You were a salaryman, weren’t you? You know about post-work drinks. Happy Hour?”
He hadn’t gone to those either, not once it was clear he would make more money on overtime than schmoozing for a promotion. “It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Lunch, then,” Gojo-senpai decides far too quickly. As if he’d already planned— “I made bento!”
Ah, there it is. The metal teeth snapping shut on this trap. “All right,” he sighs, slumping under his senpai’s weight. “Show me this…bento.”
The paper bag should have been his warning. It’s rumpled, like it’d been pulled out of the bin, the top not even neatly rolled down but merely clenched shut in Gojo-senpai’s fist, like a cartoon bank robber making his getaway.
“I made your favorite,” he says, so saccharine Nanami’s teeth ache. “What is it you always get now? The casse-croute.”
The casse-croûte is a light meal— a snack, really, though a substantial one— an idea that includes but is not exclusive to sandwiches. What he prefers is the jambon-buerre, the parisien, a baguette slathered in butter and layered with Paris ham— or more often, prosciutto— lettuce and brie. But the konbini around here don’t make a distinction between the two, and by the terrible mockery Gojo-senpai’s mouth makes of a French accent, neither will he.
He takes the bag anyway, top pinched between two of his fingers. Between the grit of his teeth, Nanami manages, “Thank you for the meal.”
What he finds inside is…unspeakable.
“Is this…?” His mouth works, at a loss. “Mozzarella?”
“Nice, isn’t it?” Gojo-senpai’s nose wrinkles above his own egg salad, pressed sloppily between two slices of white bread. “Better than that stinky stuff they usually put on. You know it has a rind?”
The bread squishes beneath his fingers— not a baguette at all, not even a French loaf, but some sort of mass-produced bread-like product. A...sandwich roll, shoved into a plastic bag with a half dozen other of its ilk, sold for cheap and then bought by this absolute fool to be split in twain and abet this blasphemy trying to pass as a sandwich. The lettuce is soggy and— he’s pretty sure— shredded. Maybe even iceburg.
Even still, his mouth salivates. Not for this abomination, but the superior sandwich it apes; the same way cursed spirits shuffle, mere shadows of the human fears that birth them. One sitting behind a glass case, wrapped in crinkling film, crusty bread glimmering enticingly beneath the bakery’s lights. He can taste it, the funk of the cheese and the crispness of the lettuce, the baguette shedding sesame as it yielded to his teeth. And the girl behind the counter—
It’s much better than the konbini’s, isn’t it? The curse coiled on her shoulder cocked its fly-head to match hers, as if it had a share in her pride. As if it were anything more than a leech, sucking the life out of her sip by sip, until only a hollowed-out shell remained. He’d gotten rid of it; his last gift to the world he’d left behind. To the girl who made the perfect jambon-buerre.
A year ago now. His mouth twists. A lot can happen in a year. Do her shoulders still sit so proud? So easy? If he went back, would he find her still smiling, or would there be another one of those worms wrapped around her neck, squeezing tighter every night. Killing her day by day, unchecked, no sorcerer to—
Nanami balls up the bag, sandwich and all, and throws it into the nearest bin. That has nothing to do with him now.
“What’s the matter, Nanami-kun?” Gojo sing-songs, impossibly long limbs sprawled over the bench, taking up as much space as his smile. “Don’t like the sandwich? What’s wrong, too much mayo?”
Mayo. He pinches his nose, adjusting the way his glasses straddle it. “I don’t like anything about this.”
The sandwich, the job. The growing amount of cursed spirits spawning around the city. The strange way Gojo-senpai smiles when he asks about it. Gojo-senpai in general.
His phone buzzes in his pocket. Gojo's must as well; he slips his out from his trousers, brows knitted as his eyes scan over the message.
“Lucky us,” he drawls, smirk stiff as a carcass across the spread of his lips. “Another cursed spirit, and only a few streets over.”
Nanami frowns as the man unfurls from the bench, casual as a cat on its way to batter yet another mouse. “There’s more now, aren’t there? That’s why you were all so happy to have me back.”
“Whatever do you mean, my dear kouhai?” Gojo swings close— too close, his mouth all teeth. “Clearly we missed your scintillating personality.”
“It’s gotten worse.” He doesn’t need to see the man’s eyes to know how tightly he’s holding them, not when the rest of him is strung as taut as piano wire. “You think they’re going to overrun us, the way they did when Geto-san—”
“See? There he is.” One of those long hands reach out, patting him on the cheek. Slapping, really. “That’s the kouhai I missed so much. Nanami-kun, always so positive.”
“Don’t call me that,” he grunts, shrugging him off. A tug fixes the sit of his blazer of his shoulders. “Come on, let’s get going. I’m not about to put in overtime for you.”
Gojo rocks back on his heels as he walks away, taking in a deep breath. Despite the clear skies, a thunder rumbles through the city.
“It’s a lovely day for walk, isn’t it?” he hums, the words dogging Nanami’s heels. “How lucky for us.”
The cursed spirit might only have been lingering only a few streets away, but it’s a slippery one, leading them on what Gojo calls a ‘merry chase’ to the other side of town. By the time they corner it, writhing and helpless now that senpai's patience has run out, his stomach is empty enough that even that war crime of a sandwich seems appetizing.
A good thing that he’d put it in the garbage, then. Nanami would never be able to live with himself if he ate mayonnaise with brie. He had never been to France, but he would one day— if only for the food— and they certainly wouldn’t let him in after that.
Gojo-senpai doesn’t stick around to offer another; he’s got to go back to his class, to the children he’s teaching to sacrifice themselves before they even know who they might be. That’s what they’d wanted him to do when he’d first come back. Even had a promising crop of scouted talent, still wide-eyed from having the veil thrown back, the way he had been when he’d first enrolled, but—
But he’d just laughed. Told them to leave all that to Gojo, a man who tasted death and liked the flavor. They had his number; he’d come when they called.
So there’s no reason for him to be here. No reason for him to be idling next to this awning as rain pours down, pelting umbrella he’d bought from the konbini a street over. His old one; the shortest jaunt from his last apartment, closer still to the building where he used to work. One that still didn’t have casse-croute in the case.
But she would.
It’s busy now— the dinner rush, now that the salarymen have been turned out from their offices, ravenous and eager to avoid their empty apartments. Or worse yet, the filled ones— the kind with the children their parents wanted and the wife that begrudges their existence just as much as they begrudge hers.
A red beret blazes behind the counter, but even through the plate glass, it’s outshone by the smile beneath it. She’s been doing well, it seems— it had only even been her at the till before, but there’s two other employees working behind her now. They’re laughing as she tallies up an order, one of them wiping tears from his eyes.
It’s…nice. Good even. More camaraderie than he’d ever seen on the front lines of the stock market. More than he sees now, despite how close these missions fly to death. And that should be enough for him, to see proof of her success, but—
But that fly-head cocks its head, its unblinking stare settling on him through the glass. A larger one than the last. Makes sense; it’s had a whole year to siphon off its sustenance.
Nanami heaves a sigh, and with a nudge of his shoulders, opens the door.
The bell rings, the same bright chime he remembers, but the shop is so full, so lively, that no one bothers to look at the man stepping off to the side, letting another glut of customers through. He collapses his umbrella, careful to keep the extra water from dripping all over her floor. Even from here, he can hear that damn thing chittering on her shoulder, teeth clicking at every twitch of his fingers.
There’s nothing to be done about the thing from back here— he’s not Gojo-senpai, he can’t simply exorcise a spirit from annoyance alone— but he can’t bring himself to join the crowd. To hop in line and simply be yet another customer, not when she could look up and know—
But she wouldn’t. Couldn’t. He’d been a regular for only a few months more than a year ago. There’s no reason for her to remember his face, at least not enough to see past the new set of glasses on his face.
It’s better that way.
One of her employees passes behind her, leaning down to murmur in her ear, and her eyes jerk up, scanning the back of the shop. Not casual, no— that gaze is sharp, focused. Searching. It skims over him— once, twice— then catches, the tense lines collected at the corners of her eyes easing.
She does remember him.
Her mouth opens, a hand lifting to a wave— only to flounder in empty air as the next customer shoulders his way to the counter, spitting out his order. She blinks, attention dragged back to the mundane, to the only reality she knows, and—
He should have never come. What difference did it make if he rid her of that curse? Oh, he can pretend it’s altruism, that all he cares about is gaining one small foothold in this war of attrition, but this isn’t about her. No, all this— it’s about him. About his pride. About proving to himself that these small victories meant something-- that even if he fell protecting this world from the horrors they’d never see, he’d leave a mark. That he'd have done something to make is better.
And now Nanami has his answer: he can push these boulders up this hill all he wants, but they’ll always fall back down. It’s only a matter of time.
He should leave.
The rain is still coming down outside, hard enough it bounces off the awning, splattering his already half-soaked blazer. A cluck catches between his teeth, trapped tight as he wrangles his umbrella open. An unremarkable black, one that will disappear into the sea of identical canopies; one more body in the surging tide, and—
And the bell rings. “Wait!”
He’s too close to feign ignorance, to pretend that he can’t hear her as easily as the heart pounding in his chest. That he can’t see her panting where she leans against the glass, rain dripping onto her chef whites. “This is for you!”
It’s the second time today that a paper bag has been foisted on him, but unlike the last, this one is crisp, a clean white with a neat fold at the top. And when he unfurls it, glancing into its pristine depths—
It’s his usual. The jambon-buerre. It’s a miracle his stomach doesn’t growl. “I didn’t…”
Order anything. He shouldn’t even be here.
“I know!” If he’d thought her smile was bright behind the counter, it is blinding this close. He squints into it, half-surprised it hasn’t burned the clouds away. “I keep one in stock, just in case you stop by. As a thank you!”
He blinks down at the bag. It’s been a year, he doesn’t say.
“Your neck,” he manages instead. “Does it still bother you?”
“Ah…!” Her eyes pulse wide. “Yes! How did you know?”
The fly-head chitters on her shoulder, and if it were possible for it to know what danger it was in, Nanami might have called that beady gaze a glare.
“Could you step closer?” His request isn’t breathless, but it is soft; softer than he’s ever spoken. She follows before he’s even finished, quick enough to leave his mouth strangely dry.
His movements are not practiced like he’d thought they’d be. Before he’d been relying on memory, on the feel of how cursed energy collected in his palms, but now he’s used to the way it sits there, to the way it tingles against his skin. He brings up his hand too fast, expecting the weight of the cleaver, but it doesn’t matter— the cut is same with an edge or without, his fingers honed just as sharp when it comes to little pissant curses like this one. It explodes over her shoulder, like a fly beneath a swatter.
When she breathes in, it’s with noticeably more ease, the tense line of her shoulders softened to a more natural curve. Funny how such a little thing could carry so much weight.
“Ohhh,” she sighs, eyes fluttering shut. Her hand raises, rubbing at where it sat, and he— he has to look away. “That’s so much better.”
“Thank you.” The words are foreign on his lips. “For the sandwich.”
For remembering. He turns, umbrella resting on his shoulder. It’s time.
Fingers tangle in the sleeve of his blazer. Small, insignificant things, grip so weak a hard breath might break it. But it’s enough. This time, he turns back.
“How…?” Her face scrunches, head shaking. “No, wait. I asked last time, but I don’t think you heard me.”
She plucks her phone from an apron pocket, waving it with a smile. Not a shy one, but hopeful. “Can we exchange contacts?”
He stares. Not…forbidding. Simply…blindsided.
“No pressure,” she tells him brightly, despite the pink flush across her cheeks. “If you drop me a line the next time you’re around, I’ll make your sandwich fresh. No charge.”
That, if anything, tempts him. But still— he should go. It’s not good to make connections among the mundane. It only hurts them when they get caught up in his world.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He smiles to ease the sting. “Thank you, though.”
