#but the big fight w the winged lion was really. was really good
star-crossed-lizards · 2 months
Obsessed w dungeon meshi and my fave character is constantly changing like horses racing neck and neck and Laios is suddenly charging forward from the back of the pack
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theplatypusblue · 3 months
(I can be a little mean but I promise I’m having fun lol)
Episodes 1 + 2:
Man this shits super boring.
Idk if I can get behind craggers plot line tbh. He’s too much of a dumbass for me to really root for him.
The lore seems really cool so far. I like the settings and the stuff about the legend beasts.
Like?? Forest full of trees that just fall down all the time? Epic.
Legend beasts are especially cool cuz it means this is how Chima characters react when seeing a regular ass lion for the first time:
Tumblr media
Episode 3:
Man Laval really fucked everything up.
I have a feeling all of cragger’s dumbass-ness, like, transferred over to laval and now we’re gonna be seeing him making all the dumbass decisions
The only thing I really care about here is the b-plot about Gorzan and his flower. More engaging than the main plot
Episode 4:
Prediction about Laval replacing Cragger as the resident dumbass seems to be coming true
Gorzan is quickly becoming my favorite.
Oh hey look it’s the beavers!! I remember they show up in that one episode of ninjago. I had zero context for what they were all about then but now I know!!
Episode 5:
The gorilla tribe seems like the most chill out of everyone. Gorillas 👍
Can I just say I hate the fucking skunk. He sucks.
Honestly kind of a nothing episode
Episode 6:
Eagle spire does that cool thing where all the buildings are built on super scary precipices. There’s literally a post going around about this exact thing but I can’t find it rn
Oh so the eagles are just a bunch of nerds. A little weird I guess(?) I feel like eagles are usually symbols of strength n stuff so that’s different. It’s giving cloud kingdom.
“Wing girl” tf kinda nickname??
Apparently the ravens are double crossing everyone but I have not been paying close enough attention to what’s going on to really process that
Ok so it was all an extremely convoluted way for the crocs to get everyone to fight each other. And the ravens tried to profit but they’re kinda stupid so nothing really worked out for anyone
Episode 7:
Purble moon??? Epic
Man the bears are so epic just like me fr
Nooo don’t mess w the gorillas they’re so chill :(
I am entirely uninterested in the 100 year full moon skunk fart lore. Sorry.
It’s a little strange and maybe I’m hallucinating but I feel like the animation has has somehow gotten better?? Like the lighting or smthn…. Or the facial expressions???
Oh….. skunk fart lore is plot relevant………
Now that I’m thinking… is that the only skunk in chima?? Cuz rn it looks like just the one guy
Episode 8:
Oh it’s a big boy chi
There’s a fucking peacock?? Don’t know how to spell his name. So wait if he wins who does the chi go to?? He gets it all to himself?
Oh wait nvm it’s probably a cragger thing. Mr. Peacock comes back after retirement or w/ever in order to do some evil shit with the crocs I get it I get it
Gorzan I love you
WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GUY?? Is it a pig? A warthog??? It’s giving Mr. E vibes.
Man idk this episode is structured rlly weirdly. Nothing really fit together very well. It’s alright tho.
Episode 9:
GORILLA EPISODE?? Let’s go dude
It funny cuz I feel like gorillas aren’t actually this mellow irl
Oh hey it’s our mystery mans. Oh nevermind he left again.
There are balloon plants?? Oh yeah those are the things they were using in the other episode. Sorry I wasn’t paying attention to anything else that happened.
Episode 10:
Uhh I forgot to take notes while watching uhhh
The fox guy was cute. I like a little fox guy
This episode managed to make me feel a little bad for cragger!! He wants to do a good job but he kinda sucks at everything :(
It also made me confused abt cruller!!! What are you doing w ur life girl!!!!
Kinda messed up how the wolves had to serve the crocodiles tho… probly for the best she threw away that pledge
If Laval’s dad is right when he says they’re not gonna race for chi for a long time, I’m guessing they’re not gonna do any more racing episodes for some time. That’s fine honestly.
WAIT THAT RHINO GUY’S DYING. Oh nvm. This whole situation is cringe I hope it’s a one-off thing….
Also I forgot everyone thinks craggers parents are dead but really they’re just chilling in that canyon. Kinda funny actually
Episode 11:
Oh man the wolves are fucking everything up
“We all gotta stay here till the walls are fixed” bruh just call the beavers or smthn
Man what is the deal with this shadow wind dude.
If there’s one similarity I could point out with ninjago, it’s all this talk abt ~the balance~. I guess it makes sense since they take place in the same universe, technically
These bears are so cute lol napping does solve everything so true
Episode 12:
Jets travel super fast in the air. If they’re going through a storm Laval should totally be dead by now
Cragger is setting boundaries!! We love to see it. Cruller is acting pretty cringe. In her ~~girlfailure era~~
Is Laval gonna fall in this gorge?? Oh yeah he’s gonna fall in this gorge
Noooo Gorzans underwear is gonna tear
It’s a little sweet how Laval still wants to help out cragger
Episode 13:
I guess I’m still not super into cragger but I pity him a little. He’s trying his best but he’s just a bit stupid. And also his sister sucks ass
Okay. So she may be cringe but cruller is living her best(-ish) life.
That wolf is wearing a really cute apron
Man they were bringing up Shadow wind earlier and I thought they were gonna reveal their identity but now I’m a bit disappointed…
Laval is being peak dumbass rn I kinda like it. “The warm milk of oppression” lol
Pretty cute finale tbh
That’s where Tubi says season 1 ends, so i think I’ll just stop here for now. I guess they’ll bring up craggers parents next season?? For now they’re still stuck chilling in that canyon.
I definitely feel like it’s a show that doesn’t have super strong characters. I think it would better if the show leaned more into the world it’s created instead, if that makes sense. Maybe later the character writing will improve a little bit, and I’ll changed my tune. But!! Who knows. I’m having fun with it.
Idk when I’ll get to season 2, cuz I get super busy sometimes (I started this one a couple months ago but couldn’t finish it till now ugh) but I do want to continue watching!! Eventually!!!
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bluezey · 3 years
Inside Onward - Fight or Flight
Thanks for the wait, guys!  I wanted to release the last two chapters at the same time, since so much wraps up in this one that the last chapter is more like an epilogue.  But, here it is, and just in time for Christmas!  Now I can watch Soul!
The fountain overflowed with red smoke, creeping over the grass, dirt and pavement, terrifying onlookers as they stopped to watch the curse pour out over their feet.  Like a sentient apparition, the cursed fog billowed across the street towards the high school, as a cluster gathered above the air, turning into a darkened orb of red, powerful, evil magic.  Some teenagers pulled out their cameras as dozens of red plumes shot out like fierce tentacles, rampaging through the school, grabbing various objects such as vending machines, desks, lockers, even chunks of walls and rebar torn from the building’s interior.
Fear shrieked as he caught a nearby car from the driving school get snatched off the street.  “DIVE!!  DIVE!!” he screamed, slamming his hand on a button.
Ian grabbed his Dad and dove down onto the ground, ducking from the car flying just inches above him. The teenage elf looked up, and he and his emotions watched on in shock as the smoky tentacles pulled the debris in and began building around the core.  Concrete became limbs, rebar became horns, metal became a spine, lockers became support for wings made of red smoke.  Piece by piece, the debris took form into a dragon made of rock and metal and magic.  The last piece was the face of the high school’s cute cartoon mascot, also a dragon, becoming the face of the accursed fiend.
The emotions gasped, with exception of Anger rolling his eyes with an “Aw, come on.”  Anger’s irritation wasn’t enough to calm Ian’s nerves, as he was left shaking with fear.
Concrete crumbled from the beast’s jaw as it gave a mighty roar, a bellowing growl mixed with the ring of the school bell.  The rock dragon then glared down with its painted on eyes, as if it could actually see Barley standing on top of the fountain.  In Barley’s shaking hand was the Phoenix Gem, the very prize stolen from the monster.
Without hesitation, Fear slammed his hand down on the console.
“Barley!!  Run!!” Ian shouted.
He didn’t need to be told to run, as Barley leaped off the fountain and ran away from the beast. The dragon followed, barely at a walk, and yet catching up quickly to Barley, running as fast as the burly elf could.
Thinking fast, Barley reached into his vest pocket.  “What do you want?  You want the gem?  Fine, take it!” he shouted out, tossing an orange item into the bushes away from him.
The emotions watched in shock, with Joy asking in confusion.  “What the- why would he do that?”
As Barley made his escape, racing towards Ian, he reached into his vest again and pulled out the Phoenix Gem.
The emotions sighed in relief, as Disgust commented, “Wow, that was pretty good.”
“But wait, so what did he throw?” Fear asked.
The dragon barely inspected Guinevere’s old reflector before turning its attention back to Barley. Once catching sight of the Phoenix Gem being waved in the air by his own hand, the chunks of rock broke apart on its brow as it grimaced.  The beast opened its gaping maw and released a blaze of fire, shooting out towards the ground and separating the two brothers.  Ian and Barley were both thrown back from the might of the furious flames.
Ian gasped for breath as he sat up.  “AH!! DAD ON FIRE!!  DAD ON FIRE!!” Fear shouted, Ian quickly patting out a small flame on Dad’s pant leg.  The elf helped his Dad’s legs up on his feet and immediately ran, his Dad’s legs being led by the leash, as the dragon took flight on its mighty wings, giving chase after Ian this time.
“RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!” Joy shouted as Fear pushed hard on the levers, making Ian run away with all his might.  Joy jumped in and took over as Fear let go to input a command, making Ian duck from the flames.
A loud slam caused the ground to shake, causing Ian to stumble.  Out of the corner of Ian’s eye, the emotions caught the beast now fallen on the ground yards beside Ian.  Before the emotions could react, they heard the mighty roar from above.  This time, not the roar of a dragon, but the roar of a lion.  Ian looked up and saw the Manticore from the night before flying valiantly into battle, her mighty broadsword in hand, and Laurel riding on her broad back.
“The Manticore!!” Barley shouted in amazed excitement.
“Mom??” Ian called out in shocked confusion.
“Mom??” the emotions echoed in shared confusion, with Anger asking, “Is Mom riding a flying bear??”
Laurel called out from atop the mighty Manticore, “Don’t worry boys, we’ll take care-!” before her voice ended up becoming mumbled as she began to speak to the Manticore.
“What’s going on? What is she saying?” Fear asked the others, also equally baffled.
“Go see your father!” Laurel yelled out to them, loud and clear.
“Don’t worry!” Barley shouted out to Ian.  “Once they pierce the beast’s core with that sword, the curse will be broken!  Come on!”
Ian paused, wondering what the game plan is as he caught Barley running towards a rocky hillside nearby.
“Are we really gonna do this?” Fear asked, his panic distracting him.  “What’s gonna stop the dragon??”
“Mom’s got this!” Disgust said, pointing to the dragon taking to the skies to chase after the Manticore.
“But who’s got mom??” Fear shrieked.
“Fear!”  Joy grabbed Fear’s wrist and showed him his own wrist watch.  Less than ten minutes left on the ticking clock.  Fear nodded, then grabbed the big levers, pushing them forward.
Racing through the smoke and ashes, Ian ran up the rocky hillside, guiding his Dad along the way. At the top, Ian met Barley, who was running with blinders on, the world obviously blocked out as he focused on his own mission.  Fear couldn’t believe Barley could be that determined and collected through all this chaos.  As Barley unhooked the leash from Dad’s belt and threw it aside, another thought distracted Fear’s mind, and he began inputting a command on the console.
“Barley,” Ian began, “what I said back there, I am so so-“
“No time!” Barley interrupted, shoving the Phoenix Gem into the tongs of the wizard’s staff, then shoving the wizard staff into Ian’s hands.  “Sun’s about to set!”
“Oh!  Duh!  Right!” Fear responded, before turning to Disgust.  “Disgust!”
“Time to make some magic,” Disgust said as he took his place beside Fear.  Joy took his place at Fear’s other side.
Without hesitation, Ian took his staff and pointed it straight towards Dad.  “Only once is all we get, grant me this rebirth…”
The emotions continued along with Ian, “Until tomorrow’s sun has set, one day to walk the earth!”
A burst of energy blasted out of the staff as a streaming bolt of magic flowed outward to Dad. Particle by particle, the chaotic spell continued to build Dad from the waist up, little by little the bottom of his dress shirt began to appear.  Ian grit his teeth, trying to keep control of the powerful spell as he kept his feet firmly planted on the ground.
In Headquarters, the emotions were enveloped in a vortex of magic, the console shining brightly and coursing with power.  Fear, Disgust and Joy held on, Anger and Sadness helping to keep the other three from losing their grip on the controls.
“Hold on,” Joy called out through the chaos.  “Hold on…!”
“We got this, guys!” Fear told the others.  “Focus on Ian!”
Sadness looked up at the screen as it appeared Ian was slowly backing away.  “Oh no, it’s too strong!”
“No no no no no no!” Fear let go of the controls, Anger immediately stepped in as Fear leaped over and slammed his hands down on a button.
“Barley!!” Ian called out to his brother.
Barley braced all his weight and muscle against Ian’s back, holding Ian in place.  The brothers held on with all their might through the chaos and power of the spell.
Suddenly, a large aura of magic burst around them, and everything went calm.  The brothers looked up, and Fear peeked from his hands over his eyes.  The Phoenix Gem was now levitating in midair above the bottom half of their Dad.  In the still serenity of the spell, the Phoenix Gem shined brightly, slowly breaking down into little flakes of golden magic that aided in finishing the spell, gradually returning their Dad from the waist upward.  Ian and Barley watched in awe, reality slowly washing over them that they were just moments away from finally seeing their Dad.
Catching their breaths, the emotions backed away from the console.  Fear turned to Dad Island as it sprung to life, then back at the screen with a smile growing on his face.
“This is it,” Joy told the others, so full of excitement he could burst.  “This is happening.  This is actually happening.”
“Guys!” Laurel called out to her sons.  “It’s coming back!”
Ian and Barley turned to see The Manticore fallen on the ground, Laurel on her knees, the broadsword missing, and the now wingless dragon approaching the hillside.
“No no no,” Fear said, his face fallen into worry.  “Not now. This can’t be happening.”
“I’ll go distract it,” Barley announced.
“What?” the emotions gasped as Fear input a command onto the console.
“No,” Ian told Barley, grabbing his arm to stop him.  “If you go, you’ll miss dad.”
“That’s okay,” Barley replied.  “Say hi to dad for me.”
Fear stepped back, placing his hands under his arms as he looked up at the screen, up at Barley.
“What are you doing?” Disgust called out as the emotions surrounded Fear.
“He gave us the go ahead!” Anger shouted.
“We can finally see dad!” Joy told Fear, trying to shake him out of it.
Fear slightly shook his head, as if a realization was overwhelming him.  “No… no, this isn’t… this isn’t right…”
“What do you know about what’s right?” Anger shouted at Fear.
Fear immediately turned to Anger and snapped back, “Barley needs this just as much as Ian!”
Sadness added, “Fear’s right.  Barley needs to see Dad.”
“So do we,” Disgust argued. “We went through this quest.  We went through the gauntlet.”
“Barley found the gem,” Fear pointed out.
“But we want this too!” Anger shouted.
“Ohh, why can’t they both have this?” Joy wondered aloud.
“No… no, you go say goodbye,” Ian suddenly spoke.
The emotions immediately stopped arguing and turned to the screen, then the empty console.  “What the?” Fear announced in shocked confusion. “Then how did he-?”
Sadness gasped. “Look!” he told the others, pointing towards the Islands of Personality.  One by one, the emotions turned, each one gasping as they all caught sight of Family Island active.
“I had someone who looked out for me,” Ian said, as the emotions looked back up at the screen. “Someone who pushed me to be more than I ever thought I could be.  I never had a dad… but I always had you.”
Barley paused, touched by the words Ian confessed to him.
Joy looked at Fear, then shrugged with a soft smile.  “Well… looks like Ian decided.”
Fear’s worried face faded to focus as he nodded.  He turned to Anger, Anger narrowed his eyes as he stormed up and slammed his fist down on the console.
Ian gripped his staff and ran towards the dragon.  Just as he approached the edge of the hillside, Ian held his staff outward and proclaimed loudly, “Bridgrigar invisia!”  Still charging towards the beast, Ian’s steps glowed as he now ran in midair.
“Woo!  That’s my boy!” Disgust cheered as he pressed a few buttons on the console.
“Boombastia!” Ian shouted, aiming his staff with a flourish.  A bright spark of magic shot out and slammed against the side of the dragon’s face, erupting into a flurry of sparkling energy that distracted the beast.
Gathering its bearings, the dragon turned, swiping his tail in the air, careening towards Ian. “DUCK!!” Fear shouted as he dove onto the console.  Ian acted fast, sliding in midair as he dove under the concrete tail.  Ian then jumped back on his feet, standing firmly in midair, as the dragon stood his ground with a threatening, bell clamoring roar.
Ian stared the dragon down, gritting his teeth, his eyes burning with intensity.  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Anger cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
“Tail at one o’clock!” Joy called out as he took his place at the control.
Ian looked up to see the rocky tail falling towards him.  “Aloft elevar!” he shouted as he pointed his staff at the tail.  The tail was immediately enveloped in a shroud of magic, halting it in midair.
“Woo-hoo-hoo!” Joy cheered for Ian.
“Keep holding, Joy!” Fear ordered, seeing Ian struggle.  The other emotions joined Fear at the console, scrambling for similar commands, helping Ian stay focused and keep hold.  Moments passed before the dragon pulled its tail forward, causing Ian to slip off his invisible platform in midair.  “No no no no!  Hold on, everybody!” Fear cried out, the emotions working with all their might.
Ian held on as tightly as he could to the staff.  He could feel his body flailing as the dragon swung its tail around wildly in the air, trying to loosen the elf from his magical grasp.  Soon Ian’s focus snapped, the spell broke, and the dragon sent Ian flying through midair.
“Brace for impact!” Fear shouted, as the emotions cried out from Ian being flung high in the air and far across the field.
Ian slammed into the ground and rolled to a stop, gripping his leg in pain.  “Oh no, I heard a snap!” Sadness cried out.
Fear immediately looked over the vitals on the console.  “Ian’s leg! It’s broken!”
“Oh no,” Disgust said, pointing at the screen.  “We got worse problems, guys.”
Ian watched in horror as the staff he lost went soaring over the cliff and sank into the water. “No!!”
“No!!” the emotions shouted in unison.
With its distraction gone, the beast focused its attention back on Barley.  With a threatening roar, the dragon made its way towards the hillside.
“Foot!” Anger shouted as he and Fear grabbed the controls.
Ian rolled out of the way of the dragon’s foot, missing it by mere inches.  The elf struggled to stand, trying to balance and focus through the pain of his broken leg.
“Easy, easy,” Fear said as Sadness and Disgust helped Ian up on his two lean legs.
“Great, now what do we do?” Anger snarled.
“We lost the staff,” Sadness cried.
“What do we do now?” Disgust asked, at a loss.
“I know!” Joy said. “Use what we have!”
“Use what I have,” Ian thought aloud.  “Use what I have… what do I have?  I have nothing.”
“We have nothing, Joy!” Anger snapped.
“There must be something!” Fear shrieked.  “We gotta have something!”
“Ew!  Spinter!” Disgust gasped.
“Splinter?” Fear looked up at the screen to see Disgust pointing out a small splinter embedded into Ian’s palm.  “Splinter!”
