#c: stevia
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more ponies!
another pony with a normal name, which is something i might make into a series. this time it's steve (short for stevia)! you can also call them stevie. their special talent is probably making sweet foods/drinks, or growing sweet plants to then turn into sweet foods/drinks.
violet starchime, an astronomer/astrologer with a love for the night sky and all its constellations. i dont know much about her as i initially made her to be a part of another large oc family i've been working on, but i liked her design too much to leave her on the side forever.
(either one or both of them are dating chris)
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notskinnyyenough · 4 months
bc you skinny bitches deserves to eat <3
apple & meringue (98 cals)
half an apple (70g)
nuts (5g)
1 egg white (35g)
some stevia
cut the apple and the nuts, put them in a dish that can go in the oven. (personally I like to add cinnamon on it), whip the egg white with some stevia into peaks, then put it on the apple. bake for 15min a 180°C and enjoy !!!
Cookies (recipe is for 20 parts, they're 58 cals per cookies)
low fat yogurt (100g)
honey (10g)
nuts (35g)
oatmeal (30g)
apple (140g)
flour (75g)
salt and cinnamon (as much as you want)
1 egg (70g)
2 bananas (300g)
start by cutting the apple and the bananas and mix them with flour, salt and cinnamon, oatmeal and egg. bake for 20min at 190°C. Cut the nuts, and mix them with yogurt and honey, you can add it on top of the cookie !!
blueberry muffins (my fav!!!) (recipe is for 4 muffins, 57 cals per muffin)
banana (150g)
half an egg (35g)
oatmeal (37g)
baking powder (2.5g)
blueberries (25g)
crush the banana with a fork, add the egg and whip them together, then add the oatmeal and and the baking soda and mix. add the blueberries. bake for 5min at 220°C, then 10min at 190°C
Strawberries/raspberries smoothie (90 cal)
strawberries (100g)
raspberries (100g)
coconutwater (100ml)
lemon juice (5ml)
ice (50g)
put everything inna blender and voila !
chocolat cake (recipe is for 4 parts, 90 cals per parts)
red beans (127g)
oatmeal (17g)
half an egg (35g)
low fat milk (35ml)
low fat cottage cheese (50g)
cocoa powder (8g)
baking powder (2,5g)
add stevia as you like
rinse the red beans 2-3 times so they won't taste in the cake. blend the oatmeal to make it look like flour. mix everything with a blender. put it in a plate and bake for 25min at 180°C
peanut butter cookies (recipe is for like 20 cookies, but one is 56 cals)
dark chocolate (15g)
protein powder (60g)
oatmeal (85g)
peanut butter (40g)
2 bananas (300g)
crush the bananas and cut the chocolate in tiny pieces then mix all the ingredients together in a blender. make little balls and bake them for 12-15min at 180°C
peanut butter energy balls (recipe is for 15-16 balls, 1 is 57 cals)
peanut butter (60g)
cocoa powder (45g)
coconut flakes (30g)
almond powder (20g)
stevia as much as you want
mix everything but the coconut flakes in a blender. then make little balls and roll them in the coconuts flakes. store them in the refrigerator until you eat them
Granola bar (recipe is for 7 bar, 1 is 94cals)
oatmeal (100g)
almond milk sugar free (50ml)
peanut butter (20g)
honey (5g)
banana (150g)
mix everything in a blender, then spread it on a plate and bake for 15min at 160°C. Cut it in bar once it has cooled down
Strawberry sorbet (recipe is for 2 parts, 1 is 52 cals)
strawberries (175g)
water (75ml)
honey (10g)
lemon juice (25ml)
mix everything in a blender until it looks like a puree. put it in the freezer for at leats 3-4 hours then you can eat it !
spinach and feta muffins (recipe is for 3 muffins, 1 is 79 cals)
spinaches (125g)
1 egg (70g)
feta cheese (40g)
salt and pepper as you like
cook the spinach on the stove. then put them in a bowl and add the egg, the feta and salt and pepper if you want and mix together. put the mix in moulds and bake for 25-30min at 160°C
hot chocolate (really my fav drink!!) 95 cals only !!