This time when he leaves, she doesn’t call after him.
Nanami waits to eat until he’s home, setting the bag on the counter, right beside his keys. There’s a part of him that’s reluctant to eat it, to take advantage of her kindness when the best he can do is walk away. But the famished part wins out, salivating at the very memory of its taste, of how the butter and brie meld into the most decadent expression of flavor, and—
And he might get a plate, at least. A luxury; he’d always eaten it on the run, trying to finish before he went back to the office, putting more hours in on the clock. Watching his life tick away through rows of a spreadsheet.
He sits down too— ah, what a dream this would have been back then, to sit and savor each bite. To not just cram as much into his mouth as he could before the elevator finish twenty-four flight climb, spitting him out into yet another soulless lobby. He unfurls the bag, extracting the sandwich with exquisite care. There’s a napkin wrapped around it; it flutters to the plate first, and he nearly leaves it there, but—
Sayo, it reads, followed by a string of numbers. Ten of them, to be exact, grouped two, four and four.
Ah. Heat flares where his collar rests at his neck. A phone number. That’s…persistent.
He stands up, skin tingling the same way it does in battle, but there's no curse energy to blame. Only the strange beat of his heart, and the even more foreign sensation of heat beneath his collar. He paces the kitchen, once, twice, trying to expend the tremble in his muscles, to still the half-formed thoughts racing in her head, and--
And with a delicate swipe of his hand, he guide the paper into the bin. Sayo, it still reads, and a number after it. Right there, on top of all his rubbish.
Nanami turns away, taking the plate with him. He’ll eat on the couch tonight.
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toujokaname · 16 days
Card shuffle / Episode 2
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Tatsumi, Aira, Mayoi
"Why'd you change so much, Rinne-senpai?"
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Training Room
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Rinne: Anyway, yeah.
For that reason, we've been dragged into this fateful (?) showdown (pfft) between ALKALOID and Crazy:B! Talk about being saddled with a stupid plan!
Honestly, it's a royal pain in the ass to deal with, since it was clearly cooked up by some moron who doesn't know jack about us.
You guys aside, we Crazy:B are still at a disadvantage in ES 'cause of what we did in the summer. We reap what we sow, but still?
Apparently, ES wants to make this Matrix thing into a big event that'll mark the end of their first year of existence—
And we gotta do our best to hype it up, right?
If we disobey, well, you guys may be fine, but we might actually get the boot this time.
Can't say I'm thrilled about caving in to threats, but... Really, what has ES ever done for us?
Did they actually think we'd be all like "oh, yay, we're so pumped to work for ES!" with stars in our eyes? That nonsense's fine in dreams, but they need a reality check already, hm?
Tatsumi: ...You've been harsher than usual for a while now. Rinne-san, do you have any particular thoughts on this plan?
Though it's admittedly a flawed project, I'd consider it an honor to be entrusted with a major event.
Will this, too, be made fun of as a model answer from a goody-two-shoes?
Rinne: Ahh... Well, no need to worry 'bout that.
It's just that, back when I was an idol under my own name, there was a lot going on.
Aira: ...?
Rinne: Anyway, seems like ES is dead set on having ALKALOID and Crazy:B duke it out no matter what.
Tatsumi: Yes... It appears they want to create that kind of wrestling match atmosphere.
Aira: In reality, we're not even on bad terms... I mean, we had some issues in the summer, but honestly, we barely cross paths at work.
Mayoi: Our target audiences are completely different... The so-called issues in the summer largely revolved around aiding Hiiro-san's efforts to stop Rinne-san from going on a rampage.
From a personal standpoint, we harbor no ill will towards Crazy:B.
Aira: Though we're at least aware of each other, since we debuted at the same time.
If anything, Crazy:B's constant blunders make us look better in comparison, so it's kinda handy.
Rinne: Mhm, mhm. But see, that's a problem for ES! They really want us to be archenemies!
And that's when the focus turned to me and Otouto-kun. We're blood-related brothers, each leading Crazy:B and ALKALOID.
"The Amagi brothers have always had a bad relationship, and they formed their units just to spite each other—"
Something like that. Seems they wanna make a scandalous scenario that the public's gonna eat right up.
Aira: Even though you and Hiro-kun actually seem rather close... I mean, for some reason, he weirdly looks up to such a scumbag of an older brother.
Rinne: Oi, oi, don't call me a scumbag. If I'm not the "foul-mouthed character" type, fans might get disappointed.
Aira: Every once in a while, you put on airs of a snobby senior idol...
Anyway, I think I get the gist of it?
ES wants to create a scenario where Hiro-kun and Rinne-senpai are at odds 'cause it fits their script.
Rinne: Right, right. That's why I became ALKALOID's leader this time as part of that scenario.
We'll swap units temporarily to prove ourselves and brag about beating our sibling.
So, for example, what happens if I make ALKALOID more successful than it was when Otouto-kun was leading?
It'd prove I'm better than Otouto-kun, yeah?
That's the kinda thing the fictional Rinne Amagi-kun would say.
ES always wants to play the poor victims being pushed around by that kinda selfish idol, huh? Gyahahahaha! ☆
Even if this plan backfires, ES can still escape responsibility. Maaan, I've gotta hand it to ES, still as shitty as ever ♪
Aira: Such a foul mouth... Yet you're the one telling off others... Isn't that why you're hated and forced into these harassment projects?
Rinne: I keep harping on the same thing over and over, but I'm totally fine being "that kinda character."
Aira: When you first debuted, you were more of a pure, orthodox idol... Why'd you change so much, Rinne-senpai?
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Rinne: ......
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sakumz · 2 years
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 ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ s. izumi x fem reader ]
tw❗: slight ooc ?
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" IZUMI OH MY GOD! " you burst out laughing when you caught sight of the small boy, trying to wear lipstick.
" s-SHUT UP! get out of the room too! " he screams, his face a slight rosy red as he drops the lipstick and attempts to push the person older by two years from him out of the room.
oh how embarrassing those childhood memories were, and having you, a famous model and someone he painfully admires see him like that. you could've used those memories of him doing dumb things at that age for blackmail since those memories hunts him knowing, you witness some too.
" hmm? zumi-kun, there's flowers here for you. how cute there's a little letter here too- " before arashi could end her sentence the letter was snatched out of her hands by the grey haired boy with blue crystal eyes.
" tch don't touch things that aren't for you please and put those flowers somewhere, those flowers aren't just for me probably... " he mumbles the last part as he curiously inspects the letter before opening it and whispers whatever he sees.
" to little zum zum-kun hehe, what a stupid name indeed. ah how cute you were back then!! but now you're more handsome than cute nooo but I guess the handsome-ness makes up for it. oh my I'm talking too much waah. anyways you were amazing as always, you're even an outstanding idol now!! congrats and as always don't push yourself, we've never really talk that much anymore ever since we went our separate ways. sorry for leaving you like that back then and I in no ways and means deserve seeing and expecting our broken relationship to ever fix back. this is goodbye for now and ever haha, you're happy aren't you? bcs you hate me alot back then and you won't stop telling me that with every chance you get. Well, see ya around if ever... - bleh "
" huh senas crying!! " leo says as all heads in knights turn to face their fellow Knights mate.
" I'm not! shut up, where's the person who deliver this? did you see them naru? " izumi questions.
" um it was someone wearing a motorcycle helmet- " before she could finish her sentence, izumi stood up and rush out of the backstage room.
he ran outside and caught sight of a familiar hair colour person with a hat over their face, facing the sky, sitting on one of the many benches outside the place knights were performing in.
" y-you! l/n-senpai? " izumi calls out, getting a satisfied hum from the girl as she remove the hat from her face before smiling cheekily at the male.
" hahaha that's cute l/n-senpai, why not big sister? oh my were you crying? your eyes are puffy " you calmly pointed out leaving the boy to flustered and cover his face with his hands.
" I'll never call you that, its not fitting for you and shut up with me crying, I wasn't crying for you! " he replies.
" damn I see hahaha, I guess it really doesn't huh- "
" look and listen here closely, I'll only say it once, l/n-senpai no y/n. I don't care about the past or what nonsense you did back then, I figured everything you did had meaning. you don't deserve blames or backlash, you're just trying to live life to the fullest too. you told me to live life the way I want so please don't leave me again, " he says in a quiet tone.
" little zum zum so adorable ahhh guess, the fashion show has to find another model and I'll be staying in Japan a little longer than I expected hehe, "
" don't call me that and don't skip work just to see me! "
a/n : I'm.. its still burnout season sigh 🥱
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dramalets · 3 months
2024 Watch List pt3
Takura-kun & Amagi-kun - This has lots of the Japanese traits that I don’t always love but I did find myself warmed by it. It’s basically two boys being teenage and idiotic whilst learning how to love and be loved. I really liked the two besties in this. 3/5 (13/3/24)
Although I love you, and you? - Apparently this is wildly different from the manga so people were hating on it but, with zero knowledge of the manga, I have to say I enjoyed it. Very silly but had a nice emotional depth to it and Sakae & Soga made for interesting leads. Also loved the little found family of friends and bar regulars. 3 ½/5 (15/3/24)
One Room Angel - This could really only be Japanese. Beautiful, bittersweet and healing this does come with a lot of trigger warnings but if you can stomach it’s darker elements it’s really worth the journey. 4/5 (26/3/24)
Love is science (BL cut) - Just about an hour on YouTube this was delightful. Undoubtedly would not have enjoyed all the different het storylines but these two should have been a show on their own. Just lush. (No rate because it’s a cut. 28/3/24)
Senpai this can’t be love - Errm. Elements I really liked, and I don’t think it’s anywhere near as bad as some make it out to be, but it did have a very naff ending and they deserved a better kiss. These two were cute but probably not one I’ll reach to rewatch. 3/5 (30/3/24)
WaterBoyy - I really only watched this because I’m a dumbass with completionist tendencies. It’s a show? The story and script are absolutely insane. There is so much het nonsense, which I entirely skipped, weird dated language and extremely 2017 dubcon. I can give a lot of old shows a pass for being of their time but this is bad even by 2017 standards. I’ll give it a half point for being moderately well acted. But that’s it. 1/2 (1/4/24)
Our Dating Sim - Very cute. Packed a surprising amount of story into a short time frame. Also delivered some nice kisses. 3/5 (2/4/24)
Jun & Jun - Enjoyed most of this. Episodes 5 & 6 felt a little redundant. Great kisses, much higher heat than standard for a K BL. Would have loved more from the manager & idol pairing, they had an interesting history and I’d like to have seen them a little more developed. I could understand why no man could resist Lee Jun’s face, a 100% cutie. 3/5 (3/4/24)
Love is better the second time around - Much to love about this one. The acting all round was stunning, Aloha as Senpai’s bitchy assistant was hilarious and I need him in a main BL role again soon, the leads were able to tell whole stories in subtle facial expressions. I think the end was satisfying but I did feel like it could have used 8 episodes instead of 6. 4/5 (10/4/24)
Unknown - Quite the surprise. I’m a little hesitant with the pseudo incest, brother lover whatever the hell you want to call it trope. But this was done beautifully well. A mild melodrama with slice of life and found family at its core this is wholly worth your time and I loved it a lot. 5/5 (20/4/24)
We Best Love (1) - I definitely did enjoy this but it also didn’t overly wow me. Shu Yi is my perfect brand of arrogant stupidity wrapped up in a pissed off little cat package so he was an easy and delightful sell for me. Also obsessed with the cousin doctor. Sam Lin and Yu have extremely good chemistry and I’m excited to watch the second series. 3 ½/5 (29/4/24)
Two Worlds - This was silly and pulpy from the get go and stayed that way. The holes have holes in this and the ending was very expected but, having said all this, I still very much enjoyed myself. Wandee knows that mindless pulp & MaxNat are a great combo and truly it is. Would make an easy, delicious spam. 3/5 (16/5/24)
Boys be brave - This felt more Japanese than Korean in some parts? Lots of character examination and broken boys being stubborn. (100% more so in the secondary pairing which really never got explored enough for my tastes.) Overall I found this very enjoyable and it didn’t entirely fluff its ending up. 3 ½/5 (16/5/24)
23.5 - I don’t think this is without its issues but the things it did well I feel it did really well. The teens in this were authentically stupid and all their problems were also accurately teen. Ignore reviews telling you the writing is bad, it isn’t, it’s just extremely specifically teen. None of the problems the girls have are relatable for adults honestly but if you’re someone who never outgrew your teen angst or is just able to remember that period well you’ll enjoy this. Milk & Love were superb as was the entire cast. I’d love more light GL stories like this one and less melodrama and sadness. 3 ½/5 (24/5/24)
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aeoki · 2 years
Chill Yellow - Chapter 1
Location: Staff Cafeteria Characters: Hokuto & Wataru Season: Autumn Writer: Maiko Nishioka (Happy Elements)
TL Note:
In Japan, once everyone has been served, it’s customary to say “Thank you for the meal / いただきます” (with hands clasped together) before eating to show appreciation for the farmers and/or cooks. Although nowadays, some people (especially the younger generation) are lazy and skip out on this, hence Wataru’s reaction.