“Magic in every fiber,” Ian muttered to himself as he bit down on the miniscule remnant of the staff and pulled it out with his teeth.  With the wooden fiber held out in front of him, pinched between his fingers, Ian declared, “Magnora gantuan!”  In the blink of an eye, the splinter grew to the perfect size of a magical wooden staff.
“It worked!” Joy cheered.
The dragon slowed to a stop as he climbed up the small rocky hill, approaching Barley from behind. Barley was distracted by the spell nearly complete, unaware of the beast behind him.
“NO!!” The emotions unanimously dove onto the console, each inputting the same command.
“NO!!  VOLTAR THUNDASIR!!” Ian shouted, aiming the staff directly at the dragon.  With a clap of thunder, a fierce bolt of lightning snapped out of the staff.  The bolt struck the beast’s side, crushing the concrete shell, exposing the glowing red core.
“IAN!!” Laurel called out to her son.  
Ian turned to see the Manticore’s broadsword being tossed towards him.  Fear released one of his hands from one button so he can slam his hand down on another.  “Accelior!” Ian declared, pointing his staff towards the sword.  With the sword caught in midair in a magic blue aura, Ian flung the mighty blade towards the core at a fierce velocity.
The sword stabbed the dragon’s core.  The curse broke, causing the core to explode with enough force to destroy the dragon and send its shrapnel flying away from the hill.
“Incoming, incoming!” Fear called out as he saw some debris flying in the air towards Ian.  Just as he began to input commands, he saw the console begin to dim, followed by the screen gradually shutting down. “AHH!!  This can’t be happening!!  What’s happening??!”
The emotions looked up as they saw the lights dim in Headquarters.  “Great, he fainted,” Disgust pouted.
Fear panicked, turning to each and every one of the other emotions, who were just as lost and scared as he was.  “We lost Ian? We lost Ian!!  What are we gonna do?  What are we gonna do??”
A loud chime caught the emotions attention towards the side of the screen, as a bright, glowing orb appeared and began to roll down the chute.  Joy broke the silence by whispering, “A core memory…”
Disgust eyed the brightly colored memory, commenting, “I’ve never seen one like that before,” noting how it seemed to be a mix of all five colors, and sparking with an aura of white magic.
Fear watched as the core memory rolled under the floor and made its way to the core memory holder. “Follow that light!” Fear told the others, as it’s pretty much the only bright light in Headquarters.
The emotions scrambled towards the core memory holder, watching as the core memory lit the way. With each inch, the core memory lit Headquarters in a different glow.  Yellow.  Blue. Red.  Green.  Purple. Yellow.  Blue.  Red. Green.  Purple.  All with a trail of white magic sparkling behind.  As the core memory took its place in the holder, a white light filtered outward towards the Islands of Personality, and began to shape a brand new island.  The emotions approached the window, squinting hard, as they’ve never seen a light so bright before.  They watched in awe and curiosity as the bright light took form into a new island, to the right of Family Island.  Once complete, the light faded into a burst of energy much like fireworks.
The brand new island displayed a replica of a Phoenix Gem, a replica of the Quests of Yore book, and a statue of Ian, dressed in a wizard’s robes, holding his wizard staff high.  A bright sparkle of light shined from the tip of the staff, with Ian looking upon the light, his face full of wonder.
Fear gazed wide eyed at the new island shining in the near distance.  “Is that… Wizard Island?”
Joy turned to Fear and gave a sweet, sweet smile.  “Best birthday ever.”
Sadness, Disgust and Anger looked on in awe, with Disgust having to comment, “I wouldn’t have chosen that pointy hat, though.”
The lights turned back on in Headquarters as the power returned.  The emotions immediately raced back to the console to check on Ian.  Joy reached the vitals first, reporting, “Leg’s still broken.  Pretty sore. Pretty winded.  Everything else is returning to normal.  Stamina, energy…”
Fear was still looking at the dark screen.  “Then where’s visuals?” Fear asked aloud as he frantically began pressing buttons, causing the screen to shift as Ian began to get up off the ground.  
The emotions reacted in surprise, followed by Joy commenting, “Oh, sleepyhead’s awake.”
Ian climbed onto his hands and knees, the piece of debris draped over him sliding off.  As he stood, he began to gasp as his aching leg began shooting sharp pains, especially when he put weight on it. “Easy, easy, easy,” Fear told himself as he helped Ian to his feet.
Ian looked around, finding himself surrounded by concrete and metal, the remaining debris of the fallen beast.  He looked to be trapped in a crater, cut off on all sides.  Just himself, and his emotions.
“How do we get out?” Fear asked the other emotions.  “Our leg is broken.”
“Let’s try the levitation spell,” Disgust suggested.  “Where’s the staff?  Has anyone seen the staff?”
“Oh no,” Sadness sighed. “We lost the staff.”
“Great, that’s just great,” Anger grumbled.
“Let’s ask mom for help,” Joy suggested.  “She’s right there.”
“Where?” Fear looked at Joy point at a small gap in the debris wall, where they could see Laurel being helped up by Colt as she placed a hand on her sore back.  Suddenly, Laurel looked up in amazement, her eyes twinkling from the reflecting light.
Ian turned, then froze in awe as warm, golden light poured through every crack, big and small, in the section of wall separating him from Barley.
“Ooh, pretty,” Joy exhaled.
Momentarily distracted by the vibrant aura, Fear reached for the controls.  The emotions watched as Ian began to find some kind of crack or hole he can look through.  Once the emotions realized what Fear was doing, they began guiding him with directions such as “to the left” “no, my left” “too small, try that one” “higher”…
Eventually, Ian found the right gap that he could use as a small window… just in time to see the glowing light fade, revealing a familiar stranger facing Barley…
Disgust’s smile faded to a pout.  “He’s facing away from us.”
“Shh,” Sadness hushed, trying to watch.
After a pause, Dad finally moved, checking over himself to see if he was really and fully back.  He then looked up, and reacted to seeing Barley. He looked glad to see him, after all these years, now fully grown.
“What do you think they’re saying?” Joy wondered aloud.
Fear thought for a moment, before shaking his head.  “I-I dunno,” Fear replied, before continuing to watch.
“Maybe we can hear something,” Anger commented quietly, “if you guys would shut up.”
The emotions watched as Ian watched the silent scene unfold.  For a moment, Sadness looked down, catching sight of Ian’s vitals displaying his balance shifting, and his pain increasing.  “uh oh…”
Ian’s foot on his broken leg slipped, causing the teenage elf to skid down the wall with a pained groan.
“Woah!  Is he okay?” Fear worried.
“Ian’s fine,” Joy assured Fear.
Ian squinted as he caught the sight of the sunset through a nearby gap in the wall.  Fear looked down at his watch.  “Only ten seconds left,” he gasped.
Joy gasped, before grabbing the controls.  “Oh, please be off by just a few seconds,” Sadness wished aloud.
Ian struggled through the pain to reach the closest gap he could find.  He peered through the wall, just in time to catch sight of Dad giving Barley a big, loving hug.  Ian exhaled a smile for his big brother.  
The emotions awed as they gathered close, trying to get a good view along with Ian.
Barley hugged back, as tight as he could, never wanting to let go.  Moments passed, and Dad’s form began to dissolve into light and fade off into the breeze.  And like that, Dad was gone.  All that remained was Barley standing with his eyes closed tight, hugging onto himself. A long moment passed, then Barley looked up at the sky, wiping a tear from his cheek, before making his way down the hillside.
Joy sniffled, tears running down his smiling face.  “That was beautiful.”
“We never got to see Dad,” Sadness sobbed as he fell face first onto the console.
Fear’s soft smile turned into a frown, as he nodded, accepting Ian’s fate.  “Yeah.  I know.”
A few soft clicks of rubble caught Ian’s attention, causing him to look up just as Barley leaned over the edge of the crater.  Barley held out his hand, Ian took it and carefully climbed out of the pit, with Barley helping him up.  With a bit of a limp, Ian finally found the right balance as he stood in front of his brother.  Ian looked over at the empty hillside for a second, before looking back.
Ian asked, “What did he say?”
Barley replied.  “He said, he thought that his wizard name would be Wilden the Whimsical.”
“Wow,” Ian replied with a laugh,” that’s really terrible.”
“We can totally do better with Ian’s wizard name,” Disgust thought aloud.
Barley continued, “He also said that he would be very proud of the person you grew up to be.”
Joy and Fear exchanged grins as Family Island shined brightly behind them.
“Well, I owe a whole lot of that to you,” Ian replied with a soft, thankful smile.
“He kind of said that too,” Barley admitted.
The emotions gathered close, each and every one proud of their Ian.
“Oh,” Barley added, “and he told me to give you this.”
Barley stepped close, wrapped his arms around Ian, and gave him a big, warm, long hug.
Ian’s eyes swelled with tears, before he grabbed Barley, hugging him as tight as he could.
Fear smiled as he saw that brotherly hug and heard Family Island active.  His attention was taken away, however, as he felt a warm, playful tap on his shoulder.  He turned to find Joy, then noticed all the emotions looking towards him.  He stiffened up and wrapped his hands around his torso, fearing the worst.
With a warm smile, Joy pulled out that replica sweatshirt and presented it back to Fear.
Fear’s eyes swelled with tears, he leaped forward and clung tightly onto Joy, never wanting to let go. Joy dropped the sweatshirt in surprise, then hugged tightly back.  One by one, from Sadness, to Disgust, to Anger, the emotions joined in, turning the emotional hug into a group hug.
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ultradiplr · 4 years
Dip’s Reader Insert Kinktober 2020 Day 1 -  Mutual Masturbation w/ Reinhardt.
Tags: Mutual Masturbation, Gender neutral reader, no serious harm just some light bruises and the like. No plot.
Plot: Reader and Reinhardt have fun while recovering.
A/N: Well, look at that, I am back on my fanfiction feet, sorry if the fic is a little rough to read on the technical side, im pretty rusty. Hope y’all enjoy!
You and Reinhardt have been sharing a makeshift hospital room for a few days now, still healing from a clash with null sectors outside of the city, not official Overwatch business of course, just two friendly vigilantes who were over their head. In your case much more over your head than him, you knew you should have just urged Reinhardt to wait for Brigitte to join him and protect him, but ah, its been so long since you’ve joined him on the battlefield yourself.
You turned over to look at him from your bed, giving him a sympathetic look as he all but absolutely spilled out of the smaller bed, but other than that, he was doing much much better than a few days ago. So good in fact, if it wasn’t for Torbjorn’s and your chiding of him, you were sure the big lion of a man would be out fighting more omnics right this second.
You tried to sit up and groaned as you felt a small pinch in your lower back, still sore from when you were knocked back by some sort of large omnic, the memories of that day fading a lot, and that stirred your partner enough for him to turn toward you.
“Something wrong?” He asked with a yawn, though concern clear in his voice.
“No, nothing at all, just a little stretching pain.” You said assuredly, stretching your back out as you sat up and rubbed at it, “Thats the last time I try to act young again, I don’t know how you do it.”
Reinhardt chuckled at that, a warm deep sound that felt as healing as any medicine, and he began to sit up as well, “There is always work to be done, fights to be won, its about honor, not glory.”
You smiled up at him as he sat up across from you, and admired the way the morning light trickled across his skin and toned scar covered muscles, “I know that, of course, but I am still in awe of your might, just like I was when I met you.”
He hummed as he looked at you back, those beautiful eyes, one white and the other a crystal blue, my, he was certainly handsome. A true viking of a man. So big and tough and strong, with chiseled features hidden away in that big soft beard. Had you not been as banged up as you were, and had not been given specific instructions not to, you would have glided across the floor and climbed on his lap to give good morning kisses on his rough skin and rake your fingers through those white locks.
His smiles wider, giving you hints of those pearly teeth, and you can feel your heart swoon at this knight, “Schatz, you flatter me, but thank you.” he winked at you and you chuckled.
“I wish I could really thank you like normal, mein Löwe…” You said with a slight bite of your lip and a flutter of your eyes, earning a sort of flustered cough from the older man.
It was always cute to you how easy it was to make the great Reinhardt Wilhelm blush. Though of course his shyness was quickly replaced with bravado and he chuckled lowly and deeply, his voice slipping into his more intimate tone.
“What do you suggest as an alternative than, maus?” He asked with a smirk, daring you to make a move.
You made a quick glance around, the hospital room empty besides you and Reinhardt, and the staff wasn’t very large at this specific facility, especially in your wing and especially since you and Reinhardt were in no need for much looking after for some bruises and muscle pains. You were tempted to stand and lock the door for extra security, but you also knew that lunch was a few hours more off, not like this was going to take that much time. You licked your lips and looked at him, locking eyes with him before sitting back on your bed and pulling up your hospital robe and pulling down your undershorts.
You saw Reinhardt suck in a breath at the sight of you as you spread open your legs lazily, giving him a sultry smile, the blush on his face expanding to the tips of his ears though his serious look did not leave his face.
“Playing a dangerous game, mauschen.” He said as the giant man himself began to sit back comfortably as well, pulling his own gown up to paw at his growing erection through his own shorts, his voice thick and heavy with growing desire.
“I know.” you said cheekily back as you let your hand glide its way over your leg and between them, playing slowly with yourself for him.
He lets out a soft moan as he watches you, eyes locked on your hand as he squeezes himself though the fabric, his bulging shorts making your mouth water. You set a steady pace for yourself, watching him watching you, letting the heat and desire take over.
Reinhardt slipped his shorts down enough to free his cock as you got into it, his cock drooling as he watched your hand move, aching to feel and touch and taste you. He took his cock in his hand and began to stroke himself, matching your speed, and applying pressure to mimic your hot body on him. He shivered as you call his name softly, not too loudly to alert anyone, and he coos to you back.
“Lovely, hot, sexy.” He murmurs to you, encouraging you to find your own peaking pleasure, as he himself was lost in it.
Before you know it the both of you are in the throws of passion, as you desperately try to keep yourself up enough to watch his hand furiously jack his dick. He on the other hand is practically drooling watching you, his face red, his pants and grunts hot and heavy, his body shaking with the building pleasure. It had been a while even before the fighting, and god had he been craving you. He imagined getting up right now, doctors be damned, and holding you down on that mattress and drilling his large cock into over and over again until this entire building knew who was giving you his load. And you would let him, hell, if he told you he wanted to do that he knew you would beg for him to, and that in itself made his cock throb wildly.
You both did not last long, you lasted a bit shorter than him, cumming with a whine of his name and letting your legs fall open for him, only for him to follow soon after and exploding his load into a few hastily grabbed napkins.
You watched him lazily as he caught his breath and threw away the evidence of his actions, doing much the same as you wiped yourself down, both of you feeling warm and good in your afterglow. Well, until another sharp pain ruined it and you flopped helplessly down on your bed once again.
“I am not as young as I used to be.” You said with a pout, and Reinhardt could only laugh as he settled back into bed as well.
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martinnecas · 5 years
Quick Guide | Carolina Hurricanes: Meet The Team - Opening Night 2019-20
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New season means a new quick guide to the roster 
2018-19 season
This took me a couple of days to put together so please appreciate it
Want to know how to pronounce a players name? 
Click this link!
*All gifs made by me* 
☞ Sebastian Aho™️ #20
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Yes there is another “Sebastian Aho” from Sweden but he’s usually in the AHL (Bridgeport/Islanders)
Born: July 26, 1997 (22 years old/Leo) from Rauma, Finland
6′0, Centre, 35th overall CAR 2015
Nicknames: Fishy, Seabass, Sepe, Sebu
He’s the face of this franchise and the only player on this team that the Canadian media knows about
Is being held against his will in Raleigh because he wants to play for Montreal if you don’t know the actual story MTL sent him an offer sheet that he signed because he wanted the money and knew Carolina could pay it, but you know how Habs twitter can be.
Possibly the messiest Hurricane 
Who’s my daddy?! 
Spirit animal is a lion, hear him roar
Avid coffee drinker
Baby face
Painted a picture of his cat one time
☞ Ryan Dzingel #18 
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Born: March 9, 1992 (27 years old/Pisces) from Wheaton, Illinois
6′0, Centre, 204th overall OTT 2011
Nicknames: Zinger, Dizzy, Dzingel Bells, D-pingel
Played with the Ohio State Buckeyes for 3 seasons, recorded the first hat trick in Big Ten history against Xichigan
Traded to CBJ Feb ‘19, signed with CAR as a free agent summer ‘19 
Might need glasses, he squints like that ^ a lot 
Golfs... A L O T 
Wants to produce for the team so he can stay here in Raleigh and make it his home ♥︎
Jeep guy 
Looks uncomfortably similar to Tripp Tracy 
UNC fan 
☞ Warren Foegele #13
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Born: April 1, 1996 (23 years old/Aries) from Markham, Ontario 
6′2, Left Wing, 67th overall CAR 2014
Nicknames: Foegs, Foegdaddy 
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Dougie Hamilton
Duke fan 
Accidentally broke Osh*e’s collarbone but TJ and C*p fans will claim he tried to murder him
Spirit animal is a tiger, also hear him roar
Very easily scared 
Duke fan
☞ Erik Haula #56
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Born: March 23, 1991(28 years old/Aries) from Pori, Finland
6′0, Left Wing, 181st overall 2009 MIN
Nicknames: Hauls, Haulsy  
Moved to Minnesota in 2008 to play hockey in boarding school
Played for the University Of Minnesota Gophers for 3 seasons
Signed with MIN in 2013, was picked up by the VGK in 2017 as a free agent in the Expansion Draft, then traded to CAR summer of 2019 (for Nic Roy & draft pick)
Suffered a pretty bad knee injury in the 2018-19 season 
Got married this past summer ♥︎
Currently living in Calvin de Haan’s old house 
☞ Jordan Martinook (A) #48
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Born: July 25, 1992 (27 years old/Leo) from Brandon, Manitoba
6′0, Left Wing, 58th overall 2012 PHX
Nicknames: Marty, Marty Man, Marty Party 
Signed with PHX/ARI in 2012, traded to CAR in 2018 (for Krüger)
Raw chaotic dad energy 
Doesn’t like corndogs and has a very high pitched scream
His wife gave birth to their first son last season before he got his downstairs fixed in the offseason
Spirit animal is a dolphin because he has a great impression 
There is so much more I want to put on here but you should really just follow his Twitter 
☞ Brock McGinn #23
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Born: February 2, 1994 (25 years old/Aquarius) from Fergus, Ontario
6′0, Left Wing, 47th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Ginner, Brock McWinn, McPing, the new Mr. Game Seven (that one is kind of a joke though), Big Cock Brock 
Single handedly defeated evil not only once but twice on April 24th, 2019, earning him the nicknames “Brock McWinn” and the new “Mr. Game Seven”
Has two brothers who also play professionally; Jamie (NHL) and Tye (AHL) McGinn
Co Owner of the Roanoke Rail Road Dawgs with his brothers and father
His daddy is Bob
Has a high probability of burning his whole house down 
Used to be a fighter, but he didn’t fight anyone last season 
Was 3rd in the league with most MsS Post (10) in the 2017-18 season earning him the nickname Brock McPing 
☞ Martin Nečas #88
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Born: January 15, 1999 (20 years old/Capricorn) from Nove Mesto na Morave, Czech Rebublic
6′2, 12th overall 2017 CAR, “He plays, like, Centre”
Nicknames: Neči, Marty, Nacho, Marto 
Your 2019-20 ****** ****** winner 
He’s here to fix out PP units, quote me on that
Little hockey stick chain ^ 
Is known for falling while scoring 
Is it avocado or avocaydo?