vanilla bean (0.5g)
water (200ml)
honey (5g)
cocoa powder (20g)
cinnamon powder as you want
in a pot mix the vanilla with the water, the cocoa powder and honey for like 5mins on low heat, then add the cinnamon and enjoy !!
that's it for now, will probably add more later !!!
don't forget you deserve to eat and stay hydrated babes <3
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jualcollagendrink · 1 year
Sehat, WA 0821-6177-5013, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Sehat di Tanjung Selor,WAITEU
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Pesan Sekarang wa.me/6282161775013 Collagen Drink di Tanjung Selor,Jual Collagen Drink Terdekat di Tanjung Selor,Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Alami di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Asli di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Halal di Tanjung Selor, Jual Collagen Drink Pemutih Kulit di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Sehat di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink terbaik di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink BPOM di Tanjung Selor, Jual Minuman Collagen Drink Untuk Mengatasi Kulit di Tanjung Selor.
Waiteu Collagen Drink by Laili Beauty minuman serbuk bernutrisi BPOM MD 867013011886 dijamin asli 100persen dibuat dengan kandungan2 bernutrisi dengan pemanis dari daun stevia jadi aman untukdikonsumsi bagi penderitadiabetes kandungan collagenya bagus juga untuk ibu hamil dan menyusuiharga tertera adalah harga perbox, 1box isi 150g
WAITEU Collagen juga mengandung senyawa lainnya yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, seperti Ganggang merah, Ganggang laut, Glutation, Vitamin C, dan Vitamin B Complex lengkap, yang diproses menggunakan teknologi dari Korea.
WAITEU Collagen drink Women Minuman serbuk suplemen untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan tubuh khususnya untuk para wanita dengan rasa pomegrand manis asemnya dijamin bikin nagih
1 BOX waiteu setara dengan 3x suntik putih Aturan pemakaian waiteu collagen drink untuk hasil maksimal:
-Jika kulitnya sudah putih cukup 1sendok teh = 8gram 2x sehari. -Jika untuk kulit kusam 1sendok makan = 10gr 2xsehari juga. -Untuk kulit cenderung gelap 1,5 sendok makan = 15gr 2xsehari . Diharap untuk konsumsi rutin di pagi hari setelah sarapan dan malam sebelum tidur diseduh dengan air 150ml, biar hasilnya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.
Manfaat Waiteu apabila rutin dikonsumsi setiap hari antara lain :
Menyehatkan kulit Mencerahkan warna kulit dan membuat kulit lebih kencang Mengurangi kolesterol nyeri sendi dan tulang Menjaga tulang agar tetap kuat Memuluskan bekas jerawat /bopeng Mengencangkan dan membuat kulit semakin halus Membuat rambut tidak mudah rontok dan kuat Jika ada keluhan ketika barang sampai, silahkan hubungi admin
WA : wa.me/6282161775013
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/collagendrinkwaiteu.medan/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOXcoinseHOQ7lge4Djk8vw
Tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@collagenbibitpemutih?_t=8W4ro9YGDgY&_r=1
Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/gzQvZPLs259o1zat9
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glossary2 · 9 months
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Following a ketogenic diet doesn't mean giving up bread entirely. With a few modifications, you can enjoy the pleasure of freshly baked bread while staying within your low-carb limits. In this article, we'll explore some mouthwatering keto bread recipes that are both satisfying and easy to make. Whether you're new to the keto lifestyle or a seasoned follower, these recipes will add variety to your meal plan while keeping you on track. Let's dive in!
Almond Flour Bread:
2 cups almond flour
¼ cup ground flaxseed
¼ cup psyllium husk powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
4 large eggs
¼ cup melted butter or coconut oil
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, ground flaxseed, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, melted butter (or coconut oil), and almond milk.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients, stirring until a thick batter forms.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan, smoothing the top with a spatula.
Bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Allow the bread to cool before slicing. Enjoy!
Coconut Flour Bread:
¾ cup coconut flour
¼ cup psyllium husk powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
6 large eggs
¼ cup melted butter or coconut oil
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a loaf pan.
In a bowl, mix together the coconut flour, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, melted butter (or coconut oil), and almond milk until well combined.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients, allowing the coconut flour to absorb the liquids for a few minutes.
Transfer the batter to the greased loaf pan and smooth the top.
Bake for 55-65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Let the bread cool before slicing. Enjoy!
Click here Indulge in guilt-free snacking with these tasty keto-friendly options:
Tips for Perfect Keto Bread:
Use eggs as a binding agent: Eggs provide structure and texture to keto bread recipes. Beating the eggs well before combining them with other ingredients ensures a light and fluffy loaf.
Experiment with flavors and add-ins: Enhance the taste and texture of your bread by adding herbs, spices, or cheese. You can also incorporate nuts, seeds, or low-carb sweeteners like erythritol or stevia.
Don't skip the resting time: Keto bread recipes often call for allowing the batter to rest for a few minutes. This step helps the dough absorb the moisture, leading to a better final texture.
Adjust baking time and temperature: Ovens can vary, so keep an eye on your bread while it bakes. If the top is browning too quickly, cover it with aluminum foil to prevent burning.
With these simple keto bread recipes and helpful tips, you can indulge in delicious homemade bread while maintaining your low-carb lifestyle. Whether you choose almond flour or coconut flour as your base, these recipes offer a satisfying alternative to traditional bread. Experiment
with different flavor variations and add-ins to tailor the bread to your preferences. Get creative by adding garlic and rosemary for a savory twist, or cinnamon and nutmeg for a delightful sweet option.
Remember, keto bread may have a slightly different texture compared to traditional bread due to the absence of gluten. Embrace its uniqueness and enjoy the wholesome and nutritious ingredients that go into making it.
Additionally, keto bread is best stored in the refrigerator or freezer to maintain its freshness. Slice the loaf before freezing so you can easily grab individual portions whenever you crave a slice.
Lastly, while keto bread can be enjoyed on its own, it also serves as a fantastic base for sandwiches, toast, or even low-carb French toast. It's a versatile option that allows you to stay on track with your ketogenic goals without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction.
Incorporate these keto bread recipes into your meal plan, and let the aroma of freshly baked bread fill your kitchen while indulging in a guilt-free treat. Happy baking!
The Benefits of Keto Bread: Explore the advantages of incorporating keto bread into your low-carb lifestyle, such as maintaining ketosis, improved blood sugar control, and increased satiety.
Understanding Keto-Friendly Ingredients: Learn about the key ingredients used in keto bread recipes, such as almond flour, coconut flour, psyllium husk powder, and flaxseed, and their role in creating a nutritious and low-carb bread alternative.
Tips for Successful Keto Bread Baking: Discover helpful tips and techniques to ensure your keto bread turns out perfectly every time, including proper mixing, resting the dough, adjusting baking time and temperature, and storing for freshness.
Flavor Variations and Add-Ins: Get inspired with a variety of flavor options to elevate your keto bread, such as incorporating herbs, spices, cheese, nuts, seeds, or low-carb sweeteners, to add excitement and personalization to your baked goods.
Using Keto Bread in Everyday Meals: Explore creative ways to enjoy keto bread beyond plain slices, including using it as a base for sandwiches, toast, or even low-carb French toast, and discover new ways to incorporate it into your ketogenic meal plan.
Frequently Asked Questions about Keto Bread: Address common queries related to keto bread, such as its carb content, potential alternatives for specific dietary restrictions, and troubleshooting common issues that may arise during the baking process.
Other Keto-Friendly Baked Goods: Expand your low-carb baking repertoire by exploring other keto-friendly recipes, such as muffins, bagels, and pizza crusts, to add more variety to your ketogenic meal plan.