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Hokuto: (To think the previous work would finish so quickly… now I have time before the next meet-up.)
(Well, it doesn’t matter. It just happens to be lunchtime right now. I can have lunch while I’ve got the time for it.)
(Let’s see. Put an order through “Hallhands” and all right, all that’s left is to wait for the food to be brought over.)
(It feels rather boring to be simply waiting like this… What does everyone else do to pass time at a time like this?)
………… *Looks around*
(...What’s this? Almost everyone is looking at their phones…? It’s such a bizarre sight to see everyone doing the same thing.)
(Hmm. But one time, Yuuki did say I should pay more attention to the trends. In this case, I suppose when in Rome do as the Romans do.)
(All right, I’ll imitate everyone here and also look at my phone.)
(But what are they all looking at? They seem to be flicking their fingers and flipping pages every so often. Is there really something worth staring at…?)
(I thought smartphones are generally used for phone calls or sending messages, though…)
(Hm. Found it. With this, I can also stare at my phone and flip the pages every so often. All right, I guess I’ll take my time looking at this.)
………… *Stares at the smartphone with all seriousness*
Wataru: …………
Hokuto: Woah!? I thought I felt a presence and turned around but–
Hibiki-senpai, anyone would be surprised if you stand silently behind them like that. You usually barge straight into my personal space with a huge commotion. Why are you so quiet today?
Wataru: Oh, no no. Actually, I saw you staring so earnestly at your phone, Hokuto-kun.
Therefore, I thought I might make a grand entrance by surprising you and saying,
“What are you staring at with such intense concentration~? Is it something you don’t want others to see?”
“Why, Hokuto-kun is going through puberty too!” 
But the act of you staring at your contacts list so earnestly was so eccentric, it exceeded my expectations and it left me standing here; my performance forgotten
To think you’re capable of making me forget my performance even for a split second… You are indeed incredible, Hokuto-kun.
Hokuto: What nonsense are you spouting? Anyway, you arrived early as well, I see. You were also called to meet in the afternoon, right?
Wataru: You are correct. Just as I was wondering what I should do with the time, I decided to go on a walk and I noticed you sitting over here. May I join you?
Hokuto: Sure, I don’t mind. We’ll be going to the same place afterwards anyway.
I’ve already ordered something so feel free to do the same, Hibiki-senpai.
Wataru: Yes, ordering…
Let’s see~ I’m not particularly fond of eating in front of others… However, it would be rude not to order something in a restaurant.
I suppose I shall have a cup of black tea, then.
Hokuto: Hm? Oh, thank you.
Wataru: Amazing! What a tantalising and fragrant aroma. A grilled mackerel set meal? That seems like a dish you would order, Hokuto-kun.
In fact, it was so predictable, it’s uninteresting so I’d say it’s more of a negative than a positive.
Hokuto: Make it clear which one it is. How confusing.
………… *Stays still*
Wataru: …Hm? Are you not going to eat? It will get cold, you know?
Hokuto: What are you talking about? Your drink hasn’t arrived yet. We all say, “Thank you for the meal.”[*], once everyone’s food has arrived. That’s what my grandmother taught me.
Wataru: …I see. You truly are a good boy, Hokuto-kun.
Hokuto: Hey. Don’t just sum it up to me being a good boy. When you phrase it that way, it makes it seem like you’re actually making fun of me.
Besides, if necessary, I might even dabble in a bad deed or two. You never know.
Wataru: Making fun of you? I have no intention of doing so. If anything, I’m truly impressed. 
It’s fine, isn’t it? To remain a person of good morals is a miraculous feat in itself.
Fufu… I highly doubt there will ever come a day when you’ll commit a bad deed. And it’s because you haven’t that’s why it makes you so fascinating and intriguing ♪
Location: StarPro Office (Conference Area)
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Hokuto: Hm? Oh, it’s you, Anzu. You must have been working hard.
It’s been a while since I last saw you. I’m sure you must have been busy devoting yourself to another “unit” recently.
Oh, right. We’ll be working together next month, so we’re looking forward to your guidance. It’s been a long time since we last worked together. Akehoshi and Yuuki were dancing for joy.
Hm? No, I wasn’t dancing for joy.
Would it have been better if I did? I understand, I’ll dance with them next time. What dance would be good? I’ll do my best to meet your expectations.
…What? It was a joke, you say? I don’t understand why you would pull out a joke now.
Well, no matter. You seem to look troubled. I won’t dig any further then.
That’s right. I was called to come in today to check the details of my schedule and for a meeting.
You don’t have to worry about that. It’s finished already. It was over surprisingly quickly, so I was somewhat disappointed.
What about you? Are you fine with chatting with me like this? You’re still working, right? There are a lot of documents spread out around you.
Oh. So you were just organising this huge amount of papers. If you sort it every now and again, you won’t have to spend a lot of time doing it all at once later.
We have to manage a lot of scripts and equipment at the Drama Club and it’s a lot of work. Everything will pile up if you get lazy–
! Woah!? Sorry. Because I bumped into you, the documents you were carrying have all fallen to the ground.
No, it’s fine. It’s my fault. I’ll pick it up.
Hm? What’s this…? Documents for an audition that’s about to be held? I see.
What!? W-Wait! Let me see that piece of paper for a minute!
Hmm… What? A drama!? From that person…?
Huh? Do I know this director, you ask? Yeah, of course.
You could probably say I’m a fan. For people who enjoy acting, there are a lot of people who support him.
He’s like a treasure in the world of cinema.
What’s wrong? Why are you coming closer? Ohh, so you’re a fan of his too. You’re excited to find a fellow fan? Hm, I see.
But I’m surprised… A drama of all things, huh.
You probably know this because you’re a fan too, right? He’s the type of person to live and die for cinema.
I can’t believe he would be the director of a drama series. I wonder what change of heart did he have? Well, not that I’ll get the answer just by thinking about it.
I also recall he personally selects the actors he likes for his own films most of the time.
It’s unbelievable to see he would hold auditions for a drama…
So you think so, too, Anzu. It’s understandable why one would be so excited. No one knows if there will be another opportunity like this in the future.
Anzu. I’m thinking of auditioning.
Next Chapter →
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
I've seen vids by professional translators mentioning how they try to translate EVERYTHING! which so often doesn't work. I mean, ok, some stuff that can easily be translated. But Idk, there's something that really sticks if you keep some stuff in it's original language, especially when it plays in a certain culture. I mean... come on, reading "Senpai" in a translated manga is just much nicer than "Senior" or the likes. It really vibes?
So the whole 'senpai' argument when it comes to translating anime really does need to consider the fact that certain words in Japanese don't have 1-to-1 mirrors in English.
This is why when you see the use of words like 'senpai' or 'chan' or 'kun' making their way into an English dub, it's understandable and often times appreciated.
However, people who try to do the opposite with this and say 'oh, well I can't find a similar word in English, so let me just swap in nonsense' aren't presenting a good look for anyone involved.
I don't go to either of these venues... But I don't see any reason why that Nagatoro girl should have been calling things 'Sus' or the blonde bigger-boobed 'dragon'-lady from Dragon Maid went from talking about how she just didn't want to wear a certain kind of clothing to talking about 'patriarchal beauty standards'.
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ibasae · 2 years
Sprout*Waning Hermitage - Thursday 2
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Shu: Huu... So you are saying Kagehira has been behaving strangely. To be honest, I've felt a vague uneasiness around him these days as well.
Izumi: Hah? If you already noticed, why didn't you do something sooner? Why would you allow him to disintegrate into this state?
Shu: Don't get ahead of yourself and start spewing nonsense.
I wasn't allowing his condition to worsen at all. After I've noticed that uneasiness yesterday I've been meaning to check on him as soon as I finish work.
But it took way too long, and it was already midnight when I finished. That's the only reason I didn't visit him right away.
I was on going to be on my way over before I bumped into you.
Izumi: You say that, but---
Hajime: Enough of that. Compared to that, we should be focused on finding the reason Kagehira-senpai is like this and make sure he doesn't get any worse...!
He changed so much... What even happened...?
He was cheerfully practicing a new song a few days ago, and he was normal then~ But...
Shu: Ah, speaking of the new song. He's been consistently showing me his enthusiasm.
yet, despite not getting the gist at all in the beginning, he's been showing drastic improvements these days.
Hajime: Ah, Kagehira-senpai has been practicing independently at night!
He was talking about how hard it was to be in character and was fustrated over "how to become a marionette!" This time, your song is based off past Valkyrie, right?
Shu: Correct. Kagehira's heart has grew since then, and he has almost forgotten how to be a marionette. We've been worried about that these past few days.
Izumi: ...
Hey, this kinda situation... Is it perhaps hypnosis?
Hajime: ...Hypnosis?
Izumi: I've heard it about it from Leo---Something like this happened in the dorm in January.
This situation, could he have placed a hypnosis on himself?
Shu: Huu, self-hypnosis...?
It's no use. We won't figure it out just standing around, let's go ask someone that actually knows hypnosis
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Natsume: oho, I sEE. I understand why you and Shu-niisan came to find me nOW.
Shu: To be honest, I'm only half convinced. However, we are also out of options.
Boy, could it be what we are suspecting? Can one even hypnotize themseves?
Natsume: aH, if I were to give a strict yes or nO, Yes.
Hajime: Is it that easy perform hypnosis ?!
Izumi: Even though I was the one that suggested hypnosis, now that it's confirmed, I don't quite believe it...
Natsume: Did you think hypnosis is maGIC? Some may call it "mental suggesTIONS," it's present in our every day liFE.
In appliCATION, sports players "getting in the mOOD" before a big game is hypNOSIS.
At this pOINT, anyone can perform hypnosis to an exTENT.
Hajime: Eh, does that mean I can do it too?
Natsume: yeS, but the difficulty depends on who it is being performed oN.
Izumi: Who it's performed on? What do you mean?
Natsume: Of course tactics and technique are impORTANT. Yet, the narrative that one has to practice thousands of times to get the gist of hypnosis is faLSE.
It's not so much "hypnotizing" but being "hypnotized" that matteRS. Which means the effects of hypnosis will differ greatly based on the perSON.
A kind, empathetic person that's particularly trusting gets hypnotized the eASIEST. The personality of the person being hypnotized is more important the skill of the person doing the hypnotizING.