Hidden talent: Belly dancing 
Almost killed the entire team with a golf club last season  
Don’t mess with him
Just won the Calder Cup with the Checkers :) 
☞ Nino Niederreiter #21
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Born: September 8, 1992 (27 years old/Virgo) from Chur, Switzerland
6′0, Right Wing, 5th overall 2010 NYI
Nicknames: El Nino
Was the highest drafted Swizz born player until Hischer in 2017 
Signed to the Islanders in 2010, traded to Minnesota in 2013, then traded to Carolina in January 2019 (for Rask)
Was about to take a nap when he was traded
Just when canes fans almost lost hope, Nino showed up and saved our season
When he came to Carolina, someone gave him sweet tea and he really liked it
Was voted best dressed by a couple teammates
Loves the surge
Supports women’s hockey
☞ Jordan Staal (C) #11
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Born: September 10, 1988 (31 years ago/Virgo) from Thunder Bay, Ontario
6′4, Centre, 2nd overall 2006 PIT
Nicknames: Stallsy, Jordad, Gronk
Arrested at his brother’s bachelor party
Won the Stanley Cup with the Penguins in 2009 
Jordan is the youngest out of the other brothers (Eric, Marc) in the league (NHL) 3rd brother is the youngest and is now a coach 
Signed with PIT in 2006, traded to CAR in 2012 (for 8th overall pick, Brandon Sutter and Brian Dumoulin)
Named Captain in the 2017-18 season, became Alternative Captain in 2018-19, is now Captain again in 2019-20 
Great at dad jokes 
☞ Andrei Svechnikov #37
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Born: March 26, 2000 (19 years old/Aries) from Barnaul, Russia
6′2, Right Wing, 2nd overall 2018 CAR
Nicknames: Svech, Mother Russia 
Svech is ready
“Just win every game” 
Wears #37 because that’s what his brother, Evgeny Svechnikov (DET), wears
Russia = Cold, Raleigh = Hot
Apparently his biggest talent outside of hockey is… magic? 
Best friends with Warren Foegele and Dougie Hamilton
Likes to shovel the ice during practice 
Terrible at golf..
.. I mean like really bad  
☞ Teuvo Teräväinen #86
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Born: September 11, 1994 (25 years old/Virgo) from Helsinki, Finland
5′11, Left Wing, 18th overall 2012 CHI 
Nicknames: Turbo, Teukka
Shortest Hurricane 
Began with CHI in 2014, traded to CAR in 2016 (along with Bickell for 2nd round pick)
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (Along with van Riemsdyk)
Has the worst sense of smell ever
I mean come on.. pumpkin? toothpaste? 
I could keep going with this I don't know what’s wrong with his nose
Most likely the messiest Hurricane 
Would dump Sebastian on the side of the road after 100km 
Gets scared REALLY easily
His sisters plays hockey over in Finland (and is pretty good at it too) 
☞ Lucas Wallmark #71
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Born: September 5, 1995 (24 years old/Virgo) from Umea, Sweden
6′0, Centre, 97th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Wally
My daddy!?
His spirit animal is… a horse? 
^ He enjoys watching horse racing
*Straight face* “Snacks!? Candy!?” 
Deal with it
Showed up to a U12 and U18 team practice to work on skills with kids 
Owns a pug named Lovis
☞ Joel Edmundson #6
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Born: June 28, 1993 (26 years old/Cancer) Brandon, Manitoba
6′4, 46th overall 2011 STL
Nicknames: Crop Top King, Eddy
Won the cup in 2019 with STL and partied in a crop top 
True Canadian, ate poutine out of the cup
Traded in September 2019 to CAR (along with Bokk for Faulk and draft pick)
Going to strengthen our PK I promise 
Finally, an enforcer 
Forgot to take his skate guards off during his CAR preseason debut in front of 18,000 people 
Is a barbie girl, living in a barbie world 
☞ Haydn Fleury #4
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Born: July 8, 1996 (23 years old/Cancer) from Carlyle, Saskatchewan 
6′3, 7th overall 2014 CAR
Nicknames: Fleurs 
Beat his little brother Cale (MTL) during his NHL debut 
Best friends with Trevor van Riemsdyk
Has the cutest dog named Kobe
Won the Calder Cup along with Nečas :)
If you want to giggle watch this 
Has the worst witch cackle you will ever hear 
Apparently the best golfer on the team
Big Duke fan
☞ Jake Gardiner #51
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Born: July 4, 1990 (29 years old/Cancer) from Minnetonka, Minnesota 
6′2, 17th overall 2008 ANA
Nicknames: Gards 
Played for the University of Wisconsin for 3 seasons 
Traded to TOR in 2011, signed as a free agent to CAR in summer 2019
Has the cutest baby 
Denied several offers from other teams mtl to play with us instead 
Hands down had the best Halloween costume two years ago
☞ Dougie Hamilton #19
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Born: June 17, 1993 (26 years old/Gemini) from Toronto, Ontario
6′6, 9th overall 2011 BOS
Nicknames: D-Ham, Doug the Thug, well his real name is Douglas so I guess Dougie is technically a nickname
Tallest Hurricane 
Both of his parents are Olympians, brother also plays professional hockey 
Started with BOS in 2012, traded to CGY in 2015, then traded to CAR in 2018 (Last remaining player from the huge Hamilton, Ferland & Fox for Lindholm and Hanifin trade)
Best friends with Andrei Svechnikov and Warren Foegele 
Porche guy 
Grew out a mullet because his hair salon couldn’t take him as a walk in
Jack Edwards complained that he was wearing a number retired from the Whalers so he taped a 6 over the 1 in 19 to make 69
Goes to children's hospitals dressed as woman characters 
Lowkey shootout king
Another Duke fan
Wears the same blazer to every road game
☞ Brett Pesce #22
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Born: November 15, 1994 (24 years old/Scorpio) from Tarrytown, New York
6′3, 66th overall 2013 CAR
Nicknames: Pesh 
“I play defense bro”
Played for the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with van Riemsdyk)
Pretty ^
Wears 22 for his dad 
He’ll break your ankles
Fortnite squad
Brought his wonderful brother on the mentors trip
Allergic to cats
☞ Jaccob Slavin (A) #74
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Born: May 1, 1994 (25 years old/Taurus) from Denver, Colorado
6′3, 120th overall 2012 CAR
Nicknames: Slav-o
The second ‘c’ stands for captain
Faith and family
Played for Colorado College for two seasons 
Adopted a beautiful baby girl with his beautiful wife
Has an instagram for his two dogs
His daddy is “Robert” 
Not afraid of snakes at all 
☞ Trevor van Riemsdyk #57
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Born: July 24, 1991 (28 years old/Leo) from Middletown, New Jersey
6′2, Undrafted 
Nicknames: TVR, Riems
Agreed to terms with CHI in 2014 
Won the cup with CHI in 2015 (along with Teräväinen)
Was picked up by the VGK in the 2017 expansion draft 
The next day traded to CAR (for 2nd round pick)
James van Riemsdyk (PHI) is his older brother 
Played with the University of New Hampshire for 3 seasons (2 of those seasons with Pesce) 
He’s too tired to be scared 
March Madness
Best friends with Haydn Fleury 
Pride representative for the team 
☞ Petr Mrázek #34
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Born: February 14, 1992 (27 years old/Aquarius) from Ostrava, Czech Republic
6′1, 141st overall 2010 DET
Nicknames: Mrazzle Dazzle, St. Petr
Moved to Ottawa at age 17 
Signed with DET in 2014
Was HUGE for them during the 2015 playoff run
Traded to PHI in Feb ‘18, signed as a free agent with CAR in July ‘18
He had custom hats made for every player on the team
Always has Peter Griffin in his helmet design 
Signature move: Poke Check  
☞ James Reimer #47
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Born: March 15, 1988 (31 years old/Pisces) from Morweena, Manitoba
6′2, 99th overall 2006 TOR
Nicknames: Optimus Reim, The Statue, Reims
Debuted with TOR in 2010, traded to SJS Feb ‘16
Signed with FLA as a free agent summer ‘16, traded to CAR summer ‘19 (for Darling and a 2020 6th round pick)
Has two kids 
Really good swimmer
You may recognize this famous goalie meme, that’s right, that's him
Optimus Reim helmet art
He looks so much like Weston from Love Island USA 
Honorable Mention
☞ Julien Gauthier #44
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I’m including him because everyone expected him to make the team as he did phenomenal in the preseason (playing all 6 games) but due to cap space (and our horrid pp units), he was sent back down.
Born: October 15, 1997 (turning 22/Libra) from Pointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec
6′4, Right Wing, 21st overall 2016 CAR
Nicknames: Goat, Gauths, Jules
Big boy
Bilingual (French/English)
Cute accent
His uncle played 554 games in the NHL (Denis Gauthier) 
Both his father and grandfather were professional bodybuilders
That explains his muscles
The best thighs in the league (not up for debate) 
Also won the Calder Cup this past season with Haydn Fleury and Martin Nečas
Head Coach
☞ Rod Brind’Amour #17
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Roderick Jean Brind’Amour
Born: August 9, 1970 (age 49 years/Leo) from Ottawa, Canada
6′1, Centre, 9th overall 1988 STL
Nicknames: Rod the Bod, RBA 
Played with Michigan State for one season
Started with STL in the playoffs of ‘88, traded to PHI in ‘91, traded to CAR in 2000
Captain of the 2006 CAR Stanley Cup winning team
Played 20 seasons, 1,484(GP) 452(G) 732(A) 1,184(P)
Became head coach for the 2018-19 season
First year as HC broke the team’s 9 year playoff drought and brought them all the way to the ECF
Is known for his extreme workouts
Still in better shape than 98% of the league
Could very well still lace up and play better than 80% of the league 
Lives rent free in W*lson’s and Reirden’s heads
Gives the best post-game speeches
President & General Manager
☞ Don Waddell
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I really just wanted an excuse to put this gif in here 
Coached the 1998 DET Stanley Cup winning team 
Named Pres. & GM of CAR in May ‘18
☞ Tom Dundon 
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Lives rent free is Habs fans minds
Estimated net worth is $1.1 billion?
Majority owner of TopGolf (55%)
Chairman of the Alliance of American Football
Purchased 52% of CAR in January 2018 for $420million
Likes to hang around team/fan events 
Stays in the same hotel as me lol
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You’re locked in a building with EXO D.O!
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(re-upload ‘Locked’, AFF, 2018)
You looked around and found the building is almost empty, only one last person beside you standing in front of a big glass door.
“The new security system seems good.” he said while you made your way towards him to look at the thing he was talking about. You’re the brand manager at one of most luxurious boutique in your city, the boutique takes place in the heart of the town and sell limited goods of luxury items. “You’re gonna stay in late?” your co-worker asked you.
You nodded, “year end report...” 
“Good luck.” he playfully jabbed your shoulders, he’s the engineer of the building who is also your friend in college, so you kind of close with him, as friends, and he already have a lovely girlfriend. “if you feel threaten remember the CCTV that works is the one in west side, also remember the blind spots.”
“You guys haven’t repaired the east wing?” you know there’s some problems with the CCTV at the east wing which is facing the storage and part of the office. your co-worker shook his head, “this boutique sell many expensive items, your team should fix it soon!” 
“I will, ma’am.” he often teasing you because you’re practically own the high position in this boutique.
You snickered before pushing him away, “go! spent this lovely Christmas eve with your girl.”
“Should I feel bad for you?” he asked.
“Yeah, you better feel bad for me because even the security decided to take leave today.” you rolled your eyes and he laughs. you stretched your arms after he left, peeking gently to the see the clock. 10.11 pm. your working hour ended 5 hours a go and you went home to take a shower, and prepared to stay at the office because you need to do your report.
This task could actually be done during the working hour if its not for the chaos happened to your department during the day. There’s a big fashion event and year end award event held in your city since three days ago, all fashionistas and celebrities need to be dressed up and the boutique where you work is one of the place who sell the bottomline of trendy yet luxurious items which makes all the stylist came and fight for a piece for their clients.
You walked around and checked every corner of the store, the window display, you nod in satisfaction for the work of your visual merchandising team. then you went to the jewellery section, admiring the new pieces of Tiffanys and Franks. you move to the shoes and bags section. silently loving the silence. 
You went to the back where there’s a small coffeeshop in the middle of beautiful indoor garden full of flowers and tropical plants, this coffeeshop is free of charge for client to wait for their shopping bags. you made yourself a cup of coffee while scanning the cool chiller which have mini cakes, scones, and pastries. This boutique is surely a wonderful place.
Suddenly you hear something rustling.
You froze on you place and sharpened your ear.
Is it a rat? no, impossible. you knew the cleaning team here is more than professional to let one little mice sneaking around the building.
You started to feel scared. is it a ghost? nah. You don’t believe in them.
“W-who’s there?” you tried to sounds fine. You hands are looking for something you can use as a weapon. “WHO”S THERE???” 
suddenly the wall storage--storage which seamless on a wall--door is open and a man came out. You gasped and he looked surprised too.
“DO NOT MOVE!!” you shouted at him. “I have a knife in my hand!” you showed him your hand.
His big round eyes turn his gaze towards your hand and looking at the knife you brought, “but that’s a plastic knife...” he said in a funny english.
“You never know what i can do with this.” you tried to sounds violent.
“Okay. i’m scared. now let me explain.” he said.
You scanned him from head to toe, and as someone who work for fashion world you know exactly what he wears. a good branded stuff... “YOU’RE A THIEF!!” 
“What??” he scrunched his eyes.
“Take off your clothes!!”
“WHAT???” he raised his voice.
“You heard me! you’re a thief! you took ‘em all from here!!”
“This??” he pointed at himself, “This is my clothes!!”
You paused. well, those clothes for sure are branded and his t-shirt was limited, but you knew it was from the last season, not the latest, your boutique doesn’t have them anymore. but still why would someone who wear such a nice clothes is sneaking around an empty store.
You suddenly ran to a corner to a button which only staff would know. A new security system that had been installed just now. you pushed it and the loud sound of machine working and clicking locking all the doors. “HA! NOW YOU’RE TRAPPED HERE, THIEF!!!”
The guy raised his eyebrows, “yeah, with you.”
oh shit.
You scoffed, trying to sounds relax, “nope, i know how to escape. i work here. so, i know.”
“No, you don’t” he chuckled.
You didn’t say anything but you still have the plastic knife in front of you, pointing at him.
“Would you let me explain now?” he asked.
You have no choice but to slightly nod.
“This might sounds crazy, but-uhm-I’m a celebrity who ran away from fans and ended up hiding behind those wall storage.” he explained.
You’re trying to look for any sane information there, “you’re a what?” you chuckles, bitterly chuckling.
“I’m not lying.”
“Pfft...hahaha...hahahaha...” you laughs, half mocking.
“Google me.”
“Hahahah... hahahaha... a celebrity who ran away from fans? if your fans is that many, why you’re walking alone?” you asked, “sir, i saw many celebrities come and go in this store, and if they’r really famous, they will walk around with a manager, one or two bodyguards... hahaha... you cannot fool me, sir.”
“Seriously, google me.”
You have no choice, you fished your cellphone from the back of your jeans and still with high caution, you open google app, “what’s your name.”
“Doh Kyungsoo.”
You lift your head to him, “huh??”
“Exo D.O” he said, “letter D, dot, letter O”
You typed EXO D.O and articles and images starts flowing in. Still very cautious, you click images and trying to match the face. the guy took off his hat and showed you his face and hair.
Okay, they looked the same. but you still need more proof. “D.O, when is your birthday?”
“January 12, 1993, come on, that’s too easy. go search D.O mole, or beauty spot. something other people can’t copy.”
You squints your eyes but searched what he asked.
“Here.” he turned a bit and pointing at some places behind his ears, “are we good now?”
You raised one of your eyebrows, “why are you here?”
“i told you i was running away from fans... okay okay, let me explain to you from the start.” he took a deep breathe, “i am D.O from EXO, i don’t know if you knew about EXO or not, but we’re kind of biggest K-pop boyband right now.”
“Really?” your voice doesn't shows that you're convinced.
He nodded, “and i came here for the award ceremony yesterday, and tomorrow we’re going back to Seoul. this afternoon i thought i’m just gonna stay at he hotel but, i suddenly feel like shop some new clothes.” he explains, “and about the manager or bodyguard, yeah, i supposedly go with them... but, my hotel is very near and i think being in disguise would be enough because you know, bodyguards draw more attention...”
You can understand what he meant, so you nodded.
“But, i met some fans outside the hotel and they recognised me. I ran and i saw this store, i know this store because it’s quite famous, so i get in, hoping the security would stop them, but i was wrong, they were able to follow me in. Then i found the storage, i get in, and stayed there.”
“Until now? i mean, how long you’ve been there??”
“I don’t know...” you saw a pink blush on his cheek, "running exhaust me... i kind of... fell asleep...”
You cursed yourself for find it adorable.
"Can you now put down the plastic weapon?" he asked, but you won't let your guard down, so you moved it down a bit but you still glaring at him. “So...” he said, “are we good now?”
You slowly nodded.
“Can you unlock the door now?” And that got you frozen, and he seems to realised that, “don’t say that...”
“W-well they just renew the security system here, and I,I,” you clear your throat, “I’m still figuring out how to-”
“Are you out of your mind??” he widens his eyes, “if i was really a thief, why would you mindlessly locking yourself with a criminal??”
You feel something strangely bubbling in your heart because he looked genuinely worried behind his high pitched voice, “I... uh...”
He shook his head in disbelief, “you’re unbelievable.”
“Don’t worry, okay, I’ll ask my engineer.” you took your cellphone and trying to call your friend. No answer. You’re looking at the small clock in the corner of your phone screen. 10.53 pm. there’s no way he’s asleep, “wait...” you texted him and waiting. “Should we, uh, call the police?”
“And tell them what?” he asked, “tell them that a celebrity is locked with you here because you think he’s a thief?”
“That’s not a good idea... let alone the fact my fans are gonna find out.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“If they knew you’re accusing me for something i didn’t do... i’m sure you’re not gonna like what they’re gonna do to you.” he sighs.
“Okay, okay, I really have no idea why your fans sounds more like an evil step mother, but okay, let’s just wait.” you sat on a chair and open your laptop, “meanwhile, i gotta work.”
he sat on the other table, looking around, “oh shit, is that a CCTV?”
you lift your head, “yeah, never saw one?”
“No, i mean, how you gonna explain this?” he pointed at himself and you.
You freeze like a deer meeting a lion. “Oh my... oh!” you suddenly shouts, “this is a secret but the CCTV in east wing is broken.”
“Broken??” he sounds about to say another ‘unbelievable’.
“Yeah, yeah, i know, but they’re gonna fix it soon.” you said, “let’s see the boon, you’re not caught locked here with me.” you fixed your eyes on the screen again while praying your friend reply the text soon.
But it was almost half an hour and your phone didn’t get any messages.
“Damn it! where is he??” you checked your phone for the third times, you pressed call again and he still didn’t pick it up for you.
“Ah.” you heard Kyungsoo whining and you saw him hold his stomach.
“You okay?”
“I’m just... hungry.”
You hold your laughter, “just take any cakes, whatever.” 
He looked around, and rose from his eat to look over the chiller, “scones... can i have one?”
You briefly nodded, “make yourself coffee or any drinks if you want.”
He was making himself busy behind the counter while you continue working, and after another hour you wrapped up one report and about to move to another report when Kyungsoo called you.
You turned your head.
“I didn’t know your name.” he said.
“Oh,” you said your name and he repeated it for you. Unknowingly you smiled.
“You want to order something ma’am?” he playfully asked you, “it’s kinda rude when you just sit in my coffeeshop, working, without ordering anything.”
And you decided to play along, you rose from your seat and went to the counter, “hmm... Can I have one...” you’re looking at the menu, “caramel macchiato.”