Conclusion: Wrap up the article by emphasizing the versatility and enjoyment of keto bread while highlighting its compatibility with a ketogenic lifestyle. Encourage readers to try the recipes, experiment with flavors, and embrace the satisfaction of indulging in delicious bread while staying on track with their health goals.
Click here Indulge in guilt-free snacking with these tasty keto-friendly options:
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stracals · 8 months
Ⳋ ꒰ banana backed oats 🫐
40g de avena (4 cucharadas)
60ml leche de almendra (1/4 taza)
1/2 platano molido o 1 huevo
2g polvo para hornear (1/2 cucharadita)
canela al gusto
1/2 cucharadita de vainilla
2 splenda o stevia
pizca de sal
precalentar el horno a 200 °C
licuar la avena hasta que se vuelva harina y mezclarla en un bowl con los ingredientes secos (polvo de hornear, canela, splenda y la pizca de sal)
en otro bowl moler el plátano con un tenedor y añadir la leche, vainilla y mezclar.
añadir los secos al otro bowl y revolver ambas mezclas.
verter la mezcla en un plato apto para el horno pasando este al horno.
hornear de 20-25 min
+ puedes agregarle frutitas para darle más sabor.
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© receta sacada de la cuenta luvsextones en twt así que denle mucho apoyo.
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oatmealandblackcoffee · 5 months
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air fried tofu w/ rice & veggies
- rice 1/2 cup
- tofu 150g
- broccoli 1 cup
- carrot 1
- cucumber 6 slices
- spicy sweet n sour sauce 1/2 recipe
🌸360 calories🌸
28g protein - 39g carbs - 11g fat
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VERY LOW CALORIE Chocolate Cake Recipe
Nutritional Information:
- Total Calories for the whole cake: 241 calories (four servings)
- Calories per slice: Approximately 61 calories (60.25)
- 1 large egg (78 calories)
- 30 grams of stevia or granulated sweetener
- 50 grams of unsweetened almond yogurt (21 calories)
- ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract (20 calories)
- 30 grams of plain/all-purpose flour (103 calories)
- 5 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder (19 calories)
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (356°F).
2. Utilize an electric hand whisk to beat together the egg and stevia on high until achieving a light and fluffy consistency, taking approximately 3-5 minutes.
3. Incorporate the yogurt and vanilla extract into the mixture, whisking thoroughly.
4. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder, then whisk until achieving a smooth batter.
5. Transfer the batter into a 5-inch cake tin and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Enjoy your cake and stay safe✨
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ghostywdio · 5 days
food login
today was a binge but whatever I hate myself and I need energy to study…
breakfast / lunch
A bag of chips = 150cals
2 pieces of watermelon gum 15cals each
Box juice = 80cals
1 piece of white bread = 80cals
two tablespoons of Nutella = 80 + 80cals
a lollipop = 50cals
Coco puff bowl with powdered milk and stevia = 309cals
Amount of orange rice = 340cals , with chicken = 200cals, and sauce = 90cals
Total : 1,489 c@lories
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bayleavesgarden · 1 year
0 Cal "Ice Cream"
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Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long c: enjoy this recipe I found on Twitter! Speaking of Twitter, please follow me at bayleafsgarden!
Ingredients + Supplies
1 Cup of Ice Cubes
Stevia/0 Cal Sweetener (Add whatever tastes sweet enough for you! The original recipe didn't give specific amounts, my apologies!)
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
Pinch of Salt (1/4 Teaspoon)
1/2 Cup of Water
1. Add all ingredients into the blender, consider adding more Ice Cubes, Vanilla Extract, or 0 Calorie Sweetner to your "ice cream" to get more!
2. Blend on high speed, and enjoy!
I haven't attempted this recipe, mostly due to not having a blender, so please let me know if any measurements should be adjusted!