In sumMARY, as long as you have the correct stEPS, a keyWORD, and a person that's easy to hypnoTIZE, anyone can perform basic hypNOSIS.
Izumi: In other words, Kagehira is so simple-minded, that he thought too much and accidentally hypnotized himself?
Natsume: hM, it's not impOSSIBLE.
Shu: Alright, so much for Hypnosis 101. It doesn't matter who performed the hypnosis.
What then, boy? Can you undo Kagehira's hypnosis or not?
Natsume: hUU~... I'll certainly tRY... But don't get your hopes uP.
Like I said, I don't know the keYWORD, so I don't know what I need to say to undo iT, the process will prove to be very diFFICULT.
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Mika: ...
Hajime: Hm~ It doesn't seem to work... Kagehira-senpai is not back to his usual state.
Izumi: Maybe we took the wrong approach? We've spent so much time trying different things.
Natsume: I told yOU, it's better for the doer to undo what he has doNE.
Hajime: Ah... It's already twilight already. We tried so many things already, let's call it a day...
Shu: Hm... there's no other way, we'll just have to try again later.
Natsume: Sorry I can't be of more hELP, Shu-niisAN.
But, hypnosis doesn't have a long-lasting efFECT, maybe it'll automatically undo itself tomORROW.
Izumi: Let's just call it a day.
Either way, we can't leave Kagehira alone like this. Although it's difficult, we'd have to get him back to the dorm. Geez, he'd have to properly thank us after this.
Hajime: Hah... This is way bigger of a deal than we thought it would be...
Izumi: Uwah! Hey, Kagehira, walk properly! If we keep having to support you like this we'd all fall~
Mika: ...
Hajime: Unsurprisingly, senpai had no reaction...
Now senpai is like a real marionette. Even if senpai wanted to be one, he definitely didn't mean this kind of marionette...
Shu: Becoming a marionette---
Shu: (Speaking of which, when I bought that doll at the antiques shop in Paris, didn't the shopkeep say something strange...? I remember he said---)
(You'd get captured if you are too nice to the doll or... something like that.)
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zayray030 · 2 years
Summary: Ace doesn't want to get up so Leona has to employ some...tactics to get him to wake up
Pairings: Ace Trappola/Leona Kingscholar
Ace whined once again when he felt another nip at his neck, eyes still crossed and willing himself to try and ignore his horny boyfriend but to no luck.
"You might as well get up now." Leona, his jackass of a boyfriend, commented trailing little kisses down the column of his neck, most likely turning the normally pale colour into a mixture of reds and blues.
"Noo!" Ace whined, trying to escape his boyfriend's arms and burrow into the bed sheets but to no such luck. If anything, his boyfriend held him tighter and nipped his ear.
"Yesss!" Mocked Leona, chuckling when his boyfriend turned to face him and pouted at him indignantly. "Listen, as cute as you are, I do need you to get up. Last thing I need is your dorm head coming in to yell at me." Leona rubbed his sides apologetically as if that would improve Ace's mood. Which it mildly did but Ace would rather take that to his grave.
"So? Suck it up and face the consequences of 'deflowering' one of his students. I have to deal with Ruggie smirking at me as if he knows I'm getting fucked side ways every week." Ace countered back, raising an eyebrow and refusing to submit to his boyfriend's nonsense.
"Ace." Oh no. It was his 'stern' voice.
"No." Say what you like about Ace Trappola's determination when it comes to getting schoolwork done. When it comes to being a brat, he is unbeatable.
Leona sighed as he gave his boyfriend one last chance "Ace Trappola. Get up. Or I'll make you regret that you never did." He growled, low and dark.
Maybe that should have warned Ace that he needed to get his butt up but like previously stated, once a brat always a brat.
"No." He pouted and turned away from Leona to cuddle into his bed.
It was silent for a moment and Ace thought he had won their little argument. (Oh what a moron). Next thing he knows he's yelling as he's flipped onto his back facing his boyfriend's glare. Oh no.
"Don't say I didn't warn you."
Ace sobbed out once again as Leona thrust into ass again, angling for his overstimulated prostate.
"P-please s-senpa- ah!" Ace sobbed once again when Leona just cut him off with a thrust.
"What? Thought you wanted this." Leona mocked as he aimed another thrust, this time timing it with a pinch to Ace's nipple causing the younger to let out a whine.
"I-im s-sorry please- Ah!" Ace sobbed out as Leona just kept thrusting, eventually losing strength in his arms and collapsing. That didn't stop his boyfriend at all, and in fact the older just continued thrusting in brutally.
"I'm hearing you cry but I don't hear you not wanting this" Chuckled Leona darkly as he kept thrusting into the younger. "Why deny what you crave, sweetheart? Just accept the inevitable."
Ace whined at being called out so lewdly and just shoved his face until the pillow as to not answer his cocky boyfriend.
Whilst it was true that he did not want this to end and that he was currently feeling amazing, he needed the ability to walk since he had basketball practice and he could not deal with Floyd-senpai and Jamil-senpai smirking at him for the whole practice, his pride would just not allow it.
So, mustering every last bit of strength that his body had managed to store, he turned his head to face Leona and ignored the pain in his neck. Sacrifices had to be made!
"Senpai! Please!" Ace sobbed, hoping that his tears would be enough to convince Leona.
His boyfriend miraculously stopped his brutal thrusting and sighed as if he was being asked to do a massive favour.
"You truly are a whiny brat." He sighed but affection ran strong in his voice as he nuzzled Ace's neck that looked like it had been mauled by a savage beast.
Ace whined at the term and tried to protest. "N-not a brat! I'm a good boy!"
The moment this was over he was going to blackmail Leona into keeping quiet about this. How? He had no idea, but like hell was he going to let anybody find out about the words that left his mouth.
"I truly do love it when you go cock-dumb for me and become a little whore. You become so much more honest." Leona chuckled as he slowly pulled out to hear Ace mewling at the feeling of being so empty before he flipped the other so that he could see the blush that went down to Ace's chest and so that the other couldn't avoid him.
"Senpai!" Ace whined, trying to reach for his upperclassmen so he could finish.
…he really had gone too far. Curse Leona and his stupid powers in bed!
"Okay, okay! No need to be so whiny." Leona placated as he slowly thrust back into the other and he couldn't help but smirk at the loud keen that escaped the other.
He fully knew that more than half his dorm must have heard Ace by now and he couldn't help but feel proud over how loud his mate was being and how he was feeling.
Leona stared down at Ace as the other attempted to regain his breath and he couldn't help but feel happiness overflow him. How had he been so lucky to find a mate this precious he will never know, but he will continue to cherish him till the end of time.
"Since you want it so bad say bye bye to your pride~"
"C'mon princess~" Leona tried but was only met with another pillow being thrown at him by a furious and blushing Ace.
"Don't princess me! How the fuck and I supposed to sit through class when it feels like I'm being tortured and face your dorm on top of that! Adding to that I have basketball practice with both jamil and Floyd senpais! I'm going to be humiliated!" Ace screeched, completely ignoring how lover winced at the pitch of his voice.
"Hey, you wanted this!" Leona tried to argue, just wanting to nap with his love but was only met with a vicious glare and a harrumph.
Finally he sighed and reached and grabbed the smaller towards him and held him firmly to his chest, ignoring the others thrashing. Eventually, the redhead just gave up and hid his face in the tallers neck and whined.
"I don't wanna go out there." Ace whined, a blush on his cheek.
"Neither do I but we have to. You especially." Leona reminded Ace as he stood up, making sure to wrap his arms around Ace securely.
"Ughh!" Ace groaned. "You're dealing with Ruggie-senpai." Ace muttered as he started wriggling to be put down.
Leona acquainted, and put down his boyfriend, however not before slapping his ass and cackling at the scandalised sound that came out of the younger.
"Leona-senpai! It still hurts!" He complained pouting up at the beastman.
"Whatever, brat." Leona dismissed and pecked the pout on his boyfriend just to see him blush.
Ahhh, it was nice having Ace.
"Well good day to the both of you." And with that his boyfriend was off, doing his hardest to avoid confrontation.
"Don't even." Leona threatened but when has that ever stopped Ruggie from being a little shit.
"Shishishi~ I'm just saying you might have to end up paying for poor Jack's therapy sessions. Hearing his best friend scream over his housewardens cock is very traumatising for youth."
"I hate you so much."
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hyenahunt · 2 years
Bankara Graffiti: We Who Never Learn - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Tatsumi
Proofreading: Remy (JP) & honeyspades (ENG)
Translation: hyenahunt
Hiyori: Whenever he's around you, Tatsumi-kun, our Jun-kun just turns into a fanboy... How troubling.
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Time: In the first year of ES's founding, towards the end of February.
Location: In a Reimei Academy classroom.
Hiyori: Hey there! So you must be the transfer student we've heard so much about ☆
Jun: ......
...Um, actually, I'm not.
Hiyori: Aaand cut! What a terrible shame it is that our broadcast of Bankara Academy[1] must come to an end today!
I've always thought you weren't the most entertaining boy, but who'd have thought it'd be to this extent? Oh, how you disappoint me so, Jun-kun!
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Jun: All I did was state a fact, so why d'ya gotta rip into me this much, huh~?
Tatsumi: Now, now, please settle down, you two. First, soothe your soul with a prayer to our Father in Heaven, and then take a moment to hear each other out.
Hiyori: It feels like this process has one step too many, but you're absolutely right, Tatsumi-kun! Jun-kun, you ought to reflect on your actions!
Jun: Yeah, yeah, I'm the only one at fault here just as always, aren't I~?
Terribly sorry and all that, alright~?
Hiyori: Jun-kun! You're acting for all the world like a dog started barking at you on your way to school, and now you're simply shooing it away!
Cease this nonsense at once! Face me with the sincerity I deserve!
Jun: Gonna be real with ya, that’d be a total pain. ...It feels like we've been doing this for ages — should we really be wasting so much time like this?
Tatsumi: No, I don't suppose we should. However, I'm new to performing on these — what do you call them — reality shows.
Truth be told, I can't quite make heads or tails out of anything that’s been going on.
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Jun: Reliable as always, Tatsumi-senpai! It's your first time doing this, and yet you're so calm and collected ~ ☆
Hiyori: Tatsumi-kun! Don't let that get to your head, alright!
Tatsumi: Understood ♪ Of course, I intend to keep my place as a newcomer to ES in mind.
That's precisely why I hope to learn from the two of you, who are my seniors in the way of being an idol.
They called me in for this task despite how clueless I am, so for real, what exactly should I do?
Jun: "For real!" Tatsumi-senpai, you actually used some slang! That sure doesn't happen often! If only I caught that on video!
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Hiyori: Whenever he's around you, Tatsumi-kun, our Jun-kun just turns into a fanboy... How troubling.
Tatsumi: Well, colour me embarrassed. There's nothing wrong with your affections, but we're essentially in the middle of filming, so perhaps it would be for the best if we refrained from any unconventional behavior.
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Jun: Gotcha! I'll do exactly as you say, Tatsumi-senpai!
Hiyori: And there he goes, wagging his tail again... Such disloyalty. Well, putting that aside —
As you're new to all this, Tatsumi-kun, I'll give you a little explanation about our current situation.
You see, this Bankara Academy is an online livestream show meant to depict us enjoying our high school lives.
Tatsumi: An online show? It seems unusual that it won't be airing on television.
I did hear that this Bankara Academy is once again a part of COMP[2], and CosPro is overseeing it, aren't they?
/I was under the impression that CosPro prefers to air TV programs in the more traditional manner, though, rather than online shows with their limited viewerships,
Jun: Bankara Academy is pretty niche, y'see~ It's got a surprisingly long history, but I heard they cut the program since viewership got pretty low.