“We... uhm, we don’t have that at the moment.”
You raised your eyebrows, “why?”
“Because...” he clears his throat, “i can’t make that! you should be considerate to this not-so-expert barista.”
“Okay...” you put your finger on your chin, “cappuccino.”
“We... also don’t have that at the moment.”
“What?” you scoffed, “then what do you sell?”
“Iced americano.”
“I can’t drink black coffee.”
“Hmm...” he’s humming, “cafe latte?”
“Can you make that?”
“I just have to pour the milk on top of espresso, right?” he made a whispering gesture, and then he laughs, and his heart shaped lips captured your heart.
You spent the next minutes having conversation with him while he’s making the drinks. He asked you about your work, why you like fashion. You told him about the chaotic whenever there’s an award shows, or fashion shows, when all the stylist fighting for a piece of limited edition goods. And he told you about the situation in an award shows, where most celebrities are either bored or sleepy from long haul but they have to appear super fresh and happy.
“But of course not everyone is like that, some of us are actually excited to see other groups performance,” he said, “it’s rare for us.” he pour the milk after the espresso and ice, and slide it on the table for you to take.
You took it and stir it before sipping it.
“How’s it?” he sat across you on the table.
“I’ve taste worse.” you joked.
He laughs, “you remind me of my member who also can’t drink black coffee.”
“Uh, band mate, we called it member.” he said.
“So, you’re the vocalist? or?”
“No, no, i’m not in the band, it’s a boyband.” he said, “don’t tell me you never heard one.”
“Oh, i know that.” you playfully winked, “i was just joking, because you clearly told me that your band was the biggest boyband now?”
he smirks, “i’m telling you the fact.”
“So tell me about this band mate, i mean, member who can’t drink black coffee.”
“His name is Kai, he’s like a baby, but the babiest is Sehun. he’s the youngest and he really act like one.” he stirs his iced americano.
“So, it’s boyband or a daycare? why there are so many babies?”
Kyungsoo laughs, “smart!” he said while his gaze linger to study your face features.
“Tell me your band again? is it XO?”
He was a bit startled when you turned to him and caught him staring at you. “E-X-O.” he spelled it, then he pull his chair closer to you, “that one,” he pointed a picture and you click it and the bigger picture appear, “That’s Kai in the middle, and that’s Sehun, the tall one on the left side.”
“He’s so handsome.”
“Yup, he’s like the visual of the group.”
“Face of the group. the most handsome.” he explains.
“What about you?”
“Well, i’m just... the ordinary guy in the group.”
“I don’t believe you.” you search for his name again and his profile appear, “awards for movies and drama?” you read an article called ‘things that makes you in love with D.O.’. “Super talented, voice of a true singer, great dancer, really?”
“No, no, Kai and Sehun is the dancer... i’m just a vocalist.”
“Sing for me!”
Kyungsoo a little startled.
“Come on.”
“I don’t know what to sing.”
“Just whatever.”
“Oh, never gonna let you go... Giving you my heart and soul... I'll be right here with you for life... Oh, baby, all I wanna do... Is spend my every second with you... So look in my eyes... I'll be by your side... Yeah, look in my eyes... I'll be by your side... For life.” his eyes never left you, and you feel warm creeping up your face. 
You’re stunned, his voice is so good, the echo in the building seems to compliment him well, and you blame on his soft voice that made you couldn’t stop looking at his lips. “wow... wow...” you’re clapping, you suddenly feel awkward because the guy sitting next to you is now became more and more attractive. “Now dance.”
He laughs at your assertive voice, “seriously?”
You nodded.
“Okay, no.” he sips his drink. then he lift his head, “or, i could just teach you how to dance.”
“Me? no, i’m so stiff.”
“Come on, be fun!” he pointed at your laptop, “go look for our music video and you decide which one you wanna learn.”
You wanted to rejecting him but when you saw Kyungsoo in a music video you accidentally clicked, where he was rolling his body, your lips betrayed your brain, “let’s practice this.”
He peeked on the screen, “The Eve?? no, no, that’d be too... provocative.”
“Chicken out?”
Kyungsoo staring at you, “try search Love Shot.” he said.
You typed the word and watch the video, and you mentally cursing when the member you remembered as the baby who can’t drink black coffee starts dancing, “this should be illegal, no?”
“And yet you were asking for me to dance the Eve.” Kyungsoo playfully rolled his eyes.
“Hey, hey, hey, i think i have the costume!” you stood up excitedly because anything related to fashion excites you. “I’ll wear red suit like the middle dancer.”
“Yeah, okay, Kai.” you said, “and you’re gonna be you. “Green turtle-neck, black suit...” you’re now busy taking some clothes from here and there while Kyungsoo is watching you.
“You’re very passionate about your work.” he murmured, and not sure if you heard him, but he continued, “I really like to se someone got immersed by their work... and you look pretty that way.”
You had some clothes on your hand, “what did you say?”
“Huh?” he paused, “you... need help?”
“Move your hand like this,” Kyungsoo stand in front of you facing the big mirror at the fitting room aisle, “and 3... 4... move you hips like this, move it using you leg, yup, that’s right.” he’s watching you through the mirror.
“See? i’m very stiff.”
“No you don’t, the clothes hides your moves but you’re actually doing great.”
“Maybe i should take off the shirt i wear, because Kai only wear the suit.” you nonchalantly murmured.
You swore you saw a pink blushes on his face, and you want to see them more, so you mindlessly teased him, “What do you think? should i take off this shirt and wear only the suit?”
“Are you crazy? Kai’s a guy, he doesn’t have those...” he looked away.
“I’m wearing bra, for God sake, not gonna go naked in front of you, so relax!” you rolled your eyes.
Suddenly Kyungsoo turned his heel around and face you, “oh, is that so?”
You saw his gaze changed into something more... impassioned. He took just one... two... and a half steps towards you without breaking the gaze.
“You want me to help?” his voice is low, rasping but not hoarse. his hand reach a button of the suit and undo it, then it went to the button of your shirt, undoing it one by one from the upmost, “is this what you want?”
You were hypnotised, or you think you were because all you can do is just staring back at him and hold your breath.
your gaze move to his lips and when he lick his lips to moist it up, you couldn’t help yourself but licking your lips too, and the next thing you knew, you were leaning forward, asking him to kiss you. and he did.
His lips taste like marshmallow, it was soft and and pliant between yours, he caught your upper lips and suck it a little made you shivering, then he kissed you deeper, and leading you to the open mouthed kisses. Then he pulled himself away, and you grimacing the regret.
Regret that the kiss happened.
Or regret that the kiss ended?
You looked up and Kyungsoo is staring at you, then he leans down and meet your lips again, his fingers hooked under your chin just to keep you there. then he tilted his head, trying to get deeper access to your lips. you can’t help your hand from slipping on his hips, clutching it and pull him closer.
You hear a low grunts as he push you towards the wall and kiss you again, this time is more daring, because you sure you feel his tongue for the first time.
“Mhmm...” you moaned, and you feel like you have to return the favour so you nibbled his lower lips and Kyungsoo replied with a low grunt, the mixture of surprise and pleasure.
You and him were making out, and when you know it, all your shirt buttons are undone.
“Sneaky...” you whispers in his ear and you can feel he’s smirking on your neck then pull your hips closer to his, and creating this addictive friction between you and Kyungsoo down there. “Hmm... you’re hard.”
“Want to help me with that?” he whispers on your ear.
You and him knew the next thing happened is the desires take over, the hot kisses, the faint marks left on each others skin, how you impatiently undress him and how he throw the last piece of fabric on your body carelessly, it was all lust speaking.
Now you’re just a moaning mess, but you got the best view in the world, view of Kyungsoo above you, pumping you hard while biting his lips. Then he flips you, “on your four,” he said, he immediately entering you again without waiting and the pleasure of the new position brought heat pooling in your core.
“Oh shit.” you hitched.
“You close?” he asked between a harsh breathing.
“Ah, hm.” you could only replied with another moan, and another one.
He bent down just to squeeze your breasts and caught the nipples between his fingers, “wait a little longer...” he whispers and you saw his gaze right o you eyes through the mirror in front of you and you feel like cumming.
“Then stop being so sexy... or i’ll burst out in any second...” you replied and he chuckled.
“Have you ever seen yourself like this? huh?” is voice is low and husky, “you’re a damn hot mess...” he thrust you harder this time, letting you no space for breathing, just moaning.
“Ride me.” he said and after riding him and let him enjoying the view of your chest bouncing in front of his eyes, his back to the missionaries to end you both.
a long lustful moan heard from both you when you and Kyungsoo reach the peak.
You both lie down the wooden floor in the aisle of the fitting room with your head on his chest, the breathing is slower this time but the pound inside your chest is louder than ever.
“Do you listening my heart beat?” he suddenly asked.
“Uh-hmm...” you mumbled.
He chuckled then kissed the top of your head. “I really like you.”
You lift your head, “what makes you like me?”
“You didn’t treat me like a celebrity...  you don’t care if i’m well-known... i like how you’re not worshiping famous people like me.” he said, “i feel like human...”
Something sting your chest, you knew this won’t last. he belongs to the other side of the world where thousands of people loves him. And you’re just... well, you.
“Will you forget what happened here?” you asked.
He took a moment before answering, “i would never able to, even if i want it...”
This was just a one night stand, and you’re no saint for never doing it before Kyungsoo, but this guy is different, not because he’s a celebrity, but the way he speaks, the way he’s staring at you, his little jokes, his heart shaped smile, his laughter... you like them all. And you know you might like him more if only he’s not someone famous.
“Then don’t forget this... and me.” you murmured and you felt his arms hug you tighter, you look up and he’s looking at you, then your lips, and you’re anticipating another kiss when you hear your cellphone ringing.
you grabbed your shirt and wear it before running to where your cellphone is.
“Hey, sorry, i had a christmas eve party and got a bit drunk... i fell asleep and woke up just now to throw up then i saw your text,” your engineer friend called you, “you okay?”
“Yeah, I accidentally locked myself... uh can you tell me how to open the door?”
“Oh my God, how come??”
“just accidentally, you know... me being clumsy.” you add a small chuckles.
“You being clumsy is rare... but anyway, you want me to come and help you?”
“No, no, please don’t, you’re spending holiday with your girl now... you can just tell me how and i’m good.” you said. 
Now here you are, standing near the door with Kyungsoo. Fully dressed and ready to send him out.
“How about the CCTV?” Kyungsoo said because the door is in the middle between west and east wing.
“I’ll erase it later... only this part, they wouldn’t realised.” you said.
Suddenly he cups your cheek and lean down for a kiss, “make sure to erase this or we both gonna get into a trouble.” he smiles between the kisses.
“Can i use this to blackmail you?” you asked.
“Yes, please blackmail me with this video...” he whispers and kiss you for the last time. 
“Bye.” You shortly said.
“Hey, i’ll be here again in six months for a concert with EXO...” he shrugged his shoulders, “if you want to come...”
You just briefly nodded, and he turned away, “Kyungsoo...”
He quickly turned around. “Yes?”
“Merry Christmas.”
“Ah right!” he smiles, “thank you for spending Christmas with me.”
You smile, “pleasure’s mine...”
After he’s gone, you finished up your report and went to the control room to erase that one particular CCTV footage. Your fingers move above the computer mouse, cutting the video and watch it one last time, you watched how he put his palm on your cheek and leaned down.
You still feel the kiss on your lips, still feel the warm of his hand on your cheek, and now you feel the pain in your heart.
“I saw you get into your room at 3 last night.” Baekhyun sat beside Kyungsoo on the plane.
“What do you mean, hyung?” Kyungsoo asked.
The older smiles, “I really don’t want to know where were you... i’m just telling you, i saw you get into your room last night at 3 am...”
“And what were you doing in such hour?” Kyungsoo asked back.
“Me, Chen, and Chanyeol had a Christmas eve drink... the other two were wasted, they didn’t remember saw you.”
Kyungsoo didn’t say anything afterwards, just leaning his head further to teh backrest and scrolled down his phone until he found one new video in his phone.
Your video dancing Love Shot in a red suit.
Yes, he filmed you for fun that times, not knowing he’s gonna treasure the video, because it was the only footage he has about you.
six months later.
One of the biggest arena in your city filled with people queueing to get into the stadium, banner and posters about the current event is everywhere: EXO WORLD TOUR.
You got the ticket in your hand but you don’t know if you want to get in or not. watching a concert sounds great to refresh your mind, but can you control yourself if later you saw Kyungsoo on stage and realise how cool and untouchable he is for you? you gotta face another heart break.
But hey, during this six months you’re doing great, you didn’t lose focus on your work, your cool workplace keep being the best of the town, you attended some fashion event and meet another famous people. you’re doing just fine, so you let your feet step confidently inside the arena.
Fourth songs and Kyungsoo can’t keep his eyes from scanning through thousands of people in the stadium, it is hard to see with the spotlights turning towards you, but a man gotta try. 
he ran around the big stage, to the small one, run towards the end of the jetty, and when they sing a song which all members has to spread around the stage his eyes met yours and he freezes. he didn’t move until Baekhyun came to him.
“This my place to stand, go to your place!” he pushes Kyungsoo, but he didn’t budge, and then Baekhyun follows his gaze and smirks appear on his face. “oh, i got it...” he went closer to to Kyungsoo, “come to think about it, it was this city where you back at the hotel at 3 am...” then the older left Kyungsoo who still staring at you.
He smiles at you and start singing,
Oh, never gonna let you go... Giving you my heart and soul... I'll be right here with you for life... Oh, baby, all I wanna do... Is spend my every second with you... So look in my eyes... I'll be by your side... Yeah, look in my eyes... I'll be by your side... For life.
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c-sand · 5 years
You said that GOT kept pushing that Sansa could betray the Starks/Jon any minute but I wonder: did it? Or was that fandom's interpretation whenever she was in conflict b/c Sansa can do no good to them? Maisie said Arya was supposed to come off to the villain in the Winterhell plot; but fandom's love of her made them take her side. Idk it's possible they never meant for Sansa's conflicts to be judged so b&w (but they f'ed up the execution enough for fandom to have the wiggle room to blame her).
(forewarning that this answer is a hot mess express and i’m just rambling)
I think it did, yeah. Not on the show, really, but outside of it. In Show, fandom interpretation is a massive part of it, that’s for sure. But, I also think that GOT had the idea constantly pushed in cast interviews. Because, while we had people like Maisie saying such about Arya (and people subsequently not listening, because everyone loves her and Arya and haha isn’t she funny??) (she is funny, what a great gal, we stan), everyone else was constantly talking about Sansa’s tensions with This Character, That Character, That Character Over There – even when the tension barely existed or wasn’t relationship ending. Sansa’s questionable motivations.
It’s almost like people came to GOT each season waiting for “THIS season!!” or “OKAY NOW THIIIIIS season!!!” to be the one where her “real colors” were shown and she pulled off her wolf hat to reveal her flayed winged lion’s mane billowing in the breeze – and the interviews seemingly reflected that.
(Which is fair, if you don’t like Sansa and were hoping it was all going to come to light. I mean, I’ve thought Dny was a villain for seven and a half seasons and had been waiting for the day she inevitably destroyed Kings Landing, so people waiting for Sansa to drop kick Jon Snow into Sparta’s big ‘ol hole out back isn’t that much different, I guess. Apart from the fact that the main thing suggesting Sansa was going to do that was a first round draft outline that GRRM had long ago discarded.)
Before S7, they were constantly talking about how Sansa and Jon were at horrible odds and struggling with each other and how she undermines him and his authority (”undermining him” being having literally three differing opinions: we need to have some sort of standard on actual treason, you can’t immediately abandon me and our people to go to a foreign invader you don’t know who’s family has a history off killing us, and I agree The Dead is Very The Most Serious because I actually have faith in you, but I’m telling you we can’t forget the Cersei exists, because she is dangerous too). 
But, then we actually watched them and he wouldn’t tell her his plans (so obviously she’s frustrated), then they would disagree about something about the plans he didn’t tell her about and he’d tell her not to speak against him in public about things she learned on the spot…in public, and then she would extend an olive branch to mend the small tiff before it became anything more. But, the way it was spoken about before any of it aired was that it was going to be succcccch a bigger deal. Which, of course, everyone heard and latched onto, because they wanted her to turn against him and the family and the North.
When it came to the actual show, as opposed to interviews, fan interpretation is where the narrative comes in. They had the whole Arya V. Sansa plot line about how Arya thought Sansa was trying to take everything from Jon, but everything from Sansa throughout her and Jon’s entire relationship up until that point (and after) never agreed with Arya’s point of view. So, really she ended up looking like a psycho who needed to calm down and Sansa looked like a girl who was afraid that her seemingly assassin sister was literally threatening to murder her and cut her face off. Understandably afraid that her seemingly assassin sister was literally threatening to murder her and cut her face off. 
And Fandom Interpretation? Most of the GA seemed to be on Arya’s side of that messy plot line, taking it to “Sansa’s the biggest Bad Guy in Game of Thrones, Arya has nailed it!”
Which was ironic, because it was literally a moment of, “People are getting Sansa’s motivations wrong.” The letter. A double down of the fact that Sansa was a child who was being forced and manipulated into writing a letter that everyone immediately knew she was forced and manipulated to write. (Which echoes with Sansa “””agreeing with Joffrey and Cersei”””” about the fight, which had been immediately followed up with our North Star, Ned Stark, saying she didn’t betray Arya or the family, she literally had no choice but to agree) (And she didn’t even agree, she took a risk and said she couldn’t remember).
And then triple down on all of those sorts of things by her constantly having Jon’s back, even when she’s frustrated and being shut out. And her big act of betrayal also being made in with the intention of his benefit and survival.
I’ve read a lot of good meta recently about how towards the start of the show, they did intend to make her actions be looked at as b&w, because they simplified her so thoroughly into as much of a stereotype as possible, potentially not knowing how important Sansa was for the story going forward. I think it might’ve even just been, “It’s first season stuff, it’s Sansa, she’s “””not that important””” we’ll flesh it out better later,” because I think they really already get adjusting by S2. (Although I do think she’s got levels in S1, even in the simplified state). She doesn’t have all of the qualities she’s got in the books (from what I know, I’m only just reading them I haven’t even hit Sansa’s first pov yet lolol), she just sort of walks around and is physically and mentally tortured. But, still they already start adding in layers more.
I’m rambling, this isn’t coherent. But, essentially, I think in show (apart from S1, potentially) they weren’t intending for her choices and actions to be so b&w “she’s against the family!!!”, it’s just that everyone hates Sansa (grasps tightly to their S1 interpretation that she wants the fairy tale life and so she’s evil and will do anything to get it?) so that’s how they read it and her going forward, for.ev.er. And it wasn’t their goal to make her choices really come off so simple, it’s just everyone else simplified it to, “Oh she’s being docile? She loves her captors, she hates her family, she just wants to be Queen, she’ll kill Jon for it, she wants power more than anything in the world!!!” 
When it’s actually more of, Sansa wants power over self, what happens to her and her body and her name, and wants to keep all of those she loves safe and take care of the people it is their responsibility as Starks to protect. 
But, in interviews and such, they pushed the concept of the first (”Hey maybe she’s power hungry and Jon should be concerned!!!? Watch season seven, watch season eight!!! ;D !!”), because they knew people were basically placing bets on when Sansa was going to make it plain that Sansa is out for Sansa and no one else, despite the fact that that wasn’t the narrative within the actual show. 
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eleanor-devil · 5 years
The Awakening
This one-shot was a written collab between me and @mirage-05 and is part of a future long fanfic centering the Sabertooth guild.