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cecisrecipes · 4 months
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Diabetic Ginger Snaps Recipe
- 1 3/4 cups almond flour
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar substitute (such as erythritol or stevia)
- 1 large egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, ground ginger, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, baking soda, and salt until well combined.
3. In another bowl, using an electric mixer, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar substitute until light and fluffy.
4. Add the egg and vanilla extract to the butter mixture, beating until well combined.
5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing until a dough forms.
6. Using a cookie scoop or by rolling the dough into small balls (about 1 inch in diameter), place them onto the prepared baking sheet. Make sure to space them apart as they will spread while baking.
7. Flatten each ball slightly with the back of a fork or your fingers to create a crisscross pattern on top.
8. Bake the cookies in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are lightly golden.
9. Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
10. Once cooled, these diabetic-friendly ginger snaps are ready to enjoy!
These ginger snaps use almond flour and sugar substitutes to reduce the carbohydrate content, making them suitable for individuals managing their sugar intake. Adjust sweeteners according to taste preferences.
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Food Log [02/16/2023]
Meal #1:
coffee w/ creamer {40 cals}
1 brazil nut {30 cals}
3 egg omelette {300 cals}
120g granny smith apple {65 cals}
rice cake {25 cals}
sugar free jam {15 cals}
total: 475 cals
Meal #2:
1/2 avocado {120 cals}
4 rice cakes {100 cals}
total: 220 cals
low fat yoghurt cup {70 cals}
(11g) granola {50 cals}
sugar free jam {10 cals}
total: 130 cals
Meal #3:
60g oatmeal {200 cals}
cinnamon & stevia
total: 200 cals
grand total: 1025 cals
800mg EPA
1000mg glutamine
300mg magnesium citrate
1000mg vit C
100mg vit B6
1000mcg vit B12
water intake:
day 3/60 - 5% | 95%
146 | 23.5%
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selfcaredicas · 1 year
Double Chocolate Muffins
1 egg
30 g stevia
50 g low-fat yogurt
30 ml unsweetened almond milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
70 g plain/all-purpose flour
16 g unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt optional
15 g Dark chocolate chips/chunks
Pre-heat oven to 180°C (356°F). Line a muffin tray with 6 muffin cases.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg and stevia until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Add in the milk, yogurt and vanilla and whisk again until fully combined.
Whisk in the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder until fully combined. Fold in the chocolate chips/chunks.
Divide the batter evenly between the 6 muffin cases.
Bake for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Enjoy!
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awesome-recipes101 · 1 year
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Blueberry Lemon Smoothie
2 servings
Blueberries are full of nutrients and fiber. Lemons are high in vitamin C and may help support your cardiovascular health and protect against kidney stones and anemia The banana makes the smoothie creamy but is also high in nutrients.
1 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup frozen blueberries
½ lemon, juice and zest
1 banana, frozen and cut in chunks (before freezing)
½ cup canned pear in juice
1 tablespoon Truvia (sugar substitute)
In a blender add the milk, blueberries, lemon, banana, pear, and Truvia.  Blend until smooth and creamy.  This might take several minutes.
In tall glasses, pour in the smoothies from the blender and enjoy!
Bananas need to be peeled before freezing them as it is not possible to peel them once they are frozen.
Sweeten the smoothie to your taste.  Use honey instead of stevia.
Use skim milk.
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umflowers · 9 months
y'all i'm cautiously optimistic. all i ate today was: - 1 egg/2 egg white omelette w bell pepper n onion - 1/2 c greek yogurt - ham sammich with no cheese or mayo n with thin bread - apple - 1/4 lb burger w no mayo + asparagus - 1 c milk w protein powder - morning coffee w sugar free creamer n stevia totaling about 1300 calories/25g fat/120g carb/110g protein, and so far i haven't had nausea or a headache or anything and i actually feel full. and it's day one. \o/
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oatmealandblackcoffee · 5 months
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huge plate of rice sausage & veggies
- rice 1/2 cup
- vegan sausage 2 air fried
- broccoli 1 cup
- carrot 1/2
- cherry tomatoes 4
- cucumber 7 slices
- green beans 1/2 cup
- mushrooms 3 air fried
- spicy sweet n sour sauce 1 serving
🌸426 calories🌸
24g protein - 52g carbs - 17g fat
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whenwilll1beperfect · 2 years
How To Enjoy Tea (And Why You Should Try To)
Okay first of all why: it fills you up. Holy fuck does the warmth fill you up. I haven't wanted to eat solid food since I started drinking tea again. Also good for you in general, especially green tea for your metabolism, and it tastes better than plain water (even ice water).