Even if they made use of us starring in it to promote it, they'd have to bear the risk of it failing if they showed it on TV~
So they're testing it out as a low-budget online show for starters, or something along those lines, I think?
Tatsumi: I see now. Er, is it really alright to talk about such questionable topics? We're live on air right now, aren't we?
Hiyori: Well, it's supposed to give the impression of being a live broadcast, anyway. It'd be dozens of hours long if they truly streamed the whole thing, you see, so they edit it down to some extent.
What's most important is for us to just act naturally, without putting on any airs. After all, what the viewers want to see is our true selves that they don't usually get to witness.
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Tatsumi: Is that so? In that case, I'll do my best.
However, I'm in a delicate position as I'm a part of StarPro, as opposed to CosPro.
And Hiyori-san, is it really alright to treat you as a high school student for this project? You've already graduated, after all.
Wouldn't that be misrepresenting you — or rather, misrepresenting your "true self"?
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Hiyori: Oh, it's fiiine. In the end it's just supposed to give the impression of high school, so there's no problem even if I'm not a real high school student.
Tatsumi:There is certainly a lot of talk of impressions.
Jun: Well, it's essentially a pretty sketchy show to begin with.
Hiyori: That may be so, but it is formal work so we must see it through to the best of our abilities. Now, everyone, let's give it our all and show them a most delightful semblance of youth ♪
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Jun: Haha. A high school student enjoying a "delightful semblance of youth", huh... I'd have an easier time acting as an alien from a distant planet, honestly.
Bankara (蛮カラ: ban - barbarian + kara - collar) is a term and style that came about during the Meiji era. It was meant to be the antithesis to the haikara trend, or "high-collar", a nickname for initially those who were increasingly influenced by Western culture and ideals, and eventually anything that was foreign and fancy. Haikara was named for the high-collared Western fashion that such individuals tended to wear. In contrast, the spirit of bankara was to be individualistic, true to one's self as well as the old Japanese values, and was characterised by an air of roughness and unrefinedness that rejected this new wave of foreign fanciness. Typical bankara fashion favoured traditional Japanese garments and accessories, such as the gakuran and geta (Japanese male student jacket + sandal/boots), hence the outfit theme of the card set. Here's another good source for more info.
COMP is the project that the present day events of Obbligato were a part of, intended to promote the image and popularity of schools affiliated with CosPro. You can read more about about it in the prologue of Obbligato here.
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empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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On my DeviantART, I posted how Yua looks. Currently, she wears a ponytail, which is also the first of her hairstyles in my pic.
Hope you enjoy it.
Here is the link: https://www.deviantart.com/empressofthesun/art/Mochizuki-Yua-971961805
Chapter 2: Moonlight Beauty
Yawing Yua stretched her arms in the air closing her eyes.
Currently, she was walking on a village street between farmland. Her trusty crow Kaguya flew over her head, showing her the way to her next mission.
She had finished off today already a demon, who had terrorized the farmers in this prefecture. Destroying their farmland and eating anyone who at night left their homes.
It had been a challenging fight, the demon had been crafty, but her Moon Breathing once again was superior.
Maybe she should go to a Wisteria House or even home, but she needed to keep going.
She couldn’t show up again home without raising in Rank.
Yua was only a bit tired. She would manage.
Just keep going.
You can only go forward.
That’s when her ears reached a loud ruckus. Confused she opened her eyes.
A drop appeared on her forehead as she saw the scene before her.
There were two boys.
One with a green checker haori, the other in a yellow with white triangles.
Yellow haori was on his knee, clinging to checker haori, screaming about he would die soon and more nonsense.
Normally Yua would ignore that, but she saw that both wore the Demon Slayer Corps Uniform.
These were fellow swordsmen.
Her father had taught her that she had to help her brother and sisters in arms. The Demon Slayer Corps was or should be one big family that should be there for each other.
Also, she couldn’t just walk around them. If it came out that she didn’t help her brothers-in-arms, it could lower her chance to become a Hashira.
She couldn’t make any mistakes.
So with a forced smile on her pink lips, she called out to them: “Anything all right with you guys?”
Yua regretted already talking to them as the yellow haori formally zeroed in on her, pointing.
“AAH, a beautiful Demon Slayer girl! I must be dreaming! You look like the famous Moonlight Beauty of the Corps.”
Oh no!
Another one who had heard this stupid nickname some slayer had giving her as a joke to rill her up.
“Moonlight Beauty?”, repeated green haori confused, which only angered yellow haori: “Do you live under a rock Tanjiro?! There is said to be a beautiful girl with long midnight blue hair like the night sky, eyes as grey as moonlight, and a figure to die for in the Demon Slayer Corps! Also, she is pretty strong.”
Of course that she was strong was an afterthought. If she ever again stumbled over this worm Katsumi Tomita, she would kick his ass. Rules be damned!
“I have a name, you know!”, she called over, putting her hands on her hips. “I’m Mochizuki Yua, proud Demon Slayer for four years, Rank Hinoto. I won’t let you reduce me to only my looks, crybaby Mizunoto!”
Yellow Haori screamed with ugly tears crybaby Mizunoto, till he seemed to register what else she said.
“Mochizuki Yua?! You are really the Moonlight Beauty-“
“-And your senpai!”, she added with a growl.
Yua couldn’t look that fast as green haori, gripped yellow haori by his neck, making him and himself bow to her.
“I’m sorry for my friend, senpai.”, apologized green haori. “We didn’t mean no disrespect.”
At least someone had manners.
“What’s your name, Mizunoto?”, she asked green haori.
He looked up and Yua had to blink for a second.
Oh, he was a handsome boy.
He had lovely dark red eyes, just like his hair, and was a bit smaller than her. Well, she was 170 cm and surely older than him, so no wonder.
“I’m Kamado Tanjiro and he is Agatsuma Zenitsu, we really meant no disrespect.”
Again Tanjiro made them bow, while Zenitsu sniffled.
“If Agatsuma-San stops calling me Moonlight Beauty and acting that shameless, I will.”
Tanjiro promised as Zenitsu wailed that he wasn’t shameless if he was dying soon.
Who in the name of Tsukuyomi did Yua just meet?
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A while later Yua and her new acquaintances Tanjiro and Zenitsu were walking together.
Apparently, they all headed in the same direction.
The good thing was Zenitsu had finally calmed down because Yua was this close away to gag the blond boy with a cloth, so he would stop crying and bitching about how he would die soon.
Tanjiro didn’t share her sentiment, since he asked in calming and reassuring voice if Zenitsu was okay.
“Yeah.”, sniffled Zenitsu his last tears away. “Now that I’m calmer, I’m getting hungry.”
Yua couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Naturally, there was something new with the Nuisance.
She didn’t get how Tanjiro could give him his Onigiri, if he only had one. At least Zenitsu had enough manners to share the Onigiri with Tanjiro.
“Aren’t you hungry, Yua-Senpai?”, asked Tanjiro worried.
The midnight blue-haired girl just deadpanned.
“No, don’t worry. I eat before.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Kamado-San, I am.”
“Oh, all right.”
That boy was way too sweet and caring. He would get eaten alive in this world. Yua wonder what had pushed him to become a Demon Slayer.
Her grey eyes wander over the box the red-haired boy carried.
“I know what you mean when you say you’re scared of demons, but you can’t make trouble for your sparrow.”, told Tanjiro, Zenitsu.
“Huh? Was it distressed?”, wonder the blond. “The sparrow? How can you tell?”
“Well, he says that you’re always whining about not wanting to go to work, and you’re always hitting on girls and that you snore so loud, he’s had it! So he says.”
“You are a pathetic skirt chaser also? Tzz.”, grumbled Yua under her breath, crossing her arms.
“He’s saying that?! You can understand bird language?”, asked Zenitsu, the red-haired boy in utter confusion.
Yua answered for him: “Any kasugai crow or in your case, sparrow can talk. You didn’t notice?”
“You’re lying, senpai, right?! You’re just trying to trick me!”
That’s when Kaguya and another crow, probably Tanjiro one, called down to them: “Start running! Start running! Yua, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, run! The three of you head over to your next destination! Run! Run, Yua, Tanjiro, Zenitsu!”
This shocked Zenitsu so much that he screamed in fright and started to roll around on the ground.
Tanjiro looked worried at him, while Yua just deadpanned.
A Nuisance, trough, and trough.
Having enough Yua gripped Zenitsu by the collar of his yellow haori dragging him in the direction their crows lead them, ignoring his screams of letting go and he didn’t want to go.
Tanjiro caught up to her.
“Kamado-San, we don’t have time for Agatsuma-San’s little crisis. We need to go. Anytime we waste, another human life could be taken.”
“If you say so, Yua-Senpai.”
So Yua dragged Zenitsu behind her, while Tanjiro followed.
The young woman wonder what would await them on this joint mission.
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After walking through a forest and ignoring pointedly Zenitsu’s cries that he wouldn’t be much help to them, the three Demon Slayers found themselves before a mansion.
Yua let go of Zenitsu, so he could stand up.
The three looked at the mansion in caution.
“I can smell blood.”, told Tanjiro “But this particular scent…”
“Huh? You smell something?”, wonder Zenitsu.
“Something I’ve never smelled before.”
“I don’t know about that, but do you hear that sound? Also, are we three gonna work together, after all?”
The only female crossed her arms, fixing the mansion with sharp eyes, concentration on it. Demonic and human presence, that much was clear.
That’s when all three saw two children, hugging each other, between bushes and trees.
It was a young boy and a little girl.
“K-Kids…”, stutter Zenitsu.
“They are scarred.”, added Yua.
“I wonder what’s wrong.”, wonder Tanjiro, walking up to them. “Hey, guys, what are you doing here?”
But the children are so terrified they can’t manage to talk, only after Tanjiro shows them Zenitsu cute little sparrow, the boy tells them what’s going on.
All the alarm bell ring in Yua’s head as she hears their story.
“The monster only took you brother?”, she repeats and the young boy nods shyly. “This is not good.  There is only one explanation if a demon takes only one specific human and doesn’t care for others.”
“What is it senpai?”, asks Tanjiro.
Yua explains: “Their older brother must be a marechi. This is the rarest blood type that exists and is particularly appetizing for demons. They forget anything and just want that person’s blood, so tasteful it is to them.”
The freaked-out look on Zenitsu’s face was a bit funny while seeing the siblings scarred made Yua’s heart hurt. They remind her of Kaito and Hikari.
So she kneels down to them and pats their heads.
“Don’t worry. He is still alive, I can feel it.”
Brother and sister just stare with big eyes at her. Secretly Tanjiro wonders what the older girl means by she feels that he is still alive, but this was not important right now.
He turns back to the kids.
“We’re going to defeat the bad guy and rescue your brother!”, promises Tanjiro them.
“Really? You really will?”, asked the little girl to be sure.
“Yeah. For sure!”
Yua nods in agreement.
“Just wait, soon you will have your brother back.”
“Tanjiro…Yua-Senpai…”, calls Zenitsu for them, still holding his hands on his ears. “Hey, what is this sound? This creepy sound never stops. Is it a tsuzumi?”
Tanjiro and Yua both don’t hear anything.
Suddenly a tsuzumi drum can be heard in the area.
All look around to find the source, till on the final drum beat, a boy’s body flies out from the door on the second floor.
Shocked shouts turn to screams as the body hits the ground.
On instinct Yua hugs the children to herself, shushing them: “Don’t look, don’t look, okay, sweeties?”
Meanwhile, Tanjiro holds the poor dying boy in his arms, hugging him to himself in his last moments.
“Hey, is this man your…”, he calls over.
The young boy shaking in Yua’s arms tells him that this is not their older brother since he wears a persimmon-colored kimono.