Rin is @mirage-05‘s OC and is currently the same age as Wendy Marvell, thus making her Sabertooth’s youngest mage!
Eleanor is my OC and is about three years younger than Sting and Rogue!
This one-shot is a sequence to The Rescue Mission
Feedback is appreciated!
It was already the third day ever since the joint mission with Lion Heart had ended - not exactly well but at least they had gotten Milo back safe, although the same couldn’t be said for two of the Sabertooth members- even on the third day, Yukino wasn't showing any sign of waking up despite the healers having told the Sabertooth Master constantly that she would eventually wake up.
Sting guessed he was just a little impatience... but really he just wanted her to wake up, despite the fact that he too should be resting, he had been refusing to leave her side until that happened.
Sleep however was getting the best of him no matter how much he tried to fight it, he too was still recovering after all - from a broken leg nonetheless despite Seth Lightstone having used his...healing but extremely painful magic to restore the bones back in place.
"Sting-kun..." Lector sat up on Yukino's bed, rubbing one of his eyes, sleepy after his nap. "You should get some sleep, I can keep a watch on Yukino-kun if you want."
He hated to dump the "responsibility" of watching over their fellow guild member on Lector but he could barely keep an eye open for more than a few minutes. "Yeah... thank you Lector..." 
That said, it didn't take long for the Dragon Slayer to lean his head against the cold wall and fall asleep.
Lector waited a few minutes to make sure Sting had really fallen asleep before spreading his wings open, grabbing a blanket and putting it around his friend's shoulders the best he could.
He didn't suppose a lot of time had passed since Sting fell asleep, but the minutes seemed to drag on forever. When the news had first reached the guild that the mission the Twin Dragon Slayers and Yukino went to had gone wrong... well, the Exceed hadn't known another day in his life when he had been so scared - well other than when the previous Master of Sabertooth had attacked him. The thought of losing his best friend had been like a physical pain. Thankfully Sting was in a good shape but Yukino... Lector's weary gaze took on a sad hint as he kept looking at the white haired mage's unconscious form. Not only was he worried about the girl but also about what this was doing to the Dragon Slayer...
"C'mon Yukino-kun..." he mumbled, putting his paw on the girl's hand. "The whole guild needs you, y'know..."
Much to Lector's, actually to the entire Sabertooth Guild's concern, Sting hadn't been eating as much as he should be so that he could recover fully from the mission; he also refused to leave Yukino’s bedroom despite the healer of Lion Heart constantly nagging him about it, he really didn't care, he just wanted Yukino to wake up. 
Rogue on the other hand was asked by his Twin to take over the guild while the two of them were recovering in Shirotsume and while the Shadow Dragon Slayer didn't like the idea of leaving them behind, he was also aware that Sabertooth couldn't stay too long without the presence of a Master in it.
As about another hour passed, Lector was just sitting by Yukino's bed looking out the window to view the stars when his big ears twitched upon what looked like a soft murmur; the Exceed immediately looked at Sting but he was still sound asleep so his attention moved to the Celestial Mage and Lector was happy, very happy, when he saw not just Yukino's fingertips moving slightly but also her eyelids fluttering.
In a quick jump, he stood on his foot and moved towards the girl but before he could even say a word, Yukino abruptly sat up on the bed  - and made the Exceed roll a few feet away-, eyes fully open as she yelled "Sting-sama...!"
And with that voice, in an instant Sting's eyes shot open too, and he promptly jumped to his feet...or at least tried to, since his leg was still healing. What resulted was that he stumbled, tried to balance himself by grabbing a hold of the wall but that didn't work that well and Lector had to look away as his friend basically plopped down right onto the girl's bed. Thankfully, it was just the edge of it, so Yukino wasn't crushed by the Dragon Slayer's weight. Although...given the girl's sitting position, their faces were now extremely close to each other.
Well... Sting wasn't really known for thinking before acting, but the Exceed would cut him some slack now. 
"I-I'm sorry, I..." Sting's apology came short as the blue and brown eyes met, and slowly, gently as not to hurt her even more he took the girl's hand in his own. "Y-Yukino... you're back..."
"Sting-sama..." Yukino's eyes started to fill with tears and slowly spilled to her cheeks. She blinked a couple of times, and a soft smile came upon her features. "I-I'm so... glad... I didn't... I thought..." she couldn't complete the sentence.
And suddenly the Dragon Slayer was half sitting on the edge of the bed while his arms hugged tightly - not too tight to not hurt her though - the Celestial Mage. Yukino, at first, was surprised by this action of the young man but then wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back as tight as her body allowed her to.
"I'm so glad..." she mumbled. "You are okay Sting-sama..."
"It wasn't me who took most of the damage..." he replied as he released the girl from the hug. "You... you were asleep for three days, they... said you would heal but you just wouldn't wake up."
Lector hated to interrupt the moment between the two mages... but he did anyway. "Sting-kun actually broke his leg." He probably shouldn't have said that out loud and so soon after the girl’s awakening, actually he knew he shouldn't have, but as happy as Lector was with Yukino finally waking up, he hoped that the girl, knowing the truth of Sting's state, would knock some sense in the Guild Master that nobody else had succeeded in doing so.
"Lector...!" he heard Sting hiss.
"Your leg...?!" Yukino's reaction was as expected.
"It's nothing big," Sting said immediately - but almost defiantly -. "Seth Lightstone from Lion Heart helped... quicken the healing progress." He couldn't help the somewhat bitter tone in his voice, which made Yukino giggle slightly. 
"You sound like you would've preferred not to."
"Believe me, if you had experienced it while awake..." the Dragon Slayer shivered just as he remembered it. "...actually I really hope you won't ever get to experience it again..." and as he finished his sentence, his eyes took a serious and sad glint. "I'm sorry... we shouldn't have tried the Unison Raid..."
"Why are you saying sorry? It resulted in this, because... because I'm not strong enough..." Yukino looked down on the mattress, gripping slightly the sheets in disappointment.
Sting shook his head and placed his hand above her clenched fist, which actually made the Celestial Mage surprised and her cheeks heated up slightly, her feelings for the Dragon Slayer after all were still there and kept getting stronger.
"It's not your fault at all Yukino... Unison Raid is a very complicated technique... not even Rogue and I have mastered our own, we take a big risk whenever we do it. We shouldn't have done it, not because you aren't strong but because I put your life at risk, I should've sealed that demon myself."
Yukino's head snapped towards the blond, eyes widened. "No...! Sting-sama, you would've died!" She moved her free hand to cup the Dragon Slayer's cheek in it, taking him slightly back at how her gentle touch contrasted her fierce brown eyes. "Please... don't treat your life so lightly... you are needed, Sabertooth wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for you."
Sting felt his heart skip a beat under Yukino's touch, something about it so... reassuring and soothing, so warm that he was close to lean into it. He shut his eyes, gulping back the emotions that were threatening to come to the surface. "It wouldn't be half of what it is if we lost you..." he whispered, and squeezed her hand under his a little tighter. "I..." He didn't know if he should be saying it now, or even if he should be the one who relayed the news... but knowing how great of a bond Yukino had with her Spirits, he thought she had a right to know. "I will... forever be grateful to Draco..." 
The Celestial Mage's hand slowly dropped to the side as she processed those words. A moment passed in silence, Yukino apparently gathering all her courage as she prepared to ask what she had to although she couldn't understand why she was suddenly so afraid. "Draco... where is my key... w-what happened?"
"Unison Raid or not..." Sting started but his eyes were no longer staring at the girl in front of him. "None of us would still be here if it wasn't for Draco, he protected us from most of the damage of the explosion... the fact that I escaped with just a broken leg and you... well... with some internal damage is thanks to him, I guess he must have created some sort of barrier to do so."
Yukino felt her throat going dry, he wasn't telling her everything but the young man soon moved slightly to behind him to pick something from the small table beside the bed; she heard something clicking together, creating a soft echo and she recognized the sound immediately. Sting turned around and held out the pack of her keys but was holding especially carefully what looked like Draco's key… except... it looked now very damaged, cracked in many places; the girl felt new tears resurfacing to her eyes.
With extreme care, Yukino took the keys from Sting, and she began sobbing even harder... the key of the Dragon constellation looked so fragile, as if it would completely fall apart with the slightest touch. She remembered it like yesterday, the moment Sting-sama offered her the key, the time she made the contract with Draco… all these hadn't happened too long ago, but somehow...somehow... the Spirit was so attached to her that it almost threw away its existence. As she silently continued crying she wondered what happened to Draco... hoping against hope that he was back in the Spirit World, healing... counting days, as she surely would, until the time they were able to be reunited again. 
Sting remained silent as he watched the girl, not wanting to intervene in this moment. Finally, when the white haired girl looked up at him, her eyes were brimming red. "I'm sorry... this was a gift from you, Sting-sama..." she bit her lower lip "My bad luck just affects anything I care for…"
"Nonsense. This has nothing to do with good or bad luck, Yukino..." If anything, the shop owner had been right to classify it as a guardian key... and Sting wasn't going to complain about that. "That key protected you..us...on its own will. I'm sure Draco knew the risks.."
Just then, there was a knock on the door. A nurse popped her head in, a bright smile on her face. "Glad to see you finally awake, sweetie," she told Yukino, and then looked at Sting. "I need to check up on her, but I urge you to please contact the cafeteria so they can bring something up to you. You aren't doing yourself any good starving yourself all these days."
"Sting-sama did what?!" Yukino's voice rang, and Sting could feel himself sweating... he would have to evade her for a good time when they were finally able to go back to the guild.
A couple of days later, as well as many exams to make sure both mages were healing fine and that no more damage had been done during the explosion, both Yukino and Sting were given release from the hospital nearby Lion Heart's guild. Before they had left, the two had decided to stop by that very same guild in order to thank them for everything they had done for them and also to check if Milo was doing good considering the sealing of the demon inside him hadn't been completed.
Sting had also taken this chance to attempt to talk to Seth about Eleanor, he had refused to go into details regarding everything his fellow guildmate had gone through, as it wasn't his place to speak about it without the girl's permission, but did drop the hint that Eleanor could use her brother's support.
Now the Sabertooth Mages were on their way back to their guild - putting of course aside the fact Sting nearly had decided to go by foot instead of going by train, only to have Lector drag him inside the transportation, his leg still wasn't ready for such big lengths of walks -. During the whole trip, Yukino had held and stared longingly at Draco's key in her hand while her free hand patted softly Sting's back as he laid on her lap -like many other times before- to soothe the motion sickness.
"Finally home!" exclaimed Sting as he jumped out of the train, already seeing the guild from afar.
Yukino's eyes shone brightly longingly as she too looked up at the guild. She felt a warmth engulfing her broken heart, and despite everything a small smile lifted the corners of her lips. Home... for her, no other word could describe how her guild seemed to her for the past year and so.
"Couldn't have said it better myself," she mumbled, but didn't see how Sting's face lit up by her words.
"Do any of you need me to carry you?" Lector asked, worried.
"Nope." they both answered. The day itself was beautiful, sunny but not scalding, perfect for a walk.
And so they were in front of the guild’s doors fifteen minutes later. When they got inside though... they froze in place.
"What...?" Sting started to say, but was interrupted with a loud squeal.
"Sting-nii! Yuki-nee!" And then something or rather someone small collided into both, hugging them tight.
"Ow, ow, ow," Sting winced a little as he came to realize who had bumped into them. "Careful Rin, we're not all healed yet..."
The girl didn't move at first and the two mages could feel her light shaking, eventually the shaking came with a soft sob and the youngest mage of Sabertooth finally raised her head to reveal the big tears that filled her green eyes. "I'm... I'm s-sorry but I... I was just so worried about you two...!"
Yukino was the first to snap out of the surprise of seeing the girl like that, a soft smile spread into her features as she bent down enough to reach the girl's height and placed a hand right on her blonde hair, rubbing it softly. "It's okay Rin-chan, we are sorry to have made you worry so much."
"If only you knew what it took to keep her everyday in the guild..." Rogue's voice joined the group. "Good to see you two back though, you know it's not the same without Sting's loud and annoying voice ringing everyday in the guild hall."
A vein immediately popped into the blond's head. "What was that?!" He hadn't been home for more than a minute and his patience was already being tested...seriously?!
"Oh for god's sake, don't start fighting already!" Now it was Orga joining them, followed close by Rufus and Minerva, and before Sting and Yukino could even say anything, the Lightning God Slayer took both mages and Rin in his arms in a bone cracking hug, lifting them all from the ground. "But we're so glad that you are okay!!"
"Orga..." Sting managed to say in a tight whisper and squeezed voice "Can't... breathe...!"
"I hope that will teach you not to scare us like that."
The Master rolled his eyes at Rufus, but it would be a lie to say he wasn't smiling from ear to ear. It was indeed very good to be back to friends who received them with open arms. 
Holding Rin close for a minute more as Orga finally put them down, he frowned in confusion as he once again took in the hall's... appearance.
"What... did you guys do to the guild hall?" There were banners, balloons, any kind of party stuff one could imagine everywhere, complete with a banquet table and - god help him - a big cake. Yukino being the best cook in the guild, he shivered to imagine who got to all the trouble...okay there was also Minerva, who was a very good cook herself so maybe it was safe "I just left the guild to you for a few days..."
Rin took a step back and wiped her eyes, only partly successful to prevent the tears. Then she gave Sting and Yukino a big smile. "This is your welcome party!"
"Well... we needed to get creative to keep her here." Rogue supplied.
Sting didn't really know what to say, on a hand he was happy to see that they had gone through all the trouble of decorating the guild hall and even to just create this party in general, on the other he didn't want to know how much money was spent to do this - not that he could say much considering he spent a fortune to just have that marvelous pool in the backyard of the guild -; so the Light Dragon Slayer just sighed and smiled before ruffling the young girl's head. "Thanks for this guys."
Minerva then showed a cup with sticks inside it. "Also we are going to play this."
"Nope, no," Sting had immediately recognized what that cup was. "That game is banned!"
"We make it friendly this time so that Rin can play too."
All the while they were enjoying the meal - which was surprisingly very good, although none of the members were willing to tell who was the mastermind behind it, but Sting was sure it had been their Milady - Sting tried not to think too much about the game - he had thought that as he was the real master, his orders would be listened to every once in a while. Apparently not, and the whole guild was enjoying it way too much if he had to comment anything about it.
He actually expected the first "Master" to be the Princess or Orga - who were both known to pull off some real nasty tricks - so... it came as a surprise when it was their youngest mage instead. Rin whooped in joy as she drew the stick with the Master's crest.
"Okay..." she thought for a second, tilting her head to one side. "I order number 3 and 7 to kiss each other...on the lips" she added the last part with a devious smile.
The blond Dragon Slayer tried his best not to turn beetle red as he realized he was number seven. He dreaded to look around for whoever was number three... when his eyes fell on an extremely flustered looking Yukino.
'That little devil' Sting thought, of course she would know which number was his, how did she know though he had no idea. 
"Come on you two, if you don't do it we'll have Orga force you to." Rufus teased with a grin and he looked unbothered by the glare Sting shot him.
"No! Nobody is going to force anyone to do anything!" The Master said as he walked to the flustered girl, he sweated a little as a small light pink blush made its way to his cheeks again. "Sorry that you keep getting dragged into this stuff, Yukino."
The girl continued blushing but shook her head. "I-Its alright, S-Sting-sama... b-but I guess we sh-" before she could even finish, Sting's - extremely soft she must add- lips were on hers, it was a delicate and gentle kiss nothing too forceful and as short as it was, Yukino was still able to taste the Light Dragon Slayer's lips... and his breath was a mix of mint and the booze he had been drinking earlier.
It was almost enchanting.
When Sting released the girl's mouth from his own, he opened his blue eyes only to find Yukino completely unresponsive, blushing hard and eyes spinning.
"O-oi Yukino??" He shook gently the girl but only got a not understandable mumble from her.
"Wow are you that much of a bad kisser?" he was so close to kill Rufus for that one.
"No, of course I'm not!" the blond said indignantly, though he obviously couldn't tell. It was the streak in him that wouldn't accept that he was bad in anything. Their friends all burst into laughing.
"Why are you even watching this?" Sting rounded on the culprit behind this little show, who was also giggling. "You're a minor, act like one!"
"Awww, but you were so cute!"  the girl cooed dreamily, clasping her hands in front of her. The blond could swear that the brat was very much enjoying it. Some innocent game this was turning to be...
 "Okay, so who's the next Master?" Minerva said, gathering the sticks from everyone, putting them in the box and giving it a shake.
The - awful, in Sting's opinion - game continued for large hours, with dares, that although weren't that extreme as the last time they had played it, were still a little... weird and awkward sometimes; they even had moved the game to the pool area so that some dares could be done in the water. Minerva swore it was the last round of the game, although she was already a little drunk, much to Sting's relief, as he was getting tired of the game.
They all took their sticks and Eleanor raised her own in victory in the air. "I am the Master!" Then she looked around and before making the dare, she bent down to Rin's height and whispered in her ear - blatantly ignoring Sting's protest on how that was against the game's rules - "Are you number 5?" to which the girl shook her head before whispering in the other girl's ear who it was - somehow she always managed to know and nobody could understand how -. 
"Alright!" The new "Master" had this smirk on her lips that already made Sting sweat, Eleanor and Rin could be terrible when put together... "Number 5... I dare you to drink a whole bottle of booze!"
"M-me?!" The gasp came from none other than their Celestial Mage. "But I don't drink..."
"Oh, you will for this game." Eleanor said serenely, with a smile that no one really trusted. "And it's our last bottle, it would be a shame if we throw all that money to the trash."
"Guys..." Sting was doing his best not to face-wall by this moment. He closed his eyes in a bid of patience before letting his breath out. "We just got out of the hospital, remember? Why don't you cut us some slack?"
"Did your doctors specifically banned alcohol? Because you've been drinking too."
"Well no, but-"
"Alright then." Eleanor shoved the bottle to Yukino. "Master's orders."
And that was how Sting found himself accompanying Yukino back to her house half an hour later. Not that he hadn't done it before but...
"That was fun fun fun!" the white haired mage said with a giggle and a big blush spread across her cheeks. "We should play this game more often!"
Hell no if I'm gonna help it, Sting thought grumpily. No, scratch that. He wasn't even sure if he trusted his fellow guild mates in throwing a decent party next time either.
His thoughts were suddenly cut when the girl next to him threw her arms around his neck and pretty much put nearly all of her weight into him, Sting had to sustain himself to a nearby bench with one arm and the other around Yukino so that none of them would fall straight on the floor, his still healing leg made him wince in pain but he tried not to show it in his expression.
"Yukino, what are you doing?"
"Eh??" The Master had his eyes widened.
 "Yukino wants to kiss the Master again!" She had such a cute and adorable look on her face accompanied by the blush on her cheeks. "Yukino wants to please the Master!" 
Sting didn't really understand why she was suddenly talking about herself in third person, his only conclusion was that it was the booze's effect. "No, what you need is to rest." He definitely wasn't going to take advantage of her.
Then Yukino pouted and she removed her arms from around the young man. "Yukino's kiss was bad wasn't it?"
The direction this conversation was taking had become all too awkward all of a sudden, more than what Sting would've liked. Damn, the whole guild - Eleanor and Rin especially - owed him big time for putting him through this... "Look, this is not about the... kiss at all..." He couldn't explain why he was suddenly feeling hot in his ears or had trouble putting the words out there. "You're not yourself, I'm not gonna let you do something that you'll regret-"
"Knew it," the girl said in a broken, shaky tone, and tears started filling her eyes. The blond right out panicked when he saw those tears, not knowing what to do. "Yukino can't ever... please the Master, can she...?" Then, without any warning, she started to take off her blouse.