Now for how. This is long but I swear it's worth it if you have no idea where to start with tea.
Variety packs are your best friend when you are first trying out tea, especially if you don't know people who drink tea that can let you try out some of their flavors. Celestial seasonings is my favorite tea brand, and they have a lot of variety packs, but so do other brands. Think about what flavors you like to eat or drink. I like fruit a lot so of course I got their fruit variety pack. Pick out what sounds most appealing to you first, but even if you don't like it, DON'T GIVE UP, try other flavors. I promise you, you will find at least one tea that you like, even if it isn't in that variety pack. Also I try to avoid teas that say "stress relief" but mention nothing about the flavor. I don't usually believe that it will relieve my stress while I'm standing in the grocery store having done no research on whether that tea will in fact relieve my stress or not, and because of their crappy marketing I now also have no idea what it will taste like. Pick out a tea that at least attempts to tell you what it tastes like.
The first time you brew a cup of tea, follow the directions on the package to the best of your ability. You can play with amount of water, temperature, steeping time, etc. later, but it's important to taste the tea when it's made exactly how you're supposed to make it so that you know whether you like it or not. You might not have a tea kettle that gets it to an exact temp, that's okay, usually it mentions boiling or almost boiling or something like that along with the ideal temperature, so even if you don't know exactly what temp the water is you can try to go off of that. Also think about whether you would like it better it if the taste was stronger, you can always add another tea bag or reduce the amount of water next time. It's not always better to steep it for longer, tea bags release tannins which make it taste a little more bitter if it's in for too long. Depending on how the tea is made it might have more or less tannins, so just be careful. At the same time, too many times to count I have thrown one tea bag in a 24oz travel mug and left it in there until I was done with the tea. It depends on the tea and on your taste buds, but I've never had a problem with it, I just want you to be careful and not blame the tea if it's too bitter but you steeped it for an hour.
STEVIA. I love putting stevia in my tea. Stevia will not break your fast, it's super sweet, it's more potent than sugar, it's awesome. I think it enhances the flavor of the tea, but even if it doesn't enhance the flavor for you, it will make it sweeter. BUT the first time you try a certain tea, try it without any extras first, you might not need sweeteners for this tea.
Remember that you might not like certain kinds of tea plain (I hate plain green tea), but a lot of companies combine other flavors with it. Again, celestial seasonings for the win. Candy cane lane is green tea but it tastes more minty and I don't even like mint that much but I think it's really good. Boom. Tazo green ginger tea? Didn't think I would like it but damn it's actually good. Both green teas that actually taste good. Another reason I like celestial seasonings is because candy cane lane is a holiday flavor but I can buy it at the same price at the end of August as in December, and on amazon no less.
Here are my favorite teas:
Celestial seasonings raspberry zinger, white chocolate peppermint, candy cane lane, vitamin c shine (with some stevia thrown in there it literally tastes like heated up fruit juice it's so good). Yogi detox tea (don't know that I believe that it helps detox anything but it's a yummy spicy tea).
Don't get too hung up on which teas will be healthiest for you, obviously if you find a green tea or an oolong tea that you like, go for it, but tea in general is incredibly healthy. Plus, I'm guessing if you’re on edblr you don't care too much about your health, just increasing your metabolism or suppressing your appetite. Not all teas will increase your metabolism but warm liquid will certainly curb your appetite.
Please lmk if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer them or tell you that I have no idea lol.
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