Careful Tanjiro lays the dead boy on the ground, promising him in his thoughts to give him a proper burial after he saved the older brother of the kids.
“All right. Zenitsu, Yua-Senpai come on!”
“Right!”, agrees Yua, slowly letting go of the still-scarred kids.
Zenitsu so doesn’t want to enter the mansion and come with them, till Tanjiro just turns away from him, showing Zenitsu he will leave him behind. Of course, the blond boy doesn’t want that, agreeing to come with them.
Then Tanjiro kneels again before the kids, while Yua gives them some last pats to calm them down.
He puts his box down on the ground before them.
“In case of an emergency, I’m leaving this box behind. Even if something happens, you two will be protected.”, Tanjiro promises the siblings.
Calmy Yua stares at the box, it seems like her eyes twinkle with light, saying nothing.
“Kamado-San, Agatsuma-San, let’s enter the mansion.”, orders Yua, walking up to it. “Since I have the higher Rank, I will lead this mission. You are both under my command now.”
“Of course, Yua-Senpai.”, acknowledge Tanjiro, Zenitsu reluctantly follows them while sobbing.
The trio enters the mansion.
It’s eerie and quiet.
Yua feels her nose tickle from the dust that flies around.
Demon doesn’t care for housekeeping it seems.
Tanjiro and Yua walk further into it, as Zenitsu cries out behind them: “Tanjiro! Hey, Tanjiro! Senpai! Yua-Senpai! You’ll protect me, right? You’ll protect me, right?”
Together the three stop.
“Zenitsu, I hate to put you on the spot, but… I’ve got a broken rib and leg from my previous battle.”, admins Tanjiro. “And neither is fully healed yet. So –“
You could have told me sooner from Yua gets drowned out by Zenitsu totally losing his nerves. The blond-haired boy again rolls around the ground crying about how he is going to die.
Annoyed Yua picks him up by his collar and gives him a hard slap in the face. She ignores Tanjiro’s shocked gasp since Zenitsu stopped freacking out and hangs like a cloth from her hand.
“Listen to me Agatsuma! No one die’s on my watch!”, she growls pissed off. “I’m not a Hinoto for nothing. I won’t let die any of my men, but for that get yourself at least together and stop being a crybaby or I will personally give you something to really cry over!”
Zenitsu squeaks quietly in fright, while Tanjiro means: “Senpai…please don’t be so hard on him. Demons can be scary, his fear isn’t without reason.”
“He will never woman-up if he shit his pants because of anything slightly scary.”
“The future is female, Kamado-San.”
Before Tanjiro can say something both he and Yua see how the two siblings enter the mansion.
“Goddammit, kids!”, grumbles Yua and lets Zenitsu fall on the floor.
The boy lets out a tiny shriek.
“You shouldn’t be here!”, scolds Tanjiro the kids.
“M-Mister, we heard scratching sounds from inside that box!”, tells the boy.
“E-Even still, it pains me that you left it behind! I mean, it’s more precious to me than my own life!”
A wild and chaotic tremor occurs throughout the mansion. The group looks cautious and fearful around.
Zenitsu covers his ears and falls to his knees, accidentally bumping Tanjirou and the little girl into a room.
“Ah, sorry! My butt…”
A drum is played, and Tanjiro and the little girl vanish before their eyes!
Yua gets a determined look on her face, drawing her Katana, while Zenitsu screams in fear and shock and the little boy is frozen.
“Stay calm!”, she orders.
“HOW CAN I BE CALM?! TANJIRO VANISH!”, shouts Zenitsu.
Many things happen at the same time.
Zenitsu wants to throw himself at Yua, but she backs away from him, into the room behind her, the drums play again and suddenly she is in another room, no Zenitsu and the little boy to see. Or Tanjiro and the little girl for that matter.
The drums play a few times, Yua holding her Katana before her, ready for anything, till it stops.
She is now in a room that seems like a normal bedroom.
Analyzing her surroundings her eyes wander from one corner to another.
Nothing she sees and nothing she feels out of place.
“The room changed as the drum played.”, she thoughts. “This must be the Blood Demon Art of the demon who took the older brother of the kids. Now the question is…shall I stay in the room and wait till it changes again…or follow my gut in hopes it leads me in the right direction.”
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snifekinner · 1 year
Questions 1-10 for the awesome trio!
with pleasure
1. who brings the most drama to the table?
definitely al. he's the youngest; gilbert isn't as wild as he used to be and mathias is surprisingly sensible until he gets rat arsed. al is young dumb and hung.
2. who always has the gossip on everyone else?
mathias by far, he has just so many contacts and everyone kinda likes him so he finds it easy to get information out of people. he doesn't gossip malevolently though, al and gil can keep a secret.
3. who is the one everyone goes to for advice?
probably gilbert? al would definitely go to him, it fits with the whole 'teach me how to fight senpai' moment they have and i do think gil would give good advice. he knows the world and how to navigate it. mathias is less likely to want advice because he always thinks he knows best, i feel like he'd only take his thoughts to gilbert if he knew gilbert would agree w him. he can't handle being called out.
4. who is the one who gets dunked on the most?
lmao mathias, he's good natured and he doesn't mind people making fun of him. gil is more prickly and likely to be sensitive about it and there's no point dunking on Al because the point will go 3 feet above his head.
5. who borrows everyone else’s stuff all the time?
fucking alfred. he just forgets his own shit all the time, will turn up for the weekend with just a sock and a prayer and then borrows everyone else's toothbrush/underwear/phone charger etc. he's usually pretty good about returning things. gilbert is a notorious lighter thief. do not loan this man your good clipper.
6. who is the peacemaker?
alfred usually intervenes when gil and mat get into long boring arguments about what the specific details were of some battle 600yrs ago. as soon as mat starts threatening to call up one of his family to get them to verify things, al steps in and diverts them to working through their emotions by slaughtering each other at mario kart.
7. whose house do they hang out at the most?
it's always a point of contention because al loves going to europe and gil and mat like going to the usa. they try to keep a rotation just to make it fair although they might decide based on what they're getting up to. like a movie night is way better at al's bc you know hes got some horrendously outsize tv and giant recliner chairs and a popcorn maker.
8. who always demands they take a selfie and who complains about it every time?
alfred always wants to take the selfie. gilbert complains about it. he does not know how to pose for photos and he always looks awful.
9. who is the biggest liability when drunk?
id say normally alfred but only because the other two can hold their drink better. but alfred is just kinda a stupid drunk, he staggers around and talks nonsense and maybe gets his bum out. the rare occasions mathias has been the drunkest its him by a mile. he gets terrible ideas which he will stop at nothing to carry out and they basically have to distract him from finding innovative ways to put them all in mortal jeopardy until he runs out of steam.
10. who is the one who flakes out of plans last minute?
gil is most guilty of doing it because he just woke up and was feeling a way. mathias also does it sometimes because he's not very organised and double books himself.
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toujokaname · 16 days
Game master / Episode 14
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Author: Akira
Characters: Aira, Kohaku, HiMERU, Hiiro
"Of course, HiMERU doesn't have emotions such as fear."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Mountain Hut
About an hour later. The second checkpoint in the test of courage showdown, an abandoned house.
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Aira: Ahhh, no way no way no way.... I didn't become an idol to get scared like this!
I just wanna go home alreadyyy! Munch on some convenience store food, and catch up on idol livestreams from the safety of my couch!
Kohaku: Yeah... I was real excited 'bout the test of courage and feelin' pumped, but now that I'm settlin' down, it's gettin' kinda spooky...
Even though I've got good night vision, it's gettin' too dark to see anythin'.
HiMERU: Thankfully, the weather is good amidst the misfortune, but when you enter places where the starlight doesn't shine through, it's like blindly feeling your way through the dark.
Aira: This place really has those countryside vibes, with no artificial lights at all. It takes me back to visiting my grandma's place in the past.
Hiiro: Aira's grandmother was from a country called France, right?
Aira: Yeah... It's not as rural as the Amagi Village, but all we had around our house were vineyards for making wine.
I remember hearing what seemed like wolf howls back then, it was super scary.
Kohaku: Now that ya mention it, there ain't any signs of wild animals or insects in this Amagi Village.
Though there's a presence within the buildings, it's likely just the villagers.
Aira: The villagers are kinda creepy too...
It's typical of a backward village, but besides that Takashi-kun who's a Hiro-kun lookalike, everyone else is holed up indoors, not even peeking out.
Hiiro: I think everyone's just cautious because outsiders are rare.
But, I was also concerned about what Oukawa-san pointed out.
Kohaku: Bit late for this, but quit callin' me “Oukawa-san," like I'm some stranger. Kohaku's fine.
Hiiro: Umu. I was also concerned about what Kohakucchi—
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Kohaku: I didn't allow ya to go that far?
Aira: Stop! Only I can use that nickname! No stealing!
HiMERU: Fufu. It's scarier when people are silent, so it's helpful to talk even about trivial topics.
Of course, HiMERU doesn't have emotions such as fear.
Kohaku: You some kinda robot or somethin', HiMERU-han?
Aira: I have a theory that HiMERU-senpai's the most scared out of all of us... For some reason, he always hangs back where he can use someone else as a shield, never in the front...
HiMERU: Isn't this the most sensible arrangement? Given that HiMERU lacks the night vision of Oukawa or Hiiro-san, wouldn't he be inadequate to lead the way?
Kohaku: You're always so quick to make excuses...
Hiiro: Hehe. Well, it might be that the lack of signs of wildlife is the villagers' consideration. Maybe they've already removed them so we won't get inadvertently attacked.
But what we should be concerned about more than such trivial discomfort is that the ghost story Mayoi-senpai told us is gradually becoming more believable.
Aira: Yeah... I wanted to believe it was just nonsense to freak us out, but...
We're following the exact route they told us to take.
And yet there are still traces of the staff from the paranormal show, who got caught up in the mysterious phenomena.
Though it's probably all set up by Rinne-senpai and the other scarers... Even at the last checkpoint, there was something like a staff member's notes placed there.
HiMERU: Just like the account told in the notes, we stumbled upon vinyl strings and carvings left by the staff as markers.
Aira: Carvings? Were there really?
HiMERU: There were scratches on a tree made with a knife or something similar. It had dates and names presumably belonging to the staff of the paranormal program carved into it.
Naturally, those dates and names matched the ones in the notes.
Since there's no internet connection in this village, we cannot be sure that people with those names were once real and are now missing.
—Along with other facts that cannot be verified.
Aira: S-So, those notes and everything, they're all just made up by the scarers, right?
HiMERU: Who knows... It seems too elaborate for that.
It's not something that can be done overnight, writing lengthy notes and leaving traces exactly as described.
And the scarers arrived in this Amagi Village at the same time as us. It's hard to believe they had time to prepare for such a test of courage.
Kohaku: Yeah... After arriving in the Amagi Village, Rinne-han and the others were with us the whole time.
Of course, given Rinne-han's status, he might've ordered these preparations from the villagers.
He's always dead serious 'bout havin' his fun, but why go through all this hassle? And even if he did, what'd be the point?
Aira: D-Did he really wanna freak us out this bad?
I bet Rinne-senpai's out there somewhere, laughing away from behind some bushes even now!
Kohaku: Hmm... Even Rinne-han ain't that nasty deep down— Mm?
Aira: W-What's wrong, Kohakucchi? Don't suddenly stop moving, or you'll startle me?!
Kohaku: My bad... Hmm~ Must've just been my imagination.
(I've been feeling strange gazes for a while now... Even if they're the guys tryna scare us, there's too many of them, no?)
(Maybe the bored villagers get a kick outta watchin' the dumbass idols from the city doin' dumbass things?)
Aira: Ugh~! Can we just get this over with already?
This test of courage showdown's just the fourth match, so Matrix isn't even halfway through, right?