"H-hey Yukino, what-"
"If that's the case, Yukino shall remove her guild mark. Yukino doesn't deserve to be a Sabertooth Mage."
"No!" the answer from the Master was almost immediate as he quickly grabbed the girl's wrists to stop her from continuing to take off the piece of cloth. "You are not going to do such a thing, you are a Sabertooth Mage and more than anyone you deserve it, understand?" Maybe he sounded a little too harsh but he wanted to make his point through Yukino, Sting didn't like this subject and he knew Yukino didn't either, clearly it's one that the girl would only touch when she wasn't in her normal state like now.
"Sting-sama..." the girl murmured still blushing, but now from both the alcoholic drink and the man's words.
"No one is going to take off that mark from you as long as I live." It actually had been Sting himself who had proposed to put the new mark on the girl's skin, as some sort of...repay for what Jiemma had forced Yukino to do upon her banishment, and he had been surprised when Yukino told him that she wanted the insignia on the same place the old one used to be - however this time in white instead of blue - and though he had done it without complaints, he always wondered why she didn't want somewhere else to indicate the new start.
Before things got more awkward, Sting sighed and flipped the girl on his shoulder so that she wouldn't go and run off somewhere else where he would have to chase her, his leg was screaming a little in pain but he choose to ignore it. Getting Yukino home became more important.
Floating not too far away from them, Lector wouldn't stop laughing at what he had seen.
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Misfits Digimon AU!
No one asked.
I did this with the Creatures and the Derp Crew way way back so why not? I had images for those, so I might do some here but not now.
Partner: Falcomon Digivolution line: Puwamon-Pinamon-Falcomon-Peckmon-Crowmon-Ravemon-Ravemon Burst Mode Crest/Digi-Egg: Reliability
Matt met his perfect partner when a large black egg came out of his computer one late night. He had been editing the podcast, half asleep, and only really realized something was going on when the screen froze and turned whiter than an angel’s wings. The egg formed and appeared on his lap with a small device. He hadn’t been high or drunk, and was almost positive he was dreaming. It wasn’t until all the other guys, and some others online, had eggs, too. He made a joke about turning it into breakfast. “Think we can turn it into breakfast? How do you like your eggs, guys?” “I am not food!” A tiny voice had stated loudly. Angry little eyes on a brown tuft of fur glared up at Matt, then softened with joy. “I’m Puwamon, your partner!”
As Puwamon grew to Pinamon and then Falcomon, Matt learned to care for and love the creature. It wasn’t until Falcomon turned into Peckmon to save Matt that he realized just how much he cared for the ninja bird. Their bond only strengthened as they grew together.
Partner: Gatomon Digivolution line: SnowBotamon-Nyaromon-Salamon-Gatomon-Angewomon-Ophanimon/Mastemon (w/ BlackGatomon) Crest/Digi-Egg: Light
Jay’s partner transcended the regular Rookie stage, going to full Champion. Jay and Mason were the only two to have permanent Champion-level partners. They’re also the only two with partners that DNA digivolve to Mega level together. Jay fell in love with SnowBotamon from the start, especially knowing his best friend had the same Digimon. She only got cuter as she grew, eventually branching off from her sister and becoming a white angel. She and Jay sing together all the time. Like Jay and Mason, Gatomon and BlackGatomon tend to encourage each others’ antics.
Partner: BlackGatomon Digivolution line: SnowBotamon-Nyaromon-Salamon-BlackGatomon-LadyDevimon-Minervamon/Mastemon (w/ Gatomon) Crest/Digi-Egg: Hope
It’s no surprise that Jay’s partner and crest match perfectly, and they match him, but Mason didn’t think his matched at all. He had a black cat that turned into a lady demon, and his crest was Hope. How had he managed that? He wasn’t ever hopeful of shit. Okay, he was, secretly. The little black and purple creature was hopeful, too, but never showed it. They complimented each other perfectly, as they did with Jay and Gatomon. BlackGatomon was the brains to Mason’s brawn, helping him keep a level head and not run head first, stupidly, into danger, like he so often wanted to.
Partner: Lalamon Digivolution line: Nyokimon-Budmon-Lalamon-Sunflowmon-Lilamon-Rosemon-Rosemon Burst Mode Crest/Digi-Egg: Love “Fuck yeah! I get a sexy woman as my partner!” That’s the first thing Toby said as he faced almost certain death in a big fight. Lilamon rivaled LadyDevimon and Angewomon, but Rosemon’s appearance was Toby’s proudest moment. “I’m a proud mother.” He had commented after the fight was over. He and Lalamon are always out shopping together. He often gets her matching accessories. The two are always looking after the others, too.
Partner: Renamon Digivolution line: Relemon-Viximon-Renamon-Kyubimon-Taomon-Sakuyamon-Kuzuhamon Crest/Digi-Egg: Courage
Cam’s perfect partner was a fox, but one that was even taller than him. A small furball grew into a towering beast that he loved more than anything. He enjoyed when she moved to all fours in her Champrion form. He was taller than her again, but her ultimate form and mega form towered over him again. Her “extra-mile” evolution, Kuzuhamon, scared him at first. Had he been too prideful in her and made her dark digivolve? She had become almost scary with her dark color scheme, but she assured him that she could only achieve this form with his help. It was the best form she could turn into, and very few of her kind did.
Partner: Kotemon Digivolution line: MetalKoromon-Kapurimon-Kotemon-Gladimon-Knightmon-Crusadermon Crest/Digi-Egg: Friendship
As the only member of the group to not have a partner with an “extra-step” in their evolution line, he was lucky enough to get a borderline God as his partner. Despite his pink coloring, Crusadermon identifies as a male that gives no fucks. “I am pink because it’s a cool color.” He always says when Toby asks and when Mason makes fun of him. He shuts shit down like Negan would, proving to Swagger that he is his perfect partner, through and through. It was cool to have a tiny little guy with a mask hiding his face and a stick to fight with. It was cooler to have a little fat knight, and even cooler still to have a bigger knight. Yet, Crusadermon took the cake in all his pink glory. It was like his childhood fantasy coming true.
Partner: FanBeemon Digivolution line: Pupumon-Puroromon-FanBeemon-Waspmon-CannonBeemon-TigerVespamon-Grademon Crest/Digi-Egg: Sincerity
Obviously, Bianca was gifted with a Bee Digimon as her perfect partner. FanBeemon was adorable, but definitely bigger than the average human bee. She and Bee quickly became best friends and did everything together. FanBeemon formed a crush on Kotemon, sometimes getting into trouble just so he could save her. She enjoyed becoming Grademon just to prove she was better than he was, though.
Partner: Palmon Digivolution line: Nyokimon-Tanemon-Palmon-Togemon-Lillymon-BanchoLillymon-Rafflesimon Crest/Digi-Egg: Knowledge
Palmon and Lalamon were as good of friends as their human partners were. Palmon, however, had quickly formed a crush on Falcomon. Unlike her other friend, FanBeemon, she didn’t try and get into dumb situations to be saved. She admired from afar, but proved her own strength, too. She once saved Falcomon and Matt, but they, too, had once saved them. Palmon would never forget the moment Crowmon had swooped in and saved her, as Matt leaped off of his back to catch a falling Brodie. Lillymon and Lilamon were close in design, but BanchoLillymon was “epic,” according to Toby. She was a gothic beauty that became even more gorgeous when she took the extra step to becoming Rafflesimon. Much like her other female counterparts, all the boy Digimon swooned over her. Except the one she wanted most.
Partner: Vorvomon Digivolution line: Mokumon-DemiMeramon-Vorvomon-Lavorvomon-Lavogaritamon-Volcanicdramon-AncientVolcanomon Crest/Digi-Egg: Vanity
What’s better than a goddess for a partner? A dragon that is made of lava and smoke. Vorvomon is adorable and fierce, and a little vain. He often steals John’s rings because they are “shiny” and he likes them. The two also have contests to see who can blow more smoke. John’s vape tricks amaze the small dragon, but in his final form of Volcanidramon, he out smokes anyone. He’s proud of this fact, too.
Partner: Gomamon Digivolution line: Pichimon-Bukamon-Gomamon-Ikkakumon-Zudomon-Vikemon-Plesiomon Crest/Digi-Egg: Desire
What’s more Canadian than a seal? One that turns into both a Viking beast and a mythological Cryptid dinosaur. Jaren refers to Gomamon as “Bappo” from time to time, for no other reason than to piss the little guy off. Gomamon hates the nickname, but he loves his partner too much to truly be mad. He’ll never admit it, but after a while, he gets used to it. The two are a perfect pair, and match John and Vorvomon. Vorvomon is a fire monster, while Gomamon loves the water. They’re perfect best friends.
Partner: Patamon Digivolution line: Poyomon-Tokomon-Patamon-Angemon-MagnaAngemon-Seraphimon-ShadowSeraphimon Crest/Digiegg: Kindness
Okay, so you’d think the kind of Raccoons would get a Raccoon as a partner. Sadly, none exist, so he is stuck with an orange hamster with wings. Patamon turns into an angel, and by his “extra step,” is dark and beautiful. Ezra jokes he made him this way with his dark humor, but the idea of the angel of kindness and hope forming into a shadowy fallen angel terrified him at first. It made up for not being a Raccoon and for being a literal religious being. Ezra wouldn’t admit it, but Angemon had better hair than he did.
Partner: Bearmon Digivolution line: Punimon-Tsunomon-Bearmon-Grizzlymon-Pandamon-BanchoLeomon-Callismon Crest/Digi-Egg: Guts
Nelson was surprised to get a partner at all. But Bearmon, with his cute little snapback, was perfect. He couldn’t be happier to have him. How the little bear turned into a grizzly, then a panda, than a goddamn lion in a suit, and then to a bigger grizzly bear with guns for hands, he didn’t know, nor care. He loved his little buddy more than anything.
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jasntodds · 6 years
Saving Grace [p.p]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: Basically some fluff?
Request: @steveisacupcake : I absolutely loooved "are you jealous?" <3 Also I thought about another one with Peter and reader who has powers and saves him in the battle with Thanos in NYC. Also Peter doesnt know about her powers until that moment. :3
Summary: You’ve managed to keep your powers a secret from Peter until he really needs your help
A/N: This isn’t really canon to IW so it’s spoiler free. How many times will I use that gif? Only time will tell.
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You’d known Peter for over a year now and the two of you had actually grown pretty close. You told each other nearly everything, nearly. You knew he was Spider-Man but that was mostly because he’s not subtle, especially around his friends. But, you did know almost everything else because Peter just shared his life with you and you did him. He knew you inside out beside one major detail. He didn’t know you could manipulate the weather.
It’s something you’ve always been able to do. It wasn’t always easy of course. It took you years to gain even a little bit of control and you’re still struggling sometimes but it’s getting better. That’s part of why you’ve kept it a secret. Although, one major person knows. Tony Stark. Of course he knows. He caught you once, trying to figure out lightning. You were way outside of the city but of course, Tony Stark had to find out what was going on. He's since took you under his wing, said it would be called the Stark Internship.
That's how it all started and how you met Peter. He told you he believed you when you said this Stark Internship was real and you were actually interning under Tony in the lab. You were like him, an engineer, innovator. That’s all it was. And you believed Peter when he said his internship was grunt work to help get into MIT.
Peter had no idea what you could do. At least, you didn’t think he knew. He didn’t know for sure. His spidey senses said there was more but he never pushed but now he wished he would have because now you’re on a different planet with him. If you were just to work in the lab with Tony, you shouldn’t be on this planet and he has no idea what you’re doing here.
“And what do you do?” Quill asks, looking to you as you stood in a circle.
You looked to Peter and back to Quill. “I’ll cover Peter.” You offer, avoiding the question.
“That’s great. Really, awesome but you know what would really be great? Knowing what you can do s-”
“They’re fine.” Tony cuts him off. “Watch out for Parker and help where you can.” Tony nods to you.
“Got it.” You nod with a smile and look to Peter. “Be careful.”
“You should be careful.” Peter says softly, his brows furrowed with worry.
“I got it.” You smirk and look back to the group.
“Well, we should probably move. He’ll be coming.” Quill says and the all of you disperse to different areas in preparation.
“W-what can you do?” Peter asks as you two walk side by side.
“Guess you’ll find out.” You chuckle.
“Come on.” He nudges you with his shoulder.
“Maybe I can’t do anything and I just exist to use my own suit to save your reckless ass.” You smirk and just as you do so, Thanos comes out of nowhere, closer to where Quill stood. “Showtime.” You say as Peter’s mask starts to cover his face.
“Be careful.” Peter says and his voice is already etched in worry as he starts to move according to Quill’s plan.
You stand your position and watch as Peter makes his way over ready to swing in at the right time. Everything came down to timing and it really was lucky that you ran into Quill and the other Guardians since they knew about Thanos, more than any of you did. Quill’s plan was your only hope of not only defeating him but making it out with as few of casualties as possible.
Peter swings in, kicking Thanos in the face just as Thanos pushed Quill away, tossing him a few yards away and you knew Peter would need backup. You moved quickly to get closer, making sure to never let your eyes leave the sight. Just as Thanos grabbed Peter’s neck and was ready to slam him into the ground, you were right behind him, your hands up and coming down in a swift movement. Lightning struck the titan and he grunted in pain, releasing Peter.
“Yeah? Some big guy picking on a spider? Come fight someone with a bit more under their sleeve!” You taunt, having more lightning strike down to Thanos as he started to come towards you.
You backed up, pulling lightning as fast as you could but it wasn’t slowing him down. He was quicker than you, very quick but, he wasn’t quicker than Queens’ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Just as Thanos was about to grab you, Peter swung in front of you and grabbed you, your arms wrapping him in a quick movement.
“Gotcha.” Peter says as you’re moved further away from Thanos. Tony and Strange now taking over. “You okay?” Peter asks once the two of you have your feet planted.
“Fine.” You shake your head. “You? He got you into the ground pretty good.” Your hands are on his arms, the iron spider-suit cold beneath your touch.
“Yeah, yeah fine thanks to you. You saved me.” Peter says in a quick breath. “Uh...you-you can control the weather?”
“Yeah, that’s the thing I can do. More than an engineer.” You smirk. “Looks like they need help, ready?” You look to Tony and Strange who were now being joined by Mantis, Quill, and Drax.
“Ready.” Peter says with a nod.
You give Peter a quick hug before he could swing back into action. “I got your back. Be careful.”
Tag list: @thumper-darling @saltymermaid @spiderlingss @negative-love @tmrhollandkay @carrotsunshine @hasozterfield @pickachurose @pookiepookie8 @catnolannn @finn-the-pigeon @findawaytoglow @somebodyoncetoldmeimsad @brookssbabe @mysteriouslyluckymoon @angie1djonasgg @hopelessdestielromantic @zenzedana @mikalaka @blackberryporcupine @deanslittlebitch @jxvnv @omgitspopcorn @shelteredheart @robin-writes @50shadesoflaurmani @lisamnieto @prettylittlebrownskingyal @princess-shurii @writingforbucky @dangerousluv1 @chayceschultz @bellagrayson-wayne @satan-chicken @mysticsthinking @aussie-holland @wtfholland @distressedhollandfield @twd1dsnfreak @chingonaconcha @tiny-friggin-human @batfam04 @spiderboytotherescue @loserparker @miajane601 @cancerous-lizard666  @shawnsassymendes @tomhollvnds @acciorinn @yeahbutmarvel @shuris-sneakers @draqcnheartstrinq @bpdsx @avengersgirllorianna @soccer-mom-karen @and-everythings-not-lost @spidermanswifi @tomsfireheart @a-rose-writes @notthepersonyouwerelookingfor @tomsbabyquackson @spidey-pal @postapocalyptic14 @im-finallly-clean @starlightfound @707-deserves-better @maddie-leighhh @peters-vlogs @wolfie-doggo @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire @the-crime-fighting-spider @hellowmywonderfulwildflowers @random-ass-user @cherrysoul @marvel22girl @ditchthesticks @lilackimmi @coach-mccall @gangnaengie @coolranchqueen @mimiloh @psychael @amberthefiredemon @randomfandomsshallwe @lionheo04 @lovelynerdytraveler @taliaa-gracee @filmbypeterparker @sigh-stars @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy @lizm-05 @softboyhollands @laucontrerasv @shuriismyqueen @necromancer-inwell @fairydustparker @dharma-babe @internetnetnet @minibog @ohdamnerons @spidey-shit @iwatchedastimeranout @justarandomfangril @rosecoloredshawn @foreverbeingthunderbuddy @spider-bih @frostymoon11 @growingthornz @therealme13posts @purepeterparker @starlightfound @mellowmew20 @sharkyholland @hollandharrison @spiderlingsblog @weird-book-lover1 @carmen62102 @trashqueenbitch @xoxoholland @irelandlover21 @starfleetavenger @kathpride18 @escapetheshackles @solarspidey @festivespiderboi @fellownarnian @festivespiderboi @flirtygerty @itsybitsypetey @your-ordinary-girl @notthepersonyouwerelookingfor @theshortegg @mysteriouslyluckymoon @spider-mendes @vampires0 @fame-works-quicker @stephie-senpai @timelords13 @robin-writes @amberthefiredemon @spidey-pal @lilackimmi @leni-lion-luke-larb-logic @periwinklechild @moonlightandgalaxies @cjnotthedj @t-hollandd @hollandsthirl @parkerstcr @hisfreckleshaveconstellations @meetmysecretstars @trashqueenbitch @movinoutxx @justtheusualfangirl @spiderlingsblog @ssahailie @hyperative2411 @writings-and-stuff @homeytherandomperson @buckyboy-soldier @underoosstark @sskidizzle @shawn-darling @liberty01 @ba-nds @magical-fandoms @greedysiren @theridersonthestorm @peachesnmei @angelfiregaming   
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Ep 13: The End is the Beginning - Reactions
Here it is, the final ep. And I am all of the emotions...
Final ep. Let’s see if it can dig itself out of the hole. I am not holding my breath
By the way, is Altea secretly the same planet as Earth in the Dragon Ball Z series? Because there’s all these convenient wide open spaces for people to have epic destructive fights without murdering everyone in the world. The non-descript wilderness even LOOKS the same
The sword flies. Of course it does
Where is she even going with that portal?? I thought she’d destroyed every reality but one? Also AGAIN with the ‘willpower through this guys!’ UUUUUUGH
Oh my god NOW what.
Are they dealing with string theory now? Oh. No it’s just more crazy abstract concepts again
So they’re...outside the universe...s??? I think in string theory that technically means they’re in the 10th dimension. Also I’m pretty sure they should be insane if that’s the case. Human minds should not be able to process this. Otherwise I think technically they’re gods now? Existing outside realities, ability to destroy time and space on a whim? Definitely gods now. I would love to see this particular plot point play out but I am 100% sure the show will either ignore it or screw the pooch if they try to deal with it, so my only hope is fanfic
Honerva no! You’re destroying all the concept art that never got used!
What the...you know what. Every time I think this can’t get stupider, I’m proved wrong. A) Why the hell do they suddenly have super wings? B) Those things are ugly as FUCK C) How impossibly massive are they? They dwarf Voltras which dwarfs Atlas which dwarfed the lions which dwarfed humans. Those things have to be the size of a small country. Are you kidding me?
“Humans were flawed too” HOSHIT UNDERSTATEMENT THERE EH?
Okay, this is getting a bit preachy. A lot preachy. “Our differences make us stronger” sure but I’m pretty sure that’s not how alternate realities work. The whole point with an alternate reality is you’re not supposed to interact with it, so not sure how it technically makes you stronger. A great message, doesn’t actually relate to the situation at hand, guys
Okay I am getting a little choked up now. Allura saying goodbye is incredibly heartfelt, and the moments she has with each of the paladins is beautiful. Props to you there, show. Props. You did this part hella good.
Lotor what the hell are you doing there you ain’t no paladin! Get out! He doesn’t even go here!
So...they made Altean Lance a thing…? W h y . . . ? W h a t . . . ?
Big Bang part 2: electric boogaloo
How...did Allura do that? Whatever, fuck it, I don’t care anymore. She and Honerva are goddesses of creation now tho, that’s the truth and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise
Is Keith Galra Emperor now? Can he be the emperor now? I mean, he’s addressing them like he is. Make him emperor guys. This will end well
Is Hunk a cook ambassador? And he’s working with Shay? And Shiro? That’s perfect. What a good boy.
Aww man no emperor Keith? DANGIT *flips table*
Okay so I was loving the “where are they now” segment and then...just...Shiro OMFG. Where the HELL did THAT come from?? You married your bridge bunny? You scallywag!
Once again, props to the Voltron crew for actually including that moment for Shiro. That’s super sweet. I mean, we have NO IDEA who this guy is other than he was on the bridge, but what the hell. It’s sweet. All kinds of stupid. But sweet.
Oh FUCK YOU with that last shot. I was okay until then, and then the fucking outline of Allura and the lions going to her and FUCK YOU SHOW WAY TO DIG THE KNIFE IN ONE LAST TIME
Okay, so. Final episode. Series finale. It definitely was stupid. The whole finale was pretty goddamn stupid and made no sense and I’m hella angry about pretty much the whole friggin climax. But the last bits were good. They gave closure, gave us a chance to say goodbye to these characters that we’ve grown attached to, gave us a chance to see that they’d achieved happiness. That’s super sweet and cathartic and all very good things.
But the ending was also REALLY. REALLY. FUCKING. STUPID. Like. Really, horribly stupid. I am super glad it’s over and that the last say 5-10 min of the series were good, that’ll be the main thing I remember which is great, but my GOD that was stupid. Seriously. Frustratingly stupid.
Christ. I need to go through these notes again and try to organize them. Overall not a great season to finish off the show, but at least it’s over. Now we can start applying fanfic to fix all the goddamn awful stupid that happened.
I still say Allura and Honerva are goddesses now. Fight me.
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inkerii · 6 years
So I actually liked vld season 7
Some of it anyway. I still have some beef with it. Normally I don’t really post my thoughts but I wanna get it out of my chest c: gonna stick just to the Good Things on this post since it got out of hand!
Warning: LONG POST and since I’m on mobile idk how to put it under a read more!
*** [Good Things]
So many good things honestly.
• FIRST OF ALL: THE MUSIC! THE ANIMATION! THE BACKGROUNDS! THE CHOREOGRAPHY!! More than any plot these workers deserve so much credit <333
• Everything about episode 1. From learning of the beginning of Keith’s and Shiro’s friendship to the shenanigans with the yelmore. As a med student though, I wish they would explain a bit more about this mysterious disease he had and why is it apparently “gone” now.
• Cosmo. Everything about this space pupper. I love that he’s being included far more than the other pets because it was always pretty clear to me he’s very protective of keith and doesn’t appear to like leaving his owner’s side. ALSO I LOVE HOW BIG HE IS. HE’S BIGGER THAN PIDGE IN SOME SHOTS.
• I’m digging the Generals’ new outfits. Noice.
• LANCE DEFENDING PIDGE. Yes yes yes. I love how much he cares for her. I really wish she had become his love interest instead of Allura. Still! They had quite a few sweet moments c:
• Space mice are back to helping the team too heck yes
• “The Feud” is both kinda endearing but also my least favorite episode of the series. Since this part is about the good things: Everything about Lotor. Zarkon calling Lotor names. It was so DOTU I loved it so much
• THE DRUID IS BACK!! I loved that the druid was back. I really really wish they had expanded on WHY the druids are like that and HOW do they get their powers. They appear Galra. Are they a breed Haggar experimented on? They seem to almost idolize her. Gimme more info on the quiznaking Druids season 8 plEASE
• KEITHS WEIRD QUINTESSENCE POWERS VOLTRON PLEASE -PLEASE- EXPLAIN - as a side note I 110% believe the purple quintessence coming from Keith’s hands in when he unlocks Black’s wings in season 6 is that very power of his, not Shiro’s spirit or whatever
• Keith’s and Krolia’s goodbye. It was so emotional. I love that Keith has the maturity to understand that she has to leave- not because of a “mission” but because so many Blades she was shown to CARE FOR were gone. For all the “greater good” the Blades were about, they did seem to care. I love how gentle Krolia was with Kolivan too. I wonder if Kolivan is the Shiro to Krolia’s Keith.
• I originally had mixed feelings about the Floating In Space episode because both Keith and Allura felt OOC at first. But y'know what? I’ve come to like it. Keith had been acting like the Perfect Leader™ since he came back, as if his issues had all faded away when he and Black really became a team. But truth is, they weren’t. Keith was responsible for his team now, and they were floating in space, nearly dying, and the paladins were talking about QUITTING. Keith didn’t do his job well enough. Keith failed, failed them and FAILED as a leader, or so he felt: he let them down JUST LIKE IN SEASON 4 and now they’d all die. He was tired and not thinking properly so OF COURSE his basic instinct flared up: “leave them so they wont kick me out first”. As someone who likes the idea of keith and allura together, I really didn’t get Keith’s sudden outburst against Alfor, but… He might have done it to push Allura’s buttons. He KNOWS her, he KNOWS she’s the one who would argue the most (like in s4), so he instinctively tries to get her off him already- and because he knows her so well he goes for something that he knows is a low blow. Thing is, that made Allura’s own hurt feelings flare up (and the rest of the team’s). Allura might have understood where he was coming from in s4, but she was clearly sad that he still chose the Marmora over them. Even if she GETS it, it still HURTS. The whole team HURT. And now Keith was trying to push them away AGAIN. They were PISSED. They had trusted him 100% even though he abandoned them and now he was leaving again?!
BUT THEN!! DEVELOPMENT!! This time team Voltron WILL NOT let Keith go. Will NOT kick him out no matter how hard Keith tries to make them do it (thanks Hunk!!). And that helps Keith to FINALLY admit how much he cares and allows him to put them right up there with Shiro and Krolia when it comes to people HE wont give up on, people he now KNOWS wont give up on him. He may have called them “friends” but.. Keith isn’t that good with expressing how much he cares. He’s always a little hesitant when it comes to sharing his feelings (you’re LIKE a brother to me vs you’re MY BROTHER). He does mean family. He’s just being Keith :)
• I actually genuinely liked the Earth two-parter. I never thought Sam could carry an episode like that but damn. U go babe. I loved Colleen too. AND VERONICA YEA GIRL
• Kincaid and Griffin OWN MY HEART I SWEAR-
• Bless non-evil-Galra-Prince AJ LoCascio. Even though I got whiplash in some scenes like “wait he sounds like Lotor wtq” most of the times I didn’t even notice. So glad they decided to keep him around! He has a superb voice.
• Katie reuniting with her family!! LANCE reuniting with his family!! “uncle lance” yes pls ;w;
• Hunk’s flashbacks ;-; I feel so bad for the baby I’m so glad his family is safe now. I loved seeing how cooking isn’t really just for food when it comes to Hunk, I love that his mom and aunt (i’m assuming??) actually let us viewers understand that every time hunk cooks he’s more interested in sharing company and spending time together. Just. Yes <3
• Iverson apologizing to Keith + petting Cosmo heck yea. Griffin and Keith ignoring their differences, nice.
• KEITH COMFORTING HUNK. He might not be as comfortable saying emotional words like “love” or “family” to the team as he is around Shiro and Krolia (understandably), but you can see he cares just as much. Also YES let him be hugged more. He clearly loves it.
• All those conformations of paladins!! Keith/Pidge/Allura -> Pidge and Keith. Yes!! Keith and Hunk! Lance and Hunk!! A+ hell yea
• All the shoutouts to previous seasons!! The reflective shields from S6ep1. Keith understanding sign language this time!! Pidge distracting the guards by being silly (but in a very Pidge way) while Keith goes around like in season 1!!!
• Really nice touch of having Allura give up the crystal in her tiara to save Shiro. Their friendship is so precious <3 Also bonus points since this was likely what allowed Shiro to sense Atlas’ quintessence- the new arm still DOES have a connection to his brain so, like, so does the crystal :’D
• Speaking of Atlas, I’m neutral on it? So long as it doesn’t keep showing up as a robot I’m good. I just don’t get why it gets defense upgrade when it turns into a robot? Regardless though, it seems wayyy too big and clumsy. So hopefully it’ll remain just a ship in most eps.
• I did love the smaller earth fighters tho! Blonde + Freckles Whose Name I Can’t Spell Sorry grew on me. Also, ships’ designs are awesome. Honestly so long as Earth Team doesn’t end up in the LIONS I’d be happy. I feel like they might though. Oh well.
• LANCE. JUST HOW MUCH LANCE MATURED. THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT THIS SEASON. He barely joked around this time!! He really showed how he supports the team. I LOVE to see Keith depending on and trusting Lance to be his second in command. THAT’S what I always wanted for the two of them. - Bonus: I loved how Keith fell back for a second on his old habits by going all “don’t miss the shot” or whatever cause really that’s exactly what their rivalry was about. Early Series Lance would get back at him without batting an eye. But he remained focused and alert! Lance’s development is more subtle but this is EXACTLY the same point Keith was when Kuron started calling him worthless. Keith had GROWN, and those things didn’t bother him anymore. Likewise, Lance has GROWN. He’s an adult who takes things seriously now and doesn’t waste time with silly bickering. Just. Yes. While lowkey, this is just as satisfying to me because unlike Keith we actually SAW all the stages of Lance’s growth. (We didn’t see all the conversations Keith and Krolia had on the space whale). Just. Lance. Bless him.
• I still prefer Sendak’s season 1 design. That said, he was a marvelous villain- more than any other he really represented all that was evil in the Galra Empire so I enjoyed him. Zarkon was into the lions for personal reasons, Haggar is more about the Altean thing, Lotor didn’t really care for Voltron since he built Sincline. So yea. I didn’t expect him to be the main villain but I don’t mind.
• Speaking of which, loved the Sendak/Shiro fight! It really felt like all that encompassed the Paladins vs all that encompassed the Galra. And even though I actually didn’t like that Keith was the one to deal the final blow, Keith IS a mix of Galra/Paladin who has good intentions. So… like Lance said early in the season. He’s the future.
• not so sure what to think of the final EP and that weird robot but eh. Assuming it’s from Honerva, I DID like how it showed that Honerva IS different than Haggar… And more dangerous. This was literally a Haggar Robeast but upgraded, because YEA Honerva is much better than her quintessence-cursed counterpart.
• THE FAMILIES!! Shay!! Y'know I’m not usually a multishipper - actually I’ve never done it before - but I love both hunay and hunelle. I’m totally ok with hunelle in an AU and hunay in voltron canon (Hunk clearly cares for her so much that even though I prefer Romelle I can’t go against that precious bean teary smile when Shay showed up.). Besides!! Platonic hunelle is really precious too. ALSO ALSO KOLIVAN AND KROLIA and Krolia is wearing a Leader's version of the BoM suit?? NICE
• Matt is back and looks more handsome than ever! I love the ponytail. I love his design. And his colors. And his new girlfriend?? If I remember correctly from the Naxzela episode the helmeted alien sounded like a girl. ALSO ARE THOSE PUPS BESIDES OLIA HER KIDS?? PRECIOUS PUPPERS
• ROMELLE. we need more of her gdi-
• Lastly, another of my favorite bits: Piloting the Lions through their bond. It just goes so well with my headcanon that the quintessence of the pilot actually MERGES with the quintessence of the pilot, so much that when they’re connected like that even if the body dies the mind still goes on. The difference for me between this season and what Shiro went through is that the paladins still have their bodies to ground them and help them keep control, while Shiro was just… Lost in the astral plane, barely able to separate his consciousness from the Lion’s (so much that this only happened twice when the paladins were purposely trying to connect with his quintessence/spirit in the astral plane). It’s not as “romantic” as the whole ‘black SAVED SHIRO’ but I really think his time in the Black Lion was really unsettling: not being Shiro and not being Black, but some weird mix of the two (his sarcastic confusion towards lance early in the season also supports this: he wasn’t HIMSELF anymore. Thinking like a normal person and not like a robot is WEIRD for him). It’s a headcanon though but it’s mine and I will fight you on this (actually no pls don’t fight me).
*** Overall!! While not my favorite season (that’s 2 and 6), season 7 wasn’t BAD. Maybe I just had lower expectations since I spoiled myself out of anxiety. It wont be like s2 and s6 where I’ll binge watch the eps over and over again, but it’s pretty comfortable with s1 and s3 in “eh it was fine, ok, I like it”.
[That said, there WERE quite a few things that pissed me off about this season, but everyone is so negative rn and quite a few people already covered part of those reasons, so I wanted to post about good things!! I’ll probably do another post on the Bad Things of this season.]
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xmoonlightjasminex · 6 years
Take Center Stage
Chapter 1
: Testing.....Testing....1-2-3Chapter Text
It was a beautiful day in the city of Paris, The City of Lights and Love and Fashion. People were bustling around, each with their own business in mind. Teachers were teaching, bakers were baking, and in a darkened room stood a costumed man. He wore a dark purple suit and a mask that hid his face. In his hands was a cane and a very interesting brooch in the shape of a butterfly.
Yes, even Hawkmoth the city's resident villain was having a nice day so far. He was just about to scour the air for a new victim to be akumatized. To offer them powers beyond their wildest imagination, for the price of them acquiring the miraculouses of the two town heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir.
Now, if this was a normal day a potential akuma could be found at any time, but try and search as he might Hawkmoth just couldn`t find one. After a full hour of searching he growled before spitting out the words. “Fluther off!” Which was lucky that no one was around to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness as the adult man spat those words as if they had personally offended him.
A tiny lavender creature emerged from the brooch gem, looking at the man in front of him in wariness.
“C..can I help you master?” the Butterfly creature, named Nooroo was still wary of the stone faced man standing in front, no matter how many times he had spoken to him he was still shy.
“Nooroo...Why is no one akumatized yet?” The silhouette of the man spoke, in the dark room illuminated only by the window.
“W..well Master, it seems that no one is angry today?” Nooroo`s statement ended more as a question.
“....I see. And tell me Nooroo. Does one have to be angry to become an akuma?” The man questioned.
“N..not really.” The tiny creature mumbled, looking at his tiny nubs for hands.
“T..they just have to feel a strong enough emotion.” He was going to continue explaining, but was cut off.
“A strong enough emotion? One that does not have to be negative?” The man asked as a completely new idea formed into his mind. “W..well yes but…” poor Nooroo was cut off from speaking as he was sucked into the brooch by his wielders next words. “Fluther on!” The newly masked Hawkmoth began to search with renewed vigor for an akuma. And not five minutes later he found his next champion.
A girl in a state of ennui, wanting and wishing to be special. And he could make her special, give her a gift to differentiate her from all the others. And all she had to do was, obey him. Just as he summoned a butterfly to rest on his hand and to corrupt before sending it to his new victim, there was a knock from the other side of the door.
“Mister Agreste? I am sorry to bother you, but there is an urgent matter concerning the newest production line….” A female voice spoke from the other side.
As he had turned to the door, Hawkmoth didn't notice a the small butterfly with a tiny black dot on its pristine white wings fluther away. No, but the tiny god currently residing in the brooch did, and it didn't plan on saying anything. “I will be out in a moment Natalie.” The man spoke, before hastily de-transforming, showing renown Fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste to be hiding behind the Butterfly mask.
Completely forgetting about the planned akumatization, the man took off said brooch and left it and the tiny creature in the room. Soon he would be so swamped with paperwork and business associated stress, that he will completely forget the new discovery he learned from Nooroo.
Unlike him, once he was left alone, Nooroo flew towards the window and if he squinted he could see the tiny butterfly flying away to its new champion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edelweiss Amarante was bored. The German-French brunette blue-green-eyed girl had just arrived to Paris with her mother and father a month ago, and already the young teenager was bored. And she had been so excited to finally get to do something unusual. She loved the moving, and she loved the townhouse her parents had gotten from a very distant relative who wanted to move to the Alps, for whatever reason. She loved her room, which was at the top floor of the huge house, an entire floor to herself. Granted it had been the attic before, but it had such a rustic charm to it.
Heck ,she even loved the tenants her parents had taken under their wings when they arrived. She loved family dinners where she met a bunch of people from all different kinds. The only downside to that was that none of the tenants had any kids, either they were too young in college or still trying their luck in finding work, or too old with their children and grandchildren all grown up. Or not married.
She was the only child at the entire house. Of course by default that meant she was babied and had a bunch of big sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and elderly who looked after her and greeted her. And she loved that, she loved greeting Madame Beauchamp as she left for school and the older woman was watering her beautiful gardenia bush in the enclosed garden. She loved visiting Natasha, Katya and Mila the three Russian students that studied at the Royal Academy of Dance. They would fuss over her, teaching her tips and tricks and words in Russian.
She liked talking about books with Lucas, a British gentleman who lived to read. And his complete opposite of a partner Mark who was a boisterous and loud. And their poor roommate who had to be a witness to their couple moments the jokester Enric who would crack a joke anytime to make the two blush.
She liked to greet the resident mystic Madame Dorina, as she liked to be called. She had transformed her living room into a fortune tellers parlor, and had regular visitors. She would often usher Edelweiss in and make her a cup of tea to tell her fortune, her beloved white Persian Cat Leila mingling under the table begging for a scratch or a treat. Her other cat Hades, a pitch black Shorthair stood a ways away, always watching like a silent protector. He had the arrogance his name gave him, Madame Dorina had once told her, that she never let anyone in whom he didn't like.
Monsieur and Madame Hawa were an Arabic couple that had emigrated to France in the 80`s, they were a delight in the dinner table. Madame always knew a brand new recipe and a way to change a dish flavor by using a tiny amount of spice, and Monsieur Hawa could spin the best of stories, like a magician speaking magic.
For Edelweiss it was beautiful, there was never a dull moment. But compared to all those people who were there, even her own parents she was completely ordinary. Even her schoolmates weren`t excluded. She heard there were many talented and even a famous model at her school. She had yet to meet them or learn their names, but compared to them what did Edelweiss had?
A tiny passion for singing? What a joke.
The brunette girl sighed as she had looked out the window to the sky. It was a lovely day, that she had spent helping Madame Beauchamp with her prized flowers, and a small bouquet of fragrant blossoms sat on her desk.
So deep in thought was Edel, that she didn't notice when a beautiful white butterfly fluttered into her room, and after a moment of flitting around the space before finally resting on her chest and disappearing in a glow of white.
The moment that happened Edelweiss felt a drowsy slumber overtake her, so closing her eyes she dreamed a dream filled with wonder and beauty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next day rose bright and early, and Edel was already bustling through her room. She was up and couldn't make herself go down stairs yet. Her parents Eric and Christine, yes she knew how ironic those names were, she had watched Phantom of the Opera. It didn't help that her folks had quite the pipes on them, or were avid music lovers.
She had the idea to try and sing a song, maybe it would make her feel better.
I want to be extraordinary Not just extra-ordinary She began singing, before shrugging her shoulder, sitting down on her bed.
It seems like everywhere I see People far more interesting than me I know the changes kinda scary But maybe I should try to vary She remembered the tenants and all their talents and hobbies, all so very different and new and interesting.