It'd be stupid to use up all our energy and strength being scared here. I wanna wrap up the unpleasant work quickly!
Kohaku: Right. In fact, it'd ruin the atmosphere if it gets light in the mornin'. We gotta get through the checkpoints as soon as possible.
HiMERU: Yes. The Amagi Village is smaller than expected, so it's fortunate that there isn't much distance to cover.
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HiMERU: (But even that feels slightly offputting.)
(Based on Rinne's previous remarks, HiMERU had predicted that his hometown would be much larger—the size of a nation, even.)
(Has he been carelessly trusting of Rinne's penchant for grandiosity, overestimating its authenticity?)
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sie-rui · 3 years
❀ SISTER, SISTER | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano family ( + tokyo manji gang ) 💿 female reader, second pov (you/your), fluff and angst, hurt no comfort, family, implied soulmates, platonic relationship, tw: violence, tw: canonical character, tw: reader death, au - canon divergence, timeline: tenjiku, imagine 📅 july 24, 2021 🔗 masterlist ,, parts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
sano shinichiro’s best friend isn’t just his platonic soulmate, she’s also his younger sibling’s older sister.
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Emma is crushing on Draken.
You should have seen this coming but you’re blind as fuck and Draken has to be as well if he can’t see how she felt for him. Emma wasn’t completely subtle in the glances she keeps on giving Draken despite the amount of people in the vicinity, her eyes just continue to linger on him.
Funny thing is, you look at Draken as Emma gets occupied with something Hina was saying, Draken was looking right at her as well.
You dramatically leaned on Chifuyu who startled at the sudden action, blushing red. “Young love,” you whimper pathetically as the boy tenses even more. “I really am getting too old for this.”
“Don’t say that, Y/n-san,” he laughs. “You’re still quite young, you know.”
“This is why you’re my favorite. If I said that to Keisuke, he would have called me an old hag no matter my age,” you snort, stretching your arms above your head as Toman continues fooling around on the lazy afternoon they share.
You stop, realizing your words and glancing at Chifuyu who had gotten a little gloomy at the mention of a single name.
Soulmates aren’t always lovers.
You have seen it on Chifuyu and Keisuke. The way Chifuyu trusted Keisuke so much even without him saying anything. The way Keisuke turned Chifuyu upside down and how Chifuyu changed because of him.
You had seen it on Mikey and Draken. The support and the way they always catch each other when they fall. Looking for each other and knowing each other better than they know themselves.
You have seen it on Yuzuha and Hakkai. The unconditional love the two had, having each other’s backs no matter what and having each other even if the world turned its back on them. Even if their own brother turned his back on them.
You have seen it on you and Shinichiro. Kindred souls. Soulmates.
And there isn’t only one. There could be even as many as five. Just like how Draken and Mikey are soulmates, Ken and Emma are as well.
You’ve seen it and it was proved to be true as Draken loses himself, standing in front of the corpse of his beloved, of his almost.
You close your eyes. Count one, two, and three, three, two, and one. Again and again, just repeating the numbers, just focusing on breathing because you fear that you’ll drown if you stop now.
Shinichiro, Keisuke, and now Emma?
Why do you have to lose so many people? So many souls that only deserved the world. The world that you wanted to give them no matter what. And yet- Still, again and again, they kept on slipping out of your grasp like falling water in a dark morning.
Takemichi was walking away after exchanging some words with Hina, smile strained but not hopeless, never hopeless—he wouldn’t be Takemichi if he had lost hope. The same Takemichi that reminded you so much of your soulmate, your one and only, your brother, your best friend, your partner, your other half. Sano Shinichiro.
You can’t lose him as well.
Giving the desolate Mikey one last glance, you turn and follow after Takemichi.
You can’t lose Takemichi. Mikey can’t lose Takemichi. It’s the least you could do.
You repeat those words as you stand in the middle of that battlefield, pulling Takemichi away before he could get knocked down by a member of Tenjiku. The Toman uniform still fits you perfectly as you hadn’t grown a single inch these past few years. The same uniform that Mitsuya jokingly made once upon a time.
You felt as if you were back in middle school. Getting into little nonsensical fights before being properly introduced to Black Dragons. Looking up to your senpai, Shinichiro, who later became your greatest friend and family. 
“Michi, go and get Kisaki,” you say, barely above a whisper, feeling so numb and not minding that someone had managed to punch you straight onto the face and that your nose was bleeding.
The blond gives you a look, wide blue eyes drowning in worry but you only push him away, away from Kurokawa Izana that was staring at you. Those violet eyes shine almost menacingly, an underlying recollection shimmering behind the loathe.
You could almost remember him.
Shinichiro’s suspicious actions, always disappearing on random days of the week to go to another part of Tokyo without telling any of you. The mention of another sibling though never confirmed. The smile he always wore when he came back home after having another one of his disappearing acts.
And his funeral.
At the very back, hidden behind the crowd and under the hood of a tree, was a young light blond with the brightest of violet eyes, twinkling with unshed tears. A glimpse from years ago and yet the memory remained fresh in your mind as if it was yesterday, as if the moment had lasted longer than simply a moment.
The same boy was standing in front of you.
“You’re Y/n huh…”
You give him a bitter smile, shoulders loosening despite the situation and the people fighting around you. Izana remained untouched by everyone while you consistently tipped here and there to avoid getting dragged into the fight that was swallowing everyone like a whirlpool. “Did Shin talk about me?”
He pursed his lips, his response coming into the form of a punch you could have barely dodged. Just from the look of it, you knew that you would get knocked out if that had met your skin.
To think that Tenjiku’s King had come down from his throne just to meet you. How honorable.
You gazed at those eyes again, still avoiding his hits. Blank. They were so blank. Almost lifeless, like a void. Almost like Mikey’s. Just like Mikey’s. And you were hit with regret and guilt. You were supposed to be there for him as well.
Shinichiro took care of Izana, that enough was obvious. But he took care of Mikey and Emma as well. You only watched over two of those people. You wondered with the clench of your heart, was Izana hoping that someone would be there for him just like how Shinichiro once was before his passing? Was he waiting for you?
He was your responsibility as well, to an extension. And you had disappointed him by not minding his existence, acting as if Shinichiro hadn’t dropped the million little clues.
His fist met the side of your face and you stumbled back, an explosion of pain and a cacophony of distorted sounds as your sight went black for a few seconds. You coughed, trying to catch your breath as he pulled back, leaning on his foot. You knew that it would have done more damage if he had kicked you instead, there was a clear difference in his upper and lower body strength.
The pain was new and yet familiar, from a time so long ago, more than a decade prior. On your fist were old scars, already light and fading.
I’m getting too old for this, you used to joke. What were you doing, fighting high schoolers? High schoolers larger than you, better than you. Children. Children that you should have protected. Your responsibility.
You opened your eyes and met his gaze head on, with a silent challenge and your arms raised in a defensive position you knew that you didn’t mean (you knew that wouldn’t last because you would have let him beat you up as consolation). Come at me.
Consolation. For not being there when you were supposed to be. When you were the only one left after Shinichiro. Even if you didn’t know each other, you knew Shinichiro and that was enough. If you could do it for Mikey and Emma, you could have done it for Izana as well.
Consolation. That was what you thought when you stood in front of Izana, saving not only him but his only friend, Kakucho, as well.
For Manjiro, for Izana, for Emma... for Shinichiro.
The Yokohama conflict ended with three losses. Sano Emma, Mikey’s younger sister. Y/n, Mikey’s older sister.. Kisaki Tetta, on the hand of Sano Manjiro and Kurokawa Izana themselves.
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Cogs › | Next:  ‹ Let The Games Begin! ›
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Last day of training calls for celebration for everyone’s hard work, so it’s barbeque time!
“All right, meat!”
“I’m starving!”
While the boys freshened up after practice matches, the managers were already on the move to prepare for the barbeque. Since there were quite a lot of people, the coaches decided to held it on the backyard of the gym, where the sharp hill stood just beside it. The coaches helped setting up the grills while the managers divided to cater different things.
Yachi decided she would get the utensils they needed; paper plates, chopsticks, paper cups, trays for rice balls, and other things. Shimizu would cover for the rice ball making, Yukie and Eri were in charge on cutting the vegetables in bite-size, Kaori and Mako would clean the vegetables before it was cut.
Meanwhile, you’re in charge of preparing the condiments and sauces, unwrapping the meat cuts, and arranged them on a bigger plate. Aside from that you had to make sure the meats searing on the grills weren’t charred.
“[Name]-chan, please replace me for cutting the onions,” Eri sobbed, reaching out to you with grabby hands.
“Alright, senpai,” you giggled in reply because Eri was clearly needing a break and watching the meats seared was a great break for her. Quickly, you stood on her place and started slicing the tear-induced-menaces after washing your hands.
It didn’t take long for you to suffer the same fate as the Ubugawa’s manager–the first seven slices went through without a hitch, but when you reached the tenth your eyes started to sting and blurry from the pain. Then tears began trailing down your cheeks, and you wiped it you’re your shirt sleeve.
“D-Don’t cry, [Name]-san!!” you looked up, seeing Hinata with his place face quivering on his feet. “W-what should I do!?”
“It’s fine, Shoyo-kun, it’s just the onions,” you sniffled pointed towards the bowl full of it. “It hurts my eyes.”
“I can take your place, Otohaku-chan!” Lev popped up beside Hinata.
“Instead of cutting the onions, you’ll chop your fingers off,” Yaku deadpanned before offering. “Here, let me do it.”
“No, it’s alright, Yaku-san,” you shook your head. “It’s time for you to have a break, not working.”
Being persistent sometimes has it’s perks, it took numbers of rejection to finally have Yaku gave up. You knew he was just trying to help, but you didn’t want to rob his time relaxing. When all the preparations were done, the boys were already surrounding the grills with hungry faces. Coach Nekomata gave them a light speech along with praises for their hard work over the week, and they dived to grab on the meat straight from the grill.
Just like Kaori, you brought a plate of rice balls to offer and managed to witnessed Yukie’s enormous appetite. She practically inhaled four rice balls in one go and you’re not the only who was dumbfounded from it.
Konoha and Komi almost had their souls went to heaven from the frightening circle Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Taketora made. Well, they did elbow each other to encourage one another getting close or at least having a talk with Shimizu. The girl walked pass them holding a paper plate with food–looking extremely gorgeous and she didn’t even try.
“That was scary,” Konoha muttered underneath his breath. The three finally stopped because of Karasuno and Nekoma’s captain scolded them–the three immediately shrunk.
“They really had their guard up, huh,” Komi added, feeling his energy drained from such a scary encounter.
“Uhm, excuse me,” the two turned to look over their shoulder and that’s when they noticed–Karasuno’s other first year manager who’s Bokuto constantly talking about. The owl captain wouldn’t shut up about her much to their annoyance and now they knew why.
“Would you like some rice ball?”
“Sure,” Konoha replied dumbly.
“I’ll take two,” Komi followed with a daze. You placed one on Konoha’s empty paper plate and two for Komi upon his request. Smiling at them, you proceeded to excuse yourself so you could offer to someone else.
Following your figure dazedly, they noticed how the light shone even brighter and basked you in a beautiful glow. That’s when they thought of a conclusion.
A goddess just graces us mere mortals! They screamed in their head.
You tried to calm Yachi down from her traumatizing experience being surrounded by absurdly tall boys (“Titans, [Name]-chan! Titans!”). Thankfully, all of them were nice enough to made room so your friend could reach for some meat. Yachi almost cried in happiness from the real taste of meat.
From the sidelines, Shimizu and the other managers were watching the two of you while talking about the boys sometimes.
“How much are you going to eat?” Kaori questioned because Yukie was having a ridiculous amount of food towering on her plate and she just kept munching away without care.