Some minor details A small degree A slightly different version of me Looking out her window, she began to imagine the possibilities.
Well I could learn to cook vegetarian Or take fashion workshop Meditate, calculate Learn to knit a tank top She did notice that her imagined scenes were far more realistic looking than usual, like she was actually trying these thing, albeit for a brief few seconds. The cooking, the fashion, meditating, calculating and knitting. All of them, but she still continued to sing.
Yoga, hula Clogging, jogging Walking on a tightrope Take a correspondence course And learn to make my own soap Even more activities she cycled through.What was going on??
Jumping on a pogo stick Standing in a wheat field Going on a snipe hunt Gonna keeps my eyes peeled Take a little time to really decorate my door And change my hair to black and then I'll dye it even orange She could feel the texture of her hair changing, she wansn`t imagining these places she was making them appear. How was she doing this?!
Underwater taxidermy Shopping for a suitcase Peeling tangerines while placing second in a sack race
Lion taming, online gaming Try'n to win a prize fight Appear in a talk show Dress-up like a water sprite She really started to go into the song, liking her scenery changing after her voice.
Yeah! I'm gonna be extraordinary I'm gonna stand out from the crowd And shout out loud You'll see That it's a brand new me!! Finally she finished her song,going through several other hobbies before she was back in her room, breathing slightly hard. Looking around she couldn`t understand what happened, how did she do that? The burst of confidence that song and that experience gave her was so good!
‘I`m glad you like it.’ A voice whispered and she shrieked in surprise looking around for the source.
‘Wh-what the!! Who, who said that?!” She asked aloud, but no one was up there.
Here it is if you wanna read it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13883553/chapters/31944003
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klance-fic-central · 7 years
My Top 10 Favorite Klance Fics
So, I promised this a week ago for hitting 200 followers, then thanksgiving hit and while I was at home I have gained almost 200 more followers. Welcome to all of you new beautiful people and I apologize for the delay on this and answering asks. I’m working on the asks that I have and I’m going to post them after I finish finals. So, if someone wants to ask for recommendations, do it now and I’ll answer them all in two weeks.
This list will be in reverse order so my favorite fic is on the bottom. All of these works are amazing and if you haven't seen one, I HIGHLY recommend you read them. A lot of them have been recommended on here before, but this list will contain works that are in progress because I love them so much. Well anyway, here’s my top 10 favorite klance fics. 
10) From Across the Platform | By: foxsmouler | Ongoing | 107,008 words | Mature 
On one seemingly normal day, on his commute to work, Keith notices a rather eccentric-looking guy across the way on the opposite platform, they make awkward eye-contact and suddenly everything in Keith's life changes. Keith doesn't like change.
A.K.A a story about how Keith reluctantly learns to have faith in mankind again.
This fic is almost entirely fluff and its the greatest when you just want something sweet instead of angst. Its a modern fic and is worth the read when you need a pick me up. A lot of the later chapters, I feel, can be read as one shots. So, if you find that you want to stop reading its easy to do. 
9) Dear Keith | By: Redjay27 | Completed | 71,995 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith receives a mysterious note in the mail. There's nothing written on the envelope but his name. When he reads it he learns of some guy named Lance who is writing to Keith to tell him the story of how he messed everything up. Lance is distraught after he is left all alone after his big screw up. To ease the pain, he writes a letter to a made up person...or so he thought. Keith was just a name he picked randomly but when mysterious drawings start appearing in his dorm room, depicting scenes that he's written about, he starts to think Keith might not be just a figment of his imagination.
I love this fic, but had one problem with it. I wasn't a big fan of the epilogue, like at all. If you read everything, but the epilogue its a fantastic piece, but because of the epilogue that's why it’s a little lower on this list. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, just didn't like that epilogue. 
8) Web of Sins | By: charlotteXOyates | Ongoing | 70,791 words | Explicit 
Stripper!Lance AU: Keith is a hardworking college student who is devoted to spending all of his time studying to become a pediatrician; so it sounds ridiculous to him when Shiro and Matt suggest he's working TOO hard. After a bit of peer pressuring, they finally convince Keith to check out a gay strip club called "The Web of Sins" in order to relieve his stress.
At first he goes just to make them happy, but upon meeting a seductive young man who just so happens to be the club's most popular stripper named Lance, he begins to get drawn into the Web. Only, Keith has no idea what sort of demons lie hidden in the twilight that is Lance's past...and he has no idea how closely they follow.
Your mistakes create a web of sins around you, and once you're too caught in it...you can never escape.
...not on your own, that is.
WARNING: This fic starts out relatively light-hearted and cute, but if you didn't look at the tags(you should ALWAYS look at the tags), let me warn you now that stuff will get significantly darker, eventually. I promise that none of the dark stuff is ever glorified; this is not a kinky story. This is a story of two boys trying to overcome the dark past, together.
So, this is an ongoing fic not a lot of people know about and its so flipping good. The first part just finished up, but this fic has so much potential and I just know that the author is gonna do an amazing job with this. It’s one of those really good smut with plot stories that are actually insanely good.
| By:
| Completed | 55,526 words | Explicit Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff with a little tiny bit of angst. 
6) There’s Trust in These Wings | By: zeerogue | Ongoing | 134,258 words | Explicit 
For generations the Ice Masters of Altea and the Fire Masters of Ko-gane had been warring over the lands that divided them until a new enemy in the west rose to power. Uncertain of their chances fighting two wars at once, a treaty is made to end the battle between Masters and have them join as allies. And what better way to become allies than through marriage. Keith trusts Prince Shiro's choice in marrying the Altean heir, and if anything was to go wrong, he has sworn to protect the third Ko prince, but the Alteans seem to be more dangerous in diplomacy than they ever were on the battlefield. Luckily, Princess Allura has a protector of her own who might be the only ally Keith has in his new home. Even if he is insufferable.
This is such an amazing story. It’s ongoing, but its 100% worth reading as it’s released. 
5) A Cradle of Flesh and Bone | By: bffimagine | Completed | 70,773 words | Mature
He was born with a misshapen, malformed heart. They tried to fix it, but the complications left him with the kinds of scars that meant he wasn't expected to survive until his thirtieth birthday. He's still got dreams--one day, he would be a doctor--but someone has to give up their heart for him to make it. Sure, he was sick, but he wasn't down and he certainly wasn't out for the count.
At least, not yet.
Keith Kogane was the star of Altea University's medical school. He was destined to be the greatest surgeon of his generation, and probably for generations to come.
Well, until he dropped out, anyway.
All I can say is, keep tissues next to you as you read this, you’ll need them. 
4) Hearts Dont Break Around Here | By: klancekorner | Ongoing | 51,714 words | Mature
Keith chuckles softly at Lance’s faded face in the old photo. He was still a little chubby, couldn’t be more than eleven years old, but nevertheless had his arms slung over the shoulders of two pretty, giggling girls. The smug grin on his face is dazzling. Keith wonders how Lance, to this day, manages to make it look so believable.
Or, Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
LET ME TELL YOU, you have to read this. If there is one fic that I would tell you to seriously read, its this one or Lion’s Chain. That’s all I’m gonna say, go read it and you’ll see why it’s this high on this list. You will not be disappointed. 
3) Follow My Lead | By: klancekorner | Completed | 114,261 words | Mature
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all.
aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Keith POV and Lance POV
This fic, my lord, I have sinned. This is easily the greatest smut with plot fic out there and at this point I’m sure many of you have read this. Honestly, I almost put it in the number two spot, but I didn’t only because I read Let Me Catch My Breath first, that is literally the only reason. It’s a modern AU with rich boy Keith and aspiring Basketball player Lance. God the heartbreak is real. Klancekorner you are the goddess of fanfiction in my eyes, keep it up. <3
2) Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 Words | Mature
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn't sound too hard if he wasn't blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn't defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other. So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
So, this was one of my first Klance stories. I joined the fandom in like February this year and this was one of the first fics I read. Obviously it holds a special place in my heart, but it’s a beautiful piece. Its a crash landing scenario on an alien planet gone wrong in my opinion and its great. 
1) Lion’s Chain | By: Luna_Vulpes | Ongoing | 241,680 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith is returning from deployment overseas, officially released from duty in the military. However, his first stop back in the states isn’t the place he expected to be - the funeral of his military partner Miguel McClain. There he meets Lance, the younger brother of the fallen soldier, along with the other grieving members of the McClain family. Unsure of the next steps in his life and unable to separate his military and civilian life, Keith looks to the one place he can even consider home - the family Miguel loved and left behind.
Using group therapy, meeting new people, and becoming closer with the McClain family, Keith tries to put his life back together and live past the tragedy of losing his best friend. In turn, he grows a bond with Lance and realizes that maybe Miguel was right along - the two seemed made for each other.
This is my favorite fic for many reasons. The writing is beautiful, but the best part about it is the journey. The emotions this fic will make you feel and just the journey this author takes these characters on is a fantastic one. This is one of those fics I see update and I drop everything I’m doing. It’s worth the wait for each new chapter and god I just love it so much. 
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resistancepilots · 6 years
anyways this week i got weirdly Emotional about a bunch of lil things from the 20934 superhero movies in the past TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE, holy fUCK. i’m getting like. at least four Unnecessary Feelings about these things having started way back when i was a hs tiny, and now I’m still literally jumping up and down in line on opening night for them in grad school.
ANYWAYS. some superhero movie things that popped into my head and made me smile these past couple of weeks:
Thor: Ragnarok. The lightning. The um. lightningTM. YES IK I’VE MENTIONED THIS BEFORE ONCE OR TWICE BUT. it bears repeating
Justice League!!!! they’re only like three movies in but they have the big three and also the team and CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY’RE ALMOST ALL THERE ON THE BIG SCREEN FOR US G OS H.
WONDER WOMAN. GOD. that no man’s land scene. the slow mo. the everything. the pine bits. SHE WAS SO. ALSO HER VOICE KILLS ME. also her SMILE. also the way pine was lassoed and on his knees, A++++. SHE’S SO GOOD, IT WAS ALL SO GOOD.
also the amazons trying to keep the motherbox in jl. like. I WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT IT WAS V EXCITING. also when the stone door fell on the shoulders of those amazons and they held it up for the queen? A GOOD. asdkj the dying and whatnot was not a good, but the rest..I was Overcome,,
THROWBACK, I KNOW, BUT remember avengers 1? the final fight scene where cap holds up his shield and iron man bounces his repulsor beams off it?? DO YOU REMEMBER HOW EXCITING THAT WAS.
in general tho, i still really love im1 SO MUCH. and that one scene in im2 where he has the blue displays of the atom up and is SMILING SO HARD AND PURELY, HOLY FUCK THAT IS STILL ONE OF MY FAVE SCENES EVER. that and when he’s half dead at the start of the movie and rhodey finds him and he’s all tired and sweaty and clammy and dying. A++++++ second fave bit
and spiderman homecoming!! i actually loved the tony stark bits, and I really really hope we get a lil more of their dynamic, it makes me smile a Lot. :’) that moment (from the trailers, too, I think?) where peter’s like i wanna be like you and tony’s like i want you to be better!! it reminded me of that one scene from the lion king and just. that’s my fave animated movie ok let me Live. AND PETER TRIED SO HARD. WHEN HE WAS STUCK UNDER THE BUILDING I ALMOST CRIED. THIS POOR TINY KID JUST WANTS TO DO SO MUCH.
i remember when thor 1 came out and that plus iron man made me go HMM I AM INTO THIS. and bam there went 230942 entire years of my life.
and that bit at the end of jl!! when clark and vic are on the floor laughing, i want to EXPLODE, it’s so heartfelt and 100% My Thing
ALSO DCEU BARTHOLOMEW MINE OWN DARLING. not to specifically call out anyone but @timmyjdrake knows how much I thought of her during the movie adskj THEY DID GOOD BY HIM AND EZRA.
the winter soldier!! omg the freakout over cap2 doesn’t even feel REAL now. but also: STEVE IN THE COMMANDER UNIFORM. THAT STEALTH SUIT WAS. SO GOOD FOR HIM. and my eyes. also bucky in the winter soldier outfit in that movie, esp when he has the goggles off but maybe the lower half of his mask is still on. ALSO A GOOD. THEY WERE BOTH SO SAD BUT SO GOOD. AND SAM. SAMUEL WHOMST I AM ALWAYS WEAK FOR ALSO BC 1. GOOD SMILE 2. THOSE WINGS
also IT WAS SO GOOD SEEING RHODEY AND TONY TOGETHER. they were great in im2 but also w the others!! I LOVED IT. I LOVE THEM.
WHICH BRINGS ME TO OH MY GOD. one of my other ABSOLUTE FAVE MCU SCENES. THAT SHOT WHERE. in aou (also in the trailer, i think??) tony stretches an arm out without looking up and a gauntlet flies onto his hand AND IT’S SO PERFLY IN SYNC AND I WAS SO THIRSTY FOR AND ATTRACTED TO THAT SPECIFIC ONE SECOND MOMENT. YOU DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND.
AQUAMOMOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW I HAVE MENTIONED HIM BEFORE ALREADY TOO BUT. GOSH. HECK. FRICK. SO MUCH. THEY DID SUCH A GOOD W HIM. and WHAT exactly was his game plan there with that lil hip movement in the water, while I was staring at a 598345 foot tall image of it projected onto a screen LESS THAN FIFTY FEET FROM MY EYES. 
AND ALSO MERA. I absolutely cannot wait to see more of mera she’s going to be GREAT and also rage at everything (like. there is a Reason she was a red lantern, and i love that reason)
black panther looks SO good oh my god i cannot WAIT i saw the trailer in theaters again today and just. THEY’RE GOING TO DO SO WELL. ALSO ALL THE SHERWANIS. how am i expected to Function,,
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stormstruck-angel · 7 years
ok so I recently bought and started reading Pullman’s new book The Book of Dust (Volume 1: La Belle Sauvage) and then my friend at uni started talking about daemons which of course has now led me back into the bordering-on-obsessive rabbithole of daemonology and lore that I was deeply entrenched in a few years ago. So what did I decide to do? Take my other most recently read obsession book series and combine them! So with some v shallow research (largely using this website) and kind of a shallow pass over the characters and their personalities, I’ve taken a stab at giving the main cast of The Great Library series their daemons (under the cut because boy did this post get long):
any questions/comments/objections/suggestions are welcome!!
Jess Brightwell: I decided that Jess would have a greyhound daemon. They’re fast and kind of rangey, which frankly makes me think of Jess in a heartbeat, but as a dog, they’re also incredibly loyal. Apparently, they also stand for courage, swift action, and nobility, which sounds about right for Jess. I also feel like a greyhound wouldn’t feel out of place in Jess’s life-- while probably a little too big and easily identified for his early life maybe, it doesn’t seem like an animal that would be out of place for either a scholar OR  a garda recruit-- or a rich merchant’s son. 
Morgan Hault: Morgan’s daemon, I decided, would be a nightingale. Not only does this give the “caged bird” metaphors a heart-breaking literal side, and create an ironic commentary about the lack of freedom and choice she has, the wealth of meanings attached to the nightingale fit Morgan’s personality pretty well-- the nightingale apparently symbolises affection, creativity, knowledge/learning, and righteousness. Morgan is certainly creative and smart, as shown with her self-taught or learned tricks with the alchemical symbols, and her never-ending attempts to escape the Iron Tower, and the righteousness of course fits her stance of the treatment of obscurists in the tower and her unwillingness to submit to that lifestyle. Also, she really is sweet and v physically affectionate (especially with Jess), so there you go. 
Thomas Schrieber: Thomas gets a badger daemon from me! For one, when I saw it, I genuinely couldn’t help the hufflepuff association, which personally I find fits Thomas best-- he’s extremely hardworking and loyal and so sweet and gentle on top of being genius-levels of intelligent. But badgers also apparently have associations with honesty, persistence, valor-- and being fierce when provoked. The first three are pretty obvious-- gentle, noble Thomas who tries to do right by most people and by himself and his friends, he never gives up, very hopeful. But of course that loyalty and love transfers into an incredible fierceness in the face of danger to his friends, which is made pretty explicit in the third book. Not to mention, I feel like a badger looks pretty unassuming until it gets Pissed Off, at which point you run like hell. 
Khalila Seif: I always wanted Khalila to have a bird daemon, simply because she exudes the sort of grace and calm demeanor of a bird in flight, not to mention the varied avian association with intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom. Choosing her daemon, though, if kind of a war between Aesthetics and Traits. I can’t decide between a heron or a barn-owl. By-and-large, the traits are more or less the same-- herons apparently just being more serene and vigilant, while owls being more observant and dignified. But aesthetically? I think herons are ugly lmao and Khalila deserves a beautiful daemon. So I’m mostly tempted to give her a barn-owl daemon, I think, with lovely crisp colouring. Even if the owl symbolism is kind of trite and over-used. 
Dario Santiago: I was SO tempted to give Dario a peacock daemon. I honestly still am. At this point it’s a toss-up between a peacock (beauty, vanity, knowledge and learning) and a hummingbird (eagerness, passion, self-indulgence). I like the idea of he and Khalila both having avian daemons, to make them kind of compatible :,) I think I’m leaning more strongly toward the peacock though. I just have trouble thinking of Dario with a daemon as small as a hummingbird.  
Glain Wathen: I was almost tempted to give Glain a horse daemon, because of their traits like dedication, bravery, loyalty, etc, or maybe even a lynx or a bobcat bc of its fierce nature, but in the end I settled on the idea of Glain having a wolverine daemon :D its traits include being bold, fearless, and quick-tempered, and quite frankly if that doesn’t describe at least part of Glain, I don’t know what does. I also got a kick out of the fact that wolverines look kind of feral and terrifying at times, and everyone would be absolutely terrified by Glain’s daemon. I feel like she’d get a kick out of the sheer terror it could inspire.  
So, for Santi and Wolfe, I kind of figured out their daemon choices as a bit of a package deal. While, realistically, I know it’s dumb to think of it that way, and their daemons being complementary is really contrived and probably a little stupid, but like... sue me. They fit so well I just had to. 
So the problem here is that, for Wolfe, I envisioned two possible daemon choices. A wolf, or a raven. Both have pretty obvious connections, and I think the traits for both fit Wolfe pretty well. A wolf represent boldness, ferocity, protectiveness, and swift action. A raven represents good memory, self-discipline, self-sacrifice, and wisdom. I genuinely can’t decide. 
However, I also couldn’t shake the idea that Santi’s daemon could also potentially be a wolf. I knew I wanted him to have an apex predator, basically, because of his career and abilities, but also because a lot of them of are strongly associated with protective qualities-- the two I settled on were either a wolf or a lion(ess), which both have pack/pride associations as well. 
The thing that got me here was that, while I feel like they both deserve the predator daemons, given both their experiences and personalities, I couldn’t shake the idea about them having complementary daemons in the form of Wolfe’s raven and Santi’s wolf-- because of that thing about ravens and wolves apparently hunting together. There’s also the bird association with intelligence at work again, because Wolfe was, first and foremost for most of his life, essentially BORN to be a Scholar. (I also thought of a Sad reason-- it’s a lot easier to subdue and potentially hurt a raven. I had an awful thought about the raven’s wings being clipped during Wolfe’s imprisonment-- a reminder and potential horror if you take into account that someone would have had to touch his daemon to do it, which I, quite frankly, would not put past the Artifex.) But then the wolf symbolism still eats at me all the time, because quite frankly, Wolfe ha always been a little bit ferocious-- I think in one of the stories on Wattpadd, it’s mentioned that he got into fights as a kid. So, I genuinely can’t decide. Wolf or Raven for Wolfe, and Wolf or Lioness for Santi. 
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