“The third-years in Karasuno all seems pretty mature,” Mako commented.
“Our ace is weak-willed, though,” Shimizu smiled sheepishly.
“What? Really?” Eri replied in surprise. “Even though he looks that scary?”
“Though, I think that’s still better than our simpleton ace,” Kaori commented. “Still,”
Their eyes were directed towards where the said simpleton ace was standing and placing meat until it towered on your empty plate.
“Eat more, [Name]-chan! Or you won’t get even taller!” he stated.
“And eat more vegetables!” Kuroo added, placing cabbages and carrots to your plate, adding even more food.
“Have some rice balls, too.” Somehow, even Akaashi participated in this whole fiasco and put a rice ball onto your plate. Now, there’s a ridiculous amount of food on your plate.
“…I can’t eat this much,” you commented, staring at the food filling your plate.
“Nonsense, I don’t see you eat anything even when the others are,” Akaashi stated. “You’re too busy handling other things nonstop.”
“Have a break will you,” Kuroo patted your back. “Everyone’s having fun and you should too.”
“Have more meat, [Name]-san!” Hinata said.
“You can have my share, Otohaku-chan!” Lev followed and you immediately shook your head.
“At least he and Akaashi took care of our baby manager well,” Kaori sighed in relief.
“[Name]-chan is close with Fukurodani’s captain and setter, huh? Even Nekoma’s captain,” Mako giggled. “She’s drawing everyone in.”
“Well, it’s rare for a first-year to be as tall as her,” Eri grinned. “The boys are especially poles so it’s probably great not to strain their neck once in a while from looking down.”
“Karasuno’s pretty lucky to have her, huh?” Yukie said after swallowing her food.
“Yeah, we are,” Shimizu smiled.
“Did you have fun?” Sawamura asked you when you’re helping other managers to clean up the remaining plates left behind on the table along with other scraps littering around. He picked up a few paper cups and placed it into the trash bin.
“Definitely,” you answered without hesitation. “Everyone’s so nice, it’s probably the most fun I’ve had.”
“Thank goodness, then,” he gave you a smile.
“I’m really glad I joined the volleyball club,” you commented, grinning.
“And we glad to have you here,” the captain chuckled and replied.
Everything was over by the time the sun started to sink into the horizon–time truly flew by when you enjoyed it. Since Miyagi was quite a distance from Saitama, they needed to depart first or they would be back extremely late at night. Yukie and Eri were fake-crying and joking about refusing to let you go–in the end, you’re all exchanging numbers so you could keep in touch.
“Did you have fun, Otohaku-san?”
“Coincidentally, you asked the same question as my captain, Akaashi-san.” The Fukurodani setter, like before, helping you on carrying the extra luggage in hand although you did tell him it’s only until you reached the stairs. “And to answer, I am. These one week of training camp is fun. Somehow, I don’t want this to be over.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll meet again,” Akaashi replied. “At the Spring Interhigh.”
“I’m sure we will, Akaashi-san.” you smiled. “And thank you for helping me with luggage.”
“[Name]-chan!!” Bokuto bounded over with a grin plastered on his face. “We’ll be waiting at the nationals!”
“Karasuno, Bokuto-san. Otohaku-san doesn’t play volleyball.” Akaashi deadpanned.
“Just agree with me once, Akaashi!”
“Well, whatever he said,” Kuroo piped up, approaching the three of you. “Made sure your team go to the nationals so we could meet again and make the battle came true.”
“I’ll do my best, Kuroo-san.” Then Kuroo reached out to ruffle your hair, it’s been a while since he did that and you weren’t even going to lie about enjoying it. The cat captain was similar to an older brother now.
“Off you go then, [Name],” he removed his hand from your head. “And don’t miss me.”
“How could I when I have your phone number, Kuroo-san?” you snickered. “You’re probably going to bombard me with chemistry puns at 10pm.”
“Then, I’m gonna call you every day so you won’t have to deal with Kuroo!” Bokuto declared before laughing victoriously.
“Please block his number immediately, Otohaku-san,” Akaashi stated. “Or you won’t be getting any sleep. His talking is endless.”
“Why, Akaashi!?” the said boy whined.
“Aside from that, be careful on your way home,” Akaashi decided to ignore the captain and gave you a small smile.
You returned his smile. “Will do, Akaashi-san.”
With that, the whole week of summer training camps has come to an end. The whole team watched you guys drove away into the other way back to Miyagi.
“You have a match tomorrow, don’t you?” former Coach Ukai questioned, brows creased from the insistence of your combi. “That’s probably enough, then!”
“One more! Just one more!” Hinata pleaded.
“We’ll finish after this one!” Kageyama added.
Two days of practicing to prepare for the preliminaries, just a day before the match Sawamura dismissed them early to get some rest. Since it would be impossible to use the gym unless getting an earful from him, Kageyama and Hinata needed to look for another place. Former Coach Ukai lent them the court only for a bit, just until the others who wants to practice comes.
And you were there to hold a leash if they’re being stubborn or something.
“This is the last, alright?” you scolded the two. “We shouldn’t bother the others who wants to practice here. And you should rest before the match.”
Thankfully the older man letting them had the court just one more time and you couldn’t help but feeling grateful of it. You sighed before turning to face former Coach Ukai and bowed down. “On their behalf, I apologize.”
“It’s fine.” Former Coach Ukai dismissed it. “Their eagerness is a great thing, but even eagerness isn’t going to magically give them energy. It would be bad if they burnt out even before the game started.”
“[Name]-san! Can you throw us the ball?” Hinata called out.
In the end, the two managed to successfully killed the quick–and sure enough, it also impressed former Coach Ukai which added more reassurance that your team would be more than okay to face the entire preliminaries and became champions.
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aeoki · 1 year
High and Low: The Centre of the Earth - Chapter 16
Location: Australian Land (Night) Characters: Tetora, Tomoya, Mitsuru & Hitsugi
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Agyousan is a youkai who appears in a ghost story situated at elementary schools. It’s said if you’re the only one left behind in an empty classroom, Agyousan will appear with a riddle saying, “Agyousan, sagyougo”, (which sounds like nonsense) and if you fail to solve it, you’ll be eaten up by the youkai. The answer to this riddle is as follows: “Agyousan (あ行3)” is interpreted as “the third letter/character in the ‘A’ hiragana line”, A I U E O. Using that same logic,“Sagyougo (さ行5)” can be interpreted as “the fifth letter/character in the ‘SA’ hiragana line”, SA SHI SU SE SO. Taking both the third and fifth characters of each respective line will give you “U SO”, meaning “lie��� in Japanese.
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Hitsugi: After that, no one knows what happened to the woman the “Godfather” brought with him.
The records have been erased. It disappeared like a wisp of smoke one day.
But one of the Seven Mysteries, "The Dead Chatterbox” seems to refer to the woman who was taken from Australia.
The fifth of the Seven Mysteries of Yumenosaki, "The Dead Chatterbox”.
There is a girl dressed in her native clothes at school. Ask her and you’ll be able to communicate with the dead.
Sometimes, a spirit who was not summoned will appear and talk for hours and hours…
If you make a mistake with the negotiations, you’ll end up in the land of the dead… Or something like that. It ends with a line straight from a ghost story.
Tomoya: T-That’s a bit scary. There was a ghost story that was pretty popular at my elementary school once. It was called the Red Cloak or the Woman with a Slit Mouth or something along the lines of that.
Tetora: Ah, I’ve heard of them too. If you happen to encounter them, you can repel them as long as you chant some sort of phrase, right?
Tomoya: Yeah. That’s why we ended up memorising those kinds of chants instead of the era names and their years. I was really scared of “Agyousan”[*]. Until I learnt the truth behind it.
Tetora: Ahh~ Turns it out it was just a lie, right? That happened to me too.
Tomoya: I really believed they existed when I was little.
I was so absorbed in reading books on that sorta stuff so that I’d be prepared if they ever attacked me. Thinking back on it, that seemed really silly.
Hitsugi: Fufu. Children like ghost stories, after all~ I still like them now though.
I felt like there was something important that I didn’t know about, something that couldn’t be learnt at school.
Tetora: You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
Tomoya: Ahaha. If you were to think about it normally, studying at school would be way more important.
Hitsugi: Yes. That’s the kind of common sense the adults created. That’s why those who try to hide information – the truth – turn it into rumours in an attempt to degrade them.
But when you create and hide suspicious stories like that, it just makes people more curious about them, right? Especially for little kids.
That’s precisely why the traces of the “Godfather” took the form of one of the Seven Mysteries and now mainly remains at the school.
That’s what I believed so I asked “Uncle” if I could transfer to Yumenosaki.
And I think it’s been rather fruitful.
By investigating the Seven Mysteries, I was able to find out who I am.
No. In order to confirm my identity, I even went as far as to betray Anzu-senpai and did something that would make her hate me.
The destination for the school trip and also the town where “ES II” lies is a place under the care of ES.
The security is tight and the higher-ups in this industry – the ones who caused a lot of trouble for us during the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” – are keeping a close eye on everything.
That’s why I made the proposal for “High and Low”. I did it so I could investigate what I wanted, someplace their eyes couldn’t reach.
Mitsuru: What did you want to investigate? Is it also something you can’t tell us?
Hitsugi: It’s something I don’t want to tell you guys, but it would be selfish of me to do that at this point.
So I’ll tell you as much as I can.
I’m one of the Seven Mysteries, "The Dead Chatterbox”: a descendant of the woman who was taken from Australia.
That’s why I’m able to call down people like my sister, the dead.
There is a small ethnic group who lives underground in the middle of Australia, in the centre of the Earth… They found out I had come to this land and approached me.
Thanks to my sister showing my ID at the rental car shop, they found out about our existence.
It saved me from having to find them myself. Well, I’m sure my sister didn’t intend to do that, though.
And so, those people I’m descended from approached me.
They kidnapped us, took the bus and invited me into their home.
I was able to hear a lot of important stories from them. It was a huge harvest.
Tetora: The people that kidnapped us…
Hitsugi: Ah, kidnap is probably not the best word. They approached me normally at first.
But I had to switch to my sister since she had to drive during the day and you guys were also there too.
So we started talking secretly in the middle of the night.
That’s why I put sleeping pills I got from them in the food you made, Nagumo-san.
I thought I could talk to them while you guys were asleep.
But surprisingly, you guys wouldn’t stay asleep. Maybe it’s because I put fewer sleeping pills in the food because I was afraid it might have a bad effect on your bodies.
Tetora: I see~ So it’s your fault that we were asleep.
Hitsugi: Yes. I’m sorry… I was supposed to get the information I wanted while you guys were asleep.
And everything should have ended while you were all dreaming away without a care in the world.
You would continue the school trip without ever knowing anything that happened.
But that would have been a lie. I think the way things turned out is fine.
You guys weren’t able to enjoy your school trip because of me. You ended up being shaken pointlessly left and right in a bus and experienced an exhausting trip.
If I had to make an excuse, it would be that I only wanted to include a small group of people. But Anzu-senpai said she wanted to go on a trip with everyone, so the numbers grew far beyond what I originally planned
On top of that, you guys were supposed to stay in the northern town and not want to take part in this ridiculous project…
But you were all surprisingly enthusiastic and did your best.
It was a huge miscalculation. My plans are always like this.
Because of me, you all ended up suffering when you could have avoided it entirely.
As a “producer”, I have a responsibility to shoulder all of that. Now that you know the truth, if you hate me then please, by all means, do what you wish.
I don’t mind if you hit or kick me. It will be an appropriate punishment for me.
But, if you can, please avoid killing me.
I have something I must do, alive.
No. After talking to the people of this land, who I share the same blood with, it’s now clear what I must do.
Tetora: ………
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